OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, March 25, 1876, Image 9

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030313/1876-03-25/ed-1/seq-9/

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Eastern churches observe It at a different season from
tbuao In Ibe Weal.' Tbe Syrians murk It lu their cut- ;
cndar on the first day of December; the Armenians
bold It on the ith ol January, tliua ulleriuy the tiu.o
So ae to prevout it tailing iu Lent
It was torinally the custom on this day for a certain 1
umber of Roman maiden* to be presented to the Po|?e,
some to be given away in marriage and others, as they
selected, to onler the cloister. Au olUcer stood by
Kith purses containing notes of Ulty crowns ior those
nho chose to take huMiand*, and notes for 1U0 crowns
for those wh o chose the veil. The girls willing lobe
suited in wedlock were generally in the majority.
Stocks Irregular and Dull, with a Stiffening
Tendency at the Close.
GOLD STEADY AT 114 1-4. j
Money on Call 4 and 5 Per Cent?Government ;
Bonds Firmer?Railway and Investment
Securities in Fair Request.
Wall Strmkt, 1
Friday, March 24?(S P. M. (
Bom bastes Furloso was undoubtedly a good fellow
in his way and had on ear for raualo when his order to
bis miusirols was, "Play 'Michael Wiggins' again."
Sux k Kxchungo moo are not so dosiPous of a repetition
of a dally strain unless there is music in it which gives
tone lu their pockets. To day and lor some days back
the tone to tho market has been, like tho "Dead March I
In Saul," lugubrious and doleful Brokers prefer
Oflenbarh to Meyerheor and appreciate tho jlnglo of
?ptra bouffe more thau tho classio phrases of a symphony.
llence, the existing uniformity of transactions
and prices has no cliurtn for them, ana they pine under
tho monotone of dulness.
A third dreary day has been drearily drawn out, and
the opportunity lor comment is as impossible as a
vacuum?an aching void, abhorroiit to nuturo and to j
writers. Some little lllo was Imparled lo mini's mie in
Iho <l?y wlicn Erie, which had been turning topsyturvy
as rumors warranted for somo time past, suddeuly
took a notion to advanco. This time the third
rail was quite discarded, and the bull programme offered
a new story in the shape of an agreement, said to
have been made with the Dundee Commissioners, to
land the coupons of certain bonds, tho interest of which I
Is past due and unpaid Opinions were so varied us
lo which class of bonds the reference was had that tho i
whole story had a questionable shape, yet there wero
credulous buyers enough to carry tbo price up Irorn tho j
opening of 'JO and to closo it al 21bid.
The St l'uul stocks were exceptionally strong, as has '
been their characteristic for somo weeks past, and 1
gained upon yesterday's quotations, particularly tho 1
preferred kind, which seems as proud of its dividend '
as a horse car conductor of a now bell punch.
In other spcculativcs there was not enough doing :
to keep a yawn oil the market, as quotations elsewhere
will show, mid the good lima cotnmg, which, to i
the displeasure of some Journals, wo havo all along
doubted, Beotns as tnr oil as ever.
The transactions at the Stock Exchange aggregated
112,000 shares, which wcro distributed among active
stocks as follows:?Erie, 42,000; l.uko Shore, 20,500;
Northwestern, 900; do. preferred, 100; ltock island,
200; l'acillo Mall, 9.050; tit. Paul, 6,500; do. preferred,
4,350; Ohios, 1,500; Western Union, 12,070;
Wabash, 300; Union I'acitlc, 630; Michigan Central,
2,800; Missouri l'uciflc, 2,050.
The following tnble shows tho opening, highest and 1
lowest prices ot tho day :?
Opening. Highest Lowest I
New York Central 113 113 113
Harlem 139 139X 139
Erie 20 21% 1<M? 1
Lake Shore 03031, 63
Wabut-h 4 4 3*4
Northwestern 43 43'4 42'4 :
Northwestern preferred.... 04J?' (i4'4 04*4 1
Hock Island.... 110'4 11044 110'4
i'lttsburg HO', Oii S 96)4
Milwaukee mid St. Paul.... 43)4 43)4 43 la' |
Milwaukee and St. Paul pref 70 71 '4 70 I
Ohio and Mississippi 20)4 21'4 20?4
New Jersey-Central 107<4 107>4 106)4
Del., Lack, and Western.... 119)4 11914 11*14
Union Paclllc C2S4 63 63)4
C..C. and J. C 4)4 i\ 4)4
Western Union 68? 88 >4 OS'4
Atlantic aud Pacillc TeU 18>4 18)4 18)4
, Pncilic Mall 2014 20)4 20'4 i
Panama 138 136 136
closimi pricks?3 p. m.
Pacific Mall.... 20*4 ? 21>V MilAStPpf.. 7tt4 a 7134 i
Uiilinlil . t-83., a 68), C. C, V A I..., 68 a 50 '
>?1 A I'M 'id.. 16)4 a JO U. CI IC 4)4 a 5 j
l^uirtkilvrr.... 17), a 18'? Del, L A W ..110)4 a 111'34 I
Quicksilver pf. 22'4 a 24'4 P.rie 21 a 21', 1
1 ar Land A M S'4 a 0 Han A St Jo . 18 a 1.8*, I
Mar La M pf. 8'4 a 10 Han A St Jo pf 27)4 * -s I
AilnnuKx .l<-8 a l<?->4 1-aac Shore.... 63',. a 63J4
Anierieaa Kx. <3 a 63), Mich Central.. 63), a < 3s,
I S Ex.... 71", a 72), N YA Harlem. 130'4 a 142
Wells 4aricoEx 86)4 a 87 N YC til It 113 a 113)4 ;
Chic A Alt.. 104k a 105)4 N J Ccn 106)4 a 1(.7
t in a Pitts . 06). a 07 Ohio A Miss .21 n 21 >4 |
t hie A N W. . 43 a 43)4 Panama 133 a 1: 5
Cl.ic A S \V pf. 14 a 64k Tol A Wab 3)4 a 3)4
Clilc A K 1....110)4 a 110)4 Union Pacific.. 63 a 65
Mil A st P 43)4 a 43)4 Missouri Pac 13 a 13)4
apvanck and dkcll.mt.
The following aro the changes In closing pricos compared
with those ol' yesterday:?
Apvanck.?Erie, 1; Michigan Ccntrnl, W; Northwestern,
J4; do. prclcrrcd, )4 ; Ohio and Mississippi,
>4 ; SL Paul common, >4 ; do. prclcrred, l)t; Western
Union. V '
Dkcunk.?Pacific Mail, >4; Missouri Pacific, 1)4;
Illinois Central, )4: Hannibal and St. Joseph common
Slid preferred, >4 ; Delaware and Lackawanna. ),.
Stationary.?Atlantic and rac:Dc preferred, Atlantic
and Pacific Telegraph, Now York Centra!, C., C. and
1. C.; C., C., C. anil I., Harlem, Lake Shore, Now Jcr.
ley Central, Punainu, Quicksilver, Kock Island,
V> abash, Union Pacific and gold.
tiik monet market.
Money closed at 4 and 5 per cent, after sales at 3 and
1 Tbo following were the rates of exchange on New
York at the undermentioned cities to-day:?Savannah
nnd Charleston unchanged; Cincinnati flrtn, 60 to 100
premium; Chicago. 00 premium; New Orleans commercial
par, bank %, and St. Lotus, 60 premium.
Sterling exchango was tlrin. Prune asking rates
(.87 and 4.90; selling rates, 4.86t$ a 4 Mi34 and 4.89 V ^
1.90. Rolchsmarks, 95% a 96 V and 96# a 90%. Cables,
MX- Prima Paris, 6.13V and 5.11Vtuk
<ioi.ii market.
Gold was dull and atrong throughout the day at 114%
The rates paid for carrying were 2%, 2, 1 and 1% per
The steamship City of Vera Crux, which sailed for
Havana yesterday, took out (100,000 American gold
toin and (10,600 American silver coin.
The specie engagements for to morrow's steamers,
ap to this hoar, amount to (500,000 gold coin.
operations or TUK oolii KXCnANUE bank.
Gold balances (997,9:5
Currency balances 1,141.043
Gross clearances 18,734,000
clearing house statement.
currency exchange* ?o.>, in.o.iu
Currency balances 3,34.>,083
Cold exchanges 3,305,346
Gold balances 602,009
Tho Assistant l'ruaaurnr to day uaid out (GO.000 fold
ou account of interest, and $41,000 in redemption ot
Ore-twenty bouds.
Bank notes received for redemption to-day, $600,0001
Revenue receipts, $200,000. Customs receipts, j
in railroad bonds there wero some largo transactions j
In Miiwaukoo and St. I'aul consolidated sinking lunds
at 08% a 88%, do., La Crosse division, selling at 102%.
Chicago and Northwestern was llrm. Kirsls advanced
Iroin 103S to 104, consolidated selling at 104, and do.
coopou gold bonds at 113 %' a 94. Murium coupon firsts
roso to 121. Central Pacific* sold ul 107%. do , Sau
Joaquin Branoh, ai 9" a 97%;l'nion Pacific firsts at
104%, Port Way no firsts at 117'4, do. seconds at L10
and Rock Island aerens at 109%. Boston, Uurtiord
and Erie firsts were firm, and advanced to 24%. Western
I'acillcs sold at 100%, Ohio and Mississippi consul- I
Mated at 90%, do. sinking funds at 100, < bit-ago and Alton
firsts at 110% and Morris and Kasex consolidated
firsts at 108% a 100.
The following were the closing quotations for Pacific
Railroad lionds:?Union Tactile firsts, 104% a 105; do ,
land grants, 102% a 102%; do sinking funds, 91% a
01%; Central Pacifies, 107% a 107%.
tares latent stocks were comparatively steady. Chi
capo and Alton bronpbl NMK: Delaware. I.ackuwanna I
ami Wcalorn. 119 K; Kock Island, UOJf; New Jersey
Central, lu7 a 1(m;\ ; Cleveland and I'tltshurt; icuurau- |
lend, 07; Illinois Central, 10l\ ; failed Stales Kajiress, |
, Pennsylvania Coal, '.170.
London advices report a gain of ?41,000 sterling by >
ilia Hank of Kujlaud on balance to-day. Hie rate of I
discount iu the upon market lor tbreo mouths' bill* la
3 >4' per cent. Consul* arc a shade taster, and C til ted
Stale* bunds unchanged. In Paris exchange on I ouduuilun
la 28f. 24c. for abort sight Keutes, Odf.
27.'au In Prauklorl Uuitcd Slate* bonds, new
fives, are 101)*. The following are tbo Uve o'clock
P. M. quotation*:?Consols for money, 94'., a ?4 6-It);
do. lor account. 91), ; 18tii bonds, old, lOi); a 106)^;
1S07 bond*, 108; leu-forty bond*, lOd; new Uvea, 100;
trie, 17)*.
Capitalists and banking Inatiiutlona were to-day free
buyers of this claas of aecurltlea. tbc low price evidently
Inviting investment Tbo market closed tirrn at tbo following
quotation*:?United States currency sixes, 1207*
a 127; da do., ltifcl, registered, 121), a 121\ ; da da,
do., coupon, 122)4 nl22-,; do. llvc-twcnlies, 1808,
re|T3tered, 118>s a lis??; do. do., da, coupon, 1181, a
118K; do. da, do., new, registered, 119Hi * H#li;
do do., da, da, cniipnn, 119 a 11U'0'; do., do.,
1807, registered, 121S a 121S; do. do., da, coupon,
1211, a 121S i do. do., l^i 18, registered, 123 a 123>, ;
do. do., do., coupon, 123 a 1231,; do. ten-forties,
registered, 1171a a 118; >lo. do., coupon, 1181a a 119;
da flTes, 1881, registered, 118 a U8A{; da do , do.,
' coupon, 118 if a llSJf.
statk bonds.
In Stato bonds Missouri long sixes were a fraction
higher and Tcnuosseo old a traction lower; the other
issues hoiug without Important change. A sate of new
South Carolina sixes was uiado at 4??: Virginia sixes,
69 Jf; District ot Columbia 3.Go's ut 70,
n.\sn h li a ins.
