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JAPANESE POLO. The G-ame as .Played in that Asiatio Country. A PQ(I EXHIBITION 8 THE C1T1 OF fUKUL Description of the Tournament by an American. T* rn Kmtor or tu Ukbald:? The reading of ? paragraph in the Horn* Journal ol laat ?Mk, te tke effect that a l'olo Club had been formed la this city, recalled very pleasant memories of that game which I have so oltea witnessed in Japan. I believe this manly sport, one ef the best calculated to educate eye, nerve and mascle, bas been introduced Into the United States from England. It has, how ever, been one of the standard outdoor-sports in Japan for centuries past. Instead or borrowing It from the East we might have transferred It from our now near est Western neighbors, the Japanese. The name dfc-kiu (a pronooncod as a la arm, kin as kee-o?> applied by the Japanese, means a game of ball oa horseback. This game Is played In most of the large dues, scrub Batches being frequent; but It obtained Ha lull dignity and deserts only In the old daiiniOs' capitals, wben 00 specilled annual days, alter months ?f practice, the dakiu tournament was witnessed by thoasanda of spectators amid all the pomp and circum stance ef Japanese foudal display. Tlio finest exhibition ot polo I ever witnessed was In the city of Kukrit, in the province of Echison, a city lying 3)00 mil** west of Tokio (formerly Y edo), where I mm then Uvtng, having been engaged by the Dai in 10 tad leudal government to establish a scientific school ?a the Amerlcaa principle. On the occasion of the lakiu tournament I was given a scat near the Prince snd judges. Tho ground selected was in front ol the Prince's stables, In whloh there were Ally thorough bred pomes. The courso was a smoothly rolled, Banded space, about 600 feet long, planted at tho sides with rows of oryptomenta and fir trees. The width was about 00 leot. The stables occupied half the space north of and parallel to the courso. Tho southern half was a long covored building, with a row of rooms tilled with the daimios, ladies and gentlemen iu waiting, the judges and scorera, &o. On the opposite side wero hundreds If not thousands of spectators, umong whom were about 100 shaven-pated monks, priests and students, all in monastic robes and collars, Irom tho monastery near by. Everybody was dressed 111 las and especially in hor best, for the fomale spee Uiiurs were very numerous. Black and oblique-eyed beuuties, with wondrous glossy capillary architecture and Bilk gowns and girdles and gay fans rained im mense Influence on the handsome young contestants. Host of the players were my own students, young follows of tho samurai or gentry class, of Iroiu seven teen to twenty-two, whose eye, hand and nerve bad been trained at fencing, wrestling, archery and apeur exercise, as well as with bridle and s&ddio. At the signal, two hummer taps on tho clapporless bell, shaped like Columbus' egg after he lutd made it It&nd, tho twelve players mounted. Anotbor tap, snd they rodo into the lists, saluted their Prince and the judges. Another, and dividing into two tiles of six each, the horso* raced to the extreme end, on either ude of tho cour3e, euch horseman hulding up htu saji, ' or spoon, made of bamboo, five leet long, with crook ?r scoop at the ecd, netted with cord. I saw that It was a game of shiuuy on horseback. The two parties were named respectively Genji and Heike, after the two renowned rival military families Who struggled for supremacy in Japan during the tenth, eleventh and twelfth centuries, giving Japan a War of the Hoses, which ended in the utter annihila tion or the Heikri in 1184 at Shluiouost'ki. Tho flag of tbo Genji was white, that ot the Heikd was red. In the game six players wore red lacquered helmets, while those ol tho other six wero white. All had bound ap their flowing sleeves tightly under the armpits and their girdles to their loins, lor the work in hand was 00 girl's play. Two old supes now entered, each with a basket of Kbat appeared to bo red and white eggs. Theso were ihe balls. 1 hoy were laid at Intervals or two or three, teet apart, the white balls in (rout of tho rod helmvtod player?, and the white b?rore the red bats. Two rows ?1 thirty-six bails each thus lay alongside of each pla.vor and exteudlng bofore tho leaden a distance of some yards. At tho end, whence they bad entered, wore two wickets ol bamboo poles, 'ihe wickets Blood kbout twenty teet from oach other. The poles of each wicket were four loet apart, and the cord joining them three feet from the ground. By the rules of the enue each ball must go over the cord and between the wicket pools, failing to do which tbo balls falling outside were tossed back into the course The Genji or whites were to scoop up and loss the red balls over, and tho Uelktf or reds rice versa. Each was to hinder the other. At the given signal both parties rode up the lists, slowly at llrst, picking up aud hurling the balls forward toward the goal. When within throwing distanco they attempted to fling *ibem ovor the wtckois. Iu a few minutes several balls had gouo over, and tho upper end or the course was now a pied field, looking some thing like irregularly picked paper of mint drops. It was now no longer a dross parade, but a pitched battle and ? fiercely contested struggle of excited men, clashing liort-e gear and bamboo spoons. There a red flaps his saddle with bis heavy metal stirrups (spurs beiug un knot u) and his stoeu Hashes toward a white ball. He Is just about to scoop it up whan click goes a white spoon under bis and, tho ball goes whirling back. There cues a victor vi hose'defiant whito helmet gleams like ilijfpluuio ol King Henry of Navarre. Ho has already UiMg seven red balls clear over the wickets, he is now dashing for an eighth I Who can stop him 1 He Is al ready shouting fits triumph, when, like an arrow, a youiig fed dashes belore him. Tho red spoon missed the mark aud tbo horse's shoulder, striking his white rival's flank, sends steed and rider roiling over the sand. Quick as lightning white hat leups nimbly off the saddle and, belore his horse Is on his hoots again, scoops up tho ball and whirls it ovor tho wicket. A tempest ot clapping bands Irom the ladles and shouts from the men greet tbo victor, who, without pausing to acknowledge ttic applause, is In saddle again, the white lacquer of his helmot as the sun strikes it dax (ling h|s admirers A number of lively episodes and passes and some splendid feats of horsemanship fill ap the game toward the last. It is evident that iu spite of the tlno playing of two of tbe reds tho whites have the advantage of coolness aud practice. One of tbo reds has been put Kurt du combat, with a bruised right arm and a broken spoon. Nevertheless, tho tilt tor tho last ball is at baud.