Newspaper Page Text
i THE NEW Y OKK HKKALU. WHOLE NO. 14,512. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. blRECTOBY FOB AUVEKTISKKS. AMUSEMENTS?9th Paok-.'hU Tad 6th coll. ASTROLOGY?12TH PACK?"itu Col. BILLIARDS?12th Hack-5th col. BOARDERS WANTED?2D l'ACK-3d and 4th cols. HUAUK AND LODUlNO WANTED?2p Pack?4th coL BllOOKl.VN KKAL ESTATE FOR 8ALt-iD PACK-lst BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Orn Pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?7tii I'au*-6Ui cul. CITY KKAL ES rATE FOR HALE-2d pACK-l?t eoL CLl RKS AND SALESMEN?12th Pack?4th col. CLOTHING?12th Pack?5th cul. COACHMEN AND GAROKNERS?12th Pack?4th ui 5th coll. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?1st Paok-6U? col. COl'AUl NI.KSI1 IPS?tiTII Pask. COUNTRY BOARD?2d Pa<:k-4iIi and 5th cola. DANCINt; ACADEMIES-*? l*AC?-4th eol. DENTISTRY?12th I'ACK-Oth cut DRV GOODS?1st Pack?3th oil. DUELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND LNFl RNISHRD?Jo Pack-2d col. KL'ROI'EAN STEAMSHIPS?1st pACK-Sth and 6th colt. EXCHANGE?12TH Pack- Oth col. EXCURSIONS?*? Paub?4th coL FINANCIAL?Htu I'aix FOR SALE ? 12th PacK-Oth col. rUilMHllED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET-2P Pack ? 2d and U.I cola. FURNITUBE-12TH Pack?Oth col. FRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS?12ra PAGK-5th eol. HELP WANTED?FEMALES?12tu PAUt-2d and 3d roll. ? HELP WANTED?IIALEH ?12tii Paoh-SHi cel. HOUSES. CARRIAGES, AC.?1st Pack?ad, 3d, 4th and 5th cols. HOTELS?3d Paok?4th col. HOUSES. ROOMS. AC , WANTED?2d Paok?94 coL INSTRUCTION?tfra Paok?nth col. LOST AND POUND?1st Pack?Ut coU MACHINERY?12th PACK-Oth col. MARBLE MANTELS-12TH I'ACK-Oth col MEDICAL?l^TH Pace?5th col. MILLINERY A ND DKKSSM A KINO - Iht PACK-5?h col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS? 10th Pack-6Ui col. MUSICAL?Otii Paok?6th col. SEW PUBLICATIONS?7th Paok?Oth col. PERSONAL?1st Pack?lit col. PIANOFORTES, OKOANS. AC.??TU Tack-Oth col. POST OFFICE NOTICES?t>TH Pack?4th coL ' PUOPOSALS-I.Th Paok?6th Ml. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?'.'D PAaK-l?t col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d Pack?1st and 2d colt. REAL ESTATE WANTED?2d Pack-2d cut REWARDS? I it Pack?1st cul. KALES AT AUCTION?2d I'AUK?5th and Oth coll. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?Utu Pack, and 12th Pack?Ut and 2d col*. SITUATIONS WAN I ED?MALES?12th Pack?3d and 4th colt. SPECIAL NOTICES?1st 1'ACK-lst and 2d col?. KPORTl.NO?DOGS, BIRDS. AC.?Ut PA0K-2d col. STOKAOE?!*tn Pack?Ith col. SUMMER RE SORTS?2d Pack-5th col. THE TRADES?12TII Pack?Mil col. TIIK TtJllF?I*T Pack-2d eol. To LET FOR BUSINESS PL'RPOSES?2d Pack 2d col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?ler PAtiK-Oth col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pack-ltd col. WANTED TO PURCHASE?12th PA?iK-6thcoL WATCHES. JEWELRY, AC.?1-iil Pack?Oth col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FUR SALE OB TO LET-Jd PAUK-litcol. v fACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.?10th Paok-OiU col. PKRSON AA.. * Mf 1)6~rio?(vafe 'brunswio'iC ??TL heuro*.? Jo serais charme da vous revoir. Ou etlea vt.tisr Adreasex ALCAZAR, Herald office. ("""1HABLEK?YOUR 3MOTHER 1S~1LL. COME IMME J dtately and nil will bo rittlit. CI ALL?MB. FERDINAND HOFMaNN, BORN AT J Miihren, district of I'ollti, Bealrkshauptmanuschalt of Brunnuu, Bohemia, by trade a locksmith, is hereby called upon to jrlve notice of hla present whereabout*; when last heard from. In 1S0!>, he worked in the kou manufactory at Lilian. Russia. All persona wso can utve any lulormatlon eoncernlui; the said r. Ilnfinann are requested to cnmtnunl cut.'the aauie to the BEZ1RKSIIAUPTMANN.-CHAFT at Braunnu, Bohemia. Expense* will be thankfully repaid. IADY IN BLACK.?"SMILES TURN TO PEARLS."? J Lett Sixth arenuo car at 48th at., at 5 P. M.. May 15; irentleniau In corner, to whom you l>owed, would like to meet you. Stale circumstance. Addreaa PRECEDENT, llerald Uptown Branch office. rflO THE OWNERS OF PACIFIC MAIL STOCK.-DO JL not fail to transfer your stock and hold your proxies. You will know why and be triad of this advioe before next Saturday Might BENEFACTOR. fpllIRD A\'ENtrE~CAR~LAKT SATURDAY EVBNINQ, jL nbont 7,lj o'clock (the car beinif full).?Middle-atred kuii t Km nil entered from front platlorm and left same way at asth at.: young liidv that at' od and rested against car door and for whom he tried to obtain the seat that became vacant will please Kraut Interview. Address II. WARD, box 170 Herald Uptown Branch office. ILL CHARLES MkRRITT OR MERRILL COM mnnicale through Personals with Hunter'a Point, of k?o weeks hvo? Mention some incident so there may be no mistake. ILL YOUNO LADY WHO RECOGNISED (JEN tieinuu lu Taylor'a raloou, on Sunday evunini;, addreaa R. Herald Uptown Branch office. liOgT~Al?D irmAn. "f ()ST?ON SAfCfKDAY SIGHT. A uT)LD cTlXFS JLJ Bracelet, in ifoitiK from 4">th ?t. tit Wallack'a Theatre and return. Finder will be suitably rewarded by returning It to J. S. P., 112 East 4oth *t. T' OST-8ATURDAY EVENfNO~ IN WALLACE'S J Theatre or neur It on Broadway or 14th at., a blue enamelled Locket, cuntaluin^ two pictures. The tindtr will be auitably rewarded by returning it to 133 East 15th at. IOST? r~MLACK t:RAPE~ VKILTa>i YARDS LONG, J Oil 20th St.. between 5th and Oth u>s Any one return Iuk the same will be lewardod, at 123 5ih ar. Lost?\~vall rTver line ticket to boston". The honest flndcr thereof Is requested to leuvo the ?sine at Geiseuhelmer A Oo.'a, 22 Libe. ty at., and receive a mltable reward. J OSTEON FRIDAY. MAY 12, A SILK UMBRULLA* J eoony silcic. with silver ban>t and letter R. Any one returning It to SERGEANT A CULLING WORTH, aS2 2d Kv? will be liberally rewarded. LOST?ON~~SATLRL>AY AFTERNOON, MAY 13, A lady's KOld Watch, with link Chain and Breastpin. llnder will be liberally rewarded by returning them to 107 Waverley place or t!5i? Broadwar. W. NIMMO. _ UEUAUUh. '\ SUITABLE REWARD WILL BE PAID FOB THE A return ul the Letter which disappeared to-day with ? ?o it irom the store 7M Mercer at. N > questions asked. <gj?> REWARD?FOR TIIK RETURN OF A GRAY ijti) Scotch Terrier, with long eara and tall. Strayed from Mi 7th ar. 4t) RBWARD.?LJUT. ON SATURDAY. OTH OF MAY, > a half black and tan. small, brown Doe. with uncut tnra and enrly tail; "Bruny." Return to 22 East 46th it., between depot and Madison av. REWARD-FOB RETURN OF LARGE BL.VK Jli) shairuy l>"if, strayed from 533East 120th si. Saturday iveiling; has wide braas collar. kj BKWA RD ?IJi TbtT 8ATU R1>AY EVEN IN G. A GOLD f>0 and aauthyst Sleevo Bntton, with linen Cuff. By re lurnlnK to Hil> 2d av, the above reward will be paid. SPECIAL. NOTICE!*. V ? isa'aco. novo :?7 kkoaUwav, la'WVbr. i'I, Divorces obtained promptly, without publicity : doer, inn. incompatibility, h?bltiiiil drunkenness, Infidelity, In. inman treatment, conviction of felony. Paaanort* obtained. Aunt polly'sh i ni?oo_iTkBi?? are a certain cure for tits. Principal depot 460 Canal it.. New York, rice $ 1 per bottie. ANDREW HINOK A SON. LACER BEER BREWERS. :?)th it., nth and t?tb mi., New York. ATTENTION!?TWENTY-P1VE YEARS' FHUSMAN hospital experience; diaeaaea of men and diseases of the akin a specialty; cousultation iree :3private office I til Bleeckerst. Dr. JACOBY. ATTENTION.?TArBWORM PERMANENTLY" EK AD XV Icsto.l insictn 24 hour* or no charge. C. HliKNNKK SCHEIDT, 1'1 Bleccker M. ALLEN' A CO, 7U NAaMAU ST.. NEW YORK ?\VY /V online ia>tt;ry draw. .May 2D: capital prise. $">0,nt)U; JEftW.UJOdistributed; ticket*.91; six tor ; prises caslied; circulars uiallea free. ?KillST PRIZE, 8108,1)00 oolE ? Mam draw in g at t lie Ducal Brnnawlek Government Lottery, froui May 10 to June i . Irt7ti. 6t),5UO tickets. 28,000 prizes. Royal llaviina Lottery. Next drawluu May 22, 187ft. Foil explanatory circulars free. ? THEODORE zscuocn, Box 5,304 Post oBfP. 1 ll> Nassau It, New York. A" ?p a r k ?Tem?rkon~a co. " a Kentucky State lotteries, drawn dally. Roy* I Havana Lottery, drawn every 17 day*. Kentucky Siimie Number Lottery, drawn May 27. 1870k Prises cashed, information tarnished and clrcutai a tree. lttlt Broadway. Post office Ikix ">.-72. New Yorx. IShNTCCKY STATE LOTTERIES OP J. a SMITH ? A Co. U KKPTCCKY?kXTKt CLAM 4'i I, f OK 1H7C. ?9, 21. OJ. 47, ... 50, 3J. XI. *1. 1, i7. Oil. XXVtl'CXT?CL*>* 4iW. ron 187H. 43. ?). 5. ;?4. 01. 