STIXATIONR WAlWT.P-rBMALEII. r'ooki. no WWT J8TH ST.?A PMOTR8TANT WOMAN AH *j(j first class conk tn private family or first cIms board lac home, beit city reference. ?JO WEST 4?TI! ST?TWO GTRLS: ONE AS PLAIN <'w cook and to assist with the eiiUnc the other ae chambermaid and waitress and to do fine washing. Can be aeon at preaent employer'a. ?>7 WEST 13TH BT?AN AMERICAN- WOMAN A8 ?' I first elaaa conk In a private family; understands cook lne in all Its branches; cltv or country. AQ WEST 38TH sr.-A RFSPRrTABLE PERRON AN t ? ' first claaa cook; no objections to tbe country; best city reference. KJ WK.8T 1RTH ST. REAR?AMERICAN WOMAN, ?1 I In a private family or boarding bouse, as good cook; good city reference. 74 100 KINO ST-A 8TRADT WOMAN AS COOK IN a restaurant or bnardlng house; good references. WBST MMR ?f.?AB OOOD COOK: 5 A FIRST claaa lanndroas j eight rca-s' beet city reference. 107 WK8T 4nnl RT-TWO RIRTBRlt GNB AS J '? I conk, the other as chamhertnaid and waitress: both lo assist In tbe trashing and Ironing: good eltr reference. 1fJ7 WFST 42D ST fPRESRNT RMPLOTBR'SL?A J." " I respectahl? young woman aa plain cook and to aa* lift in washing: good city reference. Call for two days. 1 M 4HTII ST?A YOUNG OTRL Al PIBST CLASS 1 t FCi rook In a private family; no objection to do coarse ir line washing? rood cltr reference. TftUl WK -T ISTIl ST?\S TllOROl'OH GOOD J.U'7'J cook: understanda all branehea; no objection to the ronnttv: will assist with washing; good city reforenea from last place. H9 WEST l?TB ST.. NEAR BT11 AV.. IN THE -I I ?i rear.?As excellent cook: la a good baker: will do some washing If the family la small; heat city referenoe. H9 west *iTH sr. irino second rri.u-a J I -a rranectahle roung woman aa first cla?s eook ; will ing to aaaist with washing and Ironing; best rlty reference. 114 WI RT ~fl3D ST ?AS OOOD COOK; CITT OR country; good city reference m" WEST 50TH RT.?A RESPF.CTABCr PROTER tnnt woman aa cook: Mnderetand* all kinds of meats, fowls; Is a good bread baker; no objection to th# coarse washing: host city referenoe. mWKRT 19TH ST. (BrTCHF* P.'S STORK) A8 good rook, washer and Ironer In a private family; reference. mWFST 19T'I RT.?A COMPETENT WOMAN AS first claaa rook; thoroughly understanda bar busi ness; good reference. 1 'J'J WEST 40TH ~ST?A~TOrTNO WOMAN AB 1 _/i) good plain cook; would assist In washing and Iron ing: go?d city reference. 124 WEST 19TH ST.?A RESPECTAULE CTRL AS cook, washer and Ironer: beat dtv reference. 10 4 WEST 39 D ST.. RASKMKNT.-A YOUNG iij't ?? ?oman ae first class cook and to assist in washing; beat city reference. mWf'ST 19TH ST., BASEMENT-TWO GTRLS together; one na good cook and haknr and wonld dutheeoar-e wishing; the other as waitress and obamber maid: beat referenen. mWRST I9TII ST. REAR.?A RERPECTADLE woman aa a good family cook and baker: city or eountrv; beet cltv references. 130 WEST 30TII ST.. SECOND FLOOR. DOOR NO. ?.?A colored woman aa conk orlanndrraa. lO | WEST 17TH ST.?AS FIRST CLASS PROTEST I d r ant eook ; understanda her bnsineae; no objection to tbe country; beat city reference. mWKsT 17TII ST.?A PROTESTANT WOMAN AS first class cook; understands all kinds of baking; beat reference. "iqr? WEST 19TIT ST.. FIRST FLOOR.?A YOITNO .1 ? ?' ? woman as good cook; excellent waeher and Ironer; reference. mWEST 17TII ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN AS OOOK. washer and Ironer; first class city references. Call ?r address. 139 145 WEST 50TT1 ST.?A YOUNG GIRL AS COOK, waeher and Ironer In a small family: good reference. EAST 50TII ST.?AS OOOD OOOK, WASHER and ironer; best city reference. 14-7 BAST 3-D S"T?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS lit I cook; understands her business thoroughly; ref trences. I il7 W'K8r -NTtl ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS FIRST It 1 class cook In a private family; city or country; tost city reference. 1 Kl\ WEST 28TH ST?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN; .L'JvJ Is it good eook; can make good bread; city or coun try ; good reference; understand* -carr of milk and butter. 157 1 WKST 2*TIl ST.?A ItKSI'KCTABLK WOMAN. IiJ_/ iu the country, a* good cook, washer and Ironer; understands dairy work; (food reference. I C7 WKST 20TH ST.-A KKSPKCTABI.E YOUNG io I colored girl as good cook, washer and ironer; good llty raferanca. WKST~41ST ST.?A OlRfj AS COOK, WA8HKR and Ironer; good city reference frotn last employer. 1 CQ WKST S21) ST.. B&TWE?N?rH AND7TU AVS.? J 'JO A respectable woman a* k; understands all kinds of cooking; no objection to assist with the washing; food city relerouce, WKST 27TH ST.?AN* KNUUSH PROTESTANT, lately landed, au cod plain cook; willing to do coarse washing; city or country. 1/;r? WKST 8211 ST.-A 11K s I* K t "T A H la K WOMAN AS J'lU cook and to aotiat with waahiug nud ironing; no objection to the country; reference. 9|WI WKST 4?fir~8T., COKNBR 7TH AV? THIRD au'/v' floor.?A rospectahle girl us cook ; would ussist with Vaulting; seven yearu' reference Irom iaut place. 9(|9 WEST 2.-.TII ST.?A KKSl'Kt'TABEK WOMAN axl/AI to cook, wauh and iron; beat city reference. imrT wKST Vtth "stvT near tth at., first tU\J') Might, bars.?A neat young woman an good cook, wauhrr and ironer; city or country; city reference. Of If* WiST livril ST.-A KESI'KOTABLK U1RL AS &\J\J first cliies cook in a respectable family; no objec llnu to the country; good city reference. No cards attended kv 9 (IQ _KA STHOT11 ST.?A RESPECTABLE (IIKI, AS aUO good plain cook, wauher and ironer io a small pri vate family; good city reference. 91 (| east" 20I'll ST.?A KKSPHOTABLE WUMAN uiv as first class cook in a pdvato lauiily: is an excel lent baker; understands her business thoroughly; best city relerence. WKST aiTII ST.?A BUSINESS WUMAN AS cook In a huiel or boarding house ; city or country. 210 91 - KA T IWTII ST.?A KEBFKCTaBLK WOMAN Allu as cook, washer aud Ironer; a good (luter, bread tnd biscuit baker; willing and obliging; good city reference. 91 7~WKST :t-r?T 11 ST.. >l*.i 'u N li FLOOR. r KONT.-AH ij! | flrst class cook io hotel or boarding house; best city r.'lersnee. s7l 7 WEST 2WTI1 8T., TUIRO FLOOR, BEAR.?A JZdi. I n-spectahle woman as cook in the country for the summer; hotel or boarding house. MAKTHA WRIOIIT. 99(k EAST 3D ST.. TOP KIoUOK, FKONT.-A UKR" nian i'rotestant cook ; best city relerence. 2sJ(k WEST IS I'll ST -TWO u IKES' Tot, E'l 11 hit; Mu one a* good cook and io assist with wouliing; the other as waitress aud cliamberiiinld; best city reference firotu their last place 991 i KAST 46t7| ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN T(l COOK' J ?aab and trim in a small family; best city reler euce. 9'Vi EAST ~22D ST.-A BKol'r.OTAItLE t'oOTEh uiail) tant wotnan au cook; understands cooking thor ougnly; can bake good bread and biscuit; best city refer ences. TABIC 1C STT?-AS GOOD COOK, WASHER AND Ironer iu a small private family; boat city 223 99 i west ltrrn kt.-a young woman as ex wWT eellent cook; would assist with washing; first class city relerence, 9?Iu WKdr SOTU ST.. IN TUB HEAR.