Newspaper Page Text
CABLE NEWS From All Parts of the Old World. EX-QUEENS FOR SPAIN. Repentant Oarlists Commissioned in the King's Army. FRENCH PREFECTURES REFORMED. Fishing Vessels Wrecked and a Fleet Sup posed to Have Been Lost THE KHEDIVE AND THE CANAL The Saltan to Atone for the Out rages at Salonica. GORDON GIVES UP HIS WORK. SPAIN. *HB EX-QUEENS LIKELY TO RRTTBN?MIND TRR8 IN FAVOR OF FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE. London, May 8, 1870. Tho Standard'i special despatch Irom Madrid says the Ministerial papers Epoea and l'olitica state that ex Queen Christina will return to Spain about the end of May and will reside at Aranjnos, and that ex-Queen Isa bella will return during ttio summer and take up her residence at San Sebastian, RSMUIOC* TOLERATION, A special despatch to tho Daily Xrwt from Madrid states that the consolidation of the toleration clause of the new constitution will continuo to occupy the at tention of Congress all the week, and will doubtless pass, as Sefior Canovus Dol Castillo makes it a Cabinet question. RBPRNTAXT CARt.lSTSL A special despatch to the Standard, from Madrid, (tales that an order has boen issued permitting oflic-era who joined Don Carlos to resume servico in the royal army with the rank thoy held previous to deserting. REINFORCEMENTS. Twelve hundred officers have been thns readmitted to the army. TDK BASQUES 15 COUNCIL. A despatch to the Reuter Telegram Company says the delegates from the Basque Provincos held a fruit less conference with Sefior Canovos Pel Castillo yoster day, and that another has been iixed for Friday next. AFRICANS TO US CHASTISED. The government has sent a frigate to Tangiers to support the claims of the Spanish Consul in regard to In seizure and pillaging ot neutral territory by Arab i&M. FRANCE. RIB REFORMATION OF THE PREFECTURES?RE PUBLICAN APPROVAL. Paris, May 8, 1870. M. Ricard, Minister ot the Interior, has scut a cir cular to the profects, informing them that the tlmo has arrived to put an end to the doubts and distrusts which iestroy party hopes. They must distinctly declare that they are called spon to co-operato in tho work ol conciliation as rcpre lentatlvcs of tho Republic. The circular also urges the profects to aet with defer ence and consideration toward exccutivo councils. REPUBLICAN INDORSEMENT. The republican journals aro much pleased with Min ister Ricard's circular to tho prefects. CLUMERET lMrEmTS.1T. General Cluserot writes to tho Gauloit denying the itatement, which he regards as an insult, that he so licited a pardon. He says he expected to be shot if captured, and would have shot ex-rresident Thiers or President HacMahon if bo had captured them. TURKEY. *HS OUTRAGES AT BALONICA?FRENCH AND GERMAN DEMAND FOB SATISFACTION? CHANGES IN THE PORTB CABINET?AUSTRIAN ENFORCEMENT OF NEUTRALITY. CoxsTAjfTixorLB, Mny 8, 187fc. When Intelligence of the outrace at Salon lea braatno tnown here the French and German Ambassadors took simultaneous action lor obtainiug redress, and were promised every satisfaction by the Porte. THE PEACE PABTT POWERFUL IN THE PORTE CABINET. Parib, May 8, 1878. The Russian Telegraphic Agency reports that the Turkish Ministers of War nod Marine bare been re placed by mombers ol the peace party. AUSTRIA* NEUTRALITY ENFORCED AGAINST HERZEGOTINANS AND TUSKS. London, May 8, 1878. A despatch to the Times from Kl^ano says It Is offl- ! elalty ordered that all aid to Ilorzegovinsn refugees re- | malning in Austrian territory be discontinued. The TYmft llerlln special says Austria baa Informed I Turkey that It will close the port ol Kick If the Turk- j Ish force at Scutari ts increased. EGYPT. COMPLETION OP THE FINANCIAL CONTENTION | WITH THE FRENCH?BRITISH GAIN IN SUEZ CANAL SHABE8. Cairo. Mar 8. 1870. The financial arrangement with the French group of laancleri, confuting of the Anglo Egyptian Bank and j numerous credit establishments, was signed yesterday, j It provides lor tho conversion of both the floating . and lunded debt into seven per cent stock. The noml- j Bill amount of the debt will be S460.000,000. Redemption will be eflectcd in sixty-three years. EXIiLAXO's UTTU JOB. A decree has bo-u signed establishing a board of , control, Ac., In accordance with Mr. Haves' roeont- j mendation. One half ?l tho Khedive's founders' shares i In the Suez Canal are placed ? the disposal of the | British government. AFRICAN EXPLORATION. j COLONEL GORDON ABANDONS HIS WORK. Lamt?, May 8, 18T& | A letter to the 77m<-? (torn Alexandria says the latest id vices from Colonel Gordon, dated Dufli, February It, state that he Is returning, leaving his work un finished. lie hopes to reach Cairo In .September. CAt'SR or His PAILfRK. , The failure or the expedition to establish a line of communication with Equatorial Africa and the other purposes projected la attributed to a lack ol support at Cairo. ? SHIPWRECK. IKTEN FRENCH FISHING VEHSF.I.H LOST?FEABS ; FOB THE SAFETY OF THE FLEET. Iflxixw, May 8, 1878. The Emma, ol Dunkirk, haa been wrecked at Lath eron on the east coast of the county of Caithness, the moat northerly portion of Scotland. fix OTKXR VESSCU UMT?AKXIRTY rOR TBI air STY Of Til n>RRT. The crew of the Bmma report that tlx other French vessels engaged in the Iceland totting trade bare been lost, and It is Ppred that the Whole fleet has been de stroyed. THE IRISH RIFLEMEN. rmm oourrrman for places nr tux tum VOX AXXXICA. Dcbuv, May 8, 1R74L The leoond competition at Dnndalk for plaoeti In tb? Irish team for tho American Centennial rifle contests took place on Satanlay laKt awl waa conducted an be fore, by two equads ol tour each. friXUHP WORK. The (core resulted in a tie. W. ltlgby