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/ 2 C IT T RKAL BIT itTETOIl 4 A t.K. ( entrml. A run CT T> ?P%f KTI1 ivn wn 1V9 ?. A Cbolca four story 21-foot high stoop stons Keaidenoe', ! price low. V. K. STEVENSON. Sr., No. 4 l'iue at. and 33 kwt 17th it. | N "ELEGANT 11'LL SUED IIOl/RK, ON 5TH AV., for sale at a errant bargain M A. J. LYNCH A SON, HW Broadway, corner of I'ina ??. All Ol'SE AND LOT KOK SALlF-iLOCATION Improved) between Central I'ark aud Boulevard; wonld exchange for Harlem Property or a Rood Knrui; value IHlMll. Kor particulars edaryaa owner, B. B., Heraldolllca CW-i *,lia . IM' oXLl t'.tSII KKt/l'IKED) O ? will buy a beautifully froscoed three atory ' high stoop brown atone House, situated near the 51Hh at. and 5th av. entrance to the Central i'ara. Apply at 122 East USth at. Will be let furnished. &Ql I OHO ONLY "Wilt- A PEKPKOT OEM of A OOlf.UlMF medium ?t*e four story ha*omont House. Bear Sth av., 18th si. , easy terms. OfflcesNo. 4 Pine and 83 Eust 17th it. V. K aSTEVKN'bON, Jr. Rant 8Mt? AMKDrrM 5*17,E nitfH STOOP UK(|WK STOVE CORner House. on Lexington av Hud oSih at. ; a bplendid opportunity to purrliniv m.-\ -llent residence at a low tiglire ; terms eaay. OHiocs So. 4 Pino and 33 Ka*t 17th at. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr. IilOR SALE?FURNISHED (ill lTNFU UN IHllF.iV HO CHE No |;;2 I'Sth si. Apply to J. 11. BUOWN, 33d si. and Broadway. ML ST liK Tol.ft at A SACRIFICE ?A NEAT COT. tage on the east side of Yurkville : $3.<N*J or 94,Ut*i wanted. Apply to J. AC&EKUAN, No. IN) East 14th st from 10 to 4. * Osi.l *1." " ? AiMi run A llilll-.t hiUKV BASE merit mil tub-cellar I Unto near Harlem Hrldfi', remain cr, O. on mortgage. U. W. HITCH KTT, So.2N?? We.t hide. A T LOW PRICK -FOR BALB, 21 VESTRY PT , XV 3 story brick Dwelling, In complete order: modem convi tilence.i. Apply to owner, JOHN A. UADUhS, 40 Witt 20th ft. SACRIFICE24TII ST., I'llltEE STORY HIGII Ituop brick House MONTAGUE, Sib av and 2Iat at. F~0R SALE?NO 0?WIBFTSmTSt77~ALSiVno. 640 Madison av., south of 0<?th it.; the cart through 50th at. Croat the Elevated and all other city mails; each 20 feet wide, four story, high ttoop. hrown atoue; in inott desirable location. EL1AS U. BROWN, owner, 20 Nassau at., or No. ? West 06th St. IIOR BALE C11EAP-KIGIITl'l~VTARD 111)i"se7 WITH .tablet; one Ninth ward, with stables; lull lut; terms easy, E. M M A S'? V 31 n: k ("? ^7 iUWt ?A BARGA i N -i WEST XID BT.. FOUR O t ivUU, story brli ? llonse; all the modern Improvement*. JAMES K. EDWARDS, 108 Went 2.Id at. Ill I *< ?.-Hurt porta. For sale?a special bargain?a tiiuee story brown stone House; owner going to Europe: It mast be acid; tee it. I CRAWFORD, 658 3d av. 17IIBST GLASS LOTS FOB RALB, WITH HI 1 l.DEUSJ loan. A. C. l.OOMIS, 125 West 36th at. J ""AMES PRICE, Real Estate Xau-nt later 200 Hudson st. O ffor* for salt:? Third i\\ , opposite Cooper Institute. Wo.-t 11 ih st . near Broadway. Spring and Sullivan, Northeast corner. W afhiotftori and Watts sts . Northwest corner. West and DcHbrosse* st?., Southeast corner. All excellent investments, moderate [trices, easy terms. 3ROOKLVN PIIOPKHTY FOR SAJJEB A\I> TO LKT. % THREE STORY BRI< K HOC8I, WITH STORE. 08 JV North 2d St., Williamsburg, will be sold at a sacrifice. 8. E. 11EHHKKD, 21* East 14tli at. rniiE FTnest smaia71 iouse in hk<joklyx, with A everv Improvement ; a No. 1 order and handHomely furnished; everything made expressly for tlie house and all Lew ; local d on the finest avenue ; convenient to throe lines Of cars, on the hill, at a bargain; needs to bu seen to be appreciated; full site lot, Ac., Ac. Address OWNLli, box 171 lleraid office. QO ~ ( w CoIiNhllTTWO BTOUY BKOWN STONE; vO.tJv'U. i.ll improvements; 30 minutes' ride. KLLaNU A WHITNEY. No. o Bee km an st. WESTCHB8TBU COCWTY PROPBHTY FOR BALB A.\l> TO REST. Al't'TH >N SALE?BY NICHOLS A t'AKKEKTY, ON Monday, March 0. at 1 o'clock, improved and unimproved i1 r >pcrlv, at Mount Vernon, 30 minute, from Grand Central depot. 3" Lot., 2"i\ 100 eacii. suitable for immediate improvement, w itliin two block, of Neiv Haven depot; also G Dwellings and 2 Stores. For particular, apply nt 03 4lh v.. Now York. Cottage to rent in Monnt Vernon. "A OEN TLB HAN S COUNTRY 8SAT-OK EAST BANK -?Y of tlio Ilnilaon. north >1 Ronjrhkeepslo ; HO acres; liutnoiise uiiniuitius fruit; brick mansion, cottage: numerous outliuildiii js. large river trout; dock; Icehouse; uneiiualied river and t atskill Mountain views; at a sacrifice; photo* graph* at our office. HOl'KIXS A CAKUfiilj 1'ON, No. 1 East 33d et. IVoR SALE?AT NKW itnCli ELi.K, ON WHITE l'lains road. Westchester county, N. Y., one tnlle from depot, a Farm ol HH acres, now used as a stock farm, part ... ...... uiiuur goon ainie 111 cuuivuinin, Willi fine, ^prge dwelling and nil necessary nuthouses; two new, large stables, with accommodations for 60 horses; 150 tons of ha* ; everything that may be reqiiireil fur stock breeding; implements mid part of stock sold if purchaser desires; fruit of all kinds in nbuiidunce. Also Farm of 44^4 acres, part Wood land, balance under cultivation, with dwellings and necessary outbuild ngx. ' > excellent condition; fruit in abundance. Tlio above to be aold on very easy terms for purclin it; owner sells as lie is goiug abroad. Apply to P. J. CI'/.ANAS, on the premises; JtiSK DKbUADO. East Morrisania, corner Eagle aveuue; WAY DELL A CO., 21 Old slip. "rvTiT SAI.E -A T'INK HOUSE; 0 ROOMS; SLATE X1 rool: 4 lots; he?t situation in Mount Voruou. Apply to KELLOGW, oiyuer, 37 Park row, New York. > Y E. ? R EXT OR FOR-SALS, COTTAGB HOLSH, tg b acre of Land, nine rooms, near the depot. DAVENPORT, lhl Broadway. \"oS"liKltb.-NHLENDID JUoWaGKT NINE UOOM8; L modern iuipmveruents: rent only f.W0; near ilopot. JAMKh YUl.MANH, Agent, Ylinkers. JERSEY CITY. HOBOKES, HVD8W CITY A\l> UKllUK\ I1KAI, ESTATE. For Sale. A FARCED SAI.E.-MODERN HOUSE, If>.?x4.'>xl0fl. cY in line order; twe piarias, considerable fruit, accessible location, ou the Heights, only #3,750; cheapest property in Jersey City; neighborhood excellent. STANLEY FERGUSON, 161 Broadway. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CTT* FOR BAI.E Oil TO 11KRT. A r ORAKOI . N ,T . II WILTON A \V Vl I.IS jY one of tlie finest places on mountain side; rent low; si'acious mansion. In perfect order; every improvement; large, highly cultivated rounds; conservatory, lawns, forest shade, garden, outbuildings; excellent neighborhood. 30 T.ik st. \T NKW RKItTiTToN\ - i Ai EN ISLAND, houses to i let, ftirntshsil and untarnished: stylo, health. ?eeuery, Ciiifoii; reasonable terms; guides lurmshcd. KEUTUEN BHiiTHrlRS, ho Thomas st. ~A r NF.W brighton.?F<~KENT, furxihhkd AND j at untarnished, Residences, charmingly located; modern i conveniences, Ac.; adapted lor merchants' residences; comtort able homes; moderate rents. 11amilton, 03 Broad 1 way. AT ~h I AM FORD. CONN-FOB SALE, A IHKAl tIFFI. Property on Richnionil llill, within three minutes of railroad depot; substantial and elegaut residence; every mod. rn Improvement, '? ecres grounds, handsomely laid out; most complete, healthy, c nrrnient and picturesque country scat any 11.era Photographs at owner's. 73 I'ine st. XpAKMS TO LET V Lvlli.K FARM AND UODll ON j. oimcn i-ianu, containm* is rnotn* anfl 1 Mi acres or land, at $<> ). aleo another farm and llouac of 4U acrea, at ftttX), near Cholera steamboat wharf tour in ilea from t'ort ]:iclim< ud. Apply at Lonirneek, to IIKNKY C. MoUtlAN. "L"V>i: S.tLR?Oh'K Oil TWO LOTS, ON RAILROAD 1 ae., next to depot, at Clendate, i^urrni county; low price. Apply at J.'4 Atlantic ?i.. Brooklyn. . | OK SALE?A SET OK 88CTI0MAL DOCKS, CON- j aiatinit of four i tiona worked hy Meant . capable of j lifting vessels of 8S0ton* burden: also a lot of Shipcarpeatera' Yard Tool*, ( lamp Screw*, lie I Screw*, Jack Hcreaa, < Auger*. Ac.; must be aotd oil account of death of owner. Ad- 1 drtt** OSCAR fcVKRSOX, box 170 foal office, Kouduut, UJater county. X. Y. 1><>K SAI.K-ON HtTril ST (II*) KOOT STREET NEAR e .T Riverside Park, three full Lota, below grade; prieo X'-.OOO each. L. J. CARPENTER, JO 3d av (Hibit llouaei. ; "I/OR RENT?VERY DESIRABLE rFRRISHKD COTL ta?