Newspaper Page Text
tq WASHINGTON. Mrs. Marsh's Explanation of the Conversation at the Arlington. The Thirty Thousand Dollar Story Exploded. SECRETARY BELKNAP'S DEFENCE. Mysterious Disappearance of a Renowned Caulry Lender. RETRENCHMENT AND REFORM IN THE ARMY FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. Washington, March 24, 1S70. THE THEOBT OF DEFENCE OF EX-SECBETAB* ^I.KNAP'S COUNSEL AND THE FLAW'S IN IT. Ah la UUUCIBIUUU U1UW Air. l>t'lkiup S CUU1J5C1 uuvc matured the lino or UeloDco which they propose to use betore the Scuute, uud that, substantially, they believe themselves able to prove litis:?They will claim that the arrangement with Marsh was made by the Mrs. Belknap now dead; that he received for her the lirst payment from Marsh without uny suspicion ou his part that it had any relation to the Kort Sill tradership or to any irregular transaction; that utter Mrs. Belknap's deuth Mrs. Bowers, tho present Mrs. Belknap, said to him that money would be sent regularly by Marsh, which he understood to bo instalments of profits ou Dioney of hers Invested by or in tho possession ol Marsh; that under this impression ho actually sent to Mrs. Bowers at Cincinnati various sums which he thus received from Marsh, and, dually, that when ho married Mrs. Bowers ho bud no lurther occasiou to send tho money away, but supposed it to bo a part of her regular income from the lortunc lolt her by bcr previous kusband. It is not understood that tbis Is Mr. Belknap's own theory, but tbut it is the line of defcnco proposed by his counsel us likely to be susceptible of proof on the I rial. They seem to lorget, however, a letter Irom Genera) Gnersou to the Adjutant General at Washington, dated Fort Sill, February 118, 187'd, in which ho reports the complaints ugalust Evans fc Co. and the reply of the 11 im that they could not sell more cheaply because they "were obliged to pay $12,000 yearly to a Mr. Harsh, of New York city, who, they represent, was first appoiuted post trader by tho Secretary of War, tor their permit to trade. *' This tetter, which recites the Complaiuts and the excuses of Evans at considerable length, hears this indorsement;? lieceived in tho olllce ot the Adjutant General March 9, 1872. Indorsement?War Department, Adjutant General's OOlce, March 11, 1872. ltespcctlully lorwarded to tho Secretary of War, with application of C. I*. Marsh for truderi-hip at Fort Sill. E. 1) TOWNSEND, Adjutant General. This indorsement shows that Mr. Iielknap must have seen tho complaints and tho cburgo that Marsh was extorting money, and that lie paid no attention to these facts nor made any Inquiry of Marsh, with whom he was having business relations. FROM OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT. itAaui.iuru.1, MMrwu a*, ioto. TEXT OF THE BILE TO PREVENT CONTRIBUTIONS FROM GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES FOB POLITICAL PURPOSES AND TO PCNISII BRIBERY AT ELECTIONS. The following is the text or the bill to provont the Solicitation, contribution or acceptance by auy officer or employe of the government of money, property or other thing of value, for political purposes, as panged by the Uouso aud scut to tho Senate lor concurrence:? Bo it enacted, kc., That no officer or employ <5 of the government shall require or request, give to or receive trout uuy other officer or employd of the same or other person, directly or iudirecliy, any money, property or other thing oi value for political purposes, and any such officer or employe who shall offend against the provisions of this act shall at once bo dismissed from the service of the United States and also be deemed guilty of u high misdemeanor, aud, on conviction thereof, lined not | less than ?'-0C nor more than fU.UOU, and be imprisoned Dot more than oue year, at the discretion oi the Judge trying the case. Sac. it?That If any person, with a view to the election to or obtaining votes lor the office ot President, Vice President, or the post ol Senator, Rcpicsentative or Delegate in tho Congress of the United States or appointment to any offico or post of honor or cmolumcut under the government of the United States ol himself, or any other person, shall use lorce or duress by uieuaco or violcnco to lilo, limb, properly or liberty, or shall commit bribery or shall use money, property or other thing of value to influence any elector, voter, officer or other person in respect to any election or appointment j to any such otQce or post, he shall, upon conviction thereol, be lined not less than $.'>00 nor inoro than fil.OUO, and be imprisoned not inoro than one year, at tbc discretion of the Judge trying the case. Sac. a.?That the district courts ot the t uned States shall have jurisdiction of the offences created by this act. Site. 4?That the Judges of the district and circuit courts shall give this act in charges to grand juries. Tho bill was originally introduced by Mr. Dibrcll, of Tenuessce, but aiucuJcd to the above shape, the first section being written by Mr. Jobn Young Drown, of Kentucky, and the second by Mr. John Goode, Jr., of Virginia. GENERAL SHERMAN IN WASHINGTON?HIS INTERVIEW WITH TnE PRESIDENT AND SEC RE- | TAUY OF WAR ?PROBABLE RETURN OF ARMY HEADQUARTERS TO THE CAPITAL. General Sherman arrived here this morning from St. I.ouis and held two consultations with the Secretary of War, who, It appears, had expressly summoned hlra. Secretary Tail and General Sherman repaired I together to tlio White House, and had an interview ; with the President. General Sherman is extremely | reticent on tho subject of the proponed rotransler of j Army Headquarters to Washington, which la under- | stood to be tho object of his visit. "1 have dodged all correspondents," said he, "as t j 00 not like to talk about things that are undone. All j 1 can > at present is that I am very well pleased to see Judge Talt as Secretary of War; that porlect har- j tnony exists between us, and that we shall try to do ' about what is right for the army." During lurther conversation ho declared that he had ' determined not to transfer his Uinily Iroin St. Louis, | even It the Army Headquartors should be removed to i Washington. "Ob, 1 can come quickly enough to Washington," he aid. The whole conversation left the Impression that tho President and Secretary of War had acquiesced In all of Geueral Sherman's wishes with regard to the manage, nieut of the army, aud that his postttou as General of the Army will no longer be a merely nominal unit General Sherman will remain hero two or inree days, and during this time the question or transfer will be finally settled. THAT MYSTERIOUS DISAPI'EARANCN AGAIN? MURE ABOUT IT?THE LAST TRACE OF KILrATRICE?BUTTERFIELD STILL AWAITING ELE- ! VATION. The mystery Attending the dlssppearsnce of Geners) I, who cauie here last Wediicsdiy to testify | before the Judiciary Committee on tho subject ol tho t illoged purchase of the olllce of Sub-Trent*urer hi New York by General lluttcrOehl lor : the sum ol 130,000, is secondary only to the excite- i nteni over the Marshre In the current sensations at the ! national capital. He was soon at tbo Arlington Hotel on the inurning ol that day at breakfast. latter on ho j conversed through the cloecd door ol his room with a j friend who had called to see hun and who was to meet > him when ho had finished making a change ol toilet, j tn appointment thai was never kept. A glimpse oft him was next caught on fonusylvanta avenue, and some say he flitted once across tbe floor of the House sf Representatives during the course of the same day. But hero all trace of him stops. Tbe Mergeanl-altrial, wbo meantime had gone to Kluabelh, few Jereey, only to learn that the General had gooe to 9llltaneeport, fa., to deliver a lecture el that place end /M?rneU empty handed to Wash lag is a, must, at use j NEW YORI tune the General wag on the Uoor of Itte House, have boon wilbiu a lew yards of him. Those who hail their curiosity escited by the promised speclaclo of the elevation of General Uullcrbeld to the altitude of Gilderoy'g kilo are deeply concerned about the mailer of General Kilpairick'a unaccountable disappearance. The Judiciary Committee room rings with tho echo, "Where is Kilpatrick ?" GENERAL WASHINGTON DESPATCHES. MRS. C. P. MARSH BEFORE CLYMF.Il's COMMITTEE?THE THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLAR 8TOBI MELTED INTO THIN AIR?THE CONvtllSATION AT THE ARLINGTON MISUNDERSTOOD?THE FLIGHT TO MONTREAL, AND WHY?THE TRADEB8HIF8. Mrs. C. 1'. Marsh came into tbe room of the Committee ou Expenditures in the War Department to-day, accompanied by her ha?baitd, who introduced her to Mr. Clymer, tho chairman of the committee. In reply to au inquiry she said she arrived here this morning. Thn ?')inlrnmn iiilnriiwul h*?r t hut thev wiuhoit Id examine licr as a witness. Sho was then sworn. The examination was conducted by Mr. Iianlord. She testified that she loll Cincinnati in 1805, where she formerly resided, uud has lived in New York most of the time since that year; alio had known Mrs. liower (now Mrs. Belknap) since 1809, and had been a( the same place with her iu Cincinnati four years; Cincinnati was her home, and she revisited that city twice a year, staying there two or tour weeks; she met Mrs. Bower in Now York, where Mrs. Bovver was her guest; Mrs. Bower was a widow ut the time; the wit. ness commenced housekeeping in New York in the summer ot 1871; she went to Kurope in company with Mrs. Bower the last ot Juno, 1872, and knew that Mr. Pendleton's namo was on the list of passengers. Alter further interrogation she was asked whethe she had any conversation at any time Willi Mrs. Bower now Mrs. Uelkuap, relative to tier lutcrest iu the Ken lucky Central Kailroad claim. The auswor was, "Two or threo weeks ago, at the Arlington Hotel." At the tune witness asked Mrs. Uelkuap whether she ever received any money on account of the claim the witness told her she heard she received $70,000. Mrs. Ilelpknap replied, "The claim was for only $100,000; how could I receive $70,000 V" During that conversation the witness was in a slate of excitement aud dislross; Mrs. llclknnp was a friend of hers, and tho witness felt much interest on heruccount; she hud simply mentioned to Mrs. Uelkuap an Idle rumor; she hud always talked to Mrs. Uulknsp as she would to her sister; she hud heard tho rumor for over a year; sho related tc General Kiddoo tho conversation between herself and Mrs. llelkuap; she did not know ol Mr. l'cudletou paying monoy to Mrs. Uelkuap on account ol the Kentucky llailroad claim or of making tier presents; sho never heard llio Secretary of War say anything about the contract between her husband and Mr. Evans. Ou examination by Mr. Itobblns the witness said she understood Mrs. Belknap as denying that she received anything, and meant to convey that impression. In rcsiHiuso to a qucstiou by Mr. Clymer the witness said sho saw Mr. Clymer but onco, and that was three months ago; it was at the breakfast table at thu Arliug. ion Hotel; her husband presented her to Mr. Clymer, but their short conversation had no reference to thu matter before the committee. Mr. C. P. Marsh was recallod and interrogated by Mr. Clytuor. Ho testified that ho left Washington for New York the day tho impeachment report was presented? namely, tho 2d of March?and did not then design going to Canada. y. Ou the evening of Wednesday you came to my lodging and saw tno a moment; tell what transpired? A. Prom something said at the dinner table 1 inferred that Uclknap was not only liable to impeachment but to criminal prosecution; I said to you 11 tho Secretary ii in danger I am in danger, when you said, "Ob, you are not iu danger." Mr. Clymcr?1 did not attempt to alarm you? A. On the contrary, you pacified mo; I was alarmed when I camo to you; I went back to Now York easy when you said I was in no danger. Q. When you reached New York what induced you to conclude to go to Canada ? A. Something in tho newspapers on Friday morning concerning my testimony, all of which was published; 1 read tho remarks In the House that the Secretary of War was not only liable to imjieachment but to criminal Indictment; I therefore thought that if the Secretary w?s lu danger 1 was In danger as well; I consulted a lawyer, who made an exhaustive examination of the case; tho lawyer did not think I could be indicted, but il 1 should bo I could not be convicted; his counsel said there seemed, however, to be some danger; this very much ularmed me, and determined mo not to remain in New York: I left early iu tho aliernoou of Friday for Montreal; this was the first time I heard it said that I bad commitiod an olfence for which I might bo Imprisoned. Mr. Bass?And Mr. Clymcr told you on Wednesday night thoro was uo danger to you? Mr. Cly mor?I said that Mr. Marsh could not bo sent to prison for anything he had said before tho committee. Mr. Kohbins?That was true. The witness said that ho left New York for Montreal at four o'clock on the afternoon of Friday, and reached there tho next morning at half-post ten o'clock. Mr. Blackburn?Had you then heard that tno government authorities bud concluded- to prosecute you as well as Secretary Belknap? A. 1 am not positive; 1 might have seen such a statement in tho papers. Q. It was said you hesitated when at l'oekskili as to whether you would proceed to Montreal? A. 1 did hesitate ; I thought tnal III had o!londed the laws of my country 1 would stand trial; it a train had been going back to New York 1 should have taken passage iu it, but as ?hn AiiiuiyitA trim wit nnmtr fn Montreal I nrrtr#i??i1<wl thilhcr. Mr* Marsh being interrogated as to why she went to Montreal, said that seeing in a morning paper that her husband bad Jumped oil' the train she followed the next morning, fearful that lie bad been injured. Mr. and Mr* Marsh then left the room. Messrs. Alvin C. heighten, James l.cighton and Soth Arnold, post traders, wero respectively examined, and tho facts elicited that General lledrlck received large sums lor obtaining one of the uppointments; that $300 per month was paid Oreille Grant and $1U0 contributed for electioneering purposes. J. if. Hammer tcsltllcd that he obtained the appointment ol post trader at Kort Gibson at tho request ol ex Senator McDonald, of Arkansas, who asked lor it as a personal lavor. Tho witness paid no money what ever ior tho appointment, but had been assessed and paid $100 to the Itepubllcun Executive Committee at Washington. He Imd no partner*. TUB NEW ARMY BILL?DECREASE IN THE NUMBER OK OFFICERS?ECONOMICAL AND REKOBM MEASURES. The Committee on Military Affairs to-day agreed upon a bill to reorganize the army, it being Representative llsnuing's bill, with some amine menu, and ordered it to <>e reported favorably to the House. It docs not reduce llio present effective force of the orrnv, but reduces the number of infautry regiments from twontyfive to twenty und the cavoJry regiments from ten to eight, thus reducing the number of infantry oiHcers Ibe ?t/o of Uio compauics and regiments. It does away with tho regimental organisation of the arllllefy, reducing tbe Held officers of artillery seventeen. It conaolidatca tho guxriermasier and Coinmiaaary department* iulo one, designated us tbe Depart ment of Supplies, making a large reduction of officers. It provides for a Board to exauiiue officers and for tbo dischaigo of all worthless und inefficient officers, and for an examination of tbo condition of retired officers. All officers who lose their places under tbo bill are placed