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CITY REAL E WATis. Em IALK. C entr^T. AOHBAP HOUSE FOR SALE I!* 45TH ST , NEAR Usil|tm us., frescoed, flo.UJO, t?M it., mew, $17,000. Gibers Crum "" > to $l2.t>*l. UKKtioK ,t MILLER. 3d as., corner 50th et. POR SALE AT A DECIDED BAKU A IN?A FOUR ?oory brown stone 2U f -ot IIoum, near Central Park; uusl be fcSd. Also oae on 45th it . near Lexington price f 15.000, r. CRAWFORD. U53 ltd t The greatest sacrifice ykt offered?on 5th av , lift-foot Mansion. built withont regard to coet fsr owner'* residence; price only ?Hk.i.OOOk F. CRAW FORD, ?>53 3d e?. TWO CENTRALLY LOCATED FUKN18HED IIOl SRS for aate. leaee or exchange. Partlculare from owner, SO West 31st et. CTH AV.. SM.OOtt?ONLY $5,0?J CASH WILL BUT A O besntitui medium lire Hours mi the avstiuo, near 4oth at.; 32x41x51. luquir* at No. 3 Kul 45tb et. CTII AV.?FOB SALE, A VERY KINK FOUR STORY ?J high stoop brown itoue Hotter, on -th av.. between _<tb and 34lU >te. K. H. Ll'l>LoW, No. 3 Fiue et. Kail Nitlr. IN AST SIDE PROPERTY FOR SALE CHEAP?ON AC U count of heirs ?A five story doable rewaiel llouio in tue 11 t.'i ward. Particular* ol 0. L. V.ATH, 31 Frankfurt st "L'OR SALE?THUth Sl'OKV AND 11ARKMBMT BROWN J? utone Mouse. 11 room*, three minute*' walk trout Cen tral Park. Inquire at 131 F.aet 78th st. OK SALE?OIlOICS BUILDING LOTS. 10DX100, ON n. a 53d at., between Lexington and 4th ivi; alio, 100x?>, g. e. corner52d ?t- ?nd 1th a*.; also DjxKsi tevt on n a 53d -a, between Lexington aud 4th in.; terms to *uit; oilers from reeponaibl*bulkier* only entertained; no broken. Addien PKINt I PAL, box 4,388 Poet office. froR HALE?ON THE EAST HIDE, A SMALL FRAME J Cottage Home and two Lota; the second lot lias stable mom for two hone*, wagon room ?nd hay lotthome ha* 7 rooms; nutation UO loot I'miu Eastern Boulevard; wilt bo *.| d eorip lor. ash, or might be exefaangad. Address EAST SIDE, box 2.IO Herald office. P..) - * 111 WILL SECURE A*BBOWN STONE HIOH ?? ? ati.op House, nulxhcd in tho best manner for i famllla*: ranges, bat in* and a ater closets to suit; neigh 1. rbood good: loinse l-*x51, with all improvement.; pos session May 1, price JiO.OOu. Inquire at iftJU East H2d st., lu utllce. VERY CHEAP HOUSE FOR SALE?ON WEST A Tsih It. thi.e Story high "'?? order; only SIU.UUJ; best lbj^MKS AWARDS. IDS Wert 23d *t A BARGAIN.?FOR SALE, TO CLOSE AN ESTATE, 3Y ti.e House and Lot No. 3D Wen 1Mb it . n ir 5th av.; 1 ain bouse, lot 25x80; a low otter will be necetned. .1 A M ES R EDWARDS, ItiS West 33d ?t. -?>D ST.?FOR SALE. A NICELY FURNISHED Til RKK t'_> story high Stoop browu ..tone House, In . excellent order, tree of encumbrances, OS nortb aide of o3d at., be tween Broadway and stb r.v L. I! LUDLOW A t'O.. No. 3 Pine it. Ilitit FOR A TWO STORY BRICK STABLE. Vlo.l/V'u in V, est 5(ith el . 35x116. lot 25x100, i ________ , or will rent, coin pie ted July I. J. R. 1IAY, 067 Ulb av., or C. T. UaU.YEY, -.2 Broadway. Norlli SI?Is?. BKLOW COST?a FIRST CLASS COTTAGE; ON easy terms. A;>uly to JAMES L. PAUSllAEL, Mor risauia, New York. iiitOOKLY.Y PKDPEllTY Ft >11 HALE AND TO LET. 5'OK SALE?A I A'-LOWTRtCE, OR TO ?eT At A moderate rent, the three story brown stone front Hoote No. l .'n Greene sv , lirooklyn, in good order aud having all improvement. Inquire on the premises. rpo LLT-I O! it story FURNISHED llOUSB TO prii lie fumll/l Thirteenth ward, Vt llllaratburn : owners w ill boar i oulirv reut. Address N. DAVIS, 37 Peek slip. New York. YJiriLL BE SOLD AT A POSITIVE HA KG A IN?THREE ST story Pliiliulelpliia brick 1 !<iu.,e, 20x4.>xlU0; all 1m |novemenis. 38, Pacilic sL, Brooklyn, _ AY UkTCHEKrEH COUNTY l'llOPEllTY FOR SALE AND TO RENT. T 'it'YK-Tti E uHsfiIKNOK of "tSB 1.A I t i. KtHit 111 A1 H. Jackson, ou Long UUutl hound, two Dwell hi t?*, with separate t?arn*, ir*rdei?8, Ac , attm-hed; charming loca tion, extremely healthy, fine harbor for yachts. j:ood ftoMtig, bathiu/, tic,, within an hour of tho city, I'hotom?apti* ma\ l?" .-e??n at-UEOKtiK H. JAl'KSO.N'S HONS, 'JUi Centre at A I FIRST CLASS ilol'Sh. 15 ROOMS; ABOUT THREE ots, river liank, Yonkers, tor sale. THOMAS II. COLLINS. Depot, Yonkers. A T YON KICKS?A NI MBKB OK HOUSES TO LET, lurnislied or unfurnished; nlvo tor valo r exchange YoU.M VN8, Agent. Yonkers. N. Y. * T fABKYTOtFM?TO LET, HANDSOMELY FOB UY nlsiiv.i Cottages, Houses and elsgnnt Residences, for season or year. EM BERSON, 659 Oth st. Y>m?TO . LET. DESIRABLE COTTAGE ;-CONVEN iout to depot; nine rooms; one acre land. DAVENPORT, 1*1 Rrondwsy. JERSEY CITY, HOBOKKN, IICD80N CITY Y.\D BERGEN It Id A L ESTATE. To l.ef or Lessr. ?? STORY AND BASEMENT BRICK HOUSES, 12 ?> r mrus, perfect order, pood locality, for ; all Houses, 8 sud 1" rooms, for $400. Apply toCKEVIEK JIROS , 21 Nvwurk St.. Hohokcn. PROPERTY OUT OF TIIIC U1TY FOR palp: OR ro RENT. \ . FURNISHED' IN PitI'LADELpSIa?12 U\. rooms, all modern cofiTenlencia, centrally located, on Loutc oi cars to Ontenniul ^rroundn; use of china, linen, Ac.; from June 1 to October I. r or*further particulars apply at > . Ill Hrottdwity room 68, New York; or addrost box 1,644 Philadelphia l*o?t ollice. AT PLAlNKtKLO.?A FULLY KUHN18UKD UOTTAdK having 11 rooms (5 bedrooms), bnthrootu and moderu convenience; elftfclt; two acrcf, well shaded and trailed; liurnes and c?*w if Uesirod ; tor rent until November. Ad UrtfBB box -,MU New Yotk Post oQice. A?ELKOANT RESIDKNUE; STATE N ISLAND; ? all improvements; si\ acres, beautifully laid out; j'orter's lodge; cost |18,OjO; terine easy to close est ate. D.VKKI.N, AD Joroad at. AFAK.M OF 60 ACKKS AT SUMMIT, N. J.? Meadow. paDLiratre and plough laud in a high state ol* cultivation; dwelling, 8 roo in ?, oli in good order? outbuild ing* large, in thoriMi^h repair, been recently painted-; been Used tor a number of years mh h dairy farm ; near depot; to rent at a n> ramal price or ?old at a low figure. Applv at office of ARTHUR DEVINK. 17H Market at., Newark, N. ,f. F I A RGB BAKERY ON PAVO.VIA AV., WITH ill J tores, v-txblished 8 ycsri; two otsns and basements. Pno it and for ir* rreatn, sol* water aud faner coalev tionery, trrni rsa-uinabte ; dwelling if required: precision Immediately. Inquire at 177 Pavunta ?*., Jereav City. V" I AGAR A FALL8 Horn. PltOFKRTV ?A RAKE J.1 opportunity; one of tbe moat dr-iralile llotrl Proper ties lu Wntem .N, w York It new uffere i for short or long hue; it cmi i>e <-nisri-<-d to aero im - late any desirable li.imbrr. Addrrii OwB Ell, box l,"7tt rant otire. New York. ORANGE. N J.?-PKCIALTY.?FOR RENT. SEVERAL bandeotae Places, fully fnmiihnR, season and year; ?lew urlurulebrd; r x.. .lent locations, Apply 10 11 A M I L T.iN A W.vLLIS, :#! I'lne et. THE FLORENCE IHrTKL FOR 8AI.K -IN KLOKh N't K, N. .1 . on t'.ie river Delaware, 20 miles from Philadel nhia. large brick hotel, three vt. riee and baistent, 3t) bed Snoms; two ??eanib,.at Ian llnvs belonging to the property ' ig; nli" . ? xcelloat fishing, batbing ami gunning; aim good .tabling, WILLIAM MOORK. Proprietor. rno LET-COUNTRY PLACE ON BRIE RAILROAD JL 4ft minutei from rity; hones 12 rootae, completely fur nishrd: all mnnern Imprortaents: lawn, garden and private eraser front on Fa.taic River; every advantage for boating. Re.; rent modern**. J. F. SATTKRTH WAITS. 10 Ptae et. fJIQ RENT-FIVE MINUTES' WALE FROM If OBOE US Rood r#iiar! hot 'and *c * I d" w',' u r''Vi*** "xinte; ?rooade ?hree acree^ contain fruit f?liPxrl!.*,,y c?riw'?d; Teek. or to TUomab LOCKYER. Uobokua, R. i. AT CLOiiTKK, N. J ?ON NORTHERN RAILROAD, m> ix'ur(r"ra New Torlt. new Holier. 14 roottiA lot I j 'x't 0; tlirec miaulea from depot; low rent. J. U. STEPHENS, floater, N. J. C'OUNTRY" HOUSES IN ALL LOCATIONS AND OF ) all descriptions, lbrnllhed and nntnrni.l^-rt, to rent. JtillN S. tVt F..S.JU Naseau st., room 17. N. U.?Housee vi anted "L'OK SALE?AT ARLINGTON, ON THE M0NTCLA1B C Railway, aaversl Cot-age, and de.-irable Lets. Also, tor rant, three new Stolen, with DwetliuK Apartments above; beat hn-'ati' U in town Apply at the ARLINGTON 1IOMK M'F.AD ASSOCIATION, 1>< Broadway, 2, or to S. 8. W ILLIAMSOS, Arlington, N. J. I30R SALE OR TO LF:T.-$6.0o>.-AT l. AST ORANOK N ??., a Cottage cmttsinlni. 8 room. ai,U basement; lot T5xl50fliet; kouar nearly new; part, balance lu three j-.iri; .r will !>.