Newspaper Page Text
The Dullest Day of the Year? Stocks Lower and Feverish. GOLD STEADY AT 112 1-2. Money on Call Three Per Cent?Government and Railway Bonds Finn?Some In vestment Shares Lower. WaM. 1 Tpksdat, Msy 10?b 1*. 11. j The record of a twelvemonth pasi ha* not shown a guller five hours'busluess than has to day. The usual monotonous click of the telegraph machine was as In. (requeul to llu> ear us is the bum ol' Insects ou a hot summer noon, and tho vocation of operators proved a sinecure. At the one o'clock call the board room was literally abandoned, and tho chairman in his soMtude unconsciously quoting Tom Moore, may have soliloqui sed:? ?? I leel like one Who treads *lon? ? Soiue banquet bail .'Mart** * Nevertheless brokers have appetites whether "school keeps or not," and they hud {one off ostensibly lo luncheon, which uow-a-days mostly means a pull at "bold John Barleycorn " and an eleemosynary rep ist o! crackers and cheese. A variation of one hair per tent was alwut nil the interest that the day's market afforded, and though a fractional drop at tho close of business created rome activity to transactions, it was only noticeable as lu comparison with tho extreme Halo of 'ethargy which had preceded It The result, however, wus to close np prices at the lowest points of the session, and was attributable to no stroncor reason iban a vague report that the Commodore ws? not so trelL The stock of the New Jersey Central KnllrosJ may lie taken as almost the solo exception to the above re marks, as It suffered a decline from 94'4 to 92)* and was offered at the latter figure at tho clo-je. The feeling with regard lo it is very bearish, and the Iroe offerings ?f stock on seller BO option at from 2 lo 2X per cent kelow the regular price is producing a demoralising rffect. Western I'nion pursued the even tenor of its tray, ?s though the wicked Atlantlo and Pacific had censed from troubling and the approaching dividends were assured. Nevertheless there was more interest taken In the proce-s of pneumatic tube laying outside than there was lu tho price of shares Indoors, and many i timid stockholder looked doubtfully at the trench trhtch seemed likely to swallow np pipes and profits together. The aggregate of the days' dealings would scarcely present a sum In simple uddltlon difficult enough to bother a boy in a primary school, and i?r lor the other rnles of subtraction and division brokers havo stud led them so thoroughly lor tbo last year or two lbut lhcy have got them by heatt. Tliero Is no greater request lor money than heretofore, :t per cent being .lie rato on call and 4 per cent lor as manv^months rius cheapness Is far from reassuring as to a speedy improvement In business, and rather betokens a dull ind inactive summer. / orRNINO, HIUI1KST ASO LOWKST rSICKS. The following table shows tho opening, highest and lowest prices of the day :? Opening. Highrtt, Lotcrtt. New York Central 110'? 110*4 110, Harlem 1H8 l>fi 138 Krie UV 14% 14'*' Ijike Shoro 64% 664'? Wabiisli Vi *7i Korth western 40 40 Korihwesiern preferred.... 6069S' Rock Island 106 l-l jn,s Pittsburg 93 0.?S 9.1 Milwaukee and St. Paul 38 .V 37 Milwaukee and St Psuipref. 041^ t>J ^ 04 Ohio and Mississippi 17 t'; lH*i New Jersey Central 94t< t?? t* 92'? Del., l^ck. and Western.... 10* \ l?'c \ 107', I'nion Pacific 82>, OJ!, C2 l, C., C. and I. 0 4*4 4'4 4 1 4 Western Union lie1; flfi'a Atlantic snd Pacific Tel 1S>4 lH-4 18 Pacific Mall 20*,' 20',' 20'f Panama 131 131 131 The sales to-day amounted to about 43,000 shares. CI OS I Mi MUCK*?3 r. H. Pacific Mall.... V0>4 a *|t s? P pf 04 a ?4<i ? m La lei... Wis a <kt'? C, C.C * Iod.. 4M a 40 >11A Pac Tel. 171, a 18', V.U Ait'.. . 4U a 4*i LnlrksilTer.... lf> a l<i>, Oel, I. .* W... ,1<>7 a 107'4 t'uicksllvei pi. n % a -2 Krte 14V a 14', Mar LA Mia. ?i? a 7 ilui. .* St Jo . 14 -4 a 16)2 >i ?r 1. a ?i jit.. 7'? a N Ilan 1 M,lo pf . :i>, a :4>, Adams Ki II".1, a III J.nke Shore.... 64', a M'i An.crican Kx.. ?t!?, a Mleli Central.. 47fi a 47?, t S K * press .. *ti a 71 H \ A I larleni. I Mm a 1 :<?? Wells-KartoK* *7\ a S8>; N V C A II lt llO'4 a 1IOV Chle A A lion,. ??< a ?? N J Cen irj'4 a 12*2 :iev .1 Pitta . IVI a (lliln I Mlas... Il>', a 10?4 I 1:1 A N ... 4)1 a 4<", Panama l'JH1, a 1 :tI I Mr a A W pi Ml>, a CD 'lolA Wall. . V? ? 3 lllrAKI .HKt, a lu"> I iiion Pacific.. a fell A ttPaul. 37*4 ? 3* Mi?..mri Pae... 18 a 14 ADVAMfl AMD PKI'I.IJtR. The following are the changes in closing prices com pared with those of yesterday:? AnvuM'K. ? At lull tic and I'nciflc Telegraph, X ; Pro duiers' and Petroleum, Union Pacillc., Hkclimk.?Western Union, *,; SI. Paul, common, ij; Rock island, >?; Pacillc Mail. ; Ohio and Missis tippi, S; New Jerney Central, 2; Michigan Central, laike Shore, K.rie, >4; Delaware mid Lackawanna, stationary.?Allauilc and I'aciUc preferred, New I'ork feutral, C., C. and I. C.; C, C., C. and L. Hanni bal and SI. Joseph, preferred and commou, Harlem, Illinois Central, Missouri Pacific, nion and preferrod; Panama, Quicksilver, St Paul pro Icrrcd, Wabash and gold. TIIK Mi INKY MAMKKT. Money was supplied all day on call losns st 3 per rent, l'runo mercantile paper Is quoted at 4 and 6 per cent Tho following were the rates of exchange on New York at the undermentioned ctilos to-day:?Savannah, (-10 premium; Charleston, '? a \? premium; Chicago, 60 premium; New Orleans, commercial, &1A, brink. \; Cincinnati, 90 a 100 premium; St Iamiis, 10U premium. Sterling oxebange was very quiet, prior asking rale*, 4W), and 4 90),; selling rates, 4.M a 4 and 4.89% a4.90; retenmarks, M)t a96>4 and tM1, a ; cables, W'i; prime Pans, 6.1J?4 a6.11<4. TKLKCKAt*tl KATKS. It la announo-d that anoiber genersl reduction of rat ex will shortly bo made by the Atlantic and Pacillc Telegraph Company In connection with this fact, whlcb will doubtless be welcomed by the business pub lic, It is also stated that the lialtlmore and Ohio Ita U road Company to-day transferred the business of tho various offices ol tho line, including New York, Ronton, Pbiladelptila, Washington and llalllinoro, to the Allan tie aud Pacific Telegraph Company. Heretofore they 'lave used the wires and machinery of tho Western I'nion Company.' The reduction referred to will make the third that has taken plaoe, averagiug, ssv, a flvo cent tail each timo ; aud when It is the Western Union Company alone hcni from 17,01)0,000 to 20.000,000 messages last year the immense benelit tccrulng to the public will be readily appreciated. 7 H K not.ll MARKET. Gold opened at ll'J.S- declined to 112'{ and recov ircd to ll-Js. which was the closing price. Gold loans aero made flat aud at 1, 1>?, 2S, 3 aud 31^ per cent for Sarrying. rl.KAItlNO Mors* STATSMKST, Currency exchaniies $56,67(1,191 Curreucy balances :t.i?1>,l.'trt Gold exchangee....? a,7.W.o^."i Isold balances. 370,^6 Ihe following shipments have been made from San Praocisro to the Kast dining the past lillcen dsys:? Sold coin, $674,300; silver, $400,000; silver bars, |KV4,il'J, and gold bars, $194,400. The specie engage ments for to-morrow's stesmers thus far amount to $300,000. TUB r.MTKD STATU TSKASIST. Th" United States Asustsnt Treasurer to-<!ay paid ?ut $79,000 gold for live-twenties redeemed, nnd $404.CM) lor Interest lh? silver payments lo-dsy were as lollows:?$17,970, to 109 applicants, under the |100 limit; and $'Jl.t>;Ki under the $400 limit, and (37,464 on silver drafts, total lor day, $77,004. Hank Botes received for redemption to day, $600,000; reve ? ac receipts, $-0n.i*)0; customs receipts, $600,001 tiovxaxaRMT n<?na. Government bonds closed strong st the following quo tations :?L'niteJ States currency sixes, 1-7 a 127 'j; do do., 1881, registered, I'Jl*, a 1?J1%; do. do., do., eonpon, UtK?lU)(i do. do , 1H?4, registered, 114^ ?114'?; do. do., ao., coupon, 1111* all4',; do da, $?., now, registered, 119a 11VS ; 'tok rtoi, do., do.,eonpon, 118,'< a 119 ',; do. d?<., lfW7, registered, 121 a 121'?; to. do., oo., coupon,^21 a 121 Si; do. do., 1WH, regis iored, a lil'* ; do. da, do., coupon, 1-Ji? a 123 ?; la ten-lortles, registered, 117>?a 117J?; do. do., coupon, U8X ?li'Jf; rto- ftTP*'1M1, rri|,t*r'^ ta da, do., cou|mc, IK)*' a 117t4'. ? fKI>DI CM URMTIL TUc exports of producc from this port lor tbc week ending to-day were (S 7S0.3.V), against $4.100,Ml Iter tbe corresponding week la 1875, ltd $0,004,064 Id 1874. Tbe total exports of produce from tbo port slnca January 1, this year, were $ *1,428,884, against |4S>.'