Newspaper Page Text
o u AMtrSKMKVTS. 1>AKK THEATRE. BROADWAY AND Jii'ST. Leasee mill Mmn'fr ... . Mr. W. SIL'AllX WEDNESDAY, KKHKUAItY l'l. 1 in>t time, slier cmrefVil iinMiarktiou, tiKol'.UK PAWCRT I i'.OWK'.i now Comedy, la four nrli, BBBB RRUK A SSSB H K K ft A A S S S S U B R R A A H S KBBB HUB;: A A ;-SS.i bbSS X B K U A A A A 8 M B R R A A b S S i MB Bit BRA A .-SSS SS.CS :: Characters by Min Rose Wu I. ,Mi< i I i 1". Miss M trie 1. hi ?, Mr.. Rrnl":n*, Mrikr i. !'. n . K Lewi* M irn an. .1. i' I'.idycit, Vini- t i' r v r?, \v. J. C'lafl i'.U. Prank i.aji^ley, Cyril dearie. J. tt ili jloue, J. 1* Co ike. C' Rescue New drop curtain by VOEOTI.IN. N w ncty' MA H MoROAN. CHARLES HENRY. Ufcni I '' '*> BOX O! KICK OPEN PKOX 8 A. M ' VIII. ? !' MfpUEATUK CO* 1QCB. 1 514 Brusdwny. Mr. MATT MORGAN Mauser UNCLE TOM S CABIN. 6 nets. 12 table tux, 81 scones, iutrtxiuoinjc TilK WII.MINii'T" ' COLORED Jt'lil I,f.l SiNGI MATINEE Wednesday and Satui y TTKION HQHAItl 11IKATHr U Broadway and Uth at. RHKiyr>A>" SHOoK Proprietor am palmer ru It >SE ' .MIC1IEL, 4\ Illustrated with the mi st ELABORATE AND BEAUTIFUL SCENERY vur let upon aatago.und with a rut of VNDOVBTIiD l NKXA.MPI.KD STRENGTH, including the fallowing favorite nantoe:? Metiers. O. K. Thome. J r , Stuart Robvon, Theodora Hamilton, J. li. Stoddard. John TRICJU'H Paraelle. Ebett Flympton, T. E. Monde, Eya.tii.Ur Thompson. \\. H Wilder^n rw S. t^iugiey.and Miue> Rose KjjAgEe, Eanuy Morant ami Meta Burl hsit SATURDAY. February 19. POURTEKNTH MAI'INRK OV HO.^K MICHEL. Seat., secured two woe ha in udv.iui? TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22. Two Performance*?Afleruo iu and Evening. Monday evening, Feb. 2s,t>tOtli poriuriuaiice of if' -u Michei YMPIO /HEAT RE," / No. 624 BROADWAY. JOHN F VNVLE Manager A 'Lb IA I. l.MI A NOE?EVERYTHING M-W. ELEYKN N K W STARS. JWie iulmltable lrub Owned' and Vocaliat*, IMItitY BI.N NETI' AND JOHN KF.RNELL, In their Original Cam I r Sketch, S THE HUGO UEARD. S The world-famed artl^th. "The Men from Galway," MESSRS. CONWAY AND KERRIGAN. S The Champion Skater ut Europe, MR. WILLI AM LASDIS. TUo celebrated Musical ti?niui>e? III E CLARK BROTHERS, in their Original Laughable sketch called THE MUSICAL TRAMPS. Reappearance of the ylidu d aod ?^.'(,v.nv. T11KF.E GR * Nl> CONCERTS. THURSDAY nnd FRID VY EARNINGS. V>b. 17 mid IS m<1 MAUXlifc. on SATf IIDAY AFTERNOON. IcU ii>, , by ilir BOSTON PHILHARMONIC CLUB illicit Unit eppeer Alice in New York). Mr. B I.l*t?:i.?un, Mr 1 Lnemenn, Mr. A. II tUi'Krn, Mr. K Wetner, Mr. K. Orpinm, Hr A. Bel*. Mn. 21. M. Smith. Soprano. of But. n. Sl-i.r Madeline Schiller, PianUt. Temple yuert't, of Betioa fthelr 8r?i *p|?c*r*uce In .Sew York). D. T. Fit*. Tenor. H. A. C... k. nrilone. W II. Fewcnden, Tenor. A. C. Kydor. B.i.-* >. Ticket* Si. oith reserved *ret?, for title ui Slelnway 11*11, Behlrmer't, "01 .m l 114 Broadway. MTS6 J ENXIB-* OKOAN, Americ*'* own oueen of Son*. ToNY Tap I OktV MANNER TO-DAY, Tit-Ilt V. Ti ?-l)A Y. LJLAVEBY" EKE'MM-. 1 IT K M \U S WILL BE REPRESENTED BY HARRIS A.NI> CARROLL. TONY PASTOR S MATI.SEE. fO-DAT. ?'TFKTS RISEN 1 HE 18 RISES I" NEW RASTER J 1 entheni. i>t II. I' D*nk?. price 35c ; *l?o "Chrirt the l^or'l m Huen," bf Wil?on, 7.">o. ; hf Andrew*, .">Oc.; by Llojrd, 4?A\. "Ohritt Our Pattover," rboma*. >1; by Chappie. Vk . Morion* Break*." Iijmn, Ol*rke, 'Etc. PBblulled br 0 U. DirsON A CO.. 7U Broadway. ONY PA.sToK s"\KW tliKA I HE THE SENSATION CoMKTS, WII.BI II BLAKK. US S KIJWARJW, JUUA BUAKK. RATE. KDWAlttM. Tony pastors M a rw> : K t?. Da v. C" llll,OM:l. MOHSTKRYit , ! N. LNO HOSING AND J ShiniioiK Acitileiujr, X'o 611) tab ? Importer of ?uj.arlor Kfnciiiit A|?i>ara?u? and lloxlnf <Hov??. A* MEKlCA'd KL'XMi K-> r COMKOiAjCJ SIt'AKT HOKmi.N. WILI. BK TRlTlirTUA IMITATED BY JiAT 0. OOODWIS, AT TONY PASTOR'S MATINKK TO DAY. %(jt.; ANNA RAXI>A!.|7d. .HI7-RN VUISOS AXU ill RhiimImNi M >U, Tu??l?y cvtmaf. ft*. ' iSi orfin concert, 1-W; rrMUwr* ?l * o'clock. Helen, sot to be Imuuii *t oronriMio ?, ! Union ?<|U*ra; al Kuum Hoii' l Bareau, ZT_t'Mr?0 *ia?ro. A0'_at 1 <1 ? r _______ JThIUKEi:IM, i i?fu~ AVSjcck LKCTl'KB 1/ count". K.J. Da I'ord-va. >aturd?r,I ""braary 1->. ?uotTet? * <'?' r;? ;> Vir i ?;" " G*org? M org .in. organ? fickctn iffr ilia ( enif ri .'irafuta. $!; Jainl# r**rv*d.7 c. Dr H. H. Cb?rm l*;?U*w, riWuny In i t?4.ot? *1 W taM>3 Mr. Robert Kraft r't now comic Panto niine. Til E KIRK SPRITE. TIIK GREAT I'llN) CIRCUS. JOITN II ART. D I. .11OjtIMS. WHIMSICAL WALKER, THE CARLO WiOTHKKS, JOHNSON AM) BRUNO, JOHN V* LEX. \VM. WEST. E M. HALL. J. HOLD-W ORTll. WASH No It TON, WM. H. CAHILL, JU1I.N GILBERT. N D. GOOIHNU, il. W. UEEl). IAS. VINCENT, G W tiltlKFIN. MISSES ADAM RICHMOND, ADA .MOKGsN. FANNIE BROOKES, JI I.IK COVENTRY, PEARL THORNTON. ADDIK EARWEIL. KITTY PARKF.R. Ac. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AT 2. ?j A TH s i n E KT or ERA HOUSE. 1IBTWBBM W AVO O I 3d his.? Every evoningat 8, ? ? Mile. Violo'.tc Pieanfa' J" ip = Wild Cliahut llmcorn. 3 5T Jo* A Graud Olio.' ?S A." ?r MATINEE WEDNESDAY AS!) SATlT.bAY. AC AD EM Y DP M FBI (L TITIKNS. Mr. MAX STUAKOSCH lias the bouor to inform tho ptibli - that MLLE. THERESA -TH'IENS. on Iter war from Balilmnre to Bostou. w ill appear ON FRIDAY EVENING FEBRUARY in her colebrutml character of DONNA ANNA, in "DON GIOVANNI." and on SATURDAY, I KHI1CARY 28, IN' A GRAND MATINEE, in one of her favorite roles. The sale of seats will couiincueo on Moutlay, February 21. U' roob'8 M useum! "wood's! TUTS DAY. Evening at 8. I Matinee at 2. C W HARl.V t,nd LOCI*!. SYLVESTER, LOUIS ALDKICU in | A. II. SHELDON. Barry's lour art fT. WOOD. H SIR WART, Centennial Drama, I U It WILLAKP, Ac.. in TIIK SPY. | THE ROLL OK THE DRUM. RAN D " O PERA"TD >! S E. " DECIDED SUCCESS. LUCILLE WESTERN, THIS AND EVERY EVENING DURING THE WEEK, as Lady Isabel and M .(tame Vine in Hie great emotional Drama of EAST I.YNNK, supported bv Mr .1. P. Studlei and hi werful un .inv. EAST LYSNE MVTINEE SATURDAY AT 1:30. Atlniiasiou, f.O rents. Gallery, 2."> cent*. M" "Tss MAGGIE WESTON in her character Sony* and Chances. TuNY PASTOR'S MATINEE 2 O'CLOCK TODAY. IjtAOLE THEATRE. BROADWAY AND S3D BT, j Mr.Jtt. il HART Sole Preprint or and Manager Monday. Kehraary 14, and during the ? eek. first uppe.iranco of J. W. Jennings, Win. Barry, Paddy Murphy, lie appearance ?h lackey auu Barney, r.nttrc >ew uiio. Ticket-of-Leave Mau Matinee Wednesday and Saturday. Tony i\ystor\s~new" rheatrk. Fa?bionablu Matinee Reception, jo-Ray. to-t>ay. Ladies* Holiday. sareet Suiiles. Brilliant Faces. B* rooklvn theatre. klchsra shook jl palmkr. Lessees and Man aire rs qtrbn This new drain? will i?e .riven every cveuinjf and j tliia week, it will be illun.-.kcd by magnificent woman i .Scenes and by .? cn*t ot unusunl strength, embracing the nam** of mc-sr-. Fred. ho >in.<on, Kdwnrd Ar? nott, Kdwaril Lamb, 11. 11. Phillips, John Matthews and j. o. Coulter; Misses Ida Vernon. k;? o Claxton, Lntira Thorp? and Mr. j. Meelo .Mackaye. In c >nscqiieiice ??l Miss clara mokklv ei i agoment, the preaent representations ot this drama are limited to on# week. mallnek d.v satl rdat, at 2 p. m, rjlh k ai nhl k yfc, ned. and will ik, JL in their representations ol smthrrn life nik contraband children, tony pastors matin hi: today. c > i'ili i'il- :"fli *t-an:'bboadwat. 'lEMPI.E OF SENSATIONAL NOVELTIES. The very model Vaneiic- of America. Most, funniest. artist e a*id best iu New York. MATINEE i ? Handsomest i:i the world TO-DAY, i Movt yerlect I' Models 'M America. 