Newspaper Page Text
& ? THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,468. NEW YORK, SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1876?QUADRUPLE SHEET. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DWISCTORT FOR ADVERTISERS. AMUSEMENTS?IItm PAUK-Iit. Jd, 3d. 4th and 3th col*. ASTROLOGY ?13tm Pag??s?h col BILLIARDS?16th Pack?Ollicol. boakubks *vaxted?/!< Pack-ih, 2d and 3d-ceia . BOARD AND LODG1NO WANTED-?* PAt*a-3d and 4th cola BOOTS and SUOES-IBth Pack?Bth eoL BROOKLYN BoaRD-2d PAun-lth col. BROOKLYN REAL estate POR SALE?14t* Pace? 2d col., and IHtii Pack?tlh col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?7th Page. BUSINESS NOTICES?9th pAGi??th col. ? CITY REAL ESTATE POR SALE-Mth Pags-IM coL, and I Uth Pack?4th col. 4 CLERKS AND SALESMEN-Sp Page?3d and 4th eels., and 16th Pack?til h col. CLOTHING?IOth Pack?Sth col. ? _ COaCNXSH AND GARDENERS?3d Paca?4th aad 6th r.tU. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?2d PAGB-6th eol. COPARTNERSHIPS?7th Pack. COUNTRY BOARD-2n Paok?4th and 5th cola DANCING ACADEMIES?11th Paea??th ool. EENTISTKY-IOth Pacb-9th ool. ^ RY goods-1st PAGB-2d. 3d. 4th. 8th aad 6th cola, and 19th Pack?I st and 2d cola . ?? ?? DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. KURMRHED AND UN, PUKNISIIKD?l.vnt Pakk? 2d. 3d, 4th and 5th cola and 1.1th Pack?lit. 2d and ltd colt. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?2d PAAia?5th and Othcola EXCIIANGE?13m Paca-flth col. EXCURSIONS?2d PaoK-Htheol. FINANCIAL?7tk Pack. FINE ARTS?IOth Pans?3d col. TOR BALE?4th Pauk?5th and Oth cola PUBNTSHBD ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 15th Paca?Sth col. and IStm Paok?3d eol. PURNITURK-Ioth Pack?Sth and Oth cola HELP WANTED-FEMALBS?3d Pack-2d and 3d cola. and 16th Pack?Hth col. HELP WANTED?MALES?3d Pack?>th eoL HORSES. CARRIAGES. AC.?4th Pack?2d. 3d. 4th aad 5th colt HOTELS?2n Paok?4th col. IIOFKKH, ROOMS, AC., WANTED?19TBPAC?-5th aad 6th colt. INSTRUCTION?16th Paok?3d ool. IEKSKY CITY, HOBO CBN, HUDSON CITT AND BER GEN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?14tii Paca?3d col., and I9rn Pack?'>th ool. LECTURE SEASON?Uth Pagk-OUi eol. Is 1ST AND POUND?4th Pane?1st col. MACHINERY?4th Paok-MIi col. MARBLE MANTEI?H?2n Paok-tith col. MATRIMONIAL?lOrn Paok?3d eol. MEDICAL?13th PaoK-?th col. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKINCJ-IOth PA?-2d and i 3d cola MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMKNTS-12tb Page? 6th eol. MISCELLANEOUS?Uth Par.K-6th col. MUSICAL? IItu Paok?5th and Uth cola NEW PUBLICATIONS?9th Pack-6th col. fEWSPAPEKS? 10m Pack-3d col. ERSONAL? Iet Paok?lit col. PlANFORTKS. ORtiANR. AC.?Urn PACR?'.tli col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?KEMALE8? 3d Page?2d col. ' PROPERTY OUT OK THE CITT FOR 8ALE OR TO KENT?I4tr Page?3d, 4th and 5th cola, and 16tu Pack?1th ool REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE-14th Page?Sth aad Htlt cola, and lttrn Page?ith and 6th <*>li. REAL ESTATE WANTED?19th l'A0H-6th col. RELIGIOUS NOTICES?lw Page?lit and 2d cola RKSTAURaNTS-IOtu Page?3d col. REWARDS?4th Page?lit ool. BALES AT AUCTION?3d Page?6th col., and XOni Pagk?4th and Mh cola SPECIAL NOTICES?4th PadE-lit and 2d cola SPURTING?DOGS. BIRDS, AC.?4tu PaoB-2dco1. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMaLBS-Sd Page?lit and 2d coll.. and 19th Page?Bth eoL SITUATIONS WANTED-MALES-Sd Page?3d col., and 16th Page?Bth col. RTORAGE-IIth l'AGK-#th col. SUMMER RESORTS?2d PAGK-Sth col. THE TYADKS-Sd Page?Sth col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES? I5tb Page?lit and 2<l cola, ind 13th Paca?lit eol. TRAVELLERS' GUIDK-2D PAGB-Oth col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 15th Page?6th col, and 13tb Page?3d, 4th and 5lh Coll. ? WANTED TO PUROHAHE-IIth .PACie-Oth col. WATCHES, JEWELRY. AC?10th Pat.K-tttl. col WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY PGR SALE OR TO LET?14th Pack?2d and 3d cola., aud 10th Pack ?4th and .'?tb coll. WHITESTONE PROPERTY POR SALE 03 TO LET 14th Page?3d ml. and 16th Paok?5th ml. YACHTS. STEAMBOATS. AC?12th PAGK-Uth eol. PERSONAL. JX tout having been on ay nnel destroyed by the Ala ham*. Florid*, or ether Confederate cruiser ere entitled to damagst, end can teen re payment hy applying to C*pt*in CHARLES 8. MAY. M Sooth si. A NA YAH?WILL (.0. GET READY. Ah americah family wish to adopt two infants, on* from birth and one from thro* to Bye months old. Call at or address 154 Bast 38th at. ADOrnOK.-A PLUMP AHD PRETTY AMERICAH A girl, aged six years. No. 615 8th sr., second floor. Call for tore* days. B BOH cm HE. B BOOKLYN?ELIZABETH.* YOU HAVE EXCITED MY curiosity. Address LOVELY, Herald office. B. B. B.-CAKNOT SEE YOU TO-MORROW. AS promised; will sse yon to-day. Write. Browhie-bleecher st.; toc should have followed my ndeleo last Monday. Please come hotae la-day to your anxious HONEY. B. r. B.?WILL 0RANT AN INTERVIEW. PRANCISCO. J TELIA TROT.?AN OLD FRIEND PROM CHICAGO J would like to know your address. Address OFFICE, *raldfhU*<tol?Ajt Brandt efflse. B0N-6TH AV.. BETWEEN 52D AND 53D STS., 6 oVlsok (bright light). CORDELIA. TJI STELLA?L. IS DISTRACTED. FOR HEAVEN* Ej sake, forgie* and forget. Return end happiness en sured for mr. R. P. N. TP D WARD B. COOMBS, J. F. REAMER OK SAMSON fi Rosenfeld will leern of something to their advsntago by addressing MONEY, Herald office. E J.?SICKNESS AND IN GREAT TROUBLE: LET ? me bear from yon to-day; telegraph or write, and I will eotne to the world'* end for you. LOUIS. DTTH?LEON DUMAS EAU MERVKLLKUSB, BOX 06 station D. F" OR ADOPTION?A LOVELY BABE; G(H?D REFER enc* required. Apply to or address Mrs. DOKANN. tew lying In institution, 355 West 41st st. OSORABLB, BOX 2<W^MR87*V-P?LETTERS FOR you St General Post office. Please answer. avk~returned for gooiTand"aLl. please rail. Mrs. GRANT. s M.. FROM BOSTON. CALL AT THE HERALD Uptown Branch office for a letter. AGGIE PERKINS. T AS COWAN. OF LOCKSTOWN?ADDRESS A. ?I CAMPBELL, 5.17 Pearl St., New York. Will hear ??m*thl?ig to his adeantage. J A M KS-KOK ID EM TIKIO ATI ON GIVE NAME OF Uit piece at which we parted and yonr present address. THERESA. E H H H. JENNIE. ?NOTE RECEIVED ALL RIGHT. ARGYI.E Sheoow Ball to-morrow night. 