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THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,31(5. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 20, 187G.-TRIPLB SHEET. PRICE FOUR GENTS. DIUECTORT FOR ADVERTISERS. UKRALD BRANCH OFFICE, 1.265 BROADWAT.? OPKN DAY AND NIGHT, FOB RECEPTION OK ADYEBTlSEMbNTS AND SALES OP PAPER. AMU8EMENTS-2D Pack?l?l nod 2d eola. AS TltOLOGY?12th Paok?*tl> col. BILLIARDS ?1st l'AUK-tftli col. BOARDEBS WANTED?12th PACK-5th col. hoard and lodging wanted? Boots AND SHOES?1st PAOK-Bth .oL BROOKLYN HOARD?Tim PAOK-Sth col. BUSINESS Ol'PoRTCNITlES?Urn Pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?7th PicK-Sth and ?th eols. . CITY KKAXj ESTATE FOR SaLK?12th PAOK-Sd coL CLERKS AND SALESMEN?12th P auk?2d cot CLOTHING-** Pack?3d eol. . . COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?12M PAOK-2depl COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?Ut I'AUK-54h sod?th cola. COUNTRY BOARD?12th PAOK-dth eol. DANCING ACADEMIES?2l> PACk?2d ooL DENTISTRY?2d Pauk??th col. DRY GOODS-ln Paok-5Ui col. DWELLING Hol'SES TO LET. FURNISHED AMD OK FURNISHED- IVTii Paok-4tU col. , EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?1** Paok?5th eol. EUROPE-In Pack?Uh col. EXCHANGE?2d Pack. EXCURSIONS?2d Pauk?4th col. FINANCIAL?V>th Pack. FOR SALE?12th Pack?Othcol. FURNISHED BOOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LIT? I'.'tii Pace?4th and 5th cola. Fl'BNITL'Rt-20 Pack?4th col. IIELP WANTED?FEM A LES?12tn PA0?-2d ??!. HELP WANTED?MALES?12th PAUK-ud and 3<l eols. HORSES, CARRIAGES. AC.?1st Paok?3d and 4th cots. HOTEI.S? I2th Pack?5th and fltli coIa HOUSES. ROOMS. AC.. WANTED?2d Pao*?4th eol. LOST AND POUND?l?T Paok?J.I col. MACHINERY?12th Pack?ttth col. MARBLE MANTELS?2o Paok?&lh col. 8EDICAL? 12th Paok?rtth coL ILL1NEBY AND DllKSSM aKING-Ikt Paok-5th col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVEETLSEMENTS-IOtm Paok? 1th eol. MlSCBLLANEOUS?2n PAC*-5th col. MUSIC AL-2D Paok?4th ool. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7th PAC?-8th coU PERSONAL?1st Paok?1st col. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS. At:.?2n Paok?4th coL POST OFFICE MOTICK-Ist PAOK-tttb coL FBOFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALES? 12th Paok-2d col. PROPERTY OUT OK THE CITY.FOR SALE OR TO RENT?12tii Paok?3d and 4th cols. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?12th Pac>-4Ui eol. RELIGIOUS NOTICES-Ist Pack?1st and 2d cols. REWARDS? lM Paok?2d col. SALES AT AUCTION?2d PA?*-3d ool. SITUATIONS WANTED?FKMALES-Uth Paok?1st tad 2d cols. ? SITUATIONS WANTED-MALES?13th PACM?2d ooL SPECIAL NOTH'BS?1st Pa<IK-2i1 eol. SPORTING-DOGS, BIRDti. AC ?1st Paok?3d eoL STORAGE?2d Paok?till eol. SUMMER RESORTS?12th Paus-6U>coI. THE TRADES?10th Pack?'Id col. THE TURF-Ist Paok?3d col. tO LET FOB BUSINESS PURPOSES?15th Pao?-4U? col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?Ikt Pagr-SUi col. ONFURNISIIRD ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 12th Paok?nth >;oL WANTED TO PURCHASE?2D Paok-4Ui eol. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.?2D pAOK-4th col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET? lam Pack?3d col. WINES. LIQUORS. AC.?2D Paok?5th col. TACHTS, STEAMBOATS. AC.-IOth Paok?Oth col. ?nice. New York. 1-mivvv Bl.ivv MATTER ATTENDED TO: IT WAB J alltrue ; see Herald or this d*y; would Uke^to hear from jou. ?*? TTtAllTIKS WHO WITNESSED THE ASSAULT ON A P Sm.n. who entered ? Twenty-thlrd street ear,about tight o'clock Thursday ?vtnlBf, farther tbuied and tbriut from the cnrbv the driw. wDl nirtlier the end* ot justice by communicating their address to K. A. 6.. Herald office. ? 5SARTIES HAVING HAD ANY BUSINESS CONNKC PAu" W-Ith orknow.cdfe of the affairs OfjHenry U?k^ lute of New York city, will confer n favor by addressing S. I., box 5fil Post otftce. Ruby ?you don't love me, but i Kt111. Where can my heart find rest If not wtth tnjat Bhall be there, Com.. " _ . OB-YOU KNOW WHAT FUN! ABUYLK SHADOW Ball. Monday uU-ht. Don't MB. CARRIE >?_ CHOULD THIS MEET Tlflt BYK OK MBS. o formerly of Sau Francisco please l'" *dlro" *? M. E. GONZALEZ. 53 Leonard tt.. care Hoffman Bros. * tliooui. frilE OBNTLEMAN WII0"MET LADY ON THURSDAY T afternoon. leaving on Union ?u^r., desires acquaintance. Plena address M.. box 477 row ViriTf <TRERT STAGE.?-TO eVTH iV, 1IOTKL W yeaterday noon; would bo olea?ed to becojn? *" attainted- ineiitioii some circumstance to avoid ml.take, lddres. H. E. R.. box 115 llerald Uptown Branch oBce. to make her acquaintance. Addres. HARRi a., no ram Uptowu Branch office. - T" RKLIOIOtrSOTICBS. ? FsTAjTf EPfSfiOPAL CHURCH. A Kev. William M. Dniiuell. rector. 11 ?r? "mn^nl^at ftAmmol New York.?services every Sundav morning at hi: ?? and every Sunday evening at 7 :?0. the rector wilt preach. ? ??; ^ i:K u l .r k \ TF V SI Ah.-*TUK WILLKIT hTREKT A Mei liodist Episcopal cl?,,7l,'||?.?T:kJ- 11'lv^^UjtVua asrrj* a. 1u!!ik.v. J. s. Ineklp at 7HP. *. "rtV ii?e? at 2 and reunion love least at S P. M. All are coroi illy Invited. By order of ?be committee. T WA-iilTsOTON SQUARE METHODIST EPISCO A pal cbnr'ch. Kev wtfliam Retrospect and Anticipation;" evening. The Lot JUgUt oi the Cltlos of the Plain." T" ssO<' lATIOti OF SPIRITUALISTS HARVARD A ta. Reservoir Park-Ura ^maoda Sp.uc..p?k. fcuudav at 7^ o'clock; conference at -1,S. P. *. The puouc lordiaily Invited. ? ? TtTRBK~TA B K K NA CLB METHODIST EPISCOPAL A ehurch. WmI JMth nt., betwesn 7th and 8tf> j .hit J?ihni DA^tor. will preach on Sunday, ^ aabllUt Onr Church Banner:" 7:15. a lerture. "Queen >Urv and Her limes. or a Vindication of Her Character, young people'* meetiug. II :30 r. M. . Tt spring '"street church. ffK^K..1v^.'VtLK: /\ u-v Alfred II. Moment will preach, at 10:30 A M., iwr^oSJ; ttiwtStfStfSS reading In the lecture room at 7 .4j P. M.. Uter woicn win be the usual prayer meeting. _ Tt PLIMPTON ii ALL?FIFTH UN I VERSA U3T A Society. "To what exteut are we imthorlaed to ftw "inrmalillca from the Scripture and what purpoee do tlivv aervef^ . ? ? Blkeckbr strkkt UNIVERSALIST church - Hev K. II. l'uHntau to morrow, nt A, M. nnd 1*45 P.M. Morniiiff. "The rtoiiir and the BIomoiu; even Injr. "First Step* to the Christian Lift." _ U M1URCH OF T11K HOLY TU1N1TY. Madlton av. aud 42A st. Hours of service, WH A. M. nnd F> BeT. Stephen H. Tyng. Jr.. D. D., will preack. Bible reading nt 4 P. M by Rev. W HumpWonn. Young men ? prayer meeting at OH I. ?? C~ HURCH OF OUR SAVIOUR ? (Sixth Univereallat Society). 57th ?t.. near Sth nv.. Jama* M. Pnllman. 1'a.tor. Sunday morning at 11. "Influence of t:h?reh Work on Social Order. Evening eervice at i\. 7TT.oiut (iHrni'll .'lTIi AV., CORNER 35TH ST.? C Kev'. Dr. Jar,d ?. Kl.rg will nreach mornin^and .v. lug. Servkie commencing IO'j A. 1. and i Mr. m. V^kNTRAL BAPTIST <:HIRCH. WKST4JD ST. ? J. D. ( , H,? pitor -Voming .object. ;The Paradoxical Statement; ' evenlnir? "A Modnl Hotue. VmuitCH or"THB HEA VEN I. Y REST, 5TH AV.. I ,t Itav. Dr. llowland. ractor ? Divine mr ^e.l^A Mandi P*. UUhop Elliot wlU preach In tb. iftBrn'jon. ? ? .... rtiti:i('H ~OF THE ADVENT. 