'J o'clock Most varied, deliictitlul Knienii anient iu N. T. MATINEE I Elegant "iio ol i<o real Artists. MATINEI <s <t> ? (fc MATINEE, ; r?lti? Stewart's : f DF.MONIO. f MATINEE! < 4' I <5 <9 TO-DAY, Tricks. | LA MI NL'ET. TO DAY, DON'T HO. TOMMY. ' '.hi TO-DAY, I 1.0 V K AND MFRDEU | EE MALE MODELS. 2 o'clock I ARNOLD'S I New Tableaux 2 o'clock i PEANUTS. I Vivant 2 o'clock I 1 TO-DAY, James M-'srencer, 1 Aubry and Von! ton. TO-DAY, | Virginia Stickney. I Annie M.rtou. TO-DAY. j A- * <$> .Y MATINKK | Sig. Sorissimo. | ] Mile. Bertha, f M ATI N I i ? tj MATIN 1 ! : tie ins ol Ballet, ikinc, Dane.'. I tree and Sketch. MATINKK I An army of tirs L-? arjisls. mo.VY pastor* new theatre. Bead what the Sunday Democrat says, Feb. 13:? PASTOR. Tony Pnstor has taken s tic (own by storm with his excellent enter: immetit. gentleman is 11 literal advertiser aud always fulfils bis obllg iti ns mul promises His artists are Ironi if e crenm id the profession. and tio* ta-t that -ome ol outmost re ncd Indies attend the performance is a stif. hdi ul eridcnce of the purity of the ton.. Success to genial Toilf. CN ERM AN 1A TMKAI'KK. HTI1 ST. T Alt NLI LNDOlti E Director. TUESDAY, February 1.1. sixth Subscription Nichk, ZuPF NND SCHWKHT, Uomeily. by tlutskow, Boxo Bice open from It 111! T o'clock. OAK PKANtMMl't) mT?STREW. | u.": : \ HOUSE t>kN Fl t.N't'lsUO MINSTREL.*. I HI t DM AY BAN FP.Wt'lSCO M i X* I'RKI.S. I AND asl'II sT. THE TWO HKsT HI RLE yl'KS OF fHL SEASON. JULIUS THE SNOOEER; THE CONSPIRATORS t F THOMPSON STPEET. Julius the mi Billy Birch M arctii Antonlaa Charley Backus CaiusCsssius -Add Kytnan Brutus ...Billy Carter THE ll'NNY OLD UALS MATINEE SATURDAY AT 'J. KV1.NIN0 AT * npONY I'ASI Its NEW THEATRE 1 I'lie h.autlful ALI.I li DllAYTON lu her oletrmt So'ict and Dances. |l>\1 PASTOR'S MVTINF.B TODAY gTElNWAY HALL. NEW YOR* AMrOEHESTS. rTt? VVHYl'K THRATRB. (KVhRY SIOHT. V TO *1 . ) - Mr AIM' SUN KALI O : . ;.i 7-1 i. "> 'ii. A . I)*h ? taco< sslul Drama HTF II QQQU U U EEEE )' I' II Q U U UK itit n y g u u kee a <3 Qq u uk t li VQW UUUU KEEE , A PLAY >)K TO-DAY. Houses crowded! Sumptuous Scenery 1 Extraordinary Caet Mian runny Have | ort, Yr. Charles PmUor, Mr. L>. JI II ur k.ut, Mr. Jw* Lewi*. Mr W "W, !j'..Y VTINKE Davidga, Mr. P. llurdenherK b It KliAV, Maoriuc III.rrvmore, .lohu Drew Ai I ...u. (.1. H. Korltwell. and Mien Jeltroyu Lewi*. Mins Emily Ri?rl, Mr*, <1 H. (iilbort Mm* " Kate Holland MU< Sydney Cown 11 nud Mr John iirouuhum. Itox sheet open 2K day* ah.- id V Second SI WUH AN M AT1NEE Wednesday. Feb. 10 fjTU AVENUE TUKaVUK. ANOTHER ENTllA MATINEE. In response to the general call for a oecund MID-WEES MATINEE and for the accommodation of SU11URBA> VISITORS, Mr. DALV beg* to unuounco a performance o the greatly sacrcsaftil drama of IMyUE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, AT ONE. *,* The per' r. )ance WILL TERMINATE in time fo visitor* to uk? the -IE. TRAINS for home. UO.X sllEET NOW 01'EN. \l 'A r.i, AO IC's. >> l'r [motor and Manager ...Mr. LESTER WALLACI EVERY EVENT NO AND SATURDAY MATINEE will bo presented Mr. Bront^ham'i flue Drama, replete wltl entitled JOn.N GARTH, with ill Charming end appropriate Music. beautiful Scenery ntid Appointments. Mr. LESTER WALLACE In his original character o JOHN GARTH. Other characters by Messrs. John Gilbert C. A. Stevenson. A. Fiugerald. 0. K. Edwin, J. Peck, T. At kins. Miss A tin Uves, Miss Nina Van an. Mrs. Jehu Seftoc uu.I Miss Ethel Tnornton. T~I]ADEMY OF MI'SIC?W1iDNESDAY? ' A ADELAIDE Fill I.El PFS ITALIAN OPERA COMPANY. SECOND OPERA NIGHT. WEDNESDAY, February 18, II. TKOVATOKB. Miss VIOLETTA COLV1LLK. Miss ADELAIDE PHIL. LIPFS, Signer BURGANlNl, Elinor CARPI, fcjiguot BACELI.I, s..:nor LOTTI GRAND CUoRUS AND ORCHESTRA. Musical Director Signer TOM AS] FRIDAY EVENING, February IS?LA C KNKRKNTOLA. Debut ot Miss MA TILDE PHILIPPS. General admission, JI ; laniily circle. 50 cents; reserved cuts, $1 50 ?nd $3; boxes, $8 and $10. Seats and boxc.' now at Academy box offlce; Hchirtnors, 701 liroadway, anij Kullnian's, 111 liroadway. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, February 10. at 1:30 P, M. GRAND OPERA M ATI NEE-FA VOKI1 A. mBIRD AVRNUB THEATRE.-B. W. HITCHCOCK J Proprietor.?Dick Sands, Champion Clog Dancer: Dura, tbe unrivalled Zouave Drillist: the Stuart Sisters; the Coles, tbe great Dutch Specially Artists: the ovor welcome Ethiopian Comedian. J. w. MeAudrews. in now specialties RIr , Howard, Sandford and Williams; J. D. lloomo; th< French Twin Sulci's, favorite sketches. MATINEE every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 2. Q'JD ? Ell P.ITARY (W ASH TN( i TON'S HIKTHDAY) Y , two grand tiorformauces of JULIUS CASS Alt. C TTH PERFORMANCE- 6F~70L?US~C.ESAR Ol next SATURDAY EVENING, February ID. oi Q"" W HE K OF JULl US CsBSAE. " 0 Seats can be secured in n ivatice 1 >oi 7TH THEATRE. GRAN I) EST SUCCESS A) JARKETT A PALMER Lessees and Manugeri SHAKESPEARE SUPERBLY ILLUSTRATED. EVERY NIGHT, ut the SATURDAY MATINEE of this, its Eighth Week, and until further advertisement, representation, with unexampled splendor, of the (treat Tragedy, JULIUS C.ESAK. witli an unparalleled congregation of Shakespearian* in the cast, including Mr. LAWRENCE BARRETT as CAIUS CASSIU8. Mr. F. C. BANGS as MARCUS ANIONICS and Mr E. L. DAVENPORT na MARCUS JUNIUS BRUTUS. Mr Million Levies (especially encaged to am the tide part ot the play) uud the entire company n( Booth's Theatre. PROMINENT FEATURE8 of the grand Shakespearian presentment, beyond tho ex* traordiuary cast, arc splendid original Music, GRAND PROCESSIONS and TABLEAUX, a multitude of auxiliaries and magnilieent scenery. THE FINALE of tho play is a grand tableau, the BURNING OF THE BODY Ol BRUTUS ON THE PLAINS OF PU'LIPPI. Next Tuesday (WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY), a grand extfa performance. Bowery theatre Monday, February 14. Engagement of the popular actor, Mr. D. E. RAJiTON, in a new sei.sat on Drama, m 3 acts and a prologue, entitled IDA Mr. Charle Foster is specially engaged tor the part of Kpliraim Snack. Two SPECIAL M ATISF.ES by Mrs O C howard, in "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Wednesday and Saturday. , mo NY PASTOR'S "new-1IIKATUE. u;:and. matinee i parisian dancers. TO DAY A I' 2 NAT C. GOODWIN. (IKAiNI) MATINEE! BRAKE and EDWARDS. THIS DAY AT 2 I BARKIS and CARROLL. GRAND m ATI NEB miss A LEI K DRAYTON. TO-DAY AT 2. | tlio AINSLEYS. ft ? GOODWIN'S IMITATIONS. | MATINEE TO-DAY. <?> ?? Family parties andetrangers ore invited to attend. 'l tony l'ASTOR'rt PaSHIONAbTI f reception today. /1 LOBE THE AT Kl~ A. I' vJm jtn<l 7jo Broadway, below 8tb it. li. W. BUTLElt Managei I87S, CKN IKN NIAL. WO. The Standard Variety Theatre of New York, t ltui.used by the press ami public. The beat performance ever witnessed in New Ynrit. The great /.uilretta Troupe, tlie best In rfie world. Miss Lime Kcls? v. the dashing queen of burlesque. Senuti r Hob llari. front Kings, will apeak. r. 11 rry Montague, uurivallcd Songs. Messrs ilugan and Lord, MeKre and Rogers. The Koy Sisters, Bertha and Id*. Meter* James J)?lt n. Eocene Blitz, J. I). GriCia and regular company id excellence every evening. Extra Grand" Complimentary Testimonial tendered to Manager K. >t. BUTLER by the meiubert and attaches ol the Globe will Hike place on Tuesday afternoon and evening, February 17. One hundred nrtiata will appear. Box odice open daily tor the Kale of reserved seett. ooi) st. opera hoi (Late Dan Bryant's). Second week and triumphant success of the famont CALIFORNIA M INS THE LS. A great bill for this week. First week of tb great BERNARDO and ARTHUR COOK; also the grand DIoRAMIC ILLUSTRATION* uf the approaching CENTENNIAL. New features by FRANK MORAN. S ANFORD anrl Wile SON, JOHNNY ALLEN and LITTLE MAC, and DOYLE, and the California Double tjniutct. Family matinee every Saturday at 2 P. M. . rpoNY pastor's reception _ 1 the; great Parisian sensation. DANCEDRS, GROTKSOUKH, FP.OM SALLE VAi.KNTINU, PARIS, ai maiinee; to-day. Brooklyn ~ac yde;m y op musicT PAPPENUKIM.