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THE NAVY TAHD INVESTIGATION. OOXTIHUATION OF T1STXXOVT BEEOBE THE COK OBISBIONAL bI B-OOMM1TTEE. The sub-committe*) of the Coi|ifttloul Naval Inves tigating Commute* mow Inquiring into Brooklyn Navy Yard affairs wore in seaaion taking testimony all day yuaterday. Thoee vxamiued were Maasra. H. Kllia, Henry Rosooa. J. H Creed, Devlin B. Carr. Walton, oI Walton Brothers; Char lee A. Jonee, Jamea Borland, Bosh Lackey, M. Kane, Uaae Hall, John F. Wilaon, John Roach, George Weed, P. J. Derrick, Frederick C. Bwith and Captain Fullor. The principal loatlmony taken waa thai of Mr. Roach, ?he well-known shipbuilder, who gave a aalnnla account ?f nil hia governmental contrarta tor the paat ton yearn, The committee Interrogated Mr. Roach eloaely aa to the dllferencea between onglnea of certain claaaoa and the coat *r building anch. Be Waa askca especially- to aecoant for the ?ale of that derrick to the government, abont which Some Mae accusations bad been made. He explained that the derrick waa purcbaaed by him with tho entire Btock of the Morgan Iron Works, and waa then ap praised at $&0,000. He waa suhaeqnantly naked by the government to build a aim liar one, and plana and ?peclOcationa were prepared, iho eatlmatea of which placed the coat of the new derrick ai $100,000. A u ?flor waa then made from the government to buy the ?Id derrick, and It waa accordingly gold for $00,000, a ?ale which was authorized l>v a government comtnts aion appointed to advise concerning IL Am to the ?tatementa net afloatconcerning the Trenton, Mr. Roach eiplained that he was under bond* to the amount of $(100,000 for the faithful performance of that contract, and it waa unlikely bo would invalidate It for aako ot the saving of a few hundred dollars, all that could be gained, supposing that the circulated assertion* in regurd to the vessel were not Utterly without (uundutiou. As to hta other contracts with the aovernment he stated that hi* contract for the Iwo sleeps of war he built was at $*80,000 fur e.ich, and lb It bul waa accepted, when the lowest bid against him waa $700,000, a tact which showed, he aald, that thero could have been no chance for bribery in the affair. Mr. Roach presented all tho contracts he had made with the government during the pant ten years, and ex plained that '.n oach the award waa made to blra be cauae his bid waa the tuirest and lowest. In a business which covered, during the ten years, the large amount of $1.1.000,000 In con tracta, only $3,000,000 wore negotiated with tho government. The committee queatioued the witness Cloaely aa to whether he bad ever secured the patron age ot the government cither by bribery or by giving money'for political party purposes. Ho said in reply that he was not a partiaan in politics in any sense, but he had givea freely to both parties for political cam paign*. lie had contributed largely to Governor Hoffman's campaign, and on other occasions to demo tnitic aa well as republican contests, lie did not givo the money to miluenco directly any patronage troin tho government With the procuring' ol supplies tor the aavy yard ho bad nothing to do; his business with tho loveruinonl had bccu entirely under contracts, lor wbicb he had put in bids In the same way aa hia com pernors hail douo. Captain Fuller, a teamster In the Firo Department of the Brooklyn Navy Yard, testllied that ho hud never been assessed lor political purposes slneo his con nection with the navy yard. The iHHiiinony ot tho other witnesses was not vary Material. Mr. George W?cd, Mr. Ronch's superintendent, waa Instructod to prepare a schedule of all tho coutracts made between his employer and the government during the past ten years and ot tho moneys renewed, Ac., during that time, and some testimony waa also given In conuection with these contracts by Mr. llor rick, the shipping clerk In Mr. Roach's establish ment. Tho committee will moot again today, but will probably leave thia city in time to attend the opeaing M the Centennial Exposition. IMERICAN SEAMEN'S FRIEND SO CIETY. The forty-eighth annual meeting of the American I teamen's Friend Society was bold yesterday afternoon i It the Sailors' Home, No. 190 Cherry stroet. Tho business on hand win* the reading of uu abstract of tho 1 report or the Board and tho election of trustees lor the burning throe year*. Rev. R. P. Duck, Rev. h. Loom is, U. D., William A. Rooth, Jaiuoii Demurest, Horace Grny, Reuben W. Ropes, Rev. K. 1). G. l'ritne, D. U. and William Wood were elected trustees. ROB B KEY IN THE SANCTUARY. Among the congregation of the Church of the Holy Trinity on Sunday night last were two suspicious look ng characters who attracted the attention of Dr. Tyng. Alter the services were concluded the sexton locked the church. The two men remained utter the conitre- I cation had gone, and yesterday moruiug Dr. Tynj( lonnd hia study brokuu into and coin to the value of j >15 stolen torn a drawer. In tiie place of the money I be found a photograph of oue of the thieves, loll tberu, no doubt, as a sample of impudence. The picture wus sent to Superintendent Walling. A CENTENARIAN GONE. Parnly Jonos (colored) died at ber residence, No. ^68 ! If?al Twenty-third Ktrcel, yesterday, at tho extreme tge ol 106 years. The deceased was born in Virginia ma hart boon a slave. Until the pa?t few years her health wus * ery good. Tho body will bo luterred at \Voodlawn Cemetery to-day. HAK11UUKS AHD DEATHS. MARRIED. Ouwfori)?ABKRDKK.V.?Un May 2, 1876, at New I fork, by the Kev. I>r. Tyng, at the Church ol the ltoly Trinity, Mr. Jou.n J. Crawkord, of Philadelphia, ' to Jkrmr K Abkudkkx, of New York. Fobtrr?cjRoa>ovKK.?At the residence of tho bride's pareutc, Trenton. N. J., on Thursday, May 4. | 1876, l>y Re*. 8. M. Sludiliford, Jutm Gkay Furtrr, of ! New York c'ty, to Fankir H , daughter oI'D. N. Groeu I tyke, Ksq. Tiiomah?Roost ?On May 7, by the Rev. Coorge H. | Hepwortb, at his residence, Mr. Chauuis D. Thomas, ol New York, aud Miss Nkluk IC. Rooms, ol Brooklyn. Truman?Cjiamnkklim.?On May 3, by Rev. W. I), j Guilck, at tho residence of the bride's sister, Mr. Chaki.ks M. Tkvma.n, of Now York cti>, to Mtas Kmilv ! A. Cuambrrlin, of Brooklyn. No cards. 1)1 tD. Arkrly?On Saturday evening, May 6. Mart A rich ly, daughter of the late Dr. Samuel Akorly, ol New York city, iu the 67 lb year of her age. Relatives aud Iriends ol the tamiiy are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, at St. (ieorge's Church, Flushing, on Tu>sday, May 8, at eleven A. M. Trulu leaven Hunter's 1'oint at 10:30 A. M. Carriages In waiting at Briugo su station. A cans. ?On Monday, May 8, Mart A. Austix. In the { 13<1 year ol b- r age. The relatives and friends ol tho family are invited to | Ittend the lunoral, on Wednosday, the 10th iu>t., at sue o'clock, Iroin the residence of ber son-ln law, L U Muftin, at 113 Kldrulge sl Bixuram.? On riuudav. the 7?T? Inst, Samurl Bimo ?ah, Sr., in the 87th year of his ago Relatives and friends of tlio family, and E. L. Snow Social Cmou No. 1, are invited to atleud the luneral, lrom the reaiOifnce oI lus son, HW at., west of College ov., Molt Haven, Tuesday, the tUh luak, at two o'clock P. M. lloRKX.? On the 8th last., Saiau, wife of Jacob Bocbm, tn the 68th year of her uge. Relatives and Iriends are invited to attend the Inncral, on Wednesday, tho loiti insL.atoneP. M., Iroin her late residence. No. 117 East itftli si. Brows?Suddenly, at Pougbkcepsle, N. Y., Mar 7, 1878, Namcy 0. Brow*, widow of C.ipiuin Peter A. brown, of congestion of the luugs, iu tho tXMh year ol her age. Interment at Darien, Conn. BtttKk. ?On May 8, 1876, alter a abort illness, Mart Aumrh Bi'ua k, aged 11 month*. The friends ol tho parents, Miles and Ann Eliza Burke, are respectfully invited to alien,I die funeral, i Hi is (tnesdayi aflern in, at two o'clock tbarp, at ibo reanl'.'iico ol her parents, 147 Iludsou U, Cali.auan.