Newspaper Page Text
T H WHOLE NO. 14,417. D1RKCT0KV Fdl! ADVERTISERS. AMITKKMENTK-iht Pack-4th. 5tb and Gth coin. astrology?7tu Pass?6th col. pll,1.1 akds-2P Pack?Hd col. boarders wanted?7 th PACK~4th and cnK board ANI? LODGING \VVNTED-7rii Pack?->th col. bun] ness opportunities?9th pack. bI r?s I ness >o'l It ks?tith Pack?6th col. CITY REAL ESTATE POR KALE?2d Pack?1st col. clerks AND SALESMEN?7th Pack-au ?uU 4tb coll. OI.OTHINO-2D Paum?Atl tol. COACHMEN AND U\K[)RNERs-7th Pack?4tb col. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS-7*h Pack-WIi col. DANCING ACADEMIES ?lar Pack?4th cot DENTISTRY?2D PAOK-4tb col. DWELLING HOUSES TO GET. Kl RNISHED AND UNkpknis11kd-2P Pack --d and 3d cola. EUROPEAN' ste amships?7th pack-hth and 6th cola. EUROPE? 1*T Pack?4th col. EXOI1angb?2d Paub?.'nb col. r 111 Ann al- t"TII I'ACF.. FOR SALB-2p Pau??5lb col. . , __ FURNISHED ROOMS A Nil' APARTMBMT8 10 LET? 2n Pin*?3d col / Fl'RNlTURE-21) I'.ur-Mb ml. IIP.lp wanted?females?7th Pari?4<h ool. help wanted?males?tw puuf-athcoi. 1JOK8KH CAKRIAGES. AC.?1st PaCB?2d, 3<1 And 4tb coin. Soul^OMR^^TKD-to Pa?-*1 coL CITY AND BERGEN EBAL ESTATE FOR 8ALB-to FAUB-IW eol. LECTURE SEASON-Irr PAc;n-4th col. LKOAl. NOTICES? 1st Paiih- 4lh col LOST AND FOUND?In PaCk-UI col. MACHINERY?2n Pack-MIi ool._ MARBLE MANTELS?2b Pack 3d coL MKOICAL?7ni PaGK?Nth col. u isckllanrous advertisements?iUTH paojc? Ml. und dm coll. MlJSKAL-lst Pack?4th coL NEW PUBLICATIONS?9th Pack?6th col. NEWS PAPERS?1st Pack?4 th col. PERSONAL?1st Park?1st <01. PIANOFORTES, OROANS. AC.?1st Pack?4th col. PROPOSALS?1st Park?4th col. a PROFESSIONAL SIT CATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 7Tn Pack ? col. PROPERTY Ol 1 Ol THE CITY FOB SALE OR TO RENT?111" Pack?1st cols REALESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2p PAfiE-l?t and 2d coll. HEAL ESTATE WaNTED-2i> PAUH-2d ool. RELIOIOPB NOTICES?1st PAUB-IiicoI. KEVV ARDS?1st Pa<ib?1st col. MALES AT AUCTION?111) l'?;K-4th col. SITUATIONS W A iNT LD ? F EM .Vi. l-.S?7th Pack?lit, 2d ami 3-1 Cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES-7TH P>R*-4th col. SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Pack?lit and 2?l cols SPt'RTINU?DOl'ifi, BIRDS, AC.?1st Paub?2d col. STORAGE?2l> Pack?9th coL I II r. 1 KAIIKS? 71b CJi.-?Sin cot TlI R To RF-1 *v Paci?:-3d col? _., y . TO Lli'f FOR BUSINESS I'CRjVisfcS-Sn rtrw?2d col. UNIT RMS TIED ROOMS AND AI'AKTMUN I > TO LET? 2D r ?.;k-3iI oi l. WANTED TO PURCHASE?2ff I'anr?4th cel. WATCHES. JKWBLRT. AC ?2d I'acr-5th col. WEHTCI! EsTKR COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR ro eet-jd rA.ik.-ut coi. i'KRSONAIi. . A.uitli p.-ru ASK OOMMI NIC ATE WITH old trioud who met vou on Broadway. near 1 Ith st.. at l:Woii TlinriiUji afternoon. Address WALTER, box 112 Herald I pto'*ii Branch office bKUMCUINR FTOR FITVr>r" SAKE." TELL Mlf liOW MI'CH longer this infamous rotredy i? going to last : it is two years now ; do uol send Grare again. Address M., box 12* 11.'raid office. T.TOR AnOCTION OU A GOOD HOME IN AI'ROTP.8 F tant family, an orphan gitl of 11) yearn. Call at or address 318 East 31st St. , CVENTLKMAN OWNING Oil. PAINTINGS AT NO. 222 IT Pearl st. is requested to call ut same place immediately. C' ll.AKK thl.l' lll.ATI.Nu CMII ' lOli Vol It OWN J use. M_ "TTOl'E and 'WAIT," MISS RTVN.-l RECOGNIZE J JL the rhythm of your vcraes; tend more in reward ut pent. Address M . box 12H Hernhl I"~"NFORMATION WANTED?OF JOITANKA WOELLA^* ban, wile of Patrick Et;en. utred 34 yearn; dark red hair; 6 feel 6 inches tii^U; 18 } ? arn iu this country; parish of Jthtmore, Ciootreo, county Kerry. Ireland ; daughter of Klorr Wouilahan ;m?l Hanorah Clifford Addreas CVATHAKlNfc WOHLLAH AN, 107 East 60th at.. New York. IF T1TK PAKTIKK WHO TOOK THE WATCH and .fewelry Irom 27 I'nion square. 8d inn., will return iHTue thoy wtH receive $T?0; no questions aoked; if pawned, $10 fot tickets. J~ fjjjZWANT TO SKE YOC ABOUT MY HARRY. Make appointment to meet me ut the Park. Write Whore Mn GILBERT B1 -*!.! E. dIOKEHSON, BROOKLYN" N Y ? VOIR jYl brother, Patrick V.' Brennan, ?? dead, ?.nd will be tuned on the 11th inat. Send w.mi to 1.N2P fmerieun at., Philadelphia. '??I? n NPhKNT, Executor "V| Y EVES."- IS TREK I.OVB FORGOTTEN? MV ill devotion hits been proved. You insy discard a Jewel, but 1 shull ever love you us fondly a* now. For your take have I suffered terribly. V?u roust be mine, or 1 will die. Think of the post If you are vet mine. Fntinv. Ihen. well. . If not, 1 leave forever. YOCK PET HUSBAND. Mrs 'king.?i "am" in town and revdy to do hnslnass, hut 1 will not go to Mount Vernon: answer through personals. I'll At KLLKK. N"?THING. If Vol wi.sll ME TO FIND OUT wiite, ___ TICKER. HT. C~?NO LETTERS RECEI VED; WRITE IM*. mediately; family very Anxious. J. II. C. TO K?i AM AN HONEST MAN. I AM DISOCHTKD with those ways of fooling people for two months, besides the years. If yon are willing to art" plainly, all right: If uot, I don't caro at all. Hive real name. J ELKS M., box 128 Herald office. if"I'OUTIV I L'OU I.1TW u .rv H'UITL' \fL> TffOL'UL' V ami l.ow you arc situated; fourteen days of your cruel dinner is Ms heart. A?\, Administrator. \l,rIL~L Miss MARY M l> WIS Ml SIC TEACHER' ?f ran at JUS West 14th at. at her earliest opportunity T 1]LrILl. TUB YOUNG LADY WHO PROMENADED TT yestcrdav afternoon in 12th et.. Irom Broadway to 3d av., aud vice versa, trrnnt admirer au interview for renewal at acquaintance; please stale peculiarities to avoid mistake. Address HOPE, Herald Uptown Branch office. OOJ-MKRT WISIIKS. SATURDAY 8CRE. WAS iwOt unavoidably prevented before. KKi.iGiors noncEt. SPECIAL RELIGIOUS SERVICES will bn held at the HIPPODROME BUILDING, Madison and 4th avs., 2?Uh and 27th : la., in connection with the labors of Mr. D L. MOODY and Mr IRA D SAN KEY. NOON MEETINGS Every day, except Sunday Entrance on 4th a* Doors open at 1and close at 12 o'clock. EVERY EVENING, Saturday and S'nnday excepted, for the general public, at s o'clock. Entrance, Madison av. OVERFLOW MEETING at H o'clock. Entrance an 4th av. FOR YOUNG MEN ONLY, every night, except Saturday, at H o'clock. Entrance on 4th av. Sunday?For Christian workers Entrance on Madison Av., 8 to 8 & o'clock A. M Admission hv ticket. rOH WOMEN ONLY. AI 3 O'CLOCK P. M. FOR MEN ONLY. AT S O'CLOCK P M Doors open one half hour before t acit service. Admission to all the meetings free, without ticket, Sunday morning ex rented. The expenses of these meetings are large and must be defrayed by private subscription. Contributions can be sent to J. PIHKPONT MORGAN. Esq., . Treasurer, 23 Wall at. , SAML'FL THORNR. Chairman Committee of Arrangements. w. k do doe. Chairman General Committee. NATHAN HI-Ho P. Chairman Executive Committee. LOST AND FU* \ l). IOST-ON WEDNESDAY EVENING. A FUR COLLAR, J Kiting from through Stli ??. to Jf>th ?t. finder will be treated liberally bv returning it to ?4? W eat IHth ?t. LOST? FROM l<rj WEST MTH ST., A HOOTCH TKK rier; tnjeori to name of Nellie. A liberal reward wilt be pawl by return to above addrca*. I6KT?ON THE EVENING O7 THE lOTH INST.J abiieontbe rurn or the Twenty third Street Croea town Railroad, a Idam* n i Pin; aatinfaetorr reward will be paid for Ita return and no uueauone naked Addreta H. CI.ARK, boa 4,SCf> Poet office. New York. OST-A Y^TITfTw CANARY-XsPITABLE REWARD will be riven if returned to 4S Para a*. T OST?ON THURSDAY A. M.. IN THE WATER cloaet of St. Nir.bolaa Hotel, a roll of Paper*, contain, lag United Statrs Nave commiuiona and rertifleatea of aer vice. The Under will b<* eoltably rewarded by lea< ing I Item at the nfllee i I the St. Nil-hole* Hotel B II RIX.KKS Lost?in going phoI i*rfi si and ?tb