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THE COURTS. Another of the Boberts-Gleason Gang of Forgers on TriaL How Wall Street Broken Wen Tietimiied by Forced Bondi. A BOStOII JEWELLER IK A BAD FIX. Right of Assessing *the Roosevelt Hospital. Charles J. Williamson, alias CUarles J. Perrlo, alias Charles E. Farnham, an aliased member of the nolo rloua Roberta-Uieuson gang of lorgors whose oper ations startled the country two years ago, was belore Jadgo Sutherland at the bar of the Court of General Beaalons yesterday, prosecuted by Assistant District Attorneys Lyon and Rollins. Thore are about forty Ore Indictrannu tor forgery pending against tbe pris oner, besides several for burglary and receiving stolen goods, ana the case will probably occupy the time of the Court during tbe wholo ol next week. Tbe pris oner Is delended by Mr. A. Oakey Hall and ex-Judge William M. Curtis. Tbe story of Williamson's counec. tion with the operations ol the gang, as detailed by Mr. Lyon In his opening, arc substantially these:?The prisoner had, In the summer of 1873, an olDco In the ?ame building with Louis i. Keopers aud one Joseph r. If ran kiln, by both ot whom he was introduced to (r. Hardenberg, of tho firm of Lauders & Hardenberg, irokers, at No. 113 Broadway. Williamson and his iwo Iriends had many conversations with that gontle nan, in which It was mado to appear that tho former Had been unlortunaie In business, but bad a wealthy and indulgent mother who was willing to lead huu bonds upon which to raise advances ind take a iresb start. Deceived by these representa tions, Mr. Hardenberg on the 2d of Auguat loaned to the prisoner $12,700 upon twenty-two forged $1,000 bonds of tbe New York, Butlalo and Erie Railroad, on luguat 26 Williamson brought thirty $1,000 bonds of the New York Central Railroad, upon which bo ro :elved $25,000. Two days altcrward ho went to the ifflce or Haskins Ac Braine, No. 12 Broad street, and raised about $18,000 upon twenty torged $1,000 bonds ol the New York, Buffalo and Erie Company, and later on the aame day he appeared in the ottlcc ol' Eddy & Ca, No. 26 Pine street, with thirty Central Railroad bonds of tbe samo description as those furnhshod to Mr. Hardenberg. Mr. Holbrook. of that lirm, exam ined the bonds and stated Incidentally that be was per loctly familiar with the issue, most ol which had passod through his hands. After a minute ot couversution ho picked out one of the bonds and started out to uogo Uate It. Williamson seemed very much frightened to learn that Mr. Holbrook was so familiar with tho bonds, and when mat gculleuian lelt the DtUce he suddenly recollected an engagement elsewhere, and departed, leaving bis securities behind. Mr. Holbrook on his return bad bis suspicions aroused by tbe prolonged absence ot bis customer, aud closely actutlnixing the documents lelt in his hands, found every one of tho thirty bonds a forgery. The investi gation which followod this discovery showed that >te tweon $300,000 aud $400,000 ol theao bonds had been put upon the market between tbe 2d and 26th days of August, 1873. Tbe excitement which followed Is, doubtless, well remembered by the readers of tho Bkralu. Meanwhile, every exertion was made to ?ecure the arrest or Williamson, but without success. It has subsequently been discovered tbat he was ar rested in Philadelphia in 1875 under an indictment lor teceiving stoieh goods, under the name or Pornn, and ronUned in tho Tombs far a week. Nobody discovered his identity except tbe lawyer who delendod him and who procured bis roleaso. Nothing was seen or him by the authorities again till February ol this year, when under tho name of Charles E. Farnham he delivered to the Messrs. Rollins, bankers, eighty-eight New York Central Railroad bonds and seventeen or tho Union Pacific and Calllorma and Oregon Railroad Tor negotiation. Tho elder Mr. Rollins took some $60,000 worth of tbem to Europe to disposo of them. The authorities there discovered them to bo forgeries, and arrested Mr. Rollius, who had some dlfliculty lu ejecting bis reloaso. He Is now on his way to this country. After this discovery the pollco wero put upou Williamson's track, and he was caught one duy In Wall street, and lockod up, under Ills uew name, in the Tombs, where he has siuce lain. His alleged confederates, Roberts and Uleason, are lyina in Ludlow Street Jail awaiting trial on a civil suit, tlio juries having disagreed when they wero prosecuted criminully. Edwin D. Wooater, Secretary of the Now York Cen tral Railroad, and Charles G. Miller, President ol the Buffalo and Erie, wero examined yesterday in refereuoo to tho bonda purporting to beisaued by their respective companies which were regotiatod by the prisoner. They each examined lar^e numbers of bonds and pro nounced them forgeries. The next witness was Louis J. Keepers, who testified to his share in tbe trunaao tiou substantially ua stated above. The ease was then adjourned till Monday morning. BAD FOR A BOSTON JEWELLER. George Foye, formerly a Jeweller In Boston, tailed In January, 1874, and ollercd a compromise or sixty conta on the dollar. A committee ol croditors appointed Mr. Elseman, a leading Jewcllor, to examino into tho case. Mr. Elseman went to Boston and reported in ravor oi tho compromise. Tho first instalments became due in ioptember last, but wero not paid. Foye fled to Cali fornia, but three woeks ago ho arrived here, and h!a goods wero seized by Custom Houso ofllcors lor non payment ol duty. ' be Custom Houso olilcials took the goods to the leading jewelry nouses or the city, and Mr. Elseman recognized some of them as solJ by biui In 1874. General M. Uauo Dunn, counsel lor the cred itor*, under au act whioh mukos it a misdemeanor lor a bankrupt not to turn ovor ull bis goods to the assignee, obtained Irom United StulesComuiissioncr Duel! a war rant of arrest, and Foye was arrested at the Windsor Hotel, where he was living In splendid style. The pris oner at first re I used to tell where his diamonds wore. but, after a writ of habeas corpus had been grunted by Judge Barrett, he chauged his mind and produced the dia monds ycsterJay afternoon, when they wire "sampled" by experts Tbey are about $3,000 in valuo, and are mostly diamond rings. Subsequently tho prisoner was turned over to a United Statos Marsha! to be taken to Boston for triaL THE ROOSEVELT HOSPITAL. The late H. Roosevelt, as is well known, bo. lueathed $1,000,000 to tho city for tho purpose of founding a hospital. The legacy was made conditional, that If tbe Legislature did not within two years grants liberal charter tbe amount of the bequest should be paid uver to the United States governmeut. Within the time ipecitiod an act of incorporation was paraod by the Legislature exempting tho hospital from taxation and sonlcrrlng on it other benefits vouchsafed to cbarita Die institution?. Tho hosoital was tberoupon built, mth accommodation, as la well known, tor some 1,500 patients. Last year an assessment of $?,835 was imposed by the city upon the hospital lor the construc tion of a sewer, and in consequence of a failure to pay such assessment the city threatened to sell tho institu tion. This