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KEW YORK CATTLE MARKETS. I [CONTINUED FBOM EIGHTH PAGE.] wren and eteera at lOXo par lb.. weight 8S Art H Mayer wild foi U. Uyingetune 99 lUluota Herri, termi not obtallied. At IJereunna Core * Gutdachuiidt aoid fur Haddler A Co 464lliooia altera al lUc. a Ulgc per lb., weight 7 cat., for U ScUoiuberg, 16 llliaoia aleen al like. par lb weight OS ; fur Ctuulie A Nparrvw, 34 iltlnuia eteera at a 10c par lb., weight T cwt. : on comuiiaakiu, 16 Mieeuurl bulla at 4c. per lb., groaa weight 1,410 Iba par bead: 73 Mlaaouri ataara at 9\e. per lb., weight 5V awl. a .7 cwt.; 54 Mlaaouri atuera at a\ c per Ib.f weight 0 ct a cwt. Coney A Mcfbeooo ao d Tor K. Newton 96 Kentucky eteera at 8*0. a Hike, per n>? weight 2.c?t ? 10 ?* o for Joynt k Co.. 09 Kentucky ataara at 8Sc. a lit par Ib^ weight $S cwt ; 20 Kentucky cuwa at *^c br,'. .w* '.?.*?* CWA V K. Dudley aoldfor MicCav anagh 16 flllaoia ataara at 9Ve. per lb., weight tfk cwt.; for wotaakCci., 60 llltnota ataara al 0J4c. per lb., weight i-.rws. j so Illinois lulls tl J*ic. per lb., groas vriiini 1,500 ll>?.; for A. Gllletpla, 1G Illinois (Mora at UVeV?r lb., weight 6^ owt ( for J. Marthing, 17 lllDoli steers at liHgo. par lb., weight 7 ewt.; 15 Illinois steers, at 8\c. per IK. weight 7I? rwV B. A h. W aatbeimar aold for Back A Co. 103 Kentucky ateera and cows. at 8)60. per lb., weight 5 cwt.; for T. Gaaa 3> Illinois *i l?VtC. a IJSc. par lb., weight OV cwt. 1 for B. Head 33 niiuoi* steers, at loCc. allXc. per lb., weight 7 cwt.; for Livingston A Co. H5 Missouri atvora. at luo. a H)<c. per Ib . eeight 8* awt.; for Oberluff A Co. 87 nil rod cattle, at 9e. per 16., to dress 55 I be. net: for J. A. Wright 10&tea, at Ac. par Ibc, wairbt 7U cwt.; for W Hall 34 Illinois alecra, at a Um. per ib . weight d)s cwt. Hniar a.Nii T.fia?Trade alow, but Arm. Sheep told it 5e. a 73ic. per lb. Lambs out quoted; the llocka on aale were generally of farr quality, with a few choice top Iota. IX Waixel acid 1*7 Tllinola sheep, weight 15,380 lbe? at So. par lit.; 187 lllinota aheap, weight 15,730 Jhs., at 5V.0 per lb. Hutne A Elliott aold 08 Michigan aheap, weight 8,180 lba., at 5t,e. per lb.; 81 Michigan sheep, weight 7 AGO Iba, at 54gc- par lb.; 18 Ohio sheep, weight 1.680 lba.. at OVc. per lb.; lOO Ohio sheep, weight 17,550 ll>a.. at GUs. par lb. Judd A Hues inghadi aold 415 Ohio aheep, weight OD lba., per head, at 5^e. per lb.; 150 State aheep, weight 183 lba., per head, at 7Vc. per lb. Kuea A rideock aold 401 Illhtole ahaep. weight 32,91(1 lba., at Aide, per Ih.; 182 Ohio abacp, weight 11X410 lbe.. at tic. pur 16.; ISO lllinota ahaep. weight 18,770 lba.. at Olqo. per lb. Cow*.?Milch cowa not ao free of aale aa when laat reported; pricea, $50 a $70 per head, calves included. Vkalj tan Carves.?Coarse quality meul-fed calvea alow oraale. at 4c. u 7c. per Ib.; groas ualvoe also dull, at 5c. per lb.; smooth quality veals scarce; ratea obtained 9c. a 11c. iper lb. Hoes.?There were none on sale. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. aioel-e P..... II ft. 4 !_ ft?..t.? mums nic^uiui, oiuun ujirriuurs in uuuui, and the General Market Heavy. GOLD STEADY AT 113. Government Bonds Quiet, Investment Securities Without Feature, and Money Easy at 3 and 4 Per Cent. Wall Strkkt, ) Friday, Feb. 11?6 P. M. I The stock markot to-day, for the sake of similo, was ts much like a Third aveuue car on an early trip down town as anything wc can liken It to. One seat was jammed with bears, the other scat jammed with bulls, and the doubling ones bung on to the straps in the middle. Thai is to Bay, the bull and bear interest was about equally divided as to an opinion of the market, while a crowd of petty dealers halted between two opinions, and, without rhyme or reason, was ready to drop Into tho first vacant seat offering. But the bulls and bears were settled for the wnolc trip and the strappists swayed to and fro, with never a chance to better their condition, and the journey finished as It had commenced. So did the stock market, and there was never a clianco lor an outsider to gain a dollar over and above (awful commissions paid. Traders who had to pay this toll found, as a general rale, tnat brokers weft plus (heir commission, while they wero minus a corresponding loss There was not an eighth euch way to spare, with anything to the good left to tho operator. In a word, except to regular Board members, who pay no commission, there was no chance of gain to the outsider. The course of the market was confined to a fractional fluctuation, and the interest in the same roiuced to quite as Darrow bounds. Opening strong under the impulse of lost night's 3rm quotations the list at first showod every evidence of an upward turn, but the slrongth was apparently spasmodic, lor soon prices began to hositate and then to droop nuder considerable realizations. Afterward tho necessity of some one putting his ihoulder to the wheel became apparent, and the power was applied accordingly with the result of restoring the choorful feeling of the morning and closing up the market at about the opening and best prices of tho day. Northwest common and preferred showod the most decided advance and continued it steadily on to the end, while Its side partner, St. Paul, as if It were satisfied with the rise of the past tow days, gracefully yieiaoa mo pat ana vu oontonioa to uoiu us own at <lrm and steady prices to tho end. Among the other speculative shares Pacific Mail exhibited tbo only noticeable change, which, though fractional, pointed to higher IIgurus. The prominent coal stocks, which, by vole of investors, are removed from the usual speculative lists, have manifested a marked decline both In sharcB and bonds these last few days, which has excltod remark. It is probable that this weakness arises from tho fact that tho well-known combination or association of the anthracite coal companies Is now in convention in tho city of ltiiladelphia The five powerful corporations which constitute this congress have met together to lay out a programme for the next season, which is compassed by the opening and close of navigation for the year 1876. They havo been obliged to recognize the falling off in their trade in tho matter of iron furnaces out ol blast and mills and manufactories closed, and they are not insensible to the growing competition of tho bituminous coal fields ol Pennsylvania. Realizing the condition of things, these gentlemen, representatives of the companies, are putting their long heads together, ana tho impression prevails that for the coming six months "black diamonds" will bs purchasable at least 20 per cent below contract prices of last year. Beyond this little stir in coal matters nothing has occurred to-day to invite special oomment, and Stock Exchange mailers may he dismissed with the general remark that the market closod strong and with a generally confident fooling. OrSHlNU. HIGHEST AST) LOWTWT THICKS. Tho following table shows the opening, highest and lowest prices of the day Opemny. Lmrl SowYork Central 113% 113% Harlem 13V % 140 i;:v% Erie 10 V 16% 16% J-ike Shore 66% 60% 05% Wabash 6% 6',' > 6% Northwestern. 42% 43% 42% Northwestern preferred... 63% 64% 63% Hock Island 1011% 109% 108% Pittsburg 93% 03% 03% Milwaukee and St Paul... 43% 48% 42% Mil. and.3t. Paul preferred 79% 80 79 Ohio and Mississippi 22 22% 21% New Jorsey Central 107 107 105% DeL. Lack. A Western.... 117% 117% 116 Union Pacific! 68% 68% 68% C..C. and 1. C 5% 5% 6% Wcstorn Union 77% 77% 70% Atlantic ft Pacific Tel 20% .20% 20% Pacific Mail 35% 80% 35% Panama 130 150 150 Tit* BALKS TO DAT. The transactions on the Stock Exchange to-day aggregated 128,300 shares, which were distributed as follows:?New York Central and Hudson, 100; Erie, 1,300; Lake Shore, 38,400; Northwestern, 22,700; da preferred, 6,300, Rock Island, S.000; Pacific Mail, 8,360; Jit Paul, 9,200; da preferred, 6,800; Oh lot, 3,150; Western Union, 9,100; Wabash, 900; Union Pacific, 300; C n --A I 11 -v. n .~v. U -V.. I <1 w, ws -on* ?. v?.t mju , rau-iiua, iw, uauuiwi ?Joseph, 2,WO; do. preferred, 1.900; Delaware, Lackswanna and Western, 2,753; New Jersey Central, 2,150; Illinois Central, 1,630; United States Express, 1,885. ADYAXC1 AND DSC LI NX. The changes to-day, compared with those of yesterday, are as follows:? ADYsxca ?Hannibal and St Joseph, S: Harlem, 1; Lake Shore, H, Northwest common, K; do. preferred, IK, Paciflc Mall, Hi St Paul common, Hi l're'erred, Hi District of Colombia bonds, K; Erie in (xradon, K Dsolinb.?Atlantic and Paciflc Telegraph, K; New Tork Central, Hi Michigan Centre;, Hi Delaware and Lackawanna, 1; guieksilrer. t,, Hock laland. Hi \Vabash. Hi Union Pacific, Hi- Western Union, Hi hew Jersey Central, 1 w. STATioxA?r.?Erie, Panama and gold. closixo rmicsa?a r. u. radfle Mall.... 5? MIlAMPpf 7?S 7f?V Wcatt'n ial. 77H a 77 K C, 0, C A 1 .. 