Newspaper Page Text
Stocks Higher?A Speenlator'i Mirkft?The Delnsinnt of the Street. GOLD STEADY AT 112 5-P. Honey on Call 3 ft 3 1-2 Per Ont-Gor ernment Bonds Active und KailToad Bonds Firm?Investment Shares Stead". Wau. Strskt, i Moxdat, May 8?0 P. M. ( Bulla, emulous of the Jersey Heights explosion, toochcd uQ their dynamite at the opening to day, to tbo distractiou of bears and and trepidation of nndo eided shorts. The report mrned out to be more noisy than noxious, for the damage done proved as incon siderable a* iliut Irorn tne Hobokon uflair and was ?bout as soon over. Tbe burst up was chiefly contlned to Lake Shore and Western Union, the llrst springing up suddenly from M'j lu 64',, und Hie latter from 00', to 07,'t, from which point prices foil almost as rapidly to the llgures they started from, though Inter tn tho day a second rally was established ol about & per cent, which was sustained to tho close. Speculation is contlned almost entirety to theso two favorites, although the Twenty-lbtrd street bears are keeping an evil eye on Michigan Control, which they esteem only with letting alone mid watching carelully for the present. The Rufus natch party In Western Union aro probably somewhat disap pointed to day thai their injunction great nun has ex- | plodcd with such tneirectaul result, and that the fru tie ; joie which was to send prices flying upward has fallen aa tamely on tho ear of a disbelieving public as tho re- j port of a penny squib. Tbo result wns that tho stock ^ closed at but u fraction better than it opened at, being onablo to resist thoso demoralizing seller Mxtics at a half per et nt below tho market and 1 the feeding out tho long shares which Mr. Gould ; (having got wind of tho injunction movement) com- j placently and adroitly possessed himself of tor tho i purpose of "sparing" them to the ex-managing diroo j tor and bia shipmates when an eligible opportunity j 0 He red. 'I he I.ake Shore move appears to bo built upon , no sirouccr foundation tlian that of tho telegraph j funcv. The extensive bhort interest, tho existence of 1 which is plainly shown by tho expression of brokers' j opinion, tn tho comparative scarcity ot shares for do. j livery, has created an opportunity for a turn upward, i sharply and unexpectedly, as wo have more than oncn , suggested as Itkelv to oixitr. From all wo can gather this phenomenal bull crea- j lion owes its paternity to a bear source (which seems to Tm? mixing matters, to sav the least), and Its aires are no other than Messrs* Cumuiack, Work and Beury ttmllh. # The efl'ect ol tho movement is, of conrse, to forco Sickly and impecunious bears to cover, which art being Accomplished, as it speedily will be, the riso will prob ably terminate as quickly us it began. The business of the day was aoinowhat broken Into by tbo election for board ntllcers. which drew oil" tho at tention ol member*; consequently there is nothing to bo recorded o! the general l:st save that It remained Steady und dull. Thcro was manifested eoino llttlo Interest, however, to the Wostcru stocks, bus. d on tbo adjournment of tho Coiled States Supreiuo Court until October, which was tocopti'ii as a conclusion that no opinion In respect to the Granger case would bo Issued belore the fall. None) ruled at 3 a 4 per cent, auil stocks trenerally loaned at 2 una 3, with tbo exception of Michigan Cen tral and Central Hudson, which brought a bouut of 1-32 to 1-18 lor delivery on short contracts. TIIK BAt.RS TO-HAT. Tho transactions at tho Slock Exchange to-day ag gregated 132,000 shares:?New York Central and Hud son, 406; Krle, .V>50; l.ake Shore. 32,000; Cleveland and Pittsburg, 115; Northwestern, 2,200; do. prelerred, 1.200; Rock Island. 3,800; Paul lie M.-il. ?,62-'>; St Haul, I,400; do. prelorred, 7.U50; Ohms, 4,2'JO; Western j Uuiou, 48,260; I'nion Pacific, 300; Michigan Central, i II,400; Union Miuing Company, 1,13U OrKKISO, IIK1IIKRT AMI LOWKftT PKICKS. Tho following table shows the opening, highest and low est pi Ices of the day:? Owning. lliyhrtt. LowtJtU New York Central 110 110!? 110 Harlem 13S 138 138 j brie 16 H?l4 ift l,?ke Shorn i3l? 64j# 63>?' ; Wabash ?' 3 2j ; Northwestern 40 *0li 40 i Nonbwestern prelerred... ft8 AM..*? f?S Kock lrland 104 10.) lOt^f 1 Pittsburg 94 '4 94'j 041, Milwaukee and St. Paul... 37 '.t "a1, 38,'? Mil. anil St. Paul prei..... ftt1, 64', 621f Ohio mid Mississippi.... 17 17\ lft'? . New Jersey Central WJtf lu-l., Ijick. and Western.. 10s 10s 108 Union I'actiic 03'4 0.V4 l*!1* t.. C. and L 0 4Jt 4?, 4?* Western I'nion. e?>;? 07'? 00v, Atlantic ami Pacific Tel.. 17\ 17'4 17^ pi.clOc Mail 10', -H', 1!>.'? I'anama 120 129 120 r'.o?i.No I'lticitt*?3 r. m. I'aiibc V?:i ... l'.t., ? y(? C.C. t'.t I.... 4* a 40 i torsi, u'lel . i?U m , G>, I < * i U. V, a 4% All.. I?f id.. 17!4" .? 1*% Dsl. 1, *W ..V.% a |(ih ' t,iock?llrar.... i;> a It.', r.rm l.'> a l.'i% ,utrH?tl>!T pf. :0 ?> . 3% I inn A St Jo... 14'. * l'> huLnill M 7 ? 7', It A 8t .lo pf... 24 a J.i Varl.a M pi. *, % n n l.ake hhor*.... ?'4\ a : 4li Adam* t.x Ha 11 <? Mlcti < entral.. 4i a 47', American Kft. ? 1 n < 'J1, N t .1 11 arlt-m. Klt!% a l!W I ? K*....... 7"\ a 71 4 .\ ? T * li 11.. I I' % a lll?'4 Welia-iarcjP.* '8^ a ??< N.I leu !??>>, a t?7 Chit' A Ali.. I"', a Oliln A Ml?a.. 17% a 17 % I !?? A I'm. 14'4 it ! I), I'.iiaiiit ? a KM ; hIc 4 N W . 4(. > 4ii, Tol A \\ ab ... a 3 Chn A S to" pt. tH% n ?>~% Lilian Pacific.. ? W>% Cbu A K 1 | a HI. limwnrl Pae IS'a a 14 hilartl' . :im It :ix% Prod* PetCo..Ill 111% Mil A M I' pf.. HI 1 4',1 ADTASCK ASP DRCUXB. The following urn the changes in closing prices that bare tccurred since 1 lie rloso on Saturday:? Aktaxck.?New York Central, % ;C., C , C. and 1., 1; Delaware and Luckiuiinmi. %; Kriv, %; l^ikn Shore, ft; Michlgan Central, %; Missouri I'ot illc, %; North we.-t<?rn common, ; do. preferred, ; New Jersey Central, ;t>tilo an<l Mississippi, %; Kock Island, i4 ; M. Panl common, 1%; <lo. preferred, 1%; Western I'tlldll, V J>M LiNf_?Union Puclflc, Stkadt.?Uold, Wahasn, Quicksilver, Producer*' Pc- , troli um, Panani.i, Pacific Mail, Illinois Central, ; leni, llanoit'iil ami Si. Joseph common sod preferred, C.t 0. Mud 1. U, Atlantic and Panflc Tclogrnph, do. preferred. TIIK MONK! NARK XT. Money was freely offered at 3 a 3% per cent at the close. Prime pa|>er j-uaees without change. Tlie fol lowing were the rates of exchange on New York, at the undermentioned citie-t to day:? Savannah, unchanged; Charleston, '* a '4 premium; Cincinnati. 90 a 100 premium;" New Orleans, commer cial, %; bank. %; Chicago, jO premium; St. I.oiiih, 100 premium. Sterling exchamy waa quiet hat firm. Prime asking rate*, 4.88S a 4.90%; selling rates, 4.87*4 a 4. *8'4 and t.89% a 4 9<i; reichmarks, a 06^ and W ^ a Ofl1, ; j calilcs, W\ a 9* ; prime Parts, i. 1:1X4 a Ml TIIK OOI.ll WAIIKKT. (Sold opened and rl<?cd at UU.H, w:tli sales In tlio Intorint at 112\. The rates paid for carrying wore 1 and 2 per cent. l.oan< were also made flat. OfCRATIon or TIIK KXCIIAMia aAKK. Uold bnl ini ' f $977.f>&& Currency Iml.uiees l,Uil,'iJ6 Srosis clearam?w 33,.).ST,0u0 rUtAl-.dU ROt SK STATRMKMT. Currency exeli?o*e? |79.198.M3 | Currency Inlances 2.4-lrt,.>Ts Gold ex< dances 7.H?,&18 Uold balaucea 1,uhi.ixxi norR?