Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,506. DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTIBERS. AltrsKMENTS?2d Pas*?'>ih unUOth eol*. ASTROLOGY-llTtt Pack-2d eol. BlLLl ARDS-1 its I'ltti-iilciii BOaRDERS WANTKD-Utu fiOK?Wt aud 2d eel,. BoAKD A\D LODOING WANTED? Uti PA<M-2d?d. BOOTS AND SHOES- lit* Paeu?4th col. BROOKLYN HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE-3? eol. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES??tB P/mjb. HI SIN ESS NOTICES?7tm P*ok?Sth col. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SaLE-2i> Kaou?In eoL CLERKS AND SALESMEN?!?? Paum-i'th c,L CLoTII 1NG?2D Pau*??>*!> eol. . _ . COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?12tm FA?-aU lith col*. _ . , COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?ItT Pao?-?Uort. COPARI NERSIIIPS?OTH I'A'JK. COUNTRY BOARD-Uth Pao?-2d eol. DANCING ACADEMIES-Uth Pac?-2d o*t DENTISTRY-Uth Faun?Itli coL DRY GOODS?1st Paub?jitt eol. _TOW,____ 1V1 dwelling houses to let. rcBNimn$D and U.\ FURNISHED?2? PAt?-^d illM wl' EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?Ut PaO??Ath and Oth eou. BUROPE -2? Pauk?Hth col. EXCUANGK?2p Park?4th eol. EXCURSIONS? l?r Pag*?tith e,L FINANClAL?Ota Pauk. FOR SALE? 1st Pab,?*th eol. _ T~_ FURNISHED llooMS AND apartments TO LET i'D Px;??3d col. FURNITURE?2n PaoB?lth col. FRENCH Al>V RTISfeMBNTtt?1*? PaQ?-?tll oeL HELP WANTED?FEMALES?12th Faob-4U >?< ?U H ELP?VV A NTKD?M A LES?12th 41h HORSES. CARRIAGES. AC.-lit FA?*-2d, Sd tad 4th eol*. HOTELS?lira PA??-2d col. ^ .. . HOUSES. ROOMS, AO.. W ANTED?8? Fa???*Ml. INSTRUCTION?2d Pace?4th col. LEGAL NOTICES?Imt l*A?;K-fllh col. LOST AND FOUND?1?t I'auk?let coL MAC II IN ERY? 1'agk?4th coL MEDK AL-llrn I'A'l?? 2d ooL MILLINERY AND UUKSSM AXING?lM Fao??MhoeL MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?I0t? Pa?? 6th col. MISCELLANEOUS- 12th Paod?6lh coL MUSICAL?2d Pag??4*Ii col. NEW PUBLIC ATION8-7?t Pa???nth ooL PERSON AL-l?r PA.JK-Irt eol. . PIANOPORTES, OROANS. AC.?2d Pag??4th ML PROPOSALS? Iw Pauk?4th col. c?T?ni?Trt PROPERTY OUT OK TUE CITY FOB SALE OB TO REST?2r> Par.K?1st and 2d'col*. BEAL ESTATE To EXCUANUK-20 Pao*?2d eol. READ ESTATE WANTED?2d l'AUE-2d col. REWARDS-1st PA.iK-l?t coL . ... . SALES AT AUCTION?Uth P Aor-8d and 4th eol*. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES-llm PAOD-Sth nd titli cols. hiuI 1-Til PAOK?lit, -d. 3d and 4th col*. SITUATIONS W ANTED?MALES?12tii Pai:*?>th coL SPECIAL NOTICES?Irr Pau??1i'*?d 2d eoli. ? sporting?DOUS. H RDS, AC ?1st I'agb?2d coL STORAGE? 12th Pagk??th eol. SUMMKR RESORTS?11th Pagk?2d eoL THE TBADES?12th Paiik?tfth col. THE TURK?1st Pag??2d eol. , TO LET KOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Pack?2d ool. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?1st Pabk?6th eol. UNKURNISIIED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2n Pack?Sd cl. WANTED TO PURCHA8E?llTU PACK-4th eol. WATCHES. .IEWELRY. AC.-2d PA<i*-4th eol. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY tOB SALE OB TO LET?2d Pauk?l*t coL YACHTS. STEAMBOATS. AC.?10th Pau?-0th col. PERIORAL. Tn^ssrwxstr ?> G in form ati 6 n 'WtiXzK or J\. Nellie Kenner can learn full particular! by addreaiinf NELLIE KENNKY, care of N. G. Laiamour, 8t., Louli Warehouse, corner Mb an?l Chouteau av.. ?^t. Louis, Wo. ROADWAY C< )KN E R Y KHTK H DA Y, TU ?8 DAT moraine:, between S an<1 0 o'clock, gentleman giving ?eat to lady, and irot otfon 14th ft. t If ?hie pteaae adUren*, deMsrlhing, dres*, OONrIDKNTIAIj, Herald Uptown Hrancb oftice. 1 AKlx, /SeLIA EDWIN"or KATE CUNNINGHAM WILL V ) find imp'UiKiit letter In general Poii oBlce addrened to "Celi* EJwln." iriORA-B-DONT FAIL TO MKET ME AT THE V,/ fancy dre?< ball, Irrlnr Hall, to-night. BROOiwLYX l. p.-W4aTIavk T done to Tjisplkase ? yon t I am ?ick and would go to my nister if you will keep mur promise. Do please see me onco more. I teel to anxious and unhappy about you? '*? T ASSENHEIM?CALL AT E C. DUCHOCHOIS ^O J. 11 road way. NEW GOODS. T. V.?OUB FRIENDS LEAVE BY 10 TRAIN. . lliid?.n River depot. L?rt Interview. WUI meet ro? there or on the way to-day (Wednowday). MAKUAltr.lC. MISS 1)^. I V)|I>VkRLY LIVING ON BROADWAY, BE tween 3Sth and 42d st?., please wrltf0\? ?pKiKND ARY ISRAEL?MOTHER IS SERIOUSLY ILL AND need* you; there are other rliki and M at once. MK. SHAKI ER AND MR. WALKER?PLEASE CAl^L at 271 2nd at. for watchos left to be repairod at 1,100 Broadway l?<t winter. TJERSONAL ?NO! WRITE KRI'.kly AGAIN TO X Cooper and give addrewa for reply. Ml. NiAau. nillLIP U KOSBIIOOKE. OF BROOM LODOE, HaT X field?Wrlio i ome to Crlmblf llouif. Camp Koart, Leeds. Y?rk?.hlre. or to TOM, New York l'oit ofllce. Am hero every leventh week. rpHK-ADDRESS OK COLONEL M. M. W1SEWELL IS J[ r.'ipectfully dciired. Addre?i FRIEND, box 4,088 New York Post nBiei. ! TIT HAT A PRETTY LITTLE POOT?BROADWAY TO YV Earle'a Hotel. Send your addrei*t to T. A. KD WARDS. Metropolitan Hotel. ? ^Tll be 'theriC very many thanks^eh. >? Trt AV.? 24TII ST.. II O'CLOC K TU BSD AY?LADY D in bluo waterproof aoini; up pa?*ed Kentleman *ho made change iu utajre .ome time ago; plea?e state ?ome in cident. O. M. B.. Herald Uptown Branch office. ' Lost anu ku; ai?. _ Dog"LbsT-r, reward'will bf. paid'for the return to IjI West SWth it. of a white Scotch Terrier Bint. L?OST-A YOUNG CANARY BIRD, OF NO USK TO any one but the o*ner. $3 reward to any on, return ing him to 150 We?t 281 LOST-A WHITE "SPITZ DOG. ANSWERING TO name of "Priuce." Ten dollar* reward will be paid to ,ny one returning him to 32 Weit 27th it., and no qne? ti-in. asked. ' OSTEON TUESDAY MOBNING, MAY i>, FROM 13TII ?t to 6th av.. throngl. 14tli it. to 4thi av. car*, a lady a gold Watch and Chain, with Plm attMhed. Kinder will bo rewarded by returning the tame to R. RUTTLB, o- Beea man at. ? TOST?A LA BOB POCKETBOOK CONTAINING TWO I j ch.-ek* dated Mar 6 for $1.01)0 and $1,290; the check* are not Indorsed, anil the paper* are of no u*e to any one but tlio owner. A liberal reward will be paid by leavlu* the book and content* at the desk of tlie Merchants Hotel. I OST?LAST WBfcK. A SOU ARB AMETHYST II Sleeve Button. A liberal reward will b, paid for it, return to No. 7 Madlion av. ___________ t ost?$ 5 rT wakd.?Monday evening, about j j ?(o'clock a bluo Skye Terrier Slut. an*w,nncto nam. Si'-ratter*:" had on .ilver cllar aud bell, with red rlh'.on. Return to No. 2 Wail 14th St., and above reward will be paid. . OsT?LEFT ON MONDAY. IN SIXTH AVENUE car at ,'<0th St.. about 1 P. M.. Russia leather Bag. ron tainlntr rowing suit. A .uitsble reward paid if returned to W. tilLBERT, Columbia College; LO-T-A SUNCU OK on VESEY ST.. BE tween Purk row and lireenwicli st.. ot no use to any sue but the owner. Please leave at the Telegram oflBce. T OST OB strayed?A -MALL BLACK AND TAN I j Dog old. with a metal collar and padlock : gray about the snout": an?w?r* to he name of Tl?y. Any one return ing lame to I3U Ka-t :i7tli st. will be suitably rewarded. OST?KRIDAY EVENING. ON OTH AV.. BETWEEN 16th and 44th sts.. a cnnieo cuff Button with owner'* ? ain, on ?h*nk. The finder will be rewarded by leariug It it 11?> Ka?t l'Uh *t Z~=' RE VV A K ~~ 1> ~ '"liEW ARbT^LOST.- ON - yW) SDA\ EVp-fNo", PO cither at Lyric Uall, Rtli av.. near 42d *t.. or In jcolnir tlience through 6th nr. to Will St. and .?th?v.. an Inlaid mother-of-pearl Kan T ie a'jove reward will be paid lor it, raturu to No. 1 West 50th Ft. ^. $10 "m ward.?lost. Sunday morning, may 7, ?PI\; a .mall Black aud fan Slut; nniwer* to the na-ne K.,.e ? thin hair. The above reward will bo paid lor her it turn or iuiorui^tiou that will to her r,cuy,ry. 339 Went st. 4.1 ? he WARD.?LOST, I.AST SUNDAY, A YOUNG 5)l?> yellow *ett,r Don ieturu to l.iHW 84 w. AO.. 1Te~Wa"r*D^AN1> no ?ll ESTIONS ASKBO, FOB &.)U th? return of pliin gold Watch (crystal cracked) ,nd Seal, mixed Sunday, May T. ou 3d av. car. 11? bast SPKIIAL. SOTlCKft. ^ *X fOnffcXK FOR SI-LAST CIIANCfc! ' J\- Obtain a fortuce theao bard tlmei by Inreatlnp In \\ yarning Lottery ; drawn till* day, Mny 10; f.K i.uuu dia triouted; ticket- $1. six for fc">. ALLE.s ,t CO., 79 Naaaan ?t.. New York. A"""xXOl'XOhM8XT,?OOLIJ8MITH'd THKE2 DOLLAR Writing ru?