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THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,469. NEW YORK. MONDAY. APRIL 3, 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISERS. AMl'SBMENTS?Irr Par*??lb. 5th And6th cola. AsTKOLOUY-20 Pack?tlth col. BILLIARDS?11th Paaa?tllh col. BOAP.I'EKS WaNTKD-2u Pacb-So col. BOAl<U AND I.ODOING WANTED-2d Paob?4*H OoL BOOTH AND SHOES?1 1th Pack?6th caL BROOKLYN BOARD?3d Pacb?4th col. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE POR SALS?20 Fa?B-1?1 col. BITHINEHS OPPORTUNITIES?SBrn PaCH. BUSINESS MOTICES-Tra I'AOB-dlh coL CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-2n Pack?1st col. OLKKKH AND SALESMEN?12th PAW?-?th col. CLOTHING?'Jn Pack?Sth col. COACHMEN AND GAHDKNERS-12th PAO*-?th ecL COASTWISE Mfc.AM.SliIPS? 1 Itu l'AGB-?-5th ?"><! 6th coU. COUNTRY BOARD?2d Pac*?4th col. dancing academies?iith pa(ik-4Uico1. DENTISTRY?2d P.?a*-?h ml. DRY GOODS?Ut 1'auk?4th cot DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. Pt'RNISllED AND UN FURNISHED? 2d PACB-2d ?ud 3d cola EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?Hth Pack?3th coL EUROPE?2ij -2d Pa<ih?Hth ool. KXCH ANGB?1 1th 'Pagb?4th coL FINANCIAL?1VTH Paoh. FOR 8A1.K?11th Pao*?4th coL FURMSIIfc:D ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pauk?3d col. PURNITl/RR?lira Pack? col. IIKLP WANTKD-FF.MALES-ICth PAC*-5th col. HRi.p wanted ?males?12th PAo*-??hcol HORSES, caKHJAGES, AC.?lit i'Aii* ?2d, 3d and 4th col?. HOTELS?2D Pigs?4th col. HOUSrS ROOMS, AC., WANTED-2d PAGK-3d coL INSTRUCTION?lrt Pack?4th col. LECTURE SEASON?1*t Pack?4th col. I.B'iAL NOTICES? IItu Pack?4th coL I.O.ST AND POUND?1st Paok?1st coL MACHINERY -llTtt PAC*-4th col. marble mantels?11? pack-suicol MEDICAL?2d Pack?''th col. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?1st Pack?ttfccol. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?11th Pack-CHi col. MISCKLLA.NEOUS-IOth PAca-Othcol, MUSICAL-IIih PaCB?4th col. NEW PUBLICATION8-7TH l'Aoa-Oth col. PF.RSONAI.-1st Paiiu-IsC col. PIANOFORTES, OKUANS. AO?1st Pag*?4th col. PROPOSALS-11TH PACK-Oth col. PROPERTY OCT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?2d Pack?1st col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANOE-2o Psca-lst col. RELIGIOUS NOTICES-1st Pacb-Isi col. RKWARDS-lst Pack?1st coL SALES Af AUCTION?2d Pacb?4lli, Sth audflthcols. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE8-13TH Pacb-UI, 2d. 3d. 4th and Sth cn|*. SITUATION'S WANTED?MALES?12th ' PACB-Sth and a 6th cols. , , SPECIAL NOTICES?1?t PACt-Ist and 2d cola. 8P0RTING?DOGS. BIRDS. AC.-lar Paoa-2d eel. 8TORAOE?I Itu Pack-4th col. THE TRADES-Htii PA0K-6th col. ? , TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2o Page-1st and 2d cols. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE-lItn PAOB-Sth col... UNKURNLSH150 ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pack?3d col. _ WATCHES, JEWELRY. AC ?lira PACK-?th eol WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOB SALE OR TO LKT-Jd Pack?1st col. YACHTB, STEAMBOATS, AO.-IOth PAca-6th col. PERSONAL.. ?roncT~ T V. ALLOC.?WILL 8SE YOU MONDAY NIGUT, 8AM8 time ami jdeoe. A. E9TKLLA-C M DISTRACTED. FOR HEAVEN'S ?ake, forgive u4 forget. Return and happiness en snred for .ever. R. P. N. EJ.-KICKNF.89 AND IN (i It It AT TROUBLE: LET ? me hear from you to-day; telograpb or write, and I Will como to the world's end for yon. LOU1B. J AS COWAN, OF LOCK8TOWN?ADDRESS ~A. CAMPBELL, 537 Pearl it.. New York. Will hear something to his advantage. To e7 j.-for" IrTd'S^^kF "come back at once. In crest trouble, llave searched everywhere for yon. Again, let me pray of you to return to me. L. J. J. io~RESUME?TO-DAY BURR AT "oNK f "VERY IM porttut." -NOTHING TO PREVENT ME, AROYLE SHADOW - Ball^to night, sure. BLUE KYE8. reugioTJF Sotil'Ia. 1yo6"dy~an d" "?T/Cn k W. ?? iU Hippodrome Building. Noon serriee from 12 to 1 o'clock every day. Woman's meetluc from 1 to 1:43, In Fourth Avenue HalL Aiternot.n service at 4 o'clock Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Tickets for afternoons free upon application every night, el 8 o'clock. In Madison Aveuue Hall, and overflow meeting at same hour In Fonrth Avenue Hall. Young men's meeting. Fourth Avenue Hall, every night at 9 o'clock, and Saturday night meeting et Association liall, 2'ld St and 4th av.. at 9 o'clock. Monday night service will be conducted by Mr. Sankey. Mr. Moody will meet young converts and Inquirers only, in Asaociation Hall, every Monday night at 8 o clock. No service at the Hippodrome on Saturday. and no noon meeting on Sunday. oodV and banket.?h ippodromk?special tickets for the evening services of Thursday and Friday Will be issued to non-churchgoers sud to persons not yes entered on a Christian life, on application at the Hip podrome each day, from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Kntranc*- by ??or marked F. lu 2tltb St.. near 4th av. _ LOST AM) FUlNbT SlO REWA HI)?OK* LNlV*KUs7t? PEaCK AND AJ 11 th st., Rtuaia leather Pocketbook. Return to 53 West 1 ltb ts. EOST-A PLAIN GOLD LOCKET, WITH MONOGRAM "H. G. O." in platinum cu face. Finder will be llher ally rewarded by leaving 1; at Restaurant Fruscati, 52 L'ni varsity place. '" rewards: == 4c "r1war6.?lost, slnday Mdh.^hfoT"ojJ SVQ qP'J av., a black and tan slut: gray around mouth from age. Return tf No. 31) West 24tn it. 4?1 A REWARD wiLL HE-PaLU FOR THK~KETl'BN wJLV.' of a small Scotch Terrier answering to the name of Bob," lost on Snndav from 11 West 21st st. SPECIAL KOtlCET "XTserIcaiT WiFff ri rfc -the"YSSCXLTfllfffriS A of this Institute will be held on Thursday. April (3, J876, at the ball of the Historical Society, 2d av., corner Uthst . ai7'* ?'clock P. M CREATE* CLEVELAND, President. ClU. Ml K. LlOttl, Miltordiag ftecrctarr. ?ISA A ~tT BOYCE. 267 BROADWaYTLaWYER.? ? Divorces obtuined promptly, without publicity, deser tion, Incompatibility'. habitual drunkenness. Infidelity, in nnman treatment, conv iction of felony. Passports obtained. A LLEN A CO., 79 NAS8AI' ST.. NEW YORK. Havens Lottery draws April 4. Wyoming Lottery draws April 10. Prises cashed! circulars mailed free. A-KENTUCKY ?TaTE_ LOTTERIES OF J. 8. . SMITH A CO. ? Eirrcrcr. ixraa ct.ass 303?mn 1876. 44, 43. 57, 30. 34. 65, 71. 47. 8, 21, 1. 28. 69, 60 REMTl't-gV. CLASS 384?SOU 1876. At. 78, afl, A3, 10, 44. 17. ?. 01. 23, 73, 11. 42. 5. All orders address h. NATHAN, box 4,870 Post ofllce New York city. A -PARKS, KMERKON A OIL ' " ? Krutucky State Lotteries, drawn dally Royal Havana Lottery, drawu every 17 days Kentucky Single Number Lottery, drawn April .29. 1876. Prises cashed, information 'ami.bed ar.d circulars tree. 180 Broadway. Post oBlce box 5.272, New York. A ?ROYALH AVaNjTlOTTKRT! " JX? Next drawing April 4. 