Newspaper Page Text
t V RAPID TRANSIT. ^CONTINUED FROM EIGHTH PAGE.] borse railroads which averaged an annual earning trade of 17,'JW),00O pas cngers each. These horse'car roads bad averaged more passengers than 0,000 miles of aieum roads in the State. The speaker proceeded to contrast the work daily by the Third avenue horse road with that accomplished by tho steam cars on Fourth avenue, and endeavored to produce a showing which on tho lace of it seoined very unfavorable to the' j Bleam cars. Tin* proceo 1 insrs were at four o'clock adjourned until eleven o'clock to-day. rami hd cimuil J Stocks Irregular?Granger Securities the Principal Feature of the Day. COLD STEADY AT 111 1-S a 111 1-1 a 113 1-8. .Money :j and 4 Per Cent?Foreign Exchange Quiet?Government and Express , Stocks Strong. wall Strkit, ) Monday. Fob. 14?6 K M. I Capital Is conceded to be a plant of delicate growth and uot to be blighted by vho "nipping and tho oagor " of disturbed conlidence. Tho stock markut Is -arcoly more hardy and Is influenced by changes of w^athdV. A bright day, nine times in ton, foreshadows ? .ivcly trade and advancing prices; u rainy ouo por1 nds dulticss aud decline. If by any chance tho en'iro population of tho w orld were subjoctod at one and tho same time to a driving rain storm and a biting galo of wind it Is doubtful If every mother's son of them would not tako a bearish view of things and bo generally down on his luck. Ilut New York stock brokers are not like the rest of the world, bit more akin to Mark Taplcy, who looked ightcst when things were blackest. Alter all, ex.'ptions prove rules, and ono of tbese exceptions' was k proved to day. when, under tho influence of a dreary, rainy northeaster, stocks not only held their own, hut actually advanced to highor prices. Whatever there was of doubt manifested itself in tho Drst hour or two, when dealings held tire; but shortly after thore occurred a surgo upward of tho whole list, which advanced "despite of wind anil weather." Old Bishop Berkeley showed himself a long-headed prelate when he announced tho opinion that Westward the course of empire takes its way, and tno shrewd operators of the street showed equai acumen when thoy sought tho Western fancies as tho most favorable speculation of to-day. They may have aot known enough, like Iiis Brace, to put their reasons (n rhyme, but they were astuto enough to placo their tnonoy in what offered the best and speediest return go tho St. Paul and Chicago and Northwestern securities woro the features of the market, as they had a right to bo under the circumstances. Referring the reader to the'detail of prices in another colamn we de. siro bore to remark that the so-called granger stocks manifested from first to last a strength and activity which showed a faith "in their value that even tne reYtnrfc from Wfiahincrtnn t.o thfl nflor.t tliaL tho SunrgmA Court ha<l failed to render a decision and might not do 10 before May failed to cheek. The most noticeable rise was in St. Paul common, tlie first roeordod sales of which were at 42'; and tho last 45^, tbo latter being but a single traction oil tbe best ol the day. Almost the entire list participated in tbo good feeling engendered by the buoyancy of tbo stocks we have commented opon, particularly Central and Hudson (which touched 115tho highest point in its history), Rock Island, Michigan Central and American and f United States Express. There was an advance In the latter of nearly 3% points, based upon dividends promised in the future of eight per cent per annum, and a highly profitable contract with the Erie Railway Company. lake Shore, Pacific Mail, Ohios and Western Union were neglected and exhibited limited transactions with actional fluctuations only. Toward the close there was manifested some dosire to realize profits, and prices, afTected by a marked and suspicious woakness on the part of Western Union, were quoted at throo o'clock as something off from host figures and with a declining tendency. Western Union, which for some time back bus shown in pretty good form, mado rather poor work ot It in to day's running, and wont under tho string at tho finish among the lost o? tho lot. The irrepressible "nigger in the fence," whom we have frequently alluded to as hanging about .nese premises, and whom wo hoped had boon exiled to i.berla or sent to school at Flak College, euddonly put V *t an appearance this aftornoon. Although dealers In tho stock had an iDkling that omethmg liad gone atniss the street was bare of any certain information up to tbe time that operators had I ^ 'I for home. Wo have tho following from an author live sourge:?"Tho Atlantic nnd Pacific Telegraph ,ampany will give notice to-morrow of their intention reduce their rates for messages fifteen to thirty per -nt to all points reached by tbelr lines. This is to tako place at onco, and Is not Intended as a 'ock-jobbing hianoeuvrc, bat Is to be the fixed, perma,ut policy of tho corporation." Tboy r port their lines as being in a first class condition, and mean to give tho public tho benefit ol a cneapcr tariff1, combined with a satisfactory service. They have aiso made such arrangements as will give hem the complete control for a number of years of the . '.nerican District Telegraph Company in Philadelphia? bo small advantage when It is considered that this latter company will have aomo sixty offices in the Centennial buildings and grounds alone. For the willingness and desire to foster the widespread demand for a cheaper telegraphic sy?tem tho I Atlantic and Pacific Company deserve the thanks of press and public alike. TUS SAIKS TO-DAT. The transactions on tho Stock Exchange to-day aggregated 134.557 shares, which were divided among 'ctivo sociirillcs as follows:?New York Central and ludson. 0,21)5; Erie, C,000; Lako Shore, 24,360; Clovetand and Pittsburg, 200; Northwestern, 0,300; da pre"?rrcd, 6,720; Rock Island, 7,375; Prcific Mail, 4,000; ? Paul, 20,200; do. preferred, 6,000; Olilos, 6,000; roatcru Union, 18,000; Wabash, 200; Union Pacillc, 35; Missouri Paciilo, 1,600; Wells Fargo Express, ; 175; American Express, 1,073; United States Express, * 225; Kansas and Texas, 3,240; Iron Mountain, 1,000. OI'XXIXO, HlUlfBST AND LOW KrIT rRICKS. rho following table shows the opening, highest and irest prices of the day Opming. Highttt. Lfinett ' ew York Central 113 \ 115* 113* "arletn 144 146 144 ..rie 1' ll*i 17 'Aite shore.... v 66'.,' 67 66* 'abash 6 6 6 'orihwentern. 43* 44',' 43* irthweuerii preferred... 64* 64 ', 64* k k Island 100?, K?V 100* tLsbura 93", 03* 03* ?' ,? St. I'-iul... 42', ~ M l and St i'mnt preferred 7"79',' 7x . Ohio and Mtsxisstppi 32'. 22", 22', Ni'w Jersey Central 107 V 107', 107 V Pel.. LdOk At Western.... 117', ll'S' 117V Union l'aciflc 7o'4 70', 70 C , C. ami I. C ft 5 5 Western I'uion 77V *'"? "UTtf AiUatn ft r.iciflc Tel 20 , 20V 20 , , Pacific Mail 35', 35', 3ft', Panama. 130 130', 130 |mk advanc* ano dkclink. The clwnjeg in cloalng pricee since those of Saturday are as follows ai?v \>i h ?New York Central, 1; Michigan Central, >, , llaun.tit: 10J St. Joseph, ,, Hulcui, 2; North Weal Common, V; do. nreiorred. 1; Ohio and Mississippi, V. 1'an.ima, V i Hock Inland, V; St. Paul common, IV, Union l'Acitic, Now Jersey Central, }t; Erie in laiudon, Xi Oot'UNi ?District o( Columhla 3.65 bonds, X; Westorn Union, V; Pacific Mail, XI Stat nak v ?Delaware, I.nckaw mna and Western, Erie, Lake Shore, Quicksilver uud Wabash. cuiei.xc; rmcaa?3 r. u. Pacific Mill..,. X 3ft* Mil a St I'pr.. 7t>x a 79',' Wciihii tel. 7tia 17 C, O. C A I 55 a 57 MIA l'a< 1VI.. 2"'4 a 21 C.CAlC... . ft a ft'4 JuickflWti.... If a is L>cl,5aW....ll7 a 117h wukUmIt ;?t. *2 a 2.7 I.tie 17V * 1', Xi ?r 1-aiio.. M. N"i a f\ liuftfitlo . 21' , a 7 irhlliiil, 04 a ton llan * st Jopf :a>v' a isi^ .ilAmi t*.a U1X a 113 l.ake Shore.... MI>V a tkl'. An 1. 1. ' ' 1 ' Mi ' 1 .. . 11 cl A Ml 4 s tj, 70 A 70,'a N V A Harlem. Ml a M5 V t..|!.V?r a Mill II 1. HIJ a 1111. ' ;HV \ lc A ri??? i ? ^ lac k N W . 