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28 HTPATIOtlli WAffntP-rEMALB^ " I uu (?. Ar. 9 WEST 4!<TH ST. (PKESRXT EMPLOYER'S.)-A RR apecsable woman as IrU c'na rook; l"?t city reference. nn WF.xT ISTM ST.?A TO0BO WOMAN AB 000D U and to aeeist with washing end ironing ill a bearding howse; eity or country : sood reference. ~ wltflT itTH ST.?A WOMAN AS OOOD OOOK, tuhn and Ironer; good city reference. 4)Q BAKROW ST.-TWO OIRLR To CO TOOETHBR, wO or wnnld gv separate . one as good cev k. Miliir and ironer ' tb? other a* cliRmhfrm'i'd and or '.mold do Iffthi Itnowwii'k and mind children; Rood city reference, t all for two days. t oT~ MO* HOE ST.. ROOM 5.-A RBSPBOT ABLE 01BL O 1 io .'I.nk, wash *nd iron in a small private family. "1 WEST 13TII ST.?A KIHST CLASS PRuTESTAXT ?/JL cook; understands all kinds of soups. meats, game, pastry, des?"rts. bread and biscuits. ?J>| CLINTON PLACE??A >~RESC H COOK. PMU * '~t feet in every way. with molt flattering references, wishes steady employment and a Lorn* in a very respect able private family. OU WEST 13TH ST.?A KF,SPB(JTABLB WOMAN"" A8 OO cook; eity or country; good eity reference. ~/tl\ wkstThtii st ,>Irst "floor?a yocno wo 1 " man at cook in a privata family; understands all kiuda ofhakiug; will take charge of the milk and batter; pood reference A 1 wE?T"2HTif ST. (PRESENT EMl'LOVKK)"?AN T1 Intelligent woman Da first rlass rook; understands coking thoroughly; no objection to a summer houee; good reference. " 40 PRRRT ST.. IK THt- ST<mT?A COMPETENT ?? girl a^ irood cook and good laundress: city or country; good eity reference. 51) WKHf~4?TH ST. <?B&ENT EMPLOYER'S).?A ?I respectable woman aa plain cook, washer and Ironer. CQ~WEST~l?T!l RT <PK1 8RNT KMPI.OYFR'H).? ?JO Ai plain OLOk. to aaalat with washing and Ironing, or aa 'anndreaa and chambermaid to the country. Apply be tween 11 and 1. r '?""WEPT ISTIl ST.. REAR?A RESPBOTA BLB t) I English womnn aa first claaa hotel cook ; understands all klada of meata. games and aoupi; either city or country. M. GILL. WEST 44TH RT.?A "RESPECTABLE YOt'NO Ul worn sn to do cooking, washing and ironing; conntry preferred; rood referonce. OO WEST 3'>TH ST. (PRESENT EMPLOTF.R'W.?A 00 respectable young girl as cook In a trivat* family; beat eity reference. Call or address. 7#\"WEST 43D St., NEAR OTH AV.-A THOROUGHLY 1 " competent wf man aa firat clasa cook; understands her business in all Ita branches; is an excellent baker; very beat eity reference. QfT SD AY.-A YOnCO WO*AM AS OOOD PLAIN *>*) cook.,wather and ironer; good city reference from last place. 1 AC KAST 43D8T-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN A8 .1 "?y first rlssa cook ; understands all kinds of desserts and soups -. la willing aud obliging; best eity reference. Call for two days. I A7TH AT.?A RESPECTABLE YOITNO ENOLISIT .1 ">) woman as first clasa cook ? understands French and all kinds of family cooking; would assist In washing; bjst ro'ercnce from last place. mWKST STII sfT-TWO OIULSToNE AS OOOD rook ; excellent baker and thorough laundress; the other as first class chambermaid and waitress; pood refer ence from last employer. II O WEST 1?TH StTREAR ?AS OOOD OOOIC; WILL J 1 ?t assist with the washing; best references. nt) WEST 1BTH 8T. - A8 FIRST-RATE COOK! ? would do somewnshlng; good baker; hestcity ref erence. 118 11 I WEST 17TII ST.?A YOCNO WOMAN AB FIR8T 1 I "T class cook: will assist with the washing; city or jountry; best city reference. WKST iOTTF ST.?A OIBL TO DO PLAIN cooking, wnshlng and Ironing; host city reference. I 99 WEST I9TR Sf7, RKAR.?AN KXPRRI. I ?JmJ enced vonng woman as good cook; oxcellent baker: will do the coarse washing; city or country; best city ref rrenco. 1 (if* WEST 1 OTfI ST.?A UK.SPF.CTAIII-K^WOmXn l<^\) as conk and to assist with the llpht vrashlnr and ronlng: no ohlection to the conntry: pood city reference. j 9Q~WKST 19TH ST.. in"thb RKAR-TTlK^PKCT^ l ??0 nhle girl as cook and to assist with washing and lining; be-t city reference. 1 Q'V^i^L STT W1LLIAMSBCKO.-AN AMERICAN I ?>> ) wnmsn as first class cook; nnderstands eooUng In all ita branches. 137 J?J?> WEST -J?TH ST.?AS OOOD COOK; T1IOR 1 ?>? > mighty nuderstanda her business; good bread and tisruit maker; willing to do the coarse waahiug and Ironing ?f a small family; good city reference. mWF.ST 2STII ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO woman as good cook and excellent baker; would assist with the washing and Ironing; city or country; good city reference. 1 *-? ft VTBST ITTH ST.?A RESPECTABLE OIRL AS J Oil good conk and to assist with the washing and Iron ing; good city reference. ' WESTTBTrf ST.. RASKMEXT.?AS COOK IN~A private family; thoroughly understands her busi ness; first class city reference. WRsf ?SD RT., ONE FLIOHT" FRONT?A colored woman as cook by the day or week. L Mrs. SORREL. mITH AV., BETWEEN 1HTH AND lflTH ST8.?A young woman as rood plain cook, excellent washer and Ironer: three years' city reference ; city or country. 1 OQ EASTTnTH 8T.-A8 FIRST CLAS8 COOK IN A JLO?7 private family; is a cood baker; best eity and conn try reference. Call for two days. Von"bLEECKER ST.-fwO AMERICAN OIRLR; l')i7 one as cook, the other as chambermaid and assis tant; no objections to the country; city reference. Call or address. WEST 28TH ST.. IN HARNESS STORK.?A RE JL O'J spectable girl as cook in a private family; rlty or country; city reference. lT(T wksT 2STirST.. ROOM 11.-A RESPECTABLB JLTv young girl as goo.I cook or laundress. 1/in WEST lttTIi ST.?A respectable WOMAN 1 i "/ as first class cook; will assist with washing; no ob jection to go a short distance in the couutry; city refer ences. _ . nrvuT 318T ST.?A PROTESTANT WOMAN AS 142 good cookatidbaker; will ...1st with washing; best eity reference. ?? _7flTAvTr~iETWEEN 18TH AND 19TII STS.? A 144 yonnp woman at first clans oook in a private f^m Vtlsoaii " l * 4 * 145 lly: undefstanils all kinds of soups, meata, game'and pastry ; boat city reference. Call or address. 1 A r EAST 418T 8T?A RESPECTABLE~ffoMANIAS 1t>) excellent cook and first class laundress; thorough ly understands her business; best city reference. _WE8T 24TH ST!?AN RNOLISH_ WOMAN TO cook, wash and iron; country preferred. 1 V-l EAST 4HD ST. ?A KESPKCTABLB WOMAN AS I'll) first class cook In a private family; Is a good kaksr; no objeeilnn to the country: goo.I elty reference. 1 n WEST 1HTII ST.. BETWEEN 6TII AN7> 7TH IJt avs.?As first class cook; would do coarse wushinr; two years' reference from laat place. icq west"**? stTTkoom J.-A KKSPECTABLE 1'JO woman to cook, wash and Iron; no objection to a private boarding house; is a good baker; understand all tluds cf desserts; best city reference. <l\ KAST 'til) ~fT-YOtN(l CIRL AS PLAIN llf cook, washer and ironer; small family; two years' reference LI'Ql'EER ST., IIROOKLyN.-AS EXCELLENT cook, washer ai.d ironer; bast city reference. WEfcT 4BTH""sT7, CORNE~R 7TH AY. TlilBD floor.?As ceok and to assist with washing: six r- irs' reference from last place. iMU\"EAST MD ST.. CORNER SD AV? 18T FLOOR.? ? lr\) A yrung woman to cook, wash and Iron, it to do (enersl housework In a small private family; city reference. k>n 1 I ^TIUSTM'. NEAR BD AV."?TWO YOI'NO ?' / 'r Protestant women; one aa first elsas rook; the Other as cliambortnsld and waitress; no objection to the country; Rood city reference. t t>i\o west iHTif sr.?a~compF:teNT WOMAN AS u"0 good eook ; will assist with the washing; best city reference from l?st place. 