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IIEI.P \VASTF.D-PT'.!?\IE fV^ANTKIi-A fS&KU SiflC (I'kW'TAXT . Til AS ? I ftinl iu a private* family ; rtference*. 1<V> >1 ?eooui:&l ?t. TlfANt7. D~ A G!UL>OK 4iK\'FUAL~":Vol SKWUUK; ?? refercne** required. 0B& ffctt nv, ^ ^AXf|^A>liiibv WHO t^klfTAXIM DKKhg if niakitif, \*b<? can "perat# on VI L?*ow?r A WiUon'* *?*? to* maeliiwv ('ail al 141 WV*t ^7lh at. iir A ST I*. D-A ~ Yi M' N?. VVuMaN r DO~ WASli! M?*, ? * ironititr and 11 ? ;kk?< btr^lf generally ri?*ful for one viontli. Applv at W5 Madison ?v., lN*<wi'fii I. and 4o'cWvk AjrfZD?piiist class dresS Vx is ris": waist haiulH particularly. Apply to J. II. KOA4N, %> > r.ast AY 1\-.\NTKI>-A ;IM. ftlAT CAN HEW AND TISIM 11 ? ir?H?d. by adrv^uiiiki'r. No- -l,s Waal Slit ?t., between Ml and t?tl? avi. \\T ANTKD ?KlKST - o r KV P > KS ON WHKKL f f er >t WtUoit** machine, in the fancy ftore 141 Green wich ?t.; come pr parted to work. ?\\TANTK|1- A ..Mil. ; OR 1?KE>S MA* I NO; ONE SKiL 1) hit jiii?' a n>ioweii ti' tin ? work; nlso a /Irl wanted til I>p? air ou Wlim liT A Wilsons murium'and to work buttonholes. Apply nt 2ft Kul 2<tli > t. \\V\NTED?A KKSI'KfM AllLK YoCNti WOMAN: KM It It omple.\l"ii ami dark hair. is- ??! nnrse; milk In?m Ibreti to si\ . eeks I nil btlftft 1- M. it X?, &U XX est MHh il. |\'.\NTI- It?BV VN KXui.iilH i'AMItt, IX SOUTH IT Ornnue. N ?' . a irirl to took, wash and Iron; uood eajret I*'iJ Knst jTtfi si \irANTKI> -A.N i-:xi*KI?7kMVk1) WOMAN TO COOK, II u-asli and iron Apply, with eity reference, from li to |0, at i>3 XX'esi <1 >i li nt \\\xntki>?a oobri Fbotiwtant cook to assist it willi coarse wushiui;; belt city n>fereti<fts required. 18 Uout Mit M. 11* V NTh IuTa Kl R*T~1LA8S CUTTER POR A LA SOP. II dreaaraaklni: o*tab;Wh<i,?nt. duly una of experience need aj'j?!*? tii .1. II. f.tiA.N, 50 I ast llftli st I \* A NT. I) A 0(7*PhTENT YOBBO KRBKCH OK It in r::. iu woman us ?liuinljerniai.; ami wait res*. (tali Vr t?(i dn.\ s. from 10 In ? "'cloak, at 142 Knst Uf'th st. trrTNTEt)~AX OPERATOR ON WILLOOX * QIBM' I I aucIniK' nil two apprentices at dressmaking. (.'all at >3S Bust ? li st. LUANTEO-A UOttp LAUNDRESS; ONE WHO I N It durst mli htr bodMM, wltli gN4 d|f nfeittow. Ap ily nt No, S Weil Slit at, 11' A N T ED?A TO UNO (ItRL AH XURSE. GALb AT i} 843 \Vc?t O'nb nt.. batwcin 8th uud Ittli av?. ltofer tucp# Rqglted \V CiiiTEO?A nbMPKTENT AN!) WtLLINO LaUN l ? ijt ?? * "<*t Wiiiit 'j;id hi 0?u at 7?li nv. door. ?> I 7 E?f U2I> StT^WANThI) A (!Oli?UKD"Wo?rAN ? III t" < i?ik. wusii and Iron ; aim a uolorml rliiimliormulil, fund reftleMF. ? ~A jruT \vilsrliau .^i~?wantkd,~~k Fms'F"class I "V ln'iudr??, alto awaltreM; thono why tboroui;iiljr undrr^taml their tunlness. Qi |J Mil XV . HKTWKEN '>:tl? iMI MTII .>T>.? O'JO XX ant^d a viwH cook; wn^es a >;iri to do liuiMfwork unil take earl ot children. MIT I ATM i M S \V A.\TKI>? M ALK8. "*a s'ixITli/ vor.sTr .xian hi-xuks a .sirivxiTox XjL a* nrd on ii privnt? ynrlit nr fir-it cl?*-% n-ntaurant; liuiiijrftr*' oxperii nc?; mo?i r??p?ctnlile city mf^rrncaa. Aililrcri. Ijy li-(t?r nily. L'tL'IS MOKLKV. 47 ^:a^t KHIi Hi. A~mkkTc a n - a i ;k si, xvisiirk"xvork op any KINO to i am iu lionet liv ing; nnderntanda Krocury litmi ti'-.-H. oar - liorM'>; rafcrencon. Addroaa JAMES, lox 1U0 ilrralil odit-r. VOI NU MAN. WITH LONO EXPERIENCE AT u\ ami liquor biiKiiir??. want* a nituution. or will work in ;* li.Mo! lor thu nummer. Aildri'ss J. 11. box 11(4 Ilrralil olHoc. _ foirsij i:oLOREI? MAN Ats WAITEB IK A priviU" lamlli or to drivi- for doctor. (3all at 148 Knit Kilt It al., nalili- No. it, tor two days. vounTTITan-. industrious, desires asItuX tloo ; Milling to do nnv kind of work ; wa^rs not so much ail ol'jri't n? cmploymsat l In uronir, willlntr and obli^ Inc; coid ri'fmnca. Call on or addrns ADVEttTISEU, ri!X XX'rm :.!t|h nt. ASITt'AflON WANTKD?BY A YOONO MAN; GOOD reliTPiu-? from la*t rtnplin-er; city or country. Ad Iri's* HKIISLBR, .'it i Eaat :u<tli ?t. A YOUNG MAM or 17 WOULD LIKE T(> HAVE A - V munition in a wlioli>salo or rutail IiiiiImm; writ** a (sooii lutnil iitnl resldei with bin parrnta; will tuiiku bluinplf generally useful; good relereocea. E. SOU A EFPEB, 170 East 4th at. Brother and sister (americaxs) want lituati'ins; alstor its flrsl class cook or to do tbo work of it Huitll family; brother mii.onitatids cart* of horses and willing to bii useful; city or country; city referonce. Address AMKKICAXS, Herald oflice. IfURM HAND.?SITUATION WANTED BY A ItK apectablo younn man latelf arrived; it in'iii?iriou? and aieadv in hi* habits and not aOaid of work. AJdreax'Jl. I!., l-'7 llenry St.. .Sew ^ork. \17"ANThD-A SITUATION BY A MAN. WELL I'.K T? commended, to tuko i-aro or trarel with uu Invalid irntlenian or 'ninily. Address A. P., 48 fcast 12th at., lorner book store. TlfANTBD?A SITUATION MY A COMPETENT YOUNQ 11 man; late barkeeper at Theodore Tliomas' Gnrilrn; city or country; Ilrst class reference. Call on or address WILLIAM UltoK, 172 Spring st. \\' ANTED?TO TAKE OHAROE OP TROV t MROOK8 IT anil wark on a farm on Lon?r Island, man and small family; best referonc > reunlred; rornis. tiomthlr waies uml a bouse. P. J. UK ?> OLK, J'ost otllee box 1,587, New York. CLI'ililis A1V IT "MA I.K*itl K\. Ayouno manuk aThlitv. WII<>lTAWKiTfKAKS' valuable mercantile experience. Is an expert book keeper and has occupied a position ol trust, desires ati en papcinont where His services may be iiselul in uny i npnrity; salary moderate; If necessary can furnish some money on fnoil collateral, and lias first ciosa credentials. Address II IllltlXX Ileriil.l odlee. T YOU n o MAN,11? ykaks op aoe, well edu iY cated sod a food penman, wants a situation In a tanking house or broker i. ? . has some knowledge of the lustucss. Address KVKKKTT, Herald oflllee. V B08TON SALESMAN. WITH EASTERN TRADE, l\ wants to reprrsant a llrst class fancy Kr,ods lioase. Adorew NEW ENtiLAND, Herald office. N AMERICAN UENTLEMAN~ WISHES A 1UT0A iluu here, riiiladelnliia or llaltlmore; salary and part nun mission ; master or hpanlsh; complete knowledce of Business; can influence business. XVvst Indies. Mexico and Spain; satlslactory reierencea. Address .--TEVK.NS, box l,A5H I'ost ollice. YOUNG~MAN~XVISIIKS A SITUATION AS CLKRE in a jrroeerv store; first class reference. Call nt or ad tress Kast 4.'i'ti st., seeoml lloor. - AUK.NTI.EM AN OP LITEKARY KXPTiKIKNCE deiires i ci :respondentslilp to n country journal; lerms nnnb rate . two specimen artlela- will bu forwardod trai n. Addrns* LI I KEAItlUS, llernl l otllee. COMPETENT" AND KKI.iAIII.K MAX WaNTEH. who can keep a plain set or books, to act as cashier and ?apeiinlendent; A1 references r.nd #l.(**iea?li security re. luited. Apply at RhTAlLKKH' COMMERCIAL AOhKCY, |.i Kast itttii st. VMTUA110,S' A>1 KtmKK1:KIM.K, i'ASIIIKK OK .s" alstant bf ?n?xprrl; itii jtnti' rnf?rcnce Ironi prra lilt employers: accurity. Addresa I)., st ition K. fti.KKK. SaLRMXAN, .11'.?I WILL ACCEPT ART V J position wlirre busincaa experience and knowledge in ?enaircd; coriVapondent. bonkkeotur. munairer, mrimu,or lintliinv wliero an American of ability mid education run bo iselnl mid aupport a family; either in or out of the city. MMtm* B.,aHWM SHMM> hi: i; ri.KKK wantkd.- v mnci.k van ok Rood addresa, thoroughly experienced In tlir retail ?ualnrsa Apply, lor three oaya. UKOIttiK S. liOoDKM., 1,107 raltOB n? , Hrooklyti, N. Y. DRUU CL! ilk WANT! n ONE WHO rIn?oi .. 111.v understanda the liusioesi. Addresa BROADWAY, box l.Vt Meraitl Uptown Itranch office. D"rvu-<-lkuk w aNTKn?-a youth op in or ir year*, with one or two years'experience; salary #:t to f.'? per week. In ?nod dm : *l>'rc. Send name and aodreaa, with refercncca, to APOTHECARY, Herald Uptowu ilranch >fliM. TWO CLERK WASTEb-OHR WHO is OOMPB J* tent and well recommended front hi* laat employer; one roraklag German preferred. Apply at t*V> Mtli nv., forner Uil at. OUTDOOR 8AI.KSMAN LVANTKD?IN TIIK XI departmert lit KOHII k CO.'!*. ??"> l'ark place. IT* t riON WANTKO AS SAM-.SMAN, sill!' 1*1 NrJ 3 dark collector, watchman or porter: tlmrmmlily expe I'-aced ; reference I mm last employer. Address liAKII.NKIt, ?.'