Newspaper Page Text
city RRVL KST&THJTOa H4LE._ C ?nlral. A?3D AV., 880 AND 8W1: EACH POl'R STORIES ? and bsseinent: ?uh l<>t 35x110 teet: these two well re n t e>1 magnificently located Stores for sale at a de'ided bargain. V K. STEVENSON, Jr.. No. 4 Plat at. or 113 East 17lh it. T *42,500-01.0 PRICE |75.0 * >, A ~M At ? N I KIC E XT four story brown stone 11 on -???. 2."> feet frontage, on Mnilliwn atr. nrtr 31th ai. WILLIAM TICKER, 220 5th it*. (CHOICE (DORMER LOTS ON M A KISoN AV.?THE J northwe-<t nmtr of Madison a*, and T"'th st.. 27.3x9&; prise, Sie.NM; niso the southeast corner, 28?-** 1?*'; price, Bl^Slll . these lots have boon recently bougl t In under lore closure of mortgage. and are offered for sale at the actual cost to tli? company; the whole purchase monej may re in ai II on bond and mortgage for five yeur- hi live per cent per an num if the property w Improved MtlffaclMW. Apply to J. C. CLINTON, M Liberty a>. tioTTAOKTANETLOT 10.'.j. O\ 77TU ST.. NEAR J 4th ay., cheap. rnyments aur wav. SAMl'El. K 11.1' A TRICK. 310 .Id ay. I~|VLBGANT 30 '6<?T BROWS STo.SK lloUSE. NKAR J l/?x.narton av., #1'-'. t*>. auoiher. rlJ. ?>?>: handsome lour story cabinet fln ?h, B17.M0; Klats, #10,000, iuu?t be ?old, rented lor $2,101 ....... _ LIONEL KROKIII.ICH, 7xs .Ida,. OR SALE?BEAt'TIKl'l. Kol'K STORV RESIDENCE, 58th . between 5th and 8th avs. : bar* altt. TIMI'SOX .t PBET, 1,488 Broadwai, near 44th st. F I^OK SALE?AT REDUCED PRICED TO St IT THE times, two new four story brown stone Houses, with extension dining room. Apply at 51 lit*t .? ?lh st. M~ EDIofsiZED KOUR STORY BROWN STONE House No, ?'?:? \Ve?t Mth ?t lor sale; is well planned, substantially built, cl igantly finished and hat every Improve meet: price moderate Customers invited, open all day. Twt> sri.i xitiid.v i.ocvri-n maiVfst7n~~av. lots, excavated and sewered, with loun; or exchange for small, cbcieo Country Place. Owner mean* bit-loess. SAMUEL KILI'ATRICK, ;i4o :id ay. 1'litHt Side 1 IQ EAST f*2I> ST.. NEAR UBXINOTON AV.? Jt<' This elegant throo story htgli stoop brick Hoist, ISlJI), lot vltll all tlm best and latest improve lu en Is atld In most perfect order, is oflered f. r sale, very cheap; term* easy. Inquire at (J. A. SCHUSTER'S, No. 03 Maiden Ian*. \\ e?' S ?tl??. A ?TWO OR THREE KIM,I, LOTS ON OT1I AV. AND .? K'td St. for salo at a sacrifice. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr. No. 4 Pino st A BARGAIN.?WEST ?mf ST., NEAR RROADWAyI* Elegantly frescoed ftur storv brown stone Dwolllng; 'JUiHixlWt 17 rootus; unexceptionable b cation; price Vaoooo. a. v. 0. wyckopp, so pine ?*. I10R 8ALE c1iEAP^0NE 6r~TWO TOUR STORY extra line double Hoitsee. In u pleasant location; they are well occupied aud well rented. 455 West 80th st. Till: palace garden spot is broadway Boulevard, hetweon '>S>th and 63d st* t look st It; to close an estate we will sell seven Lots on said Bottlet ard for 9150.IS0, 70 percent can remain; nearly opposite grand entrance to Park ; one-halt price they could have been sold lor three reals ago. WYCKOKP A CO., No. 30 Pine st TO ALL WHO ADVERTISE T11T-: DAILY AVE RAG I CIRCULATION OF THE EVEN I NO TELEGRAM KOIt THE WEEK THUS f A K MONDAY, May 8 35.000 rii liSDAY. May !? 4S.700 WEDNESDAY. -May 10 40,200 IVortli Side. Ti;EST MORRISAMA, BITTTKRNITT ST.?HANDSOME II Reside nee. -4 lots, near Central ay. Tremout. Wasliington nr., one block from depot.?House, barn, 13 lots: thnee frnnts. At auction by JAMES L. H'RI.lJi, at ExcliunKO Salc^roora, ThurMay, May 11 at 12 o'clock. AV KSTC H KSTK It CO I? STY PROPERTY FOR SALE AM) TO RENT. FOU BALE?AT RYE, X. Y , V BKAUTIM'L PLACE. directly on the wnter, with dwelling, Ittrnished; large barn aud gardener's cottaKr. with about live acres of Innd, fully shaded. Apply, lroin 10 to l'J, to 1'. 0. OOKNEliL, US Wall St., room 13. Handsome country, eight Acres; beau tlfttlly shaded grounds; solid stone tnausioti; line out buildings; VYestche*ter county, near depot; offerod st very low figurii; the owner, intending to live abroad, will sell at a sacrifice; an excellent investment. Address B. B., box l,t tilt Post office. rro LiTT-vr sew rociielle, i-crnished and X untumlshed Houses. Call on or nddress JOSKI'H LAMBDKN. New Uoclielle, N. Y. rpo LET?AT BKONXVILLE, WEBTOHESTER COUNTT, A Y Y.. a Colt'ue, containing seven rooms, together with one acre of Land; line gardeu and Iruit trees, SitO yards from station; rent very low. Apply to GKO. O. 1)E WITT, Jr., No. ss Nassau at., Sew York. TO LET?AT TARRYTOWN. KINK RIVER VIEW, A line House, 15 roowt, bathroom, but lor'* pantry and all improvements; carriage house, three acres of ground, fruit shade, Ac.; newly fttrnlshed. and to let cheap for the season T P. R K1EHS ,1 SON, No, 187 Mnshington st.. New York O RENT. AT YONKERS?A LARGE HOUSE, W1T11 M ihlr and sheds; one ai re of land; 4S rooms; rent ouly (1,'iOO per year. can be kept full all the year. _ OuDEN A CLAKK. Broadway, corner of 17th et._ Jersey city, ikibokenT ihdsos CITY A.M? BEROEN REAL ksi ate. To I>??t or liease. A FIRST CLASS THREE STORY BRICK HOUSE, 126 (irove st.. near Grand (Jersey City), to let; mil) .fnt*l WM. HAMKY A SOS, corner of York and Grove sts. Property out of the city for SALE OR TO KKXT. A?BARGAIN?TWO STORY COTTAGE, ONE '"ACRE; ? fine view of the ocean; i.airetson station, Statcn Island Railroad; cost $1,000; sell for if-'t.isto. hall mortgage. 8. B. BilICK, Staploton, H. I. -fV*) CASH, BALANCE TO SUIT^l'RENCII Rot >T' . House, >1 rooms; wnter. gas, range, itttnace; hesutl fully papered and painted; Klushlng, near depot; prleo f4,Miu. WILLIAM LKAVirr, owner.JO I'inest._ A? HoCSlf ASH SINE ANI) ONE II ALP AORES OP ? Land at West Elisabeth, N. J.; seven minutes walk trout Sow Jer>ev Central Depot. Apply at 2 13 West loth ?t , Sew York city. A J^ FUKNISIIKD COUNTRY RESIDENCE ON THE \n??%utiful peninsula Orient a, Lonir Island Sound, to rent or for sale: l?> minutes from station and 50 from city, New York nod Now haven Railroad; Itoiise contains 14 larjre ro 'inn; all modern improvements except icas; *even acre* in handsome lawn and xarden; fine variety of fruit; ?r?oiJ homing, batUiox ami thliinjr. Applv lo JOSHUA M. rIKRO <Arnoux, Kiich ?t Woodford), 271 Broadway. A COMPLETELY Kl KMSIIKD MODi KN HOUSE, JV to room*: stable, hennery, poultry, lawn. hedges, ?hade: StSft hearing frull trees; abundance vegetables; gar dener furnished; everything in order; location unsurpassed; 5/S minutes in New Jersey; rent reasonable, with privilege of purr bane. STAKLfcV FKRUl SON. 161 Broadway. ? POPTSALK. AT MOUNT AItLlNOTON, N." J.'," ONE ? hour from New York tram foot ??t OortUndt St., a beau* Ittul Couutry HfilJcnee. located on side of mountain; view ?u*u#pA?oeri ; house new and handsome, 55x00, containing |H rooms; ground (tt? acres- well supplied wit It shal" tree*, fruit and flowers; running brook ami springs; gardener's tsottse, carriage house and stables* rerr healtny. T. S. SIIKI'UMU), 1*1 Hro tdwav. *T VERY NICK roi ,\ri:V >1.AT, WITH sTAltLK. J\ chicken house, wall, garden, Ac., on four corner lota, 1? six loo, in Newtown, Long Island; must be sold very low ? s a bur jrain to close an estate*, if wished a part of the money can be left on bond ami mortgage Full particulars fry A. MESON, 149 East Broadway, New York. A COTTAGE. PERFECT OEM. NEAR NOETIC SMoiTe, S. I.; t?o iota, two story attic and cellar; fruit, flow er* ; li.WH; terms easy. DARRI.N, Broad si. (lOFNTKY SKAT AM' FARM FOR SALE N EAR J Trenton; h> acres, large orchard, variety of iruits, shade trees, brick house, cottage style: large barn and out buiidinjs. ail new and snb-taotialy built ; soil good and unit able tor truek or stork farm; half cash. Address box 120 Fost office, Trenton, N. J. (idl NTRY >I \T run 8ALK LOW?TO