OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, May 11, 1876, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

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Formal Opening of the
Great World's Fair.
Tie President of the United States
tnd the Emperor of Brazil
Start the Machinery.
Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand
People in the Park,
Ringing of Bells, Firing of Cannon and
the Rejoicings of the Multitude.
Enthusiastic Reception of the Emperor, the Presi
dent General Sheridan, Speaker Blaine,
Mayor Wickham, Frederick Douglass
and Other Celebrities
illuminations, Banquets and
Senators, Ambassadors, Generals,
Governors and Statesmen
Lest in a Mob.
tones and Incidents?The Lights and
Shades 0/ the Day.
From Rain to Sunshine and
from Sunshine to Rain.
I'biladxlphxa, May 10, 187&
It* International Centennial Exhibition ?u opened
to-day iu Falrmuunt Parle l?y tho President of tbo
United State*, His Majesty Dow Pedro, Kinperor of
Braxil; all the bigb etliccrs of oar government, the
lenate, llouse and Supremo Court, the officers of the
?tale of Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, New
Jersey, Massachusetts and a crowd that may bo esti*
mated at from 200, OuO to 250,000 people. The weather
was cool, pleasant ana Inviting. The ominous rain
storm, which 4arkencd the skies (or thirty-sl* hours,
only broke away as the President entered bis carriage
to go to the grounds; and when the President arose to
read Ma speech to conclude the ceremonies, tho snn
^ broke ont in glorious splendor, and we bad, beiore tbe
day was over, tho warmth of summer, lie had
scarcely left ibo fair before the rain came agslu. Tbe
details of tho ceremonios will be iound In our narra
tive. But, in brief, we have only to say thai In all
respects it was a success, that no serious accident
happened to mar Its peace and enjoyment, and that
Philadelphia may well bo proud of the honor paid to
her by the nations which celebrate the Centennial
within her gates.
It would bare been a mUnomcr to call Philadelphia
"the Quaker City " to-day. Her usual staid appearance
was transformed and glorified by patriotic decorations
to an extant never before oeen in an American city.
For days the Philadelphians have been preparing,
k?nd when the morning dawned lew Indeed were
"the buildings wblcb bad not been gaily decoratoa
with patriotic emblems, and tho wet flags hang droop*
ing fh)m their sUlft. The long, straight checkerboard
llreels?Philadelphia's peculiar pride?presented a
thick vista of wet flags and bunting, but tho noon nun
ivaporated tbo moisture, aud in the cheerful
tunshine the streets became gaily animated with the
multifarious ensigns ol all nations, Tbero ?ras hardly
a building in tbe city limits wblcb did not present more
or less display. From tbe most pretentious mansion
t* tbe lowliest habitation in the side streets and alleys
tbe residents were alike Oiled with tho patriotic desire
lor cosmopolitan and national embellishment. No
other city ever equalled tbo picturesque scene which
Philadelphia presented. Even tbo dogs baa flags upon
their collars. Car horses and stroel cars, wagons of
tvery description, little children to tbe happy enjoy
ment of tbe holiday, ?cre/lecosat??d with bunting qr
tarried about ostentatiously the. maoiatnre flags of all
tbb vicouriosa.
Much taste was display^ at some of tbe leading
business houses and private reslden ces In tbe arrange
ment of their fafades and by tbo paintings of historic
characters on their store fronts. In*, somu cases the
windows wero lined with costly drapery representing
the American colors, and form lug In irainy canos a neat
trameuork to patriotic pictures prern sited behind the
(lass partitions.
But Independence llall bore the palm for briliian
embellishment. Tbe entiro front of this historic i
Btructuro was peacefully festooned with the American
colors, each window ituddcd in symmetrical ordor 1
with American flags, tho ends of esctt gritcaTuliy
fathered. To tho rufT, over the main cutranoe, at
heroic Bise painting ol
was hemmed In by thick folds of the tricolor, la a
line along each side the painting the coat* of ann?of >
tbe memorable thirteen Mtates wero displayed, and at
each end of the building a larger used representation <
?f the Stale und elty coats of srms were clothed in
fracelul drapery. Lines ol imaller flags ran from tho
roof to the cupola. Many complinxats were
paid during tho day upon Its excellent deco
rative appearance. Tho Ledger oflics- displayed
UO flays, pendaut troin each window, aad the
stores and hotels along Chestnut stroet wero gener
ously profuse In thrtr displays. All the deoorat?sus i
were of a truly cosmopolitan character. Tbe (lags of '
evory nation, not forgetting ihu emerald outers of Krln,
were plentilui, aad at the I'nioo League Clno, near
Whose front on Rruad street tbe procession formed, the !
besntllul building *?< mado especially attra'jtive. The
cttixeits ol Philadelphia wore not nlow to reewgniae the '
raro Honor which has hecif accorded to her; awarv of
tbe laet tbat the eyes of the civilised world v.ere to .lay '
turned upon her, she bas taken occasion to remasr the city
so attractive that strangers ^aust have been nanch iia- j
pressed. la tbs inaugural procession moved throufh
Wa.nut street, the private residences iu this vicinity
weie coyly decked The window* on either aid? w?*r?
thronged with Ilia eager and oeauufm faces oI ladies
shak.ng fla^a and bsndkexchiefs, and who, leaning tar
; out on the window sill, ahoolc the flags with
a royal wllL In on* caao a lady whoso
; zeal uearly overcame her discretion, narrowly
j e.-?ped a fall from a second story window, but was for
: tunstwy rescued by her Moods. At Nlneltcuth street
an o til cor considerately halted his regiment to allow th#
, parage tlitough lita ranks of a single horso car. The
I driver, lu bla extravagant gratitude, wared hit flags,
| wblcb act bla frightened horse* oO at break neck speed,
i to the oonaternation of bia passengers. At lbs resi
dence ol Mr. Chllds, corner of Twenty-second and Wal
i uut streets, the
bad been e*l?blishod. lu this neighborhood the dis
play wa* particularly Clue. It was here, on the steps
ol Mr. Chillis' mansion, the Presldeut and bis Cabinet
atood awaiting their escort to the Centennial grounds,
i His Excellency's party consisted of Hon. Secretaries
| Fish, Kobe sou, Taft, Brlstow and Jewell, besides Gov
I ernor Hurtranlt and Mr. Chllds aud tbo ladies. In
j honor of the proximity, all tbo neighboring buildings
j were thickly adorned with Hogs and the wiudowa
| crowded with eager laces. The crowd lu tbe streets
I was dons*. Hundreds were attracted to tbe spot from
| every direction, and all tbo surrounding spaces were
I Jammed with people anxious to got a glimpse ol tbo
! distinguished party. Flag* wore waved and cheer* rent
| tbo air aa the conatant succession of new urn rale
j obt-lned a view of tbe President, to which ho occasion
ally raised bis bat aud bowed.
see how gray bla whiskers are getting," said a lady.
"He don't look at all like bia picture?yea be does,
now, wbon be raiso* bis bat," said another. Aa the
party proceeded down tho steps to their carriages tbo
aun broke forth from the rapidly disappearing clouds.
