502 56; 617 W HTTATIOX* W V\TKI?-FKMALE?._ Miliar a. ike. WEST 48TII ST. ? \N AMERICAN PROTEST ml girl lo take ol children and I.. atalat with chain berwork r I Q WESTIStH I8T~TOP" KLOOrT^A RESPECT l/Lt? able yonng n Irl to taae cure of children ant to aaalat with the chumbrrwerk : b- ?l citv reference. c?M( wtir mfi st.?a bebpbctablr touko >)wv woman lo inlmi children and do upamira work, mi l aaaiat with the ?aahlng unl Ironing, or would do (feneral lioawtork; bat IK# yeara reference from Imi idace. full 'or two rtaya. - 1 7 irS IT.', NEAIt , '1-1 V vol m; <;ikl. Jt i of reapeetable pftrrnu, apeakini; YrmcU, Eugli&h ?Id tiarman, aa nurae to a child, or would tia?el >ti?s KKKLEK. r.r/' TTH AV -AS n: BBE aM> SBAMfcTBEM. OB ?J? I" I to aaai.i in chamberwork. by an tXLHf nrnced per Ion ; a good operator ; ran fin and 111 or ? Itlidren ; wiahea lo go in the country; tlireo vmii higheal reference. . - :ui a\.. ni.iU i. > -*?ti ? \M> :?*Tli sth., ? ?.) ring tliiril t.rll ? \ vui.n. lion ill a- oiir?e and leainatreaa; can do all kiud> aewiug, cnaniberwork nnd waitini; ; good refercueea. BQA 3D AVT?A~ KESPBCTABLK Yol'NO OIRL. r)0'j lately land-d, to take ? aro ol children and do plain aewlng. Call ou or addrt.a i'. C. /?A- IrtT 4 \ ,?V< 11" N i i AMERICAN OIKL AS IJv/'J nunc In private lainilv; willing to aaalut up atnlra; lity referauc*. Call lor two daya. isr (V -~A Hi M. WOMAN As NUKSK AND chambermaid. city or country ; city reference. n~AH 61'H ~ AV.-V < o.\|PETEST FEAfcON AS IX I ~X i fan:'* nurse and plain aeainatrcia; acveral yeara' :ity rrhwkw Oil isriI AV.. BETWEEN 47TH AND 4?TlI BTS?A Pt 1 reapeetable middle-aged Scotch woman to take rar? ol an invalid or delicate lady; good aaamekreaa. l bboadwa v, between %oth and -ubt liTalU ata.-A r?ap?ctalile Scotch nurae lor cbildreu ind aeuniatrt-ea; beat city reference. *" ItEsPEi TABLK WOMAN WISHES A SITUATION (V a* wet nu.-ae. Addrcn WKT M'KSr., lot 114 Herald >th ca VOUNU LADY OK~is. ftPEAKIMO iiEKMAX French and Ku^liali, d'llni a situation to take car* of thildren or other reapectnUn occupation; reference. Ad Ireaa RESPONSIBLE. box 1J1 lleraid oi'jce. VS M'USE TOtiBOWIXO CIULDRBN OR TO WAIT ?V upon a lady; U a go"d himil reaiiKtrau. city refer ;nee?. Adilre?? K., Yonn^ W omen'* Chriatiau Aaaociatlon, So. 7 Kaat Ifttk Ilk T 8ITOATIOM WANTED?BY A VODBO OIBIi, TO X\ mind a baity and make beraelT utul'ul. Adtlrcsa A. S., kox 112 Herald I'ptuwn ISranrh ..flier, BITOAIION WANTED BY A Kitl.Nt li l'KO I KsVa.vF. middle apod, ?a iiurae^ta cotupeleiit lo lake entire lliarirc ol youni{ children ana 11 do aewinir; ci'od relerence. Addreu P. I>.. box l.'U Herald Uptown liruntli olticc. UTANTEb?BY AN AU! lilt' A.N I'Ki iTKSTA\ir WO li man. a poaition na clilid'a niir^e or acainatrem; wotud 10 hand newinit- Apply at US Bieccker at.. Working W o. lian'a Protective I'liioii. ANTED?SITI'ATIO S AS W I T NCUBEUT A YOUNQ woman. Apply at iNatie (iarilec. Wllitrraara. tVr. 9 WEST ?40T1! ST. (PKEKKNT KMl'I.OYEB'B).?A RE kpectalile jrirl a- flr-t claai wullreaa; linderaianna the (are of ailver nnd dinlni; 400111; beat relerence. 11 WEST B4TH BT.?A YOONU Wo.MAN AS WaIT L r reaa or ehainberniald and waitreaa; t-'ood reference Ironi her proent employer. ne wi bt irrii sf ?a competent,bbbpeotablk OU trill either aa v.-aiirnna or cliiiniherinaid and In lielp rilli the waaliliix and ironing: no objection lo the oountry; ?eat city relcrenco iate employer. Call lor two dityn. liut 7TII AV.-A RESPECTABLE c.iki. as'first lUi" cla?? waitro-a; eilv relerenco. Call ;n day. Ill WEit 1 TTH sr. KIKBT t'l.Ass WAITRESS Ll'X in a private latnlly: no objection to the country; leat Mlkrcii.-e :r.im tier laal | i c ? n- WEST IBTH ST.. KEAtt 6TH AV-A KIltST ') claa< waiiri-??: eltv relerence from last place, where ihe lias lived lor the lait aix yenta. I *)< I" STII ST.. Hi:i WKKX vFiFTnU OTH AVt?.?AS [_<' Ural clima ? ml r?a? or lanuilri ai> In a private boatd n? lionae ; three year*' city reference Ironi laat place. 1 J |\ EAST .Vlll ST.-A COMPETENT PEI5KON' AM I'll' walireaa. or aa cbatnberinaid mid waltreaa; one iliut lliorimtrhly uodrraliinila ner bu eas r ^ni s,; in store.?as thorouoii C 1 ? > waitre>a hi n private family; can lake a tuan'.i ?lace If required; cliy or country Cull for two duys. iioo EAST JtlTIi ST.?A PROTHSTANT 111KL AS atfWt) flral rlaaa waiireaa; Ihoroughly underatauda her bualneat; can make all kinJa of aal.ula; city or country: food city reference. (lji webt arm bt.- i:Es 1 'i-.C'iabl.E <>tBLB; i)Ol) one aa Ural claaa waltreaa. the other a.a chamber aield; no oblccllnna to the country; good city reference, Sail or addrcaa. ?JJ_Q EAST 55?H SI - A VOI Nii WOMAN AS kikst OtU ctaaa waiireaa; no ?ilJcctlou to go to the country; ?even voara' city reference from her laal place. ?>?<) WEST, on I sr.?a n ksFbctaBL* UTKb jki l)o^ flrat claaa waitraa' or chiimbermuld; no objection lo go in the country; beat city reference. n.10 ttiFav.. mean 55th st.?a rkbpeotabui L>Tr?? girl aa wailreta; no objection to the country; alx fenn' reference. -- J()TIJ Ay _ v kYsPKCTABLE YOCNO (IIRL ' aa waltreaa; willing Io aaai^t with chatnberwork Id t nmal! prlvaio family; first claaa citv reference from her lait place. M i 111111 ??? n ?. I f' ORAMERCY PARK. EAST _1>T1I ST. (PRESKNT 1U employer'a).?A young Swiaa girl, ipenklng Engllah, freneh and llermitn, wlaliea a place with u family going to Kurope. Call for two day.t. ffij E AST 1 ?Ti I s'r.?"~.k1 i K KM AN (.IRL AB LADY'S J." ' I mald;iaa Aral clnaa aoamitreaa; operate*on Wheeler I WII>oii'a machine ; underalanda hair dreaaiuir. ('all Ironi III to ."> o'clock. 7ti 1 av.-aTorn7; umi. as kfrciien maid and to cinke heraelf generally iiaelul. 109 I *JO WhaST 13TII SI.?A KKI.lAHIiK COLORED L*)?j woman wIhIipk bouteclranln^ or work. l"0/;~lKUZABkT,l ST . H ASKM KNT.? I \N 6 slfSTKFS I Oil ; on a m do imatrjr mid kitclicn work nnd be 01 lii?r * girl, 1.1 yeara old, in a^rlvate family. east 5sd bt.?a waitkebh To take UaO charge ol a dining r >om . ia not afraid to work; 1(1 /eara' experience; hoarding liouae preferred; reference. OX7~?KM 11ST ST, KI|:st" KI.'IOR A CoMPE ?i'Jt lent >onni( girl; no objection lo the country; food city reference. WEST -IIST s i . BASKM hNT.?A KKSPKCTA ble woman wi.liei to go out by the dav to do lomecleanlng or waahlng. Mra. PLATT. Ji 117 EAsr -Hill SI . TOP KI.OOR A RKSPKCTA r"' I ble woman logo mil by the day houaecleanlng or lo do waihing and ironing at home. II') WEST :i31i ST. A MIt.OLE MiEO WOMAN TO T lO aaaiat wltli I he kilclieiiwork or In I he care ol clitl ?rew. ,1 ?