Newspaper Page Text
CABLE NEWS From All Parts of the Old World. RIFLEMEN AND ROWERS. Scotch and English Preparations for Contests in America. WINSLOW WAITING. Will England Assume the Respon sibility of His Release ? AUSTRIAN AID TO HERZEGOVINA. The French Ministry to Test Its Strength on the Amnesty Question. THE COLLEGE REGATTA. KB. mux BBE8* VISIT TO KXOLAND?CAM* BBIDOE AND OXFOBD WILL mot oars BEP BB8ENTATTVB CNIYERSITT CBEWS TO AXEB ICA?O ITERS OF OOtLIGB CIIEWS DECLINED? ATHLETES FBO* CAMBRIDGE AMD OXEOBD TO TAKE PAST IN THE BABATOOA GAMES. [SPECIAL DESPATCH TO THB HERALD BT CABLE. ] 1<ondon, May 10, 1870. Mr. Frank Keen, of Now fork, now here 1b behalf tf the American universities' oarsmen, reports that the outlook for any arrangement with either Cam bridge or Oxford, with a view of sending crews to the United States to meet American college repre sentatives, is for from encouraging. lie is greatly afraid that all negotiations will foil of the desired end. WHAT CAMBRIDGE 0FFKB8. Cambridge offers to send college crews, bnt not university or a representative crew. This Mr. Rees cannot accept and has so stated. WHT CAMBRIDGE DECLINES. One very controlling reason why Cambridge de clines Is. that Mr. C. D. Shafto will not crois the Atlantic to row, and Cambridge refuses to accept Penrose or Rhodes for the Important position of stroke In a university boat. OXFORD NOT ANXIOUS. Oxford still delays, and has not given Mr. Rees an answer. It is useless to expect that, when it Is made, it will be otherwise than one of respectful declination. There Is no hope that she will act other than Cambridge has done. ' TBINITT ACCEPTS. Mr. Rees has the nssuranco that, in response to his invitation, Trinity, of Dublin, will send a crew to Saratoga. MR. REES' EFFORTS. Every possible Inducement was held out by Mr. Bees to the committees from the universities. All that be Insisted was that the oarsmen, tf sent, should be representative university crews. They ?ould have everything else as thoy desired, and there would be no restrictions or drawbacks. MR. BEES' OFFEK8. As a proof of this Mr. Rees offered that the race should be "three miles or thirty; that It should be rowed ta still or running water, either in the sum mer or winter, and that its style might be either fours or forties," anything to suit their wishes. In foct, he relinquished every point but the one named, yet still was unsuccessful. CREWS FOB PHILADELPHIA. Cambridge will send two college crews to Phila delphia to take part ta the Centennial Regatta on the Schuylkill and Oxford will send one crew to the lame place. uxrvEBarrr athletes coin no. Mr. Rees baa the satisfaction to announce that rep resentative athletes from both Cambridge and Ox ford will take part in tho college athletic fixtures to be decided at Saratoga Immediately after the uni versity boat raee. CAMBRIDGE SPEAKS OrTICIALLT?THE TJNITBB am DBCUNKS THE XBY2TATX0B or THE AMEBIC AN COLLEGES. Losnoi, X*r 10, 1870. The President of th? Cambridge University Boat Club, Mr. W. U. Close, bu written to tbe New York Associated PreM agent hero as follows:? "I have officially declined tbe Invitation of the United Association of American Colleges 10 participate In tbe Centennial regatta, in consequence of inability to arrange a representative crow. 1 bope some collego lonr will go to Philadelphia." SCOTCH SHARPSHOOTERS. ntXPABATIONS FOB THE RBLECTIOB OF A BXFLE TEAM TOB AMERICA?THE VAT OF RAILIMO. Lonpon, May 10, 1S7& Tbe Scottish small bore marksmen bare rocently Eold a number of meetings at Edinburgh and Glasgow for tbe purpose of maturing arrangements for tbe ?election of a team to represent Scotland at the Amcri. tan Centennial Kifle Match. , TBK COUMAXa Colonel Mac Donald, of the Queen's Edinburgh Rifles, Volunteer Brigade, and Sheriff of Inveraesshire, baa ' keen elected captain of the team, and Colonel Wilaon, ! tf the Stirlingshire Rule Battalion, adjutaat. to Ciir IK AMBRICA. It has been dotermined that tbe team shall form a ' tamp at tbe Centennial match, and already $3,000 haa , keen privately subscribed to assist la defraying the e?. | penae* of the trip. tMoonxo von rucu About twenty <?i tbe crack shots of Scotland have ! signified their intention of parMcipatmg In ibo com petition for the selection of the team, and more are ex peeled when the shooting begins Two tats of trial matches will be shot, extending ever two days. ?The drat wilt take place simultaneously with the Elcho Shield trial en tbe 13th and 14th of Jane, at Cow , Glen range*, near Glasgow, and the second oa the 30th - and 27th of June at Capellte, In Reutrewsblra ati.Bs. Every competitor will fire fifteen rounds nt *00, 000 and l,(JOO yards ok eh, and the ten highest aggregate acorera in three out of tbe four daya' shooting will be ehoaen lo go to America, eight na tbe team proper, ; wltb two reserves. bat or raii.ixo. The team will leave Liverpool on a Cunsrd ilmmshlp July 10, tho Canard lino only charging single fare for j the round trip ENGLAND. WIS Slow WAITING EM BELEASE-THE CEOWB . MAT ASSUME ,THE EREPOKBlBIUrT?DOPE POE TBE FEKIAX8. I.OMtox, Kay 10, 19*0. The United Stales legation hits not been advised as IS course England will adopt when the applica tion for Wiasiow'a discbarge ia renewed, ills believed la ??alnt circlea that ae farther ep. j position to bis fie? will b? offered. The Amcrieaa represents!! ve here will protabljr My nothing, so that whatever action la taken, tho responsibility thereof wUl reft solely with Kntlaud. rax rmm The Horning Post says lli it 10< member* of Parlia ment tiATO already *11060 the momortaJ asking for the release of the Fenian'prisoner*. A heavy failure. Turner, Neil k Strong, corn an<l provision mer- | chant*, of Bristol, have su?peiMlod, with liabilities be- , twecn $400,000 and J6QO.OOU . FRANCE. CABINET consideration OT THR amnf.STT QCEHTION? THE P.tBLIAMKNTARY OPPOSITION. London, May 10, 187#. A special despatch from Paris to the J\M Mall (7amM? states that on tho reassembling <>? the Chamber* to-day M. Hicard, Minister ol the Interior, will de mand that the amnesty question be made aa order of the day for Monday. ax orroatTios