4H? ? CI,:, I'auaiua I3U'4 * 1 >4 ' A N | I ! * \\ < .1 i. . Lie ? H 1 10?K A I ! *? I r.lou fnotfle.. 7U ilifcl1'nul. ~ A L-w Mi.muuh i'uv.... 1.1'? .? 1-*. NEW fORK Tin MOiTliT MAnKKT wis without feature. On cnll loans the supply was free , at 3 and 4 par cent Discounts on prima commercial paper are as lust quoted. Foreign exchange t* steady; prime asking rates, 4.89 a 4.1X); selling rates, 4.86.1, a 4. Si*; a4. SO '; a4.89X; relchmsrks, US ; a 95 s, and Oti v4 a 06';; cables, 06*; a 961;; prime Paris. 6.13*; and f>.ll>;. The following are tho rates of discount for New York exchange:?Savunnah, buying, par; selling. 3.16 premium; Charleston, % a \ premium; St Louis, 25c. to 60c. discount; Cincinnati dull and unchanged, 75c. to (1 discount; New Orleans commercial, 1-16; bank, );. QOVKKNMKNT BONUS. These continue to show the existence of a strong investment lover, and in some instances the prices established to day are among the highest vet made in speculative history of this class of Amorican securities. Tho dealings wore large. Dot ween tho sbundauce of available money and the desire of its possessors to employ tho same safely it Is but a natural sequence that what is really good and well foriitled should command attention. This, and this only, is the reason why government securities outrank others that arc more speculative, dangerous and uncertain, albeit lor the moment they may seeru the most prolltable. The close was firm at the following quotations:? United States currency sixes, 12S , a lilC; do. do., 1881, registered, 122,% a 123; do. do., do., coupon, 123 a 123%; do., 1864, registered (called), 114";; do. da, Oa, eonpou (called), 114%; do. do., 1S65, registered, 117% a 113%; do. do., da, coupon, 117% a 118%; do. do., do., new, registered, 111)?; a 1107;; do. do., do., do., coupon, 1104% a 119%; da da, 1867, registered, 122% a 122%; da do., do., coupon, 122% a 122%; do. do., 1868, registered, 121)% a 124; do. do., do., coupon, 123% a 124; do. ten-forties, registered, 117% a 117%; do. do., coupon, 120% a 120%; do. fives, 1881, registered, 118% a 118,%; da do., do., coupon, 118% a 118%. TI1K OOLD MARKET presents no new features, although at one time there were indications of tho presence of confident buyers 1 u iuo Iioia. iae opening price was 113%, Iroiu wnicll there was un advance of %, but tho market closed at the opening figure. The rates paid for carrying were 1, 1%, 2 and 3 per cent WFKKI.Y CLEARING HOUSE STATEMENT. Curroncy exchanges $82 062.070 Currency balances 4,326,087 Gold exchanges 8,580,706 Cold balances 1,258,063 OPERATIONS OF TUB GOOD EXCHANGE BANK. Gold balances $1,071,600 Currency balances 1,180,505 Gross clearances 20,635,000 The sum of $60,000 coin was shipped for the East at San Francisco to-day. EXPRESS STOCKS. These to-day have shown a repetition of tho interest which was reported hist week, and the transactions have been quite significant. United States Express rose from 73 to 76%, closing at 76. American advanced from 04% to 06. Adams was steady at 111% a 111% a 112. IV el Is Fargo advanced from 89,% to 91. Other INVESTMENT SECURITIES i wore likewise firm. Harlem sold up to 145, ending at I 144. Rock Island closed at 109%, aftor sales at 109%. Delaware and Lackawanna was quiet at 117 '.J a 117% a 117% a 117.%. Illinois Central at 99. Morris and Essex at 103Ji. Now York Central at 113,% a 115 a 115% a 114%. RAILROAD BONUS. Railroad bonds continue strong and moderately active. Tbq^ollowing were tho changos in price compared with last sales:?An advance of 1% por cent in Toledo and Wabash second, % por cent in Contral Pacific I gold bonds and North Missouri first, % percent In Chesapeake and Ohio first (coupon on), % per cent In C., C. and I. C. first, % per cent in Hannibal and St. Josoph eights convertible, New York Central first mortgage coupon, Central Pacific first (San Joaqnln branch), Sonth Pacific Railroad bonds of Missouri, and Western Union Telegraph coupon 1900, % per cent in Ohio and Mississippi second and Chicago and Northwest consolidated coupon gold bonds; a decline of % per cent in Milwaukee and St. Paul consolidated sinking fund, % per cent in New Jersey Central firs', consolidated, and % in Chicago and Northwestern consolidated. In tho late dealings PaciQc issues were tho feature, Union firsts i selling at 105% and land grants selling up to 102, with I 102% bid and 102% asked at the close. Central Pacifies I rose to 108, San Joaquin branch to 95*, California and ! Oregon brunch to 93* and Western Pacifies to 100*. Chicago and Northwestern consolidated coupon gold bonds were active at 90* a 90*. Michigan Central sevens sold at 103* a 103* and Michigap Southern sinking funds ut 108 STATS BOXDS. State bonds were * per cent higher for Missouri sixes, Hannibal and St. Joseph issue, 1886, and Arkan| 8as sevens, Issed to Little Rock and Fort Smith RallJ road, and * per cont lower for Missouri long sixes, ' District Columbia 3.03's sold at 72*. HIS TORSION MAJ1KKT. London advices report a gain of ?50,000 sterling by the Hank of England on balance to-day. Tho rate for 1 money at the Stock Exchange on government securities is 3* per cent. Consols and United States bonds were firm, with a general advanco of * a V per cent. The improvement in United States bonds at 1/ondon has narrowed the margin for profit in importing the same here, and New York and London aro now closer together on bonds than they have been lor some time. The following aro Inst quotations:?Consols for money, I 94 3-16; do. for gccouut, 94* a 94 5-16; old 1S65 bonds, 106*; 18G7 bonds, 109* a 109*; ten-forty bonds, 100*; now tlvos, 106* a 106*1 Erio, 15* j a 16 V, do. preferred, 32 a 32*. In Frankfort, bonds, ' new fives, 101*. v MIXING QUOTATIONS. The following weru the opening quotations for mlnI in? stocks at*San Francisco to-day:? ! Gould A Curry 21 Eureka Q. V 3 | Savage 19 Ib'St Ac Dolcbcr Co i Potosi 85 Kentuck 17 ! Ophir 68 Union consolidated. 10 i Hale A Norcross.... 61 Alpna 23 Crown Point 25 Meadow Valley 3 I Yellow Jacket 106 Sierra Nevada 21 | Bclchor 80 Mexican 19 ' Imperial 8 Caledonia 40 | Virginia conaol 416 Sliver H.ll 12 Caldornia 82 Eureka consolidated 16 ! Overman 67 Justice 27 j Raymond At Ely.... 22 Julia consul.datod.. 15 PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. The following arc tbo Philadelphia stock quotations at throe o'clock this day :? Bid. Asltrd. j City sixes, old I'M ? City sixes, now 103 lOSl^ | United Companies ol New Jersey UOJtf 140 S' rennsylvauia Railroad 60 60tg j Philadelphia and Heading Kailroad... 61 61X | Lehigh Valley Kailroad 3 ? Co law Is sa Railroad, pre! 45.45 \ j Philadelphia and Krio Railroad 22^ 22 4 I Northern Central Railroad 3H ? ! l.eliigh Navigation 60,^ 50 i Lehigh Navigation gold loan. 105 105 .'4 THK CNITED STATER TREASI'BT. The Assistant Treasurer paid out to-day $ SO,000 gold 1 for interest and $81,000 In redemption of five-twenty bonds. Tho following were the Treasury balances:? Currency, $11,750,000; coin, $74,000,000; loss coin cor. , titivates, $34,000,000; banknotes received lor rcdempj tlon to day, $S0O,o00; customs, $700,000; revenue, $500,000 SILVER ON HAND. A Washington despatch states that the Secretary of tbo Treasury has $14,000,000 in silver on band, and ; reports:?"On the supposition that fully $14,000.000 has been lost or destroyed and can ncvor be presented for j redemption, it is estimated that tho substitution of $30,000,000 In silver will be $12,000,000 in excess o! the < actual demand for small change. Treasurer New'* notico that parties forwarding good curroncy for redemption would have the cost of handling and printing such good notes deducted frotn the amount remitted | has had this result. Banks and others forwardlne notes Tor redemption have sent only such a* the lew contemplates may be recelvod at government expense, j end the work in the redemption division is so far reduced that twenty-five employes were furloughed and I more are to follow in a few days." coal items. , The Msrrland Coal Company has Issued a roport of Its business for the year 1876, as follows:-? Gross orolHs for 1875 $117,102 Deduct interest on bonds, taxes, office expenses, salaries, Ac 00,691 Not profit $87,134 (Jut of which the company on January 31 paid a dividend of 1per cent on Ita capital stock or $4,400,000. It also, during the year, rctirod and cancelled $11,000 of Its sinking fond bonds, making a total paid off within throo years of $39,000, and reducing the entire bonded debt or tbe company to $111,000, having seven yoara to run before maturity tbs union racivtc railroad. [ Tho following are tbs reported earnings and expenses HERALD, TUESDAY, FBI of the Union Pacific Railroad' Company for the years ending December 31, 1874 aud 1875:? 