<f.. Academy, 70 YTaat 43d ?i_, corner Bill a*. See Inatrucvon. "i ItMA Mi) CHRONIC BKOXi HITl.s.?TUR MOsT Jx. effectual will be U-und in He DATURA TATtJLA, prepared l'i all forms for >11101(111; ami inhalation by SAVORY A MIM>KK. 148 Ntv llrrid nt., l/ondon, anu ?<>ld l>v them and ?11 di'imaia aud ?lore*??per? tUmuehvul the *01 id. TTENTlON ! TWENTY YfcAits' F'RcJmaX HOS piial experience. lo?a of manhood ar.d other rtl?e.<?e? ?r man a apecUlty. Or. JaCOBY. I'll Bleerker Jt. A?Isaac 6. hoyck. rT b in iaoW AT, LAW f k u. ? ? Dlvorcei obtain* d prxmpllv. * ithout publicity; deaer lion. incompatibility. habitual dnmkenneaa. Itifldnlitr. Inhu man treatment, connction ol lelony. K?<?pnrt? obtained. "t - HI!. HKTH (Ml MAIN oiuWI.Vt'} "V Til E J\? Klc'ity-ninth I'.oyal Saxon ilorcrnment lottery ?ill t^iVe plnce Irom Vay ! tn 2?r. 1*71. 3t?,lXJU prltea 10 !>? drawn ont of ** .(no tickets o' winch 1? 1 p?l?t of VRi/Kj reUll-niark, ei|iial to $12l>.f*X>, fold 1 prla* of raicb.marli, aqual to "'.'.in*.', e?ld I f> lie of Yiai.iao rexhMiiark.egtiAi 10 jrol I 1 p.ue nl IflO.IKKJ reirhatuark. ei|U?l to 3",'0>, 1 prlte of l<X>,IO; relch?mark. eiinal to ....... 24,UUU, i;a.d And il?,i;ii oi(i?r prtaea. The abo?? drawtnr la guarantied by and nndar the anpar aia.on ol the Royal ha*..11 eoTernmeiit. full explanatory etrcular* i-it. THKuOOKB 74?CHOCH. . ?? * 1>? X uw . New V-irk. * ?KWiTCOK* btat^ i-rrmu OK J. K Kr.xTft*r, kxim i . n.? 437-ron I87rt. ??. 33. 70. ??-. I. i'i. HI. IS. 17. I.'. 3. 20, 48. Krttrritr. i'LAHi 4jN~roit IH'H. ?< 7'?. >. <7. J7. .(>. 77. ...i, 74. 311. 31, 40, 7*>. V 1 dert ilnreaa 8. NANIA.>, lli iSroadway, or I'oit #ffi. r b?t l.*70 New Yoik cltyi ('tLNTKSMAL .M'KCIAM " j rHOM 1-lllLADKLlMIIA To DAY TIM' OHKXrXO IK UIK KXIHH1TI0X. Kl'LI. MKPOHTjJ or Tilt'. 1>A^ 'S I'KDOKAMJfE. BY Sl'ti'UJ, WIRS, 1 la th? KVKXIXK M.I.KilRAM. CR. I'KAXCJU (KK'LAnil. I.AIK l'ROKK??OR IX f?H?. leetorea aamf waekly. Pneata offieea for 'twr ttoa ?r patlann 41 W?at ?5|h at. Olaaaaaa ?f mi aad w?. ini4llj aradicaUaL Coaaultatt*o Ira*. K SPECIAL. XUTICES. ftixswHstrj ijwbl k t.~c a ? k i^fAnnrarxirot U Ac.; farniture bought ud sold back it alisttt advance ; money to loan on bond and mrtca/e J. DRKICER. 1S2 We?t t'.th st., nur Kroariway. ISHASESOt MKN A SPECIALTY ~~ HKNKY A. DaNIKI.S. M. It.. 144 Lexington ev? near 2i?th at. (>(TVc? boar* from S to 1 Die J AM ESC AS~1ItK SPKOULLY CONSULTED ON ? dlmin of inen, M Ort Fulton lit.; moderate charges; honorable confidence ; thorough treatment; 20 yean' expe rience : Hurler free. HAT A NA LOTTERY.?NEXT DRAWING Oir 40.000 tickets. May 9i; amouiit of priiea, fttJO.OOO; highest priae, flOu.uOO. For particular* address ?. Martinez a ra, 10 Wall it., bos t.itU Pom office. New York. ?orrwui<" k kntI'cky ^tatk lot ? terlea?SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Manager*. KKRTV'KV. KXTUt CLAM No an>?Mat It, 1*78. aa, 4, in. sa. 70. 42. ii. 10, ao. i*. sa, 13, 46, KKKTtXKT, cuss No. a20?May 0, 1376 en, 54. HI, ft. 23, 4, 47. I. 2H. Itt. SO llkKIiV. 1XTKA class. No. 216?May U, 1*76. 64, 18, 7'.'. XI. 21, ti4. 63. :>6. OX. nfl TO, it, 51 hkmv. class No. 220?May t>. 1K76. 7. 15. aa. SI. 3. 10, 29, 61. 7a. H. 70. ML Foil Information hy applying to or addressing J. CLUTE, 300 Broadway. or bo* 4.mti Poet office. E" ? P A It KST" KS R RSO N A CO. ? Kentucky State Lotteries drawn dalle. Royal Havaua Lottery drawn every 17 days. Kentucky Single Number l-ottcry, drawn May 27, 1876. Price* cashed. Inlennailon furnished and circulars (re*. 180 Broadway. Post olUee l??* 5.272 New York. ? IN I'RIZKS: EVERY OTIIhrt TICKET A PH.. prise: SIMMONS A DICKINSON'S Single Number Kentucky State Ixittery. to be drawn May 27. 1M76; 25.42U prties out of 50.001) tickets Also Royal llatSna, to be drawn on May 22. J. CLUTE, 200 Broadway; bos 4,9fS0 Post office. ENTI'OKY STATE l.OITKRI KS.-DRAWN DAILY. SIMMONS, DICKINSON A CO, Managers. Kentucky single number. grim 1 distribution, on tbe Havana plan. to be drawn Msy 27; wbola tickets, $10; halves. $5; quarters, $2 50: eights, tl 25. Royal Havanal.ottery, drawn May 22. Thirl l.onisiana Hold Distribution to be drawn Jnly 28. For Information, circulars. Ac., address or apply to JACKSON A CO.. Hankers, 2!J2 Broadway, New York. Prises cished at this office. ?CM RON IfTc AT A R HI!. DEAFNESS: IMPROVED ? method; instantaneous relief; permsuent cures. Dr. STODDARD, No. S West 14th si IADIBs CONSULT DR. GRINDLE. FOR ALL AIL J niouts; speedy cures whatever tlie eauae. 142 West 4*th st. Nervous exhaustion.-a medical essa*. comprising a series of lectures delivered at Kahn's Mu seum of Anatomy. New York on the cause and cure of Pre mature Decline, showing indisputably how lost health may be regained, affording a clear synopsis ot the Ira pediments to marriage and the treatment of nervous and physical debility, being the result of 20 year?'experience. Price 25 cents, Ad dress the author, Dr. L. J. KAltN, office and residence 51 East loth St., New York. PATENT HAY ELEVATOR.?THK LATEST^ BEST\ ami only Practicsl Iluy Eleviitor. has been showed to W. II. llayn-s. of Sudbury, Mass.. and Is uow on its way for exhibition at the Centennial Building iu Philadelphia. By a simple and easy coutrivanee It lilts up a whole load of hay at once and dumps ft on either side, fore or aft, in about (Ire minutes of titnn, either by horse or man power. The right Is now lor sale to towns and counties. Please send lor com pany's circular. PI LES"OR if/EMORRHOIDS PERMANENTLY EltADI | cated In two to four week*' pnlnless treatment; no knits, ligatures, caustics or cauterv emnloved : posltlvelv NO CHARGE FOR TREATMENT UNTIL CURED. Circulars tree. Dr. STODDARD, only office No. 6 West 14th st. RoYaL HAVANA LOTTERY! Tho next drawing will take place on May 22. Prises cashed. Orders filled. Information furnished tree on appli cation. Spanish bunk bills and governments purchased. TAYLOR A CO.. Bankers. II W all ?t.. New York. SPORTING?DOCS. BUtDS. ?C. CONTINENTAL " POOL " ROOM, CONTINENTaC Hotel, Philadelphia, I'a.?Auction end French Pools sold dally on all sporting events in ell parts of tho country. MUDD DOHLIi. L R. MARTIN. OR SALE?A LOT OF sECOND HAND HETTHK8, In good condition, at a very low price, suitable lor a hall or lectur%room, N. JOHNSON, 4l*J Hudson st. FOO LS SOLD AT Kb to YORK TUR F ESCHANtiE thin sfVemoon on Hartiord vs. New Uaven at New Haven, Chicago vs. Cincinnati at Chicago. Telegrams received. SElBiiRr A MoCLOb'D. N THE Tl'ItF. "rvrentsu?m? >? r k n .: i i'i ?"6oi:a~i5( >r d? A Thomas'Exchange, 1.2d!' Broadway, on tho 1/exlng tou races; sUo on tho base ball games. O. M. THOMAS. UCTION AND FRENCH POOl]? SOLD AT JOIlN SON'8' Reo-ns, corner 2Sth ?t. and Broadway, every alternonn end evemnir this week, on the races at I<exingtnn. Ky. ; tuli returns reeelved by telegraph ; all orders by mall or messenger will receive prompt attention; French pools close at 4 1*. M.; also pools sold on all bull matches. T. H. * W. H. JOHNSON. DE UK FOOT PARK.?THE FIVE-MI LF. RACE BE twoen hr, g. Comnel and br. m. Lady Cooper is post poned until Thursday. May 11, at 3 P M.; nl?" the mile iieat race between Nelly Condor and Hardwood. The purses for Spring Meetinz will'close on Thursday, May ll.iilH P. M., et Johnson's, 28th st. and Broadway. Aom'ssion 50o. WM. McMAHON, Proprietor. JEW YORK TURF EXCHa'NtiE.