OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, April 11, 1876, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030313/1876-04-11/ed-1/seq-8/

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The Slock Market Heavy?Prim Generally
Lower?An Unsettled Feeling.
GOLD 113 A 113 1-4 A 113.
GoTernment Bonds Firm and Active?Railroad
Bonds and Investment Securities
Steady?Money 3, 4 and 5
Fer Cent on Call.
Wam. Stkiit, 1
Monpav, April 10?0 P. M. J
Yerlly, this la a penitential season lor (bo bulls who
are dull/ led to tlto slaughter as if it wore atanii grot
Instead of oon-bed-eating Pasaiou Week. The autne
dull, dispiriting atate of uiruirs was continued to-day,
enlivened, however, by occasional Hushes of activity
when blocks of long nocks were offered on the market
for sale. At these limes the shorts covered briskly
and made a swirl In the pool ua does a trout when he
rises to a Or.. The bears in Western Union early smell
blood, ar.u, like the cgro who manifested an
appetite lor the Englishman, declared ''they would
have some." Tbt-y got it. too, as the dcciiuo of tho
shares from 67)? at the opening to fli?,.' at the close
irill show. Tho same stories which have been used to
depress the stock for some time past were again cur
rent to-day, the moat prominent one being to tho ef
fect that tho Aliunde and Pacific corporation were con
templating a further reduction nl rates. On careful
Inquiry wc learn positively that on and alter to-morrow
ths above company will reduce their tarifl on night
messagos. consisting ol from twenty to thirty words,
to pricot as low as now paid by the press.
The move la an important one, not only to the pub
lic, to whom is presented the Ural step toward a sys
tem of cheaper telegraphy, but to tho press itself,
which will probnbly claim a corresponding reduction in
.Associated Press messages nud a rebate on lltu very
itnportaul sum ol $*00,1)00 now paid yearly into the
coffers of tho Western Union Company for
tho performance of this service. Whatever
bo tho existing reasons for tho strife
between tho rival corporations, the public
nt large will not grieve over a movement which will
tend to popularize the usefulness of the telegraph, and,
perhaps, eventually render mails and Post Ontce but
cumbersome relics of the past.
Until noon Lako Shore remained remarkably Arm
St 60,'{, but at thlotimo a drive was made at it which
carried tho stock down to 59J,, at which it closed.
The steadiness was imputed to tho efforts of a small
coterie of not very formidable manipulators; tho
decline to the report that they had given up tho acherno
as a bad Job.
Pacific Mail, erratic as usual, took a counter direc
tion to tho stocks wo have quoted, under the effect
of reports that Mr. Gould had come to the rescuo In Its
financial extremity, as fur as this end ol tho line, at
least, Is concerned. The result was to murk the quota
tion up from lfft,' to 17?, and to keep it there at tho
close. Fattn, however, in a regenerated prosperity
under its present debts and state of litigation
Is exceedingly slim, while hope for Its future
and charity for Its past nre about hs rare as
they are in the cases of individuala Apart
from Erie, the remainder ol the market
offered no salient features. Tbo Teutonic clo
tnent, which has so sedulously been riding the
"third rail" of the Anglo-American fancy, tumbled off
to-day because the London price hud tumbled first.
It was not a serious fall, however, and before the close
Germany was astride Its hobby again, as firmly seated
aa at the beginning of tbo day.
The transactions at '.Ue Stnclc Exchange today
aggregated 172.C03 shares, which were divided as fol
lows :?New York Central and Hudson, 460; Erin,
28,300; Lake Shore, 26,460; Northwestern, 1,000; do.
preferred, 200; ltock Island, 200; Pacific Mail, 30,200;
BL l*aul, 2,000; da preferred, 2,000; Ohiog, 2,500;
Western Union, 51,400; Wabash, 250; Union Tactile,
025; Michigan Ccntial, 1,000; Kansas and Texas, 1,500.
The lollowtng table shows the opening, highest and
lowest prices of the day
O/xmnff. lliijhrtL Lowrtt.
New York Central lid1, 113', 112';
Harlem 138'., 138 '; 13><,
Erie 17% 18 >4 IT',
I-ako Shore C0>4 ?o , 6<m,
Wsbiish 3 3 3
Northwestern 42'.,' 42'4 41*,
Northwestern preferred.... 82% 62% 62',
Rock Island 105 >4 105'4 105'4
Pittsburg 05', 06 % 95',
Milwaukee and St Paul 41 41'; 40',
MUwaukeo and St Paul prcl. 66%' 66', 65*;
Ohio and Misslsaippl 17', is 17%
New Jersey Ceutral l'?3 103 103
Del , Lack and Western.... lid llrt 115%
Union Pacific 65 65% 63',
L., C. and I* C..?,4i, 4', 4',
Western Union 67', 07 '4 65\
Atlantic and Pacific Tel IS is is
Pacific Mail 17% 17'; 16',
Pauaina 127 127 127
closinu rnu as?3 r. u.
Pacific Mail.... 17', ? 17,', .nil .> stl'pf.. 66 a ?'6'.
K 1 it 1 n Ttl .. 75', ? 7t< C, C, C t 1... 54 a Ml
All A I ac lot.. 18 a in, ? I. AIC. 4?, a 6
Quicksilver.... 17', a I* 0(1, L 4 W ..116' a 118'.
Quicksilver pi. 22% a : 8% Erie 17*, a 17',
y ar l and A M 7', a II'. HaiiAStJo . Ill a 16*2
Pari, a M pt 7', a It', 11 an A M Jo pf J4 a 2ft
Bos Wat Power 7% a II', Lake Shore. .. 51",' a &U',
A1.M11. L> 107 a till Mich Central a ?V>1,
American Ex. in a HI N \ A llarlom.l;w a 10
I h Ex.... 72'; a -.31; N V ( A It it.. 112*4 a 113',
V eli?-r irr .Ki i?', a Mil, 8 J Ceo t< Ti a It :t'2
Chic A Alt ItOL a UK*, Ohio A Mis* 17.', a t"2
4 lev A P't?? 151, , l ?i I'enama 127 a 130'
4 hie A N W... 41*, a 41*, Tol A Wsb 3 a 3%
Chic A .8 W pi. < 2 a * 2', I n urn I'ai'ific.. 14 a II4L
Chic A R 1 ..test; a 106); V.vn.irt IMc 14',' a 14'!
hilAHI' 40-, ? so'. Prod Pet Co ...lit1. 111);
The following are the changes iu closing prices com
pared with those of Saturdav:?
Advance ?Illinois Central, % ; New Jersey Central,
%; PsciUc Mail, 1',; Quicksilver, >, ; Union Pacific
JQ ; Producers'l'eiroleuin Company. 1,.
Hei'Linr?New York Central, s; Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western, %; Erie. ',; llarlem, .*,; Lako
Shore, %; Michigau Centra), Q; Northwest, %; <io.,
preleireu, %; Ohio and Mississippi, %; Rock Island,
%; bi. Paul, ; do. preferred. % ; IVesiern Union, 1',.
Stationary.? Atlantic and Pacific preisrrcd, Atlan
tic and Pacific Telegraph, C., C. and I. C; C.,C.,C and
1; Hannibal, common and prrlcrred; Missouri Pacific,
Panama, Wabash and gold.
Money was loaned on call at 3 nu t 4, but at the close
was firmer at 5 per cent. Discount rates on prime
paper are unchanged and are still quoted at 4% to 6
percent sterling exchange is firm. Prime ask,ng
rates, 4.57 % a4.90; selling rates, 4.86', a 4.87 and 4.89%
a 4. 8'.'%. Rcichmarks, 95a 05', and 95); a 96. Cables,
06);. Prime Paris, 6.16 aud 5 12 V,.
The following were the rates of exchsngs on New
York st the undermentioned cities to-day:?Savannah,
nnci.anged; New Orleans, commercial, par a 1-32;
bank, %c i Cincinnati, firm, 76c. to $1 premium; Chi
cago, 25c. premium, and dt. Louis, 90c. premium.
Geld opened at 113, advanced to 113', anl afterward
fell back to 113, at winch It closed. The rates paid lor
carrying were 1, I t,. 2, 1% and 4 p?r cent Loans
were also made flat. ,
Gold balances 8808.449
Currency balances 011,784
Groas clearances 27,061,000
Currency exchanges 169.070.660
Currency balances 2,637,360
Gold exchanges 7,633 284
Gold balances 1,163.213
The Assistant Treasurer paid out to-day $33 000 gold
OD accouui of laterest and $17,000 in rednmpi on of
Bve-twcnty bond*.
Habk antes received lor redemption to-day, $800,Ouo;
revenue receipts, $800,000; customs receipts, $300,000
Invert mart shares sold as fellows;?Pittsburg and
Port WEjr?e, 102% a 102V; R?ck ''land, 105%; New
Jersey Central, 102 a 103 s 102% ; Illinois Central, 98 a
98%; Xnw York Central, 113% a 113),; American Ex
prats,, 81; Producers' Land and Petroleum Company,
The London advices report a gain of ?72,000 bullion
by the Bank oi England on balance to-day, the rale of
discount In the open market for Ihree mootbs' bills iw.
D.J <Ma V*T echC Con vols and United !*tsies bonds were
quiet and Brns. Kris wan weak and declined to 14%.
I art reported stagnant pending arrangements
for HttliBilli. The cheapness of Money renders an
oxumion of accounts to (be end of the month very
easy. The following ar? half-past fire P. M. quota
tions:?Consols lor money, 1*4 a 94 # ; do. lor ac
count, 04 \ a 94 # ; 1885 bonds, old, 108#; 1887 bonds,
109 <4; ten-forty bonds, 108#; new fives, 108# a 108#;
Eric, 16 'j a 16 <4; do. prelorred, 28.
hailsoad bom)a.
R i.lro.nl bonds were quiet and generally a fraction
higher. The changes were:?An advance of X per cent
in New Jersey Central convertible, # per cent In New
York Central sixes of 1883 and Western Union Tele
graph coupon 1900, per cent In Chicago, Kock
Island and Pacific sfvens, and # per cent in Union
Pacific sinking fend, a decline ot #' per cent in Michi
gan Southern sinking fund, and # per cent In
Central Pacific gold bonds and Milwaukee and St. Paul
convertible linking fund. The following were the latest
AIL.tny and Susq l?t....lWW Oleve ATolsf 10W
Albany and Numi 2d 107 , t'levo A l'ol new bds H)3.