1874 1875. Incrtne. From passengers.... $5,052,858 $4,34<),014 ?503,155 From freight 6,064,731 0,041,512 070,700 From mail* and expenses 727.061 769.317 42, '.'35 From wUccUancoue. 215,238 21.750 Total earnings....$10,569.8-0 $11.99:1,832 $1,433,951 Operating expenses.. 4,052,314 4,932,047 320.733 Surplus earnings.. $5,007,505 7,011,784 $1,104,218 Tho percentage of operating expenses in 1876 was 41 54-100 per cent, against 44 05-100 In 1874, a decrease in 1S75 of 2 51-100 per cent. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES Uokdat, Feb. 14, 1878. EF.F011K CALL?10 A. Jl. $.3000 Di?t Col 3.05'a.. 72% 90 *ha Chi A N W pt. ?4% (SOOaha Vieit tn Teh.e 77 % 300 do C>% lf?*> do 77% loo do 04% ltk/O do >>3 77 91 Mich Ceo BE. ?u% 2'? do....; 0 77 200 Chi A It 1 Kit 108% loO do 77 % 600 do lo0% 1'JuO Erir hit. 17 luO do b3 100% : on do 17% iooMUASti' BR. 42% 100 r?c M nil ?.-> . 10 J do 43 li>i do bOO 33% ll?) do.. _s3 43 200 do 3o? 1300 do 43% 500 36% 2 o Mil A St I'pi 78% 43 N YC All KKK. 113% 30) do 7"% 1(?) do 113 -2 100 do #3 78% J' j) do c 113% 900 do b3 7s% 3n'i do 11 % 4on do 78% IUjLSAMSR! 60% MO do 78% 700 do 6"'>% 100 Han 4 Si Jo Kit.. 20Js 7 do 60% 300 do 20% 100 do ...b3 ?ti>, KX) Han A St Jo Kit pf !><?% 1?10 do a3 68% 10 Chi A Alt BR 104.% 17'0 do s3 Ou% loo Mo, Kan A Tex.... lo . lSoj do 6'.% 1000 do 10% 300 Ohio AM is* RR. 23% 20O do 11 3i*) do (3 22% 900 do 12 2(10Chi A N W llR . .. 4: % 3(H>Tol A Wab lill. .a3 0 6(JO do 43% 100 l'ac KR of Mo 13% 100 do 40'4 100 do ? 13% 700 do 4.% 2 10 Atl A l'ac pf 0 20J Chi A .t5V KK pf.. 04% 100 do...., b3 0 10:15 AND 11:50 A. M. " $10000 0 S O'a. r. '81.. 122% $4000) U 8 5-20, 0, '67. 123 5(00 1) 8 0%, t, 1-2% l<?-0 do 121% lnouo do 123 IUXK) do 122 2UUOO U 8 '>-20,c,' 119% 3O0O U 8 3>, 1(840, o.. 120% 500 do 110% 20000 U S 5's, c, '81... 11"% 3601)0 U 8 5-20, r, '65.. 117 % laoXM) do 118% 500 1 U S 5-20, r, '?3.n 113% 40(H)0 do al2 118 2(8>X) U S 5-20, r, "67 .. 122 1( (H*l US O'a, cur .bo 125% OU00 do 122% 10000 do 125% FIHST P0A1U)?10:50 A. M. $2000 Mo C's,HAS.T,'S6 102 C01 aha NY C A H 113% 10000 Ark 7%, Iss to L 100 do 113% UAKtSKlt . 17 OUU do 114 5000 Llist Col S.tkVa.. 72% 2'HI do 114% 3000 MoO's I b 102% 100 do 1>3 114% 20 >0 C A O 1st, C oq. 31% 100 do 114 ', 3000 do 31% 100 do 114% 1000 N J Cen 1st, con 11 loo do 114%; looo N J Cenlat.couv 109% 40;) do 114% 1?XX> LAW 11 coii 08* 100 do 1H'( 6UU" MA Si* 1st, Citl'd 99* 200 do U4* 2000 M 4 8 V con f.. 877, 2 <u Erie KB be 17V & O0 do ST 4 300 do 17 , ID UClii <t >V W cuu., 101, 100 do c 17, 0000 do 101 V 100 do ?3 17', lOuOCbl A N W 1st. 10* 000 do b3 17* 7000 0 ? N Wee gb. UO.* 2tXJ do 03 17-, 1000 M 4 K const ... 102 3'JO do s3 17 V 3MJU Mor 4 bst 1st... 11 3HJLS4MS... bo 00'* ?>'100 itid, 11 A Wist. 31* 2o do 60 5000 11 A 8 JoB's.c.bc 83* 803 do. 66* 2'XX) T A Wub id. .0 o w>, 3 ?j do rsi* HtXXJO Mich Cen 7'*.... 103* 3'XJ do 00, 10000 M Y Ceil 1st, e.. 121* *00 do ?3 0i>K 2i>.xj North Mo 1st.... Do ;0 do txi* 5'SXJ Ohio 4 Miss 2d.. 7^* 300 do ..S3 bO, 1000Ohio A Mcon.. . 0Oa 2txi do Oo* 1000 do 'J<>, 1300 do b3 60* 8O0OC 1" 1st, St J br. 95 800 do 60* 11000 do 95* 100 boo '/'* 2000 Can Par k b be 1"7.-, 35 do 6874 6'XJU M 4 .St P. I 4 M U2* 200 do 70* 11 'X) L u i'ac RK 1st.. 105 20o uo 70 200ix) do 105* 43* 14000 do 105 6oo do b) 43* 7000 do 105* 100 do .0 44 v 2O0O do C 105 5X) do 43* G-l'JbO Uu Pac T's, I 2 101* 100 do s3 4b *. KXXJ So Pac Kit of Mo 07 400 do b3 43* 5000 Pac of Mo 1st... 83 2UJ do s3 431,' lo 1st... 63>4 2?)J Chi 4 X W i> 04% 3010 do 63V 100 do C 64* 10000 R.W 4 O 1st.con 03* 100 do blO 01, 1000 111 West 1st.'6& S<> 6JJ do 01'7 3UOJ W Uu Tel c.lSOO 98* 200 do 64* 2000 Alt 4 T H 7* ,'ONJCen RR 107 V 21MJ1M 4 liud r, '01 113 60 Del,I. \ W UlCb o 117? 4000 Chi 4 All Inc.... 100* 100 do 117* 12'XXI Mo, K X T c s tl. 52'* Id d? 117;, 41KXJ L 4 Ncon. 'OS... 91 5 CM 4 Altpf. ...b o 110 100 ?U? D 4 11 Can 1.2 24 Alt 4 1' 11 pf.. .bo 22 10 do be 122V 25 Chi 4 111... b c ,a3 1<>0* 10 Con Coal be 47* 5"0 do l>3 10t>', 100At 4 P lot 20* 200 do loyji 800 West Uu 'fol be 77* 210 do 100* 16'XJ do 77 J, 4ilO do 109* 50Adams Express... Ill* 700 do ....1. loo* 6o do ill* flf>o do loy* 12 do Ill* 2UO do <3 loo* 20 do be 111* 100 do b3 108* 20 Amer Ex 04.* 100 do c 1U?* 10 do 64* 43* J do c 64* 12'XJ do...........? 43* 11 do....... 64* 400 do 43* HO do be 04* 100 do.... C 43* 11 do 04* 200 do 43* 340 do 65 900 do 43* 100 do 647* 8000 flo 43J* 100 do b 1 6o 1700 do 44 l'XJ U 8 Express .. b3 73 3'x) do 4374 100 do bo 73* 100 Mil 4 St P 78 , l'XJ do 74 KM do 78* ] 100 do 74)4 500 do 7y 100 do 75* 4'XJ do 7374 10 do 73* 10O St Is, 1 Mt 4 25* 3IXJ do 75* 100 Mo, K 4 Xex.bc.e 12 100 WeUs-Kargo Ex... So* 40 do 12* 2"0 do b e.s3 90 4<XJ do 11* ! 225 do l*J l'XJ Pac lilt of Mo be 13* 100 do ?>* 5'X) do 13): I 2U1 do 00), tin do b3 13'. luO do 9. lOt do b6 13)J I S> X) Pac il Ss bo 35)$ 4M fTiin A St Jo pf.bc 3d)? ?? do 3 'V 3OOOB10 A 11 UK...., 22;, 4O0 do ..b3 35-, loo do b3 22 5 3O0 do itlb 2 ") do ,3 22' 800 do 35V, OU) do 22W 10 Mich Leu KU. oc CO?, KM do 130 22'. 2'*) do t c ttl 200 do.... 22'. 10 111 Con UK b c 09 BEFORE CALL?12:30 P. M. $24000 Dlat Col 3.95'a. 72s. 100 aha Chi A WW pf.o tH\ !10 iMoii\i ode ... 102S 4<*'i lul It 1 Kit ..... lotf* 4OU0 W J Ceo con.... 110 ^ 100 MU A St P UK *3 43 V IMAM Wcat U e, 1UIJO U*'4 3**1 do b3 43J> HOOt 4 3 W ee g b. 8>.')J KM do 431? 25000 do 1*>)4 3U do. ... 44 8 M)C A .4 ?? crab.. Wo. 300 Fort Wayne KB... 101)4 loOah* U S Expreea... 78V. KdMor 1 Ku Kit .. lo , 100 do 70 100Ohio A MiM UK... 22'., 50 Adams Expreea.. 111\ 2'M St K, 1 Mt A 3 ICR. 24-. lOOErbiKK ?4 174^ 31/) do 24 i 1100 do 17-. 3U0 StL,K C A N pf .. 29V 200 L 8 A M S UK. ..sJ 0 loo Ho, Kau A Tex ltU 11 w tiOO do UU)$ 2 P. M. $0000 D SB's. r. HI.. 122T$ flfXXMO C S 5-20, c,'?7 122W M000 I) S 6'?. 0.'81... 123 10 A) do 122 5000 11s ?20.r.'> 5, u ll?t< 3000 U H 10-40, r 11743 l.MJOu U S 5-20, c,'G5.u 11'.)*, 5oo) 1 U S &'a, r. '81.... 11S'4 3U0J U a o-.U, r, ul. 122). 1U0J0 U S 8 a, cur 12.'\ SECOND BOARD?1 P. M. $10<*y>C A NW c c g b 9>V 2'MiUa ESA Ms Kit.,3 68V 5 4>1 M A StP lat.LaC 99 H 14O0 do 60), 10U0 Micb South a f . 1 200 Clev Al' frtd..bc.e 93.V 10>>*J Mich Ceu 7*a ... lUSk 10 J Uerlem UK be 144 I'**! do be 10.1'. 350 do 14< 40U) Ohio .1 Miss 2<L. 7SJ, 'AO Un Pac UK 7iH' fact> . 00 Pac . oid o.. lort 100 do 705 11***1 C P lat. St J br. l)8K 200 CM A WW Kit be 43), 5000 do be 95'. 4"*> do 4;n, 2UJ0CP let,C AObr 93). 12M do 43A I 7UU0-Weet Pac bonds. 100', SO do 43?. : 10U>*1 I'll Pac Kit lit.. 10.? 4iO do 44 | SUM Un l'ae 7 1, I ... lol-4 1U> do 44W 251**1 do.. l'lj 300 do 44 '2 1000 R, W A O lat, c. 93)$ 100 do 441.*!'>. 9*V 3'*) do 44 lUtOT A W 1st, StLd 02), KM do 43V SUM L A X con, 'JS.. 9i 5 <) do 44 4U*> Tol A W?b 2d lie bO'4 7U) C A N W pf..b c.b3 45 Is aha Continental Hk 70 70u do 85 V 85 Del .* Hud 122 floo no 85 2 7ospring Mi Coal.b e 03 4do c 6>v , 17). 1<*) do. ...b3 65V : I'M Canton Co be 45', 12*) do 031? ! t>M ? eel. n fel.. be.c 77'. 70 N* J Kit I411 I ' I.Va do...: 77'. 23;*) Chi A It I..bc.bJ 10.iV ! K*J do b3 771, MX) do al 1U)?. I MM do a3 77 , 2 41 Mil A St P UK..1* 44 lu) American Ex Oj). 4<?) do 44V KM do Oti 2U) do 4i . 14.. be 07 ?? d.i 441lut do 500 do .3 41', 50 U S 7'. 11 X) do 44V I 2 0 I'ec JsaU as. 35'$ lu) do 44, ' 15o X V C A UK 114). 2IM uo al 41', I ' 2">U do llJ > *> do 44?, I | 10 1 do C 1147% 200 do 41 \k ]o|0 do 11 > 3"0 do 44-, i 2m do... ;?' 