Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,507. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1870.?QUADRUPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. dibkctory yon advertisers, AMU8BMHNTS-2n PACB-Mh and 6th cols. astrology?2d Pa?k?4th col RILLIARD6? 1?th Pack?2d eol. BOARDERS WaNTKU-uvth Paob?5thaad 8th ool?. BOARD AM) LODGING WANTED-lOrtl PACB-6th ool. BUSINESS OPPORTUXITIKS-11 th Pagb. BL'SINKSS NOTICES-ftru l'A?B-6th col. CITY REAL ESTATE KuK SALE?up Pagb?lu eol. CLERKS A ND SALES* kn-1?th PAUB-lst eol. ILOTHING-2P pAGK?4th col. OOACHMBN AND GARDENERS?16m Pasb?1st aMd 2d rota. coastwise STEAMSHIPS?1?t 1'agk?5th and 6th cola. copartnershiph-iith Pagb. COUNTRY BOABU-igth Pagb-oui eol. DANCI.NO ACADEMIES?16th Paub?atk col. DENTISTRY?2p P*UK-?th cel. PRY GOO Dh?1st Pack?5lh col. DWELLING HOU.hEh TO LET. PC ft WISHED AND UN FURNISHED?2n P\a> ?2d col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?1st Paob?ftth eoL EUROPE?1st Pagb?4tb ool. BXCHANHK?1st Paob?4<h Col RECURSIONS?1st 1'agk?ttth coL FINANCIAL?htb Paob. FOR RALE?2d Pagb?-4th eoL _____ _ _ furnished ROOMS AND AFARTMRRTS TO LRT?2? Pagk?2d ud 3d col*. FURNITURE?2d Pagb?4th eol. PRENCH advertisements? 10th Paob?2d eol. HELP WANTED?KEMALES?I.'?th PAi;K-6?h coL, And Mm Pagb?let col. HELP WANTBD-MALES-ibtb PAGB-2deel. HORSES, CARRIAGES, AO.?1st Pagb?2d, 8d Bad 4th col a HOTELS?1?th Pack?Rth eol. HOUSES, BOOMS, Ac., WANTED?2? PAGB-Sd and 4th INSTRUCTION-lsr PAGB-?th ooL JERSEY CITV, HOBOKEN. HUDSON CITY AND BBR UEN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?20 l'AGK-lit col. LECTORE SEASON?2d P.tCH-Oth e?l. LOST AND POUND?1st PAG*-Wt col. MACHINERY?2o Pagk?4th col. MARBLE MANTELS-2l> Pagb?4th ooL MEDICAL?HVrti Pagk?4th eol. MILLINERY AND DKRSSM\KTSG? 1st PAOB-?th ool. miscellaneous ADVERTISEMENTS?12tm Pagb?(Hk col. MUSICAL?16th Pagk?6th eoU NEW publications-^! PAGB-6th ool. PERSONAL?1st Pagb?1st col. 51anofortes. ORiiANS. AC ?2n Page?6th col. boposals-ist Pagk?6th eol. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? isth Pagb?3th col. PROPERTY OUT OP TUE CITY FOR BALB OR TO RENT?2d Pmr-im mid 2d cols. REAL ESTATE TO EXCUANOE-2n PAGB-2d col. REAL ESTATE WANTED?2n Pagb?3d col. RESTAURANTS?1st Pagb?4th cot Rewards?1st pa?k?i?t coi. BALES AT AUCTION?ldrtt Pagk?3d and 4th cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?1.1TH Paob-lit. 2d, Sd. 4th. r.(h and 6th cols. SITUATIONS W ANTBD-MALES?16th paob-im coL SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Pagk?1st and 2d cols. SPORTING?DUGS. BIRDS. AC.?1st Pagk-24 cot STORAGE?iotii Pack?lid eol. SUMMER RESORTS?iotii Paob-Otheol. THE TURF?1st Pagb?2d eol. TO let FOB BUSINESS PURPOSKS-2i> Pagb?2d col. TRAV LLKRS'.GUIDE?1st PACK-oth col. UNFURNISHED BOOMS and APARTMENTS TO let? 2d Pagk?fl eol. WANTED TO F* ROHASK?10TH PAGB-2d eol. WATCHES, JEWELRY. AC.-1H? PAOB-Sth eol. WBSTCllESTER COUNTY PROPERTY for HALE OR TO let?2d Paok ? 1st col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS. AC.?12ru PA0B-?th col. PRRWIHAl. ___ LON2S5^MEET""se"at GEORGE RROWNES~ fo night, Hire. 1,171) Broadway. near 28th ?t. webb. W.?WROTE YOU A1 12TH ST.. Afl REQUESTED. No answer receWcd. Send new address to RE.NWICK, x 146 Herald office. ? Anew bobn infant por adoption, fob particulars call at Dr. GRINOLE'S uOlce, 142 West 48th st. T>LEECKER STREET CAR, 6jl5 TUESDAY-EVEN I) Ing; lady with l-ihssos anU bundles would confer a favor on the centlemsn who sat opposite by addressing CHARLES STANLEY, Brooklyn Post office, or through personals. ,f\R. EDWARD W.-THERB IS A LETTER AT BOX U 1(J1 HeraId Uptown Breach office: send your address; [ am anxloai to see yon. J. DOROflTliE.?DlF NUT MKAN TotnTRUDE. A BON entendeur. Salut, erst der OeschaJft. ALEE. ELKYATKD ROAD. TUHHDAY, 1 O'CLOCK TRAIN"; lady who noticed gentleman when leaving at 21*t st. Please address tlAKKIh, l>ox 122 Herald uBico. G. B. F. TIIOUQHT IIE RECOGNIZED U. B.. FOR njerlyof Chicago. on tho 10 A. M. WAll st. ferryboat Wednesday, If so please send address to G. B. 1? Herald office. INFORMATION WANThD OK JAMES LITTLETON. OF the Cottnt.v Clare, anil Jsines Kennedy, of the County rippersry, Ireland, by Andrew Downs, No. 7 Madison st.. Sew York. r' TO k.-ARK YOUTlL, DAKLINGf I AM WOR. Jm rled f When can I go to yon t Could leave any day; vrite, please. ST m C. P.?THIS CRUEL ANXIETY AND WORRY will kill mother unless ron return at onee. IwTb.7 KilRAlKRLV' LlYlNG ON BROADWAY, RR tweeu :i8th snd 42d its., please write to rours. JOHN FRIEND. C!T. CLAIR?ALL RIGHT; COME BACK AS SOON D as BosniMe.' K. UINT Ai\t> lit; Ms. t"EFfWClHCKBRIN<ryixlc OR'2liTTTl~AY~bN Li Monday nlitkt, an English Silk Umbrella, with owner's lame engraved on handhi. A suitable rewstd will bs niven If leaving It at 11,1 East 12th st. EOST-PAS8 BOOK HARLEM SAVINGS Rank. Duplicate demanded. Lost?a gold and enamelled hunting case Watch, llutfiienln make. No. 41,:M3. The flnder will be liberally rewarded by returning same to Wl West 48th st. T OdT-MAY 10. SMALL SCOTCH TERKIKR: LRATIIER XJ cellar. Liberal reward paid on returning to 20 Wash lagton place. Broadway. OST.-R2A REWARD.?MONDAY EVENING. ABOUT 9 o'clock, a blue Skye Terrier Slut, answering to name el "Tatters:" had on silver collar and bell, with red rlhooo. Return to No. 2 West 14th St.. and above reward will be PaWL ; T OST-ON TUESDAY. MAY ?. A POCKKTBOOK COB Jj taining about $70, In 95 and f lu hllls. The Under will ke suitably rewarded by leaving It at the office of W. WIL SON * CO.. 42 Braver it. T ORT?WEDNESDAY FORENOON, BLUE LAPIDH IJ stone Sleeve Button . 3th sr. or .Wth ?t. Finder will ke rewarded by leaving at llotel Brunswick room 4:1 mfcUAMBg "?=? r LOSf VlsTERDAY. nkartob 21st st., a Skye Terrier, named Pat. paid on delivery at No. 4 West 22d JtlU ner 5th av. snd 2 rhe above reward will be (15 BEWARD. ?LOST. LAST SUNDAY. A YOUNO yellow snd white setier Dog. Return to 1,646 2d av. 8PKCIAL NOTICES. "T~^ifi>AA<rO. BOTtift. 287 broadway,'LAW'ftR - A. Divorces obtained promptly, without publicity ; deser Hon. incompatibility, habitual drunkenness, infidelity, inhn nan treatment, conviction of lelony. Passports obtained. A?TUB rifllt AJ11? .HAIS UNA WllfU lir Til K ? Kl?tnJ--I1 intl? Royal Haxon IJotimiiiMt I?ottory will lake place torn May 1 to 20. 1876. 38,(100 prises to be drawn out of88.000 ticket*. or which Is 1 prise ofSOO.Otki relchsniark, equal to SISO.QOQ, gold 1 prise of 3W.(W*?relchsmark, e<iual to 72,t**>, gold 1 ptlw tf 3011,111) nUiitint. rqiial to <8,1(10, gold 1 prise of 1 .Vi,000 relehnnark, equal to. 80.(VIO, col 1 1 prlae of 100,000 reich?tnark. rqaal to. 54,000, fold And U,9M oilier prlae*. The shore drawing la guaranteed by and under the super fjfka ol the Royal Haxoti government. Fall explanatory cirenlar* tree. THRuDORR ZRCnOCtt. Poat office box S,89i 110 Nassau ?t.. New York. A? KENTUCKY STATK l,OTTKKIES_()K J. S. 8MITH . A CO. xsjmrrcr, mtm run 42H. por 1878. 16, 68, 90, 17, 30. 111. 43, 1. 02, 12. 10, 47, 09. 0. KKimiCKT, CLAM 430. ro* 187S. 12. 33. 53. ft. 71, 7, 73. 74, 57. I, K\ 10, 03, 7X .*11 order* addre?s B. NATHAN, IH1 Broadway, or box 1,870 Post nflice, New York rlty. B-official. drawrN? Kentucky "State Lot . t?rie*. ?8IM MO N8, DICKINSON A I'D . Managers. ? ?!m'C*T. KXTBA CLASS, HO. 321?UAY 10, 1H7H. IS, 32. 17. 58. 12. .VI, 10. 8. lO. M 40. M. KK.TriTKr. CLASS !?0. .'l-'2?*Ar 1(1, 187ft 23, 85, ft?. 34. 70. :?7. 21. 73, It. 71, 08. .".7, 4a HXHRT. KXTUA CUM, HO. 221?MAY 1", 1870. 73. 42. 33, 23, 21. 24, 43, JO. :?>. 72. 37. 60. atanr, ruw no. 222?mat 10, 1870. 8ft. 72, 60. 32. 48, 33, S3. 2. 4?. 7(1. 2ft, 08. fl. Fall Inlonnation by applying to or addressing J. CLUTK I CO., 200 ttroadway, or l>ox 4,908 Poat olflne. B-flM?,00o im'#8urn-xtxrt OTIIKR TICKKT A ? f?rlse. ?Mtnntons A Dickinson's single n?mWr Ken tocky rotate lottery, to be drawn May 27, 187<>; 25,420 prises oat of 50.000 tickets; ?lvi, rural Havana, lobe drawn on Hay 22. J. CLl"TK, 200 Broadway: Pout office box 4.H.W. I COMM. WHOOPUIOT^TI I1H8, In flee ms. Irritation of the Chest. Throat ami llronrhltla. Fifty medical men of the hospital* of Paris have borne tes> timony to the Incontestible iDMr; of the Paate and 8yruo Pectoral do Nafe do Derniitrrenler. of Pari*. ag*in>t the above aliments. Depot at Hew Yora at KODdWAI Pharmacy. f^AOWO*.?THR PL'KMC ARK 11KKRRY CACTIOXED \J afAiait purchasing or negotiating any paper pnrportinc rn be made by inr Brm. ?? Wf hare never Issued a note or Meeptanve, and any oucli cau?r pu'portin;.' to be iaaned Is yaadaleat. COYh'KNDAI.I. HKoS. k Co , Minneapolis, Minn. pkR. rHANCrs OOULAKD, LATE PR(?KK?S?R IN I / Pari*, lectures aemi-weeklr. Private offices for rrctt. AM of patients 41 West 3Atli ?t. l)l?