-A WUMAN to cook or do washing in a restaurant or boaruing bouse ; best idmuN. Call or address. 9fjn EAST 4(t 1 |T"ST-TWO M8TKR8 TOGETHER: gjOU one as good rook; the other au chambermaid snd waitress; both competent aud obliging; willing to do the work tu a small family ia the country betwveu them; good reference. OfjA K AST &4T1I ST.. rOUKTIi bkllT-acom TB mOU teat young woman as tirst cisss cook and to assist Willi the washing; uest city relerence. Call until suited. 9?!(I WKST ltfTti sr., I.NT1 iir~i?AKKitV ?A VlIJ JjO\J spcetable woman to cook, wash and iron; good reference. 9?J(T WKST 1ST11 ST., TIIIKl) KlsOUH, KKoNT.-A UdOf respectable woman as cook and laundress; good pity relerence Irom iaut place. i)~i7|| WESr itflli SI ?A COMPBTKNT UiRL TO AuU cook, wash and irou m a private family; best city retorence from lost place. ()?)] WEST 2,Ml m . FIRST FLOOR, KKONT.?TWO gjO-L young English girls; cue as good cook, washer and Ironer; tne oilier as waitress and eiiaiubermsid, best city returniice>; no objection to the country. uii- Kvsr d.rii Sf~ . Ei un d it u u m , ~ it At ;~k7?A gsUU young woman au plain cook, washer and iruiter, or would do general housework in a sma.l family ; good reier enc,-. ;>.!7 WKST XT U t?T.?A EBOTK.STANT OIRI, AS *wO I cook In a lauit.?7 Kvar 24111 ST.-A KE.-TEl.TABLE YOUNG AjO I woman at good plsln cook; is au exc.-llent washer aa<. Ironer; best ol city reler?ee. t? | I wesi .Titi si.?as first i Labs ooi>k and dj I X eaeist in washing and ironing; no objection to a boarding house; good city reference. sit I WEST .Ml II - 1'. FIRST FLOOR, Root! 4 -A dd'TT respeclalde woman au hrsl class cook . thoroughly anderstauds cooking iu all its onjectloii to washing, if required . no objection to Ibetouuiry; ur.l class WflfjlO 9 11 KAST .141 II ST -TWO KKSI'KCf ABLB GIRL*, w XT in one house; oue as cook sad the other as cham mm w*itrr?*, trooti references* %) I - WI .SI a:k. was Itr and Ironer In a small private fsimly; no oiyectlon to go as laundress; best eity reference. iii iO KAsT El . NTURK. ?AH KlitsT "CLASS o)Us) rook ; would assist In coarso washing; city or conn try; beat city relerence. ij/wi WKST 101II ST.?A TOt'NO OIRL, NOT LONG DUO from England, M cook, wash and Irou Iu e small private femUy. srrvATiom wahtkd-fkmalbs. look*. ?r. OAQ WK8T 44TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN 0'*0 u cook, vublf ud ironer; first eliu city ref erenoe. K AST 3?TH ST.?AH FIRST CLASS COOK ; competent In oil krinohn; nwlllDt baker; would a?ai*t la washing; first claao city rale mica. 308 01 7 BAST MTU ST?A KESPKCTABLE WOMAN OjL I a* good cook iu a private family; thoroughly under stands her bueiaese; beat roieranca. Q"l 7 EAST37TH ST.. ROOM 1?.?A RESPECTABLE Oil girl aa good cook and to aaabt with the washing and Ironing; city or coMutry : bail raferenee. ?no MOTT ST.. NEAR HLEBl'K KR.-A RE8PKCTA OJ.O We Protestant woman aa (nod plain cook . flrat rale waabar and lroaor; la a good broad and biscuit maker; good raforooeo. EAST 2BTH ST.. SECOND KLOOK.-A HE ?)?,() apactable girl to cook, waab and Iron; city or eoun Uy; good raforonca. 326 WEST UrtTH ST.?AS UOOD COOK AND TO assist with the waabing; over tbreo yoara' refer Call for two daye. Ot?7 WEST 38TH ST.. SECOND FLOOR, HACK uw I room.?Two young girlt, one aa plain cook, waihrr and ironar. tba otlier aa chambermaid and waitreaa; beat city refaronce; private family preferred. 341Q EAST??TH ST.. STORK.?A RESPECTABLE mdO girl ?? good plalu cook, waabar and Ironar; beat city reference. 'JOQ EAST 31 ST 8T.-A RESPECTABLE YODNO Owt7 girl aa cook; l? willing to assist Hi waabing and ironing; beat city refereuca; no objection to a boarding hone*. 330 EAST BUT 11 ST -AS FIRST CLASS COOK AND to do the eoarM washing; very brat roferonce. 'JO? WEST 41 ST ST.?AS tit.OD COOK AND FIRST OO I class waabor and ironer for a email private family; one year'a city reference. O'JQ EAST 32 D ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO OIRL ooO ?> cook, waaher and ironar; American or Englialt family pralerrad; beat rity relerence. 330 WEST 44T1I ST ONE PAIR STAIRS CP. front.?Aa ood plain conk and to aaaiit with tba wMilling; no objection to the country; beat reference. Q'JQ 1STaT.,IN the bakery-a respectable OO'/ woman aa A rat claaa cook In a boardlug honaa or ree tuurant; beat reference. '_)< /\ EAST 56TU ST.?A COMPETENT WOMAN AS OttU cook; fully onderataada bar business; williug to aaaiat with tbe waabing; city orcuuntry; beat city reference. 34 *) WEST 40ru ST.?A UIKL AS COOK, mJ waabcr and iretiar; good city relerence. O 19 Bast ldTH ST., TOP FLOOR.?A RE8PBCTA ?)'Xw blr Pruteatant girl aa cook; good city relerence; no objeetion to the eountrv. Call for two dava. Oil WEST 40TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN 0"x *X aa cook, waaher and Ironer in a small family; city or country ; boat city reference. Can be aeeu lor two day*. 'J i ? EAST I7TI1 ST.. REAR.-AN ENGLISH 0"r I woman aa competent cook; strong and willing to wort in a boarding bouse; will help lu waabing; city or country; reterenco. 'JQQ Hit KS ST.. BROOKLYN.-AN EXPERIENCED OOi7 English woman aa A ret claaa cook; understand! her business iboroughly; good city reference!. 411 EAST 17TU ST.?A YOUNU WOMAN AS FIRST claaa cook. EAST I1TM ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN AS COOK. -Jtl waaher and irouer or to do housework; city or country: best roterence A*)(i WBpT 521) ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNO girl aa cook, waaher and ironer; good city refer ence. 4t>7 west ibtu sr.-two respectable oirls. 4 aletere. In a private family ; one aa cook, washrr und inmer; the other aa cbainbermaid and waitress; good city relerence. AO O EAST 1RTH ST., BETWEEN 1ST AV. AND AV. A.?Ae good cook; understand! sonps, game and pastry baking; city or country, couutry preferred; good city reference. < all for two days. A OQ WEST 26TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS 2E ? J O plain cook, washer and ironer; beat city reference. a 'iq westTSth st~-a you:scTwoman as good iOti cook and baker; willing to assist with tbo coarse washing; willing and obliging; city reference. 445 Wr.ST 27TII ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS COOK and laundrem; city references. 488 6TH AV.. ROOM I.-AS COOK; UNDERSTANDS cooking in all branches; best reference. JQQ 2D AV.,?A FIRST CLASS CoOK, W1IO THOR tOO oughly understands her business; no objection to city or couutry. Call in the store. 490 cm AV.?A COMPETENT WOMAN AS COOK in a private family; best city raferenee. JQ9 7T1I AV., REAR.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL Tt/ij as cook or to do general housework; good refer ence. CAR WEST 32D ST., THIRD FLOOR, FRONT OvU room.?A rrspectauie girl as cook ; understands nil kinds of game: aiso good bread and biecuit maker; or to do cliamberwork and plain sewing. r:/\ - 6TH AV.. BETWEEN 30TH AND 31ST STS.?A Uv/U respectable girl as cook iu a private family; best city relerence. Cft - 2D AV., NEAR318T ST.