*J|l|XT ItOJIIIR. CoTernmcnt boiuls wet* in better demand from la reetora, tnd the uiarKut closed arm at the foilowiug lootation*:?1,'aitedSiaiescarrenejrsisea, 127'4 a 127*,; to. aixca, 18il, registered, 121 >% a 121 ??; do. do., do., ' coupon. 122,'i a 122'.; do. da, IMt, registered. 111', ? 114,'i; da da, do., conpon. 114s all4'i; do. da, da, new, registered, 118% a 119; do. da, do., da, soopon, 118% a 119; da do., 1MV7, registered, 121 a 121**; do. do., da, coupon, i21 a 121%; da do., 18m, I registered, 122% a 123, do. da, da, coupon, 122% a 123; da da, ten forties, registered. 117% a 118V,; do. . da, da, oo?po?, 118% a 119; <la Bret, 1M1, regis t?red, 111,% ? 117%; da da, da, coupon, 117% a 11T*. KrrawTVinrr smiir*. Jarneiment aecariUes are generally stendy. W? qooM sales aa follows:?(lock Island, 104%; New Jersey Central. 9* a fldS, a 07 a !?T%; Cleveland and I'ittshurg guaranteed, H% a 94% a 94%j Uarlcin, 138, New York j Central, 11? ? T79'.,'; Delaware nod Hudson Canal, 113 a 111 ^; rolled S la lea Express, 71; Delaware and Lackawanna 109. rua c?:txd states tsbamchv. The Sub Trra?ury puid out this morning $20,000 gold on account of interest aad $2,00# in redemption of Ave tweuty bond*. $0,700 atlver to appiieaota here, $22,000 on Washington drafts aad $170,000 on carreocy cb'cks and Clearing House certificates. We note an entire din. appearance of the premium on ftlver. Thil is duo to the announcement of Saturday tbe Treasury sub trensarera were prepared to pay large sums. It In also to bo noted tbat tbere la a freer interchange on the part of Individuate, and ronlly nrnre care for small cur rency tbau for coin. Revenue receipts to-day, $1,000,000; customs receipts, (H00,000; bank notes received, $000,000. Secretary Bristow decides tbat the United State* Assistant Treasurer cannot pay out silver In oxchatige lor Clearing House certificates. Tbu silver payments to-day were:?Under $100 limit, $13,736; on silvor drafts, $34,000, and on currency checks and drafts, $3*8.060. HTATK BONDS. In State bontjs tbe dealings were confined to New York registered bounty loan at KM1., nud Tcnnessees at 41V f?r new and new series; old Tenncssces at 43. DistHol of Columbia bonds sold at 71 TBK FuKMUN XABKKT. The following are quotations reported nt two P. M Consols for money, 961<; da for account, Ofl^; 188$ bonds (old), 104'., a 104^; 1807 hoods, 100.^ a l(Ki\; ten-forty bonds, 107/i; new five*, 10fl><; Erie, 1*5>4'; Erie preferred, 20 a 22. It is im|>ossU<lo to prosont further reports", because of the weakness of the cablo lines, another of which It Is said is broken. RAII.R0AD BONOS. Hailroid bonds were dull, the changes as a rule being slight. Michigan Central sevens rose to 100. Mil waukee and St. P.iul, 1,a Crosse division, sold at 102'4 ; da consolidated sinking fund at KS, Northwestern con solidated at 102 ,S, Morris and Essex sevens of 1871 nt 107, da consolidated firsts at 108, Cuion Pacific firsts at 104X and land grants nt 100*,. Olno and Mississippi consolidated sinking funds brought 08'i a US', and da second 61)',,. The following were the Infest bids:? Albany ami Sn?<i 1st.... 11" Cedar full* ,t Minn 1st. H"> Albany ami Suw| 2d....lull, M Ich Smith 7 |i t, 2d.... KO1^ Albany and Ku.-o ? .!<?? Clxre a Tol new b ..1" ! Hnatun, llnrt A Erie 1st. is t'leve. p'ylile A A new.104 Che> A Ohio IVs, 1st .. I'ot, l.nk.'Shore con ri: l*t ,1'>4 Chicago A Alton lnc....l<>0 Mich t lent eon Ts, 11*12. 0!'*? Chle, Bur A if eon 7'*. .Ill Mich <! 1st. SV 'S2, s I..111 Chi, It 1 A l'ac Is: 7's llo N V Central ?'s, 1IW3...1<>3 C. It I A I'd fin fPs.m.V '.'S NY On 1st iu, e 115 Ceutrnlof X J 1st now ,1|:< X Y Cen 1st in, r l >.*? t>n .if X .1 cm* l<K?tf North Vi> 1st 05 hellish A W It eon f?<.1(1. ^4'a Ohio A Mi*.s con s C OK'i Am IWk mid Imp lids..lf>? llliin A Mis*cm I'M Mil A St P l?t. 1 A- I?... *7% Ohio A Missed.con ?0k Mil ,t St P 1 st, C A' M... l>n Pacific Kolil Ixindi.. llN'.li Mil A S Peon ? f us Cen Pacific, Sun .f hr. . ttljj Chi A X \V *ink fund li*'.1^ Cen Paclllc, Ciil A O.lst 01', Chi A X W con ltd* Ifll!^ t'nion 1'AciOc 1st.. 1 fH*? Chi .V X W ep sold IkIh m?? I n inn Pacific I t 7's....M*>'i Chic A X W re* gld bd? HI'? I'nion Pacific sink fnnii. H1U Ciilena A Chi ex lO.JJ Pacific Kit of Mo 1st.... i?> Clilc ,t Mil 1st I0J Pacific ItR nf Mn I'd 78 Morris A K?sex 2d 110 Pitts, Kt W ,t Chi 2d..l1'i'< Morris A Kssex 7's, '71. U 0 Plus, Kt W A Chi 3d. ..10.'> Mor A Km 1*1 con g'd... 1"7 Clove ,t Pitts con ?> f, ...lOfiU Krle 1st m, ex t'H Clove A Pitts 4th l'PIt1, Krle 2d, 7's, )87? till C, C A I 1st 4'. Erie <d, 7'?. 1S83 IOIU St L..ui? .1 1 M 1st. ... s?ti?' Krle 4ili, 7's, lf^o Tnl, Peo A War, W 1>.... 7". la.nir Ii.m'U in.lids HSi Tol A Willi 1st, uxt SO Man .? Si Jo I e 11' Tol A W ah 2d 03 llan A St.loi.-on 7'"J4 (ireatWcst 1st, lSfW.,. S9 l)ub A 8 City 2d, dlv 4"> 1IAXK SHAKES. Ilanlc shares sold at 100 lor American Exchango, 112.!^ for market and 114 for merchants. Tho laurt hnls aro annexed:?Commerce, 115V; First National, 200; Fourth National, 00; Hanover, 09; Importers and Traders', 103; Market, 112; Merchants', 114>&; Mer chauts' Exchange, 100; Ninth National, 80; Kepubllc, 70; Stateol New York, 40. ruiLADBLrnu stocks. Tho following are the Philadelphia stock quotations at three o'clock this day:? IN<L Anl-rd. City sixes, new 10S1.,' 108?g* Pennsylvania Railroad fi2'^ 63 l'hilndel|ihla and Iti ailing Kailroad... 44 >4 44,^ l.nhigh Ynlluy lluilroad 67'4 67', Cutawista Railroad preferred 41 41>i Philadelphia and Krle Railroad 17\ 18 Northern Central Railroad 84 '., 34*< i.ehlgh .Navigation 40tJ 40*, I.ehlgh Navigation Cold I.oan 103J? 103*, MININO NKWS. Tlio Caiiioruin mloo, Nevada, lit at this time yielding 2A0 to 300 torn* or oro daily, wor'h between $.">0,000 and $00,000. This amount kcops tlio mill ruuning to its (nil capacity day and night. The product lor tlio llsciil month of April was over $1,000,000. Tho ores from this mint arc to rich as to orcato unexpected ditQoul tlcs In their amalgamation. Tlio north drift on tlie 1,400 loot level Is being extended to conneot with tho Ophir mine. A dividend ol two per cent hits beon declared by tho Consolidated Virginia Mining Company, pavahlo next Thursday, out of tho earnings of the past month. Tho mills nro now engaged In their usual monthly settle ments, ami isbow tho product to havo been but little under $'J.">00.000. Tho dividend will niuount to $1,0*0,000, and the current expenses about $300,000, leaving n balanco of about $1,120,000 to bo carried to the surplus fund. Another large new mill has been ordered in connection with this mine. It will contain eighty stamps, and will lie erected near the JointC. and C. shall. Tho dally ore product ot several louding mines is as follows:? Ton*. T<m*. Consolidated Virginia. .>o0 Ophlr l.So Iteh'lHT -?.'<0 Choltar 00 California 260 Imperial .">0 Tbo dividends paid by tho Northern Hello Mine to date reach $000,000. The property wis purchased lour years ago for $3A,000, and Is now valuod at $2,000,000. The following treasure was sent to China from San Francisco, on M uv 1:? Trade dollars $232, R?8 Mexican dollars 40,31H (?old coin and dasl 4,210 Silver bars .'>,000 Total $282,486 Tbo Cariboo Sllvor Mine, Boulder county, Colorado, produced $200,000 last year, but paid no dividend. Tho mine was sold some two years ago to the Mining Com pany Nederlatid, at The llagnc, for $.".,000,000. 