made a score of 211, oat of a possible 225, which baa been seldom equalled. Of bis forty Oto sbota, thirty-lour were builseyes. Other scores were:?Milner, 203; Gaff, 195; Traill, 169; Patrick, 1M; Dyas, ITT; Joy til, 104. THE PRINCE OF WALES. Lissom, May 8, 1878. The Prince of Wales left bere to-day fur England. THE MUBDEIiEltS* LEAGUE. DAMNING KXPOSCRX8 OF THK INNEB WOBXINGS OF TUB MDIXIE MAGU1BEH?DIABOLICAL IN TRIGUES?BABTXBINO BLOOD. Pwwcxi, Pa., May 8,18T8. This baa been the most exciting day In the most Im portant case ever brought to trial in any court in tho anthracite coal fields. The case Is that ot the Ave Mollio Magulres?Boyle, Dufly, Carroll, McGeehan -and Hourly, charged with the murder ot Policeman Yost, | of Tnmsqno. At an early hour tbe court room was crowded with an excited audience, among whom could be noted the faces of men known to belcng to tbo A. O. H. The Court ordered a large forco of coal and iron police to be sworn in as court olDcors and tipstaves to proservo order and guard the prisoners. Tho only witness examined was tbo detective, McParlan, ol the Pinker ton Agency. He laid open THK INN BR WORKINGS of tho A. O. H. In this county. Ho detailed how bo Joined tbo socicty, and how lie was made to go upon bis knees and swear to an oath called "Tho test" Kono but Catholic Irishmen or their descendants sre over j admitted to membership. The mombors distinguish ! one another t>y signs and passwords, which nro known an "Goods." Tbe socloty is divided into divisions, each officered by a chief officer, called a body master. From him the trusted members get tbe passwords and signs. Ho gets them from the county delogato, who gets them from the State delegato, to whom they aro furnished by tbe national delegate or national board iu tho city of Now York. Tbcy originate with "The Board of Erin,1' n body which holds quarterly meetings Mn England, Scotland or Ireland. These signs and passwords are changed quarterly, and are transmitted to America by a man who is u steward on one ot tbo ships of tho Iutnan line. Tho various members know oacb other to be In good standing by the interchange of these signs and passwords, and tbo witness testified to having attended various twunty conventions of the Order, and gsvo tbe names of a large number ol persons belonging to It. A GRKAT HKNSATIO* was created In court when tbo detective swore that a man n a trod Patrick Collins, at present holding the very important ofTKe of Coauty Commissioner, w.-is body master of a division of Mollio Mnguircs in l'nlo Alto. This sensation was heightened when President F. B. (iowen, of tbe Philadelphia and Beading Bailrond Company, who Is a volunteer counsel lor tho Commonwealth, said ho would prove that Collins had secreted murderers, onj bad, within a few days made a visit (or which ho wopld bo called to ac count tielore the Court, lie hs<l uleo placed one of ills emissaries in the Jail us wuirlimau, with keys to tho ceils of prisoners. Mr. (Iowen exonerated the the Anciont Order of Hibernians outside of tho coul Holds (roin any knowledge of a participation In crime, hut boldly charged that in Schuylkill county at least the Order had degenerated Into :i society worse than the thugs ol India, wboso object, was deliberate murder, arson, robbery nnd the prevention ot tho deiectlon of crime. Among Its members the commission of murder vol tho title to distinction and pecuniary reward. Hereafter, to bo a member of that socloty In this county will bo regarded as rz-officio?nn evidence of criminal guilt. The detoctive testified that II' any member of tho Order gave uny inlormrtlon which might lead to ilio prevention or detection of crime he would be Immediately expelled. THK METHOD or VTRMSR. The modus operandi in the caso ot a contemplated , murder was explained. The person Bggrlevod states i his case to bis body muster and asks consent for tbe | muruur. If the consent is given the body master ex amines his men to Ami some one personally unknown i to the contemplated victim. If ho cannot flnd any such ho maKes application to the body master ol somo i neighboring division, giving a personal guarantee { thai tho favor will Iw reciprocated at any time. In ac cordance with this plan McGeehan aud B.iyln came over Irom Carbon county to murder Yost, witjj tho distir.ct understanding tbat tiie Tainaqua division were to furnish men to kill John 1*. Jones, of Carbon couutv. Tho agreement was carried out to the letter. Yost had offended Iluffy, one of the prisoners, and Jones had incurred tbo enmity of McGeehan by refusing him work In tbe mine of which ho had charge. Tho mur der of Jones was the thirty piooon of silver paid for tho murder of Yost. For tb<- clean job McGeehan made in Yost's murder the society set him np in the liquor business In Summit Hill. It is net posslbln to describe the excitement in the court room wbon this damning exposure was going on. The various members of tbo society present were very white In tbo laco. Tbo de tective coolly exposed their secret signs and pass word!, Good citizens were rejoiced, as they believo the events of this trial will certainly work tho destruc tion of tbo Mollie Maguire power. I THE GENERAL CONFERENCE, NORTH. THE PRELUDE OP A BTORM OVER THE AFFAIRS OP THE WESTERN BOOK CONCERN?EXCITE MENT AND INDIGNATION?THE CHURCH DE CLARED TO BE SWINDLED. Baltwom, May 8, 1870. Rlsbop Foster presided at tbe opening of tbo Confer ence tins morning: Immediately after religions services, Dr. Hitchcock, Sr., agent of the Book Concern at Cincinnati, roue to a question of privilege, and inquired of tbo Secretary why and through whom the paper presented to the Conference by Dr. Lanahan