CLOSE AX J estate. None but principals need address OWNER, ?lieraid I'ptown Branch office. C10LD nPIUXU, K. Vr-Z>URNISHKD HOUSE, WITH / ?even serfs, outbuilding*, Ac.; nominal rout. A. IMILKY. tHW nth av. hLIOHTPUL COUNTRV Iti.NlIUMl. K. iK SAI.K A bargain, or to l-\ unusually low. at kinvaton Iletchta. X. J. Apply mi lb. pr.tniaea to SllKI'AKI). I~ ilAST ORAXtiK. N. J.?FINE COUNTHV KKSIOKNCK J to let, furnished, lor summer; extensive proiiuda, handsomely laid out; 11*0 of c <w and paatarage; also Cot tuff*?, nnloniinlicd; moilrrii Improvements; Ure minute, from llrick CliDrch or Junction < A. T. KRKXCII. near Junction. OR ?ALK?A MNK AM) I'M. V>AN 1LV~siT uated Country Sent, in tireenirteb. Coun. ; the house uml contains 1> h(MMM roonta. with splendid view, cither to village or aound: the land. '.I'j lercl, includes vou etable e ir len, with .11 kin-ln ot fruit trees, nhrnbs, Me,: . Dice litwn in front ?f the lioii**; iaramar lioiiae, b.rn xn l staple, and a little grove in l> iek : m ar to depot and rlo-e to rltlaK*: price Slt.'WO, Applj at tho o.nrr'a place, A. OEOKtiE, tirecn? icli, 1" mluti-A MlAUTrAM ABOUT sink AOKBH. nt TallmaiiH depot, near 8tffitrns Korklund conntv, X. V.; with dwelling nouee, trailer), and larc-' Kracuhoune In wi'rkiitk; order, lowU, Ac.; Iienithy location; land *c>hm1; auitaliie lor truck ImlllMf or country retidence : en bevr ^Mcxtlen iDimediatcly. Addreas JAJil.S MICKUll'T, Tallmano, X. Y. 1" MB 8aL>?TftS KI.ENAXT CUUNTSf SKAT at llydc I'ark, <>n t'x- ea?t bank ol the !lud<<>n, Vmwii as the "M?dor Lowry" property, contalnini; 11! I acre* If rkmrn land, witn ttMqnalled rirer view* and ov.r a half pile ot river front: large >tolic tnamion, cletrnn'ly lurnlthol; trick bariu, Rtablea, tcehou*., h'djfe, billiard Ikmim ; Mraaa, CarriaKO. Ii?me>?. oa^ooi anil Urmi i(r Implement.; tills property i? free and clear, and will lie exchanged I t So? ?ork ciiy property not heaNlly inort?.iircd. J. 0. I'lilNTOX. V. I.iherty *t. EiurnFsiTkd ~anT> KVKHY COXVKXIKNCK IX Sackenaack, N. J.; three minut#*' w it!k from tipper nation; beautiful location, modern honaa. In fine order; 12 MMa<; to let from June to October for $*>*). Ad(lre?? OWSSS AND OCCUPANT, Herald office. if TKHAT ^ACKiriCK.-COUNTRY HKAT OF 3? ACSKIU V7 lieantlfally ?ltuated. ten niinnte*'walk frum railroad Mation. thirty mtnatca Irom Philadelphia and Centennial M-ilMlite*; hand ome modern inan?ioti, ha I and i:i tine Cxuuii. ttnlnheil, hich callinpt, plana lront and { ??*% . deliclonii wale) lalnm-e; ffrounda around hon?o Mled wiilich"ice llnw.r-, ?hrubt>rry. fh.ide and ornamental tree; i tenant hoii?". ice honae. poultry house, Mablins, Jtc.; Iplendid wood*, I eantitm stream, liathln? and flahtni.', treat Variety of chntce Irint; a-par? ns bed; a lorelv ipnt; a for- | tun. In takiiu boarder*, (.and r.ry rltii; ?ultal>le for truck Inu- aii'l small lrult?; 1 per iear ran b. made; price only $7.?'WO; teens, half ra?li, cany. Train, run Aired m Centennial Oromtda; fare r?ry low. Take !? A M. train from foot ol Liberty it , Sew York, Sew Jeraoy Cen tral Railroad, to Hrtlnebem, Pa., there take North !*t'nn.yl v.nia Hailri'.d to North W ales. Pa,, arrire about 1 o'clock ; can return name afternoon Inquire at l.nken's llc tel, North Wale., tor ti WAI.KKR. Grhknwich, coxx-kmr sai,i:, iioi'sk ausi, l^.t (Kt%Ji?n ; ,-nrri if home, Ac , fruit and oilier treea; pike f >,1**1, li m.? tnoderme. lni|Ulr? of JOHN II. KAY. iONO SRAMCH.-UAROK HOI'SS, rUKXtsilBD, % mile tu rn oeean, 4 acr??; shade trees, Irmt of aa da; atable ; rent an for -eason or > ear. Addre*. or i\p ^|y to K. A Cl.ARK, mtrni. Iaill| Rranch. VTKWBSIOIfTON.?Kl'RXMHKD AXD CNKUKMSH ed CottHRet aurt ? '-nant Mansion.; uiimirpaaeeil loea lioai; near lemea; rent^ reduced. W. A. rOlaLtNH, 26 Pit at, OSLY ?I.UUO-IIOI SK. BARX, TF.N I.<?TS, XKAR hahway; eauy t.nna. JAyl F.S, Notary Public, 70 SaMf ilwi* _______________________ EPAMONAHI.K KKXT?C??l' XTRY HKAT; NMV .M-R. ,er thoroachly Innnlahod; ,V??i Inn tea from New York; near station; IJ rooma. ententiou; lawa, it.rlen; abund aiiacc ol fruit; line views boatlnc. J. S\rri ItrllWAITK. IOPIne?t. S~~CMMIT.-KI.XB I 01 SB, 10 IfOfiMS; Al.l. IMI'KOAK ai.nta; choice los-.non ; nice nelt-hborhoiwl. da poti 7 ailnuten; lot >*i and 163; lor ?ala or to let. CAJilfcNTLU, Jummit UouM. PItOPKHTY OUT OF ti1k CITT FOR ?ALE OK TO HK\T. To CSf-AiiTosiA?cottaoe." u roomsT~Water, g is. heater. r ill',?#, fruit and vegetables; key al C. W. IIALLETTS. Mtin il .AHurli. rpu LET?A MCE COTTAOE; 8 ROOMS; KINK VIEW; 1 plenty trull mi J shade. location healthy; easy to city For pellicular* a.idr ss bo* (M I'ost oltlce, Milton Oil Hlldsotl. rpoi I.K I -PAi: I I.V FURNISHED. POR SEASON OK Cottave, beautifully situated on Long Island bound. Addio* h., 4-i KIiq *t. To? LET?AT STAMFORD, :#> MILES FROM CITY, 1U mumlepot, fully furnished larjfp Ilotme, near the water; ? tables. A?.; rein $4ft4t. Addle.. I,ox SIM Po?t office, Stum lord, (.on n. T" RENT?at SUMMIT. X.~ .r; MANSARD ROOP M dwelling; rent $>io. Applv to R M MAN LEY. ?4 st.. or UKOKtiE MAXl.hY. al Summit. rpo RF.NT?ON TilK HUDSON. HALF HOUR BY KAIL. X superior luruished House; stable and tine grounds; moderate i>rlce lor season or year. UEOROE ||. PETRIE, 171 It roadway. I 11KAI TIFUL CORNER LOTS. KMX 1'M. IN HER" ? gen Point. N. J., near railroad depot; mum be wild uu" <ler value, us a bargain. to settle a partnership; no money necessary when ioiiit on them. Apply to A. L1ESON. HI) Lust Broadway, New York. <i", '>*>11 ''"It HE A I'TI F I' I. WAI'i'.ltSlDKPI, VCR ? j! l ,w" ?cr,'? "? f"1'' and shade; house, barn. One nei^imorhood ; :*) miles from city. 1 \i from depot. Audress box .a? Pod olliee, Stamford, Conn. "4 "",11(1 F*SY PAYMENTS; :t*> MINUTES HiUM ?w ? /.?/IM/. New \ ork; Swiss House, 11 rooms; finished natural woods; Harden ; tine view. _ J. WISHER SatTKKTIIWAITK, lo Pine ?t._ KK\i, K8TATB To KXCHA9GE. A VERY bSSIRABLB I I. \1, NBaR LEXINOTOft -?X liv., lightly niort'.'?j^)d and rented, and Tour story brick House nut I Htore, on 2d ?v., to exchange. for t>Hy Property, _ r. OJA\ Mil < \ KTKi;. ? \ sun st., mom 11. AFlXK FARM; 110 ACKK8, NKAH HINO KINO; Ifood buUdlnus; !arjre orchards: land nearly ?I1 culti vated: only term. ea*y. T. OLIVER CARTER, ah?mhi st., room II. VWtBKOU) tenemi:n nioi sK ,:ta koomsi will be itadcd foranv desirable Property and $1,2< **cash. JACOB V. I). WYCfcoFF. :*? Pine at. A?TOR MALE?LIQl'OK STORK; ALSO fomi ? I*u?, free mid eiear, in .lainaiea, l.onj; iKland, to ex rbaiiRe lor a good Liquor More. M VI.ONK, No. ft Oey *t. TDROOKLYN' RESIDENOE * 'A 1,1"K iflii.lK*); MORT* ?a?e #7..VX>' toexclinm^ for small Country House* UXCUANUE KOR liOOD STOCK FAKMS?SO.ME I J very fine corner Houses on IM and 2d avu.; also Homo private and Tenements for Lots and Country Keuta. L. HELDNBK. corner ol llowury anil llond it. L^'ili S \ l.l'*. lilt Willi. II f.XCII AN'tiK -Til EE K KKA.MK 1 llotisea und Lois in Jtrooklyn, lor Huainefls Property In New lork city; equity ? OK); would pay ditforoncu in cush. Address T. K.. Ileruld oiliee. TO KXCHANOE?FOE EOUITY IN NEW YORK OR I a? near b.v Propeity, n Mississippi Plantation; price iW ,,n"*ocit tube reu acres of land; new steam saw. mill; lar^-e iimonnt of evprcss timiier. ?tc.; land suitable for cotton and stock raising. DAOUETT <k lit'EltNSLY. Ill I niversity place. TO EXCHANGE -A PI EsT i ' L A SS T l: NI*. .MIC NT P ItO perty tor an established bus ness. Apply at store, 1*15 Houston st.. corner Allen st. Wanted coi ntky place, about w,ooa~Fi>m M uptown Lot, well locuted. J. O. IIO^T A SON, 171 Hroadway. WANTED-OEANT.E LANDS IN~PLORIDA "vToiN II tty ot San AUKHstin preferred. In perfectly healthy and accessible location, in exchange for splendid Kuildinir Lots at Saratotra Sprlnifs: baiaucu iu cash. Particulars ol T. J. P.. box :i,H71 Post oince. HEAL ESTATE WANTKir. ~ T \Y.