Tho lino abearance or tho gay ly caparisoued horses
and tbelr soldierly otllcura, tho skilful manoeuvres of
the well disciplined troops aud the splendid attirea of
tbe men at once drew tbe udinlrntlon of tbo crowd?,
aud as cacli sec'lon pasted it was vociferously ciieered.
The sunlight, glancing upon tbe well burnished otjulp
mcuta and gay uniforms, and tbe innsic just striking
up, lent an Inspiring grace to their well timed mr.o
Tbe route of tbe military was from Broad street and
Walnut, whoie the Mac formed, the right resting on
Walnut street and displaying southwardly; out Walnut
to Twenty second, to Chestnut, to Thirty-second, to
Market, to LanoHSter avenue, to Fortieth, aud thou to
enter tbe Exhibition grounds at the Landsdowne en
When tbe Preaidont appeared on tbe steps of tho res
idence mentioned be was greeted with hearty ebeers
by the assembled thousands, and bo recoguizod tbe salu
tation by taking oil bla bat and bowing.
The party who took carriages at Mr. Child*' residence
waa composed as lollowsPresident U. R Grant, Sec
retary of State, Hamilton Fish; .Secretary of tho Treas
ury, Bonjamln II. Bristow; Secretary of War, Alpbonso
Taft; Secretary of the Navy, Gecr/o M. Robeson; Sec
rotary of tbo Interior, Zncharinh Chandler; Postmaster
General, Marshall Jewell; Attorney General, Edwards
Pierrepont; Governor John F. Ilariranft, of Pennsyl
vania; and Mr. Child*. Tho lirst carriage was occupied
by President Grant, Secretary Fisb, Governor Hart
ranlt and Mr. Cbllda.
on Bro?d street at 7:30 A. M., Major General Bankson
and staff taking position during tbe formation on Locu?t
street, above Brood. Promptly at tbo appointod tlmo
tbo colnmn moved out Walnut streot In tbo following
Squad of police nndor Lieutenant CrouL r>
Major General John P. Baakson and stalT.
Tioop Black Hussars, Captain Coriatopherklienz,
with full mounted band and ftity men.
" Washington Troop" ol Choater County, Captain W.
M. Maituch, lorty-ilvo men; lull mounted band.
" Keystone Uattery," Captain Poulterer, six plcccs
of artillery drawn by horse*.
Second Brigade.
Brigadier General Russell Thayer and staff.
United States Marines, Lieutenant Smyzer in com
mand: eighty strong aud accompanied by the Navy
Yard band and lull drum corps.
Crew ol the United Slates steamer Congress, com
manded by Lieutenant Evans, 100 strong, and divided
into two companies, under Lieutenants Snow and Soli
ridge. Tbo ' boys In blue" nad lull sailor rig and
wore armed with sabre muskets, aud presented a very
attractive appeurance.
Third rrtpmtfftt, Colonel fialller, 400 strong: Full
regimental band and drum corps. and mounted officers.
Sixth Pennsylvania regiment, Colonel John Maxwell!
Full baud and drum corps
lu Tan try corps, "State Koaclbles," Captain John W
Rvan (the champions), 80 men. Full band and drum
corps, and presenting u very One appearance.
"Gray Invmcibles'^ (colored), Captain A. Jones, fifty
strong, and with full band.
Company B, Eleventh (colored) regiment, Captain
ilood, loriv-live strong.
First City troops, Lieutenant Snowden commanding
eighty strong and splendidly uniformed. This old
times organization, composed mainly of scions of tbe
oldest and most aristocratic Philadelphia families was
selected as the guard ol honor to President Grant.'
Carriages containing President Grant and Cabinet and
others named above.
Independent Cadets of Boston, Mass. This fine or
ganization numbered 143 muskets, and were provided
wiili a band or thirty pieces aud a corps ol drains.
They wero uniformed in light blue |tanis, with
red stripes, the regulation overcoat, and light
blue shakos. Heneoih the overcoat were worn
white double-breasted Austrian coau.
Tho strangers were received yesterday bv a bat
tttliou ol two companies Irom the First regiment
Naiiou.il (iuurd of Pennsylvania, consisting of 120
men, boside members uf Governor Hariranli's staft
The detachment was in commuud of Major Charles K
Ide. with tlist Lieutenant F. Oupont Marston actinir
Governor Alexander 1L Rice, of Massachusetts, and
suite composed as lollows:?Major General James A
Cunningham. Adjutant General; Colonel Isaac F
Kingsbury, Colonel C. F. Luther, Colonel John H*
Kio?\ Assistant Adjutant Generals; Brigadier General
Wiluiou W. Black man. Judge Advocate General
Colonel Henry u. Parker, Awi.-tant Quartor
niastcr General; Brigadier Geneial William
J. Dale, Sorgeon (ieneral; Colonel Joshua
B. Tread well, Assistant Surgeon General
Colonel William V. Mulchings, Colonel William A.'
Town. Colonel Arthur T. Lvman and Colonel William
P. Alexander. Aides-de-Camp: colonel George H
Campbell, Military Secretary; His Excellency Horatio
G. Knight, Lieutenant Oovernor, constituting the
| staff.
Tbe Boston Lancer*, mounted, Colonel Emory. Tho
I body numbered 12> men, and belong to the First bat.
talion Massachusetts cavalry. The laincers were ac
companied by tbe Chelsea Brass Band, mounted. Tho
I cniloriu of the Laucors consists ol scarlet coats and
blue pants, and the organization challenged universal
Governor Kellogg, of ]<outaiana, and staff.
Colonel R. Dale Benson aud stair.
becoud regiment, Colonel Peter Lyle. Full reel,
menial band aud drum corps
First regiment (Gray reserve*), Lieutenant Colonel ]
, Clark commanding. Becks regimental baud aud drum
Eastern Greys, Captain Frank Stilzer, with Ring
gold band of Reading, Pa., tilty strong.
Weccacoe Legion, Cnptain Denny, sixty strong and
with lull band. "'
Artillery corps Washington Groys, Lieutenant Aaron
Lazarus commanding. Full band and drum corps and
Ulty-llve strong.
Cadets iruin the Military Academy at Chester Pa.
100 strong and with lull band. Divided Into lour Com
panies under command of Captains Sweeny Urown
Damon and tiould. *
Eleventh regiment Pennsylvania National Guard
Colonel Tenche, aiwmt 600 strong, and with lull re-l'
mental band and drum corps.
After escorting the President to Memorial Hall tbe
column moved out Landsdowne Drive t? Belmont ave
nue, in Kairmount Park, where all mounted officers j
and men dismounted, and details were made to guard |
the horses during the cerotiionie* of opening the Groat i
Exposition Tne infantry were then massed between j
the main building and Machinery Hall, and after the '
ccioinomei were over tbe President and members ol I
bis Cabinet aud other distinguished visitors were re ;
ceived with proper military salutes, and the line o I
march was taken up for tbe city, the Pre*/ |
dent and party being deposited at Mr. Child's i
residence at an early hour in the after
noon. The military display waa a complete
success to every re*|?ct, and was without doubt oue of
the tl nest demonstrations of the kind aeon in Philadel
phia for many year*. The day opened dismally enough
and gave tokon or a drenching rain, but by the tlmo
ihe procession moved the clouds broke aud hundreds
nf thousand* of persons were gratified with the unob
structed fays of "Old Sol." whose l*cams made a glitter
ing dirplay of the Ion; lines of musketry that moved In
steady column wcstwardljr.
onisu to tur orouxds
The general putollc commenced to arrive by sovon
o'clock iu tho morning, by way or tbo * trout oars, Ex
potition Trsn*rcr carriages, stage*, backs, baioucl.es,
business wagons, dog carts nun every Imaginable style
of conveyance All llie-e were tilled and overflowing
witb humanity. In addition to this a steady stream
of jpudestriana commancod t? tew toward Ik* Kxposi
I tlon buildings by daylight, following ovary avenue lead
iQ( thereto. This throng was corapoaod of people ot
I all age*, classea and condition*. la truth, there ware
the lame, the halt and the blind.
