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KTTTATTO** XVAntktj? m n Ks. (ouk a. Am . To WFST 4iTn ST.- rnisT CLASS COW ANI J O excellent tinker be?t city reference. ? >f?~KAST.ViTll ST.?A "YOCNO WO* AN M cool ) in x private family: waeher an<i ironer. Oln be eeei at lier nr.'?. til einployer'r tor t?0 tlay*. V I ~WI S r 1: fil "hf.r HK ART?AS FtKsr CLAS ft e)*X rank In ft private family ur first claaa boartiic houae city or country. n?) NOKKOI.K ST?A C.OUD I'LAIJi OOOI4WASH tJ*J er au 1 iroueri best cltv raferencr eiiv or . lUoirv. QQ CHARLTON ST.-A MOTUEH AND OAl^TITER 0 *' otie ai cook. H-Hsher And ironer; Die other e cUail be r maid and waitr***; pood reference. "I 1 j\ EAST 119TH ST.." HARLEM -A RESPE'JABLI J. I \w fI nt good plain cook, wu&ker And Iroirr in private fain 11 r. 119 WEST 20TII ST.. RKAR.-A PROTESTA+ W? m?'? ?i> cook, wash and iron in a ?mall privsti fun J!v: iio objection to go short distuuce In the country goo reference*. UQ WEST 30TH STT-AN EXPERIENCED "wi.MA ' its rook ; understands her busiucti thoroughly , loo city reference. 1 90 ?'1'8T 1PTII ST.. TN TflE REAR. REt^N Boor.?Scotch woman** good cook; *u excetei wn-her and Ironer; city referenco. 1QA VUT V I il gT A T0T7WO1TOMAN ifCMI l'"' washer Ind Ironer in a private family; good 41 fflerencc. Tot) WEST l.-.TII ST?A CuI.OKKD WOMAN i l>)^ ftrst cl*M cook; thoroughly understand* the ba in it; f.ur tear*' reference from heltast place; no wusinq Call or address. lTlfVKST ii'TH ST.?A RESPKCTABLR WOM*( ITU ne cook, washer and Ironer; no objeetlon to ^ hoarding House; be?t city reference from her last place. 1 PQ EAST -WD ST. - A RESPECTABLE WOMAN J.OO first clas? cook in a private family; understands h bus*nees thoroughly; is an excellent baker; best city reft A ' t rf' WEST 1HT1I ST., THIRD KI.OOR, FRONT.?> L.JO experienced woman as first class cook; is an exc lent baker; best city references. ? QA I WEST 18TII ST.?AS COOK; CNDERSTAN1 ?' i L all kinds of pastry; would assist with the washin good city reference. Call for two days. OA I EAST VtlH ST.?A YOUNG GIRL AS COO ^i/T washer and ironer; good city reference. OA r~ WEST 26TH- ST.?AH RESPECTABLE 000 AU() wa-her and ironer; good city reference. OAQ WBflT 1RTH ST.?AS rTRSTC LA S3 COOK; V iiUO derstanda all branches; country preferred; r< erencea. 01J_~rrH AV.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN J i-i"r good plain cook; excellent washer and ironer; cl or country; best city refbtence. Ol C WEST 18TII STM ONE FLIGHT, BACK.?TW ?< I? / sisters; one as conk, the other as laundress, or bo to do the work of a small family; best city reference. m C BABT ~~SSTH 8T.?A YOUNG WOMAN f asli/ plain cook, wssher and ironer. or to do housewo in a small family; good city reference : city or country. ni~n EAST 2?TH~"ST.? A RESPECTABLE WOMA aj L I as cook, washer and ironer; city reference; count preferred. Ol QWEST 30TH ST., IN THE RE VR.-A8 COOl Z LO no objertiou to assist in the washing and ironin best city reference. ooifrfriTv.. near aao st? two flights c ZiZill backroom.?A competent woman as cook, wash und irooor; best reference from last place. OOQ WEST Hl-T ST. NEAR 7TH AV? THIH ZjtJZi floor.?A respectable trirl as cook and to assist the washing; seven years' reference from last place. o-?7' wi:st o,,th st^Ta" Am*\ir<YFRr, to roo Zi*j') wasli and iron in a small family; good reference. 4> jl WKST^II ST.*?A K|.SI'F.( T V1U.K PROTESTA? Zi~t L young woman as cook or luundross in a small priva family: good city reference. 'M ft wEST 30TH~8T.. SECOND FLOOR AS OOtl jtU pla'n cook, washer and ironer; makes good bre and tiiacuita; city reference. Or A west 47TH st.?A respectable prote Z>' )\r tsnt woman; isaiirst class cook; understands, i kinds of me its sonps, jellies and pastries; is an^xecelle bread aud biscuit "baker; good city reference. nen m <ist st.. first h.oor.-a yoi*> ZwontHt) as good plain rook and first Class lauudrot is a good bread baker; best city reference. 9^9 WEST JtOTlI ST.?A ^EsT'ECTABr.K GIRL > uOZl plain cook, washer and ironer; best city referent 2* PLA WBOT It'Tfl ST.. FRONT HA-F.MFNT.?A R 'a spertnhlo young girl to do cooking and plain was tag; best city reference. *) r r. west "n ,t"ir sr., rear -a respettaIu Zj'J'J girl as first class cook: understands al kind* cooking Ha a good baker; do objo. tlon to a boarding hous city reference. i)(j (1 west 31th st.. near 8tltav.?a youf Zi'JZ/ woman as cook, washer and Ironer in a small p vate family in tlx city; city reference. oot rrn av~ near aSfff rt._a rrspforant I girl a? good cook In a small private family; wlllli uiul obliging; very beat city reference from last place. Oh"7 7TI1 A V. ?TW o"~REHP ECTAHLfTo1R 1.8; 0> ?>i I I a* cook, washer and irnner: the other us ehumbt tit a i U and waitress; willtnir and obliging; city reference. ona WEST 3STII ST., REAR IIUl'SE.-AH UK: 0.?U class German cook. noo WEST OTH ST.-A COMPETENT PROTESTAl OOO woman as first class cook; good reference. no 7 STII A v.. IN THE II .MR STOKE-A PRO ?)") I extant irirl as cook in a private faintly; willing usslst wl'h washing. Call or addrras. 1)C|1 WEST 2.VTH ST?A RESPECTABLE OIRL 1 ? > It I cook, wash and Iron In a small private family ; It - year"' city reference. OOO ?TI! AV.. FIRST rLOOK-A RESPECTA BI 000 French woman as first class cook; good eity reft encc. I nn" ATI,ANTIC AVTlfROOKEYN-A COMPETE} 'i v") German girl as meat, vegetable and pastry co..k a hotel or boarding bouse ; five years' experience; belt n crenee. 4/1 T BAST liTffST.?A PERFECT GERMAN COO! 'Ltf | understands French cocSIng; good refercuce. Tit EAST 17TII ST. ROOM It,?A RffrtFECTABI 'liT woman aa first clnss cook; la willing and obligin wages ne object: good ellv roferenco. Call or address. WEST 33D ST! 7TI1 AV . BAKERY?A YOC> woman as experienced cook; thoroughly undi landa her business; no objection to the country; good el iclcreneee. 4 '17 1ST A v.. NEAR I>?TIT ST -AS fTrsT CI.A! 'rO I eo?k in meats and paatry In a hotel or restaurau eity reference. 1 CW ^THf AT.. REAR.?A RESPECTABLE OTRTTI 'tOO good plain cook; czcelleut washer and Ironr good raferenees. 'iQnsTM AV?A r R(Tt EST A N TWO MA N AS (iOC ' ^Of7 cook and washer In a Protestant family; la a got tread and blscnlt maker; no objection to the conntry; go reference from laat place. Call for two daye. 1 QQ Trll AY?A IMPICTAIU 'WOMAN"/ T'Otl eook, washer and Ironer; nnderatanda all kinds honaework : no objection to a short distance in the countr beet city reference. r/\ 4 WFST 55TH ST.?A RESPECTAREE TOC> ?/" 'T~ girl to dp plain cooking, washing and ironing; wi ing and obliging. COO ::tb AY.?AS GOOD PLAIN COOK~ANl> TO A slOO list with washing and ironing; good city referent Can be a?en for two daye. 700 - 2D AV"" KOOM 10. ? A YOI'NO WOM AN I I OU a private family as rood cook; willing to assist wi the washing; good eity reference. Q1Q 7T11 AV.. BETWEEN 58D AND MT11 STi CiO ring third bell ?A young wornau as good coo nrst 01 a?s istinuress . country proirrrra ; good reference. 0/?0 6TIt AT.?A TO UNO OIRL~AS~COOK: TWO PuO oughly understands her business; no objection assist with washing and ironing; pood rereronee. ClTU AV.-A RESPECTABLE YIMMi WIIMI ulO us cook, washer and irouer or to do [inertl bom work; food city reference. KPERFKCTCOOK 7?" ROT EST A NT); CAN NOT 1 urpaased in French ana all other new style* nf eon law; la economical nnd competent to take fnllebarfe; also capable to serve dinner tor portion in the be?t luanue SO yearW experience and reference. Addreae V. IS.. llera t'ptown Branch oflicc. Clianiherntaidt, Ac. > WEST 4.-.TH ST.?A RKSPEi TABLE TOOXO OIT ?> ae chambermaid or nurse; willing and obliging; be rity reference. *S It')RATIO ST-A Y(iCNi i (1IRL AS~~(TF1 AM HE I maid ami waitress; no objection to a boarding house, 7? JONES ST.. KOiiM NO. 7-V BMPROTABLE Vol > "J English girl e> chambermaid, waitress or to do lig lioutework; city reference*. WEST 11TIt ST,-A NEAT YOUXO OIKL WlflHl a situation in a private family * e chambermaid ai seamstress, or to take care e! i .?rra ; city reference. Ci or address. J?J WKST-HTUS1 a Ynrvti <;IK|7ASVUA.MBK *?J-j meld and waitress; city reference. 