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8 loiin STiiEsm | What He Really Said to the Examining Committee. ~ . NOTHING. NEW IN THE PAPER "May God Have Mercy on Henry Ward Beecher." At ili? memorable meeting of the Examining Com- ! mlttee, wheu Mr Boweu was rescued by tUo reporters (rum the room iu which be #?? tn consultation with that august body, bo tuado the following statement regarding those to whom ho hnd mentioned his know led go of Mr. lloeclicr's guilt:? SIS MUST CONflOAXTK. The flrst to whom 1 told tho fact that I wn* aware ol >lr. Borohor's adultery was Mr. Thcodoro Tiiton, thnurli I never mentioned to him any names. Mr. Tllton had been tor many years in such inti- ! male and coniidentiul relations to me as editor ol the Jndeperultnt and Brooklyn I'niitn that 1 bud been in ihe habtl of speaking to him freely on all ailior subjects, nn Christmas l>av, 1870, he came to m> house aud in the most pasatoualo manner accused Mr. Beecher of having seduced hi* wile. His revelations so convinced me and hixdenunciations so wrought upon me, nnd my astonishment was such at Mr. Beecher's repeated" guilt after hiR supposed repentance, thai ui lust, under a iniomn pledge or secrecy, i tout Mr Tilton that 1 also know that Mr Moochor tat been an ailoltorrr. He said that he should demand ol Mr. Beccher to leave I'lyinouth church, and 1 agreed to his request to carry his demand to Mr. Heecher, n.? .Mr. Tilton said he did not dare to meet Mr. Beccher, lor ho naa atrnld ho should kill him. I carried that demand lo Mr. lJeerher ami asked him w hat he had to say about : It. In reply he inndo such statements and revelation* j u convinced me mat I hail bi tter not lie concerned in the matter any further, and I withdrew. The next j person to whom I slated that I knew anything against Mr. Itcecher's moral character ?a? Mr. Horace B. : Claflln. \Vr had tor many years been exceedingly Intl- j mate, and I had talked often confidentially in reference 1 to the rumors that had been in circulation about Mr. ! Beecbor's moral charactor. I at last concluded to tell him what was woighing on my own mind. Iliut 1 might j gel from hlin the counsel I so much needed. This I ! did. and he was faithful to my trust, ?s shown by a I Suhlished letter of Mr. Iteeehcr, In which he says that ; r. Claflin relused to answer his question whether 1 j bad told him the "bottom facts.'' Mr. IScccher says in | that letter:? " 1 asked hint (Claflln) If B. (Boweu) had over made 1 tilin statements ol the very bottom tacts; if thore were j any charges 1 did not know. He (Clallui) evaded and j intimated that if he (Bowen) had he would hardly be ' right in telling mo. " THH KTIDBNCK. In explaining the evidence which had Induced his behel in the pastor's guilt, he said:? Vou have demanded everything without reserve, al- ! lowing me no assurance that the names ol parties con- j cerncd shall bo protected. You know and Mr. Hcechor that it would be an outrage to publish those names, ami yet you lake advantage ot thai fact to make a tirtuc of loudly demanding what you know must nut ' anil cannot be given. You know that I have twice said to you that I never could he base enough to allow those names to be bruited hetore the world, and still you repeat your demands. 1 will give you, though not a proper irinwu.u, uic rfM-nuni liit .i mm iiuiiiinii luure 1 have told you 1 hud no possible iloubt of .Mr. nrecbrr'i adultery anil perjury. The evidence ban rome to me in various ways, before I received j the confessions ol which 1 will speak, not I alone, but I niaby other of tho leading members ol the society were ' troubled about the extremely suspicious relations of Mr. Beerher with certain ladles of his church. It was ! mailer of common talk and excited the gravest apprehensions. On one occasion, and in conuecuou w ith > lady whom I will not name here, so serious were i these reporis and so extreme scented the danger that ball a dozen ol the leading members of ibo society met together one Sunday, and, after talking the subject. ; aver. one of them, not myself, was deputed to tali on i Mr. Beecher privately and tell him tralikly whul was lite nature ot these stories. This gentleman told toe the next day and I doubt not told ihe others, that Mr. j Beether was greatly embarrassed at what he had to : say, and acted, us it appeared to hlui, like u guilty man. j He also said that Mr. lloeuher promised that there ihould be no Itirther occasion lor such scuidal, and j that he would use his influence to have the lady re- ' move to a distant part of tho country. This gentleman j Mid that ho earnestly advised Mr. Beecher never to admit or deny anything on this subject, but to be absolutely silent. It was afterward a matter of remark among us that Mr. Beecher continued Ills intimacy j with her, and she did nut leave the city. For a long lime not 1 only, but nmnv others of the Irlenda ol .Mr. Beecher, continued In this stale of unxioiv about bini At last there came to my knowledge evidence ' f his guilt which astounded and overwhelmed me, and which 1 wus compelled to carry us a weary and secret burden; more tliun ten years ago, under , peculiar circumstances, which 1 will relate fully bdoro a tribunal constituted lor secrecy ns well u- lor impartial Judgment, I received trom u lady w hom, tinder iho Circumstances, I was compelled to believe, in several | different interviews with her, full and explicit cunlesalens of adultery with Mr. Beecher; the lady told me tbat on the first occasion Mr. Beecher visited her at her own residence, while all the other men hers of the minor ? itp iiiisi'in, 1II1U iIIvIf I. r nil' Hil l null iiii'i criminal Intercourse with lirr; alter the first act or criminality Mr. Recclier proteased great penitence ?nd sorrow; said he was prompted to do wrong by a Hidden and uncontrollable impulse or passion; asked I ser forgiveness, and promised never to wrong her ' gain. A lew day* afterward, a* she told me, he called | in her again, spoke of his ardent lore lor her. which , s as greatly increased by what Imd occurred, ant! again j bad criminal intercourse wttli her. On both ol these j occasions, as she asserted, Mr. Beecher accomplished 1 his purpose by hi* superior strength against her most earnest protestations, while she was so paiaiyzed with (rlsht that she lost h r strength and consciousness. Mr. Beecher declared to her, as she told me, tost lie had always been unhappy in his mnrrtago relations, that he did uM really love Ids wile, and never had, that he lo?ed and admired her very much, und wikhedlhal she were his wile. After this. Mr. Beecher mil, 9U< IUIU IIIC, 1IC<|I1< 1H lllll'IWHir. nn.iut.-l. ..... oolr at her residence but at Mr. lleeeher's owu bouse, and In his study adjoining the Iccluro room or bis ehufrh. She satd that aho often met htm In the latter place, alter tlio morning |>raycr meeting!* were over, j She told me that'on one occasion he gave her the key ! lo the study door, and told her to go in and lock tho door and not open It to any one until he should come ?nd give a peculiar signal wbeu she was to let htm In. These relations with Mr. Beecher continued lor a year ?r more. She told me about tho lime they ceased. She happened ou ono occasion to see another lady, well known In Plymouth chutcd going into the aide door of the church at the ttmo when there were no meetings there. She followed ihia lady, heard her enter tho Study and shut the door. She went up to the door and tri?<l to opru II, but touud tl locked. She watched and saw this lady come out of the church not very long after. This circitmstuncc and what she heard of Mr. Heeeher's attentions to other women made her very unhappy. She gave tne other facts and particulars which I cannot here tell, as It would identity her. At the time when she gave mo those facis her relations with Mr. Beecher had ceased for on? or tnoro years, sod she seemed to me to he heartily penitent, and almost broken hearted. XLIXAMtTtrn CONS'KSSIO.V. In continuing his statement Mr. Uoweo said:? Thth-e came to me tho testimony of Miss Susan It. Anthony, lo whom .Mrs. Ttllon made a full confession so one memorable ntght I knew of Mrs. Klizaheth Cady Stanton's corroboration ul the same fail. But i no evidence ha* had with me greater weight than that of Wr Joseph H. Kichirds, given porsouallv to me. 1 have had lrc?