1 Prise of Spanish dollars 100000 1 Prise of Spanish dollar* Qo'uoo 3 Prises or, each, Kpaeish dollars 23000 1 Prise of Spanish dollar* lo'oOO and 934 other Prises Extraordinary Havana Drawing. First Prist, One Million Spauish dollars. Drawing April 34. German Government Lotteries Full explanatory ciiculars free. . THEODORE ZSCHOOH. Pest office box 5.594. 118 Nassau St.. Naw York. Alabama rtatk distributions?chartkkrd ' by tbs Legislature.?Drawings erery 21 day.; 13th distribution, on the Havana plan iclass 13), to be drawn at Mobile, Ala., April 18, befbra sworn commissioners; 3.68t> cash prises; c.pital nriae. ffiffi.uuu. Tlrpeta. >6; quarters, 81 25 All prises paid in full after the drawing. Agents wanted. For circulars address WILKINS A CO., box 1.481 Post office. Mobils, Ala., or boa 8,419 Pott office, N. Y. ' RARE CHANCE.?I lfAVH~CONkdONKD A NUM her or the L'uited Mates Hand Kewtng Macnlaea, In Crfect order, which 1 will close cat at a great lacrMce low cost. Apply at once to O. OKNNSKT, 53 Maiden Une, New York. IiF.A SE9 OF MKN A 8>Tc!aLTY7 HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D? 144 Lexlagtoa av..near 29tb it. Office hours from 8 to 8. A E XTRAORDINaUT HAVANA LOTTERY, First I'risc, One million Spanish dollars. Second I'rlse, Half a million SpanWn dollars. German Government Lotteries. WACI1SMANN A CO.. Bankers. Ola: Dwat eeA "W V _ " bog 3.810 Post office. 75 led 77 Nassau st, C"OLt) AND $II.VER~AKD ANYTHING~ CONTApT W Ing Gold bought at msrktt twice: polishing, gilders' rags, Ac., burned aud melted by RcBaer 8CHAWRL, 25 John st. AVANA LOTTERY?NEXf?DRAWING APRIL 4TH. 38JI00 tickets 939 prises, amounting to $57ti,fV?. Capital prite. 610",000 For particulars addreee B. MART* INEZ A CO.. Rsakers, 10 Wall eA, basement. Box 4.H82. Post office. INDI'STRl"AL7.xlllHiT!0N COMPANY DRAWd THIS day, Ap ril 3, at 5 o'clock ; commissions divided with cus tomers; whole Bonds. 819; halves. f < 73. quarters. 65; certiflroies securing tbe premium on a tingle bond, lit tlx forgo; ibc least a bond can draw is $21; the highest, ? Kk-.OX): there are no blanks. ALLEN. EDWARDS A FORDIIAM. Barkers. 79 Nassau street. New York. JAMF.9 A~"7?Hi8F.B, TUCTIONREB AND CoMMIA slon merchant ? Conslgunientt solicited, and cash ad vanced ou all gooda consigned; good reforenre given. Ad dress room 105 Sweeav'e Hotel. K KNTL'CKY STATE DISTRIBUTION. I Draws Katanlay. April 29 5.379 1'rises, aggregating L'kiO.GU) in cash Capital Frits BSo.Otat. Agency Kentucky State Lotteries, _ , , , Dvswn dally and weekly. Send for circular, THOMAS II. HAYS A CO., 697 Broadway, New York. K^m ?OFFICIAL DRAWING KENTUCKY RTATK LOT . teries. 8IMMONB. DICKINSON A CO., Manager* v. ?"?! CUM *o. 2A6?arau. 1, 1378. 14, 66. 49. 89, 17, 78, 5. 12, 48, 48, 54, 25. gsNTCCgT, ci.aas no. 25A?arrniL I, 1878. 74, 31. 13. 24. \a, 38. 8, 69. 54, 27 aaT 88, 15 iinncr. Btrna cum ?o liS-araa 1. 1878 3. 45, 21, 41. 5. S3, 53, 46, 75. M. 20. A na.vav, class no. 154? aruL I 1674 "d P> ,74' 4M' ^ "L ?I 88, 52. 45 Full In fane alios ey applying U er sddrsestug J. CLtlTB 3Ui Broadway er bog tJW Pest office. K-*"1 ^ J!i?E 1 * CO.'8 ORANI . monthly diit rikutlon. on Has Havana plan, te be draws April 28: also lUyal Havaaa of Onka. draws April d Fall to formation by sP?jrf,"ftB ev_addreastug J. UUTTB, ? Broadway or boa 4.W8 Foot iffitts K PRC 1 All NOTICES. ITSffiSS^fc dxTAHRU. deaknebS; Tmproy1s6 JV. method; instantaneous r?lict; permanent caret Dr. STODDARD. No. 8 West itthsl. ^BW TOKK EXPRRBS. A Mew Departure. Reorganisation. National In Ua politic* aad democratic in it* principle*. Not for faction*, clique* or parties, but for principles and men. BEE THIS EVENING'S EXPRESS. NBEVOUB EXHAUST ION.-A MEDICAL ESS A V, comprising a aerie* of lectui esdallvrrcd at K?hu'? Wu? teum of Anatomy, New York, ua tba cause and cure of Pre matuie Decline, showing indisputably bow lost health may be regained, affording a clear synopsis of the impediment* to marriage and the treatment ol nervous and physical debility, being the result of 20 year*' experience. Price 23 cent* Ad drew the author. Dr. L. J. KAI1N. office and reeldenee Si East loth New York PILES?PlLllS.?H E MO BR 11 OlDS OR PI iTeS. New. original ami painless treatment. NOT ONE CENT CHARGED UNTIL CURB EFFECTED, The hemorrhoids are panuancnily eradicated In two to four weeks, without the knife, ligature ur canstio. Dr. IIOYT, 21 West 24th it. PILES OK HEMORRHOIDS PERMANENTLY BRAD! catod in two to (our weeks' painless treatment; no kuife, ligatures, canities or cautery employed; positively no charge lor treatment until cared. Circulars free. Dr. STODDARD, ouiy office No. 8 West 14th ?t. STUTTER i NO -V S. ST A M M EhTnTT"I NSTlfl'TE (DR. White), 417 4th sr.; best city reforenee*; no pay until perfectly cured. Gall or wild fur circular. SHOOK D LO UI si AN A GOLD It: s Tit IB OTIONn ' At New Orleans, April 29. 1870. Capital Prita. 9100.0001 8,580 Prize*. amounting to Siy2,500. \ All paid In Gold. Only 20.0t.i0 Tickets, at RVi each, enrreney. Tenths and Twentieths in proportion. Por information, circulars Ac., address or apply to No | ostp,*nemeuts. WILLIAMSON a CO., Brokers, Box'H Post office. 817 Broadway, corner Thomas St. Take notice.-hluk Etq.nk cutters and flag. gers: 800 members are requested to attend tho meeting tc be beld on Wednesday ovenlng. April 5. In Bmmetl Half, 282 West 80th St. All who work at the business are respect fully Invited to business of Importance will be brought up fur consideration. Br order of Society. TO MILKME.nTaND D K A L K R 8 ? K~K S PO XSI H I. E PUR. chaser warned, for two or three cans of pure milk, daily, arriving bv New York and New Haven Railroad; price low. Address MILK TRAIN. Herald Uptown Branch office. SPOilTlNii?DUOS. BIRDS, AC. A -To-ft-?AtBr~AtrTclXfi.S- OF 'FANCY" DOGS, xv. Birds, Ac ; Medicines for *11 diseases; Prepared Pood for mocking birds, at B. 0. DOYEY'S, No. 3 Greene it., hear Canal. A -FOR PALK. THE ONLY THOROUGHBRED lit short-!.aired St. Bernard Dog In thO country, and ouo English Greyhound, one Italian Greyhound, one Knslitli Mastiff, at MEYER'S, No. 8 Went 3d it., near Broadway. AFKKNOH BREECH-LOADER. CENTRAL FIRE, rebounding locks, genuine "Leopold Bernard" barrel*; cost six months ago 1 ,,'rti francs; will be sold cheap. Also a secoud hand top action ficott Gun, very low. CHARLES L. RITZMANN, 943 Broadway, above 22a it OOTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD ALL DAY AT Thomas' Exchange, 1.239 Broadway, on tbe Con necticut election ; French Poole close at H. & M. THOMAS. _ HORSkS, CAKRIAGKS, AsC. T~^majok VVfl A6LM"\v. b \ rkkr'. aucf IOnf.eS A. PRIVATE TROTTING STABLE AT PUBLIC AUCTION. WILL BE POLD, immediately aflat Mr. Pierre Loril lerd'a -ale of Thoroughbreds, Wednesday. April 5, *1 II o'clock, at BARKER k SON'S City Auction Mart and New York Tattortall ?. comer ef Broadway and 30th it., tbe property of Colonel W. R. BERNARD, of Hunter's Point, wlio ibortly leaves for Europe, the following bigb bred Stock, Brewster Weicoui, Ac., consisting of THE