1 he new Altnadon qntoksllver mines, at San Jostl, Cal., were worked to only a limited exleut from 1H4? to 1W3. Since that time they have produced 000,463 flasks, ei|iial to 4?,398,054 pounds. They are, with tho exception of the Altnadon mines ol Spain, the moist productive <|Uicksllver mines in the world. About f,oo men are employed at all times. Tbo reduction works contain nine itirnaces. During eleven years cudlng lust December tho shafting, drifting and other mining work amounted to 128,724 lineal feet, costing $1,0,J0,000 gold. Mr. C. II. Fl.'h has been elected President of tho Consolidated Virginia M.ning Company lu place of IIr. Kdward Barron, resigned. The mine was recently thrown open to public inspection to counteract recent statements that the rich ore body was approaching ex fa tustion. The following are tlio earnings of the Chicago, Bur lington and Qiiincv Railroad:? March. 1*76 $371,723 March, ls7?> 383,701 Decrease $12,tK>3 Net earnings lor throe months to Mar. 31.. $1,204,020 Net earnings lasi year l,0IM.2i>0 Increase $10H,t>d<> The following nro tlio gross earalngs of the Missouri PaclDc Kail road:? April. 1S7B $383,732 April, 1 >76 100,045 Increase $103,707 Oros* earnings J in. 1 to April 30, 1*70 H.lti.i'MI Cross earnings Jan. 1 to April 30, 1876 ??."> 1.;;h?* Increase $232,.*?'< OOSSIP 05 TIIK HTItritT. The 1,owners' Hank it waiiing ne.?s Irjm out-of-town depositors before It la able to say whether It will re sume or not. Silver and Iraetionals are both down to par, with a falling oil in the demand. on ihe cheeks aud drafts presented at the Treasury most of the parties take ,?otno silver. Others will not touch it. The l?nk* generally take IU Th<- Western I'nlon Telegraph Company are refusing cabin business, and a pretty woll authenticated report rays their cable Is ngain broken. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES MoxnAT, May 8, 187t r.noKi. (AU.-m a. m. $10 O Ft I, J a c 1st lOi li?> sh? Mtrh t'en... s.1 47 4 <i.h? r?. Kail.**,., 4<*? 4, 47 35 (to '.0 , It ?> do a ?> it? a i.m en .<>) ?o -o i Do do ItVI do *3 10,% 1?| da do ?i inn d? 2 '? ?? 1t?S 4"<> do JD do Iuft I ? .NT < A low do II", 10 do. 1? do 1 *-?<*> Wen I d Tel io o 11'?? HO (Mki ?Mm X? ?j,*. 50 |<M) 1**1 1H?V> *1 4) J it 17 O 1*0 2<n? 1U0 I .'.<10 3 ?) *0 JUO do du. do. iln. do. do do. do. do. do. do d<i do do 3<4i Mich ? m liK.. tw do 7<<> I1?K litll* ?8 lfl\ *'4iS n?>-, ??>* 07 <?7* 07 'O'i h?;" flH?, oeS ft, i, to* c?S <J.\4 4 40-iFrie KM A S W KR. 1W <!?? ... !>???> LHt KS UK 4141 :cxm 400 ?V*o 3t*> ? <o *o 1< 4t IV10 2 41 1700 l.'x i > IrtO 1K*I do.... d" ... ?I do.... (til,... ,.b:i . >i do.,. d?..., du........... do ?-''I' Mil A St P KB. . 1(41 do 3*4) do I"0 do e 100 do c li?l do i.3 2,10 Mil* St P Hit pi.. IOO do do , ?**! ; 200 I l< V 30 ) do 4.1), ftoo do 200 do lO V J Urn KR .... 31) ? Ohio A M KR..b3 HW do . m do do do do do 4H.\_ 4?ll, 47^ I0:|.N 5.1*, 53\ 51 *4 r.4'4 %% 37'} 371: 37 C $ r.:v^ '"3 '? t 3S r.'4 l>7 17 $i'*> o US 0's,'81,r be 121S l.'lOuo do 121 'J .-?i**j I H.bc |^L 5*44) us;,-. u.r.'i II4S 50:)J U h 5-20,1HV laooo U K 10.40. e...?3 mm), JIIISJ' ftwmo Tenn ti's, n 41^ 10,(0 'i'< mi ti',. n ? 411 v?7\i)i,re un-: 1*441 11 rookI/11w I I 17 ::om Hmr,0 it a m i?t 41 10 41 C A O |.t, c oil. 31 100 1 Si 1j,.I if 102 \NI> 11:30 L $sooo 1 us os, 10-40, r 5 44)1 r 5'i.t, l*OM) do 2(X) o l>.V?.r. hi..., 20 UO I'K <;'s, cur be 127 - ? J2 M. 117 ii7'; 117*1 I17S MOOI M A 8tPl?t.L,aO 102*4 2*4.1 3IA) ill ASP con ? I. m 100 loo 1 O A M con > l.b J f*8S joo ? ***? do lin', 200 lO (*) Cbl A X A'con. 102k 500 ???i Mor * K7'g, '7|. 2(?j 1000 >1 a K lit, eon ion 3 h 10 1O11 L u I'm i.ii lit. I114V lilo arw? I'n I* 7'?, I r. b3 10.,'mi 2II0O Ohio A Minn 2d.. HI?V; |0 I 2000 JMIch Ccu 7 ? . JiHi' lno 10 kIw Aaier i.x Ilk 10.1 20a> do.::.... IM?ARD?lU:;m L 4<?>ibi M CtnUK .be du 1 do ?J ? do U*? do I'lO do do do do. do... do... do... do.., du... do .. do .. do. . do. M. 4<IW f $ S3 4f-,, 41 #V 41 I'llC A N ?V ltn.bc.1,3 40 IS Market Bank II2J. ?00 ? hi A .N Wpi...hc 2n-ir> nn^ ^ , !4)* I'-A MSRh.bc.?3 44 J>ela II Lnn.bc.sS IlJ J200 do. 27 u\ on .VK) S<*) 11 K ) ~X*t Alt ?m 1 I'M 10: ? 7<?i :?1 (VK? 1000 16 0 1CK30 do.. f?? I'n 101. do do do. do do do. do do. lllii & u JiK) b:< ....MM do nli ?bS Hi lili V tw>, uv4 ?WV ii'iK 0 1*. do. do. b3 10-. t ^ .... mi-* ,.b3 d?i do .. do... I?l? do... 2100 do .. 17 4) do... fx M) do... 70> do... 27' 0 do.... lUr) l'nclliu Mall 1210 On ni 11 -00 U11 M'g Co 610 do Ilk) I" S Kxprxioi.. ,.b c 2' o XYC A II llltll.lie II" 13 1 do Iln?i 200 Uarli iii Kit l>c 128 2'1 Cluv A i*itl? ct I)IS 2<*> do be l?Ui .'il5 do 1(4,'. 1<<? SJ Con UK .bee ,?3 t*>-, iok 1 l?v s 7!^ do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ..... do do do. do do. .. . ?'* ..>3 ... *3 . .n't ..?3 1$ &;?: ??-3^ "k 53'j ?)|J ' . ,y.i k 2<>o : 5 !t5 10. 60 do. do 3l> I 200 100 3 41 700 111.10 200 400 soo 2100 50 300 30 1 500 totll 500 IMlO JO JO soo - :ii h 1 CM Jt 111 Hit be 1< -IS 37 K HO do IO) do 1<>0 do.... .<41 Mil A St 1* pf. bo 30,1 do loO do b8 100 do 2d 1 do ?JOO do IOO do 20 1 lihlo .1 Ml??.b o.b3 20 1 do e |i4) do b.l |oo do.... 20-> do 50 Mich 1 en RR (told Saturday). 115 loos HIS 112 15 <W>% C41 , t;n.\ $55000 rs 5'n. c 'ci 5000 Ohio C*, 'Hrt l.;0 4) lllcb Cuu 7'?.. 4 00 C A .N ec I|. Ii4?i 1' T 1st. S J br.. 4110 (lis Krle KK... b3 s (i <1 I n 10I 40J do k3 111) do i>5 till) do K V do h3 35 X y C A II U..OPK 110 300 j'ac , ail.-' 100 do ... 2 N> do.... 3HI do.... 100 Mleb Con IIR IOO do d? do ,.b3 do b3 100 IOO 300 Ml';, H-,S ?ws 07 Oil*i BKKUllK <1ALT/-12:.1D V. MIX 850 >ba Micli Cen Rll.. 50O u ? .? .. 1100 do 700 do *3 214) do b3 5?l do 1<I0 do b I 10 1 do ..?3 100 do s< 5?WMll A St P RR 200 Mil A St Ppf.... 100 do 19*/ 000 do lti'a 4? do 20 ;n?> do b3 20 200 Chi A X w RM. . 47 200 Cbl A XW llRpf.. 47S 2 4) Ohio A Miss Kit. 4?S 3;>0 do bS 47 200 do 100 do ?>3 P. 54S :>4? 3?s 37 3HS 37 S 63 ?. "?'? M <12'. ?'? ,v >?% l(i? 43S M. 47 T *>4 a: 54 S Sty ciiS t>3 ?? s* 90000 IT S Or c. *81... 12.'>4 $1000 L'8 5's 10-40 r 18500 1'8 6-20,e.'G7.. 121 . 01 4> 5HS 17 17S 1 * 4 IV, M. lis SKCON'I) nOAHD?'I P. If. $3000 DU Col n.nVs... 71S 10)sh* Chi A R L b3 In4Ti .liMS'O Tonn (>'R,n sorlos 41S 2200 do 10. 211.0,1 Trnn n's.?. ?3 43 5<K) Uo 104V 71441 Cbl. K I A P7'n. 11<IS " ,,M ' 5<*I0 Con I'ac pld ltd* 10UV. 1000 l)n Pnc UK l.t.. HH' 2i*?i >ior A Ks 7'?,'7l 107 W?*) M A K con 11H H??1 B, C l< A M in 40 1IOOOC A X W cojsb. 112 0 4ish? W I'n ?o> 50 in 1 IOO 2iK) 500 10*) tioo ? ?41 do. <!"? ."lOO tki ? loo 0,')O 51 Ml llti do do do do do do. do. .siiO do do .Oo do 18 A A P Tel be if 1 l>ol A II ud Can.. 7i*i . ac S* ail .. .be .V?) do b3 200 do 2 4) do *20 5 1 Kric KR bi ll" ilo n3 !K>) do b3 Olio do 500 2i*i UOt ???? r?s C4>', Bt;S Of;S 141S CO', I4J?. is 112 10?. 2i ll?*4 1U>. 15 15 J'V, 1,>I? "?oil do 10. 0 L. S A M H do do do do do do do do 3011 11410 a *1 4(41 100 MO ,s3 do. .'?fa V* 54 ??S MS 54S1 5?S sss 1 40 S ?'^'4 l'? du lie 1081- 1 600MII A StPKK. bo 37V | do -??*? do :?<??? Chi A N W !'*? do *.1 1IO ? do konoiil A S W nf. ..b e UM) Del L it W UK. do. do d?. do do do ao.... do d*v do ., ?J }hS J,?J Mil A St Ppf .'.'be d?? *3 I.V8 ?m k i d??... iiviaRK 12U ii:>? do 1<m rnmiina UK ?J<M MlCI* ( OK Kit. . 