upon a list of iu|H>rnumcrariea and are permitted to resign wltb one year's pay for each- eight years of service, or rcumtn In service to perlorm such duty as they may lie asxigued to. It provides lor tbe education ol nou commissioned officers and soldiers by the commissioned officers, and tor tbe promoviou of nou commissioned officers to commissioned officers. It abolishes the office ol Judge Advocate; fixes tbe pay or tlrst sergeants at $40 per month; makes the bcad<iuarteri ot the general of tbo Army at Washington iti tune of |ieace, and provides that be inay act as Secretary of War in the absonce of tbe Secretary or a temporary vneanev lu the office. It provides that sutlers and |io*t traders shall Drat be elected by a council of the ndmtnisirailon, approved by tbe Dcpartinent Commander and the licneral of tbe Army and appointed by the Secretary of War. It reduces tbe stall of all general officers, and requires the General of tbe Army to report reforms to Congress an. Dually and to look to economy In all branches of the army. The bill is approved by the testimony ol many ol the best officer* of tlie army. It is a reduction of abeut two hundred officers, and proposes reforms wblvb. If adopted, will, It la claimed, add greatly to the tfllcieacy of the army. : HERALD, SATURDAY, 1 OBITUARY. PAUL DAHLGBEK. Tbe death of Mr. Paul Dalilgren, ion of tho late Rear Admiral Dahlgren, of the United Slates Navy, wan announced yesterday as having occurred In Rome. About two years since be was appointed Untied States Consul General to Italy, and was at his post of duty at tbe lime of bis death. MRS. SHEPPARD P. KNAPP. A void has been occasioned In the social and benovolent circles of Washington Heights by the death of MrsSlieppanl V. Knapp, who, for many years, has been tlie originator and chief patrou ot the numerous charities lor wInch the historic neighborhood is famous. Her dcalli wax quite unexpected, as she was abroad among her lriond.x a lew days ago. Mrs. Knapp was a woman endeared to all who knew her. She was the mother of a numerous family, ail old enough to keenly appreciate their bereavomeut. THE WIDOW OF STONEWALL JACK BUiN. Ciiakluttb, X. G, March 21, 187(1 To tur Editor or tiir Ukkald:? In the Hkualo of March 18 the following item of news occurs:? Confederate generals paid largely for their part In the war. The widow ol Stoucwuil Jackson hud her furniture sold for debt, uud now at a bankrupt sale a Iriend of Mr*, General Gideon l'lllow ha* hud her hushaud'a library bought in lor her. So far as Mrs. Jackson, the widow of the illustrious Stonewall Jacksou, this is not true. Mrs. Juckson is now living in the city of Charlotte in comfort, surrounded by her relatives and a largo circle oi admiring friends. The good people of Norm Carolina aud of the whole South remember with lcchngs of deep gratitude the gallant services of her distinguished hu.-band. and will vie with each other in roudering aid and conilort to his accomplished widow uud amiable little daughter. Mrs. Jackson and little Julia are "household words" with us. J. II. M. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN fc>TEAMEJ}& w JKJ+ TBI MONTHS OF MAUCU AND APIUL. Strainer. j 5u?/a. | JjtutmaHun. | Office. Adriatic I M'ch 25.(Liverpool.. i37 Broadway City ot l'aria M'cli 25. Liverpool.. 15 Broadway Mokfl M'cJi l!5. Bremen.... 2 Bowling Lrcen Anchor! a M'ch 25. OUiguw.... 7 Bowling t ?reea Java M'ch 29. Liverpool.. 4 Howling Creeu Wicland M'ch 30. Hamburg.. 01 Broadway liolluud M'ch MO. London.... Hit linmilMuy M aits M'ch 30. Kottordam, 50 Broadwav Kitypt April 1. Liverpool.. 00 BroadwaV llahMbur^ Apill 1. Bremen.... 2 Howling Green Baltic April 1. Livcr|>ool.. 37 Broadwav City of Cheater.... April 1. Liverpool.. 15 Broadway Lebrudor April 1. Havre 55 Broadwav Kthlopiu April 1. (ilaHgow... 7 Bowling Croen Wy on line April 4. Liverpool.. 20 Broad war Algeria April 5. Liverpool.. 4 Bowline Croea fimbria April U. Hamburg.. *>1 Broadway Slate of Indiana... April 8. ClasKow... 72 Broadway l.'opublic April 8. Liverpool.. 37 Broadway City of New York.. April H. Liverpool.. 15 Broadwav The tjueeu Vpril 8. Liverpool., tip Broadway Neclcar April 8. Bremen.... 2 Bowling <freea Victoria April 8. Claoyow... 7 Bowling (ireon China Vpril 12. Uvcrpooi.. 4 Bowling Urooa City of lUchmoud. April 13. Liverpool.. 15 Broadway Suevin April 13. Hamburg.. til Broadway Kngland April 15. Liverpool.. 80 Broadway Cerniuuic April 15. Liverpool.. 57 Broadway Helvetia April 15 Liverpool 00 Broadway Ameriuue April 15. Havre 55 Broadwav X i.i-i I 1A ;H,.u-lln.n!riiAn California i A p ri I I ft. Uiluseow 17 Bowling lireea Nevada April 1?. Liverpool.. 29 Broadway State ot Peunayla. April 2l>. (ilanirow.... 72 Broadway (iollert April 20. Hamburg.. 01 Broadway Celtic April 22. Liverpool.. 37 Broadway Bolivia..., April 22. Glasgow... |7 Bowling Green Si ante April 22. Havre...... lo5 Broadway *y?NOTICK TO CAPTAINS OK VESSELS ENTERtNO THE POUT OF NEW YOKK AT NIOHT.?The New York lieuaLu has adopted a distinguishing Contort night signal for pee on board the IIeralo hteam yacht, showing while burn,ng the color* red, gieen. red. changing (root one to the other In succession, and can be teen several mile* distant. Captain* of vetiel*, upon *eciug this signal, will obilga us by preparing any marine nows they may hare for the Ship News Department of the 11 krild. f j-i'ersoiis desirous of communicating with vessels arrlv log ut New York cau do to by addressing to such vessels, care of Herald news yacht, pier No 1 Last Klver, New York. Letters received from all parts oftho world and promptly de. j livcrod. Duplicates aro reouired. ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY. BCK AND MOOA I Bion WAT1R. Fnn rises & -r>6 | Gov. Island ovo 8 19 Sun sots 6 1/ Sandy Hook eve 7 34 Moon sets. eve | lieUUato........eve 10 04 PORT OF NEW YORK, MARCH 24,1876. ARRIVALS. RKPORTKD BY TBI 11RK1LD HTEAM YAOBTfl AMD IttiLD WUITK8TONIC TKLROUAPH UML Steamer Holland (Ur), Simpson, London March 8, with uidsv and passenger* to F W J Hurst. fWliaif ('Omvall (Br), 8t*mper, Bristol March 8. with ; mdsc uii>l 33 passengers to W D Morgan. Had strong head ' winds and high seas the entire passage; March 20, I at 42, j Ion 58 25, passed a Cuuard steamer uouud east. Steamer Auchoria (Br), Munro, Glasgow March 11 and Moville 12th, with uidse and passengers to Henderson Bros. Mardtt20, lat 42 19. Ion 51 55, passed a Germau steamer, I bound east ; 22d, lat 4O 40, Ion 07 30. stea mer Wisconsin j (Hr). hence tor Liverpool, and City of Montreal (Br), do tor j do; 23d, lat 40 38, Ion 89 10, steamer Abyssinia (Br), do tor j do. Steamer Cleopatra. Bulk Icy. Savannah Marcn 23, with I uidse snd passenger* to Murrnv. Ferris A Co. Steamer Old Dominion. Walker. Kiclimond, City Point and Norfolk, with mdse ana paaseugers to the Old Dominion I Steamship Co. >hip Mrathearu (of Glasgow), Dawson, Liverpool 59 days, | with tndae to Henderson Bros. Came the southern passage I and had verv light winds; March 19, off Ifatteras, passed a three masted schr, with loss of mainmast and roixxen top- ] mast. Hark Marco Polo (Dal), Gavaguin, Dublin 48 days, in ballast to Slocovich A Co. Brig Klixa Stevens (of Boston). Carter, Matanxas 11 days, with sugar to order; vessel to Miller A Houghton. Schr Cook Borden (of Calais), Luiit, Grey town, Nic. 28 days, with rubber and nuts to C Borden; vessel to Strout Bros. Was 7 days north of llatteras, with strong NK snd ! NW gales. Schr Theresa (of Boston). McQuinn, Para 24 dava. with rubber, nuts and hides to U Amslnck; vessel to B J Wen | berg. Was 5 days North of llatteras. with strong NE and I SE pales; loot and split nail*, March S, lat IS 46, lou 42, | bussed schr Marcia Reynolds, hence fur Lapuayra and Porto ' Cabellu. Sclir Hurdett