Newspaper Page Text
THE HUMAN FIEND! Details of Thomas W. Piper's Frightful Confession. A THIRST FOR BUOOD. The Murderer of Bridget Landre' gan and Mabel Young. Uohtox, May 8, 1370. i Thomas W. Piper'* confession Is starlliug in it* com prehension of crimes of which ho wis not Iwioiu sub- J peeled of being the perpetrator and which were equally atrocious and borribls with tin* fatal mauling of httlo Mabel Young. Vut:l Saturday be had constantly us lerti'd liis innocence and bud written au allotting 'are vrel! to iiis mother, probably li>r effect, in which he ?ought to convoy the imp region that bis API'UOACIIIXJ DEATH by the gibbet would be Judicial murder In its most odious bi'Uso. On tho'day of bis confession bis counsel , bad moved 'or a low trial, which, If accorded, might I possibly have resulted in his M-cape through the unccr- I lainty of circumstantial evidence. It was represented that farts hud been newly discovered favorable to the prisoner. He nad, however, gradually weakened in the | Itubbornncss ol his dental. YI1K SHUCK Itlf HIM CONVICTION bad been felt by him terribly, and uio strugglo to maintain un appearance of wronged innocence In J changed bis appoarauco so much that hi* awful doom is writteu on hia cmaciateil Icaturi'p. lie bud betu Informed that, even il a new trial wero granted, lis result would, probably, be the same us that of tbo two former ouos, and Ins desperate hope fuilod him. TIIK Tit AllKIIY IK TIIK IllnT. In hla conlession bo aaya in relation to Mabel Young:? I took the bat from the lower room beforo or about the commencement ol scliotd to kill somebody at that tune. 1 carried it up into the auditorium, but during , the session of Sunday school took it iroiu the audi torium uud carried n to the belfry, Afier the close of school 1 came dowu .stair- and opened the doors. Then , I went up again at the time I sunt auav the boys who were playing in the vestibule. Alter the hoys had gone out, and 1 was still In the vestibule, tUo little girl tamo up stairs, and 1 induced her to go with me into the bel fry. There I struck her with llie club two or three times, and she tell where the blood was found. Then I j picked her up and carried tbo body to tbo place whoro | It was discovered. A-N'OTIIKK U UKDKR. Tbo murder of Bridget Landregan occurred three i fears ago. Thomas Call ill was arrested on suspicion of being the murd ror and su lie red a long and tedious Imprisonment. 1'ipcr confesses it in explicit term.-] Un December 3, 18*3, he was uudor the influence of : whiskey and opium uud deliberately prepared n eluli to kill some one. Ho saw Bridget op tbo street and followed closo behind her. lie s.iysv 1 struck her. Immediately she toll dow n, and I struck bei* again. While 1 was stooping over the bouy I saw a , luau conunir, so I started oil'and ran awav. 1 got over the fence and went along toward the railroad. While I j war up iho bank at the railroad somebody called out to nie, and 1 then turned buck, look a roundabout course | and got lioiue. Un tbo way home it occurred to mo | that 1 had akmfo in my pocket which might bo recog* j ?izod in ?oino manner, and so 1 threw it away. A MYSTKP.IOIH ASHAl'l.T, Piper also confesses that ho was the assailant of Mary j r.virer, who was so mysteriously beaten ou July 1, 1S74, but after lying lor mouths between lifo and death recovered her health but not her reason, aud is now au Inmate of an insano asylum, he says that he attempted 1 lo kill her, and that the murder of Mabel Young and of j Bridget I<andregau wore both prompted by the use of rum and opium, under tbo inlluence of which be had a irazy desire to shed blood. XO NKW TRIAL. In the Supremo Judicial Court this morning the touusel of Piper, Mr. K. P. Brown, said ho would not press the motion lor a new trial in view of a ronvcrsation bo had had with tbo prisoner. Judges Colt and l.ord thereupon overruled the motion. si'hPLcrKi) t'i'XNiM; or rtrit. The I-\enin<j /Icrald suys:? There is a feeling abroad among lawyers, detectives i *nd the public generally thiit thu contradictory state* i men Is now put out by I'lper nre llic result ol ciml tea- | sontug on his part, ami oi such ingenuity as he is pus- j se-scd of, iu order to throw doubt upon his sanity in tenerul, or rise to show that he baa an uncontrollable Jiania lor blood lor which he Is not responsible, nd a thangc in Ins statement either in thu confession of 1 noro murders or the denial of ail would not at this luo- i ncut aalouish the community. ANOTHER HORROR. 4 nonsB cau, cbowdkd witii passksgebs, THROW* INTO A DIET TIT?TWELVE I'EB SONH WOUNDED?SOME LIKELY TO DIE. Last evening a tearful catastrophe occurred on tho Hereon Hill elevator, situated five blocks distant from the spot wbcro theexplosion occurred last Saturday. Cur So. 7, belonging to tlio West Hobokeu line or the North Hudson Railroad Company, tett Hobokun lit thirty -five Minutes after seven lor West lloboWeft and arrived at tho loot ol Hergrn Hill about ci111 minutes later. Tho tar contaiucd about twenty-seven people, incu, women itid children. It w.m aliout being placed on the elova or platform, which would lilt It up by hydraulic treasure to the bow or the hill, when by roiiio utiex ilaiuod accident the elevator commenced to go ui). The two had only placed their Tore lVotonit, flio auimals wero la an Instant thrown into the pit Into Khich tho elevator sinks alter its descent Irotu tlie lop of the biiL This Is thirteen loet deep. The sudden lall ol the horses jzsva the car to which they were atuchod an ttnpela* whlcti cent It Into the pit alter tliem. The occurrence was so sudden that ?nly ono or luo h id ail opportunity to leave the car. riie others ? eut into the pit * ith the car, pell tnell, md thu air wax immediately rent by screams trum tho sounded. A force ol men >oon > ot to work to lilt the inl'orlunale peoplo out ol tho car*. Tin. WoDXtXP. The following are tho names of tlie hurt ax far as Mcertained up to the time ol j-'oing to pros*:? Mr. Hoinbronck, ol l'alisadu avenue, Jersey City, badly Injured. Mr. Krnnk Gehrintr, of New York avenue, Jersey Illy, shoulder bludu und two ribs broken; supposed to ?e injured internally. Mr. Julius Uroe.iohcl, Htiiton street, Jersey City; internal injuries and supposed to be tatally Injured. Mr. Julius lieltu, No. lid Washington street. Hobo tea; severely injured; taken to Charity Hospital, lemey city. Mrs. Catharine Hasting!'. No. MS Pallssde avenue, texere scalp wound aud reported concussion ol tho orain. Drs. Stoat and Ilornulower, who attended her snd other p-tlleuts, believe Mrs. Hasinas to be latally hurt. A nephew of Frederick llclta, above mentioned, la lerlousiy injured. A niece ot l)r. I.andlts. roriHiig on Jersey City H'lv'hts, and a lady friend of Iters ?ero badly Injurod. ( uur.i l liu-cli. No. lo4 Mieriuau avenue, dislocated foot and interna! lujurn s N. Kichcil, ol New York. slight injuries. Mtchnoi Maslin, Jersey City, -lightly injered. J. Weybler, Jersey Ciiy, tr.ictured skull and broken leg; taken to Helming'* liottl. A numiH'r of the were conveyed to tlio Third sub police station at WebeU r avenue, u hero they irere attended, and thence sent home in i.tnliu .mces or carriages. The doci. rs ol the neighborhood lent all as ??stance possible and the police showed lender* lesa and kindness in htiudliitg tho wounded. Kor tunately plenty ol stretcher* were at band. Hundred* )f pe?ple gathered round the scene of disaster und In tonse excitement extste I in tho neighborhood till tho larly boars ihi* morning. tiiK car a>b iioRsm. One of the horses wus Killed. Tho other, when tauled oat. made it* escsi< in i;i? direction ot Hoho tm TtWMtr was snbeequently haaled upon the cle rator by means oi ropes, and tie. n taitn iroin oil it. It was very asach smashed. Travel was resumed ott fee elevator at ibout hall-past ten 6'clock. WHAT TIIK OfilXKKR SAYS. la conversation w th Mr Alfred Deverhans, the rn ftttoer of the elevator, he -aidTho elevator has bee* runniugover a year, ami we have severbelore had an tcculent. I think that the recnt explosion or receut lamp weather has put tlio tolecrapbu g< ?routol order. 