.'.M.il8 for iho eorresponding period In 1876, and $10",304,858 ID 1674. INVKMTMKXT SMAltieS. In Investment shares the following were tbe ruling pricesMorris anil Essex, 10S\; *cw Jersey Rwl nmd. ISA1,; New York and New Haven, 146; IMawaro and Lackawanna, 10H a 107?%; New Jersey Central, 04'4 a 94 a9?J){; Ruck If laud, 106; Cleveland and Pittsburg guaranteed, 93 >i; Producers' and Petroleum, 112)i o 113Ji a 113; Wells-Fargo Express, R7T, a 87*f; Ameri can, fi- 'j; Adams, 111; Delaware and Uuiison, 110', a 111. THE rOHRIOK VARKKT. Tbe London advices report tho rate ot discount in the open market lor three month*' bills at 1'< a 1per cent, or \ u per cent l?low the Hnnk rate, Con sols ar? steady and Untied States bonds tlrm. Bullion to the amount nl ?5-f>,0000 went inio tbo Rank of Kogiand on I alance to-day. The following are Iho hall piat lour o'clock P. >1. quotation*:?Consols lor money, flfl '4 u Oil* J; da lor account. ? 186.V* sold at 104 '4 ; T>il7's, 100*i(; ten forty bonda, 107'^ a 107S; few lire*, lonv.;; Erie, UY! da preferred, 21 a 23. The financier aavs practically there la no market for money on Iho Stock Exchange. In Paris Rentes are 105f. 17)(r. RAH.ROAD nOXl'B. Railroad bonda were tlrm on a small business. St. I Paul consolidated sinking lunds were in demand at 89. Northftest consolidated gold coupons declined to 93X, and Tniou Pacific sinking funds to 91. Harlem cottpon : flr?ts brought 11(J>4; do. registered, 110; New York Gen-" ' tral sixes of 1S87, 108; Western PnclIlea, 90,^; Dela i ware and Hudson coupon sevens of 1894, 10S. In tho 1 afternoon the largest transactions wcro in Union I'aclfle I nrsls and Krio fourths, the former advancing to 106^ | and the latter to 100. Central Pacifies rose from 107?f to 108 J*. Union Pacific land grant* sold at B0Fort Wavne seconds at 111, Northwest consolidated at 102v4', (ialona and Chicago flirts at I0<l, St. Paul consolidated i 7 3-10 at 98, and New Jersey Central convertible st 103. | The following wero the closing quotations for Pacific ! Railroad bonds:?Union firsts, 106 !kf to lOS^! do. land grants, 99 y to9fl>?; do. sinking funds, 91 to 01^; Con" ; trals, 108% to 10?S. BANK SHARKS. Bank abares wero rather more aetlro and sold ss I follows:? American Exchange, 100H; Commerce, 116; i Fourth National, 90; Republic, 78; Central National, i 101 STATU nouns. j In State bonds the dealings wero unusually active in ; Tenncssces, which rose to 43% for old and to 42 (br I new. ftfiLanKLrnu stocks The following are the Philadelphia stock quotations at three o'clock this day:? Bi< I Atktd. City sixes, old 104 ? City sixes, new 108* 10S* I'niten Companies ot New Jersey 134V 13iS Pennsylvania Railroad fi2)4 .12 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad... 44 44'? l.eblgh Valley Railroad 68 Catawisaa Railroad preferred 4041 Philadelphia and Erie Railroad 18 18'{ Northern Central Railroad 34'? :u I.eiiigh Navigation 4.\?i 4(i ]<ehigtt Navigation Hold I.oan 103J? lOM'f CAI.irORHIA MINIMI STOCKS. Tho following are the closing afllctal prices ol mining stocks to-day:? Consolidated Virginia 74 Crown Point 16*? rnlifornia 79*? Yellow Jacket :i3?< Segregated Belcher 79 Alpha 68*{ Ophlr fi.1 Helcber 21 Vf Ciiollar 87,'f Contldenee 20 >4 Sarnpo 19.'a Sierra Nevada lflVJ Consolidated Imperial .1>j Exchequer 20^ Mexican 31 <4 Overman (19 (lould A Curry. 17.'i Justice 27X Rest ft llelebor 67 ?4 Caledonia 8*f Hale A Norcioss 02,S? NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES Tumiiat, May lfl, 18TH .'>0 ihi Ail A PicTtl. aoimi A K I RK 1W nKFOHK CAM.?10 A. IflVt' 100 aha Mirh Cen |3 ?ii Wait I'd Tel. 140() do W*i do at 1(?| Psc Mail SR e KM do 8 HI llo 4(*> do :?io d? Mini do KliRrleKK. I4*J 100 do ?:? I4<S mill Mirli ?>11 KK ? sg s8 20 . ai>^ 2iiV |l)0 |in do 201) do ? (I) do 1<MI Mil A SlPRRpr :?*? 1. 8 * M S Kit .. 1I?( do ?3 10 do 4U) do 18 O do ..i3 100 do ion Mil A Ml P KK .... It* i do i3 :w M. 48 48 to 4 A4* 54 J, m? 10:15 ASM) 11:30 A. II. f|i 000US .'>-20,r,'OA. 114*, f60000U8Vi.10.40.rbe 1 l~9g ltKkk) I 8 .vail, c, '0S.n I ID Mom I r< fi'?. r, '81... 11">4 101) i A-20, r, '< 8, n be I IDf 10 O V*M.r. <.7.. 121 r 10-40, r. in?j FIHS!' 41 4000 do.. 5ix?i L' S S'a. e, 'HI. tuts I?3K s7 101 II HI 1 II.U ll'l HA 10fi? HI'4 111 8!) 14*1 $:000Bur,C HAM lit 14UO* M if S 1' roll a I. anoo <; * s .? i c ?? u. TIN ft) do Ham Oil K A M Int.. run' 1* A Anil new.. aum.N \ CenH'i.'nT. .'>?<11111 hi IkI I'i.c. . BOOO liar III. 7'?. r... lull I'll Pup KK 1st.. 17HOO do |UM I'll I a. mii k I... fa*) do 1 mi WrM 1'iir liomli. 1011) lit Went lit. '88. lull (it Weil 2d 2 (10 (Tint, MUl LAN rou. w fitllODA llr7Vilibcl>3 HX 72 kIh A mar r x Hk lOH'jj |<IU Hit ?r Coin ||r> 4H Fourth N?l Hk .. tNI 40 Hk of l.etoiblie.. - 78 H Central Xat Hank. I1 1 s lOUi-IA IInil Can.. lloJa f? ilo Ill 21k) Quick M In |>t.. b 21 21*1 I' C 1. A I' Co be 11V. KNi Maryland l'?al.... AO ilo be 40 A A P Tel J> c 8 n ? hi Vn i?l...b c 21?1 do Hi) no ?'< 1 II do *4 Ml llo b.t 5o do ltaOl'm ...all 2i <1 d v nil B0A1U>?!0:Srt K. H. r> ahiAilam* Expreia 111 8 Ainer Kx bo IC'K H7'^ 111) WellB-Kargo... Il?i ilo... _.. 87?S 87 1 b 0 *71i 2i XYC AIIK-bc opc IIOX turn Erie RR be.ii 14>? 14'? 4 .?i? A Ml do. IH) do Hk) do. 10) I'n Pa.- ><l'..bc.b? 10 Clev A P k"I .b c 3D ' b.Ji 11 .-...bc.iU ilo do Ilu ?5 M'J il b.t M'i <10 mh ilo e M?, do. do. b e II 1 .00 liki 2 m Ml) 400 18 lit.14 11; . 1 ?}V ??i II II. >. 2oJi l.V. X .1 Cen RR 1"7 Jo 48 Del, 1. A W RR... In 1.1111 1 St I'.. bc.b3 3IO Mil A St P pf.bc.i3 ."?ill do 4<?i 100 do aMI A St L, 1 MtlS. bc O* X V. XII Jl II be I.'A 10 I'ae Klt or Mo be 13k 1". X .1 KK be 1.1A* 211 Mor * EialtR. be l(?.l4 10 Mo. K A Tax. be II 1 11 Icl) 11*) do 101 do e RKKoltK CAM.?I'i:10 P. f.V*K> II A 3 J 8'i.c..*3 7?S 10) ih? I'ac Mali SS.?3 Ml I 1 ft I'ae ? I ? t !?! :? ?m Krle .lib 111 l<Kt lUO?h.PCl. A I'Co. 1I2S 4iu U 11 M'k Co I > I ?? 2iii \t e?i l ii Tel oi',l? :?ri Krte hi. 14 ?, 2i O 1 ac Mall 20>4 211) do >10 Mi:, i':u I'. 43 43\ 42 f.'Of*) Terr ?'l, old.... Stil) do lull) do be 1. mi do ."ami Tenn ?!'?. n 411.0 M A SP7;M0te. H8 4i" >. a M I* cull ? 1 ' U 41 no t'UI A X W eon. 1 <U'4 flilUl) liaison A O l?t.. lot :?aMI l-.n?* 41b mi . .. |i?l It**) Cod K A M ill 87 4UII t I' lal.C .It i> or ICO4 lOtmCen I'nr ybl toll 11 '7 4 g.VMi 1 ti Pac ItK 1 it.. lnTC^ tl'tll) do IO i>, ?t*)i? I n Pac7'?. 1 s? '.'t*', Iihii I'a. ol M11 l>t. . DtJi ?jititP, Kt ? A i Jd. Ill .00 Del A II r, 'HI... 110 IO l> X II Can be 11' \ r>?) 10 ? 2t?*? III/) 2<) 1 do. ? t 111***) r 8 O'l. enr ?... 127?,' lir 11 C A O lit. c on. '?'!)14 1.000 f P III. 8t J br. 02 .V 1111 ?? r 1 a. pobl ?? I' 8'^ looo X Y f en M i.'KS. lot 1, lt?) ?> X J Cencon*.. . IOi Iiiii D A. It r.'Xl.. .. Ill link) I 1 ar 1.1. Iat.b3 <"-'S ,4111 do IO ItklMii PC LA P Co. 113 70111 Ion tl Co.. ..??? ? I'n Htm da ... >IU I.N 2"i I n PacKR b t ? 2*i 4.IC. f.CAIRK 4M 41?' W eit 1 n I'd.. ... ?"S 24* <) do '8S, . tn do.. ill 1 li'^ 2*1) do..........13 M*'| It) i ) i.vtr .ii lit I4)? !? O do 1 ?*4 .tiki 00 I>30 14% |iai do >'?* I4?? 11) 1 Mleli 1 en Kli ... 47.? |"H do llO 47l? 1.1 ( III, II A g RR ... 110 1 o I do HO X J ( en RR III) do |m ft) I17U II7S* r.i?? ft4? MS H4 4 lt?4 :t8 (UV Hi1, 04 ?7>? 47'k 47 M. 20 V I O do al5 'iO 2011.8 A ?t l? Utt ! 41, I O do...,. W. HO do b3 54-, 10 I'n I'ae IIR . .. tljW 11*41." SO I'lttitinri; RR.. Hk) H J Cen RK DV\ M. 1l!?l( 31. $?kk)i-20.e.T.7.. be I21>k' f IUOUO CS V?,10-4o.c. NKlSh WMRIH P. Cf; -.ill On Con Coal, be 4i luo ilo alio 4n 100 r C I. A 112*i ikli en I 11 Tel. ...b e I'D Pactfle Mall II) 1 ilo ail H)i I- rl? be IO X J Cen KK... b e n il 1, S A M h Ui .b a tai', 2oJJ 211V4 I4U atfj r>4?, M', hi'4 ?>4 . ?'?> do do .. 1,3 do 13 ."?ii do .. 11*1 Mil A SI |? ilR.b c 214) Mil A 81 P pi he 200 Tol, A'?i? A W b e 2? ID, 1. .1 tVKH.bc*3 107?? 4141 do 107% ?J:W) ru t IV rim ilu Mich Cen RR.. 2 11 ilo iii.1 ll>) do y(*)Chl A It J RR Il 5 Hli Mil A 81 p KK pi.. (-41* An I. 8 A M S KK .VII do b* I'll 1 In k.I nil do..! 4(11 do a4 JU 8s 47 s mi ;??i do anil do 4<i> Del. 1. A \V KK. A44 ft A4't MS. wtv; oir-4 Kt . tni< Si* ii?i. ?