1)0 1 UK) l?m 2HI 3 KJ l(i?i ? .c 4? * 47S ??TS do do do do do 2iJO Un Par Kit b 100X J Cen l*i?7 li4i Chi Aid KK .be lOti. 38 0.C, 0 Ainu.... 41 $50110 L' 8 5's, r. '81... M4JO M A M I' t'OU s t 414*1 Kne 2d in 1X441 , li 1>H1 KK 1st.. 5(41 sbs W rM I 11 Tel... 3(41 do ?3 2 41 tlo b < 2*4) do 43 1(44> llo *3 0 C SI- x b.l (U4I I'OC Mail SS .3 10.1 do 1'4| Jo s3 It* ? 00 5*4) do 4*>i Krle i( l"o Mich Can RR 2(4) io l'O do 1 k> do s5 100 do 1(41 214) 2 4) K4I 3*41 11*10 n,, lUWOblo A M Kit.b e ' do 1(?? do 1) ??OiJ do 5.10 Oo 38 37' zz !?? :i8i< 3-4 .^i'4 * 4 "?S 04 V *>4J. 04 ois 04 "4S ??4.S i! 17S 17i. :30 To .1 p. )i. 100 4llS I'll I'm lilt 1" *> I. Mi M s KU..s3 d??. do.. do . do.. ..i3 ...b:? e\ 54?4 54 ? 648 5?if 500 do b3 54*. 1 0 III Con KR S?4 ?Chi A X W flfK.... 40>. .???? lit* .\W pf 5n?I ,1?C. C.CAIr lt COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON ON THE SPOT LOWER J rtTTtmE8 KTKADT?rLOUtt HUM.?WHEAT unchanged? COltN BA81KIV?OATH DULL AND LOftElt? WH1HKEY QU1BT? POBK DULL?LARD DULL AND KA8IEB?? rETBOLEt'M QUIET? SPIRI7H TURPENTINE ql'IET?UONIN yUIKT?OILB BTfcADY?FRBXQUT8 1IRM?COITEE STRUNG? SUGAR 8TRONO. Moxoat, Ma) 8?0 P. M. Trade was .?low In nil dlrortioim, and tin-re was but n moderate business dnno In any commodity, whllo nearly nil kinds o( merchandise were dull .nut norni mil. On 'Cliauge Hour remained dull. Wheal was quiet, liut wltlmut ch.iugu 'o prlees. Corn was eaKier, with i? urni biuitieas. dm dull heavy and lower. Whit-key quiet. 1'orfc dull. Jjird dull and easier. Kreiphts strong. Cotton on Hie sjiot was lower. Piiiuics wero Steady at the cln?e. Collee wai strong. Naval more* were quid Oil* rulo t atea<iy. Petroleum wm quid Put Meady. f<i;i{nr ?? qmel hut Mron:. Corr?K.?Tlio market lor RtawusQrni; wo note ?ale* of IV.nM liaiJ e* Content at I'V.. for k"oU, and nl.oiit (l,i (HI bugs ex Yanmyden, ill Hall'more, on private term*. Mlldenffte wn? quiet. We quote Ordinary cargor*, 1 "'Sc. a l.V4c.; fair do., 17,'ie.; jro-xl ilo.. |,<e.; prime <ln., |Hi4e, n IH',e.; exlreino rauite lor lot*. a l!Vae. ? lianwt, lair f.mod. 17c. a t'JjC-. gold, ninety days; .lava, government has*. J-c. a -1c.: do., j:r.n?? mat*. :Kc. a 'J-'C,; t<ln gapare, iitv, i?',c. a Iflle.: Ceylon, I7!,e. a 1:*.; Mar.-icaiho. lite. a lltr ; Lftfitavra. I7?jC. a |M>*e. ? Jamaica, I7i. a l*c. ; ?t Domingo, 14. a l<V?c.; I'orto ilco, |--< a It v.; Cu*ta I,tea. l7r. ? Itn.: M?ea??ar. l*"Jr. a l!"je.; .Ve\l.-an. 17c a | v.; Manila, i7e. a It*.i .>n?wMnra, l<c. a Iff.; n.tvanilia. life, a l*'?c.: Cnneoa. IFc a I7,'?e. ColTim.?The market for ?p"l waa quiet and lower. elo?lns steady, however, at the decline. Mrlct low middling and gr.nli'* aliove were rrdaced 1-ltV.; uo?mI ordinary ami Miilhrii alai reduced l-i? e. ; low iimptliir/ and ainrt Jt1*!*! ordinary reduced 'jC : Ininrc* cli?ei| rteady. The dming price* to day Oottipare with Saturday', i rice* a* fcdlews: ? A-ia it. i . 1/nv K, Mat J?, a - Mnv l.l?:? .. II 7 l?? .1 mi* I.*. a IUJI-33 June I.".? a II ll l? .liny \tu7&2 a ? Jnlv. ..I.7, ? I. ;1UJ .titinnl 1 a I a I'fi Aiiiriol,, I i l-.ti* a I.H 1-16 j-opt I3I.VI* ? U Kepi 1.1 ] ?3 a ? October...Ii IH- I'l a ill ili-iO October...! . i'f-8' a |9U Nev IVlW-rsi a ? .Nov rj j.-;lj a li'f.? l? l?ec IJi.i;iJ a ? Dec IJ A.-I'J a IJ lil-lS ? l^notation* are l*.->?eil on American fttnnaant nl claaMfica lion, and on rotinn in (tore rnnninic in quality not more than halt a Krade above or l?elo?r the urndc oiioteil ; ? / pltTt'h, AlllhmH't. A. Ot 'rr1n?. ff/tl#. Orrtinarj II t< 9 Mt-i't ordinary :< i:t-IH n l.l in u |:t.|n V I3-I? i?? mi ordinary.. I"'. I? ?'? 1'", 1"K> Mnrt ko> i ?.miliary. II lid II MR II llrt n :M0 L"w middling IIH llji 'IV. Mrwt low mi<l<lllnit.. 12 l-ll^ 1 - .I-I0 1^ A-Itl III .VI? Xlddltnc IJ 7-lrt 12 t?-1rt I |2?? O"od middling....... U'IVIti l.l I HI U ??!? I* !M? ftrlri |T"od mindlmir. 13 7 1* IS t? jo M ll lii 18 11-16 Middling 'air lit l? lit IS If. 1? U I l? 14 1 l? )? M,r 14 11-10 14 13-IH 1413.16 14 I*>-10 ?et,lined - <-ood ordinary, 0 1-lOc.; ?irlct gied ordinary, lO a-liv.: low middling 10 11 1*! mlMlm*. U 01'?" ti|.01 ??le. were a. follow.^ ^a. I>'?"*? Consumption ........... 1.42 Speculation '** as# ?w Jr,?!',V.iV,?mW r.r| ?aie- were a. follow. :-Saturday, ?'l,r ' jg xje.; , mint lu'V : June. ajjo ?1 1 rssa! 12V . 2-Wat 12 21'Uc.; Deeembor, ?M?t ?-*?>?. 12 2332,,200 a, . 2 IMOe notice, at ! ii'v..Tu'. ;hMort!f^?fi?K ujftic. ssg.ti'ss;, U?1?. M 12 II -Rlc.. 1U0 at 12 7-tte., Ht 12 v-; Jun?- 4,10 "* lv*?; .Ml. i ukfc *? 12&.. 1,1*10 at 12 lll-aae., i,?t? ?* l-n Yl ?t 12 21-32c.. inu Ml W?c-? 1J-.U ! ^ Hii! ? M at 12 i?*??t J'-J ?, ?f- } "VJtr*? >; M la 13 10c. U*? M |?,.e HOOM i 12 l3-i6c.,JOi?t 12*,c. {????! jw.i-c.. Vltv :?w 12 -H 32e., -K?I at lif.VltK.- . *1 ' * 1 ?** j , | ?I 13c., 100 at I# !?!???. V,'. -ll" " 1 I 1*2 31- rjc.. 1,8*) ftt IB*. il i ikn iuu at | 1.3 11,1c. ttt 18 l?e,W & lfaD * foJW ! I I !13-32c.; September. 41*) ?l ' - ' ' . ,? (?>,. 100 ut I lobar. IOO at 12 13-lUc.. 3100 at l-!^e-, *'u? I 12 KM 1 Sc.; November. 200 at 12 **' " 10 1 t.iiu 2CX) ut 20l) tit J* ** ' , 1* | I LV.lV>ic Total bale#. lirnnd total, I anoott Thowielpta ^ T.VmoSito a^iwiuSt I ton. Hi* bale.: New Orlean*. 4.148; Mobile -rt- ??*?uui n. I ti ?sr? wr^V$ iS S li.HUtt Thi.daylaet wee?. 6t.l1S ? "fr'btal^**'C.'.ti. n ronipretneil. To Hamburg, b> liyei'tool to Woman. by .team, ?e.. fffinprewed. lo Uvarpuot. <4c. by htunin: br tall. 7-:i2?l. . ... . t l?CK imi ^K,"ro,P?5~" T-,^.Obutlo-!*; bu?liel<; corn tne?l. i'_7t/<ck?, - ..., ,, ci.rn 147 847 do.: rye. 3.?*W 'lo. : b?rley m?U. +?'" "??? Tin- IIour market w?? (lull, but prl<-'?? w,JLte ? We?tirii ?n<1 - quote :? ? (?> ? *3 7? 2 4 25* 4 ?*> Huperllnx 5 1)0 ? 25 Kxtrn j, i?jm u 111 Ouolce state 4 ; 5 a 4 00 Superllne 5 gii k 5 2& hxira ;> :*ia 7 Minncnuta ji??a '1 2Ti Kouud hoop (?bio. ?hippinc brands u Round Uoop Ohio, trade brand* 7 iwa K SO Kami'.y 5ii->a tJ 00 St. Loom, low n ???? 7 1 ?? rtl. L?ui?, 7UOl H on St. lioul?, oliolco doaltle extra H lit. Loula, choice laimly... ;j 7,,^ 4 _i) Kyo Hour, 0n? jj ^ _ a ^ (al tiotilberii. No. 1 .r, , 4 ii.r? Southern. Miperllne ft 2."> a 7 0) Mnitbt'rn, extra - 7 26 a !? 4?> Southern, family IlW'a !1 30 t/orn meal. ilinia 3 30 Corn meal. Jt-r-ey a tW a 3 70 Corn uical, g,, a quiet' but itfady. ojo'.lnB at |IW Wd a* a ?l io :.ked for V. 2 Mll^ ?^ro H . .?!?< wore about nrj.o.m bu?heU, at $1 10 for No. S M w ?w jor i'?n?l?.ctiiiK, t? trrivo; #1 ^ l?f 14,1,,>ai inal llarb'V ?ud barley mail were dull and u"?'0*'j , w *ri dull anu low er Wo note .ale. W ' a 3-liie. c?-h and :ic. tiirj. We MU'te.?Amertcan drosed, flldi a $200 for (iuKle. *7T~"'? 7^,.' ami ?-120 a $125 for roiiijh: Manila hi-tnp. 7 v . a <>^c., P ? ltiiSKiH clean. $-lM a 8J1?), sold; Iialia .. U-' ?? *-?>< ^.* luio 4l4<*. 14 ii>4c., currency: Jute buJK -/fcC. a *?c . Sisal lifinp 44iiC. u "i^aC-, lstle. ' Hoi as.hks.?ihe market tor New < >r!e*n* bnt ?lOitdy. Srtlo t>? bbltt. We quote :?Culm, centrilUKijl und mlxpd. *2c. a fjc.: clayed, .lie. a :?r.; do.? ?u?f(J 3.v""l r*; BDKlUb ui?nd?r32c. a SOc.; New Orleans.lair 1 .iti it 1. ? .. ? .I aulaii on iinilL If OfC 1. OTltlllt U arrire; ro!<lii, common giraliien, *l 'y a 3" #lS lar -Wa.biuglon, *->?*.! 12>a; ?2 121, a $2 2.V Advieti from Wilmington were ?? Jo lowsHo*ln lirm; atrained *1 !>.>; nood yard, 27.410; afloat. 724. Tar Onti1, #1 f'i >?r.l. -V""' Turpentine steady; bnrd,.*l W; ?ort.*'t 1 oju' yard 2,:i72. Spirit*firm; 2!