Drought the matter Into the courts, and titer passing through various stages or litigation (re ported irom time to tlmo in tne Hkrald) tbe ease tame up lor argument yesterday In the Supreme Court, General Term, on an appeal by tho trustees Irom an order deuylug a Judgment on the pleadings Tbe wholo question is whether under the act or incor poration tho Institution is exempt trom assessment for local Improvements. The Court took the papers, re serving decision. THE CONVICTED BOND FORGERS. Valentine Gleaaon and Andrew Roberta, the convicted bond forgers, are becoming wearlod of their continuous wjoora in Ludlow Street Jail. Sometime ago an effort vaa made In the Superior Court to obtain their release, vhioh proved unaueeessluL A motion is now peudlng in the Court of Common Pleas, belore Judge J. F. Daly, to obtain their discbarge, on tho ground tbat tbey are pauper debtors. The case came up lor argument yesterday. Tbe application was strenuously resisted by Mr. William Wert Howitt, who appeared against tnetn In tho suits In tbe Suporlor Court, in which henry vor tlota were obtained against tbem, In consequence or which they are now languishing in JaU. Ill* claimed that tbey nave conveyed large sums of money to their friends in traod or their creditors. The further hesr lag tn tbe ease waa adjourned until next Friday. SUMMARY OF LAW CASES. Tho trial ol William D. Burehard, the Florida (Orange wonty) Postmaster, waa resumed yesterday morning eetoro Judge Benedict and rosulted in a verdict of (Ullty. Burehard waa allowed to go on bail to appear M tbe end of tbe term tor sentence. Felicia Monteil, a French milliner, obtained yester day belore Judge Vaa Brunt, In tho Court of Common Pltea, a verdict for $'.203 against Mathilda Sjahl, In whose millinery establishment ahe was employed. lu the caoe of Dr. Edward B. Foote, indicted on a charge of sonding Improper article* tbrongb the mails, ilio trial or which was set down lor yeatorday, a motion *.ia made by his eounsol, Mr. A. H. Purdy, tor post ponement on the ground ol the absence or an important aituess. Judgo Benedict denied the motion. Tho case ?rill be proceedod with at once - Patrick U. Murray brought snit belore Judge Van lloesen, in the Court of Common Pleaa, against Jamea Carson, lor non-lultllment ol a contract in regard to Mono used in the erection of a building at tho etynor of Worth street and West Broadway, the defence waa ?on-meaaurcminl of the stones alter tbey were in tho building, whioh waa declared to bo an Impoesiiaitty. A verdict wao given lor tho plalntltl tor $318 4k Tho trial ol tho suit of Tread well va. Pomeroy and ?than, tavdlvlnf Dm validity ol a eontraot tar tho bollding of tbe Central Branch of the Cnlofl Pacific Kailroau, waa resumed yesterday before Judge Larre tuore in tbe Special Term of the Supreme Court No new evidence of any Importance waa elicited, and tbe Eroceediuga ware dry and uninteresting. The trial will ? continued on Monday. The Arm or Baronl k Lindeman, shirt maker*, gold through Springer k Co. tbe note* they received front their Western customer*. Five notes, drawn ou a California house, aud which It afterward turned out were forged by Suronl, were sold by Springer k Co. tor *17,00Ql Saronl fled to Mexico, and the brokers now sne the firm ol Saroni k Lindeman. Tbe trial ol the case was commenced yesterday before Judge Van Hoesen. Mr. Lindeman repudiate* any liability, aa It was not a partnership transaction. Tho Supreme Court, General Term, is harrying through Its May calendar with commendable activity. An unusual number ol cases was argued yesterday, the facts or which have already been published. Among tbose argued was tbe cane of tbe People ex ret. Morgan Jonas vs. Allan Campbell, Commissioner; the People ex reL Martin Freiiogh vs. George W. Mataell, and tho claim of William Thompson for $U2 salary as attend ant of the Court of Oyer and Terminer. As usual tho Court took the papers In each rase. Before Judge Dykman, holding Supreme Court Cir cuit, there was tried yesterday a suit brought by the Mutual Life Insurance Company against William H. Florence to recover the sntn or 18.000, the deficiency on a mortgage which the plulntlfls allege Florence as sumed by accepting a certain deed Irom Thomas C Fields. Tho defence was tbat the deed, which was ex ecuted by Fields in Havana, was never delivered to or accepted by Florence. Tbe Jury were directed to bring In a sealed verdict this morning. Messrs. George W. Coitereli and Wlllard Uartleit appeared for the plain tifTs ?ud Messrs. Turner, Kirkland and McCluro for tbe defendants. DECISIONS. 8UPUBME COUBT? CH1VBIM. By Judge Brady. TldJT*,u?^n!.pe,u?*be d'acoutlnuance will be sustained, which deposes or this case on tho payment ol $10 cost*; such an order will in effect discharge the M"".1."- on<l^U ca"e- Cw,u are given bocatise tne diacontlnuance did not occur until the motion ?u no I iced. Plummer vs. Boldcn.?This motion is denied because it is apparent that the grouuda on which it is bnsod were parsed on or should huvc been presented whon J"? ?r^r otyocted to was applied for; $10 costs to abide the event. >oster vs. Ellis.?Receiver appointed. bills vs. Footer.?Opinion. Gsrset vs. Clark.?Memorandum. _ Uy Judge Danlola Tsylorva Ashley.?Order granted. 6UPBEMK COUBT?SPECIAL TEBM. *OTIC* TO THE BAK. during this (May) term In which points wero to have been submitted and havo not been counsel aro requested to hand them in to tho Clerk on or bolore H edneaday, May M 1S7?. nv order of R. L. LARRtsMORE, Justice. COMMON PLEAS?SPECIAL TFBM, _ _ Br Van Brunt. Sage vs. Vermilye et aL?Findings settled. MABINE COUBT?CHAMBEBS. , . By Judge McAdam. ?Icming vs. Amoa?Default opened conditionally. Mcknerney vs. O Counor.?Motion granted on div* ment, within three days, of $lo coats! murre?' **" Burn?-?Jndgmont lor defendant on de ln ro E. S. Caldwell?I.eava to sue granted. BchnfTor vs. Meyer. ?Complaint dismissed Schoror vs. Dccktnger.?Motion denied Delano vs. Boyntoa? Motion <lenled, without costs, clulmod Applin.?Judgment for amount Brummer vs. Cohn?JudgmenPlor $8. \ an Uusklrk va Smith; Edson va Smith.?Edward W. A very appointed receivor. granted."1 **" C?hn' ileynold, Tl Erhard.? Motion te.n0prd0n:^.NeWbUrg,r --M0tl0n t0 ???>* refeTve?an 01,ver?G??rge N. Hale appointed Clarin va Delaney; Williams va Mapes;'Sanxay va Caro.?Receiver's liond approved. Scbnltz va Funser.? Default opened ou terma on demurrer" **" (,ootlolb-?Judgment lor defendant Downs va Newberger.-Mollon for new trial denied. ' Hanson va May.?Au Indorsement ou papera Motions defied!""5 A",e,l?" >elUa? Marun vs. Martin.?Motiou denied. W'lsou va Looser. ?Default opened conditionally. In ro Kellly.?Defendant adjudged to pay S&& _ By Chief Justice Shea Swiuter vs. Hariinan.?Case settled. TOMBS POLICE COURT. Boiore Justice WandelL LEONTIFF DISCHARGED. Dr. LoontilT, tho Russian physician, who allogos that j Mra Olga Tchetchnlui baa abducted his two children, | had an interview on Thursduy afternoon with tho lady, at the Russian Consul General's oiUoe. Mr. Bodlnco' the consul, endeavorod to smooth matters over. After the interview had coucluded, and as tho lady and the two children were going into the stroet, Loontllf at tempted to get posseasiou of thorn. He was proven tod, however. He then commenced to harrangue a crowd who bad gathered to see tho tun, saying that he wau an American citizen and claiming protection. Ho becamo violent and boisterous and wUg vociferously cheered bv Mm Cr.?u Ho,wa"ordere<1 ?