VERY spocily, cross matched pair of brown and chestnut Trotting Mares Maud Merrltt and Harlem Girl. the former got by Bell Morgan, dam by Alexander's Edwin Forrest and bred in Kentucky: the other got by Lewlston Boy. by a ton of Knton Messenger and ored In Maine; are 13)t high: foaled 1860; ure without exception tlio pieasautest ana molt desirable gentleman's superb trotting team to be found ; have trotted together in 2 ;43, end both hare shown trials singly of better than 2 ^0; will be sold separately or together, and are warranted sound and kind. THE JET BLACK Trotting Gelding. Armandt got by Niagara Chief, dam by George M. Paichen: la half brother to Mr Morrow's lien Flagler; ISWhtgh: foaled 1869; la very stylish in harneaat has trotted in 2:40}i over a heavy half nillo track, and la warranted kind. THE BROWN Trotting Gelding, John 8. Newman, got by Yming Morrill, dam by Ethan Allen; iil5*hikh; foaled 1869; a richly bred and finely galted youn,* horse; baa trotted in 3:01 to impound road wagon; haa rich appear ance and amiable diapoaition, and la warranted touna and kind. TOP ? IDE bar Road Wagon, by J. B. Brewster; top aide oar Road Wagon, by Broom# street Brewster, with Pole; single seat Road Wagon, by Dtiaenburj; fine double and tingle Harness, elegant CI.-thing. Ho baa. Whips, Ac. WILL ARRIVE for exhibition at the mart this (Monday) afternoon, at JU o'clock. "TIlO IT RALE WITHOUT reserve or postponement. A -MAJOR CHAS. W. BARKER, AUCTIONEER. . THOROUGH!!RED SADDLE and Race Horaea AT PUBLIC auction. MR PIKKKB LORILLARD'S BALE OK Thoroughbreds WILL TAKE piece WEDNESDAY. APRIL ?. at 11 o'clock, AT BARKER A SON'S CITY AUCTION Mart and New York Taltecsall'a, CORNER OF Hroedway and 3Uth it CATALOGUES NOW ready at tha Mart Stock on exhibition to morrow morning. T AUCTION, ON TUE9DAT, APRIL 4. 1878, BY VAN TAS8ELL A KEaKXrY, AUCTIONEERS, AT THEIR AUCTION MART, 110 AND !? EAST 18TH 8T., NEAR ?TH AV., AT 10 O'CLOCK. ELEGANT BAY MARK. SIRED BY DRACOl 15* bands hiah; 6 rears old; a handy, prompt and eeay driver: afratd of nothing: ie kind in all uarnesa; bae no vice, trick or laitll. Tills mare has been uaed on the road for tha pact tear, andean trot in 2 45 en re: It aa extraordinary pale mare, and is WARRANTED SOUND. SINGLE IlARNEFR nearly new. TOP ROAD WaoON. In fine order, by DUSBNBURY A NELSON. Clarence, by J. B. Brewater A Co.. ef 35th et. by Brewster A Co., of Broome ah A'so twenty-two Horses, suitable for family, read id business use; also two very Bee Horses for lady ? driv ledy Ing, with tep pony Phaeton ; aiao park Pbaetena, top and no top Wagoua. liarneas, Aa. Aa At PRIVATE SALE. Landaulel. Pole and Bbalta, by J. B. Brewster A Co., of it", tb at. Raronche. by Brewstar A Co., ef Broome at. Top Wagon, very light, with Pole end BbefU, by Dusea btiry A Nelson. Top Wagon, by Brewster I Co.. of Breome at. Clarence, fn',1 *, lite, by J. B. Brewster A Co. Coupe, by Bradley, Prey A Co., Poll and Shafts. T Cart, role and Snsfls. by Bradley, Pray A Co. Surrey Wagon, by Bradley. I'ray A Co l Coupe Ruckaway. Pole and Shafts, by Miner A Stevens. Six *rat h'ockaway Carriage, by J. C. Nam. Pour-so at Kockawaya. Depot Rockawaya and Wagnna; tep and no top Pftaetons; alio fancy canopy Phaetons, top aide bar and full apnng W agont and Carrfacet of every descrip tion. OCTION BOUSE OP ARCH. JOI1N8TON, 19 to 25 13th tt,, near Uniroralty place. SALES of TIORSBS and CAKHIAGE8 are held every Tuesday and Friday, at lOo'rtoek. On every horse the! Is WARRANTED BOUND Irom 34 hours to 3 days for trial. Tbe OLDEST Esr.UILISHKD and most reliable home in the city. GENTLEMEN HAVING HORSES or Carriages to ie'1. or those wishing to bey. can rely uocn the earns strictly honorable dealing which baa always character, lard our houae and won the confidence and reaped ef tbe entire community PULL AND COMPLKTB ASSORTMENT OF THE "Brewater Wagon," tbe standard for style and quality, now ready for Inspection at our factory ana wnreroama Broadway and 47th ?t? 5th av. and 14th at Special attention Is called so oar Improvement In ?tds-ber W agon a. which aaablet ua to offer tbe lighted, safest and, beat riding wagon ever produced. Brewster A CO., of Broome A SSIUXKE'fl BALE. ON WEDNESDAY. APRIL 6. AT 11 O'CLOCK. AT THE PRIVATE STABLE NO 115 EAST J3D ST., NEAR 4TH AV. All the valnenle trotting end family Mortal of D. uREW, Esq., including a team thai caa tret in 3 :40to pole, 3 Merase that caa trot in 3t4.i, 3 tbai caa trot In 3 t35. 3 that eaa boat 3 :'JO. For fall partieelart see catalogue aad fours adver tisements A -20 TOP AND OPEN ROAD WAGONS, BY BK8T ? city makers; ton and open Depot Wagons. Rocka waya of all stylos, top and open basket and paaei Puny PL a# toot. 9 passenger depot wagon Baroucbea; sis seat Phaetons, Landaus. Landaulets, Coupee, Victorias, Britixaa, Dog Carlo, top and open P.xpreee Wagons, skeleton Wagons and Sulkies. Harness, Blaakele, Whips, Aa WM. H. GRAY. 20 ted 33 Wooster at. LOOK, AUCTION.?GREAT BALE AT THE , Un on Mart; Horses. Carriage) and Haras**; prop erty ot Mr. Dilber and other gentlemen; see boras auction column. SPECIALTY.? Viae Harness at lew prirea, and a large assortment. A. 8. PLANDRAU, 872 and 374 Broome at. eld atand of Brewater A Co. KRIVBD FROM ILLINOIS?LOT OP OOOD WORK Horaea; aold cheap. Apply at No. 8 Vestry et. -BAROA1N8.-8I* GOOD LTvBRY CARRiAOE8, , Coaches. Clarences sad Brett*; Pony Phaeteas. aide bar Wagons, half price; new Coach, Just finished. No. 400 3d av. -10 BUHINKSS WAGONS BELOW COST. FOR Blf ? pram, grorers. botchers, bakers, milk, leomlry, pack age. advsriitiag. delivery; wagons, $30 to $150. 236 Spring at. -FOR BALE EIGHT HOKSEH, ALSO ONK TEAM ? Karat, anltable for truck, termer, or any boslnem; belf value: rood trial allowed. 36 South 5th av.,botwvea Houston and B'eecker eta. A' part"BAT MABK EJ-V); WITH TOP ROAD WAGON aud Harness. $400; first class. 276 West 25th at. T "BLACK CANADIAN POET BUILT HOEsF; A also twe other Horsea, young and sound, $7(>, $60, 8135; Truck Wagoa. 113 Usury at. A BAEOAIN.?PIvt CUEAP HORitES FROM 15 TO A 16 hands; price from $48 to $75; single Track and Ilaraecs; two-bares Furniture Trnak. aeariy new; must sell; ae work. 833 Hndeea et. -TOE BALE. iBtiff HOKAJU, SUITABLE FOE ? knew pear ar ?wv?ul ass; also one draught ree. sii|3|s kavfvaleet trial allowed; ell young aad wmaA" ? Amliy k, betweeo Taamyeau aad Sufllvaa. 5 -OBI Landau. onb claEencb, one coupe. A, ana Victoria aad one Phaeton nil aeariy now. uaed by a private fkmlly, to be mid cheap. To be eeea at 1L CVELBVB. KM. Ill aad 11$ Eaet lAah aa. aaar 4U ae. A HORNBk, CARRIAGES, AC. C'iftiowT ~ _ ATTENTION 18 CALI.RO TO TUB SALE OP HORSES, CARRIAGES, HARNESS. WAUON8. AC., BY PUBLIC AUCTION, THIS DAY (MONDAY). APRILS. AT 11 O'CLOCK A M., AT JENKINS' UNION AUCTION MART. NO. 30 18TII ST., NEAR BROADWAY. THE PROPERTY OP GENTLEMEN WHO. BEINO COMPELLED TO CURTAIL THEIR EXPENSES. WILL SELL ALL OF THEIR FINK STOCK TO TUB 1UUHBST BIDDER. WITHOUT LIMIT OK RESTRICTION. STOCK CONSISTS OF. YIZ. No. I It the Tory elegant bay Horse Yonag Victor, 16 hand*. 