>i no in?', |(k) do In"1,' III) do a.1 107 , 4 ii Ohio A MI11 Kit. HC, |(*i do i3 1?\ llk*? do I?>?| COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON OX Till BrOT STKAPT?rTTCRtS KTK.VDT?FI.OrR (Jt'IET -WHEAT FIRMER ? tolls sT*ADt?OATH QUIET WUMKXV DULL BUT FJRM?rORS 1-OtVKB- I.AKD LOW KB? PETROLEUM QUIET?HPIHIT8 TUBI'EXTIXE LOW KIl? Jionis FIRM - OllJt 8TPADT?FRKIOHT8, 8TKAMFR ll(K)M QUITE FIRM, CBAKTEUIXO TOXRAOR 8TEADT?COVFT.E QUIET?8UOAR F1EM. TrK?0AT, M?r 1#?<1 R M. Commercial mitlleri wcro wlihottt important rhantre, the ntorclmndiaw market.4 a rnle reniHialn^' in 11 ?ute ol 'iuieindn wltbuut apiiarrni rhingo to va.'nei. At 1 tic Produce Kxclii?ug*? flour wm quirt, inti without nil l>ort?nt chnnjic in ^ririK Wliem ti* f.urly artlvo mil tinner. Com wax tticudy Imt lei* active, (lata were gulet. Whlakry dull bui brat. Pork and lard anMtlled and decidedly lover. Potion *11 steady. Coffee wm quiet. Navel were quiet. Oils were steady. Pctro leum wri dull. Sugur was firm. A*11 km were Mulct bat steady at 6J4C. t.^e. for pott. Pearl* were nominally at 7c. Aximoxr quiet at IS&e. sold. 21 Mike eold at ? fraction under ilie quoted price. Hi-.***** wiw quoted at !J7c. lor Houlhcrn and 30c. for Western. Bno.ik Coa* vai dull and unsettled. We quote :-Red, a >e.; red tipped, 5c. a fie.: medium gree'n, 7 V- a He. CaWDLtg were siea?y. We quote :-Sperm. 2Se.: eocrm. patent. Macy'a, 38c.; stearic. B. Mltctael! A Co.'. (16oa.), 27c. n 28c.; adamantine (12, 14. 10 01.), I2.V a 17c.; parafllne <4's. ?'s and I2's). 10c. a 20c. < <? rtcr.?The market (or Klo was quiet. At Baltimore A,'-.***) bag* Rio told, ex Adelaide, on private terms. Mild coffee waa quiet. We quoteOrdinary cargoes, lft,V a ; fair do, 17 V a 171 tc.; good do., 17\c. :t 18c.; prime do., 18 Va 18V-; extreme range for lot*, 1." V a IB V; Santos, luir to good. 17c. a 17J^c., gold, ninety day*: Java, government bags, 20c. a 22c ; do . grass mats, 21c. a 24c.; Slt^-upars, do., 18,V i? 21*!.; Coy Ion. 17Xc. a lite.; Maracaibo. ldc. a l?o.; Laguayra, I7V a 18,V; Jamaica. I7c. a 18c.; ft. Domuigo, 15 V- a I'.'ic.; Porto Rico. 18c. at Ac.; Cost* ? lea. 17c. a 1<* : Macassar. 18V a IB',r ; Mexican. 17c a 18c.: Manila. 17c. a ISc.; * IMC': "?v*nl"** UUu * >?^C.: Cnracoa. rooPKRia* trrooc.?The market waa qniet and rather Si'"i\ ?? *?,*l0*e :-*iola?ae? shook*, 32-Inch. with hc*d?, *L* Jf ?- -*? "??r with head*. :tH.|nr|,. $2 3D ?*; : box .hook*. 75c. a 80c.; rum do. *4: ulpedo.. $tia $0 SO; emptv hogshead*. 93 SO; !l;TJ.yra,^n'.nr,^.,? Pr,B"- *" " *<0; "oot"- 13 Com*.-We note sale* of about ISO.OOTi lbs. lake at 21 Vc a 21V-. closing steailv at 21 Ue. * C okoacK wa> unchanged. We quote :-Msnila (large and ?mall *{**). per lb.. 14 V. a 15 V ; do rordaire. bolt rope T?Ln!\1i1'- *J7V ,4c i 'ope. 10 V a !i 1 H l*0,' '1 ?c- " '2Jic.: Ittissia hemp, tarred 14c.: American do.. 14e. : Kusda bolt rone 17c. CoTto.1.? 'Ibe market tor spot was staadv, with a fair ex p. rt demand, future. dosed steady. The dosing prices to day compare with Monday's price* as follows?? i JfoHJoy, M'ly 13. TurMin*, Vnv 10. 'if IO a 12 Mav 12'.*>32 a 127-32 , ? "!'? * 13 5 ,0 J""e 1311 10 a 127 .12 I ?'til.* 12'i a ? July li". H _ | ? A?miat...l2K n ? Aiimat ,12? a ? i ?'"'pi 12*4 a ? Sept I2<s, u ? . October. .12 15 32 u III; October.. 12 11 32 a 12V ?V" '2S. ? ? Nov U"H a 12 !?-32 ] ' s ? ? Dec l-ji4 n 12II.33 _ . . . . , J?n 12 11-32 11 12 13 :?2 ' } ?Qnotfltlon? afe bancd on American stnndnriiof clmmhra : ?inn and on cotton in .tore rnnnlng hi qu.iiitr not more thun ! half a t-rada ahova or l elow the urade quoted ' . ? VplawU. Aliihnmit. A. Orlmnn. T-.nv. i I Onlinar.v (??>' H1. H' ! Htrlct ordinary tl 0-10 (I R io u H.,B I I t.ooil ordinary 10', mi- km. io'. 1 Strut cool ordinary in lain lit 13-10 Ini.VlO Low niuldlliiK Ill- ll> IH- l]i ?.r S!.'"w ln'U,1",,B' 11 ':, ,H " ' VW '??? 12 1-10 ; Middling 1_' ;i.|o 12 ft.)o 13a. IV*' Uvod middling . .. 12 1IM 12 i:nn 12 15-10 12 I.V16 Strict k'ood "llddllnu I.I 3.1H 13 .r>.|0 M 7115 13 7 i? I Mlildllnis fair 13 It-Ill 13 11-10 13 13.18 13 1310 I K?'r : -v?????? ??????* 7-ltl 14 B-18 14 1110 14 11 10 i T^i,,|,,?d-ll<XHl nrdir.srv. 8 13-lrtc.; ?trlct i,ood ordinary, i , 8 lft Ibp.; low middUO". 10 7 IC? ; middlliiR, 11 ft lOc. ?Spot salos were us follows | _ Tit L>i*t Krtmino. T'tt'il. I I Export.... 1.0 tt h3.", 2,474 ; I Consumption 230 I411 370 1 I 1.88# H75 2,844 i ?Ueilvered on contract, 300 halo*. For future ucliverv t:ie i I *" f"""*sVemerrlay alter two P. M.-.lnne, I ; V'J" : ,suu ?' 211) at 12 32c., I l U! . -S'i 1 ??00 ?t 12 17-32C., ?? at 12 10 I2c? I }.??? ?t I2\c.. 71 ?> at 12 21 32c.; November. It O at i . 'i1 -?iJ>ri?mboSi l.? 12 ' l-32c.. 300 at 12jbc. ' I Total, i,7U) bales. To-ilay up to two |?. M.-Mav. .x? ,a^e' '> J""?. ?'?> ?t 12 5-32C., liOl at I l uri; : r' 3-'c.. 1WI at 12 :t-10c? , ??, 1* 5-320., l.omt at 12V-. :?KI it ' I 7 V:.V"- 'IS*** la ?-????; July. ??? at 12 11 -32c., 1,70) ??', irt'r 'JL l3.:C-c- ttl l2V- at ! I Jbw. . - 1,H' : Auauat, 7(?i at 12 B-IOc.. 12^c.. 10 1 at 12 tt 10c., .dn at 12'ic., 100 at 12 ' 17-.?C.. 2,?IO.t 12V.. 100 at 12 17-32c., 00 ? at 12' ,c.. UO ***> ?t 12 7 l?p., ? 4? at 12 13 32c., O'M at 127:10c, 2tXJ at 12 r<-.!2t, I.loo at 12 ir?;i2c.. ><>| ?t 12'ic.: September, 1,000 a: 12'. c., 200 at 12 7-1 He ? October, 4U? at 12 13 :i2c . 2<>l at U",c.. 201 at 12 r>-!0.-.; , November, 200 at 12 ft-lOe., HO at 12 ?-32c. jjj*) at 12V; December, 1,0011 Mt 12 tt-32c" Total, 25.700 bales. tirund total, 3'>,:!(n.) l,ai^?. I lie receipt* at tba nort* were as I'ollow*(inl vcmoii 475 bales; New Orlean*. 4!ts; Mobile. 137: havannali. 118; Charleston. KM: Wilmington, 123; Nort..Ik, ?4 lialtinioro !!'%?/? MoMon. 4tt; fhlladelphia, ltw. Totsl.' i'lti . fV" dV w"'k- W"- day ls*t vear, 1 J.'I'J. l"t*l since September 1, :t.H80.1.',li bales. C. tton : frciitbts clo?ed ss tullow*:?1o llavre.liy *teuin. V.',.com pressed; to Harabuw, by steam. V? coutpreasad; to , Bremen, by ?team. V . comprcsned; to Liverpool, l? 32c. ' a.VIHc. by steam: ly sail. I?d. 1 Drum, ic ?Oplnui wa? uuvhancsd:quoted at ?3 87'-.cold. In bond. and^OO a (5 7o. rurreticy. lor |ob lot*. Oil vitriol was qniet at *1 75 |>er cwt. for I arse lot* and 2c. a 2 V ' lb. for small lots. Camphor was ideady at 27e. for rediied. , Oream tartar was quoted at 32c.. for Amerlcsr. and 33c. tor !? ranch, and for powdered in bbis. mid 38'tc. lor tla. 111 boxM. Alcoliollci?Chloroform mid ether were 1 steady at WX-. for the former and 54c. a 04c. tor the latter. ; Jiorax wa* steady at 1J V a llV. lor refined city and ! IIV fordo, t allfornia Balsam toln was quiet at *2 a ? 25. currency. Bnrirundy pitch was quoted at 7?,c. a 8c. Uuaraun was cany at SI a (3 25. Manna, new crop was quoted *t 47','c. a 50e. tor .mail I #1 a. i $1 in lor lartre an! 35c. Tor eorta l(us sian cantharides were quiet at $1 25 a $1 5<l. Shellac was I uuiet at 45c., KoM. for D. C and 30c.. rold. for Kncliah. liivl (livi was very scarce and llrm at <0> per tou. CutcU was qniat at t>',c., gold. Prussiate potash was quiot at 21 tc. . a JOc..a* to quality. Bichromate pota?h was dull at t.V.c ' hat ammoniac was dall at lOVc , gold. Irish moss was quiet I atOV- a 7c. (laiubler wa* llrm at Oc., jfold. l-.paoui salts were in (air demand at 2c. humac was Urm at K1 US. Ar- i rot* were steady at 28c. a 82'4c.. gold, accordluc to quality. Uentlau root was firm at 7c. Cassia buds were quoted I at 45c. a .lOe. todombo root was quoted at He. for whole and i 14c. tor powdered, tium iredila waa Arm at TUc. a 8c. with I upwmrrl temlfiiry. .luniper btrrir* w?re lull Ht | for onilnary Italian. Oranire peel ruled quiet at 10 V a II cR spot > euice turpeutin* wasdnil at 17 V a 18e. C'aatila soap?Contl wuite was quoted at lti?,c. and Marseilles pure mottled at inc.. cold. Hoclielle salts were stexdv at :*i';c. I b>r bbt*. and 31,'jc. for boxaa. Quinine wa* act he at 8'.: 2.1. Blue vitriol was steady at 8?Je. Morphine was actlvc at I f** ! ? |?otMb vft* in luir dfinnmt ntid ctCHilv nt $- 2>, bulk, ana 12 3.3 b. I. Alum?Lump was in f.iir de< i ?nand at JSe. a 2?ic. Chlorate potash was in fair ilemand ' a( Mr, a 21Mc., gold, and 22c. lor |,'re?iit>acks Tar aric 1 acid was quiet at 42'..c., trold, for crystal, and 4!V. a ??Oc. for powdered. Citric add wa* quoted at 74c. a 75c Licorice root waa quiet at former pricea; quoted at 4c.. fold, and Irom 8c. to lie., cariencr. for selected. Licorice paste. Calabria, was oulat at 31c. a :tv ; Spanish solid was In good demand at 2.