Newspaper Page Text
MTtATIOM WAXTKD?KKMALES. , _ Unndr?M?ii. 4c. 634 3? Ay BKTWKKX ??,Hl AND 41HT STB . IN the ?m.? to go out .-blag br 637 t,STi ^Vl.' "KTWKK.n" .WTH AM> 371II SW, ?itT riibJ. y*Hio* tonM M lauudreea. beat ity rilinam from last place. 831 "U AV 7 AS r">s'- Cl.AS?~LAl}NDKB?tf IN A ??? latnily; thoroughly understand* her biu?i UUll Blew 10 lhe couuiryi refercno# Iroui QTO ?#? AV ?a REHfiiCTABLR YOCXO WOMAN ?? Uuudreas; willing ttrkcl obliging; good city rel* crei. c?. Apply lor two day*. , /v ? N ttrwf-i. ikt 1( PORgYTH ST.. ROOM Id?A PROTEST AK? ?*>" worn wo. who ha* lott her own baby, as wet uurne. 94 t'llY IIAI.I. n.Ki: V BKltricTiJUUi OUUi ** * child's nnra* ; cap.tble of taking o e of a baby; ! I?o objections to the couutry , lour year*' reference fioin last place. Call for two day* OX CLINTON PLAtj K RKs TfcCT A S LI YOUNG ?.O wuiiihii to take care of grown children or wait <?o a lady ; understands dioasuiaking thoroughly; uu objection to I travel. iMKIi cltji \ mi t ?J I RAsiT l.'ill 81 K KKKPKCTAULK yol'JIO iti J1*"*1*1 Woman as wet nurse: has her first baby; : milk thiee week* old; doctor's reference ?J" WEST -I rilhsKNl cMI'I.OV Kit s".7-AH ! ,u ? ? apetlouced nurw; call ukt car* ol uu iulaut Iroiu Its birth. fjj HACBOCOAL >l. 8KUONO KLOAR It vi'K OA nwm.? A scutch girl, lately lauded. to mind children ??Ju,;l,on ?o iro a ?'tort It. the couutry. Call tor W ?-L*KKM..S Vf A 1< K > I' ft U T A I! l.h i.IUL lo I l?'?J children and U Willing to make henelf genor ally useful. Apply for two days, 87 Nl"<:"l)I-K sl -A UKM'K.TAHLK Vol NU oKbI - .... " B'rl ?* >u "ii American lamlly. 107 2^?- -t-1 " ST.. NKAJl OTU AV.?A WOMAN good r?f?r?tie?'f** " W ??.?alf B.uar.11, uaoful; mWKHT lira .vr ? (? VN t'akk PULL CHAKOK of an Infant and bring It up by ltaud- eltv or country: city rtl.rmtf trout laatplace * or 110 HliSor Via1 Vol/NU OIuL To TaKK day* of chtWran; re.ereneu If required. Call for two 111 7TI1 AV.?A LITTLK UIKL, To MINI) A baby, run irrnmit anil nuke herkalf useful. 152 153 ?ud); '? ???"?????*??! 17(i KaST WITH ST., i:0KNKK~al? AV.?A rOUNQ . ?i.Su'SUsrssafesjsr ?? ~ ?-? ?????? 204 KA>T BUI ST.?A UKALTHT WOMAN, WITU * fr^ib brt-ast ol milk, as wet nurko. 205 "'?>l ll.ifK KoomT : 20G l^_ra"?rcu,c'if1",r; Wi" 00 'Mlft ?TI1 ST.?A Vol N.; iiiiE O to iuin<t chllUrou anj do liirl.t bouaawork ' I DUFFY. 0()f? jUW Will ST.?a COMFKTKNT nmf, i? UUIW ?uj ?t'HniMri>s., or wi.uld wait on In a 1 lady ; na qbjwUoii to tb? country ; elty rolerenc" J | 910 WKS'' *i". li'ItESi >'T KMI'LOVKU'SI -V | ^ KAST lJiTH ST.?A Yul'M} <i 1 ICITtO MIKD "a UUU bcr'tr"f J" """" ?" "" ?-'?? c'""ubvrwork. 216 y.?. AY?A YOU Nil gTbT to Takk OaAB OF rclereuc* " nU ?bJUcU0U ,u lUe ^""ry; U,?t city VI 7 5**1 74TU ST., rhlttLl I*1 Luol;. BACK ? ?t.N' ajrfA I Antericau girl na nur?o and plain wwrr or to do cbatnbarwork and waiting tu a .mall iSmlly T&.feAnc. 217 ^SJ^IU OT-A KKHFBCTABUi young J K'r' " ghl'd > niuiu attd tu ww ; ilty relereuco. 221 jr47i''A Sl ~A Vul X,i W'UMAN TO TAKE ^ ?ell; uiachinu ..-wiu,; la? 228 KA8T 74TU Sl ? T(Ji' FLOOK7-A vol \J CilKL as D??b .?d chllIBlM.ruiuW, ,.lly OXKL 227 Jit?* "KAI^-A Vtit'Nit tilULTO ' ZzL:?; "z^:>d'oa uuj d- -5 US wtrii fwrii ?t7?a vounu1TxkL7X?" kamilv r-,? D?r??; would Ilk. to do etiaoibarvork aad vaUluat ?an do plain aewlu*. call ou or aduteas W. W. w,,Uu*. 233 ,Mt-wa "?a f owro MOfj*on ?w nurae In a private lainily. ! j JJfl SWFM tiT.?A XKAT, TIDV ulftL 48 -nrf h k* "y"- u" "d *?*<?<-??> ol growing cbil ?raa and do chaatborwork , city or coui.try. j '^.1 I ? '"?ST -"-i> M ?TWO Vol Nil UlBLti AS COM ! in!r- wunldUkJtti"""* ?r 5>De c"" d" cliaiubarirork or wail mg, would like to go togrther; beat cily reference. j *24-4- * ,'*S1 IT.?A Mil HQ i,1KI. To TAJTB ' Z?t?XZ Qt*-,Udt'a0' d--?JcUou k^J-8 WEhr 5(0 Jkl'. A vol No OIBL TO TAKK Wat city nlft^enee. "IUJ W du l'"'? ^ ??rk'; WfcM SOTH nr.?A RKSfKCTAbLE VOUNd ul IU n"?8 *nd ??,am?tre??. or chambermaid an J aaatnatraaa; no objection to tbe country ; city reference. I'M) lewis ST. ? A Vol' No OKItMAX OfHt, an nur?f In nn American family. \:i.? OKAM. 122 ^K8T. !?H sr ?A THOBOOOH XUBMB AND : can lake the cuilri! carc or a babv ? can Ifiugit upon a mtf . I.e., , uy rrSf.n^T 124" il^'Swr *"" " V ~ A V"l S,i I'Li ?TK> I AN I mill, or "ch"a,i",u""d 124 H-? s.T -a BBBFBOTABip YOtTXO ,n"^T **" ** Du''?? ?nd t)i make lieraeii umlul; city refer 1H() J"1H S1 VOL'Mi A.MI-.KK'AN OUUtt w"ttjd lake charge ol on^ or two growing child.un ? M>4 obliging; city or oountfy. t'ali for two dava. 14 4 WtST fi'JU ST. HKrWKF.N ..Tit AXOoTuI barwwt *V*-~A reapoctablo girl aa nnrau aud to do cbani- j 144 2^.'** -4? ST.?A FBBNOU M-: v M STKKSK I r:x-r w?boa a |>ariuaueut attuatiou tn a tlr?i claa> lamllv ' ? 2 l2f.: W."nf *?<1 : would travel with and wait ?u a lady. ? all lor two day a. I 1A/5 W'-Sl n il st.?a KB8FBCTABLB WOMAN ,h? '*r? !'r ' ''"d'on and travel with a lady 'or I tao dayl POU,Urjr ,or good relercnce. CalVlor j I4f? tvA>T 1,'',T1,1 ST., SKCOND KI.OOK.-A Mptl. W I } ears old, in a piivuto family to tako earn <>i i?kii ? rcn and lic.p urxuu.l the house tU'" mKv.sT 3^l> ST.?A KKsTkcTABLE"" ffOl Ut AS ' Infaiit a nurae: will take entire charge Irotn ila """, ***** "ty telereuce and aatiafaction glreu. west unu &r? tiiikd ki.ooii.?a youno 1 Aiui-r>cai> girl " nurae aud chambermaid and to do , lowing ; city rthrntcii. Whet :?7rn sr. as ani> skam >iro?s; e?p*blA ??l taking charge of an infant trom Oirth; can comc well roeoiuiueiulod. Oftft TTH AV.?A KK>Phl TAULti HlK.N( !l WOM.Lv as first clans nurse iu a private family ; good rccotu luviidstloii. t 4)j?1 WW I TTH M A RXMPKCTABLK OIRL am ^Ui nurae; no objection to tbe country ; 'J years' city r?*?roao+ 4^7,": SiTTli. K * KK liTTlI.N ST., 1) KOOk LYN. ? A~YoL'KG I t/ Kugli*h u;irl I rutestantj to go to hu^tand with a taiuily as chilvirru ? or iuvalia's uurse; would iiio to go this i Otolith , fire years' relerence. i)T " 311 AV.. HhTWI.hN 5T5f AM) 22ll'riTH.-A m I tj y??unic Human as tiurso in a muall prtvsio lumuv ; capable of taking ctiarue ot an infant from its birth , ??u*iy ; tve months from tauad-r; speaks French and Enjiliwh; no ejection to wear the Krem-h cap; an tier stands plain sew ing; willing and obliging ; good city refeifme. Call Tor two lays. ?><|1 KAHT'iiMTll ST -A"'K.M vl'.l.K YOL'XQ f)' ' 1 rirl u nun*; Mil tpuk trench and span laii; uo objec ui.n t . tliv couutry or lu travel. ?)7vi) WEST .v.lll ST.?A Hhsl'Ki'T A It L>K ?iIKL AS OUw uurx , can take charge ol a baby trum iu mluucy ; |(h?i city nltrriico ? >I v?? ibOOMflKlD HT~ IIOHOKKN. N. J A lUoi:" t)UO ou^'lily compctcm larllei.' p. ufraalunal ourae l> now uoeugagcil and ready at any mosx nl when eall?.| upon ; re Itn 10 Or. Alexander H. Moll aud oti.ois. Addrcaa lira, i ItAM kS Ija" liJll j.Ml ST.?A.N KXI'BKIKXCKO. KIlC Ol''J caied young wowau child'* oui-t; uo objection t > ihi* country , Ural claaa city retercnoe. Call or >ddn?. ? I / w * W KST *:i7TII sl\. MKCO.ND KLOUIS.?A Til OR OUU toiu{ifl?(il iiui ?e lu miiid rliildrto aiitl hf w w 10 aaalat with rkanWrnorli; ran take care of a rhlld Irom ii> I111 lh. ueaii) anil truitwurlliv ; b<-?t city referent*. ? 1111; kamT&utii m . riKsr 1 i?ook.?a OUU girl u unrae. I>eat iclcrance ?jjic KA?r t-iiii si . nil bo ; louil \ i:k?pkct OUO woiuau a* uur? aud ac aiuelrra-.; l>e a I cuy reference. ?^|?> KA?T WTil Ml \ VOt>'. i i l.M 11 i.lltl. AH uurMi; rily or country ; city reirreuce. ?>!?