Hart (of Orecnpurt), Brook*. Old Harbor, Ja, 23 da)a, with lopwood tu A II Solomon A Co; vessel to Bt-nllay. Uildoraleeve.A Co. Scbr Hesaie Dickinson lof Hath', Diokinaon. Sairna 11 j ?ln>a. with ?u|rar to tlrlunell, Minium A Co, March 20, off Hatterna. during: a heavy SE gala, shipped a aea, which tic- 1 strnyed 34 libit* molasses, atartad stanchions and strained I rail badly. Schr Carrie Bell, Seavrv, Savannah 7 days, with lumber | to W A Hots: vessel to master Schr Jamestown, llyer. Kichmond. Schr Sea Bird, Curlia, Virginia. Schr A K Crantner, Hragg, Virginia. M^-liurk Trsveller (Hr), which arrived Slat and anchored in tlrareaand Hay, came up to the city yosterday PM. p^-llark Esther, Hush, arrived 23d lrom Cardenas, la consigned tu iteuauld Francis A Co. PASSED THROUGH HELL. GATE. BOUND SOUTH. Staniner Cltv of Fitchburcr_ SnrlnMP \a? Ha/lfnrtl f.?? i Xew York. Steamer Elcctra. Young. Providence for New York. Srlir \t ttito Rock, LalTeriy. Bridgeport tor New York. Schr Rachel J Oollyrr, Kail River for New York. Schr Ariro, Hr?e. Warcliaiu tor New York. Schr Jesse Ii Leech, J oil aaon, Naw Haven tor Naw York. S. Iir lion Downing. Smith, New llnvan tor New York. Sclir Lalayette, Woodhaveu for Nrw York, hebr It A romytli. Itohhte. Stamford for Naw York. Schr J N Ay res, Provost, Stamford for Naw York. BOUND EAST. Steamer George Washington, Wbitehead, Naw York for Halifax. NS. Steamer Kleaimra, Johleon, New York tor Portland. Strainer Albatross. Davis. Naw York for Kail River. Strnincr Bolivar, Ueor, New Yota for Naw London and Norwich. Schr Young Tcaarr, Slocntu. Newcaatle, Del, for New Bedford. Schr John hluamoa, Schull, Georgetown, DP, for New | Haven. Schr Stephen Morgan, Haloes, Baltimore tor Now Haven. | Schr Addle i* Avery, Ityan, Baltimore Tor New Haven. Schr Henry Allen, Tataiu, Baltimore for New Itavan. Schr forest Oak. Parker. Baltimore for Naw Havoti. Schi Hyua. Oliver, Port Johnson fur Hatli. schr George It Vrteiaiid, loibDuii, Georgetown lor Bridge- I port. Schr Enoa H Plilllipe. Baker. Weehawken for Button. Soli I Time. Weid, New York for Providence. Schr T Benedict, Arnold, New York for 1'rovldenee. UL,r,AUfcL?. Steamer Stato of Virginia iBr , Moodla, Glasgow?Auftin Baldwin A Co. steamer King Arthur (Br), 1'rowell, Havana, Matantas and t'ardeune?Tlatlon, Watson A Cu. Steamer Geo Cromwall. liacuu, Hamilton (Barmutia)?A E Uuterbrldge. Steamer Georga Washington, Whitehead, Halifax, MS? Clark A Seaman Steamer A C Slltnara. Warren. l'luladelohla?Ja? Hand. Steamer kleam.i... Johnxie. I'ntland?J s Aiuee Ship tluiubolill tUer), Coreeu, Bremen?Hunch, Edge A Co. Ship Uea McCltllaa, Wheeler, San Francisco?Sutton A Co. Ilark Carria Delap (Br), MeKaj, LI re r pool?Simpson, Clapp A Co, Hark Chebucto (Br), Lawrence, Hriatul, E?W I) Korean, j Hark Helen Augler. Stapler, Hrietul?W 1) Korean. Hark Challenge i Hri, Sharp, Cardiff?Geo Y Huliey. Hark Jennie Cohb, Small. Hordeanx?Miller A Houghton. Bark Zuluia tHn, Petsr?on. Pouce. I'B?Miller A Houghton Brig (iaxalle, Oiekeoo, Passage* and CadJa?Brett, Bon A Co. line Harry Vlrdan, Colllna. Havana?Jamee W Rlwell A Co. Brie Klltalreth Wlatlow, Locke, Cardeaae? Millar A Houghton. a Url* Xauoai (Br). Le Blanc, St Johns, BF ?Uattoa, Wataon A Co Selir Mrletllo liryam, Mueklrjr, Uenoe and Leghorn?Bentley. Uildermleevo I Co. Selir Nellie due*. Calra. M Pierre, Hut?Mlnpeit, Clepp t A i ??. Sclir Liaaie lleyer, 1'olaad. Regan le Grande?II W Loud A Ou. Sehr Spring Bird <Br>, McLeee, SI Jehu, KB? P I Merlon 1 A Sen. Srhr Luolee Ireeier, Cretrferd, I'ernnndlnn--K D llurlbul A Ce, Kclir Myraeer. Brown, Chnrleetne?Krone. Bell A Co. sehr Pere, Cbeee, lUrkmond. Ve-ll W Load A Co Sebr Mary Brewer, Lee, Nortel* and JUdMooed, Ve?II P Brewa A Co. VfARCH 25, 1876.?WITH 8 Sclir Heurv J May, Alien, Philadelphia?Oeerton A new- > kin.. Schr Clio Chilcott, Fullerton, Boollibay, Me?Cartwrldht 1 A Doyle. scur Chattanooga, Snare, Portsmouth, Nil?H W Loud A Co. Sclir John \V Bray, Whitman, Gloucester, Mass?B J Godwin ft Son. Sclir I*atbtinder, Jones, Gloucester, Muss?R J Godwin ft 8ou. Scbr Dart, Campbell, Stamford?8tamtord Manufacturing Co. SAILED. Steamers Shlonlan (Br), for UImcow; George Cromwell. Bermuda; barks Northern Chief (Br), Antwerp; Carolina (tier). Bremen: Henry A Litchfield, Callao; Cliebuctn (Br), Bristol; brig Dr Luskar (Ger), Bremen; ?chr Maggie Dulling, Matuuzax. Winu at midnight. SSli. Barometer at sunset, JO.28. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Stkamkii Oukstfa, of ilolt'a line, ol and from Liverpool Feb 4 for Shunghui, struck a rook oil' Feint de Galle ami sunk Iu 15 (allium* of water, becoming a total lose. Crew aaved. Stkabkr Epcab Stcaut went aahore at Barrington, Na. 21sl iuat. In the gale. Sinr Hknator Ikkx (Ger). Irom Now York, at Bremen Murch H carried awav both anchors while briugiug up near the lighthouse below Bremen March 7. II?uk A.NTULorjt, Siuipaon, from New York for St Croix, which was reportod iu our laat a* overdue, arrived aafely ut her destination l-'eb lti. ilAiia Noud.stjxk.xkn (Nor), from I'ensocole, at (liaison l)oek March U, hail to alip an anchor and UU tathoma chain that morning on account of a heavy aea at the mouth of the Lune. Dakk Ilora (Br), Irviu Wilmington, NO, at Liverpool March 10, hnd cabin skylight smashed and suitaiuod other damage when otf the Western Islands March 2. Hakk Kxcslls.nckn Sihhkuk (Swe). from Galveston, at .Liverpool March 10, ahlpped a sea March 2 damaging skyight, tilled the cabin, Ac. liana Gladston K (Ur), Hurcli. from Bull River, SC. March 13, lor Newcastle. Eng. put buck to Churleatou C id iuat, with her pumps disabled. Back Alvkkin (Nor), trom Fillau, which was taken into Copenhagen alter being ashore ou Dragor Bauds, is bouud to rhlladelphia with rags. Bask Nh.stmiijuv (Nor), from Stevenger for New York, was supplied from Deal March 10 with an unchor lu lieu of ooe lost iu tho Downs. Bauk Joha.nnh, at fortress Monroe for St Thoines, reports seeing a vessel on lire H J miles east of Cape Henry on the 21st lust, and a vessel lying by her which hud probably saved the crew. There war a heavy gale ut the time, uud the JohitDue hove to and remained four hours, when the burning vessel sunk. Her class could not lie distinguished. Hmc Taws (Br), from Bull River, SC. at Barmure March 10, lost boats, Ac, in heavy weather during the voyage. Hmc Valkbo (Br). Morria, from Londonderry tor New York (before reported), put iuto (jueenstowii March l() with loss of sails, maiubooin and gall, and short ol provisions. lime Vabnux H Hill, ashore at Vineyard Haven. remains tight. Silas Daggett, of that port, lias contracted t.i llout her and deliver her at the hallway wharf lor about $4iMI. Hum Maytik H IUsxki.l remains ashore at Vineyard HavFu. with eight feet of water iii her. Several pieces of her main keel drifted ashore during the gale in which she wont aahoro. No arruugcuicnts have yet been madu to get her off. SCHR 8 A V Simmons, in leaving Vineyard Haven, 23dcuuie In collision with the schr Starlight, at anchor. Tho Simmons split her mainsail hadiy, broke her stern rail and injured her planking considerably. The Revenue steamer Dexter towed the Simmons to the nead of tho harbor, where he will repair. SciiR Maituitt, McKaddeti, at Muyagtiei Feb 28 from Portland (before reported), on Feb 15, lat -'MS 40 N, Ion Oil 30 W, took u hurricane from 8, veering to N'W, lasting 12 hours, during which lost deck load, boat, and sustained other damage. Sot it Okx Taylor, which went ashore In Portsmouth harbor, will prove a total wreck. Sen a L Stl'RURTant, from Parker's Head, Me. for North Carolina, bulore reported ashore on Long Island, gotoff'yesterday and was towed to lioston. She is slightly damaged. Sena Iua 11 Silsbkk, before reported ashore at Fire Island, will