-GRAND OPERA. THURSDAY". FEBRUARY 17. 1?7<'>. at H o'clock, FAl'ST. , FAUST. Msrgareih# Mile. EUGENIE PAPPRN1IEIV Mabel Mme CLARA PERI great chorus AND ohciiKSTRA. moil PAITORm MBW fluufli ASHLEY~and SMITH, the Skatoriai Kings. in their clever imitations on Parlor Skates. N IMH NATIONAL K.\ UllUTlUh OK I1IK AMERICAN SOCIETY ??K 1* A INTERS IN WATKK COLORS, now open at the National Academy of Design. corner of 4C a*, and add xt.; daily\Sunlayi excepted) trotu it A. M. utiii 6 F. M., and trom 7 until 10 1 M. riboPKK uNH ? N\ Drawings aud Original Designs from the Massachntett public tell ols. showing examples >f luduttrlai drawing pui >ne<l in that State, will Vie exhibited to nub ic at Coope Union Art School Rooms on Tlmr* lay and Fri lay. Febtuar 17 and IS Iron 1 > A. M. to4 P.M. Aim specimensol the wor ol the Normal teacher*'drawing elans of the Cooper L'mu will ho ehown at the tame time, AD1UM S I1BWETT. secretary. "At c. count* IN WILL OIVE IMITATIONS OK IJt'B FOI'OLAK ACTORS AT MATINEE TO-DAY TONY CASTOR'S NEW THEATRE. ~THB AfrLSKAEOE. "U'EB im?MARDI tlHAS-FEB. ORAND FEE NCI U Masquerade Hall, glren by the Cerclo det Chefs d Cuisine Franeale, at Irving Hall, Tuesday errn nit, Feb. lit IrCti Tirkela f2. admitting gentleman and ladiet. N. BKxtra fine topper to be eereed at 12 odock. Hoxet an ticket* c?n be eeeured at the following places:?Hole Brunswick, J. it. Tbellboo. 1144 rtth a? ; Cercle dee Chef *da I'uitine Krancalt. Arte t>th or.; A. Dolutirst, 74 lileecke ?i , Duparguot A Moot. 24 Woo?ter tt.; li. Mouyula, 14 Fulton st., F. Lullmanu, 114 Broadway. UAM ISO ACADKMIB8. MACSK's DANCINO ACADEMIES.?<CLASSRl . now lorminc. PRIVATE LESSONs any hour at 21. Hast I III. tt. * A elk.n uoowuniri dancinu school, i\. . No. 212.-tlh a*. Brooklyn branch at l is Washington tt. Clones or priratl leaeons for, gentlemen aud children. For particular tend tor circular. A? MAKs AO All KM Y UF I> A N>' 1N tTTgH'.' ITl E K <) K kl . tt.?I'npilt can attend without lota of leuoua. tern for circular. _ ATcTll RIYEKb DANCINU ACADEMY. 17". STAT1 t , Hr oklyn. classes for beginners art now forminij Bead for a circular V ?OARTIBH S DAN'TNU ACADEMY, I'LIMI'TON'I , Budding. Intersection Stuvvetant and fnh sta Net j classes now forming. i'rivate Ictsont In g.ide ao l aatembl ' walltes a specialty i ibxoOKRB1 DANilNO ACADEMY. 3d I BROOME 81 I 1) A NEW CLASS roR TUESDAY AU tha fashionable Dancet in one eonrte of letaons. I The first lessout can be taken prirately and uo extr charge from claes prlcet. nUMAR'B DAM CI Nil ACADEMY. 24 WEST 4TI! *T.Ail dance* taught perfectly per quarter. Wt taehloi I able dan St p. rfectTy In <!? private lenoas. ? alts, gtiii and double gild* specialties. IAMONDS DaNC.NO ACADEMY. 1.2'*'- HKOAl way.?Classet '.hit afternoon and craning Ladles an I ctdl lrcn are invited to ruit line academy before decidm ! who to patronlte _ tIKKNANDU'S DANC1N i ACADEMY. J?TH ST., CO I iter Third erenu- Hank Building ?C. eat, FT.n.lay an i n*w cltnAff now : ?rrrnngr for tpnng course, umuuju crude *a K ??ai?*U Wd|t ?itcuaiv lift. | : HERALI), TUESDAY, FE PIlNOKOItTEl, OUOASfS, 6iC. AB*Al.-T.r'CL I I VNOPORTB. $!'?: to rvnt, p.". monilily; inauliutiuia takon; Chtckertni; , and KteliiWH- Pinuofurii'k; tergnlu J. UlllDLK, IS VVnveriay place. uenr DmhIwij, A ?I OK BKST. L'I'illi.H;, Kyf.Ut AND GRAND J\, Piano* ot our oi?u i iikc;?lao foi sale and runt, a nntnbet af tlii. m ond hand Pianee. tu | .cried order. WILU1AM J. S ... j a > > N ). 1Id Eitli av., above Pith at. \ ?POlt S A r.L-:?AN K I.Ki 1A VI S'1'1. I\V AY1T3oN>3 . Pianoforte tor < -*> > , alio au elegant Wiudaor Piano, ' ha. four round corner. end ull mo'l"rti improvements, coat Sl.uuu, for ;>- -1; V at box fur aldppiug. Call at private rc*<" i donee I'AI Wot -3d at., near Cth uv. '? "ilANDS'TMK R OSKVVOOD T11 RF.B MOULDING , j'l rotiud cornera ovcratrung agraffe Piurio, $11.">; rout S'i ; alao butcUsa Planus a? low. J. CAMPBELL, 113 ! A (1KB IT KRDCI tion IN PIANOS. CASH OR INI JY kluliuouts; uprights and squares, second hand Pianos, : a $50. DECKER A BARN KB. 127 3d a v. ' A ?A.?AX>L PERSON- iiKHKocsor POROBAMVO A. o genuine second hand steinway Piano, arc invited to c>ll Hi our wttreroom*. where a tine assortmerit of Stuinwuy llanos, all in perfect condition, and some of tbem nearly new. in constantly on hand; ulno lucontl hand Pianos of other makers. - Attempts are constantly made In this' cltvAnd elsewhere l>y makers ol b.vgu piano-and their agents to sell their laI lerior iustruiuenta, bearing our name, or a name spoiled so aiinllar that mauy people do not notice the Uiflcrence and f purchase the spurious, worthless instrument for a genuine Btelnway ptuno. ll per >u?. belure purchasing such inatrnnieut, will take tlio number of same and null on or write to us. It can at once be ascertained whether the instrument is a geuuino Stelnwev piano or a fraud. sfTBINWAY A .SUNS, Htctnway Hall. 107 and 111 li ist 14th st . New York. T PRIVATE FA Ml EY WILL HELL T HE I It STK INr J\ way A Sons Pianolorto at sacrifice; four round, "t4 octavo richly .carved rosewood case, lull agraffe, overstrung Piano; cost rH.GAi, lor $2 *); Stool, Cover; a 7octave Decker A lira-, upright l'iauo. nearly new, ho* for - shipping. Call at private residence 47 West llitli St., between and 1 Ith avs. A" T; uk at~ofkIn ? uoraok waters a sons, 48i Broadway, New York, will, during this week rent a few 1 first class new Pianos and Organs until the rent money pays the price of the instrument, as per contract. ABM ?PIANOS ami wKI.\NS.?NKVV AND SECOND hau l, liioO t S-0U;#o and upward un.nthlv until paid. PEEK A SON, 23 Clinton place, near Broadway. A V IMMBNSK BACBIi l(jid.?AiTlfimRBLY NEW" J.\. mid clas- 7 1 J octuv. Piano; raust be sold regardless of cost. Piano can he scon at 261 Pearl sc., near Fulton. r "a stkYnyvay qbanJx new upright and J\ square Piauus anil Organs on instalments and to rent; largo assortment S. X. BAI.L A CO., IS East 14th st. AL hb Larue, e leu ant Stock ok pianos, barmore's Warerooms. litis llleeokor st.. at low prices; latest improvements; fully warranted; $150 and $2O0. IADY WI1.E -Sh'.Eli Fill; fliio lilllCKEKlNii lUiSPh J wood Pianoforte, modern improvements, perfect order; sweet, powertul tone. 26 East 3d st., nour 2d av. Mb HACNI rtVtENT 7 1 It OCTAVE ROSE WOO D PIANOforte, having can ed legs, latest improvements, $115. GORDON'S, 157 Bicecker st. : "plAN'Osf?EARiiK ~STOCK TO RENT OH r^KEE (UKX during stock) at lower prices thuu ever. Call and see them at JshRKELE'S, No. R Union square. | rTPRIQUT AND^yT'AHK PIANOS AND ORGANS TO ; LJ rout very low or soi l on small monthly payments, at HETTS' Warerooms, 786 Uroadwuy, corner of 10th st, MbSlCAIi. A GENTLEMEN OF GREAT EXPERIENCE GIVES Instruction or. tho pianoforte, organ, harp ami hurj mony, at pupil's residence; $l<> quarter; references given. Addro-s, with residence, TEACHER, bo* 124 Her| aid Uptow n Branch oflice. * AN EDUCATED LADY, CONSIDERABLY 1 "-IPEP.E enoed in teaching, an accomplished perlormer, gives pianoforte and singini lessons at $10 per quarter; highest rufercucea. Addles.- CLASSIC, box 150 Herald otllee. OR OPERA, CONCERT' OR CHURCH.?LADIBS w ithout means instructed nt tho I'mfesw r's residence and rapidly assisted to employment. Address DIRECTOR, box 1117 lie;aid Uptown Branch office. VTKVN Vim. iv I'O.NSKKVATOKY OK MUSIC, it No. 5 East 1 Ith st.. near Fifth av.. next to Dennonico's. i BROOKLYN BRANCH, 102. 