- All tho balls are over and out?one alone re mains. To bag tho last ball Is even a greater boQor than the first. Now for tbe final tug! Eleven men and horses after one tiny ball 1 Now backward, now for ward, now in midair, tossed on tho top ol the netted ?ticks like a ball on a louuiain jet, no* hurled back a dozen horse lengths I See how they dash to It I What a clash aud mass of horse logs, manes, heads, gilt sad dle flaps, with clanging of metal stirrups, bauging of ?poonh! It reminds ono of tbo buttle of the centaur* with tbo Lapttba-, at tbo murrlage of Hippodamia acd Plrithuus, tho clay group representing winch I had so often seen in the old rotunda ol the Philadelphia Acad- , emy ot Klne Arts. ?nap?a spoon hus bceu crushed by j a hoof, and u whito hat is unhurt but /.or* du combat. Hal! hat! hail shouts a red hat, and the ball Is thrown by a back stroke far on toward the goal. Out dashes another red from the muss ol contaurs. His helmet on * his shoulders, his top-k no. alt awry, his hair loose, his face streaming with perspiration, bis eye Hashing, yet cool snd sure df triumph, he defiantly awaits Ins rivals. Tne spoon or ono is witbin a loot of the prt*, when with a yell he lifts It snd -units it living through aud ally tool beyond tho si ckets. Tho applause is tumul tuous. Tbe red helmets have won. Tbo riders now pass by (he judges, salute and stall their horses. The cop|wr brown colored gentlemen adjust drr's?, hair and toib t, and soon reappear as spectators. Tho leading white lays to me, "tou like, teacher? You have so play iu your country*" Then I bat to say "No." Next year 1 saw by the llluMratetl London A**'l that it had been Introduced Into England. several other games ot dakiu followed. After the Inal score tho prizes were presented. Of tbo thieo played tbe crsck contestants tbo white hsts, or Uenji, won twrn Tbe Daimio presented with bis own bauds a roll or figured white silk, a gold emblazoned helmet, with the armOnal bearing of tbe Genji upon it, n porcelain va*e ot red Ksgs ware, and to tlje subordi nate players scrolls of ornamented Ecu lieu paper, with his autograph written thereon. At preaeut dakiu is still played in msnv Jspaneso ? Cities, tiut the game lacks the Imposing suiroundings of feudal display. Its value In uflording good exercise, health, enjoyment snd discipline to eye, nerve and m'iscle is exceedingly great. It hss all the (IOMmei.ts ?f war, with only an extremely low per cent of its dsnger. 1 am glad that it Is to bo introduced Into our ?ountry. Kespectfully ywirs, W. E. tiRlFPIH. Nsw Yoak, May 10, l?7d. CRICKET. Th* Staten Island Crickot and Base Ball Club will spen tbe season of 1870 by ? club match at cricket ou their grounds at Camp Washington, Staten Island, on Thursday, tbe lllb Inst, l'lav to comtneuce at ono P. M . A WRESTLING CHALLENGE. ro th? Editor or Tnk HkkAL*:? 1 hereby challenge William Austin, pnpil of Professor Miller, to a wrestling match lor a purse of s'JuO. the time and place to be selected horoafier. 1 have wrestled with him upou two occasions, both winning one tall tach. This tlnal match will settle tbe question. Hv publishing tins challenge you will oblige, yours (Mneattaliy. MJCIKN MA lie, Light weight champion of Paiia, t'nath ROWING. TflS BABTABD CHEW WOJl 1876?WIXTEB fBBiBiTIOK/-THE UOBT At THUS FBAO TIC*?STYLE OF BOWING AND LOBINGE OOACB1NO THE BPBINOnXIJD ULI SACS? THE UX YOU SARATOGA. Boston, May 3, 1870. Til* Uurvd boHtlng mei have plenty of work cut out for theui this year. The day altor the elght-oared race with Yale, on Jane 80, they will hurry on from Springfield to Saratoga, whero tfcoir business iou.iiagar will be waiting lor tnem with a new ux ear, fresh from Blakey's (hop on tbe Charles, and, with the lK'8t aix men eolected from thair eight, they will fall to work again in preparation for the Intercollegiate Uegalta. W1NTKU WORK. Throughout the long winter tbey have teen kept hard at work. Whoa Mr. Bacon, captain of lite '76 crew, withdrew (hat fall, Mr. Lorlng, a Sophomore, was elected to tbo office. Taylor, '77, the streug man ot last year's srew, quit rowing for long distance walking, and, with only James left from the crow of '76, Batters began to look bias?* color which Harvard oars do nut take to very kindly. OTIS BACK AUAl*. After tho Christmas holidays Mr. Otis. L.8.S., con sented to row again, and Mr. Luring Immediately re signed tho captaincy in his favor. Eight rowing weights were fitted up in tho boat house, aud the crow kept to a steady round of regular daily practice, con sisting of a poll of 1,000 strokes, sparring, fencing, club swinging and the like, with a six inilo run three times a week. LOEl.NC'8 COACH ISO. Mr. A. P. Lorlng, of Boston, a graduate of '60 snd captain of tho International four of that year, gave three afternoons of every week to the work ol coaching, and as soon as the river opened put tho eight Into a heavy practice barge, which they huvo not exchanged (or the shell yet. It Is a lap-streak, built ot quarter Inch plank. Iron shod keel, with short, sturdy out riggers made of halt inch steol, and weighs over 400 pounds. THE CRBW. I saw the crew go out last weok, and Us mako-up was as follows:?Bow, Otis; 2, Lo Moyne; 3, Warden; 4, Irving; 6, James; 6, Jacobs; 7, Bolan; stroko, Bun. croft; coxswain, Cheney. They wont away from tho float at aa easy swing, nil rcaohlng well and going further back at tho llnish of the stroke than usod to be customary hers. Tbey disappeared under tho bridge pulling twenty-olght to the minute. On Mon day the arrangement was slightly alterod, Thayer tak ing Warden's seat. The form of tho crew was bettor OB Monday than on the last day I saw them Tho only faults particularly notlceablo were a tendency to dip too light and leather too low. Tho crew will In all probability row as follows:? lbs. Bow?W. J. Otis, L.S.S 140 a-W. M. l.e Moyuo, '78 10# 3?K. D. Thayer, L.S.S 101 4?O. W. Irving, LSS 158 6?M. James, LS.S 109 0?51 K. Jacobs, '70 109 7?J. C. Bolan, '78 10'J Stroke?W. A. Bancroft, '78 102 Coxswain?G. L. Cheney, '78 los Total 1,414 Average weight of oarsmen, 163 i4' lbs. Tlieso are tho weights ot the men when stripped. Tint only change which is at all probablo is an exchange of seats between James and Jacobs. Warden, '78, will go as a substitute, with one other who has not yet been eclected. Mr. Bancroft, wbo*ls pulling stroko at prosont, has rowod in that seat for the last three weeks. Mr. Lorinii, '78, was stroke during the early part of tho season, hut has had to withrtjuw on account of sickness. Bancroft is giving ButiiXction to ihe coach and will uudouhtedly keep his place. No. 'i la not doing quito as woll as when the crew llrst took to tho water, hut with more pair oar work it is thought ho and Mr. Jacobs will Boon gel in capital loam. James, whose fault Ix-t year was a tendency to wait ut the end ol' his stroke, is doing much belter this season and Is rowiug in excellent form. Irving aud Thityer both row very strong, but are a trille still'ou tho swiug, while No. 7, who is one ot the heaviest und mnsi powerful of the lot, has tho fuult of gelling Ins outside shoulder too tar forward. The crow, as a whole, rew excellently well together. Tho stroke is a long otio iu the water, intended lo dip quite deep, so that the oar is entirely covered, nil except the upper should?r of the blade. The whole eight go back lurther at tho end or tboir stroke with tho body thau any Harvard crow has boon accustomed to iu past years. One Uno quality they show in an eminent degroe?the ability to gel tho hands away trom tho body ou the recover, with a won derfully good union of rupidlty and smoothness. Tho boat wna lilted for tho first time with sliding Boats last Thursday, and, although there was a little stifluoas in the swid; at starting, on the return they drew up lo ' the float rowing up to thirty-six, and all sliding to , goiher in excellent time. Thetunnors aro two feet aud tho slide nine inches. The crew are not I an old sot of moo. but they look tough and in i good condition. Neitncr do they Impress one its a very powerlul crew, taking them as a whole Yet Iboy sit so woll up In the boat aud aro so well ba.uucod (there bclnc but lour iniunds diR'erenoo between the total weights of the two tides) that port and starboard row at about equal strength. The crew has lost by tbe withdrawal of Mr. Loriug. He was a good our, and, above all, a steady, faithful worker, auu put the best Freshman crew Harvard has ever soot out on Saratoga Lake last July. It seems a pity that the college should have to lose three such meo as Taylor. Bacon aud Wetmore, all members of last year's crew, and in the I'nlverslty now, but unable to row. Tbe exertions of Mr. Lorln?, the coach, have dono much lo make good the loss by turning out a crew which will be pre emin ently good, at least in form, whatever may bo lacking in strtngin. THE SAJtATOUA