> h AS I I J 1 ; 1 iSfhl IAKLK ruoThsf uiad am Herman girl aa child ? iarit; capable of taking tare wl a baby : u > vujvcuou to travel. Call oeiweeu 11 and % a ilock, ??! ?> 1-AsT 1141II t>T. ?A N AMI.KICA.N WOMAN AH l)L>) iiuct and lo aalatuith chuulierwork au i plain ?eniau; ?i.od cit) rvlemice Iro.u tier la>t piece Call lor two d.iy? ?iTVSaStmth 5t a iii. vi.i ii\ woman as w tr ui'X nu>*a; iuIIk 5 moniln old ? OI| fc.AST liTII ST.?AS h-NOLiill IMtOTKsTXNT OiT an nur?e to growing cliilnrcii or :o wait on ? lady and k( ; good city releremp Additu AliVl ltri*tiK. ?J1 7~?KSI .'III -I V 1' '.O I !.s I AN I 1.1111 ,\s'lV OA I laui ? uur-e, williug and obiigia^ . Wti city refer eace U|U KAST J1 > 1 .-1 AN l.M.l.lslI ricurhMAM tJX'J a? auree aud to ?-w lor fToain/ ctilldrra. or to do Uglii cl.MHi.-rwork ; bc?i cuy letereuce AMrew II O. 0T/7 KA?T S4TII -i -v RhsPKl fiSuK I.llll. fo Dm I taa* i lit ol cliiltlrru and aaaul Witla upetaira work , wl>re???. IJllQ WKtTi I - I ll SI A I'KufhslAM WOMA.X A4 OmO child j uac ?e; no oojectiou to the ooaulry; good iMmce. ?JOik tAsl ?7MI ST.. BhnVi.i-.N ISI AND .?.? AVH.? OOU A giri to niilnl cmldieii aad Hiaar *.craei! gt-Mjially ?eatul; two yeara relereuve. ?>.??-KAsr alSI -s.-.. riltsT IMKIK-A VOCM1 l)uT ifiri to take care ol cl>lidr>n mid to naaut witii |bainl>er?ork ; i? w illiog and oblitLiug . c|ty reiereiice. Call Iww iiyi |j i -l.A-l 1J ill >1 A K..M-M rtlll.K VOCJIO jjXO girl a? uuiae or eeeoMtreaa; no ulijeccioD lo tbe louotry. Call <>? luraday au l \Vcd;icaday. i? - a tiril AV .*>IH ST.I?A MfllOLK AIikl) WO ji)1! wan aa rUlldiea'a tuir-e; capable ol taking charge ,1 an infant iroui birth; unexceptionable reference*. ? >/.?) #KMI - III M \ M'l N?i til 111. I" I vM ?Oj car* ol ? baby or do other lii lit work; I* willing ??a obllffing. J*TO 'wKsr ....ill si , Kin-1 n.otii: ~\ hi.-I'Kci Ol O Bl'l* flrl aa our?? or to uo aimfera wora, would UMMIMMJlWrtl/raMtMcea. HITVATIOHI WAHTKD-rUIUXI. larMiTfe 405 euci?. 412 KAST 3STR ST.?A YOUNG GIRL AS SURSB ud U> u?Ut with lU tpMlri work; tUj raUr K AST 1MTH ST.?AS PROTESTANT NCRSB ?mi toi du plain ifvliii; competent to take of a child Iroin iu bulb; wllUng *>>*1 abUgiM: *>|M so ject; refereuce. 421 WKST aUTM ST. CBEAB).?A PROTESTANT y wmIiidi. Mm Mlf.LAR. widow ta do imllmn'i ur family washing. " MILL | \?1 KASl MTU KT.-A Ul.M'i-.C l'Alll.l. MAKBIKD J ? f 1 woman wiihei to wet nurse * young baby at bar own homo. | ?M BAST WTII ST.. ROOM l?i.-A SCOTCH GIRL, 1 ? 'i lately landed. at children > nurac or to assist with chum'jerwork. Call or address 411 Wh.sT SBTHriT.?A YOCN# GlMUliOT LONQ i 1. Iu the country, to tuiud children aid make Itanalf generally usefttl. J I O VBMT USD Mr., n TUB HE A It. FIRST l J mmd tloor ? A jrouiif girl to taka care ot children aud do plain aewiug in it pritate family; no objection to the couutry. Apply or address. THn WKST -'7TU ST.?A YOUKU GIRL AS ' NUBSB r1''' und chambermaid; good reference from laal em ployer'* A fist WEST 4UTH ST-A YOUNG GlltE TO TAKE t<"? care of children and assist with washing; (uod city reference. WKST &-YTH ST.. SKCOXO FLOOR.?A RE apectahle I'rvtestant girl to take cue of childre n nuil ilo plain sewing or light chamber work. Call for two dare. 506 50(3 WEST JOTH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN an uur.e and to aeeial iu chamberwork and do plain sewing: beat city reference. rT)."> 'Greenwich "st.-an AMERICA* Oiut. TO Umw take earn ot a baby aud children. CaU ou or ad d'e.n. lor three days S. V. CStPWEBT -MTU ST.?A RESPECTABLE MaBRIKD oUO woman aa wet uarse. Call lor two daya. euc ;tD A.V.?as'nurmB AMD MAlUfMttl, 8fA 'JUiJ competent, reliable person; good operator and ?n-at band sewer; can dreaa hair; would travel with a lady; hit My re. muiiioiided. Address A. 1... slating terrna. K({ 7 :?J AV., F1IWT KI.OOR ? A YOl'Nli AMERICAN OU I girl, Protestant, as uurae; willing and obliging. > 2D AV.?AS WET S1RSK; NO OBJECTION TO mJ the country; good reierenoe. PROTESTANT GIRL TO TAKE 59 fffi'J ?ril AV.?A PROTKsTANT GIRL TO TAKE w')?) car.- of rhiidreu or luahi; in chamberwork in a pri vate family; city reference. 7 iflli x i s oto n a v.", h i ? Last km plotbb'b? I II A roapectable yonug girl aa nurse, in a amall private family. 707 6TH av., uu nr.- a sob rcu "protebtast IO I a? unrae and seainstres*; ia competent to take lull enarge of an infant ; bring up by hand; la willing to work; very beat city reference. 7 ( i U OT JTa V .?A YO U N GGIR1 - AS NDBB K ~A ND ~TO I tyO do plalu aewing; no objection to the country. Ring the first bell. Oil UTH AV.. BETWEEN J7TI1 ANX> 48TH SI'S.?V OtJ. respectable middle-aged Scotch woman to take euro 01 an invalid or delicate lady ; good newer. QQ7 1ST AV.. BETWEEN Mil AMD MST 8TB.. Of I eecond floor, back.?A respuctable young married woman aa wet uurae; no eucumbrnnce. Call tor ito daya, I lToc 6TB AV.?A BKBPBCTABLiC YO0NO GIBL ? U^u aa uurae and seamstress; cau take care of au iu taut if required; beat city relareuoe. f (mc ao AV. (UTOKKl.-A RKSPECTABLB OtKL I.UiJtl as curse aud chambermaid; an excellent seweft Wagva not ao much au object us a steady home; good city re fere nee. 1 Ul) AV. (RING FOURTH UEUj.-A YOUXO l.IUU woman aa child's uurae utul to assist with chata berwork. 19?J2 BU?IAOWAY.-AN INTELLXUBXT AXKBf .wt)u cuii woman aa Inlant'a nurse; can take entire charge ot a baby irom its birth ; of nurse to au invalid lady ; In.a experience In sickness and isuaed to travelling. Cau bu seen tor two days. 1 111 BROADWAY.?A YOUNG (URL AS Nil USE L.'xXX und seamstrea* or chambermaid aud seamatreaa. Call or udilreaa. t )1 7 ^i 3D AV. 1IAR1.EM. FANCY STORE.?A I I TL reapectahle girl aa uurae; uudentanua the care o! a baby Ir.mi its birth; willing to a*si*t with rliambcr work; no objecllou to the country; beat city reference. Call two duya. 4)0')V; 4TU ~AV~MKTWKEN PJ6TU A NO 127TTI Kta.?A youni; girl V) take cure of children; can operate ou WIllcox A Gibba' machine; bast city refereuce. Call or nddrcaa. AFRKNt ill NORSK, PROT EMTANT, MIOOLK AG EI) for youuir ehlldreu and to do auwiug in u private tam iiy; trood relerencee. Addroas P. V., box 117 Herald Cp, town lliaiicli ollice ALADV ?ISIIKB TO PINO A SITUATION IN A tiunlly going to Europe tor a thoroughly competent French liurso, either to taae care of an invalid or growing children; r.p.>ak? l> th Frcucli unil English tlueutly. Apply to Mrs. 1. T. Harry. 51 Clarendon lio:ol. ur to ADEt.E 1MC1IY, 2iMi East IO'.h St. ilighoat references. "iS XI'ltMi-AX' ENGLISH PROTBSTANT OMA\~; JV thoroughly experienced with young children, roiniwt enl to take entire charge from birih; understmids the t-aro and maiiiigeint'iit of a nuntery; can give the highest tcati inumals as t.. character and capacity Irom her |irc?t nt cru plujer. Address E. W. G., Herald Uptown Ilranch ollice, fur one week. A WELL EDUCATED YOUNG GIRL AS MAID OR iiurne; is willing to make herself useful; speaks Eng ll?ti aud German; beat city relerenee. AddressG. 11.. Herald ollice. Advertise "in~ ' THE KVBNINO TELEGRAM. RATES SO CENTS I'hit LINE. The circulation of the EVENING TELEGRAM last week was: ? Monday CT.KX) Tuesday 37,^OJ AVednosday a7.VO Tiiuisday a^.i-.'i Friday .UTi,?;'?<> Saturday .' Xi.ltlU Total. aji.:?*i Daily average 3U.71U OK KICK NO. a AN if ST. WaltreMMfH. rtCc. 9VANDAM HT.. BEAU, SECOND KI.OOR.?A C1RR. luau Proiestaut Klrl M waitress anil chambermaid iu a, private family. ?J/\ WEST 43TTr HT. (PRESENT EMPLOYEE'S).? O"/ A tesprctablu German girl an waitress or chamber maul; bent city rf.ereuce. bi> \vest In5 sr.?a toV5ulURL as first Om etui waitress aud chambermaid; city reference from lait place. OQ WEST 50TH 8T._ (TRE8KNT EMPLOYER'S)?A GO respcctnbli- girl at firtt class waitress in a private family; understands dressing salads, or would go aa chtuu barmaid. or WEST 4TTH HT.