\NT Til HIY I'Olt I'AS 11 A lllllSE SWCbW i.fll Address BONA PIDE, Herald Uptown Branch Air ANTED?TEXAS TaNITs" H KITE t'S, OIV1NO tiivnvL'n' l^calUy and chain or title. VINEYARD 4 K1NDKLD. lock box So tialvestnn, Toxns. U'ANTKD improved RE VI. ESTATE IN Til IA wIIntc !j\r ^o*"V.for ,*VU2> Olothing. Address \> IIOLISSAhKR, box l.>8 llrrnld oftiee. At* ANTED -I'AUM WITIIIN .>> MILES. IN EXCHANOE " lor control lint; interest in inaniifactiirini; company iu operation. Address OPPORTUNITY. Herald oflice. lA'ANTKI) -Kilt CASH. AT PRESENT VALUE. A M llrst class, lull sue House, with Stable adjoining, on Murray Iliil. Owners only addreas. in conlldence, BUSI NESS, box 112 Herald olllce. TO I.ET FOIl ll( SI>K>s PI EPOSES Bennett buIldinoC ' ' Fireproof. on XiuiNnu, Ann nnd Fulton vti. rlrpt Floor to let, ?uit?bb? for bunker*. insurHnce offlcet or iMwyern. \\ ill be let together or In part*; be Altered to suit tenants if desired; adapted lor offices or stores. Reasonable rents. Also some eligible L.uv Offices to let AWLY ON TIIK I'RKMlSEtt. Take the elevator. Iniiuire for Janitor. A -j f*3 HROADWAY; THE NORTH 8TORE Ath Joining the elejrant cntablisliment of Mmc. HnllinKR, pliito k'lasK Iront. opposite tbe Stevous llotiMe. Apply on tj>?' prernbp* brtwecn In and 'J V M. 1 STOKK IO IiKT~TO TAILOlT7$S" MiltTt fitly V. In clothe. Frankfort llon*e, 'JiKJ William nt. A8TOKB Id LET, {IS; A KB8TAURANT AND POUR Booms. PK AN KPoRT HOI sE, 2t>2 >S llllani st. AMIALL STORK TO UTT-ON UTH *T? KEQt Hronnway. Ini|iiire in the st.ire, .*>'.' lCast lilt st. /?IHEaP- LAKISK. E LEU A NT rasembntT in~ex* r. ?.5f location, suitable for ftny business. Inquire at 51<t Jd av., near H4th H. (l01,^1';1^,8? AV?, 5STII AND 59TH ST8.. GRAND v/ i/lrcle Hotel; htore 152 South st. to lease. Steam iowek.-to le?.'rooms rnximi. 2ox tK), Wlxtm; well lighted, witli steady power. JOIIX McLaren. Mwt , IL.l.oken, N. J. Stores, bi siness locations.?i'oso so av anil Tilth at..?*13 West Mtlth st, and Stl? av.; Apartments rear, cheap; stiitab e for any business. T 5 O LET?AN OrFICE ON SECOND FLOOR AND the entire fourth floor at 1U6 Water st. Jw let basement^ w feet dl'ep plenty . ol light in rear and Iront, No.-Ill ? ilth av.; sullable lor a printer or lint presser. Inquire at UJ 7th av. rptl LET?THE LARUE CORNER STORE NO. 13 1ST A av.. corner 1st st. Inquire at No. lit 1st av. TO LET 8TORR, WITH PLATE ULASS FRONT, !i7\l a?l av., for many yean a dry gocd* business. Inquire or owner on the premises, first lluor. To LET?THE SPLENDID BA8EMEN"f~5TPCLTON *1-- corner of M illiam. Inquire in liquor store. To let-small store :i^~iiTTvTr~iuiTAble lor cigars or other light hiuiness; rent $14. Seen any time. TO LET.-THE FRONT PART OF STORE, 522 6TH nv. with cigar fixtures; rent, $^IO per month. A l-v:..l .^I/.EII LOFTS TO LET.' IN01 IKE AT 25 \lr r niton, corner of Water st. DWELLING IIOI ses to A BROWN STONE HOUSE. NICELY furnished. *u I rent, .f l(?i per month. 825 West 45th st. A FURNISHED HOUSE, CENTRALLY LOCATED, between .>th nnd Mth av?.; full or boarders, all first class; possesion lmm-dl?te. luquire of Bl'KDETT, Real Estate Affency, Harrow- st. BARG \1X.-THREE STOKV ITI'rH STOOP BROWN stone House. ?-l'irnnt ly furnished and frescoed, ill the vicinity of 1 ark and Hroadway; easy term*. J- W. STKl ENS, Broadway and 52d st. ljlLKMMIIhl?-HI.A( riFUIj KOUK STORY IIOi'SH, J? 4Wth ?t., '?Hi nml ?Hh hti. : rent low. TIMl'SON Jt FEET, 1.4S8 Rroadway, near 44th at. X Mi H'N'T HOPE. I IVE MIN" I'TES FROM TRKMONT atation. on linrlem Railroad, SO from 43d at. depot ? Furniahed llon-f, 13 rooma. hot unit cold water, oath nnd closet. fra*, furnace; (table. hennery; fruit*. mee Inwn nml Burden, rent ?100 per mouth. Am*it to O, C. DL'SENBDltY, on premise-, or.n W urreii at.. New York. IV} I.KT-TWo 1IEACTIFl'L RESIDKXCErt, FUB nlahed, w li li grounds cnniiilnlni: *11 klnd? of fruit, Ac., *i Kldgewood, X. J., ow hour from New York. T. S. SIlEP IIKill). 145 Br**thray, room 19. mo LBT?A SMALL, TUOMffOffiUr AND NEATLY J. fumlahed Ilonse, very complete and pleiunnt, will l.e rented troui June 1 to Si'pieiiibi'r or October 1 to u small family of ndnltl; rent, #1.">0 per motitli; best refertiicea required; Kenl Eatnte A cut* need not apply. Addrcaa FOWLS It, Herald I'pton BfilKh otTlce. To" RENT?T1 l.L~t It TO RE R 1, FIRST CLASS KIR nlahed Hons*, near 17tli at., overloektnc Stuyvesant a<tuare; four story. hlfh stoop, stone front, only to private family; references required. Addras HEN, Herald office. I iituritlMlttHl. A FIRST CLASS FOPR STORY BROWX STONE House, on attli at., to let. For permit apply at 3lti Welt 34th at. A TWO AMI A HALF STORY AM> IttSJCXBMT House, twelve room* and nil improvement*, to let, .'?4 I ttth nr. BORMHAM. <WB UtNbWIat. V FRENCH RtH>F COTTAOK, FOl'R LOT? AND ?table i>a KM at., third houae weat nf Hnnlevard; rent I low. Inquire nf T. HAI.DWIN Jr., So. S narrlson at., or 53 centre row, Wp?t Washington .Mnrket. Allot SB lo Lt-,r-?.vju?.i?WIS HINOTOM8Q f auk, aonthweM corner Wuverley place ; 14 rvora". 4 ?RRKt'CVl) 111:MS. .NO. I) WASHlNtlTtlN PLACE, . 13.1 M*dl. in av.. IU3 Knit lhth at.. 33 Eaat 35th, 34 , Eaat 47th. No 7 l: i?t 4!>tli. V. K. STEVEN SON. Jr., Mo. 4 Pine aud XI En?t 17th nt, ArSiDOCBD REXT, THAT TIIREK STORY ~ AND . basement brown none high ?Ioon, 3!ith at., perfect ? order; improvement.. Permit 13 ? East 34th <t. fjVOB RENT?A 36 FOOT BROWN sfoNK lldrSE SIT " uat'd Xo. 33 East 4thh ?t,. with nil modern conven lettce.; rent low aud immediate po??e??ion given. Inquire on premises. TO L KI'?P ItTv A T E Hot SE S, 3uT 11 ST~ fl.OOU; MD H. and Oth av.. ?! lKl; cheap furnished llonaea. SAM IKL MILLIE EN, 30U Weal 34th at. 0 LET-THREE sTORY lloVsE 30.1 EAST 78#MJHC? In rouma; nil improvemenla; real ouly $3ul W. C. FLAXAOaN. 153 Bowery. I'NKURXISIIKli THREE AX It FOCR STORY HOUSES VJ to rent- Centrally'located, from IP7l1lt t? ?J.OO'i TIMl'SON A I'EET, 1.4Ms /Inndway, unit 44th at. ??7j|v WI'.ST :?TII ST.?FIRST FLOOR OF FlYK llirht rooms. with modern Improvemenla; house nnd location ifoml; rent low. Inquire at 881 Sth av., corner 3Mh at. ?... ... . jPt RK1SI1KU KINIBS AMI AIMR1MEXT1 TO LRT. APRIVAI I FAMILY IIAYr. A l.ARoE AMI >M.\LL Ro^ui, nicely turiiMlied. hot nnd cold wuter. hath, la, ! to let, to gentlemen, wilhont lionrd. 1*3 Went 13tli nt. A NEATLY rURXisTfkb ROOM _FOR ONE fdl two i>eutlemen, ?3 511 per week. 137 tVaM'rley pin. e, I n> ? r nth av. AOOoTi SI7.K IIAt.L ROOM. NI?"ELY fT'R XH11 ED. on aecimd lluor, to let, in n prival* Aiaerhun lamily in th new oiiirtment houv> ihc Le\.ntton. No. I??5 Ea?l j 4'.<th ?t. A rBTVATB'F^BILY WILL LET A LARtiE, AIRY ttaoni. nicely tarnlahed, to Kentlemrn or jcentlemaa midwife; ill taiprovenientt. SUA E.nt I5t h at. 1 I.AU ?K ItOO.M. WITH llALI, ROiUI, FITr.XISIIKD JY f 'r matlemrn eonvcaient tutar* and Park. No. l.iti.Y lirvadwar, bet?e?n 4Shh mil AOlk eta. A LARUE t OXVENll-VI l.Y Fl KNISIIKO FRONT I. .oni h>r light hou>ek> fpuu ?l'o trent hall Room to a I Kentlemxu . all Improvement*. 9<H .Vth ?t., near 3H m*. A HANDSOMELY H'RXliilED TAKLOR. WITH llertr ioui attm iied. with all convenienren. to centie I men only, witbict bvard. 131 Eaat 17tU at., near lrvma I Piac*. PVR9TIBI1ED ROOMS AND APARTBMCMTg TO I.KT. A|" f. VROE rt'RMflllKD hoomT aBsociation Building. corner -3d at. and 41b av., for hi months frnm M?t I ; and water. For particulars apply at office or studio No. 3. A- ?TO- LKT~~four LABOR AND NEWLY FVlC . nished Rooms, Iront and hack, for gentlemen or irrntlo man mill lady Call fat three days at Uisl Went .'