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Philadelphia, in the year 1S70. To put liitoeieci the sevvtal laws relating to the Exhibition, the I'ntlod *uti'? Centennial Cumtatssion was constituted, com posed ol two Cunuiis-ioticrs Irom esilt Mate and Territory, nominated by their respective CtH'IMn and appointed by tho President. I be Congr?i-? ai?o creatcl our a>i vailary and associate corporati n, t#i* Qsntanni&l iioar<l ot Pmano.!, wb' -e Unexpectedly heavy burdeus have been nobiy borne. A romnrkobls and prolougtMl dis turbance ot thu linanoes and Industrie* of ibo country haa greatly maguiQetl the talk; but we hope lor a favorable judgment of the degree oi aaccess at tained. July 4, i87a, this grouudwi- dedicated to i.^ protest WML Tweuiy one months ago this Memorial Bail was began. All the other 180 buildings within the enclosure have been erected within twelve niuntlia All the buildings embraced in the plana ol the cogimtssion | llaelt are finished. The dem .tids o! applicant* ex ceeded the apace, and atrenuous and coptluaous efforts have been made to gat every exhibit ready in time. lly general consent the Exhibition Is appropriately held in the t'lty of Brotherly Love. Voider, auuosi w ithin your view, stands thu venerated eiliiice wherein occurred the event this work it designed to commem orate, and the hall in which ibo tlr?t Continental Con gress asjembled. Within thu present limits of this great park were the hows of etsninut patriots of thai era, where Washington and hia associates received gen erous hospitality and able counsel. You have observed the surpassing beauty of the situation placed tit our disposal. In harmony with all this litnees is the liberal aupport givon the enterprise by the state, the city, and the people individually. In the name of tho I'nlten SUitrs yoa extended a re.-pecl!ul and cordial imitation to thu government* of other nations to bo represented and to participate in this Exhibition. You kuow tho very acceptable toirns In wlm U they responded, from even tho most distant regions. Their Commissioners are here, and you wiil soon seo with what cuergy and brilliancy they have entered upon this friendly competition in' the arts of ! ]> ure. It has t>een the fervent hope ol the' commission that, during this festival yc-ir, the people Irom all Mates and set tious, of ul 1 creeds und chu ches, ! nil parties and classes, burying nil resentments, j would come up together to tins birthplace of our liberties, to study the evidence ol' ur resources; to measure the progress of an hundred years; and to i examine to our proBt tho wonderlul products of other i lands, but o-peciully to join hands in perlect Iraternity i ?ad promise tho Uod of our lathers that the new cm- | tury shall *urpn?s the old in the true glories ol civiliza- | lion. And, lurthermoru, that from tho association I here of wolcome visitors from all nations, there may : result not alone gr^at benehts to invention, manu- 1 lactuies, agriculture, trade und commerce, but also | stronger international Iriendshlps and moio lasting peace. I'h us reporting to you, Mr. President, under the la as of the Kuvernnn nt and the usage oi similar occasions, tn the tiamo ol the I luted States Commis sion, I present to your view the International Exhibi tion ol 1470. T11K rRIJUBLNT'S AbllltX*.* When the President uro-e, holding in his hands tho Copy of his addre.-H, the enthusia-in which had groeted { hi* first appearance was renewed. It was a minute or | two before he could speak, and when ho nld It was in a clear, low rotcc which could uot be heard twenty leet lie tad;? Mv ('orxravMKS?It has been thought appropriate* ?pon tin-. Cenicumat occasion, to bring togetner in I ni.i ie pin i, tor popular Inspection, upeiiraens of our mi . i.tin nis in the industrial and lino .arts, and in literature, itclcnce acd philosophy, as well as in the gr< a bunne** ni;rl<:uftiiro and ol commerce. lb t ?. may th more thoroughly appreciate tho ct ? ? ii?. - and deficiencies ot our achievements and also 1 1 i h i? r expression to our earnest desire to ' ' 1 '? ti e trienoship of our follow monitors ol this . .l it latniij of nations tho enlightened agricultural, i i:.' r i, and uiuuulacluriiig peopiu ol the world ?' n fluted to send hither corresponding speci i ? their skill to exhibit ou equal terms In lriendly ? t-.ij lit .? n w ith our ow n. To this invitation they 1 .i< generously respondedj lor 8o doing we render tl.< n . ur hearty thauxs. I .? (wanly and utility ot tho contributions will this day be submitted to Tour Inspection by tne Managers ?> this Exhibition. We are glad to know that a view <1 spn mens ol the skill of ail nations will afford to } ? ? 'i' alloy -d pt?.i?urt. a- well as yield to you a valua ble pt4 i ol knowledge <d eo many of thu* remarkable re una of the wuuui riul skill existing in enlightened communito? oaf bui.urci yenr* a_'0 our country was new and but partially settled. Uur aecaMltlea li.ive compelled us '???'?* ':f *?l< "d our means anal time in felling lorusts, su dnii g prair building dwelling, factories, ships, ?i -ks, warelifunee, ru.i Is. canal ', machinery, gc., Ac M?-t ol our achoola, eburches, libraries a d a, 'uns have been isubiisbeu within an buu ?"? I -i burdened by these great primal w rk- .i ty, which could not be delayed, we j t navu c 'tie wnatthie Exhibition will show tn tho i ? a - : r v . ng r iud more advanced na tion* w law, medicine and theology; in acience, litem ?urc, pkii'NHtptiv and the arts. Wlillst proud of ? . we lit. e PtUe wer. iel I WO huvoBol dOIIO i' r' <"ar at :m ?? tnetii- have been iirtat euougli, ko*ew, i o make it easy for our peuple to acknowi ?>i/? ?!.|w?r .11 merM Wherever fonn l. AnObvw, Vim mtui i.i, 1 li 'i<e a careful exam n.i || a ? I.a a I.i (o be exhibited to you will not ?" ? inaj " ' "'i ?lit ? prutound respect for the ?kill ?k'. ia*m ?t our t* ? ti ? trt.m otker nations, but also aa . ly you w iu ibe attaiomenta made by our own I* ' ? ' unag th.< p. 11. ,e t.uudrea years. I invoke yo. .en. n. ? ..p. ratii.n with the worthy Commis ? II.tier- to let .ire a t rnlMOl soooesa to thts Inter < ?-11?? .. Kxbiti .a, Ind to make the stay ot our tor ? ? t 'r> wn in we extfn I a he.rty welcome? I lb pr.iO: tOle and pit a-ant to th-ni. I Seiciare th.- I lero i ..n il Inhibition now open. .? tie tat down Hie OTcbestM UM'u a chorus of ro Til a H:uCt ?<?>* I* TH I MUX ?aLb. 0 ! re the la*t ? >rdi of th< I're-ideut's s(ieech woro at at. . i !.,? fort ,.u it ations, the members ol the ??ate and it the llouee r.. d out in long procession ti r,.i4|ih *n nrenue ti ?t had bu n made lor them by ? y et M* i: or .1 Hi 1. The chlei n. aster of ceremouiea |<M>k i - oo?it < :i and tunntinced tho names ot tho dis -I.ou f .?-.t? on they came. Kirn was tho Prcsi ?!? 11. the t inpr '? ef llm/il lea:uo|c upon hm arm. '! i ra c?me II t ? my t o K.nperor of Craul accom |>->ur i.. Kr% .at. the l'r -? dent's wife. Immediately I ti bd H;i Mi. sty ?? re tl e m< rubers of tbu Cabinet, t=. r torr k sb leading atid >. creiary Robeson bring ing ?,? the r' ar I a< h was e <>rtii.g home lady mem ri! the ?u ' * ie fori ;n Atnba.