4J. 5ft. AM. 47. :u. 27, ?. All orders address B. NATHAN, box 4,870 Post office. Row York. _ pAUTIOX-rilK PtUUC ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED \J atcainst purchasing or ueKOtiatliii; any paper purporting to be made by our llrtn. as we have never issued a note or acceptance, and any sttc'i i.auer purporting to be so iuued is Irfcndnlent. COYKKNDALL BUntv A CO., Minneapolis, Minn. K. UOl'I.AKD, LATE PRoKr HS0R IIN~PARIS. 41 West X>tli st ?Nervous debility, Ac., speedily eradt mted. Advice tree. DIY0hC}f^0R"lXCW_Ml AfImi7lTY, DESERTION. Ac., In any State; residence unnecessary. Pay when wcured. HELD A Co., 71 A?ior House. New York, or Cin linn at I. DR. II. J JORDAN. SOLE PROPRIETOR OP THE New York Museum of Ai.atumy, has removed his real deuce and office to No. ?> Washington place, three doors west of Broadway. DR. FRANCIS GOULARD, LATE PROKRlMOR IIN Paris, iectoraa aemi-wrekly. Private offices (??r recep tion of patients. 41 West :t.'?th ?t. Nervous debility an I tils of men and woven speedily eradicated. Consultation D,rt.V;*?.Es or MK1 A >PECiaLTY. HENRY A. DANIELS. \t. I?. 144 Lexington at., ?ear '-".uli at. ottice hour* trum m to Havana lottery ? nexV drawiSTi "op ?uioo tickets. May 'J-J; amount of pruea, *G?>,0Ut; highest prise. For particular' address ? ? ? b. Martinez a CO.. I" Wall at.. 1m.* 4,4182 Post offiie, Jiew York. K? i llltONH .AlAltKM. OKaVs Ks> . ? M PROVED ? aietboJ; instantaneous relief: pcrinfinent cures. Dr OTOOUAMD, No. h Wei 14th st. 'ft EN'TUCKY HTATtf L< I T I4EICIEs. ? I >|{.i WM DAILY. JV Kentucky sluirle nuiniMir. i,ra?U <ll>tili>,ui<m. on the Havaiia plan ti' !>e <lra*n May 27: 50,i<m tickets: 2&.42U |tr ?e? wlMWe ti.k !?. Vl": bntves, i|ii irt r. 82 Silt eii(!it?. #1 . >. i.oyal Havana Lottery, to l?t drawn May *.8. *lM e tirhui*. PJtl; tenth, and twent.cilia In prona tion. lliir.1 |a>uIUanaOidd DisMlbntion t<? c drawn July M WM" ti' k.-tv f <1. Iialvr ? 8"J ?: (|0arter?. Jl'.' .Vl; twentieth* f2 ??". K"f laformiMitm., Ac , aikhvas or aniilt to J ACK'ON x CO . ita?,i rv. Hroa'pi ay. Ne* York. HAVINtt it A It E t'TT: iusl Tie." Tn art or Mecii.itiNin. snltaWe for exhibitl.oi. wlit adrtri rs, with tall particulars, P. h. Pi nil. i?a i?s r Colo?seain i'bita oalaitia, 1'a. gPKCIAL NOT If ICS. T ADIKSJ CONSULT DR. (YrINDLK. FOR ALL AIL AJ incuts; inil<| OBIBB whtHw Um matter. 144 Wert 4btb ?t. _ _ _ _ NERVOUS EXHAUSTION?A JUDICAL E88A* comprising a mHm of lectures delivered >1 Kuliii'i Mu seura of AaatMBT, New York, on lbs ctiiu and cur* of I're n>tar? Utcliw, ihoviii indisputably how lost health may be renamed. affording a claar synopsis ul the Intwdlnral) to marrliMie aud tha treatment of nervous and physical debility, being tha rasult of 20 years' experience. I'rlce 25 cent*. Ad dress tha autlwr. Or. L. J. KAHN, office aad residence 31 East loth St., Na<r Yorlt. UimrUL DRAWING KENTUCKY STATE LOT . lories -SIMMON8 A DICKINSON, Managers. ? nrtivm, ntli class mo. 3-'?i?mav |f>, 1*7(1 28, 27, 75. 1.'. 1, 44. IS. tiu. 54. *, 5S. 61, 10, 4L innai, CLAJ* NO. ?MAT 15, lH7t). a, 12, 1?. ?1? 41. 15. 68. ttt, 10. 33. 22, 17. lU.Mtr, KZTKA CLAM MO. 22H?Mar 15, 1H7H. 4, 52, HU. 14, iS. 1(1. 51, 44. 77, 18. 26. 13. 45, 1. IIKNBV, CLASH .??<>. 2SO-MAV 15, 1K7B. ?3. 7, 40. Of, 85. ?5 42. 81, 4. 72. 82. 24. Full information by applying to or addressing J. CLUTE A CO.. 20.J Broadway, or box 4,061) Post olive. _ ?$300,000"IS PRIZES?EVERY OTHBR TICKET ? a prlie. Simmons A Dickinson'* Single Number Ken tucky State Lottery, to be drawn May 27. IM78; :5,42<> prises oat ofSUtuoJ tickets; also Hoyal Havana, to be drawn on Mar 22, 1*76. J. CLUTE * Co.. 200 Broadway. Box 4,1*30 Post ofDea. PI LEfl OR HJUfORRHOlD* PERMANENTLY RRADI cated in twu to foar weeks' painlraa treatment; bo knife. ligatures, caustics or caatery employed; positively NO CHARGE FOlt TREATMENT UNTIL CURED. Circulars free. Dr. STODDARD, only office No. 8 Wast 14th st. Royal Havana lottery. The next drawing wilt take place oa May 22. Prises cashed. Orders tilled. Inlortnation tarnished tree on appii. cation. Spanleh bunk bills and governments purchased. TAYLOR k CO., Bankers. II Wall St.. New York. The great mustang rack. SPECIAL DESPATCHES IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM and on the bulletin boards of the paper. Broadway and Ann sL. mid at the Branch office, I.'.*05 Kroadway. every hour dnriug the day till the race is lost ur won. F SPORTING-DOGS, 1111(1)8, diC. For sale-a prize pox squirrel. very tamS*. . aad Cage. Address UB0. W. RICE. 14 Maple el., Springfield, Mat*. OR XAl.K?A PINK LOT OP BKYJTWe1?KRS. _ snail Black and Tan Terriers, English Greyhound*, Spaniel Pnps; also soma fine pedigree small Bull Territrs, Fancy I'lgeons, Maltese Cat?. Ac. E.K. HALE. 4IS Canal St.. New York. For sale-a large Siberian bloodhound, is months: weight. 165 pounds: a good watchdog. Can he seen at 185 West 14th St., from 8 to 10 A. M. and from 3 to 6 P. M. POOLS SOLD AT NEW YORK TURK EXCHANGE this afternoon.? Hartford vs. Athletic, at Haitford; Chicago vr. Louisville, at Chicago; St. Louis vs. Cincin nati, at St. Louis. Also on billiard mutches at Philadelphia. SIEBKUT k McCl.OL D. TtriiK. - A|0N'"aN6"VItENCll POOLS sOLlTAfTHOMAS' iV Exchange, 1,230 Broadway, on Monday evening, and Tuesday, during the day. will sell at fleet wood Park, ou the great 3t>5 mile Mustang racj. 6. M TilOMAS. A' UCTION AN? FRENC11 POOL8 SOLD AT THOMAS7 Exchange. 1.280 Broadway, every ntterooon and evening on the Louisville Running Races; also on all Ball Oituie* and on the Billiard Tournament at i*hlladelplila. Re sult of each genu- received by telegraph. G. M. THoMAS A" UCTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD AT NEW YORK TURK EXCHANGE, 15 West 2Sth St., this afternoon ari l evening, on the LOUISVILLE and WASH INGTON running races FRENCH POOLS close at .1 Stn P. M. KELLY, HLISS * CO. Auction and prenoh pools sold at joiin son's Room-, corner Broadway and 28th St., on the Races at Louisville, Ky.. and Washington, D. C.; full re turns reoeived by telegraph of each raoe. All orders by mail or messenger will receive particular attention. French Pools close (it 1 1\ M. T. B. Jt W. H. JOHNSON. (CONTINENTAL POOL ROOM. CONTINENTAL ) Hotel, Philadelphia. Pa.?Auction and French Pools sold dally on all sportiug events iu ail parts of the country. BUDD DOULE. L. R. MARTIN. EKRPOOT DRIVING PARK SPRING MEETING.? First Day. TUESDAY. May 16. 1S7U. Three Minute Glees closed with the following entries W. II. Cunningham's black mare, Carrie M. Frank Atwater's bay mare. Kate Goldlng. J. Morton's blaek gelding, Harvey. C. A. Denton's bay gelding, J. M. Oakley. T. Crane's bar gelding. Gidion. Geo. T. Junes lurrel marc. Emily G. John I.aagau's gray gelding, Ed Sill. N. II. Whipple's chestnut gelding, Sils*. 0 Dlcknrman's chestnut mare. Lady Tower J. E. Jarvts' black mare Jennie. Same Day?2:3S ('lass :? Chal Baldwin's chestnut mare, Dolly Dot,. W. llast'ord's bay niare, Carrie N. A. CoruelUou's bay gelding. Jndg: ltoblnson. T. C une's bay geiding. St. (ieorge. J. Smith's brown gelding. Hard Road. Races will comm?nce at 8 P. M ., sharp. Admission. $1; Tickets for Meeting (i. Extra ears will bo run from city line to track. 2:15 and 2:32 Classes will be trotted an Wednesday; first class hoi>e>. WM. MuMAllON. Proprietor. riLKETWOOD PARK.?THE OLl'B UO*USK, COT 1? taire and Saloou under Urand Stand to let. Applr at the Park. l'HILip DATE ft. fTIATTBRSALL'S TURF COMMISSION AGENCT, X 1,227 Broadway, went 3t>th ?t. Rooks now open on "Withers," "Belmont" (takes. *c., a-id nil racing events during the year. Hooks on all the Louisville races. Office upon dally. McDOUOALL & CO. WBST SIDE DRIVING PARK. JERSEY CITY ? TT Spring Trolling Meeting. May j:t, 24, 25 and 26, IH7?1. l'urse $150, for H mluute class; $2tO, for 2:3'> class; 8IM, !or2:4j class; firo. for dmible trains: 9l5*i, lor 2s#"class; for 2:.'?(? class; 82~>0. for 2;10class; $lilO. for running bcrses. Premiums divided in first, second and third money. Entritfl tn nosfeiMr Tnrf Exehadge Restaurant, H.'