Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,189. ? NEW YORK, MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1875.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIKfcCIOUY FOR ADVERIISEKS. AMUSEMENTS?Second Pace?sixth column. AsfKOLOUY?'fimriH P auk?sixth column. HI I.I.I ,\RDS? kcond I'auk?Fifth column JtUAlUJi.lcs w A.N I'K1>--I'.ucvkntii Pauk?Filth column. BROOKLYN REAL HSlATK FOE SAL.K?Second I'auk?First culuiuu. HL'HTNK.iS OPPORTUNITIES?Ninth Pace BUSINESS NOTICE."?Seventh Pack?Sixth column. CITY REAL BSTATK FOR BALE?Second Pack?First column. CLERKS AND SALESMEN*?Twkletu Pace?Fifth col umn. CLOTHING?Twelfth Page??lxth column. COACHMEN ANU GARDENERS?Twelfth PACK-Flfth coiumu. OOAsTWl-E SI'EAMSUIPS-Skoosd Page?Tltlrd and fourth columns. CO PA It 1 N E US 111 PS? N intu Pack. COUNTItY BOARD?Eleventh Paok?Sixth columl. DANCING \CA DEMI ES?second Pauk?Sixth column. DENTIST it V ?Twnlfth Pack?-dxth t-olumu. DRY GOODS?Finer P auk?.sixth column. DWELLING UOL.-.ES TO LEI, FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED?Second Pack?Second column. EUROPEAN ST k A M S111 PS?Second Page?Ihlrd coi umu. EXCURSIONS?shound Page?Fourth and fllth col uuiut FINANCIAL?NixTn Paok. FOR -AI.K?Fiukt Pack?sixth column. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? Second Paok?Second column. FURNITURE? Twelfth Pack?Ixth column. FRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS?Twelfth Page?Sixth column. i HELP W'.iNTKD?FEMALES?'Twelfth Page?Fourth column. HELP YVanTKD?MALES?Twelfth Paoe-FHUi anil 81 X til Colli III 114. . HOUSES, CARRIAGES, AC.?Fiiist Page?Third and fourth columns. HOTEL ?Eleventh Pack?Fifth column HODS S, KOOkln. AC., WANTED?Second Page? Sixth column. INsTRUCTIoN?Eleventh I'agk?Sixth column. JERSEY Oi'l Y, HOMOKEN, HUDSON CITY AND BER GEN REAL ESTATE FOR SAL14?SKOO.NU I'AUH? First column. LKOTURK SKAsO.N?Second Pack?Sixth column. LEGAL NOTICES?Twelfth Pack?Sixth column. LonT AND FOUND? Fiust Page? Firxi and lucond col umns. MACU1N T RY?Kiiut Page?Sixth column. MaKIU.E MANTELS?Second Page?ecoud column. MEDICAL?Twelfth I'auk?sixth column. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?PlRKT PAGK-Sixth column. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?Tenth Page? ."ixth column. MUSICAL?Second Page?Sixth coiumu. NEW PUBLICATIONS?Seventh Page?Sixth column. NEWSPAPER)?i'.letkmth i'AUK? Sixth column. PKlt ONAL?Fiilst Pauk?Firstcoluuin. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AC. ?Second Page?Fifth coiumu. PROPOSAL"?Twelfth Page?Sixth column. PROFESSIONAL SI I UATlONS WANTED?FEMALES? Iwelith I'auk?Fourth coiumu. PROPERTY OCT OF THE CIlY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?Second Pack- Firit column. real estate io exchange?second page?rir?t column. RESTAURANTS? Twelftu Paok?Sixth column. REWARDS?Fihst Page?Second column SALES at AUCTION?Fihkt Page?Filth and sixth columns. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?Twelfth Page? First, second, thin! una lourih columns. SITUATIONS YV ANTED ? MaLES? Twelfth Page Fourth and llith colaiuiik bPKCI AL NOTlCK.v?Fhut Page?Second and third col I POUTING, DOUR. BIRDS. ACL?Fimr Page?Third col umn. BTORaUE?'firELrrn Page?Sixth column. SUMMl'R RI'.'SI) K is? ELEVENTH I'auk?sixth column. THE i'RaDks?Twelfth Page?Sixth column. T11E TURK?Fiust I'auk?Third coluuiB. TO LET FOR BUSINESS l'URPOSES?Second Paoe? First mid second column*. TRAVELLERS' OUIUE?second Page?Fourth column. DNFUKNlsUKD ROOMs AND AP A RI ME.NTS TO LET? Second Page?Second coiumu. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.?Second 1'aos?Fifth col WKSTci'l'i-.STER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET?Second Page?First column. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.?Second Page?Sixth Column. B BENNETT BU1LD1AG. ENNKTT BUILDING. A FEW MOKE OFFICES TO LB1 DIRECTORY. R00,nw- basement. 1?Luwrancc A Co., Banker* t-J. JT. Say re, Gentlemen's Funmhtn;. 8?u. tt. Muitu Law Boot* 4? Thomas M. l-ynth, Wuiea. Edwin L. Irion. cigars. J?A. B. Davenport, hatter. 6?Baurn A Friedmuii, I'uliora. _ , ? FIRST STORY. V,n-.lffij;orBa?^.ndIMnrMee. J-McMahon A Morse, Lawyer*. *?J*. H. O'Dwyer. Lawyer Joan By tie. Lawyer. Res A Kenny. Heal Batata. 3?J. Derrick Henry. Lawyer. (?L L. Ludden. Lawyer. f-Nortb western Lite Inturance Conpana L. >. Benedict. Agent. 7?Houier A. Nelson, i.awver. hrastu* Cooke. Lawver. Francis B. McKewnn. tawyep William a. Cooke, lawyer. Nathaniel 8. Smith, Lawyer. B? Allen III Can!, lawyer. John Bowler, Jr., Lawyer. ,f,( Cbambor ot Lllu Insurance, |l j Churlion T. Lewis, ecretary. 12?McCarthy A Chalmers. Lawyers, lit?Cook A Nss-au. Lawyers. II. s. Ferguson, Lawyer. J. M. 1 'avansu h. Utwvec la?M. W. Weld. Luwyer. International Collection Associating b. O. Dcrricksou, Lawyer. THIRD ?*ORY. 11 Judge Sutherland, til. k >eiilt, lawyer. 4?Betiriteh A Curdwoll, Lawyers J. I. Hanson, lawyer. 4?fc. II. Heun. Lawyer. Dudley L lames, Lawyer E. I?. Jaim s. lawyer. 6? -herl.laii, Bony life A McKwen. t-tenographera C?Eluhtt Bloomer. Heui Estate. U. II. Cook. Keul i'slate. 7? Brunt* A Bellows. Law/era J. H Altken. lawyer. $?W. C. iraphsgen, t.awyof. 0. Mattnews, Lawyar. W . II. Kyiin. lawyer. E. f. Gardner. Lawyer. L. It Wilson. lawyer. W. Uuruck. Lawyer. B?Krsnct* Vote. 10? W ilkinson A I'cters. Trustees ot Estate of White. 111 Uarrlo n A strong. Lawyers. 12 > John Colter. Stenographer. 13) A. h. Woodruff. Lawyer. U? W k. Ilerghoii. Civil Btigineer. Pelhaiu and Portchesier Railroad Company B'OCRTH STORY. I?Thornton A Katie. Law vera 2 1 hdyar Keicliuui. Register in Bankrirp'.cy. St edasr Ketehuni. Jr.. Lawyar. 4?Henry Wehle, Lawver. S. sultan. Lawyer. II. Fuehrer. Lawver. 4? Russian American Manufacturing Company; D. T. Gardner. President. 4? Uarmen H W'httheek. Lawyer. 7?II ssi- in. A Crook. I.awvera 1'urroy A Ituuel, I.awvera. D. II. lladeau. Lawyer. ??Crarr. Welter A scbenck, Lawyer* 1. O'Brien. Lawyer. *-C. U. Williams. Lawver. Ks-Chauneey shuffer. Lawyer. II?C H. Dlovcr Lawver Fred. W. Kenny. Attorney and Counsellor. HI Lock wood A Crosby, Lawyer* ? j ?. Buhler, Lawyer. FIFTH STORY. 1?L. Rkuimore, Lawyer. John l>. Cluie. 2?stiivvesaiit Bank Receiver. SiWakemaiiA tailing, I.swyera 4 ; T. B. Wake man, 1 awyer. 4) J. B. Roe. I a wyer. ??Inti rnaitonal 1 ubitahtng Company. Jules Herr f?Fitch A Fitch, Lawyers. O. Fuller. Lawyer. A? Ilascall A .stetson. Lawyer* k. u. stedman, Lawyer. P? -oclety lor Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents. H>? K. U. Steele, Lawyer. W. H. King, Lawver. U?J. P. A J. a. need, lawyers IS?Hvrne, F.verett A Co.. Lawyer* / |J j Walsh. Ualbert A kckarson. Lawyer* SIXTH STORY. 1?John Townshcnd. Lawyer. A. Mchoisoii. Wni Coventry II. WoAdull, General Assignee la Baofc. ruptcy. set of congress of isil. tH Lagsu. scotch Granite Monuments, A* O. W. ' arpeuuw. Lawyer. 41 Otis T. Hull, lawyer 4to. P. WHater, lawver. je(lemon ciara, Lawyer. ? (John L. Knight. 7) Janitor. 81 N. V. Filer, Lawyer. ? t L a. Lane, lawver. smith A Dean, City surveyor* 10 ?U. W. Vai Mean, Lawyer. 11 ST. H. Baldwin, lawyer. 12) Charles H. Barrow. Lawyer. ? Teuton Rockwell, lawyer. J. A. RyderSer, He ,1 Kstat* C. K. Lydecker. lawyer. IS j Henry A. Glldersieeve, lawyer Uju. it t srringion. Lawyer. I). \V lompkin* Lawyer. T. H Mllner. lawyer. Two patMnger elevators running all tha tim* PEHKIAAR. IF THK MR. THOMPSON, wn > OC 'UPIKD ROOM No Itt on the steamboat Providence on her trip to Fall Hivrr, Saturday. June 4, will communicate with Mr. s. p. Hlegden, Mo. 44 William street, Few York, he ndll center a favor. JACK.