-*adora bad gone ? i.esd nd tiken t(i?ir |>Iac> s oppoeito tlw auction- of t! r ri ??itve i ountri.s, so aslo meet tne Imperial n- an i -r.-.e when it arrived. Alter the Cabinet ? aiti c.roeral .^bernlan. arn-nianted by hia brother; ? hi 1.1 N ! r- t' e f illWith their staffs, march* 1.... tw.< b> two uutil th- y entered the sido p rui of ? tnain huildlog. i; re th orgsn burst forth Into a *e'.t?mo as the pr>re-?ion, the President I Itif e?< ? rte ? ' a guard I.I honor of th Philaaelphi* City Troop ami. ta- v crj :. r nn which has existed MMetlie i me ot the K.'voiuliun. It was noted that Within t?. ;.?> ' ir lours had ben acmpp-hi d m the pre|wratio* of the different de |?artm#nM. I *en p r Tur.,ey, which waa utterly U>* I nnd de..-rt. ? i h none of b> on est; I bit ion. { had rote to tht' i" . ?!?? of *usi<?nding a vast Turkey i ?orytttoh de the nakedneee ol h?r | oor display, m j front ?t w'.ieii toe Turk ?h W 'i.ater and hta saito ? ? the presideat ? r >ini' \ l'irect> r tioaeral i ??<?-ti 'rs ec.otiipan ?4 the President and |<auaed 1 Irom i m to tune to introduce him to the fori , t) i :p ?i m i> 1o ? r.e there wss ' 0 s ntf?e aod or t?- el ? urt?sy or ? how; to others a longer miorrImage ol gtwtiaga. When Mis Kxcoileacy eoi;>e to 't( i. "?n of ii<< I, h ? i er. there waa a i yatM. The f*r. ?< ieat and Ibo Km| <'." >r and tne r ladies rnteeod with'n a* . ayient a few minotoe. Hie M*toety took an e?por.ei r '???? m ahosrtag U ePt'. .'entaM | Mr? i-r-oi the ' .t?r.? ot "uilri s exhibit?^the 1 'W?r? t ? i<- tr. h leathern. <be rti b. quaint ? o t? a*nl Um ? .i ini naannor th Vfeiofc tt.rse woods bad . * -? en |re<?* r- tr?m ? oaatry ??rouuiry the r ?. joaeed, too Pre- '0< i i K-a.e-l w t . tho greatr? i rieyi it l.y the et-.??# ??? and ntten sets,I e pt ?*??. llm-n ii ? t? iik in <ti> ? wh#o n.e Ib t.atara and rof-r? -? a?e ?n t ?-1* ?em re ol the gtotes oaoaed a i. - a.. - tn. eee.., i nj tu? ir fVton?ia an ? rg the ox h.t i r . i ? ? 0* -?ee ike l"r-? lei.t ? ??nrie?? hnd mado it., r u i sd tne t. . i battomg ? order was -t, and ? i"- ?? i ? ? s(ra?g;iig tela ?un?e ran >a ooe a rootta% neoao to naotker, aad It one a ? g ;.??.* *-> ee? t ?i the trm ^**e o* the OonigM H-a'ctees were ?or ly tried ?*.*y ' "m l iheaMsWeee a i ? i gr? ?? of p?.i . n en aad iaai> u use ng anoat m the grnwd. ? smtty the Pieeid tiit'e s?r?*r of tn? ??? . us ? .n ssm t>r ..? r twee tang oorvnioay ? % ? mim; <? . ; , M , ni.4 d? f. #:, If 11. s i> Ht * neMi% i - * i w .|ii ?|nc wwt ? gerte ar. rtt et e. ;od 10 keej ag al~'Ot him- wot a a><. i wn?. I its ra; anef.ian harrying ., r. .? thof11 ? i i>t an .1/1 . i inn a., one who koee him ?ir 11:e?? .. in. I ??? t -nk tig ?ng fgei.ngbu) en . ?.a# a ny nnrrwnngiag vay<?neta ao ttl r?- .i > n muiMey ?a? ?r ?ae .? 4 ta %? ? ?her ptnre aad i>. -t? o> m th* eeresriooy. Tho ?rowd w*a ?t??t ?t< <>tai r a^ee at. t titer* a*a ? t ?i doal ? 1 po?' 'i g not? ? a*. n? Nm n .d then aa effort lo an p < r i?r w?- tna e, *? u . a m?4e mati. r? morse, iat it was a gwnd-naiarea ;wtt*at ? ? ?d. nad 1 cannot r*c*>rd a ntngie aagrr word er uprea gtog aa the port at oi.e uf tao tens of tfcoosamia who mr.el a.-oai tho frveeosiett. as taaoaat or raa nncnsuiMHfe ll.o Presiuetii ea> m.rdiyies tor noaao time ye temifacy on tho pirt tn* hmgavar 10 recggaixe etd trWatU, to al >:> nn t dist uss with ibeat ta.j {HfeUla of rarioasexhibits sad to inquiie lata t - u.e>i. i.of article* wb cb were new to tm. sad ??? nernl UaOiey, who b".<i the esoort la eommnad, wna a 1 rely in?..t at lltMta la keep the m in order and to provost tho crond ol loreiga lemmioai..n?rfl irom moving loo quickly. FjIibc to (iikt bim self perfectly un<lrr?t<*? I IB bis Fn krb w b ?b w4i ot a CoonitUit acarat, be i?IM apoa I tic Swrftiry ol ."-late to inform the |ntk?M that their pi < ? * '? not id pr*<-fl?,?co of the Eaii--rof b?t fn Ihe reir ilut fur iku Umi.iar, t(|tr li^wtit "? lli.' j'Art of Um Majriljr. the pr?? e???>D Bi|'l bar* made the tour In cnacIt Irx t R>r I t>"t ? m difficulty to Speaker* Kerr e:.<i Cot im pi) la of honor wh ch bad bc?q a?* ml to tbean -a tt>? rear ot the Cabinet, bat tbe whole ?as % ?xj natdr*4 and really detracted nothing from tbe eer> m- a ?* TUK rBOCBSStOB TO MAOWlBSBT BALL. A snort um- after the arr<val of the Fr*? 'eatial party on the exhibition gr- .n<l? tbe tr<> , ? u<?i ??re to form tbe grand recepti. n e.irpj b*gM to a* - mi-le t tbe promenade b< tw.-i-n the end of t > ia > b -a.. ' af and the great Machinery Hall A? the several r*g. tiicnti and detachment* marched up tbe avenues they were as?igned placet aloer 'be liae ef toe propose(1 procession Irom tbe main building, and every effort was made to secure ample room lor lb* iu?> - mcnt of the President and party, with tbe loi.g to uiua of invited guests, exhibitors aud Oot-uuial eTI< who wcro to Join In the opening exercise* at Ma> h i. -ry 11 all. Till APFKARAMCB or TUB lULITABT after their disagreeable tramp through the mud wa? anything but picturesque, but the rough imr n.i . > o orally nerved to distinguish tho well 4ti< >pllne4 r*n?" lari from tho hall traiuel mHit11, and aitbo igh the marines wero muddy tbey prewnted a very in -*u li cent appearanco as neldier*. The crew of Ibe n gross'' also looked well, but tomcahat out of lb. ir element, trudging through the semi-liquid mud that overlay every spot ou tho road where tbe water hud lodged. Jurk's wtitto cap wax set on hiB head with unusual jauutino.s, tirotmbly on account of tbe fact that ho was observed by thousands of ey-s wbc-e fair owners took a special Interest in ihe gallnut tare. Tho Now Jersey and Pennsylvania Militia looked woefully draggled anJ jadeJ, and were it not for tbe Inspiring strains ut tlie several bauds or the ilirring rattle of the drum", they would liavo failed la *oute instances to preserve tboir formation. The colorel troops marched uobiy, that is, they stamped onward tc inesound of the llfo and drum as II the roadway was tho bost in the world. Two linos of troops wcro formed, one extending along tbe end of the main building and the other from it toward Machinery Hall. Tho objoct of this ar- ; rangemeni was to excludo tho dense crowds of pcoplo wtio wero attracted by tho music toward this point i from all the avenucB over which tho Presidential pro- j cession was to puss, and this caused no little confusion and trouble. Tho crowds insisted on pushing their way ] notwithstanding the urgent and ofteu very forcildo . appeals of the military guardians of tho way ; to keep back, and this contributed not a little I to sour tho temper of tho great mass of pcoplo that . lined the avenues, and unQt them to givo other than tokens of silent respect for tho Illustrious personages that later ou moved by them. The day having turned out extremely warm, um brellas were generally called Into requisition, and these, of course, obstructed tbe view of the