TH WHOLE NO. 14,4:59. DIRECTOR! FOR ADVERTISERS. a uttjcuvvra Pio* r.?K ?.? a.L ?1_ ast rulouy?2d p agk?4th col. BILLIARDS?2d Pagg?(lb cul. B<?7th Pag*?3d col. Dancing academies ut i*ag*-6UiooL DENTISTRY?2d Pagk?(Ih col. DRY GOODS?1st i'agk-4th col. DWELLING HOUSES 1TJ UiT. FURNI8USD AND UNFUR.M8HED?2d Pag*?3dcoL EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?7th Pas*?5 th aiidtkh col*. FINANCIAL? Bru Page. FOR SALE?7th Pag*?Nth eol. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LETZD Pack?3d col. FURNITURE?2d Pag*?(th col. , , help w a nte d- V tMAU. s-7t n *"? ??'*HOUSES BOOm1^"*0. Tub tallest"of three-yopno ladies, with black aacqne. who rocopaire.l iientlaman ou leaving Eighth arcntio car at 14th at. Thursday eveninn. at S ;1S, a ill pleaae addrma, apnntntlnn interview and Mating clrcuinatancw to avoid mlatake, WINDSOR, box 107 Herald adieu. UN. DECX. trois?THESE OLIMPSES DO NOT aatiafy an aching heart. I muat tell you how long theee tail hour* of aeparation are. \\* bilcukNkkksskr, parquet, WEDNESDAY 11 eveninn?Young lady with dark eyea; nentleman be1 tml, tw<> acuta to rlnht, followed cloaely nolnn out: beaide her nn left in eorriilor; paaaed on when they atopned to wrap; acquaintance aolicitcd. Addreaa UCONDIN, Herald Uptown Branch office. Yind ''our innocent?received letter and weu comed it ui a purclied bud would the morning dew. Write. st. james. "1388." ItKI.IOIOl M SOTICEI. Ai,ur..> M URT 1-KlsMi* 1 KKIA.N CII b HUH , OKOIUiE O. t'helpa. parlor?Preaching morning anil evening; lubject fur Sunday evening. "Saved A* By fire." Srau free. LlTsAI NTS' PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Kov. William M. Uunnell. rector. Henry at. corner of >cnnm T, New Vork.?Servicer every Sunday morning at 10J^ and every Sunday evening at 7\. The rector will preach. T SPKINC STREET PRESBYTERIAN ICHIRCH. near Vailck at., Kev. W. D. Nicholaon will preach Sunday morning. at Subject?"Following Jeaua." Vaanit people ? meeting at 7 :SU P. M. All welcome, seata free. LS;KCKKK STKKKT UNIV KRSA LI ST CUL'RCII ? Rev. 0. I*. McCarthy will proach to morrow morning an I evening at 10: .*> and 7:HO o'clock; morning auhicct, "The Huvhood of Jeeua and Ita Leaeona;" evening aubject, -Relic." (" TOOPKK INSTITUTE. AT 7>f REV. HENRY MORJ ran'a flr?t lecture, "Tralta, Tricka and Converalon of a 1 Live Yaukee." (1KNTENNIAL BAPTIST CHURCH. BROOKLYN, OX J (Mliiton nr., ni'nr Myrtle. Jurtlii I). Pulton. II i)., iiiulor?Preaching. HIT? A. M. and 7'j P. M subjects -Moronic. "Belknap unit Stunton Compared, or Perannul Integrity Essential to Public Kaltbevening. "Tlie Pilileu Wrath ' Awaltiinr tho Had CTHl'RCII OFTIIB HOLY t roSTLEsL BTH AV.. COB) tier '^Hih at ?Service* 10J{ and 7%; Re*. Jared B. Klagg. 1>. I)., will preiicb. CTllCRUU OP OCR SAVIOUR J (Sixth L'nlverralt.t Society), ; 57lb at., near Mh a*. .lumen >1. Pullman, parlor. Sunday morntnir. at 11; evrulug, 7:iH. CHURCH OP THE HOLY TRINITY, MADISON AV. and 43d ?t. Hour, of service*, los A. M.. 3% and 7% P. If. j Re*. Stephen H. Tyug, Jr.. will proach morning and e*eo- t In*. Re*. J. W. Bonham. Head or tba H, at Aaaoeiatbin Hall. Free baptist ohcriii hipkn communion), JDtli ?i . near fttli av. ? lie*. Mr. Itowell will pre*. It at lOti A. M riibjc t, -The Christian'. Legacy,"' and at 7)g P. S ?.object, "The Important Revolution.- 1 TjlIPTll AVK.NLK BAPTIST CHURCH, dHTII ST.-DR. A Armitaue. jiurtor, diacotirve. Sunday morning a Bible 1 reading on "The Peace Offering." Evening .object, "The Sheep that ra< Lost." ' HR IB NO PaLHK PROPHET -RISHoP snow WILL j nreaali on ' Prophecy" In (lie lni?#r*lty. Washington quire. on Sunday, at :t P. M. Seat. free, "subject?"The Harmony ami Doctrine of the Vision, of the Prophet Dante I. " j nW STI D s PR > VIM; HAND WILL CONDUCT THE 1 verrlcc at D??, A M.. 3 and 7*5 P. M., at Seventeenth ] .tree! Motbodiet Episcopal chureh, between I at end !M a*e. ( ||tKUUI MRTMQPHtT. OIICBCM. I37TH ST., rev. ' , ?. ... - ?? iitemiiin morrow %t 11 .% *. " Hnujeet?"Me?nln(t "f hnlvatlon " lecture in the nanliiy. ' VfRA NKLLIK J. t. KKKIIIAM. IXUP1 RATIONAl> < ]t| ?|n>?k*r, Ifoinrn IHX A. M.. Iroin i|H?tii*i irlaen by I tl.v audience, ?'"! Hi >' M , auhjrrt aelerled. Hull of I oriety l,r .?r....n? bpiritualtaia. m WaatiUd Chltdran'a t lycenlii. I*. " 1)KAU TIIK bfADAV TKLKUKAM, j it, HI T To Moltltow viiiiMMI," . CONTAIN* SPKaIAL KK PORTS KKoM WANIIIXO- ? TON OK WAR PKI'ARTMKKT hXPOUCKK*. I CAIILK XhWii hKllJI Kl KOI'K. r ILI.L'bTKATKI' Ptll.ICK CUfRT SKETCHES. W.lltM LKOIsLATlUK AM) AiOKsII*. ? Lutol Uwn! ????. from All Parta. ] IMKItKSTI.NO KKAlXNli MATTKR. prick two CK.NTk. 1 K^MIEL M. HAMILTON, PASTOR OK SCOTCH t |'r??t)rteri?? church. Hth at , between 5th mi l Otj a BV| w|j( preach to-Burrut At 10.50 A. M. and 3.30 P. If. t [ E N E NEW Y REUOIOCS NOTICKS. CFECIAL EELlftlOCS SERVICES >_ J conducted >>y Mtun MOODY AND SAXKEY at Hippodrome Building, between Madison and 4th avs., 20th and 27th lU To uiaot the wish** of the aped and large oauibera in the suburbs of the city who are unable to attend tha evening aervleea there will be a day service at 4 o'clock. TUB# 1>AY, Marctb7?Subject. "Blood." To be repeated iu the evening. WEDNESDAY, Mareh 8?SuMcct, "Blood." To be repeated In the eveuiug. THURSDAY, March 9-SubJect, "Heaveu." To be repeated in the evening. FRIDAY, March 10?Subject, "Heaven." To be repo tted in the evening. Adiuiesinn, only by ticket, ran be obtained on application, in oersou or by letter, at odlce, Hippodrome, 4th av. and 20tb at.: bookstore, Madisonkv. and 20th >t . or at Youug Men's Christian Association. 4th av. and Tld at. The expenses of these meetings are large and must be defrayed by private subscription. Contributions cau be sent to J. PIKRPoNT MORGAN. End-. Treasnrer. 28 Wall at. SAMUEL. THORNE, Chairman Committee of Arrangements. \V. E. DO DUE. Chairman ol Gsncral Committee. NATHAN BISHOP. Cnairman Executive Committee. RHY.Cll.Uti.HM K. HARRIS. PAS TO U OI'ALL K N street Methodist Kplscopel churcli. between Delancey and lllvington sts., a 111 preach morning and evening. Seats free. REvrWILLIAM P ASltOTT, FASTOR, \VILLPREACH at in :3U A. M. and 7:4f. P. M . In St. Luke's Methodist Episcopal church, 41st St.. west oftftli av. KEV. JAMES M XING, PASTOR. WILL PREACH morning and evening in thu St. James M. E. church, fold St., near Broadway. STANTON~ STREET BAPTIST OIIURPH.