Newspaper Page Text
DEATH OF AN OLD SKA CAPTAIN. DECEASE 07 CAPTAIN SAMUEL COOK, THE OLD 1SI SEA CAFTAIX IS BOSTOK?EUXEUAL OBSEQUIES XESTEUDAY. Boston, Hay 10, 1876. Captain Samuel Cook, who died a lew days since and wus buried this afternoon froai Ins late mMtnc* la South Boston, lacked lean than eight years of being a centcariun. Hit age was ninety-two yours, two mouths and two I'ayt, and ho was the oldest sea cap la la, as. well as ono of the o d cat citizens, ol Boston. A muatli ago ho was around tho city in his usual health, but withiu a lew days ho lelt that the great inevitable change was Bear when unable to take his accustomed walk, and calmly welcomed its approach. Death was long re garded by Atiiit as a change of being Iron a lower to a higher condition, and therefore had no terrors lor him. 11 is passago from time into eternity was a sweet sleep, Without a groan or a sigh. lie leaves a widow, wiUH whom ho had lived twenty-six years, an 1 who was formerly the widow of Joshua Crime. She was his third wife. lie had two sons and a daughter, but all have preceded him to tho grave. Tho daughter was the wile of Colonel Hatch. Sue died about ten years ago. The deceased was born in Salem, went to soa when fourteen years of ago, and passed honorably through all the grades of his arduous prolossion, from cabin boy to captain. During tho war of lt>U2 he was captured by tho British, und was confined In Dartmoor prison. Among bis companions wero tho late Mr. G. W. Green, well known lor many years us a lish merchant on Long wharf; Mr. Morris, who died last year, and who was the oliie;t bouiswain iu tho United States naval icrvlce, aud Fat tier Taylor, tho vetoran salt water lain i. In 1814 Captain Cook commanded the ship Union, of 640 tons, with u crow of forty all told, engaged In tho China trade. Among those under him woro the late Joalah P. Croesy, who made two of the shortest pua> sages on record, In tho Flying Cloud, between New York and San Francisco; Captain Jack Kldridgc, the laiuous New York and Liverpool packet shipmaster, and the lato Israel Whnuoy, merchant aud ship owner. These all served as buys be lore tho luasu Captain John Bertram, lur many years ono ol the most eminent and successlul merchants of New Kuglaml aud still engaged iu trade lu Salem, also sailed uuuer him. iuoueol his voyages iu ihe 1'uclllc, while on shorp with a boat's crew, tho natives surprised those uii board ol his ship ami captured her. As he approached he perceived her decks swarming with natives, and di vined that all was not right. The buat, by his direc tion, was pulled under the slern, and he mid tho crow shinned up the rudder-ropes, entered through the cabin windows und lound tho malo and some ol the men be low. Promptly arming them, he burst the cotupauiou open, und, cutlass ui hand, lollowod by his crew, drovo the natives pell inell overboard, aud regained posses lion ot Ins ship. Fur this gallant service he was highly tomplimvntcd by htsowuera aud underwriters. He sailed in the service ol the lato William Gray, thou the most extensive ship owner ol Boston. While iu Ins employ lie became intimately acquainted with the lute Jushua Hate*, of tho llrtu ol Baring Brothers, London. Wlion Mr. Bates was a clerk lor Mr. Gray, frequently Captain Cook and ho dined together lu Lou don at the rale ol a shilling apiece. When Hates be came a great man ho remembered his youthlul compan ion, and invited him to his house every time ho whs lu London. Their friendship continued through life. Captain Cook nlso sailed lor the late Nathaniel Goddard, and lor tioodhuu ?v Co., ot Now York, and duriug Ins iorty years of sua life, tnirty of which he was captain, never was iu a vessel which touched bottom through a blunder in navigation. His life alloat was unilonuly success I uL He was tho oldest member of the Boston Marino Society. When he lelt the sea he purchased a small Island off the coast of Mauie, where he lesided several years, but eventually sold it and came to Boston. Still oqjoyiug vigorous health, he was clectod Harbor Ma&tor ol this Curt and served ten years In that capacity. Since then c has lived in retirement, but alwuys took an active luterest in ull tho various changes aud improvements lu sbippiug. About a year ago we saw hiui in company with that active and disinterested friend of MCamon, Captain it. B. Forbes, and spoke Jocosely to him In a patronizing spirit about his youth. Captain Forbes was seventy ; Captain Cook was then ntcely one. Captain Forties oxpressed the hope that bo would bo lalcly moored In the haven of eternal rest long beioro Ihe term of lilu bis friend had roached. It was pleasing ki see theiio veterans, both good through and through, making hands so cordially and smiling so kindly as they oxchauged salutations. Captain Cook was a man about five feet ten luetics ligii, ol llrm and compact build, always erect as ho trulked; his tread was llrm, his eyesight unimpaired, tot a gray hair was iu his bead, nor had ho lost oveu k tooth throughout lilu. His manner was always dig itized, but courteous, und all who enjoyed tho honor of lis acquaintance lelt that he was every inch a gentle nan. Ho was a tree liver; during forty years he ul ftays had wluos and brandy on his table at dinner, but was nover to deviato irom certain rules in tho ise ol either. Toward tho close of life ho discontinued ill stimulating liquids. Upright in ull his dealings, banlv in all his ways, his llfo has been a completo lucccss, and his memory will be honored by all who iver know him. The funeral services wero conducted at his house yes terday afternoon, ut two o'clock, by Rev. George A. 1'hayer, Unitarian. AN AFRICAN KING TO THE BRIT ISH EMPRESS. rnx KINO OF DAHOMEY l;KTLIES TO ADMIBAL HEWETT'b LETTER and DEMANDS?WHY HE SHOULD NOT FAT EXCESSIVE TRIBUTE?LET THE ADMIRAL COME AND TAKE HIS FINE. [From the London Telegraph, May 9.] Caps Coast Castlk, April 12,187a The following is the text of tho notion of Commodore Howell served upon the Wbydah merchants acquaint ing them with tbo Uno imposed on tho King of Daho mey and warning them to ho prcparod for any occur rence after tho 1st of Joue:? KAVAL OFFICIAL/ WARNING. Hail liHITANNIC MaJKSTY'.I SHIP AcTIVK, 1 Off Lagos, March 4, 18*0. } Gkntlkmkx?Having deniuudod lrom the King of Dahomoy un indemnity of 600 puncheons of palm oil lor an unwarrantable outrage perpetrated by the Aguulo authorities ut Wliydab, on the 23d of January, on Mr. Turubull, agent ior V. & A. Swaiizy at that placo, and further having Intimated to tbo King thai in case ot hiii not paying tbo same on the 1st Juno next 1 .-hall place bis coast under strict blockade, 1 havo now to give >ou notice tbcreot In order that you may bo pre pared tor any coustquences that may anso out tf tuy Ultimatum. One of ller Krllaunic Majesty's vossels of war will be ?tntiouod off Wb)duh to protect interests and to afford such protection to foreign traders as tho cause of humanity may render necessary. 1 earnestly enjoin you not to ueglcct this warning, ' which is given early in order tbal you may make timely arrangements for the protection ot your individual 1 inteiertik.?1 have tlic honor to be, ?tr, vour obedient j Servant, W. N. W. YlKWKTT, Commodore Commanding Her Kritannic Majesty's 1 Squadron on the West toast ol Atrica. To lc Omuka. Ksq., Kosidonl Agent ot Messrs. Hums ti Co.; A. Carkkma, Kb!|., Agent ol Messrs. Kabres ti Ca ; K. PkRKlKR. Agent of Messrs. ljisiuor, Dannuas, l-urltgrle & Co., Iquasio do Souz.