Newspaper Page Text
TH WHOLE NO. 14,418. DlKECTOIiY FOE ADVEBTISEES. AMUREMENTR-Ist Paoe?4th. 5th aud 0ih coU. A STROLOGY?7tji Pack?2d cul. il BILLIARDS?2i> P??k?2il col. BOARDERS WANTED?7th Pio*?4th 30i. BOARD AND LODUIXO WANTED-7tb P.UK?4th coL ItfXlTK ixn HMllKii-1.. BROOKLYN BOARD?7ro Tag* 4th col. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?7ru Pagk? 3d col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?1>th Pagb. BUSINESS NOTICES?'vth Pack??U> col. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALK-7th l'a<at-3d col. CLERKS AND SALESMEN?7tu Page?2d col. CLOTHING?7tu Pag*?stb col. COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?Tih paob-2d col. COASTWISE STE A m SIII PS?7th Pack?5th md ttlh coli. dancing academies-3d Pack?aucoi. DENTISTRY-7th pa0?-6th col. DRY GOODS?1st Pagb?3d col. ?? DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND UNKCRNI8HBD-3P P4GE-Ut col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?7tu Pack?3th eoL EUROPE?1st Pagi??4th coL FINANCIAL?9IH Paok. FOR sale?7th Pagb?2d coL FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2n Pagb?Ut col. FURNITURE?7tiI Pagb?<!th coL HELP wanted?FEMALES?7th Pact?Itteol. HELP WANTED?MALES?7th Pagb?2d col. HORSES. CARRIAGES. AC.?lrr PAUK-3d col. HOTELS?7th Pack?4th -ol. HOUSES ROOMS. AC.. WANTED? itu Pagb?ith coL INSTRUCTION?2d Page?3d col. JERSEY CITY, HOBOKEN, HUDSON CITY AND BERGEN HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE?7th Pacb?3d cui. LEGAL NOTICES?7th Pagb?6th roL LOST AND FOUND?1 it Paok?3d eol. MACHINERY?7th Pagb-3u col. MARBLE MANTELS? 7th Pagb?4th col. MATRIMONIAL?3d Pagb?3d col. MEDICAL?7t?i Pagb?8th col. \ MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?uth Pagb? titli col. MUSICAL-Jd Pagb?3d col. NEW PUULICATIONS-Nth Page?flth col. PERSONAL?lbt PAOB?1st col. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS, 4C.-2? Pagb?2d coL POLITICAL?1st Paok?4th col. POST OKKIOE NOTICE?1st l'AGK-3d col. PROPERTY OUT OK THE CITY KOH SALE OR TO KENT?7tii i'AOk?JM and 4th cola. I HEAL ESTATE TO KXCHANUK-7th Pack-4th col. REAL ESTATE WANTED?'7th I'agk?4th COL ltKLIGlOl'b NOTICES?1st Pack?111 and 2d cola. REWARDS? la* I'agk?2d col. SALES AT AVOTION-lsr I'agk?4th col. SITUATIONS WaVI Kd-SEMAi.ES?7tu Pack?lat col SITUATIONS WAN TED? MALES?7tu l'>G*-l?t and 3d COl A SPECIAL NOTICES- 1?t PA0K-2d and 3<1 cola SP< RUNG?DOGS, BIRDS, AC.-lst Pack?3d col. STORAGE?7th Pack?6th col. THE TRADES?7*h Pag*?2d coL THE TURK?Iat Pag*?3d coU TO LET KOR BUSINESS PUUP08ES-2n Pacb?lat coL TRAVELLERS GUIDE?7th Pag*-6th col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2i> Pagk?lat and 2d cola. wanted TO PURCHASE?7th l'ACB??th col. WA TCHES. JEWELRY. AC.?7th Pack-SUi col. winter resorts?7th Pagk?4th col. yachts, steamboats, ao.?iotu Pack?cth col. PK It SUN Ala. _ Augustus penton.? ip Augustus penton, formorly lieu tenant in Her MajoOy'a Sixty-third reR uirnt, wlio left his regiment in India for the United States of America or Canada in the year 1851, If living, or his children if any, will apply to Messrs. W. W. A It WHEN, No. 5tt Fewhurch street, London, Solicitors, he or they will hoar of a legacy. *<T)EN frovato'-SEND for it. ADDRES8 -O JULES. Herald Uptown Branch office. j^RONCHINE. ~ B***?I'M SURE. AKGYLK MATINEE THIS AFTERnoon. METROPOLITAN. (lORDKLIA-J. W7~SM7TH, OK "RIND'" AWNING J tame, has charge of "Gilbert's Billiard l'arlor/' corner Bowery and Spring st. Kl'RBKA. C" ian ada?how itongtosee' you i " J 118...2? Tv ?HOW MUCH MoNKV DO YOi' WANT TO TELL J/, me my secret? Address M., hox 128 Herald office. EAOLK THEATRE, THURSDAY EVKNING.?LADY, with slim, durk gentleman, noticed tall gentleman coming out. Pleaso address ULSTER. Herald Uptown Branch office. State circumstance to avoid mistake. I3LK BALL. THURSDAY-NIG1UL BALCONY BOX, J near centre, right hand going in?Ono of three ladies, with white hat. white fan. opera glass, in black silk, light hair; old admirer would like to see yon. Address, in confidence, P. O. P., Herald Uptown Branch office, 1,265 Broadway. Fanny darlino-do not deceive or trifle with your first and only love. Ami yours only ? They tell me you sre in love with another, hut I know better from proofs given. My heart is wholly youra. Is yours wholly mine? YOUR PET HUSBAND. now Mi OH LONOKE I< THIS INFAMOUS COMEDY to loat ? You have uo right to play with my mind tlis way you are doing; I am no dog. Address SL, hox 128 Herald office. I~r THIS SHOULD MEET THE EYE OP THOMAS James Edwards, a native of Redruth Highway, Cornwall, Kiiglauri. he Is requested to write to his brother Henry, who*!s living at the Rose, Shamrock and Thistle Hotel. Sandhurst, colony of Victoria, Australia. AKOI ERITE?IIOW LONG WILL THAT LAST ? IP you favor, please address, confidently (distrust K. A. V.), SOUVENIR, box 150 Herald Uptown Brauch office. MArtOK R.?BEST WISHES POR MANY HAPPY REturns from your siucere friend, FRANK. Mrs. king.?i am in town and rf.ady to do business, hut I will not go to Mount Vernon; answer through personals. TRAVELLER. MISS EMMA "SANDPORD, LATE OP 31 ST 8T.? There Is a letter for you at 1.270 Broadway, important. ML LB. AN7oINKTTE~18ABELLE DEMATHBT MOdiste, est priee da vonlolr donuer son addresse a son frera dernieremeut arrive d'Egypte a New York. Ire av., 287. Ned-yes; sail today in the cunard; do not forget my insurance ia the "Travellers'." W. W L. Nellie m. t.-sknd me your address, address MKPH1STO, Herald Uptown Branch office. TT~C.-SO LETTERS RBCPJVKD; WRITE 1M. mediately; family very anxious. J. II, C. SUNDAY TBLEG RAM, ~ " ~ TWO CENTS. ra. a. a.?ip you can give moke inform atton, write. U N. DEUX. TROI8.?nOW DOES "MY DARLING" look In print ? In print or cut, ever "my darling." I. SEE?HAVB MAILED" YO if A LETTER UNDER s cover to M. M. WILL THE LADY WHO RODE DOWN TOWN IN A South ferry stage and stopped at the A at or House, with a lady oompanton. abont oae o'clock on Thursday, and was dressed In dark suit trimmed with gray fur, address a Dote to HOPEFUL hox 114 Herald Uptown Branch office. Mating where an Interview can be had with the gentleman who made change for her and put It in the box ? RELIGIOUS NOTICES. a T.r. UAIVTtn PHnrrvr. mt spicocsii cirrncu rv . method; loitanlanenuii relief ipermanent curea br STODDARD, No. 8 Wert 141 h ?V I^KXrVCKV 8TATE DISTRl BUTlOV DRAWS BATrRDAT. KRBRCARY 26. 1878. $300,01 10 tn carh rtletrlboted $30(M*K>. Grand capital prt?*. $W>.Of*J. '>.378 other* from 930,000 to $!?>. All i>rt*e? paid la foil after the drawing. Ticket*. 910; bale**, $3. quarter*, $2 SO TllOJdAH IT HATH t CO;. 807 Broadway, New York. V -ObNClAI. DRAW I .Ml KENTUCKY mtaTK Lot K. frier. BtWMONR. DICKINHOl* A Qfi., Manager* urrt'car. *>ta? clam no. 168? purpart 11. 1870. 3. 33. 4. 4?. Jf. is. m. ?a. aa, as, 1. zznTcczr, clam no. 170?raaapaar ii, 1878. 4. 40, 14, 34. 31. 4ti. 48, 33, 89. 57, 118. 64. naaar. mtha clam ho. 80? rnaauAnv 11. 1870. 13. 33, 81, 3, 40, 12, 31. 38, 64. 47. 48, 5Z nt*RT, clam *0. TO? macitr 11, 187a, S3. SS, a3, 71, 13. S3. 78. 38. 4, 2, 18, 48 bull information by applying to or addroMlnf J. C1.PTK. 200 Broadway, or buz 4.969 Toet office ??i?MoMH.