at. to bIHh *t . a gold laa-ket. with the initiate T S., on Thumday, February 10. A liberal reward twill be given by calliBK at 73 4th aw. OPERA CLASSES FOUND?O.N " SATURDAY* ?JI Filth avenue etage. Cau be lonud at No. 3 Kaal 4Hth at. MWARDA. *r WILL BE PAJO FOR THE RETURN OK WHITE P*) Sweat Blanket, lout from wagon, to Central Stable*, 1,4011 Broadway. reward-lost~ on 3311 INST- a large, i black liog. with hraaa roller with monogram and name of dog on The above reward w"' ^e paid on return<01 Olio to 3113 Wert SSd eA I }'*.ll REWARD lost. AT chestnut iiii.l. I'lilladelpbia,during la*t Augutt |1R7.", a *ktc due crrler; body thaved, ei,i- add tki uurdl , name. "D - V." Fwe?e return him to 74 Beerer ?t., New York, or : Ltoianecy place, Philadelphia Kt? <y?tliota* aaked. j nh^AKI) FOR THE \RRJ>1 AM) Oi.NVR 1 Hon of person iirnlin^r ?pring lock from hull ooor , ef No 61 Rlir lit., corner Leonard. Aildrow Lit IN IN J. , HINNSE, rtor?, 130 Leonard il. i CKlll HEW ARll.?LOST. <>N I, KKI. N W H'li ri."""' ?H Vn; oa Tuonlii evening. Febra ary ". a gold Heaaiav Watch, flie above reward will ho paid foriha return of the watch to No. Hi Voaey at., and no qneatione naked. AKi rrtHLF, ItKWAKI) Wll.l UK PAID FOR TIIB ralnrn of a Package. containing unfliitilied black oaj* and (old Net ki haitia, loet Weonoedar trraiai. between 111 | Kaaaau at. and feck ?lip. Adiltet* SEXTON A COLE, 01 j Raaaan ?t. SPBTIAL MITIOA, A-IHTAL imi'MPWICK CKIVF.KNMENT LOTTKKT. , F2,"73,MW. gold, to ho drawn in at* different drawing*. 11 if prim. Uat.iraj, f, Id. firm prira to every two ticket*. The aecond drawing - wtll take place Monday. February 14, ami Tnenday. Kebruary 15. Fall explanatory circular* Free TiiEonoH zsriiorn. Foil ufict hex 1 it Naarau ?v? hew 1 crk. E NE NEW Y( mcxu aoTic?. \L1. MIDDLE AGED AND YOUNG MEN SUFFERING from nervous debility or weakness. tbe result ot' their own folly, should consult Dr. E. DE F. Cl'RTIH, whose certain cure is derived Irom an experience of 28 year* in tbit particular specialty. Office anil residence, 207 West 22d at. Consultation hours, 10 to 3 and 5 to 8. ?ISAACfG. BOYCE. 267 BROADWAY, LAWYER . Divorces ohraiued promptly, without publicity ; de*er tlon, Incoinpatibilltr, babitoal druukeriueM, inhdclltv. inbu man treatment, conviction of lelouy. I'aasnorts obtained. A -Kentucky state lotteries uk j.'b, SMITH a co. kkntuciit?kxtra class no. 275?ron 1876. 20, 41. ?. 4t>. 72, 27, OS, 07. 35, 12, 31, 46. kxwiky-i'lans no. 270?iron 1876. 64. 4 . 55. 47, 18, (lit, 13, 70. 27. 8, .VI, 52. All orders address b. NATIIAN, hoi 4.870 Port office. New Y'ork city. A?PAKkS. EMERSON .It <io7 . Kentne* v State Lotteries drawn dally. Royal Havana Lottery drawn every 17 days. Kentucky Single Number Lottery drswri February 26, 1870. Prises cashed. Information furnished ami circulars free. 180 Broadway. I'ost office bos 5.272. New York. hlSKASP.S OK MEN A SPECIALTY HPNRY A. DANIELS. M. U., 144 Lexington v.. near 28th at. Office hours from 8 to 3. It KAI NESS E.NT1 RE LY " CP HE D ' BY_ PROFESSOR ' Batrena'a wonderful JAPANESE AREEKA BALM, lrnui roots; known thronchout the East Indies by Its startliuu. perniaiieut cures: best remedy ever known : $1 50 a bottle ; sent by express. Ouly agent's KOKEBT a CO., 1,270 Broadway, New York. Havana lottery.?next d h a wISo ~februart If). IIicbest pri/.e|$Km,issi. Whole amount of prises $540,(100, For particulars address H. MARTINEZ .1 CO., Baukers. 10 Wall St., basement. Post office bo* 4.SS2. Havana lottery. Important information given about draw-Ins 10th lost. Address B ALENl'K, box 3,081 New York Post office. Q.OODS FOR TI1K International Exhibition The undersigned. General Agents of the American and lied Star Steamship Liues, tYoin Liverpool and Antwerp to Philadelphia, will act a? agents for exhibitors, and in co-operation with leading Philadelphia firms in the different branches ol industry as experts, will nndertuke the reception, installation and genorul care of goods tjjie International Exhibition. For further information address PETER WRIGHT ,t SDNS. Philadelphia, or, RICH A P. Pf ON. - PENCE A CO., Liverpool. B VON DKR BECKK. Antwerp JT ? ('II RON If CATARRH : DEAFNESS; IMPROVED IS., method; inutaiitnneons relief; permanent cures. Dr STODDARD. No; 8 West 14th St. Tr ?OFFICIAL DRAWING iTl'NTU'KV STATE LOTIV. teries.?SIMMONS, DICKINSON A CO.. Manager*. o. ... ?n llifl ov-uur.uv to tK7r. 85, 12, 44, 40, 55, 80, 22, 32. 43. 52. 56, 71 72. KBSTrCKY?CUlfH NO. 168?FKBRtUKY 10, 1670. r>6, 07, 42. 44. 66, 75. 55. 7. ?2, 23. 27. .'>0, 10. HKNRV?KXTRA PhASS NO. 07?FKETtrAUY 10, 1870 51, 48, 24. >! . 75, 33. 58. 61, 27. 18. 49, M, 20, b. nONRT?Ct.ASS NO. 08?PKftKUAKV 10, 1870. 29, 18. 31. 06, 12. 8. 68, OK, 4. 83, 17, 35. 9. 'till information by applying to or addressing J. CLUTE, 200 Broadway, or bo* 4,HOB Pott olWo. , K' -sim monk, Die h 1XSON Yco. 'sTjr a n DMONfiriY distribution, mi tlio Havana plan, to be druwn February 20;. also Royal Havana, of Cuba, draws February 19. Full information by applying Co or addressing J. CLUTE, 200 Broadway, or box 4.1*18 Post office. _________ J^ENTUCKY STATE DlfiTRlBUTIOlT DRAW8 SATURDAY, FEBItf ARY 20. 1876. $809.0;'II 111 cash distributed. $300.(100. Grand capital prize, $50,000. 5.3711 other." from $241,000 to $lltNAll prizes paid In lull after the drawing. Tickets, <10; halves, $ : quarters, $2 50. THOMAS II. HAYS A CO.. 697 Broadway. New York. VTOTICK. 1X Wp would request copies of bills of all goods purchased by us in 1676, both paid and unpaid, to be sent immediately to LK8HER. WHITMAN A CO., Nob. 502 and 504 Broadway. VfERVOUS EXHAUSTION^?A MBIITCAL E88AY. Ax comprising a scries of lectures delivered at Kshn's Museum of Anatomy. New Yurk. on the cause and core of Freuiature Decline^ showing indisptitahly bow lost health may be regained, affording ? clear synopsis of the im peilimonis to marriage and the treatment of nervous sml physical debility, being the result of 20 year*' experience. Price, 25 rents. Address the antlior. Dr. L. J. KAllN, irffiee and residence 51 East loth at.. New York. TlOYAL SAXON LOTTERY. ~ It Bran-wick and Hamburg Lotteries. llrval Havana Lottery. WACHMMAN A CO., Bankers, Post office box 3,316. 75 and 77 Nassau st. oval Havana lotteryv-next " drawing February 5, 1876. Capital prise. $100,000. Prises cashed, information furnished. Highest rates paid for Spanish bills, governments, Ac. TAYLOR A CO.. Bankers. No. 11 Wall St. TAMAR INDIES-A LAXATIVE FRUIT LOZENGE, agieeubte to take , specific remedy for constipation and its consequences. I G'.tiLLO.N, 27 Rue Kamhuleau, Paris. Depot, CASWELI L v/.AHU A CO.. Now York. W^HILE AN^t'^'jAiO THE COMPLETE DK8TRUOVl tion by lire of our late premises, 444 and 446 Broadway, on the 8th inst , we take occasion to inform our friends that we have purchased the building Nos. 5o2 and 504 Broadway exteuding through to Crnehy St. now occupied in part by Messrs. 0. (i. Gunther's Sons, where we are prepared to fill orders as m-tore I.ESIIKK. WHITMAN A CO. ASA H IMU1 -ROYAL HAVANA M)TTXET; f04U.UUU. NEXT DRAWING FEB. 19. Circulars, with full particulars, sent tree. P. C. DEVLIN A CO., Ststiooers and General Agents. 3d Liberty St., New York. SPORT I.NG?IK Mi N, IlIllDS, AH. I|iOR SALE?ONE VERY NICE PUG PUP. Til REE ' mouths old; some very nice small Skye Terrier Dogs and one very handsome Spills Dog, at 148 East 36th st . stable 3. No. 1(1 THK Tl'RF. FLEETWOOD PARK.-THE LEASE, rRANCHISES and Properly of the Fleetwood Association, comprising tlio Trsck, Club Honse. Grand Stand, Sheds and the entire property belonging to the Association, are fnr sale, exchange or to l<-a>e on libera, terms; possea-iou April 1, 1H7S. Apply to PHILIP DA'l'EK. 2t> Broad St.. New York. HORSES, CARRIAGES, ?N.