8 ? ?? ?. JOHN NELSON?A LETTER IN THE GENERAL Post office for you. MOTHER. M M ABEL?DON'T DISAPPOINT PARTIES AT FRENCH Bell Irving Hall, next Thursday night. JULIUS C.ESAB. iss V1CK LA RUE.-I HAVE~JUST RETURNED from Washington : would like to mo yon; em stopping with J. E. Woods, 81st St., white bouse. a CAMMILLE BRANW PERSONAL?MIS8 MAT E. H??, FORMERLY"OF , *2?? . pl?a* ?end address to "CHICAGO FRIEND,* Herald office, Tuesday. IMOUtlKI?ASK FOE;LETTER AT HERALD OFFICE to GUY ROGERS. PEAD THE SUNDAY TELEGRAM It FOR THE LATEST LOCAL NEWS. PRICE TWO CENTS. SUNSHINfc?WONT YOU ANSWER MY LETTER ? TEMPEST. TO B. J.-FOR GOD'S RAKE COMB BACK AT one*. In groat trouble. Hare searched everywhere for yon. Again, 1st me pray of yoe to return to me. L J. J. ILL MRS. BOB EFPIK E SEND ADDRESS TO IKAH MUSIC. Herald offlee I w WILL GBNTLBMAN "WOOL MERCHANT." FOR merly of Metropolitan Hotel New York, who bad so sointment to dinn at Delmoniro't. Monday evening. March K). but tailed to keep, pleas* groat interview. at party wanta lo prove they toldyou truth only. Addrea* GOOD FAITH, box 159 llereid ofneo ? XT~X.?I WILL sKK T6T" TilI S~HVE XIXoTs o'clock, where w* laat took dinner; important newt. MITCHELL. X. II ELI two is loflcisT" ? "a N'jfiK"EVA FAY.?TIlE SPIRITUAL TEST MEDIUM'S A. reception* in New York at tb* elegant drawing mourn. 19 Weat'.'4tb at., are all the rage at present Th? parlors tre (tiled etch Sunday evening with the elite of Fltth hv. ind Mnrrny Hill. Seance* to night si 7 rV) P. M. A FREE "LECTURE" WILL BE GIVEN ifv W. R. Billing*on "The History of the Spiritual Evolution .,r Miokertsm snd the Divine Cao?e Of It" at Republieau Hall, 1.5 West 33d at,, ott Friday evening, April i, at a quarter to ligbt o'clock. T HlXlHftMl BALL. 9t\rSTXnI) .iD AV.?EE fore Firth Cniveraalisl Society. Subject?"Uss of the Crucifix ttit* morning, at II o'clock All welcome. CONFERENCE'*OF SFfRtTC \L18TsT AND LIB ernls l? held at the Harvard Rooms, 7_'7 Atb av.. Run lay at 21, snd 71, o'clock. AH > ordtslly InritssL B~"BOOKLYN ATHEN.KUM.-THIN iSUXDayT even- i Ing. April 2. ?Spiritual ReancS by Kdw ird Li vt* git on. J the remarkable materialialng medium . Msilamr Young. lit- i ??.ndsrful piano medium, and Professor Wavland, lecturer, i ?acss and lortns are seen and rucofltlted; piano :s rslestd I ? nd auaoended In the air; flowert brought to the audience i ?r bind* pistole teen; all In th? light. I f 'ArUOLIC APGRTOLfC . lll'RCli. ItiTirST.. Be- I IJ tween Kb and 7th avs . ^undst, 7>, P. M.?lecture o.i , tMSpocalyps* Ly Hev. W. W. Andrew*; subject?Tbs Cry [ ?f lbs Departed Saints;'' nocullecMon. CIHl'RCH OF ST. MARY, THE VIRGIN, WERT ! / I.Mh at.?Passion Sunday. April 1, X o'clock special | service, Roatlnl'a Stabat Mater; Palm Sunday. April", Dc Graudval s Stabat Muter I f THUKCII OF TilK J)I VINE PATERNITY. 5TII A) . KJ corner 4oth at.-Est. Dr. E II Chapia will pre*, h Itiia morning at II. \ e?pera and an extemporaneous ad. drrtt at 8 P. M. All welcome. plIl'RCH OF THE NEW JERURALEM S#EDEn" ly boruiani, 35th tt.. between Park and Lexington av*. ? The Lord says;? t?od to loved the world that lie gsve Ilia anly begotten Ron that whoaosrer baUeveih m ilim ihould to: pe'lali, hut have everlasting life. ' lh?* Of the Ken U essential to ...veil,,,, f>9y. t.HALNCEY LILE.s, pastor, wi.l explain "What is*, Bg islth It. Haw It is Gained. II ,? i: li I. ercised and llow latest ion it Kflected Uy It. ' nor vices it | ?. LtHURCH OF SAINT MARY THE V|Rt;IN. WKST45TH /?t.-Sunday*: It) and lo ts, high celebration . 4. vesper* H. special. Daily: i, hely oommanioo; t JO, eeealng pr*> or ttkoraJ;. " r ? HKLIUIOltl HOTICEI. 4^) ner 45th at.. Rev. George H. Hrpwortb ? Morning?"The KfTcct of the Bible on a Man's Mind." Bvemag. at 7 SB? "Traitiaf God end Trusting Self," Sander school 11 3. Prayer and praise anihi Friday ermine at 7:30. Church or mkmiah -rkv. wiixum r. algkr will preach; II A. .M . "< onsolations Amldit tin Trial* of Lite7 :90 P. M.. the falie and tbe true new of the text. "What shall It profit a man if he rain the whole world and lose hit awn seal." Public are Invited. fHIRST REFORMED BPlSCOPAL Cllb'KCH. MADISON 1 a*., corner of 47?h it. Her. William T. Sabine, rector. Divine uervlcea at U>;90 A. M. and 7 A5 P. M. ? The rector will preach. * MRS. STODDARD AND SON. DE WITT C. HOUGH. Materialism;; Mediums, rive a leasee at MePherson Hall, corner 94th at. aad 4th av., Sunday evanins. >plr:t (Hands prove their presence by giving their names la full. Commencing at H o'clock. M OODY AND RAN KEY. Hippodrome Building. Sunday. April 9. Lecture to Christiana, (Tom 8 to 8.43 Admission (Tea, by ticket, ta be had on application at Hippodrome. For women only, 8 to 4 P. M., 1, trill?U "Hiy, ? tar a ? . M., f W|<KAn> (labal Por men only, a to 8 P. M.. I w"hoBt Saturday. April 1, and every Saturday thereafter, the noon meeting will be held at Asaoelation Hall, 23d at., near 4th av., from 12 to 1 o.'clock. bnkJect, "Special Prayer for Christian Work." Young nxn't race lings on Sstarday evening, in Assoeia tlon Hall, at 8 o'clock, far young men only, and en Sunday evening, la Poartli Avenue Hall, at H o'clock. There will be aervtaes a very afternoon next week, except Monday and naturday. at 4 o'clock. MRS. K. P. JAT BULLENK. TRANCE SPEAKER, lectures at MM< A. M. and 7!