07" WEST I8TII it a REM rEOT ABLE YtlPK 0 I girl as chambermaid and wallrew*; boat roloronce. 1 (1 WEST 13T1I ST.. FIRST FLOOR. FRONT ROOM. 1'" An American girl as first cla-* chnnibormnid; is i excellent waitress; no objectlou to a boarding bouse; go< city reference. 1(B) AT" cT SECOND KL<H>R.-A~ rROTKSTAh Iv'sJ girl a* eiiambermeid and wailress or to do lig! houaework in a >inall family ; also a girl of IS years to mil a baby. Call fnr three day). WEH"F:cfD ?T?A (iERHAN (URL AS FIIU class chambermaid and waitress; Is willing it; obliging and can mako bersclT useful about tbe bouse. Cf or nddrrss. "VvEhr i6l 11 ST.?A VOINU OIKL AS CI1A! JU beriftnid and line washer, or aa good waitress; g<p. city Ynterenre. Call or address. iTx"east Wru bt.. between lkxinutox 1* JL'X'J 3d r.vs.?A young woman to do chamberwork at waltlmr, Is neat, wilting and obliging; has two and e ba years reference from her last place. "jTfiy 7TU A v., 00E5 KK 1BT H ~ST.. OVER Til .1 bakery. ?A young girl to do chamberwork and wai trip or to take care nf growing children : Is neat, willing at obliging; best city reference." Call or address. 1 "Vrx ~ West &ist St.?a resectable .youn J girl as chambermaid end waitress. Cell for t? day a Y-/ ELUABETU 8T.?A YOl'XQ UKfcMAN 018 .!?)") as chamber maid. 1 7"x~Tllb)?PBONfiT.?A FRENCH GIRL iFROTkl Ale) lenti as chambermaid and waitrese and total tare of Children; good reference. s) | t) ' WltP~f"5>fil HT.. IN TUB REAR.?A RKRPEC ? L_ able young girl as ohamberiuaid aud waitress or 1, i?,;irsork t)|t? KA>T sSri! ST ?A PIKJTltSTAN'r <|IRL A JLV'J chambermaid; good reference. ? ; ! i 1 EAfiFaBTM i- rriflMT CUM rinm ? I s.l maid; no objection Hi the country; long refe til rr. ,1 last place, i all lor two dajW S). >. > 'Vr <1 STrII Vf. r ROOM 2. ?AX ENi.LIA ?i I'rote iont girl as chambermaid ued fine leui ii11*** . ir? **t nfrnptntl si.) i a-i :?ni 5T""a liKRHAJi Froteata.i ^nri as thcrou b/hxmber nr parlor maid er to < til liners, r? an" plain so -lug. bed cltf rstcigtcs. Ai Crt tor two data. '.I KM vN AltVKKI, * *)-)t' 7TU AV X UK* PRC r ABLE TOJ X?? IRLT t go CliMWtVVIB www ?? ? ? NEW YOKK ISTTT* ATI?88 WATTED-FEU AI,E?. ClitmlwrmiUli. At. no.) WKSf SI8T 8T, NHA It 7TH AV . THHID J.t >_ Hoot.?A respectable girl ee eliaeibermald aid to ? I do toe wa?himi: Willi?* and obliging ; beat city reference. a (??>f- KAHtf MTH ST.?A RKSFHOTTbLK YoTsH ' ?1)>) girlna chambermaid and waitreaa and to aasiat g I with (rirlnir. Call for two d.iy?. H vwr NTH FLOOK.-A turn r ) able girl to do chamtmrworh and waiting and to | r aaal->t with the waahlnp In a privata family; i? willing and obliging, fall for two day*. " O'lQ EAtrr MTH ST.?A YOUNi; (ilRI, TO DO I.KiltT ' I ^' chamber work and tako caro of cblldreu. Call for t | two dam. p (iJI t I' AST Aft 1 11 sr., SKI'IIMI Fl.OOIt _A VOl'Ml ' Oerman girt to do rhamherwork ami plain sewing in a tin? American family ; would ilka to go in the country. _ j Address. iff?"f WEST t?TH ST., FRONT HAsF.MlN'T.-A RKgj?)T" apoetabio y< ami girl 10 do rhan eerwork In a | rii rat* b arilug house or reboot; good reference; onntry _ I prefer ol. Nt OTiO ~WKST 47TH ST.?A RI RPKOTABI.K COf.ORK/) ! * ^ivIO girt as chambermaid or waitroe* in a private family i or boarding honae; reference!. Call for three aava. !' ( ocq west ?tii st.-a girl as cham- i )?1 bermald In n p.-ivate family; willing and obliging; ; _ J reference. Call or address. V I7) (TisT 5T, HRAU 2D AV.-A YOUNG WOMAN * OUO to <"o ohamberwork nnil tine washing or to couk, _ : wash and Irou ; three .years' reference from last place. ff Q7\ 1 WEST WTH~ST., RobM 15 ?AS FIRST CLASS I" Ol/-? chambermaid; would assist with children o? do *' plain sewing; good reference. Coll or address. y O fAff KAST 44TH ST.. ROOK 1ft.?A RESPEC1AHI.B O'M voting woman as chambermaid and waltreea; best city reference. il qql e ast#"*8tll st.. third floor. front-A '?H voting girl as chambermaid and waitress; no o.bjeoj tion to a private boarding house; city reference. ! OOQ EAST IMITH ST- A RESPECTABLE YOCSQ "T- 1 0?)0 girl aa chambermaid and waitress in a private t." : family; good city reference. _ *T | | "" Tfi'lif jg OXT girl as ehambennald and seamstsese*-. ... t k; I O | Q WEST sab sr _ v v?u viibl't? ?? i _ i otO i.crwork and waiting in n aipalV yrltltf jhandfly;i jf good reference (Vom laat place t all for tiq west 38th 8t. rear. >>\ e o J T LO respectable Jewish girl as iliamboOnatd v jmeJfTF ' j washer and ironrr; good reft're nee. v. ' >107 greenwich st., first floor l'f stvapp^ V IjI A respectable young woman af ehniubermaM or to 1 assist with washing or tnind children, of |o do light houce_ work ; good refrrence. Call for two days. ^ i AAA west 46ti1 st.. second fi.onr, front.? j ' Ttt As Brat class chambermaid and waitress; best city reference. Call for two data, .9 tr. a west iftth st., in the storh ?as cham Tt'U bermaid and waitress or eharabennaid and to do sewing , best city reference. rk east 14th btr, njtst floor.?a tilki, of 1 ' , U'fO r?*pectable parent*, a* chambermaid or t.tke care _ | of < hiMren. rv ' til 1ST AV... BETWEEN So I II AN l> So ' U > IV ?A " I ULt/ respectable yontig girl to do chaiuber?ork and __ waiting, or ohamberwork and as seamstress; willing and f; obliging; good reference. Coil for two days. k; I Qfi(i 2D AV.. BETWEKM 4?TU \.ND dfMt Ml-4 | OvJ") young tfrl to do ehninborwork and mind children and make herself generally useful; reference from las! er place. ' 1 n?h"*W AV'? 5BTH ANiT hPTH D I ."Ot? sts.?A young girl to do chumbcrworu and waitlu ing; good city reference. K Dresimikrrs and Seamttresses. O 1 CLINTON PLACE.?A FRENCH LADY A8 .> t/T dressuiukcr or governess to young children In a te private family. Addruss. j tl east 28th st?a3 french pre8smaker; ,r\ ti cuts and tits perfeitly; would like some more custom ^ j by the day or week. frideau. I Ontl WEST 19TH RT.-V SWEDISH SEAMSTRESS ~a_ ?j and dressmaker in a private family \>y day, week jjl" I or month. ?t OA 4 EAST H3D ST. (RING TWICE).?AX KXPKltT | 'Tl enood dressmaker, thoron ;lt)y understanding rut ( } i ting spd fitting ladies' and children's garments. wonld like ' | a few more engagements by the day or week. Address ADl!l' I TEUTI8KK. [s ' 91 ea?t ami bt.?a young woman as keamj ad It) stress and .0 do elianibcrwork; city or country; , good reference. Cl"c"WEST 43D ST.?A YOl'NO WOMAN AM SEAM ! t'l'J stress; can cut and Bt all kinds of ladies' and chll_ dren's dresses. ? 9T~rf west jsth st. second hkllj.-a ' ? I / Protestant dressmaker wants to go nut by the day ' or take work home ; terms reasonable; first class cilv refer? ence. it. A. i rh 71 0 3D AV BETWEEN ?TH AND 4.3TH STS ?"a 1 I XI/ dressmaker wants a few more engagements by tho j ? i day I Is a good cutter and fitter; terms low. Call or address ,R ! fortwodavs. 11,( ! A RBFPEOTARLR FRENCH GIRL AH FIRST OlaASS ? [ -iV seamstress and lady's maid; also a good sewer: bust IE city-reference. Address, for two days, M. I)., ilersid I" p town sr- Branch office. 3T General Housework, <V< . _ QTl WEST ltlTH ST., FRONT ROOM, REAR.-A NEAT . r Ssv girl to do general housework in a small family ; good r? ferenre. f. rn west ThtiTstTrear-a tofno American j to KJ I wotuau to do housework in a small family: good washer and Ironer; city r> "11(1 CROSBY 8T-?A YnlTXG.WOMAN TO DO CRN- j ,0 XXt/ eral housework; willing and ohiiging: no ohieo I tinn to go a short uistauco In the country ; good city refer- ' - j ence.;r. ; "lifl WEST ?TH ST.?A YOUNoSlRL TO DO GEN{ IIJ ert*l housework ; U pood plain cook and a first cUus ? Ilit'llrH \vity or OMIBtri : city r? tore nee. "in "1 tJ'J WEST :?( ST.