coalition. It Is reported that the Orleanists and Bonapartists have formed a coalition to gtve tho M ini?try a check. PKK8S I. AW prosecution. Parih, May 10, 1878. Henri Rochefort's journal, Droitt de. I'Homme, lias been again prosecuted for publishing a letter from a person deprived of civil and political rights. This letter was In "ndvocncy of tho subscription lor sending workmen to the Philadelphia Exposition. THB CENTENNIAL delegation APTKOPRIATION. Versailles, May 10, 1870. In the Chamber of Deputies to-ilay H. Tirard read tho report ol the Budget Committed, recommending the grant of |20,000 for sondlng tho workmen's dele gations to the Philadelphia Exhibition. The consideration of tho report was fixed for Satur day next. ? msrARiro roa D*nAT*. The debate on the amnesty motions will begin next Honday. SPAIN. CASTELAB'fl ADVOCACY OF FREEDOM OF CON SCIENCE. ? , London, May 10, 187a A spcclal despatch to the Timet irom Madrid gays Seflor Castelar spoke yesterday In tho Congress In favor ot complete liberty ot conscience and urgc<l tho alteration and oxtension of article 11 of the now consti tution. GERMANY. Berlin, May 10,137a Const Andrassy baa arrived In this city. CONFERENCE OF EMINENT STATESMEN. Berlin, May 10, 1878. Count Andrassy, tho Austrian Premier, has arrived In this city. He bad a long conferonoo with Prince Bismarck this afternoon, Councillor Von Novokoff, the Russian Ambassador at Vienna, Is expected to arrivii here Immediately. RUSSIA. THE CZAR LEAVES FOB QKBMAKT?PRECAUTION AGAINST THB PLAQUE. St. Peterriu-ro, May 10, 18781 The Czar left here last night lor Berlin. QUARANTINE AOAINST TCRKKT. Turkish vessels arriving at Odossa will be quaran tined In consoquenco of tho prevalence of the plaguo at Bagdad. TURKEY. AUSTRIAN AID TO HEBZEOOVINAN BEFUOEBS. Ix>ndon, May 10, 1870. The DvSbf Newt Vienna despatch state* that Austria ha* recommenced giving aubsidics to llenegovinan refugees in Dslmatia. PERMITTED TO PETITION. The Porte declares that it will consider tho latest | demands of the insurgents If they directly ]ietition the Saltan. SALOKIOA RIOTERS ARRESTED. Constantinople, Mny 10, 1878. Fifty persons who took pert In tho riot at Saloniea save already been arrested. AUSTRO-HUNGARY. PARTI APPROVAL OF THE INTERSTATE COM PROMISE. Perth, May 10, 1878. At a conference of the liberal party here the action ol tho Hungarian Cabinet with regard to the Austro Hungarian compromise hsa oeen approved by a vote of 181 to 89. AFRICA. ENGLISH 4NXIETT concerning THE LIBETIAN OOTBBNMBNT?PEACE AT CAPE PALMAft. London, May 10, 18T& The Pout says advices from Liberia are most unsatis* fcetory and discouraging. The now sdmlnistration's financial statement Is looked rorwsrd to with great anxiety. It U stated that much of the proceeds of tho English loan has been wasted in England In lawsuits. Tna taps ralmas wax ended. President Payne, aided by the presence of a United States man of-war, has succeeded In concluding a peace with the Cape Palmas tribes, and returned to Monrovia. NEW TORPEDO BOAT. xjaHTxnro-UKB speed ix hewpobt harbor. Skwport, R. I, May 10, 1HT0. The new torpedo boat built at Bristol, R I., for the torpedo Million lioro, and to bo o-ed for carrying spar torpedoes a twain to torpedo experimenting by tho of. fleers of the station, arrived hero from Bristol tills afternoon Is forty-tiro minutes, lb* distance being twelve and Ovc-elghth miles. Captain Breeio, in com mand of the station, was more than pleated with ber workings In tbe harbor. Speed wss tbe main object desired In her construction, and her builder claims that she will make nineteen miles an hour. Lieutenant Commanding Converge, United fktie* Navy, bad the helm. Be states that her hvsl time, so lar, Is ihreo miles In sixteen minutes snd ten seconds, with an av erage 01 seventy pound* ol steam She is intended to carry ironi 140 10 14(1 pounds of steam, which rau ho done with an enforcement of tbe nrnfe surface and funnel. Alter this is done she will bo accepted by tho government llcr movements tn tiio harbor this af ternoon attracted no little attention, and a large crowd wot* OB the wharves to watch ber lightning-like speed. DEXTER BROTHERS. THE GREAT PAWTCCKET WOOMJCT MANl'F/.C TCRER8 COM PROM iSI NO WITH Til KIR Cft ED ITORS?MI 1.1,8 TO RKKCME WORE. PaoTtDKura, May 10, 187&. A meeting of creditors of Dexter Brothers, tbe great woollen manufacturer* of Pawlucket, who recently failed, has been held, and a three years' intension was granted to the Arm. They are, however, to [my a dlvl dend of fifty cents on tbe dollar, at six per cent Inter est from dale of note*, within me three years, to un secured creditors whose claims lye under $A<kj. who ?r.? to b? psM the first year. The property has been placed In tbe hands of trustees, who are to run tbe mills. Tho members of tbe firm are In be retained to suporintend tbe business at a salary. About 12ft creditors were rep. resented. The nulls will lie started sualn in a fow days, aod a large class of workmen who have oeen idlo since the failure will receive employment. .OHIO MINERS' STRIKE. OXX BIOTT? SHOT BY THE MILITIA VTBTlM ELUDIXO ARREST?ORE IT EXCITEMENT. Ct.svn.AXP, May 10, 1*70. A company of militia left Masslllon this morning at four o'clock snd went to Lawrence to make arrests ol persons indicted lor riot. No opposition was offered. Km lit arrests were made and the prisoners rant to Canton. One miner who refuse,! to stop when ordered to do so was shot through the I owcla nud has -inca died. Much excitement prevails among the itrlkcrJ^ and It i? stated that a inss* Meeting ol ihc n.icers of the entire Tiwarawa< Valley will lie held to dny .ir to morrow, when It Is expcctcd 1,000 or 1,900 wen will b? | proscnu THE ENGLISH TURF. FIRST DAT OF THE CHE8TEB MEBTtNO?THE CHE8TKB TBADE8 CCP WON BT TAB o' ?HAH TBB?CASUAI.TT O!f THE COHISK. London, May 10,1874. The Chester meeting, which bepan yesterday, pro vides four flays' racing under the Newmarket rules, and includes among its most notable events the Chester Trades Cup and the great Cheshire 1 Stakes. THB CHESTER CUT. The Chester Cup was decided to-day, and of the ?3 that accepted the weights out of the 101 subscribers, ; 18 came to the post. j BKKORK TflB RACK. Of these Mr. R. C. Vyncr's bay horse Organist and ; and Mr. H. D:iltiiE7.i'a brown colt John Day were ! equal favorites at the rate of C to 1. The winner, j | however, turned up in Mr. Johnstone's bay horao TAM O' 8UANTEK, apvinst whom the odds of 7 to 1 were laid at the start. i Mr. K. Ileneage'a chestnut horse Freeman, with | 0 to l against him, came in second, and Sir Georjto Chetwynd's gray colt The Grey I'almer, at 20 to l, 1 | third. The favorites Organist and and John Day were respectively eighth and twelfth. 