1 can't blame the trucktnau, for be is a very attentive ban. The nam'* of the truckman b*low who gavo the signal 10 Start is ttpMcer. Among those who Mere fortunate enough to escape ?jury were Alderman Powell aud Mr. heaulati I be onner geoilernan bad nt preteaae ol Mind when i? saw toe car sliding iixkKinl to jump ir m the nar plauoroi oa which lie bad beep standing, lie rendered great, m re toe to the wounded parsons. lu the mid.i of the shrieks aud eicitctueut the driver cried out, "Oh, lay poor hones." wmtx> vits BUM uta Tha caase of tbe disaster, in spite of the .v sertlon of the engioeer that the teleurapulc apt ar.itus is to Mane, appear* to be that tho signal to nft thu eh \Mor was givaa beioro tbe car was secured upon tho pia; Ima. AMUSEMENTS. ZyOTlSR OI-KB.V AT TiOOTH's. The KcliOx*; English Opera Troup* opened last cvin Iuf ai Uuoih'* Theatre in ttin "ritar of the North." Tho com fan* tr a very string ou?, and, Judging Iroin llircrowded attendance at the theatre lam uiglu deapile the extremely hot ? earner. the managers will have to forego tli' lr intention ol haviug "only a week" of Kiifci sfi open 7t?e play *u superbly put nu the stage; the m-en-ry was iiiaguiilcent ;u every res 1-vci, and ap parently tinUnnv wa* left i.ndoue l>v the manacemeut to true Miss Keiloirg's troupe all the sway |K>?*lble to "> ike success successlul." Miss Kellogg was iu tspleo did Vuli 11, ai ?u Mr%. /clda Sequin, and they richly d? " rwd tho enthusiastic rounds ol applause with wb < li they wort) sreeted. Too much :>rais? cannot ho a>'for><i d to tho cliAratet, Thu huglish opera will bo tho Itaiure at Uooth's lor tho balance ol the Wtek. EUil.K THi'.ATHK. At tbi? bouse, 1 jst night, a ?-w piece ?u produced. It Is entitled "Adelaide," and is written by Miu Ado laido Lennox, who also Interprets tho principal rile. Ah this In, wo believe, Miss Lennox'a tlrst attempt at a playwright, it would l>e unfair to criticise It severely, but wo may suugeit that miiiio pruning would add to the effectiveness of the piecc. Miss t.eunox n.s Ado lame, the title i OU, in ted ucifairahly and received well dwnrrnl uppiauso from u largo aid appreciative audience. Among the other pari* calling lor spocial notice were that of Lucy Falrweuther, which wax played by Mi>? Jonule Hughes with all her iisuil pi quanev. Mr. Crosses was u loir Sir Hurry Hawthorn lt.iitt Mr. lleeley \r?? acceptable as Hammorstnith. Tho performance concluded with Byron'* burlesiiuo of "Cinderella," in which Minnie Palmer appeared ad Daudiuo and Mi&a (ioronllo as Cinderella, wood's MlBEriT. A nautical and sensation drama called "Roving Jack" was played ut thIm theatre last evening to an en thusiastic audience. Mr. J. Little played the dual purl of Roving Jack and Harry Ellcston with much spirit and ro-elvod eillcient support lr"tn Mr. D'Orsnv Ogden and Miss Sylvester. Mud Sylvester ii u nams inking actress an? 1 is very popular. "Koving Jack" nt mi exciting drama ami is well supplied with Incidents and clfccts of a startling chancier. Ml'SrCAL AND DRAMATIC NOTES. To-night Dr. S. M. LindU appears as Ilr.mlct at lam many Hall, assisted by nn imaginary company. Tho Count Jounuos is luvitod to he present, and will, wo hope, take lolvantngo ol the opportunity of critical ob servation Dr. I.andis has one advantage: he has au imaginary company, while thu Count was burdened by a real one. "Conscience," the new play of which Messrs. A. E. Lancaster and Julian Mamiua arc the authors, will be produced at tho Union Squaro Theatre this evening. The literary reputation of these gentlemen assure.; tho public of uu intelligent work, at least, and a brilliantly written dialogue. .Messrs. shook Palmer will bring out "Conscience" with new and inagnllicent sceuery, and tho cast will lncludo the llncst member* of tbo nraifinjr A WAGGISH FOBGERY. To tiik Editor or thr IIrrald:? In your edition ol Sunday, May 7, some "wag" has lorged my name to an article headed "Courtesy to tho Count." lo which he annexed a purported notice from a Philadelphia paper, which notice is true, only that tho play was not "Hamlet," but "The Fiend; or, 'lorturer of Innocence," which is u "hloo i-and thillider" tragedy, and in which "so much killing and violence were probably never before condensed." I hope. Mr. Editor, you will do nie the justice of in serting tins note, as I do not wish to bo misrepresented to tho citizens ol New York city. Faithfully, 3. M. LAND IS, M. D. I'lliLADKLPillA, May 8, 1876. ENTERTAINMENT POSTPONED. Tho fete champitre and drill of tho Forty-seventh regiment, advertised to tako place last evening, was postponed on account of the rain, and will be given this evening, at eight o'clock, on the I'niou Hose Hull (irounds. Brooklyn. The grounds are to be Illuminated with calcium lights. There will l>e a grand display of fireworks, and tho cntertninuicut will conclude with dancing on the green. . PRESS CLUB RECEPTION. Last night a goodly number of guests were eni?r> tamed by the Press Club at their rooms with music, recitation and song and with some of tbo good things of this lile, which clieer the Inner man. A fair repre sentation of the members of the club attended, sev eral of whom contributed by their ellorts to trako tho iifT.?ir thoroughly enjoyable, and a number of promi nent musicians and gentlemen, eminent In elocution ary art, spared themselves no puius In making tho hours pass pleasantly away. Superintendent Walling and l'oliro Commissioner Smith were prosenl, with Messrs. Rulus F. Andrews, G. \V. Curleton and other well known ceutlomou. Letters from Dom Podro and Mark Twain were read, expressing regrot at lu uhility to attend. Messrs. Karl, Uottftclialk, Claflce, Stanl ond the English Clce Club contributed their ef forts to make up a very choice musical programme, and l'rolessor Raymond and Mr. Knee rocitod various selections. At about 11 o'clock M. Jacques tillenbach arrived, accompanied by Maurice Hrau. and made a good humored reply to an address tendered him on be half ol the dab by Mr. James J. 1). Trenor. On the whole the reception had all the elements of pleasuro. HASTINGS SPEAKS. . To tiik Kiutor or tiik IIkkai.ii:? In your Issue or April 2S you have unintentionally placed mo in rather an unpeusant light, owing uu doubteuly to a mistake of your reporter, which I de sire to corr ct. I am represented us having tempted ; two newsboys to pick my pocket by having''stopped I on the sidewalk and pretended to gszo abstractedly at ! tlo- upper story of a building, hoping the lads would tako advantage of the opportunity" to pick my pocket j I ol a ten cent stamp which I had previously seen tlieia eyeing. You further nuote me us saying that I wished i to "see how the thing was done." Tbo truth Us us appeared in my cross examination yesterday, the ; money wan snatched from my pocket while walking, and ilia hoy was cuptured by a |ioltcemau, without m y aspisiunce, and uot by me, "with the assistance of an officer." as you state. 1 was politely in formed that if 1 did not appear nt tlio Tombs ui six o'clock ou the following morning I would l>o locked up in the Houso of Detention lor contempt. Alter being com pelled to make a complaint against my will I was sum moned belnre the tirand Jury, where I was detained troiu my business forsnvorsl hours, and was again de tained half mo day yesterday in the Court of (ictierul Sessions, und all for ten cents ! This poor little news boy, whom vonr reporter said h id been working iu a ? hoe factory in Massachusetts, ? as nineteen years old and a trained pickpocket, the "shoe factory"belnt; the Massachusetts state Penitentiary, w here ho lias just served a term oi imprisonment lor the same o(fence. His poor mother, whose blasphemous prolsnlty un ???Io:illed by any thief, is the mother of three boys, Whom she has had trained as prolessioiial thieves. Mini her only subsistence is the proceeds o! her boys'thefts. Your reporter may be riuht in calling this lei low a "bright faced newsboy," but he has never Sold papers und ha* never had any occupation but stialing. The next time I have my pocket picked hi New Yoric I shall run in an oti|K> Fit'o direction and endeavor to avoid the endless amount of trouble which 1 have had In this case. Trusting that you will give ibis statement a space In your valuable columns, and correct the impression thai 1 would tempt a " poor newsboy " and then Inten tionally presocuto hmi, I remain, very respectfully, yours, FRANK 8. HASTINGS. DRAMATIC FUND ASSOCIATION. The Dramatic Fund Association held Its twenty-sixth annual convention at 1.287 II roadway yesterday. The treasurer of the convention read the annual report, which shows that the sum ol $.">1,41S s.: Is invested anil that #s4.rt-is m has been paid out to widows of de? ceased mcmliers The total receipts inr the past year were $4.t47 and the expenditures $4,MU The follow in it board ol olhcer* were elected:?