Newspaper Page Text
rr TT WHOLE NO. 14,419. DIRECTOR! run ADVERTISERS, AVCSKMENTS? lflTnJ,AO>-2d, 8d, 4tb, 5lh and Cih cola. AHTROLOUY?2d Paak?uthooi. BALL siKAsON?4th Pagk?6lb col. MILLIARDS?do I'auk?<Uh col. BOARDER* WANTED ?3d Pack-IR. 2d and 3d coif. BOARD AND DODO I Nil WaNTED-3d Pauk?4tb coL BOOT* AND BliOKft?ITB Pagk-SUI cjI. BROOKLYN HOARD?l?n Pege?Mi col BROOKLYN HEAL ESTATE FOR BALE-Utb Paok2d col., and drn Ptua? In col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Urn Pace. Kl'S'NEKS NOTIL'88?Utu Pagb?3th and tUb cola. C1TY KEAL EHTATK KOJl SALE-14th Fack-UI and 2d CLERKS AND SAI.ESVF.N-2d Pagb?8d and 4?b co?A CLOTMNU?2d PaOB- (Uh col. , . , COACH.VBN AND UARDKNBR8-2d PACr-4th coL COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?15th Paw-Mb coL COUNTHY BOARD?Mo Pagb?4tb col. DANC1NU ACADEMIES?4tm Pa?b?8d col. DENTISTRY?8d Pa?b?">tii col , _ , PRY GOODS?1st I'AUK-ad. 4th, 5th tad ?b cola DWELLING HOUSES TO LKT, FCKNI8HED AND TNkl'KNlSHED?15th PAiili?2d and 3d colt.. and 4tb bprope AN*'STEAM STII pr?15TB paos?-1th and 6th cola. Ml" ROPE?So Paub ?6tli eoL RICH AN OK? 1st Paub?Gth col. EXCURSIONS?* pagb?5th col. KIN ANIMAL-lltll Paub. FINE A KT8 ?8d PACS?Mh erf. 5?'BNWllfcl)"BOOMS AND APAKTWENT^TO LET15th Paok?3d and 4t!i cola, and 4th PaOA?2d And 3d col*. fCBNITt'RB?2d Pack?6th col. ... KKNCII AIiVKHTI- KMKNTS?2l> I ags?5th col. 1IKU* WANTED? FEMALES?2d Paob?Jd and Bd cola HELP WANTED-MALES?2d Paub?4tb col. HOUSES. CARRIAGES, AC.-4th Paub?4th and 5th colt. SouIks~RooMs! AC . WANTED?3D Pacb-5H> coU (IBS REAL ESTATE FOB SALB? 14tb PaOB?dd eoi , and 4tu Paok?lit col. LECTURE SEASON?16th PAUB-litcol. LKUAli NOTICES?1st 1'aok?6th col. LOST AND KOU N D?1st Paub?2d col. machinery?2d Pagb?5th and 6?h cola MARBLE MANTKLB-ut PaOB?6thcoL MATRIMONIAL?4th PaOB?5th col. MEDICAL? 2d Paub??th col. . , MILLINERY AND DKESSMAKINO-Ist PaC??6th erf. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS? 12th I'aub?Slh an). MUSICAL?16th Pace?lit eol. MEW PUBLICATIONS?8rn Page-COi col. PERSONAL?1st Page?1st and 2d cols. PIANOKORTRS, ORGANS. AC.?lt>ril Paob?llteol. PROPOSALS?3n Page?4lh col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 2d Page?lid col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT? lira Page?3d and 4th cols., aud 4th Page? 1st col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?14m Page?4lh aad 5th cols., and 4th Piu;?1st and 2d cols. REAL ESTATE WANTED?14tu Page?dtb eoL. and 4th Page?2d eol. RELIGIOUS NOTICES?In Pack?2d eol. RESTAURANTS?4th Page?5th col. REWARDS?1st Pauk?2d col. SALES AT AUCTION?14th paca-flth eol., and 3d PaobSITUaTIONS WANTED?FEMALES?2d Paoe?1st and 2d coU. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALB8-2D Pag*?3d col. SPECIAL NtVrlCKS? 1st Page?2d and 3d colt. SPORTING?DOGS, BIRDS, AC ?4tb Page?4th col. STORAGE?2d Pag*?6th col. THE TRAPES?2d Page?4th and hth cola THE TURF?4th Page?4th col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?15th Page?lit and 2d cols., and 4th 1'age?2d col. TRAVELLERS' ULTDB-lSm PACK-Sth col. ' l/NFUKNISIIED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 15m Page?4th and 3th cola, and 4th Page?3d col. WANTED TO PURCHASE?1st Page?Bth col. WATCHES, JEWELRY. AC?4m Page?3<1 col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR BALE OR TO LET? 14th Page?2d and 3d cola, aud 4th Page?let col. WIIITBSTONE PROPERTY FOR HALE OR TO LET? 4m Page?1st column. WINTER RESORTS?3d l'age-4tb eol YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.?12TB 1'AGH-ftb col. PElUONAh. ADOPTION-A FINE, HEALTHY BOY. THREE monttis old: civoii only to a respectable family. Address F. R., ller.'tlu Uptown Branch office. A" ?BIRTHA P.-fl.AST RAW YOU AT UNIVERSITY place, between Otli ail 1 10th ft"., or at Maison Dora 14th st. and Broadway. Please write iminediatelr to WALTER, bo* 101 Ilcrald office. A* ?ARGYLL SHADOWS to-morrow n1u11t, aame ipot. on balcony; 11 o'clock sharp I'lyl'E, Adoption.?a beautiful new born male in. Tant. American parentage. and highly respectable. Call at or address 154 Last 2-th St., near 3d av. BOOTH'S, FRIDAY" EVENING; will laDT who accepted card address note to Pott office, saylm when and where an Interrlew can be had. b. c. i) ronchTnk! " D CIGARETTE A8 A SOUVENIR, ON NEW IIAVKN road, lust Monday morning?Won't 7011 favor admirer With 7our address ? Address W. 11. S.. Hi raid office CU AKLK4?YOU KOROOT TO QET BLUE SILK BIDE plaiting at OsthofPs, tlie glove cleaner. 333 Oth av :be uro and get it to-morrow If yon want to tee me. MARIS. ??T\EC. 5TH AND 12TH., ?7S."-WHY DOES MY XJ own trng love hesitate!' All ! forgiven ; have not for.-gotten 70U lor a single day. Why not come ? You know t?hy I cannot teak, thorelore I send (detesting as ever this means) this greeting to my faithful Valentine," offering Hi darling a glad, heart/welcome. Ever thine. "dec 2&TU." Elk rall, Thursday niuut, balcony box, near centre, right hand going in?One of three ladies, with white hat. white fan. opera glass, in hlack silk, light hair; old admirer would like to see you. Address, in confidence, I*. O. P., Herald Uptown Branch office. 1,260 Broadway. I3UROPB-?THE ADVERTISER. A YOUNG MAN. IS J shout to make a pleasure trio 10 I'luropo ; with a \ lotto mutual benefit in t rm elling, company. Ac., would like to snake the acquaintance of some gentleman who is going; would like to leave in time to see Italy t>efnre the warm Season. References exchanged. Address EUROPE, Herald office. Ipuginb.?i THINK YOU OU?IIT~Tf7AFKDKlT"MK J this pleasure and get me the Parisian D to wear to the ball. NELLIE. ELKS' BALL-LADY IN BLACK SPOKE TO OPPOsite gentleman. Address EXCUSE ME, Herald Up town Branch office. ANNY, DAKLIXG ?Tl!AT KISS KKVIVED MK; BB true to ms as I to you. YOUR PET HUSBAND. flANNY COLPOfT-ADDRESS A NOTE TO OLD place, as I should like to sue you. JACK. EXRY I'EARCRI " Information wanted of TJenry Pearea, of England, who came to Ameticu the latter part of IS71 or early in IS711 Known to have been somewhere in Louisiana about 1S7J or 1*73, Light brown hair and light complexion, height 5 fret 8 inches. Any person knowing the preseuf whereabouts of said Henry Pearce will please address 11. B., box 8,5811 Post office. New York city. TT A M ll.Tl (S (IS'Tt m.l ?TKfltl AH Ui-ll.ltMY M jTgTq 11 appointment through personals McK. IK THE PARTIES WHO TOOK TliF, 5 20 BONDS from Exchange office on Ttiead.iy will retnrn tliem they Can make their own terms. Address EXCHANGE, Herald flics. J"~AMlt8 TUHN'KR, LEFT KNGLANI) WHEN A HOTYour lister would like to hear from you. JKN.NIF. TURNER. 20(3 Broadway. room fl. C. m.?THERE 18 A~ FA.WELS IIAIR SHAWL . fur sale at 516 ltd ??., flrst hell. Call aud see it. Let me know if it suits. ttlesitny uired twice koktktteu. was NOT there Let inc hear iroto you soon. Address HEN pkovata, Herald Uptown Branch office. SulT RTJRK M Km11kh YOUR TROMIHK AT THE Bal Krancals do riiarnmnte next Friday at Irvine Hall BOSTON, f BTTIft B?AN OLD FRIKND~W18HBB TO SEE YOtJ. J j HEY, Herald Uptown Branch office. I TO F. -W PVIliri KEART WHEN flU #00 Bi. return, darling? I V| ISS KMM A PANDFORlil-LATK OK 81HT ST.? JV1 There is a letter for you at 1.27B Broadway, import int. M" ARION lL-PLKAsiF Tl'POINT TIME AMD PLACE for Interview and enclose >pb J. I.. If its. JAKE iioUUAN ~OR SaHAH slit A to n?8 k n o J?l addre-? to IIoral '. Uptown Broach Kxtfemcly I Important WKBsTKR TUT* SAkfT'KLS?f AM NOT GOVERNED BY IN11 . surauce or any oBer intoraata in this; I suspeet no Cody, hut 1 have been too much milled to stand luu any longer 1 am toe tiok. Hope yon kindly understand. M., lev 12-1 Herald ufii e ~0 F, ? YOUR OLD B0B> HAS iJ(/B FOR YC)iF . White, Corner Centre st. T) E. R.?SEND VOI R ADDRESS TU 7.11. HLKALD 1 Uptown Branch office Important. 