CKXW. The men who will bo taken tram the eight after tho race with Yale to make up a six lor the Saratoga re galia will probably be the first Inur In the boat?that la, Bancrott, Bolan, Jacobs aud ^aiues rowiug, in their usual places, with the Capt.ilu, Otis, as bow, and either Irving, Tbuycr or Lemoyne as No. 6. Otis pulled bow In tho race ot '74, so his skill lu steering will once more b? called Into requisition. AT STRINGrtCLD tbo crew will occupy their oid quarters of '73, at Top ham's, on the west sido of the river, Just below the city, at tho Agawam forry. Yale, too, wll! go back to Bartholomew's, where they trained in '73. Their quarters will bo at tbe start of the present four mile course, opposite Hampden Park. OPINIONS HKUARDiaO THE RACE. The crews will have to shoot the Agawam Bridge, at Springticld, during the race, and au opportunity will bo given to the coxswains to display their skill; lor at low water, as in 1873, alter the loug dry season, there aro ono or two shallow spots under the bridge which it will require some skill and coolness to avoid. As to the result of the race. It would bo toollsh at this early ditto to hazard a prediction. Popular opinion soems lo favor Yale. She has most of her last year's crew to pick trom, all are men ol age and expcricucc, and her cap tain U a tried oar, who will occupy tbo same seal which he has filled lor tno last three years. To counterbal ance these odds the Uarvard mou have a skilful and painstaking coach, who litis uol only seen hut rowed against the best four Oxford ever showed. With thee* balancing advantages on each sido the lriemis of both colleges arc warrantod lu looking forward to an inter ??ting and excitiug race. THE NEPTUNE BOAT GLUB. The action or the Kieeutive Commute* of the Na tional Association ol Amateur Oarsmen, In the cs*o of James Kiley, of the Neptune Boat Club, is severely commented on by a number of amateur*. Mr. Riley la dlsquallQed as an ainatour oarsmen ; but the Neptune Club Is determined not to let the matter rest here, and is .resolved to inveatiguto* the subject fully and require a hearing at th* next regular meeting of lha committee or at a special meeting coiled lor that pur pose. Tne Captain ot the Neptunes holds proof to sup port him in maintaining Riley is au amateur? all of which will be forthi oming at the next meeting of the Executive Committee. BOATING NOTES. All the preliminary arrangements are made for th* Harlem regatta. Colon College will send a crew to the University re gatta tb:a season. The Wtlaons ef th* Boavsrwycks hare joined the Woolvenhook*. lorn Fearon has applied to th* National Association to be admitted aj an amateur. An Iruli amateur scalier will compete In the Centen nial regatta. n?e monthly raco for th* senior medal of tho Nat tllus Club will be rowo?l on the Harlem on Tbur*day. It is not likely that Ostrom, of Cornell, will have a seat In the Neptune boat. The Freshman crew of Princeton is made up, and is said to be a good one. The Athletic lour have improved very mueh sine* last s*a.?on The l'bila>ii'lphta clubs are preparing for an extraor dinary rowing .season. Jamis o'Xfil is anxious to meet George Engelbardt strain in a match race. tie Argonauis, Of Canada, Intend to send a four to the Schuylkill tins summer. Nine nun are selected Ircm which to pick the Cornell Fresh men crew lor the college race. tio.xlM'iu, of Columbia, has his i row out every day on the Harlem. The I>aunileiw four ar >billing in good form snd are making rapid t? proven a, Lnrinr. ol the of crew. is roachlng the Harvard* for their rare with Yale, at spriugtield. 1 he inohiiily races ot the Ur*n>ercy Club will shortly be Inauxurateii. The Urahd Utver Boat Club intend to be represented | ol ta* Toledo regatta. * Sadler and Treckett will row for the chaaploBlblp of the world June 24 on the Thame*. lb* regatta eu Htuet Lake will be held soma time early in August. The Union L'oliage crew take their every day prac tice work on the Mohawk. Walter Mann baa bean re-elected Captain of the Argo nauta Boat Club. A representative French crew (torn the oarsmen o( Havre, Pari I, Toulon and Brest tuay visit ua this laminar. Tbo Woodside Rowing Club intend to vltit Philadel phia and pnll thare from their boathouse. It is likely that an int?rnattonai regatta will be held at lake Saratoga this summer under tbo auspices of the Saratoga Mowing Association. Though the National Association baa deemed it not sdvisabln to have any j other than the regatta on tbo Schuylkill, it In more man probable that ihp Saratoglans themselves wiU take the matter la band. The annual regatta of tbo Passaic oarsmen will take place on the 17th of Jane. This date wait died during thu wiuter season for the Harlem River regatta; and, iu> boating mon would like to witness both events, it la regretted that tbo two regattas should be arranged for the same day THE CANADIAN YACHT. THB TACBT COUNTESS OF DUPFEBIN BUILT TO compete pos thb queen's cup?descbip TION OP THE VESSEL. ? MovrnHAL, May 7, 187#. There will be launched at Coburg, Ontario, to-morrow, the- schooner yacht Countess of DuflVriu, which baa be*n built by subscription, to compete at the Centen nial Regatta, in July, for the Queen's Cup, which was wrested from the Royal Yacht Squad rou of Qreat Britain, by tbe America, August 24, 1851, and which has been held for nearly twenty-live years by tbe original winners and tbe Now York Yacht Cloh. The oveut promts** to be of great interest and Importance to American amateur navigators, and a few words of butory connected with tbo enterprise may bo accept able Ju^t at this time. Interest in tho Centennial Rlgatta has been profound among tbe yachtsmen of the Domlnlou, oud tbe dosire was expressed mouths ago of sending a representative of the Uoyal Canadian Yacht Club to compete, In ao cordance with the iuvilation of the Centennial authori ties. Further discussiou of tbe matter and the speed of several of tbo crack yachts of tbe clnb engendered the Idea of challenging the New York Yacht Club to SAIL VOR Tits "QClCKN'a Cl'P. " The Oriole und Cutboert, both built by Captain Cutb bert, of Coburg, were namod, hut were found too buiall to warrant any hopes of hucccss. It was, there fore, determined to build u yacht capable of competlug with tho flyers of Now York, uud Major Gilford, ox ! member ol Parliament, undertook to rsiso the lands ] lor ibis purpose. Subscriptions were iiumodiutelv forthcoming, and Captaitt Curtibert ceinmeuced work upon tbo new vessel, which has been completed, and which promises lo iio very last { HUlt IH.MK.SMKl.NB AUK:? I Length of keel, W leet; length on deok, 107 feet; length I over all, 114 luut; beum, -4 feet; depth ol hold U teet 0 ) luches; tonnage, R C.Y.C. measurement, *221 tons; N.Y.Y.C., -i>;; tons; kelson, 14x14 inches; timbers, 8x12 inches; pocket pieces, 14x7 iucbos; stem, 10x14 inches; sternposi. 10x14 inches; bilge ceilings, 4x24 luches; clamps, 4x12 incttes; Khelfpicccs. 4x12 inches. The limbers are ot white oak, planks of thu same ma terial, from kelson lo wator line, 2>, Inches; from wator line up, clear white nine, 2'3 ! inches; deck, white pine, 2% inches; bilge coiling, 1 white oak; mainmast, deck to bounds, 66 feet; fore ! mast, deck to hounds, ti2 feet; main boom, 53 feet; main gull. 30 leet. Five tons ol bor ballast will cou | sist of cast iron, lilted in blocks of live cwt. each ' next the kelson, wilh shoulders resting on tbo tlin , bers. (the will be ready lor sea in a very short time. The Earl and counters of Dull'erin are expcctcd to be present ut the launch. TIIK CUttlSTKXiaO CKHSMON'Y will be pcrformod by tbo Countess alter whom tbe vessel is named. The new yacht will hu commanded by Major Gilford, and sailed by Captain Cuthbert. 