* Ma^aiban; Jaunarie V. de Aquiar. THK ROYAL AFRICAN RXPLT. Thereupon tbo lollowing letter was addressed by Mr. j Stafford to the Commodoro, written at the Instance ol ! tbo Wbydah authorities, and purporting to bo a ntes- i sage from the King or Dahomey :n reply to the Com- ; modoro's message and letters:? Wiitdan, March 13, 1876. Sin?I have tbo honor, at tuo request ol tbo King of I Dahomey, as deliwied through tho Avoyuh in Ibo i |iru?euce of ail the white men here, to lay beioro you | the lollowing uies^ge liom tho King in answer to your j communication re.-ptclini; tho outiogo committed U|>on Mr. '1 urubull and tbo Indemnity demanded in cobse qtience thereof. Tho pur;>oi I ol your luttor was rcn- ' dered to the King by Caboceer Cbadslon, the King Bending buck your letters to himself unopened, as ; hereinafter mentioned 1. i hat in all the books written about Dahomey, by either the Krencli, Portuguese or English, and liom . tho commencement of tho kingdom of Oahonioy down to htt own aud his father's reigns, no such tine as that ; demanded by tn? Commodoro has ever been paid bo- ) fore, 2. The King mys that when this happened he was ?ot at home (i. t. Abomev), but was out at war; and llial after bu has Uuisbed his waaand gone back to bis town, be should then liko In -ee the Commodore at Abomov about (he palaver; lliul be cannot pay this fine ur.tll be himself has seen the Commodore and Judged Whether the amount i? correct; that n be does not see i the Commodore fnmsell lie will uol pay it. & Tbo King underslamls iroui the ollicers sent by the j Commodore to the A Toy ah, that if there- is Buy palaver I egamu any European here the authorities must write loa man oi-war, or. in the ub*<-nco of a mun-ol-war, to ' Cape Coast, to have some one sent to arbitrato upou tho : matter. Tho Km?, in reply, says,that bt canuot submit ' to ibis at all; thai, shuuld any white man commit any breach against ht* laws, be will punish film as lie thinks proper by line as heretofore. 4. The King scuds the letter* written by tho Commo dore to the French. English, Portuguese atid Cuasstia , liousea. and wishes tbein to say tumething about thorn. The letters were here given to Mr. 'Jerina, Mgeut of tlio French house of Hogis & Co., aud lie. saying lie knew Ooibiug about tbe letters, and did not unu?r>iaad kug Iteb, handed thotn to tho Cbio-sAa. The Cba-?ha would have nothing to do with tbcm, and banded them to me. ?1)4 I refused to take them, lie threw them on to my kbcos, ou which I tendered them to tbe Avovuh slid I Caboct-ers. As thoy would not take tbetn, I asked I liom if I should return them to you. and they sutleied me to go out of Ays lie with tbetu. Subnt-queuiiy thoy > leut a Caboceer to ask lor them back ugalu, slating that they belonged to the AToyah, whereupon I gaTe them back. j & Tbal tho King believe* the palaver to come lrom the Commodoro himself, snd uol lrom the Queen of Cbgland; that If il came lrom the yuoeu of England fee would be able to know. A. That tbo King would liko the Commodore to stop III war palaver abd bu a uercbaui, and, turning his, vessels Into railing shlpa, and, loading them with rutu, cloth ami oilier merchandise, como io trade with him. 1 have the honor to be, air, your obedient servant, C. C. STAFFORD, Recipient of the message in the absence at Cape Cojut of U. H. iurnbull, Agent. A kO* XL CHALLEN .K TO TUB KMI'KKSS. Mr. Turnbuli. however, on hia return, addressed a letter to Mr. Lyali, under date April 10 denrlug that the above wag the real message ot the King. Tnc letter says:? The Avoyah and C*boceor Qulcnoo have confessed that the tnci>suj(u lately K'-ut lo tho Commodore, and purporting to come Irotu the King ol D.ibotney, ? jh concocted by tueiuselves In tho F ranch ion, and Hint the Kiug's r?ul answer wan be would uot open tho Commodore's letter, as tic was a king, but i! the Com modore liked to come und get his lino hj would pay httn In bullets and powder. The Whydah people ure becoming very Insulting to the European re: idents. and it is an open question If somo rupture does not take place, especially with tho tu0lisii house. GHUMAN REPUBLICANS. The German Republican Central Committee mot last night at No. ^4sj Bowery, and was presided over by ex Judge A. J. Ditlcubceier. A special meeting was tlrtft held to cousnior charges preferred against 0. A. Katz, the rresideutol tho Eighth Assembly District Associa tion lor misrepresenting the tendencies of the associa tion ami a disregard of parliamentary law. A com mittee was appointed to investigate the charges and report at the next meeting. The general meeting then took placu. Alter some discussion a resolution was (Kissed to the ellect that the Herman Republican Cen tral Commltteo constitute itself into "The German Republican Centiai L'aiui>a:gu Committee " until ulter tho election, ami that ali campaign organization* In the city be requested to send three delegates to tho commilteo. Tlio Campaign Coinmilloe was nlso au thorized to issue a call lo all the German citizens. An other resolution was passe.i authorizing the president, II he deems proper, lo appoint seven delegates to at tend the mooting to bo held in Cincinnati Just beforo (ho Republican National Convention assembles on tuo 14th oi June next. A DEMENTED DETECTIVE. Owen llealy, detective of tne Twenty-fifth precinct, was taken to tho Superintendent's oflloo yesterday by his Captuin, Thomas Byrnes, ior exi-m nation. .Owen has been actiug in a very 6trange manner lately, imag ining that ho was being pursued by cuomies and glviug other evidences of su impaired intellect, lie was ex ariuned by Or. Doran, the ?u|>erlnicudunt anu ( oiimus sioner Erhurut, and the'y camo to the conclusiou that ho whs somewhat deranged, lie was sent li#mo in charge of an ollicor. The detoctivo wa? considered one of the most trustworthy of h's kind, and his misfor tune is deeply regretted by ail his associates. CENTENNIAL FESTIVITIES. Tho West Side Centennial Associaalon mot last night at No. 147 West Thirty-second street, with Honry Schneider presiding. Tbe assoctuliou is composod of delegates from all tho West Side Germau singing sodoties and tho Bloouilngdale Turners' Society. Its object Is to hold a grand singing tostlval on the night of the 3d July, with a torchlight procession, and a los lival und picnic on tho 4th July at an uptown purk. Speeches were mado by Gonerul Franz Sigcl, Or. Heine, und Mr. Schwab, and a letter lrom Fernando Wood, regrottlng that ho could not attend, was read. Resolutions were passed asking all the West Side citi zens lo Join in the procession and that tho houses along tho route be docoratcd appropriately. YALE ALUMNI. Tbe eighth and last rounion of the season was held by the Yaie College Alumni Association at Delmonlco's last night. Mr. William CL Klngsley, ol New Haven, read a long and exhaustive paper on tho early days of tho collcgo. Tbe lifo and work of its founder, John Davenport, were described with great vividness and minuteness. At the close of the paper a vote of thanks to Mr. Klngsley was uwarded upon motion ol Mr. William Bliss. Tho assotublago then adjournod to an adjoining room and partook ol a collation. OBITUARY OWEN MARLOWE, THE AOTOB. Owen Marlowe, tho woll known actor, died at tho Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, at eight o'clock yesterday evening. Uo was born In Sussox, England, and, coming to America, made his first ap poarance on tbe stage at the Museum, New York, in the month of September, 1855, playing Lamp In "Wild Oats." Ho sub sequently mado a tour through tho Western and Southern States. Returning, ho appeared at tbe Arch Sireot Theatre, Philadelphia, at the commencement ot the season ol 1863-61, us Sir Lucius O'Trigger in the '?Rivals." Ho then came to Now Yoak and opened at tho Broadway Theatre In the character of Captain Haw tree In "Caste." This was a complete succesa Sinco then he has appeared at Niblo's Garden, tho Olympic and Wallack's theatres, and always successfully. Mr. Mar lome married In the month of October, 1857, at Niagara Kails, Miss Virginia Nicklnson, daughter of John Nickinson. a talented actress, who retired from the stago la the month of May, 1800. FUNERAL OF FATHER LEGONAIS. The funeral of the Rev. Thomas E. Legonais, an emi nent member ot the Socloty of Josus, took place yester day morning from tho church attached to St Francis Xavier's College, in Sixteenth street. At eight o'clock tho office of the dead was road by the priests of the Order, aflor which a solemn mass of requiem was celo bratcd by the Rov. Father Hudon. S. J., President of tho College. According to tbo rules of tho Ordor no funeral sermon was preached Father Legonais was eighty-four years of ago at tbe tinio ot his death, and had been for nearly a half century engasod In this countrv as professor or spiritual adviser in the field of education. The remains woro interred In Calvary Cem etery. HIGHWAYMEN IN TEXAS. STAGE PASSENGERS BOBBED BY HOB8EMEN ON THE PLAINS?ANTICIPATED CAPTURE OF THE THIEVES. Gai.veston, Texas. May 18, 1878. Another daring stage robbery has taken plaee on the El i'aso line, one stage and two hacks, full of passen gers. having been stopped by three hlghwaymon on too open prairie, eighteen miles west of Dallas. Before flulshlmt their work another hack, full ofpassengers, raine up, but on boing ordered to stop the driver put whip to Hie horses and escaped. Several shots wero tired by tbo robbers, and one of them followed the hack somo distance. The tire was re turned by tho passengers, but no one was hurl. As soon as tho robbers secured the booty, wnlch, it is reported, amounted to (7,000, they shot their own horses. mounted the lx>si ones belonging to the stages und rode off toward the Indian Nation. From tbe description given it Is supposed they wero tbe same party who recently captured the San Autonio stages. Mounted squads of men have started in pursuit. l.ATKK. A Guivoston ?%>??? Fort Worth special says:?Infor mation has Just lioru received that the ten til on In pur suit of tho robbers were oiilv ten minutes behind them early this morning on tho t Ira plat no Prairie. From dc> scriplions civeu It Is believed Uiey are (ho .lames brothers. The oniiro country Is aroused, and their capture is considored cerium. FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENTS. FiTcnni-MO, Mass., May 10, 187a Daniel O'Connell, ol this city, and Frank Donahoe, residence unknown, workmen on a gravel train, wero killed by gravel cars runuitig off tho track near Tarn pie tun this morning. A 1IBAXEMAN KILLED. Port Jkrvis, N. Y., May 19, 1878. Aaron Luckcy, a b.akeinun on tbe Delaware Division, Erie Railway, was run over by a train and almost in stantly killed at three o'clock this morning He was twoniir years or age. SILLED BT A FKf.IOHT TBAIN. Uarkisiii/Kii, Pa., May 10, 1870. Joseph Berry, who residod in Columbia, was killed this morning on the railroad, near Coatesville, by ft-oigbt train running into a caboose in which he was sleeping BURGLAR SHOT. Cim'inxiti, May 19, 1876. About fear o'clock ibis morning tbe wile of W. H. Waddefiell, who resides on Richmond Stroet, was awakened by a man climbing into her socond story stooping room window and gave nn alarm, which awoke hor husband. The burglar in the meantime dropped io tbo ground, aud Mr Waddeflela seized his revolver and ran t > another window, from which he saw three or (our men in his yard, who immediately opened tiro on htm, without effect, wliiio ho succeeded in shooting one of them in tbe grout. The wounded man's comrades curried him soino distance through stri-ets and alleys, but were unullv lorccd to leave linn, owing io uti alarm raised by the inmates ol a house near which ihov stopped, and ne was captured by the police and taken lo me Commercial Hospital. Uo k'lves the name of Morris Want, a Now Orleans thief; but re tains lo give tbe names ol his companions. BODY FOUND. Boston, May 19, 1S7& The body of Charle* H. Dana, who disappeared from Chelsea on the il7th of February, was ionnd to-day in the water near Maiden Bridg* A MYSTERY SOLVED. THE DKAD BODY OF A WJCLL KHOWN BXPBBSS MAXAGliJt IfOCND FLOATING IS IBM XTST1C BIVK11, Nil.IB BOSTON. Bo*?*, Hay 19, 1870. On tbe 27th of February last the quiet city oi Choi sea was ttiruwu tuto a state of excitoiaent by tbe fact becoming known that Mr. Charles H. Iuim, residing at No. 27 Chestnut street, had disappeared. He was ft prominent citizen acd engaged in expressing in Boston, having charyo ot tho express matter on the Portland boats. Tbe tacts, as near its cau be ascertained, uro tliat Mr. Dana retired to hia room shortly alter nine o'clock on Sunday evening, February 2(1, the re mainder of tbo lauiily following at their leisure. On assembling at tbe morning meal on Monday, and Mr. Dona not appearing alter repeated calls, anxiety was occasioned, und one of tbo faintly went to his room i only to And It vacant, and further search of tbo house | was made, but without success. From appearance tbe ; bed bad been occupied, but for bow long a tune was never known. In tlie room was found a bunch of keys, pocketbook and a hamlkercbiel, somewhat damp, from wmcb it is supposod thai ho gave vent to his toolings through tbe night lor tho loss ol hts son, Charles B. | l>au.i, Jr., aged twenty-tune, who was associated with ! him in business and who bad been buried the Friday previous. Further cearch was instituted for the miss ing man. his placo of business visited, an otlicor sent to Wojdlawn Cemetery, but nowhere could be bo I loumi. No good reason at the timo could tie assigned lor the sudden disappearance, unless possibly lie had : become temporally insane Irom excessive grief at the loss o! hi.s son und wandoreU oil. It was, however, supposed by many thai no had committed suicide ] by drowning, being led to the belief Irom a statement made by the draw tender of ; Chel.-oa Bridge, ou the CtMrlesiown end, who stated thut shortly after two o'clock Monday morning bo was awakened by tbe barking ol a do*:, and on going out ; heart a nouo as though some pemon w is iu distress, a ; splash oi the viator, thou suddenly all was silent. Tho ; beliel was so strong i lint for several days the river in I tbo vicinity ot the bridge was dragged, but without success. This morning, shortly aitor eight o'clock, I passers by on Maiden Bridge discovered what :ipj wared : to be the body ot somo person Hunting In the water. ' Coroner Bradford, of the Cliarlestown district, was ' notified, and found on the body aonio papers und docu 1 mcnts, a sum of money and a handkerchief marked D. Word was sent to the police oi tnis city and an ofllcer despatched lor u brother ol Mr. Dana's, who recog nised tno papers and tho handkerchief, and idenntlod I it ns tbe body of his missing brother, Charles 11. Dana. The body was very much decomposed and disfigured, | and was delivered to the family tor burial. A QUICK PASSAGE. Bostoh, May IB, 187& Tbo Canard stoamshlp China, Captain QUI, which sailed Irom Liverpool tho 0th unl Quoeustown tholOih of May lor Bostou, arrived at the Cunard wharf; Host Boston, this (Friday) morning at half-past nine o'clock, having on board the British mails, 02 caOinand I 301 stecruge passe tigers. The China's passage is oue of the quickest ever made from Liverpool to Boston, her ruuning time from Queonstown being eight days, sixtoen hours