( rented to good party cheap. Address box ol Post office, Paterson, N. J. AOR RENT?IN PHILADELPHIA. A VERY DK8IR abl* toitntrv place, containing R> acres, with abun dance ut Irait. Situated 5 miles out. on the Second street turn pike, uear Tabor itatiua, oa th? North l'ei:ii*>li ania U?i|. r. ?d: bnn.e has 13 rooms, heater, range, bath, bet and r dd water, Ac.; direct coiuiutiuirathm with the Ci-ntennial buildings by steam ear*. Address J. M. tSI'MMhY A oO.NS. 'i -ti Wglnui ,t . Phiiadcluhia; ?r 8 M. PETTENUlLL, 37 l'ark raw, N. Y V' ilMALl O : *8V TEBM8? BUILDING RITRB 1ND r Water I>nuts tor rae??rl??, on Steinway k Son.'prop. ertr. Astoria; also Lot. from $? 8>tu$?"**> and flui.bed franto and brick from $3,tos.i upwarn, alio Dwelling Hi use* and Part* ol Homes to let. Stcluway k Hon.' sawmill, iron fuiindrtss. metal and wood earrinr works, connected l>) pri vate telegraph, per rable ncro*. the hast llivet, with their New York faetm-y, Vtd st an i 4th sr., and Btelnway Hall, !4thsb: also W. Williams' veneer factory and M. Walah's lial. cap and bonnet works are In >till operation. Steinwat's large inauo factory will he removed to the premise*, a. at-o other large Industrial establishments; water trom the Long Island City Works haalu.t been introduced and an excellent Engli.h-iiermsn -ebnoj opened: tlie new horse railroad from Astoria fsrry leads directly to the Steinway property, a dis tance of but' 1miles, bond lor circular, with description and tnsps of property. ST EI N W AY k SONS. 14th st.. New York. Volt SALE?"THE .MAWMOTH CAVE" OF KI N I tueky. tbe entire Property, consisting of the celebrated tare itself, with 2,ODD acres oi land; the largo ho'.ol and c ?tnge-. all furnished. Full partlenlsr* of sole agents, Oi.DLN k CLARK, Broadway aad 17th st. I JOB S.U.K OK TO LET?30 ACRE FARM. 3 Mil K 1 from :?hh ??., suitable for gardeners, milkiu*nrpa>tur lug ir speculator*. 1.W Bowsry. f'ORTt MINUTES FROM CITY?FINE HOUSE. BARS, large garden, luwti. good Iruit; location pleasant and healthy. WILLIAM f. DAY, 199 WossMr st HOTRL-Rl'TIIi.KFURD PARK. 35 MINUTES FROM New 5" >rk, :to rn nns) new anil oouplcts, for rent or ?ale. R. K STEWART. 81 Cedar st RfU.vr BE SOLD BEA1 Tin L COUNTRY SEAT .Dl and Farm ot 2B acres on "North Pennsylvatlis IUII road ;" 10 minutes' walk fr -m station ; 35 minutes to 1'hila delphia and Centennial buildings, 22 trains; location un rurpa..ed for lieauty and health; lar^e modern slon# man ?ion. 13 line r unit , spring water la kitchen, piatsa In trout and back of house; grounds aionnd house beautifully adorned with choice plants, shrubbery, shsde and orna Mental trees; tenant ionise, .tables. Icehouse, poultry and wood house.. Ac.; Abui.daur* choice frnit; beautiiul stream water, bathing and flslniig, 7 acres splendid woodland; a lovely spot f..r limner boarder.; price, lor lu data, ouiy $>i.5Ut); cash $3."balance ea.v; possvswion any time; tike'.' A. M train from loot ol Liberty St., New York, to Bethlehem. Pa., there take North Pennsylvania Railroad to North Wales: arrive at I 3<i P. M ; tan return sant* day. Inquire at Lakca's Hotel for Mr. WALKER; carriage wait. Ing. ? . ' fO LET-ALL THAT DESIRABLE HOTRL PlttiP etlv Net. 16 and 1" South Broad -? . second door above Chestnut ?t . Phil tdelphia, known as the ('Intra House; It t, centrallv located, in the immediate vicinity of the new ?ubllc httild ngv and is to be rented by re??. n of Hit death ?,r tlie lste proprietor. Apply to tlie PENNSTLA'ANlA COMPANY I tiR INSURANCE ON LIVES. Ac., 4..1 I bc.t tint St.. PhlladeiphiA TO LKT-NKATLY FURM3HKD ROOMS. RCTTABLR for you' g msn nnploved at the Cratetinial IDtposlllon In PhllaitlpbfA Apply (hv letter) to Mrs. R, 3.226 Wood land si.. West Philadelphia. PROPERTY OUT OV THE CITY FOR SILK OR TO RKMT. MARV L AND FaSms f^Sk h.vCSb MTWlL I HM it. RIDUKLY, Oreensbomusli. Md Son CvSll, BALANCE TO HI IT. WILL III* Ip j?)U Cmnp nearly n??t. fntl lot. trio* lomfim. in Elisabeth port. N. ?' '? price $1, (100; also nice House. *? veil nmiDL lull lot, grspo vines, Ac., convenient to depot, at 93,500. K. K. khl LOGO, No 3 Broadway, mornings; 147 3d st.. Ehsabethport, afternoon*. J. ( ?)1W\ ?COUNTRY HllHE AMD BUSINESS, 23 ?*XiO"U? mile* in Jersey;_rar*_chance ; no cotnpeU th>n : good buildings. K. BOOK1IOUT, Engraver, 55 Lib erty at., coitier Nassau. It K A Is KMTATK TO KXCll AKOR. A FA RM MlfcXCIIANGK imiA 1IAKKUY.i.I!im kiiy or a Liquor Business. Apply to UAVIb HIMPSUH. 73 N sasan st. v Am ?FOR SALE OB EXCHANGE, .A BEAUTIFUL ? Country Kesldonce. one hour in New Jersey ftom Co rt lan,It st.; handsome iiouae and gardener's cottage; 10 acres; abundance of fruit, shad* and ornamental trees; uever failing brook: house supplied with water Iroui spring; view from house unsurpassed; perfectly healthy and no mosquitoes; location sheltered Iroui cold winds by inouutaln. T. S. SHEPHERD. 181 Broadwny. (COUNTRY RESIDENCE, FURNISHED ULRAR, AND J $lo,<s>0 merchandise fur a lirst class House or Tene ments. JOEAliEMOR. 1JJ87 Broadway, 11 ABM WANTED -TO BZCHANOK l'N KNCU m Hl'KKD Uoueo in Ninth ward, value $ri,?Hlaod $3.1*si cash, for Kami on Long Island, with shore Iront. Address W. T. J., box 870 Boat office. FOR SALE OR EXUIIANOK FOB UNENCUMBERED Westchester county I'roperty House aud Lot. 03 West ltrondwar. Apply to AMI1BR8T WIGHT, Jr., 119 Broad war. or CHRISTIAN WKNKBNBACH, Port Chester, N, Y. TJllB SALE Oil 'SiVw'jwlir; modern H ?* wa-r.lmhle isft hennery, on. acre, choice fruit, shrubbery and^awti.^ rr()T?KRSi 180 Broadway. THE MOST DESIItABLK AND EXTENSIVE RKHI dence, situated 111 the very heart of New llaven, for m h.iuge on exceedingly favorable terms and piiie; It, aores ofground, tine barn, hennery, gardener's house, graperies, Ac. Address I*. B. C , owner, Astor Huitse, N. Y. IIKAIj ESTATE WASTED, tPARM WANTED-IN~M*ASSA('ilU5KTrS; osnm r of Itoston and Albanv Itailrnail nrclerred. and noar vil lage; cash buyer. ROlIKltT S. BUSSING, :XH Montague St.. Brooklyn. 1(1 l,ET FOR III SINISSB *?I RPOMKB. 1 BENNETT BUILDING. . ) _ Klrc Proof. located on Nassau, Arm and Fulton ats. First Floor ill let. suitable lor bankers, Insurance oflicesor lawyers. Will l.e lei together or In parts; he altered to suit tenants It desired; adapted for olfloes or stores. liens,in able rents. Also soiuo eligible Law Offices to let. APPLY ON THE PREMISES. Tuke the Elevator. Inquire for Janitor. ' I ?TO LET, THE FOUR STORY BUILDING 421 J\* East 13th st , suitable lor piano or furniture mnnu l.utorv, lighted on all sides; slse 35x100. J.C.BAILEY, 50 East 4tb St., near Bowery. t ?TO LET Olt LEASE, TI1K FIVE. STORY NEW J V ? Building 325 East 98th st., n<-ar 3d nv.; lighted on all aides, suitable for any mechanical hnainess. wiili power if wanted; sixe 4-x75. J. 0. BAlLKY, (.0 East 4th St., near Bowery. A-TO LET, FOUR FLOOR8, OCCUPIRD BY ? Lynch ,Y tiomlen. as piano wnreronms, for years; salt sble for storage, mannlaeinrlng, busine-s Also Ktoie adjoining corner 3.5th st. and Broadway. GEO. Mc O0VEUN. A ROOM 5UXU0 (WILL KE DIVIDED), ON SECOND floor. and a Itoom 90x100, ground floor (a good place tor msoMnlsla. plenty work on same block), to let cucap, with ste.iin power. 340 7th nv., corner 3nth st. Y SM ALL STORK TO LKT, ASM) RESTAURANT; KK il tahlisbcd twenty years. 302 William St., Frankfort House. A FINK CORNER STORE wrril BASEMENT, AND extra good inside Store; good location for any busi ness; low rent tn u good truant. J. K. 11AY, 6th av., or C f. HARNEY, S3 Broadway. A FINE LOCATION FOR DRUGGIST OK OTHER JV has.ncss, northwest corner loth st. and 1st av.; store and dwelling; lease will be given on favorable terms. \\ II. FALCONER A SON, 1U04th uv , near 13lh st. A LARGE FLOOR TO LI T?FOR BUSINESS OR manufacturing; rent low. Also large Furnished Cot I. ge, long Branch; terms reasonable. Inquire at 360 Bowery. Anew sture and good cellar to i.kt, with apartments above, toother or separately; posses sion immediately. Apply on the premises, 54 University place, between ilth and I2lh ats. BROADWAY LOFTS TO LET-NEAR GRAND ST.; also Store on Walker St.. near Broadway; splendid lo cation for any business; reasonable rents. K. A. CUU1KBHANK A CO., 05 Broadway. Broadway stork and basement (Corner or Wnveiley place) to let.?Also sonic Lofts, at rents to suit the times. K. A. CKU1KSIIANK A Co., 68 Broadway. /11IE VP LOIT8 TO LET?ON FULTON' ST.. NKAli \J ferrv; re"t, *300; other* on Corilandt St., Broadway, 4thav.,Ac. E. A. CilUlKS1IANK A CO.,68 Broadway. TTUGHTH AVENUE STORE TO LET-NEAR THE I a (irand Opera House; suitable for a tinsmith, plumber shop, tmiter and cheese or any other business requir leg much room; small rent, $i>0 per month. Auply te JACOB AI'PELL, corner of cat It av. and 23d St. ITHJB