."'th ?t. Bkst Location dowx town ? handsomely lurniili. il llnimi; hot and raid walar; bath, gas and M?ljr furnished ibrmihtti 111 Esst lf>th at. DESIRABLE FURNISHED' ROOMS FOR GEVri.R ? men. without board, io Orat class house ; 34 Writ -'?th st.; choice location. DESIRABLE ROOM* FOR GENTLEMEN*. wItHoT'T ? Board, In flrat clasi houne 1,4?l> Briud* ay, corner 44th at. l^JkoANT f7" RNisiIRD ROOMS ~TO LRT-To GEN Pi tlrnieii only ; loreigners preferred; private family. 1-7 East UHb at. I^MCtS VN'TLY FL'TtNlSHKU'ROOMS NEAkTtII AV.; j |M ! >< k of the city. St Writ SU it Iy?W ELEGANTLY Kl'KXISIlklV ROOMS IS A FASlT lounhlu street. near I'nlon square. to lat. Aildresa It. | A. L. C., Herald office. EMJrMSHKO ROOMS TO RENT IJ? HOUSE WITH J? owner. 314 West ."Cd st. TJtrtNlh IIKDHA mTroo M. ?110 USE HAS ALL IM 1? proveinenta. Id K?t loth at.. Tour door* troni Titf.iny'a. F~LtRNIs|IeT? FRONT' ROOM, ('LOSKTS. HOT AND cold water, *7 weekly ; upper Room. $4; $3 to one; | Offirt and Bed room, 87. I1 6 i-.aat Ifltk at. Tpl*KNis 11RD front"IIAI.L b ei> roomTon"second r tloor; house and locntiou excellent; terms modernte. Imioire at 3S| nth a v. BNTLE M K N CAN SECURE A CHOICE OF HANI) \.T anmely fnrnlahed Roouia, en anlto or singly, with prl" ?ate hatha; family private. 4.'> West 20th at., four door* west of Kroadwny. HIANDSO.MKLY FI'RNISHKD BOOMS TO LET?TO gentlemen. en suite or singly. No. H St. Mark's place. Neatly and completely furnished r"<k?ms to gentlemen or for housekeeping; private bath. mil Weat :I4ili at., near Elevated Railroad. V EWLY KI'RNISHKD ROOM?RUNNING WATER. JLl hot and cold, with other improvenienta, to let t? ? lltlwm. No. 12J Weat 11th at., eaat oftitb av. P^fiART OF FUBNI8RED FRIVATR BOU8K?BA8B inent, second and fourth Uuors, with uae ol parlor, to a small lumily of adulta, 37th at., between 5th and flthavs.: ? best reference required. Address HOME, box 1IH. Herald Uptown Branch office. rpo LKT?SMALL THRBK |BTORY AND ATTIC HOUSE X W2 Eaat Uath at., Lexinirton nnd 4th ava.; line neigh borhood; house open. Seen 11 to 3, without permit. mo LBT fubni8hb1v?IN A PBIVATB HOU8R, A I Floor, for light housekeeping. Apply at US West Mth at. 0 LET-IN A PRIVATE HOt'SE, NEATLY FCIL niched Rooms, auitiib ? for light ho uaekeeping, to re spectable parties. 2211 Went 13th at. mo LBT, furnished?rooms FOB I.IOHT 1. housekeeping; newly fnrnlahed and completely reno vated; also single Rooms, 8UU Weal .'?'?tli It. T^gio LET-TO A <; ENTLE M A N, ON THE TlffilD floor, a Sittinir Room and Bedroom connecting, naatly and comfortably lurnUhed; terms low. Call at 22 Irving pltlCS. rpo LET?FURNISHED ROOMS, 30 WEST 3ATII ST., X near 5th av.; all conveuieucea; private family; refer ences. T~ O LUT-IS" EAST I3TH ST., TWO HANDSOMELY luruiahed front Rnotua, together or separately, ?uitnhle for gtntlenian and wlfo or a party of four gentlemen; gus, and rent tnoderute. TO LET-TWO FURNISH ED ROOMS. FOR HINOLE gentlemen or man nnd wiio. No. xt Kaat 10th at. T^WO ROOMS AND BbDROOMS.- BICELY FUR ulahed, to Kentloiuen, without board, at 146 East 27th st. O'J FOR NEATLY FUBNISilBD LARGE ROOM, TOP ?PO floor; hull Bootus, $2 and $2 M; gas, bath; prlvati residence. 32tl East 14th st. Fth AV.'"AND 14TII~sT. ? A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL ?) rent a handsome Suit <d lurnlahed Rooms in the elegant brown stone house No. 4 Weat I4th St.; parlor, three bed room* and private bath; toicethor or separately, iTV"EAST I'mTH ST.. BKTWEBN 5*5 AND MADISON J. 17 ava.?Newly painted an I fnrnlahed thronKhout; hand some Rooms, with all conveniences; bath ou each tloor; reasonable terma; references. IO \VEST J3D ST, OPPOSITE FIFTH AVENUE _j Hotel.?Newly nnd hnndaoniely iuraished Booius te gentlemen, location iinaurpuaaod. WEST WAHIIINlITON PLACE.?TO I.ET, TO gentlemen, without board, hall Rooms, nicely fur nished. ?JQ YVE8T -I'D ST., NEAR 5TII AV.?PLEASANT It/ furnished liooms, en suite and singly, without board. "I (1 WESTj 3dTH ST.?HASliSOMELY furnishf.D 1 >J Booms, without board, tor gentlemen of refinement ouly. OQ EAST 2<irn ST.. ADJOINING UNION LKAOUE 00 I'lub.?Haudaotnely lurnlshed Parlor and Bedroom to let, without board; references. A n~1 BVTniI PLACE?liANDSOMBLY furnished I'D large aud small rooms for Kontletneu; breakfast If de al red. ' K ?> SOUTH WASHINGTON SQUARE (4TII 8tT^ tJD Neatlv lurnlahed Rooms for housekeeping; also Rooms for single gentlemen. 1 1 || MAt'DoriiAL sr.-FlTtNISIIED BOdSlS, WITH llU every convenience for housckeepinK, to lot. to res pectable small lamiliet, lVi7 ?TH AvT^TWO LARGE, NICELY furnished 1U I i.ooms to let, with gin and bath. Inquire for three days. OOlTBVST 26TII RT., NEAR 3D AV.-A LARGE hall Booui. nicely turnishpd, house privato; rent low, ifkQ WEST a?TII ST.?A PRIVATE FAMILY will ^?)Q let handaomely luruiahed Floor, five rooms; all conveniences lor housekeeping; rentlow. Oot) WK>T 4TII ST.-NICELY Fl'RNISUBU 1MOMS to let. to gentlemeu aud wives; aLo single Booms to gentlemen. ?>?n WEST UtiTH ST. <LAM VRTINE* PLACE. t)ul Choice of Rooms, nicely lurniaheil, all modern liu protements; good table and atteutlance; Bear Elevated road; car* and stages; terms moderate. 017 EAST I0TH ST.?TWO IIANDSiTmELV~FIB OT I ulslied Booms In privute familr, with or without Board; suitat<le for ireutlemen or tnau and wifet 1 q7\ WEsfojD ST.?NEATLY FURNIsUBD BOOMS. lO" for hoiiaekeepitiir, en suite or singly. l'.N I''L K V ISMKl) ROOMS AM) APART HBNTS TO I.KT. pfRsi "rFt6oR anarsAfflra<5% 1V eleven rooms, to let,20i* West 12th at.: gas ami water. BL'H.MIAM BUM Hudson at. A FIRST FLOOR AND BASEMENT, KIliHT ROOMS, ?II improvements, to let, H47 Wont I7tli st. BUKNII AM. 600 Hudson ft. THIRD FLOOR OF FOUR ROOMS K> UHMX hlltli stoop private house; irnc nf bath mid stationary rent Apply at -'-17 East X.tli st. A? FIRST CLASS FRENCH FLATS To LET aTrjs ? duced renta. HI West UWth st., corner house. I'M.It.AM ROOMS?FIKST STORY. C VKl'ETED. 100 Ij West 21st st; beard ir desired; lor business or an ell ?H*. 1/IRK.NCII FLATS?BUST TO BR HAD OFF 5TM AV. T A1 >I> 1 v to janitor. 74 Went .Vkl St. RANDS0ME LOWER- I'AKT OF IIROWN STORE house (with nil Improvements) 150 Kut Ootli St., near Lev melon nv.; line locution. i)ARliOR FLOOR ami BASfcMKKT.?PKIYATK I house; all improvements. -10 East -Oth it., near 3d av. fill IE APARTMENT liOlSE, l.i;. f.-s. l.M kaTt 34TH I A St., Ju*t completed; * lew desirable Suites unrooted, on now be viewed; every room linht; ventilation, steam heat, Ac., Ac.; modernte prices. Apply at the premise* or to HORACE S hLY, tU Pine ?t. TO LET?LOW RR PART PRIVATE HOUSE; SIX Rooms; rent. $40; till improvements; good order. UREOOR A MILLER. :id av.. corner ftJth at. O l.KT?FIRST FLOOR ~OF FIVE ROOMS; ALL licht and in Rood order; iras, water closets. Ac. 301 Oth av., corner It'ith st. AFkry com fort a r le~ Fl< >or, unfurn;isiiF.n. liiflit housekeeping conveniences, to small, highly respectable family; location central; private bouse; reier eucea given and reiinlred. Address PERMANENT, Herald Cptown Hrnncli otlice. | n \\ EST OTIi Sf.. HE I'M"EKE "?Til ANDtiTH AVS.? l'l Rack Parlor and Extension, unfurnished? private family. h-7 EAST OTH ST. AND M CLINTON PLACE.?A ?) I Isr^e third story frout Room lor light housekeeping; also cmallcr Hiwi. ?7>(J~EAS* 14T1I sT ?A PARLOR AMD BASEMENT, with one Room extra or top floor, to rent, $<10 per month, very suitable lor a physician or siunll iamily. Apply on prem I see. ? ? IIOl'SRN, HOO.MM, ?Vt .. IVA VI KO. FnTitTs Cltr und UroMkivu. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILLINO To' LET TWO neat I v furnished Rooms to two gentlemen who will give lirst cla?? references is respectfully invited lo o 'uimunl cute with CoSVENANCE, Herald oluce. N. B.?Locution to he below L.Htb M. ASTi:I0TLY PRIVATE FAMILY WANTS A H<HJSB In gogd location. Address RESPONSIBLE, Herald Uptown Branch office. VtjTfF RNI si I ED LARGE ROOM WANTED- BY A L- single gentleman. near or In Oth av.. between :14th and 4j>\ sti ; rent not over #10. Address EARNEST, box 11 ;i Herald Uptown Hranch oflire W" ANTED as UNFVRMISHKI) FLOOR OP POUR II or live rooms, ess and bath, lor housekeeping; best references given and required. Address, stating tenua, 11. K.. Herald Uptown Brunch office. "\VANTED?FOR TIIF. SI MMER. IN OR NEAR NEW II York, a small Mouse, completely furnished lor house keeping rent homo exceed #4ti. Address X. M., Herald ITptown Branch otlice. \\-ANTKD-TWO UN Fl" RNISH ED OR FURNISHED II Rooms for gentleman and wife; have no children ; location between Oth snd 4Stli sis.; references exchanged. Address, with lull particulars, WINTllRol', IIeiaald I'piown Branch office. IV ANTED?A idsAT OR FLOOR FULLY FURNISHED II tor housekeeping; no others will answer; ulve |..ration and price per week. Address HUNTINGTON, Herald ifllce. WANTED--BY AN AMERICAN MAN AND WIFR, A II gentleman's residence to mind for the summer in on tits; no eliiiuren; best etty reference. Call, Irom 1 to 4, at Sth av . lirsi floor WANTED-TO LEASE FOR A TERM OF YEARS. IN " the vicinity ol New York, a Biiiliiinir, with or without I steam power, sirtably located lor tin1 manufacture of uiast* j inn poader. under an entirely new process, making It non- I exph'sive in the open air and iinlte sale us compared with ( other oxplosire*. Address, with lull particulars, II. A CO., : Herald office. 1 t\T ANTED?BY TI1UF.K ADl'LTS, L'NFl'RMSHED 11 Floor,f<n?rrm?m? and hath, between -<1 and 7tl? avs. and Oth and sta Address, aith terms, I'KU.MANK.ST. Herald office. ___ * ] Wanted -for a raki\ ... vin lis. v i 1R.-T 11 Flat or Loaer I'art ot small House, modern Improve ments, answers mnsl stai# r?nt and number ot rootne. Ad dress PUNCTUAL, Herald Uptown Hranch otlice. In the i'OMntrv. A LARGE FURNISHED lloLis*. MY A RESPONSI ble party, lor first class boarders, near tho eitv ; prefer, lliid-on River or scosida. Addresa tt, 11. O., Heiaiu Uptvva DfMKk office. _ IIOISKS, ROONH, AC., WANTED. ^ In tlie I'onnlrv. TirANTED-IN Til R OOUNTET. FOR TIIRKR OR M fiiqr months, three or four Rooms, with ? llttll plain furniture, lor Imu-ekeeping. In farmer's or fisherman's l*m llv ; by Jersey sea shore preferred. Address K. M, lltwU office. TiriNTKD-FOR A SMALL FAMILY Of ADULTS. T? lurnlshed Cottage, seven rooms; mountain air. shade; near bill not In village : two hour* from city: rent,$4<>to $.Vi |>er month; Erie Railroad preferred. Addrea* M. D., box 1*7 Herald t'ptown Branch office. _____________ KOU \ CORNERSTORK. W8 BLKECKER ST. KtiH sale.? Five stories and covers lot tfildj; aw nuarter down iiml balance iu Are years. Apply to E. PtMlRhLL, No. U Chambers *t. ? SPLENDID SAMPLE ROOM POK SALE CHEAP; A also Distillery Stores, Rest aorant*. Il?t?l? M11C1RLL. 77 C?<Ur?t. A Oi.RNEIt I.Il/l Ol? KTORR, OPPOSITE BROOK j\. lyn terry, for sale cheap; Writ >t. Liquor Store*. MITC.IliLL. 77 Cedar ft. A- ?B \KKRIES, COSFECTIOKEIIIKS. WASHINGTON . Market Procure Stands, Meat Markets. stationary. Cigar Stores. MITCHELL. 77 Cedar st. A KlltST CLAS - CORNER LIQl'OR ST')RK FOR BALE cheap?In * good location on tlie hhr| side. GAFFNEY Jt SMITH, Auctioneers. 17 Centre *t. A (IKKAT llARtiAlN.-BAR. RESTAl BANTSUFFER mul Wine Room#, with sleeping Room*; well estab lished and paying wane; rare elmnee to make money. GAFFNEY A SMITH, 17 Centre *L A IIOUSKPrRNISHIN'i STOCK AND TINWARE Ifimiue*?, long e*tablUhed; low rent. CACtNKY. lft Ami wjnnre (8th *??) D^HRITG STORE^ FOtt HALl? a n OLD E8TABL1S1IKD *tand. handsomely fitted u|?, well stocki-d and d??lnor a nice biiflni***: Icmm* of whole building: inuplo accommodn tloit lor li family; must lie sold: a very rare chanee; price $7,"i?K); easy term*. Addrea* pharmacist. Ilerald office. DRUM STOKE?.MOST ELIGIBLE IN BwHlkl.V.V; owner inu?t leave city this week ; will close at great sacrifice. AddfM U. S.. box 105 Herald office. Di: [ I store FOR* SAl'.K?FIRST CLASS; WILL t?e aoM at a bargain. Inquire of Ki.EIN <t PLEhT, 34 Cortlalidt *t.. Sew York. IpOR SAI.K -FINE ' FIRST CLASS It A It AND ' Restaraunt Fixture*: everything complete. MAIM II \ I. I* Its, !!!>.* st._ IjVMt >\I.K- \ JEWELRY SIMM", IN CoMFLF "E oil d-r, with "team power; rent low. Address JEWitL LER, Herald office. iiloinfAbB?A KINK Lttjut>R STORE, STOCK AND Fixture*. No. 1(15 Madison lit. TTIOR HALE?OFFICE \NH STORK FIXTI RES. WITH r slant doori; at a grout sacrifice. F. >1. El'I'LY, 35 l'lne st. ' UUII SALE. ? POPULAR, ELEGANTLY FITTED r Restaurant and Lunch Room. Address K.t box 215 licra'd ulliee. TJIOB BALE?THE~ Ill's I NESS OF A WHOLESALE I" liquor dealer in Reaver st., well est ahllshed in a cull vellient store, with alow relit; would negotiate with parties on cash principles tor Stock and Fixtures, without charge for go ?' a III "i btufaMM. Addraaa II. O. T., Herald offiea. I.1 lit S\LE : '>?> ' - A roKNEIt SAMPLE ROOM ON r ilroalway, richly fitted up: a good stand for clvtur? and fruits; the owner has a hotel to attend to. W II. .MITCH ELL. Ileal Estate Hroicer, 77 Cedar st., room 51. IjloR sil.E vr a BARGAIN, THROUGH ILLNESS?A 1 nmg established uptown Kroiulway Shirt Store with over lt*J customers. Inquire at COLTER'S, 1,-1."> Broad way, socond lloor, eveu in^H. l^Olt RALE?A B A It KOOM AND RESTAIHA.NT, SIT 1 uated in a jrood locality down town ; rent low ; can ho bought cheap Ini|Ulr? of U0RDES A TiiOLE, 3'Jti West st., corner lmh. New York. T??0It HALE?AT~AIMTI(>N. Le"asK^ToFk AND FIX r tnrea of Candy, Variety and Newspaper Store 577 7th av., botweeu -10th ami 4ls( sts . this day. at lOo'clock S.MI~ OAKF.NEY <t SMITH. Auctioneers. MARBLE SODA WATER AND ROOT BEER Ap paratus.?Kqnaro Ihix styles lor sale at cost .J. M. WHITFIKLD A SON. -Jti'J Water St.. X. Y. 50 SEWING MACHINES TO BE SOLD AT 111 CA mil st.; all makes, all warranted: from flOto WILL' BUY A I.I^lOlt AND HEEIt SAI.oos" Apply on pretnliei, oA West !*Hh st., between Broadway ana 8,h av. 31 AC'HlSluSf. l.tolt SALE ' CHEAP-V'""TllltEE HoKSE 8TEAM I Engine. Inquire at St Elliott place, Brooklyn. Prompt delivery <>f tiTe cei.ebrated tan ite Emery Wheels and Machines, by GUORUE PLACE, 121 ('liambers st. IK A N T K H?l IORIZONTAL Tl'Bl'I.AR BOILER, m OR II 7.> horae power. State diameter, length and height of shell, also lull particulars; age, price, condition, Ae. Address box 1X12 New York Post ollico. WA.VTED^SECONlV" HAND NO. 1 ROOT POWER TT Blower; also Wheel and Tackle for hoiatwav; nho Beam Scale and Fraiuu, 1,5(X) Ilia, capacity. Address box 157 Herald nl!i< e. X\f~A.VrED?AN AMATEUR FOOT LATHE, 3 rOOT TT lied, ill good c.iudition, with or without tools. Ad <lri"-s AMATEUR, box 100 Herald office. KU tti\ ITliHlb. ~ PRIVATK FAMILY, DECLINI.Ni; HOISI.KEEP Ing, will soil, in lots to suit purchasers, all their ele gant and costly Household Furniture, Ac.; magnificent Steinway A Sous rosewood Pianoforte; aim an elegant Windsor Piano, cost $I,<M?. for ?350: satin Parlor Suits, cost for $250; one lur ? 12"); rep Suits, (10; 14 Bedroom Suits, $35 and upward; Carpets, oil Paintings, Brnnses, Mir rors, hair and spring Mattressos, and a general asaorttaent of Household Furniture, made to order four months ago. Call private residence No. 12o West 2.?ld St.. near <Uh av. -WF.EKI.Y AND MONTHLY_I'AYME>TS TAKEN for Furniture. Carpets and Bedding at B. M. COW ERTHWAIT A CO.'S, 155 anil 157 Chatham st. An Im mense stock at low pricef A ?FURNITL-itE, C AItPETS. BEDDING A*0STOVES ? aold lit lowest cash prices, on weekly or monthly nay menta; no additional chaige on tirao sales. J. LYNC1I, 3.'