The sales of city bunk shares were, Id Amorinan Exchange
at 1144a, 1() German Amorioun at 78, 20 Park at
120, those prices being about as yostorduy. Tho stock
of the Dank of the State was quoted 20 bid and ^rol j
offered at any price.
ixpouts op drv goods.
The imports ol dry goods ut this port for tho week |
ending to-day wore $2,027,327, and tho amount marketed
$2,401,148. The total imports of dry goods at
the port since January 1 were $28,349,887, and tho
total amount marketed $28,192,348.
The following are tho Philadelphia stock quotations {
at three o'clock this day:?
Bui. Asked.
City sixes, old 104';
City sixes, now lost;, 108); '
Cnilod Companies of Now Jersey.. 137'., 13S ^ j
Pennsylvania Railroad 6i?'? 50 )? .
Philadelphia aud lteadiug Railroad.. 60>4 60?; I
Lehigh Valley ltuilroad bl)4 Glj; >
Cutawissa Railroad, preferred ? 46 i
Philadelphia and Erie Kaiiroad..... 20); '20?; i
Norlhorn Central ltuilroad ? 38
Lehigh Nivvigatlon 60 50,'; j
Lehigh Navigation, gold loan ? 10b I
Ex dividend.
mim.no stocks.
The following are closing prices In San Francisco:?
Consolidated Virginia 88 >; Crown Point 26';
California 88); Yellow Juckot 30);
Segregated Bclchur.. 00 Empire.' 11
Ophir 05); Alpha 63);
Chollar 131 Belcher 35'4
Savage 18v; CouliUciico 28 I
Imperial 17',, Sierra Nevada 24*; ;
Mexican 38); Exchequer 21); !
Could & Curry 21 Ovcrntau 88); ;
ltest.V Belcher 58); Justice 32).; j
Hale <k Norcross OS); Caledonia 14); j
The statement was Irecly circulated that the special 1
committee, consisting of Messrs. Sloan, Morgan and '
Dickson, to whom was referred, with power, tho plan j
of iundtug Erie coupons, have agreed with the foreign
bondholders' committee to recommend the funding of
first consolidated bond coupons tor live years, paying
tn cash altcruulo coupons, and also lundlug llio second j
consolidated bond coupons Tor five yoars without uny
cash paymeut. Tho English committee return to Eugland
by to-morrow's steamer. '
The Canada and Southern earnings far the second
week in March, 1S78, were $41,212; same week, 1875,
$27,382; increase, $10,820. St. Puui ltailroud earnings,
third week March, 1870, $105,000; 1876, $103,200;
Increase. $1,800 The earnings ot the I'nton Pacific
Railroad tor twenty-two days in March, this year, show j
an incrcnso of (30,000 over tho corresponding period
ot last year, and since January 1 to March 22, iuclu- 1
fcive, an increase of $241,000 over lust year.
A private despatch say*:?"Tho first steamer for i
Asptuwall, direct, of the Panama through transit tine
will sail from this port on the IStti of April. Contracts
have been made with a Philadelphia firm lor throo
large vessels lor tho Pucillc side, and coutrucls will .
soon ho concluded for other vessels between this port
and AsplnwalL
, Khi day, March 24, 1670.
$1000 M k 6 i* con s f. 8-U4 l.AXJ sin I. s x M s .. b3i,'
2."ODO liog, II \ E 1st.. 24 5')" do O.J H3?J
:? slis Fourth >" ltk.03 K"., 12(11 do sit III',
lOH lu I'wiKH i 2 o"0 do 03.',
3( I do (13 100 do .c 03',
4<s> do 02", Us) do 63 03,',
2 U Will Lu (el <> , I^O do 03',
1(1(1 do 0 IO" do tlO 03
2(1) do W>, 1( <M? do h3 03
1 ?l do 63 GH}? 1!1)D do (S3
!!(<(? do S3 US', urj Mil k M 1' Klipf.. 7 >
301) Mich C?n UK...*3 01), H?) do 71K
UN) i.lil A N IV UK.... 13 1UI) do 71,
0<) I 1'iic M oil 88 2>l'? ID ) do 71',
0UI do 2D H 2UO ?o 71 ,
2'") do 63 2D', 4D ) do 71',
?>'*) do 2"', 100 do 7",
1400 do 2"!, 3DO do 7"?,
Oik) do 2'", 3 *) ilo.....% 7"',
Odd do 2d, 2dd do 7d',
2DD N J Cen UK U'7', 60C, C, C A I KR... 00
12D0 trie UK 2D 111) Ohio A M UK. si 2(1',
I'M 'in ""iiinisu uj\ j-..
I'M U S Kxpreae 0 72 Aim I'm-ul Mo . . .bo 14*.
5o Ui> be 72 UaiAtl.it Cw lf?. be |b
10 1'nPacKK be Wl?< luuOblo A ,\| ,u; be 20;,
BKKOHtS CAL1.?12:.H i'. Ji.
915000 Dlel Cot H.ftVa. 70 000 aha Krie UK ...b:i 2<","
Jik-O Tenii M'a.n aeriea 41 17' II do 20),
5<JU Kt VVmviic latin 117 4 'A) do lIJ
2IAKI?V i'?cbili?lM.< U."t 2i M Chi A .V \V IIII. a J 4
Jo o Clil. U A 7'?. II0>? AO i. . > A H ? K ?.;n4
anil ii i 41 Kola!.. IIH-, IIK.0 'hi toll-,
7<aa) Unl, II A II lat.. MJ 4 3.i tlo aJ < J'4
4o alia I'm k lieiik.... Ijo IWW do. i.a'4
Ail Die Dual 42 3UO Mil A bt P..... bJ 4 1,
2UO Weal La lei ...o3 l-*', .'kAJ iln 4. '.
jiai do b-', J'M Mil A M I' I '4
bid) do 01', I'" do 71*,
ami I' ae M Hi I .in 1U>? *?OU do .. 71',
jin do 2"?, 101 Ohio A Ml** RR , 20;,
o>>> d<> Ui> 21
20U du 2"*, l<*> Han A St Jo >3 IN*
ami Mich Cu ICR .... *?? IlllML, I ku SBll. 24 ;
luu do bit*, ll?J I'M- III! of Mo . e 14*4 1
* r. ii.
9I00U0 U 9 fl'e. r, 'HI.. 121?; fuooo V ? -VSo.e, Shi 12:1k
Jiaae, c h 0-20. e.'Uti.u llw1* li?<i I *.V?. e.'*1., Il-j,
1J6 *j I. p .. jo. c. "7 . 121,S 1 AJUO U bio-do, ?...b? I Id;,
4ouU do h im.'i
U*J do c ail lOOMII A >t r UK..., 4.. ,
awn do -0'< Km do 43',
1500 ?lo ao), 4"U do 4:i?,
}u uo .. . ,3 20 a 5m > do 43
I' d Tol iWib RH. bd 4 ami do 4 f4
121 do 3d am I do 42',
1100 L 8 .V M S KK.... ao I do 43'.
3 lOU do ?3 03 4WJ do 40', |
iO:i. AND 11:30 A. M. i
$35'00 C S 6'?, r. 'dl.. 121\ #1<> 0 L ft 5.20.017.h u 121/,'
i 7omO do 1?1 /, lJO.iu do nn.isr 121 1,
lunil' S . -2".e, 110), ?**? L'S j'?. r.'rtl IIk.^
1UUUO US 5--1*, r, '?>. u 110', 5CUOU ?. 10-40,0. ..b c 1 If",
12UU0 I. 3 o'?, c,'ttl. - lis), ftoui l'?U'a,cur...ba i2o?
Hilar WiAUD?IU:30 A. II.
KJOUO Mo 0'?. lougud,. 104), 4UtlnCI?rd K fd.be 07
K,*.' do 1041, IMlLSl M alltl..b c lid '
| 1*?J0 V??.* nidtd to'), loo do c O.l
] .MM 111,} ol?"' 7" 10. do .. .. .1.4 0.1
I IOHOO '1 niii old .bo 43 '.V do 03','
lOOnO liu*. II A K In 24', 2") no ?'J tij),
jUUU do... 2||| oO do I!..
I ioliOO do 34'4 Hi I ?.!??'
I 2<ilUCbi. Ill 1 K1"U?? l'?i do *5 0.1',
| 4" OCi.i A X W ?uu.. 1"4 ?Mi do .3 .,
I luouC M S VI In.. . H.OSi lUOMIcli Keu....be.i3 Oil),
' Wkju do ... Ill 1MO do U',
i lonMl .Sl'l.l,l.?i d l?/3), lUUC'bl A N \V RR.bd 43),
' 47oOO M A S 1' con ? f.. i"l 2U0 do 4.1
I 4 in Mi do i"i), li>> l 111 Jt X \V [if. ,.t o ?H,'i
3d Oil btiO tsnw 115X3 U, Kit loi
..UUUC A X W ?? |! ti. Ud'4 17 do J o','
41 ?.0 X J Cell coti v ... I li I*, l"i'Sl 1..KC A X.b c.,3 7
i 2i??i 11 A S Jo f ?.cou ".U)? 30.1 do 7
luni Mich lei. 7 > ... loO.fi ami Eric llli ....be ?>}?
: luUJ N Y Ceil o'i. '<1. IUi t**J do ?3 X)
! 41 wo "?r l?t. ?'?, c. 1-1 WW do
I imuUn I'M UK ui.. KMV /KA< <10 ?:J lu?i
I I40UUU.W 4 t> 111. cull ?<.'? -? lilt IK,
I I'm Pu{Id IhIi 107,', II*) do ill) Ik'4
; lUuutlC I' IH.OI J or. 1)7 ao.10 do I'.),',
j I jt) do U?3| '<4U*) Uu ... ... b.fJ if 1
i 16V ?> V? ?f M? -'d.. <*' *<> do b io 111',
ami All A ! il -d |if. WJ IDO do bd *J
lOUlt P. Kl W 4 0' l?l 11 < l4 ' **? do
IKJUU P. Pi W 4 0' 3d. Ili? IttO do J?
7lN O L d Cob * l?l ll/7lf 33 W do..,, Ill a
41 milblo ? Mt?., Jii. ill', II'*) 3"
lti do Am Lx Ilk ... 11-11. #loi 110 ... W" .o
Killer Am Mnuk. 7H 4iW do U {
4 , I'ei.n I on! b c 370 3t?iC, C, C .* I UK be 6ti
IU5 111 O011 Hi; b e H'lX VMi>||l k hi 4' UK..b 0 4.1**
am Wilt l'u lei., .bo HM do 4.1 t
411 no *"* , do 43',
10,1 do c u?-, lu II 1 m I' pl.b v.xil 7'?i
ji.O do b*'4 3(A) do 7",'.
4M i**?, K*> ? do .3 7<.o?
3 w do < ?*. IW> do 7-.;,
OUf do <*', 1 ?? 'do b.l 71;.
aO do '*'1 *'* do 71
(WU ru M ail S.S be -"'4 IIW r do. 7 ?,
1IJI, do .?! 30', I'M do 71
|<W do b3 31','. oO do 71
3,,, do 3IK, lUUChlJk ill KU bv llutf
kO do -l,Ji lUl) Cbl A All KB 11.41.
KW do O Del. 1. A Ml . Ill l.
f iOOOHoii. II A E ! (.. SIS: 3<?> tlii LSI MH BB.
IUUB, II A Kirl..be 3.'.', ISM <!<> 4MW [
iMHU'lii. K I A r 7'n. V<UK OoO do tSJ', ;
hiiuom & a r 7 3-io,o UH UJO do tja;4
8.">< i li .U A M 1* cou b f H8 4'p' Erie Kit.... .be.lift SI", ,
M?JO do HH'S .'?> do ?5 SO
1UOO do S"0 do sow :
lOOOC ANWccib. 03S W?? do l?3 3"?i 1
HOI.N V li'llH1., 'S3 loti 4O0 do soy |
TOOt'irn l'*c icolil b. I"7)^ 100 do ?3 SOU I
3000 M A K lit, cou ION;, SUO do bd SO*,
? do im> ii?< no -"?
17' OO 1 ?< < ( Mo 1 ?t... 93? I** ?0 ilo
I'MII' V \V A Clll 1*1 It ,'a lO*) 0O 2"??
&UX> tt ?tt Due bond*. IO-iJZ 1*H? do 2'".