-a?e? of men and wo WB speedily eradicated. Consultative Iroe. D~ IYORCR* FOR INCOMPATIBILITY, AC., IK Aft Htate: par when s-rnred . advice Iree. Address RI.KU ft CO., 71 Astor House. New York, or Cincinnati. T\ 18 K ASK8 or MR"N aTpKCIAt.TY. J f HKNKY A. KaXIKI.s. v. I?. 144 Lexington nr., MM 8#th at. (NRee beers from 8 to 3. Gl HARD ODD AND EVl.N 8CIIBME. Every other ticket a prise. 35.420 Prises, amounting to $3<X),0CQ. KfcNTl'OKV STATK DISTRtHUTIOK. Draws Satarday. May 37. IjIh of Prtywe. 1 Prlae of 930,000 2 Prlaes nffft.OIIO 10.00 I 30 Prises of HI. (?> jn.iso Ml Prises of 1 -J .VI i 3ft.00 > Prise* of fft . . 125,0X1 t Prise of taojoyi 1 Prtss of K>,?TO A Prises of f . i j.nsat SO Prises of $"> O 1 ?.<**> fis I Prise* off 1UI ... 2U.O0O 1.0. amountiiib t? iVOttf Ticket*. 91"? halve*. $ft; quarters, $2 .V?. All Prist* paid in letl. Address all orders for tickets and THCMk II. MAT* 4 (TO., H07 Hroadway T. TklAJtONlM1. OAMKI.-8 MAIK HIlAWbM. U Ac.; farnltare h-iairht and seld back at *ll|tbt adraaee: le loan m bead aad mortgage. West Mtfc St., Mat Rreedway, SPECIAL. MOTICKS. HXtX?fA~lj>TTR*t.?*"8XT DBaWIXO <)? 40.000 ilrktti. Mv2l; aaoant of prises, $QUO.OOO; highlit ?dM, llUb.UlU for particulars ?ddre<>a B. MA RTIVEZ * CO., 10 Walt at. box 4,tJ82 Post office, New York. XT ?CHRONIC OATARRU. DEAFNESS: IMPROVED iVi method; instantaneous relief; permanent cures. Dr. STODDARD, No. 8 West 14th at. K? PARKS, K*i KBSON k CO. . Kentucky State lotteries drawn dally. Royal Havana Ulkr? drawn every 17 day*. Kentucky Single Number l ottery, iliawn May 27. 18TB. Prise* cashed, Information furnished and circulars tree. ISO Broadway. 1'oM office bo* .">.272 New York. KHNTI CKY STATF. LOTTERIES DRAWN DAILY" Kentucky single number Orand Dintrtbution on the Havana plan, to be drawn May il. 50.000 Octets; 2B.4M0 Whole ticket*, 910; halves. C; quarter*. AO; eighths, $1 25. Royal Havana Lottery to be drawn May 22, 1878; whole ticket*. $20; tenth* .md twentieths in pro portion. Third Louiaiana (jold Diatribution to be drawn Jnl> 29; wnole tickets, $50; halve*, $25; quarters, $12 rn<; twentieths, $3 50. For information. circu I art, Ac.. address or apply to JACKSON A CO., Hankers, 20.1 Broadway, N. V. LADIB-f CONSVLT"5E OBINDLR. KOR ALL AIL meats; spoedjr curra whatever the caner. 142 West 48th at. NERVOUS EXHAUSTION.?A MEDICAL KS3V*. comprising a aeries of lectures delivered at Kahn's Mu seum of Anatomv. New York, on tha cause and care of Fro mature Decline, allowing indisputably bow lost health may be retained, affording a clear synopsis of the Inrodiment* to marriage and the treatment of aervaas and physical debility, being the result of SK> years' experience. I'riee 25 cents Ad dress the author, Dr. L. J. KA1IN. oOtce and residence 51 East lOth sk. New York. PI LSI OR HJMORRlUKM PR li MAN E NTLY E R A DI cated In two to fear week*' painless treatment: no knife, ligatures, caustics or rauterv employed : positively NOOHAROB FOB TREATMENT UNTIL CURED. Circulars trea. Dr. STODDARD, only office No. 8 West 14th st. _ Files?hemorrhoids or piles permanently extirpated in two to four weeks, without pain. Not one rant chargod until cared. Dr. HOYT, 21 West 24th ?t. PEST POISON iTH0T ONLY A SAFK. SURE AND cheap destroyer of the Colorado beetle or potato hug, but of all insects which prey on vegetation, cut and army wvrms, L-reen fly. Ac. Untlko Paris green and other poison* It can he entirely dissolved in water and applied by sprink ling. Not injurfnus (o plants; not dangerous to use . never fails to kill; costs about 25 rents an acre. Put up in half pound Uoxoa, enough for two acre*. Price SO cent". Send tor circular. Made only bv the KEARNBY CHEMICAL WORKS, ?! I'ortlandt St., New York. Post offlco bos H, 130. R-bYAL HAVANA LOTTKBY. The next drawing will take place on May 23. Prises cashed. Orders filled. Information lurtrisbed free no appli cation. Spanish bunk bills and governments purchased. TAYLOK A CO.. Banker*. 11 Wall St.. New York. TAVAR INDIKN?A LAXATIVE KRCIT LOZENGE, agreeable to take; specific remedy for constipation ami Its consequences. K. UKILMtN. 27 Kue Rinibatrau, Paris. Depot. OAS WELL. HAZARD A CO.. New York. TO ALL~WHO ADVERTISE. ~ TUB DAILY AVKKAOb CIBCULATION OK TUB EVENING TELEGRAM KoR TUB WKfcK THUS Far MONDAY, May 8 :?,<*? TUESDAY, May? 48,7011 WKDJIKPDAY. May 10 40.21? SPORTING? 1JOC.S. IIIKDS. A.C . CONTINENTAL " POOL' ROOM. CONTINENTAL Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa.?Auction and Krench Pools sold daily on all sporting events In all parts of the country. BUDD DOIiLK. L. K. MARTIN. THE TURF. "i'MtlfflT^XND "'PRENOII I'fMTCsTl^o'LD "at xV. Thomai'Exchange, 1.238 Broadway, on the Lexing ton races; alto on the buso I).ill garnet. G. M. THOMAS. ilCTION AND FBENCH POOLS SOLD AT JOHN SONS' Roo na, corner 28th st and Broadway, every afternoon and evening this week, on the race* at Lexington, Ky.; hall returns reoelved by telegraph ; all order* by mail or messenger will receive prompt attention; Krench pools close *t 4 P. M.; also pool* aald on ail bull matches. T. B. A W. II. JOHNSON. BEACON PABK. 1 June Meetings. $14,000 In Premiums. Two Meetings, $7.<*x> in Premiums for each Meeting. First Meeting ?Jane (1, 7. 8. H Second Meeting?June 20, 21. 22, 23. Parses the same tor each Meeting. First Meeting. First Day?Iuoxduy, June <1 Class 1?Pnrae 9500 for Intr-es that never beat 3 mlnntes; (250 to first, 4125 to aecooj, $75 to third, (50 to fourth. Seme Day. Class 2?Puree $1,500 for horses that never' boat 2:28; $750 to first, $325 to tweond. $250 to third, $175 to fourth. Second Day?Wednesday. Jane 7. Class 3?Purse $."&> for bones that never beat 2:40; $250 to Brst, $125 to second, $75 to third, $uOto fourth. Same Day. Clast 4?Purse $1,000 for horses that never beat 2:84; $500 to first, $250 to second, $150 to third, $100 to fonrth. Third Day?Thursday, June 7. Class 5? Pnrae $5t,lf> ftir horses that never beat 2:50; $230 to first, $125 to second, $75 to third, $.V) to fourth. Same Day. Class 6?Purse $1,000 for horses that never beat 2:31; $500 to first, $250 to second. $150 to third, $100 to fourth. Fourth Day?Friday, June S. Class 7?Pnrae $W)0 for horses tlmt never beat 2:37t $250 to fiist. $U.j to second, $75 to third, $30 to fourth. Same Day. (Haas "?Pnrae $1,500 lor horse* that never neat 2:24; $750 to first; $125 to second, $250 to third, $175 to fourth. All the above pur?es are for trotting, mile heats, best 3 In 5 in harness, and will be governed by the rules of the Na tional Association; beats la each day'e raees may be trotted alternately. Entrance 1 per cent of premium. A horse distancing the field, or any part thereof, will he awarded but one proiulnm. When eight or more liortaa start In a heat, the distance will bo 15o yards. No premium to raled out horses. Kntiles to both maetlngaclose Saturday, May 13 at II P. M., at Lafayette liall, Bowdein square aud ahouid be ad dressed to D. W. 11BCKLKB. Proprietor Beacon Park. Beerpoot park.?TI1B five-milk race be. tween br. g. Colonel and br. in. Lady Cooper Is post, poued 111411 Thursday, May 11, nt 8 1' M.; olso the nitle hent race between Nelly Conder aad Hardwood. The purses (br Spring Meetinir will close 00 Thursday. Mar 11, nt It I*. M., at Johnson's, 28th ?t. and Broadway. Adni'^im Wc. WM. MoMAIiON. Proprietor. NkW YORK TURF KXCHanTTk, 15WKST L'XTH ST.? Auction and French pool* unlit alternnon and evening all thii week on the Lexlugton raevs; French pool* doso 4 P. M. KLLLY, BLISS Jk CO. TATTK Its ALL'S TCRP (COMMISSION AGENCY, I,327 Broadway, we>t 3C|h st. Book* now open nn "Wltberm," "Belmont" stakes. Ac., and all racing event* during the veur; equitable prior*. OIBee open dally front Hi to a and 7 to it P. M. McDOUUALL A CO. HOUSES. CAJUIIAGES tSC. A ?MAJOR CHARLES W. BARKKR. AL'CTIONRffiL Will be i>old positively without reserve on Wednesday, May 17. at 11 o'clock, at BAKKKR A SON'S city auct:on mart and New York. Tattersnll's, corner of Broidwuy and :ftHh