Newspaper Page Text
TH WHOLE NO. 14,461. 1MUSCT0KY FOU ADTEUT1SEUS. AMUSEMENTS? 13th Pagb-JM. 4th, 5th and ?th colt. ASTROLOOY?2d Pack??th col. BILLIARDS?IStm Pack?tith col. BOARDERS WANTED?2d l'Ar.r-lit, 3d and 3d colt. BOARD AND LOIR; I NO WA.NTKD-2d PACB-34 COL brooklyn hoard??.'i> Paub?3d col. BROOKLYN REAL K.NTATK KOR SALE?14th Pagb1 st nud 2d colt., tnd IBth Pauk?2d rol. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIEH-IITH Pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?Bth Pagk?5th and 6th colt. CITY REAL ESTATE KOR SALE?14tii Paob? lit col., tnd 1 Sth Pack?2d col. CLERKS AND SALKSMEN-.ln PAfiB-Sd coL CLOTH I NO?3d Pagk?tth rol. COACHMEN AND OAUDEXERS-30 Pagi?3d tod 4th coll. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?3d Pagb?SthcoL COPARTNERSHIPS?Uth Paok. COUNTRY HOARD?3d PaGK?3d and 4th col?. DANCING ACADEMIES?13th Pack?2d eol. DENTISTRY?IHth Pack??lh col. DRY <lOODS?1st Paok?2d. 3d. 4th, 5th ?nd Oth coll.. ond IOtii Pack?lit col. DWELLING HOUSES TO I.ET, FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED?15th Pauk?3d, 3d and 4th coll., and IOtu Paok?4th col. EUROPEAN* STEAMSli I PS?3n Pack?5 th and 6th coll. EXCHANGE?4tii Paok?Oth col. Excursions?sn paok?oth coi. FINANCIAL? 11th Paok. FINK ARTS?I3th Paok-2d col. Fok SaI.E?2n Paok? Oth and 6th coll. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 15tii Pack?5th col., and 10th Paok?4th col. FURNITURE? IDrn I'aok-5th and Oth cola FRBNuH ADVERTISE*! K.NTS?3n Paok?4th col. help Mr anted?FEMALES?8l> Paok?lit and 2d cola. help wanted?males?so pack?4th coi. HORSES, CARRIAGES, AC.?4tu Pack?lit, 2d and 3d Coll. HOTELS?2t> pa0k-3d col. ? HOUSES, ROOMS. AU? WANTED?2d Pack?4th and 5th ools. INSTRUCTION?4th Paok?Oth col. JERSEY CITY, HOBOKES, HUDSON CITY AND BERGEN REAL ESTATE FOK SALE? 14tr Pack? 3d rol. EECTUKE SEASON?13th Pack?2d col. OST AND FOUND?4th I'aok?5th col. MACHINERY?2t> Pack??th col. MAR RLE MANTELS?13th Paok?2d col. MATRIMONIAL?13th Paok?2d col. MEDICAL?IOtii Pack?6th col. MILK, AND^(IREAM-UlTH jPAjiK-Cd coL milxliin i aiiu uiuioo??niiiu?.v.ih x au???uu 2d col*. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?12th Pace?6?h col. MUSICAL?3n Pack?5th eol. NEW PUBLICATIONS?Utii Pack?6th coL NEWSPAPERS?13tu l'aob-eth col. PEKSONAlx?lat Pack?1st col. PIANOFORTES. OIIOANS, AC?13TH PACK-Oth eol. PROPOSALS?13th Pack?Oth col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? .'il> Pack?1st col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO KENT? 14th Pack?3d, 4th anil 5th cols. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE? 14m Pace-5th and 6th cols. REAL ESTATE WANTED?14th PAOK-flth col. RELIGIOUS NOTICES?1st Pack?1st aDd 2d cola. RESTAURANTS?I3tii Pack?2d col. REWARDS?4th Pack?5th col. SALES Al' AUCTION?1st Pack?3il and 4th cols. SITUATIONS WANTED? FEMALES?3n Pack?1st col. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?3n l'agk-2d and 3d SPECIAL NOTICES?4tii Pack?.">th and Oth cols. SPORTING?DOGS. BIRDS, ,tC.?4th Pace?1st col. STORAGE?4tii Pack?6th col. THE TRADES?3n Pack?4th col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?15th Pack?lit and 2d cols, and 10th Pack?3d and 4th cols. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?3n PAfiR-6th col UNFURNIRI1ED ROOMS ANO Al'ARTMENTS TO LET? 15th 1'aok?Sth and 6th coin., anil 10th Page?4th and r>th coin. WANTED TO PURCHASE?4Tn Pace??th col. WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac.?8n Pack?4th col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LKT?Utii Page?2d and lid col*., and 10th Pack ?ad And .'Id col*. WHITKSTONK PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET? 14th 1'agk?3d col. YACHTS. STEAMllOATS, ac.?12th pac.r-Oth col. PERgOSAh. ADA.?RAIN OR SHINE, ARGYLE SHADOW 'DANsanto" to morrow night. PHILADELPHIA. A~" LIOB D. DARLING.?WHAT A COLD NOTE! I cannot wait so long without hearing from you. Please write. ALFRED S. A" L8TA RR?R E M KM B K lT APPOI NT M KNT 3 P. M. ON Tnesdnv. If stnrniy come first lair day. STARIt. LADY, HATING NO CHILDREN OF HER OWN, wishes to adopt a hoy of American parentage, 2L( or II years of ago. Address Mrs. HALSTKAD. Herald Uptown Branch office. T^ji RON CHINE. Blue eyes -to day at ath st.. 2?" iveht, Fourth street Hotel. LONG ISLAND. Billiards..will she you at opening of Ulent>on's now room, ftl Nassau, Tuesday, March US GUS L. WATCH. Cordova" covill.-a letter TO YOUR cor. rect address at station D. EMERSON. H. HOPKINS IS REQUESTED TO SEND HIS AlV dress to hnx . ,.vtr> Post office. IMPORTANT. F~ 11?received". NIGHT SHIRT. tTEORGIE HAfTLEFT 118 AND GONE TO YI3 SAME JT street. Hs7M.?CALL IMMEDIATELY FOR A LETTER . nt Herald I'ptirwn Rrnii'li ofliee. A. PERKINS. ASK MR MOSQUITO (PET HUSBAND) AGAIN, for the third and la?t time, to be kind ennagh to semi d?o hi? honorable account of his and her fcellnprs on the nublect, and if as favorable as your other pergonals I will call. The uddresi wn* remembered on 21st March. Please send answer to my residence. A. JONS. JAMKS COWAN. Of "IjOCKSTOWX, ADDRK88 A. t'AMPBKliL. Will near something to his advantage. Tor; THANKS i OR TIIK KLK< i A NT. SIM PL KANT) ft iigeful "M ntric Ribbon anil Tape Runnerone day's a*e saving ten times its cost. ELLA. KATE-! SUAbL BE AT THK HOTEL 8lTNDAT. AT 11 A. M. Come. I want to see yon. 0. H. | f K~' ? . WHO CALLED WITH A. MARGRAUX AT l?l ITS West it'-M at.. Hl?