Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD WHOLE NO. 14,515. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIBECTOKT FOR ADVERTISERS. AMUSEMENTS?2d Page?5th i>nd 6th col*. ASTROLOGY?lam PAOB-JSth col. BILLl A KOS?1 1th Paob- Ulli col. BOARDER* WAN TED-2n "W and 4th eats. BOARD AND LODGING WANTED?-?!> Pa*m?4th col. BROOKLYN BOARD-2D Pagb?4th col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?pth paul BUSINESS NOTICES?7th 1'ask?<*h col. CITT BRAL EsTAIB FOR SALE?2d riU-lM aoL CLE RES AND SALESMEN?1-th Paob?4th eol. CLOTHING? 11th Piu-6th col. COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?12tm Page?4th eol. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?1st PAUB-Oth audtith cols. COPARTNERSHIPS?9th pack. OOUNTRY BOARD?2p Pack??th coL DANCING ACADEMIES?2n PA?B-?th col. DENTT8TEY? 12th Pacb?6lb col. _ DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. PUBLISHED AND UN FURNISHKD?2d Page?2d col EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?t?rpaw?6the?L EUROPE?11th PieK-eth c?i. . excursions?In Page?0th col. FINANCIAL?!>ra pack. POR SALE? 12th Paob?Hth ooL . . FURNISHED BOOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Paob?2d aud 3d cols. PUENITURE-lgr col HELP WANTED?FEMALES? 13th PABB-Sd Bad 4th colt. HELP WANTED?MALES?12th PAGB-4th and 5?h eols. HORSES, CARRIAGES. AC.?1st J?AOB-2d, ad. 4lb and 5th cola HOTELS?2d Paob?Mb eol. HOUSES. BOOMS. AC.. WANTED?2d Pabb-3d eoL INSTRUCTION?2n Paob??tb col. LECTURE SEASON ?an Page?tth eol. LOST AND POUND?1st Page? l?t eol. MACniNERT?12TH PAOB-<.th col. MARBLE MANTELS?2d PA.;ie-?th col. MEDICAL?12m PAOB-?tl. ool. MILLINERY AND dressmaking?1st Paob?6th eol. miscellaneous ADVERTISEMENTS?10th Pagb (th col. MUBICAL-Uth Pace?6th eol. NEW publications?7th Paob-6th col. PERSONAL? 1st Page?Wt col. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS. Ac.?2d Pagb??th col. PROPOSALS?1?t Pagb?6th eol. professional SITUATIONS WANTED?FBMALEB? 12th Paob?3d col. PROPERTY OUT OP THE CITT POR SALE OB TO RENT?2d Paob?1st col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d Paob?1st and 2d colt. REAL ESTATE WANTED?2d Paob?3d col. REWARDS?lrr Page?1m col. BALES AT AUCTION?12th Paob?5th and ?th cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12*n Paob?1st, 3d and 3d colt. SITUATIONS WANTED-M ALES?12th Page?4th col. SPECIAL NOTICES-) st Page?1st and 2d col*. SPORTING?DOGS, BIRDS, AC.?1ST Paob?2d coL STORAGE?11th Paob?6th ool. SUMMER RBSORTS?2n Pagb?4th col. THE TRADES?12tii Pagb?5th col. THE TURF- Ut Pagb-3?1 eol. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURP0SF8?2n Paob?3d eol. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE-lsr Page?6th col. unfurnished ROOMS AND apartments TO LBT? 2d Pagb?3d col. WATCIIE8, JEWE LUY, AC.?11th PtOB-flth eol. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOB SALE OB TO LBT?2n Paob?lit col. TACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.?10th PA0B-6th eol. PERSONAL. t? V*mbrff~WfT K N E W'"WlVAf^sWK?krtou JL) won Id write and try to see me. OLD DARLING. Darling wife-abb tou mine only by all that has passed f I know yon are not deceltfttl to poor "Mosquito;" but If yon deitire another In your heart I will release yon. although It kills me; I deserve at least caudar; T?u know my pure and sole devotion to you only; kill me, but do not trifle with me. P. H. Delano, ibo madiron av?information-is wanted of this family; this is In regard to the chang ing of infants: kldnappinir ease. Call on or address new YORK DETECTIVE BUREAU, 765 Broadway. DO. MPBILER IS DBSIKOUS OF FORMING ? the acquaintance of one of the three laoies who. In company with small dog and stont young man, came down on Flushing train Thursday evening; afterward were ou forward ma of ferry boat; if agreeable. Address box 173 Hsrald Uptown Branch office. Earthly mortals.-will meet you same place, o'clock, Saturday, If satisfactory; answer. II. I. BRIDGE, Herald Uptown Branch office. E?BLACK SUIT AND WHITE GLOVES, HARLEM. ? Please inldrran M. L. Herald office. Information WANTED?OF PATRICK MORRIGAN, son of Michael Morrigan and Mary Nickalson. and Pat rick Duffy, natives of Kellxtgneto. county Galway, by their eousln, MARY aNN NICKOLSON, Johnston av., Telford Lawn, Jamaica, L I. WANT YOU THIS AFTERNOON, AT 2 O'CLOCK, on 4th av., where we last met. YAM. FSS B. D,?OLD FRIENlTToU recognized ON front of car on 42d St., Wednesday afternoon, wonld like address. W. U., box 186 Herald Uptown Branch office.. UBY-NO LETTER; OH, RUBY! WILL BE THERE; letter in offico; thine always and forever. WILL R CliOULD THIS MEET THE RYB OF MRS. D. CADY, O formerly of San Frsncisco, please send her address to M. E. GONZALEZ, 53 Leonsru sw, care Uofftnuu Bros. A Bloom. T'HB GENTLEMAN WHO WORE EYEGLASSE8 wonld be pleased to lorm the acquaintance of the lady he met In the 6th av. car and subsequently at Parker's res taurant. Address S. F.. box 216 Herald office. ILL THE LADY WHOM GENrLEMAN ASKED TO read personals while seelug Iter to De K*lb avenue :ar permit lilin to form her acquaintancef Address BOTH WELL, Herald office. LOST AMD rOCMU. +""08^?A^ppfrz 8LVT: NAjifK PL'FKY; LOST~in JLJ Lexington iv., nesr Soth st. Return to 145 5th av. L08T-0.V rilE IflTH, FROM 84TH ST.. A SCOTCH Terrier, answering to the name of Nelly. The finder vill be suitably rewarded by returning her to 357 5th av. r OST-ON TUESDAY. MAY 16. A RUSSIAN LEATHER Li Pockethook, going from East 21>t st. to 42d st. and Broadway, St. Cloud Hotel. Finder will be rewarded by re turning to 328 East 21st St.. first floor. Lost-an Malmi regiment non-comm7s sloned Staff ltadgo. The finder will be suitably re rarded by returning it to A. C. B VXTER, 10"> South 5th av. LOST-A PET RING dove-fiTE>iNbKR WILL BR suitably rewarded by returning it to No. S Bast 3Hth st. rewarok. ~ RKWARD.?LOST. ~ON WEDNESDAY. tfAfr"l7. ? in walking from 5th av. and 13th st. to Broadway ami 11th St., an embroidered Handkerchief, witu a bine border and monoiram in blue and white. Any one returning tho same to No. 9 Waverley place will receive $5 reward. ?LOST."WEDNESDAY. FROM 31 WEST 20TH ft). St., Scotch Terrier; rod ribbon on; name Jakey. |?OM RBW^D.-Tfit^TERRIEJt DOG LOST; SEE I)?\J particulars in yeiterdsy's (Thursday) Herald. fAN YECHTEN.426 6th av. fcon KEWARP.-LOST, ON THURSDAY. MAY 18, pjZi\J about 3:30 I'. M., noar the corner of Broadway tnd 27th St.. a white Spiti Dog. answering to the name of "Ah Sin;" hsd on at time ol loss a collar, with name and iddressinscribed. Upon returning the dug tuNo. 125 Lex Burton av. the above reward will be naid. special" Notices. A N IMPORTANT KACT KOR A. ADVERTISKR8 TO CONSIDER Circulation ot the EVENING TELEGRAM tut week ???:? fondnr. *?y a 35,800 taeeday. May 9 4S,fHO Yedoenday. May 10 u7,Hm rhuriwlay. M nv 11 37,201 > friday, Mar 12 30,400 Saturday, May 13 34.700 Total 230.1 on Dally average 38,350 AUVKKTlSl.Vti RA'IY.S, *0 CENTS PER LINK. ATTENTION I?TWENTV-riVK YEARS' PRUSSIAN bnpltal experience: diteaie* ot men and disease* of llie akin ? specialty; consultation iree :tprlvate office 101 Bleeckerst. Dr. JACOUY. ?ISA AC O. BOY(CT:. 207 "BROADWAY,T.AVVYKrT? ? IMvorce* obtained promptly, without publicity : deser. Hon. incompatibility, habitual drunkenness, infidelity, In. kuman treatment, runvlction cf Moor. l'nssoort* obtained. ?FIRST PRIZE, ?io8.tllib GOLD; ?~ . Main drnwlnir "I the I!ncal Brun??ick Covrrnmei.t lottery, from May 10 to J tint' p. 1 -<7(1. HO,dU> tick*t?. 28.500 prises. Royal Havana Lottery. Next drawing May 22, tt;7Q. Kali explanatory circulars l>w. TIIKODORK SWCIIOCH. Box 5.51HPost "Hie*. 111! Nassau ?t.. New York. FRACTION <>K TUB INDiniTKlAL exhibition Company. participating In allotinrnt of .luno 5, lor rale at N<>. 1 >V*.I it.. each; Iuwent premium, $j 10; highest 983. * *RBNTt)cKY~8TATK \a?TTERFB!j OK J. 8. HM1TH A CO. XBHTrricr?*xtka cum, 4?:?. roit 1878. 78, 70, 77. ?. 30. A3, 2T, 58, 07. 28, I 0. num'Ckr-clam 444. ron i?78. 20, 85. 71. 30. "f, M' 1(1, 52. ?1. 18. 62. 40. All orders address H. NATHAN, 181 Broadway, or Post oRice box 4.87o New York city. ZfttRKti. BMBRHON k CO. , Kentucky State Lotteries. drawn dally. Roy it I Hnvana Lottery ilrairn evajrjr 17 daya. Kentucky Slums Number lottery, drnwn May 27. 