189 200 208 WEST 3Yril St.?A KESPEOTABLE WOMAN as good cook, wssher an I Ironer; willing and oblig ing; five years' reference from last place. 9(1U WE8Tli?TU HT.-A 1NEAT" T1PY AND VERY jmiVIO comtietent girl as cook and laundress; city or coun try ; good city reference. Oi l| BAST SSI) ST.-A KESPEOTABLE"WOMAN A8 w cook; would assist iu the washing; best city refer MN ? or adilrrss. 91 O EAST UV ST.?A RT.fTpECTAHLE WOMAN A*iXZt as plain cook ; Is an excellent incat cook sqd baker; no ohjectioi, to go a short distance in the country with a nice family for the summer. 9"l'?F~bast jstii stTstork>.?i w6 sisters, on* ZiLO as experienced cook, the other as e.hamhcrmaid and waitress and to assist in the tvnshilig in a small family; country preferred; good reference. Call for two days. ()1 7 EAST 47TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE Yol'NO i girl as good plain cook} willing to assist In wa?h lug; no oh|ection to the country; two years' reference from last place. 9oTT east ?_'D s r.- a oikl as oood plaTn conk, washer and iron r, or to do housework in a small private family: c ty reference. 99A ~WEST icrrH ST.-A oikl TO cook. WasTi Z. ? U and iron or to do general housework; best city ief ere nee. 999 west TerrifliT.?an "amTTkit^Ts"protest ant girl as oook ; no objection to the rountry. Call er a iaresa lor two days. 9iii, east 4-Viii ST.?a rbspkctable7jrbiTto X cook, wash and Iron In a small family ; good olty reference. , WEST 3'JD ST.. B?TiV'resvectebfs Aaetch 22;b%r fT,^y ; city or conntry . RO..d fur two Uaya ^7T7of?0 TtlKbS T<? ;.?1 WEST 27TU ?' one as c'<ok; the other as do tl ? work cfthe bo?'?' n?rT prrferre<l. la'indress; beat city reference. V'rpVi-ECTABl-E ayssccsw-w!-;-21 ViltT O'J C E VST ?TII ST.?AS FIRST CLASS COuK. NO ^OU abjectl in to waali or Iron; goou city relerenen nitr wbSt no kt. nuss noo?, fBOST, room 11.--Two sisters; one ss eook. waaher snd Ironer , the other as chsmusrmaid and waitress; Rvs snd aine yesrs' reference <?;i7"EAsi' ui'rTi st.. room r?a respectable aJO I gi'l as good pla.n eook, washer and Ironer; willing snd obliging , good reference. ?>?*() KAST MTH 8T- RfX>M i:? -MOTHER AND dsuchter; one aa cook, washer and ironer; the other far upstairs work. ?) | <t 4TII AY.?A RESPECTaBLB OIRL TO OOOK tL \ V and assist in washing, rood city reference. No tards received. t) jii EAST 41ST ST.-A RESPECTABLE PBOT /'iy rsiant woman as good plain cook; would as>i?t with the washing; Is a good bread and blw-uit mak. r; willing ami obliging. J tl M EAST WTH ST.. top FLOOR. BACK room. - Z'lI'A. first Haas cn.<k: umlerstands cceaing in all ita tranches; in a good baker and pastry cook; Lest city refer MM*, call lor two days. SITUATIONS WAHTKU-rEMAliBI. ~' Cook*. 4tot. oi() west ?rrn ht.-two *ibtbr*i one as ^4 r??k. washer, Ironer and goo<l baker; the other aa ehsW;rrn?ald and waitress and to Mlllt is the washing ud iroalnr; city ur count rr , best reference 4? < o" jfrirr-sTT!i "rt.-an inolkh WOMAN ab ^4'^ cook In * private family : willing to itoeearar waah |:-g or go to the country for the sauimer in oat ha; goad reler ence |) i J KAKT 44TH ST.?A YOrS'5 flIBL AS GOOD ??+'( cook ; will MdHvlih washing and ironing; best city n(n?M. 0 A C ~We5t"1bTH IT.?TWO BBBPECTABLB GIRLS; , t?) ona u co >k and to assist with washing: the other aa chambermaid: tour yearn' elty references. OiQ WMT *>TH ST.?A STE\UY WOMAN AS ? T* cook, washer and Ironer; la a good baker; dt; reference. Q< Q~WRST fOTFI ST.-TR KBPRRTARM WOM AN Zt t" ?" aa rook and to assist with waehlng and itaalne; |{oo'l cur reference. ()RA WKST1STH ST.. I* TOE STOKR.?A PHOTEB ? ??W tant woman aa cook; understands her business thoroughly: good reference. ('an <c seen for two dan. o2"| ' ?nt at" sbak ?tw(> yotrso oibls ; _' ) 1 onaaeenek; the other a* chambermaid and wait ress ; beet city reference. Q/?Q WRST 1?TH ST.. FIRST FLOOR.?A YOrXG ?' ) ?' woman aa -rood cn?k and to assist with the waehlng and Ironlntr: good dtv reference* ('all or adireaa. OQQ 9TH AV., CORNER 2TTH St"?A~ RKSPRCT w"u able woman ar cook or to do general hoo?*ork In a amall family : will jrn 'or amall salary with nrlvllege of bavin? her litt'a irirl with her. Call for two day*. n QQ F.LIZ ABKTH ST.?A GERMAN WOMAN >8 JZiCjU plain cook: good waeher and Imner. ?J no 8TFI AT.?AS FIRST CLASH COOK: PVIlRH t)u>? atand* French cooking, pastries, Jellies and aoopt of all kinds: best olty reference. Q7|7~7TiTaV.?OOOD PLAIN OOOlC^ASRRR O'' i aud Ironer; it a good baker; excellent city refer ence. ? ) A 7 LI? X1NGTON AT.?A RESPECT A BLR YOUNG ? )U I girl aa good plain cook; would assist with the waeh lng. not Ironing: heat city reference lrotn her present em ployer. Call tor two days. WEST 44TH ST.?TWO GIBLB IK A PRIVATE alVIO family: one to cook, waah and Iron. ?*d the other | to do chambcrwork and waiting; heat city reference. OIQ BASTTtoTn ST.. TOP >r.ooR. FRONT.?A EE ? ) I O speetab'e vonnr woman a- first class cook and to as sist with washing in a private family; pood elty referenoe; no objection to the country. *-191 42D ~BT.! B BTWBBK *TH~ AND 9TII t)_l a vs.?A resprctaMe woman as good rook, in the country; no objection to do t^e coarse washing; good ref erence. I QQ EAST StBT ST~ KIRST FLOOR." BACK room.?A a rounv woman aa cook In the cltv: nn I deratanda her hualneas In all Its branches: left last place on | account of the folks leaving town; wonld help with the washing if required; well recommended from first class fam j lllea. QO- EAST S3D HT.-A'KESPBCTABLE WOMAN A3 I if^it ) plain cook, washer and Ironer; flrat class reference. | ooe Bast new st -a vodn? oirl as "cook" ? Jw* I washer and Ironer in a private family. ?JOT _RAST 11 Tn~ST^A OOOdT^ONEST. MIDDLE ? )OL aceri woman aa flrat claas cook: more for a borne than good wagea. Can be seen for two days. Q'>1 Wft^MTH'8T.-A RESPECTABLE riTRiTAB it it L cook, washer and ironer; city reference; willing and obliging. QQQ EAST 25TII ST.. ROOM IB. -A RESPECTABLR OOJ young girl aa plain cook and assist with washing in a private family: good city reference. ?)0(TE AST 31 ST ST.?A HKRPROTABLE OIBL TO OOfJ cook, wash and iron; good reierence. ? H C EAST-24TH PT~ 11KTWKKN 1ST ADD ?D O^T'/ nvs.?Two yonng glrla wish t-> go In theconntrv: one as cook, waeher and Ironer: the other aa chambermaid and waitress and to assiat with the washing and Ironing; beat city reference. Q I rr~V.\<T WTII ST.. COBNEB 1BT AV.^A RE. ? )t I apectable young girl aa chambermaid and waitress; no objection to the country; good reference from last place. qcn WEST r>rr? sr.?a~*rk9PBctable yoVno 01 )' ' woman as good plain cook, washer and Ironer In a private family: beat city reference. ocqwbst wrrvTsf-a youjcq oibl as ooon O')?i plain cook, wa-hcr and ironer. Can be seen for two days. Five yesrs' reference. Q/? fT WRST 51BT BT.'-TWO-St^TKROjTlS AS ijyj't good cook and laundress, the other as pood cham bermaid and waitress; no objection to the country: |ood reference. OQ 4 2D AV.. BBCQND PLOOR. BACK BOOM,?A Ot/T yonng woman as good plain cook, washer and Ironer: rood elty reference. Tft 4 EAST 2BTU ST.. TOP KIX>0*. FBOKT.-A rr V/"X yonng girl to cook, wash and iron, or wonld do gen eral housework; city reference. Til EAST 17TH ST.?AS FIRBT CLA88 COOK: CITY Tt L L or oonntry; good city reference. J~OQ BA8T 10TH ST?A RRSPECTABLB YOCNfJ TwiJ girl as nlaln cook, good wiuher and irouer. or to do general housework in a private family : best city reference. 4 ?)