on Saturday last, In refer crcc to the Western Book Conccrn, bad been iurntahed the AsjoclaUd Press. The Secretary, Rev. Mr. Woodruff, disclaimer! any knowledge as to its having been given out. Ho bad not iurnished it Dr. Hitchcock proceeded with earnestness and warmth to romment on the memorial presented by Dr.' Lanahan on Saturday lust charging the Insolvency of the Western Hook Concern and contending that the allegations ol the memorial were untrue. Dr. Hitch cock contended that the report of the committee, show ing the assats of the Western Rook Concern exceeded its liabilities over $600,000. was strictly correct. Ho said tbe reports of two different examiners of the Western Book Concern agreed in every particular in establishing the correctness of the exhibit of the Book Committee. The only disagreement (which was a small matter! was as to the value of tbe real estate held by tho Concern, which, Dr. Hitchcock said, was under valued Instead of overvalued. Amos Slunkle and Dr. Walden, Jr., a^ent of the Western Book Concern, rose successively io questions of privilege, and earnestly proti stedfasamst tho state, meat made ill the memorial. Dr. Walden said tho attack on Hie Western Book Con ccrn wa< a Mow at Its credit, and tbe statement char# iiii; Its Insolvency given to the pres/(wc know not ho?v) was full ol misrepresentations. Ho read ri state ment or proflts of the several agencies of tbo Western Hook Concern, showing its sound condition. At the conclusion of his remarks Dr. Walden oflcred the fol lowing:? Whereas the memorial In recar.l to our publishing Inter est*. iirewnted ?o HiuhMij tbrunch Dr. Lmnilmii, ?nd ?litneil l<jr U. Herbert Kicnnrd*on. John Miller. John Haer and .lew C. WarSeid, contained damagtnir statements touching the financial rondi lion ?.! the Wenrrn Hook i,'nn e?rn at Cincinnati: nad whereas these damaging stsf tnentv la sonio wajr romiuniiicatril to tlia pre... hart lull mult! public to the detriment ol asid concern: therefore. Resolved. That the Committee on the )'.. o< Concern l? hereby in-tnieted to conalder tl'e anhject ol >nM memorial, and rrport at the curlif.t tnomr: t pneticitble upon tho flnanclal condition of the rt'eatern Methndi?t Hook Concern. Alter some debate Dr. Walden's resolution was adopted. Si veral memorials were prevented and referred. Adjourned nntll to morrow. A MINOR SIOUX EXPEDITION. Four La a axis, Wy. T., May 8,1R7H Captain F.gan, with bis own command, Company K, of tne Second cavalry, and Company F, of tho Ninth Infantry, under I.leutenaat Rogers?100 good fighting men in all?left here thia morning for the scenes of the late Indian troubles on the Cheyenne River and In Red Canyon. They are efficient officers, and will lie apt to make It lively for the Indiaaa if they have a'n oppor tunity. This little expedition Will afford mi me measure oi salety In persons eoing to tne Black Hilla. Captain Egan expects lo be absent abont three weeks. Lieuten ant Robertson, of the Ninth infantry, and acting Assistant Surgeon Petteys accompany the expedition. ARRESTED FOR MALPRACTICE. fssruiiB, Me,, May 8,1878, Dr. Rnfus a. Cobh, of Mlnot, waa arrested on tbo fttk Inst., chsrged with murder by malpractice ot Mrs. Kllsa Caldwell, ofOxford.who died at his house. Ha waa tasei ta Mecbanica' Falls and put on trial. DOM PEDRO. HM MAJESTY AT THI NATIONAL CAPITAL? ?WIT TO THB PBESIDENT ASS TUB HOfSE OF representatives?EXrRESSIOB OF obati fication at what bb saw and heard. Washington, May 8,187ft. Before breakfast this morning the Kmperor, ac companied by his suite, visited the Smithsonian In stitution, where he was received by Professor Henry, who showed the imperial party through the build ing devoted to the cultivation of science. Owing to the great number of importaut specimens which have been forwarded to the Philadelphia Ex hibition, the collection did not appear to as much advantage as it otherwise would have done. His Majesty was, however, well pleased with the arrangement and working of tho institution as explained to him by Professor French. It would be difficult to say whether tjie Kmperor or the Professor enjoyed most the visit. When the time arrived for taking leave Professor Henry said to the Herald correspondent:? "The Emperor is the most extraordinary man I ever met. His acquaintance with men and scientific matters is astonishing;"' and the Professor evidently meant just what he said. The Emperor, in leaving, expressed a hope that ho would meet Professor Henry at Pliiladelphla. AT THK UOt'SK OF REJ'IIKSKNTATI VKS. After breakfast the Emperor visited the House of Representatives, where he occupied for somo time a scat in the gallery. He was introduced to 8. 8. Cox and Representatives Faulkner, Springer and Will iams,* of the Foreign Affairs Committee. AT TUE WHITE HOUSE. At half-past one P. M. His Majesty, accompanied by the Vlsconde de Bom Rctiro, Dr. Maccdo and the Brazilian Minister, called upon General Grant at the White House. The visit was wholly Informal, and the visitors were at once nshertd Into the blue parlor. After a short, delay tho President, accompa nied by Secretary Fish, entered the room. Ills Majesty rose upon the President's entrance, and hi* example was Immediately followed by his suite. Secretary Fish Introduced the Emperor, who presented his suite, and, after the exchange of the usual courtesies, President Grant iuvited the Em peror and suite to enter the red chamber, where tile ladies of tho household were waiting to receive. There were present Mrs. General Grant, Mrs. Fish, Mrs. Colonel Fred. Grant and one of the President's younger sons. The President and Dom Pedro conversed together during the interview, while