multltudo standing behind. Loud shouts of "Pull down that um brella I" were heard on every side, and a tumult at one timo nearly aroso bocause au obstinate Jcrseymaii stoutly rolu-ed to lower his gingham at tho Request ot those who could not gee through it. At the timo approached for the final act of the great ceremouy?the starting of the machinery?great ex pectations wcro manifested by a decidedly uneasy mul titude of vast proportions. Every point of vantago was taken, and even tho branches.of tho Centenniu] trees had ttioir loads of American youth, who kept up a continuous yelling of "Hero they cornel" This miulo tho tnrrostlal waiters angry, because they felt envious of tho elevated urchins, and did not relish tho insulting "sell" that was perpetrated at their expe?so every five minutes. Like tho cry of ??Wolf," too often repeated, tho crowd would not be lieve it when it was regularly announced that the Pres ident whs coiniug, and the body of invited guests who preceded him had already reached nearly half way be tween the buildings wheu the waiting throng oegau to realizo that somebody was coming at last. TUB IXBVITAHLK TKLI.OW DOO. Tho lrreprcseibe cur. and we might add tho Indispen sable canino, that turns up on every occabiui whan a space is specially desired made his appearancr exactly on time; for when the people began to grow very im patient the beast suddenly charged down tho avenue between the double line of soldiers and was received with loud cheer*. Hack he cam* again, answering tbe hooting and shoutiug of tho crowd with a series of ki-yi's, pitched in a dolorous key. Somehow ho escaped before the order ot "Attention" brought Bteadiuess to tho military liuo and was seen no mors. Precisely at a quarter past twelve P. M. tho loud couimuud of tho u 111 cor in charge of the military pro claimed that TUB TRBSIUBST WAS COXINO. I Then every one cndcavorod to elevate himself as much as imssiblo In order to see tho procession, and there I was much stretching of necks and standing on tip-toe which, however, toon fatiguod tho eager slght-soers Into b kind of sullen indilTorence. Tbe chuno of bells on Machinery Hall tower began to \ ring Joyous peals, and tho distant booming j of canuon announced that the great : Exhibition was open at last, after so many months of j labor on us gigantic frame. The airs sounded harshly on tho ear as they came from the badly toned chime of belts; but the occasion seemed to overwhelm any unfavorable criticism. Thus we had the "Star Spangled Banner," "Hall Columbia," "Yankee Doodle," "Rally Round tho Flag" and a number of otflor familiar tunes, wh:cn were received with loud applause. During ibis performauco tho procession of invited guests marched from building to building, pre ceding tho Pre- ident, an was proper, and making a 1 vory pleasant picture and fuliy illustrating the har mony of ail nations with the United Statos. As tbov pssM-d the croud Indulged in a general criticism Of eacli group, but without being in the least degree of fensive. It was a good natured, one tided piece of ? h.Hug, wh'.< h partly restored the good humor that b id been exhausted during the long wait for the pro MMMI. AJPKCTS OF TIIK CROWD. In thai am.ling columm of ladies and gentlemen mvtit b? noticed representatives of evory civilized ; c< utry on ibo globe. Distinguished statesmen, emi nent lawyers, great manulacturcra, civil and military ! odioam, both or our own country and ol European na- j t oaa. the welt known laces or Washington celebrities '? riu. hi bo seen with the swarthy visages of old Spain | a t the American Republics. On the column pressed t i ilia gr. nd euiranro of tbc Machinery Hall, tbo twiida pinym* a stirring march and Innumera lie h|i waving a welcome In tho breeze to t:.? stran.rera who came to Philadelphia to cr ebrate the birthday of the nation.. Tho a !.(?**? viTdm,ly impressive, furulsbmg, as It did, an <x*iu(>i* u( what American genius and industry hits ? r .{111 out of the wilderness in a little over ouo hun jea'-. Hut the most important characters wero ii,? ml to present themselves. An extra large wave of coni-i'iou, growiug out of a desire to sec tti i.;s. ??i plc*er tho densely packed mass ot people i ?t the Kilobit < o gate, aud in another moment the um.. ?r funu of tbr short and ?loin man, with tho ?trvr.? U. e and mod?*t bearing, whom the Ameri ca n (? | .e rococnue as their i'restdent, mule fc.s appearance es. orMng Her Imperial Majesty tho I.?!ii r ?>! Br.'til Ki'llowiijf the President camo l?. m p.-dro escort tag Mrs. Oram. The Presidential . i I . ? ai party were surrouuoed by the troops of t t t.....mI 1.1 au escort of honor, and the latter ? .. i \rr\ uuth iy tt. ir handsome but peculiar unl (>r t.? itir . ? ceral effect of the picture, Tho helmet iU? t t) 0 trd la -??niewbat similar to that wurn by t*e H-ii >B cava.r), but It IS modified to suit tho mod ern avi isry cwaiume, and is surmounted by ?u im , <'.... arranged to I r.n a conlmuotia 4i:.?ut overhangiug the (rout and tbo ? ? W t .re Mcastomed to see the rev. ?. i narr f . r* Washington pictured in tkeaa Lclineta, and ?bcn the President made his exit f m the bulling, as #e?cribod, it looked as if the a-, ts f the did at Trei.!< a, Valiey Forge and tho < it'f te>da?t a e.ntury ?% '. had c?me to aurrouud a in! protect Ins aa the representative eon of such a I r ?us ancestry The Preadont, aa u*ual, looked ?^rri< it at being gaea on i?j ? many thousand peirs of eyes, hat was relieved by being of necea a ty t t?;eii<-l to attend to h.s illustrious com | iU if., the Empress of Brai.l I1 m I'edro, on the tther hit i.?-i a smile and a bow lor every one who greeted h m, ami <saa entirety selt postrsae-< during the pruaae.iade to the Ma ninety Hall A marked leataro ol th? Pre>identi*l pro. e-e.'-n waa tbc a atosl total ttsi'tte ol iheer.n^ l?> the ?rwwo. indeed, had it not w. (<* tbe m?>K u4 lb. ??? lh? bright ?un ?b?iB? oo a trill.*lit aasembiafe, U?t pr*ee*SM?B might have b**? rmlet^kea lor a funeral. tbi art-it* m a*? aaoc? *At?;x*Rr ium. Ibr wu I rota tbe belfry ?f Machinery HaII was ex U, m-T b- *?'Al ** tt'e,ocl' ,U* u,orBin' Mr I r ( r (| w i4?ww*. tbe cktm professor at IM Moiro . i >1 ??^ ?* a?'i?i>gUM?. rang IB lb* C?H*BBiaL II ' baa a ch.?e ot thirteen belle, Ifcf largest weigBlng 4fr.| , uU'M Bad smallest 140. Ha , .? with tbe "Star Singled Ban r?r? iurm raai B,.'.atea ** M lh" t?;is at ?.<*. Bad f'Uo*?4 the naliou.l anlhoms ol i ?.f ?? imutl ?! tba earth. From about nine ? atm* Ue etae4y ...rehiuf bb4 massing or soldiery, ? ... . #r jt, t? in tba di*t?Bee sad directly at ba* I rr??iB4.-4 "B* af U.a trand nrfn ol war timo. Tb# .B.~B~ ?"??? ?? "??l ?* E*"' J. ai: t)j .bemads ? Bt la every direction tba iwnm<?? aurtouad ng scenery, magulflcent bu sga all I. Ul an enenantmeat to ttoo ibat >- !>*? description. Tba bUU ? a,.! boa-'' ; a .u;-.te tba eud .sure wero Ulled with III --.I ? >'( ' Bf u? 1*<H> a, who seemed deeply Inter- , .sled IB tbr ?.f.aMU el tb? aobl.cry and cituens. j Whia tba ?j"*nta* earaeeaia* were progressing the B. . u* ??