BUSINESS PURPOSES?THE LARGE HOUSE I No. 57 Bcockerst., at a low rent, for a term of years. Apply on premises or at 230 Pearl st. ITtOR MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS?TO LET, part of office. Inquire of JAMES SOtlLlUSSKR, 11 Maiden lane. Tight rooms, with steam power, to let? 3 lis; West 37th st., eo corner Broadway. Inquire of O. HKAKDSLKY. ONE OK TWO LIGHT LOFTS FOR MANUFACTUR ing to let cheap at 185 Spring st. Apply at 305 Broome st. OFFICE TO RKN'T?JOT I ST., COMMUNICATING with Slurtevant House; suitable for a physician, lu \ quire at hotel oltico. QTEAM POWKB.?STORKS, LOFTS AND BASEMENTS O to let, with steam power. In Ann, Fulton, Dev and Frankfort at* 'I he NEW YORK. STEAM POWER COM PANY', No. 58 Aim st. OKOOND LOFT, 538 BROADWAY; 116X35; .KENT O 91,900. Apply to J * " "" J. LACY, third loft. STEAM POWER.?STOKES, LOFTS AND BASEMENTS to let. with Steam Power, in Ann, Fulton, Hey and Frankfort Six. THE NEW YORK STEAM POWER COM PANY, No. 58 Ann st The spacious building no. ass uth av., me" tween 23 I mid 24th sts . f >ur stories high, tkl tret deep, specially divided lor hotel purposes, hut suitable tor any large business. Apply to A. SOUBIROUS, 364 6th av. IRtt LET?AT PANIC PRICE, STORK NO. 148 WOOS X ter st.,between Prince and Houston; 24xtlO. Inquire of JAMES COCKCROFT, 71 Nassau st. f]H) LET?BUILDING 3H ANN ST., ALTERED TO X suit tenants. Apply to janitor Bennett Building, Ann, Nassau aud Fulton sts. mo LET?NOS. Ill AND 113 EAST 13TH 8T.t ROW occiuded by t'urley as a carriage factory; also Lofts In rear aud Second Fluor of 114 East 14th St., suitable for an office or showroom. Inquire of F. UROTK A CO., 114 Bust 14th St., between 3d anil 4th av*. TO LET-A LARUE CORNER STORE. CORNER RUT. gcrs and Msili.on st*., suitable for grocery or drug bull* ness. Apply to KEUIUUAN, 300 Madisou st. mo LKT?A WHOLE BUILDING OR IN LOFTS. WITH 1 *r without I' ,.?rr; elevator; steam heated. Apply st 413 and 4!5.Kast 23th >L rpo l.KT?Til K KK -TAP II ANT, ll.MUIKK SHOP, ('HI All .1 HI and ami Hod* Water Fountain In the Franklin Hotel, ? lli and Poplar Ma., two blocks from main entrauco to Ex hibition; wp irat. ly or together. Add real II., No. 80 6outk -I at.. Philadelphia. T~ 0 l.KT?Til li STOKE A.NU BA8F.MKKT 8S3 8TH AV., occupied for llie la-t ten yean hi a pentirmeu'a fiirntaU iii?irm.da. Apply to KDWA&D TIMPSON, 000Blh a*. r'po lkt?foIk story buildino. 75x100, noh. bit, 1 SIB and *>21 Weat 32d at., suitable for manufacturing or storage. In -eparate floon If desired, with or without steam power; rent low. HALThK A liKVY.UBSSih ar. 110 Ut-WlTk HTpil I'M I TORY; 8Tt.tR K B HI A) SF|; two alorr brink llnuao in rear, on Broadway, near 12th st . W illism-l.tirg; 0ox40; tent fl.tAH). 21b (tooth Uth at., ltro-klyn, K. T>. T0~ l.KT?A I' 38 BI.KRCKKR ST.. NBAS BROAD way, a tares, well lglited Store, with show window. In quire ou premise#. fpo l.KT-WIIOl.K Rl'ILDINQ NO. SIK) 6TII AY.; X IHUWi deep on u store flo r; fine location for any busi ness. Ittquire ot A. sol ItiKOl'S, 2W4 titli ae. 1"l0 LBT?8TOKK AMI I1ASKMK.N I 2tTKKKT~?TTrO?T by 7.'i leet deep, .No. J'.rd tith ar.; in pi od order; desira ble for any retail buaineaa; rent roaaouable. Inquire of A. SOI BIKOtra, 2M ttth ar r|H) l.KT?"a~ I.AlttiK CORNER BASRMBNT, BUIIsf X purposely for a laundry, with all Improvement#. In quire of S. MilSTONK, ?M Oth ae. f Pu 1.1."AS K-i IKHIK AH 1. l.~STO KK NO. 06 BOMfBKY X with basement; eiae about 23x100; at roduced rent, A; ply to HOKAt'K 8 KLY. No. 22 Pine ?t. Inri storks (tisi umTSs oii smalm, with plate gla?. windows, situate on weat aide 3d av,. between S.'th and :<stli ata.; posaesaion May I. Apple to MATTHKW BYKNKs, Id Fast 33d at. f'.Nin.N syl'A K K ?TO LET, THK FIRST CLASH 1 Building No. M F.aat 17tl? at , with or witnout Htable In rear: thla building haa a One Irontngn of 44 leet. It well lighted and in eeery reaped one of the mod desirable loca tion* In the city; terua rea-oaahle to a good tenant. Apple to T. K. LYON, at Arnold, Cunatable A Ob.'a, IPth at aud Br-iadway. WHOI.K OB PA RT or 8TOBK ANH BAHKMRNT 1 TO Mth ar to let, with atock of Stationery or without; rent $?'?<? to ?K'O. 6~ AND 7 CIl AfllAM BQl'AM, CORNER KAST Hr <adwaj. fronting Catharine at , to lease ; alto Build ing I >2 Jtontb at. OTlf AV7. BKltVKKN .WD AND 34TH 4TCL?SRVKRAL O line Stores to let, at redurnd rents. Apply to J. KO M AINK It lllltt N, So. 1.2-hi Broadway. Ot I'NlTiN i2f25p.?rifit riooIs MIITilLl OvJ tor any buaineaa; t'a?ea. Fixture! and t'arpeta tor tale , an excellent opportnatty lor a party desiring to slip Into a to M ? lax millinery business. Apply on the pramtati. ~ Hit RI.I.IMI not 4RS TO J.K1 J Futuleliei. t Fl'RNlAOKI) HOL8K TO l.KT ON f>TH AY ABOVE JV I4tli el ; haa Dp rooms, folly .ure.sbed for a flrtt clam hoarding holier ; wni lat to reapon ll ie parties thai ran sirs security or bne tlie tin niitire. Ad Ircaa D. US., station D. A THREE STORY "ATTIC uYhH BTOOr BRICK. 2V within three blcekt of Cnlou square ; bouse and Ifctut lure la perfect oroer, occupied ii? owner. *. II I'AI.OUNKR, too 4th av., near 12th it. a 5 tuwMifittai ikolg mini WMTR 2 V rent, frnni-tnd; an owner's reads ar-: la complete, handwimelT lurnta.'o-d and eery de.irahle; will be rented at So.ttXl to a responsible party one Mi u at. JAHus & ROW \RDR. _ Itet Wot 23d ft. N KLKUANTI.V FlRMftllRD BROWN STONE POl'R , story high stoop; lint class order; furnltura nearly new . cheapest liooae in the city ; Una French t.rnase time piece, library, Ac . situated on fin d block in la-xlngton av t No. 342. beta ecu 3Uth auil 4Mh ats.; tent $230. ioaa to Arst t an parties A~" BARGAIN.?TO RENT, ON WEST BSD ST., FI B nlahed. a lire story hruwn atone English basement far only ftdupnr month. JAMBS R. RITW tUDS. 10B Weat 2nd at. PX RKNT?FROM 1ST OF MAY, FORFOIR OR~MX r months, a corner House, near Gram# ray Park, elegant ly furnished throughout; only responsible parties need ap ply. Address box 3,444 Vest office. 1 pMR IK D~A N D "Tn re KM 8IIK D HOC 1 locations; rpducpd rente,city andconntry. A. OAliabX. ffihl Oth a* AJ DWKLLMO 1IOUSHS TO LET. ' KurRiilktSr P LET-FURNISHED, TO A PRIVATE FAWILT only, the first class three atory and basement brown lit one llou.e So. Ill Eaet 7(>tli it., only una block from Moo [son ivenai can; b??u?e U oewtv painted and in good order. Inquire ol the owner. 1'UOMASJIILLri, on the premie?. T~" d TKT~Kl KN.bHRD, AT^ LOW RENT. FOB 8IX mm tin or longer, the three etnry high atoop browu atone llou.e No. 122 58th at , near 4th ay.; order perfect; neighborhood Brat claaa; summer house In yard. TOLET-A HANDSOME AND OOMPLKTBLT FUR niahed four atoijr high ?toop brown *tone corner House, for si a mouths or longer; rant wilt be low to a desirable party. Apply on the premises, 135 Kasl 3i>tli ei.f coiner of laexingtou ar. rilu LKT, KUHNI8HKD OK_ I NFURNISHHD?11IB _ three story high stoop brick House, brown stone trun njinge, No. 9 Hank st.; 14 rooms; nil improvements; terms moderate. Apply to A. SOUBIKOU8. 204 0th nv. A <7TU ST.. BETWEEN OTH AV. AND 8ROADWAY.? Tl A lira! claae three atorjr medium else llou.e to let. completely and handsomely furnished; nut low. B. W. WILLIAMS, 837 Utb ar. I'M uru lull eat. A T REDUCED RENT TO GOOD TENANTS:? /V Eaat 50?h at.. near 5th a v.. 8 ?. b. h. a......... ,-May 1 Weet 2 t(1 at., oppoalte Loudon terrace, 4 a. b. e. b. a.. May 1 University placo, corner Uth at., 4 s. o. h. a ..May 1 East 5Mb at., near Lexington ?v.. 3 x h. a. b. a May 1 Apply to owner. JOIIN A. IIADDEN, 46 West 20tb st, "T FOUR STORY HIGH STOOP 28 FOOT HOUSE; IS A rooma; 23<1 .a, near 7th ar. t nnt $2,700; laat year it was $2, Ilk). Owner, 835 Broadway, room 2. Irom 12 till 3. ^T NO. 8 W EST 28TH ST., FOUR STORY BROWN atone English buaement Houae, tor private residence or business purposes. Apply at reatdeuce ol owner, 101 wa verley place. TIIKKK STORY HOUSE TO LET. FADING WASH 1 net on square, eouthweet corner of Waverley |dacr. ?REDUCED RENTS?WE SHALL OFFER OCR liousea at low rates from this. Monday, morning. James a Elm Alios. 