-'riS TOO LaTK; CAM YOU BK THfiRR TUB following day one hour earlier) Answer. CIIA Do. OC. B.-IV in Till.; CITY PLEASB CALL AT TUB Cosmopolitan H. B. N. Pleasant \ alley team eh. Saturday night. 1H o'clock ?Beautiful young lady, with ireenish dress, hat trimmed with vellow. white veil, black fan; gentleman, with side whisker* who sat op tostte. admiring her during the trip to the Taller, would dke to make her a< uuaintance. Address CONFIDEN TIAL. Herald Uptown Branch office.. WIRT AND FOI Ml. ,.T OUT-OS FRIDAY, HIE .'Aril IN-T . HE1WEKM I,s| J Livingston street, Brooklyn, and pier 34 North River. . New lork, a ronnd Diamond Pin. containing 12 or 14 rye stonos. The finder will be suitably rewarded by Burning It to Mesar* Nash a HoLT, 80 Wall street, w Y,,rk. , aJST-?M RKWaHD, SIKAYKD FROM STABLE 0)f r ShaefTar straat, between Central aruouo and Mam p> 'stoat, a short. Canadian built arav Mara: 1years t t. zzdzii, LOST AND VOl'NU. "J^OST Ojf STOLEN, thu July, 1S75, January, 1876. ami July, 187C, Coupons ou the following governmenI bond*:? $76,000 Coupon 6'*. 1811. No*. 50.976 to 67.1KO incl.. $.50 en. $.'*).I Ou Coupon 5-20, 1867, No*. 4.552 to 4,601 lllcL, AW ou. is '.0011 OUIIOII 5-20, 1867, No*. 151,Utio to 161, Iu9 inc l., $iiU ?a. $50,000 Coupon 6-80, 1867, No*. llW.aU to 1IM',63 Incl.. $.10 ea. fia.wia, 1S.8?, 87.914, 1 ilwi 1*87 Kn. J wm 07.P1-;. 29,771. ' $30 $14,000 Coupoo S-ai, 1867, Noa j 29,770, 50,218 lo 56,254 f ca. (inclusive. J Payment ou tlie above baa beou *toppe<l at the United SiBlc* Treasury offices. Al*o lost tliree Coupon* trmu $500 bondf of l'atotsou cltv, called "Bounty Bonds," No*. 548. 549, S5tij and iroui 81.01*1 bond ot Lonp Hock Compuuy, No. 2.68'-. A reward ot $2,l>*> will be paid lor the recovery ot the above, and no (jueatlons united, and In proportion toruuy part thereof. Address box 1,242 Post office, New York. LOST-ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON, IN AN KIOtlTlI avenue ear or Centrul 1'ark. a euse of Surgical In alrumcnta. The antler will k liberally rewurded by reluming It to Dr. FOOLKV, 106 West Thirty-fourth st. TTMBUKLLA TAKEN FROM 122 WIST THIRTY U first street, Saturday evening. If returned to same number will be rewarded. REWARDS. lie Re WARD.?LOST, FRIDAY, 25T11 IN ST., A GOLD -T 'J horse shoe Charm, engraved 13d la. c. S. a. The above reward will be paid bv returning it to SPOONEK A WELCH, Jeweller*, Nu. K6 Mirtlc uvenue, Brooklyn. (Jt-r.fl HhWAltu AND MO QDK8TION8 askkd, MOB -TNJU the return of the Bold Watch taken troui the Nautilus Club House, llarlom River, June 11. Address L. 0., 141 Fulton street , JWPKCIAL NOTICES. 177t> ?**?*?' ? * 1876, * # *** **** ? a,* * * * * * ********* ?#? ? ***** ***** # * * * * * < * * si v n ? * * * * * N. Y. H. * * * . * * * * ? ?* *# ** ** * * * * * * #*** * * * * **V ?#*?* * * # * * **. QUICK TBANSIT FROM NEW YORK TO NIAGARA falls. FASTEST TRAIN IN TUB WORLD. TilB HERALD SPECIAL"LlQHTMINO EXPRESS TRAIN will make the trip Iroin NEW YultK to NI AGARA FALLS an ! SUSPENSION BRIDGE every Sundav morning, via Hudson River and New York Central Railroad, leaving thu -iriuid Central Depot at 2:30 o'clock, in the uiipreccHlenteil time ol 11 hours, in cluding stoppages, mazing the actual running time 10 hours ami the rate o! speed .Vi miles per Hour. Passengers by this train can reach Chicago at 8 o'clock Monday utornlug, via the Lake Shore and Michi gan Southern road, by connection at Buffalo, thereby saving 24 hours' time. A limited number of Ticket* will be sold, and can be obtained only at the Herald otllco or on the train. llF.OCLAR FaRB CHARGED. NO EXTRA*. N. B.?For particular* and time table see advertise ment under beading I KAVu.LLfc.R->' GUIDE. A -DEBILITY BROUOBT ON BY INDISCRETIONS ? slid all kindred diseases ot men speedily and radi cally cured by UBNKY A. DA.NIfc.LS, M. Ik, 144 Lex tngton avenue, near 1 weuty-ninth street. Office hours irom 8 to 8. A ?SODA WATER, MINERAL WATERS, OINOKlt il. Ale*, sparkling Wlues; manufacture of comrlete outfits ot Apparatus and Materials, with lull Instruc tions; nil department* of manufacture,, bottling and dis pensing; exclusive Right* iu desirable territory; cata logues treo. JOHN MATTIl-WS, First avenue, twenty ilxtb and Twenty -seventh streets. New York. A?SPECIAL NOTICE?MUSCULAR DEBILITY, IN ? discretion* of youth and manhood radically and permanently cured bv L. J. KAHN, 4. U.. principal and proprietor "of Dr. Kami's magnificent Museum resi dence 51 East I enth street between Broadwav and Uut> place. New York. Consultation from 11 A. M. to 8 P. M.. or by appointment. A? ISAAC a. NOYCE. 267 BROADWAY, LAWYER, ? Notary, Commissioner Divorecsobtalned promptly without publleity. t a uses?Desertion, incompatibility drunkenness, infidelity, inhuman treatment, oonviollon of felony. Passport* obtained. America auainst irklaxd. A PULL ACCOUNT OF THE OHfc.AI INTr.ltNATIONAL Kit1 LB MATCH IN TOE EVENING I'hJ.ikJ RAM TO MORROW. A?ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY AND HKRMA^ . Got eminent Lotteries. Prize* cashed and in formation given. WACHSM ANN A Co., Bankers, 75*. d 77 Nassau street Post office box 3,816. A?UK KM AN GOVERNMENT LOTTERIES. ? ltoval Havana Lottery. Kentucky suite Single Number Lottery. Poat offlc* box 5,594. T iKtiDoR 2-t'llOCH, 11$ Naasau street. New York. A?OFFICIAL DRAWINGS OF THK KENTUCKY ? State and Shelby College Lolterle*:? tCMUtr. Bxruz I LAOS 641?juma 26. 1875. 59. 20, 25. 17. 6-, 51. 84. 22, 23. 82, 75. $. 6, 78. SUKLIiV, XXT14A CLASS 457?JUNK 26, 1 -76 1. 77. 39 8 15, A 41, A 86. 7. II. 74, 38, 37. K1KTCCKT. CLASS 642?JUNK 36 1875. 1$, 15. 51 28. 50. 5ft 41. 45. L0. 3 16. 31, 69, 65. siiLLBr. class 458?juna 26, 1876. 70. 29. 19 28, 61. 17, S3, 6. 5 61 24. 41. 41. 1. J s. .-Mini A I'-L. Manager*, Covington. Ky.; Post ofllou box 2,751, New York. ?PARKS I MKitMiN A CO.. AGENTS FOR Royal Havana I ottery, drsWn everv f~ day*. A. Kentucky Single cumber l.ottery, drawn junt 36, 1875. Prizes cashed. Information famished and eirculars seat bv addressing PAkK.-i A CO., 180 Broadway, room 4 Post office bos 5.272. Private office attached. UIHce hour* 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. Alabama state lottery. Single number Havana plan. Draws every month at Mootle, Ala. Oulv A1.Uk) tickets. 3.6(4) prises, amounting to 320,00U 1 prize of $6u.0d0 1 prize of 30.1841 1 priz - ol In,000 2 prises of $5,<GUeach 10,-4-0 10 prizes of $'2.UU)cach 20.UU) 26 prlaas ot il.ujoeacb.. 25 uuO 40 prizes ol 5'00 each >1,001 Whole tickets 9<0; halves, 35; -quarters, $2 50; eighths, $1 25. Circular*. with Rill parilcu'ars, sent tree P. C. DEVLIN A CO., General Agents, 30 Liberty street. New York. A-DB. KINO'S GREAT CURES FOR EPILEPTIC . fits, failing sickness, narrous debility aud fcmal* diseases can be had only at bM office. No. 92 Leslngton avenue. B UY TO-MORBOW A chance to |M _ $OUAiO lor ?l. Wyoming Lottery (legalized by special act of Legisla turr1. draws June 3b, conducted iu public by sworn commissioners; MAM in prizes always paid In lull, drawing* aent by mail to each ticket holder as ?..on a* published, Partial ilat ot official drawn numbers June IS:? No. 3J,:'Kidrew $50 0X1 No. drew....$10,000 Na iia,W irtw 3U.IJOO No. ? drew.... 8.11m) No. HxqiWUrew No. ttu.OBH drew.... 7,000 No. 1U,W?