0A5UAI.TY OK THR OOCR8B. During the racing a temporary stand erected tor the use of the spectators was bo overcrowded that It collapsed. Two persons wero killed and many seriously Injured. The wonnded were removed to an inllrmary. ' STUM MART. CittKTKn. Encland, May 10, 1R7B The Chester Trades Cup of soo so vs., in specie, half given by the trades of Chester and half by the grand stand pro prietors, added to a sweepstakes of 2S sovs. each, IS forfeit and s only to tlie fund tr declared out; for tliree-year-olds aud upward; the second to receive SO sovs. from the stakes and the winner to pay SO sovs. toward expenses of course; winning penalties; cup course, about two miles and a quarter; closed with 101 subscribers, of whom 30 pay s sovs. to the fttnd. Mr. Johnstone's b. h. Tam o'Sbanter, 5 years, by lllinkhoolie, out of Ml** Hawthorn, OS lb* 1 Mr. K. Honeago's ch. h. Freeman, ogod, by Kettle drum, oat of Haricot, 114 lbs. 2 Sir George Chetwynd's gr. e. The Grey Palmer, 4 years, by Tho I'almer, out of Elier, 80 lbs. 3 Mr. K. C. Vyner's b. h. Orgmlst, S years, by Cathe dral, out ot Gaily. 107 lbs 0 Mr. II. lialtazzi's br. e. John Day, 3 years, by John Davis, out of Breakwater. 88 lbs 0 TUB WIXXKR. Tam o' Shanter, bay horse, by Bllnkhooiie, out of Miss Hawthorn, wis bred by Mr. John Wauon In 1871. Ills running career commenced in his lour year-eld form, and ol nine events ho won two. These wero the Prince of Wales' Htakas. about ono mile, Kpsom spring ] meeting, when, with 103 lbs. up, ho beat seven others; I tho Liverpool Cup, one mile and a half, Liverpool July meeting, beating seven others. His defeats wero In tho City aud Suburban, Kpsom Spring, ono mile and a quarter, though In this bo finished third with OS lbs. (the same woight ho carried In the above race), with twonty others behind him; the Great Cheshire Stakes, one milo and a quarter, but ob tained a pl?c? with 97 lbs. on his back; the Liverpool Plato Handicap, ono mile, Liverpool July meeting, where be flnlsbod fourth with 113 lbs-up, tho winner being Mr. Gomm'i Fraulcin, S years, carrying 116 lbs.; tho Ayrshire Handicap, ono mile and three furlongs, Western meeting (Ayr), whero ho finished second with 114 lbs , Bertram carrying 120 lbs., being the winner; the Ayr Gold Cup, one mile and a quarter, same meet ing, but was again second; tho Newcastle Autumn Handicap, one milo and a quarter, In which he llnisliod tilth; the Great Shropshire Handicap, ono mile, Shrewsbury November moeting, being sevonth Id a Held of thirteen. WASHINGTON DRIVING PARK. Wamiixoto*, May 10,1874 The trotting meotlne of the Washington Driving An social ion, which was to have commenced yesterday at ISrightwood Park, but was postponed on account of tbe weather, has been further postponed, a sevcro thunder storm preventing the races this afternoon. It Is expected, however, that they will come off to-mor row. SALE OF TROTTING STOCK. DR. POOLEB, OP GOSHUf, DISPOSING OP HIS TBOPEBTT?ROME LABOE PBICES OBTAINED. Ooriisx, N. V., May 10, 187a The extensive sale of One trotting stock, consisting of trotters, brood ma roe, stallions, roadsters and youngsters of all ages, as announced by Dr. Ii. A. Pooler, proprietor ol tlio Goshen Driving Park Asso ciation Race Ground*, took place to-day. All of the idts wero sold exoept three, one of which became lame, and the other two wero disposed of at private sale, Nelly Warwick bringing $1,700. In all there wero thirty-eight bend sold and the total amonnt realised was $19,091. Dig Fellow, something of a won der lu horso Uesh, sold tor $5,400, Mr. A B. Post, Vice President o( the Goshen Park Assoeiallon, being tho purchaser. Joo Dunning, full brother to SL Jullen, sold rocontly lor $20,000, brought $4,800, Mr. Thomas Canary, ol New York, being the buyer. Lady Gold smith, by Voluntocr, and a perfect counterpart of Gold smith Maid, brought $1,475, being sold to Mr. J. & Shaw, or New York. Generally the prices received were small. It was especially so with the youngsters. Among tho lots disposed of were tho following:? Lady Goldsmith, brown mare, foaled 1S48, oy Volun teer, dam by t'oostcrnatlon, 15>* hands high; J. a. Bbnw, New York, $1,475. illg Fellow, brown gehling, foaled 1803, by Kdward Everett, dam by Harry Clay, IT# bands high; A B. Post, $A,400. Joo Dunning, brown gelding, .foaled 1870, l>y Volun teer, dam by dayro's Harry Clay, lull brother to St. Julii'ii, lit* baada high; Tboroa* Canary, New York, $j,H00. Abdslbrlno, stallion, mahogany bay, black points, , foaled in 1871, and brrd by Mr. U. A. Alexander, Men- j tiirkv, by Wood lord Mambrino, dam Prinraee. hy Alexander Abilallah; James Calway, New York, $7.'