and fifty minutes, and Irom Liverpool nlno days, twenty-one hours and thirty-six mtuuies. Ber best time was iic I coinpllshcd on tho 13th, whon she made 330 miles, on the preceding duy sho ran 324 miles. Tbo China eclipsed this passage a year or two ago. PRESBYTERIAN GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Savannah, On., May 10, 1870. Tbe second day's session of the General Assembly of tbe Presbyterian church opened at nine o'clock this morning. Tho standing committees wero announced. The report from tbo Commtttco on tho General Prosby terlan Confederation and tho roport of Dr. Stuart Bob | lnson, of Louisvillo, Ky., dolcgute to tho Conference held in London July 21, 1675, to iratno a constitution for a General Presbyterian Council, were read, and dis cussion of tbe same was deferred until tho openiug hour to-morrow, and promise a lively debate on ac-, count of the diversity of views. Other reports, on for eign missions, sustciiation and overtures were read. The question arose and excited an animated discus sion in reference to confining overtures from presby teries to the Synod, except extraordinary case?. The subject was retorred to a special commutoe for a ro port at the present session of tbe Assembly. An im portant report was submitted ou beneficiary education, | favoriug its continuance and making valuable sugges I tious, which was relerrod to the odueatioual commit, j tea SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. mm OF DRPAKTCKK* FliOM NKW YOKK FOB THE V0NTB8 OF MAY AMD JUNK. Sails. |Z>r< Ethionia Hheln Cermanic Labrador...... Bothnia....... Frista Maas City of Herlln The Quean..., Victoria Goethe........ Odor Amerlque L'topta Idaho A'jVMKinfa State ntPeansrla. HdfTU England Celtic Bolivia... Slain St. l.aurent. ?Insula. tiellert Rotterdam Spain . .... Adriatic... City ot Chester.... Al?atia Neekar France Nnaaa Mate ot Virginia.. rnmincrtniii City ot Richmond. Italy Ilamrannia. (June Britannic [June May May May May May May May May May May Mav May May Mny May May Juue June .Inno Juno June June ?Inno June Juno .1 nne June June Juno .I line June Juue June June June Jinto June Glasgow... Bremen.... Llvonx>ol.. Havre Liverpool.. Ilamourg.. Kotterdnm. Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Glasgow-.. Hamburg.. Ilremen.... Havro tyondioi Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Glasgow.... Ilumburc.. Liverpool.. Liverpool.. tilasgow. Bremen,... Havre...... Liverpool.. Hamburg.. Rotterdam. Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Glasgow.... Bremen.... Havre Liverpool.. ()l??cow... Hiimtmr.:.. Liverpool.. Mverpool.. I Hamburg.. | Liverpool. UJHct. 7 Bowling Green V IlowliUK Oroea M Broadway 06 Broadway 4 Howling Uroea 61 Broadway mill roadway IS II road way M> Broadway 7 Bowling Oreea l>il hroadway 2 Howlinu Oreea 55 Broadway 7 Howlinir tireea 29 Broadway 4 Howling tireea 72 Broadway <11 Broadway Broadway S7 Hroadway 7 Bowling Oreea 2 Bowlinir Oreea 55 llroadwav 4 Bowling OreM <11 Broadway .'?<> Hroadway ??> Hroadway 37 Hroadway 15 Broadway 7 Bowling tireea 2 Howling Green ?V? Hroadway 21) Broadwav 72 Hroadway HI Broadway 15 Broadway 19 Hronrtway I til Broadway 137 Broadway NOTICE TO CAPTAINS OP VESSELS IN THE COASTING AND POREIGN TRADE?Captalnsor officer*of ?easels engaged in the emitting or foreign trade, observing the displacement or removal of sea buoys, are requeued to com. munlcate the fact to the 1Ibbai.d, ?o that It may be brought publicly to the attention of the proper anthorlties. A loiter addresaod "to the editor of tbe Hkbalo, Now York city," (riving as accurately aa poaelble tho number and position of displaced buoya or the causo of their removal, will suBice In all cases observed along the Atlantio and PaciBe coast* of the American Continent. When they are observed on the coast of European couuttiee or to the Mediterranean It i? requested that information bo sent either by telegraph or letter to the Londou offlco of the N?w Youk IIkiiau), 48 Kleet street, London, or to the Paris olhco. til Avenue de l'Opera, Paris. Where the telegraph is axed despatches may be addressed "Bonnott, 46 Kleet street, London." or "Bennett, 01 Avenue de l'Opera, Paris." Where oases el displacement are observed in the waters of countries beyond tbe reach of tbe tolegraph, as in Asia or Africa, captains may communicate with us upon reaching the drat convenient pert. This information will be cabled tree of charge to tbe liitMAU* and published. ggrNOTICK TO CAPTAINS OF VESSELS ENTERING Til K PORT OK NEW YOUK AT NIGHT.?The Saw You IlfcitALD liis nrfojited a distinguishing Coston night signal for nse on board tho Hkralo steam yaclit. showing while horn ing the colors rod. green, red, changing from one to the other in succession, and can he seen several miles distant. Cap tains of vessels. upon reclng this signal, will oblige as by preparing any marine news they may have ior the tfhip News Department of the IIkraliv Peisons desirous of commuuicatlng with vessels arrlv. Ing at New York can do so by addressing to sacn vessels, care of IIbkalp news yacht, pier No. 1 East klver. New York* Letters rrceived trom ail parts ol tbe world and promptly de. livertd. Duplicates are required. ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAT. SOS A.VD MOO*. Ptin rue* Mu 11 .-018 Moon ri?e*....morn I BIG II WATCH. 4 40 | Gov. Island evo 6 44 7 14 | Sandy Hook evo 4 69 2 o2 | Hoil Galo.. evo 7 29 PORT OF NEW YORK, MAY 19, 1876. ARRIVALS. | RRFORTED BT TUR HERALD bTKAR YACHTS A3D Pvn 1 in WfllTKSTO.IR Tr.LkOUAl'U LIRE. Steamer Ooeth? (tJerl, Meyer. Plymouth in here she put baek) May U. With mdse sun passengers to Kunhardt .< I'm May II. IW W a loo ltffH) W, spoke burn St Bcrnhard (Ger), ftom :?e? York lor Uicineu: l.iiu, lut M ">4, Ion :t.'i 113, burs r.lllr' ,BD. bund west; luh. lat 42 63, Ion 54 14. bark Admiral tGeri. dn; !? :4ft P.M. lat 42 47. lou 54 40. (toonier linns.i iiier), Iroin New York for Bremen. Mniiust Oder (tier . Leltt. Itranien Ma) Hand Southamp lon Ulli. with uid?e and 74'i passenger* to Oelrkhn A Co. May 1". lat 42 -7. Ion 48 2M. passed a steamer ol Williams A tin ion ltua: 1 Ttli. lat 41 S3, l.<u t*i 3U. a steamer ol White ritar line, boutid ea?t Steamer N?)?oa (Br>. Spencer. Trieste April 15, Messina ! ?l?t, Palermo 22d. Valencia 27ih, t.ihrsiior May 1, with I fruit to Phelps Hr"?: ve?sei to Faacb, K4ye Jk Co. steamer Oen Barnet. <'be-?*m iu. Aavannab May 16, With J mdse and paaaengers to W R Garrlsoi Mcamer uatieras, Mallett. Norioik. with mdse andpaeaea I gn - to i lie Old Dominion Meautslilp t'o. Itsrs Marie rhrlstitia iIt til, Jacoarino, Belfast, 41 Oaya, i la ballait to Kunch. Edge A t'o. Bark Aurora (of Yarmoalh, NSj, t'harebill, Rotterdam M i dav? with nids" to order; vessel to Jas W Klwell k Co. Bark K \v liriflths, DrnatmenA Mataaaae 11 vltk LtacatteJ ? Ward 6 Oe. Sehr Prank Atwood. Bryan. Port Ant . t>0 fruit to Wrn,.; Taaaol to H J \Ve?b?(?^ M ?Uyt. .Sehr Sarah K Douglas* l#ri. Bethel. Kl I with fruit to Jm Douglas#* ^_iu? 8 da> s, with lum ScbrLena Breed. Stillwrll, Jsekfc'UViUe, e ?a. ber to P O K1U4. voaaol to War?? *a?. 5 davt, with i Scbr Cherubim. L?nk. Kllxabeth,Ulf, ><- <*?-"? com tn Lane . Sou: vessel to maatsr. Sehr II K l^rno". B"?h- N lr?!?l^_i. . Si hr A Jettniugn, Cr?Biii?r, \ lrguili* I Sehr John Mmmi, Hose. Virginia. n.TPn Kenr Orett*. Hervey. Vtrgisle farNew I May 19. Schr Albert. Thomas Roa> ? csrri?4 away e Msta wifi?rC2 rr Burt 1'i.lwi IS"). ?hwt'?l*"llln "" low*T bay. cum? up to the city 19th 1 M. cwlii?? Rkti?."?ki??Bark CharUs I Cameron * Cw- "HU,# hence for Yokohama 19?h l??t. to B J* . cll4iu?ui near the ilnte. at 4 I'M. whilelyiug at aur.bor In the ?