0000 H. W A O l?t.e. k'7% KM do 20?,
HOUIliio A M cou f llM 4UO Mich I tu Kit. ..be ?3>. '
8000 Ohio A Mi** cou 100 Chi A N W KK.be 4b
5000 O V 1 kt. St .1 bf. !'7V4 10 N J Ceii IU1. 107
1000 St L> A 1 Ml 1st.. 102 lUUCtaiAKIRR boll'*
l<<JOCbi A Alt 1*1... 11'.', HO Mil it Si 1' KK.be H3'4
3"o*bi W c?lU I?l..ba CH'^ 700 do 43',
100 I do lb t-8 I'M do *60 42? i
IK* 10 do..- Of 30i do 4 i'C
?00 do 03^ 100 Mil.VSll'pf....be 718
U?? do ?7 0? 100 do 7oC
H"0 do ?10 OH 2111 do 71W
0O? do (W1,' KMTol A Wnb KK..bc 3W
75 do 6H>J 100D.-I. L. A \V KK.be II"1*
*M do *3 08 50 Cbl A Alt RR pf... 11 to
500 do b3 10 i Oluo A M UK i.f be -I'd
20O do *10 OH 20OlUnA8Jo.be.e3 1H
200 do Obtf 10> llun A 84 Jo uf bo 2HW
100 do b3 0S'4 100SI D. KO A S.bc 7
CO0 do HH'4 3'MKtL, A KC pfbc *3 3J?d
JOO Con Co?l 42 I'M I'm Htt of.Mo.be HJ,
70 Del A 11 Can 1-0 100 do 14.V* '
4(W Union Min Co..be 1?? 300 do 13
45 U Hli* be 72 5<> do 13W
1001'ue Mail 38 ..be 2<>J* 3O do 12?,
1100 do 20'* KM (Si L, 1 Ml A H.ibe 24
100 do bU 201* loo Kcuo K K 2d ill'..... 105W
000 L 8 A M ri UK. .be ta>J
i:30 TO 3 P. M.
$15000 8 C 0'*, n.J A J 4V,- 10)*h? Kri* RK....b3 20';
l(*M\Vl" T e. lUUn. iooC 1500 do 2o?.
1000C, C A I 0 1*1. . 53.C 300!) do 21
10OU0 MASK cou a f. HH', 120J do b.l 2114
UOOO A N CO - b. IM looo do 211,
-I'M. I'll l ac ?iuud. "l'a 31KJ do *3 21
4 fell* \Ve?t U Tel... Ui , 7"U do
11*1 do 1?3 ?*'; lnOLSAMSRIl ?I8','
5 Amor F.x Oil 1 .'?< 10 do 03
6'*J r?c Mail i>8 20)$ 1(KI do to! do',
SO do 1T4? , 3?*l do . ?3 03.',
2" do id! 2"*, !KJ0 Cbl A N \V 1L It ... 43
?H0 do 204j o?, u? 4..?^
0i?. Midi Con ur id!', 100 Mil A M 1' rr.... 43 ,
1'*' do iS (IH, loo do 63 4(>,
00 do 03', 300 do 43',
Old! do (it-, 400 do 43?j
Mm Eric I'll 20)J 1?" Mil A St I'Rit pt.. 71
2000 do 20!, 47 CM A AltRlt lOl>,
10O do btl J 20)4 .Km Ohio A Mia* RR . 1
3( K> do 1.3 20*, 100 do 21';
25 do 21 300 do 21 !
II" > do 2'ijs |l?i Pac KRof .Mi 12
100 do I.30 20?4 2"l? do 12*,
10O do ?i- 20?, 2"0 do 12',
UilO do lid 20*, 300 do 13
300 do 20,'4
cotton on t11e spot firm ? futures firm?
flour steady?wheat dull?corn firmer?
oats quiet?whiskey unchanged?pork
firmer?laud higher?petroleum firmer?spirits
turpentine firm?rosin !
Firm?oils quiet? freights quiet and ,
. steady?coffee 1-lc. higher ?sugar
FmiUY, March 24?6 P. M.
Tho spring trade is still behind the public expectation,
but It hits, nevertheless, picked up considerably
uiitnu the past week or so, ami in somo dopurtmcuts j
there has boon a lair movement at well sustained or
Improved prices. In some quarters, and noticeably in 1
dry goods, thore has b en considerable cutting under,
but this expcdieul has only been adopted in isolated
cases, and with a view of attracting customers lor j
oilier Kinus 01 iauricu man inosc rcuutni. r. no. ocas
men appear to have given up nil idea ordoing an extcusiro
business this spring, anil will evidently bo content
with very uiodcruto success until after tho j
rreaidoutiai election ahull have settled aonio j
questions whleb, though pertaining In the least to commerce,
yet exort n good dual of liilhivnce on commercial
matters. Tho tinnhciul und tariff problem may take shapo
after the Prcaldtmtial matters shall have become Milled
and tho business men of tbo country bo enublud !
to make calculations for the future. During 1
tho week past there has occurred nothing j
of especial importance beyond tbo Increase In business in |
sotno departments, except that tbo comparatively activo I
inovetneut ill breadstufTs which wus In progress during the 1
greater part of lust week lias been chocked and prices have
receded again, though they are not a- yet so low a< betore |
til* late spurt. Holders have resisted the decline all they !
could, hut it was found impossible to maintain a firm market I
while there was but little demand and wliilc there were ab- .
solutely no buyers, save at lower prices. Sow and then a I
cargo has been placed, but almost every successive sale has j
been on terms a little Inure favorable to the buyers. The i
firmness of freights has been line of tho '
principal causes of the depression in wheat,
and trcight room continued to be held at high I
? tl,? .d..,e ,,l the Kmtk The movam.llt int.ro- I
v isiuus liits been littul, but uu tliu whole fairly active, while |
tliu tendency ot the market has beeu In sabers' lav or all |
through the week. Other dcsciIptlnus ol merchandise liavo i
not hern subjected to violent lluctuittlons, while trade has :
continued moderate. To day, Friday, only a moderate In |
inlry prevailed Tor most descriptions of merchandise, and
prices were variable. On 'Change, Hour was In rei|ucst lor 1
shipment at sluady figures. W heat was dull ami prices were 1
a shade easier. Corn w as in irood demand, scarce and turner.
Oats were quiet. Whiskey unchanged. Pork was
llriner, but not very active. Lard was active and higher, |
though closing a shade below the highest prices quoted. :
l-'roigiits wero well up, but charter rates were scarcely so |
stiff. Cottou was Orin. Coffee was '4c. higher amt active.
Nuval stores were tiriu. Petroleum was tlrin. Oils were <
quiet. Sugar was steady.
AxHies wero steady, with a fair Jobbing trade at 5J?c. a |
6?4o. lor pots. Pearls were quoted uoiniual at 7c.
Antimony was liriu at lira, a lu\?c.
Bkkswxx was Drill at 33c. for Western and Tic. a 34>jc. for I
Hnoux Corn.?Tlio market was dull and unchanged. Wo 1
quote:?Wed, 1 '3c a 5c.; red tipped, ftc. a 6c.; medium j
green, 7lac. a Sc.; choice green Ion I and brush. He. n liJc.
C.v.Mii.s.s were steady, with Juhbiug sales at quotationa.
We quoteSpcriu, 'i.'c.; sperm, patent, Macy's, 38c.;
stearic, K. Mitchell <k Co.'s (Id ox.), 27c. a 28o.; adamantine
(17, I t. 16 os ), 17*^0. a 17c.; psraffino ct's, 6's and
12's). TUe. * 71c.
CorrgK.?The market tor Ilrasil was !gc. higher and active j
at tiie iiuprovemeut. The salos of Kin were 3.476 bags ex
Sura at I7?4c. lor strictly lair, 1,531 do. ex. J. L, Pendergust
at l"c. lor go.id; jtO do. ex Lord llaltimore at 16c. lor
good ami 3,tX> I do. ex Contest on prlv ate terms ; mild coffeo
was quiet. Wo quote ?Ordinary cargoes. 15,'jc. n lft?4c.;
fair do , 17c. a I7'.,c. . good do., 17'ji-. a 17*4c., prime no ,
lsv4c. a l8tBc.; extreme range tor lots. lftjac. a t'J'.jC.;
Santos, fair to goia], 17c. a 17'4c., gold. ninety days; Java,
government na rs. JJc a JIc.; do., gruss mats, 27c. u 7.>c.;
.-Singapore, do., )H)Be. a 2W.; Ceylon. 17*ac. a ll)c.; Maracat
bo, 16c. a I8t?.\; Laguuvra, 17'Bc. n |6?Bo.; Jamai.a,
ltit,c. a 18r.; St. Usiuilugo. Iftc. a lftljc.; Porto Hioo. 17c. a
in.- Cost a Itica. I.e. a In.'ic.; .Macassar. |8'.,c a II" .c. :
Meaiean, I To. a Irtc.; Manila. 17r. a ISo.; Athtnttura, 17e. a
ISe. ; Savaiiilla. 10c. a lsc.: (Turnout, ltlc. a 17c.
CoorkUtUK Stock waa doll. I>u< pricet ware unchunaed.
W? uuola Mulaaaoa ahooki. 33-Inch. witli lie ana, M ;> i a
f J aft; m;>ar thookt, with liondt, 3S-lnCh, S3 60 a S3 *.j; do.,
no., MClneti, $1 M a $3; bo* thookt, 7de. asiic . rum do .
Si; pipe do . S?1 .1 jkl SO; empty hoiraheadt, C- b*l", hoopa,
li loot, Otdlhury to prime, *37 a s4c>; ln-opt, 13 foct, do.,
*33 a #35 t or M.
Oorrtk waa >..c. til if Uc r for lake, and 3O0.UU0 to 4<J(J,000
Ilis. >tiId at -'Jtac. , ,
tlunnaok ntlod <iulct, but pricra were unchanged. Wo
quote; Manila i^irgc and amall aiao). per lb., li1,!-. a
l*,l,c. ; do. cordage, boll rope yarin, 10c a 17c: tarrod
Manila, liv ! Sltal ropo. lli'sc. a lljgc ; .Near Zealand,
11',e. a !_>?? -; Kuttia hemp, tarred, lie.; American do.,
14c.; Kuttia boll rope, 17c. ,
I'orroN.?The market lor tpcl wai Uriu at Ibrtner nrloei.
Kuturet clo-ed Arm. The doting pricet to-day compare
with Thurtdajr't closing' pricea a* lollowt j?
TAufaf'ly -Mit/cA 33. /tuioy, )Itlrrh 3t.
Mirth.... 1.1 13 83 al37l? March ... 13 lj .13 a ?
April .... 13 13-83 a 13 716 Apr? 13 17 U a ?
May 13 11-33 a 13 33-33 May..., 13 35 33 a 13 1310
.1 mie 13 3133a ? June li I-Ilia 11 3-33
July 13 3-33 a 13 8 10 July li 1133 a 14 ".lit
Auguit... 13 j-lba 1811-33 Aughit.. li 7 16 a 14 13-33
Slept |4<a a 1 iij
October 111, > li'.
A"v 14 1-1(1 ? 141"
Oec II I 16 a 14 >4
?Quotation! baaed on Afnerlean >t-.udaid ill c'lnaatfiCMiion,
and on eiMtou iu store running lu qualiiy.uot more Ihm hull
a grade abovo or bcloa' the grade quoted
f./'lo 11 L*. Ahi'tumt. A". Orlraa*. 7V-.U_
Ordinary t)?4 li1, HV 0):
htriei ordinary H'>, 111', 10-, liya,
tiood uritiherc. 1 Da ll-'a I'. i 11',
Sirici good ordinary . 13 13 13!, 13',
l.ow middling l3'a 13', 13'a I3'4
Mrlel low middling... 13 13 , 13.C 13',
VlddllUK- 18 o-l'l 13 T IC. 13jJ 131,
tiood luiddhug 18 13 16 ltl I.1 tl 14 1-10 II I 10
Slnei g.ard middling. 14 3-ltl 14 ,'i-IH 14 7-1 ? 14 7-lli 1
Middhuf lair I* IMn 14 II 10 14 13 in 14 13 16
h.ilr lA 7-1*1 111 MB lo 11-1*1 1.1 11 10
-Stained.?liuoJ ordinary, 6j,c., airict go.-d ordinary, II;
low middling. 11),. uiuhhiug, 13',c. t he taut acre at lollowt?