-TWO RESPECTABLE t/tJlJ young girls: one Ha good cook, the other as waitress; city or couutry ; beat city reference. rum "55 a v., first floor.?a rssfbota*U( OuU woman us cook, washer *nil Ironer: willing iiml obliging; city or country ; good city reference. DQQ THUI) AT., JfKAk AtTH NT.?A RBSFBOT " I'/'J Hkle Protestant woman as cook; would assist with the washing; no objection to go a short di-iance in the country; good reference. nA\ "ttfu av.-American Protestant woman s rtx as cook and to assist with the washing; good rnicr enee. 821" HTII AV.?A K KSI'KCT ABLB YOUNG WOMAN ns cook in u private family; ties! city refereuce. 007 2D A?., FIRST FLOOR.?A KKSPEOTABLE O-j 1 middle-aged widow as good eook, washer and ironer; goodelty relerenee. 3U A\ -TW(> GIRLS; ONE AM GOOD l.OOv plain c 10k. wa>her and ironer; other as cbarn bermaid and waitress; reference. 1 A. 1 (t aD AT.?A nWNU WOMAN AS COOK AND l.Xiw to aaslat with the coarse washing; best city ref erence. AT"VERY GOOD ENGLISH COOK. REFERENCES. Adoress, stating particntars, O. L.. station D. Cham Dermis Ids. Hie. 3bYll AT.?A KK8PKCf AliLK YOUNG GIRL TO DO upstairs work and assist In washing and ironing; three years' beat city reference. WEST 218 r ST., NEAR 5T1I AV.?A RESPECT A ble girl as chambermaid and waitress; good city rsier ence. I tf EAST ?2D ST.-A LADY DESIRES A SITUATION II for a young Protestant girl as chambermaid and waitress. O/1 WBMT 13TH ST.. RKAR AS CHAMBERMAID as17 and to do doe washing; city or oonntry ; best city ref erence. 9 OI WEST 31 ST ST. (PRESENT KM PLOVER'S).-A ?j1 respect able young girl a? chambermaid and would as sl-t with waiting 111 a private boarding bouse. 58 ;iri as eh.inioermaid and waitress in a private taiu 10 s?s? Uitr.KN WXi'H ?T.~ A YOUNG WOMAN AS jiiJd chaniberinaid, seamstress or waitress; can operate on a Wheeler A Wilson or Domestic machine. t){\ EA>T 52D HT-A RESPECT ABLE GIRL TO~DO mJ'J rhaniberwork and sewing or to tske care of childrea and do sewing. O- MA RION iST.-A COMPETENT GIRL TO DO Oil general lionsework in a small, genteel lamily; good washer and Ironer; eight years' relerenee. r ?> WEST :wr11 ST.?A ~H-PECTABLK YOUNG tJfJ girl us cliHiiiberinnld and waitress; no objection to the country; best city reference. west 1 bfn Si':?aTkkspeotablb girl as cliamberinald and nnrse; city reference. oci TAR1CK NT?A KBBPKOTABLB YOOVO OIRL 00 as chambermaid or nurse; understands the care ot an inturit from its birth ; good relerenee. Call or address for two days. inn"east-hist" stTcornbk ?th av.-a rk 1 wU spertablc girl as chambermaid and lanndresa in a private tauiily; thoroughly nndet stands ber business; Is willing and obliging; best city relerenee. I 01 f WKft r writ NT.?A YOPMO GIRL AM tiBti. II 'I t berumid and waitrrss; would assist in wasblug and ironing;eight >ears' best city reference. 1 i \ 1 WEST It.D sr-A vol'NO PROTESTANT ,1'f Jt woman to do chambcrwnrk and wnehing; would mind children ; good city reference. ID-. KA.-T 11ST ST.?A RESPECT ABLE YOUNG A* "?J girl as ehamoeri ily; g iouclty relerenee. cT eaBT 86TH IsT.?A GERMAN UlUL AS CilAM ') bermaid and senmstreM. 1 oni WEST 15TH if.?A RE8PBCTABLB OTrITaB JL'lUJ first class chambermaid and would aaeist with the w ashing and Ironing. good city reference. WENT 331) ST., REAR.?AM CIIAMHKRMllD and waitress or to assist with wnehing in a private family; beat city reference. WEST 1UID ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNO girl ns chambermaid aud waitress; city reference. "I *)i) WEST JUTII ST. (RINU THIRL) BELL) A JsiA yonng girl as cbmib-rmald and waitress or to assist with the washing and ironing; good city reference. 7 r wTTl TB NT.- A UIFIUTAUi YtfUMO LADY aiT at ensmbermaid. lor. ifisr asTffsT? a youro girl am cham J mO bermaid and waitresa; good city reference. Call lor 1 wo days. ion WEST -T>TI1 ST. Tn TIIE STORK.-A RESPECT lO" able Protestant girl ss chambermaid and waitress, or chainbcrwork alone; bestdty relerenee; no objection to the country. Call for two days. Is>'> WEsF 3STH ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN AM COM OO prtent ehHinbermald and waitress in a private fam ily; good city reference. east ftrrii stTTphesbnt employers.)?a young girl as charaberinnld and waitress; also nnrse. 1 ')?) 2*TH ST., BKTWKEN 6TII AND 7TH ATM.' XOO third pair of stairs, bark room?A re>|>eetabla Prote-iant girl as rka.n i.erniald in lb conntry ; five years' relerenee Irum ber last plare. ? WEST iWTII ~MT?A KMPECTABLK VOING gin at .11 ..mbermaid and Waitress; best etly rsisr Call ee or address h. M. 115 133 135 V?0 WEST 2STH ?T., IN THE BAKKRV.-KNOI.ISTl JLO<7 Protestant as chanih-nnald or to do housework; is kind to children; c.ty or ronntry. Ill EAST 32 D ST. ?A KEfsPKCTABLE"AMERICAN i'tt girt as chain bermaid and waitress or aa nnrae and to make herself nsatal; gawd city reference. 11(1 WEST 4CTII ST"tPRr.SKNT EMPLOYBR'Sl.-A 1t"7 yonng trl as cbnmbermald and waitress and to assist with warhlug nod Ironing, no objection to go to the country 1|(| WBMT 3BTH ST.. FIRST FJ.Ooit.7-A RESPECT It'/ able girl as chambermaid and laundress; lest ei;y islerencc 1 - 1 WEST isril ST.. ROOM 4. REAR ?A MBBPBCT 1 ? ) ? abls girl aa chambermaid and wsilress, best city rtiermoe. _ 1rn~K'-^T HD ST.?A GERMAN GIRL AS CHAM* OU bermaid 111 an American lainily. Call for twndayi. M'InRST 4-TII ST.?a YOUNG WOMAN A* ebainhermii d sad waitress, sad assist with ti e wishing- sud I riming In a private family; best c.ty rulers nc." '"'idirti l~rj jT WEST ttuTil ST., BETWEEN IOTII AND 1ITH Jf)tJ avn - A respectable yonng girl as ihhthcfH and waitress. Cnii for two days. MITVATIOW* WANTED-PEXAJilBk _ ChainbrrmnM*. We. Ont> BOTT ST -A KE*PKCTABLK GERMAN OIEL w' ' w u chambermaid; willing t" help do goner*! bease work; ran wash and iron. Inquire at room I. OAO"EA1T SSTH BT -A RESPECTABLE TOPNfl srirl aa eliambermaid and waitreseli a private fsui iiv : beat city retereoce from last place. Call or addreea for two OTH ST., anon rUKHMVQ girls to live together; one a? cbarnbermaia and waitreaa and one aa laundress; brat city reference. Call for two days. tin7 RAPT 38TH ST.. ONE FLIOHT VP.?AB FIRST -ol'l claas chambermaid : it a (rood waaher and ironer; willing and obliging: best city reference from ber laat place. _ EAST 4?T 11 RT?A KB8 RECTA RLE WO MA N to do chamberwork and aaalat with tha washing. 209 211 91(1 EAST SSTH BT.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS W 1 ' ' chainberninid and waitreaa; willing to aaaiat In anything r<*)tiired; beat reference. 7TII AV"?-A YOUNG GIRL AS ClUKNKXAli and waltreia WEST 86TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE TO UNO girl at chanihermald and waltr a* In a amall prlrate family; no objection to a amall boarding bouse. Call or ad dress. Ol O WEST WlTlI ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOCNO eel j girl aa chambermaid aad waitress or do housework ; good city reference. Ofc WEST 1*TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS ? I' ' chambermaid and waitress, or to tnke rare of grow ing children and sew; best oity references; ring the bell four times. mKAST 29TH ST. ?BY A RESPECT A It LK PEK son aa chambermaid and laundress and is willing to make herself generally useful; good reference. Can ho aeen. OOTeA ST SSTH ST.. IN THE STORK ?A HBBPBCT md 2-TT able young girl as chambermaid and waitress; elty reference. OOFffKST CI) ST.?A COLORED GIRL AS CHAM bermald or waitress in a private family or board ing house. 