St., tne famous brown Trotting Gelding, BROWN PRINCE, formerly the property of the la:? HOWARD JONE8, i> 1V4 hiftli. loated 18H7, has a record of 2 :38; i* finer and Tauter than ever before and RAN BEAT 2::*t now and will trot <"Lo8K TO before next fall: in un equalled lor gentleman's roa I nse; in one of the hot MONhYED TRACK IIORSr.S in America and U warranted sound and kind. Can be ac?n at the Mart Ore d*y? previous t<> sale. , -SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. " An lifiport "d Victoria, one-horae, very handsoma. Two-wheeled Dog Carl, oar own make, at a bargain. Livingston Itoir t'art. in excellent condition. Sarry Cart, our own make. Willow Phaeton, lor a small pony, naarly new. Two side bar Top Wagons. our own make. J. B. ISRKWSTBR A HO., corner of 5th av. and J 1st St. BREWSTER, OP BROOMK ST., QUARTER ROAD Wagon for sale at Uathorne's staide, 1H7 West :<7th st. 4 ?P.?R BALK. 3ft YOUNG HORSES, FRESH FROM il< Indiana, suitable for all baainess. Inquire at No. IX! Norfolk at. NKW LANDAU,~OLAS8 FRONT. LINKO BROWN cloth, will be sold at a great bargain. H. BL Kit. Z.V7 Mercer st. ? A RTIVKR JCKP SKAT WAGON~ IN t'OMPLKTK order, good as new, lor salo cheap. Can Be seen at 2B7 East Broadway. A -FOll BALK CBKAP, TWO KLkUANT Tt'RKOl'TB, ? consist ia^ of a blsrk Mare, A \rar? old; also a set of Harness and top Pony Phaeton, nearly now: also a very fine brown family Horsa, A rears old; also a set of Harnos and a lour seat Hockawny. Inquire at 3.">J Kast tiflth St., near 1 at av. 14 HAND PONY~>OR sALK?VKKY GKNTLE; bean used by rhildren; also alight 4 seat Brewster Phaeton. Apply at private stsble W East 3ltli st. 4 ?FOR SALE. TilREE TTORSRS, THE PROPERTfr J\. of a private gentleman; to be sold cheap; fit lor any business. Inquire at .">7 (ireat Jonea si. (Union Boarding Stable). N ENGLISH DOO CART, XADK APTKK TUB Duke of Marlbo ranch's, and a blooded Horse. nnsir poaaed In style, with imported elegant Kqalpi?ills. lor-ule \ at a bargain. owner leaving the country. Apply st stable, 54 W est Idlli st. TWO-WIIKhL IXMl ( ART. ALMOST Nliw. PUR j half the value; one new depot Wagon and two top : side-bar Wagons at GIT1LFOYLK 8 Carriage Factory, ^:t:t West SOth st. AiiKKAT BARllAlX.-il?? WILL ?CY A BKAI TI fnl top pony Phaeton; an elegant top Buicrv. 0111; a Hue Harness, $iO; examine before you bny. .stable XI Kaet 1 tu st. At' mV W EST 4WTII ST.?A TWiTskaF I' UNTO*, a pair of Hor?es and llamosa; mnst he ?old this d?iv. A -(INK OF TIIK FINEST TURNOUTS IN TIIK rlTY 1 ? tor a ladr.? Blaea llorse, Ir?l4 li.inds hitfli, nix years | old, warranted .nuDd and kind; hamlsoma PlinMon and 1 Harness; price. (.Kit. No. t *r?i 1 ;*tti st. 4 ?FOR SAl7K, ONK OF TIIK mT7sT ?F.AI'TIFCL j ^ V ? llorses In lite State; Is I5\' hsnds. it years old; 1 pi*r? ten hean^r; warranted wand aod kind; ai-o cue ot tin- I ft nest Kentucky Saddle l|or?e> In the ?-i? y, with ail o rhe Kentncav ssdale gaits; !.*?!, namls high, / *e?rs old; wsr ra ited sonnd nod kind; also I oeanllful shif^ln^ ie^iliertop Road Wauon and I fine lop Pony Phaelan, s narie end double Harness, a i the l?est cit> ssahi- and ?? *? <?! as io-w. in quire at private stable So UH lad I'tli >t.. neiween :id av. and Irving place, for three duya,of THOMAS, the coach man. A'CCTMN SALE.?UKOROK (IKOOIIRtiAN. AI'CTIoN- I eer. sells this day, at I'"1, o'Hork, et V?.l ..?t :Mitft si , I sta irood worn Ilorno*, ?initle 1 rack, Wagona, Harness. Ac.; terms cash to the highest bidder A~T_HaLF Ci*T-TWO Fl'LL SPKI.NO TOP WAG ons two side bars, one lijiht mail Wam.n. tw#l*Har> tuat (one seats four personsi. .ingie and double Harness, latest si via. o-st city nvakers. Private stable, corner ol It I ! st. aad ^ih av MANI'o.MK I IK AM 1 'A I'PLF. <JREy"i7p.LIH MiS? j . Iiii) lirotlie.s, fl 7 and yaa??. I?"?*? hands; extra st i li?h ! drivers and rammer*; also iiiirel (ieidinK; record -: >4'4. i I4J Weal :i7tli ?t. . I A -FOR RAI.l'siV PONY U> ! I.T HOUSES; .sflT ! . farmiBir. gri rrr, ?? .prets ? r uiliku-aii. Id lifiidM., between JkoO >mil t.Mlli- ri .i?, 4 IIAHII CIIS miM Kit WANTKH FUR 4J<tI'P.v"*SocE. A, awsy snd lUret qaafler < iaeeace by t?ei Hrotlier.; aapffi nril-r; prnaertt ofapr.ta'e f ?mll> having no lartMar ] use for Ihrin : will s.-ll at a ? tt rilice. Arsenal staolts, Hfttli Mi, Mar Broadwajr. ? HORSES, ( \KKI\CKH, ?C. ?BY VIRTUE OK A CERTAIN CHATTEL . MOIiTG AC E AND Mil.I. OK SAM'.. I WILL SELL BY PUBLIC VENDUE, AT THE PKIVATE STABLE IIS EAST J3V ST., BETWEEN LBXINGTON AND 4TII A VS., THIS HAY (THURSDAY). MAY 11. AT 11 H'l'LOCK IN' THE FORENOON. THE FOLLOWING HORSES, CARRIAGES. HARNESS. BLANKETS, AC J. Elegant and hand-nine chestnut i{elding, l'?\ hand* nig*, 6 year* old. liv Wild Wagner. the sire ol Lydla Thoiuii" son ; ha kni tWHiM * lvcr inane, and tall touching the grcund. ran trot in :(<>. and i* a superior family horse; warranted '??and and klud. Haslblirk Mare known asBrttv, l.y Toronto Chief. dam by HamMetunian: she la one at the tinest road marot in this city; ran trot in :?> sure; is l&Wj band*, 7 year* old, and a superior pole mare, mid warranted sound mid kind. Elegant und highbred bay Mure known** Sollle, l.Vj bauds high : am bred in Kentucky; sired by Caa In* M. CI,iy, dam by Clark Chief; she la finely trailed : oun speed a ltNnlt;natrat nil her heats ill - :.K>, and I* warranted Hound ami kind. Elegant stvlish highbred Trotting fielding Majwr Kind, sired by fimklin's star, dani by I'narBxil; lie la a beaulitui dapple blown. l.">\ hands high, 7 vear* old tliia spring; was driven bv M. Goodwin over the l'uint Brente I'ark. Philadelphia, last tall, three heat* In 2::??aud 2S9H4; he i* an extraordinary pole horae;> broken, salo for a 1*4?, and a* a road hone liu bus no superior; war ranted a mud and klud. Vnrv j rcttv brown Uelding. 15 band* high, 8 years ohk; raised at Brandon, Y't.: alrcu by the Morse horse; he is very atyiish, prompt driver; baa always heeu driven l y ladle* ami children, and for that purpose he is iiivulanble, iik he is Sate midur all cirruitisl tilers: la not a:raid of locomotive or anything elae; stands without tying; he ia thoroughly broken under tbo aailuie. and ii* a ladies' saddle horse he ha* no superior. mn irot a mile In three minutes, and war ranted soiiud and kind. The moat complete, rich and handsome team iff eheatnnt blooded Mart's in the State; rained in Woodford county, Kentucky ; one was aired by Krlcson, datn by I^?-x 1 nvrtnu ; the other hy 1'ilot, darn by Lexington; was aeiecteo and muted by Dr. Heard lor present owner und wit* pronounced by connoissoma to be as fine a pair of highbred young mares ?> ever !e't the State of Kentucky; are about lf?)? hands high. S and 7 years old. and are us closely mulched a team In farm. stylo, disposition und unit u* were ever seen; they cannot bo ontstyled by any living team: have One ktiee action; prompt, sharp and game, although perleetly gentle und amiuhle In disposition; fenr no locomotives or anything eLo; these marc* prom's* great speed; they oan beat A-1 now. ihhI have never bean I ruined to develop their sored; they are tlio best, trot ting ill mil in KrntucK j, and show It, and are warranted souud kind aiul true. Benulilul sorrel Mare Jennie F.. Ift>? hlfh. 0year* old; wAs sirrd by Daniel Lambert. This mora received a record lust aeiiRon, on Kingston lialf-mllc track, ot 2 ; she has Unproved iii speed since and can now beat 2:20, ncd war ranted sound and kind. Carriages consist of 1 rleirunt half-top Hark Phaeton, 1 side-bar top Wagon, 1 fuil spring top Wngon. 1 canopy top pony Phaeton. 1 leater top do,; single and double Harness, Blanket*. Bones, sheets. Whips, Ac. Snle positive, ruin or sliine. By order R. M. STREETER Mortgagee. A T AUCTION?TO-MOBROW (FBIDAY). MAY 12. A AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M., PROMPT, At PRIVATE STABLES RE.V.3 OK HOUSE NO. IS EAST 2HTII ST. BETWEEN MADISON AND iTH AVS., COMPRISING ALL THE KINK ROAD AND FAMILY HOHSES. KIJBOANT CARRIAGES, HARNESS, AC.. At'.; ALSO llOl BEHOLD K CRN lit'RE; ALL THE PROP ERTY Mi II KKII.DS, WHO SAILS FOR ENGLAND ON Tl"ESl?AV NEXI; ALL OK WHICH MUST RK SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST OR VALUE To 111(1 II EST BIDDER. INCLUDING A BEAUTIFUL RAY TEAM. (1 year* old, I.'i\ hnnda; line style and action; raised In Kentucky; heeu used for family nnd road driving; are good sin.