['resident, S. L. M, Harlow; trustees, Robert B. Roosevelt, W. It Travers, Joim Brougham; Secretary and Treasurer, XT. B. Hsr rison; Directors. J. (J. (filbert, \T. Jtavidgo. W. J. Klorcnfe, W. It. Dcnham, K. J. Tavlor, tieorge Beeps, K. S. Ctianfrnti, C A. CoUIdock. T. J. Hind, 11. lslier* wood, U. (? rose and J. H. Stod tart. LABOR REFORM LEAGUERS. The forenoon session of the American I.ibor Reform League Convention yesterday was occupied by the American Antl L'sury s'ociety, Kdward I'almer, tbo 1'res dent in the chair One speaker said?l'sury is ? con-piracy of speculative increase against productive enterprise resitog on local statute law. Mrs. S. 11. Hall, a spiritual tin d utu, said that the '?Spirit of A. T Stewart" was j resent. and indorsed the principles of tho league and was very r.nxious to make amends for the great wtongs bo had done labor while in earth Itle. At the aliernoon session of the Ijibor Iteform Con vention Utters were resd irotn IV. I.. Hcberhng. of 111iiioik; lion, tlcorge \V. Julian, of Indiana; John M., of I'liiladelphia; Anurew J. Davis. olXew * ork; Joh.i A. I.'?nt and utln-rs. Mr. Hey ward said;?Since property is a perishable rominodiiy and remires the interposition of labor to keep it good It reaily earns nothing, but is a burden of expense, so. if 1 loan you money on good security, you ii' t only owe me no interest, but I should pay you lor Uk tu rare ol it. li 1 liirru u house ofyou. nil 1 pay aboie the cost of repairs, taxes mid insurance is really paying ior tli? liouse iimII, and transfers the title of tuat house, in that proportion, to inc. According to "ic>:?ljustice'' 1 pay lor a house many tiroes over, iu the lorm ol rent. and yet never own one; 1 pay a debt msny times, in the lonn of Interest, and yet owe that ?tr'it still. Ilut, In i unity, a man has no more right to l?e I'S'd lor a house or ? debt more than once any more lor a day's labor more than orce. Stephen I'earl Andrews, Louis Uasquier, R. W. Hume and others foUowea. Ilie lollowing resolution w*s passed: ? K*solr<-<l, That the Ur? of rengrvus wb ch makes a Ml Uciam ei|?>Bmt of nip>r>iiili.ui ?r< t?ri>niam, Anihuny i uiosiuca, tpsclai (yptrtaur et the Caitad Stats* Mails, Is | ?ti Invasion of tb? natural ri;:hi of the people to their m??%t important cl*<ttiiiel of iutortuali^a ; that l?y tlie linpriMM ini??il under this law of John A. leant, editor of |t?c New V??rk Toirti ? Suu. now ill the A ibau> IVi.ltviitUrv, ttitf freedom of lUv Dnea* i? ?iruck duwn *i?'1 the ?acred ri^Ut ol free Inquiry anptireated by tlie lanciviom fanaticUra of tUe Vouo,j *?oite CUrUtian A , ???tal iuu NATIONAL TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. The eleventh annual luce ting of the NutioBtl Toru pMWicii Society w m held at their room*, Nn. f>8 Betiio Htrect, yoeteruay aiternooa. lu ttiu absoiico of tlio President. Mr. William K. Dodie, Hon. K. Ueiitm^iuu wa* >-alW<l to pretude. The annual report was |>ro si-uU'ii, which Khoiveu the society to ho in a proepcrotw condition After Uw acfop'anoe of the rej> >rt, oflh'ors for lb* cBfuin^ ye ir wure eli-cted, Mr. William K. .'lodge bcius agaiu obooeu lor Pr<*ldniil and Mr. J. N. hw- iru? as i -urresponiitng und Recording Secretary, b? aldeaa long list of vice presidents and a Uoardof Mjn Mere. 1 u the evei;lug the annlvorsi.ry wu held lit Steiimny Hall. Rot. Dr. D. C. Bubco.k presided, and the report )trea>>nti"J at the ulirrnooti meeting wan read. Suiub.c resolution* were al?o adopted. Addreasea wore mado by llev. Dr. Hepw.irth and Kevo. Messrs Kennard, Vuil und J. \V. t'urtiu: The exerciftns wero luter I epcryed wikti vocal aud Instrumental music. THE BROOKLYN DEFALCATION. Yenterduy forenoon the case of Iieory A. Solomons, the alleged dciauliic# ex-Cashier of the Brooklyn De partment of Arrears of Taxes, watt to have been heard in the l'uird District Court of thut city beloro Justice Kiley, but when the primmer was u-ked 11' he Him ready lor trial ho replied thai he waa nut. Solomons, who looked haggard and careworn, staled thill lie would be grateful to His Honor it he would adjourn the exainination in order to enable him to confer with Ins counsel, whom up to the present he bnU not men. Tlio Court adjourned the examination till Wodnvstiay inoruinjat ten o'clock, aud the prisouer was remanded to jail SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN bTEAMERS. DAT 18 or BBPAKTUBBS PltUM KBW YOKE FOB TUB MOXTHS or may a.*u jink. .Vnllhrr, ixiiu. Scytlua M?y 1 '? Liverpool. Lessing May 11 Hamburg. v> A ScbolUu May 11. Uotterdam. City ol Itictiinouil. May 13. Liverpool Kcypl...... I M ?y 13.1 Liverpool. UlaticoW*.. Ureraen... OJia. t'alliornia lluuau..., Canada.. Wyoming fnolia , 11 oil i mi \V n-lami Stale of ludlaua... i.ihionia lltielii ......... Germanic Labrador Bothnia Kii.ia ? Maaa City of Berlin Tlie V'leeo Victoria Oder Amern|ue I'li'DU Idaho Atiy.klnia State nl Pennsvls. Muy 1.1 May 13. May I a. May lti. ? ay 17. Jlsy 17. Ha* It, May IS. Way 30. Mav iO. May 20. M?v 2 ?. May 24, May 25. May 20 May -J7 May 27. May 27. May 27. May 27. Mae 27. Mmv #i. May SI. .I line 1, June 1. Juno 8. June H. June H. lane M. Iline M, Juno in. lane in. lime 1<'. I nlie 1M. Julie Ift, l.ivei DOOl.. Liverpool.. London,... llmniiurK. - tiliwov... lilaiitrnw... liremen Liverpool.. llnvre IJterpool.. Hamburg., Kutteraiiui. LIverpiMil.. LfVerpool.. iilanirow,,.. Urnnieu..., Havre i.iimlon.... Liverpool.. Liverpool.. tllasKOW..., 11 n m bu ru'.. Liverpool.. Liverpool.. llamburi{.. itlasuow. .. hrenien.... I Liverpool.. | Liverpool,, Liverpool.. 'Liverpool.. ItilasKOW... 4 Howling Ureea |>1 hroiuiwii.v W> Hroaclwav Ifi Hraadu'ay ;t? MrouU'way 7 Kowlini;?;roea - llowlintr oreea >'> e riNMlw i*y 2U liroadway 4 Jiij w 11 iiir Ureea ?i.i liroaOway til iiroa'lwmv 72 Broadway 7 Itowiiaic Ureea 2 UowIIik tireea 1>7 broadway ?Vj HroaOwsv 4 Itowlliiir (ireea 111 ll'oadway fai Itroadwuy _ iirnailwH. (W ltrondway 7 Rowling iireea j Howiina lir-i-n .Vi Itror.dway 7 Itowllni; (ireea '21* Kroajvray I iiowlliiLT ijreea Ti Broadway HI Hroadwav ?!? Broadway 87 Ilromlwsv til Brnadwav 7 BowIiiik Ureen 'J BowIIih' Ureea Broad way <n l'rnadway l.'i Broiulway U(> liroadw ay 72 Broadway Kuelaud. Oltie Celiert Bolivia Main Spa ii Adriatic t'ltjr of Cheater.... Nevrnii Mate ol Vlrclma.. JWNOTICK TO CAPTAINS OK VESSELS IX THE COASTING AND KOttEIHN TKADK?Captains or oOeersof ve?el> en waited In the coastlni; or lnreij;n trade, observiiiK the displacement or removal of so* buoys, lire requested to Cora wunicato the tact to the IIkuaui. so that It may be bren^lit publicly to the attontlou o! the proper authorities. A letter addressed "to the editor of the Hkualii, New Vurt city,'* sivinc as accurately as possible the number and position of displaced buoys or the causa of their removal, will suffice lu all cases observed along the Atlantic and 1'aclflc counts of the American Continent. When they are observod oti the coast of European countries or in the Mediterranean It is requested tiiat Information be sent either by telegraph or letter to the London oflico of the Nkw Yobk IIkiui.d, 40 Fleet street, London, or to the Paris office. 