>1 drew 16.IXW No. lit drew 6,000 Tickets, $1: six for $5: twenty.flre lor Prizes cashed. Circa nr* containing lull information f ee. ALLEN A i O? 7W Nassau street. New York. / 1AKI, H. HCHULTZ'-t v carbo 10 Arid Water, Vichy, Sellers. Sara bats Kis singen, Bitter Kiasmgen. Carlsbad Wpier, Ac . shipped in siDhoua juas and pinta these waters hare beeutx ainined by the leading chemical authoriiies ot the Untied state,, and indorsed as absolutely purs, and in composition and effects as identical with the natural apriugs when in their best slate. Physicians presenile them In preference to the latter lite iniurious annual and vuitetable organisms ami impurities, and the liquid ami gaseous products resulting from their decomposi tion?ever increasing In ordinary drinking water, ami imparting to It a dlsaareeable taste and smell?are abso lutely removed from these waters. Ibev can be readily distinguished from similar preparations sold in this city, not only by their pure taste, but at a glance bv their crystalline transparency, combined with an absolute absence ot color. Carbonic Acid Water?pnre water impregnated with pure carbonic acid gas?is rapidly becoming the fashion able and wholesome table drink. The agreeable anil sii.irklmg Natters Water la super seding Inc flat imported article. 1 he Alkaline Vichy Water la esteemed as a luxury, and, like the others, largely used as a diluent tor alco holic drinks. At the spa, M Broadway, and at the Ccatrat Park Springs the waters are drawn from Id-fallon glass foun tains, ami. therelore. remain tree from metallic con taminations, to w hich all wrated waters kept in metallic fountains arc peculiarly liable. ask lor the mineral waters or addreteyour order to CAKL 11. PCtiULTZ, HA) Broadwav, corner Hereuteeuth street and Union square. DIBKA&Bb Or MSN AND IMPORTANT MEDICAL and surgical cases a specialty. HKNRY A. DANir.l.-. M. il iu Lexington avenue, near Twenty ninth street. Office hoars from s t? 1 nU&ASKA OF WOMKX-mg AND ALL Dim. cnlt caws treated successlully bv old Dr. KINO or bis letn de assistant. Office and residence, 93 Lexington avenue, near Twenty-seventh street Havana in prizes every it days, as follows Elrst prise of flno.000 f irst priaa of 5U.0U0 Secoud prizes, 01 MS.uxj each 50.KX) 8 5 prizes, amounting to Sill,000 Prizes cashed. Circulars ot Information free J. B. MARTINEZ a CO.. Huimers, 10 Wall street, rear base ment; Post office box 4.5B5. New York. 1 HtKKBT UtVI, NOTICE THAI I WILL NOT PAY SPECIAL NOTICKS. K? OFFICIAL, DRAWING OF TUB KENTUCKY ? stale Lotteries. glMMONb. DICKINSON A CO., Mansion. KliNTUCEV. KXTI1A CLASS NO. 401?JCXk. 26, 1675. 70, HO, 7, OS, 1* 26. 33. 4, 3i. 23, OS, 41 KMNTOCEY, CLASH Xu. 4Ut?JUNB 36, 1475. 1 61 10, 3d, 31. 17, 3. 611. 16. hti. 7.1, 9. 70. 1IHNUV. K.VTUA I 1.A.SS so. 137?ji nk 26, 11-71 26, 17, 17. 20, 12 . 56, 6, 69, 6L U. 23, IB. IIUN II v, UbSS* NO. tos?JL.NK 26. 1371 21, 41, 60, II, 21, 58 71. 04, A 10, 57, 53. t& E nil information bv implying to or addressing J. CLUl'K, 214) llroudwuy, Hi st Hour, rear office, or rout office box 4,1)69. E?SIMMONS, DICKINSON A OO.'S GRAND ? monthly Distribution ol the Kentucky Stat" Lot tery. on til* Havana jiluii. to be drawn July 31: also boyal liuvuuu, ol Cuh'i. drawn June 30. t u 11 Inloruiu tion by applying to or addressing J CLU I'E, autUoruod aguut, 2du Broad wuy. or Post office box 4.969. Royal Havana lott kky. 6.>Hl,uu)alimntiutud in prizes every 15 days. Next drawing June 3D. 1 Prize of SiCOOO!) 1 Prtae ot SO.uud 2 Prizes of $26,000 each We to 1 Prise ol 10,000 1 t'rizj ol 6,0*1 23 Prise* of 61,00) cucb 23,utt 833 other Prizes. amounting to 2)2,Djo (irculurs ol mluruiu(ion furnished iron. Orders tilled. Prizes cashed. Spanish dunk llill*. Doubloons and Gov ernments purchased T/vYLOB A Co., Hunkers. 11 Wall stroct. New York. fTUiKKE WILL UK A M KM UNO OK THE AMERICAN I Geographical Society ut its roonia. Cooper insti tute, ut 4 I*. M., on Wednesday, June 30, lor the election ol Fellows only. ALVAN s. SOUTH WORTH, Recording Sccretnrv. HPOltTTNIi-lMIUS. IURUS, OiV. 4 T AUCTION. TUESDAY, Jl'NK 23, AT 10 O'CLOCK. u\ By V tN TAaSKLL ,t KEARNEY, ut their Murt, lit) and 112 Eiisi Tlurtucntli street PI VK BPURIlxJ DOGS, UtOM IMPORTED STOCK. PUlNrKU 1M>G JIM, S YEA Its OLD, TllOKUb'UllLY trained on all kinds ol a a inc. SETTER LOO D U II. 2 YEARS OLD, color .vollow, uood oil woodcock and quail und u Rood retriever on land and water. doo si-oitT, 18 MONTHS OLD, color gray. partially broken. better 111'TO i I KLoltA, MATE TO SPORT, same age. Auction and frlnuh pools sold until i o'clock to-day at JOHNSON'S Pool room, corner wenty-eighth struct and llr .udu av. on the llarluiu Helta tut. W. 11. A T. U. JoIlNsON. I3NULISH OKimUL KIltK BREECH-LOADER?IN J case, complete, with linplements. $55; also second hand Charles Lunonsler Double Dun. CHARLES L. RITAMANN A CO., 313 liroudway. above Twenty-second THE TbRK, A?AUCTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD EVERY ? morning und evening ut THoMAe-' Exchange, 1,239 Rrnudwuy, mi ull runniUL' and trotting evcnis; also i n the iiiieruiitlonul rille iiiuielu Kull returns received by telegraph in the room. OLIVER L. MARSHALL, Auctioneer. A UCTION and FRENCH POOLS SOLD THIS KVKN ,v lux ut the New York Turf Exchange, 15 West Twen tv-oighth struct, oil the trots Ut Mysiic Park, Boston; ulso oil ihc INTERNATIONAL RIFLE MATCII, which lakes nluue on luesday, the 29th lust. Result received by cable telegram. KELLY, BLISS A lit). Auction and krkncu pools sold this dAy on tin; trotting at Ronton und on the Intern a iloiuil Ride Match, ut JOHNSON'S Pool Room, corner liroud way aud Twenty-eighth streoL W. II. A f. 11. JOHNSON. DKKRFOOT DRIVING PARK BUMMER MEETING, i?75. ?Purses did not till, but ure left open until Mouduv, June 28, at tj>? P. M. First o a v. Wednesday, a :.u ciiisk i inw in ooiinsoil s, ** c 11 l.v-ctgui u Ml'Ol aua Broadwuy, at iho aliove tune. Nutioual rules to govern. WILLIAM Mi MAUON, Proprietor. PROSPECT PARK PAIR GROUND ASSOCIA X Hon.?Monday, July 5, S o'clok; good day and truck; matcb, tl.oOU; mile heats, best 3 in 5, between celebrated pacers K. U. Crawford's br. g. Copper Bot tom, in harness, and F. J. Nodiuc'sg. g. Coronet, under the saddle. Admission, 61. GLo. W. OAKLEY, Superintendent. HORSES, ( i KltltGES. <SC. Auction house of arch, jobmnm date Johnston A Van Tassell), office 57 Liberty street (Evening Post Building!. THE HORSE AUCTION IIRANCH OF OUR liOLsE, 19 TO 25 THIRTEEN 11 STREET, near University place. SALES OF llOKSKs AND t ARUIaOES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. AT L0 O'CLOCK. 