'The peremptory challenge sent by Mujir GiU'ord a tew weeks silica was promptly accepted, the conditions of the race named and assented to. uiul tho six mouths' notice courteously waived by tbo bolder ot the cup. It is, thoreluro, arranged that in July the third series of | races lor possession ol thu coveted pilse since it passed j Into American hands will be decided. A CIRCULAR YACHT. ! To tub Editor or Tns IIkralo:? | When ? at Tom's Kiver, N. J., sonio weeks since 1 ; called upon Mr. Joseph Francis, now In bis sevouty* I sixth year, and lound him busily engaged In completing 1 a small yacht,* which, from its total departure Irota the ; old established rules of construction, is worlh a de scription. ' Being an experiment, Mr. Francis prclerred at first to build a bout of small duueutious in order to test tbe now principle, She is sphcricul in sbap , bolng 12 feet In length uud 12 leet beam (a truo circle), and Id inches deep. She is about half docked over, leaving a cockpit of 7 leet by U leet; is sloop ringed, with 2:1 feet mast ; hoist, 18 feet ; bowsprit 10 feet outboard, and Jib 14 teet on tbo loot; boom, 20 leet (12 leet outboard); keel, 10 luches deep, with pcrpondicular stem and stern post; dralt of water, 3 inches (without the kuol), giving ber great holding power. It Ij expected that tue yucht will careen but little in sailing, will go ovor uud not through the water. As tier keel is deep she will be almost at right angles with the surlace ot the water; she cauuet fall to leeward with a heavy press ot canvas, und sho will bo forced ahead with great power, greatly reducing tbe ordinary resistance aud friction. In coinlort and ca pacity she must be nearly equal to a yacht double ber length of tbo ordinary construction. Mr. Kraucis had no guide, model or information, ex eept that be hud heard (hat there bad been built in Russia a yacht shaped lilfe a saucer. I bear that the H|*>cd of this boat will be tested In the coming regatta of tho Tom's Kivor Yacht Club, lo | take place m June. EX-YACHTSMAN. j BAY FINAL AT NEWMARKET. I The running or Mr. M. IL Sanford'g bay colt Bay Final (brother to I'reakness) in thu groat Metropolitan Stakes (handicap) at Nowtnarket. 20th nit., receive^ tbe annexed relerenco in the London Sportsman of tho following day: ? Mr. Hantord introduced another of his American ! team, tbe debutant on this occasion being Bay Final, ! who ih much tliu samo stamp of horto us Mate, whose I inierior he was said to be, while, according to the form ! In America, PreaLncss can conceuo 14 lbs. to Male. \ Some mif 10ft attached to the running of Day Final, aa I it was tbe lirsi time thu American horses had been asked to travol a Ion'.' distance in F.nglund , but u coach and lour could not have dragged the Knglish bankers to support Buy Final, upou whom Parry again sported the dark blue jacket of thu plucky American. Again One or the most admired of all tbo runners wax Bay Final, a horse iu the Amcricun string, and although he. like Proakness and Mate, wan not so thoroughly wound up as we aro accustomed to see hones when stripped lor racing in this country, lie was in much belter con* dition than was either of hU stable companions when making tbelr res|>?ctive debuis on Knghsh soil. It will be r membered that tho distance was about two miles and a quarter, u.'.d that tbo contestants wore Prince SoltzkofTs New Holland (the winner), 4 years, 100 lbs.; Captain Stirling's Whitebait, 6 years, 101 lb*.; Mr. Henogo's Freeman, aged, 124 bs.; Mr. Sanford'g Bay I Final, 4 years, 114 lbs.; Lord St. Vincent's Beau Brum | mol, 5 years, 104 lbs.; Mr. W. S. Crawfurd's F yiug | Scotchman, 4 years. 9V ins., and Mr. C. Bush's Bob : K?y. & yearn, M lbs. Bay Final, says tho rep rt, i brought u|> ihe roar at ttio start. Turning out oi the straight, Bob ltov assumed command, when New Hol land went to the Iront, an J entering 'the new course," ltoii Boy Ml l>ack, earing Buy Final only in attendance ou Prince SoltzkofTs horse. '-At the top of the hi.I" Bay Final joined New Holland, but "descending tho ti j 11' * New Hollnnd drew himself clear of U iy Final and Flying Scotchman, . nJ the pair was followed into tue straight by Freeman. When, iinally, In tho 1?cud lor home, Bay Heal hung out signals of distress, and, notwithstanding Parry's resoltito call, rapidly retired lrom tii6 front rank. New Holland romped home a winner by a length and a half, WhitobaR second, Free, man third, Beau Brummel tourth, Flying Scotchman tilth, Bay Final sixth and Bol> Boy last. Time, KING ALFONtiO. The report that Mr. D. Swigert's famous bay colt. King Alfonso, has broken down is received with universal regret by all turfinon hereabout. Ureal expectations bad b$cn indulged m that this son of imported Phaeton and Capitola would commence and continue through ! the season in fine form, as, with no drawbacks, many felt that he would cucounicr hut few superiors, lie is now four year.-' < Id, and was engaged in the urincipsl ; Cup Contois, and already <mitu a "lump of money" bad been posted on him at lite Jockey club rooms in i (fee Woxlcheiior Cup and Centennial .stakes, to bo run at Jerome I'srk. Ill tne former he was the favonto and for the latter was hi-ld In high estimation. King Alionso made Ins racing name by holiest work, as, taking part in six event* la.-I season, he proved ttio wmiii r on tour occasions ilw :ir-1 appoarauco was in a Kweepstuko ;or Ibrta-yoar-oids, oi.e mile ami an . eighth, lull meeting of mo Kentucky Association, Ui ington, when he ran second to Hob Woolley, Katie Pierre. Kleini, Ten ISroeck and Beduian being among tho defeated. rtiree days tin reader, in a similar race, nftn mile and live furlongs, ho was next lo la?t in a Held ot live, ten HroocK leaiiing home. ? to Bolt Woolley second and Klemi third. Kieven days alter his socond defeat A i n o ran in tho Keninky at. Ufcr at the Louisville Jockey Club mcefng, Which he eapt'irod in ca[ Ital style, the distance being two miles. His old antagonist, Tea Broeck, was secoud and again him were eight other good ones. The same meeting he won the I(.ik?i to stakes, mile hent?, beat ing live "liters, ami thu next day placed the third vic tory to his eredu by capturing the Hall House Stakes, two mile beats. W. T. I. nek's lieorge <; rati am won the first best and ABoiimi the second and third. Bis last appearance was at Nashville in the Liack's Hotel stakes, when be beat Misdeal ('.he winner of the mile | dash for all agea, at Lexington, on MondNy last) and two others. AlKinso was expected to meet Aristldcs 1 and Ten Broeck in tbe race for foar-year-oltis, two m del I and as efehio. to ha rua jresterduj ta Lsxtnjtou. Kjr. TOM ALLEN. WHAT UK SAXfl ABOUT BIB PBOPOBXS flOBT WITH JOB OOKB. [From the Cincinnati Enquirer, Mar ??] Tom AUn arrive** hare yesterday from tit Louts, la order to wgn article* to light Joe 9ess for the cham pionship el the world. Ue la ib tip top condition, weighing some fifteen pounds lighter than when here last, and he now pulls down the beam at 198 pound* He says bo nover felt hatter in hla lire, and ia willing to fight Gose tor all the money he can raise in eight, tan or twelve weiks from the time of stguing article*, lie professes to mean business, and nothing else, and he nays that he will never conaent to having the meuey now in the handa of the stakeholder drawn, and that he wtll fight tiosa for tbf $600 now up if he cannot get any more. "Do gets up no exhibition match with me," were hia words. "How was it that your former light with him was a drawl" said we. "Because darkness came on and we h ad to adjourn the fight until the nest day," waa the reply. "lu the morning the refeice, Charlie Westbail, could not bo found, and (Joss was In bed blind lu both eyes, wlille I had not a murk ou my (ace, that's how It was," said Torn. "Would you fight Muce again)"' was our next questiou. "01 course I would," suid Torn. "I'll fight any body, aud I would rather light Maco than