prove a total wreck. Tko life saving crews of stations 23 and 24 succeeded In taking off the crow at 8 I'M alter swamping one lifeboat. Scum 1,kgal Tkndkii went ashore on Five Pound Island, Gloucester, In the storm of Tuesday. Scui: Ida dkli.a Tpiikk. before reported ashore at Uyannis, is from New Bedford for Bath, In ballast. Scur Allston, at Prospect Harbor for New Vork, was on veil iuuui? auu uamy u>m?Ki'a in it guie, Atarcn 21. Roll UiKOumi Kxights, driven ashore at Kocklitnd in tlie recent gale, wax trot off tlie rock* Thursday forenoon tiy the revenue cutter I.cvi Woodbury, Cspt Kvam. The steamer has gone in rrenchnlan's tf?y to assist it vessel ashore there. St'iiiKibKit Itlo.NK wits loading brick at Hclfast, Maine. Tor Jacksonville, alien the lat gulo occurred, and us the this rose site parted her lines and thumped the bottom heavily. At high water sail was made and she wont Into the stream. In tlie allcrnuon it was discovered liiut she was leaking badly, and there wits ahoul three feet of water in the hold, the crew being unable to keep liar free. A signal of distross was made, which was seen by the rovenue cutter Dobbin, lying below, and a boat's crew sent to her relief. The pumps were kept going until the gale titrated, when she was takeu to liver's dock for repairs It is thought possible that site struck on the point of her anchor, making a liolc in the bottom. There wore one or two other casualties, but of no great moment. (iLOl'CKlTKR. Mass, March 24?Ihe lishiag schooner Kdwin j I'llolliver arrived Irom Grand llanks this morning, lost three ' of her erew. James liurtiui uud Thomas Kennedy, while in a dory on the Hanks attending trawls Marcli 4.'they were i capsised and drowned, und Nelson .Mitchell was w ashed overboard and drowned during a heavy sea March 11. KkMkkBC.sgpouT, March 22?Schr Revenue, Wright from I Haiti, loaded witli ice, went ashore yesterday on llass Island I at t'ape Porpoise, and is stranded. Schr Hero, w.tli hay, and also a fishing vclmoncr. went ashure at the same place. The crow wore all saved. The llero boa been gotten off today. Nkwbeun, NC, March 23?A schooner is ashore at Ocracoke ; nauie unknown. Portland, March 23?Schr Octavia A I)nw, Capt sterling, dragged nshure at Kalinoulh Korcside Tuesday afternoon. Her crew succeeded in getting her off yesterday afternuou, with loss of forefoot. Schr Kairy (Jueen win lying well up on the rooks in 81monton's Hove yesterday afternoon, and her owner, ('.apt L'aleii Willard. and a crew of workmen were cutting away licr keel In order that she can go on the ways in Hie dry 1 duck. Capt Willard thiuks it will take $l,ik*i to make the schooner as good as site was before this mishap. The Kairy { t^iiecn was built iu 1S57, and is about 40 tons burden. She was not insured. 24th?Work has been commenced on bark Harriet 3 Jackson, from New York for Wiscasset. ashore on Spring Point Ledge. The frame of the vess.d is still solid, but very little, if any, strained. St Thomas. March 11?A bottomry bond has been taken at 25 per cent ou brig Mary H Gardner (Br), Irotu New York for St Jehus, NK St John, NB, March 23?It Is reported that the crew of wrecked bark Live Oak, and a woman, supposed to he the captain's wife, have landed ut Seal Island. NS. Sit I PBUtLDUtG?The ceutrobotird schooner which is being : built by Joseph Oakes A Son. iu Brewer is 15<j tons measurement, and will be launched as soon as the ice goes out of tno river. 'Hie harkcnllr.e of O.'SJ tons measurement, which is now in jiroress of coiistructiuu, will he ready to be launched next September. Launch?The new schr Marv 3 Iloutvet. now building at Fernald's shipyard, Portsmouth. \ U was to be launched about tiro '.'3d. She is to be employed iu ilshing. and comtmiuded hv Capt John llontvet. Mio is built entirely of New Hampshire materials. Sho Is 75 leet ou the keel, and measures lid tous. She is owned by Portsmouth parlies. NOTICE TO MAHINEBSL SKW INALAND, MIPDLK ISLAND, Wklt COAST? INTENDED LIGHT OS CATK roULWIND. The Colonial government of New Zealand lias givon notice that a lighthouse ia in tlie course of erection on Cape Koulwind, west coast of Mi.title lalaud. The light (wlilch is expected to be-cxhibited in June or July, 187tb, will be a revolving light, attaining lis greatest brilliancy every ball niiuute. NORTH ISLANI*-Wk*T COAST?IIAUROR LIGHT AT NIC ST PLYMOUTH. Also that a harbor light is now exhibited at New Plymouth (Taianakl). from the llagstalTon Mount Elliot. Tbe light Is a Uxed white light, elevated 73 feet above the j level of tlie sea. GULF or riSLAND? ALTIRATION IN TOG SIGNAL, REVKLSTOSN I LIGHT VK8SKL. Information has been received that on the opening of navl- i gallon the follow ing alteration will be made in tlielogtigual ol Revelatone light vessel:? A tog whistle will he established, which in thick or foggy ; weather will be souuded for thirty seconds at iutervala of one 1 minute. With the wind the whistle will be heard from a distance of ! about six miles, and against the wiud from a distance of about oue mile. SOUTH SKA, KLn* NIVKR, LIGHT TKSSKL SUAE CUXHAYKN. j Wall refereuce to a previous notice on the establishment I of a light vessel near Cuxliasen. the Herman government i lias given the following additional particulars, vis. ? The fixed white light is olevuteu 125 feel above tho sea, and in clear weather should be seen Irom a distauco of six milos. Tbe illuminating apparatus is catroptrlc or by reflectors. no vchmi 11a* ueen named r.ibu light voiicl >o 4, and li nmured in mid channel, in 7), fathom*, on tbo following bearing. Tlio lighthouse at Cuxhevon bear* S K. The Ncuwerk high lighthouse W br N '4 N". In tiiick or rnggy woatbvr the ship's boll is rung Tor one niinuto, at interval* nl fifteen minute*, and if a vessel It noticed *teeriug a wrong course, guns aro fired In the day j time, and a hi re light i* burned at night. When the Itghtveesol Is not in no-itton by re a ton of the ; Ire the light Is not exhibited ana the wicker cage on the niainina*! is removed. Nor*?It I* not yet derided whether the lifhtveeiel will j be permanently e*lubli?bed. ItAKBOU LlliMT AT lltUll'KU. Also, that a fixed light of the tixth order, with red and ; green tectore, l> now exhibited at the watt corner of the , bandthor tjuuy, Hamburg. 1 Ire light slues red In the direction of Oner-gatt, and green toward Sandlhor llarbor. 1 All beariuirt aro uiagneUc. Variation 13 deg wctterly in 1H7U. | By 0'iainiand of their Lordships, KKKUKUICK J. EVAN'S, llydrographer, Hydrogrephlc oSice, Admiralty, London, Feb JJ, L?76. WHALEMEX. Arrived at Talcahuan Feb 7, bark Capo Horn Pigeon, Baker, Dartmouth, with 900 bblt >|> nil since leaving faiisuii. Wai fitting tar home, Capt Keier reports speaking on Off ! Shore Ground, about the middle of February, bark ileriln. j Allen, Ml. I ."am bt?i? uli tuld. Heard from, no date, bark | Vigilant. Gilford, Nil, 45*) all told. Touched til Juan Fernandas about Feb 1, barks Throe Brothers. Owen. Ml. clean ; Sim Hreote. Barnes, no report. A letter dated Johanna. Jan 27. reports that bar* l/iuda Stewart. Wilson, of New H**df<ord, sailed on the J4th lor i Mali** Hanks ami Sandy Maud. She had 34k) bbts sp oil. A broken hoatstoerer named Tillman deserted the ship at Johanna. A letter frciu Capt kelley, of Chlliati barn Mary, report! her at Juan Fernandez Jaa 2*), with 7U bbls sp and l*#> do wh oil. Capt Kelley reports that the hark Morning star, : l*e wis. Nil. touched there the day.previous, with 2UU bbls sp since Panama. A letter from tl>? third ofltser ot ship Kmma C Junes. tiitT or<J. of Now Bedford, reports her si sen Keb ltl, 120 uiiles from Palta with 4'' bolt sp oil since leaving Fayal. Spoken ?Off Htslen Lend. Jsn JO, berk Norman, Campbell, NB, clean, bound to Sari Carlos. SPOKEN. Ship