- DICKINION a ca-8 GRAND . monthly distribution, en the Harana plan, to b* drawn hebruary 28: al*o Royal Haran* of Coba draw* Kebfnary 19. bull information by applying to or addraidng J I'Ll l 80 i war. or bo* 4.969 Putt offica. E NE NEW TOI RELIGIOI'H N OTIC ICS. UEV J. A. BBITZ WILL LECTCBK ON "THE STl'DY of tlx Beautiful a* a Means of Culture" at Uarlom Cniveraaliat church. 12Ttb at., to morrow evening. Rev. bamuel m. hamiltun .pahtor or scotch Preabyterian rhorch, 14th at., between 5th and 6th a? a., will prvach to-morrow at 10:3b A. M. and H .8 I P. V. R~BVTCHABLB8 * HARRIS. PASTOR OK ALLKN street Method! it Eplacopal cburrb ibetween Delaucey and Rivlngton), will preach morning and craning. Beat a True. Rev. j. spencer kennard, pastor pilgrim church, SJd at.. w-et of 8th av., preaches Sabbath, at H)ta A. M. and 7)% P. M. Revival inoetlnga; all watcome. EVi drfc HKLMBR" ANlf smith will ADDRESS Brooklyn Sunday School Union next Monday evening. Hanaon place MeUiodiat church. Miaa Bronaan and Mra. Sauger will aing. \ Rev j a * b8 m. e i no", ~r a stor7~will preach mprning and evening tn the St. John'a Methodiat Episcopal Church. 53d tV, near Broadway. QTANTON ST. BAPTIST CHURCH.?WM. HAYNK LEAI) vail, past r. will preach at iOty A. M. Subject' Enlbt urent for Life." At7>a P. M. Subject;?"flte End of the World." Stangera invited. Raptiam after the evening eermon. a SC nd AY_telbg KAMi 7 THjp CENTS. QPECIAL RELIGIOUS SERVICES kJ win oe neia hi '.lie niPFODROMB BUILDING, Madison and 4th avs., 2tRli and 27th au.. in connection with the labors of Mr. D. L. MOODY and Mr. IRA D. SANKEY. NOON MEETINGS. Every day, except Sunday. Entrauce on 4th ar. Dvors open at Ilk and close at 12 o'clock. every evening, Saturday and Sunday excepted, fur the general public, at 8o'ctoek. Bntranee. Madison av. OVERFLOW MEETING at 8 o'clock. Entrance on 4th av. FOR YOUNG MEN ONLY, every night, except Saturday, at 1) o clock. Entrauce on 4tli av. Sunday?For Christian workers. Entrance on Madlaon av., 8 to 8 :4& o'clock A. M Admission by ticket. For women only, at s o clock p. m. FOR MEN ONLY. AT 8 O'CLOCK P M Dnore ooen ane half hour tajfore each rervice, Admission to all the meetings free, without ticket, Sunday morning ex cooled. Theexpen-cs of these meetings are large and mnat he defrayed by private subscription. Contributions can be sunt to J. PLLRPONT MORGAN, Kau Treasurer, 22 Wail st. SAMUEL thorne. Chairman Committee of Arrangements. W. E. DODGE. Chairman General Committee. NATHAN BISHOP, Chairman Executive Committee. The blessed dead ?t i i e rev jr. w. bono am, evungeliu, will preach on the above subject, in the Church ot the Epiphany, 13>> Stanton St., Bonday morning. Service at 10 30. Seats free. rpABKltNACLK "BAPTIST ' CHURCH. 2D A V , BE X tween lOth ar.d 11 tli sts.?Rev. Samuel II. Greene, of Cazenovia, N. Y., will preach; morning, "The Lost Bought uud Saved;" evening. Finished Work." All cordially Invited. AINWRIUHT MEMORIAL CHURCH. CORNER Westiilbst. and Waverlcy place. Services 10:30, 7:3fb Rev. W. T. Egbert, rcutor, will preach the sixth in course of sermons on "Popular Scepticism" evening. TV EST TWENTY Tli IRD STREET PRESBYTERIAN v V church.?Rev. Frederick G. Clark, D. D., the former pastor pf this church, will preach to-morrow at 10210 A M., and Rev. Krskine N. White, D. D., at 7:30 P. M. C?JD STREET BAPTIST CHURCH.-REV. JOHN *)0 Dowiing, D. D? will preach at JOjf A. M., and Rev. Edward Lowe at 7)? P. M. IsORT AMD fOUND. t7tound-near masonic temple, a pocket. I? book, with nn-ill ?uui of money. Owner can h?ve the name by calling at MO av. C ami proving property and paying charges. Lost-a yellow canary, a suitable reward will be glveu if reternad to 40 Park av. L~09T?A HI.ACK 8P1TZ DOQ. WITH BLUE RIBBON amnnd hia nock. The Under will bo liberally rewarded by D. W. ODIORNE, 117 and 119 Elm it. Lost?on "Thursday a. m.7 in the water closet of St. Nicholas Hotel, a roll of Papers, containing United State* Navy commissions and certiflcates of service. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving them at the office of tho St. Nicholas Hotel. H. U. KOUKKH. OST?ON THE EVENING" OP THR""lOT?I TnStT. while on the ears of the Twenty third Street Crosstown Railroad, a Ibam si Pin; satisfactory reward will be paid for its return aud no questions asked. Address 11. CLARK, box 4,9d9 Post office. New Vork. Lost?t11 Fr^dayT^ iorrf inst.7 Iktkr 7 an p. m.'. going from 124 East 88th St., via Madiann ar. cars, lo Uninu Square Theatre, a heavy gold Necklace, with Medallion set with sprig of diatnouds. Reward and thanks for return to bouse. oht?ON "SUNDAY^ IN WTH ST.. BETWEEN Hroadwny and Madiaon av., a wide Jet Bracelet. Kinder will be well rewarded on returning same to No. 3 East SSth st. IOST?NUAR MAt I^ON AV.' AND 2CTH ST., A FUR J Tippet. Kinder will be iewarded ots returning it to 37 Madison av. I OST?A FOB MUPP. NBARTHW fclPtNSftRONE, ON J TUunday evicting. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning it to No. 4!W> West H4th st. OPERA ~<7L A98B8 FOUND-ON "SATURDAt. 75 Filth avenue stage. Can be lound at No. 3 East 4Hth st. UN DAT TELEUkTm: ' TWO CENTS. LJTUl.KN ? rKUX THfi JldRtllA.wriUll J> A r I Mil AI j O Bank, January 25, 300' Shares Ohio and Mississippi Kailroad K in ferred Stock, in certificates of 100 aharea each, No*. 782, 783, 784, In name of 0. O. Spolman; 3,000 Central Kailroad of New Jersey Coreolidated Mortgage Bondt, No*. 441, 442, 443. All persona are cautioned against negotiating the same. Hankers and others will confer a favor by communicating any Information they may obtain in reference to the ahove to O. (i. SPE.LM.Ah, Williamsburg, Mass, or 11. C. WILLIAMS A CO., Bankers, 48 Wall St., New York. 11KWARD8. 4>;r RKWAKD.-L08T, ON TUESDAY, A CORAL ipt) Scarf Pin, dog's head design. Apply at 61 Liberty st., room 8. A - REWARD-LOBT A LABOK SIZED BLUE SKYB qprJ Terrier Slot, on Thursday. Keturn to 278 1st av. Sr. RK W A KI) ?LOST. A MASONIC RIN<4~WrTH iTt) light stone, on Madison squaro. opposite i'niou League Club The finder will receive tbe above reward on re turning it to 328 Bast 26th st. ac re w arb.?Lost," os rul iJIYjfoo^lTwWvrE Jlj Spits Dog. with a red ribbon on hit neck. Tile ahovo reward will be paid upon hU return to No. 11 West 28th at. (JtTn7r~WlLL BK~ oTvHN POR WATCn, CHAIN AND ?J> LvU l<ockct lost on night of Broadway fire ; monogram on locket. "R. K. M.." In raised letters; If pawned will buy ticket; no questions asked. Address K. R. M.. Herald office. inflA REWARD AND ~N 0 QUE STI0 N 8 ASK I'D for return ol Camels'flair Shawl, taken Irora Ladies Cloak Boom, Irving Ilail (Elk Ball) last night. Addrees UNIQUE, Uorald office. SUITABLE REW ARD WILL be PAID FOR T1IB return ef a Package enntalning five unfinished black onyx and gold Neckcl.altis, lost Wednesday evening, bciwoon 61 Nassau st. and Pack slip. Address SKXXON A COLE, 61 Nassau ft. SUNDAY TEUSURAM, ~ TWO CENTS. ~ NPKClAla NiOTICKS. ~ k -ISAAC O. BOYCE. 267 BROADWAY, LAWYER J\* Divorces obtained promptly, without publicity ; desertion, incompatibility, habitual drunkenness, lnfidelltv. lnhu man treatment, conviction of lelony Passports obtained. Alabama claims. Officers and sailor* who lost property or wages by the Alahema, Plorida or Shenandoah ean have their claims col lerted by responsible parties by calling un Captain (1 8. MAY. at ,'6 Month st. ?DUCAL BRUNSWICK GOVERNMENT LOTTERY. , 12,073,360, cold, to be drawn in six different drawings. Highest prise. flUS.Ono, sold. One prise to every two ticketa. The second drawing will take place Monday, Pebruaty 14, and Tuesday, February 15, Poll explanatory circulars free. THEODOR Z8CH0CH. Poet office box 6,SNA 116 Nassau St.. New York. 8TRAL COUNSEL?BEND POB ~A PROS pectus Addreea Post office bex 4,829, New York dty -KENTUCKY STATB LOTTERIES 01 X R . SMITH A CO. xnierucxr. kxtba rlam 777?ron 187a 12, 9, 25, 4. 