>0. Cock Kobin. brown gelding, fooled in 1VW by McDon ald14 Kthan Allen, a Vermont Black Hawk mare, , 15^ bands h;gh; W. McMann, New York, $260. ileanty. ehcetnut mure, foaled 1871, by Squire Tal macc, Mam by llenry Clay. U>', hands high; Prank K. Fuilerton. Philadelphia, $00t>. Young Sampson, bay gelding, all blaca points, 10 hands, foaled 1871, by Sampson, <lnm a thoroughbred mare; John J. Vuu Diner. Newbnrg, $310. Carrie, bay mare, foaled 13IW. bred by Aldon Gold smith. by Hilly Denton, dam an Engineer mare, 15>? I bands high; 1^ Goodwin, New York, $315. Lady Poet, .bay mare, foaled 1871, by Bsckman's | Duroc, dam hf American Star, lfts, haixi* high; t*. E. i Map**, county clerk ol Orangecouoty, $40?. Kmma, t>ay mare, loal> (I lsOK, by Young Consterna tion, dam by Hill's Black Hawk; T. Daicy, New York, $:mhi. The balance wero brood mares, yearlings, road teams and two-year-olds. WISCONSIN CROOKED WHISKEY. OENEBAfc BED RICK TO FACILITATE THE DE FENCE. Milwackcs, May 10, 1878. In the conspiracy ease to day 8am Rindskopt testi fied that he always understood the money to he sub scribed was to pay Prottymas, tho lawyer, ol Pekln, j 111., (or defending the w-ntskey cases, aod General Hrdrick, Prettyman's brother-in-law, was to givo facilities for getting all the papers necessary for that pnrposo. SUPPLIES AT SABLE ISLAND. BAMfAx, N. 8., May 10, 1878. The government steamers have not succeeded In communicating with Sable Island lor Ove months. The irport roafo by the Captain of an American ship that the 'iipnlies at the Island are short causes some uneasiness. The oBcials here. however, say that large : tippllea aie always kept on band and discredit the ? Captain's statement. A TOBACCO FliiE. Luc is tills, May 10, 1876L I A Ore this afternoon destroyed the great tobacco preparing houso of Joseph Clark. The flames envel ope-1 ibo tobacco wllh wonderful rapidity, spreading IftftMyfe <he entire establishment in a tew seconds, oausing a dense and stilling smose, which waa sulfa rati'i^ >n the extreme and operated agatest tho efforts ollbe fremen. of whom a number were in.lnre<i Tho loss a $45,000, principally oa stock; insuraace $M,m , "MOLLY MAGUIBER." INTFJtNAI. WOIlKIXr.H OF THK "ANCIENT OHPKIl OF IIl!trIINI\kh" as devkloffd ik tue toot IfCllDKR TRIAL?HAIRBREADTH E8CAPE8 OF A DKTSCTTVBi Ppttstiiu, Pa., Mar 10, 1ST8L Although tbo legislature mads the loth ot Mar a legal holiday, the court of this county decided to re main iu session to-dny on account of tbe great impor tance of tbe Molly Muguire trial now on. Tbe court room wot crowdod as usual on account of a supposod attempt on tbo life of Detective McParlan last evening by tbree men wbo wero observed shadowing bltn, and were put to Might by the police, and'on account of the known presence In tbe town of a large num ber of Molly Muguires. -Some eighty of tbe coal and iron police were ou duly in tbe court room, scat tered anioug tbe audience. They were all Inducted to wear their pistols on the lett able, so that they oould be quickly drawn. All the doors were guarded by the police, no tbst In case auy desperate man should fire a shot there would be no possibility of bis escape, and that an attempt at rescue of tho prlfouors, which some persous have feared, would bo mere murines*. Dofctlvc McParlan occupied tbe witness stand At tbo opening or the Court. A detqxirato attempt was inado by counsel for tbe defence to place him In the light of un open imormer, and to maUo It appear that be instigated murders and assisted in tbejr execution. He baa made such an apparent and deep impres-ion on the Jury that to discrodit him Is of the most vital imporlnuco to the prisoners. The uttompt was made to make him convict himself of Ikmuj; concerned In the burning of breakers und coal cars during the strike of last year, autl with complicity in several of the Moily Maguiro murder*; but be met every question with such clear explanation ot his motives, and with proofs el his constant communication with his eblel at Phlladel , phi*, auditlio chief of the coal and iron police, as to 1 render the attempt A DKAD FAU.rH*. | Ilo finally left tile stand, having made an tneffsceahle I Impression on tbo Jury, and no doubt having twisted ; tbe ropos lor the neck< of nioro than one ol'the de fendants. The general opinion is that ho has done a | magnificent work, and there is not tne slightest doutit | that b? is to-day tbe most tnlked ol and most popular , man in .Schuylkill county. Among tho criminal classes | be is bstcd with a haired that cannot lid described. I Ashe is the Commonwealth'* mam witness against s | dozen or more ot tho chiof men of the Mollies he is carefully watched, and never moves abroad without a body guard. Before leavtnc tbo stand McParlan narrated how be CA HIII1CD Ills urn IN HIS HANDS last February. The misfortunes i lint had come upon tho society of tho Mollies in the arrost of some ol its prominent inembors '.vben contracted with tho previous Impunity with which crimes had broucommitied. mudo them think, and. in spite ol McPurl.nT'H precautions, ho was suspected of being a detective. He was warned to beware ol Jack Kchoe, ol Olrardrillo, the county dele gate of the society, who was stirring up the members against him. Conceding tint a bold front was tho best policy, McParlan went to Kchoe and demanded tbat u county conrontion be called so that lie could get a trial Tho convention was called to meet in Shenandoah, and McPnrlan attended. He found somo of the roughest members or tbe Order prosont, but no preparations lor tho convention. Tho men looked black at him and acted so strangely that ho took advice of a friend and left secretly. He still asserted his innocence, and went again to Oirardvllle. Kehoe, in surprise at his return, assured him that an arrange ment had been made I to lcrnnKn tux at Shenaifdoah, and be afterwards found out that only I by sleeping from Ins boarding bcuso had he saved his I Itio, as his room was visited by three strange men. It ! afterwards came out tbat Kehoo had ordered his I death, lost lie should eventually hang half ! the Order. McParlan want to see Father I O'Connor, tho Catholic priest at Mahanoy Piano, ; and hud a conversation with blm. The priost | attacked the Mollies, and McParlan defended tbem, : speaking In a loud tone of voice because ho susp?ctod [ a spy was listening, and so It passed. Had he fallen In : with tho sentiments of tne priest, it was arranged to shoot htm between tho priest's bouse and a certain sa loon. His shrewd suspicion sated iris urtc. As soon as ho got out or that scrape be left tbo county. A number of tho neighbors of Polxeman Tost, tho murdered man, testified an to tbo circumstances of tho murder, and, as far as tlioy went, corroborated the de tectivo. To-morrow it ts expected that .Fames Kerri gan, known now as "the squealer," will bo put on tho stand. From him tho Commonwealth expect furihor exposure of tho inner workings of Molly Maguiroism. MICHIGAN REPUBLICANS. 