leeretary Hobesou Explains His Action on the
Failure of flay Cooke & Co.
ujsiussion 01 Ante-war questions uy j
Republican Senators.
Starving Condition of the Indians
About Fort SilL
Washington, March 80. 1870.
Concerning a story in circulation that some drafts at
lour months against the Navy Do part incut liavo not j
been paid on presentation, the Secretary of the Navy I
lays that the presumption drawn that tie has spent j
ihu appropriation IsluUe; that theru la no clutlciency; \
that 11(0 agents ol the navy in London have
the money to cover these drafts now in their
possession in Loudon, but tliul the incoming drafts
duo between now and the close of lite lineal your will, i
AS a matter of course, exhaust all the lands as the aj>propriution
is meaut by the House ol Hc|irescntutivcs
to cover only the necossary outlays. Ho explulns that
the accounts of the pay ol tho navy are ueces
t-urily diverse and scattered; that ho bus seventy paymasters,
each of whom needs some surplus rush in
liand and ifeach has only $&,t)00 this would aniouul to
n large sum scattered all over tho world, tho balancing
* of which comes in uoccssarily slowly and at irregular
The Navy Departuont keeps this pay account with u
banker in Loudon with the general understanding that
It may draw on bita it necessary at times beyond its
buhitico with him. The government was often I
$1,000,000 behindhand with the Uurings, hut, so far as
he navy accounts go, this all came In as tho paymasters
settled their accounts. Hut ho adds that tho accounts
und balances being at such distant points It is not
possible to brine thorn all In uromntlv
at ii given time, and the appropriations allowing
no surplus or working capital, there must sometimes be
Mali a condition ot things as this. II, thvroloro, tho
pay account of the navy is low this is not because there
lias been waste or there is a deficiency, but bccauso of
the necessary delay iu Bottling outstanding accounts. I
llo adds that to complicate this matter of settlement
nil expenses of the uuvy, us lor tho Murine Corps, re- !
pai.r- machinery, &0., abroad are paid out j
al tho London baianco, and tho pay account I
Is ulterwurd reiinbur?o,l by the Treasury i
out of tho other appropriations, which, of course, |
t Increases tho delay iu the settlement of this account. j
tlonco tho periodical necessity of overdrawing his
Salanee iu I.ondou while there is no uclual deilcieney, !
ind tins has always been tho case when the liurings '
acre the government agents, llo douics, therefore, :
positively thiti thero is uny deficiency, uud asserts tli.it
the pay uc count and all other accounts of tho navy uro
Correctly kept; tliat bo has not expended his wholo up.
proprlutlou, hut has his aC'uirs in such shapo that I
he will ask for no deilcieney appro|>riulion nor
need any, but thut all his payments for tho year will
ho lnudo out of tho uppropiiatiotis of tliu year, llo
adds Willi groat postllvsness that it is f'also thut ho bus
used money lrotu otto upprouriation to expend lor
another; that this Is contrary to law, and uttdcr the I
system of audit in ttio Treasury impossible, and that
ull charges of (his kind are totally (also and groundless. I
The reports which have been set ullout on this sub- I
ject Scviu hero to have coiuo Irutu persons
representing the agcnis of the navy !u London,
and, as they uro thus groundless, they j
ought to he contradicted. H Is understood that Mr.
Kol>eson docs not mean to evade auy possible invcstl* |
gution by the House, hut. on the contrary, means to j
assist the committee in everyway. There uro some j
details in the following account which do not appear !
lu Mr. Kobcson's published letters, uud these it is just *
to him to maae known. Mr. Uobcsou remarked this j
cvcuiug, in conversation with u friend concerning the j
despatches of his recently published, that ihey do not j
give an entirely accurate account of his action In the !
matters they concerned. Ho said that It should bo
understood that on tho 16th ol September, two days belore
Jay C'ooko & Co. failed, und when he, of course, had
no idea that they were going to fati. tho ttino had cotno |
tor a usual remiltauco to Juy Cooke, McCulloch &
Co., l.oudou, who were agents of tho navy, and ho '
accordingly ordered this remittance o( a million; that j
in u despatch, not yet printed, ol the 16lh, he ordered !
the actlug secretary to stop this tomittance, Jay I
? .*.ten I. .i 11,1. 111..II lulled and that the umnS .t.i,.>l..|, !
given iu lliu IliKAiji, was Commodore Reynolds'
answer to this order, reporting that ttie remittance
11ad been 'stopped iu time. What actually
happened, tie nays, was that the draft had
leeu given to Jay Cooko As Co. to be transferred, but i
ass tcturtied by them to tlic Treasury. Next he tele- '
jruplied to Paymaster Bradford, tbeu iu London, in !
^injunction with Mr. Called, to slay and look Into the ,
tlluiis of Jay Cooke, McCulloch & Co., the question '
DOiug whether the bouse was safe and whether the
government's balance with them, at that time about
(uoo.000, was-socuie. This was the occasion of the
despatches from Bradford, which have boon
printed, and ho says his instructions telegraphed
over hare not been printed. Mean- 1
time he found it necessury to keep Paymaster Bradford
iu funds to honor tbo drafts of distant paymasters us
they should arrive, in caso Cooke, McCulloch & Co.
could not or would not. For this purpose he caused
ilie trauslcr of $1,600,1)00 to Paymaster Cutler in Now
York, and caused him to buy exchaligo ou London, or 1
Mtbor to get trauslers by cable, Culler paying iu New
Fork only on a telegraphic certificate that au equal
lum wait deposited iu London. (,'ooke, McCulloch k
Cot in the monntltuc, be saye, went ou paving; drulla
is they came l<>4i*nd, and tho Secretary tor.K measures
to obtain Iroiu tho house all tho securities ho
rould sot, prcMlnit them couslunlly. About the :10th of
IKTober tho agent of Cooke, McCulloch k Co. came to
hint and represented that tho house was going on, that
It had bonorod all the Navy'a dralta and that tho
Navy's baiauco was drawn down, so tar, to about
|<30b,u00; that they lelt entitled to ask for a new re. I
mutative. On tht* question Mr. llobeaon took the I
sdvico ol the theu Secretary ot the Treasury and the
President, and they agreed to do ao, tnoved by (he
tear of causlug disaster if they relueed?not
snly to Cooke, McCulloch k Co., but to
stlior American banking bouses in London.
Ho therefore agreed to remit ibom $1,000,000, in
October und November, In Instalments, aud took new
securities abundantly covering the uew remittance aud
the old balance. When Cooke, McCulloch k Co.
aero lorced Into liquidation then and thereafter Paysiaster
tlradlord took up the drafts of the navy against
tut! IIOU-U tlS tut!/ lUillu IK UI uua ;
a> hi* charge. At present Cooke, McCullocb
k Co. owe the govcrniucut about $700,000,
which, Mr. Hnbcsoti poiula out, I* $'J0U,U00 ;
*. ** than w iicu the panic broko out, and for thla debt
to ha* securities which will he realized In tucb manner
ts ?o 101 ru Our so the Ireaeury, principal and Inierett,
ty the 1st of July or during the present Useal year. I
Thus he claim* thut he hi* lost nothing, and that hi* j
letion Is Jukiitied by the event.
The resignation ol Governor Ante* In Mississippi, fol.
I ui iii/ so closely alter the resignation of Lieutenant
i.oii'i nor r>:tvi*, clean* the political atmosphere of the
-1. t.. It ha* been expected hero lor some time, as it |
was pretty cerium that he would have been convicted
had he not resigned, and the delay was occa- i
slutted, as ia supposed here, by attempts at j
nv.wilatiou with the d?'usoorata. vamA broke |
down. The Acting Governor, Stone, la a democrat,
but Is well spoken of by the republicans, who
consider him a fair and upright man who will doal
honestly mid impartially uud uiako a good Governor
lor the Stale.
The resignation of Atnes breaks the power ol the
ring of followers and favorites ot his who have raif ruled
the State and will enable the republican part
In the Statu to reorganize on a sound basis and to juage
themselves a formidable and reapeclable opposition,
If tbey do not carry tbe State. Miaslssippl republicans
here are very well satisfied with the result, and
believe the future of their Slate to be tuoro hopeful at
this moment than lor years before. Meantime, Senator
Morton docs not seem to bo aware that the hot.
torn has fallen out ot his Mississippi investigation.
Washixotox, March 30, 18T&
The republican Senators are disposed to take up tbe
wrangle with the Southern democracy a here Mr. Blaine
lett it in the House. During tbe debate to day on tho
Mississippi Investigation question, while Mr. Dayard,
of Delaware, was speaking. Mr. Houlwell, of Massachusetts.
interrupted hltn several times, lor which he dually
received a some what sharp rebuke. A* soou as Mr. Bayard
had IIlushed Mr. Uoutwcll rose to his loot and responded
in those tones and terms of intouso radicalism
which, in days gone by, havo electritled
the legislative halls of both houses. Ho
delivered a regular old fushioucd unti-slavery
times, lugittve slave law dissertation and was unsparing
even to cruelty in his cr.ticlsms of tho -Southern
I ample. Long alter he had ceased the hot blood* could
be seen reddening tho luces of tho Southern-Senators,
csjKciullp those who hud served in the Confederate
army during the war. But tliey kept their temper
exceedingly well, Senators Withers, of West Virginia,
and Maxcy, of Texas, replying to Senator Boutwell iu
emphatic but reusouubly conservative sentences.