Before the gates of the Exposition were opened at [
nine o'clock thousand* of people had rarronnded the
ground* and patiently peeped through the Interatice*
in the lence, waiting patiently for the hour of o|ieuing.
The estimate of competent authority gives 50,000 a* the
number present before nine o'clock. Many o( theae
thronged the hotels and the 'cotaurants outside the en- (
closure which thus reaped the dm p.t'uaiary liurvcst ol |
ttie opening day.
By seven o'clock trains commenced to arrive by the {
various fleam railways seating over the Pennsylvania j
Hatiroad !rom Harrtsburg, Lancaster and intermediate 1
station* on the main lino a* well a* trout Kensington
dcjiot, Washington uvunue, Trenton and New York.
Theae trains delivered their passengers at the new Cen
tennial depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, adjoin
ing the Exposition ground*, near Machinery UalL
Passengers (Tom Bethleliew and the Lefclgb Valley,
coming over the North Pennsylvania Hatiroad, and over
the new Une via Uound 11 rook; also from Wilmington,
Baltimore and Wushingtou, were delivered at thla
depot. Up to livo o'clock in the afternoon over 200
trains deposited their human freight at thia station,
averaging lo'jr cars at each tram, e ich car carrying on an
average sixty passengers, tuiking a total of over 4S.000
people landed at the Pennsylvania Hatiroad Centennial
depot. The Heading Kail road Company's new depot is
located at the east stdeof the grounds, close 10 Memorial
Hall, to which they ran trains from Poltsvtlle, Heading
aud .stations on their main line, aud also from Norris
town. Chestnut Hill, Oortnautown, Port Richmond, as
well as from their city stations at Ninth aud
Oreen streets aud Broad and Callowblil streets.
Those arrived every live minutes, averaged threo curs
ouch, and delivered at least 50,001) pooplu at the east
end of the grounds. A large number ot people came
over from New York by tho B.>uml llrook line. It I*
estimated tbat ubout 125,000 of those who entered
the calm came by steam traius. The balance ol the
multitude who passed the portals, tho grand
total ol which i* set down at 2i0,o*), came by street
cars and other conveyances and 0:1 loot The street
cars commenced ut llvo o'clock In the morning to run
at intervals of live minutes, but gradually in
creased their trip* until finally they were despatched
from tho tertninl us soon us they had discharged their
pui^ngers. This continued up to two o'clock in the
altoruoon. when the horses needed a Utile respite. Tho
business of the day tested the capacity of the city cars
lor a great occasion, and prfcved that it is not equal to
the demand that is likely to arise during the Exposi
tion, even In view of the adjuncts of steam roads and
other conveyances.
There are seventy-six cash gates to tho grounds and
six lor complimentary entrance, as well as twenty-lour
lor exhibitors. Only lllty*eight gates were usod to-day,
as the othors were not in working order.
The rule of the Commissioner to exact a fifty cent
note or silver half dollar was strictly carried out.
I Thore was no difficulty In obtaining change at tho
agencies ol the Centennial Bank, located near tho
gates. A few people failed to remember the rulo and
tendered otner money at the gates, which caused occa
sionally a littlo delay.
The crowd which assembled about tho platform was
good-natured, bul its patience was severely tried. Tho
arrangements were ol the most primitive nature, a cor
don of ropos, a line of policomen and a mighty crowd
surging backward and forward. Thero wero several
accidents because of this, (aiming men and women now
and thee being carried down the lane. For some time
it looked us ir thore would be a serious accident, for If
the crowd had once broken the roi>o and surged against
tho other crowd many lives would have been lost. This
"other crowd" was mainly composed of members of
the press. The commltteo of arrangements seemed to
have copied their plans from one of Yanderbilt'a cattle
cars 011 tho Western railways. They were tumbled
In pell mell, without any chanco of soe
Ing or hearing, while small politicians were
permitted to decorate the elevated platform. But they
wero all in good humor and did not seem to mind it,
especially as the sun came out mora and moro radiant,
and they all felt like giving the committee a "good
notice." which I hasten to do?that there was nover a
cattle car committed since the press becamo a press
who did their work so well. As tho hour approached
lor the opening the crowd grew into an army. Distin
guished guests came one after another, most of them
unnoticed, except when they wore uniforms, whldh
only happened in the ease of forelgh diplomatists aud
officers of the army. Chief Justice Walte quietly
strolled Into his place, unknown and nnhonored. When
the nobie form of Senator Conkllng made its appear
ance, arm in arm with Senator Frellnghuysen,
a lew New Yorkers cheered him. But the
Senator came rather early, and the New
Yorkers were not Ik force. But when the Mayor came,
accompanied -by General MacMabon, be received a
hbnrty cheer, which broke into prolonged and continu
ous applause when brilliant little Phil Sheridan, in fulj
uniform, sprang up the step* This had hardly died
away when Mr. Blaine was seen with a lady on his arm.
Some of tho ex-Speaker's Philadelphia friends proposed 1
In a loud voice three cheers for Blaine, which wero !
heartily given. The truth is there was a disposition to 1
cheer every one, but the crowd were at a loss to know J
which stars among them all were the shining planets. !
The gray head of Frederick Douglass was seen In I
the mob remonstrating with a policeman, and It Is ?
feared be might have gone out with tho j
crushed snd fainting If Senator Conkllng bad not
seen him, and, vouching for his iaentlty, enabled him
to pass the lino. As be ascended tho platform he was
loudly cheered. As Mr. Douglass took his place tnore j
was a distant and hearty cheer, and Mr. Thomas, j
waving his baton, we now beard the notes of tho I
Brazilian Hymn. A moment later and the venerable j
form ol Ills Majesty the Emperor of Bratll, with the '
Empress on bis arm, followed by the Braslllan Em
bassy, was seen coming through the crowd. The
people, as If by an instinct, recognized Bis Majesty,
and cheer alter cheer arose. As be reached the uppor
step he turned and bowed to the galhortng, who cheered
again aud again. ?