104 and 106 Court St., near State. new TERMS no)v COMMENCING. OOP K A NO?TILE MAY 1, OR LONGER, FOR AN UP O town church: only a good reader. Address ORGAN" I6T, bo* 116 Herald Uptown Branch olhce. INSTRUCTION. IJAINE'S, 62 BOWKRY-BOOKKEEFINO. ARITFIX metic, Grammar; rtIi brunches privately; Writing Lessons. $5 monthly. L*dln' department. TilE LECTURE NEASON. TiTKEK LECTURE IN KHK.VCn, ON FEBRUARY 19, XI at 8 I*. M.. in the French church, 30 West 22d st. Americans specially invited. BUJUIARPS* A MERICAN STANDARD BEVEL BILLIARD TABLES. A with llelaney's wire cushions, solely used in all chain pionship anil mutch games, second hand Tables at great bargains, W. li. GRIFFITH A CO.. diLVesev st. T1 OL LENDER'S ST A NDARD AME KICAN B K V K L \J Billiard Tables, with the celebrated 1'helnn A Collender cuinbtnatiou cushions, lor sale in this city only at 738 Broadway. /t REAT INDUCEMENTS IN NEW AND SECOND VT hand Billiard Tables; endless variety; lowest prices. Call and be convinced. L. DKt h.Mll A CO., corner of Canal and Centre sts. HOUSES, ROOMS, ?VC., WANTED. In this City and llrooltlyn, AN UNFURNISHED HOUSE WANTED?FAIR Location; good tenant Smd particulars. , " III LHERT FECK. Broker, 268 West ?4th ?t. THREE STORY IIOUSE, WITH ALL IMl'ROVB. mentk, in a good neighborhood, Is wanted; immediate possession. Address li KOKGK. 630 Broadway. LA ROE UNFURNISHED H0D8B WANTED FOR responsible party, who will niAke suitable alterations lor a large boarding or lodging house. C. 3. l'ECK, No. 8 West 25th St., Ilcfftnan House, 1 ESK ROOM ~WANTED?DOWN TOWN7 ADORES^ stating location and tcruis, which must be low, llENilY. Herald ollice T.1 UHNTSTI ED HOUSE IN EXCHANGE TOWARD " rent until May 1 ; Shetland Seal Coals, Sacrjuu, Diamonds. Laces, new. 227 East 53d tl XT KAll" V ADIBOJf SQUARE?IT OKNTLEMAX AND la wife, a smal bathroom Floor, uuturuislied, or with curpot only ; also llrst class Board lor wife; rotcrences. Address, witu lowest terms, it. li. B , Herald Uptown Branch office. /mwt) GENTLEMEN DESIRE A HANDSOMELY ?\ R I nished i'arior and two Beilrooms, connecting, without board, but where it is convenient to have meals served In apartment when desired. Address, with full particulars, KARL, Herald Uptown Branch office. f \\f.VN I'l-.D?A LOWER I'ARI' OF A NEVSl.S "liUILT TT House, with a largo mora over the parlor floor; uptown situation; between the 8th and 3d ava Address JOBEi'Li SOM.MEKICli, 494 Broadway. U" fANTED?TO RENT UNTIL MAY 1, A FURNISHED Flit; rent moderate. Address S., box 109 Herald Uptown Branch office. \l' ANTED?BY" )NKTmTTVYO SINGLE GENTLEMEN, II large furnished Room for each; house first class; 1 neighborhood genteel and unlet, terms moderate, between ' 14th and 23d sts., Lexington and Clb avs.; boarding and lodging house keepers or parties having small children need not answer. Address, with particulars and lowest ' no notice taken. K 0. P., box 152 Herald office. "fir ANTED?A P U LL Y FU RN IS HMD HOTEL OR TT large Boarding House, suitable for first class summer business; country or seaside; location must bo pleasant and healthy. Address O., care Tysou, 745 6th ay. TIT ANTED?FROM AFRUToB MAY~Y. FOUR STORY TT higli stoop House, with modern improvements, be twoen 1 tit unJ '.40th sm., and 4th and ' 111 avs. ; rent from tl.Vlo to $. ,Hi)0 to a Rood tenant. Address for two days, M. R. S.. box tub Herald Uptown Branch office. 1ST >R SECOND LOVY* W AJf T K D NKAR TT1B POST office, a ell lighted. Address LOTT, box 150 Herald ' office. In (he Country. fXTANTKD AT SARATOGA SPRINGS AND long M Biauch?Furnished Houses for the summer J C. CLINTON, 55 Liberty st. Fl'ttXITVRL. A ?weekly AN'!) monthly payments TAKKN , .ix.. f >r Suruitore. Carpets and Bedding at B. M. COW' perthwait A oo.'s, 155 and 157 Chatham st. An immouse stock at low pricos. A -r<) SALE. AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE, 120 WEST * A> 2nd St.. near i>th av , Parlor Suits 14 pioces, covorud " In satin. Oust $l.i?W. t r $250; one do., f 125; Turkish Baits, t>.s>, rep and haircloth Butts, $55 .,n I $55; inlaid end (Tilt i black walnut Bedsteads, I) easing Cases. Bureaus, Wash* stand?. Wardrobes, hair an.l sprint Matt'esses. Dining Kurnunre, Extenaion Table, Bullet, Chairs, Ac. N. B.? An elegant Needham 8 stop Parlor Organ, $130. Auction rooms. 3? east istii st.?carpets, Furniture. Mirrors, Organs, Pianos, Paintings, Crockery, Ac., at private sale, at auction prices. ~\ HAND OMK PARLOIt BL'IT IN SATIN, COST A $< '), for $' .'? I do., $125; rep Suit, $5' I; Me in way - Pianmorte, $20'): Bedroom Sets, with dressing cases, ffai, $130; single Bedsteads. Bureaus, hair and spring Mattresses, - library an i dining furniture . Turkish Suit. $i?i; Paintings, ( Br msrs. Carpi is. ks-. yard. Ac. Must be sold. Call private e residence No. 47 West 1 Oth at. ^ /S"ool) SECOND HAND AND MLsPIT CARPETS, OILa VJ cloths. List Carpets. Stair Carpets, Cocoa Matting, Ac., 1 rr:y cheap, at the old place. 112 Pulton st. ? VILUHUC 10 S EAST 1ITI1 BT. tWIllTh BANNER r JV against wmdowi. offers great Inducoinenu In house' hold Furniture, cash or Instalments Look for banner. WATCBBB, JEWKLHY, AiC. TT77 BLKEi KEil ST.. near HHuADW.AY, MONEY 4 V advanced on Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry, Ac.; also 2 Pawnbrokers' Tickets bought of diamonds, watches, Ac. 77 Bloookor ?>. i t 097" BROADWAY. CORNER PoCHTU STREET J\. Diemonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silks, Lores and Personal ' PrI'perty of every description bought an 1 sold. loans nego? tlated. JAM SB P. MATTHEWS. ; k M ERIC an OPKIt k ? $75,tX?. - diaMOND>c * Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Valuables. Ac., bought, 1 sold and exchanged. Loans negotiated. Decided bargains 111 Diamonds. Watches, Ac. Established 1854. J, H, BARRINOER. Dealer. 755 Broadway. '* T I'M itit-'ADWAV. ONLY LI' KNsKD AND II ELI A/V ble Loan Office in the city, advance* made on all per" g s >oal property, by J. P. LYNCH, fornioriy of New York 'w Hotel. Private room for ladiea Large loans negotiated at r special rates. "I AlAMONDS. '.vaTCDES, ill >ld AND CDKaL JEWf. I " elry. Sealskin Sacks, Silverware Ac., at low prices; the aame bought. LIND B ?S 1 '7 II- 11 If iv 'pposite ijllsev House. * JjL|ONKY ON DlAMONDsT WaT( :il.S." AC.?DIA. JvI londs. Watches. Jewelry, Silverware and Seal Saeuuet bought, and sold back, when desired, at a very small advance UEO If ALLEN Jeweller. Ig Ulft) Broul*!;. ne?r i;Rh it J". MIBCE I.LA X tUt ? 1 li * * * T T,,K HKATIMOOOIIB; IT PKKRRKVBS J) tod InvtgorMdt the li?it aud give* II g rich and benutl_ , ful lnatre. S C._ /TlTlNA Cl.AV UK rilK VBRY HBdt QUALITY OAK 1 \7 be bad. delirarod at Kr? V >rk. direct Iniu the maoufactnr rv by *:>ph 'atioti ?o JOHN bAlv.QLL.UR, the Crowa ^ CUift* Liar CbiuBaai. CgritS BRUARY 15, 187G?WITH I CITY RKAl. ESTATE fOR 4AT.K. Central. 4 FPM. P1ZE FOUR STORY lllfin RTOOP KREflJ\. coed brown *tocr Dwelling. J7th ?t.. Murray Hill, near Pari ?r.. only $36,UU0; a b areata. Ollkn No. 4 Fine and U3 I Ea-t 17th ?. V. K. STKVLNdON. Jr. | E10B SALE?TilH ELKOANT "5fi STORY WARBI I Wiu?<'. No. -4.'