68. 49. 64. 57. 58. 60, 64. 14, 45. kkwtdcxv. class 278?ron 1876. 69. 19, 67. 16, 20, 53, 3. 62. 45. 76, 32. 47, 9. Ail orders address B NATHAN, box 4,870 Post office. New York city, -PARKS, EMERSON A CO. 1 Keolnray State Lotteries drawn dally. Royal Havana Lottery drawn every 17 day*. Kentucky Single Nnrober Lottery drawn February 2ft, 187R Prise* cashed. Information furnished and circulars free. 180 Broadway. Post offloe box 5,272, New York. i9rask8 orlffkn a SPKCIALTyT HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D . 144 Lexington ev., near 28th st. Office hoars from 8 to 3. r. j. p. mann cukes uip disra'bE. white Swelling. Spinel Corves. Contracted Limbs and Club Feet without cutting cords or any surgieal operation or *s hour's confinement to bed, and mostly without pain. Bend for schedule. Oflice 133 West 41*1 St. Sunday and Toes day forenoon. Expensive supporters entirely dtacared. Havana lottery ?next dkawiM FSITRHry 19. llighe*iprise BU'i.fsjO. Whole emonnt ef prises S540.00Q Tor psTt,colars address H MAItTINKZ A CO Banksrs. 10 Wall ?v, basement. Post office box 4.682. H~ 'A VAN A LOTTERY" * Important information gtven shout drawing 19th Inst. Address fe ALE NUB. box 3,994 New York Postoffice TT -CHHONIC CATARRH"; DEAFNESS; IMPROVED J\. Rev. William M. Donnell. rector, Henry ?t., eomrr of Hcammel, New Tortt ? Services every Sunday rooming at 10\. and every Sunday evening at 7)<. The rector will preach. T WASHINOTON KOCAIUi TnUTHOD[~8T KPI8CO pai ehnrch, Rev. WllUam Lloyd.?Morning. "The Trial el Abraham evening, "Uain of tha World and Loea of the Bouh^ Allen street prksbvteiuan church, krar Grand. Onorge O. Phelra. pastor ? Subject for Sunday evening, "Jetui or Naeareth Pavselh By." neat* free. At free tabkknacle mbthodtsT episcopal church. Wait 34th it. between 7th and Sth ave ? Rev. J. Johne. paetor; preaching at lUiSOA. M and 7 ;30 P. M. ; young people'e meeting at 6 P. M. Beat* free LKECKBR BTRERT URIVRRBALIST CHURCH.Kev. C. P. McCarthy will preach to morrow morning and evening, at 10:4ft and 7 siO o'clock. Morning subject? "What Dotl Thon Hear T" A letter will be read from the abeent pastor. Evening?"How to Inaore hncceee. Begin at the Root and Strike Where the Devil le Strongest." C1HURCH OE OUR SAVIOUR J (Sixth Univeraallet Society), 57tb at. near Sth av., Jamoa M. Pullman, paetor. Ron day morning at 11, . "A Uuettieo of Eodleas Punishment." Evening at 7:45. CVM1TRCH0FT11K HOLV APOSTLES. CORNER nTH J av and 28?h St.? Rev. I)r. Jared B. Klagg will preach hunda^morning aad evening. Service* et 1U>? A. M end {jhurcTTok~tiiT: holy thinnV. Madiaen ev. and 42d it. Hoon of eervlcee. 10)g A. M., 3t?j and "X P. M. Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., will preach morning and evening. Rev. J. W Ronham. . Head of tha Houae of tha Kvangellfti, will preach in the atternoon. C~ 1HR1ST CliVltCIl,-STH AV. AMD 35TH ST -RF.V A J D Cole, D D . President of Naehotah Theological Seminary^ Wie., preachee at lli-30 A. M. Firrii k\BKUS baptist cul*ecu, 4<;th st, dr. Arming* officiating. Morning. 10;S>. a Bible reeding on "The Burnt Offering" Eveuing, 7:3U, "VeeeeU in n Ore at House " CURST REPORMED^PISCOFALCHI KCU. MADISON V a*, and 47th n -Rev William T Sabine, the rector, win1 preech ll);?i A M. and 7 4ft P M : prayer meeting Friday evenings at M o'clock, when One pel Hymns by Mr. Hunkcy will b? uaed; Mr. Voakia lead* tbe singing at all Mrricea 1TR5,!L BA"i-FTTiTcFcn open communion, I1' B,,?r E?h ne.-Kee Mr Rowell. tbe paetor. will preach at lo* A. M , and will by regueet repeat his larmon on J uiilfUttion" ?t 7}^ P M MRR ^'-f1 K J. T. BRfliHAM inspirational peakerMecture* 10^ A. M and 71, P M for Society r-hiErLy^^^"!;",.';^-? n *ni' 1akkkt will conduct l ? trffii10 ""'7W iRoaday) at Hlppodrom a, I P w ? work"*. H W H 46 A. ?. Kor w<v NO MOODY GARBLE.?BISHOP SNOW wTf~L preach tha pare Word of God In the CnlTeMltr Wn.h Ingtor, t ioarr. on Sunday at ? p. m ; ?au he. Subi-"' fh. Approving Mighty Troubla and I^livtr?ne?."ijen ill., 1-3. KKV J. H GALLKHER, D. D.."WILL MP*AT~15itf ermoo la behalf of the New t0rk h.hla and i.orm,?.n Prayer Boob Society In ?C Luke* chorch. Ilodaon *4. on Sunday ermine, the ,13th in*. >crrtce at 7 .70 oYloafc kt" William p. abbott FIrtoI?wu f preach at 10-jo A M and l td P y jn ,'t , uk ' ' Melbodiit Lpitccnal ..bora* Ala* ?a ?,i nf is,|, av. W YO IK, SATURDAY, FEBRUA1 _ SPECIAL. NOTICES. . MANITACTUREKB OF PAPER BAHREIN IN I)IFfrruut twill pieuee ftcod their eddreee to U. 170, cere at Rudolf Mow. Huiliuey, lieruienj. Nkkvoub exhaustion?a medical bbbat, comprising a series of lectured delivered *l Kahn's Museum of Anatomy, New York. on the cause end cure of Premature Decline, allowing Indisputably how loet heel\h may be regained, affording e clear synopsis of the impediments to marriage end the troetmrnt of nervoui end phyeic'uj debility, lie (ng the redult of 20 year*'experience, rnoe, 28 cent*. Addreaa the author, Dr. L. J. KAltN, office end residence 51 Beat 10th at.. New York. VfBKVODtTDKBILITY OB LOSS OP MANHOOD CAN is be permenently cured (even old men). Consultation tree. Dr. JACOBY, 161 Bleockorst. Official drawn numhbkbTwyomino lottbry* Drewu et Lereiule City. February 10. 1876. i. M. PATTER. Manager. 26, 38, 47, 9. 44. 80, 14, 71, 12, 40, 63, 3. Next drawing Kebruery 21. ALLEN A CO , 70 Naaaau St., New York. rkau _r THE SUNDAY TELEURAM, ISSUED EVERY SUNDAY MORNIXO. containing the leteat Local Newa, Specials from Albany and Washington, Cable Newa from Europe. Illustrated Police Court Sketches, and replete with interesting Reading Matter. PRICE TWO CENTS. (TYALT SAXON LOTTERY Brunswick and Hamburg Lotteries. Royal Havana Lottery. WACUSMAN A CO., Banker*, Post office box 8,316. 75 and T7 Nassau st. OYAL ~ HAVANA LOTTERY.?NEXT DRAWING February 5, 1876. Capital rrise. $100,000. Prises cashed, information furnished. Highest rates paid lor ' Spanish bills, governments, Ac. TAYLOR A CO.. Bankers, No. 11 Wall st. CONDAY TELEGRAM, ' ?? O TWO CENTS. TO SHOEMAKERS Haviug now completed cur arrangements for a full sunply of bottonicrs fur our hand and machine sewed work for the season, we hereby uotify all our former employes, who are now on strike, that tboy are permanently discharged from our employment. IIAN'AN A REDDISH. 35 Warren st. a- i n iwwi ?royal iiavana lottkky. ^UtU.vUv/i Next drawing February 19. Circular*, with full particulars, sent free. 1*. C. DEVLIN A CO., Stationers ami General Agents, 30 Liberty at., New York. SPORTl.Yti-lHMlS. OHIOS. dk< . For sale cheap?three English skye terriura anil Bull Mastiff. Cull at 311 Pulton at. ? W I* APE. SUNDAY TKLEOKAmT two cents. _ the turf. I FLEETWOOD PARK.?THE LEASE. FRANCHISES ' anil Property of the Fleetwood Association, comprising the Track, Club llouse. Grand Stand, SI.oils ami the entire property belonging to the Association, are for salo, exchange or to lease on liberal terms ; possession April 1, 1S70. Apply to PHILIP DATER. 