> ? (irand at. \ItANTKI? \ N isWRTAXT BOOKKEEPER; OMR f? with experieni" Address, with relertuce, dating (alary required. Iiox 3.MJ6 I'oM office. 1*r v> ooou i!a?yambr roK hpecialty 11 In fancy jrnods. Addreaa A. It . box I8n I'nai of,no. UTAJITtjD -III tTMS ? i: K I \i:v OR \M \N~ f f uensia. by a young uian aged al; good aad rapid | en nan; well educated; best of relorrucea. Addre>> N. F,, FKrild cilice. \\rANTKl?-IN Til ft Wllol 5>\l.r <.::??<?< la iu si ?r Ms*, west aide, an entry and also a delivery eterk; w>.?t nuderstaud the buainisa and be willing to work early ind lata. Address J. B. A i?o., Herald otice. \\'ANTKI> ? W.fSMhX I'Mli illl M il \NI> < l.tttK II department, t'mnpetent men will t>? liberally dealt with. Noii-i others n apply. J. A O. JOHNSTON, llroad way, av. and 2l'd at. \\* ax .. < u ?< xi.r.sM \s in a ..i mm:. T? ninn'a (grniihlnii |Mi st'ire: one who speaks tier naa preferred Aaoly to J. BRANDT, .So. H Hoaery. UMWkI?-A liOtHl lUT sAMSMa.N, iiKi:.MAX r? preferred. Apply to J. IIRa.M'T, No. 8 Bowery. U^HSrA.VTKi> r' I'l.AsS Jim <?<"' ? v\I.!.S mea In RODUKKS A OitR BROS., IA.1 (tth *\. ~~~ COAC1I.MKN AM> UAIII)K\BKS. \ YOL'Xti MAN' (M AKK|J".I>i WA.VT8 A HITl ATIOX f\. a? coachman; over nine jeara' re'. renre a? t.> capaMI tv and luitV'Ctry Apply to Mr KIIOi>K..H, M White ?t., or <r. OMKKThl' KKK K. ? ? Orand at. COAOHRaS. OaIuiHXRR^^AnTiTskVi'L MAK; low wa^ea ; reierencia. Addreta WII.i.lAV, uox 1 "J a Herald offlrt. TOCXU-*aS"w 1S:I!? - SM I aTI is a> C.\.-H ? man: thoroafhly understands tila baiineaa. ha* first elan reference. I ail at or addrrs 21H Katt 4 >lii i>t., ice-md Dn*r. MAKK~tRI> MAR WlflBRM ? A IHTOATIOR ftN first class man in erery resi>ert; wlliinK to ? ake himself pene'Hly useful; tea yeart'relerenrea. Ad Iress J , box 12-1 Heta d oflice. , 4 SITUATION HA5TKD-HY A sINi.jTk Vnj'.NO xV. man aa eimehm n atxt rroom : ran milk; nnd?rstands Ibe prop- r care an . tr? itment ot horwt and carriages alll make him*ell |trtleiail> iselitl; i;oo<l reiereace. Addreaa JOHN, kvi 142 Herald ofRce. AM RVlkAUY VlTf A TI OX "iN A PRIVaTR PARUTT, aa coachman and KH>om. by a yonn? colored man. who Inderalauits it tUuro?iTl?ly ; be?t reference*. AdJroa. K. W., Kt1 7th a*. _ "l UBNTi.KMAN- WISH Bit A MTUATIofc Kt?R ITIH J\ co icliii.a.i. recom uendatlon aatlalactory. A duress ? WlM.f AM. eiuployer'a prt??|e stable IVI I'.aat .IHih at. YOllMI'rol/?KI- I' MAX WISHKH A Mil A11?'X aa eeaih-aan thomagbly und ratands his huninisa; can |tfe itood city reference. Addre<l J. W. B , Herald l"p town Branch office. A" roV.N'i t (M-itiiKK Man WisHBit A !*ITI ATlflN ar coachman ; l?e*> pe'ercnce fiom last employer. Address I) .1,. Ilerai'. > pts-m. I'.r *? S ft>Al'IIMAN, WM'KXKU ANI* M M. MAN; A cm uiuk; refereacc Addreaa B., box 134 Herald Cpiewu Branch office. ?~ SkOOM?BY A YOL'XO MaN. THORorGHLY nnderstamU ii.? itutlea: food rwfrr.ace. eify |fy. fail oa or a<ldre?s II. fl.. No. A \\ est I -Ml: at _____ A' BBXPKCTABLK BIRGLR van W1SHK* v BITT ?tloa a? coachman; uuderatanda faroenlac; b?a? ref -rwacl ldd^ee orcall o. B-,a? Cedar at., top Boot. COAf'IlMKS A\U flARDRSEBS. ____ TTTuiAial w'aSTTT? a mnTjlkTiajCin a'iIB. JY *?te 'attillr; no abJeclUm to the country; 11 years' reference from last employer. C?ll on ?r address P. C., 12 Ba?I l*Ha at. V *T- si'ti'TAIILK VOlTNO MAN, STNflLE, WlftHEft JV i < ituato>n u? cytifhitiin; thoroughly utideratanna the c?re and iiiAoni^itt in of borne*, harneia and carriages; it itfutlv >?'b?r un?l obliiritur; bant city re ten? no?. 4 * All on or ttddrOM) PATftlOK, MO West 334 it. ViJKN'TLKM AN OKSlflKS TO VHiHMK ft A SITT A ?ion for lilt ciMU'liiQiin; any one deairini? an hone*!, Utthfni and very deatrable man, cult on or ??hires* KD? W.I *U, tiJH Krottdvtv (A. T. ?!r Co). poACHMAK-A SITUATION WANTKi>~BY A 0OA0Q Ks umft; Ue%t of cltv reference* Inquire at 12/ l*t ?v. i vjaciim \ x~asF aroom?by aTTxolbTiaM; \J tin'l?r*uii(lt hArMi thorouffliljr; 0?n mlllt. mow lawns; will makn liimself generally u?e!iit ; inand driver in city or country ; be* i reference. Andrews \V., box 2*25 Herald office. Cioi/titu'iV coachman. ii?m,; \\?;i:i>. wibiikh a / altuation a? cuachtnaa: bent references; Imirio fifteen yuari. Addre** J . .1. S., Herald I'ptown branch office. / TO A CI IMA JV AND G A!U > K NKK~ WANTS "a /fiTA ? \J tion; ? n,;le. ii tide rat and* tbe cure of norMii tlwroiiirlily; can; best city rcierencea. Address li., box 151 *? Herald ofi*ee. ? poAoi^i^EoTTiiric^ifY a yovtxg uxi; v-1 ????lier.t reference* i?a t?? capability, Jkc. Audresa M., box l'i*j Herald Uptown Branch office. /^ audio t:u's sTrnatiox wantico?iiy an kno VJT linhman. ot superior ability mid character; lias iuid charge ot firat claa^ places. would superintend a tiirn, in connection witU garden; wile would take charge of d.iiry und pouitri it required; can o? highly recommended by tn-eseiit and hmtii'r oiuphiyertk. Address W. II.. Post otlice, >pw Brighton, f?. I. (Jit i^ri 7?n~w anted -as coachman, hyXsixulb O man; thoroughly understand* hi> bmiiiean: icoud refer ence. Addrea*J. M., box 1 <?0 Herald otDce. QITUATIOK WA A il lSKMANr uabdkn Kit, lO married, f#r fruit*, vine*. vevrtHblew; care of liurne*; tutlkiuir cow*. 11 UAl'iiKIl. Pearl at., liquor At ore, QirUATJojt WANTKIi AS AND~ JAR C/ doner by a single young man; be?i reference given. Ap ply at 1S:? >l??tt #t QiTu ation" WaStSS "15 coach man- r ixir it#T, a O v**i!eiat?le jemdener; (?erman; married man; Protoa tant; go??d reierai?j*,,?. ('all at 126 IV la ore v at. ANThU?JiV A SINCLK M AN. A sri l ATIONTs ? * coachman In a private family: ele?6i yeara' refer eneu 1 r??irt l/u?t place. Addrt?a? A. P., Otieo boK^tore, 48 Kaat 12th at. ANTKI>- A StTCTTR)N~ AH (ioACHMAN AND V? ^r*H>tu; ihorou^litr underatanda bia nuaineaa; willing and ob imny; coufitry preferred ; be-t of city reterence. Ad* ur??i\ for tw?> .> l.,0ox 12# Herald Uptown Branch ? flU'o. \\TANTED--'A hITLTATI(>N IIV A 1'K<) I F.STA NT~M AN. M married, an couchman and icardener; can fnrnii?h b? at ol raferencea froiu laat employer; i? willinc ana oblig ing; baa nu objection to tbe coin try. Address box 1U2 Herald olliee. VfTANTRD?A SITUATION AS COACHMAN, HY A IT competott; young sinvrle, in city <?r cenntrr; beat city reference troru last employer. Addreaa M. 11., Herald | rptowu Hranch ofttce. . il \V V\TEiMiAijKS, Tn ACTlVg. cfiltTliiOfXX'L.V Xiiktft tOB A C%X> ! ii. teunial onterpnae. 4s* Broad at . roino 11. Iroin ^ to 12. ? GENTS 'WAMTED.?SUMETHIMO N KW; XBKU7- D ! uV in iivrr.i liwllr; prulia .11 p?r cent; &i fur a (tirt. | AililrdhB.1.. box lL'l lioniid odiro. a <;knts wanted in evekv tows amTcitv is ? ut\. tlie United Shuck, lo Mil KakIo Kurnltnr# PolUti; nio bout ever nimta: now uicd upon tli? lin<-*t woodwork at? en- I tennlul bnildiiiics. drnKKlau and grocer* can incrniuw tlietr i IjiihIiu ms nelllne it A?ldrtM MAN'F'O *'<).. I,M?>7 i ClieH'.nnl ?t.. Philadelphia. JOltNKOS, IIOI.I.OWAY St j CO., (ieuerul Aienu, UQ .-trciint., Hbilaaclpliin, I'n. A XJKNTS WASTKD-Cil'f AN1> COUNTRY. TO SEllt | il Ten to titniilli p und lurire caiiounterB; ^rfnt.'st induie- | nienta. ('ANTON TEA COMfAMY, 148Chamber* (t. A GENTS WANTED?TO BELL. THE BEST MAKING *Y nowdor In til' world. I'all nt ECLil'SK liAKINti 1'OWDEK CO., 1NU Dunne st. A oEXTIiKMAN OP CUi.rrRE ANI>"ltepimeveiK A with iiti ?.\ten?lve city and hociety iiri|uaiiiianee, can hear Ol u iinod opportunitr iiy callin - .it 7(? iiroadway, <ee ond floor, fourth door, from r< to 11 A. M. A MAN \V A N fED-TO TAKE CHAROB OP A PI EST 1 V clim? lirery Mublo ; one who tliorouiclily niiderstnndf tile biihinoa: miut be of good address. Address J. X., lier uld CptoKti Ilraneii oilier. ANiilil/l/s" ROMAN BATHS, fll LKXINtiTON avT. want honest, inditatrioim. -trictly temperato Ameri cans, under 'J't, lor baths and olDee; ?l"o colored boy. OKNTS" IN CITY AND COUNTKY. 