Newspaper Page Text
I'HE NEW YORK HERAL WHOLE NO. 14.178. NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY APRIL 12, 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. PIUCE KOI!if CENTS. Dill KOTO I! Y miAUY KKTISERS. AMUSEMENTS?I'm Pact ? Stb uud Gth cull. ASTROLOGY?2l> Pact?6tu col. BILLIARDS? 12th Pact?lilli cut. Hoarders wasted?2i? pact?5ib audGthcoia UOAIIU AND LODGING W'AaTRD?2D P auk?Gib coL BO->'lS AND SHOES?!?tm I'iuk ?Ob.ol BROOKLYN HEAL ESTATE Ko It SALE-1 IT Pact??tb cud nth cull. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Sth Pick. BUSINESS NOTICE?"oi Pact?Gth c??L CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - I?t Each?Tib cut CLERKS AND SALESMEN?I its Pauk-UI cuL CLOTIIIN'O?Dtii I*auk?4 th coL COACHMEN AND UARDr.NKllS?12th Pact-lit and 2d eota COASTWISE 8TRAMS1IIPS?I'Jni Pact?5th coL COPARTNERSHIPS?sin Pauk. COUNTRY BOARD?2d I'ASK-tthcol. DANCINO ACADEMIES?Dtm PiCT-Gtb col. DENTISTRY?ton Pauic-SJ cut DWKLLINU riOCSKS TO LET. FURNISHED AND UN Kl'IIMISHEIl-'Ji Pack?lit, 2d *nd ltd cola EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?13th PiCT-3d and dth cola. EXCHANGE?I3tu Pact?dth col. FINANCIAL?Stm Pact.. FOK SALE?ton Pack -dth col. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?2d Pact?3d col. FURNITURE-(>TH Pass?3d mi. FRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS-I2TH Pact?Sd col HELP WANTED? FEMALES?Htm Fact-?hi col, and 1-vii Pact?lit col. HELP WANTED?MALES?13th Pack?2d sod 3d coll. HORSES. CARRIAGES. AC.-1st Pact?2d. 3d ?nd dth coll. HOTELS-2d PiCT-Oth col. HOUSES, ROOMS, AC.. WANTED?2d Pagx?dth and 5th tH>lH. INSTEUCTION?Irr Pica-Bth col. JERSEY CITY. UOBOKKN. HUDSON CITY AND BER GEN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-IS* Pact?5th cub LECTURE SEASON"?Stii Paqk?Oh col. LOST AND POUND?1st Pack?lit cuL MACHINERY?ton Pact?dth col. M.WIHLK .MANTELS?12TH 1'auk-6th col. SKIHCAI ?2D Pact-611. col. dll.LlNKKY AND DR SSMAKINU-Ist Pack?tith col. ? dISCELLANKOUS ADVERTISEMENTS? lWtH P*CT-5th A lid 6th coll. MUSICAL?In Pick?6th col. PERSONAL-1st Pact?1st col. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS. AC.?Dth Pact?6th CoL PonT OFFICE Not ICE?In Pack?6th coL PROPOSALS-ton Pauk-3.i eol. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 11th I'auk?6th cel. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO KENT?1st Pauk?3th and Gth cola. REAL ESTATE TO KXCIIASUK-l*T Pact-6th coL REAL ESTATE WANTKD-Ist Pauk-OiW col. RELIGIOUS NOTICES?lit Pact?lit col. REWARDS?1st I'auk-Ut col. SALES AT AUCTION?I2rn Pick?Sth and 6th cola IITUATIONS WANTED?FKMALES-IItii Pack?lit, 2d. .'61, dth, .Mli mid 6th cola IITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?12th Pick?lit coL SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Pact?lit and 2d cola IPORTIN i?DOGS. BIRDS, Ac.?liT PACT-2d col. ITOUAGKctOth Pauk?3d col. IUMMEK RESORTS?3d Pack-6|Ii col. rim TRADES?I2iu Pact?3d col. rtlK TUKF-Lst 1'agk?2d col. I'D LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Paok?lit eol. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE - 12th Pact?MIi col. unfurnished kooms and apartments to LET?2d Pact?3d and 4th cola WANTED To PURCHASE?Dth Piox-etb eol. W ATCHES. .IKWBLRY. AC.?13th Pagx?dtli col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO LET?1st Pagk-.MIi col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.?10th Pioa-Rth col. PERSONAL. A" PHIL 0, 1 P. M. BATTERY TO30THST.? HUDSON River cara?l'leuie rend addrvii to II. lb, box 120 HoiiM oftlco. B U0NCH1NE. B ROADWAY.-PLEASE SEND WORD AND (JIVE early appointment BROADWAY. _ Information wanted?ok wm. shepherd, who kopt a liquor storo In ISth at., between avs. A ami 11. Any information will be thankfully received by lira. CLIF FORD, South Am boy. M RS. J. B.-TUK LITTLE BOY SUE MET IN THE Tuesday aftkrxoon-'-will you please stop the stage?" Acquaintance desired. Address BROWN, Herald Uptown Brunch oflicu. rilK YOUNO LADY WHO MET GENTLEMAN ON Wlllisraburir bor.t MouCuy, and made appolntinent at Union square, will please' aend I'oat office address and men tion something to Identity. Addreaa HONEST, No. 58 East 12th it.. WILL THE LADY WHO LEFT THE TRAIN AT lliintiugtnn Station, L. I, on Thursday morning Inst, and who recognixed the goiilleuiun alter ilie wat aculed In tin' stupe, kindly send her address iu confidence to S. 0. CLARENCE, Herald Uptown Branch office ! OOD ST., ABOUT 8:30 LAST EVENING.-WILL LADY ?who recognixed gentleman on ptattoira, handkerchief lignat, permit him to make iter acquaintance ; deenta it im prudent to no more specific. lor roaaona, whlrlt to her must be obvious. Address, giving sotuo invideur. JEAN lACQUhn, Herald office. HELHilOlS NOTICES. Moody"'and sankky. Hippodrome Building. I At>on service from 12 to 1 o'clock every day, except on Bsturday, when it ia lieid tit Aaaoelatinn Hall. Altcriioon service at 4 o'clock, Tuesday, VY rdnesday, Thura dav and Frntay. Admission tree, without tickets. Every Night, at 8 o'clock, in Madison Avenue Hull, and OteiHow Medina at sumo hour in Fourth Avenue Hail. Vounp Nieti'a Meeting, Fourth Avenue Hall, every night at U uMoek. and Saturday night meeting al Association Hall, 23d st. aud 4th av., at S o'clock. Special tiohi'lster the evening service of Tuesday. Wedties day, Thttraday and Friday wilt he issued to non-churchgoers Mid to parsons net yet entered > n a Christian life on per souiil application at the llipi-odmine each day ut III A. M. to in P. M. Entrauce by door marked K, iu 2tiili it, near 4th nr. . No service at the lllppodrcmj on Saturday and no noon meeting on Sunday. Service* elosc on April 10. A number of articles liuvo been found, which owner* can ?blot* on application. Lost am? uih \i,. Found?on stii sr., march bi.' a watch' and Chain, 'the owner can liuvo the same by proving prop irty and paying for this advertisement. THOMAS H. O NEIL, Utiea, N. Y. LOsT-KRIDAT, 7ril, A GOLD L(iCK KT. WITH inonmrrani It. M. 1>. The fouler will lie suitably r?? wsrded by leaving it wltb STERLING ,t DAY, 07 Gold st. IOST? A It MALL WHITE DOG NAMED FANNY J (slut.1 A lilieral reward offered. OWNER. 181 Green wich st.. corner Thames (meat market.) LUST?A BLACK PGCKETBOOK, ENCASED WITH steel, containing a check a id money. A suitable re ward will be paid by returning to 17 West 2f>th st. IOST?IN HOBOKKN, IN GOING FROM KERRY ST. J to 7th and Garden, or iu n Jersey City car. n Pocket book. cnutaininp a small sum of Money and a low Papers, nf no value to unv person tut the owner. The Under will be rewarded by ratnrulnp the same to 207 Garden St., Uubs ken. N. J. It 1ST -STRAYED FROM HUME ON SUNDAY, BTH J Inst., a small scotch Terrier; euswers to the nanio of Jerry. A liberal reward will be paid to any person return ing him to 47 West IHIi st. CEAL MUFF LOST?IN THE HIPPODROME. 8UN s? day. April 8; the tinder will receive a reward by leaving :t at Iti7 West 29th st. QTRAYED?ON SUNDAY, APIIIL 9, FROM 780 11TH O sv., a white Spin Dog; answer* to the nam ...... ante of "Jip." A liberal reward will be paid lor hi* return and no question* asked. rno ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.-MIST. A YVARK X house Receipt, numbered 12,90J, issued by Messrs. Ti tos A Burdett, of No. 40 West St.. New York, dm ml Marrh 2, 1879, for lull bales of cotton, marked K. K. P. All iwrsone are hereby warned again>t receiving said receipt, delivery having been stopped, and are requested to return the same. If found. toWM. K. ROGERS A CO , 19 South William st. IlKWAitbtl, o>>m keyy'ard.-lost, on Sunday last." a rim, Ow' ' lo, a small Black and Tan Slut; untrimmed ears. Whoever will return her to 113 West 12th st., to Iter owner, 1 llulo girl, will receive the above reward. SPECIAL NOTICKS. ~ ~~ A'" T~M?"K. I'AVOfts' A"ift5Tl(liir"iioUsK, 13~*EAST l4Tlit ?t., best location for sales of furniture ami merchan dise. First class sales of-tores or reaidt-urcs solicited; set tlements day of sale; Orel class reference*. American institute annual election? Thursday, April 20, 1878, at the room* of tlie institute. Cooper Italldlni Poll* ?ill open at lit o'clock A. M, and close at 8 o'clock P. M. ORESTES CLEVELAND, President. 