Newspaper Page Text
WHOLE NO. 14,421. DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISERS. ? ' AMUSEMENTS?2d piux?lit nnd 2d colt. ASTROLoGY-7ru 1'auk-hi. coL KILLLAKDS?2p r*r,K?ltd col. BOARDERS WANTED?in Pack?41b JOl. BOARD AND L( DGINU WANTED?let Race?4th col. BOOTS AND 8HORS-2n Pack?"lb cot BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE KOR SALE?2D Pack?4lh col. business opportunities?i th pack. bin1ne88 notices?hh pack?<mhc?l. city real em-ate for s ale 2l> rack?4th col. clerk.s and salesmen?7tu Rack?4ili col. clothing?7tm Pack?t'.tb col. . . , Coachmen and gardener*??th pack?4th coi. coastwise steamships?1?T Rack?Oth cud Oth coll. COPaRI ners11! I s- snrti Rack. Dancing academies-2d rack?2doot DKBTIsTKY?Till Rack?Olh cot. . DWELLING MOUSEs TO let. Ft RMS11ED AND ?. NFURNISHED?2p Pack?5th col. european steamships? lsi pauk-oih coL europe?2d i'aok-dih col. - I TH FINANCIAL?tTB 1'ifit FOR SALE?1st Pacb-?4HI? col. T __ FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pack?5th in d 6th cola. furnltcrk-2? PACK-3d col. HELP WANTED?FEMALES?7th Paok-Si] and 4th cola. HELP WANTED?MALLS?7th Pack?W; and ?Mi cols. HOKSKS. CARRIAGES. AC.?1st Pack-2d, 3d and 4th Cola. HOTELS-1ST Pack?4th col HOUSES rooms. ac., WANTED?2d Pack?3d col INSTRUCTION?20 Pack?3d col. LECTURE SEASON?2d Pack?3d col. LEGAL NOTICES?1st Pack?fith ioI. LOST AND POUND?1st Pack?1st col. MACHINERY?1st Pack-6th col. MAKBX.K MANTELS?7th Pack?Gtb col. MEDICAL?7th PaC?-? 6th col. MILLINERY ANI) DRESS M A KINO - 1st Picr-4th coL MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?HrtU Pack? 6tli col. MISCELLANEOUS?2d PA?E-3d col MUSICAL?2D Pack?3d col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?Stii Pack?Oth col. PERSONAL?1st I'aCK?1st col. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AC.-2n Pacb-SU coL POST OFFICE NOTICE?Ut 1'auk?1th col. PROPOSALS?2l> Pack?Oth col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 7tii Pack?lldcol. PROPERTY 01 T OF THE CITY FOR SALE OK TO RENT?2d Pack?Ith col. HEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d PACK?4lh col. REAL ESTATE WANTED?2d Paw-4th and t?th cola. RELIGIOUS NOTICES?1st PACK-latcol. REWARDS? Dt Pack?1st col. SALES AT AUCTION?7th Pagb?5ih and 0th cols. oiiuAiiu^a nA3i^u?r r.jiAr,.c.a?uu ?isi, ~u anil lit} ruin. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?7tu Pack-ItU coL SPECIAL NOTICES?1st PAC?-l?t and 2d rots. KPOKT1NG*? DOOM, BIRDS, AC.?Est Pauk?2d col. THE BALL SEASON?2d Pack?2d col. THE TRADES?7th P.igk?5tli col. TO LLT FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Pack?Nth col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDK-lsr PAGK-tith col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Page?0th col. WANTED TO PURC1I ASE?1st Page?4th coL WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.?2D Pa. H?IU ? I. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET?2d Back?Ith col. WINTER RESORTS?1st Pack?4th col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS. AC ?IOtu Pack?4Rh col. PERIORAL. ' Alfred?for the sake of your children return ; wipe out the pant. DOPTTON-A FINE. HEALTUY FKMALE iNFANT, two months old, American parentage. Call on or address for three days. DOCTOR, 274 West 4th St. "DRONCHINK. B~ ROOKLYN?DID NOT GET LETTER IN TIME; answer through Personal when I can see yon again. TK ADDLES. Blanche we stun-meet me~at~ the bal Mas'ino do l'llurmouie, at Irving Hall, next Friday. DKLMONI CO. December 23, i87fT?the right onb knows who and where. It was only a mistake. Instead ef a love glance it was a streak of lightning or a delusion. Address 11. M.. box 115 Herald ofliae. Henry feauoe Information wanted of Henry Pcarce. of England, who catne to America the latter part of 1S71 or early in 1S72. Known to have been somewhere in Louisiana about 1N73 or 1STJ. Light brown hair unit light complexion, height 5 feet 8 Inches. Any persun knowing the present whereabonts of Mid Henry Pearcu will please address 11. B., b?x'3,t>oti Post officii, New York city. JULES?WHY DON'T YOU ANSWER; SEEMS YOU want to fool rae ; appoirtt place of meeting.- Address BEN. FBOVATA, Herald Uptown Brnnch otnee. J~ TM-7 AM ANXIOUSLY WA1TLNU. ___ BELL WALLACE. JACOB. I(S) ST.?ONE YEAR AGO YOU SAID "1 am going to Baltimore;' shan't I ever see you again! 'r i ii tiw Little ?waited one hol*r aV tavlor'5 yesterday, lor you: nail today; sorry; Dot my fault; ICturn uncertain. RUB BY 2. t'TTIEMPTATION" M I AM FI LLY AWAKE NOW; J. you can sparo yotnself trouble and expenses. I might be weak minded in tn<>rv respect, but will surely be firm as D rock in point of humunity. houesly and uprightness. Murder will out; lot tin- Tii.i v bepuntsued BBN i'kula a. ViTlLL TBB LADY IS BLlOK WHO BOWBO TO M gentleman on 4th av. car. Sunday afternoon. favor admirer with her nUdress "r w here an interview cau be had I Addreas d. 0. W.. Herald I ptov. n Branch office. BJClalGlOi;8 WOTICEB. ql-acial religious services O will be hold at the HIPPODROME BUILDING, Madison and4th avs., 30th and 27th sts., in connection with the iabore of Mr. D L. MOODY and Mr. litA D. SANKEY. NOON MEETINGS. Every day, except Sunday Entrance on 4th atr. Doors open at 11W and close at 12 o'clock. EVERY EVENING, Saturday and Sunday excepted, for the general public, at 8o'clock Entrance. Madison av. OVERFLOW MEETING at H o'clock. Entrance on 4th av. FOR YOUNG MEN ONLY, every night, except Saturday, at 9 o'clock. Entrance on 4tli av. Huienny?For Christian workers. Entrance on Madison v., 8 to 8 45 o'clock A. M Admission by ticket. FOR WOMEN ONLY, AT 3 O'CLOCK P. M. FOR MEN ONLY, AT 8 O'CLOCK P. M. Doors oueu one half hour before each service. Admission to all the meetings free, without ticket, Sunday morning excepted. The expenses of these meetings are large and must be defrayed by private subscription. Centribntiona can be seut to J. FIBRPONT MORGAN. Esq., Treasurer, 23 Wall at. SAMUEL THORNE, Chairman Committee of Arrangements. W. e dodge. Chairman General Committee. NATHAN BIPHOP. Chairman Executive Committee. LOyr A.NI) FOUND. (A ACTION.?LOST, IN THE MAILS, A NOTE OF J Wallace Bros., Statrsviile, N. C., due March 10, 1878, lor 5*22; a Note of Harris A llecht, Louisville, Ky., due May 18. 1870, for 52.49* 92, aud a Note of Newhonae, Rosensj A Co., Philadelphia, due Mav 19, 1876, for $3,35(1. All persons arc wpr ied against negotiating buy of the above, as payment of the some has been stopped. NEW HOUSE, KOBENAU A COPmi.jtDKi.rii it. Feb. 12. 1878, LOST?A RING, A FLAT BAND OF GOLD, OONTAINitig two diamonds, yellow and white. The tinder will be very liberally rewarded by leaving the same at tkJ East 34th at. LO5T~N FULTON-FERRY BOAT. ON MONDAY morning. February 14. a brown paper Package, fastened with rubber band, containing ionic manuacript and aparnpblet Finder may leave Hie same at office of NORWOOD A COGGKSHALL. No. 9 Murray st. OST?ON FRIDAY. IN A 23D ST. STAGE, A~POCKETbook. 140 West 4*tb st. Lost?on fridav morning last." a pocketbook, with owner's name on it. containing a sum of * money and papers of value only to the owner. A reward of C2S will be paid if left at Hoffman House with W. 8. TOUGH, and no questions asked. NEW YORK FEB. 14, 187tj.?1 UAVK THIS DAY lost or mislaid Negotiable storage Receipts of followin.. \T-,a Toil TOT Too ~'o .n A gainst John B. H?b6y, Son A Co., to my order, end all nnludurscd I hereby notify end caution ell persons against negotiating for above receipt*. _ HAN. M. STERN, 40 Water si. VTOTICB.-TUK tNDt VIllC Al.WHO TOOK THE SILK X* Umbrella from the stationery ttore on 6th e?. is well known Ample time will he given to retnrn the eaoie to J. G. MEMO*. 166 West Hid st KBW \ KBS. A- REWARD.?LA RUB, BLACK NEW BO I-NO LAND JJ)tj Dos. with small scars on eyes aud rommon leather collar, tost Sunday morning. 274 Last Houston st. AC*A RKWARD, AN![) NOQUKBTIONS ASKKD. BOR return of large Roman Mosaic Kriuu-ti. Seniskin Boa and Muff, trimmed with otter. ?l? two Hooks, all stoleu Irotn West .15th st. Return to 1,404 Broadway. ulBSON. HPEIIM. MUKKW. Astral oounskl-sknd kor a brum. pectu*. Addrees Post office be* 4.w29. New York city, lil8aac~q boick. ~2?7 BROADWAY, "lawyer, Divorce* obtained promptly, witheul publicity ; desertion Inr ropatibillty. habitual drunkennes*. intidelilv. Inliu 1 ass treatment, conviction ofleiooy Passport.