Ono of the Eastern Senutors, who wus very
much pleased with the unsparlog laceration
which the latter had given the South
said ho thought ho heurl tho tones of the Old South
Church bell iu Huston ring out again. Senator Morton
followed with u caustic application to ttie wounds
opened by Senator Houtwell. Unless grout discretion
assumes tho sway there will probably be much more
o( this acrimonious debate, and the scenes o( the
House will bo ro-enactod. The republican Senators are
provoking their opponents by what they call the arrogance
of tbo South in manner and legislative action
and hone to got some Scuutorial Ben LI ill to speak out
his mind iu retort.
During tho examination or witnesses hv the Indian
Committee to day Mr. I'agc, one of tbo members who
cross-exuuiincs theui, lost his temper becauso one of
the spectators handed a nolo to the chairman. Mr.
l'age protested. Mr. Scales and Judge Wilshiro said
that they wero glad to got information from any one.
Tho country wanted the truth, and the chairman said
they would thank any person who gavo them lacts
that would lead to the exposure of frauds.
J. E. Barrows, of Now York city, testified that ho
was a contractor, but had lost his bids, though ho was
lower than any competitor; ill cacti instanco ex-CornOt..ill.
1--.-I Hintiuniul In nil-., f In, in
members of the Indian King, though they always hid
higher than the witness did. 11c gave the following
damaging statement ol tho way the iruudulcul contracts
wero obtained:?
In July, 1874, Mr. L. Zcckcndorf, of Tucson, Arizona,
John Hughes, of Denver, and tho witness, J. K. Harrows,
were bidders in the name of Zeokuudorf tor furnishing
beet cattle to the dllterciil Indian agencies in
in Arizona, tho amount in the aggregate being0,000,000
or 7,000,000 pounds. When the bids wero opened
ut tbu Interior Department by Commissioner Smith the
bid ol willness' tlrm was lounrt to be the lowest, and
they expected to get the contract, as all the requirements
in tho proposal were complied with, d ue checks
accompanying the bid were duly certilled by New York
national banks to tho amount ot $Ul,0'.it). ()u tho day
ailer the proposals were opened D. W. C. Wheeler,
of New York; J. W. Hosier, of Pennsylvania,
and Lew Smith, of Leaveuwortb, Kansas, had
put in two or three bids, one in the anno
ol Trainer, of Texas, which was tho next
above Zcckcndorf's; oue in the name of .Smith, the
third or lourtli above witness' tlrm. Mr. Zeckcudorf
demanded the contract ol Commissioner Smith, hut
was relused, and no explanation whs given. The contract
wus llually awarded to l.ew Smith ia the interest
of \le.-sr?. Mo. ler unit Wboeler. The dlllereliee in t(to
price ol the contract was lrom 130,000 tu $40,000,
which of course was u total loss to the government and
the Indiana. The witness went oil to say that on the
day the bids were to be opeuod Wheeler said ihut the
wanes* should never secure the bids. Alter the contract
was awarded to the King u check tor
$3 000 was presented to Hughes to keep hltn quiet.
l'lie check lor that amouui was given by I.cw .Smith,
one ot the siiccesslul contractors, but it was drawn by
Bossier, tho lting contractor, and tt was on kouutz it
Co., of New York. In 1874 tho wttucss, Mr. Barrows,
hid lu the contract tor transportation of Indian sup
plies troin Cheyenne to Bed Cloud agency. He was tho.
lowest bidder, but McCauu received the contract at
prices largely in excess of those put in by the witness.
The advertisement for proposals said that hid* would
only bo received lrom Cheyenne, yet a private agreement
was made between McCann and Commissioner
Hinilh to accept McCann's bid lor transportation lrom
Omaha to Kcd Cloud vin Cheyenne, which was In violation
ol the stipulations ol the contract as advertised.
Considerable apprehension Is felt at the War Department
owing to recent advices received lrom the mill
jury officials at Fori Sill thai the Indians, lo ibo
number of 7.00U, are uctually suflering tor want ol something
lo cat, and arc, in tact, uu ibo verge of
starvation. Tlio troops have no spare rations lo
give them, and there is hut a lorce ol nhoul 600 men in
the post, which, lu the ovent ol a rising on the part ot
the Indians, makes the soldiers' |K>iiliou precarious.
This danger Is soriously upprelienilod by tho ofltcers
ot the Wur Department, us thev know that tho
llrst thing an Indiau will do beloro ho sturves la lo rise
up against the authorities aud take to the plains,
which Is now an act ol war. Such a course with tho
threatening attitude of Sioux In the northwest, who
would communicate with them by war parties ana
couriers, would render tho whole border u:iieuauiable>
and c&uso certain destruction ol the troops, the Secretary
ol Wur forwarded tho |>apcrs to the Secretary of
the Interior, with the request that supplies may lie sent
to tho tulferiug Indians aud their laiuiliea, and thul
the appropriations may he hastened lo enable tho department
to do all tliut is required. Secretary Chuudicr
will accordingly urge that the House and Souato
take early notice of this coudiltou of alfairs, and tho
War Department will second him, lu order to avoid, If
possible, tho chances of u war, which the military authorities
hero regard as most Imminent, lu u word, ul
no time for many yenrs past has the War Department
lilt so much concern on tho score of ludiau uilairs
as at the present moment.
Senator Allison, ol Iowa, chairman of tho Senate
Committee ou Indian Allairs, does not think that there
Is much likelihood of tho transler of the couduct of
ludiau afhnrs by Congress to tho War Department, lie
is la favor of the appointment of a commission to
take two years to examine into uud decide upon and
reconimeud apian to be adopted for the lull investment
and management ot tho Indiana
Tbe Illness of President Grant occasions much cud
cern at (be CapiloL Tbe attack promisod to be of
short duration l:iil evening, but tbe indiscreet going
out ol tbe President yesterday alleruoon to ride ban
aggravated hi* ludl.'posilion and demanded atroab tbe
efforts of his attending physician, Dr. ltattl Noma,
who tvaa obliged to remain at the While House during
)a*i nlgtit aa a precaution agaiu?t any ?uddon and unfavorable
change. Considerable appreheueion continues
to be Icli lest the President's illness may rulmtnato
in something of tho paralytic or apoplectic typo.
His habits have changed greatly of late. Ho was accustomed
to rules great deal on boiseback, keeping up
Ins army physical training, out latterly no has loregone
Ibis exercise, growiuj quite stout thereby, and
his life has been more sedentary and laborious in oflice
work. This, it is thought, would tend to make him
Uabie lo the serious islluencas of sudden strata upon
bis nervous system, and accounts, in a great measure,
lor bis present sickness. The subject makes fresh talk
among Senators, as the continuance of President
G rant's indisposition would revive the old nueatiou
about the President pro lem. ol the Semite.
The Now York Produce Exchange committee to-dajr
were heard by the Sub-Coinmittece of Ways and Means.
The memorial and occasion lor it were explained by the
Chairman of tlio committee. Mr. W. 8. Miller. Mr.
Bristuw .stated fully the business evils and oppressions
resulting troni the present practices of iuternal revenue
officers. whtlo the legal aspects i>f the euso were
developed by Colonel Hill, who dwelt particularly upon
the bearing of Judge Giles' decision, of Baltimore,
of day beforo yesterday. The reception of
the memorial wus most luvorahle, and at the request of
Mr. Hancock the Produce Exchange delegates are reducing
their views to writing and druwing a proposed
amendment, which will accord with Mr. Meade's bill
In so lar as it relates to that especial subject. A petition
was prescuted to-day by Mr. O'Brien, of Marylaud,
in favor of this hill, signed by all the chemical
manufacturing and wholesale druggists In the city of
Baltimore, and one from Now Haven wus alsd presented,
signed by all the wholesalo liquor dealer* of
that city. The Produce Exchange committee will submit
their papers to the Commissioner of Internal
Revenue before returuing to New York.
For s>mo timo past thero has been it movement in
political circles in Florida, aiming to effect the Indictment
of Senator 8. B. Conover, for alleged acts wldlo
he was Slate Treasurer. DcMpatcbcs received here today
state that immediately upon the examination of
Mr. F. 11. Gamble, who was State Comptroller when
Senator Conover wus Treasurer of the State ot Florida,
the State withdrew Irotn the case, as his testimony exculpated
Senator Conover.
WASHixctrox, March 30, 1870.
Mr. Schenck again appeared before'the Committee
on Foreign Affairs to-day. Mr. Swunu said lie was
Instructed by tho committee to say to Mr. Schenck
that the committee would retain tho control of the
examination in reference to matters connected with
him. All questions would be put to hun through
n member of tho committee, und ho would
replv to tho committee und not to outsido
parties. Mr. Schenck made an explanation with
regard to his reilg nation as a director of tho Kmma
Mine Company, denying, as Lyon ha<l tostitlod, that
he had concealed tho lact front December till the 1-th
of January. Ho made no etlort to cimcea.1 tho fact
which was generally known. Ho also explained tho
discrepancies, as called lo his attention by Mr.
Springer, between tho letter of resignation to the company
and that purporting to bo u copy transmitted to
Secretary Fish. Ho hud prepared und retained tho
rough draft from which ho had written, with inodi
ucaiion, me icucr sent, 10 ino company.
Mr. Hewitt called attention to tbo following telegram,
received to-day:?
Chairman op thk Committkk on Forkigx Akpairs:?