61 Avenue do 1'Opera, Paris. Where the telegraph Is* used despatches may be addressed "Bennett, 4U Fleet street, Loudon," or "Bennett, 01 Avenue de 1'Opera, Pans." Where lase* ol dliplareinent are observed In the waters of countries beyond the reach of the telegraph, as In Asia or Africa, captains may communicate with us upon reaching the first convenient port. This Information will be eabled Iree of charge to the Hkrald and published. NOTICB TO CAPTAINS OP VESSELS ENTEUINO THE POltT OK NEW YOIIK AT NIGHT.?TheN?w York Hkualp has adopted a distinguishing Coston nlglit signal for use on board the IIkkald steam vaclit. showing while burn ing the colors red. green, red, changing Irom one to the other In succession, and can be seen several miles distant. Cap tains of vessels, upon seeing this signal, will oblige ns by preparing anv marine news they may have for the Ship News Department ol the Hkrald. ?jr>l'ersous desirous of communicating with vessels arriv ing at New York can do so by uddrossing to sitcn vessels, csrc ot Hkrald news yacht, pier .No. 1 East River, Now York. Letters received from all parts ofthe world and promptly de livered. Duplicates are required. ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY. ' *r* AMD MOOX I moil WATCK. : San rises 4 49 | Gov. Island. ...morn 8 48 | Nun set* T 04 i Sandy Hook...morn 8 03 j Moon rises eve 8 60 | UcU Gatei morn 10 S3 ? ' PORT OF NEW YORK, MAY 8, 187G. ARKIVALS. : KVORTIB IT Til* 1IKRAI.II HTKASI TArilTS AND SKRALV ! WlliTKSTOXK TCLKOKAni LIXt Freuch gunboat Umlw, PrMliil. Mavagnet, 10 days. : l!a?a crew of MB officers ami men, ami meatite2 y>m>. steamer Krvpt (Hr, lirgfSD, Liverpool April 30 ami Qtteenstown 37th, with tndse and 4H3 passengers to K \V I I Hunt. .May I, hit ?!<> "at, lull 31 117. paused bark Maggie Hrown, bound W; 6th, lat 41 IS, Ion &s 13, n Cunard steamer bouml E : ?mm* ilay. lat 40 >4, Ion <>l 36, a stain line steamer hound E: Mk, HO mile* caat at Handy Hook, a Urrninn bark bound W, shewing *ixnai letter a (JCIIT. Steamer City or Havana. r*li? IIl|i?. Ttew Orleans April 10, Tnmalen mill, Tuxpan 30th. Vera Crus 20tli, Campeacliy i 3Hth, Prograao itnth Mid Havana May 4, with uadse und paaacngcrs to K Alexandre A Hon*. ' Steniuer Andea iHr>. Miller, I'ort an I'rlucn April 8, Santa Martha i:tth, Savanllla ?M. Cartbugeii* 24tli, Colon 27lh and Kingamn May 1, with tndae and pa?s*U?i)re to Plm, Forwood k Co. May 2, Ui IM :fc?. Ion 74 <0, ptued bark ltegia (Hrl, bound E; 3d, 1* milea north of I.lid Hoik, steamer Etna (Hr). hence ti>r Asplawall. Ac. Steamer Huntaeille, Cheater, Savannah May 4, with mdse and viueniin tul! II Mattery k t steamer Kapnlaii. Mankin. *avannah May 4. with tndse ami paaaengera to .Murray. Ferri- A < o. Ship Tlmrese, Shaw, Kronen 14 <tay*. In hatlaai to Tlios 1 Dunham'* Nephew A Co, April 12. Im ?, Inn 41. bad a heavy NW Rale: 31st, lat 41 IS, Ion ">0 25, paacd u larto Iceberg. Ship l>nn Enrique (of 1 iverpool), Oix. Imli-pendem-la : Hay, Feb s, with guano to Holism, llurtado iV Co: ve?scl It* W k (trace. Piaaed Cane Horn .Mar 4. and croaaed the i Equator April 10, Ion .'is Jtoi; hint li-.*ht wiuda and callus from tbe Cape. April 2. lat 31 30, Ion 37311^ passed ship Cryselct (of Si John*. X Hi. from . for Cork : .Ma* 8, lat ' 1*1 14, lou 71 &t>. bark Mignun, from New Orleans, for Dunkirk. I Hark Komance (Hr), tiormley, LlrorpiMl Mureh 33, Inlial laat. to Hoyd A llincken. It anchored in tiraveseud II.iy for ! j orders. I Hark Antolnetta Accame dial , Dela.vetta, London via i Delaware Hreakwater 71 days. In hallaat to John C Seagcr. Hark Euro (Aua), Krei;lich. Bordeaux 4Mdu3a,, in ballast to order. Hark Vincenrn ferrule (Itai), Covaga, Bristol 40 days. In . bulla*! to .1 C Meager. B.irk Conatantla (Nor). Knudaen, Glasgow 47 days. In J balla?t to ranch, Edye .t Co. Hark lndustiia < I tali, Schiafiino, Ulasgow, 41 days, in bal- ? lh?t to tilocovuh k Co. Hark Arlington (Nor). Palmstrotne, Havre March 4, In ballaat to order. la anchiireil at sandy II'ok tor orders. I l'.ark lllo 1 III (A'l-t). Ueruiuda, Uordeaux 3fi days, in { ballaat to Slecovlch A Co. , Bark Victoria .M . 11im>. DeMortlna, Idabon SKI day*, with j ; salt to l.atiro. Storey Jt Co. Hark Sue? (Itall, ftitiRa, Alicante 42 ilaya. iu?balla?t to i Funch, Edye k t'o. Paaaed <;lnr.-?ltar April Hark Vauhnn (!? r), Careet, st Cathraneaf?2 dajra. In hal laat Jamet Henry. C'ronaed tbe h?4Uator April IS Ion :W. Hark 1'awaahick .of Liverpool. Nb>, lliek*. Cardenas H . dai ?, with anear to order; veaael to I. K Ilrirhain. Hark Hoonier.oig owe). Satnnei>en, Cardenas 0 days, i with auaar to E Morgan A Co; veaacl to lunula Teteiia. " i ' Hrls Klitalieth 1) dial). Durante, Hotterdam, 44 days. In | ballaat to A P A/reata. Hrlif Huby ml New Haven). Neal, Mayacues 13 days, with j 1 m<>la?i<e? to D Trowbridge A Co. ! Rriir Mar/ B Peanell (ef Hoaton), Faton, Matansaa II | day*, with au?ar to lirinnell, Minturn k Co; veaeei to Hreii, son A Co. Ilrlg 11 llonaton tol Stockton). Griffin, t.'ard^naa 10 days, \ wltli molaaar a to J?> E Ward A Co; May 3, lat 32, Ion 77 2i>. 1 carried away foreto; -ail yard. | ltrig Saliaia, Partridire. Card-nas P daya, with sugar to Kuhlera k Co; ve??el to John iCittlmen. ? Hrlg tl.'orce Barahara teT Portland. Me), Staples, Carde i.aa l> daya, null aiiijar to Kioniia A Co; ve^al to Br.vau k stevei.s" itrlg Jeremiah (of Soar*port), Ford,Cswienas It' dava, ?Itli augar toUriunell, Minium A Co; veaael to K P Buck k Co. r.riir Ellraheth Wln?li>w of Portland, Me). I?ocke, Carde naa s daya, with smar to Goasler k Co; reaael to Miller k Houghton. iirig JohnWesley (of Baltimore),Ford, Clenluegoa I'.idava, with m.-ar to Jina, lerry k Co; vesael to Miller k Hough ton. April Mi, off Sembrero liilit, apoke ?ehr J II Kraiis, | from Ne? Orleans for Aiiiaierdaiu. Hrlg Kenabaw, Syl?e-ier, Magaa W daya, with an gar to ; Joea, Terry k Co : ve??el to It A Uoberta. May 7, Al aecom light hearing .S K 0 in Ilea passed a vessel's apar witb r i ? gin^ aiiaehrd. apparently out a abort time In the water. Brig Woltvllle (of ldTerpool, N M, Adams, Trinidad, Cuba 14 daya, with sugar to BoruatorlT k Co; vesael to liojrd A Ulaeken srbr Wapolla, Penny. I.lvernool 4h dava, with mda* to < order; vea?el to Kvan? Mall A t o. Was *Udays W of the 1 Uraad Hank, mitli atronx \N and SW wiuila sclir Martha M Healn of I'rjviiieorei. Klrbv, Pernam buco 3S da*?, witH'angar to II II swill k Co; vessel to Kv ana, Hal! A: Co. Creased the Kqnator April 7 in Ion 4HIH I Sohr Addie tVesaela, l>lin, San Andrvaa III daya, with nuts to J We.asela. Schr i^ittie (Br), llurna, St .lohna, I'R. 35 daya. with mo laisea to Marques k Co; teasel to IIniton. WMaoa Je Co. schr lilcardo Barroa. Newton. Matauues II daya, with fruit ?o J K Stowe; vesael te H J Wenlierg Schr John A Lord of Calais), Thomas, tiraml Turk, Tl, 0 days, with salt to Pealsiaia A Ce; vessel to M FMetcall k Co. schr Ixmlsa Orr (ef Portland), Orr, Matamas 8 days, with svtsr te J II Wiaehestcr * U ftebr Ft wood Hurt on (of Philadelphia), Tlutchlna, Cir> drum 10 davt, with motado t?- <i?ia*ler Jk <'o. 11? IVvitiie Pan Mioui. liftU h baav? jsala. MjiMimI cnr^u. *tr. Schr 4' M i irh?rd? Trrwult, ttieh*rd?oH? Cardanaa H ilNVk, witli mgar to ?>*?*/*?: A Co; ve??el to Brett. *>oi? ? Co. Schr 8 K Keahury (of Banjfor), Trim. Clen'uetfo* 1H uavi, with itielado to order; vtiwl to r W Htuitb A <*??? .Schr W 11 Caa)nai? ofOamdett, NJ), t. r*uu?*r, S^ua 10 day*, with *u*:*r to Hi vein X fV Scbr Carrie C Miu-? (of B utton), Orahaui. Baraeoa Oda/a, with fruit to (Somas ?% Pear* ill; Vi***. I to li J W'tib^rg. Hclir llnttie Wevtott (o! Plymouth), Porao???, Karacoa 10 day*, with fruit to lioiuea X Pearaall; *<N?i to II J V\eu JH-iir IhiritM Kddy (of Bangor), Hideout. Aftia IS day? with Migur, Ac, to 11 Michclau A Co; veaael to T li Mnith X Co? Schr Siiuii Seranton (of New lla?en), Jlcyer, Eleuthera 5 'Uvi, wlili ptne* to Jauiea DouxUm; ve??el lo B J Wenberfc ... Sohr Speedwell (of Rockland), KriauldlttK, Harbor Ijland 5 da}*, with pine* to Wm Unu^luu; v??*el to B J Wen btrf. . M*hr Uoiitiie tllrl, Johnaon, il Arbor lid and 0 day*. with fruit to Jul Dnuirliu* k Co. Schr llaitli k SUMib (of Newburypoct). Lee. Harbor IvUn t |(> da> ?, ? ith fruit to Win l>ou?'la?; vetael to B J W >'ii tiori.' Solti Kdviird (itnri for Nn?au), Kultlti, Iltrbor Iiiwao da v.. with fruit to Joe Knea*. >clir Meteor to! Bermudai. Kunt 'omb, Bermuda rt ?'