> I WEST 4-D ST.?A" YOl'NO LADY AS LADY'S T') r couipanloii in a reapeetable family; la obliging md agreeable ; uuderatanda aewlng and driaainaklng; ha? ip objeclion lo leaving the city. Addrca S. S. B.m 'T.I A\ . M'.ti: .:,"lil -T.. IN K A M V sTOKE ? _ ?' Aa lady'a mnld and aeaniMreaa; can dreaa hair and ;ut and (lt children'* elothea; city reference. A- vol Nil WOMAN IN \ fTrsi CLASS i proves bakery. Addreaa I'. K. W., Imx "J I'oat office, Kord fcaa. ? ARKSPEOTABLE OKRMAN lit KL AS LADT'B maid; nnderatanda hairdreaalng and fine aewing per Wily; rllv reference. Addreaa A. M.. Herald office. AKRENi II "person I.ESIREs lo KIND ( KAM lly to go to France. Addrcaa M. la, llerald Uptowu Branch office. pOMPABIOM?A LADY "or iioOD AODEKBB AND U" peraonal appc-irance, a.winl and cheerful, with conaid frable knowledge of medicine, fonr yeara a Undent, woul.l iccept a poaillon to travel to any part of the world aa com panion to a lady or invalid. Addreta COVIPKTENT. box 13.1 llerald office. COMPANION.?A LADY OK KKKINKMENT AND cultnre aa compnitlnn lo n lady ; no objection to travel ?KKAI.VLKs. AI i'OoD COOK WANTED? foil A SMALL F vMILY; no children . moat nnderitand a'de diabea ami paatrv; In country, near New York for nmm"r montha. Apply, he. Iween 10 and 12, at No UO? W eal ^Jd three d.?r? from fife av. \hh vol ni; : ?; ;ot i: r \ n T mi:!. v.\sr:n to~Tm> general lioimework in private family, a _-nod waahrr and irnnar and well recommended. Apply at ?j:i.,< Kaat HRiih ?t., at two o'clock. A MB COM PRTKnT FITTK B WANTED-IN a" LABOR dieaamaking eatahll?liment; to .>ieli a I l >larv will be given. Apply to Mine. Dot iiLams, iu Ea.t 17th aE A^SpSBEiKl. OI-- Fllisr I'i.t^s Kill S.-M AKEKsTiiP. Ihe aklrt department ;*nniat Ihoronuhly underataml looping oveiaklrta and flniablng; none other* need apply. M. A. CONNELLY, No. 7 Ban Itlth it., baacuient door, lie bra it A. M AMlRL. Ill YEARS ol liK lo MIND CHILDREN and aaaial in li^hl bouaewora; ?ajei ?7. "?Uildav., let ond Hoor. FVfW FIKST I I.ASS WAIST TBLMMEllB." FOB dreaamakiiiH I none other a need apply ; alio an appren .lee. LIT W e?i IWili at. na?l bEsbm XkTbs w an TED?j?wK?T Vjd"kt7~ come prcpaied for work. PEOTi:sr ,'.\T iook. -a.-II>-'; \m? I bun Kit TO go ill mltba In Ihe coitinrjr; ninalnan! nnd ildy and un alio nnd'laianda her hi .tnr.a; releienc* reimired; ?.u.aiilA. Ac a jiw I c*m k. waalier at\-l ironer. Apply ?! 2J J Km 18th *1.. Iwttem H aud 11 A. M. ?fl^ANTI U-A WOMAN TO IH) GENERAL W>CBE " ??rk; mmt be ? good plain co k; $12 per month. 135 Wot 4*tll at to a S IK I??A HRAliTY TO r N < i W( >"m a li ~AS WET YI mir*"-. Call nt Ix ? WmI .'>4t'i at . l>er*eeu the lioun nt 11 and 1: muai !>? willing iro Into the comitrv. WANTKD- V i,AUY"T MAll*."iiio I an comb *1 liatr and cm. fit ami ?-?. '.reaa?a| a French irirI pre ferred : rood references required. Call from 10 to 12, at 144 WmI 22 d at. \r ani Bi>?a YotnTi7TinV e meat door of 137 F.a>t 27th ?t. l.\' A \ T K1>-PORA* SO I TI1 k K N PLACE, 4 KIMT i? claaa naraeiy ituverniiaa. Oerman or American. middle aped, to take eole charise <>r three children, aged S, 5 and 7 yeara; one that will take a rantlier'a place. fnqniro, with giMwi reference*. on Weilne?da>, May 17, from 0 to 12 A. M., ?it ?>o2 I.exlnirton nr.. between .Wtli and .Milh ata. V\rANTKII? \~~TI.fcAN. KIND ANIl WU.MSG OIRL II to take care of children and naxUt In ?ewlne; wiei'i. f?l a month; luuat lirlnir pood references. Apply at 44 Weil loth at. Rin|* bawmeiit loll. WANTK11? \ CoMPETENT DRKSISM AKKrT NoXE tint *r?t claa. hands need npplv at 247 Knat .">*th at. WAKTKD^A COMPRTKNT" "SKAMsTRKSS and onrrntor for fa nil.v tewing. Apply nt 210 We?t 4Jd at., after 1<> o'clock A. M. \\TANThiTIIN A PK1VA1K FAMILY, A YOCXQ ?? Protectant ?i)miti n? cook and liiumlreaa, with good reference. Xo. II Weat 3Si li ?t. tlraStrd?a Yor\o oTrl to takk care of ' II two children and help with ?.'eneral lioo*ework. In a family nf four: jp>od home and tair wn^et. ill Euat 1324 at., near 4th ar. tfrlSf eTTTa it KSi'Kr r a m'lk yoini; woman. 11 lair complexion ami dark hair. a? wot niirne: milk Jrorn three Ui ?lx *eeka. t all beforit 12 M.. at No. "it> We?t 4Uth at. T\TA.\TKI?-A UK km an I URL AH HOOK A NO TO " auim with the wanhlnx and Ironlnu at 2114 East SOtb at. \\r"A NTE11?A TIDY IPR list IN AM Nt' R8E A N 1? BEAM* II utrefc* that umleratandt the care of children. l.UL'l !lil ar., atore. ANTED?A OOilb PROTKHTANT HIE L, TO cook, w.iitli ninl irun; u.u?t come well recointncndeiL Apply at :io2 Ka?t Otli at. \ V* AI Tl: I i?III )i > I: K KK F Kit ~ IF" A LAEO E fit ?AKl?. I I Inir hon?? . tuitst be capable of iiiHnn^iii); acrvanta and takine ironcral ci.ar^e. ImmediMley, U6 Wcat 14th ?t. ANTED?A FIRST CLAHs" UE KM A X t :o0 (TO |Ta private family; irood cliff reference* required. Apply at No. 7 Waat ^2il ?t., Vvednetaay. between n* and 12 a. M. WlH AKTKD-A KIRsT ~C(7akm UEEMAM COOK Apply at 1:11 H eat 43d -t. WAICTED?Two" dkkssM aiCRK?; ONE jfUMT US deratand Wheeler ,t Wllaon a nac't'.ne thoroughly; only those accnatomed to k^oiI woik need nnplv; call Imlore 8 A. M. A. K. ROM-KN. \Ve?t :t4tli at. \1T AN rKD ?A UK KM A N Cllil,. WHO CAN Sl'KAK II Kngliah, to do '^eiieial liouantrork III a mumII Ininily: mitat be n irood iRiimlrraa and have beat city reference*. Apply at i:U r.ast 2*1 llicka at., ltrimklyn. "!?'A.vri;fiT;-A SMA R f. ~ 1NTELLI t ic.NT UK l{.M AN IT I'roteatiuit girl ?? lienernl houaeworker; muat lie n Rood plain cook, lire nil and hlactiit maker end i;ood waaher and [roller and not nlraul to work; wageatlM; city refer ence required Iroin liiat place. Apply at 133 Eaat tllat at., near Lexinjctou av \ITANTKI??A WOMAN FOR GENERAL IIOUSKWORE ; n must be a good plain cook, washer and Ironer. Apply ?t 4'JH Emit .">lst *t. WANTED?HANDS KOK MAKING UP LACK; A LEO lace milker* ami young Itirls to learn. U07 Broadway. axtkT>?tw o e x p i?. ii i e n c e d s kw i n i; m at ? 111 x k Instructreaaas: mine others need apply. Call. Irum 10 A. M. to 4 P. M.. nt 310 HloMkrr at. W~~AMFiED?A~GOOD ~.WlLLlNE K TO GO TO NEW Haven, Conn ; good refeiencca required. Applv to McELHINNEY A VAN IIOE?KX,51t Broadway, under til. Nicholas llotal. TV"ANTED?FIRsT CLASS OPERATOR ON TIIK ii Wheeier A Wilson machine; also improvers to learu dressmaking. Cull nt nil Wen* lothst. "VX/ANTED?DRKSSM A k Bit AND OPERATOR OX It Wh??lrr A Wilson's machine ami an apprentice at !<0t? Wont 1 Uli >t. Apply belore 10 o'clock. WANTED?FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKER AK SKIRT ?mm, who understands to trim well; no other need apply. ?JO!i Kant 34th st.; ring top lielt. "ANTED? AT 231 #EHT 30TH ST., A FEW GOOD dressmakers. w \Y rANTED?A liOOU MILLINER, BY II. WALTEH, ' '.CiJ Broadway. \\r A NTED-J5 FT IIS T CLASS A BTIFICIAL FLOWER M I. ranchers. Uood prices will be paid at Noi. 1 and 5 Division st. w ANTED?US FIRST CLASS | M1LL1NEKS; TIIK highest wages paid to good bauds. Inquire at No*. 