Newspaper Page Text
TH WHOLE NO. 14.420. DIKECTOKr FOB ADVERTISERS. I AMrSEWENTS?l*r Pack?4th, Sth iml 6th coll. . ASTROLOGY?2o Pao??6tb ruL ltil.L! AKDS?3i> Pagk-M col. BOANJaBKB WaRTED-L^t Pack?3d col. BOOTS AND SIIORS?t>d Pack?<lth col. BUS1NK68 OPPORTCNITIBS-TTII PACK. BUSINESS NOTICES?&th Pagk?6th col. CITY REAL KSTATE FOR 8AUS-3t> pAO?-l?t coh r/DIThl I kill Utl BWUt ?L i- U. . - A.K ? .1 CLOTHING?2d pACA-tith col. COACHMEN AND GARDENF,R?-2d Pack?4ih col. COASTWISE STEAM.SHIPS?2d Pack?5lh imd CIA colA COPaRTNBRSHIP8-7th Pack. COUNTRY BOARD?l?r Pack?3d col. Dancing academies?1st Pack?4th coL dkntl.stky?3d pack-3d col. dry U00D8? 1st Page?4th col. _ DWELLING HOUSES It) let. FT rni8hed AND UNFURNISHED?3d Paok-2<1 col. BUROPEAI* STEAMSHIPS?2i> Pack?5th coL EUROPE?1st pACF.-6tb coL FINANCIAL??tii Pack. FOR SALE?2P Pack?Cth col. __ w* FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 3d Pack?2d col. FTRNITURE-Ist Pack?Cth coL UK LP W ANTED?FEMALES?2d PACB?ithool. HF.LP WANTBD-MALEB-20 I"ac*?4th and 5th ?oD. HORSES. CARRIAGES. ao.?lin Pack?2d ?nd Jd colA HOTELS?1st page-3d col 1IOL8KS. ROOMS AC., WANTED?3d Pack?2d coL INSTRUCTION?1st Pack?4th col. legal notices?3d packs-hd rot LOST AND POUND?Ikt Pack? 1st coL MACHINERY?2d Pack?tlth col. MARBLE MANTRL8? 3d PAGK-3d coL m P I) IC A L?2d PAUK-tith cot. Mil l1nery and DRESSM aking?l*r Pack?4th col. mischllanroor advektisements-sth PagkSti. col. MUSICAL?1st Pack?5th. col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?otii Pack?6th coL PERSONAL?1st Pack?1st col. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AG.?1st Pack?4tb col. ' PROPOSALS?1st Pack?Bthcoh PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 2d Pack?4th col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SAI.E OR TO RENT?3d Pack?1st col. RKALESTATE to EXCHANGE?3d Pack?1st coL RELIGIOUS NOTICES?1st Pack?1st col. REWARDS?1st Page?1st cot .. Rales AT AUCTION?3d Pack?2d and 3d cols. situations wanted?females?2d Paul-lit, 2d. Hd no (t 4th cols. CtrrATIOKK WAVTBTt_MAT.CC p.nv?AtK ~,.t SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Piflt-lst and 2d col*. IU'uRTINU?dood, BIRDS, AC.-Ist PauB-lst and 2d " col*. TflE TRADE8?2n Pack?5th col THE TURF?ift Pa UK?2d col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?3d Paua-lst and 2d col*. ' TRAVELLERS' OUIDK?2d l'AfiK-0th c?>l. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET3d Paok?2d col. WANTED TO PURCHASE?1st pACis-dth col. WATCHES, JEWELRY. AC ?1st Back ?tli col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET?3d Pack?1st eol. yachts. steamboats. ao.?St* paok-Uth col. _ PERSOMAL. ' A x , ADMINISTRATOR.-I WILL NEVER MOVE jCa< an inch ahead until 1 have spoken with you ; p<> Uive. i am no little boy nor a worn uii; treat rao as a man; you Will lose your hot ir rmi don't discover n nouvean true: name a place and sign lull name. Address M , box 12S Herald office. A"* LICE D.?WAS THERE IN VAIN; PLEASE WRITE. ALFRED S. A"~ LFUED?COME HOME; EVERYTHING-WILL BE forgiven end forgotten. 6B. Bauer sch c mann-le tkuc a la "'ouanjde colore" ne reussiru pas. passons a nn autre tpour ubreger; vons perdrez le pari; a quand la decision t M. jgUONClIINE. B?won't be there to-morrow. white when . I can see you. _ Y. (3HARLES 1FRANCIS DAVID SCHRADtIR?FO"RMERJ ly of Veramoid. Westphalia, is requested to send bis address to FUKDERIOK PROBST A CO.. New York, or to ALBKliCflT DKLIL'S. Uatiiburg. In order to receive communication* about the will of his late brother, Floreus Schroder. Hbfrlton. ontaeio.^thomas mcelroy m.akbs appointment through personals. McK. AN FRANCISCO ~MINSTRELS, SATURDAY EVENmg?Will young lady who sat in-end seat, rich! hand vide, who noticed gentleman sifting on steps, permit up acquaintance ! Address F. H. W., Herald Uptown Branch office. This is a stran?jk valkntIneT my darling. but it carries much love and hopes tor a speedy meeting Write olten. PINK AN D.BLUE. TROYATOB)'.. SATURDAY M ATI neE^ORC^RETRA^Lady id Mac's velvet dross, gray bonnet, gray cloak; tlio gcutiornan who followed to 23d st. solicits her acquaintance. Addres* EUROPE AN, Hvritid office. TOK EN" 'OF IDENIifY-I WROTE. FROM LITTLE Rock. Ark., last December 3.. Name a place to meet. Address >1., 1>-,* l'.'S Herald office. .TOT 11 st.. P. M.t la. I saturday" - will Jt) lady please meet mo, s itnc block, same time, to night, without ceremony 1 KUlillilUlS Special. religious services . will b.: held at the IIIPPODKOME BUILDING, , Madmen analtU ays.. 2Sth gpd U7.:li su , tu connection with the labor* of Mr. D. L. MOODY and Mr IUA D. SANKEY. noon meetings. everyday, except Sunday. Entrance on 4th a*. Douro upeu at Ilk and rinse u 12r cltick. J>\ KK1 R\ . j Saturday and Sunday excepted, for The general public, at 8o'clock. Entrance, Mad.son av. OVERFLOW MEETING -at 8 o'clock Entrance on 4lh av. EOIt YOl NO MEN ONLY, every night, except Saturday, at 9 o'clock. Entrance on 4th ?>. Sunday?For Christian workers. Rutrance on Madison av., 8 to 8:45 o'clock A. M Admission bv ticket. KOB WOMEN ONLY,. AY-3 O CLOCK P M. FOR MEN ONLY, AT 8 O'CLOCK P. M Doors open one half hour before each sereico. Admission to oil the meetings free, without ticket, Sunday morning excepted. 'I he expense! of these meetings are Urge and must be defrayed by private enbscriptlou. CoiitributTona can be sent to J. PIERPONT MORGAN. Esu.. Treasurer, i!3 Wall st. SAMUEL tllOBNB. Chairman Committee of Arrangements. W E. DODGE. Chairman General Committee. NATHAN BISHOP, Chairman Executive C< remittee. LOST AN It EOIM). A" LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY.CAUTIONED AGAINST ni collating a Not? drawn by Cartor. Bros. A Co. in favor of themselves, dated Louisville. Ky , October -1, 1X73, at six months, fur $703 tM, payable at Satnl. McLean A Co.'s. New York. Found, near stewaktsTX puckktbooS con". taining money. Apply et office. 473 1st av. OST?SATURDAY. AT OK NEAR ATLANTIC "KERRY-, J Brooklyn, $133; It the 0rider xaill rcturu tH'lOhe m?r keep $-5. .1 AMES STIKI M AX. 7? Wall St.. or No. 2 Jeflerevn Park. President St.. Brooklyn L' IMT-eOM si NHaV. BETWEEN HOTEL BRUNSWICK and Madison av. and St.. an nmlior Nc<4tlace. Flutter will receive reward by returning to --T3 West d2d st. 08T"-Ojr SUNDAY AFTERNOON. A CHILD S NECK Chain end Locket, going from (Rh av. and 4*th St., ? through 4Sth st. to 3d. av cars and, thence to 103th St.; locket frosted and enamelled in color*. The finder will be suitably rewarded by returning it to P. 11. REDMOND. 843 8th av. MALL BAG taken iiY M fd'i Ah R "b.ATUR Da Y iiiglit, 137 Spring st.. uo t nioe except to owner. Please return to tha door; ring the bell; no uuestions. . ~~ REWARDS. . $r REW.AKD.?LARGE. BLACK NKWEOCNDLAND J l>og. with small tear* on eves and common leather onllur, lost Sunday unms * Rait Houston i>t. <fc 1 0 RRWARD FoT. RETlfIKX OF WUTTK SPITZ JBlv/ Dog, with blue ribbon around neck, answering to the name Snow Hall. Abnvo reward will be paid by returning him to 346 West 3l!d st; SPCCIAl. SOTK'KS. A -ISAAC a BOYCK, -M" HKOADWAY. LAWYER. , Divorcee o'.luined promptly, without publicity , desertion, incompatibility, habitual druakenue". lnbdelitv. Inlm tan treatment, conviction ot telon'y faasoorta obtained. Astral cocshel-sf.nd k.-k a tkospeclu*. Addrrse Poet office l?