~l5 w"bltT 2HT11 ST.? Auction and French pools sold atternoon and evening all this week on the l^exiuuton races; French pool? close 4 P. M. KhLLV. BlJsS A CO. HORSES, CAUHI lUKfc. sSC'. " "ITIlAltKKR A SON'S* T" ' ~ A CITY AUCTION MART AND NEW YORK TAT TK US ALL'.s, corner ol" Broadway and 3i)th St. MAJOR OllARLES W. Al i!TIONEER, KEUL'LAIt SALES every Wednosdsy and Saturday. TWENTY-FOUR hours allowed for trial. THE ONLY driving track In the State. CATALOUCE OF SALK THIS DAY AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK, COMMENCING with COLONEL P. J. CONNKLLV9, OF lis OL'fcKN St.. Germantown, Pa. THIRTEENTH UNPRECEDENTED SALB Ot THE FASTEST GREEN TROTTERS IN TH14 worid, JUST ARRIVED FROM KENTUCKY, AND comprising SIXTEEN HEAD of the richest bred and most promising young green ones that ever left the BLUE tiRASS Region, ranging from 15% to lti1., high and irom 4 to 7 years old; all warranted sound nnd kind; that ran trot In trom 2 :oO down to 2 :au. and all of the t>est aud most fashlouable KENTUCKY TROTTING BLOOD. DURING THE past few days this stock has been ridden after by a large number of gentlemen, who have pronounced them even F.V.VfKR and better then represented. CATALOGUES, WITH extended PEDIGREES, tall descriptions. .Vc., at sale. IMMEDI ATELY AFTER above will be sold a TOP DEPOT Wagon, new. TOP PoNY Phaeton, new. Top SIDE bar Road Wagon, by Howard. NO Top side bar Wagon, by Mortimer. Large LOT double and single Harness. SECOND HAND no top light Express Wagon. Top EXPRESS Ififra, llaht, new. NO TOP platform spring, four seated Wagon, pole and shalts. new. THIRTEEN' OTHER top and no fop Road Wagons, Depot, Express aod Business Wagons, Carriages, etc. FULL DESCRl PI'lON at sale. SALE'S NE.Vr.ll postponed on aeepunt of weather, NOTICE.?MONDAY next. May 15, the tbird grand spring trude sale of, Koad Wagons, Ac. * ItHUA, A Turn u>at. m?v 11, at 11 ('clock A. M., br OKO. W. .1 K.NKINts, Auctioneer, ?t the Union Auction Mart, No. J.) 1 Htli a., mar Broadway, will sell tbi- en: ire Mock of Mr J. Uilber. to clone tlie e*l ate, consisting of Carriage, Coupe, Road sud Saddle Horse; Coupe. T Curt, top VSkxoih; l'nrk Ktiaeton, Pony Phaeton*, skizle seat one mau Road W?moil single, double and Coupe l!unii>??; -iIi the Property at several other . entleiiieo : tast trottiinx Kotui Itorwj, uMxkcl aud canopy top Phaeton*. Bond M >mni ami Harness 'if *11 4e*trlptlona. Call and examine tills rnperb ?lock ot Hoc fumg Horse*, elegant Carriage! and Harness; aim one Coupe, oy Wood A lire; in-r<, in flTT" order. (fond aa new. >*. B.? llie sale ot gentlemen's Horaes, Carriages Ac.. solicited; quiet aalot and prompt returns. Office, .No. Xt) 18th at. ? A FKKKtl ARRIVAL Of FIOKsKn A GREATLY RKDUCK1J prices. FOURTEEN HKAD OK KIM! EOAD HOUSES, Including *U single roairters and fonr pairs. ONE PAlll BlIOW.Ns, tii lianda, 8 rears old. ratngy, Ion* Brrk*. hund'ome heads, line limb* ?n.l in <> beaiitt lui. ?nd ancn an we iornieriy fold lor $1,20U i'rice ontr OXIi IWIR OK BAVX. 16 I nnds. n yeera old and are a* Dii? as any pair in market, a spiaudid pair of gaotlaman'f conch horiei; extra traveller*. Price imly f 'o i. ON & PAIR of Bays. IS.#. Morgan bnllt, compnct. short hod'ea. lonx necks, lilfib shoulder*. extra steppers; a mag nificent team of toadatera. J. >) fAYUlU, 140 Kan 241b at. T" FULL A.N O COM I LK I is AstSORTMtSf OK THE J\. "Brewater ffamm,'' the ttaailardlur itylc anil quality, now ready lor Infection at our factory and ware rooms, Broadway inl 4'.ih at.. .'mi av. and Hili it Special attention is railed to onr i'r prnveinent In alde-bnr Wagona, wlilcli enaMes in ti ofler tbc lightest, saiest and iiiil ridin; wagon ctrer produced. HKKWSrKR A CO. of Broome ?t. _A ItKKW.STKli, OK~BROOMK ST.\~QVAltrt-.R KOAU A ? ?p.o lor sale at Hat horn*'* atable. 1H7'W?U S7tb at. A?HaNi/soMK A N I) SPI. E!) V HORrfKM TO LET J ? slb|U or double team'; Wagons, Phaeton-. T Carta nod Harnett; all new; ala > soperl'ir accommodation* for boanilDi horses. Arsenal Stable*. ttTifli at . near Briiaduai', 4 ROAN MARK,-'? TNAItl WBIOHT MOOi ! J\ mi to tiro Work 112 henry at., ivibit. r=rJR 'male T; i i h a i ? - n kV i x 1?oi sT i| fii7i r a~ i\. l ie lor truck, farmer or any t.naine?a; rial allowed, oiti ttowery. rcsr. "J LADV, eo!X? AHIUIAL), B II.L >KLL IIKR COM *'V pi'te luni 'iitata aai illlce ctMHstlnic a very han.l- I a mie, prompt iltlelnir buy Horse, !.'? UaBds Inch; aafe tor { .mi Ltd) to drive, also au elegant leather top I/barton, iroid mounted tiamcfe-. v\ Inp. I.ap liobe, Ac. Addreoi R ii.. Herald Tptoau Mraiieh <'ffle?, or call at prtra|a.atable .No. 4 We?i IHtli st. i -MOST KLKiiANT I. A f> V H TI' R X OUT 1 .V~T 11K iHt) for ?an'; bfowa llo-r, |j', hnnd^; ver> styll-h, Ii, inle and?*e#Beot to mMN; I'lmemn, llarti*?v itotiea. Ac.; ulao mo*t Myli-li bay llor?e In i lie ittntc. hatid>; c.ii.i i/cai :: annates to wagon mid perlect i aaddle. t an i>e eernat I*?\Tesl ?nt> at. Sola u sncrlBee. Owner, Mr. WIIITK, lir.ind Hotel. A' -EI.RO AN I Till- I'ONY I'll a"kToN~" 'cii VKRKD I J\, II ?rne??. I{oi?'. ;7> fa?i .en |e. pacing J'ony, leu; M't?bart' p Hnscy. ?!*' Oil 7th av. ~k LbloGnW OK CARKIAOK-S. MT OWN MAKK.^A f inanuia 'inrc.i' price*: warranted; leather top n<-w pony fliaetons, <l'i? tly: do. Itucslet not.p, $J0: Wat Her trimnic i i4-?tati itepM lop Wacooa, $iat?: no top,; ?tiesdsn top I'ark 1'haetona. $ 1.VJ. CHA ItLKM OKl'BK, J?Kj Canal. Tto"lkt, ?MMEh ami waoo.vh, hinoi.r and . 4onble team-, as atyli'li sa any prtrat? turnonta; wa^nns and /iarne>? new ; iii?> a few hoarding horae> will he taken. I nion t:iub ?tab ?i, J> iMh ?t., near Broadway, TOK W AilOS AND M.% KM EM, "< KHI0 A.-Tn KW, will be sold at a bargain, at private stable 18 Wast B7tk*t> HORSES. CAHRIAOK8, ?C. A?BY VIKTOR Of A CERTAIN i-HAf?RlC ? MORTGAGE AXl) KIM. OK SALE, I WIH. SKI.I. BY PUBLIC VENDUE. AT TilK PRIVATE STABLE IIS EAST 22D ST., BETWEEN LEXINGTON AM) 4TII AYS., TOMORROW (THL'KSDAYT. MAY II. AT II O'CLOCK IN THE FORENOON. THE FOLLOWING HORSES. CARRIAGES. HARNESS. HI, \N k l'.TS. AC. Elegant ibd U^nd-onie rlifiinut Ucliliaf. 15V hands blgfc, 6 years old, got bv W'ilil Wagner. the sire of Lydla Thomp son; lie hxa a beautiful silver mane, ?nd tall touching the ground: ran trot in.':40, and ia a superior family bona; warranted aound and kind. l'a?l black Mar* known u Hetty, by Toronto Chief, dam by Hambletoniau: aim I* mia ol the finest road mares In this city; can trot In J :40 sure: Ik l"'k handa, 7 rear* old, Mid & aupertor pule mare, and warranted sound and kind. Elegant and highbred bar Mare known aa Sallle. 15W banda high; w a. brn.l in Kentucky: tired by Cua-lus M. Clay, iIhih by Clark Chief: the ia finely waited; ean apeed a 2 ii ) gait; can tret all ber beau in 2 ?0, and ia warranted toned and klurl. Elegant uviish highbred Tmttlnir Gelding Major King, ?ired by Uonklin's star, dam by Pearsall: bet* a beantitul dn;>ple brown. hanUt high. 7 yeara old tlila spring; wm driven by M. Goodwin over tb* Point Bre-se Park, Philadelphia, Iim fall, three beau In 2 .31, 2 :H<) and 2 ; he ia an eMraorilinarv pole liorae; thoroughly broken, sate for a lady, and ?s a road horse he haa no superior; "war runteil Moind and kind Verjr prettv orown Gelding. lfl baada high, 8 yeara old; ? aised at Brandon, Vt.; airea by the Morse bone; he is very stylish, prompt driver: haa always beeu driven by ladiea and children. aud for that purpose he la invariable, aa he ia a?le under all circumstances. la net ot locomotive or an} wing elae: staiid* wilhont tying: he la thoroughly broken under the saddle, and aa a ladiea' aadiile horse he hna m superior. can irota mile in three miuuiea, and war ranted aouud and kind. The moat complete, rich and handsome team of cheataat blooded Marea in the State| rai?e<l in Woudlord county, Kentuaky ; one was aired by Ericaon, dam by l.egtnpton; the other by I'ilot. dam by l.esiagton; was aelected and In ate l by Dr. Heard for preaent owner and waa prououneed by c.onnolaseius to be as tine a pair of highbred young m ii re a as ever left the State of Kentuaky: are ahoat if?)J hands high, S and 7 yarn old, and are as cioaelv matched a team in f-rm. style, dtepoaltte* and ?ralt ?s were ever keen ; they cannot b" outstyled by any living tenm : have Jine knee action; prompt, sham and gnuie, although perlectly gentle and amiable in disposition ; fear no locomotives or unythiinr else; tbe*e mares promise grcut apued; they ran beat J :is now. and hare never been trained t? develop tlieir speed; the) aro the b-at trotting blond lu Kentucky, aad show It, and are warranted souud kind .uid true. B*su;itul aorrel Mare Jenuie F., l.'