24 to 48 hours to 3 days' trial on horses warranted sound. THE FIRST HOUSE THAT HAS EVER AT tempted to-?ll Horses at auction on ihe same prin ciples of integrity that govern honorable bouses In Other mercantile pursuits The business will lie continued on precisely the same stru t aud honorable principles whicn bave al ways characterized the nestings ut our house and woii the respect and confidence of the business com munity as well as the public at large. THE STAMP UK OUR HuUuK la RELIABILITY. Auction house or van tassell a kearney, 110 and 112 i-AaT TII1 It IKK NTH -1 It EEC, ? NEAR FOURTH AVENUE. Notice. WK BEG TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT OWING to the great length of our sales and in order to dolivur to our patron* tucir goods in time ior shipping our tales in future will begin at 10 O'CLOCK, Instead of 11 o'clock as in the past. AT AUCTION ON TUESDAY, JUNB 29, at tu o'clock, by VAN TABBED, a K EAR NET. \ uetioneers, ut their Horse uml Carriage Mart. 110 and 112 East Thirteenth street near fourth avenue, the tallowing second hand I'airiages: ? Road Wagon, no top. weighs imibe., by Hruwster A Co.. o) ilrieniie street. Ian.Unlet, nearly new, by Wella, Crittenden A Co., of New ituveil. Barouche, nearly new. bv Dunn. l andau, in good order, by Brewster A Co., of Droomo ?tree). Victoria, nearly now. Polo and Bhafta, by Brewster A Co.. of Broome street. Park l'haetou. with shiltlog top, In fine order, by Wood Bros. clarence, H size, trimmed with morocco, by Wood Brothers six-seat eurtaln Rnckawav, trimmed with morocco and is neariy no v. made by Marsh. T Cart, inline order, by Wood Bros. Extension tup Phaeton, Depot Wagons and Rork awavs: top aud no top Wagon*, top and no top Pony Fnuotous, single and double Harness. Ac. i * private sale. Id by Tuesdav, at Id o'clock. If not sold by luesdav, June 29, tbey will be sold at public auetiou. without reserve, to close out advances and chargos. Now on exhibition at Auction Mart ALaKGK VARIETY OK CARRIAGES AT 8KOOND hand. Calcchcs, Landaus, Phaetons, Rocka ways. Top Wagons. No top W?(un?, Pouy Pnactonj. all In first rata oraor and for tale at bargain* WOOD BROTHERS, 740 liiuadway. 4 BKAUTirUL BAY IIOBSR FoR SALE FOR ONE il third ol hi* value ; Sycar* old. IV4 bauds htgh: very stvil.h; trot* in 2:35; sound and kind. 1 hare 00 use lor him Apply at 411 West Seventeenth street, or to M. UuL'St, 1M Hroadwar. A -PONY PHAETONS, TOP AND OPEN. BOTH ? new anil seennd hand; At second hand open rood Wagon*, by city makers. WM. it. GRAY, 20 and 22 Wuoster street AN ELEGANT fPAN OP HLACK HORSES, greatly below their value, to close an estate; also Landau ami Clarence. ni*rlT no?\ built bv Wood uros. Can tte seen at private stable Hast nixty-Uiird street, near Kourih avenue. * -$179 WILL BUY A FTRS1 CLASS SHITTING it. top gentleman's Road Wagon. Imilt to order last spring, coat $4Ail. a line Lsriies*, $"0, coat $I1U; a Black hawk Horse, $230: trot* in 2:10, il years old. 15)4 hands; warranted sound ant kind; at private stable Xa St East Ttveltth street, near University place. 4 -LltlllT SIX SKAT PHAETONS. LANDCLRTS. i\. Coupes, liepot Wagons, Ponv I'tiaetons. Clare noes laken in exchange ; sold low; Indies' Potty Phaetons ? specialty. HAM'j, Broadway and Fourth street. Ahorse, cart and harness, with two coal Carts, lor sale cheap : price $73. Inquire at the ap ple stand, coiner Prince street and Sou h 1 Itth ar. BE AI I ? KI'L NEW TOP KXPllRSS OK TTlf livery Wagon tor $i-0; worth IBS to any pcrsmi who has use tor It. Can be seen at livery stable 1x4 West Nineteenth street A?FOR SALE, ONE CHESTNUT TROTTING HORSE; . very handsome : nt lor orgentleman to drive, and is warranted sound and kind ; trots a mile in 21 11. Also live other Horses : flt tor larmlng or nnv business: must be sold, on account ot the owner having no use tor them; young and sound; a good trial allowed. 4tQ Orand street, wet Clla^on. * VERY VINE BLACK PONY, 15 HANDS; FEARS i\ nothlrg: stands without tying; 1* a perfect pet; warranted sound and kind In harness or saddle; ca-h price $15. Can be seen at Arsenal stables, 161 West I hlriy tlttli street. V ?FOB SALE. ONE PAIR BLACK HOR9K-', 15.S it ? high, 7 year* old; nil climated and warrautuil sound and kind; nice. Ittil talks did nice drivers; can trot in 5 3D; vurr dosiruble anu must be sold, lor the fam ily left the country yesterday; price $!.gJU, and they are cheap. Inquire at #j# -#Touth avenue, n?ar Forty Blih street _ 4 BARGAIN.?NEW AND SECOND HAND U4R iV rlsces. Landan. BSW; six seat Phaeton, $J0; new one, $75n light extension lop Phaeton, top Pony Pnae ten, half value. AtM > Third avenue. 4 -FOR 8XLK, THREE IIOKishS, SOUND AND i\ ? young are suitable lor farmer, milkman, grocer, express or any business, at half value. *78 Canal street, uear Hudson, blacksmith sbop. * -FOR BALK, slX HORSES. THE PROPERTY OP i\ . a contractor leaving the city : will sell at a sacri fice. Also one hcfiutttul brown Horse, gentle In every respect Also one -tar Colt; can trot n utile hi 2:3d or no sale. Inqulro at 278 Bowery, opposite Filth street. In the rear. __________________ A RARE CHANCE ?STYLISH DAPPLE GRAY . Pony, 15 hands, 7 years: good ropp?ri together with a Godwin side bar lop Wagon and gold niountod lisrnes*; nil lor $275: will sell separate. 57 Greenwich avenue, corner Charles street. A BARGAIN.-GENTLEMAN 8RI.LI.-0 OUT| TEAM bay Mares, 154$; SonnJ. kind hay Horse, tret* 2jM| Hoed, lap 14 Mats win pel -Baits; II.truest. Eh. rW Tain stable No. 1 West Nineteenth street IIOKSKS. CAJtUl.VUKS. ?C. ATTENTION IS CALLED TO TH . GREAT SALK OF TBOIT1NG, FAMILY AND SADDLE II0B4SN. ELEGANT CARRIAGES ANU HARNESS, THIS DAY (MONDAY), JUNE 28, AT II O'CLOCK PROMPTLY, AT TIIE .STABLE. NO. 3 NEIL-OB PLACE, MEUCKIl STREET, BETWEEN WAVKKLKY AND CLINTON PLACES AND IN KEA1S Of THE NEW YOKK IIOTK1 , THE WHOLE TH I. PROPERTY OF WM. M. D..VOE, ESQ.. BY CHAKL'-.a C. DUFF, AUCTIONEER, including the last ami hand-out ? bright bar Gelding CAPT. Jul-. ; liu is ill1, bauds high. 8 years old iild was shoo by Iron Dune, dam by Alexander Abdaliuh; has all black points ; was ralaod In Orange county and pur chased tin.-re by ownor. uud ?t lime of purchase druvo bun about II mllur. to Co lien 1 rack, and w uhoul any picparaiioil drove bint two heats, tbe first lu 2:il and ripoutud htm 111 2:38; tie has been roadeil ibis spring, and it M.ts nfrtdc marked Improvement In hi- speed, ami is acknowledged to lie. by all Who see him. whether speeding or standing, io be one ol tbu tluest. tautest and tnosl genteel \oung trotting horses til the eity: ho end bent a 2:Wpall to road wagon; he has rich style, hue powerful ;;ait ami can go to track and show a mile in hai - ucss li.snle ol 2 .35 . he is in all otle of tlio tincst gentlemen's roadster* iu Hie country. and is tully warranted sound, kind and as represented. Also tlio hand-nine and fust dark buv Gelding GEN ERAL nil Hull i AN, lSJi high, ti years old ; u hl'li bred, noble and sensible horse; cannot be surpassed for his gr-at usturul style; hloodud In uppear.inee and tine pure uud even action; is genteel and graceful ill all his move iiiunisand is reliable wherever you may place liiiu; was purchased lor present owner iftreii iroin Kentucky one year ago at u Cost ot gl.miu ami showed t:IHtlieii; lie is a Ircc, proiupi ami ru.-oluiu driver, without shying or trotting: tears nothing; his slashing, strong gait, wrtll Itisgreal style and lasting qualities, renders htui one 01 tlie tl ue si or the (lay; lie call now heat .:4l) to road wagon and his tine st\ le uud speed make him an A No. 1 geutieuiau's roadster; ho Is tully warranted sound and kind. Also the extra fast roan doling COUNTKYXAN, 13*, hands nigh. I years old. wu? sired by Ooukliu Star, dam ruau uiare Lady Lite it field, with ree rd ol 223 nith intlu; be Is one ot ihe iltiest track or road horses in ex istence; can iro: all his nc its inside ot 2:31 and as due a driver us was ever harness d; lu is site for anyone to drive or care ami warranted sound and kind. Also tasr gray trolling Mure GRAY NI'.ILLIB, 13*4 ham! J high, Syears okL with lull inane and tagi; Was purchased from Mr. It. A. Alexander by present owner when a years old; sh ? sired by l'ntiter. duui nv Ned Forrest; she never wu- handled tor>.pod until lad lall, Whetl -he trotted three heats, all inside ot 2-41; she is now finely developed, with a line cordys.'t ot limlis, and owner has no hesitation in saving she will beat 2 :GJ this season; She IS gentle and sate lor a lady to hand c and wurrunted souni. kind ami us representee. Elegant and stylish team bay Carriage Horses, 10 bauds Inch. 8.years old; were both bred In Kentucky; are finely made; have (In.