*?y ?*"ce or three tunes by Officer Hogan, but roiusod to go. Ho was then arreted Ou being brought to the Tomba tbo Court hail been adjourned, consequently ho was takeu back to tho Now street police station, where he passed Thursday night. d?n ? f ra?ro,U|t "r T" *rr"'?Dcd Mon> Justice Wan dell on a charge of disorderly conduct. His Honor ?ii0iri Tn.*H cv,denco' discharged him, ?oncludiui that he had been more sinned against than siunlug. ALLEGED FBAUDCLEM CONVEttSION OF PBOP XBTT. John A. Macbado, Jr., was yesterday arraigned on a chargo of perjury. In August, 1875, the defendant and h,H '?i*>er boaraed with a Mrs. Isabella Borrand, at Na 479 West Twenty-second^treet Somo months' subse quently the latter died and Machado, It Is alleged, look out letters of administration lor bor property, which was valued at something bctwoen $8,000 and $10,000, swearing that he was her nephew and her nearest of k,.n; , this way ho got possession of the property which, it Is charged, he converted to his own use! Robert 1-ulia, ol No. 1259 West Forty-third strret aD peared and taatiOed that ho was tbo only lawful brother of tho deceased, Mra Berrand, and that Maehado in swearing that be was her nearest of kin was guilty of deliberate perjury. *1' ?' Tho lutlier of tho prisoner, who is an old slave trader. Is now under >6,000 ball on two obarites of nor jury. Machudo was held in $2,000 bail to an.^r! ^ FIFTY-SEVENTH STREET COURT. Bolore Judge Kilbroth. DEFBAUDED OX HIS FBIEND. Seme time ago Thomas Logan, oi Na 63 Spring stroet, was sent to the Island on a chargo of Intoxica tion. In the meantime bis irlond, John Smith ob talned possession of his bank book and by moans of it made out a check on tbo Dry Dock Bank for $8 to which he forged Logan's nam". He got the money ind with it went to see tbo Centonnial. Yesterday be waa arrested and at this court was committed lor trial. A HOB8K THIEF COMMITTED. Frank Campbell, of Na 400 West Seventeenth street, was held lor trial on a chargo of being implicated in the theft of a horse belonging to Isaac Doorman of No. S^. ^5wic,t "root Skiff, of Na .140 West sa?m? churga^ WASHINGTON PLACE POLICE COURT. Before Judgs Dully. A TOCSO HORSE THIEF. Ernest Felt, agod eleven years, ol No. 240 West Thirty-sixth stroet, was charged by Officer Caaey. of the Ninth preclnet, with stealing a horaa About six o'cIock on Thursday evening tbo officer arrested Felt !2i ?? J?n on complaint of Wolf Rogers, of No. 641 Hudsou street, who stated that young Felt oflored to sell him a horse lor $100, and flasliy reduced fh? price to $11 When asked 'where he" Yuio an'ml he sua that be found it running loose In .Spring street Felt was remanded to await an owner tor the bor? A SELF-CONFESSED THIEF. For some time past valuable goods havo been disap pearlng Irom the Appraiser's olllco, No. 403 Washing, ton street. A watch was set. and on tbo loth mil a man named Henry C. McCabe, a loiterer around the place, was seen to leave the olllco after having con cealcd three Pieces ot embroidery valued at $8 60 under b e coat. A warrant was nt once procured and on Thursday Roundsman Warlow, or theCeurt squad ar rosted McCabe at bis residence. No. 648 Uroome >umi h";D '"'ought before Judse DuO v, yesterday McCalie confessed b.s crime, and aiso suted that he had olun stoleu goods irom the olllco of Mr. (ilbson, and be ne deeply pen.tent restored a ,H,rti.?n of them Ih! Court held him ?n $600 ball to answer. POLICE COURT NOTES. Feur Flaherty, or Na ? Baiavla street, was yester dsy committed to the Tombs by Ju.uoo Wandell to r?-'? ?" Injuries inflicted by blm on hia THE HEMPSTEAD RESERVOIR. Yestordsy lor the third time this week the case of William C. Kingslcy and Abner C. Keeney to recover $178,000 from tno cuy ol Brooklyn for labor and ma terial furnished In the Hempstead storsge rosorvoir wss called in the City Court, Fnrt 1, before Judge McCue. Mr. J. M. Parsons, who appeared as rep resentative or tho Attorney Oencral, in conjunction with Corporation Couusei De Witt, for the defence asked that tbo esse stsnd over until he shauld na ro' lleved ol his engagements In New York, l" 11 w? nut ?ir u souli *?" *"? ? aisa Mr. J. M. Van Oott, counsel SlcuUt^M"i?*tSf-i?* ,lh#r* WW* MO.WO different ?aid Lv .;^ . w ?pr?d * reference. Mr. Pareone rucv ?if ^> pr?btbly naka an iuue oq iho accu ran be tried ^STITl*'*' b"' h* be"?vwl <?so more .: ,dfJTof?rVidS,/" .i**"*?1 Mld "would be aland towTteuf .'?PmbothIt *??, .to the ?N to the renDoiiKihu..^ir woeld relieve the Court of ax?SSusSlS!!pi's' COURT OP APPEALS. Court of Appeals da, ?, 48, 177, 17?, 180, l5| T& BOARD OP POLICE At a meeting ot the Board of Police held yeeterday a communication waa received from the Secretary of the Grand Army of the Republic asking for a police escort rn.r?r,IIOn 1>,y' ,0d ,Uo 'eque-tinu the Board to jF*-"msjassr e remanded to poai duty. ! !SL.te...y "????"? ?? "Tr.S.fflirS3; TRIAL OP CAPTAIN, WARD. JST- Ww^ of tb# Tw#nty-socond precinct, waa yesterday arraigned on the charge ol allowing liquor to be sold on Sunday m (he Central Park (Jardon. The no?h"ng?n the ?^on^T.6ha'rttCr tb?* <" ?? violation oftuo taw * d'y ?P*C'??? * '"J'cate a cision. CM? WU* 11,00 wfcrrod t0 lho luU Board for de naval intelligence Admiral Rowan, Commandant of the Brooklyn Navy Yard, will be relieved from duty by Commodore Nichol son on the 1st of June noxt. The Unltod States steamer Alert, Commander I D, Marvin, will shortly proceed to Gibraltar The .toreah|p Suppiy, whJch hu arrlvod ,t ph||#. delphla with Centennial goods, will aot as a tender to ie^ o^,DarUl "d Uk0 th0 ?PP"???s of that T!n.r,n n,T for ? P"^"00 cruise. the NaW \'lnl?^h0tnm*r,d,nK ,ho guanl at rankWeth/Vor^'anuwy Va^ha.8'/''1? UUn r?" n^nlng oft ^te^a'T"^"0'^^0"^ *Mi%U$SSZ ?^f. J *d0 18 a cred" *? the service. U**" fcverytning is exceedingly dull at the Vanr v?~i operutious being generully suspended. * ' , i1,1*1"? Trenton, concerning which there arn rw*hor mw s ?S5?3?S ^tsyrcfrsi ',r ?"?jS CUSTOM HOUSE NOTES. Several hundred cigars and cigarettes, and a quantity of aguardiente, smuggled ashore at pier 18 North River, and captured by Customs Insp^.or Dumont were turned Into the Seizure Room yesterday Two t??cd?ifn.0'garet,e* " f0r Havr?. ?Uo Nq disposition has yet been made of the six trunks of silks and laces which belonged to Mme Mo ntn seised by Special Treasury Agent Captain turcd ??t and valuod wncn ??!> cated lo the government" but ^wrlt'of11"Y **?? conUH granted has'caui^ th. gids .o .w.u i?^W.b'C(h w"" :ro1h^U'PWM nrt:oles of Mme!?lloran's Thfl foil?-Tr?*JArr TRIU><UR>' dscihiox. ''packed packages'? lor /ore an^vV,? lhe of ; ?.*. .u.'i^u?;,agjrr-r?gp^ '?so Otiikss: I >u.w*d^,,;irin,^r?:f,,:Bur^:sd M" *?? p?k eAsassfe-ai* -r tlve" J a(fc? conui'ii'a'in ?n'(m?u?!', ?tU,rc'k"?i ?f ?,,,ro PMk ?lulled te .me Importer or ?nXn?? eon p?k,d nl7n:;rn<"*Whkl1 ' *?lue Iim heeti recelv.