.1 _
T" nog. Mil fr'miiv J..ml.
lC\|.crh. 1,U" 7H4 (.TIM
tunium^ion ?H> 417 4ii7
speculation 3*'1 ? 'Ji i
lotali 1.4741 l.ml i
- Iiiil.oletl In IO? ?1kivp are _?J?? balci hi arrive. l>rliv*
ir<l mi contract, lUll bale? for lutiire Uliv.-iy ti.a
ili). ??/? u luiluwa:?VeiviMA)', alter Iwn I*. M. -April,
i*ju bv.ui II IMlaC.. I.OMl 41 13 lillL'c., filii 41 I3 IxJ.r.,
linn II 7-lib .May. I.It" at I !l'i?. ; Ju .ie, 7H> al 14 1 .14c .
:i'? at 14 Mile., ll*> al 14c ; Jaly, 4 >i at I4'4c , -Hi ?t
II 7 .C.C.; V" "mi 14 J-lUc . Attaint. 1.100 at
II ll-33c Total, ?,.*?) baler Today, up in two I* M.?
Marcli, Ji'l baler at I 4,c.; April. NO' al 13 1:433c, I I'm at
I i 7 - I'V , l.i'ii ? 1.1 I.i :i7c., ai' ii wV? l-mat 13 7 l.'o.;
May, 7i?)*i 13 II l?lc . ".'Oat 13 Jl-J4c., 7<J?J ai 1.1 I l-ltie.,
I.IO I at 13 4.134c.. 41*1 at IJ>?c., 4'?J al 13 3.V34C. I
June, 1,14?i at 13 lb-Ilk'., 1.31*1 at 13 31 14c., 1.1**1 at 14c.,
im ui 14 134c.- I.3i*i al 14 l-llkr. ; Jul*, 41*1 al
14 .V.I3c.. 3.|i*i at II 3 Hie.. 7UU at 14 7J.V.;
4"* i at 11'aC.; AuRnat, 31*i ai 14.V|6c.. I.3JU at 14 II 34c.,
in at 14J,c.. 4i?i at 14 7-IHc. final. Ill,41*1 baler. (Irani
total, 37,11*1 bale*. Ilia rural t> at tlia porta ware an lot|.i*>
? Oaivraloo, Mi baler; Mete i >rlean4, 3,*3 7; Mobile,
:ui<; Savannah, 70H. Charleston, Hill; W lluiiiiRton, 117;
Norfolk. 1.7H7: Baltimore, IIM; Sew York, tin*; llnat ,n,
134 PlilU'taljihi*, 3lii Total, IMU7 talc. I lila <la> laal
weak. 'J,'*'3. 1 lila nay la.-t year, ?,S17. total rlircc no pie intier
1, 3,t*?,4l4 bale*, ' olion lieiylita eloaeu a? loliowe : ?
To Havre, liy ateam. *44. eooipraraad; to Hamburg, by
iteam. J,e. coniprcareil ; to Mr.men, by ileam, cumproed
; ta Liverpool, I433?i. by rrteaii.; by aall, M-J3d. Maract
Hit Los, kc'.? Opium vat llrtn at $1 3b, Rold, In bond,
I-- CO. I.O. I all. - .4.1.,.
raported 14 . iiiaatrc* Oil rllrlot w?j quiet el $| 73 per crt.
l?r l?r;a ' >? ami Jc. a J Sc. pel iu lor email lota. Cam i
puor M .tcaiiy at J~iv. M iet!ned. Cruam tartar wee )
tlrm. at :Hl?c. a l n?i.\ tear American ami French, ami JH)ao.
a4nc. lor powdered .\leultoiic? ? Chloroform aaii ether wore
si cany at UOc. lor tin* turiuer ami "nr. a ride. lor tlie latter,
flora* waa ale*tl> at II V ft rellneU city and ill.1,*, lor do.
Cahluruia. Itaiaam lulu wai uoniiiial; q Hot ail at (I iti a
? I 7iit aoitl. Hurguatfy plMli waa Arui, al he. Onarana a at
lirm at #4. M it una, now crop, waa auMetl U I la 43c. lor
auiall. $ I Ui a #1 III lor larnv auil J >?. lor aorta. Iluaaluii
cehtliaridea were quiet at *1 W> a t1 al. Caitnr oil waa j
nlearijr at Ilk', lor caaee ami 13c. lor tiUla. Miclluc waa {
oulet at I.e., ("id, lor U. C.. anil Jik, (old, lor Knullali. ,
iiivi illvl waa very nam inil lirm at $ > per ton. '
Cute It waa active at 7c.. (old. frumata potaali waa I
quiet at -*o. a :i?c. at to quality. ilieUroinatc potato waa
ooli at IMc. Sal amruoiiiac iluli at I i'4c., iroltl. Irlalt m?u ,
waa quiet at ii ,r. a 7e tiamliler waa mm at ?., (old.
Kpaoiii aalta wera iu lair deul-aml at .'c. >iiiuac waa quiet at 1
?l It' Areola were stead) at dwc. a dU'tc., (old,
accorihit.' to quality. umtlau root waa steady at ' J,c a rive.
I'aaata Inula were in lair ileman ! at .-J. ao71(c. Colombo '
root waa quote.l at ?a for a hole, and 14c. lor iwwdered. i
Ouui good* waa uiui at 7>q0. a " a., wttli up card tendency. I
[ARCH 25, 1870?WITH SI
jur.iper hemes ?.t? dull Ht Sc. ? 3>Cc lor ordinry ItHlUn.
Drnupo p?el rulou ijiiu-t hi loi^e. a 11c. nud l"c .to arrive.
> kiiIi'c turiicunue wn? dull hi I7',e. n llle. Caalllc ?ou|? ?
Conti white was iimill d ul lli'^c. ami Marseille* l>?re
mottled at loe. taHd; ".iiclicllc salts a ero steady hi
tor blila. Hua btc.c: lor ikjim. yuinlue was >u noo<l
iDHUil hi $2 lu blue vllrlvl nil steady Hi
Morphine wis active ?t * I 10. Imllile potash was In fhlr domHtiil
Hnd steady at $2 27, bulk. ami *12 US b. I.,
and $2 la luclusive Alum? Lump ?u io Ihir ilo
iimud hi 2*,c. h Chlorate potash who io lair doinanil:
i|Unted at 21 e. it 21 >..c., 2?ld. ami 22c. fur itreeuliackTartaric
acid ?u juiet HI 42t,e.. jul'l, lor crystal, uu.l 4th'. a
' >' a' lor powdered Lilric aeiil was tlrin at i oc a 7i>c.. Hold.
Licorice root v*m quiet at lor titer prices; qu ucu Mi 4c.
gold, and trnu 8c to lie. currency lor ^elected. Licorice
past*. Calabria, was quiet at 29*. A 38c. >|?uiiish solid * as
In good demand at 25c a 28c., gold. I'iitnateili wm quiet
at Sic. Mnall Guxulina was quoted at 2ttc. a 30c. Lorde
Gusaliuu witi? in good demand at 38c. 1'. At S. small wua also
active ut HGe. a W^c. t-alifornia wh? very scarce. i
Cuttlefish boues ruled quiet at 25c. lSul?*iu copaiba
was liric at a 7 c Haffron via* brtu at J2c. a 25c. tor
American and $8 n VI2 tor >pai.tsh. Galnugal root waa
qu?St at 4c. a 4\c. 0?d liver oil wan In talr demand
at $\ 5u a Ifl 00 for Newfoundland and $2 iu lor Norwegian. <
Hbubarb was in moderate demand at juice* rauittug irons
55c. to VI lu. Giuucr waa tiriu at 21>to., lor
Juinsica b each oil. Lrgot waa decidedly lower, now
otic red at VI 7.?. Quicksilver waa uuolud at 07 c. a
08c. Leaves were quiet, but steady; quoted at 'A Jo,
for belladonna. 11c. tor conlutn auu aconite, 2()c. a 22c. tor
hcubuno and $i 25 for rose. Ai-miiiIc was in lair demand
ut 3*ac. a S^c., gold, tor white powdered, and 13c. a 13kac.
tor red do. Seed* were uuiet \\ e iiuoie Mustard?Yellow
California. 7^c. a *c.; brown do., 0c. a 0)pc.; brown
Trieste. 7 sc.; >oliow huglisti. 81(0. Canary ?
i'riine Dutch wasuuotud at $7 75 nudSiUfrua waa Urui at
#7 25. llertiD was quiet at VI 8/5?. Caraway was nnn at
12c. a 12,'uC. Coriander wo* quoted at tyfcC. Camomile
llowefs ruled outat at 10c. a 22c. for Komau. Glycerine
wa? iu fair demand and firm at 17c. * I8^e. Sweet
marjoiant waa quiet at 2Uc. a 22c. Orris root wa*
aloauy at ijke. a 2 k*.. according to quality, ionca uettn*
steady at VI 50 lor Angostura. Allbt-a root wa*
tiruiiy held at djc. lor while cut an?l 25a
tor lair do. Gum arable was quotdU ?t 15c. lor
prime sort* nnd 11a tor second do. Angostura bark
wo* scarce and tirmiy held at 5oa Sassalra* bark was
quiet til Kc. Suuilltt were otiiel at 14c. Lavender (lowers were
quiet at U,lac. Valerian root wa* quoted at 2ou. lor KugusU
and 15c. lor German. Albuineu was steady at doe. a 70c. tor
Dioou auu c*i a ci 10 lor egg- narsapunua was quiet
bui Kteatly at 35c. a .<7c. lor Moxii'iiu, 'Vic. it 37c. tor common
Honduras unci 3. ks. a 37c., fold, lor ilo. uo. tor export. Jalap
wasuuoted at 13c. a 13c.. gold. Gum dumar wio quiet at 10c.
n lf*c. Gamboge was quoted at ii7c. amhui'II'Ih wa# m-ady
at K>c. a 17c. Caibouale auiumula was quiet at I4f^c. ,
fold ?iji?u|tH| tills wart quiet and unchanged. Wo
quote ? till bergumot. !?:>; oil lemon, Sanderson's. (2 73;
Ihinseti's fiuo?t oil rose, $d 3i>,; on anise. #1 75,
ail gold; oil caraway, pi 40 a *2 .a); oil orolou, $3 Id;
oilcitronuDa. 75c. a '33c.; oil lavender, 75c. a $3; do. uo.
(51 i let) am), f\: fttt; oil cloves, ?1 2?>; oil wmtorgrucu, b * 30;
oil aaasairaa, inclusive. ?5e., oil peuuyroyal. Is ? 83 mi. all
tuiniAci; oil ot bay, p3."?. I ie .oai act lot Lugiisb choiul
calsw.4- 3rut, alto an upward tendency the sales v\? io
3<> tons mmI ash, 4-> pur cctii, at 3c ; .'3 toua a.il soda at
$1 45, loo drums caustic soda at 4 3 Itic.kefs bicuro
soda at 4>4c., all gold, and I0U casks bleaching powder at
$1 95, currency Wo quote: Sod i sail, ordinary to good
brsnus. 3c. a K,^c.; sal ?od*. 14Mc.; caustic soda, 4'ge. a
4)gC.; bioarboiiuts soda, all gold; bleaching powder,
3c. a 3l^c.. currency ; supor carbouato soda, John Owiithi k
Co.'s on kegs). 4c.. currency.
Fx at Miens wore steady, at UOc. tor choice, 38c a 5$c. for
prime and -lOc. a 45c. lor mixed; NO) lbs. choice sold at OX*.
I* ISII.?The market for codfish was steady, with sales of
500 quintals new George's at $ "? 75 and 4i>? quintals Grand
Hank at $4 3o a $| 73- .Mackerel were in bettor demand:
3iJi hbls. Halifax sold at a private price. ilerrlugwere
unchanged. We quote:?George's cod, $5 25 it $0;
Grand Bank do., $4 50 a $'?; new George's. $5 75 a 90. |
Shore mackerel. No. l,$2d a $28; do., large No. 2, $lGu
Sl7. Box herring. No. 1, lwe. a 20c.; scaled do., 2?c. a
33c. : barrelled do., 1'ortluud let 75 a #5. Labrador, $5 5U a
S3 75.