57TH ST.. BBTWKEN PSs^s-ffifc'-.vrr.-sas icbool. 3 P. M. ?? --?Via jav"~sTiICKNELU AN OCTOOENARIAS. ELw?p^h s'nd*y, May Z?" Hudeonand Cbrl.topher ?U. Service, at 1UJU ana t'cloelr ? " ^IPT., tVEKl'K BAPTIST CHURCH. 4?TH KT. F 7"aehlngbv "r. Aro.ita^r. ??.t;;i. suhject ^rulng Ki hermen ApirtW.." evening. . a Knocking at tb. Door." _______1 aVnva lirritT OHl U'H. 28TT1 ST.. NEAR OTH F av -Mr Row".! will pre.,1, at 1^..,"ChrUtU. Activity," and nt 7*j. "Ashamed ofth^ ' HaRLFM UJilVKHSAlJ^T I'llrKt'll. I37TH ^T. A?K.r;MJ. i." it; pi.or, -UA *? (ret. "Glory of th. Natiouii" . ^ P- Aaron ana uur Bu.taiuine Mwn* nKKVKY"l). UANrtE, RKORNTLTOP'THK Nvenuc Keforme?l chnrdi. now ~ Sunday Aaaemtily nom St. Units, will ?pca* at t% o docs hun y eT<nin< at Auociation II all. - TT IS noXB.-?ISHOP SNOW. OF THE Cl'UK^" J* 1 M ? t 7.1 on, will oreach in th. ColUgv.JMd it. and a>., mi xindav. at 3 P. M. t-c.?t? Iree. huM*ct. The S?v. n l.aM I'lagnei; Are They Beginning to Couanma World LEXINOTOX aVRNLE METHODIST fW?COPAL cbiirch. oirn.r of 5'Jd ?t. ?R.v. J. \\ . Sell^k wiM Pt***'' Morning ?aU)*ct. '?Preciou*u.? of Ood't Thought.. Kv.n tog. "Slander. Evil Speaking." Ac. All are welcome. Xr?TfrCfc.-A iiKMW-WILL BE PHEAOHBD BV N Catharine >eheit? on the "Ine*tlt?rlnf of Hrael fw tile Redemption of Spirit, Sonl nnd Body i? enter Into Lira kl.nial,' II Hie Christian Uraelti. church, in 10B lit at., it Sunday next at 1f>j P. M. 111.(HUM IS.V1TIST CHURCH. 330 ST.. HETWKEN I sib and 9th av^-J. Spencer Kenaanl. pa.tor, preaches m the morning. !??>?: evening. 7.'j. All welcome. RkV W." H THOMAS BREACHES AT MEEK MAN " Hill Methodist Episcopal chiircit. hast oOth st. Morn '"seeing lHm who is Invisible;" evening, -Changed laio ti.? Same Image." Seats Iree; strangers Invited. Sun day school at ? !'? M. ni'i-V-SlitBI-" *. HAMILTON WILL. PRKAOII II* R sVoMh Pmbytenan . hnrrh. Mth .v., near ?th av? to io,*?w morning at l?l.?). alWrnoow at 4. KBF0R*M> KKISCUPAL SKKVW^S. ^jrr.l ST.. HE. twee* *h nnd 7ib avs., 10:30 A. M., 7:4a P. M. ?ev. (?eorne Howell, pastor, seats free to all VV?r~JAM li~M~K I * U, PaITOR, WILL PREACH R Lnisi a" evening' In the ?t. John'. MetbodUt ^JS{ZikiNk,IM)k, MMtrseinr. RlUJGIOlli VUTICEk. RW~*1tfAaDrNBB"i?PKINa PLf M LE Y.'PASTO II, )ir?wbM at the North Dutch church. Fulton ft. ifii tranre Mtt Kulton u4 lis Aim at.). Sund*?. ID -JO A. M. and 7:30 I*. M. Monday evmin?. pralae lueetiuic. Friday evening. prayer mretia*. T:30. In tbla church ibe film ?treeI dally nnM prayer meetintt b hold. RBV. JOUN~DOWLINU. D. D . AT FIKTY-THIRD ?treat UaptUt church. uar Uroadwav, lCM^ A. M.. ~K f. M. A uoKMlal dlaceureo aa ika liaptiaia of X<* York tor the paat 100 yeara. REV. UK. S. K. DENNKN. OK NEW 1UVEN. CONN., will preach in the Madiaoa avenae Reformed church, corsiar 571a ?t., Sunday, at 11 A. M. All mad* weieoae. RBv.~w7 r?1IATkikuT PASTOR. will' PREACH In the Eighteenth atreet Metbodiat hpi?copul church. Morning, "dory Through Suffering;" eveuiug, "So Secta in Heaven." STANTON ST. BAPTIST CHUKCU" WK. HAYNR Uoill, paator. will preach at 10 :'t0 A. M., aublect, '? The Brotherhood of Humanity?t 7 :3U P. U., aubjtct, "i'briat'i Demand." Straagera invited. T~ABERNACLB BAPTIST OHURCH. 2D AT. AND HHb at.?Bar. I?. C. Bddr. I). 1>. of Hokton. praaebaa taoraiug aud arauiug. Ba|>tiiinit altar evauing aeriuon. <'\ITOMAN?HKK SPHERE AND INKLUENCR." f T Rev. J. H. Llichtbourn will preach on tba above aub J Pet in Seventeenth meet church i between lat and 3d ant), at 7\._Boat? lr?. 8iO?B Alto room*. FWW-^FiT^tJlAN'imiCKKf I.VStRL'MKJft OASg". Can be called lor in BKNDINEK A liECKKR'S drag atore. corner Wooater and Amity ata. OVT?A ;PET "KINO DOVE THE KfXDXIt will 67: auitably rewarded by retaralag II to No. 8 Eaat :i*th at. L"0ST-0N~TUr 18TU INST.. A MALTESE CAT. from 44 Baal 22d at. Whoever will brinj( the aauio will be rewarded. ost?ON 7tii AV., NEAR 2XTII ST.. (iOLD PK.Y, valued aa a preeeal Kinder suitably rewarded on re turning it to owner at 3?l Weat 38tli at. L~ost?A~BUNCI HiinOCYsTTN (iOINO KKOM EBBK rnan at., near Cliff, to Kooeevelt Street Kerry. Pleaaa leave with PERKY A CO . 8t> Heekuiau at. Lost?on urn sr.. kkiday. ladies' hold Watch. Kinder rewarded on return to W. W. SMITH, Cloak Department A. T. Stewart A Co.'a, Broadway and Utb at. uS?Waiq>?; ipji J injr ezpreaa train from Teually m New York, 17th lnat., it hunting eaae gold Watch; Crootn High Bridge la aa graved oa Ita back, and oa front State armaol California; ouitafaoe ia Jaroea Uaddle A Co., Northampton aqaare. Loudon, No. 13,0<1; tame ia alao engraved on toe plate cov ering the latlde worst; laatde the sack caae ia 184.V The above reward, and no qneetloai aaked, will be paid on Ita re turn to Utf Broadway, room 3, or to Pond Manufacturing Ce., TenaJy. N. J. ' 8P E C IA I7 ~X OTIC K t?. "a~STSPORTANT" r ACT KO E A ADVERTISERS TO C0N8IDKB. Circulation or the BVENINO telegram laat week Monilar. May 8 SS.ttX) Tueadav. May 9 48,?X) Wedneaday. May 10 a7,?uo Tliureday. May 11 37.UOO Friday. May 12 36.400 Saturday, May 13 34.7UO Total a* i.l IX) Daily average 3U.350 ADVERTISING KA IKS, lit CENTS PER LINE. J^STHMA AND CHRONIC bronchitis. Tha most effectual remedy will be found to be DATURA TATULA. Prepared la all forma for crooking and la halation by SAVORY * MOORE, li3 New Bona *1, London, andaold by them and all eaemWU and ?torekaepera througb ou? the world. TTBNTION lI^TWBNYY-FlVH YEARS' PRUSSIAN hospital experience; dlMMi of men and diseases of the akin especially; consultation ir** dprivate office 181 Wleecker St. Dr. JACOBY. A?ISAAC G. BOY OK. *67 BROADWAY. LAWYER.? ? Divorcee obtained promptly, without publicity: deter t^iu, Incompatibility. habitual dninkeaneee, infidelity, in human treatment, conviction of felony. Paasoorts obtained. A A FORTUNE FOR SI.?LAST CHANCE I Buy thie day. Wyoming lottery. Draws (hie day. May 30. Capital priie, *50.000; <200.000 distributed. Tlekete, ?1; six for fO. Prises cached ALLEN * CO.. 70 Nassau at., New York. -KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERIES OF J. 8. SMITH k CO. KKNTVCCT?SXTRA CLASS NO. 443. FOR 1878. 10, 47, 80, 30. 27. 50. 5, 16. 42, 62, .*>3, 49, & KX.XTCCKT?CLASS *0. 440, FOR 1870. 30. 70, SI 56, 3H. 53. 61. 23, 63, 3, 77. 4S. 8. All order* address B. NATHAN, 181 Broadway, or box 4,870 Post office. New York oily. ?PARKS, EMERSON * CO. ? Kentucky State Lotteries, drawn dally. Boval Havana Lottery, drawn every 17 flays. Kentucky Single Number Lottery, drawn May 27, 187W. Prises cashed, information furnished and circulars free. ISO Broadway. Post office l??x 5.272. New YorX. ?first"pbTze, #i<*t.i*w> gold " ? Main drawing ot the Ducal Brunswick Government Lottery, from May 16 to Junr 9, 1878. 60.500 ticket., 28.5011 prims. Royal Havana Lottery. Next drawing May 22, 1878. Full explanatory circulars free. ? THEODORE UCUOCH, Box 5,594 Port office. 