>)4 high. 6 yeara old: waa aired by Daniel Lambert, l'his maie received a record last aeaaon. on Kingston half-mile track, ot 2:Jr>V(: the haa improved lu apeed allien and can now beat 2 sit), and war ranted sound and kind. Carriage! constat of I elerant half-top Park Phaeton, 1 aide-bar top Wagon, 1 fuil aprmg top Wagon. I canopy top Pony Ptiaeion. i leater top do.; aiugle and double Harness, Blankets. Kouea. Sheets, VVhlpa, Ac. Hale positive, rain or nhiue. By order K. M. STKEhTKR. Mortgagee. 1 Bankrupt "sale * i\. AT PUHLI0 AtTCTI0ff, THIS DAY (WEDNB8DAT), MAY 10, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M.. AT STABLE FlltSI' DOOR EAST OK UNIVER8ITY PLACE, IN 12TII ST.. where property baa been removed for convenience of aula. COM PHI SiSO ALL THK VALUABLH AND HIGH BRED ? K AST TROTTING ROAD, SADDLE AND FAMILY HORSES, ELKO A NT CARRIAGES. WAGONS, KIKE HARNESS, AC., AC.. THK PROPERTY OK A WELL KNOWN MERCHANT, WHO IlAS BEEN FORCED INTO BANKRUPTCY, all of which muat be told regardless of coat or ralne, wlthont limit or reairlctinn to highest bidder. INCLUDING HANDSOME AND FAST BAY GELDING. YOUNG DEXTER, 0 veart eld. 1S>j hands, rangy built, finely turned, ahowlng all the pelnta ol great speed and endurance; raised In Orange county; aired by Rvadyk'a llambletonlan, dam the famous trottlhi; mare Kata'Thorn; record 2:21: thia young horse la worthy the attention of lurtinen. as he haa shown wonderful speed; with bat little training lie trotted laat season on (Jo-lieu track in 2 -2H, - :-!> and ~ :-tl^4: lie trotted hia llfth heat at I'tira in 2-^29; lie can out trot any horae he waa ever hooked with to the pole; ha U warranted sound and klnaEACJTIruL AND FAST nAy gbldINO COMMODORE. 8 years old. lMj hands; la very am active; a remarkable fine driver; raised III Orange county; aired by Speedwell, nonol Ryadyk'a iiamhlctoniau; daui Knnny llarria, hy Seely't American Star; lie showa hia good breeding; he la a M|uare, level trotter; showed itireo benta at State fair, where lie took llrst premlnmJn 2-32, 2:29 and 2sK>Hl ha haa shown several heats itiilde of 2:31); be ia warranted sound and kind. N. H.? Young Dexter. Jr., and Commodore hare been driven to-^ethcr and make the fattest aa well na the band aomest team goe* the road; muat be aeen to be appro elated. STYLISH AND PAST HAY GELDINO KENTUCKY BOY, 7 year* old. 15}? bands: ia a mad and saddle horae com bined; raised iu Kentucky; sired by Mambrino Chief; dam Mr. Clark'a Premium mare; trotted at Lexington at 0 years old, wliprn be lias a record In 2:4tt; trotted the fourth heat In 2:4<>: been ridden and driven by a lady; be ia warranted sound and kind. HANDSOME AND STYLIST! BROWN GELDINO YOUNG IIOPEKfL. A years old. 15^ hands high; been used for family and road driving: haa extra fine atvle and action; raised in Ver mont: slied by Vermont Hero; dam a Wiutbrop Morrel inure; he trotted at Hnrllngtou in 2:51, 2:4N and 2:."i2l,: he ran trot much laater now; he la warranted sound aud kind: good aincle, double and under saddle. nTYLlsH. AND HaNDSOME CHESTNUT GELDINO LITTLE DAN. This Is the moat perfect horse lor a lady to ride or drive that can be found: was purchased in Kentucky for owner's daughter, who has driven htm for the past year; he la 7 yeara old, lfi'j hands high ; can out style any horse of his site in the city; don't ally; fears nothing; tired by im ported Consternation; dain a Messenger mare; liaa ahown several heats under 2;.H); warranted sound, kind and true In all harness. N. II.?THE ABOVE HORSES ARE ALL SELECTED and purchased lor owner by good, competent judges: they are all free from fault or vice of ally kind and will he ail found In every way aa represeuted: honra given for trial aud examination: any horse not fonnd at warranted can he returned and money will be refunded; all are Invited to come and ride behind aud test the speed of any of them at any time previous to salo: coachman in attendance; wagons eenaiat of full spring and aide bar top Wsguna. Pony Phae ton. line 11 arneas. Robes. Blanketa, Ao. sale abaolute aad positive. No postponement, rain or shin*. W. B. NELSON, Auctioneer. N. B? THE SALE OK HORSES. CARRIAGES. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND ALL KINDS C GOODS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Ot'KICR NO. I2tt EAST I7TH 6T. At auction AT OOSIIRS" PARK STOCK FARM, OOSHEN, ORANGE COUNTY, X. T. MESSRS. VAN TASSKLL A KEARNEY hate instructions kkom DR. II. A. POOLER TO SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION THIS DaY (WEDNESDAY). MAY 1(1. 1876. AT HIS STOCK FARM. OOSHEN PaRK, AT 12 O'CLOCK. 35 HEAD OF FINELY BRED ANO EXTRA FAST ROAD A>D TRACK HORSES, BROKEN AN D TRAIN I I) I N I>KIt THE SUPERINTENDENCE OK MR. WILLIAM Sargent. hie former driver of the well KNOWN TBOTIINO GELDING ST. J I.'LI EN (RECORD 232K). THE STOCK ARK THE OUT OF HAMBLETONTAN. EDWARD EVERETT. VOLUNTEER, MIDDLKToWN, MtSSKNQER DUROC. SAMPSON AND OTI1KI1S. THEY CAN TROT FROM :?:'?) DOWN Tl? 2 20. IN CLUDED IN TIIK LOT ARE THE VERY FAST AND PROMISING OELDINOS RIO FELLOW. BY EDWARD EVERETT, AND JOE DUNN INC. BY VOLUNTEER (FULL BROTHER TO ST. JULIEN). CATALOGUES ARE NO ?> READY AND MAY BR OH PA I.N l.D ON APPLICATION TO Dtt. H. A. POOLER, OOSIIEN, AND AT THE OFFICE OF THE iUCTInN f-KH, N<IS. Ill) A> D 112 EAST 13TII ST.. NEW YORK. AS DR. POOLER INTENDS GOING ABROAD HE HA* DETERMINED TIIAT THE SALE SHALL UK PEREMP TORY AM) WITHOUT ANY RESERVE WHATEVER. TRAINS BY THE ER. E RAILROAD LEAVE CH AM HERS ST. AT T:K> A.M> St A. M. AN"U TWENTY- HIKO STREET DEPOT AT 7:1? AND *:? A. M.. ARRIVING AT GOSH EN AT 10;2't AND 11:14. TIIK FARM IS FIVE MINUTES- WALK I ROM THE DEPOT. STOCK TO BE SHOWN ON THE TRACK. 4 T I'kTvATK SaTiT: A .LANDAU, by CRCTTENDEK 1 CO.. of NEW "cURTAIN COACH, by BREWSTER A CO., of BROOME ST. BAROUCHE, bv BREWSTER.* CO.. of BROOME ST CLARENCE, bv J. B. BREWSTER.* CO.. of 25 TH ST. COUPE. b. MINER .t STEVENS. POLK AND SHAFTA. FOUR HEAT PaRK PHaETON. by * INER A STEVENS. T CART, bv ? OOI> BROS., nole and ulinfm. DoO CART, 4 WHEEL, br WOOD BROS HI X SKAT PARK PHEATON. bv Kin ml run. COUPE ROCK AW VY. by MINER Jt STEVENS. SIX SEAT BOCK A WAY. with 111111101); panel), by QUIMBY LANDAt'LKT. pole and .hafU, by J. C. HAM. BRETT, verv light. by MINER A STEVENS. TOP Wagon-., by BREWSTER, DUSENBCRY A STIVERS. TOP AND NO TOP PONY PHAETONS ofevery variety. EXTENSION TOP PHAETONS, city tfuild. 4 .">eat Roekaway*. 4 >eat Depot Wagone, Bnalneaa Wagona, Top ami No Top fl'nimu. ir. VAN TASSELI, A KEARNEY, 110 ?nd 112 K?<t Ulth at. y ?SECOND IIANL> CARRIAGES. I ir ngaton Dng Curt, nearly new, oar?: Surry Cart. on foer wheel*. torn 1 order, onra; Deny. with tarn out Mat for groom : Peter* Dog Cart, on two wheel*. To i Road Wag io, with vertical ateel plate*. J. B. BREWSTER ft CO.. Factory la ttk ??. Mm *v. in 1 21 rt ?t. A PAIR of MAICHED HORSES, KTYLISU, 7 ?i *r? old, l'< hands tor aale, witii or without a ltrew*l?r coupe Ilarna** to match. Owner, 224 W?.t iOtb ? -FOR SALE CHEAP, nine good BUSINESS A? llorwa. Apply at No. 3 Vcairy at., between Varkk end IIikImh. Ah vits'11rk~cows~~yoITsa 17e.?two high grades, I ? freah, cheap; alao thoronghbred Avr*lilre Bull. N A ?l|, No. ti Chnrcli at. ~k -FOR SALF.. Z". YOlrN<; HOUSES. FRESH FROM il. Indiana, >aitabla fur all bualneaa. Inquire at No. 12J Nor S.Ik Ml A?Foil - t I.E. \> II.Ti.sEs; SUIT ABLE FOlTFARM. | . grocer. expieaa ar track work, a?ld cheap. 201 (.rand at., betoern Molt and Mulberry. A -FOR SALK, TIM!EE HANDSOME DRITINO , llirara: lit for any limine**; young and aound. in quire at 3)11 Bowery. A NET I. VNDAI . GLASS FRONT, LINED BKOWN rl'ith, ?lil be ?oid at a great bargain. 