108 West 23d St. Avery nice kouk story English bkskment House, to rent, on West 22d at.; brown atono; only $1,0001J.a good tenant. JAMES R. EDWARDS, 108 West 23d st A LARGE AND FULLY FURNISHED HOUSE ON A. Weet 34th st. to rent; brown .ton*, tour stories; this house should bring $8,000, but, to secure a responsible tenant, will be rented lor $175 per month. JAMES K. EDWAUD8, 106 Weet 23d st NUMBER OF FIRST CLASS HOUSES TO LET IN choice locations. B. W, WILLIAMS, 837 Gth ar. A-3JD ST., NEAR 6TH AV.. THREE STORY 111011 ? stoop, #1,300; 84th st, central, brown stone, $1,400; 4oth at, East, handsome brown stone, $l.UOt; others. ECOLKHTON A GO., 50 Wrat 31at at and 1,277 Broadway, corner 34tU st A?TO LET, THE DESIRABLE THREE STORY AND ? utile high atoop brown atone front Hon.e No. 303 West 20th at.; furnace, chandeliers and ell modern itnprove menta; in tlio vicinity ol the Episcopal College. Apply to estate of D. A. CUS1IMAN, 172 Oth uv., near 2 tb St. AT KKDUCBD FIGURES.?THREE STORY, $7'.0; cabinet fluislf. only $1,200; near 4th ar., $1,300; Lexington ar., four story, $l.50U. UKEUOE A MILLER, 3d ar., corner 50th at Brown stone house to LBT-isfH st., near 6th ar.; to good tenant rent only $1,400. Tbia la a great bargain. E. A. CKUIKSIIANK A CO., 68 Broadway, (THF.AP THREE STORY II1UH STOOP HOUSES?24TH J at, $1,000; loth at.. $l.20o; 9lh sr., $1,000 MONTAGUE, 8th av. and 21 et it. F OR HOUSES AT MODERATE RENTS, NORTH OF 52d at, apply at 1,037 3d ar. VTEAR ELEVATED RAILROAD.?TWO BROWN JJa atone Houses, 121) and 131 West Hist at, to let low; all improvements. Apply to owuer, 127 Hist st SPLENDID FOUR STORY ENGLISH BASEMENT briek House, West 20tb at.; $1,000. MONTAGUE, 8th av. and 21at at mo LKT-THllEK STORY AND BASEMENT HIGH X atoop briek House <2t>4i ; rent $800, and three story and basement high stunp brown stone House 268 Weet 41st at. (rent $800), Apply on premises from to4H P. M. dally, EAOAN, JK, 88$ East 10th st or to PETER TO LET?TWO THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING Houses, No. 132 and 140 Weat 43d st. between Broad way and titb nr.; also one three story Dwelling Ilon-e, 813 West 3l)th at., hrtween 8th and 8th are. Inquire of E. STILES. 12 Maiden lane or 148 West 43d at TO LET-A NEAT ENGLISH BASEMENT HOUSE. No. 130 East IStb at., near Irring place. Inquire at No. 130 Eaat 10th at. fJIO LET-TWO SMALL THREE STORY DWELL!NO Houses, Not, 23.) and 230 Thompson at., near Washing ton square; rent moderate. Apply to JAMES T. TAILER, No. 48 South Washington square. TO LET-THREE STORY AND BASEMENT BRICK House, 521 Broome st.; a good location for any purpose; rent low. Apply at 524 Broome at rpo LET?THREE STORY AND BASEMENT BRICK X Ilouae No. 531 East SHtb at. betwoen Bast Btde Bonis rard and ar. B; all modern improvements; large garden, fruit trees, vines. Ac.; steamboats from Perk slip land foot ol S4tb st.: Aster place cars, 2d ar., corner East Side Boule vard and S>;tb at Apply on promise*, or ufL. SOMBOKN t CO., No. 6 Barclay st. rpo LET?NO. 10 EAST SHTII ST., FOUR STORY X brown atone: commands a lovely view of the Ceutral Park Apply to E. N. TAILER, 47 Walker at. TO LET?THE TUKEE STORY AND BASEMENT brown atone Dwelling Ilonse No. 317 West 5t)tn at. Ap ply to EDWARD TIMl'SON. SOOStb ar. T O LET?DWELLING HOUSE 37 WEST 21ST ST. Apply to HOMER MORGAN. No 2 Pine st rpo LET-A VERY LARGE NUMBER OF PRIVATE X Houses, at greatly reduced rents; 1 ofltr it tonr story in fOlli at.; reut only $1,500. F. CRAWFORD, 953 3d ar. TO LKT?THE FOUR BrORY PRIVATE HOUSE, 324 East 55th at., in excellent order, rent only $8U), to a good tenant F. CRAWFORD, U53 3d ar. TO LET?FOUR STORY BROWN STONE HOUSE 229 Weat 49th at; all modem Improvement*. Apply on premise* rpo LKT?THE FOUR STORY ENGLISH BASEMENT X House, 431 Weat 19th at, with possession. In good order; rent low to good tenant J. C. BAILEY, 50 East 4th at., near Bowerr. TO LET AT LOW RENT?FOR AN ESTATE, A FOUR story Home; locution Brit class, between Broadway and *th ?*.! rant 91.000. Apply at 1.4S8 Broadway TU O LET?UNFURNISHED, TO PRIVATE FAMILY only, an unusually attractive four atury English Base ment House, near 23d at., containing ten rooms, handsomely papered and In beet condition; rent 91,3"0; possession April ?7. Address box 3.507 Poet office. rpo LKT-TUE THREE STORY IIIIIII STOOP BRICK JL HoaX, I k> MacdoiiKal st.. near Washington Park: 14 rooms, all improvements, in flne order; terms reasonable to a private family. The_ very com(ortable__niedlum sirs high sloop houses. No. 51 Perry St., and J72 West 4th st.; con tain 14 rooms. In good order, at n small rent. The three story high stoop brick large House. No. 237 East Dith st.; contains 15 rooms, all improvements; terms m< d rate. The three story high stoop brick House, No. 11 Bank st.; 14 rooms, all improvement, in Una condition. Apply to A. 8OUBIKOU8, 294 Blh av. TM O LET-THE FOUR STORY ENGLISH BASEMENT brown stona House, No. 53 West 12th st.; 14 rooms, all modern improvements; great ioducemeuls offered to a prl ? afn ramllv 1 n n 11 ! m f\T A Vat 11! !! T It i Yl * vl 'HU itth u ?* T?to family. Iinjiiire of A. Sol ill ROES, 2:4 Bth iv. TO LET, AT A VERY MODERATE KENT?THE TWO story high stoop lirick House No. Bin East 50th st., f"ar 2d av.; 10rooms: all modern improvements. Apply to A. 8OUBIKOU8, -2M Blh av. rro LET?THE THESE 8TOBT llli.ll STOOP BRICK J House, No. 248 West 12th st.; 12 rooms, nil modern im provements; cheap rent to a privete ftuaily. Apply to A. BOl'BIBOUS, 284 Bth av. 1M) LEASE?ONE TO FIVE YEARS. THE ELEGANT new Houses, 4B:t, 485, 4B7. 4B1I 5tu av.; reut very moderate. B. 11. LUDLOW A CO., No. 9 pine st. T~ (t~ KENT?THE BROWN If ON E llOLSK NO. 8 I West 2Stb sk, et 93,500: seen hy permit on Monday, from 10 to It JA^ES R. EDWARDS, Het West add at. 9 WASHINGTON PLACE, NEAR BROADWAY ? Three story brles basement and attic, 25*56, besidx laundry. Apply on tbe premises. (*t\ WEST 45TH ST.. BETWEEN 5T1I AND BTH UU ave?Brown stone House to let. unfurnished. HO MER MORGAN, No. 3 Pine st , or UOODALE, No. S West 22(1 st. lirn WEST 12TH ST., 3 STORY. 2U ROOMS.. 91.2tO iiLl 50 Bth av.. 2*k story, 10 rooms I.1O0 lit Watts st.. 3 story. 1 < rooms Hot) 43 Greenwich av.,4 story. 15 rooms 1,91.10 1H4 Bank St., 3 story, 10 rooms 8?0 12 Jans st.. 2Jf story, H rooms 4O0 323 4th av.. Store and Dwelling, 10 rooms 1,500 45 lloratio st.. 4 storv. IS rooms ' 7D0 71B Washington it., 3 story 15 rooms . 7(J0 E Iv A H. T. Bt'RNH AM. Boil Hudson et. 273 5TU AV.?TO LET CHEAP, IN PERFECT order. E. A. CHI IKSIlANK A CO.. 08 Broadway. RENT?319 EAST 418T ST.. BROWN STONE, three stories, high basement; all Improvements, jail and Me owner and house from 13 to 2 o'clock. <k1 -TO LET. FOUR RTORY HOl'SK, 11 M>?.Ut/U. rooms. No. 9UB West 40th it., near Broad way, In complete order Fl'RN19HKU 1UMIMS \NI) APAKT.ME.VTS TO LET. Vf M"rW;sr4yiTr'str-two Uand^ VOr. A nlshed Rooms to let, cnmplets lor light housekeeping; strictly private; brown stone bouse; neighborhood good; rofereuces required. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL KENT TWO OR THREE furnished Konma. 92 .'41 to 94 .VI; quiet house ; fine neighborhood. Address FIFTH AV ENLK AND 1JOIU sr., care station L. AT 52 WEST 14TII ST -HANDSOMELY Fl'RMSIIKD Parlor and Bedrooms, to geuUemon, without hoaid; teima moderate. V PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET A HANDSOME, fine furnished neck Parlor to one or two geuliemen; price 98. 2 41 West 34th it. J price #S. AT~4IM~7TH AV , NEAR 37TH 8T.. A SMALL COT tsge. six rooms, nicely furnished; only 95n per month. (NOSKY FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. WIJ H BOARD; J Furniture, Ac., the btsl; neighborhood first class. 211 | East 13th st. 1 vESlRABl.K FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR GENTLE JL' men, without board, in first date hou-e. 31 West 25lh at. Yj^URN 1SHEl) LARGE ROOM AND BEDROOM?NEAT JT end clean ; ail modem improvements: also front Bute ?tefit; suitable for an office; terms rsasoiiahla. 21d East 45tb at. TO LET?A FURNISHED ROOM. AT NO. 2 VBILBON plsct. Iisiween Wsvarley place and West Sih at., one | block from Broadway. T~ 6 LET IN BROOKLYN.-TWO SI NOLK~GENTLF.M EN rosy find good Room- by applying at 28 Clintua st., neat | Fulton; references cxcliangad. (TRENT-A NICK SECOND FLOOR, AT No 4:id West 34th st . in a geutael private house; will be ! rented furnished or uufarnlehed; eonvenieut to the elevated cars. TVWO FURNISHED ROOMS, SF.PAKATP. OR TO | gather, to let?and 94: housekeeping p Ivllege , salt l?dy or gentleman ; gae ami bath; private. 318 East 13th WEST BOTH ST.?VERY DESIRABLE FURNtSllED Apartments to let to single gentlemen, without board. 38 T WEST 9TII ST. ?DK81KAHLK ROOMS TO LET, gentlemen; breakfast If required; references. ("t? WEST 21ST ST.?TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO UA let, without meals, suitable only for gentlemen of re finement; price modaMM. lfi7 OTH AV.?a FRONT FURNISHED ROOM TO 1U I let. with gae and bath, for gentleroea only. In quire for tlirw deva 405 HTI1 -AV"' N?AK .