5? a 57 a?l A PaaTal.. 20 a 2(>H t,C*iC..,., AW a 6.H CslekalWar..,. Id a 1h lnl.LaW ...llns a 117 OalckallYsr pf. 22 a 25 Erie I?V a !??< y ar Land A M ?K [ an A At Jo .. l?r! a 2 , Marl A M l' . "'a A 10 Has A Ht Jopf 'k>\ a Wl AdamaRa Ut'H 1 Laka Shore ... ?hh a fl?H Amarlcaa Ka. tit, a ?-> Mich ('antral eui, a ?i U 7lkJ a 71* A * A a ISO , KEW YORK H W.lls-FirfoKx W\ * NTC4HI..1ISW a 118V Chic * Allen._K>4K ? lur,,? " J Can IIW^ a lutitf 1 CI#. A Plu. . 93lJ a u-V, Ohio A Mia#. 21'! a 22 1 < hie 4XW ... ? '?% Panama 180 a 134W Chic 1 H W p( 641* a ?S Tol A Wah. 5* a 6 Chic 1 H I .1001* a le v'* I nion I'n.iflc.. 6H'? a 6H?i Mil A SlPaul. 43 a 43ft M luoari Pa#... 13j{ a U 1 THR MO*XT MARKKT. Money on call waa In fre? supply at 3 and 4 per cent Prima commercial paper rules at 6 a 6 per cent- ] The following are the rates o( exchange on New York at the undermentioned citios to-day:?Savannah, V premium, Cincinnati, 76 to 100 discount; Chicago, 60c. j discount; New Orleans commercial, 1-10 premium; o hank, % premium; St. Louis, T6c. discount foreign exchange closed firm at 4.86Xa4.86*? for '* bankers' sixty days sterling and 4.89)* a 4.90 (or de- ! I jiittHU. vauia ir*uoiciD oviu * -m, ?v -4. TU1 rORUGN MAUKKT. | * London advice* report console a fraction higher J and United -Huttca bonds strong. To-day Is settling day 1 1 at the London Stock Uxohange. The rate of discount { ' In the open market for three months' bills Is 3% per ' * cent, or 3d Por cent below the bank rate. The increase ^ of specie in the Imperial Bank of Germany tor the week ending Thursday wits 9,269,000 mark a The fol- 1 lowing are the closing quotations:?Consols for money, .J 94%; do., for account, 94% a 94%; 1805 bonds, old, 106V a 106V! ls<i' bonds, 109% ? 109%; ten- ^ forty bonds, 106V a 105.%, ex coupon; new fives, 100 a >' 106%; Erie, 16%; rentes firmer at 07C 37 %c.; ex- ii change on London for short sight, 25f. 11c.; Illinois * Central, 90. In Amsterdam, Northwest prelerrod, fx 06%. TBS GOLD MAHKrr. 3 Gold opened and closed at 113, with sales In the In- ^ tenia at 112%. The carrying rates were 3, 2%, 3%, 1 n and 2 per cent. Loans were also made fiat. r, CLKARINO nofSS STATKKLK.NT. IK Currency exchuogcs (67,393,710 } Curreucy balances 8,726.294 }' Gold exchanges.......: 6,268,430 Gold balances > Obi,731 Tho sum of $40,000 coin was shipped (or tho East at ( San Francisco to-day. The specie engagements for to-morrow's European ( steamers amouut thus far to $260,000. This Is in con- 2: sequence of the advance in sight bills on London. It is said that more spccio will be shipped to morrow. 11 DKT GOODS lMIIIKTA p The imports ol dry goods at the port of New York * for the week ending to-day wero $2,426,267, and tho 4 amount marketed $2,424,072. The total imports of dry goods at the port eince January 1 were $12,731,366, and 4' Wie ivmt uuiuiuit w?ifcrwu f ii,iu i, ttv. OOVKKNXSNT BONDS. ? Tho market closed strong at the following 2 rates:?United Statos currency sixes, 12554 a 126)4; da do., 1881, registered, 12254 * 122*4; do. da, da, S coupon, 122>4 a 122J4 ; do. five twenties, 1864, regis- I tcrcd (called), 11454; do. da, do., coupon, do., 11454; do. do., 1885, registered, 117)4 a 117)4; do. da, do., * coupon, 117)4 a 117)4; do. do., do., now, registered, j 119)4 a 119)4; do. do., do., do., coupon, 119)4 a 119)4; , da do., 1867, registered, 1*21)4 a 1*21)4; da do., do., coupon, 1*21)4 a 121)4; do. do., 1868, registered, 123 a 123)4; do. do., do., coupon, 123 a 123)4; do. tenlorties, registered, 116)4 a 117; do. do., cou- ' pon, 120)4 a 120)4; do. fives, 1881, registered, 117)4 1 a 117)4; do. do., do., coupon, 117)4 a 117)4. 1 BANK SHARKS. * '"j 4 Bank shares sold at 79 for German-American, 112)4 lor Market, and 119 for Merchant's. , THK DHITKD STATUS TKKA8URT. The Assistant Treasurer paid out to-day $100,000 1 gold Tor interest, and $154,000 in redemption ot five. 1 twenty bonds. The following are the Treasury bai- 4 aucos at the close of business to-day:?Currency, j $11,750,000; coin, $73,000; less coin certificates, 1 $31,000,000; revenue receipts to-day, $300,000; cua- jj torus recoipte to-day, $300,000; bank notes received 4 to-day, $500,000. 'I 8TATK BONDS. 7 In CletAknnds s># r.nliimhis 9 rtr.' ndrnrcrol 3 Chollar 99 Belcher 8 'l\ B Savage 23 Conlidencc 2u e Imperial 9 Sierra Nevada 24J$ Mexican 10^ Exchequer.. .* 13 p UouldACurry 21 Overman 0<?i$ c Beet A Belcher 011$ Justice 27 >$ tl Hale A Norcroas.... 6o>, Caledonia 40 , MKXoKANDA. ? The earning* ol the St. Coma. Kansas City and North- tl ern Railway Company for the Oral week in Froruary, ? 1870, were $59,836, aame lime last year, $44,684; in- g crease, $16,202. 11 The epeclo engagements for Europe to-morrow e' amount to nearly $600,000. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES u ? e Friday, Feb. 11, 1870. ? BEFORE CALL?10 A. M. I $14)100 Dirt Col 3.051. 73 HO (hi N J Can RR... 1U6W o 1500 do 7u?$ 0Ou Cbl A R 1 Kit 10 -4 nam M A .St F con < f 87>? 2)>u do d 114 tl 4<?? do e 87-4 1'"' do 109 p 1HOOO M A SI'ln.l AM ?2>j 1(?J Ban A 8t Jo KR . l))t$ n 10UA) CAN We c g li.bJ #'1, 4)?> do IP t 1300(he Wert tl tel... 77', 400 liAu a St Jo KK pf 2tt (i I'M do e 77Jij 2Ui> do e 29 e 4)M do 7?Si W'C.CAIC KR . AW a 2U0 do ?. (3 77W WO Tol A Wab KU ?S f>% ? ar?l 77* loo Atl A Pat pf. b3 5>Z u W?) do e 77)2 450 Del. L A W BK. . 117* 1? 105 N TO AH RKK. 113*5 Ml do 117iJ * 10 *) L 8 A U S R 08-4 4oO do 117 tl 1OU0 do ?3 ^ do 11)11$ o MJO do 2'?J Mil A St I' UK .... 41* t 12<10 do ?3 on 2<? do 43?: a 1?U do tin SCO do 4SC tl 30 do ?>?$ K?l do 43* t 1400 do (8 68 MAI do 43 tl I'M do do 42^ H inn H(. 0 (Ui . Vf.l ?$?? 4 I r HO d? ?7 2?JU 43 ? ?U> do <6 ?Kt do 43V t! 11?"0 do :??*> do 4a1* I 1<W. do ? ? ? , l(JU do 4a ? .' oo do %3 <*i am Mil A St I* pf 7l''i i & > do . >J ?IU torn do. .. 7*-? fW( P?c Mail Sfl 8T.C lu do T><\ I KOKrioKK *3 Its* HI) do ? 1 IUJ Mlrii Cen HH ?0V 3<m do 70V I llDUfwKit t#<0 do 70'. IU do HO Ulfj do 7?S l?UOCbi A N W RR .. 42V loo d? 7^1 4<m do *3 ?^s >'"? do 78 V 1500 do 42 V l<m do 7t>? 2><> d? b? 42', 4??> Ohio A Mlu RR. .. 22 |t?) do *3 42 ?i 100 dn 22W ao-Chl A NW KKpf . ?a>i 4UJ do 23 I ?' do ? ?, ?? do 21V I :-.?t X J Ccn RR 107 200 d? -u' Ml do lott* Ism r?c KK of Mifc.... 14 ll? do 108 10:15 AND 11*0 A. M. M.vmt'85 20, o.edllb 114* ?2unoo U &'(. 10-40,4 lunv 2'*?*t L n 0-2",c.'tlo.u.. lltt'i li?m U H 3 ?. 0. 81... 117* 4*000 t 8 o-JJ. ?. l-l'o i'AAJU do bo 117); FIKitT BOARD?10:3(> A. M. tamo Mo '?. '77 101 aoahdiilCod ee* ! 48?1 itut t;ol :it?.f?.. 73 laoochi A xwitKba <a WJOO do 73 W ISJO do b* 42V WJtXi T* t; t, eon. '2d i 45* IU00 do 4^k 4-mOOhi, RI AF7"?. 108* l"t> do ........b3 42V Oimu Jo ,.b? lint', latcui A N W pf bo 43V LA W K ron 88W 100 do btkl (id Itttm M A St r, I A M B2W loo do 8:t2 8 00 d^_^...>0 W2J, ?W do bJ ERALD, SATURDAY, FKBI *?0M 4 B Peon if. ?7* KOlTnPteRR ?H* o <*XX> do bo 87* BU) M J Ctn BR 100* ? UOOO Chi 4 If W eon.. 102 150 do k< lMlj a 2?*>Ohlo 4 Mile 2d.. 7m* .-0 do. 105* o 2000 Ud I'M Kit lit . 104* 100 do 106 T SOU.I to Km tlakl bo !*I 300 do 108* <r 2O00 PacofMo lit... 88* 20 do 10?v * 4000 Ht Ld I M lit... W\ UK) do. 100* V 10<?> Mich Ceo 7'? ... KwZ 100 do 10? ? 4UOO LIN cou. '98. 80* 100 do 10S* w 5<KA> H 4 SJoM' 82 10O do 108* a M)?hi Oer Am Hk. . 79 lOUChi 4 11 I...bc.b3 10.>V, q 5 Market Hank 112* UK) do 100 ti 211 Merchant* ltk 119 100 108* 1 80 Del 4 II Can ... 121* KM) do b:t 10H w IIU Con Coal be 48 ?U)Mil 4 Ml P KK bo 48 al DO Am Coal be 07 loo do e 42* OU Mastl 77% 4oO do 42% iHJ do ... 77 boo do 13 4b 00 do 7?% 100 do bb() 43 i?J do 77 loo do b?0 4b V 00 do 77% 100 do 4 2% S "0 do o 77", lOoMll A rtt H[ 7U% <J0 do *3 77 100 do 70% P 00 do 77 100 do 70% ? < 85% 7DO do sb 70% ' 00 do o 85% 200 do .... 70% C UO do 35% OX) do ?3 70% do do 35% 2UU do . s3 7? Ol 00 do lb 85% 200 Tol .V Wab be 5% ? UO do 05% 200 do 5% 1' 00 do 85 V 100 do 5% d. 00 do 85V ?00 Del.l. X W UR b 0 lit) U IS Axner Kz be 02 224 do 110% K 70 do 02% 25 do 110% 1' DO Adams Kz be IKK 150 do 117 1J 00 do 110% 200 do 117% K 1? U 8 Eiprsu. 