< . I GREAT AND ABSOLUTE SALE OP A ELEGANT TROTTING HORSES. SUPERIOR CARRIAGES, WAGONS, SLEIGHS. AC.. BY ORDER OK HIE EXECUTORS OK THE ESTATE OK JOHN I,. MARTIN. KSO., DKOKASUD. THE STOCK NOW REMOVED FOR CONVENIENCE OK SALE TO ST A RLE NO. :i NE1LSON PLACE fMEHCER 8T.L BETWEEN WAVERLRY AND CLINTON PLACES, AND IN PEAR OP NEW YORK HOTEL, where it will a!! he eold positively by auction to the highest bidder, irrespective of cost or value. THIS DAY (KRIDAY'. KEH 11. AT 11 O'CLOCK by CIIaKLKS C. DUKK, Auctioneer. Including a team of handsome blood hayyonuir preminm Gc dings. second t> none in the State In point ot beauty, style and speed combined; are 1~?', hands high t both H years olil. They were selected in Kentucky expressly for Mr. Martin by Colonel W.?t, one of the host Judges of fine horses In that Slate. One was sired by Mamhrino Pstchen, d im by Matuhrib" Clilef; the otliei by Edwin Pbrreel. darn by Bald Chief. One has a record of 3 43; the other of 2 :4il1s They are dowdy mated in apnearanre, style gait and action; are compact and strongly made, with fine blooded heads and necks, which they carry eery high; tlowing manesand tails and ail black points, strong flat limbs and tine feet; sre extra attractive either moving or standing; have no vices, faults or tricks, either in the stable or out; tludr late owner was offered R3.1S10 fnr them at Richfield Springs last August, hot liaa always refused au ..:i.>*?. *? tin neaitn won naa. and tii?v were : m> gentle and o?>) drivers thai ha maid speed and | handle them either to family phaeton or to trotting I wagon with safety; they were exhibited at White Plain* ! this fall, anil driven a triai together la 2:51, and afterward tlieir owner showed them to 4 seat phaeton, parrying 3 persons, la 3 iU, tbev are elegant driver*, single or lioable; have aiae. style and niatcle enough for roach or phaeton, atid speed enough for gentleman's trotting team . are war ranted sound, kind and perlect. and are just ruining in their prime. Also a fine and fart golden chentnnt f thoroughbred trotting Mare, 15S high, t) year* old; aired by Kentucky Hunter, dam by Cealugtoii. i* an amiable, sweet end pleasant driver: no rvad too long for her; can trot to road wagon o miles In l<r> minutes, and a lady can drive her, and ran trot a single mile in leas than 1' do, under the watch, and do It with grace and stele; several prominent trainers solicited this (set young mare to enter her in puree* this last season, as her great speed, nigged constitution and great powers of eudurance warranted the belief that she waa. for a green one. second to soue. but her late owner wished to road her this year and enter her next aeason, when the would be fully developed : she shows line blood, and is ona of the moat genteel roedaters on road; warrsmed sound and kind. The feat on* three quarter thoroughbred blood hay fielding Henry .1. Herbert, i hands high, 7 years old: lean elegant styled horse; rich and genteel in appearance ; long, flowing inane end tall: fine di-position and fine open gait; he knows as much as any ordinary driver; leart no locomotive or anything slae; ran trot 5 mile* In 14 minntes. a single mile in 2:35 under the wateh. end was never trained but six weeks, when he showed private trial In 2 34. driven uj .lack Phillips, tuned by Port Learned Vanderoilt and several others, who can be referred to: is valashle for trsck or road purposes . is warranted soutd. kind and irus; must I- teen to be appreciated . was formerly owned by the late Charles ' C- Revere. , Also a beautifnl brown Hambietnnian Mare, Lady Ires, 151* hands and 6 years old; sired by Volunteer, dam by Revenue . the Is a graceful and stylish creature, is docilw an t p'eassn* for my on? w drive ; is pur* gsUed and ran with proptr training, ?be own bo*I HuW; warranted ?ound | and kin'L " Beautiful and fart bay trotting gelding Voting Champion: he i? 1">? hand* high. ti< ?ireJ by Champion and I* hair brother to the Bonner hor*e; we* rai*e<l he lien T. Weaeer, K? i . of Oneida eonnty. N V.; hit dam vai tired by Oweeon Chief and trotted in 7 fW on L'tica track, hi* deaeent from two of our beet branch#* nl the trotting horn# give* to lb* public high e\p?i tatl"u of what he will yet do: Champiyn l* bnt live tear* old and wae purr-baaed be Mr. Martin fait pring. and ha* been eery carefully need; never been allowed to *hnw hi* bc*t "P-'ed ; he ha* the right way of going and ?hnw* at time* a 'i :? gad. and with hnt little patience aud j*e will make a eery ta*l horse . he la warranted round i*ntl Kind n b.-tiie above six horsf.b are well WORTHY THE CLOSEST IXSI'KCTli)!* AND ex AM- , 1N AVION. AND TBI A I. IS imtited before the SALE. AS WELL AS APTER. Carriage* c< n?i?t of I Conpe. 1 Rnekaway. 3 lop Road Trotting Begone. Dole and *haft*; 1 Pony Phaeton. I Portlend Sleigh, tingle and double Harnett, due imported krrnev lire** Blanket*. Sweat Blanket* and l!o?d'a elegant Mark Hear and Seal Par Kobta, pluah lap Ruga, Whipt, Ac., \ c Sic I'M* will he one o| the (Inert *ale* of the *ea*on and gentlemen In eanrch of n Una, rallable and fa?t trotting Imree hould avail theineelve* of the opportunity and attend tbl* ale, aa they will And eeerytbing aa represented. Stock now "VLL"^TITAK'^LPTOSITIVKLY TO HIOHERT RIDDHR WITHOUT LIMIT OR RKSERVATIOB; MOBY bJDDJXU. CAleL AMI AiA/MiM* BEFOUL HALK W YO )RK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY HORSES, CARRIAGES, AC. 4 i | HON HOI BR Of ARCH JOHNSTON, J\ 10. 21. 2a and 2> lath ?t , uear University place. 1 I EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK, j 24 hours to three days' trial on bones warranted sound. The oldest and utoNt reliable house In the city. r PARTIAL CATALOGUE ol Tills DAY S tale at 10 ^ o'dofk, ~ ELEGANT BAY MARE. 15^ hand*. 7 years: kind in j nil harness and under saddle; hits not a vice or a- tiick of any kind; a spirited hut gentle driver; has > never been trained for speed, and trots inside 3 minutes to-day; is not afraid of anything: does ~ not sliy or pull; is of the best stock In the country; i ? pedigr e time of sale; one of the most promising -J homes in the city; warranted sound. > SIDE BAR ROAD \\ AGON, in good order, by R. M. y Stiver*. jJ SET HARNESS made to order. IMPORTED ENGLISH HARNESS?Balance of invoice X of Brougham and double Harness, to he sold for ?< account whom it may concern, by order of AsW signee. * TEAM DARK GRAY HORSES, IftU hands, fl years; amu in an names*; ire? irom vice; well mutcneu; Rood, free, ihowjr. htyliik driven; not afraid of a locomotive or anything else; huve not been trained for speed, but promise to b? taut, nuci are un excellent team for any use: warranted found. ~ GL 4SS QUAKTKit COACH. in good order, bv Dunn, ir. EXPRESS DELIVERY ESTABLISH MENVT?Brown I* Horse, 15V hands, B veurs; kind in all harness; - free from \ ice . has I M> le and gr??at dura*#?; a good, free, willing driver ; not afraid of anything ; 2 will stand without tying; a first class horse for any une; warranted Hound. ? PLATFORM SPRING TOP DELIVERY WAGON; by * P. Kettorer. BROWN POKY, foil mane and tail, 13 hand*. 0 years, kind in all harness and under saddle; free from T* vice; perfectly safe for children or ladies to ride or drive: a family pel: every way reliable; warranted C sound. w TOP PONY PTIAETON, nearly new, by Ellis A MailtlV. fe ASSIGNEES' SALE OF EXPRESS DELIVERY KS53 TABLISHMENT8, consisting of 3 first elans Horses, 15*4 hands each, 7, H atid H years old; ?very wa\ reliable; of great endurance; willing workers; will ^ stand without tviug; huve not a vice or trick of any kind ; good, fast travellers, and all wan ant?.4 sound, 5 THREE TOP EXPRESS or Delivery Wagons, built to < order; flames*. At., to be sold without reserve. TWENTY-ONE OTHER HOUSES; description tunc of sale. FOUR PONY|PIlAETONSAND THREE TOP WAGONS, for account whom it may concern, this day. at ARCH. JOHNSTON'S Mart, 10 to 2ft 13th st., near University place. W eat her never Interferes with our SALE AT iOvO?CLOOK. UCTION HOldK OF VAN TABS ELL A KEARNEY? 