-A Vol NO WOMAN TO PO ;f. : I JO general housework lu a (mall private American j family. Call for two days. k". ' 1 S? Q WEST 2 STH ST?A YOl'NO WOMAN TO DO ' I 1 ' >) general housework in a small private family; best ? ! city reference. 'B; ' 1?) | WENT 1PTH ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO I Xs/a do general honsework: no objection to a private | boarding house ; good city reference. j IIP WEST 8ST1I ST.?A YOUNGMIIRL TO DO GENty l it) eral housework In a private fsmily; city referenda. "I cn wtti aoTH irH iucjul?a youko girl to 5$ do general housework or cooking; flua laundress; it; | city or country. ? ' 1QH RTH 8T.. between grand and~ "nortii | AO"/ lat.. William Kburg.~-si r**p*ctable girl to do irea r; | oral housework in a nice faintly; be?t rtRHMI ? I 9H1 BA81 5TH IT.-A TMUJfG GIEL TO DO ?D ' U*X general homework in a small private family. j O/IQ K AST AMII ST.-A RKSPKCTARlji YOl'NG I m'/O girl, lately landed, to do general housework in a ; _ | small private ramily. "S. 9{1Q EAST 44TH ST.-A YtTuNO (URL TO DO y. aj'/Q hotne-work or as chambermaid and wait rets, 1 On<llKAST a',TM BKTWKKN 7D \SI> ' I? \ \ erf"'' An American girl torio light hourework and make >0 hrr elf useful. 91 "I WKST 88TU ST ?A RESPKCTABLB YOCNO ! ? sjL L girl to do general honsework ; good city references. , .8- Call two days. [ :e* 09|i yih -tsi ii STMKRBWKNT FMPI.OVKR B ? ? Ld^yJ A girl to tske care of children and aasist in bcuseIN work. > 111 ! 99l" EAST Vill ST.?A RESPECTABLE UIRl. TO DO I ? I j?i?x housework; weH recommended. f k: 1 99U-WIST Itiril ur KKIIi-A Vtil NO WOMAN ' ! mmO to do general housework; heat city ratereuee. R. 9O7 EAST gsTH ST"-A~Y() 1 NI <. I It I. TO DO (-1 KB t0 I uOI ral housework iii a siuell private Ismily; good city 1 | reference. n? ' 9ft0 MLCBERKY ST.-A CAPABl.K WOMAN TO | m i do housework; good eook and laundress. Can be | seen till suited. ? IB 9 7rr~BOW ERY. - A OEKMAN PROTElWANT QlBIi ! g. I tU ( ? t to do general bousowork : rliy cr country. '? 1 QA1 EAT -14TM sr. FIK>T A TOtntO I Jj OUX girl to do general housework; best city references 907 EAPT 320 ST.?A YOUNG. STRONG OIRT. TO O'l I do general housework lu a small private family: is j a rood washer and iroucr and good plain cook; city rslrrjj ence from lnat employer. 1st I qTlfl EART ATI! ST.. ROOM 15 ?A GIRL TO DO i O'' ( ' general housework. R- S)/Y(1 EAST 32i> ST.?A YOt .MI UIRl. TO DO OENejt't'eral house wort : no objection to go short distance | -j in the country; city relerenc*. ht 91 ( EAST 39TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO ! i) L'X do general housework ; is a good washer and Ironer; I 7^ good cily refarence. ud *)i) 1 KA8T24Tli ST -A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO ' 4.1 OewX do housework; no objection to the country. 79 I It"'?IS K.N ST. ?A KKSl'Kt'TAHI.K GERMAN R- girl in a tmall private family to do general bouse- I Work; reference. 7* EAST 2mFTST ?A respectabt.E"G"i"Rrrrb Owl) do general boutework in a private family; best city ! ? reference, call for two daj a. lUD girl to do homework in fRmull private family; rat- I j erence. f- qjl WUT wru *T-A MIDDI H AOKD~VVOVAN u'll to do housework: steady, willing and obliging; > city or eonntry. ' i o f o kast'.JMn ht.-a oirl, lately landed, ' T O It) l<> do general housework: ss^es sol so much so id ' object ss a good heme. dl t)/' | 10TM at-a ?*"sp?< t\ki B Till Ml oikTo )' l'r lately landed, to 4<> general boureworh In private I j '?"? ___ ! 1 MQ A M> AY?A^KEXFKCTABLR i.lltLTu DO uknOu" <?r*l bousf w?tMc ; food re fere nc#1. fj ! Inft TTU AV.-A KKSPKCTAHI.K 411KL TO DO " | *tIM) general housework In kprivate family: good city "I reference. - 770 (TH AV.?A YOt NO lilHL to DO liBNKKAL * I 40 bnu?e? ork : country pretorrcd , re f-rence*. ,d Q aV7?MOTHKK AND DAUtTllTKR TO DO V I 1) the work of a boose together; city or rouotry. a o/ji j 3D_av . Til i it d FhOOR -a TO UNO_n!RL TO ro ? " ' do genet a housework ; ue objections to childrru ; . good washier and Irouer. Honsrkeepers, Ac. h- forsytic st. rear-a widow as j# Of) working housekeeper. A 7 BOND ~bt7. FOURTH FLOOR.-LADY TR ; y. T I housekeeper; or sewing done at hums ; shirts made, ^ partly made or (Snished. r I F AFT J6TH HT.-A FRKXCli LADY AS UOUkE[g *)"T keeper, fall all the week on ML1.E. LOUISE. ut) west Vi h sr.. one f17r? irfu p, fkunt^Ta u TJ?t lady of go >d address, lately from the country, as . housekeeper; widower's family preferred. fall all dar. FOMiriON WA.NTblt?BY AN EXPERIENCED housekeeper; highest references. Address C. A. U., j" Herald I pt'wu Branch-mre. y ' Lanatlrsssei, Ac. in 1 (u\ wkst ;wtii ht.-a F1RHT clanh i.aundrehr d- | iv*>." sishea the w aching of lauaijida. ladies or geutlousea; j French flutlyg and poli.Ring done. O iVtO WKnr J*I'll STL?A UCSI'RCtAHLK W1ML A3 I . Jm laundress and chaiuberusaid. bees ails raUi.oca. j HERALD, TUESDAY, FEI SITUATIONS WAATEP-FEMALM. IiBundmiu<i, Ac. EAST *?tn KT.. FIRST FLOOR.-A YOINU woman Br;,! class Ianiidrei.#, or would do rhumberwork and tin* washing; noobjeelidh to a boarding house; good city reference. nnrj rtn a v., first~ flo(iIrT-a~smart tinv girl as laundress; aoter. willing and obliging; good reference. Address. ()?) I WEST- -7T1I ST. ?A FIRST f LASS LAI'N?'M dre?? to do fainiliee' or gentlenieu'e washing at her bonie; city reference. QYo kaut asnt st.-as 'first class lain' 11 ?. dress In a private family ; thoroughly understands liar huslneea; Iia* im objecniuii to assist with chamberwork; best city reforetice front last place. i 7V7 wST 4iST STT-A~REbFRCTABLE WOMAN x""l to go out'by the day or week to do washing aud ironing or any kind ot housework. Tot) east ism st-mrs flkmijki wants lat'lj dies'or gentlemen s washiug; cau get tbem up In neat style. 4-0 WE8T d?lll ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN ?/?) to go out by tlto day washing and ironing; best city reference. 70 T 8TII AV.?A U^STKC TAHI.K (MKITAS riKST I Ifc ciav> laundress; French tinting; ton years' ciiy reference. ARHKFKCIAHLK WOMAS TO UO OCT WA8HINO, n rabbing or dials washing Address H., box lbif II > raid L'ptowu Br inch ollice. "I" RESPECTABLE YOCKU WOMAN AS LAUNDRESS - V *u(l to assist iii olmmberwork ; lias no olijecilou to travel. Address >1. E. Li , Herald oflice. ITurtea, Ac. in EAST 74TH ST.?A YOUNG ENGLISH GIRL Tt> J.U take cure of children and do light housework; beet reference. HM IN KIT A ST. TOP FcOOR. KRONT-A RES PKI Tahlo colored girl us nurse or chambermaid; city references. 0 I CLINTON PLACE.?A YOUNO FRENCH LAKY 0*X an nurse-. willing to travel in u private luuiily ; best references. Address. jT. A MYRTLK AV., BROOKLYN,?A RESPECTABLE R/'t German warn an, with a Irrrh breast of milk, aewet ^hrse. Apply to or address Mrs. HUGE. R,"t WEST [8TII ST ? AN EXPERIENCED PltoTP"' ealant wouian as nurte and iramitreu, four jeare' pity reference. Qqi trril AV.?A YOUNG FRENCH GIRL TO TAKE Or/2 caro of children ; no objection to travel. "1 ( W * K AST 1STII ST. KM- FLOOR.-A YOCNG ENG. 1"" lish woman aa houeckeepor or companion to a lady; references. lfMi kast kitii n. (kino rovara bell.)?a law Trench girl ua uurao and to assist in ,chainkerwork ; good city references. f k () b ast "ma ir?a riwoa ouUi as ivaS JLtJaJ and seamstress in a private family. 1 r. f\~WEST "JSTH ST-A HKSi? Ft-TABLE MARRIED lull woman witn fresh breast of milk, having lost her baby, desires a child to wet udrae at her residence; reference given and required. Mr* MURRAY. WKST a7TU ST.?A YOUNG GIRL OF LONG experience us intent's mine and seamstress; loud of growing children: beet city reterenco. <>H1 WEST 24TII ST.. KM' KI.uoR.-A YOUNG awl'JL girl, 11 years old, spraks good English, to take caro of children and do housework. tl/ki? EAST 108TII STT?A~YOUNG WOMAN ATWKT nurse ; has a Ikesh breast of mil*. Mrs. HALtVLY. q/\Q WEST iTitTT 8x7?AS CO M PETKNT NURSE skvUO and seamstress; city or country; best city reference. OOf? WKST BOTH ST.?A YOUNG COLORED WOMAN MwU as nurse or chambermaid. Call or address. 