-le. double and under saidlti; are ball brother*; sired by AlcMiuder's Abdullah; they tu>k Oral prrinium at Stato Kair when ft year* old. wnrre they thowed a mile to the pole, in 2-.51, tbey have eiicu shown ft mile single inside of l^tti; tliev are warranted sound and kind. niANDSOME AND KAvr CHEsTNUT GELDING BASHAW. Ju., 7 year* old, l.'?>? hands; sired by (irern's lioidiaw; dam a lllackhawk maiM; record I; he was rataeil in Vermont, and innrhasod there by owner at H year* old. when he trotted Ht Rui lingtun tin ee heats In 1' 3 J. 2 ^11 and 2 w hich gives him a record; lie la u very handy, free and pleasant driver; can i? driven by any lauy; he Is warranted sound, kind *nd true In all harness. STYLISH AND HANDSOME BROWN GELDING BROWN PRINCE, 6ye <r*old, 15*^ bands, strongly made; lian One flat limbs, good bone nnd muscle; ha* any amount of endurance; can oe driven by a lady up to a locomotive with mfety; was raised In Orange county; sired by Mesarn get Duroc, son ef Ri sdyk's lismbletonian : dnni by Harry Clay. son of Imp. Helltouuder; he trotted on Goshen track In SIrtS, 2 and 2 :47; can now aho-.v better; he I* a line driver nod au excellent pole hor*?; he i* warranted sound aud kind. THE COMBINATION LADIES' HORSE PRINCE; I* a saddle and driving horse combined; Is a beautiful bay, (lowing mane, a long tail, good style nnd action; is 7 years old, 1'iiri hands; was raised in Scott county, Kentucky; sired by llrlgnolia, son of Alambrtuo Chief; dam Mr. Ten Broeck's premium mure; lie wu* entered iu threeminute class at Lexington, where he got a record In lit-IH; trotted tilth licat In 2:411; be can trot much tauter now; he is war ranted *onnd and kind. N. B ?TUB ABOVE HORSES ARE ALL ACCLIMATED and over the disieuiper and ready lor every day use; ;U hours given for trifcl and examination. Carriage* consist of one heniitiful.extenilon too Phaeton, carries four persons; Pole nnd Shafts. One side li?r tup Wagon, Polo aud Shaft*. One lull sptlng top Wagon. On* top Pony t'h ieton. One set double Harness. Two sets single IIantes*. All good hs new and by be*t city builders; also Robe*, Blanket*. Stable Fixtures, Ac. Sale nbsulut- nnd | ositive, rain or shine No postponement. Coachman in atteudauce on ail who wish to examine and ride prevlou* to sale. W. li. NKI.SON. Aurttoneer. N. B.?TIIE BALE Ot HOUSES. CARRIAGES. HOC RE MOLD FURNITURE AND AI.L KINDS OF GOODS PHOmITLY ATTENDED TO. OFFICE. NO. 1211 EAST 17T11 ST. A -MAJOR CHAIILKS W. BARKER. AUCTIONEER. . T11K DEADEST EVENT ?>K THE SEASON. t:Al'TAIN 11 ANNA WRITES"l am sending you the most extraordinary and FASTEST lot of tireen Trotter* ever hred in our country, as well as one of the finest BLACK TEAMS, and aotuo of tfie finest roupe Horses nnd premium SADDLE und harnesa Horses, ever *nen or known, (ilvo PLENTY ot notice that 1 want KVKIiYBODY to come and RIDK and drive the stock IIEKORK the sale." CAPTAIN GI'.OKGh D. ilA-SNA, of Bourbon county, KEN t'CCKY, has the honor of inraoanrlng hi* thirtreuth uuenuallel sale of the /sstest GREEN IROlThRS n the world, Just arrived from KENTUCKY, to take placo at Bar ker A Son's City Aurtion Mart and New York TafersaJIs, corner of Broudwar nnd 3!tth *t.. on Wednesday next. May 17. ut 11 o'cloc'e, und comprising SEVENTEEN bend of the richest tired in America, that can Hot in Irom 2 I DOWN TO TWO MINUTES AND TWENTY-FIVE SECONDS or better, and including the pet of Yellow Jacket. Oorbe;ni. Curtis' llamhletonian. Bell-Morgan, Ac., all narrintcd sound and kind, including in the lot a SIXI'EKN HIGH pair o! KRi IWNS of unequalled rich appearance and style, sev eral extraordinary coii|.e MA ICII or "T" cart Horses, sev eral premium combined SADDLE and harties* llorsos, and the FASTEST SORREL Oeluing ttwo gait*} in the world, that can trot better tlian 2 nnd PAGE IN TWO MINUTES AND KIKIEKN SECONDS. Stock will arrive at the Mart to morrow (Friday) morning for trial, when DR. JOHN W. CLARK, agent for Captain llaana, will bo on hand to give everybody the importunity of itlHINO and DR1VI.VG and testing the aadnli! i|uulilie* nnd SPEED of anv ol the lot REKORh the time of sale CATALOGI KS of this really WONDERFUL IX) t will he ready to morrow. Sale without reserve or postponement. Auction. TIKS DAY (THURSDAY), MAY 11. AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M.. PROMPT, BY QF.OR IK W. J KM KINK. Al CTIOMsKR, AT THK I'MON AUCTION MART, JO 1STH ST., NEAIl BROADWAY. WILL SI'.I.I. TI1K KM IltK .STOCK OK Mil. .1. DILBKR. TO CLOSK Till-. I'.NTATE, CONSISTING OK Cirrinsre, coupe. road and saddle < ARKlAlihS CONSIST OK one fine Coupe by Wood Brothera, one Tea Cart, " top Wagona, extension top Park Phneton, Pony Phaeton, single, double and coups llarners. ALSO Several other Hors?*, Wagons, Park, Ilaaket mid Pony Phaetons, Depot V agons, one luun Trotting Wagons, s.-nt In by private parties to be odd. I. Celebrated trotting Colt, .1 year* old. l.~>\ hands; aired by Wiiithrop Morrell, uaui Si-:r inn re: lro:teu In and 2 :ll ; in without any exception a> Hum yonnv colt as there ia In the Slate : driven without cheeking; don't toneh ? a hair; bin no tCrka or rice: no road too Ion* lor Itlm ; I* a well diapoaitioncd and behaved lioise in company; is very styllah nod rangy, and ran t>e driven by the most timid person with safety : ia warranted sonud nud kind. "JaniKI illack ream. Modesty and mate, li and 7 yearn old, l.'ijj hand* high: are well galtod roadsters: are ot Ver mi nt Black llaak slock; trotted In 'I :!??. ?':'>! und were raised bv present owner: are all natural style, with line high knee action: warranted sound and kino, 4 and .">. Klegant Team id Vermont liambletotiian Coupe Horses,.% ?ml II years old, K?\ bands; area nioe and even giited team; are bold, prompt and rea ?lute dr.vera: don't shy or null; ran trot in about .1 :IO together; tbry are both excel lent ?addle horses; linve never l.een owned on I jr by the pre*eni party; lire well behaved In company, ninl are. Without doubt, us line and aa rentl* a team a* < an bo found in the State, and ere warranted sound and kind. H. lirautitul bmn n road or saddle ilorae, Toronto Chief Mock, H years old, l.V1^ hands; elegant large. mil mane and tail, short Jointed, Mriitti and muscular; has greet bottom and endurance j lie la the finest saddle h?r?e in the ntaie; a lady can rid* or drive him; cun trot in 'J :*V? mre. and is warranted sound and k<nd. 7. Virginia well knowp Tio'tiiiK Horse. 0 years old. 1 \ liiinda; wa* air d by Virginia. Virginia by Klngold. liin.'old oy Boston ; dam Mor gan m.ire: I* warranted to trot In - :4'< on day of sale; la per feetlv kind und gentle; pure, rleiin and open gulled; dint touch a hair; Is an all day traveller and is waTanted sound and kind. M. I.arge mahogany bny. <1 yenrs old. It!!., bands high; Is the finest liorse In tl>o Mate lor coupe or ten curt. Can carry tour peisons in a c<ni|>e in alioni :i mlnnie* and ill second*, lie is of great endni anee. Is all bone mid miisrlo, and warranted sound and kind without epot i.r blemish. H. stilish bay coupe.or saddle liorse, lii l,aml*,7 year* old; ?erv handautne and attractive; is airaid of not iiiug; easy ami Cleasar.t dilver; can be handled by a ladv, and ilia owner rlieves bun perfect In e?ery way. lo. olebraied mahogany bay Kentneky saddle llors? Oovernor Seymonr, 7 years old Ibis spring, I bands; perfectly broken to hnmess; a lady can ride or drive him and the owner helioves hliu periect in every respeet; this is the best broken saddle horse In the country, aa lie has all the Kentucky saddle gulls; wa< raised a mi trained In Kentneky by the present owner's brother; this horse should be -ceil lobe appreciated. II. Hay Vermont llamblelonlan family or road Horse Comet. Ill hands. <? years old; can trot in :?*>. is a pleasont ami atvllah Driver; afr?iil ot nothing; ran lie driven at speed by a l.idv ; will stand without tying, and is warranted sound n"1 bIMj;kntlkmkn in skarcii ok kipkrior STOCK sliOUI.D CAM. AND KXAMi.Nh THIS I, il OK KlNr.. VOI NtJ. SOCND AMI KIND llO.?<KS. KLKIIAUt I'AltuIAtiKS, COl PKS. TK.A CART, WAOOXH. PIIaKTOXs, IIARSi'.SH, AC.. AS IT IS AI'I* AS RKPHRsKM KD. SAI.E POHITIVB. P.AIN OK SI1I.SK, Hi Tllr. IIKIIIKST BIDDi-.R. WIT..O! T LIMIT OR RKHTHtCTION. A-IIASDSOMK KTHAN AI.LKN BAY MARK. 1IH,; ? sound, kind, 7 years; trot 11:10; safe lor lady; cheap. Mahle 1(17 Kaat Itth St. ? A?KOR SALK CUKAI\ 7llOIWKM. si ITABLK Kott ? tnirk, farmer or any bnsiness; trial given. :?7ll Row erj. Hear. AM ItOA.V MARK; SIX YKABS; WBIUIIT. l.