> Rroadwur. uoxt to the cnru?r of Murray | at., wTth a front entrance on Murray at.; price $HOfOOQ. with ! tlcue oi tnroe at jui.OXJU nor annum. Apply 10 11. MKR MORGAN. No. 2 Pine it. \VEST 87TH ST]?MAGNlV!CENT FULL HlZR Mansion. to he told under I'orocinsure, at noon, l'-th lint.. at 111 Broadway, Permits to visw bouso obtained at aucti <>neer's o fires. No. 4 l'ine, or 23 bant 17th St., front V. K. STEVENSON, Jr. F.att Hide. Vm DE4IBABLE PIKCB OF TENEMENT PROPERTY, on 1st av.. near 23d it., lor sale very low. two hou-os, eU rented; term* euir. Apply to K. H. LUDLOW ? Co., No. 3 Pine it. I^OR SALK^MAIL 1*111 VATE HOUSE. U.N KAsT X llUi. st ; exoellent location; modern improvements; prico i;0,'S 'i; part cash offer wanted! Apply at No. 2,307 3d av . to owner. I AUGK SAT.Fopn.OWN TOW N Pl'.oPKKTV AT Al.OJ tion.?My order of the Trustees to clone an estate, tuIuubie Warehouses in the first ward, between Wall st. and Old slip, including water frontal. By A. J. Bioecker, Noli .t Co., will he nold at auction, on T.:esday, March 7, at 12 o'cl. ck, at the Exchange Salesroom, tile following:?l'earl St., four story brick and granite Building, No 12o, and the live story brick building No. 84 Water st.; Water St., No. S3, four storv brick store; Front St., No. H4, fonr story bnck s'ore: Front st., No. 83, four story brick store ; South St., No. 43. four story brink store; sale absolute, without reserve or limit. For particulars apply to JOHN 11. STEVENS, Trustee, No. 07 Wall St., or to the Auctioneers, No. B Pino st. P VN1C PRICES.?FOB SALE. EAST 820 ST. AND Eastern Boulevurd. modern brick Dwellings, close to steamboat landing; price S4,'jrO; on terms to suit. E. KILPATRIUK, 320 East 79th st, WcKt Sttle> , A? EXECUTOR'S SALE OF THE SPLENDID 23s foot Store 12'^Gth av., on the 17th inst., at 111 Broadway, at 12 o'clock, by V, Is. STEVENSON, Jr., Auctioneer, No. 4 Pino st. FOR SALE CHEAP?THE ENGLISH BASEMENT House 2G4 West 42d st., between Broadway und 8th av. TfOtJE LOTS FOB "kaLE-IN WEST 20TII ST.. BEr tweeri Gth und 7tb avs.; desirable for factory or llrat class tennrnents. Owner, 282 Greenwich st, SPLENDID HOUsl.AND THKHjTFJts, STll AV., AT 111st sc, only f IT.XXJ; cheap. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr., No. 4 Pino st. BROOKLYN I'HOPEBTY FOll SALE AND TO LET^ . AT $10.000?THE GREATEST HAUGAIN EVER OFfered.?Purchasers, bniiuers and others are invited to examine the remaining throe story brown stone House, 140 Macon st.. near the Junction of Marcy and Fulton avs., 20x 49x100; wainscoted, hardwood in part, Ac.; local ion unsurpassed; house open every day. Apply to JAMES E DUFF, on premises. rpo LET?A FU ~ N IS 11 ED HOUSE ON BROOKLYN X Heights, from May 1, 1876, to a smell family; three story and basement brown stone, in complete order. Address D. T., box 1,422 Post ollice. Now York. WESTdlESTER CUIIWl PROPERTY' ' ^ FOR HALE AND TO RENT. I30R SALE?A NEW HOUSE, CONTAINING EIGHT 1 rooms, pantry und closet rooms, with four City Lots, in a very desirable lAution. For further particulars inquire of J. ROCKE'lT, Bib av.. Central Mount Vernon, Westchester county, N. Y. rpoTLETT AT RYE?COUNTRY RESIDENCE, PARTLY j 1 furnished; good garden and choice fruit. Address D. ti EATON RrnnLlvn N V TO LET?IN THK TWENTY-FOURTH WARD, A NEW Gothic Dwelling, near Central Morrisania, 13 rooms; uoar dopbt; price lo r. H. P. DEGRAAF, Bowory National Bank. PKOPEBTV OIT OF TIIIO ( ITT FOll SALE OH TO RE XT. A?BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY RESIDENCES FOR bale, situated in the most healthy part of Jersey, only to minutes by rail, at extremely low orices anil easy terras. Pur maps and photographs apply to >1 ALONE A bilEFPIELD, No. 5 JJey st. /11IOICE id ACRE PLACE, WITH FIRST CLASS V) House and Ouibuiidings. In Darien, Conn.; cost $22,9004 will sell for $10,000. HUBBARD, Real Batata, Stamford. ( IOINEK LOTS?AT LARCH MONT. 40 MINUTES \ J from city, by New Haven road; nmst desirable lots In the place ; high ground overlooking tlio name. Apply to JAMES LEWIS, Coleman House, New York. CIO ENTRY SEAT.-SHORK FRONT; SPACIOUS J buildings: modern conveniences; lo acres; ahuadauce offruit; hour from city; absolutely healthy; $10,000; ot iters. J. W. ATWATER, Riverside. Conn, Eh Hi ABLE HOUSE* OUTBUILDINUS AND 3 acres, for salo or rent, one honr Irom Cit> llall. Post office box 2,819. F~ "OR HALE?150 ACRE FARM. ~2 MILES FROM Manhasset and Great Neck depots (12 milos city); rolling luiid; fine soil ; high stato cultivation for stock, dairy, market gardening; nothing better on Long Island at ? rice asked; it is the cheapest farm ou our books. E. A. AWRE.NOE A CO., 12S Broadway. ( T7IOR SALE?A SMALL HOUSE IN RAIIWAY, N. J. J? one hour's ride from -city; terms easy. Inuuiro of J. H. RitlEN, 249 West 14th st. I,1 OK SALE?A PARK. AT CROTON falls, ABOUT P one mile from depot; 7tS acres of lino land; beautiful location ; good house, ttams and fences; price $13,000. EDMUND II. MARTINE. 109 West ifcith st. Iiloh sale? ri*room furnished house, in good neighborhood, Philadelphia; JU.irO; or to rent fnrli I shed lour months. Irom Juue 15. $100 per mouth. Address G. H. KIRK, 1,U01 Callobwill St., Philadelphia. or ISALE very CHEAP for CASH?A good Farm, 229 acres, close to depot, on Long Island Kutirosd; good House and outbuildings on it. Apply to owner, Mrs. HOWAKTH, 106 Washington st. Hotel? kutherfurd park, n.. j., erik railwuy depot, 30 rooms, new and complete, lor rent or sale. R. K. STEWART, 81 Cedar st. I*~()NA 1SLAN D, O N TilE HUDSON, TOLElF OR lease?splendid picule grounds; visited by over loojjuo people last year. II. P. DEGKAAF, Bowery National Bank. ODEL COTTAGE. COMPLBTELITFURNI8UED, AT Orange; ten rooms, one acre, stable (horse, cow. chickens and bdhard table if desired) ; location beautiful, high and healthy; no mosquitoes or cblds; one hour from New York, Ave minutes from depot; churches and stores; $150 per month for six or twelve months; immediate tiossession. Address R. V. McK , Herald office. OTOCKTON HOTEL, CAI'E MAY, N. J., j for sale or lease.?Proposal* will be received for the pnrehase or lease of the Stockton Hotel, Capo Muy. The hotel conlalue 315 Rooms, turuished and appointed complete, being ready for immediate occupation. The ground contains an area of about 13 acres, fronting directly upon the ocean. A cottage adj in the hotel and contains 6 rooms, handsomely furnished, with 2 rooms in the attic. No proposals less than IfJ'Jo.tkW will be considered, with payment of $75,000 cash on delivery of deed and possession, balance to be secured by mortgage on chattels and real estate, with policies of insurance. If not sold or leased the hotel will be open for guests early in June, uuder the management of tbe Stockton Hotel Company, and its repntntiou maintained as the very best and most comfortable seaside hotel on the Atlantic coast. Address G. M. DOREANCE, Bristol, Bucks county. Pa. S" OUTH ORANGE, N. J.-TO LET HOUSE; 11 ROOMS"; stable, garden, shade, piazzas; depot eight minntes; commutation $70; rent $'.<?); free until April. Address box 4,087 Post office, new York. TO LET-ON MAIN 8T, PATERSON, N. J. A STORK, 100 feet deep, suitable for any good staple business: tbis is a good chance, for it has not been to ront before in '25 years; rent low. Address N. BARNUT, box 309 Post office, Peterson, N. J. TO LET OK WO K OK SHARES?A FARM IS NEW Jersey, 20 miles from city, fl\o minntes from depot. Apply st 33 Park row, room 16. \FALCABLK-?TuNE OUARRV FOR SALE OR lease ?Propositions will be entertained by the nndersigned for the sale or leasing of the Port Lee Quarry (trap roekl. 17 acres, lately owned by John W. Pettlgruw. doceased; situated at Port Lee. on the Hudson River; docks, engines, crushers, Ac., 1,300 feet river irontage. ROBERT PETTI GREW. K. C. DOWNING, 17 Centre St., New York city. "17II.LA FOR SALE?