^ P. M. far Society Pro gretalve Splrltoalleta Hall 55 Wen 33d at.; Children's Ly ceum, 2J? P. M. VTEW CHURCH (SWKDKNBORGIAN) TEMPLE ON it East RTith at., between Park and Lexington era.?Ser vice* at II A. M. Scrmor. hy the Rev. Oaatiticey Gilee on "The Expulsion from Eden." The true Chriatlan religion Inculcated by Swedenhorg la baaed on tbe doctrine that God 1* one in etaence noil la person, in whom there I* n distinct nnd essential Trinity called in the Word the Father. Son and Holy Spirit, end the Lord Jens Christ la till* God nnd the only true object of worship. RKLI GIG-SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY MEET IX HALL 141 8th at., near Broadway; 2 .30. lecture by G. L. Ueoder sen. "Natural or Supernatural Religion. Which f" Confer ence at 7:90. Rev. chauncky gilkk <swedknborgiaN) will neaacti on "What Saving Keith Is; How It ii Gained, and How Salvation la Effected By It;" II A. M.. ST'th av, between Pnrk and Lexington are. R RAD THH SUNDAY TELEGRAM. CONTAINS ALL TUB NEWS. ? PRICE TWO CENTS. ST. THOMAS CHURCH. 5TH AY., CORNER Ml) ST., Rev. Dr. Morgan,* rector.?Service*. Sunday. April 2, Morning Prayer at B o'clock; Litany, Sermon and Holy Communion at 10), o'clock. Afternoon Service and sermon at 4 o'clock. SHAKER MEETING AT COOPER UNION'.?ELDER P. W. Evans, of tho Monnt Lebanon Shaker Socielv, will deliver an adareea at the large hall of the Cooper Union, Sunday evening. April 2, at 7% o'clock; subject, "Key to the Revelation ; " iluging by a company of 10 brethren and ?liters; tickets. 28 cants. SECOND MISSION BAPTIST CHURCH.-OPENING services nt New Hall, northwest corner of Grand and Allen (treats to-day and each evening this week; 10>4 A. M., preaching by Rev. SamuaI Altnen; 2:30, thank nffrriiig. S. S. Conant. Esq., prodding; historical resume af the mission, C. T; Evans, Corresponding Secretary; addresses by Rev. D. 0. Potter, William Phelps, B.? K. Judson and John H. Deans ; 7:80 P. M., sermon by Bar. R. 8. MeAithur. Bap tism both morning nnd evening. Evening services daring the week at 7:30, conducted on Monday, Ilev. Thomas Arroltage, D. D.; Tuesday, Rev. J. P. Elder, D. D.: Wednes day, Rev. D. B. Jntten; Thursday, Rev J. Boencer Ken nard: Friday, Rev. llalaey W. Knspp. The Moody and San kgy hvnin book need; Samuel II. Specs, organist. East bide Union noonday prayer meetings in the (attire wilt be held In this hall. Seats free. SAMUEL ALMAN. Pastor. (^T. IGNATIUS' CHURCH, 40TH 8T.. BETWEEN f.TH and Uth nva?8eraire* 7. >' and lO*^; 11 (choral), preacher, Kav. Dr. RVer, rector: 7J(j P. M. (choral), preacher. Rev. C. T. Oltnetead, of Trinity chapel. Strangers cordially Invited. Services in christ church, &th a v.. will commence at 10>din tho morning nnd 7k initio even, ing. Rev. Jared B. rlagg, D. D , will preach at both ser TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH?2D AV. AND loth it. Rev. Jam** Boardman Hawthorne. Parlor, will preach morning and evening. Baptising at eloae of evening terrlce. The rev. w. edgar wrigiit will pkeacii in the Trinity liaptlat church, corner of Broadway and Ralph a*.. Brooklyn, to-morrow morninit and tnulng. Sub ject*?Morning. "The - Pre-emluence of Je?u?;" evening. "Bin Leproty and It* Cure." THE SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION OK THE Protettant Episcopal Church will hold their nest re? lar monthly meeting Monday evening. April 3. at quarter I lore 8 o'clock, at the Sunday school of Calvary church, 4lh . .. _ - jj?f X Protettant KpUenpal Church will hold their nest regn . 4th av., corner 31st *t. Address by the iter. R. Ileber Newton on "The Art of Questioning." Alt intereated In Sunday school work Invited. BDWAKD II. COLMAN, Corresponding Secretary, The mission now in progress in st. Paul's church, corner of Court and < Job free* eta.. It estraordln arily well attended; there are great number* at all the ser vice*. The Pather* giving the mietlon are the following :? Pathera Byrne, Bokei, Daly, McKenaa. Hoben and Qaina. ipiIB PEOPLE'S SERVICE la the the Hoi. av. and 43d ?t., Chnrob of the Holy Trinity, Madleon I The Ooepel hymn* and spiritual tonga by Mr. dankey are need. Young men's prayer meetlti%eyrry Sunday at 8:90 P. M. Other uervinet at toff A'f. and Sy, P. M. ~ DRY OOOD8. A." ? STERN BROTHERS, ?IXTH AVENUE AND TWENTY THIRD STREET. 4 ? * 387 SIXTH AVESCE. 110 WEST 33D STREET. 371 SIXTH AVENUE. SIXTH AVENUE AND TWEXTY -THIRD STREET. -4> OPENING OPENING OPESINO ef NEW SPRING GOODS . throughout our ENTIRE ESTABLISHMENT. WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO OPPERTHE LARGEST AND M08T COMPLETE LIXES OP GOODS IN ALL OUR DEPARTMENTS TO BE POUND IN THE CITY. . We direct special attention to our a MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. I -?<? WHICH WILL BE POUND nnnnallv complete with large and choice lines of ^ IMPORTED BONNETS AND HAT~ FINE TRENCH FLOWERS, OSTRICH PLUMES, AND THE LEADING NOVELTIES IN BONNET RIBBONS and TRIMMING SILKS VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. In oar LADIES' FlKNIolllNG DEPARTMENTS ? en Immense ?to< k of LADIES' AND MISSLS' UNDERGARMENTS, ISFAXTS' WEAK. CHILDREN'S PIQUE GARMENTS. PULL 30 PERCENT LESS THAN OUR WELL KNOWN LOW PRICKS OP FORMER SEASONS. In our ^ La?