18TH. Prises cashed. Information lurnlshed nnd circular* free. 1W ilriiailwn;' Post nffiecbex 5,272. New Yora. D" ~?" (iGULAiri). "laI* rnoKi-moB in >ari?, ?i Weit -Citli *t?Nervous debilliy, Ac., speedily eradi cated. Adrict> tree. DR. FRANCIS QOl'LARD, LATH PROFESSOR IN I'artK. lectures mn vtcklf, Private ollltfs for recep tion ol patients. 41 Wnt IWhIi ?t. Nervous debility sml tll? pases or men nnd wotnen speedily eradicated. Consultation free. Diseases of mrn a specialty. IIKNRY A. DANIELS, M. D.. 144 Lexington av., ae.-tr 2!?tIt at. Office bonm from 8 to 3. DlClAMES CAN^ltli jtPKCIALLTlio'" SULTKD~"ON disuse of men, at HI Ftlint it.: moderate chnrire?; bonnraole confidence; thorough treatment; 20 years'ex|fe rlenee: advice free. D?. II. J. JORDAN. SOLE PROPRIETOR OK TIIR New York Mn?etim of Atiatoiny, ha>>ed Ills resi dence and office to No. 5 Washington place, three dour* went of Broadway. Ct -OrriClAI. DKAlTlN?r Y~STAT R LOT T. terle?. SIMMON# A Dlt'KINKOX. Manager*. xrxTfcxr. kitka class mi. H3.V-nai is, |s7?. 2, 36. 07. ?. 45. 4ti. 7s. 77. :ts. ait, 8. :? iltL 24. KKKTVCKT, CMM XO. ;|:M._jiav 18, I87U SI, 48. l?. 1". 51, 41. 21. 50. 4. 21' 4, 42. n*.var. kxtma i lam mo. itn>ur IH. iS7t. M 48. t>". Il?. 4>. 8ft, tO, Ifj, ;!4, 74. |:t Hi 3^ 71 iixaRT, ci.aks 50. ana?way is, is7o. |fl, 47, Ml. -<t. :i . .t. . HI, I. J. IK. VH 75, 71. Knll inlormawon ny applyins t.t or addrmainc J. CLOTE | t.ti, ill) Bro;idwnv, or box I.WIV I'nnt office. CV?F=*)?."0" IN Plir/.KS: KVKHY OT'ilKR'TTcKkT~A I, prl*t?.?8IM Jft>NS A DICKINM)N ninple natuber Ken teckey Stute Lottery, to Im drawn May li, 1K7?; 25,420 trxel out ol .Vi,<W? tiiken. Vl?o Hoyal Havana, to lie drawn ?n May 22, IH7t>. J. t.'J.l.TE A CO.. SO) Broadway, or box t.Wit), fat office. _____ K""ZFmRON'C CATARRH. ORAKNR?>i IMTROT^O . mt'ilio I; Inttantaneou* relief; permanent rare*. Itt. bIOUDAKD, No. 8 West 14th at. SPECIAL BOTICKB. jMUJV" 600 iSb eV?S scurmST ?vary other ticket t prm. 25,420 PriMi, amounting to $SX),(XXI KENTUCKY STATE D13 T RIBUTIO N. Draws Hatarday, May 27. Littof Prises. 1 Prise of S20.000 2 Priaes of fS.fflO IO.OOU 2imi*??ofii.uuu so.ujo SO Pnsse?f?r.O Ut'-OO 23,(*Ju Prise* of $3... .123.UX) 1 Prireof .... $30,000 1 Prise of 10,fiui( 3Prtseeoff2,300.. 12.5(11) 20 Prises of10.000 '.hi friie* off100... 1*>.?>?> 1X1. amounting to 11.000 Tlek>la,|ltt; halvse, $5 ; quarter*. $2 30. Ail Prises paid in lull. Addreas all orders for tickets and Information to TH0&. U. BAYS * CO.. 687 Broadway N. Y. AY ANA LOTTERY.?NRXT DBAW1NG OP ?0,066 tickets. May 22; amount of priaes, f0l*>,000; highest prise, >100,000. For particulars adrtresa li. MAltri.VRZ t CO.. 10 Wall iL, box t.liC Pout uffioe, New York. iNTUCKY_STAfB~LOTTKHI E8?DRAWN DAILY?" Kentucky Sinirle Number (irumi Distribution, drawn May 27: tieketa; 23.420 priaea. Whole tickets, <1<); halves, 93; <iu*rter?, (2 .VX Third Louisiana Gold Distribution to bo drawn Jnly 20. Whole tickets, (30; tenths and twentieths In proportion. Por information, circular*. Ac., address nr apply to JACKSON A CO., Bankers, a-2 Broadway, hew York. t ADnm ooxsclt nx, onxnij. nut au a? JU ment*; apeedy curei whatever the mat tor. 142 West 4Mth at. VTBRTO0S EXHAUSTION.?A MEDICAL KSK *Y J.1 comprising a series of lectures delivered at Kahn'a Mu senm of Aaatomv, New York, on tbe cause end curs of l're mature Decline, showing indisputably how lost liralth may be regained, affording a clear synopsis ot the impediment* to marriage and the treatment of nervous sad physical debility, being the result of 20 years' experience. Price 23 cents. Ad drees tbe author, Dr. L. J. KAUN, office and residence 31 Rast loth st.. New York. P~ ILRS OB HEMORRHOIDS PERMANBNTLYRRADI. cated in two to four weeks' painless treatment; no knife, ligatures, canities or cautery employed; poeitlvelr NO CllARGB POK TREATMENT UWTIL CURED. Circulars free. Dr. 8TODDAJID, only oflice No. H West 14th st. R0>AL HAVANA LOTTERY. . The next drawing will take place on May 22. Prises cashed. Order* filled. Information furnished troe on appli cation. Spanish bank bills and governments purchased. TAYLOR * CO.. Bankers. 11 Wall at.. New York. s OUTH 3TU AY. Amity st. Opposition to Oilbart Elevated Railroad Company. All persons Interested in property front in* on South 3th av. and Amity st. are invited to attend ? meeting to be held for the purpose of organising a vigorous opposition to the construction of an elevated railroad through said streets. Meeting will be held at No. 71 Washington square south, between Mouth 3th av. and Wocster st., on Friday afternoon, 10th Inst., at 4 o'clock. ? Re anre to come or be represented. By order of committee or property-owners. > Mat ie. 187a TUB MRMRBR8 OP THE NEW YORK STATE MILI tla are invited to oall and examine onr naw atylo of shoes, especially adapted for promenade pnrpoaes. OANTRELL. Nos. 23U and 241 4th av. (klifUl nOH -ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. fOUW.UUU. Next drawing May 22. Circulars with fall particulars sent free. P. C. DEVLIN A CO.. Stationers and Oeneral Acents, No. SPark row, near Ann St.. opposite Post office. New York. SPORTING?lk/G?. BIKIIS. ?C. BaSeball Pools"sold every after.nooS" on all professionsI gamea st JOHNSON'S Pool [looms. Telegrams, by inninga. received today:?Cbicairo vs. St. Louis, at Chicago; Hartford vs. Boston, at Hartford. "POOLS SOLD AT NEW~i'ORK TI RF EXCHANGE X tbis afternoon on Boston vs. Hartford, at Hartford; (Chicago vs. Rt Louis, at Chicago. SEIBKRT A McCLOUD. THIS Tl/ItF. 3~tffctr?T!r"AND" FRENCffpoot.s 86L"n "Xf new . YORK TUKP EXCIIANOK. 13 West -.'8th st. tbis afternoon anil evening, on the LOUISVILLE snd WASH INGTON runnlug races. FRENCH POOLS close st 3:20 P. M. KELLY. HI,ISM ACQ. Auction and frknch pools' sold at thomas* Excliauge. 1,239 Broadway, every afternoon and evening on the Louisville Ruunlng Races; also on sll Ball (james and on tho Billiard Tournament at Philadelphia. Re sult of each game received by telegraph. <1. M. THOMAS. TuCTIOX AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD AT JOHN ii BON'S Rornns, corner of Broadway and 28th at., on the races at Louisville, Ky.; full returns received by ttlograph of each race: French pools close at 3:30 P. M.; all orders by mail or messenger will reeeive prompt attention. T. li. A W, H. JOHNSON. /CONTINENTAL POOL ROOM. CONTINENTAL \J Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa.?Auction and French Pools sold dally on all sporting events in all parts of the country. HUDD DOBLB. ? L. R. MARTIN. FLEETWOOD PARK.?THB MRST SPRING MERT ingwillbn given June 1H, t? and 201 Tbo club house and restaarant under grand stand will be opened thn morn. Inv followlnffthe muatang race, by the well known enterer and hotel keeper, Billy Florence. PHILIP DATEK. Fleetwood park.-the privilege op sell ing pools on all the ertertainmonts given at the above for sale. Address PHILIP DATER. Fleetwood Park. Fleetwood park.-the cl?.'R housb, cot I? taite and Saloon under Grand ittand to let. Apply at the Park. , PHILIP DATER. Proposals will be BBceifSsl^OR the use of the Track and Premises ot the Sea View Park Associ ation at New Dorp, Rtaten Island, tor the term of one year from May 1, 1878. Proposals must be anbmltted before Sat urday. May 20. 1876, st 2 P. M. Address nil communications to HENRY MILLER, New Dorp. Staten Island. HORSED. CAKRIACEk. <KC. ucTioN house of arch, johnston, 10, 31. 23 una 2.1 11th at. uenr University place. OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE HOUSE IN TIIE city. REGULAR SALES OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. 34 hour* to three day*' trial on borsee warrnnteu sound. The oldest and moat rellablo house In tha city. t; TIII8 DAY (FRIDAY). AT 10 O'CLOCK. ELEGANT IMPORTED SADDLE HOUSE, GRAND duke, 1H hands high. H yenra old; kind and gen* tie, thoroughly broken to all galta. either by m<> tiou, word or whip; a very spirited, a yllah and * aristocratic miner, bnt very amiable and kind in disposition and safe for n lady to ride ; Is one or the Hurst and handsomest saddle horses in America. ENGLISH LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S SAD DLES. nearly new. TWENTY-FtVK SADDLES, balance assignee's sale. ELEGANT TEAM HAY (CARRIAGE) HORSES, 10 bands. 