* at Cape May, fronting ocean. Apply to F. G. A C. P. BROWN. No. ?*' Broadway. New Tork. or t\ II. A II. P. Mi IflllKiD. Ne at"6 tknrth OMt at., Philadelphia. EiVUiilHKD on I'NfI'RNISHED COTTAOEfl AND J? large elegant Man*i oia ; one 35 rooma; choicest location* In New Brighton, 8. I ; rente reduced. W. A. COLLINS, iK Ptue at. VYXcX. t>N ill'HSON?LOW RENT Tu KkTXXbEE *N tenant*.?York Houae Hotel. SS rooma, f *<X1; a new Houae. well loeated. 10 noma, ? t>; Rockland Lake Hotel Dwelllnic. 15 rooms, bar, ball and billiard rooma. bam*. IH acre* meadow, orchard*, lake front, boathouee. picnic sounde, Ac., rent fsO<i, Ihe abore property can be leased Tor a term of years at aalletactory term*. Apply to JUIJN* ! T * VI I IK Vv-.i, ' rr ' Ciates island?wi; acofcrr kntiue manaok 0 inent of Staton laland propertiea mid adrertiee Hie ama < gratuitoual) , New Hr.ghton lial cloeed KKl TORN HKOTIIKKK, W Thorn *a at. TO LET ATPLAINrtRLD, H. J , ri'RXUaKD OS unfurnished, Mana.on: hexnlitul I..cation ; fourten rnouu. all ImpmaetuenU. Ane gr.nmla atable, irardene fruit, Ac Addreaa F M? bo* r<8 foat nflice. New York. I KK MhNTH REST FOR A SNl'U LITTLE VOU I arm on Long Ialand. O II riKllSOX. No, 5 Pine at. II. KITATB Til IXCHAIOIli A THREE NTOK\ OH HANEMKVT HRI.'K IIOFRK, 1J roonaa* I'M Charlton at ; gaa ami water, to let cheap. HI KNhAM.'Vat liu.taon at. 1/xVllA.NOK - l?"', I NIMPROVEi) LAND, Hamilton county, tUla Htale, for Improved Property In iirooklyn, if no| too much encumbered. Addreaa ALLEN, Herald ..Abe _ X<'IIANUR ?A KOI U NTOKT ?ANI) BASEMENT 1 j bru* n atone Flat, aabjrct to a brat mortgage, for private llonae uot heavtlv cucniniered. I.. SKLDNKK. corner Bowery and Bond. I^XCilANUK FOB BROOKLYN OK Nl.W YoltK KKM Jd denee worth $1<?.00I> (mortjrare back $r?,(AUt. very Diohtatile llruf Bnatnera Addreaa PALO. Herald ofllca. X>ol 1 i . l\ A.N KXTRA WKLL HI 11.T Tl M. M I m J A near 2d av.. fur encliangtv Addraea A. K. 8.. boa IBM Herald office. l/OiF KXCHAXOB?TOB cm PRIVATE AND TENK J want llomo. >omi vrrj leod Karma aud (l?KU> (Juiuttr> Scat* tu neightwrLnd ul city. L., corner Bund and Bowery. OR BALE~OK F.xi'H ANliB FOR BROOKLYN OR city Property?A wall ateckad, amall gentleman'? Realdance, one hour * rida (run Raw York. Apply to C. C'AMKBELL, 12 l>ay at. FOR 8ALK OR ~LKA~-K^A LA HOE UWKLLINO IN Irving place: to exchange. In part, aTanrniant In :?4th at.; Karma and Country Santa tuexchange WIMAMS A I) \ \ I KS. I J- llr adara*. nndor tha Bank. 1> KSiDKM'K r ASS All", M Hi.ODO, WITU CASH, i JI for private Houae la city. MONT AO IE, nib av and 21 et at. QALK OK BXCHANUK? KOR FLORIDA OR OEOROIA O Farm, a choice two atocy trnaie Kaeidenre, Bail* die ae.. Newark, V J ; tune raoaia, water, gaa. Ac.; a beaatital bvuae ; only 91.40" mortgaee ' > H riERSOM Na S Plan *. | 4 NEW n REAL ESTATE TO EXCIIA1IGE. TO KXCHAKOK?KOK NEW YOHK CITY DWELLING House Eroparty, fwtmlljr located, ranted or not, a M<>ck Farm, 1l7ti acres, 3l> miles from New York city, one nnle from depot; hne hell-mile track, good bouses, barn*, stables, wagon home, yards. Ac.; farm Is dowu mi>etly In grass; hat been heavily stocked for last ten years, consequently la very fertile; no encumbrance ; this farm is in elegant condition for either fancy stock raising or dairy hutl'nets; bat all kinds of (Vnit in abundance; splendidly watered. Address J. A. IV. Herald office. TO EXCHANUB?TWO BROOKLYN BKO WN STONES, wiiu c*ih, for o unall House In food locution. Apply to owner. 2U7 6th av. f rpo" KXOHANOE-A FIRST CLAH8 PLANTATION AT A Port Royal 8. C? 880 acrea, on river, ftec onii clour, for ft small House in food location. Apply to JEROME, 207 Otli ?v. TIT ANTED?TOWN LAND oft LOTS. Kit HE ANI) " clour, or few acre*, clear, near depot, within 20 miles New York, for nice House, 3 Lota, Norttaport, L. I. 0. H. PIKRSON, No. 5 Pine at. <2? rr AAA WORTH OF REASONABLE CLOTHING V'J.UuU to txchanfe fbr a small suburban Residence. C. C. WAYLAND, 212 Broadway. ElAt F.SIM!: WASTED, IVANTED-KOUK STORY BROWN STONE HOUSE, IT 2<> foot wldo, value ubout SUO.OOO; will asaumo rnorttra ,e of $10,OUO or #18,UK), and pay >onie cai.h mid baluoue in food iniiiiuf stock. E. J. SUA YLOR, 1,258 Broadway- J TO LET FOR BUglSKBg P1HPOSES Bennett Fire Proof. Located on Nassau, Ami and Pnlton sts. I First Floor to let, suitable for bankers, insurance offices or | lawyers. Will be let tofetber or In parts; be altered to Buit teuunts if desired; adapted for offlchs or aturos. Reasonable rents. Also some eligible Law unices to let. APPLY ON TUB PREMISES. Take the Elevutor. Inquire for Janitor. prominent corner btoue to let?TO ye8ey. corner Church St., 23x75 fool; reasonable rent to a food luuuut. Apply nt 110 Vesev St., room H. "1 ?STORKS, LOFTSAND OFFICES, DOWN TOWN, ..\ . in irood locations, to rent. M. A. J. LYNCH Jt SON, lisi Broadway, corner oi" Pine st. 0t1i av. store and dwelling to let?best location In the cltv for business near 14th st. IIMI.'U \< V.. IU Pinna, V SMALL 8TDKK T0 LET?CHEAP ItBNT; Excellent stand lor a tailor, plumber, tin or lock smith, or any kind of small business. i 11 <|uire on tbe premises, 180 West 26th St., southwest corner oflith nr. B\81 MKNT.?A. LA':<iI IAUHBNT, IN 4tlIIKOAD st : h1?o 10 New st., suitable for wine merchant*. KOBEKT T. MEKK8. ROADWAY LOFTS?EXCELLENT LOCATION; LOW rent; three miner Lol't* of No. 473. if i,71X1. JAMES I'llU'K, MO Hudson it. /311H A I' HOTEL OR LODGING HOUSE ON WICT \J side to lease?On a comer, with front of about 70 feet on both streets: near ferry to Jernoy City anil Poun?ylvania Uailrouil to Philadelphia; mo.lernto rent; possession May 1. JAMES PRICK, 200 Hudson it. IPACTOBIK8 TO LIT?OMS M BY 80 .FEET, FIVE stories: the other 25 by On feet, five stories; both are splendidly lighted on three sides, with or without stenwi power; suitable for any business; rent lew. Apply at No. 83 N assail st., room 2. HOTEL UAH BUSINESS TO LET-TO RESPONSIBLE parties. Apply at New England Hotel, llowcry and Buyard st. EFICES.?SEVERAL VF.ItY DK8IRABLK OFFICES to rent, suitable for stock brokers or other business; rent low, In buildings 4t! and 48 Broad St. Inquire of ROBKKT T. MKEKS, 48 Broad st. OTORI? TO LETT?TWICE TIIE KENT TAKEN IN tJ work; mason or painter. Frankfort House, 202 William st. CJTORES ON WEST~SIDE OF 8TH AV.. BETWEEN 0 33d and ;t4th sts. Apply to J. KOMA1NE BROWN. 1,880 Broadway. Ol'LE N l?"ll) Ltil'TS TO RENT ON BERK MAN ST., 1 ' near new Post office; hue light eutrance and holstwny on two streets; over 2>J,(X*> square feet; power can be had. JAMi.s PRICE, 200 Hudson st. rpTlK IT.KM;8 lir.i AN17717 7TII AV., FORMERLY L F. M. Schaler's saloon and Brewery, to rent at a bargain. Apply to J. UO.MAI.NK H ID >\V N, l,2?i i Broadway. mo L.KT?PIB8T, SECOND ami TII1KD FLOORS, 1 with or without steam power. Apply at 460 Cherry st. rpo LET?STUKE AND APABTMKNT8,127 WAVKKLKY J. place; rent reduced; keys at M. Munus', fashionable taller, next door; Dwelling House, 125 Wnverley place, fl.noO; cull from 2 until 5' P. M.; Building,45 Thomas st., $35 per month TIIOKNTON M. KODMaN, real estate ugeui, titkj Broadway, corner 4th st. ith) lkt?lofts, 9qx49, WITH steam. for lltjilt 1 manufacturing purposes; rent moderate. Inquire ut 123 Railroad ?v.. Jersey City. mo lxt-wtokk si Lihpfnard st., between X Bresdwiy end Church st., rent $!).'><), or with two Basements. connecting. 