Victoria, Atwood, from Morton (or Calcutta, Fab I, lat I'J 47 .4, Ion 33 OW \V Htilp t'oioradu, Install am, (rum Nam York for Cailao, Fab I. lat lu 8, Ion 13 XV Mark lloppat (Dutch), from Jamaica for Falmouth, K, Jlarch Hi. off Key Wart. Hark hxlla (Mr), Pearca, from Dublin via Kay Wait for riol.tlalpli. March 33.3-> mil.? 1S8K ot Harnafat. Hark Uuillopt . Hr , XValker, Iroia Man Fraociaoo Nor 4 for Lirarpoui, Fab J, lat it 44 A, i?u 34 13 W. , 1UPPLEMENT. B*'? Muntrt lU?r), Joli?ti#r, from London for thmtf " j". Unroll J, us?r the blurt. H*ik l.llu tlinli. PU-ktto. troiu Lellb for fbiladalirhla or lirrliiiitore. K?l> 34. )m .13 14. lou 28 3?. Ail Auri'ricnu Irxrk from L'liincn I?li?nJ? for totland. J?u 81. l?? 17 53 8. Ion 31 3U W. ri.o "IUvrn't (Am), tttenai 8K, ??i wru t ab 21, 111 25 N, lou 37 W. NOTICE TO MEliCHANTS AND CAPTAINS Merchant!, (hipping agents and shipmasters are Informed that by telegraphing to the IIekald London Bureau, addressing "Bennett, No 40 Fleet street, London." or to the I'aris office, addressing "Bennett, 01 Avenue del'Opera I'urla," the arrivals nt and departures from European ana Eastern ports of American uni all loruign vessel! trading with the United States, the same will be cabled u this country free of chaege. Captaius arriving at and sailing Irom French au.l Mediterranean ports will llnd the Paris office tuj moreecouooileal end expeditious Tor telegraphing uses > OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Antwerp, March 24?Sailed, bark Jeanie (Br), Qary, New York: aliolirand Gustavo, lor Philadelphia. Alexandria, March 14?Arrived, sclir Mercury (Br), Thomas, New York (before reported without date). Bristol, March 23?Sailed, brig Economy (Br), Grlhatn, United States. Barcelona, March 17?Arrived, bark Kathleen (Nor), IJoyer, Sevaunah; echr J S Bragdon, Fletcher, New York (both before reported without date). Falmouth, March 23?Arrived, ship Cape 8able (Br) Page, Sua Francisco. Gloucester. March 23?Sailed, brig Johanna Margarelba (Nor), Kuamussen, United State*. Grimsby, March 23?Arrived, bark Carl George (Ger), Stoeber, Charleston. Greenock, March 23?Sailed, bark Industrie (I till), Bcliiaffino. United States. Glasgow, March 24, 8 AM?Arrived, steamer Acadia (Br), Craig, New York. QiuiOi, March 'JO?Sailed, barks Kbenezer (Nor), Neilsen, New York; 22d, Saga (Nor), Bier, do (wai reported failed 8tb). Gibraltar? Arrived, brig Roberto (Itai), Aetraetl, New York. * Hull, March 23?Arrived, bark A W Slnjletoa (Nor), Jaeobeen, l'cniacala. IIrltokt. March 24?Sailed, steamer Rotterdam (Dutch), VI*. New York. " 11 avkk, March 24?Sailed, ehlp Meroni. Lowell, Boulliwest rats; barks Niobe (Nor), Olsen. do; I" C Merryraun, Meiryman, do; Aurora (Nor), Andorseu, do; Susun L Campbell (Hr), Brooks, Delaware Breakwaier; Autocrat (Br), llll*bert, do: also Cato (probably bark Castor (Nor), Daulelsen), for Charleston. Also sailed 24th, bark Vasa (Nor), Neilsen, Delaware Breukwuter. Sailed 22d, brie Ella (Br). Lockhart, United Status. I.iTRKrooL, March 24?Arrived, steamers Massachusetts (Br), Waltors, Boston; Cordova (Br), Lane, New Orloans. Sailed 24tl>, ships Ulehlaud Light, Collyer. United States; Kinburn (Br), Perry, do; barks Beltiste (Bri, Williams, do; Collector (Nor), Olsen, do; Eliza S Milllgan (Br), Mitchell. New York. London, March 24?Arrived, steamer Cro(t (Br), Hodgson New Y'ork. Cleared 24th, bark Vtator (Nor), Olsen, Uuitod States. Sailed irom Graresend 24th, ship lauierlane (Uer), SIdauburg. New York; bark Patent (Nor), Morgeuson, United States. Malaga, March 17?Arrived, bark Botvic (Nor), Hendrickseu. New Orloaus. OroRTo. March 14?Sailed, bark Morning Star (Br), Lucas, New York. Arrived Feb 25. brig Boa Pe (Port), Campos, Darieo; March 14, barks Zeus (Nor), Christoirersen, New York; Mathiide (Nor), Torblornsen, Philadelphia; brigs Anna (Nor), Nickelsen, Baltimore; Kronprius von Preussen (Ger), Kloiu, New York. Oukkkstowx. March 24?Arrived, ship Isle of Bute (Br), Carvill, San Francisco. Also arrived 21th, barks Loch Fergus (Br), Cann, San Francisco; Cralgowl (Br), Durle, Baltimore. Also arrived 24th. steamer City of New York (Br), Lochcud (from Liverpool), New Yotk. Sailed 24th. 2 :UO PM, steamer Republic (Br), Porter (from Liverpool), New York. Sailed 23d. ship Staghonnd (Br), Moflat (from Ardrossau), San Francisco. Rio jankiko, prior to March 20?Arrlred, brig R C Wright, Clark, Baltimore. Si-nukkland. March 23?Arrlred, bark Dr Von Tbnnen Fellows (Ger), Klonow. Darien. Tuai.kk, Mureii 23?Arrived, bark Antwerp (Br), Atkinson, Baltimore. Tkxkl, March 23?Arrived, brig Cbilllanwallab (Br), Colcord, Key West via Falmouth. London, March 24?Steamer Cordova (Br), from New Orleans, at Liverpool, reportsMareli 6, lat 35, Ion 73, passed a brig or bark on Are afi; her stern was burned to the water's edge. WEATHER REPORT. Falmouth, March 24, 6 PM?Wind S, strong. FOREIGN PORTS. AavRPCCN. March 23?Arrived, bark Prlsctlla, Fraeer, Pabe!Ion do Pica. I'KsrcHM, March 10?Arrived, brig Atalava, Ode, Kingston. Ja; schr* John Rose, Allen, Philadelphia; K C Koinmell, Adaius. l'ensacola. Sailed ISth. schrs Altona, Plumuier, New York; Hertford (Br). Carroll, Boston; 2<)tl>. brig Northern Stur (Br), do; schra Helen .1 ll"lway, Thompson, do; llarver (Br). Bishop, , North of Itatterns. Sailed 11th, schr Ben, Boverldge, New York. Caudknas. March 22?Arrived, schr Edna Harwood, Turner, New York. Sailed 22d, hrlire Rahboula, Coombs, North of Hatteras; i Ellen II (Br). Sullivan, do IIavana, March 23?Arrived, steamer Maria (Sp), Molins, 1 New Orleans. Sailed 23d. steamer Colon, OriAin (from Aspinwall). (or ] New York; bark Kamiliene Muurie (Nor). Johnsou. New | York: brig* VV N II t lenient* (Brl, Lewis. ?|o: Cheviot ; (Br), Lenry, North of Uniterm; 24th. Florence f llendcr- j son. Henderson, Philadelphia; scbr Win Sinter, Klllen, North ol Matters*. IIai.IVAx. NS. March 23?Arrived, brig Woodcock (Br)' j Muthsoti, Clenfucgo*. Sailed 24th, steamer Lady Heed (Br), for Philadelphia, \ with good# for the Centennial. Loc'KrottT, NS, March 23?Arrived, echr Warrior (Br), St ! Martin*. Sailed 23d. brig t'aroiii (Br). British West Indies. Manila, March 7?Sailed, ship Liberator (Br), Vender- I voord, San Francisco. Mosti.vidko, Feb 5?Arrived, bark Archer, Hatch, Port- ! laud. Milk Kivnn, .la. March 10? In port, echr Gen Putnam I (ill), Webster, for Kuatan. Matanxas. March 23?Arrived, brig* John Brlghttnaii, Hanson. Kail Hiv-r: Adclla McLoou, Monroe, Philadelphia; ac'irs Albtrt II Waite, Drisko, do; Brigadier. Norton, Portland. Cleared 23d. bark lleinrick Bjorn (Nor), Eileusen. North of llatteras; briir? II M Cleaves. Camming*, do; Aceuora. lluckinan, do: Yole lAnst), Kidoslorieh, l'ensacola; echr j John, Hughes, North of Hatteras. Nassac, NP, March W?Arrived, scbr Ebenexer (Br), ! Bethel. New Orleans; 13th. Kiinator, Banger. Key West; loth. Sarah E Douglas*, Bethel, Jacksonville; l?th, Mohawk, Sweeting, Key West; Julia (yacht), Lloyd, Porto Kicn. Kin Janeiro, Feb 12?Sailed, bark Serene. Segctuan. Baltimore. St Ann's Bat, Ja, March 10? In port, tcbr B P Puriiham, i Glmiti. lor United States, Idg. Saiil'A. March 21?Soiled, scbr Virginia, Bangs, North of . llatteras. Sr John. NB, Match 23?Cloared. schr Ella Clifton, ElUabethport. Tkikstk, March 4?In port, bark* Aaeunta (Ital), Cilento; Yiltoria iltal) Ds Marline, and tluis-ppe d'Abundo (Itali, Cannisutes. lor New York, Idg; brigs Sat; Prlsco (Ital), Caffiero. for dodo; Alma (tier), Blanken, from New York, ar- ' rived 1st, ding, aud others. Yakmoi th, NS, March 23?Arrived, berk Ephreim Will, leuis, Keene, New Orleans. IPir Striker Java.! Amstkrdar, March S? Arrived, Attila, Jehnaon. Naw York. Bkixiiak. March 10?Put in, Harold (Fr), Pontic, Havre for New Orleans. Biikmkn. March "?Sailed, Lelpslg (e), Hoffman, Balti- j