*? '??" ??*4 Bf !??*' !??????? 10 lorln lwal,"M ?..r th. |.?r,K** .4 ne^piag tbe crowd back. Tbey atarka l tnu. .1 ba f paat . wvea sad waited, preserving aa pea ?*???? lr??a? tba toaia building lo Machinery 11 a - I Ttiare *?? a goo! <W*i of coBfuat 'o at lla tran tory i-?lar* aaMb.B*4 ? puoaa to ra ?a tru?ble by Bgbt>t4g lb* a, but tl e tuem^ra of Iba latter on gmrd coi.arrd tb?:n aa la-t aa tbay eoold reach tbcrn. It *a- ^ ?<lur^aet that >a tbe?i little cauteaU tbe ^.I4irr ?*? aiway. tw> brtter ?aB5 f?r. ootwith aiai.i! ng all tUe .M-.a.t.? of the ratractory people, , tb?> were ai au?? tatau a?. wubout .ujury to tbo.r boi.ea Tbe cr -d ?*? l"0 fe*t deep iwbmd tba auarii. and tba t>* t-o bour? m tba ?un was ooi , p.aa-ant atartcr At t *al*a o'clock tbera wm a signal, aa pre?i..?al* auder-to -d, to UBfirl tbe llaf. of \U. hiB t> Hallaud t>?a gorcrnmeut building. rucy m,| ,taw t? tba brveaa at .^.ca, abowing tbo en.igna of all natiooa It ?a. forfaaaf, t.?. ibM the" *?ore , . aillf breeaa, f.? og lull r,-ut to ?h? effort ; at display of buutiag. About ona o clock the Prt'Hidcnt aud party ?o?cd from the main buiUmc to Machinery Hall The crowd bad been kept . out ol tbe latter bull ting uutU alter the pro<c*?.0B . tiled ib. rb<r* were probably a taoueand i-ople ?ail- | lug around tbe CurUaa engine, to witueaa I uiony oftboKurting ot ai*aui by the PreatUeaW '>* , is tbe largest In tbe placo. It Is a manufacturing en gine of 1 100 b<>r?o power?an Imrataia ibing-capa ble of running up to i,WO horae ,K,wer and doing the work of the largest nianulacturing engine in ibo , world. The other ten engines n the place briBg the , steam capacity of tbe engines IB Machinery UaU up to , about S,000 borse power. \l a quarter past one the caralcade passed in. Prosi- [ Ucut Grant was slopped at ins Hntlato section and pre- | seined with a miignalcenily bound aud illustrated cata- | lo-ue and description of the articles on exhibition from Great Britain aud Ireland. Ob the fly tear was ib scribed :-' To General Ulysses S. Grant, President of the United States of America, with ibo compliment- of His Grace the Duke of Richmond and Uordou. K. fa , j Lord Hresideut of Her Majesty'. PrlTy Council. 3t , George's Hall, Fairmount 1'ark, 10th of May, 18,6. , The Prcsldeat banded it to a member ol the City TroJj>, who carried it slbng till It was flBallr delivered ; to some member of the President's party. ' THB rRBSlUSST ASD EMPKttOR STaAt TH? *MQU*. \ Tho ilrft t? mount tbo engine's platform was Governor j Llbbey of Rhode Island, with hts numerous stair. Then followed Governor Uedle, of New Jersey, and stall; Governor Hartranll. of PeiiMylvaBia. and staff and Governor Rico, or Massachusetts, and staff; Mayor Wlckham, ol New York; George W., of Philadelphia; Erajlus Brooks, Potlmattcr Fairmau, Congressman Charles M. Adams of New Vork and a number or other crtUens. Soon tbo President arrived, escortme Her Miyesty the Empress ol Brazil, iollowed by the Emperor Dom Pedro escort, lug Mrs. Grant. Then iollowed Genoral Hawlcv, ibo President of the Ceutennial Commission; Mr. Goihoru Director General; Mr. Welsh and other, of the Com mission. Then came Chief Justice Watte Secretary Fish, Mrs. Eish, tba Spanish Minister and wife. Tho crowd had grown oa large and dense as possible within tbo Immense bail, 1 +02 reot long and 3(W) leet wide, when the order .-Down in rrout," clcarcd the steps to the ol tho engine, aud revealed on tbe platlorm President Grant with bis hand on ono and ihe Brazilian Empc. i ror holding ibo oilier. Mr.Corlis. instructed them both how to manage tbe h-indles. Dom Pedro was told to start bis Orst. Th.s be did, and wailed M if a was a mere matter or form, with ao consequences. The President ihen turned his side and IB a second tho steam began to 'oozo and his* Then came tbo movement ol the awiul thing itself, an automatic and regular climbing up and down of many tons ol iron and stoel to accom ulish a mechanical purpose. By ibis timo tbo ladio. bad been seated (some very lew ladle.-, by the way? Bav a dozen-but the most rospocted in tho United States) ? and the President and Dora Pedro stood thero, ' hardly knowing what to do or aay. Tt>0 revolution. of the immense machmo caused a vibration of the immediate vlciniiy; and while the crowd cheered and became ?o outhusi asiic that handkerchiefs waved aud strong men ware moved to teaks or joy, although they bad stood two hours waiting. Bat jroar correspondent happened to stand alongside the very few that hardly dared look up to see what was going on. All was confidence except upon the engine stand, where the distinguished guests were, there waa a tremor among the ladios and tho President and Dorn )'0tro were even disturbed as to what was going on m the movements ot the mactnno that they had started. None of them were, however, carious enough to look ap where the noise was until a lady of the party, with the positive curiosity of her sex, boldly took a survey of the field, and then the whole party satisfied themselves that it waa only a big engine going through its usual revolutions. The crowd still cheer ing and making the ball resound with various exclama tions, was followed by the tinkling of a thousand bells and the clinking and thudding aud hammering of thirteen acres of vast machinery, that created an exuitcment only kept down iu the distinguished party by the pleasant faces of the multitude. Soon confidence was restored where thero was a disposition to bo frightened, and the halt and the big engine and the little engines, and all me clat tering of shuttles and p'urapings of frightfully strong machinery, wore soon forgotten in tho examination of the grand or beautiful things they produced. At twenty-five miuutes a.tor two the President, hav ing completed tho formal duties attcudani upon the oponing, entered his carriage near Machinery Hall and was driven to his apartments in the city. WOM>I.K WORK. Thore Is somothing wonderful about the completion of this machinery in tho tiuio, and the tact that it la so near teady now. For Instance;?Ono yoar and twenty six days ago the immense Corliss engine was iron ore at tlie bottom of some mine in Pennsylvania. Now It is perfect and in position, tested and found fully compe tent to perform Its task. Last ntght the Prussian sec tion was a mass of straw and boxes. This tnoruing, much to the surprise aud delight of the Prussians, Captain Albert, the very energetic and eth cioiit chief of the build:ug, hud uupucked tho stun, cleaned up tho ifvhris and placed the articles ready lor their owners to put them iu position. The Gorman and Krcnch goods have only arrived within ten days. The llusstan and Austrian Koods are yet to arrive. The Russians sent theirs by a steamer that broke her propeller on the way. Of the fuurto?n acres of space the machinery build ing covers, the exhibitors wo occupied iBirtoen Ai. the spare is allotted. Tl.ere are KIGIlT tlUlaUD VACIIISKH It POSITION. The American exhibitors oi machinery take up seventy live per cent of thcspi.