11. BURR, '2.17 Mercer M. AT a HACRIPici -HANDSOME BROWN 11');: j\. I"'', h ?nd-. eight yearn old. fine mntic and tail, ?ound, kind and good Irfdrr. Private atfllili* re*r of IJii5lli av. Any' genvllman'having a l\dy-s T addli; IIiim that he can recommend may li-ar ol a purcbaaer by addreanlng O. H., Herald Uptown Branch office. V...: nAlf cost?-two TmTaeions ;~7ne seats four prraooa: two lull Spring lip Wagon*, two Side i.era, one light Moad Wagon etngle and double II arneaa. Private itable, rorner 3:k1 *t mid 4th av. BlAY TEAM. ia~HANDS 'moll. SOUND AND KIND J | tr>i? In three minute* i will trade for mo.t any article. 417 and 411) Bieeoki-r at. |JOAKD~r0R "TlOKSES?FINK PaTiTLKE; SI'RINfl J3 water, road hor?e? drlvrn if deaired. WILLIAM T, . v RPENTK R, Pad Sprlag, (ilea Cove, Leaf I aland. (low?YOUNG, F REM 11 MII.CII, AMI HALF; EX J traordiaarlly large, rich milker, auperior animal for iamlly, Mraala ?IMPaON, Mb av., hwk aV Maries. HORSES, CARRIAGES. SC. /^XSfilAGhS AND flAKNESS. LAKME REDUCffWii ll"n" I Hugjle*. I I ><? ;><it WagOO*. ,r* Phaetons. I Rockawav*. | Jacmr Wagoo*. All styles nf llarneu. Saddle*. Bridle*. .-.beets, i.ap Robe*. Ac., at prices which rnuat give sttisfaction JOHN MOORE. 57 Warren ?t. IBNTBNMlAL SPECIALS ~ FROM PHILADELPHIA TO-DAY. .... THE OPENING UK TUB EXHIBITION. FULL REPORTS OK TUB DAY'S PROGRAMME, BY SPECIAL WIRK, In lb* EVENING TELEGRAM. c IfASHIONARLR VBHICLKS . ol ?7*rr d<>?crlp?lnii in mo lest. pleasing aad tfarabla colors. Particular attention it called to tha klandrau road wagon. A. A. KI.ANDRAU, 'i' Wl Brunt atreet. old stand ol Brewater k Cos Fob salk chkap-a cTdiTr and yTneqaI tnick. Marly new ; will carry 7.000. 470 Utk a*., cor ner 381 tl it. F??._.8ALH~> VALUABLE MARE. 16* HAND8 . ? 'rum *<<??. etylNh aad fait. Andre** OH A RLE.?> LY MAN, k-.\ 1,441 Post offleo. PIXEST "cOUPB HORSR IN THE ?'v '* band*; warranted sound and kinds blued oay: black epot*. To be seen at 121 Won 45th ?t.. Cnnnlng nun n stable SALE?O.N 1 SORRhL AND ONE BLaCK HORSE, Iti bauds blirb, H years old, warranted. KkaT1.Ni., Mi > arlok st. IjH>R 8ALE-A SBAUTIPUL WHITiTmOBOAN MAB8. la hands h gh. s years old; ran trot close to mlii* utoa; never interfere* nor *hie* at anything; Is perfectly ? snnd, kind and gentle, double or single : will carry two men ?od travel 12 milrtau hour; told only for want of use, a? half her value : price, <.35; full trial and guarantee given. Apply at 07 South si., third Boor. TpOB SAI.K A GENTLEMAN'S TTKNlH'tTCONSIST" K .'"T1 * * ?i'l" bar Tup Wagon. a bri.wn llorae. l.? bands, louiid and kind, double or single; ran tret In 5?Jf5Su?!!,.uteV.wi,l! *?od a-t ol llarnea*. Can Ua aeon at HRNRY'S .table, l.'Ki and 3:W We*t 27th st. fSoS sai.k hav iiAMiii.Eio.Nian x\Tk7mm; hands hijh 7 years eld: aound and kind; teat .tepper; in every way reliable fur family uae. Ap"lv at 17 Monroo at. FOIl SAI.h ? A WOOD WORK IIOKKR. <6*11, ".NICR Imrgy Ilirn.s, $13. express H?me?, $12; sprinkling Irnck, in perfect order. Vi. 245 Wart 2Hth at. FQR UORuB TRUCK AND HARNESS. _T_ be ?oen Ml 2f>5 VVftshlnjrt ?n st. IpOR HALE?AT A BARWAlN~KoIt WANT OP DBR, pony built Uoran, 15? hand*; Purniiare Cart, platform ril!1!!?- j*1"! Haranaa; price lor all $i:to; will tell separate. Hudson st., corner Perry. F?b walk?a very stylish.~wki,l bred bay, la haud?. ihiUiIu Horae, auitabla for a boy or crlrl. iho liandaomeai >r.ntll horae in the city; gentle aiid >ound; aultl only because the ton of owner haa outgrown hiui. Apply at private stable 34 Legiiitftou av. F?" RALK_a" SPLSNDID HORSE (BAY). SOUND and kind: a baricaiu lor anv ouo in waatoi a sice horse. Call before !> or alter I). 411 West J ltli at. LI OK RAJ.K?HORSE, WAOO.N ANH h\n:hs.s BI'SI. a. RowVwN^oflMa;,n7;h,."f,u he"tb- Api,"to KHM* sai.k THRRR cm;at HOitBlM. IXQUtUL X' for throo days, at 130 We.t 10th st., New York. For bale?pacing pont, h hanijs high, ?ouihI, kind, gentle; for ladies and children to ride or drive; beau three minutes, suro; prieo fSo. aut West l?tn si. F OR SALB, CIIEaP-A KINK COUPB IIOB8R 1.'?.3; aark hay. Cau be teen at Mile*' eUblea, 54 Weil 10th st. For sale or exchange?an elegant pair or uialiniranv b*y cnrrlare Horses, 1(1 handa hicb, sound and perfectly kind, lor a brougham team uusurn issed in the cltv; will sell or exrhanee tor a lighter Team. ?uit ahle for light driving. Apply at private reaidence 31 Wcat ?vtll S|. HAKNESS.? CHEAPEST HARNESS .STOKK IN NEW lork; good Buifgy Harness, hand made, (l.'i; troud ur<>c?r s Ilitrness, $25; ^ood don hi? Team Harness, $30: ? r>?J H?r?e Blanket, SI 50. Please call and examine for yourselves. >IalIER * OSBORN, Manufacturers. No. 71 Barclay at. ORSE8 BOARDED AT PROSPECT FARM. CALD. well >. J. ?Best care: If pastured (tabling (Hiring 2?ul gather. Addra.a C. M. HARRISON, 121 and 1'J* Kranklin st. I WILL PAY f.'O A MONTH I OR CARE AND KEEP * ,or" *nd Waifon in tbia city. Address 1'O.N V. Do* 104 Herald olflre. NEW AND SECOND IIAND.-:?o carriages, LAN dans. Clareucea Coaches. Bretls. six seat Phaeton* and Itockawiiys, l.andauleta. Coupes, Coupe Boekaways, Ylcto riaa. light extension top I'ha-tons, Park. Pony. Basket and top Phaeton*, from $10:1 up; Hock?w?v* from $75 np; Skel ?ton. Depot, Express, top and Roail Wagon*, Brewster and other city maker*, from J.VJ up; llarncsa, $1U np; Sheet*. Blankets. Neta, Whips, Ac., at price* to mlt the time*. WM. II. GRAY. ?.'(> and 21 Wooater it. RliMAMKABI.Y HANDSOME MARE KOR SAI.K -I?li7 hand*, ? year*: perfection in lorm and diiposltlon: f?'il?teM: raited by advertiser. Addre** tlOADLKY, Orcenwich, Conn. SACRIFICE?~KOR A BKAUTIKUL NEW 1Tt?P Express Wagon, taken for debt. 121 West lOtii st. SECOND IIA ND CARRIAOEK. ' Two Landaus, ,1 Coupes. .Mall Phaeton, 2 Stanhope Phaetons, 3 Cabriolet*, 4 half top Plmetoni, 3 T Carts 2 turnont ?eut Phaeton*. 2-wheel Dog 0*rt, C-seat Depot " anon, extenaiuit top Phaeton, Coupo Bockaway. Large stock of ton and no top Wagon*, aome made by Brewaier .t Co., of Broome atreet. Few second liuag acts of llurnes*. ? A. S. FLANOR AD, "7- en l 1 Broorue st , old fuetory of Brewster A Co. QOLD to" S AT IS K Y J LOi ; M E NT?THREE HORSES ., i1'.""? "ghl top Expre*a Wagon*; Harness ?oparately.' 137 7th av. ' CPEED. SPEED. SPEED.? SORREL MARK. SILVER O mane and tall, 14?^ han *.6 years old; *ound kind and true; tree and ple**ant driver; Gol.ldust stock; trot* in 2:>0; also l.Opound Koad Wagon and Harness; would rx? change. PETBB B MaSTBRBON, Central Park Livery Stable*, .ifitn *t. and 7th av. Track sulkies.?in order to HpopUlarizk "iir Snlkv trad we offer from atock or will build to >r der Track Sulkies, in all weights. un*urp.t*sed In finality and lorra, f"r SI25. BREWSTER A 00. (ol BriKime at), Broad way nil 47th at. VV VN rf D-URNTLE HORSE. HARNESS AND ?? (trong top Pony Phaeton or Doctor1* Carriage; give deK'rlptlou and lowest price. W. H. BROWER, 04 Warren *t. Vy-ANTED-A LIOIIT SINGLE TRUCK AND ONFOR ft two chnnky built Horse*; Kaunck* preferred; good tteppera; cash customora. SAN FORD k CO.. 150 and 132 West 17th *t. TyANTRD?HORSB, Wagon AMD HARNBB8 IJT ? I exchange for 5 Lot* at Boonton, N. Y. Martin. 247 We*ta*tb?t. ?nrANTKD? DOUBLE HARNESS, NEARLY NEW. F()R Tf pair of Pomea, 12 hands high, and ehlid'* Saddle. Addre>*. stating terms, which mu*t be very low, box 3.1U1 1'ost oflics. , TV A NT ED-A ONE HORSE COVEaRD PLATKOV TT spring Expreu Wagon. Addre** J. C. SMILEY, 46 Mhrton st. FOll svi.r.. ~ IlfAtflorftKgV W lit-KIiP. K A WILSON mac mis k. JBO. wit'i f'J" worth (?tt> attachments included. 84 Kust 3d St., lirn Hour. ?POB SAI.B, RAKBRIB8, CONPECTl <ISBKIK^ ? Stutiousry Store*. Cigar Store*. iiroatlnar Sample loom*. MITCHBLL, 77 Cedar it. LiqCOB 8TORB, OS WKMT ST., 0PP081H| ?te*tnaUlp docks, for tele cheap; DiMlllerr Store*. MITCHELL. 11 ? eiler sf -PRODUCE STANDS IS WvnMSUTOS MABKET . turjalo; flr?t cia?? Meet Market. Restaurant*. MITCHELL, 77 Cedar et. SAMPLE KO(VM. SEAR STuCK KXCIi ANUK, FOB sale cheap; aleo Restaurant*. Coffee Saloon*. M ITCH ELL. 77 Cedars*. A WELL LOCATED OBOCKKT STORE ON AD AV. for salt* c'ie?p. doing a imtd bttslnr**; rent In*. <1APPNr. Y A SMITH. Auctioneers, 17 C.