9 I ft BA8T 75TH RT.-A YOU NO GIRL, LATELY tL Jbl" landed, as nurse or chambermaid; ia willing and obliging; or to assist witli light housework; can be recommended IV)rn lust place. Call from 10 to 1. aeti west lira st.-a 'young girl to take sUC/aj care of children and do iglit housework. O r?J~"WEST 37Tir8T.?A COMPKTKN'FYOUNO WO-jtfO man as nnrse and seamstress; Is capable of taking charge of an infant from birth; well recommended. Of 1 fi Him ST.?a respectable germA* OUU girl as nurse aud seamstress; has her own machine: good reference. JOG WEST 21 ST ST.-A ItKRPECTABLB WOMAN Oajly us nitrse and seamstress; understands the care of a taby from its birth ; can cut and lit ladies' and children s dresses; best reference. Call or address for two days. oTo WEST 37TH ST., TiURU FLOOR, FRONT Ota room.?A young girl as nurse or chambermaid, or to do sowing. JCO WEST 231) ST. fPP.E8K.NT EMPLOYER'S;.?A t)')u young widow as infant's nurse; understands tier business thoroughly; tvoald do a littl* cb.'tmberw ork ; willing aud obliging. Call or address. I [1(1 EASTMTH SENEAR 18T AV?A P ROTE 8I 'IK taut wotiian of good qualities to tuke caro oi children and sew ; good city reference. l(jg 8TH AV. (IlINO TITK BELL TWICE).?A Tt'ii youn" girt to niliitl children aud to do plain sewing or chauil erwork; throe months In the country; leaving ber "souls ......... ~A I 1 WEST 281H ST., 8 ASK Ml'. NT.?A RESPECT r J L able married woman as wit nurse; ha* a fresh breast of milk : first class re It-re m e. Al A EAST 11TH Et.. BETWEEN AV. A AND 1ST tIa av.?A respectable married woman as wet nurse ; baby three months old. fall for two days. OO EAST lTTHsT. IT TilKKK PA IK iif STAIRS. w?) back.?A respectable married woman wislies a baby to wet nurse. ~A 'JO WKHT 33 D ST.?A. YOUNG AMERICAN GIRL "xO?j as nurse and chambermaid. T')ft \VESI' l iTl 1ST , TOP FI.<lOR-AS WET NURSE; Xu ' a baby two months old; city reference. Sno 2D AV.. BETWEEN 34TH AND 35TII 8TS,', UaO second floor, front.?A younir woman as wet nurse. II OU 3D AV., BETWEEN-S8TH AND BOTH ST&? .Lsst' A young girl ss-uurse; 3>? years' reference. RESPECTABLE GIRL AB BCASE OR TO DO light chamberwork and sewing. Address M. K., box 110 Herald office. Waitresses, &r. 11 ft NORFOLK ST.-AN INTELLIGENT NORTH A llj German girl as waitress and cliainberniald or chambermaid and to assist with tbe washlug and Ironing, good reference!. TV'IVVKST 271H ST.?A YOUNG GIRL AS FIRST IU1 class waitress and cbauibertnald; best city reference. OGQ WEST o.'.TU ST.. TWO STAIRS ff.-A VOL Ml ?.* 'O woman as llrsl class waitress; city references. t ~Q WEST 52D ST.?A RESPECTABLE TOING xfctJO girl as waftress or chambermaid; no objection to the country; best references, fail for two day*. rz 70 2D AV., BETW KEN 31 ST AND 32D 8TS., ? ) 1 t) first floor.?A young woman as waitress or chambermaid in a private family; no objection to the country; ever four years' reference. Call or address. Mlieellaiieoitt. U CHARLES ST-AN AMERICAN GIRL. DESIROCS of a Ikouie, to work fur her board and study two honrs a day ; willing to do anything except washing and ir> nine. nl.AIGIIT ST.-A YOUNG GIRL WILL MAKE UEH' selfgeneraTy u-eful; willing end obliging. A (1 EAST tfTlf ST.?A RRSPBf TABLE til HI. IN A ?/ dry goods store or grocery store, or to do hairdressing. Call to-morrow. 097 EAST 4'JI) ST., SECOND FLOOR.?A YOl'NO Zw I French girl, lately arrived wishes a situation to 5ive Freocu lessons to a couple of children. Call fur two ays. Otm EAST 4.VIH ST.-A VERY HEsPEfTABLE Aw 'J girl aa maid and seamstress, or would see tu growing children ; no objection to travel; lOyests' basicity reference IVotii last place. Call for two days. jf A East yt^r st.?a giriTto make iirhselp till useful in a boarding bouse and go errands. Intelllgrnr* Offlces. I A DIES FIND THE BEST SERVANTS AT MINNA A l'FEIFER S new intelligence office, HO West 41tt st. raOCVNlOliiLSITUATIONS V.'A.YTKD? FEMALES. VN AMIABLE YOVNU LADY OP SCPEIHOR EDUCAtion. an excellent reader sad pUuist, of pleasing adilre-s, wtahra a position aa governeaa. companion or anything suitable to a refined, Cultured lady. Address ALLEGRO, box 137 Herald Uptown Branch office. A RUSSIAN LADY TEACHES FINISHING MUSIC, Singing. French, German, English and Italian: unexceptionable references offered. Address DELTA, Uoraid Uptown Branch office. A W!DOW OF COLLEGIATE EDUCATION AND EXperfence In teaching desires a position in a school or Ijsuiily sa toucher; understands housekeeping and sowing; would take the entire charge of a child or act aa companion ; no abjection to travelling; fa a good copyist and can prepare manuscripts for the press: any Information bow to caia an honest and respectable living will be welcome, best refere;ice given and required. Address M., box 113 Herald Brooklvn Branch oifice. HELP \\ WI KU?FEMALES. AXGKLLS BATHS, NO. TRI LEXINGTON AV.. want American women, under 3.'?, for baths, dining room and lanudry ;alao French nurse girl. UIKL WASTED?TO DOGKNKKAL Hot SKW'iiltK in n small family; must have city relereuce. Apply st No. 43 West 33d st. TTlitTI: L1.11 i KNT~CA tfR)I. D ~L A11Y ~W A N TEft?AT il 744 BroaAway, third Boor. IIBStt A Mt DAVITfs. at $ 11 a week ; must he qualified to select and show engravings to customers. Apply alter IO. M ILLI > E BY.?A FT it ST C LASfTf K i M MKK WANTED, to go to I 'hit ago; Don# but t hose accuslomed to line-1 trade need apply to Mr. l.'OttK. itfllcs of Mandel ItrOs.. 343 Broadway, between 13 and I o'clock. -IIVANM-.D-A WOMAN AS TIRIOOBI COOK AND 11 to assist iu wastiing and iionltig. Apply, with reference, st 107 East 37th it. ANTED?A HUMAN TO lilt GENERAL "llni relcreucea. Apply at II'" Weal 22d ik, fiom IU i? I unlock. rADTID-A THOROUGHLY KXPRRIRXCED dtild'a niiru and team at ret*. with city refrrencaa. Apply between |o ami IJ o'clock at I heat liitt at. UfA-NTUD?A KHKNt'H NUKHK KOR TWO VOI'MI children: na*t be well recommended. apcaking tome Engllah. Adiirtu", giving rtlcrtneea, MKoK, hoa 217 Herald office. \\7INTED-A ' WELL TXH CATKI) Tiv.RMAN .N UKIT niy (oniMn. Apply at N 2AI<later a?., Brooklyn. WMTVIk-A KTHST CLAHH vt vITRKKH. CALL f 7 early at So. 7 Wot 4.">th at,. haacinent door. WANTBD-A UIRL TO COOK (Ml 4 -IT WITI! IT weahitig and ironing: refercncea required. Apply at 21* Went 44ith "l.. Irnu II to Hi. WrAHTED?A SKAT. "TRrsfiViIITIH Y~ <.FKL TO waah, Iron and aariat with ihe eliamberworit. Call at No. 85 Kaat k.'d ?t. XYJ ANTED?A r KKNi II ~\K)MAN ~~WHQ UNDER. Tt atanda Engliah to lake i are ol a child and a??i?t with plain aewing. Call Tueaday, Irorn 12 to 4. at 137 Meet 47th at. "ll,7 ANTED?A YOCXO PROTESTANT i.ikf. To~7>T> " ehamherwrork and take care el growing children . mn?t hare good reference from leat ewpi. ?er. Apply, hetwega tf and 12 o'clock at MO W aat 4Uth ak mUARY 15, 1876.?WITH OTi.f WlllilBII IBMilM \tTAVTKt)_IN A IRIYATE FAMILY A COMPETENT f? Protehtant woman a* wailreit. AdUrc?? bo* 3,T"7 rout ot!jc?\ \\' aNTI.H - A wViM AX TO To llOl'SKWOKK IN A TT farmhouse and assist lt> the rare of children : references required. Apply ai 3o Woit 17lb at., betwe-en 10 and i 13 o'clock, for two days. j \vranrku-a1;iiiio cook.-wTfii cffy" reiejl i Tr cures. So. 57 West .17th st. ' "II^ANTrO-A UIltL KOK "GENERAL HOCSEWORK; ; it washer aud ironer and plain rook; j small family. Anpljr at 315 tftb av., near 3Kth st. | W'AVFED -A WOMAN AS COOK AXD CARVER IS ii an English chop house; must be llrst class. Address CHOPS, llcrald office. tETANTED? A YOl'NO LADY TO KEAi) ENGLISH j II one hour dally; 1'ranch and Spanish l?s-< n* In ex] chance If arcrptatlr. Address A. D., box 5,.">>4 Post ofli e. I X\rANTfc.D?A (ilKL THAT CAN COOK. WASH AND ?T iron, mill tuke oar* of growing children mid new. Apply hi No. 327 Kan loin <-t. TXTANTEO?1 10VVQ GIRL TO TAKE I'AltK ok M children (luring the day ami lite h. me, wages, $2 a week. Apply at ;<f>7 West 18th at. U-anted? a FFrst cLamj ckrman tiiT knTTTmi cook and to assist ill washing, with reference (rum | lam employer. No. 25 West 55 th st?, 9 to 12. tit"anttu?first c (7ass hajfdd ox bonnats IT embroidering ami hruliling machine; steady work and j good salary. M. uEYEIl. 