0 do 4'i | 7*) do 11>? ?*l do 45>4 100 do 11' lo') do 45 w j I Ml do 114'. VMJ do 43.', ! ; IKt do 111). 7m do 45< 21 Panama Kit....h c 131 4 *1 do 45:, | ! 4'*> hiiv Kit bo 17?%' 3'/) do 45 1 Ajr) do U3 17.S 2U) do 44'g I loj do..... 1 . 101) Mil A St ib.'j | ! 100 Mich Con UK. 6114 3?<) do 7014 H?> do 01 if *? do 7?f? ?J0 do .... ,.b3 ?1\ SlJO do 7'", I01LS 4 M a RB bo t?4% 600 do 7:nJ I lnu do l>'". 1UJ D, L A W 117K. 1) hj do b3 WIS 2t>J U.1H KK.-b C.b3 22'. MO do a3 0?i>j 1600 do 2J>5 lUUO do ? ?? 1*>J do ?..b3 23 >4 10 do 0OW 300 do b3 22?, 2m do ??>, 7 *1 do 2j1% jr>.) do 0?>*% 2'?) Han A St Jo pf.b o 30>% I 2500 do tVi/, l'? Mor A Km ll-Ta ;j *> do 07 25 dt L, 1 Ml A 6. .bo . > % V>) ?3 6074 300 do 25 12V) do W'4 lo>Mo,K?nAT?*.be 12 DO do .iJ 6u>% 100 AU A i'ao pf. 974 2:30 TO 3 P. M. tunnora12214 30>stucuimw 4:174 I 1UUUU Mo. Kan Hif 51* 7 ?> do. 44 2OU0 Cn l*a>. >ink I... i*i 3'*) do 4374 SUOO M A at 1' can if ** ? mt Chi A N Vt Kit pf. ?5>% : 15 mo < ' P lit,-t J bf. M5* 5<?> do 651. ' loo aha Con Coal 4a &m do 687, 1O0 .V 1. A M, m pd.... *74 1"" do 08'% 1000 Wwll'i tau.... 77)% 200 Chi A R I KB.. .. 10?S :12I? do *3 77 Id Del, CAW RK.. . 111)4 5 ?> do b:i 77 10 Kt Wayne Bit.:... Iu2 i:*)0 do 7*74 5<.o MU A at P KB.... 45 500 do 77 300 do 4474 1(4X1 7aT4 2?J do 1>3 4.? I?M> do 7117% 0*1 do 45? , I iIAitkiKi ?*j>J 1'*' do a5 45;% 70 do BtJ (*x> do 45 75 V 8 Kapreae 7H^4 loo Mil k at P pf 7:04 HO do 70 2i?) do 72 2U0 Pac Mail ad 53 3>1% #XJ do 7*74 Oil do 35\% do .... 7:"% V?) do ... 3>S '2*1 do 7?X 3ii) do 3314 .,01) do 72, IOO.MTC A 11 R.. iJ 1141, l'?) 00 7104 100 Mich Can KB 611% KXHl do T9\ 1 loo do ?b3 rtl'% lmOhlo A Miu BR... 2'-"% | 3-D L 8 A M H KB ac.'j VII) d? 22 % 0OO do Wlv DO) do 22iJ 4 11 do *3 WS 1'*' ll*n * Si Jo Kll . I.PK) do ?< t l'*S RH.K U6 |(*) do IK)Ht L, K Oi H l?3 ? |t*> do . '-"ts Id ' Mo, Kin k Ttiti. II ^ 100 do ?.li? W'S 2"> II w?? tlo ?J 100 I'm W4t)l USi t M llarleoi Rtt H* IKUABT I1S70-?W ITH I COMMERCIAL REPORT.* COTTON OH THE 8POT QUIET?FTTUBXS QUIET? FLOUB dull?WHEAT DULL AND NOMINALLY LOWBB?COEN DULL AND LOWEB?OATS DULL AND LOWBB?POBK QUIET?LAUD UN CHANGED ? WHISKEY QUIET ? PKTBOLEUM I DULL?81'IIUTB TUKPENT1NE STEADY?BOS IN DULL?OILS UNCHANGED?PUEIGHTS STEADY? CO KNEE QUIET?6U0AB STEADY. Monday, Feb. II?6 P. Y. At the Produce Exchange about the most Important thing douo wis the reconsideration by the lloard of Managers of Iho December resolution taxing the representatives of the press (50 per annum, which gained for them such an immenso notoriety. In reconsidering their previous action the Board evidently endeavored to let itself drop from its untenablo position very tenderly, throwing the responsibility of thoir action upon those members of the Exchange who wero opposed to their action. Inasmuch as these comprise nearly the entire membership, while thoy avo In the right, they will probably very willingly accept of the rcaponHiblllty thrust npon thorn. There was vrry little business transacted today, ?ither on or off 'Change. Flour vu doll. Wheat was dull and nominally lower. Corn was also dull and lower. Oats were likewise dull and lowor. Whiskey was quiet and unchanged. Pork was quiet. Lard without decided change. Freights were steady. Cotton was quiet. Coffee was quiet. Oils were quiet and unchanged. Petroleum was dull. Naval stores were steady. Sugar was steady. COVVEI..?Thu market lor Kio was quiet. The stock of Rio at this port to-night is 251,560 bags; at Galveston, 8,000 do.; at New Orleans, 17,723 do.; at Mobile, 6,250 do.; at Savannah, 1,500 do.; at Baltimore, 66,250 do. Total, 37L.283 bags. We quote:?Ordinary cargoes, 14.\i<\ a 15c.; fair do,, 16' ,'c. a 1094c.; good do., 17c. a 17'/e.; prime do., 17'^c. a 18c.; Santos, fair to good, lO'ie. a 1794c., gold, 1894c. ninety days; Java, government bags. 23c. a 24c.; do., grass mats, 23c. a 25c.; SiDganore, do., 19c. a 20c.; Ceylon, 1894c. a 1994c.; Mrracaiha, 17c. a 19c.; Laguayra, 1794c. a 19c.; Jamaica, 17c. a 18c.; St. Domingo. 15c. a 1594c.; Porto Rico, 18c. a 19c.; Costa llica, 18c. a 19c.; Macassar, 19c. a 20a.; Mexican, 17c. a >8940.; Manila, 17c. a 18c.; Angostura. 17c a 19a ; Savanllla. 17c. a 19c.; Curacoa. lOc.a 18c. Cotton.?The market lor spot cotton was quiet but unchanged. Fatoros were quiet. The closing prices today compare with Saturday's closing prices as follows ? S U ur.luy, Feb. 12. Monday, Feb, 14. Feb J 3 a 13 1-32 Feb 12 29.32 a 12 31 32 March ... 13 3-32 a 13 3-10 March.... 13 3-32 a ? April 137-lti a? April 13 11-32 a ? May 13 21-32 a 13 11-10 Nay 139 10 a 13 19-32 Juno 13 9. a 13 29-32 Juno..... 13 25-32 a 13 13-10 Jnly 14 1-32 alt 119 July 13 31 32 a ? Augnst. . . 1494 a 14 3-16 August... 13 3-32 a 1394 ?Quotations are based 011 American standard of eiassidratlon and on cotton in store running In quality not more than hall' a grade abovu or below the grade quoted -? Opbimtt. Akitximu. A'?r <>r leant. Trxat. Ordinary 994 nig pt< 914 Strict ordinary..,,.. 10V Kr1? 10*4 lo'J Good ordinary 11 11 II'? 11'? Strict good ordinary UV 11 '4 11'? 11'? Low middling 12 4 12 ? 1296 I234 Strict low middling. 1294 12' , 13 13 Middling 13 130 13 3-16 13 3-16 Good middling 13'4 1 , 13 V 139f Strict u-norl miildlllnr 13'? II 111. 141? Middling lair 11'? HV It >5 14 >2 Fair 15lJ i:. I lfyg lr.ij ?Mainrd?-Good ordinary, flj4c.; strict good ordinary, lOjfc.; low middling, llJ4'c. , middling, l'2\r. 12 M.? Good ordinary. 11c.; low middling, 12.'4c.; middling, lilc. tjiiiet. 'fho sulci wore:? To-Day. Sat. Firming. Trtat. Export ? 429 429 Consumption 7119 HO 709 Speculation 30 3<> 6i) In transit ? 508 008 Tntala 7i>? 1.Q57 1,830 ?fur future delivery the sales wero a? follows:?Saturday niter one I'. &!.?February, 300 ? 13 l-32c.: March, 400 at 13 Mt?, 10J al IS 3-10c.; April, 400 ut 13 7-Mt,; May, 500 i?t 13 31,lJc.; Juue. 10J ut lJj,c.; July, 300 at 11 L18c. Total, 3,000 baios. To-day up to two P. M.? February, 3UU at 13.3133c. ; March. 500 at 13>^c., 1,000 at 13 J-32c., 000 ut 13 1.33c., HO) at 13 3,12c.. 300 at 13 1-lOc.; April, 200 at 13 1332c., 200 at 13->,c, 1<X> at 13 13 32c, 500 ut 13;'jC, 800 at 13 1132c, 1,200 at 13 5-lUc.; May, 1,400 at 1 13%c., 1,000 at 13 10-3Jr., 3,700 at 13 ?-16c.; June, 800 at 13 27312c, 1,400 at 13 13-ltic, 200 at 13 25.32c.; July, 300 at 14c, 200 at 13 13-1 tic. Total, 15,400 bales. Grind total, 17,800 bales. The receipt* at the ports wore as follows:? Galveston, 2,'i50; New Orleans, 8,458; Mobile, 700; Savannah. 1,803; Charleston, 1,083; Wilmington 130; Norlolk, 1,201;,New York. 1,310; Boston, 472; Philadelphia, 16ii Total, 27,007. This day last week, 18,774; this day last year, 14,840. Total since Soptember 1, 3,107.810 bales. Cotton freights closed as follows;?To Havre, by steaiu, J,e. To Hamburg, by steam, lo., compressed. To Bremen, by steam, lo., compressed; by sail, 11-lOc. To Liverpool, by sleatu. 5-lOiL; by sail, }?d. Market nominal. Knocn avo GitAtit.?Receipts?Klonr, 0,408 bbls.; wheat, 38,100 buidiels; corn meal, 1,1)70 bbls. and 1,478 sacks; oats, 38/Hi? bushels; corn, 34,478 do.; barley, 5,500 do. Ttie Hour market was dull but there waa no change in prices. Tho sales. Including Stale, Western and Southern, wero 10,5l)Obbl?. at prices within the range of tho annexed quotations. Com meal was active. The sales were 1,000 bhls. and 500 socks at tho annexed quotations:? No. 2 State $3 25 a $4 00 Superfine State 4 25 a 4 50 Extra State..? ...4 00a 5 25 Choice State 0 25 u ti CO Superfine Western 4 25 a 4 50 Extra Western .' 4 8U a 5 25 Minnesota S 4i) a 8 50 Kunnd hoop Ohio, shipping brands 4 85 a 5 25 Kounil hoop Ohio, trade brauda...... 5 50 a t> 50 Family 7 00 a 8 00 .St. Bonis, low extra ?5 00 a 8 25 St. Louis, straight extra 6 25 a 6 50 St. Louis, choice double extra 7 00 a 8 00 St. Louis, choice family... 8 00 a 9 50 Rye Hour, hue to superfine ?.. 