Boston, liart A Erie 1st. 22# Clave. P'vllle A A, old..108
| Bos, Hart A Erie irtd... ?J'"1, Detroit, Monroe A Tot. 101 #
I Bur. 0 BAM IsfiTsg.. 47J, Buff A Erie new |(H',
I Chicago A Alton 1st II"# l.uke Shore dl*id"ud.. . 1???
Juliet A Chicago 1st... .108 Lake Shore eon cp 1st l'l7
M I., .lurk A Chic. 1st.. I'M Lake ."?bore vou op 2d... H?i
Chic. Bur A uspc 1st 114 Mich Cent con 7's, 11102. 1UH
i hie. Bur A tv coot's... 11"1- Mich C 1st, B's, '*2 s I.. HO
Chi, R I A I'ac 1st 7'?..t?>MJit N .1 Southern 1st. 7's... 24l<
Ccntralof S J 1st new ,113 N V i eatral d's. 18KI. I'V'i#
l.chlih A W It con golit. i N Y Cen'>'s, real estate. 182
Ani Dock and lni|i hds .101# N Y Ceu 1st m, r 120
Mil A S P 1st. fs's. P D..110 Harlem 1st, 7's, coup... tat)
Mil A P I'd, 7 3-10, I'D OT# llariem 1st, 7's. teg. ...12')
Mil .t St P 1st, I A M D. '.'4 North Mo 1st IT.',
VI It I. C. II t . . It. fk Uul/ lll.U * k f is. aa? . f IMll
Mil A St P 1st. IAD... H-# Ohio A Miss aen s f. OH#
Mil ASP 1st, C AM.... 07# Ohio A MDscon Hv
Mil A s Peon s f 88 Ccn Pacific gold bonds.. lo7#
Chi A N W ?lnk fund.. .Hit# Western Pacific ds W*
chl A N W inturcnt l(v". I'niou Pacificist.. IDS#
Chi A N W con bd? 1113)4 Union Pacific I g, 7's.. ..I'*)
Chl A N W 1st i"3!4 1 uion Pacillc sink fund. Ill*,
t hi .1 N W cp gold bds Id Southern l'ac ? ds Mo... "7#
Cltlc A X W r*g gld bds 92# Pacific Kit of Mo 1st 92#
Chic A Mil 1st 100# Pacific UK of Mil 2d ... 7*
C, C, C A I 1st. 7 s. sf 111 Pitts, Ft W A Chi 1st.. .117
C, C. C A I con HO Pitts, Pt W A Chl 2d ..111)
Morris A Essex 1st 1 Its Pitts, Ft W A Chi 3d.. ..102
' M orris A Esse x 2d Ill) L'leve A Pitts 4th l":,.l?
! Mnr A Essex 7'? of '71.. lob# C, C A 1 1st 49
Erie 1st in. ex 110 Alton A T II 1st l<w
Erie fid. i's, I Soil 102# Alton A T II 2d pf 91#
Erie 4th. 7's, l*MO ltk) Alton ATM 2d. income 71
Long Dock bonds 10H# Tol, Pen A War, E D ... S3
"uiiVN ? ? ~ ? "
Buff, N V A Krl# 1st, '77 HO Tol, Pen A War, W IE.
Bull, N V A E large lot A Wab. cons, ennv.. 4'i
llan A St Joeon 7,*?# Han A Naples 1st
Mich So 7 p c '2d in H>4 West Union hdt.lUOO.e.102#
JUich So A X I s f 7 pc .ia.1?^ West Union bd?. 1900, r. 100*
Bank shares were steady. State of New York ad
vanced to 48, American Kxchnngo sold at 115, Phinntx
at 94, Metropolitan at 127, Park at 123 and Pourth Na
tional at 04. Tbo latest bids are annexed:?Amer
ica, 150; American Exchange, 1X4; Butchors and
Drovera', 138; Central National, 101; Commerce, 116;
Corn Exchange, 130; First National, 200; Fourth Na
tional, 93; Importers and Traders', 193; Market, 114;
Merchants', 116; Nassau, 103#; North America, 94;
Park, 123; Pbamix, 94; Republic, 76; State of New
York, 45.
Government bonds closed sloady at the following quo
tationsUnited Stales currency sixes, 128#al26#f
do. do., 1881, registered, 121;, a 121#; do. do., do.,
coupon, 1221,'a 122*,; do. do., 1866, registered, 114J-g
a 116; da da, do., coupon, 118# a 118*4; do. do.,
do., now. registered, 119.*,' a 11 'J#'; da do., da,
coti|>on, 119), a 119)4; do. da, 1867, registered, 121#
a 121 .'4; do. do., do., coupon, 121,14 alii#; da do.,
1868, registered, 122# a 123#; do. da, do., coupon,
123 a 123',; da, ten-lortles, registered, 117# a 117#;
do. do., coupon, 118# a 118#; do., lives, 1881, regis
tered, 118 a 118>4 ; do. da, do., coupon, 118# a 118#.
In Slate bonds the transactions wcro small. Mis
souri sixes ol 1877 sold at 102, Virginia consol, ex
matured coupons, at 69 and Tennessee old at 43#.
Sales of District of Columbia 3-85's were made at
The following are iho reported gross earnings on the
undermentioned railroads since January 1:?
Mileage. Marn'ga. Mileage Marn'gt.
Chic. ft Alton .... OoO )1,Oil,774 06o $1,000,160
t'uiro A .*i. Louis. 116 44.500 140 *61,355
Ccu. 1'acltic 1,293 3,000.300 1,315 3,004,000
ClliC., Mil. ft St P. 1.399 1,292,140 1,399 1,613,040
Canada southern. 4n2 191,343 453 430,334 j
Cine., UyC it C.. 75 91,057 75 99,9 3!
Denver ft Kio lir. 130 71.306 130 *92,154 !
lliiu. k St. Jos... 396 349,536 396 363,Uj4 ,
lihuois Central... 1,109 1,674,430 1,109 1.802,066 1
lnd., Hiooin. & W. 844 316,113 344 *384,250 i
InL .V l?. North.. 45S 339,736 454 *343,100 I
Habeas 1'aciUc. ... 761 593,363 761 ?030,560 I
Michigan Central. 304 1,635,000 804 1,678,447 ]
Ma, Kan. ft Texas 7s6 643.475 736 766.773 !
Ohio ft Mississippi 393 315.467 616 933,310
St. L., L M. ft S... 635 308,011 686 959,700
St. U, K. C. ft X.. 6'i4 649.(441 504 305,184
SL 1.. ft Youth's!.. 349 350,633 349 *346,760
Ml. U, A. ft K. H.,
Ilelievillo hr'ch. 71 103.330 71 120,373
Toledo, 1*. ft >V ... 237 306.051 337 314,186
Total 10,903 $14,043,442 11,170 $16,534,177
Karuiucs per mile $1,283 $1,389
Inc. total earnings, 1870, $1,461,735, or 10,V percent.
Inc. earnings per mile, $101, or 7 5 0 per cent
* Fourth week March estimated.
mim.no nkwr.
Tho manager or the Virginia Consolidated Mining
Company reports the product of that mine for March
as being over $3,000,000. The crushing ot ore from
the Caliiornia mine has already begun, and dividends
are expected on the 1st of May. Tho regular coinage
statement of the Mint lor the month of March makes
the following showing(iold, $3,699,480; trade dol
lars, $791,060; subsidiary silver coin, $1,028,310;
cents, $14,700; total coinage, $5,543 390.
The coinage of tho San Francisco Mint for the first
i quarter of 1870 was as lollows:?
Double eagles... $0,690,000 Trade dollars.. .$1,468,000
| Kagles 50,0o0 Hull dollars 27,000
Hail eagles 30,000 Quarter dollars.. 236,000
Quarter eagles... 12,500 Dunes 706,000
Total $9,007,500
The exports of treasure irom Man Francisco for the
j last quarter were as follows:?
New York $9,367,013 tlormany $8,301
I China 901.364 Honolulu. 0,000
? Panama. 25,000 Mexico 1,800
Cen. America... 15,000
| Tolal $10,272,878
The aoove exports consisted chiefly of gold Bars, dust
and coin.
The following aro the Philadelphia stock quotations
at three o'clock this day:?
Bid. Aik'd.
City sixes, old 104 ?
City MXts, new 108.V 108 V
l ulled Companies of New Jersey 137jt ?
Pennsylvania Kallroad 6757 V
Philadelphia and Heading Kaliroad 47l? 43
l.chikh Valley Kallroad Gl't 02
Philadelphia and Krio Kaliroad 20\ 20,'V
Northern Central ltailroad 30?, 37
l^lugh Navigation 49'4 60
ft telegram from Washington states that to the suit
of the Missouri, Kan?as and Toxas Railroad vs. The
United States, th-* Supreme Court today decided against
the railroad company.
The Senate Committee on the Pacific Railroads held
a meeting this morning, and lorther postponed action
on the Texas Tat'idc Railway.
The result of the election for a commutes of purchase
an t reorganisation of tho Chesapeake and Ohio road
has ended substantially in the almost unanimous assent
of the bondholders and creditors to the tale.
A despatch from Springfield, III, says:?In the United
States Circuit Court on Saturday the case of Morton,
Bliss ft Co. sgainst the Oilman, Clinton and Springfield
Railroad Company came up for a anal hearing. A de.
era* ol foreclosure was rendered, and the road and its
appurtcnancot will be sold in sixty aa)t.
Mosoat, April 10, 1871
7i? abs Wsst t'n Tel.. ?~V IU" Mo, Kau ft 1'ss. .e 13V
2.V? d.. 67 llOUhS 4 9s HK.... Ml,
do 67V 2|i? do ?i>?,
9>i do ?7'4 DM n"S
20 do 67 V I" d<> ??<!
1<" do 63 ?I7V III' do >3 0ii-J
*? do <1 6Tw 22i? do tfc?J
*?> do 63 67 V ?*?' do *3 tdlv
21'? do 07V 5"' do M ??.>*
?**' d. ... 61 07 liai Erie Kit I7v
0?> do ...? .6', do 1T*2
I? ?? So ,5 M'. ,i?<i do 17V
IGOMIIAmPKK 41 23" de IT
3"" do 41V W? d<- 18
It? Mil A 61 P pf... e tt i , >o.ai m, ...63 16
**' PucMallttk lOtJ Ju do, t$ 17 \
200 do 4 10'4 000 do b.l 10
4 ?) do 10'| :??i do i*V
I'" do 10, .to da............ 18V
3<?> do ivtj :??> do 10V
IPAI do lt>?- 4|>1 .1
I'W do
do.. 1 H?' Mieh i>n lilt ?3 i..U
i"? J* >? h?'IIIC.?RK* ?>
do 17v ft" fol .? W?b 11K 3"2
3 9? do 17V *? Okie ft M HR I7ti
*? do 43 17 6.? d* .1*
IHO do 17 4(W do ; a
2l? do ,3 10 V li? j, :! {2t.