110 and 112 EAST 13TII bT., 1 F NEAJJ 4TU AV. REGULAR RALES OF HOUSES AND CARRIAGES EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. On every horse that is warranted sound or kind and true in harti(*MM. Irmn hum Lh ?1*\ s it* oiven Ui test u ur runice*. CATALOGUE OF THIS DAY'S (FRIDAY) SALE'AT 10 O'CLOCK. PRIVATE ESTABLISHMENT.?ELKOANT TRAM RAY Horsei, with lull manes and tails, 10 hands high, 0 and 7 years old; hliirl and true in all harness; tree from vice; very stylish and handsome ; fast travellers; prompt ami pleasant drivers; one ol the tiuest earri.ige teutus in the city, and warranted sound. COLD MOUNTED HARNESS, MADE HY LOWPF..V. LANDAU LET, IN GOOD ORDER, BUILT BY JOHN O. Ham. BAY HORSE, 15 HANDS HIGH. 7 YEARS OLD; KIND and true in all harness; tree from vice ; a good truvrl1 tree und stylish driver; a first class road Horse warranted sound. J*. II' su, in good order, and TO * I AD WAGON, BUT LITTLE USED, BUILT BY 1 'wster A Co.. ol Broome st. TEA? MAY HORSES, ltiU, HANDS HIGH, 7 AND S years old; kind and true ill all harn as; free from vice; have been used by a private luiully, and are a lirst class team for eencral use. SET DOUBLE HARNESS, MADE BY WOOD GIBSON. CLARENCE. IN GOOD ORDER. BY BREWSTER A CO. BROWN HORSE. 10 HANDS HIGH. H YEARS OLD, kind and time in all harness. free Ironi vice; a fast traveller; free, prompt and stylish driver; leors nothing, aud superior uorsc for family carriage driving. Set Coupe Harness and TOP DEPOT WAGON. IN HOOD ORDKR. SORREL MAKE, 15*4 HANDS HIGH, 7 YEARS OLD. kind and true in all harness; free from vice; un tr.-t in 3 in in 11 teM; is a first class road inure, and safe tor any one to drive. Also Set Harness and TOP KOAD WAGON, IN PERFECT ORDER. BUILT BY I. B. Brewster A Co. BROWN IIOKSK, lft*f HANDS HIGH. 7 YEARS OLD, kind and true in all hitmen*;.tree from vice; a good freo driver and an excellent home lor general nee. Alto Set Harness and TOP WAGON. BUILT BV LAWRENCE. BAY HORSE, 15 HANDS HIGH. 7 YEARS OLD. KIND und true in all tinmen, free from vice und good traveller; free, prompt and stylish driver aud in every wuy nufe and reliable; net Harness and COUPE ftOCKAWAY, NEARLY NEW; HAS POLE AND ahafla. BLACK CO UP R HORSE, IB HANDS HIGH. 8 YEARS old; hatt beou uatd in a conpe und sold to close an estate. SEVERAL OTHER HORSES; DESCRIPTION TIME OF sale. FOUR PASSENGER PARK PilAETONS IN GOOD order. GLASS OUARTERED COACH IN GOOD ORDER BAROUCHE TN GOOD ORDKR, EXTENSION TOP Pliaetop Hock aw ay*. Phaeton". Depot Wagons, Wagon Pole- iuiiI a large lot of second hand Boot*, Saddles, Mii/ale*. Ac.. Ac. SAND CAKi AND SET CART HARNESS. SALE COMMENCES AT ID O'CLOCK. AT ARCH. JOHNSTON S HALE. THIS MORNING, AT ten o'clock, 13th at , near University place. Two Ant iuase Express or D< ILcr> Wagons. Three first eUss Express Horses. Two elegant Road Homes One gray lumilv Carriage Te mi. For account ol whom it niuy concern. See catalogue above* -MAJOR CHA8. U BAKKEK, A1 rflONBRB Peremptory sale of a ireiulewati's elegant Trotting Tiirlimit, sold by order of W. W Devine, attorney and referee. to take place to-morrow. Saturday, February 12, at II o'clock, ut Barker A Son's city auction mart und New York Tattersall*. corner of Broadway and 39tb *U, hi d consisting ol the well known and very speedy black trotting gelding Billie Young. 151, high, foaled 1HCH. gut by Jupiter, dam fairy Belle, by Mambrino Chief; has a record ol 2:35*4, and can beat 2 :40 to the pole; is pleasant and reliable road home ; no nailer, aud w arruutrd sound and kind; also top wide bar road Wagon, by G. Hownrd, Jr.. an l neHrly new; hue Harness, Clothing, Ac., Ac. Property uow on exhibition. \ BLACK * ( III NKY OAKADIAX I'UNV; ALSO I two otiier Horses, vonng and *?uud; also two Express Wagon*, IIarness. Apply at the butcher's. 182 Division at. A ?$1*75 WILL Bi Y A FINK STIVERS SHIFTING J\ top Buggy , cost $450 la.wt October; a tine llarnesw, foO; worth $100. At private stable. No. 20 East 2!*th St. A BARGAIN HKLDOW OFFERED. AV?> trill bay a gentleman's rurnoot, complete; beam!- | ful bay Hone, 7 years old, 1!>^ liantla. warranted sound, kind and tnie Mlvera' top W aeon, floe Harness, Robes, j Hlank. t?, Ac., all good as new; the establishment co-t fl.400; man be mild, ai Mr. Sherman has retired from tliu road. Private stable, first door east of University place, in 12th ??. \PISK BAY llolt.S.:, tl YE AIM. i?i, IIA N MS, without apot or blerulsh. the finest eonpe or carriage horse in this city, for ?ale cheap. 1.11 Kasi Broadway. ? Kolt SALE," Kol'lt CHUNKEY BI'ILT HOCKS. suitable for truck, farmer or any business, at a socri" lice ; trial allowed. 55 South 5th av., between Houston and I Hleockor its. ~l~OFFER, ON ACCOUNT OK MY HUSBAND'S | . death, four Burses, suitable for truck, farmer or any ; business, hall value. Hti Amity st., between Thompson and j Sullivan. A H A RO AIN?TOP KIDR HA It ROAl? WAtioN AND | Harness. both nearly new. Apply at shoe store corner 15th st. and tilh av. GOOD HOUSE. HARNESS AND B("SINKS> WAGON for sale fhnap; $:t'(l. Can be seen nt WINTERBOTTOM'S stables. It Bullivan st. UOIIMN >11,1. OK IJ VERY srui'K AIT'.o Kl'l.liiS av . Hrooklvn, on Friday. Kehraary 11, at 11 o'clock, by | Coi.K A MURPHY, 11 good Horses, six Clarences an.l , t oachcs. Hold by virtue of a mortgage, 1<1 Sleighs, top 1 Buggies, Roekaways. Bretta, Harness, Robes, Blankets, { Office Furniture, Ac. UrOR BALK, A FIRNT cLASSPAY 1NG LIVERY s stable, on accooul o( owner having other business. For intormation address A. P., box l,:thi General Post Office. ?TEN NEW AND Hrd'OMi HAND BlslNrss s Wagons, below cost, for express, grocers. hutclier?, bakers, laundry, package and delivery wagons: Aim to fi.yi. WAOON MANUFACTORY. SIti Spring st. A -FUR RALE, TO SATISFY A Jl DGMKNT. FIVE . Horses, fit for any business, at half value: trial allowed. Inquirewt 20 Amity St.. between Greene and Mnroer, / 1 ARTS Mil I K asm WM.IIN rwu I'll II. CAK1S. ) single Truck, cheap, and Baker's or Milk Wagon, with tap, all vary cheap. F* ORHORHEH WITH M'RAIN Til KB DAN MACE REConimends "Talcott's Cnre." J C TAf.COTT. Pr?pri- i elor. Mith >1. nod l'fth ar Sold by MOSKM AN, 114 Cham- < burid : KIDDKK, Nl John ?t. For sale?the stock of a oood livery .table in Brooklyn, the owner having other hnaltieta to attend to iletrirea to aell out hie livery hnaineaa whlrh he will tell on liberal terma to n good end reliable pervon. or will take real easaie in part payment, or a tmall farm in flew Jerrey: prlre JlO.itti Addreaa WILLIAM ANN'IN, Herald Brooklyn Hranoli office. F3oR SALE?OS ACCOUNT OK OWNER'S HA VINO I gone in Kurnpe. a iarra "0'' aprlug Landau, nearly new, I incomplete order, made by Million tiniet A Co., of'Paria. Can be teen for two dayt at HaRNETT S nable. Not. 13 and 17 Kaat dOto it. ^ ie'or sai.k-i.iiut> 'ili> established livkky L and Boarding Stable; well etncked; doing go...I ateady baetnena. J. W. JuKALKMON, Store Broker, 1,267 Broad"f IitOR SAI.K?MCST BE SOLDAT A HACKI KICK. FOUR 1 Canadian Poolet. IS hand*, young and round; will suit farmer, grocer. 