70 320 do 117% 50 do be WM l'*> do 117 y UO do 70 45 StL. lMt48. be .2 DO do 70% 25 do 22% ui UO do 70% luo do 23 * 50 do 71 lu Chi, H A O 110% * IX) do 71% 200 Pa. Kit or Mo . be 1 % J X) do 71% 200 do 13% S HO do 71% 1(M) do 13% 1) DO Erie UK be 10% 35 N Y. N H A 11 150% X) do ?3 1U% 18% ? U Mich leu KK. uc tt) 1UO do c 18% XJOLd A M a be 66 100 do sb 1*% * DO do h3 05% 100 d.. . .sb 10 J T3 %'. Missouri sixes, of 1877, sold at 101; Virginia l sixes, second series, at 46>?. ^ &AILKOAU BONOS. Railroad bonds wero dull and strong. Tbe changes $ In prices were an advance of 1% In Milwaukee and St. 1 Paul sinking funds, X in Chicago and Northwest consols, Ohio and Mississippi seconds, Louisville and Nashville seconds; M ln Milwankeo and St. Paul (I. and M. j division) and Chicago and Northwest gold sevens, X in 1 Michigan Central serous and Union Pacific firsts. The * ouly decline was % In Lehigh and WiUresbsrre consols and % In Missouri Pacific firsts. In tha afternoon i Northwest consolidated coupon gold bonds were taken jj at 90S and plain at 102. St. Panl seconds sold at 95 and l consolidated sinking funds advanced to 83. Union Pa- ^ cific sinking funds brought 96% a 90 and Central I Pacific, San Joaqnin branch, 94S- Chicago, Burling- j ton and Qulncy eights sold at 115. ? BA1LHOAD ?m J There was no confirmation of the reports circulated ^ yesterday that the pool lines of railroads oast from 5 Chicago wero likely to sottle the impending fight. The 1 report Is supposed to have grown out of the fact that 1 the Northern llues In the pools have held several pri- y vale moellngs, the occasion of which la supposed to G have been that those llues have finally discovered that e the "pool" was working In such a manner as to divert J buainoss awar from Chicago, and therefore to the moro I Southern railroads, particularly to the Baltimore and 4 Ohio road. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS The following are the Philadelphia stock quotations C at three o'clock this day:? Bid J itked City sixes, old 103 loss City sixes, new losjtf loss Camden and Ainboy Railroad 139 139 s Pennsylvania Railroad b4% 65 Philadelphia and Heading Railroad... 60S 50% Lehigh Valley Railroad 63 ? Calawlssa Railroad, pre! 46 S 46 Philadelphia and Erie Railroad 21S If If Northern Central Railroad 3S 8s S Lehigh Navigation 60S 60 ? Lehigh Navigation gold loan 105 lui % ? IMM; QrOTATIOKS. I The following are the closing official prtcos of mining T stocks to-day:? 4 Consol. Virginia.... 423 Crown Point &)% c Calilornia MS Yellow Jacket 104 v Segregated Belcher. 86 Empire 0 , A.1.1. S7XC A I nil a QALT I 1 MOO do 65* IIW Han A St Jo pfbc 28* 11 790 do .. 05*, too do '-6* ri DO do s3 H.,* lno do 2-* . X) do 65* blU Atl A Pac |?f 5* h HO do e 05* 50 Onio A M KR...bc 22* ? :x> do 05*. 100 do 21* .. DO do 05 V loo 21V J JO do 53 05,', 500 do 21 * * BEFORE CALL-IS:.*) P. M. \ JSDOU 85-20.C, '65.o 117* lOOebs L S A M 8...M 06 * 500 US 5-20,r,'05,no 110S, lot do ,3 65* J. 1000U a 5-20, c,'67.0 121* 100 do 65* A 5000 17 8 5's, c, '81... 117* ??X> do 53 63.', ~ riOOO CINWcojb, txj* 500 Chi A N W Rll ... 42* ?' 1000 0u PmI g 101*. 100 < hi * N W Kltpr. 63 ', h hOOM A 5 Pconsf. t7* 200 N J Cm BR 106* n JO she Unit U Tel.... 77* 10 do IOll? g Jo do 53 77V, 100 do 106* , 00 do 53 77', 700 Mil A St 1' KR 411 g JO C 8 Express. 71)5 200 Mil A St 1' pi. 53 70* * 70 Mich (Jen RR 00 500 Jo 79* ' UOPasMailSS 56 200 do 70), 2 JO do 31>* yoODel, L A W RR.... 117 J! 00 do .53 30 11X1 do 110* g 00 do 06 200 Ohio A Miss 21* 5 00 do 53 35* 1(S> lliui A St Jo UK 10 J 00 Chi A K I UK. bJ 100 lito do ,3 10 r 1*1 -do 100 100 Hull A St Jopf ... 20 7 1U0 L S A M S KR.... 65', 200 St L., 1 Mt AS Uli. 23 1 00 do 60 " 2 P. M. 1 5000 US 5-'_0,c,'65.b c 117* $10( 07 U 8 5-20,0, *67. 151* , tJOO ' I' S .1-211, r, '!- >.II 110', 2tS?> U S5'?, c.'81..tic 117 V I 0000 U 85-20, o,'05.u 110* 5001)0 do 117* J SECOND BOARD?1 P. M. I200OO Dt?t Col 3.63's, 7b l(? efce Panama..b c s3 130* OS* 100 5 J Ceu KK. ...5c 106* t 0' XX) OA Mconal.bc 00 20)ChlAKl. bc.b3l09* ? 2000 U, B A Q S's.... 115 SUOUANWpf bo 63* i llASX) M A -St 1' 2d.... 05 WX) Chi A N W 42* i 70 0 051 A N W con.. 102 ?i)0 do 42', ? 5000 B,OK A M 46 lOOO do b3 43 i 11XX) 11 A S Jo 8 ?.cun 62 b W do 43 t 9XX) do 62* H'W do 43* 15000 C PUt, St J Or. 01* 6 w do 4'2* i 5000 C.O A 1 C 1st. . 53 MOO do 4b* i J O slia D A 11 Can. .be 121* 2500 do 43* i 80 Weet Un Tel .bc.c 77* 100 Tol A W %b 5* j .00 do 77', IS P. St W A C gtd . 101* fl !00 do bb 77 * 300MilAStPUR.bc 43* > K?) do '7* 2iSj do.. 53 43* | 50 U S Express.. b e 71 boO do 43* t 10 do 7o* looM A St Ppr. 5c.b3 70* c IX) do 71* 100 do C 70* n 00 Adams Express... 110* 3<w do 79* 5 J)0 Wells-Fargo t-6, 20i) do e 70* 1 10 do 6s), 100 do 0 70s, |, .OOPaeMSS be 35* UK) Co 7U?! I !(X) do blO 36 500 do 70* ? XX) oo 30 20 i D, I A W KK..bc 116* i 010 bit* 100 do 560 116' j WO do ...?3 36* 25 Chi, Bur A Q.. b o 119* 00 do blO 36 lOOChl . Alt 105 c 5 M t Erie KU bo )?* 10 Ml a M it, ...b c.u f 21* / >50 III Con RR be 00* 100 Han A S Jo RR.bc 10* 1 WO do 09* 100 do 19* , I00L8A MS...bc.b3 6.5* lOHHASlJopf 20* a 00 do s3 65* loO do bo 20* ) 00 do 65* 20t> do . . 29* 8 ill do 6? 80 Alt A T H pf .be 22 c 200 do b3 66* lOO Pac of Mo. b c.s3 13* v 00 Uo 06* lot) do.... 14 ( i)0 do ?3 63 bOO St L.K CAN pl'.b c 29 f 00 do 50* t 2:30 TO 3 P. M. < 1000 Un Pac 1st 101* 100 ,b? Chi A N W pf? 64* J 10UO Ou PacauiX 1... I'll boo do 64* 5000 do 95* loo do 64-s J OOOOCa So 1st. c on.. 69 * !2oO do 64 a P iJOUO C A N W c c g b. HO* IK?i do 64* ' 61-00 HASP con s f. 66 30? do ,3 64* 2 00 shs Con Coal . .,3 47* HO 0, C, C A I KR . 56* 00 M L A M. ass pd. . 10 too Chi A It I Kit .54 loo* 40o ttesl L'n lot 77* 200 Tol A W?b RR ... 5* 00 do ?3 77* 4COMI1 A St P KR ... 4b* 20 Adams Express... Ill 4ixi do bb 43* 10 do b 00 111* MX) do.... 4b* 00 Wells Knrgo Ex. . 6** iO) do 4.)* 50 do 66* 3tX) dit ... 4;ta WO Harlem RR 19* 10L Mil A St P pr 79* WO ao 5b 140 2IA) do 79* 00 Pac MsilSS 56 120 do 79* 113 do s3 35* ltaj Ohio A M Kit .53 22 WO do 53 36 1IXJ do 21* 00 do 36 HO do 53 21* .200 L S A M S KK ... 6* 100 do 22 ,300 do bb 66* 40O Han A St Jo RR.. 19* 1 00 do 61* 300 do 19* OIO do.... s3 66* SO do 19* 1500 do 66* lis I uo oJ 19* , 100 do 06,* 100 do 53 2(1 OO do s3 66i, 30O Han A St Jo pf.... 29* OO do 53 66* IUI do bb 30 00 Mleh I en KR to* 300 St L, I Mt A S KK 23 , 20 Panama UK 130 lOO do 24 50 111 Cen KR 99* 1IXJ do 24* 00 do 09* 1(X) do 24 . UOChi A N W RR ... 43* 2(Xi do bl 25 00 do 43* 2ID8IL. KCANKK. 5* 01? do 43* lOOStL.K C A N pf.... 29* I? do s3 43* 2tW do 30' IX) do 53 43* 2<X> do.... 30* I? do 43 * 63 Mor A Es, RR. . lo.,?" lO Chi A S W pf 63* 100 Mo. Kau A Tex. 53 H* 00 do 53 64 1U) Atl A Pac pi 5>, COMMERCIAL REPORT. :OTTON ON THK HPOT l-16o. Hill HER?FtTTTJREH EAST?FLOOR FIRM?WHEAT FIRM?CORN* STEADY?OATS QUIET?POKE HIGHER?WHISKEY EASY ?LAnD HIGHER ?PETItOIJtUM FIRM BriKITS TURPENTINE DHL??ROSIN DULL? OILS UNCHANGED -FREIGHTS STEADY?COFFEE QUILT?SUGAR STEADY. Friday, Feb. 11?6 P. W. Bu8lneM In nicrcnnltle circles has contiuucd light ia early all departments during the weok, yet the genral situation may be rngardod as stimowbnl improved, n the first place holders of merchandise have manlested unusual DrmnoFS in the face of continued mac Ivlty, and their disinclination to make conessions has been more and more apparent rtth the lapse of evory successive week since he new year sot in. Expectations of a fairly active pring season are still Indulged, in spite of the dlsou raging circumstances of tbo times, and these cxectations are general, and form the basis of tbo inreasing firmness In business circles from time to ime reverted to In the comciarcial columns of the Ikralo. A more hopeful feeling begin, to be entertained ritb regard to the financial pro,pact, of the country, despite lie diletorlnea of Congree, or lta Inability to trpe with no Important a question end legieite Intelligently upon It. aud the idea it xing I lac If In tha minds of the people I bat through tome means or other the country will drift nto reaiimptinq without the assistance of Congress It Is ertain that tbero will never arrive a more favorable lime r more favorable eircamstanoei to effect that desirable reulL Business being dall throughout tbe country, comaratlvely little circulating medium 1* required, end as here le an depression or probabilities of any disturbing detents being ealled tntn being It woald seem (bet the bstsclei to e resumption of epeeie payments might mily be overcome were there a dispoaltion n overcome them In tbe proper piece. Dry oods have moved slowly daring tbe week the ncuon <un ntrnnug urn rn?r? uirwuon ? slues nave m ndergon* no change of moment. Her'twere Mill remains In oiniieretlretj inactive. end ?be hostnes* for February. It li It videul. will be considerably behind former j ears, unless It here should speedily be e tarn for the better. Other de- T art men ts of trede remain correspondingly dull, end bail- di eei for tbe week bee been small, with rare exceptions. On a hence, the only exciting element hee been the warfhre. If f neh It may be termed, which the Committee on Information In nd Mtetletlce, becked by tbe Board of Manager*, bee waged (Telnet the representatives of the press The Board peaaed w >me time ainee a insolation, instigated by the committee. ai axing each reporter d'e per annum for tbe 'privi- dt *es*T of the floor, which heee, here end else- w 'here, from time Immemorial been courteously extended to tr lie reporterv free ol all cbertro. In addition to tbe imposition cl f a tax of $.