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WASHINGTON. rROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. Wamunotok, May 10, 1S70. PRE INVESTIGATIONS?ATTEMPTS OF TUB BE VUBLICANS TO BIURU THEM?A glMMABT OK THE RESULTS?WHAT HAS I1EEN ACCOM PLISHED IN CUTTING DOWN EXPENSES. The illness or ubseuce of member* of Congress and the impending holiday for the opening of the Centen nial Exbibiliou have continued to put a temporary mop to most of the Investigations going on in the House, and the results so fur shown have naturally become a natter of conversation und discussion. Many ol the republicans try to belittle the whole course ol the In realisations. They poiut out that blunders have been made, some of them laughable and ridiculous, iU<1 thev attempt to cast upou the whole of the inquiries the odium that they are partisuu. fluey say. too, that nothing has been discovered; that It is doubtful if Mr. lleiknap will be tried by the Sen ate, or If he will bo coudomncd il he Is tried; and thai "nobody else has boon Impeached." But tbo result ol those inquiries cannot be successfully belittled. It la quite true that Mr. Helknitp may escape; that some of j Uia Investigations have not produced tlio startling ro- i lulls which wore too couliduutly oxpected ol them; ! that gome witnesses have had a bad character, I ind their testimony was not credlblo, and j that early in tho session some inquiries were be/un, like that of Mr. Hluckburn into the President's absence i li'om the seat of government, with which Ctngri?s hud i no business. Hut the geueral result of the investiga tions, as the democrats rightly claim, has showu a :ouUition of uUalrs which, It it Is laid before tho people, as they mean to do In tho cauvass, can scarcely fail to have a powerful effect on tho public mind. lliese inquiries have showu I prevailing looseness in tho udmiuistrutlon ?f public trusts, which is for tho present overlooked, tccausu only u few people keep up with the progress ?f the numerous investigations, and bec.tuso tho timo las not yet come to make an Intelligent summary >f theui for tho popular Instruction. It muy, Tor Instance, bo impossible to convict Mr. Belknap, but the evidence before tho Clytner com in it tec proved beyond a doubt that post trudor Ibips. had becomo during the present administration Simply perquisites, given away by high ofllcers to rela tives or favorites, anJ sold by theao to tho actual trad ers. It lius been shown that a briber of the l'rosideut was employed at a regular saintly a mercantile Urm to procure thein government contracts. Mr. Kobcson Ills securely in his seat, hut It has been shown that n brother of his most intimate Iriend made a great sum of money out of naval contractors, aud that he himself favored a banking firm with large loans of government money in u timo of pautc and commercial depression. The investigation of the Kreedman's Hank manage ment shows looseness, extravagance aud favoritism in all its uiiaiis, which, considering tho objects of that bunk, ure really criminal. Ol the management of Indian uttairs It is needless to rpiak. The investigations havo showu, even at their present, stage, tho universal provalenco of favoritism, wastofuluess in tho expenditure of public money, looseness in the execution of trusts, the careless spending of tncuey without tho authority ol regular appropriations, lack of vigilance in the chief officers tud condoning ol neglect slid incapacity In the lower I (Beers, ospccially where they hull powerful political friends. It will not do beforo the people, democrats say, to assert that all this amounts to nothing, and that so long as a public olllcer has not been Impeached belore th^euato or put in jail by a jury his conduct shall be held blameless. Aud in this they are right They havo already gathered materials which, If they know how to digest them and put tlieiu forth in a readable shape, will give the republicans great difficulty to ex plain. The economies made on the appropriation bills themselves show how curoless and oxtravugant tho ad ministration of the government had become. In tho Diplomutio and Consular bill tho democrats made a mistake, which many ol them now see. Hut tho naval appropriation lias been cut down $6,000,000 below that of last year, and with no injury to tbo cfliclency of tho navy, as is admitted. Tbo Army bill was wisely sent to Secretary Talt lor revision, and he has easily recom mended a saving of over $&,0v)u,000l In the Indian service $7,000,000 or $8,000.0.10 will bo saved, if the Indian Ring does not prove too powerful for the House. Aud all these great savings are on the basis of the forces of last year. It is understood that some of tho ablest democrats ?ntlie House nro eugiifed In summarizing the result of tho investigations, aud that belore the sesBion closes these result* will be presented to the couutry iu ouo or two s|>eeches which will show in an in telligible and readable form what the Congressional inquiries have developed But tbo committees are by no means done. Some of them, as that appointed to inquire into the mauugement of the New Orleans Custom House, havo scarcely liegun. A good doal of work remains and there is no disposition to leave any thing undone. THE EIGHTH AND IMMUNITIES OF AMERICAN C1T1/EXS AEUOAD?AN ACT FOR Til LI 11 DEFI NITION' BEFUHK THE HOUSE?BOW THE DUTIES OF CITIZENSHIP ARE AVOIDED. Tho bill defining tho privileges and immunities of American citizcns living In foreign countries will prub. nbly come up in (ho House within a Tow days. In ob ject is, by a fow plain and definite regulations, to enablo Americans, whether bom so or naturalized, whila liv ing abroad, to so make known their citizenship as to establish their right to the protection ol the govern ment without delay or dispute. If it becomes a law il will be an important convenience and sateguard to Americans in lorcicn countries; will prevent or set tle, without delay or expense, all dispute* u|>on the sul^ect with foreign govern ment* and will prevent persons not citizens trout using iraudulent naturalization papers, as is now done to a very great extent, to assort some vague but troublesome claims to the protection of the Dug under wlilcb, in many cises, It has been lound they never lived. A simple registration at the office of an Ameri can Minister or consul of Hie name and addrets of a citizen aud proof ol citizenship secure him all the right* of citizenship so long as he chooses to remain abroad. The bill also fixes the status of chil dren born abroad of Amuricau parents, or where one of tho parents :? an American citizen, and regulates the manner In which marriago between Americans may b? solemnized la foreign couulrie*. A residence abroad for over two years, with lailure to register in the tnauncr provided in the bill, works for feiture of citizenship, It is suggested that If the privilege 1* not worth that much trouble II Is not d-served. The question* which this bill 1* Intended to settle have cotne up within the last dozen year* before ino^t civilized governments for settlement; antl, In connec tion therewith, has bucoino known a singular fact, that a very largo number of persons, nowadays, prefer to livo out ol the country in which they claim citizenship or or which they acknowledge themselves subjects. Various motives impel them to this, but one of the chief reasons is believed to be the convenience of thus ?Touting tho duties ol citizcns or subjects in tboir own countries. It Is believed that many thousands of foreigners of diflorent nations aro now living lu this country with uo intention of boconung American eltl tens, but with a view to escape taxation aud military and other burdensome duties in their own countries, aud the number of Americans who go abroad to live for a term of years with nmilar views constantly increases. Such persons are apt to claim the protection of tbeir own government when they tali into difficulties, aud their increasing uumbers mako it expedient tor all governments to make dstlui c regulations by .which citizenship may be easily established, in order to avoid dolus too. GENERAL WASHINGTON DESPATCH. WASUiJurox, Hay 10, 1878. PABDOVS SOUOHT FOB ILLICIT D1STI1J.EB8 IN THE SOUTH. A strong application was recently made to th? Attorney General aid to tho I'resident for the pardon of* large number of Illicit distillers In tho South, par. ticdiarly In Oeorgla; but, acting upon the views of the Revenue officials. thu< tar no pardons have been granted. The application seemed to be for a wholesale pardon of theso prisouers, the cases principally beiog Ifeot# of comparatively (light offences, and the pott Umm Ml forth tbat they had air cad / been sufficient!