(i called in January alone, will ihlifje by nddroasinK HAVANA, Herald Uptown llrnt.cli ftii c. MirilAN(;.S.-T!lE ' 7. A DIES' ASSOCIATION OK Murray 11 ill will bp pleaaedtn hare kindred oivanilaiion* to meet their executive oommitteo in parlor A, Filth Avenue Hotel, at muni otj Monday, to perfect arrunircmenu lor attending the Wednesday matiucc beni'llt of Mr. F. Ilanri, at Jluoth's Theatre. jl r.VHiiUKIilTK-VOUK DEAR LETTER WAS MOST III welcome; bare suffered much, but don't deapalr: God Ileea yon forever. Till 1.1 P. MY HEAR. no NOT FORGET ME, AS Vol KNOW I am in need. W. II. MISHT MTU r.-KKckiVEO NtlTK TOO I.ATK TO meet yon on Broadway on Friday. Write II. J. H. MRS. TINKIIAM ?SENDADDRESSTOOLD BOARl>i.R? J. P BEARD, 4N7 Broadway. N'ELLIK Q.-WlLL YOU PLEASE WHITE YOUR friend in K. P, once again. P. f\ ALBERT JULIUS CAISAR! THOU ART MIOHTY l *? yet; thv spirit walks abroad, and turns your awards in yoar own proper entratla. KEMOVAL-IF 8. WILL PASS R.'S LAST UE8I deree on Monday or Tuesday, at 12 -.30, the Information will he given. R. OAIIiORS. OFFICERS AND ALL PERSONS HAVING kj been oil board any versel fleitroyed by tlie Alabama, Florida. or other Confederate ernieer. are entitled to damices and ran secnre payment by applying to Contain PlIAULKS S. MAY, "ei st. Tiik ttiino vor spoke of not received; eiiht last; rouhl yon have made mistake' POWER. TO RESUME?"AWFUL LONESOME;" PLEASE COME today. tlTIIX LADY WHO WROTE TO STRAW 1IAT LAST II Ancurt and signed Hlark Kye.a. aay where letter will tearh her ? Have looked In vain. Address liLUK EYES, i Herald othce. \\T ILL?COME BACK IF YOU DON T WANT TO KlLL ! ?l your poor mother. She will loricire yon. WILL MEET Mil- ANY DAY THIS WEEK; SAME Ti place as last time; please write. ONE. RKIelUIOlTR KOTICEII. ALBRO'S PRATER IXD PRAISE MEETINGS, WITH popular bymna and solos; Fridays, P. M.; all we! eonie, young and old, with books and inusie. HVt West ikllh t. , A CONFERENCE OF TIIK S PI HIT I' A LISTS OF J\. New York i? lieM at II nvird Room*, 7.'7 t'th av.,Hnndif, at 'lli and 7J? o'clock. All invited. AXNIRflKVA FAT. THE OXLT MEDIUM IN AMERICA having the Indntwetnenl of William Crnokea and other member* nf the Itnrnl Society, will give lie* niarrellnn* light aaanee t?-nljjh?, at "10 Writ :14th ?t.. at 7 :*X rllH'Rfll OK Till-: HOLT lUOSTI.KS CORNER OTII ' ar. ?ml -JKth *t ? Itev. Brady K. Backu* rector, nervier* at in1, A M. and 7'j P. M. (IHl'RGII Or Til K HEW .1 Kit USA I. KM (SVtKIlKNJ horrlanl, on E?*t ;j5lh et.. between I'ark and Lexington av*.-Service* at 11 A. M. The h'ev. Chaimrey Mile* will deliver the fir?i of a ?crie? of discourse* on the Krancelical docilities. Snhfeet, "The ll|ri<el of (IbriM. what it l* anil how salvation l? effected by it." The end of doctrinal* la to teach men bow to live. The New Church doctrine* ntake lore to the laird and charity to the neighbor the principal poln! of faith Doctrinal*, then, are on It varietiee of opinion ronn ruin the mysteries of faith, which Int.- t'luiMlaiik will leave to every one to bold according lo hia conscience, and will aay 1mm the heart that he la a irne l'hri* who lire. a. a I'ltrlMiao and a* Mi- laird teaches. /THUHCII Ol MKSSUII. IIITII ST. AND PARK W? *-'' llor. t\ llllam R. Alter will preach, morning, at II. hnhiect, 'The Kcclcaiaatlcal lloctriae of the Resurrection ol the Body Not Scriptural." Kvcnlnir. at 7::to. The l-c flesh"-Ileal Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Body Not True." / 11II' ID Ml III 111! IMS. in,Is MADIROX AV.. t'OR" ' per 4.1th at.?Rev. Ororge II. Ilepworth. Morning? "Hod Word;' evening. "The Journey from Jernsal'in ro Jericho." Sunday school and Bihle cla*< at 3; no ral prayer and praise service Friday evening at 7 fTIUIRCTI OF Till: DIVINE PATERNITY STl7~AV~. t c.itiw 4 'tli -I K"> I' K. II I'linpin will pro >rli thl' ainrtiiiiK *1 11. Vr?[wr? Mil an rxlciiii iiraiipoui nil.lrr-* ut # I'. M. All *r? ln> lied. TAIRKT RKKOKMKU RPISOOfALrilCVOII. MAIH80N J; h>. and 47th ?l . dev. William T. Snlilne, rertor.?Divine i?rvlcr? nt ""j A. M. nn<l I'. M. Tito Hector will preach ill the nioruiiir and t 'I'J o'clock 1\ XI. to the children. The Ke?. \Viii;?m M Pwtletbwaltc will preach In the evening. JXCTl'RKH ON Til K. APiK'A LYI'dE?BY ItEV. W. XV. j Andrew-, Cat nolle Apo-Inllr church, in Klili ?t., between mil Mil! 7lli ?-?.; Sunday*. 7?J I'. M.; euhlect. March JH.' lha Klm? K?nr Se?l?; or. Konr d'.e?e? of Church Iliator/." ti?iil> !re?; no collection. ; E NE NEW REL.IGIOCS NOTICES. MRS. NELLIE J. T. BRIGIIAW LECTURES !<>? A. M..7J4 P. M , for society, Progresslre Spiritualists1 Hall. 55 Went 33d it.; children's lyceum, 2% P. M : the twenty-eighth anniversary take* place Kriday, Slit lost., afternoon mid evening. N" EVl~HI RCII (SWEDEN B' I it<7TANi TKMPLE OS ha?t :15th it., between I'ark and Lexington aw?Service! at li A. M. Sermon by the Rev. t'hauncey (tile* on ""Hie Expulsion from Eden. ' The true Christian religion inculcated liy Swedenburg li based on the doctrine that God Gone in eseence and in prrion, in whom there ia a distinct and essential trinity called in the Word the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the Lord Jesus Christ ii this God and the only true object of worship. R*KV. ROBERT R. HOOTII, I). R, WILL SPEAR AT 7>; o'clock Sunday evening, the 2ttlh iust., at Aseoclalion Halt RELKYIO-SCIKNTIFIC SOCIETY? NO. 8 UNION suuare.?2 SO, 0. I.. Ilendcr.on, "Surviealot the Fittest Religion 7 *.30, J. K. lngals vommemmoration of <1. 