Klocr and Gkain.-?Receipts?Flour, 7,478 bbls.; wheat,
I9,7UU bushels: corn meal, "?hi sacks; oats. 18,300 bushels;
com, 47,550 do.; rye. 2-0 do.; barley, 2,00 J do.; barley
malt, 2.508 do. 'the cm and tor tlour was moderate from
the trade, but fair Irom shippers, at steady prices. City
brands were wanted for the West Indies, and several thousand
barrels were takeu at unchanged figures. The sales
wore about 90,OUU bids., including State, Western and
Southern, at the aunexed quotations. Kyo tlour sold to the
extent of 4O0 bbls.. at $1 Ho a $.'>10 for fine to superfine.
Corn uieal was active. The sales were 800 bbls. and 300
sacks at the annexed quotutious. We quote *?
No. 3 State $3 25 a $4 00
Superfine State 4 25 a 4 GO
Kxtra State 5 uo a 5 25
Choice State 5 23 a ti 00
Superfine Western..., 4 25 a 4 00
Kxtra Western 5 Ota 5 25
Minnesota 5 4" u G 50
Hound hoop nhio, shipping brands 5 00 a 5 25
Hound hoop Ohio, trade brands 3 50 a G 50
Family 7 00 a 8 oo
St. Louis, low extra 5 00a 0 23
St. Louis, straight extra G 25 a <1 50
St. Louis, choice doulne extra 7 UO a 8 00
St. Louis, choice family ! 8 oo a U 50
Kyo Hour, fine to supernno 4 50 a 5 25
Snutherii, No 2 3 25 a 4 U>
Southern, superfiue 4 30 a 4 50
Southern, extra 5 (*U G 50
Southern, tumily G 75 a 0 00
Corn meal. Western * 2 GO a 3 10
Corn meal, Jersey 4! in) a 3 10
Corn meal, Hrandvwlne 3 40 a 3 50
Corn meal, puncheons 20 00 a 2U 50
?W heat was in limited demand ami the market was a shade
for rejected spriug. $1 14 for No. 3 Chicago, $1 18 for No. 3
easier. The sales wore about lOO.OUU hush?!* at $1 a
?1 oh Milwaukee. SI 20 for mixed. SI 27 a $1 28 I
for No. 2 Milwaukee, closing at $1 28 bid for
prime samples. Cora w** scare** and firmer. The inlet
were about 11*3,000 bushel* at 83c. a ffiVjc. for no grade.
G4J*c. * 04&e. for summer. tH^c. for low mixed. H5c. a
6f?*4c. for tuixod on the spot, closing firm at Goj-c. bid.
54%c. a85c. tor April delivery. Kye was nominal; 5,080
bushel* btuto at 90e., afloat. Harle.v was fairly active. We
note tales of 2'UJ *> bushels at f 1 <?7 for State, 11 83 for No,
2 Canada, $ 1 u7 tor No. 2 Hay. Hurley malt was qaict, with
sales of 3,0 M busheU at boc., cash, for two-rowed Stat",
Oats were quiet and nominal at 40c. a 48c. tor No. 2 Chicago.
We note sales of si.UIMJ bushel* at 45c. for No. 2
Western mixed. 48c. a 48'?c. for No. 1 mixed, 40c. for common
w hite Western, 47c. tor State mixed, on track. andoltgC.
lot M ill 'A bite. Oft track.
Kurir.?Foreign dried was quiet, with the exception
of Turkish prunes ; about 900 cask* sold at 5'a'c. a 0*40. Wo
quote New layer raisins, per box, $2 4U; half do., if I 5U;
quarter do., TOc. ; new loose muscatel, $2 75 a $2 t*J per
box, according to quality ; now seedless raisins, $5 50 per
fYail; Valencia rnistns, 10\e. a 1 lc. per lb. ; sultana do.,
15c. for new; Turkey prunes, 5^c. tor Servia and Bosnia;
new French do., 7c. a 12c., accord lug to site and quality.
Currants, Leghorn citron, 21c. Figs, II\Cc. for drums; '
l.JJr. lor layers. l)atet. .C4c. HrMtl huts. 7\tc. Domestic '
dried was quiet. We (juole Applet, State, quarters, kK?. a
U'aC. ; do., sliced, lOc. ? lUjyC.; southern, quartern. He. a J
H>fc.; do. sliced. HV?e. a lie.; do. fancy, 12>,c. a 13c. |
i'oache*. peeled?Georgia, prime to fancy, 14c. a l*c.; i
impeded Jo., quarters, 1U>#C.; huives, 12y?c. a 13c. Blackberries.
10|?c. ft lie. Raspberries, 20c. a 27c. Cherries, j
10b. 20b. rlums. Southern, lHc. a 2Uc.; do.. State, 21c.
1'ctnuis were firm, with an upward tendency. We quote:? I
Ordinary Virginia, $1 25 a $1 50: prime do.,$l 70 a $1 75;
choice do., #1 HO a fi; ordinary Wilmington, $1 25 a $ 1 40; |
prime do.. $1 *15 a $1 7l?: choice do , $1 75 ft $2. Domestic
gieoti urns steady and lalrly active. We quoteApplet, i
s *1 octet) winter, per bbl., |ii a $5; do . mixed, $J 50 a $2 75; !
do., common, a 5o. Cranberries?1Choice. $:< 75 n
$4 30; do., g aid to prime, $3a$3 50; do.. Katlern fancy, I
per bbl., $1.> 30 a $10; do , good to prime, per bbl., 5<i n
jfcit 25.
Hay and STilw.?There was n fair call for shipping
grades, bill the demand (retail qualities) wan rather mode- ,
rale. About uU) bales sold for shipment to Havana ut
about 75c. We quote:?Hale hav. snipping, at 7Uc. a HOe.;
retail qualities at UOc. a $1 05; clover at <l5c. a 75c. StrawLong
rye, $1 (J5 a $1 20; oat do., 00c.
II km p and JUTS..?The market was generally quiet, but
nteady. We quote:?American drettcd, $11M a $200 tor ,
single. $220 a $225 for douhie\nd $12u a $125 lor rough;
Manila hemp, 71 ,c. a l\c.% go.d; Russia, clean, $2?M. a $2K>, 1
gold; Italian. $276 a $2 4?, gold: Juto. 4'^c. u 5,l4c.. dummy;
lute butts, 2c., cash; no. to arrive, 2*?c. a 2j?e., gold.according
to location; Slual liuuiu, 4*Be.. a )*e., gold; Istle, o?4c.
a Oc.. gold
111dks. ? I he market was quiet and V4c. lower on Monte- I
trldto*. .The sale* weie 2.UMJ dry J'exa* on private
terms*, 1,200 Montevideo, 21 lbs. average, at lt))4e., gold,
mtba . ?1 ' Mon 11- v Ideu, j< *19 11m ivmet, atia)|e>i
gold, four months, and 1,5m Corpus Christ! on private tortus. !
We qti?>UiHutnus Avne. 2U to 24 int.. Ilk- a UO.-, ; do.. 21
t > 2H lbs., 2<'c. a 22c.; Moutcvidco, 20 to 22'... lbs., in1 .c.; Cor i
ricnto?,2l toil lbs.. 1 c. a Ine,; KloUratide. 2i> to 22 lbs., ;
C^c.; Orinoco. 2" to 22 It.s . lUo.; California. 21 to 25
lbs. IH^c.i Central Americau. 1H to 2i lbs., Irtc.;
Mat am ores. 1*2 to 24 lbs., li^c. a l^c,; Vera Crut, ,
IS to lv lbs., lie i loc.; Bogota. 1H to 2ll lbs., lMc.
n _0>,c.. all gold, selected; lexns and Southern. 24 to 30
lbs.. IJ?. ? 14c., currency, as they run; city slaughter,
oi t*0 to 7 lb*., Hqc. ; cow 43 to tkJ lbs., 7Uc., currency,
? l.ie market *<?> llrin and business was restricted ,
by the extreme prices demanded by hdueis from Mr. ,
hinmct Wells' A oekly Hop CircularReceipt* and export*
-Receipts !ur ihe week. I,t>52 bales; total receipts
ditto - cptciubor I, iS75. 72.424; total receipts lor same
period in i*74, 40,274, export clearances lor the w?*ck, 017;
V?ual exports llutfs HoptOlnbcr I. 1H75, 24.71*2; total exports
for *aiue period n IH74, 15.2*3. Me uuote:?New York
state. 12c a ice.; Kustcrn, lie. a 17c.: Wlscontins, lie. a
17c.. yearlings He. a lOc.; o.ds, all growths. 4c. atk. : Call
form aim 17c. a 2Uc.
iuo> ? lbe?e wat a httld belter doiuaud for American
pig, 2,o tons No. I liioiiiat sold on private terms, there
were n' liie tii'.u rle? for lorge at low or Ice v but no business
transpired I Here whs ai?e a little more Inquiry lor Scotch
pig; sales were made to the extent of 15(1 tons I.glinton
and */0 tons Ctiliiies* on private terms Scrap whs neglected.
\\ e quote American pig. No. I, $25; do.. No. 2, $2*2; do,,
for jr., $|H a $2U. Stolen?Dullness, $32 50; (flehgarnock.
?.l" Kgliiilou. a scrap ar,>ug'iii, p m asked;
I ill. steel, fJ > per lull; do. Iron. M: u $.14 per tun
I.SAP ralCd Si<- tjy it 90 do tui J 'UIOIIC
1.ssiili.u ? Ihcru ??> it steady. lair dent slid for hemlock '
iule a. steady price Km receipts for Dm week were t,7.r?mf I
.idea and l.titd b,lo<. w ||<ic (liu cap.-us fur tlie t une p.iiod
.urt sides. ?l ,tti ttili li.uvtl wcul tu ..ugUml
an.| 'l.itSJ t" tlie t',|,tlile nl We quote mlook?I.ighl
liitcno* Arret. ?ie. a i'ic.; do. i'.?|.
itornia, Uc .; ?tu. common tiide Jl\c. n li'-V : mlililla llncnne
Alien Jll'-r. 99?,; d,?. California, XU:. a .'-to.; do. coin
mull hide. '.'Ac. a J to ; lie try llnrnot Ayrvs, '.No. I'.V. ; (to.
t'ulilvrni*. d-te. a .'Ac.; tin. common hide, .'He a lift*.; com!
damaged linouot Ayr#., due. a due. i no. California, doc. a
2U.; ito. ioniiuon Utile. -<K:. a lie.; |ioor damaged comuiuii
liltla. lite aire.
iiui t era ate,nly but unlet; unlet were 170 bblt. New
l,ileum at quotations. We quote.?Cuba, ceiitrllii.nl
ml mixed. die. a inc.. do. cluycd, dim a SK!c.. do., muvcil*
i .i.lo redoing, ;?A a -tile.; do., grocery, ?>e. a 4"ie.; I'uito 1
Kteo, :okr. if.; Kr.?-lish Islands. doe. a oOc : Xrw Jrleaiit,
good, 4 He. am>c.; prime, 0.1c. a ooe.; choice. .Vic. aim.:
lancy. about Oic.