-ldrf} two oiher llo aes; fOO. W>, *1 .1. 112 llenry ft. ? OKNTLKMAN Will. SKI,I. HIS KOAII Ho'lTsK Wagon and Harness at pltule uriees; horso a beanllla( b .... rt years old. !?'!? hands; ran trot In 'J 'lOor lietter; war' r inied aonnd slid slnd; Slivers top Wagon and Dnnan nib llainesa; alao a bestiillnl Pony Phaeton; all good as new. Private alaliie ,\o. Hi Weal '27th st. A mm M XltKK OK KI. K (1 ANT iT A K Kl A < IKS AN D tlotd W?g?n??, of Hie very best make, lor sale at ex tra irdlna y bargain*. Call and examine them al the o d (caud ?l BltAHl.KV. PKAV A OO.. ^i I'slnn tRUart Aokxtlkvam. iiv. isii itmf Ills s ?#i.-1 i.\b e including not til ri*:e on the road anv more, wishes lo sen, at bsi! coal, his elegant shifting top side bar Wagon ny I'erk. set Harness, Whip. Lap Kobe and west illanket, all ne v thia spring. Ju< uire st Arsenal stables, 3>th St., near Hroadway, HORSES. CAURUGER. ?C. tTdfiox iiorsh (ii? Aurn johnsCC#,' m ai. aa and r> nth it., n>u t'nlvmilr plan. SALES OF HORSES AND CABRI AGES ARB HELD EVKKV TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT M> O'CLOCK. ON EVERY IIORSE WARRANTED BOUND FROM 21 HOiltS TO a DAYS KOK TRIAL. TUB OLDKSI' EST A HUSHED AND MOST RELI ABLE HOUSE IN TIIK CITY. GENTLEMEN IIAVISO HOMES OR CABRIAGER to m-11, or those wishing to buy. will fliut ?*iti business conl limed on pftflafly the Mine strict and honorable principles which hare nlwavs ciinra terised the dealings of our house, and won the respect mid confidence of tlie bud mm community. m well as the public at Isrire. LIBERAL ADVANCES ON UONHIQNMKNT& At auction TO-MORROW (f BID AT). MAY 12. AT 10 (1*0LOCK, BY VAN TA88ELL A KMARNEY. AT THEIR MART, 11M AND 112 EAST I.HTIl ST, PRIVATE ESTABLISHMENT.?TRAM BAY HORSES. l(i hands Ulirli, H years old; kind and true In all har ness: toe from vie*; liave fine style and action: fear nothing; have been used b,r a private family for car riage driving; are In every way lute and reliable and wnrrnnted wand. SILVER MOUNTED HARNESS, GOOD AS NEW, MADE by Dnuscomb VICTORIA, IN PERFECT ORDER, BUILT BV MINER A Steven*. ELEGANT IILACK HORSE, iftjf HANDS HIGH, <? years old: kind and true In all harm-ox. Iron Irotn vice, very stylish and handsome; u fust traveller; perfectly gentle ; ? ladjr can drive him, and Is warranted sound. Sat Hsrness nenrlv new. mid TOP I'll ANTON, I'SKD BUT A FEW TIMES BAY TUOTTINO HORSE, 10 HANDS HIOH, ? YEARS old . kiinl and trtie In all barn ????, tree from vice; an extra line rnarfster; can trot in 2 :.V? any day; 1* also a tine middle hone, and warranted sound; also si t Uarne?s and TOP 1MI.VD WAGON, NEARLY NEW. SEVERAL GOOD FAMILY Ito \D AND WORK lloree*. Descriptions tliee of sale T CART. GOOD AS NEW. BUILT BY WOOD BROS. EOl'll AND SIX-SEAT I'AltK PHAETONS, TOI? DB not Wagons. Kucknwuvs, Phaetons, Road Wagons, Harness, Suddlos ami Bridles. A.'., Ac. ?' WINDSOR WAGON. ? by Browater. of 23th it. Notwithstanding the dull times, there l? an Inereaslm* de mand for the Windsor at au advance in price over all other*. It is the be?t utiil the safest wagon made, and in the eml will prove to l ? the cheapest. Ware rooms 5tli av. and 21st sf. T" LADY'S TURNOUT?NICE BLACK MARE. TOP jV Pony Pliaeton, with lampi; One set of Harness; price 1MO. 1IH West ."HMb st. OOM PLETEItUB B E It COVERED ISINGLE ROAD Harness. $20; double tfet $2.V, depot wu^on Set $ I 3?>7 West 4)th st. BAY OR BROWN HOUSE wanted-sownd and kind, not over 7 years old. uiedliim slr.e, good traveller, somo speed; 8;IJW no object. Address A. h. LEAt/ll, IS Hamllt.iii nr., Brooklyn. (lABKlAtlKS AND HARNESS. LABGE REDUCTIONS. J Pony Phaetons, I Buggies, | Depot Wagons, Park Piiaetons. I Rockawavs. | .lugger Wagons. AU styles of Harness. Saddles, llridles. Sheets, Lap Holies. Ac., at prices which must give satisfaction JOHN MnOIIE. .VT Warren st. C~ ARHU 6ES.-SECOND 11 AND FOUR AMD SIX I passonger Rockawsys. Jitmn seat Wagons, ton lluci-les, elliptic anil side bar; ligut Trotting Wagons, Phaetons end light I.andsulet, ut R. M. STIVERS', 141 to 1.12 East 211st st. Jji BARTLETT, 61 WARREN RT.. CORNER OF j. ('idle to plae:>. lias now on liiind n stood assortment ol tine Harness, Bridles, Saddles, Lap Dusters, Sheets, Horse Bonnets anil Horse Clothing generally. If ASIIION ABLB VEHICL KS 1 of every description in molest, pleasing and durable colors, Particular attention Is culled to the FLANDRAU ROAD WAGON. A. S. FLANDRAU, 372 and 374 Brooms itrmt. old t>lmict of Brewster A Co. F FOR Sal/ri?TIifc. /1/fh.sf COUPE HORSE IN THE city. hands; warranted sound nml klml: blood bty; black siioti. To !>? seeu at 121 Went 4f>th at., Cunning ham's stable on "sAii:-TWii Tiorsk "truck and uarnkSs. with work. To be seen nt 205 Washington at. For hale-a ww Stylish, well bbed bat, 15 bands. aaildle Horse, suitable for rt boy or irirl, the handsomest ?mill horse in the city; (tentlo Hiitl hound: (old only because the ann of owner has outgrown bim. Apply nt private stable 34 Lexington av. F6V~SALE-BAY GELDING 1JV.S HIGH, 0 YEARS old. souud and gentle; can trot In 3 minute*: price $?7"?: also \eat road Wagon, Brewster A Co., slightly nulled; pan$2l.~i. Inquire ol \VM C A It R. 8VI Waft ?4?ith ft. IjiOR SALK-A VERY HANDflOMK MEW DOda&B 1 Harness. Can be seen at stables 451 4th nr. F'olt HALE?A COUPE HotiEAWaY, PRICK i$22ftj also iv Jump sealed Bugzy. made by K. M. Stivers, and a top aide bar Ilugiry, by Duscnhury, price $190. Apply at IStiKairt 131 h at. FOR 8ALK-AN ELEGANT BAifoUCllE, IN PERFECT order. Anpty at 11.1 West ISthat. FOR SALE-ONE NEW TOT ROAD WAGON' ASD one Depot VY ajuo, at 10 i Kan 25 th at. For saiTk?a bay uorne, ie 11 ands~iiic.ii, 8 year* old: can trot In 3 uiinnies; gentle and kind In nil harness; a little sprung; aiao a sorrel Maro, 7 yearn old, 1 .'>'V hnnda high: sound >>nd kind in all harness; cnn trot in J :.'iO or better. At A UNO 1,11'S stable, HH West IMHIi at. For sale?a dark bay horse. hi hands iiigii suitable for any kind of work; warranted aonnd anal kind. Apply at 222 DeUneey at. Foii saT.h?a ~daPPiTis grey horse. io 1'ttria high,'! year? old: kind and trna in all barneaa; very stylish and a vor.v fine saddle and carriage horse. Can be umii at 2& Weat 44th at FOR SALE. CHEAP-A USE OOUPh HORSE, IV3i dark bar. Can be Men at Miles' stablos, 54 West lilth at. For sa ukoulur-53!ESS ad no bus, b? a iTaxd top Wniron, Coupe Rorkaway with pole and shafts; one art Double, one ifugla liame?; lady's Saddle, one gen tunwn's. Apptr al private stable 11U Meat 47th at. Ftllt SAKK -OSK OliLDIN'O, 7 YFAIW 01,0,1^ lianda, bright blood bay, got by American Star, Ml ol a Kentucky running mare; la sound and kind and unexcelled aa a pole or single horse; ran trot in 2 :!W>. One aorrel Mare, 10 yearn old. I4'i ham's, got by General Knox. oat ot dam by I'.thnn Allen: la aonnd and itlnd; has trotted a half mile in 1:14 and a mile In 2:8.">: would mako an excellent brood as well as rond mare. May be aacn at Truesdell's stables, Nos. Inland 12S \Veat 40th at. B~*T6r SALE OR KXCI1ANGE?AN SliECAKT PAIR ?f mahorany bay r:<rrinre lloraea, III hatida lil^rb. aonnd and perfectly kind, tor a brougham team uiiantpoani in the city; will aell or exehance (or a Hirliter Team, "ait able for ilKht drirlnj,". Apply at private reaidenco Hi Wrat J*0?t? at. Ham Tktoma.v makk kor halk." ins hands lilcli. 8 yeara old; can trot In '2 ::#> or better: alao jrray llor-e. aido bar Trottinsr Wniron and linrneaa; alao eneap ti p W<cnn. Apply nt privata atable, ]&."> ISaat !l5ih at. HA Its ESN.-?<7? IK A i'KST 11 AK.NKss ST( 1KB IS " N1W York; ^'Ofd H iir^'y liarneaa, hand made. VIA; rood Groeer'a Harn-aa. ; irond double Team Harneaa, $10; a ?nod Hone Hlanket, $1 .V>. Please rail and examine fot your-elvra. KI.iUKK X ONBORS, Manufacturers, So. 71 linrrlay at. HA(/ou!r.-4l1l rOR Alt Kit BO AM f TOP POAY Ph leton: not aolled ; eltjr built, Alao coid monnted doiibre Harneaa. new. ma'le hv Dimaenmb: #11'?. Cull on TOM. the enaeliiuan, nt Mr. Morse's private stable. So. 3 We.t 1Mb St. Ir i:srrt'KY kaddi.k iiounr p'oit ~ salk-am. V u-alta and broken to harness: naed In adfVrtiaer only; warranted. Apply at .'is Harritou si., corner of WaahiiiR 1AS0ACJ ASD COACH FOI! SAI.R.