?J WKRT TOTirSr7BOTWKBN ilTH AND H1TII TOO av* , In the rear.?As first class German cook, in a private family. A 'X'J P.AST-TfTH ST.?A COMPETENT WOMAN A8 TTU I flrat class conk in it private family or boarding house: no objection to the eonntry; best city reference. Can be seen tor two days. /OQff iiSfMTH ST.?AS Ft EST CLA?S COOK IN T')i/ a auialt private family; highest city reference. Call on or address COOK. AJY\ ?t1Tav7 (IK THE HAIB STORK).-AB FIRST tl L da.?s English eook In a private fltmlly; no objec tion to the country: Newport preferred; six years' city reference. Call tor two daya. VQ"f~rriT AV.-A COLORED WOMAN AB FIRST TrO I claa? cook; unaerat*nda her bnslneas. TOO BTH AV.. FOURTH FLOOR.?Ah FIRST CLASS TOO oook in either Long Branch. Kookaway or Newport: flrat class city reference; uo boarding house keepers need ?l'ply r/\Q STB AV.. BRTWEfcN 35TH AND S8TH STH.?A i)Wi/ reapectable Protestant girl as coak. washer and trener; best reference trom last place. Call for two days. n i)(J WF.ST ?D ST.?A IBBSPECTABLB OIBrTTs tJwv cook and laundress and excellent baker; goad ref erence from last employer. C4 0 7TH AV.. IN THE BAKER*.-TWO OIRLH; ? )'T O one na plain rook. waaher and ironer; the other aa rlmmbrniuM and waltreaa; no objection to the country; city reference from laat placc. cTo 7THAV.-A. RESPECTABLE YOl'NG C.IHL AS ?/Ttl cook nr to do general huuaework; oltv reference. Call for two daya. Ay _AK AMER10AJ GIRL to cook, wa*h and Iron for three in family. 770 bt5T av.Tbrtwkkn mst j(Tsolan Vrs.?a I lO reapectahle woman aa cook : nndemanda her buai neaa thoronjhly; la an excellent bread and biacnlt maker; haa the beat city reference from her lad place. Call lor two dava. , QAtl ?TH"AVT (RlN11 SECOND BELL).?AS FIRST Ova claaa Oertnun cook In a Brat elaaa Ocrmau or Amor Icau family. Q.J(J BTII AV.. BETWEEN 4TIH ANl> 48TH~STS.-AS 00?" goodcook: would aaaist with waibing and ironing; bo?t city reference from her laat place. QQQ BTH AV., BETWEEN .'<3D~AND MTlTsTa.^A 0?70 reapectable yonng woman a* flrat clnaa enok; nn der?tanda her bnaineaa in all Ita branchea and la fully com petent of taking en'lre charm; excellent refrrenee. T~1 M Q n?OADWAY"(W. n~t co/sTT-a youno 1.1' tO woman a* flnt claaa cook;makea good bread, biaciilta. cake and plea: beat reference. AS (COLORED) COOK; FUOM THE 1ST OK JUNE, privateer public; conntrv for rammer. Addrcaa U, bos li*i Herald Uptown Branch office. x important fact"fob ADVERTISERS TO CONSIDE& Circulation of tbe EVENING TELBOBA* laat week wip Monday. May S 3\*)0 1 neaday. M ay 9 ??? flnn Wednead.ty. Mar 10 ?.... S7.? "> Tlmrailar, May 11 . 87.300 Friday, May 12 .W.-KD Saturday, May 13 9i,7UO Total 2:?0 1'*) Dally ayerage :iA,3.'>0 ATOUNO WOMAN as FIRST CLASS cook: c*. der?tanda all klnda of cooking; la a good baker; no objection to the country: good city reference. Addreaa COOK, box 112 Herald Upt< wu Branch office. Cliainboriimifla. Ac. MWEST iisr ST.-A BKsPKCTABItB FRENCH woman aa rhamb'-rmaid and aeain?tre?a In a private fiimiiy; can't apeak kngllah. Can be aecn at prcaent em - ployer'a. on"WEST HIST ST.?A l.ady WISUKrt A BITl'A. OU tlon for a chambermaid and waltreaa; an honeat. In duxtrlona girl. Call before 1 F. M. i/i va.ndkwatkk st., in tTibIbtore.?A YOUNG Tr."/ clrl to do chamberwork or light houaework : la willing and obliging. Addreaa. JTT\tmtTtih sT.."Ti rst ki."oo r. r rTTn"r~ r7>o *.? TU A flrat claaa chambermaid and weltrei*: thoroughly ondc ratanda ber bualneax : ao objection to a hoarding house'; good elty reference r?T WEST 3ftTlF sT. (PRMKNT EMPLOYER'H-A ! t/O competent young woman aa chambermaid and wait ! r*?a, or waltreaa alone; understand* fine waalilng and iron ing; excellent elty reference. Can be aeen for two daya. ? A OMEAT "jon'k-" ST.-A S"OUN<r~t)lRL TO 60 fJ'i; rhaitiberwork and waiting In a private family; good refereare. C jTlfiiT-WD BT. (FREBKWT RMFLOTRR'SI.-XS chambermaid and waltreaa in a email private family; Do objection* to Hie conntry. r 7* OKKRNVrlcH A v.?A vorvo WOMAN AH Cll AM . . UU bermaM and waltreaa; beat city reference. , ([') KAS'MIST ST.-A YOCNii (il K I, AS CI! AM J! 1.1: maid and to do plain aowlng; no objection to a abort tfletMM Hi i!i? ?'??'il trv. No raril*. T"o~CANSf)N~ST. ?A german UlllI, AM CHAM* ?/ bermaid or nnrae. Apply for three daya. I 7 T>ivisiov at.?"ft)' rid chambkrwobk and ' 4 U waiting. i I Afl' w KST~.'iirn st. iBahkmrnt doom^?a id^ 1 AUU >pectable >Hrl aa ehanilyrniaol. Call or addre>a, lor | 1 wo *ya. ! fT>J WEST IHTli if.-A~VOVNil tlIRL TO DO : J J ?? elmmberwork and waiting; country preferred; gool I re|er?-neta. | f|5" WEST *iTH ST.?AS K1KST TLa'sITcilAMBltR | HO m?id and lanndreae: city or conntry: releren<-e from la-t employer. 1 I 1)0 ? E 8T HJTH HT . FtlUHTH BUM. ?A REilFRCT 11 able girl aa chambermai i, and would do tile Rua wmtiing; willing and obliging: rfty or eonntry; teat reier an<?*. _____ ) liji) WEST WITH ST.. fourth BRLU-A RBoPRCT ? 1_<? able girl ?? rliamiierinaid and \vaiireaa or would | take rare of children : city or country . In-at reference. I k) I WhVT ?if'Tll ST ?A Yol'Nii itlltL CHAM i Xirf'jt bermaid and waltreaa or aeamatreaa; beat eitj raf erenre. 11/- GRRBNWICH AV-A RhSI'Et'TA HLK IlIBIt ? 1 aa rhiribetioaid and ?alt-e?a, no objection to a ! art rate boarding er to g? In the rouitrr; city i?lur | eiice. _ _ __ I ' 1 OO W/O-T <fiTII ST.-A KESFRCTABI.K mill, I il W ?' a? ch unberni-id or 10 lake c:ire ?! growing clitl- ! c reu ; l< willing ami obliging : ?u objetlioii to the country. Can be aeen at preeent empioyer'a. J _ SITUATIONS WABTBD?WCMALK?. Ckamb?rm?M?, Asc. 14 B WERT Jf?T?l sr.-A KIRST CLASS COLORED 1[>' chambermaid ; goot reference. Call for two days. 1 A r east" 40TH stT-A "u f kl" ~aT c m am be rmud XT' ) ?u 1 wsli reus In > private family; good relirtMf. lAJf A.HT 320 ST.- A"BESPECTABLE QIRI. AS It I chambermaid attd waitress In a private bo?MUa( house: (Mdelt; reference. "I CI EAST *?!>' ST.. kTkHT FLOCK. BACK.?TOCEO 1' ' L girl as ehnmi>ermald ami waitress; ?*in? if de sired: city ur country: good reference. fall for two days. I'rr | "west i'hth st.-a" Wkseeotable! "?miVpe. i'/T i?ni yonnic itirl as rhambennaid aart waitress to a private laally; no objection tu tba country; bad city re ter race 1 ZA WERT!?tH ST.?A PIRST CLAM CHAMBER I''t maid aad plain s-wer; country or alty ; baM refer ence. 1 <? A BART 5SD ST.?A RESPECTABLE OIRL AS Lv/w chambermaid and waltresa sud aasist with wash ing: small family. three years' rvferenoe 1 ftl WKST 2VTII RT.. ~ontJROH BASEMENT.?4 I'll Protestant girl a* chainh- rmald and nurse <>r do chanil nrwork and waiting; no otpjoctlou to tba country; rood reference 1 f'/ BAST ~28TU RT.?A BB8PECTABL1 niBLTd I'''t do chamberwork and washing: ba?t cltv reference. nnK ~EA<T 46TH ST.-A _RB"sPKCTABLE CIHlT ? v M ' lately I ami d, to do chamberwurk and waiting. oni EAST 4HTII ST.-A Yot VO (lint, AS FIRST l c'a?s chaml<erma|i' and waitress: ?l!lini.- to as*i?t with washln? and ir-nfnc In a small private faintly; beat ritv r-ferencr from last place. i;j)l EAST ?.?rtTIt ST.." BETWEKJtlitr AND3D A VS.? -v'T A raspoctahle yonni; tirl at chambermaid ani to a?ii?t with washing and Ironing; belt city reference front last employer. oh if K A ST StOTH ST.?A RESPECT A RLE TOIWO "*r srirl as chambermaid sn 1 waitress or tn do general hoot" work in a an all private family; two yeara' reference from lam place. on r wkst rmi sT., betweenfrit A*n ?rn avu.?A rc*p?etable funic woman a* chamber maid and to assist with the waihlD,; and Ironing. Can b? seen for two days. onQ~east "<trrn rt.. second "VToor. front.? Aii American Protestant glrl^s chambermaid and seamstress; best city reference from lint plsc ?. m rf" EAST ~74TII ST., TMIEO ? FLOOR.