-E and EMBROIDERY DF.PAItfMENTS |i*i,i>>i YARD" OF ^ riNEST II t VB1 Kti P.DolNGH AND INSERTIONS, at >?l *uperi?r made l< ? ><(?, *i 8c., i?p.. |Ur.. I'3c , I.V., 18c. *n I 2.">c. per yard. with theJeudlns noveltie* in Kt KU. WHITE A.Nln ol.oKKIM' A ?11 M E K H LACKS AND ? NETS. and *n tmmru?r ttocfc of FINEST FRENCH UliPl'RK HANDS. AT GREAT BARGAINS. In onr I HOUSE PCBXlaHIXO GOODS DEPARTMENT-"^ UNUSUAL BARGAINS IX towels, damaiks. tahi.k cloths. napkins. LINENS. SHEhTIXO* AND FI.VF. WHITE GOODS. * STERN HKOrilKKS. f SIXTH AVENUEAND ~M|)~ STREET. * RRAD THE SUNDAY TELEGRAM FOR THE LATEST LOCAL NEWS. PRICK TW O CE.N i s. ' " DETOOOPg. ^ LORD A TAYLOR.~~T ? ? Brudvi; tod 30th it, will open <m MONDAY end TUESDAY, April 3 and *. their T SPRING AM) SUMMER NOVBLTIm! T lB ' PROMENADE. DINNER. rkOeption >i?1 EVENING DREMF.S. ^ CIX) A IS. dHAVLS. Re A "? ladies- and ouildubvm underwear. I I Ourttock in nil tbo bracket nt tbie itmtivi department U now hilly complete. and compriaea every deeortptiou ?f garment, hum the plainest lo uic inott elaborate, both or French and domestic manufacture. As w? variety of atyle. quality of matniili and neat neat of flnlah. our loug aetnb llahrd reputation :n theao rorpei t? guarantees u? In war ranting perfect satisfaction in every particular. Our urteea, baeod at they are upou the recent extraordinary decline in maillot, linens Ac., challenge rompettilou. We ilierefore conlidenlly inelle an inepectlon of our go ode. and warrant eeeiy article at adeertlteid to be hi (took and a* repreaented. WEDDING. TRAVELLING OUTFITS >ed INFANT*' WAKDROHKS eouatantly on hand, er FUBNlSHKD TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. e> walking skirts. , * Deep Item, clneter tnckt SO Deep hem. two cinetrr tuckt TO Deep item, two clneter tockt. titter JO Two cambric ruffles eud tuckt . ON Deep licra and Jo tueka ON Ktnkroldereil ruflle and turka I 10 Deep tide plaited ruffle end tncke 1 10 Deep tucked eambrie do u nee I 80 Embroidered ruBle and I ? Deep aloe plaiting. very floe I 50 Two embroidered rufflra J 70 Hamburg ruflle and tucke > Hamburg ruflle and tuckt. wider 1 SO Two tucked cambric liouncet, edged with line em broidery '25 Kino French ?kInt. elaborately embroidered 3 i5 Canton flannel tkirta, from *' TRAIN SKIRTS in every rerlety o! trimming, from *3 to ft 35. CHEMISE. 40. 43. 44. 48 ineb a an at. Hamburg inaerting and odge 58 Corded band* Inverting nnd edging! OD 1 ticaed yoke end eambrie ruflle 75 I'nlfed yoke and ruflidedhre 75 Cenled bande. tppetiWroiagi .... SO Tncked yoke, inaerting end tape trimming Ml Tucked yoke, edging extra quality 10) " i and I Corded banda uud ruflle. extra quality 1 UO Tucxed yuke and loeertiug 1 13 Embroidered ruffle and inaerting I 13 Puffed yoke. Hamburg edgo 135 Inverting, tueka and llatubHrg edge j 35 Pointed yoke, three row, line Pointed yokr. liner I 50 Heart ebeped yoke, Ave row* inaerting 1 73 Pointed yoke, trimmed baek and (but, with tuckt end Inserting 1 AO DRAWERS. 33, 37 and 39 Inch band, length Id proportion. Deep hem and tuckt 41 Cambric ruflle aud tueka 45 Tueka and Hamburg edge. **> Deep hem, three clutter turka 7t> Hamburg edge and tueka tki Embroidered, ruflle and turka 85 Coventry rutting and tueka ID) Tuckt. inaerting and edging 1 111 Tueka, line Hamburg edging . I lib Tuckt, line Hamburg ruffle 1 35 fiiaa tucking. Hamburg edghjg I 33 Cambric pulling aud Hamburg edge I IS) Clutter tuckt, una Hamburg late rung and edging.... I 70 All cambric, lace trimmed, Truui I 33 Linen, cluaier tuokt. One quality ' 50 ? ?? NIGHTDRESSES. i Ulw I8. ',nch *5?k otbarwla^iu proportion. l.toed yobe, trimmed with nutting ? Double /oka, back and, and ruffled down entire in?n I qq Tucked down entire front ..!.'!,..!..'!!'! 1 lo Tucked /oka In dusters and trimaed iritli cambric rulfllug , 1 row Ua? tucking and ruffle down front.!, .!!!!!!!!" t bit Tucked yoke and Hamburg inserting ? ? iftd radio down Iront '.!!!! 1 63 Tacked yoke and "lambur* ruflU I 70 Tucked yoke, 3 row* Inserting 1 Mi Tucked yoke. 11 rows flaer Hamburg Inserting!.. !. "' 1 00 Tucked yoke, embroidered re (He o igi Kobe front, pufle and iniertlng !...!!!! 2 *1 Kol?e front, inserting and ruffle " 2 .Vi Tucked yoke, Ineerting and edging .?.!!.!!.!!!" a 75 ! *?'?* back aod iront with puffing and tine Hamburg ineerting 350 Joke, trimmed. inserting. tucking.nd edging 3 75 u?~ "XT.?" *" Same ttyle. flnar quality 1 21 rumefrU"l*ln"",l"K' Wr ,n^l,, ?n<i' Hamburg 8 80 Bridal Seta, 12 $ A full line of French baud embrohiered'tSiwmlaei, Nlght I COMPLETE TKOI'SBKAt'. FROM $?T~f P articular attention paid to ? ^ wbddiku ourrirs. , ?kr long experience In thia branch guarantee! uh neon, ialng perfect satisfaction In eve7y p?rTrcnr.r. * * Pr?B' IK FAXT8* WEAR. f Infknta linen Shlrte. trimmed. from 90 In fault flannel Bends, embroidered n Infants flannel Hands, plain, ailk bound. ri Infante flannel skirts, from . S Infants' flannel Sklrte. embroidered...!".' i J! Infanta' nne cambric Skirts, leundrled ' im *-??.?P trimmed!.'" 2 00 lafenu'Xaineook trimmed Sli'pe..'.'.'! I in InfMU' r^'tTpi"^'' W,,h '""?roldery! 3 15 Xnrsery Haeketa. embroidered.!.'