Newspaper Page Text
TH WHOLE NO. 14,459. t I lil.'r?'IV*l?V" T.'nn I liVL'llTfOL'DC millA lUlll 1WU .lUl LUllOlillO. ^ AMI'SKMKNTS? 1st Pack?5Ui and6th ccU. ASTROLOGY ?7TH 1'AOK? 4iii i? 1. BlLLiAKDS?7tii I'* ; .??>th col. HOARDERS WANTED?t?T Pack?4th col. HOAlil) AN'D LODGING WANTED? 1i?t Pack??th col. ? BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE Suit SALE?'Jo Pagk-IM col. J BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES??rii PACK. JJI flUiii orii rauk?oin rm. (-IT* REAL ESTATE kor SALE?2h Pack?1st col. i CLERKS AND SALESMEN?7TU Pack?3d ?nd 4tU cols. ' GLOTHINC.?7th I'ack?(lib cnL <j COACHMEN AND UARDKNKRS?7th Pack?4tb col. COASTWISE STE AMSIII 1*S?7*u l'ACK-&lh *nd 6th f col a. DANClNU ACADEMIES?2l> Pace?4th col. i DENTISTRY?7tii Race?Bth col. DRV liOODS?1st Pack?5th col. DWEI.i.I.Ni; HOUSES TO l.KT, FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED?2D I*Aim?2d tuxd 3d cols. EUROPEAN .STEAMSHIPS?7tu Pauk-SUi col. FINANCIAL?6th Pack. i FOR SAI.E?1st Pa<o ?4th col. PURNISIIKD KOOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2i> Pake?3d *nd 4th cols. FURNITURE?7th Pauk-*RIi col. FRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS-? PAUK-4th col. IIKLP WAN TED?FEMALE?7tii Pass-3d col. HELP WASTED?MALES?7th Pack?4vh coL HORSES, (lAltRIAOKS. AC.?1st Pauk?3d and 4tli cols. ilOTELS?1st I'auk?till col. HOUSES, ROOMS, AC.. WANTED?2d Pauk?4th col LECTURE SEASON?2l> Pack?6th col, 1 LfcOAL NOTICES?Pack?Itn eol. J LOST AXIt FOUND? 1*T Pack? lslcoL I MAUHIXBKY-WT Pack??tli col. I MANTELS?7tii Pack?Mil col. NKIUl AL-7th Pauk-MIi col. millinery AMI dressmaking?1st Pack?Sth col. miscellaneous advertisements? IOtu Pack? j Uih col. MUHICAL-Jo Pack?Mthcol. NEW PUBLICATIONS?Srn Pack?6th col. PERSONAL?1st Pack?i?t col h PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AO.?1st Pack?5th col. PROPOSALS?7th Pack?8th col. , professional situations wanted-females? 7tii Pack?3a col. PROPERTY OUT OF T1IK CITY KOK SALE OR TO J KENT?-d Pack?1st and Yd cols. t KEVl. h.M'Air. to r.Ai iiAAUf.?jd i'aok?xa col. REAL ESTATE WAN IEII?I'D I'agk?2d col. 1 KELIG 1 ill's NOTICES? 1st Page? 1st col. i REWARDS? 1st I'agk?l?t col. BALES AT auction?2d Pack?Nth *nd Oth coif. situations wants!)?KRMALKS?7tu Sage?1st, 2d mid Sd cola. BITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?7tii Pack?3d ooU SPECIAL NOTICES? 1st I'agk? 1st mid 2d eols. SPORTING?DOOR, BIRDS. AC.?1st I'a A?2d col. STORAGE?1st I'agk?4tU col. rilK TRADES?7tu I'agk?4th eoL THE TURK?1st I'agk-2d cul. < ro LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2i> Pack?2d col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?7tii Pagk??th col. UNKURNISHKD ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?2d I'agk?4th col. ANTED TO PURCHASE?7th Page??th col. 1 WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.?7rn Page?Bth col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR dress KDIT11 WYNNE, Herald Uptown Brunch office. 8"WILL SYK~Y6Vt7~I>AKLING, 'uoufT N AMKD. Same place of course. 1'INK AND BLUE. UELIGIOiS NOTICES. Vow THE WOULD IS KILLING WfTff SAT.iV AT TON, Jt\ the same as ffn? proclaimed to the Shepherds of Jul i nearly 2,(XX) year* u^o. ALBKO'S meetings, Friday, r. m. Loot am) foi m>. T^OUND?ON 5TH AV., NEAR 4DTII ST., ON MONd?v, March 20, a Pocket book. The 1 oaer. by proving itroporty and pftrliitr expenses. can obtain it by addressing I. R. M., box 5.% Post office. New York. I OST OR KTOLEN?HANK BOOK MO 30.741 WtJTH J ttie Broadway Savings Institution. The tinder will be rewarded by leaving it at the bank. I ost?in "going from tiTk FniTTn" square J Theatre to 17th ft. and Broadway, Wednesday afternoon, between 3 and 4 o'clock, an opera glut* ; a suitable reward will be paid for the return of the same. Apply at office of t onion press, 17 Heekiunn st. Lost-Monday; march 5S Scotch tbbribr Slut; answer to the name "Motiker." Suitable reward will be paid on her return to owner, 236 West JPth at. 0ST?ON WEDNESDAY. V HLAGK AMD TAN DOG: J answers to the name of "Use." A reward will be given on his return to 4S."? 2d av. T OST? A LANTERN ~OK T CART t?N .MAIU'H 22' XJ between . 4th st. and 7th iv. Ami UCItlt *t. and 3d hv. A liberal rewind will bt pili 1 4H hait Mill >t., stable 10. I" OST?ON TTK8DAV EVENING^ MARCH 21, AT OR J near the Union League Theatre, a Necklace of gold bead*. The Under will be suitably rowardedou leaving it at 5*79 5th iv LO?vV?WRDVK8DAY, MAKClfON "StiT AV., HE twetvi 37tli and .'tXtli sts., an undirected white Knvelope. c?"i?*ti?iug a roll of bill* to the amount of $3S0 The Under w!l' be suitably rewarded by leaviug the same at No. t* West 07th vt. Iii OR RTOLKN?A CERTIFICATE OK DKPOttIT J on Iiauk of Commerce, St. l?ouin. Mo., datod November 29, 1875, for six months, at ft per cent interest, made to .1. A. none, him! by turn indorsed in blank. All parties are cautioned airniri?t iiogntiatinir the same a* pay in out has been *topped Under will receive suitable reward by delivery to owner, J. A. CU lllSTM aN, Coleman House, New York. HKVV AKDS. <J.r HK WARD.?I-OHT, OH THURSDAY. A SMALL tJV ) white Oog; yellow spot* on chii and back. Keluiu to 11?'.) WH 50th hi. d?r RKWAKD. NO grKSTHlMS ATTKKD.?LOST, HK *^ 7 tween Kith and 17th ?tn., on 6lli *v., two Blanket*. Above reward will be paid tor returning to No. 1(13 Went 63d st. ri? ri\ KKWAHU WILL BK l*AfD FOR TIIK RfCTtIRM *Pt)V.' of gold hunting case Watch No 1,324. Tiffany <1 Co. makers, with niotioirrum A. S.. 11*75. lost March IB, and no question* asked. Address boa 4,708 Tout office. Br B4VIAU r?B. A-ISAA U. IIOVOE. vt!7 kiuiadway i.awyki:.? Divorce* obtained promptly, without publicity ; deterliuii, Incompatibility, habitual uriiiik*un?i>a, tumidity, In. hui.iau treatment. couvlctinu ?f felony. ruasporta obla.nad. A?ROYAL. HAVANA LOITEIIT. , Next drawing April 4. 1 I'rli* of Spimixh dollar* lOo.tmo 1 Prita ?1 Spanish dollar* ftu.umi 2 Prita* of, each, Si.*ni?li dollar* 25,010 1 Prita ol bpaniidi dollai* lli.UUU and 904 other I'rire*. Extraordinary Havana Drawing. Kind I'riao. One Million ttpMitah "Inline*. Drawing April 24, Herman llavtrnmrnl l.otterlex Full explanatory ciieiilar* tree, TIIKODOK ZSCIIOCH. Port office bo* 6..MM. I Hi N??au it ^Nr* Yoik. A-KP.NTi;<KV STATE LOTTERIES OP J. 8. i . SN ITII A DO. < KK.NTncir. tlTK* CL*s? .'<47?fna 1870. in, :ts. ;m, ;i;?, a,., 1:1 +o. .70, 40, ?. 20. iw *?>?TPC*y. coal 948?roR I87tt. 81, 10. MO. ft. M, 711, ii*. 74. "7, 04, ft. All order! adder** H. NATHAN, to* 4,?70 Poat olBca. Few York cily. A?PARKS. EMERSON A CO. Kentucky Mule letter!**, drawn dally Royal Havana boiler* drawn every 17 day*. IT anf uck v SI....I. I .. ...... U...I. '? IHTlt 1' i'tiiifil. Iniorfimiinii f??ritl*ii*4 mid nrmliui tr?? IHO Br'iidwijf I'.i?t n < , ? \u \ N.'? Yitrl | All complaint*, wiiatkvkk tiiki aisk kkqairint! ?>m'?Uc,iI or tttryirm (remittent. cured l?y II l>. . ti ul \l)l<K, M, l?,, Plijri ?in . mmI IMf|rut 11(1 U nl 4*tll *t. i OISKASKS OP MKN A Hf CULTT HKNK\ A DANIELS, M. U., 144 Lexington v. ti> ?t <),i(, 0 h?mr* ftuni K i?. t. , riXTKAOKOINAIlV HAVANA UlTTEKY.?ORAM H $.'*?!.( ? I. $1011.11111. Ar . wli.