-e allotted. Ureal Britain Is next in importance in tb;s line aud is ao much less im portant than the English expected that the British representatives here apologizo for their display of ma chinery and acknowledge that the Yankees can boat them on machinery. The Seth Thomas Clock Comiaoy have an immense clock there, with twenty-six electric dials. Two of these are 6 feet and twenty?four 3 feet in diam eter. The strong macbtno at the top an 1 front of the luMdtng runs tue whole of these dials by connection througti an electric wire, but the hands of the main dial iu tho trout are propelled by the machine iu?IC The pyramid of spetgel eisen and the immense sheets of Bessemer steel, in the British section, show slab* rate tasto and great perbctloa of art la mechanics. 1 ' The ahtp sections are led by John Roach, of New York and Cheater, whose vessels and compound engines are marvels of skill In the models. Beautiful models of ships also come from Englani. Mr. Roach says he has a contract to build a steamboat to ply on Long Inlaid Sound, that will cost a million dollars, and will be iho finest ever built. Mr. Hoe bos very recently filled his printing preas section. The New York Steam Safety Power Company is delsyed in filling up its place. Lock wood k Co., of Philadelphia, grind out envelopes ' by the thousand, by a mysterious and surprising patented method. The Belgian mining machinery is at once powerful and efficient. It works at boring in rook and sand like tho sinking of a twelve- ! foot artesisn well. Pire eng'.nos and almost everything you can think of aro theie in great profusion and seem- ' ing perfection. THB BXPRBSS l? TUB WOUKX'H PAVILIOX. Alter the Inspection of the main Exhibition building, J and shortly before two o'clock, Mrs. Gillespie, a do- ? acendant of Benjamin Pranklin, the President of the ! Women's Committee, sent a carriage to tbe main building to ? convey the Empress of Brazil to the Women's Pavilion, where Her Majesty was to set the machinery of that cdttice in motion. Her Majesty, however, Ignored tno car riage, and, with Dom Pedro ahd her suite, democrat- I ically walked tho distance. In their company, besides the Kmiteror's suite, were Professor Archer, of the British Commission; the wife ol the Brazilian Minister, Mr. Carvalho Borjes, Count Dacl, of Italy, and numbers of friends. An Immonso concourse of people immediately filed Into the building ' to witness tho ceremonies. Tho Empiess on her j arrival at the Pavilion proceeded to the President's j room, and, after a short rest, went at onco to tho Brazilian Department, which she Inspected with muoh Interest Tho department for the Cincinnati carved woodwork also much gratified her. Tee Empress was much pleased to discover, In the artistic carving which ornamented au organ, tho work of a lady friend of Her Majesty now in Sheffield, England. At the Machinery Department, where the ceremonies were to take placo. a gold cord ! and tassel were placod In the Empress' hands. j Sno touched them gracelully, tho engine started, and { the machinery was put in motion. Her Majosty then returnod with her party and Mrs. Gillespie to the ex ecutive room, and alter a short time In pleasant con versation departod. TUB BAXXER oy BROAD CASTXLK. During tho Interval that always procedcs the most momentous part of a great festival there is a lull, and tins lull is generally taken advantagoof by a vast crowd to create irreverent merriment. Not all the glories of Bunker Mill, the bloody memories of the footprints at Valley Forge, nor tbe fact that oue hundred years was Jun lapsing which had made tho nation, could keep the testal masses of people who were jamuiod between tho main Exposition Building and Machinery Hall from hav ing their rougn horse play. Long lines of gray coated i and shad-bellied Pennsylvania reserves and militia men were stretched ovor four or five acres of ground, ol gruss plots, tulip and hyacinth bods, and tho hot sun glinted ou their bayonet tops fiercely. The marines from Hie Congress, with their white leggings and fiat white Carlist caps, made a handsome show. Tbe troops were massed in the form of a "V" over these grounds, and, wnile all eyes looked at the slonder mast on top of the Exposition Building to see tne national standard unbundled as soon as Grant would come forth, thero was a wild cheer from the grassy knoll on which the writer stood. "What has happened? What's the matter? Are they coming? Is tbe Emperor with Grant?" were the eager exclamations of the sliort staturcd peoplo who stood behind their taller compatriots thickly wedged In front. "No, It Isn't no Emperor, uor no Grant," said a tall, blon !o featured man, wtio was spokesman for a small group on the Knoll. 'Then what the deuco is lt?"asked another. "Why, don't you seo it's a man foil from a tree," answered the blonde. Then there was a laugh and an other cbeer as the Spaniards in two files came in sight, their handsome uniforms and splendid physique creat ing tho most heartfelt enthusiasm. "By gravy I" said an old American officer, who wore the cocked hat of a general officer, "those fellows aro suj>erb! I don't caro if they are Spaniards. Just look at tho easy swing of their bodies, and every man of a size. They leel just as proud as a young girl that's go ing to bo m&rricd." And Spain might wclTbo proud of her men who filed by with their dark blue cloth uniforms and crimson trimmings; their peaked helmets resembling null kegs vertically cut asunder. They trod the asphalt causowsys with such an air as they might have dis played at San Qucntiu or under Pizarro. Many ladies on the ground wero warm in their praise of tho Span iard!, who are all young as well as handsome. It seems to b? tho rule that among all these thou sand* of peoplo who come 10 this Exhibition there ?liall always be present the inventor oi a hoe handle, a patent pill or a terribly explosive llrccrackor. These very assiduous, industrious and indeiattgubie gentle men would not shine in a social evening oa Murray Hill. Their clothing would forbid it, thetr manners would condemn them and their utterances would cer tainly make suspects oi them. But they have the dar ing of Darien, the wondrous and unfortunate colonist, and the cheek of Ch-.cot, the King's jester. "Do von know Knowlea' pump?" asked an old farmer-looking man of the writer, who bad asked of the latter flfty questions, and who In hit turn had aot answered one. "No, 1 never h?ard of the pump," was the answer. "Wall," replied the farmer-looking man, "I'm from Warren, Mass. You know where It 1st It's between Springfield and Wooster. Wall we a kind a hollow oa Knowlea' pump, and *spoae there'll be a million er mere a people from Europe at this yore big thing. Wall aow what are them emperors and kings going to do , when they see Knowlos' pump? 1 guess they are going to take it home, ain't tbcyf I'm going to live right on the ground and take a look at them emperors when they Just git a first sight o( that pump. Hut the biggest thing is Crystal's chitois. What, you nover saw a one on them chisels 1 Wait till Jltn 1'eedro sees one of them chisels. Why. good heavens, he'll have 'em everywhere in his Empire. 