Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,476. NEW YORK, MONDAY. APRIL 10, 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISERS. AMUSEMENTS?Utii Pau??3d, 4th and 5th cole. ASTROLOGY ?12th P.tG*-Slh col. Ball season?1st Pao*-6th eot BILLIARDS?lira Pack?5th coL BOARDERS WANTED?lira Pag*?2d col. BOARD AND LODOINO WANTED?llru Pac*?2d col. BROOKLYN HOARD?11 th Pi(.n-2d col. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR HALE?2d Par*?let col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?9th Pag*. BUSINESS NOTICES?7tii Pag*?6th col. CITY HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE?2d Pao*?lat eol. CLERKS AND SALESMEN-12tu PA?i*-6ih coL CLOTIUNO-Uth Pagb-2.IcoI. ... , COAL'IIMEN AND I1ARDENEKB?llTU PAO*-6tb col. COA8TW1KE STEAMSIUPS-Iat Pag*?5th and 8tb cole. COPARTNEKSHII'S-Hth Pau*. COUNTRY BOARD-IItu Pau*?2d col. DANCING ACADKMIES-IIth PaG*?22eol. DENTISTRY?12m PAU*-?tb eol. DRY (JOOD8?I it Paok?5?h eol DWELLINO HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND IN Fl'RNlbHRD?2d Pau*?2d andSdcobu EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?l*T PAUB-oth col. EUROPE-1st Pace??th coL FINANCIAL?9tii Pag*. FOR SALK-IItk Pag*?5th ool. ?? VL'KNISlIKD BOOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET-2D Pag*?3d col. FURNITURE?12TO PAO*-6th col. HELP WANTED?FKMALBS?12th Pao*?6th and 6th HELP?W ANTED -MALES?1 lm Pic*-6th.eol. HORSES, t.'ARKIAliKS, AO.?1ST Pag*?2d, 3d and 4th cols. HOTELS?1 Ith Pau*?2d col. Houses, rooms, ao., wanted?2d Pag*?4th col. INSTRUCTION?i?T Pa 1 Pau*?Ob ool. JERSEY CITY. HOBOKKN, I1UDSON CITY AND BF.R CEN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2d Pag*?1 at col. LECTURE SEASON?11*11 PAU*-2d eol. LOST AND POUND? 1st Pagk-IsI col. MACHINERY?11th PAGB-2d col. MARBLE MANTELS?1st Paub?4th col. MKDK'aL?2d 1'agk? Cth coL . . , MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?lrt PAfit:-5th col MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS? lOrit Pao*? 6th col. MUSICAL?1st Pau*??th col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7tu PAGic-Sth eol. PERSONAL-Ist P*(i*-l?t col. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AC.?11th PAG*-5th col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12tii Pack?5th col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OB TO REST?2d Pack?1st and 2d cols. REAL ESTATE TO RXCRANOK?Ud PAO?-2dcoL REAL ESTATE WANTED?2d Paul--2d col. RELIGION'S NOTICES?1st l'AG*-l?t col. REWARDS?1st Paok?1st col, SALES AT AUCTION?2d Pack?4th,-3th and flth ools. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALBS-12TH PaGK? 1st, 2d, 3d. 4th and >6lh cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?12rn PAG*-fltb col. SPECIAL NOTICES-Ist PeGR-lst and 2d coU. SPORTING?DOCS, BIRDS. AC.?1st l'A?s-2d col STORAGE?1 Itii Pag*?flth col. RUMMER RESORTS?11m PAC*-Ud col. THE TRADES?lira PACK-tlth col. THE TURF?1st Pag*?2d eol. ? , TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d PAC*-2d col. TRAVELLERS (1U1DE-1st PAUK-fith col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pauk?4th col. WANTED TO PURCHASE?11th PAG*-5th col. WATOHflS, JEWELRY, AC.?2d Pag*?6th col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET?2d Pag*?lat col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC ? 10m*-6th col PERSONAL. Tf3iSQftff~SAflrKS~ *ffif~WRathbK L Argyle Shadow Ball to-night. BROADWAY. B RON CHINE. Daniel banks, formerly ok bootle. near Liverpool, England. or hit next of kin showing legal proof, may hoar of something to lilt or their advantage by applying to ARTHUR SANDY, oox HilJ Pout office, N. Y. Lady in black fur sacquu, walking down 5th av. at 1 1*. M. Sunday, thence to 43d at., looking at New York Club Ilouxe while pass-ag. Gentleman following deairca Interview. Address SINCERE 93. box 146 Herald Uptown Branch office. REACHES.?LEAVE TO-DAY. SORRY NOT TO HAVE seen you. Write me how and where you are. Chicago. . CURTISS. Q UEEN-2D AV.. TUESDAY, 2}? O'CLOCK, MULETEER. s UPERB-WESTMORELAND, RAIN OR SHINE. w ?WIDE AWAKE, YOU BET I AM. ARGYLE i Shadow a to night. K****. M RELItiiOUS kutiuMT foobT^ANi) spuncKtr Hipoodror.14 flufhlTng. Moon aervlce from 1.2 lo 1 o'clock ever* day, except on Saturday, wlgn It la held at Association Hall. Aitorocsc service at 4 o'clock, Tueaday, Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday. Admission free, without tickets. Erery Night, at S o'clock. In Madison Avenue Hall, and Overflow Meeting nt same hour in Fourth Avenue Ilall. Young Men'a Meeting, Fourth Avenuo Hall, every night at 9 o'clock, and Saturday night meeting at Aaaociation llall, 23d at. and 4th av., at S o'clock. Special t!ckft? lor the evening aarvice of Tueaday, Wcdnea day, Thursday aud Friday will he Issued to non-churchgoers and to persons not yet entered on a christian life on per aon.xl application at the Hippodrome each day at 10 A. M. to 1(1 P. M. Entrance by door marked F, in 31th St.. near 4th a*. ... No service at the lllppodrcm.' on Saturday and no noon meeting on Sunday. Servic*? clone on April 19. A novuber of arti.lo* have been round, which owneraran obtain on application. ^JONDAY NIGHT SERVICE WILL BE CONDUCTED bv Air. Smikev. Mr. Moody will meet young convert! and Ingn'rera only in Aaaociation Hall every Alouday i.igbt at H o'clock I ?very Monday Eight 1 ):?'! AMI FOUNls OST?LARGE, BLACK POCKKTBOOK, CONTAIN J ing Paper* valuable only to owner. Finder will reccivo $> by returning it to Colon Square Hotel billiard room. J. C. H4IEKHAN. Manager. No questions asked. 1 OST?SATURDAY AFTERNOON, A SMALL ITALIAN J Greyhound .tin reward will lit- paid if returned to THOM AS R. SUDLOW. 17 East 9th at. OII MISCARMED ^T{LlTiO.' d'n^i for aame. as pay in ent_b a* kV?RNT E R, M Maiden lane. . T OST?FRIDAY, APRIL 7. CREPE VF.IL, ON ITII Jj at., Irora Bank it. A liberal reward for (lie aatne at 19 Morton it. STOLEN?ON SUNDAY A. M., A HKD WALLET FROM coat In (Inflainn House lini-ber shop. A suitahle reward will be paid on return of tame, papets, Ac., to office. Ad dress enclosed. No question* aaked. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.? LOST, A WARE booae Receipt, uiiniberetl 12,1(62. loaned by Mesar. Ti tus A Burdett. of No. 46 West at.. New York, dated March 2. IH76, frr 10(1 bales of cotton, marked R. K. P. All persona ?re hereby warned against receiving aaiil receipt, delivery having been stopped, and arc requested to return lite same. If fonnd, to W.M K ROGERS A CO., Ill South William at. UKW A ROS. <t> ffHRKWAIlO.-frAKEX FROM THE ' CORNER ClF tf)?) 46th at. and 3d av., a Hag, with a Smith A Wesson Revolver, Return to 6d West 47th at. No qneatious naked. SPK< 1AL. NOTICES. TfKiTKQT INSTITUTE annual ei.ection j\. Thnraday, April 20 167(1, at the rooms of the Institute, Cooper Hailding Polls will open at 10 o'clock A. M close at 6 o clock P. M. ORESTES CLEVELAND, Presldeut C. McK. Lkoskr. Recording Secretary. Alabama state distributions-chartered i by the Legialatnre.?Drawings every 21 days; 13tli i distribution, en the Havana plan ideas 13). to be drawn at ! Mobile, Ala., April 13, before iwum rotninlisloners; Ryxo , cash prizes; e pital nrite, fJN.lkkl. Tickets, $3; quarters, i 31 25. Ail pritea paid in foil after the drawing. Agentv wanted. Forcircnlurs address W1LKINS A CO., box 1,-tsi I Post office. Mobile. Ala., or box 3,419 Post office, N. Y. 1 k -iraac a. botch. a-rj Broadway. lawtrr ? J\, Divorces obtained prnmotlv. wltbnnt publicity: dttlt ti?n, Incompatibility. habitual drunkenness. infidelity. In. tinmen treatment, conviction ol felony. Pa?*porte obtained. A? PRIZE OK ONE MILUON DOLLAS8T' Extraordinary Havana I .ml cry , 14,000 ticket!, "71 I'riir*. Drawing, April 24, 1H70. 1 Pr'se of fl.