- dispositions; strong mid .sound, without uny units; can tfoi In d'a niluutus han dily: (ear no loe.nnotives or anything else, ami were considered one ot the saieat as well as die most stylish teams at Saratoga last sea-on; tliev are sound, kind and true, ami um-t be seen to In- appreciat d. Also the last chestnut trotting Mare Little Neil, 15 hands high, s rear-old; was sired by e-Uian Allen, dam Dv St. Lawrence- this mare has the endurance of her -ire ; can trot ? mile lu 2 do or can trot 18 miles inside of the hour; she bus been driven by a young miss; is sate lor the most timid to drive, unit is warranted sound and kind and as rcprcuentc I. Also bright buy Holding, IV, bands high, 7 yearn old ; sired by tiuuiUalenlaii, dam Clay mare ; has alwuvs b,en used on road; can always trot in 2:l5uiul is war rained sound and kind. Also tbe llneet ludy's or ehikl's Ponv IntliDclty. IS bands high. J years old; has all gaits under saddle; a fust traveller; aim hi of nothing and warranted sound and kind. Also 1 extension top Park Phaetou. 1 top side bar Rood Wagon. 1 top Poliv Phaeton. I open Basket Pnucmu. single and Double Harness. The above are all otthc best city manufacture an t in perfect order. N. K.? his sale will be ab-oluic and positive, without any restriction whatever ami mil warrantee and ample time allowed lor trial and examination. Stock now on cxliltulioii ai staldc us above, Gentlemen ar.- requested to call and ride and teat thu qualities ol the above stock before time ot sale, us they are tully us represented iu every pa; lieular. A LADY'S TURNOUT TO UK SOVD AT A BAR - V gain; uole black I'uny, 11-', hands hiah. 6 years old: safe lor ladies or children to drive to steam cars: free !rotn vice or trick-: a trial allowed; Phaeton and Harness. Call at atoic 324 Hudson sticet. ?FOR SALE,' LADY'S TURNOUT; THE MOST ? stylish llorsc lu the uity : 151, hands high : can trot task; top Pony Ptiacioii and Harness; all as good ns new; also Park Phaeton, lo seat tour; will be sold clieap lor casn; owner luaviug city. 148 West l'hirty-uiuth street, near Seventh avenue. I ELEGANT FAMILY EST VBLISHMKNT if AT AUCTION, M I SDaV. JUNE 29, AT W O'CLOCK. BY VAN TASsr LL A KeABNKY. AT THEIR Mart, 110 and 112 East Thirteenth street. ELEUA.N'i TEAM HAY DORSES, 18 HANDS HIGH, 6 and 12 years old ; kind uud irue in all liarnes.-; tree from vlce;'vcrv styllsn. extra good travullers; tear noining, and in every respect u superior t.uiilly carriage team BET HOLD MOUNTED BARKERS. landaulkt. nearly new, ruilt by wells Clil; TENDr.N A Co.; sold to pay advances ami ebargui 1N1NK TH UK-MAT WAGON?WILL CARRY 12 PA8 ' -eager,-, suitable lor country; very tine order; cushions. Ac., complete ; will b ? -old low. WM. H. OMAY, 20 and 22 Wnoster street. rauit BALE? FOUR DOUBLE TRUCKS IN HOOD r running order, will take any reasonable utter. as we have no use lor Uiein. Can l<? seen at21 1 bird slreet. near Howerv. {TOR SALE-SIX MULES; ALSO TWO LARGE: Wagons; suitable lor brewer's or express com panes use. Apply tu P. LoRILLaKD A CO.. Ill t humb, is street. New York, or Washington uud First streets, Jersey City. For bale?a fine pair of horses, phaeton and Harms*. Apply at 143 West I hirly-eighth st. Ft OR BALE-A P UK OF BAY CARRIAGE MORSES. 18 namis liiglt, stylish and guhile. Apply at stable Nu 147 Hast thirty-tilth sireot, until Wednesday, the 3)ih illsL J30R SALE?A VERY HANDSOME AND HXTRA styll.-li brown Pouy; flowing mane and tail; lt.'? hands. 8 voar- old; sai>' for ladies io drive: warranted sound. S9 King street, nuar Hudson. FtOR BALE?HOME AND WAGON, CHEAP. -EPA ate or together; horse in ilrsi olnss working condi tion; wagon periect. Apply at 21 -pring street. L30R SALK?A FIRST CLASS COUPE HORSE; F bright hay : 181* hands high; sound ami kin I Ap ply at UKAI1AM A Co.'.-. Nos. 15 aud 17 East Twenty e ghth streoL FViU SALE-TWO VERY FINK MARKS, SEPARATE or together; match perfect; sound, kin J, and fast trotter-; H not sold bvtorc Wednesday will lie -eld at uueii, n Call between 11 and 8. UUMP11KKY'.-, No. 779 Broadway. FAOR BALK?BAY HORSE, IT.HANDS, Sh(VI-:N ysars old, good driver, good appcurauce; Mia lot ft ludv to drive; not atraid or ear*. Apptv to a. h. COLK MAN. lor i*u In teed atora, 57n Had eon street. IDOR SaLK CHBAP-BAY MARK, 16v'j HAND.-. 7 F veare old, suuabie tor cart -.r truck, . r ax; rc-< and tar mar; warranted >0001 and kind; ?onl at .111 v reanoa ahle offer. 88 Vandam .trect, near Hudson street. .' Baor salk ciikap-a dakk brown iior k, is.s tall: a rood family or business horse; gentle and kind In all barnos*. Apply at 124 Meet fiftieth street. HORBK WANTED-?OR LADY'd U?R; ML'** BE aonnd, kino and gantle; give true age, lowest price and wbore to be aeeu. Address J. W , box 148 Herald office. 1MMKNHK REDUCTIONS ?CAR in AO KB. HARNK h, 1 every description new aun aecond hand I'haatolM, Victorias, Depot Wagons. Rock a wn v-i, light Wagons 1 Other seasonable Carriages. redti'ed prices. MANUPAC 1URKKS' UNION RePudl IIJKY, Ot Broadway. f AdT WK K at GOUT BEFORE CLOSING.? lj 11) ur 50 Carriages ol my own mate yet unsold and warranted, store must be vecaed July 5 CHARLES (IHUHK. Ill West Broadway. Notice.?mr. k. b. henry will sell at pub lie auction, on Monday, June 18, at l(Ha a. m . at 43 Great Jones street, a Horses aud 8 express and Hunt Business Wagons and Harness; also 1 Pour Pbaetoii. I top side bar Road Wagon ; all to be sold without reserve. Stable to let pMAKTOX.?A BKCORD HAND HIGH WHEEL i I'hneton. In perfect order, suitah'e Tor city or conn try, bit -tticsa or pleasuru, at a bargain. 1,306 Broadway, near Porty-sixth street TJUAKTON TURNOl T.-ll AKDMOMK BAY MARK, .1 can trot IB f:3u; ticautiful top Pb set oat, tine liar ness. Blanket. Roba, Whip all complete Price fsuo, and is worth the money, l.'l West Ntnetccnih atrcet CHKHIPrB SALE OP HORSES. HARNESS, WAGONS, k* trucks, Ao. ? >. iUCKKMAll, SkerllTa Auctioneer, sells Monday. June 38 at 11 o'clock, at No. 24t East for ty third street tour truck Horses, lour line road Ho -es. one Mare, lour sets Harness. load Wukuiis. two Mils vs, four large Dirt Carta, Trucks. Implements. Utensils, Ac. sale positive, lu iota, llorsc dealers and others invited. wm. c. Conner, -sheriff. Rcrca Dodos, Deputy. The metropolitan printing establish ment, No, 214 Broadway, are prepared to-do every variety of Printing, Wood Engr tvlug and Litbotrapbr at vary lowratea _______ rjrtwo POLL AND (INK IDE BAH TOP AND I one side-bar open second hand Wagon ail In good oner and lor sate low -, also Has Wa-ona of our own inske, top. side-bar and open, at reasonable rates, at VAN DUSKR'9, 1,516 Broadway. ItHK VERDICT, If BeNDKHKD TO DAY, WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN AN EXTRA EVBMNO TELEGRAM. VERY NICK LIGHT LANDAU, BY BREWSTER .* Co.; also one by Miner A ? tavens; both in fine order; light Clarence, by Cofbett A 1 o. ; ul-o otic six seat Bock, away, by do.. one second hand Conpu Kockawayt larae assortment ol Depot Wagons, both top and open; Ex press Wagons, Shads Dusters, Whips WM. H. OKAY. 2i and 22 Woosicr street XVANTED-TO HIRE FOR TUB SUMMER, A <iEN VY tie Horse or Pony for ladies' driving; a so a too Unas ton or Buggy, with Harness, Ac.: best of reternnccs given. Addroas iminadiatoiy, P. B. S.. box 75 New York Post office. __ WAN I ED TO HIRE-TWO HORSKS fOR TUB summer for famtlv use in the country, call on Mr. MaVeK, Tt franklin atrcet, N.