|urnt conversations with Mr. Richards, brother of Mrs. Theodore Tilton. I have known Mr. Richards intimately lor Ullecn years or more, and I regard him as one of Ibv most truthful and reliable men T ever met with, lit/* integrity and Christian principle will not be questioned. I think, by any ono who ever kuew him. Mr. Richard* .mo niv?e|t tiuve had several rouversatlotia in regard I < Mr Beei her. On one oceu?:on lie said to tne in my ofllrr, that he "fully believed n the guilt ot ltrnry Ward Beecher," lliat "nothing rsuld nhnWc that belief or elisnge hi- mum,' (hat "mo power on earth could cMTiioi him to the contrary," ihal "if all the men ml women who h.i4 publicly charged Mr. itercher with guilt should retract those rhargrs Mint assert Hist he ?n? absolutely inuoecnt, ,t would not make the slightest din-renco-a th hun." mat he lull)' bellered >lr Breeher to he guilty of adultery and penary, not that nobody! nobody ; could tliauge tjig opinion." lie ihrii -aid that "In- -i-ier" Mr*. Theodore Tilton) had made a lull contra* on to Hint ?l her criminal relatione with Henry W ard Heecncr. Thai all the minute particular* had hero (ion t? him (Richards) and to run wife Mr* lt> hard*) hy tun staler (Mr*. Theodore Tltom. He -aid Mr*. Tihon iwaml to .? deeply tensible of her gnllt. and penitent th> frfor. SSne spoke with (treat feeling and villi tear*. Mr. Hic.harda Mid her confession* lo hi* wtle were equally strong and minute. To both Of them toe seemed rrty destrunt to relieve her own .on-rtonreof the burden which wju weighing *o hcarily upon her. Tit.* lull and complete testimony from Mr. Ktcnards, win. in my Judgment. <|iute suflicicrit ol itself to satisfy mo thai Mr. lieecher waa guilty. Any man who know* Joseph H. Richards could not ppasibly hellere thai he would labricate such an lulamoii* story against hi* own sister H? was in?*t rrlue.tautiy compelled to he Here hla *l?ter*S conl?.--ioii lu nun and 1114 wne, immi these aonfeagtoits It Alio'iM be stated, irere made 10 each separately anil apart (mm the other. It ran not be got over, explained or destroyed. There it will j land forever Itk?* a r? k. and neither deception, fraud nor perjury ran ever ahake it. May tied liaro merry ' on Plymouth cbureh In the terrible aliock of the diaap- 1 uointment and despair that It before It and may Uod Lara merry on Henry Ward Hec. tier. HKNRV C. HOWKV burglary at union hill. Yesterday morning a bold burglary wax commuted it the residence of Mr. jtuguat fhertty, on Hudson Arcet, Union Hill, X. J. The burglars entered through window and they conducted their operations so iil?stly ? not to diaturh I lie occ J pail I*. Their booty fonaletod of otrer I'iOO worth of sihrrt ware, marked "A. ' ?_" a*d a uuuti af waajuu axinarai. >0 arrtiU, | liw \{ MOODY AND SANKEY. At the noon day services yesterday tn the Htrpodrome there was a larger attendance than usual, the hnirwa. airnnffer.n,1 .h. .In.i... ,.n ! the platform wore Hev. Dr. Huiton, Rot. Dr. Hep- I worth and many other prominent clergymen. Rev. Mr. Roger* read a number or requests for prayer, among which were the following:?From fifteen moth- ; ?^s lor their children; for it Newark lady, that her faith may be quickened; for Yale College, that it may have a special hlesatng; lor the conversion of a young man dangerously ill; from a young man for himself, that be may be able to lead a family of infidels to Jeitus. Alter the singing of the 103d hymn Mr. Moody ad- ! dressed the meeting. He read the l*btk psalm of 1 I'avtd?"Praise the Lord, oh my soul! "and then said:? . This is a praise meeting to-day, not a prayor meeting; ; and that is one thing we do not do enough of?that is, | praising Cod. There is more said in the Htole about praise than about prayer. A praising Church la always u working Church, and rice reran. In general ths | that Cod does the most lor praises Him the least, while the bedridden man. the sick map, the man in suffering, is always praising lllm. 1 knew a man once who always praised Cod, no matter what happcr.ed. One day he cut his linger, and cut it deep. He was | in great pain, and I was waiting lo hear j what lie would sny. He said, my friends, | Tralse Cod it was not cut off." When I was in Chi- ! oago whenever 1 fell downcast In any way 1 used to j go see a man who was deal, dumb, blind and had the lockjaw. That man was always praising Cod and i .iuu imwius .>uu ni:.:iiis ? nil trouble from my mind. i remember * church in New Kngland that had (alien into the old rut. The chtcrs |ir?) vd there no long Hint they tid prayed the lilo almost out or themselves and thn people. A young minister came there, and af'er a lew evenings , announced that there would i>'> a praise meeting h'-ld on the neat Friday nlghl. The oldera were annoyed and they called nn the minister. hut the meeting was held aud ceverul after thai ot the same kind, anil more young people (lucked to the church thnn had come In ' yean before, Rev. Drs. Hutton, Hep wort It and lingers l followed Mr Moody, and the innettng closed with the ( a using of the hymn, "Praise (Soil, from whom all blessings flow." 1 AITKBNOOX MEETING. I About 2,000 persona assembled in Ibc Madison ave- | nuc hull yesterday alternoon at four o'clock. It was j , announced us a special meeting, and Mr. Moody was to j ( address the meeting on the subjert "How H> Deal With ( Inquirers." The majority of those present was com- J < posed of the mcmhors of different evangelical | , churches. Mr. Moouy said that those who ; | want Christ can be divided Into lour classes:? j , First, proteasing Christians; second, those who think others are worse than they; thirl, tho backsliders, ; \ and iourth, tliose who arc completely broken dow n lu i sin. There arc a great many who when called upon j I will tell you thai lie is a good enough Christian, that ho 1 don't beat hla wile, he does not do Innumerable things I iqiu oiner men no. i uai ib very mien iimimc nr mis i Iiatl mere light than other men have had, unt anything > ol himself. That is the feeling ol sell-righteousness, . am! such inon are the hardest to talk 10, because they i think they Know everything themselves; hut they enn : be reached, and I have seen more than one of that kind CO oat ol the uniuiry room an humbler and a w iser I man. Then the third class?the backsliders. They j can l>e talked to. Just read to them Jeremiah, chapter ' 'J?"I will heal the luirksltder ; I will love him Ireely." i That ta enough. a man heltevo in Christ and nccept Ills word. Ail he has to do is to study tnu Bible, j and each will fltrrt something applicable to his want. The broken down sinner can ho reached, because j Christ, who saved the thief on the cross, has promised I to help nil w ho cult on Him. What 1 want to impress j on you is that, to bring men tot'nrlst, all mat is tiroes- j sarv is to know, feel, understand and be able to explain tlto Word of (iod. The meeting concluded with the singing of the ninety-eighth hymn, "Work tii my vineyard j thcro is plenty to do. " TJIE EVENING SERVICE. The largo hall was thronged to the doors last evening and Mr. iMoody made one of his most effccttvo ef- | forts Hrrnml niie<aiinn the multitude was drenlr Im- ' I pressed with the vital truths earnestly set forth hy tho evangelist. His address, though not at all brilliant or eloquent, was nevertheless marked by such forei I and sincerity as to completely win tho attention ol the multitude, and tho effect was | decidedly positive and beneficial. Alter the | usuul preliminary exercises Mr. Moody cauie lor j ward, uud, lacing the immense congregation, in his , kiudly and inqmailivo stylo narrated the parable of tlie | !. per.'and illustrated the subject with characteristic | stories in a niauuer that enlisted the deepest attention, i , Indeed, mnnv ..thong the audience, including tho , latlies, became visibly adopted by ttic pointed and well , directed remarks of the speaker, lie explained that ] leprosy ol the soul was far more dangerous and damaging than leprosy of the hotly. | , He relerretl, in glowing terms, to the love > o! the Saviour for maukind, who died on the ' | cross to redeem fallen men. Mr. Moody's remarks were replete with appropriate and well narrated loot- | dents allowing tho goodness ot l>od and the sacrifices lie endured tor men. In now ot all the generous manifestations of tho Almighty, Mr. Moody made a stirring appeal to the immense throng to enlist under the banner of righteousness, and tho -odeet of his concluding observations was electrical In his usual way Mr. Moody referred to Mr. Dodge. Kev. Mr. Ilepworth ana others who were on the plattorin as the IDdorseri of bis suggc.