Goss. and if they wish it I'll let the money lay for hlui. Mace haa becu giving spurring exhibition* ill England on the strength ol intending to cumo here and light lue, and now whon he come* hero he doe* not say a word about lighting me. 1'ut that in for me, wtll you?" We have put it in, and the reader can see by it that Allen Is hot lor a flgliL He says also that lie is willing to light within a hundred miles of this city or of St. Louis, uud that be will do all In hla power to accommodate Gbss or Mace with a light. PINE AKTS. TUB AVERT COLLECTION AT LEAVITl's. There are on exhibition at the Leavitt Art Rooms about 120 oil paintings, wator colors, pen and ink sketches, &c., and a few statuettes, bronzes, 4c., which have been Imported during tho past winter by Mr. Samuel P. Avery. This geutleman is too well knowu as a eolloctor ol tlrst class works of art for tho pictures to neod other rocomtnendatiou than that of having been Imported by hlin. Among the oil puint iugs is a llfe gizo head of an "Italian Girl," by Boii guereau, and one ol "A Moorish Beauty," by 1'errault; "Tho Caravan" and "A Turk ish Interior," by F. A. Bridgeman are strong pictures, both in color and the drawing of tho figures; "The Mouk Beading." is a Mriull interior, and ''Travelling Mountebanks," containing several very small figures, are by Castres; "Barbara," by G. H. Boughton, is a small figure having tho uppearance ol brilliant color, a decided departure Irom the usual line ol this artist's pictures; tho manner le which lie has lowered the key el tho mass of red in the drapery and flesh is by tho Introduction ol a bright pink flower, wnich chanties the entire eoler; "Guess Who?" by Walter and "Castles in Spain," by Surrure. the latter representing a happy young couple marking out with a caue on tho gravel path tho plana lor their new home, j are botli highly finished and pleasing in sub- j joct; "Children Bathing." Is by Monticolli; "The , l'oor Artist," an effective example of the Antwerp school, with its line color and broad treatment. Is bjr Lennig; "Pussy and 1," by Ferrault, is a little girl with her little arms around ouo of those beautiful crea tures, an Angora cat; un Italian girl tending sheep la also by hiui. "Beturn from the Hunt" is by Viry ; "A Musical Party," by 1'aseutti; "Laudscapo uud Cat tle," by Otto Weber; "First Beach. Newport," by Will lam T. Kicharda; "A Rati A Rat!" by Coe, und "Peed lug Do vos," by Graelle. Among the water colors uro two figures by Boldlnl; "Brigands of Allcanto, Spain," uu<l "The l'acbu's Days," by Clulrin; "On Guard? I77ti." by Juliun Scott; "Zephyr,'' by Louis Luloir; "A French Soldior," by Detaillo; two little ilgure pic tnros by Chaplin; "At tho Fountain," by Dolort; "The Merry Thought," by l'ostelllni; "The Old Masters," by Do Nittls, and ".Spanish Bull Fighter," by Fuuslini. There are two pen und Ink sketches by Fortuny and one by Vibcrt "Aii Episode of 1870," by Jules Breton, represents two ol the French peasunts, whoso homes are neon burning in tho distance, and the figures of horsemen, suggesting war. The face ef the elder is lull of care, and that ol the young girl, restlug against her, shows how little she appreciates the sad ness of their present surroundings and prospects of future misery. "Women's Slaves," by Ccuture, both charcoal drawings; "Seaside Sports," by Meyer von Bremen, and "Washing Up," by Boughton, in India ink. Two charcoal sketches of figures by Kuans and examples ol Volte, Dorti, Greil, l'lette, Winslow Horner, K<>ek, Slmoni, Jiminc/* Troyon, Merle and others. The works will bo on exhibition until to-night, when they will be sold from Cliuton Hall, the salo commencing at half-past seven o'clock. BALES ON PAINTTNOS AT MATTHEWS*. The most important sale which has taken place from n downtown gallery this season begins at Mathews' now gallery, No i7 Liberty street, at noon to-day, and wlB contiDUO to-morrow and next day. The water colors, which will be sold to-day, are mostly importations of Knoedler It Co. They having renewed tho pictures of their gallery lately these have beon consigned to Mr. Mathews lor sale. There arc among them specimens of Louis Lelalr, Vibcrt, Preycr. Simonettl, Detaille, Vatut, Winalow, Homer, Biancbi, Druraiueinond, John Berg, Tllosa aud many others, all being first claas works. Among the oil paintiugs is a snow cccne by Wiggins, which attracted much uttentlou while at Snedicor'a. George Story's picture from the Brooklyn Academy "The Crossing Sweeper," "Tho Seasons," by William llart, lour small pictures which bavo Iteen exhibited only at the Lotos Club, a small autumn scene by David Johnson, aud among the foreign artists a small work by Corot, two bV E. Sarri, one by Picou nnd ex amples of Sonntag, Moran, Oe llaas, Bristol, P. p. Ryder, Cropaey, Silva, Coinan, Kallock, Parton and other favorite artists. EXPLOSION IN LONDON. THE BREMER HAVEN ASSASSINATION OUTBAOE BEPEATKD ON A SMALLER SCALE. [From the Glasgow Mall, April 29.] Yesterday morning a terrible explosion took place In ClorkenwelL resulting in the destruction of a largo quaiillty of valuable property and tho almost certain death of ono of tho loading tradesmen in the parish. Till IMPKftjfAL PLOT AND MACHIXB. From tho Tacts at present gathered thoro is every reason to bolieve that a must diabolical attempt to destroy life has been made, the meaus employed being a machine or as wlekod a construction as that Invented ; by tho miscreant Thomaaaeu, and which caused such frightful loss of life at Uremerhaven a short time ago. At nine o'clock yesterday morning one of tho vuns of the 1'arcels Delivery Company, wan driven up to tho door of Mr. William Larkin, of No. H Northampton square, Clerkonwoli, a chrouomuter maker and watch dial engraver, who baa carried uu business there lor many years. The servant took from the driver an OULoNO DKAL HOX, which was addressed Mr. Larkin, Northampton square, , and gavo It into the hands ol Miss l^irkin, who shook it 1 violently to ascertain what wax in it, but hearing noth- i I112 rattle inside she conveyod it into the workshop and handed it to her lather. The old gentleman is in the constant habtt of receiving such boxes, containing dials, Ac., for ongravlng. and he therefore at onco pro ceeded to open the l*?x by priyng up the lid with ft chisel, when a alight click was heard Inside, which was followed by a terrific explosion, blowing out the win dows, wrecking the shop and contents, and hurling Larkin against tho wall. TUB HOX WAS BLOW* TO FIIAUMBNTS, small pleoes only ol the wood and the internal mechan ism being found, and tho volume ol flame that issued from the box set lire to the clothes of Mr. Larkin, who was fearfully burned over the hands and lace. Tho sound of the explosion was heard soyie distance off, and many persons having congregated round tho bouse willing Hands extinguished tho llamea, whilo some one ran to the surgery of Dr. Kingston, of No. 12 Northampton squaro, and begged him to cotne over ut once to tile assistance or Mr. Larkin, who was In- I deed A riTIABLB OBJKCT, beiag nearly insensible, burned extensively orer the | whole of thii Irc i and itead, and suturing from frac- , turo of some of the fingers of the right hand. In due | course tbk roues wi-roon the spot, and, having seen the unfortunate tiotim taken to bed and placed under the care of tbo doctor, proceeded to niaku sear< hing inquiry into tho circumstance* under which the box had been deliveroU and tho I'Xplosiou caused. The servant who took in tue box gave It am lier opinion that It was of doal, and about eight Inches long by live broad, something after tho shape of an ordinary cigar box; and she hud no ttirtpiciou whatever as to the nature of Us contents, handing it to her young mistress in utter Iguoriinco ol lt-> deadly construction; and the fact that Miss Lar kin shook'the box