*. a 28c.. cold. i'lKiiatelli was quiet at ",*c.; *mall tlusalina waaquored at 32c.: lar(r? (iuraiina waa in itaod demand at 4m-.; P. A S. small wss active at 30c. a .I0>,c. t nttlefish bones ruled steady at -,<lc a?27c Balsam copaiba waa easy at O.V. a 7Hc Saffron wss lirm at 22c. a 25c. lor American andfti $12 for Spauisii. UnlaiiKal root was quiet *t 4c. a 4V- Cod liver oil was In lair de mand at $1 50 a $1 00 for Newfoundland anil <2 for Norwe gian. Kbubarb waa in moderate demand at prices ranging from .i.V. to 91 10. Aloes?Cape were scarce and llrmlv held at l.te. a 14c. tlinirer was firm at2>K-. a 21c. torJaiuaira bleached. Ergot was ea*y at <1 75. yulcksllvvr was quoted at Oic. a U8?. Leaves were quiet, but steariv quoted at 2dc. for belladonna, lie. lor comma uud aconite' 21k*. a 22c lor henbane and $1 ;!.'i for rose. Arsenic wa* in fair demand at 3 V. a 3V-. gold, lor white powdered, and a l!>>?c. lor red do. 8eaHs were quiet. We quote ?? Mustard-'Yellow California. 7),c. ? 8c.; bro*n do., tic! a ?y.; brown Trieste. 7 V : yellow Kngllsb, 8',c. Canary ii,!?e* i.M,eh *** '?"?l*d *7 ana Smyrna waa tirm at "'"'P at ?l 82t, t'ar.israv was firm nt 12c a IJV. Corriander wss quoied at ft^c. Camoaiils lowers srere qniet at 10c a 22c. ior C:vcerine was In fair demand and Arm at 17c. a 18V Sweet marjoram was quiet st 20c a 22e. Orris root wss steady at 12',c a 2.n-.. according to qnality. Tonca beans stesdr at $1 50 "lor Anpatara. Altbea root waa (Irmly held at 3oc. for whita cut and 2 >c. lor talr do. (linn arable wss quote t nt 15c. for prime sorts and lie. tor sscond do. Anirosturs I.ark was ! scarce and firmly bald at laic. Sassafras bark wss uuiat at 8c Squll * were iiniet at ItV. a I Ic. I.svender llowcr* wera i I"!*' "'Sc. Valerian root wa* quoted at 2\c. lor Kngll*h I and I.V. lor Garmsn. Albupaen wa* steady at 0ftc.a7oc. ' for blood and SI a fl 15 lor erg. 8ar*ap?nlls was quiet out ?0My. v> # (juoto : ?lloiitluruM cHiiiiiiPii hi ;)4i> a ^7iv* do do. lor export. 35c. a 37c., gold; Mexicsn. 13c. a l&e." ? l b'-, sold, tium damar was quiet at I?Ic. a 18c. tlainboge wal auole.i at ?7c .tsaafieilda waa ? steady at I.>e. a 17c. Carbonate ammonia was quiet at I t'.c K**entlal oils were firm and lalriv active. We mote : Oil bergsmot. S4 .?<>; oil lemon, r andersoii's, $3 5t>; Ibm- ! sen s finest ol. rose. $0 37 V '? I anise. #| ?H alt gold; oil caraway f I 40 a ?2 .V>: oil eroton. tJ 18; oil ! citronella, 7oc. a WV.; oil lavender, 75,. a $2- do no I iMitchaml, $12 V'; oil clove*. r<; oil wlntergi*en, I ?3 15; oil sassafras, inclusive. 52'ie ? oil nennv- I rojil. $?>, all currency: oil of hav, $18 and #5 I English chemicals closed linn. The sales were 2ft tons sal soda at $1 45. 25 tens csumic soda 1 at $4 40. 11*1 kegs bicarbonate >oda at 4V-. lOotonasoda ash st $1 85 ? $3. an gold, and Mi cks blri.'blnV p'wde? at I\e. a IV currency. Wo qaote:-Aoda ash, ordinary to cood brands. 2c. a 2 V ; sal soda 1' c a l*-c ? I caustic s.?ts. 4Sc. a 4He.: mcsrb.mate .,ai,. 4',c. a 4 V-! I all cohl; bleaching powder, 2c. a 2!k.-.. currency - .oner- I carbonate soda. John Dwlght A Co.'s. ,in keg*i.4e. currency .-./."lial I'f'l " rV?",lh Tar* f"'r de,n nBd "I,d nr"' : sales I Lit .fiV* vi"LV i ' ,irH"d H,",k were ] dull at $4. Mackarel were selling in small lots. Box her- . rtng wera In Mare d -niand : scaled were Hrm st 22c. and No. si-** v." ' rr'' .bernng were scarce and quiet, tte quoteOeorge s cod. $."i 2ft a ?!!? ?i...,a i Bank do.. $t .Vl a $5; new (lecrge's. $5 75 a Short inaekerel. No. 1. $20 a $28; do . large No. 2 *15 * 1 $18. Max herring.. No I Iftc.: scaled do . 25c. : iTarrallcd I do.. I ortland. $4 ? i a Labrador $5 fto a l"i 75 |.MlaS\!,,|!l.,,"A,,, -,Wcf,?,.U.r,',',,'r- !l11- ''bis,; wheal, 121,IIM bushels; corn meal. 2..VVI bb *. and 374 ssck*-oats 07,280 iMahals; com. IIRi.tM^ do.: rye. 4,1110 d^ b'sr*? M" do., bartey malt. 3.0*1 do Tlii ?*lr anarket ruled qniet but steady to-day There was but a limited la qulry lur sliippla ? brands, sad little wss done for export lbs sales were about 11,(10 l,Ms., lacludlna State Western and Southern, st the annexed quot.itions Hve flour sold to the extent of 3m bbls. at $3 75 a $5 (it Corn maal ruled qniet. with saias ..i ,xu sack* ai i'l "at ? $;t 05 for Brandy Wine. We quote :- kwm Hjui j No 2 State $271 a $3 50 Snp-rfine State 4 10 a 4 50 : r<Xl rn nt nt o * ? ? s # ##?a ? a a a a s a ? s ? ? ? aa a a ?? * e a ? ? , I) I M \ O* ? hide- State 5 25 a ? 0"! 1 >uperlli,e H astern. 4 111 ? a ji Kxtra Western 4 l&Z 5 24 Minnesota r, o^ ? ? Honnd Hnoyi Ohio, ahlnptnif lirfindi 5 u> ? ft ??-, K?mmi h.Nip Ohio. tra?!e bmndn ,MM)| ff01 \\ ;H, "*?? s fto 8 . Loais, low extra 5 ,w ? ? m St Louis, straight extra 0 5<l? 7 1st SI. leiuia, choice double extra " 7 1*1 a M il St. Lonls, choice family. Kye Hour, line to sunerllne 3 7n a j jii soathern. No 2 :| !j ', J 1 ?} Southern, auparllna "".I 4 25 a 4 oft -ouiherii. extra ...^ , 7 Soutliei n. fatnily 7 ?v i t. 40 ? i?rn H r^tmi ?? (X)n ??, ? ?orn meal,.terser misi? '< hi Corn meal. Hraudvwina " ;t Wi a 3 *711 t'orn meal, piinrneons .'.'.'.'. ",2ti INI a 2t> 50 I ?Wheat was in lair request and the marktt was iirmer. The .alas were about at $1 tsla$l 10 lor v o'.'-i.r1"'"'-'-.* Idf-f No 3 $i 2*1 for mixed. $1 22 for i No. 2 Chlcaco; lre?h receipts. $| jo for No. 2 Milwaukee; Ire.h reeeipt.. $1 24 t?r Noitbwest $| 3.>i, ? $| 34 for No. ! I?tbe oatside pries, lor a small |<d-$l 2"> was hid lor No. 2 J a"' *<"'?. ao.i $| 2., to arriva ar.t ten days in June; $1 42 lor State white auii amber winter mixed. $1 (a r?r v? 2 whlta Michigan and $. 32?, r-.r" No | MYnneSiia "spriilg i orn ??. le,s active, bin without dechl-d change, exoept for steamer, which was a trifle Itirhcr: the .s!(< ware shout I !?1V,V *'? "L*K,," ""V- for steniner; ,W. a I .rf??.c for iH.grvie. .dV. all. V "or un .railed mixed. tKi'.e, I |.wo"l Western mixed and tile lor Iowa mixed. Kya-Saies , were>> hnshel>, within tli* range of 1 t.?c Sir Canada, in : ^?',d. ?rr'' - c air2c for staie and i'ennysl.aals. and 1 fnr Western. Barley was qu!a< with sale of | 5lta 1 bushels Western on prltate terms. Barley malt was lalrly actlre; w? not, sale of 1 jawai bushels at $1 4.5cash, I toe extra choice winter made No 1 Canada. Oats were I wlthont decided change: we hole sale* of 55.'Sin bushela at 1 **? a 41c., No 2 t lalcagn: 4;0,c. far mixed siare..P?c. a V*. I for the ran/e ol mixed. 3-c. lor rejected and :Nhx a 4<*-. lor i m- gra.te.l llflt-ln foreign dried there wss a nio.ler.te de?r*nd Prices, however wer- steady We ?aote:?Saw layer raisins per bos, $2 <?? . half do,. $1 ftrt: qn.irtsi lo , 70-. new auuscstel, #2 7? a#.*.* per bug, according to quality; now t Mrdlrf<ml?ini,|A'^ p<r friDi Valencia rat?ln*. 10' ,e. pit j It..: sultana do.. Me. for new: Turkey prune*, ft?*'- ?w ; tiervia and II.on*; new Ktencli du.. ?c. a lit.. MMrdbW 1 to die and quelitv. Currnuls.Wf.4e. a 7e.. according to qual ity. Lecture citron, 2le. ifl**. He. lor laye.r*. Date*. , 5!4c. Uracil not*. 0}ie. I'r**er??>d irinifer. $7 VI per ease. 1 lbimeaiic dried wu quiet. We quoteApple*. State, quarter*. K'_r. * lie.; do., alteed, He. a U5il Sonth. rn, quarter*. 7S''- * n! >.; do., *lleed. H'^c. a lie.: do . Taney, j ll'tjC, a l:if. Penclie*. peMed?tlenriria, prime to fancy. Ik a l^c : impeded <lo.. quarter*. lOSe.; li?uw. IK'. * 13c. Hlarkb<arrie*.iUae. a lOfic. n??pb"rni>?,2?>e. a -ic. I Har riot. lite. I'luiua. SoutUeru. lSc. a 2lle.; do.. ***ate, I'esputa were W? quote;?Ordinary Mrijlnla, $ I-ft it fit ftt): prime do., $1 So* *1 ??t chmodo..$t 7U all 7.V, | ordtnan iVHminirtun. CI SSft a # 1 <0; prime to tancy do., j ft 7d a <1 net. Uomettle ttreeu wa? In fair demand aim ?tf?'lv We qnoteApplea, selected wiuter. per bbl.. $3 a $?; do., mixed. $2 .Via +! 7".; do., common. fl ? $? 1.1 Ji Cranberries?Choice. $.173 a $4 50; do. ?ood to urlm*. i ?:t ? WMl, Uat ano SraAW.?Til* market w?< quiet. without quot >b>' ch??!;? We quota:?Bala hay, iblppinir. at 7 f?