1 and o Division st. WANTED?A UOOD COOK, WASHER AND IKOXER if iii u private lamily, with reference. Apply at 1J1 East It tli st. ANTED?A NEAT, T1DV GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. Apply at 1:13 ttende st. w "llfANTED?A WOMAN CAPABLE OK TAKING EN T? tire enarge of an Infant to bring upon the bottle ; best reference" required. Apply *JO1 st st. AN TED - A Y 6 UN c i PROTESTANT (ii RiTtiTtAKE care of two ctiiMreu and assist with light chuinbtr work; city references required. 147 West 44tb St. ?WAITRESS WANTED?A FIRST CLASS WAITRESS"; TV Atiiericau or EuciUli Apply nt IS West 61st st. 3 - EAST ioTII ST. BETWEEN BlToTuW AY AND ') University place.?Wanted, errand girl, to make her aeif useliil. Apply alter t* o'clock A. M. ?>??? - 8TH AVriSMITH'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY)?-. OOl) A girl not over 14 years ol age lo must in general housework; wage*not ov#r IF3 per month. VITI ATIONS A.N'I EIMiALEfi. A MIDDLE AGED GENTLEMAN. "JUST AIJKIVED from Holland, speaking Dutch, German, English, French and Italian, of very good European education; wants employment in town or cuuntry; first class reference. Address G , Herald office. GOOD_\VRITER WANTS LAW COPY lN,i.~AD dress C. K. W.. box 72 i'ost office, Fordhum. ? A YOUNG MAN DESIRES A SITUATION WHERE ha can make himself useful: can give very best refer ences. Call mi I? Chrystie St., Irout basement. AN 'EXPERIENCED "FRENCH COOK WISH KM A situation in a restaurant or hotel. Inquire nt 31'J East 6th it. EXILE I'Ei.iSSIER. HEAD~ COOK (ENGLISH) ~W(YuLD"-L"i KE~TO engage for tiio 1st ol Jure: countrv preferred; has 14 years' experience. Address G. M.. 2ir> East lltHh st., N. Y TOCNO MAN, wTld PNDEKSTANDS COOKING wishes a situalion iiy day or night, in restaurant or chop house: good reference. Call on or address V* ILL! AM. ?J4'J W est 30th St., room ?"?. s cook?iTy \ kTrsf_T'L Css~ ?7oo k~7germani", w ho underatanda his business perfectly. Address P. D., Ilerald office. A AYOI NO MAN. AGED 1H, WISHES A SITUATION io some nltice ; a good penman ; quick and correct at Sgures: understands bookkeeping; best reference. Address FRANK, I J4 Wost 30th st. Ct iLO RED W A lTERWlsifE8 A SITUATION IN A boarding house; best reference. Address JAMES, Herald I'plown Brunch office. BEs"PhCTaIILE YO*UNO OOLOtSO XAiTWW7I.D like sum" employment hy the dnyor week; city refer ence. Call at or sdi:r'as i:tj West i.'>t ? st. BAKKERPERM SITUATION WANTED-BY aN FX periencmi young man nccuw..l B . ;>"7 West 38th st. BAKKKEPKK?AOR !?'. LATELY Fsov DUBLIN., wants ? aitunlinn. good knowledge; best reference. AddrissG., Hrrslduffu vtigiit w\ rc11van-h" sItuation wa"xted-b"ya ^.J man who lias been In this capacity fur over 10 vears; the best ol references furnished. Addrots IIEKTLE. 42 Thompson st. WANTED-A SITU AT DIN" 11V A '.'iERM~\N V V X. A*S porter and to make himself generally useful: can read and write Englian and is not afraid to work. Address H. O , 71 Catharine st. u A "l*TANTED-A situation ar waiter or ClUCH 11 man;eltv Of country: fcnr years' recoiiiiucndiitions. Address I*. M.. ilerald I piown llranch office ?\\'ANTEI) A POSITION AS *1*1' HI NTENDF.NT IN It a llrst class lltery stable; |? tborouglt^t prsteii In tli* treatmeui ind liaadling il horses and .inuerstaniis the Imsi. ness. Address SUPERINTENDENT. f?.\ 175 Herald ..dice. jgTjn WIlL BK PAID Tli A'MAW To aKT~IIB ?i? I "" a situation es p..i ter, or snv l,.nii of work : I speak French, German and English. A.idre-s M.. box 11*4 Herald office. ' WEST I7TM ST.? \ BOY, 1"> YEARS oLD. l?R. sires a stiu.u o i; cltv or country. CliltKR* A i% l> j?AI,KH.HiUB \* CCOl NT A NT A N D I: X P K i! T - BOOKS THORt ii C H l.l examine.', w riiteu tip. op ne i or cl- se.l fi.f CWpora tlons or iadlvid ials; have b id ?rlenra; t"rms niiMferate. .IOIIN II. ( OMEt!. No. !? liitrtay at. FIRST CLASS HOIIT AND SlIOB -ALISMVN w^uts a situation in city or conntrj'. Addr s.j j , Herald oihee "k M YE OI TDO (IR .-A I. E.I M A N -ON E AC'^UAi NT ED J\ with the hatteri' aim gen|leni"!i's fnrn.-lii.i.- trade: salary ?.r commission. West Houston >?? . corner of Mercer. GEOP.GK E. MaCINTIEK * Ott A Double entry bookkeepkk. kiTom"mont -:? real, wants a pos Tlou as nss -tan; i.ookkeeper Ad dress Mo ME box Ii'- Horal.l otrt iri?i:NiT"MAN. Vn. "wants a- si ruAThTx a? a a. sistaat bo-ikkecper or general eierk; i? a 'joot pen man. Ac : best reference and seenrlty. Address D., Herald Uptown Braneh offi*;e \N AC 11 YE BUSINESS M AN .?H~SAI.ESM V N : FaTb s ilaiy II rapalde 4ppiv. after l'? A M.. to WhlTlXG a ? o . No ?"> Dty st. second floor, ? ... ? % , riii t vol Nil * A.S VllfcD 111 DESIRES A POSITION a V as assists, i li."ik keeper or clerk; et>f result ntienos in 1. n i/l i s. i i, nil (it tin an ; Hex* e i ass pen m aii; m o.ferat 9 sal ary his. IJ Is re ice t> aMIitx and euaracier. Address ,I. G. H., Ilerald I plowu ilrs.n ii oliee ? GOOlT FojtlTION lit VoW (Iten" ts"*Book. Vs. seeio r and "ipei iniendeftl . secnrn r required, in cash. ?l,i?0; tnoderste >atary; pcsttioti |i?rrasuent Aptly at 35 East l?tli It. CLERKR AMD ? AJLBSMBH? "T VTiL'Nti SCOTCHMAN, RECENTLY" AURfYlctf, -'V who has had Hnr?l years experience In on* ot the heat woollen sod tailoring heases in Scullud. desires ? situation ?? aaleanian or sloek keeper; U thoroughly qaall fled and competent: (rat class references; salary moderate. Address U. CRAlli, ear* ot Henry Proase Cooper. M Bread *??, A~ ororvrs and books sriENftncAU/r xxax innl and arranged by expert accountant; boars (night nrdayi to salt; irritu lixed by Job or time. Address K. k L., bos 'J.Ht'i Post office, A * BXPE RI BNCKO MUIT AND CLOAK HA LEHMAN J\. for the city, to work on a liberal commission. LKYINB A Sl'HWAB. ST Canal St. Books \nd accoiwts invkstkj atko and wr.tten up by a thorough bookK- rper and accountant; hours to nun ; term* reasonable. Address iiin m? iccct tomed to dress window*. Apply to J. BUXTON, i06 Newt rk ay., Jersey City, ETFEiuKNckn'xttTiojc entry clerk wanted.? Adilrew. with refareuee. box lt<4 Herald office. C1ARDEN E R- H l" ~ AX EXPEIIlKNt ED MAN :~UOOD T reftrcnee. Addres* W D.. box 1 tW Herald office. MEN'S K C R N18 HI N (F TiOODs MALEHMas WANTED? Mint thoroughly understand the bualneaa a-:d be well acquainted with Hr?t class retail trade. No others need appiy nt C. W. FRENCH'S. j(W Broadway. oitVation WANTED-AS iuUtllMi OS Sffoci k~ clerk In wlioleaa'ie lion e. or would accept nny place; In* w?n?. with commission on sales; lurue arquulntance in New Jersey; he?t recommendations. Address Bl'SI NESS, box 1*4 Herald i.nire. C \L EMM E N WANTED?IN~THK OBESE OOOM OB O partment. HriAKN A SOX, 77S Broadway. "11JANTEI>?A FlK?T CLASS OoMKvriC HA I,hS>l AN r? for downtown retail trade; American preferred; ifood sal.iry and posit ion rear round to good man ; state salary and reference. Addrea- W. A. t!., Herald office. WANTKU-A MAN Ttl TAKE CIIARlifc 7iF~A~skt ft of books and attend to general office business. Ad dress. civtni; references and Matin.