!ti continuation of Lvon's evidence I have tlio
oriuirial druft ol Scheuck's letter of resignation In
Lark's handwriting, and respecting operations I have
prool llint Scheuek received a cable telegram In l'uris,
on the liilli Here in bo r. from l*ark, advising stilo <111 the
intended passing of dividends, and Scbeuck sent
Cbeseborougb a telegram to sell -,oon shares lor hi in.
Cliuirinun Ktnma Mine.
Mr 0 Vnck said he was conlident that no such draft
of a letter 111 Lark's handwriting existed, lie was advised
by Lark to sell at that time, hut ho seut no telegram
to Cheeeborough for such purposes.
Mr. Schenck will appear again to-morrow, when Interrogations
will be propounded to him.
The comtuttico adjourned till to-morrow.
Mr. McDougall, who sent tbo above telegrnm from
London, is a stock dealer in thai city nud Is the proprietor
of The Hour newspaper uud Its money editor.
Since the Kmmu mine shares went down in the market
lie is said to huve bought up at a very low price
enough shares to secure u controlling interest in the
company. He is reported to tuive proiitod largely by
his own speculations in the Kmina mine stock l>V
buying when it was down to ?1 or .til |ior share. Ho
himself was not originally in tlio compuny, it is stated,
nor one <d those who guttered by the depreciation of
the stock.
Chairman Swanu, with the concurrence of the commlitoe,
has telegraphed McDougall to (orwurd such
proofs hr he tnay have in support of the truth ol his
Steamer. | &miU. j Ojiiet.
l.k'Ypt April 1. Liverpool. .Mill Broadway
lU' wOunr Apill 1. j Bremen... .12 Howling Groen
Baltic April 1 Liverp??oi.. 127 Bioad* mv
Cltv of Chester... April 11 Liverpool . | IN Bra.idway
Labrador Auril 1.,Havre |No Br .adwHv
Ethiopia April 1. Hlaairow ... 7 Bnwlimr 1 ireoo
AV.vomiitir April 4. Liverpool.. 2B Broadway
Algeria April Z>. Liverp??ol.. I Bowling Gieea
fimbria April <j. 11 amnuri;.. i?l Broadway
Si ate ol Indium*... April Glasgow... 7'.! Hronlvrijr
Republic .......... April *. Livirpooi.. t<7 Broadway
City of Ntw York.. April s. Liverpool. 115Broadway
Hie tjueeu April H. Liverpool.. ISB Broadway
Neckar April *. Iircmeii... 2 H?*wliriir Greoo
Victoria April (ila?trow... 7 Bowling Greon
China April 12. Liverpool.. 4 Howling Grcoo
Cltv ol Richmond. 1 April 1H. Liverpool.. IN 11 road way
Snevia April IB. Ilambtin:.. ill Broadwav
Rotterdam April IB Rotterdam. No llroadwHV
Germanic April 1-1. Liverpool.. b7 Broadway
Helvetia April l"? Liverpool.. RHHr??wd?ay
Ameriquo Aprill5. Havre.,,... V? Broadway
Oder April 1*?. Bremen... 2 Howling Green
California April 1."A. <2la*ifow.... 7 ltowliny Hreea
Idaho Anril 1*. Liverpool.. 29 Broadway
Bothnia April 19. Liverpool 1 Bowllm.' Green
State of Pcunayla. April 20. Otaauow.... 72 Broadway
Gellert April 20. Hamhnrir.. til Broadway
Celtic April 22. Liverpool. B7 Broadway
Bolivia April 22. Gla?i;ow.. .A7 Bowling Greet
France At?rl122. Havre Vt Broadway
Kiitfland. April22. Liverpool.. till Broadway
Cltv of Montreal . At>riI 22. Li\.n>ool !."? Hrnittlwitt
M?in April22. lire men.... |2 Howling *frees
Nevada . I April 39.11 Jrcrpool.. i25i lliumlwiir
IVmnierania I April '.'7. Hamburg. I "! Hroadv-ay
Adriatic April' II. I j.iYerpool.. |M7 Hronilway
City of Pari* ! April 211. | Liverpool.. 115 llroadway
TilE PORT OK NKW YORK AT MlillT. ?The Nnw York
lint aid ha* adoplrd a dl?lln?ul*hiiigCn*ton night atcnal for
pro on hoard the IImiai.p "team yacht, allowing while burning
the color* red. grcmi, red. chancing Iroin one to the other
In sureoaalon, aud can be mcii teveral mile* diatnnt. Cap.
tain* of veaaela, upon teeing this aignal, will oldigo ut Itv
preparing any marine newt they tuny have lor the Ship
New* Ilepartment nt the II mat p.
p jr-l'crtont dctlruna of communicating with veatclt arriving
at New York can do to by addreatlng to *uch vetted*,
care of IIkralp new * yacht, pier No. 1 Ka*t River. New York.
Letter* received from all part* of the world aud promptly delivered.
Duplicate* are required.
Sun rise* 6 48 | Gov Island,,..morn 12 19
Sun sets II 2.1 I Sandy Hook wvo 11 :v4
Moon sets morn 12 35 | Hell Rate uiorn 2 04
Ktcmucr Slktf of IniHwu (Br't Sadler, Glatgow March
|h ami l.nrar tfMli. with tnd?e and 'JU ptuannn to Aiiatia
s ltaldwln A Co. ll?<l line weather all it><- peonage.
steamer Kenllworih <Bn. Prow?e. Antwerp March 17,
with tiidae ami 7* pa??en??r? to I'ctrr W right .1 .Mono.
Steamer Fraacwnt CM), Cnrtl?. Havana Mar.'li lial, with
ntdae and paaeenger* to Wm P Clyde A Co. March U", no
* lot, Ac. paa?ed achr It J Willard, (mm Trinidad Tor New
Stcamc Old Dominion. Walker. Richmond. Cite Point and
Norlolk. with ntdaa ana pWHiitrri to the Old Dominion
Mcnm-lnp I'o.
Mannar K t' Knight, Cblchenler, Georgetown, DC, with
inline to J L Koootc. Jr.
Steamer I'ottaviltc. Witmett, Philadelphia, with indue to
J antra K Ward < I'o
liark Maria iAua>. Cammua. Cork SI ilav*. la ballaat to
Hark Paulina vital). Katrigol, Cork SO day*. In ballatt to
Haik Yaradla (Nor), I'cteiaen. Dublin SA day*, in hallaat
to I' Tohia* A Co Caato Ibo aouiberly paoaga and had
variahie weather.
Hark Carlo H (Ana), Goluhoeicb, tialwajr. Jan 31, la balla?t
to oruor. Anchored n tlrareaend Hay for order*.
Hark Poraeeerante vital), Bonn, Dunairk til da/*, in
ballant to slocovleb A Co.
Hark Omega tilaii, k'rascotiara. Palermo 74 da/*, witk
frnlt to order
Bark Kocket. Alklnaon, Potto Cabello lit da/a, wltk coffee
to Joteph Avoatiitt.
Bark Acil (of Bermudav. Hill, Cicnfaeiro* 13 dart, with
ouear to Hro-tk* A Co; ee*?el to Mlddtetun A Co. Mar?n 3M,
to) vailaa nit aI Caaaa af Dalawara. had a baar* oaia laoa
ISF to 8W, with nts of rain aiul hi^h sea. washing deck
lure u ltd aft.
Hark Hoido (of JLnndonderry. NS), McKaiulc. Maianaea
| days. with ?ugar, 6c, to K D Morgan ?fc Co; VfMtl to J r
Whitney Jfc Co.
Bark Clara K McGilvery (of Stocktmi). Walnut. Cardan at,
' via Delaware Breakwater, 10 days, with molaaMt to Wnt
I WaUh ; veucl to niaxtcr.
Bri); I'riucm Heatrire (of Sydney t'll), Slmmoni, Point
a Pltr# l'i days, with nuirar t?? II A Vat able Jk Son. March
2S. otf Uattera*. had a heavy gale from 5>E to KW,
Britf Louisa Price (Br). Brown, (iuautauuiiio 17 da/a. with
l int'iir to Hrntik^ A. Cot vph-h! to K Murray. Jr.
Brig ('has A Bovey (of St Joha. Nil), IIolder, Oaibarien 9
days. with sugar to Ktiowltou k Co; vessel to P 1 Nevlus k
Hons Had strong ssk fileH el no# ua?sing Hatters*; March
25, tnt 32 45, lou 7s 20. pa too i an American steamer, fore
ho i aft rigged. standing S under canvas.
Brig NVinfield (of Vurniouth. Me), Bibber. Mstanzas 11
days, with sucur to liuntian X Hoffman; vessel to Ucuner k
j Finkney.
Brig Kabboni (of Bangor), Coombs. Canlenas 7 days,
with soger to Alexander Hrotro; vessel to Miller k Houghton.
March 25. lat 31 21). Ion 77 3M, passed a schooner
{ waterloirired und abandoned. and stripped of sails, Ac.
i Schr Nymph (ol Belize, lioi'Brown, Belize, lion, 14
j days, with hide*. Ac. to Leayoraft X Co. Was 3 davt north
j of Unite run. with strong SK gules: .March 20. 1h r 31 17, Ion
I 781?7. passed a schooner waterlogged und nbundoued: hud
I fuli poop deck forward, musts standing and all sails gone;
appeared to he but a short time in thst condition.