4 00 a 5 35 Southern, No. 2 3 HO a 4 25 Southern, superfine 4 30 a 4 50 Southern,extra 5 25 a 0 50 Southern, family 0 75 a 9 00 Corn meal. Western 2 95 a 3 25 Corn meal. Jersey 3 00 a 3 30 Corn meal. Brandywine 3 50 a ? Corn meal, puncheons 20 00 a 20 50 were sellers at reduced price*, bat buyers were scarce. The ales wcro about 37,U(0 bushel* at (1 16 for ungraded spring, $1 36 lor No. 1 Wheyboygan, $1 *1 for amber Pennsylvania. $1 SO fur white, $1 35 a $1 40 for hard No. 1 spring, $1 34 a $1 40 lor white Canada, in bond; ?l 20 a $1 30 tor red winter, and $1 35 a $1 50 for amber do. Oat* wero qnlct. The sale* were about 27,5(0 bushel* at I'2c a 43c. for intorior Western mixed, 40)40. a 4<}\c for No. 3 Western do., 46tfc. a 46c. for State imx-d on track, 46c. a 4*V- for No. 2 New York inepeetion, and 46c. a 43c. for No. 2 Chicago mixed. Hye was quiet and nominal. Barley ruled quiet; 500 bushel* No. 2 two rowed State sold at 75c. Corn was dull and lower, both for lot* on the spot and forward delivery. We note *ale* of 54,<XW bushel* at t*ic. a ?2c. for whit" Southern, 59c. a 59)4* '<" no glade new Western mixed, telj^c. fur March, aud 04c. lor la*t half February. llxar xiro Jctk.?We note sales of 500 bale* butt*, put, on private term*. The 600bale* Sisal, which arrived by the City of Mexico has been sold?COO bag* were sold tor export, aud the balance fur home consumption at 4),<\, cold. JO days. Wo quote >?American dressed. $230 a $235 for double. $200 a $205 for singlo aud $12U a $130 nominal tor undressed; Manila heiup, 7c. a 7>?c., gold, the latter for line; Kussia l ieau, $210 a $215, gold; Italian, $250 a $200, gold: Jute. 4',c. a m., gold, jute butts, H)4c., currency, spot. do. to arrive, 2Sc. a lie., gold, according to loo alitor; Sisal hemp, 4)4c., gold; Istle. 6c. *0),c. spot. Molasxes. ?The market for both domestic and foreign grades was very quiet, but unchanged. We qnote (aba, centrifugal and mixed. 20c. a 25c. do., clayed, 28c. a 30c.; muscovado refining, 28c. alkie.; do,, do., grocery, 31c. a 33c.; Porto Kico, 33c. a 45c.; Knglish Island*. 32c. a 45c.; Now OrleanJ, fair to prima, 40c. a 56c. N atxl Stokes.?The market for spirits tnrpentlna ruled Itrady, with tales of III) obis, at 36)4e. The market tor rosin was also steady; sale* li W bills. xoodstrained atfl 62)4. Wo quote Spirit* turpentine, 35)4c.; rosin, common to good strained, $1 55 a $1 62)4; tar, Washington, $2 1212; do., Wilmington, $2 25; pitch, $2. Advice* from Wilmington were a* follows llosln firm ; gos>d strained, $14-; yard, 27,631; afloat, 3,425. Tar quiet and steady ; Wilmington, $1 45; yard. 1.966; afloat, 576. Turpentine? Best bid lor bard, $1 25; yellow dip and virgin, f 28; yard, 3.953; afloat, 55. Spirits firm, 31c; yard, 3,UUG; afloat, 305. Oils were eteady at former price*. We quota Cottonseed, crude, ."21c. a 55c.; .Southern yellow, 58c. a Doc.; yellow and white winter, 60c. a 65c.; linseed, casks, 02c.; bbls., 63c; lard, winter. $1 04; menhaden, Sound, 45c.; sperm, crude, $1 60 a $1 65; do,, bleached winter, $1 90; do., natural do..$1 65; whale, crude Northern, 70c.; do.. Southern. 05c.; bleached winter, 75c. a 76c. ; olive, casks, f 1 17', a $1 22)4 ; do., caaos. $4 35 a $4 40; winter bleached fish 55c.: crude fiah. 42c. a 43c. Pktuolkux waa dull, but without assentlal variation in privet. 1 he closing quotatiou* were Crude, In hulk, 774c. a sc.; do. In bbls., lie.; refined, in bbls., 14c.; cases, 16'*c. a ; rebnod, at f'hlladidphta, 1354c, ana at Baltimore, 13 4c- Advices from the Creek markets were as follows Til usvill# quiet; $2 bid, $2 05 asked. Oil City?On account of failure to receive oil on Saturday, market opens dull and nothing doing; $1 67)4 has been bid for United at wells; no sellers at that. RouscviJlo qniet; dull; 110 business to quote from. Tldiouto quiet; sales $2 17)4. Parker's, United weak, $i 86),, shipments nominal, $1 95. rmivisiofs.?Kecelpts? Pork, 16 tierces and 234 bbls.; lard, 1,392 bids; cut meats. 6 H) packages ..bacon, 22 tierces and l.ixiO boxes; beef, 295 tierces and 115 bbls. The pork I market was exceedingly quiet and very little bnslnass was 1 <4.iti? *ifh?sr tin hp nfl" '(lh*ni?N Tint < -1 11t? VmII'1 nri on a were ft* followtFebruary, f-2 10 bid, $22 45 diked; < March, $22 20 bid, $22 50 aiked ; April, $22 40 bid, $22 tJO aaked; Mar. $22 55 bid, $22 da aiked; June, $22 Hu bid, I $2J US aiked. the lalna for ftuurn delivery were about j 9U0 bbla. within the range of the cloning price*. bpol wu quoted at $22 SO, with aalei of 75 bbla. at that price. I City prime roeaa wae quoted at $22 and extra prima do. at $).'> SO a $10 O. Cat meate ruled quiet, but pricea were un- ' changed. The salea embraced b,000 Iba. pickled bob ' lies at 12c The quotationa were H)^c for freah ahouldcra, ?^C a be. for pickled do, ll\c. for frcah haiua and 12\c a 13c. tor pickled do. Bacon waa doll and heavy; city long clear waa quoted at 12c. a 12 Sic-, and Weatern at ll%c; 25 boxea long clear aold at 12c. Beef *a? atill quiet but unchanged. The qootatioaa were $15 a$lH for packet, $11 50 a $12 50 for extra nun, and $10 a $12 for plain mem. Beef hama were Arm at $20 a $27 lor prime Weatern; 70 bbla. nold on private term# Smoked maata rnied qnlat at 13)gc. a I5t?c. for hama. and WJte a 10c for ahquldera. Lard waa leia actlva. Tin doling "call" pricaa were aa foilowi;? February, $13 bid, j Old Ivli aiked; March, $13 12W bid. $13 15 aiked, April, I $13 25 bid, $I3 27K aaked; May. $13 37^ bid. $13 46 aiked ; June, $13 So bid, $13 52)i aaked. ilia aalea embraced 250 tiercea March at $13 i/7k; 1,250 ttegpesdo. at i $13 10; 250 tiercea do. at $13 l->, 2 i) tiercea do. at $13 20; 5UU tiercea April at $13 JO; Vfl tiarcaa j do. at $13 25; 2S'> tiercea April at $13 35, and 750 tiercea | do., at $13 :i5a$13 421-,. Spot waa firm, doling at I3e. a ) Kfjc., with aalea of 200 tiercci at 13c. Weatern cloaed j at $13 10. The Mtlea ware 70i> ilereea at 13c.; 260 tiercea ! at $13 0>>M. and 1 ft tiercea at $13 10. Refined waa quoted ; at 13 510c. fur Continent, 13^0. for South America, I3i>r. . a 12,^c. for Cuba and 12,l$e. tor city No. 1. Wunotaulea ; ol tkM tiercea for Continent at 13 5-10C : 1,0(JO tiercea ! do on private terma; 100 tiercea Caba at 12*tc ; 3U tiercea , city No. I at 12>,c . and 25 tiercea choice kettle on pel- I vale terma. Butter?Tlie market waa firm but onchanged. We quoteState dairlea. fair to good, 36e. j ? 27c.: choice to fancy, 30c. a 84c.; do., choica to fancy, 1 treah tuba. 3?lo.a 4(la., Weatern, good to eholoa, 22c. a 2Uc. j do., fair to good, Ido. a 2i>c. Cheeae waa quiet but ; lirm. We quote ?State factory, copimon to good. 7)$c. a I i >1*1. , mi* mj iwkj, i>>Tc. ? iac ; Him'. a m.; unio , lartory. fair >" good. .'> V ? *Sr < ?. flat eh aped good to fancy, hc,c. * ; do. Cheddar auaped, go?.l to fancy, Uo U'Ke. Kn-it.?Ib? market waa qntet, bnt ateady. W? qnote:? Carolina, fair to prima, Or. a <"\c.; Louisiana, common to prima. SH?- ? i Rangoon, fair to pn.,d, fte a <ll4<-- ; t*?toa, good, 4c a 4)fc., gold; Kan goon, in bond, ISIMa tl tJO. gold. Hi.-oab.?The market for raw won ataady, Tha ealre vara VW htida. centrifugal at ; JIM do. fair to good refining at l%c. a "\i .. aud reported nalaa of 2<J>) da Porto Itico at 7',.' , a-i l .'ir.'UM I" at *r . grade n i rep rt.d Ki-Onrd near w?* In rary 11 mi ted demand, tint pHoea acre unchanged. We quota ?Vair to good refining, 7S? a 7%e. ; Cuba, I rtecary, latr to Ounce, b^c. a b,V , do.. tquUdu*al. I SUPPLEMENT. l>Mi. anil boxen, Xos * to IT *i('t ; do. mi lU'H Uhds ?ud boxes. C' c. a 7l(e.; i'rto Kico, redoing, coium id to prima, 7c a * j do fro . -V, fur to choice, a eto- ; standard A, t'V a \t\c.: off A, 0?.e ; cm. had, ; powdered, 10 ; granulated. IO\e.; cat loaf,lis. 8*ka ! *?Rcce,pis?15 hlula . 75 tierces ami ? casks The market waa quiet butetsady. We note .won ?fi t.'XJO Ibt. prime nee tarn at 13l4c., quoted at Uc. lor ordinary and lout!. a l.fSil-. I r pri rue TALLOW.?Itcelpu -3 hhds. and M3 bhla. The market *u quiet but steady at Uc. Tor .. d.uary anil a i?V for jinruo. Tluiaaloa wuroUO fabds. and UO.iJUO Ibt prime at Vaisxrr.?Itccelpta?74 tibia whiskey, 137 do. hiu'hwiuea. and 112 do. al.vtt. I. The ?