1100 do.,. IHh I!*) 4o MM) im
It? Ma, Kan ft Tosas. I3?4 It" 8t L, K C ft It. s3 o
AN'lt ll:1? K. M
$ (Mil-S, 2II.O. 11 < '4 417 a" l 0 .Vs. r, '01 . | |0U
I s j-.ii, r, iL>. n 119 4 idiaai do.... 6e It*'
2W?SI f 05-.C, e. a7. 121V l'??" C S ft'S,r. '81.63 I!0'J
?? ?? V ? O S, c,'91.. no,V
ft'HM; illi.1 oi:uiv?
6 **) Yatl't, C.X mat c
HIV C. M ,t y H'e
tOoiCbl. K t <k l*7'a.
2U) M 4 Ht P 7 S-IO
3 mi *1 m C run ? f
1000 the Pac M8S .bc
7 ?
11 R1
i Mi
do ...a,
. t>a
a 0
7o 1
IMkll Ji Y Can ?!'?, %Et 11)5% HAJ0 ill!
li'ti N Y Ccnfft, tub ilKs 17 *) do.
libieimil. '!'% MO do.
*<>l l"en l*?c Bid b<U 107a- |i)i do.
llNll t'n Far kit I ? f ' -Mai An
1UUU t'n Pic Kit Ul.. UO? 2'*) do 17%
10(1)0 t'n j'ac 7**, I 10U 3DU do ...>3 17%
il'ukn l'?i -ink I... I>1% IKK I do 17%
lOUOPaCbt Mo let.. . B I,' XU4) do 17%
108 301 do >3 17',
(>4 ti'k) do b.l 17%
Ilk** 4 *1 do 17%
Hill W 1: Te. lt*>>. 108 .-?0I do >3
40UI I. ? N.on, '88
21**1 Mich liouth 1 f _
? ilia Anier x Hit 115"" 1860 do 17%
ttl Bk StaieofNY ... 45 2tX)lUCenUK 96
2<MI Pliwnix Hunk 114 M do be 03%
211 Metropolitan B'k.. 127 <0 ? Krle Kit be 1"
11 1's.rk Hank b3 123 111*) do 17%
11 1 r.rx natiK bo 123 111*) do 17'-,
12 fourth Nat Hk H4 31* 1 do 17%
4ii 11*1 A Hud Cnn .. 115% 5011 do 17%
73 do 1.-, din do 17%
1' <) Quick Mln 17% l.'ait) do ?3 17'
100 At >t PTil.bc 1.3 18 40 10 do 17'
1 ? American fcx be 61 |i?) do Ul 17%
100M V C 4 U B...be 113% urn do >3 17%
do 113% DO 1 do 17
60U L 8 4 M S KB. b c 60% 10 hi do b3 17 .
14O0 do .0% 181*) do 17% 1
2'*) do 00% 10 do! 18
20i do b3 60% 7?*? on 1"
7i*) do al ?u% ]Ui do 17',
X") Mtoh I'en RK. be 60% 31) 17%
?*) do <V|1. I Al da 17'.'
a*i do ?j flo% ino do 17 t
21*1 (lo 0 % 7i? i do *3 17%
l'.*MVe?i I n Tel. .be e 66% 400UnPaeKlt ...be V&
7AI no 66% 200 do 65%
o? do i ?% ino Chi 1KW RK.be 42?
loo d" ,3 <11% 100 Chi A K I KR .be 115%
701 do b3 0?% 50 X J Cen KM U2%
300 do 06% 50 do be 102%
1100 do 66', ]? 11 do 103
lot) do e 60',' (HI do opic 103
?-0 0 do 110% 40 do '... 12%
11 H I iln . Ulal' lltlk J.. -II ?(%??! '
l'?i do c 06% 100 do >15 102%
27U) do 66% Ilk) Mo, K 4 Tex., be 13%
IIHX) do Ill', bOO MU A St P Kil.be 41
400 do t6% 100 do b3 41
400 do lti% 111) ko 40%
28 do ; ?'ti% :(V) do 41
70 i do 00% 4 k) do b3 41
100) do 60% 4O0 do 41%
it ? .U kl iki. lint VII v I .1. . -r I? .If. ..... '
I'll do .63 60% UK) Mil l St i pr.be.>15 66%'
130) ill 60% 400 do fl.%
500 do 16% 200 do ?:< 66%
36 a I do 111% 200 do 0.1%
1300 do 66% 201 do HflS
......... %
4 O d? i <V, SO P, Ft IV A C e?.... 102%
111*1 do s3 ru 10 do hn HI'.X?
111*1 do >3 66 10 do bo ?02_
10tO do 66 6i 0 Ohio .t .11 RK...h o 17%
BKKOItK OAIili?Wa?i? P. 31.
$10 *1(7 8 6% r. *81... 121% 700 the L SA M s RR. 80%
11*00 do 121% 1600 do 6n%
11**1 Oil Col o.lki'i... 7n 13U0 do 1*1%
likkl Teun 6't, old.... 43% urn do 63 416
10 l>) i ? Pec KK let.. !(*?% 500 do 60%
.'?Ikki I n I'nc tiunu. iU% 1400 do <0 -
U'IKI M A 8 I' con a f.. 88 :*) do n3 60
Boll (he Pee Mall 88.b3 17% >UK) do 1.3 60
17% 5 i do 1*1
500 We?t IJn Tel.
. .?U
17% 500 do a3 rmt
17 % 5t?) do 5.1%
17% l.'kK) do >3 5:i%
17,'J li*D do 511%
70) do 5Ui,
I'D. i do htVJ 56%
XX* V?V*V* III! nw iliF'a
66% 1200 de 58%
300 do.... 50%
66 200 I'D Pnc KK 65
65% 100 do 64
05% 25 do 63',
65% H*> Mil A St P KK.... 41%
65% 100 Ml. 4 St Ppf....o 66%
KlO X y l it II 11 KK US 10.) do 66
20 i Erie RK b3 17% ;.IK) do 05%
200 do 17% 2IM do tirt
4ui do >10 17,-, 50 Del, LAW KK... 116
H?0 do 17% iMJlolA Web RK..tS
100 do b3 17% UK) do 3
1 m Mich Cen KB...*3 60% U*J Ohio A MI? KK.... 17%
300 do CO 100 do 17 v
52 P. M.
$5000UB6%,r.'?l.... 121% $10000 I* S 10-40.r.... 117%
ll*).?i L s 6>.c,'8l.be 122% 111**) US5'i, r ,'nl ... 118%
31*100 do a.... 122% 10U0U do 118%
IOUHOU S5-211, c, . 118% 16001) U h 5 a. C,'61. . 11?%
31***) t S c.7.. I21-, 5001*1 do b3 llo%
luUX) U 85-2U, r, '68.. 123
$2000 Mo 6't, lougbdt. lilt1,' 1700 tlit I, SAMS KU 10
21**1 Die 61113.60 > .. 60% 6U) do >3 60%
WOOII.O KkMlit . 4b 500 do 50%
41**1 M*>P con > I.b3 88%- 3,0 do >3 5UV
4l?*i.North Mo let.... 05% 1000 do 50t,
li**) i.er lit, 7%, c. 120 5 (1 do 58%
3 001 ru I'accoldb. li-7% rOi uo 5?%
21**1 Del 4 II r.'01.. Ill 4(*i Erie KK ....be.bS 17%
11*) >h> Quick Min ptbe 2.% I'UO do
11*1 Pro eb A PCo.be 111% lOoIllCenKK 08%
28 *) Wtit in Tel..'be 66 lonCul4.N it...br.e 4*M
de C 66 100 do 42%
do 60% UO do e'i 42
do 66 400 do 42
do >5 1.6 100 do 41%
do b.S 66% llO do 41%
do 66 201 Chi 4b N W pf ..be ? 2%
do *3 66 ">'1 X J C RK. bc.opz 103
Uo. 05% 120 do UK)
do 65% 100 Mil 4 St 1' .bc.bJ 41
10 Amer Ex CI 2 X) do 40k
14 Cm Express be 72k 400 do 4U?t
Icni t at >mil.i.-.b c.b3 li}? 200 Mil A St I' pf.. .b c CO
1000 do 17-j I'lO do (3 65'g
... 5? *-??-? ?
Hi*) do b.'i 17?? H*l tin s3
3 *1 do 17)^ ?<(*) do 65}$
luo do *3 1"', luor, rw*C(t..be 102k
100 (lo 13 1-7 ?5 2d do 103
200 do 17 4 loj Del, I..? iv ilo.bc l lo
200 do 17), 2(1) do i3 UU
2<*> do. 17i4 200 do ll.'jJ2
. lOOK Yt * 11 U...bo 118 100 do ..115k
20 do U8Q lo i Ohio* Ml,,. ..be 17g
2l?i Mich t en be 6tH* 10 i 11 * St Jo U.ib. 13 ldk
100 do no, 10 i lion .t Ml Jo pi. bo 24
300 do CO 50 Alb * fiuioi llK.be KM
HO L8 A M S KK...b e 10 . Mo, K A l ex.. be 12k
1M*? do Mil* do 1 do 12C
2100 do 50', 50 M * Kki Ult.bc.i3 lu.-4
too do e 50',
S:30 TO J P. M.
$1 mi I'll I'ac 7'i, IK. 100 2 0 sits l'ie Mall S3...
3000 Erie8dm... . 103 n*i do
Id ihl Fourth NatBk. 94 400 do ??-?
It*) Quick Mia 18 300 do b3 17k
2<*)We?t La Tel. ...S?l 057^ 7dUKrieKK 17b
100 do b3 OH 200 do D3 17*.
14i 0 do C5'4 2U) Harlcut KR 13sk
100 do bi H5?? li*l Mico Ceo KR Ho
8UU do ..*5 ?.>*. 10.) o 6 * ii n 1(K ..>5 50k
2<*) do C.V2 2IOO do
1KX) do *3 65;, !'*? do b4 50b
2(*) do H5jJ 7i *) do ??'.
3n i do. b3 ?W I'M 111 Cen Kit ..*3 Of 4,
**? do H5ft 2iloclii.v.S ?V'I1R.... 41?I
la do >3 ??) 100 do 41 I
5I> Well* Forgo Ex. Ml 11*) MU * .St 1'KR *3 4t'?
