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WASHINGTON. Course of the Administration on the Louisiana Troubles. ffiUUL AD6D1 TO USE BIS D1SCRET10R. Curious Stories Regarding an Election Contest in Louisiana. THE KENTUCKY RAILROAD CLAIM. Mr. Davenport Still Explaining His Expenditures. FROM 'OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT. Washisotos, May 18,1870. action of Til peesidekt oh the louiuaxa TIOCHJH?anilil iCOCB to use his dis cbbtiob xx pbxsebyixo oedxe axd pbe ?SXTXXa BLOODSHED. The Btcnliry of War says to-night that the adminis tration haa had nnder consideration tor a long time the toaditlon of aflhlra Is Lonlalana and that, to-day, upon the telegram ot Acting-Governor Aatolne the Prealdent lecided to direct that General Augur, commanding tbo Oeparunent of the Gulf, shall be allow rd to uso kie discretion la complying with any request made by the State anthoritlea lor the enforcement of law, the preservation of order and the prevention of violence. Of course, this action of the military co operating with the civil anthoritlea, at the instance of the latter, ta only contemplated br the instractlona given, so far as may be necessary In the proper func tions exercised by the State officials, and to seonre the proper working of the State government. Orders have accordingly been given by Uie President In this direction, and the Secretary of War baa directed that they'be earned ont Great confidence Is felt in General Augnr's careful aae of the discretion liven him on aooount of hia well known reliability and bis general experience in questions where a nloety arises in regard to any Intarforence with the civil au thorities when the military are to be brought into requisition. This, It Is said, la why the President, tne Secretary of War and General Sher man concurred In the advisability of placing the whole thing virtually In the hands of General tngnr for flnal diapoaitlon under the obvious duty of keeping within such bounds as are prescribed by the mnatltutton. Thus far no great consequence la given by the ad Ainiatration to the oocurrencea transpiring in Felici ana pariah; but It la thought, from the lonf sonsultatlcn had at the Cabinet meeting to day, that every proper remedy will be taken by the government to prevent the disgraceful oocurrencea ?f yesterday tn Louisiana. The feehnga of thoae who are outaide, however, and are well posted in affairs there and the impending political contest aay that thla la but the beginning of the end; that the negro, who haa been patient so long, moat not be goaded to dea peratlon, especially where they are so largely In the majority aa la Feliciana parish, where the numbers are, It la Bald, about 4,000 colored people to 1,600 w hi tea. Burnings by lncendlariea, aaaasslnatlon and a war of the racea may be expected. To check this Anally ihi conservative element muat atep In. Tbia la tbe view of the meat experienced and sensible Loulsanlana here. They openly blame the administra tion for the condition of aflhlra now prevail ing. indeed a Southern republican Congreasman went ao far to-night as to aay that the immediate remedy lor the whole trouble lay in the relegation of power to the whites, who would there upon divide into two parties, as they were before the war?aay Into democrats and whlga?and they would divide tbe colored people between them, and each party would then protect ita own colored allies In tbia way only would the oolor line disappear and whltoa ana blacks oeaae their oontinual quarrelling. TBB SEDUCTION IB THB ABUT EXPENSES?BB VI8ED ESTIMATES OP SECRET A BT TAFT AXD TUB DISSATISFACTION OP TBB COMMITTEES THE SECBETABY IX BXPLABATIOX OP HIS AC TION. The Secretary of War aent In to-day hla reviaed esti sates for tho War Department The reduction In the army appropriation proper is lesathan $4,000,000, a re* vision which is regarded with great disaatlalactlon by the Military and Appropriation committees, who were led to believe that Secretary Taft would be more economical in hia proposed expenditures. He Is said to have promised the committee a larger figure or re trenchment and they are disappointed. While be ia accused ol thus having receded from his original good Inufctlons the Secretary ssys for himself that he baa proceeded upon tbe advice of and alter consultation with the moat experienced and prominent officers or the army, Including General Sherman, Lieutenant General Sheridan, Major General Hancock and Ouartermaater General Meigs, to cut down tho Qgaree to tbe very loweat possible "notch" ind haa succeeded In making a reduction ol $6,000,000, Including the Items In tbe Sundry Civil Bill, which he sa>s is the very bost he could da This result was ac complished by lopping off expenses In the Quarter-tnaa ler General's and Ordnance departments and In the for tification account. Tbe pay and commissary branches of the army, together with tbe office work ing force re main untouched. Secretary Talt examined every thing cloeely bunaeir and made the best tnveetl fation possible, and be feels that he has done what la right. Though be may not have pleased all the mem Sera of tbe committee vet he could not consent to ?ripple the service in aay way. The direction In which he haa notably effected tho reduction will be lound In the Itema or clothing, camp and garrison equipage, and the Rock 1 aland and Bcnicla arsenals and army quarters. He regretted to learn that he did not meet all the expectations o(,Ahe com mittee, but he bad tried lo do what ia right and expo nent In the matter, with all the most reliable Informa tion at hla band. Such sources of widespread informa tion aa were at hla command warranted him, aa he be lieved, In eaying that he had belter opportunities of lodging tho real wants of tbe army than tbe gontieaien of the committee. IWBEPIHO CBAXOES IB TIB WAVY TABD SYS TEM PROPOSED?THX WOBX OF THE SUB COMM1TTBES OB TXB SUBJECT?REFORMS TO BB ESTABLISHED. The Houae, ir It has Ita way tbia session and follows the recommendationa or the Naval Committee, will Bake Important and sweeping chaagea In the navy yard system, both In tbe number of tbe yards and in 'heir management. It will lie remembered that undor he general reaolutlon directing an Inveatigatlou or the lavy yards sub-committees on this branch or the sub n et were delegated to visit all the navy yards, and the itutiHii's ol Information gathered by three sewral sub committees have been grouped lor the Inspection snd Jeflberstiou of the full committee. A report will be (oribcooiieg In a day or two reoommendicg, among stlier metturos for sccarlag retrenchment tn the naval uryice, that all navy yards be cloaca excepting tbo ?neat Brooklyn, the ono at Noriolk and the one at Mare Island, which last asay be kept open lor the ptirpoees of repair; that, eventually, but two yards be maintained aud ktpt open?lo wit, Brooklyn and Mare 9 Island; that no unl station be authorised or eetab- | lishcii, unless In mum of necessity, when pu?