-APPf<Y AT PP.t J vateat.ible 10 Kast 27th st., belore 10 or aft?r ft o'clock. VfKW ASD SECOND IIASD -:.V> CARl(fAiTRS, I,AS. J.\ dans, Clsr-ncna ('oachea, Hretta. sll-aeat Phaetons iimi ilorkun ivs, l.andaulets. t'onpea, Coupi itockawnva, Victo rias, lialit extension top PI,a"tons. Park. Pony. Ilnaket and top Phaetons, iro n $1(11 up; Koekawava fro n (7"t up; Skel eton. Depot, Kxpreaa, top and Roiul Wairoiia, |{re?ster and other elt.v makers, from foo up; llarnva*. ^Itlnp; Sheets, niauki't-. Seta, Whlpa, Ac., at prices to suit the times. WM. It. GRAY. V<> and 22 \V.?.ater St. P'lSIVATK STAHLK. 1J7 WK?T I7TII ST REST reduced; others, loth st. CAGSEY, I.'i Abingdon square iSth avi. PASTl RAGE.-:?*> vtlRES OK high. SWEET, WELIs watered and (emeil meadow i'aatnrar*. al tlie Aavlum >? arm. m ar White l'lalna depuv: brood mares and colts a spaciiilty. Ad'lreaa S. B. R.ImTRaM, Wlnto Plalna. LillK I! IV K'S S A I.E. -G (? it A RD RkTTS, AC C T lo NEER. O THIS DAY (Thursday), May H, At 11 o'elr?*<, at ."%Hl? at. ami Utll av , Horses, Ac ?Two lloraea and thres Trucks W. C. CONNER, Sheriff. Va Damn, Deputy Sherilt SACRiKICE.-ft2ft KOR A RKAlTTIfUX. hKW top Kxprt-sa Wapon, triHen forileht. 121 weat 10th at. Tram sormei. iiorskm. h ykars, i6? hands, anil farmer or any pnrpoae; ?l?l separate. So. 4 7tli av. YErT handsome saddi.e mare and kmam, llorsa for aale, on aeconnt of death of owner: both verv kind: ffltklnitle and double barneaa: examination ami trial all wed ; alao St irer'a ligbt Wagon aud Phaeton. KM West 33d St.. storaea olflcr. TtT ANrKD-GESTf.K HORSE, HARNESS and il str our top Pony I'haeton or Doctor's Carriage; give description and lowest pHi e. W. II. BHOWER, IH M arfen st. ?\r0TR OWN PRICK.?TWO LIGHT TOP EXPRESS ] or <!nicer Wagons; lloraea and liarneaa separate. JU7 Weat iwtb st. I IdTrsks, soiind and kinu-sTit any busT 'l Mas; lorred to sell; come and a e lor a bargain. 410 rt'pst :VHh st. - -HOUSE; SUIT EXPRESS, TRUCE, t'AHT OR i/t larm use; w srranied aound andltind. 3.V. W??t 5-'d at. ii; "Wilt KOU "AV HOBBB, NEW Top Vtly'/ Ixix O'ljity, II arne-a ana HUnketa; owner gntrg aoroad. Call at No. " ivaat l ull at. belore It o'clock, ElltOPE. ION'i'S IIOTKIj, NEW BOND ST. AND clifford J ?t.?This well known comfortable hotel for IntolOea and lieiitlemen. the only niu> In Una aentral altuatinn. lias now a most commodious and Inxnrlnasly apoointad snioklnit and roadiu^ room, with a lartre bay window cmnioandiui: a moat cliecrtui view of this important and fashionable tliornnxh tare: yoar visit ia aollcited, ahanld Von not already Ii a vo niade i-liote? ot a hotel In the Weat End of London. Under tiie management of W. I. and Mr*. Chambers. yoGL BROTHERS, 70" nASlNGHALlT"ST. M?NlM>jf V established 2<lyears aa commission house, Intlmataiy acinaitited with thn American trade, are willing torst nd their connection there Mad accept a law good, Qrst class clients for bngllali goods. _ IXCltASOR. country TIN "~ANt> IIOUSK KUKNIsllINtl Goods Store w mted to exch m?o for same basines- I i oil) ; no aaMtts. Address sICK.NKS.a, i o\ 12H Herald "Boa. It'lM'i'AVllAHiTE. 3 ^ 'rfRoW.^K S ClIoP itoUsE. 1,171) BROADWAY, JT. u|Mi i inislii ?war M?it, aofc ?<a A Oil V G4MTOA. jtseb k fAvtagr Velvet Carpetlrg*, Body llrmirli, Tape;try Bru??el?, Three-ply (heavy. all wool) Ingram* (all wool). Ingrain* (Union), Ingrain* (unperlor thread). Oilcloth*, 3T>c. per yard; J.lnoleum?try It. |3 per yard. 91 SO per yard. tl per yard. 91 25 per yard. 7.V. per yard. OOe. per yard. 87c. per yard, last year 4.V. per yard. li A much tuperlor article to oilcloth. 3SS, IS7. and '-'HI Grand (t.. corner Cbryatlc, an.I M Kunylh *1. EM01AL.-MMB. A. DUVAL. D K K.-v-M A k I K AM) 1V I iu outer of Pari* Pattern*. C >r*?t*. ?.?um Pud* and Panier lndiauenaaldo. Pari* *tyica. The Kmiire**. the Couching t)i(!|0(, Prlnwuw Tm?i*ftie. . in*??J in ?roer or cut tv> lit perfectly. Jtoveltle* for ?titr.u?i:r jwtt rii'ilvflu. 8K'? J'.roi4?Iw*?jr. opposite I?' r.l A TeylnrV OPENING-SMITH'S PATTERN BAZAAR SCMMKIt faabion*, 111 K.ttat I4tli m . between Broadway and .illt ?v.. Miutli *1 da.?Grand dlapluy ?l importe i Mimmer Myle*; Patsern*, with cloth model* m them, now rcany. ' Illicit t" the lorui and warr-mied perfect, t.ulttiw ami Imat Iiik uono at ?h..rt n?tlea NOTICE riio?e ?V'V*l,,Mrtl? lor the "MONTH tA WORLD OK fAHllloN" bclore the elnaa of thia in?titli will ?*t THREE DOLLARSworth of Patiorna KKKE ?? premium. Rare opportunity Hi net Ddi'lILK your money In vain*. IS Ka?t I4th *t. _ MllihlMKUV AMD UttBflSMAKIJIta. ? ?MAI'. IK Tl I.MANX. 6/ PABIR. A, iiifcrs hr^o iM?norimctU of fine liowetp wwl from the i?c*t mukorn; latent forn??. 423 6th *v., oeer 2uth St. (Lute Michel'*). . KESS KRINGKH, ISO KIM AND TAS8KI.S, AC., made to order, in any color or length, at tS. .1A0K8ON 8-factnrjr, 11S, 117. 111? and 131 Kiwt 18th ?*.. n-?r 'th ?>. MB. NATALIE Til.MAN IIi-.K t tftTtm era ol the citv and out of New York that *he ha* re in?>v-u from 10th *t. to No. ;.3M Broadway, Iwtweon .tl?t swdlMiim. * KIBDPKAS STEAMSHIPS. \Vl,l1;.'.?".,ri;?,N%?N A>? * CAHKflVit Tllh f.NITKU XTaTIM MAlt. The ?te?ti>?rM ot thl* Hue like the Lnue Boutes recoin nu'iidetl h\ Llentenent Mntiry, U. S. X.*soinic w>nin of tbe Hank* on the pntNege to Queennown itll the yeer rottiw. ii K KM A NIC Mh.t ?t 2 P. M. CELTIC . '! ?. I. 5 ADRIATIC J'tne 10. at .1 P. M. BRITANNIC June t I. M. GERMANIC ?M' Kroni White Ktnr Dock*, pier 52 North Klver. Bate*?Saloon. #H0 imd #UI0, in ?old; return ticket* on reaionuhlc term*, rtieeruire. f2S. . Saloon, *tateroom*. nniokini; and hath room* are plaeeit amid*hi|i*. where the noi-e and motion are leaxt, affordinff a deicree of comfort Intherto unattainable at *ea. Fnr h?Hj?ectinn ??t" plntis and otijpr inlormotitin epply ??t tne company1office. SlV llnnulway. New > ,,|rK,,UT,s. AKPt1t. "Tnohok i niri;i? sTatks mail ?tbamki.s A NKW YO.'tK AN'II ULA8UOM. tSAl.IKOK.MA.MnT ISi. S A.M I VIOTOKIA May 37. 8 AM RTUIOPIA... .May 30, 3 PM BOLIVIA......Jum .?,2rH YOBK AN'I> LONDON. UTOI'IA Mav 37. i? AM I AL'STUaLIA, June 10. 4 I'M ANULlA * ...Iiine 34, 4 P.U I KLYsIA 1. July H. ? I'M Anchor Line ut.<r? 30 and 31 North Itlrer. *. Y. NEW YORK TO MLAMiOW, I.IVRKPOOL. LONDON OK I.oNDoNDi'.jIKY. Cabin*. HS0."> to SIX) currency, aceordinc to a commialatlona. Kxeuraion ticket* on favorable toriti*. Steerage. ifJ* currency: intermediate, currency. Kraft* ittaued lur any amount at current ral??. HRN'DKB?ON itltO'l'IIKKS, Atrenta, 7 Koalini; tireen.^ nUNAUU I,INK.-B. AND N. A. R. M. 8. P. t'O. L' NOTIOB. , With a ?lew to dlinlnUhlnic the chnncc* of colli'ion, the steamer* of till* line take a apeclflc course for nil ** or "on the outward pa*??K0 from Oueenatown to New York or lloMon. cro*ain? the meridian of So at 48 latitude, or nothing to the north of 4JI. On the homeward pa**a(te. croa?lnR the meridian of 5'? at AND yUKEXA Stciimera maracd - do not carryjiteeraire pa*?eneer*. tSahin |in*aatfe, ?80. f 100 and 91:*), Id, accordinn to ?e eommodatlon. Itetnrn ticket* on ar.-rable term* Steerace ticketa to and Irom all part* of h.urtipe at rery low rate*. Krclirlit and paataxo office. No. 4 Bowlluir l.reon, "rate*. rriiRi i.||^H| h8 ? kBANOKLYN. Airent. "KTATtONAL L1NB?PROM PIKKS M9AHU 47 NORTH i\ Hlver. Kor London direct. HOLLAND, Wednoaday, May17.1^M. POK Ol'KKNSTOWN AND Ll\ KISTOOL. PfiYPT Mav 18 A. M. I KN(lLAND..June 8.2 p. M. TUB (jO'KKN.Mair :7.1? A. M. I SPAIN..June 10, TA. M. Cabin pa*aaKC #70 and currency. Itetnrn ticket* at reduced riitc?. Steerage pasiaxe f3H. currencv. I trait* l*Mied from ?1 upward, at current pricea. Apply at the company', office, ? ''"hu&T. MM^, J^UR'riTE>'M8lllV''L^'^BKTWBBN NKW YORK, SOUTHAMPTON AND BKBMBN. Company'* pier, loot of 2d ?t.. Hobokeo. DONAU. ..Saturday. May 18 I ODBll fay 27 Kill'IN ...Satnrdnv. May ill| MAIN Hatnrda), June .1 llate* ol p***at,e from New York to t.onthatnpton, Havre 0rnr*t"?5?bin. 91<*) ?olU: Second Cabin, $30 gvldt ttteerige, 130 currency. Itetnrn Ticket* at reduced rate^ Prepaid S eemne t ertlOcate*. currency. Kor freight ^^yfft-lWoo.. No. 3 Howling O^en. TVvTy DIRECT LINK To PRANCE. TilK OENK.RAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL STEAMER* UKTWEEN NEW YORK AND HAVRE. CALLINtJ AT PLYMOUTH (II. is.) for the lenditiir of prtMeniere. Tlie inlcndW reitwli ?f thU favorite roete for the Con tinciii more ?onther?y then eny other) will neil from pWr No. 43 North River a* lollow*:- , ? , Canada I. VBRAUOII (Saujrlterj batnrday. May a vi i?