49 and 31 (elevator in 4'Ji, $ 1,2U0, immediate possession. TO" LET?WITH STEAM POWER, TWO FLOORS 50x05 each, well lighted. Jnqnire on premises. JOHN McCLAVE, 11th av. and 22d St. 0 LET (KENT LOW- THE BUILDING 78 BKEK mau st., suitable tor business or manufacturing. Apply to P. FORD, 847 Broadway TO LET OR LEA HE.-FINE CHANCE-FOR FAMILY grocer;k wide corner Store ami Dwelling: 3d av, below tOtli st ; low rent II applied for this week. Inquire at Market, 3H03d av. Fjho LET OR LEASE?THE PREMISES 27 UNION x square, 33x140 loot. Apply to E. U. ludlow A co., No. 3 i'ine St. Cf LEASE?CHEAP RENT?TilE~ FOUR STORY nousa and Store No. 472 tith av.; excellent stand tor any business. Inquire ol' owner, 528 tith av. rjpb rent^t tltf new tore hotel Apply to _ E n. LUDLOW A CO., No. 3 Pine St. CJ AND 7 CHATHAM SQUARE. CORNER EAST 1 liroadway. Iron tins Cathariue, to lease : also Building 152 South St. J \ \ ?HOUSE ANIT STOKK, TONNECTKI). 187,lj' Wooster St., corner Bleeeker; JfiOO, four story lL'iise, 27 Amity at.; possession immediately. Apply at 42 West 3d st Q 1 MAH7EN LAN lT?STOKE TOLET OL JOHN D. WEN DEL. 70 Maiden lane. .. - ..?r^. .VorvrTT.^'^. ' - V Wtli it. Can be aeon from II to it o'clock. |ji?UK nTort ii i(in sfooF WtuskT *7ii athavT, Jl (o lol cheap, and pnl In rood order, to private tnnitlv. _ I. A l lil IlvSflANK A ( O . Hr .edwaj. 1^'iR REST? lllfT'KKK IS 4t?Tll. BOTH, 51ST, ,'.2D. Ml) r .'Mil. ("Ah. ?!.?, K2d and 6N ata.: from frtMi t,. $l.8?<i r OKAWPOKP. Hft;( ?d ?. LARUE HOUSE FILLED WITH FIRST CLAM BOARD era , Formltire fur A. DAI LEY, Mn uih av. Will remove to ?* ". nth a*. KF.MS ORE ATI.Y BEDCCKD?THREE STORY A Sit cellar brick lloiuea at ?4iai, |5-?i and F?U Applr to OKJBMRK BKO.v, 24 Newark at . II..1.,,ken. S.J. SEVERAL DESIRABLE HOUSES LOCATED. BK.LOW 2M at., to foot, anlurniaited, at low ratea Liata now rc ?<tj K. II LL'DLOW A CO.. No. 8 lino at. TO LKT?IN WEST 31ST ST. BETWEEN 8TII ASD Hth^va . a tbroe nor; high atmrp llnaoo . 12; ifood neighborhood; real, fl.JUO. Apply at 312 Weat Slat at., of Ute owner. TO LET-NICE SMALL HOUSES. ON 94TH ST., Lexington a* , oa st'th . 28th 4&th ata and 2d ae.. ranta from two lo $1 .JUtt Afrlf *1 Bea IN KM Lib at. TO RENT?LKXINUTO.N AY., ABOVE 28TH ST., FOUR atorr Euxl'ab basement brown atone llnuao, rant $1,1**1. L. J. CAKI'B.STKE. US 3d a*. (Blblo llouaa;. UNFURNISHED HOUSE?-d$TH ST . NEAR &TH AY., $3.01*), 42d at., near &th a^, $2.(**>. otbara. $3'HO. $1 w.i il.SOO ?l ..-no $l.l(*t and TIMUSON A EBBI. 1,488 Broad*A*, near 44th 44. 2D EAST MTU ST.?BEAUTIFUL MEDIUM SUED v Heaaa: real. Ed.O O Bar road. Oaaai a* Akl eth ? Ml;. "Ill ai.?unr. PIUKF. A .a II IlArL.ilfi.1 I , I*U. Qt/v NTMH.; Houi and Mom, H?? Wool Mwiki Third Mot. feen by Inquiring i>f S. RICH, 74 Murray it. ri\r. bkoauwat!?stoke, i(>> feet deep. to iUt) let. JOHN D. WKNUEL, 7U Maiden lane. UWULLINO HU18ES 'IN> LET. * I 'll I'll is! ? <{. t I.' ROE FOUR STORY HIGH STOOP CORNER - V llouae. elegantly lurniahed or tinruruiahad. to lot to a (Total, rcapuuaible parly nt lair rent. Apply on the pri-iui.. a. No. 72-i Lexington a v. \ iCPRKiok EXTRA WIRE CORE BR llol'SK, OJT > \ a 1 cadiIIj: avenue, 24 room., heiited hjr atenu, fre.ened in oil. elegantly lurniahril. at a nimlerato runt. Apply to II. 1. PIJALoN,31 East 17th at. A?Hor.-K.s Kl RN18HED AKD UNPIRN1H1IED, IN . dt'.irable 1. catloua. to let. M A.J. LYNCH A SON, ll*J Broadway, eorner ot Pine at. A ?134 WEST aiTll ST-BROWII PRO NT HOUSE TO J\? let. partly Inrnislied. rent $l,3)ll>. Can he aeeu by permit from Mr LESTER, 232 Writ f>2d at. 4N ELEGANTLY HKMSIIKD IIOU8B TO LET? JY To a private family only; tour atory lirown atoue, near Elevated Kntlrond atation. No. 44i? Weal 47th at I NEWLY. PRKSIILY AND KXtJl ISITKLY U K J\ tiiahed lour atory liu;h atoop brown atone Dwelling, Madiaon av..near Central Park, about 33x83*80; butler a pantry exleaiioa . rvut only ?i a year; panadMton. Permit* at 3d Kaat 17th at. or No. 4 Pine at. V. K STEVENSON. Jr. ]~VK8IRABLB FIRST CLASS I I HMSIIl'D AND I N ' furinahed Houaea to let from $1,1 *X> to $3,000. Apply t R III'.SHELL, l.liW Broadway, room 13, betweon 2,sih ami 2iHh at* L'l RN18HRD II"i 81 s TO KENT ?NEW~LISTS NOW I ready, will be aenl by mail to anv aildroaa. K H LUDLOW R CO., No. > Hw R noUHBS FURNISHED AT $10n, fl23, $130, si73, $200. $3i*?; unfiirnialied. $1000, fl.lmi, $l,'2?l, ?!>* . $1,000, $2,0 0, $2,34*1. $3.IV> i; French i- lata, $70, $110, Slag A. C. LOOM 18, 123 W?t 33ih at. rpo LET?Pl'RNISHKD OR CNFCKNISIIED, TIIB 1 three atory brown atone llonae, 77 St. Mark', av., near Platbuab av., Brooklyn Inquire of J. p K1LUY, voruer 7th av. and Stirling place, Brooklyn. OV EAST 24T1I ST.-TO LET, Fl ',1,1 I I?KN i Ml ED, ?. t all modern Improvement*, $173 per niuitb, .,n I'atfurnUhed. \ T I.OW KENT TO (IOOD TENANT? ^ V Wi ll Mil al . nmr Tith >r.. 4 ?. b a. h. ? \pril 1 K i?l otli m , near "?*h a*.. 3 a. b. h. a May 1 Wat JUd at., uppoaito London terrace, 4 a It. a. It. a May I Uiiivoraity place, corner ?l IHh ?t , 4 ?. b. h. ?. April 1 \pnlj tn earner, JOHN A II AHUKN, 4B H'nt AHh at. N EXTRA l.AKUK AND UtloMY 111(111 STOOP liouae, on Iftttb at., nonrotta ar.. to rent, unlur mailed. & II. 1.1 HI.oW A Co., No. :t Piue at. "T~ L\ K .K TIIKEK STOKV HIOU riTOOr IK) SK. IN A apiendirt order, No. 4 Weal llitli at.; rant low; immediate poaneaaion. HEHHKKH A SON. ?IlA Mtli at. \rilKEK SToKY IIroil STOOP brown stone tor $7.'a); otliera worthy your attention fall at 4.'> Proapec i place, corner Knot 4Jd at , or l II 1 oki). 7i> Beaver at. Avrkv desirable m/kk sized house, on 4Stli at., near Nth a*., to rent at a low rent. h II. I.l'Dl.OW A CO., No. :i Pino -I. T TENT I ON KoIR STOUT BROWN STONE, WEST :i4tl) at. : I.OWthere In all n irta of the city. MOBKfS B. BAEK A CO . TJ Went 34th at. A SHALL IHKEK STOKV KBIi K Hol'SL t,. WIST YORK llEKALD, FRIDAY, DWKM.IVGi IIOUSKS TO L,F.T.^ Infurnithed. 1 fifi LEXINGTON AV.. $2,000; 134 EAST 31ST ST., KM' $1,400; 221 Kul 32d ?t., tl.3UO; 13* EmI 21HU ??., {J,**** 1S1 Lexington ??.. fcl.TOO; 9T1 Lexington ?v., I.7M); 22" Keel 32ii at $1,100; 225 Klst Slat at . *1,000; UM> Kset 40th it., $1,300; 151 Lexington ??., $1,T00; 100 others J. H. M ON At 1H AN, No. 401 4th av., corner 2Sth ?t. FIRNIS1IED KOOJIS AND APAHTMLNTS TO LET, A LARUE SUNNY ROOM, FIRST FLOOR, TIAN11. lurai'lj furnished mm parlor and b?<lrooai. to a gentleman. without board. 22 Wont 27tb it, near Ath a v. 1.AIIGR. COM FORT A RLE FROST KOO SINgle, $2 50; buuaa boated. 210 Kast 10th at., near 2d av. A mm FRENCH LADY DESI ItES TO LET HANDSOMELY furnished trout Parlor aud Bedrooiu, on tint iloor. 420 Otb av. A FRONT ROOM TO LET?FURNISH EI) FOIL housekeeping; rent *4 per week; a front hall Hedroora, $2; splendid location. 1,288 Broadway, near 'doth it. ATOMPLKTKLY AND FULLY FURNI8UED-LOWER v J Part of four story bouse, arranged for two fainilioa; good location: rent low. TIMI'SON A PEET. 1,488 Broadway, near 44th at. FOB HOUSEKEEPING?FURNISHED ROOMS, IVITfl rooking storea, r- ut .?* a week, for ladies or gentlemen; hull Rooms. 86 W est dt^it. TTHRXISH I-D ROOMS, FOR GENTLEMEN ONLY, IN 1? the very desirably located Qrit rlusi bouse (In perfsrt order) No. 116 K*?t 24th St., one block from Madison square i no boarders; highest references given and required. URNIH1IED ROOMS, WITHOUT BOARDS FOR OENtleineu only, at *2 East lt'th it.; reference required. URN IS11E D IIOOMS TO LET?ALL IMPROVEMENTS j gentlemen only. 16 Kast X&th St., four doors from Tiffany's. HANDSOMKI.Y FURNISHED DOUBLE PARLOR, front, and front hall Bedroom to let. without honrl; ever y convenience; rclurence. 47 >\ eat 12th bt., uenr .?tu av. 1ARC.E, N'K'KI.Y KI'ltXIfUKII ROOMS Foil ONE Olt J two; all improvements; $0 weekly. 108 Kith at.. Dear Hd av. \rICELY FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET?WITH MODorn improvements. suitable for two gentlemen or gentleman and wits. No. 80 Lexington av. TO LET-ONE OR TWo" PRETTILY FURNISHED Rooms. all conveniences, iu a small, quiet bouse. at 224 West 47th at. TO LET?A COM POUT ABLY FURNISH EI) ROOM TO one or two gentlemen or gentleman and wile ; every modern convenience; moderate terms. 