-on Monday, the 8ib tnai., at ihreo A. M, Lokbtto, boloved daughter ol William and Ellen Calla han. aged 'J years, II mouths and 22 days. Funeral will lake place troiu tier late residence. No. Pi& Maulson st., on Wednesday, 10th Mat., at two s'elock precisely, aud Iroin thence to Calvary Cemetery br interment. Da*to*.?On Monday evening, May 8, Lbwis M. Day rax, aged 8a. Funeral services at the residence of his sou, G. L. Paytou. 1(Wlnioii at., Jersey City, on Tue-day, the Mh, at half-past iho I'. M. DoraiiKRTv.?On Monday, May 8, Wiluam Doccm BRTT, HfCd 4.1 ) e ir*. Friends ol the taiLlly are respectfully invited to at tend his funeral, on Wednesday, May 10, Iroin his luie residence, No. lu* Prospect sl, Brooklyn. Remains to be interred iu tircenwoo.i Cemetery. Ouariiv ?on Monday. May 8, al bis residence, 61 Henry it, William Dl-mi-iiy. Notice ot funeral hereafter. EaXsT.? On Monday uiormng, May 8, 1876, al licr residence. No 3& West aiili it., Makia Iaili&a, wife ol Louis Ernst, in the SAih year of her age. Notice ol luneral hereafter. Kashbll.?In Jersey City, on Monday morniuc, May Ith, alt r a short illness, Matthhw, Jr., son-of Matthew and Frances Farrell, a#ed i year,months and & day*. The relatives and frieuda of the iaintiy ure respect fully invited to attend thu funeiai. on Wednesday after toon, the 10th, at iwo o'clock, lrom the residence of parents. No. 71 Hudson ?l.. corner of Sussex. Flkkt. ? On Monday. *;ay 8, 1876, Fraxcim Flxbt, M. D., in the Whii year ot Iw age. The relatives and irietids ol the family are respeoi* !ul!> invited tOattend tin tuucral sorvteoe, at bis late >esi<ienco, No. .Ni Httdaou st., on Wedncsuav after jooh at IWO O'cioi k The remains will be taken to fauTnou, N. J., <>n n.uradav, lor iniermen:. loj ?.Sunday evening, May 7, Davio Foa, a^cd CO years. Relatives and friends are respecttully Invited to at leud the luneral, I mm tin residence ol bis brother, John Fa*. No. ?> Morris at , lu?*da>, al two P. M. Urowned, In shipwreck, ou Dudgeon Shoal, oil Hull, Kinland, April 14, Captain B. V rancis, ?I WliiioMaburg. ia lila Mlh year. Glum*.? H*bt Gleison, M?y 7, mod 4.\ The lruud* ol the laMilly aie respectfully Invited !? ?Head the funeral, from 848 Wet I aotli ?k, ll on* o'clock, ob (be Mb inU. Hatk*.?At Mount Arlington, N. J., May 7, Elma U. , Han in, daughter of tho lata Thomas Haven, of Pbila- ; MphU. Funeral at Kyo Cemetery, May U, at twelve o'clock. i Carriage! will be at Kye depot to macl trains from New York at 10:10 o'elock A. M. Philadelphia papers pl?a?e ropy. Hbhhkrt.?On May 7, Victobia, the beloved wife of Richard Jacob* Hai bert, youngdftt daughter of tho lata 11. H. Cobeu, formerly of St. l-ouu>, Mo. Funeral from SL Cloud Hotel, at ten A. M . Wednes day. 10th Inst. Relatives and Iriends are invited to at tend Hkrbanobz.?At his rcsidenco, Na 108 West 14th ?L, on Sunday, May 7, Anto.nio Hbknandks, of Venezuela. Tho tuueral will take place on \VednesU'iy, 10th lust., at St. Francis Xavier's cuurcb. West 18th sk, near otb nr., at ten o'clock A. M. 11 runKa. ?Ou May 8, Catiaiunk IIighks, a native of , Hugnalslown. couuty Carlow, Ireland. Funeral will take place from 102 West llitb St., Wed- j nexday morning, at moe o'clock; Iroin there t? SL Francis Xavier's church, where a requiem mass will bo celebrated. KiNMiiir.-OD Monday, 8th insk, Patrick IUnwt J. ! Kk-xnkuv, in bin 23d year. The relatives and friends nf tho family lire most re- ! specllully invited to attend bis funeral, ou Wednesday, lOtb InsL, at one o'clock, from the residence of bis uncle, Nicholas Kennedy, No. 400 West 2<Hh sL, corner loth av., to Calvary. Macomb Suddenly, at the Union Club, on Monday, 8tli lust, Ai.ixaxokk S. Macomb, 01 this city Notice of lunoral hereafter. Maykb?Suddenly, on Sunday, May 7, at twelve o'clock, OL'STAV MaYRK. Relatives and Irienda are respectfully invited to at tend the funeral, froui bis lute residence, Caslleton, gluten Islitud, Tuesday, May D, at two o'clock. Moan.?llrooklyn, May 7. of pneumonia, E. Moan, beloved who ol Bernard A. Moan, aged 58 years. Funeral will tako place from her late residence, No. 260 Utb sL, Brooklyn, on Wednesday, 10th inst. No carriages. Mush ?1On Sunday, 7th tnsk. of diphtheria, Fhkd bkick W. Moss, only s >n of Edward U. and Wilina Moss, uged 1 year, 4 uiouths iiud 8 days Relatives and frleud.H ol the fawny are respectfully Invited to attend tbo luueial, troiu the residence ol ni's vareuu, corner White and Essex sis., Orange, N. J., ou Tuesday, Wth Inst., ut half-pact eleven A M. Ouiicuberg, N. J., May 8, Fbbukuiuka Mi-llien, aged 77 years. The relatives and lrieuds are respectfully Uivitoa to attend the funeral, ou Wednesday afternoon, tho Kith, at two o'clock, from tho residence ol ber sous. Fred- 1 crick W. and Uuniel llernonu, corner of Frunkliu av. ' uiul 1st at., Ciuitenberg. McMurkay.?Ou Mouday, April 8, Jknnik. daughter j of James U. McMurruy and the late Ell*al>etn J. Far- j low, ngod 5 years, 3 inontbs uud 21 days. Funeral cervices to day, at ouo P. M., from hor laio residence, 117 Henry st. McNamaka.?Ou Monday, Nth Inst., William F. McNamara, counsellor, iu the aoili year of bis age. Notlco of luucral liereultur. McNaiiy.?In llrooklyn. May 7, of pneumouin, Silas Cami:ron McNary, Ui 1110 2blli year ol his ii}.o. Funeral will lake place Iroin the Second 1'resby terian cliurcb, Clinton, comer ot Fulton it, 011 Wednesday ; alternoon, the lOOl Inst, at bull-past two o'clock, j Friends and relatives, and also the members ol lied- 1 ford Lodge No. F. and A. M., aro respectfully In vited Nkwkiuk..?in New York. Muy 8, 1870, Jon* P., son i of Joliu P. and Angle Newkirk, aged 20 jears, 10, months. Tliu relatives and friends of the family, also of his uncles, .ludrc .tallies M. uud Henry II. Newkirk aud F. P. Gautier, E^I , Jersey City Heights, are respectfully invited to attend bis lunerai, from his late rokiduiice, No. 2.'? West 23d St., on Wollnesday, 10th tn?k, at two o'cloc.k. 1'kinglb ?At Dobbs' Ferry, N. Y., on Saturday, May 0, Kli/.a, widow of WiHlain Pringle, Sr., iu tbo 76th year ol bur age. The relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend her fuueral, from her late residence, Dobhs' Ferry, on Tues'ay, May 0. atone o'clock P. M. Car riages will be waning at depot to meet the 10.30 train lroiu Mill St., New York. Sarkaty.? In Philadelphia, on the 8th Inst., after a short illness. Charity Hays, only daughter of Phuibo and the lute David SuTlaty, Esq. ?At liis residence 111 M in cow, L. L, on Sat urday, Muy tf, 1870, Joii.v A. Skaring, uged 04 years. Relatives und friends aro respectfully invited to at tend ills funeral, 011 Tuesday, Oth Inst., ut one o'clock, from bis Into residence, and two o'clock at tho Episco pal church in Hempstead. Smith.? In llrooklyn, on May 7, Joskph Smith, in the 6ath year of lits age. His funeral will take place Tuesday morning, at half pust niuu o'clock, Irom (lis latu residence, 126 North Portland av. Smytil?At bis residence, 822 7th av., corner 54th sl, on Monday, 8th lust., William, son of Thomas uud , Margaret Sui)tb. lioru in tbo parish of Kiniiuwley, 1 couniy Fermanagh, Ireland, aged 28 years. The rulutlyes aud friends ol tho family are respect- ? fully Invited to uttend the funeral, ou Wednesday, 10th iust., from tne Church of the SacTJd Heart, West 51st St., between Oth und IO1I1 av*., at nuio A. M., wherou sol emn requiem mass will be ollorod for tbo repose of his soul; thence to Calvary Cemetery. Si'haui l.?At Flushing, L. L. on Suuday morning, May 7, llov William B. SritAULB, 1). 