1 havo a son here, and I'm going to live with him. Might aa well save a dollar. Decauao, young man, If you don't save a dollar, bow you going to get your turnips in 1 When the old farmer beard the sound and the loud echoes of "Riego's Hymn" be did not aecm at alj affected, but simply asked what "all Uie darned clatter was abeouk " H1LL2TKD OX PBSLDBLrKU. Wayfarers going to Philadelphia, the city cf the Cen tennial, on ail the railroads will find agent* of the railroad companies who have associated themselves in this matter, and have hired all the vacant heusea in the widely distributed city to re at them to strangers, giving them board and lodging. Far supper, breakfast, bod? "go sway la the morning," as It is called?tney charge g'J 6o, an.I produce a ticket from a large bag which they carry with the uatuu oi tite family to whlcn the billet Is to ge aad the residence of tlie family. In some cases the families, wne oa the even ing of the uth of May re< oived billeta, were aatoaisfccd at being called upon late, as the trains were ovtr their time; but their unknown gu its wete received wi|h the greatest ol courtesy by the ladies ta the boose* wbe bad received miniatir* during the Moody aad daukey revival in Philadelphia. In other cases beds and Sep per* worn wantiug. yet the exeepuea does not pruve a rule, and is a novel idea and may w.>rk well, as the railroad companies tiave engaged Uie fcouaaa of many Philadelphia lamilies irotn May to September. The coupons which the traveller and aiaUt aeer presents at his or her uuknowa bust's boose are kept careiuilv, and are (relented to the railway companies as tbey may direct tbeia to be presented. Chestnut and Market streets were wild ou Tuesday night with guests wh? held tbcir evui^oas and wereaeeking the houses to luiu t tb?*>eeiv><a at the earlieet opportunity, but could not do it readily, as they were unable to make gu<>d the d ?t net.on to ibeir own minus between a New York - bUna" and a Phila delphia square. CAKt'ALTIKS or TUB Ml. It was not to be expected that the day pass ofT without accidents of greater or less extent. Ibe ex perience of all similar immense gatherings ?t h< m ?u beings is to the contrary. None ol a tenons character ' occurred, however, and, in (act, the occasion may be claimed as a remarkable exemption in Uua reaped During the t err tide crush about Iks platform, where a dons* mass or hsmaa beings were 1 tightly wedged la the ?j>acc between Memorial M?U aad ? main baDding, wide as It the distance separating tli?m, tbere *u at one lime an approach to a panic on account of the suffocation ana pressure. Nambers of women, ana er*i men, tainted and were carried out of ib< i rowd with difficulty. Others emerged alter a desper at' struggle, panting, pale and exhausted. Fortunately owcrer, no one was seriously injured, which, under tho circumstauces, seems little leas than providential. .101.0 u 1.? laintod were generally cared for by their riei.ds, but during the day other cases occurred In dtf eririt part* of the ground which were of a sufficiently e< rious character to call for their removal to the hos pital of the bi'rkac or kkdicixx. This Institution w admirable in purpose and prom is. h to be elective id ?xooatton. It la supported by the Centennial Commission, is established as a medical headquarters, and for the purpose of affording tempo- ! rary treatment (for which no lee is taken) to all visitors I and exhibitors who may meet with accident or bo taken sick on the grounds. Itlssiuated back of Machinery Hall, across tho ravine, and tnou,(b unpretentious ill sppearanco, is quite well provided for all ordinary emer gencies. It received vosierday its flrst patients Irom among tho public. None ol these, however', wore se rious cases. A buy tripped over tho absurd wlro fence, which is a regular trap to ttirow the unwary | just high enough to accomplish one's downfall, and of no earthly use as a barrier. This lad had bis arm badly fractured, a lady also fell a victim to the samo absurdity, noarthe same place, in front of Judges' Hall, snd was severely lacerated about the head and face. An employ* had his hand crushed while engaged In assisting in the starting or the ma chiuery. A gentleman was brought to the houso who had fainted from exhaustion snd seemed to bo seriously affected. Au exhibitor was also brought in suffering from laintness and exbauetlon, which led to a congestive chill. This Orst Instalment ol unfortunate were carod for by Dr. Ward, and none of them are In a dangerous condition. tux world's display or anr. Last night one might have supt-osed that the art col lections would be a place of qU,et and r.luge from tho crowds that would naturally throng the more showy collections ol the Mam Building snd Maenmery Hall Hut the expectations of th? lovers of srt were destined to disappointment At a quarter past twelve ?'dock the gun gave the signal that the formal exercises of in auguration were over. The Big wis unluried over the Main Building, a dozen steam whittles screeched in unison, bells chimed, men cheered, small boys whistled, and tho guards at tho dnots of the severs! buildings p.rce,vcd that their Cerberus' duty of keeping out visitors was at sn end. Hot. unfortunately for the Memorial Hall in parUcaUr, it had been made a sort of thorough (are for hall an hour previously by those who took tbolr own way or abridging the coremonics. So, when the signal for dls persiug was given, the great throng lollowed its leaders, and, instead of descending tho steps of the platform outside, pushed through Memorial Hall, raising a power of dust that threatened at one time even to obscure the pictures themselves But, dcsp.te this grave draw back, tho sight was on Impressivo ons. It was the flrst time that one had a fair opportunity of roalUing the magnitude aud variety ol this part of tho great Ex hibition. Tho entranco view is discouraging enough. At first a vestibule, bare of all contents save a wretched bust or Washington, an Indian statue, a crude of chandelier of gilt and crystal, the contrast of which with tho pure white of the plastering grates upon every astbetlc sense. Nor Is tho great rotunda much more attractive One can only admiro the softness of the light that pours down In a gonerous flood Irom the lolty glass roof and the delicate mouldings and caryatids around Its baso, and. regret that there Is so little hero to see. And even this little would bo better away An unmcauing and ungainly plaster cast of a bull from England, a bust of Edwin Forrest, a bronze staiueol Livingston, an equestrian statue of General somebody by somebody, half a dozen statuettes of no Importanco and a tall marble altar In the Italian stylo are all that the rotunda affords. It would be useless to linger hero for the present. Yet