11. Lvane the land reformer, beaatifully lllustruted. Speeches by L. Masqulrer and others. R'kVTj I STIN I>. FULTON." I> I?? OF~BROOKLYN, will lecture in Trinity KaptGt church. .V>th ?v, between Lexington and 3<1 era., on Tuesday evening, March 28. Subject, "The Force Thnt Wins.'' ST. ANN'S Oil UKCH. I KIT! ST., NEAR 5TH AV.? Free Mania. Sunday aervices at 7 and 10:30 A. M., 4:15 and 7 :30 1'. M., and lor deuf mutes at 3 I'. M. SPIRITUALISM.?MR*. STODDARD AND SON, MAS y.j icr pnvvicai anu materialising meuiuiiie, win demonstrate their powers; spirits will give proof of their presence. Hnndijr evening, March 26, at -Etna Hall, 451 7?h ?v.. corner HfHh si. DT."iOSTATICS CHCBCH."'40TII st~BRTWKEjf 5TU O and Otli uvs ?Services 7, n, HM-j', II (chnrel); preacher He*. Dr. Kwer. rector: TJ* I*. M. (choral), preacher the Rev. Dr. George B. Draper, rector of St. Andrew'* church. Strangnrs cordially Invited. * "OTRUGGLIXO PFWABD," AT PlIMPTOH HALL, l3 !Hh at., near 3d nv., before Klflh Universalis! Society. Preaching at II o'clock. Seat* free. All are invited. Tub people's skviok In the Church of the lloiv Trinity, Madison av. and 42d at., Sunday evening at o'clock. Rev. Stephen II. Tyng. Jr., will preach. The Gospel hymns and spiritual songs by Mr. Sankey ere used. Young men's prayer meet lug every Snnday at P. M. Other services at iO1. A. M.. I's P. M. Tabbhxaole baptist t'hi'kt'ii. -.'d avTand iotii St., llev. James ltoardmaii Hawthorne, pastor.?Morn 1UK, MWimn umu evening, iiivcnmij m nyuu. All cordially invited. DRV UOODK. A." = BBBBB L OOO OOO MM MM 88SS " B BL 0 DO 0 MM M M S S" B B I. O O O O MM MM 8 B B I. O O o O M M M M S BBBBB I. O OO O M M MM S88B B B I, O <? <? <> M M M M 8 B B L O O O O M M M M 8 B B L O O O 0 M M M M 8 8 BBBBB LLLL OOO OOO M MM M 8SSS <e> <*) 338 BOWK BY. 3B> BETWEEN BONK AND IiBEAT JONES BTR. I <$> WILL OPEN ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 29 AND 80, LATEST NOVELTIES in MILLINERY GOODS, LACKS, LADIES' UNDERWEAR, FANIERS. CORSETS, CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' OUTPUTS, PARASOLS. KID GLOVES, HOSIERY, AC., AC. II A.UDUIkW ClUUIilUO ?U U IU UDW UCBIgUI, at one-half the original coat. Our new Milliner/ Department comprises all the leading styles of French, English and American real Chin and Straw Bonnets and Ronnd Hate. Those moat elegantly trimmed are copies of imported designs, end at ahiont one quarter tho coat of the models. Our superb assortment of Kreneh Flowers and Foathers egre^ anything previously brought out. Will exhibit some of the most recherche styles of Fringes, Passementeries, Moss and Marabout Trimming, with Buttons and Ornaments to mat?h. tlur 1.adies' Underwear Department baa been greatly enlarged and newly stocked with an assortment of everything that can be mentioned in this line. Beit material and talent urn used in conducting this department. and eesfaoisteurs have pronounced this branch of 9*r establishment faultless. All the new shades In Dress and Trimming Silks, Satins, Velvets, Ac., Ac., Ac, ^ BLOOMS'] T j[ BLOOMS'. T Mas BOWERY, :i4f> BETWEEN BOND ANl? tiRKAT JONES RTS. __ __ " Carpets. One million dollars English monttfactnrcrt' Stock forced upon the mariet at retail. Goods being received from vessels no* In port J. A J. W. CROSS LET, 320 and 322 Broadway, corner Pearl st. ^ ?JAMES ~MX'KEERY? A CO., Broadway and 11th ft., have now on exhibition an elegant assortment of French rallern Bonaeta and Millinery (loods, end are constantly receiving AAilltlnnal Knnltlii from tb? moat celebrated Parisian honaes. A7 ? I, HI'MAN HAIR GOODS. I, The largeat aaaortmeril of HI'MAN HAIR I. OtillDs poaltlvely retailed at wholesale L urlcea. 1, 1 ha moat moderu wylra of OOIFFCRES L on ii in't, LLLLL r. INVISIBLE FRONTS tu Br*at variety, very atyliah and Improving the loooka of all Udiea blatantly. lntrodnred flrnt Info thia SS8S country by I*. SllAW, .VI WEST MTII ST. S 8 near Maey'aj and :*lt BOWERY". corner H till at. 8888 I. SHAW'S newly Invented STEMLESS S GRECIAN lift A11> can be arranged In any 8 8 ttylwawlthont difficulty. from jf? npward. 8888 HAlRDRESSINU, Wtr COMBINGS mad* up. i!.". and .Vie. per mince, or t>,v L. It B SHAW'S newly invented method, mora all It H one way, eijnal to hair ent from the brad. II II HAIR 1AKKN IN KXCHANGK. IIII till II I?It.AY' HAIR A SPECIALTY". II H A? <f> I'RKMK BLANCHE, j or the magic heantifler, imparta a brilliant A trananarent corn pi* * Ion, warranted to bo AA narmleaa. ?l per boa. A A The eelobrnted AI'RORA to bleaeh hair A A ul any color to a line golden blonde without A A AA injnry to the hair. Price lor :< ounce bottle, A A #1 idtl lor 8 on nee bottle. W .Va A A .1. it l O\TANK'S wonderful preparation, DKRMATINh, to remove all wrinkle* YV W W from the lace, per bottle. W* WW YV I.. SIIAW. I N4 WEST MTII ST.. W WW W SOJ.K AIJKNT, I nenr Many'*, and W W W W nh ROWKKY, corner 4th m. flood* .ent WW WW |to nil J urt? of the country when prepaid, VV VV jtrreot nl! rlinrjrr, or I'. O. D. with prtriW \l llCKe of examination. MKHlt'AJf ii.tilt dkkssim; rAi:i.i.HS,--i,\djks' ('otnhinx* made up into Swttcliei. t'nrt* nn>l ruff., with root* nil one way, dOcent* per on nee; ?i*o old and fined .xwlielie* dved anil made up et|nal to now. m K. D. KKTKI.TAm'. iua?lth nr.. between ll?l nnd H'JH >t?. V '_\._|*7il -OCKNIMi ? 