Naval. HTUKM ? Spirits I rpcntit.e quiet but steady,
itusla ana steady; sale,, acre 1.4 si bblt. good (trained at
$1 70. \t e quote:?Hplrits turpentine, 4 Ic.; rutin, coiomou
to good strained. 91 V'> ,? 91 HO; tar. Washington. #U 1.",;
,1,1 Wilmington, t- ll4>ga(i pin U. 9d Advice. Irom
Wilmington were at lollOWC-Kosili tlrm : C. I). fc.,|l UU;
tar aicady: Wilmington, 91 <10: turpentine atcady: haul,
II 40; yo.lua dip, 9?J 4U: virgin, fj 00; spirit, steady,
Oiu acre qulot tint unchanged. We quote : ?Cottonseed,
crude, ode. a Sic.; Houtbero yellow, Me.; yelluv and a lute
wloler, OOc. I llusecl, casks and bbU., otic, a ?Hui ; larj
sillier, <1 Si a 91 UH; sperm, crude, 91 mI. do., bleached 1
winter, 91 Hit. do., natural do., 91 Hl>. aliale, crude Northern, i
T.tc. ; do.. Houlliern. Hie ; bleached winter, "Ac. e 7K. ;
olive, casks, 91 17), a 91 ittHl cases, 9-1 3ft a 94 40;
?Inter bleached lish.Aic. ; crude Usli, 4Hc. ,t ftOe.
r KTKoi.it I'M. ? I lie market was qniel, but closed a trilla
firmer. At I'liiladelphla 14,(JU0 cases s,,ld on private terms.
i h?j clonlliK |>ritv? were m !o low?: ?< viiiitt, m ijiiik, 9^0. ;
do. bbl?., ll^c. ; rnfiued, in bbl*., I4*tc u 14 \tc. ;ca^e#,
??*?. lor ordinary brand*. Ketliud, at I'hlladelplila. lA^e.. I
nuu in Baltimore, 1A>*C. Advieea Iroin the I'rcck were I
im lollowa:?Oil City quiet and lirm ; $3 IWS bid. United,
(J ID aaked; immediate. A-' 3U. I'arker'a, 11 A. M.?United,
tliipruent, #J 10; t' mdult. SJ 1", ahtpmeiil, $3 35 a <3 37.',;
gutiiill Han, |li I'nn n, Market atroug
I'Horielok*.?Ilcc*i|>tn? 3dtl bole. Ikril, A<>. tiercel and Jli
cm", rut incut., Ml) packagea: bacon, *'sl tierce* an I
All bone*; beef, .Vkltlerco* ami AHA bbl*.; beef hame, I OA
bbl>. I lie |Mirk market ?? quiet but generally alrnupi r.
I lie eloeliiit prtcua were aa lollowa: ? March, (33 In bid.
*.3 3u naked; April. $33 3U bid, fit HO aaked; May. $23 AD
hid. $-'.1 Jb aaked; June, Sol 5 bid. $23 7l> naked;
Jul], (-11 70 bid, #23 rei naked. The aalea were
about 1.300 I.bin. at $2.1 AO a ?23 A3 lor May.
Kpot aalca were Joo bbl*. at $.;3 25 B $23 37'k Cat mean
were dull but uiielianged; aalet were about lb*
pickled birlliaa, uiedluni to light average at 13*. a IJJfc. Vi e
quet*.-Freeh haaua, 13c. a I Ac ; pickled do , 11 'Ac a I Ac ;
treaii belliei. I Oi?e. a I . pickled do , 13 Ste a I Ac. ; bo t
bailie*. I JSC. a 12 Sc. Hacon wua atealy but unlet; aO
bocraicmir and abort ciear aold at tnn Weal on tbc baal. of
rj(?o.. city long clear'lanteil at 13c. and Wealara at 12'^c.
Ilnef ruled aluauy. Sale* aero I Jo bbla. ine?* at qaotationa.
We I!ante ? >#w barrala antra mcaa a l.I .at; plain mean,
(I I M; packet, $13 3o a #13, new tlercea city extra India
aee*. Mr a *33; India nieta, $J?; prima meet. $_ I.
1'eef hama quiet and nnehaagwrl at $JA a ?Jil toe pr.me
VmH.i. hniokod meata were ancbanged or IA So a Inc.
(or bauia and 11c. lur ebuuidare; 7i/Jlouit abouldaea aald *4
lie. Lard waa In good demand and prlcea were a trifle
higher cloning own* Tito cloning "call" |>ric- a were a* l"l
Iowa ?M arch. #l4/7',bld, *11 32S, linked. April. #14 *1% ,
ldd.il I if naked; May. ill Ik) l.id, *11 U?,' naked; Jan.- >
#14 SO bid. ?I4 5JL naked; July. #11 On bid. #14 i>5 1
naked' I'he aaiea were about 10.UU0 tioreea. I
including 'WXI tiereca Auril. Inat eveuiug. at #14 3.1 n #14 30,
ami 1,000 do. May. at#14 42 K a#l4 45; itt ?14 27,W af!4 30
a $ 14 32I.tr April, mostly at <14 :<U u <14 3:1.1, : #14 4'JK a
#11 40 lor May, mostly at <11 46, anil #14 5n n #14 57>i for
June. miMtlr at #14 57)?. Spot sale* wore If*) tierce* elly,
at 14'4u.. anil 16li a?. Western. at #14 35 Refined *?i
quoted itl 14\u. for South|Auierica. 141,c. for I'wtlMIII, aud '
ISjfc. for Cube Huttvr?Tiie market ut< tlrio aud active.
W?u quote : ? .Statu dalriet, lair to icood, 3t>c. a 34e.; choice
to fancy, 3ttc- a 3Sc, ; do , choice t'' fancy Ireeri tithe, 4'K- a
43c.; \\ .stern, cod to choice fresh. 30c. a 35c.; do., poor to
good, 2de. a 2Sc. Cheese ana steady, with a fair demand.
sVe quote:?State factory,common to Kood, 7'jc. a 1 li^c.;
lino to luncy. 13',c. a 14c.; skltua, 4c. n tte.; Ohio factory,
fair to quod. 53*0. a ?>,c.; do. Mat shaped, good to fancy, J
Hl^c. a r.?ic.; Cheddar snaped, good to tancy, 'Jr. a 121,r
Kick was atcady aud lalrly active. Wo quote:?Caro- '
Una, fuir to prime. Oc. a OJic. ; Louisiana. fair to good. 4\c.
a 5V4c. ; do., prime, 5\c. a 0c.; Rangoon, lair to good, >'< a
lt>ac.; I'atna, good, 7>,c. a 71^0.. gold; Haniioou. lu bond, *
HKc. a 2Nc., cold i
Hmcltku was quiet but unchanged; quoted $7 75 less i
per cent tor domestic.
STdABlxu.?Receipt*?00 tierces. The market was steady, at
15^c. fur prime.
Ocean.?The market was steady and unchanged; 420
hltds. common to fair rctlnlug sold at 7.t*e,
to 71ic. Refined was sternly. hut _ quiet. We
quotefair to good refining. c'.c. a 71,c.; Cuba,
grocery, fair tn chulee, 8>,c. it idjC,; do., centrifugal. bhds.
and boxes, Sos. M to 13, St4c. a He.; do . molasses, liluls.
and boxes, <VS,c a 7,'jc.; I'orto Kico, refining, coniluott to
prime, 7c. a 77,0.; do , grocery, lair 10 choice, Sc.
standard A, 04,c.; otf A, 03,c. a 03*c.; crushed, 11' 1,o a
10?,,e. i tmwdnrad, ll'lio. a 101,6.; granulated, 101,0. a 10'.,c.
cut louf. lu*yc. a 107s'".
Tallow.?Receipts?20 hhiU. and 70 bbli. The market 1
was quiet; quoted at SJjc. a He. fur prime, and S;l4c. lor
Tlx.?The market was quiet hut firm. W'e quoteitnnca,
22c. a 22>.c.: Straits. 17c. a 17J4c.; Kngl'sh. 17s4c. a 1 "a:., j
all gold. llates?Charcoal. nominally #7 50; coke. #o 50
a #7 75; tsruo, $0 12la a$t> 37'a.
TOBACCO?lite maraet was steady and fairly active.
Sale* wur? :k?? Iliads. Kentucky lent on private to ruin: 1"0 |
case* teed leaf sundries at 7c. A 2.'>c.; 12U ciuoi Now Kngland,
crop 1873. at 17c. and ou private toriui; 'JO > cases do.,
crop 1874, at \l?C. u 12c.; lift' ciuva New York, crop 1873.
on private term*. 40 case* Ohio, crop 1*74, at 3?jc.; 45
cases Wiscotmiu, crop 1874. ou privute terms, and 2**J bales
Havana at prices ranging from 88c. to $i 15.
Wiiinkky.? Receipt*?321 bbls. whiskey and 15 do. alto- t
hoi. The market was stcadv; Dubois. told at #1 13.
wool.?h us in ? ?< win still moderate and prices were a
trifle easier. The recent failure of a Heinle street wool
house does not affect the market to auv appreciable extent, I
us the bouse In question was known to he "shaky." and the I
failure did not cause any surnriae. The sale* were l.tiO) '
lb*, uuinerchautahle fleece* at 30c., 1 ?,iKk do. X do. ut 40c. '
a 44c., 8,0 10 do. fleeces at 28c. a 43c . 3,000 do. do. at 4He.,
5,001 do. spring clip Calitoruia wool at 18c., 10,000 do. tail
do. do. at 15c. a 17tac., 8,UU) do. do. do. at ltl|ac., 3,<KjO do.
do. do. at lt?c.,H.umdo. Oregon at33c, JO big-. pulled at 35c.
a 38c., ?*?,000 lbs. medium Texas at 20c., 10,000 do. fine do.
at 23 b,c., 1,000 do. extra pulled at 35c., 2,i130 do. do. do. at
38c., 1,0 JO do. combing UO. at 32c.; and on private terms,
10,0(1.* lbs. California super pulled wool, 10,1x10 and 12,<n>0
do. Chinese wool, 2,llO ' da black l'exus aud 13,000 do.
Westerti Texas.
I ukUiiiis.?<?raiu tonuage for charter was the only kind a
in demaud worthy of note, and even in this the business '
effected was moderate, comparatively speaking. The Chief \
restriction to a liberal business generally was u scarcity of
tOttltMgft. There was little WHO rOC*QS available for berth |
freights, and rate* in all cases were firiii J lie engagements "
Comprised?To Liverpool, per stcaiu, 1,000 bbls. sugar at
32*. (hi.; grnin room, nominally Hd. a 8J.J4.; bacon, 32s. ??d. ;
cheese, 37s. tkl., and by sail, 3( m i lihls. flour at 3s. lo Loll- f
don, per steam. 4,000 boxes cheese at 4uh. ; some lots pro- l
vinous on pi i\uic terms; grain, ov,u. sianuaru, nominally,
unit by sail, 20 tons tine at 301.; 25 organs hi 15s.,
measurement. To Bristol, by gull, KI.OOJ bushels | .
grain on privuto terms. quoted ut Dd. I bo I
charter* embiuced u Norwegian brig, bonce to Opvirto ?
with 13,000 bushels grain at ifle. ; a .Norwegian bark, from ] .
Itaitiinore mow at St. Thniuus) to Cork lor orders, with
3,000 quarters grain at tig. Ikl.; another thence tor game voy- up\
with quarters at 7s.; an Austrian hark, front Philadelphia
to Cork tor orders, with M,?*.*> quarters at 0*. 1M.;
one, thence for game voyage, with 3,KM) quarters at tl?. Ikl.; '
a Swedish l>ark, thence toduect Irish port with l,5ooquar- ;
tors at its. ikl.; a Norwegian batk, hence to Havre with 5,(MK)
bbls. nanhth.i at 4-v IO^cd. ; a British bark, troin Philadid- !
nine to Iriosto or Venice, with 14,IJUO cages refined pottoleuin
at 30c. ; a British brig, hence to Bru?t with 2,000 quar.
tors grain at Us. Ud.
FninAY, March 21, 1870. ,
RECEIPTS rou TWO days.
iWl Shrrn
ami ami
Yard*. Bccvm. Our*. Oulv*$. Lam *. Hon*.
Sixtieth street 9K) 31 281 2,H?)3 ?