* obtained. A-DSi AL I Kl NAWICK gov! I.NMENT LOTTBRT. $2,07B.:wki. gold. to be drawn ill si* different drawings. Highest prise. flOH.KJU, cold. Due prlte to every iwo tickets. The second drawing will take place Monday, February 14. _ and Yuf'day, February 15. cull explanatory circular* Irre, THEODOK ZSCHOt II. I ost office box 5,51*4. 116 Nassau st.. New York. A -KENTUCKY 8TATR L(iTliriKlfc.i OK J. S. SMIlfl A co. ? *I?TCCKT-*itua CLAM 3H1. ma 1976. 7B. 62, 49. :?4. ,Y. a. ttR 64, HI. 26, 10. 33. ... . aawnrcKr?class 2M2. ron 1670. 62. 15, 44, 42, 5. 21. 39. 25, H, 32, 9, BR Ail oroeri adurets B. NATHAN, box 4.x7f> Post office. Net* York city. A-rAKKK BMSRMON A CO. D KWckJ Lotterlp. drawn dully. V . i, 2 'Aitlttry drawn p?.t* 17 dara. Kcnlaery Oiuirtw Nauiber Ixutary drawn CVbruary J6. 1W70. iiVu* C*V" "if;-rm?lt. n Tnriiltlixl ami rlrruiun frari. U*> Hr.mdwgy. l'o?t nffler box r,.r72 Jfaw York. pKMtXNUl H t N H K R ROR TH M V WOMKN'd iRN'TKJfRIAL UlfI01f. *r? J? f li'tawk rrr?rarfr, a nr! tha Excr-utlva Commit- * f w'? rPC*?*' 'j'n . 'i'J" <? r *h* ?bo??r irt.m to *v ?ao?dty M? Wednr?tf?y. rob*,,,, l ft god lfl, ;Iom a lo & r M at t bickering K., comer :,tfi ??. and IHth ?t. ' " MOHACK. Trruurrr. IVSKasE* OK *fi*N a" Lf HKNRYA DANIKLAM Ht Ualngton ??.. near put A Ota>>R ?>?-? -? " ' | I E NE NEW YO ^ ?rEUAI< NOTICES. A.^-A- ? " DJSEASE8 UF MEN. The Import mice of the healthiness of the ncrvmie system cannot ho overestimated'. lU power over lite death end the direct bearing which it has on human happiness moms to he recognised; iti capabilities its qualities and its power*; the impurteuoe of its healthful preservation, it* moderate uses, the danger of overtaxing it. whether through thought, study, or Intense application iu mental Investigation and research; whether by the absorbing attention necessary to the conduct of complicated and momentous business interests, or by the excessive indulgence of the appetites and propensities of the svstem All these ura I. r ......I.I, rut.,... o . also the knowledge "f what Is moderation, what Is excess, and when these exist the absolute necessity of promptly seeking advice from an expert who. lor a loug series of voars.. has devoted Ida whole time and attention to the study, investigation and treatment of ail tlic maladies of thia important department, to accurately determine tho diseased conditions, tlieir nature, causes and origin, whether arising from the want of exercise, its Irregularity or excess, and who, trow his experience and practice, has learned to discover at once tho derangement and as promptly apply tho remedy, inns avoiding tho painfully slow feeling alter the truth, so common to the inexperienced and so annoying to the patient, who, very naturally, wants to know without delay what is iho matter, the extent of the derangement, the probabilities of recuperation and the tiino required. A striking example of the value of experience nnd practical observation, as well as the usefulness of the prompt application of suitable remedies, Is louml in the important statement, comtug. nut Tmrn one, hut a oeren public institutions. net only at home but abroad, that a very large proportion of those wluxsutler from mental disturbance and absolute insanity permanently recover, who are pluccil under treatment within a year alter the first symptoms have manifested themselves. If thetutellectuul department or the brain has become exhausted by intense mental application, depriving it of the power of connected thought. It can only recover its strength or being properly fed ami nourished by the uso h( certain systcinnlfc methods. It is precisely so in every other department, whether of appetite, propensity or passion, each requiring a different remedy forits recuperation and different means for bringing them up from their overworked and exhausted conditions. TltwunipurtnOce of this branch of medical practice can scarcely bo overrated, for It reaches even to the perpetuation of family names, the securing of hereditary titles and the retention of estates in tlie miiii" family. Krom a long and large experience in this direction I have been able to command by my success the thankful appreciation of some of tho first families in the city and nation ; and 1 certainly can commnnicate much to cultivated minds In connection with my practical experience in what pertains to the o-.or-oxercise iif every department of the nervous system and the means of recovering their powers, whether ot brain, appetite, propensity or passion. iibnky a. daniels, m. d.. 144 Lexington av., near 29th at. Hours, 8 to 3. Gold and ailvbh~an d an y article oontasivIng gold boagbt at market price. Polishing gilders' Kngs, Ac., burned uud molted by Be finer 8CHaw el, 26 Havan a lottery?next drawing February 10. Highest prir.eBFlOO.OuO. Whole amount of prizes $541 l.OOU For particulars address H. MAK11NEZ A CO., J;.,11kt-rs. 10 Woll st.. basement. Post office box A.tUSU. J^ENTUCKY STATE DISTRIBUTION^ DRAWS SATURDAY-, FEBRUARY 2?. 1870. fSOO.OuO .11 ca?h distributed. $300,000. Grand capital prtse, $80,000. 5,370others from $20,000to $100. All prltcs paid in lull after the drawing. Tickets, $10; halves, |1V, quarters, $2 SO. THOMAS H. HAYS A CO.. 097 Hroadwuy, New York. ?('II KONIcl) ATAR lUlT~UK A F NESS; IMPROVED method; inotautancou'relict; permanent cures. Dr STODDARD. No. S West 14th st. K"-official drawing KENTUCKY state lot. teries. HIMKOIw, DICKINSON A CO., Managers, KENTUCKY, KXTKA COM NO. 1711?rh'HKUARY 14. 1870. 37, 24. ON. 15. 2\ 0. 30 17, 47, 4'i, 74, 58, 51 gKNTUCKT. CI.ASB NO. 174 ?S'FBKUARY 14, 1876. 20, 88, 57. 01, 11. 5. 4.1, 54. 02. 51, 30. 17. 40, 70. IIKXRV, KXTRA CLASS NO. 73? FEBRUARY 14, 187(5. 72, 24, 50. 44. 1. 5. 04. 0. 0. 7. 12. CO, 37. HENRY, CLASS NO. 74?FEBRUARY 14, 1870. 9, 43, 44, 40, 1, 33. 20. 50. 35. 58, 22, 24, 00. 02. Full information b.r applying to or addressing J. CLUTE, 200 Broadway, or box 4,000 i'ost other], 17 -BIMMONST^Ihckinson A CO. 8 "GRAND IV. montlily distribution. on the llavauu plan, to bo drawn February 20; also Royal Havana of Cuba draws February 10 lull information hv applying to or uddrossiDg J. CLUTE, 200 Broadway, or box 4,la515 Post office. OST?PASSBOOK X?T 40.080, IBSUEDBY TTUTTN J stitution for tho Searings of MercliaiiAs' Clerks. The Under will please leave it at tue bank. No. 20 Union place. MRS. ANNIE W ASIITN'.TON MVS OI'KNKDA FIRST class Lauudry at No. 100 West 54ih St. "PROFESSOR BR LOW, MESMKK 1ST. 219 EAST 11TH A st.?Sittings from 2 to 4 and 7 to 0 1*. M. dadv; private sittings at residence if desired; all nervous diseases cured by animal magnetism ; instructions In Psychology, public entertainments given; examinations by medical clairvoyant if desired. Royal, baxon lottery. Bruuswl* k end Hamburg Lotteries. Royal Havana Lottery. WACUS.VAN A CO., Bankers. I'ost office ' or 3,310. . 71 and 77 Nassau at. R~YVYA 1. <*Hva. 7*TA>IVKK'Y~?NEXT DRAWINO Febrnery 5, 1878. Capital prize, $100,000. Prises cashed, information furnished. Highest rates paid lor Spanish bilis, governments. Ac. TAYLOR A CO.. Bankers, No. II Wall st. 4l Kft (U\n ?WYOMIKO LOTTERY. NEW ?Jp5 LtJv/ .Lr VIA", scheme draws February 21; 00.(1*5 prizes. i/np cnanre in inrpp, i icaets 91 ; six ror >>. virru lars mailed free. AIXEN A HO., 7D Nassau St., New York. (KJci niin -ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY, ipUTtU.UWU. Next drawing February 1?. Circulars, with full particulars, sent free. P 0. DEVLIN A CO., Stationers ami General Acents, 30 Liberty st.. New York. sport i sgi?pooh, biros, ac. Dogs, ac.?lot of fine Newfoundland pups; also several fine watch Does. Aquaria nid Gold Fish. Depot 31 Fulton st. J. BAQOT. Agent Nine" little genuine 'st. Bernard dogs, the scarcest race in America, for sale In the store No. 10 av B. J. FINCK. HOE?B?, CARRIAGES, ifec! AOCTION HOUSE OF ARCH. JOHNSTON, 10. 