- | tall qualities at ttv. u$l lo, elover at ttoc. a 75c. Straw? . Lonir rye. 7(.'e. ? il 10: oatdu.. we 111. ae f A vii .IriK?We nute sale of 7.10 bale* Jul* butt* 1 at 2V& a 3c.. and 100 bale* do. ye*t*rday at Sc.. AO day*. . We quote :?American dressed, J i I*' a f Jjl). fur single, i $-?<?? ? $2-'ft lor dnuhla all I $1 J" a $12.1 for rougti; Manila . hemp, "Sc. a "Se..ifold: Ru*?la clean,$'.11' a $210. guld: Italian. $27~i a $2w.i, pU; Jute. 4l4c. a ?'?V?e.. curreocy; line butt*, 2T?e. u 3c., cash; 8l??l hetuu. 4*??- a 4*jC.. felt: ( little ftiXe. a tic.. K"liJ. j IIidk*.?The marxet wan enay. We note ??le? of 1.IXO | Montevideo ut 18c.. ?uM: J1.2U0 do., 21 to 22 Iba. average, J at 18c., gold, 4 month*; 5,l(Kt do., 21 11)?. average. at Inc.. IT"Id, 4 nioutlta: l.e4 ( do. second*. -O to 22 lb*, average, at IV. a KiS>'-. 4 mouth*: 4.400 Montevideo klp?, l<l to I* lb*, average, at 14c.. irold. 4 month*: 2.t"0 Iruxlllo, 17 lbs. average. at 14c.. gold. All 'lay*, and on private term* 170 and l.fftO Vera Crnx and 4<*i Tamplco, 31 lit*, average. We nii'ileBu?iii? Arre*. SO to 34 111*., 17e. a inc.: do. 24 to 2* lb*. 19c. a 21',e-: Montevideo. 30 to 221. lb*., lTJic.a Inc.: Corrieme*. 21 to 23 lb*.. 18#.; Rio Grande, 20 to 22 lha., inc.: Orinoco, 20 to Xt lo?., lett^e.: Cali fornia, 21 to 2ft Urn., inc.; Central Auiertcnn, in to 21 lb*.. |.~c.; Matamoroe and Mexican. 22 to 25 lb*.. I'm.; Vera Cra*. 1H to 10 lb*.. 13c.: Uoi(ota. in to 20 j lb*.. IHc. a 14c.. all cold, selected: Texa<, -'nai. .14 III*., I In. I a 12c ; dry Tex at, 17c. a ltto.; Southern. 24 to 30 tlx.. 10e. a lie , currency, a* tbey ruu: city alau jliter, ox. Wi to 00 lb?.. 7Vc.: cow, 4"i to (HI lb*.. < }jC.. currencv, selected. II?p?.?The receipt* were ll|?hl. ard, with n better export demand, the market wa? a little firmer in tone, but nut qnotably hiicher. The *hipment* were about 'On bale*. We quote:-New York rttate. 12c. a 17c.: KaMern, loe. a ] 16c.: Wi*coa*ln. lite, a lHe.; yearlin^'i. ?c. a 10v. ;old*. all itrowth*. 4c. a tic.: </*lilornia. 16c. ? lie I rum.?The ina.'ket for Aioerlran |il*/euiained the ?ame a* lent reported, ulthuuirli an efTor; wa* made to advance the I price of No. 2. ibe Kale* were 2,OUO t ini No. 2 at #2<l. and l,.r>0" tone lorje on private term*. Scotch pl'{ wa* a trill* eauler lb ton*. The ?alr? were 20(J ton* < oltne** at *-Kl. j prompt ca?h. and ISO ton* ki'llnton and '.00 ton? (>!ens*r nock on private term*. The market tor >erap wa* weak, not witbatandinK tbe entail ?t'ck?. Wo quote:?American pljt. No. I. $12 a $28: do.. Vo. u.$2ti a $;1 ; do. lor**, Ilia i $2i?. Scotch? Coltne**, XH' a $111; Uartaiierrte, $-'11: Ulen- ' Karnock. '*> a *30 .10; Kitllnton, $2t? a $2h oO; Mrap, wrouijlit, $&2 **ked: rail*. *teel. $tiO per ton -, do.. Imu. a ?14 per tun. l.KAii?The market wa* itronir, at $fi 3-"i. irold. for South ern. Sale* 1"> ton* domentlc. tioverniuent wa* *till offered ?it $!l 2ft, ca?h. I.katiikr ?There wa* a fair demand lorthel>etterffr?de*of t hemlock *ote at *tcady price*. We quote:?lleiulock? I Light Bueno* Arre*. 20*(c. a 21c.: do. California. 2He.: do. i coiuioon hide, 20c.; middle Hueno* Ayre*. 22c. a 2:>c.; I do. Caliiortiia, 21 Kc. a 22c.: do. common hide. 21c. a 22c.; heavv Kueno* Ayre*. 22He-a Xil?c.: do. California. 21 Sc. a 22c.: do. hide, 21c. a 31#.; wood damageu Hueno* Ayre*. Ilk", a 'J'>c.: do. California ISi^e. a lul^c.: db. common hide. IS^e. a lttc.: poor, damauvd common hide, i liic. a inc. . Moi.ahhk* w*? quiet, hut ateady. We quote Cuba, cen trifiiical and mixed. 22c. a 2?c.: clayed. MMc. a :<Uc . do. ma*- . covudo rellulnK. 3Hc. ? MIc.; do. urocery. TJc. a 4<>c.: Porto , Kiro, :t>c. a .">0c.: KiiKllah Ulauil*. :t2e. a Witt.; New Orleana, j lair to i;ood. 48c. a 02c.: prime to choice. ft?c. a ftSc. Natai. Stiirm.?The maraet for oplrll* turpentine wa* | quiet and price* were lower. Ko*ln wa* quiet but firm ut . previous price*. We quote:?Spirit* turpentine, K.^c, u 3.'?c : r?*ln. common itrained, #1 70 a *1 74: nood do., ! $1 77,'i a $1 Mil. Tar? W a?hington, $2: Wllinlniftoti, $- a I $2 12\. Advice* fiom Wilmington were a* follow*:?jltieln , Arm ; *traliie I. $1 Kood Ntraiue i. $1 00. Tar unchanged, i Turpentine quiet: bard, $1 20' ?oft, $2 1ft; virgin. $2 Still it* ateady, 28),e. Dim.?At .New Bedford furtlier *ale* were made of j 7"m I bl?. crude *perui, for export, at if I H7. We quote:? Cottonseed, cr-nle, 43c. a 4.">c.: Southern >*o!lew. ft8c. ; yellow ' winter, ft8c. a ikic.; winter, ttftc.; lard, winter. $1 07 a $1 1M; atierin,crude. $1 45; do. Iileaehert winter, $1 7ft; do. natural ; do., $1 70: whale, crude Xorthem, OHc.; iio. Southern, HOc.; I bleached winter, 73c. a 7ftc.: olive. ea*k*. $1'17>< a $1 22>g; do. cu?e*. SI 3ft a H 40; winter bleached fl*h, aSe.; crude llali. 4Xc. a ftOc. I'KTKiiLKi'a wa* Inactlro and dull Tlte clodnn price* * ere I a* tollow*:?Crnde. In bulk, t?3W<".; do.. In bbla. ll'.te.: re- J lined. 111 libla.. 14c a 14',c. ; do., caaes, lMc. u lS'4c. lie- I fined at Piiiladelphia, 14c., and at Baltimore. 14c. Ad- j vire* Irom thu Cr?ek were a* follow*:?1'arker'* United, ; $1 !<3\' bid, $1 !l4?ij aaked : !>e?h ahipmenl*, $2 2<1 a $2 22'j. Outaide linen, uothinu doing, till City advanced to $1 It!?(, ; declined to $1 '.ll)?i- United ililpiuents $2 2->. Market ' firm. ! I'novisiosa. ? Receipt*?Pork, 27H bbl*.; lard, l.lftl tierce* and 7.1 ea*ea; cut meat*. 31 m packagea; i aeon. 12 tierce* t and l.7Kiboxe?: beet. IIO tierre* and 70 caie*. The pork inurKet wa* quel and lower; about ft<? bbl*. *old on the apot nt $21 2ft ii $21 3ft for men* and 2ftO hl>l*. tor .Inly delivery I at $21 25. Tilt' cloalnff "call" price* were a* follow*:?Mar, $21 bid, $21 7ft naked; June. $21 10 bid, $21 2ft asked; .Inly. 921 Ift hid, $21 40 naked; Anm?t, $21 3ft hid. $21 rO.'.aked; September, f21 '#> bid, $22 asked. Cut meat* j were inactive. Kre*h ham* were qnoted at 12c. a : 12 V.. picaled do. at 12>?c. a 121,'c.. Ire*h hellle* at lie. a II Sc.. tickled do. at 11 '^c. a 12^o.. boxed do. at 12'4'c. a 13o. Bacon wa* dull, but nnchanicod: quoted at 12o. for \ cltv lonit clear, 12'^c. for ahort clear and 11 Jjc. lor Weatem. j Heef wa* Inactive and dull. We quote:?Barrel*?Kxtra ' me**. $13 50; plain, do., $12.10; packet, $10. Tiercel?City extra India me**, $27 a f2H: India rae??.$2r>. and prime i men. $2:i. Beef ham* were doll and nominal, at | $22 a $24 tor prime WeMem and $1H a $20 for fur i to Kood. Smoked meat* were dull at 14.^e, tor bam* and ' lO'^e. a K'Sc- for tbouldera. Lard wa* uiiRettlod and ! lower, although a icood limine** wa* done at the dccltnn. i The tale* (part la*t evening) compriaed anont Itl.ftoo tierce*. III $12 9ft for June. $12 90 a $12 l?7>i for July, $13 lor Autrnrt. $13 tS a 813 20 for September. | The cloainic ??call" price* were a* follow*:?May, $12 7.1 ; bid. $12nft naked: June. $12 HO hid. $12 M.1 asked: July, 1 $12 W bid. $12 ?i"'i aaked: AitKtiat, $13 OA bid. $13 10 ' ?*ked : September, $13 IO hid. $13 17\ a*ked. Spot **le* were 200 tierce* elty at 12?4'c.; llfto tierce* Western at new at $12 HO. and tlenre* old choice at $12 *7>^. Keflued w*? quoted nt l3j;o. tor Soatli America, 13Sc. for Continent and 12Sc. for Cuba. Butter wa* quiet, lint unchanged. 1 Chee*e wa* quiet, but steady. Kick.?The market waa quiet, but Iteady. We quote:? Carolina, fair to prime. Kc. a OSe.; Louisiana, lair to iruud, ftSe. a ftjfe.; do., prime. -iVe. n He.: Raniroon, lair tn *ood. tic. a O'^e.; Patna, trood, 7,'jc, a 7/'?o-, fold; Itaniroon. in bond. 2J?e. a 2*,c.. gold. Spki.tkh wa* quoted at He., currency, le** one per cent for 1 combination: outalde lot* m ere offered at $7 7ft a $7 P7.',e.; i iorrlicii *. *. waa quot* d at 7Sc.. (told. STKARI5K.?Kecel|it*-? hlid*. and IIW tierce*. The market j waa quiet and nominal. Sale* were 10 1 tierces on private term*. Prime to choice qnoted at lBjje. a l.Vi'c. SfUAtt.?The market lor raw remained firm. The *ale* 1 were Ulft bag* St. Homlnffo. at 7Sc.: 323 do. melndo, at I 4 1-tic- a tOvfe.. and 420 libda., at 7\r. Kellned wa* quiet and j Mendv. We qnote:?Fair to rood rennln*, 7*i? a 7tje.; Cnba, trocerr. fair to choice. Sc. a H'.ac.; do., centrifugal, hlida. | and boxes, No*, h to 13, 8t*c. a ?Se.: do.. molA**e*. hlid*. ; and boxes, HV-a 7SC.; Porto Uico, rellmug. common to > prime, 7c. a Sc.; do., irrocery, fair to ehoice. f Sc. a Hi.c.; ! refined?standard A. ??*?,?? * ?