^"XUxlM,rtri? tail of Router Shoals wee run into !>TtUd emtlng (Br). house for Glasgow striking u? >"? The u> down to ttie water and carrying ">* ** * Alexandria received uo damage Mid proee.oeo.__ PASSED THROUGH HKLL GATL. BOUND BOOTH. Steamer Rlectra. Young rrovidenoa foe-New Y?^f Na? Steamer TUlle. Kwing. hew Loudon aud Jtontncn Y Kurk I Bargeut. Layton. New " Jr?i?"KB, for SchrW II Wotherspoon (Br). PetUs, W euiwortu, ?. * schr How Boy. llallott. Btioton lor Now York. ScbrLlssle Brewster. Smith. Juneiboro t-r Newt a Sc>ir Mur? Bruwr. Hall. KocWUndfur Newport Sehr Vrolle. llelllfaghaai. VlnoyardHovon forNew Tor Scbr S M Tyler, Hart. Providence for Now Yort Schr lleurv May. iluteb. Providence York. schr Caroline k Cornelia.stapl??. f.""'? flf. New* York. Sehr Ann J Ro.m-11. Chatfteld Portlwd tol Ne? *?*?. Schr Admiral, Harper, New Havan IIbr Waw *01?. Schr \dfle Kellol*. Ilobblaa, Norwich for Now Yorlt. Schr S J Llndsley, Kennedy, llocklaud for Now Y ?. Schr S J Buckley. Buckley. W estWWt Schr J N Ayre?. Provost, Stamford tor Now Yora. Sclir O C Aeken. Tuoiua. btamlord for New Yor*. Scbr Ida Palmer. Palmor. .Sew Haven for Now *or*. BOUND BAST. Btoamer Q?r? Waihingtou, Whitehead. Now York tor Hull lax. NS. and St Johns. Nr. ?. Steamer Delaware, Smltli. N**w v}> ,h * Steamer Samoa. Davis.jiew York or N.w ""d,^,idenoa. Hchr John StockUolm, ilart. Fort Johnwi? ?o v ?,i-k fehr j i hS, B^oi Sclir Moreliuht. BlatolilorJ, Now \ ork lor Uo?ton. Schr A <; Braaua. Kajuor. Iloboken/or Schr ?/. 1. Adamn, NickerHO*. Now \ork tor " j Schr JiMinio Bwon. Kopra. ' Schr Orvetta. Hardy. Vlririnia lor New Haven. .i__.ii <chr Frank Herbert. Orowoll. New York tor Halloweu, MSchr Emily Bello. Kolly. Now York for Dennlm?ort. Sehr Bimifor. Jolinaon. Port .fobumn for llani,"r> . Scbr Chi lion, llrunt. l'ort Johnaou for Hanreriiport. Sehr I)ariu> Kddy. Kelly, Ncv% York for Bauiror. Schr K 11 Clark. Kon^or, Hrooklyn for V, omorty. Schr Sucee ?. I'lerxon, Nowbnrir for New Schr Vllmiuan, l'hilllp*. Port Joi.naou for I rovldenca^ |tj Sehr Qclck?tep, Hutchlnoon, Port Johnjon for Wood* ''sehr T Hodlne, Balth. Port Johnaon for Pall ^''r*r^ n. Sehr llreen County Tauuer, Hyde, Uoudout for Now %P?hr I. S Hatch. Port Johnnon for New HaTan. Schr Maria B Ilearn. Bloxmn, New \ork for StamfowL Sehr i; It D aboil. Back at I. New York for Now London. .^clir S Li Burnt. Ilurm. New York for Boiton Sclir Mury A Holt. Grant, Weohawkon for HI?*J"n^rB Sotir Vntra (Br) li??klus. Now * or* for St Jnhu, NB. Schr j K Mundell. Cobb. Now York for New London. Sehr Norman. Smith. Port j ohn-oa forSalem. ^ _ Schr Kuir Wind. Bowman. Port JnhnMKi for ? arahi??. Sehr Sallle Burton. Hurley. Naw York toj Htamford^ Schr T B Smitu, Smith. Now York for Now Bedford. I BELOW. Schr Kochoko, Jasper, from Me???ua*ax?h 18. CL11AKED. Steamer AcadU <B*>, Oral*. UlM-w-Hwdww Steauier Alexandria (Br). Mackay. Glaagow Henderson ? Steamer George Waahlngton. 'Whttohead. Halifax. NS, B'sus,!n!? vo.uIdI"?; ^HaTl'rln^po Am^loo do S.toI. (Ital). Bowtta. Gloaco, tor, K?Benham A Boyosen. _ _ n u n Hark Oharralau (Br), Klllan, Brietol. E?W D Morgan. llark Keymone (Bri, Thompson. Cork or Palmoutli for ot ^UaTi^TeU Duhrovacitl (Aus). KneswrK-h. Cork for or dXTk S Bm. (Br). Croaby. Botterdam-Boyd A "B^k Me?*l (Nor) Aalak^n. ^?"-P?Bnec^^dT2 * 0y?0. llark l'opplno (ltal), l'alurso, Lisbon?Benbain s uojo ""Bark Beteeca Coruana, Johnson, Matanias-VVaydell A ' llark Lothalr (Br), l'esmond, Sydney. OB?C B Swain A Schr Itloardo Barron, Nowton. St Joitns, 1 B?? J " enourg I * Si? Solfn^'wdwai^^.^I^lnf^c^-Ja^souvufa?Bentiey, Glldoraloeve A Co. , u y Motealf Suhr Kmeraon Lokea, Marston, Darion, Us ^ *s,ir J B Johnson. Rose, Richmond? Slaobt * Schr Sea Bird, Curtla, Richmond and City Point?Slagbt * So'ir^ieorgo S Marts, Cobb. Washington, DC-Slaght A IS Ris-K5ISiJs2 f r^!?aaS5t??~ ?ss ^Sl'oop'iiota*. Jarrls?South Amboy-I B Greeg Kbnio Mary Brush. Keteham. New llaven?M Bngga A Sloop K, Dowlck. ijuilford?Carlwrlgbt A Doyla. _ SAILED. Steamer Ac^la (Br), for (B^bow ; I.eorgetown, Hem. . (Ital),'Cork; Nethanla (Nor), lm,men^?NertjSKr?: lDMlel Draper (ltal). Corfu KSaS?fiKe?&rifeai? Wind at sunset. 8: at barometer at aunwt, ?.07. MARITIME MISCELLANY. t&See port newt. Bamc K C Kjkkkuuaaud (Nor), from London for Bull Rimer, before reported ttrauded on Volly Inland breakers, is fast going to pieces, and hat drifted In about -00 yard* nearer the chore. Dark Mabuarkt Eva.** (Rr), Hurrr. at Philadelphia 17th Inst Irotn Antwerp, report*:?May 7. lat 2JIM. tun 02 01). panned a life buoy marked "City or New York, of New Xork," apparently from 4 to 6 week* in tb* water. KcHU Alpha (Br), Wharton, which arrived at Boston 14th from Rurhados, was off Cape Klisnbetu I Itb in a thick fog, and struck mi Truudy'e Hool, wnore she remained some time, pounding heavily, hut otme otf withont apparent dum nge. Alter ascertaining bin position the captain worked 111* vessel into IV.rtland harbor without assistance. Scitu ? M Kox. from I'orto Rico via Newbern, NO, for Norwich, Ot. which arrived at New London Mar la, will dis charge at the Utter port. Kl'dk Plthihtu, from Maltlaud, N8, for Portsmouth, Nil, put into St John. NR. May 10 lor repairs. The nature and extent of her dainago it not reported. flCHU II OcftTl*. at Philadelphia loth from St John NR. )o?t part of her deck lond aud sprung a leak during a 811 Kale uu the 11th inst., Uk) mile* K.SK from South Shore light ship. IIauvax, May 15?Steamer Perlt, which arrived nera 13th (row New Vork, haa been purchased by parties in Syd ney. She will uudsrgo aouie repairs here, whan ab*wili prooeod to Sydney, being Intended to run between that port and Montreal. I'.ith?Schr Excelsior, which saliod Iro n I.unsubnrg ou the lOtu of March last, has not since been heard Irom. tjuxnkr. May li>?The number of vessels rupurtod as bar Inn sailed for Ijuebec to date it 300. of which a very small proportion la own lor charter. The quantity of coal alloat, considering the number of vessels bound here, la not above the avurago. There u no demand lor lumber lor tliu I'ulted States. Most ol the logt at the inlll* In tills neighborhood will be cut into deals for the hngllali market. Launch?Capt IJerriman'? new tbip will launch at Bel fast next week?probably Wednesday, the 34th, as tha tides will be lull at that time. LiAUMOHKP?At Rath, Me, May 18, by William Rogers, a flue bark of luki mm, not yet nnined. She It 174 feet long, leot 4 inches wide, aud owned by the builder. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Capt Luce, ot sloop Nlpbon. at New Bedford May 18 from Neman's Land, report* that the buoys on Lone Rack, Old Mao s and Sand hammock have been gone since the 1st of May. StKW MOHT OX T11K WI ST POINT OP PIJINCK KDWARP 1KLAXII. Notice is hereby ulvcn that a lighthouse ere, ted bv the f overunieiit of Canada on the wot point of Prince Kdu ?rd sland will be put In operation on tho Mb ol Muy next. l'? ?ition ?Lat 4t* *i7 311, leu tit ill 111 W. The light is a revolv ing catoptric one. elovated H'l leet above high water mirk, and in c'oar ueather should lie seen at a distance of ill milts froia all (mints seaward. The 11KHt will allow ?iiu red and three white Hashes it 1!, minutes, the Uasbt a attaining their greatest brilliancy every 15 toconds. The tower i> a square wooden building 07 feet hleh from base to vane, with dwelling house attached. It It painted in alteruato broad horisontal bands ot red and white, and the lantern is painted rod. \VM. SMITH, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Department of Mamie and Hshurtes, Ottawa, April 2X, 1878. SPOKEN. Ship W J Low is (Br), Trefry, from Cardiff for Manila, no date, Ac. An American shin, showing letter* ft RltL. from Boston for Calcutta. April 10 (by an arrival at Madras April 14*. A abip, allowing loiters II U, probably the Cutwater. Creel man, from San Kranciacv for Liverpool, March 14, olf Cape Horn. llark Wellamo iRusi. Weathery. Irom Dublin for Philadel phia, SO da/a out. May |fl, ii'1 miles HSh ol Saudy llooic. Bark W il Jeukina vKrj. Spronl, troiu Uretnen April 14 for New York, May la, lat 43, lou 48 47, NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND CAPTAINS Merehanta. shipping agents and shipmasters are Informed that by tolegrauhlng to the IImhai.0 London Bureau, ad dressing "Bennett. So 40 Kleet street, London," or to the Parle odtae, addresaiug "Renuett. 