327 GRAND ST. Tlio be?t thing out. CENTS "WANTED IX TOWN AND COUNTKY TO ?nil our pure tea* to lumllios, hotels and large con itimcri; best terms and largest titoelt in the roiintry. Apply to the Wia.LS Tea t'ompany, 2IJI Knlton street, between Church mid Greenwich ot*., .Sew York. CTIVE At IE NTS WANTED?KOK CITY AND COt X try. Particulars at 85 West 4th ?t. after 10 A. M. A \ TOO Nil MAN WANTED-A8 WAITER IX A RES /Y tuurnnt; must understand the business. No. 748<jth ar. 13 AGENTS, CITY AND COUNTRY. AUK M AKING f8 TO i dally. ::<i7 lileeeker ?t .| olUco. lower bell. VOl'Nil MAN, WITH J'VSI I'A.-ll (iOlil) HEAL e*tat* security [riven) can obtain a ?rot?l situation, at a Ivr ?alarjr, iu a wine uiid lunch room. Address J., Herald office. 4 GKNT WANTED ? FOR SEWINO MAOUXE JV Treadle; no hiinibui:. 17 l!ond St., I to 4. OY WANTED?17 OR 1? YEARS OF AOE. WITU reference. Apply at the t'a>ino. t'entral Park. TjXPKRIKXiiKir ACITVE CANVAShEKS* WANTED Jj at ltetaflorK* I'ommerclsl Apeney. 25 Kai< 10th st. W Alt M U R WAXTh D-A~ M A It HI ED MAS AN D~HIS r w|[<', to take charge of a farm and garden; one that thoroughly understand* his bn?ine?? ana Is not afraid to work. Aililrpv. with reference. II rt . l'o%tolflc?. Uohoken. AUANIKD-A I.IVK M A.N 1~N ~~h VERY CITY IN IMP. *> I'nion : you ran make f-5 per day sellini; the Eureka I. tier Copying Ink snd Hook: no press, brush or water re quired. Ad ire?s EUREKA MANUPACTU1UNU COM i'.VNY. 58 Ite ide st. ANTED? X ENERllETItTMAX. 0P*U00l> BU8I. i nets qualillcationi, to solicit orders for .Metallic Ad TWtW?| Show C irds. MM B. II. 8., Ilerald office. WJISl BD-.r YOU NO MAN. BBTWKBM riO. AtlK ?? of h iml Lli. to make hinisolt gi>ii>-rall.v useful in a cigar stor?; must be active and tldr and lurnUli good refer ence*. Apply, between 10 and 12, at 50 University place. OCT ANTED?A MAN SPEAKING " ENOLISH ? AND I * French, with references, for a responsible positiou. Call ?t 08 West llounton <t. TIT A NTRI >?A YOl'NG HOY OP ABOUT 10 OB 12 M years olii. In do errundi, who has a ?i>od handwriting ??d go ? . raft fences. Apply t.. T. M . W Piatt st.. city. \ \ ' A N TI; D?W1 D E AW \ K K MEN TO SEU, A NEW II article of trade signs; come and see them. 18t> Broad, way. room 8 Wanted!a man "who thoroughly under stunds the mauufseturn of iee cream and wonld not hesitate to go In the emintrj '.'an find a situation by anplr Ing. Willi relertnce, to G. ItOSS CARY, 14 Exchange place, Jersey City, for furth?r particulars, "\V'.\nti:D A FIRST CLASS CUTTKR <>N LADIES' ?? suits; only one who understands tii? buainesa and is W illing to w.T< pplyto INDESTRUCTIBLE RUFFLE CO., -54 and 250 t'anal st. TASTED?TWO liool) EXPEItlEXCED CARPET I layi rs; city reference required. Apply at CltOSS LEY'S, corner Kroadway and W ortli st. 0A8H WILL SE4 URE COMPETENT STEWAED V?<? ' goo.I situation. Address HONORABLE, Herald I ptown Hraiich olllce. w *T9'nii A YEAR SALARY WILL BE PAID FOB Vii^Wll services of party who will loan f I, two on sat ibfact"r* -ecmrity. yt'EE.NS COUNTY LARD OFPJCE, OSJ Braadwav. 'I'll IS TICiUKg. ClOMPOSITOItS ON THE CITY DIRECTORY, Af~X> ) ceiita per l.iXDema. Peraonal apolicatlona at once to joll\ r TROW .v (UlX.WtiiMimkM. /1OMPOSITORH OS TH R CITY IMRBCTOBY. AT 80 V' centa per 1,000 ?oia. IVnonM application* at otteo tu I.ASi.K 1,1 ITLR k I!U., Mo !" \-i<ir p.a a. nBAL'OUTMM v.N wants "?ITU ATI OX IK ARCBI" teet'a or eugineer'a office: r<n Inflnenre butlnea*. Ad dreaa, for one wo k, ARCIIITEt'T, Herald office. P BISTERS -ivaNTKD. TWO or THREE VOMFiwl. lor* accustomed to make np and prepare forma foi preaa; to men full? mniKt'Lt i#rjiufal place* can be offered. Addroa* "uouK PRINTER,'' bos 4.USH Pout office. New York. To uWRRBB or PROPERTY.?A NIUT CLASS home pnlnter would work by the day. Addrcaa PAlNIER. K0 M cat 2Utli at. rro .fEWKI.l.ERS - A SITUATION AS JOBItKHOK ON I new work: uudcratanda coloring. Addron H. 1.!' ller?M oS e TO I'KINTERS.?tflTl'ATtON WANTSD BY A FIRST cia*. cylinder prcaauian. Adtlrcaa McCl.CRE, box IHII lleralil office. U'amii'-n?: NO MAN Aliour I* WHO I'NDhR II tnak:n; allow c?ida. J. WaDK k SON, fancy gooda, IW itrud at., Williaiaahnrg il'ANTRil-A sKII.rOI. WOK KM AN. TO REPAIR A II church .>rR?n. Applr at 500 llroome at., '2 to 4 A. M. or 7 o'clock 1'. X W'AMI.' i WOOD CAKYRR, TO CUT SBOW IT Chorea; atead* work. ? NARI.ES PRYSRR, *H? Dlrlalon at. IITANTED-A COMPRTRST MAS, TO II.VNO WINDOW il ahaile?, cornic<-?, .*<? Applr ai uphol?tery ? ?cp.irt ment ol Slllil'l'Altl) KNAPP, IH'I atid Iro'Hh at Kit KM II ADVKllTISRMKm. r'.NK DhMoIsKl.l.E ARRIVANT dk paAis desire ae placer r an me bonne d'entanta. S'adrraaar chct M. Betln. n -M Clinton plare. I'XC. I'VMK PRANCAlSh KT SON MARCPAKlJANT V ^clai*. deairrnt irourer tine poauion dan* nne fa nillle de premiere diwr . I h<>tnrae pour ae rendrr pemrale ni?tit utile . "tlrr* n'lrol' pour I'antrelicn d nee n-.aiaon; la fetiune fd'iime ^ettrernanle .m maid; anenne objection a n-vneer; a New Yom on a la campaene; I'homme ?'eiit;atre d avoir ?otn dc la maiaen pendant I hiver; bonne reference ('all at "r addraa.?, for two data, Room .VST, Koaanicra Ron . K.r..?iiw<y and 4?d at. HILIilAKUS. *\ T.aRijr. *s>< "r'TM'kSTT rW~"XKi? HM'ONft .V band Milliard T?M"?. with the new challenge cuabion; tin- cordec oi!|(e perfected, at low prtcea. 1. Dht'kBR k TO . e< m?r l anal and Centra am. t MR RIO Alt s fa mm R0 881 IL KILU MOTAlU.% JV Mth Delanav'a wire cuatilona. -olely Head tn all chain, ptonalilp and tnatcU came*, aae utd hand Table* at great ?algalHa. W. II will KKI r II A CO . ?> Veaey at, elOlXENM'll'S STANDARD AMERICAN RKVEE / Itilli ?rd 1 able*, with the celebrated I'beian k Collender combination cnthlona. for a ile Id tula city only at 73S Itroad war. ONE :.Xlo COI.I.KNDKR BEVRL TAB1.E, IN COM plete order, for ?ale at MM 4t!i av. W.WTKI) TO Ml HCHAXK. /'as:: RRaPY roR A oOANTTTt OF SRCOND V J band \ ertical i'lpa Strain ila.|tal?>r- Addrea* l'IPh, llerald oflke. _____ > ! tilt. \?.K. boiii NiifoN's sioRA.ii warRkoomm. 54-J II l> X aon at., tor Ptimitnre, 1'ianot. ir>m*?. kt. If> aeparate >MHM CHaRI.EA 11. KollllR. I'roprletar. PARTIES SIORIN., H KNI.URK WOVI.ll DO WRLL X to iiifpect the Orand Central ritoraga Waralioisae. oor n? r Eroalway and 4?th at. STORAGE, IN PLA.STRRBD ROOMS. KOR FI RM tur*, catTlagea, kc. 109. III. 113m4II4 Km4M?I HVIiRI AT AUCTION. A. art noticf. abb balb. Til 18 (Til U It 3D At) EVKNINQ, M Clinton llill Silr roomi, at 7 :M0 o'clock, SAMUEL r. AVKKY'S COLLECTION t of OH and Water Color Paintings, Drawing* and Objscts of Art. imported during the present season and sever before exhibited to the public, now i>n exhibition at the Art Room* 817 Broadway, and to be sold by auction without aay res ervation whatever Tlil? will ba the only anrtion aala of Mr. Avery's thlt Muon. The Xnkti. LEAVITT, Auctioneers. Auction hale this day.? large and peremp iorr s?lo iIiik <fliursditv) morning. commencing nt IJ o'clock. in ?tic elogaut Ave ?tury brown Mono mansion ."<0. j I'.n WEST 2'ID ST., NKAU OTII AV.?MAGNIFICENT 1 HOUSEHOLD KURNITUItE. RARE AND COSTLY i MTOKKH 1)1' ART. comprisinu IS ALL OYER B35.UW worth Household ('.nods, by catalogue 2 brilliant toned Pianofortes. Steinway and Windsor. su|Hrrh satin Parlor Suite. 2 elegant rosewood Ktugeres. 2 rley'iiii Mantel Seta. 25 choice bronae Figure A1 _ re*. , '.*<i places ol Parian Statuary. |.'? window n Lace Curt hi tin. 25 llrnsscl* ami iuirrain Carpets. 30 fine On t'rilittIiikh. boat artist*. 2 elegant t'abiaota. 8 elegant Library llnnkeasea. 4 elegant Library Tablea. 2 Ladies' Secretaire" and Bookcase combined. 3 I'.aav Cham, Turkish style. 2 Music Boxes. neav I'art* makers. 12 electiit Bedroom Suits, complete, la black walnut. 24 curled hair and spring Mattresses. 24 Pillows iinti Holster*. |i> e'e^-aut black walnut Rockers. .'4 Bedroom Chair* to match. K hlack walnut Ijounges llcl.'ifsitt (leiirtHjm mid Parlor Clocks. 2 elcKAnt black walnut Bullet*. 2t supurit Kxtonalon Tables. .4 ulncK walnut 1 it 11 iim' Chain. 2 china Dinner and Tea Sets. , Ca?tcr>., I rns. Pitchers, Porkl, Knives. Spoons. Glassware, Ac. Also ti.-iKeineiit ninl servant*' Furniture, new four months airo N. It.?This is the lar/ost silo of the season. Sale positive, regardless of weather. LUKK Fll'ZOhRALD. Auctioneer. X. 15.? Competent luen to pack and ship goods, city or country. __ _____ V RAKE OP PORTUXITY FOR Hot'BJtKBXPBRS. j\ Kxtra large Household Miriilture aale, THIS (Thursday) MOUNING, Ma* II, at lOf* o'clock. 