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irrviTioni <T fij LEXINGTON AT. iPRKIUtjrr BM PLOVER'S).?AN I a nui aa wink, vyhar til Imar. Call br three 12 28 BAIT 73D ST. ?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG woman aa Din elm w?> or laundress. 1Q Tam1 A BALTIMORK WOMAN AS 10 pastrycook In ? country hotel: understands pastry Booking in all its branch** and 1* a first class uakrr; tlior vaghly understand* all broaklast bread; beat city raferanoe Itoui pre?-nt employer. Call or adJress WBST 1HTU A^K^TTtaBLE WOMAN AS tood uwk, washer and troarr ; ciljr relereuce. ?JJ WEST limi ST. CP RES fc NT EMPLOYER'S >?A UT respectable girl a* cook, waabar aad iruuar, good tity rvleroncas. "NEW CHURCM UT. IK KAPKK STORE.?AS Orat eUaa cook in total or reatauraat. Call for t?<v ?4 4O PERRY ST., REAR, BASEMENT.?A PROTkS X*J taut woman at sootc; Bo objection to a Urn claM loardiav tw>u?e; oily relerence. t?ft WK^fWANuTmGTON rL.AOX.-A RESPECTABLE (irl at food cook, waabar and lrvuar or at good laua Iress; goad alt/ relereuce. ? .'.aSt Bisr ?f-A YOUNG WOMAN AH GOOD plain cook, waabar and irouer; good r> fereuca. Tft 7 Wt-.sT IttTU ST., TOP KLOOB.?TWU BE 1" I spectablo young girls; una a* tint class cook and exillnni bakar and gm-d laundress: tba othar aa lira! claaa chambermaid aad waitress; city reierenca from but em ployer. . I WE*T 15TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE '\VoMaN tf'J aa cook; city references. , VI 109 HI WKhT IftTU sr., BASEMENT.?A YOUNG WO mau aa cook and 10 do wasuiug; good city reference. W I itJl WEST l:<TU ST.-AN KN<.L1S11 WOMAN AS ajJL aa good cook and to assist with ins wasliiug; cau aa care ol milk and butter. wTsT I UTlF ST.?Ai COMPETES I' COOK and excellent baker; would da cuarsa washing; or couutry , best city roioreuca. sTt? EAST <TH "sr., BOOM 15.?AS PIB8T CLASS cook, lu hotel or raatauraut, of meats and all klntn of soups; no objection to a short distance in tUa country. Wall lor three days. J'J WUT ltiTU ST.. IN T11E RE A It.?A TuT *JU spectablu vouag girl to cook, waali una iron: good feicreuce from laat place. 191 WEST ??T11~-T.?AS COO* ;~ WOULD AbblsT 1-j'i iu washing ?nd trouiug; beat city reference. lW7~WEST TaTil ST.-AS UOOU COOK., WaSIIER I and Irouar; beat city reference. Call twudays. I *J7 G REENWIOU "iV.?A UESfECfATLtT'GIBL L?I I as goud cook and to aaaist with washing; lour fa*r?' city reierenca. I 07 WEST 1WTH ST.?AS UOOU COOK; MEATS, L*J 4 soups, dusserta; good baker; willing to assist with Washing; good city reierenca. i oo WbSl 1HTU ST., REAK.-A YOUNO GIRL AS X<jO cook, waabcr and Irouar; best city teloruuct). Call or address. joU KA8T terrU ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN AS FIRST i?dO cla?? cook; underatauds her buaiueei perfectly; beat reference. ?J'J Wh?T J?TU ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN AS liOOI) OO cook aad baker; undemtauda English and Ameri u cooking; alao excellent washer and ironer; city reier i I WEbT 1UTU ST.. TOP PLOOlt? AS THOKOUUII LOT cook; undermaud* all aorta <?f meata, aoupa, poultry tad game; is a thorough home cook; can get up plain )*s?erta; good city releienee; no objection to go a abort dis tance lu the country. 1 OH WEBT 19TH ST, 'iN STORE.-A YOCNO WO lO'J man aa good cook; niiuarstands all klnda of couklng buudeiaeria; willing to assist with washing; couutry pre ferred; baai reference. * iZft-WKCT l#ru ST.?A kespectablb WOMAN i-~t U to cook, waab and iron; no objection to a boarding kouse; beat city releruncu. HT >2 ^EST asTil ST., REAR.?A RESPECTABLE woman ai cood cook, washer aud ironer; reierenca. V 1 1 bast atrru sr. iprbsent employer's).?a I'll young girl aa cliaiubermaidaud waitress; Ave yeats' tity reference. Call altar 1Z lTi EA.Vl' *111 ST.?A respectable YOUNG M*Jt girl as good cook; will be found willing and obliging knu well recummeuded. 14.7 WJKfJl ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN A X I aa Urat clusa cook in a private family; city or country; beat city reference. WEST 4STU ST.?A LADY LEAVING TOWN would like to find a good situation in a private lanuly, city or country, for a cook wtiom ?be can highly fecoiumeud. Sbo will recolve applications Thursday uiuru jnn. netween 10 and 1^. 1 WEBT aiST ST.-A-. P1RBT CLASS COOKTna private family; excellent baker; good oily ref krsuca. IRC WBsT 31ST ST.-A K1R8T CLASS COOK IN loo a private family; beat city reference; call for two days. i'fJO 7TU AV., BETWEEN U4TH ANI> 2STI1 8TS -A loO rvapectatiie woman aa plain cook, washer aud Urvuer; willing to go to the country; city relersuce. "I CQ WEST 2STU ST.?A RESPECTABLE PROTE8 luO tunt irirl as cook, washer and ironer; no objection to go a short distance in the country; city relereuce. Can ha seen Tor two days. 1 "Z'ft EAHTiiSTtl ST., SECOND BELL.?A RESI'ECT 1UU able woman as plain cook, waslier aud ironer; best tity reference. 1 L-i) BLBECKER ST.?A GOOD PLAIN CO-K, IUa wasber aud Ironer. " <Tftft WEST 4nfli ST. COUNKK 7TH AV? THIRD AUv floor.?As cook; willing to assist with the washing; six years' city reference from last place. Ofto east arru" sr.-a respectable giri. as jdWw first class cook; o? objection to aastst in washing; ?ix years' beat city reference from last place. "ft.J WEST"^TTll ST., ONE KLIG*HT UP. BACK XvO room.?A capable young woman as thorough good Cook and baker; will aaaist with the washing; city or coun try; city reference. OftI EAhT 'JOTII ST., SECOND KLOOK.?A RE Zi'/I spectable yonng woman as first class cook in a pri vate family or private boarding house; city reference. Call or address. WEST MTU ST.?A SOOTCU PROTESTANT A8 first class cook; will aaaist with the washing. 205 n/if* WEST 27TH ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS ^VU-oook In a boarding .house; no objection to the country^ OftQ WBST 26TH ST.?A NEAT. TIDY AND VERY aUO competent girl as good plain cook aua laundraaas food city reference from last place. m 9 wbmt rrru sfT~Bktwken 7Tir and stii ?A_JJ ava A respeetable wuman as Orst class cook; un kerstands ber business iu ail Its branches; will go to the launtry for the inmmer; bast city references. Can be seen br two days. BAST 3CTI1 ST.?AB PIB8T~ CLASS COOK; would do washing and ironiug; good clly referenoe. 215 <V1 (' WEST 37TH ST., PIRST PLOOR.-A YOONO ?iL\J woman as experienced first-class cook; cuutyry jnflm?4; beet Sty ratareaee. |)i) 4 "WEST 38TU ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO it-d .t woman as cbambertnaid or waitress or piaiu fewer. iTo7. VAB1CK ST.?A RE8PEC I'ABLK TOUNO Wo" mau to cook, wash and iron ; good reference. <j?)0 W EST J7T11 ST.-TWO LISTERS AS COOK AND chambermaid; no objection ta, the country; best city references. 7Yo(J EAST 4.'.TII ST., ROOM ift-A RESPECTaBLB Zau woman as cook, washer aad Ironer; best city rater ?aces. t???- EAST aUTll ST.?A YOI'NO WOMAN AS COOK ?0<J or cook add laundress 111 a small private family; tan rnak* all klnda of *otip* and d- saerts, excellent braad, .-oil* and biscuit*: belt city reference*. O')!" ~BAST-MTU ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOM AN ZOU a* cook and laundress: alio a young (C<rl aa cham bermaid aud waitress, best city reference; no objection to Ibe oouatrj. 4)^ (k EAST 4IST ST.?A REsPRCTAHcK PROTEST Alu ant woman aa rood plain cook; will aanlii with the washing; M a good bread and blacult maker; willing and obliging. iTT l"WEST-27TU ST.. TOP KLOOR.-A iTKSPiiCT Zxi able woman as Brat class rook; no objection to a private boarding bouse ; Brat clasa city references. t) i (? EAST 44TH ST., NEAR Ut> AV.-AS F/HST ZtU claa? cook In private family ami to do wars* waab b|; beat city reference: no objection to country. f)A 7 WE8T~i#TH ST., SECOND KLO< >R.