118 Nassau St.. New York. COLDS, WHOOPING COUGHS. laflueasa. Irritation of the Chest. Throat and Bronchi tla Fifty medical men of the hospitals of Paris have born* tes timony to the incoutestible efficacy of the Paste and Syrup Pectoral de Nafe de Deraugrenler, of Paris, against the above ailments. Depot at New York at FOUGKRA'8 Pharmacy. DR. GOULARD, LATE PROFFSSOR IN PARIS, 41 West 35th st.? Norvous debility, Ac., speedily eradi cated. Advice ire*. DR. FRANCIS igoulard, LATE PROFESSOR IN Paris, lectures semi-weekly. Private office* for recep lion of patients. 41 West 35th st. Nervous debility and dis eases of meu and women speedily eradicated. Consultation free. ISKASES OF MEN A SPECIALTY. HENRY A DANIELS. M. D.. 144 Lexington av., near 20th st. Office hours from 8 to 3. DM. II. jt^jordan, SOLE PROPRIETOR OF THE New York Museum of Anatomy, has removed hi* resi dence aud office to No. 5 Washington place. tUrea doors west of Broadway. F AIR OK TUB CHURCH OF TIIK ADVENT, &7th st.. betw een 4tli aad Lexlagtou avs., to be held Monday. May 22, 1870, and two following days, at 917 and 010 Hroadway, corner of 21st st. Useful articles, at moderate prices. Open till 10:30 P. M. eaeh evening. Havana lottery.-next drawino of 40.000 tickets. May 22; amount of prises. 9800,000; big hast prise, $100,000. For particular* address B. martinez A CO.. 10 Wall St., box 4,082 Post office. New York. K -CHRONIC CATARRH. DEAFNESS: 1MPBOVED ? method; instantaneous relief; permanent cures. Dr. STODDARD. No. 8 West 14th St. Kentucky state lottehiea-drawn daily. Kentucky Single Number Grand Distribution, drawn May 27; 50.1**1 ticket*; 25.42U prises. Whole tickets. flO; halves, *5; quartern. $2 5(1 Third Louisiana Ovid Distribution to be drawn July 20. Whole tickets. <50; tenths and twentieths in proportion. For information, rlrculars. Ac , address nr apply to JACKSON A CO.. Bankers. 212 Broadway. New York. T ADIESI CONSULT DR. GKINDLE. FOR ALL AIL jlj ineuts ; speedy cures whatever the matter. 142 West 48th st. ? Nervous exhaustion.?a medical essay comprising a series of lecture* delivered at Kaha's Mu seum of Anatomv. New Vork. on the cause and cur* of Pre mature Decline, kliowing indisputably bow lost health may be regained. affording a clear synopsis ot the Impediment* to marriage and the treatment of uervvn* and physical debility, being the result of 2t) rears' experience. Price 25 cents Ad dress the author, Dr. L J. KA1IX, office and residence 51 East 10th st.. New York. 0 -OFFICIAL DRAWINO KENTUCKY STATE LOT. ? urles-SIMMONS k DICKINSON, Managers, KKMTCCKr. KXTRA CLAM XO. 337?BAY 10, 1*7&. 41, 8, 85, .'XI. 10. 37. 71. 73. 43 II, 30, ??. KKXTl'CKT. CLASS SO. 3318? HAT 19, 1876. 2. 38. :t7. 73. 43. 74. 75. 22. H8. 61, 14. 12, 53, 4. ft KURT, EXTRA CLASS WO. 237?1ST IB. 1876. 37, 43. 22. 0. 19. 31. 51. 33, 71. tW, 23. 26. MKXRT, CLASS SO. 23*?BAT 19, 1876. 17, 37. 76, 4*. 53, 23. 20, 72, 25, 27, 40. 34. 13. 45. Full information by applying to of addressing J. CLUTE A Co., 'JUJ Hroadway, or box 4.1*10 Post olttee. 0-???i.OOO IN PRIZES. EVERY OTHER TICKET ? a 1'rlse. Simmons A Dickinson Single Number Kentucky Stat* Lottery, to bo dr wn May 27, 1876. 25,420 prises out of .'in.tsm tickets. Also Royal Havana, to b* drawn on Mav 22. 187>i J. CLb'T* k CO., 2( 0 Broadway; box 4,960 Post offic*. PILES OR hemorrhoids permanently ERADI. cated in iwu to lour aoek*' painless treatment; no kulf'. ligatures. eanstlcs or cauiery employed; positivslv NO CHARGE FOtt TREATMENT UNTIL CUREb. Circulars free. Dr. STODDARD, only offiae No. 8 W*st 14U> *t. Royal Havana lottery. The next drawing will take place oa May 22. Prises cashed. Orders filled. Information lurnlsh?.| ire* on appli cation. Spanish bank bills and governments purchased. TAYLOR k CO.. Hanker*. 11 Wall ?t.. New York. The membeks of the new york state mill tla ar* Invited to call and examine oar naw sty I* of shoes, (specially adapted for parado purpose*. CANTKELL. nqs. 230 and 241 4th ar. Tamar INDIKN-A LAXATIVE FRUIT LOZENGE, agreeable to take; specific remedy for constipation and its roKseiiuences. F. GKlLLOT, 27 Hue Rambateau, l'arls. Depot. CASWELL, HAZARD k CO.. New fork. Wanted to puhchask-a watch, second tt hand. In good running order, of Frodsham or Jules Jurgens-u make. Address, giving description and pri**, A. K- M.. Herald office. WHAT EVERYBOOV wants and what every I? hotel, restaurant, saloon and household should have, and know how to make, eoda water ilcti cold), without foun tain, which is more wholesome than to b* drawn throuith corroded |ii(i?*. >nd quite easllv mad*, and cost iliJO |srr rent less iliah the fouhtalu sola: used extensively la southern cltie*. For full directions how to make it. Including *11 kinds ot syrups, s*ut to any address by enclosing .VI cents to Dr. MONMOK PARKS, box 1.646 Post office, Philadelphia, I'a. "l&jtcfi an uk. W^TiD^tidOD REAL ESTATE nr^j(dHAlfOB TT for an *stabllsli*J Musiaaes; uiuat be disposed of ua I ?f si*ane*s; Stock about S.O.UUU. k. ULOM^riST. ISO Xacaaa M. ?PORTniO? OOCI. BIUDS, ?C. Fob salb-a kihst class ~blooduound, ih JOar. ulii. 1W U tlitain 11., ?p ttalr.. poiljj BOLD at 818 UUTLEDGlTsT.. NEAR UXIOB J. Groundi. Brooklyn. on Mutual va. Uottou. Union T m= ^h'e?tC? v.. SL J.0.1U, at i:nlc?|[?; Cincinnati vs. pwiMtilli, M Luubnlli; Uutforil rt. }(?? llivtn. il liart fa** BK1WHT A McCLOIlD. ~~ THE Tl'KF. A UCTIOX~AND>RKNCH POOLS SOLD AT^YHOM AS' A^ucnii||? Broadway, every afternoon ui<1 evrntug on the Loulavtltu Running Itaces; also on *11 Hall and on tli* Milliard Tournament at Philadelphia. Itr - rQ?o'ved by telegraph. O. M. TllO WAS. A L'a7>w!^?A!*? "HBioff pools sold at~joiin ~V. _ ', * Ro'HUf.e.irner of Broadway Mid 2stb It., or. tb? race, at Louitville, Ky.; full return* received byttlegraph ii r:,er: pools clot* at 3 :*) P. .X.; all order* by mall or lauMBgir win reutire prompt attention. T B. A W. II. JOHNSON. A UOTIOK ASD KBE.NCH POO US SOLD TO DAY. AT I V.^r Yor.k J*'* Excnaugc, IS Wnl 2Sthat..on the Lou ., lie ,.*",4 Washington running rsee?. KreiR-h poolt Aleo next Monday sveuiug on tbe Baltl more aud Ciuciuuuti running race*. KKLLY, HLIS8 k CO. rjKKUKOOT DRIVING PaBK.-LAST DAY OK < Saturday, May 20-l'urte of SIM) u i ..C!"*-7' ?t?r V *"??.*>? ir. Jupiter; M. Rogor.. blk g. MtJorJ'alao; John L. Bodlne. b. m. Lady MIlia: A. Ilopkiui, it.ili i? u8 i/;? f"'*'br- Bullie Barker; Cliarle. il. . u ii,!".' D?*- s*">- -lay-Purae *?? I tor 2 :*> SlSltHiik L*,lr Whit*: A. Hiipklna, br. in. Ball) Mack; (1. Walker, br. ui. Lady Annie; C. Dlekunaau, b. b. Harry Spauk-r; Wm. Brcket, b. g. Jericho; II. W. r'/JI""*- h",,,mer ?.; George Gilbert, ?. g. Harry (?llbert; tliarle. seugravo. b. g. clothe .line, Race. at 3 /. ViLi)'* 'sPocl?l cart will rnn Irom city line to the track. Adatlaelan. ?1. WM. McM AHON. Proprietor. /lONTINE-VrXL HOOl. IIOOM. CONTINENTAL ii !? iV * .. ^ a* Pa.?Auction and Prencb Pools ?old daily on all .porting mall la all partt of tbe country. BUDl) LHIBLK. It. K. MAKTIN. "PLKETWOOD PARK.?THE URST SPRING MBET A lug will be given Jaue l?, 19 aud 'J<V The dob boute aad reatanraatnuder grand stand will he opeuod the niora .?j i .0f u1' * 'JIV.I'M* '*??? by the well kiiowu caterer and hotel keeper. Billy Florence. PHILIP DATBB. vlebtwogd park.?the Fr TVilegeToF"5kll *? . ,n* P<*>'. of1 ?H the eotertainuieuta given at the above park lor aale. Adilreo PHILIP DA I KK. Kleetwood Pari. rpATTERBALL'S TURK COMMIBKIOJ* KGRSvVl u i. I.JH7 Broadway, wi-it 3l)th at. murf0?!!1L"OW ?P*U ."Wltbera." 