<>*1.0:10 1 Pr!u of VfO.UWI 1 Prise of Jim.) oi 1 Priieof. ?t.OOO fin) oil ret Prire. *5m Royal Saxon Oovernment Lottery. Main Drawing commencing Mey ?, IH76. Srt.OW Hi ken. AH,000 Prise*, i Prti# ?r. (?t?M> $ig,oop I I'riir or t|!?ld) ~2.(J<*1 1 t rier of.......... t*olJ> 4H.OJO Full exPl...torycirc.l^ebDo|iR ^ Poet office be* 9,594. 1 H^Na?**ii *t.. New York. 'k -KENTUCKY HTATE LOTTBRIB8 OP ? S. SMITH * * KBxtrckr?rttai clahs 375. ron 1R7R. 4,-y jo 7 47, 43. 1, 77. 4<?. B. is. V-, 23, 23, 73. * EMtlVKT-fWW -47H, r?>n 1M7W 59. 89, 40, 20. 01. ?'V 74. 9D. 45. T7. M, <4j. 25.17. All ordtrt addrw H. NATHAN, ?>?* 4,fr#l> Post ollie*, New Yor* city. 'a -PARKS, KMKRKON * CO. A. Kentucky -tatc Lotteries, drawn dilly Rnynl Il*v?na Lottery, drawn evny 17 dM Kontaekv Eliurle Number LottofT, drann April 29. l?7a Privet < milietl. inforinntiun itinilM?e?i mul circulars tree. 180 Broadway. Pomi o3ice box 5,272, JUw \ "fk. or ro day"-!.asi- chance. plait**! dietribnted. tVyont'nir I-otlery draw! tltla day. Apr I 10 Ticket., f 1; aixlorfib. Pri.'.ee caebed In full. AI.I.ASA to., 79 ?t..Nrw 1 rck. (lARPKNTKKB.?TUB MAMV UllTIllO ViLI. BR J held tonight, at Central Hall. 147 Weet 33<1 et.; " P M. f>iw'*ii|or mena ? J / HKXKY A. 9AMRI.S. N. 0.. 144 Lexington ar.,ne?r 2Mb et. Office licur* from M )?? 8 __ DH. "dAMKH OAN hiT spkcI ally uomtltkL> ON atwntes of men, at <W Pulton et.; moderate charges, bono ruble cnnlldence, thorough treaflruenl; terenty year, experience. advice free. ' TXriLVOliDINXRY HAVANA LOTTKkTT PI rat Prise, One million r punish doliorx. Second Prite, tlnlf a mil lb. n spaniel) doll are. Oerman <.. vrrnnieiit Lotteries. V\A) llrMANN A CO.. Hanker*, bo* 3.31". Poat office 75 and 77 Nassau et. ? G i -orriciAL OHAWiNtm kkntivkv state lot - terte* SIMMONS. DICKINSON * CO.. Manager.. xxsTUCxr. xxre* claim ho. an7?amn. s, l*7a 42, 4i, is. an. 7, tin, 45. 4:r, 47. 4a, 2. krxti i *r. CLexa no. 'AH- amul ?. |x7il. 47, 74, 47. 14. 2, m, m, 41 CR, 4ft, 17. ?. 12. neir. KirttA clash ho. 187?aphil h. l?7?. 24, a, 41. 37. 14. 21, 73, HH, 46. 47, 10, 22. Rkxnr. class ho. i?S?athil a, 187a 64, 12. 71. tbl, 4, ?>, 4t?, 10. 19. Tt. 39 61, 88. Full Information by applying to or addrer-etn: J. CLl'Th, fori it roadway, or box 4.989 I'net offioe. (e -SIMMONS, Dlf KIN SON ~H CO.'S URAND f, monthly Distribntiom, an tbe Havana plan, to be drawn April 39; alee Royal Extraordinary Havana of Cuba draws April 2t. Poll faroneatton by apply I no to or ad dree.iav J. OLUfR. 200 It roadway, or be* 4.9B9 Poet office. ?ib'll KOMO CAfAKHH. DEAPNKM*'. tNPROYBd ? met bed - iajfantaneoue relief; permanent ernes. Dr. 8TODOARD. Km II Wrat 14th it. ?PBCIAL Korraftl. VfKfcToto?7' R x tta u s noN."-3k' medical ebb Airi Ax eotnprialng a aerie* of lectureidolivered at Kahn'* Mu seum of Anatomy, New York, en the cause and cure of Pre mature Decline, showing iudtsontably how loet health ma J be regained, affording a clear i " igained. affording a clear synopsis of the impediment* to marriage end toe treatment ofnermn* and physical debility, beiag the result of 20 yean'experience. Price 25 rente Aa drete the iuthor. Dr. L. J. KAHN. office and reeldeneo 51 Kaat 10th it. New York NEW ORf.EA.Y8 AGENCY.-A BROKER, FAVoRA" bly known, woul-l like to aad on < or more agendo* of good* mltable to the wholesale grocery trade, rleaee ad are ?* box 2,488 I'sft office New Orleans, La. PILES?PILES.?HEMORRHOIDS OR PILEB PKR manently eradicated In two nr four week* wlthont the knife, ligature eaustlc or pain; perfect care guaranteed in every in tunco and not one cent charged until effected. Dr. HoYT, 21 VYeet 24th et. PILES OR HEMORRHOIDS PERMANENTLY ERADI cated In two to fonr weeks' painle-s treatment; no knife, ligature- caustic* or cautery emploved ; positively NO CHAKOB FOR TRilATMEKT UNTIL CUBED. Circular* fret. Dr. STODDARD, only office No. S West 14th et. J^OYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Graud Extraordinary Drawing, April 24, 1^76. _ Capital prtte. One Million Dollar*. Only 15,000 tickets; H71 prises, amounting to $3,250,0001 Circular*, with fall explanations and hlttory, free. B. MARTINI,/. A CO., Hanker*, _ .. 10 Well ?t., buacment. Post office box 4,689. Highest rat** paid for Havana bank bill* and Spanish gold. SECOND LODMBAKA GOLD DISTRIBUTION. At N'*w Orieant, April 2t?. ls'70. Capital Prise, ? 100,000! 8,580 Prizes, amounting to $502,50(h All paid lit Cold. Only 30,000 Ticket t. at $B0 each, currency. Tenth* and Twentieth* In proportion. Por Information, circular*. Ac., addrcat or apply to No postpunomaula WILLIAMSON ? CO., Broker*, Box 0,020 Post offico. 817 Broadway, corner Thomas ft. SPUTTERING EPKEcflTALLY REMOVED.?CONVI deuce guarantee.I. abundant rcfcr.'iiro*. Address, for circular, AMERICAN YUCAL INSTITUTE, 103 Waverley place. TO THADDEU8 8HKRM AN, OR WHOM IT MAY CON ecrn.?You aro hereby notified to remove froui onr store. No. 220 Pearl St., New York, on or about the 20tli day of April, 187U, certain trunks and boxen, supposed to be your property, and left by yoa with one Alfred II. Hildrick about seven yeitr* ago, and pay the charges for slorugo, Ac., Iberent. Unless yon do, the same wilt be loltl at public mic tion to pay expenses. E. EACH A SON. NPOllTIRiG?IMICiS. BIRDS, diC. A?FOR SALE." ALL KINDS OP FANCY DfloS* ? Birds, Ac.; Medicines for all diseases; Prepared Food tor mocking bird*, at B. G. DOVBY'S, No. 3 Greene *t., noar Canal. -FOR BALE CHEAP. A VKKY LARUE ST. BBR nard Dog, two English Ureyhounds, one Itullan tirey hound. one Cuban Mastiff. and a large assortments of other Do;*, at MKYRR'B No. 3 West 3d *t., near Broad fancy ; way. A FIRST CLA88 ORKKNRR TREBLE WEDUE FAST breech loader; very finest and but little used; 10 bore; all improvements. A. C. SQUIRES, No. 1 Ccrtlandt st. SECOND HAND W. A C. SCOTTH 8<> NS' TOP AC tlon Breech-Loader; rebounding compensating Itttnp and horn heal plato; a bargain. CHARLES' L. KIT/ MANN, 043 Broadway, above 22(1 st. S'PORTING DOGS?BLACK AND WHITE SETTER * Dog D .sit, lire J Iront Got lion's setter Guess; Is 15 mouths old and well broken on woodcock and quail and i* a good re triever. BLACK AND WHITE SETTER DOG PURITY, by Oor d.m's setter due**, from Webster's slut Fanny, 15 months old; unbroken. AT AUCTION. ON TUESDAY, APRIL II, at 10 o'clock, bv VAN TASSELL A KEARNEY, AT THEIR MART, 110 aud 112 East 13th st. rruvo BLACK AND WHITE SETTi.R DOGS. BRED A from Gordon's s*tter Guess ont ol Webster's slut Fanuy, one well broken and the other unbroken. 15 months old, AT AUCTION TUESDAY, APRIL It, AT 10 O'CLOCK, BY VAN TASSKLL A KEARNEY, nt their Mart. 110 East 13th st. THE TURF. G4LKKr\SfUoB~3?AkK FOR "sALK^oBf WT3flE^EP I; ply to PHILIP DATKK, 2tf Broad ?t.. New York. HORSED, CARRIAGES, At. ^Atio?lOJL~~ - ? - ? By WM. TAN TA88ELL, Auctioneer Office and Auction Mart, 11>> and 112 East 13th it., near ? 4th av. Messrs. VAN TA8BELL A KEARNEY will sell On WEDNESDAY,- April IB. nt 11 o'clock. The New York Livery Stables, ? Not. 10 and 12 East 21st St., between Broadway and 5th av. 24 head of Horse*, from 15!^ to 10 hands, suitable for car riage, family or business use. 15 Clarences and gins* front Coaebe*, f.arul.tu*, Baron, hes and Phaetons, Ac. Top Wagons and Phaetons; nlso 25 sets of single and double llurucss, all In firat class condition, and will be on exhibition on and after Aprit 17 up to time of sale, when catalogue* will be ready at Auction Mart and at office of stable*. Full particular* in next Snnday'spaper. ^?r accthim AT FH A I'lnr A Bv Van TAS8ELL A KEARNEY. Auctioneers, nt their lliirtc and Carriage Auctiuu Mart, 110 un<i 112 Kut 13th st., near Atli av. On TUESDAY. April 11, at 10 o'clock. Family Establishment. Elegant train <lsrk brown Horse*, 15% hand* hi eh, 6 and 7 year*; kind and true in all harness; free front vlco; very stylish and handsome, with lull manes ami tails; coll lie driven by any one; are afraid of nothing; have snort bottom and endurance: cau trot better than 4 minutes, are every way a safe and roliablo family t.