1 ? IMI'iiHTKU I" VT errn of eprint; M)lor in Cloak*. Mantle*. Dinner, KeenItik oinl rromenitilo Toilet*. I ho onlv froncli t'anlrr. in* iti?pi n?iiMe to present *trle. Hnperlnr trench ffro<*m?klni( In *11 hmnrlir*: perfect tit and l?to*t rtyht. I'irllt'or*et* nnd llo*oni Pan*. . Mine. A. Dl. ^ AD. Importer, 818 llroadway. raMaTk ir TAKtft at ddL-A ikAUUir haciac. Camel'* Half Hhawl nnd two veer fine l.aca bUawli. A. J. THOMAS. 061 broadway. W YO YORK, SUNDAY, MARCI DRY GOODS. J^ORD k TAYLOR, Not. 255, 257, 250 and 261 Grand at., corner Chrystlo, and No. 85 Foriyth at. SPRING OPENING OF MILLINERY GOODS! OD TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, M arch '.'H ani| 29, when will he displayed one of the moat select assortments ofjcnods yet shown. Their Trimmed llats and Bonnet Department contains all that coald be desired by the most fartidious, in hne FRENCH PATTERN IIATS AND BONNETS. together with a large and varied assortment of our own manufacture, at price* that oannnt he surpassed Also a fiili assortment ot Children's Normandy Bonnets. FEATHERS, FLOWERS, TRIMMINGS. AC. Flowers In wreaths, montures, piquets and bunches are worthy of special attention. Ribhons In jrro* grail), basket and frosted, in all widths and shades, with silk to match. Pearl, Silver and Gilt Ornaments for bonnet and hat trimmings. Also, a large assortment of special novelties In Ladles' Ties, Ac. The attention of Indlei U specially invited to this Departmeut, as the firm ituuranteo every article advertised by them to be iu stock and to be as lepreeonied. Grand, Chrystie and Forsyth sts. QENT8' KUKNISHlHti DP.I'AKTMK.ST. ~ :LORD A TA\ Loll. ? ? Nos. 255, 257, &ri9 and 2C.1 Grand St., corner Chrystie, sod No. 83 Forsyth st. This department is complete with all the newest noveltlaa for CENTS' 81'111 NO WF.AR. Amntir the neck dressinc* will be fnnnd the Uossmore. Arlincton. Criterion and Rutland Scarfs. Hon skin Gloves, embroidered becks. In all the spring hades. Newest utiles In Collars and Cnffii. Knclieh Half Hose. Newest pniterns in fancy stripes and colorings, and oflerod at a low figure. A SPECIALTY?TO ORDER. New York Mills Shirts $2 V each Wamentia Mills Shirts 2 00 each Utlca Mills Shirts 2 00 each Grand. Chrystle and Korsyth sta., liroadwiiy and 20th st. SPRING OPENING of ^ BOYS' AND Oil I LDREN'S CLOT 111 Nil ^ LORD A TAYLOR, f Nos. 255, 257,250 and 261 Grand st? corner Chrystle. and No. 83 Kursyth st.. Will open on TUESDAT AND WEDNESDAY, V arch 28 and 20, a full assortment of Roys' Spring Suits, comprising everything In the lino of fine and medium grades, all of our own manufacture. Also, many novelties in Children's Suits (from two and one-half to ten years of age) that cannot be found elsewhere. Dt Spring Orcrcua s, Ilojrs' Camisoles, separata pants. Ac. GRAND, CT1RYSTIE AND FORSYTH ST8. pyOU8EF~URNI8lHNG GOODS. ^ LORtT A TAYLOR, 255, 257, 259 AND 2?1 GRAND ST., PS CHRYSTIE AND 8H FORSYTH ST., CALL ATTENTION TO Til KIR SPRING STOCK OF ^ CARI'KTIXGS, ^ which comprises the I.ATKST STYLES In PATTERNS, DESIGNS and COLORINGS, Introduced TIMS SEASON, at n MATERIAL REDUCTION FROM FORMER PRICES. These carpets hare been selected wltn unusual care, and really HANDSOME DESIGNS and COLORS will bo MOQUETTKS, WILTONS, VELVETS, BODY BRUSSELS. T A TEETHES, TO REE PLY AND INGRAINS, OILCLOTHS, Ac., AC. Special attention la called ?o onr LINOLEUMS. Tlicr re th? FINEST and BEST FLOOR C(*\ KKTNOS YET INTIWOUOED, *frclnis ENTIRE SATISFACTION WHf* EVER USED. ^ FURNITURE. ^ We arc prepared to offer great Indncements to those abont to furnish their dwellings during tlie spring. A well selected slock ol PARLOR, CHAMBER, LIBRARY AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE always on hand, to meet the demands of the spring trade, AND AT TRICES THAT ARE LOWER THAN ANY IN T1IE MARKET. PARLOR SUITS from *.W SOLID WALNUT BEDKoOM SUITS from $45. ENAMELLED BEDROOM SUITS Irom OTHER GOODS AT PROPORTIONATELY LOW PRICES. ^ UPHOLSTERY DEPA RTMEST. ^ LACE and NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. COTTAGE DRAPERIES. LAMBKKOUINS made and put up in the latest style. HOLLAND and GILT SHADES made and put up. WINDOW CORNICES and MIRRORS of superior style and finish. FURNITURE COVERINGS and LOOSE COVERS ent and made to order. TABLE and PIANO COVERS. MARSEILLES and CROCHET QUILTS In all tho popular brands. , THE ABOVE GOODS ARE OFFERED AT A REDUCTION OF 2.1 PER CENT. ALSO. SPRING BEDS. MATTRESSES snd BEDDING of tho very best quality at prices TWENTY FIVE PER CENT CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE TRADE. PARTIES ABOUT TO FURNISH. IN WHOLE OR IN PART, WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL GRAND. C1IRY8TIF, AND FORRYTIl 8TS. gPHCIAL ANNOUNCEMF.NTI JOHN TUNLEY A CO., 761 Broadway, will open their new premiaea, MONDAY, March 27. with an entirely new end varied atnelr ef DRY GOODS. Special bargains in DRESS UOOD8. 