0. McK. Lcoskr, Recording Secretary. Accounts and books scientifically exam inml and arranged by expert accountants : hours (night >r dayi to suit: terras fixed by Job and time. Address II. A La, box 2.813 Fust oflice. A -ISAAC 0, BOYt'h, 2?'7 BROADWAY. LAWYER.? . Divorce* obtained promptly, without publicity: deser tion, Incompatibility, habitual drunkenness. Infidelity, in hutuau treatment, conviction ol Icioiiv. Passports obtained. A PRIZE OF ONE MILLION DOLLAR*. Extraordinary Havana Lottery. 15,001s lick els, 871 Crises. Drawing, April 84, 1878, I Prion of fl.tsst.ntm I Prise of .**?.>*?? 1 I'ritao! lim.tXM 1 Prise of 5U.UJ0 Smallest Prise. *? <?>. Royal tuixon Governiii-nt Ixitterv. Main Drawing romi.-icnrm . May I, 187". ?> tickets. 3d,tA?-? 1'iites. I Prise of imldl o| ....Igoldi 1 Prise i. ? 1 Prise of (gold I 4S,l*J0 Full explanatory circelars Ircc. THEODORE MCHGCII. Post oBlcc box 5,594. 118 Nassau *i . .Now York A?EXTRAORDINARY HAVANA LOTTERY. # One prioe fil.UA'.O U Due prise E"iCX),t*X); S7l |>rircs. .nwanttnc to ?'J,25" OfJO. Drawing takes place April 84. I'lrrular- sent free. 1IATK8 A CO., it*! Broadway, Post otliee box 4.2iW, A -KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERIES OF J. 8. SMITH * A CO KaXri OXr?KSTOA Ct.AS* 371), KIR 1*78. 8, 82, f?H, Jt, 28, , a> 27, 38. 7 . 81. 37. 58. Dk. j.ymf.s can he specially consulted diseases of men, ai (hi Fnltou st.; moderate chart honorable confidence, thorough treatment, twenty y*< txpsrisuce; advice Bee. kt?ct.asa ?m>. run 1878. *7, 74. r?7. 41?, u?. 45. 7 :t, 41. 17. 24. 8. 2H. All order* addreu H. MATH ax, box 4,hf(l Nosr York Post ?Alee. A?PARKS, EMERSON A CO. s Ketttnrky state Lotteries, drawn dally Royal Havana Lotterv, drawn every 17 nay* Kentucky Single Number Lottery, drawn April -.'9. 1878, True* < ashen, information uirni-ued and circulars tree. I8U Broadway. Post office box .>.272, New York. Best food for infants. Supplying the highest amount of rionrishmcnt Iu the ni??t ri!gt >tible and nmveiiienl furm. SAY tiKYA iOOBE, Id New Bond >t. i-onduu. und alt eliemlsta and store keaporn tliroiichoat the world. SfKCIAL XOTltKB. DISKaSEs (if VFN A 8P CIALTY. " ' HENRY A. DaXIKLS. M. It.. 144 Lexington a v.. near ll'th ?i orttcc U..ur? Irvtu s i? a _____ t'XTOAOKDlXAKY HAVANA *LOTTERY. !i rir?l !'t!*e. One million Spanish dgllin. Second Prue, Half a million spoiiisii dollar*. German Covi-rumeni Ultrriw. WAi'ilsMANN A CO.. Banker*, busUlit Boat office. 75 and 77 Maaaa Ik XTRAORDINAHY " H A V A SA LOTTERY?FiRsT priaa, $1 .(Xkt.UUU; second nrue. $.XO,tA"i> tickets tor ?ala. Circulars traa. E. liOl'NbMBKKU. box 1.185 Boat office. New Haven. Conn. G -OFFICIAL DRAW 1NG KKSTICKY STATE LOT . teriea. SIMMONS. DICKINSON A CO.. Manager*. XKXtDCKY. XXTUA CLAM MO. 271?AfklL 11. 1876. 65. 77, nit. 74. -.0, 17. t'2. 7a. 16. 40. M. oil. 10. xaxTOCKY. class mo 272?avail 11, 187U 70. 7... in, 48. 10, 23. ail. 12. A'. 46. 7. 42. IIXXXT, XX Til A CLASS MO. 171?APBIL II. 1876. 47, 62. II. 06, .'>2. 40. 43. 41. 13. 57 32. 03. 71 UKMBY, CLAM MO. 172?AmiL II. 1876. 6(1. 111. 43. 26, 13. 7, 50, 45. St I. 74. 4. 47 Full information oy applying to or addretaing J. CLL'TB, 200 Broadway or box 4,060 l*n?t office. /3 ? si MMoNS. DICKINSON A CO. S GRAND MONTIl" VT. ly distribution. on tlie Havana plan, to he drawn April 2X; alau Uoyal Havana Extraordinary. ol Cuba, drawa April 24. Full information by applying' to or addressing J. CLDTIi. 20U Broadway. or boa 4,068 Post office. H" AVaXA LOTTERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION about next grand. extraordinary Drawing L'iven. B. A LKNVI . core ot l>. Kapana, 23 Willow St., Ural floor, Ho bokcu. N. J. HVlJMB OF KBBT FOR COXBUMpTlVK8.TItKMONT. N v.?A weekly aervlce la held at lliia lualitulloti, at 2:3ii P ML. mi Wednesdays, to which all who are Ictercated in the work ara eordlally Invited; train* leave Grand Cen tral depot lor Traronat via tbe Harlem Kallroad, at 2:30 and 4:05 P M? returning nt 4:>0 anil Sr5 I' M donation* .ihonld be rem In I*. 0. Tiemann. Treiunrer, Maubartnnvillc. Patients wishing to be admitted to the house aliouhl applv to ROBERT w atts. M. 1).. 40 West 36 th .t^belore 1" A rf. -CM RUN it' CATARRH. DEAFNESS: IMPROVED method; Instantaneous relief, permanent curea. I Jr. STODDARD. No. S Writ 14th ?t. \f aTllakd. ill Exposition d'ouf* dc I'aquea, EASTER EGGS, I.H07 Brnada-av . (KHtli Avenue Holal). N? ~1btohb exhaust ion -a medical BBfUT. comprising a lerlea of lecture*delivered ut Kalin'* Mu seum of Aualomy. New York,an the ipume and cure of Pre in hi u re Dcrline, showing Indiaputahlv how loat health may tie refrained, atlordtng u clear synopsis of the Impediment* to marriage and tha tre?tuieiu ol nervnn* and phyMcal debility, being the reaull of 20 year*' experience Price 25 cent*. An drea* (be author. Dr. G.J. KA UN. office and residence 31 Eat? UHb at.. New York VTEW OKl.KA.Nd AOKXCY^A BROKER. PAVOKA i\ bly known, wnnld like to a. d one or mure mreneiea of pond* suitable to the wholeaale grugery trade, l'leaao ad are** box 3,480 l'o*t office Now I ?rl*?lis, I.a PI 1. hS-1' IG ES.?11K M O K It lioiD 6 O It PILES PER manently eradicated In two to four week* without tiie knife, ligature, caustic or pain , perfect core guaranteed in every iusiance, and not one c<m charged onlil effected. Dr. IIOYT. 21 Weat 2 Hli ??._ pp E8 < lit 11 MS 1111 It It o IDS PER MAN K N T L Y IMU fli. JL eated ill twu W four weeks' painless treatnieiit; uokuile, ligature*. cauatle* or ratitarv ctuploveil: positively NO CHARGE FOR TREATMENT UNTIL Cl'RED. Circular* free. Br. STODDARD, only office No. 6 Weak 14th nt. P BIT ATS DETECT! V E~ HI' S1S ESS P UOMPTLY AND faitlilully attended to. Addreea, In cunfldonce, box 4,511 Po*t office. J^OYAL ~HA VAX A LOTTERY. ' Grand Extraordinary Drawing, April 24, 1376. K Capital prlie, One Million Doll* Only IS,(XX) ticket*; 871 priira, amountinx to 82.230.00CL Cfrculnra, with full explanations and history, free. b. Martinez a cu.. Banker*. 10 Wall at., baaemeuk Post office fcox 4.6R2. Highest rate* paid for Havana bnnk bills and Spanish paid. SECOND LOUISIANA COLD IHSTRIBUTION." At New Orleans, April 28, 1876. Capital Prite. 8100,0001 _ 8,380 Prises, amounting to $5o2,30Gk All paid in Cold. Only 20,OftO Ticket*, at 830 each, currency. Tenth* and Twentieths in proportion. For inhimiatlon, circulars. Ac., address or apply to No | osipoueuieuta WILLIAMSON a CO.. Broker*, Box ti,tJ_6 Post office. 317 Broadway, corner Tbouius at. STUTTERING EFFECTUALLY REMOVED.?COltff. ilonvo guaranteed: abundant referencing Address. for circular, AMKK1CAN VOCAL INSTITUTE, lUi Wurerley place. THE EVENING TELEGRAM ' * IS THE MOST VALUABLE ANI> CHEAPEST MKD1I'M IN THE CITY. REM) FOR KATES. OFFICE NO. 2 ANN ST. WYOMl NO LOTTKRY?J. M. P ATTER, MAN AO K R. OHlcial nuiubrri drawn April ID. 17. 3H, Ou, as. 42, 55, li, 71, 5, 62, 47, 21. I'rlsea cashed. Circulars mailed tree. A I,I,K.N A CO., 71? Nassau St., New York. Ticket 2S, S.i, tut w us sold ana drew the bolder $12,500 Next iimnlng April 20. Tickets, $1; six lor $5. Si'OHTTNO-UOOS, lllltUS, diC. A -FOR- SAUK, A 1.1, KINDS Of FANCY DOGS, ? Birds, Ac.: Medicines for all discuses; Prepared Foot! lor mocking birds, at H O. DOVKY'S, No. 2 Greene at., pear Canal. DOUS?ADD BIURKDNi BlRDfl. pfuKONs! RABBITS, tioxihji!:, FIxfewnd l'lantador stfuurls. Ml Fulton at, J. BAOOT, Agent. NB NEWFOUNDLAND OOO AND FIVE PUPS FOR sale.?Apply lor on# weolc at P. ACBRY'S Dyeing Ea tabliahnieul. 