Forty eighth street ? ? ISO l.H?2 ?
f ortieth street ? ? ? 100 2,039
Jersey City 1,491 ? ? 1,737 1,304 ;
Totals 2.471 31 4??4 (J,502 3,433
Hkkvks?Trade In horned cattlo this forenoon was fair on
a moderate ruu, quality Iioiu coiuuion to good being in general
rather coarse; prices were \ a 12\|C. per lb., weight I
5*4 a 9 cu t. From ob a 58 lbs. has been allowed net. The
herds to hand were all gold olf at iiooii. At Sixtieth street <
yurds T. C. Kualiiiaii sold for self Hi Illinois steers at 0\'c. i
per lb., weight tBj, cu t.; 48 Illinois steers at l>J.tc. per In., ?
weight Utg cu t. ; 15 Illinois steers at llijfe. per ib., weight 1
7' . IIUL - till Illinois sleura ut !<)*.'? tier In uilli >1 (VH. !i,.n I
of! per lb., weight 7ia out.; 4.? Illinois steers at lie.
per lb., weight 7ja cwt. Meant. C. J. Fagati sold for ' <
so If 54 Illinois steers at )04?c. per lb., woight d'4 cut. a H'j 1
cat. S. Rosenthal sold for self 38 Illinois *tei r-at U4ac per 1
lb., weight 0 cat. scant. 11. Meyer sold lor self 7'J Illinois j .
steers at life per lb., a eight tf cwt.; 111 Illinois steers at .
lO^c nor lb . weight 0'.^ cwt. a 7*4 ca t. ; 35 Illinois steers
at Iti.^c. per lb., weight ?ica t. : 141 Illinois steer* at lOc. a
11 >4c. per lb., weight 7'4 cwt. ; 7 Illinois *t> ers at 1244c. per
lb., weight W cwt.; 20 Illinois bulls at 4c. per lb., gross
weight I.USUlbi. per head. Vail X Kircbwuy sold for selves
40 Illinois steers at lu*4c. per lb., weight <St? cwt. scant;
lt> Illinois steers at 11c. pur lb., wight 844 cwt. strong; ,
10 Illinois stoeih at ll>4c. per lb., weight * cwt. strong.
Llery X Car.v sold for Coon A llast^rg 04 Illinois steers at
lO;44c. a 11 Re. per lb., with tops M 12c. per lb., weight
cwt.; 14 Illinois steers ut lie. u 12c.4 per lb., weight Real,
lturcliaid ?k Merrill *old tor Kankiii Jc I'tioinpsnii 11 Illinois
steers at 11 V4c. per lb., weight ca t.; 31) IliiiiolM steers at
He. per lb., weight 7 cat., scant. At Jersey City yards
Couov >V Mcl'hersou sold for A. Mcl illeu 32 Illinois Meets
at lie. pur lb., weight 7 cwt.; fur A. J. lhidisinaii 15
Missouri steers at 11!4c. per lb., weight 7>t cwt.; for L.
Hchoiitberg 78 Illinois steers at 11c. a ll>?c. per lb., weight
7^ rwt. 8. NV. Slierinan sold lor 8. VV. Allertoti 11) Illinois
steers at lU'4c. per lb., weight 1# cwt. ; 34 Illinois steers at J
lOe a 10*4e. per lb., weight 5J4 ca t. M. OoM?elitiiidt sold
lor lleirscti, Meyer X Co. 51 Illinois steers st I03fc. per lb.,
with #13 oil the herd, weights O1, ca t atl^cwt. ; Hi Illinois
steers at 10?4C. per lb., weights OJg cwt. a iljf cwt.; M) ;
Illinois steers at lie. per lb., weight 744 cat.; for 1
haddler. Havens A Co. 15 Illinois steers at lu?*c. a '
12c. per lb., weights 7 cwt. a 8 cwt. F. Samuels
old for Morris \ YVulxcl* HO Illinois steers nt lol,c. 1
per lb., with #ltioff the herd, weight t>,la cu t. >1. Lnuu-i
f)noli Mold lor Morris A Wuixels ?o Illinois steers ul 10.l4c. u '
10'gc. per lb., weight Ul4 cut. a *rJ4 cwt.
diikkp amd lamidl ? i rads fair and quality from fair to
choice.-^ Mieop ?Ml,l 0S|C. u Htg'e. per lb,; lambs, K'4c. u
H'-c. per lh. J odd ?fc Burkirigliam soul lf>4 Ohio sheep,
weight 18,170 ll?., nt 7c. per it).; 101 Illinois sheep, weight
K?,4ifO lbs., at 8c. per lb. Kasu X l'ideock sold b ?0 i
Ohio sheep, weight 88.120 lbs., ul 7c. per lb ; 77 1
Ohio sheen, weight 1U> Ins. per head, ut /fjje. per lb.
Ilutue A Klllott sold 41 Stalo sheep, weight d,020 lb*.. at
7'gC. per lb.; lb* State sheep, weight 1'2,< ?1() lbs., ut 7'ae.
per lb. Ilollenbcck A l)u\i? sold 18D State sheep, weight 1
17,110 lbs., at 7?4c. peril) ; 17.r? Slate sheep, weight 10,7")
lbs., hi 7V lair lb.; I'll State sheep, weight 23,311) lb?. 1
ut He. per lb.; 270 Stale sheep, weight 2M,018 lbs., ;
ut 8 Sc. per lb.; Tl Mate hinibs. weight H.UfiO
lbs . ut H'?c. per lb. J. Kirhv sold *k? sheep, I
weight 5.11;*) lbs, at 0\4c. per lb.; 84 sheep, weight 2,?JUU '
lbs., ut ?>\c. per lb. ; 01) sheep, weight H.tJUUibs., at Vj>c. per
lb.; 70 sheep, weight 7.74?> lbs., at 7j?c. per lb. ; h7 sheep,
weight SLfrtM) lbs., at $7 70 per cwt,; ht? lamb*, weight 3.1*0
lbs.. ulSl4c. per lb. ; 83- lambs, weight 8,7.70 lbs., at S>tc.
per lb.
Milch Cows.?'There have been no sales.
V kit* ami) Calylx -There were no gr.??s calves to hand.
Course quality meal led salves snlil ut He. a 8-^'c. pur lh.;
smooth quality vMIs sold at Dc. per lb Trude moderate.
11 Otts.?There were uo live hogs on sale.
domestic markets.
OaitBhTom, March 24, I87fl.
( ution (|Uiei; niiaauno. i-:se. . low untniiing, iiy,c.;
good ordluary, H'Sc, Net receipt*. *'*1 bules. Kxporti i
?i?it?lu. 'I'm hw?, i>'iA Mock, 4:1,61kI Weekly?Kt t receipt*.
5.318 bale*; gross, 5,51" Kxporle?To Ureal HiltHttt.
<1,317; 10 tliu Continent, 3,3'>1; coastwise, 3,8Ui>. Sale*,
Nxw ( Ikliuks, March 21, 187?l.
Cotton firm ; fair demand; middling, I1?a'c.; low middling,
12Sc.; g.aal ordinary, lulto. Net receipts, 3.837 balsa; gro**,
3.1*4). Kxport* To Uieat llritalti, 0..V'7; to France, j
1,407; to the Continent, 2,470; coaatwlee, 137. Sales, . >,(*? 1. j
Stock, 2l)6,tVH8 Weekly?Net receipt*, 21,740 bale*; grime, J
:t|,40;I Kxport-i?To Ureal ltrltain. 37,78)1; to France, '
; to the Continent. 4,4t(S; coastwise. 4,73li. Snlre,
#0,70 I. Corrections March 22, eX, oris coaetwlec should have
been ii.St'3 Instead ol U.x'.ki. March 23, do. do. 1,72! instead
ol I.UU3.
Moklt.K, March 24, I87M.
Cotton Arm; middling, 13c. ; low middling. 12c. Net ri
ceipls. 3&> nalre; gross, 3rtj. hx ports To Ureal Hritain,
4, I.e.; cnalwise 141. Sales, 1/8)3. Stock, 40,310, Weekly ?
Net receipt * 4,1k*. balee; m<-, 4,.e<4 hx|>oiU?To tireat
Britain, 4,100, coastwise, 1,774. Sales, U,2oO.
CllattLOTTK. March 24, 187(1.
Cotton very firm; middling, I2'4c.; low middling, I2e,; 1
gaud ordinary nominal. Weok y? Ueeelpte, rati bale a. ship
menu, rati. Sales, 013, Spinners', 40, Stock, 1,138.
CllARLKSTOSt, March 24. IH"0.
Cotton Arm; middling, 13c. a 13ijC. ; low nridtllltig, I2',? ;
jroml ordinary, 11c. a 11 Sc. Nut receipts, *>31 bale,, .-sales,
l.igjn. stock, 27.575. Weekly?Net receipt*, 2,008 bales,
exports?To Ureal Hritain, I 87>H; uoaalwise, 1,3to. Sales,
Osaatjo, March 21. 1870.
Flour unchanged; sales l.tkxt bble. iVItrsi Itrm ; soles
(lt No 1 white Michigan al<l Ml; extra white Michigan held
(I in>; No I Miiwnukeo club at tf 1 40; Corn Brio at (Mc.
a Oftc for mixed Western. llarle}' unlet; No. 2 Hay,
(I U61 choice Canada, above No. 1 grade, ft 17. Com
tneal? $2(> lor ooltcd and $25 for unbolted |>cr ton. Milllead?
Sho.-U. #18; alilpstalla, $10; middlings, $32 per ton
Htrrxbo. March 24, 187U.
Kecelpla?Flour, 8,000 bbla.; w heat, UH.OJU bushels; corn,
Cl.iggi Jo.; oat*, 20.003 do.; barley, 1,3U) do. Shipments? ,
Flour, 8.. Ml bl.l?.; wheat, Uti.UtJO bushels; oorn, 4l,(JJU do.:
oat*. Jtj.uxi do Flour quiet and steady Wheat dull and | 1
nominally uiwnu(H| i?i" wi i ram mia .iiivamn un
private term*. Curu quiet, ?c?rcc *n<l firm ; *al?a ol I car
oid No 2 mixed We*torn at WW.; it ear* new, on track, at j
Ms. Oat*, retail trade only. Kye noplected. IWrley in good
demand, aale* of 10 car* Canada at 41 02; III car* choice 1
Canada at 41 13; 3 cor* two-rowed State on private tertn*.
l'ork dull at 923 Jo Iter lieavf nina*. Card dull at 14c. Hlgliarine*
nominal a. <1 10 lor city mada. Seed* liriu.
fOl.KPO, March 24, IH7W I
Flour ateady, with a moderate demand. Wlu-at ateady and
unchanged. Corn at rung, higher; lilglt mixed, xpot and <
April, 51 \e.: May held at 52|*c., .VJc. bid . June held at
Mo., 51 t*c bid; low mixed. 31c.; no tirade, .'die. ilata quiet
but lirui. No, *J April, uric.; Michigan, .t.i)gC. Clover*oed,
|M 00. Receipt#?la.KJO baahele wheat, Nft.OUO do. corn. Hn
do. oat*. Shipment*?et*> bid*. Hour, buabel* wheat,
11,01X1 do. corn, 7,000 do. oata.
Ciuriert, March 24. 1R7?.
Flour ateady and Arm. Wheal weak, unaettleil and lower 1
No. 1 Chicago aprlup, fl 13; No. 2 do., f 1 OJ a *1 OJJ.;,
lp.it; 41 irj,^ April, 91 07 May; No. 3 do., llllc.; rejected,
Tula*'. Corn irregular. but In tlie main higher; No. a mixed,
4MV-. epot; 4M)?v. bid April, 40'jC- bid May, lUc. June.
OMe?dfiasndjrood and tending upward; No. a, 33','c a !
33 V., apot; 3'aj. nid May. Marie* -demand pood at full
price#; tale* at 57c. a OOc., *(>oi; .wic. May. Kyeaiaadv,
witti a fair demand, at WW. l'ork Irregular, but In tlie main
hipber, ai $22 4'. a 422 50, anot; 9 J J 45 a 922 47? April.
...i .......,ii...n.I. -..i i...i ....... ..i.. ..,i.... i..l i
91.1 M.W N 913 '??, apu't; '919 Hb 4 *|3 "7'f April; 914 ni J
May. Hulk waata quirt. but tteaily. Whiafcry blirhar at
91 n1. Ilecalpta?r lour, Mil* ; wheat. Jb-Var) i
btiahala: corn. 40,'?J0ilo.; uata, 27,i*) i du.; hurley. 4.DU?
do. ; ryr, TKIilo. Mlilpnintla ? Klour. 9,0011 libit,; wheal, '
il.mi buaholt; corn. 2I.I.HI do; oatt. H.imi do . barlay.
ft.mi do. At the afternoon anil ot tha Hoard-Wheat ea?y,
at 91 April. 9' <? >', a 91 "7 May <:.?? <*c higher,
(lata (Inner, un.liantrari. I'm It ??.>, at C2J 4.1 April,
$2J 7U)k May. i.ar?l weaker, at IU HilJb April, #14 May.
PiormiKt. R I., March M. li*W.
Printing clothe a thade aaaier at SJla. a 4e for atandard
and antra ti4a.it ?. villi a dull demand and light aalaa.