?J* with produce to A E tiuierbridjre; ve.tcl to Jonee, Luff A Co ? .-ehr Ida A Annie f*f Frlfn l?hip. Me), Cook, ludianola "J3 dev.. with m.i?e to II 'W Loud A t o. Schr Alice Hell. Slmmuna, Cedar Key* 'JOdayn, with lum ber to fivau*, lluii Jt t'o. hcltr M K Ulldenilueve, Hill, Eiliabeth City, NO, loday*. with corn 10 order. ticlir U 1* Haven*, Pcarce. Htruwli 11 day*. with lumber to order. Schr I* S Cirby, Taylor. Port Royal 5 deyi, with lumber to Inn. Hall A C.i. Schr Kunch Moore, C h H in be r S' v I rji ni a. Scbr Lavinia. Prince. Virginia. Schr Klleu llnlifate, Blake. Virginia. Schr A J Aleott. French. Virginia. Sehr 1, V Oetrom, Hill. Virginia. Schr Henrietta, Itillarif. Virginia. Schr Klleu I'obin. Hnruett. Cieorp'towa, DC. Schr S J Kort, Kort (taor(atown, DC. Schr J 11 Howe, Newbury, Haltimore Schr Kmeli'ne K Hlrdeall, Morri<. Haltimore. Schr J D William*, Suilth, lialtiiuorv. Ship Kama, which waa ancliored in the Lower Bay, ca:ne up to the city. *?'Uark faul (<>er). from Amsterdam on 7th, Il eon kk-ned to Dill A Itadiuann. Report* Mav S, *poke whalin g aclir Cohaiiucr, of Kairhavan. in tat 3'J4<>, Ion 1J. workin g xonthwiird, nil weli; Hth. .it 10:0 l*M, oft* Uaruetrat, heard the noiae of the Jpr?ey Cur explodou. wlileh *ouoded like a heavy clap of thunder. uitE a perfeetly clear *ky. a if Hark* I'eti Mubrnvacltl. and Minerva, which an chored lu tbe lowur bay for order*, camo up lu the city to day. 1!?ti*k\kd?Hrlg Wiley Smith (Hr), Hewitt, henee March 18 tor Trinidad and Clen!im?<>?. From March 'Jti to April 7 had a a?rce**l?? of hearv \W andSW Kale*, in which loit lorem .it and inaliitopuiant. PASSED THROUGH IIEI.L. GATK. BOUND BOOTH. Steamer N'eptnue, Herry. Hoston for New York. Schr J li Voiiioan, Reid, Prot idenee for Philadelphia, Scbr 11 T PottK Potter. Ijaritord lor New York. Schr llntlle A Hiitler, tireen, Portland, Ct. for New York. Schr Matilda, Ame*. Hartford for New York. Scbr M \V Slerllut, New llaren for Phlladal plil a Schr E Flower, Hubbard, Hartford for New York. Scbr Nightingale, Young. Now iledford for New York.' BOUND EAST. Steamer Krancoola. Hrairjr. Now York (or Portland. Steamer City oi Fitchburg, Springer, .New lorkfor New Bedford Steamer Eleeira, Yonujt. New York for Provldeuce. Steamer Tilile, Ewlnic. New York for New Loudon and Norwich. llrljr Cromarty (Br). Mclntoah, Now York r?r Bristol E. Srlir Suaauna. Crockett. New York fur St Andrew*, hn, Scbr W H Yoorhle*. lioldeuiith, Havertiraw for i'rori de nee. Schr J W Hltiei, iline*. Iloboken tor Ro?ton. Schr R P Kini;. Kliven. l'ort Jolinton for Kali River. Schr K A J Oakley. Kelly. Port .lohn*ou tor Pawtneket. Sellr Urejfon Rnnilotit tor New Hedtord. Schr Billow. Kule*, New York for Bangor. Sclir Nellie H Benedict. Tbompaou, Philadelphia for Naw Haves. Schr Kvellne. .lohnmin. New York for Vail River. Schr Golden Kay, !>avl*>. Roudout for Hartford. Schr Henrietta. Millard. Viririnla for New Haven. Schr lilnctc Diamond.'Smith, Port ?lohnson for i'rovldence. Srlir S .1 Fort. Fort, Georgetown. DO, for New Haven. Srlir Nile. Metcali, New York lor llyanni*. Schr J ame* Divert y, Carroll. Port Johnnon for Pawtacket. Schr Flviw^r. Eno*, I'hlladelpbia for Warren. Schr J W Palmer, Palmer, New York for Stamford. Bchr Dart. Campbell, New York tor Stamford. CLEA11ED. i. ? Steamer Clarlbel (Brj, Fergunon. Port au Prince?Plm, Forwood A Co. Steamer Peril (Hr f rmerlv American *teamer Peril), Chiedne.v. Sydney. CB?\V T W oodrillf A Co. Stcaiucr Novelty, llalne*, Philadelphia?HW Jackson Jt Bon. Steamer .V V, Stimer*. Warren. Philadolpliin?Ja* Hand, steamer Kranconta. liragv. Portland?J K Atuti. Hark tiiaromo Moriola (Itul), Ollvarl, Oork lor order!? Bloeovlch & t'o Hark Sedml Dnbrovacki (Au?), Tagliaranl, Cork for or dtr* -Slooovich ,V Co. Hnk I'ohono tBr>, Sangater, Cork or Falmoutli for ordcri? Gerhard A Hreiver. Bark Anialia tlarguilo (Ital). Jaccarluo, Alexandria, E? Punch, Edye Jt t'o, Bart Regina Tolck, Rav. Ganoa?John Zittloien. Hark Mary Jenno**, Oaken, Valencia ? K li Smith A Ca Kara Lorena, Blanehard, Rio Janeiro A Santo*?Curvef k Barnes. Hrig Charles (Sw), Sorleaon, Oporto?Kunch, Edye A Co. ltrlg Matv Fink, Dver. Leghorn?Inn Zlltloaen. lltig Sporliuitti, Blanehard, Port Natal?Carver Bro* A Co. Schr Marcia Reynold*. Westerdlke, Laguayra and Porto Cuhello?Dallett. Huultou A t'o. Schr Reludeor, Howard, Ureun Turtle Cay?B J Wcnberg A Oo. Scbr Suaatina. Crockett, St Andrew*. NB?H P Brown A Co. Hchr John. Hughe*. (Salventon?O W Adam* A Co. Schr F.lla M Storer. Wade. I'aecageula?-Par?on< A Loud. Schr Clara E Bergen, Dayton, Savaunah?Evatu, Ball A Co. Schr Bertha J Fellow*. Smith, Port Johnton?Jed Pryo A Co Schr Billow, Kales, Bangor?R P Buck A Co. Schr Uiverdale. Brown. Boston ? Donne A tlott. Schr Abbie 11 Brown, McLcod, Provlncetown?tt J Godwin A Son. Schr Onward. Wheeler, Hartford?(It*C Blair A Son. Schr Dart, Campbell, M alii lord?Slaiuturtl Manufacturing Co. SAILED. Steamer Albemarle, for La war*. Pel; ahipa Villa Franca Loudon; Livarpool. do; HlfltlAatf Ltglit (iroo Liverpool), for : Ijarku Florence, t'fnanr aud Singapore ; Moneta (Br). Melbourne: Hakoii Jari (Nor). Uuaenstown or Fal mouth, hrisrt Alexander NiekcW, Kintrnton, >U: Abby 'Jlinxtcr (troui I'hilmlelphia), Boiton; achr M A Irankiiu, Wind at aunnet, 8VT; at mldnitrht, USE. llcliL Uaroiueter at sunaet, nt midniirht, 2y,82. MABITIMS MISCELLANY. Stiujou Lkcislatob iBri, Tutton. New Orleans, when leaving Kingston!, J a, April 2i, collided with steam ers Mersey mid Mexico*. Ship lfcAKK StCi.aii: (Br), front New Yorg Jan l;? for Glasgow, before reported overdue, lis* doubtless been l?.rt ?itii nil on hoard. She belonged to the Canada Shipping Company anil had the following csru'o on board:?ilti.Jll'j twill ?hl<t, tOllUll tm>h |itl> and l,s*m ??!>]? of Hour con ?limed to firms in this city. The Lake St Clair was formerly called tha Berhamporc. ship Aiinkr I. BkSTOIC, Watt*, from PabeUon de Pica for (jnerustown (before reported). put into TilparilM March 23 li-aa>, Captain Watts rei orts. March 4, in lat ,<*!. Ion S4 f.O W, found til* idiip with # fe t of water la lirr liolil nud mak ing !>'? itirheK per hour: bore up lor Valparaiso, supposing the Irakis to be in the topside*: ah* wa< making 14 inches pi r hour April 1 uuil had commenced discharging. 8HIP JiltrrusK, from Liverpool for New York (before re pvried). ?ent ashore on Sable Island April 14. and will tie a total lost. I he Captain anil Inn lamlly went in a boat three days, without food or water, and noma of ilie crew wore severeh IrjatliUeu. Captain spencer arrived at Halifax AM May K. Snip Sophia pn Vtut (Sp). from Cardenas for Liverpool, pntInto fit Thorn** April 21, leakiug, and wa> dUchuruing tor repairs on the l^Hli. Ship So C iki.o* (final), Johnson. In towing out of Lota the tow lino broke and the vessel ?1rlft*-?l mi tue rocks, but was ;;:-t oil. making 14 inches w ater. The leak vai stopped by divers, and the vessel arrived at Valparaiso April 1 B iuk Pitmen. AltTiirx lUr) was wrecked on Staten Land Feb 24. Captain and ?r?w taken off by Cuillan schr ,-sea Shell, and landed at I'uiita Araan. Straits ot Ma>ell*u. 1! auk WltSOVil (Br), toitrlied tlie bottom at Mu?<jne?h, Kll, and arrived at St John, X It, May S, lor examina tion. Hum MiktiiX, I'pton. from Now York April 2; I, lor St Johns. Pit. ?na run into May 2, alioul To miles east of llat teraa. bjr Italian bark Vlmenio ferrnttu, from Briatol lor New York. The Martha sunk In about teu mluutea after being atruek. Crew saved Bum Tiiklctpk (Kr). tram Kt Pierre. Mart, for Havre, wiih aiiuar *nd rum. struck on the Aaepada Itaef on tin) 24th ult. Got off and atarted for St Thoiuaa, but struck again and la now reported n total loaa. Si lilt Ella, of N#W London, has been sold to partiea lu Philadelphia, who will ilt her lor CumberluuJ Inlet. Scmh Ma*t?vii.i.k (Itri. Craft, irom St John. NB, for Paw tucket, put lino Dutch Idaud harbor May 4. leaking badly, and with rudtler sprung and rudder head atarted. Setsu C.titoi.iNi:. of Fall River, where she was built In 1K.">7, 21.' toaa register. lias been aold to Cipi W 1 llarluw, of Po<'a?aett, Inr #110 ? She will herealter hail front Pocossett, under command ol Cant Harlow. Schu Wa*ii*i<i(.v*, at Provldenee, from Virginia, reports that about limnt ot May Capo liriilnpen, hearing WNW . about !V> stiles di-tant, picked np wliat appeared to be u ateatner'a white vaol boat ol about 1 leet keel. Same day, about 1,'j I'M, picked up IXI cuati of petroleum oil. A*AiiltM, April v!