1? A RTIRr wlr'lTsu" r'tTTis W fill" >TTiUf"r"s OF L. llarnos will picaae address l BARNES, Herald office. T>R!NUBTOy?YOC DID"NOT (ilVK DATES OR PARJ tieulars; am very desirous of seeing yon ; hope to a<iou. Write. . E T. 8. ACKAi.KS RhChnVlt AX 0 cT.N1 iF-VK fll!Y uiual do the needful; i can do no more. TIMBER. K" EGIN A KACrFMAN-PLBASE REND ADDRESS "Ft an old triend. Address HERBERT, box 132 Herald Uptown Branch office. CCSsET C-.X "AND "TFSKKAL )UNk'^ ~'"7{ NT names appear In the Congrrvsiunal Sketches published In NonhA Sunday limes ut to day. N. Ul. rriiii gentii man who writes the "wahl J. Street loiter ' In Noah'a Sunday Times must be careful About u?lng g?"d's name. NEW tennessee. THE GENTLEMAN BETTER BRINO back the oa. nary bird lie stole from Krt W est 27th it. on Friday evening, else there will be trouble. rphK FINDER OF THE DIAMOND RINQ. HUPPtmED X to be Ioal at the Clarendon Hotel on January 24, please communicate wit I, Iv. a i :? I , box I.' !G IV.t . 'hoc, THE PRhHiX WHO AliDKKssK* a. H . Till .,t . ,Tl I ereonal* will please discontinue ti.e : r,p.- in : < Traveler.?i Have seen your Tekronal. [ am ready to ds tuGnsss at once; |Mm Is all I will pay. Bend answer to Mrs. KINO, box 241 Post office Monr.t Verlion, N. Y. tT>' ;'BRS1TY PLACE CAR, Hi A M LADYTN DAKK U pi?t out at fth *t. and nturud hourc ? who I cppocitt would Ilka to corratp<,bd. Addrctt B. u. W.. bet ltJ7 Herald afhoa. WILL TUB YOUNG LADY IN BLACK VKLVKTWITO ft aptarod 6th av. ear, at 11 3u, Tharada* toinr. ?t bout fU ?. ewd fotjffej dOtb it klndljr a<l<lr*M, ctating c??lur ef f !? . MOl dfcMK, l.craid Uptown Brunch office ) \y antelf To"see vi It james BELaTgHErtsIIOE < f V maker, at 212 W averiry place. New York "v ou no lady who wrote *' a ns wh r psttti J. In Ml* graph nffic* Friday T.nlnc, abont ? 30 <? writ# ?h?r?, and p?rn>.t acquaintance with rentlalun for whom til* mfrdc room M >Mti. Addreta J. L Si*I aid I'otcarn Bi airrh nlloo. E NE NEW ~~ PtRRONAL. n-NOTB. 13 riusABE coxfnruK writing!" DO . sae me Ibis week. We? greeuy disappointed f POWER. Til ?t., NEAR PRION SQI aRS -LaFy IN black, bowed, Saturday aftrri oou. Please address Stanton, boa 12d Herald office. FIE EH; IOT'8 NOT1CEM. At plimpto* hale-'the godhead and Human Nature ot o?r Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ," object for Sunday morning. Come early. CON KERR NCR MUTING OF THE NEW YORK Spiritualists U huld at the Harvard Honm*, Reservoir square, Sunday, at and o'clock. All invited. T PLIMPTON HALL. 9T1I ST., NEAR SD AV? BE* fore Hflb I'nlvrrsallet Society.?Preaching this morn" injr, at 11 o'clock. All era Invited. NNIE HVA FAY. ?Tlta CELEBRATED SPIRITUAL Physical Tpm Medium, lately from the Oueen'a Drawing Rooms, Hauover square, London ; alio Crvstal Palace, Sydenham ; Indoraed by Wllllnni Crooks, F. R 8., and other members of the Koval Society, will give her marvellous eanre in the llgh^ tlil? ^Sundayi evening, at her elegant Roto), o'clock. Tli* New York Herald, December 2". says:?"Might truly he called a marrelloai seance : It is inexplicable." N. B.?Curriagot may b? ordered-at '-'in P. M. /ihcrci! ok"tue HOLY APOSTUiS. coknek 9t1i \ ' av. slid 2Bth st?Rer. I>r. Jered B. Kisgg will preach Su nda^morniug and evening. Services at lf% A. M. and ( "TiieKCII oy TIIE NEW JERUSALEM" (SWEDENborglan), Eaet H5lh st. betwseu l'ark and Lexington I are.?Servicer by the He v. Chauocey Oilea, at 11 A. M. The I doctrluei ol the new Oharch teach that now la the eccond coming of the Lord, and Unit it con-lets In a new revelation of the powerftal and glerlons truths contained in the Internal aenao or eonl of the sacred scripture. It ia a coming of the Lord to human minds, in tUe might and loy of bla own divine truth, ao that man by mean* of greater light mar attain 10 higher degree* ol purity and lore. Sublimely beautiful and Interesting when rightly understood la tbia aecond appearing of the Son of M an. C1i1ubch OK TUE DISClPLKtf madison aV? COK" J nar 45th rt..Rev. Oeorge II. Uepworlh?Morning, [ "Christ tho Only Door." Evcuing, ' God's Covenant wit!) You lir William A. Hammond will lecture to men only Wednesday evening, at 0. Subject, "The Uae and Abuse of Our Minds." Admission free. rilll'RCn OK THE ATONEMENT, MADISON AV. AMD I ' 2Sth at?Li vine aerrleeg at 11 A. H. and 7 30 P. M.; at tbo evening service Rev. Percy Brown, of Boston, will preech a sermon en 'Tho Temptations and Dangers of Onr Social Life." tlUURCH OF the DIVINE PATERNITY, STH AV.. corner 45th at.?Rev. Dr. E. H. Chapiu will preach this Diornlog et 11: reapers and an extrmporaueons adilree* at 8 P. M. All are invited. Church op ocb bavioir. sbtii ht., sd at.? Hev. D. M McCaffrey will preach et 10:30 A. M. and 7:80 P. M. Subject?"Christian Watchfulness." M~~ R& NELLIE J. T. BIUG1IAM, INSPIRATIONAL speaker, lectures lOt^ A. M. and 71, P. hi for Society Progroaatve Bpirttuellrte, at their Hail, 55 West 33d at Children'* Lycrnm, 2H P- * M" 110. b. H. LINMLEY.20u went 32d pt , WILL hold a Spiritual Prance this evening at B o'clock; flowers will be brought by the spirits; speas independently of the medium: testa given. Circle* every evening. PRENTICE MULKORD-A TALK ~T1II8 EVENING shout "Woman's Rights and Man's Wrongs" at Trenor'a new hall, 1,21*8 Broadway, commencing at H o'clock. Rev dr. samboS- wiiaTpkeacTi at tiie first Baptist church, llarlcio. 3th sr.. north of 120th at, on Sandey morning: snhjeci. '"Ifee Authenticity, Inspiration, opening seruion of a scries of Sunday morning discourses on the life ol Christ. R~bv7jtn. uallehkk, d. d will repkat his sermon in beliatf ?f the New York Bible mid Common hater Book Society in HI. Luke's oburch. Hudson at., oa Sunday evening, the 13th Inst, Service at 7:30 o'clock. K~ wfliSit^^kkfiyfc society. ecclbsia nTviTiT. No. 8-Union square.?ll:HO, Professor Vanderweyde on "Spectrum Analysis," with instrument and drawings; 7:30, 0. 1- Henderson, "Integrity the lilory of Manhood.'' S_pecial heLUlioUS sk kyii'US xrilLhe keld at the hippodrome BUILDING, Madison and 4th avfc-Mtb and 27th at*.. In connection with the labors of Mr. D. L. MOODY and Mr. IRA D. SANKEY. NOOK MEETINGS. Every day. except Sunday. Entrance on 4th nr. Doors open at 11 J, and close at 12 o'clock. EVERY EVENING, / Saturday and Sunday excepted, for the general public; at 8o'clock. Entrance. Madison av. OVKREI-Ow MEETING at 8 o'clock. Entrance on 4th ay. FOR YOUNG MEF ONLY, every night, except Saturday, at 9 o'clock. Entrance cm 4th av. Sunday?For Christian workers. Entrance on Madison av., 8 to 8:45 o'clock A. M Admission by ticket. FOR WOMEN ONLY, AT b O'CLOCK P. M. FOR MEN ONLY, AT 8 O'CLOCK P M. Doors ooen one half hour before each service. Admission to all the meeting* Tree, without ticket, .Sunday morning exrented. 