<l<if?lt> mill mail. Html I" cirriil?i? K. muNNhNIliiKU,l?u* I.IKi l'i?t officii. New llaimi, Cnaii. ilXTRAOROINAKY HAVANA LOTTKIIY. I Klnl P?l??. Oil* million Sinmmi dollar*. ."ccoim I'rlur, 11fill n milium >|imii-ti <1i*11 mi?. (icTOiuii iiovrrntiiiiiil l.i.lli liri WA? II-MANN .I CO.. H>nkni, tms l*u*l tifficr. Ill ind 77 Nuuu it, /NOLO ANf? SIliVKIl AMI ANYTMtNU CI IN r AIN INU I IjT llolil IwnfclH ? m.nk?t |irlm I'ulinlunu kiIiIfm' fcc.. liurncJ n ml melted In H?tln?T HUH AW hi.. '! > Joint iv TMKRMCO PAINTKRM' HOC IKTV. ? HKKTI NO kVKKY J Saturday v*Blnir, At H o clock, "Jim Mil ?., ( rntmilu |A-n C. SCMLXKK, Oorr?*pvndiug Sucre tar/. ' TO LET?2d Pauk?tut col. ; YACHTS, STEAMBOATS. AC.?lOra Pack?6th col. } PERSON A 1a. < Alexander clapperton.-ik Alexander 1 Clapperttiii. clilett mm oT tlio luto Thomas Clapoertnii, t >op?r, oorobridKa, Scotland, will communicate witli Meurs. Macnaugliton A Kililay, W. S., Edinburgh, N. H., ho will hear of aoiucthiui; to his advantage. RT Ml -ki m THURSDAY, r< O'CLOCK. ADDRESS a\ CAPUCIN, lterald Uptown Hrancli ottice. jgltoNCHINR. , COUNT FISOO?wTLL REE UARTWBIOUT Til IS 1 evening, 7 sharp. I j^ECEMBER 23.?BOX 106 HERALD OPEICE. , 1? H. HOPKINS IS REQUESTED TO SEND HIS ADJ droit tn box .r>,.'"it)."> I'tut office. IMPORTANT. Uloit AI~0 i'TION?a>T A ME RICA N INFANT THREE JD weeks old; female. Apply to Mils SIC 11, No. 778 11th If., 51th it., second lloor, tront. K~TH E P K RSON WI It T TOOK A LOT OP CLOTH I NO from 71 Went 51?t it. on Wednesday, tho :Md, will muke arrangements restoriug them to the owner, he can obtain a much bettor price than by disposing of them otherwise; no question* asked. Address L. P., Herald office. J*~ OSIE-WHKUE A RE YOU t WRITE IMMEDIATELY. , JOSIE. Mr.. BROtVN, PRINTER, LATE Of llltlll ST~KDINburgh. Scotland, who married Mils Kraiscr, of Chicago, will oblige by sending his present address to his wife's cousin, CHRISTIAN THALLON. at Port Hamilton, L. I. MRS. A.?PLEASE CALL AT HOTEL A (JAIN TOday. Very rorry I was out when you called. "T)AOE !"?I AM WEARY ,NU1H UNTO DEATH; THE J. future seems so utterly hopeless; tbe present Is iui- , possible. NO. 3. P" LAYPL'L FKKT. KAULlT THEATRE. WEDNESDAY evening.?Will young lady pleaso send note to gentleman who sat in front of her? Address KIDELIL'S, Herald ffiee. V" rKXICK.-K. F. OAME YESTERDAY; 1Do" NOT write again; 1 will write today. VENICE. vyill any christian" person "Assist a youno I t girl, withont friends, to go home to England. Ad T1 TVT T1 X!i m 1!< NEW ] IfBCIAU IOTICKI. -OKKK'IVI. DKAW1XO KEXTl'CKV STATU LOTJT. ?erk"?. StMMOXS. DICKINSON' A CO.. ktnvor, r.xtra ci.*?s so. XM-iaicu 2a, 1S70, i. 4a. in. a. aa. ou, w. 72. ai. as, 07. 49. k> .xii'cKr. cia** so. 2?o? *ai:rn 23. ]S70. 17 OS, 3*'. ?/. ii-. si. ii, ii. I-, ?? UXXIIY. I1TUI CLASS NO. 13H?MAUCIt 23. 1878. 14, 50, S. 57. 10. 31., 35, 7*. 33. 53. 15, 24. 03, 40. IIKXir, CLASS NO. 140?UABCH 2'J, 1870. II SI). 57. IS. 43. 02. 28. 22, 58. 17. S, 15. 42. Full information by applying to or addressing J. CLL'Th, SX) Broadway, or box 4.000 I'ust office. ? kentt'cicy STA1'E~ klXOLK nl'mhkTT X, Grand Distribution ii the Havana plau. SIMMONS k CO.. Managers. 300.000 in priies. Whole Tickets. $10. III orlze^paid in full, without deduction. 'I n be drown March 25. Rural Havana of Cuba draws April 4. Address J. CI.CTK. 200 Broadway, or box 4,060 Bust office. ' ' -KhNHVKV STATE SINGLE KL'MBKK. JT. graud distribution, on the Havana plan. SIM MUX'S, DICKINSON k CO.. Managers. $300,000 cash gills. Whole tickets, $10. All priies putd in lull, without deduction. To be drawn March 25. Iloval Havana of Cuba draws April 4. Address l'ARKS. EMKRSON A CO., Ihu tsroudwav, or oox ro?i ouice. ? IT A VAN A LOTTKRV?NEXT DRAWING APIUL 4TII. [I 88/MO tickets. '.tin prises, amounting to $5Tp.dimi. lanital prise, flisi.UOQ. For particulars address U. M.VltTN I,Z .t CO.. Rankers, 10 Wall St.. basement. Box 4,tiS2, I'oxt office, XT ?CM RON IC CATAURU. DKAFNKSS; IMPROVED [V. method; instantaneous relief; permanent euros. l)r. 8TODDAK1), No - Wart 1 Ith sk N_*"orIclj! NOTICE) "NoTICK'-GRKAT LARoR mecttnp nt Cooper Uniou postponed till Friday, 11-111>, P. M. All interested ill tlifl cause of labor will attend, iliow you bave rights and mean to assert ttieiu. Hy order of lorn ralttee. PILES, PILES.?IIK M i)ItRtyOIDS OR HU9 IPERmitnently orndicuted in wo to lour weeks without Ileauros, causiIr, Ac., conse<|Uuiitly without pain; perlectcuro piarautera in every instance, and not one cent charged null effected. Dr. IIOVT. 21 West 24th si. P? PI1.ES.-IM1. STODDARD'S NEW PAI.NI.KSS . hypodermic treatment cures every case. No. 8 West It h ?t.. New York. JJOYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Grand Extraordinary Drawing. April 24. 1*76. Capital prise, One Million Dollars. 3nly l.'i.ono tickets; S7I prises, ainoiin tin;; to 92.2f>0,00(X Circulars, with full explanations ami history, tree. if. MARTINEZ k CO., lUnkers. ID Wall St., basement. Post office ho x 4,(182. Highest rates paid for Havana bank hills and Spanish cold. RCDOLPIIK PRACTICES FOR TDK COMING GREAT championship billiard mateti every day at imoo anil at ? P. M. Tno entries lor the Press Tournament, which takes 11 ace at III' DOI.I'II h'S Billiard Parlors, 21b Rroudway, will Rose ou NCm.lay, the 27th, at 12 M. SECOND 'LOUISIANA GOLD DISTKIKl TION. " At New Orleans, April 2!l. 1876. Capital Print,! 8,580 Prises, amounting to $502,500. All paid in Gold. Only 20.000 Tickets, at ISO each, cnrrency. Tenths and Twentieths in proportion. For information, circulars. Ac . address or apply to No postponement*. WILLIAMSON .? CO.. Brokers. Box 6.020 Post office. 817 Broadway, corner Thomas ?t. ?V|V ITE1UNG ?LMTliD STATES STAMMERING INk> stitute (DR. WHITE), 417 4lli av. Ho-i cilv reference; uo pay until perlectly cured. Coll or scud for circular. rPHK WILL ()F THE LATE WALTER PEA US ALL. OK 1 Fulton market, is set down for s hearing on Saturday, 25th ilist.. at two P. M. All witnesses that have boon untitled will plouae attend. $300 000 *IN CA8,t distkibij*bdi Kentucky State distribution. l>rHw? .Saturday, March -5. Capital Prtio f.n.isKi. 1 or $20.l??