() ?The bark Mil l was la) in; broadside en the beach, apparently uninjured. Will probably be floated oT aoon. liLOCPntra. Man, May S?Bcltr Satellite went ashore on AuuUi|uau beach laat ni^liX, aud la I.ij(h and dry. Crew on board. Nonpoik, M*y it?Yesteril*y morning the ataataeV Ue?o Inte returned from uc'iaprl.tie Inlet, where alie liaa been to lay anchors and chain- to liuul oli' the a?lir Haoiel Brown. hsi:ore at that mace A force of men were leit to connuue tse work nuill the return ot the ateamer. Niwpottr. Mays?Si:lir Marv Aii.-u>ti, with coal, for (Somerset, whir.i *ont ashore soma time a^o on Block Island, was floated last nlj il at eiitht o'rlook and was too ud toihia port tlila I'M l>} wrorkiotr schr Young America Mie Is lu cood condition, the oakum only beinir started In her butts and garfcoard; '.'HO tons ol coal were tn" "<?' *"'1 4U ioa? now remains on board The Block laland Wreck ing Coiiipmy orl.-lually contraoted to get her oil, but abandoned tier and wanted to strip her John Waters A Co, of this port, then made contract for Ho per cent on vr??el and per cent on coal. Block Islanders got out utost ot'the coal, aud lor w hii h they will receive 75 per cent on it? value. I he vessels rlsKinf and sails are a* good aa they were whei. she went ashore. Vixkvarp 11 a v km . May 7?Schr John II llanciwik was got off the iliilge Keaee ."shoal by B C Crotnwi II and oiliers Sat urday evening. The steamer Mourli nsetl hauled hei off and lowed her to this |>nrt, p areuily hut little Injured. The price paid the wrecker* waaabout *I,3UJ. WHALEMEN. Sailed from New Bedford May S, schr Wm Martin (of Bo* Ioni, .Ma.tin, Atlantic iitean. Spoken?March 27 ihy hark Commodore Morris), hark Lancer, Dowdea, of KB, 270 bbla ap this season. SPOKEN. Shin tfoorlv, frost, irom Beaton for Batavl* (Ml M ml* priaiedj, April U, lat 2<t M ,N, IvU M W. Bark (Or). Garth*. from ii*U?rg (April 7) for Philadelphia. no date. lat 4'.' 3". I"* ?* '*'? . ? Mark i iBr). Durxee, .tecrlng ?e.t, April JT. >** B from New York for St Kltt., April 22, Ul IttUft. Ion H2 4H. II.-IW.,.! no data. fk-hr Veto. from Philadelphia tot Naw OrleaB., no oaw. Ac ibjr u urivtl tt kijr Wwi). NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND captains Merchant*, (hipping again* and .hlpmaater. are litlorined that by telagrannlng to the I1?ualb London Bureau. ?* draa.lug "Beunat*. *!o -W Meat .treat, Londoa." or to the I'ari* eHlce. addre*alnj ^Bonnott. *?1 Arcau. d? I Opera. Part*." the arrival4 at and departure* from Kurupean an Ea*tern port. of American and all foreign veaaeU trading with the I'ulted State*, the aama will ha cabled to t ? century free of chance. Captain. arrivtag at and .ailing ?ri?Bi French and Ilea - terrain'au |K>rU will Hurt the Part* oBce the more economieal and expedition! for telegraphing new*. OUR CABLK SHIPPING NEWS. Anjku, May 5? Arrived, ahlpKrsd Tndor, Baarae, Liver ^iixKOW, May'8. 8 AM-Arrived, ateamer Dorian (Br), ? Ritchie. New York. Havkk. May 0. 0 PM?Arrived, ateamer 8t Laurent (rr),, New York. La* Paliia. (Canary Ialanda), April 30-Arrived. achr Portland (Br). Co?ll. New York. Plvmocth, May H-Arrlved. *teaaer Pommeranla (Oar), BcliwenMii, New York Tor Hamburg (and proceeded). gncK-istow*. May R-Arrived. .teauier. Adriatic (Br), (?leaded. New York for Liverpool; Indiana, Clark, Philadel phia for do (and both proceeded). foreign ports* AsrixwAi L. May 8?Sailed, ateamer Alp? (Br). William* ^Jr^Sii 28-.I. pom. -o * mo?: Ada <1 Shortland. Doaua. f^oa\I.Vii*ir,"[uS Par*on. Hi own: Ad la lloane. Hatch; lljlt W?to?.. I.ra.l Su<.w. Newcumb: Carrie D Allen. Newcon i . Baxter (Br> Baxter; Lavlnia Bail, Aldrj?.n.?_ \cilio timut. Jordan, from Hi M*rwn?? urown r ? ? hiTJvT: frW KK&y I (Bri and Cameron ?!aatle tHr?, fordo. Dryad (Br), .. , ; Nlch j R??ton; 2'Jtb. (hip Star of ttrun.wlck (Br). lucnaru*. i 1 Komi*: IStli. ahip Superior (Br). J one*. Lob;? Mll(.b|,r Vo.d'.uauo ^ lUn.oton ItuaiU' Sapphire, Cougdon. and Sagamore, K"*I'P; , SrTlfe T&g\c"M Delflna (Gnat). J"^\S;Va?cUUC!^Arrlv.d.brl, j dC,?r^oiw5l.e,?iay 5?Arrived, bark Woodalda. Montgom ! er5^4^araC.oUlde. Miller. Boaton: brig Wm Ma aon \d?m*. do: ?chr Decorra. Thompson, do. . . ?'*hdk?ab May .V?Arrived, brig Arent. Small. L'verpoo.. i iSkV&JSfc*.' ? ! VKxigo0^r'.ll0April 29?Arrived, Mir Hannah Coomer. ' Km1v^ Mriv*"-Arrived, .teamer Au?tln Morgan. In dlanola' bark* Kllia White Wottou. Boetou : Elba, (.over. \>w York' brig M ?' Mariner. Titcouib. Portland: *chr JH Ccnvewe ' Plummcr, Wt*ca*?et; 7lh, ateamer Acapuleo, drav V>"uliiwull lor New York: brig Daphne. I opeland, Liverpool; Htn. *te*mer City of Mexico, bherwooo. New s?lled fUli ?tenmer Colum'ou*. Reed. Vow York; liark Embla (Nor). Sor.naen, Penracoln; brig Mislo J' ^roiit, l*i >irntt \?u> OrltmiR' icbr finwllBr. UoUicM. do. <ti?, birfc V 11 *!eun CoUln^. New York; Elllde (Brl. Uunlop. do: Santcwlroa Trinidad (Sp). Lope*, -'o: Nue.tra Se^iora 3. I., Aiiir?io* (Km Knmlne*. Savaniiuli; Kauuitrup (J?or), ?liH-kniHiin !Viitacolh; Nueva Xurella (?P>. J*""??' Orieau*; brig* Johu M- Hurn*. frouty. d"'? M?h?wk (Ur). \iiirnliv lVn>.*cola- achr Thua N Stone, Pitcher, Hoiton. Z.riVM.J^Arrlv?l, .teamer Kalmonth. Co bv Portland: liark J?*on (Son. Thomaoa, Aberdeen. Oth, Bt7.t'rnrni;dKHZeVVeamer"carroll, from Ho?.on and ?bS. .lit. April -AV-Arrlvod, brig Orbit. Na?b. Boi l0Sal"id -MtKVriII?hKBI Men-* m^n, I^craw. Falmouth. J?: ,ij,] i?.jiivi?rt Moore Ciuntueg*?*: 11 E Stowe (BrJ, (ier fi .itdo; *i-br Melvln. Robert*. IMilUdelphia via Ii ort .An tonla: 2!ltli. *chr* W F Bvriie. Ben*ou Philadelphia, SOth, C 11 Kcllv. Cray. New York via Moraut Ba\. In iiort May 1. bark Malclnthn (Hr), 'or New \ork, to **11 tliVloHownig waek: brig. V-leucl. Klcbardaon rom M; ton: Aliby Ellen, fr<? New 1 ork. botn airiito \pril 27: *cbr* rax-ie Jamle?ou, JamleMin. Irom New \< iK, arrived 2a.Ii; Ocean I.lly (Bn. I?r Clenfuego*. Malaga. April 17?OI??r?d, brijf J?nnl? A Cheney, Aro>. April O-In port, .hip Sea Wltrh. Drew, from X'uils/A*'May 5-Arrlved, bark* V L (Senovar. Simmon*. ?" VT. v.* * Mrhol* Portland; ?th. John t ?iliH*e, Dave* Bromen : lir'ig*.lolin Pierce. Townaoiid. PliilMil^lfltL* " M-br* ilnnle il I-oud. liolt. New York; Ceo B Kome*. Nor I Wdied"?th!bri? Liberty. D -T.reux. north of ?????*' I ao; ^'m'oxtihau May 8?Arrived, tteamer Polvne.laa (Br), I Browi.. Liverpool?the ?r*t arrival.from ?ea <the ?ea*on I Vava?*a May 1?lJaa*e?t bv. bar!r* > >ek * Mebane cnri, 1 Wlnie?ide. from Uvarpool for Naw OrUan*. 41 daj* out, I J {'isaXo'Miireh 25?In port, .hip Herald or the Mornins, I lii ukso^A pri'l"?A rr, ve-t, *el,r Parepa. Packard, Bo* i ^ '^iilbHf rwi|e'*^r^anta*KoM^?Herrick. New.York 1 DortApril :??,*? hr hat,. ? Hanger .Martin. Irom \ era ! Cru* nrriviMl 'SJii. to complete lor New \ork. 1 i'oiNT A IMiRK April -21?lu port* ?chr 8peed?iW?y, Coffla* I l0K'^roo"r Ma'rVh li^Tn p^rt. .hip. Enxlnr (Br) Boy. for ?ale* Frank Carvlll (Bri. MeKee, lor Knrupj: Priace Pat I riv"?'(Br), l'etarkln, fordo; bark Bulla Mudge (Br), Maaon, '"sllAKCltAit. March 25-In port bark Free Trade. Merfy m5"V^.A?Urc'rromf;ia" u,ril n-ln port achr Loui.a Smith We^^er. irom Jacksonville via l*ort Llmon twheio i ?^T"^.l"reA,!H^:a^hd:llb^ r.H.H-a.r (Br). ndJl'l "lat-ow- 2I*t, bar. l.o?n* (Br). Curry, llarbado. ,.nd aalled ?aiii? dav for llamptoii ? Katahdln (Bri. Saundera, St *roU Lawi. (lark fir , 1 ,SL'rk"- Amor1"' (Bri. N^po'rt: ?^!i. I I U(,".? i Hr) Weit Bordeaux W?d Silled 27th for itoneire): ^th* David Stiwart (Hr). Forbes. Klo Janeiro (and tailed J7lh ! Iiip l\?rto Riro) ; hark* Gordon (Br>, Brown. Newport, Ii, . i ' u- Hurtle tt BatUmdoe; fell r Mot* i?len (Br), Aii i Downey. Biivbo* Kyre?: *ohr? Ireildle C fcbbett ?Br). > cel. brln por" Itpril'27.1 H'lp .i?lu\l"lTu,!.Sp" I?la. Cardena* XUMrf.r'f^^ina^>o^N.dw^^?B^ ; la port May 3. bri? P >1 T.nker. Barnard, from Demerara. i "s ??'