-WILLIA.M Havee lx??vrll, pastor, will preach at 10 A. M. Subject? "t ominunlon Question." At 7 :3U P. M., missionary meeting. Strangers invited. ST. THOMAS' CHURCH. 5TH AV.,.CORNER .'i3U ST.? Rev. Dr. Morgan, rector. Services riinduy. March ."> Mornlnir?Pruver at ii o'clock : litsnv. sermon and Cuin inunion at 11% o'clock. Afternoon?Service and wroion. 34, o'clock. ubIrSaci.e baptist church. -jo av.and urrn at.?Rev. George T. Dowllng, ot Syracuse, will preach; morning, "Voiceless Eloquence;" evening, "Solitary Places." All Invitod. The sixth avkxuk reformed church ? Preaching by Profesanr 1). T. KeiWy, of At* Hruoawlck, N. J., at 10:3u A. M. and 7 :!*? P. M WaInwritTiTr " memiikTal " cut'lieii. cornkTi Westlllhst. and AVaverley place.? Services, 10:3lt A. M., T: *;? P. M. The rector. Rev. W. T. Egbert, preacliea In the morning; Rev. Samuel Osgood In the evening. WASHINGTON SUIARK ' METHODIST EPISCOPAL church.?Rev. wllltain Lloyd. Missionary day. Morning?The Attraction of the Cross. Eveulug?Missionary anniversary. Address by Rev. A. i>. Vail. LOST AMI FOUND. Bank book lost.-bakic book no. ysii.iia of the Bowery Savings Bank is missing. The Under it requested to return It to the bank. If not restored before the IRli day of March, lS7d, application will he tuado to the bank tor a new hook. Lost-a "rcssiaw leather care, containing railroad pastes, of no use to anyone but the owner; name on ease. Any person returning tbe same to 415 Broadway will be liberally rewarded. I OST?ON~TH L'RSOAY, A BUNCH OF KKYS. TUB J linuer wilt be liberally rewarded by returning tbetn to No. 431 5th av. 10ST?BETWEEN 1ITU AMI 31ST STS.. ON BROADJ way, a Russian leather Wallet, containing manuscript named Roberta Please return to Union oquara Hotel. READ TUB SUNDAY TELEGRAM. " OUT TO MORROW MORNING CONTAINS SPECIAL REPORTS FROM WASHING. TON OF WAR DEPARTMENT EXPOSURES. CABLE NEWS FROM EUROPE. ILLUSTRATED POLICE COURT SKBTCHES. ALBANY LEGISLATURE AND GOSSIP. Latest Local and Telegraphlo Nrwe from All i'artai INTERESTING READING MATTER. PRICE TWO CENTS. Kg XV AUDS. ' (Jjfr/V REWARD?WILL BE PAID BY GEORGE AV. ijJ'JU WELSH, 353 Greenwich St.. New York, for the return of a gold hunting steiu-wluder Watch, with veet Chain (and no queetion asked); No. 41,4711; U. Boqulliu A Son, Locle, maker. 4ri\ reward.?lostI Thursday noon, on dit/'/ Broadwav. between HHli st. sud Wavrrl.. nla.. or from thence in a Madison uv. stage tu Pulton St., tltcncu to Aaiuiau and back to Alitor House restaurant, a lady's Chatelain Watch Chain, with cold cross, void and pearl pencil. aud two cold coin* attached. Kill reward will be paid on Its return to BLOOMER k SIMPSON. 1X1 >'ulton at. New York. Read thk runday telegram" OUT TO-MORROW MORNING. CONTAINS SPECIAL REPORTS PROM WASII1NOTON OK WAR OKPAKTM KNT EXPOSURES. CARLE NRWS KKO.M EUROPE. ILLUSTRATED POLICE COURT SKETCHES. ALU ANY' LEGISLATURE AND GOSSIP. Latest Local aud To'egraahlc Newa Irom All l'art*. INTERESTING READING MATTER. PRICK TWO CENTS. ~ HPECIAL NOTICES. "A."? -Law Psjr. fraction ol an Industrial Exhibition Bond. March tith Allotments, No chance for lot*; tOO will buy 13; 6*nd by mall or by express, by pottal order or by registered lettor, or in person, of A. WELLES, (17 University plaee, or of the Industrial Exhibition Company, 12 East 17th St.. only n lew doors from Broadway, Premiums, 1100.00 '. 10.0(0. .\lk?f. l.i no. Stkl. 11*1. io>. 30. * 21. The popularity ol the bonds and fractions of the Industrial Exhibition Company Is shown from the fact that the company baa sold more tractions fur March Cth allotment than ever before. Buy To-day. Oencral JOHN C. ROBINSON. President. Hon. W. L. GRANT. Vice President. E. B. POND. Secretary. Office open till tl P. V. No. 1'.' East 17th ft. ?ISAAC G. HOYOK 2H7 BROADWAY*. LAWYER ? Divorces obtained promptly, without publicity ; desertion, lite lupatibllllT, habitual drunkrunese. Infidelity, inhuman treatment, coutlctlon of lelony. Passports obtained. A ?ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY"! . Drawing Saturday, March 4, 1870. 1 prise of Spanish dollars, 100,(00 1 prise of Spanish dollars. So.UO 2 prises, each of. Spanish dollars, 23.UIO I O..I1.? in.*.. and tt>4 other priaea. Whole ticket". fffit; halvea. $l'l; quarter*. $5; tentba, f2. Herman Uoveriimeut Lotteriei. Pritei caahcd. Pull explanatory circular* Iree. THEODOK zscnocn. P. O. box MM 1 lb N*?iaii ilreet, New kork. ?KKN'T IXK Y KTATB LOTTBRIKB OP J. I. . SMITH A CO. xrxTUCxr, kxtua clam 313?iron 1876. 3, 57. 40. 7H. 63. 53, 31, 68. :tH. 4. 46, 73. 74. XkXTtCKT, CLAS* 314?FOR 1S<6. Jl, 38, IB. ?. 58. 13. 18. 411. 73. 7(1. 23, 85. 50. All ordera addren B. NATHAN, box 4,870 Poet office. New Turk city. ?PAltKB, KWKK80N A Oil. ' . Kentucky .Stale laitterle*. drawn dally. Royal lla, ana lottery, drawn eiery 17 day a. Kentucky Sinirle Number Lottery, drawn March 33, 1870. l'riici eaehed, Inlormation lurnlahed and elrculara Iree. 1HI.I Broadway. Poet office box 5,373 New York. A HTRAL I'lli'XSKL.?SEND KOB I'Kosi'Kt TC8. AD" il dre?* PROP. LISTKIt. Po.t office box 4,830. New YorknUBABEd OP MEN A PPKCIALTY. IIKNKY A. DANIKI.S. M. 1)., 144 I.axlnxtou tn, near .otb *t Office hourt from H to 3. nlSKA>KS OK MKN.WllATKVKK TIIK i'AL,lK. KK uuirmt? medical or ,(wai. >'iir pariculari addren 11. MaRTINKZ A CO.. lo Wall at.. New fork, box 4.683 Po?? office. K?CifitOMIO CATAKItH. DKAPNP.B8; IMPROVED method; Inatanlaneott* relief; prnuauent cure*. l?r. STODDARD No. 8 Weat 14th et. K?OPPICIAL DKAWINO KKNTI'CKY STATK LOT. . tnriei. -SIMMON*. DICK INSON A CO . Manager* Xk.vti'cxr KXTR.I ro? JU 30J? March 3, 1876 10, 16. M 28, it, 31. 14. 71. 3. 55 13 la rxxtucrv?claxi ?o. 20C--mari'H ?, 1876. 74. 114. "SI. 45. 78. 3?l, 47. ??. 76. 61, 48. 10. KX.VKV?rxtma claaa no. ll*i_ Ml kilt 3, 1876. 10. 40, 57. 1. 3H. 30, 114. 14. 17. 10. 1(1. 45, 23. tta.xitr?t'Lait mo. UtC-aiKcii 3, 1876 27. i ". 5. 22, 17. 71. 7, JH, 4. 