9<)(\ EAST 4RTII iST., 11ETWEBN^~AND 3D AYS. (ring third heL).?To do ehamherw tk and line *> a.hlng. or would do waiting; Is competent to do either work; can lie well recommended. ?)') I KaST MtII ~ ST ?A Y(j0ICO GIRL TO DO utl i" chatnheraork and to aasist with the washing. 2"?) ?!f~WK.Vr" Itrrii ST.. BETWEEN KROADWAT ? l?y and ?th bt.?A respectable young girl to do the chamberwork and waiting and help take care of children In it nlaln family where she could moke herself generally utefnl. 2Off WEST atlTH ST . FOURTH REM..-AS CRAM rill bermald and waitress, or to do homework; beat city reference. 21 r BABT BOTH ST.-A WOMAN AB CHAMBSS *"r?I maid or to mind grown children ; either in city or country; good reference. Ol C " WEST ?JUI'iT'sT.^AB CHAX BERN AID A BP wT'l waitreaa or chambermaid and to assist in washing: eight ycara' reference. 9A Q WEST 27TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE TOONO J t girl as rhambarmaid and waitress; willing and obllglug;Tie?t city reference. 0 ? <) WEST ->*TII ST.?A COMPETENT CHAMBER dj'fmd maid and waitreaa or chambermaid and laundress; excellent references. 2_ - ?- ? 47TH bt.?A GIRL AS CHAMBERMAID *IO and waitress; good reference. Call for two days. OXQ WEST BODBTOE BT.?A RB8PEOTABLKGIRL as chambermaid and waitress In a private family; city or country; best reference Irom last place. Call for two days. Of{Q WEST 98TI1 ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AB Zj'iC> ehntnbermsid; no objecllun to assisting with any other work. Call for two days. 9JJQ 8 D A v.. B KT W125 23D AMD 231) ST8.?A weOO young girl ns chambermaid and waitress; willing and obliging: is a desirable person: city reference. Qllft BABT BSD ST.?A YOUNG GIRL As"CHAM ijyfVJ bermald and waitress; three yean' city reference from last place: elty or country. *1117 BAST BIST sr.-A Young"girl TO DO UP" Ov I stairs work and line washing. UfiQ WtMT M ST.?A YOUNG CTRL AS CHAX. ? IwO bermald and waitress or would take eharge of chil dren. ?)fr. BAST 2'tTH ST.?A YOUNG SCOTCH WOMAN ?M'l as chambermaid and waitress; city or country. Call for two days. 01 Q K AST 47TH ST ?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG ? II O girl as chnmbermaid ami waitress; is willing and obliging: would assist with washing and Ironing; best city rvforence. OOS WEST 42D hT.-A RKSPECTABLK UIRI , NOT t)w' ' long In the conntry, as ehainhennsld or would do bonaework In a private family. Call lor two days. 333 >)i)(' WEST JrtTII ST. ? A RESPECTABLE- VOL'NO *)? w trirl as chambermaid anil waitress in a private family: beat city reference. EAST 35TII ST.?A I > It. KitoNT.?A '"ill respectable woman to no upstairs work and assist with washing; reference. QQ7 WEST 41 ST ST ? A It H s P KCT A It Llf OI III. AS Or J I chambermaid and waitress tn n small family; is a first class nastier and froner; best city references. OOU KAST -Wrll ST.?A ~K K SI* KCT A HI K "< if ft LAM tlOO chambermai 1 and waitress; pood ret rrnce Irmii last place. Call or address. ojl WfcsT 20TH ST. (I'RKSENT EMPLOYER'S).? tlx L A good girl as chambermaid and waitress. ') ( ff EAST 1ST ST.?A VOUKO AMERICAN GIRL t/T'/ as chanibermaid and waitress. In a lonrding house; good city reference. yc] 1 w EST 10T ll~ ST-A RESPECTABLE VOL'SO to'W girl to do chamberwork and waiting; city refer ence. 401 445 1ST AV.-A YOUNO tlIRL TO DO CHAMBER work and waiting; city or country ; city reference. J1 7 WEST"?ITI! A, THIRD FLOOR.?A XK8PB0T T.I I able irlrl to do cliatuberwork and waiting or to do chamberwork and sewing; good city reference. 41 U KAST I7TII ST.. II A HI,KM.?A RESPECTABLE tIO girl as chambermaid and waitress; no onjeetion to the country; good reference from last place. Address I,. B. 07 WEST lHTlfHT7-A (URL. TO IjoTihamBER ? I work and Hnr washing; good city reference. WEST HOTtl ST.?A TOUNO GIRL TO DO light chamberwork and take rare of children. A AM WEST- iWH ST.?A RESPECTABLE TOCHO TTU girl as flrst class chambermaid and seamstress or to do waiting; best city reference from her last place. 4-1 WEST'.'alb ST.. THIRD FLOOR.?A RESPECT ' )t able yonng girl as rhemhermaid and waitress; willingand obliging; good city reference. A gvl ' WEST A3D s r.. top fl< m?r. pkont.-a RE T'/i: spectable girl as chambermaid and to assist in waiting; city reference. 4-r - htiT av7.In the stoke.?a young c.irl >)') as chambermaid end waitress In ? small family; best eity reference. 1 lO Wl 8T MD ST.?A YOUNO 01RL AS CHAM T'lO fcrroi.tid and waitress or waitreet alono; good' city reference from last place. A ft A TTU AT.?A RESPECTABLE TOUNO GIRL AS xw'x chiimbertr aid and waitress or nurse and to do sew ing; best city reference from last place. ,| uo "?t!I~av7, itooi" u7-~a yocno uiel ii X0O chambermaid and laundress; city or country; good reference. CfU) 3D AT., ]'I ttbr ridJOIt. FRONT ROOM.?AS chatnliermnid and seamstress or to take care of ohildrea and do sewing; willing to go to the country. rjuTli) AV -A YDl.'.NifCntF LATELY LANDED, tfWI) ss ebainix-rmaid aud waitress, or would make her sell generally usefhl. jrol ST.. CP staTksT-a Yiii-.Fi bntL L t<> do upstairs work and Sawing, or to go as seam stress. Call for two days. rTT" west 4-tD ST.?a iiksi-ectable protes wtT tant girl as chambermaid Iii a private family or boarding house. Call for two days. CiTfi' GTII A V.?RESPECT A RLEPROTESTANT (ilKL l)w"? as cbanibermsid and seamstress: understands Winder A Wilson's machine; be-t city reference fium last place. /'*?7 6TII AV.7sEOOND FLOOR.?A Yllli'Nt) UIRL \J*J ( as chambermaid and waitress; best c'ty reference. 7,7171X1. a v.. uFno third BELL?am CHAM I '/X bemnld aud to do Que * ashing; good city refer ence Call for two days. 70(1 era ay., corner aist nr., candy stork? I U (/ A respeetaldc girl as chambermaid and In do wash ing or sewing ; would -ee to children ; good city reference. 71(1 .ID AY. BETWEEN 4ITII AN If 4.VTH STR.- A I 11/ young Scotch Protestant girl as chambermaid and waitress or chambermaid and to do flue washing; would like a Inmily roing to the country or would go to the country. Call for two days. Q(i'T" ai>' AV.. THIRD FLOOR?A IUMPBCT ABLB Ot'T girl as chambermaid and waitress and to assist with tb# washing and ironing; good eity reference. Off I 11'Til A V?A REM*KCT ABLE YOCNO GIRL '/U t as chambermaid and waitress. Call or address for two days 11 I .- 3D AV.-A YOU NO OIKl Ts chamber: situ maid in a private family: Is a flrst class laun dress, no objection to the country ; two years' eity reference. Cell on or address II. P.. tor two days HE EVENING TKLROKA W ' Id THE Must VALUABLE AND CHEAPEST ADVF.KT1SI.NU MKIlilM IN THE CITY. BEND FOR RATER OFFICE NO. J ANN ?T. Dre-sniakrrs ami semnstresses. 2 WEST MTH ST (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).