26-lnrh Kern Plaid SqliinK*. lOe^per yard, worth 2.V. Him strlpa saxeny |-npjin* hi pcryaro; con to import. 27c. . Pure Mohair Dlaconal* ?t 2<V. per yard. French Griped Worsted Taniine Sultlmja at 20p. per yard, worth 4(>c. Worsted I>? Belee Plaid*. aprlnc effect*, at 25c. per yard. Striped French Cretonne* at 25c. per yard. French Cashmere Suiting*, all wool, at .'KV. per yard. Twilled all wool De Bet*e at S7)fe. per yard. Colored Cretonne*, all wool, new thadea. at 45c. per yard ami piece* pnre Camel*' IIair, 27-lneh and 54 loch, at 37,4c. and 73c. per yard. Special barffalna BLACK GIIKXADIXES. Stripe Grenadine* at 25c. per yard. Matteln?*e striped Grenadine* at HOe. per yard. All v?'l fill 1 ii*r Iron frame Grenadine* nt 3t?c. per yard. Sim and wool Grenadine* at 40. per yard. A larco line of Mexican plaid and striped *llk and wool Grenadlue* at A5c. and #1, worth J1 50 and $ I 75. Special bargains In MOURNING GOODS. Black Air*-**, pnre Moltelrr, I rlllant'nc* Frenrh and KnirlWi <'?? inur *, Merino*, Tauilte and ilornlin/met at eatruordlnar/ low price*. BILK IIFPARTVENT. Jtew plaid end striped Silks at B.V., worth S.V Black and colored Btlk* In all the but make* at price* that will attonnh the popular trade. B ir(j till* m DOBKitriCS. 90O piece* tide hand IN r 'ale* itt 4>-,e. per yard. 6.1*1 piece* rhtnu Percale* at .V. per yard. 74*?piece* fanthrics at tic per yard. |*?1 pieces rhltitr comhlnatlop Bnltint;* at Sc. per yard. HI'iptecee nil U' me in .HI .Iiiunn HI rw- pfr Turn, ."iflnpieeee iVem-iilte Minlin ?t II,'jc. peryerd. i"* y?ra? wide hleeched .Mnelln et lie. per yerd. rent I a-gftlne in norsfc Kt nMsinxf; goods ol every dcecrlptleft. offer Mff? in IIOSIKItV. I. it R Morley'e etriped I elbrlRcen nHk clocked IT nee et Sftrv end l?5e. per pair, never ucfnre wild tnr le?? then #1 Gfl. e- . ...i _; 1>.nl.e..Glerdrl I i.ln flirt***! llniu at ?1 \ prr pnlr. worth $2. Itpeclnl mention |> railed to n lerira offrrlnn n? hlack *llk embroidered t'miiiniere mul Itrup d'Kte l'ol"iial?? Kobe*, price #I J; c??t to Import JOHN TI'MTKV Jk CO., Wl ltro*dw*jr, between 8th end 9th ete., New York, 1 n k 11 [ 26, 1876.?QUADRUPLE Pit V GOODS. Elegant NOVELTIES in SILKS. A. T. stkvvart A CO.. on Monday. March 27, will open the largrit and chnieeat UNMirlinetil of PARIS NOVELTIES IN SILK ever exhibited in this city. GAZE MOSSOIL, GAZE DAMASsE, BUODERIE. FACOXNE, SERGE SURAH, LI.SERE, T< iILK BOMBAY, KAlOXSK ARABIA, AO., AC., YEKY ATTRA"'VlYE PRICES. LYONS COLORED FAILLE SILKS. In nil the new shades, at $1 33. f I (I 75 anil (2; creates! bargain* ever olTcicd. And they will largely replenish their Mock of LYONS BLACK ANll COLORED SILKS, elected expressly for their best retail trade. Alao, a fresh line of hand twisted and hand woven BLACK ANll COLORED SILKS, their owa manufacture, the best and cheapen produeta of American looms. FANCY STRIl'KO Tvb CHECK SILKS, newest aty!e?, from So cents per yard, upward. A fre?h Invoice of I.Ol'ISINES at OO eents per yard; about one-half last year's prices. BROADWAY. 4TI1 AY.. OTB AND 10TII ST8. A' T. STEWART A CO., . On MONDAY, March -'7, will largely replenish their stuck of PRINTS with fresh floods, new designs, that waah well. ONLY 5 CENTS PER YARD. MKRRIMAC PRINTS. CHOICE COLORS, Sill KTI N11 CAMRKICS, CHEVIOT STYLES, U> L< Y t>>4 I I'. .N I N i"IN It t AMI. YAKI) WIDE PRINTED CAMBRICB, approved styles, only 8 cents por yard, good valne for 10 cents. NEW YORK MILLS. WAMSITTA AND I'TICA SHIRTINGS, ftill yard wlda, 12','rents per yard. Other standard brands at proportionately low prices. EleganDand attractive NOVELTIES IN PARIS PRINTED JACONETS. FOULARDS, At III SSON CHECKS. COQIKT CLOTH. CAMBRICS, TWILLED ALSACE LINEN LAWNS. AC Fresh Inaportations; pi Ices extremely attractive. And they will open ouo of the largest and mcst desirable assortments ot POPULAR DRESS GOODS ever ofTered in this city. PLAIN POPLINS. SERGES. CAM AI EE PLAIDS AND STRIPES. CAMEL'S HAIR. CAMERON, BEIGE, TANGIER, MELANGE AND ION A CLOTHS, in all the newest shades, at 12t?c., 20c., 2Nc. and 3.">c. per yard, fully one third lens limn last year's prices. An Immense stock of ALL-WOOI, I'llKMS FABRICS, from 50c. per yunl upward. BROAPU'AV. 4TII sv.. inn AND 10TU ST8. POPUfcAK TKADR In CARI'KTS. A. T STEWART A CO. will continue the snle of hntrllsli and domeatie F1VK KKAMK IIKL'SSKUS. Frsh goods of the very best quality; handsome deaifirne; lust from tlio looms. English mid domestic TATHSTKY BKlTSSKL8. Also Fresh Goods, bright colors and new. .New patterns. TUnhnl t A KI'f. lM AND RUtiS st largely reduced prices. MOOUETTES.VELVETS, AX.MINSTERS, AC . by the yard, and in one piece of various sites. Offering an nnnsnal opportunity to housekeepers to supply their wants at prices lowor than similar finalities hare been sold for ir ten years. ROADWAY, 4TII AV, iVTII AND MTH RTS. T. STEWART A CO." will offer on MONDAY, March 27, EXTRAORDINARY HAROAIN8 IN REAL INDIA CAMEL'S 1IAIR SHAWLS. CAR IS, 11 Kit LIN AM) DOMES ITO READY MADE CLOAKS, 8ACQUES, POLONAISE, AC. PARIS AND BERLIN READY MADE DRESSES from PiiiKat and others. LADIES' PARIS TRIMMED IIATS from Virot and othera. At; > *?? line of MtW YORK READY MADE SUITS, consisting of KERCH AND CAMEL'S HAIR DRESSES, stylishly trimmod, at 9'.* and (10 each ; recently sold at $ 12 and f l.