<c. Iitd; yard. SsVl, ^l('at. l,2! >^ aKSrrsac Ji'otT1 VmVi;' sperm* crude', $145:^0 bluachod wluter, casks, ?1 17>j a ?1 22,V- do., H,.L> ?#4 40, winii. bieaclip'l flsh. Me.: crnilo flah. 4?e. a o"c. I'ktuiii i lia 1 lie market was quiet, but closed steady lit , refined t? bbU l?Hc.; da. 1 W'A wcrV - rollowV-Uil Clt^dnll and weak. United *1 75 bid; *hipmout, #1 03>i? I arker a ^ls.; larU1.7Pn 1 lei 0011 i* keir* and 1^* c?!?eHj cut me*U, \Jnrofi I t 1 erce an t :?4 boxe*; UeC. TO i?erct % 43 UbW and 770^k?e*. n>o pork market was null and ea.ijr. Tb.^na jIfnS't'l "iai^Vasked! Jul,.?21 ? bid. *211 75 *>m ? ,1"- at *'} ^ "? >) rs'i libit'at r-'l 00- Out meats ruled .lull, wuh prices, u ' . , .imi?id us before. Kreah hams were qnoted at I'ljlc picitVed do. at 12\"a i:V fresh bellies at 11c. a ^lereui?t^ilV extra Tirtt? mrM *n a #29; India nia??. ?25 and orime mess, ?5f Heef hum. were quiet ai $25 a t2i. lor prime *. e.lern ".v: r.;:: ~ ills w2|? 72V bid?il*i 77H ??ke?ls Jnljr, *12 Bo bid, 25 . K7i aVkc.r Aueii.f *12 !Hhid,*lJ asked; Septem f I M^.ld. iil? Wt Mked. The sales were rt.UM tierces. . w lor Jutie "ml #13 lor July. Sp..t was qui-t. at $12 l?l b>r JUiie. .U 44o tierces Western 7Cr?n.?-ai uirre*do' at $12 '<??. Hellned wa? quoted ?' f1,; 7' *r'ca 1 J,r. a l?c. for tlontlnent aud 12'4c ior Cuba, witi. sab' o'r 1U0 tiorces for Cuba at quota *'*?"? nuiet but price, were gteady. We qumoCarolina, ^a^W poon.'fair' lo W.V- ^ Kt; !u -%e-n^ar^'1o?^w wa^q.^; but ?ron,. lie fined was Vt?X on bards and Jeilow. VIj. q?oU^ Wi'T'^w.ufwd! 10H^*VInu'laiCed. l5>,>: I'mlnaU^c. -.TKAHIKK. Ihe market w*?quiet, with sale of tiered. , l^K The mar^t ?J'USSC ???c were lur at "?^msKtr-The market wa. quiet; 100 bblfc H.ld at *1.-11?Under a *ant snpplv of .U-amer room atrail ??le fo"^rompi shtpmeut* rate, advancetl. for accom " "2 .1 .. i .tivnmoul esnecialiy. Tonnase for charter railed v"*raiu and peiroleum trades attracted a fnlr share -V1 .,^11 ut Ste.idj rate*. Notlilna of interest otherwise ' ..?..l,,hed The en%Retnent. were I o Liierpool. per steamer l'.'KX' bushal. urain on pri*ate term? q?0|t?d nipumor. , oi_,| . 500 boxes Waeon, nnn J.'W num?uall> c ^ advance in provinloM of 5#. b??t^om the la? Obtained; 1,500 hale, cotton at Vm' d I v sail. 1,2<I0 bale. e."tt?n at _^,d. I,"' 'br ? .11. 1?,'*>' bushel, grain, <>*d. Vf",??nW- steamer, ?-0 bids. -n^-ar 3-is. I" comprised :- An Italian bark, hem e to Rotter refined ? b2rt. b,?SI t"? Vni ed Kindom direct, with :i.?? bid. -...rU test ' '2. a, .; a Itrlti.h ship, laid on lor London. ?l 1.801 ? L ..kin / one lent of the icraiu rejwrted above: an Ameri ?\ni fiHti ton. reported heneo to the Mediterranean, can bnj,, ? ntt<l ulterward reported ** being cli?rter*ert to load lumt.ef ?t Savannah lor a SpaUi.h port at or about $0 ire.^' now here). NEW lUUK (_'A1 II. hi MARKETS. May 8, isi<x HRCKtPTS rOK THK r*!>t WKKK. 17-i'n in i sfwi* *?? i Yartlr. Our* Ot'rtt, Lumti. //, 1/t. Sixtieth atreet ... 4,-40 au 2,.Vi ' 4,:m? ? Korty-eiiilith atreet ? K MUD 1? Korttatli MrNi ... ? ? ? IU7 ia.?>?i JuiM-y City *i ? - U,.tM ll,7l.t Totalt II.HH 4H ^,7 H 17,*.'? -4.77.. Frvsl* ?<? rtar 4.157 ? BIN ?.t.iif-it lUiri!? ? There wa? mii nntiMtally quality of horned OUllit'in Mien I In b t??i Inn <ii . al tit I ratio wit* ?Joy uii.i although all tlta herds to hand w?ri Mild off tiir markets closed waak. From ? tl li a. it mi lbs It t* been allotted ni't, tin' top * ecr? >"lil it mail Obtained .?f? lb. n ?MI In nei, whilst tlio it^urejiato ol tin? cuttle aent oil on .'al n?*. art. Kiie-es wrrtt i'ljr a I'ic per lit. weltllii tftvt. a 1U ?wt. At Six tieth atrial yard*, T. C. Kn>?msn sold for sell :tS can of lloraeil MtllOt Milfl M fitiwwt:-Ul lllttHil* tlntri at ;'\e. per lb., with a traction oil aright i'4 carts., atroug; I" llllti"is ate era at lUe. per 111., with a traction off weight 71, curl., ilrMl; 113 Illinois steers at lt?'?c. per lb.. weight 7)j cwt., want; 27 Ifclnoii steers at IK' .c. per lb., WtHiflVrll the lot, weight 'i\ ewt., atron'X; ' 32 Illinois atcers at lli),c. per lit., weight 7j( Hrt., >Unil|(| tti llllnnli ateers ;ti K^f. pur lb., Weight 7>j cut, -rain; 7U Illinoisilwn at 11 ? ,c. per :b.. weight ?*', cat., unnu f. i Wheeler wild lor I. ti. Ultima*. 21 Iliuona meera hi H."j , a I Ic |>er lt? . Weight 7 ? cut.; T.i llliuoU stern at IV.y a II lje par lit . weigm *>s ewt. It. Walxel soid lor Morn* A W.isel, st III led Illinois (leers si ln'4c. per lb, wltli ??? -iff Ihe herd. weight B,'? cat ; 7H still led Illinois etrrrs St 1per lb., with $1>i ofl thi herd, wei iiU cwt. ; 17 Illinois ateers ?t U.^'e, per lb., Weight it' t p? i : att Illinois steers at it*. per III., weight It,', cwt.; lilluol' >tecr* st H>c. per lo., ?,tit (I on per lieaii. weight 0?, ea t . I& lllinnitaieerit at 1U.H|C. pet lb.. a?i||lii i cwt., '2\> Illinois st 'era at In'sc. a I Ic. per lb., wefulit i ^ c* t. ; 10 lilin >i? I'Ulls, jro?- w et,ftil -l,t.o lbs., st $1 7?i per cwi. tiillet A lirowii roid lor nelrrs lit llllnoU ?tet r? at lil^tc per lb.,wrtrhi i iwt.; -"W tllinms stevrs at Mljjc. ? lie. pfr lb., weulu <>| tWt. ;3I ttlBflil tMen at like, a 12c. per lb., WCl-.-ht t"> ??t 0. J. Mignn m>I 1 lor -ell lit Illinois Mr r? st I c s ?!>;', per In . wt ijilita tIJac. c* t c , wt. K, It. Kite*nthai ?onl ft.r Morrl? ,k W ulxeln .St I llinols ?ti'cri> it l?',c | er lb . with ">r. off per bind, wrlgtit U ewt. j :iii I III - lion "tarn at lite, per lit., u t ight tt'^ ca t , ;4,H ||itnoli sleets at l<?'<c. tali lb., with We. ufl per head, Wt'lgbt 1D4 i wt.; let illlnwM si errs at a 1ii;,c. per lb., irtih 3ue. oil pot lie ltd, weiaht 7 cwt.; JJ Illinois steers nt lU'tC. par lb., w-lilititi^ cwt. a 7 cwt.; 4~- lllluoi* ?teer> at ldtac. per lb., wliii #1 otl |>er hesii, weittlil 7 cwt. ; :*l Iltln>-i? ?tocrii at liii,c. per lb. with $1 oil per bend, weifbt 7 cat.; Ii' Illinois ?teef? at Iv^t per lb., aelKht 7), cwt ; :ti lllinol? strera at lii'tc a lie. ptr lu? aeiplit k cwt. I lery .1 Carey sold fnr l oon X li.ia Imr 48 Illiuoi. steers at lli',c per lb,, with I on per head. wet*tu 7)% cwl.: |0tt Illinois strera at lOt^r, a 11'?c p< r lb , welphls 7>? cwt. a "'4 cwt.. atr >ng 11. K. It urcli rat 'I ,o|d lor KtiMtl A 7 hoinpaun llti lilintoa ateert at |U>4?. illV pier III, welitnt l'a ewt., ftri'tis; l?r A. V Vowme. IH llllnoia ?trera at 11 Hk. a li'e. p r in., wrlfht ewt. >. Moaea .. -lit lor ?eli III Illinois ateera at Hl,^c. per lb., weight iitf cwt.; |7 llllnoia slet'ra at lltf. a ln'^e pi r lb., wrl||litii Il>4 cwt. ? 7\ ewt. Meirel A >l?yera attin for srWea 2.'<7 Illinois aterra st 101^0. per lb., w>'lRht li*? cwt. ; in Illinois ateera at lie. per lb., weight *',4 cwt; held on asla, ill* 11 It-tola -te*ra. At Jrrary oiiyysrdat'. Kol n lolil for Knh? A Knrat 8 llllnoia hu Is. grota welcht 1,17". Ins per !ie?tl at 4*4e. pf' lb ; HA Illinois ! ateera si 1<?. per lb., with 09 iha lot, weights Beat, a Ukcut. 31 llUaoU itrari at ivtVc, atr lb., with f l offj>or bead. weight ew ewt.; #f? Illinois steore at l?r. a l<?\*e. per lb.. weight ewt.. with $2" off tb? herd; 30 Illinois ateers hi i03?r. per lb., weight iVewt : Illinois ste~rs ?! 10l,e. per lb., ??l|tbt AM ewt. dartln. fuller A Co sola tor selves 20 Illinois steers M lOr. per lb. ?lth 50a. off per head, weigh! 