2D8 Eaat 57th at. THE TlTllF. \uction""and""french pools TJSQPfbida? J jl craning at Johnson's Pool Roem, ooruer of Broadway Mud 2Mb ?t.. on the New Orlcuna races. l ull leturua re ceived by telegraph. W. H. A T. B. JOHNSON. DK K It FOOT-!IR! VINO"PAR K.?FIRST T lit >T~OF TlIK aearon: Sweepstakes of $Moi. on Friday, April 14. at 2 I*. .M.. boat 3 In 5. to harness; W. McDonald's d. g. Ditnile lion. w. <1. llowey'? blk. ti. Butler, XV. .McMahon'sg. u. W. 1!. Roberts. Ailtniasion 50c. il'M. Mc'MAIION, Proprietor, B FLEETWOOD PARK ' lor aale or to let. Apply to PHII.lPk. D.XTKR. 26 ilroad St.. New Yor HOUSES, CAUUIAUEK, CWx. t UOTtON. ii. JENKINS' UNION AUCTION .MART. no. 20 tA.vr isiii sr.. near Broadway*. REGULAR SALE OF HOUSES, CARRIAGES, AC., EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M. A public and unecaervrd sal ? or speed, style and baauly, ON THURSDAY. AI'KIL U, consisting nl IDextra I'ue faunly Horses.,nimble forrarriace, eoupe, ro *4, Ac., Jiroct to the mart Cunt parlies who are Joteriulned t-< sell rrgardleas of eost or ealne. via One hay coupe Ilorae, 1" hands, aoiind and kind, handsome am! siylsli. Hay P. luce. 6 years, l.'?k hands; formerly owned by the Hon.'hdinond C. Jones: trotted wheu 4 years old lu 2 :4ti, 2:41',. 2:411; ivarrautcd sound and kind, speed will bo ?liowu d.iv of aale. ltjy leant, lll'i baa Is, 5 years; just alike, with black poinit; lialt slstcrt; sired by old llambletouian, dam Star mares; warranted aound and kind. Elegant Team of Vermont Moriran cob boraes, half brothers; 5 and 6 yesrs, HE hands; rich male gany hay. black (mints; not a while nalr on tinuii;. arc evenly galled, travel like one horse; are fine, bold, resolute drivers; were bought expressly lor tlis present owner, and tho proatest enro was taaen In their selection, but on their arrinil here wero found too light for his biff heavy clarence, and now must be sold: are warranted amino and kind. Elegant pair of aurrol Horses. 0 and 7 years. 15k hands; arc fast travellers; the nlifh horse is an A No. 1 sadd o horse, with ail tlte saddle gaits; warranted sound and kind. Billy Allen. i> years, l.s1* bauds; Is all sty to and of great bottom: warranted sound. Virginia la a high b rd chestnut sorrel coll, 0 rears, 15k bands: warranted to trot in 2:45; warranted sound and kimf V H. ? Also, immediately utter the sale ol the horses, will be offered a lot ot new and second hnmt top and open Road Wagons, extens on top Park Phaetons, Depot Wagon. Pony Basket I hautoiu, Siugle. Double an I l oop , tlarnoss; all of which must be sold to the highest bidder. Sale posltiee, rain or slilnu. A -AUCTION SALE OF WORK HOUSES. JACOB SEEBACIIKK. AUCTIONEER, u ill sell on Wednesday, April 12. at 25 Ludlow at., between Grand aud Heater, at Ink o'clock, ? tlrst class work Horses, 2 1 rucks. 2 Express Wagons, 1 Park l'bacton, Harness, Ac.; sale positive, rain or shine. 4 RKIVfcl?~FROir~LKARON VALLEY, LOT OF GOOD work Horses; sold cheap. Apply at No. 3 Vestry st., near Canal and Vwrick, Anew private stable fokbalk outo let? Nu. I2M West 51st st.; four stalls ami box: coachman's apartments alove. Apply on premises. a ?MaRSIUs PATENT AIM USTABLE STORM FRONT ^ V , Carriage, to be seen only t.l wnreroums IE East l?tb st, EZRA JilAIIRH, Carriage Hnlldi r. -$uv. Toft-a~fiRi*f"t? lass top side bar a \\ agon, by Dttsenubry A Wilson ; a no top. $ HI): n set Pwnecnntb llarnosa. tf.ui. Private stable i<5 Fast 12tb at. GREAT BARGAIN.?FUR RALE, FAST IKiltsK; young, sound and kind; elegant extension top Phae ton, Coupe tour top Buggies, line harness, at stable Brat door east ol L'uiyerdiy place In 12th st. A I' Pit balk! FIVE HORSIER! Ml TABLE FOR , l.iriu. eapross or grm-ery work: lor any boaliieta; sold at hail i aloe. Inquire at NO Amity sU, between Thompson Sil l snllivan sta. \~-handsome morgan ulackhawk iiuKsr, h . years, sound, kind, I.VSI high, trnt In II mluuiea. per tecily .afc lor lady, cheap. ln<|uirs J. Young's factory, 4'i spring tl. A -FINEST PONY~TUCNOUT IN CITY; ELEGANT , pony top Phaeton, line llorso. Harness, Kobe, $325 ; separately Lumber yard, 37th at. and stli ar. \ ?FOR S A LK CHEAP. A l ADY'iTTlIHNOri; an , Y ? elegant Ilorae and top Pony Phaeton, and a set of fine Harness, nearly new; also two Horses, fit lor griscer, butcher or larm "sc. and warranted sound. Inquire at 252 East Gltb st.. near la. a*. A Hits I CLASS 41 RNOCT?VICTORIA, TRAM OF bright Hays and silver mounted Harness. Inqitlre for James, at 17 Must 44th st. A. !lv? tuUnble for truck, furuicr or mi> ?meu, m u Fnrriftcf. -17H Moworr, (>p|Hnit? 5ib it,, tu tl*? A tr. A HHInllT BAY lliiltsK -6> OLD, hands, also brown Mare, sound ami kind. Hi ilcmy LARGE *TO? k hhCON'D II l\|i HI id.ll:>, HO/ a Wagons, I'liaeloiis, Hoctnways. Beacli tVagons, Jc., a, , nil prices. It. .XI >riVi-.i:>. | 41 In I..2 E.I..I ;ils| ,i. A~ha k k i iiANcK-xfi st iVk >7i ld! a r a sacki flu.', two I'lisoiui a. two roll spring top Wagons, two sloe bai liqf Wagons. two sets ol Harness, all made by llie best city makers; nearly new. Private stable .47 hatl 2Jd at., corner ot 4th av, _______ V-SKOOXI) HANI) CAKKIAUES, LANDAHLET, . l.g klllatn; light Coach, by Wood Brothers; LwpdaU, by Miner k nievena; Coupo, by llall; all in good or.tetf vv I l.l.l s XI ii GRAY, JD and 22 Wo .ster st. A in,:..six -Nil)); bar top iicogTTbuilt ro order but uneailed for; our owu uiaau. UN) West Jon it. ? ?* UOUBKB, CAUaiAGKH, At. AT UvKKfilt A SON'S ~ " CITY AUCTION MART AND NEW YORK TATTER HALLS. CORNER OF Urondwav and awli st. WAJO!: Oil A.- W. BAKKKR. auctioneer. REGULAR .SAI.ES cverv We^ne* and Saturday. CATALOGUE UK MALE THIS DAY, AT 11 O'CLOCK. SUPERB BASKET Phaeton. U r e spring. canopy (up, of elegant design and hnisli. lmii: Lv Dart A Reynolds. BY ORDER or W. F. Kodarbeck. EXECUTOR. tha fol lowing two high bred Trotter*, Road Wugous. Ac., consisting ?<:? THE CELKIIKATRD brown Trotting Gelding Clarence, got by Viscount, darn by Yellow Jacket (aire of Tlioa, L. Young', bred in Kentucky. 1~>.2.H high, foaled IStiB; lias a record of 'J ; Ii l. splendid atyle and rle'o au> ? urunce and ia iiiieoualled by uuy aa a ueutleiuao'a road Uorae. ONE VERY speedy brown trotting .Mara, Clara Oakley, sol by ilarr's Mam' 1'atcben. dam by Borkely's Ned Forrest. 15^ high. loaicd IStiH; lias allown severol trials of from 2 .40 to :lit. and live milaa in 11 :20; hat lew superiors for geutlemen's road naa. Also Till' SIDE bur Road Wagon. by J. B. Brewster A Co., nearly new. siutrie "eat aide bar Rnud Wagon, by J. B. Brew-ter; lot of Una Harness. Blankets, Ac. IMMEDIATELY AFTER above, tue property of a private gvnttoiuan retiring from the road, the following I-INK LARGE dark buy trotting Griding. tfut by Hpauld Intf's Abdallab. dam by Tom llolf. lt> liit'll. S yours old . can trot in 2:40; an elegant and same driver, ami warranted kind. II ANDSuMK CRAY trotting Mare, l.'i'j high. 9 yean old; a very styllali and handy driver: can irot in 'J .4U or better, end is warranted sound and l.lud. RX I'll A KINK black Cctdinc. Mbi high. 7 years old; fine driver, ifrcru roadster nnd wnrrniileil sound mid kind. IMMKD1 ATELY niter above. GENTLEMAN'S ELEGANT floud Turnout, consisting of a very speeds' and extra -tyllsb black Trotting Geldiuc. cot by Niagara Clilel. l&Jj high. 7 years old; a game, prompt and easy driver. and the most extraordinary road horse in America, can trot a single mile tu 2 :?nl. and five miles better man titteeo minutes (two mom to road tvitjrou; war rautad kind: ulso elevant lop si. e bar Road Wagon, by Bradley, Eras- A Co.; Uarues-. Ac. EXTRA Et.NKbuy business Gelding, 14*i blgb, H years old, a line, free driver: oven used ou a delivery wagon; warranted -ouiul and kind. TOT DKI'OT Wagon, by Webb. TOT TONY TUaeton. by lerrilL TOT POKY Phaeton. by Mortimer. KOCKAWAV, by Terrlll. CURTAIN COACH, by Wood Bros. Ttll* SIDE bar Road Wagon, by Howard. TOT SI UK bar Koad Wagon, by R. M. m Ivors. BOSTON CHAISE, by Goddard. ILaUGK LOT double and single Harness. SEVER tt, OTHER llorn s. Wagons, Carriages, Ac. FULL DESCRIPTION at sale. SALES NEVER postponed on aocoulit of weather. A-r auction," " by WM. VAN TASSKLL, Auctionoer, Office and Auction Mart, I It) and 111 East liHh st., near Atli av. Motors VAX TASSEL A KEARNEY will sell on TO MORROW (THURSDAY), April 13. 