~A~BESPECTAIILKWOMAX'is O') competent waitress or chambermaid, nud to assist with tbo washing aad iroaiug; belt city reference from late employer*. /?/t EAST 418T ST., NEAR MAJD^SOX AV.?A TOUKO Uu xirl a* waitreH and chambermaid; bet: city ioferr?ce. mWRUT 3811 ST. ? AS FIRST CLASS* WAITRESS; la in-lit and obliging; capable of taking u man's place ; good city refereuca. ToiTrafiicli'st7-a Vor><i "woman to wait on J-~i'J the table and do general housework. Call or ad drees. 1 'iO west wrii st., in stoiieT^a ueSPETTABLR lOU girl ai waitran iuid to do Hue washing or ns chain beruiald and to do One washing; is good laundress, best city refereo.e. h east .vjth st.?rwo TOOM 111 ELS j N 'J private family; ens aa first class w .litres*. tlio oilier ai nurse; would nisist with ehamberwnrk; three years city references; Irlt on account of family going to huropo; no objection to country. o?\F east aBTH ot.?a MwaotAfMi aSKTif cumin-tent waitress or chambermaid lr a private family; is willing and obliging; best city reterence. ?;/?/?" >th av.. Madison square.-aI ?35r dasa waitress; thoroughly understand* the doing up ol French and naiad dressing and the care ol nilvcr; will ing an.1 obliging:goodcity reference IVntu present employer; no objection to tliv country. ono east a-jtrTi*t.. in the fancy store?as flrat >-lass waitress, tn take full charge of a Itrce dining rn.nii; ran carve andli not afraid to work; boarding house preferred; reterence. HAST LwTH ST.-A BESPROTABLR YOUNO girl as waitress; would assist In chamberwork; if willing aud obliging; best city relcrence trnm last plate. oTo RAHT" 44TU ST.-A PROTRffTAKT GIRL *AS ?iTO waitress and cbamberniaid; city refbrenee. Call tor tao da) s. iten WERT !?TH NT.?A N K AT. 1! t>Y ^VVOM aN AS w' '-J lirst class waitress or good plain rook ; no objection to tbo country; best reference from last place. QQQ 3D AV., BRTWRKN atPAWP "SBTTEE51 O yotin* girl a* first class waitress, or as chamber, maid aud waitress iu a private family; best city reference Irn.ii her last employer. UlU S VST 3HTII Sf.-A TO01IU UiRL AS MAID TU ? ll'l a laSy or to lake care of children and saw; ne\er lived oat before . Is willing, (-all or address. i?s)7 *A?t 1itfl tT.-A 'itRSPBCYA BLK <IKSM A N Ow 4 girl as waitress ('all lor two days. th'O #KST -iiril ST.?AS FIRST CLASS WAIT. ? ?')w rest In a private lamily : no objection to tlio couu try ; best city references. Ittl WMT WTH ST., UNK FLIGHT OF STXiRS* Twl hack?A vung girl as waitreas or chambermaid, or as either separaM. ts?s> WKHT :<vu ST.-A CoMPr.TKXT PiltioX AS :?>0' thorough waitress, or as chnmberraaid and wait* res.. thnraagaly understands her basinets; bast refarance. t all tor two dtyt. I 'it' AT- NEAR JIST ST., SECON I) FLOOR, 'nJU front.?A yi-nn? woman a. first ela-s waitress lu a puvate family: can do itnytbing: best citv reterence. | CO iirif AV . sEtoSU KLUOli A VOUBO ?>1BL 'I ("O as firmcisas waitress or chambermatd; bait city refer* nee. (TT- .?rt| AMKIWfcEX" ..1ST' AND ^O^STS.?a i'ii) yowng girl a? eacoleot walliest or ahambcrmai.1; would aselit in wasbinc; best ity raforeuca. lllsreiiantHsua. 1 PKo>PECT TEltllACK. BROOKLYN--A RESPECT 1 able parson teaching music. English and Preucb, wants a sltiintli.u In a faintle where ?h? can l-are her cmld, .1 ye:irs Old. with her. curiipeusatiiin, b .arj. Address AUvKK TI.nRK ?>?> mabkri *r., rtiP KLOt?R.-B\ a kr>pei i nl>le woman. olTice, store or house cbantng. gond tetcrences. 1 I ftC) WEST 4:tD ST.-A Yot'NO KRRN'CH WOMAN I"".i as lauy't maid ; is a loo.1 hair dresser, live yean' reference. 1 OT CEilAi: SR.?AS L VOV'S ATTENDANT TRAV'K^. i ? I tag '<> Eurnpo. Address M K. II. WJ?? RA>T .'.Mil Sf.-A PROTESTANT OlRL AS lady's maid ami seaiustress or chambermaid aud aoarasiress. ?I \ yaars' city rulerence. l(kvJ I.EXINi.roN AV-AS LADY'S MAII>; Vl'LLY X??0 1 oiiipatcnt. ?>1<: ' "I AV.. NEAR WD >T.. I'IRST PLDOR.?A ?s* 1 ' ' f reiicn as I .?dy'? uialii or seamstrets; city rater enrc. Call t -r two dajs. 'M *, WESI .Mill f?T., EXPRRSrt OKI'li'E.?A BE ? la' -p-liable mtoiie aged a idow to do kitchen Wt ta. a !n 1 e .hi* call have lite pi.tilegeil hei sain, I- sears old, ail.III. with bei. to ba usaiai around ia a gsx-d is undress, good baker, aniitr-taiids ull aiaiu rooking, good city ral'tr eoea; couutrf prattrreai. Csil lor two day*. inUATIOM WAHTKD-.WaT.liS. MlMtlUiMoai. (HQ WEST '27TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN ?Ti> to do Iwun clruiaf; thoroughly aadnrstands ?i*antag pauiisl walls; boat city nbnuM. OU/I ML*LB ERkY df. SECOND PLOOB.-WOBK -Ou br n Antricui Praltiiui twu bv lk? day or ?Mk: uwtirMio4< work thoreagbly. Mr*. SANKURD. Oil WKbT 43D ST.-A WOMAN. WITH GOOD BP.f *MJA w enc*, vuli work; liunHcltuilai, vubitf and Irouiug. To*J~ wBafaal) stT-X respectable protest" r *J?J ul ?au h ladia*' conpaulon or to (ska car* of children; to a good s*amstr*as; can cat and 111; has bar owu machine; good r*l*r*n**?; travelling do ohiectlou. A A*) iD A v.. F! EST KLOOR PltONT.^i BEBFEOT T i J aula Darritd voniw (hroMtuati would Ilk* to take charge at a house lor tba turn mar; boat city reference Iroui lut employer Address. LADY ALONE "AND A STRANGER IN THE city, daalraa to m*et with a gentleman ol means aud ? iitlnence who would aaalat her la procurln : employ T>ent in an olttct or .tun, or would lake a position aa buucketptr. Add lew. t'OXI'lDK.MII, Herald Uptown Branch office j A WOMAN WIIO HAS HAD EXPERIENCE IV ONE of tba bast regulated hotel* In tba cltv wiiba. cniUi' m .lit In a iiuan room or laundry: satisfactory reference. Address C. W.. Herald office. A YOUNG OIBL .wT; WHO-WRITES A bold round band, deslros a position in a store or office; salary low. Addreaa KATIE, station 4^. YOUNG PEKSONTaMERICaNi AS COMPANIOlT speaks Prencb fluently ; dues all kinds of iFWiBn; will ing to I rsvol; best city reference. Address L. S., box 1X2 Herald Uptown Branch office. YOUNG ENGLISH WOMAN A*~PARLOR MAID, or nurse and plain seamstress; pood city rafereuca. Address T. 11.. box ll>t Herald Uptown Branch office. liUKKT CLASS TRIMMER' WASTED AND SALES. I lady combined. Addreaa lockbox 110 Scranton, l'a. pBRMAN LADY OK BESPECTABILITY TO (JO WITH vT a family In the country or abroad: would take car* of on* child and do sew lug -. experienced and useful In travel- I ling: never seasick; or would take care of mi Invalid; blith est city referrnees. Address ME MEL. llernld oSlce. VUAMKD-BV aTaDY. WITH A GROWN CHILD. A TT responsible pokltlon in a Brst claaa liotei. Address D. D., Herald office. WT5sTMINSTE|T HOTEL (PRESENT EMPLOYEE'S).? Aa lull's maid ; apeak* UeruMtn aud English; bar employers going to Kuro|>e. Inlellliirnrv Olflren. At dispopai*. a number or first class ser vant*, of all nation*. JACtjUIN'S French Bureau, liOli tith nv. TIE LL RhCO M MEND ED WHT NU RS KS. LARGE n aclectlou. from 10 to 4 daily. HANSEN'S Agency, 144 Hilt Had at. PUOFES8IONA1, SIT I Vl IO.\ S \V A.M'ELt? FEMALES). t)?>0 WfcSl J.TIl ST.