-A KIK8T iaTl e.a?- cook; understands soap*, nmfs, Kre-irh cooking, pastry aud Jollies; best city reference. Can be (??n for two days. Hi 7 WhST MIST ST.. SECOND FLOOR?A OOMPK tU T- I tent person as cook in a private laiully; good ref erence. Can be reen lor two duy*. 41 JO WKST SiTIl ST . HKTWKKN 7TI1 AMU KTH ?jT:0 avs.?A middle-aged woman to cook, wash and Iron ; best city reference. ^ Of (V'wEsTjTTW ST.?as OOMPKTRNT cook ; EX ?t .XO cellent bread and blieult baker; *ood elty refer luc?; country preferred. 51 rTj \VKST47TI 1ST. ? A COMPETENT WO*AN~Ag c>)?i Mok: willing to awlst with washing ana ironing; ?o objection to the country . best city reference. i)-~ WEtri SOTII -I., in KKAK.-A RESPECTABLE tL>J') girl as first ci*?* cook; understands all kinds of took in if; la a good baker; no objection to a private boarding tone*, elty reference. heci wkst!ui? st.?a vot'Nu Woman as kihst UiJO cook, w.oilier *n?l irooer; nu objection to the conn ry; bast city reference. ^ n/jO WK^T ST.?Afl KIKST CLlM COOK; &UO will assist in washing and ironing; city or country; ?at city reference. I1QQ 3D AT?TWO VOCNv* WOMEN. TO QO TO tOO gether In a small family; one as plnin cook ind |ihh1 luumlros, iue other to 'b> np-iair* wora ; no objection to the country; ten years' reference. 5nF" 1.ArT I'iTU ST. - A EXPECTABLE ENOLI8U Ov/U woman aa nrst class c?->k . would aa*l<t with wag ing and ironing; country preieried; best refereuee Call for two days, ?Ji|7 EAST ftlST ST., BETWEEN isf AND Jl> A\ S~ l)\J I A youug rirl aa platn cook and to asant with wasti ng aud Ironing; would on upstair* work . can be saen st iter ln<t employer's; best city referauco. Call front 10 A. M. to k P. M. 0/\0 WfcST 41*T ST.-A PROTHSTANT WOMAN AS UwU rock la a private family . willing to do tbe coarsc ? ashing; goo>l (ft) refcrence from last place ?JIO l-Asr ?WT*M HT?PIRHT CLAMM COOK; > OlO darstandi laer bnsinnas thoroughly aii'l is a first class baser; with hor daughter a* first class chambermaid or objection to a small hotel or private bonrdiftg ouse : city or country; best city reference Call on or ad Ire** MA HY. _ _ uf*l wttirr -ao sr.. RKAJt-.vs iiooD FCaTS D1?J conk . best city relerenca from last place; wo ild as MM in washing and ironing. jjl 7 'AST 45Th ST.-A <HRL AS QOOE AND tO D1 I ?**"? "> *a*bl?g; ao objection to tbe country ; best tlty reference ijilij AV. A.?AS COOK HY A VlllDI.K A USD WO 0<mU ">?n ; "bjectlon to to* coviitry ; tlty reiaranc*. qyj EA>T ItSTH nT.?TWO OlKLn; tl.Nl \-U'.-T OOI cla*? coo* ; ilia otber as chambermaid and waitress SO objection* to go a *kort distance in the country ; best city rcfere lie*. nun KAST *!TH ST.-A IIRhPBCTADi.K WOMAN OOO as first class cn .k: understands fc,agll?h, French ?nd epanltk conkh.g; I* a r.m elae* bak?r; would M*ia* la MM ?artilrf ? krst c.aes ?tgr r*fM*aca. MTtATIOMI WAHTKD^yEB A'P? "itifli.""""' " ?**}Q *5" 6WH ST?AS FIRST CLASS OOOK: ?J*JO uiidemand* the making ol paatry and is iM?i vutxr aad leaner; private family 'WU WBHT I7TH ?T.-A RKRPBCTABUS WOMAN 00<7 a* cook In a private family! umierauuida ber bual ?y thoroughly; beet oitr rafaren.-u Call for two da/a. ?4.1 **?*?, iOTU ?--TWO MtTKiT; ONlTAi eicelleat ceo* and to aauil with tbe waahing a ad Ironing; the other aa chambermaid and waitreaa alx veare' refrrean, ' I Q^~K^f~?mr 8T -TWO YOUXU (JIR, K, (1KB I "J" aaeook. wather and ironer; tha uih.r at chamber maid aad waitreaa; b??i raloeuce. I 34 f) ?K*TMD hT~I*0 O.KB Aft COOKj I erenca "* chiM,,b*,,,,?1'1 ?n<1 waitreaa: city ref 371 30 AY (M kVATI<iNKKY STORKh?A KRESCII I. WOB,,?n ?"?Private family; la a food cook ami Ironer: good city reference. fall or addivaa. '27') "Til A v.? A RESPECTABLE0Ir7. AS FIKBT I p i ?t olaaa cook la a private family ; be?t city reJereuea from preaent employer 39H BAKERY?A YOUKO OIEL , * fo?k, waaher and Ironer; rood elty reference ; no objo-tlea to do general h quae work in a auiall private Inmily. 410 *1sT ,1?D w?rA ?"*'ktki?t person as btiolrr.Vn ?? ?? Jf"| 1 KAST 17TII ST.?AS KIRST (-LASsJ COOK IX ' fg?lour>i?t. hotel of bonrdit)* houee; befft reference. 415 w.K?Tdd?.D kkaTbth av.?a kb?pbcta i? .5" m middle mr?tl ?om?u ns pood cook; would ??Mtt la waahtag; la Ml eaoellent baker; beat cily reference. 418 hAST T-.TII HT.-A RBSPfcOTABLR QIBL AM 11 "f"1 WJ" *"u? "'?ll 'h" wattling aud Ironing, or weald go aa lanndreaa; good city reference. K? COOK. UNDERSTANDS ongllan, American and Jewinh cooking in ail ita bra-,.-Iio.; ?? objection to a bfffding honae; tw?fy,an' city reference; cily or country. * ' 3 430 ? ?A*ST ;vr" *!?? nkar av. A. third T . f1"?'?A young lierinati girl aa (food plain coufc waauer ami ir,.nor. 0*11 on er addreaa A. tiCHMIDT. ' 438 *E*T ai?T ST.-TWO VOUNO SISTERS. TO ~JI JKJ go together; one a* #ood plain cook, wast er unci lron?y: the uther to do upatair* work and uaaut with wa*b iug if required ; pood referouce. 442 JWTlTliT BETWEEN i.TH AMI 1()TH o. air*. ,together; one u? cook nu?i ti?? tefeW *nd ci^ relorcnte Call 443 Wlisri-ID 8T ? A HKSPKCTAMLB WOMAN ^u??ork * ??0 """ ?nd irouef; no oi.jectlou (o do 450 RK8PBCTABLK YOUKO WOMAN i^nin.; *?M cltr reference ^ lb. WMhtag and 454 i!!*LHT J. 's" ST r^ BKSI'EOTAULB oiri, Ah T *"<1 ironer or to do venerai hon?e S?Wff-UUBC#lB,?""ooon^'K<Kul re,ar 4-^M A v., nil rilK CORMET STORE-TWO .rrhT^b,# ?fr'*;r9 M touk MdV.^iwVi,h *? *? ehumbermala und lo do 0ne waahiiiK tl til. k*"18 ! ra"i"-v ("'tween thetn; no objection fO_the^eountry; beat city reforoneu. J 473 ?n?. *J-~.A. 00*Mn,?*T WOMAN ArtwOK Mif I nip I*i*!'?n,l|y; excellent bakerut bread encc ' * waahlng and Ironing; beat city rofer 488 I'1",AV - >Ot'RTH FLOOR.?A COMPKTRNT jw?flr.t cU..J^efcre"tt'c"00k 'U ,b" dl'; w"?" u" ob" 502 Mir.,Aw^8ThKe"^S in a wail! family ; elly or c.>iintr> ; good city reference. 507 BMPgCTABLK TOVNO OIBL tJ\J I to cook^ wuih and Iron; bast reference. 508 WRHT ?T.?A RESPECT ABLK OIRI, AS clty refarencel '"nor; w,,1,n? ??<? obliging; beat B 3P-H'iL":^ri.R,Fl.^Ab? OPP.Ki THOROUGHLY 616 euee. 663 underatanda all kind, ol cooking; BROADWAY, 'FIRST FLOOR.?A GERMAN girl aa cook In a private family; city reference. 708 STw" AV1 BKTW*EN ^TH AKO~tfiTlT XT8~ a . bakery.?A ro.ipectahlo irlrl us cook waiihor nnrl ironer In a ?mall family; can be well reeommended. 75fi a,D AVv. T?r *w>?R. front.?as nan cHy wferinc,e!C er,Und""'1 kl"ll,,of cooking; beat 808 ?D. aV." "RTWEKN 49TI1. AND BOTH STSi, "r*1 "*'??A* Urat rinii* cook lu a prlrnto family wagea no object; beat city reference. Q() 7 HtS av.?A COMPETENT WOMAN AS COOK * >wd '? do coarae waaliing; good city reference. QQQ STII AY., BETWEEN BSD AND 54TH STS.-A8 0,'9~? and chambermaid, and her liUlVglrl ui take care of children: city reference. 1)13 H"*i* ^vt\ person, who tiTokoit(ihly ,V . her work, aa cnok. waaher and Ironer gy ^ajif^r ,:sr^prtf;rra<'; bMt re,fr?"cu f'?'" 97 *2 ^XINOTON A v.. CORNER 74TH ST. (PRES. ii ent employer'alL?Twu glria;one aa cook wnaher and Ironer, the other a? rlmmberinaid and waitreaa'nnd to Thurad." be,t C,ty rereEeBoe Can be aeen 1 154 |D AV" ??TwrRKN flOTII A^ND HIST &T&Z. .,llf.V.. . . young girl aa chambermaid and last place. waahing; the lady c?a be aeen at her 1 W) l?BXTN(?TOJC AY.?A YODNil OIRL T^lx)OK w"h and iron; city referencoa. Call for two 1 325 BR<>ADW*Y -rSTORK. -AS FIRST CLASS y**??iO corik; thoroaghly underatanda eooklng; would do coarae washing; city or country; city reference. A SWKHISH WOMAN AS OOOO COOK; TtlOR. Piinif'k i'M i'i'"1 Yi .".hrr hnilneaa; wngi>? Addreaa COOK, hog ire; Herald Uptown Brancii oniee. 4 ^.TlTy?S AS COOK?BY AN" hXPBBIENCKD JTK. colored man; nnderatanda It in all Ita branchea' rrt. erence. Call at 42H Well r>-.