'the expenses of these meetings are large and most be defrayed bv private subscription. Contributions can be sent to J. J'iKRPONT MORGAN. Ksq., Trrssnrer, 23 Wail St. SAMUEL trobnb, Chairman Committee of Arrangements. W. E. DODGE. Ob air in an General Committee. NATO AN BISIIOP. Chairman Executive Committee. OT._IGNATIUS' CHURCH'dOTH ST.. BETWEEN 8TH O and tttii nva.?Services, 7 A. M.. 9, 10W and 11 choral, with sermon by Dr. Ewer, rector, on "P'rer Godliness." 7>g P M.. choral: preacher, the Rev. Dr. J. W. Kramer, of Grace parish, N. Y. Strangers cordially invited. mile people's service J. in the Chnreli of the Holy Trlntty, Madison av. and 42d ?t. Hunday evening, at 7)f P. M., Rev. Stephen II. Tyng, Jr., will preach. Tho Gospel Ilymus and Spiritual Songs by Mr. bankcy are used. Young men's prayer meeting cverv Hunday, at P. M. . Oilier services at Iul, ' ..air' * . <" M. HE~EIGHT B|Vr tB^Vi k. JlillK, D D.. L L. D., Bi-lioif of Rhode Island will lireach tlie third anniversary sermon for the Home ft?P Old Men an I Aged Couples, in the Church of the Incarnation, Madison av, corner of 35th i si., this evening: services commencing at 7^ o'clock. r?JD STREET BAPTIST cbcrch. EAST OF 7TII ; i)0 av ? Rev. John Dnwling, D. D., will preach at 10::*) A M.. and Mr Edward Lonx, of the Union 'nivnlogical Seminary, ut 7:30 P. M. Fo DSTKEET BAPTIST CHURCH. BROADWAY AND tJO HUl av.?Rev. J. Dowllng, It. D.. wiil preach at HR* A. M. and Mr. Edward Loux at 7tg P. M. LOST AM? HMM), Found-near masonic temple, a pocket-.1 book, with am nil soil or money. Owusr can have the same by calling at 340 tilli av. and proving property and j paying charge* I~"08T?ON TilK hVKNIKO OF THK lOTIi 1N8T.. J while on the cars of tho Twenty-third Street Cross | town Railroad, a t'lum ni Pin: satisfactory reward will tio ! paid for its return nnu no question* waked. Address U. | CLARK, box 4.H20 Port office. Ne?- York. OST-ON THURSDAY EVENING. A CHILD'S NECK A Chain. tni.rked "Mamie," coming from licnry to Miidlj sou si. Tlio tinder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it ut | UO Madison st. OST.?PA YM K N T ST<)PPliD~ jThW YORK TRUST A Company's certiQeate 22.740, tor $3,0'.'7 23: suitable eward ou return to BIRD, Trustee, 137 Broadway, room Id. 1"~o5t-ON "TliuilSDAY. riSALL" BKYE~TEHKIER A named "Dandy," in 3(>th St.. near 4th av. Ifrcturuod to No. 4 i*.ast Uldli St. ; a suitable reward will be given. 1 LI OST?KKID A Y, I ITU INHT., BETWEEN 26 ' WEST 3!itli st and 435 'ith av., a child's gold Locket, blue I enamel and diamond points. 1 inder will receive reward and | thanes ou returning same to latter address I OST?HANDKERCHIEF, WITH INITIAL H; A A souvenir: Under will please send address to II. I?. T., j Herald office I' OST?A 8KYR TKKRHf R DOG; NAME SPURT; WITH J rtd collar; t-'i reward will be paid if returned to 216 I Most 41st st. JORT?SATURDAY, AT OR NEAR ATLANTIC KERRY', A Hmaklvn, ttlg.'i: If the tinder will retnrn f 100 be may keep ?-'5 J a MBS STIKKMAN. 7b Wall si., or No. 2 Jeffef| son i'ark. President St., Brooklyn. OBT?TWO RANK BOOKS, IN TIIIKD AVENUE CAR, on Saturday et Kinder will be suitably rewarded. jr; S. Mi'GOYERN, 2*1") East 32d it. REWARDS. REWARD ? LOST. A LARGE FIZKD FPITZ DOG, i V'-? answering to name of 1'aust. Return lo Kl Irviiif | place. C REWARD?FOR "tilK R" TURN~TO~nVT9 EAST J 42d st uf a yellow Neoleh Terrier l'og; ears and tall I cropped; lost or stolen last Tuesday. REWARD for return or WRITE spits hC a Ay Dog, with blue ribbon around neck, answering to the name hnnw Ball. Above reward will be paid by return| int.' hira to 346 West 33d st. ! CtT?n REWAKD.?LOST, AT CIlEnTNt'T HILL. hC'y*/ Philadelphia, rinrlng last August (167.7.1, a skye bluo Terrier; body shaved; ears mnd tail uncut j name, " Dick." Please retnrn hint lo 74 llaavor St.. New York, or 1,630 Dtluncey place, Philadelphia. No questions asked. BKEC IAls SOTK'EI. 4 -ISAAC O. BOYCE. 2tf7 BROADWAY. LAW YE It! ali Divorces obtained promptly, without publicity ; desertion. incompatibility, habitual drunkenness, lnhdclitv. luliu loan treatment, cotivirlh n of telouy Passport* blatnnS, 4 STKAL COUNSEL?SEND PGR A PROSJ.V. pectus Address Post office b?x 4,6211, ?? York city. 4 ORBKXKNM. COPARTNERS. APPRENTICE1 1 s\ Bills of Hale, Deeds. Leases, Mortgage*. Powers of Attorney. Wills. Passports procured. COSTER'S law office. Notary Public, 1.215 Broadway, opposite Gllary llonse'. Kronen and German spoken. 4 LL DISEASE* VlU.MAN 1TY IS MUHJBCT TO ARB A treated sucressftilly, without taking any msdlrfnet wlisteTfr. by the different modes uf application of Electricity nud Gslvsnism, and tbos? who are anflbring Iron pronounced Incurable diseases and cannot ttu-l relief anywhere else may witli c< n idence anply to Dr DK Kit A FT, r.lortropaiiiic Institute. No 3<| West : I tii St.. New York, Certificate* of cures lor inspection. Consultation free. AMP? ducal hrL nhy ice government iArr*rf . 12.1)73,360. go'.d, to be drawn in six different drawings. Highest ptite. fl', rob!. One pri'e to ?*tr? The seeolid drawing will take place Monday. Kebruaty 14. and Tuesday. February Hk full explanatory circulars free. THRO DOR ZtiCllOf II. Post office box 5.5B4. lib Nassau vt., New York, i i i ,?il. s 1.1.. 77 ri-'ii wn it at rum i i .. , A' hair on (b? lipl, chffk. chin, urmi, Ac . who hare in vain triad the Taftoui depilatories in ?? fat tlti* pnrpoee, may apply to JHme. JULIAN wHJ]i In# certainty of poaran ( ?! pfrfcct mfffit Nmt. JI L1AN l?? rencrffd this di affirm em em radically and permanently. In the worst po*tlble raeea, whare all pvtvWni attempts have failed. Application muat be made pertonaU? at bee 2ltf Weet N te?th el.. tren ^ t#fc 9 9 W YO YORK, SUNDAY, FEBRUA SPECIAL NOTICES, -KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERIES OK J, 8. . SMITH A CO. bbbtcoxt, nxnu clam 276?roit 1874L 65, 88, 87, 71. 46, 14, 02, 27, 5, 12, 44, IT. 26, 19. XAJtTLCKT. CLASS 280?W)B 1S7W. 52, 39, 34, 90. 55, 8:1, 72. 58, 37, 6C, 2. 77, 53, 43. All orders eddrese B. NATHAN, box 4,870 Post office. New York city. ?PARKS, EMERSON A CO. Kcntneay Stste Lotteries drawn dally. Royal Havana Lottery drawn erery 17 days. Kcntacky Single Number Lottery drawn February 26, 1876. Prises Cashed, Inloruislton furnished and circulars free. ISO Broadway. Post offico box 5,272, New York. MAGNETIC PHYSICIAN, ELECTRIC CLA1RV0Yant renders manipulation, local pain, nervousness, Ac. Mmc. COOKE, 202 Weft 2tSlh St.? TVSKASliToE MEN A SPECIALTY. 