21, ta and "A. 13th st, near University place. pj U EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK < 24 hours to three days' trial on burre* warranted sound. ? The oldest and most reliable house In the city. > PARTIAL CATALOGUE of THIS DAY'S sale at 10 7 ELEGANT TEAM BLACK* MARES, hands, fl gS years; kind in all liarneee; free froui vice: well si mutched in frait, sits and color: not afraid of, anythine; a no tine, free, stylish drivers; have been 1 J used In city and country; are every way reliable for family or any n?c : wai ranted sound. TWO skat PARK PHAETON, in good order, by a; Ouiniby. s; BAY TROTTING MARK, ISJj hands. 5 rears; kind In [? all harness; free from vice : can trot to beat 3 min IS utes to-day; h?a never been trained lor speed, and promises to be very last; ha* not a fault, vice or H* trick ot any kind, is a first class roadster; warhi ranted sonnd. W TOPSIDE BAR road WAGON, in good order, by F Miner .* Stevens. x BLAC K COUPE HORSE, li; hands, 9 years, kind In nil harne**;lree from vice; a good, stylish, tree S driver; not afraid ol anything: a good, reliable, j~ steady driver: in every way a first class family hor*e : warranted sotmq. S CUT UNDER ROUKAWaY, nearly new, by Ellis A ? Mulkay. K CHESTNUT HORSE, bands, i? year*; kind in ail harness; free firom vice: a good, free, stylish j~ driver; not afraid of anything: a thorough good horao for any use. without fault, vice or trick of n anv kind; warranted sound. " TOP REPRESS WAGON, in good order, by Ellis A Mul? DARK flKOWN HOKSB, l?l hands. 7 years; kind In all harness: free from vice : not afraid of anything; ? a good, reliable, free driver ; ha* l>een used in city and country; a first clans family horse; warranted -* sound X TWO SKAT BASKET PHAETON, nearly new, city < built. X BAY HORSE, 1.1,1lj hands liign, f! years old ; kind in ail harness, free from vice, is a good, stylish, spirited f driv-r: no: afraid of anything; is a first class Sr roadster; warranted sound. C TOP SIDE HAH ROAD WAGON, new patent, by Beat fe A Oriliri. ? THREE PONY PHAETONS and T11RKF, TOP j ? V\ AG0N8, to bo sold for account whom may con- | O corn. -? FIFTEEN OTHER HORSES. Description tlms of sals. THIS DAY, at c ARCH. JOHNSTON'S MART, 11) to 23 I3th it. near i Cj University place. ^ Weather never interferes with onr BALES AT 10 * 1 r CLOCK. VN ELEGANT TOP PONY PHAETON, OF HKAUTIfai design sml finish, built to order for $323 by G. Howard. Jr. for (fount , of the Legation, who has been orsiered heme: his only been run three times. For sale low at Major BARKER'S, corner of Broadway and WU> st * A ?ElJSGANT KKNTDC KV ~BKED UliK8TNUT 80R-iVs rsl coups, match nr?T cart Gelding, lt>'4 high, 7 years old; superior style, high knee action ; rich and bioodlilke in appearance; fine, amiable disposition, a remarkably fine hor?e and second to none In the Stste; Is warranted sound ftfwl kltlll ill* nr<?tM?rlV of ft Uftll known nalwBlA isant latns'i i will Im> wild raaervt tomorrow iWedneaday), February 16. al II o'clwk, at HAHKKIi A SON'S Cli? Audi u Mart and Now York Tatterialla. comer of Broadway and :?trh at , whom ha can be aaae after I P. M. to-day. I A BLACK. CHI NKY CANADIAN POSY-AI.-o corral llorae, auit any bnalncaa, <60, il'kl. l!tt Division i., hutcber'a. 7~_?I ~OFFER. ON ACCOUNT OK HI HUSBANDS j\. daath, 4 Hflteea, aultable for truck, farmer or anjr bualr,c*?. at half value. tW Amity at., between Thompson and Sullivan. *~KOH SALE. FIVE HOKNP.g, SUITABLE FoR Ai truck, farmer or any bneineao. half value: trial aliuwrd. OA South Mb av., between Blaacker and Houston an. A GENTLEMAN* TURNOUT-BROWN ItOIWB. 16 A bandl. 7 yean old; warranted annnd and kind; alao fine lull Miring top Wagou, Una Harness, great bargain. No. 3 Weht ISth M. _ _ ? BUSINKS8 WAOONB, 10 NEW AND SECOND . hand; for Kanreav Grocer's, Butcher's, Baker'a, Milk. Laundry. Depot, Package and Delivery Wagons. |HU to >1 ?i WAGON MANUFACTORY. IMtfSpring at. -fltki WILL BUT A BEAUTIFUL TOP BCOOVt , $I7N for Popy Phaeton ; tine llarneao. B4-Y Private viable, iir-t door east of 1'nlveratty place, in I'Ath at. AT AUCTION-FOR ACCOUNT OK WHOM IT MAT J\. concern. 1 doctor'a Phaeton, alao 1 Sleigh, on Wednetday, hy TUNIS JdHkMlN, at 87 Hawaii at., at 13 o'clock. -BAROAINSTN LAfTDAULETS; ?7lOOD LIVKRT . Carriages. new Pony Phaetonv, Top Road Wagopa new and eecubd hand, lean than coat. J. w. PITNEY, ffa) J4 At. W YO RK, TUESDAY, FEBRUAR1 HORSES, CABHU6KI, AC. ASSIGNEE'S SALK IN BANKRUPTCY, HY PUBLIC AUCTION, lu the matter of .1 ..eci>h U. Mason, bankrupt, the nudersigned,, will aell to higUuat bidder, by public auction, THIS DAY (TUESDAY), FEBRUARY 15, AT Till'. STABL3, No. :i NK1I.SON PLACE (Mercer at ), between Waverley uud Clinton placet, and in rear of New York Hotel, AT 11 O'CLOCK IN THE FORENOON, the following valuable property, consistINi OF HIE very faat pair of torrel (leldinet, Starlight ami Cheater. They are 15^ hands high, li und 7 year# old, havedull manes and tail#: each has white hind ankles and atur in iaee; are hall br thers, were sired by D'Orauy Oold- , dust; the darn of Slarlighfbv Pilot; dam of C'heaier. torrel mare Ilettie. Uy Mambrino Chief. They were purehaaed in I Kentucky by present owner; they have Hue head* and long. mid drive; run trot to pole in 2 40; Starlight ean beat 2 30 , single, and Chester can heat 2 38; they arc one ol the safest team* for gentlemen's use in thia city; can be driven to height of speed with perfect safety, and are warranted sound and kind, and the particular attention of gentlemen is called to them. They will be sold separately if required. Handsome, last and finely bred sorrel Trotting Mare, OKPI1AN ! IKL, by Lcxiugton. dam sister to Ivitty Clark, by imported Ulencoe, lot* hands high. 8 years old; she trotted at Water town in 2:3d 'J. also at Buffalo In 2 33, and was driven on Meet w ood track by W. Burst, Esq,. three heats in 2:34, 2 36, SI :29; sne is very handsome, and as litiu aifd pleasant a driver as lives; -he will certainly crowd 2 :20 bo- 1 tore the season is over if she gets in proper hands; she is warranted souud mid kind. The handsome and w ell known reliable and fast brown Trotting Holding, COMMODORE; he is 15tj hands high, 7 ?ears old. and was sired by Casslus M. Clay, dittii a ull sister to the dam of George Palmer, and was owned by Win. Hucon, the owner ol Wm. II. Allen and other noted trotters; he has trotted on Fleetwood Park in 2 :24, aud could ahvuy s trot below 2 :27 at any time last season ; I he is one of tlio must attractive trotting horses to bo ' seen, drives without check, does not lug or plunge ; is a safe, ! reliable, straight aud pleasant driver,has a rapid, open ami < pure gait; has any amount of endurance ; he can alw ays go to track and show threo heats inside of 2 .27. and is without a record, and can start in tlio three minute class, which renders him a very valuable horse lor track purposes: in proper condition can trot in 2 :2.?: he is warranted sound, kind and true, aud ha- no superior tor style, beauty or appearance. The beautiful blooded blood bay Trotting .Mare, LADY PITCH, lftj^ hands high, 0 years old; lias a long (lowing mane and tail; was sired by Volunteer and Is halt sister In the trotting marc Iluutre-s and resembles l?or u gait and action; bus uover been trained on any track, but is finely broken to all harness and can speed a 2 :+i gait on road; is pure gaited, wears no boots when trotting aud is one of the mo-t promising young marcs to be found iu the country end worthy thu utitutiou of gentlemen looking lor something reullv line; wurrauled souud aud kind. Handsome bay Trotting Colt, called SENATOR, l.'dj high, 5 years old; sired by- Thorndale, dam by Kthau Alleu; an elegant driver, stylish and safe for the most timid; was trained hut four weeks la-t fall and could show from 2 .47 to 2 .10; is improving rapidly; can beat a 2:40 gait now; a fiue, hkiodad-lookiug, genteel, promising colt; will beat 2:25 sure before spring; warranted souud and kind. Tlio tincbay Hambletoniau Horse, BLUl IIER, 15'* hands, 8 years old; was sired by Ityrdyk's llambletoniun, Cam an Abdullah luarc; he can heat 2:2ft; warrann ds amd and kind; this horse is one of the best polo hones iu the country : trotled a mile with running mate iu 2 :10; he is perfect, gentle tor gentleman's nso aud lor track purposes; can always show all his heats from 2 25 to 2 Till. Also, all the tine Carriages, Harness, Blankets, One and costly Rubes, Bella, Wliips, c, X. B.?THE ABOVE STOCK WILL POSITIVELY BE BOLD TO HIGHEST BIDDER, RAIN 01#SHINE. BY ORDER OF L. C. WARREN, assignee. Auction house of van tabskll * kkakney, 11U ami 112 EAST 13TH ST., NEAR 4TU AV. REGULAR SALES OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. On every horse that is warranted sound or kind and true in harness, from one to three days is given to test warrantees. CATALOGUE OF THIS LAV'S ?TUESDAY)' SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. PRIVATE ESTABLISHMENT.