-AN experienced s-ametreag, who can operate un any ma chine and can cut and III children's clothes, in a private family, willing to assi-i with growing children. ABIN ft HON SQUARE.?A SW K I>ThH SEAM ?tress wishes a few inote engagements to go ent by the day. i Q DOWNING ST ?A MIDDLE-AGED ENOLIflll tO woman as -cauiatreee; understands all kinds of fam ily sewing; slilrtmaking. 4TH AY. ENTRANCE ON NINTH ST -A YoUNG woman as seamstress In s nrlvsie family, understands dressmaking In all Its branches; works tVheeler A Wilson's machine, lias good city reference. Call or address. IRVING PLACE.-A DRESSMAKER^ WISHER A ? J few e gagemeate by the day; also to take work home. Call or address. i nn WftdT MTH ~HT.r~CORNER ?TH AV.. UP il/U Stairs.?A lirst class dres-maker; has the latest Im port td pettortis for soils and evening dresses, rloaks, bridal outiits; ialiee own luateiiala mmle in first class style; Oiling perfect. Call on or address M. hltlTTON. 58 107 WEST 25TII ST. ? A PROTESTANT UIRL AB ecsmstress; would wait on a ladv. 11(1 "wist I will" sT," BETWEEN i-TII AND 7TH 11U avs.? A competent tlressruaker wialiet to go ont by the day: city reference. Address, by note, .Miss t.ilKK.V 7TII AV. ?AFRENCH GIRL AS SKA MnTRERB 120 end to take care of children; good city reference. Iff tj"WERT h'WTH ST.ritflOM FRONT ?A DRESS OJ maker wishes a few more customers by the day of week ; can ent. Bt and operate ; best eity reference. Icijf KASTdiB ST-A COMPETENT DRESSMAKER s/*/ and trimmer wishes a few more engageuienisb.r the do or week or work et home: best refer, nece. Call lor twu da. a. WEST iWD sT-A ToC.NO WOMAN AR SEAM' ?tress; understands dreeinrakleg and operating thoroughly; beltrelcrtuce. 155 SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMAliES. OrfMmak?r> sand Si>?n?tr?ufi< IKK 7TH AV -A PROTESTANT YOUNG WOMAN it AciuiitrrM In ? rival.- anilr by th? mnnlh ; it % first class operator on Wheeler A Wllsou'e machine; good rater*net If required. Call or address. mKArtT 40TII "Sr.-A C<>M I'KTKXT WOMAN AS K"amatrcu: ean take entire charge of Infant or t*ow ing children Address M. N. OoT EAST 47TM ST., TOP KLOOK AM H8AM ai?JT atrraa and to aaalat wltli children; no objection to the country. <) IT? EAST ViTH ST.?A RESPKCTAKLK YOUNG ? III Ctrl aa experienced ?eaniMroM and chambermaid ; beat ci y rcleronces. yi7~ WEST 31ST ST.. BASRNKNT.-A THOROOaH ?e'l I aeaniatreaa; understand* dressmaking; la a troud operator; wouldaxaiat with chamberwork; good reference. uHT BAST MM ST.-a" KIKST CLASS ttl'KK ITI)K ' t and dreaanmker would like to tro aa seamstress In the country with a private lanitly; wages, $5 por week. Call or address. A **11 JD AT.. SECOND KLOOR.-A YOl'MG OIRL a at teamstresi; undcratanda dressmaking; witling to aaalat wltb tbe eltarahorwork. Rife to a v., near mra t. twibn tmiiii ?"3S ' "aeatnetreaa and nurae to growing children he a capable peraon; ia an excellent operator on Wheeler A VVH aou'a machine; will aaalat it tbo chamberwork; beat city reference*. Cnj) ?D AV., (IROCEIlY STORK?A THOROUGH \Jl/Vl dressmaker, pood fitter and trimmer, goes out by ,the day ; does family sewing. #1 50 per day. fioo tITIl AV . "bhTwKKN .17111 AMI 3HTH STS.-A U?)t/ competent dro siusker wlaiiea a few more engage meuta by the day or week. COO BliOAOWAY'"l>REMMAKINt> BY A I.ADV ytlw w!m ia a first class designer, cutter and biter; thoroughly utideratanda ladiea' and childron'a dressromklug, would ao out by the day or work at botne. Call on or ad dreaa DRESSMAKER. ADKKRSM vKKR, ~ THOROUGHLY COMPETENT, will give every satisfaction in atylea, fitting, finish ami puce. Addreaa Mrs. PA UK Kit, Herald Uptown Branch office. HKSPtC I'A 111. K YOU NO PERSON WISHES A HIT nation by April 'JO aa aeaniatreaa and maid; under etands dressmaking thoroughly and the care of a lady's wardrobe; la willing to travel to Europe or anywhere with a kind family; iaklud and iritetw-ortby. which relercuco will ahow. Please address .Miaa M. f? station K. ? tienrrnl Housrwark. Jttm. 4IIOR \TItf ST.?A GIRL To Do OKNEKAL H0UHK work In a small private family; beat city reference. Call for two days. 9"| HESTER ST~ BETWEEN NOKKOLK AND SUF ?- A folk. Drat floor.?Two young girt, wiali altuatiima ; one to tin nenoral houarerork; the other to do upstairs work and tnke care of children; city or eouutry. Call on or addreaa Mary*. ?i S HICKS ST., BROOKLYN, 2D FLOOIL?lT"ITe ? t''J apectahle woman where the can tnke ber child; will work for small wagca. in SPK1SU ST. MARRIED WOMAN TO Df? GEN Tta' crul housework; like to take her child with Iter; heme more than wages; city or country. CARMINE ST.?A YOUNG GIRL TO DO OM eral housework; best reference from laat place. 4tT EAST j.TTIIST.?TWO ~ R K s P KI' T AIU.K YOUNG t) girls to do the entire work of a smnll private faintly; together or a-paraie ; city reference. Call far two day*. CC JAMBS ST.?TO TRAVEL OR DO GENERAL ?/tJ housework for a respectable family; beet city refer ence. Hfl WEST WASHINGTON ST.-A RESPECTABLE 1)1' girl to do geuoral homework; city or country refer ence. A 43 mEAJlT 8J0 ST.?A KKfl* EOT ABLE OIRL TO DO general housework tn a private family; two years' telercnce trom last employer, 1 1 (I D?a RKsPBCTABLB YOUNG OIRL TO ill) do general huaaework iu a private family; willing and obliging mMACDOUOAL ST.. NEAR BLERCKER, FIRST floor.? A respectaide, smart, m dtlie aged woman to do light housework ; plain cooking, washing and Ironing; heat references. Apply to Mrs Mi .MuliKlN. yf 6 kasTTst st? third Tlo(>r.?a uerman lit/ girl to do general bouaework In a small family. mWKST 111 H ST.?A RESPECTABLE UIUL TO do general homework lu a small family; city ref erence. mKAST fliJTU ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN to do general housework In a small private family; good reference. I ') w Es r 'BTH sT.-A YOUNO Q1KL TO DO 1?) ? light housework; ia willing and obliging; city or country; good retrrence. 1 VJ~WMT lUTH ST.?A OIRL TO DO GENERAL it) a housework; no objections to a private boarding house; beat city reloranee. 1 CA EAST 47TII ST.-II KKSPKUTABLK YOCNO 1UU girl t<> do housework ; Is a good plain cook, waahar and irouer; good city referoncc. 1>| WEST :u>rtl ST.-TWO VOUMU COLORED 101 girls id do general housework iu a small fniuily; 1* obliging, ami willing to do anything. _____________ t'r'n "west sr. a ui.s"rani>k young 10 I girl to , 1 WEST a'Til ST., rill' FLOOR.?A YOL'NO ZZc) colored girl to do general housework in a email tMm>ly. Ml., mi 1,1.1 \ a.>. hit)t east sist st.?a respectable yuUNO ^ irtrl to do geueral housework tu :t small private faintly; l? a good plant cook and un excellent washer and I Irouer; tie.! city reference. _0all for two day*. l)Oi) twill ST.-A DECENT. KKKPECTaBLB /,)Z uirl wi.lie. . ait it ation to d ? general housework In a suail private family, or ehaniberwnrk and lino waalilng; four years' reference. Can be seen lor two days at Iter present employer's. . iio/r W"nST JUTH ST.?A REnPEClABLK CIRI. TO ^OU do general homework In a private family; eity re? ereicfl. /? 64TM ST., BETWEEN HD AND HI) AYS.,THIRD tjOK) floor, buck room ?A rospeelable girl to do geueral housework ; good city reference. KASl 'J4TII ST.