-AMBBT. ? L I cau tflrl to do chamberwork and waiting In a snwill family or ai< ?mr?e and plain newer or to do any light work; bent city reference. *>91 PAST 47TH ST ?A TO UNO OIRL A* CHAM w^L bermald and waitress; Ova yeara and six months reference*. ?>0- ~Ea"sTP~25I> ST.?A BBBPECTABLE "ITlBL AS ? _j'J cliarabermaiil and tanndreni. or a* waltrow: no oh .l?ction to the country for the aamnier; boat city refarcnca from laat place. OOl WEhT .15TH ST.-AS CHAMBVRMaTd AND J'll waltran; Hccnutomed to hoanework; two yeara' reference from last employer. 9Q7 *K8TI'TriFst'^A COMI'F.TKXT YOI'NO wo <jO| man aa first claas chambermaid and waitreai; good refrrence. O'i7~WEST" (iTH ST.?TWO VOUNO OIRI.S; ONE AR _<u I chmnbarmald ?n<l t? a*ii*t with wanhln* anil iron Inir; the other aa cook, waehor and Imner; no objections to the country; best city referencta Call for one day. CIA 0~WEST^ItfVnt RT.?A RESPEcfABLE"Tbr*<| ? r womm lEnRtlsh) as ehambermaH and nnraa: thor onrhlv understands her business; best city referenco from last employer. f) A r>"east 30TH RT, TOP FLOOE^-A TOfrfJii ?jT ?j irlrl to do cham'berwork or tak* care of childron in a prlvnto family. oTw? BA8T 44TH ST.?A 'V(>U\G WOMAN AS CHAM ?j"r' ' barmaid and laundreaa; no nbjeetion to the coun try; four year*' reference from Inst place. 9/in" WBST 81ST ST.. "sECOVD""FLOOBr FEONT -J r ? J room.?A young girl as chumbermnid and waitress; good references. OKj" WE ST^nvftlST.?A TOUNU WOMAN ARCHAM ?J>'L barmaid and nurse; good city reference. Call or address. 9~~9 WKST 10TIt ST, TOr~~FI.OOE^A YOUVO Protestant woman to do chamberwork or take care oi a baliy: cily reference. QM west nrrru sfT?a youeo woman to do ?'' I chamberwork and washing in a smnll family; dty referenco. 9Q1 MADI80X AV. (PBBSF.NT~"em"pLOYKR'8).-A ?it'! young girl a* chambermaid and waitress or aa rhsmbermaid and tn do fine washing. Call for two days. ?iiii Bast bist sr.?a bbspectablb toUro ?J"'X irlrl ss cbamhermaiil and waitress, or would do gen eral housework; best city reference. oni EAST SSTtnST.-A YOITNO OIRL AS CHAM". Owl beemald and waitress; would assist in wsshins. q|| | WKST ~HTH ST. BOOi lo.-A VFRY OUT coinoetent person at chambermaid and waitress; city or country; good reference. OA ZfEART ?2D 8T>~A 1PI EST CL ASS CHAMBi-.B O"W maid and waitress: understands Iter business in all its branehes; makes nil kinds of sslads; best city refer ence. Can be noen for two days. 3" t>Q~EAST~22D ST.?A YOUNG AMKBICAN GIBL to <lo chamberwork or wsitlnc. OOA EAST 1 ITH ST.?A TOUNO WBLsTT GIBL AH ? / chambermaid and wsitr-ss, or to take cure of grown children and <io plain sewing. OOf WEST 26TU ST.?A RESPECTABLE OIBL AR OOl first clasa chambermaid and to do fine washing; byt city reference. * ?J'Jni~KAST 5PTH KT.-A RESPECTABLR YOl'EQ 00?7 girl a* chambermaid s?d laundress: city reference. yon "west iorit. st~ketwekn~^th and sra it'JtJ ava?Two girls; one a? chambermaid; the other to do general housework; no objection to the country; call for two itays. ')Tn EAST 31ST ST.?A KRaPECTABLB PEOTBS 0"?V7 t?nt girl at chambermaid and waitress or as cham bermaid and to see to g owing children; tbree years' city ref erence. '-Lift WKST U5TH ST.. SECOND FLOOR. BACK Otv) room.?As chambermaid and waitress; will be scan to by her friends. ?3^9 WEhT 1HTII ST.?A YOU NO OIRL AS O'J^i chambermaid and waitress; city reference. Call or address. jno WEST .V1TH ST.. second housk FROM cor. jl''O ner.?A respectable young woman aa chamberraaM and waitress or clismbermaid and laundress; good city ref erence. Call or address. 425 Jl I 7TII AV.. FIRST FLOOR. FRONT?A RE TrXTt spoctablo youn.: woman a* chambermaid and wivitress In u yrfrate family anl towuiit Willi Hm fine wash ing; would like to (? ia the country ; tlrxt ctaaa nkMNH LlK WMT SVPH ST. -a' Kits I'ECTAB LK oil'L AS tIO chambermaid and waitress; no ohji>ctlnn to it pri vate boarding bouse or to to in tliu country; good reference. I'tKl EAST MTU JT. ? A protestant OIRL"'AS ~bchambermaid and waitress: city reference. X 1ST AV.?A RK?l,E<lTABLB~Yi?UNt? OIRL, A8 chambermaid and waitress la it private family. 4i)(* 4TTI A V . NE AR~S>TH 5T.-A YOCXifWOMAN w'i an flm class chambermaid and to do plain sewing: uo objection to ?s?ist with children; no objection to tho country ; best city reference. 4|(1D WEST 52D ST.-A. KE8PBCTABLE OIRL AS ijU chambermaid and waitress; city orcouutry; city reference. A 0/\ WEST 32D ST., BRTWEBN ftTII AND 1UTII tO' ' avs ?A respectable young girl a* chambermaid or to take care of growing children ; Is willing and obliging. no objection to the coantry for the snmmer: be?t city refer ence. l'-Ml WEST 49TII ST.?A R18 ["ROTABLE IOt7NO tOJ girl to do chamberwork and wslting; good city reference; uo objection to asalst with the wsahlng and Ironing. Jl I U WEsT 32D ST.?A respectable YOCNO TTV girl as chamber-naid and waitress: good city refer; ence. Can be seen for two days. ejio WEST Sffi sr. -a R spECTABLB GIRL *)UO at chambermaid and waitress; willing to asiitt with the fine wa?hltij; aim ironing: Rood city reference. > EAS1 -J4TI1 ST.. FIRST FLOOR a YOUNO Ctrl to do chamberwork and waitlug, city or eoun 528 606 COQ WEST 4UI> ST.-A RESPRCTABLK OIRL AS >)u'J chambermaid and seamstress; good reference Iron last employer. Call for two <syf ~A n ??> a"v'TcoRNKK oFIwTti ST.-A RKSPKCT iJrt'' able young irlrl at chainberinald and waitress er lo do llnj washing; six years' city reierenee. Td AV.. iiub.NI> Kl.Otn;. fjkixtT-a Yo'Pno girl HS chambermaid or waitress; good reference. #;17 vv!, CORNKB OF ?? ? I ii ST A YOUNO 1 11 I kirl as chambermaid and waitress; no objection to tbe country ; good city reference. tiflQ ' *Tli AV. IIRIWKE.N 42D AXD 4.11) STS. UUt/ Ar speetable young girl to do chain twrwork and mind children or lielp in housework; no objection to the country; city reference. iiohao A\".."ix tue'stobe.-a toons Woman UOU as chamberniitid and lenmstrass or the oars of yonng children ; best relerences. io AV.-a to lino OIRL AS CHAtfBKBMAJD and waitress; city or country ; first class reference. nil A T? T VV O VhltY KSPEOTAHLK YOUNO ulrls (si?tors) to go in the country with a prlrate family; one a* chambermaid and tbe other ss nurse; willing to do any kind of light housework; excellent reference. Can be seen lor two day*. 7>)(! "I'll VV. - A YulWO girl \s"( 11AM'.maTF) 4 j?d\J and waitress, or to do chamberwork and assist with children. qi -t 7rn av.?a girl as" chambermaid and Ox J. waitress; willing to go In the country; good city reference. S- y> 3D AT.. Bl.TH'KKN ?U and 53D uTg.-A KK >JO spectable young girl si chambermaid and waitress, ??? m assist with washing and ironing; best elty reference. Srii av-a oolrirm fmkbox v? Hi cbatnbecmaid and waitreas or to do chamberwork and Hue waahiiig : beat cttv reference. 090 m OOO ?TII AV (PHKbKNT KMI'LOYRR'S).-A RR 000 spectabie voting girl as chambermaid and waitress veto take care of children. 9>)() OTH AV. i M A K B I,K sitOP).-A you NO OIRL ? t'J a? cliainbermsld and waitress. Call or a<ldre??. Ill* I :ti) av., f i rst r Look., bktwkkn rao and MM sts. ? A youn^ girl as chambermaid and waitress, or as children's nur?e. I<an"4 sewer; Ii kind, willing and obliging; best reference. ITjkXi; 8I> AV., IiKTWKKN ?il? and ?ID KTA, .WtylJ first floor over outcher store ?A yonng girl ss cliatiibi rinalii and line w*sber and Ironer, or to do general liouiewora In a small family; utt'lerstands her work ; bo ob jection to the eonntrjr; best city rel ronce. 