Ht? J airman. Mat*l. JS -There la a gaol Inqniry far mffee
bat baalttrat la ahcrkad by tba rlava ol bolder*. At Kan lot
tba maraat la ui.changed.
I.OSPOK ritnixic* Mabkkt ? Lonoo*. Mureh 34? Eve?
Inn.?Oali UUa lime oil. 47> 47. i?t Sperm oil. ?1*3 per ti>a
roiumoii roain. 3a., ami pal* ro.in, 12a. a 14a. Spiny
tuipcoliue, 23a ltd. per cat.
kixantial. __
Bankers, 1.' and 21 Naaaau at.,
mm I'raaalleiV Credits, available iu all p.irta ol the world,
through Ho)
Messrs. 1>K HOTllriCHILD
aud their correspondent*.
Also Commercial t redita aud Telegraphic Tranafers ol
Uoney ou Caiitoruia aud Europe
Endowment Insurance Policies, Mortgages andother
leourities; insurance of nil kiuda effected with beat cotntunica.
J. J. HABItlCII A CO.. 117 Broadway.
duo April 1, 1H7U, of the Koiitla of Arop shoe couuty,
'oloriulo territory, will be paid uo presentation, when duo,
tt the Pourlb National Bank. New lurk.
A raw Book on ttOOK' IPkuOlaATIOM,
nailed free to any address, captaining how largo profits art
made on privilege contracts. 1'ula, calls, spreads or air iddiva,
for lb, BO or On duya, bought al beat tuurket rates by
L W. 11AM11, TOX~A~CO.. 10 Wall at.. New York.
1V city or Brooklyn; lt*icul only.
LKAvrrr a vvolcutt, 10 Plue ?l
Albert ii sicuTayI aTJ riuNEtilti ib fine st!1
New York, Motility, Mmi-h 27, at I2'? o'clock P. M,. ?l
ti?v Exchange tiiilitiruuiu, 111 Broadway, by order of aUiuifu
Isliwtor, Ci.umi>liurr? Columbia*, 4Jhit'*i(o ami Italian* Control
BiUro i?i (lompto). *100eieh,
toeka bought und add by ua, at beat market rates; book explaining
the system of operating with alock privileges sunt*
Ireo on application.
Tl" MB HI DOR .1 CO.,
Bitnkori and Brokers, No. 1 Wall st., New York.
?fit), #10U7 Ifl.lMJ. INVESTED NOW IN ^l)TK
. J'rlvilones, promise larite returui the next 30 day*
Jrdors by mail aiiil telegraph promply executed by
JOHN 11 It'I\ 1.1 NO ,1c CO.,
Hanker* and Brokers, 7J Broadway, New York.
MITT A I' DITOH'N oKl'lt'R. CI Nl.'i N N ATI, RK It.
L/ I87<1.?Redumption of city Cliiciiiiiuli bonds.?The city
)l Cincinnati issued ou October 1, imRt, Seventy (70) city
llouds of the deiioininntion of one 1 thousand dollar*
Mich, tor workhouse purposes (lettered Yd), bearing interest
tl the rate of seven (7) per com pur annum, and redeemable
thy tiino after six (til years trout date id' issiio at option of
Tty. In accordance with a resolution of the Common Council
passed Kelt. in. I87B, I hereby notify the owners or
Jolliers of any or nil of tho above issue of tmiets that the city
>f Cincinnati will redeem the said bonds at the American
Kxchant-e National ltauk, tu New York city, on April I,
INTO, and that tho Interest thereon will cease on that (lay.
8 W ll< 11 k.man, t tty Auditor.
FmtyoFheloit"<w isj bondsToaib6~ani>-Fi;T*
I > ton Hailroud Honda, wanted by WM. It. LTI.KY, No. 4
IV all st.
U WM. It. L IT.h.V,
No. 4 Wall st.
J OHM 8. PIERCE, NO. 8 PINB sr. HAS fia,000 TO
loau at ?1 pur ouut, for 5 jeuis, on Now York Real b.m
\fTjTa(i Aiii; iiK .fj.iKi i c>k f pi.m ' vv anikd ox Kiitsf
IVJL class business Property, full lot, Court st? near Olty
ilull. Principals or attorneys address MilltTliAiiK, Eagle
illice. lire Alt n.
or exchange for Koul Estate or Merchandise. Addresfl
box 20 Patorann l?o?t nllicc, > J.
conducted iu every legitimate form.
Contract* in ado (luring tlio past thirty days, costing ?o(i
anil upward, liavo renli/.oil from flvo to twenty times tin
amount Invested. Stocks purchased and carried as long at
desired on ? deposit of three to live pur cei t
Address, Tor explanatory clrculura and weekly reports.
Hunkers and Brokers. No. HI Wall St.
X Kuilway Company, at their annual mooting on the tlttli
f Kohruary ult.. having approved the new mortgage and the
sane theruutiiler oM?l,U< 10,00(1 of live per cent bonds, dated
January 1. I87H, having Mlty joar* to run, to bo exchanged
lor $Si.<h to.tlUO of Income bonds, dated January I, IHT'J. the
bottlers thereof are requested to make the exchange at the
fidelity Insurance, Trust anil Safe Deposit Company, Pliltw
ielphia, the trustees of the now niortgage, with whom tlie
now builds have been deposited lor exchange. Knrly at tendon
Is dashal'le. J. s. LKill, Treasurer.
V'J.iiui/ mortgage .loraey property: security uuox
I* i lift it ill ill Aililrpse u illi liirnid luck lm < lK Pnat
Dover, N. J.
' niilv parties wttli ilio (mih in bunk. Aiitireiil
A. /. M., llorttlil Lplow 11 llrttncli niton*.
/ " / V" V* at ?' per cent
o A. DILLS. No. 1'iiie i?t.
itlin V. A N J Kb -< ?S ML >1 MoiCTOAOK OZf
)" '.v/"/'7 45 Acn-t mid < x(u'linivo tinnrovoiixftits,
b?*llitf one o( Ilio Uikmi rouble i ices in town of \Vestcliemer,
clem* to the citv IIintIn : vnluntl $7*?,OiN>; ^k??1 bondtiuAh.
K U. A O. 8. BKOWN, UfJ Broadway.
Sioo.ooo s*\z:T,xr*Ky *<
For siilu by
DANIKIj A. MORAX, No. 40 Wall it.
i!?w nn im]iri>vu<l Now York and Brook"
lyn Property . no commission charged. Apply to J. CAMPBELL,
Pacific K.'iiik, 47l) Broadway.
CI>I' \ HTS K l? SIII k>H.
I under the nun name ??l Ntiiythe A Wilcox, composed of
W. II. H. Smythc and 0. A Wilcox, nnd Hrndstrert. Suivtlid
iV Wilcox, t'limpovml of Henry Hranstreet, W. 11 H. Smytho
and (). A. M 11 cox. In thin day dissolved by mutual coriM-nl,
I he Oiitklandmg bwinvu of (he late (Inn will bo liquidated
by" A. Wilcox, who coiitiuucs tho Misiucss.
March 1, 1*70. W. II H. SMVrilK.
ArAitTV WITH ru?#\i m *. .<>*> wA.ntkij
to Join Aiiothor party with name amount of money to
buy out mi intercut In an established cash business mnl ia
monopoly In tho trade; boat references txehanjrail. Apply
at office uiul salesroom No. (i Cortlandt it., between hourt
ut 12 ami 2.
\ivmitm:it w \~ntkD?Hi'iiriAii oh hknbraL,
III a thoroughly established cash business, paying
handsomely. Call on W. II. I.AKAMOKK, between 1 A. ^
and A 1*. M.. at die office of Buck waiter k (k, it) Wall at.
blt>i{ Business; stock about t *?; good reason Rival
lor MtliiiR. \ IILOM^VIHT, l ? ? Maaaav ft*
in a legitimate maiiiilactuririR or other under
taking roll particulars only considered by STABILITY,
box 1?t-4 Herald office.
iV chants, in an u I act u rem ami others. Parties seeking
business Investment* advised of desirable op port unit lea.
K < hot KB, 139 Hh at., n nr Broadwiy.
S~lI "iirslNKSs" MAN, WITH *?.#.?f?) n) f'2o.\**v
in the best manufacturing concern In this city; estabiisned
twelve years; employing forty hand* ami work tor
double that number, orders largely In advance; $7?,IH?1
lru.1.1 dill! iiKTi.UMlnif ' l.r.iltl. 'i.'i ii(>r If lit 4 Inlv tlloSS in.'rttl I
in* l?n?h mod miilrfii nltli real immo and place ot inter
viow, Hl'SIN'KHS MAX, llcrftM office.
J\. furiilnliiiiK and ?Mr to rnnduct the affairs of hq
ated i!omp?n\ <>tri ploying l?l?or, I* vnnted to tiko
entire clmrce of our Milladelphia tmsiiicss (established t?o
years a*0) i 1 i >ot ?il In documents offered u competent party.
Add re** box 1,7b I Pott office, N V. ,
t (JknTIVkFaN nksi flKH l'AKTY WIT7l MKANM TO
iV op?n a first ela*? theatre for list Centennial mouths]
means rrfllNd, $1 N^lO. Address J. II. D.f Herald Iplowu
lit unci* " tU ?v
Wanted, ai avnt to represent a Bradford uiubrrila
rloth house In the 1'nllcd Statu*. Address box H7 l'ott otbca,
Brail lord. Yorkshire. Km ' in d
I / llrn vcam nxjioro ??> buying fur a retail <lry goodi
iktaMUIiinvnt Id tin- illy, can furiilali aomn < apital; lirst
rla?? reference. Addrem M. A , Herald Vptown Branch
republican Mwipn|Mr; town healthy, beautifully Inrated
and rrowliur; railroad centre. Addrew I'ltOPKtKTOIt,
care lieu. I'. Unwell A Co.. a I I'ark How, X. Y.
IIiikIiT Hotel. Iloboketi; rent low to k good party.
UUKYIKK HIIO*.. J* Newark ?t., Iloboken.
luirty yenra; ma opportunity tor estaMlihlng a bualneei >1
an ?l I aland in a thriting and growing cl?*. Addrcea T. C.
COKMKI.U Y oaken, *. V.
1CMHKK AMI IIU, Mi ni NK.SS lull t L.I <>l(
J will take a partner; Imalnoaa well lia-atcd. well eatabliehed
..ml Hicreaaltig. Add real J. W. ATWATKK, KlverMile,
running from lny to ocean, from the point of the
B-aili to neer Neptune llimn; rere clienee. Apply to
AAltOHi A. I'hllllACW, Jamaica.
eal member of late drill. Pi yeaia cttabllihed, for the
manufacture ut a new health article, In grrateal demand,
fur every home, with eewer connection; eery auiall capital,
hut alrieleat integrity fought fori retort-nc given and re(pilred.
for Inti-rrlew a.idreti (real naniet tl. M. II. T.,
Herald Uptown Brauoh odleo.
be an active bnaletu niau : real catate aecurlt) ; HU
per cent profit pet annum guaranteed; reference! exchanged.
Addrrai K.VrKHPHI.HK. hot 114 lUraiil olhce.
of lll.dl i to enter into a well n-tahlialied and luera
live manufactories buidneM in llie city ol Albany. Addreae
immediately H. P., Albany i'oal office, Albany, A. V.
arc on article and control tlia aale- in the *tate o(
New York. Call at Taytwr'a Hotel, Jrrwy City, renin Art.
41 (l( hi wajttkd rhk ii km i n i i'x'ui. n't
ever offered; proof ol money lieture any explanation
will be iftven ; no broken. Adilreaa J. C. K , Herald
Uptown Hrain li office. '
41 mill *1 * tiik kinhr or Canada
iJlt'/Uw for all e-teoelOn Map 1.adder; but prefer to
make arrangement* Willi ennic reliable llrm to maonfactttre
on royalty. Addres* KUHKKI' It. VAN XANDT, IKd liota
?t.,_\V llll*in*l<urg, N. Y.
jbo (w\(t ?a* invkntok has plackd
Pae.Ul/lf. bene* lor tale for $!,(???, a procoee tbat
ran i>e Mild to '<>) briua in tlila city, wttblu tbe next n(
nmntlni, at front tJ ? to $."00 eaeli; no further capital to*
<tulre<1. Add. est Krefeeeor a. \V. ii , UetaMeMn*

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