7 and 9 yeara; good fall manes and tails: have bean used in citr and country single ana double for family use; have not a vice. Fault or trick <>r any kind; aro not afraid or a locomotive or anything elso; any one can drive them; well matched in alee, trait and color, and are in every way a first class team for any nae; warranted aonnd. ELEGANT LANDAULET. satin and moroco, by J. B. Brewster A Co. SET DOUBLE HARNESS, made to order, by Merrl man. LIGHT BAROUCHE, in rood order, by Wood Brothers. SUPERIOR BKOWN MORGAN HORSE. l.W hands, 8 years old; kind and trae In all harness; Tree from vice; baa excellent square gait; is a first class roadster; can trot to-day In 8 :10; has been uaed to * it pony phaeton by a lady; Is perfectly gentle and In every respect a first class coupe or carriage family horse, without lault or trick of any kind; warrant ?t sound. < TOP ROAD WAGON, la good order, by Brewster, of Broome street. hIX-8EAT PARK PHAETON, In good order, by Wood Brothers. DARK ROAN PONY BUILT MARE, aired by (2d) llambletonlan. raised by the late Mr. Aapinwall; Is the handsomest cob In America; la kind In single ana double harness and extra fine nnder snddle; has not a lault. vice or trick of any kind; has been used aa a family pet by ladies and children; Is per fectly safe and reliable for any one to drive; I* spirited bnt very penile and Invaluable for family use; warranted sonnd. CANOPY TOP BASKET PONY PHAETON, nearly new, Bradley. Pray A Co. SHIFTING TOP DEPOT WAGON, In good order, by Jackson k Woniruff. THREE CLARENCES, in good order, by Lnee A Will iams. CELEBRATED TROTTING HORSE Black Sweney, known as the Dan Sweney horse; has a record or 3:2S; is a thorough i nod, square Irotter, n fine free, pleasant driver; does not shy or pnll; has not a vice or trick or any kind; can trot to-day In - !*?; Is safe for any one to drive ; is not afraid or a it. thing, and la a thorough good hone for any use and warranted sound. 8. H. ROAD WAGON, In good order, by Bnsittr, of Broome st v ELEGANT ROCKaWaY, nearly new. eltv built. B mlrgajft BAY CARRIAGE (OR COUPE) HORSE, Hi hand", l? years, kinil in all harness and Tree trom vice. Sold for acconut of whom it may concern by order ot assignee. An elegant horse. Sale abso lute TWENTY SIX OTHER HORSES, description time of sale. TOP PONT PHAETONS AND WAGONS, to be sold te pay advances and charges. LAliiiE ASSORTMENT of every kind of new and second hand Carriages, Wagons, Harness, Ac., this day at ARCU. JOHNSTON'S Mart. 19 to 3.% 18th at., near University place. Weather never interferes with onr SALES AT 10 O'CLOCK. A FINK LOT OF HARNESS TO BE SOLD CHEAP. Blankets Sheets. Nets. Ac. Largest st<<ek at lowest prices. Save money by dealing direct with the manufac turer. E. BART LETT, H3 Warren St., corner of College place. New York. Vt HALFVToST?ONE MOHtThaRTON. TWO FULL spring top Wagons, two Whitechapel ride bara; all the latest sty.a ; best city makers. Private stable. 33d St.. cor ner of 4th av. TroTt sale, if a l f~5pring top~buugy, good . maker; also full *pring top Buggy. Private hoarding atable.-V) West luth st. ? A BAY PONY-BUILT M ARE?7 YEARS, l.t hind*, free, stylish driver, 'inlet, for lady to drive, f l J.~>, top Buggy, set or fine llarnras II '.' Henry st., stable. AsorREiTTRom>o hkmhm;. i <> nstititiox-, record 3:31: I'"'* hands, 111 years old; top ?l4e bar t\ agon, track Harness mid Sulkey, at ;? bargain. 1U West 87tn at. ______ _____________ -WO'PONY-BUILT~ HOR*Kn~ ALSO LAKOE . draught Horse, young and eonnd. ?.Vi, $1IO, $135. ill Canal st.. saloon. T LOW PRICE?THREE HIDE BAR LE.MHEI! TOP Buggy at ferriage factory, corner NOtli st. and lloule NKW KlUIIT-FOtlT PLATE OYAI, SHOWCASE lor sale cheap; Clgartltandtoiet. 1,1151 Broadway. A rartl A t lJHHHHH H j\. hands. 6 te'rs old: warranted sonnd; wltiiont faun, vice or hl-nilsli. tan be ridden er driven ky the most tlinii lady or child; Is very h mds. nie; will stand In steam cars , alsilop I'liaelon and Harness; best city makers. Apuly nt private stanla ltil East 3*to si.^ V~'kECo\|? IIAVll~T. IP C Alt ?1 AUK FOR ONE n.irs- must liav-' seals lor l?nr and nuiat he ver) II.-lit and but little nsed Any one having snch a which they are willing to s?ll at a great harfsln l..r cash nlll 6lease ad<lr?->, immediately, ?. f. R., Uerahl I ptuwn ranch office. HOK8K8. CA1UUAGKB. ?SC. Auction house or van *absell V krauney. Ill) and 112 KAST laTU ST., HEAR 4TH AT. REGULAR RALES OP HORSES AND CARRIA0E8 EVERT TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. On ettrj bora* that i? warranted sound or kind and tril In harno**, from oua tu three day* 1> tfireu to MM war num. CATALOGUE or THIS DAY'S (FRIDAY) SALE, AT lt> O'CLOCK. BALE of CHOICE BRED TROTTING STOCK. HANDSOME BAY GKLDINI. ETHAN ALLEN itoek. 7 rear* old in hand*: can pace ? mil* In 2 ?>>; trot In very nobby driver; raited In Orange countj; warranted aound. HANDSOME LltillT BAY OR DUN COLORED MAKE (raieedby MIKE ZIBGLKK. CINCINNATI), l.ady Ziogler, II year* old, shod by QEN. GEoROB II. THOMAS, datn by Pilot; this mare is 15.3 hand*, is pure trailed; tin driven lost fall by Mr. McXatnara over Fleetwood track In 2 :.H6 ; hat never been bandied, but will certainly trot down In the twontiea till* summer; tb? aire of tibia mare baa nro dneed m>me of tb? bed colts in thla country: one?a five rear old-trotted last spring in 2 220; be U alao the aire of Scott a Thomas, entered lu the Outenulal at Philodelnhla tbli aummer: warrantedsonad. CHESTNUT GELDING IMPERIAL, foaled in 1*72. sired by balf brother to Volunteer imperial, he by Ryadyk'a llatubletouiau, dam by ."Wly's American Star: thla oolt li 10.21] lianda, ana, without exception, the moat premising young hone la the Stale. This colt waa Jiurchased by bis present owner at ?lgbt months old, or ? I,<#>>, troui Joe Oavln, of Goahen, Orange county, and 1? to-day worth $j,(X>0; is warranted lu every par ticular. FINE U.VY GRI.DING CHARLEY KAHN, foaled in 1*70, I.'i.i't, hand* hi::h. aired by Alexander'% Abdallah. dam a Camden man-, lie can trot hit mile in 2 ensure; Mr. McNatnara drove him this spring in 2 :15; be beat (Irani:* i.trl, r >u. baa a record ol 2:42. on the road last aummer. ?bea a* waa bet 5 yean old; Rood disposi tion, will stand without tying, and is warranted sou ad. BAY MARE LADY EMMA, foalel 1S6S aired by Young t'onaternation, dam by 11 Ul's Black Hawk; trotted last winter on the Ice la 3:3ft; can beat 2:40; fine waited K>?id disposition: warranted sound. ONE SIDE fear to}i Wagou, in ttrat class condition, made to order, by \ anduser, at a cost of 4525. ONE SI1)K bar no top Road Wagon, bailt by R. M. Stivers, in first class order. THRKn. SUITS uf Horse Clothing, Stable Blankets, Knots, Ac. Comprising the rboleest sto-k offered for sale tbii season. BAY 1IOKSK. SIKED BY RYSDYK'8 IIAMIILETONIAN, dam by American Star; ia 10 band* high. 5yoars old; kind and true In all harneae: free from vice; very stylish: has never been handled for speed. but can trot lu -:.V) to top wairon; la it tree and pleaaant driver; a first daaa horse lor gentleman'* road u*e, and warrauted sound: nl-o set Harness, and Tor ROAD WAGON, BUILT BY BREWSTER A CO. ELEGANT TRAM ItAY HORSES, KENTUCKY BRED, I.'?