*>. LYONS BLACK 8II,K T*rVYwwi<l?ome, only MO ?od LYONS PLAID BILK 81 IT*feB>nti, trimmed, onlrt*5- | FOULARD .SI-ITS. f 12 ;y;ry b?nd.ome^obef ?1 M AUo.Ur6..Mort?.nt)oM^jn?db.t.rt. *??.. ? ?n?,aMI, .t?r?rtWe price.. _ Ana tnov will largely rcpienisu tneir stoeic or U N La UN OK life I) K M li KOI DE RED UNDERWEAR, purchased nndor Tory favorable circumstances. IIANDWORK F.D KM ItROIDERF.D CHEMISES, SKIRTS. NIGHT ROBES. AC. at lower prlcca tlinn similar <|>ialilios have ever been offered lu this city. BROADWAY. 4Tn A V.. litll A.I D 10TII ATS. A' ?RICHARD MEARES, , 6th ar. and 19th at. NOW OPENINO THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE ESTABLISIIMKNT A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS ADAPTED TO EARLY SPRING TRADE. WE SHALL ExTTnUT ON MONDAY it fall lino of droit* *llki in oil the new ?h?<ir* at $1 25, 91 38, (1 45, 81 50. 81 75. 111a' k ."tilkit from medium to finest tnnkea. Pro** Woods In all the new stylos and colors. Groat bargains In One Imported I'orrnle* and Cretonnes, SOU pieces (all colors), 18c., regular price 35c. OPENING ON .MONDAY, all the new style* In Chip and Straw Hats, TRIMMED AN!)" UNTRIMMED, and choicest noveltle* in Finest French Howors ?nd Millinery Goods. IX OUR SUIT DEPARTMENT wo are now exhibiting many now ?tyle*. Black and Colored Silk, Striped and Check Silk Coatnmes,Camel's Hair. Doheita and Cashmere Suit*, silk arltniued, from ntlgliial denigns and ol superior fltiioli and wx>rkni?n?htp. Very handsome Silk Suits, 805, 87:1. #78, 8*3. earner* Hair and Debrge Suits,handsomely trimmed,$28, 8??. $:i:>. f:iH Stripetl and Check Silk Soil*. 930, $14, *50, 856. We lie* to itiTlte an examination of our rery fine stock of Ladle*' and Children * Underwear in Cambric, Linen anil most approved makes of muslin*. FIXE IMPORTED AND HANDMADE CORSETS. a magnificent Mnortmcnt of One Cashmere, Bilk. Halhriggnu and l,i*le Thread rio?lery, in al! <|iinlltle?, fur ladle*, gent* and children. Specialties In Cashmere I.ecus, Knihruiderie* and Ribbon*, ana novelties in Neckties, Uows, Huntings and Trimming*. RICHARD MEARKS, corner Utli av., and IMth -t. A ?SPRING OPEMNth JOHNSON BROTHERS k CO., I'nion square, Inrlte their friends and cnat itnors to their semi-annual opening ol Spring and Summer Goods on Wednesday and Thursday, March JO and 30. Onr European bnyers having Just returned from the French and English markets, we are prepared to offer the largest, richest and best selected Mock ol One Good* ever eshlbited in this city, comprising French Trimmed Bonnets and Hound llats, T nnSj-H a 11 <,* and Mourning Ronneta, French and Kneliah Chip Unit and Bnnneta. and aperlnl at}Ira in Fancy Hruiria, exclusively nr ova. Flower* and Fraiher*. hash and Trimming Ttlhbnn?, Oreaa and Trimming Silk*, Lace* and Knihriiiderlet, lloaier.. Olm e?. llrrm Trimming*, Fancy Ooodt, Ac , Ac. Alan tho laraeat assortment of Faraaol* and Saa I'mliralla* ever offered In Ihla ritr. In the newest atylea. aalaeted with grant cara for our line retail trada. JOHNSON HRorilRHH A CO., It and :wi Ka?t 14th at. (t'nlnn *>inare>. (Vt/lSINO OCT S tl.K OK FKKXOII UOLD KAPRR II an /ma-. S> to .V> cents per roll; Hna I'apar, IS cent* par roll; alwi l arpata. oilcloth, Ac., at half prica. AtJA.n. W. COAl tS , Jdl Hud ton at. ERA] SRFiRT lilty goous. 1^76 jones. 1840. new store, 8tii av.. 11>tii st.. the opening op this new and extensive store will take place monday. maucu 37. T z z z z new X z * ew store z z store z z new z :3> 1 /' new goods z !<?> 4> z goods z ] j.ij.ij i z z i i j.i.i i z z i i j.i.i i z <s> j.i.i $ z i i j j j ! z z i i .1.1 .1.1.1 i i z z <$> 3> z o z z' o / '/ p z z r z z p. z z E z z x z z n I I \ I z i X i z N z 7. O Z Z U z z z z z z z z Z J.I.I OOO XX X REE RSS Z Z ,1 O O X X X E S Z Z Jo O N X X EE SSS Z i. j .i o nsss k a z 1. J.I OOO N SN KEE SSS Z * * EIlillTII AVE Si: K EIGHTH AVENUE I NINETEENTH STREKT/n'INETEENTH STREET i i 1{ <?> ,i> Z J.I.T OOO NX N KEE SSS Z ' Z ,1 O O S X N K 8 Z Z .1 O o N N X EE SSS Z Z .1 .) O O X N X K S Z Z Jj OOO X NX EEK SSS Z z z MONDAY, Z^ ^ I MONDAY. MARCH 'J7. ''x 1.MARCH 27. z z z z z z z z < ?> I EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS WILE BE OFFERED in AM, DEPARTMENTS, AS WE ARE DETERMINED TO MAKE THIS one of the moM ATTRACTIVE ESTABLISHMENTS IN TIIE CITY. AND OREAT CARE HAS BEEN t'SKD In the (election of new and desirable OOODS for thi* opening. SUIT AND DRESSMAKING. PARTICULAR ATTENTION in called to till* department, nndar ibe management ol a well known Parisian modiate. We will exhibit some ot the most stylish and elegant new Suit*, ofamr own importation and tnannfartnre. in choice sprint; styles and designs, in UKOS OKA IN, SATIN FACILE, ARLINGTON, CASHMERE, SKP.OES, HKIOE, CAMELS' HAIR, ARM I IK CLOTH, MOKNINO WRAPPERS, Ac., in great rarlety. All order* promptly and nrlisticnlly executed at price* that defy competition. OUR SHAWL DEPARTMENT will he fonnd to hare ununual attraction* in ull branchei. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. A LAltOK and varied stock, complete in overy way. CHOICE assortment of Ho.v*' Clothing, Kilt* Ac. Oar price*, ba?cd upon tlio recent extraordinary decline in goods ot tills description, will he surprisingly low. JONES. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. We will open n new and desirable lot of MOIIA IK GLAZE, CASHMERE sKKiiK, STK1 PKD < 'AM MO CLOTH, LOl'ISlKNK, NEW SHADES l'AKIS ALL Wool, Alt MI'Ill CLOTH, ONYX CLOTH, SILK AND WOOL PONGEES, Ac., Ac., all of the lineal texture and spring almdcs. A ? -di j MOURNING DEPARTMENT | j will he found very attractive. j SILK Dlil'A It'l'M KNT. Our recent ntid extended purchases at the large auction ales will rnitble un to offer great bargain* in deairahle ml lira a* low an # 1 ner vard : h,rmer nrlce. AI Jo: blaelt Silkn Irntn n* , 91.91 WmJ upward. iimi inducement* iu One alio lintsh from 91 50 to 9'- 50. JON US. LINEN DEPARTMENT. A superior assortment or Table Damasks, Irfih Linens, Ne]>kln.i, Towels, 4c., ? ill, on examination, i-nnvlnce all housekeepers or ihe extraordinary bargains wo offer, WOOLLENS FOR MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. A choice assortment of dosirnble and stylish good* at prices to correspond with the low figures in other department!. FLANNELS of the most celebrated tnannfaeturea, aplrndld asaortment, and at popnlnr prices. MILLINERY. We will open in thle department LADIES' and CHILDREN'S IIA TSof the most stylish new shape and ahadei; also an elegant variety of FLOWERS, ill Hi IONS, Ac. JONES. IMMENSE STOCK of Hosiery, Gloves, Ilandkerchlefa, Scarfs, Fancy Goods, Trimmings. Laces, Edgings, Ac., Ac. CARPETS AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS being otto of our most important departments, great efforts have been made to obtain the choicest designs in lloDY BRUSSELS, TAP BRUSSELS. Extra superfine Ingrains from t<k\ upward. Tap Brussels, 91 per yard, handsome bright colors. | JONES LARGE STOCK OF OILCLOTHS, RUGS, MATS, WIN now NIIAUIV. I|IU,I,A.M1> v.-?l> I- VI I*. I UBTAUS, IIV SKIS AMI BY TIIK YAltH. TKKIIY CRETONNES, RKI'S. FURNITURE COVERINGS. MATrRhssKS, CORNICES, Ac . Ac. Havinc made arrangement* with the most prominent mnniilact'irer* In thi? citv and Bo?|on. we will offer one of the LARGEST A N I> IlKClDKIILY TIIK CHKAI'KKT STOCK OK DOMESTIC* In tlte city, which will bo void by the yard or by tlie plooe oi MAM' KACTU K KITS' I' KICKS. Sheeting*. shirting*. I'rlnt*, Denlnt*. Tickings, paper and flat-fold Cambric* at l*?? than wholesale prices. A v i s 11 will prove tliiw n rare opportunity to purchase spring Onodt at price" never belore offered lo the public. Remember JONES' OPEMSil takes place MONDAY, 27TH MARCH. Stliae.. I (Hit *t A._ waller a mchorley, 2tfl Grand it., near Bowery, New York. Unparalleled bargnlna ino uvi Proa t.onoa. Mm, i.tnena, t itiooea, wc.: vanUna, trnra Ian week'* miction nnlca, whlcli will be offered tule week ?t exttetncly low prirea. 2" ranea of tine Canltmerex. tn ell tbe new iltadea. at 31c., pi mil \ elite for 45e. ficnnen of fine, ell wool etmel'a heir Platda at 37c,. gcod reliie lor ?k*c. HI ca?e* of line allk I'onpeoa, extra fine onatlty, at 75e., pood value at ?l. Dlerk Canhmeren, bleek Alpaca*, An*trallan Crape Cloth. 7 cane* blerk < lanhtnerea, 4<i inches wide, at 4<>c.. 02c., 73c. ud $1, worth 2<?c. per yard more. Hi ranee very fine l.lack Alpaca at 25c., name pood* gold on Broadway for 37r. li canen very fine black Auntrallan Crape Cloth, IX yarda wide, at 37c., r*V. Black Sitka, colored Silk* and atrlped Silk*. We nhall exhibit Inn pierce extra duality black sllka. comprising nonte of the bent and mo?t favorite maken of l.yona. .Vi pierce Itrap de Lyon ut $1 2.">. pood value for 9 I 62. 25 piecea Cashmere da Indies at 91 AO, recently sold for $2 12. 25 piece* heavy proa pre In Silk at flOe. and 91. 40 piecei colored Kalllle, all new ahadea, at SI, worth 91 40. *? plccca auperlor quality atrlped Silk at 7.V., recently old at 91 12. Magnificent aaaortment of ladle*' Snila. Cloak*. Rhawla, Parla and Berlin made suit*, aim those of our own manufacture, at 97. t'l, 911, 914, 9li? and upward. Caahmere and ?llk Cloak* at 9". 9*. 911. 912 and upward. .V)l Striped and plaid Shawl* at 91 25, 91 75, 92 25, $.1 50 and upward. Callcoea. Llncna and Mn?llna. |0 caaea Merrimack Callcoea at fie., anld elxewhera at Be. 20 eaaca line vard wide Muslin, inanufactured expreanly for enr own trade, at 7r. 3 caaea Table llamask, of rich reanufaetnre, 31e., 37e.. !k'c., 75c. Hosiery and fJloyna. 3 eaaei ?ery fine ladiea atrlped lloae at 2.V., well worth 4<v. HOdoiea French ki'l Gln?et lit 7.Ve., the anme gooda Ha lotd I not ?r??on for >1 XV The prlre? on all tho ahore annda are guaranteed to he 20 per rant lower tlian Broadway prlcea. WALLER A McRORLBT, 245 Grand at., near Bowery, New Vorh. rraut "XAOIO RIBBON AMI TAPB IM NNKK. I'AT1 enied. urnanieiita and trim*. without ?"Wlnc. drr??e?. uiiM', i ?iri mum . *a\iiik fading or trimtrtiriic* wnnnnni t If* t\rv wmiied; him* l*-ii 4 liictdiM*; ni'Vff gel* out of order. having iin dtftnrrftnuing *!ldcn; h child chii ??# (Im Konner even for the fit**! intricate designAccomplishing In one lintir the dressmaker* work ol a week. ?% )M*l?*nnlr*?t In notion department ol MoNm. r*lh<?tin. Kobldns A th?.; William II I.umi. ,v i .. . HirtIrIt, Heed A i . I'Mkm, MH'Iciin A Co.: L M. \ Co.; tfouk. Valentine A t'o.; Kane, Hprlng, I>Ate A Co., mid * I leading notion hou*e?; *l*n In i.'Nbft. Antilles and Hpmilali America. II. It ALHKI<>, Soli* Agent. Hll7 IfroAdwuv; retahed hi ."