>d <t. lor three daya. ' Chanihermulda. die. ALLEN ST.?A YOUXO, WELL EDUCATED OER " /"''n *? chambermaid or to take care ol chlldrMiln a reapo -table Chrlatlnn American family. 10 WEST 44TH ST -AS FIRST CLARA CHAMBER tfJESgtZ*1* rm n/.tiHwithout ftlenda aa chambermaid and to take care or children and do plain aewing; la of good disnoalllon - wilting mid obliging ami not afraisl of work. ' 4-0 28TII ST.?A ItRSPBCTABLK OTRL Aft Sdljhing.a^y"^^ ?r to "? P1*'" cooking drelw children; country preferred. Call or ad* 43 KfN.THTTrA? RE8PBCTABLK YOCNO 01RL AS chambermaid and waitreaa In a private family ? thir teen mon tha reference from ia?t place; city or oountr'v. macdol'OAL >T.. SICOND Fl.OOIt HACK' 1. room.?A Scotch girl, lately landed, a< chainliermaid er waitroaa; no objection to the country. Call for two dav<. f?Q WK>T 4'tD ST.?\ YOIM; linti, asTii a m iti/n DO maid and waltre.,; h-t city referent C,IA VBKR. fjo WMT 4M) BT^ TOP FLOOR. ROOM I7~A rVler.DMUnS W?m"n "? ">amberm*ld ?"<>,,; oily 68 ^ESI f>_?T7--A I ESPECTABLB OIRL TO DO VV ^?">l"rw?rk and a..Ut in waahlng and Ironing-? would do housework ; good reforenca. Q(? ?TH AT.. BETWEEN HtTFAND 9TH ?TIL-A HB. referem;*?'* ** eU,mb,nn?,t> "l* waltrea. ; beat city ?11 /\ MADISON ST.. FIRST KLOOR.-A NICB.SMART lllr girl an chambermaid or waltreat, or to do house work fur ? muill private lemilr; good city refrrenret. ffii vrKST MD ST.-YOU NO OIRL TO IK) CUA*1 vl. LO berwork and wnltlng; beat city reference from laet place; no objection to go in the conntry for the inmfncr. 11A wkst 3,ti' third >UOOR ? 11am 11t bermald and waltreaa. A reapeetablu Protectant youug woman to go to the country; w?l| recommended. lOQ WKST l9Tn St.-A RtSPROTABLE YOtrNO lwJ woman ?? chambermaid and to ateltt In waablng; city or country: heat reference. mWF.ST 10TH ST. ? A RKSI?k7t'aBLK OIJUTaS chambermaid or laundre* In a private family; no objection to the country; rood city reference. 1 .?(! WRsf~MTn~ST ?TWO RRSP ROTABLE GIRLS I W1' to (O toirellirr aechamhermaide In A hotel; no ob. Jection to city or country; Rood city reference. Call for two day*. wkst'ihth st-a capable yoTTno woman tjW at chambermaid and waitreta; city or country; good reference. jo/r WRSTttTH ST.. INSTORB.-A RBSPROTADLE J Oil girl aa chambermaid ind ivaltreaa and to a?ai?t Willi the wattling and ironing: it a good laundrcM; beat elty reference. 1~\m ~RAST WiTH AST liXf I OiVll7* >7?A OU young rlrl at chambermaid or araltrete. ur weald take .-are of children or do aewing beat city refeicii< ? CHRISTOPHER #I.-A KRXPKCTABLE TOl.'XO girl. Proteatant, never lived oat before, at chamber, maid an l ?eain?tre?f? in a pr y uc family. -Oal! or aiMreia. 1 ') I WEST li'TH ST.. TOP FLOOR. ? A PROTEST A XT iuT girl aa chambermaid and waitr*?a In a small private family; willing and tMlltof; good dty reference. \ KAST 40nl ST.?A OIRL \s <*11 AMIiKLMAlD ft and waitreta tit a private family; rood reference. lie WMTMTri ST.?t KKsPKCTaRLK OIRL AS l'rt) chambermaid and laundress; Rood reforence. Call for two dayt. i7c" wHSrlSri*t."Za hksprctari?b oirl as 1 I I' eiiambermai'l and treinatreaa; besl city reference* Mr west x.tii a rbsprctablk vo'i s<; ?t Ctrl at chambermaid, or aa waitress , n> objectI on t" ti private boarding house; city or country; good city ref erence. i -o wKHTwii st"-a yovno (URL a-~ciTam" 1' '?) bermald nod t<> take care of children; willing and obliging; good city reference. 1'VJ"~WKST "Wit ST\. IK TUB RRAR.-A NRAT. ? rl tidy girl to do upatnln work er general houtework; willing lo go In the country ; good city reference. i)(|l R AST fiisf ST. (PRKSKXT RMPLOYKR'S, KINO a?"I tecond bell).?A young gtrl at chambermaid and wallreat and to a-ti?t with waahlng and ironing. OH I BaW7hTM~*T.?A TOCNG OlKL AM PlKST m."'1 ela?? chambermaid and waitress; willing to aast?t witli the washing and ironing in a amall private family ; beat city reference from laat place. < w? I WwrT arrli .vi\-a~toino oihT, ah ciiam iVT terinald and walireaa; two yoarm' reference, no objection ihe country. t)/U KASt ~44T|T *1.?A KKSPKCTABLK ?>IRIj a? chambermaid and waitre*<. noohjecvioa to help with waahlng; good ctty relerenre In m laat place. <)<UJ EAST 2: ? ST.?A RRnl'KCTauLr Vol.Mi ZUu girl tt cliambermtld and waitiett; gaod city ref erenre from latt employart; no objection to a boarding houte. ill I WKST~ ?iril -fT-A RESI'KCTA^Lli U1RL AS wlL chambermaid and ataletant Itundret* in ? private lamlly; gowd city reference. , ()]n WUT KID ST.?A TOUMU WOMAN AS CHAM Zt 1 'J b rniaid a ,d *altre>t or a? chamtiermaid and to do tewing and. lake care at growing child; Ore yeart' reference from latt plaee. _ _ onn KAST*ATIII ST.?A RBSPK<rr>BLR TOUBO ZtA II girl at chambermaid and eeamtlreae or take care ot cbtidcen, no osjecUen te ike cvuatry; city reference. SITUATIONS WANTKU.FKJI1ALKN. Chambrimaldt. ? 000 BAST 218T ST -A RES PECTABLB OIRI. AS -iwO chambermaid and laandrets la a private faiaily no objection m ito la the country for the naatr mouths; ?oven years' rrbnOM from last employer. 9')fi WElir trru Vr.-i kkspecta*bi.k girl ab MmU chamber?ml ai'd waitress; no objection (o <0 la the coon try; bast city references. 001 "east wffi sr.-a ?k>>TctThi.k yocho woman at cb?unbartnaid and laundress la a private family boat city refo*?nee. 9?>9 EAST MTH ST -A BkSPBCTABLS ?tt AS *chambermaid sal waitrete ur u> da |MMr?l bouaa work . city reference. Call ar address. <)')?; Vast Mi it- ROOM u - arespe>-tabes ?Ow g rl to do upatolr. work and take oara of children; ean do plain ??whik ar aatisl In washing and ironing; baat city rare renews. OOl "wast MTW ST.-A BBftPSOTABLB MMflfi ?j''T fir! aa go?d chambermaid and waitreas; is a first eiaaa laundress: II orongbly audarataada her business; bad reference from last place OA] Ktsr 34TH *T- FIRST KLOOM, PRO NT.? ? I'lL Yonng rirl ss ahnmbonuald or waitress; willing to go (hurt distance in country; (too 1 rafaranca. 0(\Q EAST :?4TII ST. ?A R E S P KCTABLE Y?>ITMO <" 'O woman wmjil do cliamberwork. waahlag and Ironing or cliamberwork and waiting; oily or country ; thraa years' city raiaronca. OlTT east J18T BT.-A KBiPKCTABLB VOUJIO '?I? (Irl as competent chambermaid; boat city rafar anca. Address A. H. 090 east 2?rru kt.. room ix-a competent 9 ? person an chambermaid and lauadreaa; bast city reference j no objection la (bo country. O9Q BAST MI8 ST. ?A BBAT. TIDT 01BL, SOT long in the couutry, to do upstairs or housework; has lived out at home. ? 329 I out at horoa. EAST i?D ST.?A YOUSO iilRL TO DO OOft WK.-T 35TM ST. PI list PEOOR, BACK ROOM ? <u' " ' At chambermaid and waitress, or to take care of a child: is kind and obliging; good references.1 ?3 YY west itrru st.-a REspitoTABLa protest" ? 'T J. ant itirl as chambermaid and waitress: no objection to ko a short distance In tho couutry; beat reference. a'Yi) WKST SOTII .ST. ? A YOt'Nll I5IKI, lo" DO V'A '>mj atalrs work or general housework in a private fam ily ; good reference. ojo east ?jth~st.?a~pbotb8Taxt ontt. as ?'TO ehainbemisid and waitress in a privnta family; good reference. 348 348 WEST 1NTH ST., FIRST KLOOR.-A RESPECT able yostag girl to do and waitiux or housework In a private family ; city or country ; two tears' relerenre from her lam plane. Cull or adjress lor l? 0 days. EAST 1 -?T II ST. (lUMi FOl'R TIMES1 -A Protestant girl ut cbainbcrinald and waitress; good oca WEST ?*:?!? ST.-A COMPETENT VOUNO >11 RL *JUV/ as chumberuiaid and waitress; live years' city ref erenoe. Qas WEST 88TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE tOOMO mrl at chaiubortnuid and waitreoa mid help with washuii; aud Irunlnx; beat reference from last place. JnTTuiT"rn si -a respkctaiile oiriT, 1""' r lately landed, us chambermaid; williUK and oblig ing , can be arrn for two days rfnni 2 : K> to 4 I'. M. iAC WEST '<41II ST.. skl'OND "pLoiuT?A VOUNO T'li) ulrl us chambarmaid or child's nurse; brut city ralcrencet. 