1 ver WW lots handsome ami useful Household Kuruitnre at the large rnsld-nce No. 105 Kast 13th St.. second door ! from 4th nr., X. KRAEMEK, Auctioneer, will sell, positive, rain or shine, t? the highest I,Wider, withort reserve, con sisting of velvet, Hrnsteis. ingrain Carpets; maguiticent latest style Parlor Suits. In satin. brocitde. rops and hair cloth; one Stcinwav A Son's and one l'lersoii X Co.'s ro?e woml Pianoforte. Mirrors, Cttrtilns, Works ol Art, Brontes. Vases. Clocks. Tables, Etugeret, Bookcase*, Hooks. Cham ber Suits III rosewood and black walnut. Inlaid; Bedstead*. Bureaus, Withstands. Commodes. Wardrobes; IN hair and spring Matt'e*sos. Holster*. Pillows, lineti Sheets, guilts. Lounges, Chairs, lioeknrs, walnut Sideboard, two Extension Tubii *: Chin*. Tea and Dinner set*; Hue Glassware. Cut lory. 2tX) lots Silverware. Ac. The larueit and richest sale of this season. N. II.?Cmnpotoat mon to pack or ship goods, cit.v or country. j AitT "SALE. BAUKhlt A </'(>., Art Emporium and Auction Sales- 1 room*. 47 and 4P Liberty *t.?Now on exhibition, a desira ble I'olleotion of inediiiiu aized Oil Paintings, well worthy j the attention ot ai t collector*. They will be sold, treo from j nil limit*, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, the 13tb of | ilav, riiiiitiienciiig punctually at 12 o'clock. ItOBhllT SUM NEVILLE, Anctionser. A" BT SALE.-TtHK VERY" cTldlCE COLLECTION OK OIL PAIXTINOS, now on exhibition at the MATHEWS CALLKRY, 57 LIBERTY ST.. will be solu FRIDAY and SATURDAY. May 12 and 13. D A NIK LA. M ATI 1 KWs. A nctloiteer. ItT. ?riIE SUPERB CC?LLECTl'ON~OF FOKEIOX WATER color drawings by the most ponular artists of tbo day. Imported by Moa?r*. M. Knoedler A Co., formerly . (loiipil A Ca, will be sold THIS DAY, at 12 o'clock. AT MATHEWS' OaXLEKY. 57 LIBERTY ST. DANrKL A. MATHEWS, Auctlooeor. A ?CEORUE W. KEELEK, AUCTIONEElC A, Art 'laliery, 5M Liberty at. Lnrge peremptory *ule o swirs cabyinos, Vienna and paris goods, Painting* on iMireelaiu, Ac., Ac.. TO-DAY (thursday), May 11, at 12 o'clock. * lICTION sTlk! AUCTION bale. A- this DAY (THURSDAY), MAY 11. commencing at 10o'clock. the entire handsome and exqnlaits HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, made to order; STEINWAY 7? OCTAVE PIANOFORTE, Chlckering 7 octave Plauo, One oil Painting*. modern and antique French Rronsea. Ac. of (Ive *torv brown *tons mansion KO. 47 WESt 1 OTII ST.. BETWEEM 5TH and I1TII AVS. over 450 lots, by enfltlogite, all in excellent condition. I'AKL<>IIH CONTAIN PARLOR AND DRAWING ROOM suits, richly carved rosewood and walnut Irauie*. coverod In crimson, tan sod gold brocade tittin and eotelaine; Turkish and Spanish Lounges, F.asy Chairs, inlaid marquetrle and gilt Centre and Console fables, rosewood Etngero*, Cabinet*, French plate Mirrors, lace Curtains, French Mantel Sets, (50 day CU'ck*, Musics' Boxe*. Jardinieres, velvet Rug>, (Irna r.ntius, handsome inlaid Library and Srcretalre Bookcase*, choice Books, Library Table*, elegant Turkish 8nlt iseveu piece*). Lady'* Writing Desk, Statuary. Works of Art. LIBRARY CONTAINS . Brussels Carpet, ebony and gilt Secretaire, Bookeaae*. I volumes choice Books. library Bookcase, elegant Turkish Suits <*evrn pieces). Library Table*. Statuary, Works of Art, Lace Curtains. KLABORATE CHAMBER SF.TS. consisting ol solid walnut and rosewood Bedsteads, hand somely inlaid aud gilt; Dressing Case to match, tins Ar moire a-glace Commode. Bnr?au?, Wsslntand*. marble top Tallies, Chairs, Koekers, 3.1 One hair and spring Mattresses; also p!?*in (ingle and double Bedsteads, feather Pillow*,, Bolsters. Bod Linen, Toilet Set*, rep and plnsli Suit*. Inlaid French walnut anal gilt Centre Tables; dining ro<itn Furni ture, vl*.. in! tid French walnut and gilt Sideboard, two Ex tension failles. Chair* in leather, line Silverware. Dinner und lea Sets, Cntlery, Ac.; 34 Brussels and ingrain Carpet*, liall stand. Chairs," kitchen Furuitnrs and assortment ot household articles. X. B.?Sale positive. Parties about purchasing will posi tively (lnd this a rare chance. Take Sixth avenne or Univeraity place cars, or Filth ave nue stage to ltitli st. Competent mou to pack or *hlp goods; city or country. ROBERT C. CASH IN, Auctioneer. IT -TUNIS JOHNSON, AUCTIONKK.i!, A? old stand. 37 Nassau it. TIIIS DAY (THURSDAY), AT 10VJ OCLOCK, LARGE SALE OF FINE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Superb RuflTet, Extension Table*. Bronitcs, Several Velvet and body 1lru?el* Carpets, in good condition. Oilcloth*. Pier Mirrors, lielrigerators. Basement and Kitchen Utensils, With which the tale will commence. Also a One assortment ot Desk* and B<>okea*eii. together with a fine line of Shirts, Tie*, Scarf*, Buckskin Underwear. Socks. Ac. Artists' SALE?HltiH CLASS Oil. I'AlNTINOS. KLKOANT1.Y FRAMED, To I'AY advances. TIMS l)AY iTIII'RSDAY), AT II O'CLOCK AND 7'; O'CLOCK KVKNINO, AT MS BROADWAY iST. nich OLAS IIOTKL). B. MAYERS. AUCTIO.VKKR. ~A UUJtKSSO AUCTIONEER WILI. ARRANOR AT j\. low rate* with pnriiea irivina up housekeeping or other* having for ??!??. Addre** AUCTIONEER, ?taiiun C. A UCTION SALE OF HOUSE HOLD KUUN ITUIIK, iV this 1TI1 rtdkTl MORNINU. at 1> K o'clock, ?t frtir story re*lden-e 21 Ea-t 2inh *t., ?oppo*ite Lord A Taylor'* More, corner of Broadway, vl*. Elegant inlaid Parlor Spit*, in aatln. brocau-l. cotcline. rep nnd haircloth; made to order *ix month* aito; Stcinway A S<ni?"7lj octave rosewood Pianoforte. Etagere*. Centre and Side Table*. PedcMal*. Hronie*. tiil Painting*. Cor tain?, I'ler nnd other Mirror*. velvet and Brn**el* ( arpett, Turkish F.aay Chair*. Lounge*. *olld walnut and inlaid I Chamber Snit*. complete; Bedatud*. Bureau*, J)re*?in* 1 Cares. Wa*hstand?. aprlnc and hair Matlre^ac*. Bedding. Wardrobe*. Ac.: Library labia*. Hookcaac*. l)e*k*, Dining Chair*. Extension Table*. HnfTet, Table Linen, ilia**, China, Silver Ware. Ac. Panic* in acarch of pond, well made fnr nliure will rind It to their advantage to attend. N. 11 ? Good* boxed and removed it required. HENRY 7,1 NN. Auctioneer. By wm. van tassell, auctioneer, OFFICE AND AUCTION MART 110 AND 112 EAST irvrn st. ELKO ANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. VAN TASSKLL A KEARNEY WILL SELL. THIS D4Y (THURSDAY). May II. AT 10 O'CLOCK. ALL the HLEtlA.NT FU RKITt' RE CONTAIN ED IN THIS MANSION No. 2i north washinoTon square, ron*i?tlng In pirt a* tollow*:? Black walnut and gilt rrimx n Snit*. In *atIn : bluk wal nut and trilt Pcdcatal*. marble t< p pill Table. I lack walnut and gilt erlntaon ?atin Foot*. Mark walnut and gilt Ea?ei*. black w.ilntit ami pil'. Card lleceiver* and Centre Table*. Mark marble and real bronae French Clock* and real bronr.e Kancv i irnamenta and Mantel Piece*. Mantel Lambrequin*, black walnut and irllt Mantel and I'lcr Mirror*, -ryatal Chan loiter*. 13 burner*. two-arm crrotal Oa* Bracket* moqnet Carpet*and Urand rneewnod Piano. by Stelnway, and black walnut and gilt patent Piano Stool, Ac., Ac. OH and water color Painting*, by American and "nronean arti*t*; *l*o Bedroom Suit*, in black walnnt and trfItj Card Table*. Centre fable*, black walnut and -lit llat Knck*. | lace Curtain*. le>nuge* ia leather and cum, black walnnt U:iartet Table*, black walnnt and gilt marqnetcrle Inlaid PedeMal*. rrwewood Mn*lc stand, fancy Ointment* in great variety, Silvcrplateii Ware, black walnut nnd gilt Eatenalnfl Table*, black walnut and Bill XMeboard, .-arret! oak Wine Cooler and Oltuan, black 'ralout and pill Ru**iri leather Lounge. black walnut and giit i-'taala lea'her Dlnlngroom I ('hair*. Mac* walnut and cllt Hit**!* leather Arm Chain, Brtiaael* ar.d velvet Carpet*. ?talr 3arpela, Rod., Mr.. Jke A l*p. Billiard Table, bv C. Ilrote, together with Cover*. Mark er*. 