*? l ands hiirh, 7 and H years old; kind and true in all harness; free from vlc.i; very stylish and hand some: can trot In :i minutes together: hare great en duranre; fear nothing: can be driven by anyone, and are a first class road or carriage team. SILVKR MOUNTED CARRIAGE HARNESS, and FOUR SKAT l'ARK PltEAToN, Bl'ILT BY MINES and Stevens. BLACK l'ONY, 13? HANDS HIGH, 8 YEAR8 OLD; kind nnd true in all harnees; tree from vice; extra line under saddle; fear* nothing; a last traveller; suitable lor a lady to drive, and warranted sound. Also sot Harness aud TOP PONY PHAETON. NEARLY NEW. TEAM BAY HORSES, Irt HANDS HIGH, 9 AND 10 rears old; kind and true In all harness; free from rice; have been used for carriage driving and are an excel lent team tor general ute. Sot Double Harness and GLASS QUARTERED UOACII, IN C.OOD ORDER. BAY KKNTl'CKY BRED MARE. SISTER TO JAMES Miller; is 15}? hands high. 8 years old; kinj and true in all hartiesa; Iree from vice, an extra fine roadster; has a record of 2:57, and can trot In 3 mlnutea any day ; is al*o u superior saddle mare, well broken to all K?tf?; can be ridden or driven by a lady; warranted sound. Alsu set Harness, and TOP ROAD wagon, nearly new. SOKRKL PON i", 15 HANDS HIGH, fl YEARS OLD; kind nnd trne in all harness; free from vice; a last traveller: tree nnd Mylwli driver; good under saddlo; a superior |>ony for Initio* to rtde or drive, and warranted sound. Also set llnrnea*. anil BASKET PHAETON, WITH RUMBLE AND CANOPY. GRAY MARE, 15}.' HANDS HIGH. 7 YEARS OLD: KIND and true ill all harness; free from vice; a lust travel ler: free, prompt and peasant driver; fears nothing, and an extra good family animal. TOP ROAD WAGON. NEARLY NEW. BUILT BYTOOKER. TEAM BROWN HORSES, 15Ji HANDS HIGH, 7 AND 8 vesrs old; kind and trne In all harness; free from vice; fast travellers: free and stylish drivers: leer nothing; hava been usi-d by a private lamily, and are told only tor want of use. Also net double Harness and BRTTZK A, IN GOOD ORDKH, BUILT BY BREWTER. SORKKL TRUCK 1IORSK. 16 HANDS HIGH, U YEARS old; kind and true in all harneia: free Irom vice; ha* been used In a truck, audi* a first clan worker. Set Truck Harness and TI1REK-QUARTKR TRUCK IN GOOD ORDER. SOLD to par rhnr ;cs and keep, by order of Amr* Willett*. BROWN HORSE. 10 HANDS HIGH, u YEARS OLD; kind nnd true in all li.irneaa; freo irom vice: ha* been used in a grocer*' wacon: Is a good wo. her and war ranted sound.. Also Sot llarnea* aud NO TOP GROCER'S WAGON. SIX-SEAT PHAETON. IN GOOD ORDER, BUILT BY Brewster 4 Co., of Broome st. SIX-SKAT PHAETON. IN GOOD OEDER, BUILT BY Klsndreau. TWO FOUR-SEAT PHAETONS. BY MINER AND Stevens. , TOP dei'OT WAGON. WITH POLE AXl> SHAFTS, nearly new. built by Ben*on. No top depot Wagons. In good order. Vleto-la. bnllt by Moore. Extension top Phaeton. Rrekaway*, Dog Curt*, top and no top Rond Wagons and l'haetuna, double and (ingle Harness. Saddle* and Bridles. SALE COMMENCES AT 10 O'CLOCK. Attention ok okntlkmen is callko to the sale by public auction TO-MOHROW (SATURDAY). MAY 20, itt 11 o'clock, prompt, at tbe Private stable, No. 4 Weit IBtb it . one door we?t o' Atli av.. of *11 tbe fMt and ulaible lionet, One Oiinttini nd ele gant Harness, the property of J. I). Doremus. Consisting of tbe handsome end well Matched team of black Carriage Horses. raised hjr Dr. Herr. of Lexington, Kv . and aired by Casslus M. Clay, dam a half-bred mnro: they lire it nnd 7years old. 10 handa. half brothers; trotted together at County Fair at Paris. Ky., In 3:5(1. when pur chased bv pre*"nt owner: they cannot be out-styled by any team In the city, have bleb knee action, drive together like one horse nnd are perfectly broken, single and double: are not afraid of the ram: safe for any ordinary driver, and are wsrrsntcd sound and kind. Henutltul three-quarter bred sorrel fielding Radaman tlius, 8 ream old. 15JK high, sired by Melbourne, dam by Clark f'hlef: one of the bent hrhken. mwt graceM and finest behaved horse* In America; lias all desired gaits under sad dle, guides by motion: carry either lauy or rentleman with style and ease; Is hold, brave and fearless: finely broken to all harness, and ean trot in 3 :4.'i; warranted sound and kind. Eletrsnt black Trotting Mare Rosa Sonberg, sired by Highlander Chief, dam by Kdward Everett. Is six rears old, 15)jj hands hi eh; trotted last fall at Fleetwood Park in 2 37; is a very pleasant, prompt driver; I* not afraid of anything; does not pull, and is not excitable In company; extraordi narily good pole mare, and for a gentleman's road mare can not be surpassed In the city, and warranted sound end kind. Handsome high bred Trotting Mare Boston Olrl. raised by C. Russell, of Boston. Mass., sired bv Fearnaugkt. dam by Ceneral Knox: III fi years old. 1">K high; trotted, as a four Cear olfl In 2 :?2 over Mystle Park, when she ws? purchased y present owner; since which time she has been driven on the road: she Is a very stylish driver and i* perfectly broken; tafa for any one to drive: can pull a road wagon better then a 2 :40 gait; Is a good pole mare and warranted sound and kind. Rota Sonber* and Boston Olrl have been driven together and make a very last double team. Beautiful little hay Mare Nellie, ?lre<i by Ethan Allen, she is a perfect beauty. 14J? Uands high, bright hay. with Mowing mane and tall. 7 years old: has always been used by Indies and children: for that purpose she Is Invaluable; stands without tying and Is sxfe under all circumstances: is thoroughly broken under the saddle aad can trot in 2 :50; warranted sound and kind. Carriages consist of one elegant clglit-sprinT spring C Clar ence. mad' bv Wood Bros, at a cost of $4.1X10; one qneen's Phaeton, one Top p?ny Phactou with lamps, one aide bar Top Wagon, one full spring Top Yt agon. Harness consist of one elegant gold mounted carriage Harness, by Trslnor, two seu of light d"Uhle Harness, three sets of single llsmesa. Imported ladies' and gentlemen's riding Saddles and Hridles. Blankets. Sheets. Whips, Ac. N. B.?The above stock Is all first class and must be seen to be appreciated, and will be on exhibition until time ef sale. Male positive, wlthont limit or reservation. PAIR OK PONIKS. M.2 HAND-M)AKK RI.OOD BAY, very line, thoroughbred apnearanco: gentle and easy to drive, and wllj trot In ?'! minutes, or no sale. PAIR OK BLOOD HAY Carriage Horses, 1(1 handa. sound and gentle srd very handsome and stylish: price only f.VH). PAIR OF BBOWN Carriage Horses. 10 hands. (1 years old: finished and very handsome, with great speed and style; price only 8500. PAIR OK BROWN BATS. Ifl hands, fl years old: a re markable road team : sonn* and kind: price bat ftfloi AN RTHAN ALLRN PONY, 14.8; ran trot In 3 minute*; the showiest pony In New York; 0 years old: pleasant, easy driver for a lady's use; prise to anj one that loves speed and Kyle and great docility. fcl NOLE KOA0 HORSE, bay, 15.3 hands, very hand some, with fa r ?peed. HROWN MARK. 15 hands; a beautiful ereatnre; a lady's Basket Wagon. These horses described above have Juet come, and war* rsntcd sound, kind, and any reasonable trial given. J. O. TAYI/OR. 14S East 24th st, A" N IMPORTANT FACT FOR ADYKRTI9ERS to consider. Circulation of the EVENING TELEGRAM last week was Monday, May S 8.'i,00n Tuesday, May 0*> Wednesday. May lO S1.&V Tliur?dsy. May 11> Friday. Mar 12 rr,.4tt) Saturday, May 13 34,71*1 Total 23n lrti Dally average 3N,:Q0 ADVERT I SI NO BATES, 20 CKFTS i'F.R LINK. A -MAJOR CHAR, W. BARKER'S ORB ?T Regular HORSE and Carriage Sale, TO.VOBBOW (Hsmrdaylo-morrew, AT KI.KVEV o'clock promptly, AT It \RKKR A Son's CITY AUCTION Msrt end New York TettertaH'i, COBNBB OK ltroed*ay and ItMh at. ADVERTISED entries lor above close at 4 P. M. to-day. 8KB DESOKIITION* in tomorrow's Herald. -SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. I wo wheel Dog Cart, for half Its vain*. T Cart in good order, at fUMl l.lvlnrstun Dog Cart, nearly new. Victorl i, onr ?Me, very cheap. pony Phaeton, with top, need once. Two side bar Top Wagon*, our make. At BREWhTBB'*, 5th av. and 21st st. BARE cli.WCK.lfia". FOR A FINI;"SUPBEIOR le-tiber i?j> Pony Phaeton; best etty makers; not At private stafela No. :j West loth st. A FINK 'FAMILY OK ROAD IIORjtB FOR SALE; will exchange lor one of te?* value. Call at 21* Ureene st. and st 71* Beekntan st. until sold. TKNNY. V LL STYLES lll'ti lll'-i. PARK AND PONY PIIAB J\ tons, ftepnt Wagons, hockawtys, Ae ; Harness, light hml hosvj ; Saddles, Hridles, Willi >. I.ap Rtlica, Sheets, lloits. Jt>'.. el. i: .nt it-r?inncnt of reliable gnode at tka lew e it iMiMible uricvs. JOllA MOOlik. 57 W-"oa st. A E Desirable secoku cahriaobr Coupe. u?*d one yesr; repainted; uow good as new. Krouglmm; Mra'ght front. English style.. Landauleta; very llicht anil in splendid nriler. Brett. Victoria, I'urk l'liaoton, Pony I'hseton, sK-aeat Pha eton. A. T. DKMAKKST A CO.. Manufacturers of Fine Cwrlt|M, '>3* end tl O Broadway. LEUENflM~POBTED SADDLE HORSE," GRAND Duke. F.LEUENT LAl'DAUI.ET, little used, by J. B. Brewster .t Co. TUBER CLARENCES. bv I-ooee A Willi "me. CANOPY BASKET PONY I'll AKTON. Urndloy, Tray A Co. TOI? PONYPHAETON, Bradley, Pray A Co. TWO LlltllT BIX SEAT PUi.ATO.NS, by Wood Bros. LIitHT BAROUCHE, by Wood Bros. LIttHT TUP DELIVERY waUON, by Charles Ornbe. - SUPERIOR DOUBLE TRUCK, by Beatty. ELEGANT TEAM HAY HOUSES and TWO TROT TERM. TWENTY-SIX OTIIER HORSE8, description time of talc this day at ARCH JOHNSTON'S Mart. 10 toSSISth it., near University place. Weatlier never Interferes with our SALES AT 10 O'CLOCK. .