<i 4.A-9, Maw York city. ?DVCAL HKlNsWICk t.O V F, K.N ME.N'T LOTTERY. . JCi.OTit^W. cold, to ba drawn in six different drawiuga. Highoat prire. IKHtHO, gold, fine prite to every two ticket* The veern'I drawing will take place Monday, Febrnaiy 14. and Tuesday. February IS. Knli taplanatory circulars free. ? TilF.ODOK Z8CHOC.H. Post office box 111. Nassau rt., >ew York. - k I. N i 1 t, k Y Si ATE LOTTKRIKR OK J. S . SMITH A CO. . BKKTIH IT. KXTIU CLatS 2T>?ron 1*78. 5, as, a7, 7i, 4.'., 14. aa, .'7, ?, u. 44. 17. 26, 19. rsTrtir. Class 2SO?roit 1476. 89. 39, 24, 2H, 55. 83. 7'J '31. 37. t*?. 2. 77. S3, 33. All oHeri address B. NATHAN, bo* 3,870 Poii office. New Y'ork city. A-I'AHK.8, EMERSON A CO. . Kent ucey Stat# Lotteries drown dadr. Royal Havana drawn evarr I. daye. Xentnrky Single Number Lottery drswn lebrunry 26. 1870. Prises cashed, informal lob furnished and circulars free. 1H? Broadway, fort office b?x 5.272. New York. TklBEAshb OK MKNA SPECIAL! V MJ HENRY A. DANIELS. M Is.. 133 Lexington nr.. aear 2!Hh si. Office hours from 8 to 3. TklBEAKBH OK MKN A SPBCIAITtY 1/ HENRY A. DANIELS. M Is.. 143 Lexington a*.. Bear iWth st. Office hours from 8 to 3. Havana lottery. Important Inloroiatlon given ahont drawing Wtb lost. Address B ALKM'B, bo* 3,1*4 New York Poet omoe._ IT AT AN A UlTTEKY.-NEXT DKAWINU fKBACART &* 4?: Highest prissrf tuo.txxi Whole amonnt Wf prires E l ./r.! particulars address H. MARTINEZ A CO., Bankora, Ifi Wall st.. basement. Post office l>o* 3.082. K?O P KI ClAl. DKl \\ I NO KENT! 0 KY NT ATK 13IT. terlea 81MMON9, DICKINSON A CO . Managers. *nWTT-c*r BITJU n.sss, wo. 171-rxa 12, IS7H. ** 13, 23, 33, JO. 0, H, 52. 9, 27, 30, <a , ' c""? "o. 172-rna 12. 187?. ??. 1 J. 44. a. 10. 50, A, as. 53, 06, 38, 33. ?ti**. wo. 71-rva 12 1R7U. <0. 17. 10, 23. 8, 73, 57. ?, 00. ff 12. aa "AN**, CtA?a wo 72 r*B 12. 1870 "t V 11 **< 72. 38. 17. 37, 78. 7fl. Fuji Information by apply.n, ,0 or adtlreesing J. CLVTB, N*> Broadway or box 3.MHP fost office. ? L" ?IMCKIMBON A CO. 8 (JRAND ?V. ffioithly distribution, on the Havana plan, to be f"w? Ueothe Keyal Harana of Cuba, drawe fthnjurr 10 rnll information hr tpplvinir lo or iddriciliti! I. CLUI* aoo brvriwg, or bvz Ijm Potf ottci. :e ne SPKC'IAL. NOTICES. ^OODS FOR TR? , International Exhibition. Tba nntersittned. General Aarcntl of the American and Rail Htar Mteamship Lines, from Llvorpci.1 and Ant warp to Pblladelpbia, will act a* ajtente for exhi^itnni, aud in co-operation with leading Philadelphia firm* in tba different branches at industry at experts, will undertake the during the International Exhibition. For further information addn-?? FETE a WRIOHT A SONS, Philadelphia, or. RICHARDSON. SPENCB A CO., Liverpool. B VON DKR BECKK. Antwe.p ^e.vtdckv State distribution. DRAWS SATCRDAY, FKBRCABY 26. 187ft $300,000 in cash distributed. !&JOO,IXJO. flrnnil capital prir.e, $10,000. 5,379 others front $20,000 to $100. All prices paid in loll after the drawing. Tickets, $10; halves, $5; quarter*. $2 50. THOMAS ft. HAYS A CO.. 687 Broadway, New York. ?CHRONIC"CATARRH; DEAFNESS; IMPROVED method; Instantaneous relied; permanent cures. Dr STODDARD. No. 8 Went 14th st. New yobk. feb. ldTTsm In consequence of the destruction of onr entire stock of good* by the great Are on the 8th Inst., we desire to inform onr friends and customer* that we hare the larve and commodious store 126 and 128 Duaxie St., aoruer of Church St., where we arc receiving an entire new stock of goods, which we are prepared to offer at low figures. aud are ready to fill orders promptly and to ship goods immediately. POWERS, OASTON A CO. VTERVOU8 DEBILITY OR LOSS OK MAjfilOOD CAN is be permanently cured (even old men). Consultation free. Dr. JACOBY, 161 Blcecker st. PROKESHOa BELOW, MErtMERtST\ ^19 EAST 11TH St.?Sittings Irom 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P. M daily; private sittings at residence if desired ; all nervous diseases cured by animal magnetism; instructions in Psychology, public entertainmouls given; examinations by medics! clairvoyant if desired. OYAL SAXON lottery: Brunswick and Hamburg Lotteries. K< yal Havana Lottery. WAC'USMAN A CO., Bankers. Post office box 3,316. 75 and 77 Nassau st. OYAL HAVANA LOTTERY.?NBXT DRAWINO Febrnary 5, 1876. Capital prise. $100,000. Prises cashed, information furnished. Highest rates paid ior Spanish bilis, governments, Ac. I AYLOR A CO.. Banker*. No. 11 Wall st. d> ~ 4 A Aim -ROYAL HAVANA LOTTXBY. ^t)iU.UUU, Next drawing Febrnary 18l Circulars, with lull particulars, sent free. P. O. DEVLIN A CO., Stationers aud General Agents, 30 L.berty St., New York. JiPORTIJiG-DOGS, BIRDS, <SiV. For sai.e cheap?two Esquimaux dogs-, very watchful. 211 Fulton St., basement. THE TURF. ^ Auction and prencfi fools sold morning and evening at Thomas' Exchange, 1.239 Broadway, during the running meeting at Augusta. On ; French pools dtae on first race at 2>4, the others at half hour intervals. GEORGE M. THOMAS. TCILEETWOOD PARK.-THE LEASE. rKANCHISES J? ami Property of the Fleetwood Association, comprising the Track, Olttb House. Grand Stand, Sheds and the entire property belonging to the Association, ure for sale, exchange or to Iftit on liberal terms; possession April 1, 1878. Apply to PHILIP DATER. 26 BToad st, New York. HOR8E8, CARRIAGES, AT. Assignee's sale in bankruptcy, BY PUBLIC AUCTION. in tho matter of Joseph H. Mason, bankrupt, the undersigned, assignee, will sell to highest bidder, by public auction, ' ON TO-MORROW (TUESDAY),' FEBRUARY 15, AT TUB STABLE, No. 3 NKILSON PLACE (Mercer St.), between Waverley and Clinton places, and In rear of New York Hotel. AT 11 O'CLOCK IN THE FORENOON. THE FOLLOWING VALUABLE PROPERTY. CONSISTING OF THE very fast pair of sorrel Geldiure, Starlight and Chaster. They aru 15% hands high, 6 and 7 years old, have fill mnnosaud tails; eurh have white hiud unklrg and star luiare. ire half broi here, were sired by lie Orsev Golddust, fbedatuof Starlight hv Pilot; dam of Chester, eorref mare T.v.tie. by Mnnibrino Chiet. lhey were purchased in Kentucky by present owner; they have flue heads atid long, arched uouks. ace fate aim ilea ot each other in color, look and drive; can ttot ts>pole In '.' .10: Starlight can beat 2:'J0 single,ami Chester can beat 2 :IJ5; they are one ol the safest toaine-for geotleuii n s use in this city; can- be driven to helput of speed with perfect safety, anil-are warranted gound-atid kind, and (he particular attention of gentlemen is called to them. They win be sold separately ii required. H?iiid?"i:ie, fast and nii-ly bred sorrel Trotting Mare. ORPHAN GIRL. by f.FXin^ton, dam sister to Kitty U'erk, by imparled Olencoe. 10), hands high. 8 years old: she trotted at WateriuWn in 2 ;34' also at Buffalo' In 2-bi; and was driven ui fit otwoml "truck by W. Burst, Esq., three beats in 2:84, 2 :3H,f2 SB;' she is very handamne, and as line and nleaaam gifriv-r us Ihes; she will certainly erawd-g :20 before the season1}* ovor if she gets In proper hands; she Is ware acted t-iawj arm kind. Including the v#ry handsome aud A! 