$55,000, CUSTTJYETTTIiaooo! V 40 minutes from City Uall; frequent trains. Address VILLA, 282 Greenwich ft. -liriNTER HOTEL FOR SALE. VV In consequence of the death of one of the proprietors the Hamilton Hotel, Bermuda Islands, splendidly located and doing a good business, will be sold at a reasonable pries. For particulars apply to LUN f BROS., 28 South St., or A. E. OUTERURI Lei!-:, Broadway Oft ACRES FOR SALE, OR TO LET UNTIL SOLD, Of' three miles across f-'d st. ferry, snitahle for gardeners, milkmen, pasturing or public resort. K>0 Bawery. REAXa ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. Bonds and stock wanted-in exchange tor first class real estate. Address box 2,031 Post ollice. CTHOICE MISSOURI FARMING LAND, IN SETTLED J neighborhood, near railroad, for cash or to exchange for House and Lot in vicinity of New York. Addrosa OWNER. 70 Now Church st 1JIXCBAMOE?FIVE ACRES AT ROARS DALE, HARU lent Railroad ; live minutes' walk from depot. splendid lawn and orchard; stone House, hilly furnished ; size, two stories and attic, 42x35; time, 50 minutes . commutation, 13 cents; price. $20.0*1. J. C. CLINTON, 65 Liberty st. BJXCHANGK-TlX ACRES. AT KA8T CHESTER, ONE j mile from Mount Vernon depot: House, 12 rooms, well lurnlshed; carriage honse, barns, excellent orchard, horses, carriages and farming implements: $20,000. J. C. CLINTON, 53 Liberty st. JTfXCH AN'Gh?IN BROOKLYN. PGR A 8MALL PLACE 31 In Nvack, N V., a three story brick House; tonr story htoro and Dwelling, Uroccry Store a:#! Stock, for a House on Heights. MOODY A ROGERS. 205 Montague St.. Brooklyn. poli SALE ON EASY TERMS?OR WOULD EXchange for small House* in i'hilsdelphla. Farm of 163 acres, 3 miles from Trenton, N. J., on the Princeton pike, 1 mile from Pennsylvania Railroad station; large Mansion IE use, 14 rooms; large barn, slate roof,stabling lor 6< head; 2 apple orchards and all other kinds of fruit; large lawn iu front, with shsds; 100 acres in grass, suitable for a dairy; ipnn* etreani around farm. Apply al 4,130 Tranaerlpt et.. Went Philadelphia. IjlOR SALK OR KXCHANUB?A USE F.tRM OK 00 I? aa-rc*, with good new building and full complement of tuck, tooie, Ac.: il, miles In m depot, on mac.damiacd road; only 13 mile* 'torn Now i tk. For full particular* apply to WKTHKKBEK A MILtR. l.llt) Brondway. TWO FURNISHED HOUSES, NEAR BROAOWAT; caah and oxchange eousidered. Addreee with particu lar*, OMEtlA, box in* Herald Uptown Branch olfl.-a. OQ EAST iVflT ST.?FCRNUsUED^ 8 A lb OR )< ' Iraee, part taken In cash and exchange. Examine fur buitne**. real estate XV astkd. At ?~*>,noo?worth $35,000; west 47th rr.; sc. perbly frvai oed and lurntthed brown (tone Dwelling. Addreo* SpBt'l'LAriON. Herald olBce. tjtirst ci,ass house wanted?on nth av. icor X ner Jprelerred,, I..r which free and clear nearby Prop, erty and caeh will be glean. Addrete BlloVK, 113 Bread., WAT- _ /VhKBNWOOD ckmktkky Lot wantkd-m^st be VJT cheap. A idrc.a, for one weeh, mary u1ckruson, i it Uaoaa aituia^Rroeklyn. SUPPLEMENT. REAL ESTATE WAITED. \V'A.STKD, TO PURCHASE?A MEDIUM S1SE HOUSE ? ? ill upper part of the city, between Alb and Bib !*< a,III faith to 7<Kh at., fur which cash and a Ileus.- in a fine P* . JfE in Ilarlam will be given iu excitant!. Addroil L., box luf Herald office. _ \AfANTED? A HOUSE IN GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD, TT worth about $1.1,UK), m e*rhani;? for Loir on northern part of blh av. an J eoiue easts. Address J. L , 213 Well tilth n. _ _ TO LET POR 1ILSI Y ESS PURPOSES BENNETT BUILDINO. Kire Proof. Located on Nassau, Aim and Fnlfon ?t?. First Floor to let, unit able lor banlccrt, insurance office! or lawyer*. Will be let together or in parte; be altered tu ault tenants If ileal rod; adapted for office! or atorui. Reasonable rents. Alio tome eligible Law Offices to let. APPLY ON THE PREMISES. Take the Elevator, inquire lor Janitor. A~ ? LOFTS TO LET. wTxiOoTVERY LIU11T IN THE . ha.ldiuK; 20 and 22 Woostcr it. Apply on the premises, iu the itora. Bboadwaa Lorrs.-To rent, thkee upper Lofti, 47H Broadway, near Grand it.; good order: low rent; poueaaion. JAMES PRICK, INKJ Hudson it. Best business htand-chatham souakk, I Catharine at. and East Broadway?Koauuborg'i Store to leuse; also lh'J South st I'~ji a. cbuiks Han & t ccl, J. BH Broadway. To let, the very aetdrable Buildlnir 729 Broadway, corner Of Waverlev elite** : six stories 'A'.tx tlJO. I OPTS TO LKT.?INQUIRE OF WM. KADDE, 548 J Poarl st? near Broadway, Now York. OFFICES TO LET?INTTHE NEW ORIENTAL BANK Building, corner of Bowery and Grand st., a very advantageous lo. ation tor lawyers, real estate, insurance, 4c, Appiy at the Oriental Bank No. 96 Bowery. OTEAPOtVKB.?WELL LIGHTED ROOMS, LOW O rent; steady power; rooms in prime order; Bleecker, Hudson, Bank and West lltli its. WILSON, 404 Bleecker st. OTEAM POWER TO LHT?BOOMS 50XIU0 FEET AND O 20x30 and 30x60 feet; well lighted and steam heated. JOHN McLARKN, River St., Hoboken, N. J. Sie.vm rowEa-To lktTkoomh. large"and small, extra light, with Ground Floor; elevator; heated by steam ; No. 180 West 27th st.; rent low. OPLENDID LOFTS TO RENT ON BEKKMAN ST. O near new Post ofllee; 185 foot doep; lino light; entrance and hoist way on two streets ; over 20,000 square feet; power can be had. JAMES PRICE, 1100 Hudson st. rftHE FOREST GROVE UOU5E~TO LEASE?163DST. J and Boston av., for hotel or ploasure grounds; 37 rooms, modem improvements, line prove ; splendid view of tho Park, Pulisades and Hound; near railroad and steamboat. II. P. DEURAAF, Bowery National Bank. mo"LBT-TUE STORE AND~DWK L LINU" NoTsllOff' J. erv; fine businoss stand; also Store and Apartments 1117 Waverley place. THORNTON M. RODMAN, Real Estate Agent, H9t> Broadway, comer 4th st. rjxTLET?VERY CHEAP, TWO FLOORS, 25X100 AND X 50x50, with steam power. Apply at Progress Machine Works, 57, 59 and 01 Lewis st. O LET?W1 Til STEAM POWER, LOFT UOuM AND Office. PLACE A CO., 134 Front st., corner Pino st. 1" lO LET?THE FIVE STORY STORE 328 CHERRY-ST.; nlso the six story Store 13:10. 882 and 334 Cherry st.; also the three story Store 33*1 Cherry st,, with or without steam power. Apply to JOHN T. WILSON A CO., on tho premises. mo LET?FROM 1ST MAY NEXT, THE OLD 39-YEAR5L X established Woodwaro and Cordage Store 190 Washington el., this city, now doing a good business; this is a rare opportunity and no deception, as the books will show the profit- for the last and prior years. Apply to the owner of said store. JOHN LADEN, 28 West 22d st. TO LET?THE STORE AND HOUSE ON 5TH ST., Morrisauia; has boon occupied for the last five years as a dry goods store by Win. Dick; the best stand in tho ward. II. P. DEOKAAF. Bowery National Bank. TO LET?MRHT FLOOR AND BASEMENT NO. 718 Cth St., between avs. C and D ; gas, bath, Ac.; suitable lor machines, Ac. mo LET?A FACTORY, FOUR STORIES AND CELX lar, shie 75 feet IVont by over 100 feet deop, with 50 horse power steam engine, steam elovators aud every conveniensot also three adjoining Buildings, each four stories and basement, sise 25 by 50, communicating by steam power with factory; would lease the eutire premises to a responsl blr party for u term of years. Apply at 229 East 41st st. 0 LET?WITH STEAM POWER, TWOFLOORS, 50X 65 each; well lighted Inquire on premises. JOHN McCLAVE, 11 th av. and22d?t. TO RENT OR LEASE-PREMISE* NOS. 228. 