187 East 3Rd st , near Lexington av. \VT ILL LET?TWO NICELY FURNISHED HALL BKDtt rooms, on third lloor, very cheap. Private house 104 East 2oth at. lU.OCKS FROM it KOAIUVAY.?1.A 10 IK AND small Rncms to let, nicely furnished, to families or gentlemen. Oil East 4th st. Q 1 ONLY.?PLEASANT, COMPLETELY FURNISHED ?P"X Room for housekeeping; private house ; all improvements. Apply at No. 810 East 18th st pf EAST 1CTH ST.?ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FAR '' ) lor and Redroom on second floor ; also large haelt Room on third lloor; I'or gentlemen only ; reference required. ftth av., 881.?second floor, handsomely 0 furnished, to let to gentlemen; breakfast if required; terms moderate. EAST 24T1I ST.?A WELL FURNISHED ROOM to let, ou second lloor, without board. 1 (C**? 3"1> ST?TWO nicely furnished JO") Rooms; one with alcove, front; ou reasonable terms; for gentleman and wife, Board for lady only. T 1 J "west 15t1i st.?front and back FAR!.OR, 1 'i *1 newly furnished, and other Rooms, 8*8 tn$8 weekly. UNFIHN1SHED ROOMS AND APART MEITTS TO LSI. \ PARTMENT HOUSE, 5TU AV.. CORNER 15TH ST.? il One Suit of Apartments to let: possession May 1 or sooner. ' Can ho seen from 1.' M. till 4 F. M. ~7 parlor and basement to rent-ed;iit U 1 rooms: nil imprurements : iu line condition : near this nlttco; runt $45; possession. Apply at 8!17 8th hv. JOHN BRAN'IGAN. 4 TTKNTION.?FRENCH FLATS, ALL LIGHT ROOMS*; J1*, every improvement; No. 854 (till ?v., near 55th St.; rents $17 upward; Janitor in attendance. MORItlS B. BAKU .4 CO., 71! West 3-lth st, CIOKXKR FLAT?KKlllf LIGHT ROOMS, IN THE J test apartment house uptown. TIMP80N h 1'KET, 1,488 Broadway, near 44th st. IAKKiiANT FKKNCH FLATS?SEVEN AND EIGHT rooms, all light; roots, $5(1 to $80. Apply on premises, (it> East 54th St., near Mudisou av,, or to MOltitlS It. BAKU A CO., 72 West 34th St. T-IKAT-SIX BOOMS; AI.c'lMPKoV EVENTS, JiEAC I fully painted; select family; low rent; near Elevated Railroad. No. 422 West 55th st. TO LKT?NO. 110 EAST" 54TII ST., FLOORS, FIVE rooms, with water closet, very cheap. mo LKT?FOUR HANDSOME BOOMS, SECOND JL floor, with every convenience, to a small family, in heuse No, 287 Bleecker; rout $22 per month. T~ o let cITe u'^two Floors. 20x00 ou lens; excellent stand for a printer or any light manufacturing hiistncss. Inquire on premises, southwest corner of 25th st. and tith av. TTI'I'KK l'ART OF HOUSE NEAR LEXINGTON AV.? L Consisting; of live 1 Igtht rooms, three closets, gas. water, water closet. Ac. ; stairs neatly furnished; in thorough order; possession now. Apply to MATTHEW BURNS, 142 East 33d st. ?oj\ PKITMONTII; POSSESSION; SIX ROOMS ON OU same floor; front, bsck parlor, two bedrooms nine ami kitchen; also two Rooms on first floor; $12 month. 158 West loth St. "j 1 ~ K.\8T'jnTII ST.?ELKO ANT. NKWI.Y PAINTF.D I L'l Room* ou first story; also second story Room; references. HOUSES, ROOMS, ?(.. \\ AVI'KI). In till* City and Brooklyn. \ FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED FOU A PRIVATE A family, between 4tli mid Oth ??.. from 14th to 47th st* Address U., 1,208 Broadway. No agents. 4 -H A.VIED. BY TURKS (JENTLEMEN, AN ELK j\. gautly furnished Suit of Rooms, hath and closet attached; loeatioti. 2l(d to 42d at., Madison to 8th av.; accommodations and price must he stated; permanent if suited; boarding houses need not answer. Address COM* OUT, Herald ollice. W ANT F. O-wTlTi IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. BY M a widow lady, a handsomely furnished House, in first class location, for private family of three adults. Address T. A. P., Herald Uptown Ilranch ofiice. \\TA.NTED-BY THREE" ADULTS. A FURNISHED TT Flat or part of a House. Address Z., Herald oSce. \lrASTKD-A PARTIALLY FURNISHED HOI Sfi" it State terms and address T. (?. W., No. 6*0 Broadway. nr vSTEP?A THBKI OB FOUR 8TOBY RIOH II stoop House, iuimediate possession, fully furnished, in good order, from 2<Rh st. to 42(1 st. and from Park to 6th av. Ad re>>. with price, RESPONSIBLE FAMILY', Herald Untown Uroneh ofiice. 117anted to rent-a private houi-kin beach tt ?l. or uear by. Inquire in drug store. No. 1 Beach St. In the Country, WANTED TO KF.N'T-A FURNISHED OR UNFURII Hi(hed Cottage, with stable, Ac., from May 1 to No DUNHAM, 18 Kut 14th at. LEGiii NOT lit BS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK TilR UNITED STATES fur the Southern District of Illluoia, January Torn, 1 <7tl. Abram H Haylls, Trustee, vs. The Lafayette Bloomlngton and Mississippi Kailway Company at ah , Chancery. To the bondholders of said "Lafayette, Bloomlngton and Mississippi Railway Company''? In pursuance of the decree of the Court renderod tn the above entitled cause on Ibe 5th day of January, A. D. 1*70, you and each ol yon are hereby notified to produce before me at my nfHcc In the city of Springfield, 111., within forty days from this dnte. for the purpose of enabling me to state the account In accordance ? itH the terms of the above mentioned decree, all homia held hy you and Issued 1 by the above uatued 'Lafayette, Bloomlngton and Mississippi Railway Cimpuny." J. A. JONES. Master In Chancery. Dated at Springfield, 111., this 5th day of January, 187ft. ElKHPsi KDl'CATION.-A PROKE8SOK. OK PARIS, LIVING near the Bola de Boulogne. will be prepared to receive, next anring. three pupils, not older than 14; oomfort, family life aud exceptional advantages for acquiring foreign Innfuages; tuition and board. 4.0O> francs a year. Apply to >r AVER. Lowell, Mass.. or to Mr. RICHARDS No i Rue Scribe, Paris. Address of the Professor, l?r. K I.HCK IIOKKS, Paris, Nenllly 11 Boulevard du Chateau. wastku to pi1uhahe. \y ANTED?ABOUT 1,300 TO 1.500 POUNDS OK NONM pared Type, in good condition copper-faced preferred). Aihlreas box 3.ik?i Post office. New York. w'ANTKO Tn HI V CHEAP? K WfcLI ESTABLISHED V I Boot and Shoe Business in a large town or cltv. within'J0O miles of New York, with slock of $.'>.'100 to >>10,1**1; good store and moderata rant. Address, with particulars, V. It. 8. a Co.. bos 1.343 Post office. New Y ork. billlaltu*. American standard bevel billiard tables, with Delaucy't wire ouahions. solely used in all chainpionabip and match games second hand Tables at groat bargains. w. ii. UR1KKITH a CO.. 4q Vesey it. / 11il.l.LNDER .4 STANDARD AMERICAN BEVEL " ' Billiard TaUlea, with the celebrated Phelan A Cullender | evnibiualiou cushions, for tale In this city only at 73s Broad??7 FOR SAJ.h ONE4>,A? UKIKK1TII UhVELLKP HII.U tard Table, new .eat June, Phclan A Cullender, fluO, bagatelle Table, f4"- M# I lib a*., hefbre a P. MWjlfHM, JKWKLKf, tcT" T 77 Ht.KKl KKR ST., NEAR BROADWAY, MOfiRV tilrancnl oa l>lam mdi, W atrhe*, Jewelry. Ae.; alao Pawnbroker*' Ticket* bought of Diamond*, Watcliei, Ac. 77 Bleaker at. j T""W?" BROADWAY, NEAR 2IST ST., DIAMONDS. | Watche*, Jewelry. Daeee, Camel*' Hair Shawl*, Ac., bo tight anil eoid; loan* nrrutiated J T. LTKCII. formerly New Yore Hotol. A~~ T OtTT MKoAPV* \Y, CORNER 4TII ST.. DIA mono*, Watch**. Jewelry, Mike, I.aoit and I'rraonal Pro|>ertr o< every deerription bought and .. Id. I.oane nego- 1 tiated. .1 All hs P.IMATTHKWS. Monet on diamonds,wat hus^ac.?diamonds W atrhe*. Jewelry, Silverware and Seal Saotiue* bought, aud aold back wbeu doaued, at a very email advance, la hi l. 0. Al.l.l.V Jeweller, 1.190 Hroadirur. near 211th ?t. N'O *17 HKOAI'WAY, I'llllNHK l.'TH 8IV-LOANS ne**?cd; Dlamonda, W atcbav India SliawU, Ac., bought and aold t>y 18 A AC HARK. MDBAOE. ~ ' L'AoLK VTOKAUK WAUII0C8K ro.MPANT TOR I j Furniture, Ac. Noa. I< 9 lu 107 UJd at., uuo 4a?