*> Barrow St.. Jersey City, May 1H, at W P. M. For particulars see hills. _ _ _ C. BIRDS ALL, Manager. HORSES, CARRIAGES). ?C. ?MAJOR CHARLES W. BARKER. AUCTIONEER. . THE GRANDEST EVENT OF THE SEASON. CAPTAIN GEORGE D. ltAXNA. of Bourbon county. KENTUCK Y, has the hoaor of anuouncini; his thlrt>'euth unequalled sale of the fastest GRKKN TROTTERS n the world. Iii?t arrived frum KENTUCKY, fotake nlace at Barker A Son's Cltv Auction Mart aud New York Tat'ersalls. corner ofBro idwav andSvnh St., on Wednesilav Ito-raorrow). May 17, at 11 o'clock, and comprising SEVENTEEN bead of the richest bred in America, that can trot in Iroin 2M DOWN to 2 .25 or better, and including t ho get of Yellow.I aeket. Cor benti.Curtis' Hambletomau, Bcll-Mor*an, Ac., all warranted sound and kind, including lu tho lot a SIXTEEN HIGH pair of BROWNS of unequalled rich appearanco and stylo, sev eral extraonUuary coupa MAiCllor "T" cart Horses, sev eral Iirominm combined SADDLE and harness llor?es. and the FASTEST SORREL Gelding (two gaits) in the world, that can trot better than 2:25 aad PACE IN 2:15. Stock now at the Mart for trial. DR. JOHN W. CLARK, agent for Captain IIanna. Is now on hand to give everybody the opportunity or ItlDINti aud DRIVING and testing the saddle qualities and SPEED of any of the lut BEFORE the time of sale. CATALOGUES of this really WONDERFUL LOT now ready. Sale without reserve ur posti.onement. ? A. A?MAJOB CHVKLES W. BaKKKK, AUCTION'1 ? eer.?Will be sold, positively without reserve, on ) Wednesday (to-morrow), May 17, nt 11 o'clock. a: BARKKB A .-on'* city auction nmrt and,New York Tattersalis, corner of Broailwav and 89th >1., the famous bratru Trotting Oeld in;. IIROrt'N PRINCE, formerly tbe property of the late EDWAKD JUNKS: U 15'4 high, foaled 1*67: has a record of 2 :SM; la finer and farter than ever belore, and CAN BKAT 1 :-V) nun. and will trot CLOSE To 3SO before next tall: la nreutiiiKed for gentleman's road nse; la one of the beat MONEYED TRACK HORSES In America WAS THE WIN.NKR of all hla^aie* at tbe HIPPO. DBOMK. noted amoug which was tbe famous WAOON race: he l? kind for a lady to drive at speed: auperlor pole horse; does not shy or pull, and la warranted aoutid and kind. Now or. exhibition at the mart. A? PoR SALE?IIAVIN'O FINISHED MY CON. ? tract, I will Mil ?lx Uoraea, auitable for any business, cheap. 2t'l Crand St., near Molt. ?POK BA Lk. 20 YOU NO HORSES, J1ST FROM . Indiana: auitable for all business Inquire at 122 Norfolk at. ALIYBBY ANDvBOARDINO STABLK KOR 8AI.K? Eatabliahed 25 year*: beat location in t>>e cltv. MA LOME, No. 5 Dey at AT TIIB OLD BNULIMII IMPOKTINli IIOl'KE NO. 63 Warren at. and 21 and '-'I College place, the largest stock of the moat Improved styles of Marnesa, Saddles. Bian* keta. Sheets, l.ap Robes, Ac., may now be found at ? great reduction from former price*. Call and examine before tiurchaainir elsewhere. Nl.VHKH 0~P8KCOND HAXDTOP BUUOIE8 POB a?lc cheap tor want of room at carriage factory 114 Eliiabeth at. CHBsfSTPF MARK. 15 HAND*; SO IN I) AND ?kind; aplendid roadater and laat. Address box 221 l'o-t office. Stamford, Conn. ST IV K H JI' M I* SEAT WAGON POB SALE?A* Ml Kaat llroadwav. Fair or bayTioTwks. htandino T\a, and aired IS and 7: knee action; alan a thoroughbred aiM die Mare, laina tlte and (I years old; all sound and kind, lmiuire at pritate stable, head of Mecdougal Alley, be tween "X and l(t>a A. M V BAKOAIN.?TWO CHEAP coaches, TWOOlioD A Bretta, pony Phaetons, Busies aud Wagons. 4?0 3d ?v. BABOAlN.-TKa.M BKOWN MARKsTTsS HANDS; sound and kind: weighs 2.41 Vpnunda ; also four Horace, suitable for any buuneaa. 4;t!> We i tOtti at., rear. t a IIOKSE.i. CHEAP; Vol N(i AND sol'V !i: M IT J\* grocer, butcher, farming. Ae ; also large dralt bore. 01 i anal at. isaloon). AIIWIISIIMK MOBUAN bat Hiiksk. s TEAM; aound : kind: 1U han'ia: trots last; don't shy; safe lor lady. WILSON'S rtalilc, 17 Kaat loth ?t. \"?In BUSIN ICS.H W vi. .iNS .?.!?? T.? #17;.. Kui: I-\ a press, g.occra. bntc'.ers i.akers. milk dei.ot. package ' and delivery wagons. Wagon Manufactory, 22U Spring at. A i HALF I'OST?ONK I.I.> II I' I'll A IT ON. TWt i IT 1.1. ' spring top Wagons. two aide bars. one light K?ad I Wagon, a.ngie and double Harness; all latest stjrle; beat j city innk. i - Private stable. I>i 1 .i eorver oi 4th a?. AS K leo A NT TOP WAOON, CITY MAKE, (lOOD AH 1 . new, very cheap. Private stable 12Hth St.. one door : treat itU av. l KOK MaLK \ l it) LoW Fill CM II, TIIK Mi, .A. lowing property belonglag to the laie lleiieml Bangs, a t?>p aide nar H agon, by I'rck . I.lgh wheeled pony PIi.m* toil. i.ole ni slia.ta. by Seauian : a ngla and double liar ne.i: all til" above areas good mi n-w. must be sold this : week. Arsenal Stables, Weat Ikitb si., near Broadway. A FINK SIMII.K 0\li II t UNKHS, BY ?;,! VII AM* In oaintai order, for sale at t'luli ;<table, 2.' hast IfHh at., for Mn. i i.ady HAvISn in-r piiii will Sell lier Piiaeton and llaruess very low. Owner. No. 1211 , hast 17ih at. ' 4 o'hN I I.EMaN WILL 55lL II iH KttAD IIOIISK- ; J\. Wagon and llarne-a very low: lHir?e warriMted sound Mild kind: Hoe style and pleasant driver; Irr. n lrlv.n b.? a lady. I'rlvatP stable. Iirst d.?or east in L ni varsity |rlacv. In , Utii si. ; V -i.ook: loi?k* II ir*?iii*. -'Mnal bo sold-One ?trllsli Turnout, roil sieilug |1 Ma ant lnr?e ?>..? Horse, Id liM.d* l.lgli, / ,?e.trs Mil. Unlit: war.shied ?Oiiud null kind; eia.^ll exten sion top i'arx Phaeton, u-ed only luiir rimes >?i of i ocka *mf llurtie s; ?eli sepitme or lo^eioet ln-|air.- at Ibe tlllou Club stab It s. 2 I Ka.t l.^tb at., near Hroauwjy. A HORSE*. CAKltlAGES, 4iC. j GREAT.'aBSoLITE ANI> I'NHKSKBVBD SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION or THE WELL KNOWN TROTTING AND KAMILY HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, KINK HARNESS, AC.. OK J I*. DAKKONT. EKIJ., WHO SELLS ON ACCOUNT OF llL HEALTH. AND. HY ADVICE OK HIS PH"YSICI AN, GOKS ABROAD KOK AN 1NDEKINITE LENGTH OF TIME. SALE THIS DAY (TUESDAY). MAY 16, AT KTAHLE No 3 NF.ILSON PLACE (MEKCKU ST.), BETWEEN' WaVERLEY AND CLlNTON PLACES, IN REAR OF NEW YORK HOTEL, AT II O'CLOCK HIL\lil\ Very handsome. fast bay Horse Sir Jnhn, sired bv Volun teer, duu by Wubunt, raiiwd b.r AlOro Smith, of Orange county, New York: he la a beautiful bright bay. 7 year* old, I.V. hands high: trotted a mile at Goshen lit! ??raa?r in 2 ilw: lie is a veiy pleasant. prompt driver, pare tutrd, with flue knee action; la nut alrald of anything, and i? an elegant lioree tor a top wagon and la thoroughly brexen safe for any person to drive, and la warranted aoutid aud kind. The very fait trottlug Horse Tectimsiiea, ralaed by Ainasa Kprague, sired by Rhode Island. dam by Narragsnsett: he la a bright bay, II yeara old, 1 ft)> hand* hiicti; *iu trained by M. Roden laat Mason and allowed three beata over Fleet wood Park In 2:14, 'J :90'3 aud "J-.31, sine* whieli time he liaa been driven on the road; lie la a very ?tyliah. pleasant driver, peitectly gentle; Is not atrald of anything and ran be driven at speed by any ordinary driver; ia a good pide hone, aud If put In training wouid trot below J -.30 thia season. aa he fa very resolute and pure salted; warrauted sound and kind. Bvautitul bay florae Dassie, raised by John Murchen, (Iran e countv: sired by Holtou. lie by Hanibletoniau. dam said to be a Clay mare; lie la 1.1W hnnda liiirh. l> years old; trotted when 4 yeara old in 2 :14. when he was purchased by present owner; he ia an elegant road horae, thoroughly broken, very stylish driver and perfectly gentle and can putt a road wagon better than a 2:4U gall; 1s also a goed pole horae and warranted sound and kind. Heautilui, fast troll uir black Mare Ojrpsey. sired by Toronto Chief, dam by William II. Ripley, IV*. bauds hlgli, 7 years old; trotted over Prospect Park last fall In 2-.tttl'.t; ske Is a mare of extraordinary power aud Is very pure galled; is a very prompt, pleasant driver, porfertly gemle and aafe for anybody aa she do?a not pull or fret when in company; is not alrald of anything; she baa a very strong set of cordy legs and good feet and cau pull a top wagon at speed eoaal to auy horse Id the city and is warranted sound aud kind. The handsomest, toughest and best driving Team of Trettlar Horses in this city: they are bright bays, IVj hands high, 7 and 8 years: very closely mated hair hrolhers: raisen by Dr. ilerr. of Lexington. Ky., and sired by Clark Chief, dam by Denmark; they trotted together over tbe Lexingtou track a year ago last summer In 2 :3-<, when thev were purchased by the preaent owner and have been used aa a road aud lamily team up to the present lime; they are perfectly gentle, aro not afraid of the cars mid are ?ate for any peraen to drive: they do not pull when s|u<oding and are not excitable In company and tuey drlie together likeoue horse; thev have greatly improved In speed, as they were driven by pn sent owner laat fall over Fleetwood Park to a road wagon, without any training. In 2:40.l?. and in proper condition they can beat 2:35 together, and are war ranted sound and kind. Ibe lamous thoroughbred saddle and driving Horae Western Star, dark dapple gray. hands blgli, 7 yeara old: sired bv i^exlngtoa; one of the best broken, most graceful and llnest behaved horses in America: has all de sired gaits uoder saddle, guides by uiotiou; carries either ladv or gentleman, with style and eaue; Is bold, brave and fearless: finely broken to all harness and warranted sound and kind, and van beat 2 ;">0 to road wagon. Carriage* consist of one one-half Top Park Phaeton, one side-bar Top Wagon, one full spring 'fop Wagoa two Top Pony Phaetons, single and double Harness, Blankets, Sheets, Robes, Whl^a, le. Sale positive rain or shine. A UCTION HOL'HE~OP ARCH. JOHNSTON, A. 19,21. 