1 lOl JIi AV*.?A yol'KO GIRL AS CHAMBER liJ?)t maid and waitreo and to assist with wialilnf; noonjvetion to the cennt y; beet r?fere"ces. 1 1 J_U 'BROADWAY.?AN F.NOLIsll TROTKHTANT J .1'tO gill as ch ambermaid or parlormaid in a family going to .Newport; good city lei'areuce. Call at or adiiress Cow i vs. A YOU xo WOMAN AS CIIAMKhRMAIi* AND J\ waitress; no objection to the country: best reference Jrotii last [ill ci. Address M. R , 1m* I;*7 Pest offlce. Astoria, I t isii-i seamstresses. 1 O 7TII AV?A PROTECTANT PERSON AS SFAM AO stre??. can cut and fit dresses and trim neatly; no oiijeetlon to take care ef children or be otherwise useful; Hc?i elty reference. A<ldres?. 6(1 311 AV.-A Ilicsrscr VBLK WOW AX, I.ATRLT ?7 from London, as ?-am-tres* in a private ratniiy; ne objections to gu to the country. Addrrth HITriTIOKS WJUmiD-7EHAUB8. 1 OA tth av.-a frrnch rot'no ladv as hba* i?(" stress la a private futility : go?d city rrferenea. lOA WEST 1?TH~ ST. UN THK RAdtlBKT).-*! l^U s?ainstrea> or nurae Id Iht country for ttio summer; would like to travel with a tarty. ITS" EAW'sMTH StT IfRESENT EMPLOYER'S)?A Brit el at* dreaamaker by tlie week; eltv refeijnce. Mrv BMBIOHT. "I UU IHT AV.?AX RRAllSTRBSRjkND WILLING TO I'JO assist with children. Addrees for two days. Q1B itAM tff.?A KK8HKCTABLR I'Ol NO _<1>) girt, a first claaa dreaaineker, ae chambermaid and ?eaiustres?: willing to go to the country. ()OA KaST 2.-) Tit ST.?A ~YOUKO OIBL At BBAlt <yO" aires* and to mind children ; good reference O07 M AD I SOS A V ~ < P R K S E X T EMPLOYKK'St.-A I Protectant yminir womi o ax seamstress; willing to aestet with chambenrork or wall on the lady. 4 VJ I \ ~B AST ?D ~8T.?DR~ ESS* A KI SO BY A KIB8T ij'X') clasa dreaamaker; v#rv low prirea: making over old faahloned d(MHi equal to new 1. ipectalty. *. 0. McKBON. Aj i usrmn., BECOKD floor?as com jC petent dressmaker and aeematreae: baa her own machine If needed ; good city reference. 2ff I EAST :t:iI> ST ? A YOt*N<l"LAI1 TO G<> MJf ? ?"X hy the day an competent operator ob any machine and to aasiat In dressmaking; doea all kind* of sowing. Call for two day*. OQQ ?Ti?~AV.-A YOl'NO OI?L A8 GOOD FaM." 'O llr seani'tre>s and operator: o?u work on dress making. he'p with children or chamberworg; would go to the country: be>t reference. ChII lor two day*. on7"7th"avT nrab an sr.?a youno woman O" t I n* thorough seamstress and nne-nt r ; would aasiat with chamberworl;; Brat clam city reference. 007 ~BART ?Tfl! ST.-A* SEA*STREKROKWOIJLD OOI take eara of pnwtn v children ; li a flret cta?? oper ator on Wh?el?r .t Wil?on'? machine; underatanda all kind* of family acwing; hot city reference. Can be teen for two dare OffO ' LEXINGTON" XV.-AS "?EAMSTRKSS; UNDER. OiJa stands rutting and 1nl?ht;isr all kind* of family *i?wtnr: willln.-to assist ae lady's maid, ntirae or''h*mber mald : Drat class references. Thoaa In wnnt ol a competent, reliable person may afdrin. A1 Q WEST IITH ST.-A BRESECTABLE TOrNO T IO irtrt In a privite family to do plain aewlug end take care of grown children. A OQ 3D AV -a NEAT TIDY* YOUNO OIBL Al T"0'' acamatreia und t'> insist with children, or wonld do chamber work and welting: rood reference. ?J.H nt" av *eab hth st. -a toriifwo*XS tt" a* neam?tre*? and to wait on a lady and to <lre?a ladlee' hair. Can <>e seen for t*o day?. n * rz ?th av . nf. \n~?ab sr.?a first olini I '! ? ' dreaamAker would make anita at borne rery cheap. A" "COMI'KTKNT DRKSSM AKER VisltRs" A PKItM A nent ? tuition a? eoxmatreaa: accustomed to cut and fit: no objection toother llcbt work If roqulred: good city rrferenee. AJilr?i U . box 131 Herald Uptown Branch office. A LADY. having oivbn uf bdrinbss. vrniil a few eniia-oment? tiv the day at dr^e^makl"c. la a first claaa filter and trimmer. Addree* DRESSMAKER, Herald Uptown Branch office. General Hottoevrork. Ae. 4 HORATIO ST.?A T.iRL TO DO GENERAL HOrSE work In ? prirate family; no objection to the country; eity reference. CLARKSON ST.?TO DO OBNRRAti HODSR ' work In a priynte family ; good reference. Ol FRtNCR ST.. rear.?A RBSPBCTABIjB WOMAN Jj\ to do general housework; no objection to the country; good reference. ?)?? MOTT ST.?A COMPETENT WOMAN TO DO TITR Zi ml general hou?"work ot a amall family in the country; la a good rook and baker, washer and Ironer; wages no ob ject ; good rcleren^p. 20 "delancev st.7baskment7-a danish oTrl ? ) to do general honaework. OA mm -4TII ST. (PRESENT RMPLOTBR'8).?AS ? )\ / houaemaid; alao a good laundresa. 07 SPRING" ST.?A WE AT, TIDY PERSON TO" Ol general hnnaewor<c; l? willing and obliging In lier manner mid not afraid to work: a permanent home pre ferred to wagea: good country reference. To KINO snv-A YOtTNO WOXAV TO DO 0EN)Aa? TrO honaework In a am nil prlrate family; good plain conk: city or country; good reforenco Xq Wn^F.T - r.. NEAR" DBI.ANC V5Ctop' FIxiOR.? TC?7 A reapectahlo woman to do plain honaework In a plain fkmtly. where the can hare a gooil home; city reference. PI MARION ST.?A OIBL TO DO OENRRAL'HOrSR. ? JX work In a amall family; city ref ronce. Q7 MORTON ST.?A YOTTNO OIBL TO DO OBNBBAIi tj I honaework ina small family: good city reference. 1 "I A WEST -'OTH ST?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG I I \f girl, lately landed, to do housework in a small family. ? ^ m-WEST t?TH BT.-a' rUsPECTABLE "pROTI eat nt girl to do honsework: city or conntry. WEST -tn StTYnTlfK REAR.?A YOU NO (JIRlI lately landed, to do general housework; no objec tions to the country. m:,:? WJ,ST 40T(1 RT_A bbsfectabui oibl'to do general housework; good reference*. H b EAST iTfn ST?A RESPRCTARLR OERMAN I LO girl to do general h.iuaework; beat city r?ference. 1 OA west 24tr sr.?vwo raciS protbstabt lAT girla. lately tun -led. t do general honaework. WEST SWD ST.?TWO RESPECTABLE YOUNO girls, latolr landed, to do general housework. ' 1 a a~we5t" 19TH st~ nest~fl6o"r7'"FRONT " room.?A respectable woman to do honsework with a smalt family: la a good plain cook, waahcr and Ironer; gmwj Hty reference. I/I Q WEST 1?T1I ST.-A XBSP'icTABLE PROTES. i T'O tant young troman to do the geueral housework nf a smalt fltmlty j beet eity reference. l"*}T/?~WKsf~Toth ~st.-a'oijffT to do "genfral It') honsework In a private family: beat city reference. lift MART isT r ST 7 ~ KIA R* ~ 3D ~A \'7~ 8 ECO N T> ITU floor.?A girl to <!o houaeirork In a email private frmllr; Is a good cook, washer and ironer; good city refer ence. "IzLQ w,rst 'sth ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG ItO girl to do general bouaework; good city reference. 1 a<rrn HT.-A respectable gTrtTto 1?)U do honaework Ina >mall family; good city refer ence. ?I SQ "WEST" 1 WllfsT.-A~YOUNO"OIRL TO DO flFN l?IO eral bouaework : no ohjecti'^na to go a abort distance In the country; dty reference. in lftO WT,r AV- RBTWEES 1BTTI AMD 20TH STS.?A I I ) IF reapectable *lrl ti On itai Til hoiiaowork : la * good p'nln cook, waaher and Ironer; beat city refernncn. !?; 7TII _AV.?lA ToFmo OIRL TO DO LtafiT ? J lioiM*i>rk: no objection to the country. 1 flft'BWT 8 r> ST., TOP FLOOR. "BACK.?A RB I'll) apectable itirl to do reneral homework ; best elty reference. Call tor two day*. BAST MOT IT ST.?A YOL'MO GIRL TO ASRISf In honaework; srood reference 178 200 WEST ?TH RT.?A VOITXO OIRL TO DO iiVS er*l honecwirk: irood city reference. OAO-EAST a I ST ST.?A YOUMO OIRL, LATKI.Y landed to do reneral hon?ework; a drat rlaaa waaher end Ironer; wllllnsr ?nd obliging. onT~ WKBT H2U ST.. TOP FLOOR.