53, 8, 16. Full information be applying to nr addrrraing J. CLUTE, IUO Broadway, or box 4.H6B Poet office. K?m.nmi iti.i.Ki.u .1 i ll. * CHAM) MONTH. , lv Di'tribiilion on lli? Havana Plan; to be drawn I il ?roll 23 Alan R-ral Havana, of t'uha. dr.iwa March 4 'ull Information by applying to nr add retain ? J. CLL'TK, s?i llmadwny or box Pint ofllen. *\| axiiooh' ?2l?itii kujtlo.v?a iukatimkkx .11 planiuory ?r ilie cMm, with liiiirnctiona lur (he auce?-tnl trealment of Weakneaa. f.o? Spirit*. Nervdua e* lauatlou, MnacuUr Heldlltv and Piftrnatiir* Decline in ManI..?d: prtco, *> reata. Addrca* tba author. Dr. k UK p I'ltriS, J"7 Wrai 22d ?t New York N'KllVol s kxii ai si JON-a medical. essay. coinprlalng a aerlca of loctnrr* dallvrrad at Kaliu'a X u nm of Anatomy, .aew York. on tho cauae and rum of Prenatore l>*rtlne. ahnwlnx IndWoutahly boarloal health may e retralaad. atjuedlliy a dear ?yimp?l* of th? Impedimanta to aarrtagr and tlia trr tineiil of nervu- and pliy.ical d. l.ilili. elnirthe remit of 2 renta AdIreal the author. Dr. b. J. KaIIN. utile a and realdanoa 31 .mat KAh at . New Vurk _ r,K.a. PILES -IIKMOKKIIOIDS OK PILKS PKKNA* nently eradicated in two to lonr weeka, without ligaurea, cauatlc. Ac.. oonaeanentlr without pain ; perfect car# ruaranteed In avnry luttanca aud not one cent charged unU affected. Dr. UOVT, 21 Writ 24tb at. < ! W V 0 ORK, SATURDAY, MARCH SPECIAL WOTICKg. OFFICE OK Tllh NEW YORK MUTUAL OAS LIGHT COMPANY, northeast corner Union square, 4tb av. uid Mth it. Nfw Yn??, Feb. 22. 1*70 Please Ink* notice thnt on and alter the Ul day of March next the price of k*" turolshed by tin* coiupanj will he reduced front $2 70 to $2 SO per IJhl cubic feet. C. K GARRISON, President. Ciiavlss Place. Secretary and Treuaurer. PROFESSOR BE EE W,~M KS M K III ST. 2IU EAST liTH at.? Instruction* Kiven. Cleaa now forming. Sitting* dally, afternoon and eeeulOB. Ail nervous diseases cured. Consultation free. Read"the sunday telegram. ~ OCT TOMORROW MilBNINIi. CONTAINS SPECIAL REPORTS FROM WASUINUTON OK WAR DEPARTMENT EXPOSURES. CAB I.E NEWS FROM EUROPE ILLUSTRATED POLICE COURT SEE HUES. ALBANY LEGISLATURE AND GOSSIP. Latest local and Telegraphic Xewa from All I'arta INTERESTING READING MATTER. PRICK TWO CENTS. The public"auk cautioned-/ftutnsihyTng or neLOt-ating a check nu the National City Bank, Naw York, fur 92HA OS, end drawn payable to Geo. M. Render or order. The* iIioyd wiak nhtnlnril Lv Iruuii tanti hivntsiii baa beau ?iuppr; iXi.UOD piltea; olio cbaucc In three; circular* mailed free. ALLEN A CO., 70 Nanau at.. New York. IIOUSLS, (YKK1\(.KS, M. A?MAJOR CIt AH. W. BARKER, Al'CTloNKUL . rut GREATEST S.W.K oK TROTTERS EVER KNOWN. THE UNPARALLELED EVENT OK THE CENTENNIAL YEAR MAJOR IlAUkKit ban the honor of announcing Mr. J. DUNN WALTON'S unexampled talc* of (ho i*?te?t GREEN TKOiTtKS in the world to lake pi act) a( Barker X Son's Lily Auction Mart and New * ork Tuttervalln, corner of Broadway an.2K high, touted l80U;cau heat 2:28. Buy gelding BAY JOHN, got by Voting Morrill, 15*4 high, foaled lHtJV ;can trot in 2:10. Hav gelding GEORGE, pot by Hen. Knox. 1 high, foaled 1800; can trot in 2:90, Hay Gelding TELKGu Al'll. got by General Lyon, In.2^ high, foaled 1HH8; chii trot in 2 Buy Gelding YOUNG KNOX. K>.2ia high, foaled 180U; eau beat 2:40. Bay Mare JOSEPH I Nr., got by Honest Allen, KH2 high, fouled 18?>H; can trot in 2:4&. Buy Gelding DL' IT.'IIMAN, got by lliraui Drew, 1M4 high, toaied 1HB8; can beat2 :2fU. Chestnut Gelding CARELESS, got by Hon est Allen, high, fouled 1808; can trot in 2 :4U. Brown Mare BELLE OK THE EAST, got by loin Puti-hen, LVd1* high, foaicd 1871; can trot in 2 :1U. I he>lnut Gelding LIT TEE KUAN K. got by Ethan Allen, KV. high, foaled lHliS; can trot iu 2 40. Bay Goldlug BAY PET. got by Daniel Lambert, lbG high, foaled l?7U; can trot in 2 .A*. Biitck man- MIDNIGHT, got by Ethan Allen. l.V4 high, lualed lsoi); cuti trot In J -AO. Hay Mare HaISY,guilty Kysdyk's llauibletonlan, 1 5high, loslcd 1868; van trot In 2 : <6. Bay Mara CLEASL'Kh GIRL, gut by tho Avsry llurra. 15 l.i.'h, foaled luttl; cau trut iu a minutes. Itrnwn Gelding STATE Ok' MAINE. got by Uvuaral Kuox, 15?, high, lualed 18641; can trut In I'UKi. Buy Gelding \\ lUThllKEiJi, gdi by Muuut Vernon. 1 51 * high, foaled 18U7: can beat 'J :4H Black Gelding BLACK DIAMOND, cut by General Kuux, 15V high, lualed 18UB: can trot in 2H.'i. Black Gelding BLACK IIaNK, got by Youug Knox, lb high, Coaled 1868; can trot in 2 M; roan Mare SWEKT1IH1 aK, irut by General Knox, 15 high; foaled 1870; cab trut in 2 :M'>. Sorrel Killy LADY BllOWN, cut by Huneet Allen, 14 V high: foaled 1871 ; can trot in three minute*, llay Griding BAY BOSTON, yot by II. B. 1'atcben, 15*? lilcb; lualed 1868; can trot in J :35. Chestnut .Marc ADA, trut by General Kuux, 14V bltrb ; fouled 1868; cau trot iu 'J :A">. Sorrel Maro ItIA, gut by Hiram Drew, 14J4"5tigli; foaled 1MXI; can beat 11:45. Sorrel Mare ETTA, i;nt by Logan, 14V high; foaled 1H7D; cau trut Iu 11:40. Sorrel GcUting MM BOD. gut by M'iuUeld, Jr., 15V blub ; foaled 18U8; cau trot In U'M. Black Gelding BLACK OAK, trot by Tom Carpenter, 15V blub; Ibalod 1806; can trot In throo minutes. Black Gelding BLACK KNIUHT, trot by AJax, 15V biitb; foaled 1808; can trut In 2-A). Buy Gelding Kill AN, Jr., gut by Ethan Allen, 14V Illicit: foaled 180H; can trot in 2 :45. Hay Gelding LOG AH, got by Jules Jurtrciiseu, I5V high; foaled 18611;. can trut In 2M. Buy Kllly LADY GAY, gut by Blackwood. 15?