'Betmnnt" itakei. U. rini!iLiii ?v?nu dtirlnu the year. Booka on all tba LouitvUlo rtcii Office opto diul/. McDOUGALL A CO. HORSES, CARRIAGES. dtC. JttXTlOS O, UENTLEMEJf TS "CALI-K7? A tO THE SALE BY PUBLIC AUCIIOX THIS DAY (SATURDAY). M VY 20 .. .... ??.AT 11 O'CLOCK PROMPT. AT TH? PRIVATE 8TABLK BO. 4 WEST 10TU ST.. __ ... ?*E DOOR WEST OK 5TH AV.. OK ALL TIIR PAST. VALUABLE AND RELIABLE HOUSES. KIXE CAKKIAtlES AXD ___ ??? kleoant HARNESS. THB PROKRKTY OK J D. DOREMC8, ESQ. l/onalatlBff of the bandaome and well matched team of black t arrlatre Horeea. ralaed by Dr. Herr. of Lexington. Ky., aud tirod by Cauins M. Clay, dam n balMired inara: they ara band 7 yean old. 1H hand., half brother.; trotted together at County Pair at Pari.. Ky., In U:M. when pur chased by preaent owner; they cannot be ont-etyle.l br any team In the elty; have lilvh kneo action, drive together like one hor?o and are perfectly brokeu, alufrle and double; are nut alraid of tho car?; ?afa for any urdluary driver, aud aro warranted poaud nod kind. BBAUTIKULTHKEK-QUARTER BRED SORREL OELD !|D.? ^'^"i.l!f!I.V ? J"*" ?'d- ,5*< h'irh. aired by Melbonrae, Si ^5 L011* ?. broken, moat irracafoi and llneat behaved horeei In America; baa all desired gaits under aaddle, guide, by motion; earry either lady, or gen tleman with style and ease: Is bold, brave and fearless; Onely broken to all harneaa. and cau trot In 'J *5; warranted ?ound and kind. kleoant black TBOTTI.KO mare BORA SON here, aired by Ulgblaudcr Chief, dam by Edward Everett. !! JK^i-'J?^ b?IM,? h!|th: *">"??? l??t fall at Pleet THHaa r .1 i ' i * yrr* P'?***1". prompt driver; la not alraid ol anything: doo* not pull, and in not exeltable in company; extraordinarily good pole inure, *ud Tor a gentle man t road mar# cannot be surpwed in the city, and war ranted sound and kind HANDSOME HIUII BRED TROTTING MARE BOS ton Ulrl, raised by C. Ruasell, of Bostou, Miui., sired br hearuaught. dam by General Knox; is 5 year.old. 15U hlrh; trotted as a Tour rear old in a :43 orer My.tic Park, when ahe was purchased by present owuer; sluco which tlnte tbe baa been drlecu ou the road; she It a rery stylish drirer and is perleetly broken ; aafe for any one to drive; can pull a road wagon better tliun a 2:40 gait; is a good Dole stare and warranted sound and kind. ROSA KONHEKU AND BOSTON CIRL HAVE BEEN <w"u. m/ke a rory faat double team. k u.^ /i little bay make nellie. sirbd Jy Jj**1han Allan (she is a parfoct beauty). 14?i handa high, bright bay. with flowing oiane and tall. 7 rear, old; lias ?'WV" ba";" ???'? br ladles and children; lor that pnrpoaa ene it Invaluable; etanda without tyinpr aud is nafe under all circumstance*; is thoroughly broken under the saddle end ean trot in 2:50; warranted sound and kind. Carriages coii.ltt of one elegant elgbt-.pring C Clar ence. mad? by Wood Bros, at a coat of ?t,000; one qneen's Phaeton, one Top pony Phaeton with lamps, one slda bar Tup V\ agou, one full tpriag Top ngon. Harneaa ceusltt of one elegant gold moucted carriage Harneaa. by Tralnor, two aeta of light double Harneaa. three 5J* Ilernets. imnorled la<1le.' and gfiitlemen't riding Sad^ea and Bridle., blanket.. Sheet., Whip., At B.?Tiu abo\ b stock is all Fiit.-rr cla^is AND MUST BE SKKV *t? BE APPRECIATED AMD WILL BE ON EXHIBITION UNTIL TIME OK SALF SALE POSITIVE, WITHOUT LIMIT OR RESERVATION: (.IIARLEH C. DUKK,.Auctioneer. AT BARKER A >ON'M " CItY APCTtON M ABT AND NEW YORK TAT TEKSALL'S, ? . cororr of Broadway and 30th it. major charles w. barker, auctioneer. **0^5 Wedaeaday and Saturd^N ?i?i L T,\r'.Kl?L.5 'J0"? for trial. Til K ONLY driving track In the State. catalogue ok bale this day 4 AT KLEVKN O'CLOCK. GENTLEMAN'S RUHKKB Road Turnout, comorisinir a very speedy and beautiful bay Trotting Ucldinir. bred br walter R. Moore, Orange county. New York I3W hlvh? foaled June *ot by Guv Miller. Jr., Jam by Bd* WH^f. ? WITHOUT EXCEPTION 'the best dii poaltloaed, moat pronlaing aad rlcheat stylad young horse to be found; haeabown trial, to ROAD WAGON In from 3*7 toJ:M, and If traiued would trot ln3S?or better; Is per fect for gentleman', road use; fearless of anrtbiig. and la warranted aoand and kind Also .Ingle Mat side bar Road W agon, built by BRfcil STER, of Broome at., and new two months aeo; floe Harueas, Clothing, Ac.. 4c. R"?d Wagon, br Howard. tnS I?r ??! wC"'* *n,<l ??CO'"' band Harnena. T11K ELEGANT combined sorrel saddle and barnes* Gelding LANLEWOOD, bred In Kentucky, I.W high"7 rears old; goes all gait, under saddle; has trotted in 3:58 In harness; can be ridden or drlreu by a lady aad Is war. ranted sound and kind. CAKKYALL, built by Huntington. NO TOP Kxpreas Wagon, by White. ?! R,.,AI> Batabliabment, eon.i.ting of tba ealebrated gray Trotting OelJing (IRaY PRINCK, got by a son or Pilot. Jr., lot, high, 7 yean old; an elegaat and T'ra,b* rao*1 treinendnoua ROAD HORSES in America; ha. a public record of 2 M?Hu'? |, an any and every day SURE 3*> HOKSK to road and wagon; fears no locomotive and warranted sound and kind; alu> One Blanket* Ac w*fr"u. by R. M. Stiver.; Harne.t, TOP* DK POT Wagon, neaHy new. TOP EXPRESS Wagon, bv Smith. THE DKmIKAHLE bav Trottini? (ieldlnt HALLOWRI T. got by ETHAN ALLEN, I6?. foiled 1S.W* a van-fw*and Hjeaaant driver; can beat 2:u and Is warranted sound and BUSINESS WAGON, new. city made. BOCKAWAY. aew. Iiy Terrill. v y*?S^?f.TJ*'5iD bay Mare, Kentucky bred. ISJi high, rt year, old; a tine and extra .trllsh drivar; abarp traveller; perfect Tor ladle.' phaeton ute aud war Ifarae.*" *" * "ind; alto, top Pony Phaeton, nearly new NINETEEN OTHER top and no ton Wagons. A a. TWELVE OTIIP.R Honi.. P ??*????. ??. KULL DESCRIPTION at Mle. SALES NKVKR po.tponed on account of weather. A?MAJOR C HAS. W. BARK KR.~ AUCTION E E R . BY ORDER OK Z. E. SIMMONS, Bw a claim, will he sold poaitlvelr. without re.eive. on TueMlav, Mar JM. at 11 o clock. at Barker A Sou'. City Auction Mart ? ."w T Tatteraall a. corner of Broadway and 39th at the following very valuable TROTT1NU STOCK, comprls* DIRECTOR, bay atnllloa, lRJf high, foaled 1870; bred by Cbarlea Backman, Orange county, N. Y.: got br Hanible. toulan rKytdyk'.), dam by Tom I'liuuib, granddam by Crap ?ec"rd* ' Bellfouuder; ean beat 3;30; no ANpALUBU, knraUjltlon. JWMili, foaled IHfW; bred fi j Ai onklin, of Philadelphia; got by Harry M ^i ll"' wJ *r?uddani by Verioon\ Black Hawk: ha. a record of 2:31, and 1. a ture lnal ir.ti.r . ?UKt;RI?K. bay gelding. UV high loaVd'iW; 'j^l ly John Mlnchm firauge county. N. Y.; got by llaoibletonlari ? Bytdyk .), dam by American Star; hat a rocord of 2:10, and can beat 2:30 eaty. ? BELLE Buekakln mare I-Vf high, foale.1 1H71. bred by John M liichln: cot by Woful, dam Belle of Saratoga (2 M>' trotted In her four year old lorin lu 2 LINCOLN <;OLT, nav gelding. 