violently showed conclusively that everything in it had neon properly seta red against possible displacement. t'pou tho arrival ol Insjitcior Kreostone and iter gun lit Wade at tho bouse a minute examination of the premises was made with the follow- j lug result:?The b>>x was tound to have l??Hfn con- j strutted of deal, with an inner lining ol tin, portions of ' which wore found ull over tne room and sticking In the wall, showing that tbo lorco of the explosion had . not been in one direction, hut bad Spread to every point, and the force with which some of tlio pieces of tin find hoea driven Into the wall showed that the box liad contained some highly exploitive substance, while the smell ol the various pieces ol wood led to the belief that tho agent employod wa- gunpowder. In varloas parts of the room were discovered pieces of MPIRAI. KPHIMIS AM> BII'I'I.KB, Indicating that some secret internal machinery bad bicn so arranged that the mere opening of tho box would inevitably lead to the disastrous results men tioned above. No time hss bnen lost by the police, and Inspector Harnett, with those under hi in, were ac tively engaged the whole ol yesterday in trying Jm trace the place at which the box was bookod and tlw party who booked it, but at eleven o'clock la-t night, upon inquiring Into the ins tier, we were inl'>riiicd that | the police hail no direet miortiistlou as to the guilty [Nirties. It seems somewhat str.mge that such nir ap parent attempt oil the lileol Mr. I.irkin should have been made, ss he slated that he bad tot an enemy In | the whole world. There myiiis to be no other solution , to the mystery than that It was a DKMIIBBATB ATTKMPT TO Mt RIIBR, planned In cold blood, and if the energies of the police are directod in the right chanuel the apprehension of [ the assassm or mmsius mil la all probability follow. THE EMPRESS QUEEN. TlOTUU'l UV TITLS PBOCLA1XBB TO SO PEOPLE. [From the London Gazette, April '&.] ?Y TUB Ql'KSJI?A flQCUIUTIM. VlCTOUU K. Whereas an act has been passed tu tUe preseut Bet ?Ion of Parliaiueut intituled "An act to enable Her Most Gracious Majesty to make an addition to the royal style aad titles appertaining to the Imperial crown of the United Kingdom and its dependencies," which act recites that by the act lor the union of Ureal Britain and Ireland It whs provided that alter such union the reyal st> lo and titles appertaining to the imperial crown ol the United Kingdom aud Its dependencies should be such as Ilia Majesty, by Ins roval proclama tion, uutler the groat seal ol the United Kingdom, should be pleased to appoint, and which act also recites that by virtue ul the oaid act aud ol a royal proclama tion under the great ?eal, dated the 1st dav of January, 1601, our present style and title* are "Victoria, by Itio grace 01 God ol the Cmtod Kingdom ul Great Britain and Ireland. Queen, deleaaer of the faith," and which act ulso routes that by the act lor the better govcrument of India It was enacted that the gov ernment of India, lierelolore vested in the Kast India Company iu trust lor us, should become vested in us, and that India should thenceforth be governed by us and lu our name, aud that It is expvdicut that there should be a recognition of tUo transfer of government so mude by means of an additiuu to lio made to our style and titles, aud which act alter Lho said recitals enacts that it shall be lawful for us, with a view to such recoguiti'iu as aloiesaid ol tho transfer ul the gov ernment ol ludia, by our royal proclamation uuder lho great seal of the Uuitod Kiuitdom lo make such add I lions to tne style aud titles si present appcrtainiug to the imperial crown ol the United Kingdom and its de pendencies as to us may seem meet; wo have inought tit, by aud with tho advice ol' our 1'rivy Council, to ap point aud declare, and wo do hereby, by and with the said advlco, appoint aud declare that henceforth, so tar as I'.envenieutly may bo, on all occasions aad in all instruments whorcin our style und titles are used, save and except all charters, commissions, letters patent, instrument*, not exteudiug In their operation beyond the United Kingdom, tho following addition shall be made to the style aud titles at present apportaiulng to tho imperial crown of the Uuited Kingdom and its de pendent ies, that is to say, lu the Latin tongue In theso words, ''/ftiiics Jutperalrix," and lu lho English tongue in theso word*, "Empress ol India." Aud our will and pleasure further Is that the said addition shall not bo made in the commissions, char ters, loiters patent, grants, writs, appointments und otiicr like instruments lioroinbolore specially excepted. And our will and pleasure lurther Is that all gold, silver and copper moneys now current and lawful moneys of tne I'niteit Kingdom, uud all gold. Bilvor aud cop|>c<r moucys which shall on or oiler this day be coined by our authorities witu tho Iiko impressions, shall, uotwithstaudlug suuh additiou lo our stylo ami titles, bo deemed and taken lo lie current and lawful moneys of the said Uuiteil Kingdom; und, furthor, that ail uionoys coined lor and issued lu any of the depend encies ol the said United Kingdom, and declared by our proclamatiou lo be current and lawful money of such dependencies respectively, Rearing our style or titles, or any part or parts thereof, and all moneys which shall hereafter be coined und insued according to such proclamation, shall, notwithstanding such addition, continuo tu be lawful uud current money of such dependencies respectively until our pleasure shall be further deciured'thereupou. Given at our Court at Windsor, tho 28th day of April, 187(3, In tho thirty ninth yeur ol our reign. Goo Have tub Qlkkn. ENGLISH EMPKUORS AND KMPKK88E8. ! [From the Loudon Pout, Fob. 18.] Amid the fictitious excitement which ha* been got up ?bout thu titlo of empress it appears to havu been totally forgotten that tho term quuon was not always ao much in lavor as It Is now alleged to be. It Is loudly proclaimed that queen Is a guod old Saxon title, and tho fact is conveniently shelved that in one at least of tho most powerful Saxon kingdoms, at the very height* of the Saxon dominion, tho term of queen was abol ished. About A. Li. 7?0, Urihtoric, a King of tho Wost Saxons, or Wesaex, married a daughter of the famous and mighty monarch Klug oilu, whoso name is vari ously spolt Hlhclburga and Kadburga. Sho was a woman of tho Lady Macbeth typo?a turbulent spirit, 'and did not hesitate to destroy thanes aud ooblos by poison, till at last her husband by aocident partook of a potion aba had prepared ior another and dlod. Thon the peoplo iosc, drove hor from the country aud abolished the name of quson. Hollinshead writes:?"For her hein ous crimes it Is said that iho kings of tho Wost Saxons would not sutler their wives to bo quaous nor permit them to sit with them in open places." They worecnlled "ladles," and to this day a reminisconco of tho prac tice survives, as wo still address the monarch as "Our i Sovereign Lady." The truth is that quoon did not originally nieau an independent sovereign, but simpl I the wile of a king. Tho expression "kisg's queens" Is met with occasionally, and in Saxon documents the , queen frequently signs herself simply "Lcgltima con | Jux," tho lawlul wilo, not regma So that It would bo I as easy to Und argument against the uso cf queen as a title at against empress. Uor Majesty Is not the llrst I English soveroigu who has borne tho titlo of empress. Tho only daughter of lienry L t married the Roman Kmperor at Meats, I A. D. 1140, and was ever interword called : the Kmpress Maud. Upon the deeease ol Henry I. Maud rcturuod to Kngland, nnd Subbing, Somerset Herald, in his work on "The Genealogy of thu Knglish Royal Lino" (1707). states that tho nobility swore fealty ! to her us an em press She was previously called ' { "Lady of thu Knglish," which would not be a bad titlo I at the present day. On her opilapb she is described ; as "Ca>s?rls Uxor"?the wife of Ciesar. Empress was ' not at that dato considered u titlo which ought not to i bo borne by au Knglish sovereign. Her sou, called Henry Fltz-Kmpross, son ol tho empress, ascended tho throne ot Knglami as Henry II. Othur inomlwrs of tho royal Hue have oorue the Imperial titlo. In A. D. 1257, I [ Richard, Karl ol Corawall. was crowned King of the 1 Romans, or emperor, and wrote hlmseif "Kvor Augus- < tus." 1'iHin his seal are the words "Semper Augus- 1 tua" His epitaph (translated), speaking of his impo- I rial dignity, says:? liy wliicli tho eagle in hi* shield he wore. And nconied tho liun which he bare in-fore. Her Majesty uoes not propose to acorn the lion. THJC KAllLK may be found, however, ii]>on more than ono royal coat ol arms, lioutell writes, "Tho eagle of four omperora charged in relief upon the early shield in the north choir aisle of tho Wostiainslor Abbey has a single lioad and Is not crowned." Kdmond I'iantagenot, K. G., Duke of York, A. 1). 