229 SOUTH St., running through to Water St.; lt>0 trot; separate or entire. Apply to S. W. ANDERSON, office Sciew Dock. TO LEASE?THE FOUR STORY B UILDING, 421 EAST 12th st; lighted on all sides; suitable for any business; sirs 25x105. II. BAILEY, 50 bast 4th St., near Bowery. fliet LCiAac?riir..njor.o oil. oin A*., v* r.oi oii/c,, 1 near 23d St. J ames BIKC1IKTT, 341 Wot 32d st. rpO~C.TRRIAOB MAKERS ? BROADWAY^TO" LET, J. large brick Building 1,006 Broadway, now used as a carriage factory; is well adapted to piano, furniture or oilier manufacturing business; reut very low. Owner, J. WOOl>, 208 Bowery, New Vork. TO HOTEL KEEPKRS?TO LEASE EOR A TERM! the Corner of St. Nicholas av.. Sixth av. and lliith st.. opposite the upper gate of the Park, on tho old Harlem lane. This property, on the road to Jeromo Park, the l'olo Club and the route of the Coaching Club, Is the most desirable situation in towu for a hotel or restaurant; responsible persons only need apply. , X. S. DAV KNPORT, 71 Wall st. o letor"for sale?restaurant, Furnished, miner ">;itli <?., Sth av. and Broadway. DWELLIHiG HOISES TO LET. Fnrulslnal, An extra wide corner hoctse ox a leading avenue, below the Central Park, elegantly furnished; 114 rooms; heated by steam; frescoed in oil; this superior house will be rented to a desirable puny for a term of years. For permits apply to U. L. I'll ALUN, 31 Bast 17th at. FUEL FRONT POCK STORY-HOUSE. KEAR r.TII av., below 34th ?t; phvsiclan reserves office; rent, $2,500. 8. B. OOODALE A Oo, No. 5 West 23d st?. Fifth Avenne llotel. Beautiful small house, completely fur. niahod, eveytbing now and Brst class; to a private family, $175. Address ABBOTT, Herald Uptown Branch office. Furnished and unfurnished houses-city and conntrr. tor sale and to let. Parties having property to diapiwe of send particulars to a. dai LEV, No. 588 Uth av. TO LET?A FIRST CLASS HOUSE ON WEST 23D St.; completely lurnlshed; convenient to ?everal lines of ears. Fur pormita apply to NATHANIEL ROE, 200 Varick St. rno LET-A PERFECT GEM-THE EXTRA FINELY i. furnished House 10 East 47ih St., between 5th and Madison avs.; possession May 1 next. H. P. DhURAAP. Bowery National Bank. O KENT FURNTsHED?TO A PRIVATE FAMILY only, llonse No. 21 West 33d st,, In the "Aster block," st. Address buz 4,001 Post office. Tiifurnialied. At a low rent to good tenants. 51ft St.. near 5th av.. 4 a., b. U. I., April 1. 23d st., opposite London torroee, 4 s., b. s., h. s.. May 1, University place, corner 9th st.. 4 s.. bfc., h. s.. May 1. Apply to owner, JOHN A HADDEN, *3 West 2Uth st. ?A FIRST CLAS8 POUR STORY BROWN 8TONE English basement House on 34th St., elegantly frescoed, with marble halls, Ac., In first class ortler. to let at reduced rent. Eur permit apply at 316 West 34th St. SMALL TIlHEiTsT<>rrv PRICK HOUSE, 45 WES 1' 12th st. Can be soen from 11 to 3 o'clock. ?VERY NICE MODEL BASBMKNT HOUSE ON 31st st.. No. 223; all modern Improvements; rent low to a good tenant. Apply on premises of owners Also several fine Cottage Houses In Brooklyn. A "most dejTirablk four story brown kngllsh basement House, 2(t3 West 22d St.. to let. unfurnished, la good order, to a good tenant; possession immediately. \ 50-ROOM BOARDING HOUSE AND LARGE RESJ V. tanraut, partly furnished. new'y painted and in complete order, also Floors and Suits of tirst class Rooms. OWNER, 11 Weal 11th st., near Broadway. AFIRSTCLAS8~FO"6B~STORY" HIGH BTOOP BROWN stone to let. 23d St., near uth av. 8. B. UOODALE AGO., No. 5 West 23d St., Fifth Avenue Hotel. mo LET?TiliifTWOVERY DESIRABLE FOUR STORY JL and attic English basement Houses Nos. 215 ana 247 West 23d St. Apply to P. HARMONY'S NEPHEWS A CO., 63 Broadway, or to A. LEAMAN. 217 West 23d st. flX) LBT?FROM 1ST MAY NEXT. THE PLEASANTLY X located first class dwelling House, in good order, No, 224 West 4th St., between West 10th and Christopher us.; to be seen Cno permits reqntrrd between the hours of I and 3 P.M.; rent very low;$l,4U(X Apply to JOHN LADEN, Executor, 38 West 22d St. T~ O LET?NO 142 EAST 53D ST., NEAR LEXINGTON av , a three story high stoop brown stone House, in good order, or embellished to suit; $1,350. E. II. LUDLOW A CO., No. 3 Pine at. and 35 East 17th it. mo~LET?THE TWO STORY BASEMENT AND ATTIC X Dwelling, lately occupied as an Italian boarding bouse ; rent low. luquire of 11KNRY BiSCHOFF, 58 Bowery. froLKT?TWO POUR STORY BROWN 8TONB HOUSES X on 32d st., between 9th ami 9th avs.; rent, $1,100 and $1,450. JOHN A. WILSON. 269 West 34lh st. O I ET -HOUSE WITH 10 ROOMS, NKXR COOPBR Institute, unfurnished or partly furnished; possession. MC1IUL8 A CAFPEBTY, No. 93 4tf. sv. I AV. D? COBBY THREE STORY "DWELLING TO OOU WMT JOTH ST?SECOND AND THIRD &/L(O Leaf's to let for storage or manufacturing purposes. Si 40 feat. *JQZ eftTAV.-HOLSK <XR STORE, 100 WEST 38TH Ot7'J at.; 'flrat and third Fiat*; seen from 8:30 to 10. Oil Wait 24th at., four U , um. S RICH, 74 Murray at. Fl'H.\ISIlKDHO(I.HS V\I) AI>AllT.11EKTg TO LKT. Atrivatf. family will bent a handsome Farlnr and Bedroom, suitable lor oua or two gentiw . men. 117 East 37th at. Am VERY LA ROE NICELY FURNISHED ROOM;TWO large closets. hot and cold water, with kitchen. No. 417 4th av., near JtHh it NIOELT FURBISHED HALL ROOM. IN PRIVATE fanillyj terms moderate. 119 East 13th at. M AN T PA RLQX A VERY PER A HA NT front alcove and a hall Room to lit, without board; all conreniencea and IIrat class attendance; relerencea given aad required. 47 West 12th at iiUMT FLOOrTVwo rooms; comfortably FUK1 nlahsd lor housekeeping: rent $7. 1% East 12th at CpURNlBHBD ROOMS TO LET. WITHOUT BOARD; J1 also handsome Parlor; splendid location ; would suit a doctor; terms very low. No. 103 Weal 44th at. FURNISHED PARLOR AND HKDROoM TO KENT.? Pleasant location, clean, reasonable. 240 tith ?., Brat floor. Handsomely furnished parlor floor~~or Half; also front Room and Bedroom, or aeparsterhall Room, heated, ill .70; quiet house. 100 East 1Mb at,, near Uniou Square Hotel. Handsomely furnishkiTrooms, with all the modern improvements, et 79 West 24th at. T~ O LET?A FINK KKENOIFFLAT OF 8EVEN ROOMS. In M eat 49th at; one diglit np; convenient to the Elevated Railroad; to let at the low figure of $37; only three families in the house. H. J. LIPPK A BKO.. 444 8th nr. mo LF.T-A NICELY FURNISHED FRONT BOOM. J. i niAhlo f.f ? ccnfUman, without board 1'irue call hi No. 64 Went 4<Uh u. vtby iih.flrahly l.ocatko ami com kwiua ii [Ty ' faroUUcd Boom* to lat; taruu moderate. 03d Urged WV FURNISHER ROOMS AIVD APARTMENTS TO LET. (J. t WKEK1.T -LAKOE KRONT ROOM, TIJIRl> V'r flit'1", turn'.aheil for light housekeeping. 318 Boat i H (rtll AV;, 1?4, NKAK J1ST ST.?KUKKWIIED BOOMS. ) singly or ou suite; bath* on ouch story; references re quired, TTH AV.. NO. IfiK-HCPERroR BOOMS; L'NEXl'ECTt) ediy v?cated ; singly or en suite; single rooms tor gents; rule re ores. 1 Q EAST 3-dD ST.?ONB BLEUANTLT KURNIHIIKD lO Suit of Booms; also Booms lor gentlemen; house Urst class; references, Ti/v macdol'oajl, sr.?KUBNUiUKu booms, with i.JA" every convenience for housekeeping, to let, to small lsmilies. -jTVo KAST 44Tti ST., NEAR CiKAND CKKTRAL [ _j? ) depot.?Rooms, furnished completely lor housekeeping. for stnsii families or single gentlf men ; reut $T> to fS per week. Apply on the premises or to W. B. UAVBV, 4t? Bleccker st. _ T - 7~6TU AV.?FURNISHED BOOMS. SUITABLE 1?J I for housekeeping, also lor single gentlemen. Q " rr WEST 13TH ST.?FURNISHED FRONT AND Jjt) I hack Room (gas. bath, hot and told water J, to gentlemen or gentleman and wife. wfuhxi8hed iioous a.xd apart mevts to let. T TarloiTSploor and basement to let-UNJ\ furnished: will be let together or separate. 07 ihh St., west of Broadway. eautifl.'l FLATS to bent?moderate prices. fr..m $7" to $<Ji> mo nth, containing from 7 to 11 rooms, uj East 7'Jth st. Ollice No. lAjj HANDSOME FLU'HTFOR HOUSEKEEPING?23D ST.. between Olh and Otb nvs.; rent, $60 per month. 8. H. OOODALK, No. 5 West 23d st. Two very nick and comfort able booms FOB light housekeeping. 