-ELEGANT TEAM BAY Horses, 10 bund* high, 0 and 7 years old'; kind and true in all harness; tree from vice, trick or fault; f..*t travellers; prompt and stylish drivers; are in every respect a superior team for family carriage driving, and warranted souud. DOUBLE HARNESS, MADE BY LOWDEN, and FOUR SEAT PARK PHAETON, IN GOOD ORDER, bnilt by Miner A Stevens. TROTTING TURNOUT-BLACK TROTTING HORSE, l.V'i hands high, 7 years old; kind isnd true in all liarness; free from vice; very stylish, with extra line action; trotted on Prospect Park track, driven by Mr. Doty, a mile in 2:38 without training, and wj 11 trot when in condition in 2 .110; has great endurance, and is warranted sound; also set fine liar ies* asid TOP Ko\D WAGON. IN PERI EC I ORDER, BUILT by Brewster .V Co , of Broome st. BROWN TROTTING 110RBE, 15 HANDS HIGH, 8 yea s old; kiu I and true in all harness, free from vice, irttii line style and act.on ; can trot In 2:3 > when in chidition, and can trot In 2 :Jn any day; a u suptr.or Hone for road > r track use, and s warruulod souud. Also set Uarucs* and T IP ROAD WAGON. KUtLT BY BREW TER A CO. BAY TROTTING UORsK el It ED BY ROiAL GEORGE. k n I mid true in u.11 iiuri.ots; free vice; vtry st(1.nil; iui extra tine realster; run trot in2:i()a.>y da v; is a free, prompt auu stylish drivt r fears nothing and can I e dm "ii b\ .tuy one. ANo set Ha rness and TOP ROAD WAGON, IN GOOD ORDER, built by J. B. Brew ster A Co. BOAN MAKE NELLY. 1 r. HANDS UHJH. !> YEARS old; kind and true in alt harness; lree frotu vice; very stylish. hits n reanrd of :dli; bus hern used on the road the p i t ilir.o years hy vi. Case, i f Centrally.; is on extra line roadster; can lie driven by any one, and warranted kind and true; also set Harness aud ROAD WAGON, IN GOOD OUDKli BLOWN 001 PL MA KM, id HANDS II Hill. 7 yeurs old; kind eud trje in all harness; (ti n Iroiu vli e u em d traveller: free, prompt and stvlinh diiverand n lirn j clnsj coupe or family carriage Horse; also set Harness I and CO CPU ROCKAWAY, WITil POLB AND SHAFTS, nearly neiv. BAY PONY. ID., HANDS IIItlH. 7 YEARS OLD. KIND and tr ie in all harness, free from vice, a prompt and pleasant driver, trnts close to It minutes: is in every way safe aud reliable for ladles or children to drive, ami warranted sound; also sat Harness and TOP PONY PHAETON, NEARLY NEW BLACK COCPK HiiKaE. 1(1 HANDS HIOH, 9 YEARS old, kind and true in all harness, tree from vice, a prompt and stylish driver anil a brat class coupe or lamily carriage horse. rockaway in hood order. BAY HORSE, 13>4 HANDS llion, 6 YEARS OLD, kind and true in all buttress; free from vice: a good traveller; an excellent horse for road or carriage driving. and w arranted sound. TOP DEPOT WAOOS IN tiOOD ORDER. NINE OTHER ROAD. CARRIAGE AND WORK HORSES. CLARENCE. IN GOOD ORDER, BUILT BY BREWSTER A Co. , barouche. IN good order. GLASS Qt ARTEKiD COACH. 'lop and no lop Road Wagon*. Pliaetons. Ac. SALE COMMEM G> AT HI O'CLOCK. -Major chas w. barker's GREAT regular HOItsE and Carnage tale, TO-MORROW (Wednesday), Tomorrow, AT ELEVEN o'clock, promptly, AT BARKER A SON'S CITY Auction Mart and New York Tattersalli, CORNIiKof Broadway and Bttth st. ADVERTISED entries fur the above close at 4 P. M. to-day. SEE DESCRIPTION in to morrow's Herald. UCTION SALE OK WORK HORSK8 Jacob sekbacher. auctioneer. will sell on Thursday, Kehruary 17, IS70. it 10)^ o'clock, at I Delen. Clyde A Oostable, tx-<tIt st and 4th av . 27 head of I Work Horses, suitable for any business; sale positive, rain or shine: terms cash. 1 -KOK SALE. THE GRAY MARK LADY MITCHELL, ! it, hands, 8 years old . bred by Messenger out of a Star mare . van trot anv Car in 2 M ami never been bandied for speed; is warranted sound and kind. A Stivers Top Wagon, single Harness, Blankets. Robes, Whin. Ac. The above nroperty belonged to the late Colonel Mitchell, of Westchester county, aud csn be bought for $V*> cash. In- i quire at stable one door west of 1th av., on 1.1th st A? FOR 8ALK^THKBK GOOD BUSINESS OR FX . press Horses will lie sold lor less than lialf tlielr value | on sci o int of owner out uf business; also one brown [ Trottiug Mure. HanibleMiuian stuck; very handsome and fast I t trotter, at 17 (If at Joues st. SECOND HAND BREWSTER (OK BROOME ?T> side !?*r top Wagon; 1 Stivers do., I Duseabury do, f I Laud an. 1 Landaulet. hy Brewster;! Victoria, flight t Coach, It) open Road Wag ns, hv the best city makers; 1 | Snlky. I Skeleton, 1 six seal Phaeton. 1 Barouche top and open Pony Phaetons; also fat Sleighs, ell styles, wll. be sold very low. Blankets, Harness, Ac. WTLLIAM H. GRAY, 'JO and 22 Woosterrt. j V-ONB OK THE KINKST TROTTERS IN THE St.ilo; tosn Horse, T.E Gordon; 11'i hands high ; t) years old. can trot 2-HO; warranted sound and kiud ; won . last year $2.500second money; will trade lor real estate un- ; enentubered o^di imouds. No. 3 West tilth st. A?FOR fllLB. FIVE HOR8EHT MUST~BE SOLD on ervoiiut ui a judgment; also one hone, weighs I.Iks) pounds. t> ye.irs old ; warranted sound, kiud and true ; good trial allowed. No. 2U Amity st. 0 Bargain k7^- r tick a w a y> ok every sty lk. for one or two horses; tloupe*. Landanlets, Phaetons, Buggies. Depot Wagons, greatly reduced. CULVER A CO.. MM Broadway. . YXARRIAGF. REPAIRING.?WK OFFER UNUSUAL " \J lacilitles for good arid prompt work in our repair depart- J ment, estimates made ; summer carriages received now will " be held for delivery in AprIL BREWSTER A CO. iof j l( Broome at. 1; lacinry, Broadway and 47th at.; warcrooma, 1 1 Sth a*, and 14th at. tlOK SALB-A HANDSOME 80RKKL lluKSK. ? " years, l-V* handa , at rone and good in tingle and double 1 hnrnraa : warranted tnund and kind. Inquire at atablev 1,900 J Broadway. a TOOK HALS?A TEAM OP BAY UoRlUEH. 1 HANDS f JT high. H year* old, sound and kind; aim Coupe Beck- r away and double Harness. price A'h??. m|>o Pony Phaeton and tingle Uarnhah, cheap. Apply to Hi iLMKA, TJ donth .William at. a TiNOR~BALK?A HOOD WORK 1IOK8B. SOl'ND and f F kind: also Wagon and llirneaa if wanted; horse will be told cheap. Inquire at 45 > P.ast 10th at. or No. ? Jacob * at.. New York. , T.V)lt B A LB- SH PBBIOB BAYt.'AKKI AUK OR ROAD ! F Horae ; young, aound, kind and free driver; avid lor want of use; private atable l'-di Went 4nth at Alan I want 'J to rent small private Atable near 4lit at. and 5th a*. Ad dreaa OWN BR, No. B East 41st at. I NOR 8.U-B--NO HUM BCD?A Kl.VE HORSE. TRPt K, ' 1 t'ovi r and liaineaa complete. Inquire of M. HOPE- a MAN, No -?*i Canal at. Purchaser gets the dra> age o! the k hoU??. ; fpOR~~8ALK?OOOD OLD~KHTABl,lBHBD LIVERY ? F and Boarding table, well stocked; dnlnir good steady 1 business. J, W. JOKALEMON, More Broker, l,dtJ7 Broad- I way- r tNOR BALK?A aouxb lltiHHR. HARNESS AM) * Wagon ; a luiali Pony, lor a boy or lady suae. 4J4 East 9th at. _ u TNOK SALE CHEAP?A NHW LI OUT KANCY TOP l! r Watron. at >7 Wtllett at., paint ahop, top door. tj OK HAIK~ LK A SB OR IxCH A N (IE?A N OLO J estahli.-hed brick Livery Stable In Konth Brooklyn, 1 with or without tbe Stock ; eery little cash required to put ,* chase 1). H. hToNK. 