23 and 2"i 13th at., near University plnce. OLDEST AND MOST RKI.IAULE HOUSE IN THE CITY. REGULAR SALES OF IIOKSES AND CARRIAGES EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. '24 hours to three days' trial on horses warrauted sound. Tlie oldest and most reliable house in the cliy. THIS DAY (TUESDAY). AT in O'CLOCK. ELEGANT BROWN COUPE ORCARUIAliE HORSE, IB hands high. 8 years old; has beeu used in the city and country as a family bora.<, siugie and double; Is not alraid of a locomotive or anything else; Is aafe lor any ono to drive; has not a vice. fault or trick of anv kind: cannot lie pnt In the wrong place for any use: Is vory stylish, showy and handsome, and In every way a first class latolly horse; warranted sound. ELEGANT COUfE. round' front, by Brewster, of llroome si. ELEGANT LANDAU ESTABLISHMENT. team hrown Horaei, ltlliands high, H and 7 years old; klud lu all harness; tree from vice; have been used In city and country; are fine, tree, stylish drivers; well matched in gait ana color; do not shy or pull; are not alraid ol a loc >motive?or any thing else, and are in every way a ihoronguly re liable ramily team ; warranted sound. SET DOUBLE HARNESS, made to order by Wood Gibson. ELEOANT BKBLIN LANDAU, by Brewster, of Hroouie st. LIQHT BAROUCHE: drab satin; little used; by Brewster, of Broome st. SORREL TROTTING HORSE Port Washington, sired by Jupitor. dam a star mare. 1!>\ hands, h vears old; has full uiaue aud tail; tr-tted in 2:34j{ ou tbe Washington track last (all; can trot a full mile in 2:4(> to-day; has a fine free, open, square K?U; does not sn.v or pull; Is uot alrald oi any thing ; a first class roadster and excellent family horae; warrauted sound, kind and true. SET HINOLK HARNESS, made to order, by Ilnnacotnb. TOP ROAD WAGON, little used, by Brewster, of Broome st. THREE CLAKENCES. in good order, by Wood Bros, and l.ooce A Williams. SET DOUBLE CARRIAGE HARNESS, by Wood Gib ion BAY TROTTING HORSE, sired by Ethan Alien : fall mane and tall; very tough and great endurance : has trottod in 2:4H a lull mile, anJ guaranteed to trot in 3 minutes or uo sale; lias beeu used as fatnily and road horse; safe for a lady or any one to drive ; not afraid of a locomotive or anything else: Is I5'4 bauds, 8 years old, and warrauted kind and true In every respect. Set Singlo Harness, by Dunscoiube. S. II. ItOAD WAGON, in good order, by Brewster, of Broome at. ELEiiANT LANDAULET, In good order, by J. B. Brewster & Co. COUP I. HOCK A WAY, In good order. Ky Mlaer A Stevens. ROAD ESTABLISHMENT Team brown Road Mares, 15J^ hands, 7 and** years; kind in all harness; tree from vice; are well mated ia sise, gait and color; can trot together a mile ia three minutes; are very stilish and handaome; have no tricks of any kind; do not shy or pull, and are a first class team tor road, latuilv or auy use; warranted sound. SET DOl'BLK HARNESS, made to ordur, by Dans comb. FULL TOP ItOAD WAGON, by Rrewster, of Broome it. LIGHT BAROUCHE, bv Wood Bros. BASKET CANOPY PI IA E'l ON, by Bradley, Pray A Co. Top Pony Pliaetoua and Wagons to be sold to pay ad vances and charges. TWENTY-FIVE OTHER HORSES. Description time of sale LARGK ASSORTMENT of every kind new and second hand Carriages, Wagons, Harness. l'baeton, Ac., tbls itsy at ARCll. JOHNSTON'S Mart. 19 to 2."> 13tb at., near I I niverdty place. W eather never itilerlerea with ourSALKS AT 10 O'CLOCK. At auction. Sale of choice thoroughbred Trotting Stock. ?Handsome buy Gelding, Ethan Alton stock, 7 yearn old. IS hands; can use* a inlio iu 2 :S0; trot In 2 :l"i; very nobby driver: raW?<l in Orange county ; a ai noted sound. Handsome light bay or dull colored \lare (r?i????! by Mike Ziegler. Cincinnati). Ladv Zlck'ler. 0 years old. tired by Uent Ueorge II. Tliomas. dam by rilot:tbli mare h 1.1.8 hands: is pure iralted; was driven last full by Mr. McN'atnara over Fleetwood track in 2 :'fit*?; has never been handled, tint will certainly trot down in ilie tweuties this suuiiuer; the sire of tills mare has produced some of the beat colts in tins country, one?a Ave year old-trotted last spring in II:ia?; lie is aiMithe tir? ofSrott's Thomas. entered in the Centen nial at Philadelphia this summer; warranted sound. C1ie?tnnt Gelding Imperial, foaled In 1S72. ?ired by half brother to Yoluuteer Imperial, ho by Ryadyk'a llambleto nlaii. dam by Scely's American Star. Thlt colt la IY21,' hands, aud. without exception, the moat promising voting horse In tl:e State. This colt was purchase.! by his present owner at eight months old. for irom Joe Gavin. of Goshen Orange county, and la to-day worth $i,OiO; is war ranted iu every particular. Fine bay Gelding iharlry Kahn. foaled In IRR). IA.3)j hands Inch, sired ny Alexander's Abdallah, dam a t'ntaden mare, lie can trot his mile Iu 2 :4l> sure. Mr McNanisra drove hiin this spring In 2:45: ha b^at Orange Girl, who has a record of 2:42. on the road last aumroer, when lie waa hut years old; good disposition; will ataad without tying, and is warranted senod. Kav Mare Lady Emm*. foaled ISO*. aired by Young Con ?ternatl?n. dam by lllll s Black Hawk; trotted last winter on the ice in 2-.lift: can beat 2:40; fine gaited. uood die position : warranted sound. <>no side bar top Wagon. In first rlaas condition, made to order, by Vandnser. at a cost of 9fid5. i in e side har no top Road W agon, built by R. M. Stlvera. In flmt class order. Three Snita of Horse Clothing, Stable Blankets, Boota, ire Comprising the c h .icest sto k offered for eale tbia season. All of them are of uood disposition and oan be aeen and rode behind any forenoon by calling at M. McNamara's stables, corner ofTJd ?t. ant 4t>. sv If this stock la net sold at private aale will be sold to tbe highest bidder, without reserve, rain or shiae by VAX TASMELI. A KEARNEY. on FRIDAT. May 19. 1S7B, at 10 o'clock A. M., at their Auction Mart, 110, 112 and 114 East lMtli it. A? MATOR CII AH W. BARKER, AUCTIONEER. . K?H RTII EXTRAORDINARY and positively closing Kale ol lasilionnblv tired Trotting Stock, bred by IKJM. A. H. CONGER, ol the Waldberg Stud. Maverttraw. "S. Y.. to take tilace at ItAKKKRA SOjt'SCity Auction Mart aud New York Tatter?atls. corner of Broadway and :HKIi st.. on WEDNESDAY. M.V i 31, at 11 o'clock, ami comprising. SKVltWTEEN IIKAI) of Brood Mares. Kilties. Stallion*. Colt* and Geldings. being the PICK snd HNI'IRh ItAI, ANCE of tbe t-AMOl s w AKDHERi. STU?, and inelndtng a DAt'OHTKR of the celebrated I'KIM'ESS idaui ol llappy Mediiinit. a daughter (hill SISTER to SoUBRETTE) and graii'idan-'htrr ol SONTAU. 4c. TIIK Bliooli MAKES are the get of Ryadyk'a Haable tenlan. Toronto Chief. Kureka, Young Star. Ac. THE FIIX1KM aud Stallion Cults Include the get of Dextrous. Bedford . i ,.i n, Mad Anthony rjMagnet i."3ii. Wild Irishman, Ac. The Gelding (2:44) Is the get of Toronto Chief. .?Tik'K Wll.l. arrive at the Mart on Saturday, May 27, for exhibition up to aale. CATAI<o<<I' hS will be ready nest Thursday, when they ean ne hud it tbe Spirit. Turf or Mart oQIcea. SAI, \ POSITIVE: iio postponement. Y ?SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. l.andau. In food order. I.ock.ieav lor six p.-rsoaa, nearlv new. Coach, kiiIi high wheels, city make. Phaeton, with extenalou top. for four pertona. 'lop and no top Roau Wagons. city n uke. J. rt. Hltr.WsTER A CO. (old bouae of Hrewster). 14."? Ka>t .Ma st. 1 mil joiiK?ro.v. auctioneer. It) to 2.1 I '.tli St. THIS Mltll.MMI AT 10 O'CLOCK. Tnls morning at !?'o'clock. TWO fcl.r.O*NT I.AM>.VI S. I ii.est ?aiv ol tii ? s as m. l-I.,i.A\r ?'AM I I.Y IEAM. Iksftmcht, aatlu I ued. UNtnT -.Vi.i. OK I IU: 8KABOX. T wo l.res sier Wagons. Hh SI RE A*i> ATTMNA See catalogue above. H i HEAD. I |l 3 I RBAr. I *! I - I READ. ! % I REaI'. | HOUSES, CAJEUUAQKH. <W . A" UCTION IIOI'SK or van' tassIIX i' JQttSSSr. 