Schr Kdwiu J Palmer. Stephens. i.aguiiH 25 days, with
| ceda r and gngar to Tbnlaad Bros, tl*d ctvong hud winds
I the greater part of the puHSugo; March 2d and 21. lut 29 bf), j
I Ion 79. hud a furious cyclone veering from K to YVSW, with
! terrible cross sea. which tilled the dock, dock house and I
galley, started deck load and even tiling about deck, stove
! in after hatch, bulwurks, boats, water casks, and caused
; other damages; barometer at 29 20: 24th, lut 33 03. Ion j
7."? 3d, passed wreck, bottom up. apparently a brig of IflO
tons und but recently capsized, having part of foreyard and
. topgallant yard, with sail attached, floating alongside; she
was metalled; 25th, passed Uatterus iu a tearful southerly
. gale ; 2Mb. went into Delaware breakwater for shelter Irom
outherlv g*le; left again 29th.
Schr Virginia L Hickman (of Philadelphia). Kinney.
Triunlad'21 days, with molasses to order March 25, lut 3d,
Ion 75. bad a heavy SK gale, during which shipped a sea
j which started cuhin hou. e atid niled the cabin.
Bohr MaM K Btaploa (of Harrington) Colo, Oalbarloa 7
i davs. with sugar to Tucker A Lightbura; vessel to llrett, j
j Sou k I'o. March 28, had u heavy galo Irom SSK; split |
! foresail and broke fnrebooui.
Schr lien. Munsoll. Cloutupgo* via Delaware Breakwater j
| IB days. with sugar to Maitlatid, Phelps A Co*, ven*uI to
( Squire llrt ?: March 21, 1st 30 58. Ion 7H 2(3. hmw a vessel to |
the leeward w iilt an ensign set union down : horc down to ;
[ her. which proved tobe the*?cbr F Katterley ^before reported), '
in a -inking condition : the captain wishod to he taken off; :
it blowing a gale from W'SW uml a heavy sea running,
j got two melt off, and night coming on lav by her and took {
| the remainder off next morning"; -3d, transferred lour of
, th* er??v to the sehooiior S S Hudson, and landed the remi
liidir lit Lewes. Del; 21th, lut HI 40, Ion 77 H, fell in with
the * dioooer D Talbot. of Camden, iihimdonod (before reported),
with mainmast and bowsprit (tone, toiemast standiiitr.
appar ntly 4??t long in that condition; 26th, had a ,
heavy gala from VK tr? NSW.
Srlir Charley Rurki (of Belfast. Me). Rojrors. St Jago, 1(3
days with siiuar to S \V W?l*li: vessel to C Mudgett.
Schr Laviniu Bell (of Port Jefferson). Aldrldge, Bsracoa ;
1<| days, with fruit to (jonies. PearMtil .i Co: vessel to B J
Weiiherir. March 2s I at JV? 20, Ion 74 IK), hud u heavy gal? '
' from SK; at 11 I'M shipped ; heavy sea. which tilled 'cabin ;
' with water, carried away side lights and washed John Jones, ,
' aged 24 vears. a native of Setuckct. LI. from the wheel
! overboard and he wan drowned; since, moderate weather.
Schr Elizabeth M Cook iot (Calais), Coo la, Matnnxas 7
I day-, with lUKiir, Ac, to Jules Saserac A Co; vossel to Jed
' Frye A Co.
SthrTusm (of St John, NBi, Hiicknrd, Cardenas 11 days,
| with sugar to P I Nevins .V Sons. 11 ad a succession of
! heavv SK and N\V yule* during the passage; March 25, lat
| H3 17. Ion 7?r? 20. passed sehr I) Talbot, of Camden, uban!
doned (before reported); the foremast, with galf swinging
I to it W&.4 standing. mainmayt lying on deck; she was very
I deep, as if full of water.
Schr Hen S Marts ?of Dorchester, NJ), Mart". Cardenas 10
j days, with sugar to Hasliun A Hoffmann; vested to Slught A
' Petty.
Sehr A F Wliltney (of Thomaston), Masters, Cardenas 7
davx, with sugar to K 1) Morgan A Co; vc*m*1 to H W Loud
' A Co.
Schr Henry A Tabor, Itcnhniu, Fulton, Texas, 14 days,
with I erf loordr; vessel to master. Had hcuvy weather; i
: lost foresail.
Schr Franklin. Miller, Indlanola 2f> days, with hides, Ac,
. to Tupper A Heat tie
1 Sehr llaitic Card, Moore. Jacksonville 5 days,with lumber :
| to order.
SchrJ II Lock wood, II ardcastle. Jacksonville D days, with I
lumber to Van Brunt A Bio.
Schr Harbinger, Hodge. Jacksonville 7 days, with lumber j
; to F II Smith A Co.
Schr Lexington. Leigh ton, Jacksonville 7 flays, with luiu- I
1 bar t" Warren Ray.
Schr Nettie Walker. Drew, Jacksonville 7 days, with lum- I
' bar to Chuso, Talbot A Co. i
! lr l?.?v IVmun.lInn H <l*v irith hkvul
stdivs to l{ I> Hiirli ut A Co.
! J-clirJnt u It Muvil. S,|iilros. (ioorRotown, SC. 7 dnyn, with I
naval stoics to K 1> llurlbiit A Co.
Sclir U VV Anderson, Anderson, Wilmington, U days, with
, naviil stores to Slught ?t Petty,
j Schr E K Birdsall. Warren, Norfolk,
Kclir H LSUaht, Wllletta, Virginia.
Schr John Younir, Curtis, Ylruitil*.
Hclir John Mosser. Donne. \ ir.-inia.
Schr K II Wharton, Bush. Virginia.
Schr Mary Price. Campbell, Virginia.
Schr B ll lloyt, Maxwell, Virginia.
Schr Ovetta. Harvey, Virginia for New Haven.
Schr John D Williams, Siuith. Baltimore.
Sellr Adriannu, Merrill, Baltimore.
Schr Adriantia. Met rill, Philnucluhia for Providence.
Schr Goddess, Piorcc, Philadelphia,
Arrived 29th ?Brig St Piorrc (Fr?, 11 ate an, St Pierre,
I Mart, IB days, with sugar to 11 A Sunn A Son
Rktuuniid?Ship Prlscllla M?er). Hicholf, hence March 29, ;
j lor Bremen to 0 Tobias. KolurnoJ ou account uf u bad
leak, the vessel making 5 inches of water un hour.
jt^-llark Nordhovet (Nor). from IJvornool. which arrived
i 29th. reports Feb lO, lat 42 N. lou 29 \V, having passed tho
< wreck of'a schooner, with foremast gone; mainmast stand- i
' lug; there were two white deck houses, and she w as appa;
reiitlv lightly loadod.
i 0^-Hurk Ada Barton (llr), from Matanr.as, which arrived
, 29th.reports:?-March 29, lat 2H. lou 79 30, in a gale from
\Y, veering to N\V. Iiihting 24 hours; had decks washed and
i after the gale found the vessel making water, so as to require
I pumping every two hours.
| Hark llypatia (llr), from Liverpool, which anchored
Iut Sandy llook 27th Inst, came up to tuo city yesterday.
0The brig Mi In. as published In yesterday 'a edition,
should have been brig Orlotl.
nouNn soctil
I Steamer (Jonoral Whitney, Hallctt. Boston lor New York.
Steamer City o/ New Bedford, Fish, New Bedford lor
New York.
Steamer Galatea. Wnlden. Providence for New York.
Brig Starlight, Stover, Ponce via New Jiavail for New 1
Schr Defiance, Thorudikc. Rockland for New York.
Schr Florence V Turner. Walker. Kocklitnd for New Yort I
Schr TO McClelland, Farr. Portland. Me, for New York.
Schr Spartel, Croshle. Calais lor New York.
Si-lii Free Wind. Friiblo. I rov(deuce Tor Now York.
Sclir Walter U Thorudtkc, Ctubiuan. Rockland lor Now
Schr 8 K Kith, Nash. Wo?terlv for Now York.
Schr A s Cannon, Norberry, Providence for Philadelphia.
Schr J l> In^rnliHiii, Portland for Philadelphia.
Schr Matreic Rllen, Portland tor Philadelphia.
Sclir Slectwiu^, Kcuiiittun, Now Bedford for New York.
Schr Hastinjc*. Chine. Sow Bedford for Now York.
Mar Mahaska, William*. Portland for New York.
Sclir H D Mntijn;ni. Chase. Now Boiltonl tor New York.
8chr Dart, Williams. Stain lord for New York.
Steamer Eleanors* Johnson. New Y'ork tor Portland.
8clir Thou Jertorsoii Pliinketl, New York for North port.
<chr Helen Mar, Kickemoii, Philadelphia for New 1a>uj
Solar Ralph Howe*. Plutikett, Port Johimoii for Portland.
Sclar J II Perry. Baker, Philadelphia for Boston.
! Sflir .liilia .v. Martha, Hopper, New Y'ork for Huston.
Sclir F T Wlllette, Peii?acola for New llatcii.
Sclir M attic S Kit tun hnloii. Philadelphia for Boston.
Sclir J T I-an rro % Mower, Virginia t t New Haven.
Sclir Annie J Uussell, New Yoik lor Portland. Ct.
Sclir K Kor?. Carpenter. Port Johnson for Providence.
Schr Pliii Sheridan, Murphy. New York for Bridgeport.
' Sclir A Curnev, t Jurne), A in boy for Providence,
i Schr 7. A Paine. Kelly. New York for Kastpori.