*iO per annum on the preea representative*, the ri loard demand that the reporter* ahell agree to abide by I' ny rule* and rocalatlon* .which the Board may make for N It 'tr especial government. It la the Inputting clause. s pecially. which tbe reporters and their friends takn excep- h Ion to. and which baa called out the remonstrance. The C loerd of Managers have certainly gained an unenviable h otoriety. even though they succeed In collecting the tax, h 'bile the probsblliiiea are that they srlll fall, even though M liey do not retraae their steps, as from present indications K hey era sustained by on.r a vary small minority not a l: mall majority, as misprinted in FViJay morning s lianalo) If he remonstrance takes the form of a request that the privi- 8 gas of tho Exchange be extended to the reporter*, and la 8 lore numerously signed, it It said, than any petition ever 8 elore gotten np on Chang*. On receipt of the petition S lit Board of Managers called a meeting for Monday next to B ako action upon ft. Meantime the reporters will be ad- 8 ulted as usual until the result of tho meeting eball have 8 een ascertained On 'Change business In Sour ha* betn 8 tlii. yet holder* have remained fine, and the prevail- 8 Dg ludlcations wonid teem to favor the probabilities of tn C rttbar than t reduction in prices. Wheat lias been C n rather mors demand, and this ha* proved, aa was pre- C [icted in tbe llaktLh, tbe signal for a general and radical t idvauce in price*. The stock of wheat, though large, la for he most part held In strong bands, and lines have been T Id high, owneie advancing their pretensions with almost a very More ding day. Care be- bean pretty freely dealt in, a .nth for immediate and forward delivery, but prlee* have v lot radically changed, though tbe market has shown in- a reasing strength. The "King" neither facilitate* nor re- fl arda business, thoogb the older and quieter member* give fi I a pretty '-wld* berth." It ta evidently not In favor with b he solid merchants on 'Change, and Is pretty generally n egardad with disfavor. Its projectors do not appear tn b* V lisoouraged. Iiowever, and let slip no opportunity to luduee t tuyere eud seller* to descend to tho pit before consummating r .mucosa Now and tboc oeaier* In oats, teed, beans, peas, t ke., "take a hand In," and ry their ware* acrom the King a vhleh Is generally regarded as a "hit" at tb* "Corn Ring ' li thUkey took a turn upward after descending the scale for a I day or two. but subsequently declined again. Pro visions I 4 leva bad thalr up* and down*, the 'call" being for the moat t cart alioq?t Ignored, so lar a* actual mngMtunu am uu*- I lUARY 12, 1876.-WITH ! sra?4. Ttia market pvioa la sometime* fired la thla ay, though, a* a general tiling, the prices bid aud ' krd are eo tar apart a> to afford no indication 1 the market value of the commodity "celled " o-day (Friday) the merkete were elmoet without exception uiet, the weather having a teudeucy to lutouitfy the preiou?ly exiating quietude Flour wax quiet but unchanged, f boat wae dull but firm tor ail kinda. l'?rn wee steady, ith a fair demand. Oat* were quiet but steady. Whiakey a* eaeier. fork and lard were decidedly higher and fairly ctlvo at the advance. Freight* and charter! have ruled uiet but for the moet part firm, doling at the outeide quo tllone curreut during the week, Cotton on the spot wae 10c. higher, hut futures cloud weak. Coffee wa* quiet. Oil* ere quiet and unchanged. Petroleum doted flrui. Naval lore* were quiet. Sugar wa* newly. Anna* were quoted .M4C. a ft'ic for pot* and nominally 7c. >r peiirie. Market slrady. with a fair lobbing demand. Antimony ruled nteady at 14V ? 14 We., gold. Bexswax ateady at ff2c a H3c, for Western and Southern. Hkoom Comn?The market wa* dull, hut uueiianueit fa quotaHad, 4jfo. toe.; red tipped. 5c. a6c ; medium reen. 7.S,o, a He.; choice green hurl nod hniah. He a Hie. L'iMiL** were in staady fair jobbing demand at full ' ricea We quote Sperm, \fflc. , aperiu. patent. Macy's, h? ; stearic, K. Mitchell A Co.'a (10 ox ), 'J7c. a tshc. ; datnautine (11!. 14. 10 ox.). 1-fec. a 17c.; pnraOlue, 4'*. * and lil's. ?Oc a 'Jlc. Oorrgg.?l'be market for Rio and Santo* waa quiet. Sale rauO hkg* Sautos, ex Adule. uu private ternn Mild coffee ai alio quiet We quote -Ordinary MMMt, the. a i.lgc- i'air do., lOVc. a 17c.; good do., l1\c. a 17}ic.; prinio u., 17*xc. a 18c.; Santos, lair to good, ll>.4c. a 17V#c., gold, i.'.o. ninety day*; Java, government hag*. 2Uc. a IMc. ; do . rasa mut*. 23c ft 25c.; Singaoore. do., lite. a 20c.; Ceylon. SlyC. a 19,l?c. i Maracalho, 17c. a 10C.; Laguayra, 17kc ft ito.; Jamaicft, 17c. a 18c.; St. Domiu.-o. 15c. a 15>ic.; l'orto ico, 18c. a 10c.; Costa Kica, 18c. a l?c. . Macassar, 10c. a lie.; Mexican, 17c. a 18)?c.; Manila, 17c. a 18c.; Angosura. 17c. a 19c.; Savanilla. 17c. a inc.: Curacoa. lilc. a 18c. JooPEUAea Stock continued steady and In fair deiftinl We quoteMolasses hooka, 32 inch, with heads, 2 a $2 25; sugar sliooks, with lo ads 38-inch. $2 UO a 2 05: do., do., 36 Inch, $1 9<>*#2 25; box shocks, 75c. a le. ; rnin do.. $4; pipe da, #0 ? $0 5<); empty hogsheads, 2 5l>; hoops, 14 led, ordinary lo prime, <37 a (40 uer M.; oona 12 led. do.. (33 a #35 uer M UorrxB.?The sales were 3<*>.(JUl) lbs. lake Ingot at 22.1^0. 22\c. Market firm ut 22>3c. a 2244r. for lake ingot. Cokuagk was quiet; prices were iincliangcd. We quote lanila (large and small siselper lb.. 14V?. a H.^C. o. cordage, bolt rope yarns, 16c. a 17c. ; tarred Manila, 4c.; Sisal rope. like, a 12)fcc.; Mew Zealand, lljsfc. a like.; lassie hemp, tarred, 14a; American da. 14c.. Itussia bolt iipe. 17a Cottok.?The market for spot cotton was firm and 1 16c. igher Futures closed easy The closing prices to day ouipare with Tlimsday's closing price* as follows:? /'AurWay, Frb. 1U, /Vi./.iy, AW<. II. eb 12 28-32 a 12 15-10 F?b 12 15 10 a 12 31 32 larch... 13 3-32 a 13k March.... 18k a 13 5112 ipril 13 1132 a 13k April 13k a 13 13-32 lay 1318 32 May 13 19 32 a 13V une 13 25-32 a 13 13 16 Juue 13 13-16 a 13 27-32 illy 13 31-32 a 14 ? July 14 a ? ugnst .. 14 1-18 a 14 3-32 August . 14 3^32 a 14k -(Quotations are based on American standard of ciaaaitlcalon and on cotlou In sture running in quality uot more than alf a grade above or below the grade quoted? Vplnmu. AUlImima .Ysic Orltan*. 7Vxas. 'rdtnary ilk nk 0k 9k trict ordinary 111*4 khz K?3, In', mod ordinary 11 11 Ilk 11 k trict good ordinary Ilk 11V 11 r: ||'; ?iw middling 128 12k 12k 12>! trict low middling. 12J4 127i 13 13 liddliug 13 13k 13 3-10 13 8 10 lood middling 13k 13*4 13V 13V trict good middling l.'lk 14 14k 14k I iddltng lair 14 k 14V 14 k 14 k 'air If?V 15'' iatj I5?J -citaincd?11imil ordinary, OVe ; strict good ordinary, Okc : low middling lliks - mi.Idling enw IM M rdinary, lie.; low middling, 12j4a ; middling, 13c. bteady. 'lie dalen worn To Day. Lai Km ring. T"t'Tl. Jxport 300 aid 5H1 ionsumpUun 4(H) am) 606 ipeculutiou 321) 8 828 Total* 1,020 503 1.525 ?Included In the above are 2IJO hale* to arrive. Delivered >n contract, 200 hale*. Kor future delivery the tales wore It follow*:-Yuslordur. after two P. .M.?March, 400 at IHttfo,; April 800 at 12\c.; May. 100 at 13 10 32c. ; July. 00 at 13 31S2c.; August. 200 at 14 3-.12C., 100 it' 14 l-16e. Total, 1,700 balua. To-day, up to two M.?February, 500 (abort notice) at 1274c., 800 at 13c.; 4arch, 2,600 at 13 3 lie., 400 at 13 7-3jo.; March, 200 at 13 7-82c.; April, 200 at 13 15-320.. together; April, 7<JU at 3 13212c., 1,500 at 13 7-lflo., 500 at 13 15 32c., 800 at 3 7-10c. ; M aj, 4O0 at I8?c., 100 at 13 21-82o, 1,200 at 3 U-lOc.. 8U> at 13 23 32c.. 800 at 13 11 l?c.; June, 20O at 374c., 800 at 13 2b-32c., 200 at l?74c.; July, 100 at 14c., 00 at 14 l-32c., 500 at 14 1 -l??c.. 1,000 at 14 3-?2c. "ntal, 14.300 bales. Grand total, 17,400 bale*, 'he leceipts at the porta were aa follows:?Galveston, 1,002; lew Orleans 8,116; Mobile, 2,251; Savannah, 1.424; Charleston, 007; Wilmington, 40. Norfolk, 1,705; Haiti, [lore, 250; New York, 344; Boston, 420; Philadelphia, 28. Total, 18.375. This day last woek, 11,850; this dnr a?t year. 13,707. Total since September 1, 3,161.379 lales to last night. Cotton freights closed as follows:?To luvre, by steam, Tjc. To Hamburg, by steam, lc.. comrested. To Hrenieu, by steam, lc., compressed; by sail, l-lllc. To Liverpool, by steam. 