If tbe Emperor vu punctual we cannot say j
m much for tbe President. What with the delay*
on the route, arising Irom a alow military move- j
tuent and otber causes, u was ten minutes pact
eleven before the well-known form of tbe Presl- i
U'>nt was seen on the platform. Certainly tbe I
President might have decided vbe third terra question
promptly enough if be coaid have taken tbe voice of
tbe peoplo, aa expressed by this shouting multitude, as
an index of bis ttrength. For some minutes tbe
cnoering was prolonged and enthuxlastlo as the
President stood calm, Immovable, bowing to
tbe rigbt and tbe left jin a sby, modest,
half frightened way, in marked contrast witb the an a.
bie, cordial and easy manner of the Emperor. Tbe
scene which awaited bim waa a pageant worthy of an
Kmpesor. There was the magulQeent art gallery be
hind, the Pennsylvania Moniortal ilall, tbe background
of tbo ikene. In rront was tbe ranin building, a vast,
graceial, noble sdlllce. To the right wero tlie lowers
ol tbe Machinery Hail, the Agricultural Hull and tbe
hundred e Ittloea beyond and aruuud, which represent
the Uu,ie and spleudor of States and nationalities.
There waa tbe b. auuful Horticultural Hall, tho gem
ol the lair. In front of the President's stand, auuut
ttverai bundrad feet, was the musio stand, with a
chorus of a ihousand voices, Theodore Thomas leading.
On tbe left was a rsnsed dais, where thousands ol tlio
ladies were grouped, a mass 01 color and beauty. On
tbe right was the beautiiul Schuylkill itiver. and, as tar
as the eye could reach, tbe woods and ravines and
green, flowery banks of tbe stream, rich in their eprmg
attire, wlin tlie apiros of the distant PliilaedlphU in the
lar horizon, and now ai>d then the echo of a fiealnig
bell to tell how the great heart of lbs city was Ibroii
bing witb tbe Joy of the hour. Behind the
Memorial Hall, a pleasant stroll thrown
a rare old bit ol wood and greenery, is the house called
tne "Solitude," where tbe last of the Penns lived,
and In another direction tbe country bouse of Judge
Peters, which was a latnons house iu the Revolution
ary days. Tbe oak trees which now rustle to the
noiho of tbe multitude aud the music are tho trees un
der whictj Washington and his Iriends were wont to sit
during tlio anxious sum in or evenings, thiukin^, wo
may well imagine, of the one task imposed
upon tberu, and never dreaming, we can well
believe, of tho glorious day which we were
all celebrating, and of tho mighty Centcnu.al
to our uatloual life which the world had
brought into tbe very lawns of these ancient homes.
? So far as tbo mere panoramic oflccts of such a scone
could be cod side rod, it was what has rarely If evor oeon
seen in these United States. The crowd was probably
tbe largest ever gathered on tbls continent at one
time. I tiave to accept the figure* tbat aro given me as
to the exact numbers; but it la no exirevaguncc to
say that wtieu General (iraut advanced to the edge of
tho pl.itiorm to declare the Exhibition open he looked
Ulon JOO.OOO souls.
Tbo platform lor gucsta vai divided Into spaces,
designated alphabetically. The centre spuco was
marked I. In auction 1 were the following:?
Ulysses 8. Grant, President of tho United Stiites, and
fain iJy.
Hon. Thomas W. Terry, Acting Vice President of tho
United Umiiw.
Hon. Hamilton Fish, Secretary of Slate, and lady,
lion. Benjamin H. Bristow, Secretary ol the Treasury,
and lady.
Hon. Alphonso Tuft, Secrotury of War. aud ludy.
lion, Goorgo W. Robeson, Secretary ol tho Navy, aud
lion. Zacliarlah Chandler, Secrcury of tho Interior,
and lady.
lion. Marshall Jewell, Postmaster General, uud lady.
Hon. Edwards i'lorropout, Attorney General, and
John 1? Cadwaluder, First Assistant Secretary of
State, and lady.
William Hunter, Second Assistant Secretary of State,
aud lady.
In section J, tho Judgos ol tho Supreme Court, aa
Hou. Morrison It. W'ulto, Chief Justice, and lady.
Hen. Nathan Clifford, Associate Jusllce, uud lady.
Hou. Noah H. Swayue, Associate Justice, aud lady.
Hon. Samuel F. Miller, Associate Justice, aud lady.
Hou. David Davis, Associate Justice, aud lady.
Hon. Stepneu J Kield, Associate Justice, aud lady.
Hon. Williuiu Strong. Assoolato Justice, uud lady.
Hon. Joseph I*. Bradley, Associate Jusiioj and ludy.
Hon. Ward Hunt, Aisociulu Justice, ai.d lady.
I>. W. Middlelou, Clerk 01 the Supreme Court, and
Mil sections J and K tho Diplomatic Corps, us fol
Count Ladislas lloyos, Envoy Extraordinary ami
Minister Plenipotentiary ol Austri :i-liungary, aud
Chevalier Ernest Yon Tavera. Secretary ol Legation
of Austria Ituugury, aud lady.
Mr Nicolas .-liisiikui, Envoy Extraordinary aud Min
ister Plenipotentiary 01 Russia, and Indy.
Karon Albert 11 lane, Envoy Kxiruordiuary and Minis
ter Plenipotentiary ol Italy, anil Indy.
Count Litta, Secretary ol Lcgjuiou of Italy, and lady.
SeAor Don Knnlio Ueoardjflhiuister Resident of
Nicaragua. and lady.
Mr. 1)? Peaicl, Minister KosiuflR of the Netherlands,
and lady.
Mr. J. H. De llogermann-Lindencrone, Minister Uesi
dent ol Denmark, uud lady.
SeAor Don Manuel M. i'errator. Minister ltcsidont ol'
Costa Iticu. and ludy.
Mr. A. Grip, Charge d'Affaires of Sweden and Nor- 1
wav, and lady.
Mr. M. De Hjornstiernu. Secretary ol Legatiou of ?
Sweden uud Norway, and lady.
Mr. C. De Bildt, Aiiacbd or tho legation of Sweden
and Norway, uud lady.
Mr. Maurice Deitosso. Envoy Extraordinary uud
Mluisler Plenipotentiary ol Belgium. aud lady.
Mr. Amoilee Yundcn Neat, First Secretary of Lega
tlon ol Belgium, uud ludy.
Haron du Jurdiu, First Secretary of Legation of
Belgium. und ladv.
Uregolrc Arisiurchl Hey, Envoy Extraordinary and
Minister I'lenipotentiary ol Turkey, and lady.
Haltaz/.i EHeudi, Secretary ol Legatiou ol Turkey,
and ludy.
Husteui Eifendi, Second Secretary or Legation of
Turkey, and lady.
Soflor Dou Vinceute Durdou, Minister i'leul|>oten
tlnry ol Salvador, und lady.
M. A. Martlioldl, Envoy Extraordinary und Minuter j
Plenipotentiary ol Fruiice, and lady.
Count de lu Rochefoucauld, Secretary of Legation of
France, und ludy.
Count de l'ourtules, Third Socrotnry of Legation of
Frauce, und lady.
Soil or Dou Juan li Delia Costa. Envoy Kxtraordinury
and Minister Plenipotentiary ol Yene/.ueU. and lady.
SoAor Don Fellpo Zapata, Envoy Extraordinary uud
Minister l'leii.poteutiary oi the I'in led Elates ol Colom
bia. aud lady.
Setter Don E. Angelo, Socrotnry of Legation of tbo
United StatHR ol Colombia.
SeAor Don Antonio Manilla De Los Rtos, K.u#oy Ex
traordinary and Minister i'lenipotentiary of Spain, aud
Soflor Don Jose De Solo, Second Secretary of Loca
tion ol Spam, und lady.