1)., In the 81st year of his age. Fuuerai services will be Scld Iu the Congregational church. In Flushing, on Wednesday afternoon, Muy 10, at hull past threu o'clock. Irani leaves Hunter's Point for blushing (Main st.), at balfpust two o'clock P. M. SgciBK.?Suddenly, on May 8, IIknry N. SqciKK, of Slumlord, Conn., In thn 43d year ol his age. Notice ol lunerai hervalter. Dmut?At the Fleet Street Methodist Episcopal parsonuge. Brooklyn, ou May 7, Lkwis Pkask Stkblk, Ioungesl sou ol Rev. W. CI Steele, in the 11th >eur of Is ago. Strang.?Suddenly, on Sunday, May 7, Eliza Strang, widow of John P. Strang, In tho 80th your of ' her age. The relatives and lriends of tho family are respect fullv Invited 10 attend the luucral, from the resilience ! ol bur daughter, Mrs. Charles H. Hill, No. O'JO Wash- 1 in Ml on st. on Tuesday afternoon, ut one o'clock. Tiiachlk.?On Sunday. May 7. Ei.izaubth Tuaciikk, daughter of Thomas Thacher, uged 34. Funeral at Yarmouth Port, Mass., on Wednesday, Muy 10, at hull-|mst three P. M. Thmss. ?On Monday, May 8, Lmm Kstmi lk, daugh ter ol Houry and llebeccu K. iheias, aged 2 years aud 0 ?loutbs. Fuueral will take place on Wednesday, the 10th Inst, at two o'clock P. M.. irom tho residence of her parents, ftiil Oraud si., Brooklyn, K. I). Relatives and friends are re-pocifully Invited to utteud. Wali>ho.n. ?On Sunday, May 7, Mart A. Walukon, widow ot John V. Waidrou, in her 84tli year. Relatives aud friends are respectfully Invited to at tend tho funeral, Irom tho residence of her daughter, Mrs. Mary A. Forbes, 81 Mudlson st, this (Tuesduy) af ternoon at two o'clock. Sunday, May 7, Walsh, the beloved wife of John Walsh, in her 62U year. Friends of the luuiily and those of her son-tn-law, Peter Cougblin, are invited to attend the lunerai, from her late residence, corner Watts and Washington bus., Tuesday. May 0. at two P. M. Wattlks.?(11 a ut. ks M. Wattlxs, at hall-past on* o'clock P. M. Monday. Funeral Thursday, at twelve o'clock, from the house 413 West ;:4tli sL ltelatives and frluuds aro respectfully invited 10 attend. WtLKiR.?(in tbo 8th insk, ufler a lingering illness, 1 William 11. Wilkik, in the 47th year of his ago. Friends of ihe iamii> uud those of his brother, James, Jr., are invited to attend tho funeral services, ! on Wednesday, IO1I1 Inst., at Luli-|iust lour P. M., Irom the residence*of his brother-in law, J. P. Lestrade, it > East 125th st, PIANOFOItTtCB. OK?Alf?, ?.U. ~T~l'-KOK I'iK.nT.'Ti iUtJuC"sv|U""Cr<K AND I.It AND il> I'iaii-m arouroVB iu?ke;ali.o lor hh.s ami rent, a number ?f Unit aeeond li nut Pntnnt. in perfect order. V4 ILL 1 AM K.N'AUK .V CO., Ma. 113 3th av.. above 104ta ?t. AriWltlVK OHAXJK TO MAKK A CkNT.NNIAL prmtent.?Au rl.'pnnl rtwlwi; A Son* 7^ oclnvn i Pianoforte *t a bargain; u,t Inaail 7J4 roaewood j Hlmiofor'e. luur nmnij, name un ptali-, ml fl,31*1, fur #-75: maker'* marantic and bill of nafe trari ilerrable to rirvlnoar. AImi parlor, library. chamber and diolnu ranm uinitur*. r^ll at prlrat ? mrijence 1JU West Vilfcl ?l., near tMU ?v.. thla i!i.y i'Iiteniayi. ukaui'ikul riAjtorount, iwuT a stxvwa# Pianoforte, every improvement. great xacritine. nib; Pallur lll|E*li, oiilf J. MIDDLE, I I Wuverley place, I near Broadway. A ? URKAT BAfUiAlVS -RAKMOIIKS. i*>H ^LHI'.C-K ? cr *t , doiliiK out lirjr? Mock l'i*bo* liul; price, order ; mlininUtrator ; $liHJ 92U0. HAUK CIIA.N'Wlv' 'iKANiiS.TrHuilJ Tm, SgU A KKS*; \ also OrgAns, new nutl second lo re til low or for *?te ou in?l*liu nt* : IK* rent* l<* 5i ? ilnjr. ? x. HALL A CO.. U? Kill 14th *U | LOT OK SEUOMD II.V.ND I'I A.N O.I. IN TllOROUUn 1 order. I?r *'iie *t rmxleraie price* : ?!*?? Plinoturtcs to ri-iit. of our own manufacture, by OtlOKKUI.NU A SONS. 1 i;#.? .ith nv., corner Htb it. AUHK.VI B iK(i.VIV-KPLKMDlD 9 14 OCYaTB Pill no, be?t maker, sod H-Vx); nilut be aold. 1C? (Tbria- i lafkar ? i. 4 I'lll VaTE ! AMlLviriu; s"l L ~iAT SACKlr'llJB' iMviftiil Stein way A Sous Pianoforte manie hi pleto? ; ? r?elilj carved tour round rime wood chic Hianotort*. 7V, octave, every improvement, afruOif ovet>tMu?. Ac runt $1*75 fur $3>XI. . > to< il. 0i>\e . bo* for kliippinx. M. II ? U'ortlljrihe niii'iiiliMi id flftrtlen nbmit ptircb*?lntf a piano. ?'nl!. | r.vuli imltlt nee No 47 Weil Ittth >4. AltK.VI I If l 1.1.V O iliVKU Ki)fifc\Vuui> 7 lii'TAVK ! Pianoforte, VKA). -J1 I Kaat ttutli ?t , near 4>l av,* w i77i. mil ?yn iao?. a OABVtD Ldo : r-i...wo.'l I'hlilieru flaMi'. ?uh inn'leru iioprnvt- ! M'UM . p* "eel orrtri. a>> Kant :<4 >1.. near .'<1 av. 4 III.AL'riKI I, PIANO. I?|I? I; A 7 I J OL'TAVK i'UNO- J 2V Inrie. carveJ ?'>?r,. Iniprt.v,.|,? m. ?ncrtOcv Tor | t?4| n*n '? tol'l nr. iii?lalio>.iiU ana lo real. r . KUIIl'LKK, ?Jtl h?M 14th il. 4 ?ORKAThnf HAUtiAl.NS KYfcK OKKkttt ll IX i PianiM niiit Ort?n?, cmh ur n-t*lnienl?; di>n?t fall lu -rr tln'm. I'Ki-.K A MOli. M 4.'lliitun place, near ilroaii | ? ?jr. LV,|; >ALK AT A IIAIIUAIN-A My L'.V HE (I HAND IP Piaiin, m ciwnequeDCi' ol p ??,? leaving cr. ?. Apply at I Wwmwiim. /iiiKAi' BAHUAiss.?skw A.xn "mVoond ~ha\T? VT h?i??. lir itA. it WtUUKR'n. 4.1 | iid ?l.'.'i Went Mil h. O T KIN W A V ? !4. W A I K11 S. V4" K H K i t S ? \ N I n > r 11 !?. K HKaT- I p ilnMO* ?nil n-eiKid hand (qawrt and Pianov; aiMi, a t.irk.?- ilock ol Orcax at e*tr*nrdlnar?' low pnci ? ft r ea?h .'t luninllnient-. ?r for rent until p??> lor, m par con tract. Artl trVMwajr. IIiiKAC.. U'ATRRH A 80MK. ITPWOMf ilIB M)I)AKK tMAMOg TO KKMV.TeuV I Iuw . row-wood, caneil. plAlii. ?l. impr.iv. in -ntt. 017 payable ?ln iuouIAIj. lit. ITS'wareroun*. 7M Hmalway, corner I>l4h ?t. tVAlfTRtl A ?.OOD HKCOMD liAMI?" I'PKloilT II Ptano; jooil m ikef: cheap tor caali Addrei* Imiin ?ItaMli to J 1. PAi.hhli, Herald oSce, .-Irlnf Ivwait price and aMreaa. B AWUHKNUNTB. owery theatre Mil. OLIVER DOUD BYRON Ui till" Kigantic mocoae of HEX MtH'ULLOGH; or, tint W XSDKRKIDS DIVORCE FRIDAY EVENING -Beiieflt of OLl VI.R DOUD BYRON. PARK TUI. A I RK. BROADWAY AM) 330 ST. BHAS8-A FEW MOItK NIGHTS ll order to accommodate tlwu en route to the Can Mob 1*1 Exhibition TUIRTKKNTH WEBB. LAS I NIGHTS, LAST NIGHTS, LAST NIGHTS of Mc. George Fawcett Uumorooi mm4f of i' R ASS, BRASS: BRASS, which, In conteqtienee of other ?rruurmenti. malt bo WITHDRAWN ON TIIB OCCASION OF I'M 100TII KERKORMANCB. Admission SOc. and $L Renerved seats $1 5a EVKNING AT a SATURDAY MaUNEE AT 3. Seats r?aorv?<l for night tale to accommodate strangers. ' OOD'S MUSEUM. ~~ WOOD'S. TUIS DAY. MATINKK at U. I EVENING at & ROBERT JOHNSON .1.7. L1T1LK in lii? ??"?i??tiiiit I in tin-?e..satinu, HEART WORK; I ROVING JACK: or, 1 or, POOR OK TltH CITY. I 8aveil from tl.e Wreck. w WALLACE'S. Proprietor and Manager. ...Mr. LESTKR WALLACE KoucleauH'a Comedy, LONDON ASSI RANCH, now performed at till* thoatre, bariuu attracted uuiuual at tention iw l>.<uig tli." mint CoMI'LiKTE ami PERFECT RKI'KHSE STATION tint iian tioi u oU?re<l fur year* Mr. Wallnck feels that he Isj-tatiAed In taking thia method of calliug particular at tetitioo to Tllii GK.OUP tiF ARTISTS combine 1 iu Its Ulustrutlou dazzle Mr. lkstrr wallack CHARLES CO I" RTLKY Mr. II J MONTAGUE Sir IIARCOUHT COURTLKY Mr JOHN GILBKUT VAlik MEDDLE a Mr. IIAltUY BECKETT !