1S76. at 11 o'clock, the entire Contents of Livery stable 125 Norfolk st.. between Klvington and Manton its. Five teams, from Hit. to 111 bauds high. One black Horse, can trot In :3)>. One chestnut Horse, can trot In 2 :37. One brown Horse, can trot in 2 .-Is. One gray Horse, can trot in 2 Vl Oue bay" Horse, can trot in daw. Four Due single Driving Horses, suitable for business nnd family driving. Four Clarences, in good order, by Dunn. Eight top Wagons, by stivers, Waterman, Hatfield nnd Jackson. Four two seat Wagons, by Daley A Tooker, of Brooklyn. Four uo tup Wagons, by Miner X Stevens and Brewster. One two seat liuckaway; oue Sulkey, by Stivers. Skeleton Wagon, by Uuseuburv A Nelson; one Business Wagon, by dray ; uno Eugllsb Tub, on - Clg. one Breaking Cart, lour three seat sleighs, one two seat slaigii. seven Cut ter Sleighs. i-Ieigli Bells, fur Robes, Blankets, Ac.. Ac., being the entire contents of carriage and dglit driving stable stock; now on exhibition, and can bo examined and triad nny time until day ot sala. CATALOGUER new ready at AUCTION MART and at 0FKICK of STABLE. A" ~T PR1YATK SALE. T CART, polo and shafts, by J. B. BREWSTER A CO. THREE-QUARTER CLARENCE, by J. B. BREWSTER A CO. COUPE, bv BRADLEY, PRAY A CO ; pole and shafts. landau, ty brewster a co.. or hkoomk sr. VICTORIA, bv J. H. LAWRENCE A CO.; pole aud shafts. SIX SEAT KOCKAWAV by J. U. LAWRENCE. COUPE KOCKAWAV, pole and shafts, by MINER A CO. CURTAIN COACII. by J. C. HAM. ROAD WACOM, no ton, by BRADLEY, PRAY A CO. 1WO-WIIKKL PONY TUB, aim sprlug*. PONY PHAETON, with rumble, by BRaDLEY, PRAV A CO. EXTENSION TOP PHAETON, by W. II. BRADLEY A CO. LANDAULET, polo and shafts, by MINER A STEVENS. TOP AND NO TOP SWING WAGON, by BKADLKY, PRAY A CO. 20 i TOP PONY PnAKTONH. from $130up. 225 TOP SIDE BAR AND FULL SPUING WAGONS, 'CARRIAGES OP EVERY DESCRIPTION at a SACRI KICK. MI ST be sold to close WINTER ADVANCES. VAN TASSKLL A KEARNY, ltd 112 EAST 13TH SV_ RARE CHANCE.-**") W ILL KUV A HANDSOME top i'lineliin: cost $1(10 lust month; lias been used ouly a lew times. Inquire at Mr. Ebbltt'a livery stable, 7th av., reruer 22d st. AliU.NTi.KMAN, GOING TO EUROPE, WILL SELL 111ai entire lload Establishment, consisting of a beauti ful team Tinners; hiit.dy, free. pleasant drivers: can trot In 2: (>: ore d years ?ld, lll}? bends. Top Wheuu. built by it. M. Stiver*. Double nnd single Hurtles*. ttlaUe by Ueni-. comb. Alio * single llurie; very I'uit. At private atable So. V Euat 2Wh it. A" BROWN MARK.ONK OF THE HAXliiioiKKT rX I lie city, IV I 1 Igli. it yours old. sired liv l.n'ayvtle. lie li.v Ryadyk's Ilambleionina, dam by So alar** ftluctc llawx : never bandied tor speed: can trot to-day belter than 2 ..Ml. and warranted sound and kind' velerinmy examination allowed; alao verv beautiful ? In ft illy lop side-bar Wn/un, rubber mounted Harness, Whip, l.ap Kobe, sweat :>nd stable Riaiiketa. complete: above property will l?e sold lo irether or separately very low lor raab, a* owner l> com polled to sell. Iiuiuire for ARNOLD'S establishment, at livery itablea 14H and 131 Went 35tli at. A FULL AND COMPLETE AhBOmiitNT OF tSM "Brewator the itandard tor atyla and quality, now ready lor Inspection at our lavtury ana warerootna. Broadway and -17th at., 5th av. and Mtli at. Special attention is called to our improvement In eldc-bar Wagons, wbicli enablee na to offer the llghteal. safest and beat riding wagon ever produced. JtKKWMKK A CO., of Broome at. ANEW POUT PHAETON. >100; Mf jooUVAT, $125; I second linnd Kockittear, <75; 1 Top Wagon, <50: alao new and secoujl band Laudaun, Latidauleta, | Coupes., Clarence*. Extension Top I'baelotia; i>e pot. Road. Kxpreae Wagons; sulky, $:#>; Skeletons and llaruoaa, Hlxuket*. Ac , very low prices; Geffrey Solklex. WJK. H. OKAY, 211 and 22 Woaelrr at. -JUST ARIUVKD~FKOM INDIANA. A CARLOAD ? of Dorset, lit tur truck or anv business, to be aoid cheap 43 Ureal JoaW ?!.. near Kowary. AT ANT PRICE?nkw BINOLK trucks, coal Carts; all kind* business Wagon* Kxpreea, Grocery, Milk; alao aeeond baud cbeam but good. GOK'b Factur.v. 335 Weal .V.'d at. a bay "TioitSK. io Hands, h years old, fob .kv. aoloaheap. nUMw, A?KXPKKHS lloitsK; ALSO BV?UM MARK, ? lust traveller une Slietlaiid pony, twu act axpreaa bar ncaa; very low price*. 245 West 2<'th at. CILARHNck-FOR BALK CHEAP. / ii liandaniic t'lareiioe. Apply at atable No. I'l Weal 44tb at. /1AKRIAGKS. harness. ' . 1'ouy Phaetona, , Rockan oya, Rugulos. Express Matrons; every kind of llarneaa and Ilorae I'lotbing. Reliable iroods at lowest prices. JOHN MOORE. 37 Warren at. CAAKltl AUKb FOIt TOWN AND COUNTRY". ) dm own reliable make, at extraordinary bargain* Landaus. Landnuletles, Conpea, llretts. Victorias. T Carta, Bix seat Rockuways. Coupe Rockawavs for oue Itorae; I.ltrht Extension Top Phaetons, Kookawaya, Depot Wagons; Low Wheel Pbaelous for ladles' driving. A. T. Dl MAUP.ST \ CO.. ?t'.'S and 113" Broadway. ("lAIDI Aiii;S~ AI.I. KINDS. MV OWN MAKE. A I K.\f J treiue low manufacturer's prices, for ten days: sar ranted; leather top new Pony l'baetona, 412". up; ditto Buggies. <135; rubber top Burgle*. $ll?>: .tepot (4aeat) top Wagons, 5125; Roekaways. RlljO; extension top it-spring Park Phaetons, f 11*1. ^ GUI lib.. 3b*l t'snal si. /AARRIAGK noRSKS FOR SAI.K?OR KXCflANGK for single Horse that a ll! suit; bays. l.V? bands, s and It year* oid, sound ami kind and very styit-h. lu<|uiro tur Vrouian'a icuni at Hr.LLINGKlt'8 atable, iP*th at. and 7th ar. Owner. 2'J1.) stilt av. TjlOK BALK?A I UN Utii ?M K"7: HKSTN U r~OKLDIMTd I year* old. by Diamond Denmark, dam a thorough <>rnd mare; Diamond Denmark was hv Denmark, by Imported Medgeluru: Ibis horse is lit baioK bigli, and is one o; tlia Bnesi aaddle horses over raised lit Kentnrky. having all tile Earls popular in that section of country; be is kind ill single and duiihlu liarnes., and Mould make a line coupe horse; he Is a very slimy nn.l substantial animal, and will be a-dn nt a sacrifice. I I.e horse can be seen el tiia private stable No. 4 Bast .v.tth st , irum Mb av. TLB?VdAl-K-ONE PAIR BAY CAHUUOK flORskb. I ono single Horse, one Clarence, by Hrew?ter; one Ilarouehe, by Rrndley, I'ruy A Co; one Hugs'.* one Trotting Wagon. una Double Heigh nnd two single, three sals Double llarneaa. one set single ll.trne-s. Together with Blankets. Robes, Whips, Ac.: all the Prop erty uf a gentleman about closing bis stable, and nro all Ur*t class, and a great opportunity to purchase is offered. Apply at private stable. 21 West 55th at. LH>R >ALK?YlH.S.f RAV HOitsii; id HANDS: f sound and lit lor nny business; also tine large Truck loam. Apply to W. ii GltOSSM t.N. sn| East 3.1th "t. T51UK i. I. CHEAP WORK 110IS S KB ;~~t) N E P lor IMA one <75, una <DH. At Arnold a atable. 14n West SdMb st. Full BALK?A PINK IMtOWK TIOKBlC ABOUT fit | tinn Is high; anttud and kind: styltsti driver lit single or double harness. Apply at private stable |gg West DHh st. ?LAOIt SALE -A BLACK IIUR.dE, ti YhAl'.S td.ii. It ', P hands high; very stylish and perfectly sound; ilia prop erty ol a private gentleman. Can be seen at it. J. A N RhK HOA'R StaMaa, I ID and IK West .u it Ii at. IpOR BALK AT AURKAT BARGAIN -A 551 D and U slrltali llotte. Harness. Phaeton and ILatkawVty. Ap ply to il iODKKlGK'S atable, No. 221* East 1st la at., near lid a*. fjAOK BALK?TURKE lioRHhS ANiTtWo" MBTK OF L iruck llarneaa. 4<l Molt at. LAOR BALK?UNK t LOBE COACH. FOR $U*ii IN GOOD f order; alao one Potty Phaeton, tor <75. 37B Kneitue at. pOR BALK VERY l.uW - lltiAll 11?> Its I:. Tt 11* It and Harness tpply at 110 South lib .t., \t llllanisbur/. fjIOIl"balk,"for W*AXr OK USF.