^ ltigb; lualed 1871; cau trot in llitee minutes, Chestnut Mara 1'INK, gut by Mambriuo-Pi|ot, 15 high; toaled 1870; cau trot in J'50. Abore are all watranted sound and kind. CATALOGUES now ready at tbe SIMIC1T and TUBE offices, and at tbe Mart. Hale positive and without reserve. No postponement on account of w eather AT MARKER A SON'S CITY AUCTION MART AND NEW YORK 8 ALL'S, Corner of Broadway and 39th it. MAJOR CHARLES W. BARKER, AUCTIONEER. KKOL'EAU SALES of Horsex. Carriages, Ac., EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AT II O'CLOCK. TWENTY-TOUR hour* allowed for trial on every horao old under warrantee. THIS IS THE only auetlon mart In the State having the B roper facilities for (bowing boraet on sale?vAs.. a large inviug Track entirely under cover, and plenty of room lor examination. CATALOGUE OK HALE THIS DAY AT 11 O'CLOCK. UKULNMNG vitu Mr. GERRY Brown's, of Uoitoa unkouallkd lot OK TIIK faateat green eastern bred trotters * IN AMRR1CA, COMPRISING SIXTEEN HEAD (including an elegant 15?? high, very Cloaely matched, pair of coach or family Ueldmgs), that can trot in from 3 minutes down to 3:3U or better; all warranted and the gel of auch NOTED SIRES aa Ktliau Allen, Geuoral Knox, Godfrey'a Patchon, Draco, Gideon, Ac., Ac. DURING THE past week thia atock haa been ridden alter bv a large number of gentlcraeu, who have pronouueed them even faatcr than icpreaeuted HLKGANT TOP aide bar Road Wagon. LARUE LOT of new and second hand Harneaa EXTRAORDINARY PAIR ol cloaely mated hay coach Horses, 1U high, H yeare old lliia spring; aplendid atvio, action and appearance; sharp travellers; great roadsters; the property of a private geutlamau, and warranted sound and kind NO TOP SIDE HAK Road Wagon, by Vandugaw. TO PAY advances, a cloaely matched pair ol bav Geldings, 1 '? high. 7 and H years old , game, prompt and very stylish driven: can trot cloeo to 3 minutes; an elegant lauiiiy or couch team . warranted sound and kind. NO TOP Road Wagon, by (juiniby. EXTRA KINK gray Gelding. Id high, 7 years pld; a very pleasant and handy driver; can trot better thau 3 minutes, and la warranted sound and kind. BAGGAGE ESTABLISHMENT, consisting or a chestnut! high. 6 years old; a free, easy driver; good roadster: stands without tying, warranted kind; also light Concord Baggage Wagon, In line order: llarnras Ac. THIRTY OTHER top itud uo lop Road Wagons, Depot, Express und Business Wagons, Carriages, Ac. THIRTEEN OTHER Horses KI LL DESCRIPTION at sale. SALES NEVER postponed on uccount of weather. VLM BARGAINS?TWO Dip MDE BAR WAGONS, ONE Whiteehaple Wagon, pole and shafts; ono lull spring Wagon, two top Pony Pbeatous. una Kockuway. three seta of single Harness, two Robot. Must be sold immediately. luijuire at 316 Mercer at., one block west ol Broadway. ADUHKNBIRY top wagon, dunscomm iiar uesa; been used but a few times, at half coat. 57 East 3od st., corner -Ith av. GENTLEMAN GOING All ROAD it ANISIO Nr. LL a pair of very stylish and sound Mates, English silvermounted Harness, T Cart. Ac. Can be seen at 113 East Aoib si. Address box 3,ooj Post oHIce. GENTLEMAN WHOSE HIULTU \\ ILL NOT PERmil bitu lu ride ou the ruad wistn-s to ilisp se ol liia last 1 rottiug Horse "Ray Prince"?nut the ficticious one advertiscd In yesterday's Ilarald to ho told at uiictioii, but the genuine troiter?c*u uo ma mue any uav in i::a.?: host record 'i. ;I1; U warranted aound and kind; a lady can dilvo litm at ipcca. Altu very liylit ibilliuy top mil nar Wagon, by llatca: HI ul' aiugle II ai ue?a, by Utiuacniub ; Swuat nml Manly lJlauketa, liobea, Ac., all near laat tail, ami will bo told at lialf value. Inquire at Araeiial Stables, doth at., uear iimadway, where any trial will be given. Aukntekman urrkiu'AT a hai mkiok SormL Trolling Holding. Ih)? baud*, s yeara; imu iu lldM Side bar tup IVagon, by feck; double and tingle liamoaa. '1 In Weal 4l>t at. orkat haroain!?any one" in want or a lieautllul tup I'ony I'naetuu ur tup Wagon ami llitrnrai will And the beat fur the ruuiicy in tlio city at private stable Aral door eaat of I nitersltv piece, iu llltli at. Ur. WEAVER. TEN IlilWIW WAttONM. TOR RXPRSM, Kiueera', biitchrra', bakers', milk, laundry, package and delivery; Wagons. ltyll*h drlvera; warranted aound and kind, -tud to trut In U 4b, alao a very line Stlvrra' Wagon and llarne.a, used but llttl.', will be auld tor le a than ball their value, either separately or together, at private atable. No. 4 West IVtli at. A T PRIVATE RALE, llrt WEST .>rril st.-a TROT iV ter. aide bar Wagon. Ilarneae, Sulky Bid Sleigh; pi be to ault lue tlmea ' ACOL'PK. "WITH I'OLI AND 8UAKTS, NKARI.Y lien . alao one Clarence, nearly new, uaed by a uritnte lamui lit uu avuu ?i < a, ,-aoa. nrj, 111 una 113 tlMl I3lb at-. Mar bh ??. ClOACIIKs. I'UllKM'h.-, LaJCDaT*' LANDAILBT* / Coupea. Victoria*, H teat Rurkavijri, Coupe Ku< kiwati and all atylea of I'arrlatrea ut price a to mil lite timet; :Si top and open Koad Wairona; ?ecoud hand; by hc?i city makera; Blaukela, Kohea, Ac., at a if real reduction, to cloae theut out. WILLIAM II. IIMAY, iAIand 33 Wooatdr at. ( tARKIAOK RXrAHUMU.?WK Of fltk UM7MUAL V J lacililica for pood aud prompt work in our repair Uepurtnicnt; eallroaiea made; auiuiuer carrtauca received now will l.e held lor delivery In April. BKKWMKIt .V CO. iof llrooiue ?t. 1; lactory, Broadway and 47th at.; warerooma, ith av. and 14th at. I F(7K"|IMH?TK? WITH SCKAIOHKS l)AN MACK. J. D. ' Walton. M. H. Whipple and John Murphy recommend "Talcotl'a Our*." J. C. I'Al.OOfT. Proprietor, lititli at. anil Hall av. Sold hy liO.if.llAN, 114 ( hainhera at.; KID11KB. XI John at. IAOK SALK?tilDK-RAIl TOI? WAOO.V; tlltKAT SAC J; rilicc. IIOYMYO.N', 3n7 Mth av.. near *.*4tli at. IjtoR SALK?A VKKY KINK CAUUIAOK flit COUI'B I llorae. M yrara >dd. dark hay In color, nanda liljfli. Imiulre at private alable No. 144 Weal I nth at. PVIK SALK?A BKCONI) HAND CLA KKNl'E; ALSO A ' Coupe llockaway. Apply at MINBIi A CO.'b, Ul Kaat 1 BMja < ' I UAKMirtK?CllhAI'KMT HAHXKrM KTOKK IX XKW York: kucmI Huitiif llarneat. band made. 915; |fix?d t>r.; iruod Double Tram llarm??, :*>.? iT'| Hrrwatrr A I'o. TO PACKIXU BOX MAXl'PACTl'KKKJ*.?FOR SAl.K. a large double box Truck Can beaten at anytime, cursor Bend and :td 1 >RK P : 4, 1876.?WITH SUPPLE HORSES, CARUlACiES, diC._ T)EAD THE SUNDAY TELEGRAM. IV OUT TO MORROW MORNING. CONTAINS SPECIAL RETORTS FROM WASHINGTON OF WAR DEPARTMENT EXPOSURES. CABLE NEWS PROM EUROPE ILLUSTRATED POLICE COURT SKETCHES. ALBANY LEGISLATURE AND GOSSIP. Latrni Local ami Telegraphic News from All Part*. INTERESTING READING MATTER. PRICE TWO CENTS. *1 CI! ?WORTH jsBO; BEAUTIFUL NEW TOP EX /I'lU. press Wagon; rau.l ?ell; want offor. 