-h station shall bo selected from sucn of the closed yards as ss?y < bo moM expedient In the judgmeut ot the Secretary of ' the Navy; thai the yards at Washington and Charles town be sold as eoon as tbejr can be conveniently dis posed of Mr. Willis, of New York, chairman of the sob-com mittee which visited Brooklyn, Is prepared with figures to show thai tbe new navy yard at League Island will | cost $60,000,060 to oompiete. The committee will re port la favor of retaining the navy yards at Kittery and Peasacola as government property, to be used in cose of war or other emergencies. ? The fsbjeet of the management ot and discipline la the navy yard will make an important feature of the report as well, and those who have had an opportunity of getting at the views of the committee say that thojr will recommend the abolishsieul of the bureau system and that orders be given through tbe commanders thereof; the performance of watch duty by marines; tbe aaslmltatlon of prices and time of labor to those of private toatracts and the punishment as a criminal offence of making assessments on employees or receiv ing commissions for contracts. It is also ecntemplated to prevent Mte doing of private work, or the doing of any work wtthout previous appropriation therefor or the charging of work dono In one bureau to another) The office cf Civil Engineer is regarded as superfluous and its abolishment will be recommended. THE WHISKEY IBAUDS IN SAN FBANCISCO?EP TOUTS TO PBEVENT PUBTHEB INVESTIGATION? AN EXCITING TIME ANTICIPATED. News has been received from San Francisco that the agents of the government are vig srously pushing the war against the distillers in that city. The seliure of Ave distilleries a few days since has added to tho ex citement there, and most strenuous efforts are being made by tbe local officers and the distillers and such allies as they are able to command to stop investigation and to drive off tho officials who are oonducting II A short time since ono of the most active ot these men was approachod and offered $30,000 In gold It tbe Investigation of the j whiskey frauds could be stopped. There is considera ble pressure brought to bear upon the California Con gressmen and politicians here in Washington, and many charges are being preferred against tbe agents of the government now at work among tte distillers In San Francisco The methods of fraud thus far discov ered only diner from those unearthod in Chicago, St. Loals and Milwaukee In their being carried on wit| more boldnoss, if possible, and apparently with a bet ter understanding between some ot tbe Excise officers and the distillers than existed in these cities. The subject Is likely to attain great prominence within a very short time. THE BELKNAP IMPEACHMENT?ARGUMENT OP BINATOB EDMUNDS IN PAVOB OP JUBISDIC TION. When tho Senate wont into executive session as a high court on the Belknap caso Senator Edmunds, of Vermont, took the floor in favor, it is said, ot holding Jurisdiction and delivered a caretully prepared address, lasting through the whole day. His argument made a serious Impression on tbe body. It Is now thought that the argument will consume tbe rest of the week. Sena tor Cbr.'stiancy is tatd to side with Senator Edmunds and be favorable to a decision affirmative of jurisdic tion. THE ADMISSION OP NSW MEXICO?POBTHCOM ING BXPOBT OP BEPBE8ENTATIVE MEADE. Representative Meade, of New York, who has been tor some time managing tbe bill for the admission of New Mexico, whlon was referred to htm, and on which be haB prepared an adverse report, finds that every one else is getting credit for the work done by him and the handling of such an Important question. He was much surprised, if not snnoyed, to-day by tbe knowledge that his work was attributed to others. He has pre pared a very elaborate paper on tbe subject and will bring it Into the House at once. It is by no means de cided as yet, however, what will be the fkte of New Mexieo as to becoming a State, much of the opposition to it not having yet developed. GENERAL WASHINGTON DESPATCHES. Washhoton, Hay 18, 1870. TBS LOUISIANA. investigation?THE CHARGES AOAIN8T BEPBESENTATIVf MOBEY FOBTITIED rr msmkbs and papees?how the elec tion IN LOUISIANA WAS CABBIED. Tho special commltteo to examine Into the federal offices In Louisiana farther examined Major Edyar Solye to-day. The witness produced a large number of letters and telegrams from Congressman Frank Morey to himself in order to substantiate the evidence given yesterday. He also produced an agreement made between hijnself and Morey st the time Morey bought the documentary evidence of witness implicat ing himself. It read as follows:? Tho package accompanying this agreement, and en closed with It and sealed, la to be delivered to Hun. I Frank Morey or to his ordor on November 1, 1870, or i at any time thereaiier that b? may call for it, provided j that up to ibat time Major Edgar Selye has, smcu No i vetnber 1, 1876, been provided with a position having a salary ol not less than $126 per month, said position to be In the Custom House at New York city or as agent in the Secret Service Department of the government or some similar position, or that bo shall receive tlie pay ol such position during the time, the fact Is to be deter mined by such acknowledgment of Major Kdgar Helye as is satisfactory; or, in the event of doubt, by such evidence as muy be produced by said Frauk Morey, ample opportunity, not exceeding three luouiiis afiur November 1, 1870, to produce auch evidence beiug allowed said Frank Morey lor ibis purpose. This dons and signed by mo this 21st day ol October, 1876. EDUAR SKI.YE. Accepted?FRANK MOREY. Tho witness then went on to recount theefforts msde by Morey to cbuin the position, and stated that after his failure therein Morey mads another arr<uigemont with him, by which, In consideration of certain sums of money, he delivered up all the documents. His I story was simply a repetition of his statement yester j day, fortified bv a copy of the papers which he bad re | talned. j Witness was asked to explain, when he said that two J indictments were pending against him In Louisiana Tor cutting telegraph wires and robbing the mails, and | Moray bad ouo ol them dismissed and told bim that | the other would bo held over him to use if be took any I steps in this matter. The witness also produced some ! United Bute* warrants lor the ariest of about sixty , persons in Louisiana In October of 1874, and said | Morey, Ray and the Green family sat up on the j night of the 23d of October and made out the list, and witness, as deputy marshal, was directed to arrest them I and keep tbem in jail till alter the election. They | were democrats and Morey gave the orders for thsir | arrest. He did not know where Morey obtained bis 1 authority, but all of the officers about there obeyed his i orders. Morey was In the habit of writing out orders. telegrams aud requisition for troops and directing wlt | ness to copy