the Brazilian Minister devoted himself to Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Fish. The Visconde de Bom Retire and Mrs. Fred Grant exchanged notes on European travel, the conversation being carried on in French and Spanish, which languages Mrs. Fred Grant speaks with fluency. After something more than half an hour bad passed the Emperor rose and took his leave. IN TnE SENATE CHAMBER. Ills Majesty next visited the Senate to be present at Senator Black's speech in dofence of General Belknap. His Majesty occupied a place in the diplo matic gallery, and was tho ccntre of observation during his stay. He listened with attention to JudgA Black's speech, and, on leaving, said that the Judge ppoko well and was evidently a clever s and dexterous man. On his return to the hotel Ills Majesty had a pleasant INTERVIEW WITH GENERAL SHERUAN, who made a very good impression on the Emperor by his frank, soldierly bearing and witty conversa tion. .After dinner IBs Majesty visited the government printing oRlce, and in the evening he occupied a box at the National Theatre, where the Yokes family ap peared In the "Belles of the Kitchen." In the morning His Majesty will visit the Corcoran Art Gallery. He will leave for Philadelphia by the 1:30 train, arriving in that city about seven o'clock in the evening. THE EMrSEHH IX PHILADELPHIA. 1'niLAHKLriiia, May 8, ISTft. Her Imperial Majesty the Empress of Brazil visited the Academy of Notro Dame to-day. Pleasing exer cises in her honor wero given by the pupils. THE LOSS OF THE SHIP NEPTUNE. Halifax, X. &, May 8, 1878. The schooner Vanilla arrived to-day from Sable Island with the captain and crew of the New York ship Nep- ! tnne, recently wreckcd on that Island. Tho captain reports thai tho ship wont asnoro in a dense fog on tho . evening of tho 12th of AprU. A landing was effected from three boats ou the fourth rtov. Iho captain i speaks very highly of the treatment they rere>v?<d on ; the island, the Governor of which ctmrtereo the sehooner Vanilla to bring the shipwrecked people here. Nothing was saved frum the Neptune. THE DENISON CANAL CASE. Albast, May 8. 1874 In tho Donlson Canal case the itracE jury w excused ! to-day till next Monday. i SPURGEON NOT WESTWARD BOUND. j Bostos, May 8, 187fl. i Bev. Mr. Spnrgoon, of London. ha?sent a letter to the Tenure bureau in this city, declining tho Invitation to lecture in America. MIDNIGHT WEATHEIt REPORT. W.n DurASTHrNr. i OrricK or ths Chikp Skjml Okkioke, [ WASiiisurox, May 0?1 A. M. ) J'rvbabititiri. During Tuesday, In the South Atlantic States, rising I barometer, wind* veering to west aud north, and rainy, followed by cooler, clearing wcathor will prevail In theOulf States, rising barometer, eool northerly winds, shift>ng to warmer westerly, and In the south west, to southeasterly winds, falling barometer and clear weather. In Tennerseo and the Ohio Valley, riling, followed by falling barometer, cool northwest, backing to j warmer southwest winds and generally clear weather. In the npper lake region, tailing, followed by rising 1 barometer, warm southerly, veering to cooler north westerly winds, partly clondy weather and possibly light rains in the northern portion. In the Upper Mississippi and Lower Missouri valleys, falling, followed by rising Iwrometcr, warm southwest, 1 veering to cooler northwest winds, and clear or partly , clondy weather. In the lower lakes, rising, followed by fallingbarome ttr, westerly winds backing to warmer southerly, and clear or partly cloudy weather. For the Middlo states, rlsin?, followed by stationary ' barometer, northwest to southwest wind*, lower tem- ! perature than on Monday, partly clondy weather aod | coa.'t rains, succeeded by clearing weather. In New England ruing barometer, north to west winds, lower temperature, except on the coast, partly cloudy weather and rain a rears. Tho Lower Missouri Blvcr, Mississippi at St. Lonls and Cairo, Ohio at 1'adneah, and Tenneseee will con- j tinue rising. THE WEATHER TESTER DAT. The following record will show tho changes In the temperature for the past twenty-lour hours in com parison with the corresponding data of last year, as indicated by tho thermometer at Hodnui'a pharmacy, Hkrald Building:? ISTfc 187?. 1871, 187*. 3 A. M 46 70 3:110 P. M.... M 8fl ? A. M (M 6 P. M 48 68 9 A. M M 7* 0 P. M 48 W 12 M 64 83 12 P. M 47 08 Average temperature yesterday 17% Average tempemlare for corresponding date I set rrm. 43* Persistent Efforts for the Release of an Imprisoned Irish Patriot THR EXPEDITION AGAINST THE INDIANS j A New Candidate for Nomina- j tlon at St. Louis. FROM OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT Washixotos, May 8,1871 THE CASE OF E. O'MEAOHEB CONDON, THK IBIKH PATRIOT?EFFORTS MADE FOB* PBOCUBINO ^ HIS BEI.EA.SE?A POLITIC A I. MOVEMENT OK THE j PAST OF THE DEMOCBATS. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee hns b**tt ! much annoyed In tho llnal disposition or cases brought I before them, involving the Imprisonment ot American ( citizens by Ureal Britain. and the last of these, that of R. O'Meagher Cordon, has given ihora no end of trouble, having been, in tho language or one who la well in formed, "a subject of diplomatic despatches continually for months past" The latest demonstration on this aubjoct has taken sliapo In a hug* petition, with the names of 1.827 Irish soldiers who served during the : war, petitioning, with tho Legislature of Kentucky, Hie Irish American citizens of St. Paul (Minn.). Irish . Literary and Emerald' BeneOclal associations lor tho Intervention of our government to socuro the ro- ^ lease of Mr. Condon, and tnese are Io bo followed by j others of a similar character from other Slates. It is claimod that tnis ewe has been accorded an indecent, j undue and partial notoriety; that, |r the matter wero allowed to rest, the Queen, on assuming her new title of Empress, would amnesty all prisoners, but that this j pressure specially in favor of Mr. Condon will not dispose her favorably to this case, if, In tact, it will not bavo tho effect to prejodico her against all of tho The fact Is that the democrats generally throughout the States have taken tire subject up and are going to work It assiduously for political capital to be used In tho coming campaigns whore the Irish-American and foreign vole Is to be catered to, with a view of secur ing iu support. Tho Stale Department has been also Importuned about it, and ibe amount of correspond ence and telegraphing which has boon created by It Is almost Incredible. When the Queen shall amnesty theso alleged offenders both the Foreign Relations Committee and Stato Department signify that they will be relieved from tho consideration of a subject which has boon a continual bugbear to them for months past. THE EFFECT OF MB. BLACE's SPEECH ON THE IMPKACIIMENT TRIAL?PBOBABLE ACTION OF THE SENATE ON THE QUESTION OF JUBIHDIC TXON. ? I By general acknowledgment Mr. Black did not mako much impression to-day on the Senate sitting as a Court or Impeachment From remarks which tho damocratlc Senators made, dissenting from tho position taken by Mr. ltlack, thero Is good reason to bet Intro that they will he solidly against giving (Icnoral Ilelknap tho consideration of non-Jurirdlction, und Iho prediction is made to night that the Seual? will And that It has Ju- | rlsdictlon. Tlio democrats will bo solid In that direc tion and It Is surmised that Senators Frelinghuyscn, Edmunds, Wright and others of tho republican lawyers will vote with the democrats. It Is urged that the necessity for trying Belknap Is felt by the republicans In order to shlold President | Grant ar.d'the party from thoodium of having accepted his resignation. Many ol the Senators, It is said, will submit written opinions, which they aro anxious to have go on tho record. A decision will not, it Is tbonglit, bo reached lor two weeks to come. THE CONNECTICUT SEN ATORSHIP A MAJORITY OF THK. DEMOCBATIC CAUCUS FOB BABNUJf SENATOR ENGLISH'S RECOMPENSE. Information has reached Senator Eaton from Con necticut that Representative William H. Barnutu wll have, in tho democratic leslslatlvo caucus to bo held at Hartford on Tuesday evening, fnlly 100 votes out of a total of 180. There Is llxely to bo some compensa tion for Senator Enjlish's ill fortune at Hartford by a vigorous push for htm as tho Eastern candi date for the Presidency at St. Louis A quiet dinner partv was recently held at tho Arlington, attended by Mr. English, A. E. Burr, editor of tho Hartford Timet; two Eastern members of tho Democratic National Com mittco, Senators McCreary, ot Kentucky. Bogy, ol Mis souri aud others. When tho quostlon ol the Presi dential candidacy enme up all concurred that Governor English would be a stronger candidate than Samuel J. TtUioii. and It was conten lod that tho Davenport testi nmnv heforo Mr. Caulfleld's Committee had so far com plicated New York's favorite son In the conceded elec tion frauds of New York city as to give tho republicans a fatal advantage over Tllden. Ills famous "private and confidential" circular of October 27, lHt?. when ho was chairman of tho Democratic State Committee, ngain brought before the public by Davenport, was also be lieved to be very damaging to Tilden's prospects and fatal to his election should he bo nominated at St. Louis. Senator English, It was argued, would carry every doubtful and all democratic States, and thin secure tho next administration to the democracy. The dinner party and its table talk have made quite a stir in political circles here. 'the EXPEDITION AGAINST THE INDIANS? PREPARATIONS IN PBOOBKSS FOR THK CAM PION?TRIAL OF OFFICERS FOR ALLEOED M ISC OB DUCT. General Crook, eommsndin* tho Department of the Tlaite, has nearly ready for the flsld another expedi tion against the Indians, snd was expected several .lays flnce to start from Fort Fetterinan, Wyoming Territory, MavlS. So definite information has yet reached here as to the companies of troops selected, but they will bo from the Second and Third cavalry, ?n,l Fourth, Ninth and Twenty-third Infantry. A large number of cavalry recruits will be sent from Sow York city neat Saturday, tne 13th, direct to Omaha for assignment to companies composing the expedition, instead of first going to the cavalry recruiting rendex ?ous at Ft. Louis. General Crook will start from Fort Fetterman and push for I'owder River, thence to Big Horn River, and If necessary to the Yellowstone. Two csptatns, who commanded companies during the late expedition to Powder River, have already been tried lor misconduct during tho operations, but the re anil or the trials has not yet been made known. The trials or Captain Anson Mills nnd Alexander Moore are now taking place, nnd that of General Reynolds, colonel of the Third cavalry, will come next. THE RUMORED BESlONATION OF SPEAEEB EEER POSITIVELY DENIED. # J The rumor that Mr. Kerr intended to resign tho Speakership, which was brought from New York to day though not generally believed, caused a good deal of talk It ts false and without the least foundation. ^ Hr Morrison, who I* one or the Speaker s most Intl- ? mate fnends, telegraphed him to know it there could j be any truth In the report and received a roply this evening from Ricnmond, from Mr. Kerr, saying, "Not , on* word or truth.'