124 Wa?t imb it I)KY GOODS. ISA BEAU'S INVISIBLE NETS; ALSO INVISIBLE frluipa. III.ulu mi Iiair net; ul?i> u I art* assortment of Hi?nl. Curia, Ac. No. 7 Union square. irA" OUT i'k plaiting dune with a space vlso O double box plaiting; ladioa' waiata Ac. plaited from one to twenty three incite* wide, by S. JOsEl'II, 118 Fereyth at., in atore. YAaND WlDE I VMIIIUCS, IOC. PER YAKIL Yurd wide Prima, Sc. per yard. LOUD A TAYLOR, Grand and Chryatia sta., llruadway aud Jlrth at. post opfick notice. posl OFFICE NOTICE-THE FOREIGN MAILS FOB X thu wect ending. Saturday, March 4. 1S7II, will cloao at tina oltice uu Saturday at i> A. M. fur Great Ilritaui, Ireland una France per atoamcr Republic via (Juei uvtowii; uiul al II A. M. tur Prance direct per atoamer l.afayetut via Havre; and at 11 JAI A. M. lor Europe per tteamcr lleriiiaun via Soutbaiiiplon and lirenirn; and at M A. .M. for Scotland direct (inuvl be apccially add-errodi per ateamer Victoria vlaGlaamnr. Direct mail tor llraxll, Porto Rico. Ac., will leave New York, March H. Mailt tor CUiuu, Japan, Ac., will leave Sail Krauciseo, .March Id. T L. J.VMKS, Poatmnater. BAD the SUNDAY teI.~E<.RAM. our to morrow morning. contains special reports from washington of war department exposures. cable news from europe. illustrated police court sketches. alh a.n y legislature and gossip. Lateat l.irul arid Tnln.rrai.liic \?w>? iV.w,. All Carta INTERESTING READING MATT Eli. I'll ICE TWO CENTS. LKUAL VOTHKS. IN THE CI 110err COl'KT OK TUB UNITED STATES fur tbe Southern District uf Illinois, Junuury Term, 187A Abrain It. Baylls, Trustee, v?. The Lafayette. Blooming. ton uuJ Mississippi Railway Company el al.; Chancery. To the bondholders of suid "Lafayette, Bloomingtou end Mississippi Bulla uv Company*':? In pursuance of the decree <>l the Court rendered In the above entitled cause on the utli day or January, A. D. 1H7U, you and each uf you are hereby untitled to produce before no at my office in the city of Springfield, 111., withiti lurty daye from this dute, tor the purpose uf enabliug mo to >tate the account in accordance with the terra* uf thu abuve mentioned decree, all bouds hold by you and issued by the abuve ttained "Lafayette, Uloomlngton and Mbtsisslnpl Hallway Company." J. A. JONES. Mailer in Chancery. Datod at Springfield, 111., thlf !>th day uf January. 1878. J^OTICK IN PARTITION. To all persons interested In the real eitata of which William Wetherill, late of Lower l'rovldonce township In tho county of Montgomery and Stato of Punusylvuniu, died no Udu, liy urdor of the Orpheus' Court of laid county of Montgomery, I will hold ait inquest un the promises, in Luwcr Providence township, hi said county, on Thursdny, the tilth day of March, A. D., lS'ti, at 1U o'clock In the torcnoun, to make piiriltlon of the said real estate to and among the parties legally entitled thereto, if such partition can be made without prejudice to, or spoiling the whole thereof, and if such partillou cannot so be made, tben tu value and appraise the tuiite, w hen and wbure you are requested to attend. The Jury will meet at the publlu hoitso of J aiuei Bond, Shitniioiivtllc, on tho morning of, at UJw o'clock A. m., to proceed Iront there to the premises. JOHN LI.NDEKMAN, Sheriff. Simtirr's OrriCK, NoRinstnw.i, Ta., Keb. 18, 187U. Read "the" sin day telegram, OUT TO MO It now MOKNIN'O. CONTAINS SPECIAL REPORTS FROM WASHINGTON OK WAR DEPARTMENT EXPOSURES, CABLE NEWS KIIOM EUROPE. ILLUSTRATED POLICE COURT SKETCHES. ALBANY LEGISLATURE AND OOSSIP Luii'-t Local mid Telegraphic New* trom All Part*. INTERESTING KKAUINO MATTER. piuck two cents. ' .111SC K l.l(\X KOtlg. Read the Sunday telegram, oct tomorrow morning. contains special reports prom washington ok war department exposures. caiile news from kurope. illustrated police court sketches. . al'aany legislature and gossip. Laical luteal nii4 telegraphic Krwa tium All Pacta. . INTERESTING READING LATTER. price two cents. Y~ ard wide cambrics, IOC. per yard. Yard wide Print*. Sc. per yard. LORD A TAYLOR, Grand and Ohryatle at*., Broad a-ay and tluth at. CTWKPCTIOK. Boarding school at wilton, conn.?home conilorta; healthy location; thornnirli inotructlou; terms moderate. Addrea* AUGUSTUS WIIITLOCK. KKA U Till". SIMIAV TELEGRAM, OUT TOMORROW MORNING. CONTAINS SPECIAL KKPORTA KltOM WASHINGTON OP WAR DEPARTMENT EXPOSURES. CABLE NEWS FROM EUROPE. ILLUSTRATED POLICE COURT SKETCHES. ALBANY LEGISLATURE AND OOSSIP. Laie-t I.ochI nml Telei;raiiliir Newa from nil 1'iuli, INTERESTING READING MATTER. PRICK TWO CENTS. CO CENTS A LESSON. ? CONVERSATIONAL t)U French by a Perlelan Only idiiilonice) ; tranaleliuii*. Mile. YKREL, 1 ..'117 liromlway, room -3. MUSICAL. ~ V GENTLEMAN OF GREAT EXPERIENCE HIVES I nut met Inn on pianoforte, organ, tiaro anil linrmony, al r??ldene# : f In quarter; reference*. Adilrea*. with realili'io'c. I'EACHhR. box I J 4 Herald Uptown Brunch niHee. / 1ARD.-PRIVATE LESSONS. PIANO. VIOLIN. Guitar, Organ. Flnlc. Singing, Ac. East 14th at. (Pimm roomai. Practice free. ? Ircularn mailed. Read tuk hu^day telegram, OUT TOMORROW MORNING. CONTAINS SPECIAL REPORTS FROM WASHINGTON OF WAR DEPARTMENT EXPOSURES. CAIILK NEWS FROM EUROPE, ILLUSTRATED POLICE COURT SKETCHES, ALBANY LEGISLATURE AND GOSSIP, I.nil -i Kocal and Telegraphic News Irnm All Parta, INTERESTING READING MATTER. _ PRICK TWO CENTS. _ IM WOKOKTKS. ORGANS, . A ?FOR I.ENT. UPRIGHT, SQUABR AND GRAND J\. Piano* of our nwo tiniko; alim for -ale and rent, a tiuuibi i ut line aecond hand Plaii.n In perlect order. WILLIAM KNAIIE A CO . No. llll.Tlh av., above llilb at. A -A-ALL PERSONS DESIROUS OF PURCHASING V. a geuuiue aecnnd hand Stelnway Piano are Invited to cull at our ware room", a hero a nunilier of Steiliway Piano*, all in perfect condition, end nome of llieiu nearly new, la c niatnnily on hand; illu accond hand I'ianoa of other maker*. Atleinpta are ennatantly mm.'c In tlila city and oUewlicro by maker* ol Immi. piano* and their agent* to aell their Inferior ln>trameIIt?, bearing our name or a name apelleil ao ainillnr thai many people do not nutlce the ililfereneo, and purchase the apurloii., worthiest In-truinellt lor a genuine Stelnwuv piano. If pyr.onn. before piirc!ia?iiig audi int nnee be naeartalnad whether tlx; instrument l? a ueuuiuo Mamvtv piano or n traud HTKIMVAY A sONH. Stolnaar Hull. Ii>7 mill 111 Baal llth *4., New York. i nilsAll-: FAMILY. TUHoi 11II I' KXD ..Y irrncie-. will aril n f 1,11 r> roaewonil uu unriirht I'ianoloria (i* t'JVI: an elegant Stelnway A Sunt I'luiio. with all late iiii|irovriiimii?. m a creai sacrifice; elegant silver toOk'ur and atnn Ntedham On-an, mm ?:*? . for #lhO; alio I'aruir a ml Bedroom Kurnlturo. (.'all private residence IIO \\>?t J hi al., tear ?Hh a*. *l*r? KOSKWOOIl 1'IAN'i IKOIITK ? II A.NOS "to rent, f *' a month ami upward; instalments taken; new Instrument* at irreal sacrifice. WOl.DSVl ITU'S. -?l Hleocker it., near Bowery. VH IRAI Firi'L riAkOPOHTK. 