-A COMPETEVT w''"r yarn girl to do honaework or eo?k. wash ami Iron In a amall family; eltjr or country ; good reference. OA n BART mfff ST.-A Mlbbi.R AQBI)"' ORRMAM woman to do general honaework and take a girl nine yean old. WEST 2!lTH ST . FIRST FLOOR.-A OIRL TO do general honaework; city or country ; good refer 211 o-i o west .?rrti st.-a respectable yoi-mo ^ I W rlrl. I at el V landed, to Ho light hitn*?work or to mind children; la witling and obllelns Call for two day*. 01 K EAST 8TTif~RT.-A IKKSpkOTAIILE""YOUMO tJ I ? f rfrl. lately arrived, to rto ireneral honaework; la willing and obliging: beat reference Call nr addreaa. 99-1 EAST 4ATH RT.?A RRftPRCTARLE OIRL TO ii?r do general homework In a small family; good city reference. . 224 7th AV.. OORXRR 2*0 ST.-A REKI'ROT able woman in a email irenteel family to do gen eral linnn-worlt; la a good lanadreaa: t j >carv beat refer en ea. Send no carda. 997 "ka-t" 45th "St.-to" no ormf.ral house J*+j t work ; good waahor and Ironer; no objections to the country; good reference* 419Q 27tT|"hT.-A OIRL TO DO ORNRi'AL HOUSE work la a mall family; unnerstanda all klnda of Snaking OaJA "wKht" 2*TH ST.7~rkar-A YOCVQ OIRL, lately landod,to do reneral homework In a private family: oood reference * 901 HART 330 ST.. BETWEEN SD AMD >0 ATR.-A _? ) 1 riopectable ronntr rlrl t<? do irenaral honaework In a amall private family: beat city reference fr im laat era n'.ot era. Cltll for two day*. 900 Si:I.LIVAM RT.. IX fm K|AB.-*A TOCJfO if'"' I'roteatant woman to do general honaework ; city oronntrv: g >o.| reflireaco. 9?J l~W KSt JHD-8T -A rOUNO I1IIL TO DO ?l?) r light honaework In a amall private family. <)0 - EAST MTU Sf^XfoiTKumRL TO DO OEM t ral honaework or to cook, waah and Iron Inapri vate family ; citv or country; cood reference 900 wm AT., MEAR 34TH nr.. THIRD FLOOR, front room.?A girl for general housework; beat city reference. OOti RA8T MOTH ST. fIN T1IE OROCBRYKTORE).? w'?' Two reaped able iHrla todopenernl honaework; goo<| city refcrcncea Call or addrraa for one day. 9?'()"mTlhTkbrt st~a respect.*klk WOMam +.<' r w to do bouaowork or to cook, waab and Iron; no ob J?ctlon to the country; good reference. 9, ? WEKT 47TII ST.?A YOUMO OIRI~TO DO ^TT honaework In the city with a reapectoble family. 9X7 WK8T Jiff ST.. 1M TUB REAR.?A RMaRT AT I irtrl to do light honaework la a mall private fam ily: citr reference. 2 -A WERT 47TH RT.-A RRRPRCTABLB OIRL FOR ? /V" general honaework. city or ooantry OK 7 WRRT *1TH irT.?A YOl'Mil WOXAN TO DO I general honaework In a amall family . willing and obli ring. * 979 I0TH AT.'?A RRMPKOTaBLK WO MAM TO jM /a I mi general honaework; elty or country; ?.??! refer enoe. Call for two daya. oi A kart wtS~rt.-a REHPKCTABLR YOU mo ? ) I '' woman to do general honaework In a amall private family: beat c!iy reference. ?11 ?J BART 24TII RT.-A RRVPKCTARLR YOI'MO OIRL tJltJ to do general honaework la a amall private family: reference. *? RA.HT 47TH ST.-OIRI^ LATELY LAMDRD, TO do houacwerk. BAST 4SI> ST.-A KK-I'KCTABLE OIRL TO DO light kontework; irood roference. 318 '41 R "'L1?, ST. ?A REsrF.OTABLK WOMaM. WITH UiAJ a child three year* old. to do genornl honaework. 31 9 091 WRRT 4il) nr., BETWEEN 8TII AK!> 0TH **" ?* yoaiig woman to do general homework In a mini I j ; nty r?(?r?nce. ?J99 F'A."'r IMT" ?T -A RESPECTABLE OIRL TO Iwnaework in a private fatally : ?oo?l refrrenee. *20fi *K?T SflTH RT.?A RKRPF.<'TABLE WOMAM ??'" lo genera Ihor work; la willing to go to the oaatry. irrumon wimD-nEXAiJE*. OiMnl Hounrwork. Ac. ru ST-A PROTESTANT work, or cock. tub and Iron; itftiWN OOQ WKST MTH ST ? A IMiOTKSTANT Of*I? TO OiHiO dw if?ncr-tl wo from ] Ait plic? 335 EAST l'TH ST.. FIRST FI.OOR.?TWO German aiaters. to be both lu on* place; Rood ref 408 Oil WEST JMTH ST.-A STEADY WOMAN TO DO ?'T I houacwork in ? am *11 private family; U * good w usher sad Iroaor uid plain cook ?j4 Q East TUTU BT.-A TOtTWO OIBL TO BO *J AC? boueework In a small private family. Call far three day, I AO *WTMTH NT --a" KBBPEOTaBMC WiiMa* 'T ' by the da*: understands housework. washing, Ir?? In*: is a splendid cook: clean and trustworthy; clt? refer ence. Mr? RI'RKE. EaStIwTH ST.-A~~KKSP ?CTA R LB GIRL TO do housework or lab* oare of children. jl 1 " R AST ITTH ST.-a BBKPBOTA SlS WOMA* "T I I to do piural housework for a small family: no ob jection to the country: food reference. A 1 *5 EAST Trrn stT^-T TOI'Vh 7;Tri. to OO tJR!f. ? I O e *1 housework: good* eook and baker; city or countrr: rlty ref ?ren?e. A t)t) 2D AY.'. CORNER OF 34TH ST.. T<<P FLOOR.? 1" ?i ? A yoiimr German girl to do light housework or up stairs work Address a i i" Vest s.'d ht.-a yoi'no AYBL TO DO j 'r" L general housework or to tnke ears of children; good city reference from I sat employer's. A A V wKKT 4*TH ST.-A R E S PROT A BLR WIDOW * r'r woman to do gnneral housework: witling and obliging. I A 7 WEST 2HTS ST ?A RESPECTABLE TOCNO TT I irlrl to do general honaework and assist In the care of children. i CA WEST 14TH ST. (TRES ENT~~E MPLOYBR'SV? /U * resnectshlo, hona?t widow and he' ?on. 18 yaara of age, to do central housework In the country for the snin tuer. IK n> AvT?A YOiTNO fiP<Ti TO 00 GENERXti housework In a am nil private family; good refer 465 CA- WKST 31D ST.?A KESPFCTAllLB OITL TO ? ML) do cneral honaework : la a good cook, washer and Ironar: Hit or country : Rood reference. c at west 4<th *t?a ^sfbctabl* wotfZW ? to do general honaework; flrat clan lanndraaa; no objection to til" country. en A RAST tflTH ST.?A TOtTNO " aMERL ''?? r can \<!diw. to do the work of a small family. Ad dreaa Mr* KPIliALL. KQQ :tl> A V ?A RESPECTABLE OTEL TO "DO GF.N ?)i Q eral honaework or npstairs work. en 4" ?l) A v., TOP ' "Ff.OOR.-A respectable ? Protestant girl to do general honaework. 707 STH AV. (PRESENT EMPI.OYEK'8).?A OIRL I w I to do honaework in a amall fntnily : beat reference; flat preferred. 7 Q<> ()RSSBWIUft ' BT. tilINO REi.l,)7?A~>ROTE8 I O J lant irlrl to do peneral bounework; three yeara' ref erence fVoin laat place. OA9 Tirkknvvich "trr.7 corxbb or vmt wv* < " -j it.?A yonng Protestant American girl to do gene ral honaework. 9OA ?TU AY., BETWEEN S2D AND UD S-fiT. O'" m*rhl? ahon.?A yonnR girt to do general houao work In a *mall family. Qt'fi'so AW. FOUR* FUOHTS tTP?A YODNO OIRL to do general lionaowork in a amall family; no objection to city or country; beat city reference. T OA/\ 3D AY., BHTWK~EN~wfirANI) 75TH BTA? 1 ,* >\/V A youn^ cirl to do general homework in a (mall A RESPROTAHLE PROTESTANT WOMAN TO DO gen?ral homework In a amall family ; ?ood city refer ence. Addreaa 0. 0., box 10C> Herald Uptown Branch office. HoilMllteneri, <Vr. 4 CARMINE RT.-A PROTKSTANT WOMAN A8 bonaokoeper. Call for two daya. 1 - WEST 13T1I ST. ?A YOlTXt# LADY. AOCOM J ? I plinhed and of cheerful dUpoaltlon, aa noosekeeper in a widower'a family. Call all the week. ()(' BOND ST.?A I. APY AC('USTOM EO TO "Til K ? enre ol'children, ciin make their clothlnir and take the management of aorT*nti. aa licuaekeeper; rolcrcncei ?XChkQKed. Addreaa Mr*. WILKES. A A" WEOT 3D ST.".' FRONT _BASEMENT.-A " YOu"jfO T>' French lady aa honaekeeper iu a widower'* lauilly, Call all tho week. ELLA. CI 'WEST 13TU ST.?A flHK K R FUL YOUNO ? /L ludy aa houa?keeper; a widower prelerred. Call all j the week. Q(? EAST BROADWAY. ROOM 4.?A YOU NO AMElC OO lean lady aa houaekeeper to a widower. Call all the week. "|1 ?