.('1. May .'>?Arrived, hrlira Kaliina. Na?h. New \ ork; I IVttiifrew do; wltr JemlQ B iiuiith, Tyler, do. I s'died *?tl? Hcb'r M A Fnlaom, Bunker. North of llattera*. Sn"?.. i?V NS. May 4-Arrlved. bark L Campocll I ^.'iled Atri.^V".rkrB?XTor.(Br). looker, Jordan River ! tO^^,;:;?UrNB.BrM?*in'0-Arrived. brig L W Eahm (Br> \evla*"chr liiniiber illrl. Harba.loa: rtth. bark Wenonab ? tBr), Korbe?, Mu*quaah; achr Bu?ine*? (Br). Martin, New i Mr|e?relWth,.hip Albertlne (Br) H'own Licd^n ; .cbr. , Willie S Hh?*pard, Hervea. Cork; A O M*Uon (Hr), badw ^tli. iiliip i ?anirl T Teuney, A very, Liverpool. Sailed *'th fhip Ifeetanooica (Br), 1 etiartli Ro?di, brig JUl,!:aV'r5fa,re..("i-^itTWh.rklro,, Ace. Overton, Bue ! m Dtek,"-?' ! T \ ^'l-AKAiM'. M^rrli^'*??Arrived.^hlp* Ventna, Theobald. New York: 23d. Abnr 1 Ben von. Watt*. Pabelton dePca r^n?.,.n.t.,wii leakv: April 1, San Carlo., Johnaon, Lota. ' Sa le I Marcil 17. liernard (Bri. Allep. La P*? iLal): Jtttb. Krmlerica Maria ttJuaf, San Fra*cl*M, 27th. K H#iirec Sweeter, luuiqno and t ontlnent. /U. Vkra' Cue*. April 27?Arrived, ?t?aiucr San Marco* (Br), 1!Y"??otT;;r,,'s"'May 8?Arrived. Khr J L Cro*aley (Be?. ' Sailed 'ith. >teainer Dominion (Br), I Umenli, Button, ?chr J Morton, lor We*t Iudie*. ?? AMERICAN PORT& ASTOT'IA. April 2H?Sailed, barka Rival, Ailam*. Smith, -?nui? Monica; Mth, Dawn, Malleoa, Shi Kranclaco. AI.KXAM'lllA, May 1?Arrived, achra* Condova. Briatid, | Rt mmt nailed aanie d*y ti> return ; J K Uanap, Camdou, Mh iftnd milleil vmie tin* to return). j Soiled?Scbrn I ??tin K Baker, and L B Cowperthwalte (from l>enr. etoaa), ? BOSTON, May ?l?Arrived, brlit Cnrrle R Pickering, l'ick , erinif. Lynn ; wiir* M.irtha A iHrl, (Hast, Ctenfiieito*; Ooil | Kit* iVndletott, Pendleton. I'll I?<l<-lpl>ia; Krl, Koblnaou j South A in buy tl Ant 1 am not as before). Sailed, eteanieta t'arrull, William Craae, Norman, and ' from the road*. briif Anna Barker. 7th?Arrived, atoaatar Ratt!e?aakc, Snow, Philadelphia; ; l>rize Jn?le A Dc?ereau\. Iltuinna. ilo: Mary I'Haaevelt, ' ('all. d ? via New York: ?chra Zepltenlah Hteelmen, 1'orter. I Caibarien: Pacific. Party. .liihnwn Mill*. NB; Tern* jl I llaker, linker, Virfnla: J V We'.lln/toil. Rieh, Baltimore; (Itn ,1 Y Smith, tJroaell. do; Wa S Scall. front PltiUd-liihia ittitli lo?a o! f .rMopm ? ti . Mairnet, hum do (with Kir* of Jluboom); Annie E Mart In, from do; John li Pal/a, llalry, and h H Whecier, (iodtrey. do; Kutli It Baker from New I Yoik Silt?Arrived, eteatnera Iberian iTri. Home, Liverpool; i Oaocua .tpiiolu, liuri-litiid, Baltimore; Honaa, I'ruwell, Philadelphia. H.neral W lutney, llullrii. New York; bark J?lm Utbaoa. I>odd. Leirbora; bri.-a Andraa Mlpnano dial), l.ttbrano. ?.ar?-ellleN; *ii?lo(Hr>. Akera. Iturnadon; nchra Loaia* liliaa, Mrvae. Baltimore; M svwall, llaaked; M Til ton, Permewell; soplu i lYilwii. Malvin ; M M Rm-ll, Kve < 1 in; Mar) A Hood. Keaaer, and Sarah Hfcubert, Hughe*, Phil*delphla ; Ruth H Baker, Webber, W??h?wlteB; J N lltiridell, Craumer, Alexandria; J A Smith, Snow, I'hila I ilflpbia. H,low?Bark Samuel R Sprlag. from Baenoe Ayrea; al<o ferryboat Oriole lUttrr in tow of ateatu iu Coea I, Maple*). i tearcd?Me?iti< r Ulaucua. Beurae. .>*? York; ahip K N Thayer, Starratt, Mm irn,ei*o. na Baltimore; Mhra Roa ; well'. Ilnrlbiit. Surinam. Commerce, Janvrta, Baraeoa; I !h*rle* I'l.Ut, Sharp. Baltimore. K T Little. Craw lord, , Mill uleltilita; Mary L Peter*. York, New orleana. HAl.TlMOKl'., May 8? Arrived. <hlp MacaataT. Rodfera, : Breinea; bark* Proapero (ltal). Reset:o, C?rk ; Yamorden. Totley, Itiii .l.inelro, Canipaoeio. Walker, do; brig Mww* liieri. Wartiehe. Boaton; arhra Henry S William*. VMIaou, rait on, T>xa?; Mary l> lielaad. Ktabar, Cardenaa; Henry Dave v. K.ti_-, Ne* Yoik; Si' Tryou, Niekeraou, Hoaton. t'leareo?.ite.iuen John* llopalna. llallutt, Hoatoa; D.I Foley, Price, \Y ilmintcton, MC; Fw Brune, Ko?ter. Stw York; I.arki Madre iltal), l'on?ella. Oahlia; >!-?? teppa (Nori. BattvrMia, Melfa.t; brl.' Compeer iHr), Kills, tip <rto; Hkri John >' Manaou, Maaaoa, Roatoa; Union. I lloime>, .New York. HKI.KASr. May Arrived, bark Arlaona, Caaant, Rouaa | 43 dava. (The A cleared at It lor Ht Thutaaa. liar reported preaence at llalilax waa a miaariatl. _ I UA.NuUU, Urnj 7?bailed, brig laaae Carver, Now York. ??*? ,*??.&?flailed. Mhr* O C Morria. Kndieott. ft* KdSSt Montana. Koih, duT (?h^H , w.u.rtT- A*""'- d": p n>u'. I'ooi; MMtiSni1 J" H u"*?. Irelaa. Philadelphia. T-^n^ W" " J"k~' ?rw-? * ?'?'?">. K'rby, Baltimore. Uilfe5*ft B?S "??>?>'". Hyatt. New York. bwkj ? (f.i, Lockntr. ('l.?rJ.l y ?. u W"'"u". Hooper. Ncwbursp nl :M-I,rivi!rrl' <?"? I'urvl.. UubK," FaLI KIYkli v ,*??* Ktister. Southampton. %*Cbr' ?Vl>- ^ *U4 Philadelphia.r * K Gifcrd, Barrett (from Somerset), J^Uremttk vui''?,?m~|Arr'V*i "t?*mer Dhnrlel (Br). ^ * Tatuplco ,and sailed same day lor New G*?wi'l'T'Se w^Vork* 8C,1Ur I-An-lved. acbr Julia U Flojrd. }U??- Kondout; Annie R "5.1 S'Z ,Fr^Und? mouth; Harper. ll?uier, do rw m.i?..', ^ "tiwin "C?" N^'Y0rk?;raMi;'h?Ji;r,'uruni',u,,,; *"yj *?*. >vJ; a-C1"lr,d- ?*' Bell. Cwwell. Sailed?ItrlJ Manilla <Br>, 'I'odd (frotn i'>ni....< V York. Rhr Liaile O (Bri. Miller (from Trinidad) tail, t 7 plna?liolli having finished repairs. hufu^lphia1- *" 7~Arr,r"d' "ehr I'*J)r K"""- H?ekn? NEW ORLEANS, May 6?Cleared, ilramvr Bitr of Merida voot City of Mexico), Reynolds, Maw York via Me*. 8 th ?Arrived, steamers Ithnrlel (Br>. Liverpool ? C W Lord, Colton, Havana; N.jr York <*lci. ; J! Forest Lair la, llosiuer. Liverpool via Key Went- bark Harol i (Fr). Pnulie. Ilavro: achrs Lady Woodburv ? Wood, bury, L Cilia; Wenunali, Bairlev, Ruatan. ' ,AI" "'?rived, ?biPL Mycin Orernleaf. Bunker, Liverpool till ^*yu l{?rk,J""r ?'itorm. Whitby. OH; Lliiot Ritchie, Hutchinson. Santo*; Freiheudel (Ger) Machter, Bremen: Onknl (Oar). Tuseh, do; brig Domeuico (Itall, Gnlatto, I'aiernio ? ? ^ Sailed?Ship City of Liverpool (Br), Liverpool, bark Oc BaNeonVniii.VeU,hii U-S""d? Achilla., DiHuln.'lfn'v!^ **' 0?Cleared, bark Meteor (Oar), JaMn!,-\irw Y^rk?'''1'" J A l'*"on?- ''''"aJfiphia: Cynthia Belied?8chrs S C Hoyl, S A Bolce. W D Mangam, Lucr A B1""''1": ??.!!. Mro,'IP- *delia, Mil for New York. SS ff iiSSJEi?-"""J NORWICH. Majr 6?Arrived, acbra Uda Babcock (3. m vi'tff1 'uTfuv'1 i?"1?1P hi a; Koiiene. from Koaaville, NJ. u i.; HAV UN, May 0?Arrived, whra Jaa H llovt. Lvon Baltimore; J B ( arrinKton. 1'araer. do; Oeo Ouriiay Uur" iiey. Kondoiit; .loop Miller. Millar. Ilobokco. 7 VaraCruiL ** --Arrived, acbr ivuvenla, Koiyar. 0?ivMUn^OLA' M*r 4?Arrf*ed- ?c,lr Vernal, Sirupaoa. Claared-Sclir Marcla S I^win, I^w|?. New York. 6th?Arrived, bnrk Napoleon III (Nor). k'Joluar. BriatoL (Brh Warra^fireenock. '* ^Uaourl I J <i'nLiUv^ AIv b2" M*T 8 -Arr'v*<>. rtaamer Oltv of Oal ii,ii?iriBi bu^1? '?fn Pru,:ep<lod for Kernandina). . i 11-A.UKI^PHlA. May 8-Arrived, rteaiiiern ohfo. Mor ?n u'i : !,0.rm*n- Nickeraon. M.-alou ; Uatbarlna Wiiittnu. Harding. 1 rovidence; Klorida, Crocker, do; De P.1"1?