8TATE CONVENTION?CHOICE OF DELEGATES TO THE NATIONAL CONVENTION-? "ECONOMY, HON ESTY and runrrt" demanded foh tiik . PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE. Darnorr, May 10, 1870. Tlio Repnbllcan Stato Convention assembled at Grand Rnplds, to-day, and consisted or hctweon 400 and 500 members. Tho Tollowln^ delegates at largo to the National Republican Convention were choscn;? Ilcnry P. Baldwin, William A. Howard, Delos L. Ttlor and Jonathan J. Woodman. Alternate/;?Ebonezor J. Pennlman, John P. lloyt, J. Raxtor and Charles E. Holland. The following aro tho names of the district donates to the National Convention:? First District?W. Y. Thompson and Herman Kiefer. Second District?Rlee A. Iiral and Charles Itynd. Third District?W. H. Willington and K. 8. 1-acoy. Fourth District?N. A. Hamilton and Goorge Han nahs. Filth District?A. B. Watson and B. D. Prltrhnrd. Sixth District?William I? Smith snd George Ingham. Seventh District?J. C. Watterbury and & J. Totnlln son. Eighth District?Theodoro F. Shephard and A. H. Hoyl Ninth District?W. H. C. Mitchell and K. Dreotting. Tho following resolution was adopted:? We. the republican* of Michigan, In Convention mem bled lh this centennial jre?r of the nation'* life, reiterate our Drm and abiding faith In thn orinciple* of the repub lican party, ?? enunciated in former national platform*, while we point with prHo to ihs n?rty's glorlon* record of grand achievements In hebslt or freedom, equal rlciita and good government. and exult in the reflection that from thn day of the party's organisation within the herder* of thi* Stale to the present time, the people of Mi higan have ?mealed their steadfast tealty to the party'* true view* and purposes in an nnhroken line of republican victories: w? recognise the fact that no past achievement* or declaration of principle*, however Just and patriotic, will deserve or can alonn secure success without candiuste* ol known ability. Integrity, stability and character. Therefore, Resolved. That the delegate* thi* day chosen to represent as In toe forthcoming National Convention be requested to act in the Convention with harmony and as mnrh unity ainoag themselves as possible : that they extend all proper courtesy to other delegations and trost with deference the opinionsef those representing States less reliably republican than oar own, bat under no possible circumstance yield anything of republican principle. While we are willing to wnive personal preferences, our delegates must never con sent to commit republican principle* to any staadard bearer or donbtfol position or who does not in his own character afford aasnraoeee of practical economy, honeety and purity in ail Batters of administration. CONNECTICUT DEMOCRATS. NOMINATION OP HON. WILLIAM H. RARNUM FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR?A LIVELY CAUCUS. Hart roan, May 10, 1S70. The hotels of this town are crowdcd to-night with politicians (mm all parts of thn State, In view of the contorts In the Legislature for United States Senator, ; Congressman William II. Darnom sad Senator James K. English, the two contestants, arc also hero. Con siderable warmth Is exhibited by Ibe partisans of both aspirants. On tho sldo ol Mr. English it is claimed thst a positive pledge was given by Mr. Raruura at the last clciion that ho would not bo a candidate for United States Senator, bnt the letter gentleman denies tho allegation, and Insists that he never occupied such a position. in explanation of this demand somo of English's Iriends now go so fsr as to say tbat the somersault was taken by the wily Congressman Immediately alter the result ol the April election was snnounceiL Ihe , democrats carried the State by a hamlsohie majority, j and socurcd Id Sens tors oat of 21 and 10:! Representa tives out ol 240. A caucus of the democrsts wsa held In the .State Capitol to-uighl, at winch tiiero was ? full attendance. Mr. John C. Smith, of Sharon, was se lected us chairman. It was very properly agreed at tho caucus that no discussion ss to the character of the candidates should he permitted. Shortly alter eight o'clock an informs! ballot was taken with the following result:?Whole numbor of votes cast, 171; William H. liar num. 95; James K. English, 7S; Charles R. Ingersoll, <1; necessary to a cho'oe. 99. This vote evidently settled the question hot a small torpedo was hero blown of! by a representative front New Haven, who moved that a rote be taken on the , caadlitato ri'r<t we, after which be promised to suggest the nomination of Mr. Ilarntim by acclamation. Tho snggc?Hi<n earned con siderable debate. Speaker Wsiler, an English adv.x-aie, threatening to resign hi* seat and bolt tho { caoens with his colleagues unless the motion was ? carried. Tho Uarnnm men yie;sed tho poiat after a | hr.itrd discussion on both stdee, when the vote was i taken, as requested by English's friend. Hod not this | course been followed danger existed st one time of tho 1 esuens brisking up tn a row. The result of the aocond ' vote wss:?Whole number cast. 176; William H. liar nutn, 100; James E. English. 7ft. Mr. Itsrnum'* nomination wsa then rnide nnanlmott*, after which the caucus adjourned The election Is to takc.placo by tho Legialatare on Tuesday host. DELEGATES TO ST. LOUIS. Lowell, Mass., May 10,1S70. Tho Seventh Coagroostonsl District Democratic Con vention, to appoint delegates to Iho National Con von- , tton, adopted ooanlmously resolutions favoring Gover- 1 nor Tilden, of New York, and olect?<l I'atrioit Murphy, ' of Liwronco, slid A. A. Roggert, or Lowell, delegates Hosros, May 10. I17A At tha Sixth Ooogroaolooal Distriot Democratic Con vention, at Halem to-day, Charles A. Ropes, of Salem, and J. H Carleton, of Haverhill, wore elected dotogalea to ilia Nottooal Convention, CUBA. BPAIN TO COVED THE COLONIAL BUDGET deficit. RAriSi, May 10, 1870. Tho Vot d< Cu'xt says a respectable houn hern has received a telegram from Spain stating that lba< oountry will cover the delVIt in the budget of Cuba. rRK'B or SOLD. Spanish (old, lj. KrtMKIl TROOM n*n*i>. A (trainer arrived here to-day from Santsnder with 873 troop*. . ? linirALL. Heavy rain* have prevailed bore to-day. BRAZIL MARKET. PBICE8 OF OOPFEE AMD BATE OF EXCnAMOS. II to Jaxbiro, Tuesday. May 0, 1R78. Coffee snimsted; largo sale* for the Culled Stale*; goo<t firsts 6,800 a 5,9'n> reis per ten kilos. Exchange on London, 25H. Santos, Tuesday, Mnjr 9,1878. Coffee market quiet; prices maintained; superior Santa* 5,700 a 5,850 rem per ten kilos. I METHODIST GENERAL CONFERENCE. j APPOINTMENT OP COMMITTEES?FBATEUNAL OKEETINU8?DKMOUAJ.1Z1KU OFFICIAL TAT BONAOE fEACE POLICT FOR THE INTUANN. Bai.TiMORk, Ml, May 10. 