* w 1 ot]K (1'onxoix) .Swtnrdey, Miy .7 rRiots Ot PAS.HAOK IN (SOLO (including wine]? Vint cebin. #11?> to #120, eeeor^fnc in eccommodetlon. rirst ^72.' Third cabin, $40. Return ticket* at reduced rate*. . .... steer-tire 9Jd with auperlor accommodation. Including wiue bidding and uieii*H?, without extra cbarK*. wiu., nun *|x)Ultt uk HEHIAN. A>ent. Vi Broadway, STN^V VtOlE TO GLASGOW,I.IVKRPOOL, DUBLIN, U " HKI.HASr AND LONDONDKR.Y from pier 42 North lllvcr (foot or Canal *t.) a. followtf STATh OK INDIANA , Tht.i.da.v, Mar IS STATE OK PIvNNSt LVANlA .Tlmmduy, June I STATE ok VIRGINIA Ttaornday, June I> and every alternate Thuraday thereafter. Klr*t cabin. fU'i i() mi iircor.linK to accommodation*: return ticket*, Second cabin, A>0: return ticket*, #0<i. Steerafce at lowe?t ratea. 'Apply to AUSTIN HAl.DA'IJi A CO., .?|foiit?. No. 7"s?eerajfe^Vjeke'* ??"'Js Broadway and at th* company'* j pier, loot of ilenel *t , North HIvwr. rpo Alii, WI1U ADYMtTIRK. I TUK DAILY AVERAGE CIRCULATION OK TIIE I'.VENIMi TELEGRAM, FOB TIIK WEEK THI S KAIl : ? MONDAY", Mar S .Vi.AOO TUESDAY. May U 4s.7m WEDNESDAY, May 1't ? ?i,'j o tVmaN LINE?MAIL STEAMERS 1 KOK fil'EKNsroWM AMI LIVERPOOL. t:fTY OK I: f t 11 MONO Saturday. May 13, atS:30 A. M. CITY OK UK KLIN Saturday, May 27, at H:.*l A. M. CITY OK CHKSTEE Saturday, Jnne lO, it 7 ?;*> A. M. from pier 4S North Hirer. CABIN. Iin.l fim, >.-.>1.1; rrturn tickets on famrable term*. STEERAGE, currency. Draft* liaaed at lowest rate. Saloon*. KtatcrooniK, amoking and b?tbroom* amldahlp*. JollN G. DAl.K, Agriit. l.'i and H.i Broadway, N. Y. WILSON LIXf FOB SOI Til AMI-TON ANI? 1111,1,, II -aliln,' iroin pier 63 North lllver, n* follow*:? IIIDA l?GO. May -"'I oTIIEI.LO Inne 17 COLOMHO June :t | HINDOO luly t Klr-t cabin, #7(1, rurreni y: arcoml cnuln, W>. currency. Bmantim tirkei* on rery favorable term*. Tlirouirh :irke't* luaned m Continental and Baltic porta. Apply, lor lull par '" CHARE'S L. WRIGHT A CO.. .Ml South at. Most direct and economic roctk to hoi, LAXI), IIKLOIL'M. Till', KIIINK, stVITZEHLA.NI>. At'.. *t!.. VIA ROTTERDAM. Steamer SCIIOl.TE.'i May 11 HimmtrMAAS Mnv 3.1 Tiic?? Iwautiful steamer*, earrylnir the United Mat>a nail to the Netherlands, an; great laroritea with the public. Trip* rrjrulur, rate* low, coinlort and living perfect. Fur Irni-ht. Kor MMsatie, FI NCH. EDYE A CO. I,. W. MoKKIS. Ml Broadway. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE-sTEAM TO QUERNS fOWN AND LIVERPOOL sailing every TUESDAY, from pier -til North Hlrar. WYOMING May IH.ll A. W. i N KYADA . June 13.10 A. M. IDAHO May llu. 11 A.M I WlSOONSlN.Jnne 2U.10A.M. Cabin, #??>, i?70 and $ho, currency. Intermediate. *?>; ateerage. Faasengvrs booked to and Irom Paris. Ilamhnr?, Norway. Sweden, Ac. Dr.ift* on Ireland, England, Krancn and Ger many at lowett rut''*. ? WILLIAMS * OCiqil, 3? Broadway. HAMBURO AMERICAN PACKET COMI'ANV'S LINE for n.YMoirrii. ?iikkhoieu andllAMBI KG. Lhr?s| Nil..., Ma* II I KRIhIA Mar 7% WIELAND Mav 1* I SI, KVIA June 1 llarea ol paaaaire to Plymouth. l?ondon. llam bnrit and all point* In England, Scotland aad Wair*: ? I'aMii, flrat Rnlnon, ifold ? 91'" CaMn, aemmMaliMin. gold. ?? ill Steerage, currency 3U Kl'N llARDT A CO, C. II. IIICIIAKII A BOAS, General Aitrnu. General Pa*?engcr Agent*, fll Hroa.i at . New York. ill Broadway, New York. ?1 RE.iT WESTERN STEAMSHIP LINK r TO BRISTOL (ENGLAND) DIKECT, ?ailing from pier IS East llirtr at follow. CORNW Al.t,, Mamprr Saturday. May SO SOMERSET, ?Vt?i-rn Wedne%day. Jane 7 Caltln pumin, lulerniedlatn, flfi; Hiwrain, ((I. enr renry ; exi niaion liekott 4I.<>; prepaid ?teera(t?> r?rtlAeM?s >U''I. Apply t-> W. D. MoKGaN. Agent, it) Sontb ?t. CHUIK'S INTERNATIONAL TOI'RIST TICKETS TO / all fi^rt, ol Eiirupa and Amrrtra at r?<lnef d rate* ? do not rai|ulr* th?-ir holder* to travi-l In partiea. ''Cook'a E* camlowlat" lor May, price |u cent*, contain* far-t for np ward ol l.oii Kfiriipenii and Anierican lour* CiMlE. SON A JENKINS. JOI Broadway, New York UI.VKTUIHE MTKAAIMHIPM. )ANAMA TRANSIT STRAMSHIP COMPANY, FOR HAH FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA AMD TACIFlO Fo Tf, via l-thtnu* of I'anama. Railing front pier III North Hirer. Steamer CRESCENT Cll\ v.s.UCRI)AY, May 77 lor Aapinwall. rontieetlng rla Panama Kail road a* Panama with flr?t elaa. ateamaklna for l?rti aa abo*e. Far freight or paeeaga apply to W. r. CLYDE * oa, coAarwinn *tb.%!iiuiii?*. ONLY DIRECT LINK TO PLOIiI0A.--lVP.PKLY L'|n4 to IVt Xaydt S. * Periiemiin.?, Pla.; tiruoavirk, iiu ; sailiuy avery fhursday, from pier ;*i. I'.nu liiver. 11.a steamer CARONDEI.h I, Captain Ktl'rwry, will unit Tliur?da?'. May II, at '? IV M., Pentaadiaa and fort Royal. Throntfh in krt? Issued to ml eoliiu in Plorida, Kor freight or passove apply to I-. II. MALLORY A CO., of HERMAN MRLPCKK |.M Msiden lane. PACIPIC~ MAIL STKAMJUnP LINP.. porcampornia,japan china, ai'strvlia, NEW ZEALAND. BRITISH OOLCMRIA. .?? .. At;., saillnir from pier foot of lJ?nnl North Hirer. rOR nan PRANCHiCO VIA MTIlilTgoP PANVMA. A< Al l i.t'O Tuesday, May 1??. I]mo? connectm; for Central Amanca and the Smith Pacific I* of imslit o- nasaa-re >pplr at loot of Canal at., X?Nk River. II J. Ht'LI.AY. s-.tporintendent. CTAIt BAM. LINK H i'NITEDitATHA AJtP BRAZIL MAIL STK \MSUIP4 ?niliiiif monthly troin W at sou's wharf, Brooklyn, N. Y. for PARA, PEKNAMMl'CO. HA IIIA and KIO J AX'ElllU, railing nt St. John's, Porto Kico. JOHN It ft VM ALL. Monday. May |.V J. IS. WALKKK. 'fliiirwlay, -I uue l >. Pnasenirer accommodations first class. Por I rr I if lit unit paaaa**, nt radii cd rotos, apply to J. S. ItCKKtt .V CO.. Agents. ?'?# Pino It V K?y YORK AX |T 11A V A X A 1)1 I1KCT M ML LINP.? ?is Ties* ir?t das* steamships will sail a; 3 P. M. from plor 1:1 Xortli River, loot of Cechir ?t , for Havana direct, a* follows: col.i MIC S Thursday, Wny IS WILMINGTON fuesday, Mnv 3U Par freight hu?I pau<ni;o. liiivm?; unsitrpiisai'd nceoni'iiodo tlotIS, SpplY to WM. P CLYDE A CO., No. <1 Bowline Green. Mi'KM.LER Lt'LING A I'U, Aiiotit- iu liavaua. "V Y Havana and Mexican mail ss. linp. J. x ? IHearaer* leave pier No. Xortli I(lverat3 P.M. Kilt HAVANA DIRECT, CITY OP NEW YORK I liursday, May II CITY OK HAVANA | uesday, May .'B poll V Lit A Ottl I AMI NEW ORLEANS, via 11a* mm Proifreso. t'anipeachy, Tusnan .mil Tauiplco. CITY OK HAV ANA foesduy, M.ijp -3 lor freight anil passauu apply io I*. ALl'.X tXllile, ,V SONS. 31 and 33 Broadway. Steamers will leave Now Orleans May 7 anil May ?8 for Vera Cms and oilier ports. IjlOR NASSAI\ k. P.? Kliiil I.AIt MAIL KTEAXRIIUP ' LEO leaver New York Mav 31. MURRAY, KLItUIS A CO.. IU South ?t. NEW OIU.KANS I)|KKtrr 1 rilK CIIOMWELL LINE. The xtflattialiip NEWORLEAXS. ('hpthiii Doarborn, on SATt'KIlA Y. May 13. m 3 o'clock P. M? tr.?w plorNo. n Xorth Hiv?r. ThronsU Mils ol Imliiif; siven to Mobila and nil principal print* on tliH MI*>*iK?lppi ifivcr. t'aliln pu?air?, $5(1; HtcoraMi, 92Ti. Apply to t'LAitK k SEAMAN, 80 Wot at. fi>EXAS LINK POR GALVESTON, fo'l offlXO AT KK1 1 Wc?t. carrying tho Unlioil States mall.?(lie uteatnci t!ITY OP Al'sVl.V, Captain Eldrlda*. will ?afl on Satuntar, May 13, ut 3 P. M . Irom plor Jil Eaat Rlvor TliroJtili billi of ImliiiL' i;lvnti io all point* on tlio Heiiaint and Texan, Central Intnmational and ilfaat Nortliern, oal vr?toii, llouaton and lliMMlernoti. and the (?alronton. Ilarrl* hurK anil Sau Antonio railroads. Prel^hta anil Inmiranor at |owr>t rateo. pur freight or p?a??K0, huvitii; xnprrior tun r iiiiiiioilatloiis, apply to C. II. MALLtlRY A CO.. 132 Maidrn linr. MOIUlAN'tJ LINE ()P STEAMHIIIPsC ~ lor New f)tlt>4iia an i Te.vox, ?? III nail every Saturday to New Orleans. Irannftrrlnf Te*at freight thera to Mnrican'* LouIkIiiiiii mid Texaa Railroad foi Moi Kan City, them e, per Morgan'* line of iteauieri, to Texaj p<irt*. The MoROAN CITY will n.tll from pier 30 North River, Nrw York, on Saturday, May 13, at 3 P. M? for NowOrleani dlrert. Tbroui;li bllU of ladlne >li;nnd to Mobile, Cnlveaton and to all po au mi the Ualve^tou. Ilarrlxburi; and Sau Alitoulo, lloiioton anil Texan Central. International and Oroa! North ern, 1'esaa and 1'ai iDi' and 'rrane^lontlneutal rallroadn. and to Indlanolannd San Antonio, and all points on tIt?? Gulf, Western Texaa and Pacific Railway. Hrntiia Saotiajto. Cor pus iJlirixtl. Itoekport. St. Man 's ana Pulton. preUlit lor St. Mary's it ml Pulton landed at llockpnrt. Lltflitcravo nnil channel dnes at either t'orptt* Chriati or Brsans Santlaico at the expense anil rlak of onsiKtiee. Tiirotitrh rate* to Brownsville, vi i Itio Uranda Uallr.iad. llianrance ean lie effected under open policy off. A. Whlt? ney A t'o.. New Orleans. Krotn New York to New tirleana, J.,'tier cent. (Won New York to all Te\ita porta via New Or leans. por cent. rreluln at lowot rates. Por frulj;ht or further Informtir tlon apply to " CHARLES A. WHITNEY A Co., Ageata, pier 3tl North Klver. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY, galling from pier 17 North Itlver. Por Xorlolk, City Point and Rlchiuoiiil, Tue-elnya. Thnrt* days mid Saturda\a ut 3 P. >1., eouneetitiK with the Virginia ?mI Tcnneasee Air Lino. Atlantic Coast Line, I'leditiotit Air Line, Cliesapcaue mid Ohio Ruilroail and with the company'* strain lines to interior points in North Carolina and Vir^inl*. Newbern and WiKhitiirinu, N. C. (\i ? Norfolk), every Tues day. i'hursday and Saturday. Lewes, Del., Monday and Thursday, at 4 P. M., connecting with Muryland and Delaware railroads. Pu'sen^er aeconitnoilatioii^ unsurpassed. Through passaice tickets and hills of laMinfC to all points al lowest rates Insurance to Norfolk, Ac., '4 percent !'reitclil received dally at pier 37 North Hlver. General oiHres, l?i Urecr.wlch ?t. N. L. Mi't'READY, President. 1l*OR UALIPAX X S., AND ST JOHNS. N. P. 1 CROMWELL STEAMSHIP LINE. Steamers leave pier 10 N. R. followiliK davs at 3 P. M. GEO. WASHINGTON Kritay. Moy 19 GEO CROMWKLt Tuexlay. MajrWI Por fral^lit or patsagn npply to CLARK A SEA M AX, SU M'est at. T" UK OLD DOM INION STEAMSHIP COMPANY, havint; reflttcil their line sido wli??l steamship ISA.n llELL, 1.0" 1 tons, purpose despateiilntt her from pl-r o7, foot 01? Beach at, at 0 P. M.. Saturday, May IS, tor Phil.* rtelphla. remalnintr there at lout of Itnre >t? convanlaal it hor?e and steam cars to Centenultd laroatids, Irom Snnd.i} af ertiooti until Thursday. 4 P. K? nadllni New York Prt day. Ample state room accommodation Pa-?enp*r? to r? tain rooms and have meals on ship eotiro trip. Kkta lot tootid trip, tncludlnx meal* and room, $.'?"? to #.111, aecardlnf to room. Apply at iteneral oillec, ll'7 lireenwiclt st. TBAVELlEHS' Ol'IlJE. *A LBANY.-Pldl'I.K S LINK. STKA MBO \'IS LKAVj ^V pier 41 North Hirer, dally, Sundays excepted, at 6 P. .v., for Albany and all points North and West. C11TIZENS' LINE STEAMBOATS POrWoY AND ALt / points Northeast and \Ve?t, leave dally, except Sattip day, at 0 P. M., from pier 4M North River C1ATSKILL tIKKKK I,INK?NF.W UHAMriOA, IXKl* ) day, Tilnrutinj Hint Saturday, from pier 4a, Canal ?kt Ml'MAKl'S, alternate day*. l.eroy *t., <1 I'. M. TJIALli K [V KII USE TO IIO.-TON, I? rla Newport iind Fall It Tor. Tb? world r?nowne? Meumboat* 11,'tISTOI. and PKOVIPKNi'F. I ?urn pier 'JI North Itlrer, loot of Murray at , daily (Snndara exeoptedi, nt 5 1*. M. Tliri>::nU ticket* miIiI at all tiie principal hotel! in 1 lie city. ? OI.I> BHTAHLISIIKD I.INK Foil STI YVKSANT. t!AT8 kiII ami Intermediate landing*.? We?m?r AXDRKW HAItDhR. trum Franklin ?t. (pi?'r ?*"?), Tuewtay, Th?r?dii/ mill Sntnrilay ; atoamer MONITOR, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at ft 1*. M. PENNSYLVANIA RvTlNOAD. (lltKAT TIU'N K LINK AND CXITKO STATUS MAIL ROL*TB. Train* learo Now Ynrk, via I>c<br.i?*ei and ?;ortlan It ?troet ferrle* an follow*:? KxprfNv lor llarri?tiar<, Pltta'mrir, the West and Snntii. villi 1'ultni m palac.- car* nttnched, Umt> A. M., 0 an'i rt: tj P. M. Sunday. H ami S:Hii 1*. M. For Wlllliinmpori. i.ock Haren. Oorry ami Krio, at Bi'ia A. M. nn'l S :.'to I*. M.. eonurctin; at liorry for ntairilla, ivtrolenm Centre and the oil region*. For Haltitiioro, Wnahliigtcm <?t?il lii<" South, "I.I tilted Wa*k iii'.'ton K*prr??" iit 1'nllman parlor car* dully (except Sunday!. i):30 A. M.,attire XVn*lilnyton 4:IH |*. Af. lie# i lar nt K:4?? A. M., 3 and f? I*. M. Sunday. !? I*. M. Kxpre** for Philadelphia. 7, 7::V>, t?:40, ?:? ' A. *, 4, 4 :l'i. 5,0, 7. s ::tii, :i P. M. ami I a night. Sim lay, ?>, 7', H M anil 0 P. M. Emigrant ami ?econd claa*. 7 I* M. For train* to Nnwar*, Elinabotli, Itahwiy, Princeton, Tr?n ton. Perth Amboy, Fletnlnutoti. liemdere and other point*, ?e* local *ehedttl*l at all nr!tef offlr'*. Train* arrive Kriim Pittaburg, U:Vi nml 10:$> A. M. and IOSJOP. M dally: 10.IS A. M. ami il:>0 P. M. dully, ?* rrpi Monday. From Wii*liington and Baltimore, ti:M A. M., 4 *>5. 5;I5 ami HI SIT P. M Sunday, ttrJO A. M. From Philadelphia. 5:IO, l?sW, II fifl 11 "it A. M., a :I5, 4 tuft, 5:15, (lilt, O-itL S;|l nnd l'l:i> I'. *. &nnd?y 5:10, li.'J), <1J5, 11:54 A. M.. S..1U and IOt43 P. M. Tu-kut office*. 520 nnd B4I Hroadway, No, 1 A*tor Home, and loot nf l>p*tiroa?e? and t'nrtlundl ata.; Xo. 1 t.'onrt -t., Hro'iklyn; Noa. 114, lltl and lis llndaon at., Iloboken. Enilirrant tlellPt ofllc(>, No. 8 llaltrry piiu-<>. Hi ASK THOMSON, D. M MO YD, Jr., (Icnrrai Manager. lion. l'n*icni:er Agenf I)III[.AI)RI<PHIA VIA bOXO UltANCII AND TKB New .li-r-ry Soiithfrn Itiillroad.?Karo^lnwer than by uiiv otlipr r<>iii(<. oommemdni; May I. ISTfl. l.caro Now York, P<er s Nerth Klyar, lout Rtctar ?t.. 0:45 A, M., lot lionn llnimdi and Intermediate point*; !?:4i?A M.. lor Phlliv di-lplila, IxinK Itrimrh, Viiifland, Ar.; 4 P. M., Inr I'blladoi* idiia. Iwiiik llr.nirh, Tnck^rton, Ac.: ?l P. M., tor Long Itranch. Ar. W.Xl. s. ftNKUKN, tieoeral Mawpr, 11KMOVAI, MAY 1 TO I'lKIt 43 NORTH IIIVKR. KOUl J? of sprinc ?t.-Kor Roiid<int and Kini;*toii. conneetlna with litter and lielawiirn it nil road, landlnir at IllebUnd Fall? (We?t Point), Corttw-tll, .N?lrh?r*, Marlboro. Siltnn, i'miahkeoi aie and Kl p-i*. StoamlMtaia THOMAS GOR> NF.L.I. leave every Tries-lav, Tlmr* lay. and Hatnnlav; J.VMI'.S M'. B ALOW IN. M.indiv, Wedneeday, Friday, Spring *t., pier 41 North Rleer. at 4 P. M. _ STONIMOTOR LINK KOlt BOSTON. Kednrtion of Fare, St- iim-rn ItlOUF. ISLaNU nnd NAIIRAOAHSBTT, IWw plerXt North lllver, foot of .lav at.. at 5 P. M. Providence l.lne, from pier '27 Worth Hirer, lout of Park pine*. Mtaamnhlpn 1'.l.Kt'Tri.V and <1 AI.ATr.A. nt | :?l I'. M. RXd'RfllOXH, ' " n*ll,Y F.XOI KSlONS TO NKW IIAVHS.-ON'AJlfi alter Tnemlav, Jnne .'O. the uteamer TWIMtillT will make dailr ecenr*iona to New Harm, learlnte New York In the mornintr, making n*aal landlni;* nml returning name allrmiNin tjlLSIIINU HAN KM?dUNIIAV. Ma* 14. 81. a.\ W AXI> X" peefatlon Pay, wan uteamer >KTI1 IX)W. leaving Itarriiuin ?t.. North River, loti A M : Kin *t . Kaat Riref, 7; pier a". F.a*t Hirer, 7I">; lotii -t.. North Illwr, 7 m; nlir m. North Klver. s A. M. Ticket*. U. N. M.?Ketrnlar trip* alnmt Jane. AL. >? FOKTKK, Manager. RkOULAR HC'NDAY MOKNINli K XI *1' I: SI ON MOAT for Nenr IIkVmi.-Tho palace' ateamboat M aOKNTA will leare Veany ?t., North ltiver, .it HA. M.: Fulton ferry, Mriirikiyn,W;|.">; liraad ?t.. Kaat Hirer. H:KI; ?ld >i., Fan River, h :?,V on and after >n olay. Mar 7. Is76; rptnrnlag. learr- New llaren at 3 P. M . arrive in Now York at 7 P. .<?? Fnre for the exenralnn, Ml. I IS H'i'H UtTjU.Y . A Vol.'No I.AIiV. WHO ItKNlKRs To MAnTKH TlIM foreign langnage*. wl*lii-< to form the arnnalntan-a oi ?ome gentli-man rrf Iflanre and rc*p?rtability * ho la aaalnat to learn Kiiirll*b properly. IJ7 Ka?t Hkh at. LAIIY FltOM PARlM WIMIKS Tt) f RAOH FMBKCH and mnelr in a family daring iIm inmmer month* in twH?nw lur 'marl. Apply TKAt'HKK, No. 3 North Waahington *<iaare. Now York, between Hand 1 o'riiH k. A'rpLlrATIONS FOK tlOLOHMITII'S (Kt WKITlVti claaaea r ere I red thl* day, from 4 to # oVioek P. atndenta' rlaaa at HA U,| lAtliea'. at 4 P. M. Ilo -in*, -7" I Weat 43d at.. rornerOth ar. Send for elrenlai*. TKACHBRr IIAVIMO SPANK IHftt, WtlTlS lika one er two pupil*. Addrn* P. X., bo* 110 lleraid I'ptown Hraneh aim. FACHttM WANfib -BrtMCWAL. OBBTUHtSi principal for aaperior k*7?' arhmil. Weat. j"W. ?H,':lKKMKKIIt?NS, 14 MmkI ??. PlttlltlNAIiS. PAMAHoLs?TAKF. NOTftrk-'WAXTMi. *Kff*AI'r3 for 0,01*1 patent *?lfaanp*?tln^ Paroaahj, Mnnnlae. Hirer* call an THK PAI.MO SUNsMADB OOWFaNV. sm H?Hnlwar, rooai Jl tar pwtlmlan, ketwea* Ik* tmmf tO. and U> .