41 Avenue de 1'Opora, Paris," Uie arrivals at and departures from Rnropean and Eaatern ports of American and ail foreign vessels trading with tbe United States, the same will be cabled to this eonntry free ol cliargo. Captains arriving at and tailing from Prenol and Medi terranean porta will And the Pari* ofBee the more eoonoraleal and expeditious lor telegraphing newt. OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Anm*DAM. May 17?Sailed, bark OtMiie* (8w), la fcltm. Maw Terk. Bbimou May 10?Arrived. ship Kooro Rattler (Ital), La Cotom >ra, New York ; bark Omwpiit Revello. do ((). Coruuiiiu-Atrlftd, bwk ]lulor (am), Do Baltimore. Sail, d, bark Dlrigo. Staples. Baltic. Ctcrrg. May 18?fulled, bark C X Jayne, Oxbcre, for ?? Dt'BLia, May 18?Arrived. bark Abraham Young (Br), Kaniswnrth, St John,' N B; brig Cltlsea (Br). Thurbor. do. Kuihoiui?Arrived, achn B B Church, Kelaey, Mobil* for Orenatadt. Guiuitiv, May IB?Arrived, stoamer Royal Maudard (Br), Joliuaton, Trlente, Ac, lor Now York. Oknoa, May l.V? Sailed, bark* Medbor (Xor), Jen?en, United States ; Bolivar (Anai, ?!ero!imich. do. Hambcbo. May 18?Sailed, ablii Aucuitc (Her), Wiericha, Mow York; bark Mirnl (Bus), Philadelphia. LivKjtrooL, May ID?Arrived, ahip Hugueaot. Bray, lnul que; brig Ko.tsack, Saiilh, Xew York. Sailed* 10th, bark Lydia l'eaehau (Oer), Kecbter, Wil mington. NO; eehr Ilauia M Bangs. Bangs, Baenus A) res. Lauxk, May 18?Sailod, brig Bock (Br), Wright. North America. UiMfDiur, May 18?Sailed, bark Mio Cugiuo lltai), Ollvari, United Mates. Lkuuoks, May 14?Arrived, hark Ferseveransa (Ital). Longobardo. Xow York. Malaoa. May Id?Arrived, hark Abby Bacon, Merrill" Gibraltar. In-port 18th, the Sophia, fur Now York, Idf. Xawitr, May 18???aUod, bark William Owen (Br). Brown, Xorth America. Xaplbb?Sailed, bark Bovine Sailor. Bryant, Possnoll. Pauillac?Sailed, bark Jennie Cobb, 8mall. Archangel. Paueso, May 18?Sailed, ateamers Caledonia (Br), AUI son. Mentono; J B Walker (Br), Green, Xew York. Qckkxstovk. May 19?Arrived, bark Monkshavon (Br), Kerr, Philadelphia (had bulwarks carried away May 4 dur ing a galol; brig Ellen 0 (Br), Burns, Philadelphia. Also arrived 10th, ships Revolving Light (Br), Coonan. New Orleans for Liverpool; Bonnie Dundee (Br), Ooff, Mo bile for do; bark Buaton Vale (Br), Anderson, Xow Yori. Also arrived 19th, 5 AM, steamer Scj-thla (Br), Llaines, Xew York for Liverpool (and proeeeded). Riga. May 14? Arrived, bark Chrlsliua (Sw), Larson, Now York. RorntBDAK, May 18?Arrived, hark Cupid (Br), Grant, Xew York. Rio Jankibo, May 18?Arrived, steamer Xellle Martin (Br). Jackson, Xew York, Ac. Stkttih, May Itt? Sailod, bark Midlothian (Xor), Olson. Xow York. . Doras. May 10?The bark Iimatar (Bus), from Pensacola for Hull, before reported wrecked at Dungenest, passed here to-day in tow of throe toga Tho crow of the vessel oro at the National bailor's Home hero. WEATHER REPORT. Falkoutb, May 10. 7 PM?Wind X, moderate. Holtbkas, May 10, PM?Wind XXK, moderate. FOREIGN POltTB. Uardrxas. May 17?Railed, schr* Elisabeth M Cook. Cook, north of liattoriu; Matilda Brook*, Jouct. (in. OuNruKCOS, May 16?Arrived, lurk M ii Chapman (Br), Kve. Philadelphia; aclir W li Maillur. St John, NB. Sailed 10th, brig Adelaide (Br), Porter, Lewes, Dal. Caiuauirn, May 10?Arrived, brig Euuli. Dyer. St Thomas. Sailed 10th, icbri'Me I.yom, Stephana, Now York; Aldana Boko*. Khodes. Lowes, Del. Cow Bar, CB, May 18?Sailed. aobr Fleetly (Br), Boston. Dkmrraiia, May IB? Arrived previoiuly, schT V V Keel ing, Bennett, Baltimore. Katiiku Point, May 19?Arrived, stoaiuur Corinthian (Br), from Glasgow lor Montreal. Havana, Mar 18? Hailed, atoamors LUberty, Sundbcrp' Now York: Wilmlnirtou, Crnweli, do. Mapkira. to May la?Arrived previously, actr M C Mono lev, lliggin*, Wilmington. XU. Matan/.as. May 17?Arrived, ??hr Ramon de AJurla, Mc Briile, Philadelphia. Montiikal. May 16?Arrived, (teamen Aunle Alnsllo, Board, Newcnstlc-oii-Tyne; Waldenalau. Stephen, Glasgow ; 17th, Mississippi. Liverpool. Sailed I Oth. stcauiors Sardiniau, Dutton, Liverpool; 17th, Phoenician. Scott, Glasgow. Noktii Sydnkt. CB, May IS?Arrived, brig Arotaa (Br), Roberts. Larue. P irxKTit, April 6?Arrived, aehr IInmbol.1t, Knatel, Hum boldt. Ssilcd March 2.4, schr Paunnla, Kuatol, San Francisco. F.wtkra, April 0?In port, aolir Greyhound, Burna, for Ban Francisco, to aull aaiue day. 1'okt Antonio. Jn. Mar t>- In port, lolira Florenee Wack rill, Donne: lielen A lxicke. Baud, and Hannah Coomer, Kilts, all 'or New York; Santa UtorL, Pluati, trom Bath, Me. I'iCTOO. MS, May 10?Cleared, *chr Seallower, Boudrot, Boiton ; l'Jth, brig Ruth, Lo Blauo, Portland. Sailed 18th. bark Kacer (Br), Guadeloupe. Ql'sukc, %Mar 15?Arrived, steamer Circassian. Smith, Liverpool; 10th, bark faith, Oemiuell. Troon; 17th, shipe Lake Kriu. Sclater, Glasgow; Mituar, Bold. Liverpool; bark Rcullwurtb. Itryson. Greenock. Cleared 17th. Iinrk Argo, for Llvorponl. Bock Socru, May 11?lu port, acbr Eddie Pierce, llawes, for New York. Idg. Sr Maucak-.t s Bat, NS. May 15?Sailed, bark Harriet Uphant (Br), Putuaui. Traloe. St John. NB, May 14?Arrived, brig Willie (Br), Holme*, Yaraioutn, NS; Annit) (Br), Cornwallls. MS, for Demorara; *chr speculator (Br), New York. | i.loarnd IKth, bark Hnrott (Hr). Londonderry: oris Blanco (Br), Poster. Port lliisli; scbra Timothy Field, Lelaud, .Now York; Aumra Boroalls, rblladolpbla. Sailed lUtli, ship Prince Waldo nar (Br). Liverpool. Victoria, May 11?Ballod, bark Beulali(Br), Ingram, Syd ney. WiND.soit, NS, May 17?Arrivod, schrs David Amea, Koek land (and sailed for New York); Clara Smith, do; Alfred Keen, Boston ; J A Hatfield. Now York. Sailed 17th, sclir J L Croabr, New York. LPk* Stkarer Oorr.' Accra, WCA, April 10?In port. Sterling, Tan a, and Qreyhouud, Brown, wtg. Bakuow. May 0?Sailed, Morland, Olseu, Mlramichl. Buistol, May 0?Arrived, Klmiua, Partridge Barbados. itRLraar. May 0?Arrived, Crown Jewell, Smith, St John, I NB. I BRKMRRiiavkm. May 4?Arrived, Xaia (a). Relchmann, I Now York. 1 Sailed ith. Aitronom, Kloppcr. Now York; Gauai, Stoen grafo. Baltimore. Brouwkukjiavkm, May 5?Arrived, Haakoa Ilaakouaen, I Hauge. Now York. Borukal'x?Sailed fioin Hoy an May 5, Atiaa. Power*, St Thomas. CAiiuirr, May 6?Sailed. Peruvian Congress Power*. Sin gapore. Chahhntk, May a?Sailed, Strathney, Moodle, Queber. Caims. May 2?Sailed, Waller F Parker, Daniela, Boston; 3d. Wm Jones, Kotihi-on. Gloucester, Mae*. Dunukni'.ss, May O?Passed, Templar, of Yarmouth, NS, and Ashantoe, of Halifax, NS, both bound west. Olf tho Start Oth.Audrea Wi.bolmlna. Wllllgust. from New Orleans for Buval; Medusa (reported Aiu), for Havre. Oral. May 7?I'atsed. Obemu. liarvey, Iroin London for San r'ranciseo; Henrietta, Dolby, do flir aJueoec. Off 7th, .' areaell, Newman. trou New Yens lor Bremen. ]IUui.iN, May 8?Sailed. Georgia. lor