'iroastf "Trotting Gelding Coinmodofe; he is 15 W VWJU sued l.y l u-iifwM- Gtay, dam a la# ?bitNp<fi/a?fte dwm of ftc?n-s Patidcr.und wn* owned by Wm. Bacon, rlie owner of Win. II. Allen and other noted trotters; he has trotted oti Fleetwood Pork in 2 :24, and conldalways trot below 2 :27 at any time last season ; be is one of the inost attractive irottiug horses to he seen, drives without check, does not lug or plunge : is a safe, reliable, straight and pleasant driver; bus a rapid, open aud pare gait; has any amount of endurance: he can always go to track and show three he-it* Inside of 2 :27, and is without a record, and can start in the three minute cltss, which renders him a very valuable horse for track purposes; in prop ;r conilition nan trot in 235; he la warranted sound, kind and true, aud has no superior lor style, beauty or appearance. Also the beautiful blooded blood hay Trotting Maro, L \DY FITCH, 15?4 hands high. 6 years old; "has a long flowing mane and tail; w as sired by Volunteer and is hair aiater to the trotting mare Huntress mil resembles her in gait aud action; ban never been trained on any track, but is finely broken to all harness and can spe> d a 2 :40 gait on road: is pure gaitcd. wears no boots when trotting and is one of the ino<t promising young mares to bo found In the country and worthy the attention of gentlemen looking lor something really tine; warranted sound and kind. Also handsome bay Trotting Colt, called Senator, 15'4 high, 5 years old; sired by TJiortidalo, dam hy Ethan Allen; an elegant driver, stylish and sate for the most timid; was trained but four waeks last fall and could show from 2:47 to 2:4H: is improving rapidly; can heat a 2 to gait uuw ; a fine, blooded-looking, genteel, promising colt: will beat 2?. 35 sure | before spring; warranted sound and kind. Also the fine bar llambletonian Horee Blueher. 15)4hands, I 0 years old: was sired hy Rvidyk's Hamblptouian, nam an II Abdullah tnsre; ho can brat 2 :25; warranted sound and kind; thu hm re is one of the best pole horses in the country; trotted a mile with munittr mate-In 2:ID; he is perfect, gentle lor gentleman's ti-e and Tor irack purposes; can always show | all Ins heats from 2 :20 to 2 :30. THE above stock IS now on EXHIBITION SALE POSITIVE, KAJ.N OR SHINE. TO HIGHEST BIDDER. By "order. I. c. warren, Assignee. IT AI i'Iion A O.N TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1-76, at 10 o'clock. BY VAN TA'SELL .t KEARNEY, AUCTIONEERS, AT THEIR MART, lift AND 112 EAST 1 I'll ST., NEAR 4 Til AV. VERY ELEGANT AND STYLISH TEAM MAHOGANY BAY HORSES, ti and 7 years old, JH hands high; kind and true in all harness; free from vice, trick or tanlt; fast traveller*; very stylish and handsome, with lung mane: and tails; pleasant driver*, do not shy or pull in any way ; safe and reliable family team and are warranted sound, kind aud true. BLACK rROTTING HORSE, 13\'hands. 7 years old; kind in ail harness; very stylish, with extra line action; trotted on Prospect Park track, driven by Mr. Doty, without training, a mile in 2 :39, and can beat' 2:35 any day on good trark. and In good condition can trot on road in 2 30. and la warranted sound, of great bottom aud endurance, ROAN MARK NELLY. 13 hands. 9 years: kind in all harness ; free ironi vice; very stylish; has a record of 2:3fl; has been used on the road (or the past three years by O. CASE. Esq.. of CENTRAL AV.. and is a superior roadster, and can he driven by any one, and is warranted kind and tree. BROWN TROTTING HORSE, 15 bauds. S years: kind in all harness; free from vice; very stylish, with long mane and tailis a prompt And pleasant driver; can trot in 2 35 in condition and now can trot tn 2 :4fl any time, and is one of the best road or track horses to be found, and Is one of the best pole horses io this city and is warranted sound, kind and true. FOCB SEAT PARK PIIAETON, top on hind seat, made by MINER A STKVBNd. TOP SIDE BAR WAGON, made by J. 8. BREWSTER A co. TOP RIDE BAR WAGON, by BREWSTER A CO., OF BROOME ST. COTPE ROCKAWAY. pole sml ?h?fW, used only few timet, made by McLKAN A KENDELL. Alio 20 other Horses, tollable for family and road drltdnfr. Foil description 'a Herald on Tuesday or in catalogue at Auction Mart. Auction house of arch, Johnston. IP to 25 13th it., near University place. 0 SAJ.ES of HORSES and CARRIAGES are held every ? Tuesday and Friday, at 10 o'clock. j? On every horae that ti WARRANTED SOUND from 5 34 bcnn to 3 days for trial. ^ The OI.DKST ESI ABLI8IIED and meet reliable house In the city. _ GBNTI.EXKN HAYING nORSES or Carriages to S soil, or those wlshtoe to bay can rely upon lha same I gg strictly honorable dost lay which has alwavs characterised i < onr house and won tba confidence ami respect of the entire community. A -I OFFER, ON ACCOUNT OF MY HUSBAND R death, four Hones, soltal>ln for truck, farmer or any huaineaa, at ball valoe. 88 Amity at., between Thompson and Sallivan. -FOR SAMT^BB AUTIVXTL BAY HORSE," PINK top Wsiron and Pony I'haaton and IIarness; warrantee glvea. Private stable, first door eaat of University place, in 12th st. A?ONE OP THE FINEST TROTTERS IN THE . State: roan Horse. T. E. Garden. 1 r,\ bands hl(rh ; ? year* old: can trot 3:30; warranted sound sod kind ; won last year M2.M" second money; will trade tor real estate nnencombered or diamonds. No. 3 West 13th st. 1 utiiDrw snsn w.ud a ~ ? All ........ '??*' " W UiiU, nui.iu Mi kind. Iftk. can trot in 3:4.\ ?lojrle or dotihl#; top Wagon, high wheel Phaeton, fin# mi of Hern*#*, til nearly n?w; dtrhollli enfd aeparatejy at a ane rifle#. Prieate table 6< Ka?t 33d ?t. corner 4th ae. * SECOND HAND BKEWSTBR (OF BROOME ST) JY eidebar top Wagoir; I Stiver* do., 1 Doaeebnry do, 1 Land*". I Lrnldantet. Or Br*w*ter; 1 Victoria. I light Oeaeh. 10 open R<?d Wagon#. by the beat eity maker.; 1 Mnlky, I Skeleton, 1 ?i* teat Phaeton, I JUrooche. f?.p and open Pony Phaeton*; ale# AO Hleigha, nil (tyle*; irilfX* Bold Tory 16W. Blanket#, flame*#, Jo. WUJaUX JL ti)Ur.dOM423 WoMtoriCc. W YO NEW YORK, MONDAY, HOKSE9, CAIUtlAGKB, diC. ?B373 I'ABH, ONE BEAUTIFUL 8UIPTIVO leather top Wagon, hne Klngle Harneea, Mat .auil Whip; coal <*>.Vi; been uaed Ave tiiiiea; alao one beautiful top pony Phuelod. Harases, Itohes. Bluuket aud Whip; price, KIM); ull ? good an uew; coal $82,">. Inquire of the atewwrdof the Union Club etubloa. No. 0 Xrtih at., one door cfdfb ST., for three days, for .Mr. Bell a thing* UCTJON SALE OK WORK HORSES JACOB HE KB AC HER, AUCTIONEER, will aell ou Thnraday, February 17, IS <8, wt 101^ o'clock, at Deleu. C4yde A Co.'a stable, w^th at and 4th av.. 27 head of WorK Horaea, suitable for any huaineai; aaie poaitive, ralu or ahine; terma caah. PRIVATE STABLE FOR KALE?116 Weat .">Oth at.; aereral water cleaeta, icaa and all improvement*; coachmau'a rooms unetaira; details; price, fld.OOUt Apply to Mr. LESTER, lilt! Weal 52d st. VT AUCTION. ON WEDNESDAY. AT 12 O'CLOCK^ bv TUNIS JOHNSON, I leather top Pony l'haetoii. al.-e 1 8letijli; to be aold for account of w hom it may concern, al 27 Naaaau at, -hOlt SA1.K, ONB THOROUOI1BKED BROOD . Mare and one Canadian Pouy; to he aold cheap. Apply at Hi Kast 18th at., rear. V ?FOR SALE. SKVEN WORK HORSES. SUITABLE allowed. 35 South oib betwecu llopisluii aud llleecker its. -BUSINESS WAOOK& 10 NEW AND SECOND hand, fur Exproas. Grocers, Butchers, Bakers, Laundry, Package and Drllmy Wagous; $50 to $150. Wagon Mann factory, 226 Spring St. 4 ? FOR SALE: ~POU K HORSES, TO SATISFY A A. Judgment, tit for all business purposes. Inquire at No. 20 Amity st. BLACK CANADIAN CHUNKY BONY. 13 HANDS; also sorrel chunky hnilt Horse, S years. 