wo cannot fall to bo struck with tho ample dimensions and happy proportions of the rotunda. astimicx* PICTURES. Hastening to the galleries devoted to American art we begtn to realizo that we are indeed at home and need not bo ashamed of our surroundings. N0 kss than seven waits, each one hundred feet In length aro hung with American picture* And in simple Juitlce to tho contributors it must be said that no previous collection has containod more good paintings and Tewcr bad ones. The painful recollections of three years ago, at Vienna, where ws did worse than nothing, cease to haunt your correspondent like a night mare, and the patriotic spirit revives. Many good friends?some new, some old-look down from the wails. Our best artists are amply represented, al though, perhaps, the cream of our collection Is not to bo lound here, but rather In the Art Annex. Passing in rapid view wo recognize tho ??Gun Foundry " by Wler.; "The Old Stage Coach," by Eastman Johnson- I Moran's "Mountain of the Holy Cross"' f. w' Ward's "Village Post Office." Itoscnthals 'Elaine' will attract many a lover of Tennyson Mr. V. James exhibits a faithful scouo of Western life In his -Palace Smoking Car" with Its card players and voluble politicians, l'he laces are good, but tho color Ing Is crude. Glguoux has exhibited some of his well known effect* 8. R Gifford is represented by by numerous landscapes, ail up to his usual standard. And K. S. Giflord renews tho assurances ho has given of late of his steady and rapid improvemeuL Of Irving we detoct ??Cardinal Wolsey aud His Friends," a host In itself Bridgmanns "Basses Pyrdnlds" a genre, and "The Harem," are strong in coloriog. "The Duck's Breaklast," by W. H. Llppincott, is promising. J. M. Hart exhibits the "Sunny Memories of Berkshire;" F Hill's by tho "Voscmite Valley." Crane, Wnittrelge De Haas, Constant Meyer, Hubbard and Wordsworth Thompson are abundantly and happily represented. Winslow Homer exhibits a pioce tn his characteristic style of naturalism, full of itfo and power. Tbere aro also charming pieces from Kensott, Cropsey and Allston. The "Battle of Gettysburg," by Botherinel, Is as glaring ana unforiunalo as it well could be It is scarcely an attractive picture, under any circumstances. The colors are not sufficiently subdued and there Is a want of grouping around a central point. Tfte whole is a huge hand-to-hand fight, vivid but not in spiring. Vet our Southern brethren, although they may regret the presence ol such a picture, need not fool that it casts upon thorn any reproach.' Both sides aro fighting Ilk* heroos. aud which one will succeed is evidently to depend upoo tho luck of war rather than upon sectional superiority. In passing rapidly through these galleries ws have not paused to discriminate. We have merely Jotted down s few that happonod lo striko our eyo or appeal to our memory without attempting to draw comparison or call at ten lion to hundreds equally good. To do them all Justice ons must spend weeks of carciui study, and to-day is only tho opening day. TUB ART or BX$LAXt>. If A merle* bu uona well, England, It must bo con. leaded. bas done belter. No amount of lawful pa triotism will prevent u? irom yielding tbe palm grace fully to our Urii.ah co-sins. lo (net, one may already bayard tbe prediction that when tbe final award cornea to t>e made tbey will head tbe total bit. Not only is the collection largo, !iut la throughout unimpeachable, l'erlui * a mote rarelul revision may rsreal somo sl>?bt theweelves here and there, but to tbe rye of a latx.4 observer on bis brat ronud It sectnv in truth as It there ??< hot, iBanj the three or four hundreds, a ?ingle weak or unattractive one. The Kngliah havo improved dec.drd.y upon tbeir exhibition at Vienna by diM of careful weeding and a wider rango of situa tion to a eiH*uunter tn? brightest names in Kngliah art, feme .lead, but tb>' gruater number still alive. Tbe t>r ? u rt rtmmi ?ill make tins apparent. We Bote Rviere's "War Times,'' O'Neill's "Volunteer," S.r John ?t<n>eri * "lutue ui N ist-by," Anadell s '?The Ant uus M itber," a sepertMy peiuud merino ewe with her two uiuba; Peter Craltain's "The Cattle Tryst," faeu s "tied s Acre," CaJderuu's "flkeata," l^lgbton'a ??kmtmrrn ftliuger, ' Mrs. Jopling'a "Kivo Sutlers of York," friths "i'ameia Writing," Cope's "Mar ru.i of Orisetda," linlar's "Karly Days," two gems by 1 snilMiir, "Tbe Travelled Monkey" and the "??ck Monkey;'' Watts' "Portrait of I^andseer," l.etgbiun s "Interior of ? Jewish House," rich la color! Uox' s "tiudH.u's Lighthouse,'1 where the water Is as tr?n*lucent as nature itseli; Celln Hunter's "Trawlers Waiting for Darkness; ' two leinarkable pictures by Henry Meore, "A Storm Appreecfelag on the H okb Const at Honeet' and "A Winter Uale lu the Ctoaanei;" Brett's "Morning Ataoog tbe iioulders on tbe c ..tatHorsley's "C bee k mats in Next More," n wonderfnl interior, with light entering through n win dew la tfce background i Crews'* "taoMsasitfe'a Mourner*." "Riviire* Circe" and "Tbe Companion or UyBsea." The bast treasures of many of the leading galleries la Eugland bare been robbed lor awhile to ntoke up an array of talent that Is overpowering in ill* general effect and that ono might look for In vain elsewhere. Thore U one room in particular?a small side chamber to tin north?which might be called the chaini>er of the ilus trloua dead. Here every picture H eloquent of a by gone age. The portrait of Hannah More, by Oplc, i? loaned by the Duke of Manchester. Many American* will have their Oral and probably their oulv opportunity of seeing the originals of \Te*t'* "Death ofGeneraj Woll," and "Christ Blessing Little Children." Leslie's ? May Day Revel*." contrasting pleasingly with Tur ner's rather sombre "Dolbadden Castle," and Mul ready's "Village Buffoon. Tbe "Banquet Scene" and "Banquo's Ghost," by Macllse, Is j-oweriul in effort of light and shade. Frith's "Marriage of the Prlnoe of Waios" is remarkable lor its lidelity iu preserving the llkouosse* of the stately cortege without aacriflce of pictorial grouping, in short, In thli one room alone there is euougn to occupy the ?tude?tfor many a profi table hour. The English water colors are scarcely Inferior to the oils, But we have ouly time to cast a rapid glance at two or three of tbcm-Fadeno's "Story ol an Honest Wife" Jopling's "in the Conservatory" aud Sir John Gilbert's "Visit of Francis L to the Queen ot Navarre. The pleasure of visiting tho English collec tion is rendered complete by tho circumstance that each picture bears the title lu full and tbe ortufa name. BrAlS ASD NORWAY. By a strango freak of fortune the land of lc? and the laud of orange are brought to face one another poace fully In the same gallery. Tho contrast Is not so dis pleasing as it might sound. The Swedish pictures are warmer than this country suggests, tho Spanish lest highly wrought. Upon tho whole tho Spaniards, while they rcvoal the most conscientious manipulation with the brush, do not present a positively