-ro catalogue above. FOR ~HALU?A FINE. LARO^^BfYLliTH S\DDU5 and harness Horse: kind and sound; color cream, wit u white mane and tall; sold for want of use. Can be seen at private stable 111 .Jkuith ?th St., Williamsburg, L. I. For farther |?rtlniiwwfl|liln of WM. O ANT, nt the stable. FOR SAI.K -AN OLD ErtTAlU.TsHKh 1JVERY Stable, dolns a prosperous business; has ? large stock of One horses and carnages. In good running ordor; sold in consequence of death of the proprietor ; will take improved Real Estate in excban^o for part payment: balance in cash. For particulars address BUSINESS, Herald Uptown Brxuch office. FOIT SALE?TO CLOSE THE BUSINESS, TWO YOUNG Horses. Dt for any busluoss; sound and gentle; 1 double set Truck Harness, 1 light Express Wagon and Harness; also 1 brick Cart and Harness; must be sold tbi- week. Ap ply at 238 West 43d St., between 7th and Sth ass. FOR SALE?VICTORIA; BBST MAKERS: BUT VERY little used; also a four-wheeled Dog Cart. Apply at stable, 130 Wnst -."8th st. B- lOB SAZ.E?A VERY H AN 1ISOME NEW DOUBLE Harness. Can be seen at stables 451 4tli av. FOR SALE?A BEAUTIFUL BRETT. ENOLIrtH PAT tern, by Wood Brothers; almost new snd In perfect order. Seen at W AIT'S stable, 44tii st. and 9|h sv. FOR SALE-compleW family turnout op Pair Horses; Brewster Vlrtoila, almost new; Coupe, double and single Harness Blankets. Ro1k>?, Ac.; for less than half cost, at stable 1"? and 17 East JNth Ft. ANTHONY BROWN, Coachman. FOR SALE?A PBRPECT SADDLE H0R8K, COLOR bright bay, blacx points, H years old. weight 03A pounds| will run, canter, trot or single loot as desired; is perfectly sound in every partlenlsr; price $m0. Address Lock Box 1,306 Post office New Haven, Conn. FOB ftALB?30 HORSES, PIT POR ANY BUSINE8S; also Harness. Wagon, Cart, Ae. Corner 00th st. and H<l av. IJIOR SALK CHBAP-TWO 6-YEA HOLD HORSES; ' warranted sound and kind; good Express ws;on snd Harness. 481 East 13th st. F~IVB SECOND HAND ???????? six-seat Rock a ways, at bargains. A. T. DEM A REST A CO., fiJi and 630 Broadway. GeNT I, E M AN'8 "PERrEOT ROADSTER FOB SALE low; can trot in 2:80 under the watrli; sound snd kind; * years old. Address C. II.. box 1,4.11 Post office. ?~ 1 KNtI.EMAN HAVING KO USE POR NEARLY NEW T top Buggy will sell cheap. Private stable roar of 1UJ lilth-St. HARNESS.?CHEAPEST HARNESS STORE IK HEW York; rood Buggy Harness, hand nisde, 915; good (trocars' Harness, $35; good double Team Harness, $30; n (rood Horse Blanket, fl I'lease call snd examine lor yourselves. FISHER A OSBOBK, Manufacturers, No. 71 Barclay ?t. UB SPECIALTIES. *lx-l*at Rockaways and Coupe Rockaways. The finest quality at verv low ptices. A. T. DEMARKKT A CO.. Manufacturer* of Pine Carriages, 6JS and 030 Broadway. NE IIOAD WaOON. BY WATERMAN: ONE SECOND hand top pony Pltsnton; one Depot Wagon: one rut under Itockaway; two full spring Top Wagi ns. #7r> up; one ?*d" bsr Top Wagon; one 511 pound Caflrey Sulky. Apply to WM. 11. GRAY. Carriage Factory, 1,404 Broadway. between 3IHI> and 40tli sts. PHI VATESTAIILE TO LET^ai WESTTuTH ST.; SIX stalls; ample room for carnages. Apply at . 3 Weat 14th st. SNOW-WHITE ARABIAN AND JET BLACK BLACK Hawk ; the handsomest patrol horses in the city; yonng, sound, spirited and very gentle; 1 o}i hands, LeadbcMor's si able. Ho# 7th av. QECOND HANffCARRIAOEH.-TWO LANDAUS, TWO jj Landaulrts, one Victoria, two Coupes, one Coupe Kock sway, three top Pony Phaetons, two Bsrouches, four six seat Phaetons, two Coaehes, one six-seat Rockaway. one Dlno paareuger Depot Wagon. WM. 11. URAY, 30 and 33 Wooster st. S- A<'HIFIOK*?-Sl-TO, MADE BYGBOROE J. MOORE,TOP side bar Buggy, nearly new. 134 West 1Mb st. oTTiftiNG "^)P BxFkESH OR OROCICRS' WAOON. IJ msdlnm weight, perfect order, to exehame for light trotting Wagon, no top. Address F., box UA Post office. THK l(MT ELEOANT"'TOPniitEWSTEB IMPROVED ?bring Wagon In the city, used eight timet, for Iwlr ro?t. * ill e shown by Tom, the coachman, at No. I Wrst st. VERY HANDSOME MABK POR nA I.E-ia^UANOS^ tl years; form and dltpe^ltion faultier*; fln? sction; very promiidog; raised by advertiser. Addra.s HOADlJlY, (ireenwlch. t'onn. __ \\r ANTED?A " HOR8ETli AT IS EIOIIT YRAKS OLD T T and round, that ean trot three heats In 3:40 or better. Can bear of * puio'iaaer by applying to WILLIAM McBOB E R1 *. 13? East 21 ?t st. WANTED-ONE OR PAIR OP DRIVIKO HORSES, psyment to be tsken In storage. In free or l ondM warshou?es. at l.iw rates. Address HAND. Herald office. \\rANTKD?DABK BAT. BROWN OR BLACK HORSE, If I oh hands high, that ean trot a mile In ) minutes and safe for a lady to dnve; state sge, price, Ac. Address V., bos 317 Herald office. . Wanted?a bkrwster lmiit top boad Wagon. Any gentleman wlelilng to dlsuoae of such will address, witli age and price, B. E., box l.M Herald Up town Branch office. m r ANTED?A IKHJD LI0IIT WRIOIIT SECOND . j hand Omnibm in good repair for nuntry hotel. State bv letter particulars. II. II. SCOVI.LE, Mount Borri?. f,lvln*>ton county, N. V. U' ANTED TO Til HE. WITH the PRIVILEOE OP Tl purchasing, a good llor?e an l Kockaway. or l>epot Ws::on. Apply to or address Dr. NOHLE. 434 East 3.1<l ?t. $7fh WlLI. buy~A ?l00f?; I.ARI.E WORK HOHSR; one week's trial allowed. Partlcalars at 412 Orcen 68 I.IBEIlTY ST. TUNIS JOHNSON hu? received a large consignment of tine linen sn>l woollen Shee'.s, Hob ., line Whips, Ae., with orders to do the best we can to raloe eash. PHneros check Blankets at $3 ?, sold ls?t year at W, Fine warranted toslacta Whip*, $1 ftO, last rear SS .'iO. Blnck leather iV rtng tlalters, MOc., last year fil. Stable Slieets, lull made, from 7Ue up. Over ?0 Setts nice hand made light llarnees. Very best a-el/ Rubber lieee at 13*. per foot. A r HOUSES, C.1R1UAGEI. ?C. "grand dtke. OHANl) duke. AT AUCTION, THIS MORNINO, celebrated IMlFoRTKD english SADDLE HOHSE. OKAND duke. GBA1ID duke Is 10 bands high. S years old: kind Mt trail*: thorounlj broken to *11 calts SHOWS TO THE 8ADDLE, either by word, motion or whlnt ? mj spirited. stylish and aristocratic mover, bat per fNtlruulnbliCind kind In disposition. end i?h fot ? ludj to ride. IS OSE OK TI1H FINEST AND HANDSOMEST, SADDLE HOKsES IN AXEKICA. He will be sold at auction. at AKCI1. JOUKSTttN'H. 19 to SB 17th St.. near University place. THIS FRIDAY. May lit. at XOo'eleck without num. to the hirhtat bidder. A -speed. 8PEEIK?N0~P APER TALK. TKY BE ? fbro yon bny The fern road or track nmra Belle : can abow 3diI ar letter any da?; l.V-V^ hands, Mund and kind an<l will be shown to the satisfaction of any one wantinc a meat deal of speed for little money; also top Road Wair?n. einirle Harness. HlankeU *ud Robes: above properly innst be nold this weak, as owner Is compelled to sell. Inquire at Aiaenal stables, 131 Went :<Mh st. BARGAIN-POUbTVOIISBB, SUITABLE FORAWT business; Orocery, E\prr? and atop Business Wagon; a chance to buy cheap. 410 We?t :#Hh nt. V-PO N YPIIA KT( >N KALI, STYLE* TOM AXDMO A< tope and canopies; four-seat light extenslou top Ph\e tone, light cut under Rocsaways Depot Wmbm, top and open, at WILLIAM H OKAY'S SO and TJ Woosterst. A?FOR (AMU* RAKE CUANC K-KIG HT ? Horses; ?uk farmer, grocer, or any business; a food trial allowod. JOI Grand *t, near Mott Special s*lf. ok a heavy three-quaetkr Truck, b|U liitlo nurd, nnA one large, powerlnll ruck Home; to be told to-day by AKl'll. JOllAbON, at his ssles rooms. six heat park phaeton, new, half prior-. A two Oirtpes, ??_'<>11? h; KUO(| iilam quarter Coach, two Brett*. 1" other Wsgons, cheap. 44V)Hdav. B~~ AROAINS IN OAKKtAOES AND ROAD WAGONS. AT J.. UNION SQUARE. A Una assortment of elegant Carriages of the beet quality and latest styles. belnc part of tbo stock of Wood Brother*, are ofcred tor *ulo at decided bargains, for a few Veeks, at the old stand of BRADLEY. PRAY A CO. imiiif win, wnrfii ?s.-j?