15 Ik high, foaled 1KT<>; bred by Oorarnor AM ASA J. SPBAGOK, of Providence In 3f'toT"* Allen, dam tbe Lineola mare; cau trot BAY GELDING, 15*4 high, foaled 1808; bred by Ama.a J. Hprague; got by llambletonian (Sprague's), dam by American Star; can trot u 2 ;:tll gait. ' K. Couklln; got by Conklin't Star, dam by Baahaw; cau tr*?t in *: w. AMOVE ABE all warranted tonnd and kind The PEDI GUESS are STRICTLY OL A RaNTBED or no sale. St?H-k will to on exhibition at the mart two days prevlon. to tale No po.iponoment and .ale positive. CATALOGUES caa be bad at tba SPIRIT, TUBK or MAKT ufficei. * -MAJOR CHAS. W. BARKER, AUCTIONEER bXTRAORDlNARV' and positively closing n V ^ Trotting Stock, bred by liO.V. A. B t.ONi.EK, ol tho Waldberg Stud, Haverttraw N. Y to take t*? a? BARK KB k son'S City Auction Mart and New wkdvksd'av' Ii.T'l5!14 <,Hh - ?? uK\K\rttPH utiiV!? Ji eompritlag ? DAUOHTRRA fChi'14 |WK LU?6S9i HTL I)- ,,nd '"dxbag a DaI GIITER of tlie celebrated PRINCESS (dam of H ippy grand'daughter uf ?>oXTAG V?KB U-W THE ML1.1ES aad Stallion Colt. Include tne g-t of Dax tEiS'iSlf *r Anthony (2 JU). Magnet (2^i), Chief Gelding <2 :U) Is the gat or Toronto for exhibition^ip toTa'ie. CATALOObKs will be ready next Thursday, whoa they Turf ,,r M,,r* ?S.VLh POM1IVK; no postponement. ^ -**C0ND HAND CARRIAGE* Ywo wboel Dog Cart, lor half ita ralaat T Cart, In good order, at f2btl. Living.! oa Dog t:art, nearly new. \ ictoria. oar maae, rory cbeap. Pony Pbaetmi, with top, umU once. ? ' Two tide bar Top Wagont. our make At BREWSTER'S. 5th ar. aad 2l.t it. A BARE CHANCE.-91<? KOR A PINK SUPERIOR leather top Poay Phaeton; bant city maker, not ?ot'*d. At private .tableJSo. ? Weet I6tb .L ?PtlNY PHAKTONS, ALL STYLES, TOPS AND NO '* Huf! M""p'?jj '"Uraeat light exten.ion top Pbea t, Iiy lit cat under llocaawayt, Jl.pot U aaoat ton tai a, at WILLIAM II OKAV'/jDand 33 WSSwrlJ? VK.RY KLEGANT PAIB OK BAT HORSES, wTtH. Z~. ,'01upe Kockaway aad llaruets; all la Brit^ctaae ordor^ for sale eeparately or t??etber. AAdreee A A HOIUCII. t* A Kill.Ml KB. M< r.KNTLEMAN WILL MRU. Ml)* At DC ?? v t I ? r Wi|M a*d lltm.K. t.>tk MI m* mil ihiiOm . eal lafeatory nauu Boarding arable .'In Km ??>> ?< FIRE LOT UK II ARNEN* TO RK CHUf. Blankets, NkrrK. Nets, Ac. Ut|Ml ? <t ?) l???< price*. Ktir nimr* by dealing MM with the I nrnr. K U VKTLETT. *S Warm. M , ?M<M# -4 t 4le.e p:?.--. Y..rk Ail MIPoki \>i r?Cf fM ADVERTISERS TO OOMalDBR. Cirealatina of the EVENINO TBLBURAB tart mt wa? ?? Monday. May* v Tuesday. Mat V ... ??.??. Wediu -I.i Ma* IO . *?.?*? Thursday. Ray tl. Friday, Ma/ R IV I'.' Saturday. May 13 * ?4 -??? Total /?. Mat Daily arcrag* *n i?. advRKfisi xii batkr. Rt> fKrn i*RR link A '*'* HAT llltKMKo ?TABUt?a< IV1 4?It /."? M**cd*? anJT.l?? artMM ahaa .I* Ma*#. Hmr iiHaMH ?H all *caad ?4 a?4 Inquire M |irl?ai> iiaklt, Lead A.Mr he l??to an.I lu1, A R " -??< -Plao Carrlei ?af now naaaiartwv^l i|?ailly mm4 ?>?'? ? ?at greater bargatas thai. MM . ??-A. T. I>? M OK' A ? U ?? URI aw >?JI HAKR IIA?MAH?A gi5PBTrR> il ??? ; alee a pair grind Haft N rx a it He ??? ? the lot will lie ?..Id f..r $?<*>. rwk *wll ?*" al? l? quire of J. Ool'ULAM, liable uM Ma. j". bow M* ?- <??? St., Jer*e> ( it? At half cost rwo Kixi, two si,is IhUI; uM 11,1.1 rfcarl >a iti'aUr M,ll bainr? Prlrate stshle. U|| st , eortaet of AO. at. LIVERY AMD boarding ?TAKl.R Im.IMI A rood buones* and cheap Icaee 'or Ml* cheap. A4dia>* I'ASII. Herald I'ptoea Braa?h nli< ?. ?FOR SALE. Kill K llollshS. al IT t Nl.k Fok A ? farmer ur ant bmlam half valae. *!?. It-eery M f ?FOR SALk-A RAMR CMA MCE ri v K ? Horsea; mi Iwinur, ptm't. m at) beelaaai. ? gsn< trial allows!. nil l)f?al at, MM Molt |?T IPUUIDID PA IK i?F IIAPCLI <iKAV DBAlGMV A llaim. IrjB Onl arta county. Near Va*l. T years "14. I perfectly louad and klud; w*lghl pa?na4s Lt.?R * DAVIS. Grand Central stable. 114 West n.u ?? ?>li*I>IU^oii?R~AT A I. AI'HII'11 I A Rfc tl* tlful 7 year old Stallion. I5)e bands high see->?4 D?xlar. taoa coor and mark*), sired by tW? eel. ireled horse Dictator; full bro.her of IH-xtar. ml af Lady i/as. k enbos. alav from laal stock au-l f*l?krat*4 for kat ...Ita a ill bo Mild vary iow to cloaa an ?>tata; can ka aaaa at Unaat i atablea, 3JHh at., oaar Broadway. A T7*OR HAIiK-A FKIVATK CARRIAUR TKAM (DARK X1 cbaatantu), parfeetly matched, orar 16 handa, wllhuat laalt ur blamlab, and for atyle not exrallcd; a rara oppor tunity to aMura from a reliable owner a thomughly trust worthy and eltjrant turnout. Addreaa OWNER, box 5.7SO foal olUoe, New Vork. For halk-a light doubi.r habnrhh, city make, in Brat rate order. Apply at No. & Kaat 19th it., private ataale. FOR 8ALK-A OOUFK ROCKAWAY FOR ONR OR two liortta: good aa new. Call XI Walker it., up atalra. T7>OR SALE CHEAP?LEATHRR TOP PONY FHAB r ton, bnuiclit of Bradley, Pray A Co.; new laal aoaaon and in flrtt claaa order to-day; alao dapple gray Mare, T yeara old, auuml and kind: wa? driven oy a ladv laal tum raer: alA? H ernaaa. Blanket, Ac.: tbla waa ronaldered tba hanaaomeat pour turnout drlron In the Park I ant lummer. Can be aean at Amour** atablca; 7th av., near 12th at. TjX)R ?ALR?A FINR LANDAULRT. NRARiiY NEW, r at very low prtco. Inquire at WJU 5th av. FOR 8AlJs^fw6nioRB^71iZPKKSH WAGON, TWO aet* Exorata Hamaa, alx-ieated Park Phaeton. 40 Mott at. ]" noR KALK-OR KXCIIANOK FOR A FIRST CLAHM Piano, a bay llorae, lsji haada hirh, H yeara old. kind lutd geatla. FAlRNBWoRTU'B liable. 54th at. and Broad w?y. thOR SAI.K-A UBNTLXMAN'rt ENTIRE TURNOUT, A r frill bred Kentucky Rare, kind and true In harucaa. 7 year* old, 1&>? hanfla high, and ha* been driven for the last la-o year* by a lady: has all the *addlc> u-aJta. Apply at Groiveuor boarding liable, M) Weal luth at., between 5tk ?nd Oth an. Can bo Men for two day*. FOR riALK OK EXCHANGE.?A BAY IIORBR. IS^ hauda high, 8 year* old: kind and gentle; good driver;can trot batter than throo nilnnte* with proper handling: can trot fact; will eell or exclisnr" for a Brat class light Rocka way. Apply at FARMf WOUTIi'ri (table, 54th su, Broad way. n BNTLKXAN'B PEUFKCT ItOADSTKK FOR KALE VJT cheap: can trot In 1:35: sound aud kind. Addrou C. iTT, box 1,431, Poet office. New York. HAftXKuS.^CHRAPKrfT IIARNIUM RTORB IXITkW York: good Buiny Harness, hand made, IIS; good (?rocer*' llamas*, ttt: good dunkle Team Harness, $.10; a good llorso Blanket, fl 5<>. Plcaso call and examine lor youraolvee. FIBUUU A ObBUK.V. Mannlacturvr*. No. 71 Barclay at. OR8ER TAKEN TO PASTURE ON RRABONABLB term*. Address JOHN W. MOlhON, BlauvelUville, Kockland county, X. Y. IRADRKS FOR BALK.?A PAlK OF BAY IIORBL8* J 15*? high: can trot close to 3 minute*: gentle, ca*y drivers: are Aral das* lead liorao*. Apply at 0. R. P111KST'M atable. I:t8 Weit Mth at. 0" UR bPhCIALTi KM. blx-aeat Rock away* and Conpe Rock away*. 'Iha fined quality at very low pi ice*. A. T. DKMAUKsT 4t CO.. Manufacturera of Fine Carriages, ?J8 and (SHi Broadway, 0* XE ROAD WAGON. BY"WATkRMAN : ONK SECOND band top pony Phaaton; one Depot Wagon; one cut under Kockaway; two full tprlng Top Wag' ns. |7i up: one ?Idn liar Top Wagon ; oue 53 pound Caflrey Sulky. Apply to WM. H. GRAY. Carr.age Factory, l,4iH Broadway, between 3tfth and 40th sta. S" XOWWIIITE ARABIAN A ND"J KT BLACK BLACK llnwk; the handsomest pair ol horses in the city; young, ?uund. spirited aud very gentle; 1SU handa. Leadbclter's ?table. 