19g Broadway, New Yora. "J For horn iS"with ikratcheh dan macr, j. d. r Walton, H It Whipple end .fohn Murphy reromtnenil "Talrotl'a I ore." J. < TALC OTP, Prnprtetor, luith at. : mid mm * . n?'iu ojr .iwaoiAn, ii? i/namMri ki. , aiijDKR.H?John !. L' AKOALH A50 LANI'A1LKTS ~ ' 1 A. H. HI.AMOKAC, 379 M)d 37J tyounu ?l?l iuuu til JBrtWlU' ACA * RK H f 15, 1870.?WITH SUPPL1 HOUSES, CARR1AUES, J/8NTUCIY HORDES. Juit arrived from Kentucky stuck farm a shipment of* very tine high lirod uud superior Ktcpi*iii^ Horses; pentlMtiao are invited to inspect the* stock at Knickerbocker Stables, 2-1 Wc?t 03d st. K1CUAKU PEMSTAN*. Mobtoage bale, petse bowb. aucTtiokb BR sell- this duv, at 11 o'clock, at the corner 8th st. and Ii^ rsily double Truck, two Heme*, one aet double F~ KIVATI: STABLE TO LET?NO. 127 WEST 51ST ST.; , has four open aud on* bo* stall; ample carriage room ami (lm* accommodations for coachman s family ; Icaso runs ' until Oct. 1, 187B. Possession given immediately. TCTRENT OK FOR 8ALB?STABLE IN ?il> ST.. NEAR < Uth ?*., villi "lulls, ruurn for coachman and lot lor tierelse. Allures* 87\aBlK, Herald office. ' T~W> LET-A ~8TABL8, ON CENTRAL AV7.?NEAR Jttdge Smith's; Bulkhead. vacant Lot* and Buildings, lout of Gansevoort St., suitnhle lor any purpose. G. B. LAWTON, 422 West *1. 1 VirANTED?HANDSOME. 1RANDY AND RELIABLE M pair of Horses, about 15?4 hands hi.-li. able to trot lit 3:30; give particulars and price. Addrt-ns P., cure of James Donnelly. KM Henry St., Brooklyn. WANTED KOK CASH?A COUPB, LITTLH DUD. Of I' light weight, with polo; also a set of silver-mounted double Harness, little used, by good city makers. Apply to PETER, private stable in rear of 111 West 22d st. il 9". FOR A~UOOD HORSE, LIGHT TOP OR NO Vl-cl top Business Wagon and Harness; good work Horse, $15; Depot Wagon $40. 22ft West lOtb St. d?1 r.n-HlAi Till: L NEW TOP EXPRESS WAG<>sN, V ' ' lo built to nriii r, f2J'i ; want offer. 124 West li'thst. |lA <|AA CASH?BALANCE MORTGAGE, WILL iPlOtUl'U purchase the Building and Business of the i liuest Boarding Stable in this city, where there are at present nearly 100 boarders. OOETCHIUb A CORYEI^fc, 280 Broadway. BOARDERS WAVri'.l). 1 HANDSOMELY Fl'RMSFIBD ROOM-GOOD BOARD; L $14 b.r two. 391 West )2th st., nearBth at. 1 OR 2~ HANDSOME KI'RNISHKI) ROOMS TO JiKT? 1 I To gentleman and wife; Board for the lady. Address , Mrs. MILl'DRD, lb-raid 1 ptown Braueli oftiee. i'OKNTl.KMAN OR FAMILY IN cjCESTOF PLEASANT 1 home, excellent Board, location near 5th av., apply at 1,2(11 Broadway, florist's; terms reasonable. 1- tifird floor front room, a uo on i l-.i.ktrarit Parlor, with (irst class Board. Mrs. P. V. KENT, No 21! East 23d st.. Madi on square. o single rooms, with closets and heaters i 0 lirst class Board; 30 West 37th st.; tefcrencea exchanged. ?flf AV., PS.?ELEGANT riTTf AN I M)T1IKB BOOMb, U furnished, with Board; house first class; references. K'Tlt AV.?A PAIRT'Y^HAVLNTTA KKN THir .SECOND >) story (Vont suite of r.uiuis. with Board, at 347, are now obliged to leave tho city, and will r lit their rooms at a moderate price; references given nud required. tjjX TO W PER "WEEK.-FINE "BQOMB. OOOD O'J Board, for families or single persons. 158 Blcecker St., near Broadway. Transient hoarders taken. 1 O WAVRRLEY PLACE, N1CAR " ifffO.VDWAY.? L'J Front Rooms $14 and $ld for two. with Hoard: single Rooms $7 and $! ; also table Board $4; house heated throughout by steam ; transient people taken. Til HT~217 WEST.? 81 NN V FRONT ROOMS, with Board, for gentlomen; house first class; terms moderate. "I I WEST 28TIJ ST.?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED I T Rooms to let, singly or Oil suite, with or without Board. HTH ST.. U? AND 118 WEST.?WITII BOARD*. Rooms for families; also Rooms for single getitloiui n ; terms very moderate : accommodation Urst class, WEST 26TH 8T. -ELBGANT 8U1T OE FURnlshed Rooms, pitrlor, bedroom and bat broom, on llrst floor, nu most reasonable terms ; hull Rooms for gentlemen ; also table Hoard. Ol WKeT 10TH ST.?PLBA8ANT RO< 1X8 T?? LBT, _iA singly or in suit, with or without private Table; private baib rooms, with every convenience. QOD SfT 120 EAHTTTiTROE RGOMi SECOND ^>) story, front, with llrst class Hoard; terms moderate MOD ST.. WEST, NO. 2't 1.-KL RN13HED BOOMS TO gwO let, with Board. \ SA8T 46TH "ST., CORNER MAOl'sOX AV.? Li*J Pleasant large front Room, handsomely furnished, with Board; suitable for lady und gunllomau or two gentlemen; also hull Hi droonu Q1 MADTSON AV., OPPOSITE THE 8QUA K.-MMB. (U ROBINSON has desirable Rooms, with Board. *2A TH HT? li? WBBT. NEAR BKt)a"uWAY.-|Tan"d )' L somely furuiahed Rooms, on tlrst and ?econd Honrs, with unexceptionable Hoard; also single Rooms for gentlemen; terms $10per week: reference. QO WBBT .t_' i > ST . BETWEEN STH AT. AND 00 Broadway.-Elegantly furnlsheJ Rooms for gentlemen In house i f small prlt ate family: breakfast If desired. \ C)D ST.. no. t'la. near i ii > ailu A v.-si'i'cri>tr r ? ncio mo:'a ions, modern private house, with ample Hoard; ntodcia e ta!> s; lefcrancva. 1 'V KA.ei' I' 'Til ST - MO ELY KtKNlSUKD ROOMB, to wit'i Brst class Board; prices to suit the times. j"Q AND M~8T. MAKTB pZXlTr-^tltNIHIIKD ?. h) Rooms, largo and mall, to let, with Board, to familius and single persons. good table. ? | KSfiBtii 8T.. BE TWKKN f>TH AND HTII AYS.? ? )"x I,ar ?. slegantly fnrnlshert Ro to let. to one or two gen^ ^ sjn. with or without Hoard; moderate terms; private I".II i 'TIM ITS. r - WEST nttrst.?NirEtjY furN isTTici) rooms", ?)') large and small, with Hoard; gentlemen or lauillles; terms moderate. 5flb av.-two or"tii itbB obntlkmen can i) 1 be pleasantly accommodated with Hoard iu a private faini ly. MADISON AV?ELKO ANT "ROOMS. "TARLOR Uoor, with Board; piano lu room; also single Rooms; reference. 1 Flfi VaDISON av.?NKW'hY and iia n dsom hi. y lUIJ furnished Rooms to let, en suite or singly, with ur without private Table; reference. 11 (Teasr irrfi si '.near UNI N SQUARE i?ioi5 JLL'J rooms, with hoard; gouts or ladles; also table Hoard. EAST J6TTI ~HT.-I.N~A~PRIVATE FAMILY, pleasant Rooms and good Hoard, lor a married couple or tiugle pernnns. 91 Q WEST h'lTH ST.?TO LET. WITH BOARD. DKLl LO slrable Rooms, to families and single gentlemen; moderate terms. OOQ VMT XU) IT.?LABQfc, NICBLY fURNIBHXO hall Room; good, plentiful table , beet relereuces required. > I 7 EAST 13TH ~~HT~ .NEAR Tlt A V.-iillAKl).? ?I 4 Pleasant accommodations for married and single parties; convenient neighborhood. Pit IV ATE KAMI l7v, "RESIDING IN MUM] >KMK able part of 5th a*., would llkn to rent, wltli Hoard. a" second story front Km in and one on fourth story. Atidrcsa I 11. A., box 150 Herald Uptown Branch office. 1,1 A-srHirrli at., no. tao.?to let\ with board, I j two nicely furnished Koonts on thud door, also Iroiit Basement; no objection to a doctor. I AUIKs WTSUTNU TO SECURE" HOME COMPORT. , 1 J with superior ntti ndaneo during illness, should cull at nice at Mrs. WHITE'S, 103 Lexltigtoti nr.. near Ibitli st. , 1 Al'IKs DESIRING BBTIKKNBJIT AMD KUriUW 1 1J attendance during confinement, in physician's resiIcrice, may a<ldrcse DOCTOR, llerald Uptown Branch iffice. KOA1IU ASP EOPQIKQ WAITItD. VI.AliY OK HKiH MUSICAL ABILITY DKHIRKH Hoard In i private family in exchange for tiiusir les- v; not higher than 50th at.; beat rolerenro. Address 1 t. 11., 40 East 112th st. 1 ,f HINTILK ~lJEM LI.MAN WISHKS BOARD WITH 1 J\ a private family; has no objection to two or tfiroo 1 ,ardors; tin town prcterrod. Addroas II. J. K., Herald Up- ' own Hrnticu office. A YOU Mi CoU l'LK, WITH A HiBY SEVEN MtlKTUS fV old, desire Board in a respectable Americen Protestant ucnly in Brooklyn, on the Heights, wilhiii easy walking disance of Kultoti and Wall st. ferries. Address, staling owest terms. I'OMKOItT, box 'AllO llerald office. nilARD AM) THREE GOOD Ki.Ki.MS WANTED?BY l> a family of fonr; location between Hd and Htli avs.-aiol i2d and With ate. Address, with particulars, E. O., box 2U;| ' lerald office. f Board w anted?In a centr a l~ locatTon , roa six adnlta; tbreo or four gooil Rooms; flrst class Hoard; < erms. $225 per month; references excliauged. Address * ilEKCllANT, llerald office. ] WANTED?ROOM AND BOA Kl> MIR GKSII.KMAN and wife, between -Ad and A5th tts. 7tb and Htb avs. ; erius not to exceed 914 per week. Address U., Herald IBoe. t NO ELL'S TURKISH, ROMAN AND ELECTRIC ' ,V Hwllis til Lexington sr.?Gentlemen oousiaiitlr, day mil nisbt; ladles day and evening. Hotel accommodations. r11TV IIOTKL, BROADWAY AND HTM ST., NOW . U open, on tho European plan; Rooina from 75c. to $5 par I ( lay; good Keatuurant at popular price*. * Liii?.;iMis rkdi ckd-nkw'd iiotkH iw ! Bowery, to .'dip, 40c. and OUc. nightly , * >. #IO ainl <1J 11 itonthly ; for gentlemen only. r i.v>x HOUHR, 7j ,vrn a dksikablk IJ halt of Room*, with Hoard . alao a a,ogle Uooin. run WINCHESTER, BROADWAY AND BIST ST.