/ punished. The application not haviog been favorably acted ii| un, now petitions have boot. presented. giving snocillc coses In which the clemency of the government ta invoked. There are numbers of them now before the Attorney General. LLXINGTON RACES. THITiD PAY OF THE HPltINO MEETINO OP TIIE KENTUCKY ASSOCIATION - BULLION AND ABD> TIDES TUB WINN ELS. LaxiTCTOX, Ky., May 10, 1874 Wo bail a lively dsy for racing, and the people front all part* oftbe country crowded the stand* on the track to their utmost capacity. The Held, which is t beuutiful groans ward of timothy and blue grass, shaded by twenty-six walnut and blue ush trees, was densely lilted, and a picture very delightful to a New Yorker. Tho I idles ware out iu force and oiegunco, und taiked "horse" With tho iult'lligenco of experts. It was really a gala day for Kuntuckians, as the race bctwoeu Artstidua aud Ten Broock was reckoned to be a chumpion con test between tbo two best lour-year-olds in tbo West, or, |ieihaps, in any part cftho eouuiry, both the get of Engl sh horses, out ol Lexington mares?Aristldes by Lcuuilnglon and Ten ISroeck by i'haeton. Speculation ran high ou the result 01 tho event, Ton Broeck being tbo lavnrlte at two to one ? over tbo other n tho early sal!?*, winlo Aristldes before the start bad the call, and bin ownor backed him at even ttioucy a* long us I hero was a j dollar offered on Ten Broeck. There was no reasou j for any chances In the betting, and it only happened I with the desires of the partisans of each horse to get their money on at any odds as soon as they readied tho track. Tho condition o( these horses j was considered to be period, aud the owners and truluers of each wore contldcnt ol success. This race was the second event ! of the day. The lirst was a mile heat race, hut with' j the except on of looking at tho running tho speculators i contiiiod themselves exclusively to the "champion race,''as it was callcd. MILE IIKATH. The first ruco had lilteen entries and six starters, comprising Mclntyro k Nichols' bay llily Tilllo Urelit, I A. Keene Htcbards' chestnut colt bullion, (ieorge W. Downing * chestnut lllly Larglntoeii. H 1!. Mdirath's brown coll liadgaisian. a. J. Salyer's bay lllly by Blar lieystone, dam (ioneva, and T. J. Mugilibea's chestnut lllly Eaglet. was the choice In Iho pools, flllie llrem second lu favor, liullion third, with the Held hrindng a like amount with tho lssl horse. Unit.?Bit let had the host ol the start, Dail gmslau second, liullion third, T.llle llrent fourth, Lar glnteen lirth, and tho lllarneystono llllv sixth. At the quarter pole Eaglet lod by a bead, liullion second, Dallgaslan third. Tillle llrent lourth, Larguiteen fifth, aud the Ulurnevuloiic filly last. Bullion then wont to the front, and lit tho half mile lod a length and a hall, Eaglet second, Dailgasitan third, Ttlllo Brent lourth, the others lar away ii.v tho three-quarter pole Bullion was threo lengths lit advance of Kaglot, Aiilxasian third, Tillle Boent fourth, with tho balance as before. Uullion caiuo down tbo boinestretell under a bard pull and passed in front of tho judges a winner by six lengths, hi 1:40'.,. Eaglet was second, six lengths ahead of Dallgasian. Tlllio Brent, Ijirglnteon aud the BlarueyHtone lllly distanced. Second Heat?liullion tbo favorite nt $400 to $50 against the field. Dailgasuin look the load, Eaglet second, Bullion third. Tho latier led around the others on the turn, and was a length ahead at tho quarter pole; Dailgasion second, two lengths ahead of Eaglet. The race was no longer In doubt, as Bullion, running with bis mouth wide cpen, was galloping away from the others. Ho led three lengths at the hall polo, and. coming easy along, won the race In a common nanter, live lengths iu front ol Eaglet, who was a length In advance of Dniluasisu. Time, l:45)a. III'LLIOX, tho wiu nor, is a golden chestnut, 16^ hands high, with a little white ou his right hind pasiern. Ho has a good head, stout nock, well iuclined shoulders, good nudd!? pioce. quarters aud stiller, sound feet and logs. The only delect Is a scar on tho hind foot caused by a cut. which ts only an eyesore but no injury to his run ning. The coll has always boon worked with heavy weights on his back never less than Irotn 120 to 130 lbs., a practice carried out by A. Koeno ltichards with all bis colts while they are tralnlgg. TWO A.ND AX K1C.IITH MILKS. The second raco was a sweepstake for four-year olds. two in lies and un eighth, and ol the sovon entries H. I'. Mctirath's chestnut colt Aristides, and Erunk Harper's Imy coll Ton Hroock, wcro the only ones that camo to tho post. When the colts took "their tire liaiiuary canters up and dowu the truck beiore the start, great admiration ol' thoir condition was ex pressed by tho multitude, aud as the horses moved down to thoir places at the furlong-polo, thuro was a silenco that was remarkable. At tho llrst time of ask ing the Hag fell with Ten Broecu ou the Inside. Then a puro Kentucky scrcoch rent the air. Swim, on Aristidcs, pulled back to a trailing position as be catne to tho stand in li% seconds, unil he lay thoro around the turn and until he got Into straight work on the laikstreteh, when be moved up, and as ho did so Walker, cn Ten Broeck, appeared ready for lum. A. quarter of a mile rattle ensued at head und bead work, when Aristldes dropped agaiu back, Swim having satisfied himself that bis colt was fully *< fast as tbo other. Ten Broeck was a length ahead at tho hall-mile pole, aud two lengths In Irout at tbo three quarters. The burses ran down the homestretch lu tbis way, both under a strong pull, 'Ion Broeck imaging under tho string still two lengths lu front ol Aristides. Teu Broeck maintained this ail vantuge around tho turu und along tho backstrctcli until ho bad passed the half mile-polo and hcnan as cending tbo hill. Then it was that Swim liegaii to lorce the paco with Aristidcs, und tho gallant sou of Loam* ington responding gamely to tho call, moved up on Ten Broock gradually until at tho three-quarter polo tho two were parallel. Now It was apparent to all that the red horso had won the light. Ho loft Ten Broeck as soon as ho entered tho homestretch, and coming homo won the raco by thirty yards, amid tbu greatest excitement. Tune of two lust tulles was 0:31, making tho total 3:4S'j. which ts the quickest time ou record. The ovuliou Boin Abe ladies' stand to the winning horse, ?