them, sign them snd Issue them ss com ing from bimsell. Witness wss requested to nsme some of the trans> actions at that time, but reluaed to do so as It would criminate himself. Q. Has anything been said to you about going to Canada, and not testilyiug be lore this commltteo ? A. Yes; Mr. Soucr, a member ol the Legislature, from Louisiana, wished to see me at the Fifth Avenue Hotol, in New York; I met him, and he told me the Hergeant-at-Arms was in town and 1 bad better g? It Canada, and he showed me a despatch from Morey to Caiey asking Casey to go to the Custom Honse and get me a leave of absence; Casey did go and asked Mr. Sharp II be would retain my place for mo akd allow my pay to eonttoue while I went to Csnada; Houcr said be would give me $160 rash to so with and $160 per month while I wss away; Mr. Sharp said be could not give mo loave of absence, but would give ine a place when I returned; Casey asked me what I knew about the New Orleans Custom House, snd >ald If anything wrong bad been done tbero it was dono by some ol tho subordl nstes and not by himself; I old not agree to go; 1 said $160 was a small sum to leave the country with. By Mr. Conger?How much did you want ? A. Well, I told tbem that two of Morey'a notes bad not been paid. Q. Tell us all you ssid about It? A. Well, I said If tbey would pay Morey a notes amounting to $300 and give me $500 more 1 would go sway to Montreal. ij. Would yon have done so* a. Yes, sir. Q. Why didu't you? A. They were willing to try to obtain tho $600 lor me. i>ot would not pay the notes, and Souer kept trying to bluff me, ssying if I testified I would gel into tbo I'euiieutisry and 1 finally would not have anything more to do with him. Witness ssid he knew he could not testily betore the committee without laying himself liable tu pros?-tuiioii aasoon u? he lelt tlie committee room, unless immunity was granted to him, and unit** It should be granted he expected ho would be taken to Loulaiaua acd prosecuted. Ho was asked to give the particulars of some of the criminal transactions, without giving any names, but he declined to do so. Mr. Blackburn then renewed his motion, made yes terday, that the chairman be instructed to apply to the Attorney General lor Immunity for tho witness. In reply to cross questions the witness said he made a statement of the principal points against Morcy over a year ago and showed It to several persons, and that waa one of the papers he sold to Morey, but be kept a rough copy ol It for self protection. THE KENTUCKY CENTRAL RAILROAD CLAIM? JUDOB ADVOCATE OEXEBAL DUNN IK EXPLANA TION OP ITS PAYMENT?THE FACTS OP THE CASE SUCCINCTLY STATED. The Committee on Expenditures In the War Depart- I ment to-day resumed their Inquiry Into the matter of j the Kentucky Central Railroad claim. General W. H. t Dunn, Judge Advocate General of the Army, testified , that during the years 1870 and 1871, while Assistant j Judge Advocate General, he was on duty as Isw officer of the War Department, and In tho fall of 1870 this claim was referred to him by tho Secretary of War Is the ordinary course of business for examination sad report. The papers remained in his office from sous time In November until the next liar, and received s very careful and thorough examination at his hand* As the result of this examination he was clearly satis fied that It was a just claim, and, therefore, be made ? favorable report, which, being approved by tho Secre tary tf Wur and afterward by the Third Auditor and Second Comptroller of the Treasury, procured Its pay ment. No effort was ever made in any quarter to In fluence his Judgment. In response to lurtber questions General Dunn pre sented the following as tho chief points or Ins reports on the claim, showing the conslUeruiio.iii wlucii con trolled his action, and bringing out bouio lacts regard ing Its history that have not hitherto been published:? Tint?Tho Kentucky Central Railroad Company wus entitled, under the constitution, to just compensation for services rendered the government, and whnt was Just compensation was not a matter to be determined arbitrarily by the Quartermaster (jenorul or any oue Second?Tho military rates, so called, imposed upon said compauy against its protest were not just compea ! satiou tor the services rendered. ! ?Tbo rules ot compensation asked for and | Oolj^Bklowcd wore no more than just compensation i for t^^Tervlco. Fourth?The payments made to the company by the Quartermaster's Department, having been received ; under protest that they were not all the company was ; entitled to receive, in no manner coucluded the com ! pany agaiust demanding further payment, and tho Quartermaster General erred in holding itie company I concluded by tho acceptance of such partial paymeut ' and lu representlbg to tlio Secretary ot War that ths services were paidjor and settled. Fifth Tho Quartermaster General recommended that the rates asked lor by the company (ninety per cent ol its regular tariff) bo paid lor services alter August 1, 1864. which recommendation was approved. The reasons given lor that recommendation apply moro forcibly lor tlie time such rates were refused than lor tho time they were allowed. Sixth April 1&, 1804, tho recommendation ol tho Quartermaster General that this claim be rejected was upproved in this lorm:?"By ordor of the Secretary of War, C. H. Dana, Assistant Secretary of War." Ins lew days iberealter, on the application ol Mr. Magraw, then tho attorney in tho case, the Secretary ol War, under his own hand, ordered Uie Quartermaster Gen eral to call on Colonel Swords, the Assisiunl Quarter ; master General, on duly iu Cincinnati, lor a report on I the case as then presented. Colonel Swords mado such a report, showing fully that tho payments for transportation made to the railroad company had been received unJer protest, and upon tho asfcuranco of tho Quartermaster making tho puyments that the company, by recoivlng such pay ments, would not bo debarred Irom asserting its I claim to ninety pe.