190 Beater st. \f* ANTED-A TroYcil-(III KNOLISll OIkEI FOR It wHitre??; good reference recjulred. Apply at the basement door, at 117 West .">2d at. .UP"ANTED?A KORELADY IN \T.Ti>lKS' AND CMILTT dreti's undergarment manntactory. to go to Philadelphia: mum he experienced and understand cutting. Address U. I... Derail Philadelphia Branch office. "IV ANTED?A < KJODOIRL,~TO DO ~U ENKR A L UoL'SETT wvrk. Call at 423 West 21st tt. siTl ITlOUg W UTEDMMALK8. s SITUATION WANTED?BY A FRENCH COdK A whu understand* all kinds ol nieuu, oyster* arid car*, lug. Address (?. L., 932 1th a*. A BAKTKNDKK WANTS A SITUATION; BEST CITY relerences. 316 7th a*., hstweeu 27th and -Bth it*., fancy store. SITU A HON WANTKD-BY A SINGLE YOU NO man. as coachman: thoroughly understands his business; best city reference. Address J. II., Herald Uptown Branch oitice. | THOROUGH^ EXI'ERI F.NCED SWISS M AN AS, iV waiter in a privnte family; best city reference. Address K. P., 228 East 41st St. MARRIED COUPLE WISH SITUATIONS ON A gentleman's place in the country; the man to take care of horses and cows anil he useful about the house ; the wife to do general housework. Call st 2S3 Mott st., near Houston. JTHONEST BOY WISHES TO WORK IN A STORE and be useful; good reference. 3rt4 loth a*. A "lUSSl'ECTABLH YOUNO 00LtJRRD MAN WANTS a situation as waiter in a private family or boarding house; Is willing and obliging; good city reference. Apply* at 132 West 15th st. ...raa B" ILLS COLLECTED.?A RELIABLE FARTY AWp' Hon collect fre*h accounts on commiuioa. Addv^p COLLECTOR, care Barrows ?t Boyd, No. 30 Thorn as it. O rrUATION~ WANTED?A8 FARMER AND U8EFCL O man. on a gentlpnian't* place: excellent reference Prom l.i-t employer. Call oil or aud.esa Mr. J. B. MAKQUAND, 25 BetkiPfco xt. I \\TATTKK IN A PRIVATE FAMILY.IVTFIKST Writ iiStli it, CLERKS A\D SVLESMKX. V?THE MERCANTILE EMPLOYMENT ASSOC IA llML iJI and J3o Broadway, beg llivl to call attantion to thp fact that they arc furnishing to employer*, free of rhnrge, reliable men to fill any positiou: clerks, salesmen ami other* would do well to call or >eud for term*; n monthly Journal devote<t to thp interest* of employer* and member* generally i* now Issued and cnu be had at our office free of charire. CCOI NTS AND~BOOKS SCIENTlElAkLLY EXAMIned and arranged by expert accountant! : hours night or day. to suit. terms fixed by job or tluie. Address fit ,k L., ! box J,I'd.-1 Post otliee. YOU Nil SWEDE. IIA VI NO BEEN BOOKKEEPER and correspondent yen year* in England and five in i Germany, wants to change his present situation, salary very moderate. Address B. Herald office. ! T1N KXPERIKNi ED sTIIPIMNO CLERK WANTS KM| A ploymeut. Address ATWOOD, box 3 New Brunswick, YtlL N<i MAKltlkli MAN, MASTER OK THE EN IE lish, German and Spanish languages, a good book' keeper, correspondent aud salesman, wishes a position with I so mo mercantile firm; highest references lis to ability, ; honesty and industry can lie forwarded. Address G. K., Care of baling, Cohen ,k Co , lib and lb Cedar st. IjlNTRY CLERK WANTED?QUICK AT PEN AND J figure*, trust wortl^f; $ > week. Address ENTRY, Herald Iottice. ?TANTED?MANAGING CLERK'S POSITION IN i 1* law office, or dark room where services would be taken in lieu of rent , references given. Address PRACTICE, Herald office. TATA}iTl?D-?A BOY IN A BROKER'S ( H'l-'K E; ON'R TV who live* with his parents: salarv YlfkJaytar. Address, in own handwriting, box 4.Out* Post office. ANTED?A SALESMAN, PGR RETAIL GENTLE man's furnishing goods; must understand window ' dressing, Ac. Address, stating salarv. experience, reference 1am! age, J. H. A , Herald Uptown Branch office, ffi A NT KD-A SITUATION BY A YOUNG MAN AN M travelling salesman tor a clothing or gentlemen s fur| nishing goods bouie; has a large Wes ern acquaintance ; ! references A I. Address M. L. P., Herald office. | WANTED?BY A PARTY WITH LARGE KXPERIIT ence in managing stores connected with nianufoctur' tng. a position as general manager, or wonld take charge of i a leading department; Is capable ol buying for anv ; no objection to location ; mo*t unexceptionable New York and Philadelphia references. Address BUSINESS, liox 173 Herald office. | "ilfANTED?AN EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR; CAN [ IT find steady employment at No. 1194 Broadway, room 11. i TIT ANTED?X~OOOD AND RAPID WRITER TO COPY*; M wagos moderate. Addie-s BROWN, I ox llxi llerold ofiioe. " W* ANTED?IN A HEAL E0TATB OKK1CR. A Y017N0 It man ; lawyer preferred; wages $b per week. Address JAMES, Her aid office. COACHMEN AMI! OARDKNERS. A' 'MARRIED (ii'iKM kN (A GARDENER), WITH A miiiiUI family, thoroughly potted in all the different ; tranche* of horticulture, an well as in lamUenpiny;, want* a I position t?> take charge of a first clasa ^enrIcnian1* place; Stanton *1., New York. "I FIKKF CLASH FRENCH COACHMAN WANTS A 1 J\. situation. Call at or address, lor throe days, 2U2 Went j studst. \tocng man as coa0dman and groom; best city references. llpi Weat 3lstst. J. C. T 81NGLK YOUNG MAN VVI8IIKH A SITUATION A8 I J\ first class coachman, understands plain gardsiiinr, J thoroughly understand* hi" business : willing and obliging; j good reference. Addre?? COAC'll MaN, Herald ofBce. k first CLAH8 COACHMAN Wl811es~ A kTkst . V class place ; ba* first class references. Address I?., to* j 2 '4 Herald office. A' ~ KE8FKCTABLB colored MAN WANTS A SlTCAlion an a co.u-Utnan. A<iUre>t D., box lub iiet aid Uptown branch oftic*. | T UUACllMAN'S SirUATlON WANTED-BV A CdM*. j a V patent man. who thoroughly nnd *r*tands his biutn^**; . best cilv r?f?rcr>c^. Call on or ?U'ire?0 THOMAS, ai liarI liett's stablCM, 17 Kant 30th st. A8 GAROF..NER?BT A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT young Swiss; Is a first elnaa florist, grape, fruit and ! vegetable grower; best references from present and former eniolovers. Call on or address M. M., Gardener a Hume, 3uM Broouie st. ' /ToAcTlMAN'8 SITUATION WANTED?BY A yovno ! \J Englishman. whom his last employer can recommend | n? a very superior man. Address c. H , box lWi Uorsld l p. j town Branch office T,^AKMKR 8 OK GARDENERS aiTL'ATION WANTED? ' a By a Prnteatant German married man with Istuily; ' understands the cara ot greenhouses graperies reretahles aud Iruit, propagatiag and laying out ground: I" willing and obliging; IB years reference. Address J., gardener, UlooiuI field iN. J.) Post otlWe (A ARDKNEU'H kitUATION w"ANTEQ--BY A FBACTIT cal single man. who thoroughly understands the rare \ and management of erneiihousrs. grspenes, flowers, fruits and vegetables; first class references. Address, for three days, W.. ho* 1 I'd Herald office. /' AKDENKK'ri SITUATION WANTBD-BY A~niA<~ IT lira! florist and vegetable gardener, German, single, of long expertesee here aud In Knropa in every liranch of hit business, best reference. Address FLORIST, 13d btvitig|i st t / ' AKDENKK'9 AND FLORIST'S SITUATION'WANTvT ed?Cudarstatids Improvements, Ac.; references unexceptlcnshla. Call on or address J. T. C., florist atora, 878 Broadway. ARDKNKK 8 Sill ATION WA~NTKD?BY AN AMKR. " T loan gardener about to gel married; understands sll the different branches o! the busitie-?, and none bnt thuso wl.liing a competent gardener and farmer need apply or address to A. M., 1.2IB Broadway, New Y rs M an and wife" want sitcath>ss to do the housework of a family together: referencaa. Call at 642 iftoonie St. (Situation wanted?bf a first clam coachI man; understands (he rare and management of road and cal lage horses first class city releience. Addrssa 136 Weft 51?t st. CtfuATioN WANTED?BY Aei'OtNW MAN" AS HOSTsh ler and gardener, or to drlffe any kind of delivery wagon : best reference from las; employer. Address KAY, < Herald office, citcatF(Tncoaciiman and < a"hTTTnkuprw6 kj years'reference Irem last place. UONE&Y, J 0 Wot 4 th ?1 r> tr \t* ANTKfi-AS GARDENER. A SINGLE MAN THAT v? under.tsr.ds flowers and ve.atablcs end not afraid to work; wages required. Address box 1.7 Host office, JaI T1' ANTKIt~-UAROKNKft. TllOiiuTTriTTv COM I'K; vT tern, unmarried; Protestant prsierrrd. s n. lr is with asel si Slice; good testimnniais required. Address it., j D"X i >n ntraid wplows Branch oilfce. IIKLP WA!?TKU~Mil.K<4. kukntrt wanted?city or col'ktky; no picA lar?i or humbug. hllis a law, 21 w?ll ?1. third floof. (TbVtk wantfr?