-d. Kverv nmh ^S. .L ,c.or decUratiou or tlir wholx nuniUr 2 * porter. eiieel?aeee7Kfto dllKL ? . "'e Qa ?oniMUMUnTSithTSs2I,lwr"in. ,b"t , wbereof ?-?It niuter TronT '"'P"f??d In U.i I . which oath ?? niodi!u.d Ii,?n i.TT' f *ec<""" of on the entry or one or more paekaow^eoiuine'd^h . nal DNckase, Hot nntblni? In tW. . /" W' i coimnie'l to rellrva the Importer cou?t.rn? '"all be producing the oath of the owner* or^i?Hn??r ,ro,,, "<"J e?M new reqalredbyUw eTto liSLuZ .1,1 pnrtfttion iumj cuti?i?t of Icrh tham Xm ihl j1?1*1 ?* parei-U contained in aay packed o.rlri number of a(t?? e?ii?i|rned in on^o?al aioua^ tlnf<? ?*" p,ck."d '"'ck con?l)fnoeora?ent " tlmo lo ouo Importer, ^"b-4b";^p{ldPro^40,U ? '?* hieo?al?teBt herewith Oflic?r? of tfc. cuatom. will be gnran^ ,tc,ordl.cly. ? *? LOXA.NT. Aetlug Meeretary. MUNICIPAL NOTES.. Alderman Lysaght, who Is suffering from consump ttoa, bu boon unable to In oat lor soma dajri owing to the state of tbe weather. For a ihorl Ume yostsrday he waa about the City Hall sipong hit eonfrtret, look ing quite ill It la uM that bo contemplates a trip to Florida. Tbo bitter word-war boiwcon lomo of tbo republican and Tanmaay Aldermen on Thursday was tbo excite mcnt about tbo City Hall yesterday, and there la danger that there may be blow* struck yet, growing oat of tbo eulogy by Uooeral Piaekney ol too colored troops, who fougut nobly. The private secretary of Commissioner Campbsll wishes it oil.cmlly announced thai hi* cblol has no idea ol resigning tbe ofBce or Public Works Commissioner. Thin settles an abaurd rumor. Preeident I-ewia, ol tbo Board of Aldermen, acted as Mayor yesterday. The full test of Ueorgo Tlcknor Curtis' opinion as to tbo rights of tbe eity in the ferry of tbo Now England Transportation Company from Molt Haveb to J?r*ey City and the ferry from tbe toot of liberty street to Jer sey City had a circulation yesterday among forty-seven taxpayers who read tbe City Record, Tbo Aldermeu, at tbeir next meeting, will likely order legal proceed ings to be commcncod against the companies interested, with a view of preventing th?i running or through i sleeping cars between Boston aad Philadelphia, Balti more and waablngtoo. INVESTIGATION NEEDED. On the 1Mb of February last Mr. Hoary Hanks, a bachelor, about seventy years of age, committed sui cide at ooo of our etty Jiotei*, and toe latprosatoa was I at tbo time that It waa on account of pecuniary embar 1 raasssent. Since that time friends oi his who know | him intimately bare appeared and have been looking I lalo tbe deceased gentleman's aOaira. It la their im prosion that hs Icit $150,000 In United Slates coupon j liotida, but though they have searched through all the Mile rioi>oelt companies' piaees In tbe city I tbey bare been unable to Ond them. 8omo lew days before his desth It Is said that I Mr. Hsnks mado a will, Imt what has become of (ho 1 will te not known. At tbe time of his death his collects ! were ssarcbed. but beyond a few memoranda of Income tax puymeuta and bin clothing nothing waa found to show what liad boeomo of hi* money. Tbe following Personal in to-day's paper Is lo connec tion with this subject"Parties having had any busi ness connection with, or knowledge or tbe altars of Henry Hsnks, late of New York city, will coaler a favor by addressing ft J., box Ml Post offloe." A CORRECTION. To rna Kuioa or tna Hnuui? In year edition of Um 1Mb Inst, you made an error similar to oae mado In tbo C'tfy Record of 17th lost, which waa serrooted la that paper this morning, as fol lows:? ? In the qaartarly report of tbe Department of Pobtks Works, publisaed In the CUm Record of tbo 17tb Inst, by a typographical error the Commiasioaer of Public Works was made to say that by a modification made by blm in an existing eoairaot for supplying tbo olty with Croton pipes s saving bad boon effected of "more than $4,000." Tbe report should have read that tbo amount saved to tbo city waa $00,000 Please Insert tbo eorreottoa aad oblige, very reapect fully, Ml'BKJtT U THOMPSON, Secretary to tbo Camm?lao of PaMw Work* Maw Took, May l$t UN OUR OLD PEOPLE. The Life and Recollections of a Sailor and Soldier of 1812. A Delaware Lady at Ninety-One Discussing Revolutionary Matters. HOXKB LIFE AND TBAYMU IN ALABAMA, 1816. WILLIAM BATCHELOR. the blessing or the father or his coun try?BALTIMOUB AS IT WAB ? JEFFEBSON, LUTHEB MABT1N, BUSB AND BLENNEBHA8 axrr. Baltimore, M<L, May 17, 1870. William Batcholor Is uluety yearn old, bat no one would suppose so from bis appoarauco. He stand* six feet in bis stocking foot and is as straight as a ramrod. Be baa a bold, dery look out of the eyes utterly incon sistent with senility, and when bo talks It Is with a conflilent voice, sucb as oue would expect to hear from s man Jast starting out In life. His laugh is a perfect guffaw, ringing clear and distinct, as though bo meant to caioj tbe Joko and be didn't caro who Joiuod in. No person In tbe State of Maryland is better outitlod to speak of bis ancestors In tbe Revolution. Bis fkther lost lour brothers, slain at German town and Brandywlne, as did also his mother, and the loriner, after fighting through tbe Revolutionary War, w as at length killed at Port George, Canada, In the war of 1812. Mr. Ratchelor was born at Fort McBcnry, In the harbor of Baltlnioro. A XO.NAUKXASIAX OX TUB CXXTXNKIAL. When asked his views with referonco to the Centen nial, ho said:?lal am an Amorlcan, and I think the celebration ought to be grand. It over thero was an oocssion for thankfulness and rejoicing it will be when this groat Republic roaches the hundredth year of its ?xistenco. I have sailed pretty much ovor the world, have been Into nearly all the ports of any Importance, snd have bad abundant opportunlt'es to observo the workings of other politicul ay stoma, and novor yet bavo I had occasion to regrot that 1 am an Araoricau cltlxen. WASIIIMITOX'S BLKHMI.SU. "I havo seen Goncral Washington. Ho put his hands on mr head und blessed me ut West Point KorL (Here the Old gentleman wus movod to tears.) It was some whore about 1708. West Point was nothing liko what It is now. Washington on a visit to the fort. Ho sat In a chair and the childrou were brought up to blm. When told that a child was the son of un old soldier, bo would pUoe both his hands ou his head and say, 'God bless the child,' wltb tlio greatest fervor; but if noth ing was said about its paruutugo, ho would simply say, 'Bless tbo child.' "I subsequently returned to Fort ycHonry with my paronts. Tho fort Is very dltrcroot now Irom what It used to bo. The star fort which was there then still remains; but all else Is changod. At that time it was said to be llireo milos from tbo city, and wo bad to wnlk down to It Now, 1 believe, tho city extends nearly, if not qui to, to tbo fort. Jones' Falls at that time emptied into tho river, about forty yards below Pratt street bridge. There wore no wharves and piers in those days, and I have soon ships come up to tbo foot of Gay street and take in cargi.os. They wuro small In comparison with those which now plx between Baltimore aud foreign pons. KXTI.NUT MORALITY. "There was an old woodon thoatre bora The first circus 1 have any rocolloction of exhibited at tho cor ner of Lombard aud Kxotor streets. I bavo novcr danced or played u gamo of any kind In my lite. 1 went to ses lor twenty-lour years, Imt never touched a drop of liquor ui.d don't know the tusio of it. My wilo there, who Is eighty-six years old, is tbe same way." At this point iho old lady, who is slightly doaf, thought wo were speakiug of tbe colorod population, Snd burst in with "Out upon 'em, the nasty, dirty, treacherous wretches. 