-AN* KDLCATKil liEilMAS ?lady aa nursery governess or companion. Addraaa lIKI.r* W .V.VTED?KEMAiEb. t N "experienced II Ol'SK KEEPER WANTED-TO j'L curse and t.ike lull cliargu of a boardlnghouse; alao a good rook wrant 'd. Apply at No. lli> East 23d II. WET NURSE- WANTElJ?T?7hT~A ~CllILD~fllltEK moutiia old. Call at No. 70 W*sl 48 th at. between 10 and 1'.' o'clock. DRESSMAKER* WANTED?MUST UNDERSTAND hue work: ouly Hr*t claaa haudi Acad apply: alao apprentice* and ikirt band*. E. M. OLNBY, 30 Ea?t 14th it. REKSMAKBRS WANTED.?FIRST CLASS HANDS ouly; alio two apprentice*. Apply at 41U<{ Oth av. Ci IK1.S WAN cudTm mediately.?HIU11 KST~W AGES T given; good altuatlon* ready. Call at ODELL'S. lOtt Welt 34tb at. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED?MUST BE SMART AND tidy: not ovor 2o. Call Tnesday, between 13 and 2, at No. 514 fca?l llth at., secoud noor. Iiout room. L* ACE DKPaRTMENT, DANIELL * HON, 75U BKOAD" way. want experienced aaieiwowcn in lace* and made' uplaee coods; perinanaut (ituation to tbe right party. Apply bcl,>ro 10 A. M. iT7 maiTtrv'^i co. want Iucpkbikncbd Kiitar ? ela** trlmmar* on ladie*' atraw Hat*: good wares aud Kleady work II suited. Apply befor* 1'J A. M., at superin tendent'* dc?k. 14th at and otfi nr. "1V*ANTKD-1N A PRTVATE VAM1L.Y A OOOD^IK)0K It nuil Inundreiii; muat undenitand br*ad and buiaculL Apply lielore 1-' o'clock at No. IS Wcat 34th at. TirANTRl>?i'WO GIRLs~TO GO TO TUB COUNTRY; M tine Inr huUMwork, tho other to take car* of ch ldrcu. ll) Wmt 12th ?VVANTKD-X ki rst olTssITkkbsmakku. in a ll private litinllr, by tbu mouth: uiuat cut and tit perfectly nnd trim in thr newest at.vlea; alio operato lliorouslilv on Dnuieidic macbliie, uulem the can briny hor own. 4i? Wot 3.Hh ut. WANTED?A CHAMBERMAID* TO ASSIST IN 1 waiting. In a private boardiuu house; muat bavo city rolorencu. Apply ut 11U East '2lut st. WANTED?A~UOOb COOK~ WASHER AND 1RONKB; i must huve first clani rcfcrcuce*. Apply, S to 10 A. M., , or 7 to U P. .M., at 111 Eaat tiJd at. WANTED-A STE ADV~GIRL. AS NURSE AND 'TO*D0 llRht chamb*rwork Nouo without referouca need aj^ ply al j: <7 East liruadway. ANTED?A NEAT PROTESTANT WOMAN TO TAKE TT eliArve of a worklnjciuan'a home and family nl two, ut Scat'lilf, L. I, Call al 73 Barclay at., cornor of Greenwich, in tho basement, Iroin S to lO. WAN TED?A WO M A N A* GOOD PLAIN OOO K, washer and Ironer. in a small tauilly, short distancn out ofa-ity, duriiiK summer. Apply, with good reference, at 1J7 Lexington av. W"ANTED? A SEAM8TBE?S AN*i? LADY'S MAlF, who has had experience with cliildreu und I* willing to make b.*r*i>lf uselul lu tho nursery ?hen required; albo, a houscmala and chambermaid to aasist laundress with house linen. Address, stating relet-ences, L.,box 1'.'7, Herald , Uptown Branch olBo*. T\7" AN TE 1 >?if 1 RST CLASS I'A ST K IIS AND ' PAPER TT box makers Call at lactory, IM East llOtu st. W" ANTED?A UIltlTPOB GENERAL HOUSKWOBlf; laiuily three adults; rofcreuce Iruut last ouployer. 2tX West 3Stb st. ANTE 1 >?A Cl )OkT ONE- T ll AT understands washing und Iroulug. Apply at JU.1 East 10th st. A Protestunt piclerrcd. "\\* ANTED?A GOOD DRESSMAKER (COME PBB TT pare d to work) al Mrs. BABBBTT**, WIMM WANTED?A KIRrtf CLASS Kr.SPhCTABLK GER iiian laioily cook. In a prliate family without chil dren ; gooil wages and good trouimeut; city relcrences re quired at 51 Irving place, I'rou U to 1J A. M. No Jews need "ppiy WANTED?A GIliL KOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; wages $7; references required. No. 23i? East 34tl> at. "VVaNIED- A GOOD PLAIN COOK IN A SMALL TT private boarding houae. IM West llth st. WANTKD?A GOOD COOK SIXTH AVENUE HOTEL, corner 44th st. Call alter IO A. M. AVA.vrED-A MURsB FOB-AN I>KaNT 7 MONTHS TT uld. Au English, Sc.tch or i.crman woman, willing to g ? in ilie country, nay apply at Gramcrcr Park Uowl, looiu 141, butweeu 11 and 3 o clock. WANTKD-A COLORED WOMAN AS COOK AT restaurant 3s-< > ami st. VITAMTBO?A GIRL for GENERAL HOUSEWORK; TT must br a good washer and lron*r aud good plain cook. Apuly, alter U o doek, at No. 110 East 2*Jd st. *117 ANTED?A~SMART UlBla. ABOUT IS, KOB UOtlb TT work and take earv of a child 5 ) oars old. Call bctwoeu 3 and 4 o'clock, al 13S East 'JHlh St. WANTED?P1R*T CLASS HAND* It) TRIM AND dnixh waists; only perfsct ones need apply. 34 Bast lOih ?t. \\.r^NTED?A YOING GIRL IO t'OOKi~w"ASU amd TT Iron In a private family. "0 West ?>th st. I \r A N I ED?I MM BDIaTKLy7~ A PI RSI (LAS* GBR TT man oook; private lauiliy. 132 West 42d at. wan ied?woman to sew carpet~i'oB few TT days; also r.u upboU.erer. 317 East 13th st, "Wanted-a "hkai.tiiy "woman, to Vr.i nur*e TT a baby seven mom,.sold; ielsrci.cs required. Call at 3? West 31st *t., betweeu 1 aud A "iitahted a protest ant g inLTl-o r"o enb ra l TT housework In a tmail private lamlly. JUW Wast i'.'itb st. \ VT A N T E Li ?TW O EXPKRIENCP.D SALESLADIES TT tor l?ncy and luruithlug goods, at AUBOAaON'b, 1,404 3d av, WAN I kd-a "lady op good* a duress and some it businosiAact to cngag* lu a light, genteel occupation; $12 to 41o per week. CAsSELL. PETTKR a GALPIN, :.W Broadway. X\f ANTED ? A PROTES I AN 1 GILL TO t'OOK WASH TT aud iron. Apply, from 10 to 11, at l'JS W est 42u sU Good lit} rslsrenc* tvqutied. WANTKD-A MIDDLE AGKl' AMERICAN COOK that can con. well recommended; !!?? other n*od ap ply. Bull's Head Hotel, corner 3d av. aud 24th si. ?\i; anted-a neat, gi nil girl ro wait ojr AJf TT Invalid and sew; one that ran sleep at lioin*. Call at 21 N e-t .fill ll 'ANTED?A GIRL POE GENE(tTLTlIOL'HEWO*lT; must be a (immi washer aud Irunrr. 2S3 West .^Uth st. UTANTED?A UtBL FOB GENERAL IK >L SEWORK ; ii must lie a gooil plain eont. 243 ttn.i ?? must Ii* a giKxl piain eons. 243* Waal 22d st. utaxtku-a* good plain ouok, wasubb ano TT iruner; none need apply unless competent. Apply, betweeu the hours ol kl and 11 o'clock A. M., at No. 4Xi Weal IS Ik at. ________ "WANTED?A OIBL TO DO GE.NE1 SaL UOUBBWOBX| Ti teleretic** required. 2tfc> \? eat 2ith ?t. | VAN NE.-? PLACE (CHAB1.ES ST.)?A GlitL TO 1 r do general housework : must bo a good cook; aiso on* t . mind caiidren aud do eliambcrwork; good city r*lereno4 required. Apply iroiu u to 12 A. M. Itio -4111 si" rlliKli lioiha r7?I OPUTH AT - M?) Pint class cook, isashei and ironer; uust oriug gitoit lafeieitce. M IV.V IIONS V? A \ I >1?\1.KS. '? YtiuSti 3 \ > w\?akn IO OBTAIN A sTTCaTigS A as porter or to do auy ?th.>r work; uinc j ears' iu city; has good reference. Inquire at 2"> Charles st. V YOUNG ?l IN. I- YEAR* iji tGE, WUMES honest wotk of auy kind. P. EE1.GAN, 2lo East i?to at. VCOLOBBU man wan IS ? PL A t i VS WAITER ur to tiavel witu a gentleman. Apply at 1H3 Biaeokrr Si. ToUNG MAN MM. \ POSITION A* POBTBR . r laiii.lng eUiatoi. heat i ity icferences. Address ALEXANUEK. bo.v I4ii Ceialu omie. A YOUNu M in. til ,. ; I-. LATELY LANDED wiahcsa situation in the spirit trade. App y to J. u. DoNNELL. 3_i Bast I* . VMIDDLt AO ED SINtiLE vivs. Al PRBSEN1 IN a altuatlon ol trust live years In city, well roca.u n.ended, warns any kind ol pmpiuymeiit, steady or partial; sp.a*.. a nl MgUall and UmM, besides ail North r.uiopean languases; larrcantlle education; not alratd wf work. Addiest A. L . Herald ...'i.e. AGEURaN man, Having llEKN IN Till* CITT lor 2W years, wishes employment as porter or day or ?tight watcliniau . Is wllliug. bonesi and reliable. Address A. *.. box 101 Herald otlie*. APIR>T CLASS AHTWf COOK (KHKNCHMAN), wishts a situsilon lu a lust class house , sble to take charr* oi a la gc kitchen . Do objectM>a to tna country; very best reference II. C., 4o? itr.ioiue st. VS EDITOR. PVBWKHEB AND UENBMAIa Busi ness man of experience, responsibility and character will spend Juue iu l.obdou aud will |>* pleased to tak* aa Important coo-.niissioa . r two. Audrsia, with som* partsau. tars, BDltW*. Ml W?l P-M?