*?< . per *et. \* vTttOt rt6( V lii #TH \N N KAH i 111 ?f ? i Humvliif KMablifthMiiBl; *pe*!aJltr of ladles' and babies' Truii?*ituv Lingerie M<1 l.Tn<lf rwear; Monogram* to | order lor table mid bed linen, handkerchief*, Ac. Wholesale I departmental* K??t I'Jth ?t l>rf?ruted piper l altorur I Machine* nod actti?oriei for iUuiping, l LP. PRICE FIVE CENTS. A* JOHN DDDD A NN N II F.EEEE L L D D AA NN N II E L I, D D A A N N N II F. L L D D A A If If N 11 KEE 1, L I> D A A AAA N N N II B L L D U A A N NX II K L . L DDDD A AN NX II EEEEE LLEL LLLL A HON, <$>?? ' ? 7777777 5A555 r>01K? | ONE BLOCK 77 77 5. 00 BO I BROADWAY 77 55555 90 IN* BELOW 77 55 991)00 AND 77 53 o? I STEWART'S 77 35 Vi 00 ;?0 | 8TH STREET. 77 553 003 | <j> <J> SPRING AM) SUMMER OOO PPP F.EEE NN N II NN N GOO O O P P K NN N II N V N O O O O P P K N N N II N N N O O O PPP FEE N N N II N N N O O OP E N N N II N N N O OO 0 OP E N N N 11 N N V O O OOO P EEEE N NN II N NN GOO ^ OP PARIS MILLINERY AND ~NOVELTIES "AT POPULAR PRICES," <3> <?> * 1 TUESDAY. T xvn J WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, I MAKCII 20, * OUR CUSTOMERS ARK RESl'ECl FILLY ^ INYITED TO INSPECT* OUR IMPORTATION'S OK PARIS BONNETS (ALSO THOSE OK OUR OWN DESIGN.) FINK FRENCH FLOWERS, FRENCH CHIP BONNETS. ENGLISH STRAW HATS. MILLINERY ORNAMENTS. NOVELTTK8 IN MILLINERY SILKs! WITH RIBBONS TO MATCH IN MAKE AND TINTS. UNEQUALLED BARGAINS IN B I.AC K PRESS SICKS, BOUGHT AT THE RECENT LARGE AUCTION RALES. AT 33 PER CENT LESS THAN COST OF IMPORTATION, WHICH WE WILL offer AT THE SAME REDUCTION. an examination will convince the most sceptical. 500 PIECES COLORUTOKOS CHAIN PRESS SILK AT *1 jr. PER YARD (CHOICE SHAPES). RIBBON DEPARTMENT. ALL TIIE NEW .SHAPES NOW IN STOCK. IN FROSTED, BASKET AND OTHER DESIGNS. 500 CARTONS ALL s.I.K PROS GRAIN RIBBONS. NEW SHAPES. NP.W SHAPES, NEW SHARES. NO. 7. NO. ?, No. PJ, lie. YaTB. 13r. YARD. l?e. YARD. lace DEPARTMENT. AM- WIDTHS I IK POINT DL'UHERSE, CACIIMEKE. THREAD, HI IPUKK LACKS, AC. ALSO NOVELTIES IN ECRU SCARFS. J A llOTS, KIJKKMNOS. SACQUES, AC. Ol'KN INti OK PARASOLS AND SUN UMRF-RLLAS. AN ei.koant ASSORTMENT ok the nkw~raooda PAItAHOLS. A l.AIHiE lot twili, SILK SI n i vi. brella8. at $1 48 EACH, AND UPWARD. PEARL, ivory, TORTOISE SHELL AND other HANDLES, equally low JOHN DAN I EM. A SON. 7 .0 RROADWAY. Q.RAND OPENING OK SPRING SUITS. ^ LORI> A TAYLOR, Km. 355, 257,359 and A>1 Omr.I at., corner Chryatla, n?l No. 88 Forsyth at., WILL Ol'KN ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. MARCH 28 and 29i A VERY HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' ANI MISSES' SUITS. COMPRrSINO BLACK AND CoToRED SILK SUITS. At $tn, formerly sold at $<V?. At $45, formerly sold nt $ "?. At $75, formerly sold at $100. These snits are entirely new and made expressly for oar spring trade. Also, Pongee Salta, trimmed with name and silk trimmed, from $2" l<> AO. French poplin Snits, ?llk trimmed, from JIN to $50. Arlington poplin Snits, trimmed handsomely, Irotn $12 tt $30. Plain and plaid Suits, combination trimmings, from $10 tt $t" Serge Snits. plain and trimmed In combination colors from #0 to $25. Ladies' calico and cambric Wrappers, in rations styles from 75c. to $ '< 25. Ladies' white percslo and lawn Wrappers, trimmed, trors $.'1 to $ '! 50; with needlework trimmings from $4 .VI to $lu Linen Suits, plain, braided, embroidered and trimmei with lace, in all the new colors, from $3 50 to $25. White lawn and Swiss Suits froin $5 to $35. J MOURNING SUITS specialty, and made to order at six honrs' notice. A ? ? ^ MISSES' ANO ('III IjOK KN'S BUIlS. ^ Braided cloth Units from St to $13 75? Cloth Kilt Suits from $ * .">C to $10. Organdie Suit* from $H. Mohair and Muff Suit* from $3 50. Centennial Suits from Si 50. Swiss Suits from $2 5o. Swiss Overskirti from $2: with lore Insertlnirs from flOt .Marseilles Presses froin $1 35, and Suits from $4 These suits and dresses are for children from one to slA teen years of age. Also large lines of Children's Wrappers from fWc. to $1 AS. MOUR.NI.Nt> SUITS for misses Irora $4 to $25. The firm guarantees erery article adrertised by them U be in stock and to lie as represented. GRAND, CHRYRTIB AND FORRVTH RT& Y ?JA.MKS .M CllKKKY A (O^ " Broadway and Ilth St., hare now open their new Spring Styles of W.ttln* C...I.M r>i.?.. o>l Evening Camumea, In nil the new and faditnnahle fabric* of thla leaton, t? pettier with an uneqhalled aunrtment of ladlea' Caibmrra and Drap d'Eta Cloak* and Dolman*. In the lateit I'arialan Style*. Children*' Cloak*. In Plain and fancy Caeelmere, in Naw Dotljn* and at Popnlar I'nee*. Q.REAT REDUCTIONS IN Carpet*. The tergeit a*fnrim?nt In the city. Tapettry Bruraelr, from 11 peryird. Body Rrnaaelt, from #1 80 per yard, terrain*. from dfV per yard. Oilcloth* mil width*). Lace Curtain*, from One Dollar per pair to the flnent Imported (abont half price). Curtain Net. Onttatrr Drapery, Cretonne*, Furniture Chlntre?, Ac.. Ac. khkppako kxapp, 1*1 ami ISA Oth ar. (oil* donr helnw Pth at.) / ' RKAT llMMVrii'N * VT In Boots ami Slio??, for !a<li*(, Kciittciueii and children. Soiled good* marked down "llall Price." at BROOKS', 1,1 ml Broadway, cornet ef 3<Rh it. for Other Dry Oootla Art vrrtlaeinenta See Sixteenth Paget.