-ntre it. nKHT 01#A 5T KB S r A 0 it A N T ON T fi B BEST lhoroii?(l)lsr? down town; weil entihlUiied suii doini; ? ?rood bus.neu; If not sold this day will be noli) ?l auction. OAr K.SKY M SMITH. 17 Centre at. VTCUBK 8H0P COK gAll dUAT-mS Slf, llrooklyn. I', U. So ai^ntt. CIBNTENSIAL 8PKCIALS ) KROM PHILADELPHIA TO-DAY. TUK opening Of THE EXHIBITION. FULL REPORTS UP Till. DAY'* PKOGRaXXB, hV ttl'ECIAL WIBE. in tlie ETEIflNd TELKUBAM. IMIL.L.ERY h't'OHE, STOCK AN1> P1XTUKKS, nearly n?w, lor snlo cheap; lea?e lor two years; low rent. ? all or ariilreee4<?4 West 42d ?t. DRUG 8TOBE?FOB" BALE *Y>K EXCHANGE POR Heal Ketat*; el-irant modern Fixtures; olate Iront corner Store, with nice retidenre over: leaee low: well mocked; paying. Address &OUA WATER, Herald offirf, DKUii s TO RE ? M 08T KM O i BI ,E IX BROOKLYN; owner mart leave dip Mils week i will close at great sacrifice. Andrew it. 8.. box ICX? llersld office. f"1( II! MI.K-A FI EST CLASS BAKBBY, WITH nl 1 Without Furniture ; price $400. Call at or addreas>711 :id ar., Brooklyn. fNOB BALK?A PBESCH PARLOR CLOCK AND A 1 black walnut Book or China Cass. 43 2d St., 24 ue., Iirnt tloor. rtOK BALE-PINE P1BMT CLAM KAll ASP f lteatarauat Kixtares: arerythln* complete. MAUI II Al.Kits, in D?y rt. rtOB CALK CHEAP-LARGE SHOWCASES. COON. I t?r?. Hlnlrti, l'rux Drawer* Stool*, Desks, Ballings, Apply Ke JAMH* llulciK, 4tH0a??l et. F IltiRSAI.fc CHEAP?GOOD COBNKB I.I^COB STORE, veil inifd and *t?"-MHl; good n and cheap rent. Address LHjl'Olt STOKE.. Herald office. "lfAKHI.B SODA WATER ASD $<?OT BEER AP jjl naratua.?Syuirs >.ox ftvles tor ?*!o at eoet .J. M. WliliKlKLH A l*OS, 9KI Water *t.. N. Y. A FEB.-A LA ROH SIZE. TWO XEDH'X and OSK *m?ll Herring's. I.lllie's and Wilder's, (I. ijUIBKH, 7J Maiden lane. 1IB WELL KNOWN OYKTEB ASD CHOP HOUSE, IrxiOth ?v , at a bargain; good reasons glean for s T'ik ^ &r;nii cas:i and ?-<*> is i* months will m r BUUU at one*, eitablistied Println* office onBro>klvn tliorouthfare; good trade; two Liberty Jop pre?ee?,p?|>vr ratter, tjpe, tuts, piat< >, Ac. Addrosa L. L. E., Herald OdlC*. _ ? ? M A C111 sr K ?l *. I/OR ?aHK tfllKsP-A lf'~ll URSiTsffrA'a EN r cinl?.itlre et 84^ L>rl?ier e?.. liraenpolat. PHOPIIKAM. PABASirLH^AK e'"SoTTcK^Wasfib." JtfttlATlbk for r>.OU0 petest self *apportln< Psraeols. Manatse terer* call an TDK PALMO nt'NhllADB COMPANY, aW Mroedwar, re?m 81 tor partieaiars, between tkt keweel 10 Mid U.. B DRY OOODN. )irb'' flLotrtlSff btfi-AKTMKNT~ T LORD A TAYLOII ~~ are now offering trout inducements to purchasers In Ibis de partment. Our Hoy*' Suita are nude ol the very flnest ma terial* the market contain* and aold at the moat reasonable price*. Cull Hon of all the uewe*t styles of Boys' Suits ready mad* or to ordor. Bay*' Seaaids Sntta. Bailor Anita, bine and grey flannel, |l SOW>|S SO. Single and double breasted Mouse Salt*. {6 te M. London lack Suit#. (7 50 to $13. Boys' School Suite. Three pieces. Rolling collar, Jockey style, el Kugllth and Scotch tweeds and cheviots. 9* to ?U. Dress aad Fr.ney Sutta, la bine, brown. olive and black tricots, granites, disgonals sad basket doth, $1'.' to fitt. Spring a id aumtner Overooats, $7 to 9'0. A spiendid asaorunent of white aad colored llnea aad pique Suite Iroat $1 HO to $3 3U. Straw ana felt Rat* hi all the newest shapes to match nr sulfa Beys' Skirt Waists, from 50 cents to AOceata. Particular attention paid to custom orders Broadway and 20th ?V J^ADIES,' OBNTLEMKN'S AND flillLDRKN'8 CLOTH DEPARTMENT. 4 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Harlas purchased at the recent auctions large Invoices o foreign and domestic Suiting*. Coatings. Cioskingn. Cu?si meiea and Waterproof*, wj will olTor them at a small ad vance on out. All wool Cnsaimeres at 70s., worth 91; $1, worth 01 50; $1 40, worth fa. RugilstiH uitlngs at SI SO, worth 92; worth 93; fJ 25, worth ?1 50. Diagonals, $2 44, worth (3 25; 93, worth $4 50; 94. worth 9a. Matelasse and Basket Cloths, 9- 50, worth 93 SO; 93, worth 94. ALSO. A large stock of children's ducking, Habit Cloth, 4c., at the same reduced prices. Goods cut any length to suit customers. Samples sent to any part of the United States, free of charge. I LOiil) A TAYLOR, Itroadwuy and 2 th at. OPENING-SMITH'S PATTERN HAZAAR SUMMER I'Haliioua, 10 East 14th St., between Broadway and .1th ?v.. aouth side.?(Iraud display of Imported Summer Styles; Pattern*, with cloth models oi them, now ready. I'attrrn* Iltteu to the form and warranted perfect. Catting and bast ing uono ni allott notice NOTICE. Those who subscribe lor the "MONTHLY WORLD OK FASHION'' before the clo?o of tiila m..ittli will gut TI1REK DOLLARS'worth of Patterns FREE as premium. Rare upportunity to get DO I'll I. K your money In value. lh East 14th at. 3ULUJIEKI AX U DKKSSMVKIKu. "X ?MARIE TILMANN, OF PARIS, IMPORTER'S* il< a Isrgo assortment ef flue Bonnets and Millinery frout the ten makers; latest forms. 433 Uth av. (Late Ml ehel's). MLLK. PICHARD. INFORMS IIF.R CUSTOMERS ami the laoics in general that she has removed to 101 East 301 It at. SID*, BTA08 AND DOUBLB nox PURUOI DO KB by tnacMne. with great Improvements, wlille you wait, from 1 to 23 inches a ide, by S. JOSEPH, 38 Forsyth St., nsar Canal at. KlIHOPEAS STEAMSHIPS. CTUNARD 'UNE.?B. AND N. A. R. M." S. P. Ca J NOTICE, Willi a view to diminishing the chanoes of collision, the steamers of this line take a specific conrae for all season* of the year. On the outward pasaa^o from Queonatown to New York or Boston. crossing tho meridian of oO at 43 latitudo, or nothing to the north of 43. On the homeward passage. crossing the meridian of SO at 42 latitude, or nothing tn ttie north or 42. FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS TOWN. SCYTHIA Wed.. Mar 10 I BOTHNIA Wed., May 34 ?dCOTIA Wed.. May 17 | AH V SSI NIA.. Wed. Mny31 Stcsmere marked * do not carry sleerngti psssengers. Cshln pnssage, $?"*>. 9100 and # 130, gold, according to ac eommodstion. Ketnru tickets on favorable terms, Steer.iitu tickets to and from all parts of Kuropo at very low rates. Freight and passage olliro. No. 4 Howling Oreeu. CIJaULI.S Q> FBABCKLYN. Agent. PASSENGERS PER S. S. SCYITIIA EMBARK FROM the Cunsrd wharf, foot of Ornnd at.. Jersey City, at 3 P. M., on Wednesday, I th May, IH7U. CHAS. O. FItANCKLlN. No. 4 Bowling Green. N. Y. WUXTRIISTAR LINK. FOR QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CARHVJNU THE UNITED STaTE* MAIL. Tho aleitmera of this lir.n tsko the Lane Routes recom mendo I by Lieutenant Mnury, U 8. N , going aouth of the Hank* on the passage to tjueenstown all tho year round. Oi*. KM A NIC .May 30, at 2 P. M. CELTIC June3. at 1 P. X. ADRIATIC Jnno 10, at 3 P. M. BRITANNIC I une 24. st I P. M. GERMANIC Inly 8. st 3 P. M. From While Star Docks, pier 52 North River. Rules? Saloon, $KU and $lUO, lu gold; rvturu tickets on reaaouabht terms. Steerage, f2fl. Saloon, ataturoonia. sninkiug and bath rooms are placed amidships, where the noise sud motion are least, affording a degree of com fort hitherto unattainable at sea. For Inspection of plans and other information apply at tha company's ollke, 37 Broadway, New \ ora. a J. OORTIS, Agent. Anchor line united states mail ?tbax~erb NEW YORK AND OLiSOOW. CALIFORNIA. May 13.8aM | VICTORIA May 37. SAM ETHIOPIA....Mar 30,3 PM I BOLIVI A June 3,2 PM NKW VORK AND LONDON. UTOPIA May 27, 9 AM | AUSTRALIA, Jnne 10. 4 PM ANOLIA ...tuna 24, 4 PM I KLTSIA July s, 8 PM Anchor Line piors 20 and 21 North River. N. Y. NEW YORK TO OLASUOW, LIVERPOOL. LONDON OR LONDONDERRY. Cabins, fOS to t'*> currency, according to accommodation*. Excursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage. ?2X currency : intermediate, currency. Drafts issued lor any amount at current rntcs. II KNDKIt.iON BROTH BBS, Ageni*. V Howling Qreen. IS?ATION Ali LIN E-KKI >M PIKRS 44 JAND 47 NORTH J.1 River. Kor London direct. HOLLAND, Wednesday, Mnv 17. 