-? Kooma, idngly and en ?nite. at *1 a day and upward; IIMITM nnanrpaaaeil and rate* eery raaaonabl*. fj UINTKII KKHOKm PIIK HANFoRD HO USB. HARFORD, FLA-A FIRST 8 L ciaxa houao, accommodating KHI gueata, aituatcd on lha . with aide ol Lake Monroe, oppoalte hnterprire ; dry air and . alubrioua climate; eapeciall.v adapted lor inralida; alio en , nllent hunting, flahing and boating; IO ateanieri a week rora Jnekeoimlle, money order eSlee, expreaa, Ac ; , rareet telegraph atalion Paialga. Addreaa J. B. WISTA R, 1. I tuff MIlalafNKHT AND DRBMMAK1NO. lr ' I UK PLAITINO IXiNK Will LR TOO WAIT.?163 3 Myrtle ay. and 141 Court at., Brooklyn. _ POST OFKI( B NOTU K. IJOST OFFICK NOTICE. L The foreign mail* for the week ending Saturday, Fehuary IP, lH7b. wtll cloaa at tlila office on Wednesday, at 6 Jo i. M , for Europe, per ateamer Ualabria, via Mueenntown ; n Tli'inday, at II A. M., for Europe. per ateamer Porn- i leranla, rla Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg ; on Haluray. at III A. M., tor England, Welti, Ireland and France, cr ateamer Adriatic, rla Igueenetown ; and at 10 A. M. for >cotland direct, per ateamer Anchorla, rla tilaaglow ; and V >t 10 A. M . for France direct, per ateamer A turnout, rla p larre; arid at 11 :So A. M , for Europe, per ateamer Neckar la Southampton and Bremen. Mail* lor China, Japan Ac' rare Han KiraucDco Marfli I. Malta for Auatralia, 'Mew t eaiand. Ac., leave Ran Franclaeo March 1. Direct mailt I or Braail, Ac., leave New York March 1. T. L. JAMF.S, Poetmaater. ~ W A NT KI> TO PI RCHAHK. WAJiTKD - PROM TO TO HO OHOK8 OK MX AND I M?en inch Ionic plain Chandalter ChrvitaU 8 c uU I ?mnl* ?nd tow?*u UM 'Uutw tiact ft?w Y?k. 1 ERAI SMENT. NTKAJISIDI'S. nviiio LINK ? H. AND N. A. R. M .S. I*. CO. t \> NOTICE. ' With a view to diminishing the rhtncft of < dliaion, the 1 steamers of till* Hue lake a specific cuutse for u.i seasons of the year. <iu tho outward passage from Queenatown to New York or v Boston, cro-sing tho meridian of oOan.l latitude, or nothing to tho north of 43. On the lioruewurd passage, crossing the moridiau at 00 at 4-' latitude, or nothing to the north of 40'. if ROM NEW YOUR top. LIVERPOOL AND QCEKN8TOWN. CALABRIA...Wed,, Keh It) I KP8SIA Wed , March 1 , JAVA. Wed.. Peb. 'Si | CHINA Wed.. Mutch 8 Steamer* marked * do not carry .leeniie passengers J Culmi passage, $*". $'00'tud $130, gold, according to ac- 1 souimodutiou Return tickcta on fav,>rahle terrui. Steerage tickcta to and from all pnfta of Europe at very low rates freight and passage office No 4 Bowling Orrcu. CHARLES O. KRA.NI KLVN. Agent. ( ASSKNOERS PJ.K pTKAMHHIP CALABRIA EM bark from the Cunartf wharf, foot of fjrund at , Jerwv I'ity, at ?:?) A. M . on Weanoadav, February ID, 1K70. Old AS. Ci. PR VNCKLYN. No. 4 Bowling Or ecu. New York. HNLY DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE. TIIR GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL >IKAMEUS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND HAVRE, VIA PLYMOUTH. Tho splendid vessels ou this fuyorablo route lor the Continent (being more southerly than any ether) will bail fruui pier No. SO North River as fellows:? AMERlOUE (Huntois) Saturday. February 10 LAFAYETTE (ileliard) Saturday, March 4 LABRADOR (Sangllert Saturday. March 18 PRICE OF PASSAGE (in gold, including wiue) :? First Cabin, $110 to $120, according to accommodation; Second, $72: Third Cabin, $40. Return tickets at reduced rates. Steerage, $20, witli superior accoiumodation. Including all , necessaries without extra charge, Steamers marked thus * do not carry steerage passenger*. LOUIS DE BEBIAN, Agent, V) Broadway. \ OST DIRECT AND ECONOMIC ROUTE TO HOL> LAND, BELGIUM, THE RHINE. SWITZERLAND, AC., AC.. VIA ROTTERDAM. Steamer CALAND February 26th. ( Steamer ROTTERDAM March B. . Steamer W. A. SCUOLTEN March 16. . Steamer M AAS .March BO. These lienntlful steamers. carrying the United States mail to the Netherlands, arc groat favorites with the public. < Trips regular, rates low ; comfort and living perfect. ( For freight. For passage, PUNCH, EDYE A CO. L. W. MORRIS, K) Broadway, iflTK STAR LINK. " ' FOR oUEKNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL, CARRYING I11E UNITED STATES MAIL. Tho steamers of this lino take the Lane Routes recommended by Lieutenant Maury, U. S. , going south ot the Banks on tho passage to Queeuatown all the year round. ADRIATIC February 19, at 1 1*. M. BALTIC February at 6 A. M. RKPI'BLIO '..March 4, at nooti n DK It MANIC March II. at 3 P. M. v CELTIC March 1* at 11 A. M From the White Star Docks, pier .VJ North River. Rates?Saloon. $00. auu .f 100 in gold; rcturu tickets 4 on rt'a&onublo terms. Steerage, $*JH. s Saloon, staterooms, smoking and bath rooms are placed < amidships, whero tho nois^ and motion are least, allurding a s degree oi comfort hitherto,unattainable at sou. l For inspection of plans arid other information apply at tho 1 company's oftice. 37 Broadway, New York. t R. J. CORTFS, Agent. iJNMAN LINE. ^ z Uovul Mull Steamers are amounted to sail as follows J FOR OUKENSrOWN AM) LIVEKPO" )L. CITY OK PARIS Saturday, Feb. 11), ut 1 P. M. ' I'l I'Y OK RICHMOND Saturday, Fob. 26, at 3 P. M. 111TY UK ANTWERP Saturday, March 4, at noon. T CITY UK BROOKLYN Saturday, March 11, at 3 K. M, , CITY OF MONTREAL Saturday. March 18, at 11 A. M, 1 and each succeed!!)* Saturday, from pier 44 North Kiver. KATES Ol? PASSAGE. , Cabin $6H. $80 and 100, gold , Steerage $28. currency t Droits Issued at lowest rates. For cabin passage and general business apply at the com- ^ pauy'b ullicc, No. 15 Broadway. Kor steerage passage at 311 Broadway, or pier 45 North * River. I JOHN fl. DALE, Agent. j STATU I,IN K, NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN, ' BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY, From l*ielu pier, lloboken, N. J., as lollows:? STATE OK INDIANA Thursday, Feb. 24 STATE OK PENNSYLVANIA Thursday, March 9 1 STATE OK VIRGINIA Thursday, March 214 and every alternate Thursday thereafter. First cabin, $110, $70 and $8(1; re turn tickets, $120. Second cabin, $40; rotuin tickets, $S0. Steerage at lowest rates. Apply t? AUSTIN. BALDWIN A CO.. Agent*, No. 72 Brhadway, N. Y. i Steerage passage office, 45 Broadway. " VI" ATI ON A L LINE. ,1 it From piers Not 44 and 47 North River. FOR LONDON DIRECT, X Canada, Thursday. February 17. 10 A. M n FOR QFEENSTOtVN AND LIVERPOOL. \ The Queen...Feb. If), I P. M. I Spain March 4. II A. M. ? England leb.26,3P. M I Egypt...... March 11,3P.M. Cabin passage. 980 and $70, currency. Return tickets at ? reduced lutes. Steerage pa nage. $20, currency Prepaid steerage tickets triuu England. Ireland and Scotland at the lowest rates. l Drafts issued from ?1 upward, at current prices. r Apply at tho company's others, i? Broadway. F. W. .1. Ill EST. Manager. Niri.D .a I'AT'Es" MAll, LINI It. M To Ql c. ENSTU WN AND LIVERPOOL, s nil lite every Tl'ESD \Y friun pier 40 North River. WYOMING, Feb. 22, 3 P. M. | DAKO I V Mar ll 11, 8 A. M. IDAHO. Feb. 21), 8 M I WISCONSIN, vlch 21,5 . P.M. N EV AU V, March 7, 3 P. M I MONTANA, Mcb 2s, ^ \. M. Cabin. $05, $70 a))d $so, currency. Interinediate, $40; steer ago, $2H. Patsen :ers booked to and from Pari , Hamburg, Norway, Sweden, Ac. Drultt on Ireland. England, Franc and <4*ttnauy ut lowest rates, WILLIAMS .1 Gl'lON, 2fl Broadway. NCIIOIt LINE. I CARRYING THE UNITED STATER MAIL. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. ANCIIOK1A Saturday, February 10, at 1 P. M. ETHIOPIA Saturday, February 20. at )i :3I) A M. ] VICTORIA Saturday, March 4, at noon. BOLIVIA Saturday, March II, at S:.'< I A. M. TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, I Ql'EhNSTOWN OK BELFAST. Cabin, $'15 to $84), currency, according to accommodation. INTERMEDIATE. $35; STEERAGE. $28. 