**:.. t 1 ,o b,*t> sold at H 12. Ktutiuiirs,?There ?? rnthinr of apcofal interest accomplished fit tbia market on tbe berth or in touuuqe for , bar ter beyond the liialleu buslneaa of aoiue lime pa?l. and. lu fact. If anjr. it waa more trIHiuu, particularly U the t it ?r ease, aa twin per steam was offered spurinirly for immediate use and rates for earns worn firm, libarterlue tonnage fir transatlantic voyages waa In fair supply, but then w a no weakness iierceptlble In figures. The engagements embraced:?To Liverpool, per steam. bushels grain on private terms, quoted at 7tad. a ud. ; cotton. I'll"1-; pro* vinous. 30j. To London, by auil, IC t-Ol bushels rraln, 8.1.; 100 bill*. Uour, 2a. 6d. To Bottardam, per steam, 100 h!ids tallow on private terms, quoted at 4ns Tb? charters comprised an American bark, bence to Ja a with IH.'XJIJ cases reflned petroleum, on private terim. quoted at 36c. a 30c.; an American brig, ltouce to Bayroul with 15,1*10 cases do.ttOc.; a bark. TOO.toua register, Ir an Boston tu tendon with general cargo, at a luuip sum oi 11,I3ou sterling; a ecboouar, 230 t??i?reported, benct- tc FhlUdtrlphU with bone charcoal, 91 35 ;??r ton ; tb. Teasel reported in the market hence to S inlander has been previoualjr rep rtud bj un In a f ?riner ii sue at '?k .'M lt>r bb'.s and 20c. for r n, -i .?# ?n>k'i:n. lu;t under aimtk'i Hume; a Norwegian brig, renortod hcnco to Cork lor order* with 2,000 bbU. dn., at f?? 4 V,d. ; a Hwrdiih brig, Haitiuiore to Oporto with 14,000b.istieU grain, In bipper'a bagt, at lHc. per biuhet; a burk, 541* tone, reported, with ice from Boston to Mobile, at $1 ftO a f2 per ton; a brig, 140 tons, hence to llayli uinl back, at $1,550 and port charges; one, 15B tou?, out only, at *-->75, gold, and port charge*; a Hchoouer, 270 ton*. reportod thence to (ardenaf with shook* at 20o?f and eniptv Mid*., $1; one to Btatrn Island, from llartnou liarbor, w.ih ice. at $1 . nix of 2,**) ton* to New York and Philadelphia, from Parker's Head, at $1 a$l 25 per ton ; one thence to Uoauoke Island, at $$ twoNkioo&tri, 130 and ItiO tons respectively, from Nova Scotia to Barbados, with lumber, at $7 gold per M.; one loOtonn, from St. Domingo to Boston, at $4 ><) per ton; and one lOHuns, same voyape, at $4; one of 500 tons, reported from Ashley ltivor to Weymoutli, with phosphate, at $3 per tou; two .">02 and 244 tons respectively, from Qoorpriowp to Philedelel ut $1 per ton; one 400 tone, thence to Norfolk, ice, at <rl 25 nor ton ; one 15:* ton*, with ire, from Bound Pond. Me., to llog Island, N. C., at $2 50; one to Philadelphia, from Bucksport, Me., Si 25 per ton: one 417 tons reported, Intn Weymouth to Savannah, with guano, at #2; one theno# to Wilmington, with do. ut $2 50; one Irom Charloton to Weymouth, with phosphate, $3 50 per ton; oue 407 tons, irom Wood's Hole to savannah, at $1 75. i ????? NEW YORK CATTLE MARKETS. Monday. Fob. 14, 1870. rkccipts ror tuk fast hck. Veal* and Sheep and Tarda. JSrrri-e. Cinr*. Calru. Jsimhi. JJujn. Rlxtloth street.... l,?Kt> 41 41*0 8,012 ? Forty eighth at.... ? It* til 3.2i>t) ? Fortieth street.... ? ? ? Cri'.i 12,721 Jersey City....... 4,148 ? ? 10,11)8 10,400 Totals 8,<K*2 !>0 .VJO 22.&i 83,187 Fresh to-day 2.473 17 121) 4.5(15 5.371 IIkkvk*.?Trade slow but lirtn, on a light run of generally coarse quality cuttle ; the herds <>u hand were s?>ld off by aoou j prlcas ranged from 9c. a 13c. per lb.; weight 3 cwt., at 10%c. uorlb. At liixiielh street yards T. C. Eastman sold for soli 20tl Illinois steers at l)34c. per lb., with $V on per head, a ?XC " lOKe. per lb., weights 0^ cwt. a 7hj cwt. strong; 133 Illinois steers at luc. a lie per 11a, weights 7 cwt. scant a 7X cwt. scant. T. Uillos sold fur sell 0!) Illinois iiteora at 1 lc. a 12l,c. por lb., weight 8 cwt.; fur Captain Cornell. 14 State oxen, ut 1 lc. it 13c per lb., weight 10',, cwt. T. Wheeler sold fur T. 0. Eastman 43 Illinois steers tit 10c. a 12Vc. a 13c. per !b.. weight Mewv. Burchard A M rrltt sold for A. N. M'>broe34 Illinois cows, hulls anil steers, at 10c. per lb., weight cwt.; 28 Illinois steers at 12c. a 12tjo. per lb., with $1 on per head, weight si, cwt.; tor Ilasbury A Co., 32 illiuoia steors at 12c. a 1 T4o. perlh., with $1 on per head, weight 8 cwt , scant; hold on sale 30 Illinois steors; for It. AUeu, 17 Kansas steers at 11c. per lb.,with $1 off per head, weight 7>4 cwt.; for A. flow, 41 Kansas steers at lOt^c. per lb., weight 7 cwt.; for J. B. Brnner, 41 Kansas steers, weight 7 cwt.; for J. B. MoIIappy 17 Kansas steecs at I0V4C. per lb., weight cwt.; for Shaw A lirenner 23 Kansas steers at 11c. por lb., with fl7 on th. lot. weight 7)% cwt. I'lory A Oary sold for iioff Brothers 15'.) Kentucky steers at 9.'4o. a 10>,c. a 12>,0. por lb. (tbero were a few oxen included), weight 7'u cwt., strong; for Uanbury A Co. 34 lllluots steers at lOjJc. a lie. tier lb., with $1 off'per head on 17 hoad, weight 8?., cwt. a 7J, owt.; 30 Illinois steers at 11c. a 13c. per lb., weight 7 cwt. a 7?a cwt. W. Siogal sold for self 34 Illinois stoers, terms not obtained. At tlariiinus Cove C. Kaliu sold for 11. Kahn 33 Kentucky steers at 9c. a 10^'e. per lb., weight tVfe? cwt, for U. Beohens, 10 Kentucky steers at Pt?C. a lOJjc. per lb., weight 7 cwt.; for J. Brown, 17 Kentucky steors at 10c. por lb., weiirht 7 cwt. Vf. K. Dudley sold for A. llillesnie t>8 11 linois steer* >1 lOLc. per lb., weight 6 k cwt; 24 Illinois steers at lO.Vc. per lb., weight 7 cwt. Coney A Mcl'hereou S4ild lor Dadusmau A Co. 112 Kentucky steers at 9>aC. a 12,S|C. per lb., weights & a 10 cwt ; for J. Keath, lo Kentucky steers at lOJac. a lll-jc. per lb., weight 7}( cwt.; for J. McDowell, 32 Kentucky steors, at 10c. a 12c. per lb., weight 7.k cwt.; for 1*. Dully, 72 Ohio steer*, at 10c. a 12c. por lt>? weights 6U cwt. a 7 cwt.; for T. W illeta, 82 Ohio steers, at HIc. a l'd^u. per lb., weight 7>a cwt. K. Samuels sold for Morris A W'aixels 3'1 Illinois steers, at 10c. per lb., with $1 olf per head, ?eight 7 cwt; 33 Illinois steers, at 10){c. por lb., with $1 oil per head, weight 7Ja cwt. scant; 103 Illinois Bteera. at 10c. a 11c. per lb., weights 0 4 cwt. a ti'2 cwt. M Lautorbach sold for Morris A W'aixels 38 Illinois steers, at Iwa a lOkc. per lb., witb (48 olT the herd, weights. Ok a 0Ja cwt.; to Illinois steara at lO^c per lb., weight. Ok cwt. , D. Waixel sold 20 Illinois steers at Idk-c. a 1 lc. per lb., weight 0^4 cwt.. 04 Illinois steers at He. a 12c. a 12L4o. per lb., weights, 7>a cwL a7\ cwt. Milch tows were held on sale. Vhaj,* and Calvhs.?'Trade small, flrusa calves sold at $11 a $10 SO per head, also at be. per Ui. biuooth quality veals sold at 3c. a lOkjc. per lb. H11 tests* and La Mas. -Trade in sbeep extremely dull at 15c. a 7>4c. per 10. The quality ot tbesa bocks was Irom coarse to choice. Lambs not quoted. Kaso A Pidcock sold 173 Ohio sheep, weight 15,750 lb*., at ukc. perils.; 1015 Ohio sberp, weight 16,180 lbs., at Okc. por lb.; 120 Ohio sheep, weight 12,110 lb*., at t'Vc. per ill. ; 204 Ohio sheep, weight 31 840 lbs . at 7Wc. per lu.; 35 Ohio sheep, weight 2,001) lb*., ut 7k?c. per lb. Salsa for the putt week 8.?34 sheep ; average $0 40 per head. Judd A Bnckingham sola for this past weak 0.306 sheep; average, $5 30 por bead. J. Kirby sold 270 Ohio sheep, weight 24,310 lbs., at lie. per lb.; 120 H Ohio sheep, weight 10.880 lbs., at Okc. per lb.; 185 Ohio ' sheep, weight 17,440 lbs., at Oj,c. per lb.; 172 Ohio sheep. weight 10,470 Iba, at $6 50Wc.jper cwt. K. Davis sold 108 ; Illinois sheep, weight 10,171) lb*., at Sy,c. per lb.; 181 State sl.eep. weight 10,070 lbs., at 6,'4c. per lb.; 1 170 State sheop, weight 17,380 lbs., at 6^0 I por lb. llumo A Elliott sold 209 Ohio sheep, weight 24,300 1 lbs , at 6L'c. per lb.; 83 Ohio sheep, weight 9,120 lbs., at | (%c. per ib. : 170 Ohio shoen, weight 17,600 lbs., at OJfJc. per lb.; 3! M Indiana sbeep, weight .'12,420 lbs., at O^c. peril).; ' 2<>5 Indiana sheep, weight 20,003 lbs . at Oi,e. per lb.; 118 Ohio sheep, weight 12,061) lb*.. at 05a'c- per lb. Sold tor this : past week. 6.971) sheep; average, J.) 43 per bead; 113 veals I and calves; average, (12 24 per head. IIo<;*.?Trade small; 130 clioico quality Ohio pigs, gross woigbt 21,7.iO lbs., sold at $3 50,k per cwt. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Gauvkstom, Feb. 14, 1870 Cotton steady; middling, 12kc.; low middling, like.; good ordinary, lO^c. Met receipt*, 1,913 bales; gross, 1,936 bales. Exports?To Great Britain, 5.776; to France. 681; I coastwise, 77L bales, 1,428. Stock, 70,121). N'xw oki.cans, Feb. 14, 1876, Cotton qniet; middling. 12'4c.; low middling, 11c.; good I ordinary, 9%c. Net receipts. 11,1X11 bales; gross, 13,232. 1 toui-la To the < Vn! ini'liL 3.424 : ivia.tai.n A 12.". I > 10,000. Stock, 380,528. Momw, Feb. 14, 1871. Cotton ilni.t: middling, 12l?c.; low middling. 11 Vc. ; good ordinary, IfjC a 10c. Not receipts, 5,15t bales, Exports coastwise, 1.0 J3s Sales, 1,SOOL stock. 75.41m. Savannah, Feb. 14. 1876. Cotton quiet; middling, .12 l7-32c.; low middling. 11 0-32CC.; good ordinary, 10 132c. Net recolnta, 2,' 3d bales ; gross, 2, 185 baioa. Exports coastwise, 731. bales. 848. Stock. 76,863. | Feb. 14. 1876. Cotton quiet; middling. 12>,c. a 12 W-l'tc.; low middling, 12c.; good ordinary, lOfa. a lo\'c. Net receipt*, 1,'*i.t I bales. Exports?'To France, 123; coastwise, 001. Sales, ! 1.000. Stocs. 54,181. O.ssmco, Feb 14. 1873. Floor steady; sales 1.100 bbls , at $6 75 for No 1 spring, $7 for e'ulier winter, 1(7 25 tor while winter. $7 50 for double extra. Wheat quiet; sales 2,000 bushels red and white Stale on private terms; No. l Milwaukee club held at (1 40, No. 1 white Michigan at $1 45, extra do. at $1 55. Corn unchanged; ! new mixed Western. 08c.; aid do., 06c. Barley quiet; No. 1 2 Canada held at (1 06. No. 2 Bay at $1 12, No. 1 Canada at $1 20. Corn meal?$27 lor bolted and 926 for unbolted. I Millfeed?Mioris. 918 a 917; ahipstnffa, Jits a J16; ini<l- ' dlinga. 920 a 922. BUFFALO. Feb. 14. 1870. Stocks in rtorn and afloat?Wlioat, 1.329.638 bushels; corn 28,967 do.; oats. 88,011 do.; barley. 120,672 do.; rye, i 21,Wit!do.; peas. 1,370 do.; malt. 43,172 do. Total, 1,631,7161 bushels. Receipts?Flour, 8,700 bbls.; wheat. 23,(XX) , bushels; cern, its,000 do.; nets, 21,000 do.; barley, 90,000 do. Shipments?(Tour,6,500 bbls,; wheat. 23.ISO bushels; corn, 35.500 do.; nets, 21.000 do.; barl?y. 20,iss i Jo. Flour I quiet and unchanged. Wheat Arm and In good demand; .' sales 2.5U0bushels no. 2 Milwaukee club at 91 63; 1,100 do. i extra Milwaukee at 91 31); 800 do. hard Minnesota at 91 36; 1.500 do. lireen llay at 91 31, and 2. ?x> do. white winter at (1 37 and on private terms. Corn dull an 1 scarce; sales of | 5 cars new at 52c.. on tra'-k. Oats neglected. Rye neglected. Barley quiet, but firm ; sales l.lsju bushels Canada at $1 03, and 2.UU0 do. on private terms. Fork doll, at 9-1 for heavy mesa. Lard quiet at 13>^c. lilghwines nomi- i naliy 91. Chicago, Feb. 14, 1878. Flonr qnlet hut firm. Wheat easier hut In good demand; I No. 1 Cnicago spring. 91 08; No. 2 do., fl 03\. sjKit; sales at 91 00k a 91 W)i, -March; closed at 91 01 \ .March, 91 05k May; No. 3 do., 84,^o. a 84t,c; rejected. 78c. Corn?No. 2 mixed. 41c. stmt. 4! ,o. March, l-'c. April. Oats st?adv and unchanged. Barley unsettled and lower; sales at 67c. spot. <t4c. March. Rye quiet and unchanged. Heeds j . steady and Arm. Lf-??ed hogs?Demand good at lull price*; , ales el 96 e .*9 10. Fork?Demand leir end prices have ad- { vanced; sales at f2l spot and March, f.'l 30 April, 921 ? > a 921 8.1 May Lard steady and Arm at #12 50 spot, #12 65 i March. 912 >*> April. Bulk meals steady, with a lair demand : shoulders. 9j4c.; short rib middles, like.; alert ' .1... ,1.11.. III.. Urhlak.iv ili.l n-i,-l,Aii<r..l at I $J <?. Receipts? Flour, 9,i??i bbla.; wheat, .VI '? ?) bushels; 1 corn. 92,0.* > do.: out*. 24,0l*> do.; barley, 91.ta.Ddo.; rye. i 41)0 do. Shipments?Flour, ll.uaj bbla.; wheat, Itoti ' bn^biU; corn, do.; oats. do,; barley, 5.0U) do.; rye. TOO do. At tho aflernoou coll of tb* board wheal woo higher ot $1 08}, for February, #1 01M for Morrh, fl ITS*1for May. Torn y. blyher (l?n unchanged. Pork dull and prtcoa a abado lower, at $-1 27>4 for April. Lard oalor, no aslaa. PRINTING CLOTILS MARKET. Protiorkck. R. I.. Feb. 14. 1?76. Printing cloths doll, hat Moody, ot 4c., cooh, to 4)?c., 30 doyl, for beat standard au<l extra goods. BRAZIL COFFEE MARKET. Rio Ja*kiro Fab. 12, 1H7R. The coffee market la animated and prices ore flrui ot d}7(Xi o reia per ten kilogrammes for good Qrato. Exchange oo Loudon. ? At Santos the market is quiet and unchanged. Superior la ' quoted ot i|7UU o o,'JOD reia per teu kilogrammes. EUROPEAN MARKETS. I.iTtarooL Paoni'do Mxuxrr -I.tvanroot, Feb. 14? Keening.?Llnaend oil, 24a 0 24* 'Id. per cwt. 1'KontJca Kanaor?Loauoa, Feb. 14?Evening ? Linseed oil, 2.1*. 2d. 0 24*. per cwt. _ NfANCIAlo AUtiCST MKLMONT A CO.. Haokera. 19 and 21 Nassau et., la?ue TraTetleri' Credlte. ovoiloble In oil p?rta of the world, through tli? Meaera DE ROTHSCHILD end tbelr correspondents _ . Also Commercial Credlta and Telegraphic rronarere or Money on California and Europe. AMKW B<>"k. J (JUT OCT. <>S WALL ST.. WITtiH engraeed Illustrations, containing valuable Information lor stock aperolatora. and bow rlaks may be limited ond produ increased. Senior-. liookera and tfrukato, Mo. 11 W?B eL*f. T. | 9 ri\a\fta|1( A Ll:x. KKOTIilN>ill VM k * <) AKK OEKKIilNtl J\ ynvilagm uu tin* rcUv* >t :k m., i ?t very cl<?* rtiM. Ct*ttr*cU l??u#d "U* nvoiitti ?x >. ootllni (lv> ??<J upward, ?re uow w >rth, nn 1:1*1.* ?loci>?, u u tiv? 10 ten Min i* the ciMt. Any Stnok nt tin- k\ .*11^1 U< i-'.t ..r miM <ib t Bj*rriu of flva jtor e?nt A'Mr??*. for iotorniMion. U.KX. kuutuinoii a m a < ii 1..11* r - * . ?t \i KK.A.Ml.Vli;l.l. . . - MoNi-.Y OK Lira ANU kiiiinwmeut ioiiirmnv I' lien *. M.rt, a - *urt ntliei Mcuritie*; ituiur*nce .if *1. kind. *ffrdt*d with l..-?t .110 j j- habkicij k co.. 117*?y. -LmLKV k BA/LkV,, 7Tlll?OAU. . WAY fHlVIU:i.l>" ON "kKV BKKs "I I II* Ni-.W VOKK itT'H K f.Xf.HA.Ni.K" "KXi'Li sIVEI.T.' KKKEKKNCKS IN NEW V il'.IC AND r.l .vUIXi: i'ITIKI ^\ bought and sold by tlie >ld establish.' I hnie of ALHI.UT li. N!< CI a . * Mock Broker- and An tiutiv i ?, No. 4i Pine ?l.. Now V, rk. N. B ?7. ? and 10 per oent Choice City and (luuul) Bonds and otlmr A1 Investment Securities our -pecially 24 y> or-. pa>ini/ 10 to 10 per cout, interest promptly paid, for ale below par. ^ NEW BO Jit" ON -TiiTJii M'Eo'k'k.AlTJN. mulled free to any addrc a, explaining bow large profits are ma le on privilege contract* J'nte, culls. sproeilii or atraak all active stocks for 15, 30or (10 days, bought ou com* misuou uti>c(t market r..tes l>y I. W HAMILTON A co., 10 Wall ?t. New York. ANY AMOUNT |'m>T KINDS TO LOAN?ON RE~a2 "te, tbU citj ,r Urooklyn. for llvn year*, let *1 ea> peiise- only. LKaVHT A WOLCOTT, 10 Pica at, AUWISSi MINING t Airwv ^ANT ONE HAVING jV made loans n tl.n r eg of this company will lieai something to tltelr advantage by addressing M., boa 1,131 Po?t oflk'4, Boston. "LI ST A ' 1 14 TO b6A|r oi T.I w? wrouvLvi, " ' "uatry Property , no bonna Address ATTORNEY, Herald office. TuKii' I.'..).-, .'A. , . A uN clrf j Property. J EKE. johnson, Jr .". . k'row T N DIA NAP ol. IS, BEooMlNoloN ami WKsfluE X and Danville, I r! Ul Blooraiugtun i , ...mail bondholders, main line, who have i . rented ;.v ot the plan of reorganisation, can obtain on ... ippm atinn te either of the undersigned. THE TIME KOli DcPO.xl r OP BONDS EXPIRES PRJllU'ARV IP. l-cpi. AUSTIN CORBIN, *11 Rroadwny. li. K. TAIN'T" lit. > Br ,a,l St JOSI.VH H. BLOSSOM 7 '.Vail at. always daviT money To loan on 'moli-~a?k New York city Property. Principal* desiring to HoKltoW OH INVEST apply to H. la GRANT, 14 . Broadway. John "a."fierce. no. 5~p7n'k sr.. has nitosl Knnds to loan on approved Nuw York and Brooalyn Heal Estate. Money to loan on bond and Woktmaok in uuia to suit, city property. JOHN I.. CAVANNA, 59 Broadway, room 58, Indemnity Building, New street wing. Money "on pi its'r second and li a i 1ai.11 Mortgages at easiest terms. Parties requiring tnnda or having funds to Invest should apply to GEORGE W. STAKE, room 8, 150 Broadway, Money to loan on MORTOAOH-wnriroin bonus, from fh,isiO to $*<>,000. W. II. STBl'lETEH oa i) ! I1KNNKT, No. Ill Broadway, room H. 0PP1CE OP K. X. FKANK~51 EXiTIANGE PLACE. New York, Peb. 15, 1x70. CTlie undersigned has tlii? .lay establlalivd bitusolf in tlia general hanking and brokerage business. E. I.. PRANK. rpo LOAN ON MORTGAGE?POK THREE YEARS X upon City Property ; $10,000, and $2,500. JAMES PRICE, 2H > Hudson sE rpo lo in'?isjo.o o. in riirek si'm s.