107 EAST ISTH st.-a KERl'ECTABLE yoijno r U I girl at llrst data chambermaid; would attlat with washing and Ironing; 110 objection t > the 0 untry; ia willing and obliging; good city relerence. 0ATIIAK1.SE OOBHuC A 1 7 WEST 40T11 ST- A YOUNU UIRITaH CUAM tl I bermaid and waitress, or to atsiat lu washlug and Ironing; no objection to couutry; good city reference. A_1(11 6TIT A V.7 B hTWEEX *9TI11 AND JST11 8TS.?A tI'/iI young girl aa chainburmalil audio lake oaro of children; no objection to the conntry; city reference. T99" east 10TH ST.-A 'rbmpbctablE xovvq woman aa chambermaid and seainatreaa; Is willing and obliging; lias four ynars' city reference. TT?\> WEST "torn ST.?A YOUNU OIBL AS CIlAM TWO bertuaid and uurte; city or conntry; good city ref orence from last place. YY WEST "TotTi ST.-A RESl'ECTABUK tohno TT'J girl as ehainnermald and waltrcas In a private fain lly; willing to ko a abort distance in the country- Call or address lor two days. A AH WEST 2STI1 ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG X t I giri as chambermaid and waltreaa, or ehatubar maid und to take care of children; beat city reference. I JQ WEST 27rTl ST.-A 1kOL'NO (IIKI. ASC11A M TTT O burmald and waitress aud aaslst In washing; boat city refersuco. A r 9 WEST S7TU ST.?A RESPBOTABLB TODM TOW Oertnan girl as chainberiuaid sua waitress, aud aatiai with plain waablng and Ironlug, iu a small private family; three yrura' roierencu frotn last place. (ITII AV., KOOM 15.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNQ girl as chambermaid and waitress; gooa city refer 4:88 C "9 WKST 4WTH ST.. TWO STAIRS UP., KK??NT ? *)*)& yonnz American girl as first class chambermaid and waitress or chambermaid and nurse. C-?> 3D AV., NEAR 37TII ST., REAR, SECOND tJ'JO floor, back.?A touiik girl as chambermaid and waitress, or chambermaid and assist with washing and Iron ing; beat city reference. A CO WEST SOTII ST.?A RESPECTABLE UIRL TO T'JO do e'^amberwork aud walllug and aesist la washing and iron|ng; good city reference. 7'JC tfD AV.?A RESPECT ABLE VOUNO OIBL AS I ?J*J chambermaid or to do clianiberw.irk and waiting; city or country; beat reference from last place. ___________________ __ _ 2 chambermaid and seamstress; best city reference. 747 lorn AV.. OVER CANDY SIOKE.-A RE I O spectable yonng woman at chambermaid; willing and oblliring. Call lor two days. Q1 9 ai? AV.?A TOUNO WOMAN' AS CHA.UBKR OIxj maid and waitress, would assist with washing if re quired; oity or oonntry; best city reierenca. 1~7tr.^ TtiT IvT." mrst floor, ovkJi tiIe ,U?JU butcher store.?A yonng girl as chambermaid and waitress ; willing to assist In the washing and ironing; is neat, willing and obliging; best city reference. 1910 3D AV., BKTWKES TVril A.ND 71 ST STS.^ ? ajl.O A yonng girl to do ehainberwork and washing; good city reference. 1 9MU LtXINOTON AV.-A YOU Nit UIHE AS ??*jO chambermaid * and waitress; oily reference. Call fur two days. S "OHAMBEBMAID, SEAMSTRESS OB TO MIND growing children auu Instruct tliem, or would travel and wait on a iady; city or country. Address U.t flerald Uptown Branch offlco. DrcMm?kcri and ??amilrHim. 3 WEST IJD ST.-A NEAT, RESi'EC'I'ABLE GIRL A8 ?eamatreat; nudentanda all kind* of lamily aewlug; wonlu aaaiat with chain berwork or at maid to growing ohU dro? ; good reference Iroin laat place. Call or addreae. A ^ OoWNINU ST.?AN ENULISH WoilAN AS AO aeaniatreet; undvretande all kinda of family aewlng. lfU KAIfHtTfl HT. (PHMMfr EMI'MiYKH'SkTa ' IUl competent MtmMrrhi; mideratauda drri-iniiklng; I operate* on Wlieeler k Wllsuira machine; beat reference; i country preferred, mWEST WTU ST.?A YOUMO WOMAN AS aeamatrcaa; would do light cliambcrwork; good r< li-rt in o fli W EST 50 I'll sOBU, SECOND FLOOR.?A l i 'J respectable clrl a< aeiiuiatruaa ; would take care of grow lug children. be*t reference*. Call for two liuya. 1 CQ~WEST 5iu sr.?A 0<RL A8 SEAMSTRESS: lUO cm cut ?u l fit and work on Wheeler A Wiiaon'a tuaoiune; beet eUvTHlerc nee. 1)/ W k Ea*r 4ftTH ST.. CORNER :il> AV~A Yol'NO AvU widow lady, Ju?t arrived Iroiu Philadelphia. ea bouaekeepcr in * widower'* family. Call lor tour or live ilaya. klijl EAST MTU .-T.. THIIIU >LOO R.-ASSEaM a''T (treat by the day or week; underaletida drcaa making: anu all aewlng luachinea. i)%) I EA3 I JI ST ST.?*A COMPETENT DRESSMAKER SdmdL wishes a lew more en*agemeni*, by tliu day or weea, on re,??< liable terma. Adur?a?. ?)?) I W H*T :??l> ST.-A~FIR.-T CLASS DtMUIAUB, cinpeieut cutler ?.nd fitter, wi?hei< a few mere en gagements by the day or week; wagca moderate', reference. dbu EAST U8fU ST., HARLEM.?A VU0l? WOMAN, I i?a)\J lu a private lauiili aa dreaamaker and aeaniatria-. ; can operate on Whuuler A tYiIaon'a niaeliine. Addrea* M. A. ' Oil,- KA-T Hl'D sf-AS XIIISkT OPErYtKs" OX ; Ol'?/ machine on all klnda of tewing; beat reference. ?Jj|U utxuafus AT. (Last "kmPLTjyer?>">.Has ' QUO sefkmatreaa end nurae, or aeamaireaa and chamber- j maid. ?jff LKXIXOTON AV.?A COMPETKNT PKitSOkTs ! Ol I maul ami aeamatreaa; underatainla rutting and Hiung alt kind:- of fnniily mourning; beat citr reteimce. O.HI WE.-l KUll SI?A.- SkAM8TKES?; OAN CI T U^V and lit and do fainlf) aewlng; In a family , city rti' e re nc a. Audroaa.* 'J'Jh "East S4TH HT.-A DRESSMAKER \\ Mo OAX ? >0*' cut, 0'. and operate mi * heoier * Wilann'* Sewtm: Maoiiitie, M> go out by ti a day or week. Apply vr uddie.a & 47 121) aY., NEAR v?TH 8T.?A RkSt*?UTABLH ' I ? younn girl m afiamatreaa and to tai.e care of groaU chlldr n or do cliamberwork; kral tllnrnxi a?J<) WE8T~ ?7TII* ST. ? A 'KKi? PECTABLB TOOKO ! girl ?< ?"?amaireaa; I* willing lo aa-lat with chant- j lierwnrk; can fnrniat, , Mj'i relercne; no objection to tl.o country. Call li r two d..y?. uoo into\I?W.\Y.? 1>I;K?SMAK1M4 by ? a LaDY OOj >?bo II ft lira I I'laaa designer, owlirr an,I fitter; ! tlior iiiglilir nnileratanoa ladlaa and ctllldren'a tfreaamakmg; wimld K? out by tlie day or work at li?ine. Cnli nn or ad dreaa DKKSnkAkkR. VHRSI CLASS ItRESnM AKEK. FOKMEMLY AT Worth'*, who held poettlon many years maii'iiacturtiirf chmka and mtlla In tl>-t eatabliahftienta in Kurnpe. and Wti.> cuta. lita and do? arii.ii^aliv, dealrea a puetlinn or pirtnerth'p or to niH >n ! imlllea; Uo?t city rclercnrc. Ad dreae A. k., UMM Uptown Hraaah mm, A.-, laxiv'.- maiu a.\o .-k.uisritkssT TmikiT Bt-tii'ia nil kimla of laimly sewing ftud drraamakuig; wou.U lie wli.i'i'j to aaalat wi'.u other light work, -even Saara' refi rencc. Addrnaa 8EaMsTKEm>, Heralu Uptown irauch oiliro. VHI'.sr CLAIM 8EAMKTKESa To WaIT OK A i or children, or to a*-l?t with chatnkfrwork i oi>eraie< mi different machinea; very heat retareoce. Ad drea. K. W. Iler.ild Uptown Hraneh otlice. "II-aKTRU?BY A COMl'ETE.NT ORESsiAKEH ANfi II laiully leanvtreaa, a altnatinn III :ii? my for the iwnimor; good relerenee. Apply at Working Woinen'a I'ro tectle* Union, ;?> Eleecker at. Uenentl llnuaetvork. dk?. Oil NORFOLK ST.. FOURTH FLOOR.?A FROTE8 OU- tant (ierman woman and child to d i light houeeworK lor a mi alt family ; no Wa^ea, oniy ? home ; go,Hl reference. /? 7 WEST IITH ST.?A VERY UESI'EC TABLR U I > on tig girl In do u-c-neral houaework In a amail priTato family, or riiamberwork. WEST :<2D ST.?a <JoLQRED (URL TO DbOIK eral koaaowork or waalilug and Ironing, 100 133 llO CHRISTOPHER ST.?A KKSPECTaBi.E Yot'XO II girl to do gea -r^i liouaewnrk In a atnall private tjaiti? ll> ; good reference, t an be teen lor two ilnya. WEST 2*TH sT.