*N*. SITUATIONS WMTID-aALN. T~w LA*rs?smk k^wTOTr?jn>KRTO?r> A wI shot work. MdtrM Mlary. Address J. T., box 1M Btrald oHm. _____ ? YOU MO MAX WANTS A SITUATION AS WAITER: good eUv rtbrrua Jul Vut Mth H.. third Hoar. A CaFaBLI-AND EXPKRIENCEDII*AD 'WAITER A icoloredj viikM ? litulh* la tlu country. Addrs.* 8. D., bus 1M Herald office . ________ FKK.1CH COOK (CO K DON BLEU). UNDER Utnilliif the Amineu cooking, withe* it situation in a trlfMi family: b?tt city reference. AMrm CliOK, Herald Iptowa Bruch oHm. YOUNG MANASWAIThR IK A PRIVATE FAMILY ; city or country; ran be highly recommended by isat employer. i'all or wMrni, lor twe days, 76 Wont 35th st. (florist's). BY A YOUNU MAN (AM BRIO AN)?A SITUATION f iK ur kind: pud references. Address UUSihSIY, liorald Uptown Branch office _ CROOK'S "SITUATION WASTED BY A MAN AND J wila In a hotel or reateuraat: can run an her kitchen vr puatrv room; city.or country ; references. Call on or address COOK, 9li Kant 5th St.. Or?t floor G- OOD WORKMAN WISHES a SITUATION.?<JEN erally useful; irood accountant; low aalary. Address W ALSH, bus U'i Herald office. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOU NO MAN All ED 2S years; it abla and willing to work: baa hern em ployed during the last year aa bookkeeper, tales and gen era! business man in a down town Jebbiug bouse ; bast city reference*. Address J., Herald offlce. SITUATION WANTED?BY A SINGLE MAN: UNDER stands tbe treatment ef horsas and Iarming: will make himsalt generally a?efui; good reference. Address W.. box ?!i Herald office 1"UlB ADVERTISER WILL COPY AND"PREPAKE manuscript for the prest or snperiiitend the publication, Ac. Address DIATATTO, station ti. New York. \\fA1TERr?T SITU ATI 0 N~W ANTED?BY A 8WIS8 M waiter; eoid reterencas from prirata families. Call on or address W AITEU, 3W! tfth av. W" ANTED^A SITUATION AS STEWARD AND CAR ver in a botel or restauraol; city or country. Address 1M Herald offlce. (J-rTi GIVBN FOR A situation"by an undkk ?Pt/U graduate nl Toronto University. Address BUS Mil., Herald Uptown Branch office. 1 'Jl' east"MTII HT.-A BOY. ltt YEARS OK AGE. -LOU wisbat a situation as waiter in a hotel or prirata family; lire* witb bis parents: good city reference. CL.KRICS A\U SALE811EN. ~ ?OUNG MAN', AUEDHs YEARS.'WaNTS A SI TU ation aa clerk in a wholesale grocery house ; wages moderate; bast cltf reference. Address A. H., at Dr. Som mar's, US I'd av. DVERTI6E IN THE BVENINO TELEGRAM RATES 20 CENTS PER LINE. Tba circulation of tbe EVENING TELEGRAM last week was :? Monday 97,100 Tuesday 37.^00 \V ednetday :t7.5<0 Thursday 37,.'?r>0 Friday Saturday 85,3li0 Total ZXi.luO Dally average a?,7ia OFFICE NO. 3 ANN ST. A YOUNG MAN. WHO IS AN EXPERT AND KXPE rlenced bookkeeper and cashier, wishe* a position: aal ary very moderate: bett city references given. Addres* JOURNAL. Herald Uptown Branch office. FIRM, RETIRING KrtOM BUSINESS, DESIRE TO obtain a good position lor their bookkeeper: bn It a joung married iusu and can bs *pokeu uf in tbe highest tettns: salary no object. Address nlDNRY, Herald office. A YOUNG MAN, HAVING A LAKUR^QUaInT ance and some trade, would make arrangement* with a cl?ar or grocery houta. Address, by letter only, for throa days, E. W. A.. 16 Barclay at. YOUNG MAN~ai ' YEARS OLD. Wl'l II TWO years'axporience In bookkeeping and geucrnl office duties, desires a clerkship In u wholesale or commission house; small aalary icquirod ami satialactory references given. Addreas T. ?!., box IU1 liorald office. PRODUCE COMMIKH10N~IIOIJsTe" WILL GIVR temporary einployiuent to two young men who can wiito rapidly aud well and who are correct at li|itir?s; none need apply unlet* willing to fommenoe business early In tho morning: llrit class reference* required. Address PRO* DUCK, Herald office. N OUT-Door" SALESMAN WANTED TO JNTItO. duce a .valuable wors ol reference. Call at FORD A CU.'S Number Department, 27 Park place. GENCY.?A EIRST~CLASS WHOLESALE WINE house on tbe Rhine, having no traveller* and not being represented in America, roquiret an agent either tor tbo whole of America or *b(li cities there. Gentlemen already retiretonting fit at clast Bordeaux or Champagne house* will have the preleroncc. Address, prepaid, Mr. J. DIEMER, Bookseller, Mayenca, on the Rhine. X ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN 'WISHES A S1T uatlou In a good commercial bouse, witb a chance for advancement; beat reference. Address K., Herald Uptown Branch odice. jMLERK, SALESMAN. AC.?I 1WILL ACCEPT ANY position where buainets experience and knowledge Is taqwiil correapondcnt, bookkeeper, manager, salesman, or anything where an American of ability aud oducation can be uteiul and support a faiuiiy; either in or out of tbo city. Addrua* J. B.. sO-< West SM st. D" liU(TCLERK WANTED-ALSO A JUNIOR. APPLY at W N. HARLOW'S Pharmacy, Main at., corner Har rison. Oranga, N. J. Drug"clkITk~\Van ted~o f auoIt TiTfiEE year*' experience. Apply at 3ua Klatbuah av_corner 7th av., Brooklyn. \\TANTKD-riIKKB YOUNO MBN TO LBARN BOOK M keeping, oenmanship, calculation (rum experiauoed bookkeeper. Brooklyn, t'ity Hall, evenings; modorata pay ment*. Addres* COLLINS. Herald office. WANTED?AN ENGAURMEN't" AB OUT OK_DOOR ?uperiutendeut or bo** iu *ome building or eogiucar Ing work. Addres* A. V., station G, New York. ANTED?IN~AN IMPORTING HOUSE. A BOOK, keeper, who understand* French aud German. Ad dreas, statiug rcleruucet. box a,3U7 Po*t officc "IXT"ANTED?TUaVeLLING SALESMEN, WHOSE TIMR V? I* partly employed. BURT A PAI'TKN, 1H2 William ?t . New York. rANTED-A SALKSMAN Ft>R HOSIERY DEPART mout. Apply toCONKLINU A CO., No. 7t?i Broad **y; * WANTKU-A YOUNG MAN, TO TAKH CHARGE OP a silk stock in a wbolesala mlUinery houte. Rxpeil anced luan only need addre** B., box 144 Herald offlce. \1TANTED-BY AN EXPERIENCED MAN*. A~ SITUA YT tlon as bookkeeper, travelling agont for machinery or setting up the portable gas inavhlaa. Addreas H., box 115 Post offlce. Vineland, N. J. AtrANTED?A YOUNG MAN AS ASSISTANT BOOK TT kea|ier; must be a good pemuali and able to give security; salary par week. Address N. A S., Herald office. w A CUAl'HMBN AKli OAilUUNKHH. ' ~ YOL'NO MAN(MARRIED) WANTS A SITUATION as coachman; over nine years' rafercura as to capabil ity and Industry. Apply to Mr. RHODES, 54 White a, or Mr. OBEETEuKFEk, UO Or and II. A M COACHMAN, PLAlK UAKtiKNKlt AND~U^KKUL J\. man: Protestant: aired 25; moderate wages; good raf* arenoet. Andres* WlLuIAM, box 1U4 Herald ulSco. A RESPECTABLE MAN AS COACHMAN AND garduuer, with good reference. JtXi West JVt li si. aV coachman and OBOOV-A KINULE TOCNG J\. man, wLo tborouguiy understands 111 a busiucsa: can give tbe best or city roferenae; ao objection to Uie country. Address H. B., Herald office. eitujltion WANrtso-Br 'A sinui?b yodn? ?nan, as coachman and gardener; ran mltk ; not iiiraid oI work ; best rvlerenco. Address M., box 1 W llurald oftlee. Y~SITUATION AS COAOHMAN BV A MAKKIED r\ man; lias one child; understands the business thoroughly; has Brat class reference from laat employer. AMNMD. il. GOULD, 35 Nassau at. QKNTI*SMAN~ llKsfuks TO PKOCUEE A~ SITU A '.ion for his eoachinan; any one desiring an hooust, faithful and very desirable man. call on or address ED WARD, U2S Bruaoway (A. T. Demaresl A Co). SITUATION WANTED BY .A COLORED MAN AS coachman ; best city relcrenc.'. Address COACUMAN, bvfc t.U Herald Uptown Branch olllea. MIDDLE ACKD MAX (SWISS) WANTS A 8ITUA tlon; ha is a it.iod irardener of llowars aud vegetables and fruits: understands tiia care ol horses and cows; bc?t rolereiu-Ms fall on or address T. II., 3IM Broome st. COACH * AN.