-4 kink hokseb, r tit tor auy use. Call for twu days. 23*1 Weal 42d at., in year. tjkiit saleT'Hf.ap?a btyi.ibh pair orTo II year olds; warranted sonnd and kind. Apply at 313 ICtlt av. If INK llXlt N EBbT " ' made ol MofTat'a leather, rubber trimmings Instead of leather band, sl.teoltig and tasblonable styles. A. B. KLANDBAU, 37.' and 374 llr.mme at. (old stand ot Itrawster A Co.). t-jioR BALK?hA\ iToitBK, 7 YKAKB OLD, iiililGH, 1 warranted sonnd and kind nmier saddle, dotitde, tandem or four-lndiand; the property of a gentleman going to Europe, Apply at <s'> Madison av. SAI.K-A THICK, OR WILL TRADE Foil Here* or Light Wagon. 740 3d av. F HORSES, CAKIli ACiKM, ? . nAH.Vk??T?OIlEAI'KSr HaUXKSS STORE I!?"Sk\T lurk; ? i buggy Humes-, baud made, #1**; Grocer's Humes-, $ . good double team Homes-, $ O: a .?i floes* call autl exainlue for yourselves. K1SIIKH A oSBoKXE, Mamuacturera, >o. <1 Barclay at. Horses hoarUKr>Vkkk until si mmkh. PlMt their w..rk, ou u hue pasture farm near Now York. Ap ply to Mr. RII.hY.tfN7 Broad* HAVING will Imi sold t ANDAC t'Olt tiALK-BY A CKNIT.EU.VA Ad Mt-ua* tor It; in every respect Dr-t rko ; * cheap Address LaX'DAC, Herald ufltee. MUdOii 1B* s AI. K -i. h out. E~tJhOG 11 KG A X. AlV. th-oeer. sells Thursday, I3tb iu?t . 11 o'clock. o-'0 Grwnateli at . uuur llou-tun 17 itood. -ouud Work Horses, uue lun Bonry. two 11 luMotflruck,. Carta, Harucaa. Siable l-teiiail-, lata puaitive. Hv ordar of Joint Snore, lluit K?|?e. _____________________ ON SA1.K?A SI t'KUK COUPE IIOIU, Mf COLOR, . lt> bauds high. Apply at private atable 1st) Weal | -'sib at. Fast or stable"to"lIt QU stalls, at livery priica, In private atable 17 Wast 44tli at. FTbyies" wanting horses "Wiu, KMC? A tail ? ju.i from the country, at 09 York at., JerMy Citv. QTABLK TO LET?mJ WALK KI ST., HUXMl 11'ALLS ajb and Carriage*; also n small llou..e, USD Mulberry at., Newark. N. J.. raut J-tot) per loontb. Address E. V. K., 131 Kant Itfth at. T'ili EVKXIXU TELEGRAM ~~ IS TIIK lit 1ST YAl.lA t.LE AND CHEAPEST AI'ViiUTlSlNU MLDilM IX THE CITY. BEN It roil KATES. OKKICB NO. ANN ST. Tm LET?a tiTkkk "stokY hku k stuilk i.v Walla at.. between Varick and tludaoli. wltlt water and ft stall*Marge lolta tor lav. I nquire on the pretui-ea rn$ let?private si aiu.ks. at nil mil A M. and 141 Went 40th at., two and lour etalla; imme diate posse-stun; in L'nod order. J AM KB STIKKMAN.70 Wall at. rpo LET?A KIKST CLASS STAHLK (ROOM KOII S3 1 -or 7 . horses), iu u lirat elaaa neighborhood. with water niid t:it? throughout; No. 1117 Wot l.'itli at.. near Stb av. Apply to It PACKER. No. i>y< W*?t 111It at. rpo LET?KIItsT CLASS PRIVATE STABLE, MiltirM X near Broudwav, ut reduced rent. V. St 1IAI.KKU. No 4S3 till: av. TO LET Oil FuXsALK=TWO STORtSTAIILE, COV rrin r lot 2*>xl(a>, III atalla, en 'I'th at., near tltli av., suitable for livery or sale viable. A. UAPELYE, lid Wil llatu at. rpiYiIkF "titif?it "wftitkfxii "ingisks, suitable A either lor single or double harness. Apply in private atalllv 13d l.eruy at., betuo.-n Washington and GreanwTcli Track sulkiks.-in ordkk to popularize our Sulkv trade we offer I rout amok or will build to or der Trunk sulkier, in all weights. unsurpassed in quality and lorut, lor ?! J 7. llUKWSTKlt A CO. tot Uroomu atl., Broad way and 47th at. WT ANTED?A HBCO.NH HAND LANDAU Ol IA ft ruuche; atute loweat prie.i. J). K., Crook's Hotel, Chntbaiu at WaMKH-A CITY MADE Sllli: llAlt WAGON, WITH f I I op; not to welirh over'Jtvi pouitda. Adi roaa, atttiini; loweat vaalt price, maker Itow loa^ iu use, Ac . M AUISKK, Herald L'ptowit It ranch utllco. Vi'AN'' 1 foils ii, ii a lTxlTss, a no ioi' iti>n v vT I'hiieleu, strong and lotv, tojtcilier or separate: irive, parlieulura and lowest price. I. T. I!C.N'CIK. WillluiuaUury. W ANTKOTo ri'lit'II AsK - A SEi'Onl> HAND SIDK bar Road Wnvou, elioap lor c is i; a'so altijfle llarueas, Addrnav MOW A It l>. I o\ isti Herald oltii e. \vXvi KI) lo HI t 'ff AS (f IK t ? 111A P-V'O iffs, AND ff Kilties. State lowest price and lull pedigrees. Ad dress STAR. Herald I'ptowu Branch eltioe. \rr a x r i: if 'ft t v v, nc ii ask- horse amFiiar nkss, vV and. po-.ibly, lluiria). Address, yiving deseriptlon ami price. Hl'UGV, Ilerald ollien. ,'AX'TK D - A GOO I) .11'UK SKAT OA K It I AG K?A1). ?Ireaa 0. S.. Herald I'ptown lloanch office. riXDSOIt WAGON, ^ BHKWSTKIlloK 25TI1 ST. This Wnoon commands a higher! price than any other make, and la unquestiuuublv the tieat. Why t Jietddc* superiority ill quality and llnlah it embodies lour dikttnel patents. w w ccunur'c,in? ??? f "Ut"' "XlB- clrln* ~M O" ?nt bo^to^',h'?l,.XwJ,r,,rCh- ,n,Ure' "",e,jr ?Dd "llo-? ?<?? cu^*i^e"^ "* *ad <?"** . J. a BREWSTER A CO. 1 'V) EAST >:u> ST.-HKNW).V HiKITIIKIN iTivif Ui tlittleTch^ap ,priBK Koad u.o.1 i1)!)!) -L'?u i,sr I'lncK. Solo "fob" want 'm ?.,e .l?Kle\rMk lU^SftvbE HUnk""'*','. "'II but two months iii Orutin X J ? ( r f '.f lh ' ' ",c<1 ?ibl?. party. Addfe*. KlKfcKA. box I iVllJMflU' I WTV KEAL BMATB FOR K VI.K. A pbMPI l.SOKV SALE?ONE (IK TUP tti-we i J\. built Unre<t e>xten?lon llou?*? on Central Hark #? I te rttin 'V'"". 1 1 1 ft AI'lrifl *t. trutu 12 to 4 1*. ATTENTION ok IM KOIUSKKS : aped ally railed to til.. ro.It new llootci built by lon.rliiia li'lieilly M ?*.. '' i. . W, 22 mid 24 IVect 4utb iL IlieV have tinUiicil with irritni ,.ur.. t? ?n .. . . tMilis. with thorough I r $canoncd muterihU lmvnt? * ?* ><**?? to cuni|?lrt?? tWTl feyin oir.vS laMrn ,WW \7,.7^?raIV A J'AlJ'iE. WELL LIGHTED HASJ..MK.NT TO I FT S\. 14 deep. .wU 3d ?y., between kTtb and Mth A FOLK story HJOII STfH)!' BROWN rtiikk JIKKTl Pm" \ ""mJ' lu',r ?'','1 ?*.; B:i.T(>ki 'ij' ~PBMI 4 CO.. w 3\Ve?t 2rtd ,,., Klfti, Arena# Hotel. At.KKAT HAKOAIV H'lLb HE UIVFV TO a prompt buyer ..r one of tl,,. new touratnrv 1,1.. I... p?'\,***&. VK?y tow-oN ?iir Si x.? tit r.TH "POK HALK-XO. ft WEST AHTII NT., 2? KKhT WlbT |5ElSFiis?=?^m: i'-oMoJit-e'^ Mm, OWN Kl;;>,..v 1.104 Ssusa.tSt.VR eua$g$? ^ F. CRAWFORD. U.VI lid av. Madison av. corner lots.?for half tiik i tiorthwr.t corner nl Vaditon av. and T.'.tl, ,| J7 '. it' i him, tlie -"nitllen-t. k'H Nxlltl' will he ?.M . ? rvTaz&zxc.Wfx -gs&y* i 5* Vi..,',v.~ K "esirablk kci.Lsizk i) ' to $t^(JU? Mdnp'tT "rt. ?" *"d 5,h "*?? . w. f. MtYBOPR. IT! Bron.1i ?, MOLD *mw?biraang?Kis!it" V., . K??.?t Sirlr. llirV - K1Vn- STOUV BROWN HTONK FREVOn ? ^lnt. rented: niuat be n..|J todAV' barraln r 1J" * ".<11 1 remit'.a, 1."1 l *rt oL'd ?t! for pur \ m \t Bkai nKi 11 ick coTtaokb ok riiit ! ? , i:,lb ni 1 ? of Kit I at., bet'.vreii u\n \ u-.,l it ?> ' v?rdi lor ?nle ; price MtJl'D; Anyone l??v!n? i-JMi ..St, b"Um'* 0,1 ?.l. ut No " on* the pAST KIDK PIIOl'KKTy FOR MALK CIIBAKoTTo F???.bfmtuT^h "Vlw UURAI: ?0? ?*ALI. ! locnllty ? brown ".tone from.' new Vnd'iin ^*l",iii'"'V, .modern rouvenlence.: " r*"t" nteL.L'bu'!-".t. *" m.ouu. Ifrom ,U. fit, llnll. I hii pn%ettr w? takeii lit ggaSSaS poK SAI.Ji-ON TIIK EAST SIJiK A S?AI L KltAMl' V t otlHif.' llouac nnd two Ie>t?; the X-Cond lot In, nlmlda room r..r two h?r,e., ? r???; ^ ^ " T"!4- TKI.KURAM ' X IS Tl. I*. \i(?S| VAla*ABLE AND rllK t evuT IX TU8?" KOK KATBB OFFICE No. J A.N.N sr. ?> story and basement brown htonr iir,;7r at on p llrait 111 ... ?t It it., between Ut and 3d are ? mod ern Impeovetnaoln; fll/nJO; rentPlWO " WN. M. HARTT. 293 4th ??. 1'JTII WAKI?-<aNN?).\ sr. XKAH ORAVO-Kob V. O. k <? ??? BRQWX. Oil Broadway. U t*R| tlUf. I X OFFKR WANTKO-KOIt A HANDSOME SMtlf J\ Hbrnwon WeM32d.t ; mwat be .old at * .acrid, .. ; ? Niftiilt Hide. I)EI.OW COST?A FtKsT CI.AHS COTTAOK: A?V l ,u JAMfcfi U '?AKSIUU.V^.r ' Ji?.") 7)00 y* "'RCIIASK NEW Hit ICK AND ,* , brown .tone cornar Hon... in Twenty-third ward, clean to t hird aienue iron lind^ and Me?m|, 2f ( landinita; lia. all improvement.; s.-wered. Croton water jraa; bonw contain, marble murtel., ran..,. tt"| -o iV.'_ tuli*. bntlirooui; l>r??b atone re.i.len.-e. I ? i'?ny?if1t i?'w" u,,w belair bttllt oppiwlte; ia.t i improtiiu .