-tuuis, and it whs evident that the people present became almost fascinated with the vivid and hurried utterances o| the speaker. The proceedings In tho large hall were brought to a ! conclusion by the e.nging ol the sixty-first hymn, "(jo j bury tby sorrow," mid while Ihe men were wending their way to the meeting arranged tor them in the smaller hall the people simultaneously sang, -'Nearer, , my (iod, to thee.'' TIIE IMPRISONED REVIVALIST. The trial or Parkinson, the revivalist, now in the county Jail at Jersey City, has l>ecn set down for to- j day In the Court of special Sessions. His defence to | the charge of assault and battery is that a wiltnl resist- 1 a nee to Scriptural instruction muai sometimes bo ' visited with physical cli.tsti.-eme t. Parkinson has j . been very zealous m his ministrations to the prisoners, ; w ith whom lie at once became a general favorite. He proposes in future to devoto his attention to revivals , lit prisons. METHODISTS IN COUNCIL. The Jersey City District Methodist Conference has Just concluded a two days' session at tbo First Methodist Episcopal church, in Washington street, Hobokcu. The sessions were presided over by Elder Rev. U. Van Home. Bishop Janes delivered an address on general rliureh and Sunday school work. Twenty-seven licenses ot local preachers were renewed. The present system of buldiug revivals was discussed and as a general rule approved. The committee lor the recommendation ol travelling preachers to the Annual Conlercuce selected the following clergymen:?A. King, ol Itergeu county; S Robertson, Rockland county; J. H. Carsgrove, Haver-draw; S J. Bridgetord, Passaic county, and J. K. Andrews, ol Jersey City. About tllty churches were represented in tho meeting. Tno ner.t session of the conference Is to be held at llarkensack. FUNERAL OF CHARLES E. II0R8LEY. j Snatched o(T almost in the prime ot his br'llinncT as a musical composer Mr. Ilorsley has passed away amid the regrets of all who appreciated his worth. H was a sodden and unfortunate event, and hn? been deeply deplored by ulI who knew him. The funeral services, winch took place in Trinity church yesterday, pver ihe remains of the lamented deceased were both appropriate and Impressive. A large throng ot carm-st j sympathizers flllod the sacred edillce, and among those present were malty prominent in literature and music. Al eleven o'clock the casket containing the body was placed In the vestibule of the church, and prior to tlio services the remains were viewed by numerous friends. Tit* well remeinliered leaiitrea of the deceased were very natural, and when the lid shut them out (runt view there was many a tearful eye in the vast a?-emblago. Mrs. Huntley, the w idow of the deceased, wa- present during the ceremonies. The choristers of M. John's were ranged on both sides of the main aisle. Shortly utter eleven o'clock Hot' I?r. 1)1* and Iter. Dr. Ogttvie issued from the chanccl, and behind iliem lollowed the choirs of Trinity church and Trinity chapel. The pall bearers were Dr. Gotthcll, Messrs. John K. I!. Hux/ard and Alden. I lie procession hulled al the d?or ot the vestibule, anil while the two choirs turned and paced the chancel ihe casket was borne up the < Centre aisle. Nttrljr all the rectors and assistant rcc- I tor* in the parish took part in the proceeding*. A ! pt eminent featnre of thn occasion was the appropriate 1 musical selections, which were rehilereil with taulttess precision. They included ".The l)caj March in Mil," | Beethoven's luneral inarch, the slow movement 1mm ( DeethoTrn'a pithotio sonata, and Chopin's Mineral m*r< h 1 be lid of the casket w ss tastefully adorned with floral tribuice, while tne reading desk in the l chancel ileelt was alao similarly decorated. ] The tncriptloa ?n the collIn plate rend . a> follow*.? 'Charles r. Horsley, died Keb- : J runry 3d, 1176, aged it fly one "years." Some ' of the moat prominent musicians in the country were i In attendance, including Mr. J. N. l attison. Mr. Oeorge | f. Hrtatow. Mr. lieorge AT. Morgan and others. Alter the rendering ot an appropriate hvmr. the Key. Mr. I the burial rerrlce*. 'fte lesson was sub- ] rfaently read by l?r. "uilvic, and, when the lotin ; i hymn had been sung, Itev. Or. Hi* read the aervieo over the collin, and as the raskel was borne down the aisle the chorMlers chanted Brief lite is here our portion." The other clergymen who aasisied In the services were Kef. Pr. Muleahey, Kce. Mr. llntrhiugs, Rer. Mr. Brown and Key. Mr. Hoblnson. Mr. Morsley's remains were conveyed to Trinity I'emetery for the present, as It Is understood that Mrs Horsley ( w ill shortly proceed to knglatid and there hare them ' Itiierrod in the family vault In Kcnsal tireeu cemetery. ; dr. BaRLOW'8 funlral. The funeral of Dr Samuel Bancroft IJarlowr, one of the oldest niedxal men of theiity. was attended yesterday at the South Reformed ehurth, fifth avenue and Twcaiv nut meet. when utt Jtfftctiu tribute to hie 1 JKK HERALD, FRIDAY, memory wax delivered by Rev. Or. Roger*, the pa*tnr. | Many ol our moil distinguished citizens were present. The body wa* temporarily deposited tu the Marble Cem- t etery, Second atreet. art notes. SALE or PAIRTINUd AT MATUEWs' OALLERY. The (text .lav's aaie ut MaLliew*- took nlare vpstrrdav. Sunit- of tbe best price* brought wore"Colorado Scene," by Harvey Young, $12; "Tbe Challenge," by C. M. Darnoy, $14, "Lake Chutnplain," L. M Wtlles, $20; "View on ilie Khino." by Carl Kathtnan, $19; | "Sheep," by Van r>ov?rdcnk, #31; "Fruit," by T. A. Kichurds, $29; "Cloudy Day in ibo Woods," M. Kellock, $24; "tjuiel Nook," by Cbapln, $20; "On Her Travels," by William U.iul, $30; "liocklaud Lake," I L. 0. Culver. $20; "Blue Mount Lake," D. J. niaiirelt, $37 60; "Wild Flowers." I'. P. Kyder, $25; "Little Strawberry," J. (J. iirown, $39; "Evening In Adiron ducks," McCnrd, $30; "On the llai|uet Ttiver,"J. C. Wiggins, $4?; "Old Sawmill," lllakelock, $70; "Fisherman at Sea," W. K. lie Huas, $45; "Landscape and Cattle," Van Damme, $4rt; "Cattle and Pasture." by Van Damme, $41; "Nahant Count," Huston. $42; ' View on Long Island Sound," by David Johnson, $215; "A Ipuel Whiff, Spanish Interior," by tieorge 11 Hull, $54; "Landscape and Figures," by Thorn, $51; "Lake Chauiplaiu, J. L. Fitch, $44; Ilarn.s." by (J. liuscl. $2S; "Washing Place at Morel," C. H. 1 Cowan, #3" 50; "Poultry," Van Sevcrdotik, $50; | "Landscape," by II. Peel, $61; "Landscape." Pope, | $41; "Battle Field of White Plains," K. J Patterson, ' $40; "Two Views In Holland," by Vnn Wyngnurdt, $35 and $37; "Mill by ibe Brook." by Vnn lYrhandt, $25; "Tlie Bono," hv Paulina (.'una, $31; "Winter," A. Hall, $10 6ot The salo will bo concluded to-day at the same hour, COLLECTION OF AMKKICAX PAINTINGS AT ; leavitt'h. An exhibition opens to-day at tho I.eavlit art rooms i>f American pictures, mostly by the elder artists of I this city, and all represented by good works. Here in ty be seen one of S. K. Glfford's best works, small, tnd every inoh of Die canvas lull of the golden haze >1 Eastern climates. The outlitio of the city is seen I.UISl 1 lieu V lliruij?u nil' anuneiiuvii:, iniiii -uu u, the lorcgrouud, Qllcd with vessels, gives the strength , ivhtelt in.ikes the distance more beautiful Irom the { rontraaL ''The tioldcn Horn of Constantinople" istho ;ltle, and It really appears as If the distant city were snvelopcd In a shower of gold. Two largo landscapes ire by George Inncss, whoso pictures are seldom seen in public galleries. One represents a "Forest Scene," ?ud the other "St. Peter's and the Vatican Puddings, | pome." The victorious Sappho coming back under full sail, in tho famous regatta of 1871, Is by Edward Moran, and Is called "Tho Winning V?cht;" Fishing Heals in New York Hay," "Sunset on Staten Island Coast" and "Coming Storm In New York Hay," aro all good marines by hun, especially the latter, where the clouds romo rolling down one mass i alter another with grand ellcct. Quite a large Ken selt represents a "Gathering SbowsrOver Conway Valley, N. H." Tho cloud has broken over the loreground, which Is nearly n mass of shadow, with tho bright sky j beyond; relieving II, one masalTe oak' tree standing up boldly In full relief against the light. A "Sunset on ;lie Coast ol France'' and u hriillmt "Moon- ' light" arc by F. H. Do Mans. 4'Come on! Who's Afraid)'" by .lames 11. Heard, is one of his carefully pa'ntcd pictures, representing a IIttlo black and Inn ; encouraging another little dog, with a fancy ribbon around ns neek, to go nearer a trap, in which is imprisoned a rat. A Scotch terrlor looks over their shoulders, watching to see if Ihey manage to get at the j prisoner. "Conildcnce," by William Morgan, rrprc- i sent* two little girls sitting on a rail lence disclosing accrete. "Tho ttypsey," a larger llgure, also by hint, shows a black-eyed, little witch peeping through a partly open door. "Snapping the 1 Whip," by Winslow Hotnor, represents a long lino of schoolboys, full of action, plnylng ono of their fuvo. | rite, though dangerous games. "The Picture Book," liy S. J. Guy, is a yottug girl showing her little broiher I lie pictures of a book, "llousatonic Valley, near Great Harrington," by J. It. Hrislol, is a long stretch ol lowlands, w ith the high lulls of lite Herkshiro range loom- I ug up In the distance. "Very Coraiortnble." represent- i log an old matt sitting alone beiorc a stove, w Hit his hands spread out lo catch the heat; Its greatest attraction is in its simplicity und truth lo nature. "Street Musicians" is an older picture, also by hun. "Forest uid Itrook in the Catsklll Region,"'is by W. Whitredge. Jaines M. llart has Introduced the figure ol a iilie girl asleep in the midst of a flock ol sheep grazing Ml II 11111MI1C i IMlfcIC I?u-I C?;|/ its niu iinv. uuoiimiui livery "Marine" is by W. T. Richards. "Lake ChamMain,near Hurliiifftoii, Vu," is a line specimen o( J. H. [Irtstol. "Adirondack Scene" Is also a goodpiciuro, by K. 11. Wynnt "Tired Out" is n girl who has fallen islocp over her task ol sewing carpet rag*, by George II. story. "Mother anil CbilJ," senlo.l before an old-ia-hinnoit open fireplace. Is also l>y liitn. "Meditalion," by Constant Msver, represents a young woman sitting pniler a tree wufi a hook in her lap. J. Q, llrowu Is rcpresetiled by tevoral ol bis picturesb#children; "The Marble Piaycra" shows a group where , three boys are playing, and a girl und Utile negro boy sitting near and looking on as if they, too. would like to |o n in the game. "I.ittlc Sunshine" and a "Crossing Sweeper" are also by him. "Mldsunimor" is by j Hollows, "roily Wants a Craeker" represents Polly on ' the top of a high stand, while below her on tho Hour Is a plaleof crackers guarded by a ferocious looking bulldog, which looks up as if bo wanted Polly; this Is by I,. C. Karle. "The Moated Grange" is a moonlight by T. I., Smith. "Lake George,'" by l>nv d Johnson; "laike Luzerne," by J. W. Casllear; "Arch of Nero," "Knll- j Ing Leaves" and a snow scene wlih animui* are by Jervla MoK.nln; several good still-IIlo pictures by Mar- i ... _ u ?... . ...... ..! ......I. I...I will, 1.v Lantbdin; a "Marine" bv Silva. and examples ot Brtnrlter, Majraih, Cropscv; '-The Jolly Hears." by William Hoard; A. W. Thompson, Tnll, David Johnson, U. A. Bukor; a caroiully painied interior by J. II. Irvine; William Fori, Hoade, Casilear and others The gain will take place on Tuo?day evening, March 7, at No. 517 Bynadway. PIGEON SHOOTING. monthly reunion of t1ie nassau club? ) H. boehme wins the silver nADGE. The Nassau Shooting Club held its monthly rcnnlon yesterday at Poxtrr's, near Jamaica. I? 1. I'pou there occasions the silver badge of the organization Is competed lor, the conditions being lire birds ench, 21 yards riso. 80 yards boundary, 1or. shot, H and T traps and hong Island rules to govern. There was a largo number of gentlemen present, and though the day was not well suited lor brilliant work with the gun all hands enjoyed themselves thoroughly. l'wolvo membors raiuo to the score, the?e being Messrs. s. a. Livingston, II. Bochtne. J. K. Van Stso, II. Van Wicklen. J. K. l'owcll, W. A. Dunham, II. Hanbt, W. Selover, J. Spencer, I*. Siofor, C. t.'olyer aud I) Van Wick'on. Mr. Adam Soulcs acted as relcrce. The bird* were a fair lot, but the snow contused iliem and many dwelled upon tho traps, though vrhrn once on the wing it was difficult to stop them. Mr. II. Itochme proved the winner ><l the badge, killing all bis pigeons lit llrsl class stvle. Tw ice before be lias held the prize, but not in the manner which gives hint absolute possession, that requiring tt to be won three successive months. Livingston, Spencer and Slofer succeeded In cutting down lour bird* each; Powell. Mauht, Selover and I). Nun tVlcklen three each , Van siro and l'olver two each, ami Dunham and II Van Wicklen oue each. Several sweepstakes followed the badge shoot, the members re- . naming on the grounds until nlghtlnll. AQUATICS. i There Is a probability that if the raco between Col- i derhrad, ot Scotland, and Boyd, of England, coiucs ofT nt all, It will be on tlie Konnobcc.-.sls, or some water In Hie neighborhood of St. John. Mr. Thomas Masson, I of Halifax, has been deputed to srlcet the place, and ho [ Is now tn st John for that purpose, lie has driven over the leo on the Kennehecasts, and he appears to ; favor Hist scciio ol so many severe and some sad aquatto struggles. Hut why should Mr. Mnssoti como tins way at allr Is there not water enough in and shoot hi* own city of Halifax * There la "the lltn-st harbor in the world," with Bedford Basin, as bcantt'ol j a .pot tor boat racing put pesos as could lie wished. ni' no;..' air. maeson >viii onii): mn mw m..- ,,, ,,,? nwn city The morals of Ml. John arc now no belior I fncjr ought in bo; while a liltle nddilionnl do moralizillon added to the present tvirkcdneaR of Halllax *111 make liiilo diflorciico one way or the other.? SI. John Globs, Frb. 2%. THE JERSEY 8CHUETZEN8. The following gentlemen hare been elected dlrectora if the Jeraey City I'nitcd Hehttetren Park Company at Jrcenville. Thomas ( ubclman, Rodolnh I.urber, tieri?rd l.ippman, Kugene Frank, Valentine Puater, David , Killing. John Miller, Johu Meyer. A. Zeugner, John 1 Sch well, T. Rehrenbach, A. Mponsell. The dlrrrtots- I it large are James M. Rrann, Jacob Ringle and Frederick J. Farrier. ASSAULT AT ARMS. At Ibe I.veeum Theatre, on Thursday evening neat, an issnult at arms, under the enperrlalon of Colonel Mon- , mery, is announced lo como off. The weapons used, among others, will embrare the bowio knife, rapier, broad-word, bayonet, catlass and Kngllah single stick. rHOFESSOll OTTIGNON'H BENEFIT. Th# pui>iln anil friend* of Profearor Cliarloa F. Otllgn?n having tendered him a complimentary benefit, the entertainment will take place at Irving Hull on Monday evening next. A programme of an alt/aclim nature la ottered, and include* gymnaatic performance#, aparring, Indian club and dumb "bell eaerciaoa. The dinplay ni noting promtae* to lie uniirnullv liar, and will be nv pruie?aionat? and amateur" Many of the latter elaaa aunouncrd to aon the mlttena are aiiillciently profleteal to aland op the mrnt aclcnlitc teacher of the art mth credit tu Uicinardva^ MARCH 3. 