20 NYC* 11 It KK. 113 K*) do t>3 40k
lO) do 112*4 21*1 Mil * St I' RRpt HJl'
I400FM Meir S8...b3 17>4 200Ohio * MissKit.. 17V
7i?) do ?7i, 21*) ll?ii A St .)?? p).?3 24k
4O0 do 17}, 11*) Ma, Ken * Tex.. . 11 J
10 i do *3 i7k II*) do 111J
UK*) do 1 * 4 301 do Ilk
Monday, April 10?0 P. M.
Tho merchandise markets were quiio general!/ doll
and prices were In somo rases irregular. Business
was everywhere small On 'Change dour remained
cull but prices wsro lbs same. Wboat was lower and
s fair demand prevailed for the low grades at the de
cline. Corn was quiet lor want o: supplies bat the
market was strong. Oats wore steady. Bye was
(lrmer. Whiskey was dull and lower. Pork quiet.
Lard oulet. Freights war* tame and alow. Cotton on tho
?pot *u unlet and 1-lSe. lower. Kntnrea were ? toady
Coflee we* quiet. Rosin was unchanged. Spirit* turpen
tine ware lower. Oil* were quiet. Petroleum was nominal
Sugar wa* Aria.
Corral.?The market for Bratll* wai quiet. Mild coffee wnt
alio quiet. We quote:?Ordinary cargoes, 16c. a I8k,e.;
fair do., lTJqe. a 18c.; good do.. 18)40. a 16),c.;
prime do., lH*ae. a 19c.; extreme range for lots, 16c. a
20c.; Santos, fair to good, 17??c a IStjc., gold, ninety daye;
Ja\a, government bacs, 22e. a 24c.; do., grit* male, 22c. a
25c.; S^gapore, do., 181,c. a 2Ue.; Ceylon, 17){c. a 19c. j
Maracaibo. lHc. a 18?,a: Laguayra, 17)jc. a 18},c; Jamaica,
lr^e. a 18c.; St. Domingo, 15c. a l.V,o.; Porto Klco, 17c. a
18c.; Costa Rica, 17a a 16),e.; Macassar, lS)fc. a 1 t%c.;
Mcalcan. 17c. a 18a; Manila, 17c. a 18c.; Angostura, 17a a
18c.; Saranilla. 16c a 18c.: Caracoa. 16c. a 17a
Corros.?The market for spot closed quiet, with a decline
of l-16c. Future* closed steady. Th ? closing prices to-day
compare with N*tur..ay a closing price* a* folio r ? ?
Safrtiuw. April 8. JfumAtp, April 10.
April 13 7 .12 a 13'< April 13 5-32*13 3-16
Me) 13 7 l?l a 13 15 12 May 13 11-32 6 18k
June. ... 13 11-16 a 19 23-12 June I 4 19-t.' a 13*1
July 13?, *1126-32 July 13 25-33 a 18 1.4-16
A us oil 14 *14 1-33 Ansae! .. 13 26-82 a 1J 15 16
>. ut 13 13- It - a U 27-JJ .*ep . 13 .3-oJ m 13b
Oct 13 11 I'-a ? ?).. U :< ;? .. 13 i>?
Nov It 7-18*13)4 No*,... It?, *1317-16
Dm- ... . 13 I.V32 a 13)4 lire . .. 18 13-32 u I 3 7-16
?Quotation* are based on American standard of rUsstflra
tiuu and on cnttou In -tore running in quality not more iliea
bell a grade above or below lb
Ordinary h\
Strict ordinary Ill*,
l.o? d ordinary IIS,
M rlcl at ud ordinary 1.
le w middling .... 12V,
hlrlct low inidd lug 13
Middling -... 13 5-16
tiuod middling 13 13-16
htrirt good middling 14 3 16
Middling fair 14 9-16
Fair 15 7 16
?otatned?Good ordinary, ?*^e.; strict goon ordinary, lie.;
low middling. ll)qc. ; minding I2.'(c. I lie sales were as
to.low. :?
7b floji. Sat Kr'p. To' tL
Con.maptlea 034 2*57 5.1
? Delivered on contract, 6i*l bale* Knf future delivery th#
eair. wore as loilow,; -Saturday, alter 1 P M ?April,
2tlU bates at ISQc : May, I.JtK) at 13 7 -Inc., 1,<*K> at
13 15-36c; June, 1.30UM IS ll-16e., I.OU" at lS23-32at
As--lift. 1.00.1*1 14c? -Oi at 14 l-SJc. fotal, A,t**> bales.
To day. up to two P M ? April, It*' bale*. .Imrt notice, at
I t*,c . 21 *K ?hort notice, at 13 3 32c , 5?>' at 13 5-32C. ? May.
44*1 at I i I3.i2e., 8,1**1*1 l.",c . l.'?W at 13 11-32c., 5U> at
I. S? . S"1 *? LI 13 o2a. 0O '*i 13;,c..7lH*l 13 11 32c.. 31*)
at 13 5 16c . June ?**) *1 13 21-32c . at 13Sr- 41*1 at
13 21-32a, rg*) at ISQa. 2.306 at 1.9 19-:2c., 2i?? ai Kf.c,
H?)at 13 l?3Jc , l,.i*)at 13*,C ,000 at 13 IU3Jc.; July.
!<*) at 13 27-220 . 501) at 13 13 16c , dim at lUka. "d?l at
(3 25 32c., I (At ?t 13 27 32a. 100 at 13 13 16c..
3IU *1 IS 25-32C., 406 at lS)4ai Augatt. II*)
al IS 3I-32C.. 500 at IS 15 16a, 1UU at IS
2?-32r , 4t*i *t l.r,0 , .V*i at IS I Vine., 2'*) at 13 2H-S.'c.,
i**i at IS 15 16c /in *t IS JK-.lSc.,-**'at 13 15-IUa, l.a*)
si 13 21' 12c . TestdlM?, I'*' *t I 'lV ' November, IPO it
13 ' l?c ; ISecrmb -r. ???el 13 I U'e-. lolal bale*,
itf.nn total. 28,14*'balta Tlie receipt- nt Hi. oorl.wc-o
a. tollow*.?Ualveatoa. 840 hale*; New orie*u?A.,l m. Mo
bile. 519. Marantic*. MK1, i harleaton, 7?H , Wilmington,
i 241. Nortel*. 1,640 i MaUlaoOt ?i New lots. M. Seetaa.
?V. UWomu,
1J ,
13 7 16
13 k,
13 15-16
14 1-16
14 1-16
14 5 16
14 7 HI
14 7 16
14 U 16
14 13 16
14 13-16
lo 9 16
15 11-16
15 11-16
400: Philadelphia, 804. Total, 10,380bale*. Tbia day Ian
week, I5.K>> bales. TtiU day laat year. U.881 bales. Total
aince Beptemoar I, 3.831.4*2 bales Cotton treignu closed
as follows '.?To Havre. by steam, 'jt, compressed. To Ham
burg. by steam, 'sc., compressed To Hretnan. by steam,
J?e . eompre-aed. To Liverpool. by steam, Agd.; oy sail, )*d.
a 8-82.1. Market flrtu.
Flops AMD (iUAi.v ?Kerelvta? Flour. 16,838 bbla I wheat.
87, tt> liiikbiils: corn tueal. 7i*l buls. end 1.110 sacks; oats,
32.2IJU bushels: carts, 12,820 do.; rye, .'.KM d<>: barley
uialt, l,i*Va do. Tba flour market ruled dull, but prices
ware without decided change. The sales were 13,<??i hbls..
Including Mate, Western and Southern, et the annexed
quotations, llye tlour sold to the extent ot JOObbls..at
$4 5u a $5 20 for ti,,? to euperflne. Corn meal was quiet, with
eales o OOUbbls. and 250 sacks at tbe uuuexed quota
tions:? ?
No. 2 State $3 1)0 a 94 00
Superfine Stato 4 40 a 4 '5
Extra State 5 10 a 5 40
Choice .State 5 50 a 0 00
.Superfine Westeru 4 40 a 4 ;->
Kxtra Western 5 1" a 5 40
Minnesota ? 5 50 a 7 00
Round hoop Ohio, shipping brands..... 5 10a ?? 50
Hound hoop Ohio, trade brands 5 75 a l>50
Family..... 7 uoa 8 24
St. Louts, low eitra 5 2-> a n .*>
St. Louis, straight extra ? 80 a 7 00
St liouis, choice double extra 7 CO a
St. Louis, choice family 8 25a 0 50
Kye (lour. Hue to superfine 4 5H a 5 go
Southern, No. 3 3 25 a 4 00
Southern. auprrllue 4 30 a 4 50
Southern, extra 5 Od a 8 50
Soiiihrru, lamlly 6 75 a 0 25
Corn meal, Western 3 00 a 8 .5
Corn weal, Jersey 8 10a 3 25
Coru lueal, lirau ywtue 3 3<l a 3 3->
Corn mual, puncheons 20 ouaSo .>0
? Wheat was in moderate request uttd prices were about lc.
lewar, the commoner sorts declining si til more. The ealee
were about lUU.LMi bushels, nio?ily Inw grades, at $1 10a
81 12 lor No. 3 Chicago. (1 12 a 81 15 tor No. 3 .Milwaukee,
the lusliln price lor Iresh receipts; 81 23 lor unsound No. 3.
Chicago. 81 25Lr. a 81 20 lor No. 2 .Milwaukee, in atom.
$1 28 lor d i afloat, $1 45 for whila Michigan, 81 I2a$l 15
lor ungraded spring and 81 20 tor inferior re i winter. Kye
was firmer. \X e note sales nf 10,000 bushels -1st* at 97Jja
Corn was quiet, for want of supplies, hut linn, closing at
about 71c. a 72c. for no grade and ru.xed; sales were 43 <W
bushels at 70c. for no grade, 73c. tor Southern white, 7oc.
for Kansas mixed In store, 7lJ4e. lor do. afloat und 71c lor
old winter mixed in >ture. Barley was steady with sales of
21,0'l'J bushels Canaila and No. 2 Hay ou private terms.