6*4 ewt.: 17' Illinois iinriat m'wc. a p*'J*"., withifl (iff per head on 34 bead, weljriits 7 rwt ?'-< ewt.; 14 Illinois steers u lit. per In , weight (Mj ewt.; I arey ? Xefbtr*M void for Dsaistuan Jfc ''a. Illinois a 11 \c. per lb., weights ?>. nrl a 10 e>vt.; 77 Mill-lad 111 i 11 ul * bulla, grosa waly his 1 lbs. a 1.468 lbs. per head, ut $4 *i a $4 7."> per ewt.; 53 KcaMtty steers al l'*, a 10,Sr. par lb., weight 0W ewt.; for J. Holme*. 32 Illinois sti-ers at lOfcc. 'a lOKe. per lb., weight 7 ewt.; HUaoU ?tear* at IQUo. a I lie. par lb., weight 7Si c?t,; for A. Ulman 31 Illinois steers at l?>e. a loVc. per Ih.. weight 0^ ewt.; S. U. bonnell sold for ?>. W. Allerton 17 Illiuwia steers at Hie. per lb., weiuhts ti'i ewt.; 17 INinois ?terra at lllUc. per lb.. With 5<>c. on per head, weights 7 ewt. a 7V, ewt.: 52 Illinois steers at IO'?c a |ll>4e. par lb., weights 8* ewt. a ; ^ cat.; U' Illinois steers at IOV- a lie. per lb.. weight. 7K ewt.: 0 Illinois steers at 11 Sr per lb.. weight ?+,' ewt.; S. W. Sherman sold lor 8. W. Allerton 06 Illinois steers at 10l.c. a 10?ie. per lb., welifhu ewt. a 7)sJ ewt.; 21 Illinois staars at lie. per IbL, with SI on par lieail, weight 8 ewt. SttKKr akd l.AMiiH.- Triulo stow; quality from lair to good. Sheep sold at 6e. a SS^e. pur lb.; yearling iambs at H'jc. s psr Ih.; -urlnp limbi at lie. per lb. Jndd & Huckiiighuui sold 22 Kentucky ?beep, walgilt I.7WO lbs.. al flr. per To.: 1*17 Ohio sheep. weight 10,510 Ibi., at H'sC. per lb.; S3 Ohio suaap, weight 7.020 Ibtt. at 7r. per lb.; 124 Iambs. ? eignt H.4. <i llis.. at lie. per it).; sold during the post week 3.4l*i sheas and lambs at $5 a $5 57 averai/e per head. Ktae A Pldcoi-k sold 124 Ohio sheep, weight lbs., at ??*#. per lb.; 3? Ohio sheep, weight 3.J5t) I'?., hi CJse. per lh.; Mm Ohio abeep. weight 4<?,V45 lb?.. at ?!>&<:. per lb.; U6 Ohio rbaep. weipht n.ekio lb*., st 7^'c. p'-r lb ; ItW Illinois sheep, weight l.'?.47tt lbs., at 7ai,c |? r lb. J. Kerbj sold 1IO sheep, weight H>.: J<> lbs., at l.',e. l"'r 'b. ; l.M suei-p. weight 1U,1H" lbs., at tl'ji' per lb.; 221 slieep, weight -O.tWI lbs., ut ttfs?- J"'r llutne A Kllintt soid 18^ Ti*nmassee ?he*'p, weiglit l#,tWO Ihs., ut nerc?t. ; 14H Ohio shaep, weii.Hit 1.1.4UU lbs., at i>4c. per ll>.; sold during tho pust werk. l.'iigl sheep mid Inmbs, Mvernrfo per head. f7 H7. W. Klllott sold 217 Ohio sheep, weight l:t.7JO lbs., at 0\,e. per lb.: I"*' oUlo sheep, weight 12.?;.'<I U.S., ut 7Le. per lb.; lH>'t Obio hliei-p, weiubt 11.H70 lo> . at 7%'c. per Ih; IHO Ohio sheep, weight ltt.BHI lbs., at 7*se per lb.; ION Ohio slieep, weixht 1O.7H0 lbs., at 7He per lb.: 41 yearliug Michigan litmus, weight 4,210 lbs., at s'4e. per Ih ; .Vt yearling Mlehlgan lam'a. weight 4.MI i Ihs., at H\c. per Ih. Muld during the past week, l..i<?3 slicep at $5 1*4 aver.ign per heiid. MiU'it Th?re were no sales. Vat LI aKDCsLt-K*.?There were no Smooth quality veals to hand, t'aires slow, oil ? heary run. ut <f. a T\c. per lb. Mou*.? one car load of Ohm hogs, 121 hcai. average weight 188 lbs. per bend, sold at 7?.|C. per lb. DOMESTIC MARKETS., May S. 1870. Cotton nniet and weak; middling. U.V : low middling, lie.; good ordinary. #f?e. Set receipts, WH balas; gross. Mil i.sports ooartwise, jl)8. Sales, 1,1.'iU. Mock, Xt.riSH. Nrw ORLK4MS. May 8, 1870. Cotton qniet; middling, 12c.; low middling. 11c.; good ordinary, ll'ic. Met receipt?. 4,H? bales; ;rnss, 4,7t>^. Kxports to the Continent, 173. .Sales, 2,>VX). Lust even ing, 700. Stock, 10:t,HN4. Mouilk, May 8, 1H70. Cotton quiet; iniddlliiir, 11 \ n 11 Jsc ; low middling, IU>j".; rood ordinary, MJ?c. Net reeeip's. 202 hales; ^ross, 20J. Exports coastwise, lt;n. Sales, oOU. Stock, ;>0,h| |. Savannah. .May ?, 1S7U. Cotton dull and lower nominally; nuddling, IIJ^c.j low middling. li'Vc.; good urilliiary, !' tc. .Set receipts, 2K1 bales; gross, -'So. Exports coastwise. 215. Sulvs, 237. ?toek, 17,520. CaAUtrros, May 8, 1S70. Cotton easy; middling, 12c.; low inlddling, II , a U^e,; good ordinary, 10 u 10 \o. Wet receipts, SWJ bales; gross, 3Mi. bxports coastwise, 612 bales, .-sales, 21*,'. Stock, 1 T.U83. Toi.kdo. May 8. 1870. Klour quiet. Wheat dull; No. 3 wluto tVatiash, $1 27; >o. I white Michigan, ft 28J;i No. 2 do., $i 21),': ainiier i Micbieuu, $1 33; J uiie. #1 24*,; So. 2 red winter, 41 31 ,W; May, si 30; No. .1 red, $1 12. Oopilrai; high mixed behi st i.t'jc.; .Vt'4c. offered: May, .'Sc.; June. SOUc.; July, f>l\c.; low do., 51c.} Juno, 4?>?e.; no grado, 4sf4C. t'?i? flrmnr; No. 2, :t4>ac.; May. 34><c.: Mlchluau. 35e. Clover seed, td 15. Heeeipts?.V ?J bbls. flour, S.issi bushels wheat, 22.t?m Uo. corn, 3,tits? do. oats. Shipments - 4ml bills, flour, ;to,000 bushels wheat, 40,000 do. corn, 0,1100 do. oats. Uurrtbo. May 7, 1870. Stock in store?Wheat, 404.H70 bushels; corn, 2,811 do.; barley, l,5.'.o do.; rye, 1, 10 do., malt, 4 ,"7l do. Hereipts?i.tko, ttrntr,2,300hnls.; wheat, 171,fHM husbos; rye. 10,000 do.; railroad. Hour, O.Klo.bbls.; wheat, 1,500 Lusiieis; corn. 20.iKS)do.; oats, !?>,(**> do. ;bai*lejr. 2,t<00 do. .?sliipmentit-Canal, none; railroad, flour, 0,W> i hbis. ; wheat, 31,1**1 biisiiele: corn. 25.0011 do.: oats. 13,00!) do,; buney, 2.i*X) do. Canal freights to New York?Wheat, I 7j4e., tolls included. Flour quiet and sto. dy. Wneat iu good ileiiiuiiit for millers'; sales ol 5 ears No. - Milwaukee at if I 13; 2 curs So. 1 Milwaukene nt ^1 21: I car Sheboy- | gau at i^l 23; 4,1**1 bushels Wisconsin spring at ifl 23; | 0.000do. hard Milwaukee at $1 35; l.lOOdo. Ureen Kay on | private tei ms' 2,300 oo. w hite Michigan on private terms > and :t,On j do. do. nt $1 30 a ^1 30. Corn quiet aud sejirce; ! sales of 7 cars on track at 54c. a 55c. Oats, rye and bariey , neglected and scarce. Seeds Arm anil uucliangod. 1'org j ?mil at $ 1 50 lor heavy inesi. l.ard dull at 14c. High- : wines nominal at $1 11 for city made. t)SWK.(io, May 8, 187B. Klour unchanged; sale* 1.U00 bbls. Wheat steady; No. 1 1 Milwaukee club, $1 28; white Canada. $1 4S a #1 50 for ; common to choice. Corn uucfun ;ed ; old Western mixed, 1 Otc. Hurley quiet; No. 2 Canada ulTered at 0.">e. Corn j meal ^20 a $27 for bolted and #:!.? a ?20 lor unlmltod, i per ton. Mill leed?Shorts, fl7, rhinstufls, #18; middlings, ' $.0 a til per ton. Canal Iruights?reus, 0)?c. : wheat, oc; corn and rye, 5)^c. to New York; lumber, $2 io the Hudson and $2 75 to f>ew York, i.akr receipts?Wheat, 17,5'W Inisliuls; rye, 22,7ilOdo.; lumber, 561!,i*> 'led. Canal ship ments? Wlient, 0,2iHj bushels; rye, S,200 do.; peas, 10,70) do.; lumber, 452,000 foet. Cmr AOO, Mav H, 1K70. Flour dull and nominal. M'hest inactive; opened weak and lower; closed flrm at outside prices: No. 2 Chicago spring, 07%c. spot; hk'sc.. June; ^1 OOJj, duly; No. 3 Chicago spring, s:ic.; rejected, r-<>c. Com In giant demand mid a shade higher; No. 2 al 4o^'c. spot; 4-i^c.. .lune; 4til4C. bid lor Juiy ; rejected, 4t>^c Oais lsirly active rnj a shade higher; .So. 2 at ? O'gC. spot: SlJ^c., Juno; rejected. 