-wSora. 4 HORSES. FROM $5 TO *75 8UIT 1 NY BUM noss, not hall value; sound Mar;-, stvlish driver, warranted to trot lest than 5 minutes. Buggy, I rack. Bulky and Harness aheap. AM West tbirty-arst attest (I?I7X FOR HAND-OMR BAY KSKTUORY 00UPB ijP L I 'J Horse. 18 hands. 7 yvars; narlectiv sound, kind and reliable; also coupe. In good order, 17j: double City made Harness, $4). Apply at private stable *58 West Twenty second street. ORdK, spring covered est Nineteenth it Qt'lnn -SFdBD TURNOUT CHEAP: BAY H <>?jUV/a c ui wot in I mukittae ckM %?? fell BBggf, Dusenbttry A daftaw-Mrs make* Rtmber ct lieruate. both in good order, U* west Nineteenth SAiiKS AT AI Vi lUm. nr. Peremptory closing sale of American and Foreign OU Painting* anil Water Color*, Now an exUlbttlon and to be sold at auction, without any reaorve wbatavor, on Wedneiday und Thursday, June SO and July I, at the Art Gallery, ho do Liberty ?tract, at 15! o'clock eucii day. EDWARD SCHEM'K, Auctioneer. Auction. auction. auction. 111!.- (Monday) MdilMNU. at M?X o'clock, ut iHu large prlvutu residence No. 10.". Pout Thirteenth street. near fourth avenue, handsome and tented Household Furniture, Pianoforte, rich Parlor suits. Carpets, P?iutin-ra l'srlor?MagiiitP.otit latest uyle Parlor suit*, covered with the richest description erltnson suun brocade, crimson and gold und if noil and poll xutin brocntd; Chlckering and stnmway A anus grand square ruauwood Plumd'or t ?*, Paintings. Works of Art, Br omuls, Vases, Mlriiir*. Curtains, rubles. Ltagerus, Turkish Chair*. Lounge*, 11 dsi.ada, Ureamif Case*. Hureaus, Ma-h Stan I*. Commu tes spring and liair Mattress D, Bedding, rep* and haircloth sous Luuuifos, Bulffat. Extension Iahlo. Class. Clihia. Silver Ware, t 11 Jury, velvet, Brus sels, itigrulu Oar parts Ac. N. u. Goods pa clod and de livered lor purchasers, city or country. ?JKtiE. JOHNSON, -JR.. AUCTIONEhIt. ? Furniture, Merchauutso ami Fin* Arta .salesroom, :ti' Nassau street. Real Estate Department, 21 Parlt row. New York. i , V U I It Y n U li t V 4 1 lid /k?J 'I 1 II 1 1." UN ULONiibDAY. AI 1 U>u O'CLOCK. A KT SALIC . \ Now mi oxhibttldS at the Art Room, 817 Broad way. Mr. K. Guerrero'* collection ol Paintings, by ancient and modern Spanish Mast rs; to bo sold Mondav aud Tuna day aiutrtiooua, at l o'clock. THL MKii.sK--', LKAVl'rr, Auctioneers. Goods packed if required. ltOIiSBT C. CAS,'UN. Auctioneer. .TOWARD SCIIEhCK. AUCTIONEER, jj Salesroom. No. to Liberir street H. It. 1IKKT8 A SONS* At i Tlfv SERB, Salesroom* 17 Park place ami U Murray street. LaKUii AND A IT 11 AC II vl bale ON HOUSEHOLD Ft K~11 C UK, Large sale of Household Furniture, Carpets, Mirrors, Clothing, Ac. A RT.?SI'LCI > L AND PINAL ?ALL. J\ si KIlM'LY YMEK1CAN PAINTINGS direct front tlic artists' studios, never ho tore exhibited; comprising at, ml 7a Painting,* to bc.aold w tbout reserve AT MaTii tits' A UT GALLERY, 47 und IU LLUblUY .-Tit,. ET, 11 ' K3I > \ Y, J UN K 29, at 12 o'clock. Now on exhibition. DANIKL A. MATHKWS, Auctioneer. Auction halk OFELIGANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. I l!H (MONDAY, MOKMNG. commencing at 10.S o'clock, ui live ?tory brown stone mansion No. 47 West 16th sue-i. be, ween uth and ,>tli a venae a bleltiwav A Sous 7t; oeViv* Piunotortu. Decker A Urn- upright I'lanoloric, Painting*, Brnnsex, Statuary. Uaudsomo Parlor Suits. Id crimson and tun satin and brocutoli Turkish Loutics, Lasv i hairs, gilt inlaid Centre and Console table*. Imported orouxe Ptguius, Clocks, Minors. Curtains, line Oil Painting*, Library and Secretaire bookcase*. Library Table*. Writing Desks, Turkish suits. Elaborate Chamber Bate, solid walnut and rosowootl, VIX.W-Inlaid Bedsteads, i.rowing Cases. Artuoire-a-i.Uco, W uidisiand-. Commodes. Ac. ; also single bedstead*. Bureau*. :ii hair ami spring Mattresses, tine Bedding, rep. plush aud brocdtet Smtn m various coiura Extension I'able, tluitet, Cuairstu leatlier, fine Sllver hx tension i .able. nutlet, cunirsttt leather, tine ollver wsre. Crockery, 29 Brussels and lu.'raln Carpets, hair cloth .suits. N. B. ?Sale positive, lakeSixth avenue car*. AUCTION. AUCTION. AUCTION. 1\ of elegant Household Furniture, this day (Moaduyi, Jane 23, commencing at lu.'j o'clock, at private rc.n d nee, ggi Bust 2UI li street, near Kroauwav. con sisting o( ritnly gilt lnluid Parlor Suits covered In sislinu ol riciily gilt lnluid Parlor Suit,, covered Hi P 'ench brocutcl. ooielinc, rep* and haircloth tg'a octave Pianoforte, hest city maker; impurled Uronses. line OH Painting*. \ .i-cs, c.(Agere.*, Cabinet-. r'r. uch plute Mlr rors, clock-, lur ixh Chair* and Lonuges, fnluli gilt Centre, Library, mat blc und LxNiusioii Table*: Ward tobes, Bookca-e, Desk, Curtain*, dining room Furni ture, llutfet*. Chair*. Dinner and lea set*, Silver an I Piated Ware. Crockery, Cutlery. Ac.; walnut Bed stead*. Dressing Ca*us. Annotro-a-Glaea Bureau-, Withstands miring and hair Mutcrsses, Bedding. Ac.; Carpets, Mats, varum* description*, and every necessary Household Article. A rare chance lor those aoout lur iiDhiug tlndr Sale positive. 11 ENltY Z1NX. Auctioneer. AUCTION NOTICE?1IKNRY DREHER. AUCTION 21 eer. office No. tfl First street. New York, will sell to-day. June 23, 1*7.). at No. Ij7 1- nlion street, Brooklyn, at 11 o' lock, the entire stoek, Fixtures. tools and Ma chinery of an old established couleetionory store aud manufactory. BY JOHN A. DUNN, AUCTIONS K, WILL SELL this dav. I I o'clock, No 27". Broome street, corner Allen, the Furniture ol dve story boarding house, six teen rooms, cott-i-ting oi Bureaus, Bon stead*. Table*. Ontiirs, Stoves Carpets, Mirrors, Beddtug. .Mattreeses. (guilts. Oilcloths. Fug: arlngs. Ac. All to be sold without reserve. Denier* Invited. r.xccator's sale ol valuable and very choice old Wines, Bran iic* Ac . Ac., to oioae the estate of the late J. H. M.i-i>u, ot Boston, on Tuesday, June 29. at 12 u'cluck, at No. 6) Liberty streak Included in the invoice arc pale und dark Brandies, Blackburn A Magnum Boruin Madeiras, a small lot Charleston Madeiras, Atnotitlliudo and Yriarte merries, Uo,lerer Champagne. West India and Jamaica ituui. a tew low very rare old Port Wine: the whole comprising the private stock of the late owner, as accumulated through a serh** ot war*. Positive tii-truolous having been received from the executor, every lot will be positively closed to settle the estate. Good* now in (tore. Catalogues and (ample* on morn ing of sale. J. ARNOLD WHITING, Executor. IN COL I ON, AUCTIONBKB. I ? Household Furniture. French Plate Mirrors, lace ' and othei i uruitmi. rieh Parlor .-ult*. Carpets. Bulfeu. marble top Dressing Bur. ius, Warurebee, Ac . Ac . oo . 1 uesdav, June 519, at the private residence No. I <2 West lom-seven,ti street, near -Ixth avenue. Detail*, with ? catalogues, on Tuesday marntog. CARPETS, MIRROR*. PIANO, AC.. ON TL'K -DAY, J CM', jj. AT 10K O'CLOCK, AT NO. 313 WEST 1 1)1 RTEKNTU STREET. Full details ou morning of sale. T N. WKIXBKKOKK, AUCTIONEER.?HOBTOAOK I. sal* ot content* of Hotel and I.aver H?-r Mluuii nud Hoarding Houw n.i Is East I i'i auway, which bail been advertl-ed J one 24 will ponitlNi'ty t?< tout, * uhotit fur ther postponement, Monday, June fit. at 10", o'clock, in on.