* cent on lis regular tariff rales. Sub ! sequeniiy Mr. Stanton verbally, as stated by' lbs i solicitor of tho War Department, Hon. W illiam Whlt | inir, and also under his owu hand, as appears by tbo ! record, referred tho report ot Colonel Swords, through ! the Quartermaster General's Department, to Solicitor Whiting lor s report. All ihese references took ! place after the time it Is slated that the claim was rejected by the War Dspart ! ment, and certainly negative tho Idea that Sec i retary Stanton considered tbo claim rejected. Tho last relerence was seven months afterward. The ref erence ol this report or Colonel Swords Is the i u*i official act ol Secretary Stanton ol record in re 1 sard to this claim, and excepting a report by Solicitor Whiting that the claim was still open for seulomcnt, no further action appears to have been taken regarding It until the year 1870. . Sevenths-i'u? National Railroad Convention which was held In Washington on February 'JO, 1862, on whoso recommendation the so-called military rates wers adopted, phased ibo following resolution:? Keftolvrd, That It li tlie op nlon of this Convention that tba KacretaJy or War should make such compensation as will be equitable to liitwe road* whose expenses are eu baneed by reason of their being In or near the seal of war. In pursuance or this resolution the Quartermaster General under authority of the Secretary of War al lowed to the Baltimore and Ohio, tbo Louisville and Nashville, the North Missouri and the St. l.ouis ana ' Iron Mountain railroad companies more ibun tho ! military rales lor the transportation or army supplies. ! The Kentucky Central was entitled to b? placed in tbo ' same category as those roads, the same reasons that I justified the payment ol higher than the military rates to tboae roads obtaining with equal force in the case ol tne Kentucky Central. Quartermaster General Molgs, who wss presont, was asked by Mr. Clymer whether ho desired to ssy sny. thing in regard to the testimony of General Dunn. He replied that be did not think It necessary to do so, as bis official action conoernlng the matter waa fully set i forth In tho record. THE SECBET SERVICE FUND?MB. DAVENPORT IN EXPLANATION OF HIS LABOB AND HIS CHABOES. Committee on r*r>??Jitar?s In the Department ot *ottlc? this morning resumed the examination of John I. Davenport, who produced tho law showing bis authority lor receiving pay for Indexing his books. In the index books there are, including names, nearly 8,000,000 words, and witness claimod for these words the sum allowed by law. This Index waa simply a copy of the remstrstlon lists, alphabetically arranged, in all his charges for this Index tbo witness never made a charge not warranted by law. Tho Indexing he con | celved to bos necessity; the indexing diminished the | labor of the office vory materially. In roply to Mr. Mesde, the witness said that prior to 1871 ho was s member ol a law firm in New York. The first work ho did alter the dissolution ol the Isw firm waa to Ukes copy or the censua Question?Where did you get that copy of the cen sus; lor, ss I understand it, tho census wss oot then printed? Witness could not answer that question ss put, un less ho were permitted to mske an explanation. Some charges had been made against him of wrongdoing In ecnneciion with that census, and he would uot answer unless he could explsin It He waa willing to ssy. bow ever, that he obtained the copy of tbo census from Marshal Sharps. After some discussion by the committee he wss per mttted to explain that he made bis compilation In s room ol the United States Court Houso, and when he ssld he obtained the papers from Ibo United stale* Marshal no meant only so far as his clerks were per milled to handle them, liis compilation was not made from tho regular June census, bnt Irom s census taken In October on account ol a feeling that the Juno cen-us waa iscorrect. Witness was examined at somo length In relation to his compilation, tho manner of doing, Be., bnt no new facts were elicited. THE OOYEBNMENT PBINTINO?ACTION OF THE I HOUSE IN BEFERENCB TO CONOEBS8ION AL PRINTER CLAPP. The House to-day, by a parly vote, directed tho Speaker to certify to the proper authorities or the Dis trict of Columbia the testimony takou relating to the action ol A M. Clapp, aa Congressional Printer, for proper action. The resolution Instructing the Jndicl ury Committee to inquire whether tbo Congressional Printer Is an officer who may be Impesched wsssdoptod without a division. Tho third reioluilon. Instruct tho Committee on Ap propriations to embodv la the Sundry Civil Service Appropriation bill sections cbsnglng the present sys tem of government printing waa recommitted to tho committee. MOODY AND SANKEY. Hr. Loi-ts, May 16. 187& Moody and Sankcy, who have held a number of densely thronged meetings here since Friday last and excited jtreal religious interest among nearly all clars- s, loll iat*l night lor Kansas City, where ibey will partkl- 1 pate in the Sunday School Convention to convone there to morrow. VESSEL BURNED. Dstboit, Mich., May 10, 187(1 At Point Taw as, at four o'clock this morning, an un known vessel was observed on lire In the oillne on i.uku Huron. letter in tbe day the steamer Beaton at rived irom Bay City, and reports paxsing several lloitiug mattream-s, blankets, a cedar post, with botlle attached. *c ; out oaiog to the heavy sea she was ua sble to pick anything up. AMUSEMENTS. "HOW SHE LOVES HI*," AT WALLACE'S THEATBE. The revival of this sterling comedy >1 Wallaek's last i night la likely to awake only one regret amoog tne ' theatre going public?namely, that It had not been re i vived earlier in the season. It Is so long ago since this I fine piece of handiwork by Mr. Boucieault has been j seen on a New York stags that It comes to as almost i as a novelty, and to thousands ol New Yorkers it will prove entirely new. It has ths great merit of being a thorough comedy with a plot of tex ture Just strong enongh to sustain interest in the story and shining most In Its effective contrast of character and sparkling dialogue. The scene Is laid in England, whose chalk cliffs are constantly visible la a fine ma rine view. There are two love stories in it and it Is hard to say which should give the play its title, for "she" certainly loves "him" In both cases to an alarming extent. We suppose, however, by the rule ot contraries that the love which it is hard est to bring to the lips is that for which the author names the piece. This is the case with Mrs. Tom Vacil (Miss Dyas) and Mr. Tom Vacil (Mr. Wallack). They have been divorced on a trumped up case, in which the husband, playing tho Jealous monster, has fallen into bis own trap, securing himself a lite of woebegone endeavor to win back Mrs. Tom. To that end be lelgns sickness and goes to reside in a soasido sanatorium, so as to be near his late wife, who is residing In the adjoin ng villa of Sir Richard English. This wealthy oid knight (Mr. Gil bert), a returned Kast Indian, has made a distant relative, Miss AUIanta Cruiser (Miss Effle Germon) his heiress, and she is in love with Dick Hartley, a young fellow of no moan* but unlimited afloctiou, and | possessing a family wrong. Of course, Mr. Montague ! plays this part. Very soon Dick Hartley dlscorers j that old Sir Richard Is his lather?that lather who de I serted Dick's mother on a strong and apparently ' well-founded suspicion of Infidelity, before Dick , was born. These are tbo main difficulties which the dramatist sots out to smooth aw.iy. This is accom plished alter iillordltig Mr. Gilbert several oppor | tunities to display testiness, pathos and alfection and I giving Mr. Montague a cliauco to exhibit filial love, de I dunce of poverty and touchiuglorgiveness of bis father. ; The Instrument ol the eclairciuement between father ' and son is a blooming, professional paupor, L-idy ? Seltna Railletickei, who is always