36 Broad st.. Now York. S~UNI>A Y TEL EUR AM, TWO CENTS. HOUSES, CAKIHALES, dfcC. At barker a son s CITY AUCTION MART AND NEW YORK TATTERHALL'S, corner of Brnadwav and 39th St., MAJOR CHAS. W. BARKER, AUCTIONEER. REGULAR SALES of Horses, Carriages, Ac., EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK. TWENTY-FOUR hours allowed for trial on every horse sold under warrantee THIS IS THE only auction mart In the State having the proper facilities for showing horses on sale?via-, a large dnviug track, entlruly under cover and plenty of room for examination. CATALOGUE OF SALE Til lb DAY. AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK. BV ORDER ot W W. Devine. Attorney and Referee, the following gentleman's elegant Trotting Turnout, comprising the well known and very speedy black trotting (.elding BII.L1E YOUNG. lS>v high, foaled IH6B; got by Jupiter, dam Fairy Belle, by Mamhritio Chief; bus a record of 3 and can beat 3 : !<> to the pole; Is a plrasaut and reliable road horse ; no poller, and warranted sonnd and kind Also top side bar Road Wagon, hnilt bv G. Howard. Jr., and run ouly two months; Que Harness, Clothing, Ac., Ac. FINE ROCKAWAY, built by West. NO TOP. SIDEBAR Road Wagon by Vanduraw. EXTRA FINE hay Trotting Gel<llUf? Hit* high, 7 year* old ; a prompt, free and handy driver; has trotted to 3140; is afraid of nothing; no faults uor vices, and warranted sound and kind. * PARK PHAETON, seats four, by Brewster A Co. EAKGE LOT new and second hand Harness. fiiuili I M.n.nnu hqu uummmru ruriiHuu niffinm. TOP DEPOT Wagon, new, by Vanrhigaw. DESIRABLE, FINE, large dapple gray Gelding, 16.V high, 5 years old spring; an ologant driver, and warranted sound and kind FOR ACCOUNT ol whom li may concern a pair of brown Geldings, 15)high, 8 and 9 years old ; have trotted in :2 54 to the pole. TEN OTHER top and no top Road Wagons, Express and Business Wagons, Carnages HE V BRA I, OTHER Horace. FULL DESCRIPTION at sate. 8ALK8 N EVER postponed on account of weather. SECOND HAND BREWSTER OF BROOME tit. sids bar top Wagon; 1 Stivers do. ; 1 Dtisonhcrry do. ; 1 Dan Goodwin do., pole and shafts, very llaht; 1 Landau; 1 l.nndaulet. by Brewster; 1 DogCart, abifting top. Wood Brothers; 2 open Dog Carts; 1 Victoria; 1 light Conch; 10 open Road Wagons, by the best city makers: 1 Sulkey; 1 Skeleton; 1 six seat Phaeton; 1 Barouche; extension top Phaetons; top aud open Pony Phaetons; also 50 Sleighs, all styles; will be sold very low. Blankets. Harness, Ac. WILLA.M H. GRAY, 20 and 22 Wooster st. GOOD IIOIWBTHARNESS AND BUSINESS WAGON for sale cheap; $31X1. Can be seen at WINTERBOTTOM'S stubles, 90 Sullivan st. ?BREWSTER k CO TOP WAUON, SIDE BAR, used twice, price $350. Inquiro at Eureka stables, 125th st. and 4lh av. AUcTion "sale this day. at n on:lock, ok new and second baud top Buggies, Phaetons, Rockawava, Businoss Wagons, several iTnrxes, Harness. Robes, Blankets, Ac., by COLE A MCKPUY, 379 Fulton st , Brooklyn. "LIVERY STABLE TO LET-WEST 29TH ST., VERY near Broadway john D. SKIDMoKE, 62 Cedar st "T~ OCT ION-L A ROB STOC KTKOOD MARKS, HOR8E8. JV Wagons, Trucks, Carts. Harness, at New York Public Horse Market 74th at., East River, every Wednesday and Saturday at 12 o'clock. CARROLL A FERGUSON, Proprietors. -I OFFER. ON ACCOUNT""OP MY HUSBAND'S . death, four Horses, suitable for track, farmer or any business; half value. Sti Amity st., between Thompson and Kullivan. -FOR 8ALB, FOUR CHUNKY BUILT UOKsES, s enltable for truck, farmer or any hnsinest. nt a sacrifice; trial allowed. 55 South 5th av., between Bleockir and Houston ets ?FOR SALE, 3 HORSES, 1 HA MILTON I AN JMARB, 1 Cnnadian Pony. Rear 15 East 13th St., near Um versity place. QRKAfSLAORlKlOK.?BLACK CANADIAN PONY, two other llorses. yonng and eouud. 192 Division St., butcher's B~~ILLIARD TABLE WANTED?IN KXCI1ANUB FOR A1 city made top Wagon, that cost $4U0; table 4*s. Address ABEL WILTON, Herald odlce. 5ifpK FOR 8AI.E FIRST CLASS ORDER; PRICE $:?>" half cash If required. No. 141 Fast 23d si. CTARTS. TRtrCK AND WAGON ?TWO COAL CARTA, J single Truck, cheap, and Baker't or Milk Wagon, with top, all very cheap Apply to K. BURGER. 75 1st av. 1ARK1 AGE RKPAI RING.?WB OFFER UNUSUAL ) ladlltles for good and pYnmpt work in our repair department; estimates made; suiumer carriages received now will be held for delivery in April. BREWSTER A CO. (of Broome st.i; factory, Broadway and 47th st. ; ware rooms, 5th av. and 14th st. TOOK SALE?A STYLISH KENTUCKY H0R8K. BAY. r I5)i$ bands high, 5 venrs old. broken to both saddle ami harness; any reaeouabie offer accepted. Apply at private stable No. 1 F.ast 42d sL B>or h0khk8 wlfn scratciiem dan mack, j. d. Walton. M H. Whipple and John Morphy recommend Taloott's Cure." J. C. TALCOTT. Proprietor, lttOih ?t. and l<Ah a*. Mold by MOSKMAN, 114 Chamber* *t.. KIDDER, Ha John at. T7H)B BALE?GOOD OLD ESTABLISHED LIVERY r end Boarding Stable; wnll atocked; doing good ateady business. J. W. JORALKMOK, Stor* Broker, 1,267 Broadway. _ HO KM I'.M FOR MALK.-AN UNUSUALLY FINK TRAM for light carriage or road. Addreaa A. X., box l.i'J Herald office. Kentucky horses.?jumt akrived~fr<> m ken tacky dock farm a ihipnient of rery One high bred and superior stepping lloraea; gentlemen are Invited to inspect the stock at Knickerbocker stable*. 221 West b.Hd it RICHARD PENKSTON. P" R1VATB stabLB to!1.rt?near w1ndsor hotel Apply 110 East Moth at. PBKU?KLEOANT BAY MARK7~si RE0 HY JUPITER Abdallah; 7 years old, 16 hands, sound and kind, and will show three minutes to-day; will sell vary low. REDABOCK Stable*. 47th at. near Hmadway. r- LKT-^CKNTKNNUL CLUB STABLE. 1411 WERT K7th sh. In first class order; 24 stalls, inquire at but) tkh ay., In tn^ T" "o renj or for saLk-Vtablb in tjii ht , sear tRfi ay., with Mails room for coachman and lot for oxercisa. Address STABi.K, Herald office W ANTED?A HOCKAWAY OR LKllff" COUPE IT Rock aw ay. In good order, cheap Tor cash . state price and wkars to be seen Address W A., Herald Uptown Branch office. d>f"?BEAUTIFUL NEW LI01IIT ToP EXPRESS PIUU. Wagon, built fW *225; want offer. 124 West lUlb st. POST OKPKK aOTlCK. rht 0FF10K NOTICE.?the KORKION MAILS FOR the week ending Saturday February 12, IH7T>, will dose at thla office on Saturday at 4 A. M for England, Wales. Ireland and France per steamer Celtic, rla Uueenstown -. and al 4 A. M. for Scotland direct per iteaoirr California, via tllaagtcw : and at 11 :'<*> A. M tor Europe per iteamer Donau via Soot ham plon and Hreinen. Mailt lor Australia, New Zealand, Ac., leave flan Franc!ten March 1. Mailt for China, Japan. Ac , leave San Pranrlaco March 1. T L. JAMKH, Pnetniatter. UUMDAT TKLKORAM, p_ TWO CENTH. DRV <*00011. I~RABKAL'fl HAIR MKTS FOR THE FRONT HAIR ? With it ladlet can dltpente with vaile; aito large at oriutent of Hraida. Crimpe, Cnrla. No 7 Union eqnare. OtJMDAY TELEGRAM, O TWO CBNTfl. BOOTS AMP IHOM. (Jl'SUAY TELEGRAM, O TWO CRKTfl. > 4 WILL BUY A PAIR OF NEAT UKRVICBAHLE r r flhoet tor gentleman at lady at CAMTRBLL S, No 441 4th an, RK H SY 12, 1876,-WlTn SUPPLE I SAL.KH AT AUCTION. I A?CONTIXT ATIOH BALK OF a line Silvorptfci*! Ware and Cutlery. 