- i.r mora lot*. 11,? ortl. r i>t L r? Wuinln-riror, attorney lor mortgagee. Alan, Tucsdar. Juu* 39, at I0)i o'clock, at iJtfWIrccnwicli s.reet, the entire stock of Dry Oood*. < arpet* uud oilcloth ol au old aitablUhcU dry good* store, iu lots to tail purchaser* _ 'iir Bleecker; Hue Parlor -uit, ontre i ?t.' s, Uabrr quins, lite? Curtain* elegant ONTomo* velvet mi l other carpet*, marble top walnut Bureau*. Washaiaud*. Me i - Mr iila. Cot lag* Still* hair and 0U1T Mattn-saes. Bed ding, Chamber, Oiuiug Itoom an 1 Kit. Ueu furniture. Ac, L HT EVERY MAN OWN REAL ESTATE. PEREMPTORY SALE OP FORTY-ONE LOTK G KORGE II OB ART SCOTT, Auctioneer, ill Mil at auction, fit the Exchange Salesroom. Ill Krt-adwav. bv order of Mo??r* Sullivan, Kohl" A fowler. Attorney* Store. Cradle a, Jara. Toy* Counter. Ac. K' r P. TRAVBH, AUCTIONBBR. ?) . will a li tli.a day. at I \ o'clock, elegant Furniture i and c.irueta ol private residence >u. 187 <1 recim street, [ On Wednesday. Jnnc so, W7A at 13 o'clock M., the propci tv comprising umat of the block bouuded by First avenue, tint klvrr and lunth and loot street*. Three Lota will in five years be aurroutidcd by hotiws aud have nun l ruplcd in value. I hit i? the laat oppor tunity to get cheap lota In Nctv Vorkelty. NO it KsKUV E. Tcrtnaeaay. For particular* uud map* apply at the office of the auctioneer*. No. 5', Piue atrcct. or to Uio attorney*, Urexel Build lug*. Wall -treat. New York. VIOHNASk HALK.-PKI'hR rt iWB, AUCTIONEER, ail Monday. June 28, at II o'cloek, at No. 5t) w ?--t liiirtioth alrret. the entire Content* of a Mar and Hil liur.l saloon, consisting ol liar Counter, Glassware, Table* Chair* Milliard I'aiila*. complete; UM Fixture* Ac. My order ol Attorney tor mortgagee. MOK'IOAOK HALE.?BY VIRTUE OF A CHATTEL iiionguge I will sell at public auction. thU day. at AJi Wc*l t-uriy second street, one I'lmo and one skele ton w agon. Joh n McUUNuVIIU. Auctioneer and Attorney lor Mortgagee. M"* NUSHB.VUW. Vt'cri INKER. 62 BOWERY. SKlXB tins dav. at Mlv o'clock, at No. 4'tl West Fortieth atreet. the sttick and fixture* of a candy and Variety MNO-ShAUW, AUCTIONEER, 63 HtoVKKY, . sell* thl* day, *t 3 o'clock, at :k>7 Pearl atreet, the Futures oi a hutcheribop, Icehouse. Irey* Scale* Ac. Positively iu lot* XJtBWNHROKEB'S SA I.E. ?RICH A Rl> F KLD, tl NCI X ral Auctioneer, salesroom No. 83 Bowery, will -ell this d iv, at 11 o'clock, ?W hits men * and women'* Cl..thing, lireases, shawl* Remnant*, Under.Joihmy, B, d- Molding, tlnlita, Hlaukat* Bods, Shoe* AC. Ac. tj-o Conts Pant* anil Vest*. My order M Mahfhach, B^.n.1 street, and P Goldstein, Clinton itrect. N. It.? iVi to let, newly fitted up. "PAWNBROKER'S * v 1,1'. ? r MOM AS J. WOKaTH, X Auctlone r, 158 Chatham street, corner Mulberry, wilt sell this d?y. at tl o'clock, men's and women's Clothing, crosses, shawls, Remnants, Bedding, Boots' Shoes, Ac. By order J. A. Jarmsti. 183 Verick itrect. I>AWSBR"KKR'S HALL IlllS HAY.-JAMES AGAR. Auction i"\ will sell at 5# Now Bowery. Ml tots or ?lik and other Ureases and rulu. Remnants, Under clotlun.. chttWl* Nacqtl** lieeu, Table Linen; also coats P.uitalo dia and Vest* By order of Jacob Bluuiaucr. 172 Canal itrect ICTIARD WALT HUE, AUCTIONEER. M vRsllAL'l sal ?will tell this d*v (Monday), at HP-o'clock, nt salesroom 27 i nst Broadway, s la rue and general as (nrtment Of Groceries, large lot graeu and Mac I' lea. whole CoOM, hoxe* coop and Starch, sploei Canned Uo id*. Champagne, two caska Claret Wine, ***<irtcd UlaaM* Alao tor account former purchaaer. Tea. Mc,>, Extract* Ac. Also to pay storage and advance* Wil low Were, Basket-, Furniture, -mall Piano. A. JOHN r. Si kvvaki. Mer-haL UHi-Rirrs salb-on the ?rn day of junk, o 187.5, at Ogdonaburg. N. v., the .--herlft of Ht Law renca countv will tail ah the promriy ho raging to the Show known a* "tii* international Utppodrom*. America'* Racing Association, Mouagarla and Craer- *s or Nations," cotisimitg ot 15c?go*oi Animals, ? Drotno d in *. I Bieohant, 8 largo canvas Tents, s UorsnTantt old all tent connen ons. vh set* ot Harness, 30 Wagon* ggxax* mi SAL.KH AT ADCTIUB. RICH A !C 1 > WAIJKlta, AC< riONKKH?MOUTOAOB** ?will it 11 on Tucaduy at 10 o'clock, ai Mo. 5H ilu l*m utreet. the contents ot a Liquor -tore, viz:- Bar and hack liar. Shelving. Ah: I'UIII?I, WhiaAev llarroAa, Lottie*. Glassware, Ac. . JullNT. slulVkHl', Attorney for Mortgagee. S"! Il.llIFF'K B\M. OK DItY AMI FANCY OOUJIS, ltihbou*. Luces, Ac.?K. HERMAN, Sheriff's Auo ti< ticcr. s.11* on Monday. June 28, ut 11 o'clock, ut Mo. Nil Grand street. Corner Ludlow, u large and general a* aortuiun', viz , ot Ladies'. Misses', Cliildruu'* ana Uen tleuieu's dose and Hull If.etc: Hoaierjr and Furnishing Goods, .-'hirU ami Drawers: also u large lot of iiibbouik White Goods. (.aces, i nr.u.iis. A3. : ulso Store Fixtures, Lease. Ac Sale positive in lots. Dealers invited. Jinks Fat. cap uty. V, M. C. t ID M Mi It. Sheriff. GHKItIKF'8 SALK OK llOR-KS, HARNESS, WAGONS. O irucks. Ac.?s. hi ititM Sheriff's Auctioneer, s-'lls Mommy, June 28. at 11 o'clock, ut Mo. 2!3 Kaal Ko? ty third street, tour truck H >r?oa. hair tine riata Horses, olio Mure, lour wis Harness, ltoud Wagon*, two Suikv* tour large Dirt ? uris, truck.-'. Im pie me u is, Utensils. Ac. hulo positive, in lots. Horse dealer* and orhcra invite A U'll. C. CONNER, .Sheriff. Ri rus Dodok, Deputy. fJIIIOa. UAFFNEY, AUCTIONEER?OKFICK 17 OK* I trc street, sells on Muitdav, at 2 o'clock, the Leu-*, License, stock and Fixttires ot the old i stufilishod first Class Liquor Store 74 Urceiipoint avenue, near the tef rios uu excellent tour tm I Ale I'untp. mahogany top Bur mi. 1 Hack liar Shuttle Hoard, Has 1'ixl'ures. Ac ; also u good sioek ut tine L nuors and Cigar-. sale positive. rpHOMAS OAFK.MKY, AUCTION Kit, OKKICK 17 1 Centre street?By virtue of a chattel mortgage sells on Monday, at n) o'clock sharp, lite l-casu. l.ioeu-o, Stock, and Fixtures of the neatly tilted up|Uor Store 27 York street. Brooklyn; excellent fixture*; also a good stock of lint- Liquors. rpHOS. KKYWDK 111 AI CHONEIdt, WILL -ELL ON 1 Thursday, at 10 o'clock, ut ollicc. ut Cliff A Co,'? salesroom-, .123 Hr.tod street, corner orchard, a lurgk I'onslr'iuneut ot Furniture. .Carpet*. .-owing Machine*. Ae For particulars see I liursdu.v'a Herald. Consign incuts solicited; returns made 24 hours after salu. Ad vunces nade on an kinds ot Merchandise. UJ ILI.IAM KEN NELLY. SHKUIFF.4 A UO 1'ION EKB. olllue No li I'HIC street, will sell at auction, on luesl iy, June 21), at 12 o'clock, ut the Exchange -alesroom, N . ill Broadway, hv order ot MrlvKON a SMV I'll. Attorneys. Ac., the valuable fronertv situ it d on northwest corner of Fifth Stree and Pirsl avenue, and known as Sos Mil and 86 Firsi avenue and Nog. 31,1 and 144 > . ntli street, udioin illg ttie cornor; all six story first clngs stores and dwell ings. in splendid eon 111loti: all well rented t vaults un der the sidewalks; ill per cent can re in it 111 on mortgage. Maps at auctioneer'* office, No. ti I'lue stroet. WILLIAM ABBOTT, Al CI It IN '.ICR, office No. 3 Chambers street. Hy virtue of u chattel mortgage, I will sell this day (Mondavi, ut 10 o'clock sharp, the f ixture* of Liquor More, it ileary street - splen lh! t-null Ale l'uinp, walnut Counter, Ice Box, chairs, fa hie*, filussware. Ac. WM, Ailin11 I, Jr.. Attorn iy tor Mortgagee. \Vr:.