-t KE8PEOTABLE TOUNO woman to d<> general hotwowofk; City rtferencea. lAii WK8T ,BTH ST.?A KESPKCTaBLK OML to 1 'A U d? geuoral homework in a auiail private family ; it a Rood plain r.rnk. waaiter ?nd Ironer: beet city reference. 1A A WKsr MI> ST-A TOl'JlO WOMAN TO ITT do general bouacwork or M mlad children; aity lltlMII. HTUATIOBI WAWTEP~rKHAliK?. 6fnrr?I Hvaarwork. ftc. 14|J WEST 1DTH 8T?A UIKL TO DO GKNRRAL ITU bntiowork id a private raiully; heat city reference. lZ?/\ l*TU W.. BKTWKKN IUTH A.M. 3l?Ti! STS.? A I"" rviprclable girl t? do (tnertl housework . Ii a good plala cook. waaber un.l Iroaer. hen city rvferanee. _ ?i f ?"l" 11UT1I ST . BETWEEN SI) AND LEXINGTON avs.?A reapers* ble girl to do general ho??ework or npetairt work In a private family; three years' reference from laat place. Call for two days. onk vwrimiisr.?ayoujkjoirl to doobn \'*J eral honaework In a atnall private familyla ?ill 1dg to do aajr kind of work and ia kind t<> children; good city ?transact. OI\/? P.AST 2UD ST.. HEAR?A COMPETENT ASP rellalile women to do general housework for tsiall family . city or couirlry OAQ WBCT MR ST.-A BSBPVOTABLB 01 Ml N ?\JO do housework in asmall private iainily; city rufor enca. OlA BAST V4TH ST.?A RE SPK r TA hi.k yocnTi aIv girl to do general housework In a am all privat* family; no objection to tliu oountry ; city rofereuce. Q1 c kait~ a?THst.?a ~"kksfbctabub yOUNo ZtL't girl to do general housework; elty or country; good reference. 91 ft 8T" AV.-A GIK L TO DO GENERAL HOUSE 6 L"? work; beat city reference. RAMT~47TH RT.-A U1UL TO DO GENERAL boaaewerk; two jreara' elty reference. Of>*> fm 17TH ITh IN TllK MMAM.?A RESPECT Xi *J<U able trirl tn do general bonne work in a private family; good reference. 000 EAST ilflT ST.?A RESPECTAB LB OIRL TO ilo housework ia a amall pritnte family; ia a good waaber and Irouer; l>eet elty refereuc*' (/all or addrean. OO'J EAHT 2KVT sr . SKAK ;if> AV.-A 01KL TO DO general houaework in a amall private family; coun try preferred; good referenc. 9?) .1 7TII AW. CORNER USD ST.?A BHSPECTABLB woman In do general bouaework in a ainull, gen teel family; la a good laundress; 19 yvara' relerence. Otm BAST MTU ST., nUT /LObR A YOUNG **OU German girl to do Kenerai housowork In an Amer ican family. 0?>l Ii A ST nan ST.. B KTWBEN ID AND M> AYH? ?A respectable yovag (lrl to do general t <m?ework in a amall private lamily; beat city reference from her laat place. 001 WH.sFTisT ST.-A ItKSPECTA BLK YOU NO wuinan to do general bouaework: beat city refer ence. OOT WEST TJD 8T.-A YOU NO 0IRL" TO DO *dir? bouaework In a private fumlly; Ik willing to luiallt in taking rare of cluliireu. 9?i7{" EAST MTH ~8T.?A RK8PKCTABLK YOUN0 ?*?)"? trirl to do general housework In a private family; gooii washer and irunur. OJ1 W! ST S7TU ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN ?JjtA wishes to ilo general housework ; city reference. <M 1 WJMT tin ST., IN TllK KE.Vlt.-A PKOTKS All Hint woman to do Janitor's or housework iu a pri vate family ; beat elty reference. Addreaa OJQ WEST 47TII ST.?A YOUNG GIRL TO DO ?JtU bouaework for a private family; good reference. Q&A WENT 41 ST ST.?A YOUNG GIRL, JUST '* " landed from Ireland, to do houaework in a amall fatniU. Call fer two days. o,?9~west "4iht St -a RB81*Bi' ra ni,if c,mC to do general houaework In a amall family; no objec tion to do chaitiberwurk and waltlnu; city reference. 07 X SfKINO ST.?A RESPECTABLE OlttL TO DO m I !? general houaework. OOQ ' :m A v.. IN BTOllK?A RESFECTABLE GIRL ?jOO to do general housework ; good plaiu cook, washer and ironer; good releruneea. oTTTICA.ST 6liril ST.-A hTBADY PERSON TO DO OU r housework In a small family; city reference. &] K WP.ST 41ST HT., NBAR 8TH AT.?A YOONO O l' J girl to do honaework or ehamberwork ; has no objec tion to the country; good city reference. Cull or odilreaa. OI7 KAST~onr)! ST. ?A KESPECTAB LB YO0NO Oil girl to do general h >otOwork; good city relerence from her laat place. OTQ^EAST 14TII ST . NKAR-3D AV.-AN AMI.UI 010 can woman to do general housework In the country; olty reference. OOQ east aa D ST.?TO DO ?UI e ft a l aOtWV ' work In a hdjrII futnily; no objection to the country. 000 east aai> st.?"a rksi^ectahle girl to do 0011 general housework in a small family. Call for two dnys; lie?t refereuco. yTj east ?3D st?a youno girl, 17 years or Oti age. In a amall family, to do light houaework and to take charge of one or two children. O WEST SOTff ST.?A YOUNO GIRL TO HO UTW houarwork In a private family; beat city reference. 07? n wkst aoTU1 sr.?a youno 01 rl to do OUU general housework In a small family. Call for three dura. BAST 48TU~ ST.?A YOUNO filRL. LATKLT Tt WO lauded, to do general housework in a private fam ily; willing and obliging. 2rprWK.stIuTU ST., TOP KLOOB.?A KBIO'ttOT jl.O able girl, who It a good plain cook, washer and Irouor, to do general housework In a small private family; best city reference. Tin EAST 14TH ST.?A YOONO woman To "no houaework; city or country; good refeiencos. iOQ ID A v., CONNER 34TH ST., TOP rtiMU4 jl-j-J young German girl to do light housework, or up stairs work and sewing; reference. jor WKST 1TTH ST.?A YOUNO OIRL TO DO T wl/ general honaework; no objection to the country alee a young girl lately landed; best city reference. A OQ WEST UftTH ST.?A RESPKCTABLB QIBL TO TOw do general houaework or mind ehililren. Ti l ft'KST :taD ST.?A YOUNO OIRL TO DO TTi hoasework; elty reference. 7rJ~west" md~st.-a"'respecYtab'le "middle TrOTr aged lady (having given up housekeeping) tn do houaework; would tend au invalid lady; wages moderate; would go to the country. r 4 - 7TH AV , IN THE FURNITURE STORE^ reapectable woman to do general houaewurk In a private family ; elty re'erence. K7'q" ORBENWICH ST.?A RKSPPCTABLK YOUNO V I u woman to do general housework; beat reference. tfQn washlNairait sr.?a rbspkutablb wTT. OOU men to do houaework; city or eountry. Cau be seen where she bae Ijvcd two years. 707 sril AV. (I'KK-KNT KMI'l.OYKIt'Si.?A (ilHL tu I to do general boosewurk In a amall family; aflat preierred. 01Q IP a^'- third FL00K.-A rksi'E?:table t'lO Hrl to do general housework la a small private family; flty reference. I HQR 8D avT?a young" wom*an to do <ien ?" OO oral houaework; city or country; beat reiercnee. 1() I AV.. NEAR 70111 ST.?A RESPKCTABLE LO girl to do general boneework in a private family. TO" ALL Wli() ADVKHTISE 1 TllK DAILY AVKKAOF. CIRCI'LATION" OK THE EVENING TBLBORAM KOR THE H'KKk tim'S PAR:? MONDAY. May S KIOTO TUKSDAY, May l? 4x.7or? WEDNESDAY. May 10*i Haiufkmpfra, Mr 4CAKMINK HT.-AH IIOUSK K KKI'KR BY A Protectant womaa; wllllnic and obliging. Z> JONR8 ST., ROOM 4.-A T0U5U LADT, A0lt8T5L U ?? Imaaekeeper or eearaatrraa. IIEXTT. l?Q WIST 4TII KT^A PKERCH JLADY Art UOVUt^ UO keeper; a widower'a family preferred; roll at front Imminent. Mlna KLfiA. 19?> WEST IIT1I t)T.?A UKHMaS LADY AS HOUBR aiO keeper nr companion; qualified to Oil either ?ltno tlon : lion been with a lady elebt yeur*. Addreat T. K.. c.?r? of Mr. Muatta. I At) wksur 40T11 bt.-ar a* k rioa.v as not* sr. ItiJ keeper, motrmi, head latin Irei*. ?r In any pnaition of trunt Coll onor a?ldrea? IKM'rfRKKKI'BK. I A ", BTII AV.?A I.AI>Y Art 110USEKKKI'UR. CALL 1*T I for one week. 9 1)1 e 81) AV, ?A respkctabi.k qirl TO do ia.Wlt; general boowuurk; It a tfood wailier am] trunor, Hood refnrencn. Li nnrtrrxn. iU. I/I WBHT 44TII BT-AS Kl KST CI, ASS T.AUXnnESS; I ' ' thoroughly understand* her bnalneee, neat reference. 0*11 or wMrrai. 0() LaPAVKTTR ri.A0K.-A KEBI'KCTARI.B WOMAN O'V o* laniidreaa; two yeara and a halt In her I net place; willing and obliging. TlM 19TIJ 8T.-A YOUNO tilKI, AS LAUX J.l\? dreaa In a private family; wllllm; to aaalM In tho chamberwoi k; beete ty reference from lout place. i 99IfS5t 55ra sr.