.! Nursery Basket*, ink and iaee trimmed.! rt m Nuraerr Baskets. felly fnntl.hed... . ".! J 2? Embroidered flaonel and merino Shawl*, from!!!!!!!! 2 75 and wadded^*' " ??Hno. silk trimmed, lined [ Infants' Cloak*, white merino, limited siik liningend * W handsomely trimmed. ? caprl' colored merino, long cloak*, double* Infant*' W aiiting Ceata. silk trimmed, lined and wad! * ^ j n#o, from.. . ? infant.' J?!!*!!!! WW ol"??>< flaiinel lined.'3 ?0 | Infante Walking t.oata, black velvet, hand embroid ered ball the no*t of importation a on Afghani, bow deaign*. from . I!'*"* J* blkinir Coat*. hand embroidered!.'.'.'.'!!.'.'.".!! 7 is, Flour luing floak* band embroidered 7 30 Children 1 Muslin Drawer*, trimmed, from 3 to 13 J'??!' from. ??.,*???,,,. nn ??}?"?> ?l?amlees. ?am'*' from!.'.'!.';."! S children ? MutllnXlghtdretees. .ame iltei Nainsook short Dresses, French yoke, from | 15 Z^Nltsri?*F2?LTr' COKSBTst. riVlJ y ?*1' '2 V' of m,>,, POPULAR RTTLEfl OP CfiKSKTn. both imported and domeatic, at equally poaaUr ! price*, constantly on hand. wqwasiy popular W'o.en Corset, good qnailty and shape vt Woven Corset, better quality .'.A.. a Woven Corset, jean ^ I ^ err pretty, eila embroidered. .* 1 Vn \ cry strung plain Corset J I Adjustable butt and hip gore Corset 'fb'r'aaning'm ordinary wear * I v> extra quality wot en Coraet. ! A J<*I bone, liIk embroidered , J? t "utill, t'ontllie. I 0% I An 1 M I 00 Cuntllle. Id luchea long S ?{ Weriy. deuble bone. It Incheslong ...!!!'" 2 2,1 Abdominal, beit qnailty astteen ... ?? 2. Abdominal, beat quality cotittil* 3 Z, I ?dle? comtort Cwttl, be*?y cordlr.g Inttead of DOOM Mlaaea comtort Walni. heavy rvrdtpg iaSMad' it bf?n?? Bridal Corset* on hand aon to order ALSO, ail the latest styles of Panjere, la wire, muslin and hair Rttlee for mlf meaearement or any other Information re. quired lent to any part of the eountry free of charge. The firm guarantee every article adrertleed by them to be in stock anil to be aa represented. Send for retalogoe, mailed free of cost. Samples of all el asset of goods tent free lo all eaet'ona of out country. ' ^ All rhar;et for the collection of money* paid by Lord A BROtOW tV AND JtrrH ST.. KPW TORK. QBAXD OPKNINU. ?..\TRAORDI.\aHV BARGAIN'S RF.AL INDIA CABELS' HAIR SHAW LA. 1 J3IRD A fAVl.OR ? h*ce;a?t opened lease. REAL INDIA CAMELS' IIAlH SlfAWi.s ?B. c'ia.e-1 at the l*.| i.i'Mn'S ql CTiCJK sa Fa' ?r I'RIt Ed I.oWEH 1'llAN sIMILtH VI ALITIEd llAl K BEKA.MiLIt FOR VEaKa, ,?M? WILL OFFRK Tlir.M ON rUF.SDAV. APRIL 4. REAL INDIA FII.LF.It crNTRP.S. AT ST. an 9115, BKINtl ABoL'T U>E li tLk FoRMRR PRICES. ' BEAUTIFUL BLACK" AND SCARLRT sTELLa SHAWLS, At $25. good rain# t'ui, At ffO, good ralue $?*>; At f-Vi, go,Ml ralne $7.*>, At 9>C>. good ralue ftk>. .1 large eto.'k of HROCIIK. I' tlSLKV and IMITATION INDIA sHa'.VL- at popular prices. ??"ATIO.N Those in purentt of bargeins should .**11 early. BROADWAY AND 20TH ST. CLoSl.Nt, oi'T eALE "oi prbnciT"gold A I'spertiengingt. 25c per roll; ilea Cornets Oil 1. the anil Wiaoow shades athelf prtee oil James w. coates. sbi Hedeew et A DRY OOODIi g*?SA5Kbi?KY j BAH4IW A. T. STF.WAKT A CO.. on Monday. April 3, will open SOenees Cheviot styles Cambric krknth prints, ONLY 0?4 CENTS PER TABD. S BMC* yard wide PBINTF.D CAM BR|CS. ONLY 8 CENTS PER YARD. good veins for 10 cants. Alao an extensive assortment of POPULAR DRESS GOODS, spatially adapted for spring and lammer wear, root taring ZEPHYR SUITINGS (a novelty). striped. mixed and plaid effects, 3 4 MOHAIR PI. All*. camera hair styles. JAPANESE CASHMERE, iuitable for morning wrapper*, only 12)*e. per yard. A large line of PRINTED TYCOON REPS, very noisome, only 18c. per yard; good value for 25c. And ther will largelv repleniah their stock of Madras cLotus, poulards, cambrics, Paris printed jaconets, I.INEN I.AWXS. AC., AC., et extremely attractive prlrea. A* I mate nee stork of ALL WOOL PA ERICS, latent slyles end neweat shades; only 35 cents per yard np ward. Those la pnranlt of bargains should call early. BROADWAY. 4TH AV.. nTU AND I0T1I STS. SlLK* _ .. T. STEWART A CO. win offer Monday. April :i. OREA I B ARGAINS IX LYONS BLACK SILKS. i.ooi) pTkces, In pert pnrrhased at the rorrnt Urge auction aalea. et folly twenty per cent leas than last year's prices. And they will make Urge additions to their stock of PARIS AND LYONS NOVELTIES In Silks and Grenadines; forming the largest and moat elegant assortment ever offered In thus city. LYONS COLORED FAILLE SILKS, selected qualities and color*, at SI 25. Si ?'<<). SI 75 und $2, former price* SI 50. Si To, S2 and S'J 2.V, higher grade* at proportionately low prices. Jest opened 500 piece* FANCY SILKS, in Cadrille, Rare*, I'amslrn and Cannelll. at 65c., 75c. and $1 per yard; good value for 75c., Si *ud SI 50. ?ROADWAY. 4TH AY.. OTH AND I0TH BTR. A. "^T. STEWART A CO. will open on Monday. April 3. a Urge Invoice of TRI.MM PARIS TRIMMED HATS, very beantlfnl, from Vlrot and other celebrated modiitef. NEW YORK TRIMMED HATS, new Stylet, our own manufacture, at 85. $s, 810 and 815 each. DECIDED BARGAINS. An extcnaive assortment of CHIP, PANAMA AND STRAW HATS, latest styles. Pine fresh Paris FEATHERS, KLOWEKS, Ac., Ac. Parle and Berlin reudy-made rashmera, silk and Sicilian SA0QUK8, MANTLES. Dol.MANS. BASQUES. Ac., Ac., new design*. at very attrytlre prices. CAMEL'S HAIR OVF.RSKIRTS. new and elegant styles: prices extremely low. PARIS MADB CLOTH 8ACQUEB, for spring wear, 95 upward. MISSES' SAOQUB8, PROM 82 511 UPWARD. A Urge variety of Children's and Misses' WHITE PIQUE SUITS, from St 50 to 9); good valoe from 92 25 to 97 50. READY-MADE SUITS FOR GIRLS, throe to alxtosn years. In silk, serge, pongee, mohair, Swiss, llneu cambric, Ac. ?ROADWAY, 4TII AV., i?TH ARD I0TH STS. ?