05W 7th av. SPF.kIT^BRST YOUNG COLT IN CITY; HOUND, kind. Call, before 10, alter 3. at No. ?.* hast lutb at. CECONI* HAND CARRIAOR*L-TWO LANDALt1, TWO O Landanleta, one Victoria, two Coupe*, one Coupe Rock away. three lop Pony I'hartona. two Barouche*, four six seat Phaetons. two Coacbei, oue ilx-seat Kockaway. one nine-paeeeiiger Depot Wagon. WM. 11. ORAY, 'JO and Tl Wooater at. Thk miw-Trlrgant toFbkewsTer improved ? abrliig Wagon In the city, used eight times, for half coat. Will e shown by Tom, tbe coachman, at No. I Weal l.uli at. fTRUCK.-FOR MALE, A FURNITURE TRUCK, IN J. guild order; price S:<6. A. K. B aKM KM. 438 Pearl at. rfwo W IIKKL CART WaNTKD. ~ADDKE8t>78TATlNO X price. C. Herald oflie -. Ykry iiaxusomk mariT for bAI.E-IUW UAXDS, ?? tears: form and diaposltlou (aoltleea; fine action; very promising; raiaed by advertlaor. AdOre,s UOADlRY, Greeuwlcli. Conn. \ IT AN TED?A BHEWHTEU LIGHT TOP ROAD H Wagon. Any gentleman wishing to dlipnse of audi will addresa, with a^a and price, R. E., box 1.8 Herald Up town Branch office. WAXTP.D?8INOLR PHAETON. BRFWSTKR OR stiver*' uiake. a* good at new. Addreaa box 2.U53 New York Poet office. A> f hD?A hKCDXl> 11AXI> ii TKOTTINU WAO<?N. Addreaa. Hating loweet eaah price, Ac., 8. TUoMP aou, 18 LUpenard al. TlfANTEO?KIKST CLASS SADDLE HOK8E: MU8T ft P* well trained aud broke to iiaruoa*, aound and kind; atale age. color and aiae; no fancy price. Addreaa box IjtUH Pen office. , $65 " It'llMPE. T ONO'H ' HotEL. NEW BOND" it. A?rir"ctl>FORD XJ at.?Thla well known comfortable hotel for families and gentlemen, the only oue In ibis central situation, baa now n most commodious and luxurlixuly appointed amoklng and reading room, with a large bay window commanding a most Cheerful view of this important and faahionahle thorough fare; your vialt I* solicited, should yvu not already beve made choice of a hotel In the West End or London. Under the management of W. 1. and Mrs. Chamber*. PAKla?AU PKTit ST. THOMAH. ~~"~ kouvkauteb. BCE DE BAC. 27. ?{, il. 33, M. ar> RUE DE L'UNIVEKRITE Till* houce, established upward of .Ml yeara, I* ?alvarmaily known and ranted a* one of iba first eatabllahuiciiu la Paris In which thorough confidence may be placed. Noted for be ing remarkably ehcap. In It* immcaaa premlcc* will ka lound tbe most complete asaortmanl of 8ILK8. from the celebrated factories of Bonnet. Poneea. Ac. The VKRY FIRST NOVELTIES or FANC'f SIL1U. INDIA and FRKXCII CASHMERE 8IIAWLM, WOO I.LEX 8, LACKS, LINUKUIK, COXFECTDirs for LAD1KS, FURfl, COTTOX and THRBaD STUFF1I. HOSIERY, 1 GLOVES. RIBBONS. TRIMMINGS. CARPRTM, ART1CLK8 OF FUHN1TURK, WEDDING OUTFITS. ENGLISH ASSISTANTS. FIXED PB1CBS. PARIs-ROUVBAUTBR-AIT PETIT THOMAS, VOGL BKOTHERR, TO BASlNOHAtX ST., LONDON, eitabliibed ill years aa cnmtaiadnn hona- Intimately acqcaiated with tbe Amirtcan trade, are wlUIng to axlond their connection there and aaoept * Itw goad, Irat alaca -A good NO TOP PONr PHAETON . Wooeler si. -TWO HORSES. PONY IIUILT. ALSO LtKIK draft lloree, $5'.. ft Ki, ?| J5. ?j| Caaal >t. Vsai.? mi. Am elegant top wagon and iiarnrsr will be (old at a bargain al private Mahlc No. 13 Waal 27th sl , between Broadway and .>tb av. A?IO BUSINESS WAGONS. t:<0 TO ?I7?, FOR RX ? pf"*. grocer*, baker*, hulch rs. packages, depot, do livery Wagons. Wagon manufactory. SM spring ?i. AflWT.IlANDSOMK PAIR-OF RAY HORSES. NO while, 10X handa liUh. d years old; warranted sua ad auu klud; grcnt bargain. No. :i West 13th at Avery Handsome tur.\??ut-jkt""black . ^ high, H tears old; warranted eoabd v1 J i?' ? ^?,Vop ' '?*???? ?nd 11 arosee; great bargain. No. 5 W est I3lh at. A-?? WILL" B~UY AN ELEoTnT EXTRNRIoN . top Phaeton; cost $810 laal March; carries lour; polo S5ii i!*L. J? ,eul,*rne"? ?W,: ,l"??a. *K>: fast ilnrse, 1250. SlabU hrtt door ettt of Inlvfriity pl?c? lu I3tt? ?t, Afour wheel doo cartTby bkkw ster a c<7 cost $800, for $3U>; aaaortment of seasonable Carriage* al low prion*. HAM, <WW Rntailway. IjlASUIOXABLK CARRI AUKS. r landaus. LAN DA CLEW, BROUGHAMS, LOUl'KS, COACHES ROCKAWAYS PHaKTONB ROAD WAGONB, * ?A L*rFT"fn1r,?e"t ?r Vehicle I of a very daccripllon la lata and fashionable design* and durable aud pleaaiag culm*. J A. H. FLANDRAU, 372 nd 874 Broome at., old faetury of Brewiur A CO. fiVB second Viand . _ alx-aeat Rockawayi, at bargain*. A. T. DEM A REST A CO., ti38 and 030 Broadway. 4, uk % uooo?r. * a , ?r. ?a* Mb Ur. r>4? ma lt. iIm imm -t tWr rsar. mkkt' uood* ??. . ??? />?i BAMAIM ||U|JT * ifaTtZ* ?canyuv. <hmuv, U'llX. Ml ... .J*0 OTHSB?, K'MJt A oft LAW KUBB VaTBBA, ssmActo <>tujusa?, ?Ail Tu\l.". KIAN, r?.*Ai-i.- i-vi'ti^.tA. ac. torn. ?NUttt kAVBIMB WATU. ? n'i *??>? ?t ?... ?? kA m tfc* Oval Cnmn, m KMk ? Ma MMnUHTAV ?TR k* ?f? ASP I'TII *T* VI' ?** r*m tuiH iff ?. HI B?t>ri aoUI ???? miatMii I li kiMdcif ' mtrr* m Mist' ? Mill H?lri< *mt?t Iimm Tafc.r i.. rat, !?*?-? !???> T ???? < . .ww. r. A . hvm a Ur . ? w ?? ? !? Bmmmm M ?rrt , ?. PiCLiAi ? ' ||j mm >Al?> IkJT MOW I Ml*tAli^>. #1 A3 ? BfcATTlB * BOBS. I - ? earn and liMta Mr KlUltKRI Alb llNkMMUIito. "" A-?a. IK ''; STJL ?****? ???dhif * ?*? , ?< ft*r? tfctt**? f M? Mr* ? htpm r??w?. fltti ?U. TnaitiMi r n?4 ww l Ml?a " iTT *fi>M4fc ?? a. M *aet. >t iw. M?.'b*r*.* r.l MOfK4? ?TKIN*Nin. HITKiMT \R link "" '" '?""?* INi|yl Mlt?Tli?l 4k0 UUIMIIL tmfUw rue I *???.!? -r*rh* maii. TW H??ir. W Nit? I.H U*> Dm Um I nn f';*11 ?" c?bb? *??'.. t ? B jf*m WW* TTZa . iVi'iVir '**"** * ?"*?"? ?*? ??.. p| tii u? "??????** a Aim!in. ***?a * 4C' ? HMT.NM, JC?e *1. atlf I 2?6W jrr~ r,;? i ???? r.., * l?amVm I ? kaliwa. ??i and >l ?i In |mM ???>? ItrtOi WiWiMt M? 4i?f aad bath tn wlaM.I amidamaa. whar. tUa a-twr a?d ??w v< wm. aAvdia* ? Baapvaa of nmlurt b.uter*.. MHi?u 4a M MK rac IMIWIW arf Mar. aad Ih -i MW*M|u? "lailr u tk? B t ' ' ??Tta - SOMt Dlkfci T AMD Ri'OBl'MD KOI Tk To MOl* LAkD. B tHK Kit INK, aWIYBKUI.AND ? C.. 40 . VIA ROITkRDAM ? a?? ?..*/.*?, >'???" N?U. Bav? Mraniar RoTT. RDtM J?i,a 4 -fff .,****"*1. "?'WW. aarvyia* H?? I mm mm !? Ifef tr? ttlli mmm. '??ibU*. rii? U? MMtwi ??? ktlif hff tt+ifht, i\9 immAms* Kl?cil. BDVB ? c* L ? ?< N IHklo ?" k? ladaap ORTll MKRBAk LLOYII MaTkAB-.lir I.I Mil MTVWJIt TOM. MM rilAVI'l' S AM> IIKtlrV loaipaar'* pic. I.h.1 ,.| 24 4 It* ?l.? kiikim. -m.Mutii maim _ UUKK . . ??"'M.j. May ar I MK* KAK Hi?nk; JkM Mt lUlnrflMMtn !?? *?w (art *? - ?' Uwn or Ifiviiiti ?? riiHi'*Ma.9IUic?M; ?.. . ' -r BW> i-anvncy. Return llrketa M rrleaal ram Prepaid ?t.?ra?e I'-vrtifc-ete* Ml aaii?ar|. Kor tre.tfht or iwuaiii aoply la OlUlCMi A I a. Ma * Mawliaf xraaa INMAN LI NB-MAIL aTKANtkMi* i... KUH Ul KKhaTwWN Akt) UVKKhNiL J'fJJ UJ HKl(t|JI Mitarda. Mai /I at ? .?? 4, ? CITY Of CUKi>TKX Hatur4a> iaaa l<> >1 a A II CIVV OK K1CIIMOK0 Kaaa.4?J >aaa if at I * 8. ?>????? 45. k?r?li4l?at. CAIIIN, kai im ll'll. |aM H. tarn iiiiaiiai htaraMa rata"*" **'" ??"*?? ) 1 trait ? iaaa?4 al Maa muwawi. aaa.4lM aad baikwau JOlik U. I'^IJt. 4MM. _ aad a lirnaaaa.. ka? Yaafc. CUNARU UKK.-R. ANIi M. A. R. ? ?. f CO HllTICIL With ? alaar la dlmlniabiat Um- ctaaaaaa al aaMMM. ataamora of thla |S laA. a S&B mr. far all iha yaar. a^xffifrr^ftRKaaRias to iha north ol 4a ?