1 Drafts issued for anv amount at currant rates HENDERSON BROS., Audita. No 7 Howling Green. \yiLSON LINE FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND Ill'LL, YV sailing from pier 53 North River, as follows;? * COLOMBO.. Feb. IB I HINDOO March 11 OTHELLO Feb. 20|NAVAKINO March 25 ; Kir it cabin, $7'), currency; second cabin, $45, currency. J Excursion tickets on very favorable terms Through tickets 1 ' Issued to Continental and Baltic ports. Apply for full particulars to ' CHARLES L. WRIGHT A CO . 50 South st. /TREAT WESTERN 8TB a MSB IP ~LI NIL U TO BRISTOL (ENGLAND) DIRECT. Sailing Iroin pier 18 East Kiver, as follows : ? SOMERSET. Western. Wednesday. I ebruary 23 CORNWALL, Stamp-r ? Cabin passage, $7:>: inlerinmilate, $45: steerage. $'?), cur rr-m-j ; r Muniii'M iirm-in, vuc; pri (ihiii srrrruge ce I It Sirs, f.tJ. Apply lo VV. D. Agent, 7(1 South st, , NrORTII GERMAN LLOYD. ~ < STEAM SHU' LINK BETWEEN NEW YORK, SOI TIIAMPTON AND B HE MEN. Company ? pier, (not of 2d St., lioboken. VECKAR Eel#. 111 I HERMANN March 4 ' DALIKK Feb. 20 J WKSEK Mjr. li II Kates of passage from New York to Sonthamptnn, llavro t ir Iti-nicnj Klret Cabin, $1'". gold: Second Cabin, $Oi, gold; Steerage, | $30, currrucy. j Rrtnrn tickets ut reduced rales. I ('repaid star-rage certificates. $-12, currency. | For Irclght or passage apply to oKLKlCllS A CO., No. 2 Bowling Green. HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY'S LINK r r PLYMOUTH. ( lIKKHOIJltli and HAMBURG. oM.MKIiANlA Feb. 17 OKLLKKT March 2 LI1 SSI NO Fob. 24 HL'KVI A March 9 1 Bete- |us- ice to . lymoutli. Hon.lun, Cherbourg. Ilaiumrg ami all points in England, Scotland and Wales:? ,'ulon, tlrsl saloon, ifold ?100 'abin. second saloon. gold BO itcorairo. currency 30 iUNIIAKDT A CO, . C. B. K1C1IARI) A BOAS, General Agents, Oeneral I'm nger Agents, 01 Broad at.. Now York. 01 Broadway, New York. A M1.Kit'AN I.INK ] IV. Wcoaly mail stermsbip eervlcc between 2 PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL. CALLING AT OUEEN8TOWN. (ailing every l loirsday from Philadelphia, and 1 tailing every Wednesday from Liverpool. Tlin lollowins steamers are appointed to aai! from " PHILADELPHIAT YIIIO.... Feb 17 1 INDIANA March fl I LORD I LIVE Feb. 24 Kfc.MLWORTH Marrli l<! PENNSYLVANIA... March 2 I ILLINOIS March 23 ; l PRICK OF PASSAGE IN CURRENCY. 1 Cabin. f7."i to $10(1. according to location. < tn Steerage and Intermediate tickets to and from all points j. it tlm lowest rates. f Steamers marked with a star do not carry Intermediate. * Passenger accommodations for all classes unsurpassed. For passage, rates or freight and otbor inlorinatlon. apply t o PETER WRIGHT A SONS. General Ageuts. f 3ir? Walnut st . Philadelphia. j, GEORGE W COLToN, 42 Broad st . New York. JOHN McDONALD, Par anger Agent, I No 8 Battery place. New York. I SVNITwVSTATF^AND BRAZIL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, 7 ailing monthlv from Wat~.u'? Whorl, Brooklyn N Y., I ur P 4 R A, PKitNAMBI'l O. BAIIIA and Rio JANEIRO, !. calling at St. John's, Porto Rico. JOHN BRAMALl. 2,.KlOtnris Wednesday, March S. J. B. WALKER. 2.7<W tons. Saturday. ADrilU. passenger accommodations first class . For freight and passage, at reduced rates, apply to j. KtCCK P. II * CO, Agents, 34 Pine si. tl no PLYMOUTH, 15 L ENGLAND, DIRECT. GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY. ? ailing from pier 43 North Ktver, foot ol Barrow St., as " followsn MKRlyl'E. Tansals Saturday, February 1? " AKAYLTTh, ID-Hard Saturday. March 4 I, AnnAinm, pmiiiiit Saturday, Mareh |M H Price of In gold (Including wine) - r'tret cabin, ? 130 and $1 Ml, nee' rilltiK to accommodation, aeetud cabin, ^ 73; third, fdo. ' Ketnrn tickets at reduced rates. St'-rr iirr #2?\ with superior arrommrwtations and inelnd- ^ IB all necesxaries. without extra cherKO. ? LOUIS DM BI.BIAN. A re ut. V< 5ft Broadway. i VfDOMliAN liii^SA STEAMSHIP PASSX..K OFFICE ' J Steamers every day; Cork. Liverpool, Glasgow. Derry; ' rafXe payable everywhere; Kailroad lleketa. 0 DONOVAN KOSHA'8 Hotel, INI Chatham xquare. COAITWlli 5TKAMIWIPI. ^ OACiriC MAIL STEAMSHIP LIMA . \ L FOK CALIFORNIA. ,IAPAN; CHINA. ArSTRALU, HEW /.K ALAND. BKITIMI Cf ?Ll M HI A. Ac . Ac., Railing from pi?r f?x>t of Onnsl !., Vii a v a V or han fkan< IHCO. via istiim1h OP panama v Iteamxhlp ACaPL'LcO.. Tuexday, Febru"IT?, o'. onnrriing for all f tutrnl 2\! = from han FRANCISCO TO japan and CHINA Itearo.hip OjW OK "KW VOKK virmnf A * wftti ~ '?RO M HAN FRANCISCO TO VHrORIA, I ORf ^ TOWNhKNI). TACoMA, PORTLAND, Ac., Ae., ^ fra the Ifdh and itftb of ?'err monll^ A Vne frRlfftit nr nRAitiTR apply at foot of C anal tt-? " rv For freight or pet*buIEat. Superintendent. K K-oit NAHSAU, N. P.-~A FAMOt H M INTEK RF.sOKT.? M Heiralar mail teamehip* from New York via Savannah, at re lira air Hi and Februery j9 from Savannah. February 33 Si *d Marsh! MURRAY. FfciiKIS A CO. BJ Booth it, t # , D. PRICE POUR CENTS. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS. f U'KA AND NEW VOKK NTKAM8HI1? LINK u tar Havana, Mutant**, t'artlana* anil ^atfua la (<raiiu?. tie uiuDet r steamer - t thin line <A1 HrlrKh Iron ?te*iu?lup> ifiMi \ RT i f I! K. !L(JUO to us burden. Joliu Unwell, Commander, rill be despatched fur the shove porta from pier lt'> hast Kiver on nr shout SATURDAY, 1 Dili in*t. For freight or pa-sage st lowest rates apply to It A1 TUN, WATSON A <X>., Agent*, 117 buuth at. To be followed by other first class Iron steamers. VIEW YORK AND HAVANA Dill EC 1' MAIL LINE La Tlir?o tir t cl?-s steam hip* will rail at A 1*. M. from iter 13 North Kiver, foot of Cedar street, for Havana direct, is follows ? _ , ? . "oLUMBl'S Tuesday, Feb. 13 'liESCENT CITY Thursday, Feb. 24 For freight aud passage, baviug unsurpassed accentluoda" ' \y'vl j? ('X,yoE A CO., No. t5 Bowling tlreen. McKellur, lulling A Co., Agent* iu Havana. CTliAMMUF.S FOR H KKMIDA ISLANDS.?THE ELECT gaiit ir<ui tcatnship CANIMA (under contract with the i Bermuda government, and carrying the United .-state* luail) Is Intended to sml lor Bermuda February "JT, at 3 F. M., pod fortnightly tlicreatter, Irnni 12 North Kiver. Out of uiuety-oue departure, made by thi* steamer eighty seven have been on time, the climate aud scenery of the Bermudas are unsurp isscd for a winter resort. For freight or passage apply to A. L. OCTBllBKIDOE. Agent. 29 Broadway. rilKXAS LINE FOR UALVF.STON TOI'CllI.NO AT, J Key West, carrying the United States mail.?Tha "earner O. \V. i i.VDE. Captain Bennington, will sail on "aturduy. February 19. ut :j 1?. M.. front pier 20 East Kiver. Through bills of lading given to all points oi* the Houston and Teas*. Central International and Oreat Northern. Calvi-stAti, Houston and Henderson and the (lab veston. liarrisburg and San Antonio railroads. Freiglitf tnd insurance at lone" rates, i or freight or passage* having superior accommodations, anpfv to c. II. M \L LORY A CD., Ida Maiden lane, or W. P. CLYDE, No. 4 Bowling Oreen , VT *.. HAVANA AND WKXICAN MAIL SS" Steamers loiive pier No 3 North ?tdP. X, roit Havana direct. TITY OF NEW YOKE "misusy, Feb. 1*. I fY OF MEXIt O tuyjr Fob. 23 JIT* OK VERA OKI V. T'-fr.nV. Match 2 FOR VERA CHI /. AND NEW OltLE >, via Hayitna, I'rogreso, Cauipeuchy, Tusnau and T.tiapieo. "ITY OF MEXICO Tip day, Feb. >4 ,'ITY OF HAVANA Tuesd. y. March 21 For lreigbt or pa-sage apply to F ALEXANDRE A SONS, 31 an I U Br. a fway.^v Steamers will leave New Orleans Februuty 111 and March 3 hi- \ era Crua and all other points. btUK ,\LW (IKLKANa UIKI'.I 1. Tilli CROMWELL LINE. The xteumiliip I KNICKERBOCKER, Captain Kembte, I on Saturday February 19. at 9 o'clock P. M.. \ I'rom pier No. O North Kiver. Through bills of lading Eiveu to Mobile ami all principal lOiutaou the Mlssiisippi Kiver. Cabin pu??ime, #00; iteerak'e. $-.V Apply to CLARK a SEAMAN, 90 Wcat ?t. VNI.Y niltM'l' I.INK TO FLORlilA? WEEKLY LINli J to Port Roy ill, 8. C.t Fernnndina, Flu.. Hrunswclcj i?., Bailing otory Thursday. from pier'20, East River. Thf learner CITY OF AUSTIN, Captain Steverm, will suil hureduy, February 17, at 3 P. M., lor Ferniinidna at id roil loyal. rhrtMi tickets issued to all points in Florida aha brough bills lading given to all points in the South and louthweht. lor height or passage apply tu*'. M. MALt m AIRY A CO., or HERMAN UELPCKE. 