-siu. uii-l i re warranted sound, kind and true. Top fall airing Wagon, used twice, 1'nle and Hhafte; built by Brewster .V Co., of Broome street. Coupr, I'olc and Shifts, in fine order, by Brewster A Co., of Broome ?ir< et. Fourn at I'ark I'baeton, inline order, by Brewster A Co.. nt ltronme street. Fine light mdd mounted Harness, by Stilling#. of 5th ar. Fine double Conns Harness, carved, mounted In gold, by linker, ol Huston. Single light and Coupe Harness, by Baker, of Boston. Four ami six seat Sleighs, liluck Bear, Wolf and Hnffalo Robes; Hell* line Dress and Stable Blanket*, Lap Holies. Ac.. Ac, being the entire establishment of a private family. Very elegant Team black llorsa and llare. black Horse Jn piter and bl tck mar* Maggie .Mitchell. 14% bands, 7 mid 9years; kind and true In all harness; free from i lea; very stylish and handsome. with long wanes and I tils: can trot Imretherjin condition better thin 2:50; cm r.ow beat 3 minutes; Jupiter can any time beat 2:45 singly; a>e everyway safe and reliable! gentle man's road team, and are warranted kind andlrne; and Top Wagon, pole and shafts, by R. X. Stivers; also Double If amass by Dean. Robes, lllanketa. Ac., Ac. The woll kuo rn chestnut Trotting <.elding. Judge Duffy, tfred bv Jupiter, oam an Abdullah mare: ha* a record over West Side track last fall of 2:40; can trot on road In 3t45 to day and een beat 2 :3f> when in eondl ti.rn : doe* not shy or pull; is very steady and reliable; Ik superior for gentlemen's mart or nracknsc: will stand without tylug and I* warranted kind and true ; Single Ilarncs*; no top side bar Road Wagon. Clarence, lull sisc. by J. B. Brewster A Co. Harouehe, bv Wood Brother*. Second band l.amluu, by Brewster A Co. Twenty other llorsc. suitable for family, business, road use. Description In catalogue at Auction Mart moraing of sala. "a STABLE for MALB?NO. 11H WENT 6orHl ST.; 2jL four stalls; all Improvements; pHee $13,000. Owner, W. C. LK8TKB, 233 WVst r>2d st. PRIVATE* HALE. AT 117 WKST 37TI! ST.?A ire..CO ia fine order, a Barouche, A light Wagon and n pair of slvbah Horses. Harness, Ac. T HAM ?L ETONIAN BTALLlOi FOR HALK-BT J\ itjidyk'*.liunibletonlan ; dam, a fast mare: 15% bands; bav; can trot fu-t; wilt be told cheap. Address GEO. .V KKM KIT, flos'i-n. N. V. NF.W FONT PIIABTON, $100; NKW ROCKAWAY.* (125; 1 aomnd hand Huckaway, 875; 1 Toy Wagon, (.'>0; also new and second hand Landaus, Landaulcts, Conpes. Coaches,Clarences. Extension Top Fbaetona; He pot, Road, Ei|irets Wagons; Bulky, $31); Skeleton* and llarne**, Blankets. Ae . very low price*; raffray Sulkies. W M H. OKAY. 2<) a>{d 22 Wooster st. TTrIVATB HA 1.8. l.andaulet. I'ole and 8hxftt, by Hloer A Stevens. Coupe, by Bradley. Fray A Co., Fole and Shafts. T Curt, Voir and bhalts, by J. B. Hreweter A Co. Lmid iu. by Brewster A Co.. ol Broome at. Clarenre, fail rite, by J. B. Hrewster A Co. Coupe flock away, Tole end >h*n?, by Miner A Steven*. Six-seat Ruckaway Carriage, by Brewster. Top Wagon*, by Stivers; top Wagons, by Brewetere; Borhuwavs, D>pot Wagons, top and no ?np I'ony Wagons a (I Carriages of every noerriptfou. At private sale at VAN TAhHELL A KEARNEY'S, 110 and 112 liu-1 13th St.. rear 4tli av, ?SECOND HAND '*T'' CARTE . Bnvrral of our wn and other makers, nil In good order aud at reasonable prices. ? KK WsTRR A CO . 5th av. and 14th s?. A FULL AND t'OMFLKTK AMOflMRNT tilF~THB "Hrewster Wagon," the stsndaril lor style and quality, now ready lor inspection at our factory ana wsrerooros. Broadway and 47th st., 5th av and 14th st. Sprelnl attention Is called to oar improvement la side bar W upon*, which enables us to offer the lightest, eafeat and bestWidlng u agon aver produced. HKEW'nTKR a CO.. of Broome st._ A -LOOK. CIIOKK FAMILY HORSES. . ATTENTION Is exiled to the great sale of Nr. Arnouirt's entire ?:eek of lobigli bred carriage, coupe, mud and raddle llorse*. st L'nlon Auction Mart. No. 2U IHtli at., near Broadway Monday, April 10, at II o'clock A. M. s.-e Sunday's and Monday 's llerald. Catalogues now ready ?t the mart. "l -ON K I.AXf>7u?." ONi~0LAKENcC ONE COtP.I. J\ . one Victoria and MM I'baeton, ail nearly new. used h'? private family, to be told cheap. To he seen at M. CL'KLEV S, 1DH, III. 113 Hast 13th st.. n. sr4th av. AIhEFoRE VOU PERCHA8B LOOK?FOt'R ELE ? gant city top pony Fhaetous, ens Fark; two tent. pole, thsf-.s. All ith av. A b i no aix-five uood work hoi kes, scita hie for truck, farming or any bn?ln*as; also one bursa Truck and two horsa Truck; must aall; no work. No. H>2 ll'irtaonst. ? -FuR SALE AT A BARHAtN, BLACK MARK, A* 15*4 hands; black lloraa. 15% ; two sets nl Double Har ness, one Carriage and Buggy Harness, Fark Fhaeton, all first class and warranted la cvary respect ; the property of a gentleman coaBnetf to his bed for mm time. Cau be seen at 14H West SHthM. N~ K LEU ANT FULL STRING TOP WAGON, nearly new, for sale; also tot rubber mounted liar lies#. Whip, Lap Kobe and Blankat; above property will be c! wed out et a sacrifice to a cash customer, aa owner, hav ing dl-posed of I.I* horse, has no farther a*e for them. In quire lor three rtays at stables. I4M West 35th r|. "a RARK CHANCE.?FOB BALE, TUB 'l ROTTrxO A llorse Billy Button. Apply at 181 East 2tsth st., or Yen T as sell ? Tassday'ssale. a ?TWO IIORNK PLATFORM STRING WAGON, 12 J\. feet long, In good order; piiee VTA. Inquire at IV Bergen it, Brooklyn. A?ARRIVED FROM 11J.I N 018. A LOT OP GOOD # work Hor?es; s<?ld ehenp.^Apply at Xo. 3 Veetry st. A CLOSE PARTNERSHIP?$lf*). WORTH Trotting Mars Bets: also I laws be Express Wagon. 207 West HHk Mi HOUSES, CARRIAGE!, AC. A -u \rrkeedfc kted XI-rf iojT -salTi -*V,c!lF..Tfl&B2T,RK ?*ttIVATK STABLE OF TUE HIGH BRED. TAST AND WELL KNOWN lloRSKS, ELEGANT CARHIAUL8, HARNEH-I, BLANKETS ROME* SADDLES, BKlbLES. WHIPS. AC., AC., THE/PROPERTY OE JOHN it. PORTER, ESQ., tomorrow rri'BsDAY). aimul 11. at THEY HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR CONVkNIENCB OF SALE. Including the rltttDt and fut Ki>ulvk> brnl nbvn Geld IngPlLoT, 15 2)* budi lilfli, A )im ?|J; lirtil by Hamlet; he by Goldsmith a Voluntg -r, the sire of liloeter, Bodloe and other*: he oy Kysdlck's Hauiblotnnian, dam by Alexnn dcr'i Abdailab, toe elre of Goldsmith Maid; Pilot i* one of tlio finest bred horses In the eountry; lie wae purchased by Rresent owner when 4 years old. and ha* el way* been care illy handled, and haa now strength and eye enough to be put In trsluiug; he la finely broken to all harness, and can beat 2.35 on track and ahow time under watch; be I* an easy, pleaiant driver; I* fine galted; title Due and fust young horae la worthy the at tention of gentlemen and horaenieu, a* with hla fine breeding, gait and disposition and extra apead, he rertainly will trot well down In the twentiea before the teu ton laoeer. lie la warranted avnud and kind and true in crery particular. Kaat anil reliable Trotting Gelding LONG BRANCH, INK handa high, 7 venrs old; waa aired by Daniel Lambert; dant by Ryadtck'a Harablctonlan. Thla fine young trotter hna but few equals; he I* Onely galted, gentle and handy; ean beat 2 .30: tiot'ed on Mouinouth Park track laat teaaon In "2 .31. 