1876.?TRIPLE THE HANGMAN IN VIRGINIA. ifl.uah griffin muftzm mm extreme fob many i'rimeti?a chronic bat 1SHF.R SENT TO HIS ACCOUlfT?riDVUAiUlua or I1IH KOt'B TRIALS. Norfol*. Vs., March 2, 1S78. Tbo alarming prevalence of tbe bestial crime of rape throughout the South is one or tho most marked and melancholy features of the social situation in this section ol the country. The perpetrators are usually?al- j most always?negroes, whoso new found freedom expresses itsell only too often in this form ol horrid I and outrageous license. The criminal dockets of Southern courts are crowded with cases of this and kindred crimes, while, in still more numerous instances, a nut- | ural shrinking from publicity prevents complaint and | prosecution. Hundreds of respectable and well con- j liuctcd while females, all through this region, hare been subjected to this outrage which is worse than death. Other hundreds of intended victims lisrc barely succeeded iu escaping. Tne pardoning powur, whether from political considerations or mistaken leniency, is Irecly exerc scd by ihe republican executives of the Southern Slates In behalf ol negro offenders, who are j thus practically encouraged in their evil doing. Isaiah?alias Asliery?Oriflln seems to hare been a I chrome ravishor. During the ton months immediately i prior to lus death sentence he was tried live times for rape and attempts at rape. a bkri'9 or ciiiius. The first indictment against bim lor rape was found March 8. 1S75, in the Circuit Court for Norfolk County, Judge George Blow presiding. The trial toot: place on the following day. V. O. Cuscll vat ihe prosecuting oflVrr. The accused was defended by J. (i. ilollid.ay. It was alleged that the o lie nee was commit led upon ODO Adeline Hell, aged nineteen, on November 3, 1S74. Through delect of ovideuce?there being no testimony : but that of the complainant?(Iriilin was acquitted. Uu , the :10th of September, 1875, Griffin was indicted In ' the Norfolk Couuty Court lor rape ou a negro woman named Idavilla Griffin, who was his brother's wife, ami i at the same time for Indeccut assault with intent to , ravish a high y rcspcctablo white lady, Mrs. Or. West. | I'pon this latter indictment?lor assault upon Mrs. ; West?bo was tried first. Ills Honor Judge I.egh it. i Watts presided. Colonel W. U. Stewart apprared lor i tuc Cutnmonwealth, whilo the prisoner was i defended by Major A. S Waits and it. , siareiiaii. mi. nnii:u?ii, 17 is ft great grandson or tho late chlel Justice Marshall. | On Hist September, 1875, UrilDn was louml guilty, and i his punishment whs iixeii I))' the jury, which convicted ! him at twelve years' imprisonment m the l'eniton- ' tlary. September -H, 1HI6, he via put on trial in tho court house In rortsmoum lor (he crime which be wan destined to expiate upon tho gallows. This was the rape of Idavilln. his brother's wile. The prosecution w as ' conducted by the Commonw ealth'a Attorney, Mr. Stew- ] art, and the defence by Messrs. Walt sand Marshall..The jury could not agree, and after six or seven hours' deliberation on their part, the withdrawal of a Juror was directed by the Judge, with consent ot counsel lor both 1 Stale and prisoner, thereby eausing a nusirtal, and (irillln was remanded to the jail. It appears by the records 01 tho Court that on October 5, 1S7'), the prisoner was led to the bar in custody ol the Sheriff, when, ! on motion ol tho Commonwealth's Attorney, Judge I. j It. Watts ordered him hack to Jail, and pronouncement , of Judgment upon the verdict ot twelve years' imprisonment in the West case Ol Indecent assault was "continued generally," or indefinitely postponed. It is, (M-rhaps, a peculiarity of the criminal jurisprudence ol Virginia that the penalty for crimes is asccr- J tainod by tho Jury which convicts, but iboir ! sentence does not become effective until confirmed by j the judgment of the Court. As ttriffln was still to ' answer for the capital felony of rape. It wna not deemed advisable to pass judgment upon the verdict scuding Mm to llio Penitentiary tor me less oncnco ui ?mca ho hail been found gniitv. Pursuing Grillin's record upon the court rolls of Norfolk county, I lind that, on Noveinbor 17, lHT-?, ho was Indicted lor rapo on Violet Stone, colorod. His trial occurred the panic day, resulting in acquittal. This was due, 1 was told, to the crossly obscene language in | which Violet, the complainant, gave her testimony! I At the same term of Court, November g4, Grillln was ! put upou his second trial lor tho rape of lduvilla i.riilin. Ho had no counsel: tho gentlemen w ho had kindly appeared lor him in ills previous trials having become thoroughly disgusted at his utier lack of gratitude or even application of their gratuitous services In lus behalf, and abandoned hint to his late. The pris- ! oner was lod to (lie bar, arraigned, and pleaded not I guilty. The witnesses for tho Commonwealth were three In number?Idavllin. the complainant, lisvid Uriltllt, her husband, and one Merldy Holland, all negroes.' Kroin their trstunotiy, which was uncontradicted, there bo- j Ing no witnesses for the delence, It appeared that tho olTenec was committed Id March, 1876, at David tirlffln's house, near Deep Creek, s small Tillage about twelve miles Irom rortsmouth, in tbe Virginia section , of tiik urkat d1smai. swam p, and hard by the romantic l.aka Drumtnnod. Immortalized by the lyric pen of Thomas Moore. David Griffin was at Ihe time "awav Irom home at work In the Swamp. His wife, luavilla, was at Deep Creek village till laic at night. Ongoing home she loutul ,-m.. ,h. h,.?.A If.. k..l l.m.ill iu .... .... .. lire upon tho hearth. He prevailed on lier I to let lilm remain over night and lie by the lire, before which he d.sposed himself ! upon these chairs, while she retired to the bed. Tito cabin hud but a single room, la the course of tho night the crime was perpetrated. Mcruly Holland heard the woman s cries, and her husband, liavld (Jrifllu, deposed to seeing ihe marks and scars his w ite received in her struggle with the ravislter. The ca?o was suh ; nnltcd without argument to tho Jury, who retired and almost immediately returned with the following verdict Indorsed upon ihe bill ol Indictment:?"We, the Jury, Hud the prisoner guilty, and sentence him to death." GrilUn was then sent back to Jail. A vexed question now arose. In ihe West caseot ancinpi at rape Griffin had been sentenced by the jury to twelve years' imprisonment iu tho Penitentiary. Ho had now been sentenced to dcnlh. By Virginia statute law criminal sentences aro made oumulatIve?that is, they arc added togother. and a second ouo commences upon tho expiration of tho first. It was a puzzling conundrum. As one Jocular gentleman stated it, ihe ques- > tiou was whether UriMu should serve out his twelve years lirst mid then be hanged, or be hanged first and serve his term in the penitentiary afterward, it wan only the llrst horn of the dilumiua, however, which OCCAM tolled any rcrioun oiscussiou. rcuuing uir solution of the problem, the prisoner was brought to tlno liar ol Iho court at earn following monthly term, and judgment in the two cases war continued generally. >'o similar question had ever bolore occurred iu llio Jurisprudence ol the t'laie and the decision win postponed in order that lull time might be given lor a thorough examination ot THE r Ol .ITS l.tVOLTAD. The text books were searched in vain for a precedent, m. were siao the reports of most ol the oilier Elates oI tho Union. The Judge of the Norfolk County Court, Hon. l.egh R. Watts, rtaiid the ra;.e 10 Judge Moncure ol the Virginia Court of Appeals, who in turn conmi.led his associate* u|Kin the Hindi. The conclusion was at last reached that "all other punishment is ( merged In the capital punishment ol death." It was haid thai any postponement ol the execution of the death penalty operates as a reprieve and is, consequently, a moderation rather than an Increase ol Iho ' punishment. Were the prisuitor adjudged lo flist j servo nut his lenn of luiprlsotiinent he might, liy i dying a natural death, escape the hangman Altogether, jitdgo Watts hold further?and It Is a good spccimcu ol' I he rrdMC.'to rui abmnltim?that If a person were convicted ol an oRbuio punishable I y confinement lor life, { aud Allcrwari! of a capital crime, the second sen tence won Id be a nullity if its execution we're to li.t postponed until the rxptruilon ?f the Urst. It via', therefore, on January 4, ISTtt. decided that the punishnu-ui for the m nor ufTeuco was merged in'.hal for lite greater, and the Judgment of the Court was formally pronounced, on Hint day the prisoner was brought into Court hcaeily ironed, lint few per.