1 never allow Vin to come into the house. 1 always detested 'em," aud sho walked wot of tho room, evidently highly lucensed ut tbo rocoileotion, perhaps, ot some oonoxiou.-. olauso of the Ctvll Rights bill. "There Mere noue of theso lager beer shops or dauce houses In old tunes. Wo used lo have bear tights sometimes out hero ou Landuushiger's Hill, generally about Christinas. Old Landen.iiager kept a graggery up thcro. You run soe the old house now, and tuoy would chain the bear up and ?et iho dogs ou him, Some thought it rare sport, but 1 uever could soe the fun or it. 1 suppose IjtDdemtluger did It to draw custom to his shop. 1'eople were uibrv friendly then, it appeare lo we, than they a re now. Wo hud no to-do about religion. Pretty much all thought the same thing. There was uo talk about slaver*?it was all right then. fHere the old lady took another shy at the Airicans and was goud-buinorediy reproved by her lord aud mostor). We had uo woman's rights nor Mprituaiism ?the people had more sense. The old womon used to behove iu wiiclicrall, but as they did not net on it It was perfectly harm less. baltimohb'h kakly roMXKKI'K. "The trade of liultimoro was large both In flour and tobucco. Thomas Tenant, Billy l'ailersou and tin chaunu were tho prumlueut men in the city about 1MJ1, 180* and 180& Puttersou lived on I'hilpol street, whore the negroes bavo a manufacturing establishment now. 1 ivmeuiber when his daughter married Bona par lo. There was a good deal said about it st tho time. rnoxixsxT rtocsxs or t>ik past. "The house wiioro Luther Martin used to llvo is still standing out on Monument street. I have seen him often, but I do not know that 1 ever saw lum sober. He generally hid a black fellow to lollow him arouud aud take care or him, I recollect when ho was counsol lor Burr und Blennerhuasott. 1 have often .seen Wil kinson, who look Burr prisoner. I have soon Mr. Jetlersou many u time in tbo city here. Bo used lo stop at BrlUen's Hotel. Ho was a plain-looking old cltizeu. He used to look like a country tanner. Ho generally rode to Balllmoro > n horseback. I served with Pinckney in the war ol 1812. He had command ot tbo rille battalion. He bad a squeaky voice, not verv well suited for a commander. 1 have often seen William Wirt, Robert Uoodloe Harper and General Strieker. "1 was In tbe neighborhood when tbe riot took place In 1812, at the time General Luigan was killed. I havo alwuys regarded it as a bad aflair. 1 uever had any taste for rioting. Tbo "old town' boys aud tbo 'new town' boys used to have stone lights, but 1 always got away I rum them as far as possible. rtoimxo ix 1812. * "At tbe breaking out of the war In 1812 many of tbe ships were turned into privateers. 1 was maiuly en gaged in this business during tho war. ' 1 served ou the Comet and the Chasseur. Iho last light 1 had on tho water was with tbe St. Lawrence. She was a Balti more built vessel, aud at one time belouged to Mr. Tenant, hhe wsm captured by tbe British and recap tured by us. 1 reached hero Irom New York Just as martial law was declared In 1*14. 1 hud not been In the houae twenty minutes before i was summoned to tbe Uoid. 1 pieked up a gun and Joined tho Filty-tlfst regiment Massachusetts volunteers. The lulls sround the city were covcreu with soldiers, hot they had no arms to give them. We marched down to North Point and fought the battle. 1 thought it rather slow. I bad been used to going into battle wltb sword and pis tol at close qasrtor*. As soon as the fight was over 1 roturnod to New York and went lo sea so tbe Chas seur. "I took very lltUo interest In elections; never both ered myself BOout politics; bat this 1 will say, I never voted for General Jaekson." , Mr. Baloheior talked with volubility, and bis recol lection seemed to he very clear ol tbe scenes through which he had passed; hoi as he is an attacud or a bank tbo interview was cut short by tbe hour striking for blm to resume his duties. MRS. ROBERTS. RECOLLECTION'S OF AX OU) DELAWARE LADY AX ENOUSH MISSIONARY WHO CLUN'O TO TXX CEOWX?W ASHIJt OTOX AS PEES ID EXT OF THX CIXCXXXATL Mibdlktowx, DeL, May 18, is78. Mrs Roberts, of this place, is olnety-one /ears of age, bale snd hearty, snd bids fair to heboid tbo dawn ing of the twentieth century. She told mo to-day that she was born about flity miles from Middlotown, in tbe oentre of Kent county. Msny ol the houso* new standing here were old snd decayed then. St. Anne's ehorcb was built of English brick lu 170ft. "Tbe flrst missionary that I ever beard ol as sent to the cbureh from England," continued the old lady, "was Philip Redding, He preaohed for some years before the Revolution, bat whon tbo war broko out his allogtance wss so strong to the Crowu that ho couldn't give up praying for tho King, so he was requested to ?step down and oat,' My grsadfsther, whom 1 re member very distinctly, wore small clothes to the day ot his death; that* Is, knee breeches and a cocked bat. He died la 1800. John Vance Hyatt, a lieutenant la tae army daring the Rsvolatloa, wss sn undo ol mine. He was n prisoner for sixteen months mi Long Island. Oar ing that time be mado for himself some clothes, smell otothoe snd a vest, in which he wae buried. He was buried at Drawycr's church in 1806. (This is s very old Presbyterian church n few miles irom Middle town.) My uncle took s pretty active part in politics ap to the day or bis death snd was sn elder to the l>is>yterlw cbureh. It didn't talk much about the mr, thoogh ho mast Iwt seen a great ?Nlxl It I know ha wm ib * good many battle*. Bo wo a number of (tieCincinnati." a OBriyirATB or tub ciscixxati. At thi* point tho old lady produced t certificate of membership siguad by General Washington in 1781. It ran thus: ? ?'?k" J**1** Hyatt, a lieutsnsnt in the r?w S; ! ' Luu,d Males, N a im tubar ul ilia >oci?ly e?M' Afml >?* ?h* "?>'-? ?f the Ameri can Army at the period uf iu dissolution, as wall to coMwamurata tha great evcut which gave tadepeadeaoe to*th^H??iiyV'*i"" Ibe laudable purpose .,f Inculeal if-. * "i 'fylnf ?"*? 10 I""**" ?"?? :???nn>ed lor pub lie defence and of uniting In acta of brother)? affection ?nd bmids ot perpetual friendship tbe members constituting the In testimony whereof I. tlia President of said society have hereunto ??t my hand at Mouut Vernon. in the male ,',r \lr ??,J?U d?y "I April, in tbe ye?r ol ou, J^.r.l one tlioumnd It-vun hundred and eightv?evc:i slid in tbe eleventh year of tbe Independence of tbe L'nlicd Slate* Uy "g'Vas.HNOTOX, Pra.ld.nt. J" ^ruU^ Tbo signature ol Geueral Washington. in a hold rouuil hand, is iu tho loft baud coruor ol tbe docu ment, while that of Joliu Knox U on tbe right. In the centre la the Amorlcan eagle. In Mio loll hand coruor la a man in armor, hearing the I'uitod Statos flag; u lot ol cbutiia are ut hi* leet, ih? linli.,h lion la couching, white tbo oagle is in the ucl of pouncing down. Beltculh all slum!