- salary expected, PRINTER, box Hit Herald nftire * tetaNTBO?a FIR81 CLASS SALESMAN, TO SELL a r? staple article. Inquire at2i>-? hast 18th st . in the ?tore. \i' an i>.D-si 11 ath?N my a YofMi man. who ? T lias had eight years' experience l? the dry j.-oods snd (.-roeerjr littaimiss, us salesman and bookkeeper. Addruts l". -Vuvh MAN T< > seuTOOOok IIY SAM ?f pie In Brooklyn, at No. 7 West Broadway, room 1. YV A N T IS I)?BY xyc H JNU man. 19 YK A HtTWAOB, if a position ai aasiitant btMikkeeper, entry or ihippinK clerk.* Addreia I*. .M., 934 Hu-t 4tli at. Y\r a NTKI >-i'lN ~KIRST t' I, ASSl.O&UIEN FOR M dress poods and snuwl* at HJM B'eecknrtt. Also suit and cloaks salesman at ISM, 1M."?. 1?7 Sili >v. RoDtlKRS A ORR brothers. C()A( HMK\ A\ l> IURDK1VER9. AT~tjdatiawxs AN I) (. ROO M?by" a mingle ?nan a lio underst nils hit biiHiness: can (jive 7 years' relcrence. Address M. box IJ.1 Herald office. Y0CNU man AS OOAOIIMAN-i Nl>KRSTANUS his bns(ne?s thorouithly; Is a Arst class driver , heat city reference from last employer. Call on or addrci* .IAMK8, at nrlrate stable No. n Wert 4Ath it. A SITUATION WANTKO-BY* A protest a"NT JV younc man, as coachman >n<^(room In a private family; best relerence Riven. AddressT. 0.. box 109 Herald office. A' SINGLE MAN HESIRE8 A siti'ATION AH eardener; lins had nevernl rears'experience: has a set of tools, nnd is capable of building barns, fences, rustle work, Ac: will furnish undoubted references; vicinity of New Brighton. S. 1.. preferred. ^Address P. II. S., Tompkins ville, S I., N. Y. AS IT L'A TIO N W A NTEI l~AS COAT IIMAN AND enrdener by a yountr married man; can milk; not iilrald of work; small piy in a hteauy place; lirst class reference, t'all on or adilreai .1. T. N.. 17 West 44th st. SiTUATI0N \VASTKU-IIY A INUi7k~MIl?l?LK aired Protestant man as iraniener; understands milk ini; nnd care of horses. Address T. J. D., box lt!4 Herald office. AKKSI'KCTAHLK YOUNG MAN AS COACHMAN; underatanda tlio cure of horses; would make himself useful: country preferred: 10yean'reference. Addreaa 1.., box 1H7 Herald Iptown Branch office. S COACH MAS. GARDENER AND USRFUL MAN; city and routilry relerence. Addrsis BENJAMIN, box LIS Uerald office. * YOUNG .MAN WISHES A SITUATION AS COACH 1 couutry ref "Yestwood, * YOUNG MAN WISHES A SITUATION AS I 1V iu*u ami gardener in the conatrv; citr and row erences, A'Mrf lor five days, 'f. SULLIVAN, We (coachman.?a single man, who UNDERSTANDS J his bualneaa; good cltv referenced; no objection lo the country. Address I*. L.. ?!7lt Broadway. pOAOHMAN ANDGR0OX.-A GlsNTLEMAN WISHES \J to procuro a situation for his coachman, whom lie can Illicitly rerommenil a> a first olass man. For particular* cull m or addreaa D. H. GOULD. reatauriuit, 3.*> Naumi it. /IOACIIMAN. OARDEN KK AND TO MAKE HIMSELF \J uael'nl mi a gentleman's place; term* moderate. Ad dress REFERENCE, box 110 Herald office. Coachman and TTRmTM.?situation wanted J b? young man; understands hit business thoroughly; would make himself generally n-eful; ten years' beat refer enoo. Addreaa N., box 124 Herald ollice. COACHM AN AND GROOM?BY A SINGLE MAN; can milk, mow lawn*; underatanda proper care nnd treatment ot horaea, carriages; strictly temperate; careful driver; beat reference. Addreaa K., box 23>ualnes>;; references tint class. <"illI on or aildreaa J. Mc., 124 Weat 4Hth at. C"lOACHMAN Y" A SI .VOLE M AnTdiSENGAGRD ON J account of family going to Europe. Call on or addreas S. B.. No. 144 Weat With at., private staMe. ClOACIIMAN AND~GROOM-HY A SINGLE MAN; J underatanda treatment of horaea, carriages; no -d driver; c ly or country; five yeara' reference; will make himself generally usefol. Address W., box 22.1 Herald office. IKST CLASS COA(!HMAN AND~GROOM?SINGLE, sob-r, willing and obliging; no objection to the cocntrv; six yeara' best city reference. Addreas 11.. box 11U Herald Uptown Branch office. /1OO D RES PONSt BLK MAN Wi'silKS~A SITUATION vT aa coachman; IS years' experience In tlila city: No. I retcrencea; no ohlectlo i to country. Address COACHMAN, Herald Uptown Branch office. CI ROOM Oil COACHMAN?BY A FIRST CLASS T single man : city or country; wall recommended by bis last employer; willing to make himself geuerslly useful: understands It!a business, ('all on or address, for two days, C. C., private stnhle, 2ss reference. Address J. N.. box tH Herald Uptown Branch office, for two day*. SCOTCHMAN WANTS A SITI ATl'INAS COACH 4 AN or vegetable gardener: can ilk and make himself iise lul: good reference from laat employer. Addresa SCOTCH MAN, box 223 Ilerald office. TIT ANTED?HY AN ENGLISHMAN. A SITUATION AS ft Drat claaa coachman and irrooui; thoroughly enmpe tent snd atrlctly temperate; first claas relerences. Address E. W. II.. box IST> Herald office. WANTED-A SITUATION IN THE COUNTRY BT man and wife; the wile is a irood cook, washer and irouer; man underatanda taking rare of horses and cows. Addreaa JOHN SMITH, iwu Kast 16th it. \\T\yTED-A "s'iTU ATi0N AS GARDENER. BY A If man who nnderstand* his business in all Its branches, to take full charge of a place; best reference can be given. Addre?a W. D., Herald ofllre. wantbd-situatwn' as gkoomT b'v A YOUNG ft man; city or con n try ; good references, ('an be seen at Mr. McCarthy's, Jki West 44th at HELP WAIVTED-.nVi.Es. ANC.ELI.S RnJlAN BATHS. HI LEXINGTON"aV7. want American men and women, under 25, for baths; alao colored boy for errand*. A OENTsTcITy XnD COI'NTRYr ARB MAKING |8 jV to ^0 daily. .1117 Bleerker at. : offici*. lower bell. ATiKNTS WANTED-CITY AND COUNTRY. TO SELL teua to families and iarce consamera; crratoat induce ni'iits. 0ANTON TKA CO311*ANY. I4S Chamber*st, \ TOCNG *AN WANTED?okRMAN PRRfBRRHb, with uuduiilited refen'i e?a. who thoroiiirlily under atanda tho trrocery and liquor Ixiaineas. Call between 0 and 12 A. M. at SUS Kirin^ton at., corner of Ludlow. A N dS'I'oRTaNT r act KolV ADVERTISERS TO CONSIDER. Circulation of the EVENING TELEGRAM last week win: MotmUv, M H I ? M H.V U . ? t I ? ? ( e ? > > ? e t ? ? ? I e e ? ? < ? ? ^ SlVdlit*Mi*v 10 S7,* B > Thlirwlny, Ml.f 11 te***?e?*a*e e ? a ? ? s s ? ? ? I ? ? ? ? ? e e e ? s ? e ? F Tidily, Mny lJs?