Newspaper Page Text
TH WHOLE NO. 14,456. V. ZZZZT~ - UlKKlTUUi 1UK AUVtKTlSERS. AMUSKMENTS-Uth Pics?4th sad 5th eoU. ASTROLOOY?2d PaGK-Hui cel. BILLl AKUS-2i> Pack?6th col. SOARDKlts WANTED?2d Pace??th eoL OA 111* AND l.oDOINH WANTED?2d Pics?4th ?oL BROOKLYN uoaud-2h Pack-4th col. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOB sale?2d pige-lst BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?9th Pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?7th Pack?Sth col. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2d Pags?lit col. CLERKS AND SALESMEN?12th Pack?5th sod 6th cols CLOTI11 NO?2d 1'agk? col. COACHMEN AND HARDENERS? 12th PlOS-6th eoL COASTWISE STKAMSHIPS-Ut I'lck-oth col. COP A BTNK rshI PS-Or? Pags. COUNTRY BOARD-3d Pagk?4th col. . DANCINO ACADEMIES? 11th Pagk-3<1 col. DENTISTRY?2d Pagt?6th col. DWELLI NO HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED?2d Page?3d col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?1st l'AUB-5th snd Oth coll. EUROPE?11th Page?3d col. vrwAvntir <?*?, fi.\ E ARTS?1st Pack?Oth column. TOR SALE?1 Itii I'aok?<>tli column. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?2d 1'agk 3tl col. FURNITt KK-2n PAOK-fith col. _ , , Trench advertisements?iith park?eth ooi. HELP wanted? females?I2th 1'agk?4tb and oth HBLP?WANTKD?MALES?13th Pack?0th col. MORSES. CARRIAGES. AC.?Ut Park?Jd, 4th and oth cols. HOTELS?2d Pack?4th col. . HOUSES, ROOMS, AO.. WANTED-2d Pac??4th ?>' JERSEY CITY. HOBOKEN, HUDSON CI1Y AND BERGEN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2d Pauk?1st col. LEGAL NOTICES? 11m Pack?Oth col. LOST AND FOUND?1st Pauk?1st col. MACHINERY-Htm P.tuk-0th col Marble mantels?20 pagk?8thcol. MEDICAL?2d Pack?Lth col. ... MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?1st Pauk?5th Col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?10th Pauk? fith col. MUSICAL?1 1th pauk-ethcol. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7th Pack?6tb col. PERSONAL?1st Pauk?1st col. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS, AC.?llTn PAGE-5th and 6th col 3. POST OFFICE NOTICK-Ist Park?2d col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12tii I'auk?4th col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?2n Pauk?1st itnd 2d col*. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d Pare?2d col. REAL ESTATE WAN1MD?2d Paok-2.1 col. RELIGIOUS NOTICES-Ist Pagk-1?1coL REWARDS?1st Pauk?l?t col. BALES AT AUCTION?2d Park?5th and nth cols SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?12th Pauk-Ih, 2d, 3d and 4th cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?12tii PAGR-5th col. SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Pack?1st nnd 2d cols. SPORTINU?Dous, BIRDS, AC.?1st Pack?3d col. STORAGE?1st Pack?2d col. TIIE TRADES?llTn Pack?th col. THE TURF?1st Pace?3d col. TO LET FO BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d PACE-2d col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE-Iter col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2h Pack?3d and 4th cols. WANTED TO PURCHASE?1?t Page?Rth col. WATCHES. JEWELRY, AC.?11th l'A0K-6th col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET?2d Pack?1st col. WINES. LIQUORS. AC.?12th Pace?Cth col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.?10th Pack?6th col. PERSUMAI*. *? A "?IF H. L. B. II. WILL ADDRESS C. 9. T., Ai X. V., ha will ob litre his host friend. ? A OITATOR OF CAR" ASKS FORGIVENESS. A " FANNIE." A FRIEND OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM CARSCADDEN Thompson would he Kind to have his address. If this should meet his rye he is requested to sond it to J. 9. SHAW, 03 I.urkh^il Rise Clapham, London. jgUONC iilN E. ROOKLYN BRUNETTE?WAITED SUNDAY AT 1, Monday at 2. Ferry. Please nddress 8. S. S., Herald office. % D* ECEMBKit 23.?WRITE~~AND DETAIL CIRCI'M tanco to prevent mistake to H. R.. box U)K Herald office. ON STEPS. Emma carle?missed you at uitii st. please give me present aildross through Personals, or send letter to O. W. 0.. Herald office. \X your eye please apply to the British Consul, N#w York, at onco, ni he has letters for you. O. H, II. lcl't.Loudon 2Mb February. TTENRY-TTIANK8 FOB PRESENT OF MAGICKTBXX bon and tape runner, enabling 1110 to make one Saratoga dress answer for a dozen. LfLLlE, I" F~MOSQUITO- W[I,L_KENI> AN HONORABLE ACcount of feeling* of both ol yon and it agrees with four other persouali, I will call. Send answer to my residence. A. J. ETO E.-AT LAST. DAKMNH. ~ I SEE IT WAS NOT yonr fault. B as soon as possible. ABUl'AOK OF Til r. fTykS?DO YOU BE MEMBER mooting me yesterday on lit sr.. between 11th and 12th sts , about 2:30 P. M.f.Address UOLl) CHAIN, Uerald Uptown Branch office. TO~k7?HOW AM I TO INTERPRET VOI R TWO weeks' silence ? You must not tako advantage of my love. Did I ever of yours f Write at "once. It is cruel, and yet I still March is. 1*70. 11 ::*? a. mTthi rT)~T\ ente car, 100th to tlTith st.?Young lady, with red bird in bat and ealakin muff, who recognized gentlcmui who transferred at B5th St., please address THIRD AVENUE, Herald office. HELIUIOliS NOT1CKS. Moody and s an key, HIPPODROME BUIEDINO. NOON SERVICE from 12 to I o'clock EVERY DAY. Women's rarethig from 1 to 1 :Vt in Fourth Aronuo lla'l. Afternoon service tit 4 o'clock, Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Tickets for afternoon freo upon application. Tho addresses of the afternoon will bo repeated sumo evening. Every night at tt o'cloca in Madison Avenue Hall, And overflow meeting nt same hour in Fourth Avcnno lta'l. Young men's ineeliug. Fourth Avenue Ilall. every night at 8 o'cloclc. and Saturday night meeting at Association Halt, 23d St. and 4th sr., at H o'clock. Monday night service will be conducted by Mr. Ssnkey. Mr. Moody will meet young converts and inquirers only in Association Ilall everv Monday night at S o'clock. No services at tho Hippodrome on Saturday and no noon meeting on Sunday. LOST AM) FOUND. LORT-IN NEW YORK OK BROOKLYN, ON SUNDAY, a I'ocketbook. containing money, insurance receipts, Ac. The Under will please leave it with GEO. W. OKANT. 21 John st.. New York. 08T?TWO BONDS, CHICAGO AND NORTHWESfern Railway Company, Nos. 3,243 and 4,111 rt. The pnblic are hereby cautioned against negotiating the same bonds. WM. B. RROVVNK, Attorney, I 2 Wall st. ? T OST?A SMALL RLAt.'K AND TAN SLUT.-$10 J J reward will be paid for her return to 22 West 32d st. if OST?SUNDAT. MARCH 20. BETWEEN 12TI1 ST., j J 2d iv? and Broadway and Houston at., gold Earring. Finder will he suitably rewarded by returning same to F. C. H., 100 2d av. L~ 08T?ON "SATURDAY MORNINO, SMALL SKYE Terrier Dog. light colonr, six years old. answers name of Bota; $13 will be promptly paid for his return. 105 West 21st st. OST?FRIDAY, IN SIXTH AVENUE CAR OR DOWNtown n golden Chain: value will be returned; no iinestlons asked. Address O. M., llerald Uptown Branch office. OST?ON SATURDAY NIGHT, IN FRONT OK F.18 Hudson it . a small Black and Tan Dog. A liberal re Ward will t>e paid by leaving mm at me active number. LOOT-BETWEEN 34TII AMI 15TII six. ON BROAD way. Package, containing silk and child's sleeve. Reward given at .37 East ISth St. rewards! $;r reward?will be paid for the return / ol Carpet Bait, containing; numbers ol serial publications lost or stolen on Satmdav last. JOHNSON .t MILES. 37 Betkman at. SPECIAL NOTICES! A"w!llkaac g. BOYOE, 2tt7 BROADWAY. LAWYER.? . Divorces obtained promptly, without publicity : desertion. incompatibility, habitual drunkenness. Infidelity, inhuman treatment, conviction of felony. Passports obtained. LL~ COM PLAINTS." WHATEVER T1IECAUHE.RKquirlng medical or surgical treatmeut, cared by 11. D. GRINDLK, M. D? Physician and Surgeon, 142 West 4Bth st. AI.ARAMA STATE DISTRIBUTIONS?CHARTERED by the legislature. Twelfth monthly dlstribntion, on tba Havana plan, class 12. to be drawn at Mobile, Ala., March 23. before sworn commissioner*. 