-H-allty; location Corner CMili at. and tlaxaoder av.; Ikiiim open; lota In immediate ,1,1,, ty for .ale F. ?,.jA C._s. BROWN, Ui Broadway. V Mint 't*l IH llt-on*. ?-rn. ? rn")7- *?***>. FOR SALE OR TO LET; term,; excellent factory property ItCj ? nathan, r,|.inre. Bank UaildliiK. 7 BMI.OKL1 .1 I'ltttt'KKT % FOR MA UK and to let. /lAlti-TON AV-TM O sriiltv HAeKMhNf j|ol s? Vwmrivc*v'1,1 la>iJ UHOOKLY.V PftOPKRTY rUU SALK \ I? TO LIST. t'OK SAi.h?KI.KliAN I NhW Biitl ilY.Y Mn.'sK I1 llo. Kill Ul-WI-Skt . K. !>.. ISUSMx ||>>. b?tW*ffl l.l-U anil llmllurt ava. nu finer log at Wo in uut ffilT; ten mniuuV walk IriMU tint Iriry m,,! between t?<? line* <?! i'?r? ytu-* an I Icroia lw Mil jmri'liav r. Bl'RTtX A iHl.vKK. 157 Water at. I run: kale ini ro lei ?rnk I'liisr i - huow.v alum- llouaa Itfci.limine) ?t .Mru?klyli ti it M'm.i .tra rail built. Apji!> t<> h. COt lCCItOKT IW>, lludney at.. 11r<?ikl>ii. or fti Oder ?t.. New York IjViLll TWO SIORY UitUWN blUKE Bill MK*-aLL Improvement*. mi lat at., near 5th uv . price (U.5U; mi mi taruia; or rant $55<i Appiv to HhOoKI.Y IM PKOVKBBNT fiiMPA.VV. ;? niiar 5u at. ami 5th ?. / t RAN l? OPPORTUNITY?KB*i lil'KlL'LJkTIO.Y vT j;i.*ic mi Ilouac, lt?i lata. (?l.tO'i ?snunna $).i*W. S-T.gooii euuily; near Kuat New York alaan< mid hi r?a rare abundance o fruit,and .bade trade fur Villa wh'uh an hour of rur or Kew York gr llarlvin Uuuse. J EKE. J nil NSO.V, Jr., 21 Park ro? rPSWtll KORKCLOKUKE. ?KOU KALK. Till EoUITY In the tlirra aturi brick iloua* .">27 n arreii at . Br-<uk Ijru; ftret inurtguce ol $H,<aK> Itliitl tui paid ;arcoM of $1.20.i Clin remain ; will aoerpl any "tfri mid tal.a raah. gixxtx or ?o rurity, 10 prevent a total loaa. Addrrts C. 15, box ||T Her ald office. MKNTCIIUbTUK COL'SfTY PROPEUTY FOU SALK AX 13 TO ilKXT. ^T YONKKKS?A M'MBKll OK HOI -I S TO LET. at liirniabad or uufui uialxsd, ?)>u lor miIc < r uxcUan.-e VoOXAXS, Agent. Youkem, X. Y. k"r TA KKYTOWN.-Tt? I.KT Od Foil SALE. BLAITI. fullr furnlabad I'uttages, Houses and rlripint Koal* dcucea; a splendid large Ilouac lor boarders nr liisi.'.ute KMBKKMiN, tiitiftili a?. IH)K S A LB?AT WHITE PLAINS. S. V. A HKBI li able House and lot; wltlnn 3 mirintra' <ratk nl depot; house iH'xiO; roiilaina 10 rooms; gas throughout, fruii and > ahuile trees, At-,; ulao a am all Barn, price $7.1**). only a 0 CHah reuuli'ud. Address U. 11 , box iiAi 1'otl, Wiiite i'laiiia. N. V. IJ1RKNCK BOOT HOUKK-KLRVXX ROOM*: ALL the mo'lern iniprosenients : in perfect order. one acre; high ground: Hue barn, box stall. Ac. . trun and shade trees; a grout bargain. Apply to VKKKI.ANH A CO., Kordnaio rruiiKYTowrx house, completely kcrnishko, 1 to rout: good stable; tinee acres; fruit in abundance; five minutes from depot. IIANKOKI). owner, 223 West 22d at. 'iffHIK CASTLE, ' AT TARKYTOWN.?TO LET. ft U.Y' 1 aud handsomely lurnUbcd fur tii&suittiiior or for one or mure year*, to one or Uu pritait* tamiios only . situ Hied omy half a mile from depot mid steamboat landing; <m*i look lug thu village and having uiisurpasned view* of the Hudson lor nearly forty mllu$; hot aud cold water through out, three bam rooms; ha*, A?- , garden planted; JI acres of land if required; new carpet*, piano, oil paintings, Ae ; rent lo w to u desirable toriant. Apply uu thi'apromi en, or to the owner at >111 Broadway, New York. \VT K.STc; 11 EbTBH.?TO LKT, LAHtiK F U KM S11K D vr Itoiue. 'Jt> rooiui. ntnbioB, trardeii, Ac.; kultuide lor yoiitn; ladie?' B<*hooi. buinmer bourdurj or private reiidenco. Apply to J S. EWKN, Nassau b%. JKUSKY CITY, HOllOIv K!V, HCDSOY CITY AND itEUGE.N UKAb HSTATK. For Sale. nAHU PAN.-OWN KI.hVMN ROOM U0U8R, every improvement, for |o?s timn you pay rent; prlco Ihi.S'MJ; $.iOUennh oniy required; *?x niinnte> troiii Liberty Mtreet t^rry ; beat loy itiouoti iicr^eii iiei^hts ; or will rent for #4Hil a year; worth aeelu^. Addroa box idti Herald office# HOBUKKN I'KOPBKTY FOR 8ALF.?T1I UKK OF the llneBt IIoumcn In the cit''. each lour storv uud btse ment, with * t?> re a and modern improveitionts, laid out in French lUta; uiao seven other IIunto**, with impJovemeiita: Stock and FIxtureH of h Btml and Shoe .>t??re; Stock of llornct, i-oachoR, Wajrons, Ac., of a Livery .stable: the whole or any part thereof will ho sold at a naeriflce. Apply to B. McULOSKKY. ?T2 Wa^hinutoii st , liohokcu, ,\,J, To Let or Leuite* O.V JKR-EY CITY HEIGHTS?COMMANDING A view of New York Buy, an ornameutal Cotiaue; hot utid cold water, bath, kuc rnmim; garden idol. 10 ?xH?t>, with fruit; Newark and New Y'ork sterna Railroad, l.*> lain* iites to Liberty ft. Now Yolk; alno hurra cur* to Jersey City ferry: rent$b."?o. Coruer Brnuihull and Kandulph itvr. 3ST0BY AND BASEMENT BRICK lifrHSKS, 12 rooms, perfect order, prood locality, for .ftkK); also lioipH's, 8 aud ID rooms, lor Apply toCREVlKR BRO.S,, 24 Newark St., Iloboken. PROPEUTY OCT OF THE CITY FOR HALE Oli TO RENT. A Fl'UN IS II ED HOUSE IN PHILADELPHIA?12 rooms, ull modern conveniences, et ntrnlly located, on lotite of earn to Centennial grounds; use of china, lineu. Ac.; iroiu June 1 to October I. For ittrrher pariiculurs apply at No. Ill Broadway room tX, New York; or address box 1,B44 Phihitlelphta Post office. os T PLAINFIELD.?A FULLY FURNISHED COTTAGE il having 11 rooms (5 bedrooms), bathroom and modern convenience: stable; two ncrcn, well blinded and fruited; horses and cow If dextred ; tor rent until November. Ad dross box 2.H1B New York Post office. AT BLOOM FIELD. X. J.?TO RENT, FURNISHED, 1Y two story and attic and two story side extension frame House of nine nanus; lot, !4'>x&k# feet; truit In great va riety: barn, carriage house, Ac., with three Jlnirticd rooius over same; rent $i(JJ per mouth. Address box hi Post office, Blooiufkdd, X. J. A T MtW HRiOHTOX?TO !!. NT, ll'UXI-HKIi AM) J\ unfurnished, morclianta' Iteaideneoa; modern < on void oncea, lioalth, atyl", ao*nery; low rent*. KKl TiJiiK UKUTHKRS.SO Thomuaat. \ FEW At IRKS LAND AS D COTTAUR. SKAU TUE J V mm. III Nf* Jer* 7; rent il'l p r month. puynUlw lu ] edvaiicn quarterly. Mm ct iLLI So, I'M knot I I4tl: ?t.* 1 A OOTTAUK, PERFECT UKll, aEAR XOKX|l J ./Y Shore, S. I . twu iota. iwo ato.y attic and cottar. tAilt. | llnweru, ?{.5Ui, t -una oa?y. DARItlX, M Hr-i d. A LL I'l' It SIS JIKI) ?TO LKT OH FOU SALE. HAND aL >111110 llww, lOrouma- atulloa, hennery. Ac.; lawn, abode. terr ice a, hedg i?: iuimeu*j quantity Intll. all uiioicc; Blpe, lur garden. ina^iiltlreut vlewa, uroi looking Int^ti city; tine hour in Sow Jersey; poaltueiy healthy ; excellent ?o cirly; rout low to ilmlruhlo totiaiit. STANLEY FEKUCSON. IUI Broadway. A DISSIKAI L, 1. COUNTRY RESIDENCE KlH HALE A cheap, on Central avenue, uoar Scandal.-, Barlam Railroad; pond lnni? ? i ii'l unibtiilnlnga; excellent water, fruit and abode Iran; 2 to 10 acriii of land. Add. raj ISA All KKdtV. Po?t oture, Scaradnle, VntNidrr 0 mm.v. a pleasant co mtkt house, worth siimx*), a A. niieucutiiliert'd; two acre>; 15 mile* In New Jeraey; to oxclninxc lor Dwelling Home In city; worth about Addroa.i VV., box 4>9 Boat office. A HUE AT MAROAIX?PINK FLORIST'S PKoKKKTV. J.V 4 > aerea, near Stag Slug; Dwelling. glwwwhouia* in apleudid order; over IfU.UUJ plant* on baud; luuwt be aold; make an oiler. T. OLIVER CARTER, 89 Neman at. , room II. a T KMOLKWOOD?CONVENIENT TO DEPOT. COM J\. pl-tely luraLlied llaua-r, Ufwndi (Ave were*), hilllnrd room, .to., in perfeel order; to a private family: rem ?l "Ml a IB011 til to October 1. Pimlogi iplia and particular! with SMITH X TAYLOR, Xoa. 7(1 mid iS Leonard at. A T BAY RIDGE. L. I. :*> M1NUTKH FROM WALL | aV at. If ati-umboal.?- To let, a ruiiiinodloua iloiue. 17 1 ?ma, all Improvements, a .tn or without aWldo and com-It hoitac ; 4 aci.'i pronto!, with lawn uud abade trera; i-oiu 111 aiiln; aitualion, with view of tbc bay ; aiao to let or lor null*, very low, a '.titrable llooae, altli 10 room*. plena antly ? mated on it# bay abore, with gudeii Mt.nU Iwt, Apply WlLO. 1*1 fhoiuaaat.. Aiew York. A?KI.KilAXT MKSl DEXt'K: STAfKX ISLAND; ? all Improvement*; tlx ncrea, It-aiitlluily Uiil out; poricr'a lodge Lc.