^T" 8T--J?. 1,KT fi i: nlshed large front I'arlor end Bedroom, on ffiet I Sour; wuuid ix tv Buitui. also large ball lfoou*. OTPUXMISHKB ROOMS AMD APART MUSTS TO L.KT. T^trv'BSsi awcb KiirsT'yLoosrofKr rtRua ?fx. store southwest corner 38th st. and iid sr.. entrance at 168 Kut :tHth St., consisting of 7 Unlit roosts, 7 closets, wster closet, gas fixtures and other conveniences. Apply to MATTHEW BYRNES, 142 East 33d st. A PLAT TO LKT-384 WEST AID ST. (BOKMAN place); six rooms; sll Unlit sod airy; pleasant ouuook, t and rear; owner lu bonne. P.O. nch.KK. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET ONE OB TWO A pleasant Rooms, nicely fantlshed; terms low, refer cii. es. 47'J West 22d st. APARTMENTS TO LET-KINK CORNER FLAT; A southern exposure; halls ncwljrcarpeted and painted; rooms all ll?ht. Also munller Klnt. odJnininic. and one nir ulslied Flat. J. R. HAY, IW7 6lb av.or 0. T. BARNEY, 83 Broadway. A T REDUCED RENTS?SEVERAL FRENCH FLATS, A Floors, 14th end 12th sts., and uptown Suits ; more wanted. JAMBS- CAONKY, 15 Abingdon sqn? (Sth sr.) 8UITOF ROOMS, FRONT; ALSO BACK ROOM: gas, hatli, Ac. 273 8th av., near 23d >t. J MUST floor AND BASEMENT; PRIVATE HOPES, with all improvement* and conveniences; rent $55. 211) East 20tli st., near 3d av. IiUUMOM ELATE MOST DESIRABLE. APPLY TO 1 the Janitor, 74 West .VJd st. T/1LATS FUOM$30 TO $50 PER MONTH. APPLY AT X 1.0.17 3d av. IjlLOORH TO LET-FOUR ROOMS; CORNER FLOOR; ' all front; perfect order; pood locations; modern Im provements; low rents to pood parties. BAILEY. 333 Hudson St. PARLOR FLOOR AND BASEMENT. 488 WEST 1IITI1 st.; six rooms and laundry, hot and cold water, Ac; rent $ >0. Apply between II and a. SECOND FLOOR AND PART OF THIRD, IN PRIVATE house ; good neighborhood. MONTAGUE, 8th nr. and 21st st. riHIK "NKWPORt" APARTMENTS BROADWAY AND J. 52d st. ?Elevators, mirrors Ac.; also Houses, from $6CX> to$2,uO. J. W. STEVENS, Hrosdway and S2d st. TO LET- FLATS AT 313 WEST 2IST ST; ALL IM provements; tins large vard. Ae.; within hall a block of Elevated Railroad station; other apartments In 313. In quire at 318, ice office. rill) LKT-A FLOOR CONSISTING OK FIVE VERY DE X 1'ruble rooms, exclusive ol buth room and kitchen, in limine No. 24H West loth st. Apply to AMOS WOODKU FF, No. 70 West 4Htli st. TO LET.?BASEMENT AND PARLOR FLOOR; 6 rooms; all iioprovements; rent low; owner occupying npper part. 451 West 30th st. T O LET-UPPER PART OF HOUSE NO. 226 EAST 01 st st.; rent moderate. rpo LET? 1ST MAY, TO A SMALL FAMILY, SECOND X Floor of private house 256 West 54ih at; modern im provements; rent->4". fro LET?A SECOND AND THIRD FLOOR, TO A J small family ot adults, together or separately; the sec ond partially furnished. Apply to the owner, ou the prem ises, 271 West 23d st. TO LET-Till RD FRENCH FLAT, 873 WEST 23d St., corner Sth av., nine light rooms, with all im provements. Inquire la corner store or st 162 Orsnd st. NELSON BAMMIS. TO LET-FOR DWELLING, THE TWO UPPER Ploors of 101 West Hlh at-, northwest corner 14;h tk. and 6th uv., containing nine good sise rooms and Improve ments; three table boarders, paying a fair price, conld bo had. Inquire of A. 8OUBIR0US, 284 tlth av. fllO LBT?TO A PROMPT TENANT ONLY. AN ELE X gant, unusnnlly attractive lour story English basement llonse of ten rooms, handsomely papered; beaters and ell improvements; in first class condition ; rent $1,800. Can be seen at any time after II o'clock. 232 West 25th St., be tween 7th and bth avs. Shaded, end the coolest block dur ing summer. TO LET?FIRST FLOOR AND BASEMENT, SEVEN rooms; range, bath, stationary tubs. J. McLKAN, 254 West 22d st. Alto, a fine Second Floor, five rooms. 10 LBT?LOWER PART OF BROWN STONE HOUSE, . Brooms, with improvements. Apply at 2 <2 East 32d st. TO KENT?SECOND FLOOR OF HOUSE 126 PERRY ?t., consisting of four rooms, water, gas, separate meter, large yard and cellar, within one block ot K. K. Station ; pus session immediately if required. Can be seen alter 11 A. M 2 ELEGANT FLATS TO LET-UNFURNISHED, WITH every modern Improvement; rent, $1,50U and $1,200 nor annum; very privato; one with immediate poseeeetoni. 71 Lexington av. 11/1 EA8T 60TH ST.?ELEGANT FRENCH FLATS, XX X eight aud nine rooms; all light. See owner. In basement flat. WAITED. In this City unci Brooklyn, fBURNISHED HOUSE WANTED.-BY A VERY SMALL 1 family, a small, handsomely furnished llonse, above 14th St. and between 4th and 6?li avs., lor one year or less; pos ses ion by 15th or 90th InsLj house agents need not ajjjil^. Address, with price, Ac., W. F. G., box 935 Post office. UHOP WANTED?WITH TOOLS. SUITABLE FOR 0 making suisll machinery, telegraphic instruments, Ac., In New York or vicinity. Address, stating price, S. W., box 1S4 Herald offioe. SMALL FLAT BY FAMILY OF TWO ADULTS (OER man), near 23d st. and Broadway ; rent moderate. Ad dress FLAT, box 188 Herald Uptown Branch office. WANTED TO RENT?IMMEDIATELY OR 1ST OF May, Lower Pert of llonse of six large rooms, with ail modem improvements; good location, between 4th and 30th ?ts , west side; rent not to exceed reierences ex changed. Address J. II.. box 3,885 Post office. WANTED?A FLOOR, WITH BATH ROOM. RENT moderate, between 10th and I4th ets? wast side. Ad dress box 4,468 Post office. WANTED-BY A SINGLE GENTLEMAN, A LARGE, well furnished Room, without board; private family {?referred; location between 23d and 50th sts.. btli and Mad ?on nvs. Address, stating terms, Ac., MERCANTILE, Herald office. ^yANTBD-TUKER UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR ., housekeeping in private house, below 42d St.; refer ences. Address, with prices, Ac., TWO ADULTS, Herald office. WANTED PERMANENTLY?FOR GENTLEMAN AND wife, Lower Part of a House, in a first class location. Address T.. 308 West 23J st. WAN1KD-A FOUR STORY HIGH STOOP BROWN ?tone House, not less than 22xVixluO: from 20th to 4?dh ??., west of Msdhon av. and east of Broadway. Ad d: css, enclosing permit aud naming lowest rent, Q. S., sta tion (J, A. ?BiMm AT jUrOTRM. XtxJTToWESSr" old stand 37 Naiaan at. On TUESDAY, at 10?J o'clock. . AT OUR SALESROOM. 37 NASSAU ST.. HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITUiUS. Fine Billiard Tenle, by Colltnder; two larica Mantal and ?lx black walnni aud gill Pier Mirror*; roaawood Piano forte, liy Van Winkle. Continuation <>l the great rale of fine Table Cloth*, Sheets, l'owela, Cream Pitchers, Sugar Bowls, Ac. On SAME DAY (Tuesday), et 10\ o'clock, at the private rerldence NO. >12 WEST luTll ST., GENTEEL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ENGLISH body Brussels Carpets, parlor and dining room Furniture, Buffet. Mirrors, liali Staud, Oilcloths. Bedding, Ac., tog*tear with the Kitchen Utensils, with whioh the sate wiii com mence. On WEDNESDAY, et 10? o'clock, NO. 327 WEST lSTH ST., HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Rote wood Pianoforte, fine velvet and Brnssels Carpets. Curled hair Mattresses, feather Beds end Bedding, several Sue Parlor aud Bedroom baits, Ketrlgerstor. Aa On THURSDAY, at it& o'clock. AT OUR SALESROOM. 37 NASSAU ST. large sale of Household Furniture. A COT.ON SALE. AUCTION NOTICE. A LARGE SALE THIS DAT (MONDAY MORNING),, COMMENCING AT 10 O'CLOCK, AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE Or B. OXY. ESQ.. 120 WEST BSD ST.. BKTWBEN 6TH AND VTH AYS. Elegant Imported Furniture, made to order fbrthe present Owner in Paris; magniiirent Bteinway A Sons rosewood 71,' O.tave 4 round Piannfaete, cost fl.OUO: also anperb 7', oc tave Windsor upright rosewood Pianoforte, cost $9U0; rier end Mantel Mirrors, Bronzes, Ac., Ac., In fine order, sold in consequence of the owner going abroad to reside, as fol ewe, vis Parlors contain elegant Moquetto Carpets, double and slngl* Parlor Suits, in finsst quality crimson satin broeatal; jacarande wood S-e Bo rotary Bookcase. 