>y tho waving or buudkorchiers and other tokens ol' admiration, continued until tho weighing ol the jockeys hud taken place and tho race announced by tho judges. BlXHAKTi Lkootox, Ky.. May lti, 1S76.?Tiiikd Day of th? S I'KINU M KKTlNlt OK TI1K KkXTI'CKT ASSOCIATION.?IlKST Hack.?Sweepstakes for llirt-c-ytur-oWis which liu<t never won a race prior to entry (March 15); $60 each, $2.1 forfeit, with f;iiK) added by association; the second borne to suvo his stake. Mile beats, A Koene lUcnards' cb. c. Bullion, by War Dance, darn Uoldring 1 1 T. J. Mugibbeu's cb. f. Kaglet, by l^anet, dam Gallons 2 2 II. 1'. McGraih's br. c. Bnllgiuiiau, by Biurnoy Stone, dam Lucy Fowler 3 3 Mclntvre & Nichols' b. r. Tlllio Hreut, by l'buotoo, dam Xottio Viley dia. Goorge tV. Dow nmg's ch. I. LaiguiMcou, by War Dauce, bv Huvll dia. Samuel J. Salyer's U f. by Blarney Stone, dam Geneva. dia Tlmo. 1:46 >4'?1:46 >?. 8am* Day.?Sk0(>9(0 Rack.?Sweepstakes for four year-olds; #60 each, p. p., with $600 added by asso ciation ; second horse to suvo his stake. Two miles and an eighth. H. 1*. Mwirath'nch. c. Aristidcs, 1>y imp. Leaming ton, dam Sarony, by Lexington (Swim) 1 F. B. Harper's li. c. Ten Hroeck, by imp. l'baulon, dam Xancy Ilolton (Walker). 2 Time, 3:4S.V SCRATCH K!> Brinska, ch. e., a years, by 1 hacton, out of Brcma, by Knight of St. George, is scratched lu the Withers Slakes at the Jockey Club rooms. A GLOVE CONTEST. A glove contest hctweeu^le two exponents of the beauties of the "manly ari," Dwyer and Miller, will take place to-night at the Olympic Theatre,, in Brooklyn. It is expcctod to be what is called by tho knowing men "a raiilina nirair." SPUING FllESHETS, BIQH WATKR IN CANADA?U.VII.KOAD TBACE OYE1UFTOWKD IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. Dkskrt Vii.lao*, Ottawa District, 1 Canada, May 10, 1876. f The water is six inches above tho level of last year and la still rising. Part of tho village is Hooded. Portaqk ih* Koht, Canada, May 10, 1876. Tho waters of Ottawa Kiver are higher than ever known Ik'I ore and rapidly rising. The bridges a re covered with water, and tlierouncil Is now In session to devise means lor their security. Moxtriai.. May 10, 1876. The water In the river has overiiown the wharves. Temporary wharves are being erected. FBESHM IN NEW HAMIKHIUF. l4lrutll. K. 11., May 10, 187& T V highest freshet in thi? Vicinity in ten years la In progress. The passengers on the ft'>siou, Concord and Montreal Railroad ?er? l ran > for red from Houtb < aster ui QOsnfcrs Tbe track is under water m ni^ny places. The water is still rising and much damage is I eared. MUNICIPAL NOTE-?. The City Ball was elsborately decorated yesterday with the tlags of all nations in liouor of the opcuiag of the Centennial Kxbibitton. Comptroller Green arrived In tho city yesterday and resumed bis official duties. Mr. Samuel A. Lewi-- is the acting Mayor during tho temporary absence of Mayor Wickliuin. Tliere wer? two Ualian couples married in tbe City Hall yisturday. RELIGIOUS MANIACS. Seven persons, suflering !r<>m religious mania, ware brought into Hellevue Hospital yesterday; an uuusnally large number lor one day. Knur of there were meu Tbeir ages averaged thirty-live yeara and all were mar' ried. It is boileved they will eventually recover. Last ni^htan on know* woman, i.ily tears old. waa foil ml wandering in the streets I y a policeman, who con veyed her to Hi-ileviie Horpita! Ii was there discov ered thai she wa? another *let in of rtiigious dementia, and she waa locked up in the cells. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC NOTES. "The Star of llio North" still reigns at Booth's Theatre. On Thursday alleruoou of next week Mr. Joseph 11. Tooker will have a benefit, when Messrs. Barrett, Bangs, I.evick anil K. L. Davenport, and Misses Ada Dvas and Sara Jo won will appear. (iilinoro's Gardon will bo opetiod this evening, under tbo management of Messrs. Shook & 1'i.lmnr und the busi ne*s dlrcct ion of Mr. K. G. Oil more. Tho garden huii been delightfully and beautifully decorated aud promises to be inoro attractive than last reason. It will have the udvuntago the celebrated oil'unbacli, tho man whose music has been sung from China to 1'eru, aud whoso irresistible magic has set the wbolo world dancing. The baud which he will direct in tho series ol twenty concerts tnis summer comprises 100 musicians. It includes twenty flrst violins, sixteen sfceond violins, twelve alios, fourteen v.oloncolios, twelvo coutra biusus, two trumpets, llirco llutes, three hautboys, three clarionets, lour hums, two bassoons, two corsets, threo tromboues, one cphicloide, with cymbals, triangles, drums and bass drums. Tho com | m>> It ion of this orchestra Is peculiarly titled to givo oxprosHion to M. Oflenboch's music, und as ho will lead himself and produce original compositions each night New York will have opira lonfft I rum the pure und spirkling spring. Special couoerts will be given every Sunday night undor Olleubacb's direction. THE DllAMA IN ENGLAND. MISS KATE FIELD'S MUST APPEABINCE IN ION DON?A GENUINE SUCCESS? NEW PLATS FOB MISS GENEVIEVE WAliD. London, April 29. ISTtt. Miss Mary Koemle, who will bo bcilcMtnown to yoa as Miss Kalo Field, made her Urst appearance on the London Hige on Wednesday afternoon last ami ob tained a getiuine success as Vol into, in Tohin's stand ard play ol "The Honeymoon." Miss Genevieve Ward played the part of Juliauu. Tho other charac ters were represented by actors who did anything but assist our two lair Ainoricuus in their labors. Miss Field does uot come to London as a totally inexperi enced actress, for 1 believe she has had some minor engagements In tho provlucial towns of t ho north where sho gamed cousiderablo reputation in n quiet way. She adopted there the name OT Mary Keemlo, and under tho shelter of tills num it' thfuire ea:ne to Loudon, where uone of tho critics knew of her real nunio and position in tho world of literature und the platform. 1 think I shall do Miss Field onlf Justice if, ; instead of giving you any ol my own views, 1 >|Uoto ; those of the London papers, which will give her Iricnds an unprejudiced idea of her reception. WHAT TUB LONDON'KKS SAY. The Athrunum mys:?"Tobln's comedy of 'The lloncynioon,' revived at a Gaioty matinee, showed to advautage Miss Genevieve Ward, who gave u clever and Kpirned perlormanco us tho heroine, Juliuna. It. tho part ol Volatile Miss Marv Keeiule aiad? her tlrst ap pearance on the London stage. Sho is uu actress of much intelligence aud vivacity, aud her performance evinced a genuine Iceling lor comedy." Tho IJIobr said:?''111 the part of Volanlo Miss Mary Kecmlc inado her first appearance In Kncland. Some truces or nervousness were apparent, but the imper sonation was bright, animated aud intelligent." The .Sutultty 'ISme* Hays:?"lu the part of Volante Miss Mary Koomle, a young actress ol dlstiucl power and remarkable intelligence, made her llrsl ap|iearanco on the London stage. Her performance was bright aud vivacious, and siiowed great aptitude lor comedy." Tho Ilurnrt says:?".Miss Mary Keeuilo made a highly promising iirsl appearance. She looked the part of tho lively Volatile to the lile and played It with arch and uucxaggernicd vivacity, Sho listens ex tremely well, is always rn xnnr, and will uo doubt prove extremely successful iu high cotuody." 