15)? hands, sound and kind; $60, $10j. 102 Division St., in the butcher's. a -FOR SALE-ONE TEAM OK GRAYS FOR TRI CK A< or express purposes; one black family or business Horse; also a brown trotting Mare, very handsome and can trot in three minutes; all to be aolri at a great sacrifice. Inquire for THOMAS, at No. 57 Croat .limes st. ?$175 WILL BUY A ~REAUTIFVL S?!VEBU top Wagun; good as now. Private stabio No. 2(J East 26th st. T BARGAIN IX LANDACLKTS-8IX HOOD LIVERY' A Carriages, new top Pony l'liaetens, top Road Wagons, new and second baud, less than cost. J. W. PITNEY, 460 3d av. ?TAKEN FOR DERTtTWO ELEOANT city WA DE sido bar tup Buggies, $133 each. Lumber yard, 37th st. and 7th av. BY VIRTU if OF AN EXECUTION I WILL SELL ONE bay Horse, at 216 East 20th st., at 1 o'clock this duv. JOHN LAUKIN, Marshal. Bargain? in Imported carriages. A Brougham, made by Peters, of London. A Vls-a-Vls, or donble Victoria, by Million, Guiit t Co., Paris. A Berlin or glass quarter Conch, by Binder, ot Paris, A double Suspension Lundan. All iu excellent order and lor sale cheap by WOOD BROTHERS. 740 Broadway. UHtNEBS WAGONS KOR SALE-TlLsIZErfTOSUlT all purposes; also four down town Trucks, to carry from 3U to 70 owt.. and two contractors' Trucks, at tbo curlier of Navy and Johnson sts.. Brooklyn. Brewster coupe fob bale?perfect ordbfc sutin trimmed; also Landaulat, nearly new, and two handsome light Coupon, at Arsenal stables, 35th St., near Broadway. OUl'E FOR SALE cheap?IN FIRST class OR der, at BURTON'S livery stabio. 141 East 23d St. Fine, large, stylish-uoupb horse, $200; brown trnck or express Horse, $180; good giay Horse for farm or business, $65. Call for two days at feed store, 370 Hudson st. l'un saiif,?liuuu ui.ii' r,ni ahl.miic.jj j.i?cki r unci Boarding Stable ; well stockeri; doing good steady business. J. W. JORALEMUN, Store Broker, 1,2ii7 Broadway. F" OU SALE?A IIANOSCIME BORKKL HORSE, 8 years, 15>^ hands; strong and good in single arid double harness: warrauted sound and kind. Inquire at stables 1,303 Broadway. OR SALE?EXTKA HANDSOME BAY CANADIAN Bony, I.* hands; fast and stylish; lady can duvo it; warranted sonnd. 3tk! Hudson st. t/IOK HALE (MUST SELL)?FOUR JlORSES, 15>i 1? hands; young and sound; suit grocer, farmer, any business. 113 Bartow St., near Greenwich. F~ OR SALE?A CLARENUR7A COUPE, A DOG CART and a pair of Horses; all at a bargain. To bo seen at private stable. 213 East 23d st. For sale cheap?a ~largk horse, fit for cart or truck ; also a light business llursu; must be sold. Apply at 433 East Houston st. j^entcokV'HOBSES." Just arrived from Kentucky stock farm a shipment of very fine high bred and superior stepping Horses; gentleman Hro luvitcd to inspect tbo stock at Knickerbocker Stables, 221 West 53d St. RICHARD PEN 1ST AN. OKfONT) II AND CARRLAGE3 " ~ Ct Six-scat Roccaways. $323 and (?450-I.nndanlets, $200 and $S(0; extension top Phaetons, $325; Depot Wagons, Plaaoluns. London brougbam, new; top and no top (Brewster, of Broome St.) Wagons, turnout-seat Phaeton*. A S. FLAVOR,U\ 372 and 374 Broome St., old stand of Hrowstor A Co. rfuT LET?-CKNTENNIAL CLUB STABLE. 143 WEST X 37tli St., in first class order; 24 stalls, inquire at 5U6 1th av., iu the store. $7 C ?A "uOOD STROM;" W. )RK HORSE,' COAL I ?J. Carl and Harness. 140 West 17th st. jVi/ui rot" good worS ifoRsk, bubTIksb v LUu Wagon and Harness . light top business V, Ag-u. $Ai; Depot Wagon, $40. Call, for a bargain, at 223 West l?tb st. ^ ib 1 7I1?BEA1 TIKCL"NEW TOP BXPRRftTwAGOS;. ?PJ.*Jvf built to order, $225; want offor. 124 West 10th st. BOARDERS W 4 \TH). 1 P8RRV ST , CORNER GREENWICH AV. -AV RLE I glint secon 1 story front Room, suitable ior gentleman and wife; no other boarders. 1 "THIRD FLOOR* FRONT ROOM. AI4K> ONB KL8> gant Parlor, iuth first clats Board. THOMAS P. V. KENT, 21 East 23d st. (Madison square). ELEGANT SUIT SECOND FLOOR FRONT SUNNY Rooms, with Hoard; also one single Room, superior accommodations B3 West 35th st. T CON RECTINO ~R(K)MS TO LET?EN HITITK OR t) singly, to families, with Board; also single Rooms for gentlemen; desirable location; uo moving in May. 313 W'ost '-'2d *t. LA HO E ROOMS, HANDSOMELY FURNISHED, TO let. wnli Hoard. I II Miiedougal ?t., iiy Park. .-Ill VM) trill AV- HANDSOME ROOM.4. WITH t) good table, at moderute terms, highest reterences. 43 West 15th st, TO $6 PER WEEK.?BOARD, WITH NICELY FORV' ' nislied large trout rooms, corner house; convenient, gas nndfire. suitable for families or gentlemen tbat room together. 3il East 33d at. dS7; TO"$m PER- WEEK FOR FURNISHED ROOMS, qj'' with Hoard; families aecommodated equally low. 42 South Wiisblngton square, third door Irotn Mardougal st. i?7 AND $M. ? IIALL IIOOMBT"WITH B(7ARD~GAB jp I and fire; near Madison square. No. 34 W est 21th st. 1 i Til sr.. 217 WEST. ?8UNNY FRONT ROOMS! It with Board, for gentlemen, house first class; term* moderate. 2 oil ST., 129 BA8T.?large room, SECOND 0 story, front, with first class Board; terms moderate. DO WEST 318T ST?VERY DESIRABLE ROOM,4^ aO on third and fourth floors, with first class Board; references. GO EAST 4BTH >ST? OORNRR MADISON AV.? with Board: sultabTe Tor lady and gentleman or two gentlemen ; also liAll Bedroom. (1(1 WEST 26TH ST.?FIXKLY FTRMSllKD BOOMS, m'' Willi an excellent table, Tor families and tingle gentlcnn 11. o~7~\vkrt 3dd kt.?elegantly fi'rnishkd.sec O I ond Hour. Parlor and Bedrooms, with or without Board' TT\ KAHT~9TH ST., NEARBROADWAY.?TO LET. Til with Board. large Boom*, suitable for gentlemen and wiyes; Room* lor gentlemen ; day boarder* accommodated. A O RAHT 12TH BT.. NBAR BlTo ADW AY~?ROOMS. T'l with Board, at reasonable prices; alao labia Hoard; references. 41 aohth wabhington BOR'ARK.?plea KANT t furnished Rooms, fronting on Park, to let. with or withont Board; ample closet*, hot and cold water; reference* exchanged. A Q WE8T 2RTII sT.. NEAR BROADWAY^ 112 IB TO souiely furnished front Rooms, second floor; alao Room* on fourth floor, with good Board; table boarders taken; prion mode rate, F7l WEST 19TH HT.?TWO CONNECTING " BURNT JU Rooms, third floor, together or separately; strictly first class Board. 2D AT.?TWO OR THRKB GENTLEMEN can be pleasantly accommodated with Board In a prfvale family. ??q WKsT both st., BETWEEN f?TH AND BTh av 00 Handsomely tnrnlshad Rooms to let. with Hoard. inr. WKHT 421) KT.?A PBIVATB PA MILT. OWNING 1 Zd'J honse, will rent choice furnialied Floor, en suite or singly, with or without Board. IilQ WKKT ^rril HT. NKAR broadwav and 6tii siO sr.?Large and small Rooms for gentleman and wife, or single persons; table unexceptionable ; terms low ; day boarder*. U:ri*R8T 1IT1I HT.-TO Tier. IIAM) OX1LY TVlC lUW nlthed Rooms, with first class Board, to gentleman oi l wife or aingle gedlleninn; every ronsenienee; reference*. i )(H| K A BT &HT H ITT-M ARKIKD COC'PLKS OK two gentlemen together cau have splendid Rooms, newly furnished, with Hoard; terms moderate, also hall Bedroom, lor aingls gentleman. lW< 1 WRBT uth sr. NkAR 7TH AV-elkuant, auO?' newly furnished. large and small ftnnt Rooms to IVI, WMU urn viB.