**C.: off A. H,Sc.; crn*lie.l, 1 lOSe.; powdered. lOSc. :uranuiaied. lOSc.; cut leaf. iO^c. I Taij-OW.?Receipt*?71 hhd*.. 31 tierce* and 340 bbl*. j The market wa* dull but nnchanifed. Sale* were 2<)').("0 lbs. at HUc. a ??*'?? tno?tlv at SSc. Tin.?Tnt market for strait* wa* *tron*. No atoek of Enu lS*h. Sale* ft'*) noxes coke at $0 a $0 12S and 4.VI bl)Xe* charcoal terne at $H M. We quote Banc*. 21)^. aflb; ! Strait* 17c. a lfcc.: RnvlUli. 17,Sc. a lHe.. all irold, : Plate*?Cliarcoai. nominally $7 .10; coke, $0 .10 a $7 70; ' terne. $0 12 * $0 37.S Tobacoo.?The market for Kentucky leaf wa* *t*ady, with ! ?ale* of 0)'? hhd*. at He. a 111"-. Kceillenf was quiet, with j sales of 100 cases sundries at 7c. a 3"r.; ftO caae* New Kn? land, crop IH 4. at .tic.: 37 ea*e* Wisconsin, crop 187ft. at 4c. a 4Sc.: 3B ca*es Pennsylvania, crop 1H73, on private term*: ftO case - Ohio, crop IH74, at ft^e, and 4UO bale* Ha vana at price* raniring: from HOc, to $1 OS. Wtttsxr-r ?Receipt*, 7tll bbl*. whl*key and 43fl bbl*. alcohol. Tbe market wa* quiet, but Arm; ftO bbl*. Mild nt $1 U KRUinnra.-Oraln and netmleum veaael* attracted mod erate attention on Continental account. cl.iell< at *teady rate*. Berth room was In active demand and quite (tronc. The eniraKennMits were:?To Liverpool, br aall. n.000liiwhel* | wheat. 7d.; I,Tiki balsa cotton (coinpreaaed I, at Sd., and j per *team. .1,<**1 packatres bacon and cheese, at itia. a ftO*. j per ton. To London, per Mean H.OUO bnahel* uraln. H^d. 1 in lbs.: 8,000 liu-hcl* do., ou private term*; H1*) tierce* beet , 8s.; Tin boxes bacon. 4<K : 1,200 boxe* cheeae, 4Sa.: 18 tona : leather. tlO*.. and 300 bale* Imp*. Jed.: and by **ll 32.OO0 ! hnshels whejit, 7,S>I. and n.iliJO bushels do . at the clo?e, 7Jjtt J To tilasirow. per steam. ID/Ml bnshe'* corn, nd. , To Bri-tol, by sail, bu*hel* wheat, 7!{d. The charter* comprised:?A Herman hark, 40.1 ton*, re ported hence to the Contlntnt.wltb 4.imi bids, refined petm reuin. particular* 111't made known :? bark, rumored lienee to Kreineu.with 2,IW*Jbbl*. do . on private term*; an Italian bark, hence to Odessa, with 14.001 case* reliued petroleum, . at:"c.: n Hrltl*h bark, fro.n Baltimore to the Continent | fex-l>rttcM. with 4,?V*> bbl*. refined petrtilenm. at 3a. IJ^il.; n Herman ?hlp. hence to Bremen, with 7.1**) libl*. do., at I 3?.; a*i American bark, ln?m Philadelphia to the f.inti- ? nent lex-Dutchl. with 3,1100 bid*, do., at 3s. 4!$d., option of Baltic porta, 4* 3d.; an Italian b*rk, liruoe to Ciilai*, 1 with 3,n:i0 quarters grain at ft*. ''^1.: a Norwegian bark, he lice to Havre or Antwerp with 3,llii0 qnarter* at ft*, ltd.; 1 n Norwegian barn, hence to Bremen with 3,900 quarter* at ; tK :id., nnd nn American bark, hence for ?ime port, with 8.000 qnarter* at Ma. Si, all lu *hip*' b*ir* in noth In- 1 ?lane**; an Italian hark, henc to Ltmion, with 2,.V?)qn*r ter* at 14'j'e. per liu*hel ; a Ru*slan hark, ftlk) ton*, from ' PhiladelphiA to Lisbon, with irraiii ill about 11,^0. per r bushel; two Norweplan bark*, IVnni Philadelphia to Cork j lor order*, with 3,2110 quarter* K'-dn each, at ft*. M. per . quarter. DOMESTIC MARKETS. 0*tTE*TO*. fir Ifl, 187a Cotton unlet; middling. Itffc.; low middling, lOVc.; i;oix| ordinary. Net rcrclpti, 475 balea; Kro>.?, 4IM. fair*. 4M?. Sto k, 23,119. Nkw Qri.kaks, Mnv 1H, 1S7D. Cotton qnlet; middling, 11,,p.; low middling. lO^r.; fund ordinary. Net recelpta. 4HH balea; irrota. !*??. Kj|>?rts to France, 3,!04, Kalea, l,VO. Stock, 151,437. Mor.n.r, May 'n Pot ton quiet; middling. ltVr. a 11 J*c. ; low middling, im4c. a l<!J.c ; good ordinary. U'4c. a !>!3p. Net receipta. i:r7 balea. KxpnTta coaatwlao, flOi. NtlM, i.lCl Mook, :*>.r>2tt. S*r**iAn. May 1?, l?<7't. Cotton ateady; middling, ll^e.; low middling, 1<>S<\; wood vrdlnarjr. I",''. N't receipta, llrtbalaa; irroaa, :i7o. Kmportacoaatwlae, IJ0">. Sale*, 22*. Stock, Id,341. CttAtLitftToir, Mar Ifl, I87B, Cotton quiet; middling, 11V-; lo? middling 11.'.r.: good ordinary, lOe. Net recoipta, lid bat**, i-ale*, I.VK stock, 1 Oswkoo. Majr IS, 1#78, Floor unchanged; aatat I..VO bM*. Wheat qnlet ; ?ale? 1 J??| ba?hela No I Milwaukee dub at $1 round lot* offerrd at lower rate*; whlto Canada held at $1 4t? a $1 .V>. Cimi ateady ; aale* of new at WV.; old hold at 84c. Har Ipv unlet, No 2 t'atrida offered nt I?H-. Corn men I, ?Jit a for bolted, fl25 n (UH tor unbolted p?r ton. Milt iri-d ?teady.- Itartn. flifl: alifp?iiiffa. f17. iiiid-Jliux*. fl'.' a fl.n per teti. Canal lrel|*ht? ?Wheat, : pc?a, itr.; c?m and rre, fit, to New York: lumber. fel to ttio II ud-on : fa fit to New York. l.ake receipta?None O.inal ihlp tnenta ?Who it, 7?NHbnahola; Into Iter, Hio.l**) leet. ftrrmu), May Hi, 1B7B. Koeelpta?Bt like -Flour, 2U> bbl..; wlu*at, .Vitl.tKIO buehela; eom. 'JOi.HD do.: <nt>. ?J.Y1.1M) do. By railroad? Kloar. bl?la,, wheat, Kjttl bnane a; cora, llVks.ido.; onla. 9,'MO do.; liarlay, l.ttli do. Shipment* hr canal to tidewaters-Wheat.'*! Ixtahel*: corn, ?l,<K)t> do.; oata. 4 t,i?Odn. : rye. I,7t*>d?.; liwlry malt, tt.tHH. Hy railroad? Kkmr. '2.'MVbhta : wheat. t??,i*M baahola: corn, 16,1**) do.; oata, H.UIU do. ; barley, l,t*>> do. Canal rrolalita?When, tt'fc.; corn, a ik-. ; oata, 4e., to N?w York, tolla in i inded. Mimr Arm : aaloa t.lRHi bnls. at nnchaneed iinota tiona. tYheavIn good donianil: Arm; aalea ol H<*,> buahela No. J Mllwanaet- at ft 17; .'t.iaai do. .No. I do, at $1 24; :t,Jt?i do. white .Mli'lilgan at $1 41 a $1 42 : 1.4u?do. No. 1 hard llnlnth at fl :?7. r?ni tatf; demand ate ; 1 ?<"*> hii'hela We?tern. In lota at 32<\ ? .'>:!<?.; I i.Kri do. No. 'J do. m 5Ae. tlata not of martiet; nonohero; wantott. Itye in active. none here. Harley ilnil; no ?alea. IVtk dull; <(.'| 7"i lor hoary me??. I,ant dull at 14?. Iligliwlnea nomituiL Seed* i|iikrt, uncbaacod. Tot.rno, May Ifl, 1870. Flour (toady. Wlieat qiiiet i No. .1 White Wabailt, fll 1'U^; N< 1 white Mirhlxan, fl .M: No. 2 do, fl 2i: etna do. held at fll 4H; fll 42 offered ; wnher Michigan. 91 2>a?,; June ami Jittv. |l No. 2 red. rl !W: ho. ?' do, 91 17. Corn firm lor fpot; qniet lor fittttrre; high mi \e I. MM*.; May. ?'>414r N>* do , 53c.; >a it white, 5>V.; no urade Uako Shore. Wi'-c., uamaged, 45c. tlati firmer; No 2, 8BJ(<? : Mlehlgan ,i-. Keeelpn?I'lO hld?. Boar, | Ii.UUU buauole wheat, ^ tl.. com, 7,u 'j to. oata' Khlpm.nt.-aOO bbta Boor. IO.UOO UNfcata wheat. 31000 ^ forn. 6.000 do. oat*. CmCAOO. Mar ??. I?**1 ? Klonr unlet, bat Arm. Wheat $*07. Jnly; ChieaKu ?prln?, *1 ^ L?JJf {& <*?? actlie, ttrrn , Jim. :< Chicago apriag, ??tc.; njwlM. '**? s a ?t4?Se.. I ?nil higher; ea*u bibber end option* ?**? f/ . r.)reir.|, i ?put ; W.M.y: J.JV-kW.Jun.; ?V ? J July! 1 4?c 0*t? ttroiar: No. 2 at ???.. ?i??*. *? ??? ? fir n M : K>e nouRually .inchAniiod. Barley S2? weak umi lower: ! a ?9e.. -pot: f?7c.. Jnne. Fork dull. wee.a u?ril $_*> HO *??> *6, ?D?* ?"?'?'""?vfi'.oiV" jaiv' Mulkroeat* quiet. but ?te?.lj; ^Vhllkev *1 i"?1 i Lake frelghta- j uomlnal.y unchanged. W bUkey, ?i .? bolt.; W heat. to Buffalo, JHa. *??*"}" Jj ? ?'mtt 41.000 do.; . wi,rfti bu?lifl?; corn, Ul.Uii rto.. o? Ki?.nr lljiuO " i l>V do : k.ruy. ?.'<?> do. a ' bbta.: wheal, 143.00" bualiel*; Outa. 10M*w after srsti ? ??kr- JJ."V ? isHfssrsasyr " *? "* June; 4U0 9J *?. J uly. Lard unebaaged. PRINT CLOTHS MARKET. Pbovidk*ck, R L, Printing elotha market wlihoal ei,*?*Vtrr*wltli lUht de quoted at 3.?,c. a Sfce. tor .tandard and extra. ??? ?. in and. HAVANA MARKET. Havuta. *?y JA. 187?\,. HpanUh cold. 2CH, A 220. Exchange 'jttc" uot: premium. . EUROPEAN MARKET. Losno* Pboduck Mam**?Losdos, May 1?-ETen hlg.? Linseed cake. ?9 10a. per ton FISAKCUli. "? Y-HrtitT BKL&O!flf~i"00- "" a - ?? Meur*. UK ItOTIIHClIILD an'] tbeir correspondent*. _ . Alio Commercial Cr?a!ta and Tolegraphlc Tranafer* of Money on California and En rope. __ Tj VawA ? 17 Broadway 4 -STOCK rtPKCt/T^toyfTiJoN D U CTEI) BY US IS A. every farm; book containing ?kka nent free ?u application. TIMBRIDOE * Hanker* and Broker*. No. Wl Broadway. ~k~sr amount trust funds to loas on A mortKaM;clt??rAKrooklyn. WOl?OTT,JO l'lne_tv_ -iTpiuvaioM"ok mbmb 1! I Tl"KX. FROTH IN OH AM A ??" v^rM Nmak?8forAcn? i | SBSSS?n three to five p<>r oent. , . ClrcuUr* ?nd weekly report* ^ent free. ?