~p in ncirals X only address LAWYER, Herald ollice. wanted?on 1 mpuoykd""cih ntry property It near by, $18,000. jkiO.iSsj and ?7b,O0t); valuation foul times the amuniit. Addre's PRINCIPAL, Herald olflcs. WK ALWAYS HAVE MONEY K.J it NEW YORK' AND Brooklyn l'r .port.' E. 1. RoWKN v <'1" , L'C Pine at. wasted-<?n *i.n11> " cii.\ ri:,.' v mrgage, worth si* times the amount, for sixty or ninety davs. lor which a 1. be vol bonus will bu m: I Ad lresa W. F., Herald OffloB. stiuvtwv wantku one vkak~6n' wkstkkn J? J.vy .U1/\J interest paying Bond md unimproved city Property worth treble amount, 12 per rent Interi si md co?mission ; good rot'orouce*. Addruxs principal, hoi 4,205 Post oillce. CO PA HT\Kit SIH I'M. XTEW YORK, FEB. 10, 1?70. i.M 53 ExrriANfiK Pi.acb. The copartnership heretofore existing under the tin* name ot lieldelhucli, Fruuk A Co , has th:s day expired bj lis own liuiitaiion. Mr. Alfiod .S. Ueldelback will sign In liquidation. LOUIS heidelii Ai'll. ALFKEI) S IIKIDKLUAOH. K. L. FRANK. ADOl.r HANS. \T EW VOUK. FEB. 15, 1 ->7(5 jL> r>2 ExrtlANCK pl.aofc The undersigned have this d?v formed a copartnership u? der the llrrn name of Ilcidelhacn, ioicelheunoi .it Co. for th< transaction of a general baiiliiug business (foreign and do" inosiny. I'll I LI 1' IIEIDKLH Ai'Fl. ISAAC ICKKLHKlMKIt. ALFRED S. IIEIDKLUACH. ESPY IIK1DKLHACII ti CO. BUS1MESS OPPORTUSITIKS. A?CAPITAL WANTED, TO MANUFACTURE AN exclusive article in daily uao, consumption large< prolits siitisfneiory ; sales for cash; no depreciation In stock Address UTILITY, box 157 Herald Uptown llr.iuch otflce. An intbrebt in a new and bc >kohioa3 process for manufacturing a superior Bone Black, suit, able lor sugar refining, to be disposed of at a reason able business this offers a Iavorable opportunity. Address Post ortice bo* 212, Jersey City. An" o ld est a b lis i iko coal Horse*, Oarts, Office nod Stable Pixturoa for sale , prioi (TkJO. Inquire at re >H Weat at., corner of Jane, 7 Bl .-.inBW MAM WITH |UOO CATItili tQ3 71 find a remiinoratite Investment with a good par'y in a staple business of large profit, without risk, by culling at Leggelt's Hotel, Chatham (., room B7, /A. )ol> WILL AND rlXTEKES OP A PHXLAOMU>BfZ aJT house, Between two principal theatres, mut side lor tutislc hall or summer garden , beet locution iu the city. H2I Wuluut St., Philadelphia. Hotels, ii est aUTian ts] conkkctionkhiks, Sample Rooms, (Irnceries, rionae Kornishing, Mik llriery, Cigar Store. Bakeries, Drug Stores, lluir Stores, Marc kuta, Livery Stable", An. JORALKMoN. Store Broker, 1.217 Broadway. WILL BEY A CIuTlTsTottK OR STAND?WIIII OH without Stock ; inns: be :"<> 1 location. Call at J7U Canal t., or address C. L S., 2H7 West 4th at. artner wanted?in "7v manhj Acn-itiNa business, tn take the place if retiring partner , buineae In operation ; aecured by patent; capital require I, |I,.VII: a good cbance lor a young inaa. Addles* A. M C , bixl.liO Post ortice. 1JARTN LP. WANTKD-WITH SlTi'i" K:-TA HLISIIKIJ .1 and puling business; account books atiowu. AJdicas OAWDOa, Herald office. Tjlo UTS roT "sale-ON I' K It V AH' AIM A*. I' A ! K NT, Jk inli-nutaance privy; party wanted witb $4,(kJ0, te niauufacture here on shores or royalty, Addruaa It. D II.. box ittib New V >rk l'oat ortice. J~) LiHTS KOit SALE PATENT NOVELTY; SELLS b everywhere at lo t per cent profit WILSON A llAltiUNUTON. 02 Broadway. To hotel kkkpkhs.-a kp.knciI"kkstaukateob, speaking English, ties tree an engagement a* partner or nnnaccr In a:i Amorlcau hotel during ttie Phi! adolplua Eghlbltion. Address L. 1, Itu" do* Ecnles, l'arla. mid" .MANUKAOTLHEKS 7)1' CMBKELLA M'KMI tor*, A bouse uitli a lacee coimei-tinn tmotn) urn brrlla manufacturers in Crest llriteln, la denrou* (< rrprawm it timt clev. Amandin firm lor the supply of all kind* of umbrella furniture, sticks sr.n all klnda of mounts, first clius rolereucea <tvrn. Addreaa L. M., 12 tioworst., London, W. C., Englanil \\TA.VTE lC-t?J,OUO AND i.OOO.-I WANT TO MEET vT a party owTiitiK or oiritrolllui; above sums for Iludsos River Waatoucslcr first mortK*u'os. above amounts do not exceed one hit If of present panic value of properties, which consist of large farm and village residenco, both finely im6roved, Principals or atSornrya ouly address it A. UYANT, 35 Liberty St.. ruoins t and 3. rANTED?AN~A0TIVE PARTNER, WITH A CAPItal ol from $15,000 to Rl'MAJO, to Join s firm in tba provision brokeraife and commission bumuoas, ons who ia capable of aitondtns > the indoor portion of the bmdneae and to the Ooauces pro'arreil. The advertiser can give host references, and can show that the bnsiness Is both lucrathr* and safe. Address ACTIVE, box 133 Herald office aq aaa ?partner wanted to uprkmbmt 11 H I. two inocialifos at Centennial Exhibition; $75,0U0 ipiarantend. Box 1,3 1 I'oet uTIco Alt tkAA lOK OJfB-HAltP INTKKEHT IN OKI (J* sjf I ).U\)' / the b< ft loaatad hotels in 1'lillu lelplua, 33 rooms. Address 11. W? Herald Philadelphia Krancli offlro, AQJt AAA CAPITAL AJfD A GEN hi: \1. i sKTs^s)U,ner w?u!"d?lly a long ilabUehed Itriidwuy luorcantlle house, with nn uuexceptlonabio record aud having a aMady, profitable biialneea. Apu.y to liRitiUd A CAKLRTON, lh uroadwny J?>U r.ll|l -AN KsiTAULISilKI) PUBLIC MAR1$? ' Comntii; In tba city re-pi l re to Inrmaae thoir working capital by tliia ahova amount, which will be secured on marketable property and7 perrem will be guaranteed to addition tu dividend on I*> ?barcs ijKSf each, fully paid np?. whicn will be presented Tbc company was lormad under the old act of is-4rt. freeing the si ickiiolarr? fMin all liability. The company's t>r >lit? aro very large, r i ...Ing over l'*> ,er cant. Addrc.s X W-, box I'oat oflice. New York. BUSINESS TROUBLES. At the second mooting of the creditors of Aloxander Stein, manufacturer of furniture, whlcn w.ta held yesterday at the office of Register Pitch, No. 343 U roadway, the crcdilorn agreed to accept twenty-fire rauta on the dollar, cash. Mr. Stem's labilities acre stated to ha $T-J,436 01, and his assets $24,.144 40. Me.xara Porter k Bliss, dealers in boots and shoos, of No. 1,233 Broadway, made an assignment yesterday to Asa *lt. Ptewart. Liabilities, $14,'."Si 36, nominal asset* 12 767 41 actual aascU, $7.47.! 24 K 3. Baker, provision dealer, in Brooklyn, has made an asV'gnni'jnt. Trio failure of Otto Heoschel, furnltaro dealer, of Na. jGT Bowery, was announced yesterday. Messrs. Walsh & Field, ship chandlers, of No. a South strset, and Henry Selling, dealer In loUaooo, ( . No. 173 Front street, have m ule aa,.'diimenU < A meeting ol tbo creditor* of Messrs, Obrteght d> Well, shirt manufacturers, of No S4 Leonard si reel who failed last September, was hold yesterday at Ihi >ill<:? ol Register Williams, No. 4 Warren sin-el Messrs. Thomas 1). Adams and Daniel K. Dins wort a|i|K>int<><l assignees The liabilities were stated to In llv'IW, the nominal assets $17,000, and liio actual asvta about $13,MO, The Brat meeting of the creditors of Clark A Russni, dealers In ribbons, which was to have taken piacs yesterday at the ofllco of Register Allen, No. IZi Broadway, was postpone 1 until the 2*tU iusi The second meeting of the creditors ol Danny Hull tailor, will tako place at the oUlce of Rcgiau r Allen No. 162 Broadway, on the 0th proa At the s< cond meoting ol the creditors of David Sot linger, dealer in fancy goods, yesterday, held at tlM viuvV *! Atiuu, n?ti'vnuv.. - ? ?r p'?iut?t Tweaiv claim* wo ro proven, iuwiui jui, m vu? to n0vuV.4ii.wa