1 think theso notices do not overstato ibo truth, and It is probablo that Miss Flold will, il she socuro u reg ular engagement, become a pleasing aud popular actreta, for Bhu Introduces the olcncut of intellect uality In her performance which la usually so appar ently lacking on tho Locdou stage. UEXCVIKVK WAUD. Two plays are boing written lor Miss Genevlfcvo Ward, one by Mils Aylmer Dlako, who, iu%holesomo droad of literary pirates, keojis her subject a secret; whilo claiming, and In this'she Is sustained by tho actress, that It la immensely powerful and dramatic. So much is given to the public?that it is nlstorical; a reproduction ol one of tho momentous dramas In real lile enacted iu early Knglish history. THE SUIUKCT or THK SKl'OXD PLAY was suggested by Miss Ward hersell, und is engaging tho attention of two playwright. Mr. 1'algrave Simp son, the maker of plots, aud Mr. W. G. Wilis, uuthor of "Charles 1." and other plays which have achieved it deserved success. Thus if high art manufactured in the nineteenth century. The "Kdipus of Sophocles." following up the success of tbo "Antigone," will shortly bo brought out for tho benellt of Miss Wuru at the Crystal l'aluce. "Venice Preserved,'' revived at the Gaiety for Miss Ward's benellt, ulforded that actress an opportunity ol displaying her varied {towers In the (treat rbte of Beive dera. Her succcss was decisive and brilliant?ono of tho greatest she has yet achieved iu I.onJon. THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC PAUL Mr. William Cullen Bryant and Kev. Dr. Armitago have promised to deliver addresses this evening at the fair of the Young Women's Christian Association, now lieing held in the Academy of Music. These Addresses will undoubtedly renew the Interest already manifested lu the fair. It is pleasant to know that tho success of llie fair has been even more than was anticipated by its projectors aud conductors. DRAMATIC FUND ASSOCIATION. The lift or ofllcers elected at' tbo recent meeting of the American Dramatic Fund Association, whlcli was communicated to the press wan not complete. Tbo tol lowing Is a correct list:?President, S L. M. Harlow; Trustees, B. It. Boosevelt, W. K. Trnvers, John Hoev, W. IS. Duncan and John Hrougham; Directors, John Mllbort, W. Davlage, W. J. Florence, K. S. Chnnlrnu, C. W. I'ouldock. W. R. Dunham, (ieorgo Hecks, W. Stoddard, Theodore Moss, T. J. Hind, 1*. C. AuJerson, H. Islierwood, A. Urotssi, K. K. Taylor and Thomas Placlde; Secretary and Treasurer, \V. II. Harrison. The recent olectlon was the twenty-eighth ot tho asso ciation. A REMARKABLE CONFESSION. Yesterday forenoon a young woman, who gives ber name as Sarah Stevens, aged 26 year*, called at tho Kuat New York Station House and stated to Hounds man Herbert that she had been guilty ol lulaotlcide and desired to give bersell Into custody. Her story was that Ave years ago, while residing with her mother at No. i'l Walts street, Now York, she had laden from { tho path ol rectitude und< r promise of marriage made by u man who was Ix-anling In their house. She gave birth hi a child, und licr mother took the iniant Irom ber and, as sho stated. smothered It. Mother and daughter then burned the retuulns in a stove. The woman win upon tho recital ol this story taken luto custody and brought before Justice Ucrtum, who in turn sent Iter to the Brooklyn 3u]>eriiit( tnKm ot Po lice. A detective was assigned to take her to New York, and there to iuve^igale the strange story in the ne ghborbood in which she claims the crime was com mitted. DEATH OF DR. W. W. HALL. Dr. William W. Hall, aged sixty-three years, of No. 64 East Thirty-fourth street, died suddenly last night at thu residence of Mr. 0. Yunderbilt, No. 72 K.iat Thirty-fourth street. The deceased wus walking in Thirty-lourlh street toward I'urk avenue at seven P. M., when lie fi'll hi a tit. Ilo was taken into the residence ol Mr. Vanderbllt, where hi' dteil witliiti n lew minute*. The cause of death is suppo-o'd to have been apoplexy, l?ut the coroner was notified lo hold an uiquoat, The deceased was editor ol' llall't Journal of Hratth. A NOVEL INVENTION. A new species of self-registering barometer, tho In vention of Professor Chluin, is now on exhibition in this city. It Is a splendid looking Instrument, registers every l>urometrlc ihange to the hundredth part o( an inch, and keeps its own record lor a month together. With the oMinary surtmcc-seciioo barometer It has bjtherto been found dilllcuil to record the nicer atmos pheric pulsations, and almost impossible to make tho instrument i?erlcctly and accurately self registering. Tho '.nanner In whlrh these difficulties have l>eeu met and overcomo in Professor Chluiu's Inveu tion is very ingenious. The instrument Itsoll Is about lourteeu fe<t in height. In tbo centro Is the merctiry coluuiu, two and a half inches in d'.nineter. This is surmounted by a Ualiebetl j globe, which rests at the edge* upon three large but ve:y light cylinder*. tilled with atmoi.|>herto air and mu tually sealed. There are balanced with the groate.t nicety upon the mercury column, and as they present a very considerable *urla< e to the air, Its action u|k>ii them, or ratliar upon the air within them, which cannot vary In density?. is instantly lelt by the mercury column and transmitted by an automatic crratigeiuent or groal simplicity to the reaisicra. There lattor eon ?1st ol two revolving cylln?.? r? covered with record pnix-rs. ruled ?o the hundredth part of nn Inch, and in rtntact, on their lt?n?r *ide, with a prepared plumbago paper. A stylus pressing sfainst the outside mark* the rise and tall ol "the mercury aa the cylinders r? voive. Moth revolve hy means <>t a chronometer move niehi, the ouc regi -tertng twenty-lour hours, tbe other one month. This is a remarkaole and mon uselulad vaate in barometric mechanism. OBITUARY. laisn? HEY. M Y BON BABI A telegram from Mlllord, l'a., ol the 10th Inst., re ports:? Rev. Myron Barrett died on the 8th lost. at his residence. in Newton, N. J., aged Qfty-uina years. Mr. Barrett wok horn in the northeastern portion of Dutchess county. New York, on September 0, 1816, and gradu uted from Yolo Ollogo in the year 1S-U. He com pleted his education at the Princeton Theological Seminary In the year 18(1. His llm settled naai'iruto was Willi tlii First Presbyterian church of Newton In the year 1864, BALPH H. G1JAYIH. A despatch from Knlelgh, N. C., of tho lOtb InsL, an nounces:?Ralph I!. Graves, Principal of the Hillsboro Military Acadcmy, died suddenly to day at HUUbora ROBBING THE SHERIFF. The continued depreciation iu the value of bis stock compelled Mr. David F. Height, carpet dealer, of Grand street, Williamsburg, to retire Irotn business at tho commencement of the prosuiit year. A l.irgo portion ol bis stock was stored at No 210 Third street, wbcre It wan seized by Shorjll Daggett on Tuesday to satisiy a Judgment. Deputy ShoriM' Lawrence wus placed In charge of the property, but during the night while bo was deeply engaged iu a game ol euchre with a relative of llulglit's the good* were all spirited away. The in liter was placed in the bands of Captain Wogloiu, who, with the asm stance ol Detectives Short and Hol land, found the good* ou the ttoor ahove where tbey had previously been placed. All the carpets. Arc., tliux found, worth $1,000, constituting about two-thirds ol the oriental stock, were removed to the .station houso where they await tho action of dharitr Daggett. SI III TING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. DATES or DKHAUTCRIU VUOM NWW YORK FOR TUK MONTHS Or WAV AND JIW'K. Slr<IH*rr. Sails. Leasing ? A Kcholten.... Cltr ol Richmond Egypt.... t.'alilornia , J'.ill;.II I'hmhiIu Wyoming bcotia Hull Hill Wleland. State of Indiana.., ktidonia Germanic Labrador. Bothnia . I'ri.ia : ?Miias City "I Berlin 'I lie Qneen Victoria <Ii!m A*nerii|ue. I" < < ?i>l.