1" 1IENRY A. DANIELS, M. ?., 144 Lexington av.. near 2?th st. Office hours from 8 to 3. OKBTS COLLECTED, LIENS AMD ATTACHMENTS obtained: feer dependent upon hiicceas; titles searched; mortgages. aasiimraeuts mid all other legal paper* skilfully prepared by T. FRANCIS GIBBONS, Attorney and t'ounsellur?at Law, Notary Public and Commissioner of Deed*, 13 Wot -lib at., between Broadway and Mercer tt. Uttko hour* itoin 8 in the morning till U In the evening. Dr. j. p. mann cubes hip di?hase, white Swelling. Spinal Curves, Contracted Liinba and Club Keet without cutting cord* or any surgical operation or an l.our't conbiieionct to bed. and mostly wltbont pain. Send for sebednle. Office 133 West 41st at. Sunday and Tuesday forenoon. Expensive supporters entirely dttcnred. R. PA HACK'S LINIMENT?un RIVALLED CUKE for Rhcnniatlana, (lout and Neuralgia; an Infallible remedy, having cured all sucli stcknen in St. Peter's Hospital. l?r PA RACK, SO Hackett ?t.. Brooklyn. AVANA LOTTERY. Important information given about drawing 10th lnst. Address 11. ALE.VCK, box 3,084 New York Post office. Havana lottery.?next drawing February 10. Highest prisciE1)10,000. Whole amount of prires *.Vt<1,000. For particulars address B. MARTINEZ k CO., Bankers, 10 Wall St., basement. Pott office box 4.682. K?CHRONIC CATARRH; DBA PKE8STTMVROVED method; Instantaneous relief: permaneut cures Dr. BTODDAKD. No. 8 West 14th St. J^ENTUCKY 8TATK DISTRIBUTION. DRAWS SATURDAY. FEHRUAUY 26, 1876. *300.000 in cash distributed. *300.000. Grand capital prize. $bO.OOU. ">,S7U others from *20,000 to *100. All prizes paid in lull after the ilrswing. Tickets, *10; halves, *a; quarters, *2 .V). THOMAS 11. HAYS a CO.. 6117 Broadway, New York. E? OFFICIAL DRAWING KENTUCKY STATE LOT. teries. SIMMONS, DICKINSON A CO , Managers. kairtl'okt. kxtha clash, no, 171?run. 12, 1876. 64, 77, 13, 34, 34, 10, 8, tt, 52, 2, 37, 30, kentucky, class no. 172?ran. 12, 1876. 18, 11, 52, 44, 3. 10, 50, 8, 25. 53, ftV 38, 43. 1iknrt, kttha class, SO. 71?rkd. 12, 1876. 76, 17, 10, 24, 3, 73, 57. 6, 68. 37. 66, 12. ukxbt, class no. 72 ?feb 12, 1876. 68, 43, 23, tti 10, 11. 02, 72, 48 17. 47, 78 76. Pull information by applying to or addressing J. CLLTE, 200 Broadway or box 4,966 Pott office. fr ?SIMM*0N8~ DICKINSON a CO.'S GRAND J\_. monthly distribution, on ths Havana plan, to ha drawn February 26; also the Royal Havana of Cuba, draws February ltt. Mill Information by applying to or addressing J. CLUTK, 200 Broadway or box 4,009 Post office. "VJ"K~R~VOUS D ETTIUTY OR LOSS OK MANHOOD CAN 2.1 be permanently cured (even old men). Consultation tree. Dr. JACOBY, 161 BUerker tL PROFESSOR ill-Tow: MESMERIST. 219 KA8T 11TH St.?Sittings from 2 to 4 and 7 to tt P. M. daily ; private sittings at residence it desired: all nervous diseases cured ny animal magnetism ; Instructions In Psychology, public entertainments given ; examinations by medical clairvoyant if desired. j^ead tub SUNDAY TELEGRAM, PRICK TWO CENTS. Contains Full Reports of tlie ('losing Scones and Conviction of Rubensteln. Special Reports ot Hippodrome Services. Doings in tbe Courts. Illustrated Police Court Sketches. Special Telegrams from Albany and Washington. Special ( able letter irom Europe and nil I lie Latent Local and Telegraph News from* all parts of the country and other Interesting Reading Matter. OOriES FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSMEN. OYaL SAXON' IxjTTBRY. Brunswick and Hamburg Lotteries. Royal Havana Lottery. WACIISMAN A CO., Bankers, Post office box 8,310. 73 and 77 Nassau St. Royal Havana lottery-next drawing February 5, 1876. Capital prise. $11*1,000. Prises cashed, information furnished. Highest rates paid for Spuulsb bills, governments, Ac. taylor A co., Bankers, No. 11 Wall st. O M ANCPACTu RKRst" OF SMOKI NO TOBACCO AND Cigarettes ?For sale, bright Virginia Leaf, In hogsheads or tierces; also Wtstern Tobacco, for West India shipments. J. W. CARLE, 25 Old slip. <tl ?WYOMINO LOTTERY. NEW iJlAt/sJ.Uv/". scheme draws Feliniary 21; 08,000 prises. Uno chance in three. Ticket* $1; six for $5. Clrcolars mailed tree. ALLEN A co.. 70 Nassau St., New Turk. why goods ^-OVELTIES * retail. A. t. stkw.vrt a Of), on Monday, February 14, will make throughout the department* of tbeir ret Ml store an immense exhibition of the latest and choicest SPRING NOVELTIES. They will alto exhibit a large purchase of PLAIN AND FANCY SILKS, made at the recent large auction sales, commencing at the extremely low price of Hoc. per yard; largely under value. PLAIN COLORED SILKS in nil tbe new shades. Prices, $1 25 and upward. Decidedly cheap. 500 pieces Caehemfre finish BLACK SILKS, extra quality, commencing at $1 23 per yard. And Ibey will offer a great variety of attractive article* In Ladle*' richly embroidered Underwear, ef every description. A large lob lot of . LADIES' WORKED SETS, ham bubo edgings and in8ebt10n8. and a mod extensive assortment of lace goods, lack articles. and trimming laces at very attractive prices. BROADWAY. 4TH AV..-PT1IAKD 1QTII BT3. A ~ EUGENIE'S SS89 KEEE OCCr KRR EEEE TTTTI 6 K C R R K SSSS EEE C Rim EEE T 9 E Cr R K E T SS8S KEEE CCCU R R EEEE T OK BEAUTY, OR CRKME BLANCHE, a beautiful Invention of the eminent chemist Dr. L. F. COUDRAY. Rue St. Anne, 52, Pnrie, by which means the Empress EUGENIE w as enabled to preserve hor beautiful complexion, now offered to the la-liea of AMKKICA as an indispensable toilet urticlo at ONE DOLLAR l'EK BOX, imported and waranted hy L. SHAW, SOLE AGENT. 54 West 14th St.. near Macv'n; :it)4 Bowery, corner 4th st. The celebrated Dr. L. K. t'oudray's ACftOKA, to bleaeh I Any ootur ?f dark lialr to a ttno GOLDEN BLONDE, without any injury to the hair, at Is. SH AW 8. SOLE AGENT, , 64 WEST I4TH ST., NEAR MACY'fl; 861 BOWERY, CORNER 4TU ST. IirMAN HAIR GOODS. The larpeat and finest assortment positively retailed at wholesale prices at L SHAW'S, 64 WEST 14'rtl ST., NEAR MACT'S, and 364 BOWERY, CORNER 4TH ST. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICK LIST. The most modern strles ot Coitlures on hand In great variety. IIAIRDItESSING, 60c. Combings made up hy the newly invented method 50c per ounce. Old hair taken in exebango. j^ORD A TAYLUFL PLAIN SILK DEPARTMENT. ^' Evening colon ot Taffetas, fi < m 7,>c. to fl per rard;gros groin Silks, for spring wear. In the new tints as cream, rote pale, ciel, perle, lavender, nil Jeglantiue, bleuruartn. myrtle, seal brown, plom. prune, pain bruls, cendre. gros bleu, corhenu and pervancho, Ac , 41 and $1 SO per yard. ALSO, Tbe new shades of the best Lyons manufacturers at greatly reduced prloes. . Faye Unl, 22-inch, $1 78. formerly $2 25. Groa Grain, 23-taea, 62, formerly 4.' ,V.t Cachemlre de Sole. 24-Inch, 42 60, formerly $3. Poult dc Sole, 24-inch, 48. formerly 48 SO. Lynn* Brocaded Silk, In all the faah unable tints, for street and evening wear. 20 Inches. 42 75. reduced from $1 60. 20 inches, 48 SO, reduced from 44 60. A complete line ot White tiroes grain, 41 26 to 48 50 per yard, just received per steamer. Colored and White Satins, 41 SO, good value, for 42 per yard. Samples nf goods sent free of cost to all parts of the Coiled States. Broadway and 20th ft j^ORD A TAYLOR. f FANCY SILK DEPARTMENT. ^ Rich aaaortmtnt of tb? newett etylaa of Btrlpei and CUacka, at nnneually low pricaa, 05 ecnla to CI per yard. Lyona Taffeta#, raya, 6*e. per yard, worth 80c. Lyona Taffrtaa. raraa and ipiadrlllca, 88c., worth fl 10; of mpcrlor flmah and eape< tally racommrmlM for wear. I.yona Taffelaa. rayca and tuadrllUi, at CI per yard; parrhatrd at recant auction aalaa at leaa than liuporiar'a prlcoa. Lyona Taffrtaa. raya, at |! C"> per yard. In all the faahlonaide hnrin/ tint", ar. drab, fnrn?e da Londrea, aonrl. Iron frar, brown and nary blna, eapeclally dcairabla for elepaut prlUK promenade coaiuniea. Broadway ano 2f)?b at. ^ ?A.?-CARPETS. WE ART NOW OFFERING A LINE OF ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS (SLIGHTLY IMPLRFRCT). ATCI 15 PER VAUO; ALSO DAILY RE? LIVING THE LATEST STRING STYLES, WHICH WILL HE SOLD AT EX TREMBLY LOW TRICES. AN I'.NTIRE WHOLESALE STOCK FROM AUCTION OF LACE CURTAINS FROM ONR DOLLAR r*B FAIR TO THE FINEST IMPORTED AT HALF FRtCK. SIIKPPAKD KNArP. 