500 volumes Books, Rtagrre snd Table to match, crimson brocatel and lao* Curtains, rich Brontes, Clocks and Mantel Urnament*. fine porcelain end china Yates. Ac. Library contains Moquette Carpets, elaborately carvsd French walnnt Stilta.ln rspe. with Bookcase; Cabinet Tabla, Mantel Mirrors, Library Table, Oil Paintings, Curtains, Brans**, Clocks, ornamental Bid* llecea, AO. Recaption Room. Velvet Carpets, jararanda wood Luang* and Chairs, Jar nbroldered * 1 ' ' dlnlarse. embroidered broadcloth Lady's Escritoire, ebony mounted Card Table and Lady's Workbos, an suite. Dining Room. English Brnssels Oarpat, Buffet, Extension Table, and Chairs covered In leather te match, solid French walnut; Wilder'* fir* and burglar proof Safe; superb Dinner Sonic*, from the royal factory ot Berlin, about 250 pieces, cost $4i g; French cat Glassware, Ac. Bedrooms. English Brussels Carpets, carved Freneh_black walnut Built, Dressing Cases, Bedsteads, P , , Bureaus, Turkish Chairs, Lounges, rep Butts, Chairs, 20?ourlcd hair and spring Mat tresses. Pillows. Bolsters, Ac.; also basement sad servants' Furniture. Over 400 lot- by catalogue. LUKE FITZGERALD. Auctioneer. N. B.?Goodt packed and shipped, city or country, by competent iqen at sal*. AUCTION .THIS (MONDAY) MORNING, AT 10* Jk o'clock, over $13 000 worth and overflOO lota. Handsome H ousehold Fnrnitnre, IP Carpets, at the private restdenca 105 East 13th at., near 4th av., 8 tntlv brocade, reps and haircloth Bolts; Pianoforte, rtnr tain.-. Mirrors, la Chamber Bolts, Mattresses. Bedding, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Lounges, Rooters, sideboard. Exten sion Tablet; 300 lota Glass, Cblna, Silver Ware, Cutlsry, Ac. <1. KRAKMER. Auction.r. A UOriOM BALK $15,001 WOKTII OF ELEGANT Household Furaitnr*. te be told et public auction THIS (Monday) MORNING, commencing at 1014 o'clock. at four Story man-Ion 21 East 'Nth at., near Broadway, IIKNKY /.INN, Auctioneer, will sell all th* elegant, costly and plain Household Furniture, consisting ol Steinwa.v A pi ? , _ . ?. _ Bona' Pianoforte, elegant Parlor Snlts, covered In cotelalnc, rcpa and bairc-loth ; Centre Table*. Hronres, Paintings, Eta geret. Carpets. Secretary Bookcases. Dstk*. sno volumes of Books, Chaiuher Sail* complete, with Dres-ing Cases. Bed steads, Bureaus. Washstauds. 25 hair Mattress**, opring Bod*. Turkish Chairs, Louagea, Library Huita and Table-. Dining room?Bullet, Extension Tebi< a, Chairs solid and ?ilverplated Ware, Dinner end Tea Service, Crockery. Cues lery, Ac.; als* Basement and Servants' Furniture. V B ? Bale positive. Goods pneked and removed it i* ;uired A?GEO. W. KKELF.R, AUCTIONEER. . Art Gallery i?3 Llnerty st? corner Nassau. ON IUEBDAY, APRIL II. AT 13 O'CLOCK, GREAT SALE OF FIRE AND BURGLAR PRoOF S A FES, Herring's. Liliia's, Marvin's, Wilder t snd ether maker*. On itau day at 1 o'clock, large lot of Oil Paintings and Chromns, stock of a dealer daclialug business. A LBBKT B.WALDRON, AUCTIONEER, in RabB ratnt of 108 Liberty St.?On Monday, at 12 o'clock, mortgage sal* of Contents of n Restaurant. A?LOOK I AUCTION. AUCTION. ? Horses?A rare chance for an* person In want of n in* Horse to select on*.'at Mr. Arnould, of Vermont, has seat lilt enrlra stable or Carriage, Coupe. Road and Saddle llortea to th* I mon A net ion Man. lfttb St.. near Broadway, fnksv* thein told. In consequence of hit declining health, a* hi* physician* have ordered Mm to Swots Barbara, Cel. The above horses were ell broken and driven by Mr. Ar nould'i featlly, and ar* nil perfect pets. Catalog*** now ready at the mart. Auction house of m. k. favor, is bast mth tl.?Best location and tells mora good* than any other auction house. Consignment* of free good* and sale* at st?r* or elsewhere to.lehed. battlement* eruewfc HAL.E1S AT AUCTION. Tsnai At iDNESDAT AND THURSDAY EVXNINOB, April 11 u4 18, ?I 8 o'clock, at the Clinton Hall Salesrooms a largo collection or 300 Oil Paintings. landscape* and figures; Water Color Drawing*. Ac ; the wholo to be sold to the highest bidder to close consignments and advanoes. Now on exhibition at Clinton Hall. Catalogues ready. The Messrs. LEAVITT, Auctioneers. KT. NOW ON FRKE EXHIBITION, DAY AND EYE NINO, AT THE KCRTZ AIIT OAL LEKY, NO. t! EAST 23D ST. ELEGANT COLLECTION OF OIL PAINTINGS TO RE BOLD BY AUCTION. ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, Al'BIL 13, AT 8 O'CLOCK! ROBERT 80ME1CVILLE, AUCTIONEER. ^ OPTION NOTICE. HOUSEHOLD PUKNITURE SALES. ROBERT B< >M ERV1LLK. Auctioneer, 74 University place, corner 13th at., will, as heretofore, giro special atten tion to sales of Household I'uruiture, Ac., at rusidences ol parties declining housekeeping, or at his spacious salesroom, as abort. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 13. at 10Lj o'clock, large aale of second band Furniture. Carpets, Mirrors. Par lor, Btdrooiu and Library Suits, Ac., Ac., at Salesroom 74 University place. AUCTION NOTICE. ROHKIIT KOMKKV1LLE having secured for the seaoon the lurge and commodious building NO. 11 EAST 14T1I ST., formerly occupied by Mu-ara C!IICKKRI.\n A SONS, offer superior lacilities for tlie exhibitiun and sale of FURNITURE, PIANOS. MIRRORS. AO.. AC In location, ease of acueaeand adaptation, these premises are unequalled i y any in tlio world ior the purpose, and, in conuection with his present wnrorooms, NO. 14 UNIVI KIT* PLACE, enables Mr. SUMKI.YM'.LE to offer unsur f?r disposal of Household Good., of VnlE^Tl"lr.?<{?& ""p,jr ,0 BOBKUT SOMER RESIDENCF*8 vrtt I nwU0?P?8ALM AT PRIVATE WEEK MILL BE GIVEN DURING THE ?A.?A.? HENRY D. MINER. Auctioneer, late UtMiry H. Leeds A Miuer, I Established 1847.) i Broadway, office and art galleries 84*> MNP..-j. will glrp bis personal attention, as custoiiiary lor the past 25 years, to sales of Household Furniture of lainilies de clining liousekeeptng, at their rcsideuces, and Works of Art and private Libraries at his art galleries, 845 Broadway. m TUESDAY, APRIL 11. at 10li o'clock, at private residenco NO. 24 WEST 23D ST., BETWEEN 5TH AND 6TH A VS. HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MADF. TO ORDER BY SOUX, BAUDOUINK, HUTCUINGK AND OTHER CITY MAKERS. Elegant pier and mantel Mir rors, rich crimson satin Curtains ana Draperies and rose wood Piano, full found coruera, by Brnntigam, ol New York; bronse Clocks and Ornaments, el rant ormolu Chandeliers and Uas Fixtures: Turkish, raoquet, velvet and Brussels Carpets, Ac., Ac. Will be on exliilltion Monday, loth, from 9 till 6, by card Irotn oflico of auctioneer, 843 Broadway. ART NOTICE. The entire large Ceramic collection of Mrs. II. D. Lyon, comprising the very raro and costly assemblage of Oriental, Sevres, Dresden and otber valuable Porcelains, formed by 1 * LATE GOVERNOR CALEB LYON. ESQ., during tbe past -6 years, eud winch fur uniqueness, variety and pertoctlon is unsurpassed by auv private or public cist lias bo lection In the country. The above has been placed in tne hands of Mr. J. S. Fountain for disposal, to whom orders tor fiurcliases ran be intrusted. Mill be on exhibition, 17th nst., at "the MINER ART GALLERIES, 845 BROADWAY, and sold 24th Inst, at i 1 o'clock A. M. ?GERARD BEITS, SHERIFF'S AUCTIONEER, ? .-torj and Salesroom -No. 7 Old slip and 104 Pearlat. sheriff'* Sale. Elegant Household Furniture (cost upward oi $40,000). On MONDAY, April 10.1876, at 10 o'clock A. M-, at private residence No. 10 East 29tli st? near 5th av.. all the elegant Household Furniture, Drapery, Ac., con tained in said house, comprisiag elegant Suits of Furniture, id mante" velvet Carpets, pier and uiantel Mirrors, lace Cnrtalns, Drapery in pearl and blue satin. Lambrequins and celling Decorations, Cintra and Side Tables, Bookcases, Chan delier*. Bedroom Suits, Lounges, Extension Tables, Clocks, Silrerplated Ware, Crockery, hair Mattresses, Bolsters afcd Pillows, velvet Stair Carpete, together with a general as sortment of tine Furniture. This is considered the largest and finest lot of furniture offered at auction thin season, and will ba sold positively, rain or shine, on the above day. Also choice Liquors, Sherry, Porte. M delras. Whiskey, Claret. Ao. Titos. McSrsooN, Deputy. W. G. CONNER, Sheriff. Catalogues at aale. Future sales of Household Farrilture t? April 17, at private resldenoe. West 4*tU et A) ril 2D, at private residence. East doth st. April 25, at private lesideuce, West 51st st. GERARD REITS A CO., Auctioneers, store and salesroom No. 7 Old slip and 104 Pearl ft. UCTFoM *8 A LB. AUCTION SALB THIS DAY (Monday), April 10, commencing at H>H o'clock, the entire handsome and exquisite HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, made to order; Stelnway 7t? octave Pianoforte, ? Decker A Bros, upright Piano, fine oil Paiulings, modern and autique French Rronsee, Ac., of five story brown stone mansion NO 47 WEST ItiTIl oT.. BETWEEN 5th and nth an., over 450 lots, by catalogue, all in excellent condition. PARLORS CONTAIN PARLOR AND DRAW ING ROOM SUITS, richly carved rosewood and walnut frames, covered in crimson, tan and gold brocade