-* Idaho A'lV.tinla State ot Peunsvla. Kncliind Celtic Ccllcrt Bolivia MmLu -1-1, :i ii .... Adriatic City of Chester..., Nevada Mute ol Virginia., May il May 11, ?May 13. May IK. Mitjr II. May 1.1. May lU. Mnv 1?. * ay 17. M nv 17 Miiy is. May 1*. Mnv 2?1. M>v :o. May 20. May 2". Mav 24. M?v 25. May 2ft. May 27 M ay 27. Miiy ? 7. M nv 27. May 27. Mav 27. May ?>. Mnv 31. .lime 1. June 1. I uiie 8. June H. Julie H. June H. .1II ne :i. iJuno in. " lnn? lo. lune l<>. June1H. June 15. H*- ytsUnatnm.f Ofiet. | lluinbnrg.. IK1 Broadway I Rotterdam. i.'ill Broadway I Liverpool.. I 15 Broadway I Liverpool.. >1111 Broadway liUmfnw ... Bremen... ?I*\ re Liverpool.. Liverpool.. I.ondua.... Hamburg.. (?Insgnw... (ilaagow... Bremen.... Liverpool.. II at re Liverpool.. Hamburg.. Boiterdutu. I.hem Liverpool.. Ol* SITU IT.. . H re iuen.... llnvrc <Hind'<n Liverpool.. Liverpool., niwinvi... II nliihurt.'.. Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Hamburg., tilsaeow... foremen.... I Liverpool.. ' Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Liverpool., tilaxgow... 7 Bowling liroen 2 bowline l.roen 1 roadway 2!* Broadway 4 Rowling ilreea '?:? Broadway >?! ltroMdwuv 72 Broadway 7 Bowline ilreea 2 Rowling Oreea i>7 Broai'wav 55 Broailwav 4 Bowling lireea HI lt*oadway .'?(I Broadway 15 llroailw*', W Broadway 7 Bowling Oreen 2 B"? l,n (ireen Ml Broadway 7 Bon-ling iireea 2t* Broadway < Bowling Oroea 2 Broadway ill Broadwar fill Broadway :i7 Broadway HI Broadway 7 Bowllnir iir*en Bowllnu Ur.ieo Broadway S7 Broadway 15 Broadway 2f Broadwav 2 il roadway 03-NOT1CE TO CAPTAINS OF VESSELS IS THE COASTING AND FOREIGN TBADE-Captalna or officers of vessels engaged In the coasting or foreign trade, observing the displacement or removal (if sea tiuoys, are requested to com municate tho (act to tho HkhaI.d. so that It may be hringht publicly to the attention ol tho proper authorities. A letter ad<lres?ed "to the editor of the llnXAi.n, New York city," giving aa accurately aa poasible the number and position of displaced buoy* cr the causo of their removal, will suffice in all .cases observed along the Atlautic and Pacific coasts of tho American Continent. When they are obsoivod on the coast or European countiiea or in the Mediterranean it is requested that information be sent either by telegraph or letter to the London office of the Nkw Youk Hkkald, 4U Fleet street, I^ondon, or to tho Paris office. 61 Avenue de POpera, Paris. Where tho telegraph Is uaed despatches may be addressed "Bennett, 46 Fleet streot, Loudon," or "Bennett, 01 Avenue de l'Opera, Paris." Where cases ol diaplacoinent are observed in the waters of countries beyond the reach of the telegraph, as in Aala or Africa, captains may communicate with ua upon reaching the first convenient port. This information will bo cabled free of charge to the Hhkaid and published. ?^?NOTICE TO CAPTAINS OF VEB8ELS ENTERING THE POKT OF NEW YOUK AT NIGHT.?'The Nkw York Hibald bas adopted a distinguishingCoston night signal for use on board the Hkrald steam yacht, showing while burn ing the colors rfd. green, red. changing from one to the other in succesaion. and can bo soen several miles dlatanL Cap tains of vessels, npon reeing this signal, will oblige ns br preparing anv niarlno nows they may have lor the Ship News Department of the HkiiaLU Kjr*Per?ons desirous of Communicating with vessels arriv ing at New York can do mi by addressing to aucn voasols. care o!IIkrai.d news yacht, pier No. 1 East Uiver. New York. Letters received Iroui all parts of tho world and promptly de livered. Duplicates are required. ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY. HUN AND HOOK I RICH WATCR. Sun rues 4 47-| Got. Inland....morn 10 14 Sun sets 7 Of. | Sundy Hook...morn 0 29 Moon risos eve 10 44 | Holl Gato. mom 11 &0 PORT OF NEW YORK, MAY 10, 1876. ARRIVALS. RETORTS? BT Til* HRRAI.I) NTKAM TAHHT* ASD URRALD WKITKHTOMH TKLgUltAPH UXL Steamer 8c?tia (Brl, I.citoll. Liverpool April 33 via QowDttowu :.(?th, with radse and passengers to C (i frinck ly ii. Steamer State ol TndlAtin (Br), Ssdler, (flaspow April 2rt Hml Larne -Vtb, with ludso anil 15S paarengers to Austin, Baldwin A Co. .steamer Kthlopia (Br>. Craig, Clasgow April i!9 and Mo vilie 3Uth. with nidia and 215 passengers to Henderson Brtw. Steamer Labrador (Fr>. Sanglier, Havre April 2!? via Plymouth 30th. with uidse and passengers to t> do Beblan Steamer Columbus. Reed. Havana May ti, with miue ?lid puranmni to Wm I* Clyde ft Co- May 0, 4(> miica mirth of llatteraa. passed bark Ocean yue'en. bound north. Steamer AloeniHrle. Glh'js. Lewes, Dal, with mdse to the Old Dominion Hteamshin C? Kriii Waiter Smith. liigiey, Montevideo SI days, with hl<lri? to oruer; vessel to F 11 Smith ft Co. Cr ?sed the Kquator April ltt, In Ion 89; had Una araatber tha entire prnna. Hrtit Aiaaka (of Dorchester, KB), Tucker, Matnnsaa 11 days, with nfar to Chaa Luting; vessel to 8uow ft Bur gee*. Sclir Millie Trim (of Bangor). Drinkwater. Demerara -J3 riaM. wttk *ngar to order; vo**al to H W Loud ft Co. Wa* 3 ilavs north of llutteras. with light SW winds. Sclir Adam Howiby tof Kllsworth), .Million, Mlrasoane 12 days, with logwood to Knnhart A Co. vessel to Warren Hay. SehrJohn C Hareeaay (ol Philadelphia), Simmon*. Uttda nas S days, with sugar to order; vessel to Overton ft Haw king. Schr Irvine (of kantport), Barry. Cardenas 1-1 davs. with molasses to llaiway ft Caanda; ves-ei to Brett. Son A Co. Schr D H Tolck. Sawyer. Calliarieti 11 dav?. with sugar ?n ' melado to Rublora ft Co; veseel to John Xlltlosen. Sehr Clara, Liuplncott, Klclinwnd lor Newatk. Sclir K Johnson, Joluo-on, Virginia. Schr K II Lewis, Somsrn, Virginia. 05f Bark Constant!* (Nor). Kiiudsen. which arrived ?th. reportsMarch 'J7. iat ?ISl S4. loo 2'J 41. pushed a bark In bal* la?t, wltii mainmast carried away. an>l all the yards on tlie inremaiil broken and drilling alongvide; the crew ware at work saving the rlciriug: she hailed from Yitad (Sweden); could not ai.cortain*her name. l'ASSKD THROUGH BILL GATE. BOTfXD SOUTH. Steamer City of Fltcliburg, ftpringar, New Bedford for New York. Steamer Elcctra. Yonng. Providence for New York. Brlii Hope (Br), Brady, Maitlaud, NS, via Bridgeport for New York. Schr Patron. Weeks, Oreonport for New York. Sclir Jenny Llnd, Tuckar, Brookhaven for New York. Sclir Casco lM(f, Itearce. Bridgeport for New York. Sclir Sarah B Thomas, Arnold, Middletown, Ct, for Now York Sclir Mnrv ft Carrie, Mosler. Newport for Now York. Sclir Mariner, Uorliani, UtMIWM tor New York. liOOND FAST. Steamer TilUe, Ewing, New York for New I^mdoc and Norwich. Brig Myromi. Higgl' *. New York lor Marseilles," Srlir Surprise, Seaman, Port Johnson for fall Kiver. Schr Cornelia. Morgan, Newburg for Norwich. Sclir Bertha J Fellows, Smith, Port Johnson for Ports mouth. Schr II T Pottor, Anderson, New York for Now Haven Kclii Hello R lluil, Brush, Am buy for Proridonre. Schr Walter irvin/. K.