'J :30 and 3 :-S"4 : be la a fine breaker and catcher, a good company horie, haa no auperlor to pole, afraid of nothing and warranted sound and kind. Alto, three-quarter thoroughbred bay Gelding. Lit* handa high, 7 years; it an elegant etyled horae, rich and genteel lu appeerance. long (lowing inane ami tall, line disposition and fine open gait: lie knowa at much aa any ordinary driver; teara no locomotive or anything vice : can trot & inlloa In 14 minutes, a single mile in 3 :3o, under tlie w atch ; he la fully warranted, ? Minn and kind. N.H.?The above two gelding* make one ofthe handsomest n* well aa one ol the fast eat tenuis to he found: they will be aold separately or together. The black Trotter NEkO, 1.V* hand* high, 8year* old, wa* aired by General Knox, dam the Ealott Horae; ia haudaome and stylish a* well aa a gantry driver; trotted hie fourth beat laat fall lu 3 :371a; can beat 3:3.">;ou any track, and if in Kroner baud* will trot in 2:3S bolbre the flint day of J uly; e la warranted sound and kind. Fine and faat brown (ielding DETECTIVE; he wa* Mred by Ethan Allen. Is lfi'j hand*, t) years nl?l; can trot in 3:30, and can show better than a. 2:2fi gait on road; he i* pure galled and w ithout any exception* aa tine a geutiemun'i road horse a* stands for aula, and warranted aoumi and kind. Resolute and atyllah black Trotting Horae, lf>K high, 7 ?eara old; ia coal black : aired by Conklin Star; dant Long Island Black Hawk ; cau trot alt his heat* in from 2 :36 to 2:10; trotted aeventh heat on Prospect Park in 2:38)a laat September; wurrauted sound and kind. Vast and stylish buy Trotting Horse. JIM BAKER; he if INK bands high, 8 year* old ; waa aired by Young Worrell, andia htlf brother to Fvarnaugrbt; was purchased last tail in fey presentffiwnar, and showed on day of purchase 2 :47; lie haa improved in speed and can apeod a 2 ;35 gelt now; la high headed and atyllah, needa no check or martin gale and la aa fine a road or track hone aa cau be found; bo I* warranted sound and kind. Fine large blond bay Trotting Horae BAY PRINCE; ia UK high, (I years old; was raited in Btate of Michi gan and aired by Magna Chart*, the tire of Ilrnry, and resembles htm very much In appearance, atyle and gait; haa record of 2;3ci when 4 year* old at Jackaon, Mich., a* Doyo's colt; he trotted this season at New Dorp, Staten Island, the beat half mile?in third beat?In 1 ;lft; la a per fect model of a trotting' horae, and oAe of the moat genteel trotting horses to road wagon on road; ia pleasant and easy driver, with powerful, rapid and pure call; la sensible and well behaved, and warranted sound and kind and cab ahow 2:30 on good track. Carriage* consist of 1 Coupe. 1 Victoria, 1 Pony Pbaeinn, top Road Wagons,-1 Rockaway. 1 .Sleigh, single and double Harness, Blankets, Robes, Ac. N. B?The above stock are all atrlctly first class and well worthy tlio attention ol gentlemen In want of any ol the above, at owner ia well known on road and turf for past yjara, and has always had the reputation or driving the beat uorsv* on road, and considered one of the beat connoisseurs of horses in the State. They will bo aold to highest bidder, withont any limit whatever. THE ABOVE STOCK WILL ARRIVE AT ABOVR STABLE-EARLY ON MONDAY MORNING, AND WILL BE ON EXAMINATION UP TO TIMK OK HALE OKOOM AND TRAINER WILL HE IN ATTENDANCE TO 1)1 VK ALL INFORMATION RKQL'IKED. REMEMBER, HALE PUNITIVE, RAIN OR 8HINB. A FILL WARRANTEE GIVEN WITH EACH HORSE AND AMPLE TIME ALLOWED FOR EXAMINATION AND TRIAL OF Kl'EED, ENDURANCE AND GENTLE NESS. Air PUBLIC AUCTION. ATTENTION IH CALLED TO THE GREAT AND IMPORTANT BANKRUPT SALE OF HIGH IIRF.D ROAD AND FAMILY HOKSRs ELEGANT CARRIAGES', FINE Tol' WAGONS AND BEAUTIFUL PONY PHAETONS, DOUBLE AND HINULR HARNESS, MADE BY DUNHCOMB, ALL THE PROPERTY OF A LATE WALL STREET BANKER WHICH MUST POSITIVELY BE SOLD TO HIGH EST BIDDER, REGARDLESS OF COST OR VALUE, ON TO-MORROW (TUESDAY), APRIL II, AT II O'CLOCK, PROMPT, AT PRIVATE bTABLK REAR OP HOUSE NO. 18 EAST 29N1 ST,, BETWEEN MADISON AND 5TH AV8.. INCLUDING BEAUTIFUL HAY TEAM ECLIPSE AND Jt NO, 0 yeara old. U\ hands, have Due style aad action; need no checks, drive aa cue horse; raised by Mr. Clark, Scott county, Ky.: took first premium at 4 yeara old aa the hand somest and fastest of that age, akowiug a mile to the pole in 2:51; they trotted last season in 2 J3i; tliey can show all their heats Inside of 2:40; they wore aired by Ashland, ton of Maiubrino Chief, dam of Eclipse; Salty Graham, by Volun teer, dam of Juno; Indian Queen, by Chancellor, ion of Mambrino; tliry are remarkably good driver*, fear nothing, liuvo great cndurnncc, well broke to all harnesa and good under saddle: thay are tully warranted sound and kind. THE \ KRY IIAND.'OMH IKON GRAY GELDING, American Hoy, ts yeara old, 1&K hands; ean outatyle any hor*e lu the State; beautiful arched neck, fine head, and clean limbs: freo front spot or hleinikh; be was raised by Mr. Wallace. Lexington, Ky., sired by Camlna M. C ay, (lain by Mount Holly, aon of Imported Messenger; he trotted three heats at Lexington, at ft years old, lu 2 :31, 2 :U1 and 2 :32)4; this is the most promising young horso In the cite, and is decidedly the haiideotnest horae that goes the road ; he is an excellent pole horse; he trotted a mile last leanon with running mate in 2:21. be ean be driven or ridden by any lady; lie is warranted sound, kind and true. FAST AND STYLISH BAY MARK, LAi-Y WINFIELD, 6 yeara old, 15K handa; fine atyle and action : long, flowing mane and tail; Is well broken to all liaiaeaa; been driven and ridden by a !*uy; i* very attractive aad a good driver; feara nothing: raiacd in Orange county; aired by Messenger Duroc. aon of Kysdyk'e HatnblcIonian, dam Idly, by im rorted Consternation; ahe trotted five heat* on Ouahen rack in 2:11, 2:28, 2 .20 K. 2:'Jtl aml3:27>4; cau speed a '20 gait, aad with proper handling will rank with the be*t thla coming season, as ahe hae great endurance; fine, open gait: ia a square, level trotter, don't interfere or need boot ing. she I* warranted sound and kind. TIIE BEAUTIFUL LADY'S DRIVING AND SADDLE BAY MARK LITTLE NELL. 7 yeara old, 1,.<4 hand*, very atyllah an., handsome, Is the most perfect lady's horae in the Flat*: any lady ran drive her op to a locomotive with perfect ?atety; raised In Kentucky, sired by General Knox; dam. Lily of the Valley, by Idol, aon of Mambrino Chief. She ran trot a mile to a yony phaeton inside of 2.SO, and I* a verv pleasant driver, well broke to all harnesa, and war ranted perfectly sound and kind. N. H.?The above horse* were purchased for owner laat season; lhey are all acclimated and ready for everyday oae. and are the moat perfect horses ever offered for sale public or private. Twenty-fonr hrura given, and If not found at warranted money will he refunded. Speculators and all who want something faat aad reliable are invited to call and ex amine and rialn behind any of tho above horses at any time previous to sale. Carriages an I wagons are all In good condition. eomdeting of fnll-*pring and side-bar top wagons, beautiful top pony phaeton, dnnhl* and single harnesa, all by the heat elty builder*, fine robe*, elegant kersey blankets, stable fixture*. At, Ac., all ef which must be sold to highest bidder. Sale absolute and positive, rain or ahlng; no postponement. 1 tUTIUS IIUIHK ?r AKl'H. .HIM >K IIJ.X, A >?. at. M mtd 35 >?th near University place. SALES OF HORSE* AND CARRIAGES ARK HELD KYKKY TVKsDAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. OS EVERY HORSE WARRANTED ROUND FROM 24 1IUUR.4 TO 3 DAY'S FOR TRIAL. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIA BLE Htll'HB IN THE CITY. GENTLEMEN IIA VINO HORSES OR CARRIAGES H t.