12 Cue*. Mace. 3 Real*. ?et Hall* and Reflector*. Ac. Over 2Ti<> lot* in all. Everything neurit new and of the very boat. Furniture to order by Cllne and everything aa (jood a* when put In the house one year airo. BY ROBERT SOMKRVILLK, auctioneer, 7< UiHrmltr place, IIOUsKllol.D FURNITURE, MIRKOHS I'lASOS, HKDMXd. AO. THIS DAY. THURSDAY. Robert Snmniervllle will ?ell bv auction, tbl* day. Thnre <U?, May II. at H>t? o'clock at hi* (ale-room. 74 I nlvemlty Slace. very large **Ie of *ecnnd hand Furniture, Pier and antle Mirror* black walnnt, rovwood and mahogany Bed ateail*. Bureau*. Wardrol"-*. W**h*tinda. I'entre and Kx tenalon Table*. LniCM, Chair*. Ar. larte \ irwty of Par lor null* In brocatefle. rep* and pla?h, ntaewnod Sqnare Piano by Steinway A Soo*; ro??wood xiuare Piano by llardman; llatatand*. Chandelier-. B >okca*e*. Library Table*. Ac , Ac. Tne above fnod* mu*t be ?olrt and removed day of tale. DANIKL DKISCOl.L AUCTIONKFR, WILL HULL on Thursday, at I ", o clock, and continue eacb div dunnii the week, at 10 1'ailiarlne *t. and No*, n end i Chatham *quare. the Cottlent* of a large Crockery and (lia*?ware Store 1/1 colton'auctionkkr. r . M<eclal *?le of Carpet* and Oilcloth*. &Tbl* day 'Tn-ir*dav'. May 11. at J o'clock t" M.,we*hall m ile a **le eip'Hallj for Cirj?et? and Oilcloth*. There will he eb'oit -t?i In all and eon-i*t ot Axmin*ter naoquet, velvet, rnfltah Hru<*'I*, thre^-ply and inrraln. B ?Re member the li >ur 2 'clock at the auction room*. AS Eaat 1 >tb *t , near ftre'dway. On SATURDAY, April 1*. at II o'clock, at the private reaiden-e niu L?>lnf ton a?., near Wth it., Ike entire Fanvltare, Piano, Oarpet*. Ac. S Allies AT AirOTI|W. T^'*Titir~^HKNCK, AUCTION EER. Avtifmeo^ mIb ?' cleyrant Cabinet Furniture, Br EDWARD SCHENCK, ON FRIDAY. May 12. ?(12 o'clock. an elegant twrtmrat of Ihs finest furniture. of the roost modern and unlqus styles of pnrlor, chamber, dining and hall. In elegant carved wal not. rosewood, covered In dainank and reps; snperb Centra and Card Tables, and every variety ot style or r urn i lure.. The above la now on exhibition i?d fUl w?f Ijmjjl* wantol furniture. To be told al auction at No. ?? Liberty ?I. Purehuaers can have their furniture stored free ol chargo until Ma> 1?>. G 1EKARU BETTS A CO., AUCTIONEER*. T Store mid salesroom N? 7 "Id slip aud i earl si. THURSDAY, May II. At 10 o'clock, at 10 4th uv., Stock of Groceries. All the Stock In tho ah. v store, conalftlng of Teas, i.ot fees. Spice., Owned Goods, Ac., all in first f lit ?, ' ii .h?" ft f^od busitiess Hortwi ?od^ Groctr^r \\ agons; also, All I store Fixtures, Safe and wtllco Furniture, ?c. Catalogues at Nit*'. . , . . . Horses and WiWdiiR to b# Hold M 11 o clock (sharp). <JhUAR0 BKTT8 CO., Auctioneer Store and tiftleirutim No. 7 Old slip aud 104 1 earl St. KNltY 1>. MINER, AUCTIOMKKIt Date Henry II. Le**?is ,t Miner), office and salesroom, 1 Broadwiy. MOBTOAUKK** SALK, Tilt RSDAY. MAY II. at o'clock, at tho private residence NO. 18 EAKT tlOTl! ST.. Bi TWbhN MADISON AND 4TH A\ &. HANDSOME HOUSF.rTOI.D FURNITUKE lfADR BY BEST CITY MANUFACTURERS. ROSEWOOD GRAND PIANO BY CHIOKERING. PINE ORIGINAL MODfc.ll> Oil. PAINTINGS. BBON2ES. AO.. AO. PARLOR:*.-Moquette Carpets, black walnut Suit In cherry .alln, with \Vlndnw Draperlostornateh; real lace Curtain*. Inlaid Cabinet, Centre and S dc Tablea, superbly decorated i?rcsdeu china Jardiniere, with flowers ana S'"V" birila, purebaeed in Swltiorland in.l cost * >oe gold carved r??ew.?od " octave concert grand 1 iano. tnaflie i.v Cblckeriug.>; rich crystal cut i liauueHer*. bine* walnut French plate nier ami mnnlel Mirrors. lironae aud marble Clock and .-idc Pieces. original Oil laming* by EUGENE VERBOBCKHoVBK. J. P. KE>>Ml. J A MKS OL' KNOCK. J. J!'. t I ?'%M? ATTP\ BKBaNGER. U.\AN Eh Ml ATTEN aud other*; also fine Engravings. IllM.SO ROOM ?Roral Wilton Carpet*, lace Curtains uii-1 Window Draperien, carved black walnut Buffet, fcx ten sion Table and Obairt in French morocco,hronse ^tension fhadslier, Mack walnut Etai;cre, miperb Dinner. HreaiJA** Miid Tea Service of French porcelain, made to order, cost cold; Bogllnli docornted china BreaKfast and rea ser vice. fine sllverploted Waro, rich cut and en.-raved Glass ware, lir.lrry. Kngravlm.-s. Ac., Ac .. , LIBRARY. ?Moouette Carpeta. lac* Curtains. black wal nut pier Wirrors and Cornices. black walnut Suit In 'Irab and figured tapestry. Bookcase, Table, i/locks and marble Ornaments, Work Tables, Ac.. Ac. , BriDROOMS.?Moquette and Brussels Carpet*, black wal. r.ut Be'i.te id*. Bnrean*. Dre*^ln* Oases nnd iJotinnode, en ?uiie; Boudoir Suits In rep?, curled hair Maltresw*. Holster* and Pillow*, heavy MMikets and Oounl?rpane?, Ohand?llor? and Oas Plxtures. Clocas and Vaaos, Ac.. Ae. IIAl.I.S.?Brussels and Wilton Carpets larga rrench plale Hall Stand. Wilton Stair Carpels and Itmls. Newell Post Oasiller. Ac., Ac. ; also Kitebeu I tenslls. Ac.. Ac. By order of II. P. DhQKAAK MortKXtee. ?~iTeRTS a""SIINS, AUOriONEEIW. H. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OK RICH PURSITURE. the entire stock of the New York Parlor Suit Company, valued nt near 530,000, ON THURSDAY, MAY 11. AT l(iK O'CLOCK, AT TUE SALESROOMS. 17 PARU. PLaOE. eomprlslntt eleirant rosewood and walnut Parlor SnlU In HNtiu, tnpevtrv. moqvei, cotelnlne and rep*; rttrkisn tdiniri and IxmnKOA. Library end Dininu 1U>?kii Stills In leather; also a Isrire lot of Chamber, Library and Diuinjr Room Fur uiture itt every varietv; Inlaid Cabinets, hazels. Mimic Stauds, IlatMiand*, Wardrobes, ?tc., Ac., all r?t which were inado tor ttrst clans trade, and will l>e sold without any ro serve, to clow the e.t.ite. by ojder ?< E|>HHOS> Xn^t^ f S. WK1SBKKtiKK, AUCTIONKER, SliLLS THIS 1. da v, TUnrsday, May II, and Saturday, May i:t. at H>S o'clock each day. the entire contents of anction salesroottt 7M llowery. This day especially, 18 barrels of \ ine^ar, 2.^,000 good Cigars, Household Furniture, Curtains, shades. Clocks. .Minors. Ac. P. TRAVKR. Al'OTIONRER.?MARSHAL'S SALE t? ? thl* day. by virtue of an execution, at M> Oreat Jones st. at lOii o'clock, one bay roan Horse. Cart and Harness. * WILLIAM II. SliiKLDS. Marshal. J. J P. TKAVER. ACCTIONI'.I'.R, WILL SEEL THIS . day. lit l'?!^ o'clock, at .V? Great Jonns St.. Saloon fix tures. Count"r*.~tfacx Fixtures, round an<l square rabies. Chairs, (las PixturoN Glassware, Ac. AUo one light H agon. SEEBAOHEB. aUOTIONRER. WILL SELU . 6ilurday. May 13, at No .% Calharlne silo, at 11 o'clock, the content* of a first clas, Lager Beer Saloon, eon siMinc of Ale Pumps, black wnlnut llonnter. llaek Bar, Chairs, Glasses. Mirrors Tables. Ac.; also two years Ixiiise. N. B ? If desired It can be purchased at private sale, ror particulars apply to Auctioneer. 1S3 f'liathaai st. if NISSBAUM, AUCTIONEER. 201 HiWEKY. 31. sells thi, dav, st 11 o'cl<K'k. at 2.14 West J8th St., Isriro Stock and Fixtures of Grocery store. Coffee, Ten, Bltgar, Hour, Soup. Scales. Ac.. IllJots. \fO.ITGAGE 8ALE.-l'ETEIl Al^I'THINKER, j>l sella this d?v, at 111 o'clock, at No. l?th Last Mlb st., a general assortment ot Ilounehold Furnitnre, connistiu;' of Mirmra. Bruasels Car?tis, Parlor flails, black walnut Bed mends, Bureaus, Withstand*. Cenlro Tablos. bxientiloa Tables, Chamber Suits, hair and spring Mattresses 1 lllows, Iteddlng t-halra, Kiubon Utensils, Ac. Hi order Attorney lor Mortgagee. NEW YORK CENTRAL PRIVATE PARK.?E. A. LAW" KENCE A CO.. Auctioneers.?I'cremptory auction sslo; tor cash, two finely located Lota, on Summit ?v? new- Somh ern Boulevard, st Jerome Park station, quarter of mllo oi Poidnam station, on 1 Ith of May, at IJ o olock. at the Ex change salerooms, ill Broadway. Trinity Buildings, riiRosi'Kcfr park lots, Brooklyn?*t cot*bt r House. Saturday. 12 M? by A. J. BLKEOKER A SON. JCJ E,,ts on the Park, 7th and Htb st?. Absolute sale by order bnpreme Court. PAWNBROKER S SALE, JKWELRY AND CUTLERY. J TIIOS. J. McGRATII. Auctioneer. l.r?8 Cliathmn rt.. corner Mulberry, will sell this day. at 10 o'clock, .V>? lots Dresses. Shawls, Remnants, Beddinp. Boots, shoe*. Ac. Also Coals, Pants and Vests. Also gold and silver M atcbes. Diamonds and gold Jewelry. Guns, Pistols. J'pera Glasses. Ac By order M. LEVY, Grand st. N. 11.?Sale of Jewelry will commence at Hi o'clock sharp. ' T>AWNBROKBR'S SALE Tills DAY?JAM KS AGAR, 1 Auctioneer, will sell at ?>? New Bowery. 