110 and 11.' EAST laTU ST., NEAR 4TU AV. REGULAR SALE OF HOUSES ISO CARRIAGES KVKHV TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. On every horse that i* warranted aoiitid or kind and true In tiarneu, Irom one to tkree day* la given to Mat warran to#. CATALOGUE OF THIS DAY'S (TUESDAY'S) BALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. TWO VALUABLE STALLIONS. DARK MAIIOiiANr BAY STALLION. SIR! D BY Ryulyk'* Uamblelouiau. dam New Yurk'a Sheen marc, got by Old Mambrinu ; m 16.1Uando high, M > ear* old; kind aud true lu all hararaa: free from vivo; very atjrlisb and handsome: halt nerved marea one aeaaon, and tan show ipouie very line coin; lia? never been trained lor speed. bat ha? a line, open gait and all the qualities of a trotter; lor stock purposes la invaluable, ami I* war ranted Bound. LIGHT BAY STALLION, SIRED BY MAJOR WIN field, dam a St, L>awrenoe mare; la IS.-", bauds high. B yearn eld; kind aud irue in all harnesn: I'rae front vice; very stylish mid huinlaoine ; liaa nevar been hatidled for speed, but with little tralnlnir will trot very fa*t; ha? served uiarea but one season. and ban aouie valu able colta: ia a auperlor atoek or road horse, and war ranted sound. THE ABOVE nTALLIONS AUE THE PROPERTY OF A ' private gentleman; their pedigrees ara guaranteed and they ure in every way a* repreaented, aud will be eold without reserve on account of the aickneaa of their owner ELEGANT AND EXTRA STYLISH TF.\M OF GRAY Ceidings, U> lunula high, (1 yeara old: brought Irom Kentucky lor the present owner: are kind and true in all harness; free Irom vice or trick; have heuu uaed in tlie citv lor carriage driving the paat ten montha; are very pieasant dtlvera: do not ahy or poll; are mm only on account of owner going abroad, and ara war ranted aound. Sot gold mounted Harness, made by llooner, Calhoun A Co., mid ELEGANT NO TOP SIX SEAT PHAETON Oil BRAKE, nearly new. built l>v J. 11. Brewster A Co. CURTAIN COACH, iJ< GOOD ORDER, BUILT BY Brewater .t Co., of Broome at. RAY KoA I* HORSE. HIRED BY RYSDYKS 1IAMBLE t' Uiaii, dmii by Ami'rican Star; ia 10 hand* high, 5 year* old; kind aud trui in ail harncaa; free from vice; very stylish; baa never been trained for apeed, but can best 2:50 to top wagon; ia tree ami pleasant driver; a lit -i claa* horae for gentlemen's roud uae, and warranted aound; also net llnrneaa, and TOP ROAD WAGON, BCILT BY R. M. STIVERS. PONY Tl/UNOI T?GltAY M AUK, I5'4' HANDS HIGH, 0 year, old; kind aud true tu nil harness; free from vice; extra tine under saddle; a fast traveller, prompt aud atyilah driver; au excellent mare for iadies's uae, and warranted aouuil; alto aet tiarneaa, and BASKET PHAETON, WITH RUMBLE AND CANOPY, in good order. DAPPLE BROWN TROTTING HOUSE, SIRED BY Sickle's Hambletouiau, dam a Rattler mare; la hands high, H yeara old. kind aud true in all harness; tree from vice, very atyilah and handaome; can trot in SlW aare. and 1*? a Drat class horae lor gentleman'* road uae. Also Set IIarnuss aud TOP ROAD WAGON, BUILT BY BREWSTER A CO. SORKKL HOUSE. 15 HANDS HIGH, ?) Yr.AUS OLD, kind and true in all harueis; auperlor under aaddle; Iree frutn vice or nick; very atyilah, a faat traveller; auperlor for tamlly driving ami warranted soutkd. TOP PONY I'llAETuS, NEARLY NEW. URAY TROTTING llORSB, 15?4 HANDS UIGH, 0 yean old, kiuil and true in all barnen; free from viee; very atyliati; an extra line roadater; can trot in :5t> any day; la a trou aud pleaaant driver, and warranted aound. Alao Set Harueaa aud TOP UOAD WAGON, NEARLY NEW, BUILT BY Tooker. DAPPLE iiRAY HOUSE, 1? HANDS HIOII. 7 YEARS old, kiud and true in all harneia; tree frem vice; a prompt aud ityluh driver; feara nothing; haa beeu used by a private lamily, aud aoldculy for want of uao. Alao Set liaruena and EXTENSION TOP PHAETON. BAY KENTUCKY BRED HORSE, 15^ HANDS HIGH, S yeara old; kind and true in all harness aud under (addle; tree Irom vice; veryatylieh; trota cloae toil mlnutea; feara nothing; can be driven by a lady aud warranted aound; aet Harness, and TOP UOAD WAGON, NEARLY NEW, BUILT BY BRAD BROwS" GUIDING, 15V HANDS HIGH. 7 YEARS OLD; kind aud true in all Harueaa; free from vice; very atyi lah; haa been uaeil on the road by a private gcutle man; on the mail fear* nothing, and can be driven by any one; alto Harness and *_,V TOP WAGON IN GOOD ORDER. SORREL HORSc. 15J( HANDS HIOII, 10 YEARS OLD; kind and true iu all harneat: free Irom vioe; haa beeu used in an express wagon, la a good worker and war ranted sound. SEVERAL OTHER HOUSES. DESCRIPTION TIME OF aate. Two I log Carta. Brett, good a* new; Six-seal Phaeton, * Mix aeat Kockaway, Curtain Coach Victoria, in good order, Hix-aeat Sleigh. Huddle* and Bridles, double and single Harueaa, Ac., Ac, SALE COMMENCES AT IS O'U.OCK. A\~M USE.?FOR SALE.'A" BAY MARE; A QUIET, prompt and gentle driver; haa lieon used bv a lady tor tho paat iwoyeaia, and iajuat what a lady needa for park or conntrv pleanir Can bo seen at bilOREY'S Stable* 303 4th av. . itosell Mare. BABGAIN-*l J.l7wORTH 8230?SPLENDID NEW TOP express Wagou, taken for debt. No. 124 Weat lktth at. Buggies-side bar and full spring, rocka* way a. Park aud Pony I'haetona, J agger Wagons, Ac. The famona "WOODRUFF" DEPOT WAGON a specialty. The beat of work at very low pricea. JOHN MO<>HE. 57 \frarren ?t. HARNESS- every conceivable atyle; apring Lap Robes and Horse ('lothlug. Whips, Boots, llarneaa Soap. Blacking. Ac. (lOAcuKs, cT.arenoss, landaus. i.and.w lets. J Coupes, Oantte Knckaways. Vtctoriia, six aeat Phae tons, Barotiehes, iluht tour seat Family Pliaetons light cut under Rockawayl, Depot Wagons, top and open Pony Phae ton a, or nil atylea. from $11*? np; CaflVey Sulkies, in all weixlits, * I ; also throe secoud hand Sulkies. Express Wagons, nine passeuger open Depot Wagon, suitable for the country; nocoud banu Harness, Sheet*, W hips. Duster*. Ac.; two second hand top 'Pbaetona. WM. II. OKAY, 20 and V2 Wooater it. LEOANTIIERLIN LANDAUT BY BREWSTER, Of Urn line >t, LIGHT COUPE, by Brewster, of Bronme ?t. ELEGANT LANDAULKT, by Brewster, of Broome st LIGHT BAROUCHE, drab satin, by Brewster, o. Broome at. TOP UOAD \YAGON, by Brewster, of Broome st. SIDE 11AR ROAD WAGON, by Brewster, of Broome ?t. LANDAU, morocco lined, by Wood Bro*. LIGHT BRETT, by Wood liron. TWO CLARENCES, bv Wood Bro*. T CART, by Wood Broa. COUPE ROCKAWAY, by Miner A Stevens. ARCH. JOHNSTON'S Mart, 1H to J.r> IJth St., near University place. Weather never interfere* with our SALES AT 10 O'CLOCK. Kfln im Hhnvff. E F IjUSY OK AUCE8S. J Hung low lor ladle*' and children'* um, PONY PHAETONH, toaling two or lour. A. S. FLASORAU. 372 and 374 Broome *t.. old atand or Hrewatur A Co. Fob bals-a hobbk lawn xowu: aukj two hxpre** W>{inu. Apply to CHARLhn BKOM BACH KB. Tarrytown. (IK SaLE-A POKY. 14 llAMMt I INCH. 5 YEAR* old; lull mane mid tall, mid for beauty, atylc. aiurlt, docility and endurance unequalled; been atad by youuir lady to ride end drive; will ho fully warranted In every particu lar. price, 4UUH. Apply to (?IliBBUY SKAMAN, Boulevard Stables, l.V. and 157 West 3<Htl at. FOR SAI.K-A PaTr-!)K CAKBIAOB HOBURH, 116 band* high. almoat black; sound and ?tyliali, 0 and II yearn old: will go (Ingle, doable, tandem and under Middle, with or blind*. Inquire at So. Uf> Nnaaau at., third Hour, rojm 7, or at KlNU'ti stable*. 41*1 at., uoar 4th av. Ypon BALI?A handsome. WE LL"tb AIKED~KEM F tuciy aaddle Mare ; nound and gentlo. Can ba Men at llickrl'a, Aak for Mr. THOMAS' mare. Llott H A L K - 8 EVE)H'INK~HOKSB8. HI ITAHLE POR r draught or aM>rea>; alio a fine Hi>r*p. 10,'? li.iwla high, aultabla I.T coup**: will he fully warranted nud wild low. ROBERT STODDARD, ?*?> Greenwich at. jiRKNcTi hTkoucTikT HTVLHU A.ND-ki.koant. lor aale. very renaonably. at atable 130 We*t2"th ?t. For baleata" ba roai S Fine iccond hand Ma I 1'liai-ton. with lead ban, Ac. A. H. FLaNDRAL', 372 and 374 Brooiue at. 1~jioR SALE?A PAIR 6?- HTYLIhli YOUMJ ia"iK rlage Horaes. lit hand*; warranted aouml and lilud; plain apring Landan, Wood Hrotlier*' make two-aeat Phaeton, by Hrew*ter; two act* of ilonhle llarne**, Robe*. Blmketa. ie. )cau be aeen at UKOUkKil'K'H .Subln, ::tl mil *t. I~?IOR S\ LK-A iXLL SPKINO SHIFT A SO Till" 1 Wagon. Shaft* anil Pole, nude by ouo of the belt city maker*: a bargain. 