5 lOd. ; by tail, A,d. iarket nominal. Drudh, Ac. ?Opium was quiet and easy at $1 (>5 a *4 20, ;ol(l, lor bmyrtia, and $5 8), currency for job lots, icids?Oil vitriol was active at $1 75 per lb. tor srge lots, and 2e. a 2Kc. fur small lots Camphor was toady, at 26c. for refined. Cream tartar wan (irm. at 34>4o. , 35J4C. for American and French, aud 4(>c. for powdered. Ilcolioliee?Chloroform steady at 90e.; and ether steady at 4c. a 33c. _ Borax was steady at 12V4c. for refined ily, and 12'jc lor do. Califoriila. Balsam tolu ran nominal at $1 .10. Burgundy pitch was Grin, at 8c. innrana wan firm at iff Manna, new crop, wanquotwl at45c. or small. $1 tutor large and 35c. for sorts. Kussian canharldea were in large supply and weak at $1 25 a $1 50. 'astor oil was steady at 14c fur cases and 1 ilJtr. for bbls. hellac was quiet al 42c. a 53c. for D. 0.. and 38c. a [5c. ipr Kuglish. Divi divi was quiet at $55 a $60 air ton. Catch was active at ~'.c., gold. Praaaiate intaeh wws dull at 28c. a 20e. Bi-cnromute potato was n active demand at lOWr. Sal ammoniac was scarce anil uotad at 11c., gold. Irish moan was quiet at 1c. Gamier was active at 5jac., gold. Kpsoiu salt* were ii fair demand at $l 05. Sumac was in ac ire demand ut f I 30 a $1 40 per ton as to brand, irgols were steady at 2sc. a 32V?c , gold, according to uality. Gentian root was scarce, and prices ruled steady 1 OJic. a 7e. Cassia buds were iu fair demaud st 57Wo, 'olouibn root was quoted at 9c. for whole, and 14c. for owdared. Gum gedda was Urm at 7)?e. a 7l, c., .? to quaiitv. Juniper berries were scarce auu irmly held at 3f,c. lor ordiusry Italian and 5c a \c. lor now Orange pool rnl?<i quiet at l?>Hc. a 11c. Venice uriic?t ine waauuiut at 19c. Caeiiie euan -Coiitl white wan luoted at 10c. it lSiqc.. and Mareeilles pure mottled it KitfC. and connuoa do. at 83gc. a 9c., gold; toctielle talti were ataady at 29)q'e. for bbla. tiui 30ke. fur boxea. Quinine vaa ill good do uand ?t fj 20. Blue vitriol waa atcuily at 8>4C. a itorphlue waa In fair demand at 94 25 Iodide notaali rat uniet at 91' 40 a >2 4-1, b. L Alum?Lump waa In fair lemand at Z'.c, a 2&c., aecoroinir to quantity; 'liiiirate potaah waa in good demand; quoted at :2c. a 23c., gold, and firm. Tartaric acid waa uiet at ZtSJc., gold, for err a tel. and 49c. a 50b. for owaered. t lirlr acid waa firm anu active at 78c. tcorlee root waa quiet at former prtcea; quoted at 4c. old, aad from He. to 13c. currency lor aelected. Licorice aato waa alau quiet, and pricea were unchanged; lie quotation! were 25c. a 28-. guiu for Sou.lab, nd for C'alabria-I'ignatelii 241c. a 27c.; iniall Gutallna. 29c. . <Oc.. large do.. 3Me.; I'. and S. aniaU, 3tltac.; Curigliauo, Cuttleflali bonea ruled quiet at 24c. a 25c Ma.eam opaiba waa quiet at 72iqc. Saffron?American waa held Irinly at 25c a 3ue ; Spamal. waa quoted at from 99 a#U, nd Qrni at thoae pnrea. Galaugal root waa in moderate rmand >1 4c. a tkc. Cod liver oil wax In fair demand at d 50 a 41 60 for Newfoundland and ?4 a 92 11) for Norregtan. Khubarb waa In moderate dam and, pricea ranging mm 55c. to 41 lib Ginger bald llrrnly at 22e. F.rgot waa inner; held at 91 241 a 41 54). Quicklilver waa quoted at 4c. a 75c. Loayea were tired) . quoted at IMv. for bellalonna, 1 lc. fur conlum and aconite, 2<>c. a 22c. fur Iteniaiie and 91 25 for roae. Araenic waa In fair demand i 3!?c. a 3,lqc.. gold, tor wblte powdered, and 13c. a 13t?c. or red do. Seeda were quiet. W o quote Muatard?Yellow 'aliturula. Ht^e. a (>\c.. brown do., do. a brown "riexto, 7b,c.; yellow Englirh, Mt4C. Canary?Prima lutoli wusuuoted at 47 7.5 and Srnvrna waa Arm at 97 25. lenip waa weak at $1 82)?. Caraway waa Arm at 2c. a 12'?c. Coriander waa quoted u>,0. Canmmilo loweri ruled quiet at 16c. a 22c. for Human. Ilyoerine waa In fair demand at 16c. a l4il?e. Sweet iiarluram waa quiet at 2i>c a 22c Grria root waa ateady at 2>,e. a 25c.. aa to quality. 1'oncabeaua were atcudy at$l 50 or Angoatnra. Altbea root waa Armly held at 30c. for rbita cut and 25c. lor fair do. Gam arable waa quoted it 15c. for prime aorte and lie. for aerund do. Angnatura lark waa acarce and firmly held at 50c. Saaaairaa >ark waa qulat at Sc. Gitireng waa dull and ower; quoted al 91 25 for Southern, and 91 05 i 91 10 for Weatorn. Serieka root w?* quiet at i5c. aH7c Squllla wae quiet al 14c Lavender flower* were niet al H,V Valerian root waa quoted el 25?. for Kngimli nd 15c. lor German. Albnmon waa a toady at 65c. a 70c. fur ibwd and 41 a 91 15 lor eirg. harauparUla waa quiet, ml ateedy at 35c. a 37c. for Mexican, 34e. a 37c for coniuon lionuuraa and 3.5c. a 37c., gold, for do. do. lor export, elan waa quoted at 12c. a 13c.. gold. Gum damar waa quiet ,t Inc. e l-c. Gamboge waa quoted at 62c. Aaafcrtlda waa .eady at 15c. a 17c Carbouate aunuonia waa aulel at 4kc., gold. Alunnnona cake?Cochin's patent wua uoteu al 2>4<t. gold, tier lb. Essential olla were quiet, iul without material change, with the exception of oil penivroyal, which a aa decidedly higher. W ? quote :?Oil berg*, lot, Sandenon't, 93 371q; ow ictnon, Sanderson's, 93 AS; bmaen'l (ineat oil roae. 9<> -V); oil aniae, 92 25. 11 gold; oil caraway, 91 40 a $2 SO; oil crotrm, 92 18; ilcilronella. 75c a 95c ; oil lavender. 75c. a 92; do. do. Mitcbaml, 916: oil clovea, $3 25; oil wlutergrecn. 43 2"; it aaaaaflaa. inclusive, 80c. oil pennrroval. 94. all cur. ancy; oil of bay, $25. EngUali chemical*-Markvt quiet ul firm. We note aaiea of 25 tone aal nod a at lj*c.; 25 na iknIa null It '2t. .riO rirnma r mist if Mxiii at 4Smr. VI *gs bicarb. miiIs u 4Mc., all gold. mil So cuki bleachiir powder at lHc-. currency. W? quote ? ode anh. ordinary to good brands, 2c. a 2!*o.; aal el*. 15,r. ; caustic soda. i\c. a4Kc . bicarbonate soae.4?ie., 11 gold, bleaching powder, 2c. a I'^c currency; super caronate soda. Jolinlrwlght A Co.'a (In kegsi. 4c. earraucy. i KaTiitH* vara in llgnt demand hot stand) : quoted at A7c. 3De. for prima. Ode. a U2& Tor ehulca and Due. a 45c. fur itxad. Kish.?The market for codfish was quiet. Ooorge'x were 'lling at 9'" 75, and Orand Hank at #4 75 from aeaaal. [ackaral?A few shore No. 1 sold from store at f2n and 2M) bis. (4o. 3 at 911 26. Mora Scotia mackerel wars sailing i small lots from store at f-fl) a 9*22 for No. I; fid a f 10 SO ir large No. 3. 4")U bbls., arrived by steamer, held at flu 76. here was a go 'tMainand lor box herring, but barrelled were all and neglected. George s cod, fo 75; Grand Bank 94 75 95. Shore mackerel. No. I, $20 a 927. do. large No 3, la Box herring. No. I, 20e. a 22c., scalad do., 35c.; arrelied do., I'tirtlaud. 95; Labrador. fS 75. k'Loix k!?D Uasiir.?Receipts?rioar, 11.005 bbls.; best, 18,530 bushels; corn meal. 6dO bbls. and 1,450 uke. oatk. 14.125 liuahels. corn, 45.5U7 do.. barley. I3.50U a.; rye. 4<0 do. The floor market was dull, but prices ere unchanged. Tliere was some demand for shipping axas 2,0*10 bbls. of which sold st f"> 20, and IH,000 bbls.. inndlng fltale. Western and Houthern, at prices srithin the it.go of annexed quotations. Corn inoai was quiet; 4UU . bis. sold at prices within our range. 0. 3 Mate 9*1 '- > a ft 00 nnerfine State 4 25 a 4 511 Xtra Stale 4 DO a 5 35 b.ore Stale. 5 26 a 4 60 uperflnr Western 4 35 a 4 50 xtra W extern 4 MH e 5 35 Innesnta 5 40 a 4 50 ound lioop Ohio, snipping brands 4 25 a 5 35 ound hoop Ohio, trade brands 5 30 a b 50 a. lily 7 ltd a H 00 t. Looie. low extra 3 (Jo a 6 *25 1, Louis, straight extra A 35 a 8 50 t. Louis, choio# doable extra. 7 00 a M 00 t. Louis, choice famiiy 8 OOa 9 50 re flour, line to enperflno 4 UO a 5 35 dntbero. No. 2 3 HO a 4 26 oulharn, superflne 4 20 a 4 50 ooliiern,extra... 5 25 a 6 50 nntharn. lainily 8 75 a 9 ikl ern ratsl, Western... 2 ho a 3 25 em meal. Jersey., 3 1X1 a 3 .'10 orn meal, B randy win# 3 SO a ? dm meal, puncheons. 3n 00 a 30 5t) Wheal was quiet, but Grin, at the adranoa of yesterday, he sains were about 68,-V? bushels, at *Hc. fur unmerchaiit i II a f 1 13 for No. 3 Chicago in store and , float, 11 no for whlta Canada In bond, f I 47 for Hennsyl- I anla amber, fl 21 e f I 24 tor No. 2 Chicago spring In xtora nd afloat, f 1 a f I 4?