_____ USTATK MONEY"TO LOAN; 1?S17.0W> OX CITY III Jv proved property; only expend*. Addrew LAW ^ KK. box l.airt roet offleo. TTYATT- SO. ?45 BROADWAY. LOANS MONBJ il upon city pr. perty; ?lx per cent Intere.t for prime *e . curitif*. _- I JrnnTTWKlSirSa ? PINK ?T*. LoANh MONEY : ott New Yuru and Brooklyn Keiil Kstnte. I M\ p?r cent money for flr?t claw loan*. I m*, nup Y IA) V-VhL> ON MORTGAOK8 IN NKW YORK I null WeMchaater eoBDty. in email and KM* ?nm?^ | nn?fttr??eH (ougbt nnd aold. O. W. DITCH KIT, - ->ew Chamber* it. ?? | gsr??c??.| WiSSS5ffflMS ???"'' expen*e?. Adtfr.a* rtTKKLK. Ilentld oUlro . lirANTED?*l'ao '~TriR~SIX MONTHS: SEC0B1TY \V clmttel mortjafa; good interest. AdJrdt* box 144 Herald olllca. ? ^r-. II"t oAVr lii'VAXK KHIEND ASSIST A \Ol NO \V linu^.n. I,d family in dl.tre.n, wltl. kh.dly aid temporarily? m.Ubted reference*. Addre.* HONOK AULK. Herald oBlca. ?. A.-ii* /i/vit ?LOAN OK ?I2.??*> WANTED ON BOND ?1*1 J.00 . and mortfcitire on Hndaon Kiver Pr"P''r|> '> ^. v1^*V.?d?: aecurlty ample. Principal* only need ad are** LENOX. Herald officii. ??? i'rtji TO LOAN ON KIKST MOBTOAl.L ON .iiO.OOO cltv property: no commls*ion. Addre**, wltii particular*. L B.. Herald ofllca. ?? a ."a ?WANTKD, CAPITAL TO CONTINUE $00.000. an intero.tlntf ??d *?&*&',<)'?*???"? addre** K> rKKHKlSK. boK I3? Herald ntHce. _. S>7T/\ l\Tul TO LOAN. IN 31'M-s TO Sl'IT. ON $80,000 Real Ka ate In tbl* city or Brooklyn. Ad are** I., box 174 Herald office. |IMo.oool2r,^MMSS v-r?TTTi n\ ToaNKO IN SUMS TO SUIT. AT $1,000,000 lowe*t rate*, on nrlme E,,?!|^'t*'0' I|)i,uuv.u v J. S|KVJJ.SS??X. Jr.. No. 4 l'lne Ik RVS1HE8!) OF?*OBTtl?ITIB>. ?x.{V , u ,v WITH IHOROUOH BUSIN'KSS town Branch olllce vTrFy" OR' PARTIES IIAVI.SO ABOUT wdntrd?To extend the <ale of a proprietary article of j wnni n-Pl|-?iv iiitroduceti lor iunuul?rturlug and . S^Vr-ru^br^'^p,^. to character given and j required. Addre** X.. Herald offlee. "* M ACTIVE MAN WITH PROM ?tlU TO $VXt CAN . A." btwT a good laveatfeni. LLOYD, g> Broadwy. _ , m.m wanted?withfi.affj. inooon position; > A wajel and aeearlty ?iven or take re- I tlrii.f^artner> intere.f In -pfeni.ld .-.i*h bu?ine?. 1 ar tlcular* ot .lA^LJ-J.oflic A>tor llanat, _____ *?VRKSCllMAS' KNOWINO THE KAIIRICATION , xairss | V.. Herald uflice. , ??? ! ~~ ZrHuiTloNaTCAP 1TAL PROOURKD FOR MER- : A. cliant*. manufacturers and olherv Mlnln* Interest*, | i i. i??i l . laiu Nxi'lmnirif'l lur jn r j nrgotl Med ^al M?twe excM'iB* i r)( ,ou* witb o-ipital .oekli V*. ao^? q Ar?,lir I '* rPPK.VnaBjr"4 Wa ii Ble "' Sewing MhcIhuo i'o.n. , l?:*^S"l&2t**" * CAIlWoN. Kinau. | rial anil Uailliea* Broki-r*. ?H Broadwaf. . i 1.1MTVITR WANTkn WITH $i.0?X?.T<J COMMENCE man. Aildrea* ??>*' llmlnon *t. A? ? l iitv|/a WAMTKO?IN A SAKE. LUCRATIVE. mercantile r.nh bu?ine*?: I'"1R established nndI in aucceUlul operation . full value tor the money; bu?lne?* wl.l T FhysTciaS'S pra. tick for salk-ohikply A office; c*u?e, III healtn Addre** FUVMlLlA*, b.ix 101 Herald Uptown Branch office. "i"rilllV(T' FOR A MAN TO MAKE A OOOD L1V A In ? with i-'LVI caah. a* Partner In a Lunch Room, Ion* ?7nt, .ear t'lty Hall; day and nl?bt bu.inew. Ad dre**P ROM INKNT CORN ft K, iferald office. ? ? 1'auTNEK WITH DERI RED TO Ijn'KST A enu.i'v ^imi'KS ami ii.haiv.i-a aPLENOlD HiaNO FOE C,0wAh"e.t.r.-d retail trade, rent cheap. Apply to Mr. Cu'RTIS. 4>'> Warren ?t iVaSCY IUIOUH DKALRIW, FEDLEIIS ANO STttKRT r *a! e ?men?uppl I ?l with Oood*; 10' per cent profit, t all on or addre** MANUFACTURER. 47 Dj^roomi. ?.?nKK AaNTKI)?IN WELL ESTABLISH hl> LS ?>?s Iaiirs&w Ki?f5S Hranch office. ? il- vntei^aS auenoy for specialty in hard. \V ' ware or machinery on comml**ion. 1. C. BALLARl) Itrj Diianr *t. W A.M HD-AN Al'TIVK. KNKKilhTiC YOUitO MAN, TT wltli a capital of noon! ?? * partner In * well 'itakliiM, lucrative eity biMinca*; heat of rrlarenie given and required. Aitdrewi II. W. J., box MM llrrald tallica BY NOT I.N I'RtlKST VOUHMKLF IN AN JiHTAB- ! linked aueeessful ciali bii?in?M with $.>,(**' ? Addrena (;i;()Riir.. llerald office. ?11W1WILI. *f.CUKfc rKKBANK.NT BUtllHBdU, j JJ)1UU paying 100 per cent. HKItMAN A CO.. I 47 OurtUndl it. | aHui to ?muu-r aktiem with tuim a boost JJptJUv to take e\clu?lrr ?irrncr f'?r I'hlU<1elphl?, Balti more unil utlicr riit?? nu ?t*plo urtlcle In *r??t demand. Ad- ' dreaa IIAKVI".V, llerald office. (fcfjj nilii wiuT"i*i kiTii V8B onTTtbikd IX. ! i]pl''.'n'U tere*t in an old established manufacturing i ( hiiniiieaa in thi* rilr. paying lair prutin . tl.U i? a rare ! opportunity lor a man of Rood character. Addreaa A. O. 11., ! llerald office. 5jTwT~i M|7T*?WAN I'KO. A WKNTLKMAN OK KDU- ' tJjVi'ltMf, ration to organise a atook company and act at aeoretary anil treasurer; Imrral remuneration ; this U bo humbug, Aiiilrcu IXTKUH1TY, bos tut llerald office. BUSINESS TROUBLES. Abel Denlson, President ol (be Qcrman-Amarlea& Warehousing and Security Company, of No. S3 William street nnd ol Na ft l?oy itroct, liu been adjudged a bankrupt by Register Allen on the petition of Arnold, Constable ft Co., the New York Rubber Company, Pratt Brother*. -Robert Sobell, Kichartl Arnold and Allred Hitjr, in whom h<< owe* about $30,000. Tlie < l.iitn ol Arnold. Countable .% Co. amounts to ' $u;,.ui 44J; Richard Arm>ld, $46,000; Robert tkibell, ! $4,4?? 03. The firm of Leggett k Young, trucks, or No. 183 Pearl street and 400 Badison street, have filed a voluntary petition lo bankruptcy. Tliey have liabllt tlna amounting to $7,ti00 and aaaetn $2,000. Wel?ker Brothers. ribtM'n.?, ol No. 477 Broadway, have goae into bankruptcy. I here arc sixty-one cred I tori", tne principal ones bein? 1 lie lollowing:?Hatnell .t Booth, |14,'.t!WPr,; J. u. A- Allen Weisker, $10.KM; s. Newman, $0,410; Koi-ert ^etnner, $0,1031 -Their liabilities aggregate nixiut $7^,000. and their asaeta con slit merely 01 old accounts and some real estate in Wisconsin and Iowa, which has probably been Mid for taxes, as the ttrm lias not paid any amoe 1H6A Tin- failure of Beasrs. Meaatnger A Wright, wool brokers, ol Xo. 100 Duane street, baa been annouueed. II. <i. Openheim, dealer In boots and aboea, of No. tK)l (Iran i street, has made an aaeigtimsat lor the benefit of his creditors. The first composition meeting of the creditors of l.ewls Deckel was held yesterday before Register H. W. Allen, ol No. Itol Broadway, when the bankrupt's liabilities were stated to bo $70,104 37 and bis ?!?->?? $lti,8U. A composition of twenty cents on the ooiutr ??!'Mowed D9tnvu offered tad met** byfh*. er*^lk>r? by a unanimous rote. ?- i . 2nVwJ?* e*a?IDationa were beld m the oOoeof J*'?' John W. Fltcb. No. 346 Broadway, jotter M- T-fk ?*u?r of c. C. Siutt it tobifl propertr ?!?'. *?**?* P*'. U?? the value of tbe real MUM of nSui n. Schuchardt to fix a dower right ft* hit wife: aJJf Mr J<*r*y aa agalDsl the estate ol ff -c a.f Tl**; axaminatlon of claim of Mrs Stein rertTin ?r.lwr h?*band, a bankrupt; aa to the avanf. !? . 11 H. Kinney; contionation ol Shaio^ ?mn?ri-?B *??? or Harris, Richmond h ana'cr, importers, of No. 560 Braadwa.v. A CUBIOUSLY FORMED SKULL. Tha body ol a drowned man was found on the shore st Governor's Island yesterday morning sad sent to the Morgue. In tbe afternoon Deputy Coroner Mao Winnie made an elimination and foand tbe right aide of the bead very mucn depressed, as though by a blow from soma heavy inurnment. Tbla circumstance cnusod himi to make an internal examination of tbs head, which disclosed a very curious malformation Tho apparent depression was caused by the nitn-m. thinness of tho skull ou that side. It w^m fVc?^ thin as to allow the light to ahine tbroagb! The con tour of tho skull was also irregular. There was n? fracture, however, or any other mark of violence Th? millorrastion had probably existed Irom tbe birth at the deceased and oven without his knowledge. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. MARRIED. SrrRoa?