Schr Rescue. Kelly. Port Johnson for Providence.
Schr Pointer. Dill. New Y'ork lor Providence and Bristol.
Sclir llutiio A Butler, tireeii. New York for Portland, Ct. j
Schr J Terry. Orison, Ilavcrstraw for Providence.
Schr >Vn? Viel.oun, Koaors, Now York for )l?*>ton.
Schr Ame* ttriirir*. Kuapp, Haverttraw for Providence. |
Schr .1 S Whildnn Youutf. Port lohuftoit f,?r Providence.
Schr I! L t"nrt?Mann. Philadelphia for Boston.
Schr SiimufI P Godwin. Williami. New York for Stamford.
I Schr II V Dtirvoa, Carpenter, New York for Stamford.
Sloop Kute Canon, Byen, New York tor Crane Nock.
j Steamer Holland (Br?. Sloipeou. L#ondon?P W J Hunt.
' Steamer Wivland (Her), llcbich, Hamburg via Plymouth i
I ?Ktinhardt .it Co. {
.steamer Mim (Dutch). Chevalier, Hotter Jam?Funch, j
Kdve X Co.
Steamer Ashland, Crowcll, Fernandlua via Port Royal?C
I II Mnllorv x Co.
Steamer Hen Haines, CbeeHiuan, Savannah?W H GarriSteauier
Richmond, Kelley Norfolk, City Point and Rich- ]
| tnOld Dominion Sveamvbfn Co.
Steamer Kleanor?. .lotin&oi*. Portland?J P Ames
j Steumcf Ncreu*, Bear-*. Ho*t"ti?H F Dimock.
Steamer Beverly. Wallace. Philadelphia?Jan Hand.
Steamer Nlavtlowor. Davutson. Philadelphia? .la* Hand.
Ship Conqueror, Crocker, shii Franc Imm?Sutton X Co.
Hark Cremona, Gove. Yokohama?Yernon II Brown k Co. j
Hark Teresa l.o Yico (Ital), Dominici, Watarford?John C i
Si* aire r.
Hark Schiller (Gen, GloUtcin, Bremen?Chan failing k
Hrlff Michel Inn (Ital), Cacat#, Cork lor order*? P
, Aurcsta.
Hrlu 11 n;r* (sw>. Morin. Oporto?Fun eh, Kdfe A Co.
Brig Starlight, 'fucker, Bridgetown, Barbados, and Genrgoi
town. IV in F W Whitney.
j Schr Goo B McFarlaud. McParlumi, Laguayra and Porto
IUditeno?rw*Hi? i#??wa.
Sc'-r Mnrr Patten, tlftlker, M Pierre. Mart ? |i Trowbridge.
tfcbr Tuni* Dtprv, Maker. Boiton-CIiai Twlag.
Holland iRr\ fur l?ouiton: Mum (Potehl, Rotterdam;
Wteland CJeri llambarv; OariU-l l?r>. Ktiioton,
I Jh. Ac; Harnae, Saranoah; Richmond, Kiel-uunid;
uliip KJukau (Nor . Antwerp; ticn MrClellan. Pan Kr incline:
bark Lottie Btewart (llrt. Cork; brigt Maria (.Son,
Cliri.tiaua, Harry Jk Aubrey. Ilurbado*.
Wind at niiitntk-lit. tt \W
! Barometer at tutdai^bl, 'Jit.HTi.
PlKAMr.lt I.AHIlAPllK iff), Irnlrl I'll 11 Aitl-I [ill i H for New
! Turk before rrnnrti-d nrrmind onnotdte tort Delation- mil
I off at it \M it'uli, proceeded el lu AM, nil passed to sea at
4dU I'M
RiK( IliTTIK (tOCBkT (Rr). ltammnml. friHil 1'biiadolphia
lur Belfast, touched on Bulk Head llm, Delaware, only rc
muiriiug long enough lor the tug tu reverie heretiglnue,
when ahe came off. ?
Hike Min<mnktTA (tier), from Harcelona, grounded on
the upper end of Port Delaware yesterday, hot got off without
damage and arrived up to Philadelphia I'M.
Hark Mkti*, Kent, from llocg Kong lor Manila, wrecked
oil the Manila coast, wu* valed at $i!0,0 *1, and is lully iui
Hutu Iloaa.vi'K. from Ma vast a, at Hulilinore 29th, reports
? March 2". in 1st it! 10, Ion 7.i, encountered a irrriHc
tale, lasting till the 22d, sustaloed no damage, eacopt burst|
ing sails. Ac.
Hxin Isis Anderson, at Philadelphia Roth from Magna. on
tho JIKh, lia I cabin tilled wjth water, split sails and received
other slight damage.
I Sink Kuaarts Stm.uLT?t'ept Davis, of ecbr France*
Sailorly, before i*ja>rtod ahaadoiiod while on the voyage
from I'asoagoiila to Kali liivrr, makes the following stale,
in o vi t : tin iliv afternoon of lb > 21Kb in at tho vessel cnconn
tered a I.easy gale from the -oulheasl and southwest, an ampaaled
l?> a very heavy cross sea, which struck her witu
tremendous lorce, slaving one of her boats. During
tli" night Ilia vessel was scudding under a
lose lecied ,mi-sail, and even this it was feared
might ne carried away al auv moment At 10 o cloik the
' nevt morning slic wa> lonnd to have spruni^aleak, and the
' pumps were steadily worked during the day. Al nightfall
I the leak was Ibuiid In have increased, aud part of tbe cargo
I was tbrwwu overboard. Nasi morning a sigual of dietragg
I was hoisted. u matters grew Worse steadily, end soon two |
vessels. a bark and a schooner. responded to the apodal for
aid and bore down on the disabled schooner, The schooner ;
| Hen, 01 Now York, was the first vessel to arrive, and the
, bark Kllzabcth. of Boston, next spoke the Satterly.
After a struggle a hawser from the waterlogged
schooner wo passed to the Hen. and after
! some repairs to the staved boat of (he Satterly she wan got
clear aud sent to the Hen with two ruen. In eudeuvoring to
drop back the boat by a line to the disabled scl&oiier it was
lost. The men remaining ou hoard the Satterly coutiuued
at the pumps all night. At the request of Captain Davis
the schooner Hen laid by the Satterly meanwhile, and at H
AM on the 22d she sent a boat alongside fur the rest of the j
crew, the Satterly being at the time full of water. At no<m the
achr S S Hudson, for Boston, spoke the lieu and volunteered
to take half the crew. Both schooners touched at the Delaware
Breakwater on the 28th lust. aid Capt J II Otbhs
gave the whole crew of the abandoned vessel a free passage
to New York. The Francis Salter!v was valued at rl.'.OOM.
and had ou board at the time she was abandoned a cargo of
lumber valued at about fQ'J.MX). llotb vessel and cargo
were partlallv insured. The Satterly was abaudouod In lat
10 58, Ion 70 iW.
Seme Alice Ii. (jakdxkr. Colt. from Cienfuegos for Phlladelpiila
with molasses, was abandoned at sea March 23.
Int .'<7 an, lou T'?. dismasted and otherw ise uueea worthy, uud
as she was in the track of vessels to avoid accidcuts she was
hurued. Captain Butt reports that lie hailed from Cienfuegns
March 3 for Philadelphia, llad continuous heavv
weather till the Itdh iust. when in a severe gale, with
heavy cross seas, carried away fore and iiwaiuiuaats. howsprit
aud all attached; split storn. washed away house
and boat, carrying with them stauchious, bulwark* aud
top timbers. After the accident spoke achr llattie L Fuller,
from Suvannsh for Philadelphia, w ho promised to lay by us
until the weather moderated, hut immediately tilled away.
The gale continued till the 23d inst. with all hands required
! at the pumps to keep the vessel afloat. On the U3d iust
signalled the bark Assuuta, Captain Yicaldi, froiu Liverpool,
! who lay by us tour hours. till the weather moderated, when
she took lis off and brought us to Phllad Ipliia. The Alice 11
Gardner was of 101 tou.i, and hailed from lluckport. Me,
where she was owned by K B Garducr and others.
SellR D Tai.dot?Capt Arneshtiry and crew of schr D Talbot
(of Camden), before repirted abandoned at sea on the passage
from Sagua to Boston, arrived at Boston yesterday In
the British hark .) T Smith. Capt Hatfield, Iroiu Cienfuego*. I
Cum Allies).urv states that he left Hamia March ? ami for I
tho tirnt thfll hu<J fiuo VIAtWr, t>ut M tjn IPttl (MftfJ
gules si t hi hnit on the 21 ?t lie abandoned all hope of saving ;
the KflnMincr, the crew working ut the pump* to keep the
vessel utioat. The J T Smith soon after took off ('apt Antesbury
unit hU wife, boy nmi crew of nix men. The schooner
had it cargo of sugar, consigned to Ilemenway & Browne, of
Sen it Lucik Wiikatlry. from Porto Rico for Norwich. Ct. I
before reported Miokcu with h?"K <>t cantain overboard ami j
kiihn Kpr.inir, arrived at Now I^ondon March HO. in cltitrpo of ,
tho mute who report# that during it heavy traleon the 2*:th '
in-t the \vheutley lost her mainsail aud mixxenmast. ami in
clearing tho wrec^ Capt Wbeatley. of Philadelphia, was
washed overboard and lout. *
Sen u SncrnsK S Lkk, Douglass, from Mobile for Ml natulan,
wad wrecked Keb 28 on a reef 11? miles front Minutitlan.