-a YouncToirl \* ki55?. lwu el of* launireaa; willing; to aaelit with chamber wurkt elt.v reference. iTl?? KA-T ?TH BT.. *oo.t ia.-wriK?w WANM .1??i families'or irentlemen'i washing at low rates Call tliree day*. mwitST So 8SKXT KXFLOYKR-?).-Ait c ropeteut laundrett and chembemiiiidia a private f.nnil.? ; heat city reference. mWBKT lltTII ST., TOP KLOOK. FROXT.?A RK ?iKVtable MM irlrl on Or?t el i?* |nii<t<lrr?a In n nri vote lamfly: auderataada all kind* vt tlutintf and pa HI tig; l<e?t elty reference. 1 ?< ?} WfcSI 8VTI1 ST.?A KKBPJtCTAB1,E. KTHOXO L'??) weman would tike to no out by the day wMhlnit or hwueec.eenniir. Call all week. til |?J WKST i!7ru BT.?AS KIliST C[,AflS l.AVK ?Ut) drew; country preferred fur tbe aummor; bu.t rel rreiiev, oi I mif st a vol;nu Tjikl ah pikht Jd I t elaea laandreea; Rood reltronee. oi f" Iu*T anTH oT ?a.h TiitetT <;i. \s~ 7,aui?. id L's dreat In a small private family: food elty reference ; Olir or count rv. 991 &A*T SMT MT.. KOOa S.-A ANtd ^ ? L wnmon t? first clo? ImindrcM, ni>ilerttond> her iiualm-?tltori>uKhly : be?t elty and omntry relerence 299 WKSI IHTII HT.-A KKHI'KlITAHI.h WOMA.1 tUmi to go eat by the day waelnn^ or hauaeeleartinv. 997 WKHT 40TI1 MT.-A RMPECI VlitK vot'.va Mul (Mil Itandreaa and chambermaid lu a private Iniiiily ; biet eliy reference. 9<j9 i.Asi xtu ht.-a Jovso uihl An odari ? tent U indreee in a private family; beat city refer eaea. Call for two daya. i?o J wrSt wni ff.-A Rriipbota'mlr rovft ii'fi) woman ae flrat elaae lanndreo* in * ertvate family ; in. object.un to tbe coaatry ; one year'a city reference Irgm la?t place. kT'J I 711"l AV.. HEVA KK\ L> AN l)~24TIf NTS.?A hd't X ?rtri oa lint cl?>* ieundrc-a In a private fa 11111.1 . n? objeuiinn to do chi>mt>eywork ami fine waahlaj;: very wal elty reference Irotn her laet employer. 9M7 )? A.-r win ft.?as rinat qla#$ Liiui* wO I dreat: enu 11 try pr?ferra4; be?t reference. 9 I 7 KA.ST turn ST., ( ORXKU JU AV.-A* KIKKT ai'i 4 cfa?< ianndrena In a private family; thoroughly uiKierataada her butlaees; beat cly- relerence iront ber lait place. ?'K?T lliril HT.-A ttKHPKt ? rAHI.K 'wo.M Ajl ?-? "I to oat by the day at any kinil ol work or wean Inn and Irunlag. 9.".7 WfcHT afiTlTTT. riMT P LOO ft, M*|-A m*) I reapeetable woman aa lauadreo or to do bonae vieontnK by the day. weec or month . zood city reference*. Call or addreea. <>91 win ai?T ST.?a rk*pectabmj womar U61 at iaandrete: andertrauda all kindatef Baa waolt. te(i ?r iSftA BMaatot with *mU*b 1 Imii uiy leJwtBC*. MITI'ATIOMB WAilTBD-yEMAIiE?. _ l.uunilrruri. dte. QII7 EAST WITH ST., TOP ftsOOB.?A RKkPKCT 4 eble weraua to go oat by (he day washing sad Iron iajt. __ QQ*> efu aT.-a Protestant uihl as laun 0?Ij dress; is willing and obliging; gvud reference; cujr or country. Ofi'J WTH at.?a ocrl AS ft EST ouis laub 0170 dress; would iul? with chaiuberwork; best city reference from lax i>l a on. 07 1 7in AV.-Tffd respectable iki..- r?T 0 I i geibor; one aa lauu'lre*a: tl>* other ?? chamber/ maid and seamstress, no objection lo thecounliy; four years' city r?(er?nc?. y4~9?J WKST S2D HT.-A UIRL AS~KI'ST CLAM T leiiudreaa; willing to aasisi In the cbawberwork ; b?st rltv reference. Xo/\~WBaT arrrii ht.T present kmplotek-s a* r?'' ' drat i*ta?i laundress iu a private family . I* willing to go to tba country ; gwl city reference Call for two duys. 4?>1 WEST 42D* SI -A RESPECTA ULE Vul'Ntl ?' 1 gDl aa Oratgrlaa.- lanndrae*. understands tinting with ?cisaora und iiinrbiae ; beat city roferei JqcmuR at., rot* rtioos. ilbl \ rksptct TrOt) able wontyn to go out to do washing or bouse cleaning, or would t?ko In washing; good reference. 07 WEST 4'.vril st7. ROOM J -A RESPECTABLE T>) I woman to go nut by the day to do waalilug and Ironing or housecleauing. Jjyi ?>T 11 A V.. ROOM 11?AS FIRST CLARS T fJyj laundriM* ; ^ood city reft-rence. .1 ( ? ~ 7TII AV -AS I I KST HI.ASs t'OLOUKDLAUxI rt'Jt) dren. Address Mm MYERS. Cl"2? 3D AV.. NEAR34TII ST., THIRD FLOOR A ? HI) girl aa first class laundress, beat reference; city ur country. COO WKST So St"7us'E_T'LI<)ht. rrar.?a re tls/O spcclable woman to work by tho dny; washing or bouaeclenulng. r.O I HAST I4TII 8'.-A ItKSrKl'T A 111.I' i.lRl. AS ? /Ox lauudreiia or chambermaid; 110 objection to no a short diatauce in tUe country; pond city relereuco if required. Slyj 3D AV.?AH NtUT CLAM* LAUNDRESS; B] St U.l'i: titywfttiBw Omll oriHwk 7<W? 9TH AV.. HETWEEN 4*TU AND Mill SI'S.". 1 l/U ring th> second hell.?As flr?t claos lanndress; liua kMI *lt> relerenec . no objection lo go to tli>< country. Ct(V<> 'Jill AVT, HETWEEN 4STII VM> -I'MIISTS ? Oli?i Aa tlr*t class laundress and plain cook, aud prui ege ol little girl with Iter; city reference. Qf[ 1 :u> AV . Kr.AR.-A r!B8T CLASS-"WASHBII QUI and Ironer m go out by the day ur take wntdiiiig home ; beat city reference. 1 flOQ 55 AV., .near" MTH ST. (BIRO MBRT l.'"_?) belle -v re-peetable yonnK girl as Hrst class laundreaa: Intellect p>>aaible city recoinmentlallon. | A Q HROAUWAV.-mt. RKsl'KCTAHI.h VoI nT; ? ItO w iiiian a> llrat cla*s lanndreaa in 11 private Inmily, uiiilcrstanils liming and all kinds of flnerlea; beat cily rcfcrenco. Call or addresa. Niiriet. .Vf t? ONION COITKT (UNIVERSITY PLACE).?A YOUNU / Kreucli Kirl to take care of children. Oall for two days. 9 r OLINTON PLAOP. (8TH ST.)-A RE8PE0TABLE youiiK woman to take.cnre of children or wall on a lady; tiuderKtiiiida drcxMtiitkini; ihorouchly; no objections ti> travelling; bent city relerencea. Ol* K A S T lUITII ST.?A VOIJNO OIRL AS NIT HSR t i'J l? fully competent; two yearn' reference; no objection to nn'iat with the chainberworK If required. ri\ ist i'lai'k, ijk??oki.v.\.-a kirstT:lass"en?T. ?/"/ llah 1'rolHHiant uiirte, who la cnpable ol takinir care of in infant Irotn Ito birth or of ynunit cblldrnn, and has no ob jection to travel: can filvniah two and a half yearn' reference from her preaent employers, whore she may be aeen for threo dnya belore U o'clock M. 1 fti WEST sTd~stv-a vouno oirl as uompb i ' ?'X tent nurne; would n?Miat with chaiuborwork ; three years' city reference from la?t place. 1 nr; east 55f3 corner ?tu "a v.-a bb J-U'J spectable woman aa wet nurae ; city or country; bost city reference. I (|X w ?ST 11 ST.-A C()MPKTKNT AM K RIO AN I"'' woman a- lailies' nurse, or would take entire charge ol an Infant; itood reference. Addreaa for three rlava. 1AC WERT mil ST.. ROOM L-A protest a NT l'l'l woman to tako care of an invalid lady or child from Its birth; city reference. ] 1 ?) WEST XII) ST.?A RESPF.I'TA II I.K VOI7NO 1IO rlrl aa nurte and eeamatreaa ?r to aaaiat with up stairs work; no objection to k? in the country; Kood city reference. II 1 bast wru ST., NBAB PA tK AV.?A PROTES I I t tant girl aa nnrae to growing chililren and seam stress ; can operate on Wlllcox .t <ilDbs' machine; U years' reference. Apply at present employer's. mWEST KITH ST , IN THE RRAR.?A YOUNUOIRL as uora-; hat no obfectlon to any purt of tho country. "j "I Q EAST XID ST.-A YOU NO WOMAN Art N17K8B 1IO III a prlvato iamily; I* Inlly eompetenl to take care of an infant; 4 yeara' reference from last employer*; can sew if required, and is villiiiK to travel. Call tor two days. WEST 10TH STj?A PIBST CLASS NI RSE AND liJuI seamatreaa; can take the entire care ol a baby or growing children ; city or (fmntry; best cltv refereuco. 1IKJ WMHT MTH HT. (BELL 14).-A WOMAN AS IwO nurae and aeamatroaa; canable of taking care of au Infant from birth; ran come well recommended. 1?7 WEST SSD ST.?A COLORED OfBL AS I chihl'a nurse; city or country. Mra. SOilREU 1 ?>7 WEST j:il) ST. ?A l.ADY IS DESIROUS "f7) i o ( obtain a good situation for an excellent young wo man aa nurae aud seamstress; best references. Can be seen for two days. 1 An EAST :i.vni HT. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S) ? iTiJ A Krenub girl, 10 yeara of age, as nurae to growing children. 1 SULLIVAN ST., ROOM 1L-A YOCNO PHOf ItO estant Krencli girl as children's nurso or waitress In a small private family; good city reference. Additaafor two daya. iXX WEHT 24TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN Ito to take care of children or an Invalid; no objection to toe enuntry; gixel reference. Call for two days. fTO EAs/4:iii ST.. BETWEEN I.EXINOTON AND JLTTtl Hd mvs.?An experienced nurse; will take entire charge of a baby and brlug It up ou the bottle; or growing children; beat city reference. I tO EAST 4if) ST.?A YOUNll KRENCH PKOTES J.*>~J tur.t girl aa nurao tn one or two children in a prl" sate family ; willing to do plain aewing; beat cltv references' 1 -O 7TII AV.?A LITTLE OIRL TO MIND A BABY, A? tit go errands and tn make heraell usefuL 0|7 Wi.ST till ST. (PKESENT EM PLoYE 1; S A _ 1 I young girl aa nurae and to do light chaml.eraork. OOl 1ST AT.?A PKOTfcSTANT WOMAN AS NDBSR; Is fully competent to take the entire charge; ris years' reference. 2O?jT <5AST aiiTIl ST.?A REsirEtrTAH"i7E (!IllL~AS ? nnr?e; capable ol taking full charge of a liabr ; a good home more of an objoct than wages; good city refer ence. ?>?>?> WEST 4i IT 11 ST. ? A TOI'NO OIRL. HI YEARS *?/?>?) old. na nunc lu a good lamlly. i) 4 1 west" 27TH ST.?A OOMPBTRNT YOfJNO mJ't I woman aa ehtld'a nurae ; would do light chamber work; cily or country ; good elty reference. it J ') WISI 'J 7111 ST.?AN ENOLISIl I'ltoTRrtTANT "I mj woman aa nurae tn grown children, tn do cbamner work, or plain aealng. willing and obliging; no ob|eetiun to the couniry lor the aurainer; good reference from her last place. rii*7 MADISON AV ?AN KXPBBIP.NrBD PERSON, ' ) I accuolomed to travelling, woalii wait on an liivalia or take charge of growing children ; excelleut reference. 000 WKST 56TII ST?A RESPECTABLE fiTi<i<~AM l)'' j nnrae; can take charge of a baby from Its Infancy; good cily reference. Addreaa. 01 A EAST 4STU sT. ? A YOU.NO OIUL TO mFnO ?)!' ' ebiidran and make heraell nseful. 01~F~WfcS F'J0TU~ST.?A COMPETENT PERSON AS t)lo nur>e; can do sewing; best city reference. C11L for two days. ? II 7 WB8T "JOTil ."T ? A PIIOTBbTAMT tilKI. AS t)| I infant'* nurse; would take lull charge of baby* MM oity rifeWM*. yi?7~EAST WTlI ST.?A COMt'KTRKT YOl'NO ? ;M | fjlrl lo take .'are of children or to Inks the entire rtuirj?e of *11 Infant ;Ove year*' city reference. Call or ad Urea*. __________ BA*T MTM irr.-AM OOMPKTIMT Iirr l.VTH ?*)sJ u:ir?e; no objection lo growing children ; llrst cla?? relerencc. city or country. ?l|(j KAHT ilST ST.-A* KNtJMSIl I'HO TEST ANT t)l>' nt nur?n end to *ew; willing ami obliging . l?-?t city reference. ' A. i.. I) | i) ?TKl?T tTTII rtT., TOP KI.OOII. KIIU.NT?V U7Zi rc-pcctable willow wonnn ??. nurse; can t?k<i charge of it baby from a month old. ?> - whsr ml? sr.. imnvi.i-.s -tii a >i> ?ni a"vs. ? (preaent employer'*).?Al healthy wot muna; ?tiling and obllglne. __________________ q7?1 -WKMT-i7TI. ST - v HKSPROTAML.B YlJUNO tiUJ. ('irl a? nnrae ; three year*' reference from her la?t pla.o Call for two <l*y?. I ?>c CAN VI. sT . COBNBB VABlOi A TOUSO t??0 with a frrnlt breaat <>t milk, a* wet nuiee. Apply to Mm SI AUK K, Midwife. I .> ? VVKSf * ?T. - A * "I'N? 1.11:1. AS Ni 'i willing and obliging; no objection to tba city or eountrr; good city reteroneo Irotn la?t place* (71 HTli AV. (IN THK STA'? lONBltV STukKi.Za T J I r??pactabl<i Protectant woman a* name and aoain. ?ir*K*i anti eol and flt; underaianda Wheeler 4 Wllnoti** ma- , ikjaai rmt?tgw?. I SiTi wk?-t ;i&tii st.-a bbivckctahlb yocmi iJUW glrl'te tan* care of children ; i* willing an.I on liK I ing. no objection to the country. r lyTifH a v.?I"pito:riiiTAXT unit as xiiRsiT; U'lO would aa*i*l with chamberwork; eood reference. SCO wiiTi MTB : \ YOU so WitH/kJi i VKT i)i/0 nurte; brraat of milk ona month. Call for U11 daya SZ**; 30 AV., BKTWtlRN 37 HI aKD'MTH ?TH.- \ ?MltJ young woman a* nnra? and *eam*tr*M; can do all kin<l> of family <e?ing. or a* chainnermabi and aeamntraaa; would fu the coantry; good relrrtnce King third boil. -17 I.KXlNii rtJN av -a .J.-1 l.i I aiII.K lul Nil j 111 gtrl to taka earn of children. Can ba ?'-en at Iter Ian employer'*. 7 111 7f 11 av ?a vocxo i.ikL TO TAKK CAKB I | of children and do enamberw..rk , good reference. I 8' 7u ii?AV.V ri'Bsr ki.?k?u.? a stkady kkspki-t" I O able person, woo l? a<-cuatooied 10 the care o! dill I ? i dr n at nurae . no oi.Jecnon to ?.?i?t with chatnl.erwork and Kwini: can take care o( a clilM from It* kirvb, be*t city "l reference. ________________ (>?>(? IMAOVAT (IN HTOBB).?A KBHPF.CTABI.R 1 j-onn* woman to take car* of chllilran; good r?i ?renea. 1 m'J aU AV < U,XO ONtl It KM. --AN AM K.U lean e rl at riurte to urewluic children and n?; can o(ierat? on niarbinai *is y?ai* be>t city reference. I [i|; bkoa1.WAY, I'OHNKIt UK .<rri| ST.-A LtUO re*|>ectjkle yoanf Klrl aa nnr*e aO'l .earimlreat ?<r chambermaid and teatrttrett, but city reference for nm? yaaia. 1 ;:D AV- "KTWBB.V BI?T AND 9-JD ST A. ?A i.UarfO,g par...It a* nana to one or two children; can *aw; city or country. M M. ALAUY W1MIES TO riND A SITUATION IX A family ("inn to F.nntpe lor ? thoraucMy competent t reach nurto, either M take cafe af an Ineaildor (rrowtng children, ayeak* both Krencti and Kn*ll?h nuently. Apply ta Mr*. I. T. DAABT. 31 0iaran4ou Hotel, er to AVLlJi UAMUt, ** Mm* 10th m ^iiMnnkiMtM SITUATIONS WAMTKP?FMIAUII? r *Xunn. itf- ___ a yoUNll woman Tu TAKE CARK Of OHILDBB* A and do plain .e^ln*; beat Htjr r?f.ri?H. ivriwd. All die .. NUHiili, box 13U llorald Uptown llranck ^ | | m r. ^ ? m?m, , ,||| | ? i ?! | T? OXTUATIOX WANTED- BY A COMPETENT N0KS8 0 ana ?ei?m?tres?. or as uur?e Mid etiaruoermald, '>*? <*? trito"" ell" reference. AaJr.M A. rt. *., Herald UyW?? Brnbrh oltio?. _______ d?c. 1 rn WKST IHT1I AT.?TWO'KCTABLB 1.') ?lrl.. one ?? wultree*; the oil,?r u chambermaid au* tu do fine wmhlng. Can >?? wn "I pre^ut.iii|.lo>ei^?^_ ?? WFHT MTU >r (VuKSKNT BMin/>VKK'a).-A? 33 compiteui will Mrtat In Jul'y niideral ind* her datle.: neat and oblwnr_^ TlTwiSrlSrH kt.-^a* waitress-. rnderst ands 48 TCli 'i* ?**? "lo c*p* . lir njT Mt| ,/m A YOUNO OIKL A> If IIW 104: Jif:?wit"-.. In ? P-' tatty; wiiita* -4 oUllKinK; boat city relerenca. ??? , _ .ir,,sr iyrn sr a yui'no woman a* wait 1 f I ZZar a. chambermaid and w?lte?: no objection irJ-ssrxsn.-"-"" i; ? ? ??, "?-'.-'sgg'^a^ari Willi 18 ..'ml obllrlntf-. beat dljr reti-ro.ico fro... U*l place 223.M J^KBSllS littf house pr^fWred; ?#f?*reiico. 2?(? vrSrS I.,*: wuj?.-e not to much an ol'Jocl ae ? K"?d I"""0 ? ??uoa CU' mumn. rr."TT^? '>11 W I - . I KT rvo, '? OIRL AJ? MB8T ^i'x'4: cla*? weitr. *< or to dt> eUamberwork ?nd waiting li. a pri%ate I unity . be.t city reference - JSTjO ?U v\ A vol N UIKL VS KIKHT /SS w .itr.'.s- can m.ko tabids and nn.ioretanda tba 7ir- Ml itlvvi und L'lt.?: willing ?i"t obliging; l,,.r tinMUvv*: ?'??t city refor. nca Irom b*t ?iiiplo>?f. Olio WI'.ST Strr?T.-V KKSl'KlvrABI.K VltOTB* OUO tunl kCtrl .? Wttilri"?i al?a .? I'ru.?4U . B>?-)lt* ratwronce ; no olij." ti -u to a -U .ri dl>tuner In tl'? country. ^ "? 4)1 fcAST 17TI1 ST. ?A ItkSPKUTAULS iJIHI. Al 4" jl 1 lirst clact wait re#*; 10 year* in capacity ; r?*?f rnoea undeniable. - ~- ? I 5th w PKE8H.NI KMfI.OYBR10.-A Mr ijo,) tniM-ti.l.le younu flrl ?? wultro?? or aliainl>?ra>Ma? il wlltlnu in ?i>eiid ll.e ?uioiiior month? lu tho i oantry. - -71*11 AV.-A COil'KTKNT UIRI. AS WAir ?')0u re??and lo i-m.i will, ol.nmberworlt; o*caila?? elty ratar?uc? Irom Inat placa. rrt\o 2D ayT-a KK.