-SITU ATI11.\ W ANTED BY A BB spectable colored man in tl.a city or country; best city reference. Call at or address 101 Mcilougal si. T KE.-Pi.i T lliLi. COl.OKr.D MAN WISHES A SITU JTjL ation as coachman. Call at 72 Sullivan st. a Vol*it; ~man ~ want?~ a "su arlolT'in~tTib A country for the summer In a criilleiuaii's family: good leierence can be (iieD. Call at UK' hast U-d si. AEr-SPEC I AlVl.E VOL NO MAN AS COACHMAN and useful man ou a gentleman's place; undo..Mad reiereuce. Address W. M., Ilerald Uptouti Branch office A* "i" COACHMAN. IIAKDBNEE AND I'SliKl'L MAN ; can inIIX; referenee. KAI.VEV, 350 West 4.'nh st. A~~ OOMTNTkNT VUUiu MAN DEMItES A SITU A lion at eoacbuian; k""?d reference; couutry preferred. Call ou or address 1'. J., Ill East 'i-d st. N" EXPERIENCED MAN A* OA EDEN EE; UOOO reference. Aduress H., box 110 Herald office. ATOUNO MAN, LATBLV LANDED FeOM THE OLD .aY country, wishes to obtain a situation as coachman or groom; cottiitri preferred , lias lirst class references. Call on or addrtS* 0. II.. 15 East :fcKh si. 4 GENTLEMAN WISHES A PL \OlT KOK A FIRST ?f\. vlass .oacliiusn aud groom; understands gardening; bie years' best relerenc*. Call no or address f. 1'. PElt ElNS, 115 llroadway. io?m 7. "a TlTUAriON 'WANTED-AS HK.VT CUM COACH ^ V man. nljr or country; willing and obliging; uood ref erence. i nil ou or address J. K., So. 14 Ea.i .iritli st. A A si re<i> ; tlirre yean" reference from i?*?t place. CaJl at I vr iddr' u 1 '21 Won 4?ili *l. e'vT.U II M AN-A VOL vie M AN AS COACHM \N AND J to make himself g.o-rallj n.c.'ul; be*l inference; Wage* i m-"lera|j; country preferred. Call or address. l:tn West 4Mb et. (lOACHM.VN AND GEOOM?'BY a SlNtll E YOl NO J tuau; OM mlik; IMMraMMta the pro,?rr can, of horses mi I carriages; aifoodsnd lartful driver; best ralereace. . Addres? JAMES COX, box 141 Ilerald office. CIUACHMAN?HV A .?T7?iririI M AN ; NO ENCl M J I.raiue; uiKlerstauds Ills 1 mines- thorouKlily , wile as 1 exoallent cook ?r iaiiudress,city or country. ij.> Eaal 25th | si , private stable. I /COACHMAN, OEOOM. AC.-HY' A Vol No MAN; EX * ' velient refereacrs n( to capability, Ac. Address M., kM III Ilerald PMMI H .an. I. affice. ClOAlill VI A N ?A >l'l I A 1 luN \V A NT LITIIY A COACH ' man; ted of C.l> refereuce*. lujiliro at 12. 1st It, C can milk , uesi raferoncaa. Address k"., boa 2M Herald : uilire. ' , t~ ? > \? IIM AN'S SlTL'Ai'ION~WAN TED?BY A SINOEK / man; can lallk. aork a gardeu, Aa; best relereuc.-s,'t-.s W? box liil Ilerald nflice. t' ARIlENnR.?BY A YOL'NO. MAKKI ED ENOl.ISII I" man; lout years' i^ood reference. Address ll. II. r , tare Mr. ? . I arlard. 45), Carujiuo si.. New Y'ork illy. /' WANTS A SITUATION; SINGLE* UN | V I demand* vei(?tablea, Howers. care of horses, milkiuet i,.o<lerale wages, willing and obliging; bell cilj reference. Address J. H . :'o Waehiugtoa si SITUATION WANTKD-AS CoaCUMAN. I'LOKIST o and vegetable gardener. Oetniaa ; married man : good ?tnjU.arKisso,?. coAcmnew aid girdkhiiu. QtfUAffoN V?XSt&I>-^B'Y aYoINU MaN (SCOTCtf); 0 beat reference. Addroaa COACHMAN. b?x 101 Herald Uptown Branch office. Situation wanted.-a german gardener. mar rled. for wise*, fruit*, vegetable*. Ac .; care onion**; milkier eow?; wtf* for ?hUd{ and iroaiag. U> GAUUER, Pearl n.. elm More. ______ SITUATION WANTRO?BY A COACHMAN AND groom, kind* ; highest reference In every respect; city or reentry. Address P. C., 124 W**t 40th *1. rpo-MORRow" ' 1 THR OPENING Or TUB CENTENNIAL. ? KKB TUB EVENING TELEGRAM TO-DAT. ANTICIPATORY rkpokst, WITH PULL PARTICULARS OP WHAT 18 GOING TO TAKE PLACE. A FULL LIST OP THE VARIOl'S DEPARTMENTS AND WHAT THEY CONTAIN. PROGRAMME OP PROCEEDINGS TOMORROW. ALL IN THE KVE.VINO TELEGRAM TO-DAY. WANTBD-A SITUATION AM COACllMAN AND gardener. by * vouug man ; not afraid of work; beat reference. Address M. P., box 151 Herald Uptown Branch oIm. U' ANTED-A 8lTUATION~A8 0OACUMAnI PITB TT year, flrat claaa reference. Call on or address No. 2 ?ui 38th m. IIKLP XV AVTK1J?.11A..KS, Advertise YS THE EVENING TKLBORAM. RATES 20 CENTS PER LINE. The circulation of tb? EVENING TELEGRAM last work was Monday 37.1W) Tuesday 37,200 Wednesday 37,VkJ Tburaday 87.550 Friday... 35.850 (Saturday 86,300 Total 221X30 i Dally annuo 36,716 OPPICB NO. 2 ANN ST. Agents, city and counTby. are making $s to $20 dally. 387 Bleecker at.; office. lower t>oll. Angells boman Baths, si lexington av? want honest. industrious. strictly temperate Ameri cans ander 25, lor bath* and office; al*? colored boy. GENTS WANTr.D IMMEDIATELY?POR A HA.Nl> sorae aet of books. Call uu Ai'TilOilI' SS. 42 liond at. t ~GENTS WaNTBD? IN TOWN AND COUNTRY, TO JY aell our puia teas to families, biitela and large con turners; best terms and largeat mock in the country. Apply t<> tlio WELLS TEA COMPANY, 201 Kullon au. between Church and Greenwich, New York. Agents toicanvass pora usepul household article: plenty ot money in it; call at oncis MAuTIN A BENNETT', 185 Montague it., Brooklyn. A" gents wanted?city andTountrv. to sell tea* to families and large consumers: greatest Induce ment*. CAN TON TEA COMPANY, 148 Chambers ?t. CTIVE AGENTS WANTED? PGR OITV .A ND CO UN try. Particular* :I5 West 4th at., altor 10 A. M. RELIABLE MAN, WHO WIM1BS A GOOD POSI _ tiou. and can deposit ca?h as security, can apply at RETAILERS' COMMERCIAL AGENCY*. 25 Rust lOih ?L Alao experienced men aa collector* and canvassers. GENT'S WANTED?KOB EXCLUSIVE "sale" OK AD* JuataliU> sewlug machine troddle; no humbug. App y at 17 Bund at., 1 to 4. BOY. NOT OVER 10; UNDERSTANDS BOOKKEEP mjt, must write a good hand and be ubligiug; wagea$5. Address box 3,7->f* Poet oilier. , (lOf NTRY TRAVELLING AGENT WAMTU), KM A J coffee ami spice mill, one who lias a trails. Addre ?. with reference and salary expected, which mu*t 1>* mode rate, E. P., box 1)W Herald office. E~XPERIENCBD ICANVASSERS l-'Olt ADVERTISING, ready lor work, addruas COSMOPOLITAN, box l?tt Herald offlco. I pi lt8T~ C LARS AGENTS AND PBULERS, AT 20 WEST Houaton st.. corner Mercer. GEOKGE R. MACINTIRE * CO. A Hotel clerk or steward wanted?must possess experience: $500 cash required; full security; liberal salary. Address PARKER, box 103 Herald Uptown llranch office. OYSTKUMAN- WANTED?ONB TOO CAN WAIT ON tables. 541 ilth av. TXTANTED?AN~EXPERIENCED l'ER.SON TO ACT AS T T steward of a lire! claaa club house. Address, with rol erence. 1,700 Pott office. Philadelphia ANTED?A PIRST CLASS CARVBR. "no" OTHER noud apply at the Aator House, between 0 and 11 A. M. only. > ANTED?AN UNMARRIED MAN AS PORTER ANTD to make himself generally useful In a toy und fauey roods bouse. Address, iu own handwriting, stating age, former employment and references, N. O., box 120 Iierald office. WANTED?PIRST CLASS CANVASSERS POR THE cities of New York, Brooklyn uud \Vlliiauiaburg. to a.