-it $ll),tJl?->; $18,1) -O; tcruii eaay to cloao ornate. If A Kit I N. > > Hroad. A NICE COTTAtlh, 10 ROOMS, KIN). OKDKK-. VERY ili-alrable location on Moo* ol Ornune Mountain, uvar 11-tart Morria and Kwex Railroad; i.uiiiMlate poaaeaMou; SIM'. L. VV. HA DO Kit, Wyoming, X. J. tlOb'NTKY HOUSES IX ALL LOCATIONS AXI? UK / all <learrl|itloni, lurniahe.l and unfurnlabril, to rent. Jull.N s. KVV EX. .19 .Suaaiiu it., room 17. N. B.-llooim wanted. ? CTIIOICK VIRUIXIA LAX US IX QUANTITIES TO J auit. $8 per acre, ruiupbleta, with 1 < <>l<>gl< ul report?; mapa and nb>tract fnmtabfO on application; near by Property, M*rclininli?-'and caali received In p.t. meilta. t.', VV. I'll AUVVICK. SB Uey at., aeeoud ttuor. JjV.N(lLliVVOUl) AM) IKXAKLV A SPECIALTY.-SINR j Propertloi tor rale to anil the tlmea on line "! Xortoeru l.a lroioi, Niiw Jer?oy ; will excliaiipe or rent. CLAUK, 111 broartwar, baaemci.t, room C. 1VARMS TO IthX'T?12. 14, 2<l. -*?. 55, 12 1 ACRES, f'250 up; aiao Cutta ,-ca, tillUialicd and uniuriilahed OLIVER. |IM It.-oadway. IjVOIlTV MIX ITES 1 RUM CITY? PI NI-. HOUSE. HARX. iarpc pardtn, lawu. wood fruit; loeitien |ileaiatit aud healthy. WILLIAM f. DAY. ItW Woo-ter at BVOU HALE?A SPLKN HI I) COUXTKY KKSIUKXCK. ?ituated on lilpb jprowwrt; prand viewa; near depui. oil Xirrtliern Itailro id of .Vow Jerney; one liour'1 i ldc; at- eo looiae; all ImpfdeemnPle: 0 table: lour uerea In lawn; par deu ami froit; will loi -old to Mill the lino ? C. II. CLARK, III Broadway, room C. fV>K SALR?COKXEIt inril AM) SIMilXU OAKUI-.X eta., Poiladelpbla. -RlentU double marble !te-oleio .', hardwood lliilab, bo.-iutifiilly freecoed : every eonveniuine; apleud-d location for Centennial, and admtrady adapted for pliyaiclan . price moderate; teriuirniy KICIIARDHO.N I ? ? A JaN.Ni-.Y, 25 south t!i ?!., Plilladi-lphla. lA'oir SALE?f IIKKK NI-.AT, XKVV COTrAOKj?r~4') F mlnntee In Jeraey; SI ,600 t# rsi,011. Addreaa COS f, uerald office. BVUit SALE?A BEACTIKCL LOCaTHiX, OX TRKMS toitiltt llouae lOrooma: Lot, I acre; barn, ombo'ld liilfa, Irnll, lawn, ihude; Irontliiu the bay at VV e.-t Port KleUmuud, betwen Union av and the Murnor fa ad. nnrtli alo-re of Mat -n (aland; l.-ltoola and eliur. lo w near tlo; ooor; eaay nccea- to the city. Por a further -ieierlpuon call on ? r addreaa lUII.N C. Va.V MMK. IUr.eXo.t-. foot of Kfooui* at.. I.B*t I Iter. Jiew Verb. fofOll SlLP.-A XKVV PKKX'CII KfHIK MOUSE; IS I" roonra; location ; river r ie<v. Addreaa A. L. CAIli-.Y, limb Hrnlire, 2Sd ward. New Vol,. fvOK SALE?AT WERT IIARIKX. KHAR ST-VMPORD, Conn . a ehmrmiuc place of -'I aerea; tine rlew #f sound; eapifal boatinc. Behiriij and balhfw*; aril arrancr-il looiae ; all noprovementa . gar-ten. frwit, 4i low liirufe nu trad... ?' 1 Ml-. i'Klt-h, JOI llada-o. at. TUOH SALE-A COl XTRY SEAT, \T XVtCK, O.N TIIK 1? !lu<!e<>n, otie hour ir.oo the city, eidntnnfwir e??ty de ai rable puiut for a eharmiiiv reaideuce 111 eiiminer and winter; exti-natro vlewa ol river and moonlaina imrt.-rt health; free Irdtn lNM>> andtefer. or awtaaweo 01 any kind; trnili lu great eartet) and abundaiir* In full ; 2<? ?er--w In la* 11. gar-lcn. pu-tuiage uud pleaaurv prouodi; ?brlirlit efie.-rinl well huill bowae. parlewor'a eotiaye, largo bar.I ami other out! u>"bni,i A-Srm b \ 2--2Xyack (X. Y.I Poet office. F'Ol'. SALE AT A S V< itlPICB-A HOOD COTTAUB llouae. Harn and three acfea ofLainl; frtSt andahaile; on line--I .Northern Iteilroad. -New Jeraey, at Tenaiir. CI/.VUK, 111 HrewfNray, beaemenl. room C? For sale cheap and ox Easy terms?KtH and one thud aerea at Hav Ittilpe, L. I., adjotm hruokly n line. A. llAPEl.Yl-i, 1 111 Wiiiinni at. foYoll SALE oil RKXT- VT KLISABRfH, HAMIWo] r H one, Mable and lareo vnmiola , ten tninut-a wi from depot. Add feat w 11.1,1 AM. Poat?-R e-- i-.\ ho. J.I3II JVLIt.MSIIKI) HOI HE ON HANKS OP TIIK III DSoX t-> ren; ?At Port Leo; 4-> laliiutea from Canal at ; III mlnntei from atoaiubnai la-olin.-. room* well arranged ; In perlert ord--r and elegantly luiui-livd . cboiee fVult. garden, A*, j toereal rent, #1,2UI. JAMEs PRICE, -'*> hndawi at. Lit KMISIIkl) MOUSE AT HKLLKVILLK, X J.. UK F light fully I wale I on the Patwak-; large gr-.iinda. etahle, Ac , rent SOUL; al?o iwo Itou*. ? at VVoodwJe ihewatk; j rent fKIU Apply at II Abmgdoa aguare N ! PBOPEKTT (HT OK THii CITY FOB KALE OK TO ItESl', riftKKNWUHI. RIVERSIDE -COUNTRY II"M1> Kill | \I > il?- mill rent ; ..neral rumUliwl Clretlwi Addreti J, W". ATW V I'Kit, . i ,.,ii ! /VuRATKNT HAKUAIM <tC THE SEAHON?HrI . vX Staitilord '< '???.) I'roneity ?d?ertised by J. If. , ihlvKIM. UnnlorU, i?ii, Until iw soap jyw. Handsome < n rra<iks. DELinitiMLur sit# ttml at Rutin-.-.cird Park. 7 to to rooms each, rent f:Mj I audit*" near to station and 31 ml mites from liwt >>f liar ciuv ?t. Apply personally only tu E. f. CUU1STI ANSON, So'. 13 Park row. IX CLINTON. S. J.-PLOT. < U NT A1XI N'ti 17 l.< n A within lit f, li iito- i>f Hirer uepol*. tu fxcnantm fur dual House. w .-uld add cash. Address ERIE, ileiold Upluwi llruueli jtlioe 1 AKiii: BAKERY ON 1'AVONIA At',, WITH Ft* 2 J tares; established F years; two ovens and basements tine ?i.ui,I tur in- cream, hi la watnr anil fumv eualeo tliMHn . 1 ,-riii* reasonable; An e til n g if required; posaeeolol imniailialalv. lhijiiiro at 177 1'svotiia av.. Jerw-v Cilv. IO.Ntl HI! IN'CII SKIIIKS TO LET-ON SHORE, I I rib J mr Mailt st.. opposite Ocean Uotal. suitable tor eigai | business. book store ur any 11*1,t business. Coma down mid sue tlirut. K. CLARKE. Long Branch. WK. -i'?il"fAltI'.K, FURNISHED AND L'NFUR ui?hed; rout, tKKXJtoROOO; (tallica, boaitus. S. .1. DiXuX. Mansfield a*. ____ uRlVfl 1 Tt iXt(N IS11Kl>, TW(? LAIDiI o.a elegant Plata*, stables. ijniwL. water fronts. Al?u, furnish, d and unfurnislwd Cottages and sdegunt Handout; rents reduced. Vf. t. COLLINS, 20 P.u# at. 0" RAJtUKr Jti j7~(SPKf I ALT Y)<) X KAOLK ROCK; mtmiilficciit views, macadamised roads: furnished Sanaa Cottages; rrnl. saaeoii, <7110: atabla ni coiumodatioue. 11 AMU.ION A WALL1S. :t?l Pine ?t Hark business ciuNoF^T 11 ffer m? bl'sinkbs Property, consisting of store and dwulHug houaa ad* Joining. beat corner in a five, puwlai railroad town of l.tluC luUabiianta. ultli ur without stock ol' general merchandise, claau cuali business, lung established and profitable; mual 2*1 out doors; will not rent. S. D. ALFRED, Jr.. Cambridge, 111. COUTH OKANOE RESIDENCE?MODERN IMl'ROVS 0 ineiita, atablc, aruuiida 13 r,,oin?; ilrput tbrca rulnuteai rent $71 0. Addrma Katl'.K, Herald olflcn. STAM KORDi < TrXV^TlANDSl) M lisT AND MOST cunvonient aitburb ul' Xnw Vork cily ; elegant Hitlldinc sue. 2<I0 fret above tide witter: overlooka I.un^ laland Sound and aurroandinK country Tor HO milea; IS neraa; will be ?old in aeotluna or prtra for whnta its &ODt oarnarireajovad tn llurifurd eaiua fin ?rlllu2. J- E- l-'EltltlS, 21U Main at., Hartford, vonu. rpilK KI.01iE.M K HOTEL KOR SAl.K- IN KI.OKR.VOE, X X. J . ou tbo river Dalawara, 20 niUed Iroui I'lulndel phia: lar?a brick hotel, three atorlaa and buiruieut. bs bed rooiua; two ataamboat Inudiu/n bclonKlnu to the property; excallent llabhiK, butUlua nu.l ,;iinuinp; aim good rtiibliug. V> ll.i.lAM MuoUK. I'roprietur. riio i,i;ask-i,ari;k harden, mu sk AVbWA?i3i A fiahiug, bunting, battling, fru'l and rliade traaa: loot of 1 Jl?l at., itdjoinlnir Harlem boat landing atid oppuidte tba llnulevurd t luli liouae; a aplendtd location lor beer garden and bituunar buardiug. Apply to UK1UIAKT, 114th at. aud 1st av. rpo LET?A COUNTRT SKAT ON ERIE RAILWAY, 43 X luiuutia trom city j houau rompletvly iuruUbad; Itrouiida attractive; lawn, gurdrn, toatiug, Ac. J. S. SATTKRTIiM'.t 1TK. 4u Wallet. rpinIt?AT ravenbWooo. .1* I.. TBRKS v35i X dealrable llousea, Irom S to 13 rooiua: plrasanily lo cated und of r.iar ucocas Applt to J. if IIOKKIN.S, Itavenawood. or t? the ULOllE LIKE INSURANCE COM PANY, 1447 Broadway. rpo LET?I'AUf or house: 7 ROOMS. 