1M AND 1M CTU AT. ONE DOOR BELOW 13TU IT RE H .RY 13, 1876.?QUADRUPL dry goods. j?PrOXnR)T N t at AXKKbce?oSri ~ J lord a taylor" f BROADWAY AND tfrru STREET, will offer un . monday, fkuruart 14. the balance of their >to?k of t'a'.l air! Winter Suits at still greater reductions. ? CAMEL'S HAIR BCIT8, ^ $12, $15. $1t. ?1r. $20. $23, $2& Camel's Hair Suits, plaid silk trimmed, f?S. Camel's Itair Suits, nil silk underskirt. 91.1. A choice lot of handsomely trimmed Costumes at $23? greatest bargain yet offered. A lot o! light silk pongee and mohair Costumes, suitable for trsvellingpnrposes, very cheap. Colored Cashmere Suits, popular shades, from $25 upward. T MOURNING GOODS A SPECIALTY. 7 <> Complete Outfits constantly on hand or to order at 12 boars' notice. NO DISAPPOINTMENT. Also, Evening Dresses on short notice. Dinner, Reception and Carriage Dresses in silk velvet (choice shndes), at extremely low prices. ltiack silk Costumes, stylishly trimmed, from $40; colored silks. $48 np. A lot of black Cashmere Polonaises, trimmed with lace, Embroidered Oversklrts and Jackets, from $15 up. Black and colored poplin alpaca Suits, $10 50. I LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S f SWISS AND ORGANDY BUITSl to $40. hwlsa Overdresses, neatlv trimmed. $1 50. Children'* pialil melton School Suitl, $3 SO. Children a all wool plaid School Suit*. $."> 75. Children'! all wool Caibmere, silk trimmed, (15, Children's cloth Kacquos from (2. Flannel, tycoon reps, sorge and Cashmere Wrappers, suitable for house or steamer wear, in groat variety, at prices wliieh daly competition. ^LADIES' AND CUILDKKX'S I'KDBKWRAK.^ During the past week we base made large additions to oar stock, and still ftarthor reductions in prices, based npon tha recent extraordinary decline in muslins. Our goods are made of the most popular brands, and as to style and finish cannot fall to full] satisfy the most critical. W alktng Skirts, cluster tucks, deep hem 45 Walking Skirts, cluster tucks, deep hem SO Walking Skirts, cluster lucks, deephein 70 Walking Skirts, cluster tucks and rullte HO Walking Skirts, cluster tucks, plaited ruffle HH Walking Skirts, cluster tucks, plaited ruffle K> Walking Skirts, cluster tucks and five-inch ruffle (1 00 Walking Skirts, IS tucks 1 00 Walking Skirts, il tucks 1 IS Walking Skirts, Hamburg Bounce 1 00 Walking Skirts, imported, elaborately embroidered, tVom ; 3 7.1 Traiii Skirt*, irvm 1 SO Shaker tlaunrl Underskirts 2 70 Bonnefa Black hilka, at 91 no. 92 20. 92 W) and 92 00. also Brllnn'a, Oolnrt'a and all the leading make* of Mack lllka at nrnportl'-natelr low price*. from 91 7dJ par yard. Jura Kilka at 92, former price 92 1*0,91 <?, 91 7-Vfl SB and 92, the loweat price* thee good* ware rear offered at retail la Ihla market. Talftt a Hllke, at 79e . H"e . tr* *nd 91 per yard. Oroa drain* at 00c . f I fl jo and 91 it per yard. There ?re all allka recently purcltaaed at aaetion aalea ana to be aold at a amall adranre. SIIOB DEPARTMENT. We would eapeelally direct attention to nor 93, 94 and 93 Ladle* Walking and l)tea* Boot*. whleh aorpnaa inelegance and dorabtllty any before eoid la thla city at the name "BVMPLM OF OOOD9 RENT EKKB OF COST TO ALL FAIiTH UP TUB UB1TKD STATE* rennet naunei ur.oersxirts, ureiacn i rv. Canton flannel -skirts I* Canton flannel Drawers 7! Musliu 1)from 4t Jt ?& CM KM ISKS. | 4 ? & Muslin Cbem I, neatly trimmed (>< Mutim ('hem's.*, edgings and embroidered (V Musl.n Che*. . corded bands 61 Muslin Chem<*?. , tuekad yokes and Insertions HI Muslin Chemises, polling and inserting yoke 8: Muslin Cbemlt* a, lucked yoke, ruffled edge ft1 Muslin Chumi-.. a, plain yoke, corded band aud ruffle $1 ? Muslin Chemises, tucked yoke, trimmed with edging, laundrted 1 (X Muslin Chemises, tucked yoke, Hamburg insertions.... 1 1( Muslin Chemises, pulling and inserting yoke 1 21 Mu.-lln Chemises, band embroidered 2 2; Linen Chemises, plain corded frauds, flue quality 2 2' LI non Chemises, tacked yokes 2 5t All llse above In 38, 40, 42, 44. 46 Inch bands. ^ DRAWERB~J Muslin Drawers, cluster tucks 40 Muslin Drawers, cluster tucks and ruffle 4* Muslin Drawers, cluster tucks, Hamburg edge 6t Muslin Drawers, elustsr tucks, cording and Cambric r ii die 70 Musliu Drawers, cluster tucks, line Hamburg edgo HC Muslin Drawers, embroidered ruffle OS Muslin Drawers, Coventry ruffling fl Of! Musliu Drawers, Hamburg inserting and edging 1 IS ^ KIOHT" DRBS8B& ^ Mnslln Night Dresses, yoke back and front, with ruffle., 1 00 Mnsllo Nlgbt Dresaes, ruffle suit tucks down front 1 10 Muslin Night Dresses, cluster tuck yoke and ruffle 1 20 Murlln Might Dresses, bias tuckiug Slid ruffling down front 1 43 Muslin Night Dresaes, cluster tucks, Hamburg Insertloirs....,,.... f. 1 S3 Musliu Night Drosses, cluster tucks, three rows Insertlugs and tucks In yoke 1 00 Muslin Night Dresses, yoke tucked back and front and ruffle 2 10 Musltn Night Dresses, yoke, tucked back and front, ruffle of nbrniflery down entire front 2 30 Muslin Night Dresses, cluster turks, two rows Inserting* and ruffle down entire front 2 80 Musliu Night Dresses, same stvle, Oner embroidery. .. 2 30 All the above In sises, 14, 13 end 18 Inches In uock, otherwise in proportion. A fall assortment of line French hamkeinbroidered Chemises, Night Dresses. Dressing tiacques. Ac. A large lot of Night Dresses, full luundried, handsomely tucked, hand ombroldered. at half the original prices. Curset Covers, froui 06c. Dressing tiacques, from 73c. Imported Sncques. hand embroidered, (3 30. COMPLETE TKOUHHEAC, FROM $30. All the popular styles of Corsets, Fanlert, Ac., at very loi prices Particular attention paid to ^ WBDD1NU OUTPlTd. ^ Our loag experience In this branch guarantees us In prom' isiBg perfect saitsfactiun iu every particular. All information rtqaired, and rules for self-ineesurcmeni sent, free of charge,to any part of the United Htates on application. ^ ^ NFANTT WKAlt. f Infknts' linen 6hlvt?, trimmed, from 43 Infants' flannel Hands, embroidered ?u Infants' flannel llands. plain, silk bound 37 Infants' Hennel Skirts from 1 73 infants' flannel Skirts, omhroidered 2 30 Infants' line cambric Skirts, laundrled 1 00 infants' flue cambric Skirts, handsomely trimmed 2 00 lnrants' Night Dresses from 65 Infants'Nainsook trimmed Slips. I 13 infauts' Christening Kobe*, trimmed with embroidery. 