Hurley malt?We note eeles of $5,(>UU bushels Jefferson
county at 97)ic., thirty days time. Oats wem steady. Wo
note sales of oO.OJO bushel* at 42c. a 43c. for rejected,
46>,c. lor No. 2 Chicago, 4*c. for No. 1 graded, 47c. lor
mixed Mate on tracu. 5lc. lor choice white State on track,
llanr and jots.?The market was quiet Ibroughoat. tve
quote :?American dressed. $H*> a$2u(J tor single, *22u a $223
tor double and $120 a 8125 for rough ; Manila hemp, 7)*e.
u 7Vc.,go!d: Kussia. clean, 821k)a$210. gold; Italian. $2/5
a$2S:i, gold; jut , 4'?c. a 5'.jC.. currency; Jute bulls, 3c.,
cash; do., to arrive. 'Jjfo. a 27;c , gold, according to loca
tinn : Sisal heme. 4>?e. a 4'sc., gold: latl*. 5J?e. a tic., gold.
Molaxsks was dull. Ho uuotc ;?Cuba, centrifugal and
mixed, 22c. a 2Sc.; do , clayed, 2t)c. a 33c.; do., muscovado
refining. 30c. a 34c.; do., grocery, 32c. a 40c.; Porto lllco,
35c. a -Ale., Kuglisli Islands, 32c. a 50c. ; New Orleans, good.
48c. a 50c.; prime. 5i?c. a 55c.; choice, 56c. a58c.: lancr,
about tWc.
Naval, storks.?Spirits turpentine war* decidedly lower.
Kosiu was quid, but unchanged. We quote:? Spirits tur
pentine. 3Ue. a 40c.; rosin, good strained, 81 S7J4 a $1 DO;
tnr, Washington. $2 25 a $2 37)4; do., Wilmington, $2 25.
Advices from Wilmingtou were as follows:?Hosm quiet;
?trained, $1 70. Tar quiet; Wi.mlngton. $1 45. Turpentine
quiet; hard, $1 Ui; yellow dip, $2 do. Spirit* dull and
i'urit. A0vit.
Rosin 27,133 S.504
Tar 4.321 741
Turpenlino 7.0 id 125
Spirits 1,071 377
Oils.?Tba market was quiet. Whale wu steady.
Sperm was easier. We quoteCotton seed, crude, 53c. a
55e.; Southern yellow, 58c.; yellow aud whit# winter,
$1 CM a$l OS; eperm, crude, $1 50; do., bleached winter,
SI S3; do., naturnl do.. $1 78; whale, crude Northern,
7?>a; do. Southern, 85c.; bleached whiter, 75c. a 78c; olive,
casks. $1 17), a $ I 22).; do., catea, $4 :?5 a $4 40: winter
bleached fish, 55c.: crude fish. 4Hc. a 50c.
I's.tkoliuu.?Tb# market was dull and nominal.
Tbe closing prices were as follows:?Crude, In bulk.
S'ac. a sa,c. ; do., In bbla, ll)ka 11 Jjc.; refined.
In bbls., 14\c. a 15c.; do. cat**, I8>,c a 18\c. Refined, at
Philadelphia, 14)?c. a 14),o.; and at Baltimore. 14.S'c. a
14Jsc. Auviceslroui the Creek were as follows;?Oil Oitv quiet,
$1 UU'4 hid, $1 87>a asked: Lulled, Immediate shipment,
nominally $2 15; Parker'i very quiet; United, $1 07,12
asked. $1 DO7*' bid; Untou, $1 U2>? bid; shipmenr, $2 IS.
I'ltovwiosa. ? Receipts ? Pork, S3 DOIa; lard, 1,052
tierces, 57 bbla and 28 kegs; cut acatl, 527 packages;
bacon. Kw tierces, 5 bbls. and 305 boxes; beef, 18 ? tierces
and 200 bbls. The purk market wee exceedingly quiet. The
closing "call" prioes were aa followsMay, $22 80 bid,
$22 05 asked; June, $22 i>5 bid, $23 15 asked; July, $23 bid
$23 35 asked; August. $23 25 bid. $23 40 asked. Halei
were 500 bbls . spot; 100 bbls. prime mesa at $21 50; and,
lute Saturday, about 1,500bbls. at $21 37J? a $21 50? mostly
at $21 So. Cut meats were unchanged. Freeh hams were
quoted at 13c. a 13foc; pickled do. at 12j?c. a 13\a; lieali
bellies at ll'-'c. a 13c ; pickled do. at 12v4e. a lSJka and
box bellies at 12)^c. a 13'4c. We not* talet of 200 pickled
hams at 13)?c.. 2.VJ pickled shoulder* at D^c., 18 boxes
short cut hams at 13'jC., 25 do. clear bellies at 131^0., 30
do. necks at 13c , 15,5113 Iba pickled belllej, 11 lbs. aver
ago. at 13c., i.nd lOiOUO lba do., 12 lbs. average, on private
terms. Bacon was quiet; 50 boxes long clear sold at 12)4e.
and 100 do. do. at 12jfc.. aud 15tldu. Western do. at 12),c.
Beef was steady bat unchanged; 300 bbls. inert sold on pri
vate terms. Ueaf hams were doll. Smoked meats were
quoted at 14)4c. a 15c. for hamt and 10)40. for shoulders
'1 lie lard niaraet was firmer. Tne closing "call" prices were
as follows :?April, $13 00 hid, $13 071, asked ; May, 13 05
bid. 814 02). a-kcd; June, $14 12), bid. $14 15
asked; July, $14 22)j bid, $14 30 asked; Au
gust, $14 Xiy, bid, $14 42)g asked. We uote sales ot
8,251 tierces at $13 97)a a $14 a $14 02X tor May, chiefly
at $14. $14 10 a $14 for June, mostly at the former
price. Kpot sales wern 5u tierces city early at 14c.; 850 do.
Western, mostly lor rollning. at 14c. Refined was quoted at
14)ie. for South America, 14^0. for Conitueut, and !3)?o.
for t'.nha. Butler?The market continued to rule active at
fu'.l prices. tVo qnete Now butter. 3ic. a 40c.; old State,
?ood to fancy. 38c. a 43c.; Weatern. poor to good. 30c. a
lie. '.fresh, 33a a 38a Cheese was steady and unchanged.
We quoteState factory, common to good, 7',c. a 1 ly^c.;
fine to fancy, 13'jc. a 14a ; skims, 4a a Be.; Uiilo factory,
fair to good, f>'?c. a S)2c.; do . fiat shaped, good to fancy,
SWr. a I2'jc.; Cheddar shaped, good to fancv. He. a I2)?c.
Kick wa* lairly active and steady. XV* quote Carolina,
fair to prime, 8c. a 6)4c.; Louiaiaua, fair to good, 5'qc. a 5t,c ;
do. prime. 61?a a 8c.; Rangoon, lair to good, tic. a 8fgc.;
I'atna, good, 7)4e. a 7),a, gold; Rangoon, lu bond. 2),a a
2,*,c.. goia.
Bra.vR?Th# market Tor raw was Arm bat unchanged. We
note imlei of hhde. low to good refining at 7'ic. a 7;
2.'i0 hhds. Cuba at 7c. a 7'ac. a 7^0. The market lor rrtined
?u very ttrui. We quote i?Fair to good refining. 7)(c. a
7?4<-.; Cuba, t rocery. talrto choice, Sc. aH?,e ; <? ceutri
lurfal, hltds. and boxes. Nos. 8 to IK, Br. a Bj,c.; do. mol
asses, hlids. ami boxes, B{?c. a 7>ic.; I'orto mm, refining,
conimuti to prime, 7c. a 7',c., do. grocery. fair to choice,
Br. a >i\t.; standard A, lt3,c. a !l7,c.: off A, 0>sc a !d,c.;
crushed. lo.'.c.; powdered, 10>,c.; granulated, H),'4e.; cut
loaf, loj?e.
BTRaitixit.? Receipts?2fSS tierces. The market was dull
and lower; 13 tierces rumored told at ltl^c.
Tali.ow. ? Kecelpts?34 Ithds.. 181 bbls. and 334 casks.
The market was quiet; I2.UUU lbs. sold at 8)7c. a Bj.e., and
?3.000 lh?. at B H-Me a bJic.
Whisxkt?Receipts?IBS bbls. whiskey, 40tl bbls. hlgh
wines and V) bbls. alcohol. The market was lower and nom
inal : $1 11 bid and $1 12 asked at the close; 30 bbls. alcohol
sold at 92 la
Krfh.iits.?Her'.h room continued in the same position re
ported in onr last. and tl e business effected was moderate.
Tounaee for charter was slow and the vessels taken up was
st a further shading of rstes. I ho engagements em
br -red ?To Idverpooh per strata. 24.IJ (I ? nshJHs grain, (d.
standard: 300 boxes cheese at 30*.; 5 ?> p ickagcs provisions,
on the basis ol 23s. por tou for bacon; 100 bales cotton at
ViL, as |t ran; 30 tors oilcake at lot. To lemdon. per
steam, 28,000 bushels grain at list., till lbs ; HXJ tierces beef
at 7s.; a*) bbls. nork at 3s.; SO racks iard at .Vis.; 30
kegs do. at 418. To llainhtirg, per steam, fl.tWO biish<-ls
grata. 110 marks. The charters comprised, a liritish brig
from Philadelphia to Cork for orders, with 2.700 bbls. re
fined petroleum, at 4a. ?d.; an American bark, hence to
Havre or Horrieaux, with 4,liO bbls. naphtha, at 4a;
Norwegian hrlip heneo to Havre, with 2.1u0bbU. naphtha.
at 4s. a H rl;(ah brig, hence to the Mediterranean,
Italian port, with I 1,000 cases reBned petroleum, at 23c.;
an American achocner (chartered here), from Rrunswick,
lis , to llerbice, with 1 to M lumber, at $0. gold; a vessel,
with corn, reported from New Orleans to Dunkirk, at 20c.
per bushel.
Moxnar. April 10,1874.
ucnm rom nix rm ??n
rut's ml S\asp and
Tnr,U. Bter*s. Cows. Ili/nu, Lamhn. Bogt
Sixtieth street ... 3,070 1? 1.037 4.11*1 ?
Korlr eigUlli street 0 21 10 2, >00 ?
Fortieth street.... ? ? ? l.'iO 10.133
Jersey City 4,2t>0 ? ? A,023 8,*?30
Total ?,1H8 40 1,007 15,477 10,003
Freeh to-day 3.344 2 217 4.302 4.021
Hr.KTxs.?Trade on this forenoon wae slow on a moderate
run of general.y coarse quality cattle. Prices were better
\c. per lb. than on Friday last. The herds ranged from
poor to good and were sold off when the markets closrd at
noon. Trices ranged trom 8),c. a 12\e. per lb., weights 5
cwt. a 0l4 cwt. 1 rom 3o Ids. a 38 lbs. has been allowed net;
general sales on -4 lbs. a 57 lbs. net. At
Blxtleth street yards T. C. T.astman sold for self 91 cart
of horned cattle; eelet as follows:?102 Illinois steers at
Bt^c per In, weight 7H cat., scant; BO Illinois
steer* at l?c. per ID., weight 7H. cwt.; IB 11
lU.l^e. per lb, weight 7% **t; 41
linots st sen at . __, ... ?