-wiM Oa the bomaward piaaal. rraaataa Iha Mart4laa ?f k" at 42 latitude, or notlilag la the Hurt* of 41 VH0XNKWVORK ROM LH turoot, 4WVCUM ? ?llR A, BOTHNIA WmL. Marui |'i;i MIA ,._Wa4 laa. T ABTBRIMA Wad. May 31 I H. \ A J?T || Kteamert tnaraad ? 0u aot ram aaaara^ra aa.eaaaaia. Caliio paaaaica. P?). f " -t f I-? a II. aaamai eommodatloo. Ketara tickrta a* laaoraMa (arm. , Htearaga tlakrU to mmI (row all (?arte of fcar?aa al vara ? "?*" sjraw.rrj'j.vftybr1 Nl I li. KRAkl'KLVk. ATIONAL UBB-kro* flBBR 44 ABO 41 BuBlU River, for ImIoi dirart m m BsmfefiV-aiKVrV'-rus.". Cabin paaaase. 47t> aad BNU. carrvwy. Ratara taakata at (?dui-eU rataa. Ktaeratfe p.eaaaa UH.aaitaary, Urafta laaua<i from Ci upward, at rarrvai t-|n Apply al I ha euapaay'a aktr. H? Rr..a-i?a irr, >a? Kiuanaw, r. W J. lll'HMT. M UNITED UTAThS MAIL LIN K -HTkAM TO UIBRXR TOWS aXI> UIVRRl'tMlU eailiB?e*ery Tl KSDaV. ... .. from piar 40 Marti, Kla.r IDAHO Jlayau. I.. A.M. | VTt.4?:<lkMIX JaaaRu.^ r M MKVADA. ..Juna 13,111A.M. I W'VORlkO j.-oa M Cabin, Hto. fro aad tHil, earraaMy. ^ Intermediate. frKI; al aerate, ?JH PlMinri boot*! ta and Iroa Carta. Ilambarc, X?r*ay. fiaredaa, Aa. DraAaaa Iralatl.Eulaai fmaa id list maay at loveat ratal . WIMJAMk A UUIOR. SW Rra^eay. OSI.Y UIRIiCl LlNh TO KRAkCR. ~ tiie I2KNBRAL TKAkSATL tKTlf! COMPANr** MAlLDTBAMkRM BKHVKEN XBW VOKk AkD HAVRE, 0AU.IKU AT I'LYMOUTII tu. R , for tha laudlnu of paaaantfarc The aulendld vaaaala oa thia farurlte ruata far tka t'oati neut (belli* mora auutherly titan any utiirr) will .aU piar So. 43 North Kl?er, foot of Harrow at., ae rulluwe ? LABRADOR. SanKllar Saturday. May *1 .??> M AMKRIUL'E, Puuiuli Saturday, May Jl at U A M *HT. LAURRNf. LaduMaas....MMartli.y. Jaae II at 31 f M* KltANCK, Trtidelle Katurday, -Iuhc lu! at " A M ?PKRKIRE, Daara Haiarda/. Jaae 17 at I P M PRICE OK PA8MAUK IN OOLD liaeiadlaa wiaai ? Klrat cabin, IllU lo fl'JU, icconlina to accoiuinodaaiaa. boroad. ?7i Third cab.u Rio Return ticket* at reduced rata*. Steerage, tW, with aupertor areoaimodatlAa. laoludlae Vina, boddlnif and utenall*, without extra charge rituamera marked thua * 00 not carry ataaraica triiarrnrara. LOl'lS DE BBUIAN, Apaut. fti STATE LINK. MKW YORK TO OLARGOW. UVKRPOOU DUBLIN . BKLKAftT AND londonderry * from Dier 42 North Klver (foul of Caaal at.) aa follnwa?? BTATB OP PKNNaVLVAM.v 1 STATE OP VIRGINIA .. TWMar ja2Tl? H I'AT Is. OK INDIANA ....Tha^lJ j!!!S Ji aad erery alternate l'buraday thereafter. Plrat ?a'bla IMS tofHU. aceordiuR to arcommmlatl-ma: ratara ticket*. *1:14 Second cabin. A>U; return tlekola, ?KJ. ?taera*a at loweet ratea. Apply to AUrtTIN BALDWIN A CO.TUauT N? Tl Broadway, >e* York. " ^ Hteeraife tlckota at V> Broadway aad at tha pier, loot of Canal at . North Rirer. CROOK'S TOURIST AND BXCUMRION TICKET* I ' ?'* J>an* <>f Kuropa aad tha Eaet, al radactiuaa raar. Iiik 15 to 45 per rent. * Available by any line of ale*mer?. I'oaoi reqilrr lioloera to travel in I area nanla*. COOK'S AMERICAN TOURIST TiekeU by tha nrladaal llnea or rail way a and ateamara lo every leadiaw t,laa> i? fL. I'mted Stataa aad Canada, laauad In tha aame aa Kuropaan tleketa, at reduced and low rata*. I.'OOK'S AMERICAN 1IOTKL Coapone are aaraatad al tba beet botela In America, provide for a rail dar'a Mnia modatloa, al |U at) aacn, aavlntr Ir mi AU can la la Rl aar are 11 toil aa caali, ra<|uiriaR no notice. COOK'S ANNCAij vacation party aalle by ataa**r Tit torla Jaly S, accompanied by Mr. Thorn aa Cook hrntlatul Belgium, tba Rhine. Swll.ar1.nd aad Ita.y t'rfa.VTJ? 4?i C Id* ,r*vo ' ' M><' *" axpau***, $tuu and tkJu, "cook H EXCL RSIOMSTlor May baa Car ayery part of Rurope. and for California, Vowiulie VaHeT Colorado, Ae. Price 10 centa. COOK. SON A JENKINS, Broadway aad Warren a*. Hamburg ambrican packet company's link ?or PLYMOUTH cherbourg aad HAMRCB."*" rmSlA. May 39 | GBLLEBT .... Jaaa it J"".?* * j"0M^ANiA:::::;;:j:s >1 Sl.EVlA.. Jane I | HAMMoNIA JaaaM Rata* of paaeaxe lo Plymouth. London. Cherbourg. Uaa )>?'* m<> kil polnte la Bairlaud. Scutiaad aad Walca: Cabla, dr*t aaloon, gold glut Cabin, aecoad aaloon, ifold , Steera/a. currency Ml kunhardt A CO., C. B. RICIlARD A BOAft,' at n Oaaaral Afentl, Geaeral Paa*en(er Aganti, ?1 Bread ak. New York. hi Hraadway. Naw York. ANcno?T^^,>,u,$A?i$A,pKIii?H ethiopia... .May M. 3 PM | ROLI VIA Jnna B. 3 PM VICTORIA ...May 37.SAM ALSAT|a.u. Jaaa HA B PM NRW YoRK and londoM. S UTOPIA.,,?? Mar 37. H AM I ANGLlA Jane J4. 4 PM ALSrRALlA, Jaaa 10. 4 PM J KI.Y.slA Jul) n, 3 PM w? Anchor Uaa piera '*land 31 North River, k. Y. MEW YORK TO CLASOOW. liverpool. LOBDOB or Londondkrby. Cablna, fB5 to |B0 currency, according to areommodattao^ Excunlon ticket* oa favorable term*. Btaarage. 43s currencr: lataratediala, (11 eairanay. . Dralta laaaed for any amoaat at currant rataa. nBNDKKMIM BROTBKHS. A|*au. 7 Bowlln* tlreea. WTlboB LINB /py BOPTHAMPTOB ABP HUlT aaillnif from pier M North Klver. aa lallowi HIDALGO :Mar3<>| OTHRLLati 17 COLOMBO Jan* u| IIINDOCL...*. .T jaiV 1 Plrat cabin, |T70, currency; aocond cabin B4ft* aarreuev Excursion llckeU on vary favorable term*, throaab :ickate UanadtoCaatlaeatal aad Baltic porta. Apply, Iw lull pac CHABLEB U WBIGHT A CO.. 06 Soalh *c GBBAT WESTERN STEAMSHIP LINE. TO BBIHTOL (england) DIRECT, rnavw 21 L?" p4V lH kmi M f"?i?w?V somkRsrf|\w^JTaSay.?SJ1? Cabin paaaaga, B73; Intermediate, BK>: ataerage BtJ car. reney;aacaralaa ticket* tlg>; prapaida^araaaWi^e.Ml Aaaat. 70Boalh*L f?wesyygjiaj^-j^' COASTWISE STKABUUUPS. piXAMA TRANSIT STEAMSHIP OOMFAET, " FOE IAJI FRAN CISCO, CALIFORNIA A*D PACIFIC FOrtTS, via Ittbmua of Fuiu. Ullu ROBjtaf 13 North lUver. Stoaaer CRESCENT CITY HATUKDAT, Mot ?1 tor * rf---" cuanoctiug via Puont Railroad M Fi ?>ili Brat ciaaa otoatothlpa lar porta ao above. **** %. F. CLTDR * COL. No. 6 Bowling (Into T)ACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. . . X FOR CALIFORNIA. JAPAN. CHINA. AUSTRALIA, NRW ZEALAND. BRITISH COLOMBIA, AO.. Ad, .Hilla* from pier foot or Canal it.. North Rirer. FOH haN FRANCISCO VIA ISTHMUS OF FANAMA. ACAFfu'O WodaoedAf, May >L ?*???? ??ooerting fcr Control America and the Boath rnotto. _ >or 'retght o- bmwro opplr M loot of Canal ?t.. North River. r P II. jr. BULLAY. .SgporinUndoot. M?1 p It At I 1 f v jr Sin itk* status a no brazil mail steamships, Milium monthly from Walaou'a wliarf. Brooklyn, N. Y. tar FARA. FKRNAMUUCO, BAIIIA and RIO JANEIRO, raliititf at St. John'a, Forto Eieo. JOHN IIUAMAUL. Saturday. May 27. J B. WALKKK. Thuradny. June Paaeenrer accommodation* ttrat'Cloaa. For Ireulit and paa?aifi\ at reduced ratoi. apply to J. 8. TuCKKK A CO.. Agent*. M Pino Oi NY.. HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL SR. LINE. ? Steamer* leave pier .No a North Kivor at J F. M. ? .. ...Ku" HAVANA DIRECT. ? CITY OF HAVANA Tuoaday. May 3S CITT OF VERA CKUJS... Thuradoy. Sof * FOR \ ERA CUCS AND NEW ORLEANS, y to 11 avana. Frogroau. Cainpaachy, Tuipan and CIT\ O* MAN ANA Tuoaday. May 2t For freltful and iiaiueg apply to F ALEXANDRE A SONS, 31 and 33 Broadway, Sloomore will laava Saw Orlean* May 28 and JnM inlet Vara Crno and all the above porta. New yore and Havana direct mail line. Theaa Itrat elau >u-aiu>lilp* will tail at 3 F. M. IVoo er 13 North Elrer, loot of Cedar it., tor Havana direct, ao iowi : ? WII.MINUTO* Tneaday. Mot 30 COLt'MB' ( Tliumdav. Juuo 4 tor freight and pntMge, having uuiurpaaaod accommodar llona. epp y^ r CLYDE A CO.. No. 0 Bowling Oreo*. XcEELLKR Ll'LlNU A CO., Afoul* iu Havana. F"i*OR ilALIFAX. N 8., AND ST. JOHNS. N. F. ? RoMWELL STbAMSIllF LINK. steamer* leave pier 10 North Rlvor following days, at t OtUlROK citnMWhLL Tuoaday, Moy 30 OtoitiiR W titilINiitoN Friday, Juue I S...I direct, qeu teal aud choapeet route to Nora Scotia, Ne? iMwIiaml ana tbe Lower St. Lawrence. Excellent pa*. ???