> for hard No. I spring, f I 2o a f I 30 ; ir red winter and f 1 f5 a f 1 47 for amber da Com was in i sir demand and steady. The sales were abnnt 114,1st) usbele, at 84e. for Inferior Western mixeil, 54c. a Vie. for ' F triors, lay. for white n eater n. USe. for fcbfiw , louthern. ?4\?. lor new W?mr? mnod ond <A\c. fbr fob- | n>rr tint Much. kt? woo nnmjnnl ot fiOo. for l inolt in >ond. Hde 0 x7c. for Wotlern euU WJc. for Htoto ond i'enn 7 Woo la. Korlor wot ?tr?4j, with eolee of oboat 12.Ih) muhele. ?i *3? lor Na 2 two rowed Riot* Oete wort onltt. lUt "toady. Tho aoloo emhreeod nbonl baoheft, it fjr. o *4e. for inferior Wetienr mlsod. IKrv for No :i Wetiorn mliod, *H\r. 0 Vfc for Hlote rulird on irtok. 4H?v fur hi?ii>f i|kito kud ii}?. * 4ou iwUti Cknyr bimiL SUPPLEMENT. PmiiT.?Ttiarn wa* very little doinf In Imln dried, bat price* were without eaeenlial change Wu quote ? New layer retain*. per box 93 <*?: half do fl I Juarter do.. tlSe.; new luoee mutcutel. W 2 PU pur box. fc-eordinr lo quality; or* *eedle*? retain*, ft) Mi per frail. Valencia*. li)\,c. alio per lb. i *altaaa do . l&c. ror new Turkey prune*. 4'jc. a Sc. lor Bervia and Bnanta; new prenen nix. re. a 12c., according to *iae and quality. Currant*, 7J*c. Leghorn citron. 21c. Kin*. 11 tie for drum* 121*0. fur larcii. Ilatea. S'4r. Braill I nut*. S*,c, Dumeatii' Dried?There wa* a very lair inquiry lor quarter*, hut all ether dencrlptiuu* were uuiet; price* were unchanged We quut* Appiga. ntnte.quarieri, 9r * dht.; do., aliced, Ilk a IO'*c. : Ooulliern. quarter*, Me. a Mt.c ; do.. Uced. 10c. a 13c. Peache*. peeled?ueoritia. prime. 14c. a Inc.; unpoeled do., quarter*, loi^c. illc , haive*. 13c. a i 13t,c.; nlacltherrie*. 11'jp., ru*pb*rri?*.27c * 2*e. . cher no*. 221,0 a 23c. . pluui*. Southern, lie a20c.; do. State. 21c. There wa* quite an active buvittea* doing in i irr -i n Iruit, at full price*. We quoteApple*, aclected winter, nor bbl., $3 a $4; do., mined, #2 Ml a $2 73; do., cotiitnon. R! * $2 M). I'runhen-toa?Choice. #3 73 a if I 25; do., good to prime. $3 a Rt 3.1, do., taut urn fancy, per bbl., $13 30 a flUido., good to prime, tier bbh.CB 30 a #? 23. i . , ve.e. n>l*.I Wn mint* ?linini- tir I t- It........ VJSgC.; Calculi* nominally U^o., and 13c tor bag*. heavy weight. 11 ay Aim Straw ?The inaraet WM qnlot, but price* were ' steady. Wo quoteBale hay, shipping, at 75c. a m x\; I retail qualities at Hoc. a $1 05; clover, at ti5o. a 75c. j Straw? 05 a $1 30; oatda.OOC. * II kmc ami) Jtrr*.?-We note sale of IUO bales butt* at S)?c.; I 1,'M*) hu e< flue Manila, tYoiu store, at 7^,0- gold, 90 day*, i and 400 bale* Si*al, #.*om store, at 4^0. a 4^c.. gold, I* * days. Wo quoteAmerican dressed, $11-K) a $23? lor double. $300 a $306 for simple and $120 a $130 nominal for undressed; Manila hemp, 7e. a 7'4c.. gold. tlie latter tor fine ; Russia cieau, $21 o a $215, Mold ; Italian. $250 a$2t>*>, gold: Jute. 4,V- a 5c., Mold; jute butts. 34qC-, currency, snot; do. to arrive. 2>?c a 3c., Mold, according to location , Sisal hemp, IV - gold; I?tle. Oc. a 0V- "pot. II ipkh .?The market is bare of stock, and business wa* Consequently light. The sales embraced GUO dry and salted Texas kips, 1,000 ury Texat?, 3,000 California kipa, 1,500 do. do . i 12 lbs average; l ,7viO dry California, 23 lh? average; 1,200 Wcsturu cow, 02 lbs. average , 500 wet nailed bull*. ? lbs. average; 500 cltv slaughter. 450 Texan kip*. 600 wet salted Texas, 700 city slaughters, 3,105 Kin lira tide uud 3,000 wet salted New Orle?UM. all ou private terms; also 1,600 dry California, 22 ll?*. average, at 2<>)*c-? 30 days. We quoteBuenos Ay res, 20 to 25 lbs., 20V-1 "u 25 to 2" lbs., 2Uc . a 24c.; Montevideo, 20^ to 22}, lbs.,21c.; Corrientcs, 21 to 22 lbs.. l'?V- * 30c. Kio Grande, 2Ulo22 lbs., 10c. ; Orinoco.21 to 23 lbs.. II*V ; California, 22 to 25 lbs . 20c.; Central American. 1H to 21 lbs., 18c. ; Matiimoros, 22 to 24 lbs., l*v a I s- . \ era C'rus, 18 to 19 lb*., 16c. a 161,0.; Bogota, 18 to 20lbs., lHc. a $mc., all gold, selected; Texas and Southern. 24 t?? :i?? lbs., 13c. a 14c., currency, as they run; city slaughter, ox (Vj to 80 lbs., 9>ac ; cow, 45 to tki lbs. 7i?c.? curroncy, selected. llui s were iu fair demand aod price* ruled firm. The following is froui Mr. Emmet Wells' circular of February II :? There has been a temporary check to toe export movement caused by the advance quoted last week Shippers contend there in no money iu the business when the pries goes abovu 16 cent" here, and we are iuclioed to think they are about right, for there has been no ndvauce lately in the price of American bops in London, coiiHequeiiily every cent added on to the price here affects the profits of the shipper. The advance to 17c. in this market seems t" hare been band entirely noo the growing soared i ot tine hop* Should this unco result in a pormaut nt < h<-> k to the shipning trade, bolder* might deem it expedient to moderate their views a little, if for no other purpose than to keep the export ball moving, tor tliis movement really is the nly life to the trade. An advance in the BAM M American hops iu London would be felt here very suddenly and very perceptibly, but until such advance takes place we think holders will we the policy of keeping the price at a point where shipper* tan at leaat get their money back. Large profit* arc not crav ed, but the shipper feels that he at least earn* bin commission, since he alone has to take all the chances. A good proper tion of the fancy growth of hont referred to in lam circular has been sola at 25c. per lb. Receipt* and export*.? Receipts for the week. 3,090 bales. Total receipt* since September 1, 1875, 59,853. Total receipts tor same period In 1874, 38,090. l?xport clearances for the week. 599, Total exports since September 1, 1875,27,300. Total exports for name period In 1874, 14,144. We quote ;?New York State, 12c u 17c.; Ha*it>rn. 10c. a 15c.. Wisconsin*. 10c. a 15c.; yearlings, 8c. a 10c.; olds, all growths, 4c. a Oo.; Callfornlmis. 17c. a 2Uc. litOM.?The market for American pig was still sluggish and prices were unchanged Scotch nig w as also unchanged. Scrap was eutirely ueglected. Kails were quiet but stoudy. We quoteAmerican pig, No. 1, $23 a $24; do.. No 2, $21 a $22 ; do., forgo, $19 a $20. Scotch?Coltn*HN *33: lUttfiifMrn.MTk Xwil : Kirlinftnn ?'2\I ."mi k li > mil. tct'J, i*j per U)h ; do., iron. *>42 u $43 pur tun. a v Lxatiikk.?The receipts or heiulock solo wore quite henry; but with a good demand, the market wax by uo moans over stocked. The receipts for the week were 04.1*1 bides and 2,105 bales, while the exports for the same period wero 9,65<) sides. 4,000 of which weut to Engiuud and the balance, i,5UO, were sent to the Continent. We quote : ?Hemlock? Light Buenos Ayres, 23c. a 24c.; do. California, 22c a 23o.; do. conimoii hide. 22>ac. a 23c. ; middle lineno* Ayres, 25o. s 20c.; do. California, 24c. a 25c.; do. coinntou hide, 23)?c. a 25c.; heavy Bnenos Ayres, 25c. a 20c.; do. California. 24)ac. a 25c. ; do common bide, 23*--0. a 20c.; good damaged Hulmios Ayres, 22c. a 23c. , do. California. 21c a 211,. 1 ? mmon hide. 20\c. a 21 ^c. ; poor damaged common hide ldc s 19c. S?cxi> was steady, at for domestic. Molassks?'The market for foreign was quiet; domestic was in fair demand. Sales were 320 bids. New Orleans at prices within our range, and 30 hhds. English Mauds at 3Sc. Wo quote:?Cuba, centrifugal and mixed, 2(>c. a 25c. ; do., clayed, 2*o. a 3l>c.; muscovado rellniug, 2sc. a Jk*c.; do., do., grocery, 31c. a 33c.; Porto Rico, 33c. a 4.?o. ; English Islands. 32c. a 45c., New Orleans, fair to Drime, 40c. a 58c. Naval Htorils.?Spirits turpentine was dull and nominal. Kutiu was also dull and prices wore more or less nominal. We quote ?Spirits turucutine, 3<k\; rosin, common to good strained, $1 57V, a $1 <15; tar, Washington, $2 12)*; do., Wilmiugtou, $2 25; pitch,$2. Advices from Wilmington wero as follows:?Kosin firm; strained, $1 40 a $1 42V# Tar quiet; Wilmington, $1 50. Turpentine steady; hard, $1 25; follow dip aud virgin. $2 25. spirits steady. 31c. Oils.?'The market was still dull and without essential variation lu prices. We quote Cqltouscud, crude, 53c. a 55c.; Southern yellow. 5Hc. Sot.; yellow and white winter, 60c. a 66c.; linseed, casks. 62c. ; bbls., 03cu lard, winter, $1 04; menhaden, Sound, 45c.; y>erm, crude. $1 60 a $1 65; do., bleached winter. $1 90; do., natural do.. $1 65; whale, crude Northern. 70c.; do., Southern, 65c.; bleached winter, 75c. a 7Sc . olive, casks $1 17)* a $1 22; do., esses. $4 35 a $1 4U; wiulei bleached Ush .? )C. ; crude list). 42c. a 43c. PKTttuiJcn*.? On 'Change the markot was very unsettled, but later lu the day advices were received from tbe Creek | whtch reported a decidedly firmer feeling there, and onr market cloned firm. The doting quotations were:?Crude, iu bulk. Sc.; do.. in bbls., 11c.; refined, in bbls., 14c.; rases. 