-on* were present. the unfortunate culprit had iio irlends or sympathlxers. To the question of the Clerk, "I (anything for himself he had or knew to any why the Court here to Judgment and execution against turn, ul and upon the premises, should not proceed," he replied that he did not think ho had received Justice. Judge Wnlla then pronounced sentence upon "llio prisoner, recapitulating the various episode* in hi* i sirangc earner ol unbridled lust, admonishing htm to repciiianee and prayer, and fixing the day of execution for Thursday, Marrn 2, ltTft. between the hours of ten o'clock A. M and two o'clock 1'. M Several weeks subsequent lo the conitrinntion of llio sentence of Isaiah (iriflln nine of the twelve juior.s wno convicted htm and condemned him lo death signed a petition lo fiovernor Kemper, asking a commutation of the senl'Occ from death to tweuty years' con fluent *ai In the Penitentiary. Tho Governor look no notice of the petition. vnK lriiai. TRAurnv. At twenty m.tMilee past ten o'clock this morning Isaiah ilrifhn was oonuncted to the gallows, which had been erected In the souihivest corni r of the Jail ynrd. Nearly a thousaad people were assemhleii within and around the inclosure. He ascended the scaffold without any apparent trc|>tdaiion. His hands were aecutely lied before hlm^ and he wore a long black rohe. "lho ! " ' r.,.. ., - prayed briefly. 1 he prisoner inadc a short. incoherent talk. The intal lope w?i then Adjusted and the black J rap drawn over hi* face. A rare** behind the gullown concealed the unknown eaecntinner. At thiriy-lonr minutes part eleven o'clock the trap lell. The drop war four and ft half left. The body twitched con vulslvely for I'onr minuter, when lile war pronounced extlnet.'sod the large crowd quietly retired. .Sheriff l,erner dr.ervr* great credit lor the elfeetlro ! precaution* taken to secure a brier and humane execution ol the feartul sentence of the law. COOL RESPITED. i.itti r vallrt, n. Y.. Mareh t, JB74 tn the case o( Nelson H. Cool tho Governor baa granted a further respite to March 31. DOLAN RESPITED. oovebnob tildf.n allows the convicted atTBTlERKB to lite till oood mii>at. Yesterday morning Polan tecelred the newt In lha cell which he occupiaa in the Tomha that he bad been respited until Good Friday. April 14 Tbta respite Baa SHEET. been granted by Governor Tllden to Dolan in order to j permit ti m to take hn case before the Court of Ap I peals. DoUn said when bo beard the news, "Thank ( oil, that thee hare given me a little more titnn la order that 1 may prove uir innocence. I dm not havo * ohauce to show anything M my other trial." Dolan a'ated to the Mkbai.'d reporter that he did not think that he would lost until April 14, as he is n?w suffering severely from pneumonia aud his confinement Considerable surprise wits manifested In the Tombs among prisoners and officials that (iavernor Tlldcn should have chosen r.ood J-rldav as the date of the expiration of Dolan's respite, as he would have to he executed on thai da)'If tho Court of Appeals -hould approve the finding of the lower Court. DoUn'a wife visits htm j nearly every day, nnU his aged mother alto rail* ;it too Tombs very often to uik with her unlortunaie ton. TIIE RAILROAD FREIGHT POOL. amicable arrangement arrived at hi the ROADS. It Is well known that some litno ago the Lake Shore, Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago aud the Michigan Central rvlrond companies, known a* the Chicago "pool hues,'' entored into an agreement to strictly j msin'an rates on East bound freight For ?omo lirao matters went along smoothly, ami a!l wore well satisfied with the condition of afTalrs, the linos cop. nccttng with Ww York gcltiug what thev considered a J fuir sh?rc of the business. Two or threo mouths ago, ! however, the Baltimore and Ohio company mido rales so much In lavor of the port of Ifaltlmorn that they j soon succeeded in securing the largest part of the grant trade. From many poiuts the rate ol freight charged on grain was thirteen cents leas than to New York. Betides tilt* reduction the company allowed a rebate of three cents per 100 bushel* on all grain exported from Baltimore. The company in many instances made a further reduction from the rat oh as published in the priuicJ scncdulet. The managers of the Penn ylvaii't Kail road, following t he example of the Baltimore and Ohio In rebating, made the en mo j allowance on grain exported iron) Philadelphia i as on ilial exported from ilnlmnorc. Br these means ' i.ho grain trade was largely diverted froin New York, ; tha Baltimore receipts having been for the last eight weeks nearly double ihoso of Philadelphia. I'ndir tills ' notice to itJt connections that it would not hold them to : lli" regular rates, but would take its proportion of the . rates made by the Western road*. In the early part of February tho managers of the Weitorn roads met at Chicago nnti agreed upon a mile- ; age basis, making tlte rates from all points West to i Baltimore ami Philadelphia prn rata (per mile) to the I New York rates. This was not satislactory to tho .Yew I York truuk hues, however, and the notice of the Now I York Central to Its connections having caused some I disturbance, a reduction of live cents per 100 ! bushels was determined upon, and a conlcrenco j between tho trunk lines (the Now York j Central and Hudson River, Krie, Pennsylvania and j Baltimore and Ohio railroads)-and the Chicago pool j lines, was called by the latter. The first meeting was i held on Wednesday at the St, Nicholas Hotel. The j roads were represented as follows:?Tho Pennsylvania r<>nd, by Mr. Thomas A. Scott, President, and Mr. A. J. 1 Casual,'Vice President; the New York Central, by Mr. j J. H. Kuttor, General Freight Agent: the Krie Railway, | by Mr. 11. J. Jewett, President; u. R. Bl.inchard, Vice President, and R. C. Vilas, General Freight Agent: tho : Baltimore and Ohio, by Mr. John King, Vice President, and Mr. N. Gutllord, Gen- I eral Freight Agent; the Lake Shore, by j Mr. John Newell, General Manager; the Mirhignn Cen- ! tral by Mr. J. K. Joy, N ice President; the Pittsburg, ! Fort Wayne and Chicago Ity Mr. John McClllloch, Vtco | President, and Mr. W. F. stowart, General Freight i Agent, and the Boston and Albany Railroad by Mr. . William Bliss, General Manager, and H. J. Hayden, j General Freight Agent. Alter a long discussion, which was quite warm at j times, tho parties accounted to the residence o( Mr. W. i 11. Vanderbilt, who was unable to leave his house in J consequence of a severe cold. There the conference j was resumed, and after Ittrthcr discussion a demand j was mail" by the representatives of the Erie and New ' York Central that the discrimination against i New York should cease and that mat city should be I J tinged upon an equal footing with Philadelphia aud | laltlmore. No satisfactory conclusion wus reached and tho meeting was adjourned to meet on the next I day at the residence ol .Mr. H.J. Jcwctt, President of j the Erie Railway Company. They accordingly n.ei yesterday, and after another I long conlcrenco It was agreed thai the rebate ot three j cents per list pounds at Philadelphia and Baltimore 1 should be reduced to ouoand a halt cents per 100pounds, j the New York trunk lines insisting that if the rcdtic- ' tlon of tho robato was not enough to do away with tho discrtmln tlou a further chaugo should be tnadu. j The Erie and Now York Central, particularly > thai the Board of Freeholder* will not supply the fund* necessary to disinfect aud purify unhealthy district.