*RBPBTH. A. T. KTEtVART A CO. era offering extraordinary bargain* la AXMINSTER. AU Bl.'SSON, BERLIN' AND DKVENTER OARPE ARPETS, various ilia* In one place. RMYRNA CARPETS AND RUGS. ? choice, received direct, at prieet largely reduced. English and nemeirtle KIVE FRAME BRUSSELS, froth gdodf, of the very beat quality handiome deilgn*, Jnit from tbejloora*. English aad domettlc TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. Alan freth gooda. bright color* and new pattern*. I3KU1AINS, RUGS MATS, ? OILCLOTHS. AC.. AC.. at apeclaUj low price*. They haw* alto opened a great variety ?f the LATEST NOVELTIES IN PARIS QUALITY MOQUKTTER. AXMINSTER*. WILTONS AND VELVET CARPETS, by the yard. The greater portion confined etylet and very choice, PRICES EXTREMELY LOW. Offer!eg an unaeuat opportunity to hotteekeepera to enpply "" "* ' 'Itlae" their wanu at prlcae lawor than elinilar qualities have been ?ol'l for In ten yeara. BROADWAY, 4TH AV., flTH AND IOTH STS. gPRlNQ DRESS OOODfc I IAIRD A TAYLOR 1 -<? wni offer on MONDAY. Aprils. In their Drete Ooode Da pertmenl, the choicest aoveltiet ever aliowu In thl* city. A full line ef Camel'* Hair, la plain plaids and stripe* to match, lor combination tult>. Special attention railed to their lace and open work camels' hair, a tpleadld article and their own Importation. Alan the MADRAS CLOTH, the lightest woollen fabric made, well adapted for aummrr wear or aoutbern climate. Oreat variety ef BASKET CAMEL'S HAIR, W Incite* wide, in Invialbl* plaldt end alrlpea. ? REAL INDIA DAMAKSK caMKI/S HAIR. 00 tachea wide, for overdresses; euperlor quality, light texture. CAMEL'S HAIR DK MECCA, la nlna different thadaa; light weight, tor eummer wear. A full line of MOHAIR. PONGEES end FRENCH POP. LINS In plain plaldt. etrlpei and brocadet. Alan SOIB CASHMERE DR LYON anq SILK ARMURBS. The altentlen of their raetomer* It celled to their CASHMERE DEPARTMENT, which ht* been rvnlrnithpd with all Ibe new thadaa fee SPRING and SUMMER wear, at reduced prlcaa. Including the very faahloaable ahadea of ecru, light blao, crerp# ana Preach gray. Alan CASHMERE EMBROIDF.RED. very handfome good* for overdresses, la all the leading color*. Striped aad brocaded HARTIIRA and ARMURK CLOTHS, axealltat fabric*, very handiotne anu entirely new. PARISIAN CLOTH, la all ibadet, from SOe. per yard upward. A full line af plain, plaid end atrlped DKBRilE, all wool, of light tegtara; well adapted for eummer w**r or travelling eatta. All wool BMPRE8S AND CRETONNE CLOTHS, la greet variety. The POPULAR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT ha* bee* replenished with fall line# of Salting*, from 121,* per vurd upward, including the Knickerbocker. Tengore. Moravian. t'lngalMe end Acre, in plain, plaid, ?tripe* and brocade*, the largett variety ever shown In any retail bona* In the alty. t STOCK READY FOR EXAMINATION. Sample* aent free by mail to all parte efth* country. NOVELTIES CONSTANTLY OPENED. BROADWAY AND COTII ST. (^HOEIDRPARTMENT. : LORD k TAYLOR, BROADWAY AND 2f>TFl ST. IMPORTANT TO LADIES. Thla department I* now replete with a large tad carefttlly aetorted atock of ladiea'. mioses' and children* Bonta. low Shoe* and Slipper*, eipeeially designed and manufactured for ear ewn trade The new ttylee far eprlng and eummer wear combine teat#. general utility and workmanship ef the highest order. Special attention la called to our celebrated In. M and ST* Drc** and Walking Boat*, whleb are acknowledged to be auperior to any before told in thl* c.ty el the price*. It e cxerciae unti-aal care in measuring end guarentee In all cwaa* an ea*v nnd perfect St. 1870."" Junk*. i*?i New ttura, Mth a* . Ithh at. An importer'* Stoat /euvta'i ben Kid Glove*. Thempeea'* beat teamlen Kid, ?old everywhere fur 12 per pair, wc prill tell in Ute choice*! colore at ?I, fi. Si par pair. Children'* tod mle*e?* at SOe and "j*. SELLING ?>. r HF.LoW COST-PREv!OUn TO RK movei, ?h? ,.a-m trnporiaa caave* Lmbrotdarte*; aleo ? large neck af Hamad uooda. HKsSIS LAP AIX 1.1T& DRV OOODft. TSTSr SB JKJIW STORE. FRENCH BON SETS, Z I TRIMMED HATS. X I FLOWERS IN X X ORNAMENTS, X z WREATHS, X Z RIBBONS, X BCNCHES, I t AC. Z Z Z Z J OOO XN X J o ox; Z J O O X N N F.K X J J O O X /. JJ OOO N XN EBKB EIGHTH ATEKUE EIGHTH AYEXCI AN I* NINETEENTH STREET. NINETEENTH STREET. Z J OOO XN K EEKE SSH X I .1 0 O X X N B 8 Z Z JO O 5 N N EE 8SS Z Z J .1 O OX X X R S Z Z J.I OOO X NX BBEE WS X Z Z Z Z Z Z Z I Z LACES, Z Z GLOTES. z z E DOINGS. Z Z SCARFS. Z X FANCT GOODS. Z * HOSIERY, z z HANDKERCHIEFS. Z X TRIMMINGS. T EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS WILL BE OFFERED IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. AS WE ARE DETERMINED TO MAKR THIS ona of the coat ATTRACTIVE ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE CITY, AND GREAT CARE HAS BERN USED In theselection ef new desirable GOODS in <rerj dipaitneot. Unusual attractions In oar SHAWL DEPARTMENT. SUITS AND DRRSSMAKINO under the management of Mnie. Lager, late of Pari, Elegant new and atrlLh Suite, of oar own Importation end manufacture, In choice spring style* end design*. I:; ell the favorite talirice ol the .eaoou. NEW DRESS GOODS OPENED DAILY. nILK DEPARTMENT. Our rerent end extended purclinae* at the Urea auction ?ales will enable us to offer greet bargains in desirable tolorsas low as Sitter rsrd; lormer |>r!rt. SI 2.Y Black Silk* from 8.