>r uaat I <Hh ar. COAL AMU HIHII). ^ /10KK-R3 SO RRR CHALDRON. BEST QUALITY. fOR \J hotela. familial ud factorial, aand mam' rard t? Hat battaa Uaa data, aaflaad taabaa. i. MAUXU. MARCH 3, 1876.?TRIPLJ boardruh wasted, 1?FBONT, BENNY, WELL, Kt'KMSnKD K(?OM<<, with generous tiring; siugle, $7; double, |1U. 4'i 7th ar, O LAIlTiE t CONNECTING HOOWH. ON ~SECOND floor. Willi hoard; hot and cold water, large closet*; term* reasonable. 137 Maodougal at., third door below Waili; ington square. FTH AY NO. ftl ?MEi'ilKH PI.OOR FRONT ROOMS: ; i.) alro single Rooms, to let, with Unit class Board; referI encei required. nril AV., 851 SECOND FLOOR, HANDSOMELY ' > furnished, together or separately, with or without Board; tertus moderate. d;7 AND PKR WKKK FOR L.\R?7K MALI. ROOMS, 0 I aitii Board, table boarder*, $1. 4J We<t loll, -t EAST 32D ST.?ROOMS, SINGLY OR~BlThClYB, with first class table; private table if desired: "I ,T WEST 11TH ST.? FL U N IN I IEO KUOMH, WITll l'J Board; reference. 1 QTU ST , a:n WE-T LARUE AND SMALL ROOMS It/ to let, with Board; (Ire and gas; terms modurate. OOD ST., 129 KAST.-TTANUSoMI'LY Fl'KXISIlUD ? ' Rooms, en suite or singly, with Board; terms moderate ; first class. *!'Jy s.j.. go ntsi.-t uautiiti' ttuunn, nun wO flr-it class Board, at moderate price. T7T EAST 85TII BT.-TW'O OBNTLEMEN ( AN BE J " ' accommodated with a large furnished itouui, fourtli floor, and good table. T<) EAST 10TI1 ST.?BBCOM) STORY FRONT AND TO hall Rooms, with Board; .largo closet; terms very reasonable. \ ? BAST 20TU 8f? BETWEEN BROAT)WAY ~AND i'J 4th av.?itoorns, with Board; double aud single ; first class referenoes given and required. JTTH ST.. NO. 33 WEiST.-TWO HANDSOMELY FUR. J ulshcd front Rooms, for goolleuicu, with or without Board. r: t WEST IOTJI ST.. BETWEK N~~vrH AM> C.TH <)t avs.? Lttru;* handsomely tarnished Itoom to let, with or without Board, to geutlemou, private family; reference*' "|1Q EAHT 17TFI ST , \V. \K CNTON BOUABB?fiQNIL?/ ale and double Uooms, with Board, lor gentlemen. Also table Board. EAST 23D ST., NEAK M \i MSTTN SQUARE Itoom, with Board, Mouthorn exposure; one on parlor floor, with comiuuuicating private batliroom; table boarders accommodated. West 42D ST ? OKK~~ WELL "rFrtNiSfiED ?'?) Itoom, with first class Board, in a private American family. 1 Off EAST 16TH ST.?TO LETM! A.NTISOMKIT' flTtiO'J mailed Rooms, to fumliies or single gentlemen, with or without Board; references. T7'0 LKXINOTON AV . XliUt BOTH 8t BOOM, X ' JO with Board, for gentleman anil wife or single lady ; nil accommodations. Call afternoons. <mn wi sr ith sr.?pi*kkishbo rooms to ?."/U let. with Board. Also Rooms from #'> to $7 per week. O/ \ 1 WEST 430 ST.?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED jmjU1 Rooms for gentleman and wile and slugle gentleman ; table nrst class. 9?}Q\VKST 23D ST.?TO LET, WITH BOARD, IN A sjOt' first olass house, newly furnished front itoom on second floor, with southern exposure; tabic unexceptionable: references exchanged. LADY WISIIKS BOARD in a private fumily or priratl bwrJUu bona*; price uot to exceed $5 por week. Address K. P., Herald Ipluwu Branch otltce. uentlkman and wipe can have ROOMS AND Board at 58 West l'Jth st ; reterences. FIPTII AV.?A PARTVllAV I NO TAK h.V T! IB S D story front Suit of Rooms, un, Board, at No. Bt7, are now obliged to leave the city, and will rent their rooms at a moderate price; reference given and re iuired. CVeNTLEMKN BK8IKINO NICK Ft ItNISIIKI) sffTINU r and bedroom comforts; moderate; French lnmily. No. l>.> East 12th St., near Broadway. ADY WITHOUT ENCUMBRANCE CAN OFPKK ELderly lady or invalid of moaiA with liberal views, cheer fill, comfortable hotno-could read and otherwise entertain if required. Address RELIABLE. Herald L'ntiwn Branch office. IADIES CAN HAVE BOARD BEFORE AND DURING J confinement with the b' gt ol medical attendance; terms low. Uflice Mrs. Dr. WEST, Electrician, 25th si., tith aud 7tlr uvs. IIOAUI) AND L.<)1)(?1 \ (> WANTED. A YOUNG CLERGYMAN AND WIFE DESIRE BOARD in n private family near Washington square. Address CLERGYMAN, boa 114 Herald Uptown Branch office. BGAKD WANTED?1'OK LADY AND MAID in A he spcctnble private family; terms must be moderate: location, 14th to 30th St., 3d to Uh uv. Address J. T. B., box 184 Herald office. Boarding wanted?for man and wife, near Fulton ferry. Address, stating terms, box 23 Herald office. wantf,dzby" a yoi/mf married couple, }f First Floor, with Board, In a private Jewish family; no other boarders preferred ; $125 per month ; between Lexington and 8th avs aud 23d and both sts ; references oxcb'iuged. Address CORRECTNESS, lierald office. HOTELII. AT THE NEW ENGLAND HOTEL. HoWKRY^AND Bayard St., 201) light single Rooms, for gentlemen only, 5oc. a HOe. nightly. Belmont hotel, fulton St., near bboadway.?European plan; Rooms, 50cents upward; lauiily Rooms; always open. CIRlTTENliEN HOUSE, 1,144 1!ROADWAY, CORNER J 26th St.?European and American plans; desirable Rooms; Board at moderate prices. Frankfort house. 20a william st., oben all night; 250 Booms, 2oc., 35c.,jOc.; gentlemen and families. ELAND'S STL'RTEVANT HOU8K.?FAMILIES CAN seenro desirable suits of Rooms or entire Floors to new addition on 29th st.; table d'hote unsurpassed, lor halt the cuet of housekeeping. R~ OSSMORE HOTEL, JUNCTION BROADWAY, 7TH av. and 42d st.?Free stage from Grand Central Depot; terms, $4 per day; families takeu at reduced rates. CUAS. K LKLAND. WINTER RESORTS, FOR SALE CHKAP-IN GOOD ORDER, A DOUBLE cylinder vertical Engine, 9x10 Inch each cylinder (Wright A Smith's celebrated engines), ot 35 liorse power; also a No. 3 Dean's steam I'ump; also main Shaftings, Pulleys, Beltings, Ac.; same engines are in use in the t.raphic, also New Y'ork Herald buildings. For further iufurmation apply at No. 6 White st,. restaurant. VTO EXCUSE FOR FATAL BOILER KXPLOSIONS ? i-S ROOT'S Safety Boilers; 45,(XX) horsepower in use In all parts of the world. Estimates anil catalogues furnished l>y addressing AHENDROTH AND ROOT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, No. 98 Liberty St., Now Y'ork. FOR SALK. A BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE?IN A OOOI) IX)cation down town; full of boarders. Address D., box 1 ;t:i Herald office. '-FOR SALE, 1>RUU stores, fixtures, g roc k rles, Cigar .stores. Milk Routes, Restaurants. If you wish to buy or sell call at KTKll'K LAN D S, SB Berkman at. Ammm WHOLESALE TKA BUSINESS F I: s \ l.i LnNG established and with a trade well sustained durinit the Jiast year; owner will remain until customer* are thoroughly ntroduccd. Apply to GKIUUB A CAKLKTON, i>8 Broadway. A rakk chance.?a grockkyT so ykars-ks tabllalied. doing a large business, will he sold at a bartrain. Apply at S08 Spring at., corner Renwiek. A"?FOR HA LB, B A K Kill Is~(lON FECTH) N12 Kl Kr*7 Oyster Saloons, Cigar Stores. GroeertM, Meat .Markets MITCHELL. 77 Cedar at. A| LIQUOR STORF. DOWN TOWN FOR SALE AT great sacrifice; also Lodging Houses, Restaurants. MITCHELL. 77 Cedar st. ' 4 FIRST CLASS BAKERY FOR SALE?ON A LEADA lug avenue, doing n good, steady business WBTIIKRBEE A MILLS, 1,218 Broadway. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OK^BUTc'HKRS' A NO Packers' Tools, Fixtures. Safe. Rngiue, Boilers, Horses, Wagons, Ac., will be sold at auction. No. 253 4th it., Brooklyn, E. D . by order ol assignee, at 10 A M . Saturday, M arch 4. Catalogues of auctioneers, BLACK WELL, ltlKElt A WILKIN'S, No. 4 Pine st. AT; A RE Ol'PORTUN IT Y.?OY8TB R BALOON S5 Chatham st.; rent,$30; cheap if sold to-day; reason, oilier business. Am COMPLF.TK lOUPHINTING OFFICE, WELL E3tabllshed in city, consisting of tl#ce Presses. Nfty fonts Job Type, three fonts Newspaper Type, two Cnbinsls, eight C alley*, two Stone*. Casos. Ravkt. Sucks, Ac.. in good eon ditlon. for #7"iO. Address RARE CHANCE, Herald oflice. B~ EI.TINU.'HOSE AMI HARNESS" LEATHER MANUfactory for sale?Been established over 30 years; good chance tor any party with money to uiake money. Inquire at No. 25 Ferry st , New York. BOAdbuia BOOBE?LONO AND WELL ESTAHllshed. good central location ; constantly filled wills boarders; great bargain. UAFFNKY A SMITH, Auctioneers, 17 Centre St. h^OK 8 ALB-WHOLES A LB AND It E LA 1L clilAR Store and Basement. 