Illinois stesrs st lie. per lb., weight 7*g cwt., stiongi
30 I.linois steers et lie. per lb., weight 6S? cwt.; 75 IHinots
0U l.linuil Btrwip as? a ?v. |'W? ?w,, wwiqus s.' ^ yw?. , iv a. iissvia
steers at lie. per lb., weight B cwt. strong. T. Wliecler
- ~ iS| fl|?
?old 8" T. Eastman 42 Illinois steers it lie. a 13)^, per
lb.. welghtBcwt. II. 8. Rosenthal sold for Morria A vvaivels
3B Illinois stesrs at Uc. par lb., weight rt cwt.; BU Illinois
steers st f>i,e. per lb., weight nv; cwt.: 32 Illinois steers st
flUc. per ll>, with 91 off per head, weight B)g cwt.; 17 Illi
nois etci-rs st !'V p;r lb., with BIO off the lot. weight 7
cwt.; 10 Illinois steers at 10c. per lb., weight 7 cwt.; 14
Illinois steers at It^c. par lb., weight 7% cwt.; 94
Texan steers at 8)?c. per lb., weight 3)4 cwt.; 2 Illinois
bulla, gross weight 2,3?) lbs., at 5c. per lb. C. J. Ksgxn
sold for sell Ifl mcalfed Illinois steers at per lb.
cmiva iiiiuuiB ?hti? m ppr in.
weight tile cwt.; 80 Illinois steers at lOJge. per lu., weight
7M?wt.;d3 Illinois
' rer sola tor selves I in Illinois i
leers at
7Uewt.; 33 Illinois steers at lie. per lo , weights 71* a
7)2 cwt. biegel A Myer told for selves 110 Illinois steers at
inc. per lb, weights t>\, a 7 cwt.; 43 Illinois etc
IH'eC. per lb., weight 7>i cwt. Clers A Coy sold lor Coon
A Ifaaburg 10 Illinois steers at 10c. par lb., weight 7)4 cwt.;
8- Illlno s steers at Ph: ? 12c. per lb., weight B cwt. T.
Utiles sold tor toll 30 Illinois steers at |i>r. a I ",c.
per lb., weight 7 cwt.; 3i> Illinois -leers at lOi^r. a 12',c.
! per lb. weight B cwt.; 15 Illinois steers at I^Vc. per In.,
i weight si's cwt Hurehnrd A Merrill -old lor A. >1 Monroe. 33
Illinois sioi-rs at lb- per lb., weight flt* cwt.. Star.t, with <>'
off pec heail; 20 iliiaois steers at Be. *;?',c per lb. weight
4I41SI., .1 II Inn a steers at per Ib. n eight 7 ca I ;
17 llli.iols steers at 10c. a lDlac per lb., with f I on per he? I,
weialtt fll* to 7\ rwt ; 32 Illinois steers st He. a ll>,e. per
lh? wflcbt 7 cwt; IB Illinois steera at lie. a 12.',c i? r lb.,
relgnt fl cwt., tlr>>u,-. A. N. Monroe tool for se>f
S3 Illinois _ steers at i?V; P*r . .. weight
cwt.; 17 Illinois steers at lUe per lb., weight
cwt., strong. At Jersey City }*rds M. Uoldsvinuide
?old for iileroeh. Meyor A Co. 41 Illinois
?tears at 3c. per
{b.'wwtgbl fl c* t. ; l"3 lllla -it steers st 8)40. per lb., weight
cwt.; 18 Illinois tUert at HV4e. per ib , weight 7\ cwt..
atruug. C. Kahn told for Kalin M Furst 16 lUinoit steers at
Oc. per lb . weight 3)? cwt . with .Vx on per head; 23 Illi
nois steers st a per lb., witn SOe. ou per head,
weight DS cat.; 47 Illinois steers at u)(c. per Ib ,
with II 011 per head, weight cwt ; 39 Illinois
steers at WK'- p?r lb., weight fly* cwt. 1 211 Illinois
steers at lll.'aO. per ID., weight 7?i cwt. Martin Fuller
A o. told lor H. McOarinj 14 mixed XI>s->arl steers ana
oxen at l> '4c per lb., we.glit BX cwt.; 34 Missouri stovra
at I'lsS per lb., weight US cwt.; 38 Missnuri steers
at l"%c. pfif lb., weight mi 10 Missouri steers st
tt)Vo. per lb.. Weight 11, cwt. , l?. Vt aixsl told lor Mor.lt A
M'aiXOis 38 lll.uoit steeis at r?\a per lb., with 91 off p. r
hood, weight ?t>_ cwt.. (cant; 73 III nil* steers at l(A>.
per lb., weight njs cwt. a 7 cWI.; IB Illinois steers at lOMie.
per Ib.. weight 7I4 i-*i.| Id Illinois steers at llfcc. p.-r
lb. weight 7,S ewt. ff U. Dudley sold lor Mor is A IVslx
#ls' 84 Illinois steers *t '??'gc. per lb., weight
1P4 cwt. a I'H cwt., 31) II.in-I- steers at !",c
pet lh., aeight Bs? ewt. . lor Oerwln A Co. I ? Illinois strers
at 9c. per Ib . weight bc, ca t. Co.icy A UrPMfaoa fold for
Tonpsile A Co iTRi Ksnssv steers. Irom ->'4 lo lie [>?r lb.,
welgnt* ?' ewt. to H cwt F. Btntnole sold for
Morris A Waiaelt 34 Illinois sUsrs at i?M; per lb.,
? *- " ? Ikv,
weight B cwt.; u3 l.'in >is steers at tu* par lb., with
a fraction off per Ib. en 34 head, weights tiewt 1 u'4 o?t.
Snvur isn Laaaa?Trade slow but tlrm, and a tew rocks
nnlKr AAH IsAMitB. "J" J "? a v"c
h?U otef.^h??T loM ai It? ^5 ? W .iO p?r cwt. L?iubt o??l
qantasl. J old A Hnckingham sold 483 Blare slifi p. wriglit
SHjaei lbs , at 7*\r. | ?r lb ; 179 Mis-mnri sheep, weight
1.\m|ii P-a.. at 7)is-. par lb.; J8;> Ml?v..nri sheep, welahl
,ij, l-> lbs, pt Be. pet lb.; ^so sold dnnnirlbn past wank
4 118 sheep, average per head 97 18. Kase A Fldcoek sold
jUA Jlllm-n staar jabskt M>g? lbs. aaMuw ib.iMA
Ohio sheep, weight 46.740 lbs., at $7 Ort'i par ewt: 177
Ohio sheep. weight 15,310 lbt., at 7*,' per lb., 80 Ohio ebeep.
weiirht 8,300 lb, , at Be. par lb.: 124 Ohio shaep. weight
12.160 lba, at M4c. par lb. ; 223 Ohio sheep. weight
35,650 lb, . at aV.c par lb.; alto told during tha ptU iaMI
5,464 ikttp,imam oar head $7 SO. Ilum* 4 Klllott
told 200 State thorp, weight 23,400 lbt.. at 8%c. par lb.: 861
Ohio aheap, weight 33,5.55 lb? . at 7!4c. per lb ; 50 Ohio
?heep, weight 4,840 lbs.. at 7V"\ per lb.; "JOlOhla ahaap.
weight 18,2l*> lbs., at 7Jac. per lb.; >17 Ohio ebeep, weight
6..VV lbt., at He per lb.; alto told during the paat weak 4,171
aheep. average per beau $0 a *7.
Miuii Cow*.?There were no talca.
Vrxls apis valvks.?Smooth quality aaalt held oaaala;
coarse and poor quality ealvet alow ou a hoary run; pricee,
4c. a 7'ke. per lb.
lioas.?There ware no lira hog* On aala.
Galveston. April 10. 1*78.
Cotton doll and nominal; middling, 12','c.; low middling,
11V-1 KOod ordinary, K>%e. Net recriptt. 1140 bale*. Ex
portt?To (treat Britain, 500; coaatw;to. 2,094. t>alea, 63.
block, 32,42*1.
New Ouuca.Ns, April in, 1876.
Cotton quiet, demand fair; middling, 12',.;.; low middling,
11V- ; K?"d nrdinarr, 10%c, hat receipts, 5.1U1 balea;
gross, 5,143. Exports to Ureal Britain, 4,256 St let, S.OOtX
Stock, 233,826
Mobile. April 10. 1676.
Cotton weak; middling. 12c.; low ratddltug. lljac.; good
ordinary, lot3c. Net reeolpti, .'>1'.) balea. Kxportt coast
wite, o7. bales, 400. block, 3D,034.
? Sava.vmah, April 10. 1876.
Cotton quiet and easy: mlddlintr. I2%e.; low middling,
11'aC.; good ordinary, 10l4c. Net rec npu. 303 bale,; gross,
H5s. Export,?To Ureat Britain, 3,818; coaatwito, 862.
Sales. .'.O I. Block, 22,214.
CHiUMIW, April 10, 1876.
Cotton o*,ler; middling, 12 11 Ilk. a I2't'c.: low middling,
121, a 12!4c ; good ordinary, 1 lc. Net receipts. 701 balea.
Exports coastwise, 1,375. Sale,. 1,(1)1 b toe It, 19,615.
OttvkQO, April 10, 1876.
Flour unchanged: sales, l,fl')0 bhla. Wheat Heady; No.
1 Milwaukee club, $1 37; No. 1 white Michigan. <11 4->; extra
do., $155, In round lota Corn quiet: new, 65e.; old, 07c.
Barley lower; talet, 1.U0Q bushel* No. 1 Canada at 08c.
Corn uieul?$26 for bolted and $25 lor unleilted, par ton.
Mlilfeod?rihoitv $17; aulpelulK $18. and middling*, $20*
$21 per ton. Lake recopt*?Wheat, 2,700 bushels: barley,
12,boo uo.
Burnt*). April 10. 1876
Gfaln afloat and In store?Wheal. 851,687 buthela; corn,
15,007 do.; oats, 7 >,381 do. ; barley, 61,083 do.: rye, 17,78a
do.; peat, 1,653 do.; mall. 72,581 do. Keeriptt?Flour,
14,00ii bills.; wtieat, 43,0 *? bushels; corn. 75,000do.; oata,
32 000 da.; barlev. 10,003 do.; rye, 1,606 do. blliptueula?