113 Harrow at., near Greenwich. T.10R S4LK?TWO CANADIAN HORSES, IA HANDS; r young and teund; tuuat tell; no work. 167 I'Uruto. pher at. TilOR KAJ.E-A STYLISH KENTCCKTTioKSE."baY. . r l.'it, bind. high. 3 rears old. broken to both taddle ami I harnete; any reaaonable offer will,be accepted. Apply at I | private etahie No 1 Kaat 4'_M it. | , TJ70R SALE 1 HBAP-TKA* Of HORSES, BATS. 16 j P bands, 7 and bream . warranted eound and kind . two one hor.e Trneka; Harnett, halt valna. Inquirt of CARMAN. 633 Hudson tt. TfiOR SALE CHEAT-TOR WANT OK I'SE, ONE GOOD j P Cart Hone Inquire at the New York Tube Works' office, .'>17 Wen 45th tt. __ _ _ OR_SALE CHKAP?A GRAY HORMK, s'l lTABLR for either carritge or drtnghl; alao a rlieatmit Horae, ; S year. old; both warranted round and gentle. Bold lor want of nee. Apply at ?<> Kaat 4L'd it. ________ ' ft vniititt: in search ok a horse, ho to tiim J ial? at ABI'H. jOHSSTON'H oM ami reliable home lt? in 'i.'i l.llti it, near Lairtrilty place, this morning at 10 o'eloc.k. L"*~ANDAl? AND LANDAULKTN. A 8. PLAN DRAT, 373 and 374 tnn iM it., "Id stand of Brrwit.r A Co. STABLK TO LhT-BKsr VKNTILATKD bTAHLK IN New Ynrk. containing 37 open and bn* Haiti; plenty of rarriare mom and riostt*, poaitcaaioti May I. Jnuuir* at at*Id. I..4 Kaatd7U> it. HIV II U, 1876.?WITH SUPPLE millBI, ( AIUII A(> KS, . ONE OK Til K MOST DESIRABLE HOUSES IN TUB city, dark dapple bay, |fit4 baud)*, t> years old, safe uud r eliable, handsome easy driver. warranted sound and kind. c?u tr. t in 2:30; alto elegant lurht city made top Konv l'haoten: one superior licht side bar top Wapou, by stivers; fine llurnes*. Ar.; will veil separately if desired. Address Mrs. W1LKINS, St. James llotel, or call at private stable 115 Eltst 'J2d st. Very cheap tor cash. TO LET?A STABLE, ON CENTRAL- A\\, NEAR 1 Jmice Smith's; Bulkhead, vacant Lots and Btiildltnrs, toot of tratisevoort St., suitable tor auy purpose. O. B. LAWTON, 4J-J West st. rpu LET I'KlVti i: STABLES* AT Till" \\ E>T~ I7TH X st. uud 144 West 30tli st.. between fltb and 7th avs. JAMES 8TIKEMAN. 7b Wall st. TO LET-STABLE A.NIM'OAfll HOUSE, PART OK A commodious private Stable uud Coach House, with use of box stall; imalern accommodations; In West 13th st. Apply to 8. V. JAYNK, iltJS! West Hid st. W~ ANTKD-AN EXC KLI.KNT" I.AD1KS' SALH'TTE horse; one thst Is broken to single harness. State lowest price aud where can he seen. Address OIKAKI), Herald oflioe. rANTE7i TOIIIKB?ONE OR TWO STRUNG TttlVK llorses. by week or month. Apply, with horses, at US SedRwick st., Brooklyn, near Hamilton ferry. & I -BEAUTIFUL NEW LIOIIT TOI* EXI'KKSS IPA'JU. Wajfou; built for $11-3; want olfer. 11*4 West HHb st. <*in mwi > KALW K mortoaoe, WILL p 1" ".U* M.r purchase ihe Building and Btuluess of the finest Hoarding Stable in this city, where there are at present nearly 1U0 boarders. UOETCUH'S A CORYELL, 2tW Broadway. _ ruropc )N?A PROFESSOR, OF PARIS, LIVING !i ? Bols do Boulogne. nill bo prepared to receive, noa, three pupil*, not older than 14; comfort, taiuily life optional advantag e for acquiring foreign Ian* guag. ion and heaid, 4,UtV) trains a year. Apply to l>r. A ? well. Maaa.. or, Mr. RICHARDS. No. 7 Rue Scribe, i*. .. ddreaaot the Professor. Dr. KEBCKUOKKB, Paris, Neuilly 11 Hotilevard du ('hatred. Stick hotel lbs anglais, a first cla b ?y hotel, facing the sou and under English management. It. BAKKK I1AYS, Secretary, 80 Coleman St.. Ijondon, K. C. fiEti \L NOTH ? :s. |}1 ' xN l N A McKELSBY.?IN PCTRS1 ANCK OP AN (>?:Fi der of Hon. .Johcph F. Daly, Judge of the Court of Common pleas for the City and Comity of Now York, notice ia hereby given to the creditor* of the above named firm of Erwln A McKelaev, of 72 Front *t., New York city, to preaent their claims. with the voucbera duly certified, t<? the undersigned, usigneos of the nhove named firm, at either of the addresses hereinafter given, on or before the 28th day ot April, 187(1. ClIAKLKs BELLOWS. 41 Reaver at.. New York city; EMANUEL RISING, 47 F.ont at . New York city. Assignees in trust tor creditors. Dated Nkw York, Jan 24, 1H7?1. NrOTlCK ISA HI. L 8TB WART, OR ROMANS, SIS tor of tin late William Stewart, Farmer Corstorphlne Hank, near Edinburgh, and widow of the late Archibald Kotnaus. sometime millwright at Hobbs* mills, in Scotland or her cUiidp u. are requested to communicate with Robert Men*i??, s. 8. C., No. ft North St David st., Edinburgh, agent for the testamentary trustee of the said William Stewurt, who holds part of the residue of the deceased's estate, in which she and her children are Interested. proposals. QITY OF BOSTON. Proposals lor Sewer Pipe. Proposals will be received at Sewer Department, City liall, till March 1 for the whole or any part of 20,000 feet of 12-Inch vitrified Sewer Pipe, including 1,0006-Inch branches. Apply an above for specification and form of proposal. The right reserved to decline all hide, indorse bids, "Proposal for Sower Pipe," and address to CLINTON VILKS, Chairman Committee on Sewers. NKW8PA PBRI. rpiIE FIGHT FOR THE DIAMOND MINK AND THE A part the masked "Buckshots" took therein. Read Albert W Aiken's great story, "The Molly Magitiref," out February 21. in No. 486 of the Fireside Companion. THK LECTURE MR Vso\. /lOOPER I NION.?FREE LECTURES FOR THE \J people in the Great llail, atjH P. M Saturuuy, February 12, tlie lecture will br delKered by Prof. \\ iIlium H. Goodvcar, on The Greek Temple." with Stereoptlcion Views of the Kulns of Athens and F'oestiiin. Ticket* can he had gratis at the office of the Chopnr Union, and at D. Van Nosttand'a honk *tere, 2'A Murray *t. AHRA.M S. HEWrn. Secretary. INSTRUCTION. A6bktlrm an want8 \ yol no i ad\ to trach hint the EogHsh languu^e. Address E., box 111 Herald Uptown Branch office. PAHIORAPIIH; PAINTING.? ORN \MKNT YOUR home ?t roske pnfWaldr bnMncw; Instnieilon for 11. CurioMit) seekers not wanti-d: ring three time*. MORKKLL, 707th av., near 14th st. vroi NO LAliFl 8 DBHlKOl - < ! FINISHING I III I ll I in Uerrnaniu will find a comfortable home in a reep??vtable fMsUr ; e&oetlent reforfnoeu given. Address Mrs -TI.|NHAKhT Eisenach. Thuriiigin. P v \< i\<; ACADEM1B8. I 1. AK'R ACADEMY OK DANCING, 1SHP HLKKCKKK Ai' % si. Cl *** open tor beginners. Semi tor circular ALLEN IIOUWOUTI: > DAM m SCHOOL^ So. 212 "iiii av. Brooklyn branch at liW Washington -t Classes or private lesson* for ladfus, untitle men and children. For particular* rend lor circular. A?CARTER'S DANCING A?'\hLM\, I'l.lMrroN s Bnlldirig. Stn> vetnut snd (Ah sis.?New < !**>. ? now forming; privato i???ous in glide and *H.Hmnbly * allies a specialty AT MK. TRINkUS AC.ilU.MY t)K I? A N? I Ni?, J\. Lyric Hall, tkh ar. (Reservoir square). Pupils can begin and attend at their conventence. Receptions Dansante every Friday evening. 4 TO II NITERS DANCING \< iDRMV 175 8TATR j\ mi., Brook I vn, classes lor beginners are now forming. Send for a circular. MPMCAl* A GENTLEMEN OF GKKAT EXPERIENCE GIVES JV lust ruction on the pianoforte, organ, harp and barmony, at pupil's residence; 81'> quarter; references given Address, with residence, TKACKiKR, ho* 124 Herald Uptown Branch office. C1UUROHB8 MAY OBTAIN MNGBRS AND'ORGXN ) ists, in every way competent. b\ applying si iVe NKW YORK CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC. No 5 Fast 14th St.. near f?ih av., next to Delmnulco't. mbAOlTKB WANTED RINGING AND PTRLOK OIL L gan ?To Instruct a little girl in bhth: young lady preferred mho I*, accustomed to teaoMnir.children: advertiser resides near :i7th ?t.. on west side. Stale term* and addpes* V, box JtU? Herald office. 