3,OBI) rash prires; capital prise. *2"'.OH). Tickets, 98; quarters. $1 21. All prises paid in lull after the drawing. Agrnta wanted; commissions allowed. Por circn'ars address WILKIN'S a CO.. bo* 3,410 Poht-ofHce, New York. Attention i-twknty years- Prussian hobpital experience : diseases of nrsn a specialty ; private fflce, 101 Bleecker at. DR. JACOBY. A?royal havana lottery. # Next drawing March 31. 1 Prist ol Spanish dollars lno.rmo 1 Prise of Spanish dollars 80,000 3 Prises of. each, Spanish dollars 3.1,000 1 Prise of Spanish dollars 10,000 and Ik>4 other Prise* Extraordinary Havana Drawing. Firit Prin, One Million Spanish dollars. Drawing April 24, German Government Lotteries. Full explanatory cltcnlars frre, thkouok ZSCnoTH. Fort offlee box 3,594. 118 Nassau St.. New \ ork. A?KENTUCKY 8TATR LOTTERIES OF J. 8 . SMITH * CO. KVRTT7CXT, KXTRA CLASS 341?TOR 18?". I, 55. ?X. 14, 4". 5, 74. 12. 9. 5", 31, 78. KKXTUCKT. CLASS 142? TOR 187". 17, 51, OH. 32, 71, ?>, 28, 47, "3 73, 01. 70. All orders address D. NATHAN, box 4,b?0 Post ofllce. New Fork city. _ A?PA11K8, EMERSON A CO. e Kentucky Mate Lotteries, drawn daily. Royal Havana Lottery, drawn every 17 days. Kentucky Single Number lottery, drawn Mareh 25. 1870. Prises ashed. Information furnished and circulars tree. 180 Broadway. Post office box 8,272 New Vork. tVSF.ASKS OF MF.N A SPrClALTV. If HEN KT A. DANIELS, M. D? 144 Lexington sr., near (Mb St. Office hours from 8 to 8. E"XTRA()RDINARY HAVANA LOTTERY.?OR AND prises, $!,OUH,noO. fMSi.tno, FlOO.a*), Ac.: wholesale snd retail. Send for eircnlars. K. SONNEN'BERO, box 1,185 Post office, New Haven, Conn. Extraordinary Havana lottery. First Prise, One million Spanish dollars. Second Prise, Half a million Spanlsn dollars. German (lorernuient Lotteries. tVACIlsMANN A co.. Bankers, box 3.31" Post office. 75 and 77 N art* u a*. > E NE NE^ srttVIAL SOTIfES. DISEASE* OF MEN. The Importance of tlie healthiness of the nerroiu system cannot be overestimated: tta power over life end death and the direct hearing which it bee on human happinose eoeme to )>? recognised; ita capabilities lie qualities and ita powers; the importance of ita healthful preservation, its moderate uses, the danger of overtaxing it. whether through thought, study, or intense application in mental investigation and research; whether by the absorbing attention necessary to the conduct of complicated sua momentous business interests, or by the excessive indulgence of tliu appetite* and propensities of the system. All these are_ proper subject* ior consideration, as also the snowituge or wtiat I* moderation, what is excess, anJ when these exist the absolute necessity of promptly seeking advice from an expert who, tor a lone series of rears, has devoted his whole time anil attention to the study. Investigation and treatment or all the maladies of this important department, to accurately determine the diseased conditions, their nature, causes and origin, whether arising from the want of exercise, its irregularity or excess, and who, trom bis experience and practice, has learned to discover at once the derangement and as promptly apply the remedy, thus avoiding the painfully slow leellng arter the truth, so commun to the Inexperienced and so annoying to the patient. who, vjry naturally, wants to know without delay what Is the matter, the exteut of the derangement, the probabilities of recuperation and the time required. A striking example of the value of experience and practical observation, as well as the usefulness of the prompt application of suitable remedies, is found in tho Important statement, coming, nut from one. but a dosen public institutions. not only at home hut abroad, that A very largu proportion of those who suffer from mental disturbance and absolute Insanity permanently recover, who are placed under treatment within a year alter the first symptoms have manifested themselves. if tne intellectual department or the brain bns become axhausted by intense mental application, depriving it of tho power of connected thought, it oau only recoverlts strength by being properly fed aminonrished by the nse of certain systematic methods. It is precisely so In every otber department, whether of appetite, propensity or passion, each requiring a different remeu.r forits recuperation and dinarent means lor bringing them up from their overworked ana exhausted conditions. The importance of this branch of medical practice can scarcely he overrated, for It roaches eveu to the perpetuation of family names, the securing of hereditary titles and the retention of estates in the same family. From a long and large experience In this direction I have been able to command by my success the thankful appreciation of some of the tirst families in the city ami nation ; and i certainly can communicate iuuvu iu tuumura wmi connection with my practical experience in what pertains to the over-exercise of overjr department of the nervous system anil the means of recovering their powers, whether of brain, appetite, propensity or passion. IIENKY A. DANIELS, M. D.. 144 Lexington aw., near 29th si. Hours, 8 to A 17IRE8CO PAINTERS' HOCIKTY.-MBKTINO EVBRV F Saturday evening, at 3 o'clock, 200 34 av.. Oermania Hall. C. SCHCLKK. Corresponding Secrotary. Q RAND DRAW ING O K THE KENTUCKY STA TB Lottery at Covington, Ky., March 25. 1873. Prizes. 1 prize of $50,000 is $50,000 1 prize or $20,000 is 30,1*10 1 prize of $10,000 is 10,000 4 prizes of $5,000 are 20,COO 10 prizes of $2,500 ore. 25,000 50 prizes of $1,000 are 50,000 SOprizes'of $"**> are 25,000 51 i prizes of $250 are 12,">00 200 prizes of $100 arc 20,000 Approximation prizes. 4 prizes of $2,000, approximating to $50,000 prize, are $8,'X?. 4 prizes of $1,375, approximating to $20,000 prize, are $5,500. 4 prizes of $1,000, approximating to $10,000 prize, are $-1,000. 5,000 prizes of $10 are $50,0011. Prizes paid in full. Tickets $10. Shares tn proportion SIMMONS, DICKINSON A ou . Coviitgtou or Louisville, Ky. -OmilUli KENTUCKY STATU DRAWING SIMMONS. DICKSON 4 CO.. Managers. KENTUCKY, KXTRA CLASS SO. 333?MARCH 20, 1876. 61, 72, 28, 55. 50. 48, 16, 71. 32, 3*.?, 17. 45, 7. KENTUCKY, CLASS SO. 231? MARCn 20. 1976. 52, 38, 77, 18. 40, 69. 4ll, 56, 28, 3.5, 21 HENRY. EXTRA CLASS NO. 133?MARCH 20. 1876. 72, 18, 9, 81, 86, 22, 76. 42, 17, 24, 1, 49, 28. HENRY, CLASS NO. 134?MARCH 20,1876. 50, 61, 1, 58, 66, 56. 10, 69, 11), 22, 35 53. Full Information by applying to or addressing J. CLUTfc, 200 Broadway, or box 4.609 Post mtice. p ?KENTUCKY STATE SINGLE NUMHKU VX, Grand Distribution ou tha IlaTsna plan. SIMMONS, DICKSON A CO., Managers. 8300,000 In prices. Wliole Tickets, JIO. All prizes paid In full, without deduction. To be drawn March 25. Royal Havana, Cuba, drawa March 21. Address J- CLUTE. 200 Broadway, or box 4.9H9 Boat office. 03 OLD AND SILVER AND ANVTHINO CONTAINING X Gold bought at markst price, Polishing gilders' Rags, Ac., burned and melted by Refiner 8CII AM*EL. 25 John sr. AVANA LOTTERY.?NEXT DRA WI ML M ARCII 21. 