Dou Luis l'olu De Bcrnabe, Third Secretary of Lega
tion of Spain, and lady.
Haron do Saul' Anna, Envoy Extraordinary and Min
] Ister i'louipoteuilary of Portugal, anil lady.
Jushlo Yoshuta Kivonuri, Envoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary of Japaii, and Mrs. Ynsbida
Mr. Yoshlda Djlro, Secretary of Legation of Japan.
Mr. Asadu Yuseenovl, attache of tho Legation of |
Mr. Hangiro Assano, attache of tbo Logallou of !
Mr. Seiuosko Tashlro, attache of the Legation of
SeAor Don Adolfo Ibanes, Envoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary ol Chili, und daughter.
Klght Hon. Sir Edward Tliorntou, K. C. It., Envoy i
Extraordinary aud Minister Plenipotentiary of Ureal
Britalu, and lauy.
Hou. Francis R. Plunkett, Secretary or Legatiou of
Great Uritain, aud lady.
Captain William Cere June?, Royal Navy, Naval At
tachd ol tba Legation or Ureal Hriluin, und h?dy.
Hon. Cower Jieury I* Po?r Trench, Second Secretary 1
ol legation of Ureal Britain, aud lady.
Frank C. Lascelles, Second Secretary of Legation of
Greul Britain.
Francis C. E. Donys, Third Secretary of Legation of
Great Britain.
Charles Fox Frederick Adam, Est}., Foaetb Secretary
of lA-gation oi Ureal Britain.
Sortor Don Manuel italuol Garcia. Eoviiy Extraordi
nary and Minister Plenipotentiary of tbo. Argentine Re
SeAor Don lgnaclo MariscaL, Envoy Extraordinary I
aud Mmicier Plenipotentiary of Mexiao, and SeAoru I
LauraS. do MariscaL ? ? )
Mr. Ellsba H. Allen, Envoy Extraordinary and Miu
ister Plenipotentiary ol Hawaii.
Mr. Kurd von Scblozer, Envoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary of the Uorman Empire.
Haron Max von Thieiinaa, Secretary of Legation of
the German Empire.
Mr. P. \V. Buddecko, Chancellor of legation of the
German Empire.
Councillor A. P. Do Csrvalbo Borges, Envoy Extraor
dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Brazil, aud
SeAhor Benjamin Franklin Torroo De Barros, Secre
tary 01 legation of Bra/11.
SoAor Don Vlncento Dardoo, Envoy Extraordinary I
and Minister Plenipotentiary oi Guatemala, and ludy.
Mr. Stephen Preston, Euvoy Extraordiuury aud Min- j
later Pluuipotcntiary ol Hayti, and lady.
In sections I, H and G were the members or Congress,
there being a very distinguished representation. Among
those present wero Senators Cameron, Wallace and
Cunkliug, of New York; Thurman, or Ohio; Bayard, ol
Delaware; Morton, ol ludiaua; Houtwell, ol Massa
chusetts; Sbarun, or Nevada; Frulinichuyson. ol >ow
Jer.-ey; Morrill, or Yerinout, and Morrill, or Maine.
Auioug the Representative* were Hon. Michael C. Kerr,
Speaker; Hon. James G. Blaine. ex-Speaker; Hon. S. S.
Cox, Uon. Sauinel J. Randall, Judge Kelley. lioatFer
nando Wood and other prominent members or the
House ol Representatives.
In section F were governors of Slates and their
stall's. There were prosent Governor Tilden, of New
York; Governor Rice, ol Massachusetts; Governor
Ludlngton, of Wisconsin; Governor Bogley, ol Michi
gan ; Governor Bedle, of New Jersey; Governor Coch
rane. ol Delaware; Governor Carroll, of Maryland, and
Governor Conner, of Maine.
In section E sui Governor Uartranfl, with
his slalf. among whom were Major General
James W. Laita, Adjutant General; Brigadier
General John D. Berioleiio, Inspector Geueral;
Brigadier Ueneral William IL Yerkos, Judge Ad
vo ale Ueneral; Brigadier Gnnerai Lewis W Read,
Surgeon Ueneral; Colonel D. etaniev Haisinger,
Assistant Adjutant General, and a corps ol aides da
camp, in adiitou, the State govomment was repre
sented by Lteuieiuint Governor l.aita. Auditor General
Tempio. Secretary of Internal Allairs McCandloss. mate
Treasurer Rawle, Attorney Geueral Lea snd Secretary
of tl.e Cotnniontvonlth Quay. Among the Judges or the
Supreme Court oi tbe Stale were Chief Justice Agnew
snd Associate J tielices I'axson, Gordon, Williams, Sliurs
wood. Mercur and Woodward. I hs remainder ol 1I1O
sections was occupiod by members or the Slate Legis
In sections I. M aud N wora seated those gentlemen
and ladies who have carried ou the Couictinial work
since its inception.
In sectiou D were the offlcors of the United States
Army and Navy, as lollow*:?
General William T. Sherman, staff, and Mrs. Sher
lirevet Maior General K. D. Townsend, Adjutant j
General ol tho Army, stall, and Mr*, luwasend.
Brevet Major General li. U. Marcy, iiispector Geu
eral, staff, und Mrs. Marey.
Iir;gii<iier GenerW Wiiii.nn MeK. Dunn, Judgo Advo
cate General, stall, B'id Mrs. Dunn.
iirevet Urigadler Uetierai Albert J. Myer, Chief Sig
nal officer, stair, and Mrs. M\er.
Dri.adler tieueraf Robert Maefeelv. Cntnmissary Geu
eral ol Subsislenci" stair and Mrs. iraclrely.
Iirevet Major General J. K. Barnos, ourgcon General,
stall and Mrs Barnes.
Brevet Brigadier t.eueral Boninnim Alvord, Paymas
ter lienors I. Half and Mrs, Alvord.
1} re vet Major tieneral A. A. Humphreys, Chief of
Engineers, stall and Mrs. Humphreys
Br.gadier General S. V. Benoi, Clnel of Orduanco,
stall and Mra lionet.
Brove 1 Major General Thom&i IL Ituger, Superintend
ol the Mtliuiry Academy, aud Mrs linger.
Mnor General Winlield S. Hancock, commanding
(he Military division oi tho PaciUc, stall and Mrs. Hun
M ijor General O. G. Howard, commanding the De
partment ol Columbia. stall and Mrs Howsru.
Iirevet Major General a. D. Slurgis and Mrs. Sturgis,
Major General Irvin McDowell and Mr*. McDowell
Brevet .Major Leuural D. H. Rucker and Mrs Rucktr. :
Brevet Brigadier General I- 11 IVIouze.
Admiral David I). Porter aud Mrs. Porter.
Vico Adniuai StepUen ll Bo?an and Mr* i!>>wan.
Rear Admiral Caarles 11. Davis and Mrs Davis
R ar Admiral John itodgrra and Mrs Mo4gera
Itear Admiral Alexander M. I'cnu<* k and Mrs. Pen
Bear Adm.nl J. It. Madison Mullany.