11," ANTED?A YOUNG LA f?Y TO ENTERTAIN COM*. y puny, who ran sing and play on the piano: references. Address LAURKM2R. Herald Uptown Branch office. PI INOrORTRI, ORG AWN, AC. 1: F. NT, i P?: h. fl i, Mil-: \M> i.iom) P.anneof mir own make. llW fur *!? and rent, a numbtt of line Mo und hand Pianos, In perfect order. WILI*IAM K.N A HE A CUL. No. ll2oth av., above IHih st. ?FOR SALKT A MAGNlKIclKNT FOUR ROUND Stelnwav Pianoforte lor $20 >: an elegant rosewood case, improved sca.e. T'a octave Windsor Piano, cost $l.20>l, f.?r 8'. ha* guarantee and hill of sale ; Ftool, Cover, Music (Cabinet, cost $1(10. box for shipping, fall this day at private residence VJk) West 2Bd st.. near Bth av OKI U BARO AINT?7)? OCTAVE ROSEWOOD Piano, front rouud corners, all modern improvements, tj make, not ttstd six months, for $B0Ucash; (.'bickering s. *<tefn way's. Waters' and other first class *er. ond ltaud Pianos at wonderfully low prices. Warerooms 4H1 B idway. HORACE WATERS A SONS T PRO UTS FAMILY VIILSRI'L THKIR KLRUANT XV Chtrkorlng Pianoforte at eacrifioe; tonr round, 7'. octave, carved ruaewood ca.e. full axr.R" overvtriimr Piano, coat $ 1,0f K). forftfUU; Stool, Cover. a 7W octavo Decker A Hroa. upright I'iann. Dearly new. $2fJ; box for (flipping. Coll private realdetiee 47 ffwi lflth ??. A STEIN WAY~ UKAND, NEW FPRItiHT AND miliar. f'ianoa ?u<i Urbane on Instalment. and to rent; iarire as.orttnent S. X. HA 1.1, A CO., I.'i Eaet Mtb II t HKAI TIM I, ffAMlKOKTK. (UK. A STFIMWV iv I'ixnoforlo ; (rrenl sxcriflce. J. HIUDLK, Ct Wnrerlejr plnee. near Hroadwajr. "t liRl.tT SACKirif E VAI.MHI 1 \ I -A I IN tu:if Xi. cade I'arlor Huit, coal $I7.N. forfl'.O; two do., >75 nnd >5ii; I'iaiuifortr!, Cumin., I'aintiujs ; I'liamber Suite, with llreaaiux f'aee, f4<). up; t'arpete 30 eenta; iep? and hairelnth Suite, f30, up; Dinluir f urniture. Silverware. Mattre.eee. Bedding. Miietbe.oid. Call at private raeiileuce In.. Ke.t IStli ?t. twu d(Mire fVoru -It av. VHKAI UK I. RtlsKU'OOl) 7 DrT.UK I'lAMr forte for $100. No. 24.7 Kant 30th at. AMMA1NS.-UPRIOHTS AND SyCAREs" RKNT~$4 and upward. Sew I'laona on Inetaluient. of >12 monthlr. Rlnno ram Melodeou, fan. UOKIJON A BON. No. I.I fcaat 14th at. I ADV WILL BELL FOR $100 CHICKRR1 NO ROSE". J 2 wnud 1'ianr.f. rte, modern improvemente, parlect order; iweet, powerful tone. 2S Eaet 7d at., near 2d av. I'RKIoHT \Nf> syrtUR IMANOS AN D Old, ANS~TO ! rent very law or .old on email monthly pajrmetita, at Bt.TTS' Wareroome, 7SH Broadway, corner 10th et. AMVSBMBXTS. II aiif-nv <w mcsic. mtim i A MBT TITIENS MATINEE. lO-MOBROW JUTI'KDAY), FKKKfAHY 13. ATI::*) IL TROVATOKK. MM.E. TKKKKHA TITIENR, Beaumont. Brignoll. Tatfliapletra, MacDonalil. Heat* can no**be aecured at the Academy of Muwcand l?- Broadway ftoora open at 12 :#A r 'ili' K l I: i N' II t LI. TII Mc,HI OPENING NIOIIT Filth ??eDii?U>ort urw Cour-o. Grand Concert Adolph ?<.h?t. baritone: ft P Kurhank. reader; W. K WtlUaina, riraniat. and Yonl* Apollo Cltib t ourer Tirkete. ?2 50; tinrlr Rrtrrred "Tata. 7'>c.; Admietrton. .Vic. Can be had at I'ond t. 3t) I nion |quare. T card" iV Mile MARIE ZOK opene at Theatre Royal, Montreal, iheAltt. Thla lam alinuld not be eonfonnd> d with the box rymnart now pef..rmlnir at a Broadway variety theatre, intler the name of Mile. toe. .^OCIKTV BCHSAHMCH' RVEKY hATI I:I>AY KV| N. O inf; Perreit'e Aaaetnbly Room*, Tammany Building, 14th et. t'ARTIFX A CO.. Managera. I'flB IS RIHBf | UK IB RINKN 1" NEW KAHTKR 11 anthem, b] I! P Dankt. price 3Tv.: alte "Chriet. the l^trd. la KleenJ' by Wilaon, 7.V ; by Andrew*. .Vtr . by Lloyd, 4t>r.: " hr|t Oor I'eaaoier," Tnomaa. (I, by Chapule, oOe.; ' Mornini Break*," hymn. Clarke. .Vie. DfTMiN .* < o 711 Broadway. BANJO, tVciTJR, BONO AND DANCR~ jf(f~AMD ' bur Daxingyanght, by II C DOKSOS, 344) B. w.r? I'rrHK POWP.R. OK M>YK* WfTII THE GRAND 1. Pariaian Bialet Troupe, and BKTTIE KF.MMKI.ltBKKll, at TONY JftrifOH'b Matinee. Iliia Friday, at lev I clock. ERAJ IMBNT. amdkkmkktr. Academy 01 kchic. riTlKJU , UKAND ITALIAN opera 1 this (KKll'AV i'irIMM,. y,,. n ;il * 1 Lasr urand opkka niuhi i,a FAVOK11 A. 1 theresa titiens tfitr ili?* tir*t time in Aiuerioe) ti leonora. i 1 lllll.Mil I I i First appearance thie iwinl of tlw I unous baritone. rtienor TAULIaFIETKa ' c Musical Director anil Conductor M AX M ARBT/.KK -I SATURDAY. Feb. IS. 1 *.3? I* 31. t LAST T1TIENS MATINEE. * II. TKOVATOKE. Rents can be secYrcu ut the Box Office. Academy ol Music, Hill St.. and at RUDOl.l'HS. ltV2 Broadway. MONDAY. FEB. H. ACADEMY OK Mi .SIC. Baltimore VUaDEWY OF MUSIC. ITALIAN OI'EKA. ' ADELAIDE FUILLll'S. ITALIAN OI'EKA COM CANY. MONDAY EVEN I NO, February 14. at S o'clock, II. BAKI'lEKK III sEUGI.IA Rosina Mix* ADELAIDE PIULLIIS Herla dirxt a|i|i<*aranr'U) Higutiritiit LAMHKKIT Count Aluiuviva Mr, TOM K.AUL Fijruro ttirst appearance) Sic FKRKANTI llr. Rartolo.... Sis- HACK1.LI Don Basilic. ...Stjr. COLETTE Finrollo.... . Si(f. LOTT1 ORtND CliOKL S AND OKC'HKSTR A. Mimical Director. Hit. Tomasi WEDNESDAY EVENING Kit,. 10-11. T1SOVATOHK. FRIDAY KVKNINti. Koh. IS-1.A CENERKNTOLA. Reserved Seats, ft Nu ntid fii. according to location ; Boxes, ntul fit). Seats and boxes now at Academy boa office, Schiiuier's. 701 Broadway, anil Rulliuun's, lt-t Broadway. HEATB8 C0M1QUB, fill BROADWAY. Mr. MATT MORGAN Manager TUE FEMALE MINSTKELS, MILCA11KY TWINS. THE REHEARSAL. A new Olio introducing tint entire company. MATT NEK WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, MONDAY NEXT, FEBRUARY 14. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, 1 in six acts and thirty-one scenes, an entire new company, new Scenery, Ac., and the original colored Wilmington .11 III I. EI'. SINOKKS. "TJOWERY THEATRE. FRIDAY^EVENING, r arewen noncm 01 airs. u * ikiwauu, m UNCLE ToM'S CABIN. . Saturday?A grand Matinee of Uncle Tom. at 2. I Monday, February l-l-Mr K D. KATTON and CHARLES KOSTKR, in a new Drama. t Monday, February 21?SIC NOB KNR1CCO FR1///Q rpOMl PASTOR'S NEW THEATRE. X Grand Matinee (thin Friday) at 2 o'clock. WONDERFUL ATTRACTIONS. THE GRAND PARISIAN BALLET TROUPE. 1 Mi#x RETT IK REM M ELSHERO and 3<> beautiful and irtlntlc Daneej? 1 NAT C. GOODWIN. the great actor, author and mimic, giving correct renresentauon*. in character of MR. KDWIN BOOTH MR. KDWIN BOOTH MR. KDWIN HooTll as Richelieu. ChHiifkrau Kit, trunk Mayo as Dnw Crocket, Sothern as Dundreary, Stewart Robaon and Gil# Williams. HARRIS and CARROLL, Ethiopian Delineator#, In * Songs, sketched, Dances and Banjo Sol oh. Miss MAGGIE WESTON, the artistic representative of the fashionable young men of the day. UUS WILLIAMS, the great original. in his own original German Songs, Sketches, Anecdotes and Parodies. EMPIRE CHILDREN, Musical Pheuotucuona in Violin j Solon and Duets. ERNEST BY.N'E, Female Impersonator. A DICE DAILY, the beautiful Song and Dance and Jig artiste. CHARLES WORLEY, the favorite Comedian, in new and laughublc acts. "The Dutch Bouncer." * Post Officer Messenger," "Old Southern Nigs.' "The SfiUiner#." Two hours and a lialf of continuoua merriment. Secure seats early this morning for the Matinee to day. Third avenue theatre.?b. w. HnviioocK. Proprietor.?Eight new stars; Stuart Sisters, the great Character Sketch Change Artists and Clog^iats: J. W. McAndrewa, tlie original Watermelon Man ; II Big 3 Howard, I William# and Nandlbrd, the Coles* Lew nud Lena, Dutch I Song and Dunce and Sketch Artists. Immense success of the Winnrtts, McAndrews groat specialty, I'nelc Kpb's Dream. Kamity Matinee ever}' Uediounjr and Saturday at 2. /TOLOS8EUM~. BROADWAY AND 36X11 ST. POSITIVELY I THE ASSASSINATION OK HIE ARCHBISHOP. LAST I THE SIEGE OK PARIS. panorama ok the THREE DAYS | FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR. OK THE GREAT Open from I to 4 IV M. And from 7!t PAINTINGS. | t?> 10 P. M. Admission, 60 cents. Children half price; no extras. Music in the promenade. WOOD S MUSEUM. WOOD'S. \r THIS DAY. Evening at 8. I Mutinee ?t 2. HERNANDEZ FOSTER I A. II SHELDON, in his great Play, | In two piece*. JACK HARKAWAY. CHAIN OK GUILT, AFLOAT I and Lo*t at Long Branch. AND ASHORE. I Admission. 