187(1. Tho General Conference wa* called to order thl* morning by Bishop Andrews. Bishop Harris announced tho following committees:? On the communication presented Irom the British Wesleyan Conference--John M. Walden, of Cincinnati; Ilobert M. Ilnifleld, of Philadelphia; Georgo W. Kisli, of Detroit; J. L. Walker, of St. Louis; G. T. Cbu*e, of New Hampshire; A Hartinan, of ilaltlmoro; F. Shulcr, ol Southern Germany. On tl e Commemonillon Services, to be held May 21? J. I. Smart, of Detroit; W. C. Depauw, of Indiana; B. B. Hamlin, of Central I'onnsylvania; T. R. Carscaddon, of Baltltnorn. J. McKonzle, of Nebraska, offered a rosolntlen de. plorlug the nb-ence ol so many members from their seats during the opening religious services of the daily session which was adopted. C. E. IlPUdrtrkFou, of New Jersey, offered a resolu- ! lion requiring the agents of the Book Concern to lay before tho Aunual and General conferences ft detailed statement of tho receipt* and disbursements of each i year. Referred to tbo Committee on tho Book Concern. Bishop Jones preset!led a greeting from the General | Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church expressing the hope that soon all will bo one In tho I Church. Rolerred to tho Cuuimittee on Fraternal Cor- : respondcnco. Mr. L. Scuddcr, of New York East, m#red Uie ap. 1 pointment of a committee of five to Inquire into iho ; proceedings of tbo trustees of the John street church 1 New York, during tbo past four years, and to report the names of ulne persons lo uet as trustees of that church, which was adopted. J. M. Buckley, of Now York East, offered tho fol lowing:? WhereiiH the Conlorencn bus nested and rrsdn ally increased sn oMrtal pstronxue. until it now irlves a salaried office to mora than one in tee of it< clerical mem ber*; *nd wherean thero are ollen MVorai candidates lor I every office, ?o thai ambition for office and.thi) emolument* introduces bargutnlnir, romhinalion. rontraets ami promison, beside* being prejudicial to the exerclae of impartial Judic tnenl I<n the various ijurilinn* submitted tu the tieueral Conference; therefore, Ketolrrri, That the Committee on the Slate of the Church be iUKtrii.'ted to eonaitler the tendency and effect vf the stnte ol lliini;* above Uouribed: and. ?ec n<l. to cuuaider whether ?uch official patronage cannot be diminished. Dr. Currv, of Now York, said be had boen three tltnus elected lo ofllco and bad never made a promise, nor a* far as ho know did his friends promise for htm. Afier considerable debate on tUe subject the resolu tion wns, on motion ot \V. I'. Stowe, ol Wisconsin, in deilnitely |M>stponed. J. S. Bingham, of Northeru New York, offered a reso lution referring tho consolidation ol two or more con ferences or the division ol coulorenoes during the next quadreunium to the docislon ol the presiding Bishop ol tbls general conference. V. C. llolliday, ol Southeast Indiana, offered a sub- , stttute, leaving the subject In tho bauds of tho Com- ' tnltleo on Boundaries, provided it shall not affect tho , color line. Tho substitute was adopted. A motion by Dr. Curry, ol New York East, that the : final adjournment of this Conlerence tako placo ou or before tlic2Clli lust, was laid on the table. A. C. MiMuck, ol Wiluunglon, presented the report ol the fraternal delegates to the General Conlerenco of Alrican Methodist Episcopal /.ion Church, which was ordered to be priniod. J. I*. Newinan, ol Baltimore, presented a resolution to send fraternal greetings to tbo Executive Committee of the Woman's Foreign Society, now In sessiou In Washington, which was adopted. Bishop Jane* presented the greeting from the frater nal delegates of tho Meibodiat Church, which whs read. It gives a succinct history of tho Church iu America, Its pro/ross and division*, and expresses tho hope of an ultimate anion of all the Methodists in this country. Kcv. Dr. Alexander Clark, internal delegate Irom Iho Methodist Church, was then presented by Bishop Janes, and adilrcssrd the Conlerenco. Ilo rejoiced hi the wonderful succe-s ol tho Mothodlst Episcopal Church and lavorcd tbo absorption ol alienating and distnrhln;; element*, lie said colored line* should be lost In tbe sunshine of blessed brotherhood. The grand old word "MethodIsm" names all, and Is a worthy appellation. Methodism has but one heart. We are all brothers, and oar household laith is a divine structure. At the conclusion ol the address Bishop J sues Inform ally introduced Itev. D. uarlsnd and Kev. Dr. Duncan, Irntcrnul delegates Irotu the Methodist Episcopal Church Son lb, and llev. Or*, a Sutherland and Button, : Iraternol delegates from the Methodist Protestant 1 Church. W. Bloc, of New England, from the committee ap pointed lo Investigate tbo omission in tho Journal ol the Goncral Conference of 1872, presented the report of the committee. Tbo report states that tbo journal contains tho cortiflud ropy of tho proceedings and tho appendix. The committee tailed to Und any omissions la iho Journal of Ibn Conference, but there was an oinlssiou In the appendix. Tbo report of Mr. Gunu, who examined tbo accuants of the New York Book Concorn, wns omitted so fir a* its tabular statements wero concerned, and that report was copied Irom ilia Chriitian Advocate (or insertion In thejournsl. Tho committee attach no blame lo tbo secretaries in the matter. I>r. Lanahan said ho was satisfied after a conference with tho secretaries that that they wore not to blutno for the omission, and be would vote lor the sdoption ol the report, Tho report was adopted and ordered printed in the Christian Aii*?catf. Judge Oooley, of I'pper Iowa, presented a report Irom the srecial