The crew were saved. The \etM>l and cargo are a total
loss. The S S I.ee was built at Hultin o o in 1882, registered
183 tons aud hailed from Now Bedford.
Sen it Many K Amxukx, from Elfsabotliport for New burr- j
port, before ret?orted at Ol ucester half lull of water, was j
being taken to Nogrhuryport by a pilot, but when she arrived ;
off Salvages she was leaking so badly that four men ut the
puinpa could not keep her fretf, and she put hack to
Uloucester. Divers were ut work on her bottom on the 29tb.
Bohr Ci.ara. of Enutport. Me, which has laid in the ice in
Keuduskeatr stream during the winter, tilled And sunk on
the 29th lust.
SriiR \ R Dk.ruickso.v and wloop Alida were driven ashore
in Colli Spring Harbor, LI. during the gale of March 28; no
serious dumage to eithey of them.
Sen it Cakrik Mki.vi.v, from Wilmington, NC, for Ceortre- ,
town, SC. before reported us ashore on Cape Romain Shoals, |
has been stripped by wrocKers.
ScitK.lou.v WIIXTWOKTH. ut Portsmouth 28th from Balti- '
more, "prong her foremast while wording oil a lee shore in |
me ch uio .in.
St'iik Kkvfxi i', of Bath, loaded with ice, before reported
ashore at ('ape Porpoise, has been cot of!" with loss of cnr^? ;
ana some duiiiAire to the vessel, but not enoiirh to proveut
lier salliiijr tor Bath soon as the weather permits.
Sen it K it.i x k L (Br), from Annapolis, N8, for Boston, put
into Portland March *21), liaviu^ lost dock load and split foresail
in a irale on the 25th.
ktk.sjftctt Nkwcastlk. before reported sunk on Joo Plumper.
is ready tor raising, the wreckers having placed chains
under her, and will commence work when the weather permits.
Gloitrxtku, March 29?Schr Veteran went ashore on Five
Pound Island. Gloucester harbor, on Wednesday, and was
pulled off by steauitii?c Win Wool ley, of Boston.
M arrlkhkap, March 2d?The car^o (IVJ4 tons of coal) of
the wrecked schr Charles K Jackson was sold last Monday to
Mr Thomas T. Paine for about $1140, and the wreck, with
spars, riirgin?. Jtc, has been bouc-ht by Mr Paine and Mr
Williuiu J Goldtbwaite for about *250.
SittPMdLlHJh;?At Portland Mr Winslow is building a very
nrelty schr at birr'- d-ck Mie is to be esMld the Ltssi*
May, and will Ik* about 25 tons burd< n She wiil be ready
to he launched hv the Kt of next month. She is intended for
the mackerel fUuiiiy bu?int???.
The liath rime* saya ?ere will he the usual amount of
nliiphuildint! ffolnff on there this season. Messrs Go*s. Sawyer
A Packard have litres >easels ou the stocks aud have
seven contracts ahead.
Arrived at New Bedford March HO, lark B Gosnold, Willis,
from North Pacific Ocean.
Sailed from Sandy Point (Straits of Magellan) Feb S, schr
Florence, of aud lor Now Londou, with 17215 fur seal skins
on bo>irJ.
At Tahiti Jan HO, ba?*k Atlantic, Brown, of NB, with 80
bids *p oil since leaving Honolulu
Spokon?l)ec25. no lat, Ac. bark Osinanll, of New Bedi
ford, with lOObbls hp oil.
Ship Valparaiso (Br), Mills, from Portland, 0, for Qaeons.
town, no date, lat 28 40 N.lon 121 24 W.
liriir Krie. Sparks, from Boston for Wilmington. NC,
.'iiircn *.?, utiles me irutu .ihuiuekui fiiiuiu nnum i.i|euiship.
Sehr J W Ooflin, Chiahnlm, from Mexico lor Liverpool, lis
I dale, lut S3 27, lou 70 40.
Merchants, shipping agent* and shipmasters aro informed
j that by telegraphing sto the Hkkalu Londoa Bureau, nd;
drvuluK "Bennett. No 4U Fleet struct, London/' or to tho
' Paris office, addressing ''Bennett, Hi Aveutio de l'Opcra,
Paris," tho arrival* nt and departure* from Karopcan and
Ktkftern ports of Americau and all foreign vessels trading
with tho Uuited States, the saute will be cabled to this
country free of ^barge.
Captains arriving at and sailing from French and Mediterranean
ports will find the Paris office the more economical
and expeditious for telcgiaphliig news.
Antwkkp. Y arch HO-Sailed, ateamer Vaderland (Belg),
Knudle, Philadelphia.
Arrived DOth, ateamer Switzerland (Belg), Jackson, New
Bkkmkx, March 110?Sailed, steamer Eaa.-n (Uer). Jurirenaen,
Philadelphia; ahip Chloo (Beljj), Itoeckaort, Baltimore;
bark Preciosa (Oer), Valk. do.
Sailed 2Jth, ahip Murrland (fieri, Kuhtman, Baltimore
(before reported vailed27th for New Yorkl.
Barcelona. March 25?Arrived, hark Rafael 1'omar (So),
Veevet, Savannah; Uri^v Jotefa (Bp), Tarraa.i, do; Mercedes
(Sp), Company, New Yurie.
Cat4Nf t?Sailed, bark Emilio, for Philadelphia.
(from faoudon), Baltimore: Hermann* (Nor), Jacobsen(rroin
do). Hull lllver, SO; Murjr S (Jibaon (Br), Sloan (from Antwerp),
Dublin, March DO?Sailed, bark Wellumo(Aus), Backman,
United Slate*.
(IINOt, March 20?Arrived, barks Clara Maria (Sw)
Rnntr. PenMrolt: Hero (Hum, Waug, Mobile; brig E L
Margaret (Br), Williams. Qalveatun.
IlaaBt'lui. March 29?Arrived, brig J II Lnbken (Oar),
Winters, San Francisco.
Sailod 29th. the Uuggiero 2d. for Philadelphia.
IIklvokt. March 29?Arrived, bark Ulenfalloch (Br), IqnL
Sailed 2sth, bark Ocrmania (Car), Evcrs, Button (before
reported sailed 21st).
Sailed 29th. the A rend, for Halifax.
llama, March 29?Arrived, bar* Charles (Kr), Blondel,
Arrived :?th, AM. steamer Perelre (Kr), Daure, New
I raw ICR. Maicli 29? Sailed, bark TelemacU (Nor), Moller,
United States,
EiritnrooL. March S>?Sailed, ships H Ij lClchardton,
Morton, St John. >H; fcdiin, Mansoti. uniiea .mates.
Arrived prior to i!t>th. stc auier Parana (Br), Waring. Boston.
Loxuon? Soiled from (Iraveaend March 30, bark Nina
Sheldon. Sheldon. New York.
I.osiionov ititv. March 30?Arrived, bark Amlcitla (Nor),
ltrimev. Itiiltiiooro.
Lmiuoax, March Sailed previously. bark Mary C llale,
lli/glns. New York.
Movillb. March HO?Arrived, ateamer Klysia (Br), Campboll,
New Y'ork for Olargow.
Om-st. March *J><?Arrived, bark Armonia (Aua), Staugbor.
No?" Y'ork (see beluwj .
(JtrKKBSTown, March HO-Arrived. abip Bonanza (Br),
Webster, New Orleans.
Armed-Oth, ship Andrew Lovltt (Br), Dnrkee, New
Rottkkdah. March 'js? Sailed, brig R von Bennington
(O il. Koster. United States.
Vienna. March 22?Arrived, bark Falken (Nor), Christen
an, >?w i otic.
LoiMH. March !*t?The Auatrlan bark Arraoiila, Capt
Staugbrr, fr m Xra York, at tMlcsaa :0th, wit oblige*! to
throw overboard MObarrela of petroleum on the paacage In
| order Vu ll;hlou and ?avo her.
llOLVUKio, March 3"). 8:110 I'M?VViud 8?\V, gentle
breate; barometer 29..'MM.
| ClKifrUMGOS. March 25? Arrived, tclir H T Senburj, Trim,
\f < in I < in. Ituv Jllll. I.rlt' Jtahk. \l llun.Za V a. ur
Sailed 24th, bark Sara Shepherd, Rvans. Philadelphia;
bri* Bertha <Hri, Hummed, Halifax mum l.ewi* A hdward*.
Miller, New York; M H Braiitball. Oillett. do; David
Amen. KUnil?n, Hoat?#n: Addle Walton, Hamilton, do; 27th,
(irorirU, Coffin. New York.
c.tttnwt*, Marco 27?Arrived, baric* Han Kdeo. Blair.
B' n< - A>rea; Martin W Brett, Peterson, Hi Timiini; brh;
I. NV>ui:iii, Ilopkin*. do;'Mhni Arinhla ? Hall, Hall.
' N N k ; A it Weeks, harr. do; KI wood Burton. HuteliiiiN
Ph adciphia ; M I) Ireland, Kin her, do; 2*th, Donna Anna,
Wliaii v. W ilininytmi. XC.
sailed 27th, hark* Albert fBr), Eastman, north of Matter**;
J no J Muntil, Kiokott. do: trlim J no K Sanlord, Bra*-,
do; Jits A Brown. Collin*, do; 24tli, speedwell. Driako. do;
Ruth Kot?iii*on, Buyers. do; Henry Bushman (Bi), Morris,
do; A L Puller, Raton, do.