Rear Adniirat C. R. P. Rodger* and Mrs. P.odgent
">lte:ir Admiral Iteed Worden and Mrs Wordrb.
I'.uar Admiral Meplieu D. Treui hard and Mrs Trench
Commodore Alexander Murray and Mrs Murray. 1
C'iplatn R. W. Shuleldl, CI110I ol Bureau or Lquip
nioui aod Recrulltng.
Commodore John C Howell, Chief of Bureau of Yards
?nd Dock*
( ornmudoro Daniel A mm en, CUiof ol Bureau ?f Navl
galiou. I
Captai* William X J effort, Chief of Buroaa of Ord
Surgeon General Joseph Beale, Chief af Bureau of
Motiicine und Surgery
Jj*1""?? H Watniough, Acting Chief of
Bureau of Provisions au<l Clothlug
fcogineerm Chief W. W. tv. Wood, Chief of Bureaa
or .Meam Kngineeriag.
Chier Constructor i,aiah Hansoomb, Chief of Bureau
of Construct on an>l Kepuirs
- Jacob Z"llln. commanding United
s.atos Marine Corps, ami Mr?. Zyiliu.
There was a pause after the Pre.-ident took ?>U seat.
Around him. in addition to hi# Cabinet, were the chiefs
of the Exhibition, John Welsh, ,l,e chairman of tlio
Piiiaucial Board, upou whose shoulders rested tbo
financial burden of this vust work, his flue face Hushed
with joy, looking happy to day as he saw what he !
saw und thought of the cares and trial* of the years of !
work. There was General Gosboru, the Director Gen- '?
oral, as u*lm BP the sprfug, it steady, well.poised man,
no doubt who was never Iu a hurry in Ins liie. There
was tLo genial General Haw ley, the olUclal chief of the
commission, as busy as a bee, lis eye on evory point
of the ceremony, aud directing all w ith military pre
cihiou, As the President sal down Thomas raised his
baton and wo had Wajjucr's march. General Bawley
then arose ana begged the crowd to keep ss quiet as
possible while Bishop Simptou luvuked God's blessius
ujiou the day aud the event. Tho Bishop cauiu lor"
ward und said, with 'iptllled hand:?
Aiuiigbty and everlastniu God, our Heavenly Katliori
Heaven is lliy throne and the earth is Tby fooistool,
before Ihy majesty and holiness the angels veil their
faces, and tho spirits of the just made perfect bow iu
humble adoration. Thou art the creator of all thiuss
the preserver of all that exist, whether ihev be thrones
or dominions or principalities or powers. Tne uiimtlo
aud the Vast, atoms and worlds, alike attest Iho
Ublt|Ulty Of Ihy prcseucv anil the cmuipoteucc of Tliv
sway. I tiou atone art tit* sovereign ruler of nations.
Jhoil raiseth up one and castuth down unother.
au.i I hott givest the kingdoms of the world to whom
soever I lion w ilt. Tlie past, with all Its records, is the
unfolding ol ihy counsels and the realization ol 'fli.
graud designs. We hull I'hce us our rightful ruler, the
king eternal, iuimortai aud mvisible, the only into
God, blussed forovermoro. We couio ou this glad daj
O Ihnu ttiMl of our lathers, Into these courts with
tUuukiigiviiit! ami lute illume ^ulcs Willi praise. Wo
bless I hoe lor Ihy wonderful gooduots m tho past for
tho l.tu i winch l'hou guvost to our fathers?a land
veiled iroin the ages, from the anc.ieut world, lint 10
veiiled in the fulness ol time to Tliy chosen people,
whom lhoudhtst leaJby Tinueowu right baud through
the billow* ?>! the oeep; a land ol vast extent of
towering mountain* auu broad plains, ol unnumbered
products anujol uuiuiu treasures. We thauk Thee lor
the lathery of our country, men or miml and of might
whoi endured privations and menllces. who braved
multiplied dangers rather than >101110 their consciences
or oe untrue to th? ir G d, men wtio liid on the broad'
foundations ol truth aud justice tho grand structure
of utvil ireedom. Wo praise Thee lor the rlos'nu eon
turv, for the founders ol 1I10 Kepublic, lor tho lui
iiiort.il Washington und his grand associates; lor the'
wisdom with which n.ey plauneJ. aud the lirinniss and
lieroi.ni, which, under Thy blessing, led them 10 trl
uuipliaut success Thou wast their shield in hours of
dinger, their pillar ol cloud by d.y and their pillar of
lire by uigliL May we, their sons, walk iu their lo?u
slop- aud imitate the.r virtue.-. We thank Thee for
social una national prosperity aud progress, tor valu
able discoveries aud multiplied inventions, lor labor
saving machinery, relieving tho toiling masses- lor
schools, free a.s tho morning light for the inillionsol the
ruiiii! generation; lor boons aad |>erlodicals scattered
like leaves of autumn over tho land, lor art and science
lar freedom to worship God according to the dictates of
conscience, lor a Church unlettered t?y the trammels of
Slate. Bless, wo pray The?, tho President of tho
I u 11oil illiitcH uud his constitutional advisers the
Judges of the Supreme Court, th? Seuulors und Bepre- i
6entativcs iu Congress, tho Governors of our several '
Comuiouwealths, the utilizers ol the uriny aud navv
ulld all who are in olllcial poaitiou throughout
our land. Guido them, wo pray Thee with !
counsels of wisdom, uud may they ever rulo i
In righteousness. Wo ask Tby bicssiug to roat I
upon the I'resiOeut aud members ol tho Ceutenuial I
Commission ami upou those associated with them iu
the various departments, who have labored long and
earnestly, iimid anxieties and dlfHculllcs, for the sue- I
coss of this enterprise. Muv Ihy special hlessine O
Thou God ol all the nations or tbo earth, rest upon our
national guests, our visitors from distant lauds. We 1
welcome thorn to our shores and wo rejoice la' the.r !
presence umoug us. whether ttiey represent thrones
or culture or research, or whether they como to
exhibit tho triumphs ol genius and art, in the
depclopmeiit ol industry uud in the progress
of civilization. Preserve Thou them, wo beseech !
1 bee, in health aud safety, and in due time mav they I
bo welcomed by loved ones agaiu to their own' their '
native lands. Let Thy blessing rest richly on this Cen
tennial celebration. May the lives and health orull in
terested l>o precious iu Thy sinlit Preside 111 its
Aflfttinolics. c?raiit that this association in effort may
bind nioro closely together every part of our groat
Kepublic, *0 that our I'nion may bo pcr|>clual ami it;,
dissoluble. Let its influence draw tho uutiuus of earth
Into a happier unity. Hcreartor, wo prav
1 liee,_ iikiV all disputed questions be settled
by OThliruiion, and not by the sword and
may wurs forever ccuso among the sons ol men ' Mav
tho now century be better than tho past. Mom ru
Otaut Willi tho light br true ph'V SSphy, warmer with
the emanatlous of a world wide sympathy. May capi
tal, geuius and labor be freed bruin ail antagonism by
the establishment and application of sum principles
or Justice and equity as shall reconcile diversified In
terests aud bind Iu imperishable bands all iiarts or '
society. We pray Thy benediction, especially on ?'
the women of America, who, for tho first time lu i
the history of our race, take so conspicuous a place
iu a national celobrallou. May the light of their I
intelligence, purity and enterprise shed its beams I
afar, uutil In distant lands their sistors tnay realize the 1
beauty and glory of Christian freedom and olevatlon i
W e beseech Thee, Almighty Father, that our beloved '
Kepublic may be strengthened lu ev, ry element ol true !
greatness until her mission Is accomplished by pro- j
senttng lo the world an illustration of the happiness I
or a ires people, with a Irco Church, lu a Iree State. I
under laws of their own enaclmeut and under rulers
or their own selection, acknowledging supremo alle
giance only to the King or kings and Lord ol lords. And
as Thou didst give to one or its illustrious sons tirst to
draw experimentally tho electric spark rroui heaven
which has sineo girdled tho globo In Its celestial whis
pers of " Glory to God In the highest, peaoo ou earth
and good will to men," so to latest tlnio may tho mis
sion or America, undor Divine Inspiration, be ono or
affection, brotherhood aud love lor all our race. And
may the coining centuries be tilled w ith the glory or
our Christian civilization.