*t 8th av., between ?.'5tli and 2tlth sts. PRIVATE FAMU.Y \VILL SELL. IN LOT8, TIIKIR entire Household Furniture?Satin and brocade Par lor Suits, cost lor $2t)U, $175; Turkish Snits, $10:); Stniuwav Piano, $2<^); rich iuiald Chamber Sets, with Dressing Case. $75. $100; single Bedstead-, Bureaus, hair and s|irln.' Mattresses, Bookcases, Desks, Buff"t, Extension Table, Chairs in leather, rop and haircloth Suits, $!i5; Hall stands. Paintings, Krone*. Ac.; positive sacrifice. Call, brown stone private residence No. 47 West irtth St., be tweed *>th and Oth av*. AT PRI VATE 3ALE-THE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE at 7S7 Madison av. Call Thursday and Friday. A A An elegant new parlor scit for sale, rorf $75. worth $2<i0; upholstering first class. Call at 12 West 4th St., near Broadway. A IU IAIN S, B A It G .ll N 8 IN FURNITURE It will PAY those in search of bargains In Furnitnre tn examine our ex tensive assortment of Parlor, Dining, Bedroom and fancy Furniture. We are OBLIGED by circumstance* beyond onr control, lo offer our Stock AT ALMOST ANY PRICE and NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE RKFl'SRD. COVERT'S wareroom*. 73Sflth av., between 41st and 42d>t(. DRESSING CASES, BKDSTKAIM, BUIKACS, WASH stands, Parlor Suit*, flue Sideboard, Centre Table*. Bookcase*, largest stock lino Furniture, nt Inw price*; look in before purchasing. KI LLKEN'S, S'J Kmt l.'ttli ?t. (white banner.) >io fair offer refined. FURNITURE-PRIVATE BALE, AUCTION PRICES, both rich unci common. Cull, cxauiimt; large n**ort ment; owuers wnnt money; packed cheap. rAVOB'is Auc tion limine, 13 East I Itli *U CRNITl It1Ff>II 5 A I K?Tn "PIt iVATR lioT^ K;C AR pet*. Mirror*, rep nn<l Chamber Suits Buffet, Ac. .i.'l'J Knit 4Md -t. C'fodD SECOND HAND AND MtsFiT ENGLISH T Bru*?els, threenly and ingrain Carpet*. Oilcloth*, Ac. very cheap it tbe uol place, 112 Fulton at. - MANNES. :??! 7TII AV? PAYS THE HIGH EST price for Furniture, Carpet*. Ac. Faru>r boIth for sale < ii i rap?a oiuf rar> gain, li. P. STEIN, .'>() llond at, T" HE IE A ofs?r K i m nTtUhR ARD OARPSf HOUSE in t e I tiit*-?l States, on tiie instalment plan, u UROBGK A. CLARETS. 747Broadway. TO ALL, WHO ADVERTISE* ~ TIIK DAII.Y AVKKAC.K CIRCULATION ok the EVKNINtS Ti.LEURAM FOR THE WEKK THUS FAB 5? MONDAY. May 8 3MH I'lTKSDAY, Mtty ? 4S.7(?) WEDNESDAY. May 10 4(\2M ZERO KKFBIUEBATOR?BKST IN THE WORLD; uo <lrip. iee and IM *?v?l; rcfrlgurator* repaired. LKSLKY. U'-M Vi'eit rSdst.; Center* of all kind* for Mile. H .UAHBIiE illAltl'BiLS, AT Slate ami Marble Mantels. Ijerife?t assortment in the city. . PENRHYN Si,ATE COMP.VItV, fl<> I'nion square, 4th av. unil 17th *1, New York. Manufacturer* of nil kind* of Siato Work. KATES A N D FKN 1>KKS ?TIIE LARGEST ASSORT mentor Unite* ami Fender* ever offered in this mar ket. fiuixbed in every style; low and halt low down Crate*, with dumping attnclimetit. a ipeclnMy; a large variety of (tan I?og*. lancy nickel plated Andiron*, Ac.; liberal dia count to the trade. CONOVEK. WOOI.LRT A CO.. 3(M Canal ?t.. V. Y. ClAJTIilXW. "V T MlNTZS. JIS ;ti> AV.. NF.AR tflTH ST.?LA XjL die* and gentlemen will he surprised at the (treat price* B. Mint* pay* tn cash for Cant off Clothing, Carp*;*, Jew elry. Otders uttendi <1 by .Mr. or Mr*. Mint*. At flatio's. i TroWN, sin trrii av.. corrkr IHtli st., ladies and genthmen will positively receive ,Vi per cent More ilinn elsewhere for cast off Clotningt, Ac. Order* promptly Attended to by Mr. ur .Mrs. FLAT ID. A~~T~l,5T74HKt) AD WAV, BETWEEN .TJM ~AN D~33D *t*.?Broadway prices paid lor Cast off Clothing, Jew elry. Ac., bv colinis'"ii or adilresstn.: 11 HARRIS. I.:!7t. T RDWAKIJ M11.i,Kit's WELL KftOWN KsfTiT. Iix'iiii? in, Its lith av., near Waverlev place, utmost vain paid for eust off I 'lot hi u k'. Carpet*, Ac., by calling on or nddre**lng Mr. or Mrs. M11.1 ,K R. ?NATHAN'S EST A IIL1SII ME NX .TI>, tifli AV ? l i e hlche-i value paid for Ch*I-off Clothing, ( irpet,, Ac. Call on or address Rr. or Mr*. NATHAN. l'lense try ami satisly yourm ive*. ^ A~ T 3? Ttll AV~?ECOND DOOR ABOVE VMTMTH st., Mr. and Mrs. BOSKNHi'.Rt) will nay tin- Uilmt price* In ea?h lor Cut (iff OlMMtll, Carpet*. Ac., by railing or addressing. Take particular notice at above number. A- T H ARRIS . SI lii'li A v.. NKAilW AVKKLKY I'LACE-? I'tuiost value paid fbr Cait-olf t'letiiafc Carpets, by calilut: cm or addressing Mr. or Mrs. li ARRlS. U~ ItlHEST Fit" ICES WILL HKPAIlt Foil CAST t?FF OWM?r Carpel*, Ac. Call on or addriM Mr. or Mr*. M ASI It. B5?l 7th nr. ASTKOIjOtf H. ~ A' ion ukwAi;f>?Ni? fMposifioS.^WBIIIaVR ? t mnd. at lust. . reate*t Btisin1 -< and Medical ?"1?ir .voyattt in tiie world is Mrs. FOSTElt. Lawsuit-: lox*<<S; lunkf numl-ers; names in fulli enuset marriage*; succeeds jrhin all otber* tail; aaltsltctian ornopay; SOc. (ofl. No, M Lexington av., near 2Atli st. "a B t SI N Ess A.Nil M KI > I? A I.Ttf. AIR V??Y A NT. WHO rt*llenges the world in teaing everything; name lu full. .VI cent-til 51 ; gives numbers And likentsi free. No. I'm VYe*t ? <tll st.. between''th and 7tl av* \TTE NTH I N.? cV) N si LI Al IONS ON IHXi.v h.-Ts, lawsuits onemie*. losses, ahs nt friends, love, mar* riaeo anil death. Pay roluwd unless *?tl?tied ^th av. Mme. SINOIIl, Olalrvnyant. MR. ROSA KKXKALS Ytil R WHULK LIFE, FROM ?radio ty the grave. 47-' Canal tt, Fat,ft. M w ootf,?"*l3SEl5,TiiW daY> M'^'SnVsTOf * IMaut Wok*; PW,o(^r#,,lW TV Evening at K J. Z. LITTER. D<tl'HLK BILL. TWO PI EC H. ROVING JACK til OLD SLEUTH. r ALLACKS. ? Proprietor and Muuerr Mr. LESTER WAhLACK PA RTICULAU NOTICE. In order to carry out the programme of YAKIKTY AND NOVt.LTf with which Mr. Wnllack has dviljrneil to niDClode the ptw* CUt MIM1H, I.ON ?ON \ssl KANCE most shortly be withdrawn. The LAST NIGHTS ol thli brill I itnt comedy are therefore announced, witli ii? UNPARALLELED CAST, which Includes Messrs. LESTER WALLACE, II. J. MONTAGUE. JOHN GILBERT, HARRY BECKETT. W. It. PLOYD. J. W. SHANNON. K. M. HOLLAND. 0. K. EDWIN. Miss ADA DYAS, MISS EFFIE GEHMON and Miss IONB BUItKE. One of Mr. Dion Boucicault's beet and roost popular Comedies, now she loves niM. will be the next production. and will be presented with A CAST la every reipect equal iu completeness and brilliancy to that ol LOMDON ASSURANCE. UNION SQUARE THEATRE. Proprietor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK. Manager Mr A. M. PALMER AN UNEQUIVOCAL SUCCESS. EVERY EVENING at 8 SATURDAY MATINEE at 1 : 0. A. E. Lancaster and Julius Magnus' American Drama, CONSCIENCE. Chni acters us follows Eustace Lawton, eonfldeutia clerk to Mr. Ilarewood, Mr. Obarles It. Tliurne, Jr. NatUaniel Hnrewood. a Wall st. bunker, Mr. Frederic; Robinson ?ludire Vsn"f"nrt. of the New .'ersey Bench.Mr John Parsell* Dr. Mordaiiut. friend of Mr. Hnrewood. ...Mr. J, H. Stoddart Cyril Ilarewood. nephew to Mr. Ilarewood. Mr. 0. A. Stevenson (By the ourtesy ol Lester Wailack, Esq.) David Delve, a lawyer Mr. Theodore Hamilton John Perry, u bookkeeper Mr. Alfred Becks Richard Cobb, * constable Mr. W. II. Wilder Jailer Mr. W. B. Quigley Constance Ilarewood. Mr. Ilarowooii's daughter. Miss Kate Claxton Tabitha Trump, a distant relative Mrs. Marie Wilklut Saturday, May 13, the first matinee of CONSCIENCE. Tony pastor's new theatre, 585 AND .'.87 BROADWAY, opposite Metropolitan Hotel. TONY PAoTO> Sole Proprietor BRILLIANT SUCCESS OF THE NEW STARS. The verdict of the people prouounccs this THE BEST ENTERTAINMENT IN TI1E CITY. The bo-s of Bii |o Players and Comedians, SAM DtiVERE. The old veteran, Kl'ii HORN, Mitt MOlLIK WILSON. HENRI ETTA.MOLLENHACER The great Lsnc.istershire Dancers, WILLIAMS ami CAKBY. The talented and vcrsative Fumlly. THE CARROLUS. THE CARROLLS. R. M. Carroll. Little Dick, Master Eddy, The General. Billy Orsv, Clark Glht.s, Richard Clurk, Harry Montague. SADIE DESIION. CARRIE DUNCAN. KATIE ED WARDS. ). S. El>WARDS, HARRY TAYLOR. MATlNEEs TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. Theatre oomiqueT ni4 hroadway. EVERY EVENING AT S. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2. l'he only sensational Variety in New York. TII1S IS WHAT YOU WANT. AMERICANS ABROAD. The great Illuminated Scene. LA SAKDIN MAB1LLE, in all It# Midnight Oayety. A perfect nvuliiiulie of Fuuiaio Beauty. , MAKE NO MISTAKE. HID Specialty Stars iu a GRAND OLIO. Theatre fbancais (Union League Theatre) 20 rue et Madison av. VENDREDI. 12 MAI. Sixiemu some de touseription, LE DEMI MONDE. Cotnfcdie en cimiactes. par A. Dumat, flit. SAM EDI 18 MAI. LA CAUNOTTE. * Ticket office che* II. Cogniat, 2B East 14th it. H. TOOKER'S BENEFIT BOOTH'S THEATRE. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 18, A REMARKABLE PROGRAMME nrriiii'xed with the Congress of (ireut Tragedians, LAWRENCE BARKETT. F. C. BANGS. MILNES LEY1CK and E. L. DAVENPORT. Mr. GEORGE RIGNOLD (his farewell to New York). Miss ADA DYAS, by the courteous consent of Mr. Letter Wall nek. Miss SARA JEWETT, by tho kind permission of Mr. AUGUSTIN DALY,and other distinguished artists, whoso names wilt shortly transpire as participants. *?* Sale of Seats begins to-day. M B OOTII'S THEATRE. ' KELLOGG. JAURETTA PALMEIt. Lessees aud Managers EXTRAORDINARY OPERATIC AND MILITARY PAGEANTRY! KELLOGG GRAND ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY, Including Miss Monta^ne. Mrs. Seguln, Messrs. Conley, Peakes and Castle, wltn the distinguished American Prima Donna, Miss CLARA LOUISE KBLLOGG, will appear TO-MORROW (FRIDAY) EVENING. MAY 12. in Meyerbeer's great Spectacular Opera and grand Military Pauoant, STAR OF TIIE NORTH, which it produced In a style of UNUSUAL MAGNIFI CENCE, the auxiliary forct* numbering over FOUR HUN DRED. and the other marvellous features, beyond the SCENERY. ELEGANT COSTUMES and BEAUTIFUL UNIFORMS, being REGIMENTS OF INFANTRY, MILITARY BRASS BANDS. A FULL DRUM CORPS, augmented Orchestra ana A GRAND CHORUS. SPECIAL PRICES. RESERVED SEATS? Purquet and Balcony. (1 50 ADMISSION ONE DOLLAR GALLERY ...Fiftv Cents *,? Box Office open Irom 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. every day this week. Miss KELLOGG will appear at each of the two re maining performances, which will be given Friday evening and at the SATURDAY MATINEE ^^13oBE THEATKE, 7UH"and 730 BROADWAY. K. W. BUTLER Manager THE STANDARD FAMILY THEATRE. EXCELLENCE AND SUPERIORITY MAINTAINED. The Monarch* of Specialty in New Sketches. THE REYNOLDS BROTHERS. Crowning surcess of tho Queen of Bnrlesque, MISS Al>Ali RICHMOND. ?a Arrah Musha Merlith. in the thrilling Irish Burlesque, ARK AII NA BROGUE, tnpportcd by tho inperh Dramatic Company, Messrs. Ketchuin, Price, Far* ell, McDonald, Misses Brad lev and Ellie and the whole troupe SENATOR BOB HART IN ORATORICAL EFFUSIONS. All the old favorites, Messrs McKee, West, McDonald, Ullts. Kemble, Ac., in a Grand Olio. Miss'V STIl'KNKY, the Sarlo-Comlc Sensationalist. MASTER DUNN IN INFANTILE NEC.ROlHMS, 1K> First Class Artists every Ills tit. ?J I TJI ST. OPERA HOUSE, HKTWKEN 2D AND 3D Ot av*. Every evening. Wtdni'wlHy and Saturday Matinee. A MGllf IN PARIS. THE OHKilNAL CAN CAN. THE FEMALE HA IIIEltS, ?> BEAUTIFUL MODELS. ?) SPECIALTY Sl'ABS. A OK AND OLIO. ARK TlOtATRK, BROADWAY AND,2.'D ST. BHASS?A FEW MORE NIOHTB Id order to accommodate those rn rntnr In (hi CENTENNIAL EX IIIBITION. 13th week ?f tleorjr* Fawcctt Howe's comedy I with Hose Wood, Rn<f Lisle, Murie Loulie, Mrs. hd.qc I Brutone. M aar*. Morrison, Padgett, Brutone, , . Vcirr ?, Cogswell,LnnRloy, Rosens, Cooke, | and Oeorice Fnwcett Howe aa Will ft on Stray, which ,ln conaeuuenee of other ar'Ancrmcnt*. ninM be WITHDRAWN ON THE OCCASION OF ITS IikiTII PERFORMANCE. Admiration .V)c. and $1. Reserved seat* fl SO. evenimi at s. Saturday matinee at 2. Seat* reserved for nlirbt *alo to accommodate stranper*. CENTRAL PARK GARDEN. 7tli nr., .V>tli and .V.ith it*. SOULE * APPLEBY Proprleton THURSDAY EVEMNO, at * o'clock. D. L. DOWNING'* CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA. ORAND CONCERT. Mr. BENJAMIN C. HE NT. the celebrated Cornet Soloist. 1'ROtiRAMME. PART L Overture. ''Dramatlsrhe of -Hi".. P. Bohraa Gnndolied. "SchitTer'a Ab?ched" (new) ....JnnKinann "Ave .Maria'' Uounod Mine. MAKIA SALVOTTI. Introduction and Bridal Chorus. "i<ohenerln" Wagnor PART >1. Overture, "Untrarlsche Lustsplel" Ctiew) Kller Blla MISS LIZZIE M. RAE (Son 5). Grand Fnntatsle for cornet Hartmnnn MR. BENJAMIN C. HENT. Operatic ?electlon, "'Mil e. I'Arehlduc'' Offenbach PART III ? Gavotte, "Circa* Ron*" (now) Flleire Male Exlette, "The Toast"., Kollner MESSRS. EDDY. LEE. KI1.LV. ? MITCHELL. SYPIIER AND OURHAM. March, "Egyptian" John Strnn** Walts "Att" ilcin Rrelitulrhen" Ed. Strauss MATINEE SATURDAY, AT '1 O'CLOCK. YE COUSIN JONATHAN OLDE FOLKS. Admission f> 1 rents. Pa katre JO ticket* $.1 ,'>i> S\\ I TAM'lM'o MINSTRELS1 OPERA 11 < > I >E. ~" AN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS, BHOADWAY. HAN FIIaNCISCO MINSTRELS. CORNER JuTIl ST. The mo*t succsslul organisation In the world. BIECII. \V AM BOLD nnd BACKUS. WAMIiOI.D'S NEW SONO. BIRCI1 ON Ills WAV T't THE CENTENNIAL. BACKUS' INIMITABLE IMITATIONS. RY MAN'S ORE AT LECTURE. REBECCA JANE. SHAKESPEARIAN ADVOCATES. THE ORE.AT lilt AUDI). Seat* *eenred. Matinee Saturday at 2. Kelly a i.kovb t.\d st. near otii ay MINSTREI.S. I Every evenlni: and Sattirdav mail Ki.i LY A LEON'S nee. Ills OHACfc THE DUKE. Ml NSTREI.S. I THE ONl.Y LKo\ KELLY A LEON'S I a< Loui?e Charinuton. MINSTRELS. | EDWIN KELLY a* the Imke. KELLY A LEON'S I A brilliant part flr*t. Introducing MINSTRELS. I mI.>? 11.?? trotu Girolla Girotle, nnd Orand t >llo. Bot office upen from ? A. M. to 10 P. M. ^JIIATEAU MAB1LLE VARIETIES. Pari* by paslirh' In nil it* K ?ry, andi very f'vncit sensation ot ih'i dar. The Grim I l>n?-he*?, or the lri*h Duke. The Tnrklett Bather*, or tho Sultan's Peu. The French Minuet and Poses Pla*ti<iues. The handsome*! mr ned ladle* in the wor!(L flie intMt *rtlstn- art lit* oa the oarth. The flnest Theatre In America. <*?' c-' 2 SitSyu 5 " II !? ? 9* TO ALL WHO ADVERTISE THE DAILY AVERAGE CIRCULATION OF THE EVENING TELEoIMM FOll THE WEEK THUS FAR:- ' MONDAY. May s ai.t*0 TUESDAY, Mar't 4M.TU0 WEDNESDAY, May IO .. 4Q.J)i? ^CADEMY OT MUSIC," Philadelphia. Partle* desiring to rent the abotra bonaa daring the moath ?f May can apply to A. ruAgCIEB, Ac?d?aiy *r Xmaio, PhUaAtlpkia. iHVIKHBfn. " ' AM BROADWAY. mil john r. roo^.*r.T.. ' ..MANAGE! THE BIRTHPLACE OF HL'MPTY DU >t PTY. Fourth week ?f tbe Orand Reproduction of TUB BEST Of ALL PANTOMIMES, TUB ORIGINAL If H V 1' MX MM PPPP TTTT Y Y ? u m m m m p PT YY HHIM V V M M M M PPPP T YY H ' o U M MM M P T Y II H UUU MUMP T Y EDDn R S H", 3*~"P* * T D D IT I M >i M M P p t y Y 1> Dl' U M M M M PPPP T vv 1' D U U M MM M P T Y DDD UUU M M M p ? Y ? MATINK*?_WEDNKsr>AY AND SATURDAY. CTH AVKNUR THRATBS. TbEOINS AT HI " Proi'rJ;t<>r *ji'l M-'U-trsr Mr. aUGUSTIN DALY --d ***''? *? |j.frlntMaum Mid FINAL NIGHTS of "PIQUE I" PINAL MATINEES DAVKKfSRt Wf'H IUKKI.NS, Mr. LBWltl llr DAr'. IIHiK. Mr. 1IARDENRBKG, Mr. HA- RYMORR. Nr. DKKW Ml?a SYDNRY CotfELL. Mr*. GILBERT, vIxn G EORGIE DKKW.Mill, RCNKZ! Miss HOLLAND, and Mr. JOHN BHOimHAM. OF PIQUE. SATURDAY AT 1:8a V SATURDAY BIGHT. M?r 13. Mr, JOHN BROUGHAM'S BENRPIT, ? Reminiscent Hill, comprising TUB SERIOUS FAMICY ?utl PoC AIIONTAS. 