celliug chances | in a rutlle for a widow or the daughter ; of a clergyman. In the case ol Mr. t Tom Vacil und his wife it requires a feigned attack of a | fatal disorder and four comical consulting physicians to let litem triumph over all their obstacles, among | which Is an odor or marriage to Mrs. Vacil from a cer j tuiu boobyish Captain Yawley. They are reconciled at | lust In a scene lull ot humor. { The plot, as will be aeen, deals very sparingly in i mystery, leaving tho mind lull play lor appreciating | the llow of Jest, repartee und epigram as dcliverod by | the clearly i.eflned personalities indicated above. Tho i play abounds in effective situations, and Mr. ; Wallies, iu resuming this character of the | fond, stuttering husband, lays New York under a fresh | obligation. It is needless to say that Mr. Monuguo plays the lover admirably, and that Mr. Gilbert is tilted lik? a glove by the grouty but whole-hearted Sir Richard. Mr. Ileckettaa Diogenes, the affectionately mi i pudent Irish sorvaut, redolent of Charley O'Malley I and Jack Hinton, convuisos the audience, and Mr. I Floyd plays the unit headed Yawley with a keen sense ol its ludicrous side. Tho Atalanta of Miss Ger* mou is one of her best parte, and tho little dialogue with her heart was as prettily given as it was prettily conceived by the author. Miss Dyas has not the best opportunity to display her powers, but she played with case and skill; while lime, l'onisi, who first ap Eoars in the third act, gave a roundness to er perlormance of tho lady living on her wits that ? redeemed it trom some of its unlovable traits. Her surprise at the discovery of a throb in hor heart and a tear in her eye was delicious. All tho minor parts wero well tilled, and as It Is a- ilttlo wearisome to praise everything, wo would remark that the only thing In the comedy any one is likely to carp at is tho occasional broadness of some of tho allusions and slightly blue eiroct ot some of the syncopations I and elongations of words in the course of Tom Vacil's stuttcrlngs. They may be excusable because they were apparently enjoyed, and tbo samo may be said of the numerous hearty osculations betwoen Diclc Hartley and Atalanta Cruiser iu the first aot. *'How She Loves Him" will probably run to the end of the regular season?that is, until the 27th Inst. The house lay night was crowded. LYCEUM THEATRE. Last night M. Emllo Anjier's nsw piece, "Madame Caverlet," was produced at this theatre for the Urat time in America. It waa originally played at the Vaudeville Theatre, in Paris, where it la said to have been very successful. The plot is a remarkably simple one. An ill-assorted couple have, some fifteen years before the opening of the play, been divorced a meutd et More. Both husband and wife being French, this dl | TO roe acts only as a Judicial separation, and doea not j permit either to remarry daring I tie lifetime of the ! other. As represented in tho piece, the husband has ; been alone to blame, and the wife, as long as she pos ( sibiy could, had condoned his dissolute behavior. After < their .separation the wife retires to live with a I wealthy aunt In the country, and she takes ' with her her two young ohildren?a boy '? and a girl. While living here she meets and falls des i perately In love with H. Caverlet, who takes her to { Switzerland and there livos with her as her husband. ? Meantimo the children grow up under the belief that ' their ffcther was an Englishman, and that, conse i qnently, M. Caverlet Is really the husband of their i mother. j It is at this period that the play opens. The rich ' aunt has lor a long time refused to see her erring niece; ! but shortly belore her death she has made a will leav I Ing all her property to her. The husband, hearing of | this, and desirous of gaining possesion of tho property, hasten* to ilnd his wife, and offers to take her back. I The wife, still ignorant of her aunt's death, indig nantly relaxes, whereupon no threatens to take away j her children, as she, being the mistress of another man, ? is no proper person to educate them. These dilflculiies ! are solved by a payment to the busbaud, who agrees to change bis domicile to Switzerland, wliero marriage with a divorced person Is lawful. The principal elements of sucncss in this plot are the numerous very strong dramatic situations with which the pleee abounds. The semes between tho husbaud and his aon and afterward with his wife are worked op with great skill and dramatic force. But the play should never become a favorite IB this country. The whole apparent aim of the dramatist is to portrsy a woman wnu is ill-treuted and separated from her hns bandanuafterward meets her "affinity." Tho whole tono of the piece is bad, as It lead* the audience to : sympathise with this woman, who, no matter what ill treatment she may have suffered or what tempta tions Kbe may have beeu exposed to, should never have forgotten that the was htlll a wife and a mother. To ask us to sympstblze with each weakness and want of character is one of tbe worst things a i drsmatist can attempt. The piece was admirably acted throughout. M. Vtnist, for whose beneilt the per formance was given, undertook thertMc of Henri Mer von, the son of tbe divorced woman. In his scenes with bis sister end hsr lover be wss charming la bis portraiture of tlio careless youth, while in the latter part 01 the play he displayed great power and ubility In hla meetings with his dissolute j father. The Caverlet of If. Dalbcrt was quietly ! effective end M. Legrand was amusing as tue youthful and ardent Jover. M. Darcy as Merson { t-svo a capital representation or the careless rake who, lost in all sense or shsrae, Is willing evon to make money of his own dishonor. Mine. Lorinianl was Hen | rieiia, the guilty but injured wire, and ?he was remark ably strong in the many powerful situations in which she ih placed. The entire performance won more than usually complete, and waa often spphuded by a larsre and appreciative andleuce. On Thursday Oeorge Hand's comedy, *'!