11 l MONDAY and TUESDAY, February 14 and 15, at l'J o'clock each day. at aalearooui 33 Liberty at., corner Nassau. UBOKOK W. KKKLKK, Auctioneer. Ho UCTION SALII?MAONIPU'ENT HOUSEHOLD ,'v Furniture. oropertr of E Gay. Eaq.. y*|, to b* ""Id THIS tSaturdav) MORNING. commencing at ji, 10 o'clock. at Ike elegant lire story brown stone [)0 mansion No. 1U>> Wet 'J3d St., new ftth ov. Magnificent rosewood Elagerea, I.ace Curtains, Mlrrnn, \iu two elegant Pianofortes. Stein way A Hons and Windsor, with V all late Improvement*: latest style Inlaid Parlor Suits, in y satin, bruratel and reus; Inlaid Centre Tables, Cabinets, j Jardtnlsrea. Br on see, Oil Paintings. Chamber Suits in wal- jy, nut; 1 trussing Cases. Bedsteads. Bureaus. spring and hair ricl Mattresses, Carpets, Ac. ; Bookcase, Hooks, lady's Secre- ? talre. Library Tables. Turkish Chairs, do. Rockers, Dining fP Room Buffet Extension Table, Chairs in leather, China A Dinner and Tea Seta, rat Glassware. Lounges, llall Stand. Mr Also basement and servants' Furniture J' LUKE FITZGERALD, Auctioneer. TO UCTION SALE OF CHOICE NEW AND SKC<IND ti' band Household Furniture this dav. at 1<>H o'clock M t salesroom 14 Vesey St., JAMES DENNIS, Auctioneer. A T<i large assortment Parlor. Dining and Bedroom Furniture, My Mattresses, Carpels, Pianofortes, Ac., Ac. Bold without xc reserve." ' | ?TUNIS JOHNSON, AUCTIONEER.- . Old stand. 37 Nassau sT r , THIS DAV. AT 1<i>, O'CLOCK, THE RNTIUB .TEW? ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD FUR no MTI'RB REM -KD FROM A 8TATEN ISLAND MANSION. 7i COMPRISING ALL THE ELEGANT MOQl'KT CAR- (, Dels, rosewood Pianoforte, rosewood Parlor and Bedroom Suits, all the due Bedding, Silverwaro, Glassware, Tables, Cbalra, Ac. ?LAKOE HOUHfRHOLD FURNITURE SALE THIS . (Saturday) morning, at 1(B, o'oloek; all the Furniture, J" Carpets. Pianoforte, Paintings of IB rooms, st the large pnrate residence lift East 13th at., two doors from 4th ov.; velvet. Brussels, Ingrain Carpets; handsome Parlor Suits in J satin brocade, rep ami haircloth; Etagores, Tables, Mir- r<" rors. Curtains. IS Chamber Suits, bair and spring Mat-' ox< tresses. Budding. Bedsteads. Bureaus, Withstands. Ward- T robes. Dressing Cassw. Turkish Chairs, Leitingea, Curtains, Lu Vases, Clocks, Bide board. Extension Tables, Chairs. 200 lots Glass, China and Silver Waro, Cutlery. Ac., Oilcloth, Stair /y Carpet. Sale positive floods packed it required. I I JULIUS K RAMMER. Auctioneer. UCTION BALE OK "HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. THIS (Saturday! MORNING, at 10 o'clock. No. 47 W*Ht lrtth Ht., belwren ftlh and 6th tvaM * AtelnwajrT^ooUvo Pianoforte, * Chickaring 7% <?ctav<* Grand Piano. Parlor and Drawing Room Suits, in crlra?nu, t?n and bine "hilk ) rocade" and satin; Turkuh Loon get. hut.? Chairn, ^ ' Centre and Console Tables. KtageroH, French Mantel Sett, bronze Figure?, Clock?, Mirrors, Curtain?, Bookcasea. Desks, Library Tables, Turkish Suits, elaborate Bedroom Sets, in- ^1. laid BtMLteHds, Dressing Cases. Withstand*, alio single Bedsteads, Bureaus. '.17 buir and spring Mattresses. Pillows, ' Blankets, rep and haircloth Suits, cane Chairs, Rockers, two *T Extension Tables, Buffet, Chairs In leather, Silverware, wl Crockery. Hall Stand, Itt) Carets, Kitchen Furniture, Ac, J Sale positive Take 0th av. oars. Goods packed if required. ' ROBERT O. CASUlN, AucUoueer. JLBHRT H WALDRON. AUCTIONEER, 108 LIBERTY A st.~This day, sale will commence with second hand Furniture. Desks, Ac.; afterward part of an assignee's J lock of Fufulture, Ac.; afterward Groceries, Teas, Coffees, :c. UCT10N, A UCTION" AUCTION, THIS DAY (Saturday), commencing at HR? o'clock, of magnificent Household Furniture, at residence 21 East 20th at . near Broadwav, consisting of magnificent Parlor Suits, Bedroom Suits. Bookcases, Desks, Mirrots. Curtains, Clocks, Wardrobes, Dressiug Cases, Bureaus. Washstands, Mattresses, Tablet, Buffet, Chairs, Carpets, Extension Tables, Crockery, Cutlery, Ac. HENRY ZINN, Auctioneer. 1 Y ROBERT SOMKRVILLB. AUCTIONEER, J1. 74 UNIVERSITY PLACE, W THIS DAY. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 13. AT 2 O'CLOCK, A FINK LILLIE'B SAFE TO BE SOLD KOR ACCOUNT WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. M( BY ISIDORE J. SWAAKOPF. AUCTIONEER-SELLS ?t 2 o'clock, 34 av. B, entire Furnltnre mid Carpet* of ?j boarding bouse; also Fancy Uood*. Hosiery, Ac. Dealer. ,) invited. I3DWAR1) SCHKNCR. AUCTIONKKR. ~ !i ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, in vie especially to order, ^ at tU" private residence, NO. 86 EAST 218T ST.. n9 between Broadway and 4th av., -*} by Edward Bchenck, on Wedneaday, 16th Inst., at 10t? Jj o'clock. .11 the elegant Furniture, til., Mwitiot, Anbisson' velvet and body BruM.I* Carpet.; superb black and amber, crimson and blue satin Parlor Suitus: satin Curtains, to match each suit; elegant ormolu and martjucler Cabinets and Centre Tables. the richest French walnut Chamber Suits, of Bedstead. Itres?ing Case anil Commode., Armolro j a Glare* to m#tch ; Serretarlei, Etagere*. Lounges and Kasy qi Chairs; the finest quality of curled hair and spring Mat- ? ( tresses. Feather Bolsters and Pillows; French plate pier and mantel Mtiii.i, with Coruice* to match ; Gas Fixtures; L' tine Blankets. Linen Sheets and Pillow Cases; a very rare 1J Dining Room Suit of Jocqueranda Wood, consisting of Table BnlTet, 14 Chairs, with Side Tables. Mirror and Cor- M.t tiice.ali to match, fine Glassware and China. M.' Also. M/ some rare and very valuable ancient Oil Paintings, among M.' which may lie especially mentioned two originals of John M/ Wyke, with the certificates attached: also, 7 A SUPERB KKAL BRONZE STATUE, at 3 feet In height, of the Venn* di Mllo, by Sauvage, of Paris; also other choice Brunt.., Clock., Ornaments. Ac. ; also the jj Kitchen anil Laundry Furniture, with which the .ale will commence. N. B.?Tho hoove wtli be open for tuspertion on Monday M and Tuesday by ^ERMfT ONLY, to,be hail at the office ef the Anctioner, No. 60 Liberty st. ORBCLOSURK BALE?BY* MUTUAL LIFE INSUR- } ance Company of verj valuable Property on Railroad I av. and 4th ?t. Mnrrissnio. and near the depot, by II. N. V CAMP, Auctioneer, at Merchant'. Exchange, on lf>th day of February, 17b feet on Railroad av. by 280, with improve-' p. ments. j,., AUCTroNgER_K^(-,lILAR s? . weekly .ate.of general Merenandioe, Fnrnlture, Cloth Su (i.u- lire II,....I. Shirt. Ilr..rerie? flu-are 1, - ..U,. Sewing Mx'hinci, silk und cotton Umbrella*, healers Invited. MARSHAL'S SALE.?J. SKKBACKER, AUCTIONEER, ? will sell this ila>, on account of former purchaser, at ^ salesroom IW Chatham st . at 11 o'clock, 21 live gallou LJ cud* Varnish, 2 barrel* Varnish. LOU18 LEVY, Marshal. Tl Also u lot of Furniture, Carpet*. Clothinir, Showcases. ' Cigar Figure, Whisker*. Gin*. Brandies, Champagnes, Kirnmells Hitter*, Groceries, iron Safe, Ac. MARSHAL'S 8ALK?PETER BOWK. AUCTIONEER* Mi sell* this da;, at 11 o'clock, at the Auction Room*. No' Mi 11 University place, corner 8th *t.. a quantity of Groceries, Mi consistiug of Boxes Soap, boxes Starch, cask* Catsups, Mi Canned Fruits, Mustard, M P. DAILY, Marshal. MNUBIBAl M. AUCTIONKKR, 361 BOWERY, sell* this da;, at UH* o'clock. No. 161 Ludlow ?t , ,, Stocks and Fixtures of Hamuli. Bar, Back liar, Tables, Chairs, w Ac. Dealers invited. . Mortgage bale-by virtue of a chattel Be mortgage I will sell at public auction, on Monday, ~j\ February 14 1H70, at 10 o'clock A. M.. *t No. SM) 6th sv., Ir corner of 4Sth St.. all the Fixtures of a flrst clau nutclier's , Stor-- and one Hand Cart, one Horse. Ilarnea* and Covered t,j Wagon. JOSEPH L. CONTKKLL, City Marshal and Attorney for Mortgagee. \ XJ"UW ON VIEW?AT THE ART ROOM8, " 74 UNIVERSITY PLACE. ^ A ELLIOTT NAKH'8 CERAMIC COLLECTION, I TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION WEDNESDAY AND wl' THURSDAY AFTERNOONS, FEBRUARY 18 AND 17, AT 2 ! Dr O'CLOCK. 