3 15 Infants' lace Caps from. 1 73 Nursery Huskets, einbroldored 3 (VI Nursery Baskets, sslK and lace trimmed 8 no Nursery Boskets, lully furnished 4 23 Embroidered flannel and merino Shasrls from 2 75 Infants' Cloaks, white merino, silk trimmed, lined and wadded 0 50 Intents' Cloaks, white merino, quilted silk lining and handsomely trimmed 13 00 Infants' Cloaks, colored merino, long cloaks, double capos 7 00 infants' Walking Coats, silk trimmed, lined and wadded, trnm 5 00 Infants'Walking Coals, braided cloth, flannel lined. . SCO Infants' Walking Coate. blank velvet, hand embroidered, half the cost of importation 8 00 Afghans, new designs, froui 4 23 Tique braided Dresses, from 1 K) Pique, hand emhrtlilered 4 fVj Nainsook short Dresses, French yoke, from 1 13 INFANT* COMPLETE WARDROBES A MPKPIALTV, TO ORDER AND ON HAND. FROM 35 00 HOVS' CLOTIIINO DEPARTMENT. LORD A TAYLOR would respectfully announce that thoy have thoroughly reerginised tin- above department, aud ara now manufacturing an entire line of Boys' and Children'] Suits exprcsaly for the coming season, comprising the latest styles and novelties In Jockey, Derby, English Walking aud Kilt Knits. These goods sre being made especially for our retail trade In the most faslilonahle styles of English, French. Herman and American Cloths and CassUni-res of this spring's importations. dulls made to measure on the premises iu the most thorough manner ?t short notice. Tills department Is now under the management of Mr. J. J. Lvnch, who has been connected with the leading Broadway houses for many years. Rules for self measurement sent to all parts of our country free of expense. SHAWLS. We will offer on Monday. February 14, our stock of REAL INDIA CAMEL'S IIAJK SIlAtVLH, In no Mr design* ami choice coloring*, it prices lower than ever off.'ml before. Reduced from p'l to f 100. Reduced from 8225 to 8150. Reduced from $8M) to 8175. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN'S IN DELHI AND JI MN'A SHAWLS, suitable for carriage wear, at f!5, former price 815; I ?23. former price HO; at $3", former price A'iO. Breuilful black and scarlet Stella Shawl* at $1*5, worth 84o. Several large invoice* Miring fanry Shawls, Including French, Berlin, English and Paisley; all the neweil shades at popnlar price*. FINK WHITE GOODS. We are offering a complete assortment of fine White flood* for ladlei' and children'* wear, consisting ol ?-4 French Organdie*. from HTtc in $1 to. Hwfr* Mull, from 1?Rs. to (1. White Tarlatane, Irom 12c. to 70c. Colored Tarlatane, all new (linden. 12)t'r., 1 Ac., 20c. and *>c- o * . French Naineook. sheer andienrr, from 3Cc. to SI SO. English Nainsook, from 75c. French Jaconats, best .rood# made fur Children's wear, 3.1c. tofl. . Soft finished Cambrica, 13c. to 50c. Victoria and Bishop Lawns. 3llc. to <10*. Striped English Victoria Lawns. 12'Jc. to 6<Vj. Striped English Long Cloths, lor Laniea' and Children's wear. 25c. to 7"c. India twill Long Cloth, 2f?c to 50e. A new line of French and English striped ?nd plaid Nainsook*, from 20c. l'1 75c. French and English Dimity, 35c. to f I. Plaid and strip*'!' >rgaudies at 28c., worth 85c. Shirred Mnslia, new style. 5Hc. to 75c. ALSO. full assortment of corded, figured, striped and checked Plane, from 12)<c to 81, ell new sl> le>. Laco striped Pique, new styles, 1?c. to 45c. ALSO, Tucked Skirtings; all over tucking In French and English Nainsooks. These good* are very fine, and we beg to call particular attention to them, a* they have been made expressly for this hoiiae. Friends, eu?tomers and stranger* are respectfully Invited to examine the above good*. Nil. ICS. On Monday, February 14, we will make onr largest '^"'"'CAHHMF.IIE FAMILY BLACK SILKS. at $1, former price fl 15; at 81 35, former price 81 AOs at jl 50, former prise 81 75; at 81 13, former priee git at 82. former price 82 35. [ERA] E SIIEET. DHY QOOItf. yy~-r CUAH!) MEA&E8, 0th av aod IlHh a, Beg* to direct the attention of euatomeri to tlie Gleet Hargaina in ready made I'nderclotblutr - ?pew offering aud od exhibition, oil marked io plain figuree. Having purehaeed the entire ttock of a large manufaeturer, it will be offerod at a great redaction from former price*. Every article la made of fine moilln, all are neatly and carefully aewed, well fiuiebed, and up to the ueual ataodard of Bret clear work. 20 dmen ( heiuieei, with corded ban da and ileevee, very goou IUUNMU, i.)c. 300 Chemises, made of Olio mnslln, front piece of embroidery, bauds and slaevas finished with ruffle of embrolu ary, ft. Chemises with fine tucked bosoms, front pleoe of embroidery, and flutshed with a rufflo, H5c. 75 do ion Chemises. handsomely trimmed with Hetohnrg iueertion, edging and puffing, $1 ; worth ft 75. Chemlsot of fine muslin, with flue-tucked bosom, three rows of Hamburg ineortion and edging, $1 25. Masonville muslin Chemises, bosom of bias tacking, and embroidered inserting and edging, $1 75. Wamsutta muslin Chemises, tucked hack and front, (Inlibod with flue ombrotdcred edging and Inserting, 12 25. Chemises of flno muslin and cambric, bosom of alternate rows of Valenciennes Inserting und embroidery, and lluisbed with Valenciennes laco edge, $2 25, $2 5<V Drawers, ol good quality muslin, hem and tucks. 4.1c., 50c. Erawers, with rows of tacking and omliroldt-red edge, tide rawers, made oi lino muslin, with ruffle of embroidery and tucks above. 8flc. Drawors, inade of Fruit of the Doom muslin, with embroidered edging and inserting, $1. Drawers, of very fine muslin, embroidered Inserting and rows of bias tucking, embroidered edge. If 1 30. Drawers, of very flue muslin, wish embroidered inserting and ruffle of embroidery at bottom, ft 05. Night Robes of good maslin, with yoke, tucked beck and front, ?1 ia Finn muslin Night Downs, double bsek yoke, front piece of embroidery, $1 25. Night Downs of flno maslin, with tucked yoke, three row* of embroidered inserting and embroidered edge. $1 75. Very handsome Night Uowns, robe front, with three rowe cf embroidered Inserting, finished with embroidered edge, *3 75. Nlglit Downs, robe front, alternate rows of embroidered 1 inserting and puffing do* u entire front and finished with 1 embroidered edge. ft. 1 Special bargains In Corsets?r 100 doson lieavilv boned band embroidered Corsets. $1 25. 73 dosen very flno silk embroidered Corsets, 500 bones, | fine French manufacture, $ 1 05. worth $3. 1 Walking SUIrta, lull else, hem and nine tucks, 50o. | Walking Skirts, full sise, side-plaited flounce, 75c. Fine Masonville and Wsmsutta Walking Skirts, In variety > of styles, $1, $1 12 il 25, $1 38, $1.50. Very linndsome Walking and Train Skirts with embroidered Inserting and edging, puffing, Ac., in fine muslin and cambric. ' assortment of infants' anil children's ^ Underwear. Holies, Drcssos anil .Slip*, ^ ' 1 in all qualities, from medium to finest goods, very tastily trimmed and neatly finished. ) Infants'complete Wardrobes, In four different qualities, ? *)'!, 9117 SO, SIS, 90S each. > The above descrlbod Articles sre now on exhibition and > are worth a special Tlsit oi examination. In accordance with oar usual cnslom we hare made ? ? A great reductions on Ready Mods Costumes, previous to taking i ur semi annual inventory. Fine Imported silk and silk and velvet Costumes, also those of our own taauufacturo, at half price. In addition to the above specialties we are now offering a large and first civs assortment of finest Imported Flowers, Feathers, l'lumes, Tips, Ac..Including many specialties, at very low prices. Fine Embroideries, Cashmere Laces, Ac., unequalled assortment and lowest prices. 0,COO pieces of Embroidered Edgings and Inserting! in choicest and most select patterns, nt He., Mc , 1 lc., 12c., 14c.. 15c., l*c., 20c., 22c., 'Joe., life., 80c. to $1 per yard. Cashmere Laces In all w idtl.s and at lowost prices. Immense variety of Cashmere Tics, Scarfs, Bows, Ac. First class stock ot Hosiery. Fine silk, lisle thread and ilalliriggan, in newest styles, striped and plain, for ladies, gentlemen and children. All the new shades In our celebrated 97c. and f 1 10 Kid O'.oves, two and three buttons. Kvery pair warranted or give another if they riwor tear lu putting on. (ientlemeuT and Youths' Dress Shirts mode to order front best msterials and warranted to fit Trices Reduced. Six excellant muslin and good linen Shirts for $0 (X) ' Six Mssonyllle muslin and line linen for 1100 Six Watusutta muslin and very fine linen for Ill 00 Six New York Mills mnsliu anu best linen for 14 00 Gentlemen's Wamsutta ninslin Shirts, unlnundrled.. 