-A COM I'KTKNT AXU KK I liable woman to do general housework in a small family; city or country. ~MlLHKBKY ST.?A PROTESTANT WOMAN to do general housework; city or country. "KAhTAVrilST.?A KKSPKCTaBLK OIKL TO no general housework. Cell or address. 242 243 till WEST 1ST1I ST., KKAK. A MUM. OIKL TO ^44 do light housework or chaiuberwork, or to take cars ol children. Call lor two days. __ 41 | | E AST :..vril ST. ?I WO WIKI.S; ONE TO no .*44 general homework; the other as chambermaid and to take care of children ; food city reference. Call or atidre**. . general honsuwork In a private family; best city relerence. - OT. I) wiisf itlTil ST-A KRSP EOT ABLE YOUNO nuinan to do jr*n?ral boo**w??rkj willing Md obHr lug . good and kind to children ; best cltr reference, t.nn be seen for two darn. <|7I?? WEST Ml) Vr.-A RESPECTABLE WOM AN TO do general housework, in a im? 1 priente Inmily. or n. g....d ictciericn. 4,-tl MONROE ST.-A KKSPEJ-T.tlll.K Yol'NO OIEL J* I O to do light homework and mind children lit a small private family. t* ?ll f??r two diyt. OOlf EI ST . REAR. ?A MIDDLE AGED /Q k> woman U* do g*?n#ral limtsework in a small family: good washer Slid Ironer; no objection to th'.couuirr ; a good hand SI milk nnd butter. Call on M't. MULUEAKN. Ol W1 71'11 AV ?A BKSI'Ki'T A It Li*. VOIMi WOMAN to do general housework. Postal cards not aniwcod. *31lT" EAST SWT II ST.-A COM I'KTKNT YOUNG WO OUl man to do general housework; best el ly relerence. oTYl EAST I T S1. -A RESPECTABLE OIKL TO Of' r d" general liousework ; four >.-nr? best relerence. 4 KArrf rwTlFsT., TillRl) FLOOR. A RESPECT qI I- able girl to do general housework ; etty nr eouutry; best refcreuen. OoTiT* I0TH AV.?A KESPKCTABLK YOL'NO OKR' OmU man girl to do |tsw*l beneswork. oiTi) east nu st.?a youno oirl to do okw. eral bousework In a small private family; eity rflc renew. Wr's-r 17TH ST.. IN KKAU?A HERMAN CTRL OJjO to do general housework In a small family; city relerence. - OOllMSIII ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNO 0? ?vj woman to do general bousework; best reference from last place. oBAST mvrn ST.. FIRST PL EAST SIST ST.?A YOUNO OIBL TO DO t.KN* 04t5 ersl housework; willing and obliging; reference.^ 0 . /? EASY ?D ST., BETWEEN 1ST AND ID Ws ,51 O a well reeiimmen led glri to do general housework ; umlrr-tsnds her work. ___ ?J 1 *7 WEST 7)R.?A BE" x ' ' L apectahfe girl to i(o general homework in n mall family; good city reference. r. I a 7 w k sr ft ibt > r. -T~kk L to do irrneral housework in a (mail private lamiljr; willing and obliging. r.(; o a da t., n ear mTi~"sT-A 'respectable 'JyJmj girl to do general homework; beat citjr references Call for two daw 6l?~ LEXINGTON AV.-A VOL'S.i GIRL TO general homework; city reference. 7 AO HTll AV.?A COMPETENT DltEKHM A K KB. I 10 wlio iro's out by the day, wishes a few engage moots. Cell or address. I I170 isFAV\?A respectable girl to do ? " ' I O general liumework In a small private family; la a good washer and ironer; good city reference. 1 O*)Q SD AV., ftT* 1EX TftTH ANft 70TH KTtt _ x,OxjaJ A yonntr girl fo do geueral houaework in a pri vate laiutly ; good city reference. tyj,> -Q AV young girl to do Light i?Ow I housework in a private lamlly; beat city refer ence from her last place. I ,'||tj 10AT., SRAR 8STH ST. (FULL HBOOMH l.r/V/O ball).?A young girl to do light housework ; good reference. OfPOSlrBHTII ST., RAILROAD A v., MOK1UHANIA.? A young girl to do general houaework; country pre ferred. Tllli EVKNINO TELEGRAM IS THK MOST VALUABLE AND OFIEAPKHT ADVERTISING MKIHI M IN TUB CI I V. BENO L OR It VIES. OFFICE t NO. ft ANN ST. Hotiaekeepera.1 dec. 8 BOND ST., PARLOR FLOOR A YOrNO HTItO pc iii lady aa hnu-eLeeper lu a whlower'a family of meniit; reference. Call till 7 P. il. Qff~OAKA? ST. (Piusr eCoorTLket HAXi> r/?/ aide). ? A respectable widow wishes to find a place aa housekeeper lu a griitfeman's family. Call after 11 A. M. 1 A A FAST 87TH ST. (PRESENT EM PLOVER'S).?A x IT eompeteut and tfnatworthy housekeeper; no nbjeo tiou to children : highest references. Oj(f EAST ~37ni ' BT.r THKKE FLIGHTS UP, Ol ?/ Iront.?A reapectahl ? middle aged woman as house keeper and seamstress in a private family; good city reiur cnce?. Call lor two days 71 HT H AV.-A mT6d LEA GEO ~ AM K R f CAN ~t'J woman, n Ithout enctuiiliranees, wishes the care of a h oi,e lor the aiimmar, for parties going abroad or to the . ountry. 8?m ATLANTIC 'AT.. NEAR VANDRRBILT, BROOK lyn.? A respectable English I'roteatant na hnaae keeper. companion, malion or any position not menial; * neat hand sewer. Call on or address Mrs. BilliWN, for one week. A KKSPKCTA1JLK LADY WISHES POSITION AS sV housekeeper in widower's family. Address M. Z., Herald ollice. "as American widow Lady "ok refinement ax aa housekeeper to a gentleman; ean till any position of trust. Address IllHSKKLEPLlt, hex li'i ller.ild ollice. A ll ESPII' I A H LK WO M AST OK EX PKIt 11*.NOE. as housekeeper or lady's maid; undaratanda her husl Dos thoroughly ; no objections to travelling. Aildrsaa M. 0. A., Herald Lptown Branch otlice. ha umlressea, ike. 1ft LITTLE JONES ST;?-AN AMERICAN AS GOOD XV/ cook, ? adier aud ironer, in a private lamlly nr board ing house : good city relcr. nee. * A~ EAST ftSTU ST.?A ItKSl*KCTTa"hTe"\V()MAN AH X'J first class laundress or to do line washing aud chafh bcrwork ; best city reference. Call on or address ROSE. BABT 2NT11ST ?A YOUNuTuTrE AM II it ST rlass laundress; city references 56 7 /1 WEST turn ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).?A I " young woman aa luunoross; Inlly competent. Call for two daya. Ttn WKST30TH ST., THIRD FLOOR.?A RESPECT XawX able girl as first clasa lauudreaa; city ur country; B years' city reference. "J OO WK8T d.'il) ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AB last ) good Inundress; nndrratands polishing and Muting; would do a little ehamberwork; city West mil bt.?as first class scotch laiindresa; undersinnds her business; beat city ref erence; wnnhl go a short distance In the country. 1 | A WEST HO'il ST.. KI EST i liT. MACK.?A ITU respectable woman, tu work by the day, washing. Ironing houeecfeanitig or any other work; terms moderate ; beat reference. O KADI SON ST., BBIN IS l? FL? 55 It ?A W O M A n"tO ? I go out washing or hnusrcloanitig. H g/t WkftT 'dsril ST.-A COMPETENT AND KXPE X? 1*1 ricncrd woman to do washing aud ironing; thor oughly understands it; satisfactory reference irom her employer. 1,"U W'KST .'i3D ST. (SKCOND HKLL).?A RKSPKPT < /O able girl an I mind re**, or iu Iniiuuret* awl chamber* maid; be*t city reference. 1 "V55 MO Kfc-A RKNPROTABt.E YOUKU WO JLUU man at first elate lantidn-x iu a private family ; good city reference. KAST 3HTH ST.-A RKSPKCTAHLB OF IU, AR good luumlrca* in a private lanilly; be*t city relor 205 <)/\0 WEST tuTII ST.-A IlKHI'Kt'TAHl.K WOMJVW > aa 1ir*t clnx luundreas; cnn do alt ktndt of liming; bent city roferriiroa. 