1 ROBERT SOIMKFVILLE, AUCTIONEER. ^ ' t7kad~ lb no THE SUNDAY TELEGRAM, av ISSUED EVERY SUNDAY MORNINO, T, rontainliifr the latest Local News. Specials frnm Albany and I Washington. Cable News from Europe, Illustrated Police oh Court Sketches, and replete with Interesting Reading Mat- Liter. ., PRICE TWO CENTS. (, UlCHAKD WALTERS' HONS, AUCTIONEERS?MORT- na gage sale?Will sell this da;, at II o'clock, at 27 East P*' Broadway, 3 barrel* Bourbon Wbiskc;, I barrel Rye. 1 bar Ad rel Scotch Whiakey. 1 barrel Gin. two-pall English Ale "T Pump LOUIS LKUBUBCilER, Marshal, aud Attorney lor A Mortgagee, 7S Nassau St. -iJ MARSHAL'S "HALE THIS DAY, AT 10l< O'CLOCK, 1SH Chatham St., 1 double barrelled (Ion and 3 Musi cal Instrument*. P FRF.NY, Marshal. HI HE RIFF'S BALE OP IIORSRS, TRUCKS" HARNESS, /' Ac.?R. HERMANN. Auctioneer, tells Monday, Fehru- V. ary 14. at II o'clock, at Nos. UN and 1(10 Norfolk street, 6 Horses, 4 single Truck* and I double Truck, Harness. Ac.; slso all the Right. Title and Interest which Albert L. Torrey had on the 27th day of November, 1S7A, or at any time afterward, of, In and to a lot of Machinery, consisting of Steam Engine and Boiler, about 60 horse power; one J Meyer's patent Segment Saw. 2 Schanck's Planer. 8 Cross- ab cut Saws, 3 Rip Saw*, 1 iron Safe, Shafting, Belting Ac. r? Sole positive. WILLIAM V. CONNER, Sheriff. ?' Jsaaa 11. SttKthg, Deputy. Cfc CJUNDAY TELEGRAM," " I O TWO fTENTS. 1 The wynn ellih collection.?mbmsks. chrih TIE, MANSON A WOOD, respectlully give notice that tbey will sell by auction, at their great men**. King St.. ? St. Jaine*'fKjnare, London, In Mar, liy order of the exeru- I1 tor*, the celebrated collection of Picture# by modern paint. 1 er?. and the whole of the Picture* by old master* not Tnclnded in the beguett to the National Gallery: also the valuable collection of Objects of Art and Vertu, formed ijnnngthe last half cautery by that tminent amateur, Wynn fT HilU. B*1 , deceased. ?m; iT_5I!WTflrLlY. AUCTION ERR, WILL SELL AT II auction "0 Wednesday, February 16, ISVij, St 12 o'clock noon. *t the Exchange Salesroom, 111 Broadway, the valuable Property corner Washington and Cedar at*.. . Nos 147. UTH sod 140 Washington si , Will be sold tw Close " an estate Maps *t Auctioneer * ggice. No 6 PTTie ft. 'oi 8 TUNE MUSIC BOxTENGiTihII RfotNO SADDLE And Bridl?. P?A?bI F&rt Kxtiriffui*hpr. rnnewood 5"in? Cam. Kn?IUh piece end Cwi this <) ?. without L1 rexerre. At J< 37 Nhuau xt . At 12 o'eloclr. -L 5 T3DUCATION IN FRANCE-FAMILIES WISHING TO w JJJ send tlieir daughter* to Pari* for their studies will And ?llie attention* and comfort* of homo llle at tl* house of M. i(r and Mme KAIVRKT, lf> Rue Vernier M Falvret tnperin- , tends the lessons. Reference?M. Iloeart, pastor. Its Rue j*t Deinours, and M. Bersler, pastor, 216 Boulevard Perelre. W, Sunday tklboium" " f=i TWO CENTS. POLITICAL.. ? The executive committee or the 'demo- "] crallr County Committee will meet at Irving Ilall this thi (Saturdayi evening at ? n'ebark. in accordance with the 11, solution passed at the last meeting of the Deiaoeretic ,!>. Count; Committee. 1KA SIIaKKR, Chairman Cunnt; I Committee. _ Sunday telegram, TWO CENTA ^ ' AMCkkmkmth. ' TrtRKNCIlY. I PARI.SLVN VAH1-1 GRAND 0LHX~"* C? r Artistic I etiea. Matinee W flu Stars tun Br I D?H>htftil | day, 3 o'clock I ?>*rtrllng Rporntltia* jr BLOOD AMD MftATfl. r [ i-> BLOOD AMD BRKAT1J. I E R AJ !MBNT. jUTOMUnWW. cademy ok ml'sicy italian opeka. . adklaiiik phillips. italian opera company. monday kvkmno. Ketiruary 14. at m o'clock. il harbikkk dl skv1ulia am a Mtoa ADELAIDE I'll I I.I.I|>K rta iflret appearance) Mlnuorina LAMBKUT1 nut Almavlva . Mr TOM kllll. ;ar? (flmt appearauce) Hie KMUtVNTI Bartolo Big. HAOKLLI n Uasllio . .HlgCOLETTE Fhirello Hits LuTTl ! GRAND CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA meal Director 8lg. TOMASl VKDNKSD.AY EVENING. Fob. Hi-11- TROVATOUK. 'KIDAY EVENING. Feb. IS?LA OENEKBNTOLA. lese S?l ami $2. aocordlng tolocation ; Boxes, and $10. Seal* and boxen now at Academy box office, druter's, 701 Broadway, and Kulliuan'a, 114 Broadway. HEATRK COHlguir '>14 Broadway. MATT MORGAN , Manager ITINKE ,1'IIR FKMALK MINSTRELS. LAY. THE MULCAHY TWINS. ITINKE Rickey, Barney. Wlilta, DAY. Barry, St. Jean Brother*, 1T1NEE Homer, Gorman, DAY. Ml** Clara Moore. Mi*s Hanson ITINEE and lliii entire Company ' DAY. at MATINEI'. TO DAY. ilntlne* Wedne*dwy anil Saturday. )NDAY NEXT, FEBRUARY 14. UNCLE TOMS CABIN, lix nets and thirty-one scenes, an entire new company, a Scenery, Ac., and the original colored Wilmington JUBILEE BINDERS. HAND Oi'ERA DOUSE. Engagement,for a limited season only, commencing THIS EVENING, FEBRUARY 12, of LUCILLE WESTERN, her powerful Impersonation of Nancy Sykes in the dramautiuu ot Dickens' novel of OLIVER TWIST tr. J. 11. 'STUDLEY has been specially engaged for the rs ot Bill Sykas and Sir Francis Leviaon, supported by an rellent company and orchestra. EAST LYNNE, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14. C1LLE WESTERN as Lady Isabel ami Madatnu Yine. Box sheet now open. Popular prices. LOBE THEATRE! 728 and 7JO Broadway, below 8th st. W. Butler Manager The Standard Variety Theatre of New York. A Select B.ll of Novelties by tbe Great Star*. LOBE, George S. Kuight's LADIES' HAND Sensation Sketch, AND AMILY Allot Nil TDK BLOCK CHILURF.N'8 l USEE IN FORTY MINUTES, GRAND AT 2 introducing the great FAMILY J LOOK. Fire Scene, with the full M ATI NEB strength of the Compouv. AT 2. 444, TIIE GREAT C i N FLAG RATION' SCENE INATOB HOB 1IART, FROM KINGS, WILL SPEAK. Mr. DAKRY MONTAGUE In bis UnrivaUod Song*, dossra. McKee and Roger*, llogan and Lord, Tiemey and mil* Kuenne Itlil. .1 ll Itrlffli, N *11 i* Zoe T,? ether th regular company of excellence. kfternoon, doors open at I ; evening at 7. rtox office open ilaily. Seals secured In advance. >AKK TUKATUK BROADWAY AND 2.-'l> ST Leasee and Man a or Mr. W. STUART WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 111. First time, after careful preparation, GEORGE FAWCKTT HOWL'S new Comedy, in four acta, BHBB RRttK A SSSS SSSS BRHR AAS8SS H D 11 H A A 8 8 BHBB RHHH A A 8888 SSSS B BK it A A A 8 8 B Bit It A A S 88 8 BHBB Ji R A A SSSS 8888 It Character) by Mlaa Roae W'ood, Miss Rose Lisle, Miss aiio Louise, Mrs. Brutone, Messrs. George Fawcctl Kowe, wis Morrison, J. C. Padgett, Ylniuz Bowers, C. Norria, . (I. Cogswell, F. Langley, Cyril Searle, J. W. Brutone, J. Cooke, C. llosene. New drop curtain by VOHOTLIN. New scenery by MATT ORGAN, CHARLES HENRY. GEORGE HEINNKM ANN. mix OFFICE OI'K.N Ml IN 11A V | Tli STREET OPERA "HOUSE. 