1 50 Gentlemen's Wamsutta mualiu .Night Shirts 1 35 Boys' Due muslin Shirts, linen fronts A 1 25 I Boys'Cheviot Shirts, with two collars 150 Boys' Wamsutta muslin Night Shirts 1 00 richard mITaRKH, corner 6th av, and 19th it. j t7 stewart A co., will open on Monday, February-14, It rases real India CAMEL'S IIAIR SHAWLS, . the last of the immense purchase msde at the last London auction sale, at prices lower lhau similar qualms* huvo been sold in years. I 1.000 pieces BLACK SILKS, among which a portion are of the finest quality and will be i offered at a great reduction from former prices. i Those in pursuit of bargains should call early. BROADWAY. 4TH AV., 9TII AND IPTH 8TS. if MM MM MM mm eeee SS S SSS HERE II MM MM mm mm e N N N 8 e II M M M M m M M m ee n N n sss ee II M MM M M MM m k n nn s e II M M MM M m eeee N N 683 eeee SUCCESS. TI. UUILMAKP, originator of invisible or top pieces, very stylish for young ladies; made with real patent hair, luce and natural Valor tvavo and curl, and instantly make ladies look hoautifah Notice. . 1'giy girls mode pretty. Old ladles inado young, Pretty girls made beautiful, at II. GCILMARDvi liair Dressing Establishment, Ml , Broadway, ll-iirdressing done at all hours. Mme. U. in attendance. A fine stuck of Ilumafi Hair. Elegant Chignons. Everything on hand to beautify the ladies, old and young A fti'l line of Oosmetiques, such as Blanc de Venus do Roche I; Rouges all shades; Pencil lor eyebrows; Creme de lys; Vinaigre .lean Vincent lie 9 Bully, lor baths, to keep yoar mouth sweet; Kau du J. V. Bonn; Purine de Noisette, to toautity your bends. This wondorful preparation, Eau des Fees, Sarah de Felix, to bring hair to Its natural color. Ml Broadway, near !3th st. American hairparlors.-e. u kkteltam ham removed from 412V t>th ar, to her new and elegant I arlorg, 523 5th av.. between 31st and 32d st?., New lOirk. Great reductions in Human Hair Good*. Ladies, bring your own Combings. We make them up at 40 cents per ounce, witli roots all one way; no matter how much suited or how poor, we will get all we can out of thetn and return the refuse to the customer. Good Switches 75 cents. $1. 91 25, $1 50 and 91 75. Orsy Switches and Invisible liair fiotms a sol iaiv/. viouua v. ... J. vj - ' I'l.'v Mni.ri *1111 Pint "flico monev orderv or In registered letters sent. lletr loaned Tor balls and parties at moderate rate I.adtea' hair, dressing In Intcit styles. At parlors. 523 tltli av., 50 ceula; at ladies' own residence, f 1. jt ekp'8 patsct ' partly made dres3 HnTRT8 a can lie finished as easily as hemmlne a handkerchief. Only to put cuffs on. slnerei in and sew up stile seams Only one quality ; best aod cheapest in America. \Vamentia Muslin, best Irish I.mcn, bosoms three ply, all Linen. Men's, trix for 8*1; less than sir, ?I 25 each, hfcjloya'. six for $4 HO, less than six, fl each. I Humpies of bosims and mualia, with full directions, mailed free. We Invito the renders of the Jfew York Herald to send for samples before supplying themselves with shirts, merchants enabled to sell at our prices. KEEP MANCPACTI RrNO WXPAKT. Pa ten tons and Hole Manufacturers, 165 and !t>7 Mercer st. and .vsi llronne at. iictail store, 671 l)ioa<l"??y. X' >r Turk. vSteST" 840 and 001 *th re. We invite yonr attention to a large lot of black Alpacas, of celebrated brnnde. which we have recently purchased very low and are offering at a groat redacllow. Black Alparaa (hat coata fil c?Dta to Import wa art railing at 40 rerun Alpacaa that coat orrr 60 eaata wa offer at 43 cant*. * A eerreeponding redaction liaa Been made In all tba higher and lower grade*. We nave alto jort pnrrhnfed a larca lot of Mack Cathmere at auction, llieta good* will bo told Irom 10 cent* upward. Black Caah in ere. In 11 4(1 lache* wide, wortli 91 :*> we offer at $1 ; irne good*, better duality, cheap it $i, at 91 00. Henrietta ('loth, 4ft Inchee wide, 91 , alto a very complete t"ck of Household Linen a. Dree* Uo..d?, l)ome?tlca, Hosiery, Clothe, Callence, Carpet*, Ac. We have alto a large line of Hamlinrg Edging*, Irom 4 centa per yard. KEY KB. _____ WO and All nth av. __ Y^ead Tnk' hobdat tb Leo it a m , J'RICK TWO CENTS. Contain# Poll Re port t of tho Clo-ing Bceaae and Cootictlon of Buhenitrtn. Special Report* of Hippodrome Service* Dolngt In the Oourt*. Illustrated I'o'ice Court 8l|etcbee. Ppe-lal Telegram* from Albany and B a*Mng'too Special Cable letter Irom Europe and all JjliejAlefl Local and Telegraph New* (Tom ell parti ef|1W mwutry and other laleraetlng Boadlng Matter COPIES POR SALE BY ALL BKW9MKX Fob bale-a oamelshaib ?- * wl. ijt TWkfeet order, novof weem. *! dd av.. Beat bait LD. PRICE FIVE CENTS. i 1 1 DRY GOODS. ^ttentionT CONKLINU * CO, No. 763 Broadway. between *th autl 9th sta, one block below A. T. Stewart A Ce.'e, tog icave to announce the hot week of their GREAT CLOSING OCT SALE. PREVIOUS TO STOCK TAKING. And before opening thtjlr new spring and summer goods, tbey will make a nnal GRAND REDUCTION GRAND REDUCTION GRAND REDUCTION In all their departments SILK DKPiHTURKt Bciil Lyons black gros graiu Milks of the moil renowned manufacture , reduced tofl, Si 28, $l 50, f I 7r>, 42, $2 23. 12 30, $2 78, $3, f:t 50, $4, to the boost imported, all full/ 23 por cent below regular prices. A special bargain in bluck irroi ;ra(n Silk ol Ouinet'i celebrated wake, at $1 28; worth $1 78. Elegant lines of colored lir..? Grains for evening and tract costumes, al $1, $1 23. $1 ho, tri 75,$2 and $2 So all worth full/ from 28 to 50 per cent mors. Splendid fancy Silks for spring suits, U3c.; worth $1. DRES8 GOODS DEPARTMENT. Yard wldo plaid Damascus Cloth, 12kc.; worth 30c. Yard wide igneous Cloth, 13c.; worth die. Ynr l wide plaid Onyx Cloth, 20c.; worth 40c. Yard wide Suowllake Cloth, 18c.; worth 45c. Matelasse Cloth for suits, 20c.; worth 35c. Double width all wool Empress Cloth, In eleg&nt shades of mode, for spring suits, 40a; worth 85c. Pure Camels' Hair Cloth, in spring colorings, 80c.; worth 78c. SPECIAL. ISO nieces pure Camels' llair Cloth, near)/ two yard* wide, 75c., worth $1 50. Siberian Cloth, Diagonal Cloth, Parla Serge, Ariuoir Cloth, Damasic Cloth, Velour Iiuperlul and a great variety of other fabrics, closing out at 28c., worth 35o. and 40o. BLACK FRENCH CASHMERE. All wool hlack French Cashmeres, of the celebrated gold modal brend, ttV., 78c., $5c. and $1. Black Cashmere Sorgo, 30c.. worth 48c. Black English Cashmere, double width, 45c., worth 05c. Black all wool Diagonal, 43c., worth 75c. Black pure Camel's Hair. 1G yards wide, 73c., wortbfl 501 Block all wool Empress Cloth, H7l2c., worth 5t>c. Black silk warp Henrietta Cloth. $1. worth $1 501 Black Australian Crape Cloth, 5lla, worth 75c. 250 places block Iron frame Grenadine, ailk and wool, at Site., 4O0.. 