> hfttnftlly? Mny l>{.es*eeeeeseee*es**e*a?**eeee*see?*e*t A\roA Total a;*i.n?> Daily average ACTIVhT GENTLEMAN. Y CANVASSER 48 ad at., room 11. from t> to 11. 4 CENTS. IN CITY AND OOl'NTRV." KOll THE BEST J\. tlllnront. 327 (irand at. VoiA.; MEN AND LADIES WANTED, TO LRAItN ? telegraphy; permanent positions and rood aalariea when iinaufied. NEW YORK TELEGRAPH INSTRUC TION COMPANY. 21 Park row. t SMART AGENT ?> %NTED?TO SELL ARTICIaS OF i t dally conauinptlon; 91 capital required; goods may be returned if not sold. 1 HI Blecoker st. \ OR NTS WANTED?IN TOWN AND COUNTRY?TO sell otir pure tea* to families, hotels and lerja con sumers; lieat terms and largest atoelc In th?conntrv. Ap idj to the WELLS TEA COMPANY. 2t>l Pnlton st.. be tween Church and Greenwich, few York. \ GENTS \ND CANVASSERS WII.I. |xi WELL TO i J\ mil on MROPIK k CO., Rn*l hUk it*: In j dticfmffiitR t? Hftiv.? mf?i. 1/\i K?.i.lir MKN wXnTKD -ATni'iRLEKCKBR.ST ; i i? to p;ifh Hhnml ftffMHtfimiii ?rlll h+ irntd^. Aoplr, ti ifli i" Ms to I r II . He in ?*?!.?? ? i?*?i Thnrfit}', LMHST CLASS CANVASSER WANTED.?A BUSINESS " man ot education, push and good addreaa rait make a permanent and prnlltabl? arrangement to canvaas for ad vertisements for a leading city journal. Andreas *o* 2.4HB Post office. PORTER WANTED?AT T1IE BELMONT HOTEL. Fl'U ton st. Apply to day before 12 o'clork. V\*v\rr.l' \N EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR Of AD ff vettisenientsi.il a daily rommerclal paper; adiberal arrangement will ?h> mails with a auitable party. Addreas bo \ I? llerulil offii e. 1*r ANTKT? OPPICE BO* M: -T WRITS A- PAIR ff hand ami live at Ifme. Addreaa Pox 4A7 Poet MML___ W'A.NTED-AN ACTIVE. ItEMARl.E MAN TO DB 11 IIvor aerial books; mnst b-w^ll reronniended. Art erosa JOHNSON A MILES. Imix ;t,12APost office. New York. tVANTED-EoR A IIOTEl'Z A > lull I' WATCHMAN f f ivlio understands lend'ng l.ar; imi>i lie single and have first cla s reference. Address O. I LAG. Herald L*|>tewB rtran> h office. W ANTKD-A BOY. KUoM l? TO |rt YEARS OLD. IN fT a who eeale clear honae; aaUrf first rear V1UU. Ad dresa in handwriting, giving references, Y. C.. Herald eBea. HELP WAimiD-MAIiEB tviiMiPrK^or!?6y nivsT bittwtMttr m peat tnd licnest; referouces reqalrad. Apply ?l 24 KKb iv. before 10 A. M. THK^ TR\bB?. / KIH8T CCaH8" SHIRT C UTT E R W ANTRD^-AD ilreni. with reference*, Ac., SHIRT CUTTER, bo* 116 Herald office. VoFnTT MAN. 30 YEARS of auk. an rxpb rl4*nce?i watch milker, tic ntre? * po?ttlaii with ?jnie KJJ** house: c?ti scire #?*tl?f*ctory reference*. Addren t. M. W., lieralil office. TiiokouohT prav tical house p aister. Ionic egparlenre, can nlluiut Md nuke Joba py. apod cri-deutiils, wants slesdy work. Addreqi M. H.. J0U West 4'.'d *1.. randy star*. N VRTIST l\ W VTF.K COLOR3 WANTED-*llUT bo good on eyes. 327 Uru4 ai. A" N tXPERIBNCKIl MOULtfslNKER "-'OB COMPO desires a situation. Addrfu II. 0. V.. Herald Phila delphia Rrawh office. CV)MPO.>ITOKH AKK KKQUKSTKI) TO CALL AT ' rooraa of Typographical Union. 7S IJhalhtn at., befora accepting: employment. lll'Uli DALTON. President. g M. It. Walsh. Secretary. H0TRi7_rROPBIKTO R* AND OTHER* WISHISG TO employ the adwftlwr wfll And bin a very useful mail. haviuK had many year*' experience in repalriag ll* tm?t cos'ly furniture, upttolsieriag. polishing. palntine. mattress uaklne, kc.: willing to ba otherwise n?efnl:be?t refer'-aee. Addraii, for one week, H. P. !>.. Herald office. WANTED?TEX CARPENTER*. WITH TOOLS. T o'clock, at Noe. il and 11 Heater at. VV" ANTE D?TWO Ft ItHT C iTaHS PROTOORAP H m operator*, to make stereoseonic views, interior and ex ierlor Apply to P. I. BLaCVELT. Manulscturiug Pnoto grapner, 3U7 Broadway. II'ANTED?AN KNW|Sbr7~POR _A~"SotIlYoKR ? ? that understands ca? Httlnr anil In willing to make himself generally useful. Address ENGINEER. Herald Up town Rranch office. \\T A N T K D?A SITUATION; BY AN ELECTRO 'I silverplater; It a mail that has year?' experience Hi tlie business ami thoroughly understands it; no olfaction to leave thi? rlty. Address PLATER. Ilerald office. infASTEO? POUR plasterers. THIS "MORNING. *> Apply to Hl'LBRUT I'. I'K. JHOAfest 34th st. 0 "FIRST CLAsfr JOB COMPOSITORS ~WANTED?AT ?> LANCE. LITTLE A CO 'S. 10-3 Astor place. HOARIJKKS WWTKO. 1~-PTRNIfilllii KOOM-, WITH BOARD. EX SUITE . or kinsrly. In private family: flr?t rla** houaa, locatlou and table: term* moderate. 307 Weat 4 Id ?t. "j N FcS LY FIt \ 1SIID FRONT HALL ROOM. WITH X eloset. to let. with or without Board, to gentleman. 50 West 33d St.. between 5th anil tith avs. handsomely furnished rack paUM large closem. hot and c?U water : alao dooms, singly or ei. write; table flr-t Hsm 44 Weat 13th ?t.. near 5th a*. 1 SMALL FAMILY OF ADULTS or OENTLEMAX 1 aii>l wile enn he arroutmodateil In a private family with Board and Rooms; all homa comforts Call at or address 150 W e?t '.".'d st. I ELEGANT"RCK1M TO LET?WITH Olt WlYliOI'T L Hoard, at summer priees. I.45U Broadway (Astor block). ?i (TtilT ON PARLOR-FLOOR. ~OR "SEPARATELY"; .L nlrelv furnished, piano, very low; upper Room*; table unexceptionable. 138 West 39th St.. ne?r Broadw ay. I suif oif ROOMS, SKOOlD STORY" TO LET?WITH Board. Inrnlslied or nnlurniahed; private table If de. sired; deeirable location : al?o hall Koom f1 Rooms, with excellent table: families and single; croqnet srround. 1 "H Hleecaer St., nenr Broadway. t} DOOM FRftM STH"aV.. NO. Hft WEST UTII ST. _i New and handsomely rnmUhed Itoomr for irentleaan and wife or two single gentlemen, with or without Board. Slocks prom Broadway.-large "asd small Rooms to let, with first class Board. 03 East 4th St. () BLOCKS FROM BROADWAY. 3fl CLINTON place.?Fine front Rooms, with Board, for fainilie* or gentlemen: S14 to $IS. slnirln to fx. CTH AV? 324. OPPORITB" HOTEL " IIRUNSWICK~^ ') Superior Rooms, In suits or singly, with or without Board. - EAST 4?TH ST.. ADJOINING THE WINDSOR.? ?) Handsomely fnrnlshed Rooms, with or witbont Board; terms moderate. -TH AY., :i41.?PARLOR AND bedrooms. WITH r *iugly, with Board; tran siently or permanently; reference*. 5Tli AV., NO.' 307 ?AN ENTIRE RKCOMD FLOOR TO let. together or separately, with or without private ta ble; reference. An TO $8 FOR ONE ADULT, ?U TO $14 FOR '?') ?/U two; pleasant, excellent table. :'&!) West 25th it 7 west 43tu ST.?HANDSOMELY KL'HNISHED Room*, with first elm* Board, lor famUle* or single gentlemen, transient or permanent: summer price*. 8 east 8UI) KT.-llAND80MBi^YKifRMsTlKD rooms on second and thlrT., near 5t1i AV?rooms FUR 1 WRHT J?1TII ST.?KLBGANT accommodations O with or without Board. Two door* from (liltey House, TH ST., wert, XI, 35. .17 (kept BY AN ENGLISH lady).?Room*, with Hoard, permanent or traniieot; linune and accommodation* drat class. 