40 West 4th st. Call in trimming tore. Y' EKY DESIRABLE SECOND FLOOR OF FOUR light rooms, all Improvements, to a small family in high stoop houso J do East 20th st.; rent moderate. Owner, on premises. T7VH WEST 1CTIC ST.?SECOND FLOOR TO LET; XV./ I private family of adults only; relerunces repaired; all improvements. PltOPOHA I.S. Q1TY OF BOSTON. Proposals for Sewer Pipe. Proposals will be received at Sower Department, CHy Hall, till March 1 for the whole or any part of 110,000 foot of 13-inch vitrified Sever Pipe, including 1,0000-Inch branches. Apply as above for specification and form of proposal. The rlglit reserved to decline all bids. Indorse bids, "Proposal for Sewer Pipe," and address to CLINTON VILES. Chairman Committee oh Sewors. BOOTS A.VD SHOES. ~~ <Jb A WILL BUY A PAIR OF NEAT. SERVICEABLE O't Shoes tor gentleman or lady at CANTltELL'S, No. 241 4th av. Ladies' Rubbers, 05c. europe. j La. dencker, . / . Hamburg, Germany, agent for Petroleum, Uraln. Lard, Ac.; prime references. LIBELLING THE ADRIATIC. PROPOSED BXTIT OP TUB OWNERS OP THE HARVEST QUEEN AGAINST THE WHITE STAB STEAMSHIP COMPANT. It waft rumored yesterday morning that as soon aa the Adriatic, of tho White Star line of steamships, would arrivo at her wharf 6he would bo libelled for the amount of damage done to the Harvest Queen and cargo therein in December last, forty miles off the Irish coast Up to four o'clock in tho afternoon yesterday no papers in the case had been filed with United States Commissioner Betts. Later in the day Mr. McDaniell, of the firm of McDaniell, Lummis A Souther, counsel for the White Star line, was called upon, and he stated that an amicable arrangement had been arrived at between tho White Star Company and C. H. Marshall & Co., the owners of tho Harvest Qneen, by which it was settled that when the owners of tho Harvest Queen were ready to file tho libel they would notify tho owners of the Adriatic through their counsel, and the necessary bonds would be filed at the same time, so that the Adriatic could sail at her appointed time next-Saturday. The olfico of Butler, Stlllpian & Hubbard, rooms 63 and 54, Trinity Butldiug, counsel for CL H. Marshall & Co., was then visited. None of the firm worn in but the manatrintr clerk. Mr. Sorievs. Said that there was nothing to bo said about the caso at all. When asked if the libel papers had been liled ho answered, with an air or great mystery, "1 cannot say anything about it" "Well," mildly suggested the reporter,"can yon not tell me whether they have been filed or not? I understand you have the option of filing them in Brooklyn or New York." Mr. Si'Riuos?I will not say they have been or hare not been filed. In fact, the matter is in such a shape at present, that there is nothing to give to the public concerning it There has been loo much said about It in the papers already. Rbtortbr?I called at Commissioner Bctts' office to day and I understood tho papers had not been filed, and I also callod on Mr. McDauicll, and he stated thai an amicable arrangement had been arrived at betweei the owners of tho two vessels. Managing Clerk?What time were you In Commissioner Belts' office f ltKi'ORTKR?A little after three o'clock. Managing Clerk?Well, I can say that no paperv have been filed to-day. TIIE CITY OF GALVESTON. NO FURTHER DETAILS CONCERNING HER LOBS? LIST OF HER OFFICERS AND CREW? WHAT SAILORS SAY. A certain amount of anxiety existed in this city ye? terday with reference to the safety of the passcngeri and crew of tno steamship City ol Galveston, lost oa the 0th of this month on Mariguana Island, ono ofth* most northerly of the Bahama group, and situated is latitude 22 dcg. 23 min. east, and 72 deg. 65 mln. west. The following list of her officers and crew was obtainod yesterday at the office of tho United Stales Shipping Commissioner, In Cherry street, where they were shipped on the 15th of last January, the day on which the unfortunate vassel left this port for Havtl:? W. Evans, captain; J. K. Tarlton, mate; Hiram. Crowlo, second mate; W. C. Jacobson, purser (latg Deputy United States shipping Commissioner, and formerly purser on the Clyde Havana steamers); John Mullor, seaman; James West, John E. Thompson, Carl Khrnke, M. Ninderman (late of the Polaris), GusBownan, D. A. Herring, chief engineer; C. J. Chase, first assistant; W. Clitt, second assistant; Peter Lawton and Peter Murphy, oilers; George Sheehan, James Smith, James Moran, W. Blootner, J. Lyden and John Connolly, firemen; Thomas McGrath anil Patrick McGratb, coal passers; Edward -lliltofi, chief steward; Nettie EokholT, stewardess; George Mack, cook; W. O'Neill, second cook; H. 8. Swoake, pantryman; Richard 8taddon, porter and messman?29 all told. The owners of the vessel?Messrs. C. H. Mallory Ik Co.,?stated last night that they had heard no later In formation than that the City of Galvestou had boon wrecked. Messrs. Murray, Ferris .V Co., the agents of the steamship line plying between this port, Savannah and Nassau, stated:?"Our steamer tho Leo left Savannah on the 12th Inst. for Nassau, and will leave that city on her return trip to Savannah on tho coming Friday, and will probably reach tbero some time on Sunday evening. The timo occupied in the trip la generally about forty-five hours. She will probably bring full news ol the disaster, and may, perhaps^ bring homo some of her passengers." A representative of Messrs. C. H. Mallory k Co. ' called upon Mr. C. Van Rokkolco, tho Haytidn Consul General, to see if he could givoany information respecting the passengers (of whom there are said to be thirty), but he had received no tidings from Hayti o? the subject At tho Maritime Exchange up to a late hour no further tidings had come to hand respecting the ill-iatcd era i t. LOSS OF THE SHIP PROGRESS. Full particulars have beon received by the firm ot Snow A Burgess, owners of the ship Progress, of her abandonment at sea. Her officers and crew were rescoed by the fishing schooner Esquimaux, of Gloucester, Maes., bound for Halifax, N. 3. Tho Progress sailed from Galveston for Liverpool Januarys, loaded with 4,721 bales of cotton, under ttas command of Captain P. 1. Stevens, and having a complement of twenty-seven officers and men. The voasel and cargo were valued a! $550,000, being fully insured. The Progress wu abandoned, alter great suffering on the part of officers and men, 200 iniles southeast ol Halifax, the vessel having encountered the very heavy weather which prevailed during the latter part of January along tha Atlantic coast She sprung a bad leak, and her crew was forced to abandon her. When the Esquimaui came in sight and took tho sufferers off no loss tliaa eight of the men were found to have been severely frostbitten. The victims of the disaster were placed In the hospitals at Halilax after being landed there. The Progress was built at Pamarascotta, Me., in 1851 and was lately refitted and repaired. Her cargo of cotton weighed 2,377,554 pounds. The crew succeeded It saving their kits of clothing only. A TEMPERANCE LESSON. Coroner Woltman held an Inquest yesterday In tha case or Dennis Carr, of No. 'JH Madison street, who was found lying In front of a liquor store, at the corner ol New Ilowery nnd Madison street, on the night of the 6ih tush, bleeding profusely from a wound in the head, from which he afterward died. After hearing the teeth mony the jury rendered a verdict that the deceased catne to his death from injuries received by falling ol the sidewalk while under tho Influence of liquor. ^ KALYE. The mannfactercrs of kalye deny that their ware contains any ron entrated potash, and send a certifiest? /roan Professor Bedford to thai eifcct.