Philadelphia. Cleared6th, Trallk. Jocobsen, New York; Vasuo de Gama, Mortoiison. Now Orleans. Kuinoiik. May 4?Arrived, Atalanta, Jeutsen, Savannah for llelnlngfor*. Kai.moitii? Passed the Liiard, May 7, Charlotte, from London lor Quebec. Fi:azkhiii-iu;ii, May 5?Alexandra, Bedllngton, from Leith for Montreal. Gua?;ow. May 0?Arrived. Santa itosa, Archer, iquique. Sailed oth, Pride of (lie Channel, Sydney, CB. ' . Ghkenoce. May 8?Arrived, Israel, latlin, Wilmington; John Boyd, Kllis. Cardeuns; Sailed Oth, 1-jellHstodt. Kloronoss, Mlramichl; 8th, Prluce Ko|(out, lierwls, do. f Glouokstkk. Mat 8?Sailed, F.rragou, Weber, New York. May 5?Oloared, Hero. Wang, Qnebvc. (iiBUALTAK. April ?Oil. Livingstone, Ptscber, trom Pai ertno for New York. Hull, May 8?Sailed. Colombo (*), Lever, New York; Kate, Murphy, Now York. IIavuk, May 0?Sailed, Bavelaw, Bout, Quebec (and paused the Llsard 7th). I'nnaed through the road* 5th, Johu Fought, Carlston, from Biiuen for Quebec. llAMBrnu, May 5-Arrived. Gcllort (?), Barend*, New York. Sailed from Cnxbaven Mh, Klena, Stoenken, Philadelphia; Oth, Piskataiina, Scott, Swaniea. IIklvokt, May 5? Arrive.i, Loif Krickson, Mathiesen, (Muirlt'stou : Charles V Klwell, Brtnn, and Argonaut, Olseu. Philadelphia. !iox<i, April 29? Arrived, Vases da Gama (?), Kice, Ban Krancisco; Mav 4. City of Peking (s). Tanurr, do. I.ivkrpool, Mav 7?Arrived, Nevada Uj , Jones, NewYork ; 8th, Indiana (*i, Clark, Piuladelphla. Sallod 6th, Victory, Wlillanison, Quebec; Wild Uanter, Tivuuihly, Savannah; Brothers, Prout. Sandy litMik; | Kuiuma. Turner, Bio Janeiro; Louise, Morck. Quebec; i Prince iiavene. Smith, do; 7tli, Adlor, Hechtel. Bicbmoud; I Borrowdalc. Senuett. San Kra.iclsco; 8th. Concordia. Jo | haiitiseu, Quebec: Malta, Montgomery, Miramlcbi; Grace > Bradle.i, Turuir, Cape Breton; Kcuador. Iluiihe*, Syd icy, I (JH : Arabia, Ea>toa, St Joliu ; Sally, Atkln, Quebec; Cxar, j Sveudaeo, do. Clearod Oth. Olga, Lnisen, Philadelphia; Ebencser, Gun dersell. Mlramichl; Sully. Atkin. Qnabec. Lomuon, May 6?Cleared, St Allien*. Beck, Quebec. Salied Irom Graveaend dm. Akyab, Dortem, Now York. Loxpohdkbrt, May U?Arrived, Le Greate, Mlnot, Balti more. sailed Oth, l^iis. Us vmond. Sandy Hook. Limrricr. Mav 0?Sailed, Sbakuapoare. H an sen, Qoebec (before reported sailed :<d>. LkuiiORX, May 4?nailed. AUeo Campbell, Gorham, Bos ton. 1.UROR, May 1?Sailed, Bennington, Edward*, Phlladel I phi a. I Marskillki, May 5? Sailed. Nellie Starr, Poland, Boston. 1 Moclmki.v March 15?Arrived, Verona, Beynoida, Niura I bay a; ISih, t'avaller, Murehlsoi), Buunos Ayres. Mauuas, April 1^?Sailed, Mary M Bird, Packard, Lon i don. ! Nkwi'Okt, May 0?Cleared, Swaledale (*), Van Unen, i Mont. ual. \xw, May O-Saibu, Die Ueimath, Kraft, BalU I more (and from Waterlord r?th). . Poutrapoi', May il?Sailed, lielen Ilougla*. Quebec. I Pkmarc, March 81? Arrived, S B Vuorht*. Kullord, Tutl i ?orln. Sailed 27th, Mllo, Kracht, Singapore. Qirknstown, May ?? Arrived. Alice, Raretto, Phlla de.'phla via Kalmouth for Cork. Sailed 7th. Cieifaentliia S, Bagolan, Ipswich; Mlo, Do meulco. Boston, K; I'arodl A 0, Hrutione. Waterlord: Ar gosy, llatlloid. Hamburg: llms llilyard, for StNaiatre; Sollld, Sorensen (from Darlen), Mary port. KoTTkroam, May .'>?Cleared, Pacific, Harris, Pbila delphla. Biua, April a I? \rrlved, Camilla. Berkmann. New York. Uanuouk, April 1?Aerived, Northern Light, Tuff, Uio Janeiro. Salonica. April 22?Arrived. Roberto, Aetarlta, New York. Sti.ttin, May '-?Arrived, Maria Adelaide, Pocatls. Balti more Sai.t Porp, WCA. April IS?In port, Susan L Htsgerald, j Leuobottcr, and Bolivia, Stevens, m tg Th?i>r, Mar ,'i?Arrived Krasillan, Beek, Galveston. ! Tkxrl. May O?sailed, Mactha A Mo.Nlol. Jordan. Rock | land. Me (and passed Oover 7thi. Wr.vroRii, May t) Sailed, Luiina Croiby, Shack ford, dyd> : B*y. CB. WATv-nroRO, May s?Sailed, Saama, Londberg, Baltimore. Capii. May 2?At It was calculated that the Sarah K Ken I nedy'? repairs would cost 98.U0U at leaat, she will be put ap for sale by auction May 5. MoNTUoac, May tv?In the bay. the Norwegian bark Te j trea. from Oariou (pitch piuei, but eaanot gel ia till top of I epring tid. s. Yokohama. March 25? Tbe Truth, from Kaiusran,' fur San Prsnriseo which put In nere with damage, ha* landed : 2.IM'bAske4? of sugar, out of w:tlch nulv 5ll are damaged i The rem lining 5*i*? baskets, which complete* her rargo, will be tainted in the course of the next two days, alter which the v?*-cl will be overhauled l?r repair*. (Since reported a* having resumed her voyage. J AMERICAN PORTS. BOSTON. May U-Arrived, ?*??w Oka* (Br), QUI, ' pI^?r5*iA?po,a' Baltimore: Roman, icb^T nV ?^ .???=T **??**?-?r. Mill.. Philadelphia; WI Warn wii'Ji''Vii /' ?''' l,l,:.n'1 HeU#? W??dm?u, da; I I *?'?. Drla?nre Utv. ? Rlouowui ji*Llut'r (Br),M*rtyn, Liverpool: barks niouowaJI Jackson. Arbeeuni. New Vera- M K Si.rinir Hart'le*!!,'^o|0"u^4:.f>r'i* fieri. Pauley. Wca* HaL^lMitlkl?'y1 i? ' ^ Milea, Urabam. Barucoa. Iloftuiui Mrim*'n ^ -Arrived, ateatuer Lslpaitf (tier), SSk lMl *or VJf'P V"if,* * *h?-v,,r- Starreft, .Wenj AuTTrriviE' vu wumin?oB. sc W m Crm TavU?? S222 L::ul,?- Wnlhnr. hdento,.. NO I York v^Vo!.' ?^.'.0,,LuM"rth? Chance, New lttttd; ?r?i?i?bj|k iXor* "J* V1or,**,,? Mttut. Ir* rj.ouuu vs- -atm?'- <><* ? "<??> } nlcioutU; Willie Mcl-arreii iiEi it i ??* Light. Snow, liio J.tu<irol "*"? do: New Also cleared, atenmurt D C Pol?? P-i_- t.-., > ><?': I' luabelL, Clark. New Yllrk ':, ,' ,l,\ }] 'Iminsiuo, Beelovelt. Dublin : achra Mtnule JUkl,f u?iui *K ( aSarfiS; istbff SSJft"*5a-~ U."?lmnr?1<' M"y W? Stevons, KIw.U, BELI>AHT. May 11?Arrived, achra Harper Conner ft*. iahT":i alrli!-a V "k"' S,"uc;. M""nt "??ort lor .""w VoHu d'arlr^ tit, U^V u'iUU,',"ludulP1??: l?*h. Daylight." Sailed JUili, Kclira Knnnle k Edith. lUrllctt for CIS* loin. t . load (nr New York: Lillian. I'.ymi do. to load re* IWnn, llauie. McUlotouk, Minatitlan. .Mas; Mil, Laura 11 Jonea. ( onaf**. New iork; Pr.acott Hasellln..', McDo nald. Jacksonville. ? HAfll May 17?Arrived. nchri Searaville. IIart. New an' Therudlke. Philadelphia. Hailed?Sours Ida Ii Latham,^-etown: Win Flint I end eton Now Uk; Hkpraaa TUtou.Irelaud.aud Albert ^ Jfato ?!?!?.*. I'uiladjInhU. PMi i i if^' ^*'tv Is -Arrl\ v- I, wolirj Katoilo Day, Tracy, Joi ?E . ' raaeunla. Joril in, Port Jnhuann. MKIfTOL. May 17?Arrived, tchr Coudora, Wlliou. Utor^etoH-n, D( . * Biitlmari ' 18?Cleared, nchr Aneroid, Talbot, Sailed?Scbr Carrie Nolanu. Allen. Sew York, lith?Arrived, anlir Lllv. Cute. \,.w York. <.leared-Hark .Vydla .ilr), llarw.HHl, LIvmpooL ig:VjXr!* ? May IH?Arrived,bark BenJ Dickeruan Tarlor. Turk. Island iT.r Boaton. ?r?.n, an Waatf udiej!*** 1U"<W,"d- wbr ^itf-iao, Xedov "thrl,utU'L Fullor Ne>w,Y<^kalUM1, ,Utt,uur CUr ?r**a Auto' SUr 1->_Arrlv^- "hr ?'*? CeKi?rVKeva " ^8,i,!o'1- "ohr Until TCarllale, Smltb, i v^ffl^rsss^aa.4-"* A"?i" ??? |M'1^ ,u-n?*r'*?l. I?ark ScollitnJ, Ilo??rs, Am v?cu;Vu?"'ilu'ck- ""k''r- Calbarloit. No'lf^ Wu k.r ^; ' y Arr'.v,,d. fdi r* EW. Uoblnaon; i %t- j gl ,?? saiiSorn: ProMio. Llbbv; (i 1 iins ki"-i f,0'nb}n- Clulbuib; Kiii... Koater: Crg I Sa lUrfl Hi hi. r?*i"iU- '?l?>r? from not utatodj. *u i^lj. britr* Kllt*n H. Soutun, Staileo ; 15th Marv VKw'buV KAV^V "L'VLs)"k^shor,"HVN'9w ^,r* 1 r?i i it P"kfcANS. Ma y 18?Arrived, bark To lorn ej (Aus) tiiudiilifSi, Uraruiul; aclir Jm* Kora, fortland. " < louiud?>.cbr lllta, Moblli-. NelwY7rkrrU'e<i' ? *4re: ^ Waltoa. Klcb. LHy'of ibe'vaujy." U""*n; Pllu1'1 Brld* win.' Now?IIiV.^n *r ,7~ArrlroJ- ?cl?r Lula Ammermau, Plorw ClSd?^^,?,;^ ,7-Arr,VoJ- whr L?V A bloaaom, Yort'!'