-spl -.ndid~~ new top Express W agon, taken for debt. KM West 10th It. QARRIAOEB "For ~ TOWN AND COUNTRY, comprising every style from the miniature Wsgon for ponies to the fine nua fashion ?ble Landau with trimmings of green, blue and innroon, and pnintiugs to match. LANDAUS?Glass or leather fronts, and with American or foreign top leather. LANDAU F4KTS?With children's seat, and with American or foreign top leather. COUPES?W itli children's seat and light, for one horse BROrOHAMS?Straight fronts with single light, rosowood llni?h and Codlnge axles. COACHES?Class 11 out or cnrlaln sides, with squabs for cold weailier. ROCKAWAYS?Kor lour or six, glass or panel qnnrt-rs, curt sin sides or *11 curtains: fonr seats on two. three, four or platform springs; s;x seats on three, four or ~>l at form. l'O.VS?For four; half, extension or no tops; angular or curve bodies. CABRIOLETS?Low or high wheels; angular or curve bodies. PONY PHAETONS?Low or high wheels; George rv or Qneon bodies. PHYSICIANS' PHAETONS AND WAGONS ? With drawers, Ac.. Ac. ROAD WAGONS?'With Brewster* Co.*s (of Broome si'.) patent aide bar'attachmcnt, aud a'.soon elliptic springs, A. P. FLANDRAIT, .372 and H74 Broomo st. (old factory of Brewster A Co.) CI A R HI ^I^^TL^kTnTis, aT EXTREMELY LOW J mauuiacturors' prices, warranted:?Leather top now Pony Plisetenx. $120 up: dilto lluggles, $14"; no tops, $110; fonr-sest D-pot WMiini. $SU; Rockaways. 9140; extension top Park Phaetons,SIRO. OKU 11E. 3iKt Canal st. CI HE A P.?T< If IIP Ul NO WAGON suitable FOR ) doctor or park riding: will take part diamonds. Ad dreea LESLIE. Herald Uptown Branch office. B piia^Tt SS0T HOIISEH, (WKRIAGRS. ?C. AND $<?- Wo HOICKS , S( IT" aWWWJ .1 1fu: ^rock Hon?, #7u; Iloraa, top Grocery Wagon. N<i. 4 7th m. WILL BU Y~A GOOD SK? OM) Tl AND NO~ TOP ?pic/ Pony Phaeton. Holiues, naaker, llo>t.>n; at ()ar? tU|c? Kwtorjr, HQ Woosiar It djfjji *wiLC buy team or large work VlTu Hor?e?, suitable for brick yard, farmarn. on tractor*; $50 for Canadian Mara, Willi lual in January. 924 U odion at. Kl'HOHK.V.N STEAMSHIPS. XtnilTEIIKTAR LINK. W FOR OUBKNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CARRYING TilK UNITED STATES MAll The steamer* of thl* lir.e tails the Lan? lto'iie* recom mended bj Lieutenant Maury, U. 8. V., t;<>ftije MiatU ol ih? Banka on the paaaage to Oueenatown all llm year round. OKKMANIO May 30, at 3 P. M. ORLTIC June 3. at 2 P. M. ADRIATIC tunc 10, hi 3 P. M. BRITANNIC June 34. at :t P. M. GERMANIC July 8. at 3 1'. M. From Whllo Star Doekn. pier S3 North Hirer. Bates?Salpon, i and pluii, in gold; return tickets on rea*?uable t?rmi Steerage. fJK Saloon. staterooms, amnking and bnlli room* are placed amidships, wbere the noise aii't motion ar? least, affording a decree of comfort hitherto unattainable at Mia For Inspection of plan* and other information apply at the ORTIS, Agent. ror inspection or plan* and other imorma company a olllce. 37 Broadway, Sew^Y or*. OAT DIRECT AMI) ECONOMIC" ROUTE TO HOL LAND. BELGIUM. THE RHINE, SWITZERLAND. AC., AC., VIA EoTTKRDA M. ? Steamer M A A S. May 35 Steamer ROTTERDAM June H These beautiful steamers, carrying the United Slate* nail to the Netherlands are Kreat favorite* with the public. Trip* reitular, rata* low; comfort ami living perfect. Kor freight. Kcr paaaige, PUNCH, EDVE k CO. L W. MOK1US. 50 Broadway. XTORTH HERMAN LLoYD f 1\ hThAMi.ilI* LINK BETWEEN NEW TORE, .-lOUTlIA V. 1TON AND BREMEN. Company'* pier, foot of 3d St., Ho. oken. R1TF.IN....Saturday. May 3<i I MAIN Saturday, Jnno 3 ODER Saturday. May 37 ; NECK AitSaturday. June 10 Hatea of poaaage from New York to Southampton, Havre or Bremen Kii ?t Cabin, flOU (told; Second Cabin, $00 gold; Steerage, JTXl currency. Return Ticket* at rednced rate*. Prepaid Steerage Certificate*. #'t2 currency. Kor ireiglit or |i?a?a':? auply to OELRlClis X CO., No. 2 Bowling Green. INMAN LINE-MAIL BTEAMKRS. VOft QUEENbTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CITY OK I1EKLIN futurday. May 37, at ? :30 A. M. CITY OK CHESTEK Saturday. .lime i<>. ?l HA. M. CITY OK RICHMOND Saturday, June 17, at 1 P. M. From pier 45, North River. OABIN.980 and $li*i, gold. Return ticket* on fa*or ible term*. STEERAGE, t-'h currency. Drafts iaaued at loweat ratea. Saloons, stateroom*, smoking and bathroom* amidahipa. JOHN O. DALE, Agent, 15 and 33 Broadway, New York. UNARD LINE.?B. AND X*~R."ST P. "Oft NOTICE. With a view to diminishing the chance a of collision, tho ateaniara of thla line take a specific course for all aeaaona of the year. On the outward passage from QneenMnwn to New York or Boaton, crossing the meridian of oo at 43 latitude, or nothing to the north of 43. On the homeward passagn, crossing the meridian of 50 at 43 latitude, or uothiug to the north ol 43. FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS TOWN. BOTHNIA Wed.. May 34 I ?RUSSIA Wed. Jane 7 ABYSSINIA...Wed. May 31 | Si'\T.llA....Wed., .fuue 14 Steamer* roamed * do not carry steerage passengers. Cabin pnssage, $S0. $100 and S131), gold, according to ??. commodatlon. Return ticketa on favurnble torma, Steerage tlcketi to and from all parts of Kurope at very low ratea Freight and paaaage oilice. No. 4 Bowling Orentu CUARLEli it. KRANCELYN. Agent. National line?from pu.ks 44 and 47 north River. Kor lAindon direct. CANADA. Wednesday, May 31. 11 A. M. FOR QUKENSTOWN AM) LIVERPOOL. THE QUKKN.May 27,0A.M. I SPAIN.. June 1D.7-.TO A. M. EMI LAND. June 3. 2 P. M. I BOVPT Junell,? ('abln pa^aago, $70 and 5W0, currency. Return ticket* ut roduced r?te?. Steerage p ia?*Ke. (HB, currency. Draftn l?Mind fnitn ?i upward, at current price*. Apply at the company'* oSice, Oil Brua i ?> hv F. W J. ilUKST. Mnnagcr. TT'NITBD STAThS MAIL LINE-STEAM TaTQUEENiT U TOWN AND LIVERPOOL, muling every TUESDAY, from pier 40 North l.lver. IDAHO May 3<), In A.M. | WISCONSIN .Jne 30.3 P.M. NEVADA. ..June 13,10A.M. I WYOMING J my 4, 4 A. M. Cabin, f6.*>. f70 and $*<?, currency. Interinrdlate, ?-K>; steerage. $20. Pamengers booked to and from l'nrla. Ilamborg, Norway, Sweden, m Drafts on Ireland, England, Kranee and <ier many at lowest rat WIM.rAM8 * OOION. 39 Broadway. ONLY DIRKCI LINK TO KR.v.NCh. THE uenbkal TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL STEAMKRS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND HAVRE. CALLING AT PLYMOUTH (0. B.) for Mie ibtidlni; of pnsaenver*. The splendid vernal* on tins favorite nuito for the Conti nent (being more southerly than any ntlieri will sail from ?ier No. 43 North Klver, foot of Harrow St.. as foliowa :? lABKADOK, Sanglier Saturday. May 20, at :i P. M. AMKR1UUE, PiiiM<>ls...v Saturday, May 27,atl) A. M. ?ST. LAUREN I'. Laclie*nes Saturilay, June 3, at 3 P. M. FRAN(!E, Trudeile Saturday,June 10, ntSA. M. ?PEREIRE, Dnnre Saturday, June 17. at 1 P. M. PltlCE OF PASSAGE IN GOLD .Including winei Pint cabin, $110 to $120, according to accommodation. Second. $72. Till rd cabin, $ 10. Return tlcke'.a at redueed rate*. Steerage, $36, ?ith superior accommodation. Including Wine, bedding and 'iierwlla, wtthrwt extra charge. Steamers marked tbux ? no not carry steerage paaamtgers. LOUIH DE BEB1AN, Agent, So Broadway. Ctatk link. l3 NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN. BELFAST A"N1> LONDONDEKi.Y, from oler 42 North lUver (foot of Canal st.) ss follows:? STATE OK fRNN.sYLVA.NlA Thursday, .lunn 1 STATK OK VIMjlNlA Thursday, Juntt IB KIATb OK INDIANA Tlmudu. Juna and every alternate Thursday thereafter. Kirst cabin, $fU to fXo, according to accommodations; return tickets. $125. Second cabin, $30; return tickets, $!>'). Steerage nt lowest rates. Apply to AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO., arch la. No. 7. Broadway. .New York. Stcerago tickets at 4fi Broadway and at the company's pier, loot ol Canal it.. North Hirer. NCUOtt LINEUNTniD isTATKS MAIL STEAMERS NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. KTUTOPIA... ..May JO, 2 KM | BOLIVIA Jane 8. 2 I'M VICTOKIA May -7, M AM i AL.SA'l I A.... June 1U, U I'M NKW YOKK AND LONDON. UTOPIA May 27, HAM I AUSTRALIA, June 10. 4 I'M ANGLlA June 24, 4PM I KLYS1A July H, 3 I'M Anchor Line piers 20 and 21 North River, N. Y. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, LONDON OK LONDONDERRY. Cabins, $03 to $90 currency, according to accommodations. Excursion tickets ?n favorable terras. Steerage, Wn currency; Intermediate, $33 currency. Drafts issued for any amount at current rate*. HENDERSON BROTHERS, Agents, 7 Bowling Oreen. CROOK'S TOURIST AND EXCURSION TICKETS. ) to all narts of Europe and the Kast, at reductloni rnng Ing from la to 46 per cent. Available liy any line of steamers. Dn not require holaers to travel In large parties. COOK'S AMERICAN TOURIST Tickets by the principal lines of railways and steamers to every leading place In the United States nnd Canada, Issued In the same manner ns European tickets, at reduced and low rates. COOK'S AMERICAN HOTEL Coupons are accepted at the Best hotel* In America, provide for a fell day's accom modation. at $?'! BO cac'i, saving fr rai 30 cents to $1 per day, are used as cash, requiring no notlen. COOK'S ANNUAL vacation party sails by steamer Vic toria July H. accompanied by Mr. Thomas Cook, to Scotland, Belgium, the Rhine, Switzerland snd itaiy. Prices tor flrst elasi travel, hotels and all expenses, $300, $WO and $000, gold. COOKS EXCURSIONIST for May has programmes for ?very pan of Enrope, and I'>r California, Yosemlte Valley, Colorado, Ac. Price 10 cent*. COOK, SON A JENKINS. Broadway and Warren st. AMBURO AMKK1 CAN PACKET CO M~~PANY'S LINE for PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG and HAMBURG. PKISlA May 2-"> I GELLEKT Jane * GOETHE ?ar 27 POMhlUNIA. Juno IS SUEVIA Jnne 1 I IlAMMONU Jane 22 Rstes of passags to 1'ljrmontii. London. Cherbourg, Ham burg and all points In England, Scotland and Wales, flrst saloon, gold $100 Oabin, second saloon, gold 91 Steerage, currency JO KUNHARDT A CO., C. B. RICHARD A BOAS, General Agents, Oeneral Passenger Agents. 01 Broad si. New York. ill Broadway. New York. WILSON LINK FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND~HULlI sailing irom pier '>?! North Kivor, as follows:? HIDALGO May 30 | OTHELLO Juno 17 COLOMBO Juno a I HINDOO July 1 Klrst cabin, $70, currency: second cabin, $4IV, currency. Excumlon tickets on very favorable terms. Through tickets issned to Continental and Baltle ports. Apply, lor tall par to CHABLE8 u ^-Rxont A c0< Begirt,*. GRBAT WESTERN STEAM8111P LI KR. TO BRISTOL (ENGLAND) DIRECT, sailing from pier IS East Rivar as follows:? CORNW AI.L., Stamper .Saturday. May 90 SOMERSET, Western R ednosday. June 7 Cabin passage, $7">; Intermediate, $!.*>; steerage, $30. cur rency ; exeat slon tickets, $120; prepaid steerage certificates, $28. Apply to AV. D.MokOAN, Agent. 70 South st. COASfWIKB ItTRAMSHlt'H. _ " piANiMA TRANSIT STEAMSHIP COMPANY,"""" FOB SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA AND PACIFIC POiiTS via Isthmus of Panama. Sailing from pier 13 North River. Steamer CRkMCRNT CITY SATURDAY, May 87 Isr Aspiawall. connecting via Panama Railroad at Panama with flrst class steamship* for ports at above. For freight or passage apply to -? vv j w p CLyde A CO., No. tl Bowling Oreen. A CI FIG MAIL ST* AM SHIP LINE. FOR CALIFORNIA, JAPAN. CHINA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. BRITISH COLUMB!A, AC., AC., .. sailing from pier foot of Oanai St.. North lllver. *OR SAN FRANCISCO VIA ISTHMU? 0> PANAMA. ACAPf|,oo. .... Wed esday. May 17 at noo? fonnecttnic for Central America and the s.mth Pacific For freight or passage ?PPl7 ?*'?** ff ?!*? River. Il .f. HI 1,1,AY. Superintendent. OR NASSAU, N. P -RKOULAR MAIL STEAMSHIP LEO loaves New York May 111. MURRAY, FERRIS A CO.. 02 South si F NY., HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL SH. LINK, s Bteatnors leave pier No .1 North River M 3 P. M. FOR HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OF HAVANA Tuesday, May 2* CITY OK VERA CRI'X Thursday. May 24 FOR VERA CRUZ AND NEW ORLEANS, via Havana. Prngrnso. Csmpeachy, Tuspsn nnd Tampion. CITY OF HAVANA Tuesday. May 23 For freight and passage apply to P. ALEXANDRE A TONS, SI and 33 Broadway, Steamers will leave New Orleans May 28 and Juno IS lor Vera Cist and all tho above ports. "VTXW~YORK AND"HAVANA DIRECT MAIL UNE.? J.1 These flrst class stftomsMps will sail at 3 I'. M front pier 13 North River, font of Cedar st., tor Havana direct, as follows WILMINGTO* Tneedsy. Mat ?> COLUMB' S liwrMar. .lune 8 For freight and passage, having naenrpasecd accommoda tions, apply <o WM. P. CLYDR A OO.. No. fl Rowltalg Oreen. Mr KELLER I.ULING A CO., Agents In HavaM. F OR HALIFAX. N. S., AND ST JOHNS. N. P. CROMWELL STEAMSHIP LINK. Bteomerf lesve pier 10 N. K. followtag days nt 8 P. M. OEo. Washington ...f ridsy. Msy ih ?gO. CROMWELL * foe^viMjJ' West st? u * mKAMAN. I 0 COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS. SLY DIRECT LINE TO rLORIDA-WKEKLYUll in Port Ko> oi. S. I,, Kin : Brunswick, tia. . sailing ev-rr I hur~d?v, Irotr. |.ier'.*> Kant itlver. The itMoer CAiiOM)' UlCT, C>p(?li haircloth, will nil Thnre day. \1 iir 25, at :i P. M., fur Kernandlna and Port RnyaL ThronrU tickets lennedto all ^uinti In Florida. For freight Of p: U si pw?(o a|iplr tu <:. II MaLLORY k tO., or IIERMaM il.l'i'KK, 153 Maiden lane. 0 LD DOMINION steamship COMPANY, sailing from prer .17 -North River. For Norfolk, City Point and Ricbiunnti, Tiiestlaya, Thai* da< s mid >>eliirda?s at :i P il? connecting with the Virginia an.) Tconeaeee Air Line, Atlantic t'unit i.lne. Piedmont Ait Line, Chesapeake and Olii i Railroad end with the eom iiauy's steam lines to Interior point* in North Carolina and Virginia. Newborn aul Washington. .V. & (na Noriolk), every Tuesday, Ihursilev and Saturday. I<f*rr?, DeL, Monday and TliBrnday at 3 P. X., connecting with Maryland anil Delaware railroad* Passei.ger accommodations unsorpa-sed. Through passige tickets and bills of lading to all pninlail lowest rates. IBearenc* to Norfolk, Ac., Kt per cent. Freight receive.! daily at uicr 37 .North IU?er Ueueral offices, IVf Ones wick ?t. N. L. McCREADV, President. Morgan s' link or steamship* for New Orleans and Texas, will ?aii erury Saturdav to .New Orleans, tranetorrlBf Texas freight them t? Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad tor Morgan City, thcu.a, per Morgan's lino of steamers to TuM porta. The NKW YORK will aaii from pier 35 North River Now York, on Saturday, May SO. at 3 P. M? fur Now Orlean* direct. Through bills ofladlnr signed to Mobile, Oalvostoa aalM all points on the i.alveston, llarrisliurg and Ban Antonio^ Houston and Texan Central, International and l ire at N ririh ern, Texas and I'm III.-and Traus-Coiitinentol railroads, and to Indianola and San Antonio, and all points on the OalC Western Texns ami Pacitto U*iU *y. Itrasoa Santiago. Cor pit* Christi. Koi'kiiort. St. Mary's ami Fulton. Freight ior tit. Mary's and Pulton landed at Hockport. Lighterage and channel dues at either Corpas Christ! at Brasos .-Santiago at the expense and rink of consignee. Through rates to Brownsville, *1% Itio Orande Railroad. 1 iimiir .nice ean lie effected under open policy of C. A. WhM ney A (K, New Orleans. From New York to New Orinaoa L' per cent: from Now York to all Texas port* via New Of leans. % per rent. Freight at lowest rates. Pur freight or further latoriM tiou apply ^:|iahlE3 W1IITNEY A CO.. Amenta. I , pier :ir. North River. rpKXAS LINK KOH OALVESTO N . TO IJ 0 UI NO AT KET JL West, carrying the United Mate* mall.?The >learner STATE OF TKXAS, Captain Politer, will sail on Saturday, May JO. at 3 P. M.. from pier 30 East-River. Thr.oii.