>OLLY SI'AN K i*.it Mr. W. K. FLOYD >UJl HARKAWaY Mr. J. W. SHANNON COOL Mr. K. M. IIOLMND SOLOMON IS VACS Mr. C. K. EDWIN LADY GAY fcl'ANKBR ...Miss ADA DVAS PERT MIm KFHE GKRMON GRACE HARKAWAY Miss lONE BURKE LONDON ASSURANCK EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY MATINliJI until Inrther notice Carriage* may be ordered fur I0:tt>>. U~~" Mon" square" tiTkat'bk! " Proprietor Mr. KHUIUDAN shook. Manager Mr A M PALMER. THIS .TUESDAY) EVENING. MAY 9, will bo protloccd. after careful preparation and with vntliely new sconcrv and ami liutmenta, an American drama. In live acta, written eajieciully lor this ttientre, by A. It. Lancaster and Julian Mai:uus. and entitled CONSCIENCE. Characters ua billows:? Euttnce Law ton. confidential clerk to Mr. Harewood, Mr. Charles R. Thome, Jr. Nathaniel Hnrowood. a Wall it. bunker, Mr. Froderlc* Itohina >u ?ludue You Cort. of the Now Jersey Hunch.Mr Joliu far.oil* Dr. Mordautit. friend of Mr. Harewood... ..Mr. J. U. Stoddait Cyr.l Harewood. nepbow to Mr. Harewood, Mr. C. A. Stevenson (lly tlie c-wrtesy ol Letter Wallack, E?q.) David Delve, a lawyer Mr. Theodore Hamilton John I'erry, a bookkeeper Mr. AHYed Recks Richard t'obb, a cunttable Mr. W. H. Wilder Jailer ..Mr. W. S. t^uigley Coustauco Harewood, Mr. Harewood's daughter. Miss Ivate Claxtou Tabitha Trump, a distant relative Mrs. Marie Wllklua Saturday, May 13, tbo Orel matinee of COKSUIUNUB. fffoN Y~ ~V ASTi?R'iT"NEW'"' THEATRE". ~ 1 SiVi AND .'iH7 k roadway, Tlie only drat class Variety Theatre on Broadway. SAM DKVERE, Banjo Klug. GRAND LADIES' RECEPTION MATINEE THIS TUESDAY AFTERNOON. BILLY GRAY, l'.l'II HORN, tlie Veteran. WILLIAMS AND CAREY. Lancaster shire Clou MOLLIK WILSON. Vocali.t. UBN RIETTA M O LLE N'KB. 1111-; GREAT CARROLLH. CLAUk GIBUS. RICHARD CLARE. ? trio of Comedian*. TbuAitistic Comiquo, HARRY MOKTAdOR. The Plekilns Actrciaia und Vocallata, t MLsS SADIK HKSIION, KATIE EDWARDS, JHNMK 8ATTEKLKK CARRIE DUNCAN. jamks s. kdwards. MATINKR TO DAY. MATIN BE TODAY. THIS TUESDAY .. HARRY TAYLOR | Aitvruoon. MATINKK TO-DAY AT TWO P. M. B Theatre comioue, ?u broadvvay. hVKRY KVKNING AT s WEDNESDAY ANti SATURDAY MATINKK AT, X 'The only leniutlniial Variety iu New York. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT. AMERICANS ABROAD. The great lllnminated Scene, LE JARlllN MAUI LLE, In nil its Midnltclit Gayety. A perlect avaliiuulte ol Keinale Beauty. MAKE NO MISTAKE. Iu Siiecie'ty Starn In n GRAND OLIO. OOTH'S Til EATIIK. K ELLOGG. JARRETTA PALMER ...Leiice* and Manaieera. EXTRAORDINARY OPERATIC AND MILITARY PAGKANTRY1 BELLOCO GRAND ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY, witu the dUtlnirtilnhc'l American Prima Donna. Miu CLARA LOUISE KKLLOGU, will atipear THIS dl KSDAV) KVKNING. MAY 0. In Mi-yerheer'e ftreat Spectacular Opera aud trrund Military Pageant, STAR OF THE NORTH. wlileli In produc?il In a ntjle of UNUSUAL MAGNIF7 CKNCK, the mixlliary force mimherlni; over KOUlt HUN DRED. mid the other luarvelinu* ieatiirna, beMiud tlie SCENERY. ELEGANT COSTUMES and BEAUTIFUL UMKoRMs, being REGIMENTS OK INFANTRY, MILITARY BRASS BANDS. A FULL DRUM CORPS, augmented Orcbeatra and A GRAND CHORUS. SPECIAL TRICKS. RESERVED 9BATS?Parquet and Balcony fl SO ADMISSION ONE DOLLAR GALLKRV I'iftv Cent* Box Office open Irom ft A II. to 10 P. M. every dar thin week. %? Miu KELLOGG will appear at evory one or tbe four performance*, this Tueaday. to morrow (Wedneeday) and Friday eveninKi and at the SATURDAY MATINEE. BOOTH'S Tli EATRK. EXTBA MATINEE THIS (TUESDAY) AFTERNOON, MAY W, BBNKFIT OF TREASURER WILLIAM W. TILLOTSON. Flriit performanee la New York of Palgrave Slmpeon'a new play, OEOROE RIQNOLD in bli great iirtuiiial character of Colonel I'll U.I,HE, the llllud teMlir. mim MARIE RRABUOoKE, MleeROSA HASH. Mr. 0. II IIISIIOP. Sir. FREDERICK THORNE. and Mr. W. A. WIIiyeCAR in the re?t. To eouclede with the .lollirhtfnl Comedy, A comical Col NTKsrt in which I lie fiiiiiu nt Comedian. Mr OEOKUE KA Willi rr RoWE. Mln MARIS OuRDOX and Mr. a B. BIRHOP will appear. S" AS FRAN!IISCO MIN'ST REI .?? OPERA lltR'SE. " AN PRAN'CISCi? MINSTRELS. RMiAI'WAV, MAN FRANCIHCO minstreijj, CORNER --VIU ST. The must euceeeofnl orcanliatluo In the world. BIRCH. WaMBoLD .mil hackl'h. WAMIIOI.D'S new HOSO BIRCH OX IMS WAV TO THE CENTENNIAL BACK I'M' INIM1TAIU.E IMITATION* RY*AV> ORE AT LECTURE. REBECCA JANE. SHAKESPEARIAN ADVOCATES. THE ORE AT ItlCAROO. Rttli murnl. Mallim-Saturday at 2. i CADEM* OK mithict A1 IJRAND CONCERT hy BERNSTEIN'S FtLL ORCHESTRA, M ATINEE RECEPTION TO DAV KV TONY PVSTOR S STAR TROL'FE," TONY PASTOR'S NEW THEATRE. M; for tho boaoHt of the P AI R of the T?an( Wemeu'e Cbrla 1i?b Aeaoclatloa, TUB8DAY EVENING. AT ? O'CLOCK. PROGRAMME. Pert I. I. Ortnd March,"BerlHtiiuky" Ftranas "J. Ov.'iture. "La Mumto d.* I'milcl" Auher 3. Welti. "Where tin- ' ilron Kioninetli" Straut* 4. Ornud selection, "l.ohcnfilu" W*Kn,'r 5. ualoe, "Irreetetible" Brandeie pTrt II. 0. Oa>erturi\ ,-nia Irrfaln um'a Olnck" Hnppe 7. Welti, "[.oleiire Hutari" lteriiateln M. UrMd SelectlOO. "l.a .lulre" II?levy II. itel.-p. "Klruie C iMiink' strnii<? 10. Pot |><iurrl, "La Mile dr MuUame An?ot" Levocq Tlckete ?'*} cent*. Kor eel.- at the dnor. TtO.V'T ( THIS 'afternoon ' I t YOU there will he a OIUMl MATINEE POROET IT. I at TONV PASTOR'S NEW THEATRE. }" > A LA IS ROYAL, 4 f UTII tV.. BETWEEN- jmtm "an D :*hii ??.,>?* Yur* - Pony jri.unu lady attendant!, (.rnn.t Veoal and bistrnmental Concert every trail HI, iruui 7 until I o'clock. Admuaton fret. fltO-MORROW, ' 1 TlJIi OPEN I NO OP TilE CENTENNIAL HE E TIIE E TEN IN,; IELEORAM To 1?a Y. anticipatort reports, WITH PULL PAR TIC 1'I.A US OP WHAT IS OuIN.i TO 1AKE PLACE. a pull usr or i nk various departments A\|> WHAT TllKV CONTai > FRuiiRAMM K OF proceeding* TO Mi(RROW. ALL IN THE EVENlNU TELEORAM TO-DAY. ri'ONV pajiToEs new tiieatre, 1 MAll.N'EE THIS dav, commencing at two p. m. k MERICVS CENTENNIAL," 14 It A N I* MARCH. ? Y A. U. I.. I?>wnl?u n ltli etlperh lithograph title In cnlom pronounced the|uu?t artielte production In iho>-i mnaic ever I-aiied In tin* country ; stayed Highlit nt Central Park Oar ilcn with trawl nacci-at. I'rtoe m> rente, bold eaery w here. Publiahod l?y PITSON * CO., 711 Broadway. Al l NEE*I ~ foNY i'Abl OR S I I'O 1)AV rinbel lONY PAnTO.-'H TODAY' M.Ail.M.K I ToNV PASIiiRS to-DaY' MATIN E K I TONV PASTOR'S llUDlY SatinbE j tony pahtoh'r (to-day Mr OHARLEH rohrrtm. jr., Ri;.>da lii St. Fetcr'e llall, Wcat Alth at., aoar 9th ??., tine rr.'iiter Avlmlatiua 40 conti. No re erred aeate. AXrSKMKKTS. BROOKLYN TilKArilK. ~ ' Uww ?o l M?na-er. . . .M?s?ra Sll<M)K * PALMER. EVERY EVENING THIS kVli: U. ? moat brilliant combination and threat double bill. Mix I'll AKI.uTTE THOMPSON in liar new play. MAUD MUELLER. ..u I HTUAltT KulisON ?a<i Mlu FANNY MORA-NT In the splcudtl cotuady, MAIllilKD LI Kb. Tlie lull iiriii(lo ui Ilia Rrouklyu Theatre Company M tteli play. ______ T-WGLE Tli RATHE. BROAIIWMY AND 3ID aT. Sal* Proprietor and M?u*var Mr. JOSU HAST First nights ul Uynu'i Burlesqua, UIKDKRKLLA. Id which ttia following urtlnts appears? K 1*> Minale Palmer. Mr. t> t. h mkmus, Mim Jennie llu^bct, Mr. Jol?u WliJ, Ac. Firfcl raiicc UK this the aim of tli* inlcaUd MIS.h ai>klaidk lkxnox. Mm LENNOX will appear In ? aociuty Comedy, to ??? act, arraured by heraell, eutitled ADELAIDE. Mr. N. C. Uoodwiu and Mia* Mlnnla Palmer la I laughable Parre, In which Mr. IHIODWIN will aiVK li IS WONDERFUL IMITATIONS. A naw Melange of >ong? and Acts, In which Mr. John Wild. Mr. T?ly. Mr. Bradley, Miaa Jennie Uu?bea. Mlla Juneltea. Ac.. Ac.. concluding every evening and iiiatloece wllh Byron's wry laughable Burleaqua, _ . CINDERELLA. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. o LYMl'lC TUEATIlK. tttl MKOAUWAT. MB. JOHN F. POOLE ?MASAOBR TUB BIRTHPLACE ~OF IIUMPTY DUMPTt. j Fourth week ul the Grand Reproduction of TUB BEST OP tU PANTOMIMES, TUB ORIGINAL II II U I' MM Vm PPPP TTTT * Y II H V C M M M M P P T T Y iiuhh II UM MMM PPPP r YY II II U U M MM M P T Y U U L'UU M M M P T Y DUD 0 U MM MM PPPP TITT Y T D DO U M lu M M P I* T Y Y D D U U M M M M PPPP t YY D DU C M MM M P T Y "DDD UUU M M M P T Y <g> MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AT 2. rril AVKNUB THEATRE. (BEGINS AT H.) v) Proprietor and Miiu?i:er .Mr. AUiII'HTIN DALY ?J-d weok. loOtli to lRStli perlortuauoa aud FINAL NIGllTS PPPPP !i cjt>yu u U p P II o Tj u u ppppp no o v it p " ,Q V<5 c u p u ijqgy uuuo P.BBB K KBR K liltKB , B I Pinal nights of Mini FANXT DAVENPORT; Mr. HSIIEB. Mr HARK1NS, Mr. LEW If, Mr. DAY FINAL NIGHTS llDUB. Mr. HARDEN IIEltG, Mr. of HA <RYMliUK. Mr. DIUfW, Miaa "P1GUBI" SYDNEY OOWBLL, Mrs. GILBERT, U|a*GBoRGlE UKStt UU NUNEZ. Mini II'>i.LAND, and Mr. JOHN , KROCCIIAM. FINAL MATINEBfl OF Plyl'K SATURDAY AT 1 .30. ?.?SATURDAY NIGHT. Mny 1* lor Mr. JOHN UBOUtlllAMS BENEFIT, a reminiscent bill, comprising TliK SiilllOOS FAMILY ami PliC A HON I'AS . kru avbmui;. iiieater. 0 aATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 13. for Mr. JOUN BROUUD AM'tt 1JENBF1T. a rrminTmJb.nt BILL. cofnprialnu, for the Qrat tlma at thia tliralr*, THr. HBRIOl'K FAMILY. and for tha only ovcuaion tt.U aeaiuin "POCAHONTAS I" with phanunianal casta. Box ahort now open. GLOUK TUKATRB, TJH AND 730 BBOADWAt. R. W. BUTLkR. Maaacar. TUB 8TANDAKD FAMILY THBATRK. Kxtraorill'.iarv aud puaitirv amceaa of tha BKYNOLDS liUoTIi kKt>, In their Krrut ori|(iual charaoler akctchax. Contlnouli ovationa to the Sovcrt'uni (juecn of Bong, MISS ADAH KU'.HMoND. aad aa Arrah Maaba MnelMli. In tlio thrilling Iriah Uurlaaqua at, titled Alt RAII NA BUOOL'K, wllh a nowerfnl i??t, Inclmflnir Mesara. li. F. KETCH UM, t: L HARWELL. K. I'llICK. OBO. McDoNaI.D. Mlaaas HltADLhY and KKF1B; alao all lbs old favwritoa. Meaara. McKEB. WEST. ULI I/.. KBMBLB. Mia* Mil.LIE I'Y.NB I Mia. YIIIOINIA STICKNEY in Opemtlc Gem*. | in Serio Comic Songa. Miuiar DUNN in INFANTILE NEGROISMS. The old fiivnritci. with 100 auperli artlata, in a magnlllccnt olio, every iiIkLI. / 1 KKMANIA TI IE A T RE, _1 IT ll ST. VX Ad. NeaeudurlT Director TUESDAY. May 0. KREVZPKI'KIC, Comedy, in tliri'c acta, by A. L'Arrooge. C1BKTRAL PARKIiARDEN. ) TUESDAY. MAY U, D. U DOWN I NG'S GRAND OKCIIESTRA. NINTH GRAND UONCBIIT. BENJAMIN C. BENT. the ei'lcbrated Coniot hmoiat. PROGKA MME?PAU T 1. Orerture, "Muruing. Xonn and Evening" Btippe Meditation, "Klenra Kaun?e?" UiiiK Male unarlet, "Suord ol Biinknr Hill" Oovcnt Meaata. EDDY. LBE, MITUHBL aud LYIIKlUi. Uanii front the Opera. "Eriniii" Yard! I'ART II. Overture, "Obcroo" Yon Wplicr Solo, "Ave Maria" Gounod Mmo. MARIA SALVOTTI. Cornet Solo, "Seveuth Air Yariu'' Da Bcrlot Mr. BKNJAMIN C. BENT. Polonaise, "'Mlguou'' . j[( Thoutas Fantasia. "Huuiorlatlc" htasny Hi'tin. "Lot Mi- Dream Again" Sullivau Ml?* M.VitlA BRAINARD. WalU, "Better Tunes" .Ed Struuas March. "Auiuriia'K t'entenulal Duwnlug rp AMMAN Y HALL. TUESDAY EVENING. MAY 0. Admiaai.ui aO sod 25 mill Raaorred Sot*, SI, l>o?irii open ti 7*4. Cmamoucvi at K * - a o ? ? 5,? " 2 -* 1 3ti??i i !?siJs I riMiK QUATKAU MARILLB VAUIrtTIKfi l'*rl? by gaallirht In all ita (f'ory. and every French sensation ol the dir. The (Irand liucliu**, or tlie Irmli l>uko. Til" Turkish Rather*, or tho Sultan'11 i'et*. Tlia Kreneh Minuet ami Fuhi Plaatlqui'*. TU? baiid*ome*l formed ladle* in the world. The uioal artietic artl*t* 011 the earth. The lined Theatia In America. 11.MO III'. S U.UlUK.V QKCKNHAUIL VjT Menri Shook A Palmer,...Proprietors and Mana^ar*. Mr. K. U. till in1 re limine** Manager. 1HK OKVKXBAOII COM'KKIS. ?Jti MOIIIS ONLY. OPLNINU NIUIIT. THURSDAY, MAY 11, when M. JACQURrT'oKPRNBACII, the lllaatrluu* maaairo, asalatrd liv a t%ran?l ori-ln-atr* of over HU 8K1LLBD ML'NtUfAXH. will Inaairurnle a eerie* ol tweuty {'M> concord at Gilmore'a Uard-'M, wbieb ha* be on thoroughly renovated and Improved, and rnudered TUB MUSI' DKLIOii I H'L Sl'MMRR RRHORT IN IIIB W OKI,IV PROOKAM.MK Kill! T11K HUST OONCBRT. i'a it r 1. I Overturn, "Vert-Vert" (flr*t tltue hern) Offrnbaeh | Romance. "Hello llulone" Olfeii!>*cli I l>*nse ?auvaca, "Kobiii*?n t'riiaoe" (flrat lime).. .Offenbach 1 l'roiuanaiia. An Tour d'Orpheo Offenbach ("In the Ili-alm* ol Oitibou* ") PA KT II. O.ertar*. "He I'lle de Tuiipitan'' iltrat time hm).OVHikMh ] Marrhe, l<rlltoi<Hi*e d? la tiaiae" (tir*t time lure).Offenbach Romance, "llite* L.ui" ("lirandu Duclie***") liOvubuib llailel munic from "Le Iti.i Uarottr" Offenbach 1 PAiir 111. ; Overturn. "La Jolte Parfuuieuao" oflenl,arb New wall* Offenbach (Written nxprraaly lor thl* oi-mtljii.; "March* Poiupeienae" ("Le Kol Carotta"i OffValniek "UAtbllliana ' Offenbach Arranaed e\oroi.*lr lor ihla accaali-u. 1 Private Hoke* .with lour adiniaaionai, *?'?; Admlraion. H. Bo* office dailj irpm W A. M to tl P. M.. at tbe Madi ?on av entrance. V It - I b" attention of the public ia rp*;,ortliiilv called to tb* nrce?ally ol purchaalnir admiai>lon ticket* in advance tiurin* the day, tliua faoMllailuK tliair entrance In tbe e\en illK 'ATlkllt 7 TUNV PAST.ill's NEW T IIEATHR. riilS t>A.\i DEVhRK. KPII In,...V. A?TKBNO<jK. I WILLIAMS AMI cabby. (MIICBKRIM'i HALL j Mr. i.hnROE f ItltlSI'OVV rn'1'C'llully aanoanaaa a 1:, ncart, on Tm'*d*r evening, M*jr 0. ISTii. I'be luiio?lui( . emliii'iit *nl?t" will aiiaaar:?Vr? KKII.V lll.'TBAN, Mr. AKHUCKLl., Mr. tliiari. a Medler. Mr. (iKOIUIK. W MOIt liAX, Vr. tl. H. Huttenl,ci, tb.i llarlom Mendelisuhn I'ui.'ii. ! Mcniinl*<?hi>'*' " ATllALK" will be perlbrined, Profi *M>r A. U. Itoerr-, fini'iiiliiiiUi. Mr. (i?ori^ P. Ilrl*tnw, c< udiictor. Ticketa, lnoln,l,n^ r?*?rved seat. $1. To ka bail ?t Pmui'*. ; M7 ilrawtMyi Petara , st:i Broadway; nchubort's, -M Vnl"ii iju-irr , Bd. Ilnpkina. .'kl Kaat Mill *t.: Maitona IIInlBera, 1,11.4 llroadwat ; Hldlev <t (in., 4lb a*, and l^xib at., and at liio bait Coooert to commence at 8 o'clock pra- , eltel). ______ ______ ' milK oLl> I RPll MOB*." J riMi. at ton* pastomh matixeb MI.MSIiiKLI TU-DAT. HuWh * ' ooimso'li ORBAT CIBtJl tl'hXIIIBfira ! 111 .\ew?r*, S.J., Maf H ,mil I); Jrrxjr Cilj, HHbaud | 11th; llrookljn, 1 lltil and 13th: Smith Hrooklyn. I nh. SAM UKVKUE PI LL HACK will 1 elate hi* etpeii>-nc<' with a Pull URBPS. Back Drraa HI the MATIXKK Tll-DAV, I'OXV PABTOK-ff MKW TIIKaTHi.. DVKKTIriK IN fill. KVKMMi TRLEOIiAM. B\TKS /it t'K.N IS PKK LIMB. Tue circulation of tha RVBM.MO fKLM'RAM laat weak wa* Monday :.T.Iin lucMtav :(7,J'0 We.lieaday IT^llI I'liiitiday M7..'>.'!<? hri.lajr JH.iMt Saturday Hii.J'A) Total iMh.auO Ilaily averave 911,710 orHCB NO. 1 ANN ST. riloNY fAJITOR'S KBW THBATBB. 1 TU.NY Pisrou'd KNTIKB COMPANY av; uar l.i )<i*at Hill at ?ATINRB 10 !>.*?. AVriBllBITS. rHRATUK FRaNCaIS ?? (Laiea Lca.-ur Theatre) M ru? M Mttlnt tf. M AUDI, V MaI. Quatrieuir ?jirip d? Kvu-erlBtloa, LKS rATTE* DK Mlil'CIt K. Cum?4io t n truik actaa, u( V. SarUea. MKR.RlDl. fu MAI. Cinutueme M>irea J* ioukMiiIIou I.E VOYAGE DK M. PKKUIC1ION. Cautdie en o.iaUo actei par Labu bo at lliitli. vKNDIiSDI. 