* a woman with tlio er..wu hiding Irom hor lieail, Al the loot and In tho coairo of thu certlll ii u Dumber ot nhiiw ivprcbcoiitig cowiuorce. while on tho right Kama blows bur trumpet. In either corner is tbo obverse seal of the wcloly. Tho whole Is beautifully executed I ho paper Is yellow with ago aud ol r'athor coarser material Iban would be employed nowadays lor tho Mine purpose. Tbo old lady prued the rolic very highly. She bad It framed and covered with glass nud wu* ovidontly somewhat alarmed when it luiasod tutu otbor hands than her own. Slio also showod tho writer a painted inedalllou ol John Vance Uyatt, with a guard made ol bis hair, also a portrait dono in India ink ; but what seemed to bo hor treasure aud what, no doubt is a valuable relic, wu* a man lie ol silk aud linen ' in which her Krundlnlhcr was baptized. It was lined w lib white satin, trimmed with pink, mid was made ospee taHy for that occasion. It wa? 147 ycurs oi.l aud in an excellent stnto ol preservation, though here and tbcro in tbe folds and crease* fine had made its inarlc. the satin wiu yellow with age and the pink had almost laded lUto wiuie. It wus a curious relic, us showing the customs ibat prevailed with regard to baptism 147 years ago. Ii is styled a mantle because there Is no other numo to give it, but It is utterly unlike any gar went in use now lor the satno purpose. HKLAWAKK'h OAV DAYH. The old lady said that iu her day Ciecar Kodncy, tho i Hayards und Claytons and old Georgo Head were tho prumineni men. This country wore a far different as j |>ect then Irom wliut It does now. During the Kevolu- ' tlou ihey were so near tho wutor that there was no pro- i ticlion, aud there wai alino.?i a cessation ol Indu-trv j Iho people woro gay aud lively when sho was young: I in iact, that was tbo reputatiou Deiuwuro bore, or this part ot it, up to the nmo of tho wur. Hut hard times had couie; tho country was impoverished, and the spirit Had in a great measure died out. She had he>rd thai beller times woro coming, aud sho trusted this might i bo the case, as the hundredth anniversary of American ! independence should be celebrated in a manner bellt tiug ibo Impurtauco of tho event. "CAPTAIN" FITZ PATXUC K. INTJ5HESTIXG KKMIXIHCENCEH BY AN OLD ALA BAMA PIOXEEll?SAD TliAVKLLlNO EXPK1U XMCE OENEK1L JACKSON OUTDONE IN BBAVCBX BY BILL WEATHEBFOBD. Montgomery, Ala., May 14, 1676. "Captain" Byrd Kiiapatrick wag boru in Qrceue county, Georgia, in 17U8, und la one ol tbo ploucors of : Alabama. Ho residos now In a solitary farm house, I nino miles northwest of Union Springs, and your cor'- ' respondent, In his Irip thither, had quite a rongh ' horseback rldo ovor prairie roads, in whose sticky I mud and treacherous wire bis horse sunk knoe doop at almost every step. Tbe KiUpatrick family has taken j au active part In tbo dovolopiucut of tbe State, und Is 1 well known throughout Alabama Tho youngest | brother of tho old gentleman ou whom 1 called was tbo Hon. Benjamin Kltxpatrick, who dlod in Novem ber, 186U. Ho had served two terms as Governor of ; Alabama. l)n tho death of Senator Lewis in 1848, Governor KiUpatrick was appointed by Governor Chapman to 1111 tbe unexpired term In tho Senato of tbe Initod States. In 185a ho succeeded Cjlouol King ! in tho Souate, by tho uppointmout of Uovcrunr Collier, i and was elected by tbe Legislature to Oil tho unexpirod I term. In 1850 ho wus rc elocted to the United States ; Senate lor m term of six years. The highest honor of tho Honate was coufcrrod upon him, lu his eloclion as President of the Senato pro tan., in w hich capacity ho servod iu four sessions ol Congress. At tbo Democratic Convention at Bal timore, In 18(30, bo was nominated for V'lco Prosident or tho United States on tho ticket with Mr. Douglas, but declined the nomination. Whenever, during my mtervlew with Captain Kltxpatrick, auy allusion was made to bis uooeaaed brother, ho si>oko of him in a tone which showod how fondly he cherishes his memory. DKCKPTIVK AITKAKA.VCKH. I found Captain Kltxpatrick well presorvod tor his ago and possessed or a remurkably tenacious metnor y. He was attired In a suit ot common homespun, cou. sidorably patcbod up, and noithor his dross nor his man* ners, which had still a lingo of tbo early pioneer liro, would have betrayed a member of tho distinguished family. Uowevor, nndor tbo discolored and thread bare coal beat a warm, sympathetic hoart, and in his eyes, dimmed by age, was still an occasional gtnrta ftf tho old lire. Captain Kltxpatrick camo to Alabama in 1810, and ho and tho other pioneers that accompanied him first set tled at tbo jnuction ol tho Tallapoosa and Coosa rivors, Ave miles abovo tbe prcsont site of the city of Mont gomery. Tho following wore the brat settlors in that locality, all of whom had cotno from Georgia: Jesso Evans, a brother-in law of Kltxpatrick; Benjamin Bald win, also a brother-in-law, and tbo father of Colonel B. J. Baldwin; Steven Hawkins, "old man" Hall and tho brothers l'billp, Joseph, Byrd and lt?njamin Kltxpat rick. TUK HOLTS or TUX I'iOMKKH. "We travelled"?I bore use Captain Kitxpatriok's exact words?"lu old lasbioned wagons, with linos cov erings, with four horses to each wagon. Wo had to go through the Creek Nation, who wero thou tolerably lrlendly to tho wbltoa. Wo travelled over tho old State road, which ran from oast to west, and was odly a blind wagon trull, and as wo drovo our catllo and bogs with us wo could mako an average of only twenty miles a day. Wo had to awim creeks and make bridges; tho Indians frequently as sisted us In making bridges. Wo first crossed tho Ocmulgeo River, which was men the dividing lino be tween Georgia and the Creek Xilloa. We constructed a Hut aud crossed on It. Wo next crossed Kltnt Bivor on a ferryboat. There was a regular ferry kept thoro by a ball-breed named Marshall. We theu readied ibo Chattahoocbeo Hivor, which wo crossod at tbo present site of the city of Columbus. No whito people wero ! living there at that time. A half-breed, naniod Mcin tosh, kept a regular ferryboat ou the Chattahoochee Some twenty ycurs later Ibis >111110 Mclntos.i was killed by th* order ul a Creek chief, named Oputhlcoboio lor havitiK sold to Georgia a tract of Creok lauds oxleudiuir rrom the Ocmulgeo 10 tbe Klint Hivor. We uuxl lorded Line Creek, which was then tbe dividing line between tbe Creek Nation aud Mississippi 'territory lino Creek is twoiity miles distant Irom ibo Junction of tbo Coosa aud Tallapoosa rivers, where wo settl-d Wo mado 200 miles in about ten daya. We camped out every night. There was lota of game along ourrouto such as laiurs, deer aud turkeys, out wo bau no tlmo to go hunting. Ou our wbolo route wo passed not a sin gle white settlement. Indian settlement*, however were quite frequent. It was only the Kltxpatrick fa-n! I lly that travelled together; the others lollowett on be biud on our truiL sw?w. TRniorn AND rATiociso as was the mode of truvol iu 18W, stilt 