600 lots Dresses. Shawls. Remnants. Underclothing, laDle Linen, Sheets Spreads, Boots, Shoes, Coat.*, Pantaloons and \ cuts at II o'clock; also 4 boxes Carpenters' lools and 2 lino Mirrors. By order of M BLAU, 72 Uth av., aud PEARL STEIN A CO., Illeecker st TJAWNBROk?r'S SALE (WATCHES AND JEWELRY). I JaMKS AGAR, Auctioneer, will ?ejl to morrow iIti day) at Ml New Bowery, at 11 o'clock. ..Oil lots gold and silver Watches, gold mid diamond Jewelry. Opera Glasses. Guns, Pistols, musical and mathematical liislrntuents. Tools; also ft Sewing Machines. By order of M. DAVIS, No. .1 Sullivan St. PAWNBROKER'S SALE WATCHES. JEWELRY.? R PIELD, General Auction jsalesro >m. No. SH Bow ery, will sell this day. at 11 o clock, t**? lots gold and stiver Watches, diamond and gold Jewelrv. Pins, Rings, Earrings, cold guard, lob and vest Chains, Ac.; also. Guns, I isiols, Mn,leal Instruments. Ac. By order late flrin Sluipson, Green A Co.. 1SI Bowery. -iVvlU'llluN saLE-OK THREE KITE STORY TENB 1 inents. Noa. 421, 42^ and 127 West ldtli st.. near ?th Jv on Friday. May 12, 1F7 \ at 12o'cl.M!k noon, at the Ex change Salesroom, 111 ^-^VkNSON. Jr.. Anctloneer. HK11MAN. SHKKIPF'S AND GENERAL At.'C . tioneer?Groceries. Spices. Cigars, Office 1 urinture, Ac. ?Sells this dsy, Thursday. Msy 11. at II o'clock, at No. 2.?SI William street, a large assortment of (irocerir,. consisting of "ii cli'sts Tea, bags Coffee. Mustard, bids I51.-e. boxes t ast<Ie So ip. Maccaronl. Cheese. Pepper. Catsup. Sauce, sweet Oil. Cigsrs. Scalv- ollice Furniture, t.hairs Desks. Umbrellas, empty Barrc.s, Ac. Sale po?ltlve; in lots; deal crs Invited. ___________ SHERIFFS SALE OK WI.NE8. LIOUORS. cnAM psene. Clears, ollicu Fn'nltnre. Desks, Chslrs. Safes, Gla,?ware Ac-S. HERMAN. Sheriff's aud General Auc tlouVer leils Friday. May 1-'. at 11 o'rlopk. at No. 1:1 Bow erf a law and general aancrtment ol W inc* and Liqnora, consisting ??f barrels choice old Bourbon and Rve Whiskers, various brands; tiin. Hum, Cst^ks line Branuies, Port and Sherrv Winca; cases high grade Wines, French and German; also eases Claret. Fori and Sherrv Wines; cases fine Bran die* Uln. Hitlers; cases and baskets t;hampagns; a larg?- lot ot fine Havana and domestic Olgai *. ortice Furniture l)esks. Chairs, J*ale?, Ac,; also Ulai^sware, barrels t.oblels, Ac. del, P0*illvr' \n I.LI AM C. CONNER, Sheriff. Cn on ** H. CoorKR, Deputy. L<IIKKirr? f?Awri or Jf.LtMl HATKIl.-!!. iihr O MAN. MierllT* and (imrtii AmtleoMt trlln tbi* day iThtareday), May II, at 11 o'clock, nt .No. 13 Bowery, about .'*?i Ixiiilc* .lele-o M'otor. Sale p<-Hiti-re * M Ii.l.l a M C. CONKER, Sheriff. J AVE* Maswrll, Dcpnty.^ _ - STiicrifr-s s M.i. or ma? iiisrky.-i?. b reman. Sheriff* and General AMIIontir, *cll* tht* day iThurs day*. May II. it II o'ctosk. at No. 13 Howry, mr 14-inch ??'ins hand I.athe, made by Hchank, one 14-Inch awinii hack irenr made by Hchank; one Drilling Machine, on.1 cutting enirine Ini|e\ Whe*l. mule by I'lcmont, ot Lou dim; fool t'lirnt. Boils, Screw*. Ac . al*i? ? lot of Sew Iuk Machine*, In good order. Sale o title*. WIM-UM i'.. CONNKit, Sheriff. TO WHO AKVKRTISIv Till. DAILY aVKKAUK CIHCI I.ATIO.N OF TIIK KVKMNO TKLKQllAM FOR TIIK WEEK THL'S FAK: MONl?AY, ?Uy * SS.enO TUESDAY, MayR 4N.7UU WEDNESDAY. May l<? 4o,yo > Thomas kkywouth. aicijonf.kk, wii.i. hell Ibii di?v. nt 10,\ o'clock, i\i HUB *th t*., the omenta of racking lli>n?c. romlmlmr of 4'onnicr*. marhle slab*, meat Bloc**. roi-ai and other Truck*. pintlurm and other scales, upright and eqnare lard Tank-.. Hark*. Ka Hrm Suwa, meat Tank*. Houi, Barr I*. otli'-e l>.-?k*, Inr.o WIMr K:il'e, Chairs. Prut. Ac . Ar ; *.?o one donMe Ttuck, almost new. Dealer* and trade Inrlted : ei>o.l? mnal be retn?*i-il to day. Wx. s. moumi ction p. k e~ ~"~ 1?) and I .Vl On .n# ?t., oin-'r of Worn Broadway. Till llSDAY, May U. IS7<i. at II o'clock, liirte and peremptory *ale of fine Wlne? and l4H|ttnr*. by order ot t lie Importer*. cumprDins anat 1,300 package* and case* Brannle*. tiin*. Rums, Whiskey*. I'laret*. llurftindie*. Champagne*, Sherrle*. Madeira, PalW, ?Santerne*, Ale*, I'orler, timber .Me. At 1 hit will fee a r<>od opportunity for dealer*, hotel keeper*, ?nd families t < MM>ply them*elvc* for the rammer. The *ah' will Include man' pood* lor Brat clam trad*. . JIlKUItAU. SK." RKSTKf.l., "MliiWli'K MNCfe lt*nC"Mul ,A. K*?t 31d *t? ftrat d'>nr from ">th a*. Advl. e free. ^DH."4'5irSM"H. (MU>lli7?i. T4J~Wri;sr "4,4rH t Confidential conauitatlon in ?U female complaint*. 'k ' ?DR.' AND MMK ""itViTT?t ON KIDKNTIvL CON J\, situation on all female enmplalnt*. 47 We?t lMth *?. A" "?DR. AND MMh. MAUKIOKaU; W) YKAKS PRAC . lice, odlef 1 Jl'Idberty ?t., near tlreenwich. _T>ir an d MMK. VAX Bt'SKIRK." RK.*>n?KNTR No I.S4 l.a?t J-*ih ?t.. hetwec i :t.i and Lciinitov ar*. li. WlilTKHlAD. SIB Kasr <WTM .-T.. M AR JD nr.?All t< male compUtnt* ?a>iy treated ME. RKSTKI.I., MIDWIKK. SI NOR isifl; FKMALK eomplftlnt* specialty. No. 1 Ra*t A*id *t. ; No. 7 6th ar. tCCTCRRSFOLCURBS OUARA.VTRBD?adticb prrr > by Dr. or Uoa. fHT. 4i BlttuttBear Broadway. D M DOAROBRI WAlfTBD. , nTXSbh front room. rlroantly FjWiMnSD; I .l.o hall Room., with Board. J17 Weet 14U ?- ?ewr nice*. _ ?_ ?T?KLltOAMT ROOM*, WITH BOAR!'.ATMOnRR* 1. r*te?. 1IH XVsverley Plaee, <?r*< w aefalntfosqw* -I KKTIIII'. THIB > >LuOB. NKWf.V A NO' "**Ph 1 wmeiv furi???t?r?t. io Ut-' iwr?l?lf * nA or witlumt Eo4ftL m Vtll rid ?% . hnwer.. SOl *"<1 ^ ?i LABOR BLIuaSt room To W1TU 1 every convenience: dining roro on P"" 7th'a v., Junction Broadway^ ? ? 1 MM NC/.U I'LACK. OOBSBK WEST '"T" 1*T'~T 1 To let. u> ? gentleman and wife or wfth firge front end harU lt.*wu. together ur separate, witn Board; alw> table boarder*. fk7?srTtooM *15, hack. ?is: *?; 1 nicely furnished. piano. very low: h?'l boir<l*r*. 12? Wm( mU ti., n*?r BwMwy. i I tHali room WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. 1 tn-ni.hed or un/nrniehed; large elosel*. water; el. *lnjrie Room. 121 -d ST., near Stli A _ _ ?.. i LARiiB DESIRABLE FRO .XT BOOM. J*?1 1 r.omd: alto?email Boom; term. low; talJf" torr; a*?un?l?mco hono*ini<to bflid, puitfj* "?* _ ?-? Al TO ?2 I'KK DAY. J? TO ?I0 FER WRBK^ OL Kloo itoor.iv wltti BW?i Roatd. at I TO BImAW . near Broadway. Open nil nl<ht. Croqaet gr?Hrod. ^ i)I> DOOR~FROM OIWB* HOUSE <j*0. 13 Zt ?_>!>tli n )?Superior Accommoaatlon*. with or witbou private Meal*. rr~RI.OCKS WEST OF BROADWAY, 2, ,,|,v-.-.-Verv (le iruble front Room* for families or gou tlemen. SIO and #IH per week ; single. #7 to ?*._ __ rth MORY FRONT ROOM TO LBT. WIT1I OR WITH 2 ont ?"L; .l? btk Parlor an. Knomi Mid Rwhdi on fourth Boor; ternii ?ery 47 lireeiiwicli nr. i"i ?A?' plnoe. where attention Is gitMHPo cleanllneaa. ? <*A TO $5^?BOARD. WITH PLBA8AXT ROO*?: S4 abo a miinil H.K.IU, callable for a eouplo or two ladies, $1 eich : nae of kitchen. Wert 33tb*t? _____ ? F fhospkct place (IaSt <isr st>-rt.RA*Ayr Room* and good Board lor .Ingle gentlemen or ladle. or married couple*; term* moderate. Vtii aV r'-4~OFFo?ITK HOTEL BRUNSWICK.? O lUii lwime Apartment*, eultn or tingle. ?itl? or wlthou Board: reference*. ... - ? ?")T'r?imiV w'ilh or^'Mri.ouri^ru'-te't^l'i'\|'>r'^w'tl^>,it board; Klr*t it ml Second Floor*. ?? above, from War 1. '"TH AXD^il A VS., ."irt WKST l?Tli 8T.e-^ ERY 0 desirable Room*, with Board. >TI! AV 206 MADISON 8QI7ABB.?BIjBOANT I'All 5 lor iliiw, with every convenience, with or without pri *?te table;parlor and bedroom. *~7.?fn*T7 pkkWBBK FOB ROOMS AMD BOARD: $() hot and eold water; (M; P*?le? wUhUig to iurnjeh their room* tnken at rertuetion. .<?? \\ est A?tl? tt. y to all the ear*. - 1 1 T|t ST 1<?> WEST. NKAIt tlTII AV.?FURNISHED lL lloont*. with Or?t elaM Board; alao table board, ref rronccu . ? ? <1 tlTII IHA WKST. XKAH ?TH AV.?PliBAHANT 12 kind story Koom, with Board; all conveniences. roforence* lV? KA^IT "S ID ST.. FRONTINO F'fTll AVENUE 12 Hotel and park.?To le^ newly fnrnuhed Room*, with Board. -? ??? Y~r "\VEST 17TII ST.?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED 14 Rooms, with .nperior Board; permanent or transient, also table Board. -n? sr.. COR!?fR ?D AV., 300-rCR.NISHED Xtc from Urpe lt?H>ro?, wkh Bonrd. ? ?