And unto thee, our father, through Him whoso llfo
Is tho liu-ht of men, will we ascribe glory and praise
now aud forever. Amen. '
The prayor, long as it was, was heard In silonce
Then General Uawloy twirled a while handkerchief as
? signal to Theodore Thomas, who at one* raised his
wand and we heard tho opeuing strains of WhiUier's
beautiful hymn, the words of whioh are as follows:?
Our fathers' Ood! Irooi out whose hand
Tlio centuries fall like grain* ul sand,
Wo meet to-day, united. free,
And loval to our laud and Thee,
To tliauk Thee lor the era done.
And trust Thee (or the opening on*
Here, where of old, by Thy do lgn.
The lutlior* spuko tli.it Word ol Thine,
AVnose scho in tbi' glad retrain
Of rended bolt nud lulling chain.
T<> graco our intal tune, iroiu all
The zones of earth our guests we call
lie with us while the new world greets
The old world. lhr< nglng nli Its streets,
Vuveillng sll the triumphs won
Ily ?ri ur toil beneutb ibo sun;
And unto common good ordain
This rfvalship oi bund and bruin.
Thou, who hast here :n concord furled
The war llugs of a gathered world,
lienestb m:r Western sklea luiftl
1 ne orient's mission of good will,
And. ireuUted with love'i golden fleece,
bund back tho Argonauts 01 peace.
Kor art and labor met In truce,
Kor beauty mado the bnde 01 use
Wo thank Ihee, while, withal, we crave
Ibo austere v.rtuex strong to save,
The honor proof to place or gold.
The manhood uover bought nor soldi
Ot make Thou as. through centuries long,
In peace ?ecure, in justice Htroug ,
Ar< und our gili of irwdwu draw
1 ui' safsgwaril* oi Thy righteous la#;
Aud, east in soine dinner mould,
Let the new cycle shanto tue old I
were in their places by ten o'clock A. M., after under
going a moil trying ordeal In the attempt to pas* Into
the Main Hal) by the narrow entrance alone vouch
filed to them. There WINI many a tight uptoese, many
a cm -lied toil't many an irasc iiilu \o:ulist. Tho in
struments of the orchestra had several hairbreadth
etcspM Now It was s contra basso, in its green b.i.zu
cover, advanced like a haltering rum aud wedged
tightly lietween a half doxen soprano^ aud a couple of
burly bashes; again tho bell of a trombone or a tuba
greeted the perplexed doorkeeper's vision or he
was poked in the ribs by au inquiring
fagotto The corno Inglese disputed the right
ol way with the bass trumpet and s melodious
contralto voice cricJ out, "I'm going to latntl" a lew
minutes to eleven o'clock Mr. Tbco lore Thomas as
cended tbe leader's mand, and tbe Irst work on the
programme, a poii>mrri of uational air<", was played.
America was the first ?uf tbe last representative in tilt*
eduction of national motodea. I he nations were
al| bahe;ically arranged as follows:?America, Armen
ian; Comedeiation, Uelgium, Bratil, Denmark, Eng
land, France, Uerroaiiy, Holland, lu y, Norway,
Uu**ib, Spain. Swcdn and Turkey. Clever a?
was the arrangement of bo many d.verso subjects,
speaking from a musical point of view, a great
deal ol tbe effect was lost in tbe open sir, especially
ctritU piointo p*?eagc? tor tnesirmga, phrases for
the oboe and dut > aud pianinsituu measures that were
%tttts inaudible at b abort tflMMeo Urns the uasic
stind. Of the eighteen national roelodied played on
thi* occasion, Auisriea lnviug three, Italy t*? and Ihe
rcstou- vach, the mast striking w .-retio^Maraollla ae,"
thai uobleet of national paMM, the "llraxill.in Ujfiun"
and the "Turkish Harm." The last mentioned work
waa received from Europe wiihin a week or ao by Mr.
Thomas, and It it, indeed, one of the m?*l taking specv
ineos of Oriental music ih*t ihe American public liai
ever beard. TUe least interesting or the fer es o
national melodies was the stupid iu?ich cullcd "llail U
thoCliiet," wh;?h >s unworthy ol the name ol luusin
The wcoud piece oa the programme was
This nobio work w;at4 interpreted ?u a style worthy of
,t Even the strumous crowd oenc.ith the music plm
form ceased for the mo.ueut their traulio euduavors t?
break through iho harrier of Oenlounuil police that
guarded the postage way ol tho Invited dlga.tar.es as
the that graud strains o! the march wore hoard. All
honor to the Women's Centennial L'nnn that gave to
America a muilcal work worthy of Its greatest aiiut
vcrsary 1 Wuatever luo shortcomings, in cortaio
brunches of music.il arl of Wu-.ier may he, all frlvolHj
and superficiality aro banished Irom his clloru; h.i
aim il. a high and aerlous one. His work*, ooerjtu
or purely orchostral, must ho judged lu their enllrs
plan knd unity. Ho has n-? special tie. in original
melodic Invuutlvonosa or continuity of organic the
matic and contrapuntal development. How tho grand
structure ol the "Centennial March. " which must uo?r
take its place among the nest of compositions of lb *
klud. IB built up out of the slmplesl materials! TLe
motives are short and appctl at once to tho popular
ear. When the jinul' came, with us whirlwind of bar.
monies, uud ihe torrent ol sound rolled out and spread
lleeli' over tliu vast .-pace in which no niauy thousand
listeners were m densely packed together, tho ctrect
was hoinctbiug to be remouibered l->r lito. It brought
10 tho memory ilio words of tho German writer,
"When the mysterious hymn of joy rises irom till
deepest depths ol the orchestra, darting rod beams be
loro It like a young *uu. rushing upward, nearer and
nearer lo heaven, do we not leef intoxicated with Iroo
dutn, as ir ihe hands ol winter were tailing
before the almighty power ol spring?" Tho march put
sale4 from beginning to end with musical electricity.