9106] PIANOFOKTKN to rout, K> monthly; Installment* taken; (.'bickering and Stelliwa.r riuiiuforte*; hiirnsllis. J. HIDDI.K, 1.1 AVavcrley place, near Broadway. PRIVATE KaVII.Y WILL SKI.I, TBRlii hl-KO ANT Decker A Una raMkita at aaarlicai limr reaaa^ net ivr. rUbly carved roaawooil uaaa. full amlTc, over truiic I'iano. all Improvement*. guaranteed, 1*11. of sale, cn*t for stool, Cover. A 7V, octave Stelnway riatni, nd hand Instrum nt?. Ilttli ixcd. i t e*lonl*hlnglv low price* lor caah. AHKAITIKUL KUSKWOOD KOUM) COKNRKRO I'ianntorte fur f 1*11. modern Improvrm*nte. Including Stool. (rover ?inl Mualc; period order. Kelt dd it., Beer I'll ?v. __ _____ x bkai nri l carved rusk ooo seven ucJ\_ lavol'lenoforle. ro.t M'MI. fur fllai 'JU K?it :?Kh it "/ Wil l,." "SMAI.I, HODV.'-MATIII SlIKK AX Kiairoa, Orcliratral, Mo,Hum end Humming lllrd. ti Ka>t Htli ?l. I'rlvete I'lann loaoiif. |||;\I IM. ITALIAN ViuLI.NS MY AMATI HUJKRI I I iioailxKiitiii. Tenor liy Moiueiriiana. Violoncello r,y Herronil; Toert Hove, Ac., lor tale at .Mr. UOKKKIKS, J J 4 Kaat IJtli ?t. IIKAD TIIK SUNDAY TKLKUHAM. k oi l n> wdiikhh JuN'TMNS HI'S.CIAL llfcMoltIS Kit* > M WASHINGTON OK WAR DKKAItT.MK.NT KX I'OSL' KKS. CAULK .NKWrt KRUM Kl'KOPK. ILLl'l*ritATKD I'OLH'E COURT SKKfCIIKS. Al.HA.NY LKOIsLAIlKK AND OOSSIK. Lalrii local end Telegraphic Nirwafroin All Parte. IX fKKKAl1 Mi Ur. (HI V. MATTER. PRICK TW'u CENT*. i'KllMIT AKD SgtARK PIANOS AND OKOAN* TO rent, very low, or mid on >01*11 monthly payment*. IMTTh WtHrmwii 7HH Hrondwn*. corner uf 10th at. V I ERA] MENT. AMKIENK5ITI. QOD STREET THKATItE O (late Hiyant'tl, ?Sd ?i , near Ovu ai. Mr. WILLIAM PASTOR Manager MATINEES EVERY THURSDAY. A MAMMOTH DOUBLE SUoW. Tha CAL1FORMA MINSTRELS and GREAT VARIETY TROUPE. JENNIE MORGAN. Herr SIIULTZ, EIRE aud DREW. FRANK MURAN. NAT C. GOODWIN, the sifted Imitator, renreneutiug _ _ ______ EDWIN BOOTH, LAWRENCE BARRHTT. STUART KOHSON. FKANE MAYO. SOTilERN. GUS WILLIAMS, JOHN T. RAYMOND, Ac., Aa MATINEE EVERY THURSDAY. OWBRY THEATRE, SATURDAY. MARCH 4. LAST NIGHT OF Mr. FRANK FKAYNB aud bia celebrated Kentucky KitW Team in the great Urania SI 8 LOCUM. MARCH 0, Mr. JAMES M. WARD In the great IrUh drama ARKAH N A POG UK. rpoNY PAsTORTS NEW THEATRE. The leading variety theatre^? 11 TIIIS < ' America. The lie ?t allow MATINEE THIS In New York. The gland ? SATURDAY Parialan Itallul Troupe. SATURDAY GUS WILLIAMS, TUESDAY NIGHT, CHARLES IHAMoND, NIGIJT. TOMMY HAYWOOD, A dtlr.A r fnl. PARKER A.MJ A GREAT and wonderful School of BILL. gduotiil Uiwi. FRIDAY. ? ?? ? MARIE WUITTINGIIAM, M ASTER NEWMAN, LA HKI.I.K VICTORIA. FRANK CUSHMAN and tony pastor's great star troupe, In a lively and attractive Programme. THIS SATURDAY NIGHT the great Carnival bill. HOUSES CROWDED. Seat* secured. Carriages may be ordered at 10:30. rril AV. Til EAT EE. (E V kRY NIGHT. 17 TO~ft7 o Proprietor and Manager Mr. AUOUSTIN DALY SOth toH7th performance of tha Predominant Success! Augustiu Daly's Greatest Drama, pppp n qqqq u u keek P P II Q O u UK PPPP HQ Q U 1J KEE ? ii q qq u uk t P II QQQO ucuu KEEE . A play of to-day. An Extraordinary Cast, including Miss Fanny Davenport. Mr. ChurluM Fisher, Mr. llarkinx, PIOUFl James Lewis. W. Davldge, F. IlsrTtvpr s-rii uipvir deuberg. Maurice Rarrvmore, J jt.u PIUI'H Dre?'. C\ Rockwell, Miss JeBreysrii4t.1t. Lewis. Mrs. O. H. Gilbert. Miss Holland, Miss Sydney Cowell and Mr. John Brougham, Fifteenth "Pique" Matinee TO-DAY at 1:30. Wednesday. March H, extra Muourhau Matinee. lUHh periormance of "Piquo" Friday, March 17. cthi avenue theatre. O pique! 15TH MATINEE TODAY at 1:30. LADIES should secure their SEATS IN ADVANCE to '?'? aim uiaa|i|iuiuwuciit. V The WEDNESDAY MATINEES reiumed next ink ARK Til EAT UK. BUUADWAY AND 22D ST. EVERY NIGHT, at a SATURDAY MATINEE at 2. M. O. P. ROWE aa WAIPTON STRAY, In hU BRASS. BRASS. BRASS. BRASS. BRASH. BRASS. BRASH. BRASH BRASH BRASH BRASS. BRASH BRASS. I B it ASH "See tliis ring?" "PactI Pact11 I auure jrou I" Box uOlt'o opsu S to 4. Roeerved >eate Si SO. ALLACK'S. Proprietor and Manager.. .Mr. LESTER WALLACE SATURDAY, March 4, At tho I ) In the MATINEE AT 1 :?>. 1 Al'10 i EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK. ,,,11 i... i ??... I .a. .....i?i-.i a. KOVAKC:K OK A.YOOR'Y&U'NU*MAN, with I BEAUTIFUL AND PICTURESQUE SCENERY. ELE- ' UANT APPOINTMENTS AND A FINE OAST, Including Mem. H. J. MONTAGUE, JOHN (ill.BEUT, W. K. , FLOYD, J. W. CARROLL, E. M. HOLLAND, W. J. ' LEONARD. C. K. EDWIN. Ml?? ADA DYAS, MD. EFFIK GKKMON, Mine. POMSI, Mr*. JOHN SEFTON, MU* lONE BURKE and Mln EAURA TlloKPK. MONDAY KYKNINO, March 0, reappearance of Mr. LESTER WALLACE In Goldamlth'* irlorioa* Comedy of HIIK STOOPS TO CONQUER. v ?e CADE MY CM M USlC. Mr. O. D. IIESS Director CONTINUED SUCCESS OF THE KKEEOOO GRAND ENGLISH OPERA MATINEE TO DAY COMMENCES AT HALF-PAST ONE I KECISKLY. THIS SATURDAY, MARCH 4. TWO PERFORMANCES-GRAND MATINEE of Balls'* BOHEMIAN GIRL. Mi** CLARA LOUISE KELLOGG. Mil* JULIA GOULD lllr.t appearance), Munrt CARLETON, PKAKKS and JOSEPH Ma AS. all appearing. TONIGHT, AT S O CLOCK, Wallace's MARITANA will be given. with Mine, JENNIE VAN ZANDT. Mr*. 