-ll the Magic Inkstand and naw patented Automatic Sponge: reference* must be flr?t claaa. Apply to KRONE BKOe. A CO., 183 Chambers St., New York city. WANTED?A YOUNG MAN, BETWEEN THE AGS of 17 aud IS, to make himself generally uaelul In a ahneatore; come well recommended. At JOHN L. Lh WIS', 134 0th av., between 10th aud Uth ats. TITANTBD?AN SKBBOKTIO Man, OP GOOD BUS1 T T nus* iiuallfieatlooa, to solicit orders lor metallic a(iver tiaing allow card*. Address U. II. H., Herald odice. ANTED-A STRONG BOY TO DO ERRANDS AND general work. Apply at 202 Haileon at. WASTED?AN INTELLIGENT BOY IN a WHOLK sale dry kukIi office; must write well and furnish ref erences. Address A. O. A T., box 12A Herald office. w w ANTED? TWO PIRST CLASS WaITBMR Inquire at 30 Clinton at., Brooklyn. WANTED-AN ACTIVE, INTELLIGENT, STRONG, healthy young man as shampooer in Turkish bath, l.t Laigbt at.. New Vork. VirANTED?A TIDY, ACTIVE HOT TO DRAW SODA TT water; ono accustomed to the wore preferred. Call between 7 and t> A. M? at No. 3 Cortland at. WANTED?A LIVE MAN IN EVERY CITY IN THR T T Union; you can make 925 por day selling the Eureka letter Copying Ink and Kook; no pre**, brush or water re quired Address EUREKA MANUFACTURING COM PANY, SO Keade St. 4yANTED-AN ACTIVE YOUNO BUSINESS Man TO TT delUer goods in city. Addreaa, stating previoo*em ployment, C. u., Herald office; security required. Young mp.n wanted?toTSarn tblegraphy and obtain permanent uuaitlons and good salaries when qualified NEW YORK TELEGRAPH INSTRUCTION COMPANY, 21 Park row. iQ WEST 9TH ST.?COMPBTRNT WAITEB WASTED; TO one who wishes a permanent situation ; good refer ence as to ability and character required. Call after 0 o'clock A. M. . THE lUAOitH. , X^KXl'K:RlENOEl)^IADE~HANOtirTrAS?gD. A Applv at 2W Barclay st. (1()>ri*lIslToltS_()N TIIE CITY I?rRECTORV, At fiO J cents per l.'KXl ems. Personal apniication* at onee to JOHN P. TROW A sox. -JIM East 12th st. Ciompositors ON THE tMTY 1)1 RECTOUYTaTOO J centt per 1,000 ems. Personal applications at once to LANGR, 1.1 I'l l.E A CO., No. IO Aator place. f'o MBRCHANT TAILORS."?A Totfio MAN OP experience wants a aituatirm at cutt-r. In clir or country; no objection to asslut in sewiug. Addre** CUTTER, Herald otlice. ANTED-PIIOTOORAPHIC PRINTER AT~X V. PKAUEN1 hal'S Plioto Printing Eetabiiahment, corner 12otli st. and3d av., over Kstabrook't Gallery. ANTEO?A K1KST cLaHS CUSTOM CLOTHING cutler to work in moruinir or eveaing; non* bat steady man need apply. 1.251 Broadway, corner Slit st. FllKXC'II ADVERTISEMENTS. ON DfcMAXDE?I; XE BONNE FOUR SOIOSEB I'S enfant t t ]Miur coudre. S'adraaaer a So. <U Won 48th ?t., de 10 a 1 lieare. UNK DAME FRANCA ISE, PARLANT L'ANGLAlS. lemma do chambre de premier ordre. Mclitnt collier et latre las robea. dealre une pUaa dana one bonne lam ilia; ro fermeea. IIW Rleccker ?(. OAlUXtt AlAUEMlEit. ~k -CAKTIBK'ft "BAS^fSu AOAd'Bitt; PUMPlttN J\? Building, Stnvveaant and Hth ?u, open all inomir; private leaaona in glide waits apeciality. DIAMOND'! UAliclM AOUHMI, ijm "BROAD ?ray.?I.a.llea claaa, Tueaday and Friday. at 4 P.M.; Keiuleoicu'a. Tueaday and rialurday, at 7 :JU. Reception Saturday. S~ AUSB'8 AfUDBMIKR-PRIVATE ACAD einy open all aismmar. PRIVATE LESSONS My hour at JlU Kaat 11th at. STORAbE. XDvwwiirTir ~? T1IK EVENI NO TELEGRAM. RATES 20 CENTS PKH UNE. The circulation of the EVENING telegram laat week *ai:? >li> ii day 37,1110 Tueaday 37,Vt)J Wedia?day Mi.-'iOU 37,.SAO Friday liS.ttfKJ Saturday 35,:itio s Total 3*1.300 Daily average ?> 716 OFFICE NO. 2 ANN ST. 1JUOLE STORAGE WAKE HOUSES, UNSURPASSED j for aale keupiu* ol furniture and guoda of every klivl; Bi-liarata com|>?rtuiKiita; clean and orderly; low rataa. JJa at., Iu3, 107. ono door weat ot Gtb av. HaoRU'H wap.kholses, ?tm av., prom kid to a-Uh ?t?.?The nldeat. luweat in rale, moat axteneiva ana reliable catabliahm?iit in tho tiuglneaa. Storage lor tiiriilture, bapua,;.-, ?oud> and warxa of every deai iiptiun in wpOak. elated eotnpartmenta, the itmr at ii in a private residence: alwa>a arcaaatMe. The niiftit patrol receive Kuodi at all h?ur?. Otlice on 34tli ?t. IJORTINGTON'S storage WAREROO^tTISaTl I D ?on tt., for Furniiure. Pianos, Irttuka, Ac . in acparate room*. tMi.VKLES II. Hoilllb, Proprietor. 3TOKAGE, IX PLASTERED ROOM S, FOR PURM ture. i-arri Ac. lot". 111. 113 a*dU5 Eau 44th at .'IAKHLK tlvtliibs. AT PRK'F.fl NEVER A I'I'R( I At'IIK It BEFORE. Slate and Marble Mantela. Larr>-*t aaaortment in tha ?'?y- . PEN 11IIYN SLATE COMPANY, 00 l nion eqoare, 4ttt av. ami 17th av. New York. Manufacturer of ail klndi of Slate Work. GJRATEs AND TeNDBRA?tub LAKOB8T AMOBT I mi nt ?( in ate* and Sendera ever offered In this mar k*t. Btmlird In t-?ery atyie; low and half luw down liratea, with iluinpli.r uttachm.m. a apei-Uliy; ? large variety ol tin- Um. (mry ni.kel plated Aodlroca, Ac.; liberal dia eoant to the tr* le. _ CONOVEK. WOOLLKY A CO.. 3IW Canal ?t., N. Y._ W atches, JEWELRY, ML. 4 T 77 UI.ERCKER ST.; NEAR BROADWAY, MONEY yiV advanced on Diaranuda. Watchaa, Jewelry. Ac.; alao 1'awtiornkrra' Tiekcta hougAt of Dlamonda, WaleUea, AO. 77 Bleeekeru Am k Kin an office. ? ? diamonds Watrhea, Jawairj, Sllvarwarj, \'alu..l>lea, Jtr., boaf(tot aoxl a?U tachnnrvd; ii< an> nefotiatad. Eatablialted IKit J. H. HakKiXUKK. 7SH Broadway. At oih hroadway, near ai<rr ht.?diamonds, Watehe?, gold and ?liver Jewelry, hscea, i'amel'a llalr fili??l>, Ac . bougut and aold. buaaa lagotlakad by J. T. LYNCH, lurtbeny New York IIAMI. Money on diamonds, watchbs, ac-dia mond<, Watch"., Jewelry. IIWerw?re. ?eal >a< ^oe?. eantrl'ahalr rihawla, Ae.. b<inght an4 aolrt back whan do aired at a vary aiaall advance. lihU. tl ALLEN, Jaw allar, 1,190 itroadwar, mm MtA at. A P^^BrEMNO TBLBQRAM. Tfc. Ira.lSuI'tf t? EVEEIMQ* TELEQBA* Ull waak JS,?r S-JS Tu.tday. ? *{Z?J5 WktNdar Tharaday.. rrtdaTT..... ???" Saturday Total ??>.:? Dally average W OFFICE NO. 3 AN* 8T. ______ ?$600 PER ANN OX. A RARE CENTENNIAL chaace, Wiao BaMuiil, 34x1'JO. entrances from tw* parallel thoroughfare. uf a great bruin*.. centre. Apply to WM. COCSLaND. 811* Walunt at.. Philadelphia. _ A- -FOR a ALE. STATIONERY STORES. CIGAR . Sturea. Fancy Goods and Furnishing Stores, Bakeries. MITCHKLL. 77 Cedar it. FINE PRODUCE 8TANU IN WASHINGTON Markat tor tale cheap, Ma a* Market* on t?tb a*. MITCnKLL. 77 Cedar at. ? LIQUOR STORE. OPPOSITE BROOKLYN FERBT, for tale cheap; alto Restaurants, Hotels. MITCHELL* 77 Cedar av _____ A_DISTILLKRY LIQCOR STORE KOR SALE CHEAPj Liquor Sturea at *500 upward. MITCHELL. 71 Cedai at. _ "V~0HASCE SELDOM OFFERED.?FIB8T CLASS A downtown Reataurant. near Broadway, lor lata at a bar train : doing Aral olaaa bualneaa. Por particulars apply to N ? FLOCK A CO.. at*' Broadway. /CROCKERY STORK FOR SALE.-A CROCKERY t Store Tor tale cheap. established 15 years. In a rood butineea town 16 rnllai from New York ; a (rood, wall aaaort ed Stock, aud wUl tell 13 per cent below e jet; reboot lor ae lliug owner hat other butlneta to attend to: good Irate and low rent: .tore 7i feet HwYou?jr?? fclJS; proved Ileal Batata. Addreaa CROCKERY, box !?? Herald office. _ D~"Bl'O STORE FOR SA^?OWKBR MUST LB\VJ the city. Apply at sTBll ELAND s Agency, M Beckiuan ??. Drug stork for sai.e-kikijt clask: wru be told at a bargain. luqulre of KLEIN k FLEET, 34 Cortlandt at.. New Yoi*. , DRUG STORB?LOCATBD IN JBRSBY. NBAB NEW. York, dolnir a rood nreacription butlneta ; price, fl,SOU. Addreat 8. Herald office. FOR~lALB-SPLENDID RESTAURANT AND OYB. tar Houta: Ionic laaaa. cheap rent: plenty or room roi dwelllag or renting; a perlect item; uiuat be .old. Apply to A. P. Rl'TLKR. Occidental llotel, corner o! Broome at. and Bowery, between 1 and a P. M. (HI SALE?THE LEASE. STOCK AND FIXTURES OF a corner Grocery and Meat Store combiuod, with auit able living ap.rtmenti communlcatlar. The atore if lo cated In a beautiful aud thriving town In New Jera?y of 8 IXM inhabltantt and h*s bean pronounced the beat stand In the place. To a party undemanding the. butlneaa tbli It an nnutually rare opportunity. For full narticulart 04 Interview addreat M. P.. box 148 Heiald office. TOOK SALB-A NEATLY FITTED UP CORN KB J; Liquor Store, will be told cheap: proprietor havi?