7 years old; hu large mane and toil: line style and kite# action; a lady ran drive him , car. trot in 3.40, and warranted to trot la 3 roO on day of sale; wee airetl by Vic tor. formerly Snip, aon of Caasiu* M. Clay . dv<> Dr. liar gr.ivca' Eclipae Messenger gat; la warranted ?uwf.J and kind. No*. 2 and 3. Team of Clie-tuut Geldings, Ylr gtuia and Lexington; are witliout exception the flne.t road taam In the State: are half brotkera, lok haada; warranted round and kind, without toot or blemish; have long, full flowing mane* and tails-, are tmooth and eren trailed; wear nu l>?ota; do not lug or pull oa tbo bit; Vlririnia was foaled In 1860, aired by Vir ginia; Virginia by Ucuguld: Rengold by-Boston, dam Mor gan mare, trotted at Guernsey county fkir, Ohio, in 2:3), k -52R. 2:51. Lexington, half brother to Virginia, was foaled In 1870, dam Ethan Alien mare; bat no record in public, bal can speed together in 2 MS when in Condition, and warranted to trot in 3 minutes. No. A Toronto is one of the fluest bay Coup# or Carriage Horses In the State ; IS hands, 7 years old the 10th of next June; warranted sound und kind; lias henvy bone and raus de;is all style, with high knee action ; will weigh 1.20U ponnds; It of great endnrnnca; can trot 14 milt* within the hour; will pull a coupe with four persons, a mile in 3 JO; was tired by Toronto Chief, dam Knapp't Memtrlno mare. No*, a and 6 are asplendid cruat-tuatcbtdTeam, the dapple gray Uoree Mort and the sorrel golding Jack lluntcr: cud trot taat, but have no record; trotted the first lime they were hitched together in S minutes and 0 tecuttds and gave great promise or speed; they are extra flue saddle horses, 0 and 7 years old, ISi?| hands, and bare splendid large, long manes and tails; are puro mid nppu guited; fear nothing! warranted sound and Itliid, *ud perfectly safe for a lady to ride or drire and as fine a team aa go throngb tba park; ninst ba teen to be appreciated. Not. 7 end 8 are tho handsomest bay Pony Team In tha State for a lady or children to drire or ride; are 5.years old, 14 hand*, with tails reaching the ground, and are all style; were purchased direct front Kansas by the present owner and hare been driven by the ladles and children the pact ycur; are warranted sound and kind; also a beautiful top l'ony Phaeton, pole end shalts, set of fine single and double 11 arnesa, all of which were made to order fog them; 1 open Barottehe, by Wood Brothers; 1 extension lop I'nrk Phaeton, top Road Wegon, with Brewster's patent cruse' spring Pole end Shafts; 1 single seat Trotting Wagon, 1 shilling leather top Wagon, '2 sets of fine double Hsrness, 4 sots nfsingie Harness, 1 sat of Coope Harness, Robes, Blan kets, Whips, Ac. All the above are in first class order. N. B. ? Ooutlemon in taarch of something superior are respectfully Invited to call and examine this fine stock and be convinced before the day of sale that It is all us repre sented. Two days' warrantee will ba given to test the soundness of each and every horse. Gentlemen having Horses. Carriages, Harness, Ac, to ditposo of will do well to send them in, as we are now ready to receive them and will guarantee to give entire satisfac tion GEO. W. JENKINS, Auctioneer. At'publio auction? A GREAT AND ABSOLl'TB BANKRUPT BALE, TOMORROW. TUK8DAY, APRIL 4, AT II O'CLOCK 8HAHP. AT STABLE, No. 33 BAST lJTll ST., BBTWKRN BROADWAY AND UNIVERSITY PLACE, W1IERK STOCK HAS BEEN REMOVED FOR CONVENIENCE OP SALE. COMPRISING ALL THE VALUABLE AND HIGH BRED ROAD AND FAMILY HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, WAGON. HARNESS, .AC., AC.. BY BEST CITY BUILDERS, THE PROPERTY OF THE LATB COL. 0. F. TROWBRIDGE, ALL OF WHICH MUST RE SOLD TO niOHEST BIDDER. REGARDLESS OK COST OR VALUE, INCLUDING TUB BEAUTIFUL BAY TEAM, PRINCE and Dam. 8 years old, 16}f hands, half brothers, both tired by Countj Gentleman, sonlof Hysdik's Mamhleionian, dam of Priuce, Bella Bnyd, by Laaees, son nf Lanness, deiu of Dan the famous vrntting mere Countess, b"th raised br Mr. Blnekburn, Woodford county. Kentucky; he trotted at Lexington when 5 years the polein2:43, 2:41 and 2:4^7 He can trot much fastar now. as he had good care and no hard driving. Tliey are warrant#! sound ami kind. HANDSOME AND FAST BAY MARF. LADY TILOT, 7 yaurs old, l.i*4 hands; One style and action; raised br Mr. Chew. Fasatte county, Kentucky; xi*ed by old Hamble tonian dmu Bella by imported Trustee: she took first premium at state fair at 6 years old as the bandsomntt and fastest 6 year old, showing three heat* In 2 :2S. 2 :26 and 2:27h|-. she I* a square, level trotter; needs no hooting; can trot seven heats without ipiittiug: sho I* sn < x.-client pole m iro and good under saddlg; the is wsrrset - I sound and kind. HANDSOME LADY'S HORSE LILLE DAN; is a beautiful bay, 7 years'eld, I3J4 hands: Is a road an4 saddle lurse combined; has been rldde.i nud driven by Miss Trowbridge; is perfectly gentle; fears nothing: can trot a mile to a pony phaeton inside of three minutes and U war ranted sound and kind. TUB PAST AND STYLISn RAY MARE ROTAMA, 5 years old, 15Ja hands; long, flowing inane and tail; very stylish end attractive: raised in Kentucky . sired by Gen eral Knox, dam Lady Taylor; she can show 2 50 or better to a top wagon; has a record In 2M5; she Is warranted sound and kind. N.B.-THK ABOVE HORSES ARE WKLL WORTHY the attention of say one In want of something- fast and reli able; they will be nil f und ss represented and warranted; 24 boars givou for trial; If not found as warrsnted uiousy will be rehindtd. Carriage* consist of elegsnt perk and depot Carriage#; foil spring and aide bar top Wagons, pole aad shafts : pony Phaetons', double and single Harness, made by Ont.sromb; fine Robes and Blankets; all or which must positively b# sold to highest blddor without limit or restriction, no post ponement; rain or shine. A GREAT DEAL OP SPEED VERY CUBAP FOR cash, the fast trotting Horse Brown Priuce; bat a record last season to tha pole of 2:36; 15 hands; veiy One. easy driver; long flowing ifiane end tall; warranted sound ana kind and to beat 2 MO; single or doable. Also One top Road Wagon, by Waterman ; line Harness. Robe, Blanket, Whip, Call at private stable No. 3 West loth st. A BARGAIN.