- Whjt rax.?At tbe residence of tbe bride's parents, at Comae. L. L, hy Rev. Jamea Sinclair on Wednesday, May 10, William N. Spcbos, of 8mlth. town, L. I., to Clara A. Writmax. ^ DIED. Aronii.TRRi.?At Montclair, N. J., oa Saturday May 13, A** Jask. wife of John S. Augbiltreo Relatives and friends are invited to attend the fa nersl, from the North Presbyterian charch, isomer of F^it*1" *Dl' *v'' ou ^e<Jnc,(1<,Jr> l"th insL, at two Ama.?On Monday, May 16, Taxkr Axx, widow of tho iate Wro. F., In the 58th year ol hor age. Tho relatives and friends of the family are respect fully luvited to attend the funeral, from tho Memorial Methodist Episcopal cbnroh, Whlto Plains, on Wednes day. >la.v 17, at two o'clock P. M. Train leaves Grand Central depot at 11:30 A. M. Baxcroft.?In this city, on Monday, May 14, 1878, Maky E. C., widow of John T. Hanuroit, and daagnter ot tho late Major Thomas E. Katcham, United States Army. Relatives and frionds ot the family are Invited to at. tend the mnernl, this Wednesday, at two o'clock, iron her late residenco, 28 Kast 47th si. Hurry?At Newark. N. J., on Tuesday, May 1?. Marciarkt E., wife of William f). Berry. Kim oral Irom har laio ru.sidenco. 291 High si oa Friday. May 19, at eleven A. M. Trains leave foot of Barclay or Chriaiopher st. at 9:45 A. M. Carriages ml depot. Pittsburg (Pa.) papers please copy. Bikruofv.?On May 16, Lie wis BiiRuogr, In tbe 60tl yciir ot his age. The friends of the family and the members of th? Congregation B'nai Jerburun are respoctfully invited t< attend the funeral, from Ills Iste residence, No. 221 Kast 33d st., this (Wednesday) morning, at ten o'clock. The members of the Hebrew Mutual Benefit Society are heroby notified that the funeral of Mr. Lewie Bier hofl will lake place from his lata rostdenee, 228 Easl 33d st., this (Wednesday) morning, at ten o'clock. A. $. VaN PRAAG, President Blt.?At Rochester, May 10, after a brief Illness. DorciLAs Blt. M. D., ot that city. Br i-ck.?Tuesday, May 16, 1876, Florrxcb, only child ol Thomas and Julia II. Bruce. riie relatives and friends of the family ore respect fully inviioii to attend the luneral, ou T ursday, May 18. 1870, nt one o'clock P. M., at No. 261 West 12th St. C'akrillo.?Suddenly, at Spring Valley, N. Y., oa Monday, May 15, Mary M.tRGARRTr Infant daughter of AUolfo L. and Cecelia K. Carrillo, aged 9 months. Funeral on Thursday, tbo 18th mst.. at three P. If. Dkxikk.?On Monday, May 16, Scbar Dr.mkk, m tha 77ih year of her age. The relatives aud friends arc respectfully invited to attend the funeral services at tho residence of her son, William H. Deuike. 108 West 38th st.,, on Wednesday eveniug, at eight o'clock, without further notice. Farmkk.?Suddonly, on May 16, at Newark, N. J. Eihiar Fahxkr, hi the f>2d year of his ago. Funeral services from bis Into residence. No. 64! Broad St.. Newark, N. J., on Thursday, May 18, at tw? o'clock P. M. Interment nt convenience of the family Fitch.? Oil Sunday, tbe 14th mst., Evebbtt D. eldest son of T. J. and Louisa Fitch, in tho Oth year o his age. Relatives nnd friends of tho family are requested t< atteud ilie funeral, on Wodnesday, 17th Inst., at elovec A. M., from tha residence of his parents, 436 Eau .V2< st., without further notioo. Fitch.? In .Vow York City. May 15, 1S76, Cathkrixb duuzhtcr ol the lute Thomas Willock, ol Norfolk Vu. ut/d wile ot S. 8. Filch,? M. I). ' Funeral service on Thursday, tho 18th Inst , atont o'clock, nt her lata resilience. Interment on Friday 19th Inst., ?t Laurel Hill Ceraut ry, Philadelphia! friends and relatives ol the family are respectfully in. Yited to attend. Noriolk, Va., and Philadelphia, Pa., popers p'oas* copy. IIkrkick.?At Oswego, N. Y., on Mav 16, Willia* H, Hkkrick, aged H years. Funeral from his lato residence, on Thursday Mai 18, at two P. M. Kaxskxhmock.?In Brooklyn, May 16, Johr Hrxrt K amskxiik ick, aged 33 years. Relatives and friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, Irom bts late residoneo 1S9 Court AL, on Thursday, 18th inst., at half-post two P. M. * I-itti.k. ?On May 16, Edward Cari.tox Littlr, only Child of undrew and Laura M. Little. Funeral iroui the residenco of the parents, No. 420 We#t ilst st., ou Wednesday, at ten A. M. l.cwKwoon.?At Manwich, Conn., on Monday, May lft, Fiwcxii S. Lock wood, formerly a sorgeant of th? Metropolitan Polico. Tho relatives and frionds of the family aro invited ta attend tbe runeral, at bla lute residenco at Stanwlek Conn., on Thursday. May 18, at ono o'clock P. M. There will be carriage* in attendance at Greenwich Connecticut., on tho day olthe funeral, to meet thi 10:10 A. M. train Irom tho Grand C?ntr?l Depot. ? Maxwril.?In Boston, April 28, Catharixk. wife ot William H. Maxwell, ol New York, aged 80 yeara ant 4 month*. * Mrrmocd.? On Tuesday, May 16. Fraxcu Mkrmodo, !n the 40th year ot his oge, born at Pollei-le-Grand! Canton de Vaud, Switzerland. His iricndM are respectfully Invited lo attend bit funeriil, on Thursday, 18th mst., at two o'clock P M from Uio Church du St. Esprit, 30 West 22d at ' bo tween Ath and ?th avs. ' Nolax.? On Tuesday. 16th Insl., Roskaxxa. youngest daughter of Henry and Bridget Nolan, aged 2 yoars S months and li' days. Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited io attend the funeral, Irom the residence of ner parents. No. 7 Grand st.. Jersey City, on Wednesday 17th mst., at two P. M., to Calvary Cemetery ti'CoxxKLL.?Oa Monday, May 16. 1876, Mart Axx, d.iUKhtor of John and Julia O'Connell, aned 16 veara. 9 iiiomhs and 6 days. ' ^ T * Funeral on Wednesdar. 17th, Irom tha residence ol her |?rcnts, 215 East 41at at.: thence to 8L Gabrfl'i church, Kant 37th sL, at len A. M., and thence to Cal vary Cemetery. Ram. a li?tho funeral of Euorrr Rardall, Ban.. will lako place from his residence# Bayonoe, N. J. at one P. M. to-day. Tho remaitia will oe conveyed to Greenwoo.L Trains for Bavonne will leave Jeracy Can tral ferry, foot of Dey street, at 11:16 A. M. and li noon. Uaprltr.?tin Tuesday, May 16. Harris, oaly son ol Amelia and frank D. K. Rupelya. Relatives and Iricnds are rospeetlnllv Invited to at tend his luneral, Irom the residence of bla grand muiher, Mrs. M. A. Voorhiea. on Thursday, the 16tb Iiisl, at half-past two o'clock P. M., at No. 69 Irviaj place. ' * Rrkd.?On Tuesday morning, May 16, Nathar Bria, aged 91 years, ift days. Relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to at. tend Ins luneral, Irom tho residence of his son-in-law, Gabriel Jennings. No 2 Heck man place, on Thursday, the 18th Inst., at half-past one o'clock P. M. Orange county (N. Y.) aud Falrlleld county (Conn.1 papers pleaso copy. Robrrth? On May 14, Thomas Rohkrts, la his 634 year. Friends sre respectfully Invited to attend the fancral on Thursday, at one o'clock p. M., from his late rest dence, 38 Lexington av., Brooklyn. K.(Wax.?iin .Sunday, Muy 14, Mart B., wife of Vico Ailmlral S. C Rowan, United States Navy. Funeral services si Church of Holy Trinity, Brook lyn, on Wednesday. May 17. st four P. M. Sciikrick?On Tuesday, May 16, Dkrorar, wife o* Isaac SchertcK. Relatives nnd friends of the family arc reapeotfnllj requested to attend the runeral. trom the residence, 34:MVcet 41st at., on Wednesday, May 17, at tou o'clocl Scott. ?Suddenly, on Monday evening, tha 16tl lust., Captain Harrt Soott, of Port Washlnston in the 61at year of hla age. ' Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to at tend the Inneral services, at the r<sldence of Mrs. Hart, Ne. 33 South 10th at, Williamsburg, on Thurs day morning, at ball-past eight o'clock sharp. Tha romalns will ho conveyed to Port Washington for Inter ment. Tt'BXRi'Lt?On Monday, May 16, arter a long and severe Illness, AKORRW Tvrxrglu a native of Edio burgh, Scotland, aged 68 year*. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to at tend the funeral, ou Thursday, at one o'clock from his late roaidence. No. ?17 East .Vim st. White.?Suddenly, on Monday, Mav 15, Fraxcis T Wiiitr, veterinary snrgoon, nged .'>7 years. The relatives and friends or the family aro reapert. HcnLlnv'tCl,,0?U,;^',h0 """ral- "??>? hi. lata resl dly iisy i:" st tZ o clook on Wednoa The membera of Ix baoou Encampment, No 12, 1. O. biws-' 1UM 'TPS* l<!. me!i lhc,r Od<l Fel *? *? """>*?c Wsiour.?At Ae* Roohelle, N. Y.. May 13. Kirni WrlehiMin ia|UgliifK ?f Mur/ "4nna 8,1,1 tho <"? Charlof Wright, in the 18th jesr of hor age. ati.nrfVtB *n.d frlen,,l, *re rospoctfully tovlted to nasi on r ' ?B 17th insfc, at half past one, from the rosidence ol her mottiee Woommcm!*' ?n !'a'ar('B'r> 13, Captain Pmwi aoc,1fr'#n(l1 ?r the family are Invttod tn at i '""O?'. from his late rosdonce, No. 114 ?V. tt iiwe o'clock *-*T all<rl,ool,? IT? half p ,at Richmond and Norfolk papers pleaaa oaf ft j