18**c. a ; refined, at Philadelphia, l3T*r , aud al Baltimore, LJ,k,;c. Advices from tbs Creek were as followsTitusvilis a oak. $2 4*3^. Oil City quiet and steady, 05. United, at wells, $1 SSL bid, $1 87)$ mxed; Immediate shipments nominally $2. House villi quiet and weak without bunins>s, $2. Tldloole quiet; sales, $2 09j^. Parkers quiet; United. $1 87)*; shipments, $2. Nor*.?The later advices received report certificates, $2, and shipments $2 20 Provisions.?Receipts?Pork, MOT bbls.; lard, 1,89* tierces and 70 boxes; cut meats, 902 packages, hucou, 43 tierces and 2,325 boxes; beef, 72 tierces and ?16 bbls. The pork market continued strong under a good demand and prices wero decidedly higher. The sales embraced 50 tierces, spot, at $22; <50 bbls., March, at $22 25, 25? do., April, $22 20; 750 do. do., at $22 26; 250 do. do., at $22 J*}; 75o do. do., at $22 75; 2,750 do do., at $21 15 a $22 50, and I 54*} do., May. at $23. The closing "call" prices were as fol I WS:?rooriiary, 10 uiu, ou asaed: March, 322 I* bid. Slid 50 asked; April, $22 70 bid, $22 -o asked- I May. $22 80 bid, *23 asked; June, $22 05 bl'j . $25 15 risked. Cat meals wero very firm, will' an advancing tendency. The -alei were 15 boxes dr> salted shoulders at ; 5,000 lbs. pickled bellies, 10 Ibpaver age, at I3XC>; S.leXl lbs. do , 13 lbs. average, at 12Xd> and .i.lSAUba. do. at 12l?e , quoted at 108(0. a 11c. for Ireifi belliea. 11XC- a l3Xc fur pickled do.; 11 >,c a 13c. for fresh baina, and 12Xe a '3c. fur pickled do.; I IXc. a 13c. for box bellies. Hacon was firm but bare of supply, and little was dour; quoted at 12c. a 12>?c. fur city long elear, and lljtfc. b>r Western. Heel was steady. Hales were about 50 bbl>. mess on private terms. The quotations were $10 a $12 fur plain mess and $15 50 a *l'i lur packet. Lard was active and decidedly higher,' with a good business. The i sales were as follows30U tierces spot city at , 1 27kc a 13c.; 300 tiarues Western at 13c. a 13 l-lflc. and 40 tierces off grade at 12Xc. and about 7.0UI ilerres for fnturc rielivery at (13 lor February, $13 10 a $13 15 for March, $13 27.X a $13 30 for April and $13 42X for May. The closing call" prices were as ; follows ?February, $13 bid, $13 07X asked; March, $13 10 i bid, $13 15 asked; April, $13 27X btu, $13 32>* askud , May, ! $13 40 bid, $13 47*-, asked ; June. $13 5U bid, $13 tUJ asked. 1 Butter.?Fancy fresh tubs contluued active and firm, tirades Just below fancy were also firmly held ami active, but the poorer sorts wero dull and neglected. We quote :? . State dairies, fair to good, 25c. a 27a.; choice to fanev, ' > k a 34c., do , choice to fancy, trash tubs, 30e a 4l?c ; : Western. rood to ciioioe. 22c. a 26c ; do., fair to good, 16c. a 20c. Cheese.?I'ne market was hrm, with a continued lair demand from exporters for best grades of State factory The demand lor the borne trade was moderate. We quote ? Hi ate lactory, common to good, 7Xc a 11 t(c.; fine to lancy, 13)fc. a 14a i skims, 4c. atic.; Ohio lactory. fair to good. 5,XC- a Hype., do., fiat shaped, good to lancy. 8Xc. a l2Xc.; do., Ctieddar shaped, good to lancy, He. a l2jec Kick.?Tiie market wu steady, with a lair demand. We quote i-rCarullnk, fair to prime, 6c. a 6JJe.; ].. .uUlaiie, common to prime, 51(0. e fiXc.; Rangoon, fair to good, 6c a Ofac ; Fatna, good, 4c. a ike. gold; Rangoon, in bond, $2 50 a $2 60. gold. Ri-kltkk steady and unchanged. (Quoted at $7 00, cash, leas one per cent. HuiiAU.?We nolo sales of 64 bb'ls. centrifugal at 8Vc., and 40 hlids New Orleans at TxC ; market steady. Vie quote:?Fair to good refining, 7J(o. a l\c.\ Cuba, grocery, lair to choice. 8)gc. a 8)(c.; do., centrifugal, hlids. and boxes. Nos. 6 to 13. HJqc. a Rc.; do., molasses, hbda and boxes, Oi^c. a 7>,c., Forto Hien, refining, common to prime, 7c a hc. ; do., grocery, fair to ehoioe, 8X'e- ? '< standard A, 9\r. a 9J(c; off A, | 9Sc.; crushed, li'X? I powdered, loXc.; granulated. ' l(i'4c.; cut loaf. 1 lc ? Ueceipta?2R hhds., 55 tierces and 11 casss; sales 50 tieroet prime at 13)ge., quoted at 13Xc a 13>4c. fur prime, and 13c for ordinary ; market steady. Tallow. ? Receipt#?A) hbda, 1 tierce and 31 bbla. The market was steady. The sales were 30 hbda at ?XC 2O.0W) list, at W<C, and 15,(X)01 lis at ?X*- ; quoted at Uc. for or ditiary, and i>*(c a >'!$r_ for prime. Tlx ? The market waa steaiiy, but Ihe transanfbns were very light. We quote Halves 24c ; Straus, I8',c. ; Knglish. l?'?c. a lOXc. all gold. Flairs?Charcoal, $7 51); coke, , mi 30 a $7 75: terne. (6 12.K a$?i 37R. Tobacco ? The market wae quiet but unchanged. The sales were 300 hhds. Kentucky lest on prlvale terms, lmi I canes seed leaf, sundries, at 7f. e 25c.; 50 caaes New England, crop 1873, partly at 32 Xc i 27 cases I'rnnsy li stile, crop 1873. at 7c a 15c . 51 caeee Ohio, crop 1 "73, at t*c.; 300 cases New England, crop 1874, at 7J%c* a H'4c. a lie ; >vSj cases New York, crop 1874, at 8c a W.Xc. ; 1"8 rases Frnnsylvsnls, erop IH74. on private terms; 3D rases Ohio, crop 1874. at 7c . and MX) bales llerane at H8r. e $1 15 \t IJ Ill l.hlB *1,1.1,, :U*l 1.1.1a klak will** and IV. btd?. alcohol. The market' waa aaaiar, I0O bble. selling at $1 12 Wi.OL. ?fha inatkrt waa steady, biit qniat. The sale* ambraced ItjU a Iba. X Ohio at 17c., b.lXDIbs. XX do. at 4<c., 4,1. 0 lbs. No. I <lo at ')<*., lOAX'Hbs. \<>. 1 do at <MWc., 2,i??. ri?a. >'a 1 Wis.nilfl at 47e , 2,is") lb*. X do. at 4-t^c., l.uUl Iba spring California wool at 24c., K.iJtjo lbe free do. at 2. Ue., l'U?>Jl6a choice do at . V*) lb* fall <io. at , 2>jc , lu,"gllbs do at I7)pc.. l.'kXJIba. do at I*c.. 1,0X1 lbs. . pcourad fall do. at ftoe.. 2.'HO Iba Oregon at 29c.. 2.<> 4) lt.a I tub washed at .inc., lO.ilk. lb*, eupar pulled at 44e , 00 baa* . d . at tile.. lo.tXJU Iba. Mexican at ai'.c., |,U?) Iba Textual 2 V ; 2* bag* laadlum unwa.l.ed at 3d Idle., H,'XO it*, fine Taxaa at 2.0. : and on privet" term* 1 i.(*Vl lb*. Virginia Ilea *?. 2>>'? Iba unwashed do, lft.lkio lbs. Weatara unwashed. l.tXJO Iba. Itutcuee* count*, ft, IIO lb*. X end XX. I C.UUU lb*. lailt aliforaia, ft.UXtlbs. do. do.. Ui.uunib*. Mexican, lilt bale* Chine*.', 40 bale* New Zealand, ft.iSXi lbs tin* j lell Texas, .'M bags black pulled, 7U begs super do. m.d IUU bus extra do. Fuksuhtx.?Petroleum and grain tonnage attrtcted the eh.el II not vh* whole attention of the day In this trad*. ' aod with no excessive offerings of luilable ve**al* eraileble j rale* were enehenired. Berth accommodation for prompt ' shipment wae ecarce, steady aod Inactlra. The aogage- j menta embraced ?To Liverpool, par eteatn, 10,<xj0 husbds ' gram In bulb, at Ibe., ' **) bbl*. ffottr.fte.ffi To | l.laegow, per *taem. lfl.otx) bushel* grain. '.?d . tlUJba To Bristol, by salt, l.'X*) bbla. Dour, '2* l"f,d. To Hull, per j steam. Ifl.UUl) bushel* grain, on private terms. The charters i comprised ?An Italian bark, banca to Cork for orders, ault U.iejo quarters gralu In built, at ft* t?d and ?ft gratuity; | an Italian bark ireebartered>, from Philadelphia to Cor* lor orders with ft.Hi) quarter* do. 7a; a Bntleb bark (to arrive/ Irom Baltimore, for same rnyage, will. ?.fU' guar- . tert, 7*. ; an American echoouar, hence to Hantander. with [ i,UW bbls. refined petroleum, at be Sd., part caeca. d"C.; e Hrltlsh "hip (relet) (mm Baltimore to Antwera with in.isst bble do., at 4*., an American brig, hence to Hurtkirk, with 3,10t> bble. crude do. ft*.; an American (hip. *40 tone, benea to Java, with eaeee refined da un private terms, quoted at 36c a Una ; an American hark, Krora Baltimore to Continent, full range, with S.JlJll bble. era da. at 3a., Sd . an American bark, raportad tuanea fat same voyage wltk ft.ftdu hblx do.. same rale, a British hark (now at Tybea. tbeaoe te the Herman Maluc. with a.iw j I hue dj/e t (oi ?ypt- ?' j)k J* r ' , " ' 9 I miwciAii. ^ AUGUST BELMONT A CO.. Hankers. IP and 21 Naasau ?t., issue Trsseller*' Credit*. evatlahln In nil part* of the world# through tho M.?r? DK KOTHSCIIILD fid their correspondent* Also Commercial Credit* *nd Telegraphic Transfer* of M rik'X ou Oililtimi* end Europe. j^LKX EHOTUINQHAM a CO. ARE OKKKKINR privileges on thfi active ?tock market at very dure ratea Contract* imoed one month ago. costing $50 and npwsrd, are now worth on many stock* from five to ten time* the coat. Any (lock at the Exchange bought or told on a tuargia of Ave per cent. Address, for informntton, alex. rRnrinxmu* a oo.. Hanker* ant! Hroker*. 