Flour. 14,500 hbls.; wheat, 45,1X10 butbcla; corn, 7<>,000
do.; oatt, 32.0J0 do.; barley, 11,500 do.; rye. 1,000. Flour
quiet and steady. Wnea. lower; tellera keep the price*
nrirate: sales of D.ooo bushel* No. 2 Milwaukee, 1,000 do.
No, 1 do. and 00 do. wbite oa private terms; HOOdo. No. 1
hard Milwaukee at $1 3s. Corn In fair demand aud steady;
sale* ol 10 cars new at Ode., 4 ears Kausaa do. at ttlc. a
62c.. all on track, dais neglected. Kye inactive. Barley
dull; sale*-of 1.000 buelirla Canadian on privata tarms.
For* dull, at $23 27i lor heavy mesa. Lard dull at 14e.
tligliwtnos null, nominally $1 11.
Tot.alio, April 10. 1876.
Flour quiet. Wheat dull and drooping; No. 2 white
Wabash, $1 37; No. 1 w hite Michigan. $1 2b; extra white
do.. $. 36; amber do, $1 25; May, $1 26: June,
$1 27,'i; No. 2 do., amber Michigau. $1 07;
No. 2 red winter bald at $i 28, $1 27 of
fered; rejected Lake Shore red; 84>a'c. Corn firm for spot.
Steady fur futuros; high mixed, 53l4c.; April, 52%c.; May,
51 JwC.; June. 50%c.; low mixed, 52c.. April held at 50c.,
48c. bid; Kausaa, 52'4e.; nu grade.- 52c.; do., llaj ton aud
Michigan, 51J.C. Oats dull and drooping; No. 2 at 35c.;
Michigan, 3.1',.:.; rejected, 32>ac. Keceipls?Wheat 8,0U0
bushels; corn Ib.Ogl do.; oata. 2.0'*l do. shipments?
Flour. 660 hbls.; whoat, b.OLO bushels; euro, 65,000 do.;
oata, 2.U00 do.
Caicaon, April 16 1876
Flour quiet aud weak. Wheat uutettled and lower;
opened strong and higher; closed at iuaide prices; No. 2
Chicago aprtug, U?e., spot; $1 03%. May: $1 04V. June; has
sold at $1 05Ja. Juue ; No. 3 Chicago spring, 87%c. abbe.;
rejected, 78c. Corn In lair dam and, but at lower rates; No.
2 strictly Ire.ib. 47c.; regular. 50'ac.. apot; 47Sc., May; 47c.,
June. Oata dull, weak and lower; No. 2 at 31%c., apot;
33'ic., May ; rejected. 28. Kye dnll and lower at 61c. a 05c.
Barley generally unchanged, bat tome tales ratliar higher,
at 55c., apot; 37%e. a 58c., May. Fork steady, with a fair
demand; $22 1.) a *22 25. apot; $22 13 a $22 20,
April; $22 25 a $22 27>? .Mar; *2252% a $22 55, June.
Lard active, but not quutably higher; $13 40, caah; $18 36
Slay; $13 67% a $13 70, Juue. Bulk meat! itaady ana
firm: shoulders, tsJ,c.; clear rib sides, 12c.; clear sides, I2%e.
Clover sceJ In good demand and price* a shado higher at
$8 7.) a #4) 10; tiuiolhy seed, demand lair and prleee Arm at
$2 a $2 40. Receipts?Flour, 8,500 bbla.; wheat, 51,000
bushels: corn. 47.UUO do ; outi, 16,000 do.; rye, 1,700 d>>.;
barley, lo.iaiOda. bhlpments-Flour, 13.0IX) bbla.; wheat,
8H.OOO bushels; corn, lO.UOO do.: oat*. 18,000 do.; barley,
14.000do. Whiskey, $1 06 At the afternoon call of the
Board wheat weak and lower; $1 (2 %, May; $1 03%, June.
Corn weaker; 4(%c. a 47%c., M*y; -"Tec. a 48c..June.
Oats easier: 33c.. .nay. For* easier; $22 23, May; $.2 50,
June. Lard easier; $13 47%, May; $13 67%, June.
Loedox PRoncca Mxrkct?Loxdo*, April 10?Evan
lag?Linseed oil, 22s. 6d- a 22s. Od. per cwL
TudWf"BKLSfojTf "itJoT;
J\. Bankers, 19 and 21 Naaaao ?t.
iMue Travellers' Credit*, available Id all parte of the world,
through the
and tbelr correspondents.
Also Commercial (.'reditu and Telegraphle Transfers of
Money on Caiilurnia and Knmpe.
? Bankers and Broker*.
No. 12 Wall at.,
make for cuatomera dealrahle investment* of large or email
amounts in stock* of n legitimate character.which frequently
pay from live to twenty timca thu amount invented every
thirty days Stocks bonght|and carried aa long a* desired on
deposit of three to tire per cent. Circulars and weekly
reports sent free.
A Endowment Insurance Policies, Mortgages aud other
securities; Insurance ol all kinds effected with heat com
panies. J. J. llABKICII A CO.. 117 Broadway.
A -Laphley" *~baz!7ky. brokers 74 broad
A. Wall at., buy and sell Stocks. Bond*, Uold and Privi
leges. on com i^lsston; Mocks carried on a margin of 5 per
cent; a new book on stock .peculation mailed Iree to any
address. Call or send fur a copy.
gege, city or Brooklyn.
A. offer their service* in negotiating Stock Privilege*,
making collection* lor parties at a distance, investing small
sum* of money and baying and selling blocks. Bonds and
Gold on margin ; 72 page book, with Wall Street Review
and quotations, sent free to any addreaa Order* executed
by mall and telegraph. Address
Bankers and Brokers, 72 Broadway, New York.
A? on improvrd city Property; Trust Funds, several
amounts. Apply to HORACE S. ELY, No. 2'2 Pine st.
Brooklyn loan office?vanr amounts to
loen on Mortgage; charges nominal; no delay.
liRAKE A CO.. No. 3 Boerum place.
A Exhibition.
located In the centre aisle of the main Exhibition building,
is the only company that rents sates and vaults to ex
hibitor* or takes charge of valuables fnr visitors at the Ex
hibition, having been granted thu exclusive concession by
the United States Centennial Commission.
For particular* sddre-s FARREL A CO., Managers, 907
Chestnut st.; 8. W. BCRLE Y, Secretary, 132 South 4th
at., Philadelphia.
1 pal and interest payable in jgold) on extensive coal
fields in Ohio; in line working order; making money. Also
a loan of F25.0UO lor six nionthr on first class Collaterals,
worth four times the amount For lull description, Ac., ad
dress W. Ct'KTIS NOYES A CO.. No. 28 Broad st.
New York city Property. Principals desiring to BORROW
OK INVEsT apply to II. L. GRANT. 143 Broadway,
XJ in small sums on Furniture in bouse or other good col
laterals in New Jersey or New York. Address FINANCIAL
AGENT, box 109 Herald office.
No. 293 Bowery, near Hnnston at.
Open daily from 10 A. M. to 3 1*. M., and on Monday* and
Wednesday* from 10 to 7.
German spoken.
H. O. Fisnm. Secretary. A. T. CONKLIN, President,
Mortgages at easiest terms. Parlies requiring fands
or having funds to invest should spply to GEORGE W.
STAKE, room No. 2, 1 jo Broadway.
per cent luterest ou prime city applications.
C. DE WITT, 112 Broadway, basement.
Corporate Companies a specialty.
WILLIAM WARD, Drexul Building, No. S Broad ft.
The evening telegram
County Bond* and other AI Investment Securities nur
specialty 'It years, paying lOto l'Jpercen;, interest promptly
paid, for sale below par by
Bankers, block Brokers and Aeetioneera,
No. 43 Pine at . New York.
K. B?Defaulted Raiiiead Bonds bought and sold.
mI'Ii three limes tlie amount; or $173 advanced lor
uiae months. Address FIRST MORTGAGE, box 134 Ger
ald office.
ipTt'ivvv property: only legal expenses. Address
J.AWYEK. box I .HIM Post office.
(If111 Kansas TrbVrNdH IP bunds for
V ?'U.v/UU sale at 10 per cent. Address box 1,773 Po.l
liuO Jl?f\ belonging to an estate TO in
OOOvdLVV vest on bond and mortgage; five years.
SHIPMAN A MKKSKi.EAU, 32 W itlfam at
4>faFI|j||I TO loan AT 8 PER CRNr INTER,
splOds"?v" " eat for three or live years on city im
proved properly. Hall j. how. no. ;< hot ?t.
??j tupARTSEUXaiPb.
f vTnsoLUf'ioN of co pariNkksiiip.
J " KkW Vokk, April I. 1W7H.
I he co partnership heretofore existing between the under
signad. under the firm uame uf Boston .( 9chiiiid, l? this day
dtaeetveil by mutual . onsent. All claims against the tlriu,
aa ill be settled by F. J. Sehnud, who will Continue at the old
*A WATER FRoX'f,"~1lUuX2iU FOR SAhToinf}
2V. let.?Term* reasonable. excellent Factory Property,
loo Chatham square, bane building.
? class Tailoring Establishment; he?t location on Broad
way in I doing a good basinets;.established 12 years; rent
low ; immediate poeeeeeiiji; autlsfactory reasons for selling.
Inquire of l{. d. MM K. No. 9 West 3Vth st.
A gentleman. "connected" with" a Large
manufacturing house, a -out to vi-H California, would
attend to nay r- oMiiiasious inltusted to his car*. Address,
for twod tys. PC NBA By box 3.747 Post oflipe. _
site Macy'e, will let rear of his iter* during snmmer
months for ke cream samou; also spaea to let for Soda
?t n J Apply at 2U< ?t|h sv,
ui<*rr*util0 bitikiri?.iE; long mrtltwp a<?U
wctwfnlly ranniitc .f-'ft ???re4.
MANKI.N8, A West 29>EM.,W?fitdfwtffM.
I RtrnivESR oppomrrwrriKB.
A v xiitjft o^xirxs^rirrw
?a*. to produce a Ceuteumui Novelty, musical nod dramatic;
suited exactly to the time.; tho ouly one of its kind. A
i !!"S ?""?* Pr,,flts in ali parte of the country. Address
DOLLAR. Herald office.