13 MAI. Sixicrao owiri e do luuacriptioa. I.E DEMI MONDE. CoaiLdiu ui< rliu i>'Ih ur A Unti. Bin aA.U1.UI IS MAI. LA CAGNGTTK. Ticket office cImi U. Cog mat, 21* Eut Utli n. TtiltT. OnUU HOW*. BETWEEN 2|? A NO 3D hxm. Ever/ evening. Wedue>U*y ul Saturday ?. a kiuut in Paris THK ORIGINAL CAN CAM. THE PEM ALe. HATH Kits. SO 11EAI TIKC'L MODRLS. M SPECIALTY STARK. A GRAND OLIO. Pakisian v\riktih? i?th St. "aSd AU1S1AN' VARIETIES. BROADWAY, bbiuv* uver ult. EVKRV EVENING. at 8 O'CLOCK <fc S> A -<$ .S> ?-A I MATIN t.K. 7 J TO DAY, t J S O'CLOCK. T ^ T1IE GREATEST bKNSATlONS OUT? ^ 34 I School Ulrb' Frolic, i. I Yuur 1.1 In ? ia Danger Girls ol Madrid, NuvUaimu't Tabiaax, | I Yggr Llb'i la Ctninr. Tha exqniiitoly irruueful. voluptuoua and Mutational LA MINUBT. Mil,i. IIERTIIA and thu lluhdiiHiiitvt Ballet In America. GRAND OUO. lOJurtUu ul acknowleayed merit appear al each perioral ?ilea. Llveliuit, lurxaal aud Leal Kuici lalnuieul iu Auiurita rtkU.i * LKOVB j:in ST. near ?nii av~ MIJISTRKLS. Khl LY t LEON'S MINSTRELS. KELLY A LEON'S M INSTRhl.S. KEJ.L Y A I. RON'S MINSTRELS. Every etoulnir atid Saturday tuatW ?tea, II1H GRACE TIIE DC EE. THE ONLY EBON S' L.iiiiho Charinuton. EDWIN KELLY ?? the Duk? A brilliant part Ural. introducing ?ueludicft from Giiolia-Girutlo, aud Grand Kiln. Itox offico opi-ii froiu I) A. M. tu 10 P. M. . ftkCSICTAJL. Wr ASftti-VoT.cS rtrtirTlA'ss&s. WiTii Goofi TV vuicoa, at St. Urnatlna' church, 4<>ib at., between lllb atnl Mil ava. Apply tu Dr. Waller, iu the basement of tlia church WodDoailay eveuiuKol tbla wook, between 7 aud S o'clock. ur itnjr Wednesday evening lierealtor al aawn hour. i.MsTitici'ios. A L"\DY" WISHES" "to' ' MASTER ' Til ' IKENCH. il SpuitUh and Ilnllau lin Uuyea; dmi r-? to mak? the acquiiiiitauce uf kiwne ifi*iitlaui?n ul leii>ur? mid ivhimtc abitit.v vrlin la hiixidiu tu leurn Rnuliali proper In return. Ap|dy VXJ Kill l> ih ?t. A ~LADY KltllM 1'ARIS WlblfliS TO TKACli KKENC1I ami inu?ic la a In??? IIv during tln> tuinmvr muiitbi lit ?whtlM l"r Hid, App v rKACHEK. N?. ?! North WiiibiuKtou nquare. Now \?rk. butu'vun Unnd 1 u'clm'k. T8A0HRR, HAVIno KPaII Moi:MNO IKiri:fl, wuiiid llkn olio ur two privutn puplU. Addruu TEACHER, box 11-1 ILrald Upto*u llraueu ulticft. Advertisk in ~ "" TIIE KVKXINO TELEGRAM. RA'i'KS 20 CENTS Pi*. 11 LINK. rh? circulation or tbo EVENING TELEGRAM last week w?.< : ? Monday 37,100 U7.2UO Wrdueailuy 37,iOtl Thur?.1?y U7..VXI Kri.lay 3.\K.'jO Saturday S&.3U1 Total 2.0,30) Dally avera^o 30,71tl OKPICE NO. 2 ANN S T. I AUIKS OK LEiSL'RE WHO NKKD BRUSHING 0* J In rudiinautarr ur advanced ituilien, ur rnquiru litornry ciilLTlaiiinmut, may addrru, with cunUdciice. AGICEI.A BlE, Herald I'ptourn liranoli ufflce. WANTED-BYXoEirMAN LAlfV. A SITUATION TO teach OarmnD and piano. Addreu Mra, liEltZOG, 47?j;a"aj[ ?t. _ _ uTlliard^ tlviiGE "As^iiirrMENt' O^TCK^ 'ASD stC^iTD buitii TiibU?tt. with the now ch?Ueu^o cushion; thu coi<iml uiigt* portectod, lit low pricun. L. Dhi'kKU it t'O., ourner Onnul an?l r*jittro hvk. AMBAIUAN STAND ABO BKVBL ifLLIARD TAHLEs! ulth Di<lnunr'a ulro cuiliionv nulciy iihu<1 in ail chain piounblp aud nialch tc"'ioii; m-coiid hand iabloa at icruat Lari;itliia. v\'. II. ?I It 11' I' 11' 11 A CO., ?Ill Veaoy ?t. ClOLLENDER'S ST AND A It D AMEKhTaN BEVEL J ItilUard Tablua, with tbo cclcbrateil Pbcian k Oulloudor cuiubloatluu euahion*, fur aale la thli city only at 73S Broail Wuy. ?> NKW BXYBLBO UILI.IaKI) TABLES, 4X8, 4>||X9 i) and bxlt); ul.aap lor caah; lur aale at PIANO WAitE MOOMM. au> Kin IBM ft WANTED TO ??l 11C11ASK. CI II Al US WANTED.?ABOUT' ISO STRONG WOODEN ) butt .m t'balra, new. or aa food ai now, Miitiihlu lur a tiiihlii' hall. Addrvaa, uiviiii; luweat caah pricc. box 120 Herald odicu. lil'IlOHEA.1 STEAMSHIPS. /^UNARD LINE.-B. AND N. A. R. M. S. P. VO. v' notice. With a vlnw to dlinlniahinK the chanro* ot coIIUIob, tho ?U-auicra of tlila line tako a apocltlc cuurac for all aeaauna of tin' yrar. On ilia outward pauaRO from Oupenatuwn to New York or Bunion, cmaaliit; tho meridian of W) at 43 latitude, ur nuthiutf to tho north ot 43. On tho liurueward paiauco. cmmlnir tbo meridian of 50 at 42 latitude, nr nothiiiK to thu tiurth of 42. PROM NKW YORK KOit LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS TOWN, BCYTIUA Wod . May 10 I BOTHNIA Wed., May 24 ?SCOTIA Wod.. May 17 | ABi KSINlA. ..Wed. May 31 Htiuiueri ninrked * do not carry moorage paiacn^vri. Cabin paa?ai;e, $SI1. $100 aud S130, cold, acourdiun to ae conniiodatlon. Return ticket* on luvorablo tcriua, Stoeraue tickrt* tu and froiu all parta of Europe at very low ratea. Krulirht and paaia^e olllco. No. 4 ItuwIliiK Greou. UMAjtLES ii. KRANCKLYN. Imn*. ])AS?ENOEIW PI.It 8. S BCYTHtA EMBARK Hi IM the t'uuaril wliarf. loot of Oraud at., Jeracy City, at 3 P. M., on Wudnuailay, 1* tli May, IH7U. (M1M il, I' KANCKLiN. No. 4 Bowllnn Oreon, N. Y. T|TH ITMl MiTAR lFnX ?V KOIt yUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CARRYING THE UNITED STaTMS MAIL. The iloamera of tlila lll.e take the Lane ltoutea reeom nivnilud by Lieutenant Maury, U. S. N.. isoiiiif aouth ul the* uii tlie pnaaago to (Jucunatuwu all tho yaar ruund. GERMANIC May 20. at 2 P. M. CELTIC June3. at 2 P. M. ADRIATIC June 10. at 3 P. M. BRITANNIC. Juno 3 P. M GERMANIC July H, at 3 P. M. From White Star Dock*, pier .13 Nurth Kivnr. Katun Saloon, and $HKI. iu m>IU; returo ticketa on rcaKonable torma Siouraue, fUs. Saloon, aiaierouina, amoklnK aud balli rooiui are plaoad amidablp*. where the nolae and niotiou aro leaat, alfurdliiK a doirren of comfurt lulharto unattaiuahle al aoa. For inaiiactiun of plana and other inloruiatlon apply at tha Comptkiiy i ultice, 37 Broadway, New Yora. It J COKTIS, A?ent. \ NCIIOR LINK I N 11 ED M ATI'.S MAIL STEAMERS, NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. CALIKORNlA.May 13. S aM | VICTORIA ...May 27.8 AM ETHIOPIA Mar 20. 2 PU BOLIVIA Juno 3,2 PM NKW YOKK AND LONDON. UTOPIA May 27. HAM I AUSTRALIA, Juue lO. 4 I'M ANGL1A .June 21, 4 I'M I ELYSIA July 8,3PM Anchor Line ptiirx 20 and 21 North River, N. Y. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL OK LON IHiNDERRY. Cabins, $U5 to $1*) currency, auctirdini; to ai comuudationa. Excur.iluu tii-kata on far.<rabl? tor in a. Stecrai;*. ^2H currency; Interiuedluto, (Ao ciurtraacy. Diatls iaaiiod lor any amount at enrrnut rate*. DBNDElOON BROTHERS, Axilla, 7 Buwliutf Green. Vf ATION'AL LINK?VrtOM I'lKltS 44 JAND 47 NORTH Al River. Kor Lmdou diract. HOLLA NI), Wedueadav, May 17. 13 M. FOR OUKBNSTOWN ANI? LIVERPOOL. EGYPT .May 13. S to A. M | ENGLAND. June 3,2 P. M. THE QCEE.N.Mav J7.0A. M I SPAIN..June 10. 