1)1 O WKST dl^T ST.?A* LAUNDRESS; WFI.I.FRtt Ml -j tn ua*iat with chumberwork orwaitinic; goad city reference. ofT kAsr ?:V|Tkt.?a pikst class ImUndkIss Ail'x wmhee taiuily, Indira' or gentlemen'* washing,-or would go out by the day ; Ur*t clna* rity raferenoe. o?ii WKsT :t.'Tii st.?as Laundress axo to as ajOl aiat with cnatiiberwork . beat rity reference. O?)<> |?AST ~vnTl ST.-A KKSI'KllJABLK WOMAN ajOw wl*lir? washing at bar own boitae or to go out by the day washing or lioiiterlenning. t>ou>lnrM; be-t city reference; n? objection to the country. 2.-0 WKST SOW sr. FN TUB STORK.-A RK >Im tpertnble women to d<> waehiug or Ironing, or would go eut by the day. nr..7? WKST 47TM ST.?A W'lXAK TO SO OCT BT aiiJU the day washing or hotteocleanlog; good city ref erence. 2"lit* WKST 47TII sT. IN TilB 81IOE SlOKE.-A ?/vl re*prct*l'ie Proteatant girl a* laundress or to do chamberwork and line wa.h'ng: will be found willing and obliging; alx year*' reference from ln*t place. Otf ?>"WI-fsT KITH ST.?TO 00 OCT >1* TUB DAT mi'tmd washing or tuuoeclrenlng. O |?J RAsT 2tTII ST~ (KINO FOURTH BEf.I,).? OIO A ri nneciable trirl a* lir>t ciaae lauudreae; beet city relorencei. Call or adnrex. o I 7" east "aSfti nr., finit rioo^ MUR.?a ell I ri'*|>ertiilile woman ai lir*t clam Innn irea* to go out by ilie day, or will do hou*o cleaning; good reference. Call for two day*. 7 I A S T ~.T7T11 ST., ROOM IR?A KKSPKOfABLK girl a* compel' nt lanndrex; beet city rclerenre. ?J.iO WKST I7TM ST. KKAR.-AS KIKST CI. ASS LA PR iJ-iO dre*?; nnderetanda all kind* uf Proneh fluting. pulling and bo* plaiting; no objection to the country; liret da** rity reference O.IO EAST "Tdfa ST.. RECORD PI.OOR, REAR.-A ?J?O respectable young girt at lanndreae in a good family; flr?t clax city relerence. 33(V 317 KAST sorn ST.?AS PI KST CI.ASS LAUR drev*; !*.*? city reference. Call for two day*. O 1*1 KAST ?-hlTII ST.?A KIKST CI.ASS LAUR ?I I ? drex In a prtrate fondly : uudcratanda hor basinets thoroughly ; beet city relerence. Can be teen for two dty*. at i I'.ast s?d st.. iifiriii 1st av. and a v. ft 11 A.?A ru-iectable woman to du lino tnu coar?e wneliiog; fliitlng done eery (heap. KAST 17TII ST.?AsTaDNDRKSS, BT A PBOf e*tant; clly or coniitry ; references. 411 413 WKST JOTli ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOURO girl at flr*telt** lanndreet or te do general bousc rk ; good city reference. EAST I7TII .ST. ? A votfsit WO MAX AS LAUR dre**; iinderetand* fluting; city reference. 413 A 1 I WKsT AST 11 ST.. TII1KI> PLOOR.-A COMt'B ft J r tout girl nt lanndreet or to do general homework ; brat clly relerence. Call for two dayt. Jo/f west disi sr.?x* nuraeTMu womar ftM>) to Ito out hr the Oav to wath or hviiat clean In quire lor Mr. i\ KKKCII. TTTTkaT? iffTii st ?a"'KirrATii.K vokno ft M't girl a* lattwdre.t or would do eookltig, araehlug and ronlng In a private family ; It a good plain cook. wa*her and jroner; refrronee. 441 508 A ?Jf\ 30 A V.?A PROTEST A.N T OF HI. AS I.AIJ.Y ft *>11 dreea or ehambarmaid and to do Una waablag; city reference. 4'iO" wF.sT~53U ST.-a" RSSPHi TABLE WOXAR ? TO to go out by tho day waabtng and ironing and honwcleaning. .1 'JO WRsT 4 AV ?AR KXI-KKIKNi-KD ~ I.Ar*N7>KBSg' U"D wiahet to work ; eau do Preach fluting, paffing pollthlag ehlrlt equal to new 6*>"i.i aii av. .t fiovtrETKNT 7.TurdSBI TO OO ? )m out by tbe day lietl reterencpt 111(1,- lb av . top pi.t?..k -was?Tro TO VIS A'ml** home or dat t work'uit. 1"~~au7 Iu av.?two kkspkT-tahi7k WOMRN ? I'll with Indlee . geutlenien't or faintly wathlng at tltclr botae; roltrtncet if required. Call on or addrrae k. L. O. Rurara. dir. r WEST 1.VTH BT ?A vol .SI! tilRI, TO TACT CARE tf ofclii dren, it willing and obliging; food reference. A* UMOE COUKT. NKAK KNIVKRSITY rUCt73 v) Prench till, wall educatod, aa goeernett or child'* anrte 8 1ST ST.. KASKMKNT. -A YOL NO ENOI.1SU OIBf. at nttrte tod iu n-*i*t with tho chamberwork. i/Ti tiKovK. st.7 nkar iirimoN. in tiik rkakTI. !"?' 'II An:, ricao woman at child's nurx or to atlODd to an invalid lady. 12 WAMIIROTOR ST., IR STORK.?A TOUNO Wo man at wet nnrto. T A WKsT ?7TII ST. (I.ATK KMPI.OVKR'8).?A I.AIIV J x wl?he? i" flnd a tttnation for a rompetonl woMpn ae aune; ran take charge of as luteal rrom Ito birth. Can be ?een from Iti until t. 1" EAST 130 ST. (PRRSRRT KMPI/tTBR'S).?A ' ' I' kill Oemtan Prnteetaut girl at aurte and chamber maid. Can he hit in tlx morning. ? <)() WEST I4TR ST.-A TOORo AMKRICAH MM to u*e oart of cmidrtn, boot ?ity winiih SITtTATIOSf8 MAHTBD-rKIIALBI. Nurana. Air. O," CLINTON PLACE, HTIi HT.?A YOPNO WOW A* ?' ' to late e?r? ot grown children and assist with ehae). bar work: no objection to the Co i utry; heat city reference#. 35 4f) WADIsoN ST. REAR HUILDINO?A RKtiPBOT ?b|f woman as witt nurse in a private family *Mr 'WMH'aora pt.-a girl. as7h?rhK: capablb ? It) of taking charge of a baby; g >o I plain ?.?war; wlll ? 11tc to make beraell uscf -1; I'ily ur country. M "smi th washlngton square.?a toosmI lady of education and refinement. as nunc or com panion to an eldem person or invalid. <>r a* ir?nur?l bouse Keeper, or in superintend ee aea>w4 at pUlii-e? lag or dreee making; thoroughly understand# hcra-lfaod ia especially rallable anil capable. Address K. It. It 7~f WK.vr urTl ST.-A COMPKTKNT NUB8K TO T r toko entire charge of au Inf.iut from ill birth or growing children ; reference Iroin I net place. 4r. PERKY ST?A .111*111 OK I It FLAN D WOMAN ? ) to wait on an invalid; nnderatanda family tewing; no objection to tbe country; city reference. 0 ARM I MR Ht.?A YUl' Nil ij I It L TO TAKB enrc of children. 4q Wb RT, BETWEEN BTH AND HTH A VS.?A3 O monthly tinree, hy an English lady. refer? to her prevent cinplorcr. whom ahe has delivered and attended with all her ch Idren , apeaka k'rencli and otberwiee well educated. 51 WEST 3STH ST. (PBBBENT EMPLOYER'S)?A ? IX respectable young girl to tako care of -rowing chil dren an I do plain sewing, or rbamlierwork and waiting; country preferred, t all iroin ten to two. ~ (t WKST 44TU ST. ? A YItVS0 <2!RI. TO TAKI ? ) >7 rare of a child and do sewing, or aa good plain eowei if required. WHAT ft.'.TH 7t~-A"itKSKi'TABLK YOUNG WO man aa wet nurse; six yean' citv reference. Q| WEST 11T11 ST. ? a liks 1* KCT A it I. & PERSON Afl 0 L nurae; ia fully capable of taking charge of a baby from its birth; beat city reference. Can be teen at present employer's. tlltK KNR'It'lI AV ?A RESPECTABLE MABBIHD woman aa nurse, with a fresh breast of utilk. 1 A7 VUf 'stiTII ST.. NSAB 8TH AY ?AS NUBii J"' I and to asstat In cbainherwork; good city referenoe from her butt place. 11 I EAST Inril ST (I'KI.SKST KM PLO YK K'H).?A J. I. L i?iy desires to flmi a situation f ir a reliable, expe rienced Protestant nnrsa. competent to take entire charge of nn Infant and bring it up on the bottle. 11') Wt ST HVTH ST?A COWPBTEilT AND RRLlAs I I') hie woman aa lir?t claa? nnrao ; la a good hand, and thoroughly expert#peed ill the care of an inlaut; city infer ence 07 8(5 1 I T WR3T 4IITII ST.. IN TIIK STORE.-A (IOOD 111 girl as nurse and seamstress; la a good operator; first class city rel reuce; city or country. 1 ?>(\ KAsf"??TII~'sT.