*, nor furnish counsel lor the prosecution ol pit\ stclans who noclcct to report promptly oaaee ol smallnox. County Physic.nn Mont ha* been obliged to purchase ill sin fret ant* el lila own expense. Meanwhile small- I Jiox Is spreading rapidly, especially In tbe Tleitmy of I Iteuben and Morgan streets. Many cases are uureported her*n?e person* are afraid that the patient* i will !>c removed to the smallpox hospital, the very nnmo of which lias Its terrors. DOMINION NOTE8. The Merchants' Marino lusuraoce Company, with a capital of $1,000,000, ha* Just been chartered, to begin business March 1. A merlins of the heirs of Lord Mar, who left Scotland In 1745 te ativ# his head, was recently held at Hamilton, Ont representative* of tho family wero present from New Orleans, New York, Chicago and Owen Sound. Ont The estate, valued at $100,000,000, comprises the brat part of Paisley. Scotland There is a faintly belonging to Morion. Nova Scotia, consisting at present of seven living members, who ic united ages amount to 404 years, being an average of aevcyvv jrc?ri>, sis mimiiH una iwrniy-.*ls ysys n,ic:i. The converted priest, father Chiniquy, is lecturing on In New Brunswick and stirring .ip a feeling j f enmity between Catholic* ami I'rotMlantf. The llalila* //reorder stairs thai the theory that tha City of Bostou, that was lott in 1870, was cnn-*ed by packages shipped hy l!i? dynamite nend la disproved by the lact that the package!' referred to were fura consigned a* above hy James Thomas, turner, ol Ibis city, and were not insured. The New York detectives havlug the dynamite Invest Ration in hand communicated soma lime ago wills City Marshal Conor in regard to this point, and the real lacis were then made manliest." A canary bird twenty-two years old haa (tied at Bothwell, tint. Residents of Wiaaepeg are hieing 'o the Blaek Hills. Hon. Kred Bell, 1'rcsldnut ol the 1'rince Kdward ; Island Legislative Council, died on the loth uit | ITinee Edward Island Is strongly la lav?r af frts I trade with this country. I the latter, made a ueterminea stana upon tins, i In the course ol the discussion the question of an ex- j port rebate which had been allowed in Boston was | taken up, and was adjusted amicably. During the con- j versatIon the port charges ot New York were com- i merited upon, and it was stated that they greatly exceeded those of tho Other ports in question. The representatives of lour trunk lines ngreod that i they would lully maintain all rates, and would see that j thoy were kept by their ronnections. They nlso agreed j that tho verbal contracts on West bound freight from all the seaboard cities should be annulled, these con- , tracts having been obtained by misrepresentations on the part of the shippers. The meeting broke up with an amicable feoling and a final agreement that rates should be fully maintained l by all concerned. A FIONEEK STEAMSHIP. DirABTCBE or TUB FIB8T VESSEL OF THE j PANAMA TBANHIT STEAMSHIP COMPANY?WHAT IS GOING TO BE DONE. Yesterday afternoon tho steamship South Carolina, tho powerful vessel of tho recently organized Panama Steamship Transit Company, left pier 13 North River for Panama, to tako her station on the Pacific division of the new Callfornian line, to bo run from next month In connection with tho Panama Railroad. She Is com- I manded by the veteran ship master Morton, formerly . of the Havana steamship Morro Castle. She will probably reach Panama, via the Straits ot Xlagi'llatt, in fifty-five days, but may call at Rio to clean engines and boilers. Tho South Carolina Hi <H i.w.r.i 41-inu ions, una uw muni accounuuuuuoiia lor 100 cnbm and "JOO steerage passengers. She curries l.'.'OO Ions ol coal and about 100 ions of freight. Sho will bo followed very shortly by two other similar stoamcrs?these, with two additional ships, to be run between New York and Aspinwnll, will mako. together, a semimonthly line between New York atid San Francisco. This semi-monthly service will be maintained lor the remainder of the rear, when live new steamships, of 4,000 tons capacity, will be completed nnd added to the line, making It thereafter a weekly line. The arrangements of the new company with the Panama road, and its connections lor Central American and European business, 1 nre said to be such as to demand this large licet and to I aflord a satisfactory guarantee of its success. The management ol the line, with ail its connections, will : be under the direction of William P. Clyde Ac Co.. of this city, who. with other capitalists, are Its proprietor/, and who already own and mauage some twelve ! lines of coastwise and West India steamships. FERRYBOAT DISABLED. The opposition steamer Bnnsbtne, running from the ' C'.ub House dock at ^tapleton to pier No. 8, North River, was disabled yettcrday morning on the half, j past cigbi o'clock trip np, by the giving way of some of J the rivets of the ho ler. The boat was laid up for re- I pairs. This line sppears to be particularly unfortunate I In the number nt accidents to their hosts, snd it begins to lie regarded as doubtful whether It will be much longer continued, as quicker and surer transit is generally secured by the old lino boats. SMALLPOX IN JERSEY CITY. Owteg to the conflict of authority between the city and the County Board* of Health In Jersey City little has been done to prevent the spread of contagion. / The power formerly vesied In the City Board Is now THE PRESIDENCY. y From a careful examination or the leading journals ol the country we are enabled to give the choice of eacn for President. Some of them retnaiu still quite noncommittal, but by the drill of their editorial discussion their prclerences are clearly maikod. The polittcs ol the Journals is indicated by the men they support. Ttta KKrraMca.v aoLt, r*u. ^ Fur Matnt? St. Paul (Minn ) Pioneer-Press, Boston ii.mci1w., viuvnfcii 1 Iiuuug \iu-i.j, r?UflOU ,/y iniai, vuicago Inter-ocean, Si. Louis Globe-Democrat (rep.), BanCor (Me.) Win,; una Courier, Alliance (Ohio) Keview, Bay Rapids (Mich.) Magnet, Cleveland (Teun.) Herald, Du- * boque (Iowa) Times, Frederick: (Md.) runes. New Bedford (Mas*.) Mercury, OsKaloosa (Iowa) Herald, Toriland ;Vf) Tress. St. Joe (Mo.) Herald, St. C'oud (Minn.: Journal, Walworth (Wis.) Independent, Winoua (Minn. Itepulillcan, Wright County (Minn.) Times. Total fo> Blaine. 'JO. For ConkUny?Huflaln Commercial. Carson (Cal.) Appeal, Hudson (X. V.) Register, Syracuse (X. Y. / Standard, Cattaraugus (X-. Y.) Republican, Auburn (N. Y.J Advertiser, Albany Evening Journal, Buiralo Express. New York Commercial Advertiser, Elinira(N. Y.) Ad rertiscr, cockport (X'. Y.) Journal, New York Sun (tud.), Newburg (X. Y.).Tourtial, Oswego(X*. Y.) Times, ugden-burg (X*. Y.) Journal. Rome (X. Y.) Citizen, Troy (X. Y.) Tress, Troy (X. Y.) Whig, l-'ttca Observer. Total for Conkling, 10. For Hrvlow? kuowllle Whig (Parson Brownlow), New Haven Courier, Qumcy (111.) Whig, Albany (N. Y.) Evening Times. Ashland (Ky.) Journal, Boston Herald (Ind.). Boston Traveler, Cuicago Tunes, Eric (Pa.) DeR|iatch, Louisiana (Mo.) Press, North Adams (Mas*.) Truusrript, New York Tribune (md.), Norwich (Coon.) Bulletin, Springfield (III.) Advertiser. Worcester (Mass.) Spy, Whitehall (X. Y.) Chronicle. Total lor Briatow, ltk For llaytt?Cleveland (Ohio) Herald, l?cs Moines (la.) x Register, Dayton (Ohio) journal, Hastings (Hu h I Banner. Manchester (Ohio) tlasette, Columbus (Ohio) Sta-a < Journal, Stcubeuville (Ohio) Horald. est Cheater (Pa.) BepuMican, Wooster (Ohio) Re|iublican, Luncastel (Ohio) Inquirer. Total lor Haves, lb. /V Ulysses S. O'rant?Braluerd (Minn.) Centennial. New York Arcadian (lud.), Sparta (Wis.) Herald. Totai lor a third term, d. For Miicrlliiniou* Republicans?The Allenlown (Pa.) Chronicle, the Bucks County (Ta.) Intelligencer, ths Chauibersburg (Pa.) Repository. Columbia (Ta.) Courant. Delaware (Ta.) American, Elisabeth (X. J.) Monitor, Montour (Pa.) Democrat, Norristown (Ta.) Herald, . the Xorristowu (Pa.) Independent, Tottsville (Pa) Journal, Thlladclpbut Republic, Reading (Pa.) Tunes, Virginia City (Mo.) Sentinel and the Wilmington (Del.) Commercial support Governor liartrnnft. Total lot Harlranlt, 14. The Danville (Ind.) Union, Indlanapolu Journal and the Wabash (Ind.) Tlaindealer support tlriplnn Tnl a I Inr U..rton A Thi. Ilir?n /llliinl Argus scores ono lor Garfield; the-Durk County (Ohio) Republican and the Indltuiap-ilia News two lor General Ben Harrison, nephew ol ['resident Harrison. The Kvansrillc (Ind.) Journal, the Milwaukee (Wis.) Sen Unci, San Francisco Chronicle and the Oglo (111.) He. porter come in with lour lor E. B. Washburne. The Chicago News records ono voto for Joe Medill, ol the < Tribune. The Illinois Stale Register is alone for Logan; the Litchfield (Minn.) Ledger ono for Holt; the Poughkeepsie Eagle. Philadelphia Item and Hvrpcr'z Weekly three lor Secretary Fish. Total, scattering, 30. DKMOCRAT1C ROLL CAI.I. For Hendricks?Coluinhus (Ca.) Enquirer (dcm.), Cleveland I'laiudealer, Columbus (Mo.) Statesman, Eclectic Journal, Memphis, Tonn. (ind.), Goshen (Ind.) Democrat (dcm.), Houstou (Texas) Telegraph (dem.). Indianapolis Sentinel (dem.), Utile Falls (Minn.) Courier (dem.), Lebanon (Ohio) Patriot, McArthur (Ohio) Enquirer. Mount Pleasant (Md.) Free Press; New Albany (Ind.) Ledger-Standard, Norfolk Virginian, St. Joe (Mo,) Gazette, Seriiniou (Pa.) Times; Term Haute Journal, Terro Haute Gazette. Total lor Hendricks, 17. Fur Hiyard?Mobile Register (.lorn.), San Antonio (Texas') Herald, Macon (Ga.) Telegraph, Manchester (Va) Courier, Philadelphia Chronicle, Wilmington (N. C.) Journal, Wilmington (Del.) Gazette, Wilmington (Del.) Every Evening, Wilmington (Del.) herald. Total for Bayard* f?. For Tiuim?Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution (dem.), Davenport (Ga.) Democrat, Indianota (Texas) Tribune, New Philadelphia (Onto) Democrat, New Haven Register, San Francisco Call. Total for Tlldon, fi. For Thurman?Atlanta (Ga.) Courier, (dem.); Ashlani (Ohio) Press; Cincinnati Cumtiicrciul (md.), Cincinnati Enquirer (rag money dem.), Covington (Ky.l Journal, Petersburg (Va.) Indox, Richmond (Va.. Whig, Wayne county (Ohio) Democrat. Total for Thur mau 8. " 4 For Hancock?Concord (N. H.) Patriot, Easton (Md.J Argus, Erie (Pa.(Observer, Martinsburg (W. Va.) Stales in an. Total lor Hancock, 4. For. Miscellaneous Democrats?'The Mount Vernoi (Ohio) Banner and the Daytou (Ohio) Herald are lot William Allen, the Lowell Courior lor General Sherman, the Siiringtlold (Muss.) Republican (ind.), lor Charles Francis Adams, llio Shrceveport (La.) Tunes lor ex-Governor HolTtnan, and tho Pittsburg (Pa.) Post and Hnpkinsville (Ky.) Democrat lor Jcre Black. Total scattering, 7. The vote of the press therefore stands as follows:? Blaine, republican 'J') VsUUKMUg, I ujmuii * ' Brlstow, republican.. 10 Hayes, republican 10 (iraul, third termer 3 Scattering 30 Total expressions of preference SM Hendricks, democrat 17 Bayard, democrat 9 Tildon, democrat 8 Thurtuau, democrat 8 Hancock, democrat 4 Scattering 7 Total expressions of preference 51 INHALING COAL GAS. A WHOLE FAMILY ALMG8T SUFFOCATED IN JERSEY CITY. Between two and three o'clock yesterday morning Dr. Hadden was hastily summoned by a canal boatman, who informed him that a whole family had been "smothered in a canal boat," lying in the Morris Canal basin, south of Jersey City. The doctor hurried down Washington street, and, when ho arrived at the basin, he was obliged to clamber across twelve or thirteen boats, which wero covered with six inches of snow, till ho reached the boal, Lizzie Thayer, in which the captain, James Stanton, aud bis family, consisting ol his wile, a girl, aged thiriccu, u boy, aged seven, aud * girl, aged three. Descending through a narrow hatchway, the doctor found himself in a cabin ten leel by drill lying in small bunks in a sluts of stupefaction. The husband bud ascended to the deck and regained consciousness. Restoratives were immediately applied, and the prostrato suHirers were removed on deck, where they soon regained consciousness. The csbti was tilled With coal gas emitted Irom a stnad stove, and, owing to the cold ol the night, the hatchway had been closod, so that there was no means ol escape. Stanton related that he was awakened by tho screams ol his eldest girl, whom ho saw jump out ol the bunk snd tall on the lloor. lie placed her on her loot, but sho was unable to stand. His wile jumped up, but sbe, too, fell on the lloor uud she became unconscious Th? boy snd younger girl were Immovable Iu thu buuka. Keeling a choking scusution, Stanton bad to make several cflorts before he reached the deck, and he crawled to the adjoining boat and awoko the inmates, who cams to his assistance. Thu windows or tho cabin were thrown open and the hatchway completely cleared. With all this timely aid, however, the wile ami children were unconscious when the physician arrived, and there is little doubt that hut tor the prompt modlcal aid rendered, the mother and her children would Lavs succumbed. The family are now out of danger. CRUELTY TO CHILDREN. Tho President ol tho New York Society for tho Prevention ofCruelty to Cbilitren has requested us to rocall to the public the (act that nearly four weeks aco Senator Booth Introduced in tho Legislature a hill to enable it to carry out Its purposes. Wo hare spoken earnestly on this subject before, and are glad to know that the soclely believes that under tne proposed law it will bo able to protect children trom itie greed and vindlctivenesa of unnatural parents or brutal masters. Tho tortures to which the "Infant prodigies" are subjected In acrobatic performances, the reckless indifference to their safety which Is displayed and tho Immoralities in which they are often employed, are so shocking that the public ran hardly believe what It is told. The eriinos which are daily committed against little children are infamous, and It is an anomaly in American eiT'llsntion that there is no law adequate lor the pre entton or the puuiabmenl of tho perpetrators. The passage of Senator Booth's bill is, therefore, a duly wbieh the Legislature cinnot neglect, and which it should discharge with the least possible delay. MUNICIPAL FINANCES. Comptroller C.rcen's monthly financial statement shown that during February iboro wcro drawn on the City Treasury warrants for salaries, general expenses, supplies, interest, schools, charities ird miscellaneous, payable from taxation, $1,360.086; for new works, pa v. able from issue of Improvement bonds. $.'tOii,JlS; special trust account, ft'J*,4ko. The total city ami county debt as represented by stocks and bonds on Tab. ruarv '49 is slated at $U6,7M.790, |pom which subtracting secttriiien in the Sinking Fund?$'2R,063,;tf't--|eav??, an the actual <^iy debt. $1;S 7:bi,47l. Storks an i Vond? have been rssuci .luring the two months elapsed o! 1876 to the amount of ?4,9tlS,8?S .JERSEY'S MUNICIPAL IMBROGLIO. Another extraordinary scene was witnessed yratcr. . day at the meeting ?f 'he ftoard of Freeholders m Jersey City. A long communication Iroiu Dr. Kddy,' the resident physician o? the county lunatic asylum, wa'a read, reproaching the director at large In scathing icrmi rhe director interrupted the reading, hut as the document was addressed to the board It him read to tlio end. The docutneut was supplemented by certl(Joules Irom the Hudson County Medical Society and the j jdges of tlio Court of Common I'loaa, sustaining Dr. Kddy azansl the attacks ol the director. The Clerk then announced the commencement of legal proceedings 10 the Drat of a series ol suits by creditors to obtain payment nf their Just claims, which the director persistently refused to sign. These suits will inrolvc the county In an expense ot thousands of dollars. A bill I* be I ore the Senate at Trenton, which legislated the director out or oOlco in Anril W