-*173 WILL BUT AN ELEGANT TOP Wagon; cost $450 last September; a fine Harness. $45. Private stable No. 20 Bast 29th ?l. A -PGR SALE, 6 HORSES, FIT KOrt TRUCK OR il. any kind of basin#**, tho property of a miller; to be ?Old cboap; a trial allowed. No. 20West 3d St., near Graeno A?FOR HALE, 6 IIORSKS, PROPERTY OK DK ? eessod; St farming, grocery or general use -. trial al lowed : to ba sold at a sacrifice. Inquire at 161 Sullivan St., batwesn Houston and Prince st*. -FOR BALK THREE LOW PRICB HORSES; L? also busineai Wagons; now at work. 153 Month jih ay. By WILLIAM VAN TASHELL, AUCTIONEER, OFFICE AMD AUCTION MART 110 AND 118 BAST 13TH ST. Vtiin. VAN TASSKlL A KEaRNRY will tell On WEDNESDAY, Aprils, IH7B. ?I 11 O'CLOCK, THE ENTIRR CONTENTS of the WEST BIDK LIVERY STABLE, No* 315 and S17 Wnl IStft tt. , bet worn Nib and Dili av?. 20 brad at hone*, tollable for carriage and family drlwng, all from 15 lo 16 bandt high, 6 to Syeare old, and are aound, kind and true. 6 CLARENCES, by MOTT A KILLUM. 6 LANDAUS, by KILLUM. 8 PARK PHAETONS, by DUNN. a BAROUCHES. ROCKAWAY8. 6 FOUR AND SIX SEAT FAMILY 8LBIC.HR a LANDAULETH. by KILLUM. 8 TOP WAGONS and I TOP PONT PHAETON, cold moon ted. 15 acta of Doable and Single Harnett, WOLF and BUFFALO ROBES. 10 LIVERY SUITS SLEIGII Belli. Qaaiter and Preaa Blanketi. Aprooa, Offict Furniture, Ac., Ac , be inc the entire con tenia of a Brat ciaat livery atable and everything In A No. 1 condition, and wlu ba (old witbont re terra, STOCK ON EXHIBITION up to the time of RALE, Catalogue! to be bid either at the OFFICE OF AUCTION MART or at the L1 VERY STABLE. CARRIAGES-ALL EIND8-BUG0IBS, PIIART0N8, Rockawayt, Expreitet; own make, at mauiaclurert' prlret. 886 Canal iw V. GRaHK CARRIAGE EBP AIRS.-1 OPFBR E~VBRY PACILITT for Carriage repairing in all Its branebea. In the beat manner, on favorable termi: carrlagei will ne called for and dellvared. and careful etliraatea made of tho rott if de elred. J. A. BUCKKIDOK. to long known with tbe late Maasr*. John H. Lawrence A Co . will bare charge of thlt department. WILLIAM U. GRAY, I,tod Broadway. For sale?bay gelding, 7 years OLD, jam bandt. warranted tonnd and kind, and will anlt batcher or exprtan Call at ttart No. 6 King at. For HALE?A LADY'S TURNOUT; AN ELEGANT black Mara, I5){ bnnde high, U ye art old, warranted eonnd: alto a top Pony Phaeton, nearly new, and a let of floe Harnett; alto two lloriea. fit for butelier. grocery, ex preea or farm nte. Inquire 818 East 06th it., naar 1 at av OB SALE?AN 8LBGAXT HORSE FIT FOR batcher. grocery, exprett trnek, or larai nte; war ranted taund. Inquire IBS Av. B. corner 12th *?. tT?OR flALB?A DOCTOR'S PHAETON; NEW, BUILT r to order; will be cold fer half coat, at owner haiaonte (br It. Dr. BROOKS, 88 Weet 82d it. OR SALE, A B AC RPICR?SEVEN HORSEBt HUIT truce, farmer or any bniiawm; aleo two Canadian!, all werrealad fltt Greenwich at. R BALE AT A SACRIFICE? FOCR CLARENCES Ave Brettt, lour Baggier, at 172 Carlton av . Brooklyn. IOB SALE CHEAP?2 NEW ONE-UOR8B~TRUCKS: t new 2-3 Track. 177 Prlnee it. FOB t ALB cheap?a~ bay mare, sound, kind trao; hat been need to a bateher cart, and told tor a not ofuta. Inquire at 631 Dl av.. butcher thrp. OOD DRIVING COUPE OR" CARRIAGE HORSE, atyllth and ehowy appearance; rally wnrrnntad; would exchange for cheaper. 370 lludion it. ORflB WANTBD-ABOUT UM HANDS HIGH; young, tonnd. free driver and cheap: alto very light Truck. Addrett, with particular!, TUCKER, -M'-SHth a*. 9>T BB SOLD TO SATISFY A OLAIM?TW0~KLE gant Pbattoat, two full tpring top Wagnna. two tide bar lop Wegeat, two flne ?ett of Harnett: all made by bett city makeri. Private etable. 57 Bait 33d tt., corner 4th av. OWNBB CHiAERASsFD -SORRRL MARK. FIT FOR tadd'e or haratte; pony Phaeton, Robe, Whip. Lam her yard. 37tb it. and 7?b av. OfWflb PAffl WALKING BKl ftoilKK, LITTLE tore forward, valuabla for country, $45. ss New Cham ber! at SACRIFICE-THREE HORSES. THREE TOP EX prett Wagowt, one elngla Track, tingle, doable, tight and heavy Harnett. SOT W tit Una tU QBOOND HAND WAGONS. yy For tale, a number of taeondband Wagoat, nearly new, made by J. B. Brewtter, with ble patent crow epring, at low Rgnrea, at BRBWSTBB k CO 8, 5th av. and lttb at. T~ RAClT SULKIES.?IN ORDER TO POPULARIZE enr Sulky trade we offer Iron ttnek or wilt bnlld to or der Track Solxl?, In all weight*, untnrpaeeed In quality and form, for$125. BREWSTER k CO. (of Broama at;., Broad way and 47th tt. TO LIT?FOR A TERM OF TEARS. OR WILL SBLL. Laaaa of IB Italia, 28 Montgomery tL Inquire at 261 South et. Wanted?a pony, suitable for children; matt bw aoand and mtlej 13 to>14jmndt high ; dark eoioc pratorrcA Apply to LBANDKR 8ARLK8, 86 Beaver F?? F WANTBD TO rUROHASB-A SUPBRIOR PAIR OP well malelieff Carriagw liar ewe; 13.3. AAdreta JO. ELLIOTT, Herald HORSES, CARRIAGES, SC. am'Witterh w|?l ISCf at auction, at tt 44 Wait* at., on Monday, the 3d inat., at 11 A. M., on* black Marx, to pay expense* of keeping. ILL TRADE A tlOoD BU8INK68 WAUON FOB An* coupe Harnett. Address 207 Watt 16th it. w 4-IV-HAND-lOK sale, a complete SET OF 4 li> band llaroeaa, very choice and but very little used. To be teen at private .table 110 Wararley place, April Sand 4. Iron u till 12 o'clock. $35 4JT BLACK MARK; BAY. *40; GRAY, flOO; _ Coach. 8125; Cuupr, 8100; Road Wagon, fWO, Light Wagon, $73 , Top Wagon, 870 253 Watt 31st ?t. dji O ". FOR TOOMO HORBK, TOP OR MO TOP EX ?PlaJtl prct* Wacon and Harness; two other llortet cheap. SCO Watt 85th it. d?l east 2hd_st?hbkhon Bros have one nice top tide bar gentleman 'a Road Wagon but little nted. F?R HORSE. WAGON and harness. JO"'' all in perfect order and warranted sound. MB Weal 27th it : OK Y UOOil . fmirm-' Tht largett atock In the city JTREMBNDOUB BARGAINS. Prom the recent great auction at leak Tafceetry Bruaacla, from $1 per yard. Body Bruaacla. from 81 50 per yard. Ingralna, from 40c. per yard. Alio MOQUETTES, AXMINSTER, VELVETS. AC. Oil Clotha (all wldtha), front 40c, per yard. Just received, a cargo, in quantities to anlt, White, Red, Check and Fancy Mattings, from 20c. per yard. LACE CL'RTAINS, from One Dollar pgr pair, to the flneat Imported (about half price). Cnrtatn Neta and Cottage Drapery. Kept, Cietonuea and'Furuituro Chintaea Window Shade* and Cornice*. 8I1KPPARD KNAPP, 189 and 185 6th av., one door below 13th at., New York. AMAU B d" C LOT 118?(J A SHI M ERKs! KUNTUOK Y Jeans, Cottonadea. Farmer'* Satin*. Miiillua, Print*, Flannels Blnuketa, Handkerchiefs, Tabic Linens. Towel ing*, Ac., for anle at very low prices. WM. MATHEWS, 54 Catharine at. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. X -iL-NOVIitTrfiB EVERY WEEK IN MISSES' , and children'* Millinery, the "Rote Michel'' and the "Angot" being the favorites ; ladies' Dreaa Cap* and Mourn ing Millinery. Mra. MYERS, 22 Enat 14th .1, between University place and 5lh av. A ?K. MATHERS A CO., 861 BROADWAY, NEAR JXt tilth at., have now a large selection of French Bon netaand Knglith Walking Hate, of tha luteal styles. -MARIE T1LLM.ANN CO., oFpARTkTiMPORTERS, , Art Millinery, 2t)0 fine Models; beat makers. 423 Uth av., near 2Uth tt. Michel a auccesaot*. Golden^ a co 's i >r k shmYkFn<7 "establish tuent.?Ladle*' own material uiade up for I'rome nude. Carriage, Dinner Dreaaea, Ac.; one price, no extras. 