153 M.-.iden lane. fl kfORGAN'S LINK OR STEAMSHIPS, ,?l lor New Orleans and Texas, rill suil ovnry Saturday to New Orleans, transferrin)? Texae reight tliere to Morgan's Louisiana ami lex t- Hailreod forf dorgan City ; thence tier steamer of Morgan's lino to Texas lorti. The steamer BltASHK.VR will sail from pier 3*5 North tlver, ou Saturday, February IV). at .1 V. M.. for New Orleand llrect. Through hills of lading signed to Mobile, Galveston and o ail points on the Galveston. llarrisbu^g ami >an Antonio, louston and Texas Central, International and Great Northirn, Texas anil Pacillc and Trans Continental railroads, ami o indiauola and San Antouio, and all points on the Gulf,1 Ve-tern fcxas aud Pacific Railway, Brazos Santiago, GorlUsChrlsti, Rockport, St. Mary's ami Fulton. Freight for St. Mary's and l ulton lauded at Rocknort. Ldghtorage and Channel dues at either Corpus Christ! or Irasos Santiago at the expense and risk of consignee. Freight for Brownsville, Matamoros and poiuts in theinerior must have oonsiguoe at B ratios Santiago. Insurance ean he effected under open policy of C. A. Yt hitley A Co., New Orleans. From New York to New Orleans, ? per cent; Irom New Yfork to all Texas ports via New Oceans, \ per cent. Krelgnt at lowest rates. For freight or lurlhcr Informsl0" ""Carles a. whitney .t co . agents, Pier iltj North Fiiver. FiLD" DOMINION STEAMSHIP COM PAN ?, VJ . sailing from pier 37 North Kivkr F'or NorfoIW, City Point and Itichuioiid, Tuesdays, Tharsliiys aud Saturdays nt :j P. M., connecting with the Virginia aid Tennessee Air Line, Atlantic Coast Line, Piedmont Air sine. Chesapeake ami Ohio Railroad, si ad with t lie coinuny's steam lines to interior points in North Carolina and 'irginia. Ncwbern and Wasliingtoiti, N. C. (via Norfolk), very Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Lewes, Del., Monday and Thursday at 4 P. M., connecting rith Maryland and Delawaro railroads. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Through pa--age tickets and hills of lading to all points at owest rates, insurance to Norfolk. Aa., percent. Freight ecotved dally at pier 37 North River General offices, W7 reenwich street. N, L. McCREADY, President. _ . g3 TilAV EliLEKV Gl'IDE. PENNSYLTANIA RAILROAD. GREAT TKL'NK LINE AND UNIII.D STATES MAIL ROPTR. Trams leave New York, via Deabrosset and Corllaudt st., lorries as iollows Express, for IIar.lsbttrg, Pitt'hurg, the West and South with Pullman l'alaco Cars attac. ed, VI .do A. M. ti anil 8:30 P. M. Sunday, ti and8:31) P. M. For YYiUiainsport and Lock Haven atH:'lO A. M. and 8:.T> P. M. For Corrv aud Erie. 8 i'J P. M emitrcling at Corry 'or Tftiis'villn Prirrsileom Centre, ami the OU ' Region*. For Baltimore, Waahinzton and ?Uo South, "Limited Washington Kxpreta'' of Polliuuu Parlor Curt uuilv, excepi Sunday, M W A. M.; arrive Wa.hliigtori i ;|U F. M. Regular at 8:40 A. M., 3 and 0 I' M. Sunday ;> p. M. Express lor Philadelphia, 7. 7 :30, 8:*) 9:3U M., 12:30.3. 4, 4 :I0, 5, tt, 7, W :30, 9 r. M. and 13 night. Sunday, 7, 8:30 and ? P. M Kmigrant and teeood cine*. 7 P. M. For train* to Newark. Kluubctb, Kahwar, Princeton, Treuton. Perth Amhoy, Plemlngton. Belvidera and other p< inti, see local nclicdule* at all ticket u flices Traitik arrive Prom Pittsburg, 0 and l(i:U" A. W. aul (k 30 P. M daily. 10:ir> A. M. ?nd 7:4H P. M. dallr, eaemtb M?ndav. I'roin Washington and Hallitnore, <1.30 A- M., 4 Its, ,1:1ft and 10:27 P. M Sunday. 0:3" A, M. Prom Philadelphia, ft ;10, 8.2", 6 :ftft, 10:1.1, ll :30. II >4 A. M.. 2:1ft, 44)5. 5:1ft. 0:1", 7:40, 8:44.0:2". 10:27 P. M. Sundar. 5:10, S 33K, tl:'>5, 11 ..*>4 A. M., 7:4". U J'n.nd 10:27 I'M. Ticket offices, Xlfl and 044 Broadway. No. I A?tor Hum* tnd fool of Deabrosaaa mil Cut 11 and t ate.; No 4 Court at., Brooklyn; Not. 114. Iltl und IIS Hudson ?t? Hohokea, Emigrant ticket oRice, No. 8 Battery pla'-e. FRAN K THOMSON, 0 It. BOYD. Jr., Ueueral Manager. Ccneral Passenger Agent. Providence and stosinoton steamship coT new y.iuk t.nd boston, kedi ci ion of fake between Now York and Providence totT; between New York and Boston toll SI'ONINOTON LINE. From pier 3ft North River, foot of Jar alreet, tlin eftrtTrt iteaitiars RHODE ISLAND and N AllKA lAN'SI. I'T daily except Sundays), at 4 :tU p. M. providenck linx. rrom pier 27 n. r.. loot ot Park place, fteainshi|<* ei.e0> ritA and UA I. ATM A daily (except Sundays), at 4 P. M. milLADEI.rill.Y VIA LOM1 BRANCH AND Tit:! l New Jersey Southern Railroad.? Fare from New York o Philadelphia <<nIjr **2 ~N* Commencing jMairjr 10, lH7tiL ,?e?ve* New York from pier 8 North Hirer, toot of Rector it*, or Philadelphia, Tockcrton and Tom* Hirer. J 46 P. K. 'mm toot nf Liberty st., rie New! one/ Central to Hran-Jb ort, at 11 A.. M. for Philadelphia. Vinolmid and Tome liver. ' W. 8. SN'KDKNf. General Manager. FOR 9ALB. _ A WHOLESALE KLII STAND?KsrAHLIFIIED CO If* necilon ; larjro con sign men L; rare opp rtiinltv to ste| nto safe biuine**. MALuNE A SHEFFIELD, Nfo 5 Dey ?t. Ax actual baruain-o.vlv i lyi <>r storiI ou four corner* no i be a?' Une; aiegin! fixture,. !' \<<\KV. !.' Abin <lon -poire (Htb ??.) \?ror sale. hakplr rooms. ciqas STORKS, . Stationery More*. Bakerle. Confacttonerle*, Meal IMW, MITCHELL. 77 Cedar M, hrfii Stork For balk in Brooklyn "a""bar* train ; long leane; low rent; old *t*n<l. Address IIiSIIEii. 58 Nassau M., Brooklyn. fiitco store i < ?i< ha lr^-trno. villaor nraB If New York, 1 rlntr aparttnrnt r-nt. fl<; per month! hy*lcian wanteil. I'?iticolar., STRICKLAND'S, in. UeeK iao ?t? jior ?Xr7i: -stoi i and flxti ?H ok a ukockm Store, doing a good hiiilneui, at *4'.l 11th ??. MB s a I.I".?a ?iRs? CLAM Ri NT A CHANT, BO. tl* Broadway; plenty ol money can ba mu<l, by a bust net* an; rant$H5 a month. NOR HALE \ KIRHT < LASH DOWNTOWN SVMT?I7HI Room, on a thorough!iu?. Apply to LLOYD. UU Broad?f. jK?R HAI-K CBSAP?A SMALL B I'MOLAR PROO? Safe; alao a larger one. suitable lor jeweller*. aod lot of weller*' Tool*. O W. PITCHER, No. A Maiden lane. jlOR SALE VERY CHEAP?A FIRST CLASS PHOTOgraph Oallery For lull particular, call on or addret* O. H., 334 East 32d ,t. "A HEAT HXRllAINH IN HEWTNO MACHINES.?BOO r new Manhattan Sewlnir Machine, mn-t be .. Id itnuieateljr in lot?to suit purcha*er?. from $10 to $d."> each; le factor?. .'J7 W'e't 2Hth at J (> W1!ST. IOTKL FOR SALE-A iioTlX iMIINfi A (i(M)j buaine??, well lurnlabad. centrally located, oppoelM in Erie depot, Korheater, N Y.; riui he boni'ht on real rm? Full particular! '> a j 1 'fl obtained by atldreealrig ha ,< KIIAUIIT. ItnulWHf, N. Y. 1AKI-: oi-i'iiKiiMrv Tu'piK' I M-: ' V nlture and Leaae of a Ilonac BllaJ wltb board#n wner'i health enmpela the aale ; part of the money can roi tain on morlirajfe. Addreta WAKl>, hoi 190 Hrra d office. l() ft/wi -A FIRST CLAM ?I?AR httlRB. WITO P^.U'rU# Mock and Fltturea. lo in re at.T,v> IVart "t til jinn WILL "'HI V A GOOD Bl 'si MESA ANI1 " " * the Machinery, rent free, and policy of Iniarnee, at 74 Wooster it. > ) 1IIWI I i-lf Knit A lllt-T i 1 tSsVi:<X'fcRY h).l/UU Store In Brooklyn. OAFFNKY A SMITH, It intra it. ie AAA -ONI OK TWO UTBRARY UKXTLIIlZ t? l.lM/'.r, with the am'?uit, ran buy a (trot cla I eekly Newapaper, located In 1'hlladelphia; ternia liberal* IdrraaQL'AKEK, Herald FhMadclpbta Branch office, MACHINERY^ V>R HALS?A DnTBR DRKOOR. N K AK7?V NEW, end three Scowa. Addreae WILLI AM BKl'CR, Foal lea drawer hi Albany, N. Y. tTANTKD?A O(M)I) SECOND HAND BAXTER F* ' j(lbe; in bone power. J. FWSBELL A nONN, No. Id ble Honee. LEOAI. NOTH'ICfk "* TOTICK -18ABEI. STEWART, OH ROMANS, SIS. a ter ?t the lute William Stewart, S.irmer tlor?t"rphinc? ank, near Kdinbnrjrh. and widow of the late Archibald urn an a. aomntlme millwright at Hnbba' mill*. In Scotland, her rblldran, are requeated to eotnmnnleate with Hotter! enaiea, H. 8. U., No. North HI. David at., Iv<hr?*li, feut for the leatamenlary trqatee of the aaid Jt ewart, who bolda part of the reaidue of the iteoaaaed't MM. la wbicb abe and bar children are UUaraataA.