>, 1 or $10,000: 5,378 others from SflO.OIXI to $100. p?t<i 111 .lull. Tickets, $10; IIaire*. $5, Quarter*. $2 50. THOMAS U. HAYS A CO., btii Rroudwuy. ??UWV7WWI -CHANCE TO GAIN $100,000 WITH. iJUoUiOoU, out risk; uo blanks; next drawing Auril 3. Circulars mulled free. ALLEN A CO., 79 Nassau ?t.. New York. SPORTING?DOGS. BIRDS, *VC. A?Foil SALE?ALL KINDS OK FANCY DOOS llirds. Ac.; Medicines for ull discuses; Prepare! Food for mocking birds, ut H. U. DOVfcY'S, No. 3 Greene St., near Usual. A HARK OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE A GENUINE iV tboroujlilircd English Puic Dog; u beautiful specimen. Apply at THKODOR VOIllT S, 531 tttb ?v. THE TURF. I UCTION AND KRKNCH POOLS NOW OPKN AT . V Thomas' Exchange' 1,230 Broadway, on the California two mile heat rnvu, to be run on Saturday, March 25. Pools close 8 o'clock P. M. Auction and French fools sold this even. inn. at the NEW YORK TURK EXCHANGE, 15 Wost 28th St., on the two-inile boat RACK in CALIFORNIA. kelly, a co. HORSES, CARRIAGES, stl . A? MAJOR OH AH. W. BAHICKH, ACOVmNKKR THK KKOOXD extraordinary **lc <?f laahionably bred Trotting Mock, bred by llON. A. H. CONGKH, of the VValdheriritud, lli?ver*traw, N. Y., will take place Hi HAKKMK A SON'S City Auction Mart and New York Tatterftull*. corner of Broadway itud IIOlli St., on WKDNKSDAY. March 29, Mt 11 o'clock, and comprine TWKNTY-SIX HEAD of Stallion*. StMllion Colt*. Brood Marc* and Kllllo. AMoNil TUB vtaillon* are Magnet (2 :'*#?). by Consternation; Km peror (2 :$2), by Toronto Chief. Amonc the *tal1 ism ?? i. r.? VI,., mv "i.v 11s* t I runs * Iluro Dovil liv Mini Anthony, ami Prince of Waldborg, by Solit it ire (son of Rysdyck's Hambletoniaii), out of I'riticessa. by Logan (sou of llysdyk's 11 ambletn"tan), grandila n the world famous trotting mure PRINCESS. TIIK KRllOI) mares to be ofTered include the got of Rlackwood Hero, Imported Tom Crib, Kvadyk's llitiubletonian. Major Low, Ac., and are all in loal to Solitaire, Wild Irishman, Major bow, Jr., and others. TUK KIII.IKS include the get or Nitrogen (2 30i, Bedford (2:20), Wild Irishman, Dextrous, Manfred. Joe Hooker, Mad Aiithoiiv, Ac., and are descendants ot audi celebrated mares as SONTAG. SOUBRKTTK. Ac.. Ac. STOCK Wild, arrive at tlie mart this morning, for exhibition up to sale. Catalogues now ready at tho Snirit and Turf otlicas and at the mart. Sale positive and without reserve. No postponement on account of weather. 1'ULL AND COMPLKTB_ ASSORTMKNT OK THE "Brewster Wagon," the standard for style and quality, new ready for inflection at our factory and warerootns. liroadway and 4?th St., oth av. and 14th *t. Special attention is called to our improvement in side bar Wagons, which enables us to offer the lightest, safest and best riding wagon ever produced. BREWSTER A CO., of Rroomo st. ?MAJOR CHAtC W. BARKER'S GREAT REGULAR HORSE AND CARRIAGE SALE, INCLUDING TIIK CELEBRATED TROTTING STABLE of a well known private gentleman. AI,SO SEVERAL fast and valuable Trotting Horses, with and without records. ALSO A number of family. Business and Work Dorse*. LaRGE LOT of top and no top Road Wagons, CARRIAGES, 11 artless, Ac., TO-MORROW ( aturday) Tomorrow, AT ELEVEN o'clock promptly, at barker a soas CITY AUCTION Mart and New York Tattersall'i, CORNER OK Broadway ami li'dtii si. SEE DESCRIPTIONS ill to-ntorrow's Heraid. ADVERTISED ENTRIES lor above close at 4 P. M. to day. 4 _10 "it LSI NESS WAGONS. BELOW COST. KOR Laundry. Faciece. Dcllrcry anil platform apriuu Wattune, >11 alio. $;k> U> $175. Wagon M aim factory. 2*J6 .spring at. HjrOR KAI.K.7 UOKSKS. SUITABLE rOB TRUCK, oxpreea, larminir or any bueinnaa; half value. 55 South 5th ev , between Houston and Mleeckar ata. BARU A IN.?TH BIB HORSKS, YOUNO AXP tound, auit truck, grocer, butcher, farming, Ac.; #45, ?75, 9155; alao Truck. Wagou, ilarueaa. 115 Henry at., stable. A? NKW AND SM'iiNh HAND CAR 111 AtiKS, CON. slating of Coaches, Clarences, Coupes, Laudato-, l.audaulcta Broughams. llrvtts, Victorias, extension top I'ark, Pony and Haakel I'tiaetotla, top Road, express. depot Wagons, Coupe, It-Seat light Rock away-* and Kretta, liarneaa. Illanketa. Ac., at a very low price. WILLIAM 11. OKAY. Kuipiro City Kepoaltory, 2t> and "?Jt Wooater at. \ K I'LKN 111 I) BAY IIOKSK, 7 YKA US. f?jjf HAN DM; trota a mile in 5 minulea; fiiirat roupe horae in this CItV ; can bo boujfiil n?r j-i.m uu i',?4i nroinw?y. orb at baroalk.^tm \\ i li# buy an sibKant top Wijcnn. co?i $4:-? last December; a lino liar nest, $?V?. Stable No. 311 Kut 12tl? at. t ?foe sale, tour i iorses.ttv w ) k fa km J\m in*, true It! nr. frocery or ttenoral u*e, at half value ; trial allowed ICt Sullivan it., bctoreu Houston and Prince. puivatkTtahlk to lkr- lrni stTTnkak ef5 av. OAUNEY, 15 Abingdon square (Sth av.| 4 iti-wrim L RAT UORtfE. iv4 Hands HlOH. 6 JV year* old . prompt and stylish driver; safe and reliable r??r a liiilv; ran trot io 't minute*. Alio mi elejrant city mude top Phaeton au<l Harness, Ac. ; will be sold at a err at mm:ritire, separate or together, at private etablo No. 4 Weat IHtb MINI VKRT STYLISH OKNTIJfcMAN'R ROAI) TURNOUT; tiie fast bay Trotting brlilllii IDtiest Allen. Jr.. 7 year* lilil. sound. km<l. mile ami reliable for auy lady or guntleman; korae ran trot iu 2.40, single or double. Also line top V4 agon, Harness. Itlanaete. at Mr. it I KDSKLL'S private it aide. No. H West I Nth at. B* AROAIN #17*" I'OLK "AJFB sITAktk tOF~ HIDE bar Huhit, Oodwiw maker, nearly new. 124 West L'tli st /1AKKKKY SULKIEH?CELEBRATED FOR THEIR \J lightness and dor ihilit v. considered by turfmen to be (tie ino"t reliable made, all weights in atock and built to r.ider: price #125. Address CHARLES H. CAFFKKY, Camden. N J. (opposite Philadelphia.) CIAKRIAOKS?ALL kinds. MY OWN make; Hi'(J ) iries. Phaetous. ltockaway*. Expresses. at luniiiifuctursis'prices. GltUHK. Utfki Canal at. Viml Krothcri. iro.d ordar. morocco lining. Apply, i>?. larfii *< hii<1 In o'clock A. V. and 4 10 b I*. M . at prirat* liable I III Heat IHih al. FAOK SVl.K A lillAY IIOItMK. SOt'ND AMI KIND; tillable for a grocer or milkman. Apply al ..Mil Mth *? TOOK MA LB?A SMALL AIIVKKTIMI Ml WAUO*( WITH r tile* 1'oiiy. cheap Apply at l.lili Hromiway. LIUH SU.K-MLST I.I.I. TIIUKK IIOKSKS. |:.i, I hamU . ?uil truck . fanner ; al?o I wo I'auadiaii I'oiitea, 14 hauil-. KUit any IikM linainrai; wart anted. 113 Marrow >4. 11.111 v k i > ...II 1 A IIHllll K l*?IN\ 141. II A N IIS <1 I >rin, Iruu Im> , ulralil ?d nothing; warranted kuuud. 3tlH llud>un ?l. _ l^oii I4ALK?tJKAY MARK, ? YfcAR.S. 14,4 UIUII; r lie**}- built, warrnnwd xmuii aud kind. \V??b iuglon > * 11 W YO trrvnTr nnrn 4 ir i,r 4 nnTT <) luutv, riuuAi, iuaivvax & HORHKfc, CAHBUBH, <IBP. \ I CTIOll llol'SK or VAN TASHKLL A UUUiKT, 1 iv llUmul 112 EAST 13TU ST.. 1 NEAR 4111 AV. . un II REGULAR SALES OK HOUSES AND CARRIAGES ? EVERY TUESDAY AND KKIDAY i 'ii every norso mat is wari anuu tuunum >mu sou ......... harness. from one to three days is niveu lu leu *?ir?uii-M. j,' CATALOGUE OF Tills TlAY'S (FRIDAY) SALE, AT 10 O'CLOCK. private ray horses. 2 I'... hands hn;h. anil 7 yean old: kilul and MM ill i'ol all harne.s: tree from vice: very stylish, f??l travel- da len; liavu irreat endurance and are lu every way a m~ lirst class carrluce team. i DOURLK HARNESS. in GOOD ORDER; ROKES, Blankets, Ac. ? LANDaU. I.N UOOD ORDER. BUILT BY J. B. BREWS- Q ter A Co. BROWN TROTTING MAKE. IS hands LiGH. 8 YEARS PL old: kind and true In all haruran: Iree truui vice; an ' ) extra tine roadster; cau trot in 2 :4ft any day : lias , C re at endurance: fears notliiuy; can ie driven by jr any one. and is a fir.? class Mare tor ueulleiuau's road SET HARNESS. NEARLY NEW. AND Ut TOP ROAD WAGON, IN PERFECT ORDER. BUILT BY A iirewsier Ja Co. TEAM HAY HOUSES. Ifl HANDS HIGH. ? AND 7 year* old; kind und true iu nil hamem*; tree from vice; prompt mid handy driver*: fear nothing: can be "1 i driven by a lady; fiut traveller*: a tlr*t cU*? team * ' for family driving or general buiines* u?e. we: DOUBLE HAKNKaSsV NKAKLY NEW. AND JT" THREE V''AKTKU CLARENCE, IN PERFECT ORDER. I | built by Wood Hrui. t ' ELEGANT CHESTNUT COUPE IIOBSE. 15* HANDS high, C? year* old; kind end true in all harnca*; free *1 ( from vice: extra line under caddie; ha? tine ttylo and J.