-ii numu , vonun uimirr?m; iTIBrPnrBI, HOTKlil. ^ A NGELL'rf TURKISH, ROMAS AND RI.KCTHIC ;V B?Hi? 01 Lexington er.?Gentlemen cotuiontly. dey end ni|bl; ladle* day end evening. Hotel accommodation*. KLKONT HOTEL?t0LTOM ST., **AE BROAOWA?, bnsine** centre.?European plan ; Kuroa. OOc. upward. AI way* upen. L0UUINU8 REDUCED?NEW RSULANI) H<)TRU. HO Howerj, to 30c , 40e. and oUc. nightly; $*, $10 and $13 monthly; for gentlemen only. MAInox richr LJBUT FIRST clash FRKIWII IKT tel and Kemaarant; Que fnrniahed itooru* for families and tingle gentlemen, with or without Board. | Vf ADIHON HQTTAKK-IIOCSR, BhOADWAV, COKNKR 1*1 of Jlat at.?A flrat ela?? family hotel?Front, tuuuy gait*. on Ural and necotid floor*: nmderala price* COISITHY ROAK11. YITAJSTED-BOARD. IN COUNTRY "AFTER JfT.r 1, ft for gentleman, wife, two children raged II* and elcllt) and mold; two Boom* connecting: plain food ef beat qmill r, and reference* required. Adarox*. ttuting term*, A., box VJ?1 vet title*, hew Urk, iRK H FEBRUARY 14, 1876. IMl'SEMEST!*. r-JHT PERFORMANCE OF JULIUS CiEHAit MON*J L day evening, February 14. err til performance of juli us c.esak OJ next SATURDAY EVENING, February 19. 8"Tu_WEEK "OF JULIUS C.R8AR. Seat* can be aecurrd in advance. ootTi's theatre! grandest success. Jarrett A PALMER Lessees anil Manager* SHAKESPEARE SUPERBLY ILLUSTRATED. EVERY NIGHT, at the SATURDAY MATINEE of thu, ith Eighth Week, an<l until tnrther adrerttseuieui. representation. with nnrxaorpled splendor, of the (treat Traiedy, JULIUS I'.ESAR. with an unparalleled congregation ol Shakespearian* iu the caat, including Mr. LAWRENCE BARRETT aa CAIl'S CASSIU8, Mr. F. C. BANCS aa MARCUS ANIONICS and Mr. E. L. DAVENPORT a> MARCUS JUNIUS BRITUS. Mr. Millies Levlck (eapecially engaged to act (he title purt of the playj and the tullre company of Booth's Theatro. PROMINENT FEATURES of the grand Shakespearian presentment, beyond the extraordinary caat, are aplendid original Muiic, GRAND PROCESSIONS and TABLEAUX, a multitude of auxiliaries and luacuiticeut scenery. TI1K FINALE of the play is a errand tableau, the BURNING OF TI1E BODY OK BRUTUS ON THE PLAINS OF PHILIPPE /S LOBE "THEATRE. vT ^2S and TOO Broadway, below 8th at. R. W. BUTLER :. Manager 187ti. CENTENNIAL. 187G. The Standard Variety Theatre of New York. CNQUALrFIFit), UNLIMITED, t'NBOUNDED. indorsed lfy the press ^nd' public. NEW ADDITIONS ADDED $IIS WEEK. THE GREAT ZANFUETTA TROUPE of Pantomiuiists, the best in the world Miss LIZZIE KK1.SKY, the Dashing Queen of Serio-Gomic Vocalists. Senator BOB HART. Mr. HARRY MONTAGUE, f Senator HOB HART. ?e> Senator 11UB HART. Messrs. HOGAN and LORD. EUGENE BLITZ. Messrs. M'KI'E and ROGERS. J. D. GRIFFIN. The KOY SlSl'EKS, BERTHA and IDA. ? A Miss JULIA WILSON. Mr. JAMES DaLTON ] Together with regular company s> of excellence, every evening. Extra Notice?Graud complimi ntary testimonial tendered to Manager It. W. Bl'TLEll by tho int-mhcrs and attaches of the lllubc Theatre Company will lake place oil tiii itsniv a i.-en'itdnox' ??.i ivsviyn February 17, 1N7H. A change of lull altornoim >u?l evening. 100 AKTI8TS WILL APPEAR. ' /"I LOBE T11E A THE SPECIAL NOTICE VJT To the various artists that appear at the (HtAM) COMPLIMENTARY TESTIMONIAL TO MAN All EK K W. BUTLER :?Thero will he a full orchestra reuearral ou Tuesday morning, Eebrnary 15, at. 11 o'clock. M LA T1IOUNE, Stage Manager. PIANOFORTES, OUCilll, >W. A?koll sale?an elko a nt stki.vw ay a son's Pianoforte for $200; also an elegant Windsor Piano, ba? four round comers rn<l all modern Improvements, cost $1,1**1, for $250; best boa for shipping. Call at privato residence 120 West 23d st., near kith av. BEAUT 1 Kl LTIANOKOKTE."$100; PIANOFORTES to rent, $5 monthly ; instalineuts taken; Chickering and Steinwav Pianofortes: bargains J. BIPDI.K, 13 Waverley place, near Broadway. ? Kofi kent, UPRIGHT. syl'AKE AND GRAND Pianos of our own make ; also for sale and rent, a number of Hue socotid hand Pianos. In perfect order. WILLIAM KXABE A CO.. No. 112 5th av., above 16th st. HANDSOME ROSEWOOD THREE MOULDING round corners overstrung agraffe Piano. $115; rent $5; also first class Pianos at low. J, CAMPBELL, 113 Bloeckerst. PIPE"ORGAN I'tlR SALE?81X STOPS, PEDAEbass, price $350; Keed Organ, twclvo stops, pedalhasse, two banks, $150. Apply to Mr. LESTER, 232 West 52d st. GREAT RKT5CI'TH)N IN PIANOS. CASH OR IN stuliuents: uprights ami squares, second hand l'luuui} (hem $50. DEOKKK A BARNBE, 137 3d av. ?A ?"v LL PERSONS DEHIRoi'S O F PI ECU AN I.NO a genuine socoud hand Steinway Piano, are invited to call at our warerootns, where a line assortment of Stelnway Pianos, all In perfect condition, and some of them nearly now. is constantly on hand; also second band Pianos of other makers. Attempts nro constnntly made In this city and elsewhere by makers of bogus planus and tlielr agents to sell their iuferlor instruments, bearing our name, or a name spelled so similar that many people do not notice the difference and purchase the spurious, worthless Instrument fur a genuine Steinwav piano. If persons, before [ urelioslng such instrument. will take the Hum! er of suine and call on or write to us. It ran at once be, aayymi'iyj whether the instrument is a genuine Steinwav nlumCnFa IrautT STEIN WAY A SDN'S, Stelnway Hall, 107 mid 111 East 14th St.; New York. PRIVATE FAMILY WILL SELL TlIEIKHTEIN~ wsv A Suns Pianolorte at sacrifice; four round, 7"t, octave richly carved rosewood case, full agraffe, overstrung Piano; roe $1,000, lor $2(*1; Stool, Cover; a octave Decker A Bros, upright Piano, nearly new, $250; box for shipping. Call at privato residence 47 West Ilith St., between 5th and Otli avs. A~ BEAUTIFUL CARVED ROSE WODD 7 OCTAVE Pianoforte for $1U0. Residence 213 East 30th st. A PIANOS AND OWAM, NEW AND SECOND J\ hand. $50 to $100; $5 and upward monthly uutil pa'd. PI-.KK A SON, 23 Clinton place, uear Broadway. SPLENDID 1 OCTAVE CIIICKEltING A IIA/XK' . ton llano at oxtreordinary bargain lor cash: npriglit' square Ptajuis and Organs on easy monthly instalments or go rest. Ml Ah VL'EK, 352 Bowery. A~ N TMM EN SB 8ACK1K1CE.-AN "KNTIMLY Mi? W and first class 7 1-3 octave Piano; must bo sold regardleas of oost. Piano can tie seen at 2111 Pearl St., near Pulton. A' GREAT OKPKK.