more (and passed Dover lDth). Kokiieavx, March s?Sailed, Dorlna, Cetlalinieh, New York Proceeding down Nth. Pliare. David, for New Orleens. CuxtlAVXN, March ft?Put bock, Columbia, Hansen, for Do hoy. Catania, March 1?Arrived, Sam Weller (s), Murray, Port Said (end sailed 5th for Mesaina and New York). Cadk, March 4?Sailed, Sarah L Davis, Cottrell, Gloucester. Mass. Cleared 4th, Uedwig Slebe. Knaack, Dobov. Deal. March ll>?Off, Bachelors, Poster, from Baltimore for Antwerp. Anchored I Ilk, Henrietta, from Shields for San Francisco; ' Lily, Lawrence, Leitli for New Vork. liloucmiK. March Hi?Arrived, Edmund Kaye, Bigelow, I'oiiaacola; Artemus. .1 oil an netoti, do. til.Asuotv, .March ??Arrived, Rtheopla (I), Oral*. Near York. Sailed ?th. Isaac llall, Ryder. Havana; 10th, Canoina. Rosser, lionolniu. Ukekxock. March lo?Arrived, Maggie. Davis, BullRivar; | Tawe, lieorge, do Sailed 11tii. la-rinda Rorstel, llorstel, Lisbon Uk.toA. March U?Sailed. Mariua Iloduro. Villa, Phlladelobla. Cleared IJth, Caruiolo. Castellauo, New Vor*; 7th, Madre, I Carre, do; Britannia, Ward, I'ensaoola. i.ibmiliah, .March 1? Arrived, Yellow Pine, French, New Yorlt. Cleared lid, Kelton Rent. Hrowo. Cadis and Malaga. Sailed lith, t'aatalia (a), Ituller, Almeria, Ac. liavKK, .March Mk-Arrived. Klisabeth, Diecke, Saa FraaCisco. Ipswich, March 9? Arrived. Ivos, Olson. Philadelphia. Kohspjmhii, Keb dd? Sailed. Argo. Hrau. America. Livkkcooi Marcii m-Arrived. Uuiuare. McDonald. Phlla dclplna riH IJueenatown; Aula lope, Cheney, Seu rruucuco via Knlninntli flit liitck !Uh. Klo ile 1# data. Vel-cod. for Charleston. Sailed lmii, liouilnlon in, Huberts Huston (ami put bark) ; Texas (a), Laureiiaoti, New Orleans. Cleared Mtli, I Ireicon, Cusliinir, Cardiff and Hong Ron/; IKIi. Zephyr. sweetser, Lewes, De'; kiui; Coglrle. Mai villa, Cardiff ted Tahle Itar ; loth, Astoria, Kelley, St John, N f: Cnna, Theobald, San Kraiictsco; Mystic He, ferry, Yarmouth, Nrt, Arrived at Holyhead 10th. Neptune, Spencer, Liverpool for Sew York. loisiMiN, March ?? Arrived. AiigUa (a), Murray, New York (and entered out 11tta to return) ; Tri Sine, feuer. fhlladel- , pill a hniered out !<Hh, Tamerlane, Hledenburg. for New York. Lsvlastkh, March tt? Arrived, Xoruageruaa, fauat, feutaenia. Lot:IIIVDonl? Pot iu prior to March 10, Bonlto, Howard, I.bith, Murch lo? Arrived, I'remtiden, TtrJtHi, New Yor*. I.(i.n>mnKKkv, MnrcUvt? Cleared, Harmonic. J cuten, B?l tiiuora; (ilviuilu, Horn, do. Llluill, March -?Sailed. B M Wldlh, ttrakkar. Wllmionlon, XC. Uuhum. March 0? Nailed, Bo hart Dillon, Blatehford, Philadelphia Xn.rumi, March II? Arrived, Ober Uarfarmaiatar Von Winier. Schmidt, Do boy lor Pembroke Itoek. Mii.iobd llrrui, March N? Arrived, BtliUb America, , Loekbart, fdverpoel tor Mow York. *'wroii, Wtrcu iw?vicaieu, aiu?a ouaita, LttkA^ Mnu. Nk tvctsTLK, March a?Cleared, CS C Trufaut. Thoiuat, San r raiu-iacu. , fuiriajintTM. March a? Put in, lieflon, Audereau, Arendai for New York. I'lLLau, March il?Sailed, Sunshlna, Clark, Dautalc. I ai.kua.1, Marrh 5?Nailed. Ml Anua Maria, Mareaoa, Boaton ; Miueto, Vivian,,, Mew Orleana. UiilKXitowx, March a-Sallcd, Edwin Raed, liiKfina. *'"II: ll*li"?. for Philadelphia, R*nr. IV. March 10?I'm in, VinuidCampbell, Itaacaoa, rrotn London for New York. lcan"Ck*' *'4rc'1 "~-*rr'ved, llaaaell. Samuolaan, Naw Oa ?;icarea run, Ari?on?, Sonant, St Tttoma*. Soi TiuarroN. J4arch 9?Arrived, Vesta (yacht). New York. Si'\iJkKi.AND, March 9~Arrived, Athlete, Hutchinson, Baltimore. WaTKKroKD. March 10 -Sailed, Ahte, Wirpi, and Carnal SaiuucUcu, Halt tutor*. AMERICAN PORTS. BOSTON, March -4?Arrived, ktrnmrri Iberian fBr), Orne, Liverpool; Ncreus, Niekeis.ui, Now Yore; Ariea. Baker. Philadelphia: bark Ktlxct* Crowrll, Orowoll, Rosa rlo; sell r? Mary linker, Tliompson^llondura*: N W Mageo., South A ill boy; J U Curtis, Virginia. Below?Burks N liih.oli, from Simrapure: Treniont, Hoaario; tiriira t'luru J Adams. Matan/.as; Gaorjiiaua (Brl, Iiiiiii Trinidad. The roported arrival on "-'-<1 of brljr Consul roll I'laten from Antwerp, su erroneous. Cleared?Steamer* Atlas illri, lloaeason, I.iverpool: J.dins Hopkins. Ilull- tt. Baltimore: briir Id. C (llrl, Coffin, llayti; actus Belle Crowell. Meaallilin, J ack.nuvill. ; Idaho, Jameson. Kleliiuoud. V.; Cabot. Obase, New York. BALTIMORE, March '.'4?Arrived, ate a iii era Josephine Tlioilisou. Monro, Now Vork; Tuekaboe, Brown, Newberu, NC; harks Orion (Ku>>. Mcelherjr. Grimsby; Auto (Bus), OHu, Havre; Kaolin (Nor), Nielsen, Ilull, K; L'ako (Rual, Liuidirrisl. Liverpool; Albion (Nor), Rohoo, do; brig Kgd.n (Nor), Nielsen, Guitdnhoipe. Below?Ship Forest Hello (now, 1U98 toua), Scott, from Havana. Cleared?Steamers Faleou. Klrby, Cliarlealou; Louis, Walker, Kdentun, NC; Elisabeth. Clark, New York; ship Arlington iBr). Vlekory, Dunlin: barks Kmprvss iGorl, Vablow, Elaiuure; Koiiiiiiu Aueusta iGerl, llensol. Cork) Mary U Reed, lleyer, do; sehrs Klias Moora. Lewis, Poutfhkeepais; (i P Pomeroy, Bryant, Boston ; C S Sampson, Gape, Balli, Me. sailed?Britr Georgia. BELFAST, .Mareli 10?Arrived, acbr D Kills, Torrey, Nets castle. Del. 1 Milt?Sailed, achr Wm (3 Moselev, Urann, Jacksonville. CHARLESTON, March 23?Arrived. bark Alice Rov (Br), McKensie, Havre; britr Nelsou iltrl, from Falmouth, E. Put In?Bark Gladstone (Br). Huscti. from Bull Biver, SC. for Newcastle, K, with pumps choked. CAPE COD, Mareli iM, AM?Passed, steamer Fruucoola, Brusca, Now York lor Portland. KDUARTOWN, Mareli 2"?Arrived, schrs William Rice, PrciMjr, from Rockland for Now York; Ella T Crawford, Crocker, Philadelphia lor Ronton; several coal loaded sctird anchored I'M in lower harbor. 22,Arrived. sehrs Annio T I.ittlo (3 masted), hound east; Win Wilder (II mastedi. Wharton. Now York for Salem ; Sophia WiUou. Melt in. Philadelphia for Kostoti; Harriet Fuller, McDouitnld, New York for do; J N Huddeli (3.inoxted), Sharp, do ftir do. 23d?Fleet nettin .' under wnv. FORTItliSS MONROK. March 24-Arrivcd. barks Johanna (for). St Thomas; I'lnlon (Nor), do: Anna < Nor), Hansen, Liverpool, iceking: C Columbus (Nor), Ktiudren. Havre, do: Kong Carl (Nor). Knudaen, Belfast, do; scbr Postboy, Robinson, Havana for ordcra. Hares Skjerkholt (Nor), from Liverpool, and Evvlva (Norl. from navro, arc orderoil to Raltiiuore. GALVESTON. March 23?Arrived, hark Herbert (Br), Smith. Liverpool. GLOUCESTER, March 22?Arrived, ?chr Martha 0 Mar till. New York. KEY WKST. March IR? Arrived, schrs Sencull, Watklna Riiutan; Henry A Taber, Benaju. Fulton (Texas) fur Ned York. MOBILE, March 24?Arrived, ship A McCallnm, Maltera, Liverpool. Cleared?Ship Eiully Auirustn (Br), Day, Liverpool. MILLHKII'GK. March 20?Arrived, aclir K G A W Hinds, llil'. Calais lor New York. NEW ORLEANS, March 24?Arrived, ship Her Majesty (Br), laiahy, Liverpool: bark Kate Burrill 'Br), Robertson. Havre; sclir Lainuiuc, Leach, Rio Jauelroto load for Yap mouth. N S. NORFOLK, March22?Arrived, aehr Eddie Pierce, llowst New York. Cl....,.l_ll,rk '/(nr?n.?n lll-ll H??n.lll v.?.. NKWBUBTPORT. March 23?Arrived, schr A J Vabiot Reed. Mayaeues, I'K. via Gloucester. NKW BEDFORD, March 23?Sidled, sclira Lottie Beard, Perry. Beth, to load tor Mobile; Minnesota, Coombs, Boothbay, do )or New York: Maggie P Smith. Grace, Philudel?hia; Kstelle l>?y, Tracejr, do; Prank A Maria, Wood, Now ork. 24lh?Arrived, sclira llattie Perry. Pciladelphia; Franklin Pierce, Port Johnson. NEWPORT, March 22, PM.?Arrived, sehrs C'onmn, Wlllard, Port Johnson, for Roaton ; Robert Pettsi. Rabbins; Richard S Xewcomb. Dill, and Nellie M Snow, Snow, from Providence for Virginia (and all sailed 23d.) Sailed, schr David G Kloyd Clifford, for Boothbay. 