5tu a ve n uiT r ii bat re. .SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 13, for Mr. JOHN BROUGHAM'S BENEFIT. A RE MINISC K NT BILL. comprising, for th? first tline at thi> theatre, THK SERIOUS FAMILY. and for the only oceaaion season ??POCAHONTAS!" with phenomenal casta. Box alien now open. Brooklyn theatre. Lessees ami Mauager*.. ..Mewn SHOOK Jk PALMER. EVRRY EVKXIBG THIS WEEK. a miat brilliant combination ami great double bill. Miss CHARLOTTE THOMPSON In Iter new plur, MAPI) MUELLER. and STUART ItollSON anti Miss FANNY MORANT in tbu apli'iiillit comedy, MAKKIBD LI PR. The hill strengtn ot (be Brooklyn Theatre Company la oncli play. Toadkmy OF 3MUSIC.' ?? GRAND PROMENADE CONCEBT, br BERNSTEIN'S FULL ORCHESTRA. For the Benefit ol the PAI It ot' The Young Women*! Chrio tiau Association. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, AT 8 O'CLOCK. PROGRAMS. Part I. I. Grand March, "On the Rhino," Zikoff Overture, "Ijght Cavalry,"..... Suppa 3. Waltt, '?Jlj-potBeaan," Strauxa 4. Selection. "i.a Jolle Parluuieuie," f Offenbach 5. Galop, "Kuail und Fall," Strauss Part 2. 6. Overturn, "Festival." Newmans 7. Walts. "Ou undDu," Stmu'i 8. Selectimi, "t'rlaplno." , Kieci it. Polka (Sehacll). "Elssport," Ktraual 10. Pot l'ourri, "Martha,'' Flotow Also on exhibition, a nuuerb collectionJ of Paintings, louuod from private galleries- , Ticket". 30c. Fo male at the door. PARISIAN VARIETIES, 1BTU ST. AND ARISIAN VARIETIES, BROADWAY. Shines over all EVERY EVENING, at H O'CLOCK. -<s> MATINEE, T T TO DAY. [ ^ 2 O'CLOCK. THE GREATEST SENSATIONS OUT. A <?> T (31rIn of Madrid, I I Xovi*nimo'H Tubleax, <s>? k [ School Girls4 Krollc; [or, Future Probabilities. The exquisitely graceful, voluptuous and sensational LA MINUET. Mile. BERTHA and the Handsomest Ballet in America, , Brilliant Novelties. I Elegant Varieties. 1 Musical Murceaux. GRAND OLIO of 100 artists of acknowledged merit appear at each perform ance. Liveliest, largest and best Entertainment in America. QlLMORE'S GARDEN. " OFFENBACH Messrs. SHOOK A l'ALMBR....Proprietors and Managers. Mr. E. G. (HI,MORE Business Manager OFFENBACH. OFFENBACH. OFFENBACH. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING. MAY 11, GRAND OPENING N1GIIT, when tho illustrious nud world-renowned composer, JAGQUBS OFFENBACH, will commence his series of TWENTY MONSTER CONCERTS, assisted by lijn skilled musicians, in the moat DELIGHTFUL SUMMER RESORT IN THE WORLD. Admis-iuo..... ONE DOLLAB SUNDAY EVENING CONCERTS. The opening Sunday Evening Concert of the OFFEN BACH ttEASON will be given SUNDAY RNENINO NEXT. MAY 14, when a programme of unusual brlliiaucy aud variety will bo presented. j^AGLE THEATRE. ~~ ^ BROADWAY AND :MD ST ^ Bole Proprietor and Manager Mr. JOSH HART Grand success ?t Byron's burlesque, CINDERELLA. in which the following artists appear:? Miss Minnie Paliucr, Mr. G. K. Kertuscuo, Miss Jennie Hughes, Mr. John Wild, Ac. First appearance at this theatre of the talented MISS ADELAIDE LENNOX. Miss LENNOX will appear In a society comedy, la ona act, arrangvd by herself, entitled ADELAIDE. Mr. N. C. Goodwin and Miss Minnie Palmer In a laughable Carre, in which Mr. GOODWIN wiU GIVE lllri WONDERFUL IMITATIONS. A new Melance of Songs apd Acts, in which Mr. John Wild, Mr. Teoly, Mr. Rraitley, Miss Jennia Hughes, Mile. Jnnetteo, Ac., will appear. Concluding every evenliig and Matinees with Byron's very laughable burlesque, CINDERELLA. CINDERELLA. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. ijwncni j iir.A riif.. Jj MU. OUVKR DOITD L'YROH In the gigantic succex of * HEN McOULLOGd; or. the WANDERK1P8 DIVORCE. FRIDAY EVENING?Benotit of OL1 v'KR DOCD BTRON. G~ ERMANlA THEATRE, 14TH ST. AD. NEUKNDORFF .. Dlrectoi Till KSDAY. Mav 11, KRtUZrBUEk Comedy, In thrro acts, by L'Arronge. " k XERICA'S CENTENNIAL," GRAND MARCH. H* iV. D. L. Downing, with superb lithograph title in colore; pronounced the MM artistic production in sheet music evni issued in this country; played nightly at Central Park tiar deu with grand sucocts. Price flu cents. Sold everywhere. Published by I>ITS(iN ,t (TO., 711 Broadway. PI ANO KOllTKS, OHUAM S, posi n'vK chance to VakiT a Tjentennial present.?Aii elegant Stelnway A Sons 7'4 octave Pianoforte at a bargain; a brilliant toned 7)jJ rosewood Windsor Pianoforte, lour round, name on plate. cost $l,lii?>, tor ; maker's guarantee and bill or safe transferable to purchaser. Also parlor, library, chamber and dining room Furniture, Call at prlvato residence 1 JO West {Ud St., near Uth a v. _F<) R RK NT, UPRIGHT, Sqt'ARE AND gRAND ? Pianos of our own make; also lor saio and rent.* number of One second hand Pianui, in perfect order. WILL IAM K.N ABK .t 00.. No. 11J 5th av . above 10th st. ABKAL'flKL'L PIANOFORTE, ?100; A STKIKWAT Pianoforte, cverj-Improvement, great sacrifice, cash; Parlor Organ, only fS& J. DIDDLE, l:i Waveriey place, uear Broadway. A?GREAT BAil<7.UN.^BAFM^K's7?? BLEEC1C ? er *t.. closinir out Urge stock Pianos half price, order administrator; $100. $150. WOO. RARK Oil ANCi:.-?iRANDS UPRIGHTS, SQUARES; ? also Organs, new and second hand, to rent low or for sale on Instalments: HO eents to if 1 a day. S. X. BALL A t'O.. 15 Bast 14th at. A LOT OK SECOND HAND PIANOS, IN THOROCOR order, for sale at moderate prices; also Pianofortes to rent, ofonr own manufacture, toy C1IICKKRI.NU A SONS, lHOathav., corner lHth st. BKAUTI FUL PIANoTsTST; A 7 1-8 OCTAVE PIARO forte. carved leirs. every Improvement, sacrifice for cash ; Pianos sold on instalmeutt and to rant. F. Sell L I,EH, i!tl Kaat 14th st. PRIVATB>AMILY WILL S*-LL (AT SACRIFICE) elegant Steinwav Jt Sons Pianoforte (name In plate): a richly rarved lour round rosewood case Pianoforte, 7', ot'iave, every improvement, agraffe overetrnng, Ac ; cost $m~5. for $X>0. Stool, Cover, bo* for shipping. N. B.? Worthy the attention of parties about purchasing a piano, fall, private residence No. 47 West loth st., between 5th and Oth avs. A -LESS THAN 0180, 7 OCTAVE CARVED LEG ? Pianoforte, overstrung baas, round corners (Horace Wati-rs.imaker). including Stool. 57 Eaat Oth it., neat Broadway. STEIN WAV 7M <JCTAVE PIANO, FOUR ROUND corners; a Weber 7 octave; both modern Improve ments; little nsed; extremely low for cash or on liistal ments. Also a large stock of new and second hand square and upright Pianos to rent until paid for. as per contract. MUOI WATKIIS ? SONS, 4h| Broadway. A OR I: VT 11 V R( rAIN.-8PLENt>U> 7 1-1 OCTaVI Piano, best maker, cost $5<J0; must be (old. 35 Chris tophar st. \LADV WILL SKLL FOR $IO>, A CARVED LEO rosewood ('liickermg Piano, with modern improve meats; perfect order. 2* East :td -t.. near Jd av, HK A1 TTIFU L EOS BWfMtll T-OC rAVK I'lANfT forte, rearly new. $1">. at reside net, 210 East 30th at. Beautiful v* octave piaso~$i7s; all ij* provemonta; c I most now; Instalments taken; rent S3. CABLES, 107 W'esl USd >L 1>IUVATB FAMILY WANTS TO SKLL VI\NO, BEST of make and excellent tone, for cash. Address B. W.. box l.'io ilerald office. 2 BL> .ANT riANOA-ONK FINE ROSEWOOD square, 7), tave, four round corners, hy Halms Rroth ers. elegant i r?mh walnut Imported upright Piano, Har riott parlor Organ; alsoooq by Wing A Son; nil very lowl* cash and must be sold to nay advances and m ?rave at Tl NIS JOHHSO.VS salesroom, 5S Liberty st. - POR A HANDSOME CARVED SMtl'BNTINB i i ,1!J'Uno; wplondiii tone; nwarly new. 42'* Went 2>H!i ?!. Tllfc LKCrniE KKASOS. f MrOKIANT KKKh I.KOU lih.-TO DAY, lITiSTSSirT, 1 Mrs M. It. ,ItKon N, Pfeslilent of the Metaphysical I iiiv?riiuv,Bomi bI., New York, will lecture ?t Kepnb He*fi ?? ill, ??V\ Mt 3Sd ??t., lw^? floors eit?i of Hro^dway, At a ? cleek ID the 'afternoon, on lisr great Metaphysical IMe eovery, wmcli trwmpbt over dl-eas,. from the cradle to tb? f rave, i<" l ! xed a plau to protect the body, and all should know that plan. DK* TM1H k . BKAtTirt i, aktiuciai, TKKTii, jNVsfSffnXrWi Warranted. "New Vork I?ental llooms!HU Oth av_ ?ear 16th st Katsldlsbed IS51. Dr. WAIT, 01.1) STAND. 4fl~K AHT tfllJST., W1UL IN' eert srtifleUl teeth a?4 fit! teeth with every approved . "n ?ore favorable terras than any etker IfHOiaai eatablMbneat. Call aaU eiaaUae laiasUo*