12 Wail *t. ny amount trust pun us to loan^obTkbaL Estate. thi* city or Brooklyn, for fire year*; legal expense* ouly. LKA V ITI A U OLCOTT, 10 Bine *t, *nrw book. j (tut out, on~w all st. with it engraved illustration*. containing valuable information tur a tuck >|Mietilator*. and how riaka may be limited and profits tucreaaed. Sent free on application. TI'MBKl DO K a CO.. Banker* and Broker*. No. 2 Wall at.. N Y. AT HI V-M . Mtl.U KATBS.-MONKY ON I.ISK AND Endowment Insurance Policies. Mortgage* and other securities; insurance ot all kind* e(looted with bent compauie*. .1 ,) HABKICU a CO.,.117 Broadway. A?BTOt h LKUBS ON ALL ACTIVE STOCKS . at huat market rale* for HO or 00 day* ; .Stocks bought and sold on 5 per ceut margin or against privileges Anew Book on Stuck Speculation sent free. L VV. HAMILTON A CO.. Block Broker*. It) Wall at.. New York. A? I.APSLEY A, HP.OKKRS. 71 BROAD. WAY.? PKlVILKOBs" ON "M KMBKits DK TI1R NKVV your STOCK EXCHANGE" KXCLPSIVKLY." KEKEKEjNCKS IN NEW YoltK AND LEADINO OITIKH "fjl xko ut1y k d k p a1U ME NT, "* l J Orrn k or Stat* 'I'ltexfORKk. > Columbia, S I .. Dec. 27, 1S75. I In coneeijueneo of the delay In the passage of the Tax hill of the Slate of Sotilh Carolina, which became a law on the 24th inet.. the payment of the interest on the consolidation bonds and stock (it ihe State is postponed trnin the iat of ?' "ii ii.i hi 10r which date nil pant due coupons and on:. r? .in the coiiholidalion bonds And (tuck* of tb* Stilt* will I, paid H, n,n office of Morton, Bliss A Co., New York city, and at W. tbe ollica of the Treoaury, Columbia, S. C. All coupon* and interest order* due and to become dun, iuehidiiiit July 1, 187l\ nil the oouaolidHtion bond* and si.ajtia or the Stnle of South Carolina are uow receivable at par lor State taxoa. P h CARDoKO, Treasurer of State of South Carolina. OUNDAY TELEORAM, O TWO CENTS. rpilK M UTUAL~BENEFTT LIKE INSURANCE COMPANY, Newark, N. J LEWIS C. 43 ROVER, President. JAMES B PEARSON, Vice Preiiident * EDWARD A STROM). Secretary. HEN J AM IN C. MILLER, Treaaurer. STATEMENT, JANUARY 1, 1876. Balance, an per statement, January 1, 1875, $1*9,681,029 41. RECEIPTS UUKINO I*75 For premlumn $4,758,487 S7 For interest 1,906.800 7$ Total income 88,751,987 80 EXPENDITURES DC KINO 1875 - Paid claims by death 81.971,100 78 Pal.I matured Endowments.. 122,60") 00 Paid annuities.. 1,851 44 l'aid surrendered policies 509,519 IP Paid contingent expenses, Including sal* rles, printing, advert ising, postage, Ac... 193,803 09 Paid commissions to agent*. 858,89!) 28 Paid physicians' fees 27,990 81 Paid taxes 110,041 77 Paid return premiums or dividends to policy holders on premiums of 1878 and 1874 2,802,51.7 80 86,223,732 21 $528,254 R? llalatoo Januarr 1. 1870 $30,100,184 39 AHHHTfi. Cash on hand $567,918 95 Heal estate 235,3-5:164 United States securities l,9oj,50J <D State, city and county bunds... 0,169,755 63 Hon Is and mortgages 12.8.'I.*I2 20 Loans on policius iti force...... 5,843,852 88 Luc f>r premiums in coursu of transmission 40.990 08 30,190,184 28 Interest due and accrued $042,055 78 Premiums due and deterred, not yet received, ou issues principally ot Leccmher 232,761 12 894,828 R* Total Asaets January 1. 1876 $'11,085,011 11 LIABILITIES. Reserve fund (four per cent. Massachusetts standard) $27,765,231 00 Policy claims in process of adlustmont 541,380 '*) Dividends due and unpaid 363,534 83 Commissions and expenses on unreported premiums, estimated at 10 per cent 25,276 11 ? 28,695,430 94 Total surplus as regards ptdiry holders $2,380,580 IT Dividends declared on 1*75 premiums, payable in 1870 1,374,555 23 Undivided surplus $115,034 93 Ratio of expenses to income (excluding taxes). 8.60 percent Kiiinher uf policies in force Jauuary 1, 1876 43,015 Insuring $134,105,104 00 L. SPENCER OOBLB, Statu agent for Southern New York and Northern New Jersey, 1*7 Broadway, New York. RCHT MONKY -$ ro LOANON CITY PROI*erty; no nhargesexcepl legal fee*. Address GUARDIAN, bo* l.tuit Poet office. To save VALUABLE PROPERTY A l*dt nrkds loan.?It charity survives Suanclal pressure will tome true Now Yorker aid CULTURE. boa 120 Herald office! wantku-To borrow. on first "moitf<jaoil TT $35,1*", #lH.0f". Capitalists only please oddrese C. E , boa IH4 Her,ad office. Ci'-i nnn To coan-<>r~ Tnsmall humST re". V'l.UU'l quire unduobted security. Addreaa,for three days, boa 117 Iferald Uptown Branch office. Ill SI MOSS OPPOHTPI1T1K8. Ah ?CENTENNIAL BREWERY IN PHILADELPHIA . tor rout, with ell the apparatus, vaults and laohousei opacity glsl barreie per week. Apply to PKANCla PKROrS SONS. 314 Vine St., Philadelphia. SPLENDID CHANCE POR AN ACTIVE MAN, a itb from ?.' .(*" to tM.iJUCi, in a good paying manufacturing loudness: bast roferencos given and required. Addreae CHANCE. Herald office GENTLEMAN, W iTH ABOUT- $1,5011, DESIRE^ employment as foreign correspondent or partner. Addn ?. STONE Herald ,.ffiee Avert intrllhTknt younq man. op good social position, having a bright future and Drat elasq references in New York, wishes to make the acquaintance ot a lady possessing e certaia amount <?i capital. Address R. B C., Herald office. CHANCR RBLDoiT OPPEREf? TO PARTY WITH uY. small mesns to get en old established money making Buainnsa Apply to MAX BAYElL-iDUREKK, liJCIisiu burs st, * OLD ESTABLISHED ' COAL YARD, LEASE, Morsel, Carts, Office and Stable Platures. and everything to the business, for ta.a, prioe$50U. Inquire at 5cS4 West it, corner id Jane | A DYERTI8ER keui ests business MAN with /V $lii, it) lead; eajli. who would share with htm $2U,UtM yearly profits, to call in person; staple c-tahllshed business; best reference. SABINE. HB Broad st. I T~ GENTLEMAN. WITH IhUKINKSH ACQUAINTANCE . V East and M est would connect bituself with a party having first rlsse Centennial noveltiea: would sell oo conmission or bar direct. Call on or addreee p. A II. 356 Pulton St., Brooklyn. (colorado siili r i \ i. >: i v;.?a party engaged J in sheen farming in Colorado, desiring to incraase big interest, will make favorable pmpoealt to pereons willing to emhsrk capital in moderate sums in thia remunerative and safe business . first does New York references. Addreae A. H C., bo* Peet office. New York. T^iJUAL PARTNER WANTBlb? WITH $?>.?*). in 0OICi merclal enterprise ; immediate probable result $o<>,ijOO yearly; Incressahle. moat unuenal opportunity. Addreae ALPHA, Herald Uptnwu Branch office. ? V"4 HAI'H IK I'" IL AUKLPIII A?Til KENT I KeIb U?7 I neas. Right, Title, Good Will, Leases. Pixturet, Purnlture, Ac . of the oldest estehlhihed Advertising Agency, having exclusive and special mediums, in whieh the sole and entire right is veeted In thie agency. The bnsinesa ia large and rapidly Increasing, ia now highly profitable, and will, during the current year, b? unusually valuable end repey many times the amount layetted; every opportunity will be given for the most thorough investigation; the price is $rt,.Vjo cash or available securities, uona but resfKinslble parties need apply. Addreaa J. N. GALLKN. care of Herald Philadelphia Branch -AW. J' NOR balk OR EXCH ange-a well established 1 wholesale and retail Business, with a stock about $I?.U? will bear Investigation A. HLOMQVIST, 15J SIMM It kJl'LKNDlb OPPORTUNITY TO RNGAOB in BUHtO nets. >af# and profitable; capital required, $f?" or $1,000. Call on or address E. R BEACH, 805 Broadway, lor*. Cf.VI>AV TKLKUiiAM, l5 TWO CKNTS. TO THEOWNER or LABOR KACTOKV?I'NKN'OUHberad, an naueuall/ attract.*e ..pj.ortunllp la offered to I..In a llrat ola?a concern, now In operation, with toola. machlnerp *n.l work In pr.<eeee roetlni aercwl hundred th.iue*nd dollnr?. f*oduot? pap Incirr |.r..lite and Mill In all tha trarkela ..f Auiir ea, Knropa, China and Japan. Addmaa, with l<aallut, (In and prion, HL si.Si.ah, bun 128 Herald office THIaTKH. -WA.NT8*i>. A GOOD, HOXKHT HAM, eitii a each eapltal ( 97 '*XJ, to bap one third Internet in a flratclaaa Theatre. now doing a good, I Tier at ire buelneea. The partv mud bo competent and willlna to take charge of the ho* office and it* finance*. Addreaa TllKATRK, Herald t'ptown Branch ? I i |i 1 1'AKTSKK WAXTKli -jSuu DAILY ( Adit Oil I vr tain* and <iee at all timet for all made. Call ?n hlTTKKIXIh. t*4 Tlllerp iv, Brooklyn , raferaneaa repaired. (UUi -BARTMRR W AJfTKD (9PBAK1MG <JKKV*JeV/\/V?. man preferred). In paring eaah hoetnew5 c >llauT*l aeon r Hp fur aop amount Uireei'd. Addreaa JONATHAN. Herald urtk-a. n(W) ARTHUR, BPBCIAL'oK OENKRaU Vw".vUU. wanted, in a aoap njeaolaetorp, hldea and tallow tendering, in ruceaacfhl operation. In aeitp near hp ; .nip one there Addraea t..,* 4 ilHH l*<iet office. iilWllWlO N&T OALLf <UH BR IMtOOTCCU ?J> I " Vrvrvr Irom an Important dlncoearp. a . *pUak let ieii|u( eptatad Ai^cea l^ltygjlil l^at>ld^*?* 1