-PKOTABLK l'ROTKKTA** ( Oo Kil l BK llrft olam w?llro??; no olijection to Rolnf la the country; lir?<t da*** rol^r^uco. ______ ?? "i YiiUN'l OIHL A> FIHST WA1 TltK^I i\. boarUiUfr him*e preforred ; c\J>ofJ^er*n0Ci* ^ drrst D., box ltXJ Herald Uptown Brancu ofllce. ? ? icf 52D ST. YOU NO OIHL AH LADY S MAIS 1 und to do liirbt ehambarvrork ; i* a aood plain sewefi fline ;years' ?^Sr?nee from la.t pUco. C?t?ffbr two days. ion w55t Stii si -a kiimaiu^k oM-oiifco wo ink:, to rlean lioaao ?r in do day ? w"rJt; "l - < WK8T 1STH ST., BKAR UOO^K, ROOM X?A li) t K<>od .errant woman. Willi tha aucn.nbra.ica of bat fluid; wan., n per month. I-.) :i|) AY.. ltKI-.Vi.K.N 1-5111 AND ITTII ?T:>.-A3 1 ( L Krotich lady', m .ld In u cood Tanilly^ , ETS ; - i n sr - v YOCNO LADY. IPBaIWO 212 Kn?li-I' and Krcncli, de.lrr. t? t.-tko cara o oblU dr.n and ??al?t tboin In thalr amdlea. Call or adare.. AO. VBRUbKR ? CYl | BAST ?aD ST., BKTWEKJI ?P. AW>.?> AT%? 2[4 \ ra?|>?atablc woman wi?ho? work by tl.a day, Is ? lir.t cIhsui oaint ctaanar. ? O.},) MOTT ST I'.MIM.ciYMKNT WANTED BY A RE ^.)_ ipactabta woman; ... >d i.'i. rim-a. .il wI*'''iji'ii SI'. ?AS KADY'S MAII' i IS A 34:8 poiid dre?mi?Kcr and l.alrdrr^nr: would Ilka to ?? to Kiirope ; I. a I'rota.tant; beat i lly relartuea. .in ivKfi urn St7. FTtisr ki.ooii.--a cou 4:^U ora l woman to do honsacleanlnjc >>y 'he day. - ,.... |>| otabLK \\<>M vS WaXTI 4'irO l.i.ttio cloaniiiK or wn?hln* n i?-w dny? In the week. "? \ iMKKiOAN OIBI. I" tBAKS OI-' AGK, WollLD A' like to KO with a prWute family l" j'^ks"^ Itandii hoiiwl.old dntie. and ?ewlnn. Addren. JACKS, bo? 112 Herald Uptown Brunch iilBca. ? "vfirsr Ti,ASS TRIMMKK. AT I'KBSBNT KN p^lom"^al|'id'''*'i'rei|lce?ltt AddresslTeruVd Up town Branch otllce. ?. nr VNTI K-HY K UkVi'R'' I AI1I<K YOUNtS i'KRSON, W aaituatlon as nurae and to do Illtht ohamherwork ; ? irood Homo more un olilect than waifea, ?ood relerence. Ad 5ri'.? 0. I)., b IX 1M0 llerald Uptown Branch olllce^ -ll'ANTHi -IV OKKK'i: OR STnUK. SITUATION. Ill W a yo?nK ?lr. W'?X ^1^,mcT from prpHent ?mpiojer#. aouti ^ PliOKKSSIOM Al. m riJAT10*? M AWTKU KKMAI.Ki. ~t"~l,Al?Y WHITES l.KI ri.lts. BUSINESS LETTBIM, A trien tl? lelta.'a prepare* nianuscrlpta for publication^ iii.nrln J the quotation., reraltoatlon. capltallaatlon POO* tuatlon^ipelllnic, eon.tM turn of hhiwh, ? 14 yeitm* raferencea. Addre.* Mlaa J EM -> ? rcita-i.^o n., box TO nation D. u '?V . \i iliTIl (iI* IIM YN YoI'NO I.AI'Y AS (10\ ERNESS ton, on Hudaon. W- Y- ??. = IIKtiP WASTED-KKMAI lib. "I bi'fi iti-'STAN r CI RL WANTED AS OHAMBEIV A mald a^d lann<lre*V. Inquire at 4? We.t 2tl.U at. thl. morning, between 9 and llo clock. ? -? \ t'liMI'KI'KNT, NEAT I'EKSoN TO TAKE HARE OF A ln??ni one year old and ,ew ; " ' ri'lr re lice required ; wniM-i. 5-. 1 ?<? "l ^ . *a GOOD TKIVIM1.NO MILL I NBhT W AWTEP, TO A ?? 4Sfi8?5nW? Hrttadway. "a-SMART TIDY COMHBTKNT OIBL KilKIKNKRAl A Rework in'a r-1 y.V"811." ' eroneea. Apply, after U o cluck. I JO W ??t -Wn ?t. . <Tl-'lt\ RUOTIIEKS, tifll AY. AND 23D HT A want aereral lln>i claa* nale.ladle* for thalr ladle# ^rwear d. partnienia. On.y tho.e tally competent and e? i.ori?*nced n?ed wppiy, , s V DKKssMaKi H AND AFPHBKTICKS. NBAt A newer.; paid while learnln?. >07 6th a*. i j rottPKThNT MIBL WANTED FOR OENBRAL A ho^w"b- to ?!, ,0 Halnnel<L N. J; Apply a? ?1 Lexlni(ton a*., between ll.e hour* of s and 1.. . T)K,S?vfrK.nd0.n i 1522 wora. 1B Ka?t l.'ih ?t. ?. . ?. T xIlKrtsM VKKb!??S'? YER AL KIRS1 CLASS WAIST ])Khand; wanted ; al.o a eklrt trimmer. Call, before 10 A. M., at II" Weal --d ?t. . t ii"'ii\i>MIt' \ 1 W'iKKINii IIOI'SKKBEPBB WANT E Vd-ln lamlly of widower and two children, where there l. no other help. Addre.. willi lenu., Ac., R .bo* l.7? l'o?t oBice. . , ,j T^IBOT CLASS*DltF.SSMAKBllS WaNIBD. 1*) WBSl p inih it.. ba.ement door. rilBL K.. COOK I NO, LAUNDRY AND OENBBAi G bowIwork .wace.f7. Applv it .tore I ?v. r*IBl3 WANTED IMMBDI v.' l:I V . .V'.V ' i^VNvTal (j ,|?n; good situation, ready, at ODLLL b. 1UU Weal HOUHKKKKI'RR WASTED?KOR M'MMK.It IIOTKL; rli ?r<-Hir!ilr eompeteut. Addreet, with refcraoea, W. 11. I)., llrrnld otllca. hTIiakov aImTw;?fT.rpRKii5NcinrKiR5i: ?Un trimmer* on laillea' atraw llntt; Rood wagaf and eteady work If united. Apply bofora In A. M , ut napcrlft tndenla dnk, 1 Itli it and *Hn nr. ~"awT"who A:IiVKKrisR R. rno J n w tiik daily av kauk i:ikcii,atton of ma EVRNtNfl TRLKURAM fr'OR TIIK WKKK THOT FA R ? MONDAY. Mav 8 S.V100 TI'hMMY, May K. WKUXKSDaY. May I > 4O.9U0 \\rANTHi>-ViKMT CLASS DRtSSMAKKXX, AT 9 I T l'.B?it 17th si, jpANrun?a ooo'iTlook. wan iii7t am> irokrVi krintc ffly reference. H7 Itut iTih ?t. aStku?wmmkn and diiu.s, to aklTT a ~<it>on paying article on romnnaaion. Inquire in atore Itfi Ilnnxl'in ut.. eorn r Allan at. "kitANTRD?A <iIIU? 1" TO 1*7 TultKINU I P; Mt'KI ?T bt> rarced: orphan pf'twnd. Addre??. with panic* lata, S. WOOII., VW 3-1 ??., >'???? Vocfc. \ET A NTKD?A SMART, TIDY <JIRL ((((!.< >RKD Ol M Merman) for general houaework; dly reference. 131 W?tt41-t ?t. TIT A VI RD - A YOlTN i W i IllA X, RITIIB I'.TiKKMAB Yf or Krrnrh (muat ?p-ak I:ftp: i?h and be nMt to aew>, to take earn of it rhli l two year*old; good city reforena* required. ('all. bttwen I" and 12. at No. 614 ">tu ar. TX? AKTKD?A~PROTKfiTANT YOUNO WoMAM fij TV ii?k. wa.ii anil i-on : one m-illin-.r ?? .to * aliort dlataaet from elty. Apply, before 1 o'clock, at 4<s hml HMh it. \\t A NT k7ii?H V \ I, A Kiih RKTMlTioCSK WERT, A TT ealealady Oertnaii preferred who li folly ennreraant with and capable ol m taaalntf their department for woratedi and en bm lerle*. Addreaa, atating rnierencet, box .>..131 New Toft Puat aflk'a. u'amkii-a hmart you ho aiRi. to do hbm. TV aral bonaew.irk: mint baa good plain oook, Wnahet and Irooar. Aj>pl>, with r a, at Ml Orchard at. TwT^p-rOR A I'KI \ ATK FAMII.Y LIVINO IS the n,.(intry a good rook . moat l>e a Protectant. A? l iy at 1CH r.aot fflth ?t.. b?twrrn W and 10 o'clock to.<lay. ^ifANrKD>~A rtRST CtAMri Mll.i.lNKK TO UQ T4 yy <1.1,,1,. all ax|?'i a-a paid. A(.ply to II hi M ANK, WAl.l.t CO.,tM>! Urondway. ilfANTKD IX A MMaLI. A Mf. RUT AN FAMILY A ?T Oartnan I'rotaatant woman a? ihamhrrmald and waitrf??; mM Kn<llah and ham city r?fer<-nce. Ap ul) at .<? Ka?t 4:<ui at., carnar Madiaoa ivi'tiat, .'ma IU A. M. to 5 P. M \v \V* anti-.d-a ru<>reht\nt woman w ith uood I? rpfami. >'< to do iirmi hou?cwork In a privatd family oot *1 thi- city. Inquire at N" - Kaiiierrord placa, Kaat I7tli at., Ix'twciMt 2d and td ???., beforo 11' o'clm k. \yANTRD?A GOOD OOoK AN0 IR i.NErT RY A ?T atnail Aui'rican family In ih? ciir: iniioi ba at Amaricaa nr tu rman rrotratMt and capable of tnkin| cliarc* of the kltrio-n . (liaati in ?ery demraole lor a an. tie early. Apply ?t alike of Maaonk l'ubu>niiur Lumt, 731 Ilroa lway, Jl?w York. VVanikii-two cumi'SPknr oirlm: onr a4 ff cook and Ii>iio'Iit??. tba olhrr a> i-haiubomald. wait ro-a and to a? -l?! a* . jihi.Ii-m Oall, after 111, at iH4 Lax I iik ton ae., corn or '?tb at., boaamaut door. AN I -A I'. 'Mri. I KN'I i/'OoK WHO IS A <?OOD wa?u?r and irtmar. ?pply at SM Wi-at SH?h at. W AXTKl,-A OOOD FlaTn fiioK, wasTirr AND TT iron-r; none n?ad apply tmlcai competent. Apply, b<l*?'?a tke hoar, of u aad 11 o,cliH'a A. M., at No. VU neat 11: h at. ax rKD-riKsT clami iAuI?uimm rux mi w w different dapartiarnta in aillliaary ; yood want paid| tl?i youn. la<l.ea to leara the buaineet, at j, OilILtt'H.M Weat Hth at. ,,1RL' FOR OB^XRAL llon?KWtlRXi TT wtrif); two la lamilyt re araata required. Mv Kaat B4th ?t 'AXTXD-IN A FRIVATR FAMILY, A ( 0MPXTKX1 eatored iremaa aa chambermaid and waitreaa aad 1% MM* Wit* vaafco* A?yijr a*?*.WM Weel MUtMi