12 M. FOR OI DENS'rOWN AND LIVERPOOL. ECYPT...Msy 13. s::?t A. M. I ENGLAND..Jnne 3, 2 P. M. THK QUE EN May -.7,9 A. M. I SPAIN..June 10, 7 :::0 A. M. Cabin psaaige $70 and 9SO. ciirri iicr. Return tickets at reduced ratea. Steerage pa*^*<e $2tl, currency. Drafts iasued from ?1 upward, st current prices. Apply at the company's ollico, HH Uroailway. F. W. J. HURHTi Manager. N ORTH GERMAN LLOYD. UTBaMSIIIP LINE MKT WEEN NKW YORK, 801 Til AMPTON AND BR EM KN. Company's pier, loot ofSM St., Iloboken. r. Mi """"" DONAU. ..Ssturday. May 13 I <>I>KIf.......-murday, Msy 27 Rill.IN ...Saturday. May 2()| MAIN Saturday, Juue 3 Rates ol pssaa^e Irom New York to Southampton, llavra Of Bremen rirtt Cabin. 9100 gold; Second Cabin, 900sold; Steerage, $:iO currency. Return t ickets st reduced rates. Prepaid S.eeragi certificates. $32 currency. For freight or pas?o?e apply to oKLllli'llS A CO.. No. 2 I'owllnr Green. 0 M.Y DIRECT LINK Tu PRANCE. , TUB OBNERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW YullK AND HAYEK. CALLl.MJ AT PLYMOUTH (U. B.) for tlie landing of pan-entiera. Tlio splendid reaiela of ihit farorite ronte for the Con* tlneni (Ik-Iiik more amitherly than an/ othur) will ?{il Iroiu pli-r No. 43 North Hirer aa lollow*:? CANADA iKrangeul) Saturday, Mar 13 LaHKAwOK iSauglier) Saturday, Majr AMKiUOl'K (Pouaois) Stttnrday, Mar 27 PRICE 0? PASSAGE IN OOLD ( including witnv Pint cabin, #110 to 4120, according to accommodation. ? Second, <72. Third cabin, W). Return tlcketa at reduced rate*. Steerage #-?>. with auperlor accommodation, Inc'ading wine, bedding end uieoMla, without extra cliarce. UlUll* 1>K BErilAN, Agent, bo Broadway. Statk ~u~ne. NEW YOKE Tf> OLARQOW, LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN, RELKAST AND LoNDOKDEK, Y. from pier 42 North Hirer (foot of Canal at.) aa follows?? STATE OK INDIANA Tho.?da>, May IS STaTK OK PENNSYLVANIA Thursday. June I S'lATE OK VIRGINIA Tliuradny. June II ami erery alternate Thiireday thereafter. Kir?t cabin, to .*Su. according to anumniudatlona ; return tickets Jl'_'.'>. Second cabin. S.*>0; return ticket*. SHO. Steerage at lowe*t ratna, Apply to AUSTIN BALDWIN k CO., Agents, Ne. 7^ Broadway. New Yor?t. Steeragp ticket* at 4.1 Broadway and at tbe company's pier, loot of Canal at, North Hirer. T Mi A.N LINK.?MAI L STEAMERS 1 FOR VUKENSIOWN AND LIVERPOOL CITY OK Bit UMOND .Saturday. May IS, at 8 :? A. M. CITY OK BERLIN Saturday, May 2 7, at *;:*> A. M. CITY OK UtlBllTER Saturday, June 10, at 7 30 A. M. from pier 4r> North Hirer. CABIN. ?80 and 9100, gold ; retnrn ticket* on farorabla terms. nTKEHAtiE, carrency. Draft* leime<l at loweet rat>-?. Saioon?, atateroom*. amoklng and hatbroom* amldahipa. JOHN <1. DALB, AfSM, !.'? and ;CI Broadway, N. Y. IUOX USB fOR SOOTHami-ton"and IBEKZ Bailing Irom pier ? >:? North Hirer, aa lollow*:? IIIDAL<?<> May 2<>| nTIIEl.LO Jane 17 COLOMBO Jnue t| HINDOO July 1 Klrat cabin. S70, currem y; aeroml catrin. $4 ?. enrreney. Excursion tlcketa on very larorabl* term*. Through ;trket* la?ned to Continental and Baltle port*. Apply, lor tall par ticular*. to CIIABLKS L WBICHT k CO.. '?? Sonth tt. M~ OST DIRECT AND ECONOMIC HOI TE TO I|..lI LAND, BELOII M, THE KI1INK. SWITZERLAND, AC.. At'.. VIA ROTTERDAM. Steamer SCIIOLTEN ..May 11 Steamer MAAS Mar 25 Tlieae beantlfnl ateamrr*. carrying Hie I'uited status mai. to tbe Netherlatid*, are great farorlt.-e with the public. Trlpt fi-fiiar, rale* low; rota fort and Itrlng perfect, Kor f*o irlit for uaua:?, PUNCH, BDYB k CO. L. W. MORRIS, Of) Broadway. ff SITED KTATr.S MAIL LINK-STEAM TO QCBBN.C U TOWN AND LIVKIU'OOL aalllOR ervry TUESDAY, from i.ier iti North Hirer. WYOMINO May IS, U A. M. i NEVADA Jane IS, 10 A. M. IDAHO May.K?. II A.V I WISCONSIN luno JH.UIA.M. Cabin, |<V>. S70 and |SI, carrency. Intertnrdlete. MO; ateerape, Pa*?en(fer? booked to and from Parle, llamborg, Eorway, Sweden, Ac. Draft* ?a Ireland, England, Kraaca a ad liar many at lowest rate* WILLIAMS k OUION, 29 Broadway. AMBL'RtT AMERICAN P ACK kf COM PAN VB LINE for PLYMOUTH. CHERHOt'RO and HaMBI'KO. LE'SI.MI May II | KRIMa ..Mar ? WIEI.aND Mar IslsUEYlA Jnne I Hfttea of a?i?*iro to I'lymoutti. London. Cherbourg. Ham Imrg au'l ail paint* la England. Scotland and Wale*:? Cabin. #r*t aaloon, fold $1(10 Cabin. *econd **looa, gold no Stecrajte.cnrraney UU KUBIIArtDT A CO., ?.JB RICHARD k ??)AS, ii SVBOniSI STK VM8IIIP5, ^^TRiSiT WESTKilN STEAMSHIP LINK, " u TO BRISTOL (E Mi LAND) DIRECT, rrom pier ha?i iiirei a* follows.? CORKWALU stamper >aturday. Mar 24 SOMEKSET, Wr stein . Weduesday. J una 7 Cabin puMjv, f7'>. iMrnitdlita, : ?teeraga. $30. cur rency : a*rur?tou ticket*, $UU; prepaid meeruge cortittcaioa, $20. Apply til W r>. MOUfi \.N, Atrnt. TO South St. CiOOK'ft INTERNATIOXAL TOIJ R 1ST TICKETS TO J nil parts of Europe and America at reducad rate*; do uet require their holder* to travel in parties. "Cook'. Ex. cursmnist" lor May, pricn 10 cants, contain* fare* (or up ward ot 1,000 huwprati and American tour*. COOK. l?ON A .1 KN KIN'S. -Ml Broadway. Mew York. COASrWHE- STEA.11SH1PS. ' ONLY DIRECT USE TO FLORIDA.?WEEKLY"!!!#! to I'ort Royal, S. (!.; Fernandina, Pin.; llrunawick, (ia.; ??i|jir,' e erv I'iiursday, front pier-i*. East lUrer. Th* steamer CaRon'DELET. Captain MeCreery. will sail Tliur?dar. May II, nt 3 P. M., for Fernandlua and Port liar a I. Through ;.ckots issued to ail point! iu Florida. Kot Weight or pasaact applv in C. il MALI.OK Y * CO.. or UKRMAX liKLPCKK. tail Maiden lane. pAXAMA Tlc.vNSIT STEAMSHIP COMPANY, KOR SAX PRAXCUCQw CALIFORNIA AND PACIFIC PORTS, via I *-t hui us of I'nnama. Hulling from pier 13 North Hirer. Steamer CRhSt K NT CI1Y SATURDAY, May 27 lor Atptnwull. connecting *!? Panama Hullroad at fuau a lili ilr?t nan. steamship* lot porta aa abore. Fur freight or passage applv to ' W. P. CLYXIE * CO.. Xo. it Howling lireen. PACIKIO KAIL STEAMSHIP LI *8. ... X COR CALIFORNIA, JAPAN. I'llIXA. AUSTRALIA. NEW ZEALAND. lllttTISH COLUMBIA. AC.. AC., tailing from pier loot nt Omul st.. North Rlrer. FOR SAN FRANCISCO VIA ISTHMUS oP PANAMA. A? A I'III.CO Tuesday. May 16, 112 noon connecting for all Central American and South l'acltt* port*. FROM SAX FRAXCISCO TO JAI'AX AND CHINA. CITV OK ToKIO Inn* t FROM SAX FRa.NCISCO To VICTORIA, PORT TOWNS KXD. r.ACOMA. PORTLAND. AC.. AC., on the 10th, 'JOtk ni*il 30th of ere 'V month. For freight o: pasang* apply ut lout of Canal ?t., North River. II. J.lll'Ll.AY. .superintendent. New York and Havana dTrect mail LimC These first das* steamship* will tail nt :t P. M. from pier 13 Xorth River, loot of Cedar ?t., lor Havana direct, aa follows:? COi,I MB1 S ..Thursday, May 19 WILMINGTON...- Tuesday, May 30 For freight nad pasauire. having unsurpassed aect ramod*. tlotis, apply u> VVM. P CLYDE A CO., Xo. fl Bowline Oreen. McKI'LI.KK LUUNO A CO., A?canMlB iluvnna. "HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL SS. I,INK i.1 ? Stvamera leuvo pl?T Xo. ? .North Rirer at 3 P. M. it IK HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OF XUW YORK Tliiirnday, Muy It CITY OF HAVANA 1 ue-dav. Muy JS FOR VERA CBI'Z AND NEW ORLEANS, ria Havana Pro^reBO. Cnmpeai'liy, Tuipan and Tampion. CITY OF ilAVANA Tuesday, May39 For irt'i^lit undpanitKe apply to F. A IjhXANDRK x SONS, 31 and 33 Broadway. Steum?r? will U'avn Ni<?- Orleans M?y 7 and May 28 for Vera I'm* ami other ports. I SOB NASSAU. N. I'-REOiri.AR MAIL STEAMSHIP LKO leaves New York May 31. _ MURRAY, FERRIS A 00.. Oi South at. 1~Vor NEW ORI.i; AXS JDIRECT. THE CROMWELL LINE. Tin) -teamahip XE'.V ORLEAXS. C?