8EOU1N, Menem. CONEY, HAMILTON, SKGl'IN and WILLIAM CASTLE in Hie caet. REPERTOIRE HdK NEXT WEEK, TI1E CLOSING WEEK OF THE SEASON. MONDAY EVENING. MARCH U, THE STAR OF THE NORTH TUESDAY. BENEFIT OF HENRY PEAKES. FRA DIAVOLO ' WEDNESDAY. FAUST I K KLLOOi5). THURSDAY. BENEFIT OF MR. M.VAS. RIOOLETTO. FRIDAY. MHJNO.V (KELLOGG). ' SATURDAY XIUI1T, BALKE'S ROSE or CASTILE. GRAND KELLOGG MATINEE ON SATURDAY. HoX SHEET NOW OPEN. 1 ijUGLK THEATRE. BROADWAY AND 33DST. I JrJ Mr. JOSH II ART Sole Proprietor and Manager Lail two pt-rfnrmaiicca or A MATINEE | UNCLE ANTHONY. MATINEE THIS DAY. | FEMALE JACK SlIEPPARD. THIS DAY. A I.OINO FOR THE CUP, <> f THE COMINO MAN. The ronpuy of Id)#- _ MATINEE I Star Artlata appear at | MATINEE AT 2 O'CLOCK. | llie matinee Unlay. | AT J O'CLOCK. WOOD'S MUSEUM. WOOD'S. < >V THIS DAY. ADMI.vSION 2o CENTS. OREAT HILL. TWO PIECES. C KATE FISHER AND IIOKSE WONDER, In SCII AM YL and ROOK WOOD. CTUICKKKINO IIALL.-professor cromwell J loin the honor to aiinoiiiicu a brief acaion of bia ILLUSTRATED lectures, . THE OLD VND T!IK NEW, 1 COMMENCING MONDAY, MARCH 6. AdniDilou Ml cent*. No extra charge tor reaerved aeata, which can bo procured at E. Schuberth A Co.'a. No. S3 . Union aquare. Prote*?or E. F. Mulcr, organiat. . Read the iundat telegram. OUT TOMORROW MORN I NO. CONTAINS SPECIAL REPORTS FRo.M washingTON OF WAR DEPARTMENT exposures. CABLE NEWS I ROM EUROPE. ILLUSTRATED POLICE COURT SKETCHES. ALBANY LEGISLATURE AND OOSSIP. r Lalot Local and Telegraphic Newa from All Part*. INTERESTING READING MATTER. PRICE TWO CENTS. btllA DIAVOLO. WITH AN KXTRAODINARY CAST. 1 lor PEAKKS lleneflt on TUESDAY. J SOCIETY SOCIABLES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, (, Fcrrero'a Aaacinhly Koonik. Tammany Building, 14th el. I CAKTlKIt A CO., Managera. \GKANI> ATIIfjRTU? TO 17 UNAMKNT TEXDRRKD in Profoaeor CIlAKLKS F. OTTItiNOlf (formerly pro* priitor uf Croiby M. UjnimhiBi), tl Irving HiILm Moi* ii?> e\ouinfr, MureliO. Spurring by III? I'rofeRRor'e pupils uml the leiidin;/ professional* in tho country. The wind up by I'rolcmor OfrhlXUX und JOHN DWVh.ft. Tickets for *ulo ut the Sparntiir Acedeiny, (W iiihI 70 University piece, mini at the d????r. day and evening. VJKK HENRY PKAKE8 AS BKPPO 1\ R O PICA DUVOLO ON TUESDAY NEXT. Attractive newMUMu.-~sixoijraor ihkdh." ( now anthem witli auloa, W. Warren. 7 > a cent, i "Luliabjr, Oil! Ilabjr Hear," cradle "??. H. P. .S Wheat; auiiii b) Mra. Zelda S. Kulu; ?i rente; "I'und Lllr N Maiurka." Horn, .'ki cenla; "W Hit Italia." ion*. Wand. :.?? \ rem.; new aaruia. "Ye Sana sail UauKhlera itf ihrLord."J. N It. rUmaaa: "Sweet Eaater Holla," W. A. I'mid. Jr.. ?arh 111 7 ronta; "tkNubaatla Purloin" and "Hon IJtiiaute," two now A marehci. he O. \V . Warrou, each 7.'? routa: "Emancipation Diijr," Itralian, .V> ronta: cu|iioa niallrd. Wit. A. POND A I'll.. 547 Brjudway: branch -tore :IM I n Ion aiiuaro, N. V. TJEN ISRAEL, J 13 ORANI) OPKRA house. c MONDAY RVRRIWU. MARCH ?. \\7ANTKD TO UlRK FOR ONE KVKNI.NO?A PAIR 11 of Trained Clrrui Mulea. iruaraiitce-l tu throw iwiy ndar. Addraaa, atalinic torma. Ac.. K., boa .'muki l\>.t ofttru. CI HACK.?AKUYLK SOCIABLE SOIREE TO-NloflT T 10 o'clock. M AIM.SON SQUARE. ' im\(im. ACADRMlisi ^ Allen dodwortuh dancino school. r? No. ill Mb avtuue. n bat i articular, mod lor a circular oi A ?CAKTIKK'H DANCINO ACADEMY, PLIMPTON'S aY. Building. iniaraacilon Muym-aaiil and !Hh ata Prl- A Tall- l?"on< in (lidu and aaaciublv Waltma a imdili. Moiree every Monday evonlne " ' hlAMOXO'rt. I,IBM HROAOW AY.?OPT :?? LJMMOXN V lor iiulln ?>d fur irtutleiiieu ^r??m lldtl, alllirr ?" m, |i; cl?i>? lm ludiaa uiii children Tuesday nod Msiur Yi day ui -J . At and again at 7 I' M . gentlemen. Tuesday, fa Wndnusday and .Saturday at rt; private leaeons, II; a visit K" from thus* undecided who to patronise solicited. Hstenloa on to ii Ik lit. M HP.AU TIIK HUXUAY TKLKOKAM, 1 OCT TIMUIIKKOW X o It XI NCI. i COXTAINH HI'Kl l A1, KKPOftlH PJtOM WAHIIIXa. TOM OP WAK UEPAKTMPMT KXPOSl/KK*. / IAH1.K MkWlt PROM KL'KOPK. \> 1LIXPTKATKD PuLICB lOCHT 8KKTCHK1. l'r A I.HAM Y l.llilHUlllllh AMD UllnHIP. at Latest I aw at and Telegrauiilc Xe*s from All Parte. IMTfcKKnTINO KKADIMU MA1TLK. " I'HICIC TWO CfclMTM. < LD. PRICE FOUR CENTS. A.HlliEMKXTS. TTNION 8QUAKE TIJEATIlK. Mr. 8UERIDA.N SHOOK Proprietor Mr. A. M. PALMER Manager Having at S; over at 11. LAST NIGHTS lu uouacquuiiraof tlie Immense demand of for places anil lor ilia aouveiiir gift book. ROSE MICHEL. iaauad by the manavemsut on the imitU THIS WEEK. night of KOSK MICH el, .it baa baan lUiTIi to 1U7TH determined to give n Performance ifcOOND SIlUVENTK NIGHT, ol on Saturday evening, March 4, on wfilcb RUSK MICHEL, occaaion avory lady entering the theatre the greatest will be presented with an elegantly bound success copy ot of thut book. tlia year. Seat* for that night may now ba secured. Inactive preparation, a comedy-drama in four acU, wrllteu by Victorian Sardou, and entitled KfcRKEOL. Thin drauia. which haa been ii|>on the boards of the "Gymnn?e." Paris, lor mora than one hundred nights. haa baan purchased by Messrs. SHOOK ,t PALMER directly from the author, nud la their exclusive property for the Lulled Stales of America. Brooklyn theatre. ???????? Messrs. SHOOK A PALMER Manager* every evening THIS WEEK uud at the Matinee ou Saturday, brilliant production of .. ? ? t NCLK TOM S CAH1N. Mr*, fl. C. HOW Alii) in her fatuous character of TOPS^ All the great Brooklyn Theatre Cdmpauv in the Cast. new and .magnificent scenes. All the oriental plantation music ul the plav rendered by 8LAV1.NS ORIGINAL GEORGIA J I' UI LEE SlNriEKfL the whole forming the most complete aud realistic picture ol Southern iile ever preseuted. Seats secured ill advance. Popular prices. OLYMPIC THEATRE, U24~BK0ADWATI Mr. JOHN Y. POof.K Msuave*! MATINEE TO-DAY AT 2. A the MATINEE TO-DAY AT 2. f MATINEE TO-DAY AT 2. great MATINEE TODAY AT 2. successfcii MATINEE TO-DAY AT 2. burlesque. MATINEE TO-DAY AT 2. julius MATINEE TODAY AT 2. CN.ESAR. A zzi A THE OLYMPIC MATINEES constitute a moat popular Family Entertainment, aud aru thronged with ladies and children as well as those who are prevented from alleuding the evening performance. Strangers visiting the city are thus afforded mi opportunity of witnessing the very heat uud moat variod entertainment ever pre ^aented iu New Vurk. ^ THE GREAT oXvMPIO COMPANY. Messrs. Sanlurd and Wllaou. tlio Jee Brothers, John Hart. Harper and Stausill, the Carlo Brothers, Murphy ana Morton. Hen Maginley, John Ouoen. Win. Weat. Master Martin. John Gilbert. G. W. II. GrifUn, K. 1> Gooding, Waali iNorton. Hennett and Kornell, Mlaaea Adafa Kicna uiond. Ana Morn an. Julia I 'ore I) try, Addle Harwell, Panola llrookoa, Peurl Thornton, Kitty Parker, Ac., Ac. ON MONDAY neat first appearance of thw treat NeM York Kavnrllea LITTLE MAC and JOHNNY ALLEN, and the Maater Equilibria!, Mr. Kit Kit V. LEVANTINE. / 1 LOBE THEATRE, * vT 7 38 and 730 Broadway, below 8th at. H. W. BUTLER Manage! 