satin and cotelaine; Turkish and Spanish Lounges, Easy Chairs, inlaid marquetrie and gilt Centre and Console Tables, rosewood Etageres, Cabinets, French mate Mirrors, lace Curtains, French Mantel Sets, 6t)-day Clocks. Masical Boxes, Jardinieres, velvet Rugs, orna ments, handsome inlaid Library and Secretaire Bookcases, choice Bouks, Library Tables, elegant Turkish Suit i7 pieces). Lady's Writing Desk, statuary. Works of Art. BEDROOM FURNITURE. CONSISTING of elaborate and plain Bedroom Sets, inlaid and gild Bed steads, Dressing Case*, Bureaus, Waahatands. single and double Bedsteads, 33 tine hair and spring Mattresses, feather Pillows, Blankets, Toilet Sets, rep and plush 8nits, marble top Tables, Chairs, Rockers. DINING FURNITURE, vis.Two Extension Table*. In laid French walnut Sideboard, Chain in leather. Silverware, Dinner and Tea Sets, Cutlery. Ac.: two Hail Stands, velvet, Brussels and ingrain Carpets, kitchen F'urnitur*. Ac. N. B.?Male positive. Parties aboat purchasing will posi tively find this a rare chance. Take Sixth arena* or Uni versity place cars. House opens H A. M. Competent men to remove, pack or ship goods, city or conntrv. ROBERT 0 CA8HIN, Anctloncer. A -SUPREME COURT AUCTION SALE. WEDNESDAY ? next, at noon, at 111 Broadway, of tha two splendid full slse Lots on and adjoining 10th av. at 77th St.. between Grand Boulevard and Ceutral Para, sala peremptory. Maps at No. 4 Pine St. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr.. Anctloncer. BY J W. CAMPBELL, JR.. AUCTIONEER.? Will sell this day. commencing at 10tf o'clock, at No. 167 Green st.. near llleccker, entire Household Furnitnre contained in that residence, consisting of Brussels eud other Carpets and Oi.cloths, black walnut, marble top and other Bureaus and Washstands .1*af and other Tables, Bedsteads, Feather Pillows, Mattresses and Bedding, black walnut Tete , a-Tetos, Sofa Beds end Lounges, Rocker and othsFChairs, i Mirrors, Ciwmo* and Engravings, Mantel Vasea. Ornaments ' and Clock*, Parlor Coal Stoves, Refrigerator, superior large Cook Range. Utensils, Crockery, Ac., without reserve, rain or shine. Buyer* and dealers specially invited. ? IrBEI ' " J. W. CAMPBELL, Jr., Auctioneer, office, -8 thh et., opposite Stewart's. Will also sell on to-morrow general assortment Household Furniture, at storage warehouse, corner Houston and llud aou six Particulars in to-morrow's Herald. J. W. C-, Jr. BI89ELL, WELLES A MILLET, AUCTIONEERS. TUESDAY, April 11, at IO?< A. M.. administrator's aale at 113 Chambers st. eud D5 Read* St., the entire stock of Hardwerp of W, F. Shattuck A Co. THURSDAY. April 13. at 1U? A. X., By order of R. O. Babbitt. Esq., Assignee, the entire Block of Wood and Willow Ware ot J. Van IIuy san A Son,*Fu ton, coruar Water et. BF.IFELD A SE1DLER, AUCTIONEERS. 388 Bowery.?The entire contends of onr Store to be sold without reserve this Monday at 10)4 o'clock, and eontlans dally during tbe week. C7 III A RS.-500,000 HAVANA AND KEY WEST ) brands of Cigars will be sold this day at 004 Broadway. ALEX. G. WItE. Auctioneor. J?DWA?D SCHENCK, AUCTIONEER. Aaals nee'a aale of elegant Cabinet Furniture. Br BDWARD 8CHENC\ on WEDNESDAY. ?t 12 ?'cloak, to elegant assortment of tl>a float! furniture, of tha moat modern and unlqua tt/Ia* of parloc, chamber, dialog and hall, la elegant carred wal nut, rosewood, rorered In damask and rtpt; tupcrb Centre and Card Table*, and every variety of *tyle of fnrnltnro. The above it now on exhibition and will repay thoee'In want of furniture. To be told at auction at No. U> Liberty ?t. FCOLTON, AUCTIONEER, ? Saletroom 53 Eatt Uiib t! . near Broadway ?Elegant ; Household Pumtture. grand Piano, Hi French plate pier, mantel and tide wall Mirror*. Ilmnire, (HI I'aintlngt, Ac. On TUESDAY, April II. at 11 o'clock, , *t the private resid"ni-e list Wrsi Mdth ?t . n??r Broadway, the entire elegant Parlor, Bedroom nhd Dining Kootu fur niture. Carpets, beat Mattroaea and Bedding, elegant real Broutta. bron/e Cloeka. Mantel Seta, line Ull Painting*, i rlth crvatal Chandeliers, elegant curved rosewood and wal- ! nut Chamber Suits. Lounge* aid e??v t'lialra, lace and damask Curtains, auperli r.-nrert (iran.l Piano, line tone ; I rich black walnut Buffet, Ptllat Kxtcnaion Table, Chain I and Loatnce* en mite, aete ol Ocrham plated Ware, rnl filatswarr. decorated china Dinner Set, Ac., making In all a large aaeortment of goods which coit ?V>,UUQ, llo.iae will be Open for inspection on Monday. GKOItCK. HOLBRO0K. AI PHONE i- R.-IIOLBROOK A ROLLINS sell, this day. at 2 o'clock, at tho old I aland, 454 and 45b ( anal at., a general aeaortinant of i Household (tooila, Piano, Parlor mid Chamber Bnlta, Pier . and Mantel Mirrort, Extension Tablea, io.ungea, I'hairt, Carpets, Oilcloths. Paintings and Engraving*, Lac* linr I taiat, wit-dow Shade*. Wheeler and W ilton Hewing Ma I chine*. Mattreaaea. Beds Bedding. Crochery, Cattery, Ulasa and Plated Ware, Kitchen I tonsils. Ac. ISAAC M. KINO, Al CTIi iNKKR. WILL NBI.L, TO morrow, April 11, the aiegaat furniture of three-story I and basement brown ttone house. 241 Waat MA ?*., I arpeta, : Mirror*. Parlor Suit*. College Suite, Wardrobea. dreaatiig 1 l am, sideboard* and evtri tiling pertaislng to a SrMCtaae I household. No reserve. Hale poakive. Ofltoa, 78 Varlck et. J IIAVEN. AUCTIONEER, WILL BBLL OB MOB ? day, April 10. at '2 P. M., at the largn Pranch Bat, No. 117 Woet 11th ?t. the whole of the Paraittara, luciading Carpota, Mlrrers and general hoaeeliold eilhcta. J. Haven give* epoctal attention to taioa a* private untdantn. UBce ut moaroom M Bant lath ?b K BALES AT Al'CTlOS, & ft kKKT"Sun s, auction EITEm. Meiruooi 17 Park place and 14 Marrtf A HIGHLY IMPORTANT ART SAL* ON WEDNESDAY AND TUUK8DAY, APRIL 12 AND 13 AT 10X O'CLOCK EACH DAY. BY ORDER OP MBKMtrt. 8YPIIBR A Of* AT THEIR UPTOWN BRANCH STORE, NOB. 1.494 AND 1.496 BROADWAY, BETWEEN 44TII AND 46TU NTS. I NOTICE.? Having determined to discontinue odr branch ?tore, and having u<> room t? remove the goods contained therein to the principal ?tore, we hare concfiidod to dlennea of tlie ?ame at public vendue, through Messrs. HERTS A BON'S. A net lone.'ri, as above. The stock embrace* ? large variety of antique and modern Furniture. Worke of Art, Articfes of Vertu, Statuary, Paint ings. Clock*, Mron*ee, rich China, tllaaa and Silver Ware; Bric-a Brae, Dutch inlaid Furniture, elegant carved French oak and teak wood Furniture, Ac , Ac. The good* can he seen at any time before the nolo. Cata logues will he ready on Tuesday morning. This sale will certaluly be found tho largest and moet attractive of tho kind that h.ia taken place iu tills country, offering a rare opportunity to purchasers, at the entire stock will be sold positively without reserve or limit. SYPHER A CO. H. B HERTS A SONS. AUCTIONEERS, Salesrooms, 17 Park place and 14 Murray St. handsome household furniture, mirrors. CARPETS, AC., ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11. AT 10)4 O'CLOCK. AT NO. 149 WEST 47TH ST. The entire Furniture of house, ell of which la in splendid order, having been but a short time in use, comprising Par lor Suits, In blue and oriitnon satin; rosewood i octave Graud Piano ; rich iulsid Cabinet aud. Parlor Tables: ? rench plate Pier Mirrofs and Cornices, rich Mantel Sets; Moquet, Axmluster and Brussels Carpets; Dining Suit, in morocco; ricli walnut Chambor Suits, Dressing Cases, flue hair Mat tresses. Beds and Bedding, China, Glassware and Kitchen Utensils. Catalogues on Monday at otfle af anetionjerg. ALSO ON WEDNESDAY. AT 10?< O'CLOCK, at No. 107 West 28th St., Puruiture, Carpets, Pisno, Mirrors, Ac. Full details morning of sale. J P. TRAVKB, AUCTIONEER. WILL SELL TUiS . day, at 11 A. M. by virtue of two chattel mortgagee, the entire Fixtures of Bar, Restaurant and Lodging Hone* 810 10th av., in lota THOMAS KUAN. Attorney for Mortgagee. LS. BLACK. AUCTIONEER?SELLS ON TUESDAY, . April II. el 2 o'clock F. M . at 486Canal St.. ? general assortment of Uousehold Furniture, comprising everything requisite for housekeeping. Dealers invited. N. B.? Special atteution given to outside sales. I A ROB BALE OP good BOARDING HOC SB J Furniture, contents of the two houies. Nos. 105 and 107 Henry St.. Brooklyn, this day, at 10)g o'clock, by COLE A MURraY, Auctioneers. MNl'SSHAUX. AUCTIONEER, 861 BOWERY. SELLS . this day, at llDy o'clock, at No. 153.1* Stanton it., stock Iind Fixtures or Fancy Goods Store, consisting of Hosiery, Ribbons. Shirts. Laces, Trimming*, Undergarments, Showcases, Fixtures, Ac. Dealers invited. MNUBSBAUM, AUCTIONBBR, 381 BOWERY. SELLS . this day, at 11 o'clock, at corner of 3d av. aud 41st St.. Brooklyn, lurge stock of Fixture*. Horses Wagons. Ac , of a Grocery and Liquor Store, consisting of large stock Coffees, Teas. Sugars, Soaps, Flour, Canned Fruits, Spices, Wines, Liquors. cigars, Showcases. Counters. Fixture*, Horses, Wagons Ac.. Ao.: positively in lota, without reserve. Trade, dealers and speculator! invited. Take Hamilton fenry nnd Fort Hamilton cars. MNUSSBAUM, AUCTIONEER. 