11 was ah .m- I pruvement on travelling only Ulteen years previous. *ben it took a party of emigrants 1'JO days to reacn the section ol couutry soutuwoai or this place from North Carolina, lu December, Ibol, a party ?ot out froui North Carolin 1, consisting ol Thomas Malum- u young clerk lu the land m Huleigh; John Murrel uiiU Ins lamily, Jaines Moore, Otiodway Myriek, (.eoruo Nmworthy, itobert Caller, William Murrel and sixty negroea. with groat difllculiy they ascended the lilue K.dgo with lUeir wagous, aud descended through its durk gorges into tb<> valley of the I'ennessee. Con structing llat boats ut Kiioxville they floated down the river to ibe head ol the Mur-sel r'houis, where they dis embarked at the wigwam ol a Cherokee chief named Doubio Head. Placing ibelr ellects upon the horses, which had been bronchi down from Kuoxville by lana they departed on loot for thu "Bigby settlements'' about 01. Mephen'a. some eighty nuica above Mobile, aud to wtich not a solitary direct |attb led. After a fatiguing niareli tbey reaclietl the place ol IxjvI Cut bert, a celobraled Cbicknaaw chief, who gave them the necessary directions They then camo u|.on the Tom blgbec, at the cotton gin which bad. not long before been erected by the American government to encour age Ui? Chlckasaws In the cultivation ofcolion. PISASTKOt'S VOTAUS ID A CA.VOK "To lessen the fatigues of tho long and painful trip the party constructed two canoes at this poiut, each forty foot in length and very large, but of miserable work man imp, being built with uo other tools than axe* and grubblug bee*. These they launched on the river in paruUl positions, five feel *|>art. They were con uectcd by a plaiform made of cane, upon which wer* Oepo*il*d the effects of tbe party, aud piled 11 o high .bote tlM heads of the emigrants, who r.t ..own in long row* 111 tho two eanoca. A row ot thu men went by land with the horses toward St. Stephen's to mako preparations tor the arrival of the main part* Thia rudo and singular craft, then quite common in savagu region*, had proceeded but two miles down tho ?i?h\I?^ swollen stream, whon It struck t72*22Lie^fc2Sl * '"g Whlcb , bair I?^ii t-h?nn?l, and imine^liatoly disappeared The csne ligament which Is,und the cauo?a bur.t asunder? 5!?? J_u?' w- overboard. Those who mm Th? pr**ytiy "" ?Waggling with th* tor rent *m!d tb* wreck, now to***d abjut la th* larjr ot the waters. Kami hm, hot there tu In blsanMtfe* lifeleas body o( his daughter. Ills wife ul-o camp M ttio surface, with a babe at bar breast, both happttp lllfi Maione and others, swimming ashore, be< una activo In assisting many or the parly in reaching llmba of troaa by e*teudiag to ilium grape vines and eanea. At length all who survived huddled u]>ou a i>mall piece o( land, surrounded by water. X IIUMT <>r TKKIto*. "It waa now nltchC No succor came to the wrecked part/. Benumbed with cold, they hovered together, shivuring aad knocking their limbs agaiusieaeh other, while their wet apparel aeutned to Ireuzo ui?n than. It ?aa two miles back to their last camping place, aad the routo lay through thick cane and water and oval email inland*. A resolute young negro volunteered U And thair laat camping place, lie plunged Into the low groundii and gropod bis way toward the camp. Two long hours passed away, when the cheerful holloa of the negro waa heard. It waa ausvered by a shoal from the whole party. In the darkness was seen an indistiuct light, which shone over the tops or the dla taut nines. It was a brand of Ore, which tha cour ageous negro had brought from the deserted camp. 1U pushed on. with a cracking, crashing noiso, lamlliai only to those who have walked through the dense hwaiups of the Southwest. Fires wcro kindled with dry cuiie, and urouud them sat the sufferers until the morning sun dispelled the horrid night. It was now ascertained that <>uo white child and twenty oni negroes were eutombed In tha waters of tha TonbigbM Til* SUKVIVOIU groped their way to the cotton frin without provision* without huts, without tools, without firearms, without money, uud with no clothea except those wblcB drooped upon thoir weary limbs. They were Iricndlesi and alone tu a saMUte eouutry, far trom their point oi destination, and still lurther from their aativo hunt They wore only saved Irom starvation by their dogs, who hunted rubbim, opossums and raccoons lor theti lauiwliod owners." "When you arrived at the junction of the Cooka aM Tallapoosa river*," asked the curiMpoadoat of Captall Fitzpatrick, ''how did lite eouutry look f " "There was only wild lorest aud denso csno brakei Alter having secured some little comlort?and It wal mighty little in those rough tunes -wo proceeded to cut down the cane, which, ufter it had remained on tha ground ior about two weeks to dry, waa burned. Altor the ground had thus been cleared wo planted euro. We only had ono plough bctweeu us. so we dux holes with our hoes aud plautod ihe corn in the holes. Tha Indian*, who lived on iho west Hide oi the rivor, ware friendly aud good neighbors. They sold us vonlaOD, fish, turkey and honey, and wo paid thorn In ailver com or In spoiled Hour. Wo got tho damaged Hour (ram the i|uartcruiostcr at Fort Jackson, and paid $1 a barrul for It," FOKT jaokmox in 1810. "How was the lort provisioned at that time *" "The provisions wort brought up irom Mobile la barges, which wore about four woeics eomliiu." "Was there much of a garrison, Captain r" "The garrison consisted of 160 regular United Slatoi troops-, and was commanded by Major Cuvuimugh. In 181U, wtwu the Slate was admitted luto the Itnou, thli same Muior Cuvunuiuh ran ior the I.ugl*laturo, but was deli ated by iny brother, Philip Filitpalrick. II was at Fort Jackson where I llrai saw the celebrated Creek chief, William Weatberlord. He was a man oi powerful frame and very commanding in hla appear- ' auce." The following is Pickett's account of Woathorford'i surrender after iho battle of the Horseshoe. It it characteristic ol the man who, lor so Ions a time, bad proved a terror to tho American settlers:? Deputations of chliil* continually arrived, and submitted, in behalf oftheinselves and their peoplo, to Mich term* at Central Jacksou thought proper to impose. Among tin mint conspicuous ot those wit* William Weathnrtord. whs led the Indians at Kort Mini* mid at the battle* of I'alebci and Holy Cround. Jackson bad directed that lie should be captured, il possible, ami brought to hint, conflued, to re ceive *ueh piiiilsluiioiit a* hi* crimes merited. Weather ford, a man without lear, boldly resolved to appear at the American camp voluntarily. Mounting the saiu? soli mild irrav steed which had burue in in over the bluff at the Holy lirouud, lie rode within a few mile* of Kort Jackson, when a Hue deer cruised his path ami stopped within about' inir distance, which lie tired at aud killed Keloadinir hi* rilie with two balls, for the purpose of snooting the Big War. riur, should ho give htm any cause, at the fort, he placed the deer behlud hi- suddle aud advanced to tho American out post*. Home soldiers, of whom he politely imiuirud lor Jack eon's whereat out*, gave him aome unsatisfactory and rude