/? Marquis da Villemer," will be given. MT7MCAL A WD DRAMATIC NOTES. Miss Mionis Hanck, now on a short visit to America, will not. It is said, sing in public until her return to Germany. Mr. J. N. Pattlson, the pianist, gives a recital every day at one o'clock in the Main Hall, Centennial Expo sition. Id the Weber department A song or two by Mile. Aimoe would prove a great help to tbe Offenbach concerts. The management should also pat forward Levy, wno la engaged at the Garden. A concert will be given at Chlekering Hall this even ing, at which the Trinity Olee Club. Miss Annie J. Bone, Mile. Marguerite Selvi and a largo number ef other popular vocalists will appear. Tbe program mea for the ensuing week at Gllntore'a Harden comprise woru by tbe following composers:? Wednesday, Berlioz, Straus*, Gounod, Boallsrd and OfTenbach; Thursday, Anber, Nesvadba, Gounod, Meyerbeer, Strauss and Offenbach; Friday, Weber, Gounod, Strauss and OfTenbach; Saturday, Rossini, Berlioz, Strauss, Gounod, Boallsrd snd Offenbach; Sunday, Beethoven, Rossini, Oonottl snd Offenbach. The bills might be profitably varied to a still greater extent, snd othar musical changes wonld bensflt the perlormance. THE OVEBTUBE TO BOBESPIEBBE. To Tin Enrron or ran Hbsalo :? Having seen the article?a criticism perhaps a trllto Revere?in which you refer to ma in yoar is*as of Dm 14th insL, a doublo motive maksa me writ* to yon upon its subject. And tret I beg to thank yon for jronr kindness in taking notice of me, for tbe artiste In always fortunate when the preea deigns to speak of him; in the second piece, 1 wonld ask yon?If It la not too tndiscret?whether yon have ever heard the over i tore to Kobeepiorre in Parts. I doubt it, asyoa accuse | me ef ohaag>ag this pieee by altering the proper urn* ?ml rhythm of the movements, and yet I bar* bad lb* rare honor of conducting It alter tbe advice and In tb? pretence of LitolfL You wilt therefore allow me, how ever great your authority aa a critic may be, to prefer tbat of Litolfl. Do not then be surprised If 1 coutinae rendering "Robespierro" in the name wav, for It ia tbe only true one. In anting ybu to insert these few llnea in an early issue, I beg to present my compliment*, And remain, MAUI IS B0UI.1.ARD. New York, Kay 18, 1878. STRAKOSCH AND THE OPERA. To tub Editor or tub Hbbald:? form it me. tbrougb the medium of your valuable columns, to express, not only my opinion, but tbe opinion ot numerous others, who are both patrons and lovers of opera. In regard to the ridiculous suteinenta made by Manrice Strakosch in his interview with your reporter on Sunday last First, as regards tbe Belocca aea?on, you have already explained tbe cauae ol its I utter failure in tne able editorial which appeared la your issue of May 1, therelore it would be superlluou* for me to slate anything further on this subject; one thing, however, is certain, that tbe Amcricac public are not going to be humbugged any longer by Maurice Strakosch's bombaanc pronunciation toes and statements to tho effect that as Belocca has been pro nounced a perfect artiste by the European critics, tbe American public Is without doubt or question to accept her as such. This is a positive insult to our taste and good Judgment, and Maurico Strakosch bus yot to learn that the Burnutulsm hu played successfully on us twenty-Ave years ago will not bear repetition, as the Belocca few nights' season has demonstrated beyond a doubt. It appears to mo tbat Mr. Strakosch thinks that ho alone has wisdom and power of discriminating Judgment. Such men when they are known are generally found to be wanting. But let M. Strakosch know tbat It is no dlsgraco even for tbe high priest of opera to learn and not obstinately re slst tbe ronvlction tbat tho American public will either have Italian opera properly retidoreil or nothing. If he thinks to throw dust In their eyes by attempting to underrate the talents of such great artists as Titlens and Trebclll and advocating tho wonderful but Imper ceptible merits of M me. de Belocca he Is greatly mis taken. M. Slrakosch's conversation with your re porter is a series of childish contradictions. He had far belter do as his brother Max does, when ho rushes into print?get some ono elso to write bis own mind for him. FAIR PLAY. New York, May t5, 1675. OFFENBACH'S CONCERTS. To tub Editor or rna Hkuald:? I am sure the management of tbeao concerts would j confer a favor upon a largo number of music loving . people by publishing daily the programme lor tho j evening. It is impossible to know otherwise whether ! yon* wish to go or not, a matter which you can decide easily if you know what is to be giveu. One does not j always care to And oneself batoning to tho sauio j pieces a second time, or to be obliged to hear pieces one docs not particularly care for. X. RIGNOLD AND CHARITY. Cbmtbal Dispbssaky, No. 934 Kiciitii Avencr, 1 Nkw York, May 18, 187& J To thr Editor or thb Hkrald:? We see It stated in your paper of to-day tbat Mr. George Rlgnold Is to mako his lust appearance In this city at the matinee ol next Friday at Booth's Theatre. This Is not so; as Mr. Rlgnold, on hla return Irom Cali fornia, about tbe last of June, will give his flnal per formance. previous to his departure tor Kngland, lor the benelll of this charity. Respectfully yours, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Central Dispensary. SACRED CONCERT. At St. Ann's Roman Catholic church, in East Twelfth street, a grand sacred concert will be given, com mencing at eight o'clock, next Sunday evening, In aid of the association lor Befriending Children and Young tilrla A number of prominent artists have volun teered their services lor the rendition of a well ar ranged programme of choice selections ol sacred music. MUNN'S TRIAL. TESTIMONY OF A BKVENUE DEFBACD1NO CON 8PIBATOH? THB MONEY FHOM CAOOUD WHISKEY DIVIDED AMONG OFFICIALS. Chicaoo, May 10, rt'fl. In the Munn whiskey trial to-day, after a number of witnesses had been called, Jacob Rehm was called for the prosecution. Up to this point tho testi mony has been calculated not so much to Implicate Munn, directly, as to show that large sums of money had been paid to Rohm, who turned them over to others; Rehm testi fied tbat tbe Oral ho received for Illicit transections wss $500 Irom Mr. Resing; tho distillers gradually adopted tho plan of running crooked, and Mutn, Bridges and other officials allowed It and shared profits; had paid large amounts to Bridges?probably $40,000 to $45,000; paid money direct to Munn only once, In 1875?$1,000; be always sent a notice to distillers of Intended visits from government others. On cross-examination Rehm aaid he waa first se duced Into whiskey stealing by A. C. Heslng. Willi*** proceeded to state bow the case was presented lo him by Hating; bow tbo various distillers paid large amounts as election assessment*; of these Rehm was the disburser; he paid to tho Hon. J. D. Ward $'?