-IIORAi'K WATERS A SONS, 481 Broadway, New York, will, during tins wee* rent a few first class uew Pianos and Organs until the runt money pays the price (if the instrnmont, as per contract. An elegant seven "octave piano, used six months, only $1*45; to rent and on monthly iustal menu. JOHN M AIIO.VS, 224 l-.u-t lllHh st. STEjN W A Y GRAND. NEW UPRIGHT AND square Pianos and Organ* on instalments ami to reul; large assortment S. X. UAI.I. A CO., IS East llth at. A-PIANO?i, MAMCFATURKR*" PRH1BH; 7K OO tave, almost new. all improvements, $12110; instalments takeu ; rent, 95. CABLE 8, 107 West 2Sd at. 9100 KOH E WOOD PI AN O EORTR-^Pl A NOS TO rent. $5 month and upward; instalments taken ; new Instruments at great sacrifice. GOLDBMITH'8 20 Bleceker St., near Bowery. a~l6Fop second hand pianofortes, in THOB A ough order, tor sale at moderate prices; also Piauofortes on instalments. ClIlCKKUING A SO\H, 180 5th av., cornor 18th st. C1UICKEBINO PIANO; HILl." ROUND; ~I.TlW FOR ) caali; new Pianos sold; monthly Instalinems of $1(1; l'lano Case Meludeon, $.jO. GORDON A SON, 10 East 14th st. IAD V WILL BBLL rOR $10? OH I <J KKKING ItOSKJ wood Pianoforte, modern improvements, perfect order; sweet, powerful tone. 28 East 3d St., near 2d av. ffiwi) MAGNIFICENT 7'* OCTAVk" R09EWOOD 1 Pianos lor sale at a 'preat bargain lor casli; best city makers; rich tone; round corners; carved lege. Apply at H90 eft 11 av., near 4<Jth at., In Batterson'e Storage office. C~fpiUGliT-AND-S(jLAKlTFlAN OH AND OROANH TO 1 n-nt very low or sold on small monthly payments, at BETT8' WarerooniH, 788 Broadway, corner ol 10th st, DANCINO AC A l> KM IKS. t ?SAUSE*N DANCING ACADEMIES.?CI,A88KH jV, now lorraine. PRIVATE LErtbONb any bour at 212 East T1 th st. 1.1,K.N DODWOKTH'-i DISCING SI'lltiOG, " No. 212 'rib av. Brooklyn branch at 198 Washington ?t. Classes or private lessons for liubes, gentlemen and children. Eur particulars send tor circular. A -M ARS' ACADTMY OK DANCING, 2W Bl.KECKER . St.?Pupils can attend without loss of lessons; send for circular. A T C. *11 RIVEKHrDANCiNO ACADKMV, 175 KTATB sL, Brooklvn, classes for beginners are now funning. I bend for a Circular. t ^CAUTIKR S DANCING ACADEMY, PLIMPTON'S il. Building, Rtuyveaant and llth st* ? Private laasons in | elide and assembly waltses a specialty. Soiree Monday evenings. t . BrookEtc dancing academv. :?h broomk~St. A NEW CI,ASS KOft TCR8DAY. All tha fashionable Dances in one rourse of lesson*. The tlret lessons ran be taken privately and uo extra charge from class prices. Ui'MAK'H DANCINiTaCADEMY. 24 WEST 4TH8T~ All dances taught pvrfectlv per quarter. Six fashiouI able dances perfectly In six pr irate lessons. Walts, glide | and donhle glide specialties. n' IA MON D8~,B KOALTWA V, THIS EVENING, W lilt?. ' Klt.V A N I>< >'H DANCING AC A UK M Y~T&TH ST., COR ' ner Third avenue (Huk Buildink> ? CI?-?, Mondayand Thursday evenlnire. Wedneaday and Saturday afternoons: new i-laeaae now Forming for spring course ; mnaqurrade and civic ball Wednesday, relirnary 16. DRY GOOUft. Y ?A.?CARPETS. WR ARE VOW OFFEKINO A LINE OF ENOLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS fSLIOIITLY IMPERFECT*. AT SI 111 PER Y AK1); ALSO DAILY RKl KIVI.NO TIIK LATEST SPRING STYLES, W1HCH WILL BK SOLO AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICKS. AN ENTIRE WHOLESALE STOCK FROM AUCTION OF LACK CURTAINS FROM ONE DOLLAR PER PAIR TO TriK FINEST IMPORTED AT HALFPRICE. SIIKPPARI) KVAPP. 18.1. AND 18ft HTH AV, ONB DOOR BELOW I8TH ST MlUlilEBl Y\I? DRENSMAKINU. A PIRST CLASH DRKSSMAKER WILL MAKE KLRA rant Sulla. Ball Dreaaea, Bridal Ontttte at moderate prlcae; fitting perfect. Call on or wldmaa .M. BLITTON, luu Wrat '.Mill it., corner ol ? Hi a*., ovar printing offlce. SIDE Fl.AITINO 1DONE WHILE- YOU W'AIT.?1?3 Myrtle av. and 141 Court at.. Brooklyn. """iM stick riot. AT THOMPSON'S COI.IiROE. 30 4TH AV.. OPPOSITE Cooper Institute?Bookkeeping, writing, arithmetic, I language!, day or evening: ladle- denartineui: leie.-r ,,.h J twicrtit prftctioallj; drmitnrl for oprrfttors. I' IK'IA NT WKlTINu.-MR. fXMHKAR. 1.1OT HKMA& i way, ramnwn* nllTnew, cramping or trcnkllng. J*riv?ta levaoni day or trailing. WAMTKD TO PtHdIASE.~ WAJfTFD-RROM SO TO 100 OROfW OR SIX AWD *" n '"eh king pUin ( t>and*lli<r C),ry?t?l? Sand aa?Wt a?l>e?Ml wicc W iu* /law iurk, I : E R A1 AMl'HKnESTS. . A CADEMY 01 Ml'SIC. "oi'EKA. ADELAIDE PIULLIPPS. ITALIAN OPEltA COMPANY MONDAY K\ E.NINO, Pchraary 14, at s .. clock, IL BAKB1KKK DI HKYIOLIA R"'1"* ; Mi?* Adelaide Phillips Borta (first appearance) Signortna Laiatx rtl fount Aliuavsva Mr. Torn Karl Figaro dim appearance) Signer Perranti Dr. Bartolo, Signor Bacelll; Don Ba?ilin, . Higuor Coletti I'iorcllo, Signor Lotti. till AND CHORUS AND OROIILS^ TUA. Musical Director, SiKiior Toraa>i. Wednesday evening, February 10, II. TltOVATOBE. Friday evening, February 1?, LA I'EHKKENTOLA. General admission, $1. Family Circle, 5" cents. Reserved seals. CI 'Aland $2, according to location ; Bones, BP and $10. Seats and Boxes now at Academy boa oftlee, Bcliirmer s, 7ul Broadway, and Rullmans, lit Broadway. CTH AVBNUB THEATRE. (BYbKT NIOHT.MTO*1 ) Proprietor and Manager Mr. AU'll STIn DALY 00th to 72d tiuie ol Mr. Augustin Dale's successful Drama, Pl'PP II QqQU U U EE EE P P II O O V UK Pl'PP II Q 3 U~- L* KEE p nqoqr on p ii yyqq uuuu EEEE , g A PT.AY OP TODAY. Houses crowded I Sumptuous Scenery I Extraordinary Cast! Miss fanny Davenport, Mr. Cbariea Kisher, Mr. D. H. Harking, Mr. James Lewis. Mr. W. PIQUR MATINEE Davitige, Mr P. llardenherir, SaTI'KDAY, Maurice Barrvmore, Joliti Drow, AT 1 liiO. O. II. Rockwell. aud Misa JeffrcysLewis, Miss Kmily Kiel, Mrs. O. II Uilbert, Miss K.u? Holland, Miss Sydney Cnwell and Mr. John Brougham. ? Box nheet open 'JO days ahead. . Second SUBURBAN M ATINEE Wo.lneg.luy, Feb. 16. TTtiT av?nue theatre. o ANOTHER EXTRA MATINEE. In response to the general call for a second MID WEEK MATINEE and for tbe accommodation of SUBURBAN VISITORS, Mr. DALY begs to annouueo a performance of the greatly successful <ii%?a of 1'iyl E WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, AT ONE. ? The performance WILL TERMINATE in time for visitors to take the 4 to TRAINS for home. v itox sheet now open. VITALLACK'b. V V 1 \i \/_ i revc r> \r a i t a t<u EVERY EVENING AM) SATURDAY MATINEE will be presented Mr. Brougham's fine Drama, replete with ROMANTIC INTEREST AND POWERFUL EFFECTS, entitled JOUN GARTH, with its Charming and appropriate Music, beautiful Scenery and Appointments. Mr. LESTER WALLACE tn his original character of JOHN GARTH. Other cbaracters-by Messrs. John Gilbert, C. A. Stevenson. A. Fitigerald. C. E. Edwin. J. l'pek, T. Atkins. Miss Ada Dyes, Miss Nina Varian, Mrs, John Setton und Miss Ethel Tnorutou. WOOD'S MUbEUM. WOOD'S. VV THIS DAY. KvoningatS. I Matinee at 2. C. W. BARKY and LOUlsE SYLVESTER, LOUIS ALDRICU in- | A. 11. SHELDON. Burry's four-net | T. WOOD, U STEWART, Centennial Druuia, I L. R WILLAKD, Ao., in T11E SPY. I THE ROLL OF THE DRUM. G~ Trand~ oTeka ho use. " r enthusiastic reception of ! LUCILLE WESTERN. MONDAY, February 14. and EVERY EVE VINO until tnrllicr uotico, tbe powerful emotional Drama of EAST LYNNE; or, the elopement Q) LUCILLE) WESTERN in her unequalled impersonation of TiADY ISABEL ami Mine. VINE. Sbppoited by Mr J. B. STUDLEY as Sir FRANCIS LEV ISO N, and an EXCELLENT COMPANY. EAST LYNNE MATINEE, SATURDAY, February 1?. General admission, 60 cents; gallery, ii5 cents, T" ony pasi'ok's n'eiv theatre, Nos. 583 and 387 Broadway, Directly opposite tbe Metropolitan lintel and within one block ot St. Nicholas and llrund Central hotels. Tiie family Vaudeville Theatre of New York. The only variety entertainment in the metropolis that displays "standing room only." Housos nightly packed to the doors, and at the f TUESDAY AND FRIDAY MATINEES, f < > r " A rewara is offered to any Individual visiting this entertaiinucnt who docs'not pronounce it "the best in tbe city." This is our hill ol Continual fare for the coming Yon never addition week. Rnadtlm see one ol Stars names of artists and act tw ice, constantly | the specialties in You always adding I which they will find new features. 