| other buaiueas to attend. Call, lor two dayt, at No. 510 7tb a*. ????? For sale-a corner liquor stoke on a prom. Inent aveuue; foot years' lease. Apply to R. UREA* CRN <k CO., No. 443 Wilt Slut si. _ F-OR SALE-A NEATLY FITTED SALOON ON Broadway; long laate. reatonable rent. Apply to J. 11. ? H. WELLBROCK. A3 and 83 Veaey St. T?OR SALE -REMEDIAL BATH ESTABLISHMENT IN jf .uccetaful operation to lease, with privilege to buy. Particular, at 23Irvingplaco. T?OR SALE-A PHOTOGRAPH OALLERTI DOING A r good bualneu. Wanted?A raau who will tako charge of a gallery: Gorman preferred. Addroaa, Ibr three days, PHOTO. Herald office. ? ibli SALE'CHEAP?FIXTURES OF LIQUOR STORB corner lllcka and Sackett ttt., Brooklyn, lnqulra la For salk cheap fob cash-a good bstab. lixhed Grocery Store. Oall for one weak at 5i3 Eart 1-th at. F?OR SALE VERY CHEAP-A FIRST CLASS DISTIL lery Store; good loa?e; cheap r.?nt. Apply to P. McQl'ADE, 44 Murray tt.. before Id A. M. ' /Goodwill aud fixtures of tavern and IT Boarding House; Rood place for business. J .nertoi House, 1UD South 24th ?t.f Philadelphia. T 1QU0R STORE ADJOINING FACTORIES AND GAS h worki; .till Liquor., four-puU^Pum,.^^; only^W. mo DRUGGISTS.?FOR SALK, IN NORTH AM PTOX, I Matt one of the jtoit dellgbtlul towns in the State, population about l.'.V, the old e*tablitli.?d Drug Store of the late 8 0. Partont : bett location In town. The atoek coutl.t. of a llrtt cla.s a.aortinent or Drngj. Medici net and Fancy Article.; Drugni.t. SunJrle.; al.o Palnta. Oil., Dyt Stufl1. Ac., with choice .tock ot lea. and Groceries Th? above, with the Good Will ol the concern, can be bought at I a hurgaln. l*o??eeBsiou iflven at once. Address Q. o. 1 Aft i'ONS, Administrator. Northampton, Mans. is STORE- AND SHOP ON EASY TKRMS; 0?M>D bitaineo.. Addret. TIMF. box 1811 Herald office 1ST CLASS gTu>CKKY STO.tE, 1'vVO liULiata t ROM 1 the avenue, doing beat bu.ino.. In the ueUhborbood, only f 1? rent, with prospect of getting agency atd froo rent, a. I have to go to Europe aud takca^rmlboMuo^aTioi f&O i caah neei not apply to MARTIN FENSEN, JOU Baal 3?lli tl.. tup floor. Arf-?FOR SALE CHEAP. TWO FOUR BURNEB if) i . Window Kutiectora. COCHRAN, Engraver ani j Matuner, 1,'iltf Broadway^ *Oc7t WILL PURCHASE OYSTER AND DINING 55 /illI Saloon, .uceeaafully carried on by preaent ownat for ?evou yeara; cheap rent; rare chance. 148 Ski ar. MAUHIMKR1." ' TJOlLERS FOR SAIjfc-^fW'o' HURIZONTAL 'I?' II lar., WO horae power each. Apply at LESUIK Boiler Worka, Pearl ?t., Jeraey City. 1~iU>K ?ALK?A BOILER (ENGINE 15-HoRSE POWER! ' and Shafting; mntt be told within tliroo daya; price very low. Ingulie at 173 Rivlngton at ii^OR SALE-A TEN HOKoK POWER ENGINE, WITH ' Boiler and two Moulding Macliiuea, all aa good aa new. Apply at -'0 Gantevoort near Hudaon. For TaLe^wenty five horse power ush kill l.auiilng Kngine and fifteen home power Boiler, both .^a good a. new; al?) au '" I* ^<!a''w0r'iTi?.dwav moiitsS. Can be seen between 12 aud t, at No. i oreaaway. PRO MPT 1)E Li VE KY OF THE CELEBRATED TAN. He Emery Wheela and MacUlnoa, by OEORGB PLACE, 1J1 Cbambara at - CLOTHING. "a "T~ MI NIT'S. 34& 3D"AVT. NEAR aSrSTTfifT?LA ?\ diet aad geotlnmea will be turprlacd at the great prioe* B. Mluti paya tu caah lor Ct.t off Clothing, Carpett, JoW? elry. ?iraert attended by Mr. or Mra. Miata At flatiO's, uptown, si? ?rn av., corner 4<lth ?u. ladlrt aud gentlcrarn will poal^J. bo per cent more than el?ewhi-r? for catt-off LlolMMitK, *?? Oroert promptly atteuded to by Mr. or Mra. rbArru. ~~k~T 1 ,J74 BROADWAY, BETWEEN 32D AND WD A ?tt ?Broadway price, paid for elry. Ac., by callinir on or addressing ?*? uAKWis, '?*'* Tr EDWARD MILLER'S WELL K.nOWN KSTaIU A llthinent, 68 ?)th av.. near Waverley place. utm"?? valu paid lor ca.t off CI,.thing. Carpet#, ic.. by calllnEoB or addrettlnc Mr. or Mra. MILLER ATM. MARKS' WELL KNOWN ESTABLISHMENT, A 101 6th av., oppoaite 8th tt.?Ladiet and geuticraen can receive the ntmoit value in for Oatt-off Clothing, Carpeta. Jewelry, La?t. Ac. Hlaaje call "r addret, .! above. Ladies waited on by Mrs. Mans. Flease try ani satisfy youroelvos. Tt M. ISAACS' NEW ESTABLISHMENT, 11 tfTH AV., A tbo utmoat value can be received for cart olf Clothing, Carpet a. Ac. Ladiet waited on by Mr., laaaca. "I -EATHAN'S ehtahushment. A. The higheat valuojjaid for t att-olf ClotUtBg. C trpa^ Ac. Call on or address Mr. or Mrs. HATHA*, riease try and sstisfy youri>t?ives. T 24U 7TH AV., SECOND DOOR ABOVE WESf iMTH rt? Mr. andMrt. ROSENBERG will pay the hiebJMt price, in cath for Catt off Clotuing. Carpets. Ac., by calling or addraaaing. Tako p?wlcnlar notice ol above number. TUARRDi'. 816TH AV.. NEAit WAVERLEY PLACE? Utmo.t value paid lor I'Mt oJClotoing. Carpota, by caiilnx on or addressiu^t Mr. or Mrs. HA it it to. ~k GREAT DEMAND FOR CAST OFF CLOTH I NO. j" Carpett. Ac. The utmort value will be paid for theta at.I. AS HALT'S. ITS 7th av. Lalie. attends to by Mra. Anhall. - THE EVENING TBLEGK.aM. RAIES JO CENTS PER LINE. Th? circulation of tbe EVENING TcLEOKAB ImI mk wan Mond?r 87,100 1 3V.2U0 WritotxlM 37.500 Thurnday S7..VW Friday S.\tttO Saturday 35.300 T ut al SB0.3U) Dally 30,710 orricE no. -? ans st. \ T 397 3D AV.. NEAR :?D ST-LEON PAV* IIIUKBiT il price* lor Ca*t-olf ClotUlng. Car pott, Ac. Ladle* waited on by Mr?. 1.-nn. UIUHKHT pricks WILL BE PAIU KUR CAST OKP Clothlnp Carpet*, 4ft. Call on or addraaa Mr. or Bra MAS IK. 2M7th if. AS I'KOIAMil . ~ T -fi.axrREWARiv-yo^iiiPOsrriojf??wk^hati Xm# found, ?t Imi. irrtiiteil BnslnMf nod ??dtell Olatr ?uTHDt in the world i? Mr*. FObTKK. Lawfuita; lomti lucltjr number*; unmet In full; eaii?e* m*rrl*tcet; vococtdi when ?ll others tall; A?u?faction or no D*jr; jOc. to $1. No 54 Lexington ev., near 25tb ?!. A- 8TROUXJER.-PB6kE.HSOK LISTER, 319 6TH aV.i ?and fur circular. Addreaa bo* 4,?A? PoM odlce, New York. ArKSNCH LADf TRLLM KOUfUNKS. NO 531 UTd av , near 33d *t.. flrstjloor. TTKNTIOV?COXSI'LTATIoNS UN ItL'SlSESS, lawotilta, anemia*. lowev abtjut friend*. lor*, mar riaira and dMtb; pay rafuaad anle*? ?atlMieil. Sth ?v Mm*. SINGIII, Clairvoyant^ JilCROMM* MBOIOAL AND lUilXMI CLAfRVO* !i anl. ? So oat can *urp**i her: law (nit!!, number* I,ii imti In foil. abMnt fn*nd?: love. caa>e* marriage*, kbe *uecaad? when all olU?r* tail; ilk.-iie.-u., Ac. ; iJc. to 91. I jo Wait Ml ??.. between ?Hh and 7th ??*. MmR Rosa RBVKALh TOUR WHOLE LIFE, FRO* ?radie tn tb# itrase. 47'i C?ti?l ?t. Fee. 91. A?BM? KKSrkl.1,, MtuWlVh *SINCII TJUa"7ToTT . K**t Viil 11.. fir.i ilour from 'nil %r Advice Iree. TTKMION OR. AMI MMK. HKhNNERftHKIDI Keinale complaint* tately cured 101 Hlcockcr it. A?DR.ANI) MMK. GrTnDLR lil WRST?rrU 4t . Cooodeuiiiti coiiiultatlnn In all famala oomplalau. A?l)K. AMI MMK H(iT I I < >.\ r I IthX Vl AL COX _? ?nltaH?n on all la si ale complaint*. 47 We?t I3tk iu A?DR. AND M M K. M A1." KICK A V ; :w V K A KjFpKAC _ Liberty ?t.. near Greenwich. A -DR. AND MBK VAX BUSKIRK; KKSIDEXCB ? *" l '< Kant JSth at., between M and Lexlnntoa art. Dr. whitehead. air. kast imth st.. near *D ar.?.til fi-male >.'oniplainls tafely treated. DK WESTIIHOtiK. 1. WKurill) SI.. NEAR BRO.tO way. Kemale eomniauita a mwelaltv. ME RKSTKI.U V1IHVI KE, MIXCK 1M?: KKMALB I'oiniilaini. tpecialty. No. 1 haat ;>Jd H.; No ^ Htli ar. M Mr. 1.V0S8 *> EAST attTII St.. rKMALB PHV. ?lcl?n <'nrl>? all eomplalnla: nueure, nu pay SUCCE^SPI.'L t;URES (>U ABANTBBO?AOVICK PRBI by Or. or Mm. ?UI. ?i ?taeakar at., aaar InattlA