? It is believed thai the report was , set going by some persons anxious to succeed to tho Speakership, and that the wish wss father to the thought Mr. Korr haa been advised to tako a little re>.u lie Is now absent on a ten days' furlough, a part or which has expire4, and at IW conclusion he will aak | jor teu days more. THE MISSISSIPPI INVEKTIOATIOK? ACTIO* OF THE COMMITTEE. Senator Boutwell ssya that the Senate felcct Com mittee on outrages tn Misouolpnl will noi start ror their field of operations in that State for a week to come. Having finished tho examination or esSenator Kello/g of l.ouislana, they will examine Senator Bruce and representative Lyncn, both ol Mississippi, and some others. All tlieir recorde snd stationery have been prepared for some days, and it is evident Senator Boutwell intends business. SENERAL WASHINGTON DESPATCH. Washikoto*, Ma J 8. 1876. THE HAWAIIAN TBEATT ? PAASAOE BT THE HOUSE OF THE BILL TO CARET WTO EFFECT ITS PBOVIBION*. Tn? bill to carry 1st* efftet the pwliOM of tho I treaty with the n iwaiian Islands jimwI tho Bouse t? j day by a vote of 110 to 10L Tho bill, which wM?rir?? j ally introduced by Mr. I.uttrell, of California, provides ? for the President. whenever he has evidence that the ? Hawaiian Legislature his passed laws to give Bill ! to the treaty, issuing hu proeltiMIMMi, declaring : ihj treaty of January 30. IS75, 10 bo iu eiloct, and that I hereupon tho following article*, be in;: tun growth Bud manmarture or produce of the Hawaiian Islands, bhall ho admitted iutu the I uited Stale* free of duty :?Arrowroot, ta-tor oIL, bananas, nut*, veje- j tables. dried and uudrie'i, preserved ami unprehcrved; nines and skins, undressed; rice, pulu seeds, plants, s I) rubs or tre??, Muscovado. brown and all otb'-r maun- ! factored sugar, syrups of sugar cane, melaito and uio las<oo and tallow. MJL BLAINE AND THE MARYLAND REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. Reference has beeu made to a letter from Mr. lllaino that was in Rome way Introduced In tho Maryland Con vention. Tho circumstances which led to the letter uro these:?A prominent and distinguished republican of that Statu, a warm and persoual Iriend of Mr Blalue, wrots to him a lew days before the Convention as follows:? Every county In the Slate ban chosen delegates to Ihe Frederick Convention favorable to you arid the delegates to Cincinnati will bo Tor you unanimously. Would you desire simply to have your recoituacd friends chosen, or would voit prefer a vote of tnstrtio tlon* iu addition 1 Vou can have whichever you preler Mr. Blaine replied as follows:? Ordinarily I should be unwilling to express any pref erence as to what a Stato convention might do touch ing myself; but of lute, as you well know, a very |<er sisient attempt ha* bean mado to throw mud nt me, and a pronounced expre.-siou from the Maryland Con vention In my favor would at this timo bo grateiully received. CUBA. Ha vaxa, May 8, 1878. Moderate rains have fallen throughout tho Island and the protracted drought Is beginning to abate. IMRKl'TOK (>r NNAKCBX. Seflor Joso Canovas del Castillo has been appointed Director General of Finance! for Cuba In tho placo of SeAor ViglL British west indies. THE BARBADOS BIOT8 NEWS A CAUSE OF EX j CITEMEXT IN JAMAICA?DREAD OF AN OUT BltKAK IN KINGSTON. Jamaica, May 1. 1878. Great excltcment prevails here over the newsofiho disturbances in llarliados. The natives are jubilant over the demonstrations. Troops havo been hurried > oir Irotn hero In Her Majesty's t>iup Argus. ALARM IX KIXfiSTON. Unless ihero Is a more conciliatory policy pursuod In j Jamaica au outbreak In Kingston is leared. Waste oi public money also exasperates tho colonists. I RIOTI.XO SAIt> TO HAVE IIKKN RKXKWKU IN IIAKHAIKIH. Tho lust advices Iroui Harb.uios siy tliero has been fresh rioting thero aud that several moro lives have been lost. HAYTL. SENEGAL CANAL'S PRESIDENTIAL TRIUMPH. Kixostox, Jam., May 1, 1870. Advices from Haytl state that General Canal, on ar riving at I'ort au l'rince, was mot by tho populace aud carried on their shoulders to the National Palace. whoro ho was feasted, lionized and decorated with laurels. CENTRAL "AND SOUTH AMERICA. Panama, April 27, 1870. The Legislative Assembly of this State iu cxtraor. dinnry session on the lfith Inst, elected General Buenaventura Correoso, Manuel Murilla Toro and ' Damaso Corvera Senators to tho national Congress. TI1H AQt'KDUt'T PROJECT. Tho Assembly also defined the law on the aqueduct ; project, specifying that the Uve por ccut annual inter' 1 est guaranteed by the State on tho capital invested is : additional to tho soron par cont guaranteed by tho na I tlonal government. The Assembly also empowered : tho Executive to ln\ost $.'>,000 of tho Stale l'uuds in i the aqueduct enterprise. VKKCXt'BIiA. i A report reached Bogota that President Guzman j Blanco, of Venezuela, had sent Sorter Guerra Marcano 1 I' as emissary to Ecuador to ascertain what attitudo she j will nssutno in coso of hostilities between Venezuela and Colombia. AX KX-KIHO AKRRHTRn. Orelic, the Kiagof the Arauoaulans, has been arrested i In Montevideo. llOttVIA. Humors of a coming revolution In Bolivia aro rife. l'BRl*. Advices Irora Peril state thnt the absence of Mariano i y Prado, the supposed President elect, lia* led to dis j sous ions. Seflor Uiva Aguero, tho candiduto lor tho ; First Vice Pruidencv, and Seflor Cauerara, candidate i for tho Second Vine Presidency, aro also in Europe. j I Now candidates lor these latter posts have been piulied ! forward at the risk ol a split In tho party. It is ru mored that Congress, In July next, will Ignoro the elections anil neclnro the present Incumbent, Don Manuel