> NEW YORK AV.. KKWAItK, N. J.?A WIDOW X I O lady aa lioiiaekeeper to a widower or aingle gentle man ; comp"tent to dll any poaitlon not menial. Call all the week niter I P. M. Mra, ALINO. 1 1 if EA8T13TH ST.?AN AMERICAN WIDOW AS I'tU houaekei*ner Iti a wldower'a family; with children prufered; or would take charge of gentleman'a houae in family'a abaenee. Call ail the week. m q-wi iTuTm ST.?a REAPEOTABLB oerman jU 1< 1 woman a? hoaiekeeper: is willing to do gentlemen's and fatniliea' wkahlug nt; tpeaka a little Kngllah. t)()4 TTH AV, doMBR 3M> DT.?A SMPEOTABltll T Scotch woma>! aa houaekeeper; city or country; good referencea. Call for two day*. 0 417 west Mrn n, babbmext.?a widow ?j'X | lady, aged ^1, aa houaekeoper; would do ihirtmak Itiir. Von 4TH A v.?A YOUBO LADY AS ~HOU8K. 'l wU koeper in a wldower'a family. Call all the weok. 1 nnn *? '*T'i third" FLOOR.?A PObITXOK 'L.""U aa hon?akeeper hy a ladv; la thoroughly com o-tcnt to takn char-e "f yonng >hi1drenan l 1ih? tier own ^ev*iujr mucliine. Call on or a iureti HuUsBKBKPBR. from 10 till 2. AY< H'Sd WIDOW LADY. ?>F PLRA8IN0 A DDR BUS, would Ilk- a poaitlon >?? honaekeeper in a ireutlrnien'a familr. Ottlr tho?.. havinir anch poaiiiou need anawer. Adilreaa B BROWN, Herald Uptown Branch office LADY WISHES rA ?iOMB?W<)ri7l> ACCEppA houaekec;>er'a poaitlon; would do anything not menial; honorable part lea only need apply: am ail compensation ex pected. Addreaa L. M. C-, Herald Uptown Branch office. A OBBMAN LADT, WHO SPBAK8 KEQLISH. A jY iierfect honaekeeper, wlahea a altnation In a flrat cla^a hotel or nrlviite lamily: best reference*. Address M.S., Herald offico WO RKI K(: HOUSE KEhPER (PROTESTANT) FOR the country (Connecticnl) ; gentleman and dauchter aged 11 : t-iost understand oookinc, washing and ironlnir; age irom'JiMo no; good home; wages $1 jx>r week. Apply to Dr. MORRISON, 515 Pearl at., near Centre at., after 10. L* nitdreasea. <M. 3MILLI0AN PLACE (?1TH AV.l, BETWEEN lnrril und I ltli ata.?A roapectabie girl ai first cluaa laun dress; best city reference. 9WKHT 48TH ST. (PBBHKNT KM I MIVKK S.I?A RE apectable girl aa Hr?t dm laundress; best city rofer MN. I (\ WEST 4HTH 8T. (PllKSKNT EMPLOYEB'B).-A J >J first class laundress; U perfectly witling to no to tlio country. ' . 9*T~wboSTBR ST.. NEAR ^CANAXT?A~ FRENCH wO lady as good wiuher and irnner and trimmer in un American family. Call for two day a /'/? ~WE8T H4TH ST ?A< 'O M PBTRNT YOU NO WO OT) man aa laundress and chambermaid: Is willing and obliging: excellent cVtr roferenco from la?t place. 7/T east *:i|) st.-a" yoT;n<7 wom'an"ah"latjT I U dresa; no objection to the country; three yearn' city reference from laat place. QQ WEST" 11 TIT ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS 0?7 laundreaa or cook, waeher and Ironer; would like to go to Newport with a family; beet city reference from taut place. 1 HO WEST 34TH ST.?A WOMAN WANTS TO OO 1"'/ ont by the dar to do washing, ironing or denning bouse. Call for two days. I ()i) WESTIDTH ST.-A8 FIRST CLASH LATN X?iZi dreaa; no objection to tit/ or oountry; good city reierenoo. mWEMT JWTH ST.?A COMPETENT QIKL AS ! IIrat elasa laundress In a private family; several yeari' reference from la?t place. 1')() WEST 1VTH ST?A KttSPKCTABLK COLORED girl as Brit elass lanndreaa or ehambertnaid and lanndreaa. WEST 17TH ST. ? A hOOTCM Wf>MAN AS drat rl.iaa lanndreaa: underatanda bar bualtie?a; city ' or ? mntry . beat city ralerenco. fijj WEST 28TH ST.; BOOM ll.-A M8P'E0TaBLE J ' rlJ young girl a< Drat claee lanndreaa In a private fam ily; la willing to help with chamberwork; elty reference Irom last pla< e. Call (or two day*. 11 r~~BA?T ?U sr. BETWKEN LEXINOTOR AND iT'J 3d ava.?A reapecta la woman Ita flrat elaae lann dreaa; Is a rood plain cook; 10 years' reference. "_"wi."sT -JM) oIblT JUBT prom i t >J England, an lanndreaa In a private family. ~T W EST 6 2D ST.?A BE HP M JTABLB WOMAN TO ' t go ont !>y the day to waaii, Iron ur honarclean ; alao will take in a gentleman's waablng. Call on or addrese Mrs. O'lMNNELL. 1 -7 nil AV. -A EKHPECTABLB YOlJjlO WOMAN. 1 ? J I who la a flr?t rla?a laundreaa. to do waal.lng at Iter own honae or to go out by tbe day; good reference. f enTWEST ."> I ST ST.-A KhsPKOf able~o7el~as A 'JO good lanndreaa; underatanda puffing and flitting; elty or country; rlty reference. 1 "ftU RAX* MO BT.. TOP PLOOB. FRONT ROOM~^ X?l?/ A reapertable yonngwoman aa flrat elasa lanndreaa; I understands her bnsineas in all Ita branches; good city refer- i ence. ('all for two days. m~ W< lOSTKR ST?A COMPETENT FBENCH woman In *ooirtitry hotel aa head lanndreaa; ex fellent rel'orencea. Call OB or addreea, lor eight davs. Mme. PREi.KAU. j 919 Wl-.ST 418T.ST.?A STRONG, UBALTHV WO- ! jZilmJ man to do waahlng and ironing In a boarding house or to work in a reatanrant. _ jkTH ST.?A?T~rTB8T "CLASS LaUM' Ld !?/ dreaa in a (mall private family; city or oountry; go-id city roferenco. 9?)A east 47TH"ST.. IN THE ?AKMBT..?A VOONO woman aa flrat class lanndreaa In a private family; UioroMkhlv anderataads her business; boot city reference. Call or addreas. 99??" WK8T SMTH "ST.-F COMPETENT PROTEB Ziidti tant girl as laundress; good leference.^^ 00 < WEST ItSTII hT.?AN EXPERIENCED LAPN dres- ?o go out by t ho day or month; food houae eieaner; good refrrmce. ti>in WEST liiTH ST.-TWO BEMFBCTABLB UIRL8, ZOl/ to go toreiber; a good waaher and ireaer; also a cliamliermald and waitteaaj cliy relereoee. 001 7TH AV BBTWEB* VtO AND 24TH STS ? A | re?pertabM girl aa first clasa lanndreaa Hi a private { family ; would not >>hiect t? do ehawtierwork and fine waalt- , ill'.:; very Ii>at any releraact from last employer King the second bell. I 907 EAST 'd)Tn ST.. THIK D FLOOR, BACK.?A ! id it I young girl as first da*s laundreaa and chamber- I maMIn a privatu tamlly. aaderataads all kiada of Itatlac and pnfllng; city or country; boat city reference. Ol 1 EAST 2STII hT.-A KKSIB( TABI.E WOMAN iiTL wi?liea familor ladtos' and genllemen'a y waahing giiOd refeten o. *9 4 1 WHAT H3D BT.?AS FIRST CLASH LAt'N ?'tl dr-aa and to aeetst with upstairs work If reqalred; gi o 1 rity r.'ierenoe. *TTK WEST ??D RT.-a" v6un7* WOMAE TO OO U IV ont by the day to waab aad Iroa or eleaa koaee; beat city rtteraaae. lITrATlOJfl WtltTKD^raBAlJMU^ Lnomlri-ur*. ibt OKI vrr.HT WITH ST . HEAR-A RMrKnTAlllJ 251 ?lr! M launrtrees. no objection to naaltt *!??? <*??? work : gw>d ?"T refcr.aee. _ ~ WV.-JT fill ST-A RB?FBOTABLk WoMtJf 2?")?> aa flrnt clae. 1anndre?; u.v1.r?M?de milk and l>?t Ur and hou.ework . ritr or country : r'lirnd. on>)*VIIIT 8STH ST.. 11A''K BASEMEN"! 'A TOl ">'> 263 woman t-. SO o.u by the day to wmIi and Iron; c?u flute by hand or machine. Oio KAS-r :U.TH SI . roV KI.OOR HA<K ;A 1HJ OlJ .pectabU woman wants ladi.-. or gentlemen ? wa?!; '??>** ???ii'*1*'''1"" gi?en ' ' *n' """ gi -a B1 i' ? w.? h \ >* 324 want. family or sentlemen1. washing. Call or ad drei*. .... .... , zTmJ .I j 'ri WPST 418T~?frr BETWEEN xTU AND OTTI 342 *r.ta tte rear. ?A respecteble woman l wash,..* ?? inning - " s AN,. > ST.?AS Kiu-r OLAM LaCM 344 drl.; b^tel.r Kf.r?W Call or ad<1r>.e. . o~n StH aV PRE8BKV EMPLOYER'S). BY A 3 I 0 Brat class laondraaa; city or country. ,T m-Vosn ki.ooi:. ovkii 376 tK.r?c:. Applr to'b?r form or employer after nine \ VI. __ . n ? apt, Av SFCOVn FLOOR. RKAR.?A 412 ?,T"o oT. by the day a. flrat cUa. w..her ?"d iron.r, foo<l city reference. __???? 418"KS? ^rr.AhortriuuBcC|LntSS country", best city reference. ___ - ~t 0/t_H?T l.VTH RT. ROOM 1H-AH FIRST CLASS 43(j liiiiidreas. city or country good city reference. AAA "WEST ?iXTII ST?A WOMAM TO OO OUT BY the day to wo.h, Iron i?r clean WWW. __ A'rO 7T1I \ V - A YIII'MI WOMAN AS l.Al'NnREM 4ob or chambermaid; no objection to the eonntry. ira? class city reference. Call or addrean ?