'x (S4th St., between 2d and lid avs.) -O Every evening, & <& PARISIAN M'LLE VIOLITTE | LA .1 ARDINEY CAN CAN. PI0ACT8. I MABILLB. | -i> <%> > A'ihi Cbaliut Dancers, 50 specialty artists. Matinees Wedsday and Saturday. IROOKLVN THEATRR ~ ~~ > SHOOK Jt PALMER Lesseos and Managers FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, the charming Actress, Miss CHARLOTTE THOMPSON, in her delightful Domestic Drama, JANE EYRE, fnnday evening, February 14, production of the new play, KEN AND WOMAN, with magutllcent New Scenery and Ireat Cast. AGLB THEATRE, BROAD WA Y AND HID ST. Mr JOSH UAKT Sole Proprietor and Manager. Two last performances of the groat burlesuue, iTINEE DID SHE OO, I MATINEE t UN EE Or. WA8 SHE?LED?ASTRAY. MATINEE iTINEE The entire company will appear | MATINEE iTINEE in new acta. Sketches, Songs, Ac., MATIN EE iTINEE | Ac., at the I MATINEE 'his day at 2, the entiia evening performance given the | MATINBE | this day at 2 iOWKK* TliSATRBL > February 12?Two last performances of Mrs. O. C. HOWARD in UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. A grand Matinee at 2 and In the evening at 8. jndav, February 14?Mr. D. K. KALTON ami Mr. CHS. FOSTER, In a new sensation Drama entitled IDA. February 21-SIGNOB ENRICO FK1ZZO. CALIFORNIA MINSTRELS, 2.ii> ST. OPERA MOUSE* / CALIFORNIA MINSTRELS (LATE DAN BRYANTS). tLlFoRMA MINSTRELS, WEST 23D ST., NEAR 0TH AY. IANK MO RAN, JOHNNY ALLEN, LITTLE MAO. <ANK MOHAN, JOHNNY ALLEN, LITTLE MAC. ndford and Wilson, Baker and Doyle, VV. II. Brockway. milord and Wilson, Baker and Doyle, W. II. Brockway. Little Mac's Essence of Old Virginia, the Troubadonra. Society Sketchea. the Glee Club, Schneider. Ac. Next week Senator Hob Hart and the great Hernardo, and the grand Allegory of the coming I'KNTK.N NI Ale TF.I.NWAY HALL. THREE GRAND CONCERTS. IURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS. Feb. 17 nnd 18, rud MATINEE on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Feb ID, hy the BOSTON PHILHARMONIC CLUB (Their (irst appearance in New York), r. B. LI8TKMANN, Mr. F. LISTKMANN, r. A HAKTDKOEM, Mr. E. WEINKit, r. K. ORAMM. Mr. A BK1.Z. rs. H. M. SMITH, Soprano, of Boston. Mine. MADELINE BCHILLBR, Pianist. TEMPLE QUARTET, of Boston (Their first appearance III New York). F. FITK, Tenor. 11. A. COOK. Baritone. . H. FES8KNDEN, Tenor. A O. RYDER, Basso rickets $1. with reserved scats, for tale at Steinway Hall, hirmer's, 7<>1 and 114 Broadway. I RUMANIA THEATRE, I4TH8T. I AI). NKUENDORFF Director SATURDAY, FEB 12. BENEFIT OF KUGEN PANRA. <Kl 8TAAT8VKKBRKCIIEK. comedy, by Dr. Schroeitaer. dox office open lroro P till 4 o'clock. EE, I FATTIK STEWART. I MAT1NKB 8^8, STAR COMBINATION. TODAY, IB. I FEMALE MODELS. | Parisian Varieties vKUNK ON COLD WATER.?MASONIC TEMPI.E " 2.T<1 St and Oth ??., Saturday evening. February 13. PROF. HELKW PSYi'TlOLOGIHT AND MESMERIST, II give his wonderful entertainment. Introducing incomshruHihlo oxt>erype(Hs, selecting lady and gentlemen subis from th# andience. ISS ELLA BRADY IN HER "YANKEE COURTSHIP." dr. JOHN GIFFI.N. the renowned Elocntfonlst, In his amatlc Recitals and Living Plctmea of Noted Actors, lours open at 7 Tickets, 25c ; reserved seats. Mo. fI NT 11 NATIONAL EXHIBITION OFTIIK I AMERICAN SOCIETY OK PAINTERS IN WATER COLORS, w open At the National Academy of Design, comer of 4th and 2.JU ?t ; daily (Sumlayaexi-eptedj Irom J A. M. aoul M., and from 7 until 10 r. M. ?TRl?lA N~V ARIKTIES. I COME. I MORE STARS, MATINEE IOOMK, Finest Combination, 1 DAY, TWO O CLOCK. I COME. | Best JEiilertainment. I RAND SACRED CONCERT ?STEINWAY BALL, r Sunday evening. February 13, by the famous and origiI Wilmington Colored Jubilee Singers, largest and moat pillar slave baud of Jubilee singers ever before the publio. Iniitslon, M cents Reserved Seats on sale at tne If all. CADKMY OP Ml-SIC. TITTBNS! L LAST TITIEX8 MATINEE. TniS SATURDAY, February la, at 1 30, II. TROVATORK. Wile. THERESA TITIEXS. Miss BEAUMONT, Slgnor IIONOI.I. Signer TAOLIAPIKTRA. Mr MACDONaLD IHICKERINU HALL. ' TUESDAY EVKNINO. MARcn a?TH, ANNUAL CHARITY CONCERT of ST. THOMAS' CHOIR, under the direction of (JEOROE WILLIAM WARREN. [f. B.?The Cbolr must lie increased to fifty member- for the ove concert aud the Easter services. Twenty go-.d Irevh Ices wanted Immediately (especially tenors>. Circulars, th particulars, at the church, nth av. and W<1 St., aud at uraerlng 11 mil. YB JOHN LORD ) ASSOCIATION HALL, MONDAY. AT 11 ^, DANTK. In Brooklyn Atlieucum, Tuesday at 11, . ( II \ KI I M AOXK IVOU THEATRE, I Tl VOW- TilKATRE! 8th St . I TIVOLI fllKATRK. between ad and 3d ava. | TIVOLI TI1KATRK. OPEN EVERY RVENINO. KAD " THE SUNDAY TELEGRAM, IPSrKD EVERY SUNDAY MOUNINO, itaining the latest I<oeaI News. Specials from Albany and kflnngton, Cable News from Knrope, Illustrate.I Police nit sketches, and replete with Interesting Reading Mat PRICE TWtf CENTS. Rfc.NCIIY, I ~ MATINEE iTI MINUET. FUNNY. TO DAY. a O'CLOCK, Costumes IVoLtTY I PARISIAN VARIETIES | Imine XVI. A I.LET OlRLH.-W ANTED, FOR W A8IIINOTON A jSggft Jl? ?'" JOCIETY SOCIABLES" EVERY SATURDAY EVENJ ing Kerrero's Assembly Rooms, Tammany Building, h at?Entertainment first i-laas. The laabiooable resort, innamakor's orchestra. CARTIER A CO . Managers. UNNY i SMOKED OUT,~~i MAtTnES FUNNIER, Y1LLAOB SCHOOL. TO DAY AT X FUNNIEST. | 3 FAST WOMEN. | Parisian Varieties ITB 18 RISEN I IIK 18 RISEN 1" NEW KA8THR IJL anthem. by II. P. Dtnltn price ?>c ; el?o t ori?t Lerd I* Kt?en," by Wil?<m, 7Se., Andrew, SOe. ; by nyd, ?Oe.: "1'Urlrt Our PaMOver," Thrnna*. *1, by Cbapl. SUe.: "Morning Hreaki," bymo, Clerk*. S<?e rnblMhed by O I! DITHOW M CO.. Til Broadway. 1MB RBtrr MEW Mt'MlC ?"PABTIBG BONO." r L KUter, 40c.: "DaUy> Dream." plane. M*inlt,*#r, 5<io. , ho* Golden fionn," }C**tn. 36e ; Pom" LUy." BMiirkt, >rn, sue.; "Hlarery Daye," , B/ebem, widen," Kleaewettrr, Hoe ; H"?b Thee. My B?hy, wtrone. 4?c.; The "Bunny bide " for dondey erhool. foe rplea mailed. WM. A. POND * CO., 547 Broadway, eneh More. tU I'nion aqoare. K?? Tort. HJM f MLLK BKKTHA, I M ATINK K KARCE MVt.KB MORRlN. I TO DAY, 2 O'CLOCK, POLL*. I IKJBli DANCILS. I I'ariMaa VtrwtM LD. PRICK FOCII CENTS. AMUBJBMKNTfe. Academy of music. titiens. if kan l) italian opera. LAST TITIENS MATINEE. THIS 8ATUKDA Y, FEBRUARY 12, AT 1:30, 1L TKOVATOKK MLLK. THERESA TIT! EMU MISS BEAUMONT, SIiiNOK BHUImJli. sidnok tauliapietka. mk. mafdonai.d. Muaieal Director end Conductor MAX MaRKTZKK Seela can be eeeurad At Academy of Mualound Rudolph's, 102 Broadway. Door* open At 12 :30. MONDAY, February 14, Academy of Mmlc, Baltimore. cth avrnl'k THEATRIC <bvhbylnohf.jrtomi> 1 Proprietor and M.ruarcer.. Mr- AUillTSTIN DALY 57th to S4tli time oi Mr. Atigiietin Daly's succevdul Drama, pppp ii qqqq u V rebe p p ii q g u uk pppp 11 g u u u kkk ,? p 11 v OtJ U UK P 11 gggt^ L'UUU eeee , . a play op to-day. Houses crowded! Sumptuous Scenery' Extraordinary Caitl | Mio Fanny Davenport, 1 Mr. Charles Fisher. Mr. D. H. liarMia#, Mr. Jainet Lewla. Mr. W. ^ ^ "endue, Mr. F. llardenberjr, JI . J Maurice Ilarrvmore, John Drew, A1 1 :J0. C. H. Rockwell. and Mist Jeffrey* laiwia. Mlsi Emily lUirl. Mrt U. II. tlilliart. Miss Kate Holland, Miss Sidney Oowell and Mr. John Uroucham. Box sheet open 20dar? ahead. / Second suburban MAT1NKB Wednenday, Feb. 10. OLYMPIC TIIEATKB. 024 BROADWAY. JOHN f. POOLE Manager. *f (JRAND MATINEE TO-DAY AT 2. t (miami si a i i .v i*. r< ml mai a i Z. i hand matinee tu-dav at 2 | ^?: <?