-i* k.wn "avi> country to mil our biiio iexr to famiuea, bolblb ami large c-a [ tumeri; i i-?t terror anil largi-ar t k in ti e country. appty to the wkllj tl-a company i"l pulton rt , bctwccu i church and (irtluulch at*.. new york. A~ smaitr man-"wanrau? to Solicit trade in oila himi lamp*. apply alittn'l atlantic a*., brooklyn. \U?NT?~ WANTRD city ami cnl ntky, to hhi.r, tea* to fatutlier and inrga c?*ro?*ra: t"ala>t induuuBiftiia I ANTON rta company. IdttCbamban tk ik' ant kb?a footman: only thohr tmok" it ouahly understanding lb* outlet and well rr</< m mended a ?<1 apply: hiigliali pruieatant, latnly lauded, pre" leriml. addrt ? ., atming full particular*. ?. t. k . boa 13o Il#r?t<l I piown Htamh f>lnc?. "IV* \STfcD?A YOCNO HOY. K?ATr f'U ?K AND " wriin* ? kuoiI htiil, to tu an migravliiji Olhrt ) $1 w>f wtek. A?l?lr'??, Willi ?k?\ in uwu liaiidwrlliutf, fc.\Ui<A\ ISO. Httrnhl <-??< | ANTED?AN A<'TIVH SoVXKAIR #SM*AN: *WT| ?? f??H? ?ith hli pttun A-iUfeu 1'LHi.iiiIEH. IM>S , Sou U. .?l.i ,.i?.?? SUPPLEMENT. I IK LI' \\ ANTKD? MAI.RH. UrANTKD-AN At TIVK YOL'NO BVJMJNERM MA* TO dtllvdr ko??<1h iu city ami suVmrba. Addreta, bitting | |>rer1ou? employment, A m.% lloruld uAct. U'AVnn -A HOY K..K <OKI. K NMiKK. CMS NOT IT 1 , year. .1. e. A ip!)r at jM J uhu ?t. UfANTKO-A vol rw In a LAW pFrTl K. MALAR?, $ LV) llrtt year. Aililrr.? a. H., Herald olttce. \lTAMt l? -AS KNRROfcTlC, LIVRL* HA* EUR A* IT outdoor pmiiioi. CAMM1LL, El'.TTKR A OAI.I'IN. .V*' Broadway. UrANTEl>?AT V" --T -HI AV? A MAN TO OI'ER oyateraanu wait on table. Call early. U' ~ fAJfTK??A* OYITII COOK, OKI WHO HAS been Ion* experienced In the bnetneu. No. TKOlth av. THE TltAUES. A S FKKPKCT COOK IN A GENTLEMAN'S KAM1LY; 1 Jx excellent references from Ireland; l*rot. taut il vrars of ?(fo; city or country. Addren M M., b,,* lis Herald Uptown Branch odlcA. *1 yorstj "sa n wants a ion" ts Jx. b richer; speak* English and German 11 lontly; reference* if r?<tulred. Address BUTOUEK, box 102 Herald I ptown Branch office. YOUNG MAN. villi has SOMK EXPERIENCE AB a machinist, withes A situation. Address 425 IV est >stli street. riL.OTHINU.-A THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED CUT\J tor and designer a* fnrernnn of youths', boys' >ml ch.ldron'iclothing is now ..pen lor an engagement. Address U. L., care of Mr. (>. W. Mills, No. 204lh a*. JOH I'OMPuMToR W ASTKD-IN A SMALL OFFICE Apply at No. 2 Oeilar it., near Pearl. SHIRT CI TT1NO TAUGHT IN A~ KEW_ PLAIN LKHsons ; also Klilrt and Drawer Patterns furnished the trado. Apply to P. SHOUT, manufacturer of Unedreaa ibirta, No. 8 West 4th at. 0llY plus ?SITUATION WASTED, HY A PRAC* tieal cotton and wool dyer upon skien and piece (roods' from Glasgow; good reference. Address DYER, box 222 Herald office. W~ ANTED?A FIRST CLASS SHIRT 0UTTER; NONE but experienced persons need spply. Address box 1.957 Post office. _ SALES AT AUCTION. ^ -ELLIOTT NASH'S CKRAMIO COLLECTION, NOW ON VIEW AT THE ART ROOMS, NO 74 UNIVERSITY PLACE. THIS COLLECTION 18 RICH IN CHOICE examPLE8.0F SEVRES, DHEWiEN, OLD ENGLISH AND ORIENTAL PORCELAIN, AND CONTAINS RELICS AND HEIRLOOMS OP' THE OLDEST NEW ENGLAND KAMI LIES. ALSO A COLLECTION OF brig A BRAG, I ANDIRONS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE, AO. jjffk BE SOLD AT AUCTION WEDNESDAY AND "<IMUSDAY AFTERNOONS. FEBRUARY 10 AND 17, HV O'CLOCK. HOBT. SOMERVILLE, AUCTIONEER. Auction sale this day -large and perkmptory salo this (Tuesday) morning, commencing at 10 o'clock, at the elegant Bve store bruwu itune miinJlon No. 120 West '.Mil at., near (Itb av. Magnlticcnt Household Kurnllure, rare end costly Works of Art, comprising in all over I ?15,000 worth Household Uooda, by catalogue; very eloganl | Necdham Organ, eight stops. 2 brilliant toned Pianofortes, Stein way and Windsor. 3 auperb satin Parlor Suits. 2 elegant rosewood Ktagcrce. . 2 elegant Mantel Sets. 25 choice broute Figures. 20 pieces of Parian Statuary. 15 windows' Lace Curtain*. 25 Brussels and ingrain Carpets. 30 line Oil-Paintings, beat artists 2 elegant Cabinet*. 3 elegant Library Bookcases. 4 elegant Library Table*. 2 ladies Secretaries and Bookcase combined. 3 Easy Chairs, Turkish style. 2 Music Boxes, best Paris maker* 12 elegant Bedroom Suits, complete, in black walnut. 24 curled hair and spring Mattresses. 21 Pillows and Bolsters. 10 elegant black walnut Rockers, 24 Bedroom Chairs to match. B black walnut Lonngos. B elegant Bedroom and Parlor Clocks 2 elegant black walnut Buffets. 3 suneyb Extension Tables. 24 black walnut Dining Chairs. 2 china Dinner and Tea Sets. Castors, Urns, Pitchers, Forks, Knives, Spoons, Gtasrwaro, Ac. Also basement and servants' Furniture, new fonr months ago. N. 11.?This is the largest sale of the season Sale positive, regardless of weather. LUKE FITZGERALD, Auctioneer. N. B.?Competent meu to pack and ship goods city or country. ART I NOW ON EXHIBITION. ART I SUPERB PAINTINGS, comprising the latest and best examples of Worlhlngton, Whlttredge, J. Beanfain Irving. George II. Hall, J. G. Brown, j William Hart, M. F. llaas, J. F. Cropsey, Edward Moran, J. M. llart, J. W. Casllear, A. K. Beirows. P. |> Ryder, E. W. Perry, T. L. Smith, W. L. Bountag and many j other eminent AMERICAN MASTEUR The entire collection tfl be sold at auction at MATHEWS GALLERY 47 AND 4ii LIRE RTY ST. I WEDNESDAY ami THURSDAY. Feb. Ill and 17. at 12 O'clock. DANIEL A. MATHEWS. Auctioneer. : ATTENTION?LARGE AUCTION BALK? THIS (Tueedayi MORNING, at 10 o'clock. at Ave story brown stoue mansion, No. 47 West 16th ?t., between 5th and Uth av*. Elegant cabinet made Household Furniture, property of Dr. B. K. Martin, consisting of Binnse Statuary, Painting* Ac. Klein stay 7)g octave Pianoforte, ('bickering 71, octave Piano, Parlor and Drawing Room Suits, in crimson, tan and blue "silk brocade" and satin; Turkish Lounges, Easy Chairs, Centre and Console Tables, Etageree, French Mantel Sets, ! bronse Figures, Clocks, Mirrors. Curtains, Bookca|es. Desks, Library Tables, Turkish Suits, elaborate Bedroom Sets, inlaid Bedsteads, Dressing Cases. Washslands, also single Bedsteads, Bureaus, 37 hair ami spring Mattresses, Pillows, Blankets, n-p and hairdo!b Suite. cane Cbalra, Rockers, two . Extension Tables, Hnifrl, Chain In leather, Hltverware, ' Cn ekery, Hall Bland, 31* Carpets, Kitchen Fnrnitnre, Ac bale positive. Take lit li ar cars. Goods packed if required. robert c. i'ASH In, Auctioneer. AET SALE.?JAMES DENNIS. AUCTIONEER, Hale Rooms and Art Ualiery 14 Vraev at, I will aril 'I IMS DAY ffuesdayi, at 2 O'clock, without re- i acrre. a large and clioiro collection of OIL PA1 NTlNtlB, richly framed, by aumo of the beat American and foreign , maatera. j ?CONTIN CATTON S ALKTIF j brio Silverplnlcd Ware and Cutlery, TO DAY, Pcbrnary 13, at 12 o'clock thia day, at aalearooui -VI Liberty at., corner Nassau. UKOHOK W. KKKLKK, Auctioneer. ?Tl MS JOIINtyON. AUCTIONEER" old atand, 37 Naaaad atreel. On WEDNESDAY, at 10* o'clock, at our aalearoom, 37 Nauau atreet, all the fine Fixtures of a large Tailoring Establishment, eonalaling of several black walnut Mirror*, eatra viae . Mack walnut long Tablea. with drawer*, (la* Fixtures, Chandelier*, Partition*. Oilcloth* and Mattings; alao a tine assortnieut of llouaehold Furniture, Parlor and Hedroom Suit*, Basement and Dining Honm Enruiture, Mirror*. Brussels ami Ingrain Carpets, Ac.; also one fine doctor's Phaeton and one Sleigli. A?LA II OH HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE SALE THIS (Tuesday) morning, at lOJg o'clock; all the Pnroitnre, Carpet*. Pianoforte, l'ainllnga of It* rooms, at the large private residence IH& East ltfth at., two doors from ttli *v.; Tslret. Brussels, fhgrain Carpets, handsome Parlor Suit* in satin brocade, rep and haircloth; Etagerea. Tables, Mirrors, Curtains, in Chamber Suite, bair and spring Mattressae. Bedding, Bedsteads. Bureaus, Washstatiria, Wardrobes, Dressing Cases, Turkish Chairs, Lounges, Curtains, Vases, Clocks. Sideboard, Extension Tables, Chairs. 