attractlv? array. For this result tuo subjects, ratnor than tho artists themselves, arc to blaiuo. Tho subjects are too serious and'heavy, and also a tritle overworn. They aro too suggestivo ot the cloister and tbe ascetic's cell In this respect they constrast most singularly with tho recent exhibition of Spanish water colors in New York, where warmth and abandon prc^pminated. In the presont collection we siugled out Gonzalos' "Sepulchre of the Catholic Kiugs at Granada" and .'Interior of ? Cathodal." "An Old Stone Bridge," by L>e liar* (A moat uo-Spanlah name, by tho way); l>ios caro-s "l??e of Columbus," Jover'u "Scene at tho Court," aome genres by Mellda aud Lucaa, and tne "Death of St. Francis ol Asslaal." Most of tb? Spanish pricoe arc exceptionally large. Among tho Swedish we note Figorliu'e "Bys Smoking," Skim borg's "Lover* Ramollog Through tho Woods," roughly dashed in, but full of light and atmosphere. The portrait of Count Rosen is extraordinary for thi naturalness with which tbe lur la represented. FRAUCB. Next to the English In point of merit are the French unquestionably. Their collection is not quite so large and not so careiully weeded. We seo here and thore a picture that ?carcely docs its neighbor* credit. Still the collection, a* a whole, is typical of French style, It not at its highest pitch ol perfection. The piece de re Htuinee is the portrait ot Mite. Croizctte on horseback, by Duran. Both rider and horse are all that the lover ol art can wish lor, natural, spirited and highly attractive. Equally powerful, but ics. attractive, i* "iUxpah Defending Her Cruoifled Children." by Becker. The expressions on tho laces are a least of horrors for the anatomist A companion niece Is the "Assassination of Ca*sar," by Clement. Maignon'a "Eastern Guarda at Place of Exocotton" ia spirited as also Protai'e ?'Soldiers Camping in tb. Woods." Karpignie's "Stndy of Trees" is lorcibie, aud there are good things by Leleux. "Tho School, by Coeuln, l* In the realistic stylo. The faces ol the pupil's true to tho life, expreaaiv* and vailed. We pass by the names ot A. Heuonville. 1'abet, JacomiD and Sehoncks. We coalesi to *>mo disappointment, not at what the French have done but at what they might liave done. It Is evident that they have not exartod themselves aa the English have. The namea represented and the pictures ex bib,tod are good. But where are the Couture, and Gerome*, tbe Melasonlers and Do La Roches, wbc made the exhibition of 1873 at Viennoao attractive* In Tlow ol tho array of Eaglish talent their ebeeuo ? pamiuily lelk 1 gbhxa'T. Not even tho most pitrtoaa aative of t)i* Fatherland can feel ?au*(led with hi* oountry'e display. As a whole it l? weak aud meagre, and the low attractive p,eCe? are easily selected. Van Starkonl.or#b'a "Bar vest Scena'* tully deserves the gold medal It has ob tained. BOder's "Girl with tho Bundle," " and lite-like. In Inlander's marine |? ece we welcome ? old inend of '7* V ottlteb'. "Singing Us,on" and Gelbel'a "Villa* Tavern Coucert" are in the happleet style of German genre, while Fohler's "Road Through the Hllle" la a true G* man landscape. As might be expected, |ho bottW pieces attract much attention. Knots of three aad tear, inspired more by xeal than by knowledge, gather U front of Braun's "Surrender at Sedan," a flashy and altogether orttatMS scene, no better Uimi Uotberuel's "Gettysburg." Fortunately M Braun. there is another painting of thi gn.nn Bttrrendcr, still more inartistic. And thee there Is the inevitable Crown Prince and stafl", and lb? equally tnevltoble Emperor on horaebecfc Still, tin number of patrlotie pieces is small in comparison with that at Vienna, and for this wo are thankful. Without excess of variety we can clam that Goituany is de cidedly surpassed by America iu breaulh el artistic conception and even lu coloring. Aiur wandering through so many room* and corridors, lined with thousands of art ,oo jeots, we have every reason for congratula tion' that the cflort of seeing them ha? bw mads so easy. The arrangements Tor light le#i nothing to be deaired. Even tbe world renowned gal lery ol Dresden does not aurpaas Memorial Hall in this respect The light, except tn tbe northern rooms, coans tn irom above, is not too uroog and is perfectly distributed. In no placo are the pictures hung beyond the roach of easy vision. Even the corridors, those crucial tests ol a gallery, ore scarcely Inferior to ihe rotunda or tbe main rooms. The labors of the Art Committee have thus been facilitated and tbe ariista huve no ground lor complaint, fcven the ptunalaking chairman of the English Committee, who has tried htl best to buug every ptature Just where it will display Itself to the full, may take comfort in the reflectiou thai circumstancce have Oome to ihe aid of bis high in tentions. And whoever considers the wealth of the English collection will admit that his task waa a most delicate one. We may add in conclusion that about one-third of the smaller rooms are not yet in readlneaa, TJ1JC XUT um. Out Memorial Hall, witb all its ample rooms, baa not sufficed lur l be display? f I tie world a ark Last wiuier it wua lound lUat the applications lor apaee were puu/ Ing in ao feet (bat another building of even larger Uimea^ious would be absolutely necessary. So, with* out hesitation, tbe preaent annex was reaolvcd upon, and almost aa promptly called into being. To one who has not. seen mis part of the grounds witbln tbe past two mouths tbe transformation is almost incredible. Nothing then waa visible but a pile of lumber and tbe skeleton frame worlc of a huge some thing, one scarcely could predict what Now we cross a narrow strip of ground to tbe north of Memorial Hall and enter an almost labyrinthine series of galleries, lighted?nke those In tbe elder building?from above and filled with an equally tempting array of treasures. Tbe ontaide lias been painted in imitation of granite, and a.thougb squat la comparison with the lofty rotunda is toleraM/ Ik keeping with the general surroundings. Once inside the visitor loses ail consciousness of Ikt (hot that he la within tbe walls of a merely temporary structure. The annex Is practically tut a continuation and a repetition ol tbe ball. The aaute names meet Bin eye, the same wealth ol form and color arrests bin attention. And, perhaps, the popular verdict will be that the annex, as a whole, Is sujwriof even to tbe hall. In certain departments It la so un questionably. Tbo lirat room tliat one enters Is tba moat meagre of ail. Some lew lialun marbles are un packed. but they aro not of tbo highest order, sad in general the floor is occupied wflh unopened boxes. The Italiau pictures, . both In tltis Mom and In tbe ono adjoining, am not equal to tbeaa la V tenna and do not give au adequate representation of j modern Italiau art. The coloring, aa migfid be ex pected, Is good, but tbe subjects are rather conven I tional Among tbe statitea tbe v|atlor at Visas* will | recognise many faatdlnr totam, attfe as "EfcansfcV