It Is grandoiso, without betug podautle. Its measur>'.?
are surcharged with electric llle. Kven the liuinensu
orchestra ihat interpreted it to day ?eemed lusutncieiii
iu power ol tone to do It full Justice. It is a march
that will live until America's next Centennial AUo?
tha prayer of bishop Simpson, ihe
words bv tho poet Whlttler. ami music by John K.
l'alne waa giveu. The verses are such as ouo would
expect irom such a great poet, but the music was not
equal to tho Occasion. Uwas such a hymn as m ghi
be taken at rand Jin from any ordiuary church oollec.
lion uo better and no worse. It might bo acceptabU
in one of the thousand llttlo volumes published
in this country under tho name ol HyuiB
Hook*, but uh a nation Hi hymn it is weak and
uninteresting. The sturdy old "Eluo Kesle Burg,
1st uuser Uott," ol Uirtin l.uther, or the "Old
Hundredth." may lo.?k down with disi^aiu upon Mr.
rallies puerile effort.
worus by Sidney Unler, and music by Dudley Buck,
waa Ihe priuclp.il choral and orchestral lealure ol tho
occasion. There were ulioul a thousand in Ihe chorus,
and everything that could be done to make the cantata
a musical success was contributed by all the partici
pants, Irom the accomplished conductor, Theodore
Thomas, down to Eilor, who played the corno IngUse
obligate lu tho bass solo. Yot Ihe work did not do jus
tice to tho occasion or Uio representative people ol the
world present. It is iu some places a cheap Imitation
ol lleudelssohn, and in others vory unnatural and
forced. Mr. Myron W. Wliiinoy, the Boston basso,
was encored in his solo, probably because It was M
splendidly roudered by hliu, or because it wan tho ouly
nolo of tho occasion ol tho Inauguration. A more uu
fortunate cnolco of an American composer could nol
bo uiado for bucli an event.
from tho " Messiah," was iho last musical work per
formed. Everyone on the music platform rose while
this glorious work was betug given. Tho HalloluJah
Chorus, as Kev. Mr. Haeis says, stauds alouo. It
appears lo have tho same overpowering eireci upon
learned and unlearned; It Is loll and uudorstooi
by all. Tho thought Is absolutely simple; so li
the expression, 'two or ihroo massive phrases, grow
ing out or each other, or, 'rather, rising ono altei
another, in reltoratod bursts or glory, a piece of divine
melody in the middle, succeeded by the last clause ol
tho triumphal shout. "And Ho shall reign forever,'
which Is taken up rapturously by tho llamiug choirs of
tho immortals and hurlod from sido lo side, until a?
last ihe energies or heaven Uscir sftm spent, and the
mighty atraln dies away beloro "the Great White
Throne and Him that silloth thereon." Tho composer
thus described his reeling* when ho pcnneij thl*
shout or inspirod praise:?"I did tbluk 1 did aoeall
Heavon before me, and llie great God Himself." The
chorus, orchestra and tho great organ within the Mala
Hall joined in this ImmorUl pmao, aud the *cene waa
indescribable. Tho air was tilled with tho grandest ot
musical measures, tho vast crowd swayed boneat*
their lnflueuce, and tho long, gliitcrlng array of inter
national dlguitar;es jiaased down in procession whiU
the "Halleluiah" chorus was sung. Then then
was a touch of an electric wtro placed on tho couductor'l
itmd, bud artillery thundered forth from the adjoining
hills, bells rang out lu every direction and ateam whis
tles vied with each olbor for a half hour In deafening
every car present The World's Fair was opened, and
nil that music?the noblest of art*?could do toward
making the Inauguration a success was accomplished.
Then the exhausted conductor left tho stand, Whitney
packed up his bass solo, Buck weat back to the organ,
and the chorus and orchestra folded tholr acorea auS
cased their instruments and stole silently away.
Hounds of applause brought the singer to the stan4
again, and forced a repetition of the magnificent effort
Before tbo poet'* lervent word* bad died away Mr.
John Welsh arose and was received with loud cheers,
lu a modest, low tone, addressing himsoif to tho
groups around him, without making any effort to reach
the crowd, be said:?
Mr. 1'rksidskt A*n Qrxtmmisx or tub Usjtxd
Status Ckxtkxsul Commission?In the presence of
the K?yerum>'ut ol the United States and ol tho several
distinguished bodies by whom we aro surrounded, and
In behalf of tbo Centennial Board of Finance, I greet
In readiness at tbo appointed time, 1 have tbe honor
to announce to you lli?t, under your supervision and
in accordance v. itb the plan* Oxed ?ud established by
you, we have erected the bulidinas beionginitto us, and
have Hindu nil tin- arrangements devolving on us neces
sary fur ihu o|iemng of (be International Exhibition.
We hereby now formally appropriate tbeui for their
lutemled occupation; and wo bold ourselves ready to
inako all further arrangements that may be needed
lor carrying into lull and complete ciioc.t all the re
quirement* of tbe acta of Congress relating to tbo
Kur a like purpose we aUo appropriate tbo bntidings
belonging to thu state ol Pennsylvania and the city of
lliiUdelphia, erected bf n* at their bidding, to wit:?
Memorial Hull, Machinery Hall and Horticultural Halt
Those and oilier substantial offerings stand an the evi
dence ol their patriotic cu operation. To the United
Slate* of a mcric.i, through Congress, we an indebted
lor tiin nd which crowned our success.
In addition to those to wInch 1 have Just referred,
there ?rc other btautilul anil convenient edillces,
which bnvii been erected by tbo representative* ol
foreign nation*, by state authority and by individual*,
which are a too devoted to the purpooes of the Exhibi
I.aihks amp OnvUMKX?If in tho past we bavo met
witli ?iisi|ipoin(iiicnts, diillculties and trials, Utey have
been over noma by a consciousness that no sucriiloe oau
be too great which Is (nude to honor the memories ol
tho-u wtm brought our nation into being. This com
memoration ol the events ot I77*i excite* our present
gratitude. > bu assemblage here to day of so many
lor igh representatives uniting with ua in till* rever
ential tribute is our reward.
We congratulate yon on the occurrence of thia day.
Many oi ine nations have gathered here la peaceful
<?oui|M'iitioii. Kacli may protu by the a*.?ociation. This
Exhibition i* bnt a school; tho more thoroughly Its
lesson* are learned the greater wilf ?> (be gain, and
when It shall bavo closed. If by that study tne natioai
engaged in it shall have learned respect for each other,
tb?n it in.*v lie IioimhI that veneration lor Him wbc
rules on bi^b will become universal, and the angela x.
song once more be heard?
tilory to Ood in the hlffhest.
And un earth pou? >. good will tnsvaid men.
Then came the cantata, the word* of which, weak
as tboy are, na<le a grand elect. This was the
mosteal event ol ilte day, aid while tbo multitude bra*
; dMcrnn the closing notes 01 tho orenuetra DiiMl
Uawley came forward and said:?
Mr. 1'nmiok.vt?yive. years ago I be Hies Ideal of the
United .State* declared It lltting that ''the completio*
' ol tbe flrt-t cenmry of our national existence should
1 be commemorated by an exhibition ol tbo natural
l rusottroes of the country and their deodtep
mrnt, and of its progress in tbmo uli which
bencttt mankind," and ordered tb.it an exhil?4
11* *n of American and foreign arta, prndnota,
and man*facture* should be held, UMMr
of the government of tbo United diate^ la Um ?f

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