\der, Port Johnson lor Salem. Sclir Mary K tlagen. hitter. New York lor Boston. Sclir John Bandolph, Parker, Port Johnson for New Bed ford. Scnr Julia Baker, Baker. Philadelphia for New Haven. Schr Flight WUana, I'or', Joliusou for Fa.I River. Sclir Lillie O Wells, Well*, Port Johnson lor Providence. Schr Kaxtein Light. Chase. New Yark for Province! own. SchrSarah H llncklef, lluukley. N?? York for Suuthport. Sclir I'aniisyivauia, Coorao*, Kendoiit for l>> tton. Schr llelou, Searles Hob<ik?n for Wiekford. Schr tiliiie. Huniy. New York lor Warebife. Scbr S M Tyler, liart. Port Johnson lor Provldenca. SebrJosepii H llos*. Creen, Kondout for TtMBton Sclir J D Cuuningliatu. Cunningham, Port Johnson for Wood's ITnle. schr Carolina A Cornelia, Staples, Iloboken for ffoal'i llola. Schr Rlvordale, Brown, New York for Boston. Srlir Floronae Shay, TUrliaf. New York lor Oporto. Schr C-eres, Alley. New York lor Porlsruwiith Schr John Warren, Mriiar, Port Johnson lor Fall Hlvcr. Schr Bengal, llnll, liondoi;! fur Norwich. Schr tieorge I'VitcukifS. Mt vors, Ponghkeapria for Hart ford. t Relir Anson Ilrown. Miller, Port Johnson for Fall Itiver. Schr Kxcelslor. Bhdenburg Port Johnsun lor Fall River. Scbr PerUte, Shemelil. llo'ioken for St uiin/ton. ScurOeo Edwin, Adarea, New York for IM.Iiton. Schr Jos Roger*. Fiekaii. New York for Portland. Ct. Schr B > Woolsey, Tlrrell, New Yort lor Maotneket, Sclir HA Dauilnc, Hoardman, Amboy ?<>r ligrttnriL Schr Amarlcau Chief. Simw. .New York fur Boston. Schr Bevenna. Kelly. Port Johnson for New Bedford Schr Salman Washburn, Hathaway. Naw York for Tann ton. Brif C C SweeneT. Cole. New Y ork for Copenhaireii. Schr Faioritc, llow?rit. Port Johnson N. v lia?ea. Sclir Fred l>iar Tirreil, Port Johnson lor Fail Klvar. Sehr K Pharo. Hi.rton, Port Johnson tor Fall Itiver. Schr Julia Ann. Wood, llohokao fui-Weiteriy, Schr Tiinl* l>epcw. Baker, New ^ ork lev HoCtoa. Scbr Cbaa K \\ ashiiigton. Iloibrook, Naw York for Wall Ami. Bcbr E A Cheabro, Soblns, \mboy for We*t-rly. Helir Matthew Viuu, Jr. Kelloy. New Vcrfctor Saw Bad ord. Scbr H A Korijrtb, llubblf, Nrv Vor* fur Stimlurl Sebr O 0 JLGkvn, lltwl, New Vuik fur Staiutord. BELOW. Bark Prltdwnr Alexaudra lUul, Dtvil, frum 8t Croix, to Roche Uron A Co, Schr Cbas Slearu, from CLEARED. Ptenmer Seythia (Ilr), Haines, Liverpool via Quecmtown? C U Prancklyu. WfMWf Lieurge W Elder, Corner, San Kraut iaco?Kredk 0 Schmidt. Steamer Cleopatra, Bulkley. Charleston?J W Oulatara. Steamer Martha Steveua, Chance, Baltimore?Wiu llal tall I I Steamer Concord. Hheerin. Pliiladeluhia?James Hand. Mark Kiihon (Bo, licwitt, Shanghai?Peubojy, Willi* k Co. Brig Itoliert Mows. Dearborn. I'oluta-Pltie?II Trow. brid'-'O-s Souk Uris Lily (Br), Lawrence, Ha: Uport, SB?J K Wbitnay k Co. Bri* Edith (Br), Peterson. Wilmington. Bel?Sim p.on. Clapp k Co. Schr Li.'bt of tin- East, Harper, Barbadoi aud 1'urt Spain (Trinidad.?K W Whitney. Schr Julia K Wil.etta, Day ton, Jacmel?l*aac U Staple*. Schr Joaeph Karwoll,, Baracoa?B J Wenberg k Co. SchrBarnutt Jouea, Critteudon, Kloutbcra ?B J Wenbcrg k I'n. Schr J II Chaffee, Buell, Harbor lalaud?B J Wenberg k Co. Schr John Snow huer, 8bulM, K^-Vlkan .t Ondfrey. Schr Anion Stlnson, Slotaar, Key Weal i.nd Peuaacula? Beuner ,t Plnkney. lirhr A J Beutley. William*, St Augus'lnc, Bentley. Gilder ?I< e?o k Co. Schr Ridgewood. .Tohnaon, Georgetown and Pot BluIT, KC ?K I) ilurhut ,t Co. Srlir U \V Anderson, Anderson, Wllinlncton, XC?Slagbt k Petty. Schr t'iiaa K S?ar*. Turner, Boston?Jed Frye k Co. _ Kclir Samuel Washburn, Hathaway, Tauutou?Staple* k Phillips. SAILED. Hteamem Scytbia (Br), for Llv??n>ool; CleopatM, Snran nnh: llurri*??urT. Puiliultflfthla; UeHeoti. Sun Kr*n clucu: l'llurim, do; burk? Elitt B*r*? (Ilr). BorinudH; Hec tor i N'or). Qu(M?tiNtowu or Falmouth : Lor*na. Uio Janeiro und Shu tor*; brics SporUmun, Port Natal; Duuiel Trow bridge. Bnrbudos. Wind At ?nu?et, >SE; at mi tni^lit, W. freh. B?roiueter at auneet, 2H.77. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Prim Pomona (Br). Molyneux. at Bo?ton 9th from A?ii?, Willi livnumvlttp und sugar |>iit into Mathewtowii ilnaguai April 14. leaking hadlv. A board or survey ??< called, who recommended tlio discharge of the sugar (1.071 cereoo*). Thia brought the leaf nearly out of water, and to aave the expense of nnvthlng like permanent repairs the captain hail tlie topaidea tried. The sugar would bo lorwardod by Or-t opportunity. Hoik Kuici.i.xk MrfiAtw, from Qnlncv Point for Philndel whlel went a*b"in May H. on Townaend'a Inlot bar, will l>e a total loan. The rvaael la insured In Boatou. SinruDILOINO?T J S miliar t k Soil, ot Riehmond, have ? ai hoiiuer ot 2(X) tuna, which will bo ready to launch tbe last ot May. NOTICE TO MARINERS. whistli.xu m'ova. Yesterday, the tender Putuam. of tbe Llglithouae Board, went outalde Sandr Ho.ik to |ilace a abort distance aouth ?:trd ol tlie 1 v:lit>lilp a new invention an an uid to naviga tion, to bo named the "Automatic Pog Signal Buoy. It Is of boiler ir?o. ohaped aumewliat like tbe ordinary nun huov. and ha? extending from ita larger end a tuperinir metal tube, aNiut HI feet long and abont 111 incliea diameter at its lower extremity when imtueraod. The uppar or amall end of the buoy i? I'urnlalicd wltli a fogwlilntle and check valvea to ad mit the air. The principle a', operation la very simple. The riae and fall or the buoy caused by ilia action uf the wave* prodiii-ea a corresponding motion >u the e ilumn of water In the tuho, and thia hydrudynamic presdire operatea the whta lle l>y lorcing the air through the urittce which tcrminatea tho nmuiling cavity. Captain Klilnd, the Llt;lithoiiso fn apector. accompanied by several ot bis olScers and gentle men iroiu tlio city. IntereHtco in the result of tho experi ment, went out to I'lperlnt-nd the placing or tbe buoy, niiil to give to tbe Inventor* the benefit of III* experience. H tin) rc?!ilts prove satisfactory. tliW adddltlnn to floating beacon* will reader importuut acrvluo tu navigation. WHALEMEN. A letter from Capt Gilford, of bark Oak, of New York, re port* her at Valparalao March 24, where the would racop per: had taken 7(1 bbl* ap oil since lenviug Panama. Re port", spoko March 18, lat 3t! 30. Ion 7.'? W. bark Muming Star. Lewea. XB. 130 bbl* ap ilnce leaving Valparaiso, bound to Talenhuano soon; 20th, bark Mary Kelly, lilObblt sii "11, bound to Calodra in a lew dar*; Oth. bark Nap<ileuu, Turuer, boiling an 80 bbl ap wb. The John Carvor, l>*an. Nil; Jobii P West. Manchester, do, and Atlantic. Bruwn, do, were on the grouud, the latter bound to Talcahuano to *eek fr.dght. A letter Iroin Cap' Weeks, late ef wreaked *chr Palna, or NB. Uutud Brava April 1. date* that he bad taken command of schr Kleetwlttg. uf SB. and would sail about April IS, di rect for Sew Itedlord. with :I7 panaengera. A letter from C.tpt Jacob A Howland, dated Valparalio, Apiil 1, report* at Talculiiiano, no (late, bark Johu Carver, Dean, SII, with 240 blila ap nil. Arrived at Valparalio March 2S, Iwrk Maripoia, with 50 bbla ap and 800 do wh oil. At Caldert:, no date, bark Mary, with lUObbliip and 000 do wh oil. SPOKEN. Hhlp Dashing Wave, from San Pranelico for Tacoma, April 30. lat 10 S. Ion 124 40 W. Bark Dnlnare (Br). McDonald, trom Liverpool for Phila delphia. April 10, lat 40 38, Ion 18 31. Brig Carrie Winalow, McCart, frum Rcaario for Boston, Api II 11, lat 4 20 S, Ion 3f> 40 W. Schr Maggie Hailing, Irom Matanza* for Boaton, Maj 9, on Samuckut Shoal*. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND CAPTAINS Merchant*, chipping agents and shipmaster* are Informed that by telegraphing to the Herald Loudon Bureau, ad dressing "Bennett, No 4*1 Fleet street, London," or to the Pari* office, addres*fng "Bennett, 81 Avenue de I'Opera, Paris." the arrival* at and departures from European and Eastern port* of American and all foreign veasel* trading with the I'ulted States, the aauie wBl be eabled to thia country free ot charge. Captain* arriving at and aaillng (Vom French and Medi terranean porta will find tbe Paris o.