15 veers' Handing'; locality and business good; will sell tor AdAO; situated in Grand st., near Bowery. Inquire ol MATI1IAS BUG., 1.77 Bowery. t>OR BALE-STOCK, FIXTURKB AND TToOD WILL J? of a first class corner Tea, Coffee and Grocery Store, doing a first class business; to he sold for cash Inquire of IIKVItV p Uillll) It, on ii...i_ For malb-abgond hand dksks, Chain. Drur Drawer!. Counter!. SlielriiiR, Carpenter nd Cabinet Work. Apply at 404 Canal it 8liowoa?e? to order. IjtOR HALE?AN KLKCTRO-PLATING HI SINLHri, IN eomplrti ordrr. with a good run of cuelnn:; aattnluc lory ruaion girin for celling. Addreaa NU Klil. 1'LATlNli, llerald office. &OR"HAl.B=TuK A P.~ TH B FIXTIRK8 OT A FIRST r oka Barroom. Addreax BAR, Herald Uptown Branch office. I/okTaITK-risIT. iiyktKr AND rBOYIhion stork J. very cheap ; must lie mM. No IK Madtxon ??. J.MI1MI.I. Illl. HXTI IIKS IIK \ I.lyCOK STORK. JT remored from down town ; tour.pull Pump, Bar auil back Bar. aiH Well 11 nil It. I^ORTL'NK DIKING CHNTKNN1AI. ?#1,5 0 WILL J buy the Stock and Fixture! of flno iliowr Ice ('ream, Confectionery and Dining Saloon, together with tlie Farnltnre ot II roomed modem dwelling, moit biielues! part of Philadelphia. rent >-**) Addren IW7 North 'Jd it., Philadelphia. ICE I IOEI ICE I For eale?From 1/O>to'.KV,n0 (one of Mohxwtt Hirer and pring water Ice, from * to Id luchei In ttwrknrm; eon renient for bipmrnt In ice baraen or canal boat.. in Iota to 'in jmrci I'rifc /ijiuij uy ll'uiir HI n, l., I mica nun*, Troy, N. Y. STORK FOR HACK.?TIIE OMl BOOK, HIMIoihij sad Tor Store, No. 21H *il? nr.. will be aole t a I'BricBin, stock, Kuiure?, l-eeao ; terma caah. Apply et lbi> More. To r II if JEWELRY TKAOK.?DKHIKINoTo KhTIM from the tr?de, wo offer our hualncaa, witli two Herring Oflire Kixturea, al?o Shop Tnole mi l Ptxiurer, wlin .roue of promiaea II draited; price $1,;AA), location tirat I k*. Aildreaa A J.. K , Herald office. YrAKI) B lUK CAM BlilCS, IOC 1KH YARD. A aril wide Hrlnis. He per yard. A.OKU A TAYLOR, t.rand end Chryatie Me., Broadway and Jinh at. &<>;? WILL BUY A WHKK1.KK * WILKON MACIIINK <<J oaniplctt .eoat ?K? a Caw oalbe ego. W7 5tk roam A. S SHEET. MACIICVERY. ONE TODD A KAFKEItTY HORIZONTAL KNOINB, H-lncb by 11 Much; one 0 Inch by 12-luch En cine, with Duller and .11 romicctlnnt; ?Uu 2 I.oconmtlv. Holler., Vbborwi potter onch. with .11 connection*. C.n be Men mnnlnt; br Applying nt 541 WettJE'th ?t.. New Tuck. at 1 S KLLANtUt?. __ "VARD WfDE 0AMIIK10S. IOC'. I'EB YARD. X Yard wide Prima. 7c. m-r > rd LOBD A TAYLOB, Urand and Chryitle its.. . Broadway and 2tth at. THE CHANCES FOR llWITOii THE AMOUNT OF GOIJJ IN THE TREABrRY?ITS AVAILABILITY AS A SUBSTITUTE F<>B LEGAL TENDERS?BEITDIATION BATHER THAN RESUMPTION. Nxw York, March 1, 1S78. To tim Editor of tiih Herald:? On the 16th ult. tlie following resolution was introduced In CongroHS by Mr. Sayler, of Onio, and adopted:? Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury Is hereby requested to report to this body, within ten days, the actual amount of K")d owhed by the government and available lor the resumption of specie payments, alter deducting the amount of gold certificate*, accrued interest ou government bonds and bunds called for the "sinking laud" to this date. The answer to tho abovo lias been waited for with much interest, because, on account of tho continued discussion lustli by tho press and Congress In regard to tho resumption of specie payments in 1870, it is most important to have the exact statement of our present condition, in order to know whether the country will be able to carry out the resolution. Mr. Hristow's reply to Mr. bayler's revolution should have been made on Friday last, but, up to tins time, it has been noticed by only two of our jo riiulir, which published what purported to be a sketch ol the report. As 1 consider your paper tho moat important of any in tho country, 1 icul that it is a duty you owe your readurs to furnish them with the facts. The following is THE OFFICIAL REPLY. Tiikasuhy Dkcahtukit, Feb. -4. 1878. Bin?III roply to the resolution ol the House ol Representative* of the 13th lust , requesting that the Secretary of the Treasury report within leu days "tin- actual amount of gold clWSsd by ttiv government and available lor the r--sumption of specie payments, alter deducting the amount of gold certificates now outstanding, accrued interest on government bonds nud bonds called for the -unking fund to this dale," 1 have the honor to iulorm you thiit the reported. Coin balance of the Treasury this day Is $'.>1,987,028 I rum which should bo deducted items an follows Coin coupons $1,547,882 Demand notes 10 Coin certificates 1,127,-00 Sinking fuad ami interest 1,87.(.>-25 Bonds redeemed and interest 12.8:52,."tod Interest duo and unpaid 9,264,034 uutst uuurii' Dunus cullea lor sinking fund 3,548,000 Outstanding coiu certificates 33.00M,:iijo Silver coin aud bullion 14,1113,018 78,845.004 Leaving the actual available gold cdn owned by tbc govern UK tit .. <13,341,423 Very respectfully. If. II. ltKlnToW. Secretary. Hon. 51. 0., Speaker ot the House of Kepre,outou ves. Tho reply, as furnished by Mr. Brlslow, Is evasive uuJ docs not satisfy the retolution. Un tbc 34th ulu tho coin balance in tho Treasury was reported as $73,800,000. lu the above u 1b stated to bo $91,000,000, but you will observe that the Items which tend to make the difference should not, by any mercantile system of bookkeeping, be counted us coin on hand. You will also notice that the Item of accrued interest has been omitted; if it bud been deducted In accordance with the demand, instead of the Kecrelary showing that he has $13,841,423 of gold on hand availablo for tho redemption In 1879 ol $371,841,687 ot greenbacks outstanding, as per statement of January 81. that he would stand to day short of gold to meet ills liabilities by at least $15,000,008. I cannot see wliy, with such a condition of our finaucos, there should be the continued cry tor "no step backward" and the extinguishment of our greenback currency. If tho "greenbacks'1 should all bo taken in and cancelled, and tho stock ol gold in the country Is not correspondingly Increased, what kind of money available for the payments ol debt?vise., legal tender?will be left to the people? From tho date of the passage of the Resumption act, In 1875, tho trade uud commerce of tho country has been stagnant and prostrate, and the continued dis cussion oz >iio idea ami tno growing knowledge ol l:s impracticability is tending day by day lo bring about a condition ot ullnirg which will make repudiation ol the bonded debt moro likely than the redemption ol the greenbacks. 1 am sorry to write so much, but feel it is time for the press to disabuse the public mind from tho tears which now weigh It down. 1 am yours vorv respectfully, ONE OF THE PEOPLE. THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, THE MONTHLY MELTING YESTERDAY?ELECTION OP NEW MEMliElW?THE SHIITINO AND BANKRUPT LAW8.Thc usual monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was huld yesterday alternoon, the President, Mr. Samuel D. Babcock, in the chair. After approving tho minutes of last meeting the following named new members wero elected:?Elijah Allizer, No. 120 Broadway, Daniel H. Baldwin, No. 34 Pine street; John F. Halsted, No. 163 Broadway; George D. Nichols, No. 477 Broadway; William Hall Poufold, No. 128 Front ptroct; Uoswell Skeel, No. 10" Wnter street; Edward A. .Wlntternorc, No. 340 Broadway. Mr. Elliot C. Cowdin reported It to be the sense of tho Executive Committee that arrangements for tho assembling of tho Xntional Board ot Trade in this city next Juno be relcrrod to the delegation already named oy inc enamour to tnai oouy. mis was agreed to. The saino gentleman al-o submitted a resolution or- ! dering that a coramittco of Ovo bo appointed to porlcct ' arrangements for the proper celebration of the 108th : anniversary of the Chamber. The motion was adopted and the Chairman appointed Messrs. J. 1'iorpont Morgit). Klliol C. Cowdin, Henry t'. .