913 6th av., between !6th and 20tb ate. SIDE PLAITING DONE AT 413 8TH AV., NEAR 30th at. THE' LECTURE SEASON. ?jtjftar"fl?6NOWENS W1 lITXeCTL:HE "Xt CIiTCKEII 1YL Ing Hall. Monday avening, April 3, 1870, at 8 o'clock Subject?"Vambodia and Serpent Worthlp, with forty Stersoptlcon lilmtrationa of its remarkable ruin* of idola, temples, placet, Ae. Tickets for sale at Pntnam't book store, 23d at. and 4th av.. at Hchuherth's music atore, 23 Union square. and at the Hall on tlio evening o! the leetnre. EVsTRt'CTiON; ~ t r. XffllOMPSON'S O.OLlEOBTSo 4'flI AV.,Xpposlfft Jv Cooper Institute, Bookkeeping, Writing, Arithmetic, Languages. Day or evening. Ladles' department. Ttleg raphy tauaht practically. Demand lor operators. B* I'BIN KS8 " W HI TING. BOO K KEEPING] ARITll ill ft la?Mr. DOLBKaR, 1,193 Broadway, prepares gentlemen, I udlta and boy a for business In elegant style; privately. $75. PIANO FOllT EM, OKii.ANS, AC. "L~2jT- ALL PERSONS DESIROUS of PURCHASING A. ayenaino second band Stein*ay Piano are Invited to call at our wareroom*. where a number of Steluway Pianos, all la perfect condition, and tome of them nearly new, are constantly ea hand; also second band Pianoa of other maker*. Attempts are constantly made In this city and elsewhera by makers of bogus piano* and their agents to tell their In ferior Instrument*, bearing our name or a name spelled to similar that many people do not notice the difference, and 6iirebate the ipuriou*, worthiest Instrument for a genuine teinwar piano. If pertout, before purchasing such instru ment, will take the number of tame und call on or write to ?a, It ean at once be ascertained whether the Instrument i* a genuine Stninway piano or a fraud. tTBINWAY A SONS, Ptelnway Hall, 107 and 111 East 14th si. New York. POSITIVE CHANCE TO MAKE A CENTENNIAL present.?An elegant Bteinway A Sons' 71* octave Pianoforte at a bargain; a brilliant toned 7j, rosewood Windsor I'InnolnMe, (our round, name on plate, cost 81,20 ), for 8275; maker's guarantee end bill ol tale transferable to purchaser; alto Parlor. Library, Ohaaiber and Dining Room Vurnituro. Call private residence 120 West 23d at., near 6th av. A-FOR RENT, UPRIGHT, SQUARE AND ORAND ? Pianoa of our own make; alto for eale and rent, a aantbei of flue second hand Piano* In perfect order. WI Lie 1AM KNABB a ca No. 113 5tb av.. aboro ltlth at. A SPECIAL OFFER POR TIII8 month.?a fine assortment of flrst class Pianos, all Daw; only need to ba seen to bo appreciated. The largest inducement ever offered In this elty to thoeo desiring to get an excellent piano a. manufacturer's pticea Term very reasonable. Ktsrr piano fully warranted. For farther Information call at HALVES BROS.' manufac tory. :?a, 35B, 360, 303, at>4, 300, 368. 370, 373 3d a*., corner Slat rt. A BEAUTIFUL PIANOFORTE, ONLY $757 A STEIN way Pianoforte, aeveu octave. rarred legs, overstrung, erery improvement -, great sacrifice. J. HI DDI. k! 13 Waverler pi ace. near Broadway. A? MAGNIFICENT II AZELTON BROTHERS' PIANO, . almost new: cnst$6u0; will be sold for u ie third Its cost. KRAKAL'KR. h'ij Bowery. A FaDT~w7lL SKI.L CHIOEBRINU PIANOFORTE A. less than $100: al?o seven stop Organ, cabinet finish; great sacrifice. 38 East 3d St.. near I'd av. BEAUTIFUL STOt'K OF PIANOFORTE* To RENT, Irom $5 per month upwards, and by Instalments; new Instruments spsctalty. (lOLDSM ITH'S, at I Bleeckcr it., near Bewary. N IM MEN SB STOCK OFTlANOB ANiToRGANS. new and second hand, best makers, extremely low for cssb, or to lit until rent money paya for them, as per eontract; small monthly instalments received. -HORACE WATERS A SON, ?S| Broadway. A BEAUTIFUL CARVED ROSEWOOD 7 OCTAVE A Pianoforte, cost $450, far $100. 343 East 30th st. A PECKER 4 BROW fiANOyORTE (USED ONLY FIX A months1, cost $075. for $2SO; is 7,', octave, full agraffe, overstrung. Ac.; richly carved four round rusewnnd case. A Stclnway 7'a octave Piano. $175 (a sacrifice! t Stool. Cover, box for shipping. Cell private residence No. 47 West 18th St.. between 5th end 8th in ARGAIN&-U P RIOHT8, $76. $ISOj STEINWAY, $.'**). rent 94; Squares, $40. $75, fine 7 octave. $100; Organs. $4U GORDON A SON. 13 East I4th St. (NHURGH PIPE URBAN OF IS STOPS, TWO ROWS J nf keys, pedals, ban. 16 fact, far stile, cheap. W. II. DAVIri A SON, 40 Downing St. , IcjctxCEKDINOI.Y THE BEST FOR A MODERATE ?j prion."?WM. 8CIIAEFKF.R, Pianoforte Manufac tory. 475 West 43d tv, between 0th end 10th svs.; live years guaranteed. B~ XTRA BARGAINS IN FIANOS AND ORGA.NS-tN stalments $5 and $10 monthly; Bradbury. $125, 7 oetsve; sacrifice. PEEK A SON. 23 Clinton place, near Broadway. AUNIFICBNT 7 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD STEINWAY Pianoforte, carved legs: party compelled to sacrifice. GORDON'S. 157 Rleeckcrst. fUNOKORTK WASTED-STEIN WAY." CHICKERING or Weber's grand square. Address, giving price, which mast be low. far two days. <1. M. N.. box 235 Herald office. mo BATE REMOVAL-GREATEST BARGAINS YET 1 offered this month; Instalments taken: rented. CAMPBELL'S, 113 Bleecker st. E'PRIOIIT AND SQUARE PIANOS TO RENT VERY low. or sold ?n small monthly payments at SETT'S Warerooms. 786 Broadway, corner or loth st. <2.1 ,-A FOR A MAONIF1CBNT FULL CONCERT sjlltjl/ Grand Piano. In perfect condition. U. 8 PiaNO CO . Hi Hroadwny. ____________________ ANISEEE1TH. N'ATIONAL ACADEMY <?F DfcsiUjC 230 ST. AND 4tb ?v.? The Fllty llrst (irand Annnal EXHIBITION OK PAINTINGS, now open?day and evening. Admission 25 cents. VTKW EASTER MUSIC BY THOMAS AND DANES.? i.1 Juit published, Esster anthem 'The Dsy of Resurrec tion," by J. R. Thomas, 80e.: also "H# Is Risen, He is Risen," by H. P. Danks, 35c. : also "Eight Easier Carols," by Howard, pries 30c. D1TSON A CO . 711 Broadway. PALAIS ROYAL, 400 6TH AY.?40 YOUNG LADY AT trndants. Admission fret. ?*11ABY MINE'?NEW EDITION OF JOHNSTON'S XJ beautiful ballad, with elegant lithograph title, 40o,; alto. Just published, by same writer. "Flowers Frae llame,' 35c ; Thomas "Haunting Eyes," 4?e ; Daak's "Katie, the Ro-e of Klldare," 3Dc. s "centennial March," Meek, 50e.; ' Punch, Brothers, Faneh," SOe. C. H. DITBON A CO., 7IJ Broadway. N EW AND ATTBACTIYB MUSIC.-"KISS ME AND _ Call Me Yonr Darling," Horsley. Mr. ' The Prome uade" Rhapsodls for piano), Pettleon, "Go. ; "Sweet Birds," by the author of "Little Robin tell Kitty I'm Coming." I'ersley. B6e.; "The Soldier's Retorn' ipianoi, Kleber, Bint; "Sighing end Singing," English and Italian words, editions f.-r different voices. Albltea. 4<>C ; "Anroral Flarhss." A. H Wood, Hfk.; "The Aerobstle Nigs," Bennett, 30c; "Robins of th? Woodland," Ds Wter. Sop. Coplos mailed. WILLIAM A. POND A CO., 547 Broadway, Branch Store, 30 Union square, New York. BvLLlAEDS-BY THE KINDNBdS OF MB. GARNIKR en enklhltien of Billiards will ba given In our rooms, cor ner Fourteenth st. nnd University pi nee. this (Mnnday) evening, at $ a'rloek. All of our tablee have Just been fur nished ?