1876. rapital prise, 8106,060. Information tree. Address B. MARTINEZ a CO., 10 Wall St., basement. Post oflico box 4,682. _____ K -CHRONIC CATARRH, DEAFNESS?IMPROVED method; instantaneous relief: permanent cures. Dr. STODDARD. No. 8 West 14th st. 77 -KENTUCKY STATE SINGLE NUMBER, JV. grand distribution, on the Havana plan. SIMMONS, DICKINSON A CO.. Managers. $300,000 cash gilts. Wbola tickets, $10. All prises paid in fall, without deduction. To ha drawn March 35. Roval Havana of Cuba draws April 4. Address PARKS, EMERSON A COISO Broadway, or box 5,272 Post offieo. ^TERVOUS EXHAUSTION.?A MEDICAL ESSA V. jLs comprising a series or lectnresdelivered at Kaim's Mnseum of Anatomy. New Vork, on the cause and cure of Premature Decline, showing indisoutnhly how lost health may be regained, allording a clear in nopsls or the impediments to marriage and the tre -intent of nervous and physical debility, being the result of 20 years' experience. Price 25 cent*. Address the author. Dr. L. J. KaIIN. office and residence 51 East 10th st.. New Vork PAN AM A~ RAILROAD COMPANY, NO. 7 NASSAU 8TNew York, March 10, 1N7B.?In accordance with a resolution this day adopted notice is hereby given that from and alter the 2d day ot Aoril next the Panama Transit Steamship Company, No. rt Bowling Green. N. Y- by itself or Us agents, will act as the sole agent of this company for the purpose ot issuing through bills ot lading for property to be transported across the Isthmus of Panama by this company to and from New York ; and also for the sale of through passenger tickets. For rates and all arrangements Tor through businoss spply as above. PANAMA RAILROAD COMPANY. W. I. Knurr. Secretary. T>1 LK8 OR HEMORRHOIDS PERMANENTLY EHADIJ cited In two to flvo weeks; painless treatment; no knife, ligatures, caustics or cautery employed; permanent curce. and positively no charge made for treatment until successful. l>r. STODDARD. No. S Weal 14th at? New Vork. ILK*. I'lirKsT^HEMORRHOIDa OR PILES PERmanently erediedted in two to tour weeks without ligatures, caustic, Ac., consequently without pain; porfcctcitn guaranteed In every instance, and not one cent charges tin til effected. Dr. HOYT, 21 West 21th St. PERCEVAL'S PASACBA-THE GREAT TASTELESS sslt remedy, for coughs, rheumatism, ulcers and sores, from whatever cause produced. Sent free to any address ou receipt of #1 Depot, 115 Nassau St., New York. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Grand Extraordinary Drawing, April 24, 1?7?. l anital nrlse. I On? Million Dollar*. Only 1.1,000 ticket?; 871 prlxca, am minting to $2,250,000. Circular!, with full explan itinn? and biilory, free. B. MARTINEZ A CO., Hankpr*, 10 Wall at., basement. Poit office box 4.0S2. Iiigheit rate! paid for Havana hank Mill and Spanish irold. SECOND LOUISIANA GOLD DISTRIBUTION. At New Orleani, April 2H. 1S78, Capital l'ri/e. $100,0001 3,580 Pritei. amonntlntr to $5O2,500i All paid in Oold. On'y 20.000 Ticket!, at $50 each, currency. Tenth! and Twentieth* in proportion. Por information, circular! Ac . address or apply to No poitpnneinentn. WILLIAMSON A CO.. Broker*. Box Poet office. KIT Broadway, corner Thomaa at. STUTTERING EFFECTUALLY REMOVED.-COSFI dene# guaranteed; abundant reference*. Addrrei, for circular, AMERICAN VOCAL INSTITUTE, 103 Warerley place. STUTTERING.?UNITED STATES STAMMERING INitltute (DR. W tl ITE), 417 4th ar. Beat city reference; no pay until perfectly cnre t. Call or ecnd for circular. $300 000 IN CA!UI PHTHIBUTED. Kentucky State diitributlon, Drawt Saturday, March 25. Capital Priie ?5O,000. 1 ef $20,noo, l of SiO.O00: 5,378 other! from $10,000 to $100, Prix*! paid in full. Ticket!, $10; flalre*. $3; Quarter* SB 50. TTlOMAti H. HAYS A CO, 607 Broadway. POST OP PI CI NOTIcli YJOST OFFICB NOTICE.?TI1K FOREIGN MAIM FOR X the week ending March 2,5. 187ti. will doe* at thil office on Tucidar at 11:80 A. M , for Europe, per etcamer Wl?courin, ria Queemtown ; on Wcdneiday, at II A. M , per iteamer Abiaaiunia, via Queemtown; on Thnredey. at II -30 A. M./for Europe, per iteamor Leealng. via Cherbourg and Hamburg; on Saturday, at II :80 A. M., fur the Continent of Europe, per iteamer Moeei. via Southampton and Bremen; at 12 for Great Britain, Ireland and France per iteemer Adriatic, vie Queemtown; and at 12 M for Scotland, direct imuit he specially addressed), per It^imer Anrnnns, ??? ??r vmun, j .nan Ac., will leave .*aa Frendaco April!. The direct mail for, Ac , will l?a*c New Yert: Aprtt 1* T. L. JAMBA, PmUnaaltr. "gTOBAUK. ~ "it'AOLK" STORAGE COMPART?FOR FUR.XITURR, Pi beasaae. As , 103 to 107 Watt 33d it., una door wait of tHh av. STORAGE FOR FLRXITl RB. CARRIAGES AMD MKRcbandlM. SMITH A AIL, I. A, Proprietor., 750 and 733 Htk >r. aad 347 Watt tOtii ,t. W Y(] r YORK, TUESDAY, MAR SPORTING?DOGS, BIRDS, AC. A?KOR BALK-ALL KINDS OK KANCY DOGS Birds. Ac.; Medicines for nil diseases; I'rcparod Kuod for mockiug birds, at U. O. DOVKY'S, Na 3 Greene St., ocsr Canal. IGKON SIIOimNO ATDEKKKOOT PARK, TUESdaj, Maroli 31, at 1;30 1*. M.; sweeps open to all. W. MoMAHON. THK TURK. FLKKlWOOl) PARK.-THK LEASE, FRANCHISES and Property of the Kleetsrood Association, comprising the Track i'nib (louse, Grand Stand, Sheds and the entire property belonging to the Association, are for sale, exchange or to lease on liberal terms; possession April 1, 1870. Apply toJOIILIT DATKR. 20 Broad St.. New York. HORMKM, tAUIUAGKS, AC. At public auction. GREAT AND IMPORTANT BANKRUPT SALE vr v siui a.iw ii niii-nnr.u hvau raw ILY IIORbKS, ELEGANT CITY BUILT WAGONS. FINE nARNKSS, AC., AO., TnE PROPERTY OF A WELL KNOWN H INKER. WHO HAS LATELY FAILED IN BUSINESS, AND WOULD HAVE NONE BUT TIIK CHOICEST. ALL OF WHICH MUST BP. SOLD TO 1UUUKST BIDDER, REGARDLESS OF COST OR VALUE. ON THIS DAY, TUESDAY. MARCH 21, AT 11 O'CLOCK PROMPT, AT PRIVATE STABLE REAR OF HOUSE NO. IS EAST 29TH ST., NEXT DOOR TO THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, BETWEEN MADISON AND VTH AVS., INCLUDING BEAUTIFUL TEAM MARKS. USED FOR family and road driving, are 7 .rear* old, \'>\ hand*; cloaely mated; very attractive and stylish; well broke to all harness; rsised by Mr. Hammond, Scott county, Kentucky; tbey took tbo flrst premium at State Fair when fire years old as the most stylish and fastest team of that aye, showing a mile in 2:47 together; they run trot much faster now; both aired by Monster, son of St. Elmo; they are fully warranted sound, kind and true. HANDSOME BAY GELDINO, CHAMPION, 0 years old. lob, hands: raised by Mr. Hood, Rutland. Vt., sired by Vermont Black llawk, dam Lady Taylor, by Kysdyks Hambletonian; this young liorso has ibusn wondurl'ul speed for the little training which be has hail; he trotted three heals at Burlington, Vt., in 2 .32,2 .28 and 2 :31V; ba can show a Its? gait to-day, and is a straight, square, level trotter and au excellent brpsker; never looses innls bronks; is well behaved in company; is an excellent polo horse and good under saddle; Is warranted sound, kind and true. THE HANDSOME AND FAST BAY MARE, LADY Dexter, ? years old, 15V bauds hiph; raised In Orange county; sired by Rysdyk'i Hambletonian, dam by Soeloy's American Starr, by Grand Bashaw: Lady Dexter is a very valuable yoang ntare; is well broken to all harnoaa; has been ridden and driven by a lady; don't shy, lug or pull, and Is very fast and tine galled; trotted on Goshen tracV, hor fastest heat In 2 :34 to harness; has shown several heats inside of 2 :40 to road wagon; sho is warranted sound and kind. THE STYLISH AND FAST BAY (OELDINO, YOUNG lUlian, ft yesrs old, 13V hands ; finely mails, showing all the points of a fast trotter; was sired by Ethan Allen, dam Kate Thorn, hv Imported Glenroo ; raised by Mr. Peirce, el I<ex Ingtou, Ivy.. where he took premium at 4 yours old as tlie handsomest ami fastest 4-year old in tbo.State; showed three heats in 2 :3tl, 2-.30 anil 2:27',; trotted last duly ou Prospect I'mrlt in 2 ; ho Is a remarkable line driver, and warranted sound and kind. N. B.?The above horses sro all as represented: they have been selected by the best Judge* and purchased for owner regardless of Cost. They were all bought and brought here this last season from breeders. They have been used careftilly and not hurt In any way. There can be no finer stock found In any gentleman's stable. Any horse which will not prove as warranted wilrbo taken back and money refttnded. They arc ull acclimated and over the distemper, and ready for everv day uso. Wagons consist of one elegant extension top Phaeton, pole and shafts, scats lour persons; one full spring top Wagon, pole and shafts; one side-bar top Waaon. One top Pony Phaeton. line doable and single Harness, by Pnnseninb j Kersey sweat, dress and stable Blankets; fine Kobe*. Ac. All of which must positively be sold without limit or restriction. Rain or shine,'no postponement. All arc Invited to call and examine the stock and ride behind any of the horses. Speed shown and warrantee given. uctio.n house ok van tasskll a, 110 and 112 EAST KITH ST. NEAR 4T1I AV. REGULAR SALE OK HORSES ANT) CARRIAGES EVERY TUESDAY AND KRIDAY. On every horse that is warranted sound or kind and trne in harness, from oue to throe days is given to test warrantee. CATALOGUE OP THIS DAY'S (TUESDAY'S) SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. ROAD TURNOUT?VERY STYLISH AND SPEEDY black Trotting Oelding, sired by General Knox, bred In Maine; is Ki>4 hanas high, 8 years old; kind anil true in all liaruess; free Rom vice or trick ; is one of the finest gaitcd and most perfectly broken h?