*Bce the more economical and expeditious for telegraphing new*. OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEW8L Ariudal? Arrived, bark Candeur (Nor), Nellsen, Baltl dioro. Aurm?Sailed, ebip City of Aberdeen (Br), Scilu Mew York. Bristol Channel, May 10?Arrived, ship Jaime B Lin coln. Lombard, Antwerp for CardllT^to load for Rio Janeiro. Bkkukx. May H-Arrived. (hip Hramerlebe (Ger), HirUei, Philadelphia: bnrk Olbere (Ger), Albert, Baltimore. Sailed Nth, ship Trim (Nor), Braver, United States. Sailed 9th. bark Autuinette (Uer), Uosenau, Baltimore. Crookhavxn, May 10?Arrived, sblp Huguenot, Ursv, Iqulqne lor orders. CAUDirr, May 10?Arrived, bark nelea Aagler, Staoles, Bristol. K. Capii. to May 0? Arrlvod. scIim Welaka, Perkins, Havre; Frod D Carle. Condon, do; J 8 Brandon, Fletcher, kir?| Ion a. Sailed 4th. scbr Fred Jackeon, Pettengill, United Mate*. Smiled to Oth. schr I.inie iiuwey, Davis, Gloucester, Mas*. DtTXOKNKSS, May 10-Arrived, bark Northern Star (Br), Worthier, lteuulnrt, SC. for London. Glasuow. Mav ft? Arrived, bark Prlmue (Sot) , Oleen, Wil mington. SC.; 10th. ship Blrdston (Bt), IIouter, Baltimore. Sailed 10th, bark Odd (Nor), Nellsen, United Stales. May 0?Sailed, steamer Italia (Br), Craig, New Tork. Hamdibo, May 8?Sailed, bark Norway, Mathews, New York. II ill, May 10?Sailed, bark Evening Star (Nor), Spelch, N ew York. IIavhx, May ft?Sailed, ships Matanra (Br), Homer, New York: L 11 Gilchrist. Emerson, Sandy Hook; bark Ranker (Br), Doty, North America; brig Magpie Vail (Br), Pratt, Hamilton Koads. I.ivKnrooL. May 10?Arrived, bark Tlgre (Ani), Cosnllch, New Orlrsns. Arrived fttli. steamer Oberon (Br), Itanney, New Orleans: liarkn Ottlllle (Uer), Totte, Wilmington, NC; 10th, Aagusta Klsa (Hp), Tradna, Ualveston. Sailed lOtb, ships Dunrobln (Br). Harris, New York; Deo blgtndiire (Br), San Krandseo; barks Ceres (Nor), Elnert eon. New Vork; LleQeld (Nor). Evensen, do; Delta (Nor), t'asparsons, Hampton Roads; schr,J W Colfln, Chieholm Cape Breton. Also sailed 10th, ship Laneaeter, I<aUnd, Mobile; barks I indennaes (Nor), Tonniesen, United States; UaleMton, (Ger), Kobnenkaiup, do. U?do?. May lO?Cleared, bark Radomlsto (ttal). Mar teneill, l alted States. Hailed from Uravesond loth, steamer Canada (Br), Sum ner, New Yora. LiiFuiri. May 10?Sailed, bark Raebele (Aus), Bnrchtll, United States Loxdoxdkrry, May 0?Arrived, bark lhana (Ens), Blom, Baltimore. Paimtow, May 9? Arrived, bark Soetrene (Nor), Urana, Darlea. PnxAO, May 7?Sailed, bark TltaaU (Nor), Tergesen Boston. * 1'itkHto, May 4?Sailed, bark Pasqnale AJitlo (Ital), I'iuta, L'nitoil Mat i Onrsnowj, May 9,10 PM?Arrived, steamer* Atlas (Br), HoseaMin. Bolton ior Liverpool; 10th, 4 AM, Italy (Br) Wehst-r, New York for do (and both pmceedrd). Boo*. May 8?Sailed, bark President Datie (Nor), Olson. United States. Kuril, May 7?Arrived, ships B F Metealf, Blanchard. New Orleans; Geo Washington (Uer), Probst, Savannah; Elisabeth Hamilton, Stewart, do; Protector (Nor), Melasor, New Orleans; also Emille, from do. Rto JAXkiKo. May 9?Arrived previously, bar* Elverton Barclay, llaltimore. SoiTHAnrro*. Mav 10?Arrived, steamer Weser (Oar), De IJrnons. New York lor Bremen (and proeaeded). Stkttin, May ?? Arrived. Angvl ftotn Philadelphia. Sto. kmolm, May 7?Arrlvod, bark Dagraa (Nor), Olsen, Kew Vork, SwixKMvxnit, May 7?Sailed, hark Kong Bverre (Nor), Larson, New Vork. Tuivi, May W?Sailed, bark 0 O Whitmore, P?abody, Honir Konir. L'nDirAi.t.A (Sweden)?Arrived, bark Aarora (bw) ER vedt. Savannah. *i? HimirOoL, May 9?Arrived, bark Eurupa (Nor), Kliasea. PsusaeeU. t f ium Pot*r, X>7 ft?Sailed, bark Huoro Maall!ft(tta9 CirHMno, Philadelphia. WEATUKB KKPOBT. Bkiitol, May 10. 0 PM-WInd E, Hoi.vnxAD, May 10, 830' PM-Wind K; ba jmster. S0.J9Q, FOREIGN PORTS* Axjwm. May 5?Ship Frsd Tudor, Bearaa, from TJverpool, will discharge at Soutahava. CAKUkKAa. May 4?Arrived, brie Rnmola iBr>. Edgelt, Tr,.on. Hlli. l a k. Canada (Hrl, Wood, New York: brig I lloalaml, Lakeman. Portland; .elir, Kahili I'.rlelon. Ilark ness. New *ork: Kutli Oarliiw, Sawyer. Baltimore. Sailed 4th. sclir Waldemar. Park, north or llalteras; 8th, bark Matthew Balrd. N?.ves, do: lirii; Little Harry (Br>. (iinltli. d i; schr llattie E Sampson. Bunker, do t'l?.xrUKij?>?. May I?Arrived, brig Mary 0 CoiMTy. Har wood, Manxauillo. II iv im, May 4?Arrived, brig Medina (Brl. Virgle, Mnr. pool: 5tli. hark Sagadahoc. Powers, Newcastle, K; KHh, steamer t'lty of Vera Cru*. Deaken, Now York. Sailed 4tli, brlx* Mariposa. Fletcher. Cailntnen and Now York; 5th, bark? Kiiima F llarrlman. Wliittiar, Cardenas: Kale iBri, Tader, Caibarien and New York; Suauker IBr). Wlmeliall. New York. Cleared 3.1. bark Palang Packet ((lor), Sehultw. Pensa cola: brie Wanderer (Hr). Mvshall. Dillon. M mm ha. May I?Arrived, brie Maurice, Veoaio, Norfolk. MaT*S>!AS. May B?Arrived. brig A J Petteujrill, Hall, Philadelphia. Sailed Sth, brig Sarah M Luring. luring, north of 11 at '"s'r'TiiogAH, April 'JO?Arrived, bark Valkyrie (Br), Mo Uuarrle, Duukirk 'and *ailud -' VI fur Penaacula). Itm .1 AixiRii. March 110?In port barka Adelaide, Bailey, for Baltimore, Idg: Cliiiutli'li'er^t'leiuebta, from do, dlsg: St I'mula. Hmwii from Richmond, do; J I. Pendergast (Br), Rate*. lor New York next day; Lincoln. Thorn, for New Orleans, Idg; brig it I' Wriirlit. Clark. Irom Baltlmoro, wtg. StJohs*. NF. April 'J!-Arrived. schrs Miriam (Brl, Sanp. New York (and milled 27th for Sydney); Nellie Soott. Milan. New York iand nailed Mar 1 f?r Sydney); Evadne, I'nrdy. Boston; 27th, brig llattie Pettla (Br), Pevtia, Uut '?!vrrlvod Mav 10. steamer Nova Scotlan (Br). Richardson, Liverpool for Baltimore. Cleared 27th, brig* Pedro, Gardner, Sydney. CB; 28th, Ethel (Br), Debrlx, Pornambuco; /.annul (Br), Leblanc, Sydney. SrxwCBft't Iklaxu, May 3?Arrived, bark Flash Light (llr), Card. Now York for Three Sinters NS. St John, NB. May U?Arrived, ship Gen Douivillo (new? Brl, Irom i.ourtney Buy. Cleared B'h. bark Rnchantroaa (Br), Petiarth Koada; achr The Star (Ur), Provideuce. Vii'tokia, May 2?Arrived, steamer City of Panama, Ber ry, San Francisco. AMERICAN PORT8L ALEXANDRIA. Muy 8?Sailed, steamer E C Knight, New York; schr* A Denike. Andrew W Rhodes, Florence J Lorkwood. and Muttie B Ilulon, for ?? H VNliOH. Muy ri-Suited, brl^ Dauutless, Perkini, St Croix (not ua lieforel. Htli?-Hilled, schr Kllen Perkini, New York. Bl'OTIlBAT, May Arrived. schr* Mountain Laurel, Norwood, Calais lor New York; L U Knight. Pratt, Rook luud for do; Aflierican Ea<:le, Brown. He r Iale for do. ftli?Arrived. A'butt Lawrence, llandy. New York for East; Win l> Cargill. Rieli, Calais for Now York. RATH, May 8?Sailed, schrs Oriole, Baker, Norfolk: Clnirliu Buckl, Fee*. Wilmington; Cobassut, llaniar. Mew Y! ik; Mary Kiley, . Odi? Sailed, ?chr Addle Blaisaell. Crnwell. Georgetown. IIRVKKIiY, Mar !>?Arrived, achr J II lluddell, Jr. Sharp, Philadelnhia. CHARLESTON. May 0?Arrived, bark St Joseph (Nor), Johanaen. Hull, E (not aa telegraphed). Cleared?Schr S L Ktuaoll,. Smith, New York via Jack sonville DAR1EN, tin. May 4?Arrived, bark Brodrene (Nor), Kv ensoii. London, Cleared?Ship Alox MeReniie (Br), Conp, Hnll, E; barka Orion ((ier), luttorer, tilouceater, K; Canada (Ger), Laiu mart. (ialwav. 