116c. LTNION SQUARE THEATRE. J Broadway and 14th st. SHERIDAN SHOOK Proprietor A. M. PALMER ...Manager 7sth to 86th time id rose michel, illustrated with the I an i most elaborate and beautiful , scenery ever set upon a stage, anil with a cast of , J UNEXAMPLED STRENGTH, UNDOUBTED | Including the following favorite natives ? j Mes-rs. C. R. Tborne, Jr., Stuart Kohsfin, | Theodore Hamilton, ,1. H. Stoddart. John I I'srsclle, Elien Plyinpton. T. E. Morris, TBIUM I'll, j Lvsander Thompson. W. H Wilder ami | \V' S. Uuigley, and Misses Rose Eytlnge, I Fanny Moranl, Mcta Bartiett and Augusta ! Raymond. SA1 I RIMY, Kehriiarv 12. THIRTEENTH MATINEE OF ROSE MICHEL. Seats secured two weeks in advance. I'RIDVk EVENING. M.i rch 4, luiTH PERFORMANCE (if KO.H-. MICHEL. TA"LLACKtS. " ' Proprietor and Manager....Mr LESTER WALLACE. EVERY K\ I NINt. AND SATURDAY MATINEE will be presented Mr Rroiigliain't romantic drama of JOHN GARTH, with charming and appropriate music, NEW SCENERY AND APPOINTMENTS. AMI Mr. LESTER WALLACE IOHN HARTII Other characters bv Messrs. JOHN Gil.BERT, A. KIT/. HERALD. C A. STEVENSON, t E. EDWIN. I PECK. T ATKINS. Miss ADA 1IYAS, Miss NINA VARlAN, Mrs. JolIN SEKTO.N and Mlsi ETHEL rHORNTOK. iMIIICKEHINO IIALL. \ new york QUA rtet. FOURTH SOIREE. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 13. EDWARD MOLLKNH Al'ER. First Violin; MAX SCHWAR/.. Second Violin: UKORGK MATZKA. Viola; FREDERICK BLKGNEK, Violoncello; kindly assisted by Mr. S B MILLS. Piano, and Mr K REMMLRVZ. Baritone. Mr. UREN1EK will preside ai the Piano. PROGRAMME. 1. Trio, Piano, Violin and Violoncello, B Hat, op. f>7 Beethoven. 2. Concerto, Violin. A miner Rode Mr ED MOLLKNH ACER. 3. Rong, "An die feniegelirlit'- ... .'...Beethoven Mr. F HE MM I RTZ. 4. (aj Etude. ft?) Walls, in .larentelte Chopin Mr. S. B MILLS. 5. Quartet. A minor, op. 41 Schuman 8O'clock. Admission. $1 ; Reserv ed Scats. $1 .V). TNAOLB THKATKE, HKOADWAV AM) 331) ST. 1j Mr. JOsH IIART.. Sole Proprietor and Manager ! Every evening and malvnee. the Iiurlesoiie of 1)11) SHE GO OR WAS SHF.-LI'.l) ASTRAY? Tlie Freeman Sisters and the entire company in new acts. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY I QBE THE IMITATION i)F STEWART lioBSoV, 47 "oor" comedian, as > aptain Oro-?tree, with song*, t.y j BAT C GOODWIN, at TONY PABTOR'8 matinee to-day \KW 1 I MtK MAIM I 11 It A I HI'., 4 . AMI 17 BOWI.KV P W'l'KNIIElM HERMAN fU'ERA. FRIDAY, February II. IS7H, at 8 o'clock, IL TKOVATOKB, Verdi's grand OprrA in four acta. Leonora ...Mile KUOI.SIK PAPFKMIKIU Axucena. Mme < I.ALA I'KKL Conductor, CARL bekhman. < treat Chorus anil Orchestra Popular prices. H"7dwin booth Sot caricaturrdT bct faithj fully represented in the character of ttichileu. by N AT C. OOODW1N, the gifted Mltnlu, at TOKV PASTOR'S Matinee. Una Friday. at two o'clock. G'ERMAMA THKATRE, MTII ST. r All. NUENDORUF Director FRIDAY, February II, ORETCHEN'S POI.TKK ABEND. Comedy by Kneisel. ? Bo* office open trom 0 till 4 o'clock. t ??rpilR SAILOR'S JOY" AND MISS BETTIK REM ' 1 MKLSHKRti at TONY PABTOICB Matinee, thi* Friday, in the grand Nautical Ballet, witb 30 beaalilol lady Bailors. ' Stribwat hall j CARL ALVBS' * ANNUAL VOCAL AMI INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT will take place THIS KVENINO, February II. 1*76, on which occasion tbe following well knoan artists and pupils ' will assistMl" rriedorirke Kokohl, Soprano Mr Edward Moilenhatirr. Violin , Mr. Charles Werner, Vinloucello; Mr " William I'eclier. 1'iano ; Mr.lCarl Wednierer, Violoncello ; Mr f] Adolph Soliat. Baritone . Miss Sallle Smith. Soprano; Miat j Ao^natc Stoffregen, Contralto: Mr. Frederick Specht, Jr., Tenor. Mr. John Saunders, Baritone; Mr Frederick Steeb, Baritone. Conductor. Mr. c. R. MtlKLLBR. 1 Admission 'sic. ; leserved aeats, SI. Doors open at 7. J Concert at H u clock P M Tickets can now be obtained at F (I. Schlrm?r's, 7? <1 Broadway; Decker's I'iano Warernoms, 33 " Union square. Meinaay Ball and at ths residence ui Mr. 5 Carl Aim, Il3 2dn?. A hlirhly interesting programme will l>e presented. TSTBAVD OTRRA BOOHL * Engagement for a II rr I ted ?a?son only, commencing eiATU KDA V, FEBRUARY 13. of LUCILLE WESTERN, in her powerful impersonation of Nancy Sykesin the drama, tiaatien ut Dickens' novel of OLIVER TWIST. Mr. J. H RTUDLKY ha? been specially engaged for the roles ot Hill Syaes and Sir Francis Lavisoo, Supported by an ssceilent company and orchestra EAST LYNNK. MMNDAV, FF.BRUAKY 14. LUCILLE W RSTERN as l.ndy Isabel and Madame Vine. Box mo at now open I'opnlar prices. j ^|ATINRR , TO DAY. | TONY I'AHTOR S I MATISFB ' ? TONY PABTOK H | Til DAY y MATINEE I NEW THKATRE. \& A TO DAY. i NEW THEATRE. | ] j D m at tans ' id>v i-astoh s i i i r<> IiAV I NKW TTIP.ATKK. . - MATIN KB | TONT I'ASOIKS I M ATI N KK r| TO DAY. | NKW TIIK ATliK | TO HAV. J ^ MIOSTI.V YISITOKM Ar~TIIK CUdI'KK INSTmrB At lh? ffrand Seance, hald by Mr*. HARRIET WII.SUN. the ^ world renowned mediant, an Hnmlay craning. Pelraary 13, i. 1176, at 8 o'clock. * RTIRITN to ANSI MR material forms RKsKM- * bmmci 7IIKIK MIKMKK earthly roi'Ils IN \ikw g op TIIK Al HIKNl k in tiik ga.m.ihht AMI i l>kst kibk life in tiik spirit world with >" natiral ih man likk voh kh. L'nder ibe raperaleivn of a NMiilW compered of the j. New York i.reur General Ml i Haoerred ... . fl 1*1 J which ran lie reenred ?l Mr? Wllaon'a, No t Grand at , ami, vd Keudar al Ilia Hake I ofll^a wl CwMr laatit ate. Irwia UK K Li D. PRICE FOUR CENTS. AWl'UBMEim. / i LjOUK 'i hi- a 11:l-\ IT " lir-'A" i .1 ? "I' -! k. W. bl'tlkk ...J Manager l >-7< < i " i i n < ' \ i 1*7(1. riJK sra,vi?ahi> v u:n iv mi uri ?>i m:w >okk. mr. ?.n. 11 'I nr. IMMENSE KILL. Ir. GlotKH S. Knight- > ii11*1 sensational sketch, in oM mi l nail nun- -cones, entltl. d ARirl'SP THE BLOCK I.N EORTY MINUTES, net with the full strength I ilio company, introducing 141 the Great Conflagration Scene 444 >y the original New York fireman. .lack Mullina. Sri Hlor Hob Mart, from King*, will apeak. Mr Harry Montague In bin unrivulled Souga. Me?*rs. i'leruey uud t'ronin. Mrnri McKee ami Rogers, Messrs. floguti and Lord, Messra. Hlita andUriAiu. Tiie Toy Slatera. Heriha and Ida: Mia* Kate Wilson, with other prominent performer* every evt uing. H"* "Hue open daily. Seats aeeured in advance. rTI! AVKMK THEATRE^ (EVERY NIGHT* 'a TO HI pi Proprietor and Manager Mr AUGl's't'lN DALY oitli to 1.4th titue ol Mr. Augiisiin Daly'a aucceseful Diaiu* I'HI'P II ouuu U IT EKEK V P II gg U u K PPPP 11 g 3 u it KKE ,? ? II g qQ u UK. P II gggg UCL'U KEEK , a play g0p TO DAY. Houses crowded ! Sumptuous Scenery ' Extraordinary Caatt I Mtaa I'anny Davenport, Mr. ' I'liarlea Fisher, Mr. li II Han ?..Tv.e Atxa. Mr. Jaiuea Lewis. Mr. W. PIQI E MATINEE Dai ilue, Mr. K. Harden berg, ? _ . Maurice Harrrtnore, .inlin Drew, SAILKDAA AT 1 til, i 11 liockwc'l, and M Jeffrey! l.ewia VIi-H I'mtlj Kigl. Mrs. O. H. t.ilhert, Mo* Kale Holland. Mia* Sydney Cowell and Mr. John Brougham. ,* Box sheet open 2ti t n\? ahead. V Seeoud si IU KB AN MATIM ' W.-.p. . Feb. 1& ^TU AVKNl E III EATRK. TENTH "PIQUE" MATINEE, SATURDAY, FEB. 12, HALE PAST ONE. Ladlea residing at it distance are advised to aerurc Iheil place* In advance to avoid the rru*h and disappointment. 0" LYXAo THEATER ! 