-h bills of ladintr given lo all point* on the Ut union and l e x as. ('antral International and 'Ireat Northern. Oal ?sstou, Houston anil Henderson, and the Unlveston. Marris burg and 8au Antonio railroads. Freights and InsiDafoo* at lowest rates. For freight or p havln.; snperior ao oommodatlont, apply to C. II. MALLOKY k CO., IM Maiden laae. For new orlkanh direct. "" TUE CROMWELL LINE The steamship KNK'KP.Itllor KKU. Capialn k'eniMe. on SATl" ItOAY. May 20, at 3 o'clock I*. M., trolu plor No. 9 North Itlver. Tltroosh Mils ot ladinc given to Mobile and allprinetp<4 points on the MUsiMilppi Kiver. t'abin pa.tngo, $50; steeriiKU, Apply to CLArtlv it HEAMAN, 86 West *t. " TltlVELLEKS' UL'lDfei. ~ ~ Albany!?Pkuplu'8 link. htk>mboath leavb pier 41 North River, daily. Snnday^ exeeptod, at 6 P. M., for Allrnny and all points North and Weat. (' 1ITIZI NS' I.INK STEAMBOATS FOR TROTANDAbi J point* Northeast and We?t, leave dally, except data* day, at tl P. M., from pier 4B North Itlver. C~~Vatskill creek link.?nkw champion, tlka 1 day. Thursday and Saturday, from pier I'J, Canal Ml McMaNL'S, alternate days, Iroin Leroy st.,01*. M. Fall RivKH line n> boston, via Newport aud Fall R ver. Tho world ronuoasd steamboats BKISTOIj and PROVIOKNCR leave pier 2d North River foot of Murray st., daily (Sundays excepted), at 5 P. M. Through tickets sold at all tha principal hotela in the city. Ijioll N'OltW ALK Ul ItEC f? FARE RKOrCKD."o3 1 null after Monday. May 1ft, the steamrr AMERICU8 will leave pier 37 East Kiver, foot of Market St., and frota foot of 3:id St.. ut 3 o'clock P. M.: returning leaves South Norwalk at 7 :.V> A. M.. daily (Annday excepted), connecting each war with Danhury aud Norwalk and New llaven RalP roads, r'are .14 cent*. Kxcursion tickets ri0 cents Old" kst abTTi 8ii k iTiVi n r for stuyvrsant. catr kill and intermediate latidings. -Steamer ANDREW HAKDKR. from Franklin st. (pier <"?), Tuesday, Thursdaj and Mttnrday ; >t?aiuer MONITOR, Monday, Wednesday ant Friday, atV. .M. ^ Pennsylvania railroad tiUEAT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED ?TATKS MAIL ROUTE. Trains leave New York, Ha Deshruates uud Cortlaait street ferrios as follows :? Express lor llarrlsburr, Pitts-mrg, the West and Hon til with Pullman palaco cars attached, 'J .30 A. M., 0 aud H :Jt P. M. Sunday, tl and 8 :i?J P. M. For Wllllamsport. Lock Haven. Corry and Erie, at 9:M A. M. and s^'lu P. M., conuccting at Oorry for ntnsrllla. Petroleum Centre and the oil regions. For Baltimore. Washington and the South. "Limited Wait In^ton Express" of Pullman parlor cars dally (exoept Sunday). D :30 A. M., arrive Washington 4:10 P. M. Re^a lar at S A M.. 3 and 0 1% M. Sunday. ? P. M. Kxpress for Philadelphia, 7, 7 ao, M:40, 0:3 i A. M.. 12:30, 8, 4, 4:10, \ 7, 8:30,P. M. and 12 night. 8andajr, ?>, t>, 7, S ::K) and 0 P. M. Emigrant and second class. 7 P M, For trains to Newark, Elisabeth, Kahway, Prineetou, Trca? ton. Perth Amboy, Fleminirton, Belridera and othat poiats, seo local scUeiliiles at all ticket olBces. Trains arrive :?From Pittsburg, tl M and 10:3" A.M. anl 111:30 P. M dally . 10:1S A. M. and H:*) P. M. dally, ex cept Monday. From Washington and Baltimore, 8:20 A. M., 4 l)"i. 5:15 and IO?5 P.M. Sunday, H :J0 A M. From Philadelphia, r.:10, n:20, 6:'?5, 10:1S, II :20,11:54 A M? 2:15, 41A, S 'l.V 6:10. B -JO. 8i44 and 10di P. M. bum1 ay 3:101 ?00. 6 M, 11-M A X.. O JOaadlOlfl P. M. Ticket offices 320 and 044 Broadway. No. 1 As tor Hoasa, and loot of Desbrosses and Cortlandt sis.; Na 4 Court st_ Brooklyn; Noe. 114, 1 lit and 118 Hudson st., Ugtoiia Emigrant tlcxet office. No. 8 Battery place. FRANK THOMSON. D. it. BOYD. Jr.. General Manager. (Jen. Passenger Agent' Pfi i17(delphi a vra lono rVanch~and "tiib New Jersey Southern Railroad.?Fare lower than by any other route, commencing May k. 1870. Leave New York. Pier 8 North River. Iixit Rector st.. 0:45 A M., toe Loug Branch and Intermediate points; 0:45 A M.. lor Phll? deiphla. Long Branch, Vinelaud, Ac.; 4 I*. M., for Phiia let phia. Long Branch, Tnckerton, Ac.: 0 P. M., for Lou Branch. Ac. WM. 8. SNEDKN. Oeuoral Manager. Removal may i to pif.ii 4a N()rth ?ivrr fooi ol Spring st.?For ICondout and Kingston, conneetiaj 'with I liter and Dolnware Kailroad. landing at lllghlanl Falls (West Point), COrnw til, Newhnrg, Marlboro. Milton, P. ughkrepaie and Ea 'P'is. Steamboats TIIOMA8 CttlV NEl.L leave every Tues.lay, Thursday, and Saturday! JAMES W. BALDWIN. Monday. Wednesday, Friday. Spring ?t.. pier 43 North River, at 4 I*. M. STONINOTON LINE KOR BOSTON. * Reduction of Fare. Slecmers RHODE ISLaND snd NARRAOANSHTT. from pier 33 North River, foot of Jay 5 P. M. Providence Liae, from pier 27 North Iliver, loot of Park place. St cats* hi at Ki.KCTKA and UALAThA. at 1:30 P. M. THK ALBANY AND TUOV LINK of day boats will commence runnlntr on WEDNESDAY. May J4. * KXCt'IlHIONE. ~ ^Pisfiijfir&ANKs, nii11av, MATYCiSTaSAffli ? ?). Ocean ateamer SETll Low. leaving Uarrl?on ?(., North River, 0::?; Mth at. Kant River,?! pl?r 27 Kaat River, 7:16: 10th ?t., North Rivor, 7 :40; pier 6 North River, B A. M.; tieketa, 91. Regular trip* about Jnne. All G. POSTKR. MILLINKHY AND UUKSSIUAIUNu. ^ k RT MILLINKIIY.?NOTICE ~ TO PAf RONS.-M a7TT1 ii. TILLMAN, of I'arU, open* Monday and Tu?*day a ita importation of flncit MII11 iit-rv. French Chip*. Klowf, Silka ami Trinnnlnim. received lron> Cuatom Hone M mday. 42M Gth ar.. near 26th at. (late Mlehel'M KliltMTi; UK. ArniVATK Jamilt. dkclisiso flotfsRkp.epin<? will a-ll. In lota to anil nurchaeera. all their elegant ana coaily llonaehold Pnrbltnro, Ac.; magnificent apriaht Steinway x Sona roue wood Pianoforte; alao an elegant VMnd?or Piano, eoat SI ,<*??. for aatln Parlor Helta, eoet ftKi<>, fi>r$2>rill; one for SI35; rep Snlta. $30; 14 Red room Suite, $l'i and tipwurd; Carpete, Oil Painting*. Bronaea, Mir rora, hair Mid apring Mattre??e?, and a general aaeorfent o( Honaehold Furniture. made to onlnr four month* ago. Cad private reaidi-nce No. l'Jtl Went *?14 at., near dth at. A~* ?WKKKLY~AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAKKS . f?r Kiiriiltnre. Carpeta and Redding MB.1L OOw> PKKTIIWA1T A OO.'H. l.V? and 157 Chatham at An Hn> oienae atoek at low prlee*. A~RBASONAIIUB PRIOR PAID POR CARPET^ h'nrnlture, Ae., by H. MAHNgW, 800 7th ?t. ATctio?rooms, So~kast ism HT.-rrRNrrr*K, Carpet*. Mirror*, Wardro'wa, Armolrea, Bookcaaea, Par lor and Bedroom Seta, Ac. Private aale at auction pfiwt uction.?party giving dp norsKKEKPisd will aarrino'' Bed Room complete, Living Room. Range and uteniils. Crn-?ery, Carpet*. Ac.. $tA>: U?ed three month*; fonr Rooua; rent $l<> per month; hneae Bret eleea. Call till 3 P. M. Saturday, at 26 Charlea at. Ring fourth ball twice. A FAMILY WILL SELL THEIR ENTIRE HOVSB hold Furniture; a great aaeritlee (or eaah; majpilfleont latest htrle aatin brocade Parlor Salt, coat S&73, for ftflO; one do. '# 1:V>; do. SJ<*>; Pianoforte ; Chamber Salt*, with DreMlug Caaea. Slf> np; Redateada, Bureaaa, Waidiebea, bair and iprlng Mattreaeea; rep and haircloth Malta, SSO ?p; Kxtenaion Table*. Sideboard, Silverware, Carpeta, Ae (Ml immediately. Residence 105 Real 13th at., eeoond Aoee Irom 4th av. APRIVATK FAMILY WILL SELL, IN LOTS, THBIfl entire lioaaehold Furniture?Satin and brocade Parlnt Snita. eoet for $Jm,Sl7T?; Tnrbiah Suite, $100; SSl? war Piano. $2(U; rich Inlaid Chamber Peta, with Dveeaiag Cane, *75.9100: aingla BedateaSa, Bareaaa, halt aad anriag Mattreeaee, Bwktita?<, Doska, Hnff?t. Kxteneion Table, Clialre In leather, rep aad haircloth S?lt?. BV.; Hall Steed* Painting*. Hrnnae*, Ac.; pocltlve aacrlOon. Call at browg M<>ne private reaidcuca No. 47 Wert lOtu at., betweoa Ml and Oth an TtKKSSINO CASES, ECRRACS. REDSTEADM, WAS? It itande. Parlor Snlta, Mattreaeea. Carpeta, alar 0*4 mantel Mirrora; lew price*. KILLKKN'S, H Kaat 13th at. Call. IIH N1T1.' RB, AC.?FAVOR'8 AUrmoi HOUSE, It r KA?t Mth at. Private aale. N. E,?Great demaad ha Furniture and Morchandiae; private lale or aaetloa; aet tlemonia prompt; laveatigate. Parlor" BRDS-THF. LARGEST "ahSOIITMEMT IS the city; Pa>ne'a patenia. No. 101 4th av. PARLOR MUITS FOR SaL| CHEAP. ????? tl. P. STKIN, Practical Upholsterer. AO Road at. t*ROI>ONAlaN. ft tfA.ND TRLN* RXfi.WA? <U?M>I8T?r Ca3TaI>I UT Scrap for aale. Teadera are Invited lor tin following old material, whiei win be delivered at aay point na the Grand Trunk Eatleray. If delivery la roqwired In the United Statea the narehaaor to pay doty. Partiea teadertng to (lata where delivery will be repaired Batlmated Quantity. Ten a. Oaat Irtra Scrap 3t)0 Wrought Iron Scrap 40p Light iron Serai> ID Scrap Spring Steel 70 Scrap Steel Tyrea. Jl Scrap wrought Iron Driiiae Wheel* 10 Term* caah on 'telivery. render*, giving price per pound, and indoreed "Tender for Scrap." will be reeelved by the nnderalsnad on or before Wedneeday, May St. JOSEPH HICKSON, tMnoral Maaager. M?<mtKAL, May til, IK7S. " wANfKD verwwujti&nz (ftnmr AifT8h-A La ROE CoEBINATloK'toftje