5th?Arrived, bark Ocean Home (Br), Reea. Liverpool. Cleared? Bark Julia Ileyn (Uor), Schroder, Hurdrectit. nth?Cleared, bark Aniiandulc (Br), Stephena, Liver P0I>KLAWARE CITY, May 10-SalIcd, achr Col W Raxoe, Smith, Salisbury. Mans. DIUHToN, Mav U?Arrived, aclir Abol W Parker, Dean, Philadelphia. lilJTCH ISLAND HAilBOK. May H?In port, achr* Twi Hi;bt. Warwick. New Bedford lor Treittou; A K Kindberg, Ames, Hun?'or l'or Phllsdelphla; j E Pott*. Rowland. Provi dence for New York; Cicero. Luwaen. Bangor lor do; Vicka bun-, Wlnfurd, do for Philadelphia; Paugaaaett, Wlnche*ter, Kali Iliver tor New York: Lark, Hutrhc*. Bangor fur Wash ington; K II Rraiix, Kayoor, I'awtiuket for New York; Ana K Stalford, Ketcliinu. do for Philadelphia; 11 Curtia, Bray, Kali River lor rto; Providence, Rice, Providence for do; I Div ert;. Uanilv, do for Now York; Conntitutlon, Young dofor do; John ll Aiutln, William*. Rockport for Pliiladelnhia, Jed Frye, Langlev, Vineyard Haveu for New York; Lamer tine, Sainson,. Now Bedford tor Philadelphia. P.Dli AKTOWN. May S?Arrived, schr* Po*t Boy. Stearns, New York cor Cauibridgeport; America, Cotcord, do for Bo? tiHi; Arctic, (Sinn, do for do. PALL HIVKR May S? Arrived, schr* Tunis Bodlne, 811 ?ie. and Kate a M.tiy, Coggawell, Port Johnson. Sailed?Steamer llercule* Swasey, Philadelphia. (ILUUCESTKK, May ll>?Arrived, sehr John C Smith, Joue*. Cadi*. KEY WEST. May 8?Arrived, ataamer City of Viistln, El dridge, Qalveaton (anil sailed at :< PM for New York). KKNNKBL'NKPORT. MayS-Arrived, achr John Ba'.eh, Haiinan. Plaukltank River. Va. LIJBEC, May B?Milled, achr Unntrek*, Brown. New York. MOBILK, May lf>?Cleared, achr Pranconia, Leavitt, Philadelphia. Ill port?Brig Florence, Rathburn fur New York, Idg cot ton. MYSTIC. Ct, May 9?Arrivod, achr Monmouth, Anderaon, Philadelphia. NEW URLEANR, May 8?Cleared, achr* Carr'e Jones, Dermott, Ltill i; Charlotte Brown, Sear*. Deunla, Maaa; Mary Ellen, Jackami, ltonaeca Wh? Cleared, achr W U Huston, Cardner. Pensacola. 10th?Arrived, steamer Tappahauuock, Pendloton, Ha vajia. NEW BEDFORD. May 8-Arrlved. achr O C Cranmet. Cranmer. Philadelphia. NEWPORT. May H. PM-Arrivod. iclir Telegraph, Clark, Providence for New York. Oth?Arrivod, schr Ballio T Chartre, Trefethen, Fall River for New Yerk. Sailed?Sohrs knena Arahel, Ilardiug, Prnvlneetown for Philadelphia: Wild Plireou. Tuuntmi for do; MM Mem man. Crane. Provideuce for Plymouth, NC- B 11 Warford, do lor New York. NORWICH, May 9?Arrived, achr* Chief, Hobokent Phu be. Amboy. Sailed?Schr Lulu Babcock. for New York NEW LONDON, May o-Arrived. schr Sarah Ellaabetlv Hoboken. Sailed?Schr l.ida Babcock. I*blladelphla. NEW HAVEN, May ?-Arrivod, achr A P Avery, Ryan, Baltimore, PORT TOWNKEND. May 1?Arrivod, bark Wm O Diets, Endicott, San Francisco. PORT GAMBLE, May 2?Sailed, bark Roswell Spragua, Nordberg, San Francisco. PORTLAND, O, May 9?Arrived, barks Centaur (Oer), Offersen. Hung Kong; Forward (Br), Strachaml, do. PENSACOLA, May 8-Arrived, barks Ulrika (Rns), Locke, Tonlon; Daguy (Nor). Bakkl, London. Bertha (Nor). Olsen, do; Margarita (Aus), Soppa, Liverpool; BJarke (N?r). Grindall, Havana. Cleared-Bark Nora (Nor). Nielsen. Qneenstown; achr Maud Webster. Wentworth, Tndlanola. PORTLAND, May 7?Arrived, schr Odell, Winslow, Saco for New York (not a* before reimrted). 10th?Arrived, steamer Pranconia. Bragg, New Yorkl ships Scotia, isriimniniid, Bremeu;P N Ulanchard (new), Loring. Yarmouth. Me, lor New York; brig Ortolan, Dyer, Matansas; schr* A Hammond, Philaticlphia; J W|Drisko, do. Below?Brig Hiram Abiff, Tibbetta, from Perth Amboy. Cleared?Sclir Congreas, New York. PORTSMOUTH, May H?Arrived, schr Fleet wing, John, son. New \ork for New Market. PROVIDENCE. May H?Arrived, sclir* George W Whlfc ford. Brvnnt, Ponce. rK; fHtlsey K Park hurst. Hooper. New Orleans': Challenge. Reed. Month Amhoy ; Sat ah A Kalconer Wilson. Perth Amboj; A G Lawaan, Meltrbof, Hacksnsack NJ. Sailed?Schr* Wm A Levering, Smith, Richmond, Vai James A Crocker. Brown, Philadelphia; John K Mauuing, Gaudy, do; Ulchard NewcOmb, Hlggins, do via Tiverton; Annie Leland. Homer; Mureena Munscn, Jr, Dayton; Cora, Hiuc; lliram Tucker. Knewlton; Hannah Blackman, Ar nold. and Emily. Braisted. New York. 10th?Arrived, steamer McClellan. March, Baltimore. PAWTI'CKKT. May U-Arrived, schr J S Terry, Baynor, Port Johnson. Sailed -Sch r Helen, Carroll. New York. RICHMOND, May 8- A-rrivad, steamer Old Dominion, Walker, New York; bark Edwin (Nor).Ciiristopherson, Sa vannah. SAN FRANCISCO, May 2?Arrived, bark Osrayn, Saun ders, Seattle. Cleared-Schr Ada May. Petorson. Apia. Oth?Cleared, ship Grace Darling, Qiiinore, Tadftma. SEATTLE. May u?Sailed, bark Harvest Home, Mattteo* San Pranclaco. SAVANNAH. May 0, PM?Sailed, steamers II Livingston, Mallorv, New York; Saragosaa. Hooper, Baltimore. Otli?Arrived, steamer Orleutal. Hodges. Boston. 10th?Arrived, steamer San Jacinto^laaard. New York. SALEM. May S?Arrived, steamer Williamsporl, Willeta, Philadelphia. STiiNlNtiTON. May 8?Arrived schr E W Babcock, Wil bur, Weehawlten. _ WILMINWTON. NC, May lO?Cleared, brig Flamingo' (Nor), Pedersen, Bremen. B YACH'l't, ttl'lCAM MOATS. 4C. dS iTsf bam s fl f PV A> wnodau Hod iron Steamboat*, with Mid without itaterouins. and of ilirht draft fur river Herrlce, light draft aaloou fropellor*. large steam Ytehli, Tuku sad nwl property In irwneral. FRKDhKH'K U. SCHMIDT, No. I South William it. NKWT STKAM CANAL BOAT HOWARD DKAK S Compound ravine, U and is inch diMutir. 16 tnck xtruK*. t'au be auen at pier 1, hait Hirer. Addreaa B. W. BRADLEY, rare ofSchayler Tow Line, 15 South H, X. Y. S~TEAM HOAT FOB SALE-NEW, WITHOUT REOlS ter. Inquire at U23 West *1. AROE FOIt K^LK^OARItYl NU *? TON a AD dreea MOBLLKK BROS.. Astoria. Long ltltn.1. (HWOKKTT* URMfcO! SPAII COMPOSITION FOR. ) ell brlplit worn ?n vnchts end boat*. can be had only of-SEBLKY * hTKVKSH. 3 J Burling slip. New York. FO|TTaU(~Tl<>OPiVti.NT." SO TONS BURDEN centr> board;fUUU. Iuquire of C. P. WOODWORK, 108 Front at. OR ?ALB?AT HOFFMAN A BROS. BOAT SHOP, 301 South ??.. ea?t of Jaekaon at.. Sow Vork, wna copper lnMei.ed lluwboita, 1mm 14 to IT feet Ionic suitable tor boat letting or lor pleaaare; no rcaaouablo otl?r refused. ._rA*TBD-YACHT 1*~ U()00 ORDER; 30 7?iit TT long; rat and Jib rlir. Address, stating price, or call on E VON IIOFB. 1U3 Pulton at. WILLIAM LB COUNT, AUCTIONEER, WILL SELL at public aale on r?alurday. May 13 Inst , at 13 o'clock, noon, at the Neptnaa H?n?e dock. New Kuchelle, N. Y.. tli? ?loop yaebt Charlotte, W7 ton*. with Fixtures complete; tli? l.oat end fixtures are In the be?t order. Sale positive, rain or ehlne. WILLIAM LK COUNT, Auctionror, Mala at. New Hoc belle. . MIHCKI<liA>\ KOUsle A""'BS()LUfB DIVORCES OBTAINED FROM D1FPB& eat States, lor nainurom c?u?e>, wltliont publicity; legal everywhere; no chary lit 'idvanre: ndvico Ireo. M. 1IOI SK. Attoniry. ItH Broadway. ?~7oXSUM PfidWE AK LU StIS. THROAT DISKARB! / DyopepaU. (ieneral Debility.> of Strength, Klenh mid Appetite, and all di?ca<e? arising front Poverty of tne Blood promptly ami radicnlly cured by WlNCIlKSTER'ii HYPOPHOSPIUIK OF LIME A.\U SODA Ketahllahad 186A. Prices, $1 ati-i tJ ii. r bottle Prepared only by WINt llKSTM! A I'll., rheinhts, :x> John ?t., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUUOIXTH. NERVOls DEBILITY. AO. IMPORTANT To INVALIDS. For Nervous Debility, Weakneii, He., brought oa by Iadl^ cratlont. Kxt'fuips or Oti-rwork ul ili.< Brain and Nervous system, WINCIIMTEft'A SI'KCIPIC PILLS le a prompt and radical cure. Two to six bain arc usually eanielonu Price 91 per box; *1* boxea Iiy mall, ?ecarely sealed, with roll uir^rtlonn lor u?? Mead for circular*. Ifrepar?? only by MIN't'll > I'hlt a l!ll? ChatnUts, 3d John St., N. Y. milOMAS R. AiiNEW, TIIK (*RKAT BEWYOBC 1 (Irocer. Tea, C.itTeo a-t<f Flour Denli-r. New Yorkere and everybody rail and jrei lurrain.. .!?? Vetey ?t. $- (1(11) KB WARD-WILL HE PAID OS TUB tlivUU c*?n 1 irt ion of any person, or i.** ratio a, cotlliter leitinxUr TOKIAH VBNKTIAN I.INIMKNT. tuagr pala re lie t er la the world. Dapot 10 Park nlaaa. ?