( action ; iIoch not ahy or pull: cau be driven by any one ; ciu one of the mod perfect family* iu tho city and - warranted sound. V Coupe 11 hi nearly now. and ? COUl'K. IN GOOD ORDER, BUILT BY ADAMS A ? ? Cone. TEAM SORREL HORSES, IB HANDS HIGH. 7 AND S V year* < !?!; kind and true In nil harness; free from rice; t|n nii excellent team for general um; have beeu used by ^ private f amilv and sold on account of their leaving the efttjr. U Abo set Harness and O CLARENCE IN GOOD ORDER, BUILT BY J. B br Brewster A Co. BAY SADDLE OR ROAD HORSE. VoK HANDS HIGH. H *2 yearn old: kind and true in all harness: free from vice; well broken to all units under saddle; a free and pleasant driver; bus been used by a private gentleman n tor road driving and under saddle, and is wurranted Q Hound. uLo >el 11 arnes* und TOr WAGON IN GOOD ORDER. BUILT BY BRADLEY, Eray A Co. O BAY MAKE. WAGON AND HARNESS; SOLD FOR O IMOIlIlt Of Michael Gavin or whom It may concern, at ro in1,, o'clock, to nay charges and keep. By order of ch rsttlnliei iMierwouu, I.V> r.ust iisv as. . URAY HORSE, li>){ HANDS HIGH, 10 YBAK8 OLD; 4 kind nuil iruo in nil harness; free from vice: has been ? | used in u business wnimi; i? n Ire 1 driver aud an ex- *' cellellt worker: ulssi Set ilurness nuil I SEWING MACII INK WAGON. SEVERAL GOOD WOKE HOUSES, DESCRIPTIONS time ut Mile. BAROUCHE KI'II.T HY WOOD BROS. FOLKWill-El.Kit DOG CART, HY It. M. STIVERS, 1 top I'llaeions, depot Wneons, top Itoad Wntrons. ex- - tension top Phaetons, business W nitons. Harness. Ac., Ac. r; SALE COM?" .0' AT 10 O'CLOCK. i KMlo. ,r' ARCH. JOHNSTON. 4 il. 11), 21, 23 and 25 13th St., | near University place. jj OLDEST AND MOST KKI.UIJLK HOUSE IN THE | CITY. A tli REOULAB SALES OK HORSES AND CARRIAGES EVERY TUESDAY AND KK1IIAY AT in O'CLOCK. 1!4 hours to throe days' trial on horses warranted sound. *^ I The oldest and most reliable house in the city. < PARTIAL CATALOGUE of THIS DAY'S iulo at 10 ^ J o'clock. rT ~ | ROAD E8TABLI8MK NT?Elegant bay Mare, 1 JJ] . I hands. 0 yearn; kind In ull harness; has not a ? ? I fault, vice or trick of any kind; was raised by pres- A ^ cut owner; has been used in every capacity as \1 !? linnily horse since a colt; hxs a good, square, open wi 2 I nait; very tree and fast driver; has never been > trained for speed, hut promises to be very fast: is ]b r? not afraid of inytbinf; dees not sby or pull; is a first class roadster and an excellent horse tor auy ~ use ; warranted sound. r ^ I SET OK KINK IIA UN KS8, made to order by Dal ton. / ZJ I TOP S. B. KO.VO WAGON. little used. by W.J. van u W Duscr. _ >5 ELKO A.NT DAPPLE GRAY HORSE; him been used tor n cuupu carriage; funiily bone; Is 1C hands. 7 " years; excellent In single or double harness; has ~" j lull inane and tail; is perfectly pernio, but spirited A and showy driver; is not afraid ?f a lociuuotive or ' ? anything else; has not a tault, vine or trick of any to H kind: Is in every way perfectly roliublo and a hist ? class lainlly horse; warranted sound. 1 JDMP SKAT KOCKAWAY. In pood order, by Qulmby. ELEGANT CLARENCE, by laroee A Williams. " DARK MIKUKIi IIOKSK. 15^4 haiido, 6 years old; kind ? q in all harness, tree from vice and excellent under i_ saddle: has been used in city and country as u ~ perioral family horse : Is not afraid of a locomotive 1 = or anything else; flue, showy, Iree, stylish drivor; 1 an excellent roadster and thorough pood horse tor oi ' any use: warranted sound. _ 5 THREE PARK PHAETONS; best d'ymakers. ^ TWO EXTENSION TOP PHAETONS, by Wood Bros. ^ 7 Three sets flue double lluruuss. 1IAY PONY HOUSE. luL hands, i? years, kiud in all t X harness: free froin vice : sold lor account of whom \ / It may concert'., to close litigation. it C COUPE KOCKAWAY, In pood order, by Brewster, of '/ Broome at. I ? SET COL PK H ARNESS, made to order. 1 - NICK TEAM GRAY HOUSES, pony l.uilt, lbV,' hands, u ^ 7 and ft years; kind In all harness; raised hy the owner; are not afraid of a locomotive or anything else; havo no faults or tricks: are nicely matcbod ? T and parted: pood, tree travellers; vary pretty and ? 1 : an excellent team for aliv use and war- 1 -e ranted sound. FOUR PONY PHAETONS AND FOUR TOP WAGONS, _ sold tor account of whom it may concern. i DOCTOR'S I'M AKTON. In good order, by McNally. J: TWENTY-FIVE OTIIKR HORSES, description tone of sale, ttiis day, at ? ARCH. JOHNSON'S Mart, It) to 25 13th St., near Unl- t varsity place. Weather cover interferes with our -* SALES AT 10 O'CLOCK. el ljjOR"s.tLK-KAY IIOltSK, GROCERY WAGON AND t r Harness, in complete order. 112 Spring ?t. ^ FiOlt SA1.K CIIKAl'?PRIVATE Tl ltNol'T. '~PRICK $150; one Horse and Harness, oue Unlit Wagon. Apply at IIS Ludlow it, I TitOK SALE?A CLARENCE IN GOOD ORDER: ct P built by Ilunn; price $450. Apply at 25 and 27 East hi 2Sth st. _________________ ~~ TiH)R THE COUNTRY?A It! HAND BAY CARRIAGE J P Horse, sound, except tender feet; will sell or exchange in for a smaller one. Address DOCTOR, 112 East Ml st. Horses with sguah:iie>- talcoit sT ukk" j never fails. Large bottles. $1 25; small, 50c. Try It. KIDIIER, 83 John st. ( Harness for buogy use, fio to $05 i-sTr set; for rorkaway, $25 to $40: truck, $25 to $42 50; coach, V. I $55 to $250; eoupo, $4" to $75: cart, $12 to $20. | jg ? Riding Saddles and liridles. Horse Clothing, Whips, | C J C I Brushes, II.'a Liquids, Ac. j O A I BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES ? M .1 M U'.rr..,, .1 K i. Look folk and shafts fill hpkino 1 lop ilu^Ky. Duaenburjr A Vandu?or uiakor*. 124 Watt ' null ?t. o VllW iXDLARO KSTOC It OF J II anion* v' at low price*. *' A. 8. FLANDKAC. , 372 nnil 374 Broome it., old stand of Brewster A Co. [ yoi,l) in I'AV KEK1'?I'll It KK llllKdKrt. COAL ' ?' Curt*, single Truck, llarueas, tmull Ueuot, for peddling. * 1 't-T 1* l> .... ! " " J. OiliK BAR TOF VAfloM, NEARLY NEW; OREAT ?< 0 KtrllMS 9I0U Hi < VNTO.V, 2H7 Htlt ??., near 24th at. g fjntAOk MLKIKS.-IN ORDER IO l'OI'l I.AK1ZE 1 our Sulkr trade we offer from stock or will bnihl to or- l iter Truck Sulkier. In ull weight*. unsurpassed in quality and -1 lorni. Tor f 12ft. BREWSTER k CO. (of Broone at).. Broad- A way anil 47th at. T rnu.Mli'll AKirUAVlX OK WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.? I 1 The undersigned will acii at public anrtiun, at the Auc 11 Hon Mart of VAN TASSKLL A KEARNEY. 110. 112 Ka?? n' llilli ?t.. on Friday, March 24, IH7H, at lOJj o'clock, one " l.iiv Mure, ret of liaruurr, one Wagon, to pav charge* ulid T LSAVHEl. SHE It Will) 11. J Iio LET.?STABLE, tl.tro. TWO STORY BRICK, 117 m Eart 22d ?t ; first elars stalls and carriage mom :bi>x T stalls in the yard; gas, water, Ac. EDWARD KEARNY, I IBB front st. riti! I.Kf FIX I M M LS FOR HORSES, DOWN TOWN. J Addrcua N.. Il'.ltI Washington at. I'1 TlflNDSO U WAGON, !' \\ by I BREWSTER. OF25TII ST. I Thia Wagon cnminanda a higher prlca than any other A make, aud if nnqouliotiably the tiert. T Wliyf r Healdea anrerlorlty in quality and flnlah It embodiea four ~ distinct palcnu. f lat.?Extra eroaa (Windsor) springs, counteracting tba dia- T agreeable J?r of ordinary olid spring*. 