*"< Til 4T -OW1KB OF 227 WKST. WILL RE XT 14: nplendldly fi'trnUhed Room, with or without Board; reference* exchanged. . YTmi ST 121 WEST.?A LAROE, WELL vv^~ 10 11 i*hed Room on teeond floor, with B??"l ^r man and wife: alao hall Room connecting; prWat* family, ttnnj* moderalo. . . ? iT^flTsf ScTTi?" WKST.?NIC R L V KIT UNISHKD 1() Koom*. with Board, $7: also Koom*. with or without hoard or^reakfai. only: !.???? newly painted and furnished. 1 Li HAST 8TII ST.. BETWEEN "UMVERKITY FI.ACK It) and ">tb a v. -- Room* with Board. $5 to >7. 1 n AND 10 WE8T110TH ST.. NEAR "'TH AV.?UN 17 usually largo and de?irable Room* with stiperior Board, reference. . 1 i\ WEST 24?ll ST.. OPPOSITE FltTH AVENUE HO 1?J tel.?Elegantly furnished Rooms to let; with or with out Board - o7vm*FTSTVEST.?HALL BOOM TO LET. WITH Jl\) Board, to a gentleman ; lamily noD ST 105 WKBT (IIOCSB NEWLY AND RLE A*) entiilV ftimUhed thronchoui).? Second "W'f ?ronl ^d othRe"* c5n be had at moderate price; table Br.t class; table boarders can be accommodated. ref^c?jK,,B,N8 r?.?,in ST NO 2?0 WEST.?TO LET. WITH BOARD. 2*3 front'Room tnd Bedroom on aecond flour^ also small Room on third floor; table unexceptionable, reference ex changed. * ??- ? ? . TII BT 40 WEST. REAR BROADWAY.?TWO Z4 bnnd.omelr furnished connecting R<wm* on second lw: .ontUerTexposure; al?, hall Boom, with Board; ref erenees exchanued. ?? TZ~p?WKST~2TrH ST.?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED 25 Rmitns to let! with or without BoaM; prt^ate uM, If desired; honio and location Ur*t el a**; terms moderate. tSoTII ST WKST. 3()7 ? llANDSoMKLV FURNISHED 2b Koom*. single or en suite, amplo closets, water. Ac., with Board; $?'? to f*. __ - OkJD ST.. 20 andsome ROOMS, en suite ? j 1a or ?tnu'ly. with or without IWard. ?! Mummer prleM. ho.7ie "hanged hand.; newly paintod. papered and Inr nished ; reference*. OsT_WEST"?TH 8T?TO .LET. WITH FIRST CLASS Hoard, handsomely furnished Room* families or a party of gentlemen; also table Board, refer encet. ? SUvvL ST.. 184 WBST NEAR BROADWAY.?HAND Ad- tnrnisbod Room* "i? oo??nd *nd with nnexceptionablo Board; term* reasonable to desirable parties. ? oTvrliTsT CORNRR MADISON AV?A VERY DB 30^ drable mlt of hamlsd nely tnrnUhed Room# to r#nt; with Board. 214 Madison air. .?/. CLINTON PLACE.-BLKOANTLY TURNIPHED 3b Room* for tnxrrieil or *ln*l?. togi'ther or en snlte. on Tcry reasonable term*. wRh or without Bonrd. ._ ,->"o FA'T 20TII ST."?A SUIT OF ROOMS, PRIVATE 38 bath. clo*ct*. Ac with private t?bleorwlthout board: al*o single Rooms for gentlemeiy. references. BT l3? WKsr?DESIRABLE ROOMS WITH 4 2 flr*t'cia?s Board. In ?n^ family. Also table Board. ? 77; ^fiT aV.-8I.NOLE AND DOUBLE FRONT 43 Rooms, all conveniences, with good, liberal Biard, eery low. ?? . M VVEST It :T 11 ST.?NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS 4?^ to let, with or without Hoard, transiently or perma nently. -? 51 KASf'll Ml.? H1IUJIM r I IK liGMLGIIEJI, with or without Board; family private. CO f>TH ST., BKTWKKN HROADWAY AND UNITER ?/? J ?iiy place.? First rlw French Hoard; Room* en auite or *inglv. for families nr single gentlemen; references ex chanxed; term* moderate. CO WEST. 0TII ST-KLEOANTMr FURNISHED ? )?> Room*, with flr?t cl?*? Board, for families, man and wife or two jrentlemen; al*o Heceptlon Room, lettable for a physician; all vurf desirable. CO WEST 55TH ST.-LA RGB, HANDSOMELT FUR ? )0 nialied Rooms, on aeeond and third floors, with (,-ood Hoard; i.tblr Hoaider* taken; reference*. 71 M AllISOH AY., TillRll FLOOR, FRONTOON I J. necting Room*, with Board; alio Rooms on parlor door; reference 70 bast liwrTFar-ItiTrek gentlexen can be I >) accommodated with Hoard and Roome; convenient to all boat* and ears; term* moderate. EAST 1WTH ST.?HANDSOME BOOMS, WITH Hoard; central and fine location. , EAST IBTH ST., NEAR CLARE^O^llTKlI Room*, with Board; moderate price* for iramer 114 114 month*. r WEST 19TH ST.-IIOl'SK FIRST CLASS, ?) newly painted and fnrnlihed; will take a few ie 10 t boarder*. married and tingle; now ready. 11Q KA8T 17TU ST.. N KAR ~UN~ION SQUARE.? 11 ?' Room* with Board, for gentleman and wf e or gen tlemen ; table Board. 1 ?>"*) MaDISO* AT.?DESIRABLE DOUBLfcTvND 1w?j tingle Room* to let, with Board, the let of June or ?ooncr if required; references. fn- WEST 4JD ST.-A FK fvvTE FA *ILT WILL rent beautiful Room*, ea suite or singly. very rea NMMj, with or without too l Molrd If desired ; reference*. K.A-T arm kt.~onk ai.oovk iboom on ?ec uid floor, front, to let, with good Hoard; ah>o r large and small Room*, all foraiiheo, at low pricei. 120 183 WHS I 44TH ST. ?I.ARCH FRONT AND IIALL Room connecting; alio two Room*. teeond floor: excellent closet*; good table ; house flr?t <?!*?* , reference*. 1"ok Lexington" av. cornkk a? th~ sr.?baud. li)<) soiuely famished lloomi, with beit of Hoard; refer cures, House changed hand*. 1 ? WEST IfH ST.."NEAR tlTII AV ?TWO HAND JLOV) somely turnisiied Kootn* to let, with Board, in pri vate liouie ; reference* exchanged. WERT 44TI1 HT.. RKTWRRN UTII AV. AND Broadway?A desirable ?aile of Room* to let; house, table and appointment* ftnt clam; highest reference* given. -I I | WKrtT 1VTH vr-llANDSOMBLY FURNISHED I"!T front or hack Parlor to gepttomaa end wlte . Hoard tor lady only. 1 | - WEST 47fII ST.. NRAR ?T?I AV.-llAND l+i) -orally furnished Room*; Board If de>ired; pri viile family 1 | Q ?ril AV^-FURMSHKD RO'J.MS FOR OKNTLE ItO men. with or without Board; private family. 1 /? 4> KaSt :ui? ST.. NEAR I.KXINGToX~aV.? llaiideninelv furnished Room*. for gentlnntan ami wife or single gentlemen, with or without Board, (mm to 912 j i?r week. on 7 WEST 4SD ST. ?Ft'KNI.MIKD ROOMS, WITH Jd\J I Board. In a private ftMilly ; Hrst clue* house and table; splendid location. 4 217 OIQ WEST l.YTII ST MKSlKAItl.K LIROE FCR X LO nished Room, wlih Board, to geotleman and wife; moderate term*. WEST 42l> ST.. NEAR HKmaDWaV ? ROOMS, en unite or aingly. newly farm,bed, with Hoard. lion SPRING ST.-Nlt KI.Y FURNISHED SECOND story front Room for two gentlemen-, with Board; term*. $I'J a week; table boarder* taaen. WERT n?Tlf ST.?KIHS1 STORY FROST llo..m, with Board; Mnlint of honee; term* mod 241 ?>i?U WERT ;tjtt ST.?Fl'RNISIIED OR UNFUE O^O ni*lied Rooms, with Board, In prtrnte family , frit moderate. \1 W\ ?K?T 2?D 'itT'-TO LKT. WITIf Hl'FKRIOR Board, large and imali Rooms, tiaadeomelv tar niebod. A 1 HltOAD rillLADR LFfTI A.? 1 I" Ke*nt fit! airy Rooms, admirable aerimmodationa, with or withoat Hoard: atton central. t ?>?? "Til tv -a fi w rrsci <;rthi.K <?Kntlk TtXilmt men, al?o -id ?*, caa have Uoard; large and (mall rooms #4. * . (M 1| !?)/1 FINE >r., Fill LA DKLr hTa.-U) Dti INO*; .UOU lt.H.rd If de-ired A. REfKER. A widow ladv wim. Let ruENtMMo Rooiia to eenllemea and their wlvei; Board for.lady oaly. Andrea* HOT INqUtKITlVB. Herald Upewa Braaeh eCoe. j r~ ^bOamdkrs wabpTku. A ^ SXSSW5ST. a an fc.B.i "??rbo?? ?<?<1 car*. would take twvyouna "?n ?" ???"' *h? cmm appreciate> ?..i.forM. ' -? -?- KRhVhJt. *J JS. brnMtv?5, win 11. hAS?u'jfsts.r.,TR*,?MIM> 80?*" TO t>KT?IM for ladt onl? ? ^ ' i"! ** 'D,*n ?!?*?; Hoard bo, iliJ^dB^chofflSr4 Addr?M,n,E' H(s.K ^,Xu,w'.!!!!!1if.!!!.i).MX)5''*? * "??i tt:- r?',sr ^ t tc-tm Herald office! ?"?>?o?*d. Address K. bo, 13C nK^r?,'^/UThr^,ifaT:^ K*v "^ikIdlr Allen ?(. ??tie and home. Apply at 130 ONh OK TWO IlANDftONK BOOM* TO A rntrnt *' man and wife: Hoard lor !?<?. . '. * OKNTLfV ?rat class Address v.. bul TuLld'LT1"1 'S?"**"*? office. w Herald Uptown Branch npilK LAROK AKD HOWMODlOUTHoiraK av> M . n 1 ison av., Ht the corner of :Wth .. i. . " ^ AD hand* persons desirit.i: transient or permanent Un,'*!!'"''!''!! or without private table, mar be ?cctimmSaELl ? T, h immediate application to tf* propne?? ^7 ^". r"' a?ffy rears conducted a boarding hou?, hM fM rpo ALL WHO A I) VKRTISK. " l THK DAll.V AVKRAllE i:fR('DLATm? n. ...? hVKN^IG TELEGRAM FOR THE WBKE t?I MONDAY. MnyH ^ TCEHDAY. May ? 2 55 WBDKBMDAY, May Ut 4n?i WEST SWT sr.. AlUoINING .