Havana, March 211?Arrived, steamer UnMlt. Utoti, Indiaitola.
ii ti.ikm. March 20 -Sailed, brltf Kato L'phani(Br), Woodworth
(from London), Boston.
Arrive l stauine India (Br), Harris. Liverpool.
Lo*0Cat. Htroll 14 ?Parwd. bark Blanche (Br;, Hordet,
i front Jamaica for Loudon. 12 days out.
Matakia?. March -io? Arrived, ha*k Fl ore nee L Gt no v or
| Slmaa^ Maw \L-a.
Sailed 29th. ichrt A H Howti. Newberry. H of Hattereet
Briicadier, Morton, do.
Xayamu, Murcli 10?I it |>ort. *chr Mellena A Wilier, Wll?eu.
I'or Baltimore. to sail about the 1st It.
St Tiiuma*. March 24?Arrived, hrir SalUta, Partrid?e,
(Gibraltar for Cuba.
8t J too, March 24? Sailed. ?chr? Ellen Perkine, Mitchell,
Not llatteraa; K K McDonald. McDonald, Baltimore.
Sacua, Muich 27?Arrived, ?chr Alma, Juhneon. klachias.
Sailed 27th. brig Moves Day, Croobv. N of llatterae: tchri
Kaarbruck. Clark, do; Telutnach. Bennett. Philadelphia.
hr Jobs. NB. March 90?Arrived, hark Recovery (Br),
Pirouel. ilalvraton: echrdeo Calhoun. Walah, New Vork.
Yakuoutu. XU, March 29? Sailed,steamer Dominion (Br),
ALEXANDRIA, March 29?Arrived, echre J M Leonard,
? " for Georgetown; 1 hit* WolMjy, .
EOSTON. Murrh 3 )?Arrived. ?U??mer Neptune. Berrvr
New York; bark* Bounding Mil low. Loujue. \UU;m vli
Queenatowti; J T Smith ifiri, Hatfield, Cieitfueroa; brli
Maluku iHr). Kerr.de; *chr J M FUuagau, Soule, Hobokcn
AI?o arrived, bark KiOterce Goddtrd, Untidy. Accra; bril
Mary 0 Mariner. Tltcoiub. Matauzaa: aelir* Juo At wood
A vela, St Martins: Watelrine, lvellv, Philadelphia.
Below?Hark Eliza Whit.'* from Mata/as; brig Flying
Cloud, froui do.
Cleared?Steamer Oriont.nl, Hedge, Savannah; brig Gob
condu, Lord, Havana.
Sailed?Steamer Maryland (and ?i< putting into Protr
incetowu at autiaet, it hciug too rough to proceed!.
It ALII Molt K. March 29?Arrived, bark Ondious (Nor).
Jenaain. Liverpool via llaiuptou Koade; achr ralos. Shack*
ford. MutanzHM
JkKh?Arrived, *t.%atuer Klizuheth. Clark, New York; ahip
Rirddoti (Itr?. Hunter, llio Janeiro: hark* Charlie Hickman
(Br?, Bishop. Plymouth. Kng; Itoaiua Uremo dtal),
lacearino. Genoa; Attn Or act a tSp). Doiulnich. Havana: Jo*
Inline (Nor). Muller, St Tbonian: brig Matilda (Br>,
Hackett. St J ago ; Hchrt A P Creamer, Ixzard, Now York;
Anna A lleuton. Smith, do; A F Kiudberg, Hortou, do;
Oriole, Baker. Boat on
Cle ired?steamer* Saragoan*. Hooker, Savannah ; Johna
Hopkins. HaP.ett, Hostou: John W Garrett, HI*, New
York; ship B I> Metcalf (Nor). Knudsen, Antwerp; barka
Voitta (Nor) Thor*?ii, Belfaat; Fiducia (ltal), Schlofllno,
Sliiro; Mlo (ltal . Onedo. QneeoHtown: Noel (Br), Ktiowlton.
Londonderry. zebra Ida Ilirdsall, Potter. St J ago; A t
Kindberg, llorton, Portland; Jan II Uoyt, Lyon, New
S?.?Harks Kcpha and Trftvellir.
BKCNSWfOK. March 30?Arrived, steamer CltvofDal*
Ins. lllnns. Sow York via Fertiandina.
BATH. March 2H?Arrived, schr* L A Buruham, Harris,
Fcrnundiiiu: Kltie J Simmons, Harrington, Savannah; Su?
saiiiinh. Wilson. Richmond, Va.
Sailed?Schr Santo Oteri (new), Plzsatl. Jamaica.
MlDKSl'uKT, March 27?Sailed, *chrs Onward, Lowell,
IMiilaoeipliiu ; Jas Doiioliue, Warren, Wilmington.
OllAltLKSTOX, March MO-Hdled, briirs Bore (Sw).
TmiiHtromsen. Rouen; Martha ((Jen, Lunge, Continent)
schr Lilly. Colo. New York.
I ^FORTkESS MONROE, March 30?Arrived, "OAstrntD,"
New York tor Uicluriond.
Sailed?Schr G C Pomeroy, Boston.
GALVESTON. March 24? Cleared, schr It S William*
Wilnon. Rnekport (Texu*).
GLOUCESTER, March 30?Arrived, schr Dora 8 Prtudall,
Miner. Cadis.
NEW ORLEANS, March 20?Arrived,bark Miction, Soule,
:??th?Cleared, ship St Bernard (Br), ITortoo, Liverpool;
burlui Ellon (Br), Button, and Mad WIIBrt (Br), Hoffman,
do; Virtuoso (Sp), Solor. Almcrlo; Dictator (Xor),
Thomson, Glasgow : Shnwmut. Connor, Dunkirk ; brig Flora
Good ale, Good ale, San Sebastian.
sot'thtvkst Pasm. March ho?Arrived, schr Daisy E Park*
burM. Hooper, Providence.
Sailed?Hark H BJornsen (Nor), for Queonstown.
sailed, stci.m ?r New Orleans, for New York; tcht
Theresa G.
NORFOLK, March .28?Arrived, schr Win Matheson,
New York.
NEW BEDFORD. March 2*? Arrived, achrs A Tirrell,
Kellev, Gardiner. Me, for Xotv York; Yosemite, Webber,
Boston. for Virginia.
Until?Arrived, *chr Nelson Harvey, Philadelphia.
NEWPORT, March 28. PM?Arrived, schrs Fashion, Carberry.
Providence tor New York; M M Mcrriiuxu, Trlop,
Taunton for Plymouth, NC: Oliver Aiue*, Babbitt. Somerset
forGeorgetown. DC; Fred Tyler, Tyrrell. Fall River for New
York: Onward, Gorharn, Nantucket for do; Gloucester. Hurj
ley, Providence tor Greonport; G W Raymond, Havens, Fall
1 River for Now London.
Returned?Schr Jauo L Newton, Stover, Boston for Wash'
ingtoii, DC.
| Sailed?Schrs Justice. Caswell, Narragausctt Pior; lfna>
me West brook. McDuflle, Portland for New York; Spartal,
Grossman. Calais tor do; Fleetwlng, Kounistoii, Now Bedford
for do; Florence B Turner, Warkor, Rock laud fordo;
Mft'v Miller, Davton. Somerset for do.
NORWICH. March 2D?Arrived, schr Pliebo Elisabeth,
Perth A in boy.
NEW LONDON. March 211?Arrived, schrs Wm Butler,
Providence for Virginia; Robert Pettis, do; R S Newcorab,
do; Nellie M Snow, do: Ida R Fieem.xn. Wclltioet for Tan*
gler; Flora A Newconih, Salem fordo; Cetacean, Province*
town for do; Mary K Whorf, Welltieet for New York ; Joseph
! Hall. Newport fordo.
! JUHii ?Arrived, schr Lucio W beetle v. Porto Rico for
I Norwich (see Miscellany).
NEW HAVEN, March 20?Arrived, schr Phcenix, Benton.
Per ill Am boy.
PASCAGOl'LA. March 20?Sailed, bark* J P Berg (Nor),
Anderson. Sxntander; Smbat Mater (Fr), Bourge, St Nasairo:
schr Stephen Hurdiinr, Hardin?, Havana.
PKXSAOoLA, March 20?Arrived, bark Lainetar (Uus),
Daulclseii. Itio Janeiro.
Cleared?Burk Cam bay (Br), Evens, Penerth; schr Henry
A Grant, llnmpson, New Haven.
PORT ROYAL. March 30?Sallod, Hattie Turner, Mela*
tire. Tlmnaston. Me.
PHILADELPHIA. March "O?Arrived, steamers Fan I to,
IIowo, Richmond; Concord. Sherin. New York: nehrs Emily
II Naylor, Fisher. Cienfuciros; Ann Twibill. Murray. James
River; Bontli Wind. Faster, York town, Vi; Willi en A
.lumoH, Carey, .lauies River; Addle B Bacon. Bacon, New
York: Thomas D Harrison. Corson, do (to load for San
Also arrived, steamer leopard. Alhertsori. Newburyporti
bnrks Assunta (Ital). Vivaldi. Liverpool: Margaretta (Her).
Mo'lor. Barcelona (got off Fort Delaware without damned!
chr* Maria Adeluide. Kemp, Buck* port; Ann S Brown,
CmwMI, Boaton ;.8 S Scran ton, Pease, Portland, Couu; A
D Scull. FraiubcH. New York; Clara Davidson, CIarwood.