27c. Hye fairly active and a si.ade liiguer at IJ2e, llarhiy iu fair ileiuand and higher; O0'ac. spot; 02c., June. l*ork dull, weak and lower; (JU 81, spot; lf2t) nj a $20 K> May und June; $21 a $21 05, July. 1.ard iu fair demand. but ?t lower rates; $12 30, spot; $12 37'u a $12 40. June; $12 5<). July. Itulk ; meats quiet and unchanged. M hisksy steady with a rooiI deinanu at r I <?7. Luiko trelghts?A heat, to Ituffalo, 3)|,e ; | enru, do., 3!4c Ueeeipts?flour, 1AIJU0 bbls.; wheat, 27,('*? huslieis; corn, 118,000 do.; oatu, 35.IXIO do.; rye, ; 4iMdo.; barley, 4,00 > do. Shipments?Klour, ri,0 *l bbls.; wheat, 107 ftOObuslioUjeont, 3.?,0BO ilo.; oats, H3,0<*>do.; rye, 4,300 do.! bariey, 2,^0) do. At tho alternoon call of tiie ltoard Wheat,'aC, lower. Corn Ke. lower, Oats un changed. J'ork lower. $20 85 a $20 70, Juue; $2(1 t?) asked, .Inly l.ard lower, $l2 25 a $12 30. cash; ?12 35, June; $12 45 a $12 47^. July. Mkmi*it:s. May 8, 1870. Flour steady and nndhnnged. Corn uull and unchanged. Oat* steady at 48*. a 62c. l.ard quiet at lie. a 14\,c. Hulk meats quiet; shoulders, 8j,c.; clear rib sides, ll;\c.; clear ?ides, 12c. UTICA CHEESE MARKET. Otica. N. V.. Mar 8. 187ft. Cheese?1,860 boxes offered untl ( (JO uhl m H,V. t 11c., tlx average price being lU^c.; remainder forwarded uu commission. ? PRINTING CLOTHS MARKET. Phovidkni;kv U. I., May 8. 1876. Printing cloths steady at a iS^c. lor standard and extra tflxtH'*, Willi a dull market. HAVANA MARKET. Havana, May 8, 1878. Spanish gold. 227)i a 228. EUROPEAN MARKET. LiOXKon Mohkv Makmt.-iiosros. May 8?:t P. M.?Con sols IH 1-Hi tor monrT and 1* *'.t I'"'' the a- count. Tim amount of indium withdrawn from tbe Bank of Enp? land on balance to-day la ill,DIM. r'lKKKroRT Hoi-r.hi. KiukkNR, May 8.?United States bond*. live-twenties, liQ'^. LivKk>*tK)L Cotton M turner.?LtvKKrooL. May8?3P. M.? Of the sales to-day .->.a * > bales were Amenean. KlNANCLUi. ANRST fSiSoxf a 'diT, Bangers, 1!' and 21 Nassau *t., issue Traveller* Credit*. available In all parts ol the world, through tbe Messrs. DK lii'TitS.'IIILD and tbeir correspondents. Als? Commercial Credits and Telegraphic Transfer* of Money on California ami Europe. A DVERTISE in THK EYKNINO TILKORAM. RATES 20 uents PER LINE. latiou of the EVENING TELEURAM A A The cltculation of the K\ iiNIXG TKLKURaM last week was:? .Monday 37, lm Tuesday 37,'J'kt Wedne- lay * V7,VQ Thursday 37, Friday 8ft,8"iO Saturday 3>>,:<<J0 Tots! 220.3* Daily average 3H.716 OPPIOE NO. 2 ANN sT. T It h KM ? \ A BUS 5 A TbR?MONEY 'oX ' UKE~AXD Endntamit Insurance Policies. Mortgages ami oilier securities; Insurance of .ill kinds effected with ben eon pantos. J, J. M Aimti'H (Mi., 117 Breadway NY iaoitif TrU?T Pi xui fo LOAN 5S mortgaice; city or Brooklyn. LKAVITT Jt VVOI.rOTT, lO PIne st 4 -DEVAl~ 1 .TED KAll.ROAD BOND8 * J\? bought and sold Itj the old rstaldinhed house of ALBERT II XlA'OLAY * CO.. Rankers, Stuck Broker- a id Auctioneers, No. 4.( Pine street. New York. X. B ?7, Sand l'i percent choice city and County Bonds ?ltd other AI Investment Securities otir specialty li+ years, paying Into 1 - per cent, Interest promptly iiatd, for -aio bo love p:ir, ALEX. Kit.iTIIlXUIIAM A CO.. BANKERS AND Brokers, So 12 Wall st. Xew Turk, make for custoin"rs ?li -i rati!" in vest in nt- ot I hi je or ?mall amounts In Stock - .if a legitimate clsradft, which frequently pay from live to twenty times the amount invested oery thirty days. Hell able I'm- and Calls negotiated at favorable rates, stocks bought and aarried as kwj as dasired on deposit ol three to live per ei m. Circular* and weekly reports sent free. A EC ROPE V N L\I?V. IN It I sl'I.CTA l!LR BIsT nets. wl^he- to meet some honorable party who would assist her with ? smalt loan. Address liUNhST, llemld I ptown Branch oflti o. _s Ft ii ? K sPKi' FI .ATI. )Nti CON DCCTKD BY 08 IN ? ? every I'ortB;book containing iiitormstioD relating to stock* wni free on application. TIM llltl DOE A CO, Banker* and Broker*, No. irj llrn.tdway. A ?DKrArfcTBD F; VII.KOAD AND OTIIER bokA A< of all kln.l* bought and solik EDWARD C. FOX A CO., 88 Broad st. -WANTED, $JI>,OOi IIX rillST VOKTO~AOK O.V A Csltjolit cliurcli, worth also <|ii,is?i ,in im 'd Property, -vorth fKl.tlOO, Address o..\ Post ot't< e. PateraM, N, J. I A I. WAV* HAVE MONEY V> MUI ON MmK tr??e New York rlty pro; ertv; eity railroad ?toeks and bonds hou (In and s.dii II I,. OKAXT, IC> Bro olwar. JOHN S PIERCE, X<l7~> PINK" sf., I.OA.V8 MONEY on Xew Yotk an* Brooklyn Real Kstate. Si* per rent money lor lirst class loans. Minks %xd MINIXO I0IARE8.-DESIBABL| 0P nortuiiitie* offered to Investor*, brokers aud agent*; the organising nf corporate comnanies a specialty. WILLIAM WARD. Drexel building. 0*KK!CK~OK' TBR XK\S' YOKE M UTI'AL OAS-1 I t.i<;HT ComrtKY. 1 North it a st cok.vkr I'mos Sqiauk, ; 4rtt Vv. A^t> lHTil St., Nrw Yurk. May d, IR78. / The sutuiat meeting of the stockholder^ of tiie New Y irk | Matual tt*?|lgM t'ompaay for the electi.m of sixteen direc tor-an I tliri-e Inspectors of election lor the ensalnt; y ear ' will be held at the office of the i ompane. In the city of New Y ork, en Tuesday, M*y 16, 1*76, the polls for which election ( will be open".| I ctwecn the boars af I - M. and 1 o'clock ' P. M. ot that dav. The tr*ns?er book* of tb* company will be clo**d fc-r tea day* lo dsrtj prior to said election. By outer of the Board of Director*. CliAE. 1'itACC, B?eretary and Treasurer. { rmAnriAL. HsrarwroAi^un a8? larusr miwa on Mew York. Brooklyn sod Wnlctmiw Property ; aiee at t per ocni an low valuations. STAKE A STILWELL, l?> Broadway. UAILriOAD AM J t'OL'.NTV BONUS bought and sold QtMttigm and other inlormaiiau cheerfully fir*a. _________ W. H. U'KKKS, Banker. I7H Broadway. SECOND MOKTOAOr.R ON M5W VOKK CITY PROP erty promptly caiM at l?* rate* ol dUcuunt. JOHN P. U. SMYTH (bawueui), 111 Broadway. OIX PKK C E NT m7fRTuXiiE loans?small and VZ j '""T 8r?t alaaa property for a tarn of yean. Address box J,4tt4 Post?fflco. UNION IROlff COMPANY OK .NBW YORK, * 73 Broadway, corner of Uartor ?v. ? .. ... Nsw Yo?* MayS, 1SW. fc?S?*, ?"???WatSi bonda of I ha MISSOURI. KANSAS and TEXAS RAILWAY COMPANY, ami or tha bonda or tha UNION PACIFIC BAILWAt COMPANY. SOL'TIUtBN BRANCH, ar. notlnTd tfcit oi and alter Nap *. 1*T?. tbs'Union Trust Company of Nov } ork, a* trusiee. will pay TW KN IT DOIAARS. IE OOU>. upon tlie coupons whioh matured respectively January aud February. 1H76, to tho*e parties who ahall den the arrre monl of March I. IH7H, present their bonda to l>e stamped aa aaseatiitff thereto, and deposit the past Hue coupon* ai con templated in the agreement, for which temporary rerelpta will be bailed by the Trust Company, to he hereafter if changed for second mortsaire Incoaia bonda whet-. ready foe delivery. .1 AMES H. OCJILV1R. Secretary. WASTIIM LOAN OK BtOMOO ON iOfl >A?y ?f improver! and unimproved, and Improved town prop erty; will I>ay 10 |>er cent; security pertect. Address A. C. CALL Alcona. Iowa. WrANri'.l>-ON KIRsf MOKTii AUK.^I-VOOO POR SO* .'1 years, at six per r?nl, on Property worth B4ft,QM) in Twenty-fonth ward. Address H.. room IS, 76 Will at. WE ALWAYS HAVE PRIVATE FUNDS E8PECIAL> II ly held (or Brooalyc mortgages. BOWEN A CO., 23 Pliia H. dil/Vn ||/U| SIxI'KK CENT. KIV8 TEARS) TO JplUUiUUu loan on tirat claan improved Real Estate iu I hi* city. t A l.I.E M IKK .