55""BltO ad WAY* JOHN E. POOLE Manager. THE MODEL ENTERTAINMENT. the BEST COMPANY IN AMERICA. LINO LOOK. he Celcatial Wonder, in his mai sellout Oriental Myatertea riir-: great pony circus. Eight beautiful Ituiued I'onle*. Three charming little Eijuestriani Plie famed Clown, whimsical walker, keeping the audience in roars of laughter. rheBoneletariir.l. .... Vauiadivl U. l. MORRIS in THE DUTCH AOKNCY. Ol.l) times IN THE SOUTH. lohn Hart... as ....... Old Ephrnim Allisoi 'Ma-ea * In the t'old. Cold*iroutid." "Turkey in the Straw," 'shout on. Darkies " Old tiuie plantation lurlodiet. Mias Atlal; Klchtnond, Miaa Ada Morgan, Mits Nellie Brooke* K. M llall, the Muster Hanjuiat; tlio l'eerleaa Pair, ? Johnson and Kruno , the Three Carlo Brothers, ti e Leading (iymnaataof the World. the great olympic company THK BEST HI I.I. OP TIlK SEASON. MATINEES WEDNESDAY ami "ATI KUAY AT 2. r/|lll NI OUT OP JULIUS C.ESAH KATUKDAI oVI evening m-\t. Sale of -eais now progri'-Mtig. 7~TU WEEK Ol II I,ICS I'.KSAIt. I S.-uts cm Im * urcd in advance. OOTIIS THEATRE. GLANDEr I' SI:il 'Ksit JAEUETT A i'ALIIKIt Lessees urid Mimagerl SHAKESPEARE SUPERBLY ILLUSTRATED. EVERY NIGHT, auil at the SATURDAY MATINEE, of this, its seventh week, utid until further advertisement, representation. wit 11 unexampled splendor, of tlie prea! Traeedv. .1 UblUS C.ES.VK, with an unjiaralleleil congrcgw lion of ShiiUespcuriaus in the cunt, including Mr. LAWRENCE BARRETT as ('AIL'S CASSIl S, Mr. F. C. BANGS as MARCUS ANTONIUS and Mr. E. Ij. DAVENPORT as MARCUS JUNIUS BRUTUS. Mr. Mitnes Levick esnectally engaged to act the tillu pari of the play J and the entire rotnuanv of Booth's Theatre. PROMINENT FEATURES nf the grand Shakespearian presentment, beyond the extraordinary east, are splendid original inu?lc, GRAN I! PROCESSION'S and TABLEAUX, a multitude ol anxiliarioa ami magnificent acenerv. THE FINALE if the play is a grand tableau, the BURNING OF THH BODY OF BKl It S ON IT IE I'LVINS OF PHILIPPI. Brooklyn ihkatre. SHOOK A PALMER Lespeeu and Vniiageri FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, the charming Actress. Miss CHARLOTTE THOMPSON, in her dehchtlul llouiesiic Drama, JANE EYRE. Mi nilav evening. February 14. pro '.action of the new play 1JI KEN AND WOMAN, with magnificent New scenery and a Great Cast. fUANB GLADIA TOI.IAL I'OI'KN AMF.NL ll TAMMANY 1IYI.L. FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY II, at K o'clock. The principal features of the entertainment will be >ner ring by John I)s vrr vs. George Itooke, Protesaor William Miller ?? Steve Taylor. Prolessor Jaiucs O'Nell ?- Professol William Clink Greco i'.otnau Wrestling ? Wilheln Heygsfei vs. Tiohlcr Fontanel ttlieir first appearance in t' is h untryv .lauiet Meaaingei in In* wonderful Cannon Ball ocrformanoe, Sergeant Burke in his Lightning Zouave Drill. Feats is Strength, Broadsword and Fencing. Ac.. Ac. Tickets for sale at Wood's Gymnasium. No. t! East 2sth ?t> Box office ojien at Tammany Hall Friday morning, at I o'clock. Doors open at 7. General admission, fI. Reserved Seats. fl AO. OA.V KKAMTSiil MINSTREL". | OPERA HOUHK OtN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. BltOvDWAY SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. | AND AKTII ST. THE TWO BEST BURLESQUES OF THE SEASON. JULIUS THE SNOO/.KK; or, THE CONSPIRATORS OF THOMPSON BTRBET. Julius the Snoorer Hilly Bird Marcu* Antonlua Charley Hwckul Caiua Casstus tild Rrniaa Brutus t Hilly Cartel THE FUNNY OLD GALS. Scan secured Saturday Matinee at 2, rpUE LADIES' ~ Fashionable Th"atre, | MATINEE Ti e resort fur TONY PASTOR'S. It) DAI innocent The children's j.MATINEFi amusement, deligbtliil resort, I TO DAY TONY PASTOR'S. TONY PASTOR'S. MATINEE new stars. Til lliv minpltii. uiiA The luiuie M AT1NKK | attraction. each week. ?f TO DAY. | I'archM ticket* early Comedy, MATINEE 1 for the TONY PASTOR'S. TO-DAY. I MATINEE TODAY i fALIFORNI.A MINSTRELS, 231) ST OPERA HOUSE" I fAI.IKOK.NIA MINSTRELS il.ATK l?\N BRYANT'si CALIFORNIA MINSTRELS, WEST 23 D ST., NEAR 0111 AV FRANK MORAS, JOHNNY ALLEN, LITTLE MAO. FRANK MORAS. JOHNNY ALLEN, LITTLE MAC, Kmulford ami Wilson, Baker and Doyle, V. H Hrnckwty. Hnndford and Wilton. Baker and Do\le. W. H. Hrockway. Little Vac * K??Ac? of Old Virginia. the J r?u?aduur?. hoclety Sketches. the <Jle? Clob, Schneider, Ac. Next week Hen a tor Bub Hart and tbo great and thfl r?? I I ror > ol the coming ( B i v? n IA I*. BE SERB AN DW IT NESS THK PERFORMANCE Of* ERNEST if Y'NK, Ihe celebrated Female linper>uiiator, at TONY PASTORS MATINEE THIS HAY c A DEMY of Mlslf nTItti LAST Tl TIKNS MATINEE, TO MORROW (SATURDAY*. PEBKUARY 12, AT 1 30. IL I'BOVATuRK. MLLR THERESA TITIENS, Heaumnnt. Krignnll, Tatfliapletra, Mar-Donald. Scat, can now be .eeurad at the Academy of Mu.lcand IK2 Brnadwuy. Door, open at I'd Tl , H arris and cakoll. iiik" ainko\vlk.dok5 br-t repre^ntatire of the olil Southern Niya, with Soiitfi". Dance, and lianjo Sol"., at TONY I'ASToR h MATI* NEE. THIS TUESDAY. ?t 2 o'clock. IJHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. FOURTH MATINEE. i-'RIDAT. February II, i.", P. M . Acndemy ol Music Miaa ATtlLIE J. k I.Al C/.I.K. Pianiete. Crend Orchestra ilerrCarl Hcrginann, Cnuitucmr. firinphony No. . D minor. Schumann ; .run piano, Ith.ploille Hoagrolse. I Jeer. oeerlnre, "Kani.ka." I bcrubmi| llano eolo, Chopin; poem ?y rnphoninne, "On the Muoulaiu," Liaat. Ticket., with re.erved aeata 7.*> cent* For ?ale at Decker'*. 3J Union aquare, 701 and l,18d Iroadway, and at the door of the Academy JTth street opera house? "" ?'t i'itth at . between 2d and 3d era.) > <d> Every evening. <i> A PARISIAN | M LI E VIOl.lfTE | I .A JARDINKT ^ CAN CAN i PICAITS. I MAHILLK. | Wiiii Chahnl Dancers. SO .peciaity artiste. Matinees Wedeaday and Saturday. Pony pastors MAT1KEg TP PAT. [>AKIsi\N VARIETIES IOTII el ANUHROADWAY! L TEMPLE OK SENSATIONAL AKT. iveninga, 8 o'clock: Matinaea Tueaday, Ihuraday end J bet urdaja at 2 o'clock. ORIGINAL MODEL VARIETIES UP AMKRIfA. . More Star*. | More Beautiful Women. | Be?t I'ro/ramme. > Klnett. tnnniett. tno*t dellghtfnl entertainment In Nro York I Koeurt of Kaeliion | Home of Mlrtb. | I'elece ol Beauty. GRAND OLIO OK 00 ARTISTS. Most Leautiful Mullet la the world. Moat I'erfret Female Model* In America. Finest Combination of Atari In New York : Tliree Fact Women. I llnaeer I'olonal* I Smoked Oof. 5 Three Fa?i Women. | Hu tr I'olnnat*. I Smoked Out. Jrltli l)ai? n I La Minuet. | Plantation (rem*. " Mlee A ircinie Si Icknrr, Kmureaa Hong ?ml Change Ar* S tlet | Mi*< Minnie Hell. Originator of Modern Sonjr* | : Blanche Klberta | Feme Stewart. Fettle Stewart | We; none Bridge* St.' Mwdelt 1 Tableaux Via aula, Tableanx ^ Viranta | Model*. hKINK t'N ' III' W A IKK.?MASONIC TUMP LB S3d it end Hth er.. Satnrder evening. February 12, FKOF. BE LEW, l*SY( llurwxildT AMI MF.SM ERIRT, rill i(t*e bit wonderful entertainment, Intrndnrlng Ineomrebonalble experiment*, *el*ct>ng lady and gentlemen aubret* from tbe audience. I INS ELLA BRADY IN HER "YANKEE OOl' RTSHIP ' Mr. JOHN talFFIN. tha renownad t locuiloniat, In big Irematic Recital* and Living Picture* of Noted Actor*. Door* open at 7:3l?. Ticket*. 2.V, ; reeereed aeata. frfle. pifoll THEATRE, I " L Nth M., TIVOLI THEATRE. befweetr T1VOLI THEATRE, 2d and M at*. I TIVOLI THEATRE. OPEN EVF.UY EYRMNH. wM.NTII NATIONAL PXHIHITTON OF THK X A1KK1CAN SO< IKTV OF PAl.NTKK.s IN WATKR IOLOR8. ?w open >1 the National A' clrmy of Deritrn, coiner of Alt* t. and U.'bl ?t ; dally Sunday* etcepted/ truiu l> A. M. until P. M.. ami fr..m 7 until 10 t*. M 'RAMI Ml IlKII fON< KKT.-sTbInWAV-HAI-U Jf Sunday eeeninit, February in, by th- fam.iir and nriflal Wilmington Culmcd Jubilee Sinter*; laruent and m.xt. "pilar Flare band nt JnDllee ?mrrr? arer before the public.^ dnilaeion. Id) rlut*. Hear reed seat* utt ?ale at toe Hall. \l M K riiF.NOH - AiMllKMV OF I'tNIINO. l.VKIC IIALL, tlTII AV., RF.SKKVOIK syl'ARIC Pupil* ean heirin and attend at their convenient*. ECKPUONH OANMANIK KVLKV FHJLAV I.V LMNtl