*., SI. $1 10 end upward. Great Inducement* in tine satin Antan front 81 Vt to S'-' G LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S I'NDERWEAR at very attractive prices. Ltnea, Table Damask. Irish Linrnt, Napkins, Towels, Be., In extraordinary bargains MOURNING GOODS A SPECIALTY. CARPETS AND CPUOLSTERY GOODS being one of our moat Important departments great efforts have been made to obtain the choicest designs In BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. Kxtra supertlne I ugrslns from dOc. npwartl. Tapestry Brussels, fl per yard, handsome bright colon. mags LARGE STOCK OP OILCLOTHS. RUGS. MATS. WIN now SHADES. HOLLANDS AND LAGE CURTAINS. IN SETS AND BY THE YARD. TKItRY CRETONNES, REPS. FURNITURE COVERINGS, MATTRESSES, COR NICES. At!.. AC. LARGEST AND DECIDEDLY TUR CHEAPEST STOCK OF DOMESTICS In the city, which wilt be eold by the yard or by the piece at MANUFACTURERS' PRICKS A vi?lt will prove to purchasers that onr prices will be found lower than ever betore offered to the public. JONES. Eighth avenue and Nineteenth street. A. -A. RICHARD MEARES, tfth a*, and I hlh at. GRAND DISPLAY. REGULAR SPRING OPKN1NO, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY OP THIS WEEE. W? reappct fully beg to annoaaea to oar frtanda, nM?nn ?ad the public generally that OUR REGULAR OPENING OK CARRIAOE, DINNER AND WALKINO COSTUMES, TRIMMED ROUND HATS AND BONNETS, both Imported end of oar own tnaanflMfare, end ? general exhibition throughout ear entire ?ttaWlahment, WILL TAKE PLACE ON WEDNESDAY ~AND THURSDAY, APRIL 5 AND ?L MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OK COSTUME*. 150 DIFFERENT STYLES. Erary one combining elegance In detlgn. with moderation in price. Brocaded I Rich rroa grain, I Superb ?Ilk ' Coatatnea. [ black allh Coatumta. I In two ahadet. , Coatuuira. Elegant I Very ttyllah ailk cnloraU ailk Coitumea, with grenadlna Goetuiura. | and relret Orer Dream. Striped and { Colored Caahmere I Debelge check ailk I l'n?tume%, I Coaturnea, Coatumea. I ailk trimmed. | ailk trimmed. Reantlfnl i Linen Iwlaa and lawn J Coatumea, Coatumaa. | all itytea. A rtalt af Impaction reapeetfully InwIteA SUPERB DISPLAT OP TRIMMED ROUND IIATS AND BOXNBTS. both Imported ana ot nnr own mannfaetare. All af the moat elegant and i riglnai conceptmot. Orer :X)0 different dealgna. all perlbet gema. at lewar prieat (enntiaient with quality and atria of goodl) than can ha bad eUewbara In tkla city. MAGNIPICEXT DISPLAY OP KLOWRRS. AC., nil beautlfnl beyond dearrlptinn and the moat perfect atma lationa of nature. Tbey embrace enp.en of almnat erery bloaaom known ti tba wood, held and gardan. Noraltlea la peart, gilt and ailrer Mat Ornament and attaer fnablenable garnltnrda In flnett gooda. REMEMBER WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAT. APRIL .5 AND A It will pay yon te make u? a rlalt en thla oceaaloa. RICHARD MEARES. dot ar. and IIHk at. Si-ecial a n n?>uncembnt. OI'ENINO ON MONDAY GREAT BARGAINS IN SILES, from tha late anetlon aalea and oar nwa Importation. I.OOOpteera of eolornd gror grata nilka. In alt the oeat and newam colon, at lower prlrea than they bare been "(farad la ten year*, ored g Colored groa grain Silk, SI; wnrth Si IK* Colored grot grain Rllkv ft lit; worth St M Colored groa fraln nilka, ft 25 and SI ns, tame aa mold j alaewhere at SI Very Roe groa grain Dreaa Silka, $1 50 and $t At; former price for theae gooda. $2 yard. Onr aaaortment in theae gooda rotnpriwa ererr dealratda and taahionahle color. Ladie, ahould not Km# thla eppor tmilie to eeenre real bargain* .sor) piece a black sua, m all qnalitlat, at lewert prleaa. XOW OPENING? Dreaa gooda In all the neweat etylea. Ladlea', Mleaea' and Chlldren'a Underwear Silk Ralbnggau and thread iioyiery and Gloeee. Laeea. E Vine Lacee. Emhrnldarlea. KaMlnga end Tlae. Table Llnan and Table Clotba. Napklae and Towela Vine Preach Cfaleteee for furallere eoren. Mb., wwrtk Mb. It will pay yon to maka a RICHARD MEARES. earner dth ar. end lAth at. rORD A TAYI.GR . J CAI.I. SPECIAL aTTPNTION TO THEIR Tblauk sii.k drpahtmrxt.] All the leading branda o! lloiiuet. Poa?on, Oli aid. Taple rler Mellow. Ilulnei. Ar. will be found fully rvure'enteu. AT PRICKS VAK BELOW THE CtlST <jP IMPORTA TION. LORD A TATLOR S celebrated PaMILY SILKS, from ?f VI %a Sf?. reaowt.ed lor their duraMUty end Sniak, will be offered et greatly reduced peteea. Their AMERICAN CENTENNIAL CASHMERE. Warn ft v ? to $J. will be foand anpertwr In Mrrtae and effect to Imported gooda at SU and 92 Ml IN TaPPF.TaS and GROS DE RHINE we can offer an naaorimro: from 7.V. t. Bt- TWENTY PRR CKNT LP.Sri THAN USUAL PRICES. Tbey call aperial attention to their HEAVY' SATIN PiMsli t.lltrs GRAIN, lor oeer garmenti. at 92 'worts f-.' SO and EJ BO iWiWlh ffHL In SPRING SILKS. POI LARDS. SERGE*. LEYS? TINKs. A?-. Ae.. the/ will offer a f?t> and complete nator ment. At l?NUSUALLY LOW PRICES. KEfPTS PATENT VASTLY MADE DBMS SHIRTS Tha vary hart. *is far M. *71 Broadway. DRY ROODS. XT ' ? OOGG RRBRR A NX X DDDDD OUR R AA X N N D I G R R A A N K S D I (S R K A A s k N D r (S RRRRR A A X K N i> r. U GO K K AA AAA N N X i> r IS (> K K A A N N N D r U U K K A A N NX D L gggo R R A A N NX DDDDD SSS8 PPPP RRRR II NX N GOG s r y r R R II N X N O 1* ? p p R K II NX K o S P P R R II X N N is SSSH PPPP KRRH II KMX a S P H R 11 N N N t> CO S P P. R II N N X a IS f S P K K It N N X 0 a ?sss p U R II N KN GOG OOO PPPP ELBE NK N II NX X OGO O o p p F. K N K II N X K ? 