1 .[Til ST.. ai7~WKSr.-E"LK(;ANT ROOMS, EN SUITE It and ?inirly, with Board; location desirable; terms moderate: reterence*. MTU srTlioaEast.?nicely furm-shed large and small Rooms, with Hoard. IS WEST 1JTH ST~ NEAR BROAD WAY.-RLE ?) gantlv furnished Room*, with superior Board and flr*t elm* accommodation*; reference. ITttTTst.. KAOINO STUYVESANT PARK. NO. MS ? ) East.? Extra liugj Room* and hall Room a, well clos eted. all Improvement*, with Board; reference*. I f? IRVINO PLACE, NEAR \STH ST?PLEASANT AO accommodation* tor on* or two married conple* or a few single gentlemen; room* nicely furnisned; table ex cellent; would take a lew table hoarder*. -1Q~ W KKT 24TlF ST. 7< OPPOSITE FIFTH AYE NCR X'J Hotel.?Elegantly lnrnl*hed Room* to let, with or without Hoard. 41/\ WEST IflTH ST.?BOARD.?HANDSOMELY Kl'R 4U1' ' ul*hed Rjoms. suitable fur gentleman and wile or party ol gentlemen. Ok\~1BAST 82D ST.^NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, wu with Board for two, at $14, $10. $ls. $-Jti. ()1 ST ST., 147 WEST.?PLEASANT ROOMS TO LET, JjL with Hoard. QOD ft*. 349 WEST.?LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS /j and single irentletuen and ladies; house newly fur nished; terms, $7. fS. SiO and 912 per wook: transient boarders taken. rr WEST J7TU ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. t) with or wlthont Board; bouse and location first class; term* moderate. Qn BAST22FST.-to let. with board, a HALL O'/ Room on fourth floor: reference 1* iiiired. OA WEST 14T?n*T -II AN DSOME KOOMS. LARGE OU and *t>sII. with Hoard; transient boarders taken; house kept by Southern lady. ?J1 ST~8T., Alw O l N I NO 6TH A V.?SUITS AND SINGLE Ol Room*, with or without Board, lu a private lamlly. Address box I.BW Post office. Ol ST rtT.."i2l7~NKAR 4THAV.?KBATLT~lrURXISHEr) Ol Room*, with Hoard; location desirable; terms mod erate; reference*. ?>?? WEST 42l? ST.. FACING RESERVOIR PARK, DE *)0 slrable location.? Handsome Second and Third Yloor*, with private table or without board. QjfffSt.~a?4 WKsr-11 aSdsomely~furnishe n Ot Room*, wl'h superior Ho?rd; everything first class; table Hoard; reterouce* uece**ar.r. ? >/?~t ;LI N "TON PL AC E.?KLE' 1A NTLY FURNISHED ?)U Kihmim for married or single ladles or gentlemen, with or without Hoard. 52{ ~~E AS T I ST ST.. NK AR BROADWAY?ELlfc O'l cMiitly furnished Room*. first elass table, for families and gentlemen; reference*. ?jo east t2TH srT between university place ?JO and Hroadway ?Nlcelv furnished Room* to let. to tamllle* or-slngie irenllemcn, with first elass Uoard; tran sient and day boarder* accommodated. OQTH stT * 114 W EST.-II A N DSOM ELY FURNISHED 00 front llooin^. wit 1 flr*t cla** Board; 918 for two; (In gle Hoomi f7 to : reference*. T77_kast !>i 11 sr . nkar iiriiadway,?to let.* 1" with Hoard, lsrue and small Rooms; day boarders acoommoda:ed. jl "sOCTII" washington SqTvTrrT^PLEASANT t I l?r*e Room, on fourth floor, to irentlemnii. with or without Board: lerm* renaounble: reference*. Ti WEST S")Tii st.?desikari/k" rooms'." wTfii T L lti>ard, for families or gentlemen; summer prices; Table Hoard. , A i) WEST MTII ST.?BEAUTIFUL i.AROE ROOM-", t? fii suite or ?lni:lr. with or withont Board : a Second 1 loo- , unfurnished, very cheap; location ananrpassed, near 81. .1 amos. 4~> ~7"Fh AV.-LARGE, nLKASANT. WRLI. Pl'R ? I nNhed front Room ; slngla Rooms, with good Board, very li>w. 1 EAST i-'TH ST.?FORSISiTeI) ROOMS. WITH TO Hoard; ger.tiemen. 90 par week; transient and table hoarder* taken. 'i/- LjcxiNGToiTAV.-NiCRLY Kl K.MKIIEH ROOMS, IvJ with or without Boanl; term* moderate. VZHTi st., aW and srii ats-desirarlr TO Room? tor marrieil eoaple or slntrl* g> ntlemen, with flr*t Me** Board; family private. Adro*ii stone front. ? Rlevantly furnished Room* to let. with Hoard, to famillv* or party of gentlemen: taole boarncr* taken. rO WEST ~ ?Th ST.?ELEUAN n.Y r URNISHED * li; Rooms, with l!r*t olass Hoard, for tamilic*. gentleman and wife or two gentlemen ; very AND V. ST M A KK'S IM.At'E ?PURNIsllED t/O I oum*. large and small. :o let. with Hoard; loeitmn line : prl en low fable flr?t cl??* . talile Hoard $ I !>rii #T. BKTWKEN BRO.vi?WAY AND UNI l/f) versltv plaee. ? Kirat rla?* French Hoard; Room? en saito or singly, for families or slngla gentlemen; references ?xtbangvA BOARDER! wawto. co wk-f"?D' th?3Aa'ndaomeLTv 'rrKfrtftHTB 'JO Rooms: also HwmiI Floor. I run Jan* 1; puM iit? iIcb;_??p?ri?f Board; references. ~Q WKHt STH gT._A FEW HANDSOMELY FUB wO nl?hed Room* (o let, with flr?t dim taM# Board ft'n i*vYN***1>0TH ** nkab 4TH av;-a"furnishkd Il'w Room to lat, with Board, from |8 upward; good location anil (rood table. fn"K w K ST 1ST H ST.?PUBNlMhE D ROOMS, lut) clcwaU, hot aud cold water, with or without Hoard; references. m'( WKST 44TH ST.-AN ISKAELITK FAMILY ) have handsomely furnished Rooma to lot, with Aral Han* Hoar J. at modarata ratea. If Q EAST 21TH ST^-HANDSOMKLY FURNISHED JL LO Rooma, with or without Board: all Improvement*. fin EAST I7TH ST., KBAR UNION SQCARB.? Iltr Dealrahle Rooma, with Hoard; families or gentle men : transient and table Board. 1 5TH AV.-TO LET. WITH BOARD. FRONT lwO Room, and hall Bedroom: all conveniences: alao nice Rooma for gentlemen: terma taoderaia: refcrenre. 1 OQ ITIMT *3TH HT. ?HANDSOMELY FCHNiSHRD 1^*7 Rooma, on aeeoud and third floora, for lamillaa or gentlemen, with Hoaril. jOO* WR8T ?D ST. ?H~ANDS<>MELY PI'RMISHED lO'J Rooma to l"t, with Board, to gentleman and wife or single gentlemen. en aulte or singly. 1 "WKBTTaTH ST.. NEAR ?TH AV.-A PRIVATE iOU family will let handaomelv famished Room, with good Hoard, at modarata terma: references exchanged fbQ WERT ISTtl ST.?XKWLY PlIKNIHIIhO PROMT IOi/ and hall Bedrooma, for one or two gentlemen, to. irethrr or separately, breakfast if deaired. In a private family. f Y7 WRHT 13TH ST.?XEWLY FCBNUUIED It I Kooina to let to gentlemen ami their wivea or sin gle gentlemen, with or without Board; first claaa in every way. IQ/I WEST 1KTH ST.?NIOBLY FURNISHED IOI: Kooma, witli Boarl. for icentlemen. at 97; alao llooms. with Board or Breakfaat only; house newly painted and Inrnlahed. E AST 17TH ST JbTUYVES A NT ~pXRK)T? Nicely famished Kooma, with or without llonrd; tranaient or permanent; terma lor auinmrr moderate; ref erences. 91 i BAST"I1TH ST.?A MaNDSGMIT LARGE PAR ? rr lor and Rooma, with good Hoard. ()1 X T1IOMPSON 8TTBETWEEN BLE^KEiTaND XH/i'J West 3d ata.?A lew vonne men and ladles can llnd pleaaant Rootua and Board; alao Rooma for light house Keeping. 91 7 \VEST 43D ST.. NEAR BROADWAY.?NEWLY mJ I furnished Rooma, en auite or alngly, with Board. 