|itain Dearborn, on SATURDAY. May 13, at 3 o'clock P. M., from pier No. I' North Rirer. Thningh Mill nt lading iciren to Mobile and all prlnclp# prints on the Ml(siK?ippl Kin r Cuhin pftnase, $30; ete?rage, Apply to OLAKK A SF.AMAX, BO Weal it. rpEXAS LINK roa OALVKJiTON. TOUoilNO AT KB? X West, carrying thu Uultvl states mail.?The steamer CITY OF AUSTIN", Captain Klilrldse, will sail on Satnrilar, May 13, at 3 P. M.. tront pier UO Kast Rlreiw Tliro'igli bills ol taillni: trlven to all points on the Houston and Texas. Central International ami tireat Northern, Oal* rcston, and Henderenn, nn<l tln> Oalreston, Harris hurt- and San Antonio railroads. Freights nnd insurance al lowest rutea. For t'relj'hi orD'iesage. hsrini; superior ac c mi medal ions, apply to C. II. MALLOKY A CO., IU Maiden lane. MORGAN" S~TJ N K" 0 F STHA M S HIP " for New Orleans an I Texas, will sail erery Saturday to Xew Orleans, transferrin* Texna freiKht tliere to Morgan'* I<ouisluna and Texas Railroad for Mori;au City, thence, per Morsau'i line of atoamera, to Texas ports. Tlio MOROAX CITY will sail frnra pier 30 Xorth River, New York, on Saturday, May 13, at 3 P. M? for New Orleans direct. Through bills of lading sljtned to Mobile, (Talreston and to all poiiitu on the tiulveatoii. ilarriaiuiric and San Aulonin, Hnuaton and Texaa Central, International and Croat North* em, Texas and I'acilli; and Trnns-Cnntinentsl railroad*, and to Indianola and San Antonio, and all points on the Ouif, Western Texus and Paciflc Railway. Uraxos Santiago. Cor pua Ohrilti. Kuckport. St. Marv's ami Fulton. Freight lor St. Mary's nnd Fulton landed at Rock port. Liylitera^n and channel dues at either Corpus Chrlati or llrmos Santiago at tlie expense and risk of consignee. Ttirough rates to llrownaville. ria Kio (Jrande RailroftH. Insurance can tie effected under open policy ofC. A. Whlt? ney A Co.. Xew Orleans. From Xew York to Xew Orleans, X per cent; irom Xew York to all Texa* port* ria Xew Or leans. , per cent. Freight at low cat rate*. For freight or further lnfonuas tiun apply to CHARLES A. WHITXEY A CO., Acent*. 'til aortfc Rirer. LO DOMINION STEAMSHIP CoMPAN\, sailing from pier North River. For Norfolk, City Point .nid Richmond, Taesday*. Thnrr day* ahd ttaturdav* at 3 P. M., connecting with the Vlrgmt* and Tennessee Air Linn. Atlautie Coast Line, l'iedmont Al; Line, Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad and with thu company'! attain to interior points in Xorth Carolina and Virginia. Newborn and Washington, N. C. (via Norfolk), erery Tue? dav, HmnMlwy and Satur lar. Lowe*. Dak, Monday and Thursday, at 4 P X., ooonectlng with Maryland and Delaware railroad*. l'a-seiiLter accommodations unsurpassed. j. 'i lirnugn passage tickets and lull* of lading to all points fl lowest rates Insurance to Xorlolk, .tc., per Coat. FreleM receired dally at pier 37 Norili liiver. Oeneral offlces, 197 Ureecwich st. X. L. MrCRKADY, President. FOR MALI>AI N. t. AND #r. JOHN*. M. F. CROMWELL STEAMSHIP LINE. Steamer* leave pier 10 X. R. lotlowiu ; days at 3 P M. GEO. WAsHIN'OTOX Frinay, May II UhO CROMWKLL . .Tuesday, Ms; 3fl For freight or passage apply to CLARK A SEAMAN, S4 West *t. riuil1. oi.u nir A.nniiir uiiirn.ii, J. having refitted thrlr (ino "ide-arheei ?te*(n?hlp ISAAC IIKLL, l.tti > lon?, pnrpoae despatching lirr from pier SI, loot of Beach *t . *1 0 I'. M.. Saturday, May 18, for Phil*, delplila, remainln/thero at loot o( Race at., convenient u hnr*e nnd itnaui cart to Centennial Ground*. Irom Snndai af.ornoon until Tburnday, 4 P. M . reaching .Now York Frv ilny. Atnpl" *tato room accommodation. I'a^aengera to re t"in room* and here iuf?H on uliip entire trip. Rate foi round trip, Including nMall and room, $-'5 to &>". %ocordin| to room. Apply m general office, 1:>7 Oretnwlch at. TllAVKLLiKIlM' ?OUID1C. A~ ITsrRALIA'-slHP OKoRUE fll OMPsotfTfofffcfiE bonrnu despatch 'Jttth of June. Hark MAHF.L far ri yd? uey. N. s, W., de>|i*ich JOth Maj, bavin.' excellent accom* nmdittlona, will take a low intermediate and c?l4n pa**ea> ger* ailitvoraiila rate*. Apply to It, W. CAHRItuN A 0<X, Xi South William *t. A" LBANY.?PR<>Fl.E'8~U.SK. feTF..l~MHO ATS LRAVfl pier 41 North River, dally, Sunday* excepted, at 6 P. >1., fur Albany and all point! North nnd Went. CimsilW link steamboats foiVtroy anb'aLo J point* Nortlic**t and We?t. leitve daily, except Saiar* day, at 0 P. M., Irora pier 49 North Hirer CT ATS KILL CBKKK L1NR.-NKW CHAMPION, TUKS. ) d?y. Thumdar and Saturday, from pier 42, Canal it I McMANUH, alternate day*, Irom l<croy St., 6 P. M. IlALlf ItlVKR LINK TO BOSTON, via Newport ?nd Fall It ver. The world renowned ?teamtiuat* BRISTOL and PROVIDENCE I-are pier 34 North ICtver, foot of .Marray ?t . daily (Sunday* excepted*, at 0 P. M. Throsgh ticket! aoid at *11 the principal hotel* in the city. _______ OLD ESTABLISHED LINK FOB BTUYTRBANT. OAtA kill and Intermediate iandmir*.?tUeamer ANDREW HAUUKR. Irom Franklin *t. (plerW, Tuesday, Thurwlar nnd Saturday; mourner MONITOR, Monday, Wcdneadey u| Friday, at .'> P. M. FENNSYLV aN IA RAILKOA D. great trunk AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROIfTR. Train* leara Now York, via Deabrosse* and Cortland! itreat ferrie* aa lollowa:? Kxprea* lur llarrlaburg, PltMbarir, the V7o*t and Son I a, with l*nllm*ii pniace rar! attached, H:3ii A. X., 0 and A:.K) P. M. Sunday, 6 ami H: M P. M. For Willi ameftort. Lock Haven. Corry and Erie, al 9:10 A. M. and S::*t P. M., connecting *t ?'orr/ lor Tltaaville, I'rtroleum Centre and the oil regiona. For Baltimore, W*ahiui;t<m and the South. "Limited Vraeh* Inxtuu Expre**" of Pnlimnn parlor ckra dally (except Mondavi, U^'JO A. M., arrivo Waeblagton 4:10 P. M. Itegu. Iarat?*)A. M.. 3 and BP. M. Sunday, ? P. M. Kxprea* for Philadelphia, 7, 7rftO, <#), i?:3i A. M.,12:3Q, 3, 4, 4 :ln. 5,??. 7. m ;.'to, W P. M. and 1J nifht. Sun Jay, i, 6, 7, H StO and 9 P. M. Kmlirrant and aecond clawn 7 P. M. For iralim to Snwnr*, Biiiabeth, Itahway, Princeton, Tren tou. Perth Anibnt, llcinin.'ton, Iteiridere and other point*. ?i>o l'>cal *cb"'!nle? <t all ticket olfl<'H* Train* arrive :?From Plttfbwnc, 0 :*?> nnd WW A. a. Mn lU:aOP. M dally: 10:t?A. M and ?:>0 P. M. daily, ex copt Monday rrom Wa?luni{ton and Baltimore, A. M , tA ''lis end 10:*'. P. M. Sunday, ?:*> A. M. From i'h11ad"I;>111a. 0; 10:1A, II :20,* 11 :lH A. M., a.l.^. 4 <i\ r. 15. tl:1<>, ?i? H:44 and 10:J5 P. M, h unci ay, 5:10, ?S?J, llU, I1H A. M, b :!<U aid 10:.'4 Ticket o(lirea, S'JM and (*44 Broadway, No. 1 Aater Honae, end loot of l?t?br.i??e! and Cortiandt ?ta.; No. 4 Court el, Brnokivn: -Not. 114, lid and IH lln laon ll., itobokea. Kinlcrint ticket ofllre. No. S Haiiery nia.-o. FRANK THOMSON, D. it. BOYD, Jr.. Uenrrai Manaeer. lien. Pataoncar Amt' PVlLADRLPdlA VIA LONG BRANCH AND TUB New Jrr?ey Southern Katlrnad.?Fare lower then by any omer route, eoutmenelng May 1. llf7U. Leave New York. Pier 8 North River. I.?>t Rertor at,, (1:45 A, M., for? 1 ri?? llritnch and Interm'ediate point*; W 4.S A M., lor Phli?> delphit, LongBrancb. Vinelami, *r.; 4 p, >4.. for PbtladeW phia. l.onn Hrtnch, l ui'krrton, Ac.: tt P. M., tar Loaff Branch. Ac. WM. S. SNJ.DKN. i.enerai Maeaner, KRMOTALMAY I To PIKR 43 NORTH RI\1K, TOOT ol sprinR *?. ? For Kondout anil Klardei, craiMtlai with I'lftter and I?el >ware Hell road. Ien>lin( at tliehlaM Fall* <We*t I'otnn, Cornwall, .Newtmrr, Marlboro, Milton, l'nni;hkeep?l? and K? p i?. Steamboat* THOMAS CoR NKLL leave every Tuealav. ThnroUv. and ??tnrday; JAMKH W HAl.inVl.V. Mmdav. Wedaeaday, Friday, Spring at.) pier 4:t North Rleer, at 4 P. M. CTONIMGTON LINK F.OK MRU, O Reduction of Fare. Steamer* RHODR ISLaNU and NAKRAOAWSm,frMB pier 33 North lltTer, foot of Jar at .at .? P. M. Providence Line, from pier 27 North River, fool of Park place. Bteaaihlp* Kl.KCTRA and UAL VTrA, at 4 ::k) P. H. KUIKMOV ?*. priHmTON S. ?s.ViitM?N . rftAfftW WML T INO and WILLIAM Cn(?K. barer* It Ki'LB LIU. CH I. CAOO. BALDWIN. CALElxiNiA and ANNA. Orlealal, Kvce'irter. Alderney Park, (.'old Sprlnr and losa iilaad Crovea, OIBoe 3H4 Wen it., oppo*ite Chrl*toph*r it reel ferry. B. B. CKOSSKTT. LROAL SOTICK*. nntciAk j -NotfcE lonnnmi to all pernio* having claim* acalntl William J. Peaae, late of tbe .-Ity of New York, deeeaaed. to preaeat the *eme with voucher* thereof in the aubaeribera, al tbe Six P*nn? s?vto(* llank. corner Broadway aa4 After ptaea, New York Deled haw Yeaa, May 1, IH7? mm ?MMMMk