-paulding, Josiah M. Fiskc aud Goorgo Wilson as such commit tea Mr. Cowdin brought in h lengthy series of resolu- ; tions opposing the repeal of the Uaukrupl law and reallirming the declaration on this subject made by tho Chamber in 1874, but ut the same time rocomniending that that purl of the old law known as tho "filly per cent ctauso" should be restored. These resolutions were seconded by Mr. It. H. McCurdy, who gave an ac- \ couut of his labors at the national capital in aid of the passage of the llatikrupt law. He dt-sired the appointment of n committee to draft amendments to the act. ! Mr. Yates moved and Colonel Conkling soeouded a motion that the resolutions bo printed and laid on Hie table. Tho new motion was not accepted, and the resolutions were adopted. Mr. Samuel li. Jtugglcs staled that at the request of the Kxccutavc Committee be had drawn up a condensation of tho acts of CoDgress bearing upon the currency question. Mr. Corlies having announced that the Committee on Finance and Currency wore not ready to report Colonel Conkling toolc tho floor aud rend tho paper submitted by Mr. ltuggles. The latter gentleman then said that by some strange process which he i could not well understand the Resumption act of Con- i gress had beon left out of the Revised -Statutes of the j lulled Slates; and he moved that a summary ol the law, ns it originally stood, be printed for the in tonus 1 Hon ot tho Chamber. Messrs. Low, ltuggles and I Conkling participated in adiscuss.on ol the laws governing the currency. Colonel Conkling belicvod that the Thirty seventh Congress was tho last national logisla! live body which had .shown sufficient capacity to deal properly with this important mutter. Alter some | further discu-sion the paper was ordered to be printed. Till sllirPIMI ACT. Mr. James W. Elweil, of the Committee on Foreign Commerce and tbe ltovenue Laws, submitted a series ' of resolutions favoring the Shipping act as it now stauils, sustaining tho course followed by tho present . Shipping Commissioner, and recommended that copies of the rero'utionsbo sent to Congress. Captain Snow seconded tho resolutions and Mr. Yates opposed them. Me was of opiuion that they should be very carefully considered before adopting | thorn, and finally moved that they bo laid on the table. This motion not being seconded Captain Snow supported the resolutions lie l*licvcd. that the fees of the Shipping commissioner are not so much now as tbo getting a crew on board a ship after sbe was In tbo stream under the old system. Formerly "land sharks1' used to Infest a ship as soon as she came into port; now the Seamen's Friend Society gives earnest attention to tho wollare of the siulor. The resolutions wore adopted. They, arc, In substance, as follows Fir*?Any legislation tending to weaken the Shipping art of IttTfi, by removing Irnm lt? supervision anv portion ot our loreign seagoing men. would be Injurious to such senioou and detrimental to the Interest* of onr port. .veronal?It would be unwoe to transfer the rontrol over the administration of the tthipping law from the I'm ted States Circuit Court to the luited States Treasury Depart ruent. Third?The I'nlted States Shipping Commissioner of this port should be sustained by this chamber In the discbarge of 1 _ < /'ourte?In 1072 t' is Chamber, by a full vote, indorsed the ! passage of ybe Mopping art, aad IB 1*73 it passed a retolu> tioii to sustain the I nurd Males Commissioner In hit efforts to exe. uts the law of 1*72, This law was indorsed by tlie ' j | rerun of Now York. Ii w?? ? radical ch?nire from the old : Ww, but the result shows tli?t It bss workail well to tbe Interests of immcn sml shippers. Therelore, the bill of the , Hob. Ulljeli \t urd, now belorc the Unuse of Keoresi nt ttlves. would (i strojr *1. tbot ie m<at valaabk In the Snipping act, Ac. Mr. lllunt drew tbe attention of the Chamber to two billa at present Itcloru Congress touching the lighthouse system. Tbe matter was referred to the Committee on Foreign Commoroo. Mr. Phillips Introduced a resolution remonstrating against a recent decision of the Treasury, by which the law Imposing an additions: one cent jier pound duty on woole was unforced. Tbe resolution pas-ed over to the Committee on Foreign Commerce. Mr. l.ow made a motion to tbe cflTect that the Finance Committee be empowered to report al a special meet Ing. Alter udopuug this resolution the Chamber ad- i joumea PAYING THE WORKMEN. Nbv Yoas, March 2, 1871 To tiii fcnmta or rm Herald:? My attoutmn haa just been called to a communication in your issue of tbo Uith ulL, orer tho signature ot "A Working Man " The statefnenta attrlbutud to me therein ar entirelv false, as on that date but ona lorl aigUilv rull wm uo|Mirt, winch roll alao *u promptly ptud liutl voulng Kmipoctriilly youra, WILLIAM VAN VAI.KKKBUROH, bwkwoiu* Work MvorMMiit of labile Porta. BOARD OP ALDERMEN. THE I.IBEBTT STREET FERRY FKANCHI8B?TUX VW nimr nomvivrx WTAMI The Hoard of Aldartnen held a regular meeting at th? City Hall yesterday alteraoon, President Lewis in tho chair. A resolution was adopted directing the Comptroller to send in a statement as to property at present leased and unoccupied by tho city. BOOTBLACKS AMD COMPULSORY RDPCATIO*. Alderman Billings offered resolutions stating that th? occupations of blacking boots and rending newspapers and small war?s are used to defeat the objects of the Compulsory Education act; that those who follow . those pursuits eiert u demoralizing effect upon other children, und directing tho Committee on Arts and Sciences and Education to consider the propriety of reporting an ordinance requiring tor the exercise of those railings a license, the consideration for which should be an agreement to attend school two hours each day. Alter soiuo discussion tho mover withdrew the proposition till next meeting. AWMINQ ORDINANCK VKTORD. Mayor Wtckbam Bent in a veto of tho ordinance rclativo to awnings. Ho contends that many ad. ditional obstructions would be placed in the streets by tho adoption of such a resolution. Tho Commissioner of Public Works was authorized to hire suitable rooms In Grand stroot, and also on Seventy-ninth strcoi, at a ren'. *not to exceed $otiO per anmini for both places, and cause the sumo to bo properly titled up with suitablo apparatus (or testing the illuminating powor of the gas supplied by the several gaslight compauics. The Clerk of the Board was directed to can o the en- . grossing ol its proceedings, to be completed up to January 1, 1S75. TIIK UBKRTY STBKET PKRKT. The Oommittoe ou Korries and Docks presented a 'series of resolutions relating to the lerry to Jersey City at the loot of Liberty street. It Is claimed by the Aldorm. ii that this ft?rrv ik run withont nrcner ordinances having been passed by the city authorities. The following was therefore passed "in relation to the subject :? Resolved. That the Counsel to tho Corporation tie and ha Is herewith reauekted and directed to report to thi.