?"*}>? Dollar .More, No. 712 I'litttnut ?l.; oldeti in
rauadeldliia; a ciiatic* worth ih? aUriuiou of a business
mf" jj1 parson; terras sstisractory.
bEOKuE K. 712 Chestuut si.. Phtla<ftalphias
For salk?a .vTakket at no. i?u riu a v., doing
a irood businass.
For hale very chkap-a small and skat
I ^Holograph Oallrrjr In a thriving town two hours from
K.w /i j particulars address J. D. MKRBITT, Ma*
kill ou Hudsou.
ftiusch s Hotel, ilobolceo; rent low to a good party.
i-ttkviXH BROS.. a* Newark st.. Hoboken. N. J . or it
the owner, MRS. PRANCIN B AI M EH, No. V? Garden St.,
Hoboken. N. J.
I have^ patent kob bread cutter-can bi
made cheep, simpie and efficient; want to iuiroduce it;
will take partner or sell all. Address box IUO Post office.
Ps.sStic, .V J., or t. C., Herald office.
eele?Distributing hot air to every piece of frnit oe
each tray direct from air chamber. Address RANKIN,
Herald otAce.
large profits; references given and required. Addreue
PARTNnR. Herald office.
Concern widely known and well established; business
being so extended one parly cannot manage it; Held inex
haustible; investment secured; (l.otk) required und entire
services; this ie a rare opportunity lor the right men.
GEORGE HAN KINS (store'. _'M \S est -'ilth st.
ful business in metal goods, with tactory in Brooklyn
and proposed wareruoiu iu New Yorx; investor can control
lloaiicea ; pie.eni proprietor superintends the tactory. Ap
ply to GKIGCS A CAKLETO.N..DS Broadway.
erect a good four .lory house in ilarlein ana lake pert
pay In two lots, irrc ifair valuation), balance cash, may ad*
dress yt'ICK UUSINhnS, Herald office.
Coinuiiselon Business known. Address A. G. B., Her
ald office.
ent, to assist in a dramatic enterprise and to divide
the profits. Address-Mrs. ULKG. iteralil office.
ip^UV" little Centeuulal Patents; one national adver
tising device, other bronxed paper weight and call belt;
honestly worth fJ.hOO. Address hAKNfi.br, Herald office.
ipUiUUU. turprise. yielding over $100,001) this sum
?uer; iuveatmeot secured; best city reforence. Apply at 140
West 1th st.
rocesa for ntilising an article heretolore
aesietance ol capital to tnanuiacinre
vaiuelesa. 1 need the
the same. Any person wluxcan Invest $10,000 lor a hall In
tsrost can learn full parliBRars by addressing, aud slating
wbsre an iuterview may be had, NEW PROCESS, Herald
The personal property of thu Pacific Mail Steamship
Company was placed at $3,789,518 In the year 1874 by
the Commissioner!) of Taxes and Assessments. The
Supreme Court reducod the valuation to $5,843,208.
This verdict was affirmed by tho Court of Appeals, and
yesterday the remittance was filed In the County
Clerk's office. Under the law the company have five
daysIrom yesterday to pay ibis tax. The Collector ot
Arrears oi Personal Taxes yesterday received $93,.
482 52, tbe amount of taxes duo by this company lor
Tho resolution of the Board ot Aldermen, authoring
the issut or bonds to the amount of $2,686,666 66, the
money to bo applied to the completion of the Brook
lyn Bridge, was yesterday transmuted to Comptroller
Oreen having recolvod the Mayor's ?Igoaiure, It l?
itnnhiini whether Mr. Green will Issue the bonds under
this resoluUon, as o u I y sixteen votes were cast on ltd
passago. aud other technicalities may arise as to th#
legality of the measure. _
City Chamberlain Tappan makos the following "ale
moot of funds in his hands:-Balance, March ?s
I $476,924 IS; receipts, $594,493 25: payments, $540,.
*?14tb*'?PC0, April 8. $531,056 ?.
al'd^iV the Women'. Centennial Union, b,
BRET HABTE.on arookaTITS ok
TUESDAY EVENING, April 11. ?t 6 ?> clock.
Tickets, $i, ?t Schuborth's, CUickaring Mali, Mitchell 6
Seixas, ?ud Randolph s. -
aa nnVtoraau only. at Cooper Institute. Wednesday
evening. April 12. |upon "Typical Manhood; or, Man as I
Lover sad Husband.^ Admission 50cents. f
rjnHifoNLiTiiECTCKk this season,
chickek"ng hall.
THU KSDAY evening, April 13,
At 8 o'clock J v w M
Subject -.?"Woman in 4ba Old Time and the Niw.
Tickets, *1. et the Fifth Avenue and Wlnd?or hotals, aa
Csrleton's hook store and at the door on the evening
lecture ?
?- ' - MUSIC A I'. ,
i?rrr*Ts'H"7tEK mTn~F BENtTtfriYACrA .^7~3iVuTS3
andPlinoHi^irnc'tlon Walter \h., new r.pid ejrtMj
Terms low for summer conrse. t irculars mstled. AO ir
UENTBY PROFESSOR, 1.368 Broadway.
[\ located at ,
No. 5 East 14th St.. near 5th av.. neat to Delmonloo A
(Incorpor ited lot*>)
SUPERIOR INSTRUCTION in *11 hranchaa or Jtuilc.
SL'BSCKlI'TION BOOKS now open dally.
W tJmmTs church. Apply to-day or Thursday at 11
A. M. 141 Usury si .
yV organist and choirmaster. Address Bar. A. ELY,
box 119 Herald oBee._ .
thorough! insiructlon and sing hrst class .music. Aodiosi
ORGANIST, 36 West 3?th st - ~
A. for Furiiiiure, Carpets and Bedding at H.M. LOW
PERTH WAIT A do.'S, 155 and 157 Chatham St. An la
mense ttock at low prices. --
A. ing leased my bouse. I will sell my Household Fnrnl
?? srhfeh cost me originally SW**'. I" '"tstosmt pur
,aar? pnnsiitiiii! of Parlor bllit*. H nioca*; flejtMV SttlB
way and Sens' Pianoforte, elegant inlaid
with Dressing Cases, Bureaus, Washstands. Wardrobas,
Ac ? hair an<fspring ilatres.es, elegant inlaid fin
ing'Table. Chairs In leather. Import^ Bron?# Klgnirw?.
antique and modern Ornament.. Import.d hy me. anda
collection <.f msny years, at a great Callandee#
for yourselves at private residence 120 Best -3d St., near
6tli av.
.A. Carpet., Mirror., Pianos, Paintings, Armories, Labt
net. Etageres, Ac., st privste sale at auction prices.
A ire and Bedding at O FARRELL's Sale^oon^ 410
Rtta av.. between 30th and 31at sts. J'ayraente taken weekly
or monthly. -
A in use one yrar, lor sale at 256 Wed 12th si.
reps, for sale cue ip. st 264 West 39th et.
house ?n the Instalment plan.
Elegant fnrnitnre. Carpets. Mirrors Spring and Hair Mat
trctfo*. Parlor Haoa,
Prancb flat* farnUhed 4j
OEORGK A. CLARKE. 7e7 Broadway.
. about purchasing, positive chance; entire[furniture
ol private mansion 23 rooms) for sale IJIJJ*1 ?!%JoO'$166;
Parlor and Drawing Boom Suits. post $W60, for >jj? .. ?l _ 1
tapestry Suit. $73. *1??; Stolnway Piano. Mb; Bookcases,
pltrlorTrebles, Buffet, leather Dining Set. Estan?"yT*be^
cabinet Chamber Sets, witn Dressing Cases. *75. 6'??? ??
tie Bedsteads, Bureaus, hair and *P"DF ' 'Ca*
plush, haircloth Su"*v*f',nV0jl 1 'p*?> : goods can re
pat*. Ac.; hauaa open From * A. M. to a r. ? w Waal 16*1
main till May I. Call at privata re??danco No. 47 wa?%
it., between 54b and tUh ava. -
A at IIP, o'clock^! 1 tlis ViMnita
remdanea 10? Kant 13th *4.. near 4tli k*. r.itrni ? R
19 Carpet*. Planafarta, !?> Chambar n#i(m Tablaa,
reans. Mattresses, Beddinr. s,d-board, c.?tenslon "W
21X> lots Glass, China. Silver Wars. -?
A -KKONT AND BACK l^HLOB F^ K- Appl, ? i?
As sals; blus and grceu aalln damaaa. srri
East 61st st. ?rrr=rrj
11 Aim a 1 ^^^-!t%RKVA^,AonTBH^ 19 B?st Htb
y "nd merch"v
dise, private sal. or. ...en on. Gonds ws t
r tplen 114 price* from PEIHfcsii.
imniadiatcly. -?' ;-r?i.,. . *
Armoir a Olaoe. ?JO-*0**'
Hulil t:he?onler. 41 ID. 1 * f7v
Mdeboard, marble lofy *jz.'.Xj2 Ksst 40th st., near 3d ae.
, ,7,. than AUCTION PRICKS.
T,dL'RNn I RE V '^' iZn, ,t,xk on aceonnt of removal
r "?l"Jf"b11,t^r,h and ulain Parlor, Llbrarr. Dining ant
May 1. will sell rich an I plaints ^ . p(,,|UrelJ ?
D^Bicomeat*that cannot be me, elaewharo. 728 6,h av.,
r .private "^?^^"le .contained In a four s.orj
ol ell the tier Inst two sears since by one of the beei
house, mado l? J hl4?d ,1UW can be rcmnred aftei
,ity makere; ?r???wP">t of ,rllrlo( ?idress M ADISON
AVKNCto* H* llerald Uptown Branch office. No. 1,366
r Wlah to eell their Parlor Kurnltnre. also a very liand
some Bnffet snd othr, Furniture: all Ors, claaa Apply a4
2KI Vest 53d st No dealers nesd eall.
r sold SI lowest cash prices, on weekly or montl.ly pay
m?i?u n* a44IUoti*i etiarpe on Jm ?alt*. J. Ie\ NcH, 3i>4
1 fttb nr.'. between and 'AUh *t*. g,
IT Brussels and Ingram Carpets, Oilcloths, Aw, ver$
cheap, at the old place. 112 Fulton it.
Buv your Carpets and Mattings now for Ihs sossn.se
and saA mousy. ANDREW LEsTEK k CO., 371 Broad*
I L iaamedlatel). PhlSKR Vtb ay - Htgbeee graed
^pLd fee Carpets, Far#ll#re, Flanes, Bedding.

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