*<h fancy esses from the mann'npt ry of F Grot* A USb tlONALX A 8TRAI HA. AMl'IBNHIITh. T~ONY~PaW66'B NEW THEATRE' (opposite Metropoluau Hotel). TONY I'ASTOKA Hole Proprietor end Manager SPECIAL NOTICE. Tbti theatre will not eloee during the ?nainer. but will remain open the year round. Mr. Pastor takas great pleaenre in announciag engage menu with the following talented artiau, who will appear ~ -4 MONDAY EVENING, APIlID S. DUK1NU THK WEEK AND TUESDAY AND FRIDAY MATINKEK ^ He appearance of the reflued, artutlc and talented Comic ? MrTlARKY MONTAGl'R. ^ Return of the (reatett Inetrumental Duett late, _? WKHLYN AND CASEY 1 The great Burleaque Prima Donna, ? 4 W. HENRY KICK. Re engagement ol the champion Clog Dancera, 4~ THB HENRI FAMILY. 4~ The unapproachable Delineator of tbo old Southern negro, J. W. McANDREWS. Pint appoaranco of the Maatar Song and Dance Artlltl end Eccentric Comedians, QUILTER 'AND OOLDRICIL Reappearance of the Favorite Artiste, t* KI.AKK AND EDWARDS, <S> " - First appearance of Nurth of Ireland dialect Comedian, HARRY CLARKE. Reappearance of the very fanny Ethiopian Comedian, T BILLY OKAY. J 4> <8> Reappearance of the Qaeen of >erlo-Comlc Vocalist*, Miss LI LI. IK HARK. Groat hit ana continued success of The great, the only, the funny HAM DEYERB. The King of Song end Dtnce Artists, BOBHY NP.WCOM3. Engagement ef the youthful and talented Vocalist, -4 t Miss CARRIE DUNCAN. 4 I Miss Jennie Satterlee, I I Mlse Sadie Deahon, <j>> ?4 4 Katie Edwards, | | Jails Blake, e , <t> ami TONY PASTOR'S STAR TROUPE. THE REST COMPANY IN THE WORLD. The entire company appearing in a NEW AM) MAGNIFIORNT J'KQGKAMMR EVKRY EVENING DURING TUB WEEK and at the TUESDAY AND FRIDAY MATINEES. TUESDAY AND FRIDAY MATINEKH. TUESDAY AND FRIDAY MUTINEER New Attractions and new Stars will be presented EVERY WEEK, EVERY WEEK, and It shall he the tola aim to sustain the reputation of giving | THE BKST ENTERTAINMENT ~IS~SKW~YORK I THE REST ENTERTAINMENT IN NEW YORK. 1 ie_pli the ACADEMY OK MUSIC, on Thursday, April 'IT. Full particulars in future advertisements. 0 LYMI'IC THEATRE. OLYMPIC THEATRE. O.M BROADWAY. MR. JOHN F. POOLE MANAGER LAST WEEK OF THE VARIETY SEASON. NEW AND POWERFUL ATTRACTION. First appearance of the genuine Irish comedian, MR. ED. MURRAY. First appearanee of the accomplished comedienne, MISS ALICE ROSS. They will present their beautiful original sketch, TERENCE'S RETURN Mother O'Oredy. 1 Dan. the Postman. J MR RD. MURRAY Terrence Mafone. ) Mary Ann O'lirady MISS ALICE ROSS Rsappenrance of tha greatest of mnaienl geniuses, MESSRS. CONWAY AND KERRIGAN, In their characteristic Hibernian sports. Solos en Union llngptprs by Mr. KERRIGAN, Irish dances by Mr. CONWAY. Re-engagement of the Ureal grotesque comedi ans. MESSRS F.MKKSON AND CLARK, who present two new sketches. "SALLY DON'T YOU GRIEVE," and QUIT YOUR FOOLING. Tha great comedians, LITTLE MAC and JOHN nART, In two very laughable sketches. THK THREE CARLO BROTHERS, IN TRIPLE PARTERRE AND LbS DEUX GROTESQUES. MISS ADAH RICHMOND'S new Soug. 'HK S AS PRETTY AS CAN BE.'' The amusing lMAta Comedietta, entitled Tmc LAUGHING HYENA. Simon Ilornblower.Jobn Queen I Mrs. Fanner.JuliaCcventry Felix Fetiner. . ,tVm. B. Cahill | Hetty Kanutt Hrownn MISS A6TTiORGAN Slugs three new Ballade. AN ENTIRELY NKW PROGRAMME by tha GREAT OLYMPIC COMPANY. O. W. Griffiin, O. W. Reed, John Qneen, Wm. West. Ed. Gooding, John Hart, Geo. Carlo. Fred. Carlo. Wm. Carlo, J. Emmcrton, W. Clarke, S. Holdwortli. Kd. Mnrray, J. H. Ker rigan. Nell Conway, A. Bellamy, John Gilbert, Little Mae. "J Mines Lela A dell a, Fannie Browne, Aduie Karwell, Amelia Carlo. Pearl Thornton. Ada Morgan, Kitty Parkor, Julia Covantry and Adah Richmond. Tin performance will conclude with Lille Mac'* eitntvn K*n*n, COCO; OR. THE MONKEY OF TflE PERIOD. Jule Cranberry, the iuduurion* boy :....Mr. .lohn llert Simon Cmbappla. Ibe leiy boy Mr Win. We?t Mr. Ilnpperrrace Jr. O W. H. OrllBn Mr?. ilnpnerjrraie Mr o>hn Quern Coco, the Monkey ..Little Mac REMEMHKH?THK LAST WEEK OF TIIK ABOVE ORE AT COMPANY. The theatre will be cloeed during tbe weea commencing Monday, April in, for tbu purpoan of perfecting and relieara Itig tUnetngc machinery or the forthcoming pantomime, THE OKIUlSAL IIUMPTY DUMPTY. which will be produced on Eerier Monday, April 17. MATINEE* WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AT 2 P. M. EVEN ISO.?Doora open at 7; commence at I. ADMISSION, AO cent*; Private Box**, $10, $8 and $5; Reeerved Seal*. $1; h amily Circle, 35 cent* 20D STREET OI'KRA HOUSK.T,ATK DAN BRYANT'8. O liraad Donb'e Troupe. Mlnttreiay and Olio entertain mrnt. Second week of our irrand Shakespearian revival. itit'Hard yk hi. Morri*. Kennedy. Newcomo, llogan and I<ord In Saaie'a Serenade. Profo**or Leathwood, Mewart Dare, T. S. Hall, Nellie Palmer Kennedy. Obiercetli* reduction of price*;? Referred rent*, $1; general admlsilon, frOe , balrnny, 3.'>c. Matinee* Thnraday and Saturday at 2. Admlx'oa to mati nee*. 00c. ; children half price. /^CUSf. TnEATRE>jS AND 7.10 BKOADWAY. BELOW Ijr sth *l R W. BCTLER MANAGER. Popular approval of the STANDARD VARIETY THEA TRE of New York city. First appearance of Mr. DEN THOMPSON at I'NCLE JOSH in hi* tide splitting and up roariously funny berletta. JOSHUA WIIITCOMBE, with all tbe favorite* In the cntl and a eorp* of the beat Intent eipeelally eugaged. Tire remarknble nnd wnuuerfnl VlI O I T It S, tn new end mnrrellouely grotesque agilttie*. BILLY BARKY In GOING FOR THK CUP, SENATOR HOB HART and CHARLES BENEDICT ne BKUTUSC.CSAR. ANDY McKEK In new epeclalty; at*o F.CGENB BLITZ and W. II. BKOCKWAY. Mile LEONORA BRADLEY, Ml?* KFFIR WILD. Mi*c II. kiOI.LKNllAI KK end MUt Jl'I.IA WILSON and orer flRy other artiste The great ZAN FRETTA troupe In a grand Indian Pantonine entitled THE CAMANCIIKH. Family matinee every Wedne*day and Rntnrday. Every evening door* open et 7 o'clock, DARK THEATRE. BROADWAY AND 32D ST. ^ EIGHTH WEEK ! L very Evening at S. Saturday Matinee at 2. MR. 0. F. HOWE'S NEW IIUMOKOUM COMEDY, BBBB RKRR A R B R R A A BBBR RR R AAA B R R K A A BBBB R R A A M89 SSSS S S BBSS MSM s s HSSS BSU I. Morrison.J. C. Padrett, Vin'ng Bowere, O. Nnrrl*. W. J. Cogewell. P. Langley, C. Searle. J. W. Brntone. J. r. Cooke, c. Rosene, end Geo. Pswcett Rowe ae WelfUo Stray PERFORMANCE. TUESDAY. April* A SOUVENIR PROGRAMS* FOR EACH EaDY. and llrtt oreh?