! Newborn, N C; Laura A Wolfe, McDcvltt. Richmond; A lies
M Bailey. Bal'ey, Rappahannock River: Emulous. Daniels,
' Cheoepeake City; Mary K Ellen. BriUingham. Newtown,
j Md: Ceo l> Raker, Uocap. Back Creek, S O; Park, Rocsp,
l dones' Landing, Below?Steamer Prior (Br), Arndt, from
I Gloucester, E.
I Cleaned ? Steamers W 1* Clyde. Ingram. Wont Point, Va;
Anthracite, Urttmicy, New York; hark Mendaa (Swi,
, Dvcke. Ballyshaunon. Ireland; brig Carta <Aus>. Baeca*
' vich, Cork for orders: scbrs (?e??ryrie Staples. Maloney,
| Brunswick. Ca; K T Cottlnjrhain. Smith. South Howtouj
Bristol, II I; Mary Augusta. Holt, Somerset; M II Read,
! Boiisou. Now Bedford: Ocean Bird. Moore, Annapolis.
Vino cleared, steamer Hercules. Swaaey, Kail River;
I schrs Heorgre Clark. Bartlett, Havana; Sarah 0 Suiith,
Batiks Boston: Samuel Bicker. Bicker, New Loudon: Star
; Spangled Banner, Owens, Washington; C P Sinnlckson,
: Marney. Portsmouth.
j {sailed? Steamers Hercules and City of limerick.
Lkwks. Del, March 'JO?Arrived last night, brig Mabel
(Br>, McLeotl, front Sacua; ichr Lena K Storer, Beaver,
from Cardenas for orders.
Arrived 80th, hark Devetl Dubrovackl (Atts). Keroevlch,
Dublin for orders; brig (i \\ Chase, Patterson, Cardenas(
sclir ll II Bills, from .
Sailed 20th. bark Clara K McOilverr. for New York.
PORTLAND, Me. March *2B? Arrivod. sehrs Abner Taylor.
New Bedford, to load for Now York; Minnesota, do, to load
for Bridgeport; Frank L (Bri, Annapolis. NS for Boston
(see Miscel) ; Hyena, Oeorgetown, Mo, for New York; Mary
K llojran. Bristol, Mo, fordo.
Cleared?Sehrs Ida L Howard, Now York: (?eo L Pessendon.
Kennebec, to load for New York; Nellie Chase, Cardenas.
:10th?Arrived, sclirs Jas Ford, Boston, to load for Now
i Orleans; Sophie, Philadelphia; L Standish, Newcastle, DeL
Cleared?Schr Cicero, New York.
! Sailed?Bark Knuna F, Ilerrimon; schr Ida D, Sturges*
| Bark Jose I' Lopes sailed und returned.
PROVIDKNCl!, March 29?Arrived, schr Francis, Pattor'
son. Mobile.
i sailed ?Steamers Win Crane, Howes, Baltimore via Nor
1 folk; Vindicator, Roger*. Philadelphia; sclir* Charmer,
I Noves, Savannah; Jennie Rogers, Rogers, New York.
| Sailed from Hutch Island Harbor 2Stli, bark I Sargent.
. Brown, from Alexandria (Kirvpt) for New Haven; scltrl
Shamrock, Providence t??r If aver* trow: Dexter Clark. New
1 Bedford for N'ew York: Maggie I* Smith do for Philadel*
1 pbla; Wild Pitreon. Somerset for do; Jennie C Buss, do lot
i New York, and all others helor.* reported.
RICHMOND, March 2??Arrived, selir Vapor, Chamber
I lnin. Now York.
stalled?Steamer Old Dominion, Walko#, New York; barl
! Peter I,' Warwick (11 ), Kline, llln Janeiro.
SAN KKANl'ISCO, Mareli 22?Cleared, hark Melanctlion.
i Malleoli, A?torin : brlir Percy Kdward, Turner, Tahiti,
j Sailed ?Hark Ja* Cheston. Swanton, Port (ramble; brig
Orient, Swan. Astoria.
: I'tli?Sailed, tliip Pntterdale (Bn, Ounson, Liverpool.
I Cleared?Ship West Hiding (Br . Loirgett. Liverpool.
Kith?Arrived, steamer Lotus (Br), dray, IIkiik Kong.
Sailed, steamers Montana, Soarle, Panama; Vneeo de
Clnma (Br). Hive, Hong Konir.
! SKABBClC. March IS?Sailed, bark Oregon, Edwards, 8ae
I Praneleco.
SAVANNAH, March 27?Arrived, bark Eorliiue (Sp),
SRHb- Sail <i. itiiaitn W'm Iv'iiiicIt, faslir, Baltimore;
Seminole. Matt heart, Boston: Herman Li viai'*ton. Mai lory.
New York ; hark Alexander McKoneie (Br?. Copp, Harlem
AUo sailed. achr John S I up rah am New York.
Cleared?Schr Clara <1 Loud. Thompson, Now York.
KALBM, March 2X?Arrived, ?rhr VVm Whiter, Wharton,
2Dtl? ? Arrived, schr* Freddie L Porter, Nickerson data
Brooks), l*<?rt Johnson; J W WoodmfT, Haskell, Boston, te
I loud for Wilmington. NO.
Sallod?Sehr Hero Baker, New York via Gloucester.
I TARPAULIN COVR March 2*?In oort, achr* J W *?ntt,
; Holy, from St John. NB. tor Philadelphia: -Mary B Keevea,
j Bray, from Calais for Nfcw York; David B Doane. Chandler,
1 front llyiiuiii* for do; J B Anderson. R riots, from do for
| Newcastle; Mattie 11^ Dobhlo, from Wareham fordo; Loo*
lies* a, Aehorn, troin Wood's Hole for Richmond.
WILMINGTON, NO, March 2H? Arrived, bark Bertha
j (Ger), Schutto, Dakar.
Below?H irk Oruoa (Br). McWillfame. from Liverpool;
biif John J'leroe, Towneend, from Cardenas.
Cleared?Schr CUa* H Dow, Howes, Cauiden, Me. and
1 Huston. _ . ____
J.Uh?Arrived. briic Uavld (lir), Mieliiora. unrpoui.
WHh? Arrived, steniuer Benefactor, Jones. Now York.
Hark Ontltllo I'ler). Tnttle, for Liverpool. was at Now Intel
2Mth; also barks Lydia I'eechau <Uer>, Kechter, and Heinrich
Rndbcrtits (Don. Kmeijer. lor Kotlerdara, wero at
Mnillivtlle Alii, ?l??all bound out.
competent courts, without publicity. Advice Ireo
Notary (oniniUatoner. Passports procured. I'KII)
him k I Iv 1 Ni.. t'ownaallov-t-Law. Nu ? **t- Karfc'e piaca
ent States, lor uuiiierous causae, without publicity;
lck'al everynrhcru; harue In adVMMM; advice tree.
M. IIDl SB. Attorney. iHt Broadway.
\ 1 mo I bines radically cured by WINCHESTER'S IIY
huttle. Sold liy oil druggist* and at :bi Job.i <1 . New Yuri
I I Dl 1.1, Ai ERT.
J 1 Philadelphia.
This hotel is situated on Walnut ?t., between 3Sd and 34th
eta.. having a frontage of MXIfwl. It adjoins the magnifl?m
biiildiiim and nroiutd. of the University of I'mnavl
vania in part of tin* city. It?a room* are
Uriir. ilry *1)^ near, wim ? rapacity for 'i.O'D mmIr. The
?o iditv orconitruction unit peculiar plan of the hon?e afford
perfect protection against flrv or accident. On th# Iron I ii
h porch ! '? tec* wide by JH> re?l long, overlooking a delight
Iiil par* Acc?*s tan be had to the Centennial Uround# in
|."i minute* by three atreat railway*. The new depot of the
Penn*ylvai?U Italtroxd is |,?is than l/VUU feet (ton thit
hotel Mv the car* of this railroad curst# can arrive at the
hxpoaltloii hi eight mill ate#; the luodno*# centra of tha
city and theatres can he coached hy street cam in lo minute*;
/.iNihitlctl harden, the pictoroaqn* rrgion of old Fairmount
niid ettrndf# wtlfr a ?r?tH of Philaoelnhia are within an
easy walk The hotel will ho con.lot.ol on tha European
{ plan. Ke-tamant will he made nn e?pjcial featntc,axcal
J lent in ?|iiaittv and moderate In price
The manager britiu* to the undertaking an exparienca
I acquired hi the he?t hotel* o? the I uitcd State*, notably
the Limleli Hotel. of St. Lotio, and t ontinentul, of Phil
detphia, utid pledge* id* wall our net! reputation that thia
will he the model estahlinhuient of tl ? cltv.
I Open for tiia reception of guttata April HI.
M winger
\r KRVUI A UKHILI I V. W KAKXK -. .i?- . I ll<?MITLyT
i.N rHillr.llynii.liiprTiiHli.ntlrctir.il by tVlNCIIHrtrKlf t
M'Kt'lKH' I'IUl. ?' 1 par Iwv. Hit b..\?? 8% I'r.pHr.d
only by \y I.M'llhsrhtt * ?'(>,. Ulwiiiiitt, :U J?b? i,
X .JriK-er, T.h, I'.ilTre hit.I Finur I>??l.r. S?w Yorn.ri hh.J
I Hvarrboir cnil and (M bftrgHtiu, M V.??r a*