>,000; Hosing got a big share of this; Ward knew where tnia money came rroiu and that it was illegslljr obtained; in March, 1875. Munn Inspected the ostablisb ment ol Roelle & Junker; witness asked him what ha thought, and Muuu ssld be ought to re port it; witness salo better let It go; he would settle it; witness said he was worth $200,000 or more; had re ceived fraudulently irom distillers Ac., $110,ooo to $120,000; bad used from $12,000 to $20,000 in politics; bad never been promised immunity by the govern ment, but it bad been intimated that If be turned State's evidence, the Court will take U into conaldera tlon. 8. J. Conklln, formerly revenue agent in Milwaukee, teailQed that Munu bad made kuowu to him a story of Iraud while riding lo a distillery in Milwaukee, and that he had received money Irom the dtatillers there which he paid to Munn. At the conclusion ol the testimony for the dsy, which concludes the prosecuting evidence, the Prosecuting Attorney having remarked that the evidence was over whelming, Colouel Ingersoll, counsel for the defence, offered In submit the case immediately without rebut ting testimony or argument. This proposition waa de nied, and Court adjourned. WISCONSIN CROOKED WHISKEY. HONORED CITIZENS DENOUNCED AS IMPLICATED IN THE CONBPtBACT. Milwackxb, May 18, 1870. The defence closed tu cim in the Jonaa conspiracy trial to-day with the evidence taken In rebuttal on be half of tbe prosecution o( the testimony of witness lor tbe defence relative to KendskopPs alleged attempt to suborn witnesses in Chicago. It appears now that Conklm, ex-revenue agent, on receiving a written undertaking of immunity, signed by the prosecuting counsel, baa executed a lengthy statement, involving honored names In Ibis Bute in the whiskey frauds. This statement will not bn made public until the Grand Jury raeeu; but it is understood to be a complete history of tbe King, and tbat It shows that certain large sums were paid to prominent poli ticians In order to procure the reinstatement ol <!?? cbarged revenue oiQctals employed by tbe Whlskoy King. DISTILLERY RAIDS. UCPOBTAHT SEIZURES IN NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA?ARrIcmTS MADE. Washihgton, May If, 1878. M*)or Wagner's mounted reven ue force having bee* 'removed Irom South to North Carolina, has Just com pletM a successful raid on Hunting Creek. Keddlea River sad Lewis Fork. In Wilkes county, N. C., twenty Illicit distilleries were seis*d, with fsorteen eopper mills and 30,000 gallons of mash and beer. At one place of deposit thirty five barrel*, containing over 1,610 gallons of unstampea illicit corn whiskey, were found concealed, and salely removed to Stato* viile to be sold for tbe benefit of the government. Several arrests were made. A RAID IN VIROINIA. William 0. Au-iin, Deputy United States Marshal of Virginia, reports a raid made by him on Utouy Creek, Scott county. Virginia, resulting la the capture ot Ave Illicit dlstillerlea, with tbe contests of copper stilts and over 10,000 gallona of mash and beer. Me also arrested sino men engaged is distilling. Stony Creek baa long been a place dreaded by the oflcers, where the distillers felt safe In defying them. A DESPERATE PRISONER. Aa alleged till tapper named W. W. Moncxton, alias MsRtgomery, alias "Tbo Kid," was arrested last night toyr Detective McNamara, of ths Central Offlce, In a saloon on Slith avenue, near Tweaty-alntb street, after a long < base. When Monckton found the ofleer gaining upon blm he darted into the saloon and seized a kntte, but the detoctire succeeded in disarming him by the use of bis pistol. On tbe way to tbe station bosss a gang ol roughs attempted to rescue tbe prisouer, bat, reiniorcemetjis arriving, they took flight. Fending their arrival, however, Monckion became violent and desperately struggled with tbe oflleer lor several minutes He was loosed up In tho Twenty-ninth pre cinct station houee and subsequently removed to tbe Central Offlce. It is thought by the police tbat, besides I be lug n professional till tamer, be is an escaped con | VlSta ENGLISH COACHING. WHOM OXFORD TO LOMDOM?AX OLD MOUTf umin, [From the London Sportsman, May 2.] May Day, 1X70, will henceforth be colebrated la tlx annals of the road aa the occasion of the revival of tha public stage coach between Oxford and London. Ia the good old time*, when the four bono coach waa almost the only means of public conveyance, Oxford was as well served In that respect is any city la th? kingdom; but slnco the I'rioce of Wales, which used ta Ftart from the Vine Inn of that city, ceased to ruu nearly twenty-one years mo, the University on th? Isia haa not posaesacd a poblio stage coach In conneo tion with (he metropolis. When, therefore, It became known that the present coach would start on IU tlrat Journey to London from the Clarendon Hotel yesterday morning there was great Jov in Oxford, and when al last the coach was actually drawn up outside the dool ol the hotel a considerable crowd gathered to wltnesi Its departure and to express good wlshci lor the success of th? undertaking. Since the revival of. coaching the lougest Journeys attempted have been thoso to Brighton and Tunbrldge Wells; but mat to Oxlord considerably ex ceeds either of those In distance, being, Indeed, by far the longest metropolitan stage coach route at preaent existing. Although the Journey between Oxford and London is continuous, It is, an a matter of fact, di vided into two distinct portions?namely, the journey from Oxlord to Reading and that from Heading to the White Horse Cellars in I'lccadlily. The tlrst portion of the distance hurt been undertaken by Mr. Mansel Man* sel, a gentleman new to public stage coaching; tha second or metropolitan division being worked by Mr. Carlton Victor Blytb, the popular whip who had tha road between Windsor and Heading last year. Thesa two gentlemen have entered Into a partnership by which they agree to keep the coach ou tha road till tha end of July under any circumstances, and, in the event ol the experiment proving successful, to continue to the clone of the coaching reason. A curious item ol thla agreement contalna a provision that In the event of the Oxford coach arriving in Heading after tba advertised time Mr. Maaacl Hansel agrees to provida the passengers with a champagne luncheon Irea of charge and also to post them on to London at his own expense. The first portion ol the route la divided into three stages, and Is worked by fifteen horses?four for each stage and throe sparo horses. This very handsome lot have been collected by Mr. John Hetheringlon, of Edgeware road. The coach la the same as that used on the Guildford road last year. For the aecond portion of the Journey Mr. Blyth baa a magnillcont new coach, built by Measrs. Holland It Holland. It la, In ligbtuesa, strength and general ex cellence, the very model of what a atage coach should be. Like that used In the earllor stages, it Is painted black, with yellow panela and under-oarrlage. Tba Journey botween Heading and the Cellars la divided Into Ova stages, aud Is served by nearly thirty horses, collected for Mr. Blyth by Mr. Williams. Tba coach leavea Oxford on alternate daya?namely, Monday, Wednesday and Friday?and returns from London oa Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Having thus far put my readers lu possession of the material facta of the new venture, I will ondeavor shortly to desoriha the Journey. Tbe weather In Oxfordshire and Dorksblre on Sun. day last was most unpromlsiug. There waa a bitter cold wind, accompanied with torrents of raiu, causing considerablo depression ot spirits among those who had determined to uudertako thla lengthened Journey on top of a coach. When, therefore, Monday morning arrived with a leaden sky and a keen blast, all that could ba said waa that the Weather abowed a trifling improvement on that of tba previous day. Hy tea o'clock In tho morning, tbe time appointed for tha