7:'lOA. M. Cabin paaiaoe fTO aud fSO. eorrency. Raiura ttokota at reduced ratea. Stearnuo paaaam #2H. cnrrencv. Dralta Iaaiiod from U upward, at currwot prices. Apply at tha coinpanr*a oflice, >M> Broadway. P. W.J. IILBS .ST. Manager. "VT OKTII UKBXAN LLOIU. JN hTHANslllP LINK IIKTVTKEN NK*V YOBK, i SOUTHAMPTON ANU BltEVI'.N. Ct>niiii>iiy'i> pier, loot of-d it., llubitUn. HON AU. ..Saturday. May IJ | ODHll Saturday, May 27 ? Bill-. IN .Saturday. May -J>i|MAlN Saturday, Julia .1 1 llatc* ol paaaa.n ftom New Yotfc to Southampton, Havre , ?r Bremen l'ir?t Cabin. $100 cold: Secoud Cabin, fUU gvld; Steerage, f .itcurrency. Koltirn fiaketaat r?4ueed rale*. Prepaid M.varage i ertllicate*, $9i rarrenoy. Km liel;;lit at paaaage apply to oi'.l.ltli IIS k CO.. No. '2 Fowling (tram. 0 SLY UIKKCT LINK To KBAXCK. I'llH OKNKBAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'* MAIL j S IK AM Kits BhlWKKN NKW YtiKK AND llAVBfc. CAL1.INO AT PLYMOUTH (IJ. H.) for tbu laixlin, of pnawngera. Tlia ?plondid or ilti* (avnrite route for tha Cob- ! tlnaul tf/eiug more ?outlier'y than any olber) will aail Iroiu ' pi, r No 4:1 North Uivcr as follow*: - CANADA iKranirenll Saturday, May |:< 1.1 It It A1 h IK itUuglK-ri Saturday, May AMKi IULI-. (l'ou?o,? Saturday. May 'XI I'itlCr. til- IMwAilK. IN GOLD (including winaj Kliat cabin, fllOto ?ll!U, accordlan to acroiamod alia a. Srrnnd, $7J. Third clliln, #4(1. ' llalurn tlckrt* at ivdured rata1*. Sterrtfa **' with tup.rtor accommodation, Inendlng : winr. bedding and uiaoaila, without aaira chorgo. Lol'tx DK HKitlAN, Agent. .iu 11 roadway. / MIKAT WI'.sTKUN STK VmSIiTp LINK, O" TO IIKISTOL iK xil.ANDj 111ItKi'T, ?ailing Irom pier Is Kut Uiver aa lullovm:? CORNWALL, Maiup>r . .Saturday. May'.0 hi' M KltsKl. A altar* \%r.luoadaj. J una 7 Cabin ptMBtfr. fl-'i: intermediate, $4i?: Moorage, fill, cur rrary : rv?i'i? lictt'l1 -il.ii; prepaid ktvarage c->i tirkaiea, Ir-O Apply t<> W 1). MOKO* N, Accui. TO (tenth ?t. STATE link. NEW YUKK TO OIJtBOOW. LIVKRPOOU DLBUM. , HhLKAvr AMI UlNIHiNUKK Y. from pier 4.' North Klvcr ^taot of Canal M I a* Mlwc-t C IAI h OK INDIANA Tbaitday, May 1M | SfAl'l. OK PENNSYLVANIA Thor?.?ay, June 1 | HI V1 K OK YIMUINIA Tl.ur.4ay. June 11 i?ud ?>Tcr> alt< rnaia Thuraday thereafter Hl>t cabin, S?1 t<> .v?>, at-ronling to accoiniund ul >n*: ratum tickata. i U'k 1 Second cabin. *Sl: return tlrkct*, fWJ. .-l-'urag* at iowr>t . rata*. Apply to AUSTIN HALDWIN k CO., Agcnta. No. ! 7- Hioailway, Now Yora. Sia< ra?,e tinkel* at 4.1 Uroadivay and at tha rwuipany* plar. twit ol Canal ?t, North lilrer. 1NMAN LINK-MAIL STKAMKKS 1 KOK OI'KKNKtOWN ANU LIVK11POOK t I r Y OK ItlCIIMUNU Saturday. May IJ^ats *1 A. M. CITY OK RKK1.IN Saturday, tlay - at S:il0 A M. CI I Y OF t:HJ<MKH Saturday, J ana IO. at 7H0 A. M lioui plar W North Ulvcr, CABIN, and ilim, gold ; rrturir tlrkat* 'on farorablo tcuu*. nTKKBAOK. cuirency. I?raft* Ivuod at lowaat rata*. saloon*, ttataronni*. *iiiokln|( and b*tl>mom* areldiblp*. JIlIlN tl. OALh. Agrat. l.? and .1*1 Broadway, N. Y, \iriLso.s LI>b Ktiil SOITII aMI'IuN and ULLl., TT tailing Iroin plrr -I North Kltoi, a* lollowa:? IIII<AL<I<I May 301 OTIIKLLO,.,. luna 17 t'liLnBHO luoo J | IIINUOO J my I Klr?t cabin, t'o, tanMcjr; M-oond caniu, *4 >. cnrrancy. Eitrur%lon tlckat* 011 very latoralilo toria*. tlimuiih tickatt laaiiad 10 ContiBaintal and Italtic p?.rt? Apply, tor tail par ticular*, to OHAftLH* L. WBIOMT k CO.. >...,t!. ?t osr 1UBK r \N1? n nviiMir hoi rK m ii ii^ Lank, iikloii vi. tiik biiink, kwitzkiilano. At:.. 4i;.. TlA ItOTTKkDAM. Staanar MClloLTKN May 11 t>l?*renr MAAH.. May Twu baautlfnl ttcainar*. carrying tha ITnllrd Stataa mail to tha Mathertanda. are great (aTorit. * with the public. Trip* rngalar, rata* low; comlort and living narfbat. Vor Iramlit, For ?a**aaa, t'lMiU. *'DYK k CO. L. W. MnilKIS, t*J Kroa4v*y. RUROPEAS KTEA?I*IIIP8. United states majl lixk?*tk iu to uutiCSt TOWS AND LIVERPOOL sailing uvsry TL'EhD.vY, I'uiu pier 4o North Uivor. WYOMING Ma, 1*. 11 A. M i M VAl>A June IS. 10 A.M. IDAHO May 3t). II A.M. I Wi.Hi'oKSlN' June JUUA.M. Cabm. $?>?>. #70 and $?***, currency. Intermediate, f4<>; staeragj. fM. Futesntri booked to atid train Kuril, Hamburg, Norway, fliDtltn, Ac. Drafts on lraltud, Kn|l?ud, I'mucn uul iii*r ftiauy at !???!( rates . . . WILLIAMS * OVIOM, 2*J Hi kittlw *j. DVEBMSK IN THE KVKNl *u t.'.lkoram. RATES at Oh.NTS I'Ell LINK. The oirculatlou of the E VENIXO TELEGRAM last week Monday 37,1(10 Tuesday 37.JUI Wedni'MiA/ Thursday 37..VW Friday itV.liau Saturday :u't :umi Tutal ZHI..KKI Daily average '*I.7IU OFFICE MO. 2 ANN ST. H~ AMltl KO AMERICAN I'AC K KT GUMP 1ST S LINE <or PLYMoL' I'll I HERliOUKU and 11AMUUUO. | Ll'.SSIXO Mat' III K KI SI A M ?y 25 ! WIKLAND Mar ltflSUEVIA Juno 1 Hmua gl passage to PlJmontU. London, Cherbourj, Ilain ; burg and mil point* In England. Scotland and Wains: - I Caliin, I?r?i salon*, gold ......$1"0 Cabin, second sal>-ou, gold. tiO . Steerage, currency SO | KLMlAUld * CO.. C. B. RICHARD A BO Ail, General .U'rnu. (ieucal PasM?ig?r Agents, til liroad st., Now York. tJl llroadway. New York. IjTCBOPEAN TRAVELLERS WILL KINO TKI NKX J tor si-tie rooms and Continental travel. Chairs lor tlio steamers. Coin Pur*.*, Ac.. Ac.. at JOHN CATTNACll'S. TM Broadway. / lOOK'S I NTER.N ATI UN A I. TO CRIST TICKETS TO V ill parts ol Europe and Ahum lea at reduced rate*: do not require their hiiKH-rs to travel tn parties. 'Vook's Kx cursionist'' tor May, prim Id cents, cnutaius fares lor up* want of I.IKJO kuropuau and American tours COOK. BON A JENKINS. Ml Broadway, Now York. COAmVlHE STRAMMH1PH. ONLY DIRECT LINK TO KLOltlDA.?WEEKLY LINK to Port Royal, 8. KtUWaudlna, Kla. ; llruunwitk, Ua ; sailing aver) I'hiirsday, I'roiu pier 'M. East Biver. Thd tUamcr CaKOXDELET, Captain MoCroery. will tall I Thursday, May II, at 3 P. M., lor I ?rnandina and Port | Royal. Through tickets issued to ail points in Klorida. Kor freight or passage apply to C. II. MALLoRY A CO.. or HERMAN UKi.PCKK. lf>3 Maiden lane. J) A N A MA IRAN.-IT liTEA Mill" l"p~COMTa NYl ' FOB BAN /RANCISCO. CALIPOUNIA AND PACIFIC PUItTS. via Utliiiiiit ol Panama. Sailing faun nit i 13 Nor Hi ttlwi. Slnamer CltlJSCEM' CITY SA ri'UDAV, May 81 Kor IroiK'lit or paxiujj.i upplr to W. I*. CLYOH It CO., X'i ii liuwlmt; PAOIFIC~MAIL 8TEAMS111P LINK. POR CALIFORNIA. JAPA.X. CHINA. AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. BiUTIbli COLL'MBIA. At . *0., aallliiir Iroiu tiler lout of Cnual St., Xurili Uiver. KOIl SAX KBANCWCO VIA I SI 11 V IS OP PANAMA. AtiAPl.'Lt'O. TnoHday. May ID, 12 nooa counectliitf for all CcntnU Anieru-un and South Pa.lito porta. KKOM SAN PBANCLSl'O TO JAPAN AND CHINA. Ciri OP I'iiKiO licml FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO VICTORIA. POUT TOWNS END, TACOMA. PORTLAND, AC.. AC. on tlio ltitli, HOtIt and 30tli of ev?-y month. Kor freiiiln o: iM>iiti;ii apply at loot of Canal ?t.. North Eivur. II. J. IIL'LI.AY, auporlntrndxat. NKW YORK AND 11AVAXA DIRECT MAIL LI NR.? TUeao llml calm (tOHi.i?lil|>* will nail at 3 P. M. from pier 13 Xortli Itlvor foot of Codar at., lor llavaua direct, u* li.llowK WILMINGTON Tuesday, V?y 0 COLUMBUS Tliurwlay, May IS Kor froichl "n.l Damage, having uuaiirpuasod >ci:nmm(i<l? ? in, ai p j. (JLYDE A CO., No. 0 Bowling Oreen. McKELLElt LL'LINU k CO., AkoiiU in Havana. N- Y.. HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL SS. LINK. ~ ? St 'aiuerk Ivave |ii< r No. N< rih Uiver at 3 P. M. Hill HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OK NEW YORK Thursday, May 11 CITY OF HAVANA TucmIbv. May -j9 KOR VERA CRUZ AND NEW ORLEANS. via Hat una Prouruno. Campoathy, Tuni.aii and Tamptco. CITY OK HAVANA Tuesday, Mayl'3 Kor Irolitlit and paioace applv to K. ALEXANuTtK A SONS, 31 and 33 Broadway. Steamers uitl k-'tve Now Ortuans May 7 and May 28 fat Vera Crux and other ports. VOB NEW ORLEANS DIRECT " r THE CROMWELL LINE. The steamship NEW ORLEANS, Captain Dearborn, on 8ATUKDAY. May 13. at 3 o'clock P. If.. fr.iin pinr No. I* North River. Through bills ol lading KlvMk to Mobile and all principal poiuts on the Mississippi Uiver. Cabiu panage, $?'