920 PER X tnoiitli;or n Floor; bemitilul locatjon; tcu minute! front Kiirhtit ay anna and ileum ears. Address A. L. CAREY, High Bridge, Twenty-third ward, X. Y. rpo LET FOR SALE"OR RXOHANUE?OHNTftAL X I'ark. Long Islnnd. wltliln a few st 'pa uf d iuita, Inrga brick Owelilng. 'JHruoini. 20 ai roa of land, barns and out lioiiaaa; suitable tor boarding house or an Inatitutlop. 230 Water at. rpo LB^r FtJKNT S11K11 11 M ? LI 111N O "plA SO -LAUOR X double ilouso; carriage bouse, barn; groat variety uf fruit; tiingtiittcont vlowaol New York, Now York Hat, Lome lalnnd. Stat, n Island, Rrookliu. Newark, N'uwnrk bay; Ji mlnutea Central; ca.i drive 40 tnluutai; u,,uo l,ut ropon* liblo I?u tics m od apply ; r.-nt, $ra>J. Inquire ot llorcious, Taylor's Hotel, Jorsey City. rpo LUMBER DKALKIIS."? WUARr, STOKEUOU8K, X ,tc., to let, the uualiieaa aland of.I. II. Coaler, laleiy deccnaod. at F.ILahetliport, X. J., occupied many year- fo lumber anil coal business. E. K. ItKLLOilH, No. 3 liroad way, inoruIngH. and 147 2d at., Eliaubctlipurt, ullcrioiims. TO RENT?? i S PER X O X TI I -c (Iff A < 1E. 7 it', XUH barn. 2 acres, near l anwood, ,uio hour Irom city lit New Jersey tlentrul Railroad. Address 11. X., box 2,bOI l'ost olllce, New York. fp:> RENT-ON THE UU1MON. AT EIVERDALll AND X SpuytvD Duyvil, place, furnished and unfurnished. PKrUE, I7h Broadway. TO RENT?'A SMALL Fl UNISH ED HOUSE AT NY aek, on the Iltidsun. convenient to depot mid lumliug terms ntoderate. Apply to M. S., 254 West 2ltli St., alter 4 rpo RfcNT?FROM .ICNK TO OCrilKKK, NKA K T \P I pin", ? llnl i'Iimi InnliliKl House; large and airy; am [,lc cruiindl, frail, garden, itable, nr.i-i, mhu'v: nam churcboi and depot; 4A Minutes' on the Northern Railroad ill New Jcr-ey from Pavonla; $JiKipor month. Addrca* box d7 Post office, TappM. Ilwtnllllloooaly. N. V. < ()l W \ M \ KVKANit" r.VltMti POK BALE BY WW ?aU'? Liam s. KIXXJKCV.Ureeaiborouxh.Md. t?j?7-1|. camii?tii>Ti'At'ik7~nk V?iTv "new. FILL V-i'/U Int. iii-o*t location. Eliaabclhport, N A , price plJMf); also a beauty, 7 riKiuin, full lot, grapevinei. Ac., |n ice yii.Mti; terina In milt. r. U. KI.LL<itttl. Nn. If Broad way, mornings; It" -d at., Kliaahelliourt, afternoons. J. I I VII -Til I.KT, OltUNTItV k6At7M$?"*ACii8; Jp tl'", line liouea, high ground., Hun .hade, hull; W eitteheater county. PARKER, !!5l Sprint- at. UK A la KUTATK TO KXCHANUB. * SMALL FRAME llUl'SL tS A liOOD LOCALITY 1L in Brooklyn in nxclmn re lor tMirar.. ur Furniture. Ad droit OltlilU, Herald Brooklyn Jlrancb oflicc A COUNTRY Hi ill K OK I'.IUHT ALKhsj WITH FAIR A Building*, ?t Madlaou. X. J? for .ale cheap, or ex change for uuuncumberoa Lots. J. K. SA Villi, llill Broad way. / \AHII AND' FIRST CLASH MtylDEItCK AND OTHER \J I'ropertv at Hlen'e Fails. N. V., valued tuticthrr at IMS.tlfM, end Property at teratoma Springs. valued ut R7.0QU, to exchange lor strictly It rat clam productive form or city I'mpertv. Address, wltb lull particulars, 8. W. Rltv, Hlen'e f ell* N. V. J) W8LLIX0 AMD SK At i:ks aiijoimmi. RROOE* lyn, exchange for louoiueut. l-'ariu nr Merchandise. Cl'llLhY, Id ( outre at. 1/ \t'il a7i.Iv ?BlttlOK I.YX TF.NKM KNT ANI) STORE j Property, encumbered, for Kami free and clear) Willi ntuck prctnrrc.l Atldrtii X. Y., ll< raid office 11(111 SAUK. KXOIIANtIK tilt TO I.I T FOR THE Hl'Jt mur? A neatly furnished House. with one acre uf ground, at Brentwood. Long lelaud. 40 i.iiIch from >hu city. two luln Otoe from depot. .inll.v It. oTTIWKLL.;Wev. T.TOK KXtijlANCK- IIALP BLOCK STORKS ANE i" 1 twelliiitee on a leading avenue hi tire city Ibr I good Perm In the vicinity ol New York. Applv l? owner. THOMAS It. Atl.NKW, timcer ami Tea lieah-r, .'111 V e.?y ct F'iofC SALE oil hX t' HAN I i fc ?Ft > K A HoUSB HKlAiW iOili at., Iiitdeome fenritory high atom, brown tt.uu Hunan. 8:1(1 at., near 5th ar. Apply at 2d!) Broadway, room 30. I.ioi: sack (?it kxt'TlAXuk-WNK t'tVr.viRv skat .' at (Iranire, X. J.; t^yjUU) equity IIIIJHri; iinincum botod property taken. Addreia It. I*., Ilerald ottlco. L/tOR SAI.Ii" UK RXCIIAX(IK-AT~C ASH P KICK*' j V thornigtily ritablLhol Hardware and lloii?efiirnt?hiii| llualneaa; .lock. about fls.UU>); owner wmhf, to retire Iron biiilncii. A. Hl.OMyVIST. I.Ml Naaeau a^ Mout ouiRAiil.B oouKfi? noffinrr 5 mar ket?Hepot on property; will exchange for Krencl >lata. J. C. r KKKMAN. 170 KuHon at. rilo I.KT, KOR AAl.k tlR KXCllAJIOK?A KIXK KAhS 1 of H4 acres, tree aud clear, IH mtlcaori Harlem Railroad, VV eatclie-lcr countyt will exciiantro lor city Improved Prop. urtvor rent at a low rent. Pull particular., at odlee of Sli.i* LEY a HOB!box, m Idbony at, "axTivIi?a Vi HS'r OIAW aoiMHM Al^uii cry Stable huaineva in exclianite tor Iron a .Id deal Tcuiicaaea anil Miaeioiri I.and. and New York city iota: value from *A,UIJU tofltl.lXTi. AdUreaa KKSPOXfUBlUXV, Herald tin. KEAl. KNTATIC WAATKD. 11TAXTKD-A NKAT. CHMPOStaBI.E IIOCsK'XYfl It ir.-oiiude, well altanicd In New Jeraei, within otti houreiclly price nb Addrcse lull pertlcuiare ti M ltl. lt llA.v. Ilerald oRlce. HOST OKYICE SOTIl'E. ~ ]>OST flPPIl'H NUIICK.-T1IK KlliKlUX" MAlldj for the v.uek eioliiiir Saturday. April I., I87'i, will vloee at tlila uin. e on w edneaday, at 4 ;l*l A M.. for Kornno, per ateeiuer t'bina, via yueonat""'ii; nn flnOiday, at A A *.. for Or."at Itrilaiu. In land and I" ranee, p -r aloanier t.lty ol Rlebmoiid. via gucenatown, and ai II hi A V fbr K.ur.^>e, per a teenier Sucvia, via nyn.ontb, Ctierbourn and Ham ourir; on satardHy, at 7 A.M.. lor Ureal Britain. Ireland and Prance, per -tenner Herat an Ic, via yne.- natown, and hi 7 A. M. tor Dcoilauii dlrec: imuat bo -pecially addreMod, "Per -teamer Victoria, ftptilnaoviw''); and at It c*l A. M. for I'.urupe, per aleamcr Oder, via ."-l Uthampton and Bremen The M vila for China, Japan, Ac., will leave Ban Fraaciaci 'ibr'direct mail a for Brail, Porto Rloo, Ac., will leavi New York April I '. The inaiia tor thi Weat Indict. Tin Havana, will wave New V< ra vprll -7 a T I.. JAMK8, I'.uitinaatrr. MlflLlfKUl AM) UIIK48MAK1N ?w. I T I. MATH KB.4 A CO. S. SHI IIIIOA l?WAY? XEAll J\ ItRh rt? tlwre are now a larxe and choice ?election ol Preach tfonueta ami Kii|(llah Walkini; Hat* of the latial HiyleA I vKKtvS PKI XtiKs-M A Ilk TO OKHKR."~IX Txi I / cm ,r rernclb or ttvla, ate W. JaCKMuN A Cll.'lt II... 117. Il?. Idl Ka.t l llli -t. / 1 OLiJbfX A t 'i. S PARIS MII.I.INKRY RKtTflVKS A T vlavi.iHiner Ameropie ; Pronch llata, PHI, dllt. $IH b k'o IISOili av., between ItUh and dtAb ?tx , private on trance. - M*k. axdnkk. J Put arriteii prom parhi, whore the wu runuerted with the hou-a of I trot, b.-oet;ht with her a very hue aotortniept of I.Hdlea' Bonnete, ol which she will dttpvme at very moderate prleoa Addreei 4(1 Writ .'Hi. hi. MVRIK TILUMANX cttMPANV. IMPORTERS Of tine Mlil.tici y ; 2> II M.idola, iiiohen. 4dStilh av , Ri>riMtk >!., Mmcae t* Mm. Michel. M'lI , IIRLI.AC, MWKsr S4TII XT., HAXJI'BTIIE' reived new Pattern* tor Oreeeex and Biyitt ityleioi Bonn -? from I'arii. IV ?TMlC'riOM. Apkknv,h pr' a>T vi riin. Alio has tw'O dipiomaa jo hav laujihl In Italy and t.eriuany. a?4 al-o In a military "I In Kngland, would like In liluail .n In a lataili tutor; no oldectlon to travel; bead city rcieiem cv. t. RACI.EB. IM Weet SHth ee. BO VUIHXI. St'llOOI,. A i WILTON, COXX.?HOM1 cuotlwrti. healthy Iwewtlou; t. i ?? in inviroetltst; terw aa. derate Athlreaa AIVlteItH \t .. { rl.lit k. DOI,RPAK'8 "IIaXD TRAIXIXO." 1,1? I IJROAWR'Af, ? cure.-lilfnc-, eranipliiK. tremWIag and aorre and make* rapid bum nun penmen. ~~ " MI SH AU. "" 1.1 XoLisii'MkSlax| nthxi'iTTiTAbiAy, siyfdls9 J i mill I*i4do ln?trucllon *H#r ihf JSSSfe ivt iiix fur Miiuiotff i'tMirs CifnttUn nfttii?U. OkaMHV fMOffctfaOii,