- -ell. vrlbnio wishing to boy, will Had our bualnoM fg continued on prncLely the lime strict and honorable < principles which have always charaeteritad the dealings of our houae and won the rntpaci ai d confidence of tua bn?!ne?? couimiinlty at well an the pnhllu at larga " ANCRfl ON CONSIOAMENTA. LIHF.KAL ADVA At alction. bv IVM. VAN TASSELL, Aaelloneer, Offloa and Auction Mart. Ilttead 113 Bast 13th ik, near dth or. Messrs. VAN TASSEL A KEARNEY will aeli on THURSDAY, April 13,1878, at II o'elock, the entire I'ontenta of Livery Stable ISA Norfolk at., between KWinrton and Stanton Ma. Fire Team*, front 15 '. to 18 banda high. Ona black Uoraa. can trot in 2:?I. Oua ehestnst Heraa, ran trot in 2:37. One brown Hone, can trot in 2:3H. One amy Hone, nan trot In 3:30. One hay florae, eanti A _ hay llorae, can trot In 3:00 Four fine tingle Driving Iloreaa, amiable Tor business and family driring. Four llarenrea. In good order, by Dunn. Eight top Wagons, by Stivers, Waterman. Hatfield and Jackson. Four |wn Mat Wagons, by Daley A Tooker, of Brookl> n. Four nu top Wagoua. by Miner A Htevena and Hrewater. One two sent Ruekaway; one Snlkey, by Stlrera. Skeleton Wagon, by Dutenbnry A Nalaoa; ona Bnalnoaa Wagon. Iiy Gray : oua English Tnh, one tiig. ono Breaking Can, lour three teat Sleigh*, ono two Mat SIclgli, won Cut ter Sleigh*, sleigh Bella. Die Kobe a, Rlankett, Ae. Ac , bein-.' Hie entire rententt of carriage and light driring at able atoafc; now on rxhlbltiaa, and can be exaaained and tried any time until day or sale. ?FOR RALE CHEAP, A LADY'S TURNOUT; AN j elegant florae and ton I'ony Fhaeton. nonrly new. and :t art of Harnett; alto two Horses. lit for bntcher, grocer or fartu UM: warranted aound. Inquire at 302 Ea-l tlbth at, n-ar In ST. PRIVATE FAMILY! ABOI'T LBAYINO THE eltv. wlthet to dltpoae of, cheap for cash their hand Hina t'onpe Knchawar, in anparb order; alan Doable Har nett. Iiii|nire nl atable. 147 and 140 Weat 35th at. ?FOR HAJJBT A FlltsT OLASirH^RsiK, HARNESS a and Track. Mpsrctc or togothar. Apply ct No. 3 Yeatryal. ? A BROWN MAKE; ALHO BRIGHT BAY MImC yonng end aonnd, (73 andSISO; alao Exprcaa Wagon. Track llarneM. 113 llenry at. "T BARGAIN -AN ELKO ANT EXTENSION TOP A. Phaeton Mala fonr, polo and shafts. good at new. will bo add for leta than hair coat: a doable and tingle Harnett. a heanlllnl t. p Pony Phaeton; top Muggy and fatt llorae; can ahow 2 :4m or better; H years old, I'.', han't: warranted aonnd and kind: alao a team that can tret rery laet. Call and ride and, ir yon want to. bay a genuine trotter or pair. Speed ahown or no mlo. Warrantee girrn. Muat be anhl tlila wee*. Htnblf No. *J3 Eaat 12th at., between Broadway and Unlvsratty plaee. A ?JUST ARRIVED FROM INDIANA, A CARLOAD , V . of IIorMt, III for track or any bmlttte, la be cold cheep. 43 Ureal J once at., accr Bowery. A ?FOR RALE. FIVE HORRE3, PROPERTY OF A At contractor. At for farmiar, exprnaa, grocery or general nee, at half vain#; trial allowed. Inquire at 380 brooms at., near Mulberry. A RARE CHANCR-MUNT BE SOLD AT A 8ACRI Ace. two Phaetena, two fall taring too Wngona, 2 aide bar lop wngona, two Ana sola af Hameta, all made bv seat rlty makers; nearly new. Private at able 37 East 33d at, ettrner 4th nv. HOKSKS, CARRi AUKS, AC. '"" -?----' GREAT AND IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OP 10 EXTRA KINK VERMONT, HAXH LKTt )N I AN, MESSENGER AND MORGAN ROAD, CAR RIAGE, COUPE AND SADDLE HORSES, THE PROPERTY OP MR. ARNOULD. OP VERMONT. who hah kent ins rnVirn stock to hk sold THIS DAY (MONDAY1, APRIL 10, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M? AT THE UNION AUCTION MART, NO. 20 I8TH ST., NEAR BROADWAY. The above stock ha- arrived and1? now at Iba atari. Catalogue ready, with lull de.-crtptlou aud I'eiigreM Tli? itoek comprises, vis. lla-ulsonre gray Coupe or Carriage Home, 9 J a art, 16 baud*. Ray Road Horse, 6 years, 15K bandi; trota in 2 90; tafa for a ladv to handle. Bar Or 1,1 tag, half brotbar in No. 2, coining 7 yaart, 15)^ baud*: It in excellent roadster. Soml Horse, A years. 15,'^ hands; suitable for ladles or cliildran to ride or arlve. Hmall bay Pony. 3 years old; perfeel pet for ladle* or children. Lady Cnlurabus brown Road Mare, about 11" ?? hands, 3 year* old; trotted when 4 years old in 2 :4fl; sired oy Col urobtia. daw Morgan mare. Brown llorse, Young Eihan; faat traveller aud n great roadster; coin lug 0 years, about Hi1, linnda. Kinnat team of cross matched Trotting Horses In the Stale, sorrel horse Piince end dapplo gray hurte Eddy; are very handsome; coming 6 years eich, loji bands high; can trot tingle or together In 3 minutes. Elegant large bay Coupe or Currlage l!or*e, about 7 years, 16bands; a good traveller and ol great endurance. N. B. ? All the above horses are perfectly broke to har ness or aadd'a for ladles'or gentlemen's riding or driving, and will be warranted sound and kind for two days; parties In search of first ela?s family homes would do well to call and examine this stock, as it is a chance seldom offered aud now only on account of tha declining health of the gentle man, who Is obliged to go to Santa Barbara, Cab, by the urgent advice ol his physicians. Also, immediately alter the tale ot the horses, will bo offered a large a surtment of new and second hand city made Carriages, single, double i nd coupe Harness, Blankets, Robes. Whips, Ac.; top and open Road Wagons, extension top Park Phaetons, top Pony I'bactons. Depot Wagon*, pony canopy top and Basket Phaetons, doctors' Phaetons; all must be sold, as the parties have no Rirther use fur tbriu. Bale positive, rain or shins. V fi.?REGULAR BALES EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M. SHARP. A -FOR BALE?SEVEN H ORB KB, SUITABLE POR -fx? fanning, grocery, expressing or any buaiues* ; for aale ?I halt Talue; property of a widow. Apply at 86 Amity at., between Thompson and Sullivan sts. 1 ? HANDSO MB "MORIIAN BL ACKHAWK UOkBB, S ft. years, sound, kind, 13.3 high, trot in 3 ralnutts. tor frctly safe lor lady, chssp. Inquire at Wis. Young's factory, 40 spring st. T~?I OFl'KU. ON ACCOUNT OP MY IU'BRAND'8 it. death, Hve llorsts. suitable for truck, farmer or any usiuess, at a sacrifice .">3 South 5th av., near'Bite ker st. A ? KOKKALK, BAY ~CA N AD1 AN PONY AND A? eight cheap work Horses; Wagons and Harness. 153 South full av. A BARGAIN-GLASS PROMT COACH, BY DUNK, A 9229; G-seat Phaeton, hy Dunn, 6123; 120 lb. Road Wagon, city made, 91 23: top 1 haeton, elty made, 9itV>; all in good order. PETER B. MASTEKHON, 59th st. and 7th BARGAINS-WAGONETTE, BREWSTER MAKER; Coupe. JAMES KI.ANA GAN'8. 107 East 32d st. I put ou the best light steel lire for 912 a tel. C3ARRIAUES-ALL kinds, my own make, at kx ] treme low munuracturer's prieea, for leu days; war ranted; leather top new I'ony Phaetons, $120, up; ditto Buggies, 9139; rubber top Buggies. 91 Hi; depot (4 seat) lop Wagons, 9123: Kockatvays, 919"; extension top ;i spring Park Phaetons, 9190. ORUBE, 300 Csnal st. CXARRIAOR KBPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES J executed in the best manner ; estimstes will be made It desired : carriages called for and delivered; Mr. J. A. Buck ridge, so long known with the lato Mauri. John R. Lawrence t Co.. will have charge of this department. WM. H. GRAY, 1.404 Broadway. I? A KMKK9AND CANaTkRS. ?FOUR llORSKS. KOI'II A1 Mules, double Harness; your own price. No. 207 West ltltk SL 1XOR KALK-A HANDSOME CHKSTNCT URLDINO, S years old. by Diamond Den murk. dam a thoroughbred mare| Diamond Denmark was by Deumnrk, by imported lledgeford; this horse is 16 hands hlgli, and is one of the linest saddle hones ever raised In Kentucky, having nil the gaits popular In that section of country: be is kind in sinxle and donble harness, rwd would make a line coupe horse; ho is a very showy and substantial animal, and will ho sold at a sacrifice. The horse can be scon at the private stable No. 4 East 39th st., two doors from f ih av. TDOR SALE BY A GENTLEMAN?A PAIR OP YOUNG 1? Marcs, fast and sound and a perfect match: also a strong and hand-ome sorrel Horse, flue for pole, or would make a stylish saddle horse. Can be seen at private stable Na. HI Wast 31stsi. Ask for William. 