>(>; steerage, 1-5. Apply io CI.Auk A SEAMAN, 8fl West st STAR BALL LINE. UNITED STATES AND BRA/.11. MAIL STEAMSHIP^, snlilng monthly from Watson's ? liarf. Hrunklyu, N. Y. fur l'ARA, PKRNAMBUCO, BAlllA and KIO JANEIRO, calling at St. John's, Porto Rico. JOHN Bl'.AMAUL. Monday, May 11. J. II. WALKEII, Tbiirsday, June l.V Passenger accommodations nrst dais. For treight ami pa?Mig". at red rates, apply io J. S. TLCKI'.R A Cu.. A?''iii., M Piue St. rraxA? uxi fob aEmisi. toi at idtf X West, carrying the L'liitoil States mall.?The steamel 01TY OK AI STIN, Captain Eldrldgo. will sail nil Saturday, May 13, at 3 P. M . trmn pier 20 East River. Tnro'jgh bills ol lading given to all point* on the Houston and Turn*. Central International and <!roat Northern, Cat veston, Houston and Henderson, and the Oalveston, llarris burg and Sau Antonio railroads, rrelghts and lu-nianoe at lowest rates. Kor freight or p issage. having superior ac commodations, apply to C. II. MALLORY A CO.. 153 Maid, ii lane Mwuua.> a i.i.M-. ur .vii-.a Msiurs, lor .Now Orleans mi i Texas. will sail ovory SuturiUy to New Orleau... transferrin!; Texiti froii-l't tliero in Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad lur Morgan City, thence. per Morgan's Una of ktrnmurn. to Toxat Bart*. The MOROAX I'lTY will sail fi.un pier :?l North Itlver, N'. w York, on Saturday, May 13, at 3 P. M? for Now Orleaui direct. ihiougli bills oriudlug altfuol to Mobile, Oalveston and to all point* on ttio lialvdston. Hitrrtaborg and Situ Kntuula, Houston and Texan Cental. International mdOreat Norih vi u, Texas ami 1'a.itlc and Traue-ContiueMtal railroads. and t'> I ndlaliola and Sail Antonio, and all point* ou the Oulf, Western Texan ami Pacillc Railway. Ilrasoa Santiago, Cor pus CItriati. ilockport, M. Marv's an l Fulton. Freight tor St. Marj's and Fulton landed at l!?ck|Kirt. Mh'ktort|? and channel due* at either Corps* I'll rial I or li[??<>? Santiago at the expanse and risk of consignee. Through rairs to Brownsville, tie l(lo lirandn K-tilroail. Insurance ran lie effected under open policy of I!. A. Whits ni-y A i'o., New Orleans, from New York to Now Orleans, t>er c<'nt. Ihim New Y?rk to all Texas porte via New Or leans, 'i per vnut, Xrolglit ut lowest rate*, for freight or further Inform* tiou apply t<i rlJARL.ES A. WKITNKY A CO., Agents, pier Jtl North Kiver. OLD DOMINION STKaMSIIIP COM PAXV, sailing from pier S7 Nor ill Hirer. Fur Norfolk. City Poiut and Itlchmon 1, Tuesdays, Tlmrr days and .Nalurdat* at it I' M., connecting with tbe Vlrg.ula ai.d Touuesseo Air Line. Atlantic Coaet Ciii>, Piedmont Air Line, Chesapeake and ubio Itailrmul and with the company'* ?testa line, to Interlot points in Nortli Carolina and Virginia. X< whern and Washington, N. 0. 'via Norlolk), every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lewes. Del., Monday and Thursday, at 4 P. M.. connecting Willi Maryland and I'olawaro railroads. I'aiwiiiior art'iMuniodattos* un <urpo?*cd. Through p>ua(e tickets and bills of lading to all point! at lowest rains Insurance to Norfolk, -if., '4 percent Freight received dally el pier 37 North tiivar. Oeneral oflircs, IVI (IreeBwich ut. Is. L Mi l'lttAUY, President. rpin: OLD dominion" sTiiAMsiui*" i omFany. 1 having refltted their fiuo side wheel steamship ISAAC HILL, l,?JO i tons, purpose despatching lier from plei :t7, of Heai'h st, at ?! IV M., Saturday. May 1 it. tor Phila delphia, remaining there at loot ?r Ituce st., comenlent to horse and stuaiu ears to Ceiitenuial Grounds, from Simitar afternoon uiitll Thursday, 4 P. M., reaching New York Fri day. Aiupiu state room aeromiaodatioa. I'asaeugers to re tain rooms and hi\n moult on ship entire trip. Kate for round trip, InclodinK meals and room, to & O, according to room. Apply at general olllce, ll?7 i.recnwicli st. IjlOll HALIFAX. N S., AN 1> if. JOHNS. N. V. 1 CItOMWKLL STKAMSIIIP LINK. Steamers leave pier 10 N. It. following days at S P. M. OI'.O. OIIOM WKLL. tui-Mlav, MayO OKU Washington Friday. Ma/ 19 For freight or passage apply to C'LAKK A SKAMAN, H6 West st. l'KAV BlalsiBItH* ut lltk. * LBANY. PKid'LK'S LINK. SIKAMUOATS LKAVB A pier 41 North Kner. daily, Sundays excepted, at UP. J*., for Albany and all points North and West CimXKN# LINK STRAM?OATS KOK TROY AND ALL J points Nortlicast and W?*t, leave dally, except Satur day. at It P M., Irum pier 48 North Klver /utkk!f.iTT;ritiik i.Tn k. -"n kw ciiam pion, tur* " ' day, I liursdav and Saturday, from pier -tU, i'aaal St. I McManI S. altera ate days, imn lj?n>y \t.. ? P. M. _____ Bull rivkr link ro bokton. *ia Newport and Fall U ver. The world renowned steamboats HltlsroL, and I'WlVIDKKCK I ave pier Id North iiiver, foot ol Murray st. dally (Miudays excepted), at 5 P. M ThroR(h tktdi sold at all the principal hotelt in the city. _____ 0I.D BSTAHLIMMkD LINK FOR STl'YVBSANT. t'AIS kill and Intermediate landings, steamer ANDRKW IIAUDKR. Irom Frankiin st. (pier Toeeday, Thursdaf Mild Satnrda) ; steamer MONITOR, Monday, Wednoaday aa) Friday, at 5 r. M PENNSYLVANIA RAILltOAO OltkAr THINK LINK AND LNilKO ST AI KS MAIL BOITK. Train-, leave New Y?rk, via Desbroeaes and Cortlaadt street ferries ae follows J? k\i>r???iot llarrlsbnri, Pittsi.urx. the Woat and Sontk with Pullm ui palace ears a;t?.:he.|, 0:30 A. H., 0 and H JO P. M Mindar. rt and S :iW P. M. Por willlamsport. l^>ek llaren. Oorry and Krto. at ?:30 A. M ami N. to 1*. M., uonaaetlag at Oorry lor TtloeriUa, I'etrolount Ocntre and the oil regioaa For Baltimore. Washiatrtoii aad tin South. "Ll.nlted Wash liutou Ksprese" ol Pullman parlor ears daily (except Sunday/. V ?J A. M., arrive W aah.nirtea 4 :ll? P. M. Ileeu lar at s .4<i A. M.. it and '.t P. M. Saaday. 'J I'. M. Kxpress lor Philadelphia. 7, V :>). M:?l, |?;S - A. M.. ti! :30, U, 4. 4 :l<>. 6,ii. 7. h .an, u r. M. snd IJ aigllt. Sunday,!?, ?>. 7, H i and P. M. Kmlirrant and aecond clans. 7 PM. For trains to Mewara, Klitaheth, llahwar, Pnnoetnn, Tren ton. Perth Ainbox, Flemlnston. Keiridara and other points, see Iik aJ srh -dnles at ail ticket aflhens. Trains arrive :--Fnm: Pitishnrx. s ^V> aad lO:#! A. M. aa-t If) JO r M dally : lO.I'i A M. aad S-.4) P. M. daily, ac cept Monday. From Waahlni^on and Baltimore, ?i:Jl> A. M , 4 :IA. 5:lu and ?" A. P. M Sunday, UiM A. M. r r?iu Plrila ioli.hla. 5:10, ?JI>. ?: S. |M:W, II UiU. 11 :J4 A. M .a i.\4*rt, ft:1A (l:IO, ?? >i, M;tt and l'?:i. I*. M. Sunday, 5:10. tl-Jtt, .l-.w. 11 .>4 A. M , dual and lOtJft P. M. Ticket olftces, ?'>>! aad IH4 Broadway. Na. 1 Ast ir lloasa, and 'out of Oeabrotaes and I 'ortlandt st?.; No. 4 Court sL, Brooklyn, No*. 114, 111! anil ll'l Hudson at., Ilobokea. Kmlirrant ttoxat olhee. No. S Haltery plaee. FttANK riioMHoN, U M. Bo YD. Jr.. lieaaral Maaawr. Oea. t'aaaeasar Ageaf r HTnoRLPHliT VIA L<>N(J Bit ANOlf AND"VH* New Jer?-y Southern llaiiroad ? Faie lower ikaa by any other route, commending May I. IMTil. Leave New Noek. I'lerS North River, loot Kector li.. M-.46 A, M. luf I .on.- Branch and Intermedl.ite point*; U :ti> A M.. Inr rhlla delphla. Long Branch. Vmeland, Ac.: 4 P. 1., for Philadel phia U>ng Mr nu ll. Tuekerton, Ac : 4 F. M . for Loaf Hrancli, Ac WM S. SM.lil.N, itaueral Manager, h M O V AI. M A Y I r?> I' IKK Ml NoltTH RIVKR, FOOT ol h pi In - st. - For Kondont and KlntcMaa, msui illN *. itli l ister and Dataware Railroad, iandlnz at llighlsaa I'alls W e.t Point), t'omwall, Nrwberr, Ratl'.ora, Mill en, I'naghkcei *ie and Ke pu*. Steamboai* TilOMAS Clia R N K.I.I, leare evorr Tuaeitar, Tberaiay, and MWWI JAM KS W. B\LDWi.V Moaitay. WedaesUay, Friday, Bprlag st., pier 43 North River, et 4 r. M. 1 STONINOTON LINK KOK MOSTON. Rodaetlea af Fare. ? ___ , Steamer* RIIODR ISLaND and NAllRAt<AN4KIT, Irem pli-r ii'l North Ittver, la<>i or Jar * 5 P. M. Provldeiw-e l.lae, from liter North liivcr, tout of Para pi* kLKCrSA aad CaLAl C.A. at 4^>U P. JL