-s<>* in the State; can now show 2l4f>, and with little training will trot much faster; stands without tyinr; has all hn rntulHIoaiiiitia ??f it nnifni'i pnailklitr mill wArmntAil sound. FINK SINGLE HARNESS, NEARLY NEW, AND TOP ROAD WAGON, IN PERFECT ORDER. Bl'ILT BY Brewster A Co., of Broomo at. PRIVATE ESTABLISHMENT.?SUPERIOR TEAM BAY Geldings, IS hands high, 7 and S years old ; kind and true in nil harness, free from vice; have extra lino style and action; nre prompt drivers, fast travellers, fear nothing; have been used by n private family; are in every way safe and reliable, and told only on account or the owner leaving the city. DOUBLE HARNESS, NEARLY NEW; ROBES, BLANkets. Ac. CLARENCE, IN PERFECT ORDER, BUILT BY J. B. Brewster A Co . of Until ?t. GENTLEMAN'S TURNOUT.?VERY HANDSOME MAbotany bay Horse, with extra fine mane and tail ; is 15\ bands high, 7 years old, kind and true in all harness, free from vico; a superior roadster; can trot In 2:~>0: has great endurance; is a flrn class horse for road i r carriage use, and warranted sound; act of fine single Harness, and TOP ROAD WAOON, OOOD AS NEW. BUILT BY Bat *s. CROSS MATCHED TEAM BLACK AND BAY HORSES, IB hands high, 10 yeara old. kind and true in all barneas; free from vice; prompt and handv drivers; have been nsod in tho city tor the past two years and are a very desirable team for lamlly use. Double Harness, Blankets. Robes, Ac. Also, CLARENCE IN OOOD ORDER, BUILT BY MOTT A CO. COUPE ESTABLISHMENT.-ELEGANT BAY COUPE Ilnrso, 18,hand* high, 0 years old; kind and true in a.I harness; free from vice; vory stylish; a prompt and plensant driver, and a Gi st class coupe or family carriage liorse. coupe harness nearly new. COUPE IN GOOD ORDER, BUILT BY MINER A STEVENS. BROWN TROTTING MARE, 13 HANDS HIGH, 8 years old, kind ami line In all harneas; free from vice ; trotted last fall in 2 :40, and can beat 2 :30 any day; baa great endurauce; eau ho driven by any one and sold only for want of use. Also set Harness and top road wagon nearly new. BROWN HOUSE, I3'..j HANDS HIGH, 7 YEARS OLD; kind nnd true In all harness; free from vice; a good free driver and a safe and reliable family horse. Also M Mlwt | TOP PO.NY PH AETON, NEARLY NEW. BLACK HORSE, 10 HANDS HIGH, 7 YE AILS OLD; kinil and true in all burnous: Ireo from vice ; ? good traveller; free and stylish dri\er; bus been used in a private carriage, and sold for want of use. EXTENSION TOP PHAETON, IN O00D ORDER. WHITE HORSE, 1-V, HANDS IIIOH. H YEARS OLD; kind and true In alt harness; superior under laddie; free Arum vice; very stylish and a Brst cUss road or saddle horse. SEVERAL GOOD WORK AND FAMILY HORSES FULL drscriplinn time of sale. CLARENCE, IN PERFECT ORDER, BUILT BY BREWSter A Co., of Jfith st. FOUR WHEELED DOG CART. TWO NO TOP DEPOT WAGOXS. Glass quartered Coach. Butcher's Top Wagon on platform springe Two wheeled Gig, Harness, Ac. RALE COMMENCES AT 10 O'CLOCK. VLfi~?MAJOil CIIAS. W. HARKKR. AUCTIONKKR. THE SECOND extraordinsry sale of fssbionably breil Trotting Stock, bred by HON. A. B. CONGER, of the Waldberg stud, Haverstraw. N. Y., wilt take place st BARKER A SON'S City Auction Mart and New > ork Tattersall's, corner of Broadway and XNh st., on WEDNESDAY, March 21', st II o'clock, ami comprise TWENTY-SIX HEAD of Stallions. Stallion Colts, Mr od Mares and Fillies. AMONG THE stallions are Magnet (2 :3H). by Cousternn tlon ; Emperor (3:33), by Toronto ChleC Among the stallion colts are Viceroy, by Dextrous; l>arn Devil, by Mad Anthony, and Prince of Waldberg. hy Solitaire (son of Rysdjk's Hatiibletoolan). ont of Prinretsa, hy Logan (son of Kysdvk'i Hainhletonlan), grnnddnm the world famous trotting mare PRINCESS. THE BROOD maros to be offered include the get of Blackwood. Hero, Imported Tom Crib, Kysdrk's llambletonian. Major Low, Ac., snd are all in foal to Solitaire, Wild Irishman, MAlnr Low, Jr., and others. TIIK FILLIES Include the get of Nitrogen (2:301. Bedford CJ :2t?, Wild Irishman, D?xtrons, Manlred. Jon Hooker, Mad Antlionv. Ac., and are descendants of such celebrated mares an SoSTAG, SOUHRETTK. Ac , Ac. STOCK WILL arrivs at the Mart on Friday, March 24, for exhibition up to sals. Catalogues now ready at the Spirit and Turf oBocs and at tbe .Mart. Sale positive ami without rrserve. No postponement on scconnt of weather Akulij and complete assortment or the "Brewster Wagon," the standard for style and <niallty, now ready Tor Inspection at our factor/ and wdrerooma. Broadway and 47th at., Mh av. and 14th at. Special attention la called to our improvement In sidebar Wagons, which enables oa to offer the lightest, safest and beat rliling wagon aver produced. BKKWhTKR A CO, or Broome at. A" ?NEW AXUNSCOM) HAM) CARRIAGES, CON. slating of Coachea, Clarences, Cotipea. Landaus, f.andanlota Br ughains, Brdta. Victorias, ealenalon top I'ark, Pony and Basket I'liactons. top Koad, express. depot Wagons. Coope, (I seat light fiockaways and Brett*. liar neat. Blanket*. Ac., at a very low price. WILLIAM II. OKAY. Empire City llepoaltory. 20 and 33 Wnnrter at. T l'ltlVArK SAI.E-BUII.T TO ORDfc.ll BY WOOD Bros, regardless of expenae, all appointmenta porfert and nearly naw, the handsomest and moat stylish Dug Cart In Sew York, either for team or four-in-hand driving, the property of a gentleman whoae failure In bualneaa doaa not warrant ila further uae hy hlui. Tlila la positli ely the hand aomeat four-wheel dog cart in tha United States and will be told at lea* than half Ita value, at VAN TA8SKI.L A KEARNEY'S Mart, 110 and 112 East Lllb at. ?TO SATIHl'V A CLAIM, TWO HKATTIKUL . Phaetons, one fall spring top Wagon, one tide bar top Wagon (all thn latest atyla). two aeta of single Harness, all made by the best city makers; all nearly new; will be told at half coat. Private stable V7 East :13d st., corner of 4th av, ?10 MUMPS ESS W AOt)!# B KLdW COSf yT> R Express, Oroeert. Butchers, Bakers. Milk. Laundry. Parkege and Delivery Wagona; 830 to<l7r>. 33H Spring at ZTWO HORSF.B, 0 YEARS. HI HANDS; KIT~FOK truck, cart, grocery, farming, Ac. 113 Ifenry at, table. A ?MUST HE SOLD?TWO CHEAP HORSES; ALSO . Butcher Cart and Harness. 43 Elisabeth it., butch. er'a. 1 ? ? oTT* Itve imaeKa ei'iTinrv roa A., farmer ?r any other bnalneee; the pronertr ol a widow and mu?t bo ?old. to South 5th ar., near IH teeter. k ?Ton HALSTHIX HOMESTKIT FOB ANT KIND J\ . of work; alao two large truck Hortea. Apply at 4tl Wooater at. HbAY THAW or CARHIAOB HO. 8KH 16 HANDS, a round and gentle, Inquire at Xf3 richermer hora at., Brooklyn. Zkor HALK-KOUK HORHKS, TUB PROFKRTT of a contractor, it for larueing, trucking, grocer, at half value; trial allowed. Inquire at IVT Ureal Jo nee at. ~viKSTcTTaits TOr WAGON. 8IHK BAR. MADh 'by Miner A Hteeena; alao aplendid aaeortnaent of new Wt^u.ona nake. FRANK AbHK, 124 and 1M Weal IRK H ;CH 21, 1876.?TRIPLE SHE HOKHKi, CAHRIAOK8, AC. Auction house ok arch, joiinston, 1U, 31. XI audXd 13th ?t., uuur University place. oldest and most reliable house in the city. RECULAR SALES OK HORSES AND CARRIAOES EVERY TUESDAY AND KR1UAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. 34 hours I" three days' trial on horaea warranted sound. The oldest and moil reliable buuae in tbe city. , PARTIAL CATALOOCK~or-THIS DArS aale at 10 pj o'clock. J ELKOANT SORREL llOKSk. 