(? a? modotion* For Iroiglit or paoonzo apply to ttuM A St t* A N. >oi Weil at. ONLY DIRECT LINE TO FLORIDA?WEEELY LINl to t'i>M Koyal, S. C. ; Fernandina, Flo.: Brunawlek t.a aaii'og a?erv ihureday, from pier 20 Eaat River. Tht eteaan> r < A <?*!>> LnT, Captain Fnlrcloth, will (Oil Thura day. dev'.Aet I F M, lor Feraondlna and Fort Royal. tlehete leotied lo all nointo In Florida. For freight ?t apply to C. H. MALLORY A CO., or HERMAN UELFt kh. tM Notden lane. ] o1.... F?r Norfuit < it, Fetal and Rtohuiond, Tiu vdaya, Thar* da* a aat Mtoednva at 3 F. M., roll nor tine with the Virginia en?l TruMMM Air I lae, Atlantie Coeai Line. Fledmoot All MM. and Ohio Kallroad and with the coin pan> ?a..-?m li?ee to latonor nointo In North Carolina and \i'k- ii ? Newhorn awl Woeiiiiigtou, N. C. (via Norloik), v?n> fno?do>. l lioradAI ?n<i Oatordny. Lewe*. Itol . Nnwday aud Tbaraday at 3 F. M, oonnoollng ?UN taarytotidoad IfeUwere rnilroode. DOMINION NTRAMKIIIF CONFANY. eailing htm pier 37 North Rlvor. FiMHwager ereooaiauiiatioBa ua??irpa?oo4. Tbrwagii >??. ?.(. Mohotl Md bilia uf lading to oil polnte Ot towoai rna? ia?uraaia to Noriolk. Ac., U por oont. Frelgitl ?woolvad Oatl? at ptar Jt V>nli Kiior Ueoornl oBlW. M Oroeawlob at. N. U M< i'RKADY, ProetdoM. MOMOAlini l-INK OF STRANIIRIFtl. tor Noer hi l??ai an I Texoe, ? hi ??U e?erv Moloney to Now Or leant, trenaferring Texag totgW there to Morgoa't Ixonaiana and Teaaa Railroad tag Morxan City^ thoneo. par Morgon'a line uf (teamer*. to Toxaf * Z NEW TORE will Mil fr.xa ntar sn North Rlvor % -? Vorh, an SMordni. Nay 20. at ^ F. H, for NowOriooM (HffH Thftrogh MBe of lading atg*od to MaMlo. Oalveetoo and to all pi Me on the ??aireeten. llarrtaOorg ana Sao Aatoalat Miiaoioa and Iran ? 'antral. lalematlnaai and Croat North, oen. ?e *a. ond fneihe and frana Contlnontal railroada. oaf l - ladtanoio and non Antania, and all poiaia on the Onl( W.-.ii 'a taaaa and Fotoig Railway. Braooa Snntlago, Co# im? ? hrteti Roohnort. M. darand Fulton. Fvotaht *?- m Mari't oad FoMm loaded Ot Hock port t,i. I.iei a.- aod el.aoaal daaa at aither ?'orpne Chriotl M Iraaoa noattnaw M the anpotite and ri>k o) .-.ntigoee. Tnron^h rntoe lw H tmiiiit, via Rta Oranda Railroad. lioWtMr - an ho eflMtod onArr "pen poliry of C. A. VHP nay A ? <?.. hew orlaaut Froal New Y?rk to Now OrtooM eoai Mi at New York to all Tobm port* via Now Or troig^'MiTJwoet Mm Far freighter torthoriafteraw - r-ARLEd A WM^EY^Ajpto^ TF.Ian LINK M>K UALVRMTON. TOl CHINO AT ESl Moot, can no. fro fatted ntotoa mail -The aoooa ?>VAT> op fr \ < aytatn hoigor, will mI an ?Mardnr. Tlov > ? ot IM Ma pier S> Boot Hi rat Th? . i?n km. of iadlaa gtraa to all pointa en the Hanotoa and < eotrnl Intoeoattoaal and <troM Northor*. UaV vMtu, Monet.* and Heodorema aad tha Malveatoa. Harrto i .?? aad ? *u Aoixatu ratirooda. Freighta and inanrMMOOl to*o?t rataa > r iroirkt or paoaage, having tope iter aw MMm.dali ina. aoalt le V fl MaLLORY A CO. 1W imm aum amis*** imkm?*t f vBli'MMMMXUIft mn kkm**'tiSTZm kmm% ???ATI Ht?4t ?a> At, Mlo ataat* Mm t? .at (..#? V- ? VmI IIi? Tt.f -a** Mil. 4 Mx |'H? patatl* a* Ik* W ???????>#> mrftf <?????*><? T^VTUamak m v?* f?*V,il>l oiiiiib ? ft Al'a?> ?i I* LBAMT. Link IflUIIWiWlXtM ptor 41 Narth Mi>*t. Ui^j Man4*|>^??M?>a<. at CI*. CMTIMK.M* I-1MB aTMAMHAAl* fi.H TMOT AMD AU t k?w> XwiUmi t*< * ?i (???? Wl|, ?Myt MNr aat ????!" M , In* ftx M NwA IU?H i ^t~m7TTI hk? ST u*k.?M*? cHamm**, ?*> I - -!?? I a??*at ?a4 4?jr If * ptar i)?Mi *1 Mr M A M 4 iMibiw. tmf. mm l.?raf at. *9. m. F*AU. mfkl IJKfc T?? MWNfOX. ua \ ?(..?! aadratt K ?-f Th. vafM miwij .WI?>H|. *Kt?To|, Hi lltotlllKV K Imx |MM J* Nurtti Ri?( taat ?' Mw?r M . ' l<??Alfi MNitHi, at , r M Thf,?*!. ttah.t. aM4 at all tfca priaalHri Um iii llM ? M| niiK MNaU HIKKcr tUI! Mfctll t'KD.-Ol r m4 aflrt V ????? ? lu I IW >t?mi mWH'I'ljn! iMi? ? l".? ? i mI**i f?a4 mI M??.* i h , S 4A, a*4 Mapp I .-.l I 4>4 ft, at a ?rl.*A I M fr?a.?,..? lllWI It.aalk M T I" A. M 4*4>v *mi'Hi ? >? ? i i**1 . a?MaI rack mmt ?<i? Uaai.xr f *a4 l?mll u4 ka? Mara* Im4i laiai-.araW hat um.i'ii *>aaa?a ________ / kIJi KMANI .isinit If M ?OM Utt'VTMAMT. <'*H U kUI m4 ??t? I at. Iaa4ta*t MmMI AJiDMRM IiaUUi it it..M CinMtn <4 h-? P?. ti'rtM TkaMai *u4 nntrnrtm . MWITUX. M?a4a; llkwli) Mi VH4B). atir- ? ______ FIMMVLVaKU KULftMU ~ i>Kl ai TNI MK M? A*u unitki* *tark? HAIL bout*. Trala. laar# S... \ .,rk. IhAwm m4 UarMaaMI ka?raa?iar lUrrMfcwv. ?? tM IM Ma tHIl m? MMM4 IDA M . ? tmti'm f M ?aa4a? I'wl" *?!' 4 Fur ?UIi?ih.|~wi. I?"4 llaraa. Oaatf aa4 Mtat, 44 9'M A M mmI ? ? > >' M ???iimii? 4? U?ny tat tim Mia, Nliahna m4 U?? mI ^ _ . Fill ?I.|Hi !? WMttlatftM ??4 ll? 4mMM. V>W4VlA sss,;. f. .rrrrj^rSk*** i?H>?'it.iw4irl tr * ?;T;r vtr-Ti* ?. ?,.**> *4 ?r M b>nr?MMiwnll4lll Ifl VW U.I... t? M?*a?4, tjlMWII. IMP?.NWWI|. Trim torn. h?nk A?H, i ?? B4??*4aw mm ?mm poiat- m I *?! nfc 1*4111 M at) ?M?t attna Tr?ii.? atf!.? fMllW ?? *? aa4 I"*' * * * III *I ?' ? 4ail* NUi l mi fmJ.M r?,.? W..uJa, Vr...? Wa4l A. X . 4*2. I . a> lo ? r-? rMla4alpMa. ? I", ' A M .I.I4, 4?4k,Jk I*, a kaa4af, & IU, ? Aa ?M. Ttr?a? aeaas ?'?>' aa? "44 BaaaBa^lta. Ii a*4 imi aa4 < ? ? ? -4. Ma v? 4l . . , SraaAba. ???M 114 I ?? a.4 II" Ma??.a IMMM Pmilaobltmia tu 1?m m Sa? Jtf?i - ? M?H"*a4 ~I aai ?<>-?' ai "?* >. )a*t, flat ? M?*?M *>? ? ? fc-4 ?????? Tssrr.. f t?fsVrt.v?y-L-f HCMMVAl. MAT I T?> l*IA? 4? ?U?TM 3-jwhSsST-?sa MMWH imOOm^uftT it'lTa*4 BlatMl X4(?k Rttar. tax ?4 iaa ?4 at 4. _ fml4m. J4P?v ~~~~ NaT 1>>4T K NTH k ng n.KVKtfc BAfUl * Ika WM* AM^iM - MAb ?. AgMm a(n * *? w ---- , lhU-?r. .-a Taaa4at at a ? M tor ? nn ip< par aka. W v miatf. vta tjaaaaMaaa -a W i iia?i lay at a Ml A ta* Karaaa. aat 4?iai> ?4a MmmI 4ar ?? U 41A I ?r Ran?a.aa? taraai Plrataath. Oillim aa4 Naavfeara. aa A. M.. tar Una* Hritata. Iratawl aM fiana. aar mmmmm Oamaata. rta Oniaima. aa4 a| llTlMjBB 4ir?i ami ba MaalaMy a4 pa?aaa?aa Mmhh i?. *la Ulaaatnr; a?4 a) lliMI A M tat taMMWitaMM Knata. Ha >iai>iM?na mi Bmmmm, a*4 ai ii ? tar Kraaaa 4tra?t. par miatf I, *ta 1 tar China. Ar.. will laara aaa >111411 It tar Aaili iHa Ma. *M Imm ?m ft (mOUMHDMWM Mf A M DA tt I? A?ltltl<:*? llVIti Hlllla.4 T ablaa. ?lvA tka a. 1.41^4 ftata ACMI.aAy ?awktaallia mMIma far ?atataMMamt ?ly at <W?M? l^OB ?AJJt-TM?iK QOOP tir^irwr ItjaAB atT *W>*' " WOB 4AU OMBAP-A 4M3HI CAlMW ?^MWyil T flMlaa M IMInMf TaMa. Mm4 imMm| Malta, Omr, Aa.. aM mm0*m MMwiMWMI MaraU iiMaa. ^_