* LAURENCE, 35 Pino St. - 7 r, I UW t TO I.UAN-OX OOOO PROPERTYj ??J I tj.xjyju also Money at tt ner rent per annum. PAUL I'. TODD, 145 Broadway. fWlA 4UIA LO/ NED IN BUMS .TO S01T, AT .UUU.Uuw low-t rates, on prime Real Estate. V. K STEVENSON. .Sr.. No. 4 Pine at. $1 COPA H'l'N KHNHlPH. _ fp'HR "PakTnREhHIP HERkToKORE" EXISTING"if J. No. aw> Spring; ?t. New York city, l.etween the nnden signed, i? thi? day dissolved by mutual consent. The liiifiue?? t<> be continued in the name of Sidney 0. Jones, who alone is authorised to sign in ll<iuidation. iluted April 2 1, 187il. FRANCIS H. KNAPP. SIDNEY C. JONES. THE COPARTNERSHIP HEKET(I KVi Kf7 EXISTING hetweea the underpinned, under and by tha linn natna of Ward, llallnliati A Co., la thla day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounta will he aettled by fntrlek llallaha? and .Inmoa I'avanairli, who will continue aaid bualncaa. Dated Nkw YoitK, April 2M, 1H7U. HENRY WARD. P. H ALLAH AN, JAMBS CAVANAGH, No. 144 Uroene (i " BrSII*ESS OHVtJRTL \ IT1K??. * DVE. ItTlSK i N " * THE EVENING TELEGRAM. RATES -"0 CENTS PER LINR. The circulation of the EVENING TELEURAM laat week Monday 87,100 Tuesday 37.3tO , Wednesday :i7,000 1 Thur'duy ???? 37,ViO Friday 3.S.H.V) I Saturday. %.V)0 ' Total Z?,!*I0 Daily average 36,718 UKPICE NO. 2 ANN HT. A MANtKACrUBER. ALONE IN A WHOI,E8aTTr buaincsn i 11 houaehold utonail*, with a lactory out of town, would like a noaitinu with $2.\(100, for oily warorooui. Apply to (illliitiS A OARLSTON, 88 liroiulway. SMALL rUBNlBHhD HOTEL WITiI HBAUT1PUL Krounda, at ? noted amniner roaort. for tale or ex* chanct!. Apply to O. II. PIERnON, No 5 I'ino at. HAM li D RG riKM wTl ICH~HAS A LA RGB AND A regular demaud for refined Pennoylvania Petroleum (atai> dard white), Is deairoua of entering Into connection with aa oil rompany lor their annply on favorable term*. OlAtra by letter direct to BRANDf A KLIEMECE, Importer*, Ham burg. (iermauy. 0K)KS OP AOOOtTNT POR COltPOILVTIONS. INDI vidual* or flrin* opened and closed, aoientiBeally ex amined, balanced, written up, Ac.; termi moderate. Con auitinic Accountant and Expert, JOHN II. COMER, No. 9 Murray at. Sale interest in lkiiit manufacturing buslnrsa for $1,200; salca for cash; partner ueeded to keep hooks aud gcneaally assist. Address CARLTON, Herald office. EAbB, FURN ITU RE AND FIXTURES OP A BOTEIi on Broadway, for sale. Medium slue, modem conveniences, and well fttmlshed. E. O. LOCKE, 13M Hth at., near Broadway. L mo E.\TEKrKI.-iN(i CAPITALISTS?A VALUAHLB X. Patent Kiirnt of a small artlclu that is easily handled, covers tlio I nitsd States, for sale cheap. No a^enti need apply. We want spplicants that mean business. Adnresa In person or l>v letter to Or. T. J. LEWIS, No. 3 Gates av., Brooklyn, V. rpo V11 ARM AC ISTS.?A WELL ESTABLISHED DRUG I itusiness may he purchaaed on eaay terms hy applying to Mr. DAVIDSON, at V*. H. Soliieffelin A Do.'a, 17U Will iarn st. "\1TANTED?A LARGE MANUFACTURING FlltM OP II a staple article, in a Western city wish to negotiate with a party who would become an aetlve or special partner and contribute $1<m,<K)ii additional capital; lactury aud equipment in first class order; business Ioiik estalilidied and in successful operation. Communications will he roll Mentially treated. Address, with real name, CAPITAL, box 2>Ml Herald ottioe. WITHOUT SERVICES, WILL SECtFltR fluvU one-third interest in a paying t.>i?nie?; p>ol reierenees )iiven and required. Aildress PARR, Heraid Uptown Hranco office. "iOn ?T WANT A MAN wiTH T f 11 SaM?M NTTO ?/Uv/? Join me in imyine a business, paying Mtm pet month. DUKKUl., second floor, 44 Cortlandt at. ai 7mn will secure interest in" manu. ?fl 1.? v"\ *' * facturlnir monopoly: article onat 3 cents aud S'dla lor 'si cents; Invi'stlealion solicited. QUEENS COUNTY LAND OF* ICE, iWi Broadway. BUSINESS TROUBLES Richard Scbell having petitioned for a discharge^ o hearing In tlie mutter was f-ct down for yesterduy belore Uegieier Ail^n, of No. Lri2 Hroa<l#ay. It appear^ Int.', however, that tho aiwignee bad not pahlhlied his HVpnintmctit, us ro<|ulred hy law, the hoarliiK wan a<l Jtiurncd until May3, at eleven A. M., to give tlie as signec sutncient tinio to publish tho notioe of bis ap pointment. At Register Allen's office yesterday the re examination of certain claims proved against the eittalc ol Francis Many nod JaiiH'8 Marshall, l>aiikriiptn, and the examina tion of Otto II usier. dealer iu tors, of Maiden iaue, bankrupt, toolt place. At the first meeting of the creditors of John Coar, bold yesterday before Rogister Ketcham, Honnett Ballding, a few Uelita woro proven aud Mr. C. W. Vau Dureu was olected assignee. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. ALL THE MAliSIlALB CONK1IIMKD?XI8CBLLAHE OlTfi BUSINESS. A Fperial meeting of the Board or Aldermon wsa licid yesterday afternoon. The principal business of the session consisted of tho appointing of city mar shal*. Mayor Wickham sent In a communication nominating the following named perrons for city marshals:?John I>uj;;;aii, jr.; Daniel O'Brien, Matthew Beirne, John R. Farrington, Loms Levy, (ioorge Bouocesaln, Thomas Cunningham, Patrick Daly, Patrick Feeny, Nathan Frank, Louis McDermott and Richard M Lush. A motion was made by Alderman Saner, as these names did not complete the list, that'tho Board take a recess lor ten minuios in order that the character oi the applicants might ln> examined and approved. II was also agreed to ascertain whotbof Mayor Wrakbsm desired to send in the names ol the other eleven mar shals lielore the Board should adjourn. Thus motion was carried. Alter recess very few of the members re turned 10 the chamber, and Alderman Morris moved aa adjournment ol the meeting until Thursday next. The motion was lost. Alderman Morris then moved that the Board pro. ceeil to confirm the nominations, and altar some dis cussion the lollowin? wero eanllrmed:?Messrs. Dog Kim. lirien, o'Keirne. Levy, Ilouocesaln, Cunningham, Dalv. Keeny. Frank, McDermott and hush. other nominations were also recommended and eon firmed, hs lollow*:?Oeorge Hatxel, David Oilman, 1 bonus MctJrsth, Lawrence A. Carry, Patrick J. Han burv, John T. Rellly, Abram Bernard, Matthew Nugent, Ki.har.i Wolsb, J.dinfj. Lyit and Denis Galvin. Mr. Farrington's nomination w>?s rejected, President Lew is, Aldermen Bryan Reilly, Plnckney and Rilling! voting In the affirmative. Mr. Calvin was elected in place ol Mr. Firriwrion, and alter the transaction of some routine business the Board adjourned. MUNICIPAL NOTES. Chamberlain Tappan make* the following statement for the past weak:?Balance April 39, >2,118,130 00; receipts, #J,6i0,:?0 30; payments, >4,138,786 M; bal ance Mnv tt, >l,l?40.*M 41. The iliireau ot Permiu his received >1,046 daring tbe psat week. The receiver ol the Mutual Savings Bank, William T. Bldridge, ni.-d yesterday in the County Clerk's offloe sn older ol Judge Donahue, authorising hltn to sell Long island City bonds. This is nnderslood, wilt enshle the r> reiver to pay a dividend to depositors of twenty.ftve |>er cent. BROOKLYN CITY GOVERNMENT. A stated session of Ibe Brooklyn Common Council was held yeateritsy afternoon. Permission was granted tbe Bnahwlok Avaane Rail, road Company to run their tracks on Kingston aveuua to tbe city line. Comptroller Powell was authorised to purchase a slta for tbe erection of sn engine house In the dlstrtal bounded by Hushwkk avenue, Dcbevotse street, Gra il an sveiian and Monroe street. The dredging ot the slips in Wallaboat Docks, at an expense not to exceen >6.000, was ordered. From a report of the Board of City Works It appears thai $!W2,637 W had bwn exponiH'd lasl rear and Lhar will need >227,946 lor the ensuing