'OR HALE-A VERY HANDSOME WELL BRED BAY. 15 saddle Horse; sound and kind; splendid horse for a bov; sold only for the rea-on that the son of the owner has outgrown him ; trial given; pries 4C30. Maybe seen at private stable 34 l.exington av. oil SALE?A TWO-WHEELED DOG CART, BY Brewster, in pcrfoot order. May be seen at stable 23 East 40tb st. F~ OK BALE?HOR8E, 16 HANDS HIGH; TOP Hhoelon and Harness, as good as new; vost 9'-' "0, will ?ell it for $3isi; also Landaulel, as good as new, 93<xi. Pri vate stables IH East 3tlth St. I8JNK HARNESS. made ot Moffat's icath'-r, rubier trimming* "Instead of leather), hand stitching hu<1 fashionable. A. K. KLAXDRAU, 372 and 374 Broome at. (old stand of H re water A <'?.) For sale?good driving horse, large, extra One appearance, coupe or carriage animal; fully warranted. 870 II udaon at. IjtoR BALE?HRATT, OHUNKT BROWK MARK. 15 handa. ttyeara; anil i;ro er, farmer; alao cho-p 1'nn.y. H7 King ?t. IjVORSALB-iSACRIFICE. FIVE IIOKHK8. SI'ITAHLK for grocers, farmer* or any business. from $1(3 to $125. 1M Chrhtopher at. For balk-four first class working Horaea, fll for any kind of bualne**, front rt to 8 yeura old; will allow a good trial; to bo aold at a ascribe*. Apply at 57 Great Junes at. For kale?iiandbomk bay iioksk. is hands. s yoar?, free and atyliah driver; alao one gray llorae, 16 hand,a at naif value. tiki Eaat 18th at. For bale?good pony iiorki:, sound and kind; auit butcher, baker er grocers; aold cheap, owner baa no fit for him. 204 IVe-t I6tn at. MAN DSOMK SURREY WAGON-SUITABLE FOR speeding or park; la the moat comfortable, ahowy light vehicle In nae; BBS. 211) Weat 46th at. HARNBKB.-FOR BALK CHEAP, LIGHT SINGLE llarneaa, suitable lor doctor or lamilv w; made of beat malarial; covered and gold mounted. 180 lat av. H OHKK THAT CAN TROT IN 2:4""; PRICK $200; Wagon and Sulky. 110 Weat SOtb at. Horses tor balk.??> kink Young horses, juat from Indiana, from S to 7 year* old. 14 to 17 handa high; all nound and kind. Inquire abldo Norfolk at. Harness.?cheapest harnksk stork in new York; good buggy llarneaa, baud made, BIS; good Groccr't llarneaa, $25; good double team llarneaa, $ it; a food florae Blanket, 81 5ft Ple??e rail and examine fur vonrselve*. FIBIIKR A OSBORNE, Mnnuiacuirrr*, No. 71 Barclay at. I AM KOROKD TO BKLI. POUR CHEAP HORSES for want of nae : no reaaonablo offer rcfuaed; alao aingle Truck aad light buaineaa Wagon. 410 Weat 3 "th at. IOOK.?BOO EACH; TWO SIDE BAR TROTTING J Wagons: city built; fine order. 124 Weat loth at. IKlWKRFUL FACT WALKING BIG HORSE. $45; JT little aore ' forward; valuable for country. SS New Chambers at. PRIVATE TRAM OK CARRIAGE llGllSRi FOR BALK or exchange for a ein~le llorae that will auit. Call for \ roman'a team at Belltnger'a atabla, 3Htb at. and 7th av. Owner. 220 6tb av. ? ECOND HAND CARRIAGES. Landau, Clarence. Coupe, l*andanlet Criat. Victoria, Coach, I'nny Phaeton, T Cart, Two-Wheeler, top Wagona. WOOD BROTHERS, 740 Broadway. The celf.bratkd trotter white prince, one of Iho bandaomeat and baat road horaea in the city, 15 V handa high, tail touches the ground, warranted toned and kind and to trot in 2 :$N can be driven by a lady. Alao an elegant Wiadaor top Wagon, gold mounted llarnm-a. Blanket*. Ac. Will be aold aeparnte or together at a aaeri lice. Addrae* SENATOR Herald Uptown Branch office, or call at private stable, No. 4 Wast ltnn at., where they can be teen and tried. flTHACK SULKIES.?IN ORDER TO POPULARIZE i oar Bulky trade we offer from stock or will build io or der Track Hnlkies. in all weights, unsurpassed in quality and form, for(I2S. BREWSTER A CO. (or Broome at)., Broad way and 47th at.. T O LET-FIRST CLABB PRIVATE STABLE, 3SD ST., near Broadway, at reduced rent. V. sen AKFRR, No. 4B3 fftfc av. AITANTKD?BIX SKAT UKRMANTQWN OR COUPE TV Rockaway Carriage. Address J AMKH WATTS, Herald office. w AN I ED TO PURCHASE?A LIVERY AND BJpARH lug Ntable. well stocked and in a good location. Address, giving Inventory and terma of leaae, with bottom pneo for e*sh. PRESIDENT. Ilerald office price I A7 K-TEAM FARM MARKS: COACH. $125; COUPE, u) | U $1)10; Road Wagon, Top Wagon and Buggy cheap. 23:1 Weat 9ln at. 180 FOR TEAM GOOD HACK OK FARM HOUSES; young horae, tender forward, cheap. Xe. 4 "ih av. 4:1 *;ii-woktii taao, UAvrtm new top ex qlLiJU pre** TVagnn; inn-t be aoiiL Stable 124 Weat loth at. EAST 23D ST.?BENSON BROTIIhRS HAVE ? )|J one top aide bar Genth tnan'* Road Wagen; used hut little . cheap. TSmTKLCTIO*. At THOMPSON S CoLi.EGi:. 4fIf AV . OPPObifft Cooper Inatltute, Bookkeeping. Writing, Arithmetic, Language*. Day or evening. I.adiea' department. Ti leg r iphy tanght practically. Demand for operator* A FRENCH LADY TKACIIKR WISHES A KITI'A J\. lion to give a complete Fr.-neh education In a -chool or a private family. Call at Mr. Mtyulal'a, 138 Iflth at, between Btb end 7th ava. B |>0KKEEPING AND BUSINESS AFFAIR-). 728 Mroadwav. A abort and effective eenrte ol practice for adult*. C. C. MAKSII. antbor of Popular Worka on Bookkeeping. Apply for eireelara. \TOW IS THR BEST TIMR TO ENTER A* Packard * Hn*ineaa < nllrre. Packard'* Bu'tneas "'ullage. Rate* reduced Rote* reduced to *ni< th* time*, to ?utt the time* Call er tend for circular uilh frill particular*. ' 8. S. PA" KAKD, Principal and Proprietor, S)r Broadway. NAHHLK MAVTRM. Marrlr and marnlkTxkd MAxrkYJl."Sk'#*lf)V eigua, from $12 upward; alao Meu irodntal Work at greatly reduced prices; Marble Turning lor the trade. A. BLANKS. 134 East 18th at. S'TRWART SSLATK, MARBLE AND WOOD MAXTKLff 7 New and elegant deutgu*. from TIG up The trad# Morally dealt with. 22"I and 222 Weal -Jd a* duy t-CMn?v. CCC A KKR C C AA P. R C A A KRK C C A A A K R CCC A A R K GREAT REDUCTIONS. THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK OK MOQI ETTES, VELVETS. BODY AND TAI'EHTRY BRl'l*. nfcLS, 3-PLY AND INGRAIN CARPETS. OILCLOTHS (All width*). ENTIRE CARGO OK MATTINGS, whitr, rod, chock And fancy, flora 20c. per yard. LACE CERTAINS one Dollar Mr pair to the flnett liunorted (half price}. SIIKI'KAHD KNAI'P. 183 and 183 6th av.,one door below Dth It. *?*Csll wad ragmlne. ? * _ MILL1.VEUY AMI UHESSMAKllliG. I -A?SPECIALTIES. MIwSEH' AXD < IIII.DItLN S A. Millinery, Ladle*' Drea* Gap* and Mourning Millinery. Mr* MY 11 KB, 22 Eait 11th sb. between University place and 6th av^ RBS8MAKBRS AND LA DIES WILL DO WELL TO call at tlia New York Bide-Plaiting Establishment. 136 Uowery, near Grand at., and 2,070 3u av., between 113th and 114th *t*., Harlem. s /"?OLD R.N A co's PARIS MILLINERY?RUCK IVKD \Jt via steamer Araerlrjua trimmed Bonnets, fin. f 12,81.3, f 17. 819 to f33. 313 tlth av.. between lutn and 20th Ms. LADIES AXD DRRMMAXRKS WANTED?TO OTT their Pln:tiug done at the NEW YORK 81DB AND BOX PLAITING CO.. 242 Grand ?t. 'IDE, Sl'Vi B AND box PLAITING TO 23 INCHES ^ wide. S. JOS IP II, : 8 Knrsyth, near Cauatst. _ BDItOPE.lY BTKAMBkiXFBs Ctunard line]?b. and n. a. il m. s. i'. cd. J NOTICE. Willi a view lo diminishing the chances ol collision, the steamers 0f t|,|s line take a sp"Cil!c coursu for all seasons of the year. On the outward passage from Quocnstown to New York or Boston, crossing the meridian of 30 at 43 latitude, or noth ing in the north of 43. , , On the Homeward passage, eroding the meridian at 30 at 42 latitude, or nothing to the north ot 42. ... KROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENm TgYVN. CHIN A Wed . April 12 I All YSRINIA.'. Wed.. April 20 BOTHNIA . ,.\Ved..Aprll 111 I sKCfioIA Wed.. May 3 Steamers marked " do not carrv steerage passengers, i'ahin psssago ?B l. 81<kl and #13.?, gold, according to ao coinmodation. Return tickets on lavor.blo terms Sicrruco tickets to and from all parts ot'Kuropo at Tery low rates Freight and parsage olli e No. 4 Bowling Green. ( IIARLE.1 I.. I RANI KI.YN, Agent. _ Most Milker AND El iiMO.MIi ROUTE TO HOL LAND BELGIUM. THE RHINE, SWITZERLAND. AC., AC., via ROTTERDAM. Meamcr ROTTERDAM April 13 Steamer CALAND .. ... April 27 These beautiful steamers, currying the I uited States marl to the Netherlands arc great favorite* witn tho public. 