1870. c.h.n,t.k.n.n.i.a.l 187?k unlimited and unbounded success. <8> astonishing feature8u FAMILY MATINEE never beforo witnessed. this day, _|f AT 3 O'CLOCK. [ P.11,0,1.T.E.8. ?5> ,.v : Afternoon and evening, I Engugsd at u salary of SSU0 MARVELLOUS 111LL. ^ per weok. The only truly great Comedians, 4b senator bob 1iakt, ^ Sam Rickey, Mnater Harney. ^ Hilly Harry. ^ Cliarlea 1# ledict, Eugene llllta, Miaa Llatlu Kelaey, Mlaa Muliuuhauur, Mlaa Wilton. Alexander Zaufrotta and Zanfretta Troupe, together with regular Cotupany, of axcel' fi lence. Afternoon?Doora open at 1. Evening?At 7 o'clock. Box oftice open daily. Seata aeeurod In advance. Third avenue theatre, hetwhhn 3) A Til .VI' OPERA llol SE Di TREMENDOUS SUCCESS. Immense success of the Improved PARISIAN CANCAN. An entire nlxn.n. ,,! I,III II 20 ~ N V.ft "SPECIALTY A KTISTS. 2a Le Jardin Mabillo In all ita splendor. Matinee Wednesday and Saturday at 2:30. Q.RAND OPERA ~UO USE. Positively laat night of th? Oroat Moral Drama, UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, Introducing the Alabama J ubllea Singers, and the greA banjolat, W. GRIFFIN. Orchestra reserved, $1; Admission, 50cents; Family Circle* 25 cents. M ATI NCR THIS AFTERNOON AT 2. MONDAY KV ENINO, BEN ISRAEL. Grand matinkk of julics c.rsak. tuia SATURDAY, Beiriua at 1 JO. TOD PERFORMANCE - OF JULIUS CESAR L THIS (SATURDAY! EVKNINO. U~ TU WEEK OF JULIUS CASSAR, Baata can be secured lu advance. f>< XT 11'S TIIB AT R KT ' M AT I NEE DAZ JAKRKTT A PALMER..... Lessees and Manager! TWO GRAND PERFORMANCES TODAY. EVERY NIGHT, at the SATURDAY MATINEES, and until further advertisement, representation, with uneXs aiuiiled splendor, of the great tragedy, J L'1,1 US C.?SAH| with an unparalleled congregation of Shakespearian* la the cast, lucludtug Mr. LAWRENCE BARRETT as CAIU8 CA8SIUS, Mr. F. C. BANGS a7~MAUCUS ANT0NIU8. and Mr E. L. DAVENPORT as MARCUS JUNIUS BRUTUSL Mr Mdnes Levirk (especially engaged to act the title park of the play! and the enliro cnnipanv of Booth's t heatre. PROMINENT F K ATI' RES r.r.l I CI...I . . -i . nnlhinr nil, in aplendid original Mualc. GRAND PRO1EHMI ON S Mod TABLEAUX, m multitude of auxiliaries intl magnificent eccucry. THE FINALE if the play la a grand tableau, the BURNING OF TI1B BODY OK BRUTUS ON THE i'LAINH OF PIIILIPPL M RUMANIA THEATRE. IX Alt N.iUENIKlKFF Directo! TO-NIGHT?BENEFIT OF MOKITX WoLKENSTEIN. DKR VKILCHKNFRESSKK. Noweat Comedy, In (our acta, by Moaer. rIVOLl TilEATRK. ~ _________ Kill at., between 2d and 3d ava.. the only family reaort in the city. 4 hours of entertainment 4. Entire change of programme nightly. LjaVHpRASUIsCO MINSTRELS- I Oi'E It A HOUSE 5 SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS' Broadway. SAN MINSTRELS' ' Corner -huh at. IENUINE SUCCESS. HOUSES l'ACKKO. JULIUS THE SNOOKER; JULIUS THE SNOOKER; or, Tlio CONSPIRATORS OF THOMPSON STREET. BIRCH. WAMHOLD A BACKUS' SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. THE I'llOL'H TRAMPS. DELIGHTFUL SOLO AND PART SINGINO. (ATINEK ro.DAT AT 2. EVENING AT DARISIAN VARIETIES. HIT 11 SI ~t.NI) BROADWAY. L rilKATRE OF PHENOMENAL SENSATION. IRIGINAL. | HUMOROUS. | SPICY. | BEAUTIFUL, iveulnga, S o'clock. Matlnca Thuraday and Sala? day, 2 o'clock M ASS A XIKLLO. MATINEE ilandaotneat rarna de ballot In the world. MATINEE WOMAN SUFFRAGE. TODAY, WOMAN SUFFRAGE. 2 O'CLOCK. Full corpa dramatiuue FOR HUSBAND S SECRET. | 1IKMMBD lib NEW hl\tr real star Artiata 'HOOK A MME In a Meiange de Faaciuatlon. SEE Grand Olio. SUNDAY Ballet, Song. Dance, Mo.leal andGymnaft PAPERS. tic Speclaltiea, Noveltlea and Variation. rjKNRY PEAK KS' FIRST BENEFIT. * tl at the ACADEMY OK MUSIC NEXTTUE8DAJ 'TEINWAY HALL 5 FIRST GRAND PERFORMANCE of the NEW YORK CHORAL UNION, TUF.SDAY EVENING, MARCH 7. 1S7% muter the direction of MR. I'. S. GILMORK. Haydn'a Oratorio of the CREATION. Mra. EMILY HUTMAN. i Mr. OKUKUK >1 M i'noN li i-1*. Mr. A. AO 11 ST. ) Tickets, f I; Reserved Seats, HOc. extra. To be had at ulliiiau'*. 114 Broadway; ell music Mure*, and at tbe Hall. 11IATEAU MABll.LK VARIETIES, 34TH ST. AND 3D J av. ?Every evening at M. Matliiers Tuesday, Thursday ud Saturday at W. Admission, 2.V-., *dH*. and dl. ew star*. Sew attractions. Entrancing tableaux vlvenla. auglity songs and sketches. rtiartning living picture*, uvel Parisian sensations. Boautllul female model*. Ilrrur of Heauty linllut. High art v* Nature. Beauties, naughty but aire. Buses plastbine. n autertalnuient rich, rare, racy, artiatie and pleaslag^ forming a bouquet of beauty, elegance, grace and bewildering rncbantment. )KAD TIIK SANDAY TELBORAM. \ Oil TO-MORKOW M OK NINO. OBTAINS SPECIAL REPORTS PRO* WA8HINO* TON OF WAR DEPARTMENT EXPOSURES. ( ABLE RKWS FROM EUROPE. ILLUSTRATED POLICE COURT SK FTPIIES. ALBANY LEOIHLATCKE AND OOSAIP Latest l.ucal ami Telegraphic News from All Part*. 1NTKHKSTINO RKADINll MATTER. ? PRICK TWO CENTS. ifASONIC BALL. Vf ihld it. and fltb ae. wn last exhibitions of tlmplus* Europe, on eaneas, l.SM lot long. 1.'% feet hl*h. covering TDlUOO square feet; a lapnllb ent oil painting, representing all ths nutable citlee r lbs Old World. MATINKE TilIA 3 P. if. LAST REPRESENTATION AT 7:*i TO-NIOHT. PMlnlHOM af? CBNTE. I IVK YtNKI'.K" IN fooi'KK I NSTITUTE.-BEY. IJ llerry's first Inline this (Sunday I evening at , (or when tbe hall Is lull). "Traits, Tricks and t'onrer>n ?f a Ll*? Yankee." Yankee sewing bis wild natal tiikee whllling! Yankee rourtshlp! Yankee cheating ble ther in law ! Ysnken leaving his country lor his country*! mil' Yankee irettlmr anew li.**r? ? - -? ?>? S i [wtllloniuKio Ilia i*KUlalurs: Hratt. 10 canti. rnr? r?ed, - > criiin. IKNRl PEAKkS' BKNKK1T O.V TCKKDAY KVE.XISQ XKXK, 1HIOKKKINU IIAl.I,, TOVIUIIT, ' U' J. JAV \IU,KKS on 'lloMorlatl of llie P??t au4 'J*"', ,?n,T