50o., Otic, and 75c., a rare chance to secure a nan? gain, us these goods will ho worth double a month hence. Satin striped and plaid hlack Grenadluo, 20c , worth 40c, Colored Grenadines, 7a, 10c. and 12a LINENS AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Brown table Linen, 45c. All linen Toweling, Sc. All litien Towels, $i a dozen. Table Covers, $1 WX All linen Napkins, 7()o. a duz. Liven Table cloths. Koto Blankets, $2 30 a pair. Canton Flannel, 1212c. Good 4-4 shirting, Sc. Linen Ticking, 25c. 4-4 tinbleacbed Mntlln, Sc. White Flannel. 20c, Bed Comfortables. Bed Flannel, 25a LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. All the latest novelties in ecru Laces at popnlar prices. Real thread and guipure Lacex closing out at half price. 1,000 pieces Hamburg Embroideries, now patterns, al popnlar prices. Don't luil to secure some of tho great bargains that ?ill b? offered the coming week at JOHN E. KAUGHRAN,) CONKUNO A CO.'R, F. W Oil I WIS, V No. 7113 Hroadwar. W. U. OUNKLINO. ) between Rth and rfth ate. A GENTLEMAN JU.-T RETURNED FROM EUKOPB with a fine selection of Dress Silks will sell them cheap on weekly payments to responsible partioa. Address KILKR. Herald Uptown Branch office. 7T BUNAUT, LADIEr HAIIiDKEKSKIL FROM" VT? Paris, late with Augusts Petit, No. 7 Rue do la Pal*. Just received Invisible Hair Nets, also the latest style of Coiffures for soirees; gives lessons in hairdressing. 1,143 Broadway, first llonr, near 2*Hh ?t. IMPORTANT TO LADIF.S.? SIDE PLAITING DuNE BY machine, also with a space ; five kinds of bo* platting*, tn jicat manner, at the following pricesFrom 1 to 4 inches wide, lijj cents per yard; from 4 to 13 inches wide, 3 cents per yard; from 13 to33 inches wide, 4 cents per yard. Plaitlug dona while you wait; plaiting done by any other machine can bo replaited;tny establishment i" the only one where plaiting can be made from 13 to 23 inches wide; others advertising this fact are positively unable to do so, at many ladies Imvo convinced themselves of the same at tlicir expense; shirring and hemming also done by machine at 1 cent per yard. Ladles, if you wish to save vour goods be sure and observe the correct nnra' er. SAMUEL JOHKI'U, No. 38 Forsyth it., two doors from Canal, In the store. J-o uvT>T kTfmCover, i F.frUcE boap.?Ill gknulne articled At II. ORoDEE A UO.'S, late Urus, fid East 13th st? west of Broadway. BEAl TIKt'L ~ Kli.K"evening" DRKK8?TRIMMED wttb looo, nearly new ; sold low or exchangod for rurniture; also gentleman's gold Watch and Chain. Address ORPnguH, Herald otfice. C1DF. PLAITING DONE AT HENRI'S, 341 6TH AV t> 1 :<4 Vartck St. and 087 8th uv.; perfect work guaranteedon the finest silks or dress goods. SILK DRESS FOR KALK-NFWT"WORTH $250; ONLY $100. Aldrcsi DISTRESS, Herald Uptown Branch office. \r VTGOUROtiJcTlM 4'lil AV ~ Bi' A M1 'ING EST A BV Ilsiuuent.?Specialty of ladies' and babies' Trousseaux,' Lingerie and L'uderwea-; Monograms to order for table apil bed ilnen, handkerchiefs, Ar Whole- ale department, 09 Ea-t 12th st. Prrfoiaiod Paper Patterns. Machines and Accessories for Stamping. nUIMBRV AMD DBEMMAKllSi A-MAIRON WALTON, ?62 BROADWAY, ABOVE . Union square, Importers of Fashions in Bonnets anil Hound Huts, Mourning Goads from W.C.Jay A Co., Regent St. T MMK I.UVLEVS IVitESSM AKING KSTaBLIBlfment, 110 West 33.1 St., pcrlecl tlttlng guaranteed, Suits in a. 1c in three days from tuno of tryln ; on ; bard times prices ~A F1KST <'I.AST DRhisSM A KKft WI |7|7 M A KK KLKA. gantasuiti. lia'l Drosses, Bridal Outfits at moderate prices; ttitWg perfect. Call on or address M. BKITTON, 100 West 24th st., corner el ?itl? av., over printing office. i aiubiaii slyle; I'rrucU Panier, lndi*t)cn?:iblo to tli? present Imliloi; Patterns of the Ulul Part* fueliioti". Mru?. A. DUVAL, ?7H Brondwaw. TjtKt.NCl! CORSET THE MOST GRACEFUL AND X perfect flttfng ever worn; lh?)r ohrlatc the n?e of pn*? and give no elegant contour to tlio bust; ludloi cannot liitva perfect lilting droit)* without them. Improved by Miue. CARLO. 7Vt Broadway. 1* SABP.AU INS isiHLK HAf R NRTB IT)II Til 11 FRONT hair : keep* the t.?ir in perfect ordsr; alto it large iaaur?mrnt of Braid*, Curia, rc. No. 7 I'nlou Square. i iilHf M IN k"Ts K AliTAt^d;, dAHLK AND* OTHER J.J Fur* darkened. by a process exclnalvely our own. to Kok Ilk* new: Sack* made Irom tuaulillaa; boas and Muff* mado to order, lined and trimmed. J. D. WILLIAMS. MitO Fulton St.. Brooklyn. M~~ ~ Fs'iTaTh. sm . if rr -mi k a r~~o FTi" t-f, T lit mi k5 wot of Broadway: exouisite pleating* made fn.m 2e. to dc. per y?r'; ?li- bittton nole* fmin I<. to f null. \YlLLIXTSItV ?A VIRST rf.ASS TRIMMER WANTED i*L to t"> to Chleairn: tiono but those occnttontrd to Oncit trade need apply to Mr. COOK, office of Mandei Bros., liU Broadway, between 12 and 1 o'clock. \l M SHERIDAN. Hlit-.-S AM) CLOAK llAKRJW 1*1 . Suite made in the Utoet styles, ft); ciotks, $2; U'Hmp specialty. CIS Stli ?v. a. ,*[? FLArri.NO and smititfNd lit I oat Mtb It.. oppn-Kc Academy of Mnalo. ' JtlAKBLK MANTELS. I tT GREATLY KKDPCKD MUCKS. JI An extensive stock of State and Mnrblo Mantels, Wash Trays and Slate Work of evory description I'liNRIlYN SI.A I E COMPANY. L'nien tqn.ire, 4th av. and 17th at.. New York. trAHBI.K AND MAKBLKI/.KD MANTEL*, NEW DBati sign*. from $12 upward, also Monumental Work at rally ro'luced pricos: Marble Tnroiug tor the trade. A. LABKIl, lot Last lntnit , near 3d ae New Y ork. QTEWART8 SLATE, MARBLE AND WOOD MANTELS? O New and elegant de?irn?, from $1<) up The trade tiDerail J dealt with vat' and i*i2 W est 23d ?t. LEGAL MOTICK*. N'OTICK-ISABEL RTIiWART. OR ROMANS, SISter of the late William Stewart. Former Cur*t?rphinu Bank, ucar Edinburgh, and widow of the late Archibald Romans. aomotlnie millwright at Hobtu' luilla, in Scotland, nr her children, are requested to communicate wtth Robert Men/les. S. H. 0., No. f> North St David a?.. Kdlnbqrtrh, agent for the testamentary trustee of the said Stewart, who holds part of the residue of the decuMod't state, in which sb? and her children are interested. WJNTICD TO Fllttll ASK. A DRUG STORE, DOING A CO'lD BUKINESS, 0/ moderate pretensions and ?f a raa*ona; le price An dr?-r, < .nti !-nliail>, giving particulars, lor three days, ?L K. OH ARLKB. lis raid olBrw. 1) ART I KB WIS HI NO TO RAISE MONEY ON LHJCORS. Clears and other luercha.udi-e, Can Bnd cu?h buyer, in ttrict confidence, If ?ddre *lng IL I.'. A.. Ilrrqld Hire. _ air ANTED TO PCRCHA*!'?PAWN TICKETS froR Vf diamond Ring and Earring*. Address boa 117 Hciald office U 'anted FBoM 50 TO KM GROSS OF SIX AND ? ? ....-I. Wia nhiin I bandolier Chrvstols. Send (ainola'and loirwl ptlan ?' 1<R? C'lmtoB plaua. Saw York. iir\> ikr?-.r Larue Laokk bk?k icitnoiTTiT If CaJI 00 or nddrr?a, atatlna prlrt, I'. J.. 6B0 A<1 at. WASTED TO I'i'HCU ASK?ONK OK M ANN'S ?? ilr nithiiflt. Adiiroa* V.UL, 1>j Wall ?t., Iwn 10, Raw Tork. "kxchanub. ArUASCt-l'AtR OF DtAMOND KA1:kIS(H, Dlomo.'id Fiti.' pttr of An* Gold Mraralrlj. fine CN>i?l W ali'li to axcli.uige for Liquor Stir-. l!o\r.lin,: Hnnw or ltertaiiraut only. HI'KVB, il)4 Wool IIUi at HKAVV WOOTXr.HB, RKAL.HEI.V OYBROOATrt AND Military Guodt In for Hani K?t?:? or ilafaulted Railroad Stock or Bond*. JAMKS BROWNING, 371 Bro.d<tey. TO ?XCHANGB-KOi CARPETS OR KCKMTl KK. cr IVee ml elaur lota. Clmrrli OrgM, Rewlo/ HneMn* Hank Ctc?k and good paying Maofc. AAdfraa I.. ooa. MaraM'&aa.