14<tt, who was hurled at King's Langloy, Herts, dis|)iays an impcrral eagle upon lila arms, with two heads, but not crowned, f he crown of Kngland is always described as au imporiiil crown; ''imperially crowned?i surmounted by the crown ol Knglaud." The royal arms display "a Hon stataut, guardaut, or imperially crowned." Gwllliiu rays that King Gnorgo's acbiovemems of arms was "charged with imperial crown ot Charlcma:gn;" and at the coronation the Kiug "?a crowned with an imperial crown." Tho first who used such a crowu waa Henry 111. Other authorities seem to say that an empress need not be crowned or go through the ceremony ol coronation upon obtaining that dignity?there might lie a titular empress. liut perhaps tho strongest statement upon tho noint to be tound in any authority Is that of W. Segar, Jforroy Kiug ot Arms, iu his work printed at London A. 1). Igu2, lib. 4, cap tl, "Of Qtieenus?Aad it sho wcreaQuoouoot three enliero ktngdoKies (as our souoraigue is) she may nssaniu the title of an omprusBe." Three kingdoms aro now in cluded in tao phrase Great Urilaiu, and if suck was Iho opinion of a herald at that dale, how much more so now whou the vast realm of India baa been added to the Grown I It is admitted that axraaoa originally meant a general. Do Lolmo, "Constitution of Kngland," writing oftlie prerogatives of the monarch, j say?. "lie H, In right of nls crown, tho generalissimo , ol all sea or land lorces whatever"?that is, he is lm- | yerator In the original Roman aonae. It la not by any means a title in Jiuatlvo of sers'orted liberty, as ha* been fallaciously stated, tor consuls aud pro-cousuls in tho | time of tho Republic were called iinperators when in i command ol an army, liut the most extraordinary i misrepresentation wh ch has been made la that JVI.IUM C.KSAK lost bis life the moment ho called fcltnaelf an cmporor, as If there was a particular hatred on tho parlor tho Romans to that title. The lact Is well known mat it i wss not Imperator, but rex that the Romans bated and feared. It was the title ol rex that they abolished (lor much Iho same reason that the West Saxons did that of qiieeu); It waa when Julius Casar was saluted rex that thu tribune tore the llllet from Ins statue. And a bitter epigram was nude upon Ilrutiis to ibe efleet that ha was as much a kiiw (under a spec ious title) as tlir umn ho had slain. Il waa not till a very late period that thu emperor* dared to a.-siime the n.une ol king. Selden says ol king or emperor, "el which in tho eider times plainly the llrst waa the superior, and that ol iwperor , denoted only a general!." Au lnde|>eudeat king was an emperor, and a quctn wa* empress, "liut wtlhall as Rax semntlnio-i aud Justly denotes the emperor, bo Retina did the empress.'' j Seldon is mil of ovidence tlmt the monarch* ot Hritain. from tho very eat Ileal time#, either actually called themselves cmperois or sere ? inperors in point of taet. Chapter 2 ol the second edition, l'~!l, says, " The | title of emperor given to tho kiug-> ot England." i Again, " Thu kings of Kngland or Great Hritain have also justly used it (the tula ol emperor) and that Irom ancient sges. " King Kdgar called bluisull emperor of tbnaea a> well aa ol llie land, lie calls himself KINO or KINO*, In a charter of A. D. W74, and in another is as explicit ; iu words can bo, " Kgo Kdgar Has.lens Aligloruin et ! Imperator Reguni Insuiarum." Canute claimed the 1 same authority. Kdward 1. waa held to have imperial rigbta over the sea as well a" the land, and tills was ad mitted bv those " stranger* (the French) who, being next ncigboorn 10 the sea, had most reason to quarrel with It." William II., though ho did not directly uso tho title or emperor, yet laid claim to the substanco of iu Under Henry VIII. "tho whole Parlia ment so e.onceived und so expressed themselves that by dltcrs and sundry old auicnliq h'aiorie* and chronicles it is ti.anilestly declared and impressed that this iteaiime of Knglaitd i* *n linpire, and so hath been accepted iu the Wbrld, governed by one supreme Head sod King, having the dignilie and royal estalo of the lni|>*riall 'Town of the aanie, and tho King's poaer la aleocailed lm|>erlai| in another act ol the same I'arlis ment. And the Crown ol knglaad, to other Parlia ment* ot Uter times, la titled THK IMI'KatALI. CROW* ; the Klnga of Knglaud being also in the exprraso word* [ of aa lriah Parliament nued Kings and km per era of the Rsslms of England end df ths land ?< J**1"* This last !? a bet for the home raters lo digs*. Bl l?J betb'e uh of the imperial title baa bee* frsqnentlj mentioned. Con?14?ring tb? iplrtl by tow* E"!?he, tt may aa.eTy b. aa~rtsd th.tb.ul ibe.r kingdoms keen so extended as the British tmpire la now, Ihay would have taken thelitis of emperors in the in?st unmistakable manner. No ona, bowsver, now wishes to have an Lmpreas of England lleelt IS KMl'KF.HS O* BRITAIN. It la not generally known tbat Britain ban bad, ?o ftu- back aa A. D. 270, an Kmpreas, and her uamo was Victoria. In a work "Th* Kinfs 01 KuroI*> Rat and Prssent," It Is aaid:-"In 270 there reload Is Britain iho wif- of, Victoria. ex temporary with Zsnobla, Empress of the kast, aad waa called the Empress ol ilia West. THE EIOT8 IN BARBADOS. WHAT TUB COLOWIAii DBPUTATIOB BBPOBTBD TO LOKD CABBABVOB?TBB PLAKTXIIb' TO SIOM OF THB CAU8BS AMD COK81QDMCII OP TUB OlXnUKAK. On the 26th of April, la London, Earl Carnarvon, Secretary of State for the Colonies, received a deputa tion from the West Indian Committee, who represented tho present rebellious state of the island of Barbados, and aslced Hor Majosiy'a government to recall the Gov ernor, Mr. Pupa Ueane^ay. Mr. Thomaa Hankey, M. P., Introducud tho deputation. TUt STATSMSNT. Mr. Neville Lubbock read u long statement, la whlck he quoted apeechea made by Mr. llenueasy to ihow, ad ha aald, "their tondency to oxcito prejudice and dis content, to get class against clans, to ttll the negro mind with grievance* to a groat extent imaginary, and excite it with prospects or vast material changes, which wera equally delusive?to call class and party feelinff into play, which was likely lo dovolop, and unhappily bad developed, Into acta of vio'.ouce and luwlessneaa." LOK? CAKSASVOX'S RKPLY. Other gentlemen having apoken Lord Carnarvon aaid ho did not feel clear, eyen alter tho statements ol the commitloe, aa lo tho precise stato of the case al that moment In Barbados. They were a*are ho? serious was a disturbance In any of tho West India Islands, and thoso who knew the past history of Bar bados looked with regard and great BurprUo at any cause lor such a deputation. Mueh had boeu said at to tha supposod origin of the difficulties?viA., tha mooting of tho question or confederation. It bad