atart, the aky began to brighten, the alate-colored cloud dlaplayed rifts of blue, and here and there a wa tery sunbeam snuggled to light up the streets in momeutary laughter. The eager und good-humored crowd which stood about tho doorway aud within the vestibule ol the Clarendon Hotel, lo watch tbe match less team of room which were to convey us on our Journoy, mailo us all sorts of promises ol line weather aa we mounted into our places; and when, aa the clock struck ten, Mr. Mansel gave tno word to let go tbe lead ers' heads, we started with us light hearts aB if the sky had been of unclouded blue. The horn rang out morrlly with old '-Tuuilvy ;" the roans, a grand team, costing over GOO guineas, took tha collar with a will, and amid cheers and good wishes wo rattled down "tba High" piist Magdalen College over Mugduieu Brldga toward Naneham. Out of the city the weather began to brighten, the wind dropped, and away we cantered, as jolly u party as ever sal behind four horses. On wa I went, leaving homestoads and lat tlelds behind us, ! through picturesque Nunehum, all be poplared by tha ! roadside until we came to our tlrst change at Dorcbea* : ter. Thence wo went gayly along over .Shllllnglord Bridge, with Its placid river scenery, through Walling, j lord und Moulslord?ever as we went tbe great arch ol ' sky above our heads growing bluer and bluer In front 1 of us. Behind tbe rain clouds eame acuddmg In oui j wake, bat wo outsjied the rain, and ao passed With I laughter und light beartsto our seooud change st Slreafe ! ley. From Htreatley toTangbourue we gal a splendid variety of landscape views. Wide, open Held! and waving woods; tall banka ot greenery aud charming bita of broken ground, and through all tho ailont, speeding Thames wind.-aud glistens at our feet. 1 am luaenslbly re miuded ol Turner's great picture of "Rail, Road and ' River." At our right tbo railway rana cloae to tba i road along which we travel, and by the aide of tba road?the whole within a distance of lltty feet?flowg tbe glorious old river. Mr. Manacl liandlea tbe rib bons with excellent skill, and tooia ua gayly through Pangbourne, that paradise ol fishermen, along tbo drag roau into Reading, reaching the Queen's Hotel at tba very moment of bis appointed time. At Reading, whero we arrive at half-pa^ l one, wa have half an hour for luncheon. 1 cannot take leave of Mr. Mansel with out expressing my senso of his courtesy aud klndnesa: and I cun promise any of my renders who may travel on tbe coach between Oxford und Reading that they will be under the care of a skilled whip and a moat j pleasant companion. To seo the vust crowd of people in tba atreeta of ! Heading ?no mlgbt have thought that royalty, and not , a stage coach, was making its progresa tbrougn tba 1 town. The roads were blocked with s warms of friendlly sightseers. They lcaued out of windows and stood ia doorways; they filled the road and made a ring round the coach; and as we started to leave gave us a good ringing cheer, Just as II we wore darlug explorers bent on toinc dangerous expedition instead of a coach load of holiday mskers bound on a pleasure trip. Tho en thusiasm ranged through all classes; the very aoldlera made the salute as we passed. I had this picture in my mind's eyo when I first described Mr. Blyth aa I being popular. Popular bo la at Reading, without doubt; uotonlv, as I hear, becaune tbe good people ol ! that town arc lond of coaching?aa all good people must | be?but also because ne Is a man of a generous heart ' and a liberal band. Mr. Blyth la a perfect enthusiast 1 in coaching. He has a dial aet In the footboard close ta ' his feet, und by this dial he swear*. By that I do not i mean that tbe gentleman Is guilty of expletives, but that I ha keepa his time (o the minute; and when, hours after ; our starting out ol Roadlng; we were passing tbrough Hammersmith, 1 could dot doubt him when he told ma in tbe inoal serious tone that be would rather go with i out hla dinner than ba a minute late at Hatcbeti'h Generoua, boisterous, cosch-loving Mr. Blyth need have no fear; be never will bo a minute lata?men ol ! his stamp never are. Led away by tbe paaaing recob lection of Mr. Blyth's punctuality. 1 have atopped la my description of tho journey., and I may, therefore, take tbla opportunity to mention that Mr. Blyth'a pro fessional coachmsn is the well known hdwln Fown*a, who served Colonel Kane with lha Virginia Watel coach last season. Soon after leaving Reading wo wera overtaken by a smart shower, but tbo weather cleared up alinust before we reached Twyford, and we wera < once moro under tbo blue when wa paused tor oar I first change at Haro Hatch, where wa harneaaad to tba I coach a capital pair ol wheelers and two magnlOcent I bay leaders. Apropos of methodical Mr. Blytb. LtM tbe late Major Wiilnngton, be baa every horse named, and, like that gentleman, ha has cbosen tha Initial ol ' bis own surname as tha initial of every horse la hla stables; thus one team consisted of Butcher, I Baker, Barbara and Banker, and ao with every one u the twenty horsei used in the five stages to town. From j Hare Hatch our road Ilea through knowl Hill to Maiden bead, where wo hall at the Rear, and ao drlvo along over the bridge past Sklndle's. and by the oA-descrtbei route through slough, Colnbrook, to Longford, whert i we once more change, and ibenoe through rtounslow ta ; our tiaal changing place, the Coach and Horses al I Brentford, arriving In Iront of tbe crowd al Haieheu'l [ three mlnuiea before our time. On tha whole we ha4 I enjoyed a moat successful and pleasant Journey, par ticularly remarkable becauae, sa I have already stated, : It Is tbe longest distance travelled by any public aiag< coach in tho neighborhood of I<ondon since the rail ways drove the coaches olT tbe road. We bad many changes of paaaengers between Oxford and London, tba only two men wbe travelled the entlro Journey, laating Irom wn in lha morning until half peat all In ibe even ing, being Captain Piper, of Reading, and tba present writer. LORGNETTE. BLACK HILLS QOLD. [From the Omaha Herald, May 12.] Captain A. L. Patrick haa had seven pounds of Btaah Hills gold oa exhibition at the First National Bank ia Ihia city for the laat day or two It reminds aaof tli? I first speelmena of tba yellow metal brought bare froa Colorado la 186? by William If. Byera after a whok army af returning Plke'a Peakera wera awoartag tba there waa no gold In that country, and araated to han| Byers and Sam Curtis lor having so reported. Captain Pairlca waa happy and mora confident thai ever over an additional tact, which la, that hla atagi company have bought between 94,000 and M,?00 a gold irom miners at Cuater City. These are two facta on which we declare, If wa dl? not know score* mora Jast like them, that the Black Htlla region la lull of guich gold mines that are to lead all tbia trans-Missouri country to a new deport are, ta aaw aad rtca deveiopmaaia aad to a aaw daatlny.