-A K K S1' I'd "T A H L k~~Y O U NQ I < * girl as nurso or uurso and chanibermalif Can be seen to-day nt last place. m IIENRY ST. (RING TUB BELLA?A TOD NO American girl ol It to take care of two growiug children. Call or address. m v.'iiiisniK sf.. SECOND FLOOR.- A PRKNCH woman as nurse or to do wasbing by the day or wee*. MO WEST 3HTII ST.?A COLORED WOMAN AS ?) nurse ; understands brlngin-r a baby up on a bottle. 11 147 - HAST.'<80 ST.. GROCERY STORK.?BY A YOUNQ ? 7 hr dthy woman as wet nurse. Inquire. WENT .frit ST-A RESI'Ki'TAllLh WOMAN ns wet nurse. Call lor two days. RANT ittifll ST., BKTWKEN 7,7:XINOTON AND 3d ays.?Aa nurse or ?camstrese; references. 1 r.|| EAST 47TH ?r.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNtt Jl ? '' I girl as nurse and chambermaid; would do tewing; Is willing and onligiug: good city reference. 1 KI wEST SUTtl ST., Wsir PLUGK.7a "respect. I'll aide worn on as nur-e ; enmpcteut to take care of a baby from its birth ; bast city relereueo. "17ft; west 82*5 ST.-A " UESPKCTABf,E YOONfi J.')l) American girl aa nurse and aeamstteos; la a firat class opeiator; first class reference. M?1 EAST 74rII ST. SECOND FLOOR A RR I L ipectnblo girl to take enro at children; city re fee enre. WI7T 27TH ST.?A YOUXO WOMAN AS IV. font's uurso and to eew, or asalet with cbatnberwn 3 and children ; citv reference. MJ7 MULBERRY ST., RKAR H008E.?A flR. ? 4 apectnbio young w.iman in n private family M chil dren'* none and do neat, plain sewing; good city rcforenco. Call li>r two 'Inyv -| 0 7 cmRYsi tk St.-A unrtCTASUI YOC!fd IOI widow 11* ??l nurse; good refert-ncea. 9U?) WEST 4 iTH STl-A NEAT. TIDY YOUNQ WO w''i) ninu to toko charge or growing children and aa Hint with choniherwnrk or a* chambermaid and wnltrca* la n small private Inmily; good reference from la?t plane. Cam be acen lor two dar*. ?)[),j' KAST 'HIST ST.. XEAR 80 AV.-A YOUNQ -i' t healthy woman, with 11 plentiful Ireah breaat <1< milk n* nurae. 200 i)|\t WEST 27TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOONQ w' JtJ woman to take rare of children and do plain low ing ; good city reference. WEST UTII ST.?A YOUNU WOMAN AS nurae; good elty reference. on7 SVI ST iMTli ST.-A BBHPKCTABLB TODM m*' ' 4 lady, lately landed, as wot nur*a;loet her own baby. 917 EAST 74TH ST.?AN AMERICAN GIRL A8 mjX I nurae or chamhortnaid and wattreaa In a ?mall fam ily ; beat reference. 91Q EAST 2HTI1 ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG ?rfii/ American girl aa nurao and to do plain lewing; wage-$12; highly recommended. ~ EAST ftrrn ST.-A RESPECTABLE young ?\J girl ae nurae; best city reference*. 99if"KAST 47TII sr.-A" KKsPKi'TAB LR ritOTRS ?1"* tant widow to take earn of an Invalid or operated patient*; heat city refortnee. Call for two daye (pleaae ring the belt). 99 | WEST 41 ST ST . FIRST FfXJOR A TO UNO wwT w.iman to mind children or do ehamberwork and waiting; beat city reference. 9Q9 WRIT 41ST ST.-A fSSSS ^.ERMAX GIRL wOw a* nurae; ran operate on Wheeler A Wlleon'e machine; can tnacli Herman; city reference. OOS BAST 230 ST., PIKST rtOOS, BACK.?A Jib) young girl, 17 year* old, a* nurae. 907""WKsf LifVl ST., IX THE UIOCMR ITOMew ail) 4 A young girl a* nur*e and to do One tewing. Call 220 907 EAST 2 IT II ST.?A COM PET EXT YOUNG _?>! woman a* children'* nurae; no objection to cit| or country; beat of city refereuce. WEST ism ST.. IIE A ItT?A ~UK~S P KCTA BL1 married woman a* wet nnrie; baby lour month* 244 old. 917 EAST &5TH ST.. XKAIt 2D AV.-AX AMRRI. w r I ran lady wiahea to take an Infant to nurae with the boit r. or would take the care nt en older child: would glee it tha beat of care and a good huuit. Call on or add real XI USE. 9~1 EAST_30TH ST. (CORNER).?A YOUNG OlRt ? |)L a* nnrae; ran opernte on tA heeler A Wlleon'a ma chine, /!?} EAST H.-?tT| "stT-A RESPECTABLE"^MKRt OUO ran girl aa nnrae. Call on or addraaa, for tbrai day*. S. M r. ROGERS. ?y7tQ~~EAST 4.->TH ST., Till" FLOOR, FRONT.?4 ijWO reapectahle girl a* nurre and to awnet In chain, herwork . good reference; no objection to the country. AA Arete. Ol v) KANT 4ATH ST.?A (VkiTmaN WOMAN Ai ? I 1 _i narae and eeamatrsae; nnderatand* wotking n ma chine. 314 EAST UTII sT.-A YOUNO OIRL AS Nl'RSE) willing and obliging. Call for two day*. 339 Q1Q east jist. sr.?ax kxgLIsii protectant ai 01 U nurae an I aeamatreaa to growing children; beat citj reference. A. M. ?>9 I WEST 41HT ST., FIRST FLOOR.?AN RXPS ?) ?'t rlene.-d girl n, nurse and eeamatreta; eon take charge of infant from birth, or grown children; good refer em--a. WEST 41ST ~ST~ BKTWKKX HTII AND PTE ava ? \ young girl aa children'* nnrae; good rates ence. Call for two day* >) III EAST Mini ST.-A MUM) Hill!,. AHtlUTM O x' r year* of age. aa rhlld'a nur-e and eatial with chant berwurk or to do plaiu aewlng; but ctiy ralerenee. ?J I ft til II AV.-A UI.KV IS Mini. TO TAKE CAR! *)*X* ' of children In an American family. ?> J 7 EAST iSffi sr -A IIK-I'H TVRI,K~ TOUNrt 0 r I girl aa nurae and aeamatreaa; two yeare' atty ref erence. ? IOI EAST hi ST ltix(Fskoo.ND llKL.ld.-A "SI aL -periahle young w. m in aa wet nnrae In a reepeet ante lamtly; rood city reference. Call tor two day* ? EAST Hrril ST A RESPECTABLE WOMAN a- wet nurae. At^ply for two dar*. A n t Rant both si a you no girl to mind clilldren and to do ehamberwork in an American family; would do plnm aewlng; would gu lor flO n month. Can l.o aeon for two dnya. ATi'* EAST 17TII ST.~A~RP^FecTAB1.B OIRL TO 'x"?i take char e of grown children or to do rhomben work ; niider-tamla Wheeler A Wilson* machine; no ohjom Hon 10 travel; excellent reference. .1 (17 WK'4'' !#,r" -sT- ElhST FMrOR.?A NORTH 1 ' ' 4 Herman girl a* nnrae and to do ptnln aewlng ei rhninhcrwork . no objection logo to the country fur tlM rummer. ,l(tC ATI! A\. A TO UNO FKMNCH OIRL (PRO* ii'U eatant) ae nurae In n private family; eon de plain aewlng: good reference. A 19 1A-T lorn ST."?A PROTEST A XT OIRL Of r I *_i It) to mind chlfclrcn and mage kerrelf tuefal; ran ere ore*. 40.-. EAST I7TII AIM-A RESPECT A bT.r" "rorW3 r aw* I American Ctrl aa rhlld'a uurve and aeamatreaa a* elianihermald; good city reference ? A 71 21) AT., BKTWKEN~HTH AND 27TH STK-i X 4 1 reapectahle woman will take charge of a child frog It- Infancy, at her own home; 10 year*' reference rive* Call for two day*. ruw 7TII OIKI. At CHILD OK NT " OH nnrnt; two roam' fef* ni\a WKST27TII i'rT^A GIIUs, 17 TKAllll Of aoi uUU to mind children ; beat city rolerenre. r. 1*) 3D A\ . NEAR Ail 11 or AS NL'Rtl AN) (Mai aea-mrtrese; can take the entire charge of en In fan!; city relerence. ho#* east mih st -a yocmi oiRiTAs nunsr| tJ?)l) willing ano ubllglnr; guard t Ity referooee. Coll or nd7 WEST 2 -riTllT.?A YOI NO OtEL A* NVi?l a ) 4 and plain aewer, n > ehfeci - n 10 th* eonntry Q/tat 0TI1 AY. (SECOND BEI-I.i A RESPKCTABLB girl aa tntanl'a nnrr#; la willir-r and obliging; no et.Jeetion to travel with oloicily for the aummor; beat elty reference. Call or *?hlre*a. (I IO 21) AY.-A RESPECTABLE YOONQ WOMAN O'fro a* unrac and wrrr^highly reermiiaendeA 111 I DTI! AT., BHOH tTOBB.?A KRSPBOTARLB CT.1L Prntoetam* gtrl ee narve er*bomb?rmaM| Mg pladt eower; dret Ham fe&fonoee tnm Hot imgioygf, (Mil WW