'Irip* regular, ratoa low; comlort and living porfect. For height. tor passa-e. FUJiCH, EDYE A CO. 1- W. MORRIS. .'iO Broadway. AM BURG "AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY'S LINE tor PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG and HAMBURG. RLE VI A. April 13 1 I'OM XI ICR AN IA April 27 GKI.LKRT April 20 | GOETIIK May 4 Kate* of pasr*ge to Plvmonth, London. Cherbourg, Ham burg and all point* in England, Scotland aud \V ales :? t'ahiu, ttrst saloon, gold f 100 Cabin, second snloon, gold Jj" Ktcnrnge, currency JO KUMiaIiDT A CO., C. B. Kli HARD A BOAS, General Agents, General Passenger Agents. 61 Broad St.. Nsw York. Bl Broadway. New York. jf\SLY DIRECT~U.NE TO FRANCE. THE GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND HAVRE. CALLING AT PLYMOUTH iG. B ), lor the landing of pa-xcugers. Th; splendid vessels of this favorite route for the Con tinent (being more noutherly than any other) will sail lron& pier No. 43 North River, as follows:? AMKRIOl'E iPourolr.) Tile-day, April IS. at I 1*. M. SI'. LAURENT (Laoho?ne*)...Tnc?dav, April23, at 4 P. M. FRANCE (Trodrl'e) Tuesday, May '2. at 1 P. M. PRICE OK PASSAGE IN GOLD (Including wine) :? First cabin. 8110 lo $120, Recording to accommodation. Second. 872. Third, 840. Retnrn tickets at reduced ra'.o<. Steerage, $211, with superior aicniimodailon, Including wine, bedding and utensil*, without extra charge. Steamers marked thus ? do not carry steerage pa-sengers. LOUIS Dli H Kill AN, Agent, 3o Broadway. u YNMAN LTSK-MAIL STEAMERS. I FOR 01 F.F.NSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CITY OK RICHMOND Thursday, April 13, at * A. M. C( TV OK BROOKLYN.. . Thursday. April 2 ?. at 2 P. M. ciTY OK CHESTER Ihorsilav, May 4. at 2 I*. M. CITY OK RICHMOND. ... Saturday. May 13, ate U'A. M. CITY OK BERLIN Saturday. May 27, at 8:30 A. M. from pier No. 4> North Hirer. Cabin passage, ftio, $8" and $100, go.d. Blecrnge, 82R, currency. DraRsVned at lowest rates. JOHN <1. DALE. Agent. In aud 3A Broadway N. Y. \Vlni'OHSVl"KVsVoWN AND LIVERPOOL. | CARRYING TDK UNITED STATU* MAIL. I The ??earner* of this Rn? !"ke the Lane Routes recom mended by Lieutenant Munry, U. S. N.. going ?uuih ol tho Hanks on the pair-age to Qnceustowu all the year round. GERMANIC ?' CELTIC April 22, at 8 P. M. ADRIATIC Apnf 20. at O:'*) A. M. K 41 Tit . MayB, at 3 P. M, REPUBLIC ..." Mat 13, at 8.30 M. From White Star Docks, pier 53 North River. Rates?Saloon. 880 an I floo. In gold: lOturn tickets on reasonable terms. Steerage. f JK Saloon, staterooms, smoking and hath rooms are placed amidships, where the noise and motion are icnet, affording a degreo of comfort iillharto unattainable nt sea. For Inspection ofnlana and other information apply at the company * office, 37 Broadway, Ve V "'"cORTIS. Agent. SITED STATES MAIL LINE?STEAM TO Ql' KEN'S lows AND LIVERPOOL, sailing every TUESDAY, from pier 4?> North Hirer. IDAHO. ..April 18, I P. M. i WISCONSIN...Mny 2. I P. M. NEVADA..April 23. 3 H. M. I WYOMING May IB. 11 A. M. Cabin. *6.3. 870 and 8*". currency. Intermediate, 84": steerage. $26. Passengers booked to and from Paris. Hamburg, Norway, Sweden Ac. Dr.tit* on Ireland, England, France aud tier man, at lowest ^iUJAMa 1 .UIION, 20 Broadway. V^ATIONAL LINK?FROM PIERS 44 AND 47 NORTH J\ Ki\er. Fo* London direct. CANADA, Thursday, April 13.8:30 A. M. FOR QUEKNSTOWh AND 1-1 VERI'OOL. HELVETIA. Ap I 13.0', A. XI. ITALY, April 20, Oh A. M. ENGLAND. April 22.3 P. XI EgYPT, Nlay l.. 3 P. M. Cabin pus-age. $3" and $7". currency. Keturn tick-Is at reduced rates. Steerago p*?*s*u. 82". currency. Drafts l?*ued from JCI upward, at current prices. Apply at :he c.oopany . on,rc^.^ Broadway Great western steamship link. 4 TO BRISTOL .ENGLAND, DIRECT. Hailing from pier IS East Ktrer. a* follow*:? SOMERSET. Western Saturday. April 13 AHagon Hymen,I* ., Cabin passage. 873 . Intermediate. 843; steerage. 8-T", cur rcncy ; exeurwiin tickets, 812*3; prepaid steerage certificates, $20. Apply to W. D. MORGAN. Agent. 70 South st._ AN C A K U V l'v'u^T 11K UNITED STATES MAIL. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. Y'ICTORIA Sslls Saturday, April 1.3, at 10 A. M. BOLIVIA Halls Saturday, April 23, at 3 P.M. Al-S VITA Sails Saturday. April 211, at 10 A. M. ANCIIORIA. Sails Saturday. May ?. at 2 P.M. TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, QUKKNSTOWN Oil BELFAST. Cabin 863 V, $8", currency, n -cording to accommodation. IN rBKMBDlATK. 83.3; steerage, 828. Drafts Issued for snv amount st current rates HENDERSON IIROB., Agent-, No. 7 Bowling Oroon. XTBH YORK "AND LONDON A REGULAR AND DIRECT 8TEAM COMMUNICATIONS. EVERY ALTERNATE SATURDAY, bv the "ANCHOR LINE'' steamer*. ELYSIA. UTOPIA, AUSTRALIA AND ANGLTA, remmencing Saturday, April 21), Passengers bookea lo *11 p.dut- at lowest f*l*x HENDERSON BROS., AGEMH, 7 BOWLING GREEN. STVkW VoRK TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL. DUBLIN, ^ BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY, from pier 42 North River (foot of Canal st.) as follow*:? STAIK OF PENNSY LVANIA Thursday, April 23 STATU OF VIRGINIA Thursday. May 4 STATE OF INDIANA ......... .Thnredsy Mav IS and ererr alternate Thur?<lay thereafter. Fir?tcahln. 8"". $7" and $H0; return tlcketa, $120. Heeond cabin. $4.?; re turn ticket*. 88". Steerage at lowest rates. Apply to AOS TIN BALDWIN $ GO.. Agents, No. 72 Broarlway, N. Y. Steerage passage office. 4.) Broadway. OHTII GERMAN LLOYD HTKAM6IIIH LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK, SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. Company's pier, foot of 2tl ?!., Iloboken. ODER ...Sstnrdar, Anrll 16 1 WK8ER Saturday, Apnl !? MAIN Batarday, April 22 | MOHEL... Saturday, May B Rates of pns?age from New York lo Southampton, llavr# "'iTr't't'sbln, 11"0 0"ld; Second Cabin, $?*) gold; Fteerage $30 currency. Return Tlekcts at reduced rates. Prepsld St?ersge Certlllestes. 832 currency. For treight or |>a*aage apply to Ohl.RICfln t CO.. No 3 Boahng r.rcen Tl-SON LINK FOR SOUTHAMPIDN AND HULL, ?ailing fnoro pier 53 North River ?? follow* : COLOMBO. . .April S I HINDOO .Mny # OTHELLO April 22 | W A V A RI NO. ?. ? ? ?. ??MsyBO Mr?? cabin. $7". eurrenrn- . *ectmd cabin. $4 Esenrslon ticket* on very favorable terms. Throngl, ticket* letued to Continents! and Bsllle porta Apply for full par Ocular* to CBAR|<ga fc. WRIGHT * CA. 96 8onlk *k 1XUBOER.?YALUABLB INFORM a riON To TRAVEL j |(? and tourist* . r..nt#. and rates to every |Hdnt. I.OO) Itinrwh s tomlect from .alllnp or ete smer^ Ao.; 10 ?ant?, p..