9*iifwk8T~St?rH ST. ?EI >E( t A NT |7y PUR M fs H BD w<)' ' large second atory front Room, with unexo-ntiona blu lloara for two, *17: upper front Room for two, $12; hall Rooma, $tl; home 'omfort*; desirable location. OOQ WEST 431) ST.?LARUE PIK >N f K<>OM, NfCELY wOO fiirnialied, with excellent Hoard, in private family i ?lao two hall Kooma for gentleman; terma very moderate; references. <>JQ WEST 40TII HT.?PURNUIIRD ROOMS TO ?I'.t'J let, to gentleman and wife, with Board for lady only. t)J| WEST 23 D ST-FimNrsTiEX) ROOMS TO mxT rent, with flrst claaa Board; terma moderate. kaht mth sr. poR a younu oouplk or Ov'J two gentlemen, an elegantly furnished Room in a prlvati house, with or without Hoard. *nn WEST I5TH ST.-\vpu.t, PKKNICIIRIl. I'f.RAS OIU ant lame and areall Roon^, to lat. with Board, to familiea or aing e gentlemen; table excellent; terms niod erate; also table Bonril. ?J 1 I 2D AV.-COSEY ROOMS. WITH BOARD AND ill x Imme cnlhfort*; aurnmor pru ea: also table Board. OOQ WEST a-JD ST.. MEAB 'STB AV.?LARGE AND 0_i0 amsll Rnoms, connecting, aeparate or together, inr lililted or uiilurnlslied, with Board; private family; terms moderate. WEST 2SD ST. ?FIRST <;1, \s"w7aRD~FOR ? gentleman and wife. In private family; also for a ?In rle gentleman; all conveniences; rnfersnees. ~ HTH AV.?A PRIVATE PAMILY WiLL~RENT A OtltJ large pleasant Room, with or without Board, to i wo gentlemen or gentleman and wile : terma moderate. It A C MADISON AV?ELKT, I'lllLADKI PHli " 9 *>MQ north ioth 8t.,~T?u iladki mht * ; A LADV has HANOSOMEIiY'rUHNISllvn nr>n?To lift! w. ^^'?"uVuB K h!fi, "ll* reld^l'pw. n CB r.'Udi" A 1'*?}' CAN H5ve "omk COMFORTS ni-RiWfi Addneea OOMpSbt. E1*mIn ? Ji'wlr'"fidy*1 ^"jgrl, ?MWfc rewJ?jr!!jj,^Ce^i^, ?ud r(M|tlire? _,40 Wr,\*iV!ih ,t ttanosomkly kiumsITeo?HR>:iT\ii >??,?? MB ??* KOOm t0 10 ????????; breakft If dr.Y?" T AiHKS I)FkI.V(> ILL.VK.SS. Caw BP trnn-J ?1va7pi v"?; Im ITlT M xbt ??"???'?? MA?S 94Vn.r S& ..?r,rbuSTrFHRXIflHKD KRAKKLIN. lUraYu Uptown'Branch ottlce. "** ' AudrtM "\J C) UUAHOB-IjfSTH AND I'ARTICIJf AUsi r"o H0>rt pUtr, ibm;tnoK.dwrT',r::::'H','t!?1.'.'- ?**??? PHirATK /AMILy" OijoLl'U.W A llAVlwrtWL i v furnished bullae nn Cheatnnt at.. Philadel'nlii* nil!' onnrdera. t-tli^n nr adiron II. mm'i:.i. n.. ^ ' dertra ?h ?Xkiixn{^ party of icantlenien; ronm? handiomMv ft.rnUh-!i j" or * ra^ssSvaiFf'i .K.r.? Kssii-astes vss-msmmmi TWo, HAKDWullitv KIKXISIIKO Koomm?iv?7 Bo"??; conveHent to ^,A,tU l,u liOUUiMW WaStKOT1 Sim swi-..tti jfflo&r wh,ch???>? IJOAfJI) wanted?AT OIH. COR (IKNTLEM 4V ? vn WAiuhIb^hf.f!L?A'iAN r K( KMSIIED boom H.-hM. Inr * Iad.v employed durl'il^t h? ; .ul"? 1^?"?"'' moderate: location &t?e.nlS,hJm '? WAIfTlO-BOAKD FOR old LADY OK a pi at"Yw biumjklyy BOAHK? "Doard.-I'lkasant home"ko*"? avITCfoar5nv ... _ . _ t'^l'KL.sl = I ANbf.h.L'8i tl-rktsh~R,,MAr^AifrrTcLfrTRiil 'SZ&jSSS* A "ft',EES. ift'Sisyjjs?S' *W5r. SuaKr:. w..'?'S31 IJKI-MO.vt HOTRU KCLTON nr.. .IRAK lb.. ?,?-= ajjd ?th.^t^uFoTi table hn*rd. t* ix-r wr??. , 0P**"1. family Rnoun, JJOTKl, AUBMyI ?? W?ln?t M? fr.mi ;l3d tn 3Hh at. I*hlla6Xftb-wrj(Tirr? at ?-kr*u amBovrw* wm JJ adult*, two cblMm aud mm. Addrese bn roetaffic*. Boarders wantkd-a i'abtt of three ob Jour nntlemen willing to m for the lliin of t neautirol boat* on the MHkun near lin| Branch, with M commodatious for their bursas; house now, well famlmod; li?t snd oold watar, bathrooi-i. Ac ; flno I own Mid flowers; *?? s. K. R.; booting r i ? t1* rlT,r.or ??*? Apply to A. I* I., bo* 3.2IT Post offlco. New York. mm* -B"ARO CAW BR HAD OK A karm IK V/ KockUnd ronnty : mountnin air; fr*? from innUrU; /?!?1 1,1 ro,u term a moderate. Cm II at S17 East 50th st., or atfdreea M. E. Tillaitt, Bock land county. N. Y. r!?L.?TMt ?^?d-oood location, near cats kill Mountain*: *o?d table; fine drim; term* (dm TT'i^vtl^u particulars addtaea tfm AI.M fi SlHMIrt. box <08 Post office. Sangertiaa, K. T. Country board at bergen- point, in a kink new mansion frontin* on tho Kill*; tlio house hw oil modern conveniences. ond U unanrpassed for beauty of lo cality and attractiveness ot scenery by any bona* ob tbo Point; terms moderate. Addreaa bos SI Pool office. Borni Point. COUNTRY BOARD WANTED?FROM ABOUT 1ST OP .1 nne, within two hours nf ilty. by a ran tleman Slid wile, lady, and little girl nine yoara of ago; sate boating re quired. Address, stating terms, which mnat he moderate, this week. U.. box 140 Herald'Uptown Branch office. OUNTBY BOARD WASTED?BV A FAMILY Or Mil adalta; one hour from city . plain Hoard aud aceeasthle to depot preferred. Addreaa CO.N VE.SIENT, Ifl West 22.1 at /iotntry board wanted ix new Brighton. a. " I., or any other convenient locality, by a ?ln(le young man. employed downtown during tho day. Addreaa, stating terins.whieh muat be moderate. K. B., box 1*7 Herald office. (lOlil) B(?ARb_ANlTu)DtHNO AT A Fabm HOUSE, T Delaware county. New Vora.?Oood Aahfag on prem ie; plentr nt trait and ve?*tah|ea: carriage to Stamford depot. Call on or addreaa DI5WINTKRS.IM Hark place, ot vansickles a ARNOLD. 85H Grand at. ORANGE. N. J.. ON M<>RRIH AND BSMEX IIAIL road.?Large Rooms, good table: ahade, fruit, wegeta. bloa; location high and healthy; stabling; terma moderate. Addraaa box 427 Poet office. ONE OR TWO SMALL FAMILIES OB A KB If BEN tlemon can nt h desirable boarding placo at Ore at Neck. L X.; al?o rood bathing can be had. Addreaa Era. H. SM1TII. Great Neck. L. I. PRiYATB FAMILY, ItKBIDINO IN UBKKNWIOH, Conn., can olfer tlrat claas Board and accommodation* to a few partiea- location noted for health and beauty ol sranery; house 10 minute*' walk from depot and pleasantly situated. near tha water: bathing. boating and Sailing: ref erencea exchanged. Addreaa HOMh, box 111) Poat office, Greenwich. Conn. RfdcBWOOD. N. J.. ONK IIOUE BY ERIE RAIL road.?Private family could accommodate two eottplet or single gentlemen; pleasant llooma: good table; Mrmt reasonable. Addreaa H. B.. Ileralo office. SK AM OR "BOA RD xt~shRE W SB URY. NEAR LONG Branch; also furnished ('ottagea. with Board. R. dakp.oW. Oceanic, K J. CAKATOOA hoard WANTRI) IMMEDIATELY-RY a i ' lady and four children. In a private family. Addreaa, atating terma. PHILLIPS, Herald office. SUMMEK BOAKD IN THK HIOHLANDH OF KOMRIU aet. N. J.?A private Boarding Home for llrat eiaaa families; no chills or lever or m''at|iiitn?a; a guod table at moderate price. K. OLIVER. Proprietor. Bernardavilla, N. J. Kefrrenco? A. V. Stout, Shoe and Leather Bank. t^~at^kd?ry_a~mTiti>i7k~aoki> ladytand soni m two r>Mima with Hoard; private family ; within thirty minnte* ofOity Hall; Central Railroad of Naw.leraey pre lerrcd; teruin MO per month. Addreaa immediately box 3,470 I'oit office. 