2d.?Vertical steel platea in axle, giving 250 per cent B greater stiffness. 3<l.?I'atrnt drop perch, insurea aafety and allows the body I to he hung lower. 4th.?I'atent shaft coupling?nolreless. safe and quickly A changed. Warerovuia, 5th av. and 2lsl at. J. B. BREWSTER A CO. \ i "Tviki>- * ,1 V\ A TRAINRD DONKEY *' for lluutply Dumply. _ A(>nly to KOHKKT KRAHKR. ,, Olympic Theatre. New York. IITANTKD?A HOCXD HOIM HAY PKKKKKKKD)', ? about l.'tUliauda; not oecrflSU. Aildreaa K. M. L , ~" bo* I .WW Pod U>??. New \ork. ^ 2UANtMOMR ItREWSTKK TOP WAOONM, EOI.E ami tliafta. uearly new. cheap for caah. Apply at 131 41 Hullivati at. ?> morses ohe ti'?<;ooi? workers and mound. O from SUN to $7iS Horee that can trot leu than three ~~ mimic nf t*l No. AM w e?t .t'lth at. I ,-/? iiiiksfts run kitiia-aiji rui i?ci am> r OU wniti'l Inquire ofS. HMIT11 KKLl.ETr, al the Hudinn City Onive Vnnl Stable, N, J. Ay r Kt>!l (JOOIMmIVINO llOltHK, 7 TRARH. I?4< ? ><**>) IuiiiU; warrmti-i] tuaail anil kirnl; Mara chtap. ?t hullili-r'a. ^4:1 Wert I Mil ?t. -A OOQD rtTROSU WOllk MoRrtK, AT UNO- J JJSeJU. cerr ?4?re 1430 rtprln* at. , j (J.1 I - KtCH, WOKTII $25"I. ? KIVK BEAUTIFUL. V V 1 r') iifw top Kxproaa Watroita, inuat toll. No. 124 r w om i?ib ?t. _ _ W1M. HI V A BEAUTIFUL TOI' POKY T I'hart.Hi, built to oittor ItM annimar; cost $-h?i; K<H>d llitntu, $45, worth $126. At private atalila, raar or 1, houm Mo. IN Knvl JHtli at. rf..?,-/t COACH AMI TKAM ; HORSE AND CAB. $225; ) ,?)l" 1I-.1III ,r.?) llorava, II.Vi, all told ?aparal<i it dr D( aural: tl.rra cheap Horace, $36, $4o and $641. 263 Waet Slat at. i ZZZZZZ tohauk. .< (JTOIIAI.;: KO It FURNITURE. (AllKIAllKS AND MM It- ~\ O lUoudlM. SMITH A SILI.S, I'roprlctora, ' 730 and 762 Bib ar. and 247 Wait 4ttU at. 01 RK H ' ? rv?/? TtrirnrTP r?TTr\~W%T T7I iOib.?VYiTii ?urrLPj.\ llOAltDKUS HMT1P. PAUOK FLOOR, SECOND ITORT. sINOI.Y OR en eutte, with Hoard; third atory Ronnie; itciKhhorhood excrptiuuublo; terma moderate; relercueoa. 272 Woet til at. . LARtih if AN 1)m> M Kl.Y FURNISHED" ROOM, with Hoard, at No. 23 Went iWHh at. lie fere urea. 1TO fc i?RR IIAV. #?l TO ?III HER WEEK -KINK Koouia, tiond Hoard, famiHe* and aiugla. 17H Ulutcker , near Hroadway. Open all nitflit. t'ONMit'TINt; RooMH?WITH HOARD. FOR FARMy Of fifty if laatlawaa; other vacancier; hot and Id water: terma reaaonablo; table Hoardera aeconiinoted. 137 Macdouttal at. VAVDAM ST. NEAR MACDOl'llAU?FRKN1SIIKD large and amall Roonia, with Hoard; no moving In May. TH AV. Idi-RoOMs"KN SUITS OR sT.S<il.\\ with Hoard; refereUL-ea. E. J^SMITII^ Til AV..HI.?TWO ROOMS, THIRD AMI FOURTH lioora, to let, with Hoard, front lat of April: referenced. M. E. OAOK. ~ T(> Jti HER 'WEEK. HOARD WITH NIUK!A FLR' > uiahed ltooiiia. auitable lor familiar, cent lemon or Ilea; liottee convenient; attendance good. 301 Kavt 33d-at U TO $u~HAN DSOMRLY FURNISHED ROOM. ' ) presaea. hot and cold water, marble baalim, bath. gaa; nd table : home, comfort*. -72 Wed 2Mb ?t.. near Hth ae. A TH ST., 21~TWEST ?ELKU A N f~il<> 6 M S, KN SUITE X and aiugly, with Board; terma moderate to pcrmuut partiea. [ CLINTON- 1M.AOB.? KLKOANTLV M IIMMinu I) Rooms. with first class French Board; it pood irt.imrtuhitospeak French; terms moderate: rrlore iira^ pxcnanced, D KA>T :m? ST.?AN KLl.tiANT SLIT OS mLCONU; J floor, with Hoard; ulao kintclu Rooms; buuaa first" a: references. "18T, 198 WUST^TVVO CONNECTING SUNNY 1 Rooms, with Hoard; now and in perfect order; ma reasonable. Tffi sr., rn WEST, NEAR BROADWAY.?TWO It handsomely furnished connecting Rooms on second or, with southern exposure; alio hall Room a; superior lard; reference* exchanged. IRVING 1'LACK.?TWO HALL ROOMS, SECOND story; one with ruuiiititf water; with or without rax fust. V' KAST UlST NEAR BRIIADWA.V.-KI.E" 'I punily ruruished Room a. first class table, for families d trvntlcinen ; referenco. 7~~WifsT -.'7T11 ST.,~NEAiTBROADWAY?ELEGANT I Apartments, with superior Board, lor families and ntlrmsn. 8TII ST.. 87, BETWEEN 5TH AND ?TH AV?.?TO let, In a first class family house, hack l'arlor and lledotu, uppor floor, with private table only; private bath and sets attached ; front hall Kooui oil floor below. WEST lUTlf ST.?LA ROE ROOM, NICKLY KUB nisheil, to lot, with Hoard, to tfttutleuiati and wlfo H; also ball Rooiu. r i) WEST SOD ST.?TO LET, WITH HOARD, A l/w handsome Room, witli .alcove, to a youut; larly ; all odurn Improvouients. WEST 4'JH ST.?KIHST~ CLASS TAHLK BOARD r.~| east mil st?to let. with board, )A handsomely furnished trout Room, alcove Room, also ill Room, with nil convenience*. for lamily or uontlemeu; run moderate; rvtrriDcui. C/f WEST 27TII ST^A PEW RESPECTABLE ?I'l young men, alio low young ladius, can have good ouril *nu pleasant Room*. I/in WEST 'XTII st. ?TO LET. WITH BOAllD, it Mr Urge front Room on second Hour, two Room* on ird Hour; a]so bail Rooms; table Honrd. |AQ iwi ST., NEAR 3D AV.?ELEGANT lUO Room* and excellent Hoard In a ttrst class tierman larding house; references exchanged. 197 WEST 14TH SE-OWNKR OP AN ELEGANT t Jmd 4 brown stone bouse will liuve souie spleudld Rooms iriut ill a tew days (parties leaving for the country!. with nard. tin 7TH AV.?A KEVV MECHANICS CAN HAVE good Hoard, large aud small Rooms, alCrtofO per selt. TO CI IAROE-PULL PA RTIC I'LA US OP FIR ST 1 class hoarding aacoiamndation* at SANDS' Honrd (rectory, 1.1 Ott Hroadway. room 1 5. f ?NEW YOKJC AM> i'llILAUELrillA BOARDINO J. Directory, 441 Chestnut >t., 1'biladolphla, end M 'est ilUthst., New York, tree. BOARD AM) LODGING WANTED. 17"ANTED?BOARD AND ROOM, FOR A CENTER V uiuii, within i!5 minutes of City Dell. Address, with nns, COMFORT, llerald ortice. If ANTED -BO A Tin- F(VR" OK.NTEF. \l AN A N1) W1FK '? uuil baby; above ?KHh St., central. Address L. A. ACON, Herald Uptown Brunch oftico. HOTELS. IT TDK NEW* K Nil I. AND 11OT K E, CORNER BOWKltY V and Uavard.?2u> liirlit single Rooms, for gentlemen ily; lodging 50c.; weekly $3. 1ELMONT HOTBL, FULTON ST.. NKAIt BROAD) way.?European plan ; Rooms, 50 cents upward; family . oonis; always open. 1BITT is N1 MS S lloC SK, 1.144 BROADWAY, CORN Kit J of 'Allli st. (European uud American plans).?Cood osims at moderate prices. RANK FO RT 11 OUSKTSTTW II. EI AM ST. -250 ROOMS. >UC., ucuumiieu mm ibiuuivb. u|ii;u uii llfbt. , W??:\ SVLK. V FIRST CLASS SAMPLE ROOM. DAY TRADE, down kiwu, cheap; nveriure trade $'25 daily. LLOYD X ward, IfW Broadway. I ? FOR SALlI COBNKR I^IQUOR BTORK8. GEOV. eerie*. MeaiMurkuu, Kakerles. Restaurant*. Hotel*. MITCHELL, 77 Cedar at. k phYhician wants TO SELL his <KM)l> pkac* V. tice, mostly German, cheap. Address DOC TOR, Herald lice. _____ _ _ [ GREAT BARGAIN.'