Durdo, Provisional President lor two yeara TDK TRADE I.N NITRATE. The export of nitrnto is rapidly falling oft Tnr. rinxRSK. Another Chinese rising in Peru was frustrated. CHILL The Congressional elections In Chili were over, but the result was not published. AN ALABAMA CLAIM CASE. DISPUTE BETWEEN FATHER AND BON UPON AN AWARD. Mr. A O. Reason, President ot the United States ' Guano Company, bM entered a Htvorn protest ngalnst I the payment of damages awarded by the International Court of Commissioners lor the detraction of the whips | Golden Kagio and Avon by the rebel eruisers Alabama i and Florida during tbo war. The amount awarded is : $tiO,0(K>. Mr. Bonson has made an affidavit beforo < I United States Commissioner Winslow in Brooklyn, in which bo states that whllo entirely unfit to transoot ' any business about May 14, 1874, ho signed ccrtnln I papers brought to him by hla son, fleorge W. Ben- ! | son, the Secretary and Treasurer or snld i ' company, lie was told these documents were ! necessary in the proceedings, but tins i since learned that It was an alignment of and a power of attorney tor the collection of one-half tho above ? claim. Ho allege* that aboat tbo month of July, 187b, George W. Benson assigned a fraudulent claim aK'tln.-t the said company lor Ins xalnry to one Warner, who In \ turn sued said company for said claim, and George W. : Benson allowed judgment to be obtained by default, , ! nnd subsequently appeared before the Court and de clared the company to ho insolvent, with the exception 1 ot a claim before the Court ot Commissioner-* of Ala- 1 1 hainu Claims. Subsequently the deponent caused ap- ? 1 plication to be made In the Supreme Court, New York, ! | Hr a Stay of proceedings on the ground of '-collusion ! i and fraud on the part of said Secretary j George W. Benson. Kdgar F. It town nnd one Warner i to deiraud the stockholders of the company, and Julge ' ! Brady Immediately (.ranted the ssme." Sir. Benson j | now learn*. as set forth In the affidavit, that these par I I ties are endeavoring to obtain the amonnt to be paid under the award, nnd lie "begs and pray* that the | : award shall not be issued'1 to them. He ask* that tho i ! money shall be held hy the treasury until such time as j the company shall take action In the matter and em ; . power tbelr prevident or legal representative to receive the said awari lor the benefit of tbo stockholders of said company, or for such other relief as nay be re- 1 i quired. It Is said that the Secretary of the Treasury will hold ! the award till tho settlement of the pending legal dis j pules. NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. Tbo United States steamer Vandalis Is at Port t?u Prince, while the United States steamer Plymouth In 1 coaling and provisioning at Jamaica. FATAL FERRY ACCIDENT. About 7:20 P. M. yesterday, as the ferry boat fa- i perlor, ol the Koosevelt street line, was entering tbe slip at the foot of Broadway. Wlllmui-hiirg, a man tell overboard. Tho boat wax hacked Instantly, but tho propter appliances not being at hand the poor frllow was drowned. He was a man about thtrty-lve year? of , age, flveleet seven inches In height, light complexion, with sandy hair and whiskers. AVOIDING NEW YOKK. Tho now arrangement for carrying through passen gers between sll points on tbe Pennsylvania Railroad 1 and New Kngland, without change or ears, went into elTcct yesterday morning. Upon the arrival or the South ern train at Jersey City it was run on board the steamer Maryland, which carried it thonce across the narbor and via Kaat River to Harlem Hirer, where the train took the rati again and proceeded eastward, a large party ?r Invited guests made an excursion to Inaujju rain the novelty. ROBBED AND DBOWNED. Tester nay at boob, whllo Polite Officer Jacobus, of the Hoboken Police force, was patrolling his post in Newark street, tear the ferry, he discovered a dead body floating In the river. Jarobus ran down to tbe ferry and procured tbe assistance of several of the em ploy us, and by th? aid of ropes tbe body waa dragged ashore. Tbe skull appeared to have been crushed by some blunt instrument. Tbe pockets had been turned out, suggesting tho Idea that the dead loan had beta robbed and ihdh murdered. THE BIG HORN EXPEDITION. rBKPABATiox* ron its DrrurrcnK from fobt irefflU-OBJECTS OH TlIK MOTKMIST-i jl.WI) or INDIA* SCOUTS TO ACOOMPAKT TH? TIt? 1 Kort Luroi.*. April "A 1S7A. To can-c certain bunds of tho liionx nati.n lo curb their warlike propensities and ?<> l? the re*crvatlone set apart for them is <ho purpose ol an expedition now being organised at Kort Abraham Lincoln, D.kota T.rritorv. In <b? fasUensce of the mountains on either sW.- of the nig Horn River and In the country adjacent thereto tt.ero have been encamped for a number of r. nr* band* of Indian* who hare dorllnod the a.d offers th,,n by the ,overwent, preferring to maintain md-pen-icnt Itle and support themselves rather than submit to the care of agent, appo.nted to ?"C'o? kindly surveillance over their welfare. ? | l.ow. ver, they have not coniined themselves enttr.Vy to 1 tho chase, but have made raid* on the settlors of -Ion ! una and Dakota, stealing stock, plunders ranches I and killing the Inhabitant*, until they hare inaugurated 1 Mich a reign or terror that their number. ' supposed to be hundreds ol thousands in.tead of two or throe thousand. At all of tho egeucies on tho Missouri River there aro numbers of DIHMAT1.KIK0 INDtA*', whom It would bo impossible to pleaso under any cir cumstance*. Then there are certain young men anxious to inako a name lor themselves In order to ;ain Inlluonce In their tribe, and which, .hould they