_ ri\'7 WEST SWD ST.?A BRBPEOTABIjB YO01M 507 itlr I aa ft rat cla?? Unndreaa or to cook, weak iron; beat city reference. O WEST 43D 8T.-""m>m^*A?BD SPHTCn VTO J man a* nnrae and ?e.n>?ir<*.s or to take care 0 b, vtilldladv and do plain .owing: bet reference.. Can b# ,-een for two day. at a physician - bouse. 20 OLABKSON ST?A VOUNO OIRL TO TAKB _ w mm of ebtldren ; good reference*. >wT?U( 44TH ST. (LAST KM-IM.oYKR;*. -A 26 rounff itlrl to take oarr of children and to do liishl ehamberwork: eonntry prelVrKtt _v. "r vkT 0I<T ST -A r-oMPETENT WOMAN AS IH. 7H F.m'T be.t from present employer. Call ftw two daya. ST. PITT ST. -A (IIBI. ri YEARS OK A'iE TO y,) t ike charge of a cblliL av is INTRI.UOKNT tlERMAS OtRU Do '.pe.klnu' BpVlUh Ir^.'wrcMK K? to travel: t".>d r. fi-rencee. Call on or aoareM r^r. mm. MTU ST., SEAR WH AV.?A BE .^oc"Iblu sTrl a. ciilld's num and wam-trew ?? rhMmt.grrBHid and b*?ycj^^ ArtT 4T~H ST.?A YOtTNO illHL TO PA KK LAU * 111 of a JhUUiwIUlnK to a-.lst in chamberwork. Ad dress A. KOBKHT8. > i"iA"4rilT 4IPTH T ?A REBPBCTABLR MIDDLE 119 ?p<l woman ne nur.o; three year.' cood city refer once from last place. reference. ; ?t c\'a WKST~49TII ST.?A RK8IM20TABLK TO IT NO 3.^4^ irirl io mind urowu children and to d > cbarn work; beat city reference. ?trip ?>? lflifjt ST.. SEAR OTII aV.?A RE 125 .pectable women a. chlldren'?nntyi:would dosom* d.^ubelwork or tak. an Infant from It. birth; city ?r conn try, - - i. ? ? ?* Wvflf 24TI1 ST.?A VOl'KU PROTKBTANT M to u\a WW of Children, or w?mld ^ liff.i! 126 plrl to take cure of childre homework IIOIIsenorK. ' H7T? aT_A'KKSPKCTAKLR YOl-SU PBOTWU 131 unt^ German Birl to take caro of children ; no obJ?> tlon to the country. - 1*> i WEST I7TH ST.?A RE8PKCTABLK WOMAN l."54 as nurse; can do plain .ewin*; city or country .rcr in"j??M? TV ? nurseT a lady wishes to *~7*/x WEST 38TH ST.. NBAR BtH AV.?A YOUNO 14-1 " ansi- k HAMILTON. : ,TM, ? -Tfr~A?WICHT 18TI1 ST., FIRST FLOOR.?A YOUNO 154 rlrl a. nur.e and to do light chatuberwork; dty reference. rererenco. v'aqt HWTII 8T.?A HESPKCTaBLE YOUNQ 155 dlrlM Zrll and ?ams.r... fn a private .amlly; can operate on machine; bet relerencea. TQl MADISON ST.?A YOOMO MARRIED WOMA lol a. wet nurse. Call f"r two deya. .. - 1 no 1ST AV CORNER 13TH ST.-A BBSPKC'I AIJLB 196 *irl as nurse an.l chambermaid; best referencu frui? last place; no objection to the country. mwi hist mtn ST?A RESPBOTABLB YOUMO 200 iclrl. aged 17. to take cmre ol growing children and uo plain .ewlnit: city reference. .. - ' OAO RIVINOT*IN ST.?A YOl'NO OEItMAN WOMAH 20 2 as n irse ami to do >rwlu*or boneework. on | EAST 44TI1 ST?A I'KSI'KCTABLE WoMAH at wot nurse : baby^an be seen. n,LWT UTII ST-A RESPB0TAB1.B OIRb sll! sss 5 o'clock. wiSF^TII sr., THIRD KLOOR-A R? 228 ep25able woman ^children'a nur?e and to aselat with up .taint work. ? ^48rH_ST.-A RKSPRCTABLE VOUK0 229 girl'as nurse ?nd plain seamstr-.s; good operators will be hlahly recomnicn.leJ. Call or addr- m. KasT <4HTII ST.?A YOU.NO <11 HL AS NIIRSS 232 ^1 chambermaid, or to do nlaln sewin,:; good ref WILLIAM ST.?A YOL'NO HERMAN GIRL AH 232 Mirso or chambermaid; city or country. A'ldrest Mrs OBRBER. for tw.. days. TTT?"v"*"""iiiimov <T Rt)()M 7?A XOUxli OIRL AS 23() nurse to a young baby or growing children : nnd?r oilT re"r'nce ,r?m place. 4)1 1 WEST 22D ST.-A NATIVR ()? HALIFAX, K. S., ZiTX child ? nurse; city reierrnce. 0 .< j~~WKKT 27TII S'r7?A COMPBTIJMT TOOXO WO> AT L in * n as ehlld's uurse: city or country; will do tlit baby's washing if required : bout ?lty reference. () 1?J WKST :riD ST.. IX TUB BBAR.?A UDlj - to girl to mind u baby and to make herself general! j u?eiul. t) ipTbast" aitir t?T. tRl\<T~x<nkIT hkll).?a jJT'J 3 oniisj American crirl n? child'* nuru, to go In th i country; best reference froi:i last employer. Call fur :tires days. f)A Q UUT 330 ST.^A"NORTH OKhTm AX GIRL AS ATt/ nurse or chambermaid: good reference. <) 't&TWKMT 47TII 8T . BOOM 10.?A tUSSrBOTABlS jL't'J young girl, lately landed, to take care of children ami du light housework. Sjjui KAtsT 5S1 Of SO AT.?A CtlBli OUU to take care of children or to assist in the house work ; willing and obllglnxno objection to the eonntry. SKST BaM MTH ST.?a YOUXcTwoman as OUw nurse or chatabortnaid; no objection to the eonntry i good reference. 0/\C BAST S3D" HT.?A YODNO AMKKtCAN OIBL Ol/iJ a?nur>e; willing to do the chamberwork II re quired; understand* halrdresslng: good city reference. Oall or addross. ')()/? WK8T 37TII HT.. BKCGXD 1FLOOR.-A TIIOR. ?|W\) onghly competent nurse to mind children and to do sewing. or t > assist with chumberwork ; can t-ike ea-e ol a child from Its birth; Is stoady and trustworthy: beat city reference. ___ ?V/ |/? BABT J4Tl|? ?T ?A RBBrBCrABLB 'WOMAN u'/O aa imrie and Huutmiiit home preferred to wage*. Oall or address for two ilays. OAU EAST I'tTII ST.?A KKSl'KtTVHI.K YOUNtl O'/O girl an nurse and chambermaid; willing and oblig ing; no objection to the country. SnQ?&T-ftr?i St.*?a woman a? nubbs and OUO to m*toe herself generally ii?elni: rlty reference. b'l O Ba'kT 47til"" HT.. SKCOSD~KLOOK.?A <Mtt OJ.0 to take cure or children and do upstairs work. m (\ "BA8T -'1ST ST.- A ~KEHI'B0fAH LB BXULfiil Ol>; woman an nurse aud to sew; boat city rofrraaoo. Address J. L. _ ijtii WM 4S?" ST. MT*MK: Wli AND ?fl| O- L avs. ? A younir woman a* none and chambermaid| ii a good plain newer; city or eonntry ; uoo<l city reference. ?><Yi{WKKT 4"TII ST . HI KST FlViMli. ?WaXTIvd7"a OmU healthy wot nurse; wages small. ?}??! 7Tli AV. -A YOKNO (ilRLAS NURUB AND TO 001 do plain newlns; understand! tne care of iv baby from birth: bent city reference. boo BAST >HD ST. (I'KKSKNT KMI'LOYBB'S).?A 000 girl aa nurse In a private family, ('alt or ad dre?? for three days. A\ A, FIK8T Kl/OOH KKONlV^-A BKSPKCT OOt7 able married woman wishes a bahy to wet nana al her own raaideneo.; ^ ??,-Q WK8T idl ST.?A COXFBTBKT (itRIi TO ?Jt IO take care of children or to do chainberwork: nn ob jeotlon to a ?liort distaneo ia tho ooantry; city refarenoo. Call for two day*. TflO WKST :t?I> ST 7 I' AKKN'TM BK8IDBXCB.-A )-oiiii? girl, in her HHh yeer. aa i lilldren'n nnrsa. /II Q W'KST A KKHrBCTABLB YOtfllf TVJ v girl to take care of children. Al 11 KAST isriT sr -A* yoitnu oim. to Mini T I ?/ ciilidren or to do ebamborwork or waitlag. laqalr* In tho store. Call lor two days. /<).- >BIJT arrii'MT. iiKTvrKBVwfH and m?3 av? ?A r <s|>octabla young trlrl to mind chtldroa at s??l?t in light li oiaework. Call fbr two days. A*yT COLOMIMA. NKAR BKLSON ST., SOUTH 1 ail Mrooklya.?A roepoAaMa young woman aa wot anrse. A 9A CABAL AV -A vVil-Xit WOMAN. WITH A 1 ?? ' Ironb breast or aiilk, aa wot aano. Anplr to Mrs. 8i'AKKB, midwife. i'i.l KAHT 14r" room IB.?a soimjH Oiii wt aa nurte. clti or country! wlUlng and obliging) good refers nee. Call or address. J.Oil ?l> AV . NKAR -OlTl ST.?AM INTELI.IOKNT "!???/ middle-aged eoman as nurse; capablo ol takius full rkarge of a baby j ?nod re rerenc?. YJl WBsr sisr trr a rkspki-t^mlk WoiTiTAi *1 aX Infant's n?ir*e; can lake entire charge from Its birth; beat city relerenre. rati tor two<Iat? TeiA wkst vjii st.-a yoi:ni? Aii^ioAX aiaiZ xl/T IS rears, as narro. 171 ?1" aV.; IX TiiiTiTATio.iMiiY ?r<itta.-Arf T I A r.neluh woman as narse and aeatstrass; can na and it; nadomaada Whooler A Wilson's asaokiao; pj|