0 (1 ? P V K NX N II X X N o o P p K N N N II N N X G O ? PPPP BEE N N N II XXX G (I I'l P E N N N II X X X G GO o o p E N NX II N NX 0 O 0 O p s N NX II N NX o a OOO p BEEB N NN 11 V NN GOO EEEE H II RRRR II ccc II H ml - K ii II K R n c c H II s s ?? K H II R R i; 0 H II s ' E II H R R n c II H s BEE HHHII RKRR M tl IIHHH ssss K H II R R II l! H H s E H it 11 R II 0 H H s E II H R R 11 c c II II 8 8? EEEE II II K K II cco H H SSSS Z ?TH AVE., BETWEEN 14TB AND 2STU STS. BRILLIANT DISPLAY OP pixe srrrs. PIXE MILLINERY. LADIES' CXDERWEAS, IXPAXTS' WEAR. MARSEILLES SUITS, PARASOLS. AC., AC. WE SHALL ENDEAVOR TO MAKE THIS SPRING OPENING ESPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE. AND BELIEVI WD SHALL NOT DISAPPOINT LADIES WHEN Wi PROMISE TO EXHIBIT GOODS WORTH LOOKING A?, AT PRICES WORTH REMEMBERING. WP. CORDIALLY INVITE LADIES TO CALL DON'T PORGET lit It TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY III REEE H II KRKR II CCC H H SSS K II II K K II o o >1 II s s II II K R II f! II II s II H R K It a H II s KRK I1HH1! RRR i: (! IIHHH sss II II K R I! 0 H H s H II K R II t: II It s K H II K R II 0 c II 11 8 S KERB H H K R II ccc H H sss 287 AND 2S? STII AVR.. ABOVE 24TH ST. a: DDDD EEBE A ? L EBEE RRRR dSSS i> D K AA L E R R S 8 D D K A A 1, I R R s D D F. A A L P. R R 6 D I> ERE A A L ERR RRRR ASSS D D B A A AA 1. K R R R D D E A A I. K R R 8 D D 1 A A L E R R S 8 DDDD ERRE A A l.LI.L PEER R R SSA8 IX MILLINERY AXD STRAW GOODS ARE SPECIALLY IXVITKD TO EXAMINE THE EXTBAORDIXARY WHOLESALE PRICES at EEEE rf H RRRR M rccc If H BBSS -? F H H R K II c c II H B 8" ? H II R H II c II H B E II II R II II c II H B KEE IIHIIH KRRR t; c If TI 11 tf BESS K II II R K it c II II S R II II 11 K it c n H s R II H K R ii c c ii n B B BEER U II R K ti ccco ii H BBS8 E s 2S7 AXD I'Slt STH AVE.. ABOVE 24TH ST. PKIXO OPENING, 1876. grigo. iiaskeli. a CO.. SO!' BROADWAY, wilt offer Monday. Ar.rll 8. *p?<-1a1 bargain* in SILKS. pur.'liawl ac the recent peremptory aurllon aaloa Alto AS elegant line of HUrk silk*, our own Importation, at SOe., SI. SI in. SI 25, SI M. SI Ml, 82. upward*. A.I the now *h*de? l:i Colored Silk*, SI, El 15, El 25, SI up Alio .Vi piece* oatra iiaalltv Caehmoro Blaek Silk, gnar anteed to waar, at Si 75; good value. El Mi grigg. ~liaskei.i. a co., sns rkoaDWat, will offor on Monday, April 3, decided bargain* ta dkEss GOODS. Ecrn Plaid Suiting*. IOe.. I 2?. IV.. 20c. , 8 rate* atrlped Saxony Poplin*. 20c. M>j piece* now Centennial Cloth at ifffe. worth tie 5 rate* Brailllaa Diagonal Cloth. 2V. worth 40c. 100 piece* pure wool Camel'* Hair Cloth, aprteg weight, la ?iripe*, plant* and olaln. 'Sir. Elegant *1 Ik and wnnl Dtmtne. lire.. 7V. and BI. Frenrh. Rrltl*h and German Brocaded Fabric*. In the naw ?hade*, ecrn. ?eal brown, bine and grny. *ultable for orar dra?*. and maaing np with ailk. GRIGO. HASKELL A CO.. will open Mondar April 3, SPECIAL BARGAINS IX MOCKX1XO GOODS, bonelu at latl week'* enetlon *ale*. and will be enld 20 pet rent lex than the tame good* la Xaw York. 450 piece* Hlark Alpaca. Inc., 2"c . 2'w.. Ala. 35c. to 50s. Three eaae* Iron frame Grenadine* at AVe Pure *tlk and wool Grenadine* at 5V., dx)%c.. 75c. |i*i piece* atriped Orenadlnrt at XV. Memiran Grenadine* at .'Sir Saperb Sllh and Wool Mrslraa Grenadine* at T5e. Mr to El 50. SI* ea?e* all wool Franrh faehmera it AV., 75a. te R1.50. . _______ ___ ? Htm hkoadwaY. will open flft* raoe* Print*, choic* ?tyle*. 5c., da. te. ff&. Be Sixtt r**a* Fruit of the iewui elilrtln* at Sc. FROM AUCTION, l.tgjn piece* Emhroiderie*. all new detigna. de. a yard t* flor?t good* Imported; 20 per cent lower then other boti*ee. Kern tlarhroere Lace*. Tlet. Seart*. Xeta. de. Klity different de?tira* in black *lik Fringe*, from -lOa to Ed. Colored *ilk Fringe* made to order et *k->rt aotiee. ? HOSIERY AND 1'NDRRWRaR. Reeelred?tlur *prlnz Importation of ladle*', geaOeDeaM and children'* Colored *cd F*ary llo?|#rr. In rerlety end price we defy competition. LAD:RS' I'NDKKG A RMEXTS, m?de from :li* lie?t minlin*. trimmed with f?ne*t qaalltr of emhroiderie*. and told at a eery tllght edraace <>a enet ef material*. GRIGO, IIASKELI. a co! Win BROADWAY, will pea Monday, April 3, FIVE HUNDRED St'lT* AND COSTCMES, ropled trim Pari?ian mode la Colored *tnff Suit*. $H. sin. $1-2, (o (t* i Summer rantel'e hair Suit*, trimmed ailk. E25. 850, EES ' toSdt'. Dinanr Silk Suit*. t*V $'?>. EBO Colored fancy and black ailk Suit*, fIV |yi to f!V> CLOAKS AXD DOLMANS. In ceahmere. d*ap d'et*. elath, Ar. Silk *tr*i:ii end Del* aaat. Large alied garment* kept la Mock. FIRST CLASS DRF.ffSVAKtXO. ROYS SI'ITB. New reek at very low price*. Kill and School Stdtt. Ed 75, Boy*' eee*laere Halt*. fft. Ed. ET, E*. $10 ta $15. Sample* of Dry Good* *ent free to any part of the reentry oa application J K. Grigg. I GRIGG. II ASKF.Lt, A CO.. ,C. A. EalVr, C. Ifaekell. 1 Srm Broadway. Idaho Dnnn D ON'T PAf $1 25 FOR half mad* *blrt?. SI 2"> rarh, ?lx f,'*|7. RARKAMKIi WaM-1 FTA MCBUN aad Hae li-ten froat* :? el" ?eat tree of rherge aaywaere on receipt of prter. Manufartor. 13d (Hk av., aeer Khlt (a.. New York SIX RLEOANT WAMSI'TTA SHIRTS, made to order aad warranted a perfect St. for StO. RRP*S PATENT r ARTLY M aDR DRBSS SHIRT*. The rery beet. *la Aw SB 371 Broadway. S___ ~ ?ot and Spaee Plaiting f >r drexee. dene at II EMU'S; perfect work gaarepteed; flounce* 1 t.> 23 mrfcr*. price I.S to 5 rente. removed worn St I Iltk a? l? TBI Broad* av vr att7n~jT m at?inT<?T.IcT>tos aEd coir Mat i",.:x,'.u,'2;r,'V7SL''iB'L'fiwicrR^?.' Broadway. Fsr OUhEff Dry EiiSt *1