201 BOWERY, SELLS . Tuesday, large stock of Machinery. Ac.; Steam Boil OVA# inctany. largo us? , ? ? ??? ers Engines. Pumps. Feed Gutter*. Meat Chopper!, Coffee Mill*, Ac. Full particulars to morrow^ MARSHAL'S SALB-G ROC E It I EC TEAS. Canned Goods, boxes Soap. Flour. Ac. RICHARD WALTERS* SONS, Aucllonerrs, wilt sell Monday, at 1014 o'clock, at salesroom, 27 Edkt Broadway, the stock of a first class Grocery Store?via, boxes of family Soap, Starch, barrele of Flour, flue green and black Teas, boxes Cannod Fruits. Peaches. Cherries, Quinces, Plums, Com. Tomatoes, Extracts, Pickles. Oils, Sardines, boxes Clothes Pins. Washboards. Rice, whole and g round Coffee, Cblccory, Spices, bottled Liquors, Wines. Cigers, Ac.: mm lot Shoe Uppers and one Clock. LObIS LEBUbCllEK, Marshal. Mortgage sale.-thomas j. Mcgkath, auo lionoer, will sell on Wednesday, April 12, at 10)(J o'clock, at No. 125 ltivington at., by virtue of chattel mort gage, ooi.t.'nti ol House, known as tho Golden Rule Hall, consisting of Chairs, Table*. Billiard Table*, Bar and Bar Fixtures, Carpets, Matting, Ac. By erder of P. Feeny, At torney for Mortgagee. ___________________ Mortgage sale-peter bowk, auctiuhbjm. sells Monday, April 10, at 11 o'clock, at the auction mums No 11 University ol tcc. corner 8th st, 1 Caffrey top Wagon, Harness, Robes. Blanket, Ac. JOHN H. 1IILLIKR, Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortgage sale.-Isidore j. swauzkopf, Auc tioneer. 34 av. B sells, 10'i o'clock. ntj4ti Rlvlngton St., Stock and Fixtures of large Grocery Store, positively in lots; dealets invited. , ? . D. W. LEWI. Attorney for Mortgagee. MORTGAaF.KSALE.-J. P. TRAVEK AUCTIONEER - By vhtue of a chattel mortgage I will sol! this day (Monday), ut12o'clock noon, the Fixtures of a W ine and Liquor Store, together with Lease, at ? oa. 400 and 4U8 7tb . one of the best places of business In tho city. GEO. BOUCSKIN. Attorney for Mortgagee. M DAVIS, AUCTIONEER. WILL SELL THIS DAY, . at 11 o'clock, at 131 Clinton place, a lot ?f House hold Furniture, cousistltig of Brussels and ingrain Onrpots, Oilcloths, mnrble top Bureaus. Bedsteads, Tables and suits, hair Mattresses. Bolster* und Pillows. By order of A. SPRINGSTEEN, Attorney tor Mortgagee. DAWNBROKERS' MALES?BY JAMES At.AR.AU0 1 tiooeer, will sell this day, at salesroom 59 New Bowery nnd No. 9 Oliver St., 5i*> Lots Men's aud Women's Cloth ing Sheets, Spreads, Table Linen, boots. Gaiters, also Costs. Pantaloons aud Vesls. By order of George Cudtipp, East 12th st. Richard v. uarnett. auctioneer. Receiver's sale of valuable Real Estate. RICHARD V. HARNETT will sell at auction on WEDNESDAY. April 12. 1870. at 12 o'clock M., at the Exchange Salesroom, 111 Broadway, New York, under the direction of 8. H. Hard, Esq., receiver ot Third Avruue Savings Bank, pnrsuaut to an erder of the Supreme Court. THIRD AVENUE SAVINGS BANK BUILDINO. corner 26th st. Also No. 069 5th av . four story high stoop Nova Scotia stone, House, 22xct)xlOM feet. No. 36 East 49th st.. four story high stoop brown stone i-cellar). 21.6x55x75 feet. House ibaeeumnt end sub ... _ No. 28 East 47th st.. conser Madison nr., four story high . ttoop brown stone House, 2l>x55xli>9.5; leasehold. Nos. 7,19. 21, 23 and 25 East 46th at., four story high stoop brown stone Houses. 29x56x100.5.; leasehold. All the above hontos contain every modern improvement throughout. No. 150 East 26th St.. two story brick Stahle, 20x98.9 feet. 159th st.. two Lots with two story (Mansard roof) frauio House, 29x30; each lot 23x99.11 teet. Tarrytown?80 70-100 acres of Land at Union Heights, at Tarrytown. West Mount Vernon?Country Seat; hall acre of Land, end House 30x36 feet. Permits to inspect the houses and further information at 111 Broadway, basemeut. 111CHARD WALTERS' SONS. AUCTIONEERS.? lb Mortgage sale. Monday, April 10. at II o'clock, at No. 20 avenue C, the content* of n large Cigar Manufactory? vis., 11,000 Cigar Moulds, Marvin Safe, Cigar Presses, Packing'Tables. Presglacks,' Brands. Cases, Tool*. Stoves, Fixtures, Ae., Ac. DENIS UALV1.N, Attorney tor Mort gagee. s. HERMAN, SHERIFF'S AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER. Assignee sal* of Upholstery Material* and nil other Effects, of Alexander Stein, bankrupt. WEDNESDAY, April 12, at 10 o'clock, at No. 102 Attorney st.. consisting of abont 1241 tone. Webbing. ? .. . _ Springs; also a large let or Lounges, Box aud other Framos, Ac.; two Fnrnfture Trnekt, Ac. Sale positive. In lot* to suit the trade, for cash. Catalogues the day of tale. By order ot M. SCHRENKEISEN, Esq., Assignee. consisting or ationt ? pieces Hair Cloth, 320 gross (limp. Bales Twine. But *, a large lot of Enamelled Cloth aud Cambrics, Burlaps, bbing. about 30 hales Wadding, Tack*. Sand Paper. TUESDAY, April 11, at 11 o'clock, at No. 13 Bowery sheriff i sal* of Furniture. ..... v..?.,, w?- C. CONNER. Sheriff Thou, kkyworth * co., auctioneers.?KET MOK 11 A HAMMILL will sell, this day, at auction at 10\ o'c'nck, the entire htock And Futures of a I Area Jewelry store, 3W> 3d at., consisting of gold and alteer Waiche>,<ClocKs and Jewelry, SAfe. Counters, giant Cases, i Regulator, Ac., Ac.; also Bedroom and Parlor Furniture, j Dealers and trade Invited. ILUAM ABBOTT, AUCTIONEER, * Office No. 3 Chambers it., , will eell thli day, at I o'clock, the turnlture and Fix | time of the Uqiwr Store 13d Greenwich, corner ot i'edar i n.?One fine ??pull Ale Pump, high Mirror. Aplendtd Coun tare. Una leehont* and lea Boxes, copper Meaeurei, Olass | ware. French piata Mirrors, Ac. ILLl A?rKEN NELLY, 8HBRIPF?8 AUCTIONEER", will ecll at auction, on Thursday, April IS, at IS o'clock, at Exchange salesroom, HI Broadway, the band some -even three more brown stona Houses Not. Mi to JW Eatt 110th it, near MOth at. boat landing. Map* at Aue tloneer's office. Mo. 6 Pine ?t. TVINAN8 * PAV1KS, AUCTIONEERS, 138 BROAD V? way.?Tuesday, April 11, at 10:30 A. M., at prirata residence No. 11H West 11th it., between .1th and 6th art.? Hale of elegant llousebold Furniture, eompri-lng Bedroom Built, Carpets Ac., Ac. Hale polities without raterra. W AftHlsT jitWELHY, At. _ fH RLERCKER ST., NRAK BROADWAY, MONEY a.lrtuced .<n Diamoadt. Watches, Jewslrr. Ac.; also Pawnbrokers' Tickets boagat of Diamonds, Watches, Ac. 77 Hleackcr st ' A MEKIC.VN OFFICE. ? 9TS.0QO. - DIAMONDS, JY Watihea. jewelry, Silverware, Valuables, Ac . bought, sold and cachanged. Loans negotiated. Decided bargains la, Watch a. Ae. Established 1854. J. H. BAKMINGRR. Dealer. 736 Broadway. A~~T BROADWAY?DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JKIV. airy, Ac., bought and sold by ROBERT J. Hut* KNTHAL, Diamond Broker. Leant negotiated. Monet on diamonds, watches, ac?dia nionle, Watches. Jewelry. Silverware, Ac. bought, and sold bash when desired, at a very small adranca. OKORGBC. ALLEN, Jeweller, 1,130 Broadway, near 29th A HO STH AT.. BETWEEN 34TH AND 25TH HTS ? 'Juw Liberal a<lranees made on Diamonds, Welches, Jewelry, hilki. L .Oct aad Shawls, heme bought at lull raine. la BERNARD. =1?: ?HHKSr*?a?-? wrwrsf^rrtsrTron i'V. East 53dSt., firet door from 5th sr. Advice free. -DR. AND" MME BUTT. 'IINF1DBNTIAL OOlf" ? saltation ia ell female com p. aim a* 47 W eat 13tb at. A -DE* AND MMB. VAN BUSKIRKs RESIDBMCl ? No. 1M East 3*tb St., between 3d ana Lexington are, A?DR. AND M MR. OrttNDLE 1?F WEST 48TH ST. . C.iafidentlal consultation In all female eomplalatE M **? ?HaVkH KaI' ; ?) TEARS' PRAG t tloa. Office 129 Liberty St.. Bear Ureeawich, " ~R. WHITEHEAD, RIGt'LAE PHYSICIAN, 10 WEST DK. WHITEHEAD, RIGt'LAE PHYSICIAN, M dd St., near Broadway; ftuials complaint, $33. If M M MB. KLINE MIDWIFE, 13 EAST 4TH ST., MBAH Bowery.?All letuale complatnte cured. Adrtae firee. MB. RBRTHLL, MIDW IKK. SINCE 1*40: FKMALft ewplalale specially No. 1 East 33d et.; Ex 79th nr. EA LYONS, FEMALE DOOTHKJM, OVRW Alii oeeapiaiau; ne cure ao pay. 40 Bast 30th at. O by Dr. or Mom. Wkal. 4k ?liiiiir I)-ADVICK FUME