> tub model entertainment. THE REST COMPANY Oi AMERICA. lino look, the Celestial Wonder, in Ida maivellous Oriental Mysteries. THE great ru.ny circus. Eight beautiful Irani ml I'oniea. Three charmltig little Kriucatriuni. Tho famed Clown. WHIMSICAL WAXKER, keeping the audience iu roars of laughter. The Bonelees Puialr Yuujadiva d. L. MORRIS in the dutch agency. old TIMES in TUB soutii. John Hart as Old Ephraim Allison "Uioit'i in the Cold. Cold Ground," "Turkey In the Straw," "Shout on, Darkies." Old time plantation melodies. Miss Adnh Richmond, Mlgs Ada Morgan, Miss Nellie Brookes, E M. Hull, the Master Huniniat; the Peerleee Pair, Johnson and Kruno; the Three Carle Brothers, the Leuding Gymnasts of the World. the great olympic comi'ANY in the best bill ok the 8EASON. ci1th miqh r of j uliu8 c ass a k-th i8~8at0 r. l)u day. 8 Til WEEK" of If El US tESAR. Heats esn be secured in advance. ooth'8 turatbb. matinee day. J ARRET!' A PALMER lessees aud Managers TWO GRAND PERFORM ENCES. TO NIGHT, and at this SATURDAY MATINEE, and until further advertisement, representation, witli unexampled splendor, of the great Trarodv. JULIUS CASNaK, with an unparalleled congregation of Shukespearians In IU< cast, including Mr. LAWRENCE BARRETT as CAIU8 CASSIU8, Mr. F. C. BANGS us MARCUS ANTONIUS and Mr. E L. DAVENPORT as MARCUS JUNIUS BRUTUS. Mr. Milues Levick (esuecislly augiged to act the title part of thoplayl and the entire company of Booth's Theatre. PROMINENT FEATURES of tho grand Shakespearian presentment, beyond the extraordinary cast, are splendid original music, GRAND PROCESSIONS and TABLEAUX, a multitude or auxiliaries and maguidcent scene rv THE KINALK ol the play Is a grand tableau. Die BURNING OF TUB BODY OF BKUJ'ls ON THE PLAINS or PHILIPPL Tony pastor's new theatre, hbi> and 087 Broadway, directly opposite tho .Metropolitan Hotel. <1 q> ^ t This Saturday To-night the grand Parisian O night BALLET THOl'PK. N a great bill, NAT 0. GOODWIN, Y I'll Bla, it, lmll,l,r on,I Mimic P Speciality Correct represent*!lout In ciutr A Artists, acter of EDWIN BOOTH, EDWIN S in* BOOTH, STEW AKT KOHSON. T memmuth FKAS K M A YO, SOTIIERN, JOIIN O nnd attractive T. RAYMOND and UUS WILD- R Programme- IAMS. 'H This Saturday HARRIS AND CARROL, MAO- N night, OIK WESTON, OlS WILLIAMS E tha best Kill ALICE DALY' In Specialties, and W of the season. TONY PASTOR'S famous Star T limine* Troupe, universallv pronounced lay H crowded all as THE BEST IN THE E to the door WORLD." A with Orchestra Chairs and Private" T faahinnahlo Rose* secured *t\ days in advance. R audience*. Carriages may he ordered at 1U .30. K, " 4> 4 ? Third ay en u e tii katke.?h. w d itchcociT, Proprietor.?Eight nes> stars; Stuart Sister*, the great Character Sketch Chance Artist* and Clnatgists: J. W. McAndresv*. the original Watermelon Man; 11 lii|? II Howard, William* and Sundlord, the Coles, Lew and Lena, Dutch Sonic and Dance and Sketch Artists. Immense success of the Winnetts. McAudrows specialty, Undo Eph's Dream. Kamlly Matinee every Wednesday and Saturday at 2. /lOLOSSBUM. BROADWAY AND 35TII ST LAST DAY OF I THE ASSASSINATION OK THE archbishop. THE I TUB SIEGE OK PARIS PANORAMA op tub OREAT I FRANCO PRUSSIAN WAR I Open Iroin 1 to 4 P. M. and from PAINTINGS. | to 10 P. M Admission, 50 cents. Children half price; no extra*. Musiein the promenade. WOOD S MUSKUMT WOOD i ? THIS DAY. MATINEE AT 2?K V K.N I NO AT 8. OREAT DOUBLE RILL. HERNANDEZ FOSTER IN TWO PIECES, ROBINSON CRUSOE AND JACK HAKKAWAY. XTNION SQUARE THEATRE J Rroadwar and 14th at. SHERIDAN SHOOK Proprletnt A. M. PALMER Manage* I 7STII TO S5TH TIME OF ROSE MICHEL. AN illustrated with the MOST KI.ABoRATh AND BEAUTIFUL SCENERY over set upon a stage, and with a east ol UNDOUBTED UNEXAMPLED STRENGTH. including the following favorite name* ? Messrs. 0. R. Thome, Jr , Stuart Rnbann, Theodore Hamilton. J II .Stoddard, John " TRIUMPn Paraelle. Ebnn Plympton, T. K. Morris, Ly?ander Thompson. W. II Wilder and W. S ijuigley, and Misses Rote Eytinge, Paunj Vie,rant end Mcta Hartlctt SATURDAY. February 12. THIRTEENTH MATINEE OF ROSE MICHEL. Seat* secured two weeks In advance. FRIDAY EVENING. February 25, iuuth performance op rose michel. WTllack's. ~ Proprietor and M*n?g"r.... Mr. LESTER W ALLACE. EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY MATINEE will be presented Mr. Brougham's romantic drama of JOHN GARTH, with CHARMING AND APPROPRIATE MUSIC, NEW SCENERY AND APPOINTMENTS, A NO Mr LESTER WALLACE a* IOHN EARTH other character! by Mo?ir*. JOIIS UlLHr.Kr, A. FIT if OEIIALD. C A. STEVENSON, V. R. EDWIN. .1. PECK, T. ATKINS. Mi?? ADA DYAS, Mix NINA VAKIAN, Mr*. JOIIN NEKTON *>1.1 Mi?i ETHEL THORNTON SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. I OPERA HOUSE AN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. BROADWAY SAN FRANCISCO MINSTKKLS | AND ZtlTIl ST. TUE TWO HKST BURLESQUES OF TUB SEASON. J I'LIL'S THE SNOOZE K; THE CONSPIRATORS O#* THOMPSON STREET. the Sniiorer Hill* Blrrb M*r-n? Antoniue Charley Harkul ('huh i'unlot Add Rjmtd Brutua Billy Cartel THE FINNY OLD UALS MATINEE TODAY AT 2. KVENINO AT R h I PARISIAN VAKIBTIBS. I S ?? FAST MATINEE i FAST WOMEN. WOMEN | TO-DAY., 2 O'CLOCK. | C' ilHCKEKINO IIALU " "" / NEW YORK QUARTET FOURTH SOIREE. SATURDAY EERRUARY 12. EDWARD MOLLF.NHAUKR. *ir?t Violin; MAX 8CUWARZ. Second Violin; OKORoK MAT/.KA. Violai FREDERICK HI: RON Ell, Violoncello- kindlv aealrtcd by Mr. H R MILLS. Piano, and Mr. V KKMMEKTZ, Baritone. Mr. ORBNIEK will pretldo at the Piano. FKoORAMMK. 1. Trio, Plana, Violin and Violoncello, B OX. op. 37 line theren. 2. Concerto, Violin, A minor Rode Mr F.D. MOLLBXUAUKR. 3. ftonf, "An die rerncitelieble" Beelboren Mr. F. KKMMEKTZ. 4. ( ) Etude, (b) Waltc, (c> .larentellfl Chopin Mr. H. B. M ILLS. 3. Quartet. A minor, op. 41 Srhnmaa So'clork. Adinitaion, $1 . Heterved Seatt. $1 MX F' AKISIAN VARIETIES. I LAHUBHT. FUN-TMATINEK lHth it J nieet entertain I TO DAY, and Broadway. I ment In N. Y. | J o'clock. /'MOSTLY VISITORS AT THE COOPER 1NSTITUTB ai'lhe grand Seance. held by Mr?. IIARRIRT WILSON, the world-renowned medium, on fundi? evening, February 13, 1876, al 8 o'clock. SPIRITS TO ASSUME MATF.RKT FORMS RKSRMHl.l N<> THEIR FORMER EAKTIILY BODIES IN VIEW OK Til K It'lillM'l IN THE OASLIUIIT AND DBSCKIKK LIKE IN TIIR SPIRIT WOKLO WITH NATURAL HUMAN LIKB VOICES. Under the fuperrleiuo of a committee competed of lb? New York pruir . (Jeoerel*l!n>D?lon ...... rO Referred urate fl U1 which ran 0? aetured at Mr*. Wilwu'a, No. 4 tirand %., and, t on Soadat al the t'ckel office of Cooper luaiitnte. from 111 M OKICT, 1VIKOINIA DTIOKNKYI MAT1NBB " 0 eparkllng MINNIK HALL. TODAY, J o'clock, fpociel Ilea | Btj ANCHB ELBERT | Parlalan Variolic*. pARK VHP.ATRB; 1 On Wodneeder, Fcbrnarr 18, will h? prenentod. Brit time. Uavrge Kawrau Kowo ? new Comedy la 4 ecu. entitled - _ BRASS. Bo* office open Monday, 14th. VOLUPTUOUS. IOOBOROUS BAL- MATINKK TIL varied and vol | late. Krenrli Dancen DAY el 3. Parle nule. I Beautiful Women, flan Varlettea ACADEMY ok" m L'fICT TITIKNA _L A NT TITIEN S MATINKK. JUIB oA r I. Kit AT, Fonruarr la, >1 1 Jt\ IL TkoVATUBK. MIU. THHRKSA TITIRNS, MIm BKAPMONT, Slgnot BRIO,SOLI, Si go or TAOLlAPIfCTKA. Mr MACDONALU, QPMDAY TBLKURAM, ? TWO CXMT^