^" ?h t'joha," XB rMementa|>X? w NKW PORT, May 17. PM?Arrlrod, tehra J 11 Burnett r^r?; , ,."ivur r?r Xo* York; American Kaulu! (aud all aalled iwhK M#m,,|rer- sPo???". Taunton for de \chn..yujy Nmt, Barker, Pall River lor Ne w Ynrk; Whistler, Keofv, mid Salmon Washburn, Ualha duiica f?" d?" Marietta liaud, (iotJ.mith, Provi Keturned-Sclira Mea?ouirer. nnd Amorican Eitcle. VKVV h'^vpv 1'liiladelphia. York "AVEJi- *ul' l^-Ai-rWei, acbrBraaoa, S.nlt'.', Me? ' San'p'ranelannBt,K' Majr 11_Sll'!od- ?lllP Oen Butler, Webb, | ?.^"J."Vi?fwi ??" ?t w? j tasM ^?s-r5a? sung I m';^T"?,Y uC' M*y la?Arrived, steamer Ourondelet, ! l.n ?r 7i\K r "t uad ""1U,d ,ur N'l w York). 1 Sturm K/>? v i w' Mlly ''''--Vrrive.|. atuamora Concnrd, ; . ,rnV. *7.^ork; Saxon. Snow, Boaton: Tonawaada Sher' ! "1." ' ruvldencc!: \indicator, Ko^ara, do; bark Ariadne (Bri. Trotter. Oultruy; Krucn (Nor), Beaieaen Palermo | Mbra H Curtla, Harmon, St Jobn, Nil; Joaaphlne, Klckett' I do. Clara, Malonciy. Bangor; VL lllckman Kinner Oar' ?,n*?k. ,'4rrl0 Bf''.?.?envv'- 10: Ad* " Wmoi,Sr^, 4? | Lit Whltniore, Uhltuiore, do: A C l'alge, llaley do- J W i j b fssr&L'TO t:."dw ,,uJdo11' ^u,y I "jftVl?Ki:ps few j}? dc ia Nowk rk, llnntloy. l-'all Klver; LAM Rced Caval el tSSsfiaS^ -oWSS | wsrts'isriu ipjnjEi.'Sfst S: 1 itlufr* p llr (}tu",l K"k.?""- Cork or Kal-noutli; din Eden 1'avlt V"llliUH,in^r 1fn,0?ilne' Knlitlit. Matanias; Jai D iht V Baniror; schn Orace Davia, Davia, Llab<?' i ?.ii^i sfc^"rj*A v*^ ?*,rto,ord#r*: Klu?>*. Martin, si ,i". i Jo<J I'rye, Lanyley, Baniror: T T Taakec I.eoda, Boaton: Jacob,>; Abbv L Dow Youmf. do: A J LuuKhlin. Smith, Lynn:Elln Mattbewa ? W HniiiSfi CambrldK*. MM lluoll. Ireland. Olooeeaten ltW Hmldell. Dejiuty uo; Untie U Roblnaou. CliamnloiL Enat Braintreo: John II. Perrv, Baker, New Modlord- ?Vll4 1 Itfeon, "tan.ea. .souieraet: Henry Cole, Cliudaick New port ; Liter "lioatley, Hippie, Oeorv-etowri. Alao cleared, iteaiu. ra ItarriabnrK, Worth, New York Allen town. Tuttlo. Boaton : Aclilllua. Haoon. Sewliuryuort' bark Ma^itta. Taylor, Lvnis. K: aehrs h C iVI,?,11 <^,0.' Boston ; J A Criffln, Koater. do; W V l'helpa. Berry Rox liunily Vau'Riwr- : s?rKh L Slmmona, R^ni.T.ckhiirbiU.0,:ranmor< c"nmor- 1Jri,,,ol? *?? A"8?*?"" *t,d Ilarrfabnrtt iliiv Sirk^vine's! I^r" Mar?lia paaaed to aoa veater djij. Bark Nina aholdoii, iroin London, pasacd in yeatcr | Yor"'*0*1' ? :3? AM' 19lh-s,t'"mer Albermarle, Uibba, Now I Bulk Athlete (Br), Hntehljuon, from Sunderland. Iiaa j been ordered to I'lilladelplila. , Dklawark Biikakwatkk, Mar 19. PM?Barka Sm-dn. j iorordt'ra l,C"*0"Urn' tU'r"'01"^ ?od y?' Fratelli remain i Ship La Ololre: barka Chlrnecto. Colorado and Elektr* I Aifi'Umi'for^New?York*'*" b"k" Fid?ntu' ii,,oro *?Ueo *n* ; be't'ta''w'lVcaaaat^' M"T i7~Clw'.i- briC '?'?? Abld; Tib. j Salied-Brlir I'rentlaa Uobba. Baltimore. 10th?Arrived, achr t> M l'orter, Batb. Me ! ajKTRt-Vj wre"V5t 'or Haltlmore. PRO\ IDRNt.K. May 1H?Arrived, a. lira Calvin P Ilarrit. I Benton, tleorfetown. hC; fc A I. Cordery. lllKbee. Pblli. kt <Jo; A Craa-ford, ijp.ilpr,,r ^*w"ll-'ket; SuaanS Tyler. BuabT I nrll. Port JoliiDHXi for do i ?<-l'*??-rf-hraiie?rito W Wbitford. Bryant, P .nee. PR. Carrie S Ijart, Davjv Ueoriietoau. DC; (inrust, Wintera' , i u Ambuy; |; ,s Do.tu, White, New Y.?rk ; Win II iiowen' ; ',?ou OeTtre W Jenklna. Ellawnrth, do. | Kl!^tt.,a5^!,,ri"'!WI,lll,1:;' Harding, and i ,.,,, VN\n.'^K.T- 15?Arrived, nch a Julia A Criwford. I Ilaliock, 1 litlndolphia: 8 ii Tyler, Bii?buell, i'ort Johnann I SalleJ?ricbr Urljaua, Allen. Now York. ?-"?-won. I IL ti If'li' n ' Arrived, aclir, ijiicr A met Blalmn. New York "arry Landell, laylor, Norfolk, to load (Y* ! ^"Arrived. aMp lookout W1k> gill. HNIinirhaa Hay: bark K.nwoll Kiiraeue, Norabera ; " .I lm .!0.; ? Nautllua, Mclanac, Tahiti I >aile.|-Shlp Bine Jacket. I'o ctval. Nanalmo: bark Mar* laak* Ur*y> llouoluln; aclir Uen Miller, May, Ouna! ! K.'nt'>~S*"*<1' ,te*n"'r Lord of *?"> Idea (Br). Cowle, Hong '^'?'-Ai-rlvod, ateamer Colorado. Coni.olly Hon/ Sana | n!*i ' ' 000*?",,e?: ?h,P Canada, Bur.ley, Ma* ?Cleared, aebra starlight, Jonea IllcBinait, Aeut, I'hlladelpUia. * cii^l^r.ui;; ^pid*n- Sew Vork: ??? ' r!t'lr?"i,Vei- " Llvtnjraton. Mallory, New York ! Barcelona, Ba!t,,Qoreibri?^ j MSEYAHD IIAVK.>, May Arrivevi briif? Inaac Citrw , W. HauKorfor PklltttelpfcU; H-pnrt?r. U? tor JTySXi j fcIica# Ai)nit? M All?n, Heor^otowu DO tor Hmtnn ? J?m*a 4 I llewitt. PbiladelpUla fordo; B F WMfrnlS ndouft Im ? Naiituckoi: lieiiuoui? Locku, lUngor Tor i'hiiadrlphia (will ' \'ew*York ' KatLTiliT '''"J'V, "U.J Kllbonrn, do for ...^ i .*? !)?? nni1 Maud Uardiiier. for do; Penu a>hauia and Mary riiiaau. Rockland lor do; Kettle Cuablnir llioiuaaton foi do: Raatern Belle. Buckaport for do - Modeatv K^rDee'rla^^f^ ^ ^ ? A^SSl iva^ie, ueer laie lor do ; Ellen M (riilt Uoektuut U? tar at,? ^.ut"lMl?lACVl*'*<n'r do ?',lo"mor. Mount Doaiert for Ron-' i i "" i01,!"'* ""-"Port. Me, for Nnaaan; Halll* JJ and rannle Hanmcr, Nantucket foe Pliiladeinlilai t:;r?rr 8lJr0,,n fo.r,1doJ s Wauwu. Lynn fordo; Babel II Irona, Laneville for do; 8 A lloflknan, Boaton rhr Hulled?All veaael^ bofore reported excepting brljt Re porter; fclira hallie M Kvana. Mary E Vau Cloaf. Del iron I I M.t-T'u i ' K,",''rn "???? J antra H Wat-win, Madagaaear, Babel H Irotia, V aritilo llanmer, S A liotfinan, George l?i|. ? bourn. Ceres. Mary D Cranmer, Teleirranh. Bloomer, Ken* ' Vi'j'Ml'. r," ""w'and, and J I) Allen (aahore). | ILMINtJ TON, NO. May 10-Arrived. aebr O W Ander I aou. An.leiaon, New York. PhWadelphla ' IH~-Vrr,v#<l. ##hr J???ph liny, Beeba, Sailed?>?Ur hlvie Davia. Armstrong, Philadelphia. YACHTS. BTKAMUOA'i'S. AC. Baroe kor KCCi^^iWW'oSblSin 107*gf liiuc, I feet beam. 8 feat deep: will curry HW.i tout of r.. .1. drawing 7W feet. mi.I would a?*ko a line propeller or Mfcoouer. Add rem lock box 10$ FM offlte, Mr l)run? witk, N. CUloCKBiriT UBNUIN'B UFAR COMPOSITIOK, PO* J *11 brik-lK woodwork on yachu ud I .oat*. ran bo had only ol tfBfcLKY * afhVKXB. SU Burllu* slip. New York. riOR BAI<E?BEAUTIKUL NEW KTKAM YAUHT, ? J1 fool long, lu lie im, 4 deep: nlcoly Sued up with cabin*. Kor piitlciUi* addra** YACKr. Iihx 1 Irt Herald office. -? iwiCKlillASEOtbT^ ; V BAotTuWbiv<?ac?? "oHr.usEu KRoiTTSim*: j\ out Htaten, lor numerum c?uui, without publicity; Uif*l ovorywbor*; so chart;. lu ndrance; advice Iruu. M. K(AlH, Attorney. lut Broadway. TMObl'TR DITOBM'kn OHTAIN KD PROM DIPVKK* J\ aut Stale* fur nnmerou* cau***, witboul publicity; 10 ??I everywhere : terini tatUfactory; advlco Iree. KKKltEBIt'K L KINO, Lawyer, No. Broadway. (^JWUitPTION. WE A K L I "N US, Til BOAT DMBAlflfiC J Iodiire?tioi.. iicner il Debility. Lou of Strength. fleiJk ami Appetite, and all dl*ea?>? arl?m,- from I'oreriT of the Blood promptly tnil radleallT m od bv WINCHESTER'* IIYI'UPHOSPIIITE <lf LfME AM) SODA. K?t*Miih*4 Wool Price*, #1 and f'J per bottle. I'repared only by Jk Co.. CheniUti. ... W John ?t.. Now York. SOLD BY ALL IwroilIHrs. Juvoioii quietly?roB cTttsexm 1 i* Xff ) State; pay wben obtained. !:ked k CO., 71 AMO* MM. VTBBTOUS DEBILITY. At." -important i> ? ^ io Invalids. for Nervous Debility. Weaknen, Ac., brourbt on br Iadw oretioui. Kicixii'- or overwork of the Brain and 8or?o?n hyiMtu. tVIN'CHBdTER's sPECIKIC I'ILL li a prompt and radical euro. Two to *lx lioxei ar- ueually ?uBcloul. 1'rloe *1 per box ; tlx hoxet, *'?. by mail, wenroly ualli with fnll directum* for u?o Send for clraulart. Prepared only by WI.VOIIESTKK A CO., Obemiete. 8H John H.. W. T. Thomas e. aoxbw. the xew yobe qro cor. Tea, Coffee and floor Doalor. New Torfcon MA ?rerybvdjr, tail and got bargain*. 88 Voooy M>