1 appear. something new. 1 First appearance In America ot the great Parisian Sensas tion, IUu original mid only DANSi.l.'RS GROTESQUES, a la "Clodoche," from Salle Valentine,, Paris, France, comp islnp the distinguished Monsieur C, MAlKK, Mons. M. MAURICE, Mons. C. DLCUOLET, Mons. C. l'A.V/,1 HE. first appearain e of "THE COMETS." WILLIAM BLANK, JAMES EDWARDS, JULIA BLAKE, KATE EDWARDS, . and- ?v. MAY WESTrtN. in Bongs, Sketches, Dnuoea, Comic, Serio-Comlc and Sentlinentiil Singing. Reappearance of MISS JENNIE MORGAN, jennie morgan. jennie morgan, the gilted and favorite Cnnlatrice. First appearance of The AINSLEY8, Ned and Willie. Sensation Song and Dance Artists. First appearance ol ALI.iL DRAYTON, the best Lady Song aud Dunce Artist in tbe urnfesrion. First appearance of ASH LEY A SMITH, Skatorial Kings, with itnltatious of new beginners and "old people" on ice. Continued success and re-engagement ol 'jf WAT C. UOODWIW, T the extraordinary Mimic, giving correct Imitation* In char acter of T EDWIN BOOTH. T STUART ROBSON, (JUS WILLIAMS, Frank Mayo. John T. Raymond, Sntbern. Gbaulrau *0(1 many more loading actors. Re engagement of HARRIS and I Comedians, Dancer*. I II ARRIS and (JAKKOLI,. | Vocalists and Hniiloist*. | CARROLL. Pronounced success of llie beautiful. gifted and attractive rvpreseutaliv c of the fashion.ahle young men of the day. Miss MAGGIE Weston. who ia acknowledged to l>e the flnott Vocalist and host dr<-seer of any lady aesnming main character*, CHARLES WORLBY, the popular Comedian and Character Delineator, will appear in a new and laughable Farce. 2?TONY PASTOi~^ with bis vocal greetings and hit great-company, in the best programme ever prepared, illustrated by I Ml famous star specialty artist*. Orchestra Chairs and Private Boxes secured six days In advance. IIIRI) AVENUE THEATRE.?B. VT. HITCHCOCK, Proprietor.?Dick Sands, Champion Clog Dancer; Major Bora, the unrivalled Zotiare Drilllnt; the Stuart Sister* ; the Coles, the great Dutch Specially Artists: the nror welcome Ethiopian Comedian, J W. McAndrrws. in now tpeclsjties ; Big !, Howard, Sandford and Williams; J. I). Rooms; the French Twin Sisters, lavorite rketches MAI IN El WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 3. Bowery theatre, Monday, kebrdary h. Engagement of thepopnlar actor. Mr. I>. B. RALTON, In a new sensat on Druma. In ? acts and a prologue, entitled IDA. Mr. Charles Foster is specially engaged for the part of Ephratiu Snack. Two SPECIAL MATINEES by Mrs. U 0. HOWARD, in ' rnele Tom's Cabin." Wednesday and Sitnrdav. SAN TRAV IS' ii MINSTRELS. | OPERA HOUSE AN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS BROADWAY SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. | AND 2HTH SC. THE TWO BEST BURLESQUES OF THE SEASON. JULIUS THE SNOOKER; THE CONSPIRATORS OF THOMPSON STREET. Jnlius the SniMizer Billy Birch Man ns Antonio* Charley Backus Cains Caeaitu Add flyman Brut us ...Billy Carter THE FINNY OLD GALS. MATINEE 8ATURDAY AT 3. EVENING AT * CTEINWAY HALL. _ THREE GRAND CONCERTS. THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS. Feb. 17 and IS, and MATINEE on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Fob. IS, by the BO>TON PHILHARMONIC CLUB (Their first aiwtearanca In New Y'nrki.' Mr B. LISTK.MANN, Mr. V. LISTEMANN, Mr. a. hartdbukn, Mr. k. WRINEK, Mr E. GKaMM, Mr. A BEL/,. Mrs. II M. SMITH. Soprano, of Boston. Mute MADELINE Mil IDLER. Pianist. TEMPLE QCARTET, of Boston (Their first appearance In New York). D. F FIT'/.. Tenor. H. A. COOK. Baritone. W II. PhsSF.NDKN, Tenor A. C RYDER, Basso Tickets f I. with referred seat*, for tale at Stelnway Hall, Brhlrmer's, 701 arid 114 Broadway. BROOKLYN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. PAPPKNItKlM. -GRAND OPERA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1M7?, at 8 o clock FAUST, Gonnod's Grand Opera In Ave act* Margarethe. Mile. EUGENIE PAPPENHF.IM label.... Mme. ( LARA PERL GREAT UllORUB AND ORCHESTRA. Keserred Scan. $1 W? and SI. Admission, The. and TiOe. The box office will open Una Monday morning for the ?nle of reserved seats. TIVOLI THEATRE, f'J. ?t, between 3d and 3d avs. The great HOLLAND BROS. The fascinating Vocalift, Mile. VIOLETTB. The Queen of the AO, JENNIE TURNOt RThe beautiful Si ngatress. Gl'SSlfi LEACH. T)in IVace Jubilee THE RAVKL-HKR.tAlUlRI RANTOH1MK TROLVE. she Comic Pantomime. the Maetc Trumpet. The Langbahle breach bleeuf Heeler. MVHICAL. A.V KDl'CATRO LADY, COWHIDKRABLY KXI'KRIeneeil In tea- htnir, eu eccntnpliihed performer. glees pianoforte an.l sinainc leeeone et fI"per quarter; hlghotl leferetirce. Aildron ( I.AMHIC, li. * t.'? Herald "ftlce. *4 LADY TKACHIH PIANOFORTE. OROAM, 8IJ4QA top; pupil's residence. $10 quarter; beet references Riven ; pupil* prepared for church or concert. Address INSTRUCTION, boa 14" llerald I'plowu Branch nfftce. / 1AKD -PRIVATE LKusoNv * PIANO." ' VlOMW \j Onltar. Organ, flute, Storing, Ac Itt Eael 14th si, JTracut* use. LD. PRICE FOUR CENTS. _ A?19EMK!ITS. A C AUK VIY OK Mi: SIC. THUMB. Mr. MAX STKA kOSCH ha. the honor to inform the public Unit VI.KIi. THERESA TITIKXS, on her wnr from Baltimore to Boston. twll appear ON FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 'JS. in her celebrated character of DONNA ANNA, It! DON GIOVANNI" . andou SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, IN A OltAND M AVI NEK, in one of her faeorite role. The tale of i.ata will counuaiic. on Monday, February 31. 1XARK THEATRE, "BROADWAY AND 22U8T! I Leasee and Man a .-er Mr. W. STUART WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 14, Klrat time, alter careful preparation, GEORGE FAWCBTT I'.OWK d new Comedy, in funr acta, BBBB KRKit A SSS6 BSSfl B II ll R AA 8 8 S S U.BR BAA 8 S MBBH NRKr? a A SSHS hSKS hhkraaa a a H UK R A A 8 8 8 8 BBBB U K A A SSisS SSRS " Character* hy Xllss Ro?e Wood. Mi?? Rom Lisle. Mis* Marie Lou.-e, M Urutoua, Mcsiri. Oaorge Kawcett Row*, Lewis Morri-nu .1, c. I'nlyeti Vlnin; Bower*. 0. Norn*, W. J. Cogswell, Kr ink Lougley. Cyril Soarle. J. \V. Brutone, J. P. Cooke. C. Kooue New drop otirtnln l.y VOEUTLIN. New scenery by MATT MOKciA.N, CHARLES IIKVKY. OKOItUK HKLNNEMANN. BOX Ol PICE OPEN MONDAY. THEATRE COMIyUlS, 514 Broadway. Mr. MATT MORE \N Mauager UNCLE ToMS CABIN. G acta. 1- tableaux, 31 scene*. Introducing THE WlI.MlNc.ToS COLORED JUBILEE SI N OK Its. MATINEK Wednesday and Saturday. TTNloN ByU A RE TlI E AT RE U Broadway and 14th >t. SHERIDAN SHOOK Proprietor A. M. PALMER Manager 85TH TO ftlU TIME OK ROSK MICHEL, AN Elnttmtcd with tie MOST ELABORATE AND UEAUTlPris SCENERY evoe let upon outage, and with u c**t ol UNDOUBTED UNEXAMPLED STREXOTH, including th* following favorite names]? Mestr*. 