remain quietly on the reservation, they could nol accomplish. From the. e clas.cs tho hostile Indian. receive their recruit., ami as they aro generally desperate character*, without much to lo*o but evory thing to gain, they make ?ood lighting men. In addt tiou to their lighting qualities thsy aro well armed wttl tho improved lire arm., havo pleniy of ammunition, obtainin ? these Irotn un.crupnloua trader., and llvin| as they do m a section of tho country but very llttU known 11 Is not to be wondered at that they are leared bv the poor settlers ol tho frontier, who have but lew i arm. or anv kind, and who, tr they had. could not protest themselves, for they are scattered over tho country at such distance. from each other tnat there during tho late war. c ould they know the 1MIILATE0 COMUTItl* OK TIIK KKOSTIKH WSTS sMX: :ktw, IF,,rl I 'r!"II the south. A largo wagon train i ?",?b."n^^ Tr'afwrn ol traii.oortatioti. Bob.Htence store, are ordered fnjm sir'Xt'j?. I sag i u noli the "rtlcor selected to command, who ranitj? o? I iTe^mtUiruM'^d -."^rhe ,U find in his march throunh the wilderneaa. KOKCKB 1* 0**1". The grounds .urrounding Kort Ll^ln rccall i SJ ?? I"10.1" X'Jw 'wmmm would convince an outsider mo?t thoroughly that me d1he0re7et b?o to be done before Ih. or tho Seventh Cavalry, fix companies of In Ian try r battery of Galling gun. and a dotaohtnent of In scout.. _ - DEATII OP MliS. O. II. MUMFORD. A telo?rnm from Salt l*ke City, under date or May ?, report, as follows :-The widow of ticorgo H. Mum ford late Vico President of the Western Union Telegraph IL XIuintord. Jr.. was also at one time a vlco president of tho Wcstorn Union Company. HOTEL AlkiilVALH. Godlovo S. Orlh, of Indiana, Unttod States Minister to Austria, arrived from Kurope yesterday, In the steamship Bgypt, and Is at tho St >?cho^.HoteL Governor Henry Uppl?, of Rhode Island, Is atthe Filth Avenue ITotel, on his way to Philadelphia. Pro ;,1, Jolm for.,A ol W?. M.I, I. *?????? ,h. Asior Ho..<. thorn.. Dlok?., ^ Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, Is at the Gilsej House. John M. Forbes, of lloston, I. at the House Judge William V. Allen and Theodore Hiller, Sr ih.' S.. Vorhcoo,.or A,?"""a ,np at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Surgeon Char I.. Me Cormlck. United States Army, and Genera Adna An, derson, receiver of the Chicago, Danville and V m^nnM Railway Company, are at tho Kvcrett House. Cover nor Person C. Cheney, of New Hampshire, and Captala Samuel Hrook., of tfio steamship City of Richmond, are at the St. Nicholas Hotel. Congrcssman John O Whitehoose. of Poughkeepsle, is at Hotel. John Davis, Clerk of tho Court of Comm.s Lers of Alabama Claims, is at the Hoffman Hons* Calu.ha A. Grow, of Pennsylvania has arrived at tho Fifth Avcntic IlotoU Prorcor T. J. Backus, of A MM College, is at tho SU Denis HoteL MAILS FOR EUROPE. Tbe uteamalnp Scytbla will leave tbla port M Wpdnonlay lor Quceiiftlown nnit Liverpool. Tho malls lor Europo will cloao at tbe Post Office >1 twolvo o'clock M. Tiik Nkw Yokk 1(rrai.d?Kdltlon for Europo?wlO be ready at eight o'clock in tbe inornlng. Slnglo copies. In wrappers for mailing, six cent* IF YOU HAVE GLOOMY FOREBODINGS 0? ImiK dlneaae, iih lUu'.i H?*atr or IIobkiiouici* a*? Ta h. I'ikk'h Toonurtue Ditors cum lo on* minute. ADVERTISE IV ~ TIIK ETCHING TELBOBAM. RATK* -ii CKNTS PER LINE. The circulation ?t tbe RVBMNO TKLKUItAM lMt week Monday 37,100 Tne?l?y H7.JijO Wi"1iii*>iI*? S7.J00 Tlmraday 37..W Kri.lav 3\ilM r^Mirilny Vi.VK) Total 2?l ,**) Dally ? ? SHJIB Omi K NO. Jl ANN ST. A.?KNOX "WILL li.SUK HIS CENTENNIAL Rocky Mountain lieavcr iI ?T for antnnter wear on May the <I?t of Iha Rrand i " - - ? Emporium*, .1- liro ? CRISTADORO'.S UAIlt DYE ~IK THE FAVORITE 6y- In America : alw.iy* reliable, natural, beautiful; whole ??!" ami retail. Ml John at CORNS, BUNIONS, INGROWING "NAILS CURED without pialu, Crmi Com. by mall, !Hk. Dra. KiCK A JOII NSON, JIJ Itioadwar, corner Kullon (t. II'" ri fito vnniat.iiiiAU ever IIat for antnmcr wear on May 10^ I uponliii; ol thr qpnter.nial Exhibition, ?iilvi}', and I'lltlt Avenue Hotel. .DR. C. W. HEN.SOS'S CELKRY AND CAMOM1LH PlU.1 are prepared e?pre<alr to cur* aick headache. nerreaa h-alache. d) ?|w|illr headache, neuralgia, nervouanea* and ?leeple??nei*. itml will cure any cji*?. I'rb-e .106., ??m frra. -4.1.1 l.j .irmr^'t-t. JOIlN P. III.N'KY A CO., %<enta. New Vork. Oltlcr, l<*? North Kntaw at, llaltlmure, Md. DR. FIT LEE S RHEUMATIC REMEDY WILL eara your rheumaiUm and nearalffla. For Ml* at 31 Join at. _ DYKING AND CLEANTnG-NEW YORK DYEINO AMI HUNTING KhTaBI.I.MIMENT flTATKX IrtlJtNU Ofli?*??'e< Dnane ?i , Til Bn*d*a), itloitth ar.. Mew Yorki I ? tnd IHH I'lerrepont at.. Brooklyn; t'l Mortb 8th ?V. Philadelphia. K?t?bliah?<l 47 yea#* GOLDEN HAIR.? BARKERS AURORA CHANGES any hair to irolden. Depot. HAItKBK'ri Unman Hair and WIff, pitrlora. SB VVe.t -Jiith at, OPEN SUNDAYS. FROM lo~TILL X?THE. SILK Ki.a.hc Tana* ?<ipplln<| only by ELASTIC THI7.HH COM PANV. IK I Itro.wlway, everywhere mpnraedea the aatt qunted metal trn-.ea. SODA WATER APPARATUS FOH~MAKTN0 ALI Aerated Beverage*. .lOIIN M ATTIIKWrt. 1*1 ar. and MM at., city. THE TRUE SttlktY IS, DR. MARSH'S TREATMENT I* the only enre f ir raptnre. Office No. 3 Veeey at., AeMi Hon**. o(i|>.i?iie St. Paal'a church. THE AMERICAN KI.KXIULE" tJFE~SAVIJf# RAFI will he on exhibition at Uvck, loot of at., North RivaA New York, until Lii'h of May, |H7H. Aiiinia>l.-n free. _ M.W I'tHUCATIOillt. SHSMiff booK'htorb IN~tub'world.-cUC J tennlel eatalorue free. LKOOAT BROTHKR*. No. I Beekmaa al. KM JOtLIN** NKW #ORK' WITH I'ORTM.Vlf ?,ri,wiSKfir/!Vs.,xtrwar!? fATHK r of the