142 Wrat :17 th au IPOR SALE?ICE, PEE I) AND W KfsSBEER WAC. 1 on.i. 421 Went 17th at. Fltik SALE?FOR WANT OF UtfE. A BEAUVIFll young gray Morgan .Mare; can trot clo*e to three mill ?la*; warranted aound, hind and gentle; never able* nor In terferes; full guarantee given; price J175. Apply at l>7 Mouth II.. third atory. F F Oil SALE CIIKAP?VERY STYLISH DRIVINO llor^o ; hai been naed by family; also miiall. faucy Pony, i.> hand* blab, t.ii Kaat l.tb at.. In livery atable. LMJK SALK CHEAP?TlF> VERY HAND SO MB PU<fc r Dog*; two very amall Hlaek and Tain; also two vrrv nice blue Sky* Terrier Dog*, at 14H Ea*t :Wth ?t? atable So. lit. GKnTLKMAS'S .TURNOUT AT YOUR OWK PRICE; you can try it; j on will know then what von liii.v: alao II. lit double road llarne**: all Al. CHOSIS. 1(1 South't. HORBF.M FOR HALE. ? J UST ~\ ItH IVKIf FROM Bulhlo, a lot of flne Hor*ea, constating of one pair of line Coach Horaca. one pair ol line large blacka, line *tyle; ono very good traveller, one pair ol cheatnni Mar>'?. aultable lor a lad * * pbatuU; one very fa*t pacer, one very nice t-addie Horae, and a number ol other*; all *001111. Apply at MeKobert'* atable. 13:1 Kail 2Mb It. HOIW 8 ASD CATTLE OS BOARD SHIP.?HKLPH'H Patent Stall*. ? Peraon* Intere*t?d In the shipment of horae* and cattla are Invited to Inam-ct the Relph Patent I- itling*. ** now erected on board the ateamer Wyoming, pier 4*1 North Kiver, lieloie 11 o'clock tbla day. F. II. RELPII, 17 Fenchiircii at., I^mdon, England. Half value-two top TTkiht exprem Wagona. three Coal UarU, lloraea, llarne**; aeparata. I?i We*t 17th *t. [N FASHION Oeorg* TV. and Oneen CaBBIOLi-.Ts. lining* of flne motoccoa. A. K H.ANDRAl . 373 ami 374 Broom* at., old *tan<i of Hrewaier A Co. I" ROS ST A H|Te FITTINOM?> EAT. Ill ItAIILE AND el*anly; I'artlti'/n*, Ilayracka. Man er-. Ac.; order* promptly filled at lowoat price*; catalogue* lurniahrd fn-e; ?peclmena at *tor*. JANKSA KI'ni.ANU, Soa K, IU and I'J Keade at. J'UBI' A KKI vT.ll FittlM cTyOE." N.~Y." AT Tllil i.rand Central StaUei, lau Weil -lilth at . 14 Brat clam | 'Joacli and fptou llorae*. WM. II SAUSiJi R". i T AllV'H turbolt Foit HALE.?A BEAt'TlFL'L I J J !>ia< K Mare, 7 .rear*; very atylMi; ha< been < riven I f | Unv lor ti.? laat two y?ara; warraniad ?mnd and kind. Al-. 1 no top I'onr Pliaet< n and city mailo llarneaa. Willbeaold at a ifreat a.crlllce Apply at jii 1'ulvi raity 1 lace latore). USE OF THE IUsFmOmTsT AND STVLli'llOiUL 1 li'iurn'a. India*' and children* Eqitlpaire* ia the city; | the very prvtty hay Mare. Halle, rt yeara old. *oan?L kind, mle ami roll able : alrald of notbiag; atyllah and e*?y drive , | c in not In about tliree atinate*; a reap nimble guarantee I n v. II I !irat claaa top p.n\ Pbaetoa, by BraiMay I I'ray. to 1 ret. r; >i?o tine llarne**, all now a ahort time ago, al *i?mii : half their vain* Addrea* Mra. MEKRIIT. !?* '>th av.. or can j itr at.,. 11 011 applioatlM to coachman at prtval* aiaWa So. t Waat t&th at. I HORSES, cakitl ages, Pahitfiiaetox FOR kale-KOIIt SEATS. nbaRLY new and in pertert .order; very cheap. app r to tbs ?labia In rear of 9h3 clinuii ??., Brooklyn. Team poky built horses! ?>o bach, suitable for farmer, hacking or Renoral use; True* Horse. $Jo-. Ilorie, tup i xpre.s *l|uu an J Harness eneap. No. 4 7th av. Tub attention ok oi k ? BROOKLYN PATRONS ? in Invltd nollcilliik- an inspect luii ..four line COUPE AND SIX-seat kiickawayh: linings of kruno, blue and maroon moroccos nud cloth. A. S klandru!. S72 and 374 Broom*' at., old factory of Brewster ,t Co. tttanted?lig1it (hrcond BAND) ONE HOUSE " Victoria, In good order. Addres> E. A. LAWBENCE, law Broadwav. w EST* ii EST I :t. o! fpn a i d ~uo 11t Book " aways. one or two Horses, Pony, Prince Albert uud Park Phaetons, at low prices J. COLYhB A CO.. 5w Broadway. Wantkd?ONE OK TWO GOOD SOUND WORK Horse!, aot lets than 10 lianda high. Address kit. 8., Bay tide, li. \Vrant ed?a~bUGGYand HARNESS: STATE CON* ?? dltlon ami prh'f. a4dlitl bl'lioy, 191 Spring *t. \V ANT BD-A nk AT. S OU ni?. ~S E K vic e a HIE I'll a E " ton ; price about |6u Address, with partlculara, box 5,333 Post office. A hoesbs; SUIT ANY BUSINESS; a sacrikioib. r for want of una. Coma aee for burgain. No 41m \vo?t 30th st^ (ut fob hotacgftoceky. EXPRESS WAGON' ?biuu and Ilarneaa: llor??? and ll^lit top Delivery Wugou: your own price. 800 West 3-"itli ?t. iojq\~-fwt~horse b'bewstei toufi" rax ?^uu. sale at BARKER a SON'S, corner of Broad way mill StKh at. DRY utxwssr 10 000 ^MB?~&tttFTSS&S mhjtomijc h i tapeatrlea very cheap. Extra Super Ingrain, 80c. mattings, 10c. Other goods equally low. b. beattir a SONS. Corner Canal and Wooster sts. "milliiftfkhy anu dressmaking. Art millinery.?notice to patrons.?maime TILLMAA, of Paris, Opens Monday ami Tuesday a new importation ol'fluent Millinery, FrenchChips. Flowers, Silks ami triininlnka. received Irom hiiloin House Saturday. 4230th nr.. near 20th at. ilite Michel's.* /lOLDBN a co. s'haris millin khy." imported ut Mate and Bonnets; $1", $11, $17. #2 i and $1' >. 313 0th ay., upstairs, between 19th ami -Oth sts. Mmb. NATALIE~tlitman*inv()RMS iibr CUSTuM era of the city nuil out ol New York that she lias re moved front hitli at. to No. l.'jm Broadway. between 3l*t and .'l.'d its. Bonnets, llata, Klowera, Bridal Wreaths and vclla. X. B.?stilts, Dresses anil Trousseaux made to order, Si ok AND DOUBLE BOX plaitinus DONE IT machine, while you wait, with new improvements. Irom 1 to j5 Inches wide, by S. JOSEPH, :is Korsyth St. The omly place in the city where plait lags aro made and stitched In one operation while you wait. Empire ltooms, sin Broadway, corner of 12th si. 0TII A v., NEAR 42d bt.?a FIBST 0LAM dressmaker would make salts at home very cheap. 745 ei'hoi'E.V.\ STEAMSHIPS. ttriittellstar LINK. w FOR oubenstown AND LIVERPOOL. CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL. The steamers of this line take the Lano Routes recom mended by Lieutenant Maury, U. S. N.. going south ol the Banks on tbe passage to Oueenstown all tbe year roitml. oekmanic .May at>, at j 1*. M. CELTIC June:), at ^ i'. M. ADRIATIC June 10, at ii P. M. BRITANNIC June 8 P. M. germanic .Inly s, at 3 P. M. From White Star Docks, pier 02 North River. Rates?Saloon, $ho uud $li?>, fa gold; return tickets on reasonable terms. Steeraire. t'js. Saloon, staterooms, snioklni; ami bath rooms are placed amidships, where the noise anil motion are least, aflordint; a degree of comfort hitherto unattainable at soa. i1 or Inspection or planx and other information apply at the company*! oluee. 37 Broadway, New torn. r. J. CORTIS. Aiteut. Cunard LINE.?b. AND N. A. a'stli p7ott NOTICE, With a view to dimlnlshinK the chapcci of collision, the steamers of this line take a specific course for all seasons of the year. On the ontward passage from qunenstown to New York or Rosion, crossing tbe meridian of So at 43 latitude, or nothiuj; to the north of 43. Oil the homeward passago, crossing the meridian of so at 42 latitude, or nothing to the uurtli of 42. FROM NEW YORK FOIt liverpool AND QUEENS TOWN. ?SCOTIA Weil.. May 17 i ABYSSINIA. ..Wed. Mar 31 BOTHNIA Wed.. May 21 j "141 S-ia Wed .Juno 7 Steamers maraed * do not carry steurairn passen^.-rs. Cabin passage, #si?. $ujo and 1130, gold, accordiun to ac commodation. Return tickets on favorable terms, Sti-erai;o tickets to and from all parts ol Europe at very low rates. Krelght and pasiugo ofllce. No. 4 Bowling (ireutu CHARLES u. kiuni;klyn. A^ent. PASSEN( PER sieamsiiip fctltia kmbamx liom the Cunard wharf, loot of (iraml st., Jersey City, at 11:30 A. M., on Wednesday, Mav 17, IS70. CHAD. h. francklyn. No, 4 B iwllng Oreen, ntw York. TATE LINE? NEW YOUK TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL,DUBLIN. belfast AND londonder Y. from pier i.' North Klver (fout of cuual st.) as fellows:? STA OF INDIANA Tbmsday, May state ok Pennsylvania tbarsiiay. juuei STATE OF v1buin1a thnrsd .y. Juue 15 and every alternate Thursday thereafter. Klr^t cabin, to #h0, according to ai'comiuodati <ns: return ticltem. jlii. Second cablu,s60: return tickets, $ik>. Steerage at lowest rates. Apply to AUSTIN baldwin k CO.. Agents, No. Broadway, New Yora. ? Steerage tickets at 46 Broadway and at the company'! pier, loot ol Canal St., North River. OST DIRECT Alio"ECON<)mitrboi'te 'Ml ih?L LAND. belgium. THE RHINE, switzerland, AC., AC., VIA luin-ERDAM. Steamer M A AS M ay 25 Steamer kotthrdam June s These beautiful steamers, carrying the United State! mail to the .Netherlands, are great favorite! with the |.ublic. Trips regular, rates low; comfort and living perfect. For freight. Ftr passage. PUNCH, edye A CO. i*. W. MORRIS. fto w ft v. OPECIAL NOTICE. O THe. STKAMBR 8TATE OK INDIANA will mil from pier fix.i al l amii ?t,, North lllver. oil THURSDAY. MAT IS. at 1 f. M., inking pis?o)it;or? for BELFAST, CLASUOlV, LIVERPOOL, *0 . AC. first nullum puu(g $05 to $''<) Second cabin $.r>U AUSTIN li A LOW IN A CO , AMU*. 