nover bean the Intention of lier Majesty'? govern ment m 'any way lo force that quoslion upon tha Legislature or the people of Barbados. There had been In his and his prodecessor a opiulon very considerable advantages to be gained to the colony bv the adoption of ttouio lorm of confederation, but tb? essence or the wbolo matter was that it Should proceed Iroui the spontaneous wish of the Legislature itself, and that Had boeu repeated in every form ol lauguage to lh< present Governor of Barbados. It was impossible thai be could be ignorant of tho clear opinion and instruc tions on that subject, and It was almost Incredible alter such strong,' reiterated, unmistakable expressions of ouiniou that ho could have lent hlinaalfto any agitation which would have tho effect of enforcing the measure niton a reluctant people aud an unwilling Legislature. Tho question al present was the restoration and maintenance of order In tho island. (??Hear, hour!') The telegrams which ho had received through tho West India Committed woro roally not in stria accord nor consistent with ilia telegrams tie had received lroin tho (iovernor ol Bar bados. The last telegram received through the We*t India Committee waa ono published in the morning papers, dated the 22d, and llatly contradicted one re ceived from tho Oovernor, dated the 23d, which was aa followa:? Walked all through the town lant nlglit. Everything quiet, an tranquillity appear, restored. f inv. had some commltatieus with officer In cotutaaud. Counurntandetj rtdntorcelueals Irom tha oilier I'la'iJ. More ulun.lerert captured liy the police. 1roep* patrolled In rural district., but have bad no uece?sity to act I reclamation ls?u?d an? nouucliitf special commission tor *i>eedjr trial ol one nil a r?. It was siiuply iacrcdiblo that a fiovornor ol any colony, after riots so serious, so frightful, whereby to much properly was destroyed?(arty porsous were nhoi aud houses wero ransacked aud pillagod?should not mention the circumstances to tlioSecretury ol Slato and ahould write In the terms Muted. The mailer must have beau exaggerated ou iho spot 1 here had been a painlul alarm, and he admitted that matters had been In a highly unsatisfactory stale. Tko mora fact of tho Governor haviug thought tt ne?.c? sary to telegraph lor troops iroui adjoining colonies seemed Impossible alter a statement like that ho bad quoted. Siuou tho telegram of tho ua was received another had come to hand, lu which the Governor communicated certain names of officers t? act upou me commist-ion for tho triul of the ofleuders, and made no allusion whatever lo any Sl thesa sceues which were supposed to have occurred. It was nei to ba demoil that thu manor waa a very serious ouo. US well knew how inflammable ware the populace lo l>? dealt with and how incautious expressions ollon led to serious cossequencea. llu uuuerstood irom tbo Admiralty thai lliore was a man or war on iho elation that could supply a considerable tore*, and thoro wore In the islaud ot llarbadoa about 700 man. besides tho artillery m Jamaica. He bad commu nicated with tha Admiralty, and requested thorn to loss no tlmo in strengthening tho naval fores In tha neigh borhood as effectually as they posaibly cooliL Us truHled tbo precaution* wero unBOOMtffi his boundoii duty to omit notUing tbat ooula main tain order is lbs island. (-Hear, bear. ) Ho ro Broiled tbat such a propositi should have bean made by such a body as the deputation as lbs lmmodiato reaall of Oovoroor Hauacsay. lhi great rule In such matters was, whlls the safety and iho welfare of the colony atood tlrd and foremost. Id act with justico, and It would not bo justice to roeal] anv (lovernor?unless in tho case of most vital seces? ?ltv?without any evidence proved against hiui ana without giving him a ebaiuoof making 1^ Tho report read bad run through a nuiubor ol details which did not connect tho governor wllb thd di.-lurbances ou Iho subjecu There was DOtbl^ll }? tho language before tho Legislature that would Justify bis peremptory recall without giving him an opportunity to explain that awav. Nothing could be more serWua than the charges against Mr. Hennessv; which w?re thai haviug baen directly instructed by the homo gov. eminent not tolorco tho qacslion or confederation upon the colony, ho had recourse to secret occult agencies, aud gol up agitations by appealing tq the passions or tho |Kjpn'aco in order C*?L 1 .Joi measure. ("Hear, hear!'? ?nd cries of "That is true, m> lord," ind ' I* lsso.") Ho thought they must be content with having made a statement. It had already been inliinate.l to tbo Governor thai lie would d<n wiel to givo lull explanations ol the charges brought agalnsl biui but to recall him without ovtdvlice would llx an inde'liblo stigma upon his name. At a too It wonld b? perilous to make s change in the Executive. ("Hear, Assuming he bad exceeded Instructions, It was tha duty of tne Mincer of the Crown to consider very carcrully, Indeed, nt such a moment, when thero was a risk o! general dlaisrbanee ihroutihoui the whole ol ths Island, before be made a chaligo which might precipi tate matters more than was iho ca!>e "? hoped tho deputation would remember that the in rormatlon roce.ved Irom the Governor showed he wM acting with great vigor in tho suppression^ the> rlota, had called out troops aud other things, and had shown no indisjiosttion whatever to incel the and vigorously. The deputation might Its that no pains (liould bo spared lo ascertain tho real acts of the cano. and to tske evory, means lor restoring tbs condition of the island to Its tranquillity. rraat Messrs. Wilkinson and Caviller, ol No. 34 Great Tower street, communicate tho following ^spalch, dated April 2a. which they received from their agents Id Barbados:? h/ricHer? Su^?r iiiit 'touclieJ. lirlghia. all right *** e"ami ^7-:^ ua.^fi'i Profitiont m lildi.ury, MaaijproTi Ml Mallowa pt.>l,<ii Hatk Lady llarewood loaded, aallt to morrow. Constant aud Newtuii, pr ivitions stolen. Tbo provisions reforrod to are, it Is ststed, princi pally yams and potatoes. DKPABTMENT OF PARKS. >t the meeting of the Board of Public Parks Deld ys? lor.'.uy the proposals were opened lor paving lbs City Hall 1'ark and sidewalks. Theru were five bids. Th? lowest, al twenty cenls a square foot, by Mr. Uermaa A Guntlier, was accepted. The buis lor lighting ths Guy Hall I'ark received on April 20 havjngbeen l?r ins ?anie amount wero reopened. Tho result waa that ths Manhattan Gas Company's bid, 112 a lamp lor the year, was accepted over that of the Mutual Ga* I.lgb ? Coin, pany, whicn was $13 70. Mil. 8TKHBIHH' BSPOnTKn KKSIOMATIO!! Inquiry waa yesterday made of Mr. Henry O. 8ts?? bins concerning bis reported resignation tromthe Com* mission or Public Parks. He said that he hsd not con sidered the matter at all as yet. FOKEIGN LETTERS. The following caution bas been Issued by Postmastef James:?"Do not enclowo coin or Jewelry In letters, ordinary or registered, addressed to any foreign coun try In tbe Postal I n ion. By the Treaty of BerM such loiters are excludej from ibe mads" BOOKS RECEIVED. Plato's Boat Tbeughts. R? Uev. C. 11. 8. Balklty. '*? York . hcrlbasr, Arm.trong A The Lite and Ult.r. ol l-on Maeanlay. By O Otte Tr* Telysn t wo volume.. New V.rk : VATihe#. Acb?ah By H?v. Peter l'SMMt. Bostoa. I^ee * % The Varlatlnn ef Animal, and H.nt,rndrrl)om?.tlea; tlon. By Charles Ilarwin. Two volumes. NewTora.w AVrJt\ Yet Kortflng Tlieir Own Oiialaa. By 0. M. Cornwall New York: Dead, Sead * Co. Dnhim B. Hemy Grattan. B> J.din George MacCarthy. Dablia o. Pont'.iioy. Cruiennial (lelileboe*. _ . , D ADDicton llsntlbook Ol Ameriean Oitlea. New Terk v. App *Tb.t Crew of the Dolphin. By Hesba Htreltoa. Ne? for >H7d. New Vork: "A?i>aal*"keport ef lat.raal Affairs of I'd "inglnee? aad Mechanics'Po^e??HK*- ** 0k* BaaweU. *ew*erti Utft ? Bretneia.