-EBHTAURANT, HAB, SIPV per, Wine R<?oma, with Sleeping Room*. completely rninhed; paying business; well established; best ln<-ut(ou; | i ifSBtl. A. M. SEE. Wholesale Liquors, 108 Murray it. t LADY WANTING MONEY WILL KLL wllEELER \ A Wilson machine, almoNt new, ?2T>; extra tucker, | >rder, embroiderer and rollers included. H4 East iid at., ! rst floor. I | i BARGAIN.?TO BAKERS, BREWERS AND INDIAV rubber inauufacturera? A very atroug Ir< n framed Rolliu Mill fur aale, at 475 Btli av. l YJKEAT BARGAIN.?OYSTER AND CHOP HOUSE V 'Ki Chatham (. will lie enlil at very low price. IK.All STORE.?DOWNToWN DAV TRADE; SACRIJ lice; tbia day. Apply curly. LLOYD k WARD, 39 Broadway. AitLU STOKE?FIXTURES AND TWO SODA FOUN/ tains for rale ; will be told ill parts io suit purchasers, pplr to W. A VOIOIIT or ROUT. KELLGOitE, Dover, orria county. New Jeraoy. Wo R HALE?ON 'VERY FAVOIIA HLK TEK M s" Ti I E Stock, Fixtures and (Imal Will of tlio oldest cctab a had buninras of ita kind in Brooklyn. Inquire ol C. KAEP, ?a Broad at. , AOR'HALR?THE OLD ESTABLISHED CONFECTIONcry and Ice Cream Saloon, 173 Atlantic at.. Brooklyn ; rcrvtliinir complete lor manufacturing, with large atore id cheap rent; Suua Boiler and Soda Water machine. A()lt SALE ?A FIRST1"CLASS LlUI'OK STORE, ON ' one of the leading avenues. Inquire of 1*. UAFFNEY, flX Bowery. poll SALE?SHOW CASE; A VERY HANDSOME upright Show Case: unique atyle, good aire. Juat bring imnlelcd for Centennial Exhibition; price, fYOU. IIKUTS CO.. SIM Broadway, or 11KNBY PkOUSK COOPER. M roadway. 7TOR RALE?-RAKE CHANCE?A PATENT F< ill A ' ntaplo article, or will exchange lor a light huaincaa. ddrese C., box 4'JB Hartford it'onn.) I'uat offlre. NOB S A I.E. AT HALF PRICK?A SPLENDID BLACK walnut Hall Rack, with plate glaaa mirror and inarlde >p. and alao two Hall Chalra to match; original coat EDM; > second hand dealer* need anawer. Addreaa HALL RACK, rrald otlice. poll HALE-A PBINTINO OFFICE. 1IAVINO A " large aaaortment of nearly new type, Degenor proaaea nd a complete ouilit. Address TYPO, lluruld office. .-toil SALE?t'AI'sk SICKNess?IIIK BEST WIlflLEBale Wine mul Liipior Mtorn In N#w York, lining m irnod UIIBrtS Willi I'BWICB cuiiumrri, immiv nut muii ?i niaiiuinu nd with a capital of will be uoticod, a* this in no uniting. Ail?lro??, tor one week, A tf.t box 11H livruld Wee. X 111 ft A LK?A FIKST CLA&S DOWNTOWN LUKCH null Sample Room, UoliiK it lirat rate btiaineaa; will be Id ciit;ni>, a? the owner U icoing Into another butlueta. ddrcaa K.. Herald otliee. pon ha l it? iTa n mo jitly fittkd up lackr Iteer, Wine and l.hiunr Saloon, with fine liall lor true id may; chance eelitom ulTered; well eatahliahoil; ;only NDwJl ruelffil; balance on eaay tvrnia 1CJ :M av. pOR SAI.i: r 11IA I '?Til K LKASkT kFxTIRKs, tXhlet, Ac., of a line uptown Billiard Room, located on roadway. Apply at once lor tnrnia, Ac., at -'lit! Weal -&1I1 at. hTianTtK.?oSit BOHDEfcD TUOUHANO TOWO. T orolit clear, *1 per ton; down, f lU.tkJU. Addroaa llKL WI11TLOCK. South Wilton, ? naa. IKKKIM1 SAFE. I.AKI.K SIZK, NEARLY XKW, H>R aale cheap. Second floor. Hi John at. i BWBixicU S TOOCir BHJkTIIKS. ? <>HTAB LB Korice, I'oliahlntt Latbo, Kollitiu Mllla, Ac., for aulo cap at 147 Kin at. IAMHLK ROOM DOWN TOWN KOR HALK.-VALI.'K, I fixture. Apply at HI Broad at. or to LLtlYI) A WARD, I Broadway. ITOCK, FIXTURES, AC., OF A CROCKRY STORK, ) do I ii u a lively caah buaiueae; price $7<l '. Apuly on enilaea, 70 South 6tll av., or of J. H. .MONACillA.S, No. tl lit av., comer 2Slh ?t. MACII1NBK1. SECOND HAND ONE STORY HAND KI.KVATOIt I wanted?State aire, maker and orice. Atldreaa box Ul Po.t ultle*. N?w York. !> MUINRM, HOI I.P.K8 AND 8TKAM Pl'MPK, NKW J mill xacofid liAiid. P. I -VSSIDV, Not. 4 to 10 Bridgt . Itroukljru ft OK HALK?A wool) HOIHI.K IIOWTINO KNUIN'B; 1 * l>nnk*jr Holler will b? lukau In part pay. Addraaa box W>4 l'iml ulllco. NOK S AI.K?AS OTIS KLEVATolt; ALSO 2 TANKS. ' Apply M No M Mi h. puk salk-lakd tanks, ikon vats, cooler, ' Kan, kc?Im mil many oilier artielea uaed In a pork tcklnghuuoa. Can be aeea dally at Mi W aabitiutoii it ., irner King. l'ANTKD-A HOOAKDl'H MILL NO. 2 OR NO. 5, IT aecuud hand, in good urdar and priea low. AdUraaa articular* I" IIAKSKVIAS, Herald tillice V ANTED?SECOND HA Nil PEARL I'KINTINO I'rrit. rotary power. Addraaa W CLINTON, Hub l? coruar of aa. H V ANTED?A SECOND HAND POW Kit PLAN Kit, TO work 30 to M inrbea Addraaa D., baa 4,352 Poet kat ERA1 [EXT. A.Mt?E,*ESTS. WALLACE'S. " r IT fnipri?tor and Manager .Nr. LESTER WALLACE ' Kridav. March 'JS, positively last mvrht of (( SHE STOOPS TO COXyCER. Saturday Matinee, THE WONDER; A WOMAN KEEPS A SECRET. Saturday evening, positively last time of the ROMANCE OK A POOR YOUNG MAN. Monday evening, March J7. will be produced Blanche's exquisite comedietta. entitled the CAPTAIN OK THE WATCH, with Morton'* brilli-ent eomedv of WOODCOCK'S LITTLE HAMK, I with appropriate Scenery. Coetumee ami Appointments. Mr LESTER WALLACE S a* Viscount de Liguey and Mr Woodcock, other characters bv Messrs. .Io|IN tllLHKRT. IIAKHY BECKETT. C. A. STEVENSON, K. M. HOLLAND. C K. EDWIN. Ml?? EKKIE tlEKMON. Mine. EONISI. Miss IONK ItCitKK, Mi?? OKKALIHN8 MAYS. Miss KATE BARTLETT and Miss K. HLAISDKLL. 1 GLOBE TII It?\ 'HE. ' T'.'S and Till) Broadway, below 8th st. It. W. HITLER Manairer THE .STANDARD VARIETY THEATRE OK NEW YORK. EXCELSIOR TROUPE. A World of Fun. Everybody Delighted SAM RICKEY and MASTER HARNEY, BILLY BARRY, in all their itlorv. v SENATOR HOB ll.VRT Chas. Benedict. Andy McKoe, Eugene Bliti, J. D. Griffin, in tlicir side splitting Acts, Songs and Dances. THE ORE AT ZANKRKTTA TROL'FK. "1 Win. II. Brockway and ether I'roniinent Stars, in a brilliant J and varied prolamine, every evening and Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. OOD ST. OPERA IIOCSE (LATE DAN BRYANTS). ? I III men AO attraction. iwu euilipuuies. I m- popular California MlnilreU niul tlio great Specially Company. The -1 laraeat company in New Yora Kirat week of Mi?* llelene Smith, t lie Kinpres* of Sung and Dance: Stewart Dare. T. S, Hull, U. II. Jackaoti. Second woou of Miaa I.ula Delinuy, Mile Alice Suiuera, Mr. J W. 11 McAlutrewa, Hugh Kay. Itaker and Doyle, Arthur Cook, tt Huron. Howard, Merrill. I.o?tuu, Croo?lier end the great Star Company Matinee Thuraday and Saturday. "I VOODS M CSKL'.M WOOD'S. >V THIS DAY. KVENINO AT H. M ATI NEK AT & three l'ikces. alabama V s CHA.nKBAU jubilee singers IN the i'lrs r mgiit iu lliotr wouderlul ,. and o'klanagan sunos in ... and the fairies, uncle with MAT TDM'S . OK THE IRON HANI). CABIN PARISIAN VARIETIEST | lOTH ST. I' VHISIAN VARIETIES, and PARISIAN VARIETIES. | BROADWAY. Jj S! J AN EYE OPENER THIS WEEK. T c y <g,? ?<J> Kimt appeurunce of ^ Mile. NINON DUCLOS, ? 0 <$>?_ L_$ fc et and her troupe of Subeaiitiful Circaaalau Kouiale Modots. t- \ TABLEAUX VIVANTS, J >' * <s> ?4> j is TABLEAUX CLASSiyUE. j[ THE sadies' centennial levee. ? 1 (gv A ? J GRAND TABLEAU. J O WASHINGTON CROSSING THE DELAWARE. THE MARCH OK THE REVOLUTION. T u THE GREAT KREDKRICKS. ? Miat EUNICE MOOKK. | Miss MOLLIE IVM Alt. i< * HORACE WESTON. p krkd. j. maokey. i harry slate. y | Signor BARTOLLI. " |'l>AN NASlV. I New Olio olOO BRILLIANT i^TAU ACTORS. Price*, 135c., 5Uc. iuuI $1; Proscenium Boxes, $<i and $10. IJAKK Tl! KATITK, 11ROADW AY AND U3D s'C accessible by nil ths popular liuos of travel, convoulout to all the terries ami hotels. SIXTH WEEK AM) ASSURED SUCCESS I or Row on enjoyable, liumoroua Comedy, 1 Hit ASS. h ? | with Rom Wood, ltuaa Lislo, Marie Louise, ?? I Mrs. Hrutone, L. Morrison J. C. Padgett, YinBit ASA. I Dig Bowers, C. Morris, K. Langloy, C. Soarle, w. J. ? - Cogswell, J. VV. Itrutoue and Geo. Fawcett Ituwe I (as Waifton Strav, that "perverter of truth)." EVENING AT s. SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2. Box ofllco open S to 4. Prices, $1 5(1, *1 and 50 cent*. | TH ST. OPERA HOUBE, BETWEEN 2D AND 3D 0*? avs. Wednesday aud Saturduv .Matinee ut Z r I C/fNCAN i THE TOWN TALK. < > ? FEMALE BATHERS. FEMALE BATHERS. Jo BEAUTIFUL FEMALE MODELS IN THE NAUOHTHY BATHING SCENE CANCAN. CANCAN LY.MPIO THEATRE. ?5J4 BROADWAY . THE BEAUTIFUL AQUATIC MARVEL, LURLINK. THE WATKIt QUEEN. 