1MIN irrKS~hi:()M TfBERTY sf.-11ANDSOMB Zi\) Rooma; ahady irrounds; honau and ligation first cla?a| terma to $111. Addreaa box 42 pmi office, Ureenville, N. .1. 8l"MMEH RESORTS. ffttfff lio'TfcL. B ATTI, L. I.. IS NOW bPE~S*Tffl'KTHl D season. minutes by boat or rail from New York Kor particulars, aend for circular. I! A BHNflVll. fw.'r, Hotel kknimobb. coopkroiuma, .?. will open for the seaaon June l>">. This houa* ta new and contains all modern improvements and conveniences; Rooma and Board may be secured at W. II. Baretuore's. No. fttairnh av., cornerH6th at.. New York, where plana ol tb? 'iioiae can he examined, or by letter addressed ta WILLIAM IL HOWARD. Manager, Cooperstown. N. Y. I AKKSIDE HOUSE?A Ki'MMRR boattdino BOtTSE J six miles west of Nvwhurir. N. Y. Oood boating ana Hilling. Terms, $7 to $i'J per week; refereneea uivon. Ad dress J AMr.s M. WES rcOTT, box 596 Post office, Newbarg, N. Y. Mount pleasant houhk. lake moiieoan. iw hours to Peskaklll by Hudson Rlvor Railroad; fami lies can secure Rooms for tha season; mountain air, boat' tag, fishing, He.; terma moderate. WALTER R. JONES. Peakskltl. Fhanco.via house, near profile iiocke. While Mountains.?First class Roard 91 per day. Don't say Incredible: send for circular. Highest references. OAKKS A l'KIEST/ Riuiikield springs.?HPKING HOUSE OPKN isi June; terms. $l.r> to SIS. Rheumatism and guut cured. Illustrated circular tree. SPKI.NH IIOI'SK, Rlchfletd .-'prince, If. Y., open* Juno X Reputation uostirpuased by any rinflir establishment hi tbe United Sutra. Tormi for Jnne. 913to$IS * week. Rheumatism, gout. neuralgia and dyapeprtapositively wired by tbe water* and hot sulpuur batlu. T. R. PROCTOR, of Bam;'i Hotel, Utlca. N. Y? owner and proprietor. ST. MARK'S HOTEL. NEW RKIOHTON, ?. 17-1'V vorablo term* for May and Jnne. House now op.?n. Cut tages to let. CRAWFORD A IlKNtPSEY. T'lmvLARENDON. SAIIATOOA BPRINUd, N. Y. Tlie Clarendon will be open for recoptlon of irnests Jnna 1; Room* may be engaged at tbe Honamnrw Hotel or at Del avan Huuae, Albany: terms $-!l per week for J una. C1IARLKS E. LELAND. Proprietor. TAPPANZEE HOD8R. NYAOK. ON THE HUDSON, will ooen for gne?ts about June 1. Application lot Room a can be made on the premises or at 29 wot :<3d at. W. P. Ml'NROE. w E?T end hotel. Long Branch. This hotel, with large additions and Improvement*, slating of 70 single rooms fur gentlemen, an additional din ing room, a hoi and cold tea water bathing eatabUaluMBt, Jt c.. will open early In June. Applications for rooma can be made at tha effloa of D. M. HlLOiCETH, 33 Hroadway, or at tba hotel. l'RESBl'RY * HILDRETH. Al. VVitMll' C KB.. -ACKNOWLEDGEDBARGaINST Carpet*. English velvet Carpets, Irom $1 73 per yard. English body Brussels Carpel* (Ore frame) irom H 90 p* yard. ? Ktigliah tapestry Brussels Carpets, from 91 per yard. Ingrain Carpets, trora 41k. j.er yard Oilcloth*. from 37c. per yard. Bucb bargains were nover offered before. Oitli and examine them. KELLY * COy corner 33th at and tlth ar.. New York. A PRIVATE FAMILY. DECLINING HOITHKKREP lug. will sell, in lots to suit pnrchaaera, all their ele gant and cosily Honaehold Kumiture, Ac.: macnlflcent Stem way A sons rosewood Pianoforte; also an elegant .Wiudaor Piano, coat fl.Udl. for 9230; aatlu Parlor Suits, cod 9<>-i", lor $2.'* >; one for 912">: rep Suits. 990; 14 Bedroom Suits, 92."> and upward; Carpets. till Paintings, Bmniea, Mir rors, hair and spring Mattresses, and a general assortment d Household y nrulture, made to order lour months ago. Call private residence No. 12(1 West 23d at., near ?*tli a*. 4 ?WKickLY~ANO MONTHLY PAYMKisTS TAKEN A. for Pnrnitnro. Carpots and Redding at H. M. illlf PERTH WAIT a CO.'S, 15-. and 157 CUatbam at. An im mense stock at low prices. V REA90NAHLR PRICE PAID K.Ht CARP&T8, A Furniture. Ac , by II. M ANNlid, 300 7th ar, A~TaMILY WlLL KBLlTITTrIR ENTIRE Hol'SB liold furniture; a great aaerilleo for cash; magnlfloent latest atyle satin brocade Parlor Mult.coat 9375, for 9150; one do. 9135; do. 91""; Pianoforte. Chamber Kolta, with Dressing Cases. 945 up; Bedateada, Bureaus, Wardrobes hair and fprlnu Mattresses. rep and haircloth Haiti. 930 npj Extension Tables, sideboard, silverware. Carpet a, xe. Call hnme'liatelv. Kesldenco 103 East 13th at., second doOC from 4th av. I A PRIVATE KAM1LY WILL BELL, IN LOT*. THEIH entire' onsehold Kumltnre?Satin and brocade Parloi Suits, coat fJMO, for #2"", (17.">; Turkish Halts, 9IUJ: Httle wa.v Piano. rich inlaid Chamber '"eta, with Dressing Case. 973. 91""; sincie Bedsteads. Bnreaua, hair and (print Mattresses, Bookcases, Peaks, Buffet. KXtension Table Chairs In leather, rep and haircloth Suits. 9J3^ Hail Standa Painllngn. Bronses, Ac.: positive sacrifice. Call at browt ?tone private realdvno* No. 47 West MM ft., between 5tl and nth avs. AFctuTn rooms, no east isth st?rurniturk. Carpets. Mirrors. Wsrdrobra, Armolrea, Bookcases, Par lor and Bedroom Seta. Ac. Private sale at auction price*. BEDKOiVmSITITS! BhUROOMSCITSI-roRTY BED room Suits of every description; alto a large aaaort nient of Mirror, or all kinds, to bei aoldI at auction M Thnradav, at 10>j o'clock, by TUNIS JOHNSON, 37 Nassau st. jj KELLY. Ore at bargain* m nrtiww Carpet*. Oilcloths. Bedding. A*. The largest and moat complete assortment of Parlor, Bed room and Kitchen Furniture tn the city. A large stock of Carpet*, oilcloth*. Ac., alwayt on hand. Two hnndred roll* of Tapestry Brussels, at 91 per y*r4 All new pattern!. D. KELLY. 512 and 314 9th IT., corner .KHh at. For sale-a set or bkuw.n satin kurnituri and Bmasula Carpet, used one month, very cheap. Ap ply at l-M West 3*1 st., between Htn and 7th avs. JU>R~iTLE?ruNN1T0RB OK A THREE STOK1 English ba*ement Imiiae. Inclnding rariwta; can M I to uglit ch*4p. ns?d only one year by a bachelor; bed* bedding and even thine complete except glassware and cut lery: value about 93 (Ml Address box 3.2(12 Poet olflce, New York flURNlfi;Uk.-M. K A V O B*S~\ t't 'TI ON ItUVMt. M Kaat 14th st.?Private sale, auction pricea; pacbcd cheap. X. II ?Large auction sales to day. GEOImVk A. CLARKE. 747 BROADWAY, MAK>S~A ?i.eeialtv of fashionable, well made Kumltnre. Carpal*. Mirrors, aprinir and h*ir Mattresaes. Parlor Red*, at tlM lowest prices and upon moat liberal terms of payment. Conntrr houses and Krencb flats Oirnlshed to order. PARI.ciR BEDS-Til K I.AKtitsr ASSORTMKNT IN the city; Payne's patents. No |0I -4th av. XST ILL BE sill, n AT a ?1 HKa t RACE IKI j' E?A PIK* ?T iila.s, I'Meet linrh, with Cornices an>l l.ainbreqnias for fonr windows to matcti Call st I JI Yariok st. TV A.VUJD-AIKH T 13 VARUS SECOND "HAND CAR. '. ??"'I" : where it