replies, when a grey-headed man, a tew step* l>evond, pniiiled him to the marquee. Wuatln-rlbrd rode up to it anti checked hi* hone immediately at the cutrauce, where sat the llig Warrior, who exultinglv exclaimed? "Ah! Bill Weatberlord. have we grit yon at last!" The fearless chieftain cast his keen eye* at the llijr Warrior and said in a determined tone, "You damned traitor. II you civ# me any insolence I will blow a ball through your cowardl) heart. Usneral Jackson now name ruunliig out of th? marquee with Colonel Hawkins, and iu a lurlous msiiiiM exclaimed, "How dare you, sir, to ride up to my tent, altei having murdered the women and childrenat Kort Minis! ' Weatberlord *aid 1"Oeneral Jackson, I am not aflraid ol you. I roar no in su, fori am a Creok warrior. I have nothing to request iu behalf of myself; you eau kill matt you desire. But I ootne to bog you tu send tor tlte woasa and chiidreu of the war party who are now starving In the wood*. Their Held* and crib* have been destroyed by your people, who bave driven thea to the wood* without an ear of corn. I hope that you will send out parties who will safely conduct them hero In order that they may be fed. t exerted myself in vain to prevent tho massacre ot tha women and children at Fort Minis. I am now done light ing. Tho Ked Sticks are nearly all killed. If I could light you any louger 1 would most lieaitily do so. Head for the women and children. They never did you any harm. But kill mo if the white people want It doue." At the conclusion of those word* many porsons who bad surrounded tho marquoe oxelaimed, "Kill him ! Kill himl Kill himl" Ueneral Jackson commanded silence, aud in as emphatic manner said, "Any man who would kill a* brave a man ns this would roh tho dead." He then invited Weatberlord to alight, drank a glass ol brandy with him, and entered Into a cheerful conversation under hi* hoapitable marquee. Weatherford gave him tha deer, and they aero then good friend*, lie took no lurlhai part In tha war oxcept to influence his warriors to surra adet I'iomkkk PAaTmaa. In the course of our conversation Captain Fta patrlck alludod to bis hunting expeditions at tna very pluce where now tho city of Montgoniory Is situated, and which theu (181(1-17) was a wilderness of forest and swamp. Hunting and fishing wure thfl only pastimes, and oven Indulged In on tho Sabbath. There wure no ladies toe young men oould visit. "There warn't wonieu enough to court," said the old pioneer, with a humorous twlnklo in his eye. There were ae preachers and no |>renching then; and not until the au tumn of 1H18 did some lew Methodist and Baptist preachers from Georgia venture into the vastneased 'of the Alabama wilderness. DANGEBS OF LUMBERING. CBUSHED TO DEATH 1JKNEATH TWO UUNDBEV BULLING BOOB?DBOWXEO WHILE BUNNINfl LOOS?KILLED BY A LOO JUMPING* A SHUT* MAXsriKLD, Pa., May 10, 18 74 Tho running of lumber down tbo precipitous and rocky mountain tributaries ot tbo Snsqaehanna and Ita brunches la ono of the moat perilous o( vocation*, and only tbo most during and actlvo of the lumbering clusses engage In It. Some of tbeao siruums are little bolter tban wild torrent*, dashing over beda of hno? jutting rocks, and the guiding of log* ovor theli preclploca and through their roariog chasms la at* tended with no llttlo loaa of Itfo during the course ol a season, whilo the itartlng of a "rolling" or logs from ita placo on their ateep banks frequently rcaulti In ono or moro of tbo "runnera" being caught In tbs avalancbo and cruabed to doatb. Rcporla of three uu* uaunlly ahocking casualties among the lutnbormon have been received here, all having occurred on Sat urday. A gang of men woro running the logs piled on the Bleep banks til Slate Hun down Hint stream tu thelargoi stream of 1'ino Creek. Several "rollings" had bi-on successfully started Into ibe water, when an extraordi narily large one, containing over 200 log*, wax oneoun toroil about a milo above tin' mouth of tho creek. The bead runnor ordered Oeorgo ttbampuue and Abruai soiicronkc, two of bia beat men, to ruloaae iho forward log ami atari tbo rolling into the crock. The former Hiartcd the bead log, the latter t uniting noor by. Tho bank waa uncommonly ateep. and inore logs were preen ing directly on tbe one releaaco tban tho runner sup* po.-od. Tiio consequence wait that before Sham pane could get out ol the way the whole 2:x) cnhie thuuiler* tng down tbe bIo|m>. Ho was knocked down by tlM head log and each of tbo*e lolloping It rolled over hifli In succession. Ho whs crushed into a shapelo s mas& Bencrease wus caught by one of the logs and had one leg, an arm and his shoulder blado broken .Sbutnpana wal a young mun, but one of tbe most daring and skilful tu| runners In the Musquobanns region. Saturday aiternoon a yan?' was running logs dowd Hriery (iuicli Hun, whon s bad Jam occurred at thg head of Old Jako's Fulls. Tins Is a s(>ot where tho water has a fall ol twoniy-Qvo icet in a di.siauco of 100, and got* Its immn from a noted lumber loan known aa "Old Jake" Hooper, who rodo tbe lulls eomo years ago on a two-loot pino log. When the Jam mentioned above occurred two men. named Oscar Shelp and Frank (Jodley, jumped on tbo logs with their pike poles aaf began disenxsgiug tbe bead logs forming the ousiroo* lion. Having started some ot theui they were about to take a position less dangerous, when tbe logs they wore standing on became loosenod and started lor tbia lulls. Hoih men sprung for a lodged stick of timber, but missed It, and were the next luatant swept with ibe rolling sn<l crashing logs through tbo (alls. Thotr bodies were recovered a mile and a naif below, emailed and mangled bvvond all recognition. Ai some point- along tbe streams tho bonks ore ao high that shiitcs ure msdo trom the lop to the bottoio by which the logsare carried to ibe stream. It is not sn uncommon thing for them in their rapid passage M Jump from tho situ to. On Saturday, on Pino Creek, logs were being carried to tbe water in this way. Will lam Jea. a chopper, was chopping o few tool away from tbe shale. Suddenly a large pine log, meeting with some obstruct ion In its psssage, jam pea the ahato, and, flying with greet velocity through the sir. struck Joa In the back and carried him with it to tbe wotor below. Kvery hone to the unfortunate man's body was broken. STATEN ISLAND MJDOC& Four notorious ruHana, known M "Rooky Hollow Modoct," named James Jokey, William and James WbelUuut and Jones Martin, attacked Frank Frean last night M Staple too. Frean la ao ex-po!iperoan and has the reputation of lielng a shoulder-hitter. He wss get* ting worsted, when bo drew a pistol, aod as bis assail* ants fled bo tired several shots alter them, bat without efleot The fonr were soon afterward arrosted aod or* reigned heforo J oat we Kashner, who held them in 9AM boil each to appear for trial. U. A. M., OF HOBOKEK Star Council, No. 40, of the Order sf F. A. M., of Hobo ken, boa postponed Its grand eeoteoolol oolobro jon lor ooe week. The selebrstlob Wll take piaeoat Iho First Methodist Episcopal church on Monday evening, May SO. There will be vooal ant instrumental Hits to and aa aidrsao by Mayor lagf?, of roagkkoof>%