> ilourd why lie should not Institute the necessary legal stops to have tho New Jersey Central Hailroud Company enjoined to abstain from the further use of the property er fiancliiaes of llila city, remove its structures, shells, Ac., from the lauding at the toot of Liberty street. North River, aud be sued for damages lor the trespass committed during a number of years. OTHER t'SKltlKS. The following resolution was also adopted:? Resolved, That the Counsel to the Corporation bo alao reriuosfd to lnfonn this Board whether other infringements ou the ferry rights of this city are not committed or contemplated by certain corporations, as, for instance, the transportation ol rail stay passengers from a depot in the Twenty third ward to J. rsey City by water, said to be intended in connection with the visiting of the iorthcomlug Centennial exhibition at Pliiladelphia. An amendment o(rerod by Alderman John Riley, directing the Corporation Counsel to take immediate steps to prevent lue transfer of passengers in the manner alluded to in the la-t resolution, was also passed. Tim HACK (JlitllNANCB VETOED?MAYOR WICKUAH'S REASONS. Tho Mayor Bont In a veto of tho new Hack ordinancela It he states tho generul opinion to be thut the present rates allowed to drivers of hacks and cabs tiro excessive; yet that the proposed ordiuanoe would still enhance them, and ho deemed it not wise to take such action tit a tituo when all values are shrinking, nud whou unusual throngs of visitors are expected in our city. BULKHEAD WALLS. tutt vrvmwna *\n nvrminrvktiittava r?v tttm mayor's board of examining engineers on our bulkhead walls. When General MoClellau took chargo of the Department of Docks he inaugurated the using of beton blocks for the formation of submarino foundations for the granite bulkheads which wero designed for ilio improving of the city's water front Under General Mo"' Clcllan's direction these blocks were made in lumber forms and cured In the air, so that before they were lo. catcd in their positions in the foundation an adhesion of all the Ingredients had taken placo and they wore Impervious to tho action of tlio water. Later, General Graham sucoecdeil General McClellan. and, with an idea ot reducing the cost of building the bulkhead wall, he instituted a plan for the making ot the beton foundation under water and en masse By tills plan It was hoped to bring the actual cost below the original est!-' mate by about eighteen per cent, and with this understanding tho work went on. Practical experience demonstrated the fact that the new work was unstable and insecure, and to ascertain howthe difficulty could be remedied the Mayor appointed a commission ol engineering experts to examine tlie King and Canal street bulkheads and report their findings and recommendations back to nim. The commit too, which wns composed ol General John Newton, General Quincy A. Giluioro nnd Mr. Nortbam, have each completed a roport, and all three combined is a Jointreport, and the |>apcrs have boon given in. They tlnd that the beton substructure which has beet, laid at the foot of King street ana the North River is not of1 tho character chutnod. In several places the engineers have found lissures, in soino instances six feet deep, having been probed to that distance with steel rods. In many places tho ooncrote, as it is called, r.rbtublcd; beneath tho pressure of tho band, and' largo pieces were taken out with great, caso. Tho water in tho vicinity of the experiments was so murky that tho engineers were tin-' uble to satisfy their eyes in regard to many particulars which could not be investigated by tho souse of leellng. To ovcrcomo this diillculty they caused to be made, under the direction of Gonoral Graham, an oigbly ton beton or concrete block, after the plan on which had been formed tho defective substructure under Investigation. This block was allowed to remain under water Inr uhniit turn n.ntiltw and wno tlian rniaod liv thn colossal derrick ami placed on the dock for the inspection of the Board. It was found thai there was 110 in tegrlty in the block, that no adhesion had taken placental that the thing was crumbling. Shortly after tho block had been placed on the dock the base of it began to fall apart and a large fissure was discovered in its side. This expcrimoiii demonstrated the uselessuess ot the system of making blocks under water amf confirmed many ol the theories which bad been formed during the submarine investigation. TUis investigation was most timely, for had It not been mado ihu original plan of making the (onndation of the bulkhead wall from Graud street. East River, around the llatiery and up along the North River as lur us Little Twelfth street would have been carried out. TUB KBCOBMKXDATIONS. The examining engineers recommend that a platform be limit behind the present eection of the bulkhead wull, so an to prevent the mud and concrete filling from pressing against it and forcing it out of place. Of course the plan of General Gruham will be abandoned in the work ytfl to be done, and the old atr-cured bourn blocks, such as support tho bulkhoad wall at pier No. i Km th River, will be used In future. MUNICIPAL NOTES. Mayor Wickham was again visible at his office yesterday. Ho has been sick for soveral days. All the bills for King Knlakaua'a reception by the city authorities liuve been relorrcd for consideration to the Aldermanic Committee on Salaries and Office!. The committee of tho Board of Aldermen to whom was referrod the communication as to utilizing salt water for fire and sanitary purposes will meet at tlio City Hull this afternoon at halt-past two o'clock. 141U V/I oninuim ?uu nppjinvmu' u? ....... been reqne&ted by tbo Aldermen to transfer lrom any unexpended balance the nam of $800 to pay County Clerk Walsh lor expenses incurred In connection with tho taking of the State's census ol Ibis county last year. TRIAL OF SURGEON POWELL. The trial of Police Surgeon Powell, charged with practising medicine without a license, was resumed beforo tho Board of Police Commissioners yesterday aflornoon. Dr. Henry, Chief Surgeon ol the Police Department, tostiUed that on receiving notice from tho Board of Medical Censure that Powell was not a licensed practitioner he called Powell's attention to It Powell replied that he hud called six limes to see the Chief of tbo Hoard ol Censors to obtain lrom him the necessary certificates ol qualification, but was unable to And him. The defendant, in taking tho stand, exhlmted In evidence of hit qualifications as a surgeon several diplomas, one from Philadelphia and the rest from foreign countries. This closed the ca-c, Dr. Hanks, the prosecutor, saying that he would Investigate the Philadelphia diploma, hinting that it was one of a fraudulent character, which might be purchased for a trifling sum. The matter will be referred to tbe Board. REDUCING POLICE SALARIES. Tho Jersey City Police Commissioners have adopted the following reduoed scale of anlarlea:?Commissioners, $600 a yoar; cliivf or police, $$,000; captains, $1,300; sergeants, $060; patrolmen, $640; detectives, $000; keeper of the city scow for night soil, $000; telograph inspector, $600; lump inspector, $000; doormen, $C0ii. The retrenchment will also extend to police headquarters, which hereaiter Is to be in charge of the cbiel insjwctor and clerk, tho latter ot whom is-to ha a member of the di iwrincni. Commiesioner Kdmonoson announced that he will not submit to any reductloa of his salary. No effort has been made, however, to curb the extravagance at the City Hospital, tho expenses for which la>t year were $35,000. or more than four times the cost before the "Uing'' camo into power. TOSIAL STATISTICS. Postmaster James raporu that the steamship Hnevla, for Europe, yesterday took out 84,600 letters and 76 bagsot newspapers, and the City of Vera Citui, for Cuba, via Havana, took out 8,200 letters and 2 bags of (apers. Total, 37,700 loiters and 76 hags of newspaper*. be revaune of the Postal Heparimeut during the bat tscal yaar derived from news|>ap?ra alone amounted to $850,000, Of which $860,000 were setts auk at lha New fork Pern wan*