committee to whom was referred the resolutions of J. II. Wilbur, of East Oregon and Wash ington Territory, opposing the transier of the ladlau service to tho War Department. Tbe committee in dorso the peace policy at present tn force with regard to the treatment of the Indians and express tho hopo that Congress will take no step looking lo a change of that policy which has been so benelkcisl In its effect, but pray that no future action on the subject be had by this body. The report was adopted and tbe Conlerence adjoarned until to-morrow. METHODIST BOOK CONCERN IN THE WEST. CntcnrnATi, May 10, 1H7& In regard to Dr. Lanaban'a oxbibtt of affblra of tbe Methodist Book Concurn in Uia Weat, an<t 10 hia cbargo of ineolvency of tbe concern before tha Conference at Baltimore, Dr. Bight, editor of the Wttirrn Christian Advocate, auawora that the charge la not trne and tba exhibit Is unfair; that tno large building* vomer of Fourth and noma street* and Klgluh and Main streets In this city, worth $340,000, wero not included In tbe ss*et?; that the Wi siern concern waa not established to make monev uu<l declare dividend*, but us a mission ary eflort to publish nod circulate ponodicnls that were noi seif-sustalnlng. The $160,000 worth of check* that Dr. Lauahan displayed a* having been stolen. Dr. flight assort* were every one of them cancelled and of no valno whatever. WESTERN CONG11KOATIONALIST8. Cntraoo, Kay 10, 1970. Tba triennial Convention of Congregational)*!* of the Northwest met bere thia morning. Alter the transac tion of ordinary basin***, tbe following officers were electedPresident, Rev. Iliehsrd Kdwards. of Illinois; Vico Presidents, Kov. Oeorgo T. l*add. of Wisconsin, and Hev. K. M. William', of Minnesota; Seeroiary, Itev. Janm Tompkins; Socond Secretary, Kev. W. If. llusb, of Michigan. NEW YOKE MIDLAND RAILROAD. Middi ktows, X. T., May 10, Win. }. T, Markle has resigned as general Superintendent of tbe New York and Oswego Midland road, and tba office bas been abolished. C. W. I,ampper baa been re tained Hi Superintendent of tbe Northern division, from Norwich to Oswego T. I*. I'nrdy, late of the MoulcUIV road, hnn been appointed Superintendent from Norwich to kiddle town. Uuth are under Qeneral Manager Utevens. RELIGIOUS INSANITY. Fob* J mi vis, *. T.,' May 10, Wtt A. Csrion, of Walton, Delaware county, while under tUe tnOueuce of religions ex> it>meut ea Saturday even, ing, laid bis bare arm on a work bench and with an ate commenced at tba shoulder and cm his arm, by re peated and terrible blown, into section a, throe-fonrtba ol aa lack apart, breaking tbe bone at each b.ow and completely savertig tba arm at tbe elbow, lie li under proper Medical treataaat MM May OWttv* canal surra mmnrcART'a points in tbx m ottos worn 4 woM-eurr. Ai.ha.vt, S. Y., May 10,1 IT& In tbo canal cult to-day Judge Weal brook elated h# bad If arced thai ao decision bad been made at tb? | General Terra In the caao of the people against Stephana * Gale. 8u;tge*Uon? were than discussed la* formally to dlapoae of the case in sach ? way that it would not oome back from the General Term for r? trial, and the propriety of submitting the two prlneft* pal qacations of fact, aa to the oonaptraey and dam a* gee, and of the court directing ? special verdict on ttw finding* ol tho remaining facta; but ao decision wafl arrired at. Mr. Renger, of counsel for the defence, then proa eroded lo argue the motion for a non-suit, making tb# following points:? >Vr?l?That there was no evtdenoe In tho ease tM ai:nlnst all or auy of tbe defendants up<>n which a vcr? diet may br rendered for damagea in tbe eaae. Sfctnui?That the fraud alleged In the oomplaint?* namely, tbe combination to induce the State to entef into a contract with William C. .Stephens la entirely un? ; proved, and the reverse Is affirmatively established by the evidence oneriti In behalf of the State, j TMinl?That ttie pluintill*. In ??ntering Into the con* tract which is thn subject of this action and tho cause of the damage, were not deceived, but entered into the j ei-uiract wiiii the full Knowledge at the time of Its exo? cutinn ol all tbe facto and circumstances, aa liaa bee a ; proved and adduced in ibis trial. JYmriA- That the plaintiffs. after the discovery at the alleged fraud, havo not only required theconlmued performance of the contract in i|iie?>Kiu by tbe de fendant, but repeatedly ratified and conllrmed tho same, not only by the atlirmativo act ot their ofUcere and agoato duly autboriBed to do it in their beiiaif, but by successive acts or legislation i Fifth?That moneys voluntarily |vald npon a con ! tract or a claim oi any character, with the knowledgw , ol tlio tacts wb ch invalidate tbo comraol or the claitu, cannot lor an; reasou be recovered buck by tbo party I paying such money. Sixth?That on tho acceptance of work and lalmr and j the acceptance of materials agreed to lie furnished, | without objection Mid p.iytnrat therefor, wblcb isdono ] and performed and delivered under an exHHlng eoa | tract, no action lies ou behalf ol mo party receiving ' the work and labor or tbe materials u hu h have ix-ca furnished on ae.ount of any detect iu tlio work or de fect in the material, or in reference to tbo performance ol tho work and labor or ihe delivery of the material* in tho |ietformanco ofsueh executory contract. S'rmih?That no action "npon tlr> case," aa it was formerly called, as well as no action upon the contract lor avoiilablo damages, will lie; that la, such damages j air accrue from tbo breach of a contract or Irom a ; wrongful act of the party w Inch can.tie avoided on tho : part of the party receiving such damage* cannot be ro ! covered or be a siib|ec,t ol ik tmn. {?Uyht*?That the former judgment In tlio case be tween the people of tbe Stale oi .sew York, plaint If, and William C. Stephen* et hi., defendant*, Is mi adjud ication in ibis court upon the que stions arising in tine case, and ix a bar to uny subsequent action on the part of the plaintiff* against Una delendant or others con nected with him iu interest. Minth?That tbe Judgment roll produced on that oc casion sliows nil aiOudicHliou of tbe