1*>\ hands. 0 yrara; _j kind in all harness and ui'der aaddlo; baa been 0. used In city and country by a private family as a family horse; has not a fault, vice or trick of auy > kind; la a good, aliowy. stylish driver; very free ; of Jj great endurance; ia in every way a good, reliable r. horae; not afraid of a locomotive or anything else; fa also a irood roadster and warranted sound. ? I ELEGANT SET ENGLISH COUPE HARNESS nearly ? new. y. EXTENSION TOP CABRIOLET, In good order, by & Adams A Co. BLEGAh'T CLARENCE, good aa naw, by Lone* A X Miliums, .i TEAM DAI'I'LE CRAY HORSES, full manes and i tails. hands, 7 and H years; kind in all harness and tiniier saddle; free from vico, spirited, tut r gentle drivers; are not afraid of a locomotive or anything else: cun bo driven by any one used to horses; will stand without tying, an excellent m family team, fit lor any nse; warranted sound. P RET OK DOUBLE HARNESS, oroide mounting, nearly new. GLASS QUARTER COACH, in good order, by Wood a Bros. BAY MARK, 1SW hands, 0 years; kind In all harness; n free from vice; has not a vteo, fault or trick of any ? | kind; lias been used in the cily and couutry; wus raised by present owner aod considered one of the ? best horses in the country; Is a thorough good roadster and promises to be last; is not afraid of j,- anything aud an excellent horse for auy use; warps ranted aound. a; SET IIARNKSS, made to order by Dulton. pi TOP HIDE BAR ROAD WAGON, nearly new, by W. J. Van Duser. 03 DOCTOR 8 PHAETON, In good order, by J. McNally. Y. SORREL HtlRKE. 10 hands, tt years; kind in all harness ;freo from vice; has been used in city and cuuntryas a family horse; Is not afraid of a loccmo/ tire or anything elso; will stand without tying; a good horse Tor any nse; warranted sound. O JUMP SKAT ROCK AWAY, In good order, by Quimby. ? LIGHT BAROl'CHK. la good order, by Wood Brothers. DAPPLE GRAY COUPE HORHK. ltl hands, 0 years; 3S kind in all harness; free from vice; is not afiaid of O anything; any ono can drivo liiin; a thoroughly good g familv liorso : withoiii fault or trlcjc of anvkintl: warranted sound. I'A IlK 1'HAKfON. in good ordor, by Woo l Brothers. SHIFTING TOP DEPOT WAGON, nearly now. TOP BONY PBARTON AND ROAD WAUONS, sold lor account of whom it may concern to pay charges and keep. TWENTY-SIX OTHER HORSES; description timo of sale; this da* at ARCH. JOHNSTON'S mart, 10 to 25 13th St.. near University place. Weather never interferes with our SALES AT 10 O'CLOCK. ?MA J OR OH As! W. BAR K ERTATJCTIONEKIT LAST CHANCE to-day to ride LAST CHANCE to-day to ride BEHIND COLONEL P. J. CONNELLY'S PREMIUM LOT. SPEED, j {WARRANTED. TO-MORROW (WEDNESDAY), March 22. at 11 o'clock, al BARKER A SON'S City Auction Mart and New York Tattorsali's, comer of Broadway and 30th street, COLONEL 1'. 55. CONNELLY'S, of 118 Queen St., Oermantown, Pa., eleventh unprecedented sale of the fastest OKEKN TROTTERS In flic world, Just an-ivedlrom Kentucky, and comprising SEVENTEEN 11EAD of the richest bred and most promising GREEN ONES that ever loft the blue {crass region, including several tlnft can TROT IN 2:35 and the balance that can trot in from 2:50 down to 2 :4<> or bettor; also Including in the lot a BA1R of 10 high SORREL MARKS lull Bisters, cot by Dorsey's Uolddnst, that can HEAT 2:4'l TOGETHER er singly, and arc positively thn ulosest matched, most extraordinary {rantinman's superb trotting team seen In some time: also including the finest hay, lo'j high, coupe or match- Horse In Nea- York, ol unequalled rion appearance, style and action; stock all warranted sound and kind ami all of the liest Kentucky trotting blood. REMEMBER. THE sale takes place to-morrow, at It o'clock, promptly; 1-oDtcquontly, gentlemen who have not already embraced the opportunity of riding aro earnestly requested by Colonel Connelly to come TO-DaY, WITHOUT KAIL, snow, rain or shine, and rldn behind and TEST i1IK SPEED and driving qualities of any of the lot BEFORE BIDDING. CATALOGUES, with extended pedigrees, descriptions Ac., at the Spirit office or at the Mart. Sale without reserve or postponement. rkm km ukr no iiip salvr. no oat is a bao. tiik si'ked warranted AND TIME SHOWN before you bid. S PK O UCTXUIMT IO N of carriages and ROAD WAGON'S. On nnd ?.rter _ff?dnMd?7, 1Mb inst., wo nil ill exhibit at our wnrorootns, Nth hv. anil 14tb St., Now Ywrk. tllo product of our factory during the winter months, unsurpassed in iuality, einbrai lug original designs and the best stylos of londou and l'aris. BKKWSTF.R A CO., of Broome st. factory, Broadway ann 47tU st. KOil I (..'NSTttN. AUCTIONKBrT tidii-F li! to 3y 1:1th it, near University place. Assignee's sale of the Coal Yard (lease throe years to run). Horses, Carta, Harness, Fairbanks' Scales, Screens. . e.; oOlce, two tlrst class .Sales, Furniture, Desks, Ac ; on Thursday, March J!t. st IO.'j o'clock, at the foot of 37th st. and I'.ast Hivor. By order of WILLIAM KING. Assignoe. C1APFKKY SULKIES?CK Lis BRAT K D FOR " Tl (Kill 1 lightness and durability, considered hy turfmen to lie the most reliable made; nil weights in stock and built to order; price fl35. Address CHAIll.KH S. CAFFUEY, Camden, N. J. (opposite Philadelphia.) /TAR RI AG K REPAIRING?- HA VI NO REMOVED MY " J factory to 1,401 Broadway, above SStb St., I ain prepared to oiler every facility for carriage repairing in ail its brandies on favorable tsrms; estimates will be made, and carriages called for nnd delivered; also will keep in stock an assortment of my top anil open Road Wagons and top Eony I'haetons; strictly first class; an inspection solicited. WILLIAM H. ORAY. CTOUPK, WEKTGHBRTBR AND LIOIIT KOCKAWAYH, J one or two Horses, Park and I'nny I'liaetons, Buggies, at manufacturers' prices. J. COLYKK A CO.. Builders, 5W4 Broadway. C"TARKIAOK RKPAl RINCI.-WK" OFFER UNUSUAL J facilities for good nnd prompt work In our repair department; estimates made. BREWSTER A tit), (of Broome ! st): factory, Broadway and 47th st.; warerooms. Nth av. I and Idtli st. TCTOR SALE?A COMPLETE TURNOUT: BAY POSY, P 1 bauds high. 7 years old. sound and kind ; can trot In three ralnutos; owned and driven by a lady; top Phaeton, nearly new; eat single Harness. EBBITT'S, 7th nr. nnd 22d st. OK sale?AT PRIVATE" STABLRTUW WEST 21TH at., a pair of very valuable llsmbloionian Mares, both got by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, all hay, 13 hand) high; kre very speedy; also a bay Knox Horse 15 bauds; has trotted in J it'.l; one of tbo inarc* Is lame, and will be told aa a brood mac. OB HALF,-A_TlANdsom E~ RO A N OKLDINO; PER fbctly sound and tree from vice; baa a fast road wait and remarkably brilliant action. Can be seen at 23 East 12th at. fV)R SALE?A PONY BUILT BLACK MAKE; A PKRfectpet; HV^ hands high. Call in the paper wareliouso, 77 Duanu St. OR~ SALE?A BUSINESS, HORSE, TR ITC K, WI TIT work; rheap. Apply to CAKTM AN, MO Canal St., or to CIIAIII.KV, top floor. OR SALE?AT MM) IS ON P AUK STAIHTES, 48 East 2(lth st.. New York, a brown Stallion. IStj high, S years old, sired by Rdward Everett, by a Star mare; sound, gentle and well broken; price $bOO. Inquire of CIJASK A CREMKK. For sale?a six skated i'Hakton in kikst rate order. Can be seen at Central Stables, 1,400 Broadway. F~OR SALE?SACRIKIOK, TIIRKR HORSES, Suitable for any business; two Canadian I'onies, 5 and B years, 14 banda; warrantod. 113 Barrow st. I TOR 8ALB-H amobom K POKY, ~M5 BA5BM ' rears; trots fast; perfect pet; warranted sonnd. 36J Hudson st. L^OR KALE?KOCR SETS OOOD BBCOND HAND 1? doable truck Harness cheap, at 850 lltidann at ORflALB?If ODE RATE SIZED LIVERY BOARDING Stable; long established hoarders; paying expenses; stock in good order; will be sold cheap on account of other ouslnoss. Apply at 802 West 30th st. ALK VALUE?TWO HORSES, ASH CARTS AMD Harness ; single Truck, light and heavy Harness. 