* Shropihire, fall Rlvar; Beverley. Wallace, Nevr ).ur^; barka Meruf (Aoa*. Mineirhetto, Oueenaioara* Mirto N (Au?). Bnromo, OUairow; Carolina (Am), (')ordai Antwerp; Eva Jl Flak, Fowler, Rotterdam; John II urn not {Itall. fedona. Palonuo; Rphralm William* Hath; brlK T U A l'itt, llatila. Bermuda ><?rah A Iiaod. (iuplill, Calaia; Com Kearney, do; Abby L Uow ^oniK Hiuton; Mary Standiah. Iliw'Kina. do; Elixa^ belli F.dwarda, Toaruaend. kennabec Hlver; K W May Mar Rockport: E K Fetteniflll. York. Bath; Mabel F Staples Co!, (iardluer; John Xli.ldleion. Jr. Towniend. do' & li Read, Benton Now iledlord; Thornaa Vaujcilder, VunirilJer MucKsviII#', HU. ' Alao arrived, ?te?mer? Allentown, Tuttle. Bottou- Per kiomfti, I'lerco, Portamontb; Panther. Mllla, I'rovidence barks Autocrat (Br), llitibert, Havre; Nuovo Mondu litaii Navarest1, Trieste; Gati Kden. Blair, C trdenaa; Tare (Ati?t)' \ esarlch, Belfast; Champion (Br), Allen. Antwerp; tchra S and >. Corson, Corson, i'rnvl.lenoa; James 8. Hewitt Foaler, Kennebec River: C K liillier, CoiuLa. Port Koyal; tawu, linker. Boalon ; Sea Doi{, Kennabec. ' Cleared?Steamer Mayllower. Davidson. New York; harka rrovidence (Br). Coalileet, Oucenstoa u ; Orailoxa (ltal) Lavairna, Dublin; Mariunna 7th (Port). Do t'nrvelho Liiu borf! bnr Jo'.ti (iooil (Bri, Tiiomnson, St John, NB ? achrt . rhu|Pf< Berry. Somerset; A Trunlell, tlrace, MedTord; J J S Deiwiler, l'oweli. Lynn; J J Little, Candy, du; J A Garrison. Smith, Providence; Lucy. Cjalwall. Kastport Als4i cleared, ?tenmer? Lancaster, Mills. Boston ; Perklo men. Pierce. Portsmouth; ship Calliope (Br), Hinclaie Hreinan; barks Kmella T (Aus). Uadclonovlch. Dublin Curplone (ltal). Sturlese, Sliico; Palestina (Br), Ford, Bar! celona; hrlij damn (Br), Tooker Harba loa; achrs Kacbei A t.ollins, i.ollis. Uerniiida; l.oiui M Cotlin'.'iiam. Oultou. La. Kuuyra; J W Well, Well, Beaufort; Kate V Aitkcn, Browec. lioston. ^ Sailed?Steatnera Lancaster and Perkio-nen. ? ^'*y s?Went to sea 7th, ship Olaf; bark) I;14'1* ltookli. Scop,i, .sani Shepherd. Sitruh, Alliance and Reformer. Schr Irvine, iioiu Cardenas, has been ordered to New \ork. j Passed in AM 8th, bark Lola (Br), Foas, from Ilotter itark Union, from Mataman: brln G F Qorv, inm SaBua, and sclir C B Pxiue, from Mayaj;uct, are ordered to Phila. dv I phi a. PORTLAND. Me. May #?Arrived, brig Wliltnker, from Jo-.'kiiih. .NS. lor New York. ..7th?Arrived.tchrs i. O Willard, Philadelphia; OdelL Now York: Bophia, do. ^ ?.'iJ^rvr,iy.e,,!'r.k.c\r,Set'1 B' S:oit'"- Marahali, Havana. 1 OK iisMt it Til. May .??In lower harbor, in addition to thoaa balore reiMirted. achra ilattle Jowitt, :rom Pulladai pbintur I'ortlmxl (and nil remain 8th). ii rDK.VCK. Mav ??Arrived, schra I O Curtis. Rich: T R'cb. Cobb: Millie Washburn ? S. ' L Pierce. Hiiler. Vlrirlnia: Win tit son. Franch. Georgetown, DC; 11 M Antlionv. McLcsu Jo Forest Oak. Parker, Baltimore: Joliu K Mau'nins. Ciandv: r.lycta llaijev. StuiHi, and Weatniorelund. ASIen. Pliiladel. phU; Ml,is Bralnurd. Hawkins; Rachel Jane, Burdlck, ? >d Cora, Iline. Port.luhnaon. Sailed?Steutnera Blackaton?, Hallett. P.altimore via Ner V'^.L ] U,"!'}*? ,l,r,"'V'r- Catharine Wmtinir. Hardinie, I hiladulphia: Pantli?r,Mills, do; achrs M M MerriniHtT ir!"'i I NC: Annie K Stevens, MuntKoinery, 1 liiladrlphia; Ario Pardee. Nlckeruon, .Nitw York ? Black ?tour, \\ Icksou. do. n7.1 Ar,r'*chf* 5"tephen Mort-an, Amei, ucergetown Dt ; i.arrie W alker. Chad* ick, Baltimore. helow?An unkn.iwu a.tnusted achooner. Sailed?Schr Henry. Anderson. Ne w York, ?i.i"Tm Tonawauda, Sherman, PhiladeL plilH ; A indii atrir, Ho^rrrn. do. PA^Tl'CKKT. May ?i?Arrived, sclir T P Abell. Carr, Pliiiadelohla. ' Sailed?Schrs Charles I' fitlckuey. Somora. Philadelphia; S r.yler, BiMiinell, New York. v BICHMON'D. .May ('?Arrived, steamer Richmond. Kellv. Aew lork ; schra Johnny Meserve, French, Rockland; Mu bad, Perrr, do. Sailed -Scbrs B F Farnhani, Genn, Rio Grande do Bali S H iiawea, hurt. Boston ' SAX FRANCISCO, April If)?Arrived, ship Bine Jacket, Per;lval. Nanalino; harks David Hoadley. Knhler, Po t Oamlde: Jl B Bell^ Rvvell, Seattle; Sainosa, Martin Ta cjima; Monitor, hnierson, Kuraka: Amelia, Foye. Saa 1 edr..; Melancthnn. Manaon. Columbia River. Sailed?Bhlp War llawk, Doyle. Port Dlacovery. May Arrived, ateamer Lord or the Isles (Br), from Hon* Kong. Also arrived, bark Johann Irsena (Nor), Morteuaen, De partijre Hay. ^Cleared?Ship Freedom. Norton. Liverpool via Matdalena 7th?Arrived, Ship Iheodore Koerner (Ger), Slilerenbers. Nanalino: bark Havre (Fr). Duruty. Bordeaux. Mar>ha Davis. Benson. Philadelphia 5 hATTLE, April yo ? Uirk. i>i?cuv?rv, Mclutyre, Saa rranciM.?i. SAVANNAH. May 8- Arrived, bark Slf (Nor), laaacien. J?rt*men. * * v.A!,"r,Jve.d Magnolia, Dajrirett, New York ; acta Maria Mctarlaud, Boston. t^ear -d-BrlK ??roas ileraoein Anna (Ger). Charleaton. Also cleared achrs C II Macotuher, Providence; T tl Kirk. ?eek. Lll/.abethport,NJ. Halled-Brli, in* L Kay, lla.kell. New York. failed, rchr W J Parks, New York. 'th.?Arrived, achr. S p IIall. New York; Addle Fuller, Bo-ton: K \ Bartie. Philadelphia ' .- xt . /l' April 2.'?Cleared, bark Alblna (Sp), Ton ra??, Montevidoo. * % ?-AI.KM, May 0?Arrived, ichra Ira D Hlurirlt, .Tnhn son, O M piirjer, Allen: James H Deputy. McMa I ."I; ? u".1 . ,?'??*'?, Hhiiadelphlat lulon, Mitchell ; Allie Oakc?. i'ilUbury, nnd S J Uiliuore, Sy.vesier South Amboy; Geor?e t Albert. Brvant. and v n hdith. Bartlett, Port Johnaou; L L II am line. Vclzor. Pou/hkcrpaie. vNI,V.Jr^,r;,,t:i^..'chr- ri,,r* A Newcomb. Eaton, Tan<ler. h.?Ti.i?fil l ' M?>?Jr-Arrlv?d. schra Kate Hall. Puila delphla lor .NeW|>on ; Kclipse. for do. d?LSd h^wU "a,vk>,- Mh' d?Arrived, achrs K E Me don:iid.. Halt,more lor Boston; Cornelia. Port Johnaon for I'hill uSn r*dJ* tor Gloucester; Joaeph ilakea, Philadelphia for Portland; Ilattle M Mayo. Port Johnaon ? i **n?eb''?kP<,r? (arrlrtd Oth); Challenre. Wye River, ;Tr.'.!"r U Jo*Phine. St John lor Philadelphia: J C '<>it in chum. Lynn lur do; Hit-hard Vaux, guincv I'oinl for fMr '*rov|dence; Anaconda, 'MiUbridge lor do; Kio. Shulee tor New York. Sa'led?Brla Sparklmif Water, schr Rajaduee. ? "h?Arrived, schr* Lncy Holmes. Baracoa for Bolton; l..""""'* 1,1,1 ? SakMia for do; Marshall, Perren, and Pant P Kellar, Hoston for Philadelphia; Abide P Cranmer. Lvnn tor d..; Helena L Russell. Boston for New York; Watchman, Lint olnrille for .New Bedlord: Montrose. Warren fur Calaia. .?sailed?Schra Anaconda. Rio. Ilattle M Mayer, Starlight, Eugene, and Josephine. t-o,,'"T.A.r.r'^T<1- b.rl* "dlth. Baltimore for Portwaouth; achi hi lv ii M ifoldor. Haiti more for Huston. Sailed?-Brig (k?o K Dale; tebni Montrose. Watchman Pomona (Brj. Lncy Holmea, J C Smith, Joaeph Oakea, I nalleuire. and Cornelia WILMINGTON. NC, May (I?Arrlveo. barka La Bell* (Nori.Skar*. Bremen; Simird Jarl (Nor), Torlenaen, An ster.lam; hrif Silaa N Martin, Bmwn, Navassa. >ailed?Steamer Regulator. l>oane. New York. Arrived, bark Ribniti ?!er), (?ranlon, OB. Sailed?Hteainer Raleigh, Oliver. Baltimore. W AIIRE.V. Mav II?Mailed, tchr Katie J Robin ton, Cham pom. Philadelphia. V At 11 1 *. HTlOAMHOAi'S. AC. '* -Foil SAI.lCIKON' AND Woodks sTKAMsHi'FV A> wooden Hint Iron SlMmkiMU, with ami without ? tuteroim*. ami of litflu drift tor river ?er*lee, llicht drill aahxw I'ropellora. I arte* attain Yachti, Ttt{? and wm* property In laiteraL KllKllhlilt'K ?'? schmidt, No. 1 Sooth William ??. A?UOOnKUW b6aT~WANTKD, VJ TO lMKEhT . mu?t lie cheap. Addreaa, with full particular*, J, H, M , lleral'i ofllre. _ I) A rob fok ~*ALK?CARKY1NO 3UU TON* JU? J) draa* HliKLLKK IlKOS . Aatoria. Lone Ulaud. CiKtt.;Kr;rr> uknUIXK sr.\.; I'liyrosmox poh J all liriirht ?i<r? on vaehta ami boat*. can In- had only ot SKKI.M A nTKV'KNS, :i-' Murhtiit ?lu.. Neu V.,rk. ITIoH 8ALK VllKAI'-t <>.\L H VKi.H . t U:mi,s :m; r tone: Cf>M>er r**tencd ; maat. anchor*. Ac. Ap* lilrtoM H AZAKD, Jr.. ?JJ llarritoti, corner Waal H., Sew York. STKAMW'IAT rOK HALK.-.NRW. WITHOLT BKil* tar. Int|ttlrc at --1 \\e-t ?t. WAXTKD"TO TFrCH \SK?ToTlU Ni:|I*aL8 ONLY ? t? A atanch Hull, bavin* about (I.Jt'M twelve hundred tout wcliclit capacliv. Addreaa, aitli particular!, box 1,*J1 I'oai oBicr. New \ ?rk. TimXlAM LK CUVNT,' Al'cfTb.VLKR, WILL BlUI >T at public aale on f-attirdav, .May i:i Intl., at I'i o'clock. Boon, at the Nentnne llonae dock. New Kochella, X. Y., llit aloop )aclit Chariot!*, tl7 t?m, with Kisturo* complete; th? l?'4t ami ttatnrea arc in the beat order. >al? |iin!lln, rata or alilne. WILLIAM LK COUNT, Auctioneer, Main it. New i.o. hc'.le. ?M I ?it K L I. \ \ KOUS. " ~7T! VBSOLI TK IHVoltCKS OBTAlNr.D FROM DIP leretit State* for numerous < auaa* without pnbllcltjl lejal everywhere ; terma >ati?iactorjr: adrice Iree. KuLUKKIOK 1. kIMi lawyer. No. HSl. Mark'aplaaa. TBSOLl'TK DIVoftT'lT^OllT.ClNKD KROM 1)1 KKKR -*V ent Miles, lor iiutncroua eauae*. without ptibllcil/l legal every where ; no charip- In advance : advice tree. M IHHHK. AltQraey.lIM BroadWf. Thomas r aoxkw, tmR orkat xkw yor* tlrorar. Tea, Cnff?* a:t<l flour Dealer. New "Yurkara 4u4 | everybody call aad ?-*t bartfaiua. M Yea*/a*