-.VII AY.?ol'fTS and ^ "Ingle Booms, with Hoard. Address box l.HAO 1'usl tlUAKD AS U i.OlJOIMi RJfTLKMAX Hi;I NO OL*f~0FTOWNWfTiTFftK VJ qnently desires Hoard lor wife In a nice, ?inlet r.imlU and irenteel neighborhood; boani not over $7(1 per mouth Address LOBLBV. Herald Uptown Branch oOW PERMANENT 'BOARD WANTED?FOB THBBB J. adults; private fatuity; no children : two Ulnars Rooms ?Tn0"pP"rBfloor : *7f. a month. Address X H , IIrraid I'ploh n Branch office. \su, B"A?'> wantkd-hy gentleman and Wife, for ten days or two weeks; Board lor Indy SIJ>K T?llJ 'u?it " , Addres* ?latlug terms, TRa/ "I"^T, Herald Uptown Branch ortleo ^ANTED-IN NEW YORK. I!(IMKOKT.V BLK FltOVT In j hah IT" r Hoard, for two adalU; also rmn-ri. inc hall Itoom for myseir. without board: referiS..". . offi? ' S n)m,cr",? torni., J. B.. Journal of (\.mu..-rv . Wa!!mm,7,,boa!u'. ^,jK vyshi.K, wTnTTSo bnanUr? n r * P'lvu*', '"lnilT. where tli?re are nw u..ior nr m L- 'f(, r? ^: w ! 'urnt*h ?*n anartmenu. on town rtrnnch oilc?"Ve "lh " Addrua* J. B.. Herald^ \VAfrIKirT?Bu.Aftl> K,)K (-ADV. IN OITY.OR COC1*. dr?.. nrii'pi u ' ,H;n't * table widow lady. Ad ?OARI>, Herald I ptown flranch office. HdtKLi. ~ , ? ' 1 Loxincton a*.; day and mirlit; ladle* dat . plaaaawt roomi. excellent table. ATff.rfi;a ,!,!.rK,<- ??? ohTtjiam ht.. near cm Xk Hall.?front Itoomn jl)c. or .Vie, per day. FR?K^T i\OUSfi- 20! WILLIAM ST.?ROOMS open. ' ' Ke?"'e?ncu and families: alwayi L RAND'S ST IT KTK VA.S T IIOt'DK, BROADVYA V iStli nnd 20t!i ?t?.. New York: location ummrDaMedi eiorator and mII mmlern improve merits. ' CT. germain. STII AV.. WI?~ ST., BBOAOWAY.-L'% *t J??,"?**"? l<>c*llon ; "M front, with Board, 92 u 9* per day; Kurnpean pi in leu; elevator, batlm Ac. ?? W M. fl. TPMI'KINS. I'rtiprietor. UlU>OKI,V\"'HOARD. jt/)4 "P'RY ST.. ON "tITR TlKIOHTX'ft'tiV"ll IlV.r.l ., T 1,11 '" Kounn; Kood Board nt mo lernte prtena; loenliou fine fall for one week. COII.*TIIT" BOARD. 3 A RKhnki) <)Brm \tr~TamiLVn^rWS<5~? it "c'lfhborhood ofStaplcton, ilenlre a lew tlrst dim RECt"?!- RRY IIeri'"/nffice. V,"W': AdJrr" DI" A BOABUERS wanted, with PRIYATS tiin .^m|i.r-,! e1V".nr" fr""'cl?T vi? Kr'o Hallroad: irreet nillk, 4c.; rofereuca. 550 Grand A OENTLKMAK AXO WIKK, WITH INFANT. DrT Ii.ii. ?I"f i'.M country, within one hour or City Ilall, woiildatay all the season if tultej. Address statluv terms, JONKS. i.ox H.7 Herald office. , UC At montclaib, n. 77. kok two hixolk oentlkT men, Rooiu each, with t'ood Board; Dinner at'nlirhtl n^snri"rJS'Lt" fruit ,or '"""?"fast, .iive sise of r "m.fei! ^7WNVwrfo?kCro.tVcriCUl*r- AUdrU" "? "? C AI^ADY, ABOUT TAKING HOUHE IN A \YATKBIVfl elfllrtre' **"' ?fvu'">K gentleman ano wife iwi'ttk children). as companions, and to take charge of samai AddressV"|rr H ??t^"l!!'!-r "nd W*??Wllty noed apply. Address B. H. B.. Hernld Uptown Branch office. AT THE GLEN FARMHOUSE, NEAR riPRINfl is,, aansutzi.'- '? Board wantko-in tmk vopntrt wmiis onc-h.tir hour from New V?rk; lur-c Room, boating SC? ss'raW office ' W"b tern" aUd fuU P?"'"'?r?. R. f. nOOKTRY BOARD?AT Mf?I7XT pleasant- FIVK .Vs. '"""J"""',1 '*bl"' ""I* fntiu snd veira. b^f^rice ?iKdr?." wt'V'r.'it7 * week: children undergo o,?uss;. vja'Sst atva tetsiekks.r ??"" >-&?? c?P?kS.Y.l.,,tt ^D, AT A KAKM NBAS V ????kill?Kocfmn Urirp : ffrnunds well shaded ? rrnniMti piano: alto stablipc for horaea. Proprietor seen at 144 Mao doniptl at., near Waahlnyton square' lhls weelT C10UNTRY BOARD W A.VTKD^KOR GKNTLEMAJf J. wife, threo c ildren and nurse; children aired ill lj and 1 year: not more than I L hours Irotu t'ltv llalL '\ j drew COPkTBY. box 4.138^ efflw^Te, V?rtt * rjbUNTRY BOARD W ANTED?FOR FoDE ADLLTg" M?hllnLCfcrM?rv!mm*' WiUh fl,r" no other boarder*; stahlhif for two horses; location liealthv and cood llrhir ia dispensaWe. for which a .Iheral price will be p.^T Idd^S B. K I.. Herald I |dnwn Branch office. /^OO.VTRY HOABI) WANTED-ON THE SALT WATER ""r "er1Tnn' ,n H fxmllr where there are ns oisr - at one, to A. H. LAZARUS A CO.. (Vj Wilfum " PP,, f^?nhTlt^ I H()ARD at PORT KENT, ON LAKI V'. Oh?mplain, opposite Bnrlincton, Vt., en ronte i! ^n'd'ld uti co""K" 11 ""?B hUh rround overtooklni (learner l?nd?ni"fi ""J"01*'" 'c^nery: three minutes from 2IS2?. .-I *L 7 i[rnm "*w York aod Canada Railroad ?I'cfPh. <*Uy malls, flshtnR. hoatin>; no n2! oultws; *KI per week : refer to P. C. Kolloire UOJohn? Address M. iCCQMtifOOK. Port Kent, Kssex county. N. 'tl Desirable omintrv boakd for two okntlb * P:1"*"' fH?,llv B?>"> ' "rook. .V. J. nn tiM Jt : two minutes' walk lion. deiMt; hl.nse ? hiirlt rrouitd: larite shade trees, plenir o. 'rnlt; refcreacas exchanged. For particulars, address I. R. ereatna /^RBEXVILLB. "l)N ~TI1K JKRsBV CENTRAL A VJ choice oriarire Conneetlutf R.wms and ttincle forfamK U^^N.t0"- artdre- ? k c- ^ frK^t,.'e'vikn. s,(:k accommodations .1 S t** i f i" ?* r*cellent Hoard, at New Brighton, 8. L, within five minutes' walk of landin? ran "'id st callinjf on or addressing Mr?. C., 'J55 W?J? BEENWlCII, conn.-FIRST CLASH BOARD AT~Z private residence; larjre airy rooms, wide plan ts floe ?nade, ample ttroands. perfectly h-althv, no nv.suiiitoJ.s1 S? 'IT ^ or,(> ""'???? from Cos Cob station' 4.1 trains daily; rererenoes exchanired. The proprietor mas be seen to-day at the t.raod I nlon Hotel, parlor 4t from) to 0 o c.ock. or address HoLLEY FARM, Greenwich, 11 I'Dson BIYER?BOARD. KINK slTCATION high I.: n"f?rn 'mPfovcmeut?; croton water, sbada, j**"*0". ?tablea, fine drives, 2l) minutex out; 10 fron depot . terms m.Mlerate. Address C. P.. Fort Waahinilon! PURE mountain AIR.?AT WillTK LaKeTsFlTT e?Vty- > B?od boatinir, bathing and flshinsi ' 1'^jn ?W:,'h* l<"r''1 of 'he Hudson; terms moderate! 5X !!ox"v r.M rVTomX m% ,'anrel r"tUffe- Ad2 SlJ'.MKK. "liARD FOR families, WITH CHlJ loeat^cT. I town. Orange county; house pleasantly R^ t t iM WL T ? finely shaded. Inquire of G. R. KliL B.tLL, 21 Park row. room S3. " TW", KTO boom TO .rfH? V- 1d, "irin,r * r?,lr"<l home, will find sucIl bf' addre.sinK. with references. K? Port Kichmond, K. I. WANTED-BOaRD. at OR jvKAR~lon? BRANCH R-nilcmau. wife, three children and two narsea-' '? * 0M,C ,b<,r* wi" n,,t hB ""r other b nnleij, references rei^uited; fnll particulars required as'ta : 'wo lar^e riMins and one small one. Address J A. t,. II , box 1.I.MI l ost office. Hl'M.HKH iiemihts. - ?Rath Hotel, bath.Trr-kiio>TNs~T(ok""fiTir I VI.T^.^V l,V- Knr ,erD'4' ?o c. A. BUNT /"10ZZENS ~ We?t Point IYotel will bf open .!??? 21 Addr^M OOODfiKM, BKOh., Wont H. T. H~ ASITLTOX HOl'MK. MTAMPOltD,OOSS., NOW OPEJCt tavornMa term* lor May and .Inn*. >. T. I'OX/.KNH (lormerlv of Coiren.' 1lot?l, We?t Point). Stamford. Conn. Ol'NT liKASAST IIOOUK, LAKE MOHKOA5 IV, boar. to 1'eekaklll bv llnkM Hirer Kill road; laniille* pan necure lor ?h? M?a?n; mountain Mr, touting lUlun?. Ac.; terme moderate. " WAl.Thlt It. .IONKS. Peek.klll. 13AVIUU5 HUTRU. Sk* KKIulVroX, statrh JL lalaad. will reopen May IV ntider i tie mine man aire nient a? I km raar; retlofed rale* through May and June. Call on ur addreaa R. P. IMtlal PariTy"iior>k at iikiiiCawh falm, ox tub IIihIxmi, tme and a hair mlle? fr?m MTeat Point, will be opened #?tljr In iuc; aplendld river view; teriuVreaaon able; aluo fartt W?-d Cot t air to 1*1. Addreoa WILL81 PARRY. HWcbland Kail*. N V. __ Ml MK VI.. SSSnQiiTTii' ?iKk'aT r.xt'..kifcm;n mvh3 Inatrwetien In Pianoforte. Or fan. Harp and Harmony at Mill iiiHtwt: >10 quarter . reference. Addreav with reference, TfcAt'llI.K. box 1.0 Herald Uptown Ilranck ABPRIXn AND . ftCMMKK COl'RSK IX all branebet of Munir lor at the JtKW YORK OOKSMIVATORY OP MITSIO. Xo. !i Kaat l*tli at., near 5th nr., next to I>?lmonlco'?. ?CM.'RtPTloX BOOKS uow often dally D VM l\l. \( ADK.MIKv "? ^OAKtiF.u s i?an( i(T A"i aVEmV, I'TTiSfPfoS aV. Hnildln*. Stuweexnt and Htli it., open all ?nmmcr; private lman? In slide walv* .penality. .. WATCHRI. JKWKI.IM, AWL. AnVAM'KS OX VaI.|' AHI.Kf*. Kl kSTitkk "aST Pawn t icket, mada lo-d?y, or t ought; ?tora*e. Olfl? IKt Broadway, room 7. Moxky ox niAMoxos. watohr*, ao?or* mondt, Watche* Jewelry. Silverware, neat camel'* balr bbawl*. Ac.. boaght and ?elri back wto? **? aired at a very una! I advance. OKU. 0. ALL**, ?Iter, 1,1*0 Bread way, mm JM d,