140 West 17th at. H" AKNBSH-'THAT K(.R BEAUTY, DURABILITY AND cheapnese cannot he surpassed : Buggy Harness, *10 tnpnipsr set; Truck Harness. ft!5 to $*' >; t arrlaee, Coupe, Cart, i.rocer's Harness. Ac . at priees to suit tlie times. JOUN MOOKK, 57 WARREN ST. ORflKH WITll"~tk~:RATCIIKS?"TALCOTT'S CURE" uever fails Large bottles, 81 2.">. small, 50c. Try It KIDDER, S3 John st. tmyikxsk sale ok nOKSES this morning at 1 A JOII NffTON'H. SKK ('ATAI.Oti UE ABOVE. J~T:sf FROM THE OOUKTHY-ar HRAO OF KINK YOU NO HOHSK3. WILL UK BOLD AT AI'CTIO.V, AT A HO II. JOHNSTON'S, TIII3 MOIINI.VU, AT ID O'CLOCK. SKK CATU.IM1IK ABOVR. JUST RF.CKtVEI) VROM FACTORYElegant Roe**ways? Phaetons, Hoittl Wa rone. A. 8. FLANllRAU, 872 And 311 Broom* it., old stand ot Brow ter A Co. TJKIVATK MTABLB 213 BAST "'J ID ST TO f,ET OB I for ??lo?Store and Basement 0f>4 7ih a*.. good for barons or upholder/ business, to lit. K.MOIIT, 231 Woat Slat at. TX c.OOD LIVKRY CARRIAOR8, PONY PHAETON8 ido bar and Bill spring tafuoi, Hr>'tt(, Coaclica, now and second hand. 4(30 3d av. WO OOODWOKK 1IQRSK8. *3.V ANO $73-P(iRCKD to soil; express llarneas, $13 330 West 3.1th si. Ty"lNDHOIt WA(JON, ~~ BHRWSTEK.'oF 25TII 8T. Tliia W.-.gon commands a higher price titan any other make, and Is onijiiostlonabl^the bast. Besides superiority In quality and finish it embodies four distinct patents. 1st.?Rxtra cross (Windsor) springs, counteracting the disagreeable Jar of ordinary end spring*. 2d?Vortlcle steel plates In axle, giving 230 per cent i greater stiffness I 3d.?Patent drop percli, Injures safety and allows the body to he hung lower. 4lli ? Patent shaft coupling?noiseless, safe and quickly changed. Warerooms, >lh av and 21st at. J. B BREWSTER A CO. WASTED-ROAD OR FAM1LT DRIVINO F.ATAB llshment. payment In a small llnnte or Lot*, tree, at Duelling. Address 31KRCH A NT. box 142 Post office ' TIT ANTED TO BUT?TWO HKAVT TRI CK UOIUtlM* Vr Address, stating lowest caeb price, TRUCKMAN, Her bid oldest ERA] JET. IIOKNK8, i'.\Klll A (SEE, AC. TITANTED?SECOND HANI) LANDAU, VERY CHEAP. If Address LANDAU, Herald Brooklyn Hranrh nllrr ai a /r "bach, north raa-pi fk beautiful iPItJ new top Express W agon*, must nil. No. U'4 West IM it. XIUilSEItl A.\I> DRKHHAldHO. A -A.-MRS. MEYERS BEOS I.KAVK TO INFORM . her customer* that she Is now ready to exhibit Spring Styles, of Misses. Children's and Infants' Millinery; ladies Dress Caps and Mourning Millinery. XI East 14th St.. between University place and Sth air T E. MATHERS k CO.. HOI BROADWAY, NEAR ItHU st.. will have their opeulng of a choice and ele gant selection of French Bonnets and English walking Hats on Wednesday and Thursday, March X! aud XI ?MAI SON WAl.TON,_*? BROADWAY, ABOVE Union square.?Importers of French Millinery Novelties Just received frmu Vlrot, Tnvee, Perrier, Pahn J. Mourning Hoods from W. ('. Jay A Co., London. "rjlUE CUSTIS IIAT." ?MARIE Til,l.MANN CO . OF PARI8, IMPORTERS of floe Millinery, aucwnnri to Miqo. A. Michel, 423 0tll av.. near 20th St., returned from l*?ri? by Perriere. Expo itioil Wednesday, 20lh of March. Invitation by curd. "rjlllfc CL'STIS HAT." MR. OAI.OUPKAU, NO. 53 EAST IOTU ST.. NEW Vork, will open her importation of Pari* Millinery for tbo spring season ou Wednesday. 2 2d Inst. "itihb CV8TIS HAT." M~ ME. KKRRKRO, NO. 7 WK8T ?>TU 8T? WILL open on Thursday, March 23, au elegant assortment of tiring Bonnets and Bound Hats, selected with great ears in the leading Paris houses. Mm ft k" rfck. no7 ih west mth ht., wili. open her importation ol Paris Millinery for the spring season on Wednesday, 22d Inst. MIts7 X. WEINKE ltd Kit, NO. 3 UNION SUl'AllK' will have her ?.-st spring opening of importod Bonnets' Hound Huts, Suits Slid Sacguos on Wednesday and Thursday, March 22 and 23. PUN I NO ok "paTTis PATTERNS kok spring AT Mrs. a. J. OfllPl'IN'S, 73d I3roadw-ay, on Wsdncday and Thursday next; patterns cut to order by Mrs. Orlppin's uuivorsal system of dress cuttiug; liberal discount to dressmakers. . ?ljpI1K CUSTIS IIAT." OM>K AND SPACE PLAITING: ALSO DOUBLE BOX O plaiting done while you wait up to 23 Inches wide. Save your goods by calling on 8. JOSEPH, 38 Fortyth it., two doors from. Canal xt. "rpiIE CUSTIS IiAT." 1 WRIGHT t MAUKIIAM," 474 Broadway, and ANDREWS A SANFORD, 533 Broadway, cordially invito milllnnr* visiting our city during opening week to call and lnsnoct tlie only new xhape introduced this season. We have tlio above shape In Swiss chips, French ghlpi and Milan straws. rp 11 (> m1 'son, 'beers a i io., ^77 iikoauw av. wll.l, i. have their opening oT Pattern Bonnets and llats on Wednesday and Thursday, March 22 and 23. UrjMIk CUSTIS HAT." kukopk.vx steamship:-). C1UNARD LINK.-B. AND N. A. It. M. 8. 1*. CO. J NOTICE. Wiln a view to diminishing the chances of collision, the steamers of this lino tulce a specific course for all seasons of tho year. On tho nntward passage from Qnconstown to Now York or Iloston. crossing tho meridian of 0(1 at 4J latitude, or nothing to the nortli of 43. On tho homeward passage, crossing the meridian at ."O at 42 latitude, or nothing to the north of 42. FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. ABYSSINIA..Wed..March22 I ALGERIA Wed., April 5 JAVA Wed.. March 21) | CHINA Wed . April 12 Steamers marked * do not carry steerage passengers. Cahlu passage, ft*', $1"'J and $130, gold, according to accommodation. itoturii tickets on favor .hie terms Steerage tickets to and from all parts of Europe at very low rates. Freight and passage office. No. 4 ilowllng tirecn. CHARLES I.. FltAN't hl.YN, Agent.;KRS fF.K STEAMSHIP ABYSSINIA EMhark from the I 'nnard wharf, foot of Grand at., Jersoy City, at 2 F. M. on Wednesday, .March 22. 1S70. I'llAS. ti. FRANCKLYN,Xo. 4 Bowling (Ircen, New York TATE I.INE. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL. DUBLIN, BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY, from pier 42 North River (loot ot Canal st.) an follows :? STATE OF VIRGINIA Thursday. March 23 STATE OF INDIANA Thursday, April 0 | STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Thursday, April 20 | and ovt ry alternate Thursday therealter. First cabin, $tit). If70 and ifSO; rolum tickets, #)20. Second cabin. $V>: return tickets, $S0. Steerage at lowest rates. Apply to AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO., Agents, No. 72 Broadway, N. Y. Steerage passage elllce, 45 Broudway. TTJUTEF STATES" MAIL LI.NIE7?STK \ M Tl)~Q UEEN.S|j TOWN AND LIVERPOOL, sailing every TUESDAY from pier 4<> N. f.h River. WISCONSIN Tuesday, March 31. at 2 :30 P. M. WYOMING Tuesday, April 4, at 2 P. M. NEVADA Tuesday, April 1h, at I 1*. M. Cahlu, $05. $70 and $8H, currency. Intermediate, $40; steerage. $.'0. Pass -ngers booked to and from Paris, Hamburg, Norway, Sweden, Ac. Drafts on Ireland. England, Franco and Germany at lowest rates. WILLIAMS A HUION, 2? Broadway. neeetlfTvivrii'y i-111?ii>i I'Vlilli stair, sm s St. O "hip WISCONSIN mills from pier 48 North Hirer, for Queenstowa and Llrorpool, on Tuesday, March 31. nt halfpast 3 o'clock 1*. M.; cabin, intermediate and itrtrilt p?s?sjpi nt lowest ratoi. Apply to WILLIAMS A UUION, 2'J Broadway. CTreat western hteamsii ir link. r TO BRISTOL (KXULANO) DIRECT. Hailing froti pier IS Kasl Hirer, as lollows:? CORN WALK Stamper Saturday, March 23 CHEAT>, Windham Saturday. April 8. Cabin passage, $7 >; intermediate, #?3; steerage. $dO, curroncy; excursion tickets, $IJO; prepaid stoeraite certificates, $3>l. Apply to W. D. MOKOAN. Agent. 7o South at. il'ILSON LINK rOB SOUTHAMPTON AND HULK VY sailing from pier .VI North Itivar. as follows NAVAUINO March 23 | OTHKLl.O April 22 COLOMBO April H| HINDOO May 0 Klrst cabin $7'), currency ; second cabin, #43. currency. Excursion tickets on very larnroble tcrius. Through tickets Issued to Coutineutnl and llaltla ports. Apply for full particulars to CHARLES L. Willi HIT X CO., VI Month St. AMBL'BO* AMEItlc \N PACKET COMPANY'S LINE lor PLYMOUTH. CHEKBOl KO and HAMHUKiJ. LKSSINO. March 23 I ClMillllA April 0 WIKLAND March :?? I SUEVIA April 13 Rates of passage to Plymouth, London, Cherbourg, Hamburg and all points in England, Scotland and Wales:? Cabin, llrat saloon, gold. $1<K> Cabin, second saloon, gold If) Steerage, currency 30 KUNIJVRDT.