72 llroad w aj. OR'NlTlRRMAN LLOYU hTi'.AJi.Milf I.INK BETWEEN NEW VORK, SOUTHAMPTON AN D BREMEN. Company's pier, foot of I'll ?t.. Ilo umn. IUIKIN Saturday. May 201 MAIN Saturday, .Tuna S ODKlt Saturday, May 271 NKCKAR.Haturd ly. Id Rate* of passage from New York to Southampton, Hutro or Bratncu flint Ciibln, $100gold; Second Cabin,50Osold; Steerage, $3o currency. Return Ticket! at reduced rste*. f repaid Steerage Certificate*. *J2 currency. for ireight or MMMt anply to oEI.IIIi)iIk A CO.,'No, 2 Bowling (ireon. NATIONAL LIM-Vap PIKRS ?JAMU 47 nouih River, for London direct HOI,LANI> Wednesday. May 17. 12 M. KOtt UURKS8TOWN A.ii) LIVERPOOL. THE QCKKN.May 27,9A.M. I SPAIN.. J tue III, 7 :'!0 A. M. KNt.LAND.. June 8, 2 P. M | 1TAL\ June 17, ? Cabin parage. #7(> end ?HO, currency. Return tickets at reduced rate*. Steerage p nmt. $2H, currency. Drult* iakued trom ?i upward, at current pricei. Apply at tlie company'* office, flU lima i*ay. f. W. T, HURST. MMlgir HA M B U K(i A M h ill 11A N f AC KK V t!O M PA N Y'S LINK lor PLYMOUTH. CHKRBOIKU and IIAMBl RH. WIKI.A.NO May in | ht/KVlA June 1 PltiSlA Ma.v j:> OKLLKliT Juue H Uor.TIlK May 27 | POMI-.RaNIA lime 15 Rate* of passage to Plymouth London. Cherbourg, Ham burg and all point* In England, Scvtland and Wales:? Cabin, ttrat saloon, gold $l<*i Cabin, socond saloon, (fold Ml Steerage. currency 30 KiNHAKDI A CO., C. H. RICHARD A BOAS, (leneral Agents, Ueneral Pa??uiiner Agents. 61 Broad ?t., "M'W York. 01 Broadway. Now York. IN MAN ~ LIN K ? M A i L STEAMERS " fOit UUEENSToWN AND LIVERPOOL. CITY Of llKltl.IN Saturday, May 21, at HUM) A. M. CITY Of CIIK> 1KB Saturday. June 10. at 7 30 A. M. OIl'Y OE RICHMOND Saturday. Jan* 17, ?i 1 f. M. (mm nler 4."> North lllver. CABIN. $SO an.I SIOO, gold; return ticket* on favorable terras. bTKKKAUK, |2H. currency. Draft* Issued at lowest rates. Saloon*. staterooms, smoking and l>?thr?oin* amidships. JollN i; DALE. Agent. 1> and J.I Broadway, S. Y. ELY LllRhcT TiXK T(? VraNCK. THE GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'! MAIL STEAMi-.RS It HI WEEN NEW YORK AND HAVRK. CALLING AT PLYMOUTH (O. B.) for the landing of |>***eiigars. The splendid vesaeW ou tins favorite roat* for tli? Conti nent iIhiIiik more loutberly tiiau any other) will kail troiu ?ler No. 4't North Klvt-r, loot of Harrow ?t.. ns followa lAlil! AI ioit, Sangller Saturday. May 2i>. nt :t P. M. A.MhRIOi R. Kousidr. Snturdny, May v7,ai l> A. M. ?ST. LAl'RKN r. Lacbeanei... .Saturdny. .lune :t. ai 'I P. M. PIIANCK. Trndnll* Saturday. Jniie In. at s A. M. ?PKKK1KK. Oanre Saturday. June 17. at I P. M. Pit ICR OK P ASK AUK IN <40Li> iltielulin/ wiuoi flr.i eabln, *lt()t??l '.(I, acrordinic to acroiniiKidation. Second. $7J Third cabin. <iO. Return ticket* at reduced rate*. SteeraiC. #2'i. witlt euperior nccomniodatlnn. inelndlnir wine, l>addin? and uienails. Without extra ch.irge. Steamers marked thua * on not earr* ateera.-e nassengert. Lot is IlK ItKBIAN. Aiient, 5i Kroadwsy. WILHON LINE f OR SOUTH AM PToN ANI> 11 I'LL, tailing irom pier 'ti North Klter, as lollow*: ? IIIDALliO May 2<>| oTIIKl.LO June 17 COLOMBO lime :< I HINDOO July 1 first cabin, $70, currency: *M?nd caoln W ?. currency. ?Kscuralon ticket* ?n very lavor?t>le terta*. Throuirh :icket* Isaued to Continental and Baltic porta Apply, lor lull par." tlcularn. to 0HAKLKW u WBIOHT * < O , fttt South ?t. Great western steamship link. TO BKISrOI, (KNOLaNI); IiIKRCT, sailing from pier H Kast River aa Iniiowa ('OltNW Htaiuper ^iturday. May 20 SOMKKSKT, Western Wednesday. Juno 7 Cabin pa stage, >7 >; intermediate, $ K?. etaarage, #.'*>. cur rency ; excuislon tickets ?U"; prepaid stearage certlttcaies fill. Apply to W l>. MOKOAN, Airent. TOSouthst. UNITED STATfcS MAIL LINK?STKAM TO UUEENB TOWN AND LIYKRI'OOU e salliag every 71 KHDaY, _ froai pier HJ Nortfi River. WYOMIMO May lit. II A. M. i N K\ ADA Jasa 19, IO A.*. IDAHO May 3tl. 11 A M I WiSOtJNSIN ?uiio 2-i.Ioa.M. Cabin, (On. 910 and (**>, ewiraaeyt Intermediate. ??ii; ataerage. H>JH Passenger* booked to and from Paris, Hamburg, Norway, Sweden, Ac. Draft* on Ireland. England, frahce and >Jer toany at loweet rata*. WILLIAMS 4 OUION. 2m Broadway. S'PKcIaL NOTICR. -THE sPLRNDID MAIL TKA* 3 ihlp Wyoming aaile from pier So 46 .\,.rth River tor and Liverpool, on Cacsdar. May 10. nt it a clock A. M. preciael, for pa (ease apply to WILLIAMS * OblON, M Rraadway. F Kl ItOHK.V \ BTKAMSHBi, ANCHOR LINE I'NITKD sTATi.S MAIL sTEiSSiJ NEW YOitK AM) liLAMOOW. ETHIOPIA May -JO, > PM | BOLIVIA June 3.2 PM VICTOBIA... May J7.SAMi AL.-.l Ha..,. June 10, 3 PM NEW YOBK AM) LONDON. UTOPIA May i!7. !? ,\M I ALsiBALlA. Jnue 10. 4P* AMELIA .June-'4, 4PM I Ki.Y--.lA July ?, a PM Anchor Linn pitri JI aud 'J I North Biver. .1, \. NEW YOKK TO OLASUOW LIVERPOOL. LONDON OR LONDONDERRY. Cabin*, pJS to WO currency, according l<> ? ciiinmodatlOMt Excur.ion ti k?ti on hrunlit* terms. Steerage. IttJ* curwnrv: Intriiicliate. <35 currency. Dralt* iiMicl for any amount *1 current rates. HE.N'DKKMkN BROTHER*. Agent*. 7 Bowling Urusn. / <OOK'S TOl lliST AND EXCUBSIoNTICKET*" " \ ; t<> all part* of Europe aud tlie Eu*t, at reduction* rang lu from l.> t'i 45 per cent. Available by aiiy line of (learner*. Do not require holders to travel in larfre parties. COOK'S Ail I*. Kit 'A.N TOUBIST Ticket* by the principal line* of railway* ami steamer* to every leaning place la lUe I i.iied state-ami t uuada,houedin ilie name manner aa European ticket,, at redooed and low rales. COOK'S AMEBICAN HOTEL Coupon* are accepted at the Uc?t hotel* in America, provide lor a fell day's accom modation, ut $'i Vi each, -iivin ? tr hd SO centi to $1 per daj, aie u-i"'1 an CiU, requiring ui> notice. COOK'S ANNUAL vacatlou pirty saBs by steamer Vic toria July S, accompanied by Br. fftoota* Cook, to Scotland,, the Khimi, Switzerland and Ituy. Price* lor flr*i c!h? travel, hotel* and all cxpeuse*, $.'#>?, $400 and 9600, gold. I'oOK S EXCURSIONIST (or May ha* progrumuiu* foe every part of Europe, aud for California, Yoseuilte Valley, Colorado, 4c. Price iOeentt. CWOK. SON A JEN KINS. Kroadwav and Warren ?t. COAHTWIMiS STICYMSIIIPS. 3 pA.NAMA T BAN KIT STEAMSHIP COMPANY^'"" FOB SAN FB A.N CISCO, CALIFORNIA AND PACIPlO POKTil via Isthnui* of Panama. Sailing from pier 1:1 North Biver. Steamer CRESCENT CI TY SATURDAY, May 21 for Aspinwall. connecting via l'auama Railroad at i'auam* with Urst clua- ateaiushipn lor porta aa iihove. For freight or passage apply to W. P. CLYDE tc CO.. No. 0 Howling Uieen. ?OB NASSAU." N. Pj?-BEOULAB MAIL STEAMSHli LEO leave* New York Muv 31. MURRAY, FERRIS A CO.. fti South *t. OTA It HALL LINK. , , O UNITED S'l'ATES AND BBA/.IL MAIL STKAMSIIII'A sailing monthly from W *t?ou'? wharf, Brooklyn. N. Y. for PABA, PBRNAMBt'CO, IIAIIi v ami Riu JANEIRU, calling at St. Johu *, Porto Itlcu, JOHN BRA MAI.I.. Saturday. May 37. J. II. WALKER. Thursday, .luuo 1ft. Passenger accommodation* Itrat elaaa. Pur irclght and pa?*ag". at reuueed rate*, apply to J. S. I'l't Kl'.i: A CO.. Aitcuu. ,>l Pine it. vfiw YOKK AND HAVANA DIRECT MAIL* LINE.? These drat da** steamship* will ?all at 3 P. M from pier 13 North Biver, loot of Cedar *t., tor Havana direct, a* follow* COLUMBUS -Thursday, May IS WILMINOTON Tuesday. May :?0 For freight mid paasage, having unsurpassed acu< muiuda tiona, apply to WM. P. CLYDE A CO., No. <1 Howling Ureen. MrKELLER LCLINtJ A CO., Agents in Havana. 'XT Y? HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL Ha LINkT~~ IN . Steamers leave pier No 3 North I. leer at 3 P. M. FOB HAVANA DiKKCT. CITY OK HAVANA Tuesday, May 23 CITY OP VERA CRUZ May 23 FOB VEISA CBl'Z AND NhW OBLKAXS, via Havana. l'ioirre?o, CVuipeachy, Tmpail end Tatuplco. CITY OP HAVANA Tueeday, May 23 For frciirht aud tins.aid- epidv to F. aLEXANDBB A SONS, SI and 3.1 Broadway, Bteamere will laave New Orleans May US and June IB lo? Vera Cm* and all the above portx. VOItliALIFAX N. S . AND ST JOHNS, N. F. r CROMWELL STEAMSHIP LINE. Steamer* leave pier 10 N. it. following day* at 3 P. M. OEO. WASHINISTON Friday, Mav iW Or.o CBOMWELI Tuesday, May 30 For freight or pa*?age apply to CLARK A SEAMAN, SB - Weil at. ONLY DIRECT LINK TO FLOBIDA.