Supreme Colin at tlie general term, aa well aa the Judgment Of tlio Court of Appeals, that the cause of action described In that complaint baa been settled by tbe people, and that having taken a remission >d' Ihe costs to w Inch ihe do fondants were entitled, tliey have rocclved satisfaction for tho wrong complained of in this action, and having received it irom one of tho joint part'es no action will He against tho other parties conncctcd with tboiu la tbe commission ot the wrong. ATTEMPTED MURDER. Mii.wrd, Pa., May 10, IS70, Some unknown person attcmptod to murder i.ouit Shadier while be was passing through a piece of wooda on his way home on Tuesday. Several bullets passod near his bead, but he escaped. A valuable dog accom panying him was shot dea l. ASSAULT ]>Y INSANE PATIENTS. Avocsta, Mo., May 10, 1870. Three Inssno patients In tho limine Hospital ns. faulted tho keeper yesterday, dangortnisljr woundin| tilm, and thou escaped. Ouc was p ipmrod to-day. THE GEKMAN .ONGUE. A meeting of the Association lor tlio Preservation o| the German Language as u It inch of Instruction In th? public schools w is lield at tho Tarn Hnll last night, when n report wax received which anted that organ ix.v lions have been lorined to agltnto thin question In nearly nil the most Important elites ol the State, and also in other State* ol the Union. The agitation In 10 take a dotlnlU) idinpo, so as to be brought up at the Tall election)). Tho organisation In this city If composed ol about llltyslx societies, and several organizations wcrs added to the list at the meeting lattt ni>:t>l. HOTEL. ABIUVALS. Congressman Rrfebtns Wella, of Mlaaonrl, arrived last evening at tho As tor Hnu?e. John Kin;, Jr., Vim President ol the lialtituoro and Ohio Railroad Company, Is at the Hoffmnn Honse. General Thomas W. Sherman, United Stales Army, Is registered at tho Fifth Avenue IIotcL Itev. Kdward Kcnncy, of Havana, Cuba, li staying at tno Grand Hotel T. It. Illarkstone, President of the Chicago and Alton Kailroad Company is at the Windsor Hotel. Captains Thomas n. Hand bury, A. U Morton and P. Collins, of West Point, are quartered at the St. James Hotel. C. B. Wright, President of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, has arrived at tho Brcvoort House. Judg? Georgo F. Comatock, of Syracuse, Is at the FlfUt Avoj nuo Hotel. Daniel Needham, National Hank Examiner, Is at the Astor Housa Captain N. Kouschnkewnlsch, of the Ku?aian Army, Is staying at the Hoffman Housa IF THERE 18 NO RAMI IN GILEAD FOR CO* nmgtlves there It Hai.s's IIokkv or IIokkiiodxd akd Ta* Plan's Toothachk tutors cure in one rnlnnta. A. ?BENNETT BUILDING. * KIKKPROOF. located ox Nassau, ann and fulton HANDSOMELY AND WELL IIKATKD OKKICE.4 TO LET OV VKRV TERMS, SUITABLE for LA WYEItfl, HANKKRS AND INSURANCE OFFICES, APPLY ON TilK PREMISES. A.?BUCKINGHAM HOTKL^ , Silt ?(. and AOtk it, oppotlto Ilia Cathedral, New York. This entirely new and elegantly furnished boast Is now open for ibe reception of (nests. slther permanent '>r tran sient. Iti location it untnrpatted. beinic on hiirh i^rotuui, with splendid outlook, near Grand Central depot sod Mtr rounded by manjr of tlie (Incut churches and beat tchools.) Each t>edrooiu I* complete witli every requirement, and the ventilation haa been very carefully coimidcred. The hatha and other hotel appurtenances are kept apart aaj each one ventilated separately into the main ventllatlnf shaft, thereby aroldlns tne escape of noxlona sewer get Into any of the apartments. GALE. Fl'Ltifclt A CO., Proprtetora. A REVOLtmOlTTN TREATING" RUPTURE? The effective StlkRIastie Trass ; Add only by Elastic Trust Company, tW3 Broadway. Worn eaay; soou permanently cores rnpture. A ?WIGS, TOl'PKES?0. KAlJcilFCSH, PR \CTI. ea! Wlgmaker and Importer of llaman llalr. 44 hast I2tl a*. A-SKIN DISEASES A SPECIALTY?ECZEMA, rlnc worm, sycosis, acne, blackhead* (tlosh worms), plmpl] and other erapttona. nnnalnral redness, untimely wrlnklsa tnuth pstehns, freckles, moles, warts ana wns cared b) Dr. B. C. PERRY. Dermatoloviat. 4? Hond at.. New York. CRISTADORO'S HAIB DYE IS THE FAVORITi dye In America; reliable, natural, beantlful; wbol? tMe and retail. KSJohit^si ^ _ DYKING AND CLEaNING-NEW YORK DYEINQ AND PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, HTATEN ISLAND. Ortlcee?(IH I hi a lie at.. 752 Broadway. SIOAth a*.. New York; l<? and IHS Plerr"p<mt at., Brooklyn; 4<> North (Hk at, Philadelphia. Estal>li?hcd ,'i7^ears. DR. FITI.KR'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY WILL en re yomr rbenmatltm and aearalKia. For sale at 31 John ?t. GOI.DEN HAIR.?BARKER'S AURORA CHANGES any balr lo^plden. Depot. BAHKKB'S llaiuaa Hair and Wic. psrlor^Btt West *.'l*th st. S CUK KEEP'S CUSTOM Ml I UTS, MADE TO MEASURE, the rrrrbeat; ala for $l>. i71 Broadway and 921 Arch st., Philadelphia. SODA W A T ER~A Pl'AR A TVS ~FOR~M A KINO ALL Aerated Beverages. JOHN MATTHEWS, 1st av. and .NHh St., city. THE TRITE STORY ISDR. MARSH'S TREATMENT It the unlj care To) Kntilure Office, No. 3 Yetey it., Astee Hoase, opporite Ht. Panl'a t'bnreb. THE AMERICAN FlXx7BLK~LI FE SAVING RaFT will be on eshibitton at ouek, loot of at.. North Rlvtr. New York, antll 20 b of May, |H7ll, Adtnlsaicn Free. 500,000 PAGES SHEET MUSItJ, aT.ITTI.K SOILED, for two con'* per pace HORACE WATERS A SONS, 481 Broadway. gkVr pdRLICAflOXt. 73 i'M'li E L?"M a Ok' oH ?iof),(< W oitLD "J-TSKtitsj JTV Mineral Spria* Water supersedes all other treatmrnf la the hitherto Incurable disea***; prlr* one-half only pamphlets, 100 pages, free; ofllcet separate for ladles. jS Broadway. Dr IIEATM (1HEAPKST BOOK STOKE IN nih W'ultl.D??;hN J tennial catalogue Iree. I.EUtiAT BROTHKI'S, No. I It ekinsn st. I^Ol'R CAPITAL NOVELS. pablithe<l this morafn*. In a oew and attractive ttyle ot ttlff paper covt^t Price, 75 centa each. LOYAL UNTO DBATIL HEART HUNGRY. A CHARMIXI WIDOW. SHE LOYED HIM MADLY. e Four capital aovela for tamaier readiaf. O. W CAIILRTON \ CO.. Publishers, Madison sgnare. New York. ATM HR JOS LI N*S NEW WoklCwffll P" STRUT 1 ol tbeawthnr, mailed prepaid to a?r address on rtwiH et $1. II. A. gOoDSPXKU A CO. M M 1 Matey ? lev Xerk.