% CO., 0. II RICHARD v BOAS Orneral Agonta, Ccneral Passenger Agents, 01 Broad St., New York. HI Broadway, New York. I-NMAjTu N h?M A1LHTRA MlK US. FOR QCKENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOK CITY OK MONT REAL....Tuesday, March 31. at 2 P. M. CITY OK PARIS Saturdsj Marclf23, at 3 P M. CITY OK CHESTER Saturday, April 1, at 11 A M. GIT* OK NEW YORK... Saturday, April 8, at 3 P. M. CITY OF RICHMOND ...Thursday. April 13, at 8 A. M. Kroni pier 43 North Riycr. Cabin passage SO", $80 anil $100, gold Steerage $2n currency Drafts Issued nt low est rates. JOHN O. DALE, Agent. 13 and 33 Broadway. N. Y. VroRTII iihilM AN LLoYO. IN STEAMSHIP LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK, SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. Company's pier, foot of 2d St., lloboken. MOSKL Sat.. March 23 1 NECK All Sat., April 8 11ABSHURO Sat., Anrll 1 I ODER Sat., April 13 Kates of passage trora New York to Southampton, llavro or Hromen * ? Klrst Cahlh, $100, gold; Second Cabin, $00, gold; Htotrage, $30, currency. Return tickets at reduced rates. Prepaid sterage oortilloates, $32, currency. Kor freight or passage apply to OKLKlClIa t CO., So. 2 Bowling green. A MERlCAN LINE. Weekly Mail Steamship service between PHILADELPHIA and LIVERPOOL, calling At Ouoenstown. Sailing every Thursday from Philadelphia and Sailing every Wed need ay from Liverpool. The following steamers are appointed to toll from Pliila'l"iuhia ILLINOIS March C3 I PENNSYLVANIA..ApHI I t OITT of BRISTOL..Mar. ?i LORU CLIVS April ii OHIO April ?? I INDIANA April 27 PRICK ok passage in currency. Cabin $7'> to $l'0, according to location. Steerage and Intermediate tickets to and from all points at the lowest rates. Steamers marked with a star do not carry Intermediate. Passenger accommodations for all classes unsurpa#*e I. For passage rates of freight and sither Information apply to PETER W KIUlfr A sons, tlaneral Agents. .'H/7 Walnut St., Philadelphia; George W. Coltun. 12 Hroail St., New York; John McDonald, passenger agent. Wo. H Battery place. Anchor line, CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MlIL. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW ANCIIORIA Saturday. March 2.1. at 3 P. M. ETHIOPIA Saturday, April I, at II A m. VICTORIA Saturday. April 8. at 3 P. M. CALIFORNIA April 13. at 10 A. M. TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY. yl/KKNSToWN OH BELFAST. Cabin, $03 to Wei. currency, according lo accommodation. INTERMEDIATE, $85; steerage, $21 Drafts leaned lor any amount at current rates IlKNDKRrON BROS Agents. No. 7 Howling Green National link From piers 44 and 47 North River. FOR LONDON DIRECT. HOLLAND ...Thursday, Mareh 30,0 a. M. FOR QIJKKNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL ITALY. Marco 2A. 3 P. M. I THE QUEEN, April H. t P.M. EGYPT. April I. OrftOA. M. | II EL\ KTI A. Ap'l 13.9:30A.M Cabin passage, $00 and $7u, currency. Return tickets at reduced ratee. Steerage passage. $ -'<1, currency. Prepaid steerage tickets from England, Ireland and Scotland at the loivast rate*. Draft* leaned from ?1 upward, at cnrrctit prices. Apply at tha company's offices. (XI Broadway. _____ K. W. J. IIL RsT, Man agar. WHITE STAR LlSh. \y KOR QI RKNSTOWV AMI) LIVERPOOL. CARBYlJiti THE IWITKO SI ATt.S MAIL. The staamors ?l this Una take the Lane Routes rernm mendoil hy Lieutenant Maury, U. 8. going south nI tha Hanks on tlie passage to Queaiistown all the rear round. ADRIATIt) March JZ, at d P M. BALTIU.... April I, at II A M. IlKIM HLIO ..April H. at 3 1*. M. UKKMANK' April 13. at IOA *. CELTIC ., April JJ. at it J*. M from tha WUIta Siar Docks, pier ftil North Hirer Pairs-Saloon. ?>l i $-ui and 91'st, in gold; return tlckote on reus mahle terms. Steerage, ftM. Saloon, staterooms, smoking and hath rooms areplaead amidships, where the nolsa and mission are least, affording a degree of cmnfOrt bltharto on at tain able at soa. for Impaction of plans and other intormallon apply at tha aompany . aftoa, a/Hro.dway. ^ O'DOMOVA X ROSA A STEAMSHIP TAMAIIR OK. flee. ?Staamars arery day. Cork, Liverpool, (>l*s*ow. I>erry; Knilruid Tickets: Jirttls. payable eratrwkara i O'Donovan Uoaaa's liotal, ITJ Cbatlistu square. LD. PRICE FOUR CENTS. El'ROPEAl BTEA9HHIPR. ASLT DlRKCT LINE TO TKANCK. THE GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL . STEAMERS HETWKKN NEW YORK AND UAVHK. CALLING AT PLYMOUTH (O. B). for the landing of paaeengers. Tba splendid vessels on title favorite routa for tba f'ontinaut (being inora southerly tlian any other will aall from pier No. d:l North Hirer, aa follows LABRADOR (Hangliert Saturday, April t AMKKlOCK (Pousoli) Saturday, April IV KHAN( K fTrudtulei Saturday. April 2J PRICK OK PASSAGE IN GOLD (Inclndlti* winel Kirst cabin, $110 to SlitO, according to accommodation. Second, #72. Third,**:. Return tickets at reduced rates. Steerage, t.'il, with superior accommodation, including wine, bedding and utensif.t, without extra charge. Steamers marked tints do not carry steerage passengers LOUIS DK BKBIA.V Agent, So Broadway. Most dihk- r and kconomic route to holT LAND. BELGIUM, THE RHINE, SWITZERLAND Ai' AC VIA Dn'WL'UU ? ?t STEAMER MMloLTEN^^ March 10. STF.AMKK M.US..., March at Thee beautiful steamer*, carrying the United Stats* mail to the Netherlands, aro groat favorite* wltli til* public. Trip* regular, rate* low , coiulort and living perfect. For freight. For psssnge, PUNCH, KDYK 4 CO. L. W MORRIS, SO Broadway. (OAsrtt ISK iTB&nsinnh TJACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP LINK 1 FOR CALIFORNI A, JAPAN, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZKALAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ac., Ac., sailing from pier foot of Canal St., Nortli River. FOR SAN FRANCISCO, VIA ISTHMUS OK PANAMA, Steamship COLON Friday, March ".1, l'J noon connecting tor nil Central American and South Pantic port*. FROM BAN FRANCISCO TO JAPAN AND CHINA. CITY OF l'KKIN \prll t FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO VICTORIA. PORT TOWNSKNO. TACOMA, PORTLAND. 4c.. Ac., on the loth and doth ot every month. For rroight or passage apply at toot oi Canal at.. N- R. II. J. BUI.LAY. SupnrlB'.ivJent. TAR BALL LINK. UNITED ST ATES AND BRAZIL MAIL NT&AMnUJPS, nulling monthly from Watson '* wharf, Brooklyn, N. T.. for PARA, PE U.N A.Mil ICO, BAll LA end UIO JANEIRO, calling at St. John'*, I'mao lUto. NELI.iK ,MARTIN, Saturday, April 13. JOHN BRA MALL, Passenger accommodations tlrnt class For freight and pa*Mtge, at reduced rate*, apply to J S. Tl t'lvKil ,t CO . A31 Pine, UTKAM TO HALIFAX. * ? O THJJ Al BRITISH IKON DKLT.V will sail tor Halifax, N. 8.. on Wednesday, March il'J, taking It !.'S' fit.... Cabin passage $10, gold. For further particular* apply to C. O. FKANCKLY.N, No. 4 Howling Oroen. EBMU0A ISLANDS. NIN KT V -KlOllTH DF. PA RTl * r. F, of the regular and elngant mail steamship CAM MA will bo Thursday, March d:t, from Pier No Id North River. Sleaiu1 ers every week after April I. sort, while tUo distance and oxpeuse of the trip are less. qc&bec1AND c.l'lf l'outs STEAMSHIP COMPANY. 21) Rroadway, New York. iFoir NASS.M-, N P -A i-'AMiM-s WINTER RES.'KT.? J Regular mail steamships from New York via jtariuuth, Marcii US ?nd April 8; from Savannah, April I anil April la. ML'Hit AY, FERRIS A CO., tti! South Kt. LD DOMINI ON~STKAMSHTP CO ifPA XV sailingfrom pier ii7 North Hirer. For Norfolk, City Point anil Richmond, Tuc eliya, Thursdays and Saturdays at 3 I'. ?,!., connecting with th" Virginia and Tennessee Air Line, Atlantic Co ant Line, Piedmont Air l.lno. Chttsapoake and Ohio Railroad, an 1 with tiie company's Hteum lines to Interior points in North Carolina and Virginia. Newborn ami \V is'ilngton, N. C. (.via No.folki, every Tuesday, Thursday ami Saturday. Lewes, Del., Monday and Thursday at 1 1'. M., connsdliag with Maryland and Delaware railroads. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Through passage tickets and hills of lading to all points at lowest tales, Insurance to N'ortolK, ,4c., S percent. Freight received dally at pier 37 North Ktvar. ( offices, 11)7 Greenwich st. N. L. McCHKADY, President. N Y. HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL SS I.INE.. Steamers leave pier No. 3 Nortlt Kivor at 3 P. M. FOR HAVANA DIRECT. city OF HAVAN A Tuesday, March 21 CITY OF VERA CBL'Z Thitradav. March 23 city* OF NEW york Thursday, March A) FOlt VKRA CRUZ AND NEW ORLEANS. via Havana, I'rograso, Cum peachy, Tuspan ami Tampleo. CITY OK HAVANA Tuesday. March 21 CiTV OK M U It I DA Tuesday, April 11 Kur freight or passsge app'y to K. ALEXANORE A SONS, HI nnd 3:j Broadway. Stoamers will leave New Orleans March -<' uml April lGfor Vera C'ru* ami all other ports. NLY DIRECT USf! TO Fi.OKIUA.-WEEKLY I.I.N M to Kort Royal, S. C., Keruaudina. Kli. Brunswick, (la , sailing every Thursday, from uier 30 Hast Kivor. The ateamer t'l TV OK DALLAS, Captain Hinn*. will sail Thursday. March HI, at 3 I*. M . for Fcrnandlna ami l'ort Royal. Through tickets issued to all points In Florida and throneh bills of lading glveu to all point* In the South uml Southwest Kor freight or passage apply to 0. II. MaLLOKY A CO. or HE KMaN OhU'CKE, l'. t Maidou Una. I toil UAUKAX* N. S.?CROMWELL LIVE Steamship ?I ISO. \V ASH I N( I TON will leave pier 10 North Kiver, on Friday, March 24, at 3 1'. M., and each alternate Kriday thereafter. Cabin passage, including stateroom and meals, flfi, golA Apply to CLARK A SEAMAN, *0 Westst. N EW YORK AND HAVANA DIRECT MAIL LINE ? These tlr-t class steamships will sail lit 3 I'. M from pier 13 North Kiver, foot of Cedar street, for Havana direct, as follows :? COLUMBUS Tuesday, March 2* CRESCENT CITV.. Thursday, April 0 For freight and passage, having unsurpassed accommodations, apply to \VM. IV CLYDE A CO , No. <1 Bowliug (Jroon. McKKLLKft. LULINU A CO., Agent*In Havana. TEXAS LINK KOR OALVESTON. TOUCH I NO AT KEY West, carrying the United States mail.?The steamer CITY OF SAV ANTONIA. Captain Pennington, will sail ou Saturday, March 2.'i, ?t 3 I*. M., from pier 2" East Kiver. 1 hrougli hills of lading given to all point* on the Houston ami Texas, Central International and Great Northern, Galveston, Houston and Henderson, and the Galveston, llarrlsbtirg nnd San Antonio railroad*. Freight* and insurance at lowest rates. Kor Height or passage, having I I... - <?.i I* II SI *11 (SO v S j CO, I .S3 Maiden l;ino, or W. P. CLYDK, No H Ruling I Green. J YOB NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. THE CKO.VWKLi. LINK. '1 lie strainxhin HUDSON, Cantata (iager, on Saturday, March 23, at '> o'clock P. M., from pier No. W North Hirer. Through bill* of 'lading given to Mobile and all principal point* ou tJim Mi<?M**ippi River. Cabin pa**age, .$oO, steerage, $23. Apply to CLARK Jl SEAMAN, SB West it. MORGAN'S LINE OF STEAMSHIPS, for New Orleans nnd Texa*. will anil every Saturday to New Orient*, transferring Toxat freight there to Morgan's Louinnna and Te\*s Railroad for Morgan City, thence per Morgan's line of steamers to Tcxm port*. The ALGIERS will sail from pier Urt North River, New York, on Saturday, March 25, at J P. M.tfor New Orleans direct. Through bills of lading signed to Mobile, Galveston and to all points on the Galveston. Ifarrlsburg and Antonio, houstou and Texaa Central, (titernmloual nnd Great North* erii.Tex.n and Pacific and Trau* Continental railroads, and to Indlsnols and San Antonio, and all points on the Gulf, Westeni Texa* and Pacific Railway, llraios Sautlago, Corpus Christ!. Rokport, St. Mary'* and Fulton. Freight for St. Mary's and Pulton landed at Bock port. Lightorage and Channel dues at either Corpus Christ! or Hrar.oK Santiago at the expense and >l*k of consignee. Through rate* to Hrowu?ville, via Rio Grande Railroad. Jit'imtuce can be * (Tested under open policy of C. A, Whitney A Co., New Grleans. From New \ ork to New Orleans, *4 p?r cent; Irotn New York to all Texas porta via New Orleans, 7n per cent. Freight at lowest rates. For freight or furthor informs* tlnn <*ppl> lc'HARLKg x. WHITNEY A CO., Arout.. I'l.r IM NoitU Hirer. tu.y vkiil.ekv qudb. Pennsylvania railroad. (JKKAT TRUNK LINK AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROITTB. fraina I care Now York, via Da?broa>e? and Cortiondt it. ferrlei. an follows fcxprcas. for Harltburg, Plttaburg, the Weit onj South, with Pullman palace cur? attached, ? )) A. M., (J on ! * :&) 1". M. Sunday. 6 an J S I*. M. Kor WlllUinaport anil Lock Haven at 9 .30 A. II and 8:?# P.M. Kor Corry nod Kria, M:;kJ 1' M., ronnactln* at Curry lor Tltii'vifle, Petroleum Centra anil the Oil Kezioua. Kor Baltimore, Woehlnjrloi and the So It til, "Limited Washin l .ti K?;i:oti" of l'nllniun I'arlor Can dally, except Son-lay, Ui.kJ A. M ; arrive Washington 4:10 1". Si. KecaInr at S:K1 A. M? 3 and H P. M Sunday. I? P. M Ex prats Tor Philadelphia. 7, 7:80, ?40. 0; .?> A. M i 12;:?, 3. 4, 4 :ln, f>, It, 7, S :3 I, 0 I'. M.. and 13 night. Sunday, & It, 7, M;30 and V P. M. Emigrant and neeoo I c'aas, 7 P. M. Kor tmln? to Newark. Elixabeth. Italiway, Princeton, Tenton, Perth Aniboy, Kleinlngion, Hrlvidere and othir pointa, ?.*? local cncdolet at all ticket offices. Tralna arrive :?Krom I'Ltabnri;, 6:55 and l'):T> A- M. ani 0:30 1'. M. dully; 10 15 A. M. and 71 Pi P. M doily, except Monday Krom Washington and rtaltlm <ra, *1:3 1 A. m., 4:115, 3:15 and 10:37 1'. M. Sunday, *1 3 I A. M Kroni Philadelphia. 3:10, 6:30.6:33, 10:1 >. II .31, II :*>? A. m, 3 : 13, 4 .15, 0 .10, 7:IO. S 14. 3:30, 1 l 27 P. m. Him. j'l. 3:10, 0:30, 0.53, 11 .31 A. M., 7:40, 0:30 and 10.37 Tlckat officoa, 338 and Oil Broadway. No. 1 Aitor liana and foot of Desbr.waof and Corllandt ?t< ; No. 4 Couft St., Brooklyn: Not. 114, 116 and IIS Hudson at., licbokeo. Enilki ?i"'- - Iflee. No. S Battery place. FRANK THOMSON, D M BOYD. Jr. Haneral Manager, lieneral Pawcngtr Agent, PHILADELPHIA, VIA LONO BRANCH AND THK Jr__ New Jersey Southern Rallroa<l?Fare from New York Iii riilladeiplita only * . commrncioit .wareu i.?. i vi. New York from pl.-r S North Hirer, tout ?i Hector at I0:4"> A. M., for Philadelphia. Vinelinid and Tom.i Hirer. At 4 Y M fur Philadelphia, Tnrkerton and To;u? Hirer. W. H HNKDKN, Oenoral Van* err. ouqyjdbxck vxd ATONIXOTON steam.ship co I KRW YORK AMI BOHTO.V. iik diction or kahk between New York and 1'rovlilonee to *V Met ireen New York and noitun u> it rtTOXINOTON LINK. From nior 33 NortU Hirer, foot of Jay at theeWeaal steamer I RIIODK IAlrAND and X vilHA'.ANoKI r daily teacepl Hn,,dar,^ a. 5,r. R UJfR r...^ atar i? V II Ira. at *a# lUrk >.1*1*1 ?( # Am *!k i fk* It I . K ft. TRA and (I t i.atka dally (axcept Sundays), at I :.W P. M. wattkd to I'l IU II ask. U*ANTF.I>-A SECOND HASt> ROOMKK TALLOW t'rau rlieap in go >d nrdor: hoop not le?s than :t? fueling in din nntnr; >tatn lowest prtcn and where tn ha aoen A'Jtlroaa TALIjOW. bo* I .'I'd Itarald nBce \1t a.vtkd-a i liquor har. with back hiiblt ft In* ati-l Klntnrrs, tlm liar to Im ahnnt 'lh feat ling. A'lilrraa M. Mm I.I SKI'.V. I;?! M "ii i, i ?t . i.t jii. a(l(i -WANTED TO rVVK IlASE, OSK HANDJiil'lfUi MM Parljr and twn Heir..mi ttvt>; will gl*o III payment Orst class cna! and Iron atooh, bsartn* strictest Investigation. Address PLKCIIASKK, liox 1 11 liarald Uptown Branch ofllco. i i \ h arts. LAon oAF.K-t AM A LI. COLLECTION or OIL r mst j r Inga, Engraving* :indfi'lir .i?oa; among ottiora, Waslilnirl?n," kneeplaee, after Alawurt: "M uionna Mad' r IMaroaa," altar lUnedetti Imdll; 'Madonna," aitarp.eoe, Augsburg. To ba seen from (it, till luo'eloek f. M. at ISO 1 Wast Itftli at. Call for ana waak.