-WKEKLY LINK to I'ori iCoyul, s.l,'.; pertiiindtna, Fla.j druntwick, (la. | *ui|lnn every I hnr-day, Irom pier '.tl Ka*t Rirrf. The ?t-Mtuicr t'l I V OF DALLAS, Ciiptuln lline*. will *all I'hur* day. May IS, ut 3 P. M., for Keinainiina ind Port itoyal. Through ticket* iss.led to all point* in l lorlda. For fielirht or pavsaue apply to 0. II. MALLUUY A t (J., or HKBMaN OLLPCKl?, I.i.i Maiden lane. OLD D<) M INK) N ST E A M HUIP" Co Si P ANY. s.iiliUK from pier 37 .North Kivor. Far Norfolk, City Point and itichiuoud, Tiie*days, Thurs* dnv* and Saturdav* at 3 ]'. M., cuiiliecline with the Virginia ami Teunoseee Air l.lne, Atlantic Ouast l.lne. Piedmont Air Lino, Ciiusapeake and Ohio ISailromi mid with the cum pitDy'* steam lines to Interior points in North I'arolliia and Virginia. Neivbern and Wa?iiiii(lou, N. C. (via .Noriolk), evrry Tuesday. i hur*da.v nn'l Saturday. Lawn, Del., Mondiiy and ThuiKiluy at 3 P, M., connecting with Maryland aud Delaware railroada. Puawiitrur accommodations uumrpagieii. Throui;ii paaa.igo ticket* and billa of lading to all point* at lowest rates, insurance to Norfolk, Aft,, '^percent. Freight received daily at pier 37 North Iti.or (funeral otBces, Ln Oreeiiwich at. N. L McCBKADx, President. PACIFit' MAIL BTKAjiSHIP LINK. . ' T FOR CALIFORNIA. JAPAN. CHINA. AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. BHITIS1I COLUMBIA, AC.. AH., . aaiiing from pier foot nl Canal at.. North ltlver. FOB sa.N FISA.NCISCO VIA ISTHMUS UF PANAMA. ACAl Wed esday, Mny t7, in nooa connecting for Contml Am?nc? hu<| t!?" South l'acltic I'ur irriuht o- "I'I'ly "t foot of CuuaI nl.. .NorUl Kivor. II. .1. ill-LLAY. supttrinttli^Ble MOBUAN'B lin^ of steamships] lor New Orleana an Texas. will -all every Saturday to New Oriean*. transferring Texal Irei^lit there In Morgan'* Louisiana and Texes ISallroad lol Morgan City, thence, per Morgan'* lino of stuanier*. to Texal port*. The XI'.W YoBK will *all from pier SHI North ltlver New York, ou Saturday, May ".<), at 3 I" M? lor NewOrleaul direct. Ilirough bills of lading aisneii to Mobile, <Salve?ton and to all po ut* on the iialceaton, HarrlSDiirg ami San Antonio, llouaton and Texas t'eittral. International and tireiil .North ern, T"xa* and Pariflc ami Tratia Continental railroad*, and to Iniiirtiieiaaiid San Antonl?. and all point* on iIm. Unlf, Western Texas ami Pacific Itailway. Hr iao* Santiago. I.'or pus Cliristl. Bovkport, si. Mari s and Fulton. Freight lor St. Mary's and Fulton lapded at Itockport, Lighterage and channel due* at either Corpus t'ltrittl or llraao* Santiago at the expense ami risk of conaife.ine. Through rates to Brownsrille, via Kio ? .rami" Kuilroad. ltisnrance ran he eifeeted under open policy ofl!. A. While ney A Co.. New Orleau*. From New York to New Orleans, & per cent. from New York to all Texas ports via New Or lean*. J, per cent. Freight at lowest rates. For freight or farther inforaa* tiou apply to CIIABLBS A WHITNEY A CO.. Agent*. pier :itl Nw Hi Kivor. Texas'line fob ualvkston. roiciii Nu at krI Went, carrying; tho L'liitu.i SiiiteH mnil.?Thw newuei bTATK OF ThXAM, CdptiiUi I'oltfor. will ?t8 ?m .SatiirtUv. Mny at H P. M.. from pior J) Kau Hlrftr. Tliro'igh bill* of lAtUntf ^rtven to ull pohitu on the llouatofl un<i Tuxao. C'uniral Iiuerunlional ami t jr<*nt Northern, (J?i? v?i(OR, Houston noil 11 ?*n ilor moii, and tlie tialveitmi. llama* burj? and San Antonio r iilnoul? Kr. iichtn unci itiMiiranc# al lowest riii0?. For freight or p stwaici*, li ivin^ ulterior hc* Comniodatlona, apply to C. If. MALLiiUY A CO., L>3 Maiden I tue. I^OB NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. 1 TlIK CHOMWELI. LINE. Tlx ? teamihip KNICKERBOCKER. ?.' * I ? (n I n Kemble, on MATl'llOAY. .<(?) JO, at il o'clock 1*. M? from pier No. H North River. Through Mil* ot lading given to Mobile tad all priuclpd piint* on the Mi*?i??i|>pi Itiver. Cabin pit?age, <?'<>); ateeratfa. 9-->. Apply to CliAivK A SEAMAN, 80 VtiLaL T11AVEI.I.EKH' UHDK Afjt any*.?people's link. htkAmbo \ rs lkayI pier 41 North Klfcr. daliy. Sunday* excepted, at 0 I*. M., fiutr Albany anil til points North ana Wtii. CITIZENS' LINK ?.TEAV.BI1ATS FOB TROT AND ALb J point * Northeeat nnd Wont. leave daily, except Satur day, at il P. M., fri'Bi pier W North River CVaTSKILL CREEK LINE.?NEW OMAMI'lov I tw.S > day 'Tlturaday anil Saturday, front pier i-. Canal ?t.( Mi'M a.nL'H. alternate day*. Iroin Lrroy ?t.. (1 I*. M. BUM. RIVER LINE Til "BOSTON." via N? *Mrt iiml fall Rivrr. The world renowned ?tcainboata BRISTOL and PROVIDENCE l ax pier 2A North Hirer, loot of Mm ray *1, ilailv (Sunday* oxceptodi, at '. I' M Throcgh ticket* aoM at nil the principal hotel* in tlia cltjr. Ir?<?K N oi*W A LK 111K ECV ?i A R E Tt"). I > I I' E D. - ON ' and after Monday. Mar l.'i, tlie itMDwrAHtKlCl'lvfll leave pier J 7 Ea?t liiver, foot of Market *t., 2:4ft. and front foot ot :tid at., at'J o'clock IV M.; returning leave* Hontl Nurttaik at 7 ? A. M. dally (Sunday exceptor cniiuecvini each wav with Danhury and Norwalk and New llaven llalf road*. I- are :ift cent:.. Ktramun ticket- ftdcenta. 01,1) ESTABLISHED LINK FOR gTUYYBSANr CATA kill and intermediate landing*. -steamer ANDREW Irom Franklin >1. (pier rt), Tiienday. Thur?day ami .Nutnrday ; ?tt amer MONITOR, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at Sr. M. Pennsylvania rwlroad. UltBAT TRUNK LINK and united states mail route Train* leave Near York, via De*bro**e* and Uortladtt ?treat ferrie* ?a follow*:? Expre**ior Harrmborg, PRt'burg, the West and Soutn. with I'ullm hi palace car* attached, J :3D A. M., <1 and A :'W P. >1. Mandat. tl aud H :.ei 1". M. For WHIIaaiBport. Lack ila> on. Corry and Erla, at 9:10 A. *1 and * hi P. M.. connecting at Uorry for TUatvillo, jvtroleum Centre and the oil region*. For Italtiiii* re. Washington and tin* South, '*1.1 nlted Weafo Inictim Kv|ire-?" or I'uliman pa'lor care dally i, except Sunday i. W : <U 4. M., arrive Waahin.-ton 4:10 l". M. Iar at I *1 A. a.. :i and ? P. M Huudajr, > P. M. Itxprece for Philadelphia. 7. 7 :3 1, M 4U. J;:n A. M., ViM. 8, 4, 4 I i. ft,rt 7. * ::?i. t? P. M. and M night. Sunday, *>, 6, 7, H :m and II r. M. Emigrant and aceond claa*. 7 r. M. For train* t<> Nawar*. Elliabeth, I tali w <y, I'rlnceton, Tren ton. I'arth Aniboy, Kletninirtoii, lle.videre and otbel |i int?, are ItM-al Khflttle* at all ticket Train* arrive -trim rittahoric, a'i'l |i?:30 A. M. loawl' M dail v: 10:15 A. M. and II: aj I*. M. dally, ox copl Monday, r'rotn Waahinfton and Baltimore, tfrJt A. M.. 4ilM. S;lt and luiLt I'. M. Snnuay, t? ,-o A, M, I rmi I'hil t ielplil i, :l'l, tl:J0, |U;|?, II :M), 11 M A, M . 2:1.1, 4 .ift, .. 1ft. l',ni ?mO, M;44 and U?:ji f, M. hundav, ft:I'>, >1 ilulft, lltM A. M. 0 '*t and ln;J? F. M. Ticket oBca?, ft'J'I ami M4 Hrnadway. No. t Alitor llouw, and loot ol De>l,roa-wa and I'ortlandt ?ta.; No. 4 l:uurt it, Rriioklvn; i<?t III, llil and ll'4 lladaon at., Uobok?% Kralrrant tleaet nlfcu. NiH S Uattery place FRANK THOMSON, D. M. HOYD, Jr? llenerai Manager. lien 1'aaMiMtar Afftat' PIIILADELI'HIA VIA LON(1 BRANCH AMD TUB New Jersey Southern Kallroad ?Kara lower tban by any other route, commencing Mar I, lrt7tl. Leave New York, IMarM North Itiver, loot Kector at., 6:44 A, M., lot Long Hranrli and Intermediale point*: !i:4ft A M., for Pnl? deiphla, Lonn Branch, Vmeland, Me.: 4 I*. M., for Fhtlkdal* phla Loiik Hranrh. Tuckertnn, le,j (I 1*. M , for Ixinc Hrauch, Ac. WM. S. SNI.IIKN. Uaneral Mnnaitar, Removal may i'to I'ISk id north iuumm? ol Spring at.?For Rondout and King-top, eon??0>lM with lifter and Delaware Itallroad. landing at IlirMiutd Faita \Ve-t i'mnti, t'omwall, Nnwhnnr, Marlboro, jfeltira, I". u.'hk. e ? e and ha p .v Steamboat * TIIOMA4 C<>R NEI.l. laava every Tnoalay, Thwralar, ami Saturday! JAMKS W. BALDWIN Mondiy. WcdMoMy, Friday. Sprlajt it., pier 4:t North River, at 4 I*. M. San francisco. caL.. fr im new yoke IN tlir.'i- da>e and a half.?So* xpeeial a.|vrrti>atBent of J A It RETT * PALMEli on fttUi page * to day - Herald. CTONINOTOMLINB BOB BOSTON. O Reduction of Faro. Steamer* RIIODR ISLAND and NAKRAOANBBTT, flrow pier .1:1 North Itiver. foot of Jay * ft P. M. l'n*vi<)<*r?o>* |il?i from uler SI North Kivcr, foot of Far'k place. (IteeaiMpd kl.ECTlt A and OALATKA, at ?*? P. * THE ALBANY AND TROT LINK OF DAT BQiM wtii in iimi