|. WITTERS, AUCTItfMKE I. WILL SELL THIS " day, at 2 o'clock, 4:H Cai ul street, a general us s ii'tuieiitof new and second hand Household Furiiituro, Brussels and nigrum Carpets, idle loth*. Mattings. Act pier and plnin Mirrors, hair. Excelsior and other Mats tresses; leather Beds. Plllowi and Beddings, kltchtn Cools. Countur. Desks, saloon 1 utile*. Kclrigcrators, Hashes, nuors, Partitions, Ae. \\,MLLIAM ABBOTf, AUCTIONEER, ?> olllce No. 3 Chiciibcr* street, will sell, this day. at 2 o'clock 1'. M., the Fixtures of lauuor tArr. 26 ltooscvelt street, two walnut Counter!, Ale Pump.*, ^Tables, Chairs; also Household Purmlure. KOI( SAlsK., \ RARE CHANCE.. ?P lit S.\L"? A FIRST CLASS x\ Liquor Suire oil a leading cast -ldo avenue. doing a good busineas: will be sold cheap and on easv terms. Apply at U3 Front street, or to I.LoYD, 29 Hroauway. A ?THE Pfitaf CLASS l.lgt'OR STORE: ON sou hcasi corner Oraiul and South Filth avenue; *0years established ; 4 yeurs' leuto; lor sulo cheap II not Alyoars establf sold privately -co auction Tuesday next. Apply to LLDYD. Auctioneer. 2'J Broadway. I FORTUNATE OPPORTUNITY.?A SUPERIOR A I. qtior saloon, lullr established aud turulshed; Iirouiineut corner, opposite i.raud Central depot; mud sell Imm diately or exchange. CUADY'.s Real Lsiato idtlce 121) Park avenue. t CHANCE?FilR FARTIES WANTING A DOWN, A towu oslabltshmcnt lor the sale ot all imported lager hei r ut retail, connected with bolUuig bunnies! and restaurant LLOYD, .9 Broadway. Il KXFKK.Sd BU SIN E Sri FOR tf V' .K?ALSO COR. A tier Grocery. Tea >torc*. splendid eorner Frurf Store. M. at Markets, lte.-i.iiir.tni-. eolfcc aud Cak! saloons: great bargains. M 1 It'llElL'S Store Ageney, 77 Cudar street A FlMK BA.I'RV. IN BROOKLYN. FOIt SAL8 2Y. elieap?* rap?Also Commission, Bakeries. Milk Depot) Country Bakeries. Country Hotels. Bakeries to let MITt llE. i.' Store A encv, 77 Cedar street. -FOR -ALE. CORNER LIQUOR SKIRSS,BIOHTi A. avenue and best busino-s street*; term* easv) Roadside Hotel*; down 'own ample looms aud Hotel*. MITCHLLL'b Store Agency,77 I edur street ? ?FOR SALE AN hLD ESTABLISHED WHOLE. A% *ale aud retail l ontec iouery, doing a large hUaV lii-ss aud best locaiion ui the cltv; busiues- is capable of being nPstcased double : reason tor selling, proprietor retiring; rare opportunity. M iLnNh's Sior: Arncv, 121 Nassau street. \ GOOD CHANCE: EOlt A MAN WITH A -MALI, capital.?ui oil established Cigar store for aal< cheap, und doing a good business; good reasons gtveg Tor selling. Inquire tit ibe store, 103 Grand street. Brook lyik E. D. A ?FOB BALK FIRSI' t LASS >a.M#LK ROOMT 7l> splendid location, well known. Mtomlvcly patron ised; Hot* A locations uusiirpa.sen : enterprising parties rare mvcsuncut; bargains at 712 Broadway. SlMi.itS A Co., 8,ire Broker* A CONFECTIONERY AN ? Fit CI f S IOKE?LK A l> tng avenue; Mplen il trade; must sell. Gentle men's i uruDuing, Millinery Stores; Restaurants, Liquor. Grocery Mores: bargain* <12 Hroadwav. si Ml*, its A GO., - tore Broker* /VtNDY and TOY bloltK FoB SALE?VERY LOW it applied tor at once; rent (17: near school; sold on accunni ot sicknesa Apply tor 11 a. 322 VVeat .seven tceair. street. I URTILI.E.KY LliiUuU t-TtlUE. FOR SALE-WELL if l.c nod and dolii.' u pivnu busme-s; will lie sold at a bargain. Apply to Till'.MAS U.VFFNEY", 17 Ocolro struet. IN OR SAL ? MARllLE SOIM WATER A I'l'A It A I US I all -tries, at reduced prices; Ottawa llecr FounUllW and E.itraiS. JAME.s M WHITFIELD A ON, wart> rooms 262 Water street. TAOR SALK?A WHOLES \LK AND RETAIL WINH r and Ltqaug Business, with most i-uatom, r-tuck, lior.? and W.igen, which ha* beeu catetMlthad tor the past 21 y- ars; reason tor -ale the owner is ton old to attend to the tm lnesa. Inquire at No. 2?/9 tiro.cue stroet, coruvr ot Norfolk, ? JMOR SALK?A VALUABLE PATENT RIGHT, OR A party wnntud to act a* agent tor the same, a ldru*! A. H. l*>x 170 Herald olllce. L'Oll SALE?A FORTUNATE uPhmri'S ITY. ? sU r |>?rior l.liiuor Saloon, lully and mr nt*li <1; prominent corner. oppoitte Orand Central do pot: mu-i *e.I inline.Lately > r exchange. CoDT'8 Real uut>' ome -. M ftr< itirm F~H?U HALK?FIRST CLASS GOHMKR LiyLOl store*. on Kichth ami K love nth n venue*. nrooni* street ami it v. urn- A ; term- re i..m.ible; all loin* aoixl hu-inea*- *a it (factory reason* iriveii tor whin*. Aitdrcn box 5.. 48 Po?t office. oraplv to l.l.i i\It. 2? Broadway. L'oit Sam?I \ riiUT clars oouii I Liquor More, wltli niolcrii fixture*; good reaeuiil lor ?? lliiu Vpnlv to FRANK ULOVhK, whole salt dealer, iy I'eck slip. EM>R S \LK?A II MOD OIIAXCK PO R A RAKKR?A r bakery and tee cream Machinery, all complete, doinr * good buaine**; mint *11 on account of lit health. Inquire on the preinl?e*. Eighth a v.. alter 10 A. X. L'Oll SAL! ? KIN B I'tVINii CoRMhK LIUUO* r store*, anne lu Brnoklya; 3 lar_re orncery ntoraa 14 small tlrocerv tore*. 4 Cigar Store*. ? Family I.Inuol Store< $2i0. fS ii J.** and fl.uQO Lou. in hruoxlvn, trea and clear, in e \ i-nan.Hint .Mas* 11 ???; - - i n? I . i P.or to lei. ill Howcry: country Residence, De* and clear, lo exchange. 1'. > i V V?- .N , V, Itowery. I auk sa i,k?two saloons;' iik ithsr loo a ' ttona In the ettv : one on I'mon ?qnare. the other Junction of Email wav an I lxth avenue, tti* owner beiue *ick and going out ?>( the la?tuo?*. Apply to JOIJN KHkIXIK. I.ini Itroadwav. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE.? LEASE, STOCK AID r Fixture* of n corner Tea and (iroe?ry Sine*. la quire mi the preiulie* /It Tenth avenue. New York. Eaikst Class ciuar stork, with oitawa Hoar stand, doing '-oo.l bu tlnesc. tor ?alo, cheap. 3S7 ItleccXor *tr. et one door from ferry. rTQCOR 8 TO RE FOR SALK?OORXRR <?F WHlTR. j iiall and stale atreca, near the llur*? ofhc* and tlv* lerrie*. uiao a L tger Huer Store In Whitehall street Ap ply on ibe premlaea _____ OLD KSTABLIslIKD KKSIAL'RAMT AND HotKD tiiif llou-e ? \l a -aerlltee, if *ol?l Immediately! hoi* vie id iwo-.hir i* ol rent, eighteen boarders! May pivostioeiiL Andrew Jl.mW <'ASll. Derail office. UKV.-.I4AI* FIRST CLASS I., '<LS. UOOf 0 lo. ailoiia on leading avenue*, for tale.?lerm* ue>J crate; ca?h or trade. ii. W SIXERS A CO.. 711 Broadway. TO HORSF.saUKRS.?FOR SAL", AM OLD FSTAB lliheil *hop. In |Ulre. ?ur three day*, FiO Water *g rpUK STOCK AMD FIXTURES OF AM OLD KSTAB. 1 liahed ' ni.-ctlonery an t Ic* Cream Saloon for r? cheap; Epos thorouirular*. KoK, AMA'ariek street. Apply to MATH aNIK .1 MACMl.VKMr. I'OR SALE-TllRKE &MIOKSK HORIZONTAL TU? r ular Holler*. 14 leel long, 4 rent diameter. 63 throo Ineh tabet; one hnaine, II by 3d. Apply to P. LOKIL* I.AKI) A '.. Ill I'lm-.uher* ?ir- et LURMLt CIIKAP?ON K Al AMDONK IOHORSB I e.infine. To be *?n at th* olob-1 Iron W<rk* We*t lhlrtv third *treet, near hleveuth avenue. DRV UOOU3. Cs REAT CLliAHIMO OUT SALS OP r CAR!'118, CAH FBI'S, CAKt'r TS, Oil Cloth. I.aee, cnrtaltM, As. SHKPt'ARD KNAPP, Mot 183 and 186 sixth avetin*, Mew Yppk, offer* thi* week the lar*c*; flttortiuent In Ut* city a ureatlv reduced prloe*. Alto, a canto ot aaaorred CASTOR M A11 IN OA from per vard au l upward, in -inantitle* to ? Ureal Carpot and tTuhomery warerpora*. sixth avenue, one door hel iw Thirteenth -treet 3f I I-l-l.V K It V AND DHK8SMAIUMO. Mr* MTSB8, 21 Kaat Fourlu nth *tri'<v. A.~A 22 Ea?t Fourtoe? : a- tailed Tor Pan* on the ice.imer ."ranee to pnrshae* liar Fail StYlet -be thoreiore odlar* her *rnlr* etuoYof Miatw' and ?Cnlidran'A iiau arul cap*, t-edU*1 Dram Cap* and 11mA Or* met. Mouruiug kill I nary, An, w