23d?Sailed, sehrs Win D Msnguin. Chase, New Bedford for New York; Empress, Kennedy, Rockland for do; Wm Rice, Preiser, do for do. 5 PM?Arrived, achr Ida, Peering. Taunton for New York. Sallod, sehrs Fawn. Kelley, from Parkor'i Head for Newark, NJ; Ann S Brown, Crowell, Boston for Philadelphia; K C Rankin, Hall, Portland for Richmond, Va; Hannah Westbrook. Mc Puttie, from do for New York; Philanthropist, Coombs. Fall River fot do; Defiance, Thorndlke, Rockland for dor Frod C Unldeu, McKay, Calais for New York; Flora A Newconib. Eaton. Salem for Tangier; Mary E Pearson, Thomas. Fall River for New York ; Jane L Newton, Stover, Irom Boston to Washington, DC : Rebecca Florence. Jones, Rockport for Georgetown, DC; liazeltoii, Rogers, Bath tol Now York ; Wiunie Lawrey. Spear, Roeklgnd tor Baltimore; Rose Sialolith. Krlleban. Gloucester for New York; W?| Rice, Prcssey, Rockland for do; Ida R Freeman. Freeman, WollHeet for Tangier; R L Tey, Brown. Rockport for Nois folk; James Martin. Brown. Boston for Philadelphia. In port, achra Mary Miller, Dayton, Somerset for Net York; Thomas B Smith, Winchester, from New Bedford lo| do; Sparta], Crossman, Calais for do: Wm Batler. repg) Mansfield. Acliorn for New York; Martha May, Vraoman. for Orient, LI; Alice Scrantoo, wtg; Juitlco, repg; Digliton Rock, from Tiverton. NORWICH, Marcli 23?Sailed, sclira J B Cunningham, fot New York; Connecticut, fordo. NKW IIA VEX. March 23?Arrived, sloop Unity, Pavoula. PHILADELPHIA March 24? Arrived, steamers Donatl, Lake, Rio Janeiro; Labrador (Fr), Sangllor. Havre; Vindicator. Rogers, Providence; Saxon, Snow, Boston; Achilles, Bacon, do; Rattlesuake, snow, do; bark Bergenaeren (Nor). Wisenberg. Dublin; brig Giorgio Washington (Ital), Purodi, Genoa; schr E S Newman, Newmau, Cardenas. Aim arrived, steamers Hercules, Swasey, Salem : George H Stout, Pierce. New York; barka F Reck (Ger), Waltjen, Bremeu; Bartolorao Mercian! (Ital), Maguaseo, Bristol; achrs Until-- Ross. Durgin, Saeua Cleared?Steamera Philadelphia, Davis, New York; Concord, do; hark Francesco Avegno (Ital), Oassolo. Gloucester, Kng: schra Helen, Robertson, Boston; lAr.iie Wilson, Wilson, do; S C ltart, Kelly, Somerset; Joseph Eaton, Jr. Peterson, ProvincelWn. Also cleared, hark Lino (Anal, Basaunlch, Queenatown fot orders: schrt II Uickmau, Robinson, Matansas: Carrie Bou ell. Harris, Karacoa: Lliuie Young, Young, Providence | Edith B Everman, Coiuu, ltoxhury; Sallle h Ludlain, Ludlain. do. Lkwks. Del. March 24. AM?Arrived st*amer Albermarle, from New York; bark Sunbeam (Br), Whitney, Glasgow; sehrs W D Hilton. Lottie Wells, Archer A Reovcs and Martha J Granger. Sailed, sehrs Gamma, for New York; Bagaduce, for St John. X H 'latter recovered an anchor on 20th) ; Sarah A Reed, tor Calais, Me; II Curtis, for Portland (the U C out back 20th). PM?Arrived, ship Superior (Nor), Helgesen, Antwerp; harx Sunbeam iBr). Whitney, Glasgow, both for orders; ichr* S B Franklin. Mary A Tiainor, M G Leonard and Anui" Hilton, from . Sehrs I.ulisilm IV.r Isnioy l-'umw I.-ai.l, I.. And others are detained hero by head winds. Shi|i Iris (Br), for i^ondon, went to sua last night. Nearly all the vessels that sailed this morning are potting buck. Hark* (trad SenJ (Ann) and Trojoduica (Aus) remain for Philadelphia. They will leave next tide. POIII'IjAND. Me. March 24?Arrived, hark John Mutinies (Mr), Adams. Boston; schr* Nellie llrown, Norfolk via Boston: Cuus Coiuery, Bath lor New York; Adrian, Rockland tor do. Also arrived, schr Freeman. Newcastle, Del. Cleared? Schr* New Zealand, New York; Ruth II Bakor, Alexandria. Va. PORTSMOUTH, Mareli 22?Sailed, steamer Pcrkiomen, Pierce. Philadelphia. PIIOVIPKNCK, March 24? Arrived, steamer (loo Appold. I.ovoluud, llo?ton for Baltimore via Norfolk; schrs Calvin P Harris. Benton. New Orleans; M W Drew, French. Jacksonville; Ann EUsa. Kelly. Virginia; John B Clayton, (JifTord. Philadelphia; Kli 'Townseud. Arnold. Port Johnson; Die of Pines, Lege. South A in hoy; Fashion, Carbcrry, Klixahethport; Hlackitone. Wlcksnu, and Minny Shower, Super. New York. Sailed?Steamer Geo Appold, Lovelaml. Baltimore via Norfolk; brig Kva (Hri Cuddeil, Baltimore; aclirs Sea Nymph, Dow. Norfolk; K r Cabnda, Swain; Ann S Cannon, Norberry. and Palestine, Howe. Philadelphia; Isabella Thompson, Howes, Wilmington, Del; A G Luurson, Mehr* hot. Proton; Win Voorhii. Goldsmith. Verplsnck's Pointt S M Tyler. Hart; Win V Burden, Adains, and S S Smith, Snow New York. In Dutch Island Harbor 22d. schrs Percy, Mitchell, Eastport tor New York; C J Wlllard. Waltis, Portland tor Philadelphia; Ellsa Ann Ma>o, Boston for Jacksonville: K 0 Gates. Freeman. Calais tor New York; Ruth Shaw. Shaw, Bath for Philadelphia(Jim K Gihsou Emery. Bucksport i t d<?; itene nrowu, nnowiton. Koekport for Camden, NJ : Helen M UnnduD, McCarthy, Helfaat for Brunswick, Oai aim tlio?e reported 3 Int. SAN March 32?Cleared. ships VUllhr, Swap, Manila: Winced llunter, Pan no, Nananuo (and return) ; Thetaior Koeriicr (tier), Scherouberg, do; bark 2? phtruit (t oll, lloiibiiis, I'barinarico. 22td?Cleared, ships Blue .1 u< kel, Pereival, Naoairnu aut return, Orpheus (tier). Michael, do. SAVANNAH, March 34?Arrived. bark Andromnda (fur), Ncilsen. St Vinci-tit. Cleared?Hark Aurora (ear), Eldvedt, Uddevalla (Swade n). Sailed?llurk Antonlotta (So), Salicha, Barcelona. VINKYARH IIAVli.N, March 33?Arrlvcd, schra A H Perry, E'ixabethport for Huston ; Cuu|fre?s, South Am boy for Portland; Teresa f) llakcr, Huston for Viririnia; Frederick Fi?ti, Itoekpori lor Norfolk; A Tlrroll, Wixcaseetfor New York; Willie Martin. Portland for do. Sailed?All before reported, oxocptin/ ubore arrival*, and bark Jooepli Baker: brijfs Maine it Itusaell. V II Hill Ia.hore1 ; aclira s V W Mminoo* (repjo, t) M Morale* irepiD, ' sonisa Hlrdiull. Natliau Cleavea, Jesse Hart The Second, Furrugut. Adtlle F Cole, Ionia. Mary Blandish. Belle Hardy, Mamrle J Chadwick, Addle Hlal-dcll. dame* Ponder, Marj i: Whorl, Freddie W Alton. Clara W Elwell. Chat lotto Flih, M K Kawley, John Faruiim, Mary C (Br), Forest Citj (ashore). WILMINGTON, NO, March 33-Cleared, lirigi Hclont (Nor), Heuderaen. Rotterdam; Taritla (Nor), Koadeen llamhurir; ?clir .lame* llli??. Hatch, Keiniebunk. Sailed? Sellr Carrie Meleln, Andrews, Bucksrille. '.Mth-Sailed, ataanier Pioneer. Wakely, New York. WOOD'S Hill.IS. Marob 23?Sailed, eclir Laura Robinson, Kelley. Poters'iurir, Va. WICK FORD, March 23?Arrived, *cbr Belle R Hull, Bru?h. Ilnbokcn Wa RKKN, March 33?Sailed, achr Alfred A Howe, Elli?. New York. Y AC HTM, VI K V MilOATs. ,v< . A?100 BOATS ON HAND. Al.l, KINDS AND SIZES, . Including ships' aud metallic Lifeboats WIS Noutn ?t.. near (iouvemeur slip. STEPHEN ROBERTS. Mlsl I.I.I, I M .IK ABSOLUTE DIVORCES OBTAINED FROM DIFFER, cut Stales, lor numerous cause*, without uuuUoIl*. legal everywhere ; no cliarce ill advance ; advice Iree. M. HOC HE, Attornvv, 1st llroadway. HSOLl'TK DIVORCEST.KiJALIA oHTAlNKDVRO*H competent court*,' without publicity. Advice Iree. Notary, Cuinniiailmiar. Ifoeiimentaprenarrd. KRfcDKKICK I KINO. Counsellor at No ii St. Mark'* place. ?O.Nl.YKoll MOTII PATCHES, KRKCKUM AND . Hraln Diaeoloration* ua? Pamir's Moth ash Khkckli Lotto*. It la tellable. And for Pimple*. HlackhaaJ*, Klcahworm*, your druggiat for I'khby CobaDon* asp Pin et a Kausnr, the Infallible akin medicine, or conaiilt Dr. H C. 1'k.KKY. Derinatolugiat. 4H Bond at., New Turk. / toNSl MI'lloN AND DISK ASKS (IK TIIK I II KOiS \J ami lung* radically cured by WINCHESTER'S IIV. PoPllosPlll I K OK LINK AND SODA. *1 and -! I?ej buttle. Sold by all druggiata and at iki J olm ?t.. New tori N'KKVOIS DEBILITY. WEAKNESS. AC.. PHOMPIL*. radically and iierinaneully cured by EflJiOIIESThK S sPKCIKit: PILL ?t par bog, ai* bone* ?" Prepared . only by WINCHESTER A Co Uhemleta, at . H. T, rpilOM AS It AUSKW TIIK ORE AT NKtt YORE 1 Orocer, Taa, Coffee ami flour Dealer. New \orkera and ererybody cell end set bargain*. KM Veeey rt.