*trel rendering of Wllber'e ' Brnee Welti ' OtS FRANCISCO MINSTRELS OPERA HOUSE, "" OAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS Broadway, SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS corner 2*b eL SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS ?? SAN FRAN? ISC<? MINSTRELS. RISTORI 8 MEDEA. San FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. INNOCENTS. BIRCH, WAMBOLD A BACKUS. CRIME and BYMaS, BCDRLPH, EICABDO, JUSTICE. JOIINSfiM, POWERS. BARNEY. CARTER'S i AKTKH. RAYMOND. DOO. DELIGHTFUL SOLO AND PART SINUfXO. MULL ALT'S ORCIIKHTRA. See** secured Matinee Saturday at 3. LYCEI M THEATRE. FOURTH WEEK, THK BEST OF THE SEASON. MONDAY, APRIL !?, AND KVKRT EVENING. Wednesday and Sntarday Matinee* at I :Stt. new Farce. _ new comrde SKETCHES IN INDIA. THE LITTLE REBEL Second week aad enthuelaatlr snocea* of BLACK EYED SUBAN. FOPU GOODWIN ae Captain Slenrt Reheen Cro**tree. All the creel Lyceum Hurlfsqa* Company. L'LAR PRICES. POPULAR PRICES. TIVOlI theatre, Sth at., between 3d and 3d nop 13 ADDITIONAL STARR II The GREAT AUSTINS In their artlMtc Drill and ConibMn. The new Trtofc Pantomime KMIOK EN ACER jgAdLE THKaTBB, 83d at t Mr. ?.n.m ABurl?W.?J o r. Bow.'V? fiicovi^ful Comedy, ,?. PlMoflo ceowded bom* *U TKa <nii ? *rk Tl^dirtt, nmhS1 rtr~f,,;e" & ?" new Act., Ren*,. WKDNK*I)AY and SATURDA Y* ?"U'Dtf "a<J "?"???? Be*. olBce ojinn dally from U to 5. __ oa?? MN ?r?il ali^d.iye hi advance. \U ALLAOK'S. Proprietor *nd VI?n,Mr ..Mr. LESTER WAXLACK I.K01T,?ATK#rA^?f]PWABD PLAYS aleo. ' TKaK.S, IDLE teaks **????> ?%?*rf Mr. J. W, SHANNON WILFRED COMBKKLBDOB Mr J. W. CARROLL.'.'.' ? STORKS S1?Job? Ml.. ETHEL THORNTON "il 1,8 OLD N'URtIB uTo. alms DowMfer;;;;: n.^uES eAdj*ol Wh'Ch Wi" 68 ?'re"n'?<> Shortd.n', Com T1IB RIVALS, with SE ? A aSBSeii:-38?14 ffl Si: as bdwinani>:;::S m'mWADAIDYah4RD r. ? ? ? ? ? i vTlii' A* Mme. PONISI !! ''VDU LANUI'tHIt Mme. PONISI .! "YDIa LANGUISH MlaelONE BURKE ,7 Mr*- MA LA PROP Mia Kate baktlett','.. rV'JA * iitvi ^ AL-. . A *KW COMEDY drama prealyVor tb".*t"..tre??nd*ibwh hw^a"*' D"rltt'n tx" for tome time, will ehorilr be proSueed P">P?ratioa fT?0? "QUARK THKATBB. ,...IMMBN8K "kI'OCKSS orrTHB?NKW PLAV Mall *D?atre by .n American company,"?Evening ? fekreol. j?n? ?f,8r"nb' Meeere. C. R. Thorno. Jr ? John Paraelle, Frederic Robln.on Stem Knbton. J. H. stodd.rt, Tliom.e K. Morrla H Wildl0nf,*%,8r'- CUod" Burronifhe, XV. H. Wilder, L. fhoinpion, A. Beck*. XV. s. Qulaler iss?c."? - r.ZZlF'.V' by,Mr R Mereton. are accrete eh ateaTlnt'h e 1th .Varo'lbi !b?? theatre!^1' 'U*8 "8U 8V8r ?* SATURDAY. April H. THIRD MATINKK ?f IEKREOL."' pKOOKLYN THEATRE: Leeaees and Manager* ?Me?ere. SHOOK A PALMER EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. WITV,EGRrVi5n^T ^ BRr' ?> FERKKOl* -4> a??3w5SWMi'5! ?8SKn^M^UKS?r "r "A?E K* Matinee of EERKKOL on Satunlav at 2 o'clock w00"'* ?"S55t K,?nln,M.tlaMM* SHELDON. UlUIsH SYLVKrt TER. COLTON. WILLAKD ? A NI. KO R D.EM ILr ?rii2 ! tf.n * lire*' ienaalloB Tni,< Lancashire lass/ ^TH AVENUE Til RaTKiL ff pIQUE P' ' Seventeenth ~week" ? ?TT'd AVhNUK THEATRE. EVERY NIGHT U TO H O Pronrtotor aao Man.jer Mr. AUGUHTInVaLY HTenlng at ft. WALTER BENN and LITTLE JACQUELINE KATY. THE "HOT CORN" utllU 120th to I2S porformanee of Aiiennln Daly'. Oreateel Plap a, n . ,, MUa fanny Davenport, Mr. Fiaher. Mr. HarkinH. Mr Lnn?, Mr. Davldwa u, llarilauterK, Mr. Harrynuno. Mr. Drew Mr Itockw^l' tnli Sydney Uowail, Mr. Oilnerr,-Ml., >?*?. and 1 *""? Mr. John Brunybain. WEDNESDAY atRaSiKaV . r _%? l.-Knh perform aura or "PIQUE," Frtdar, Vp?'l*2b"l,% fy TU AVENUE THEATRE. JjJXTRA "PIQUE" MATINEE. - ^ynDNESDAr at one" o'CLOi-iT ? * PaurHriw / '"TU ST. a7?D HROaDWAv! . ? . VAHIBTIK*, J 1 ffTI! ST a VD Kkftifiii'i v ,tA5jyAN VARIfcTIKS ( iOTH ST. ASl! BROADWAY* KVKNIKO.S, H O'CLOCK* MAT! SKI'S Tir^wniw TilURHDX.Y AND HATUKDAY. AT 2 OHJLOCK^ IjArg??| com bin Mtlon. Best eiitf rtntninwnt In \'?i? v-lu V:rrT*'.r^!n""".n , ,??' taininent In N'tw I OriSaal* p 2.','IS! J.?}nirinooa. I Se.itiiful | Artlatlc I* 0,l^*?*LL7K:"urLiv?i^r?ui<L*.*?;,Vhf:,wU?i-Uc' female Model, in the .???rid; M o i P"*", ne* of aenaatlooiil I , ..ox c.nin^i? ! Dndo" "?"??rie.ofan.atlon.l i.'i'ani Centcnnla latfvue. D?y? of 7?; | >w firm Cent?*niil?l D?y? of 7,; SI . ;? Mft. niras, ?"Tar-'si kbi: :..ST MV wlirjro. BOWERY THEATRE. MONDAY, APRIL ^ Engagement or ilia celebrated tragedienne, MISS SOPHIA MILES, Id ber great character of HAMLET. Mr. Samuel Shorey aa Laertet MONDAY AND THURSDAY. MARIE STUART. OVtM sr. ol'hKA not -K BETWEEN 21* AND 3D UT era. Every evening. Wednea lay and Sa<unlay maltaea. College A Racy Story. (ilrlt. sp cy and Nice. Red Rich and Hare. I.onnge Menaatlcnal Variety. Female Cancan. Bathera Cancan. Academy m mi m* idTffi *? THE SI KAKOSCII ITALIAN OPERA. FRIDAY KVESINO. April 7 |S7?. at S o doc*. Flret " Mtu*. Pint afipaaranre tu Italian Opera of . Wo KM IK PAI'PENBKIM. LA TKaVTaTA." Mm* E PAPPBNIIKIM aa Vloletlt MIUNOK BH1UNOLI aa Alfredo Oerment SIttNOK TAI?LI API KIR A aa diorglp Oermowt Mle*m I'ooney, I'hilliopa. Bvberis, Lanoir.l, Larlll. Mutical Director aud Conductor MAX MAKKTZBK SATURDAY APTKRNOON. April A, at I tO, OR AND TITIBNS FAREWELL MATINF.E. prior to her departure for Europe, on Saturday. April l\ v NORMA NORMA. Mile TIIRKF.SA TITIBNS, In her unrlralled character of NORMA. Miaa Beaumoil. Mr. Tom Karl. Sign or Kelna. MONDAY, April 10. GRAND OALA PERFORMANCE. Farewell teatimonlal to Mile. TIIKRKSA TITIENS. The aele of eeate will commence on Wedneedey morning; A j ri at Academy of Moeic and 114 Broadway. B" OOTIDS THRATKK HENRY f. JAKRETT A PALMER , Leeteee and Manager* TIIRATRK t'LOSF.b Til IS WEEK. During the entire of (hit week Kooth'a Theatre will he cloaed for the uurpoae of eecuriag periact Ireedom by day end by night for the acene palntere, nrtieana, coatnmera and otbera engaged on the grand apectaele to perfact their le bort. Dealrahle time It thna ef?o gained for frequent com pany rebearaeU. and the drilling or the net body of auxil lailee (man women and children* ran proceed without Inter ruption. POSiriVF-LT NO ADMITTANCE. To TUB STAGE OB AUDITORIUM ON ANT PRKTKXT. TUB GRAND REOPENING will occur en MONDAY EVENING. APRIL 10. 1*7*. when Kliake?peerr a magnificent oiay of IIBNRY V wltlbd reproduced In all lie grandeur end with the dlttingtiiehed player. Mr. UKOKGe. KIONOLD, la the character of the young King THE RALE OF SEATS will be heron on next Wedneaday morning. e> S o'clock, *1 the box office, which will be open daily fro:: that hour until & o'clock P. M. Ordinary prlcet will prevail. /tOOPKR UNION , \J The aeeoDd entertain meal iu the free courte provided for Induatrlel women b? Iho NEW YORK WOMAN'S GUILD will be glren To KlUIIT, at S o'clock, in ibe greet hell of the Cooper Union, be Hon. J. M. WARWIt If. Mr. AI.PRKD A. PEASB. . Mre. ANNA RANDALL DlkllL, Mice BELLE MKI.VILLB nnd othere. Tlckela free at office of the Cooper Unlen. (TERM AN IA THEATRE. I4TH ST. _ F AD. NEUENDoRrF. Mreete* MONDAY. APRIL 3. DAN MAEDRL OliNK 0ELD. Comedy, in three acta, by Jecobeon. Chateau mabille varieties, first buildino; from 3d ?*., on IMlfe at. fcrarj tvoning ?t * MutlMft' ipeef Bngllah Biendee and stelaefp Ibelr bnrmonloue tymmelry _ x rleaeleea French MALLKT tBOCFB.1 ?elgwata. the Snlten'e Seraglio or tlie Dleey, ike epUfacL niughtleii, mnet newel end divent ted entertainment to New Tech. . /NAPTAIN PACL BOTTON WILL GIFB two OtJHffi interettlng equal* exhtMlioua In the Canard Deeffif i Cite, wee dnr, fc? '* I WeRmS.