2U> lots Class. China and Silver Ware, Cutlery, Ac., nilcloth. Stair Carpet. Sale positive. Unod* packed il required. JULIUS KKAKMKK. Auctioneer. A UCTION. AUCTION. AUCTION A |I0,<> O worth of magnificent Household furniture. Pianoforte. Mi.ji.sea, Oil Painting*. Ac., at public auction, this day ( private residence 21 East 20th at., near Broadway, nt lot* o'clock consisting of Drawing Boom Suite, Parlor Suits, Etagerea, Tabic*, Carpets. Mirrors, Clocks, Paiutings, Bedroom Suits, Bed steads, Bureaus, Bookcase*, Desk*, Wnrdiwhes, Wash! stands, Mattresses, Buffet, Chairs, Extension Tables, Crockery, Cutlery, Ae. HRNRk ZINN, Auctioneer. j A CCTION SALB OPCARPBtR AND FANCY GOOD*- 1 i J\. At the Auctlou and Commission House. t*>4 Broad- ) j *sr.-H. BMANUKl* Airctloneer, will sell this day. at 11 j ; o'clock, Brussels and ingrain Carpet*. Bar Fixture*. Skew- > eases, one five foot carved wood Chrietie Figure, Chinese i Fhelle, Violins, flutters. Crtbbage Beards Pnoer Weights, Inkstands, Croquet, French tieine* and Juggling Tricks. Auction s a lb?household furntttbr reeelved from storage warehouse. PKTKK H'lWK, Aoetloneer, will sell tlie above large and general a*(n>tmeat of Bureaus. Packard Bedsteads, marble MtTtblM. W Wardrobe*. Knar and Rocking Chnlrg, Cottage Sulla, Tables, Clmirs, Parlor Suits, .hair Mattresses, Crockery, Looking Glasses, Kngra* Intra, Ac. . u y hYmoiTabraham! auctioneer?ski-lb at 10 15 o'clock, at 2.'?> RIvlBL'lon it.. Stock and Kiilurtt of Saloon. Sale positive in Iota. Dealers Invited. ISSELLTW KLLES .? MILLKT, AUCTIONEEUB. .TUESDAY, February 16, at 1U>, A. M., I at No. 13 Mnn-ay at, I about 8,000 tloren Axe, I'lck, llat. hrl and Sledge Handles, \ on a credit of three months for all bills. over ?!?>: under 8)00 cash; also 40 sots of hickory Spokes, 2<aj dosou of 1 hickory Mallets. ___ P?DWA RlUSC ilK.NC R. ACCTIoNKKRT j ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, |n a<le especially to ordar, at the private residence Nil. 3tt EAST 218T ST., between Broatiwav and 4th ae., t . by Edward He bene k, ?n Wedsieeday and Thnrsday, j liUh and 17th Inst., at 10)j o clock, all the elttj gant Furniture?via., Mnquet. Aubusson, velvet and i body Bru-?n!s Carpets; stiperh black and arnhtr, j cr miss and Line sat n Parlor Suits; satin Curtains, to I matrh each suit: elejrant ormolu and marquetry CabI inets and Centre Tables; the richest French w.ilnnt Chamber : Suits, of Hedslead. Dressing Case and Commodes; Annolre' I a as to snatch; Secretariat, Utaireres, T ..mures sad Easy Chairs; the Duast quality of curled ha r and spring M it, tresses, feather Bolsters and Pillows; French plate Pier hand Mantel Mirrors, with Cornices to match; lias Fixtures, fine Blauksts. Linen Shaets and Pillow Case"; a ?ery rare : Dining Koo.a Hnit of Jacnneranda Wood, consisting of Tahle, Buffet, M Chairs, with Hide Tallies Mirror and l orI nx-es all to match; Ana Glassware and China. ihh I ! '"*7?*nd ??ry Tulnahla anclnnt Oil Paintlnjr*. nmornf I I whlcli m?jr l,c eapocially ntantionod two original* ul Jvhn I W } be. With tl>? certificate* attached; itico, A SIPKItH KkAL HKo.VZK STATl'B, 3 'r*t In height, of th* Venn. ,li kiln. by K*u?a*e, of Pari-; ?l*o <i|li*r climre Hrinrc- Clock*, Ornament*, A'' ; *l*n the Kit' iiMi and Laundry furniture, w.iu wIikL tl>? Ml* will commence. N. H.?Th* hnn?e will hw open for In-Rcrttna on Monday end Tueaday by I'l'KKir 0X1.V to b? bed M Um alHce of tlio Am*tlofi**r, So. thi Liberie ?t J COLioNTVtiTllONKBIi. kxtra large -?le of llnnrehold Fnrnllnre. Piano*, Mirrort, Carpel-, parlor. dim** room anil ba#eii>#tit Hood-. . thin day iTiiaxiiiv . February l >, at II o cioea, >1 ||,a auction mom* .'ill Ka?i IJih >t . near Broadway on* of tlm I larRe-1 aalm ol th* roar, embracing erery bind and <1 atrip, lion; ,'K) or *?< erneta. nitajr of llicm really Rood, atpo th* I Furniture ol t?o I'wellln**, reinored to lb* (tor* foi tli* 1 i convenience or ?al?. atao Uonda 'row a More Pew-a. S. W.?The carpet* will be -old about J e clock. I- Catalogue- aarlv Una utirulua T * | * [ SALES AT AITCTIOST. IjSOBKCLOML'AK U PB TnhjJ auce Company. of rery valuable Property un Kailr- a<| v hu.I 4lh at.. Hurriaania, and Dear the depot, by H S. CAMP, Auctioneer. at Merchant a Kachaiice, on l">tb day of February, 17b feat on Railroad av. by 'if* i. with improve* men It. /t EKAHO HKTTrt A CO , AUCTIONEERS, " ' \JT atore No. 7 <?ld alip and lot Pearl at T111S DAY (Tueaday), February 15, at II o'Hoek. within the atore, Oroeerlea.?Sale of aaaorted llroreriea, lor account of whom it may concern. Basra ?158 balee Malta Rat;a, damaged, ex abtp Brotlcrjj A pap. At 13 o'clock noon, at 200 Broa<lway. near Fultou at., Keceiver'a aale, Winer, Liquors, Ac. All the Stock of the abore plat e, comprising Brandy. WineM and Liquors, belonging to the late firm of Puoba if Keown ; alao the Lease of the Premises occupied by ?m4 tirm. expiring April NO. 1H7S?; alao Fixtures. I' AI I. .1 KUCUN, Keceiver, 2<i i Broadway. ' JAMES B. KISSJt'K, Attorney for Plaintiff. 141 Broad*4f| i m;B j". SMITH. AUCTIONEER. II CHAMBnl ' I at ?Bv virtue of a forecluaure of a chattel mortgage, I Will expose for ralo at public vendue, on Saturday, the l-'tlf day ot February, at 11 o'clock In the loreuo<<u, at No, htli av , the Stock and Pixtitreaof a Restaurant, consisting o( Bar ' ountara. Oyster t'ountera, black waiuul Table", Cbalrsg rvi i?rV LWu?r*, Showcases, Chandeliers, Pauses, Carpet*, (hi1 loth*, largo Mirrors, plated Kuives, Fork* anil Spoon** urouse higur**, Dishes, Household Furniture, Ac. OKtiKul .1 SMITH, Attorney for MortgiyM> II. B HERTS A bONK, AUCTIONEERS. IMPORTANT SALE OK Kicu FURNITURE, saved from the late fire in the BOWERt. ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17. AT 10'O'CLOCK. AT SALESROOM. 17 park PLAOR FULL DETAILS HEREAFTER. H. U. herts A HONS, AUCTIONEERS. * ForeUo.ure sale or desirable Dwelling*, by order of Supreme Court, * WEDNESDAY, February 18, at 12 o'clock, at tlx Exchange Salesroom*, 111 Broadway. II. B, FIRRTS A SONS will tell a* above the very desire, ble three story brick dwelling House No 152 Went loth -I 1 also the three atory Dwelling No. 331 East 23d st. The sale will be positive and a Urge amount of the purchase u,<u?.g ceo remelu on bond and mortgage if desired. I 1* SAAtTM KxInoT AUCTIonEF.R. * will sell this day, at lOt^ o'elock. Stock and Fixture* ol (tore 421 Broadway, consisting of a fine assortment of Jewelry, Watches Chain), Sleeve Buttons, Fancy Hoods. Ac : also metal Snowcaaee, Counters, Wilder Safe. Office 7t? Varirk si. I" HAAC" WOLFE. AUCTIONEER, WILL ~8BLL, OS , Tuesday, February 15. the Sthck and Fixtures of u lirsk else* Lienor Store, in one lot, at 11 o'clock, at 819 Grand at., near ferry. t s7~WEINBERGER, AUCTIONEER, SELLS tihs day (Tuesday), Feb. 15, at 1"^ o'clock, at salesrooui No. 73 Bowery, Furniture, Cigars, Li'juors, Uroceriee, Clothing, Ac. J" tiREPII SHON't.OOD, AUCTIONEER, OFFICE f.T Howery, will soil this day, at 10', o'clock. at