6 Also the celebrated amphibious wonder, WATSON, THE MAN FISH. ?- ;?S> " I EATING, DRINKING. SMOKING. READING, , I WRITING. CARD PLAYING. SOMERSAULTS AND GYMNASTICS UNDER THE WATER IN A MAM- , I MOTH ILLUMINATED GLASS TANK. <8> 1 The gifted artists, , Mr. and Mrs. R. A. BRKNNAX, an Tho Rival Ballad Singers, llujr Mnnnerinic Duet mill "lie Mutt be a Soldier." The POOLE BROTHERS, inarvpllmis pcdostal danoer*. LI TV L< K MAO, JOHN HART. JOHNSON and Hit UNO. , and THE t! It KAT OLYMPIC COMPANY. MAI I N K ICS WEDNESDAY ANT) SATURDAY. AT1NEE TO DAY. I TONY P AST(IK'S THEATRIC i I opposite Metropolitan Hotel. I TONY PASTOR'S THEATRE, , MATINKB TO-DAY. | opposite Metropolitan Hotel. THKO. THOMAS' SYMPHONY CONCEKTB" ~ AT STKINWAY HALL, SATURDAY KVENINO, MA It)'II 2.1, AT 8. FIFTH SYMPHONY OONCEK r. SOLOIST. MISS ANNA DKASD1L, CONTRALTO. SUITE No. 1 ill C (first time) BACH ARIA, "O, Fatiinn." Abu Hassan WKBEll ' MISS ANNA DRASDIL. SYMPHONY No. :t (Hrolca), op. St BEETHOVEN CONCERT ARIA. "Hecuba" (new) KUItlNSTKlN MISS ANNA DRASDIL. KINK FAUST OI'VKRTURE WAON'ER Prices of admission to the Concert as usual. Seats can now be secured at tlie box office of Stolnwuy Hall, ut Not. Till (ti. Infctlntrtl and III Hroadwajr. KTms. O'NKIL'S CH Al.l.KNOK JUL Mile. LOUISE, Drum Solo. TONY PASTOR'S MATINEE TO-PAY. Ci tllCKEItl N(j" II ALU It l.T-OW RKCIT A I.S. J This tPriday) eveninjr-LAST BEETHOVEN NIUUT. Saturday, at 2-LAST BEETHOVEN MATINEE .Monday?ONLY CHOPIN NIOIIT. I Wednesday?SCHUMANN-MENDELSHOUN NIOIIT. Thursday?ONLY CHOPIN MATINEE. | ADMISSION ONE DOLLAR. Reserved Seals, $2. at Schuberth's. 2J Union squara and ' 11 1 llroudwuy. Clilckerinir i'ianos used by Von Bulow. J "XTOT BEFORE PA. DEAR: NOT BEKOItK PA." ' IN Suiik by miss LILLIK IIALI,. at TONY PASTOR'S MAIINKE TO-DAY. CI KRMAN I A T11E ATRE,' 1 IT H ~ ST. r AD. NEL ENDORI'S Director ' KRIDAY. Mareli 24. DONNA DIANA ' Comedy, In four acts, by More to. Bobby newcomh'S ethiopian specialties. Prnleesor III SIIN ELL'S Thrilling Kent*. ( tony pastor s matin kb Tu-lmky. ' Tivoli thTatbk. Hih at, between 2d and 3d ?i 'NEW STARS. NKW FARCES. SEW PANTOMIME. SUNDAY, MARCH 20, the original mid famous WILMIXOTON COLORED JUBILEE SINOERS. rpiosv pastor's nkw tiikatrk. i opposite Metropolitan lintel. MATINKK The imljr Matinee In the city to-day. TO-DAY ' AT 2 O'CLOCK. TONY PASTOR S STAR TROUPE. PIAMOPOHTKH, ORUAII8, AC. * A "-FOR SALE. A MAUNIFICKNT FOUR ROUND . Sielntray Flnnoforte for $2D>; an eloirant rosewood care, improved scale. 7(, octave Windsor I'lutto, cost $L2UH, for S fc?>, has guarantee and hill ol ante , Stool. Cover. Musio I'.I.....I fill I l...v li.r hliiiiniiio Call llila .lav at i.rl. vato residence 120 West 23d at., near Htli a v. zkor kknt, upright^ bquakr ofd ok41td Piano* of our own make; also lor sale and root, a number of flue xecond litind Pianoa in perfect order. WILL- lAM KNA1IK .v Clk.No 112 5th ar.. above IHih ?L ^ A grkai iAOKirfck pianom i<> rsict. ?* pkr month, nod upward; instalments taken; new instruments a specialty (ioLfiSMITirs. 96 Bleoekor A, near itowery. Lot or sroond "hand nanopoktrii, in thorough order, lor sale at moderate price*. Also . Pianos on liixtalinuot*. CillCKKKlNlJ A SONs, 13 i 5tli av., corner I*tIt ?t. r A PRIVATE PARTLY WILL HKLL Til UK RMOAMT Meeker A Hrot. lour round r/ciily carved ro-ewood ch*o " Pianoforte cost $ I.<*00, for$25i); has nil improvement*: 7'f M octave, full agraffe. overstrung. Ac., Stool and Cover, a sacrifice; ale<> Hieinwaf 7'4 octavo Piano. #200. N H -Hot 4 for shipping Call at brown atone private residence No. 47 West loth St., between 5th and tltli ava. AbKAlTTIPLL UOHKWoOl) 7 'ii'TiVk CliICKKRINO ( A Sons' Pianoforte. $I'K?. 243 Rati 3<>tl? at. oakmokr n\n(tn?rn>. mm blkkokkh htt? 1 j > IMahlislied 3 years; closing out large, elegant stock at half price; #1(10,5rI7h 1. #2<? ? I CMIIOKKIUXO, KTKINWAY, WKIIKK I'lANOPOKTKN J and Orenlia, RIUU tu Jllt.NI: $.'1 to (IU monthly itielal* mental b?riiaina fur caiih IIIlMli?fc, 13 Wavarlcy plaro, f near Umwlway. I KM THAN $!<* ?TJIICKKKIKO RORKWOoD PIANO. J furle, modern Improvements. parlecl order. Including Stool. 2H Kaet 3<1 et., near 3d nv. STP.INWAY UP III <JIIT PIANO, PKItPP.iri okukk, i KIMI. Weber and miter Pianoe, 7 wlnvr, renl $1; Prince Orpan, new ?tylee liOKDd.N A -DN, IS K?>| 14th et Upitioirr AMI syl AHK pianos ro hknt vkky Inworeold on email monthly payroenle at UKTTs"' WarepHinii, 7HS Hrondway, corner 10th ?l uTantrd a niurr ciiw' mecond hand piano, re wither fblrltrrlnir or Webee, from private party. Ad Ireee IV K. .MOOKK, care uf J. P Benjamin, '> Warren >t , i N.-w York. " DRY uoom, n'alr nbtm pom tim pro nt hairi alno inyisi- 1 hie Crimp*. made nut nf natural eurlr liair. anil a variety nf Braid*. Ac. IHAUKAU. No. 7 l inon ?.(U*re >111*1*1* Kit v \\L> DKBSNMAKINO. A? MAKIKTII.I.MANN UO .. OP PAIIIM, IMPORTKfW ! . nf line Millinery, Hicceanore tu Mme. A Mlelirl. IJ tilth av . near 3<>tli si . ri-laroed front Parle bv Pvreire. Kapo- eltion openliiK Wednesday, IMth uf March. A TTENT10N.-I.ADIK8' hUlTH, CLOAK8 AK[>UK- 1 J\ derwmr; children M*m*ill*? Suit*, T*hle *oil flano U?r?n, Ac*., doe* by Iliv Homm* kmbrulderlri* M??hi?*. *t 14-i W*t? <Oth rt. c?ll ?r ndrtf???. ' UTbBXMi> HPACK rbAlfINU: AI.SO IMIUHLK HOX o Dialling dun* Willi* to* ?*w ui? 4?> 93 lneh?? wide. i i.r. ,?ur good. br clllng oa H. JOSEl'H, 38 lor.) th ,. two door* from C*n*l N. ( VD. rmrnT? "C/"VTTr> /"ir^XTrpG! x lii^rj f uuiv AMUIBMKKTS. Til AVENUE THEATRE. I Proprietor mid Manager Mr. AUGCSTIN DAL* 'omttxMicr* hquarter to S: carriairea may bo ordered for 1 x Everv Mifiii. Mr. Aniruitin Daly a (irean?t Draina, rri'P ii Qyyo L' c keek P P II y 0 V UK 1'1'PP II 0 ? 0 u V EKE P II Q 9 4 U UK ? P II 0000 UU17C KEEE .. A PLAY*'' OK TO-DAY. | Mix Fanny Davenport. Mr Flsheg J Mr. Ilarkiua. Mr. Lewla, .Mr. DaviduC, A'EDNKSDAY | Mr. liartienber*. Mr. Draw. Mr B?rrvAN'D j mora, Mi Rockwell, Ml*a Sydney Co?