0 R. riiorue, Jr., Stuart Kobion, ' Theodore Hamilton, J. H. Stoddard, John TRIUMPH Puraolle. Eben Plymtitou, T. K. Morris, 1l-,yMluuer Iliooiusuu. r* . n miuor mill ?s . S. Quigley. unit Milne* Rose Eytluge, Fanny Men-urn nud Mota Bartlett. saturday. february in. fourteenth matinee ok kosb michel. Beat* tocurod two week* in advance. tuesday, FEBRUARY 22, Two Performances?Afternoon unit Evening. Monday evening, Feb. 2S, IMBU performance oi Rose Michel YMPIU THEATRE, ' No. 824 BROADWAY. JO UN F. POOLE Managera total (mianob?everything new. ELEVEN NEW STARS.' Tlie Inimitable Irish Comedian* aud Vocalists, HARRY BENNETT AND JOHN EE KNELL, lu their Original Comic Sketch, TUB ST.HiO GUARD. The world-fumed artists. "The Men from Oulway,1' MESSRS. CONWAY AND KERRIGAN. The Champion Skater of Europe. MR. WILLLA M LAKDIS. The celebrated Mimical Geniuses, THE CLARK BROTHERS, in their Original Laughable Sketch called THE MUSICAL TRAMPS. Reappearance o| the original and oulv COLORED HAMTOWN S't'L'DEfiTS. Mr. Robert Era* r - new comic Puntoniltne, THE FIRE SPRITE. THE GREAT PONY CIRCUS. JOHN HART. D L. MORRIS. WHIMSICAL WALKER, THE CARLO BROTHERS, JOHNSON AND BRUNO, JOHN QUEEN, WW. WEST. K. M 11 ALL. j. holds worth, wash Norton, wm. ii cahill, JOHN GILBERT. N I). UOODING, G W. REED. JAS. VINCENT, G. W. GRIFFIN. misses ADAH RICHMOND, ADA MoV.O \N. fannie BROOKES, JULIE COVENTRY, PEARL THORNTON. ADDIE farwell, K KTTY parker. Ac. matinees wednesday and saturday at 2. oTtu .-nil OPERA HOUSE, BETWEEN JU AND 0*t Jd ava ?Every evening at S. e d . "d a a Mile. Violetta PloantiT < ?5 e a Wild Cliahut Dancers. a si 5," A Graud Olio. a ; ' Pa m ATI SEE WEDNESDAY \N D - \ I U ii" a Y. I>AJU?IANV AKIKTIK8. KITH sr. AND BROADWAY. <?> TEMPLE OF SENSATIONS. Every ["With change of programme weekly, 'tig evening I agreed, at I "Mid all aiuniemcnts still we keen the lead." s o'clock. | Gorgeous iDemonto) Ballet. Matinees I Sig. NovLsltno. Mile. Bertha schroller. on I Cutnmara Young. Tneeday, I Johanna Kerrnud. Atkinion. Tliur day | Helming, Herbert and Curnwell, and | and 20 beautiful Corn* de Ballet. Saturday | M MINUET. LA MINUET, at I Now Picture!. 20 beautiful Models. 2 o'clock. | > > , ?<& <J>? <fc> ] J C. (FAI'TIF.) STEWART. Love and Murder. Tricks. Don't (lo. Tommy, Love and Murder. Tricks. Don't On, Tommy. T VIRGINIA STICKNKY. T Miss Annie Mortem, Min* Minnie Hall, Js* Messenger, Aubrey and Moultun, Miss Blanche Klherts, Mis* Winona Bridges, Joe Buckley, Arnold Brothers and a grand Olio ol tlO Stars. Eagle theatre.-" broadwat and mm sr. Mr. JOSll HART Hole Proprietor and Munager Miditlay, February 14, and during the work, first sppeariffieeofj. w! JknniBgt.'Wnp "Barry, Paddy Murphy. Reappearance (if Kicker and Barney. Entire Now Olio. Ticket el-Leave Man Mutiuee Wednesday add Saturday. qkooklyn the A rkk_ " lj M"**rs. HHOOK A PALMER....Lessees and Managers QUREN | This new drama will bo givrfii every evening AND | this week. It will be illustrated bv magnificent WOMAN I Scenes and by a cast of unusual strength, embracing the names of -Messrs. Fred. Robinson. Edward Ar. nott, Edward Lamb, H. B. Phillips, John Matthews and J. C. Coulter. Misses Ida Vernon, kulo Claxtnn, Laura Thorpe and Mr. J. Steele Muck aye. In coin.?t|iicnce el Mitt Cl.AKA MORRIS' engagement, the present representations ol this drama arn limited to onrpweeW. M A I INEE ON SATURDAY, AT 2 P. M. /Verm am a itieatp.k, miti -r IjT AD. NEl'ENDORKK Director Monday. February 14?DKKI STAATSVERHRECHEK, Comedy in fivn acts, by Scbweittur. Bo* office open from t* till 4 o'clock. XT!NTH NATioNAL EXHIBITION nl THE * AMERICAN SOCIETY OK PAINTERS IN WATER COLORS, now open at the National Academy of Design, corner of 4IK av. and UUd sk ; dally (Sundays excepted; Irom A. M. untU i 8 P. M., and from 7 untiMO P. M. \ /"t RAND CONCERT AT STEIN WAY* HALL, \ UT Monday, February 14, lH7d. for ehe benstlt of the Oer- I man Emigrant House, lli State st , with tlie kind assistance of the foTlowin - eminent artistsMist Ani jula llenue, \ contralto; Mis* F. Roko'il, soprauo. Mr. C. Felt ch.teuor; Messrs S Liebling and T. V. Gogh, p**no; H. Brandt, \ violin; A. Hoc':, violoncello; Mas Liebling. accompanist; and thu choirs of St. Matthew's and St. John's churches. > Admission. Idle. Reserved seats, otic, extra. At till Broadway or at tho door un tlie evening. "Ifl-l IS RISEN! IIE IS RISEN ;" NEW EASTER J 1 anthem, by It. P. Dunks, price 3.7c.; also "Christ the Lord is Rii-eo.'' by Wilson, 7oc.; by Andre w*. 00c.; by Lloyd. 4<>c.. "Christ Our Passover," Tliom.i*. til; by Chappie. .Vic.; "Morning Breaks," hymn, Clarke, 'rJc. l'ubll died by C. H. DITSON A CO.. 711 Broadway. HE BEST NEW MUSIC.?"PARTING -DNG."' F L Bitter, I0e.; "Dal >y s Dream, piano, V i'linger, 6()c.; "Those Go! leu Hours," Kerns, fie.: Pond I.I ?, lu.unika, Dorn, Mb,; ''Slavery Days," Brabarn. lite.: "Apollo Lancfert," Kle uw iter. It. "Hu?li Tbre, My Baby," Marlrone. 40c.; The "oeiiny Side " for -' lay *e i ols, 3.7c. t oples mailed tt'M. A. PgNH A CD., of 7 Broadway. Branch *tore, lltl Union square, New York. KtKMITIIRk. ^ V~?WKJJKxTv ami monthly payments tak i.s jV. fur Furniture. Curpef* oarl H-ddlnif at H. M. COWPKKT1I WAIT A CO. 'S, IM aud 167 Chatham St. An liamenre atock at In* price*. A-POK SALE. AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE, IJII WKsT . I'.'lil it . near ?v , i irlor Sum. 14 p ec*, covered In Htln. co*t tor $.7.0; >iue ii?.. M'ASi furklah Suite, $i*?; rep and haircloth Suit*. *CCi and $.V>. IiiIhuI noil gilt lilnok walnut Iiieaalng C?*e?, Bureau*, Waahatand*. Warurobba, hair and aprlnir Mattiesaea, Dining furniture. Bxteoaion Table. Bullet. Chair*. Ac. N. B.?An elegant Needhum s atop Parlor Organ. f I.'>0. uctTon ho'.ms :?? East TJtTi sr-carpets, furniture, Mirror*. Organ*. Ptanoa, Palntinga, Crock* rry, Ar., at private Mile, at aurtlon prlco*. V' HARD AO MB PARLOR SUIT tit UTUI, 00#t $X>0, for $2<JQ; do., Sllil; rip S?it. $:??; Meiuanf Plaoolorte, f200; Bedroom Seta, with dreeing aaaea. $H>, $110. atnirie Hed*tead?. Bureau*, hair and apring Mnttre??e?, library and dinlnic furniture;Tarklah Suit $??>; Painting*, Brontea, Carprta. JOc. yard. Ac. Mint bo *old. Call prlvato raeidence No. 47 Wear HKh at. GREAT SACRIFICE.?MAGNIFICENT MATIN RROcade Parlor Suit, coat lor $l">0; two div, $7.1 and SMi; Pianoforte. Curtain*. Paintinira; Chamber Suit*, with 1 treating Ce?e, $40, up; Carpet*. SN > cent*; rcpa and haircloth Suite, $.'! >, up; Dining furniture, Silverware. Mattreaae*. Bedding. Muat be aold. Call at prival* reiidauce lljfi East lllth at. two door* {Torn 4th av. Good second hand and misfit carpets, oilclotha, I-iat Carpet*, Stair Carpet*, Cocoa Matting, Ac., very cheap, at the old place, 112 Pulton at. ft SO Hi IF. A.~C 1, AltK K,~ 747 BROADWAY -si PKRIOR I furniture. Carpet*. Mirror*, Ac., on convenient term* of payment; French Flat* furnished to order. EUROPE. TjXLORENCE, ITAI-V. A. arARDICCI A CO, Banker, So. D Vm del Gigllo. Clrrnlar Note* and Draft* on London, Pari* and New York ea*hed at the beet exchange*. Letter* received and promptly forwarded Heading room*, with American and Engliah paper*. Good* nored and forwarded. No cnuimlaeioti charged. PROPOSALS, PROPOSALS will be received UP TO WKDNESt (lay evening. I l*e Dlth inu? for tha grading, bridging, fencing. Ac., of the Narraganaett t'ler Railroad, at the offlco of the Cbiet Euginfer In 1'eaeedale. it. L JOHN A. GREEN* ? CO., Contractor* WAT! HKH, JEWELRY, AC. AT 77 BLEBCKER ST.. NEAR BROADWAY. MONEY advanced on Diamond*, Waich**. Jewelry. Ac.; al?? Pawnbroker*' Ticket* bo ighl of diawcodf, watchea, AO. 77 Bleecker *t. AT ??7 BROADWAY, CORNER fOURTH STREET' Diamond*, Watchea, Jewelry, Sllka, Laee* and Per?onal Property of overy description bought and aold. Loan* negotiated. ' /AMES P. MATTIIKWfC Money on diamonds, watches, ac.-dia . mond*. Watchea. Jewelry, Silverware and Seal Saenuel bought, and eold back, when deal red, at a very jraall advauce. GEO. C. ALLEN. Jeweller. MOU JU*a*Htr. sear -*U Ik