*t free. COON. SON ? J LN KI MS. 261 Broadway. o DONOVAN ROSSA S STEAMSHIP AND RAILROAD . , Passage oiB-e Steamer* every day; Cork, Liverpool, Glasgow. Iterrv ; Drafts payable everywhere. O'UONoTAN IIOSSA'S Hotel, 183 Chatham square tOARfWIRB NT K A. H Mil I I'M. UTrEKLT STEAMERS FOR W BERMUDA ISLANDS. The elegant steamer * caN'IM 4,Captain Llddlcoat, will he despatched on Thnrsday, April 13. at 3 I*. M., from pier 12 North River, to be followed by steamship BERMUDA, Captain Angrove, April 20. For freight or passage apply to QUEBEC A Ul'LF PORTS STEAMSHIP CO.. 28 Broadway. PACIFIC MAIL STBAM8HIP LINE F'lR CALIFORNIA. JAPAN. t- INA. AUSTRALIA, NBW ZEALAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA. AC., AC. ?ailing from pier foot of Canal sL. Nerlk RIvwr. FOR SAN FRANCISCO VIA ISTHMUS OK PANAMA. Steamship ACArl'LGO connecting for an Central American and Bontb PaclBc FROM SAN FRANCISC'???? JAPAN AND CHINA. fromVa'n'francis* 6 jfoJJirfvniaJ rvnr rowVs RND. TACOMA. PORTLAND, Ar.. Aw, on the 10th and 23th of every m??th. IPor freight or COAST WINK STEAMSHIPS. PANAMA THAN "'IT STFaMBHIP CO<IPA]fYr TOR SAN KRANVItiOO. CAL-, AND PACIFIC PORTA VIA IMTI1MC6 ofr PANAMA. STEAMSHIP CRESCENT CITY WILL SAIL THURSDAY, APRIL 20. AT J P *. from pinr 13 North Hirer, tor Aspluwall, eoueeeting, via Piiiiiut Railroad, at Panama with first class ,t, .unships^ for ports as above. IV r freight or paaaage a|>^y LLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., No. 6 Rowling Oreen. HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL SsTLINK. " Kteatucn leave pier No. 3 North Rlrer at 3 P. M. KOK HAVANA DIRECT. F JO I CITY OK MERIl'it" ... I CITY op VEK.v ,'ttuv April IA |-Crrt OK NEW VORK e.'""1'*' April l.t via Havana' CITY OK >1KUuJa ""'peachy, Twins,, RR,| Tampico. CITY OF MEXICO Wednesday, April IJ, lor freight or'.passeee H,,ply to' Tuesday. May * Steamers wUl let^ New ft,?.0?8' ?' ",d P B"'?'lway. ' Vera Cms and all other ports. " P 1B *Ud M*' A hTlie>e"n,^,Ac^]", Vteam^hh,.DI MAIL LTnE.? WIL.MINOTON ,r ? or. CM EL'S .Tuesday, April Ift I or froiaht and passage V.'Vi'.,,:".;Thursday, April 27i tioiii, Apply to ' ** u'^uiptiseU accuiumuila .w.rte^ ? as*, in gold. I poinding slafe room^nd ?!! ' c*Lj11 P*"-' I "; to St. Johns. $3Y. n , Ha'ilaa ' MsT 'ftiia tSSA'tSi^t ?ok "new ohlbans dTrkTt. ? IHK CROMWELL LINB. a HCI.son' Captain'?! agar Oil Saturday, April I ,. ? a o'clock P. M Through bills rf"uS!" IsVr^J'- , ?" Ihe Mississippi lrive? and all nrincipdl Aon 'v Po"?*" **>< ""?"'ragefcid. *" " 'I. titl< A SEAMANV8U Wests, i bxas link for ualyeSton v -t ortTiiTayfthaiiffgLfis?? a^fcAf,u?5.i af w Mid Teas. Central Inufrnelhmat autfoe.s.'v "? """"oil veslon, Houston nnd Henderson and ll!i <7 t bttrg and San Antonio Railroads.' Fre ght, V""' ,,Brrl,w lowest rates. For freight or uss.sS.ti.* ''""Miiee at con,raodsiion-. apply to C II if a? ilr? u a- a?V. 'Wrior *'? lane, or W. P.JcCT6e'No."Bowleg* ?? ' M*W'tt ^TOROAN'S LINE of KTE AM SHIPS, ' wIM sail every *lVu*l7r ll'V"'l"? r'x": Irciiciit there to Mnri'MR'u r ? ?7pr'Mn,,t traneferrinff Texan ^?axw^rnr. rcwr&iss a I ? point''on' t'he'' la West 7i *" 11'Oslve.ton and to H o uston and 1 *x,i? Central I tVrn"r"* , S"" A"""'K' cm, Texan mid Pacific anil iViln.r.n.f s1? ''rent North-i to IndUnoU anil Sun \ntonio arili iff0, i # ra,lrof^s? ""J -Si ,vr: rivsa ^ - ??? llona'iy To |U,V"1 """? K,r or further Inform*-' CIl.VRLKS A. WHITNEY A t'O . Acenta. h'" 36 North River. ()N!'V",K,i;:ri,'-lx,': fO./LORIDA-WBEKl 5 LT^I V/ to Port Rojral, &. r ? IVrnniHlin . vi.. . h lV\k On.; sailing every Tlinraitaiv froi illr * A v i ??.Pl,njlwlck S Through liekets Isoted'to all p.V,""'!,,''Florida, 'o"' (P'7"1;' /"U.D DOMINION HTEAM8HIP covpam For Norfolk'ciiSte1 pi",r V, ?orth ' days ant! Satii'rda? a^'fp tf Klcllnin'"'. Tuesdays. Thitrs. and Tenneaaee Air Line Atlantic11'.^ "m"1'?,"'? ''I1"1* Line, Chesapeake and Ohio iLJleo^' J"' ' !cd,tt0IU Vir pony's steam llno." ln,l.X% m,^n*S^,:,7 "* c"? Virglnia. Notrhern and WaJiineton v r- Carolma with 1 '?M- ?j"**. accomniodatlons un?nrp.i,sji u,..?.,.s.; ?? J, v'av'sM^aaJ* ? TRAVELLERS' OCJlOK. ~ 311,1 t.AK CAT8KII.I, J.IN'l VI' THE CREEK steamer NKWCH AM I'lOV* fr '"'f r"'e'i.U"' '"flings' d?y and Halur.lay; ^.,uer' M^VvrV'si '"T4*^''P"* day and Friday. L^s * ? 3 P M-. Mo'"",)r' W?d?*? \ 1 '/.AN V -I'C'.i'I.E's LINE NrKAMIHMT'C I TAVR ( /,Tn^.E,Vsv.i',VK nteamboatb k,ii; troy andTl?.' f&rvsrs^'iizszstmit ss?sart v Ai'l' S',w? /gyyasc C3ALL KIVi.R LINE To HC.-.TON ~ " Iliver. foot of Mm r"v .t dall, s,.?V.~ ,,|er 2H ?>"rtU Thro?8h ,icke,. rouVt'.i?;^;^,^!*!-:';!''1' *?/ >? * ( FCRSTI.YMdkvi "('ATsl llar.l., rr^r^' I'tfemetUHte landings.-St,, a '1 I larder, Trom franklin st. (pier X'? To.s.u, t. . Z hatupla^; steamer Moni,,,,. Monday,'Xidnr,'lay ? . W,?f. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. AND l,v.55AT TRCNK LINE rrsln. iesve v.'w ^ r|TTyf^., M U'' ' ' TR ferries, as r?ltoW", *JT Vorlt' vl? ? ' Cortland" .t, Ki?rK,ri'i7 "?n-lebarg, Pittsburg th > V , with I ul I in nn pal ace cars attached. 3 3 t vt ,;. '. 1 "S \Vlllf,'"*P".r? H1"' 1,'ck Haven at I' r v j| -?ta d P. M. For Corrv a,?l Erie. S;'*J P. , ." . . ' ' ?*' JT r T'lnsville. I'elroleuin Centres ,?i' i' z, l^yiSyyfl'aS'riaS'.'v * ;..;vJ a :? ; i, ; ,? ten, Perth Ambor fTe^.Iaaton, Bel ,f, TeaJis I',?* "t1 ?' ?? tK'ket ? lrrir,a~.Kr'"" Pittsburg. 0 :.V> sn i ? V M %>? I MondaV Krom ;tK0:L? ?*" **' andTjt'l ' H daily, , i ? ..? es? V'ts ^ Washington and Haiti:,? <, y? t ?> . ttfr A'1?, MjI.toalT P. M. Sunday d -J , M , ^ I h.l'*d?lpk'.?. ?'la ? JO. UaVJ. 10:|\II n?A 11 t K >t 4.^1, ,)'1.V fi;|0 7 ?!<) fl-ii <| ?'*! ia.^T o u * dWjt6;10,?!J0. H-M. II Hi A . ^:W0UdOK.idlOSIJ Ticket offlcw, 020 and(>t? Broadway. No. I Astor lleesa and foot or Deebrrmses and Cortland, sts. ;Vo.4CoartT^ Brooklyn; Nos. 114. lis ,Bd |lH Hn,bo'n'.t ?r^VlV t' fl v i'Tmu^ So- 8 lattery place. ' f RANK TIIOMsON, H u. BOYD Jr Mauairer, Oenersl Passenger Agent. PHILADELPHIA, VIA LONO BRANCH AND THE ???ft.**-'?'.".'* ".'"thofn Rallroed -Fore from New York l ean Ci-'v k?? 3 ?g1aS.-r?">'"??W:ttf March 13. 1ST6. Leave New \?rk from Pier H. Noith Riser foot of Rector Hive'r a. a p" m"/wW*.df'C'1'*' '''"''an'1 and Tome ! " ' At 4 C. M. for Philadelphia. Taekerton and Tome WlT,r' w. R SXEHKN, ,irneral .Manager. QTONINOTON LINK Ft)R BOSTON. "" ^ K??liiction of K?ri?. and NARRAHANrtETT. from pier 33 No, th River, foot ol .lay el., et J P. M. r . , Providence Line, KI UOHMT^ ?? LVNOLI.dll AtiE.Vi'IKS ?TO BANKERS, INSlRAM'tf 1J rmnpiirifffi, Hnatiriul n^#nfii gnil mi??????!? l?? hm>a ?* {war. of the city lh? Hank ?f Kui:l?iif|>, iipv and ?n?vit d(*Mir?l?|?* HuilnRM Premises especially valuable to any tt?derlak?no great nublletty. central ,l?,?,i?n and wankdlou, ofcceJart1 tt.'l'eindon, Engfamf* " C,,A""8 Till HE, 4.' LomUrA pLORENt K, ITALtT ? A. CUARDt'i'fl & CO. Baakera. No. o Via del (iiglio. ' 'Inte.T i i'B%%Ta A. R dimension and height for pumping ont tn'tnes and uusrrlee"; Nautical I'umps for dry bold repairing. Brewery and Paper Mill Pumps, VarnaiK and Oat Pressure Pumps Prices, free Antwerp, packing Inetwded :?7M gallons per minute,?**; 157 gallons, tee*.; J.ltm gallons, 5>(X., direct acting pumps. ihHids sent within a week after receipt of order. These pumps may be seen In action si the Philadelphia Exhibition. For Information, orders, permits to make, ad dress I,. MORE A I', fhaussee d'Aavers. Bruttlles, Belgium, or Ins agent In Philadelphia _____ ___ Til K BALL KKAMO*. SaL1,T)P Tk?* ' "" ?? I" Academy of Music, April 23. Boxes aad tickets may he l,ad on apnliration at Chicker Ing Hall from 2 to ?"> n'cloeb daily. " AliBICAL^ AyHTliK.Vri.EU AN II, A, ABI1.I1Y Ad Solo and chnreh ortrani <1. ond at eomluctor of quartet and chorus choirs, who has ',?! 1 (be position of organ is! and choir master In a prominr nt Episcopal church for a number of years, desires an engeyemenl from May I; can furnish singers If desired Address OKU ANIdT, care Messrs. John F dtratt, n A Co.. Nn. .W Maiden 'ane. where the advertiser may be teen Wedneeday and rn.ley. from 2 to 3 P. M. An experienced oroanict dibirR" a posi. tlon la a churcli. New York or Hrooltlyn. Addreep OKU AN 1ST. Uix imt Herald I |3-a i |!i ?.?.!? oPi-e. AUKNTLKMAN OF HERAT EXPERIENCE GIVRH Instruction on Pianoforte. Organ. Harp and Har mony at pupil's residence: $10 quarter: reference. Ad dress, with reference. TP, \ C11 ER, bo* 123 Herald CptowB Branch office. Accltiyatbd ladt. an rxperibnckd and aocomplislied teacher, zivea pianoforte and singing Itetone, f 10 per ouaitrr: highest rc fere nee. Address, with residence, CH A.NTKI'dK. box IX, Herald odloe. A RATA PA RAVALLI. TENOR hINllRH FRON 1TAI., Ixn Opera, teaches piano and sinning for (It) per O'taiUr., 11? West/??>-?l. sear ttlb a v. Puoll's residence S13 oar onsrtea