#l, ATCKDAY I Mr?. oilbert. Mlu Niinea. Mi?? Holland MATINEES! I and Mr. Jolin Urouyliara. in tlielr onitiuiu periouationa, ?? acted 15 waeka I to crowded liou-ei. PlyUF. MATINEE?SATURDAY at I 3D. *? Senta may bo aecured -<' day? -tilpad. -Ill AVENUE TTiTsaTRKT 33D MATINEE OK Ply IE! SATURDAY, AT HALE PAST OMR O'CLOCK. " 'LADIES ARK I'KirKDto wearr tlielr aeats in a? auce, and tlniv avoid liio vritali at the doora. [JANUS' BENEFIT S KX r WEDNESDAY." SEATS SB I) cured at Tyaun'a, Fifth Avenue and Windaor lluteia. ~AST NIU1 ITS OF J I' LIUS C.ES Alt. j /WITH PRRKOKM \M K OK fuLIUS CESAR, NEX1 UU THURSDAY EVENING. MAKCll 3U. Sooni THEATRE. ~~ HSSK EARLY WITHDRAW VI. OF JULIUS C.E3AR. JARRKTT ,t PALMER are compelled to an limine* tliA in it of the unparalleled number of runaccuuve ropreaeutliona of JULIUS C.ESAR. But TEN more performances will be given. LAST APPEARANCE of the treat tragedian*. Mr. LAWRENCE BARRETT, Mr. F. C BANGS and Mr E. L. DAVENPORT, ipported by Mr MILNES LEVICK and the entire greal mipany of Booth'* Theatre. . TOMORROW (SATURDAY). REGULAR MATINEB at 1 :3a . NEXT WEDNESDAY'S MATINEE FOR THE BKMKIT OF MR F. O. HANGS, when tho diatinguDhed actor ill make hia ninety-ninth consecutive appearance aa MARUS ANTON 1 US. . NKXT THURSDAY Mr, I IT. March 30. NE HUNDREDTH I'K ItFOKM ANCE OK JULIUS C.ESAK! ir which occasion preparations of an extraordinary aatura are belli); made. ".'Monday, April 10, reproduction of Shakespeare'* [KNKY V. ami nitiirn of Mr. GEORGE ltlONOLD. YCELM "TilKATBJST J MATT MORGAN Manager. roat success. MINNIE PALMER, tho dramatic fay. ho brilliant I Til K PIQUE I'AM LI,Y, I The briUUul burlesque. | a Piny on tho Daly. I burlosque. ADMIRAL DOT anil u nia^nilicout company. THIl'MI'll OK Till: IDEAL VAUDEVILLE, bpkunls, Dilemmas, The Wrouic Man, Tho Pique family. N. (5 Goodwin, Jr.. the greatest living mimic, opular pricoa. So at., secured one weuk in advance. [iOWERY THEATRE L> FRIDAY, March 24. Farewell ho no tit of Miai Marion mokdaunt, in he arts are trumps; nlao tho Kurre ot THE spectre bridegroom. N ION SQUARE THEATRE. roprletor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOR lauager Mr. A. M. PALMES immense success ok the new play. ^ Charitctera by Meaara. C. 1L Thorne, Jr.l | Frederic Robinson. Stuart Uobson, J. H. btod I dart, John Paraellea, Thomaa E. Morria, II I W. Montgomery, Claude Burroughs, W. 1L fEUKEOL. I Wilder, LyaHndor Thompson. Alfred Becks, W. | S. Quigtoy, K. E. Lamb and C. G. Collins au4 Misses Kate Claxton, Ida Vernon, Mario Wlir kins, Hubert* Not wood, Maude Harrison, Ida Jeffreys and Auirnsta Raymond. <?>? lATURDAY, March 2T>, VIHST MATINEE of KKRKEOL. Brooklyn theatkb. Lessees and Managers .. .Messrs. Shook A i'aluiei FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, be greatest of the current New York successor, HOSE MICHEL, ritb the favorite artiste. Miss llOSK KYT1NOB, n the title role. Other characters by a specially selected 'list, consisting of Messrs J. li. Sliidley, J. W. Collier, Theolore Hamilton, ii. K. Duly, W. Seymour, II. li. Ehillips, J I111 Mathews and S. Wright, and Musdauies C. lie Lango, Met a liartlett and Lillian Cloves. All the beuutiful scenes of the first, second, fourth and Ith acts used at the Cuiun Square Theatre will be nsed here. Matinee Saturday, at 2 o'clock. The management are delighted to be able to annoanee tb* re engagement, lor one week, of the favorite actor, Mr II. J. MONTAGUE, who will appear MONDAY EVENiNO. MarcU 27, rONY PASTOR'S NKW TlIEATKK, opposite the Metropolitan Hotel. FRIDAY, March 24. MATINEE I TONY PASTOR'S STAR TROUPI TO DAY, appeur 111 the Matinee Reception AT 2 O'CLOCK. | this afternnoii, at 2 o'clock. Miss KIT TIE O'NEIL, HOBUY NEWCOMII, Tarry Bryant. J__ TONY PASTOR,^ ? Curry and PoX rrui. vusiiweil. KID inrru turners, r ri'iicu iwiu nniai? Jennie Morgan, Mile. Limine, Jennie Satterlec, Mils. him. | lit'S WILI.TAMS, | Lillie Hall, in a matchless Programme. JAN KRANOLSCO MINSTRELS. I OPERA HOL'aK JAN FRANCISCO M INSTRKLS. I BROADWAY. SAN FRANCESCO MINSTRELS. | CORNER 2?TH HI Virat time of the Iturlesque of PEEK, PEEK, A DAILY PLAY. THE KI'NNV OLD (iALS. SIIK STOOl'S To CONUllKR. DELIGHTFUL SOLO AND I'ART SINGING. BIKCU, WAMIIOLD A BACKUS' SAN FRANCISCO MINSTKKLS. ?K ATS SECURED. MATINEE 8ATI1 KUAY AT 9. Mil ATE AU MAHILLK VARIETIES, FIRST I I L/ building from 3d ir.. on 34tll it. Every even-I ?h2 iii; at 8. Adiolseiou, 24e., hOc., 75c. and (1. Fresh I S^Ta tttractiont, new stars, novel French Sensations, 3^2 leaulilul Keiuale Models; seven lieautles, naughty I ? int nice ; lovely women, exquisite music, chnrmiUK I 4* H li motional Specialties I lie spiciest show in New I ? f > fork Female Itriirnutla, beautiful Relicts, naughty | ** a specialties; High Art vs. Nature; living Pictures. | eiaalu Statuary Artists, entrancing French Novelties. I '* jAONY PASTOR'S NEW THEATRE. , (Mft ami 587 Broadway, opposite Metropolitan Hotel. MATINEE TO-DAY. MATINEE TO DAY. niLMORK.?TWKN I V SECOND REGIMENT ARMORY. UT SECOND GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT. (IlI.MOItK ' and tlie lamon* TWKffTV-8RCU.NI> IlKiilME.VT RAND, ut tlit* ARMORY, MTII 8T-. NEAR HTH AY. SATURDAY 1.VKNIMI, MARCH 2.Y, AT 8 O'CLOCK. Tickuta, JHIc. Kur aalo at tli? diior. REMEMHKK. TONY i'AHTOB (JIVK8 TUB ONL1 Malincu In ibH city today. TONY TANTUK'K THEATRE. rOH* PASTOR'S N KW THEATRE. wptMtfciti* Metropolitan Hotel. MATINEE TO-DAY. M ATI N KK TODAY. Tho only Matlnuo In tli? cily today. RAM ATIC RKADINOS AND RECITATION*. A*aociation Hall, ~l<I kl and 4tli av. Kiel DAY KVKNINU, MARCH 24. I87d, Ilia. RAN DA (Hi DIE II I,. Miaa I'KOCDI DOT, Mr*. 1MOUKNK 8YKES. Mr. A. KtWTKIl, Mr OliOHUK UOET. Ticket* $1, at Brentano'a. hotel* and door. A'lONY I'ASTOIl'S | <;I > WILLI A Ms' I TIIE :i TL KNKui t'oinlc I Geimtu Hll'th. | Jubilee Day. Sunn. I T11K ul'IKT KAMI LY. TIIK coming man, DTNKI.KSPIilL'lf ltLL'ndkkh. tony I'astou's matin kk. ro hay, to day. OOCntTY kouilm" KVIRY saTI ukay evkn0 lng. at Kerrero'* Aneeinhly Kuome, Tammany Bulldog. Idtli at. CAItTIKU A CO., Managere. It UK HAM E MATCHLKSS CIUX.KAMMB WUIOU lightly iloligLte tha patron* of Tony Kaalor'e will be given >i tbu 2 O'CLOCK M ATI NEK TO-DAY. < |)L'NCII. IIIIOTIIK IIS, I'INCIl.' TIIK KAMOI't 1 burse car "tig of Murk Twain, net to appropriate runic, 31 >e.; mImo Just out, tins Phillips' ?nnx?, "Little OI<l 'ollaue Late* an<l "Susannah McMaiius," 4*k- each; Keen's Mnirific, ltarlintc, Kissing Me," SUbs.; Tiirnnae* "Haunting ?ye?" *n?l "Muii We Meet ah Strangers?" 4Uc. OITHON k lo., 711 nroa?l?ray. <1 \OWN WifKRK TIIK PANKIE8 OKOW MKAlTTI1/ fully,' sung by Bobby Newcoinb, at Tony faster'* 4 'ti inoi* TO-1JAY TO I)A V. TO DAY. 1YONY PASTOR'S M'.W TIIKATKK KM TIP. O'NHIL, BoBBY NKWCOMB, CUUKY and fox. Vila l.ollsH and llit? entire Star Troupe at Ibe Satinrf. to-day. _______ |(/\<||r iiijndkkd ykarm aoo." a c'KNTENNlAIa Umk. fun* br JINMK molluan. ton* VisroR* matinkk. to-day^ ii'kknch p!?ays at the of music. f hati;koav niout, makcii as. last n I oh t OK THK skason, l.a ci.os Kit ik dps gf.nkt8, Drimi In lire acta and etifbt tableau a, by Snulle. UrrtlfK OIKI. THAT'S ALWAYS CIIKWINU 1 will ba beard at TONY PASTOR'S MATIN kb TODAY TODAY. ( ' KT II.YLK \ DAY OFFAND OO to It TO V V I'ASTOIt'S uatinkk TUB ONLY MATINKK IN THE CITY. 4 i aukmv <>i ichic?on mioay, thbaifltol ;\ March, 1*7*1, tho imSiirii jriicil will aiva a porfuroitn** >f lh? *11 r?n?w?d drama, JOitKKII IN BOYIT, in tho icadomy of Muiic. M. NAUKL'H. MIIW UU.tR HAU. j HARRY BRYANY Korlo Comic Sonet. I I'rtralor Voatrlloqaftt. < MIU. KTTA, Uymiuii Tony I'nilurt Siar Troupe all at tha matinkk To PAY. MATIN kb today. Mus orhbrbh hoarding house will urn howii up l>y (ICS WILLIAMS at loSY f'A>TOK'.N MATINKK To-DAY. FN I PASTOR'S " NEW OK N TltNNIA L HON It, OUR WILLIAMS' OKKMAS VoCALISMS, TONY KASTOB'B UAIIMX* TO-DAY. *