H96 8th uv.,, men's and lioya' Clothing to suit; continue till sold. PTTRA VKR. A POTION HrKn , Elegant Furniture, Carpet*. Ac This day, At 10 o'clock, sharp, at 27 Amity it., FarloW Suits, Centre Tables, walnut and Cottage Chamber Huits, Tables. Lounges, Mnttresses, llriuseli and other c arpets. Oilcloths, Mirrors Ornaments, Kitchen Kurnll tire, Croclery, Hno Wheeler A Wilson Cabinet Sewing Machine, Picture s. Ac. Sale positive. MARSHALS" sale.?,IAt on SKI.U.U HER. AUO* tloneer. will ??!! tbl* day, by virtue of a writ of execu tion, at So. 11(1 Went 14th at., ?t 11 o'clock, the Steak Mi dE Fixture* of a first class Milliard Saloon, consisting c?f two firstl cla*n Milliard Tables, black walnut Counter*, Bark Bar, Table*, Chairs, Glashware, Stock, Ac. Dealers invited. By order of DAVID ULLMAN, Marshal. Marshals sale-pktf.k biiwk, auctioneer! ' will a?ll Weduuslay, February Jt?. at 11 o'clock, at No. 27:1 Greenwich nr.., a large and vaiuablr assortment of llentleuien'a Furnishing Good*. consisting of linen and Hani,el Shirt*, Drawer* ana silk Undershirt*, Cardigan .Jacket*; large assortment of Handerchiefs. Hosiery, Neckwear, Huiw ponder*, Ac., Ac. Dealer* Invited. |P. DAILY, Marshal. Mortgage bajjl pbtbr bo wis. auctioneer* sells this day, at 11 o'clock, at No. 7'J University place, the Furniture and K licet* of Lunch and Sample Rooiu. JON AM 8M1T11, Attorney for Mortgagee. ^row On view at tiTk art" "rooms^ 74 UNIVERSITY PLACE, A ELLIOTT NASH'S CERAMIC COLLECTION, TO BB SOLD AT AUCTION, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY; AFTERNOONS, FEBRUARY 18 AND 17, AT TWO O'CLOCK. robert somekvillb, auctioneer. PAWNBROKER'S SALK?WATCHES AND JBWKL-, ry.?R. FIELD, General Auctioneer, salesroom No. e?> Bowery. will sell Hits day, at 11 o'clook. 650 lota Gold and Silver Watches, Diamond and Gold Jewelry, Pins, Kings, Earring*. Gold. Guard. Fob and Vest Chain*. Ac., Ac.; also Gun*, Pistols, Musical IrfttruuieuU, throe Meal bkin Sacquea ami four Camel e Hair Shawl*. By order K. simpson a co., 105 Bowery. Richard walters' sons,"auctionebrh. wilu Rail this day, at 11 o'clock, at 347 Canal *t., con Mi* tingof Stove*. Range* and Home Furnishing Good*, Hardware, Wooden Ware, Uetrigerators and lot* of Tools. B cue he a. Press Machines and Ilollow \\ ate. and good many article*. AKoN HUTTKR'UKLn, OHtR PF'S SALE SILK KR1N?;EH, AC. i: KlCilAlU) WALTERS1 SONS, tiott*cr*, j will sell this (lay (Tuendty), at 11 o'clock. No. 9 1 / Ilro;ii)? way, the Stock and Fixtures of a first clun* Silk Frinue an? Funry Trimmings Establishment, vie.. ?ilk and wipmI W.lui e (iiiup and Cord. Fur and other I'rimmingi. Buttons. B? riit; Wool, Fancy Mood*, Leather (Jo <1* elegant Silk Cam, Siik C: iton and Needle* and Oases. Mirrors, silver plated Hh<>4 t a es. Ac. WILLIAM U CONNER, hbnnfl ruiut * CsvrAKLr.. Deputy. OliBRirm SAEKOK DRY AM) FANCY <;<.(>!>? ? tl 0 HERMAN, SherifTa Aartimnr, iclla thia day iTan day), February 15. ul 1,569 3d ar , the content, of a Faarj ami Dry taootla Store. Fixture, Sale positive Denier, invited Wl 1,1.1 AM C. CONNER, sheriff. Jamks M. SrrA*r, Deputy. CMIEKIH S SALE OF ROCKAWAYS. COACfUU.BC ? 1 S. HERMAN. SlierllT, Auctioneer, ??ils tlnaday (Titca day) Feb. 15. at II o'clock. at No 57 Wtllett at, two -Oj Coachea, two i2l Kockawuy, anil <>ne Wagon sale poelttre WILLIAM C. CONNER, Sheriff. Wa. H. Buiai. Deputy. C" HE RIFF'S SALE OF BOOTS. SHOES, AC?H. UfcTh 0 MAN, Sheriff's Auctioneer, sell, tbia clny iTneedayi. Feb. 15. at It) o'clock. No 93 Chatham at . the entire t>:*ck ami Fixture, of a lirst rlaaa Knot and Shoe Mure, cooelatliig 01 Hunts, Shoe,, (ialtar,, Hroaana, Slinpera, Rubber,. Ar.; also Shelving, Cbuira, Fi attire,. Ac. Sale positive. Deairra Invited. WILLIAM C. CONNER. She riff. Mark Lampa*. Deputy. nilKKIFFS SALE OF IIAfS. CAES, OFFICE Fl'KNi' li lure. Safe. Ac.?S HERMAN, Sheriff", Auctioneer, eel'l till, day (Turaday'. Feb. 15, at II o'clock, at No. l.'ttlSeuit 5th av . a large aiaortinent of llatt, t.'ap,. Hatter,' Block,. Material,. Ac.; alao Office Furniture. Sale, Ac. Sale pnaitne Dealer, invited WILLI Ail C. CONNF.K, Sheriff. J Alt,., It. Deputy ilMI.MAM K K S N K L l.r," AITTI<IN KB H~ WILL SELL [ VV At auction, on Wedneadar, February IB. l*7n, at 1 "J o rli>ck noon, at the Kirliaiiire Halaefwuui No. Ill Hrnad' i way, the raluatilc I'roperty corner Waahingtoti mid Cede, ! ,t?.. No?. 147, 1471-, and 149 Waahlaffton at.; wi.l tie Mild t i ii ?e an e?tnte Map, at auctioneer ? oCi No. il I' oa ,t. IIKVilVI KV . 4 SET OF TEETH MADE I.N THREE IIOt'RS AT llW J\. Writ 34th at , between flth and 7tb a?a., near Broad nay. Special mecriaulcal dentistry; coral, rublier. read pearl, whalebone rubber, gold and platina Seta; I'luiaper,, Regulator,. Ac. Take green car froui Uraud ureal ferry ut Sixth avenue cara or iiroab vay cara. __ _ NKWBUUl (JIl, I"-'* tveit .11111 it. tirav'tikul artificial teeth, $*; slNi.LK, ?fj J J warranted. New York Dental Koomi, 2U2 Olli a*., lieu , ltith ?t j priceilo ?nH time*. MAKUI.K MAWIU. t A T OREATI.Y REDUCED PRICES. j\ An e*teo"ive etock of State and Marble Manteli, V\ uh ! Tray* and slate \\ utk of everv ile-crlplion. J PK.NKHVN SLATE COMPANY. Union tqnare, 4tli a* anil I7tli ?t., .New York. ( luthuio. ' 4 T 1.274 BROADWAY, BETWEEN 32D AND 3Ri> V IK. Broadway prices will he paid for cait off Clothing, Ac., by railing or a tilre?*liig H. h.akkuu A" "T H. MINT/, S, 422 etli AV? ABOVE 26TII BT." ami 248 id a*., above 2(Hli it., Hroailway prtcei paid In canli for Dadle*' and lientlemen * Cut off Clothing, Onrpeii, Jewelry. Order* aitenoed to by Mr. or Mr*. mIS TK. A I '24. Till At . S E. OND DOOR Alio'., \VKST34T7i it., Mr. and Mr* ROSENBERG will pay the h1gh**t prieei in ruh for ravt-oll Clothing. Carpet*. Ac., by calling at or addrenting the ttnniber a* above. AHTHOLOUY. ~ Attention-know tuy destiny.?after iiav. in< been deeeive.l and ioit faith conmlt the yrealeit Clairvoyant; her equal not In till* city; iffee* marriage#; tell* everything. 1 o'J Weil ilit It., near Broad* 7*7- V A FRENCH LADY TKI.I.S FORTUNES; PRKE3 moderate. 331 Hlh a*., flrat floor, near Il2d ?t. clairvoyant who suhpasses any one in her prnfeaeion.?She locate! all diaea^a. make* wonderful curei; on lotiea, law mit*. ah.cut friendi or butiner* i matter*. She never fail* All who are lick or in trouble lliould vt?it On* wonderfully Kilted lady. N B.?No lib*. I tie**#* or lore powdece. Offlce No. 27? "Weit S-'dh it., third deer eaet ot (Hit ae. Mrs. dk dk monde. clairvoyant medium and Phyilclan . full name* given; ilttingi daily. 344 I Rent Broadway, f "II"mi' coI.lTns?a 'itKUAHl'.K ~and TBChfloW | a'l thy Clairvoyant, 37.'. Otli a*., near l7lh it. : ii Mi: rosa kl \ kalat your dike fk'im cram ft 1 ,11 le grave; locate* di*?aeea 472 Canal *l.; coaaalta lion, VI. ? \'.i ii vi wmk hk|i . \ l ii i miih a i.. "him* iA r.e.i emirm/ant. teiie neniet, ?oo?i u??u?wi, sruc. an<I *1 1V> \Ve.? XMh ?. N'6"iMr<?irio.v?o?> axi> skk. the ijrkatk^t I'.tlrvvvaiil In the world it Rre. KOn l'tll, 54 Leiluf?t7.>l ?r , neur .'Ml) ??. _ omrRISIiHU l I.AIRVOYAHOV POWKR.-MME. !>*I'OI.AM rWe? chi-mIi on put, prtuut, future. 41 Leti'itflou t? . eorner 24th et. mkdkai,. A-MMK. UK.srBL.Ii, MIUWirR, minor ]S40, NaT , h.i-l Kilty i .id ilrmst. Ilr.t Ir.mi Filth KllM V^StTFN I K?H M. iAt tJBY tLATK-OK^riCMAi ; (. iiBultetlon Ire*. I'rivUe ufltch, Ml Hleih'ktr Hl *k maxmki'.u mikwisk. lit KAsriUTHit. ? , MeUiciil edvlee to ladiee free. A -dr. arb mmb. URfNDLR ol're AKK CO* ;\ , I . tit" 2!S yeert'pr<K lit e V. i W,-t ???rli ?t. Cwrroxt OH. OR *MKTWBsf?alltc()m>lalj?f? i.lvice free 4:> Rlee.krr ?t.. tie?r Ht.mdwejr. nil ' IK mur WEHTHKIKIK. Hi wkst ud st~ fULMt Hi. iem . *ll?ure?; lew chnrire. A true tree. re wh1tk, mm)* ikk. i. k xi.rotor ar.. m lween .Ml. ?o<i Jlet nth, ? Conealtation conAdhwttht. Mil- LYONS. KXrKRItV. Kt? KKMALK UUCTRji* Ne. 40 hut AAb It earu ell nnateleinUL